#also rantaro's the ultimate graffiti artist in this au
dansconcepts · 25 days
A Day in the Life of a Gamer!Kaede
Or: my talentswap au in a non-despair setting with a focus on Ult. Gamer Kaede and some moments feat. a Reserve Course Tsumugi, Ult. Bartender Shuichi, and an Ult. Magician Kokichi.
Being at Hope's Peak is strange, but in a good way. Of course, she gets to meet all kinds of people that she wouldn't have met unless they were watching her stream or are in the same lobby as her. And they're all with some quirk one way or another, which makes her feel less like a "Gamer Freak" around them.
Experiencing the diverseness of the people in her classes and even outside of it is something she loves dearly. But... of course, there's always going to be something slightly strange...
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Every so often, she notices a girl with very long blue hair and glasses standing in the doorway. She wears the signature black ribbon and long-sleeved white dress shirt that Reserve Course students wear. While RC students aren't banned from being around Ultimates or anything (how messed up would that be?), their classes are in different areas. It's just inconvenient for them to be walking back and forth unless they've got friends here. And evidently, this girl does, because Rantaro meets her out in the doorway. He always invites her in, but she always rejects it.
Today, she's out there again. She's almost like an NPC, following her designated pathing outside of her class door. Unfortunately for her, Rantaro had stepped out. She must not have known, because she's standing there in her idle animation.
She could:
> Go back to her game [which would probably lead to the girl just standing out there until Rantaro comes back] > Tell her about Rantaro [which would probably lead to more interesting dialogue options]
“Hey, um, Rantaro went to the bathroom, he should be back in a few minutes.”  
The girl looks up at her and quickly looks away. She frowns. Did she do something wrong?
The girl meets the blonde's stare, and her eyes widen considerably. “A-ah, please don’t mind me, I’m just very plain…” 
“Hey!” Kaede pouts. “Don’t say that, I’m sure you’re amazing! You’re very pretty, to start!” 
Tsumugi smiles, pity in her gaze. “That’s very kind of you, but I don’t have a talent. I really am plain boring…”
“No, it makes you the most interesting person here!” She gets a skeptical hmm, and she figures she'll need more interactions with her to convince her. “I’m Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Gamer. Nice to meet you…?” She pauses with a tilt of her head.
“Tsumugi Shirogane, just a plain ol’ person.”
“Yeah, we’ll work on that.” She even sounds like an NPC…
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
She's finished up a map on Project Sekai and about to start a new one, only acutely aware of the familiar purple blur that always comes up to her seatmate when-
“No, Kokichi, I’m cutting you off.” Shuichi frowns, moving a cup with dark liquid away from the boy whose arms are crossed on his desk.
Cutting him off-? 
“But Shumai!” He whines, even crying hysterically.
“A-are you serving Kokichi alcohol?!” Kaede screeches. She believes in Shuichi, but she knows he has drinks in his lab to mix with...
“He is!” Kokichi giggles.
Oh goodness, this is way worse than she thought!
Shuichi only lets out a heavy sigh. Upon catching her highly concerned look, he shakes his head. “No, he’s lying. It’s just Panta with some root beer. I don’t even know how he can drink so much of this stuff…”
She lets out a huge sigh of relief. She couldn't imagine dealing with a temporarily debuffed Ouma, and an inebriated one at that...
“Nishishi~! It's because of your amazing skills!”
“That's very kind of you, Ouma...” The boy flushes.
Kokichi frowns. “Yikes, you really believed me? It was a lie.”
“I doubt it.” She interjects. “You're very talented after all, Shuichi, so-” She yawns. “-don't listen to him.”
“Kay-ay-day, he knows that lie was a lie! Righttt, Shu?”
Shuichi blinks slowly. “...Right.” He turns to her. “You stayed up again, didn't you?”
The reminder has the bags on her eyes feel heavier than ever. “Ah, is it that obvious?” She chuckles sheepishly.
“A little.”
“Ha! More like really obvious!” Kokichi snickers. “Here, I have just the thing!” He hands her a flower. It's a sunflower.
She takes it gratefully. “Thank you Ouma, this is quite pretty.” She holds it up to her face and-
Drops of water drips down her face.
“Kokichi!” Shuichi gasps.
“Kokichi...” Kaede warns lowly.
“Wow, you really are tired if you fell for the easiest trick in the book.” It comes out as a tease, but Kokichi's frowning. He pulls out some cloths from his sleeve and offers it to her.
She takes them gratefully, wiping her face off.
“Are you alright?” Shuichi asks, his brows furrowed.
She stares down Kokichi, who stares back at her.
She hears Shuichi gulp.
“Ultimate Magician? More like Ultimate Clown.” She grins.
Shuichi sags in relief.
“Heh, you really were worried, weren't you Shuichi? Haven't you dealt with tension between patrons before?”
“I have, but it's more unnerving when it's between friends...”
“Aw, you consider me as a friend, Shumai? How adorable!” Kokichi coos.
“I do too!” She pauses. “Sort of...”
“WAHHHHH! You're so mean Kaede!” Kokichi cries. “Did gaming so often make you forget how to interact with people or something?!”
Oof. She frowns. That was super effective...
She stares back down at her phone and thumbs at it.
“Quit it Kokichi.” Shuichi firmly snaps.
“I guess...” Kokichi sighs dramatically.
Later that day, she finds a tiny Kirby in her dorm. It would make a great charm for her phone.
But how did it get here? Her brows furrow.
Alas, she knows a magician never reveals his secrets.
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thelemoncoffee · 4 years
Me: i’m gonna upload the design bullet points for EWWBL Also me: *makes HPA Talent Swap Au instead*
Part One!! (there’s too much for one post)
[Kokichi- Detective] >Is amazing at his Ultimate >Lies so frequently no one believes him when he's serious >He often mocks people for not believing him when he ends up proven right >Hyper analytical by impulse >Pushes people away with lies due to self-consciousness issues >Actually pretty serious when he's at the Agency, they know him better so even when he does lie they see right through it >lock-picks are his best friend istfg ~~~~ -School outfit     >Black to purple (T to B)faded Turtleneck     >White trench coat     >black fedora, checkered band on it     >White pants from original design     >Random chains and shinies on the coat     >Original shoes -Casual     >Oversized hoodies     >Ripped black jeans     >Pastels     >Still lots of shinies     >Purple and white sneakers
[Kirumi- Pianist] >Still mom >Frightfully dedicated to her craft, she spends any time she can in the music room to practice >Looks calm but has way too much energy at all times >Caffeine addiction >Insists helping Kaede and anyone else really is "taking a break", no one else agrees >Please sleep girl ~~~~ -School outfit     >Black open front sweater     >White button-up dress shirt     >Black long skirt, piano key base trim     >Black tie, spiderweb pattern from original     >Original gloves     >Purple treble note hairpin     >Black heels -Casual     >Grey open front sweater     >Pale olive green shirt     >Deep purple long skirt     >Various necklaces     >Platforms
[Shuichi- Leader] >Runs a 10 member Graffiti/Thief Organization >They collectively decided to call it the Strikers Guild >People automatically assumed his organization was massive and possibly dangerous due to his demeanor >He never actually stated his member count cause no one asked >The Guild is very supportive of him, and helps him out alot with his social anxiety >Feels like he isn't worthy of his title by any means, and if people knew the real member count, they'd agree ~~~~ -School outfit     >white neck hugger shirt (idk what their called)     >black & silver striped open front overcoat     >black slacks     >Emo Hat (tm)     >Dress shoes -Casual     >Hoodies and turtle necks     >Ripped jeans     >Still Emo Hat (tm)     >Black sneakers -Strikers uniform     >Dark blue cape w/ hood     >worn black army style uniform     >custom wolf mask     >Dress shoes
[Kaito- Adventurer] >Plants are fucking cool man >He started adventuring cause he hates being cooped up in one place and it escalated from there >Still got a hero complex, always trying to do something to be heroic to someone >Freakishly good at parkor, he uses it to get in places he really shouldn't be >He's still lazy, so unless he's out traveling, you won't catch much talent related activity from him except parkor ~~~~ -School outfit     >Original shirt     >Tattered school uniform overcoat     >Torn dark jeans     >unbuttoned purple dress shirt under overcoat     >Several band-aids     >Band bracelets     >Sneakers -Casual     >Same thing     >without school overcoat     >Combat boots
[Angie- Tennis Pro] >Claims Atua caries her through all her matches >Was sent to Juvie for a year after she committed arson >probably only ever drinks energy drinks >Still basically the same old Angie but tennis ~~~~ -School outfit     >blue and cream tennis uniform     >Original overcoat     >Obscene amount of band bracelets     >Sneakers -Casual     >Graphic crop-tops     >Skinny jeans     >Still too many bracelets     >Now there's alot of necklaces too     >Sandals
[Rantaro- Astronaut] >Has been to space and back twice, planning a third after highschool >High-key likes dad jokes >Never seen without his galaxy pedant/necklace >Really just likes the space aesthetics, he even uses a space themed bookbag and has a galaxy phone case >Gets high with Kaito often cause he keeps bringing him weed back from other counties ~~~~ -School outfit     >Galaxy necklace always and forever     >Open-front hoodie w/ original shirt stripes     >Original jewelry     >Jaxa shirt     >Original cargo khakis     >Galaxy sneakers -Casual     >Basically same thing     >Hoodie around waist     >Jeans
[Gonta- Anthropologist] >Humans are really weird but fascinating >Still got lost in the forest for a long time(6, not 10 years) >Makes up for the 6 years by studying cultures in every way he can find possible >Ended up being more fluent in English and Russian than Japanese thanks to how much he culture hops ~~~~ -School outfit     >Brown Tailcoat, Sleeves rolled up     >Green infinity scarf     >Cool cultural bracelets     >Darker brown slacks     >Dress shoes     >Pendants of all sorts on scarf     >Glasses have a chain on one side -Casual     >Button down shirts     >Dark brown pants     >same bracelets
[Ryoma- Artist] >Has like- 3 cats >Was just a vibing hobby artist but then HPA noticed how good he was and now he just vibes there instead >Chill as fuck most of the time >Don't disrupt him while arting, it's dangerous >Has a sign on his door to let people know he's in the art vibe >his art ranges from really detailed and beautiful works of all media, to shitpost doodles >He has a wall covered in sticky note Doodles of his cats ~~~~ -School outfit     >hats! (beanie, fedora, and beret)     >baggy sweats     >Hoodies     >Sandals -Casual     >same thing but messier
[Tenko- Robot] >T3N-K0 is her Given name, but she figured it would be easier for humans to say Tenko >Was programmed to speak in third person, and has no clue why >Doesn't trust boys to not do something cruel to her, like take her apart or something >Often fusses over Himiko's well-being, she doesn't fully understand how humans work but knows her sleep schedule isn't okay >Likes to hang out with Maki and ask her for cool updates, Maki doesn't want to ever do more than make sure she's running smoothly, often shooing her out to have some peace ~~~~ -Build     >hair is fiber-optics, loop sections have rotating joints dividing them     >built to resemble a female body     >kinda resembles a basic blouse and skirt     >Hair bow doubles as a fan     >Headband pin is the fan's power button     >Likes to wear chokers
Part Two!
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takonei · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 AU - Beta AU info
Beta AU is basically a V3 AU using the beta designs of the V3 cast, and new talents! Things will turn out very differently from the original, but the context is the exact same as the original V3, with the academy of gifted juveniles, and the whole scenario behind V3. Only the labs will be different and discovered in another order, and Shuichi is the main protagonist from the beginning.
Here’s the official discord server for the AU! https://discord.gg/HwhmkxAk
Shuichi Saihara - Ultimate violinist
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Full body here , original beta design
Shuichi is calm and a bit shy, though less smart than the original. He is really passionate about what he does, and plays violin whenever he feels like it. He is a bit socially awkward and would rather stay with only one or two friends at most at the same time.
He masters all types of melodies, but his favorites are probably relaxing songs. He is still lacking a bit of self confidence, but he knows his songs can soothe the hearts of many, and is very glad that is the case.
Likes: Butterflies Dislikes: High places
Height: 163cm - 5′4 Weight: 56kg - 125lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate medic
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Full body here , original beta design
Rantaro appreciates the company of others a lot, and tries his best to bring everyone together during the killing game. He knows things can escalate rather quickly, so he tries to socialise as much as possible to avoid conflict. He is a guy you can rely on and will listen to you. While he doesn’t like being called a leader, Rantaro plays a major part in keeping the group from turning into pure chaos.
Because of his past as a part of a war doctors’ group, he is a master at healing and help others with what he can find. He also has great knowledge of the human body and ways to do improvised operations.
Likes: Crackers Dislikes: Taking breaks
Height: 150cm - 4′11 Weight: 48kg - 105lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Miu Iruma - Ultimate street artist
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Full body here , original beta design
Miu is the “older sister” friend. She is a sassy bitch with a huge heart, and tends to be extremely protective of the ones she loves the most. She is still pretty vulgar and makes quite a few dirty jokes, but she has her self confidence and is often acting flirty around others. Especially the boys.
As the ultimate street artist, Miu can paint wonderful graffitis with homemade paint that can glow in the dark. When she creates something, she goes all out and it’s useless to try to interrupt her. She will work until she herself gets starry eyed at her work.
Likes: Fireflies Dislikes: Loneliness
Height: 172cm - 5′8 Weight: 62kg - 136lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Kaito Momota - Ultimate biker
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Full body here , original beta design
Kaito is laid back and pretty chill, he is still a bro here, but isn’t the leader type from the original. He prefers not to be the center of attention, whether positively or negatively, but he will gladly help a friend if asked to.
Kaito was enjoying motorcycles ever since he was a kid, and got to practice it (illegally with members of a biker gang) pretty soon, and became talented very quickly. While his field of expertise is mostly sport, he still has close ties with the gang, that he considers his second family.
Likes: Card games Dislikes: Trucks
Height: 177cm - 5′10 Weight: 70kg - 155lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Kaede Akamatsu - Ultimate writer
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Full body here , original beta design
Kaede is pretty cheerful, and appreciates company a lot, due to being quite lonely in the past. She is a bit attention-starved, even though she manages to hide it. She really loves to share her work, and her writing skills can also be felt in conversations, as she is a very good speaker. But leader speeches and positive words are not her strength.
Kaede specializes in writing fantasy and sci-fi novels, anything that goes as far as possible from reality. Her main focus is to make the reader dream, and imagine the world she described on paper in a way that feels real.
Likes: Rain Dislikes: Psychology
Height: 158cm - 5′2 Weight: 52kg - 115lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Maki Harukawa - Ultimate tailor
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Full body here , original beta design
Maki is a calm and serene person. She won’t really go by herself to socialize, but will gladly talk to people if they come to her. She spends a good amount of time sketching outfits, but gladly takes part in activities with other people. Alone time or just with a few close friends is enough for her.
She, as the ultimate tailor, enjoys creating clothes and accessories on her own. She will gladly create something for someone if asked to, and will put all her heart into it.
Likes: Spider lilies Dislikes: Arachnids
Height: 160cm - 5′3 Weight: 50kg - 110lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Tenko Chabashira - Ultimate judoka
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Full body here , original beta design
What people always remember from Tenko is her undying fighting spirit. She is extremely loyal and would never do something bad in someone’s back. She is often the one to do motivational speeches in all kinds, whether just to cheer up someone or motivate others to do their best with rivalry.
Tenko is very skilled when it comes to physical fight, but mostly when the fight is fair. She can defend herself, and will defend others at all costs, as she always puts her life before others’.
Likes: Duels Dislikes: Junk food
Height: 165cm - 5′5 Weight: 65kg - 143lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Kokichi Ouma - Ultimate karma
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Full body here , original beta design
Kokichi is by far the most introverted one from the group. He avoids human contact at all costs. He has a huge lack of self esteem and considers himself a nuisance, mainly because of his talent. However it is possible to befriend him, even though he will feel uncomfortable at first (but not mad).
He doesn’t have a “real” talent per say. He is simply a ‘karma activator’, which means if he is around people, they would meet a different fate according to what they do. A nice person will get lucky while a heartless person will get unlucky. Kokichi despises this, so he just tries to avoid people in general.
Likes: Black cats Dislikes: Mice
Height: 147cm - 4′10 Weight: 38kg - 83lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Himiko Yumeno - Ultimate astronomer
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Full body here , original beta design
Himiko is probably the most cheerful and optimistic person here. Like Rantaro, she tries to befriends everyone who is even remotely nice, thinking there is good in everyone. But that makes her pretty naive. Due to a malformation, her body is rather weak, but that doesn’t make her life much harder. She just has to take naps quite often (between her befriending sessions) to gain some energy back.
As the ultimate astronomer, Himiko possess vast knowledge of space, whether it is culture or science surrounding it. She wanted to go to space, but gave up because of her physical condition. She wouldn’t say no to a free trip, though.
Likes: Cottages Dislikes: Empty rooms
Height: 140cm - 4′7 Weight: 33kg - 72lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate therapist
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Full body here , original beta design
Korekiyo is (ironically) by far the most mentally strong in the group. While of course the concept of the killing game and the psychological consequences it has on others disgust him, he manages to cope with the situation extremely well. He sometimes offer to talk to the others but is often declined because he has this slight creepy aura around him.
He is the ultimate therapist, and while he can’t heal entirely mental scars, he can analyse people incredibly well and help people recover from traumas, like he did with his sister in the past at the price of his right eye.
Likes: Stress balls Dislikes: Alcohol
Height: 185cm - 6'1 Weight: 72kg - 160lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Tsumugi Shirogane - Ultimate prodigy
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Full body here , original beta design
Tsumugi here is pretty stoic. She isn’t emotionless though, and appreciates spending time with the others, as long as it’s not too noisy or chaotic. Due to her almost non existent social skills, she doesn’t get most jokes, and can be pretty dense.
She is the ultimate prodigy, which means she extremely intelligent (a genius, even), the counterpart being a real lack of empathy towards others. She is mainly focused on studies, instead of making friends, and learning new things became a passion for her, rather than a chore.
Likes: Science Dislikes: Socializing
Height: 175cm - 5'9 Weight: 61kg - 135lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Ryoma Hoshi - Ultimate weapons maker
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Full body here , original beta design
Ryoma doesn’t change much from the original. He doesn’t talk a lot and doesn’t find a point in befriending people who are probably going to die. He is indifferent to a majority of things and wouldn’t feel remorse by killing someone, but doesn’t see the point in doing so.
Being raised in a war environment, apathy struck him rather soon to give space to his incredible skill in creating and fixing all types of weapons, cold, electronic or fire weapons, and even explosives. He can easily create his own weapons if he finds it useful.
Likes: Puzzles Dislikes: Winter
Height: 115cm - 3′7 Weight: 35kg - 77lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate maid
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Full body here , original beta design
To Kirumi, emotions are a foreign concept. She is asked to complete a task, she completes it if the reward is here. However she is only loyal to herself and knows the situation she's in, so her devotion to others is only limited to a simple maid job.
Kirumi is almost flawless when it comes to her job. Whether it's from simple maid job to more difficult tasks. She is usually employed by higher ups because of her incredible talent.
Likes: Classical music Dislikes: Firearms
Height: 183cm - 6'0 Weight: 65kg - 145lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Angie Yonaga - Ultimate craftswoman
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Full body here , original beta design
Angie, as her appearance makes it look like, is a very cheerful person, and is glad to discover Japanese culture and share her own from foreign islands. But in reality, she despises her native culture, and feels much better in Japan.
She has incredible crafting skills, whether they’re tools, furniture, or art, mostly in natural materials such as wood, stone or clay.
Likes: Pomegranates Dislikes: Sewing
Height: 143cm - 4'8 Weight: 38kg - 83lbs
Headcanon voice: I don't have anything so just take her canon voice but a bit higher pitched.
Gonta Gokuhara - Ultimate Zoologist
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Full body here , original beta design
Despite his intimidating appearance, Gonta is a rather introverted yet passionate person. If a person approaches him with the intention of annoying him, he will get uncomfortable really quick. He spends most of his time with animals, since he prefers their presence over humans’.
Gonta has a non-ending passion for animals of all types, from reptiles, to insects to even wild animals. He studies their behavior, and tries to learn more and more about them. His biggest accomplishment was to have an actual conversation in sign language with a chimp.
Likes: Deer Dislikes: Large cities
Height: 190cm - 6'3 Weight: 88kg - 195lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
K1-B0 - Ultimate ???
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Full body here , original beta design
K1-B0 is… Very stoic, to say the least. The others know he is a robot, but most wonder if it’s a killing machine that Monokuma modified so he wouldn’t blow up the entire school. He doesn’t mind offensive remarks towards him, and thinks that’s fair people think of him this way. He doesn’t mind other people’s company, though.
While he is a robot, K1-B0 is pretty much an average human when it comes to abilities. Of course he has more strength than most of them, but he doesn’t consider his nature as the one of “an ultimate”.
Likes: Pocket watches Dislikes: Flashlights 
Height: 168cm - 5'6 Weight: 85kg - 187lbs
Headcanon voice: [link]
Full story, list of chapters
Before starting- please remember that the prologue and chapter 1 are heavily summarized due to me not wanting to write the story in its entirety at first. However, the full story is written chapter 2 onward.
WARNING: This story contains a lot of heavy and mature subjects that are not easily handled by everyone. Do not read if you are under 16 or if you feel uncomfortable by the mentions of:
- Psychological abuse and trauma - Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - War - Graphic depictions of violence, torture and death - Self-harm - Sexual abuse (implied) - Physical trauma - Suicide - Anxiety/Panic attacks and mental breakdowns - Drug use - Terminal illnesses
Thank you.
Chapter 1: Pledge your allegiance to me
Daily life
Deadly life
Chapter 2: The wolf and the lamb
Daily life (Part 1)
Daily life (Part 2)
Daily life (Part 3) -
Deadly life (Part 1)
Deadly life (Part 2)
Deadly life (Part 3)
Deadly life (Part 4)
Deadly life (Part 5)
Chapter 3: What is beyond humans’ control
Daily life (Part 1)
Daily life (Part 2)
Daily life (Part 3) -
Deadly life (Part 1)
Deadly life (Part 2)
Deadly life (Part 3)
Deadly life (Part 4)
Deadly life (Part 5)
Deadly life (Part 6)
Deadly life (Part 7)
Deadly life (Part 8)
Chapter 4: Dance, dance, hanged puppets
Daily life (Part 1)
Daily life (Part 2)
Daily life (Part 3)
Daily life (Part 4)
Daily life (Part 5)
Daily life (Part 6) -
Deadly life (Part 1)
Deadly life (Part 2)
Deadly life (Part 3)
Deadly life (Part 4)
Deadly life (Part 5)
Deadly life (Part 6)
Deadly life (Part 7)
Chapter 5: An oath to one’s lost humanity
Daily life (Part 1)
Daily life (Part 2)
Daily life (Part 3)
Daily life (Part 4)
Daily life (Part 5) -
Deadly life (Part 1)
Deadly life (Part 2)
Deadly life (Part 3)
Deadly life (Part 4)
Deadly life (Part 5)
Chapter 6: My killing game, our killing game
Investigation (Part 1)
Investigation (Part 2)
Investigation (Part 3) -
Trial (Part 1)
Trial (Part 2)
Trial (Part 3)
Trial (Part 4)
Trial (Part 5)
Trial (Part 6)
Trial (Part 7)
Trial (Part 8)
More to come soon!
Alternative works - Full list of fan-made fics
Full list of fanfics made not by me! Check them out if you’re interested in more Beta AU works.
Lab locations
Chapter 1: Shuichi: Replaces Kaede’s lab. Tenko: Same location. Maki: Replaces Kirumi’s lab.
Chapter 2: Rantaro: Replaces Maki’s lab. Kirumi: Replaces Himiko’s lab. Miu: Replaces Ryoma’s lab. Kaede: Replaces Gonta’s lab. Gonta: Replaces K1-B0′s lab.
Chapter 3: Angie: Same location. Kokichi: Replaces the computer room. Tsumugi: Replaces Korekiyo’s lab.
Chapter 4: Korekiyo: Replaces Shuichi’s lab. Kaito: Replaces Miu’s lab. Computer room: Replaces Rantaro’s lab.
Chapter 5: Ryoma: Replaces Tsumugi’s lab. Himiko: Replaces Kaito’s lab.
Chapter 6: K1-B0: Replaces Kokichi’s lab.
If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! I would be glad to share anything related to this AU.
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