#also please lms
ineffable-gallimaufry · 3 months
it's so funny that both jvj's coolest moment (sticking a red hot poker into his arm for the intimidation factor with a straight face) and javert's coolest moment ("would you like my hat?") are in the same chapter and then they cut the chapter from almost every adaptation that i've seen
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twist-dg · 1 year
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ALBW Links Collection - Credits under cut!
Trinity: mine!
Steel: @link-rejoin
Artisan: @cerame
World: @linked-maze
Worlds: @jackie-mae
Mirror: @bonus-links
Legend: Linked Universe
Lorule: @heroesspirit
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shyrule · 2 years
while i'm here art #2 i guess
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cowplushies · 7 months
honestly this is crazy I hope we get to learn more about AZ and his floette and learn more about zygarde also like you think there will be any connections with the paldea region bc of the ultimate weapon ??? (ive seen theroies with that) but also god please let there be new mega evos pleassseeee 😭🙏
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rose-tinted-vision · 2 months
I'm ready 🥹😭⌨️
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lenievi · 6 months
when you want to finish your LM 2000 fic but you also want to start thinking about LM BBC fic T_T
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juniestar · 11 months
I feel like one of my friends is being weird with me but I’ve got no proof all I know is I asked her for another friend’s number (someone I haven’t spoken to in 4 yrs 😟) and she stopped texting me back and liking my posts. Which could be entirely incidental like it should just be entirely incidental but I am getting a weird vibe
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youssefguedira · 7 months
re: the tournament if you hate the letterboxd summary because they do suck and want to write a better one feel free to send it to me and i'll add it on
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qilyns-a · 11 months
@iedolon said ... perfection is terrible . / open.
" you're wrong, azhdaha. " ganyu shakes her head with all the vigor of her conviction, light blue tresses of hair obscuring the impertinent gleam in her eyes. azhdaha's stature is enormous, the sheer weight of the disapproving tone of his voice bearing down on her like a mountain – sized boulder, but she cranes her neck to meet his eyes nevertheless. " rex lapis will have perfect order. that is the promise he made to us, and we pledged our duty to that end. " a city founded on the principles of the divine, and the covenant to uphold such a perfect standard – what more could any of them dream of? azhdaha was not even born into the world as a corporeal being at all, but was granted form and sight by the archon himself, so what purpose could such contrarian beliefs serve? ganyu is far from the brightest among the adepti, and her human characteristics make her ill - suited for theorizing ... if only azhdaha weren't such a daunting presence. she can barely get the words out before her gaze shifts away, skittish and embarrassed by this little outburst of emotion – yet holding the principle still within her heart, ever steadfast.
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" if you're suffering doubts, please talk to someone about it. it's only a reflection of your own state of mind – don't let these negative emotions fester. " someone meaning anyone other than me, ideally – but ganyu also understands the value of the trust they should nurture among one another. she kicks at pebbles in the meantime, watching tiny rocks skip into the shallow waters of nantianmen. this is the part where she should attempt to reach out a hand in friendship, tell azhdaha of her own doubts in years past and reminisce about happier times they've shared. words fail her, as they often do. she looks at him first, lord of vishaps in all his turmoil, and then past him, toward the mountain peaks littering the landscape. would that anyone else was here in her stead, even cloud retainer ... " sorry if i misunderstood ... "
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daedelweiss · 6 months
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i held off introducing my version of usagi for so long ckska
he met leo when they were 13 and leo was stealing toys from his family's shop. he was understandably upset but befriend him after finding out it was for his missing brothers.
he's not appearing in the canon comic because i want the comic to be family focused and to stay with the show 💖 he will only appear in side content of LM~ also i'm a taller usagi truther because leo needs his ego knocked down :P and he's a gnc king ✨️ • ( 🌿 please do NOT repost, edit, trace, use, and/or sell 🌿 )
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flying-womrats · 3 months
replacements for a few LMS mods
If you think you saw this post yesterday, yes you did- then I made a couple edits and realized I should have done it under a readmore in case people reblogged it... So here we go again! These are the possible replacements I found for the littlemssam mods I was using, in case they help anyone else.
Caveats: - Often not a 1:1 replacement. - I only went looking for replacements for mods I was actually using, so this only covers a fraction of her catalog. - Most of these modders still use Curseforge, they're just not exclusive to it.
Additionally, if anyone knows of a replacement for any of the following: Go For A Walk, Improved Meditation Stool, Improved Practical Spells (the improvements to the spells themselves,) No Random Job Offers (I know BosseladyTV has one, but it's CF exclusive,) Purchased Items Delivered By Mail, Release All The Ghosts, or Tea For Children, please drop me an ask! I only request no Curseforge exclusives and no Zer0.
On to the list:
Allow Stoves in University Housing -> Zerbu, No University Housing Restrictions
Auto Employees -> Kuttoe's "X Everywhere" mods, Zerbu's Spawn Refresh
Auto-Light Fireplaces Only When Cold -> Bienchen, fireplaceautonomytweak
Buy Treats via PC -> Bienchen, buypettreat
Calendar Tweaks -> Kuttoe, Less Frequent Prom (caveat: takes time to start working, especially if you're using a longer season setting)
Cookbooks -> ClaudiaSharon, Cook Experimental/Cultural/Jungle Food Without Tasting It First
Immortality Potion Fix -> Kuttoe, Potions Rework (only a half replacement- removes the VFX, but doesn't lock aging like the Scarlet/LMS mod)
Kids Can Walk Dogs -> ChippedSim, Paws & Claws (A Sim's Best Friend module)
More Away Actions -> Bienchen, awayactions (is actually included in the LMS mod)
No Burning Sun in Forgotten Hollow -> TwistedMexi, Daywalkers + Underworlds (caveat: per TMex's comment on the latter, the eternal night is only cosmetic and still requires Daywalkers for vampires to come out at "daytime". Also, Daywalkers affects all worlds. Still interested in a mod closer to LMS's if one exists!)
No Insects Herbalism -> Simularity, Improved Herbalism Potions & Features
No Shoe Sign Animation -> Lotharihoe, Shoe Sign Animation Tweaks (doesn't remove the animation entirely but does stop it from interrupting walking)
No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Pets -> Bienchen, catanddogsanity
Pregnancy Overhaul ("sims can do more" part) -> Bienchen, pregnantsimscandomore
Pregnancy Overhaul (belly sizes) -> t0nischwartz, No Bump or sonozakisisterssims4, "The belly in pregnancy depends on the number of babies" (the former is simpler but has no equivalent to the "larger belly" option, the latter has a bit more going on but has direct equivalents to LMS's sizes, so take your pick!)
Sleep All Night and Sleep In -> Midnitetech- Stay Asleep, Mokunoid- Better Sleep Autonomy or Lot 51- Sunrise depending on desired depth/customization
Social Activities -> adeepindigo, Youth, Friends and Family Activities
Small GF Reactions Overhaul -> Bienchen, lesscelebreact
Small Laundry Overhaul -> Bienchen's laundry mods cover some (but not all- anyone have something to make it cost money on community lots?) of it, along with Lotharihoe's No Autonomously Set Laundry Down to replace the "auto put away laundry" part.
Spar With For Everyone -> Bienchen, sparwithfornonmilitary
Toddler Ask For Food No Junk -> Bienchen, healthyhighchair (not quite the same thing but it solves the "why do they always give the kid chips" issue at least)
WEE: Working Elevators Everywhere -> Ravasheen, Uplifting Elevators (space and wall height permitting, it's also possible to make no-CC elevators with the RoM debug portals!)
Wellness Treat Fix -> Bienchen, petanxiousbufffix
Also, while I wasn't using either of them myself, Meet&Mingle can replace SimDa Dating App, and Lovestruck adds a "canon" dating app (though given EA's complete lack of attention to QA etc. I wouldn't recommend paying for it.)
edit 6/26/24: added Sunrise, petanxiousbufffix, pregnantsimscandomore
edit 6/27/24: added No Bump, moved into a new post.
edit 6/29/24: added Daywalkers, No University Housing Restrictions (ty @northernnightsky!) and the sonozakisisters bump mod
edit 7/2/24: added Underworlds (ty anon), Paws & Claws, and a link to the tutorial I followed for no-CC elevators
edit 8/22/24: added Spawn Refresh
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littlemssam · 4 months
Mod Fixes
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Choose Your Helmet Fixed an Issue with the preferred Helmet (hidden Trait) not being saved when going into CAS etc. I also fixed the messed up Thumbnails/Icons for DX11 Users.
Autonomous Gardening Fixed an Issue with the Lot Trait Icon not showing correctly for DX11 Users
Choose Your Roommate Fixed an Issue where two Choose Roommate Interactions could show up
Gender & More | Custom Lot Trait Fixed an Issue with the Lot Trait Icon not showing correctly for DX11 Users
My favorite Raincoat Fixed the messed up Thumbnails/Icons for DX11 Users
Sul Sul Weather App Fixed the messed up Icons for DX11 Users
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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teriri-sayes · 9 days
Reactions to The Unknown's Chapter 353
Brief summary: Discussion about RPOG's influence in Earth 3. Talks about Transparent Corporation's honorary chairman. Cale's group meets Ahn Roh Man.
We got the last of the background info today, explaining how RPOG was a global hit, played by hundreds of millions of players. Because of that nations and companies vied to control it, but Transparent Corporation stood adamant, refusing outside interference and stating that they only want to focus on the game.
They allowed ads for companies and national policies though, done stealthily that players wouldn't outright recognize it as an ad. Because of that, the fields of entertainment, sports, gambling, and so on also entered RPOG.
As someone who read Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, it made me think of Unicorn Corporation and its virtual game, Royal Road, in terms of its influence to the real world. Who knows, perhaps our author, YRH, read LMS and used it as the inspiration for Transparent Corporation and RPOG.
There was some talks about how the Transparent Bloods minimized the damage of monster attacks in Earth 3 because they settled here. It made Cale and Alberu wonder the state of Earth 1 and Earth 2, and if it had become peaceful there too like Earth 3.
Is this a foreshadowing that Cale will revisit Earth 2? And what about Earth 1? Please, author-nim! I want Cale to meet OG Cale! 🥰
Next up was the presidential elections. The honorary chairman of Transparent Corporation was Han Taek Soo, and his win was almost guaranteed. There was some parallels here, like Ahn Roh Man (ARM) represented the war-ridden past while Han Taek Soo represented the peaceful future.
People were tired of the war against monsters, so when RPOG was released, showcasing a "new world" that was peaceful and did not affect reality, it became a massive global hit. Thus, its honorary chairman became a symbol of "peace." He was also a known philanthropist and citizen of Roan.
ARM had a trusted aide who knew his secrets, and this aide was Earth 3's counterpart of Mary! She was described as a dull person with a mechanical voice. But she wore glasses, and called ARM as "oppa."
Cale's group finally met ARM, and they were dressed in branded black suits! And when ARM offered drinks, Cale asked for tea while Rosalyn asked for Americano which she found addictive. 😂
Wait, remember that character checklist Modern AU something that RIDI released as a bonus content for the LCF Korean volume bundle? In that checklist, it wrote that Rosalyn liked iced Americano! So if Earth 3 was a Nameless 1 parallel world, perhaps that Modern AU checklist might become reality?! 🤩
Here's a link to a summary of that checklist I posted here in the past: TCF Modern AU Character Checklist (Official)
Ending Remarks The two Alberus finally meet! And Cale, Alberu, and Rosalyn in suits! I'm excited to see more Earth 3 counterparts of our Roan characters! 🥰 Next chapter would be ARM's talk with Cale's group. I wonder, did ARM really not receive the Emperor Quest? Because when E3 Mary asked him if he received it, he did not reply and only thought of our Alberu.
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linked-maze · 7 months
Hi! I don’t remember if I told you I loved your art style before so I’m saying it again and you’ll have to accept the love ❤️
I’m curious. In LM, do you have any favorites? I love all my own boys, but some I tend to draw more than others. XD I was wondering if you have the same thing.
also please give Warrior and Sky my love
you just caught me in the middle of having a crying crisis in my room. This comment helped me- I thank you deeply. anyway! yeah, I do indeed have my favorites!! wild and Warrior are my favorites to write cuz they have my issues XD But when it comes to drawing it depends on what mood Im in! I love drawing War and Sky cuz then I get to draw sexy fat dudes- Oh, but the Twili twins have feral features! drawing Angel with a sexy pose is so much fun! XD And with Four I have great plans for him in the future. He is so animated! and so is Bunny! Absolutely LOVE drawing animals XD which means Twilight in his wolf form is definitely amazing as well! And with the fairies too!! With Time and Kori, it is so much fun to both write for them and draw! they can be the biggest pricks and no one can stop me! XD And the same goes for Wind! he can be sassy whenever he wants and his design is so simple it brings me joy- hmmm... it's so hard to decide! can my answer just be the one I find to be my favorite this month? cuz then it's Warrior XD
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luhafraser · 2 months
Thanks for your messages... But this selectivity is obvious! Of course, if they wanted, it would also have been posted and talked about LM on Deuxmoi (But it was better to hush up #escortgate)...
And even about AP... Please, if they wanted a "show" for a larger audience besides fandom this would have been done.
Why should I waste any more time than I already am now...?!... It's just another attempt... #53673149 🤯... to make S look like the A-List celebrity he's not, during promo/ droughts... But I imagine that one or two outside this fandom went looking for who he was, I've already done that with unknown names I saw on Deuxmoi 🫣😜... Maybe JA should have gotten Sam one place with Gerard and Zac 🛥😏🤦🏻‍♀️
And in general, "all these women"?! >>> Content for us (fandom).
AM, seriously?! OK! She was another one they didn't want to sell as a relationship, besides this fandom. Why should I be upset? She looks happy and fulfilled... Although, Instagram is not exactly reality (people put there what they want to be seen about them, inducing what they want to be thought about them)... But I think she's lucky not to have her public image linked to S 😜
More upset, Anon?
My 18 year old cat recently died... And we are still dealing with this loss as a family... My daughter misses her "sister"... This is what I'm most upset about right now.
Keeping up with SamCait shit is a hobby, but if you're serious about it and think I am too, and it makes you happy to tease shippers, feel free to send as many messages as you want 😘
Isn't it unnerving this male celebrity stereotype is propagated... While many women in the same age group as Sam and Zac receive this treatment...
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?!? 😕
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breadvidence · 11 months
Please mind the #wineposting tag. Regardless: are you asking, "Should I watch this adaptation of Les Misérables?" I'll give you advice, though I suspect if you are reading this blog post you have watched all of these anyway (and quite possibly a few more, besides!).
'25 (Fescourt): Probably! If you are a Brick fan none of the adaptation choices will startle you, but having visuals to go with key scenes is a treat. This is a loyal piece. Toulout as Javert, Gabrio as Valjean, Milovanoff as Fantine, and Nivette as Éponine all give excellent performances. Be prepared for a lukewarm Cosette. You might struggle with silent film conventions, length, and French intertitles.
'34 (Bernard): Probably! This is a fairly loyal adaptation of the Brick that makes internally consistent choices where it deviates from its source (sometimes it has goofy continuity errors—politely ignore). Baur as Valjean and Gaël as Cosette give fabulous performances. Moments of silliness do not detract from the quality. Another long haul.
'35 (Boleslawski): Probably not. As an adaptation of Les Misérables this film is bad. That being said, Charles Laughton is a lauded actor, and you can't say he didn't put his whole laughussy into his performance. Because it is accessible and prominent, a lot of LM fans will have seen this film, and you might benefit from shared context if you're in fandom. Speaking personally, I'm glad I saw it, but I'm not sure you will be.
'52 (Milestone): No. Most likely based on '35 rather than on the book, this film is also a bad adaptation of Les Misérables. There are no notable performances. Because it is accessible, this is another adaptation many fans are familiar with, but understanding jokes about Valjean's boyfriend Robert and Javert's sentient hat probably don't justify sitting through the movie.
'58 (Le Chanois): No. Not the English dub, at least. "Bland" is the word of the day. Contemporary French audiences wildly disagree with me per Wikipedia.
'72 (Bluwal): Strong maybe. If you are an intense fan of the Brick, yes. Its use of a narrator to draw from the novel directly and its focus on the Amis makes this adaptation unique on this list. You might not end up liking it but you will have had an experience. If you have zero investment in Les Misérables but are still reading this post for some reason: no, do not watch this.
'78 (Jordan): At some point I will talk about this film and not make a gay joke but today is not that day. If you are not queer, get off my blog, you cis straight, begone. Everyone else: yes, watch this movie, c'mon. Perkins. That performance. At some point I need to make a serious post about queerness and '78 but right now all I've got is Javert's literal on-screen boner. Jesus Christ. Not a great adaptation of the novel but a virtuoso example of unintentional homoeroticism.
'82 (Hossein): No. This is an odd little adaptation without the charisma of a '35 or '78, somehow not as bad as either of those but not as good either. The GIF of the Amis walking in heavy wind is the best this film has to offer.
'98 (August): No—but I stared into my wine glass for a long, long time before typing those two letters. If we are judging adaptations by how they handle the source material, this is a disaster. As a film? I'm sure entertained. I call it bitchslap Les Mis. I should note here I am also a huge fan of Uma Thurman. Possibly I should recuse myself. I don't know, pal. IDK.
2012 (Hooper): I dwell bitterly on the fact that this is our film version of the musical. Brick fans are restless, musical fans are restless. People who first encountered Les Mis via this version are making feral noises. I'm afraid. I'm moving on.
2018 (Davies): It's really unfortunate that I am at my most drunk while commenting on this adaptation. Sure, watch it, it's one of those BBC series that has watchability sheerly because of production value and proximity to contemporary narrative/film expectations/standards. Personally I hate it. My partner is so tired of the tone in which I utter the syllables "Oyelowo".
The Musical: yes c'mon. Bootleg that good bitch.
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