#also please leave recommendations
beesorcery · 6 months
hello it's part 3 of 3 for my cool fun graphic design adventure!! part 1 and part 2 got too long. to recap i am recreating this t-shirt design but with the magic 8 ball songs instead of city names:
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here is the current draft, updated through 3/27 (pittsburgh) (!!!!)
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detectivesparrow · 7 months
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Title: Bounded by Resolve
Paring: Sanzo Party x reader (Saiyuki)
Word Count: 2.1k.
TW: gn!reader, platonic?, reader gets hurt, comfort, Sanzo crew gets worried
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Sweat beads on your brow as you watch, your heart hammering in your chest with a rhythm that matches the drumbeat of fear pulsing through your veins. The scent of sweat and fear hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest floor to create an atmosphere thick with tension.
The demon's approach is relentless, its movements sinuous and predatory as it slithers closer to the Sanzo party. The dense forest around you seems to pulse with a sinister energy, the eerie backdrop only adding to the sense of impending confrontation.
Suddenly, a low growl breaks the tranquility, shattering the eerie stillness of the forest. It's the harbinger of the approaching danger, a warning sign that sets your nerves alight with a fierce urgency.
With a swift and fluid motion, you step forward, your movements propelled by a sense of fierce determination that burns within you like wildfire.
Your comrades, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of danger, instinctively draw their weapons, their faces etched with a mixture of determination and resolve. The glint of steel in their hands reflects the fierce determination burning within their souls.
Sanzo, with his signature aloof demeanor, grips his gun with a steely resolve, his gaze piercing through the shadows with a clarity that belies the chaos of the moment. His lips curl into a grim line, a silent vow etched upon his features as he prepares to face whatever darkness lurks ahead.
Hakkai's calm facade masks the storm of emotions roiling beneath the surface, his hands steady as he readies his chi with practiced precision. His eyes betray a hint of concern, but beneath the worry lies a steadfast determination to stand firm against the encroaching threat.
Gojyo's easygoing demeanor gives way to a fierce intensity as he brandishes his favorite weapon, the gleaming blade of his shakujo flashing in the dappled sunlight. His stance is one of unwavering readiness, every muscle coiled like a spring as he prepares to unleash his fury upon any who dare to threaten his comrades.
Goku, ever the embodiment of boundless energy and enthusiasm, grips his extendable staff with a fierce determination, his eyes blazing with an inner fire that refuses to be extinguished. His muscles tense with anticipation, his entire being a testament to the unwavering loyalty he holds for his companions.
Demons emerge from the shadows like a nightmare-given form, its grotesque features twisted into a snarl of malevolence. Their eyes narrow as they size you up, their predatory gaze flickering with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine.
With every strike exchanged, the forest seems to hold its breath, the sounds of battle echoing amidst the ancient trees like a primal chorus. The clash of metal against flesh reverberates through the air, a symphony of violence and chaos that echoes through the ancient trees. Each strike is a dance of life and death, a testament to your skill and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
With a guttural snarl, it lunges forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Pain explodes across your side as you take the hit, a sharp gasp escaping your lips despite your best efforts to suppress it.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, heightening your senses to a razor-sharp edge. Every movement of your adversaries is cataloged with meticulous precision, their intentions laid bare before you like an open book.
As you stumble backward, the forest spins around you, disorienting and chaotic. The world tilts dangerously, threatening to swallow you whole as you struggle to regain your footing on unsteady ground. Every movement is an uphill battle against the relentless onslaught of pain that courses through your body, a symphony of agony that threatens to drown out all other sensations.
But you refuse to succumb to the overwhelming tide of pain. With a fierce determination burning bright within you, you push through the agony. The very fiber of your being screams in protest, but you steel yourself against the onslaught, drawing upon reservoirs of strength you never knew you possessed.
The world starts to blur around you, the sounds of battle fading into the background as you focus all of your energy on the task at hand. Each breath comes ragged and labored, every movement an act of defiance against the pain that threatens to consume you.
With each blow you deliver, you chip away at the demon's defenses, inching closer and closer to victory with every strike.
And as the battle rages on around you, you find yourself drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that binds you to your comrades. Their faces flash before your eyes, a reminder of the stakes at hand and the importance of your mission.
The battle rages on around you, a chaotic symphony of clashing weapons and anguished cries. Your vision swims as you struggle to keep pace with the frenetic pace of the fight, each movement sending waves of agony radiating through your wounded side. But still, you press on, driven by a single-minded resolve to protect those you hold dear.
A wave of exhaustion washes over you, threatening to drag you into unconsciousness. You cling to consciousness by sheer force of will.
As the last of the demons falls, a deafening silence descends upon the forest, broken only by the ragged gasps of your companions and the steady rhythm of your own labored breathing.
Your limbs feel as heavy as lead, each movement a Herculean effort that sends shooting pains lancing through your battered body.
Your muscles ache with a deep-seated weariness, every fiber screaming in protest with each faltering step you take. It's as if your bones are made of molten iron, dragging you down with each labored breath, each heartbeat a thunderous drumbeat in your ears.
Your vision swims in and out of focus, the world around you reduced to a hazy blur of muted colors and indistinct shapes. Each footfall sends shockwaves of agony radiating through your weary frame, threatening to send you sprawling to the forest floor in a heap of exhaustion and pain.
But still, you cling to consciousness. Every ounce of your being is focused on the single-minded task of following the Sanzo party back onto the road.
"Aw man, that was it?" Goku chimes out. "Man, I'm starving!"
"Shut up, you stupid monkey!" Gojyo shouts.
"Hey, that was a big fight!"
"Now, now, the next town is about a drive's breakfast" Hakai chides.
"All right! Let's go!" Goku says as he jumps in the backseat.
You move carefully with them, to avoid the injury being seen. Sanzo takes a small glance back at your unusual slowness, but chalks it up as exhaustion.
With every passing moment, your condition worsens, the relentless march of time eroding the fragile facade of strength you've meticulously maintained. The blood-soaked fabric of your shirt clings to your skin like a macabre second skin, a grim reminder of the toll exacted by the fierce battle you've waged.
Each movement sends jolts of agony coursing through your weary frame. Your vision narrows to a pinprick, the darkness at the edges creeping ever closer with each labored heartbeat.
The world blurs into a hazy blur of pain and exhaustion as you struggle to remain upright. Each breath comes out softly, ragged and labored, with the darkness at the edges of your vision creeping ever closer.
It's Gojyo who notices first, his sharp eyes catching the telltale signs of your distress. With a curse, he breaks away from the group, rushing to your side with a sense of urgency that belies his usual carefree demeanor.
"Hakkai, we've got a problem," he calls out urgently, his voice cutting through the atmosphere like a knife.
Hakkai's brow furrows in concern as he glances over his shoulder, his hands steady on the wheel as he maneuvers the vehicle through the dense forest. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice a calm anchor amidst the rising tide of panic.
Gojyo's expression is grim as he gestures towards you, his movements urgent and decisive. "It's y/n. They're hurt bad," he says, his words clipped and to the point as he assesses the extent of your injuries.
Panic sets in among your comrades as they realize the severity of your condition, their frantic attempts to rouse you echoing in the recesses of your fading consciousness. Through the haze, you hear their voices, a jumble of worry and fear that cuts through the fog of pain enveloping your mind.
"Hey, come on! Wake up!" Goku pleads, his voice cracking with emotion as he searches desperately for any sign of consciousness.
Sanzo's jaw tightens with concern as he watches the scene unfold, his normally stoic facade betraying a hint of unease. "We need to get them help. Now," he declares, his tone holding no argument, directing Hakkai to pick up the pace.
Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, you struggle to make sense of the chaos around you. The voices of your comrades blend together in a cacophony of worry and fear, their urgent pleas a lifeline in the darkness that threatens to consume you whole.
As you faded out, succumbing to the pain, the group discuss their next action.
"Damn it. Why didn't they say anything?" Sanzo grumbles, huffing out a smoke.
"Hakai, hurry!" Goku shouts. "It looks really bad!"
"I'm trying, Goku. I can only go so fast!" Hakai replies, going as fast as he can, as he glances at you through the rearview mirror.
Gojyo remains silent, his hands putting pressure on your wounds. His expression laced with concern.
"This damn idiot" he curses. "When you wake up, I'll kill you."
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Time loses all meaning as you drift in and out of consciousness, the world reduced to a series of fragmented impressions and fleeting moments of clarity.
As consciousness gradually returns, you find yourself enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and safety, the soft embrace of a bed cradling your weary body.
The gentle rustle of fabric and the faint scent of herbs mingle in the air, offering a soothing balm to your senses as you struggle to piece together the fragments of memory that cling to the recesses of your mind.
It's only when you finally awaken to the warmth of a bed and the gentle touch of bandages around your waist that you realize you've been saved from the brink of death.
Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you find yourself greeted by the familiar faces of your companions, their expressions a swirling mix of relief and concern.
As you shuffle yourself upright, the group quickly comes over.
Sanzo's gruff voice pierces through the haze, his words laced with a grudging sense of worry that he can't quite conceal.
"You're lucky you didn't bleed out before we found you," he mutters, his gaze flickering between irritation and genuine concern. "Next time, try not to be so reckless."
Hakkai's gentle touch brushes against your forehead, his hands deftly adjusting the bandages that encircle your waist. "You gave us quite a scare," he says softly.
Gojyo's worried expression speaks volumes, his usually jovial demeanor tempered by the gravity of the situation. "Damn it, don't you ever scare us like that again," he grumbles, his words tinged with a vulnerability rarely shown.
Goku's infectious grin is a welcome sight. "I knew you'd pull through!" he exclaims, his voice brimming with unbridled enthusiasm.
As the atmosphere lightens with shared relief, Goku's bright grin widens even further, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, now that you're awake, can we eat?" he interjects, his stomach audibly growling in agreement.
A chorus of chuckles ripples through the room at Goku's typically straightforward request. Sanzo rolls his eyes in mock exasperation, but there's a hint of fondness in his gaze as he nods in agreement. "Fine, fine," he concedes, his gruff tone softening just a fraction. "But make it quick."
Hakkai smiles warmly, already rising to his feet to prepare a meal for the weary travelers. "Of course, Goku. I'll grab something simple yet satisfying," he assures, his soothing voice a calming presence amidst the lingering tension.
Gojyo's grin mirrors Goku's as he claps you on the shoulder, his touch gentle despite the underlying strength in his grip. "Sounds good to me. Can't have you starving after all that heroics," he quips, his tone light yet sincere.
As the aroma of food begins to fill the room, a sense of warmth and camaraderie settles over the Sanzo party like a comforting blanket. And as you gather around the makeshift table, sharing stories and laughter amidst mouthfuls of food, you're reminded once again of the unbreakable bond that binds you together, even in the face of life's greatest challenges.
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I don´t know what it is about the Phandom and also the dpxdc fandom that has so quickly caught be my throat and demanded all of my waking moment be spent reading. But god damn, I´m not unhappy about that - not by any definition of the word :3 After not watching or thinking about the show for over a decade i suddenly know more about it than i did when it still ran on TV. It´s gotten so far that i made a tumblr account just to simply interact more with the phandom and to read all the prompts and comics and look at all the fanart. so first of all: how did i even get here?
second of all: does anyone have any recommendations?
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theokusgallery · 9 months
Since you have a lot of opinions about Sunflower fics, do you have any recommendations :p? I do generally agree with you about the derth of good works on them - kind of hoping for something I've maybe slept on.
Okay, I'll try,
First of all — I want everyone, and I mean everyone to read Coda for a Crestfallen Caitiff by MercuriallyApathetic, who also wrote The Strange Summer of Sunny Whatshisface (still one of my favorite longfics to this day but a lot more lighthearted). Coda is a masterpiece, it makes me insane, it is criminally underrated, I want to inhale its essence, and when I first read it it gave me a panic attack and a mental breakdown that lasted three straight days (/pos). Definitely read the tags and prepare yourself mentally but JESUS CHRIST I need everyone to read it. Please. You will regret it for a few hours but it is... an experience. To me at least. And to the two people I recommended it to who gave me feedback.
Then there's sunflower seeds in the rearview mirror by @andrewwtca which remains probably my favorite multichapter OMORI fic of all time (you might spot my essay-comments in the later chapters, I love this fic so much. I didn't end up writing one for the last chapter but man did it hit me hard). Very intriguing with a captivating style and an unreliable narrator mechanic that I am absolutely in love with. Everything by that author is excellent.
We have, of course, literally everything by BetweenDisorders. Arsenic is partly inspired by one of their fics ! (you know the one.) Their characterization of both Sunny and Basil (but especially Basil, because I'm gay) makes me froth at the mouth. Their style is very recognizable and honestly one of the best I've ever seen. But more generally, they have really original and intriguing ideas (like communication, in which Basil and Sunny are two computers... Did I mention how I'm a sucker for original/unique plots and premises enough yet) and everything they do is something you've never seen before. It's amazing.
Note to Self: Don't Be Gay in Faraway Town by witheredahlia is also very, very good. It's a lot lighter, but it still made my gay little heart ache, because I'm a sucker for misunderstandings done correctly (fight me).
Detective Sunny by Det_Sun is genuinely one of the most creative, fascinating OMORI fics I've seen, and also way too underrated. It's an excellent read, and there's a bunch of ideas in it that you know go deeper than what is shown, and it makes my brain go at the speed of lights. Many many thoughts about this one. (Side note: I fucking love it when there's unexplored ideas in fics. Makes my brain go brrr. Not everything has to be shown and when I see hints of "behind the scene" thoughts and character background that isn't discussed much but still implied, my brain becomes a feral animal. I don't know if that makes sense...)
#im recommending fics that can be morally be read by/recommended to everyone because i know my demographic#but i literally just went through my bookmarks and ooh'ed and ahh'ed at every other fic so i linked them lol.#i'm not linking 'the telltale of a recovering megalomaniac' by shootingstarlightt because im trying to link underrated things#but it's also very good.#there's also Drying on the Steps by DeepFriedBasil but i can't recommend it because i haven't finished reading it !!#but it's so intriguing and unique and you can spot me in the comments of the first few chapters trying to make sense of it all.#I didn't link Culinary Conversations for the same reason (I have yet to catch up on it unfortunately) but it's MAGICAL it's INCREDIBLE#I NEED MORE FICS THAT WRITE STRANGER LIKE THIS. PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE#on the topic of characterization: Sunny & Mari Edition™ we also have Mari Doesn't Die At The End by CoreyWW#and The Very Best by nullmeh. both are very very good.#Deep Down We're Still The Same Kids by witheredahlia is also great from what I remember but I... don't remember much#there's some fics in my bookmarks i just... don't remember. oops.#...i hope this post isn't too long. i'm leaving some stuff in the tags because linking them in the post would've made it 3ft long#and also because when i give fic recs I feel like I have to arguments it and for some of those I don't really know what to say except Good#please read Coda for a Crestfallen Caitiff. please.#rant#omori#ask#ephemeralspirit-blog#fic recs#most if not all of these are sunflower btw ! i basically only read sunflower.#sorry to my fellow ze[...]ae lovers btw. i'd recommend them but. again. i know my demographic#arsenic#<- i tag every single mention of him for someone who had it blocked sorry
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chasing-chimeras · 8 months
Chapters: 5/10 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey/Theo Raeken (minor) Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Coming of Age, Growing Up, Childhood Trauma, Figuring shit out, hunter war, Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Feelings Realization, POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Summary:
Five years later, Liam’s right back where he started. In a lot of ways it’s like he never left. In a lot of ways it's unrecognizably different.
Things never change, and things never stop changing; a difficult dialectic.
In which Liam, Theo, Scott, Isaac, and Jackson, on the run from hunters and making their way to the rest of the pack, have to figure themselves, and each other, out.
Or, coming of age on the run.
Inspired by the talented not_carrying_on's Take my heart (and put it somewhere safe) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32469643)
and eneiryu's the expedition set out to chart the distance from me to you (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27456145)
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brazenbells · 1 month
If I had a nickel for every time I've gone to urgent care and gotten a lecture about something bizarre and unhelpful while I feel like shit and wait weakly to be allowed to leave with my antibiotics prescription....
Well, I'd have two nickels, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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cherchersketch · 1 year
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It ended (at episode 101) ;w;
Just Leave Me Be Overall, it was a fun little series to follow. It's not exactly in my top tier list, but I've been happy to pay to read each chapter since around the 50s. Always love a happily ever after, especially an ending with the main couples' wedding. UwU
Plot-wise, it was interesting, especially the way they gradually uncovered the "real history of the kingdom" together by exploring and reading some ancient artifacts. The supporting characters were also fun. Always love a cute, supportive maid. XD The only trope I can't really stand is the "bullied MC since young but was because he secretly had feelings the whole time and is awkward about it". But at least it wasn't the main lead, just one o her (not-really) brothers. And after that he became quite a fun comic relief so I'll let it go this time. Haha
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There are still gonna be some epilogue side stories so I can't wait to read those as well. Especially when there's a Babies Ever After chapter.
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mjabbers · 1 year
The way my brain has decided to hyperfixate on KenStewy needs to be researched because I have not been this obsessed with two men like this in a hot hot minute.
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mxdotpng · 1 year
i feel like people should just start admitting the reason they like fma is bc edward is a good protag. and because they like to watch the fight scenes. like i feel like ppl need to drop the pretense of "it handles [x,y,z] so well!!" because it doesnt. it doesnt matter what youre putting in that spot bc the answer will still be no it does not.
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californiaquail · 1 year
naively assumed my latest plant purchase needed repotting since all the other plants i've gotten from that store have but much to my surprise i pulled out what appeared to be a bunch of cuttings masquerading as a real plant that did not really have a root ball? whatever they got a new house anyway. hope she makes it
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pixelated-stories · 1 year
This work has been copy-pasted straight from ao3! If you would like to read it there, click here, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it!!!!!
Pokémon: Heart of Gold Edition
(A Dave and Bambi x Pokémon crossover fanfic thingie)
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admin grant, texts, characters, vault, pkmn
1-16, pkmn 1-???
>pkmn texts 1
> Log entry #1 - Date: 6-12-2X15 - Location: Dave's House
 A few months after the festival, in the middle of Fort Geraldson...
There was a big blue house, with gates all around the sides and the backyard. Out of the many residents, 3 were the most notable: Dave, a twenty-six-year-old ex-algebra teacher, who is in a wheelchair because he lost his legs below the knees in an accident.
Dave’s adopted son, Tristan, a newly turned ten-year-old with weirdly shaped eyes and hair that is the word "hair" spelled out on top of his head.
Last but not least Bambi, a short-tempered, stubborn, stupid, but genuine and honest farmer, he has a Brazilian accent as he speaks Portuguese but he speaks in broken English around Dave, Tristan, and their friends, he has two floating hands with no arms, he sits at two feet tall, and is thirty-six years old
They were celebrating a special day, for the special boy known as Tristan. His birthday had been recent, and the way he chose to celebrate was with some of his friends, namely Spike, Playrobot, and Ruby Man. They were all outside having fun while playing tag, the sounds of their laughter (and Spike's playful insults) could be heard from inside the house, filling Dave's heart with warmth, it's been a few months since his last… incident, specifically, the one that happened at Tristan's 9th birthday.
1 year ago…
Dave wheeled to the open front door to shout, "Kids! Come on in, it's almost time!" The group stopped playing and immediately raced to the door.
Before they entered, Samuel, Dave's green alien friend stood in the way, holding a finger up, "No running, you kids could fall and get very hurt, we don't want that to happen to the birthday boy or any of his friends, okay?" He told them monotonously.
The group of kids, which consisted of Tristan, Spike, Diamond Man, and Playrobot sighed, but they all nodded with an "Okaaaay…" 
Sam nodded with a smile, stepping aside to let them enter. They were chatting at the table, speculating about what type of presents Tristan would get. Dave was in another room, so the details of their conversation were fuzzy, but he could remember that they were hyper.
After a few minutes, Dave got ready, came out, and wheeled towards the table while holding the cake out, its lit candles were shaped like the number 9, the kids quieted themselves as Dave took in a breath and began singing
"Happy Birthday-" He didn't notice it because he had his eyes closed, but Dave had been teleported somewhere, in the middle of his singing, so when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in an entirely different, yet horrifyingly familiar place, "To… you?" 
He looked around, his vision was filled with 3D geometrical shapes floating aimlessly, that nightmarish grayish-red sky. He was in the dreaded 3D realm, a place he wanted to forget. He shakily looked up at the sky, and saw a symbol in the shape of a lizard-like eye…
His flashbacks were cut off when someone spoke to him with a familiar Brazilian accent "Yo Dave, are you alright?" The person asked.
Dave jolted in his wheelchair, looking beside him, it was just Bambi, "Oh my god, you scared the digits out of me, Bambi," Dave said, sighing with relief that it was Bambi.
"Ah. Sorry Dave, but you were staring at wall, and you look sad," Bambi told him in his broken English.
Dave chuckled, putting on a half-genuine smile, Bambi's too gullible to tell the difference between a real one and a fake one anyway.
"Yeah, I'm just tired, been working real hard on Tristan's presents, and hiding them. He always tries to sneak his presents before Christmas, or his birthday." Dave crossed his arms.
Last year, he had gotten 10 presents for Tristan's 9th birthday, but the rascal stole them all the day before. Thankfully, Tristan didn't open any of the presents, and despite the stress it caused, it was fun, teaching him that he reeeeaallly needs to work on tuning his wheelchair. 
"But other than being nervous that Tristan won't like these gifts, I'm fine. How are things holding up for you?" Dave asked, “Are you going to bring anything?”
Bambi nodded rapidly, "Yeah! I bringing my quiche!" he announced. Dave almost gasped, but he did a "pog" face instead, due to Bambi's quiche being famous, at least in this friend group.
Bambi's. Quiche. Is. THE best thing in the world, Dave swears it is.
He was unsure if that was okay to bring to a birthday party though, Dave asked this out loud, to which Bambi simply answered; "Well, 1. People like my quiche, even though I don't like it much, and 2. Your stomach is bad at sweets, I remember you tell me that." Ah, he did, Dave blushed a little, it was a little embarrassing that Bambi just– said it with no hesitation, but he was right.
"Awww, thanks Bambi, you didn't have to, I appreciate it," Dave said with an actual genuine smile.
Bambi smiled back, his hands on his hips, "No problem, Dave. Well, I going to go back to waiting for quiche be done, I bet you have many birthday thing to do, bye Dave!" He waved, and Dave waved back before Bambi turned and left.
Dave smiled for a bit longer before it slipped to a slight frown, he hoped that the incident wouldn’t happen again, and if it does, he hoped it won’t be in front of Tristan. He doesn't know if he’d drag Tristan to the 3D realm with him again. God, that… that thing in his dreams turned out to be real. He still remembers what it looked like, it was some corrupted reflection of him, only its skin was black, its 'clothes' were inverted to be red instead of his blue, and instead of regular eyes, all it had was 1 (one) lizard-like eye. He doesn't know why, but seeing it in person for the first time sent the worst chills down his spine.
Dave shook his head, he didn't need to linger on it, he needed to keep those memories locked away for the safety of his child, and hopefully keep him away from that horrible prophecy.
He sighed, leaning back in his wheelchair, 'Man, who knew that the consequences for trying to get rid of this world-destroying curse would be this bad.' He thought bitterly, a laugh escaping his lips for a second before he stopped, sagging down further, "That… wasn't funny." He laughed again, he couldn't help it, his situation would make anyone else insane, the only reason he has a drop of sanity left is his son…
'That's right, I shouldn't be so down right now, I have my son’s birthday to take care of.' 
Dave was reinvigorated with the determination to keep his child safe and happy. After all, making sure Tristan knew he was loved is what this special present is for.
The sun had almost set, and the kids were playing Mario Kart inside, Dave was watching over them from the kitchen, and Diamond Man was watching behind the couch. The last lap ended with Tristan in 1st place, despite Playrobot being the best (Tristan 2nd best). Spike stood up and pointed at Playrobot, "You let Tristan win, didn't you?" His accusation didn’t have any actual bite.
"Tristan won through skill and luck," She denied with a smile. 
Spike crossed his arms with a pout, "Don't give me that shi-" He suddenly felt dread crawl up his spine, feeling the gaze of a father deep in his soul making him freeze, "Uh- uh lie, I mean lie." He corrected with sweat dripping down his forehead. He caught himself before he swore, and felt the pressure go away immediately, man, adults are scary.
"Why are you complaining about letting people win when you were dead last?" Tristan interjected, a neutral expression on his face.
Spike let out a 'ghk' sound, a hint of red fading in his cheeks, "That's beside the point, nerd, the bot let you win 'cause you're the birthday boy!" Spike exclaimed. 
"Or because you suck," D-Man's loud voice cut in with a smirk.
"That's it-" Spike stood up, giving chase with a furious expression, "I'll *show you* who sucks!" Spike yelled.
Diamond Man ran away from Spike effortlessly, being tall and lanky has its advantages, such as being able to run really fast, "C'mon dude, you've never ever caught me in tag, how are you gonna get me-"
"Kids!" Dave's call made them stop, "It's tiiime!~"
"CAAAAAKE!!!!" And they all rushed in.
"Whoever's last is the rotten egg!" said Spike. Dave shook his head with a smile, kids, am I right?
(Playrobot is last, she was forced to wear the rotten egg hat :pensive:)
Dave prepared himself before entering the kitchen from the closet with the cake in hand, the wick on the number 10-shaped candle lit. Putting on his best smile, the kids waited in silence, man he's so nervous- good nervous, but nervous. He's been taking care of Tristan nearly since he was born, and to still have him with him for birthdays is enough to almost break him down into tears. He took a shaky breath, setting the cake down to wipe the tears welling up. Once he was ready, he picked the cake back up and turned the lights off.
"Happy birthday to you~" Dave softly sang as he entered the room, revealing the cake for everyone to see. It was a pretty big cake, decorated with soft gold-colored frosting, swirls of red frosting framed the edges, a giant gold heart sitting just left of the center, a candle shaped like the number 1 lay flat beside it, and red icing written out to say 'Happy Birthday Tristan'.
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(DRAWN BY @mintyfreshartist)
It was safe to say that this cake was decorated with the utmost care in the entire world. "Happy birthday to you!~" Dave repeated, wheeling closer to the table at a slow pace, he could practically feel his heart swell 18459308495034 times bigger than before!!!
"Happy birthday dear my sooooonnn~" He placed the cake on the table as he ended the note.
"Happy birthday to yooooouuuu~" Dave repeated one final time, a big, stupid smile on his face. Tristan stared in awe at the cake, his heart speeding up as he could just- just- feel the love poured into this birthday specifically. 
Tristan felt himself being nudged, he looked to his side, and looked up to Spike smiling softly, "Come on nerd, make your wish already." He whispered. Tristan nodded and looked back to the cake, closing his eyes, thinking up his wish…
'Thank you, to whoever heard my wish last year, dad's been so much happier than the last few birthdays, he also seems less tired, and although he’s busy building something, he doesn't appear to overwork himself anymore… also don't tell anyone I said that.' Tristan opened his eyes, taking in a deep breath. 'This year though, whatever he was building, he wouldn’t let me see, he always said it was a surprise for later, but it would be soon. Anyways, I'm grateful for having such an awesome dad, awesome friends, and an awesome life, there's nothing better I could wish for.' Tristan blew out all the candles, signaling he was done with his wish of sorts.
Dave plucked all the candles from the cake, setting them aside, and he cut Tristan a slice of cake, while Bambi arrived a little late. It was evident that his quiche was fresh from the oven, as it was still steaming hot. Tristan thanked Bambi for making it, and that he was glad Bambi was here with more food. Cake and quiche for a birthday, at least it was a good quiche, Bambi appreciated all of the praise he got from it. 
Dave ate half a plate of the quiche, god knows how his stomach would react if he took only two tiny bites of cake, so he didn't serve himself any. He left the kitchen to get Tristan's presents. There were 4 this time around instead of 10, but what he got was:
A Giratina plush
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Pokémon Scarlet
And a drone (He loves drones)
All the things a young boy could wish for.
Tristan was super happy about the gifts he got, hugging his dad so hard he almost popped, all that sappy stuff.
> Location: The 3D Realm - [̶̡̺̬̟̯̺͎̯͗͋̉D̸̢̦̱̞͒̿̋̈́̾A̷͈̎̈́͆T̴̛͖͇Ã̸̛̦̦͈̿̊̃͛̽ ̴̨̨̤̤͙͎͌͋͒̑Ë̶̢̡̹͉̩͎̮́̀X̵̢͖̪̙͓̉P̴̢̦͑̋̿̄̎̆̕U̵̱̺͑̉̃̏N̵͙̲̹͈̞̞͒̿͋̒́̄̂͜ͅG̶̮͕̈́̑E̸̳̯͕̐͌̒̿̆̀D̵͔̖̖͉̈́̌̋̂̓́͝͝]̶̭͙̫̄'̶̠̗̗̙̞͚̠̽̀͊̋̊̂͝s̴̩̱̲͙͖͆͒̆́̓̐̀͛ ̴̺͈͈̀̌̇̓ chunk - <INTERMISSION>
[̶̡̺̬̟̯̺͎̯͗͋̉D̸̢̦̱̞͒̿̋̈́̾A̷͈̎̈́͆T̴̛͖͇Ã̸̛̦̦͈̿̊̃͛̽ ̴̨̨̤̤͙͎͌͋͒̑Ë̶̢̡̹͉̩͎̮́̀X̵̢͖̪̙͓̉P̴̢̦͑̋̿̄̎̆̕U̵̱̺͑̉̃̏N̵͙̲̹͈̞̞͒̿͋̒́̄̂͜ͅG̶̮͕̈́̑E̸̳̯͕̐͌̒̿̆̀D̵͔̖̖͉̈́̌̋̂̓́͝͝]̶̭͙̫̄ was floating around the area he had claimed, the area around her had a grayish-red hue, surrounded by floating geometric cubes, he had minions shaped like T̶̡̞̪̠̞̣̍̔H̴̢̛̠̏̎̃̆͠Ẻ̵̛̼̻͈̹̜̣̱̂ ̶͉͊͒̆͠L̶͈̤͖͉̫̼̦̫̈́͊͒̒̅Ọ̷̱̜̱̘̬͂̈́̚R̵̭͕͌̉̏̏̆̿D̶̰̮̫̪̗͋̈̐͜, Bambi, small, adorable, weak, but strong in numbers. 
After their inspiration, they were dubbed “Bambi minions.” She had a wicked grin on his face 24/7, spreading wide enough to go from one hypothetical ear to the next, skin as black as the night sky, and what appeared to be her clothes, were blood red, consisting of cones and cylinders. To top it all off, she had an unusual eye, a lizard-like eye. Though he was always plotting his next move, he felt… Different today, like something major was happening, and before she knew it, she whispered out [HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GOLDEN NUSIANCE]
> Location: Dave's house - Time: 9:51 PM
It was time for everyone visiting Dave's House to leave, they were tired from playing all day, and cleaning up their mess, they wanted to go back home to sleep, and as they all left Dave called Tristan to the living room, figuring it was to tell Tristan to get ready to go to bed and stuff, he went there.
"Son, you know that project I've been working on and didn't let you see what I was working on?" Dave asked with his hands behind his back. 
Tristan raised an eyebrow, tilting his head a little, "Yeah, why?" Why was Dave bringing this up now? 
"Well… I've finished it, and I was planning on saving it for your 10th birthday!" Dave said, feeling warm inside when Tristan gasped excitedly, his face lighting up with a big smile. 
"REALLY!?" He almost squeaked in disbelief. 
Dave nodded, showing Tristan his hands. It was a square pyramid the size of an orange in one hand, a big remote in the other, "I call this one the ‘Inter-Universal Dislocator’, or IUD, I may change it to something else in the future, but using a few my special powers, we can go to any world we want!" Dave explained, Tristan lit up at the mention of "Any world we want.” Dave went on to continue "Exce-"
"CAN WE GO TO THE POKÉMON UNIVERSE!?!?!?" Tristan nearly screeched the boy was damn near vibrating with energy from excitement.
Dave chuckled at his son's energy, but… as much as Dave liked Pokémon (He and Tristan went Pokémon Go-ing together sometimes), he was, unfortunately going to have to tell Tristan that it was just fiction, and a world like that doesn't exist… If he had the heart to. 
Dave instead decided to indulge Tristan just this once, "Hmm… Okay! We can try it out!" Dave placed the Pyramid away from any objects, and his remote turned into a keyboard. "Alright Tristan, stay back!" Dave warned, and Tristan listened. Dave began to type.
"I'M GONNA GO GET SOME STUFF IN A BAG BE RIGHT BACK," Tristan ran off to his room to do what he said.
Dave chuckled, wishing he could be as excited as Tristan. He began typing...
> awaiting command
>open portal from ███,███ to ███,███
Dave was expecting it to fail when he hit enter…
>command processing
Awaiting power to begin creating the portal
Did- was- was this real? Dave gripped the two handles and began using his powers with slow control.
>Absorbing power…
'No way this was actually working,' Dave denied, but he pressed on, watching the percent increase…
>Power requirement completed, creating portal.
Dave stopped immediately, 5 minutes of pure concentration was exhausting, he needed to take a breather. It was shortly after that when space distorted the area in front of them contorting it into a spiral, time around them gripped the swirl of space, and ripped it into a hole, opening a blue portal above the pyramid, everything behind it seemed like there wasn't a scratch thankfully but… 'Holy polynomial, it worked? It WORKED!? Is- Is Pokémon a real universe? What? I-'
Dave's existential crisis was cut off by Tristan, "WOAH, DAD THIS IS SUCH A COOL PRESENT!!" He tackled Dave into a hug, almost knocking him off his wheelchair, "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD, YOU'RE THE COOLEST!!!"
"Tristan, wait!" Ah- tangent, the words left his mouth too late, Tristan ran off, bag in hand.
No matter, it was time to see if this is real or not. Dave wheeled up to the portal, using the springs he built in his wheelchair to let him jump into the portal.
> Location: The Pokemon World - Region: Sinnoh, Route unknown
A portal opened up in the middle of the forest, and out stepped two humans, Tristan, and Dave. Dave immediately placed a 2nd pyramid below the manifested portal to ensure stabilization. As he took in his surroundings, he could hardly believe his eyes.
Dave saw Pokémon, real Pokémon in-person.
> Location: Dave's house
Bambi was still hanging around Dave's house, he passed out in Tristan's room and only woke up due to a loud noise somewhere else. He was all pissy that his nap was interrupted, rubbing his eyes, and grumbling in Portuguese. He found it strange that no one was around, not even the owner or his son. So Bambi wandered the house, calling for anybody until he stumbled into the living room, eyes finding the still-active portal.
"What… The fuck?" Bambi murmured to himself, approaching the portal, "Did Dave make this?" He said before he stepped too close and got sucked into the portal. 
He was midway into transportation when he saw something on the other side, Dave and Tristan! He was almost there before Dave shut the portal behind them, trapping Bambi in the middle of transport.
A sudden, unexplained terror struck through Bambi's heart, his hands glowed white, rainbow flames coating his hand, instinctively making a slicing motion in the air, a long, thin shockwave flew from the motion a short distance before it dissipated, a portal tore itself into existence right before him, perfect for him to fall through.
Where he'd end up would be completely different from where Dave and Tristan were…
> Location: Hoenn.
End of Log Entry #1
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clowningaroundmars · 1 year
Fuck it, posting my ever-growing trainwreck of a playlist focusing on literally everything BUT romantic love 💚
Includes: songs for aroallos, loving your friends, fucking your friends, loving your family members, rejecting romance, loving food (or dogs), rejecting amatonormativity, and generally being a bad bitch. Enjoy <3
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sweetxvertigo · 3 months
Artist friends, please don't use StickerMule
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Full tweet
I've been on the "Fuck Stickermule" train for a few years now after they posted COVID conspiracy bullshit, and it was found out their CEO was a Trump / Anti-LGBTQ+ donor.
Take your business elsewhere. Just because they have good deals occasionally shouldn't mean they should be able to use your money to support shitty recipients.
Some businesses I'd recommend checking out:
StickerGuy -Been using Sticker Guy for like 15 years for my bands stickers over the years. They have some of the best vinyl stickers I've ever used and those things are practically indestructible. Ridiculously good prices too.
RockinMonkey - I've only ever used them for one run of holographic stickers but the quality is so good and I'd definitely go to them again if I were to get more printed.
StickerNinja - Never personally used but I've seen so many people recommend them and their quality shows on their socials. And I'm fairly certain they're BIPOC owned, super pro-LGBTQ+ and are very vocally Pro-Palestine which is a plus in my book!
StickerApp - has been getting a lot of positive feedback in the reblogs! Vograce - I've read some good things about them in the reblogs, and I've also seen some people on Tiktok showing off acrylic keychains they've made with their services!
EDIT [7/18/2024]:
Found this cool document full of information on other sticker / merch printers with a ton of comparisons and examples compiled by Theresa Chiechi! They also have a series of Tiktok videos linked on that page showing the different businesses they've tried. Be sure to check it out if you want a comprehensive look into your best options.
Please feel free to leave any other suggestions!
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avaantares · 3 months
Yet another AO3 bot situation - please spread the word!
Hi, it's me again, the person who wrote that viral post about fanfiction plagiarism! Today I'm here to warn you about abuse perpetrated by bots who have stolen AO3 usernames.
There's currently an epidemic of bots going around leaving (apparently random) horrible, hateful comments on people's fics. This isn't the first time bots have invaded AO3, but the big problem with this wave is that they're using real AO3 usernames to do it.
I learned about this when another writer contacted me after receiving the following comment on their story:
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Now, while that is my username, I DEFINITELY did not leave this comment (and anyone who would leave something like that on a fic should be slapped! What an awful thing to post). This fic is in a completely unrelated fandom that I have never participated in, nor has that author participated in any of my fandoms, so the probability of it being some intentional fandom drama thing to make me look bad is also low.
The writer whose fic the comment was left on enlisted the aid of some friends and tracked down other guest comments with unrelated usernames attached, which is pretty strong evidence that they are being left by bots at random.
The TL;DR: If you receive a cruel comment from a (Guest) with an actual AO3 username attached, it's most likely from a bot. Please do not lash out at or dogpile the AO3 user who owns that name, and who in all likelihood has no idea that their name has been hijacked for evil.
If finding this kind of comment on a fic, even left by a bot, is likely to upset you, I would recommend changing your comment settings so that only users who are logged in can leave comments. To do this, edit your story settings, and under "Privacy," select the radio button that says "Only registered users can comment," as shown below.
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Please spread the word to other AO3 users! And if you see mean guest comments on other fics, maybe let the author know that it's probably from a bot and not a real person who thinks their writing is bad.
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a9saga · 28 days
started bb26 yesterday. i'm about to start episode 7. so far everything from casting, to comps, to twists is hugely improved from last season, and i have faith that at least most of those improvements will last. also i feel kind of a likeness with tucker. i know that kenney is also from boston, but it's more charming on tucker. he's funny in the kind of way that italian people from boston just are.
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librarisxng · 1 year
My cousin gifted me a plain A5 notebook last year and I’m finally gonna start a reading journal. I just need to find it first 🤔
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