#also other elements but. yeahhh.
caramelmochacrow · 9 months
finished the fighting game character designs!!!
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aq2003 · 2 years
the campaign vox machina people were right That "do i look like i come from money" conversation can Hit different
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silkentine · 4 months
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All I could think while drawing Nami was, “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy?” And, of course, with Robin I was thinking, “save a horse… 🥵”
Design Notes and other opining below the cut:
For Nami, I wanted to go for a mix of cocky Jersey mafia newbie and surfer boy. I like to think that some of the horrendous outfit choices that Sanji makes (especially in the movies) were actually picked out by Nami. She’s the shopper!!! But yeah, the vibrant swim trunks and graphic tees just scream Nami. I also wanted to put him in a wetsuit/rash guard because I think that’s a sexy look so sue me if you hate it. You cannot argue with me that Nami doesn’t wear swimsuits as clothes.
He’s toned but not as muscular as Robin or Luffy (for example) because he isn’t a front-line fighter, I want him to maintain the same kind of role that Nami has in the animanga. He’s the best navigator in the world!! I couldn’t decide if I wanted to change the violent tendencies that Nami has, but ultimately I think he’d still give the more deserving members of the crew a healthy wallop (although I might portray it more cartoonishly). Boy Piece!Nami still grew up under Arlong’s authority so he spent a lot of his childhood walking on eggshells to protect his village and his brother, Nojiko, so I think he never really got to learn “you’re not supposed to hit people just because they frustrate you” lesson. I gave him a shark-tooth necklace because surely Arlong had a few loose teeth to spare once Luffy took her down. Victory spoils LOL
If he can get the girls to stop wrestling and sit down quietly for a while, he likes to host card games (with betting, of course) or watch the clouds while sipping whatever fruity cocktail Sanji whips up. I believe that Canon!Nami is a total lesbian, and I can’t possibly envision a Nami who doesn’t like women so Boy Piece!Nami is bi. I am, of course, a Namivivi truther and Vivi is also a man in this AU. I don’t hate Sanami within this dynamic though… lots to think about.
Okay!!! All-shipper mindset aside, let’s talk Robin. I gave him long hair because 1) it’s hot and 2) I think it makes him look like Dragon. Yeahhh, I subscribe to the Luffy and Robin are half-siblings theory because I think it’s funny and makes some sense. Crocodile is 100% Luffy’s Mom in this AU and I think Robin knows it LOL
For his outfits, I wanted to lean a bit more Indiana Jones where I could; he’s still primarily cowboy inspired though. For the main look, I went with the Skypeia color palette hehe, I think Robin looks good in yellow. I did some flower-petal shaped color blocking on his chaps because I think it’s cute and subtle. I really love that the powers of the Hana-Hana-no-mi are like… unexpected for a “flower flower” fruit and I think Robin would be more aware that juxtaposition as a guy. You might also be wondering about the gloves and I initially just had it for his cowboy look but I decided to put them on all the outfits up until the events of Enies Lobby. Canon!Robin has a really difficult childhood and I think it’s exacerbated by the fact that she’s a girl on her own. If Robin was a boy, he’d probably have an easier time living on his own but would be a lot less emotionally open. All of these elements combine to make him want that physical barrier between his real hands and the world. Once he can trust that the Strawhats will always be there for him, he’s more willing to be more physically open.
I also think it’d be cute if he was much more of a coffee drinker :3c I see Canon!Robin as a connoisseur who likes a well-brewed espresso but Boy Piece!Robin needs a cup of joe (no matter its quality) every chance he can get. So I drew him with his special #1 ARCHAEOLOGIST mug.
It would make me so happy if you left your thoughts in the tags or replies!! Even if you hate everything about them, I just really like engagement hahaha. I’m thinking girl Usopp is next despite the poll results because she’s on my mind rn (don’t hold me to this, LOL I’m fickle). I’m making these for fun so I just wanna make designs in the order that interests me the most. Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog to see all the genderbends I have so far. And happy pride!!!
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haedalkoo · 2 months
I was curious about same thing and I ended up in quora once.. and this is what I found about their speech pattern from Korean speaking or K-army , basically what you mentioned already : (I'm copy pasting)
This is an overview of what I noticed about the boys' speaking habits :
🌳 Namjoon :
• He chooses words very carefully and wisely, wide range of vocabulary, always impresses people with how eloquently he speaks.
He uses lots of advanced vocabulary, always finishes his sentences with great details. He has a way of mixing metaphors with his spoken Korean vocabulary.
• If you see something that looks like it’s quoted from a poem or a novel, it’s Namjoon's
• Uses calm tone when speaking in normal circumstances, but tends to raise and distort his voice when under adrenaline rush (eg. bts gayo track 3, acting mission with Yoongi )
🍗 Seokjin :
• Varying talking speed, he can either talk really slowly or talk so fast that even 0.5x speed can’t help decipher what he’s saying.
he sounds like and old guy most of the time and his way of speaking is very “exaggerated” like he puts a lot of emotions when he speaks i believe
• Focuses on emotions rather than words, so middle-ranged vocabulary.
• Come across some lame puns? it’s Seokjjn's
• But tbh i love his puns even though sometimes it’s really lame that i have to consider turning off the video
• imo, 2nd best english speaker in BTS, after Namjoon
• Also i love how seokjin pronounce the ㅅ and ㅂ syllables
🐱 Yoongi :
• Imagine Namjoon but with less philosophical elements and more emotional explosion.
• Not the easiest to understand due to his low and raspy voice. He mumbles a lot of what he says which can be due to him being a rapper. Most of the time it’s like his words are sticking together and talks fast (kind of like he doesn’t articulate most of the time and speaks fast normally). Therefore most of the time it’s not easy to catch up onto what his saying
• Usually stretches the ㅔ(e) in 네 ( nae ) like instead of a short 네 (nae : yes )he would make it sound like 네에에에에 ( yeahhh ) ↘
• Kind of keeps his original 'Daegu-style' speech (but not the up-and-down nature of satoori sounds)
🌻 Hoseok :
• Uses 되게 (really) and 뭔가 (somewhat) A LOT
• Likes to insert 네 ( yeah ) in mid sentence, he uses a lot of what I call “filling words” like 되게 (like) 진짜 (really) 많이 (lot ?) I believe that he uses these words the same way V uses actions to describe situations
• How should i describe his tone? it varies 100% of times, speaks with a lot of energy in his voice.
• Has a distinctive way of pronouncing ‘fun’
• In short, the opposite polar of yoongi
🐯 Taehyung :
• Doesn't finish his sentences, and often stares into the air after stopping midway. I noticed that he’s always using actions instead of words. I’ll say that he “lacks” the most in that aspect because some of the time what he says doesn’t make sense.
• Uses adverbs like 약간, 조금, 진짜 separately and repeatedly, has the habit of saying adverbs first, then continue with his sentences and repeat those adverbs again
• Splits one straight sentence into short phrases
• Uses ‘like this’ and demonstrates with actions instead of describing the actions with words
• Tents to use slangs, but not a lot as far as i can remember.
👼 Jimin :
• Soft and sweet, a very feminine like tone. Very soft spoken and he has a very comforting voice. His words/ vocabulary have the most feminine speech pattern compared to the other members
• Always talks to armys as if he’s with his friends, when doing a v app broadcast alone, he talks informally like how friends talk to each other, but when sending messages or some other ‘official’ occasions, Jimin talks formally
• Jimin is the one with a slight lisp to me, i've always noticed that he has this funny little tongue/teeth sound when he's saying things that end in an "s" or "ㅅ" sound sometimes
🐰 Jungkook :
• Jungkook is like 30% satoori and 70% dialect. Usually men speaking with Busan dialect makes them sound hot and more masculine to Koreans.. Honestly, this is fascinating — he seems to be especially adept at mimicking sounds and patterns, so the fact that he chooses to hang on to his Busan accent even though I bet he could very easily adopt the Seoul accent... interesting !
• Raises voice at certain random words when he's excited, kinda talks through his teeth
JK is not the best speaker in BTS but he sounds well spoken most of the time. He’s just not as polished as other members, like Jin or Jimin, and tends to stutter (rarely though).
Yes to all of this!! Namjoon is a walking poem guys I'm so down bad for him 😣
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mmmmmmky · 4 months
response to tags time this got pretty long but if you reblogged my limbus status poll i answered here :)
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mhm lmaoooo. idk i somewhattt enjoy charge they are cool but it is kindaaaaa gets boring sometimes. i am honestly not too sure. i thinkkk i recall seeing a team built around suncliff i thinkkk it was rupture sinking but idk i havent looked at his kit. BURNNNNN real asffff burn is fun i did a silly run with them. i wish i had the liu 000 ids. ooo liu yisang sound cool. @melonisopod
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real asf! mhmhm real i love sinking, boat trio is fun.
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FUCKKK YEAHHH real asf. tremor is cool, i havent gotten the chance to use the silly tremors but i liked tremor before it was cool. idk i like the silly bursting and raising stagger is neat. "oh oh just do damageee you will stagger them faster" :( it is fun (silly). cant fucking wait to build the tremor team of my dreams when the event drops. rip charge lmaoo, it is kinda just base doesnt stand out. @gachabastard
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real as fuck i also rotate when doing md but idk i enjoy some more than others plus i cant build them all
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FUCKK YEAHHHH WOOO SINKINGGG. this is true! the linton gregor is very nice in sinking teams too but yeah that is the core. g greg and nclair is kinda silly slots lmao but real asf. @wavesofstatic07
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Real as fuckkkk. true! yeah maybe i was harsh on charge it is pretty fun and i like w ryo and don a lot. ONFGGGG i honestly cant wait for the charge renaissance (and the intervalio in general i am so curious what they are cooking)(no fucking way we go ON a w train right?). @runn1ngn0se
[this one was later but moved up bc it is relevent to above]
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mhmhm sinking is very nice i love regular skills doing 100+ dmg a coin andddd sinking deluge getting 9000. but hmhmhmhm charge tremor is big? very neat hmhmhmhm see above but rose meur hmhmhm realrealreallll. burn is also cool! mhm!
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Very fucking real sameee, got 9431 dmg just the other day. killed shock centipede in 2 turns and one turn sign of roses on mdh floor 5.
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oooo? interestinggg hmhmhm. dungeon only is fair yeah mhm. hmhmhmmmmmmmm. this is very fucking cool. i see hmhmhm. we have a chef in out midst bc you are COOKING. mhmhmmmm very neat. id personally maybe hmm actually honglu still in for tremor hmmm. maybe more tremor units for w meur? (regret faust maybe) idk i just havent heard much good things about w meur. very fucking cool @rumekfuria
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real as fuck! i love pirate greg
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real asf!!!! id count it as dps bc it doesnt have a real through line its is just what works ykyk? very real.
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lmao very real. yeahhh idk if it bc it is metaaa bc other teams totally preform better in there element i think but it is just very simple to use imo which is why. also it got fleshed out early so it has kinda dried up in recent interest. it still is very fun though and i like it it just doesnt stand out as a favorite imo. very fucking true. coolness > meta the animations are some of the coolest. beeg number :) @freiflies
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onfgggg i love poise bl is very quite good. i wish i had nelly ryo, i have more then enough to shard her but what if i pull her rolling for others! i need to wait until i spend my lunacy pile (7000). mhmhm yeah the ego gifts make any status really fun. poise pops off normally but guh with everything else on top?? mhmhmh, i regularly get core ego gifts by like floor 3 and the rest of the mdh is swept. @sveta-karelia
WHEW i think that is all of them with text. thank you everyone who responded :):):):):):)
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rollingsins · 1 year
Fuck being sister in Law R is sams sister I love how she defended her. Aside from Tara’s problems I think Sam not knowing what’s actually going on with Tara and why tara acts the way she does and the whole past killer secret is really alienating them from each other, plus part of me thinks tara is still holding grudge for past. Not to mention the Quinn element tara hasn’t forgotten that either and the fact Sam is interacting with her and bringing her back into circle would rub tara wrong way ( I’m on team Sam but I would be pisssssssed if I had a sister bringing my enemy back). Also I noticed tara is acting like a teen to her mother figure ( Sam) I forgot Sam was her only real adult role model their parents are trash
Yeahhh I think you hit the nail on the head.
Not to mention Pookies abandonment issues
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Had this question for a while but never asked?? So here I am
How do hospitals work in songbird? Like, if you have humans and non humans living together then you're naturally gonna have accidents and someones gonna need to go. And if the injured person is supernatural but can't talk then the surrounding humans certainly wont know to get them to a supernatural specialty ER.
(Ex. Impulse gets knocked out by a bottle falling off the shelf at the bar and Pearl takes him to get checked out)
I also can't imagine it would be safe to mix blood from different species, so that would also need to be accounted for. Particularly the species that can turn humans into more of themselves like werewolves and such
Speaking of blood, most blood donations irl expire before they get used. So does the extra get distributed to all the vampires and other blood drinkers of the community before that happens?
I may just be looking a little too deep into this but it's been fun, I'm SO excited for chapter 5 :DDD
so !! I feel like it's Very important to preface that this isn't a modern setting. I know when I first started songbird it felt very modern au with the fantasy elements, but it's much more accurate to say that songbird is an urban fantasy in a very minecraft-like world. just with the elements of your typical minecraft stuff like mobs and any magic stuffs is hidden from humans. and things that would normally be powered by electricity are now powered by redstone
that being said! hospitals are no exception here. supernaturals have their own lil hospital set ups to go to, though there do tend to be accidental overlaps. you'll get a supernatural going to a normal human hospital for Whatever reason and having to hide their true species. it doesn't happen all that often, considering how careful supernaturals are about their existence
but yeahhh, blood mixing is Not a good idea. supernaturals all have a certain concentration of magic within their blood. so they don't donate blood for human blood drives.
we'll actually get to how all the blood stuff works soon! :D there is some distribution of extra blood that's given to vampires and stuff. we'll get more into that in arc 3 :3
eeeee thank you!! :D I've been having SO much fun with songbird, and I love getting world building asks like this >:D
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rozugold · 1 year
ROZU (gmorning) RANDOM PASSERINE ASK for whenever you wanna answer aksjsjs:
Favorite Passerine character? Favorite moment/quote/scene? When did you first read it? Do you have any songs you associate with any of the characters/the story as a whole? :D
Also yknow how you mentioned yesterday that my PPT got you thinking about au characters’ enneagrams? Passerine is such a cool example bc some characters keep their enneagrams but just portray them a bit differently/lean into different things (i.e. p!Techno still being an 8 [though without a strong wing, I’d say]), whereas it’s a really cool look into how aus can take the canon characters and change them/make them their own while still keeping them recognizably That Character. Namely I’m convinced p!Wilbur is a 1 rather than a 3 (and p!Tommy’s a 7 rather than a 4), and it’s just so interesting. :D Wilbur changes to operating out of the gut triad rather than the shame triad, bUt 1s disintegrate to 4 in stress, so he still takes on elements of the shame triad as he deteriorates over the story, which is one way he resembles c!Wilbur in ways while still definitely being his own separate character.
Ok, favorite passerine character has got to be Technoblade I think! No strong reason why other than it’s Technoblade and his character was the most fun to watch change throughout the story
My favorite moment was when Wilbur and his mom had that conversation in the tower.
“Will you forgive me,” Wilbur asked, his voice rough and small, “if I still want to live without you?”
“I’m always with you, Wil,” she said, smiling a wavering smile. “I am in every note you play and every song you sing. I fight your every battle and feel your every pain. And I feel your joy, and your compassion, and your regret, and your bravery. Whatever you do, Wil, I am with you.”
^These bits never fail to make me cry :’]
As for songs I associate with the characters/ story I could only think of Little Soldier Boy (cough the one I made into an animatic coughh)
AND YEAHHH I remember you talking about how neat it was to see passerine!techno integrate into a 2 (or atleast have those 2 qualities? Idk the right language to use with enneagram stuff)
I have no thoughts to add on Wilbur but I am eating up everything you just said about him being a 1. Hhggdghdjdjd
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gothicswiftv · 2 years
Emery’s 2022 SK8 Fanfiction Wrapped
(Really just Renga fanfics if I’m being honest)
These are some stories I’ve read since joining the fandom, so August 2022 - December 2022
Also, they’re all rated G or T but please be mindful of the tags (mostly for violence)
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A Moment to Be Real by MissLightBright
some kind of fairytale by arahir
Every Week and Counting by SKayLanphear
My house is a mess (so why don’t you clean it for me) by infinitelink
Yearning for the Freedom of Birds by LaurelNymph
minor spoilers ahead (in my Notes)
reki and langa are just friends (maybe) by zukushou
Ring ‘em Up | The One with the School Festival Trope and We’re Throwing These Rules Out The Window by LaurelNymph
Sunset | Cried Wolf | and Just a slime by Sleepwich
SNOW White and Going Once, Going Twice… by EnthusiasticCynicist
he was a skater boy, he said — no, you know what, no, we’re not calling it that by arahir
love signs, baby by discountscoobyart
I Don’t Dance (I Know You Can) by soupthatistoohot
The Dance by Undercoverqueer
The blue flowers up my throat. by zj3bson
The Tethering of Us by MissLightBright
Notes: I was wary going in, I really didn’t think I’d like a story that was a rewrite from canon without containing fantasy elements or something. I guess reading the description, I thought Reki and Langa wouldn’t spend enough time together (like I thought Langa would always be busy) but I was wrong and I was hooked 💗 🙌🏼 I binged this in a day and a half.
Skaters and Rulers by KurapikasScarletEyes
Notes: It was a short story that left me wanting MOAR 😭 the suspense of the sword fight/attack, and Reki and Langa’s interaction was so nice 💗💗💗 applause
Craving motion by livingonyoghurtandspite
Notes: Reki’s reaction was a unique take, fresh (even given the angst) and it left me wishing the best for Renga
Careful What You Wish For by Larisss
Notes: I thought this would be a silly goofy haha funny fic but what it did for Reki I just 💗🥹
If I Only Could (Make a Deal with God) by MissLightBright
Please Breathe by NevaraRaven
Notes: Langa was so scared T-T and just.. reading about Oliver’s death will never not make my heart hurt
more hearts than just mine. by brokencomatose
Notes: When Langa had to say goodbye ;_;
(…I’m just now realizing in these fics that made me cry, even ones I didn’t list, I would cry the moment Langa broke)
bunny slopes by buzzcut__season
Notes: I wanted to read this before Christmas, but I read other shorter Christmas themed fics first. And then 2022 Renga Secret Santa stories started coming out and so I started reading those and yeahhh. I’ll still go back to bunny slopes asap
Another Cindereki Story by spottedinfinity (redhoodedwolf)
Notes: Same situation as bunny slopes! I read a bunch of shorter Cindereki fics before I could work my way to this one T^T I’m almost there Cindi!
A Moment to Be Real by MissLightBright
Notes: I’m not even super into fae stuff?? I think the sweetness + angst of their romance, and just the wonder-like/almost nostalgic feel I got throughout the story made my heart happy. Bro the second half of the fic so far *clutches heart* BRO I CANT BELIEVE THEY- [spoilers] 💘💞💗
💠 NEW FIC FROM (relatively) NEW WRITER
Strangers (to lovers) by Larisss
Notes: This one had me squealing “oooooo~ let’s goooo!!” Plus I love reading fics where Miya shows off how legitimately smart he is
Langa Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up by maddisunshine
Notes: omg this one part had me screaming. Langa: *injures leg* Reki: Ok man I’m gonna poke around, tell me where it hurts … how does this feel? Langa: it feels… Nice? (!!!) Reki: OK MAN
How Miya Played Matchmaker Without Actually Playing Matchmaker by wiseterria
your eyes, they never lie by kittenyoongs
Notes: Langa and Reki’s banter omggg enough said
Brain-to-Mouth Filter by theseathemoonandthestars
Notes: “Langa Kyan” 😌 Reki I know you’re freaking out rn but your friend is a riot
just thought you should know by egoisticluv
Notes: JUST,,, THE THOUGHT OF EVERYONE LIKE hey what the heck is up with Langa??? ???I don’t know???? haha
At the End of This Thread by MissLightBright
Notes: When people put spins on the ‘red string of fate’ trope I get all 👀
A Magical Misunderstanding by banditoheart (eldritchpossum)
Please, I’m Begging You, Check Yes by Sleepy_witch
Notes: High School In The 90s Au?? Mutual pining?? Please… I’m begging you… write more of this (lol see what I did there)
p.s. No pressure to update btw! Just letting you know I REALLY enjoyed what you wrote!
Language Barriers by athellos
I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along - Cindereki by Marvel4Lifebitch
Notes: There was one part where my swiftie heart went HAYWIRE. Also, the fic heavily follows both Disney Cinderella movies, so near the end when it went off on its own thing I was afraid of what would happen and good God poor Reki ;~; and Prince Langa seeing him like that ;;;~;;;
Frostbite by soupthatistoohot
Notes: Chapter 2, Langa and Reki alone in the coffee shop, maaan 💞 that whole scene 💞💞
Don’t let your thoughts win by ScarletRigmor
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viilpstick · 11 months
YEAHHH tbh I'm bored as heck and watching random movies to pass the time (still watching Pretty Woman as we speak) so thinking about this stuff with you could be fun!!
I actually do have an idea for a name, though I'm like unsure-- I thought of Isabelle bc I'm uncreative 😍 but also bc I believe Isabela means beautiful?? Or something like that idk idk
I know she's an RSA student!! She's 18 at most ofc ofc gotta make it age appropriate-- and I thought of making her a princess of a kingdom but I'm also unsure about that (I wanted to give her beast elements as well). And for now no ideas of her Unique Magic😵‍💫
GIVING RSA WOMEN YESSSS‼️‼️ Isabella/Isabelle are quite the same meaning, but if I am not wrong Isabelle is the one that means beautiful because it is “God is perfection”— another name that means beauty is “Jolie” but to be honest Isabelle gets closer to Belle so I think may match more
so we are off to a great start, she will have a name (Her surname can be a mix of the word “rose” with something, idk ur choice)
ABOUT HER UNIQUE MAGIC,,,, I do think if Belle (yes talking about the princess) had a power, it would be probably something to do with telekinesis, because of her reading skills ig
OR OR OR (freddy fazbear? 🤨)
Like she would have her signature spell as something that she can see the reflections of others and what they are doing on any water puddle, lake, ocean or mirror. Since Beast gave that magic mirror to Belle so she could use for see her father (idk i think it sounds creative😥)
Took so long to give this shitty ass ideas i am sorry😭😭
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itssagaruu · 9 months
Secret santa here again! Sorry for the delay in sending this message TwT I definitely agree, any scene with Amuro, Akai, and Conan teaming up is amazing! Having two top tier agents working with a little kid also makes things way funnier. What other elements of their dynamics do you enjoy?
ahh it's okay! i too forgot that i had to send one every week (SO sorry my gift giver!) But yeah! it's all taken care of! to answer your question, I like explosions in their dynamics. YEAHHH!! YOU HEARD IT RIGHT!! I love scenarios with them going through life-threatening situations and showing their skills off to get out of said situations! it's just feels so satisfying--- especially if one of them are hurt and the others had to care for them in the middle of it!
in general, I love conan-centric in their dynamic in which both akai and amuro had to make peace with each other to take care of conan, and that's it! I just want to see conan being the peacemaker and the brain ahahaha though i'll be happy with whatever you come up with, santa-san! hope you have a nice day!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
8, 9, 12, 13!!! World peace wooo yeahhh!
Ah, really though?? I am so flattered to hear this! There is just... so much lore about her that is told visually and via use of other gameplay elements rather than verbally, and THIS type of lore is easier for me to decipher! Well, Bloody Crow matters for me thanks to YOU, so we are even! xD
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(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is right about and should say it
Hmmm, well! Opinion that Gehrman is, in fact, not a "misogynist creep" or whatever but rather a complicated, nuanced character with multilayered vibe of grieving, who is not necessarily a good person but made a Doll in such image somewhere on the range from 'Maria herself HAD a gentle, even feminine side that was ruined and he blames himself' to 'He trapped her image in that femininity as last ditch mental effort to pretend she is "safe"'. That's right - in recent couple of years, this opinion on Gehrman became common! I remember how it started in Summer 2021 with my post ( x ) shedding light on some mistranslated lines and missed possibilities, that changed opinion of a few or his haters and shaped opinion of some that never cared for him, but now? Now every popular blog has a nuanced take on Mister Doomer that goes viral in less than a week every time! Moreover, the MOST viral of these takes basically make a peace between "she is legit masculine" and "Gehrman is certainly not a misogynist" takes; basically no one is left unsatisfied and everything is compromised on. I am glad to announce that takes like this count as COMMON! We did it, fandom!
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9) best part of canon
Damn, you guys really think there is such thing as "canon" in From's games? xD Okay, okay, I will be serious. My favourite part is how there is a complex affiliation with the Eldrich Truth! There are 'Stars', and the 'Paleblood Moon' boldly hinted to be behind it, and the latter also can be associated with Bloodmoon, that is itself is more the state of being 'nourished' and descending to "bless" the humans, but also Flora does seem to be in charge, and there is the 'Sea' from which Kos presumably came, but 'Sea' seems to lead to the 'Stars', and there are some weird and cursed Kin like Amygdala and maybe Wet Nurse. There are Kin that are each of these and Kin that are both, and Rom is all three affiliations- meanwhile some beasts show signs of Kin, and some Kin show signs of beasts! I dissected the complexity in my Kin headcanons post ( x ) to my best ability, but the variety of the material to work with is pretty much canon, even if the way to go about it is up for the lorediggers. But this is ENJOYABLE. I LOVED connecting these dots!
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I'll say Forgotten Madman! Honestly, find a character that lives up to their name more... He is implied to have been a member of the Choir - dude uses A Call Beyond, that is a secret weapon of the Choir! Also, the only NPC to use Empty Phantasm Shell. Also, the fact that obtaining Cosmic Watcher badge lets you buy poisonous knives, and he happens to be fought in the Hintertomb, a location notorious for being very venomous- Like, what if he came up with those knives? What if he sets his Ludwig's Holy Blade in arcane mist in attempt to recreate the conditions which made Ludwig have his revelation? After all, the 'Madmen' prospectors were ones who went insane trying to gain more Insight in the dungeons, and wrapped husks of phantasms around themselves like lucky charms. He also has very unusual face, and pink skin. Also, whereas all the remaining prospectors seem to be solitary, he has an escort! You know, unusually so, like... a noble man having a butler? Or he needed assistance for other reason? But there is an implication of a tie between Hemwick and Hintertomb (more on the topic in this ( x ) post), and Hemwick is an underling of Cainhurst, and Cainhurst IS nobles, and-
Okay, you see what I am saying. This wholeass character, and his escort by effect, are like a Lego set from which you can craft really interesting stuff! Most of Soulsborne characters will have little to no lore, just 'material to work with', so I don't really see why not craft something with him too! ...or at least include him in the Choir gang. Yeah I know everyone hates his hairstyle, but that IS why they agreed to not take hats off ever again, come on dsnfgsdfd xD
13) best blorboficiation
Hmmmm... Tricky question, because the concept itself has negative implication *thinking emoji* I think maybe Djura? Blorbofication I've seen used in a synonymous concept as idealisation or something. Like, striping character off the flaws, complexity and wrongdoings, and making it all about their good side (sometimes exagerrating it either). Djura must have taken part in burning of the Old Yharnam, seems to have hunted a lot and viciously from how worn his clothes are and how two of Powder Keg weapons straight up celebrate EXCEPTIONAL hatred for the beasts, and there is still some layer of hypocrisy to him (source: analyze all his interaction/questline with the player very hard) and dark implication about defending the beasts like he does... I can go on. But like... I am yet to see the "harm" (if you could call it that?) of blorbifying him to being the cool beasts' dad and liking his redemption arc to the point of forgetting what he redeemed himself FROM...? He is just such a good character that I've grown to like it when people are blinded by his good traits xd There are also some characters with whom 'blind love' opens the gate for controversy and even attacking other characters and/or fans, but 'blind love' towards Djura doesn't... really cause anything bad? There is nothing but wholesome stuff, like... no one gets hurt? besides the Paleblood Hunter lolololol
Thank you for the ask!
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horror recs aaww yeahhh. mostly a peter cushing, christopher lee, and vincent price show bc i tend to fixate on them and their films a lot.
note: it kinda goes without saying that some of these have problematic elements and themes. i consume media critically, which should also kinda go without saying!!
feel free to hmu me for trigger warnings, but i can't guarantee i'll remember everything in the films.
+ 'the curse of frankenstein' (1957) and just. the whole hammer frankenstein series, especially 'the revenge of frankenstein' and 'frankenstein created woman.' ('created woman' leans more heavily into the sci-fi aspects, but is more of a revenge slasher at heart.)
you can skip 'evil' and 'horror' (unless you're a completionist) bc they are the worst and aren't super important continuity wise ('horror' is totally outside of the main continuity bc it's a reboot!!)
+ 'horror of dracula' (1958) and 'the brides of dracula' (1960) are two of my fave films ever. they perfectly encapsulate that distinctly hammer-y gothic horror atmosphere, and are full of frills (pretty women) and thrills (scared silly men.)
most of the sequels are kinda meh BUT
'dracula ad 1972' (1972) is somewhat of a cult classic. it asks the vitally important questions 'what if dracula was fucking around in modern (aka 1972) london? and what if the writers absolutely detested hippies?' johnny alucard is a #bisexualking.
'satanic rites of dracula' (1973) isn't very good, but it is funny, and a somewhat direct sequel to 'ad 1972' so it's worth it imo.
and i wouldn't recommend any of the other sequels unless you're a completionist (like me,) but 'taste the blood of dracula' is pretty good.
+ 'the mummy' (1959) more gorgeous hammer decadence set and costume wise. christopher lee is insanely good in this, acting totally through his eyes and body language (which he also does a lot in some of the weaker dracula sequels when he refused to say lines he hated in the scripts lmao.)
+ 'the hound of the baskervilles' (1959) is a thriller take on a classic sherlock holmes story. not totally book accurate (hammer usually doesn't do super accurate adaptations,) but peter cushing is absolute fire as holmes. it's one of his career-best performances imo.
+ cash on demand (1961) is a christmas movie/pseudo-scrooge tale about a bank heist. it's more of a claustrophobic psychological thriller than a horror movie, but it has a bunch of strong performances and it really makes the most of itself. one of my personal top ten movies ever.
+ captain clegg (1962) is more of a swashbuckler/mystery than a horror film, but it's so much fun and a big 'comfort' movie of mine. i love pirates and parsons and smugglers ❤
+ 'the vampire lovers' (1970) evil canon lesbian/bi vampire ladies and pretty period fashion. it's part of the karnstein trilogy, and is probably the most accurate to the source material, 'carmilla.’
i do not recommend ‘lust for a vampire’ unless you are a completionist. it doesn’t even have peter cushing in it.
'twins of evil' (1971) is the final karnstein film and is a prequel. it might be the horniest and most gruesome tbh? but it's pretty good 👍
+ 'fear in the night' (1972) is a sneaky favorite of mine. psychological thriller that handles the topic of mental illness and its mentally ill characters pretty well, imo.
+ 'captain kronos - vampire hunter' (1974) do you like swashbuckling vampire hunters and fabulous twin nobles? then you'll like this one. 'kickass' and 'badass' are the main adjectives i'd use to describe it.
(NOTE: amicus borrowed a lot of actors from hammer, so they are kinda similar vibe-wise on occasion.)
+ 'dr. terror's house of horrors' (1965) horror anthology with tarot card readings as its framing device, which is such a whipass concept.
+ 'the house that dripped blood' (1971) horror anthology about a cursed house or smth :) and while it is pretty good over all, i'm recommending this one mainly bc the 'waxworks' segment is one of the finest pieces of cinema i've ever seen.
+ 'tales from the crypt' (1972) horror anthology based on 'tales from the crypt' comics, and it has a couple of really good ones. great primer for getting into their anthologies.
+ 'madhouse' (1974) one of my lowkey favorite movies bc i love gay old horror actors hamming it up and having fun and making fun of themselves. and i love projecting onto herbert flay and paul toombes so much <333 #lovewins
+ 'frankenstein' (1931) and 'bride of frankenstein' (1935) if u haven't seen these two you have got to fr fr. 'bride' is a perfect score in my book and just. holy fuck. one of the most insane, profound, beautiful movies ever. stg. dr pretorius is everything 2 me <33 i ❤ heart gay old men.
+ the invisible man (1933) i get the feeling you've seen this one? but it's lots of fun :) claude rains is amazing as the titular invisible man. honestly i kinda prefer this movie to the book.
+ 'psycho' (1960) a classic, one of the og slashers. i'm assuming you're seen this one just bc it's so popular? but it really is That Good.
also 'psycho ii' is fucking amazing. i haven't seen any of the other sequels yet, but 'ii' is just. so so heartbreaking. a near perfect sequel that really dives into the aftermath of the events of the first film.
+ 'corruption' (1968) absolutely not the best but it starts strong and is just damn fascinating. about a dysfunctional couple tearing each other to shreds at its core.
+ 'the abominable dr. phibes' (1971) a revenge slasher kinda considered to be a precursor to 'saw?' idk lol. but it has some fucking epic kills. vincent price really delivers here emotionally as the title character and it drives me up the wall.
'dr. phibes rises again' (1972) is also pretty good. weaker kills imo but a stronger protagonist.
also while i don't think you Have To watch 'dr. phibes' first (i didn't,) 'madhouse' is kind of an homage to it.
+ 'the wicker man' (1973) folk horror/musical masterpiece about a devoutly religious cop investigating the disappearance of a young girl on an island inhabited by pagans. if you haven't seen this just know that it is a 10/10 must watch.
+ 'house of the long shadows' (1983) about an author who's dared to spend the night in a creepy house that was once owned by a super fucked up family. doesn't really kick into gear until all the old people start showing up, but it's fun.
+ fright night (1985) epic vampire movie pastiche B) peter vincent means the world to me fr. it makes me cry sometimes. the sequel is pretty good too!! but i wouldn't really recommend the 2011 remake.
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chromaji · 1 year
The thing with Zodiacs is that they are great, but late game likes making common encounters (and foes) resistant to elements or neutral... so things like singularity don't buff them as much, and you don't wanna waste an etheric charge in a normal encounter all the time. But those two skills are their key damage increases. Also:
There's no subclass that can buff them up much elemental wise since most attack up buffs focus on physical attacks. You have to resort to something like Ninja (two of them) Arbalist (30% chance to hit twice) or Gladiator (b.vow +freezing blow /meteor)
Regardless... They are great against bosses even w/o a sub!! With maxed tech, and spells one etheric charged spell that hits a weakness they can do 3k!!
They have really unique skill trees too. I like that the Zodiac has no clear path like other classes, scholars are supposed to specialize in certain fields...
I was gonna go anonymous with this but... I think it would have been too obvious it was me with how much I talk about Zodiacs. BAHAAHHA
YEAHHH THAT’S TRUE, a good number of enemies in the porcelain forest were resisting elements… Though I love using etheric charge since my teams never really one-rounded things (i like buffing turn 1 & blasting turn 2 if i can), so I didn’t have as bad of a time at it.
Maybe if Ray was always on the team i’d be feeling different about that stretch of the game.
Wait, Zodiacs can do big damage with a gladiator subclass too?? There is no escape from gladiator.
& ohh I hadn’t thought of Zodiac’s skill tree like that! No clear path…
bshgjh 🫵 YOU are the CEO of Zodiacs
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
they’ve added the element of basil’s niece in podg 1973 so i’m guessing someone really liked the 1945 version and added her again
i just really hope she and dorian don’t become romantic in this one because i fucking hated that about the other version (also she calls dorian her uncle. so)
oh yeahhh that was really fucking weird…… did they keep like the bit where as she was a child she “loved” dorian?
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
"Speaking of that last one, I think I’m going to have to rewatch every episode Amity’s been in now as well, because wow did a lot of stuff get recontextualised by this episode. " - The Owl House can be primarily classified as a mystery show. However, rather then an overarching mystery, the intrigue instead comes from the various characters as each episode and interaction peels back another layer to them, showing why they are the way they are and informing their prior appearances.
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1. I really do love how each Owl House episode builds on things we already know about the world and characters. I’m not sure I see the show as being primarily a mystery show, since the fantasy and magic elements of the show are equally important, but the mysteries are certainly very strong, and it’s a lot of fun to watch the story develop!
2. Yeah, I feel as though seeing what their parents are like explains a lot about Amity and her siblings, and this pretty much sums it up! Plus, after rewatching Episode 7, I’m starting to think it’s possible that some part of how the twins were treating Amity might have been stuff they picked up directly from their parents - “it’s tough love”, ‘it’s for her own good”, and so on. 
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3. The fondness Amity showed when reliving her old adventures with Willow was very telling, as was the extent to which she remembered little details about the past. Willow had other pleasant childhood memories with her family that were unrelated to Amity, but it’s entirely possible that Willow was the only positive connection in Amity’s life when she was younger. (Her siblings care about her, but they don’t always do a good job of showing it...) 
Their friendship meant a lot to both of them, and I think both Willow and Amity got to be reminded of how much good there was in their past over the course of the episode, even though the incident that separated them overshadowed the rest of their shared memories. 
4. It was interesting to learn that baby Amity was absolutely down for playing hooky once Willow suggested it - it doesn’t seem like something she’d be as inclined to do in the present day. It does seem quite plausible that her parents might have tried to separate her from Willow at least partly because they saw Willow as a bad influence on her...
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5. Ooof, yeah. I don’t think Amity would have done what she did if she thought there were any other options, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there weren’t other options. She was just a child at the time, after all - how could she know what to do in a situation like this?
6. Yeahhh, I think I could have worded that one a bit more gently. Sorry, Amity!
By this point in the episode, I figured that there was a bit more to what baby Amity’s decision than what she was saying, and that she probably wasn’t happy about what she was doing but felt it was necessary (even if I didn’t yet know the extent of it). Just like Inner Willow in the present day, baby Amity was hurting herself, too, with her actions.
All this being said, it’s also mildly concerning to consider that Amity even had a poker face at such a young age, given that most kids... generally aren’t all that good at lying or concealing their emotions! It makes me wonder if this incident wasn’t the first time her parents had taken something away from her like this, especially since she didn’t seem to have any doubt that they would follow through on their threat if she didn’t do as they wanted.
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7. I kind of got the feeling that Amity didn’t quite get how much she was hurting Willow, because as soon as she understood how deeply her actions had affected Willow she immediately took steps to make things right - both in fixing Willow’s mind and in showing Inner Willow the real reason she cut her off so that Willow would know that it was never about her abilities at all. Still, it is possible that at least part of that ignorance was denial.
Either way, she’s definitely learning a lot about being a good friend from Luz! She’s picked up a lot in this episode alone: confidence in her ability to make things right, strength to openly admit when she’s done something wrong and take responsibility for her mistakes... Luz goofed up a lot in their earlier interactions, but in doing so, she’s proved to Amity that it’s still possible to mend your relationship with someone even if you’ve hurt them before. 
8. Oooh, great point! In both cases, it was the gesture that mattered. Amity didn’t mean to hurt Willow at first, but Willow couldn’t know that, and so her enraged inner self used the image of Amity’s fire to continue hurting herself. At the end, Amity revealed the truth of what happened in the past and promised to make things different, and Inner Willow accepted that she meant it, even if outer Willow still made it clear that she wasn’t ready to drop all her boundaries right then and there. 
It truly was the best possible conclusion for that situation - a step in the right direction.
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