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noa748 · 5 months ago
More of an announcement than anything else (keeping the short prologue like the original), but it's officially up!
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the-chaotic-christian · 1 year ago
Candle in the Wind
Heather was used to not being able to sleep, she’d been an insomniac since she was a little child. But in Akolan, it seemed almost as if the city would not let her sleep. Yes, she’d slept before, a necessity for her wounds to heal, but now that they mostly were, it was like a switch had flipped and her mind was no longer producing melatonin.
            So she’d crept quietly down to the living room, where the last dying embers of the fire flickered and threw shadows against the walls. She hadn’t wanted to disturb her parents for a second night, much less after the news of Jacks’ selection to be sent to Morbin’s table as a grotesque meal for his warlords.
            And by now, Heather was more than used to handling her pain alone.
            She was the older sister, after all, and among her responsibilities to be a perpetual worrier and rule instigator was the keeping of her emotions and hurts to herself. Yes, she talked about Smalls, but not because she was looking to share her pain with others. She remembered and spread his story because it deserved to be told, and he deserved to be remembered.
            Her gaze dropped from the fire to the sketchbook open in her lap. It wasn’t her’s. It was Smalls’. He’d shown it to her, blushing, once, but had been called away in the middle of doing so, leaving the little book with her. She’d meant to return it, but had forgotten and he’d never asked. She hadn’t even realized she still had it until she discovered it at the bottom of her satchel earlier that night when searching for a bit of ink she vaguely remembered throwing into it several weeks before.
            She’d told him they were good, because they were.
            “Not very.” He’d replied. “I’ve never learned formally. But I always found drawing better than speaking when Wilfred and I were moving around, and there was only so long I could spend reading without it being too much.”
            “Aren’t you the one always telling me I shouldn’t be afraid of my gifts?” Heather remembered asking.
            “It’s hardly a gift, Heather.”
            “Then why did you show it to me?”
            And that was the moment he had been called away. She softly turned the pages, as if they were made of leaves of gold, tracing the outlines of the figures Smalls had traced with a pencil months or years before. Many of the sketches were of unfamiliar figures, likely rabbits he encountered before meeting her, but some she recognized.
            There was even one of Dr. Zeiger, with a note printed neatly in the corner-
            The red spectacles are the thing that really get me.
            The next page was one of Helmer, and the writing read,
            There’s a difference between liking one’s own company and being Helmer. I wish people understood that.
            That one made her laugh.
            But the most surprising one was the roughly sketched picture of Kylen, and the note under that one was far less amusing than the two previous.
            I don’t like him. I’m not sure why, but something doesn’t seem quite right. And no-it’s not like Evan keeps saying, because I’m jealous. There’s something larger going on, and Kyle is the eye the storm is swirling around. I just wish I knew which storm it was.
            Heather gazed at the drawing for a moment, then turned the page so quickly she nearly ripped it. And what she found on the next leaf-close to the end of the book, truly-took her aback.
            It was a sketch of her.
            I don’t think I did her justice-she’s much, much prettier in real life. But I suspect I’ll be going away soon, and this at least will remind me of her.
            I wish I’m braver.
            Heather’s eyes closed. Her hand slipped out of the sketchbook, and it closed. Silent tears began to pool in her eyes, and she reached up to scrub them away out of habit.
            And she was just-there was so much. Heather was angry and heartbroken, and scared. Angry because his bravery was what got him killed, what stole him from her when if he’d just gone to anyone else-
            And she was heartbroken because he was gone, and never coming back. Because even though he was reckless, even though he could be equally as foolish as Evan at times, she still loved him. And she’d wanted-still wanted-a life with him, desperately. And she knew that he’d wanted the same thing, and had almost said as much before.
            And the fear-that came from a fear of letting go, a fear of forgetting. She didn’t-couldn’t-forget Smalls yet. Not yet.
            “Heather, dear, why are you awake?”
            Heather jerked, and the sketchbook fell to the floor. Sween crossed the room, picked it up, and handed it back to her.
            “Oh, I-I couldn’t sleep.” Heather replied, taking back the sketchbook.
            “It’s two in the morning, Heather.”
            Heather looked away. “I know, Mother. I couldn’t sleep.”
            “Well, I don’t think you’ll sleep better sitting up. How come you can’t sleep?”
            Heather did not want to tell her. This felt private, sacred, in a sense. Her and Smalls’ love had been so quiet, almost unspoken, but not quite. And she wasn’t sure if she was quite ready to share this part of it, the pain that came with it. Her mother already looked bogged down enough with other worries, and Heather’s didn’t need to be pitched onto the top of that pile.
            Sween sat down by the hearth. “You can tell me, Heather.” She said gently.
            “Not about this.” Heather replied, fingers finding their way to her pendant necklace.
            Sween was quiet for a moment, and then she sighed softly. “You’ve grown much over the last two years, Heather, because I remember a time when you told me everything. But you’ve seen war now, and that does force one to grow up a little beyond their time.”
            “It forced Smalls to.” Heather murmured softly. Smalls hadn’t wanted to tell her everything about the First Warren, but she’d slowly pieced together the story from things he told her, until she had a nearly full picture. And it was an ugly one. Smalls’ childhood had been ripe with disease, trammels, and tyranny, and, though Wilfred often joked about how dark Smalls could be sometimes, but Heather didn’t blame him.
            “So, is this about the prince?” Sween asked.
            Heather didn’t reply immediately.
            “Heather, I can’t help if you won’t talk to me.”
            “You can’t help.” Heather said finally. She didn’t mean it cruelly; it was the truth. Her mother hadn’t known Smalls since he was a baby.
            “Then I won’t. I’ll listen.” Sween replied. “You’re like your father in that respect, Heather, you need things to be said for you to be able to let them go.”
            Tears finally began to spill down Heather’s cheeks. “But I don’t want to let him go, Mother.” She whispered. “I can’t, not yet. Maybe not ever.”
            Sween said nothing, only nodded.
            “He promised he wouldn’t try anything reckless.” She continued, tone turning bitter. “He promised he’d listen to Uncle Wilfred. But he didn’t and now he’s dead and I don’t know what to do.” A sob choked her, and she rubbed furiously at the tears crawling down her face.
            Wordlessly, Sween got up and walked over, hugging her gently.
            Heather took a shaky breath, burying her face in her mother’s embrace.
            “He promised he’d come back. He promised.” She whispered.
            “I know, I know.” Sween replied, rubbing her back. “I know.”
            “But he didn’t and I’m so angry-” Her sentence was cut off by another sob.
            “Be angry then, Heather, be angry at those who took him away from you. Be angry and let it fuel your fight. But don’t turn bitter, my dear. Bitterness is what tore Garten from this family and cut him off from what was true and right.”
            “I’m so sick of feeling this way. It’s been only a week, but it feels like a lifetime.” Her voice shook painfully, and her broken arm ached. “It’s not fair.”
            “No, it isn’t.” Sween agreed. “It isn’t.” She sighed. “I’m tired of seeing young boys go to war and come back scarred, or not come back at all. War is poison, Heather, it is the culmination of all that is awful and hateful. We trick ourselves into believing that it is glorious so that we are not so afraid of it, but it is a sickness.”
            “I think I’ve caught it.” Heather whispered.
            “I think most of us have.” Sween agreed. “But though war isn’t glorious, it can be noble. And the way the prince died is the height of nobleness, fighting for those who can’t even lift their hands to defend themselves. He died in the name of freedom, my dear, in the name of a future where we live free.”
            “I know.” Heather paused. “But I miss him. More than anything, I miss him. I didn’t know a person could grieve like this.”
            “It’s a hollow, terrible ache.” Sween agreed.
            A long silence.
            “You can go to bed, mother, if you want.” Heather said, pulling away from her mother’s embrace.
            “Are you okay?”
            “For now.” Heather replied. And she was, mostly. Her heart still hurt, but she could weather it.
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Hey! Just wanna say im really glad i found this account ive been getting into green lantern comics recently and your page is a godsend.Aside from that its one of the few that isnt overrun with batman/batfam content propinng him or his orphan child soliders by putting down other dc characters..so i was curious if you knew any dc fanfics that portray the lanterns as competent and or calling bruce out on his bullshit ( sorry if my text is a bit jumbled english isnt my first language)
I'm glad you like my content!
Tbh the fanfiction situation for Green Lanterns is just as bad as it is on Tumblr, if not worse. So a few of these fics are going to be bat-centric, but I've specifically selected those that I feel actually respect and understand the GLs instead of flanderizing them to be stupid assholes.
I've tagged the authors whose Tumblr usernames I could find in the fic or their AO3 profiles. If you're one of the authors I haven't tagged, just let me know and I'll edit the post to add you.
But without further ado, the GL contents of my bookmarks in no particular order:
Fics where the Bats are uninvolved or only play a minor role
In the end, we all bleed Green. by @catboyollie (series) - a collection of GL shortfics
Kink Meme #5 by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic) - Most people forget Guy Gardner was a teacher...
Friendship, Ice Cream, and Green Lanterns by MildlyRebelliousMint - GLs hanging out after a battle
Family is What You Make Of It by @exasperatedfey - in which Hal has to bail his fellow GLs out of jail
In Case of Emergency by @susanphoenix - Kilowog’s been adopted by the Earth heroes as the GL to go to if they can’t find the earth lanterns. No one told him that.
i ate up all the light by @effietrinket1619 - Six times Hal was there for a fellow GL (and one time they're there for him). TW for roofie
Good Cop/Bad Cop by @meduseld - shortfic of Hal being a scary mf
Adrift by @rose-cake - Simon and Jessica are partners. That word has multiple meanings. Minor Simon/Jessica
These Mountains by pastelplastic - Superman meets Tomar-Re, the Green Lantern who failed to save Krypton
Justice League's most wanted fugitive: Hal Jordan by Panamic - The Justice League are trying to find Green Lantern. Hal does not want to be found by the JL. Shenanigans ensue
No Rest for a Superhero by Crimson_Crystal - Kyle sacrifices sleep to finish an art commission and crashes
A Mind Of His Own by @wolfsbanesparks - The Justice League finds out Captain Marvel is actually a kid, and Hal is the only one who still treats him like a fellow hero
The Goddess of Petty Annoyances by @galahadwilder - Jessica invades Apokolips specifically to annoy Darkseid. Crack
Shooting for the Stars by @green-lanterns-c0ck - Guy in his yellow ring era bumbles into saving a galaxy far far away. Crack crossover with Star Wars
canary in a coal mine by BrandyFromTheBottle - Guy is an asshole to Dinah, but he's trying to be better about it
Hal & Kyle fics (there's enough of these that they warrant their own category)
Luminance by @lanternwisp - Hal slowly realizing he thinks of Kyle as a son
trajectory from me to you by @softpunks - deaged!Kyle thinks Hal is his dad
the moldy cup is not a metaphor by MildlyRebelliousMint - Kyle calls Hal "dad" and Hal goes to visit Barry, totally not freaking out
friendly fields and open roads by @ufonaut - Hal returned to life and feels like shit. Kyle comes seeking a mentor.
ship in a bottle by @hopeworth - Two former hosts of Parallax meet up for brunch
Fics involving Bats that respect Green Lanterns
we're in the mellow mayhem together (series) by lunaratlasky - Jason seeks out Hal whenever he wants to piss off Bruce
Emergency Line (series) by @crucifixinhell - jason looked at hal once and went "you seem like good dad material"
For Whom We'd Give Blood (series) by Boogalee99 - How Hal Jordan becomes the favorite uncle of the batfam
There's Always Another One by lapsedpacifist - Dick gets fired and decides to crash at Hal's place
To Overcome Fear (ongoing) by @dc-sideblog - Stephanie gets fired and Kyle decides that if the Bats don't want a perfectly good superhero, the Green Lanterns definitely do
Disclosure by @aj-artjunkyard - Maybe Hal isn't as at peace with a certain android's death as he thought he was... and maybe he's not alone in his grief either.
Stars in a Paint-Filled Sky by @thenaphorism - Kyle has to explain to the Justice League why he has a Red Hood/Troia tramp stamp
because you know better by @matchahater - Ion and Red Hood contemplate the ethics of resurrection
catch the asteroids that come your way by @thepackwantsthed - the only JayKyle fic that I've ever liked
Justice League International - Spoiled! by @secretlystephaniebrown - Guy Gardner, Crystal Brown's childhood neighbor and best friend, ends up taking in her daughter Stephanie after an unexpected turn of events.
the superhero game (ongoing) by Nyame - Jason Todd Peggy Sue longfic ft. a near-omnipotent White Lantern
I'm gonna pin this post and update it as I encounter more fics I like, so drop some recommendations in the comments for me and everyone else!
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sariahsue · 2 years ago
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Thank you so much to the amazing @saytr! I commissioned this sketch ages ago for chapter 16 of "Let Me Count the Ways" and I can FINALLY share it because ch 16 is out!
(I love your art so much! Especially this one! Look at themmmmm!)
Read on Tumblr or AO3. Just three chapters left until it's done!
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jawz · 26 days ago
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i frankly don't even remember much of this film but as a closeted butch4femme 12-year-old in 2009 i think it lodged in my brain permanently. even just the promo images alone
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ladylynse · 8 months ago
Danny Phantom/Gravity Falls
Changing Tack: Valerie didn’t want to run away, but after finding out the truth about Vlad, she wasn’t sure she had a choice. Before she can hope to go home, she’ll need a plan to deal with him—so if someone in Gravity Falls might be able to help her, she’ll risk asking around. (Post D-Stabilized)
For today's (June 12, 2024) Danny Phantom Crossover Angst Week prompt: runaway.
Fic length: 5.2 K
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all-things-jily · 5 months ago
Buried Treasure and Transmogrify may have been taken down and I'm grieving
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writer-of-worlds · 2 months ago
The fact that a FFN spam bot actually REPLIED to your swear filled cussing out when they tried to pull their dumb "Hi I love your stories I wanna draw something for you!" scam.
Don't wanna be cussed out? Don't act like a spam bot.
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(Note: I didn't bother seeing what they said to my reply. Don't have the mental capacity to do so)
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rahleeyah · 2 months ago
Memento Vivere - Chapter Fourteen
an svu story
TW: n/a
Chapter summary: Elliot gets an unexpected phone call.
Read on ao3
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yuesya · 10 months ago
I see you haven't added new series to your ffn favourite list? Are you in some kinda break?
I don't really browse FFN anymore, both due to ads and formatting on the site.
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mossyfernhugger · 3 months ago
[\ˈhēl��əˌfīl\] 𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏
1.  a𝚗 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.
𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙;   𝙸𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘;   𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎
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torchickentacos · 10 months ago
Oldrivalshipping (anime Gary x Leaf) is actually hilarious to me. I love that Leaf was just an honorary pokeani character in 2009 for literally no reason. She was like a collective fandomwide OC of sorts
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walkawaytall · 1 year ago
Okay, I need to know how bloodburn works in the GFFA. More specifically, I need to know about Shara Bey’s death due to bloodburn — did she have warning or did she die suddenly? Is it like some cancers where she and Kes would have known she was dying for weeks or months? Was the disease progressive? (Or, if we don’t know and it’s never been established, I’d like to know that as well.)
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comfortlesshurt · 23 days ago
anons are temporarily back on, but don't make me regret it.....
possibly shouting into the void, but I'm looking to be a little silly for dannypocalypse this year so if you have any danny phantom whump or hurt/comfort fic requests....... now is the time to send them
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sassypantsjaxon · 5 months ago
I just got an email from fanfiction.net. what the fuck?
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some-pers0n · 3 months ago
I got a DM on FanFiction.Net????? Whauah?? People still use that archaic nightmare hellscape of a site??
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