#also no this wasnt the subject of the lecture rn
Tips you probably shouldn't know about someone's brain but I'm going to say anyways because I have to do something with all the work I'm putting in for this shit Part One:
If you want someone to rethink their answer or stance on a topic, simply look into their eyes. You don't need to say anything. A lot of social species perceive prolonged eye contact as threatening, and it applies an uncomfortable pressure on someone, making them rethink what they just said.
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liinos · 5 years
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Cant wait to go home and be the family disappointment 😌
#it aint much but its honest work 😌🤙#one of us has to be it and seeing as my parents never shut up about my br*ther#my oldest sister now has 2 kids and my other sister moved... its lookin like its me this year 😛 yay#my parents be like anything below an a is fucking garbage like okay maybe take it down from the 10 we're at rn#to like a 5 okie its not like i dont already know im 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️#also just because theyre smart and did stem majors which are way less subjective 😭😭😭 i write papers okay leave me be#my dad is always like yeah i got top grades in ALL my classes and so did your mom like yes. thank you sir. i need to know how inferior you#think i am compared to you i get it i know ive been told now can we move on and accept that i am not you#theyre still out here trying to lecture me on why stem is so important and like yeah okay but i never have and never will be into it#accept that plz. i have been telling you since high school. i am a history major. leave stem out of the topic of conversation#'but youre good at math' okie not true firstly secondly but it makes me want to throw myself of a building#every time i tell them i dont like science and that it really doesnt interest me they lecture me about it like im sorry i just dont think#its all that cool😭😭😭 ill watch a wild life documentary thats about the extent of my interest#and i just dont have the memory for the concepts which is also why i dont like it#i just think its so funny how in hs all i heard was shit like you dont know what you like and its different in college bc i said i wasnt#interested in persuing stem at all like no i do know what i like and i know what im good at#you dont see people saying that to kids that dont like humanities 🚶‍♀️#but anyways yeah my parents always harp on about how theyre good at this and that but im good at writing papers and i get dust for that from#them. like i know my sister is too but like spare acknowledgment 🥺#granted i have never let my parents read a single thing i have written and i never will! or really anyone#i let my sister read one (1) paper i wrote freshman year bc it was the first big paper and then after that i decided i would rather die bc i#hated doing that and it just felt very not me bc she has a different style than i do#but it didnt hurt me like its always good to have a second pair of eyes i know but i make do#academic writing is something i actually feel pretty good about like i always get big stressed when i write but i always do well with it#and my comments are usually content rather than writing based you know#which is fair bc i bs a LOT so sometimes gotta pull the vague and general card#but teachers like my format and style so i have that going for me ans honestly its half the battle#but do my parents really care? no. will they? also no#hence my amazing ability to steer every convo away from school#that and i dislike pretending im enjoying myself 😂🤙
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teacherimagines · 5 years
My Tc Diary
Hey y’all. This is my tc diary from 2018 and I decided to post this now in 2020 since I don’t think my identity will be revealed from anyone I know possibly reading this. It was sooooo weird rereading this, seeing what my thought process used to be, and the silly things I thought were important. So much has changed in my life since this phase of my life, but I hope you enjoy!
M/N stands for my name. I am not gender specific in the anecdotes. I am bisexual, and I talk about having three different tcs in here. I just use they/them to talk about them. And when I refer to ‘my tc’ I am talking about my first tc (the one I am crushing on the most). The other two I only talk about in one divided section for each.
*ONE FINAL VERY IMPORTANT NOTE* My teacher crushes were always professional when I was around them, they did absolutely nothing to suggest that they liked me as anything more than just a student. I started writing this because I was crushing on them badly, and I needed a way that I could share the times I was around them that made me happy. I hold a very high respect for my teachers, and I am so grateful that I got to have them in class. I never did/would never try to do anything that would harm/intrude on their careers, relationships, happiness, and personal lives. My relationships with teachers are the way they should be, the fact that I was crushing on them did not get in the way of that.
My Masterlist
I was walking out of school today, and my tc was walking behind me. I heard footsteps but I didn’t know it was them! Anyway I walked out the door, and held the door for them, and they thanked me. Their ‘thank you’ sounded so genuine and nice, I nearly had a heart attack.
I had my first class with my tc at the beginning of the semester. During the first week of class my tc had to shout out names for attendance because they didn’t know everyone yet. But they knew me. They never said my name during attendance. It just felt good, to have them remember me after meeting them only a couple of times before. Especially because I’m crushing on them super hard.
My tc got really excited today in class omg. We are doing a project and we get to pick our topics. So my tc comes up to me like “What is your topic?” And then I told them, my tc got so excited. Their eyes widened a little, and they went into this little rant about how fascinating my topic was. I like to see them being so passionate about something.
Someone in my class has a pet snail, and they keep it in a jar and bring it to school. So they go and ask my tc if they want to hold the snail. My tc (seriously) asks ‘does it bite?’ I WAS LIKE ARE YOU FOR REAL RN? I think it was cute because it was such a little snail.
My tc helped me write an essay today. They were super helpful, like, I was stuggling so bad, and they just helped me without making me feel like a complete idiot :)
OKAY IM SORRY OKAY TEMPTATIONS. I watched my tc put on chapstick today. Trust me, I wouldn’t watch it if they were looking directly at me. They were just staring off into space. *Note from future, I watch them do this quite often lol.
My tc said “good morning, M/N.” today! I said good morning back and was really happy. My tc also made a lot of eye contact with me today :o
I walk into my classroom today, and there were only two other students sitting at the desks. The class has about twenty students in it, and the bell was about to ring. One of the people in the room says “ooh, there’s a third one.” as I walk in. And my tc laughed and smiled and looked at me.
My tc was passing back papers and their arm accidentally bumped mine. Lol I’m dying inside.
When my tc lectures, they are very active with and linger their eye contact with every student. And I mean like that’s a good thing, but it makes me nervous when they look at me lol. OKAY BUT LIKE EYE CONTACT IS NOT OKAY. It is okay. But it makes me not okay. Especially when I’m trying to concentrate on the lesson, I just keep thinking back to five minutes ago when their eyes met mine and I felt all gooey in my tummy.
Got a paper back and on the top it said ‘good work M/N!’ in my tc’s handwriting. Felt good lol. I literally stared at my name written in their handwriting for like ten minutes. I need to stop. *not from future- I kept ALL of the papers from their class.
My tc will always ask the class something opinionated, and they will always make sure that everyone answers the question. And if it is regarding something that has to do with us being comfortable (ex: someone making a joke that is slightly controversial), they just make sure that everyone is really okay, no bs. OMG I FOUND A TEACHER WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THEIR STUDENTS WELL BEINGS. And I may or may not have a massively obvious crush on them.
I saw someone (a student) flirting with my tc today. This person is a MAJOR flirt. I know that they would never actually date my tc so I am not really worried about it. But they interrupt class a lot and flirt with them. IT IS SO OBVIOUS OMG.
I was walking in the hall today, and I saw my tc. They looked at me really quickly but as they walked closer they just stared at the floor lol. They do that a lot. Also, on another day, I was standing in the hall talking with my friend and my tc walked passed us. I know they looked at me- even if it was only for a second- I could feel it.
How can someone be so alert, friendly, and attractive at the beginning of the school day?
Today I was sitting doing my work and my tc comes over to my desk. They ask me how I am doing on the assignment and I said I’m doing okay. They stand by my desk, looking at my paper for what felt like a minute. I felt so awkward so I looked up at them with a face that said ‘need something’? Then they nodded and walked away. Like okayyyyyyy I’m not okay.
Every damn time I say ‘thank you’ to my tc they say ‘of course ‘my name.’ AND I AM LITERALLY MELTING RN MELTING
My tc learned a few fun facts about me today! Also, almost no one in my class believes in sasquatches (even me), but my tc does. And they got so frustrated because they said that sasquatches are ‘tangible’. Plus, they asked me where I see myself in ten years and I said I have no clue, and they were like ‘okay so you have like what, two years left to figure the rest of your life out?’ THANKS TC THANKS A LOT
My tc asked me if I had anything to share with the class today, and I said no lol. They asked another student and they said no too. Lol. Then my tc said ‘I shouldn’t let you all say no to me.’ Haha I’m dead.
I saw my tc with their significant other today. I feel really sad, and I really do care about my tc’s happiness, it just makes me sad that I can’t be that kind of special to them.
I saw my tc run today. I feel so blessed.
My tc said I did really good on writing my essays, and thanked me for handing them in. also—MY TC SMILED AT ME TODAY AND THEY ARE SO CUTE AND THEIR SMILE IS SO CUTE IMMMM DEADDDDD. Their smile was literally like this :)) They don’t usually smile at me, Idk why, but like I am also wondering what put them in such a good mood.
My tc gave me a letter today. At first I was like- woah?. Then they told me it was an invitation (from another teacher) for taking a AP course in their subject next school year. I was like ‘ah thank you’ but inside I was screeching (THE LETTER WASNT EVEN PERSONALLY FROM THEM WHY AM I FREAKING OUT??). Even though they won’t be teaching the course (they are moving schools), I want to make them remember me as someone who wants to excel in their subject (so I will take the course, plus I was planning on it already with my guidance counselor). Also, this means that they had a conversation with another teacher about me. So they probably thought of me recommended for me to take AP? This makes me happyyyy :)
So today my tc asked me if I read the letter they gave me. I said yes. They asked if I signed up for AP and I said yes. They got so happy omg- I was like trying to be chill (so were they). They said “that is so good ‘M/N’, you would make a really good fit in that class.” Then they kept smiling at me- I couldn’t concentrate! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY HARD WORK IS STARTING TO PAY OFF, AND MY TC IS RECOGNIZING THAT.
My tc gave my class a free work period and I was caught up on my work. Usually every night I try to read at least one news article before I go to bed, so I stay up to date on things (ya know, like nerds do). I didn’t get to read last night so I read some news in class. My tc comes over to see what I am doing and asks me “M/N, are you reading the news?” I nodded. Then they said “that is a very good use of your time.” Lol I wasn’t even doing the work they assigned. Then they come over later in class and ask me if I read from The Atlantic. I told them no, and they were like “I think you’d like them, they have very in depth articles. There’s this one a teacher showed me this morning about Donald Trump, and how he won the election, it was really good. You can let me know later if you’re interested in reading it.” I was like OKAY with a big splash of happiness. I want to read the article they suggested, but I was like hesitant to ask them for it, so I am just going to try and find it on my own lol. *NOTE from future, I read this website a lot now because it makes me think of them and it’s like, what if they read this article too?
I saw my tc in the hallway this morning and they said “good morning M/N.” They were carrying a cup of coffee, and that’s when I got to see how they drink their coffee-with a lot of creamer.
OKAY WHAT IS GOING ON? There’s this other teacher I have. My friend says she likes them. I thought I didn’t like them that much, and I expressed that to her. BUT THEN they start giving me this eye contact, and joking during class. And one day they try helping me on an assignment and LITERALLY THEIR ARM WAS TOUCHING MINE. I didn’t want to be rude and move it, and THEY JUST LEFT IT THERE. I have little physical contact with humans- I’m weird like that- I don’t usually like it when people touch me, there’s really no reason for it besides it is what it is. But I was fine in this situation. They also make a lot of conversation with me. Then I saw them in the library and they looked at me and smiled- they are gorgeous. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT LIFE ANYMORE. I thought I was only crushing on my original tc, but that’s changing now?¿ I think I take simple situations and go crazy with them, but STILL. So much more has happened between me and this teacher than me and my tc, but I still like my first tc more. ALSO, they bite their lip when they are concentrating on something difficult- I am swooning. *NOTE- I had a dream (rated R) about this teacher. WHATWHATWHAT? Today, I walked passed this tc and it LITERALLY felt like slow motion- and they kept eye contact with me as they walked by.
I’m hormonal. There’s this other tc I might have now. They are a different gender than my other two tcs. I like them a lot and I had them in a class before but I never thought of them like this. I realized that I have a lil crush on them today when I passed them in the hall and had some small talk. I thought wow, they’re a good person, they teach really good, they just talked to me like a normal person, and they’re attractive. MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING I HAVE LIKE THREE TCS NOW AND NO ONE IN MY LIFE KNOWS?
Today was my last day with my tc :(( it was kind of bittersweet though. They never really gave anyone a formal goodbye, but we did have a good conversation (which is the longest one I have ever had with them). I was on the computer doing a research project for a vacation to Italy. I was exploring around on google maps and they come over and ask me ‘where are you looking at?’ And I say Venice. So I zoom out and show them Italy from a map view, they talked about Italy, and just Europe in general. I then told them that I have been to Paris and London before, and they thought it was cool. Then they told me about their significant other who has traveled to London for a semester at college. Then they told me about their dream vacation to southern France, to see the lilac fields. They said ‘That would be my picturesque vacation.’ I WAS LIKE AWWWW (internally lol). I like flowers a lot, and I am pretty sure my tc knows that bc I wear clothes that have flower print, my backpack and pencil case is flower print too. And now that they told me that they like flowers too- I am just so happy! I have a lot in common with this tc, and it saddens me that this was our last interaction :((
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samwlsn-archive · 5 years
20 questions
i was tagged by @wlwintersoldier (ty ly) a while ago
1. name- ganeefah
2. nickname- no one rlly uses one, but neefah i guess
3. astro sign- cancer
4. gender- wamen
5. sexuality- idek bro
6. fav color- red
7. time rn- 12.51 pm
8. avg amount of sleep- during holidays about 7, university time like 6
9. last thing you googled- how to cook white mushrooms
10. number of blankets- 1 duvet, 1 warm blanket and i have an electric blanket (its winter, dont judge me)
11. what are you wearing rn???👀👀- black tracksuit pants, pink pyjama top and a maroon gown (once again, its winter)
12. fav fictional character- i cant pick one, so bucky, sam and pre-endgame steve
13. current fandom/ fav media- marvel? i dont even know to be honest
14. can you drive/ do you THINK you can drive?- i’m currently going for lessons so i know how to drive, im just not legally allowed to yet
15. fav subject in school- english, bio and math 
16. did you have a stuffed animal growing up?- i had a few, but i wasnt very attached to them. my fave was a pink teddy bear called pinky
17. opinion on milk- in my coffees twice a day, I have it in my pasta, I love
18. favorite cartoon as a kid- danny phantom perhaps? any of the old nick/disney/CN shows were good
19. did you play a sport growing up?- NOPE. i did athletics at school like twice, and i played cricket in my backyard with my dad
20. Random Fact About Yourself!!!- uhh.. i taught myself touch typing before first year of university so i could attempt to be those cool people in lectures.. also i have a 10 year old cat
tagged: anyone who follows me and wants to
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