#also need to go back to spirit's world oh my baby
cowsaresushi-coral · 1 year
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Have my last final *Monday (edit). I will also be having my very last day of traditional college academic teaching before being exploited by my college for another year to go to different locations to “get work experience” whilst paying far too much. But overall, no more exams for me anymore!!! Freedom!!!!!! (Except when I have to take the national and state board exam, but hey, it’s not college).
Can finally end this god damn nightmare of a semester, hoooooooooooooooboy.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 25 days
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twst Wonderland pt. 5
Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Please save Yuu’s dad from the boys in this world.
Turns out the boys at RSA are a different type of annoying
Instead of selfish brutish boy, it’s selfless boy polite boy who lives in a fairytale and doesn’t have the self awareness not to be handing out pre-engagement rings to the first person they fall in love with.
Like he has to give Yuu the “Don’t be a Disney Princess talk”
🦀: Yuu, what’s on your fingers?
🦐: My platonic engagement rings.
🦀: You’re what? W-what’s a platonic engagement?
🦐: They said I was really pretty and could tell I had a nice personality and warm spirit in need of help and a permanent place to stay so they slipped a ring on my finger and said that if I still needed help I could stay with them in their manors and castles and all they wanted in return was my love and companionship.
🦀: That last part doesn’t sound pretty platonic.
🍎🐦: Ah, Yuu, here’s the rest of your platonic engagement letters.
Yuu’s dad snatches a letter and opens one.
🦀: My dear Yuu, I crave your presence and companionship wherever I am. Would you please do me the honor of living with me after your graduation?! Oh God, I’ve made a terrible mistake!
Yuu’s dad shakes the rings off her fingers, grabs Grim, and runs out of RSA.
🦐: Dad, where are we going to go?
🦀: Well we haven’t tried NBC?
Spoilers: It didn’t last an entire day due to Rollo’s obsession with Yuu not having magic.
Yuu’s dad literally found Rollo on his knees, hands clasped with Yuu’s, begging her to be with him forever so she’ll never have to deal with those “magic freaks” again.
And so, the father, daughter, cat crew is back at Ramshackle.
Which is also where they see a pile of cards on Ramshackle’s doorstep.
🦐: They’re all Valentines Day cards! I completely forgot today was Valentines Day! Malleus’s card is so sweet!
🦀: Lemme see that. “Dearest-“ ugh- “My thanks for such a truly wonderful present. It is only fitting that I should give you something in return. How about the gift of beauty? Perhaps the gift of song? Or…Well, never mind. Just a joke based on the legends, you know. I shall give you something I picked out myself. -Malleus Draconia.” Sweetie, you do realize he indirectly called you ugly, right?
A/N: Real talk, do not accept the feelings of someone who offers you the gift of beauty. Please do not accept the feelings of someone who says they love you but is indirectly calling you ugly at the same time. I am telling you your self-confidence will plummet if you do.
🦐: Well…you know what it does sound like he’s saying I’m ugly. He thinks I’m ugly…HE THINKS I’M UGLY!! *Wails*
🦀: Don’t worry baby, he wouldn’t know what a pretty girl looks like if she hit him. Hell, his father probably abandoned his mother when he found out what her face looked like and realized it passed onto his son.
🦐: Dad…
🦀: No boy is going to insult my baby directly or indirectly and get away with it.
And so your dad storms out of Ramshackle, leaving you alone.
🦀: Malleus, come here!
What ensues is your dad grabbing Malleus by the collar and giving him this interesting sentence.
🦀: Malleus, I swear to God that if you ever make my daughter cry like you did with that stupid fucking letter, I will cut your horns off and have them displayed as a trophy.
⚡️: Let go of Waka-Sama!
Your dad drops him to the ground and gets a phone call from you.
🦐: He’s here and I lost sight of him.
🦀: Who’s at Ramshackle?
🦐: Rook! I saw him in the bushes with a pair of binoculars, and when I looked back he was gone!
🦀: Oh for fucks sake! Honey, don’t worry, I’m coming back as soon as I can.
🦐: *the phone call suddenly ends*
🦀: Shit, this is so not good. Maybe the cat got him and burned him to death. I hope the cat burnt him to death.
When he returns to Ramshackle, he finds you dancing, albeit very uncomfortably, with Rook in the backyard.
🦀: Hey! Hey! HEY! Hands off my daughter, French creep!
🏹: Non, Non, don’t misunderstand my intentions. I was simply inquiring her status about a visitation to Pomefiore. Vil wanted to see if she wanted some of his unused makeup.
🦀: But why are you dancing with her? Why were you in the bushes? Why didn’t you text her? You have her phone number! All of you do actually!
🏹: well quite frankly because you blocked us, and who wouldn’t want to spend time dancing with such a girl under the moonlight while waiting for an answer to a questi-Ah!
Yuu kicks Rook in the crotch and your father couldn’t have been happier
🦀: Good job, sweetie! Though you might want to kick a bit lower next time so instead of hitting the base of his penis, you hit his testes. Lemme show you.
Your dad picks Rook up and stands behind him so Rook’s body isn’t sliding downward.
🦀: Take another chance, honey!
You take another kick hitting Rook in his balls. You squeal in delight that you accomplished your dad’s helpful tip.
🦐: Yay! I did it! Did you see that?!
🦀: Sure did! Let’s bring the cat for a night time treat out in the town.
Your dad goes inside to get the baby carrier and Grim.
Meanwhile your first and second year friends are slowly walking up to you out of fear for what they just saw.
🦐: Oh, hi! What are you guys doing here?
♥️: Umm…💧💧💧….we were going to invite you to a beach party *sees Yuu’s dad walking out with Grim in a baby carrier strapped to his chest* but now I think we should leave and let you get a good nights rest for tomorrow’s academic activities hahaha!
🦐: Oh no, I can totally come to the party! I’m just going with my dad to the town for a snack!
🦀: *mouthing: you better not try anything or let anything happen to my daughter or else everyone will find you like this* *moves his hand to Rook’s body on the ground*
♥️: ….Yessir!
🦀: Come on, Yuu, let’s take you out for a snack and then you can enjoy your party.
You laugh and skip along with the your first and second year friends while your dad squishes Grim’s toe beans.
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maltesejjong · 4 months
Its my first time putting a request so I'll try to sum it up!!
Could you make a bangchan x f!reader? Where yn and Chan have been trying for a child for abt 2 years they've had 3 or 4 miscarriages and after a long time, they have 2 beautiful twins!! (You don't have to do it if you don't want to!! Your health comes first 💗)
OMG ilysm for this. Thank you for being my first request, and thank you for trusting me to be your first request! Before I go any further, though, I want to touch on a few things with this one. First off: this is a very real thing that doesn’t get talked about enough . Miscarriages happen and there is no shame. If you have ever lost a baby before, please know that you are stronger than you think, and that you did nothing to deserve such a loss. Secondly: this is a major fear of mine. I want nothing more than to be a mother. I have had three moms throughout my life and I want to be able to give someone the love and protection the first two didn’t give me. I’m also the mom friend so yeah lmao. Finally, to all the moms out there, or those who would have been moms if not for this loss: thank you for all you do. You deserve more than what you have because you truly do the most unappreciated task in the world. You bring children into the world and give them life, regardless of if you lost the baby, there was still a life force that you created. That is an amazing accomplishment. I apologize ahead of time if any of that seemed insensitive but please know you are loved and appreciated. You are not alone🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Warnings: mentions of miscarriages, that’s pretty much it. You’re married to Chan, afab!reader. Pure fluff! Oh, and mentions of girl dad Chan idk bout y’all but girl dad Chan needs a warning because he’s TOO DAMN MUCH ISTG HE IS A GIRL DAD
There’s a time skip bc I was lazy and wasn’t sure what to write as filler lol I’m sorry😭😭
Wc: Idek I didn’t count
Enjoy 😊
꒰ঌ(⃔ ⌯' '⌯)⃕໒꒱
You sigh and drop your head back to rest on the cabinet behind you. It had been almost two whole hours since you laid the damp stick on the counter and slid down to sit on the cool tiled floor. You had been feeling nauseous lately, but chalked it up to something you ate.
Until you realized you’re late.
By three weeks.
Three. Whole. Weeks.
You’re never late.
So, of course, you decided to take a pregnancy test.
While your husband was at work.
It’s not that you don’t want Chan to know. It’s just… after so long, after trying for this long, all the disappointment and heartache that came with each failed pregnancy, you learned to avoid the topic of kids. Specifically kids of your own. As much as you both want kids, the hardship of discovering each miscarriage broke your spirits.
So you’ve learned not to get his hopes up. Which is why you keep a secret stash of pregnancy tests. Because no matter what, you always get your hopes up when you realize what is most likely going on with your body.
You close your eyes, trying to relax your mind when your phone buzzes, bringing you out of your thoughts.
💙channie💙: hey princess. I’m on my way home
You: alright babe
💙channie💙: want anything from the store?
You: ice cream?
💙channie💙: ofc baby. I’ll see you soon love you
You: love you too. Drive safe💞
Sighing, you put your phone down, knowing you need to get this over with before he gets home. You slide your thumb over the diamond on your left hand before pushing yourself up to look at the results of the test.
“Shit,” you mutter. “I knew it.”
Four months later
You let out a sigh as the doctor spreads the cold gel across your belly, which, despite being four months pregnant, has stayed suspiciously flat. Hence why Chan never caught on.
“How’s the morning sickness?” Dr. Kim asks.
“Gone,” you say.
“Any general nausea?”
You shake your head. “Only when I sit or stand up too fast.”
He nods and hums to himself. “Any cramping? Abnormal bleeding?”
“None,” you happily reply.
His eyes flick up to yours. “Have you told your husband yet?”
You close your eyes. “No,” you whisper. “And please don’t hint to him.”
“Like I would,” the doctor scoffs.
Dr. Kim, as he is known at work, is one of your closest friends. The only time you ever call him Dr anything is when you’re in his office. Outside these walls, he’s just Seungmin to you. Your best friend since high school. He’s also the first person you tell when you’ve gotten pregnant in the past… and the first to know when you lost the baby.
“I can’t tell him, Min,” you say quietly.
“Why’s that?”
You feel your eyes start to burn. “What if I lose another one?”
Seungmin stops what he’s doing and grabs your hand. “Y/n, do you realize how long it’s been? It’s been four months. In the past, it only lasted half of that. I think it’s safe to tell him. You’re more than halfway through your pregnancy. Doesn’t he deserve to know?”
You bite your lip. “I don’t want to get his hopes up, though. It would crush him.”
“And it wouldn’t crush you?”
You blink back tears.
“Y/nnie, this is why you’re married. In sickness and in health, remember? You’re with each other through thick and thin. If this is gonna crush him, then let it crush you too. It’s okay to go through that. I understand protecting him, but have you ever considered that he wants to do the same to you, but he can’t? Let him in. Let it hurt if it ends up hurting. But you’ll heal together.”
“Minnie… as a professional… do you…?”
He understands your unfinished question. “Yes, love,” he says, eyes softening. “I think it’ll make it. So tell him.”
You take a deep breath and nod. “I will.”
You feel something tickle your shoulder and sleepily roll away from it. But it returns, traveling up to your neck.
“Mmm,” you groan tiredly.
“Morning, beautiful,” Chan whispers against your skin.
You roll over to face him. “Morning,” you reply, feeling a loopy grin stretch across your face. You sigh contentedly when his hand slides up your waist and rests there, holding you close. You peek up at him, recognizing the glimmer in his eyes. “What?”
His dimples appear. “Nothing,” he instantly replies. “You’re just so pretty.”
You squint at him. “Is that all?”
“What? I can’t call you pretty?”
“Christopher Chan, I know that look in your eyes. Out with it.”
He props himself up on one elbow, half hovering over you. “I was thinking…”
“Oh boy, that’s never good,” you tease, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his soft black hair.
He closes his eyes in bliss for a moment, than takes a deep breath. “What do you think about adopting?”
You go still. “What?”
“Adoption. I don’t know I just think maybe it’s time to add another member to the family?”
You bite your lip. “But… baby. We already have another addition to the family.”
He looks at you, obviously confused off his ass. “We do?”
You nod, steeling yourself. “Well… it might take a bit but… yeah we do…”
“Love, what are you talking about? It’s not a very long process. Did you pick one out without telling me?”
You feel your eyes widen as you realize he’s not talking about the same thing you are. “Channie, what are you on about?”
“I asked you first.”
You shake your head. “Not until you spill.”
“A dog, babe. What else?”
“A… a dog?” You ask in exasperation. “I thought you were talking about a child, Christopher.”
“No…?” You watch his eyebrows join together in thought. “Wait. Back up. We already have another addition? What is that supposed to mean?”
Shit. “Umm…” you start to consider saying you actually did pick out a dog already. “Nothing.”
“No no no no no. Nah-uh. Y/n. What did you mean?”
You shake your head, refusing to answer.
“Fine then.” His hands meet your shoulders and he pushes you into your back, hovering over you. “You don’t wanna talk? Fine. Then I’m not getting up.” And he plops down on top of you, dead weight.
Of course, it hurts. Hurts even more considering you have an extra little someone residing in you. “Shut,” you yelp. “Chan get off.”
There’s something in your tone that makes him shoot up. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
You shake your head. “Not… not me…”
“Then who…” as his voice trails off, so do his eyes, until they land on your stomach. “Fuck. Wait. No.” He looks up at you. “No. Baby. What?”
You bite your lip and nod. “Yes.”
“Shit. I…” he places a hand on your stomach. “I— I could’ve hurt you,” he whispers, staring down at your tummy.
“Baby, look at me. Please?” He does and you cup his face in your hands. “It’s okay. I’m okay. It’s alright.”
He bites his lip. “Are… are you sure?”
You nod.
“How long?”
“Four… four months,” you whisper.
He blinks. Five times. “What?”
You nod. “I had an appointment with Minnie and he said everything looks fine. He said that I just have a late developing baby bump. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just didn’t want us to get our hopes up… But Min said that since it’s been so long and I’m already more than halfway there…”
Chan’s eyes light up. “There’s a chance?”
“A very high one. You aren’t mad?”
“That I didn’t tell you sooner.”
He shakes his head. “Baby. No. I’m not mad love. I understand your hesitation to tell me. Truly.”
You blink. “Why are you so calm right now?” You bury your face in his arm, which is still planted next to your head. “I feel like I’m freaking out and I want to cry and… God I don’t even know.”
He presses a kiss to your hair. “Because I know freaking out won’t help you and staying calm is the best way to process this.”
You sigh. “Why are you so perfect?”
“Just part of the charm. Besides, I have two princesses to take care of; I can’t let myself be anything less than that.”
You turn to face him. “Two?” You ask, raising your eyebrow.
He smiled sheepishly. “I feel like it’s gonna be a girl.”
You hmmm in thought. “What if it’s a boy?”
“Then I’ll still be nothing less than perfect. I’m just saying I think it’ll be a girl.”
“I think you just want to be a girl dad,” you tease lovingly.
He blushes slightly. “Maybe.” He leans forward and nuzzles your neck. “I think id be a great girl dad.”
You kiss the side of his head. “I think you’d be a great anything dad.”
“We got this,” he whispers against your neck. “We always do.”
You wrap your arms around him. “You still want to adopt?”
He chuckles. “Babe, you just told me we’re having a baby, and now you want to add a puppy in the mix?”
You shrug. “Why not? We’re growing our family, right?”
He nods against you.
“So then let’s grow it.”
@linoalwaysknows Tysm again for submitting the request
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pigfacedbitch · 1 month
Way Back Home
summary : visiting May Castellan after the Battle of Manhattan
word count : 1.1k
type : imagines
pairing/s : Sibling! Luke Castellan x Reader
warning/s : death, mourning for loved ones, and the unfairness mortals go through because of the gods
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I'm not going to lie, I thought about this for a long time. I picked Phillipa Soo from Hamilton because she's perfect for the role. I SWEAR THAT IF THEY CHOOSE ANYONE ELSE, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A PROBLEM! DON'T THEY SEE THE POTENTIAL?
After the battle, like everyone else, you mourn for your lost. Specifically, Luke Castellan.
Sure, he was the traitor who betrayed your trust, caused the death of friends and siblings, and nearly brought the world to ruin by aiding Kronos. But before all that, he was your brother.
Your loving, funny, patient, older brother, the one you always confided in. He gave you affection and encouragement when you needed it, and for a time, the anchor in your fucked up demigod life.
As much as you want to forget him, you can't. You loved him dearly.
While going through the belongings he left in the Hermes Cabin, you come upon a picture of his mother.
When you first asked Luke about her, the grim expression on his face was enough for you to never ask about her again.
Until he opened up to you, saying she was cursed by the spirit of Delphi and this made him run away from home.
You thought of Rachel O' Dare, the red headed girl who is now Apollo's Oracle, and what it means for May Castellan.
Is she okay? Is her curse lifted anyhow? Is she aware of what happened?
Then it hit you. You can visit her and see for yourself, but you didn't want to go alone.
When you suggested it to Annabeth, she was hesitant.
After all, she had her own painful memories in that house; particularly May's glowing green eyes and manic behavior.
However, she knew it was necessary. It will give her the complete closure she needed with Luke, as will you.
As expected, Annabeth told Percy, Thalia, and Grover about it. While they were doubtful that it would end well, they agreed to come along for both your sakes.
Just as you were about to leave Camp Half-Blood, you are surprised to see some of your siblings waiting by Thalia's tree.
"Leaving without us?" Travis asks with a smirk as you approach.
"May we go with you? We promise we won't trash her house." Connor adds.
"What are you guys—" Travis cuts you off, the usual mischief in his eyes replaced with solemnity.
"Luke was our brother too." He says, walking closer to pull you in an embrace. "So, we're not going to let you go through this alone. Got it?"
"Excuse me, we're here!" Percy remarks, sarcastic. "We're also supporting her.”
"Do you hear anyone, guys?" Connor asks, feigning confusion. "Because, I don't."
"Why, you son of a bitch—"
"True, but that's not the point. Let's go!" Connor interjects. The rest try to muffle their laughs, including you.
You arrived at the Castellan residence— a once-beautiful home with white fences and a front lawn. You can almost imagine Luke as a baby, carefree and happy with his mother and Hermes.
Oh, how that poor child turned out.
It was you who knocked on the door, with everyone else on standby. A woman, looking lost and broken, answered with a meek "H-Hello?"
She wasn't as Annabeth had described, but she wasn't the youthful, beautiful woman from Luke's pictures either.
The sight of her alone made you wanted to march to Olympus and shove your foot down your dad's ass.
Nevertheless, she invited you into her home. You frown upon seeing the mess, especially the Kool-Aid and moldy sandwiches in Tupperware containers.
As you, Annabeth, and Thalia explain what happened; you braced for a violent reaction. Instead, she just cries.
Without thinking, you got emotional and pulled her into a hug, apologizing frantically for something you didn't even fully understand. Was it guilt for Luke's downfall? Anger at the gods for the suffering they caused innocent mortals like like his mom?
You immediately pushed those feelings aside, focusing on the broken woman who, like so many others, had lost a child whose life was just beginning.
The others started to help around the house while you console her— cleaning up the mess, fixing the lights, plumbing, even mowing the lawn and painting the fence. You had no idea where they got the supplies from, and when you asked Travis, he just winked.
Percy was having a blast with the water, Annabeth had to calm him down.
May wept once more, this time from overwhelming happiness. Her home wasn't the same as before, but it's getting there. It'll be better with time, like her.
She managed to gain composure after a while, and thanked all of you for coming.
"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to offer right now." She says, mustering a smile. "But if you need assistance, don't hesitate to come over."
As you all drove off, you could hear the neighbors complain about missing cleaning house supplies. Annabeth turns to your brother with a frown.
"What? We needed it!"
Chiron was pleased to see how it turned out. Due to your initiative, he proposed an idea. Every fallen demigod must be honored, not only by burial rites, but their mortal families shall receive visitations and gifts if they choose to accept it.
The program is ongoing, and he specifically asked you to handle it.
Wow, too much work with no pay but okay.
May occasionally gives you and your siblings gifts and generously welcomes demigods in need, offering them food and shelter during their missions. She even entrusted you with a baby picture of Luke, a cherished keepsake among your belongings.
Then one night, Hermes visited you in your dreams. You've met him before, but this time he seem different. Happier. At peace.
He expresses his gratitude, and offered you anything you wanted.
"I want to punch you. Not as a god, as a human."
You expected him to smite you on the spot, but Hermes just laughs in amusement and agrees.
When you swung, you transferred all your pent-up emotions into your fist. It landed squarely on his perfect jaw, and you couldn’t help but smirk as he fell to the ground.
"You're stronger than I thought." He says.
"Well, I had to be."
Hermes’ smile falters at your words, and awkward silence followed.
"He's happy, dearest. Luke… He's in Elysium with the others."
Unfazed by the bruise forming on his jaw, he presses a kiss on your head.
“He's fine now. And you will be too.”
“I know.”
The next day, you woke up with the biggest smile on your face, gloating that you got to punch Hermes himself.
You're pretty sure that most of your siblings are now praying to him for the exact same thing.
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melodic-haze · 3 months
I saw this picture and now I can’t get this idea out of my mind. Robin with a lamia/naga lover. One who just adores coiling around her. And hey this can even go into the size kink since snake people would have to be rather large to move!
(Also Naga’s are male lamia’s right? I forgor.)
Oh my god before everything can I nerd about this for a second? I'm gonna nerd about this for a second LMAO I LOVE MYTHOLOGY okay the difference between lamias and nagas aren't their genders, though it DOES have some factor in it, it's acc their pantheons❗️❗️ Lamias are considered demons that come from Greek myth, while nagas are essentially a type of people from Hindu myth
Reason why you probably have this pegged (haha) as the terms being genderlocked (my bad I'm too gamepilled) is bc while nagas can usually be whatever gender, lamias are actually only female.....or intersex, which. Yk. Is really fun to play with for me 🤤 fun fact the term 'lamia' wasn't originally meant to be for demons, but rather a specific woman who was BASICALLY the first vampire (girlbossed actually)
Ok now that I've nerded, I need. I NEED to. Oh my god 😩😩 for the sake of baby's safety, reader in this case is a naga (though tbf either way's fine ☺️☺️ just don't kill the poor girl)
Just the thought of coiling around Robin and wrapping around her more than her wings ever could, and with her skill animation we KNOW her hip wings are fucking HUGE!!!! Imagine just taking a nap with her, or even like. Just cuddling with her, except it's just you wrapping your lower body all around her. She giggles as you do so or when you shift your coil a little, saying that it tickles :3
It actually becomes a way to alleviate her anxiety when the spotlight gets too much for her :((( bc with your body, you can essentially hide her from the world. She'll joke around, saying that you can easily spirit her away to somewhere where she no longer has to face the tiring scrutiny, but she takes it back easily bc that would mean giving up on her dream to make people happy (PUT YOURSELF FIRST FOR ONCE WOMAN AUGHHHHHH)
Of course, you can use your species type to your advantage 😜😜 imagine coiling around her wrists before laying her on the underside of your serpentine body as some kind of assist to keep her on your back as you do everything you can to get her to cum—use your long tongue to taste her in any way you can, pounding her with your length, just do ANYTHING and she'll go insane from both the stimulation and the Easy difference between you two
There's always yk. Fucking the halovian with your tail as well 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ get creative yk
And if you're into asphyxiation, have fun with the fact that you can hold her up in the air by the neck as you eat her out 😋 she'll be coming apart in NO time at all, her voice broken and so fucking lovely :3
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 4 [The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All a Child's Demanding] - part 2/2
- [Claudia] "We do like mortals do. We fight, we eat, we laugh, we sleep, we love. And then the phone rang last night. And all the easy times stopped." - ooof. How to destroy familial domesticity: bring back the real world.
I love, love, loooove Louis' coldness and casual cruelty at his mother's wake. And looooove the family solidarity. Oh, Daddy Lou's fighting with his sister? Time to show our fangs and have his back.
- Oooh, a Lestat and Claudia scene! Dad teaching his kid all the true, important ways to make it in the world. And accidentally making her realise some things she'll never get to have, stuck as she is as a young teenager. But the blood kinda makes up for it tho.
- "Uncle Les says I gotta practice killin' both the one and the plus one at the same time, but I came away understanding something else tonight. I can't quite put it into words, but it's like something opened up in my head, in my body. I've been 18 for 7 months now, and it's time I started acting like it."
Aaaaand there it is. Happy hunting indeed. Happy until the reality hits back...
"I've lost my appetite, I can't sleep!" - welcome to hormones. Can't say I know first-hand what you're going through but good luck. Oh, no, but this is waaay too adorable. The giggling and the skipping and the flowers and the staying on the balcony waiting for Charlie to look up...
- "Everyone in my family looks younger than their age." - yeah that's one way to put it I guess.
Aaaand exit Charlie, pursued by a terrified horse. Taking this opportunity to say a lil something about how book!vampires are basically asexual in the way that their desire and pleasure express themselves through the blood, blood drinking and blood sharing. While the show being a visual media for a modern audience decided to make human sexuality also a part of vampire sexuality, all while keeping the blood as this irresistible force and the source of everything. Don't really have an opinion one way or another, except to say, please we need more asexual representation that still shows that ace people can find and express desire and pleasure outside of sexuality.
- Lestat taking on the ugly role of teaching Claudia about control and how it's hard for vampires to make lasting connections with mortals... Parenting's hard.
- [Louis] "Vivid writer, isn't she" - I'm kinda glad we don't get Claudia's own words about Charlie's death, knowing the writers they would have given us another lyrical prose that would have made us all bawl our eyes out.
The way Daniel is visibly impacted and heartbroken reading Claudia's diaries: he is deeply compassionate. And you can't read people and write about them without a certain level of compassion and even empathy. "Anne Frank meets Stephen King" indeed.
- [Louis] "Claudia was... everything." - ouch. Break my heart, won't you. It's the way Louis is physically struggling to talk about her, the way he needs the pebbles of his zen garden beneath his feet to anchor himself solidly enough to talk about her.
- "It's funnier when they fight in French. And diary, you'd think a girl whose mama died in childbirth, whose daddy gave her away to a mean old auntie who beat her 'cause no one said she couldn't, who died in a fire but came back by the blood magic of two demons, well, you'd think that girl wouldn't know what funny was. But you'd be wrong, diary. And if I told you, dumb diary, that that same girl was being raised to kill like her demon parents did, to take two souls a day so she could stay in the same flat-chested, hairless-crotched 14-year-old baby doll body as her mind and spirit turn 19, 20, 25, 63, 358, you dumb, dumb diary, I bet you'd say to anyone who'd listen 'Fun? Fun? How does she even get up in the morning?' Well, let me tell you something, you stuck-up, flower-covered, three-dollar fancy fucking paper diary, I'm doing just fine. And how do I know that? 'Cause the first man I killed called me the devil, and the last boy I killed, the last boy I'll ever love in this world, called me an angel. So that means I'm on the right path. And that means there's so much more fun out there to have. I'm just getting started."
The crescendo of Claudia's voice overlayed by the music and echoed in the angrier and angrier words. Wow, I need a minute.
Between the "losing my mind in the coffin" scene, that "madwoman in the attic walking down from the attic" scene and the "the sun is a deadly laser" scene, someone needs to give Bailey several awards. And the writing team needs these awards too.
Show!Claudia actually has a backstory, not very detailed but still there, a miserable, painful human life, 14 years of misery and pain - she had a life, she had experiences before becoming a vampire; unlike book!Claudia who was 5 when she was turned, told Louis she couldn't remember her human life before being Louis and Lestat's, and doesn't have her own narration in between Louis' recollections.
Here, the addition of the diaries to the way the story is told not only allows a third party, a third perspective that's no more and no less of an unreliable narrator as Louis' voice, but it also, and I think more importantly, allows for Claudia to speak for herself. She isn't anymore just a footnote in the messy romance of Louis and Lestat. She is her own person, in her own narrative, with her own agency and life. And that's a huge difference between the two versions of Claudia: eternally-5-year-old Claudia couldn't have her own agency, no matter that she was really 40 in a child's body, because that child's body was more of a damnation, a cage, than a teenager's body. At 14 and with make-up, fashion, body language and speech, Claudia can make herself look marginally older, and thus can reclaim some of that agency, of that control. Therefore the issue comes not from the fact that Claudia needs at least one adult to have that agency by proxy, but from the fact that she might never pass for older than 18 and will be taken advantage of. As we'll soon see.
Also she was right, last boy she loved, but not last person, we stan a bisexual murder deranged queen.
And I did tell Lestat, that roof window is a structural failure.
Well, welcome to the Claudia show. That was one hell of an entrance. Crowd's seated for the next part, "Claudia goes Wild party in the Mississippi".
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | part 1 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
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newtabfics · 1 year
To Tame A King. Rauru x Fem!Reader NSFT Fic
Summary: In which Y/N, queen of Hyrule, goes to retrieve her beloved king from his hunt in The Grove of Spirits as a storm looms over the plateau. Here guards have reported strange noises during the king's private hunts. What really happens when the queen goes in?
Triggers: It's snoo-snoo. Snoo-snoo happens when she goes in, guys. Badoinking. the horizontal tango. The frick-frack. Taking a trip to pound town. Fucking a baby into her--Okay I'm done😂
Word count: <1500
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Thank you to every one of you that has joined me on this little journey. It really has kept me going and to know that people actually like my writing is bonkers to me. So, thank you, for everything.
Enjoy, you filthy animals <3
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Her eyes glanced to the outside world, catching the oncoming storm. With a sigh, she stood and began to make her way through the palace. She didn't bother to check the throne room for him, only peeking her head in the study to see little Zelda and Mineru.
"There's a storm coming in. I'm going to go get him," She said simply, making Mineru frown as the young Hylian blinked. "Please make sure she stays safe?"
"I will. Are you sure though?" Mineru asked worriedly.
"I'm sure. Oh, don't worry, Zelda. Rauru…well…" She looked to Mineru. "How would you put it?"
Mineru smiled, looking at Zelda. "He's much more Zonai than I am. As a result, he does have more animal instincts than I do. He needs to go out and let them wild for a while so he can recenter his mind. The Grove of Spirits is perfect for that. Most people won't think to be near it, especially with how intense the storms can get out there."
"Fascinating. Could I–"
"No," Mineru said as Y/N said, "Absolutely not."
Y/N smiled sweetly. "It's not that he would harm you on purpose, but it's risky if he's too deep in his state."
"Which is why it's best for Y/N to go. She's skilled in managing it, but also, their bond allows for him to find her scent and follow it back to sanity," Mineru clarified.
"I see. In that case, please be careful. The storms are still rather intense, even in my era."
She smiled at that. "I will be. You know I've got the power," she joked before nodding. "I'll be back by morning."
No one ever knew how the Queen of Hyrule did it. How she managed to tame such a wild king. It was luck, she said. He would say it was fate.
She made her way to the grove, nodding to the guards and constructs along the way. The guards at the gateway straightened upon seeing her. "Your Highness," They greeted.
"At ease. Has he been in here then?" she asked, staring into the trees.
"Yes, Your Majesty," the one on her left said. "We've been hearing strange howls from within. Should we–"
She smiled and shook her head. "No, it's alright. It's all part of the process," she assured them. Hylians barely understood the Zonai people, regarding them all as gods. She was once among them, she admitted to herself. Though she had learned they were beasts in mortal form quickly.
"The storm is coming in soon. You two should go ahead and take shelter in the guardhouse."
"Your Highness?" the one on her right asked, earning a sweet smile from the queen before she went into the woods. "Should we really leave her alone?" He asked his comrade worriedly.
"Have faith in our queen," He chuckled, leading him to the guard house. "She wouldn't have said it if she didn't have full confidence in her own safety."
Y/N smiled at their fading voices as she made her way into the woods. Once she was deep enough, she sat on a fallen tree and simply waited. She let the breeze of the humid air grace over her as she breathed in deeply the trees and rain that began to pitter down.
She was a sight to behold, as Rauru often told her. Queen Y/N looked at ease among the trees, finding herself breathing in the cooling air and letting the breeze brush aside her hair as the rain dampened her white dress.
Once, Y/N had joked to him that she looked like a virgin sacrifice sent to appease the gods. Rauru had looked to her that time with a feral grin and said, "You certainly weren't by the time I was done with you."
She scolded him for the crude jokes, but it felt correct all the same.
Here she was like a maiden being sent to the beast. Only she was always a willing sacrifice to tame him.
"I know you're there," she sang almost tauntingly into the trees.
She could sense the eyes on her. She could practically feel the heat of his gaze as he watched from the trees, taking in her scent behind her. She knew she was downwind.
"You know, I am nearing my own cycle. It'd be a shame if someone were to plunge his heir into my womb." This earned a snarling growl as she stood, adjusting her dress. "Though, only those worthy enough could do that."
With that taunt, she bolted through the trees. Her heart hammered excitedly as she heard him moving quickly behind her, catching up fast. She knew escape was never an option, especially when he was like this.
It was why she giggled when he suddenly pinned her to the ground. She didn't mind the dirt scratching against the side of her face as her husband rutted against her rear before shoving up her dress. He kept her in place, holding her down with his foot as he readjusted his face behind her.
A long lick up her folds made her moan lowly, biting her lip as the tongue worked her up even more than she already was. The rain began to come down hard as if attempting to cool their heated skin as he began to eat her out.
Y/N let out soft moans and mewls, only adjusting so her chest wasn't uncomfortably twisted under him as he kept her in place. A snarl ripped from him upon her movement but she paid it no mind. He could snarl threats all he wanted, she was his and she was uncomfortable.
She almost taunted him for his snarl when he moved away from her, making her whine before she felt the tip slide against her. There was only a brief pause before it slammed into her desperately.
"Yes!" She moaned loudly, arching up as he adjusted, his hands on her hips as he began to thrust rapidly.
Y/N couldn't help the yelp of a moan when he pumped into her. She adjusted her legs, spreading herself over his thighs and biting her lip as his cock buried into her. His knot was so swollen from his neediness as it pressed against her puffy lips.
She moved so her back was against his chest, looking down to watch his balls stretch up to slap her clit as the Zonai continued to pump into her. Her hand reached back and tangled into his hair and she tugged as she moaned her pleasure, letting him ravish her body as he quickly yanked down the front of her dress.
The whole thing was bunched around her waistline as he cupped her breasts now, gripping and tugging at them like an animal trying to pluck fruit from a tree. She remarked once on how aggressive he was with them, to which he promised to massage them to make her milk pour out for him to taste.
She remembered how he latched on when their child wasn't already attached to her breast. How he drank deeply and made her moan loudly, as though she were feeding him instead! Though it didn't change how good his mouth made her feel.
"Rauru," She moaned, letting her head fall against his shoulder. She whimpered and reached down with her freehand, rubbing at her clit as the dirt beneath her knees soaked with both rain and her juices as he pumped rapidly into her.
It was as she clenched down on him, teetering near the edge, that Rauru's head began to clear. He smirked and reached up, gripping her throat now as he kissed at the shell of her ear. "My queen," He moaned before slamming hard into her.
Y/N let out a cry of pleasure as he pushed her over the edge, her juices slicking him almost entirely as he gripped her shoulder and shoved her down.
With a snarl, Rauru began to rut into her, looking down to watch her soaking his cock still and taking almost every inch.
Finally, he slammed into her, shoving his swollen knot in. He moaned as she took him easily, rolling his hips as his seed began to spill into her.
Y/N whined and moaned lewdly before she rocked back, impaling herself against him and milking him for every drop. A smile graced her lips as she looked over her shoulder at him.
"C'mon, my king. I know you can do more than just that."
Rauru grunted and hummed before gripping at her hair, tugging it roughly. "You sure you want that? Might have to make a second child in you then."
"You might," She hummed happily, rocking her hips before jolting when a rather loud crack of thunder echoed around them. "We should dip into that nearby cave once your knot reduces."
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 months
3.112 Cutting ties
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Love Day came upon us again, and it was so nice to have someone to celebrate with. Someone to celebrate, period. Sophia and I rarely did things traditionally, and I continued that trend by asking her out on a breakfast date. I suggested Vivianna's because it was the first place that came to mind, and I really liked their food. But Sophia was in goofball mode and said I wanted to see my girlfriend. I didn't like her saying that, but I loved seeing her in high spirits in those days, so I let it ride. When we got there, the host seated us at the same table from last time, and that sent her even more.
"It's a sign, Luca! If she's our server again, it's means you were meant to be."
I shook my head at her.
"You are way too high on life right now."
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She gasped, still giggling at her silly joke.
"Luca! She's here! I think she's coming this way!"
I was still shaking my head when Yasmine walked up.
"Happy Love Day," she said drily. "Y'all don't have restaurants in Oasis Springs?"
"Of course we do," Sophia said before I had a chance to even think of a response. "But we love this one."
"Hmph. You must really love this food. I wouldn't unfriend someone and still show up at their job. Are you ready to order?"
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Sophia looked at me in surprise but also trying to hide more giggles.
"Uhh...yeah, we're ready," I said, unsure if I should even respond to the first part.
When I finally looked at her, I saw her face matched her dry tone. Generally, she wasn't the cheeriest sim, but something was off. Granted, I was probably the last sim she wanted to see, but she should have been over that. Something else had to be going on, and I asked if she was okay.
"What do you care? I can't do this right now. I'll send someone else."
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She hurried away into the kitchen, leaving us utterly confused.
"What in the world was that?" Sophia asked. "And you unfriended her?"
"Yeah! She's been sending me mean messages ever since-"
"You broke up?"
"Would you stop with that?? She wasn't my girlfriend!"
I couldn't understand why she found this situation so amusing. It annoyed me, but her laughter was so contagious. I couldn't help but laugh, too.
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"Did she look different to you?" I asked.
"Sure did. I think she's pregnant."
"Pregnant? Yasmine? No way."
"She's definitely pregnant, babe."
"How do you know? She's not showing."
"Women know these things!"
"Hmph. Some sims don't need to be parents," I said under my breath. At least I thought I did.
"What? It's true. She doesn't want kids right now. And she's mean...self-absorbed... Can you imagine her raising children?"
"I mean...I don't disagree, but... It's still not a nice thing to say. Maybe taking care of someone else will be good for her."
Nice or not, I meant every word. It was hard not to get upset about it. Sims all around us kept popping up pregnant unexpectedly while Sophia and I woohoo'd each other's brains out to no avail. WE want a baby! Why won't it happen for us? It wasn't fair. But I didn't want to ruin our date with my petty, jealous thoughts. That rant would have to remain in my head.
"Anyway... You excited about moving tomorrow?"
"You know it! I can hardly believe it."
"Yeah, seriously. I've been thinking about that house for so long... I have to keep reminding myself this is real life."
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My Social Bunny chime went off, so I checked to see who sent me a message.
"Oh...it's Maira."
"Why do you say it like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you're surprised your friend is messaging you."
"I'm not surprised. It's just...I don't know. Every time I hear from her, I feel bad."
"How come?"
"Because I'm such a bad friend to her."
Sophia's lip quivered.
"I highly doubt that."
"It's true though! I never call her. She's always the one reaching out. Even back in the day it was like that. When I was open to dating her-well, she says we did date, but whatever. I got mixed signals, so I kinda stopped putting energy into our friendship. Then I met Yasmine-"
"While you were talking to me," she said sarcastically.
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Like a light switch flicking on, I understood why she continued to joke about me and Yasmine. She still felt some kind of way about realizing she wasn't the only one I was talking to, and this was her brand of petty behavior. I shook my head because I knew she would never let that go, and the jokes were a permanent part of our marriage.
"Yes, I was talking to you. I met Yasmine and Chi Chi-"
"I thought you didn't date her."
"I didn't. She came to my classes a lot and invited me to her house a few times."
She eyed me suspiciously, but I continued my story.
"Dating, having female friends, and all of that was new to me. I didn't know how to say no to her. I couldn't say no to her; you know how she is. And I was talking to you on top of dealing with my own issues... It was a crazy time, and I didn't know how to handle it all, so I ended up neglecting Maira. I feel bad because it wasn't like that in the beginning."
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"You didn't have any distractions then."
"Yeah...that's true."
"Do you think it's time to let her go? Everyone's not meant to be in your life forever."
"I know. That might be part of the issue. I want to be a good friend while being respectful to you, but I honestly don't know how she fits into my life anymore. But severing the relationship? I don't think I want to do that. At least not yet."
"Okay." She turned back to her food and took a few bites before a very obvious idea let up her face. "Since we're moving now, we should do a combo celebration! We can turn my birthday party into a housewarming party! Invite her to that."
"Oooh good thinking! You know I married you for your brains."
"Ah ha! The truth comes out."
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Tarot readings with the lads!
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You've somehow convinced him to let you do a tarot reading for him
you're still not sure how, maybe the mixture of puppy dog eyes and veiled threats combined?
anyways, you ask him what question he has
"I want to know how to be a better leader"
but that isn't *fun* so you pick a different one for him
you shuffle the cards with your intention of "What is Leo lacking that he should focus on more right now?"
you pull out the 6 of cups
Leo looks at you like "Is that good?"
you explain the card
"You see the way they're handing the cup to a child? This card is all about revisiting the past, childhood memories and innocence. It's about simple joys and pleasures also cups represents the element of water, to be free flowing and not so confined"
"And this helps me be a better leader how...?"
you smile and tell him that's not what you asked
"Leo, the cards are telling you to relax a little, spend some time with yourself and not so much worrying about the fate of the world. Be present, find that child in you who wants to do dumb, fun shit!"
he doesn't say anything but he thinks on it
"Anyway the next card was temperance so that's basically saying if you don't listen to me you're never gonna find balance...."
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Yeah there was no way he was going to let you do a reading
you had to trick him into sitting down but once he saw the cards he tried to leave
you swayed him and his only request was "Just don't ask when I'm gonna die or some shit, ok?"
instead you do a reality check for him and you pull out 3 cards
The star, 4 of swords and 5 of wands reversed
"oh, baby.." you start
he's so worried
frantically asking what any of that means, so you break it down for him
"the star's message is: have faith. Hope, faith and purpose basically. You need to understand that you're doing alright, no matter how much you beat yourself up. 4 of swords is about rest and relaxation, taking a break. You work yourself too hard out on patrol, then come back here and hit the gym, then you barely sleep and do it all over again. You;re burning yourself out. Finally, 5 of wands. Reversed it talks about inner conflict, self doubt and tension. Whatever you're battling with, you need to face it and let it out"
"well shit, I didn't expect your cards to fucking call me out like that..."
you're just like "It's what they do..."
he opens up to you a little more after that and takes a bit more time for himself.
Who would have though Raph's healing journey woulod begin with a witch telling him to get his shit together?
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He's been begging you for weeks to pull some cards for him
and he wants to know everything!
like everything, even the scary stuff
you finally give in and he can barely sit still he's so pumped when you pull the cards out
you ask what energy he brings into other's lives
the lovers, page of wands and 6 of swords
"what does it mean?!"
"well, the lovers is obvious. You bring a lot of love to the people in your life. You're the heart of your brother's. That's self explanatory"
"Awh, your cards like me" he's getting cocky now
"the page of wands is about being a free spirit, inspiration, ideas and limitless potential. Basically you keep everyone entertained with your never stopping pin balls machine of a brain"
"I am the ideas man of my brothers"
you let that one slide, no need to remind him of the time his "idea" to defeat the foot clan involved gummy worms....he was thinking with his stomach.
"And the 6 of swords is about transition and change, a right of passage, release like releasing baggage. I think this one's saying you haven't met your full potential of how you can help people yet, but you are destined to help people"
"wow. Really? Damn you're good"
you take the compliment, you are good at this.
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it's not that Donnie doesn't want a reading or find it interesting
it's that he just doesn't believe you can tell him anything new...
so you pull out a few cards on his behalf anyways
just to tell him a little more about himself that he doesn't realise
10 of wands reversed, strength and 3 of swords reversed
you follow him around for like 10 minutes after explaining the cards
while he's doing the dishes you're all "so the 10 of wands reversed is about doing it all and carrying a burden that you need to release it can also be defined as stubbornness!Come on, Donnie, that's so you. When you aren't working on whatever Leo gave you in the lab you;re spotting Raph in the gym or you're indulging Mikey is one of his fantasies, you need to stop carrying your brothers wants with you and live for you!"
He's trying to get his bunsen burner to work and you talk about "strength is basically the message believe in yourself.but it's also about compassion. You have so much of that that you never give to yourself!"
finally he turns to face you "And the last card?"
"3 of swords reversed is the most important. It's about negative self talk and releasing pain and forgiving yourself. I know you think you hide it well, but I can tell you beat yourself up over every little thing. You need to stop that"
He takes a minute to think
"Ok, maybe there is something to these cards, or maybe you're just interpreting them that way because you know me. Either way...Thank you. This was helpful"
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi Volume 13 Part 1
Welcome back! Things are about to reach a breaking point! You know things are crazy when all six chapters of the volume have the same name.
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Volume 13's cover is literally just the gang running away from a spoiler, so please accept these cute pictures of baby Marcille from the daydream hours.
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A precious image.
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Wishes, man. There's always a catch. Whether that be an evil genie, or a perfect unconscious wish, it never goes how you want. This one doesn't even let you say no thanks.
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This is such a good fake-out. Now someone grab some zip-ties.
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So, is Marcille going to struggle with impulse control for the rest of her life, or did it just eat her desire not to lead an army to the surface?
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Sure you will buddy. *proceeds to, in fact, not be careful*
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Oh god, if he defeats the demon, we'll be out of a job.
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This is cool and all, but what happens to this avatar after the gang goes inside? Does it turn back into monsters? Does it simply vanish? It's totally gone next time we see outside.
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There was probably a more literal translation for that onomatopoeia, but damn if that isn't perfect. I also like the detail that Mithrun lost his fake eye.
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Happy 8/8 everyone.
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Going a little out of order here, since Chapter 87 and Misc tales 13 go together. So, everything seems to indicate that the Demon and magic itself are one and the same. But where do spirits fit into all of this? Are spirits, like, sub-sentient demon bits? Are they micro-organisms that can use magic? Everything in this page sure sounds like gnomish magic to me.
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Genuinely curious how the anime will handle these panels.
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How? No, seriously, how did the ancients trap the demon? The demon is an entity of unlimited power. Why is it contrained to rules? We know it likes fulfilling desires, but what's stopping it from acting on its own? Why did it need to swap with Laios just to use its power for itself? It's never really explained how the demon came to be constrained. I understand the demon's current rules, but I don't know how we reached this point.
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So much world-building in one panel. I don't really get how the demon managed such massive, world sweeping changes though.
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The demon is exceptionally awful. It is manipulative, selfish, cruel, and it ultimately takes everything that matters away. But it didn't become that way because of its intrinsic nature. It learned to be evil by watching us.
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Seriously, the exit is right there. What is keeping the demon bound to these dungeons?
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Yeah, maybe should have figured that out before going right into the lion's den. (haha)
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No, see, that's the beauty of Laios' plan. By focusing so hard on plan A, the lion will be completely blindsided by plan B.
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I'm sure Falin would think it's cute.
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She does her best not to show it... but this is a big moment for Izutsumi. No one has ever trusted her. No one has ever implicitly trusted her with something important like this. And the craziest part? She's actually going to do it. Laios is right to trust her.
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One interesting takeaway from this story is the lesson that people are, by their very nature, selfish beings. Yet, we push through, and do the right thing anyway. I'm sure someone smarter than me could articulate it better. Something something, Laios' curse.
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I have some thoughts on this panel. Check out my post where I go into it in detail!
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I know this is a serious moment, but Laios just looks like a creepy chicken.
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Laios failed the vibe check. He looked WAY too cool and professional as he chopped off the lion's head.
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Laios doesn't have an evil bone in his body, yet we're getting a Laios villain arc anyway!
Oh no! What are our heroes going to do! Find out next post!
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Writing Sessions #3 (Cardinal Copia x g/n reader)
Summary: Copia's crush talks to him for the first time. For some reason, there's also a baby rat in his hands.
Tags: Fluff, Copia being dumb af, misunderstandings, some sexual innuendos (maybe). Copia is dumbfounded by his crush. Around 700 words.
A/N: Something short based on @tasty-ribz really cute fanart I loved it, so I had to write this ♥
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Something squirms in his palm. Tiny fingers curl around one of his own, thin whiskers tickling at his skin. A baby rat, probably a few days old at most, rests secured between his hands.
“Poor thing! I found it all alone, Cardinal. Do you think it’s going to be fine?”
Your mouth is moving. Lucifer, how much Copia wishes he could understanda single thing you are saying. It must be important, because you seem high-spirited and there’s a heavy furrow on your brows. Oh, how cute you look when you gaze at him through your lashes, hands clutched together and shoulders shaking with each word.
Copia swallows, but nothing loosens the knot in his throat. The blood rushes to his face, causing a deafening rumble in his ears. Fuck, he’s all flushed and sweating, fingers lightly trembling upon being in your presence.
You are not only a Sibling of Sin requesting his assistance, but also the most beautiful Sibling he has ever seen. You are the one his heart yearns for, the love of his life. You and he are destined together, to be perpetually lovers as the times goes by.
Well, you don’t know it yet. One day, he’ll tell you. Just…
Not now.
“I was so worried, Cardinal. Papa’s cat had almost caught it before I did it, and the poor thing was shaking so hard. Hell, I think I’m shaking too…”
A hand is unhurriedly rested on his own. Copia swallows, sensing the thick saliva get stuck in his throat. He wants to cough, but somehow manages to stop. You are right, you are slightly trembling. A few of his fingers hold the tip of your own before letting go suddenly, as if the touch had burned.
And it did. You burn on his skin, almost as much as you set his heart on fire. Copia knows your name, he has written a dozen of love letters and poems dedicated to it.
Of course, he never actually sent them. He’s not even sure if you were the one who told him your name, or if he merely heard it around the hallways. Well, maybe he secretly checked the Ministry’s records trying to find it.
“Is that okay, Cardinal? We can take turns.”
“Turns?” He whispers, mismatched eyes completely focusing on yours. Big mistake. Copia feels as if the world had stopped, had come to a violent halt to allow him to bask in the beautiful sight. He notes your long lashes, bright eyes and the way your mouth moves when you smile at him.
“Yes, we’ll have to do this all day and night long. We’ll get so tired, won’t we? It’s not an easy task, we’ll end up sore and struggling to regain our breath.”
“Oh, Sibling,” he breathes out, mouth agape. The baby rat nests on his palm, snuggling closer. It’s so endearing, so tiny. Copia would be swooning right now, if only there wasn't a better view right in front of him.
“Would you like that? You can take the lead, since you seem to know what you are doing. I’ll do anything you tell me to, Cardinal! I’ll try my best!”
Fuck. Copia’s clothes are tight, extremely suffocating in all the wrong places. He gasps, mouth open, as he struggles to find the right words. Are you asking for him? Do you need him? If he could take you right here, right now, he would. The desire he feels towards you is too strong, it renders him a useless man, a fool.
Copia wants to hold you close, to fall to his knees and worship every inch of you to Hell and back.
“Sibling,” he murmurs, instead. He’s anxious, wheezing for air. “Of course. Anything you want.”
The smile on your face makes it worth it. Without notice, your hands are on his arms, softly squeezing as you gaze at him with dazzling eyes. “Thank you so much! I knew I could count on you, Copia!”
If the world had stopped before, now it’s in flames and about to break in a thousand pieces. Copia struggles to think, brain empty and mind running at full speed. He nods once, instinctively clutching the baby rat closer to his body. He can barely overhear the last words you say to him, before disappearing into the long hallways.
“Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll meet you later in your chambers, is that okay? I'm so excited. We'll be amazing together!”
Absentmindedly, he nods. Chambers? You are going to his private room? Oh, Satan. He has to clean everything, change the bedsheets, find some candles and wine, maybe? He has to set up a nice playlist, something to get the right mood.
Copia rushes through the corridors, long cassock swaying behind him. He’s so focused in his date he almost forgets about the baby, until it lets out a loud squeak.
Wait. Why did you give him a rat?
Copia isn’t completely sure. It’s okay, he doesn’t mind it. He’s always open to rescuing these little creatures from the cold and hunger of the Ministry. Besides, he can ask you tonight, when you finally meet him for your date.
Ps: someone save this man.
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moonsorchid · 4 days
Rewatching ep. 32 of Love Between Fairy and Devil and making bad and inaccurate jokes to conceal my pain
So we learn that DFQC has created a dream world using his primordial spirit and the more he remains in that world, the more likely he is going to die by depleting his spirit. Talk about the dangers of daydreaming
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Shangque, Xunfeng and the two other rulers of the Cangyan Sea give him some of their primordial spirit to help him last longer
Ronghao and Chidi practicing sword fighting in a bamboo forest. Chidi notices a difference in the way Ronghao fights. She discerns a killing intent. Girl, if you only knew
In the meantime, Changheng realizes that the fate Danyin saw in the tree regarding his wedding with Xiao Lanhua hasn’t come true. Soooo? It’s reincarnation time, baby. Danyin cries because again she loses her chance to be with Changheng (or at least that’s what I understood?? I could be totally wrong, which I am 98,9% of the time)
DFQC is with Xiao Lanhua in his dream, talking about the fate leaves. Omg Xiao Lanhua is soooo cute. I miss her already
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“Promise me that you will never leave me.” *taking deep breaths*
Changheng joins Xunfeng and Shangque in the room where they keep DFQC and I see the tension the fics talk about between him and Xunfeng. Ok, ok, I get it
Changheng goes into DFQC’s dream to warn him and help him escape
DFQC is haunted by the tree mirror and the prophecy of Xiao Lanhua getting married to Changheng even in his dream world. At that precise moment, Changheng materializes in front of him.
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So Changheng tells him that everything around him is fake, a product of his imagination. Xiao Lanhua is dead but hey, you know, we can bring her back. He asks him to escape the dream, wake up so that they can save her. DFQC struggles, he doesn’t know what’s true and what’s not
And then, Xiao Lanhua comes asking DFQC where he is going. See? DFQC says, she is alive and she is my wife. Changheng insists that this is not real, she is not alive and he has to wake up. Of course, DFQC refuses and pushes Changheng out of his dream
Xiao Lanhua hugs him and makes him remember his promise that he will never leave her
Aaaaand here comes one of the most heartbreaking moments in the drama. Arbiter Hall begins to disintegrate piece by piece. He has decided to wake up, but Xiao Lanhua is begging him to stay. She tells him she is real. Yet he has to resist his dying wish to stay with her. I dare you to watch this scene without crying.
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“If you bring me back to life, I will have to marry someone else. Do you want to see me marry someone else?” My heaaaaart! So his options are to either stay with the dream Xiao Lanhua and die in the process or bring her back to life and have to see her eventually marry Changheng. I can’t
Xiao Lanhua crying as everything around is slowly being torn apart is traumatic to say the least
The way he holds her and cries. And then, she is gone. Once more. He had to lose her from his arms twice
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Xunfeng feels guilty because he handed Xiao Lanhua the sword. Oh well. And Shangque learns that Jieli never took Xiao Lanhua outside the Moon Palace and also that he was poisoned and she saved him
Chidi realizes Ronghao has been keeping the truth from her, so she takes him to the immortals to be judged. And asks them to punish her as well? Crazy stuff
Yungzhao is like, noooo we need the God of War so stop the nonsense. But Ronghao has to go to jail. He is ok though just as long as Chidi is safe
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Dieyi hands Jieli to her father under the condition to save Ronghao. Jieli’s father resists her blackmail, but when he sees Jieli, he forgets everything. Danyin is not happy with having a new sister
DFQC heads to the Ruins of Myriad Heavens where there is another replica of the Arbiter Hall (I have lost count of all the replicas, I just take it for granted now that wherever DFQC is, there has to be an Arbiter Hall)
Excuse me as I am staring at DFQC’s costume
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Lady Arbiter arrives and she commands her dragon to beat DFQC up. Whoa there lady
DFQC doesn’t defend himself at all and takes the hit with dignity, which is something that I guess impresses and surprises Lady Arbiter
So Lady Arbiter tells DFQC that a part of Xiao Lanhua’s spirit remains in him, so there is hope to resurrect her *clapping in joy*
Then we are reminded again that the wedding between XLH and Changheng that DFQC has seen in the mirror is destined to happen and nothing can alter it. Poor DFQC…he has to resurrect her only to see her getting married to another man
One episode without Xiao Lanhua and it feels so wrong. I want her back!
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A/N: Have some parent Bugs cause this cuteness is too fluffy to wait to share
Also this is the AU I was talking about where an oops kid happened between Bugs and Mickey after alcohol got heavily involved Mickey has no clue anyways meet Ellis Bunny,
Date July 23 1950
Bugs eyes opened as a squeaking and crying went through the apartment, he heard Daffy groan and felt him turn over muttering about something. Bugs simply replying
"Eh just let him cry it out, that's what the Doctor said," yawning, trying to settle back into sleep, but something deep inside him pulled at a core part as the cries echoed through the space,
He felt like maybe he should go check on Ellis, maybe his poor kid didn't understand, maybe he was scared, he turned over again trying to fight this nagging, even following Daffy in covering his ears with a pillow, after tossing a few more times he huffed, sat up and got out of bed,
Padding down the hallway, he thought he was being stupid. A baby only cried due to needing something like food or a diaper changed,
He knew it hadn't been long enough for his son to need either, his annoyance only grew as he approached,
Opening the door, he sighed a bit at the noise coming from the crib as he approached he could see Ellises little face was scrunched up hands fisted as he squeaked and whimpered pulling the side down he leaned over bringing the pup into his arms, almost instantly the child snuggled into his chest, gripping onto his night shirt for dear life,
Oh, oh that broke him. It hurt that part hitting it square on and he hated that he'd even entertained the thought of leaving him to cry. What kind of cruel individual did one have to be to do such a thing to their child, it was clear Ellis wanted the comfort of his carrier, his parent, he wanted the safety of warm arms and a heartbeat he had listened to from the beginning of his life so far,
Carefully he shifted the pup so he was more secure, black eyes staring up at him blinking blearily, paws shifting as he yawned and began to fall asleep,
"That's all ya wanted eh scamp? Papas arms?" He couldn't help but tease as another yawn accompanied his words along with the babe stretching his legs before settling,
He went to sit in the rocker, now finding himself entranced by his own kid. Him Bugs Bunny a father, if someone had told him a year ago or a decade ago he'd be a parent he would have laughed at them, he was a narcissist and could at least admit that, with a penchant for smart assery and being a generalized asshole,
Now, his brain felt like it was shifting to what about Ellis? What did his kid need? Was he okay and unharmed? Watching his little hands flex as he slept, what were his son's wants? He'd do anything to protect him, to make sure he knew he was loved despite being a complete accident. This tiny baby in his arms had snatched his script and rewrote it
A week ago, he'd been even contemplated adoption. Now it seemed insane, Ellis was his, and nobody else would ever raise his kid.
"I will do anythin for ya, an official child of him will certainly belong to the world, however you my darling boy will be mine,"
And creators above knew Daffy his boyfriend was right behind, despite him curling up to go to sleep and choosing to ignore Ellis,
He had actually somewhat straightened up, acting less well looney, he still had a child like nature, but again Bugs knew it'd help, the competitive spirit and jealousy eh that could worked on. He might just have to learn to curb it if Ellis joined any sports as he got Older
He smiled as he remembered the other morning when he had watched the duck scoop Ellis up to say hello with the gleam of a proud dad and an absolutely beaming smile across his bill,
If you'd told him a year ago Daffy Duck would be a good parent he'd have laughed as well, Daffy the narcasistic psychopath with a penchant for kleptomania a Father that seemed a volatile combination, but here he was being proven wrong yet again,
Ellis had indeed rewrote the script of their lives, and he could picture future vacations when they had a filming break or time to just go,
It did concern him to appear to be a single father amongst the 1950s public the humans had a habit of being judgemental and a baby without a mother around was a big no no even for a Toon. The day Ellis had been born was already lucky enough to fall on a week off of filming, him and Daffy being able to go out to furniture stores across the city to put together the nursery really quickly.
He'd also confided in his Seamstress who'd happily took measurements and quickly produced several baby outfits and reusable nappies, thank goodness this apartment was highly modern built in 1946 they'd moved in 48 and signed a 5 year lease. With 4 bedrooms it was still perfect for their family, maybe someday they'd have a home of their own, but for now that was a pipe dream,
A gentle knocking made him snap from his thoughts while staring at Ellis, Daffy stood with a bottle in hand, a soft, uncharacteristic smile on his bill,
"I figured the kid might need a bottle. Even if the tikes interruptin my beauty sleep," he snarked in a low voice without malice, walking over, Bugs looked at him in appreciation,
"Thanks Daff, he'll probably will soon. For now I think he's bein clingy, but I don't mind. The little stinkers cute, he came from me after all,"
"And the rat which everyone finds adorable and charming,"
He snickered as the Duck huffed angry before Bugs shifted to pull him down, placing a kiss to his jealous partners cheek,
"Daff, you and I are in an open relationship. Shits gonna happen, " he shifted the baby as he settled in the chair,
"Oh, I know it's not that just wonderin how many drinks ya had to be a traitor to Warner," Bugs held in a laugh, was that his issue it honestly amused him,
"Petty sure a whole bottle of Russian vodka and him brandy," he watched Daffys eyes widen,
"Okay, you were very drunk then good creators," Bugs snickered as Ellis whined making him take the bottle from Daffy and offering it,
The pup latched on quickly, guzzling the bottle letting out tiny squeaks and grunts as he fed, Daffy cooed beside him,
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 11 months
A little analysis of this part in the Odyssey:
Reading time: ~10 minutes
Book 23, The Great Rooted Bed, Fagles' tr-n There he sat, leaning against the great central column, eyes fixed on the ground, waiting, poised for whatever words his hardy wife might say when she caught sight of him. A long while she sat in silence … numbing wonder filled her heart as her eyes explored his face. One moment he seemed … Odysseus, to the life— the next, no, he was not the man she knew, a huddled mass of rags was all she saw.
“Oh mother,” Telemachus reproached her, “cruel mother, you with your hard heart! Why do you spurn my father so—why don’t you sit beside him, engage him, ask him questions? What other wife could have a spirit so unbending? Holding back from her husband, home at last for her after bearing twenty years of brutal struggle— your heart was always harder than a rock!” “My child,” Penelope, well-aware, explained, “I’m stunned with wonder, powerless. Cannot speak to him, ask him questions, look him in the eyes … But if he is truly Odysseus, home at last, make no mistake: we two will know each other, even better— we two have secret signs, known to us both but hidden from the world.”
Odysseus, long-enduring, broke into a smile and turned to his son with pointed, winging words: “Leave your mother here in the hall to test me as she will. She soon will know me better. Now because I am filthy, wear such grimy rags, she spurns me—your mother still can’t bring herself to believe I am her husband.<...>
Telemachus is a precious baby, we've established that.
But he does act a bit like a brat with Penelope a couple times. Of course I don't think that any of that is malicious or that he doesn't love her, but he's still being a bit of a brat.
They both suffered, their pain was similar, but also very different, their experiences and the way they processed it were different as well.
Moreover, at this moment Telemachus has already spent some time with Odysseus. They already had their meeting/reunion and they already cried it out (to an extent. I'm sure there's more crying they'll do afterwards). They even had a father-son bonding activity (a.k.a. the slaughter of the suitors). Telemachus got to know his father at least a little bit over the past couple of days and at this point he processed and accepted the idea of Odysseus being back.
Penelope, on the other hand, was told about it just a moment ago. She can't immediately go "oh, you're saying Odysseus is back? Wonderful, let me greet him", no. Odysseus wasn't away on a short hunting trip or something, he was away for two whole decades, half of that time he was pretty much thought to be dead by most people (the first half wasn't that much better, as he could've still died any time during the war, but at least he wasn't lost, Penelope knew where he was).
Now she needs time to wrap her head around what is happening. We even see her thoughts as she goes to meet Odysseus:
Penelope started down from her lofty room, her heart in turmoil, torn … should she keep her distance, probe her husband? Or rush up to the man at once and kiss his head and cling to both his hands?
She wants to reunite with him, she wants this to be true, but she can't be sure of anything now. They have been apar for longer than they knew each other. Does he still love her like he used to? Is he the man she loved? Is it even the real Odysseus in the first place? She needs to process everything, as well as confirm all the information herself, and Telemachus, at least at this moment, doesn't comprehend that. He's acting quite immature, scolding his mother for not immediately believing and accepting that Odysseus is back.
This is a very interesting detail. First it once again shows us that Telemachus still lacks a lot of maturity, despite having been on his coming of age trip. He's still very young.
Yes, he definitely grew a lot in that short time, but it would've been impossible for him to learn everything at once, he still has a lot of that immaturity left in him, there's still a lot of room to grow and that's completely understandable. We, as people, grow for our whole lives and Tele is doing remarkably well, especially considering his circumstances.
Another interesting thing about this part is that it shows Telemachus', perhaps a bit childish, impatience. He is a kid, who finally met his dad (and his biggest hero), he knows that his mother was suffering and grieving for pretty much his whole life (with things getting a lot worse over the past decade). From Telemachus' perspective Odysseus' return is supposed to solve all their problems, especially since their biggest problem, a.k.a. the suitors, was just taken care of and it wouldn't have happened without Odysseus.
Telemachus just wants a happy family. His dad is back and seems to love him, the suitors are gone, now his parents should reunite, his mother will stop grieving and everything will be perfect. This is something he dreamt of his whole life and it's finally so close, but his mother doesn't immediately believe him. She doesn't immediately accept Odysseus and Telemachus doesn't understand why. He is too preoccupied with wanting things finally to be okay, that he doesn't take time to think about what Penelope must be feeling. It doesn't even occur to him. Perhaps it's also partially the need to be believed and listened to, which is also something he lacked growing up around suitors and being treated as a child, but I'm not diving into that right now.
Odysseus, on the other hand, understands what's going on. He assures his son, that everything will be okay. He pretty much does a more adult version of "mom and dad will take care of this, you go play for a bit". Odysseus understands Penelope's reaction and goes from there. Of course he wants to be in her embrace as soon as possible, but considering everything she has been through, he definitely can't just suddenly grab her and do what he wants. This is his dearly beloved wife and he wants her to take on that role voluntarily, like she did before, he wants her to accept him as her dear husband, like she did before, and for that he has to let her do it at her own pace. He tries to meet her where she's at, to do this reunion on her terms, to assure her, that he is, who he says he is and who others tell her he is.
This is just so amazing and I love their relationship so much (T▿T)♡
I also love Penelope's reaction to Telemachus' words. She doesn't react negatively, she is remarkably calm and part of it is probably the shock from what's happening, but still, she is "well-aware". I think that she knows Telemachus really well, because even though he has surprised her with how much he matured, he's still the same boy, he's still her kid. She most likely understands where Telemachus' outburst is coming from and doesn't get angry, doesn't scold him for his impatience, she reassures him. She lets him know, that he doesn't need to be scared of things falling apart and that she isn't looking to reject Odysseus. She's looking for Odysseus and she hopes she can find him in that familiar and strange man before her. She just needs time, but she will be taking the effort to search for what she's looking for, now that she has a way (she wouldn't have been able to go searching for Odysseus at sea, but now he's, supposedly, right here and she will handle it like the queen that she is).
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theoneandonlythorn · 6 months
quick TW before we begin for religious trauma, homophobia from church leaders and swearing.
So, I was raised Mormon; my family's been in the "religion" for generations. (Tracing back to the main man, Joseph Smith, himself) I'm also demifluid and most certainly not straight.
When I came out to my church leader, he...wasn't very happy. TL;DR, I'm banned from the religion's holy place, my job in the church ward and basically banned from church altogether. My mom was there during the whole shitshow and she agreed that I didn't have to go to church if I didn't want to.
Of course I didn't wanna go back!! Who would??? My family and I moved last week, meaning hooray, a ~new church congregation~ The people are...nice. I guess. They could always be worse, after all. But I've been hurt an ungodsly amount of times. I've begged my mom to not make me go to church, but she said "I should give it a try."
I've been trying for YEARS. Fucking years. When you're a kid, you're told you'll feel a "warm fuzzy feeling" when the "spirit" is near. I never felt that. I've never had a moment of "spiritual revelation", but believe me, I've fucking tried.
I have autism, so I've always been literal. If I can see something, I'll believe it. Baby Thorne always thought that one day when the world is ending, I'd feel it and have a huge "Oh my gods, heaven is real!" (Side note, the idea of the "Second Coming" always gave me so much anxiety as a kid. Like, from an early age you're told that the world is ending at some point in your life because it's "the eNd TiMeS!")
Anyway, I have an awesome therapist who's helping me with gender dysphoria and also good old ~religious trauma~ When you're growing up, you're told that church is the most wonderful place ever and you'll never be hurt. Ha ha ha.
I was bullied at church by all the other kids from the ages of eleven to thirteen-fourteen. As you can imagine, that kind of fucks you up.
My therapist gave me a pass from church on the basis that "If I had a spiritual experience, I'd probably have a complete breakdown due to cognitive dissonance."
...but according to my mom, she knows better. I've begged my mom to stop forcing me to church, but no luck. I need to ask him (my therapist) if he'll tell my mom that I really truly shouldn't go to church.
So, long story short, does anyone know how to get excommunicated from the Mormon church? (Personally, I don't want to murder someone in order to get out of this shitty cult, but most other ideas are free game)
The rest of my family is in this church (cult, more like), so telling my siblings that I've lost my faith (never had it in the first place) is kind of out of the question.
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crybabylulu · 4 months
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: you can’t really feel your legs after last night (also I know some people don’t use A03 so I was like oh right I gotta put it back up here as well so I’m gonna just post all the stuff yall missed from there to here so yall can catch up 🤣 I didn’t mean to abandon yall I swear)
The next morning I could barely walk. Lin had to help me walk so we could eat breakfast with everyone. “I fucked you really good last night hm?” Lin whispered to me. “We are at the table, can you not?” I whispered back. Lin just had a smug look on her face. I playfully rolled my eyes. “Did everyone sleep well?” Su asked. “I slept like a baby.” Lin said with that smug look still on her face. I’m gonna bite her. When breakfast was done we watched the twins play the game they invented. When Lin wasn’t paying attention I nipped at her shoulder. She didn’t scream her eyes just widened then glared at me. I stuck my tongue out. “You little brat.” Lin whispered. I went back to watching the game while I heard Lin huffing.
After the game I grabbed Asami and took her far away from everyone else. “She put me through the mattress. Asami, I can barely feel my legs.” I said. “You can barely walk as well.” Asami said. “Buying that outfit was worth it but I’d also like to have feeling in my legs.” I said. “You can’t have both honey.” Asami said. We laughed. “I know but still.” I said. “No buts.” Asami teased. “She asked me if I brought the other outfit. I'm glad I didn't. I think if I did I would be on bed rest.” I said. “You probably would but remember it’s worth it in the end.” Asami said. “She didn’t rip the outfit which I’m glad because I get to wear it again.” I said.
“That’s good also I didn’t hear a thing from you guys last night.” Asami said. “You didn’t hear anything?” I asked. She shook her head. “Good I’m glad because I was really loud.” I said. “I bet I can see the markings all on your neck. I thought you guys were just fooling around last night when I saw your hickeys this morning.” Asami said. “No. She put me through the mattress. My legs are killing me. I need to go lay down.” I said. “Come on, let me help you.” Asami said. She helped me back to my room. When we got back to my room I sat on my bed. “You ok?” Asami asked. “Yeah I’m ok.” I groaned as I laid down on my side.
“You want me to run you a hot bath? That should help.” Asami said “I would love that. Thank you.” I said. She nodded and went towards the bathroom. “How are you and Korra doing?” I asked. “We’re doing good, she wants to go on a vacation to the spirit world soon but my schedule is so full I’m surprised we were even able to make it here.” Asami said and I heard the water starting. “You deserve a break, you work so hard.” I told her. “I know but there’s so much work for me to still do.” Asami said. “I know but don’t overwork yourself.” I said. “I won't, I promise.” Asami said.
Soon she finished running my bath and left me to get undressed and get in the bath. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the hot water. “Babe?” I opened my eyes. “Linny?” I asked. I turned my head to the door and saw Lin walking in. “Well what do we have here?” Lin asked and raised her brow. “My legs are killing me so Asami was nice enough to run me a hot bath.” I said. “I’ll massage your legs after you get out.” Lin said. “Sounds good.” I said. Lin left the bathroom but then came back after a few minutes. I watched as she came back in. “I thought I’d keep you company and read to you.” Lin said.
“I’d love that.” I said. “Good.” Lin said as she sat on the floor and opened a book. I closed my eyes as she started to read to me. It’s moments like these that really make me realize I’m in love with her.
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