#also my apologies for replying to this now.. been offline for a few days but I wanted to reply and thank you :)
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I love your writing. Your work is truly my favorite, and it has brought me  so much joy and helped me get out of a dark place so thank you. 
I also wanted to express my appreciation for the support you’ve shown for Palestine. It’s heartening to see someone with your platform raising awareness about this humanitarian crisis. 
I’m really sorry about the negative comments and hate you've been receiving from certain people. Please know that there are many of us who stand by you and appreciate both your creativity and your compassion. Your account is your space, and you have every right to use it as you see fit. 
Thank you for being a light in the world, both through your writing and your advocacy 💫💜
Hi sweet anon 🫶🏻
Wow, this is so so beyond kind of you and thank you so much for sending this to me. I’m very glad my writing reached you, and I hope you’re doing alright. I know how hard life can be, but I’m always rooting for you 💗
I do intend on keeping this a very pro Palestine blog, so it means a lot that you said that. When im fully back online, I’ll be sharing some resources that I’ve been using for anyone interested :)
And I know I keep saying this, but really thank you so much. I appreciate the support and your kindness more than I could ever really express.
I feel very unworthy of these generous words, but again thank you 🥹 As someone who is hoping to pursue human rights & disability law, I personally find it important to advocate for causes and for people whose voices are being silenced. The biggest part of advocacy is elevating said voices, not turning it into a personal agenda. I think it’s the least we can do :)
Thank you, again, I can’t really express enough how much I needed to read this. I hope you’re well 💗
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mywrittingwonderland · 6 months
Toronto or London
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Hello Everyone, Am I back? I am not sure, but I just really got stuck in my head these past few days, and well, I figured writing would help me. I didn't really proofread this, so I apologize in advance. I also don't necessarily love this that much, but at least it got me out of my limbo phase. Warnings: None really Word Count: 2,510 Summary: She has always been in love with Toronto; she just didn't know why yet.
- - - - - - - - -
“Toronto or London?” — Jimmy asked as the last question of the fast questions round.
“Toronto” — Emily replied, without a second thought to the question. Which got the audience and all her fellow colleagues to look at her by surprise. 
“Wait a minute, weren’t you born in London? What makes you choose Toronto?”
“Honestly? I just have always had a good feeling about Toronto, even though I never really got spend that much time there, I hope that at some point once I have a break I manage to go touring on that city.” — She replied, with an honest response. The truth is that she always had a good feeling when she was around Toronto, she just didn’t know why. - - -
“Shawn, someone told me you wanted to tryout for a few acting gigs, and that Harry has been pushing you to do it?” — Shawn laughed at the question while nodding his head confirming the information. — “So my question to you is, if you had to work with any actor/actress who would it be?” 
“Oh wow, that’s a difficult one Jimmy, but I think I would have to say Emily Wilson, I just really love everything she does, like it would be such an honour. I am a huge fan! Honestly even meeting her would be a huge honour” 
“Well I was told she loves Toronto! So maybe it won’t be that hard to find her roaming around the city, you could just ask her on a date you know?” — Jimmy joked.
“I don’t think I would ever even dare to do that!” — Shawn answered, his face definitely a bit flustered.
“Well, but moving on to business Shawn, talk to us about your new album!”
“So, Emily lets talk about your new film, you are now shooting in Toronto, right?” 
“Yes, and it has been an amazing experience to be able to be in Toronto for 3 months now, I really love this city so much!” — She replied with a smile on her face.
“That’s so great! I hope you managed to finally go to all the places you wanted to visit around the city, did you manage to have the time to do that?” 
“Oh, I really wish! We barely stopped during the filming process because I need to run to London right after this, we are starting to shoot The Selection series with Netflix, as you all know, so I manage to visit a few places but definitely have to come back.”
“So, if you had to choose between life in Toronto or London, which one would you choose?” 
“Toronto!” — She answer without second thoughts. — “Don’t get me wrong I love London, but there is just something about here that I can’t take my head off it.” 
 - - -
“Girl I just loved your work so much! I mean you know I love your acting gigs but your song, I just don’t know how you didn’t win song of the year! It was my song of the year for sure!” — Billie said as soon as she spotted Emily at the Grammy’s after party.
“Come on! You are queen here today, don’t even start! You killed it!” 
“Thank you! It means a lot coming from you! I heard you are back to filming in New York this month? Maybe we can meet up for a coffee when you are around?”
“Actually, I just finished filming yesterday, I am heading to Toronto tomorrow, and then back to London for more filming.” — Emily said a bit sad she would miss the coffee with Billie.
“No wayyyy! Wait up, I will probably head to Canada for a few days too, Justin recommend me a very nice retreat in which paps won’t find me, and I am in need of some offline days, especially after this crazy night, I feel like I can definitely go for that!” 
“That’s amazing, if you want you can come with me in the plane and we have that coffee and you can tell me more about how was this masterpiece production”
“I am in girl! Let’s go!” — Billie answered before being dragged by her brother to answer to a phone call they had just got.
- - -
“Wait up! You have never talked with Shawn or Justin before? Even though you have been obsessed with Canada your entire life? How is that even possible? 
“You know I was nominated for a song for the movie I did right? I don’t actually sing B.” — Emily said laughing at her friend.
“Oh shush girl, you just won a grammy yesterday for best song for visual media, maybe you don’t want to admit but you are good in what you are doing” 
“Billie, I literally have one song out!”
“True! But still…” 
“Enough on me and my obsession with Canada, tell me more about what you have been up to! It has been so long since we had time to actually talk!” — Emily answered, eager to know more about her friend.
- - -
“Shawn there is an invitation for you to go to this interview tomorrow with Emily Wilson, I know it is last minute but if you want to do it, we can do it.” — Andrew said over the phone.
“Wait, what? Really? Of course I want to do it, should probably talk to Camilla first about it, but yes.” — He said, immediately texting his girlfriend about the interview as he knew she could become a bit insecure with Shawn going to an interview with his celebrity crush. But her response came out being super supportive which made Shawn at ease about going.
- - -
“Hello you guys, I was told you had never met! And honestly I didn’t believe it!” — The interviewer at the radio said making Shawn and Emily smile at each other before answering.
“I honestly just never spent enough time here to get to meet new people, I am always hanging out with the crew and it just never happened, but it is an honour to finally meet you Shawn!” — Emily said with a smile.
“No, please the honour is all mine! I just really cannot believe this is happening right now and I am not sure I know exactly how to properly behave, I am like your number 1 fan!” — He said, totally fingerling over her and making her giggle. 
“Normally Emily comes over to talk about acting, but today we will talk about song writing, and her process on writing and recording her song for a Disney movie! How did that happen?” 
“Well Kate, I don’t even know myself if I am being honest, I knew I would have to sing, but when Julia contacted me asking if I wanted to help with writing it took me a lot by surprise, it was the first time I ever wrote a song in my life, so I definitely was not expecting the response we got, honestly I really believe it was all Julia’s magic and I ended up being there with her by a struck of luck or something” — She answered.
“What do you think of the song Shawn? And how it is writing for you?”
“What do I think of her song? I wrote with Julia a few weeks after they finished recording and Julia couldn’t shut up about you and how you brought all the sparkles into the song, and I really think it is an amazing vulnerable song and that you really should give yourself some more credit, I really love it. And about writing, for me this song is an example of what I am trying to do every day, really just pouring my soul into it and making feelings into words.” — He answered making her blush a little. 
“Thank you Shawn, we don’t have a lot of time today unfortunately, so we chose one question from fans for you to answer: If you had to choose between writing in London or anywhere else in the world where would you choose to go?” 
“I really like recoding in LA, but London is on my top 5 places too.” — Shawn answered and waited for Emily.
“Toronto, 100%! If there is one place I feel the most comfortable being in such a vulnerable state is Toronto for sure.”
“Time is up, guys thank you so much! I hope I get to see more of you around Toronto Emily, and Shawn let’s please meet up soon! I will see you again tomorrow to talk about the process of filming Game of Thrones with Emilia Clarke!” 
As they left the recording room, Shawn finally had the chance to compliment Emily properly.
“I really really love your work so much, you have no idea! — He said in an exited way which made her smile. — Can I hug you? — He asked and she immediately nodded and was engulfed in his hug. She really had a strange sensation when they were hugging, it was the same sensation she felt whenever she would arrive in Toronto, it felt like home. “Is it too much if I ask for an autograph too?” — He asked, making her laugh.
“Of course, here you go.” She signed on his notebook.
They talked for over an hour after the interview, and he also left her his number for whenever she was around if she needed company to tour on his city. She knew he had a girlfriend but at the same time she couldn’t help but to wonder which is also why she promised herself to never text him.
- - -
“Our final question of the night” — Elen said with a pout and the audience also made a sound of protest. “I know, I know you love her, I love her too!” — She said taking Emily laugh
“And I love you all of course” — She said seeing a kiss to the audience.
“If you had to make a song duet, and I mean a real one, not one with me for this show. Who would you like to sing with?” 
“Shawn Mendes” — She said, very fast and without thinking too much.
“Oh wow, that was fast, is there something going on that we don’t know about? You definitely do make a lot of visits to Toronto.” — Elen said, leaving it open to her to interpret it.
“I just really like the way his voice sounds” — She said, bluish a little when she noticed how her response sounded. — “ And of course if we record in Toronto even better”
“Smooth Emily, I guess we all will have to let that slide since our time is up for today”.
- - - 
“So Shawn” — Elen Paused —“Do you watch my show?”
“Whenever I can, I do.” 
“A few months ago we had an interview with Emily Wilson, and apparently she really likes your voice” — She said making him blush because he had no idea what she was talking about.
“I am not exactly sure what you are talking about Elen” — He answered, not wanting to mess things up with his favourite star.
“Here is Emily on this show, and what she said” — Elen replayed the clip, and Shawn immediately felt his blushing. “Adorable right?” — She said making him close his eyes for a second and smile timidly.
“I really like the way her voice sounds too, not only in music but also everything she has even acted on, she is perfect in everything she does” — He answered and bit his lip softly at the end, still embarrassed by the situation.
Later that night he was surprised when his phone received a text from Emily, as he hadn’t really talked to her in over a year.
Emily: I will be in Toronto next week, if you are around and want to meet for a coffee maybe?
Shawn: Text me your hotel once you have it and I will pick you up and show you around the city if you want a proper tour.
- - -
“Connor I am sincerely nervous for this. — Shawn said for the 100th time that day.
“It will be fine, honestly I can’t believe it took you guys so long to actually go on a date!” 
“What do you mean, Man I did have a girlfriend before remember?”
“Shawn, we both know your relationship with Mila started for the wrong reasons, and honestly the possibility of it evolving was very slim.” — He said referring to the publicity stunt they had agreed and that later evolved into a relationship. — “You love her, but only as a friend, whereas you have been fungirling over Emi for years, even before Camila.” 
“I am not sure if you saying that helps a lot to soothe my nerves at all” — He said adjusting the collar of his shirt and deciding it was time to leave.
- - -
“Okay, so since you are here, and we are being honest with each other, I though we might as well go for Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts!” — James said being filled by a round of a applauses. — “Everything in here is vegetarian, so you can eat everything, or nothing if you decide to answer the questions.”.
“Oh God, this does not look good at all, but yeah, I am ready, ask me”. 
“We are nearing the finale of your series with Netflix, are there any spin-offs of the series being prepared for later? Or is that the last of The Selection we will see? — He asked making her close her eyes.
“Come on James, that is really not fair, I can’t answer this.” — She said trying to sound a bit mad, but laughing at the end.
“That’s all right, you can always go for the onion and garlic tea.” — He said, and she took a sip making a lot of effort to not throw up in the process.
“My turn, James, is there any celebrity who you refused to invite to your show before?” — She read her question and smiled at him.
“She really knows what she is doing you guys, nop I guess olive pudding for me it is” — He said looking a bite of the disgusting looking olive pudding.
“Emily, some photos have been circling around the internet, and I we are all wondering if they are real, so I would like to read Shawn’s last 3 messages to you” — He said making her blush, they still hadn’t officially confirmed nor denied anything, but their photos of the grammy’s were all over the internet already so there was really no hiding to do anymore.
“Okay, I guess you can do that” — She said after verifying the messages quickly.
“Oh wow! I was not expecting that you guys! I really wasn’t, okay so let’s do this:
Hi Emi, I really really miss you. I hope James is not too mean to you, Love. Good luck, I love you, and see you later.
“Awww… you guys are melting our hearts right now.” — He said taking her phone close to his heart. — “IT’S REAL EVERYONE!” 
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Life Update
Friends! Readers! The five bots who keep sending me cryptic messages! Hello, greetings, and fond wishes to you all!
It has been a long, long time since I’ve been around, and I offer my sincerest apologies for that. I’ve been doing a lot of outside charity work the past few months, and it has been keeping me busier than I could have possibly imagined.
Last month, I was chair for my childhood church’s Fair Stand, for tragically its final year. We managed to go out with a bang, but for the 9 days I was working from 6 am - 10 pm straight, it really didn’t feel like much of a win at the time.
While there, despite our consistent masking and distancing, my roommie and I both caught Covid. While we both have our boosters and plenty of meds to keep us going, it really did a number on us. I’m actually still currently taking a prescription, and I’ve been sick for well over a month now. Some of my current symptoms are vaguely reminiscent of pneumonia, and I’m hoping I haven’t caught That Again.
In spite of the illness, I’ve also been roped into helping with Another event at said church, a Sunday School Halloween Party at the end of this month. The lady in charge is very dear to me however, so it’s more fun than work now. I can’t wait for everything to come together~!
A lot of you have been sending worried asks, and I’ve wanted to reply to all of you as I got them, but I really haven’t been online as much as I would have liked. The past few months have seen little of a proper in-person social life either, though I did meet someone up at the Fair. ^_^; He’s super sweet, makes phenomenal waffles, and designs almost all of his own clothes. Also spent a good 20 minutes geeking out about our favorite video production software the night we met, so I guess I owe my college professor for encouraging me to take another semester in that class. 
I have some more big things coming up, including another trip to DC this coming November, and maybe a trip out to see some of my friends out in The Bronx this Yuletide season if I can swing it~
I am coming back though, that I promise. I have soooo many ideas still simmering, and you’ve all been sending me such lovely requests that only fuel the fire more! My dream right now however is to finish writing that one Romano piece I’ve been hacking away at for the past... year? Two years? What is Time? How old am I?-
Hello my darlings! I have been ridiculously busy when offline, and I haven’t really had any time or inspiration to write because of that. I’m trying to ease back into it, and while I can’t make promises, I’m going to try my hardest to post a few more things before the end of 2022. Stay tuned; there’s plenty in store~
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
x reader (gender neutral)
summary: you decided to call the number, which was definitely his by the way, on the pamphlet. now you were here eating dinner with your tattoo artist.
here's a very unnecessary part two
I also cannot see michael in my au wearing anything else but jeans and a wifebeater and a leather jacket.
I'll stop writing about michael OVER MY DEAD BODY even at my funeral I expect a michael cutout
fun fact: I wrote all this offline on my gmail drafts
part one ## part two
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it's only been around a day since you had left the shop and noticed the hastily scribbled number on what was supposed to help you care for your new tattoo.
it was quiet in your room, you staring at your phone. 
"if he wasn't interested, why would he give me his number?" you told yourself, and you picked the phone up, dialing in his number.
it rang for a few seconds.
maybe he wasn't even home yet.
then you heard a "hello?"
your eyebrows shot up in surprise. you did not think that it would get this far.
"is this michael?" you asked,  beginning to twiddle the cord on the phone in nervousness. 
"it'd suck if it wasn't," he replied. "yeah, it's me. I thought I wrote the wrong number for a bit."
you laughed.  "I'd be really disappointed if you did."
you heard some shuffling coming from the other side. 
"hey, I'm really busy right now love, but how about this? you meet me at the tattoo shop around 5?" 
is he asking you out on a date?
"yeah! yeah, I'm down," you said quickly.
"you're excited," he teased. "I'll see you there." 
the other line went silent.
you put your phone up and jumped on the bed, squealing into the pillow. after a few minutes of letting the fact you now have a date with your hot tattoo artist, you realized that you didn't even know where he was going to take you.
"what if it's somewhere fancy and I wear something regular?" you panicked. you couldn't call him back, because he was busy enough to cut your conversation short.
there's no way he was going to take you to a fancy place as a first date anyways.
you made it to the parlor as michael was closing up, waving goodbye to jack and locking the door.
he saw you walking towards him and grinned.
"just on time, love. not even a minute late?" he pocketed the key and leaned against the door.
"didn't want to keep you waiting," you replied. you let an internal sigh of relief. he wasn't dressed formally.
"sorry I didn't tell you where I was gonna take you," he apologized. "and I also hope you're fine with riding a motorcycle."
you raised an eyebrow in question. "yeah, a friend used to drive me around on a motorcycle."
"cool, cool. let's go," he led you back to the parking lot.
"you gonna tell me where we're going?" he offered you one of the two helmets sitting on his bike.
"if I tell you, it'd ruin the surprise. not that it's much of a surprise anyways. just be patient, love." he slipped a pair of leather gloves on and you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him.
"you're gonna have to hold me tighter than that if you don't wanna slip off," the corner of his mouth upturned. he should just put his visor down already so you don't have to look at his handsome face.
"weird way of asking me to hug you closer." you hummed, but you did follow his directions.
he let out a breathy chuckle and flipped his helmet visor down. "payback for what I said yesterday?" he asked as he guided the bike out the lot.
it was in fact payback.
it wasn't really successful though, since michael always had a statement to one up you.
"you were practically drooling when I was talking to you about keeping your tat safe," he reminded you at a red light.
"I genuinely don't remember that." 
"I do. it was so obvious even jack talked to me about it. and jack is as dense as a rock."
"how about you pay attention to the road?"
"when such a hot babe is touching me? I can't resist, love."
michael seemed to take pride in your unresponsive self. it hadn't even been 10 minutes and you swear that michael was going to be the end of you.
you could not let this slide.
the two of you pulled up to a little cute diner, its neon sign already glowing brightly in the darkening sky.
"it's not much, but it's my favorite place to go to. plus, it's my dad's." he explained as you both made you way to the entrance. "don't worry, he won't even be here. and thankfully, neither will my siblings."
"siblings?" you asked as a waiter immediately led you to a booth.
"yeah. I have two. evan and elizabeth. they're both little twerps, especially elizabeth." he scoffed. "as soon as she got into middle school, all she could talk about was boys."
"sounds like the usual 80's girl," you nodded. 
he let out a little noise in agreement and picked up the menu.
"anything you want? I already know what I want." he handed it to you.
you scanned the menu before finding what you wanted.
"I'll just get this," you pointed.
he called the waitress over and she took your orders. as soon as she left, michael leaned in, holding his face up with his hands.
"so, what do you like to do?" he inquired.
you thought about it for a moment. "I don't know, flirt with hot men?"
he looked shocked. "so you've done this to multiple people and not me?"
"I- I uh," you began. "wait, would you be jealous?"
he raised an eyebrow. "guess."
you groaned. 
he was obviously amused.
"what about you?" you changed the subject to him.
"hmmm," he thought. "I'll show you."
he whipped a pen out of his jacket pocket and grabbed a napkin.
you watched in confusion as he doodled on it, and after 5 minutes of silence later he folded the napkin into a heart and slid it across the table to you.
you gasped when you opened it. it was a sketch of you, and it was as detailed as a 5 minute sketch done by a professional artist could be.
"I love it!" you pulled both his hands into yours, beaming up at him.
he let out a grin of his own, pink dusting his cheeks. 
"that's good. I mean, if I couldn't draw good as a tattoo artist that'd be pretty weird."
you looked at the drawing a bit more before you asked him, "could you fold it back into a heart for me again? please?"
"of course, love."
by the time you and michael had finished eating, it was pitch black outside and you had learned a lot about michael.
he ,apparently, was the token bad boy of middle school until he got his brother evan into an accident that could've been fatal, but thankfully survived through it.
he was also going to be a mechanic, until he decided he wanted a job that'd make him really happy and opened his own tattoo shop.
he also smells sweet because of the amount of perfume elizabeth spreads around the house. he also uses her shampoo and conditioner.
"how else would I have this gorgeous mullet?" he explained.
after michael had tipped the waitress that was serving the two of you, you told him you had something you wanted to do with him.
"follow me. I saw something out here that I really want to do." 
you had stopped in front of a little photo booth on the side of the store.
"a photo booth?" 
"yeah. this is my first date and I just wanted to commemorate it, you know?"
"this is your first date?" michael asked in disbelief as you pushed him into the little room and squished up against him.
"yeah, believe it or not."
"I don't believe it."
you raised your eyebrow as you inserted the money and got ready for the first picture.
"you better now, because it's about to take a picture."
you threw up a little peace sign and michael pouted. "what am I supposed to d-"
he was cut off by the flash of the camera.
you laughed as he grumbled.
he draped his arm around your shoulder, giving the camera wide smirk. you looked at him in surprise and the camera went off again.
"we're both getting caught off guard," you shook your head in mock disappointment.
"maybe this time we won't," michael locked eyes with you, inching closer. you closed your eyes, and then-
that wasn't the camera in the booth.
you heard giggling come from behind the curtain, and when you opened it, you found a boy and a girl holding a little disposable camera.
"mikey was gonna kiss a girl!" the girl cheered.
"and you ruined it!" michael leaned over you to snatch the camera when the actual photo booth camera went off.
and man, did the strip of pictures make some memories.
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v-lynx-2 · 3 years
So .. a little jake x reader, hope you enjoy it.
Oh, English isn't my first language so.. yeah.
Hannah was found and the kidnapper was turned to justice, Jake was relived to find her alive so were you and the rest of the group, also richy was found close to hannah and in now at the hospital.
You were so happy to know that they were okay and that richy is alive. 
While calling the group and telling them how happy you were and asking hannah if she was okay, you suddenly felt something, a feeling you couldn't  describe, then you remembered Jake, how he just said few words and was silent, online but didn't say anything afterwards.
The group took their own time to get together once again offline, you said it was fine and that you were happy to help, but of course jessy kept sending you pictures every now and then.
You texted jake: 
Y/n = I'm so glad she is okay 
Y/n = we did a great job! 
You didn't send anything later because of that feeling you had earlier, it was growing by the second. 
As flashbacks of everything that happened surfed into your mind 
" this important puzzle piece " 
" trust me " 
" as long as they trust you, it doesn't matter "
" (y/n) is the key "
Am I just "a puzzle piece " ?, you thought to yourself 
A notification cut your line of thought, it was jake.
Jake = I'm relieved 
Jake=  And yes, you did a great job Thank you, y/n.
Y/n = it was teamwork ! 😄
Y/n =I don't think I would have made it that far without you. 
Jake = on the contrary, you showed me how well you can do without my help.
Jake = you never let me down :) 
           Jake <offline>
You smiled, that emoji he sent always makes you smile.
But that feeling was growing faster than before as jake went offline. 
Was it worry? Fear? It made you feel uneasy.  
After few pics from jessy, a thank you call from lily and her parents, the time went by with hearing anything else from jake.
And there is that feeling again, you say back trying to understand your emotions.
You had been thinking of something for a while, that maybe..he just wanted to make sure you help him get more information. As a face, someone the others can trust until hannah is found and then disappe- 
Another notification.
It was Jessy, she told you that Phil was let out of jail. 
You said that you are happy for her 
Jessy = thank you, y/n, this wouldn't have happened without you, you did so many great things for us 🥺💖💖
Y/n = aww jessy 💖 
You texted with her for a while then back to the ground chat. 
Again, no jake in sight. 
You excused yourself and went offline. 
That feeling started to get unbearable
 was all of this for me to stay working on the case ? 
Was he.. acting like this so I help him solve this case until the end? 
You refused to believe that but his constant disappearance made you sure of it. 
So, you decided, to leave him be, not wait for texts anymore, not send walls of texts that you thinks he reads anyway. 
Not to waste time waiting. 
Hot tears fell from your eyes at the realization
 if that was the case then.. I shouldn't bother him anymore, ... it must have been hard for him too. 
You put your phone down and went to do whatever to distract you from your phone. 
Secretly waiting for a notification, anything that would prove you wrong.
But it never happened, jessy was busy that day too, you checked on the others and hannah, she seemed to be in good spirits. 
You talked for awhile and then.
Hannah = you don't feel so good, do you? 
Y/n = wait, how did you know? 
Hannah = I just noticed it.
Y/n = eh.. well, it isn't a big deal, really. 
Hannah = No, it's fine , you can talk to me 
Y/n = you went through much, I don't want you to think about this, it doesn't matter ,really 
Y/n = so how is richy? 
You tried to change the topic, hannah noticed but she didn't say anything about it. 
As you tried to keep your emotions in check, you went to read your old massages again with Jake, before they used to feel good, now.. they only made you feel worse.
Could it be the end, because he didn't reply yet.
A notification came after a while. 
Jake= if you don't mind, I read your conversation with hannah. 
Y/n = and ? 
Jake = I think she is, right.
Y/n = you don't have to do this again, we found her. 
Jake = of course, I apologize.
Something stopped you from texting right after. 
If finding hannah was the only important thing, why does he bother texting me again? 
Is it.. out of pity? .. he must felt like he owed me something..
A day later, without a text from you to begin his day, he started to grow worried.
He went to check on you but you were offline, this wasn't usual around that time, he made nym0s to alert him once you go online, but you didn't that day.
I knew this was gonna happen, she was only helping me out of fear.. 
Jake spent that day wondering if he should resume you that he won't harm you, but that is something he might not be able to control.. it could be dangerous for you to be with him. 
His thoughts did make him feel any better, as they all turn in your direction. 
Next day,
Nym0s sent an alert to jake. 
 phil is calling, you look at your phone expecting someone else, but you were disappointed.
Phil -> Y/n, hello there cutie, I wanted to thank you for getting me out of jail, you know, why don't you come to duskwood? 
A party at my place, just for you, dear. 
Y/n -> a party?, for me? Aww that is so nice of you, phil, I would love to- 
Suddenly the call has ended 
Jake = I terminated the call. 
Y/n = but why did you do that?!  
Jake = didn't you promise me something?.
Y/n = what does it matter now?!
Jake = I'm aware of the fact that the culprit is already taken care of , but you know I can't stand him.
Y/n = who? Phil ? , he was let out of jail after a false charge.
Jake = I'm also aware of that fact.
You stopped replying, why is he still doing this anyway, am I still useful? 
Of course, as a cover. 
Jake = y/n, you aren't planning to go to duskwood, are you?
You didn't reply again .
Jake = y/n ? 
Jake = are you alright?
  You decided to text him this is non of his business but you paused to wipe your tears as them falling on the screen made it harder to text. 
Jake = why are you doing this? 
Fear has found it's way to Jake's heart once again because of you, he couldn't stand the thought of losing you, but he tried to be as understanding as possible.. as much as he could. 
Y/n = I'm just giving you space, wouldn't it be better if I didn't waste your time? And no, don't worry I'm not going,  I don't want remember this again.
Y/n = it's fine , jake. .. you can just leave. 
He couldn't understand what you meant by that, he just felt how hurt you were, which made him feel hurt as well.
Jake = y/n, what makes you think I want to leave? 
            Y/n <offline>
You just didn't want to have that conversation, you already feel pitiful and hate yourself for it. 
Your heart was aching, with every second that passed. 
Till your phone started ringing. 
You thought it was probably Phil again, and this time you were wrong.
It was Jake, but why would he call now anyway? 
You tried to ignore him, but the pain you felt in your chest was too hard to bear. 
You answered. 
Jake -> y/n, please, listen to me, I want you to tell me what happened. 
You were trying to calm down so you could say a thing, it was his same voice changer and that tone of his. 
You couldn't help but remember the times you felt so happy to hear from him. 
Y/n -> ....n..nothing.  
Jake did something different this time, he turned of the voice changing program. 
Jake -> y/n, I understand if you want to cut ties with me after all of this, .. I wouldn't blame you.
Jake -> I want you to know that I had the best time of my life with you and I will cherish these moments. 
Jake -> I understand your fear, I know you wouldn't want to be associated with a person like I am. 
Jake -> so, don't worry, I will go away, after you tell me that you are okay. 
Jake -> I want to hear it from you, one last time. 
You took a while to reply, but he waited, he didn't want to do anything else but wait.. hold you.. and tell you everything will be okay,  but he thinks now that you don't want this.. you don't want him.. a person who no one can trust, it is surprising, he made get in a lot of dangerous situations before, only him to blame. 
Y/n -> I'm.. not afraid, not of you or anyone.  
Jake -> y/n .. 
Y/n -> I love you, okay!, I just .. I just can't stand the fact that.. you were only here for someone else... I know it's selfish of me, I know nothing should be about me at all! 
Just .. just why? ... why did you make me feel this way if you didn't actually like me? ..  why?. .. 
Jake -> I feel the same way, ever since we met, you piqued my interest, I started to think of you constantly, even after trying to control myself, because I know how dangerous it would be for both of us... y/n, I love you. 
Jake -> I understand how you feel, you trusted me blindly through this whole situation, without me giving you any proof. 
Jake -> y/n, I don't want to leave, I want to be with you, that's why I had been absent for a while, i want to make our dreams a reality. 
Jake -> I want you to be there. With me. 
Y/n-> .. you know.. I like your voice.
Jake -> Haha,  I love yours.  
Y/n -> you said something about proof, what did you mean by that? 
Jake -> you will know when the time comes, love.
Y/n -> oooh come on! For real ! 
Jake -> yes, now, tell me. What would you like to do today? 
Y/n -> I.. didn't feel like doing anything today..
Jake -> do you remember that virtual date you had with Jessica? 
Y/n -> don't tell me, you don't like her either? 
Jake-> not as much as her brother, but I like her idea. 
Y/n -> so? 
Jake -> if you are feeling better now, I want to ask you if.. we can a have a virtual date, what do you think? 
Y/n -> I will tell you when the time comes. 
Jake -> I love you, y/n. 
Y/n -> I love you too. 
Phil = hey, I didn't hear your reply.
??? = :)
Phil = what?
<you can't reply to this conversation>
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
TommyInnit Confession HCs
This is a combination of an imagine and some headcanons, this is a new way of writing for me so let me know if you enjoyed this format! 
- Tommy realising he loves the reader and how he’d confess to them - 
Tommy definitely would deny being interested in the reader in the beginning.
It would probably be a natural progression of feelings but tommy just wouldn’t realise it until WAY too late.
Like he just catches himself thinking about them when he’s just doing schoolwork and chores. And then he’s aware of just how much his mind wanders to them. Far too often in his humble opinion.
He lays hints about his crush when talking with Tubbo. He’s real defensive about it though. “You much of a ladies man Tubbo?” Trying to discretely get advice without actually asking for any. And Tubbo being Tubbo means he completely missed all the hints Tommy was dropping. (Not that Tommy’s hints were any good)
His stream for sure notices a change in his behavior, more scatterbrained showing visible signs of stress maybe a little more irritable too. Tubbo definitely notices the changes too and asks him about it. 
Tubbo would probably ask tommy on stream or in private something along the lines of. “What’s up Tommy, you’ve been kinda uh, distracted lately…”
Tommy for suuuuuure blushes and stutters out a response that even Tubbo doesn’t buy. (So instead he talks to Tubbo about it off stream, doesn’t mention his crushes name, but he keeps Tubbo in the loop. Tubbo finds the whole thing very funny because of how defensive Tommy gets in response, however he offers his support to Tommy, obviously. “Even though I have no experience with romance Tommy. I’ll do my best to be the best wingman ever!” With a salute to Tommy on his webcam. Tubbo quickly leaves the call saying he needs to do some ‘research’ (he puts the word in quotation marks with a wink)
Tommy would be a stubborn flustered MESS if stream ever figured out that he was crushing on someone.
And of course they find out because Tubbo slips up and mentions Tommy having a crush.
By that point he is absolutely CONSUMED by his thoughts about the reader as the more he tries to not think about them the more he wishes he was with them.
He also would 10000% be ignoring or avoiding his crush for as long as possible because he knows he wouldn’t be able to utter a single word to their face. His usual ‘big man’ façade would be in absolute shambles if he were around the reader during this time.
There would be a lot of internal and external swearing from Tommy when he finally realises and accepts that he likes you though.
However, this acceptance doesn’t make him any less stressed because now he needs to figure out whether he is even going to tell you!
But he knows he can’t keep living like this as he can’t keep avoiding his crush forever. And he knows the next time he sees you he knows his heart is going to literally burst out of his chest. And he won’t be able to stop himself. So, he devises a plan.
He gets a pep talk from Tubbo in which they help brainstorm his confession plan but he finds himself messaging Wilbur one late night after his stream. “Hey, can I get some advice?” Wilbur is shocked. “Tommyinnit asking ME for advice? Never thought I’d see the day.”
Wilbur teases him for a short while surely. But when Tommy finally puts his pride aside and tells Wilbur about his crush he sobers up quick and dishes out some solid advice and support for Tommy. “In exchange for my services I better be meeting this crush of yours Tommy.” “You got it big man.”
After speaking with Wilbur Tommy feels as if he can finally breathe for the first time in weeks since he first started to realise his feelings for the reader.
Tommy sends the reader a text in the mid-morning asking if they wanted to hang out sometime later today. Also apologizing for how ‘busy’ he’s been the last few weeks using schoolwork or chores as his excuse.
He’s furiously texting Tubbo the WHOLE time he’s waiting for a reply from them. Tubbo pulls Tommy onto Minecraft to try and take his mind off the situation. Offline of course, Tommy would not be able to handle streaming right now.
Even Wilbur sends him a few messages to check in, jumping on discord to give his ear for Tommy to chew off. Which he most definitely does.
Eventually his phone dings and Tommy DIVES for it. “THEY SAID YES!” Both Wilbur and Tubbo groan from Tommy’s mic peaking with his screech.
Tommy waits for a few minutes before replying per Tubbo’s request. “I read it online! You don’t want to seem too into them.” He proclaims with false authority as Wilbur chuckles in the background of the call.
The rest of the afternoon blurs for Tommy as he stays on call with Wilbur and Tubbo as they do their best to distract his overactive mind.
However, as the clock ticks on he knows he needs to start getting ready or he’s going to be late.
Wilbur demands that he choose Tommy’s outfit. So for the next half hour Tommy proceeds to perform a free fashion show for the two, only for Phil to join for a short while to give his two cents before going back to his stream.
Eventually Wilbur settles on what he dubbed “-a classic Tommyinnit look-” one of his favourite red shirts paired with one of his nicer black jackets and the dark charcoal pants his mum had made him get a few months ago for a wedding. They are very uncomfortable.
Tommy heaves a sigh as he thanks Wilbur and Tubbo for sticking around with him today. They both send him away, “Good luck Tommy!” “Go get ‘em big man.”
Tommy had agreed to meet the reader at the park, he thought dinner would have been a bit much. Wilbur and Tubbo both agreed on that front. This park was right near the water, so it had a great view of the sunset. He was still pretty chuffed about that fact, his chat was sooo wrong, he could be romantic if he wanted to after all.
Of course, he was a little late. He repeatedly told his mum to speed. She refused of course. His mother of course had noticed exactly what this ‘hang out’ was and had quizzed him about his crush the night prior.
“Don’t leave the car mum.” Tommy was quick to warn her, he did not want her to be anywhere near them. She didn’t need any more dirt on him to embarrass him with. She could end his whole streaming career in an instant if she wanted. A truly terrifying thought.
Tommy was quick to move near the waterfront puffing slightly, nose a tinge pink with the oncoming chilly wind from the lake. “Hey Tommy.” Tommy would freeze instantly before quickly turning with a forced smile, a little too big for his face. “Hey!”
His crush would lead Tommy over to the nearby bench they had been sitting on before he arrived. And they would definitely sit closer to Tommy than he would have wanted.
Tommy would be so obvious. Stuttering over his words, a LOT of frantic hand movements whenever he’s speaking to them.
Mid-conversation his crush starts to laugh. “Tommy I think I’ve figure out why you have been ‘busy’ recently.” Tommy stills immediately, sweat dripping off of him in POOLS. “H-Huh!?” He makes a noise in the back of his throat that he has NEVER made before.
This seems to only make his crush laugh more, they turn fully to him and take one of his clammy hands. He quickly goes to yank it from their grip knowing how sweaty it is. But their grip is strong, and surprisingly calm in contrast to his shaking hands. He gulps simply staring at the spot where their hands are touching. “Tommy.” His gaze snaps up to their smiling face hiding slight worry. “Breathe.” And he finally does. His tense shoulders drop, and their hand leaves his. And suddenly he’s laughing harder than he ever has before realizing how ridiculous he’s being right now. And when he looks over, so is his crush.
The conversation from that point on flows naturally as the two finally begin to catch up after not seeing each other for a few weeks.
Tommy finally realises how comfortable they make him feel. He simply stares at them as they speak. Awed that it took him this damn long to figure out he liked them.
His crush stops talking, noticing him staring. He jumps out of his thoughts, “Hey Tommy, take a picture it’ll last longer.” And suddenly he’s sweating all over again as they laugh.
His crush is having the time of their life watching ‘big man’ Tommy squirm beside them. Trying his best to scrounge up the courage to say something, anything to them.
They open their mouth to speak when suddenly Tommy yells, “I LIKE YOU!”
Tommy isn’t even looking at them, he has his eyes squeezed shut and he thrusts his arm outwards holding something which promptly shoves into his crush’s chest. Effectively winding them.
They wheeze in response, “Me too. Don’t know why though goD!” They push out through gasps of air, pressing a hand to their chest. Pain beginning to subside as Tommy realises he literally just punched his crush.
His jaw drops and his silence continues as they take what was in his hands. A small book.
A scrapbook.
His crush’s face softens as they flip through the photos, memories flooding back to them of days long gone by.
Tommy stayed up all night yesterday just to finish the final details on the scrapbook, it isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing. (Even he knows that) But he put his heart and soul into it.
“Very sweet of you Tommy. But I didn’t bring anything for you…” They end up mumbling in response. Tommy only grins. “So you like it?” They scoff and finally pull Tommy in for a hug. He stills for a moment, then melts into their hold.
Tommy mumbles his apology for literally punching them into his crush’s hair. They giggle into his chest in response, letting him know that it’s fine, they’re okay. Tommy mumbles something incoherent into their hair and presses a cautionary kiss to the top of their head.
“AWWWWW!” A loud noise comes from behind their bench. Tommy and his crush dive apart only to see Tommy’s mum hidden behind a nearby tree.
“MUUUUUUUUUM!” Tommy screeches as his crush cackles out a laugh.
Tommy’s mum ends up driving his crush home as well, they sit in the back seat of the car holding hands.
“This didn’t go at all how I’d planned…” Tommy complains with a deep pout. “Oh really? Your plan didn’t involve punching me? Huh?” Their crush sniggers at him.
“Oh! His real plan-“ His mother starts and in order to cut her off Tommy just starts yelling at the top of his lungs “Nononono!!”. Causing his crush to burst into laughter as the two try to increase their volumes to drown out the other.
His crush shakes their head with a grin and wonders what the hell they’ve just gotten themselves into.
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the hues of an empty sky
Missing memories, or having two of them for one moment - not quite the same, but if there's one thing Jay's leant over the last few weeks, it's that literally nothing makes sense anymore.
Or, some Skybound aftermath, Zane actually expressing emotions about his memory switch being turned off for all those years, and what was supposed to be a 'they tell everyone about the erased timeline' fic, but it turned into a 'two characters who barely interact on screen talk at like one am in the morning, and don't actually tell the other what exactly they're alluding to the whole time' fic that I wrote at like one am- 
Also yeah, I realized too late that they split up to look for Wu after s7, we’re just gonna pretend that they waited a few days or something, idk anymore tbh, lol.
(I also didn't have time to edit - so please tell me where the typos are? 😂💛)
Word count: 4539
Prompt: crying, from @ninjago-bingo 's warm board.
Trigger warnings: the main character has a panic attack, and squeezes their fingernails into their hands once or twice but I think that's it.
*facepalms* also, guys, i’m so stupid - i literally just realized that this freaking CHANGES TENSE HALFWAY OHMYGOSH I-  i don’t think it’s super noticeable, but ugh, apologies to anyone who actually thought my writing was good lol-
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It's cold.
Bitterly, freezing cold.
The biting chill of the air is a bit strange for this time of year, but, heck, that's nowhere near the craziest thing that's ever happened to him - not by a long shot.
He sighs, squinting at the stars dotted liberally against the black canvas of the sky.
Cole had once joked that one of them might be the remains of their golden weapons, after they'd hurled the burning mass into the sky - in another alternate timeline; one that only existed in the memories of a certain few.
Gosh - that seemed like such a long time ago.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to that time, when he'd still thought that their powers were the coolest thing ever - instead of despising them for all the responsibility and sacrifice that came with them? When one of his biggest worries was whether the girl he had a crush on liked him back - not wondering if his friends would survive the night?
"I did not expect to find you awake at this hour, Jay."
Reflexivity, he jumps back, his mind twisting his friend's gentle voice into the- the djin's triumphant, accented one.
You're supposed to be a ninja. What good are you if your friends can still sneak up on you?
"Geez, warn a guy before you sneak up on him! I almost fell off the Bounty!"
"My apologies. I was... surprised to find you awake at this hour," Zane answers. "What are you doing?" "Couldn't sleep. It's too cold," he confesses, not entirely a lie. Ninjago wasn't 'that' far from the Sea of Sand, but he'd grown up in a much warmer area - unfortunately resulting in his practically nonexistent tolerance to the cold. That never failed to stop Kai from teasing him about it, though. He doesn't mention the pressing weight on his chest, almost tangible - or how it constantly makes him feel. Like he's being dragged through the darkness of an empty sky, spikes of fear making everything so freaking terrifying- "You?"
"I have been analyzing my memories of Pixal, in the hope that it may lead me to her whereabouts. However, all my efforts have proved... unsuccessful," Zane answers wearily, shifting his gaze to the sky.
Oh- oh. They'd all be so caught up in the chaos of the last few weeks - hey, it's not like any of them had asked the universe to permanently be out to get them! - that they'd forgotten Pixal was still offline.
"Hey, I'm sure that she's still there somewhere," he says, earnestly. "After all - she wouldn't be your girlfriend if she didn't pull a vanishing act every now and again, eh?"
The question is punctuated with a laugh, but he doesn't say that he's a little worried about her too. They hadn't talked much, but-
I can't see one of my best friends find out that his girlfriend is dead, a quiet voice at the back of his mind points out. Well - been there, done that, wouldn't recommend, he thinks bitterly. Emotional breakdowns and frequent nightmares apply. Anxiety attacks are half off, too!
It's quiet for a few minutes, neither of them seeing a need to break the silence. The wind blows softly through the sails above them; gray wisps of cloud revealing a pale sliver of moonlight that paints the sky in its glow.
It should be a peaceful night: beautiful, calm, no one trying to kill them or destroy their city - for a change.
His hands won't stop shaking.
It should be a peaceful night, but, as usual, the world is too freaking unfair for that-
He hasn't even slept for a full night in weeks! Well, not since- since-
Don't think about it! That's only going to make it worse, duh-
"Are you alright, Jay?"
"Yeah- I- I'm good, thanks," he says quickly, ignoring the way his breathing keeps speeding up. FSM, not this-
Not for the first time, the world suddenly becomes too loud - too much. Every little thing, from trying to breathe properly or even walk- feels insurmountable, because, gosh, oh gosh, it's going to come crashing down if he even moves-
The memory starts off the same as it always does.
Rubble strewn over the temple grounds, his friends literally reduced to nothing more than statues. A shot that hit the mark perfectly, but perfectly shattered his world in the process.
A poison-splattered dress, a terrifying realization.
Her well-aimed joke, but one that never fails to sting every time. Gosh, why hadn't they just allowed her to join their team in the first place? Maybe they could've prevented this- this- whole situation, if they hadn't been so freaking egotistical-
And, again, he's overwhelmed by the sheer sense of helplessness, all his power and training and skills completely useless to one of the people he cared most about. FSM, if only I hadn't used my first w-request so carelessly! If only I'd been able to escape- or, or if only I'd been able to assemble the team faster! If only-
Despite being in what must've been unimaginable pain, she offers a strained smile - a sweet gesture that, ironically, feels like she's poisoning him, because- because FSM, this is all so wrong, it wasn't supposed to end like this-
He watches with horror as her eyes dull and she stills in his arms.
She's gone, FSM, she's gone and it's all my fault-
"Jay?" a voice asks, concern evident in their tone. Distantly, he registers that he's having a breakdown in front of one of his best friends - one of the things he'd been trying really hard to avoid.
Dang it.
"I-" he tries to say, but, great, he's breathing too fast to even get the stupid words out.
"Breathe in for four seconds," Zane says, softly.
Four seconds? Time has no meaning right now, narrowed down to, like - falling down a chasm, terrified of what's at the bottom, except the fear's all around, this- this... foreboding thing of his mind that keeps yelling that he needs to run, or fight, but he can't, can't-
Right. Four seconds.
You're okay, you're fine, no one's trying to hurt you or your friends. She's not dead.
But what if- what if they're being dragged out of this ship right now? What if it was all a dream, and she's dead anyway, because all of us were too stupid to come up with another plan, and none of us could even do anything when she-
After a little while, when he could breathe a little easier, and the fear didn't feel like it was slamming into him from every possible direction, he slowly opened his eyes. Shakily, he wiped a tear from his face - as if that would wipe away all the weeks that had, theoretically, never even freaking happened.
The sky comes back into focus - pinpricks of light against pitch black. 
How was he going to come up with some sorta explanation without... well, explaining everything?
My nerves are frayed, and I have to lie to a walking lie detector - what could possibly go wrong?
"Are you alright?" Zane asks, his brows creased in concern.
"Heh heh, yeah. Probably just too many video games," he replies quickly, laughter a bit strained.
"You were muttering to yourself," his friend replies quietly. Ugh, trust the way-too-observant-nindroid to call him out on the remains of his facade. "If you do not mind me asking, what was 'all your fault'? I am sure that it was probably a misunderstanding."
You're the one who misunderstands everything, he thinks wearily, ignoring the part of him that yearns to tell someone else about... well, everything that's happened because of that stupid teapot. He's not one to keep secrets by nature, and it's been taking a bigger toll of him than he'd thought it would. Is this how Nya felt when she was still the Samurai? "It's- it's nothing, probably just nonsense."
"Are you sure? You seem... quite worried about something."
Dang it, were his hands still shaking? He presses his fingernails into his palms, squeezing his eyes shut for a second.
He's talking to one of his best friends, FSM. Weren't friends able to tell each other anything?
"Do you think it's easier to forget? Better?"
He didn't even realize he'd asked a question until Zane's eyes widened in surprise.
A forest coated in snow, ice crystals dangling from the tree branches above their heads. Plenty of screaming - way too much, he reflects, couldn't they have been a bit nicer? It must've been pretty jarring to learn that you weren't human, or that your father had erased years of your life from your mind - in that weird underground treehouse. Those crazy tree monsters - and the realization that they all had much more power than they'd thought.
"N- nevermind," he stutters, fleetingly thinking of kicking the deck. "That's way too personal, you don't have to answer it-"
"I do not mind," Zane says, a bit sadly.
Heck, his friend was way too nice.
They gaze up at the stars for a few minutes, not really seeing them - one drowning under the weight of too many secrets, the other, too many memories.
It's quiet - too quiet.
Ugh, he thinks, sighing, that sounds like something a low-budget horror movie would start with, cringey sound effects to match.
But the silence is a painful reminder of the days he'd spent tossing and turning in a cramped cell - nothing but his worries and the bruises on his leg from that stupid ball and chain keeping him awake.
He's been trying hard - maybe too hard - to avoid being alone, avoid being in a situation where they've gotta be quiet ever since then, because, dang it, his memories always seem to fill the silence, and they're always far more terrifying than they should be-
It's easier, in a way, to be mocked for his stupid jokes than it is to relive a single moment from those nightmarish few weeks.
Almost reflexively, he grasps for something to fill the quiet.
"Heh, this is a bit awkward. It's okay if you wanna leave-"
"I do not mind," Zane echoes, walking a bit closer. "It is not as if I need to sleep. But... I do not quite know what to think of your question."
There comes the answer - or a semblance of one at least, and it's the last thing he'd been expecting.
"You don't know?" he blurts out before he can even think of trying to filter the thought. Way to treat your friend who's been nothing but kind to you, Jay. "But you're- you're a nindroid! You know everything-"
"Pixal," his friend mutters softly, sighing, and the hurt, the fear, laced through the word makes something in his heart practically twist. He knows all too well what it feels like to be in that situation - even if, technically, it had never happened.
Then- "I wish that were true. But I suppose that my emotions make certain situations much more complicated than... than they need to be. Thus I cannot give my perspective on this - or, at least, without sounding quite conflicted."
"You know that you're allowed to be conflicted, right? Even the coolest Nindroids don't know everything."
"...Yes, I suppose so."
Jay frowns at the almost subconscious hesitation, eyebrows creasing in concern.
"Seriously," he starts earnestly. They're both leaning on one of the railings just above the deck now. "Just 'cause you're a nindroid doesn't mean that you've gotta chase some kind of perfection that doesn't even exist."
He doesn't miss how Zane's eyes widen in shock, their bright blue hue glowing a little brighter - and heck, if that doesn't hurt even more than the earlier realization.
"Besides - it's not like none of us haven't made mistakes before. Hate to go all Wu on ya, but they help us learn or some stupid thing like that. Even if the mistake is trying not to make 'em, you know?"
"Thank you," Zane replies, a tired smile on his face. "Even the most advanced tech is susceptible to error, I suppose."
They've all made lots of mistakes, heaven forbid if one of them is still agonizing over messing up over the crazy situations the universe constantly put them in. It's not like they were told they'd have to face more ancient evil armies than they could count, were they?
Maybe it's time to stop focusing on events that never even happened, and pay more attention to your friends. What's the point of being part of this team if you're always scared or selfish?
"Shut up," he mumbles, rubbing his temples. What's the point of fighting if your own brain is gonna fight you whenever it gets a chance? A few seconds later, he schools his face back into his default anxious grin. "Great, cause I- I- could use your advice on something." "Alright," comes the quiet reply, his friend seemingly lost in thought.
"What if you wanted to tell someone something, but you couldn't?"
His breathing starts to speed up again, but he grips the deck until his fingers are practically bruised, stark white against his tanned skin. Not this time-
"Is this what you were referring to earlier? An event that you blamed yourself for?" Zane asks, eyes flitting between the floor and the sky.
Dang it, way too observant as usual. He masks his surprise with a laugh, but the conversation definitely isn't going as planned and, oh gosh oh gosh, what if-
No, there's no way that any of them would even believe that. Besides - no one can remember stuff that they've forgotten, especially if magic's at play.
"Yeah, kinda," and he's surprised by how steady his voice sounds. It's not easy to even think about that- event, talking about it is a whole different thing. A much more difficult thing, but also - a bit, a little bit, easier. "I-" "Apologies for interrupting," his friend interjects. "I suppose that I have not been entirely honest with you." What?
"A few days ago, I discovered a number of deleted memory files buried deep within my code."
Just like that, his whole world tilts out from underneath him.
It takes every ounce of his strength to keep himself from falling into the abyss again.
Wait, what?
Has he really known for all this time? It's been weeks! Surely he would've said something? It can't be, it never even-
The rational part of his mind points out that he can remember every day of those few weeks. Well, he was the one to make the wish - magical logic is kinda stupid, but maybe that's why he had to remember it or something?
Well then, a small voice interjects, why was Nya cursed to remember everything too?
Of course, even the stupid magical logic doesn't even make sense to the one who caused this whole mess in the first place.
"They were almost entirely corrupted - scrambled in a way that I am not familiar with. However, I did realize that certain files bore dates that have not even occurred yet. I dismissed it as a problem with my code, however..."
Breathe, calm down, it's not like he was able to process them or anything-
We agreed that no one was supposed to know! What if they end up blaming us for keeping it a secret this long, or, or-
"I mean, they could've been-" he starts, but the way in which he's nervously twisting his fingers is a pretty clear indication that he's lying, dang it.
"So when you mentioned that you were unable to tell someone something - did you mean that it was because they had quite literally forgotten about it?"
Great. Fantastic. Of course the literal robot has pieced it together by now-
He squeezes his eyes shut for a minute, hoping that if he ignores the problem, maybe it'll go away.
Okay, fine, maybe he's trying to figure out a way to fix this whole mess. Doesn't mean that he's any closer to coming up with a solution, though.
"Er, yeah," he whispers, shoulders slumped, eyes still firmly shut. Because gosh, he doesn't want to - can't, can't - see the realization dawn that, yeah, he's lied to people he's known for years and years, even though they've all seen way too many times that secrets bring nothing but trouble-
"Well, then - I would say that you don't have to tell them," Zane replies, surprisingly... earnestly? That, or he's either too freaked out to understand the tone properly. Could be either.
He opens his eyes, hesitantly.
And it comes as a bit of a shock to find nothing but concern reflected in his friend's.
The almost persistent weight on his chest feels a little lighter now, like the sky isn't as quite so empty.
Well, it still kinda is. But that doesn't hold as much weight as he'd thought it did - not if one of his friends is willing to look past that; past the heaviness of holding up all those memories with nothing his single star, flickering in and out of the darkness, to try and light the unforgiving darkness of the sky.
"Why?" Jay asks, so quietly he can barely hear it himself. "Don't I owe it to them? Do you?"
"No. Definitely not," comes the reply, so full of conviction that he almost stumbles back. Why-
"My father..."
Oh- oh.
"thought it was better to spare me the pain of mourning him than for me to know who I was," Zane confesses, hesitantly. "Not that I disagree, necessarily. I just..."
He trails off, clutching the railing so hard that the wood almost snaps beneath his titanium fingers.
It takes Jay a little while to realize why - why exactly his friend, who has access to a wealth of knowledge and information, is grasping for an answer. Because- because, well, even if someone does something in your best interests - sometimes the choice isn't always up to them. Or maybe it is, but it was... difficult, to say the least, to let go of the fact that his parents had never told him the truth sooner. Not that he blames them, necessarily - it's not like they knew that his father would pass on before he'd even get the chance to meet him - but... it's confusing, and difficult, not to know why you were left at a junkyard as soon as you were born. Maybe if he'd known that sooner, he could've asked the one person who might've had answers - although it's not like hoping for the past to change will actually change it.
They don't even know that you know, a small voice at the back of his mind points out, and suddenly everything makes a lot more sense-
"You wanted a choice," he breathes, eyes widening. A choice - like one that he'd never been given, one that he stills struggles not to hold against two people who've always had his best interests at heart. Even if they did have the right to withhold that one thing, after all they've done for him - the 'what if's' still echo in his mind far more often than he'd like. "There's nothing wrong with that, even if it feels that way. I kinda get where you're coming from, dude, and it's... super confusing, but I'd be pretty mad if my memories were tampered with like that."
So would anyone, he realizes, heart sinking. Oh, great. Not helping-
"I- I suppose so?" Zane answers, but it sounds more like a question than a reply. "However, in the same vein, it would be unwise for you to give away your choice whilst you still have one." "But don't I owe it to everyone? You just said it, it's horrible to alter people's memories and I- I-" "Did we forget... whatever it was for a good reason? "I- I mean, I guess, but..." "Then you do not owe it to us to relive something that we do not even remember." The words should be a relief - and they kinda are. But some part of him really does want to explain the crazy alternate timeline, and everything that happened in it. It's just... really, really freaking difficult.
"What if- what if I wanted to, though?" Jay asks hysterically, running his hands through his hair in a frenzied sort of way. "And I still couldn't? I just, I-"
He cuts himself off with a bout of forced laughter.
Zane takes a moment to reply, the bright blue light in his eyes flickering - a small tell that he was thinking so deeply, his processors were literally sparking up a bit.
"You queried earlier if it was easier, or better, to forget. And while all situations are different, I suppose it is... well, subjective. What do you think?" Zane asks, softly.
Derailing the conversation a bit, but his friend's obviously smart enough to be leading up to something.
Sure, he'll go along with it.
"I mean, there are some things I'd rather forget, you know? I guess we all know what that feels like," Jay replies, the statement with oddly sad air to it. They're still kids, after all, and it gets a bit exhausting pretending that their superhero lives were all fun and games - when they'd just given him enough grey hair to last then lifetimes, and enough nightmares to keep him from ever getting the normal amount of sleep his mum always prattled on about.
Sleep, heh heh. Practically a foreign concept, now.
"And I know that stuff that happens, like shapes us or something - and Master Wu would probably go off on a whole ramble about why we learn from our mistakes or whatever," he laughs nervously, resisting the urge to just fall headfirst onto the deck of the stupid ship instead of continuing the conversation," and how 'our scars only make us stronger', crap like that, but I just-"
"I'm just really... tired of this," he confesses warily, shoulders slumped. "W- I remember so many horrible things, and I-" he breaks off, laughing bitterly. His voice takes on a sort of brittle quality, way too high pitched, "and I can't even talk about them, dude. If that's not the most pathetic thing ever, I dunno what is."
"It does not-"
"Don't say it," Jay mutters, rubbing his temples. "I know, I know, my feelings aren't pathetic, they're always valid, whatever, spare me the lecture-"
"That is not what I was going to say," Zane replies gently. "It just seems that you have answered your own question."
"Gee, which one?"
"I do not know how much helpful assistance I can provide in this situation, but it is understandable to wish certain events had never occurred. However, seeing as we cannot change the past, it seems unwise to dwell on said events if you can avoid it."
Jay stiffens, clamping a shaky hand over his mouth. Something seems to press down even harder on his chest, a heavy sort of weight that causes his breathing to speed up again. Don't say it don't say it there's no reason to warn them this time-
"If you would like to tell any of us about something, of course you are welcome to. It does not to be the whole story, after all. Just make sure that it is the decision you choose, not one you choose because of what you think how it will affect others," Zane finishes quietly, ducking his head as if he's embarrassed.
The stars are still white-hot, burning away some million miles above them.
"Thanks," he says, and puts his hand softly on Zane's shoulder. "I mean, I know - that all makes sense, I guess. It's just- I-"
"You want to?"
"Yeah," Jay starts, sighing, "I do. It's just- it's not just my choice. And I'm pretty much dying already right now, so, as fantastic as making it all worse sounds, hard pass."
Oops, maybe he shouldn't have said that last bit. They'd agreed not to tell anyone about it - even this conversation was cutting it way too close. It wasn't impossible for them to put everything together - they were a pretty smart group, after all, even without their resident inventor and engineer - and Jay didn't really know what he'd think if they did. Fearful? Relieved? Angry?
"That does... not sound great? Dying certainly does not seem-"
"It's called sarcasm, Zane."
"Oh- yes. My memory now accesses the fact that people often speak in that manner. It does seem a bit counterproductive, though. Why not just say what you mean?"
"Shut it, you have no clue how integral to my life it is," Jay replies with a halfhearted grin.
A few seconds later, he remembers something his friend had mentioned earlier, and the grin disappears.
"You know that you can talk to us if you're not happy, right?" he asks, earnestly. Sure, it's not like he could always do that, considering, well, a stupid djin and even stupider magic, but it's not like he needs to. It's- well- he'll be okay, probably. Maybe. Kinda.
Zane's eyes blink on and off again, blue fading in and out. "I... I suppose that I was not quite aware of that."
Okay, they've screwed up way too many times, but this... this is pretty bad. Dang it, how long does it take for them to throw self-preservation instincts at their friend before he freaking- picks them up or something?
"However, will it not hurt those who have experienced the same unfortunate events?"
Dude, not the best question to ask someone wondering the exact same thing-
"It's been... uh, nice, kind of, talking to you. So- I don't think so, and I'm pretty sure someone would say so if it did. Besides, don't we talk about our adventures all the time? It'd probably be better if we... uh, well- heh heh, nothing."
"If we talked about the less than positive elements of them? Perhaps, but I still-"
Maybe it's the fact Zane has always tried to be there for him, or maybe he's too sleep deprived to care anymore, but this is a way too familiar situation and-
Well, not ignoring the issue would be a start.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we're family, Zane. We care about each other. And, gosh, that means that we care about you too. Memories are stupid and annoying sometimes, but we have to make good ones too, right? To block out the bad ones a bit, I guess? Kinda, at least."
They both look away from the stars now, grappling for something else to say.
In the end, they leave it be with a hug and a fondly exasperated warning about sleeping, if you happen to need it.
After all, they're family. They don't have to be perfect, or tell each other everything - even if it does take them a long time to realize that, and an even longer time remembering it.
The next time Jay startles awake from a nightmare, the sky is still empty - painfully so, like an ache that simmers beneath the surface even when it's not able to be seen.
The hue, though, is a little lighter.
Just a little - the all-encompassing darkness of it is now a navy sort of blue, his star shining a little bit brighter.
It's still not sunrise, not even close - but he'll take it. AN: the ‘sky’ mentioned at the start and end is a stupid metaphor that i somehow ended up liking too much to trash, it’s ‘empty’ because he hasn’t told anyone about the timeline, and Nya’s not included because they never had a chance to tell each other everything significant or even talked about it or processed it on screen. so yeah! if you read this,,, not great thing, can i send you a hug or good vibes or smth? tyy🥺
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A Daminette Penpal AU - Continuation
Continuation  of this post
@ab-unreachablevoice @startouchedqueen1318 @lovemidnighteclipse12 you asked, I deliver.
Now, I want all of you to know this AU was made in a spur of moment. I’m totally winging it rn.
So obviously before the akuma class goes to Gotham, the months of texting have to have passed.
For Damian, those months are hell, because not only does he have to hear Jon’s gushing about his awesome penpal, but he has to endure Lila’s lies and her stories that keep only getting more ridiculous as the time passes too.
And it better be fucking worth it, because you have no idea how close he’s to flying to Paris and finally putting his assassin’s skills into use.
I mean, look at this!
Lila: HI Damian!!!! ❤💖💕💋💞
Damian, cringing at his phone: Yes?
Lila: How r u????
Damian, who absolutely hates when someone types like that: Have been better
Lila: Would u like to maybe video chat???? I could tell u about my trip to Achu !!!!!
Damian, a little shit™: Did “u” know that using more than three (3) exclamation (!) and question (?) marks means “u” may have a personality disorder? Maybe that’d explain the amount of lies “u” like to spew so much.
[Message read. This user is offline.]
I’m convinced that if Damian knew how to use gifs, he would 100% use a lot, and I mean a lot, of cat gifs (honestly, animal gifs in general).
Lila: Hi Dami!!!! (She doesn’t learn, okay.)
Tumblr media
Damian: I hope you can understand the message.
She can.
Lila: Hi dami. Can I call u Dami???
Damian: No.
Lila: I had so much fun this weekend Dami!!!! I went to Brazil Turns out Chris Pratt is filming a new movie there. Anyway, he recognized me and we started  talking. His so much fun!!!!!! 🥰🤩😍😍🎉🎉
Damian: Fascinating. Please do not  tell  me more.
Damian: And it’s “he’s”, not “his”.
Lila: Hiii Damiii
Damian: I literally hate you so much-
[Message not sent]
Lila: Dami????
Lila: ....
Lila: Um, Damian? U there????
[Message not read]
You have no idea how, much fun making these is-
Oh, and imagine, just imagine, if Lila told him about situation in Paris.
Lila: Sorry for texting you so late, damiboo. Got caught up in an akuma attack.
Damian, who by now is replying just to humor her (plus his father forced him): A what?
And then Lila starts explaining the situation in Paris. Of course, she adds a few stories about how she was akumas’ target or how she helped Chat Noir (weirdly she doesn’t talk much about Ladybug). It’s that one of really rare times she’s not lying (well, not that much). And how Damian reacts to it?
Damian, Done with Lies™: Do you ever stop lying? Because this, all of this, is absolutely and utterly ridiculous.
Cue Lila wishing she didn’t bullshit as much as she did Damian was just a little more gullible
I don’t know if you remember, but in the first part I said Damian ditched Lila for Marinette (but let’s be honest, wouldn’t we all?).
To clear things up, I kinda wanted the GA students to accompany their penpals throughout their time at school. It’d be nice, right?
So the scene is:
The principal has just announced that GA students have to keep company their penpals while they’re at the GA establishment. Lila’s feeling victorious, this is her chance to get her claws in Damian and his money- I mean, to get to know her lovely penpal. Yeah...
Lila, walking up to Damian, while trying to appear sexy and shy at the same time, and failing at both: So, shall we?
Damian, ostentatiously glancing at her before going to Marinette: Bye
Now, to spice things up, I decided imma get them caught up in a rouge attack/attacked by a rouge.
So somewhere a week in their stay, akuma class is held hostage by one of the Gotham’s criminals.
Because this is Gotham, y’all. You can’t be in Gotham and NOT get attacked some way or another. It’s impossible.
[Choose your villain. I have badass Marinette though, so we all know the winner here]
The moment it starts, Damian slips away and changes into Robin.
The class is screaming and panicking.
Lila is probably in the middle of a panic attack.
Marinette’s assessing the situation before striking.
The moment Robin arrives, he gets to witness Marinette, the sweet cinnamon roll Marinette, kicking ass and taking names. Adorable. He thinks he’s in love (and he so is).
Bats come. And they’re met with the dude dealt with and trembling in fear of a petite girl with pigtails, who’s standing next to him and a lovestruck Robin staring at said girl.
A sight to behold, truly.
Also, what if Damian accidentally texts Lila instead of Marinette after the attack? And Lila is so happy, because she thinks her plan’s finally working. But ohoho, does Damian have surprise for her.
Damian: Are you sure you’re okay? The attack was really dangerous, You’re sure you’re fine?
Lila, thinking ‘yes, fucking finally. Almost thought you have no feelings’ : Oh, it was so scary !!!!!! 😱😰😨😨😨 [just hella lot of emojis. She seems like that kind to me] I was absolutely terrified!!!! I’m just glad that it’s all over. After the attack Robin came up to check up on me. He even flirted with me, i think he likes me... Too bad I already like someone else 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Lila: But don’t worry, dami!!!! I’m a little shaken up, but overall okay.  But if you want to we can facetime so you can make sure I’m not injured ;*
Damian, having to physically restrain himself fro throwing his phone against the wall: ...
Damian: Fuck.
Damian: Wrong number.
Lila: ಠ_ಠ
And of course I’m involving Twitter. Who do you think I am?
At first it was one of of his siblings who posted a post about how he’s seething at his phone, probably his penpal texted him something again.
But do you seriously thing Damian would pass such an amazing opportunity?
He immediately posts his follow up and it goes downhill from here. He adds shit ton of tweets about her, making Lila famous (and she doesn’t even know she is).
People don’t know whom to pity more; Damian, for having a horrible and lying penpal, or said penpal, for having an enemy in the Ice Prince of Gotham?
The hashtags #IcePrince’sPenpal #PenpalNightmare #MenaceOfAPenpal are created and are trending every day.
Many say it’s the most active he’s ever been.
Lila is not stupid in this, okay? A pathological liar and a manipulator, yes, but for that you need brain and she has one. Much to Damian’s surprise. And yeah, sometimes she lets her imagination get the best of her, but she’s cautious enough and has proof to often back her up. 
She knows she screwed up. Her penpal doesn’t believe her and isn’t scared to call her out.
Due to him bluntly uncovering her lies, some of the classmates see through the blinds she’d put on their eyes and get suspicious of her.
If you have mercy on them, make them come to Marinette and apologize.
Yeah, I’m not doing that.
The class sticks to Lila’s version of every story and they don’t believe Damian is THE Damian Wayne, even when a fricking limousine drives up to the school and a butler comes out of it.
Random notes and ideas that don’t really have any sense or anything tbh, but I had them so there you go
About the attack, obviously the school has to inform the parents, right? But, if you're salty enough, you can, oh i don't know, make bustier and/or Damocles not inform them thus creating even more problems for them in the near future. (Yes, i hate bustier and damocles with passion, they’re enablers and Damocles is a gold digger tbh)
One day the french class is at a random restaurant (I’m honestly tempted to put them in Red Robin just for my own entertainment) when the Wayne brothers come in. They recognize them and Lila sees the opportunity, so she goes up to them.
Lila: Hiii Damiii!!!! [Yes, I know this is a real life conversation]
Damian, just done with her: Ugh, not you again.
Tim just kinda glances at her and decides she’s not worth his time.
Jason: What the fuck do you have on your head?
Dick: Oh, Damian, is this your crush or the penpal you despise so much?
Damian: The latter. And i do not have a crush
Lila, who totally stopped listening after she heard “crush”: That’s me!!!!
Damian: Marinette’s over there. Let’s go.
Lila:  ;_;
Yeah, it sucks to be Lila.
[I thought I posted this a month ago. I didn’t. What the hell]
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Yandere Tubbo x Male Reader
Warning: little violence (not that detailed). 
This one is going to be short.
Requested from Pokadeathpony
Backstory: You live in Brighton, England, United Kingdom. (I don’t know where Tubbo lives nor do I know where Tommy lives) One day you were walking to go get some breakfast. Until you bumped into George one of your favorite Minecraft streamers and content creators. You were a small streamer, not that many viewers. You and George began to talk, he later invited you to see the dream SMP world, and you meet the other people of the dream SMP. You then got to meet Tubbo. You thought Tubbo was normal until it took a turn. A big turn. 
Btw you are 17. (Tommy will be turning 17 this year and Tubbo will be 18)
M/N: Male name
Y/T/N: Your Twitch Name.
M/U: Minecraft username
H/C: Hair color
S/C: Skin color
F/D/P: favorite donut place.
Sorry if this is bad.
You were sleeping peacefully until I heard the most annoying sound ever. 
*Beep, beep, beep,* “Ughhhhh.” You were trying to turn it off but you kept missing until you finally got it. ‘Finally got that stupid thing off!’ you thought to yourself. “What time is it?” I looked at the clock. “7:35 am. I might as well get up,” you said to yourself as you slowly got out of bed, stretching your muscles. 
You went to the bathroom to do your business and brush your teeth. After you were done, you grabbed my keys and went to go get breakfast.
As you were walking to go get your daily donuts and coffee, you suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall. “You okay there?” the voice said, ‘I know that voice!’ you thought to yourself and looked up to see George, George Davidson!!
He handed his hand out, you grabbed his hand. “You alright,” he said, you couldn’t process anything, you just stared at him. You snapped out of your daze. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m a fan of you by the way,” you replied with excitement. 
“Oh? Really?” he said, “Yes! I’m a big fan of yours! I’m actually a streamer just like you,” You replied. “Oh, really what’s your twitch name?” He asked, wondering maybe he’ll check you out. “Oh, Y/T/N!” 
“Okay, maybe check it out later today. Hey, wanna talk and get some food?” you couldn’t say no to that, how many get to eat with their favorite celebrity? “Yes, I would like. Either way, I was going there before I ran into you.” “Alright, let’s go.”
Time skip (You and George went to go eat, and later he checked out your Twitch channel. 3 days later, you got a DM from George saying; “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you gladly accepted the offer. And this is where it all began.)
I recently got a message from George saying, “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you (Or should I say “we”) know I accepted it. He said tomorrow is when it's happening. 
Time skip to tomorrow. 
I woke up earlier than usual, even beat my alarm clock before it could ring. I went to the bathroom and did my usual. George said he will invite me at 10:30 AM. “What time is it now?” I grabbed my phone and checked, “It's 7:10 AM. Will looks like I’m going to have to wait a while.”
Time skip (3 hours and 20 minutes later)
I hopped onto my PC and started it up. After it started, I opened up Minecraft and checked my Notifications. I received the invite I quickly joined in.
Tubbo POV
I was on the Dream SMP world with Tommy, Corpse, George, BBh, and Dream, when an unknown player had joined the game. That shouldn’t be possible since this server is private nobody can join be us.
“Hey who joined?” I questioned. “Oh, I met this small streamer while I was walking to go get breakfast 3 days ago, and I invited them over to give a tour of the place!” George enthusiastically over discord. 
‘Mmm, so they’re a streamer? Maybe I should get to know them.’ 
Time skip (To be honest this one is rushed. It’s currently 1:08 AM where I live and my mind isn’t functioning right now) 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
M/N has a facecam on, and I get to see what he looks like. He had looked pulchritudinous. Absolutely exquisite. He had soft fluffy H/C hair, his nice S/C, and how his dazzling E/C shine brighter than the sun. I’m going to say it again, he is ravishing.
‘Wait, why am I calling a guy beautiful?’ this boy is triggering something in me. Something I never experienced before. Something in me wants me to protect him at all cost. ‘No stop thinking about that!’ I pushed these unfamiliar thoughts and feeling down.
As time went on my thing for M/N increased. I don’t know why I’m so infatuated with him. Tried ignoring the thoughts and feelings but they keep coming. 
‘Something is coming out of ME.’ 
Time skip ( 2 months after the meeting)
It’s been two months since our little meeting, M/N is officially part of the SMP world. I’ve been binge-watching M/N streams, his YouTube videos, and I also follow him on all his social media accounts, and sometimes I’ll search the internet to find small information. 
I was currently on a website about M/N. it listed all of the information about him since meeting George is grew rapidly on Twitch and YouTube. ‘I already know all of this!’ I thought to myself as I kept scrolling down until I came upon something interesting. 
“M/n current residence in Brighton, England, United Kingdom.” my eyes widen as I read this, ‘He lives close to me!’ I yelled in my mind. 
I was fanboying until I heard my notifications sound. I stopped what I was doing went to go check who it was from. M/N invited me, I immediately accepted it. The world was loading. “Hello!” M/n yelled.   
It was me, M/N, Tommy, and dream on the server. I noticed that Tommy has been getting close to M/n, really close to for my liking. Tommy would sometimes even flirt, this obviously made me jealous for some reason. 
We were minding our own business until “Hey M/n! Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!” that was the most terrible pick-up line I have ever heard. “Oh my God Tommy?! Really?” M/n said but he was Laughing at that. 
This only made me INFURIATED.
I was minding my own business trying to build my home since I joined 2 weeks ago. The only other people on the server were me, tubbo, Tommy, and dream. Anyway, I was nearly done until Tommy said something, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!”
That has to be the most dumbest and funniest pick-up line I heard. “Oh my God Tommy! Really?!” I said while laughing at his attempt at flirting with me. 
Then Tommy went on to say more stupid pick-up line. Some of them were like, “Hey, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” and “Are you related to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Because Jean-Claude Van Damme you’re sexy!” Just to name a few. 
I noticed that Tubbo hasn’t been talking as much. I wonder what’s wrong with him. I didn’t take note that was going to lead to something atrocious. 
Anyways we still had fun, Tommy kept trying to flirt. “Hey M/n, I was wondering if we could meet up since you know, we both live in Brighton,” Tommy with hope in his voice, hoping you accept his offer. I began to think, ‘Mmm, should I? Or should I not?’
“You know what? Sure. What time do you want to meet?” I accepted his request. “Uhhhhhh, Maybe on Thursday at 5:30. Meeting place F/D/P.” Tommy replied. “Alright! See you there,” I replied.
No One’s POV
Tubbo was fuming with anger as he was listening in on their conversation. ‘No!!!!! I can’t let this happen! I need to do something.’ Tubbo was thinking to himself, but he didn’t notice that M/n and Tommy had stop talking.
“Hey, Toby! Are you okay? You haven’t been talking,” Tommy said with concern. “Yeah, I’m just fine you know!” Tubbo said with venom and anger in his voice. “Wow there calm down, I was just asking. Geez,” Tommy backed knowing that his friend is anger. 
‘Why is he angry? I did nothing wrong!’ Tommy thought to himself, wanting to know what he did. “You know what, I think I’m going to leave,” Tubbo said as he left the game and went offline. 
“What’s his big deal?” M/n questioned. “I don’t know,” Tommy replied, “I gotta go. See ya later M/n!” “Bye Tommy!” Tommy has left the game. 
“I need to find a way to prevent this meetup!” Tubbo said to himself. Then an idea came into mind. An extreme idea. 
New Messages 
Today at 4:23
Toby: Hey, Tommy. Sorry I lashed out at you today.
Delivered at 4:23 
Tommy is tying…
Tommy: it’s alright mate.
Delivered at 4:23
Toby is typing…
Toby: How about we meet up, so I can apologize in person.
Delivered at 4:24
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: today or tomorrow? Cause I have a meeting with M/n. 
Delivered at 4:24
When Tommy mentioned the meeting toby had to act fast. 
Toby is typing…
Toby: today at my place.
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: sure thing! When exactly?
Delivered at 4:25
Toby is typing…
Toby: 5:30 
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: Okay, see you at 5:30
Delivered at 4:26
‘And that WILL be the last time you see.’
Time skip (1 hour 4 minutes)
Toby heard his door knocked. Toby went to go open his door, and there he sees his target. “Hey, Toby!” Tommy let himself in. “So where are your parents?” Tommy questioned. 
“Oh, they’re on their anniversary vacation,” Toby answered. “Ohhh, okay. Wanna head to your room?” “Sure I just need to go get something.” “Okay.” 
While Tommy went upstairs, Toby went into the kitchen. He grabbed the knife and slowly began to walk, he hid the knife behind his back. Once he walked into his room, he locked the door and slowly began to approach Tommy. 
“What are you doing Toby?!” Tommy yelled as walked backward, but then he hit the wall. “It was never meant to be.” those would be the last words, Tommy would ever hear as Toby shoved the knife into Tommy’s heart. 
Toby cleaned up the body by putting it into the trash bag along with the knife. He quickly disposed of the body. 
3 days later
Tommy was reported missing by his parents and the police were on the search. M/n was worried. Toby called M/n to do a cooking stream. M/n was suspicious about this cause this came out of nowhere. But in the end, M/n agreed. 
A few hours have passed and M/n arrived at the residence of Toby. m/n knocked on the door waiting for an answer just then the door swung open revealing a smiling Toby. 
“Hey there M/n! Glad that you arrived!” Toby sounded a bit too happy for your liking. “Please come in!” he invited you in. But as you walked, you heard the door close and lock behind you. Just as you turned around you got knocked by a heavy object. 
You slowly began to wake, you noticed that you were tied up. You looked around until your eyes landed on Toby. He had a wicked smile plaster on his face. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked desperately wanting to know why. ‘Did he cause Tommy to go missing?’ You thought to yourself until you hear Toby coming to you. 
“You know, I always reject this feeling inside me. This feeling caused me to love you. Tommy was getting in the way of us being together, he had to be dealt with.”
“You’re a monster! You killed Tommy and you think I’m going to love you?!” this angered Toby but didn’t show it. “You’ll learn to love… cause you’ll be staying here…
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
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A Day Off
Karasuno x F!Reader
(Not including the side characters sorry.)
Warnings: suggestive, fluff, language
A/N: This is part 4, and I still have so much in mind I- Well anyway, this is another long one.
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It was just another regular, boring day in school. Doing projects and so much work. It was tiring to say the least.
It’s a Friday. The team is supposed to have a Saturday practice.
You’re in your last class, 8 minutes before the dismissal bell sounds. Everyone is chatting and on their phones.
You get a notification. “I wonder who it is” you think to yourself.
You decide to check it.
-1 Message from Captain ✨-
“Oh, it’s Daichi”
Captain ✨: Y/N, can you head to the gym early? You don’t have to, but I asked everyone to since I have an announcement.
Y/N: I’ll try. My teacher likes me so I’m sure she’ll let me go if I tell her why.
Captain ✨: Good! See you in a few :)
Y/N: See ya! 😊
-Captain ✨ and Y/N are offline-
As you thought, your teacher was more than happy to let you go a little early.
You head to the gym once again, curious as to what Daichi has to say. On your way, you spot Asahi, who was buying water from a vending machine.
Walking up next to him, you say, “Asahi! Do you wanna walk together?”
“AH- oh. It’s just you Y/N..sorry.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great! Let’s go see what Daichi wanted us for.”
Side by side you proceeded to walk to the gym, chatting along the way.
Opening the door, you notice everyone’s there. “Maybe it’s a practice match with another team later?”
The both of you head to the group.
“Okay! Now that everyone’s here I have an exciting announcement to tell you.” Daichi declared.
“What is it Captain?” Asahi questions.
“Coach told us we have a break day tomorrow! So, Suga and I decided to go to the beach in Tokyo.”
“YAY!!!” Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka exclaimed.
“Tch.” Tsukishima hissed.
“Sounds fun, but I can’t go.” Kiyoko smiled.
“Awww ok. But yay! Beach day!” You grinned.
After a while of discussing the plans for tomorrow, Daichi tells everyone to pack up clothing and everything else they needed.
7:00 am
It’s the day of the trip. After a long night of deciding what to bring, you hop off your bed and put everything in a [insert favorite color] bag.
Then, you get ready— getting dressed, brushing your teeth.
You had put on an nice outfit. (Pick one of these ^ ^)
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Walking over to the meeting point (the front of Karasuno), you put on some music in the headphones you were wearing, humming to the song.
As you approach, you hear two voices shouting.
You identify the voices as Hinata and Kageyama.
“SHUT IT, BOTH OF YOU!” You hear Suga yell.
They see you approaching and immediately calm down. Then the automatically blush at how cute your outfit looks on you.
“Hey!” You sang.
They all say hello to you. Right after that, the bus arrives.
“Y/N, Can I sit next to you?” Suga asks.
“Sure! As long as I can sit next to the window!”
“Mhm! Let’s go.”
“HEY NO FAIRRR!” Hinata complains.
The rest of the boys glare at Sugawara. But he just looks back and smirks.
“Lucky bastard...” Tsukishima mutters.
Both you and Suga sit in the back of the bus together.
On the way, you and Suga watch memes on his phone (with headphones) and laugh at them.
~~~~~~~TimeSkip of a few hours (sorry-)~~~~~~~~~~
10 am
“Everyone get up, we’re here.” Daichi exclaims.
One by one, you all get off the bus.
“Where do we put our things?” You question.
“Oh, the coaches booked us rooms in a hotel. The problem is that it’s three per room with one having four, so we have to decide who goes where.” Suga points out.
“Oooh. Well why don’t we write our names down on paper and mix them?”
“Good idea! I have a notepad in my bag so we can use that.” Suga offers.
He takes it out and writes everyone’s names on small pieces of paper. Then, he puts it in a small empty pocket on the side of his bag.
“Y/N, why don’t you draw three to see who are the first roommates?” He asks.
You pull out the pieces in sets of three. Daichi writes down each room and who is in it.
Here’s the groups:
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(Yes I wrote them myself but I accidentally forgot Suga lol)
“YEA! I GET TANAKABRO!” Noya approved.
“Why do I have to get Saltyshima?!” Hinata murmurs.
“Oh god, this is gonna be chaotic..” Kageyama grumbles.
“Yay! I get Captain, Asahi, and Suga!” You squeal.
Daichi, Asahi, and Suga mentally congratulate themselves for getting this opportunity.
For a second, you thought it was funny that you get a room with the third years.
“Okay, now that it’s been settled, let’s go check in and set our things in our rooms.” Daichi ordered.
You all head to the hotel and check yourselves in.
“After we get settled, get changed into your swimming outfits and we will meet in the front of the building.” Suga advises.
Walking with the third years, you go into your room. After opening the door, you notice something.
“Uhh there’s only three beds.” You say, also noting they are queen sized.
“W-what?-“ Asahi stiffens.
“Coach didn’t tell us that-“ Suga defended himself.
“I guess two of us could lay next to each other.” You shrugged.
“I suppose.” Daichi sighs.
“Daichi I’ll lay with you since you’re the closest to me right now!”
“O-okay then, if you’re alright with it.”
“Dang..” Suga says under his breath.
Once talking it out, you decided to lay with Daichi. But since it’s a queen bed, you wouldn’t be that close so even though the other two were bothered by it, it wasn’t that bad.
—After putting your things down—
“Y/N, do you mind if Suga, Asahi and I go first? It’s so we can make sure everything is in order after we change.”
“Sure! I’ll remind everyone to bring sunscreen and stuff.”
One after the other, they get changed in swim trunks and a shirt and walk out to check on the others to see if they’re doing alright.
Then, you go and change into your swimming things.
Choose one below:
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When you were done changing, you put on some clothes over it. (You would take it off when getting in the water.)
You get a text from the group chat saying they were all going to the front.
Smiling to yourself, you walk down to where they said to go.
~~~~TimeSkip to when you get to the beach~~~~~~~
12 pm.
“Ok! Go put down your stuff and you’re free to go!” Daichi affirmed.
“Yes!” Everyone replies.
Everyone goes off on their own, some immediately running for the water.
“Hey Suga, I’m gonna go to the bathroom to put on sunscreen since I forgot. I’ll be right back.” You mentioned.
“Be careful.” He tells you before going to the water.
You skip your way to the closest bathroom near the beach.
Grabbing your sunscreen, you put it on while making sure it’s in every right place. Then, you take off the clothes over your swim suit and put it in the small bag you were carrying.
“Heyy.. where’s Y/N?” Hinata asked Suga, upset that he doesn’t see you.
“She went to the restroom to put on sunscreen. She’ll be back in a second.”
“Dumbass forgot to put it on.” Tsukishima commented, with Yamaguchi snickering in the background.
“Language.” Daichi warns.
After finishing what you were doing, you happily walk back.
“Sorry I had to go for a sec guys!” You apologize.
“It’s alright Y/N-“ Asahi says, suddenly tensing up and becoming flushed.
“What’s wrong Asahi?” Noya questions loudly, then he looks where he was looking. “Oh.”
The rest look away from what they were doing, and look at Noya and Asahi before looking at you.
Just then, their faces become just as red. (Noya, Tanaka and Kageyama even have nosebleeds I-)
“Y-you look nice Y/N!” Yamaguchi spoke up.
Everyone nods.
“Thank you!” You grin while getting in the water as well, a faint blush on you since you’re around several shirtless men.
The day goes really well. Everyone, even Tsukishima, had fun.
3:30 pm.
Now that everyone has gotten tired, you all decided to go back to the hotel.
“I wanna go to a restaurant! My treat of course.” You gushed.
“You don’t have to-“ Suga tries to say, before you but him off.
“I insist! Come onnnn”
“Ok, sure. Let’s do it at around 5:45 pm.”
“YESSS,” Hinata and Noya exclaim.
When you get back, you watch TikToks on your phone and vibe until the time you go to eat.
After eating at the restaurant, they all thank you as they head back to their rooms.
Today was a great day.
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Ahhh this took me forever sorry ( ̄∀ ̄)
I enjoyed writing this part though
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT! 「眷然恋影」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Zuo Ran Birthday 2021- Days to Re-Live Forever (4.18: Volunteer Application)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Will also be filed under Zuo Ran’s tag #Tears of a Lawyer *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
4.18 / 4.20 / 4.22 / 4.24 / 4.26 Messages / Investigations / Call
Location: Cinema's Lounge Area
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MC: …All in all, while this isn't considered a bad movie, it's also quite far from being a "Sci-fi Masterpiece".
Zuo Ran: Agreed.
Zuo Ran and I were both down at the Cinema’s Lounge, discussing the movie that we'd just finished watching.
The Stellis Film Festival had just started, and the movie that we'd sought to watch for how famous it was, was one of the most highly rated Sci-Fi movies.
But unfortunately, the content of the movie itself wasn't quite as interesting as we'd expected.
Zuo Ran: But "Time Travel" is considered one of the more classic Sci-fi themes, so it's not all that easy to come up with something new and exciting.
Hearing him say that, I suddenly remembered another movie with the exact same running theme.
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MC: There are also many Time Travel themed Masterpieces out there. Take the film “About Time” for example; it’s an old film dating more than ten years ago.
MC: But it’s about slice of life, so you probably never watched it.
That’s right, although this movie was labelled a work of Science Fiction, it was also undeniably something that fell into the category of warm, healing, fluffiness.
It’s a movie about the story of the male protagonist, Tim, who wanted to use his Time-travelling ability to find himself a girlfriend; and eventually winning over the heroine, Mary’s, heart.
Additionally, it also depicts Tim’s family history. Generally speaking, it was an award-winning movie that had won over the emotions of many.
I recall that Zuo Ran preferred to watch Sci-fi Films, rarely watching anything emotional. Still, I wanted to try giving him a suggestion. 
Zuo Ran: I’ve seen it before. It was pretty good.
His reply was a little unexpected.
MC: Huh? But even though the male protagonist is capable of Time Travel, there are still far fewer Sci-fi elements to this movie than there are elements of daily life.
MC: I thought that you don’t often watch these kinds of films...
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Zuo Ran: You’re right, but this one’s an exception.
Zuo Ran: Rather than calling it a Sci-fi movie, I think it’ll be more appropriate to call it a movie about “Superpowers”, since its main purpose is to power the plot.
Zuo Ran: Although it’s a slice of life, the director of this film has a good grasp of rhythm and mood, capable of making people feel a strong sense of empathy.
Zuo Ran: Of course, I also personally agree with the idea it is trying to convey.
Zuo Ran analysed the movie with utter seriousness, and I could see that he had an extremely deep understanding about it.
Capable of extracting that many praises from him, it seems like this movie holds an extraordinary place in his heart.
MC: Sounds like you really do like this “About Time” film.
Zuo Ran: Yes, I do.
Zuo Ran: I suppose it can be considered… Among the ones I like best.
After getting an affirmative from him, I couldn’t help but to jump for joy.
MC: (Now I know how to celebrate his birthday!)
Zuo Ran’s birthday was the 26th of April; a day that was coming up soon.
I’d only heard about this date back when I was making small talk with Sister Zhai Xing. She’d even told me to put more emphasis on it, since I was his partner.
Zuo Ran has been taking good care of me ever since I joined the Law Firm, but I’d have been way prepared to celebrate his birthday for him, even if Sister Zhai Xing didn’t mention it.
But I didn’t really know what I should do, till now; the conversation I just had with Zuo Ran finally gave me a hint.
MC: (Recreating the classic scenes of movies and celebrating his birthday there will definitely make it an unforgettable experience for the Mr. Robin, the well-known film critic! )
A plan gradually started to take shape within the confines of my mind.
Zuo Ran: What’s on your mind? Why are you daydreaming?
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MC: N-Nothing! I was just thinking about...
MC: My favourite movie! I was just thinking how brilliant it was that you also happen to like it!
Birthday surprises are something that’s meant to be kept secret till the very last moment, so I can’t afford to give the game away now.
Zuo Ran: It makes you that happy?
His expression appeared no different from usual, seemingly having accepted what I’d just said.
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MC: Yup, of course it does! Sharing the same favourite movie as you goes to show that we’re well suited to be partners!
Zuo Ran: We do coordinate well together.
MC: Let’s talk more about this film, Lawyer Zuo.
Zuo Ran: Sure.
He probably wouldn’t have any idea about just what I had planned to celebrate his birthday with.
MC: (I’m suddenly really looking forward to seeing how he’ll react to this surprise. I’m sure he’ll be way different from how he usually is!)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: The Film Museum
A few days later, at the Film Museum.
Staff: My apologies, miss. But the Museum's Live-action Studio is temporarily unavailable for loan for the duration of the Film Festival.
MC: I’d originally wanted to rent the Film Museum’s Live-action Studio to recreate the classic scenes of the movie “About Time” for Zuo Ran, to celebrate his birthday.
But how unfortunate...
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MC: But I’m really in need of it; isn’t there any other way?
Staff: If you’re truly in urgent need of the Studio. Then you can try becoming a volunteer for this Film Festival.
MC: Oh?
Staff: The Museum requires a large amount of volunteers to help out during the Film Festival, and volunteer points can be earned through completing volunteer work.
She took out a brochure, handing it to me.
Staff: Take a look at this. Volunteer points can be redeemed for the rights to use the Live-action Studio in addition to some special props provided by the Museum itself.
Staff: You must be shooting on the set itself if you’re trying to rent the Studio, so I’m sure these props will come in handy.
The staff member pointed out the “special props” listed on the brochure to me.
They came as large as classic retro cars, furniture such as tables and chairs, old-fashioned suitcases… They were all classic props from classic movies.
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MC: Are all these props the original ones?
I’d thought that it’d take a good lot of points to redeem rights to the Studio, but I’d never expected it to actually be the easiest to attain.
Although, that being said, most of those special props were pretty “point pricy”.
Staff: A small portion of them are, but the rest are replicated on a 1:1 scale from the original.
MC: Oh! There’s even the window display mural from “About Time”!?
Staff: That’s right. Although this one’s a replication, it is no different from the original one.
MC: (Not only can you rent the venue, but you can also change up the place to be furnished with decorations of your own choice. This can’t get any better!)
Thinking up till this point, I agreed without a moment’s hesitation.
MC: Okay, I’ll sign up! What do you do as a volunteer, though?
Staff: Welcome to the Volunteer Team. Your job this time is to simply hand out questionnaires.
Staff: As the organizer of this Film Festival, we plan to create a review column after the event; hence, why we have to collect information on the audience’s option.
Staff: The content of this survey includes, but is not limited to, their evaluation of the movies released this Film Festival, and their views on well-known film-critics, etc.
Staff: What needs to be specifically explained to them is that, due to the curator's request, this survey will take the form of an offline interview and a physical questionnaire to fill.
Staff: He believes that it is only by interacting face-to-face with the audience, can we then understand their true wishes; and that doing so will also reflect the utmost sincerity of the Museum itself.
She handed me yet another list.
Staff: The information of the willing participants of the survey are recorded here. So please carry out the surveys according to the name list here.
Staff: Your final amount of points obtained will be calculated based on the number of questionnaires you've managed to get filled, and their degree of completion.
I confidently took the list from her.
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MC: Understood! You can leave it to me!
Staff: Volunteer Points can be redeemed at any time. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that you can exchange it for the rights to the Live-action Studio as soon as possible.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Next Part: (4.20: Questionnaire Filling)
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j10kkuno · 4 years
On Ash
So, in a reply earlier, I wrote an short version of what’s going on with Ash and it’s fairly objective up to the last bit so I figured I would share it with Tumblr and elaborate in case you guys don’t know and then my thoughts and then my ideas of going forwards as a more Amigops/J10 blog going forward because I posted a lot of Ash and I’m willing to give her a second chance.
So basically, a video from spring 2020 has resurfaced of Ash asking someone to leave a lobby as she didn’t like or trust(This part is from the text in Discord) the person and verbally calling him the f slur. It had been brought up once or twice on Twitter over the months, but she had blocked whoever tagged her in it in an attempt to silence them, I guess. For the first time, yesterday, it blew up enough that she addressed it. She apologized, said she knew it was deeply harmful and she’s been trying to be a better person. She also said that she knew it wouldn’t make things right for a lot of people, which IN MY EYES is a whole lot more genuine than most people. Most people apologize and think they’re fine and should get a pat on the back but Ash wasn’t like that and I respect that. 
If it matters, her context is that the guy was pretending to be her friend(Or maybe their entire group of friends was in on it) and then betrayed her so she lashed out in anger and pain at seeing him in a lobby. Back to yesterday, she had promised to stream with some less popular friends so she tried to stream because she didn’t want to be selfish and flake on them last second, but mentioned it brought up a lot of feelings of trauma from that betrayal and ended stream after 28 minutes. When I checked BaseTrade’s stream a few minutes later, they had gotten a fill for her.
The rest, time will tell. I’ll put my thoughts and ideas on this on this for people that don’t care about my blog since I’ll probably tag other content creators so fans know if they want to distance themselves, which is an entirely valid response to this. Just please respect if content creators don’t because they’re able to make their own decisions, and they’re able to speak to whoever Ash is behind the screen and can be privy to her personal life and trauma and explanations while we’re not.
My thoughts on this: I knew Ash had said the f slur before. I didn’t know the context, but it had been mentioned in a Reddit comment. I’m personally not going to cancel her over it. When I saw it weeks ago(Maybe even months ago), I sighed but decided to give Ash a chance. I kind of just ignored it. But now that I’m forced to come to terms with it, I’m disappointed. I lost love and respect for Ash. I wish she had used almost any other word.
But I understand we make bad decisions when we’re angry. When we’re hurt. The world isn’t black or white and people make mistakes. Good people. Ash seems to have grown and she has a good group of people around her these days. I’m willing to give her a second chance if J10 does. If she stops getting invited to lobbies, then I’ll probably stop supporting her because at the end of the day, my interest is more Corpse, Sykkuno, Rae, and then the Offline TV+Friends group but if her friends forgive her, that’s enough for me,
As for this blog, I have a lot of options. I don’t want to act like Ash doesn’t exist if she continues to play with Sykkuno and the others. I’ll definitely tag anything she’s mentioned in so people can block the Ash on Lol tag. I can keep post as if with mentioning her normally with everyone else and tagging everyone OR I can isolate Ash moments to their own posts and only tag Ash and then if I need to mention her while liveblogging and tagging others I could say something like “Sykk said something silly, Corpse was giggling at him like always, and someone else in the lobby teased him for giggling.” I don’t want to trigger other people so I want other people to give me their though but this is pretty buried so I might pull this out and make this a separate post eventually... But this is also my blog and tagging is something I want to keep up with... So we’ll see... Definitely will use the Ash tag. 
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
War for Genius - Chapter 22 - Help is on the way
Hello again! Here I bring you the new chapter! I’ve to say, for all those who are waiting what was the alarm of the previous chapter, I’m sorry, but this will continue being a mystery a little bit more of the time, but it’ll be revealed, I promise. I just wanted other things to come first before show it.
About this current chapter, all what can I say is that I hope you’ll enjoy it 😉
As always, I’d like to thank @empro-8 for helping me editing this story. Honestly, without her help this wouldn’t be as good as it is, so thank you very much @empro-8 you’re amazing!
Welp, I’ll stop talking and let you read the chapter, enjoy it! 😉
Fenton didn't know how to contain his excitement.  Finally! The time to discover where Beaks was holding Huey prisoner had finally come! And once they had the location, they could go there and rescue him. Soon he’ll be safe again. Soon he would be at home, with his family.
When they saw Beaks deactivate his GPS, Fenton wanted to turn it back on immediately.  But Gyro stopped him, explaining it was preferable to wait a few hours because when Beaks turned off the signal, he was still in Duckburg.  That meant the CEO was most likely barely on his way.
According to Dr. Gearloose it was preferable that they reactivate the signal when they estimated that Beaks had reached his destination. Otherwise, the parrot could realize that the GPS was active again, and then discover he’d been hacked. 
Despite not liking to wait, the Hispanic duck understood that Dr. Gearloose was right. If they weren't careful, Beaks would discover them. And that might lead to them losing the only chance of finding Huey. No, Fenton wasn’t willing to take that risk. That boy… his friend, had already suffered too much under the yoke of Beaks’ sick mind. Also, the last time Beaks had his GPS turned off, he kept it offline for five days. Hopefully this time he would do the same… probably.
The intern looked at the clock, literally every five minutes, wishing time would go faster. His obvious impatience only made his co-workers, (especially his superior) more nervous.
"Do you plan to be quiet, intern?" Gyro asked annoyedly.
The Hispanic duck was momentarily surprised at his superior’s call, and looking at him with wide eyes, he timidly replied:
"What? Oh… sorry Dr. Gearloose. It's just that… do you think we could activate the GPS yet?”
Gyro gave an exasperated snort, the... twentieth if the brown plumage duck hadn't discounted. Then, the chicken narrowed his eyes at his subordinate and tensely replied:
"Not even ten minutes ago, I answered that question. The answer remains the same. NO! It’s still too soon."
With some hesitation, the Hispanic duck began:
"But it’s already been..."
Before he could look at the clock to confirm the time, Mr. McDuck's main scientist replied:
"Just a scant hour! We’ve to wait at least two or three hours. Maybe even five, to be completely sure."
Despite knowing that information, hearing it made Fenton start to grow more impatient than before. How could he bear to wait so long? No, they should definitely be able to activate Beaks’ GPS much sooner, shouldn’t they? Trying to convince his superior to activate it at that moment, the Hispanic duck began:
"But that's too much time-"
Fenton didn’t finish what he wanted to say because suddenly and unexpectedly, Gyro turned to him and angrily bellowed:
"YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW?! I am very aware of that Crackshell! But I am not going to risk it! I don’t want mistakes! And getting ahead would be a mistake!”
The Hispanic duck involuntarily recoiled at the scientist’s outburst. Certainly... he didn’t expect that, in addition, it was very unusual for him to be called by his last name. Dr. Gearloose usually preferred to call him by his job title or with some invented nickname. The use of his last name was rare and unusual... something new. But Fenton didn't want to be intimidated by what had just happened. So, he persisted in his stubbornness saying:
"Maybe yes and maybe no. Maybe Beaks hasn't even left Duckburg, or- or- maybe he could be on the outskirts, it doesn't take that long-"
Dr. Gearloose's sudden scream silenced Fenton instantly. Actually, it was true that the chicken was often upset. But rarely had the Hispanic duck seen him with that extreme furious expression. It almost seemed that he was going to attack someone. It was so scary that Fenton felt his breathing speed up, fearing he would soon be the victim of a scientist’s attack.
Fortunately, Dr. Gearloose's anger seemed to calm quickly and then, speaking again normally, although a little harsh, explained:
"Look, I understand that you’re worried about that boy. I really understand. But I’ve also said that the best thing to do is wait. And that’s what we are going to do, end of discussion. Understood?"
Lowering his head, the brown plumage duck replied meekly:
"Yes, Dr. Gearloose."
After these words, Manny approached Fenton and putting a hand... er hoof on his shoulder, said:
"Clop clop clop clopclopclop clopclop (You have to be a patient friend.)"
The Hispanic duck sighed, really appreciated the gesture, but...
"I know Manny, it's just that... I... I really want to find and rescue Huey." he said sadly. The headless horse tapped the ravaged duck lightly on the shoulder as he replied:
"Clopclop clop (I know.)"
Dr. Gearloose caught their attention at the time saying:
"Oh, there’s another thing that we must remember and keep in mind. Once we have that parrot’s location, we’ll turn off the signal again. We don’t need that... pseudoscientist to realize that we’ve hacked the system."
Fenton nodded in agreement. If Beaks realized at some point that he had the GPS on, that could be disastrous. They couldn't allow that to happen. The Hispanic duck finally managed to answer:
"Yeah… of course…" 
After this brief exchange, Mr. McDuck's scientist stared at his intern closely. It really looked like he was examining him. Being scrutinized that way made Fenton nervous. He was going to express his discomfort, but Gyro beat him to it saying:
"Hey intern, it's clear we won’t be getting results for a while. So... why don't you go for a ride to do some... Gizmo-things?"
What? Did Gyro mean to kick him out? If it was because of him that they manufactured the device that allowed them to hack the Waddle system! It was Fenton who managed to open the virtual box in which they found all the intel regarding Beaks' plans! And now that they were so close to finding Huey... now he wanted to push him away? Fine! This duck wasn’t going anywhere! This is what the intern expressed saying:
"What? But Dr. Gearloose, I want to stay here, I want-”
Gyro's face changed and the furious-terrifying expression returned as the scientist shouted:
"Why is it so hard for you to obey ?!"
This time Fenton felt a chill run down his spine. His legs seemed to falter. If it weren't for the table behind him, the duck would probably have fallen to the ground. Seriously, Dr. Gearloose was really scary right now.
The experienced scientist took several deep breaths and finally explained:
"What I want is for you to clear your mind. You are too obsessed with all this, and I need you to be thinking clearly when we take the next step. That's why I want you to go away for a while. Come on! Go away."
Oh my... that was the reason... Fenton wanted to kick himself. He’d misjudged Dr. Gearloose, who only tried to help him, wanting the Hispanic duck to be prepared for when the time for the rescue came. How could he be so blind as not to see that Mr. McDuck's scientist was trying to help him? How foolish!
"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." he said embarrassedly. After these words the brown plumage duck headed towards the elevator. When he got there, he turned around and after clearing his throat, said:
"Dr. Gearloose, sorry to have behaved like a complete imbecile. I’m sorry for everything I’ve told you. Forgive me for my daring and stupidity, please.”
Fenton watched Dr. Gearloose's eyes widen in surprise. The chicken quickly shook his head and tried to cover it though. Looking away he replied:
"There is nothing to forgive. It’s normal to act so irresponsibly when someone we care about is in danger. Believe me. I’ve seen it before."
The scientist then looked at him and added:
"Actually, I was thinking you'd better not come back. I mean, we'll take care of getting the location for you. When you've cleared your mind, go see the McDuck family, dressed in Gizmoduck suit obviously. Tell them to get ready for the rescue mission and wait there for us to send you the location, so you can leave immediately."
Fenton smiled slightly. Despite not showing it, it seemed that his boss appreciated his apology. Although he didn’t understand his words when he said that he had seen it before. When? How and with whom had he seen it exactly? Well, the scientist probably wouldn't tell him, even if Fenton asked. Specially knowing that Dr. Gearloose was very reserved about certain aspects... like that, for example.
On the other hand… the proposal he’d suggested, truly could help them earn time. So, after a brief nod, the Hispanic duck replied:
"Yes Dr. Gearloose, I’ll do so."
Fenton left the lab and tried to clear his head.  He’d patrolled the city, stopped the Beagle Boys from stealing a jewelry store, arrested a couple of thugs who were trying to steal from helpless old ladies... yeah, ordinary hero duties.
After finishing his patrol, the robotic superhero had immediately headed to the mansion to convey Dr. Gearloose's message. No need to say that Scrooge immediately began to order everyone to prepare. He sent Launchpad to get the plane ready. To his housekeeper he ordered to prepare the equipment that she might consider necessary for the rescue. He asked his ghost butler to watch the children.
A ghost butler!
Who’d have a ghost butler? Okay, Scrooge McDuck would. To be honest, the last time Fenton was there, he was so tired that didn’t even realized that the ghost was there. And about his nephew... Scrooge asked him to calm down, because since Fenton gave them the news, the duck dressed as a sailor hadn’t been able to remain quiet or silent. He was demanding every five seconds that they should leave immediately. He couldn’t stop asking if everything was ready to go for Huey.
Seriously, seeing Huey's uncle in that state, Fenton understood why Gyro had 'kicked him' out of the lab. Donald seemed on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown, er… maybe better say, an anxiety attack? Well, whatever it was, the unintelligible-speaking duck didn't seem to be able to calm down, and his over-movement got to the point that even Scrooge had to step in saying:
"Oh, curse me kilts Donald, calm down fer once."
"But Uncle Scrooge, if we already know where Huey is, why don't we go find him now?" replied the younger of the two ducks.
Fenton felt guilty at what that duck had just said. Perhaps he hadn’t explained himself well, and now Donald believed that the superhero duck already had Huey's location? He had to clarify the situation. He did so by answering the question:
"Because we still don't know where he is."
Donald turned to look at him with a mixture of surprise and anger on his face... more anger than surprise, actually. Speaking angrily, he asked:
Fenton raised his hands, and then explained:
"Dr. Gearloose will send us the location as soon as he has it. But until then, we have to wait."
"Does that mean that when you have the location, we’ll go find Huey?" suddenly asked an excited voice. The adults turned to the voice’s origin and there they saw the two remaining triplets, their friend and Duckworth with a worried expression on his face. It seemed (and was only an assumption) that the children had heard something about the whole thing and had quickly come forward to take part in whatever it was.
That thought must have been shared with Mr. McDuck because he suddenly approached the children, hit the ground with his cane, and told them:
"No, Beakley, your uncle Donald, Gizmoduck and I... and Launchpad obviously since he is the pilot will go. Ye lads will stay here.”
The kids’ reactions were not long in coming:
"No way!"
“We’re coming too!”
From his position, Fenton saw Scrooge squint and speak loudly to the children:
"Absolutely not! Ye don't come."
"Why not?" Dewey asked, and his brother quickly added:
"Huey is our brother!"
Mr. McDuck closed his eyes and let out a sigh. He opened his eyes again, looked compassionately at his grand-nephews and the girl who was with them (Fenton still didn't know what her name was, or what relationship she had with the family) and in a soft but firm voice he said:
"Precisely because of that. We don't know in what condition Huey is, we don't want ye to see him until we’re sure that he’s fine.”
Dewey, who Fenton had already assumed was the most impulsive kid, jumped up almost instantly saying:
"That’s not fair!"
The old duck sighed again and looking sadly, said:
"Sorry lads, but it’s the best for you."
"How can you be so sure?" the green-dressed triplet suddenly asked, crossing his arms. The duck in the top hat looked at the boy and opened his beak to reply, but before he could, Donald spoke up:
"Enough boys! Uncle Scrooge is right. We’ll take care of bringing Huey back, I promise you. Now, go wait in your room."
The children looked at the sailor-dressed duck. He looked at them with a stern frown, but also with evident concern on his features. It was clear that he wasn’t happy with what he was saying, but it wasn’t as if he had any other option apparently.
Realizing it was a losing battle, the children lowered their heads and left the room. Almost instantly, the phone embedded in Gizmoduck's helmet (Huey's idea and that Fenton had already implemented in the suit) began to ring. The Hispanic duck immediately answered the call.
"Hello?... yes. Dr. Gearloose it’s me... yes. I hear you... yes... yes... copy that. Thanks, and goodbye."
As soon as the conversation ended, he turned to the other two ducks there, both looking at him expectantly, then Mr. McDuck asked:
“It was Gyro, wasn't it? Well? What did he say?"
Straightening his stance, the superhero answered the question:
"We have the location!"
The billionaire duck's face took on a deeply determined expression. He said:
"Perfect lad. Okay, let's not waste time. Let's go there immediately."
Gizmoduck smiled. Mr. McDuck was right. There was no time to waste. Leaving quickly, they all headed to the plane, where Fenton notified Launchpad of their destination. After confirming the location, the pilot started the engine and the plane began to move. It increased speed, and soon they were going to take off. Fenton looked out the window and saw something that surprised and confused him.
The family’s ghost butler was flying as fast as he could towards the plane. He looked alarmed and was signaling to them, but it was too late. The plane had just separated from the ground and was rising rapidly. It was going through the sky towards their destination. Heading to Huey.
Welp, I really liked Gyro here, he had his moment. Did you like it? I've to admit at the beggining I didn't like Gyro, but as time passed, I grow up with him, and he's become a great character to me. I feel he cares about others but he doesn't like to show it (and after Astroboyd we can understand why I guess). Now at the end of the chapter, I guess all of you imagine why Duckworth was flying trying to stop the plane, can't you?
Okay, after say that, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I also would like to thank to all the people who’d read this story, the ones who commented, those who reblogged it and: @mysteriouswriter72 @elianemariane17 @araminakilla20 @hakuneki07 @i-cant-find-any-creative-name @gizmovi @some-dum-wizard-bitch @infamousquack  @margaretnobbs @alphatheplant @sugerheart @squackcrowquack @nsbfenro @marshmeadow12 @ohgeeeznotagain @constellations1 @isabellanajera @you-big-palooka @deathcat003 @dragonsareawesome123 @via15 @wellshit333 @ninjawarrior100 @your-salty-dorito @rowan-npg @thesuperepicawesomefireninja @duckworth-is-love @worldsbesteagle @shaz231 @cherriesandpoison @softlemonboi @rosebu-uds @mulaneysnl @ihavenonamehalp @drummergirl231 @narnour-momo-007 @via15 @trash-queen-fahey @gamerfansims389 @lesbianz4glomgoldje @jessie-00 @maclove54north @northofanvi @maditheanimaniacuwu
And if I’ve forgot someone, I’m sorry
See you in the next chapter 😉
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parisian-nicole · 4 years
Of Convience (Kirk/Uhura Fic)
Summary:  An away mission brings back more than they bargained for, and it will change two crewmember's lives forever. 
"What's all this about, Doctor?" Kirk asked as he hurried through the sickbay doors to find Uhura seated on one of the beds behind a force field while Dr. McCoy was engrossed in some readings, he had on his medical scanning pad. The Captain had been alarmed once they had arrived back from an away mission to find the transporter room blaring its alarms and he and the other away team locked onto their transporter pad by a force field. Then his concern grew when he watched as Lieutenant Uhura energized away again. Seconds later Doctor McCoy had summoned him to sickbay.
"Standard protocol, Captain," McCoy mumbled out while his brows furrowed as he continued to read.
"I think this must be a new protocol I was not aware of," Uhura spoke out. She had been in her isolation in sickbay for only a few minutes but she felt like it had been hours, particularly due to the fact that Dr. McCoy kept brushing off and mostly ignoring her questions about what was happening and why she had been beamed to the sickbay behind a force field.
"Nor I, Lieutenant," Kirk agreed. "Care to enlighten us, Bones?"
"It is standard protocol for the transporter to beam anyone deemed to be infectious directly to sickbay and put up a force field," McCoy finally spoke as he now gave both of his friends his full attention. Concern quickly filled the faces of both Kirk and Uhura.
"Infectious," Uhura repeated as if she was not sure she had heard him correctly. "But Doctor, I was given a clean bill of health by you before I beamed down to the planet."
"Yeah, I know but the transporter says you brought something back on board with you. Initially, I thought the blasted transporter probably had a glitch. Which is one of the main reasons I don't like using the blasted things."
"Yes, we are all aware, Doctor," Kirk cut off what he knew could turn into an hours-long ranting. "What has the Lieutenant been infected with, and what of the other crew? Myself, Scotty, and Sulu? Should we also be quarantined?"
"No," McCoy said as he moved to the medical panel on the wall and pressed a button which turned off the force field. "It's not a contagion and you're not infected, Uhura."
"Well, that's a relief," Uhura breathed out truly happy to hear this.
"So, there is a glitch in the transporter then? I'll have Scotty take it offline for a full analysis and repairs," Kirk declared as he moved to the intercom on the nearby wall.
"That won't be necessary, there's nothing wrong with the transporters either, at least not in this regard," McCoy stopped him and Kirk turned back to regard his longtime friend.
"Then what the hell is it, Bones?" He exclaimed a little as he grew irritated with the doctor's evasiveness.
"Lieutenant Uhura, you're pregnant," McCoy directed to Uhura who sat and looked as if she were still waiting for his true words.
"Well how about that," Kirk said with a genuine smile on his face. He was not aware she had been seeing anyone, not that he kept up with such things. But the ship wasn't so big that he wouldn't have heard something or seen something to allude to Uhura being in a romance. She was a very private person but still, people tended to gossip onboard which on most days annoyed the hell out of it's Captain. "Congratulations, Lieutenant," He said as he stepped to where she sat in shock, leaned in, and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.
"But, Sir," She turned to look up at him. "That can't possibly be right," She insisted.
"She's right, it can't be. At least it shouldn't be," McCoy concurred. "I gave each of the away team a full examination before you all left the ship not two hours ago, and Uhura wasn't pregnant before she left this ship."
"Could your readings have been wrong?" Kirk offered. "Is it possible that it's your equipment that has a glitch?"
"Even if it does it wouldn't explain any of this. Doctor, I can't possibly be pregnant, because I have not been with a man for over three years now," She declared and both Kirk and McCoy's eyes bulged a little in their surprise and disbelief.
"I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I find that very hard to believe," Kirk stated.
"Me too," McCoy chimed in with a slight scowl on his face.
"Well, I am certainly not lying about it, why should I?" Uhura stated indignantly.
"I'm sorry Uhura, I only meant that," He paused as he searched for the appropriate words, "Well, you are a very beautiful and very desirable woman," Kirk said and she felt herself calming and even blushing under his complimentary words.
"Yeah, yer, definitely a looker," McCoy added with a nod and smile as he placed his hands behind his back and bounced a bit on the balls of his feet.
"So, it's a bit difficult to believe that no crewman has asked you out," Kirk continued.
"Plenty have asked, sir, and on some occasions, I agree, but that doesn't mean I have to sleep with them does it?" She countered.
"No, of course not, my apologies, Uhura," Kirk replied in a gentler tone and informally. "And are you sure?" He added on.
"Sure? That I didn't have sex with anyone, yes quite sure," Suddenly a beeping went off on McCoy's medical pad. He frowned up in confusion and then hurried back to the medical panel and raised the force field again.
"What is it now?" Kirk questioned his actions.
"This baby is growing at an impossible rate," McCoy said and Uhura clutched a hand against her still flat mid-section as Kirk eyed her curiously. "When I examined you just a moment ago you were only 2 weeks into gestation, now you're 6 weeks along."
"But that's not possible," Kirk proclaimed.
"Yeah, that's what I just said," McCoy replied.
"None of this is possible," Uhura spoke out her voice a pitch higher than normal. "I do know where babies come from, Doctor, and there's no way in hell I knowingly conceived a baby."
"Well, maybe it was unknowingly," McCoy offered and her eyes doubled in size at the implication.
"You think she may have been raped?" Kirk asked as he felt rage begin to fill him. Not only to the fact that someone would commit such a crime on his ship but mostly that they would dare cause such harm to Uhura. He thought of her with friendly and nearly brotherly affection. She was the only female crewman on the entire ship he had ever spoken to and socialized within any informal manner. The thought of someone hurting her, particularly in such a vile way made him want vengeance.
"I'm sorry, but that's the only explanation I can come up with at the moment," McCoy said. "There are some species we've encountered and even some who are crew aboard this ship who have a faster gestation time than us.
"I want a list of all of them," Kirk demanded. "Would you be able to determine who might be the father?" He asked McCoy as Uhura sat behind the force field terrified by the thought that she might have been violated and didn't remember it.
"Yes," McCoy answered as he grasped a handheld scanner and began to input some parameters into it. "I can use this scanner," He then pointed it at Uhura before he punched in more data. "I have blocked the reading from Uhura's DNA in the baby so that just leaves the father's DNA. I just point this at …" The Doctor's words faltered as he stared down at the readings that were now flashing on the scanner. "My God, Jim, it's saying that you're the father," He breathed out low as he lifted shocked eyes up to Kirk, whom he was pointing the scanner directly at.
"Excuse me?" Kirk responded as he stared back at his friend with a look of amusement on his face, as if waiting for the punchline to his joke.
"Now, this is beyond ridiculous," Uhura spoke out as she hopped from the bed. "Let me out of this force field, Leonard," She demanded informally and he hurriedly complied. "You might think this is funny, but I think we all have better things to be doing than pulling pranks on others."
"I have to agree with the Lieutenant, this is not one of your better jokes, Bones."
"Do you two honestly think I would joke about something like this?" McCoy asked outraged by the accusation. "I can assure you, Lieutenant Uhura you are," He paused and held the scanner up to her. "Now 18 weeks pregnant," He then moved the scanner back to Kirk. "And Jim, you are definitely the father."
"Oh my God," Uhura exclaimed as she clutched at her mid-section again.
"What is it?" Kirk asked as his eyes locked onto her belly which he'd swear was more profound than it had been just a few seconds before.
"It's grown. I can feel it now," She replied as she shot her hand out, grasped the Captain's hand, and then placed it back against the slight swell of her belly. Kirk stood in awe to the fact that Uhura was in fact pregnant and that he was going to be a father. He shook it off as he pulled his hand from her belly and focused fully onto McCoy.
"Bones, what the hell is going on?"
"I honestly don't know. I mean, what exactly did you two do while you were down on the planet?"
"Nothing that would have done that," Kirk said as he pointed at Uhura's belly.
"He's right Doctor," Uhura affirmed. "While the Captain and I were mostly alone together on the mission all we did was take readings of the planet. The air, the water in the stream we found, and of all the beautiful flora that seemed to be everywhere. The captain even plucked this flower for me," She spoke this as she reached up and touched the small purple flower she had placed in her hair.
"No, don't touch it," McCoy hissed out as he moved and grasped tweezers from his desk and moved back to her to grasp the flower from her hair.
"I already scanned it, doctor, it's perfectly harmless otherwise, I wouldn't have put it in my hair," She assured.
"Well, unless you confess to having some private torrent affair with each other, and tell me one of you has the ability to make super grow babies, I'm not ruling anything out," He stated as he placed the flower inside of a chamber that would give a more intensive reading on it. "And unfortunately, until I know more, I will have to confine you both as well as the other away team members to sickbay."
"Is that really necessary?" Kirk asked not happy at the idea of being away from the bridge but happy that Spock had not joined them on this particular away mission.
"At this point, I don't know how this even happened, do you want to risk you or Scotty, or Sulu impregnating other female crew?"
"No, of course not," Kirk grumbled out in a defeated tone as he moved to the comm, "Scotty and Sulu report to sickbay immediately."
"What do we do?" Uhura questioned as she stood with her arms wrapped around herself in a comforting manner. She seemed as if she hadn't been really saying the words to anyone specifically, and she looked very lost at that moment.
"Don't worry Lieutenant," Kirk spoke in an authoritative tone, his 'Captain's voice', though inside he was just as lost and scared as she was. "I have the utmost confidence that the good Doctor here will figure this out and undo it somehow."
"Undo it?" McCoy repeated a little stunned by the words. "Well, I guess if that is something Uhura wants I can 'undo' it now before she gets too far along," He scanned her once more. "It looks like 18 weeks might be the magical number, it hasn't grown anymore in the last few minutes, and all of the levels read normal"
"So, from this point on it will be a normal gestation?" Kirk questioned.
"Maybe, I honestly don't know," McCoy replied. "Do you want to keep it, Nyota?" He posed directly to her using her first name and all eyes in the room locked onto her.
"I could not abort this child, Doctor. Not unless you tell me there is some medical reason I should," She announced as she again placed her hands against her belly. Dr. McCoy smiled at her proudly and then moved back to check on his experiment. "It doesn't matter how it was conceived it's a life and it's mine," She added on with conviction. "I'm sorry Captain if that puts you in an unwanted predicament."
"Not at all, Lieutenant, it is in your body and so completely your decision. And I would never presume to have any say in that matter. But I hope you understand the ramifications of what having the child would mean. There are no children allowed on any Starfleet exploration vessels. So, it would likely mean reassignment back on Earth or to some other federation outpost or base," He mumbled out as he locked his eyes down to the floor while apparently deep in thought about it. Uhura simply nodded to his true words as she was fully aware of these facts. "But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, all right?" He ended with a kind smile.
"Yes, sir," She said around a sad smile as she nodded.
"Well, it's definitely the flower," McCoy who had focused back on his examination of the flower spoke out. "Likely, some kind of effects through pollination. I touched the flower to this Treyvilian mouse that wasn't pregnant before my test, but now it is," At that moment both Scotty and Sulu entered the sickbay.
"Reporting to sickbay as ordered, sir," Sulu spoke first.
"Aye, and I hope this is something serious because if I don't fix the misalignments that happened to the transporter after we beamed back aboard, we'll not be able to beam back down to finish the survey of the planet on schedule," Scotty added on looking irritated at being summoned.
"I'm sorry Scotty but this is rather an urgent matter, and until further notice, no one will be beaming back down to the planet," Kirk said. "Now, did either of you touch or take any flowers or plants from the planet? Please think hard, it's extremely important."
"No sir, there was no fauna of any kind on the part of the planet we checked," Sulu stated as he frowned up a bit in confusion.
"Aye, it was all desert and rocks. Why what's happened?"
"Well, it seems that I have somehow impregnated Lieutenant Uhura with a flower from the planet," Kirk replied and both men stood silent a moment stunned as they let his words sink in.
"Aw, congratulations sir," Scotty was the first to speak out jubilantly despite the situation and moved to heartily shake the Captain's hand. "Lass," He then moved and pulled Uhura into a quick hug. Sulu for his part only smiled nervously and nodded as he was not sure this was a celebratory moment, though both the Captain and Uhura smiled kindly at Scotty's elation and well wishes.
"Thank you, Mr. Scott, but let's hold the celebrations until after the Doctor has given you two a full examination and can assure me that you have not somehow impregnated anyone."
"Well, sir, unless that wee flower has the power to impregnate men it's just not possible. Sulu and I have been in the transporter room with Ensign Hathaway this entire time. Hathaway and I were working on the transporter, while Sulu was uploading into the computer terminal the findings we had on our tricorders."
"That's right Captain. Mr. Spock was adamant that we do so as soon as we transported on board. We came straight here when you called us, and passed no females on our way," Sulu affirmed.
"That's good news," McCoy spoke of again. "Still, I want each of you to take a sterilization shower before you leave sickbay. I am pretty certain that this was all due to this flower," He said and they all looked to the purple flower encased inside the secure containment glass. "Jim, you touched it and got your DNA on it, then gave it to Uhura which got her DNA on it. Then, somehow the pollen from the flower got into your system, Uhura, likely through your pores and caused this miraculous conception," He picked up the scanner again and pointed it at her. "Still at 18 weeks with normal readings one would expect to see in a normal and healthy gestation," He nodded and then pointed the scanner at Scotty, Sulu, and then finally Kirk, "And, Jim, you're definitely the father," He added on though no one questioned or doubted him.
It had been nearly 4 hours since Dr. McCoy had released them from sickbay, assuring them that they were all no risk to the ship and its crew. Uhura had hurried to her quarters as she prayed none of her fellow crew noticed the obvious swell that was on display in the form-fitting uniform she wore. Until this moment she had never thought about how absurd it was to require the female crew to wear such tight and short outfits. She noted in her mind to file a formal grievance with Starfleet on the matter at a later time. Right now, her mind was still reeling over the fact that she was pregnant and with the child of Captain James Tiberius Kirk, the soon-to-be father who didn't seem to care one way or the other about her condition and why should he be. She was the one who had decided to keep this child whether he wanted it or not, so she felt she had no right to ask him to give her any form of support.
"I guess it's just you and me baby," She spoke lowly on her bed as she cradled her bump that pressed proudly through the satin green nightgown she wore. The Captain had told her she could take some time off to adjust and make any necessary arrangements she may need to her new situation. She took that as his way to give her time to come up with some story to tell about how she got pregnant and by whom. She giggled as she thought about that because she was sure that the entire crew knew by now as Sulu could be quite the gossip when he had some 'juicy' intel, and this incident was probably the most salacious thing to ever happen on their voyage thus far. Just as she had decided to try to lie down to get some sleep her door chimed and pulled her from her bed. "Come," She called out to her visitor and then stood up a bit straighter when her visitor finally walked in. "Captain."
"Lieutenant," Kirk replied as his eyes took her in from head to toe before he quickly averted his eyes to glance about her beautifully decorated quarters. They stood in silence for a moment before she spoke again.
"Is there something you needed, sir?"
"Ah, yes, I … uh … I just wanted to see how you were holding up. Today has been a very strange and shock filled day for us."
"Yes, sir," She said and graced him with a kind smile and a small chuckle. "It surely has been, but I am fine, thank you for your concern,"
"Good, good," He said with a nod as he settled his eyes upon her bump. "And the baby is…" He paused again and she could tell he was nervous.
"Oh, she is fine too, Captain."
"She?" He repeated through a crooked smile as he looked at her with excitement twinkling in his eyes.
"Yes, sir, I'm having a daughter," She confirmed. "I asked Dr. McCoy to check before I left sickbay. I know most expectant mothers would rather wait and be surprised, but I'd rather be-"
"Prepared," Kirk cut her off and finished the sentence for her. "Yes, I had noticed that about you long ago. And please we're not on the bridge, in fact, I'm off duty at the moment, so we don't have to be so formal. Please, call me Jim and I will call you by your first name too, Nyota," He spoke with a gentle smile. "If that is all right with you?"
"Oh, yes, sir … I mean Jim," She quickly corrected as she smiled warmly back at him. "Please come, have a seat," She offered as she waved him to the sofa in her livingroom area. "Can I get you something to drink? I don't have any alcoholic beverages as I am not much of a drinker, but I had just made tea which should still be hot."
"Tea sounds wonderful, thank you," He agreed as he took a seat on the sofa. He openly watched her as she moved about fixing two cups of tea. Her every movement seemed to hold him enthralled, and most intensely the slight swell on her belly. It hadn't dawned on him until he noticed her about to lift a serving tray with their tea, that he hadn't even offered to help. "No!" He called out a bit more loudly than he had intended as he leaped up and moved to where she stood. Uhura jumped a little in surprise as she stilled and looked at him with wide eyes. "That looks heavy, allow me," He spoke as he grasped the tray which wasn't heavy at all but she still appreciated his gesture.
"Thank you," She said softly as she led them back to the sofa where they sat and she began serving up the tea.
"By the way … oh, thank you," He said with a nod and a smile as he grasped the teacup, she offered him. He then took a quick sip before he continued, "I have already contacted Starfleet and gave a full report of everything. They will be sending a special all-male crew back to the planet to finish the survey, with added precautions. Hopefully, it will be enough to ensure that this situation with us is not repeated," Uhura nodded as she listened. "And I was also able to convince them to allow both of us to stay at our post here on the Enterprise. It took some convincing and they have sent liability forms with specific stipulations that they expect both of us to sign ASAP, which basically says we and the child can stay but at our own risk, not theirs."
"Cap … Jim, I appreciate that more than I can say, but you didn't have to go through any trouble for me. I would have been content to go wherever Starfleet deemed safest for me and my child."
"I am sorry if I have overstepped some boundary, Nyota, I know I should have probably consulted with you first. But if I am being honest I did it more for me than you," He acknowledged and his words completely baffled her as she frowned at him in confusion. "I can't imagine myself being anywhere except here on the Enterprise. They did offer to make me an Admiral stationed out of Starfleet headquarters. I'd be the youngest in Starfleet history, but I wasn't even tempted by that."
"I don't understand, why would they make you leave the Enterprise?" She asked and this time Kirk's brow furrowed as he stared back at her in confusion.
"Because had they not agreed to allow the baby to stay on board, we would have had to be stationed elsewhere, Nyota, you know this."
"Yes, I know the regulations and fully expected that the child and 'I' would be reassigned."
"I see," Kirk spoke as his face fell a little. He settled his cup back upon the tray, stood, and pulled at the bottom of his shirt. Uhura watched him closely as she too set down her cup of tea and stood before him. His demeanor perplexed her. "It seems I have overstepped again in assuming that you wanted me to be a part of the child's life."
"I'm sorry, but you want to be a part of the child's life?" She asked completely shocked at hearing this from him. The thought of Kirk wanting to have anything to do with a child never even entered her mind. He was too much of a bachelor in her eyes.
"Of course, it is my child … my daughter too," He replied and seemed to be offended that she would think otherwise. "And I would very much like to be present in her life."
"Oh my God," Uhura gasped out as tears instantly filled her eyes. She clamped one hand to cover her mouth and the other to her belly and Kirk's face paled in fright as he watched her.
"What's the matter, are you in some kind of pain? Is it the baby?" He asked as he reached out to her. "Do I need to take you to sickbay?" She shook her head at him as a single tear fell freely down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away.
"No, I'm fine and the baby is fine, it's just …" She wasn't sure how to continue without offending him when it was now so clear to her that he wanted this baby just as much as she did. "I'm sorry Jim, but your words surprised me. But they were a very pleasant surprise. I just never even considered that you would want to have anything to do with the baby. I mean, it's not like this was something we planned. We are not in a romantic relationship, and we don't spend a lot of time speaking or seeing each other informally outside of the bridge or while on duty."
"True, but I still consider you to be a friend, Nyota, and I hope that feeling is mutual."
"Oh, yes sir, it is," She confirmed being formal for a moment.
"Good," He pushed out a sigh of relief, "Look, I know I have a bit of a reputation of being a bit of a Casanova, and I will admit I never thought that settling down with a wife and children were in my future. I already see myself as being married to the Enterprise and the crew like my children, so to speak. Now, due to circumstances out of my control, it seems there will be a change of plans on that front. But thankfully Starfleet has decided to make an exception which will allow me to retain my command. So, I can still be Captain as well as a husband and father."
"Wait, are you proposing marriage?" Uhura asked as she stood looking up at him horrorstricken.
"Well, I think that would be appropriate, don't you?"
"Yes, under normal circumstances. It is true I had always envisioned I would find love, get married, and then have children. But as you said our current circumstance is out of our control. And we are not required to get married to have this child."
"Actually, we are," Kirk announced as he clasped his hands behind his back and locked his eyes down to the floor. "It is that stipulation I mention for remaining onboard. We must be married. Also, I think it would help to keep gossip down and keep the baby from being judged unfairly."
"But Captain," She spoke formally again. "I promise you Sulu has told half the ship by now."
"Doubtful," He interjected. "I've ordered him to secrecy."
"Not that it matters I do not care what the others have to say about it. And you know as well as I do that an ancient word like 'bastard' is such a ridiculous term it's laughable, and no one would dare speak it let alone think it about our child."
"Yes, I know but, I don't know, call it my male ego and pride," He tossed out with a charming smile, "But I want my child to have my name."
"And she certainly can and shall if that is what you really want."
"It is," He proclaimed and she smiled pleased by this.
"All right, but we don't have to get married for that."
"No, but as I said we must get married if we are to stay aboard the Enterprise. I thought you would be happy about that, that you would want to remain on board."
"I do and I am happy to know I have that option, but Jim," She took a breath and then reached out and placed a gentle hand upon his arm. "I cannot ask you to make such a sacrifice, not for me."
"I appreciate that but I assure you I was thinking mostly of myself. Thinking of how I can stay and keep you and our child here near me as well. Sure, I could visit wherever they may have sent you, but those visits would likely be few and far between. How much would I miss out on in her life? I don't want to miss a thing. I am truly sorry for not discussing these matters with you on this beforehand. I feel like a huge jerk right now assuming I was making a gallant gestured and you'd be happy about it."
"And that I'd even be a bit proud I'd be married to the Captain, huh?" She added on in an almost teasing tone which made him roll his eyes a bit and groan at how silly this thought he had, had sounded when she spoke it out loud.
"Right, like a jerk and a dumbass," He spoke and she laughed a little at his expense.
"Don't get me wrong, I'd be honored to be your wife, sir, except for one big problem, we don't love each other. We barely even know each other."
"I can see that really matters to you?"
"Of course, it does, doesn't that matter to you too?" She questioned. "Don't you want to marry someone you love? And what about what we would be giving up in our marriage? You are a very virile man from what I've seen and I too still have a sexual appetite, and I never intended to become a nun or be celibate for the rest of my life."
"Wow, and you think being married to me would completely kill your sexual drive?" Kirk asked with a smirk as he placed his hand against his chest. "Ouch," She giggled at his antics and playfully swatted his arm.
"What I mean is, I am a monogamous woman," Uhura looked directly up into his eyes as she spoke. She wanted him to fully comprehend what she was telling him. "If I marry you, I could never give myself sexually to another man. That would go against everything I believe spiritually, and go against my vow of marriage to you. I wouldn't hold you to those same standards by any means given our situation, but I could never break such a vow. So, can you see my conundrum? I'd be married to someone who doesn't want me sexually, and I would never allow myself to take a man who is not my husband into my bed."
"I understand, but who told you I didn't want you sexually?" Kirk questioned seriously and of all the things he could have said at that moment, what he could have taken away from what she had just said, that bit had stunned her. "As I told you earlier, I think you are a very beautiful and desirable woman, Nyota. Surely, you know this. Being Captain doesn't make me any less a warm-blooded male nor does it diminish my eyesight. I can see how attractive you are. Just because I would never allow myself to pursue anything intimate with one of my crewmembers doesn't mean I am not sexually attracted to any, you being at the top of that list."
"Am I supposed to be flattered by that, sir?"
"No, it was not some pickup line, I was just stating a fact. My point is, once we are married, I would have no issue with consummating our marriage or performing my husbandly duties, if you will," He spoke around a slight smile. "That is, if you had no objections, of course."
"No, I would not object but…" She turned away from him as she thought about her next words.
"But what? Please tell me what's on your mind and speak freely," He coaxed and she faced him once more as she continued to speak.
"It would kind of feel like sleeping with a stranger, a one-night stand, or some fling. I've never been that kind of a girl."
"Okay, I think I understand," Kirk said this as he nodded his head while he looked to be giving it some thought. "You would feel more comfortable with all of this if we knew each other better first if I courted you?"
"Now, you're making fun of me," She smacked her lips, rolled her eyes at him, and then moved back to the sofa and sat down. Kirk followed her trek and also seated himself back down.
"No, not at all. I mean, that is essentially what you are having the biggest issue with, is it not?" She only nodded her affirmation. "All right, then. They say there's no time like the present. So, let's get to know each other a little better now. What's your favorite color?" He asked as he leaned back more comfortably into the sofa. Uhura, let out a slightly giddy giggle as she tucked her feet beneath her backside and turned more to face him.
"Green," She finally disclosed. "What's yours?"
"Red, why green?" He fired off quickly.
"Because I grew up in such a lush green countryside, and there's none of that out here in the vastness of space."
"So, you brought a little of your own," Kirk said with a smile as he reached out and gently flicked the green hoops that had become synonymous with the uniforms she wore on and off the bridge. She nodded and smiled in reply.
"May I ask you something more of a personal nature?" He spoke.
"Why have you purposely abstained from sex for the past three years?"
"Because I feel this is an important mission. To boldly go where no one has gone before, remember? And I wanted to stay focused on the job. This is a pretty big ship, but surely even you have seen how small it can become when someone's romantic entanglements don't end well. I have just chosen to avoid all of that 'drama' and focus solely on the mission."
"But surely that must become lonely and … sexually frustrating for you," Kirk continued.
"Not really, I have become quite an expert at masturbation," She declared and Kirk's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at hearing her shocking carefree confession. "Now, may I ask you a personal question."
"It would only be fair," He said with a nod.
"How can you be so …" Again, she found herself searching for the right word that would not offend.
"Promiscuous?" He filled in and let her off the hook.
"I'm sorry," Uhura spoke as she scrunched up her face a bit, "But you do have a bit of a notorious reputation."
"Yes, I am aware but I can promise you that that reputation doesn't really precede me," He stated and she sent him a look that said she didn't believe him. "Scout's honor," He said as he held up three fingers in their salute. "Now, I can't proclaim to never have enjoyed the company of a woman in my bed during our journey thus far, but far less than you probably think. In fact, I can count on one hand just how many."
"Without reusing the fingers as you are counting?" She teased while she smiled and he chuckled finding her wit and humor, even at his own expense, to be quite pleasant. Then she yawned wide as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, please know that was not caused by your company. I am just tired. Dr. McCoy told me to expect a sudden onslaught of hormonal changes that come with a usual pregnancy. But instead of having 18 actual weeks for my body to adjust I get one day," She finished with a small smile which Kirk returned. He reached over to her but instantly stalled in his action as if remembering himself. He looked into her eyes for her approval, she understood and simply nodded. He placed his hand securely over her belly and smiled warmly at it.
"You should rest, and I should leave and stop bothering you," He spoke out as he released her and stood from the sofa.
"You have been no bother, Jim, I have enjoyed our chat," She replied as she too stood and watched him walk to the exit. He stalled and turned back to regard her.
"Thank you, Nyota. I know that this situation is not ideal for you, but I truly appreciate your decision to keep our child," He said this with a sweet smile as he honed his eyes onto her belly once more before holding her gaze again. "And also, for your consideration of my proposition of a marriage of convenience."
"Thank you, Jim, for being so receptive to this child and for providing me an option that would allow me to keep my position here on the Enterprise. I do so love being on this ship."
"And we would be truly lost without you," Kirk then moved to leave.
"Captain, wait," She fell back to the formalities. "Maybe I should stick my head out there first to make sure the coast is clear before you leave, it is rather late and someone may see you leaving my quarters, and ..."
"That won't be necessary Lieutenant. People will soon notice that you are with child anyway and I have no intention of hiding the fact that I'm the father. So, let whoever wants to gossip, gossip, we have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or hide from. Goodnight, Nyota," He spoke softly as he bowed a bit.
"Goodnight, Jim," She also said with a nod, then he was gone, and she was left to think about what he had proposed. A marriage with all the sexual strings attached. She'd have to give it serious thought. She certainly couldn't and wouldn't deny that she found Kirk handsome, charming, and so very sexy. But she did have to recognize that she was not the only female who would, and she didn't think she would be able to share a 'marital' bed with him knowing he'd likely also venture into another woman's bed. When another deep yawn escaped her lips, she decided she'd return to those contemplations in the morning.
Although she had been given time off if she wanted it Uhura found herself getting up the next morning preparing for her shift on the bridge the same as she always did. She had already put in a request the day before to have new uniforms tailored for her growing belly, and she was pleased with the results as she stood appraising herself in the mirror. Her belly was well hidden but it was still somewhat obvious that she expanded some in the waist. She had proclaimed she did not care what anyone else would say or think about her pregnancy, but she was actually a bit nervous about it. She had always been the 'rip the bandage off' type and so after another quick glance in the mirror, a deep breath to calm herself, she left her quarters and made her way to the bridge.
When she had stepped onto the bridge, she paused a moment and waited for the looks and whispers to start, but was greeted to every other crew member engrossed in performing their duties. She did get the usual quick smile and nod of greeting from certain crew, same as she did whenever she came on duty, but nothing more. She chuckled to herself over her seemingly unfounded concerns. She knew that once her friends had learned of her condition, they would all be happy for her. She moved to her station.
"Good morning, Jamison," She greeted the older male communications officer who had the shift before hers.
"Uhura," Jamison greeted, and at hearing her name Captain Kirk, who had been listening to a report that Yeoman Rand had been reciting to him, turned in his seat a bit and focused on his beautiful Bantu communications officer. He dismissed Rand saying he would finish reading the report later, he then stood and made his way to Uhura who had already taken the seat from Jamison.
"Lieutenant," Kirk Spoke out as he now stood at her station.
"Yes, Captain?" She greeted him at full attention as she awaited whatever command he had for her.
"I thought I gave you a few days off to rest," He spoke softly so their conversation would remain more private.
"Yes, sir, but I thought that was just an option I could choose if I felt I needed it, but I woke up this morning and I felt fine. Unless, it was a command if so, I apologize Captain I misunderstood."
"No, it's all right, Lieutenant," He tried to assure her with a kind smile which she quickly returned when she realized he was not displeased with her being on the bridge. "If you feel up to doing your duties please do so."
"Thank you, sir," She gave a curt nod and a smile and then focused back on working through a translations file Jamison had left for her.
"But if at any time you don't feel well, I want you to take the rest of the day off, and that is an order," Kirk quickly added. Uhura smiled warmly at him as she could see his concern for her and their baby written all over his face.
"Aye, aye, Captain, but I think I will be fine. There are no Starfleet rules that say a pregnant officer can't continue to perform her duties until she gives birth."
"That is true, but those rules do not apply on a starship because it is unprecedented, until now. You are the first pregnant woman to serve upon a starship," He countered her with a teasing smile, which instantly fell from his face when he heard a slight gasped and noticed that Yeoman Rand, who had been about to leave the bridge had stopped and now stared at Uhura with a stunned look on her face. It was obvious to him that she had overheard some of their conversations particularly the bit about Uhura's pregnancy. "Was there something else you needed Yeoman?" He spoke in a stern tone as he stood upright more. Uhura didn't turn but pretended to be working as if nothing had happened.
"Uh…oh no sir," Yeoman Janice Rand quickly spoke with her large blue eyes locked upon her Captain as she shook her head slightly.
"Then as you were," He commanded and she jumped a little and then hurried onto the lift. "I think the cat is out of the bag now," He whispered as he leaned down a bit towards Uhura.
"Well, it was bound to happen eventually," She whispered back to him. "In a couple of weeks, I will not be able to dress up and hide this growing belly," He graced her with an endearing smile which morphed into what she would describe as pride when his eyes settled on her belly.
"Lieutenant," He righted himself and spoke a little louder as he put on a show of getting back to business, "Have we gotten a reply from Starfleet about the shore leave request? We will be passing by Risa in another 48 hours and I think we all could use the time off."
"Yes, Captain," She replied as she pressed the console buttons with one hand as she held the comm in her ear with the other hand. "Starfleet has approved seven full days of shore leave, sir."
"Excellent," Kirk said visibly pleased as he clasped his hand together and rubbed them a bit as if in anticipation of what was to come. Something inside of Uhura clinched as she thought of the reason the Captain was so excited. The planet Risa was a pleasure planet and one that was of all the rage throughout the entire Federation. She frowned a little as she thought about the jealous feelings swelling in her. She knew she was being silly and had absolutely no right to be jealous or even care about how the Captain spent his downtime, and who with. 'But he proposed marriage to you just last night' a tiny voice screamed at her. She shook it off and reminded herself it would only be a marriage of convenience for their careers and child only, and nothing more. He spoke out once more and interrupted her internal debating, "Please send out a ship-wide notification of the shore leave along with a roster put through the randomizer, showing who will beam down and when. I want to ensure that every crew member gets a day to beam down and enjoy Risa."
"Aye, Captain," She then turned and focused back on her task as she pushed back all of her fleeting jealous thoughts.
A few days later
They had already been at the planet Risa for three of their approved seven days. Uhura had been on the schedule to beam down on day one, but she found that she had no desire to visit the planet. The Captain had asked her about it when she had reported to duty that morning. And she was able to excuse it away due to her pregnancy and being more tired lately. It had been a lie but also a gift as that very night and the night after Jim had come to her quarters after his shift. He had brought dinner and they spent hours talking about their childhood and anything else that came to mind while they ate and later played some card games. Just that night before they had settled on the sofa together stretched out on opposite ends. Uhura had a book she had been reading as Kirk read over some reports, he had suddenly remembered he had to sign off on before morning. It had been such a surreal moment to her as she glanced up from her book at the feel of him tugging on one of her perfectly pedicured toes. He had been completely unaware to his action as his brow furrowed in his concentration on the report he was reading. The evening had been so nice and it seemed like a night they had been sharing for years. It felt right somehow. But tonight, she expected she would not have Jim's company for she knew that he was on the schedule to beam down to Risa. She had been shocked when she had gone to the bridge and he was there and stayed for her entire shift. He had briefly shared in some light banter with her but mostly both tended to their duties.
After her shift, Uhura had found she was restless and told herself it had nothing at all to do with wondering about what the Captain was doing down on Risa. She had decided she didn't want to spend the evening alone in her quarters with those thoughts, and instead, she ventured down to the crew lounge. Upon entering she noticed that nearly all of the chatter had instantly stopped and eyes were on her, which told her she had been the subject of whatever conversations had been going on. Apart of her wanted to turn around and leave but she was determined not to give anyone the satisfaction. Also, she had nothing to hide or be ashamed of. So, she lifted her head a little higher and made her way over to the food replicator and ordered some tea. Something small that would allow her to finish it quickly and then leave. The moment she settled into a table in the corner of the room Yeoman Janice Rand pulled up the seat across from her and Nurse Christine Chapel a seat beside her. They both silently watched her as they grinned like idiots. Uhura knew Rand had already blabbed about her pregnancy and that the two women were now dying to talk about it with her. Uhura couldn't help but giggle at the way they were looking at her. She rolled her eyes a little, smiled, and then leaned back so they could get a better view of her belly, giving a silent invitation for them to touch. Both ladies shot their hands out and felt the firm but still a small bump.
"Oh, my goodness," Janice squealed in a lowered voice.
"Congratulations, Nyota," Christine exclaimed also in a near whisper.
"I am sorry, Nyota, I wasn't trying to be a busy body, I just overheard the Captain and …"
"And you decided to tell Christine to get a second opinion?" Uhura cut her off as she arched her sculpted brow at her.
"Well … Uhm … Gosh, I'm sorry, but I just had to tell someone. I figured Christine's a nurse so she couldn't tell anyone else. You, know, patient privacy and all that," Janice began to explain her indiscretion.
"And that is not how it works at all," Christine chimed in as Uhura giggled in amusement.
"I am just teasing you, Janice," She let the blonde yeoman off the hook. "But you could have just come and discussed it with me. It's not some dirty little secret and I have nothing to hide."
"Surely not, if the Captain already knows," Christine spoke again. "Do you already know where you will be reassigned to?"
"Reassigned?" Janice interjected as she frowned up to the idea.
"Why yes, it is in Starfleet regulations that children cannot live on a starship during its mission," Christine enlightened her younger friend.
"Well, actually-" Uhura began to speak but was cut off by a suddenly unhappy Rand.
"Oh, that is stupid, and I bet it was some man who came up with that. Oh sure, they have their fun getting us in the family way and then they send us back to Earth or wherever while they get to galivant across the Universe," Janice huffed out as she crossed her arms against her chest to show her irritation at the idea.
"By the way," Christine focused back on to Uhura. "Who is the father? If you don't mind me asking."
"And I just bet he'll get to stay on board the Enterprise too," Janice tossed in as she rolled her eyes while still dying to know about the father.
"You are correct, Yeoman, but both the Lieutenant and her fiancée will remain on the Enterprise with their baby," Kirk's voice chimed in and all three ladies turned their surprised eyes onto him as he stood just to the side of their table. None of the women had noticed his approach.
"Fiancée?" Christine repeated excitedly as she leaned in and gave Uhura a hug. "My, my, you are just full of wonderful surprises today."
"I'll say, I didn't even realize you were seeing anyone, Nyota," Janice said as she also gave a hug to her dear friend.
"Well, one's personal affairs is their own business and not something for gossip, Yeoman," Kirk replied. "I think there's plenty for every crew member to do on this ship other than concerning themselves about what or 'who' someone else is doing. If not then I am sure I can find more work for them to do," He added in a warning tone.
"Yes sir, of course, sir," Janice replied looking like a chastised child.
"May I have everyone's attention? I would like to share some very happy news," Kirk spoke loudly and captured the full attention of everyone in the rec room. Uhura's eyes grew three times their normal size as she gazed up at the man who now stood beside her with his hand placed gently on top of her shoulder. "I had not planned to make this announcement yet but since some of you," He then glanced at Janice before focusing back onto the full room. "Have already found out I feel it's time. Hopefully, to deter any gossip before it begins or continues," He paused and sent a glare so everyone would get his warning that there was to be no gossiping about the matter thereafter. "Nyota and I," He then reached down and grasped her arm and easily pulled her to her feet, she was too stunned to do anything but comply. Her mind held a mantra of 'He's not about to do what I think he's about to do, is he?'. "We want to share some joyous news with you all. You have all become great friends and even like family these past three years into our mission. So, you deserve to know that Nyota and I are going to have a baby," He announced and every mouth in the room fell open in shock, "Well, she's going to have the baby … 'Our' baby girl. And we will be sending out our wedding invitations soon, and we hope all who are able to will join us down in the Botanical gardens when we say I do," Again there was a pause of shock and looks of disbelief from the crowd but then the room suddenly erupted in cheers of congratulations. Everyone rushed them and gave sturdy handshakes to the captain and hugs to Uhura. Kirk stood like a proud peacock as Uhura graciously smiled beside him. The small celebration continued for an hour before Kirk caught Uhura yawning and excused her and himself. They walked back to her quarters in complete silence, both were quiet due to the fact they were both too nervous to speak first.
When they had arrived at Uhura's door she entered and didn't bother inviting Kirk in, and he crossed the threshold behind her not bothering to ask for entrance. It had been a routine of theirs every day for nearly a week, it now seemed like normalcy for them both. Now that they were behind closed doors and alone Kirk spoke.
"I hope you are not angry with me."
"No, not at all," She replied and he could see the relief leave her and her rigid shoulder slumped a little. "I will admit I was surprised that you announced it like that. Particularly the part about us getting married as we had not yet decided."
"You have not yet decided," He corrected her with a crooked smile. "I had decided the second Admiral Harris mentioned it as a stipulation to us staying onboard. And you still have time to think on it. I know that you wanted us to get to know each other better first, and I think in the last week we have. I have divulged some pretty big secrets about myself to you, which I have shared with no one else. Blackmail worthy stuff too," He teased.
"Oh, I would never dream of telling anyone of the things you have told me or use it to blackmail you, Jim," Uhura reassured as concern filled her face that he would even think such a thing. He chuckled as he stepped closer to her and grasped one of her hands.
"I know you wouldn't do that, Nyota, it was a joke," He replied. "And that is one of the many things I have learned about you. You have such an innocence and kind-heartedness it makes you so naïve about some things."
"Well, English is not my native tongue, so sometimes jokes or when someone is not being serious with me can get lost in translation for me."
"That's right," Kirk said excitedly as he recalled. "Swahili is your native tongue is it not?"
"It is," Uhura replied with a smile and a nod, pleased he remembered.
"Mzuri kama wewe," He spoke as he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles as she giggled. "I didn't just butcher that did I?"
"No, that was very good, Jim, but I think my language holds greater beauty than me."
"Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is it not? And I say you're more beautiful," He charmingly reiterated his claim and she blushed in kind. "In fact," He let go of her hand and took a step back. His face took on a more serious gaze as he raked his eyes shamelessly over her frame, which made her blush even more. "I think that you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls to have your way with them," She waved him off with a coy smile even as her heart rate increased and warmth filled her belly from his claims.
"No, contrary to what you have heard or may have conjured up about me, I don't go around making such claims to women just to get them into my bed," He spoke in a snappy tone that told Uhura she had upset him. She stepped to him and placed both hands on his arms.
"I am sorry, Jim, I was trying to make a joke," She declared and he instantly perked up at hearing this. "It seems I am just as bad at telling jokes as I am at getting them," She laughed a little and he chuckled along with her.
"Well, please believe me when I tell you that I am not joking when I say I have never seen anything as beautiful as you are right now, Nyota. So filled with child, 'my' child," He moved his hand and placed it against her bump. He had stopped asking permission to touch it by the second day of learning she was pregnant with his child. And Uhura had stopped expecting it as he now did it so often. She was glad he had stopped asking for she knew she would grow tired and eventually irritated with such constant pestering. "To me, lately, the sight of you is much more intoxicating and," He leaned down closer to her until their noses just barely touched. "Very arousing."
"Oh?" She squeaked out a reply as she gulped down the lump that had just formed in her throat.
"Mmhm," He confirmed with a nod as his eyes darted between her eyes and her lush lips. "And I would very much like to kiss you right now," He spoke out in a hushed voice.
"Well," She spoke as she cleared her throat a little, "Lucky for you, I would very much like to be kissed right now," She said as she matched his volume and leaned towards his more. He smiled slightly before he swooped in and captured her lips with his.
Their kiss had been tentative at first. Neither knowing where they could touch the other, and both wondering if they should even be touching like this. Mostly they were scared of being pushed off and rejected. Uhura was the first to become overwhelmed by the sensations assaulting her. The taste of Kirk and the faint scent of his aftershave pulled a wanton moan from her, which was a trigger for Kirk. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, and deepened the kiss. After a few delicious moments, he abruptly pushed her away while he still kept a firm grip on her arms.
"Tell me to leave, Nyota," Kirk commanded in a near whisper as his eyes remained locked onto her moist swollen lips.
"But I don't want you to leave," She replied as she fisted his shirt in her hands as if to ensure he couldn't escape.
"If I stay, I don't think I will be able to stop myself from touching you and tasting you."
"But I don't want you to stop," Uhura declared as she yanked him closer, leaned up, and recaptured his mouth with her own. She then tugged his shirt up his torso. He moved from her long enough the quickly yanked the shirt up and over his head and tossed it aside. He then moved his hand and unzipped the back of her dress. She allowed him to pull the dress from her arms. It fell down her chest and settled around her tiny swollen belly until Kirk bent and gently pushed it over the bump."
"God, you are so fucking gorgeous," He proclaimed as he drank in her cinnamon-colored skin and blushed at his words. Then she gasped out in pleasant surprise when he kissed her belly, then kissed his way up to her breast, clavicle bone, and then her neck, before he found her lips again. He stopped again and stared intensely into her eye. "I'm falling in love with you, Nyota," Kirk said softly and almost coyly. "If we make love it will surely seal the deal for me, and I know that I won't be able to let you go. So, if you don't have those feelings for me yet then we probably shouldn't-" Uhura quickly kissed away the rest of his words and then parted to stare up at him once more.
"I've fallen for you too, Jim," She finally confessed what she was sure she had started to feel just a couple of days after their 'courtship' had begun. "And I want you too. So, please make love to me," She said with a sweet smile which made a broad smile spread across his lips as he stepped to kiss her again, but was interrupted by the pinging from the comm. "I'll ignore it," Uhura said as she leaned up for his kiss.
"Uhura, are you there?" Doctor McCoy's voice spoke out as his face appeared on the comm screen. Thankfully he couldn't see her until the call was accepted on her end. Kirk scowled at the screen irritated by the interrupt, he stalked to the comm and accepted as Uhura rushed to her bedroom to redress.
"Bones, this had better be good," Kirk huffed out not caring how his state of undress might appear to his friend.
"Jim, good you're there too, you were my next call. I need you and Uhura to get to the sickbay right now," McCoy commanded and Kirk could tell by the look on his face it was something serious.
"What's wrong, Doctor?"
"Jim," Uhura's panicked voice made him snapped his full attention onto her. "I think something is wrong with the baby," She said and fear filled her eyes as she held up a bloodied trembling hand.
A short time later in Sickbay
"It started about an hour ago," McCoy spoke out as he stood to one side of the bed where Uhura lay hooked to a monitor connected to her belly. Kirk stood silent on the other side of the bed where his right hand clutched Uhura's right hand, while his eyes stayed locked to the monitor that showed the baby's heartbeat. "At first, I wasn't too alarmed as a miscarriage in a species that has multiple babies at once, it is not uncommon to lose a baby, more often than not. And the Treyvilian mouse can typically have 40 to 50 babies each pregnancy. But it was miscarrying a baby every couple of minutes. I knew something unusual was happening. So, I thought I should get you here in case you started to miscarry as well,"
"Is there nothing you can do, Bones?" Kirk asked solemnly as he stood watching the bouncing line on the screen grow slower and slower. Uhura sat silently crying too scared to speak for fear only a scream would come out. It shook her to the core that this child she hadn't fully allowed herself to accept as real yet, was now being taken from her and causing her such grief she had never experienced before.
"No, I'm sorry," McCoy replied. "It appears that there is a chemical process that occurs in the pollination of this flower that is needed to complete the gestation. Maybe if I had more time, I might be able to isolate and replicate it, but…"
"Thank you, Doctor," Uhura's soft voice finally filled the space. She looked up at him with wet eyes and a small shaky smile. "We know you did all that you could. This was an anomalous conception and pregnancy from the start. It seems it was just not meant to be," She finished and as if her words of acceptance had been all that was needed, the heartbeat flatlined on the screen. They all remained silent for several moments listening to the continuous beep until McCoy finally moved and switched off the monitor.
"Uhura I need to do a little procedure. It's painless and it'll only take a few seconds. It's just to remove any remaining tissue that might cause an infection, all right?" She nodded her head and then turned it to the side and stared at a far wall. "Jim, please give us a moment and then you can take her back to her quarters to rest," He placed a comforting hand upon his friend's shoulder and pulled him from the stupor he had fallen into. Kirk nodded his understanding. He looked to Uhura who remained faced away from him. He squeezed her hand gently, let go, and then walked from the private room in the back of the Sickbay.
Sometime later
"I'm sorry," Came the whisper in the darkened room. There was still enough light from the several tiny moons of Risa to shine on the bed that housed the two entangled bodies.
"For what?" Came another whisper in reply.
"About the baby. Maybe I…" The words were silenced with a single finger placed to her lips.
"No, McCoy said there was nothing either of us did to cause the miscarriage and nothing that could have been done to prevent it, remember?" Kirk stated as he tightened his arm that was wrapped around Uhura, and pulled her more snugly against his chest, where she rested her head.
"Yes, I know," She signed out and he could hear the sadness and tiredness in her voice. "I wanted our baby, Jim. And it didn't matter how she came to be I would have still loved her with all my heart and done anything for her."
"Me too. But the Doctor said there was no damage to you and that internally your body looked as if it were never even with child. And he saw no reason you couldn't get pregnant again when you're ready to," Kirk offered as a way to give her some solace. "So, we can try again whenever you're ready to," His words surprised her and she lifted her head, hovered over him, and stared down into his face.
"You would like for us to try again?" She questioned and he misread the shock on her face as disdain to his words.
"Yes, very much so. But only if you want to, of course," He hurriedly replied. "And we can do things in the way you've always imagined them and get married first."
"Oh, Jim," Uhura sobbed out suddenly as she crumbled back down and buried her face against his chest. He quietly held her close to console her, but also in fear that he was losing her.
"Am I saying all the wrong things right now?" He spoke his inner thoughts out loud and she rose up a bit from his chest to look him directly in the eyes.
"Are you telling me that you love me, that you still want to marry me, and to have children with me?" She asked him.
"Yes," He sighed out in a shaky, unsure voice and nodded his head.
"Then, you are saying all the right things, Jim," She replied around a smile, and then she captured his lips in a quick kiss before she pulled back. She repositioned herself until she was straddling his lap. She quickly divested herself of the nightshirt she wore fully exposing her soft, supple flesh to him. "And we do not have to do things in any particular order," He smiled up at her as he sat up, grasped her in a hug, and then swiftly flipped her onto her back. They spent hours proclaiming their love for each other with their bodies. And new hope-filled Jim's heart just as new life filled Uhura's womb.
The End
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years
Before You Follow Me-
☆ I don't do roleplays as much or not at all
☆ I have other sites and in real life things I have to take care of so I won’t be on all the time to chat so If you message and I don’t answer then I’m busy
☆ I'm on for fun not for arguments or hate sometimes I get mad or triggered I try to avoid being rude or lashing out in anger
☆ I hate myself, my ideas and my art and I can't help it
☆ I'm not used to kindness so if you say or do something nice for me I will try and beg you to let me do something in return or deny your nice words cause I physically can't accept it
☆ The word "Love" Is dead to me, please don't ask why and please don't use it towards me or want me to say it back
☆ Don't force your fandom on me, if I don't want to get into it I don't have to but don't make me feel bad for not joining.
 Don't Follow If: ☆ You're Homophobic, racist, sexist, ect. ☆ You're a Minor Attracted Person or a Pedophile. ☆ You're a toxic person. ☆ You just want a follow back. ☆ You don't respect my likes, dislikes, SelfShips etc. ☆ You get triggered by my rants ☆ You have NSFW work on your account (I do not like looking at those kinds of things please avoid making me see them) ☆ You don't respect people's pronouns.  ☆ You have a problem with any of my friends. ​​​​​ Follow If: ☆ You are okay with annoying ideas and 4:00 rants ☆ You're fine with my messed up personality and mood swings ☆ You like lazy terrible art, ideas and things I make ☆ You like memes, vines ☆ You are kind and nice not mean or rude ☆ You respect people's pronouns. ☆ You're in any of my Fandoms, (you may still follow if your not in my fandoms I don't mind) ☆ You respect my friends  Disclaimers:
☆ I'm a really insecure person when it comes to new people. Please, be patient with me when getting to know me.
☆ It may take some time for me to respond to something but I may also reply instantly, If I don't respond please don't spam me I'm probably busy and can't come online or my wifi is out or my computer died.
☆ If I think I did something wrong, I will probably apologize over and over again. Do not get mad at me for this, it will just make me apologize even more and stress me out, I will think literally anything small was my fault.
☆ It takes a very long time for me to warm up to someone fully, me ranting or talking to you doesn't mean I'm instantly your friend, please don't try and rush me to get me to become your true friend. I need time when getting to know you. Eventually, I'll count you as a friend once I know you better and feel like I'm able to talk to you if I don't forget.
☆ Please try your best not to get mad at me and yell at me for something simple. I forget things, I get triggered easily and my mood swings vary, I type before I think cause writing is how I let out my emotions at the time, I don't mean to be rude. 
☆ It's hard for me to get used to life on the web, I'm old school and don't know many recent trends so if I don't know or like something you share please don't hate me, get mad or call me names. ☆ I'm forgetful, I can't remember good so if I say I forgot something please help me remember it if it's important. ☆ I can't be on 24/7, my phone and laptop are too old for 24/7 play so I need to take days offline and go do something else without feeling like a jerk for leaving so when I leave please don't make me feel bad by complaining I wasn't on.
☆ When I say I have to go that means I need to get up and go no matter what I was doing, I always wait for the person I talk to to let me know I can go by them saying bye or later or cya but please, when I say I need to go don't worry me by saying something sad or spam my pms with vents, usually I can't see the bye from them cause I need to get up and go so if I don't answer after you said bye then that means I left.  ☆ I get triggered easily and when I vent or rant it's cause I feel like I can without problem and I try to delete it later, so if you see a rant or vent of mine please don't add your own problems to the vent post cause then I worry about you when I'm stressing over my own things which won't end well so please if you see a rant don't repost it or comment on it with something bad about your own life or how it's a mood cause (Insert problem) 
☆ Please don't ask me to draw something for you, I'm terrible at art and feel awful showing my crap ☆ If you want to insult my crap art please pm me don't reblog my art and say it there I'm insecure enough showing it as it is. ☆ Please if I made something you loved please like and reblog it, many of my posts are just empty and none of my good things are noticed. ☆ I love making jokes about random things but if I made a joke that you didn't like or it affected you please tell me on pms and I will say sorry and I will try not to do it again. ☆ I don’t like dots when you say .... in sentences it makes me think your sad and I don’t want sad friends :( be happy (: Fandoms I'm in
☆  Five nights at Freddy's  (first Fandom I've ever been in and the first video game I got into, and it's been awhile since I've seen what's happened) 
☆ Sander Sides (Currently new) ☆ Invader Zim (I'm not really into it into it I'm on and off back and fourth)  ☆ My Hero Academia (for a few years now) ☆ Undertale/Aus (old/new and in between) ☆ Soul Eater (another amazing anime I go back and fourth in) ☆ T H E    D I S N E Y  M O V I E S   F A N D O M  Accept all this before you follow
I have an account called @sizzlingjellyfishchild
if you wish to show me Ink Sans related memes, pictures etc go to that account or tag that account not this one
The same rules for following apply there as well
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apriceonemotion · 4 years
Larries Are a Problem: An Essay by a Former Larrie
I spent about seven years of my life believing in theories with vague proofs, not only referring to Larry Stylinson, but plenty of other ships of real life people. Even though I was only a child and young teenager for the majority of that time, that doesn’t excuse that me and plenty of other people, some older than me, were blindly believing and creating different theories about two men that didn’t know we existed. It’s fair to believe in whatever you believe in with the information that we are given in the public and I honestly do not have any hate for anyone in those years that fully believed in those theories that were created, however, there was a line being crossed that even I was blind to notice.
Before you start furiously typing at your keyboard to call me an “anti” or a “het” or even a “solo harrie” and that I’m the problem, read this in its completion. This is coming from someone that was once like you, but grew out of it and realized that things had gone a bit too far.
I think a line needs to be set into place when it comes to shipping real life people. There is a huge difference in believing that two people would look cute together and fetishizing them, analyzing every move they make, and turning every song lyric into a theory. You have to realize that these people have real lives and are real human beings, not characters from a television show that doesn’t exist in our world. The two of them have lives outside of the ones that they show publicly and it’s pretty obvious that they keep a lot of the information about their private lives, well, private. But when you skew that into hiding information from the public because they are being forced, that’s when things get out of hand. I have watched in the years that I had been a fan of this group: larries publicly harassing online (and even offline) the family members and friends of all those involved. Even now, as the Watermelon Sugar video had been released, larries bombarded livestreams of the models in the video asking if Louis had been on set, if Larry was real, and things of that nature. Not only questions, but telling family members and friends of the two horrible things, threatening some, and even making a few of them make their account private or just deleted all together (ahem, Xander). They even make them say “Larry” in livestreams in order to get a sliver of proof, which is a desperate attempt to be honest.
But worst of all is the girlfriends of both of them. I have watched Eleanor Calder grow from the moment she started dating Louis in the way beginning of One Direction being formed, but I have also sadly seen her every move, every facial feature, every body part being picked apart by larries on every platform she’s ever been on. To this day, she will innocently post a selfie of herself and I will see tweets and comments floating around saying that she doesn’t look like herself, she’s ugly, or she just simply doesn’t look good. Or that she’s trying too hard and everything she does is to cover something up, even if there is no proof of something going on. There was even a whole theory about her having a twin because she apparently looked too different in her pictures. The girl that Louis had a baby with, Brianna, is still shamed and made fun of daily, even if she is just simply posting pictures of the child they had together. They have no shame in telling women that they are ugly, that they are doing things for attention, all because they are linked to a man they think is in a secret gay relationship. 
The trend of larries bombarding the comments and replies of these girls must have a very bad effect on them. Eleanor Calder especially since she’s been with Louis for about ten years now (on and off but the harassment has definitely been consistent). (Some examples: here, here, here) They have picked apart the way that she smiles (or if she doesn’t), the way that she acts, what she wears, how she talks, and who she hangs out with. Not to mention she got literally jumped once. It’s almost borderline misogynistic the way that larries think that it’s okay to shame and make fun of women just to support their theories. Of course, not all larries, but a majority is too many. 
I have been called homophobic by larries online for the past few months whenever I speak up about me disagreeing with what they believe in, but why have they never turned the camera around and looked at themselves? A majority of larries are straight - I didn’t conduct an experiment to figure this out, it’s just that a lot that I see end up being straight - and use them being allies and their gay mutuals that also believe in Larry as their defense of them enjoying a gay ship. They’re just supporting gay people, right? Wrong. Louis has countlessly said that he is straight, no sense of homosexuality in his bones. It’s been argued that he has stereotypical characteristics of a gay man but that is legitimately just stereotyping to think that way. 
The only proof that I’ve ever been given is that he sits “like a gay man” or moves his body “like a gay man”, and that in itself is basically homophobic to think that a man doing anything feminine has to be gay. We live in a time that it’s becoming more acceptable to blur the lines of what is feminine and masculine and who can wear what - it doesn’t matter what a person defines themselves as, they can dress and do whatever they want without it being deemed feminine or masculine. So, when the only reasoning for placing a straight man as gay is the way that he walks, talks, and acts is forcing a sexuality just because of the stereotype that gay men are more feminine in those ways. 
There is no way that me not believing in two people being together is homophobic. Just because I say “Larry isn’t real”, that doesn’t mean I hate gay men? I don’t understand the logic. 
Let’s discuss the Watermelon Sugar video. This is the main thing that got me into making this post (and entire blog). The video is very sex positive - the themes of the 60s and 70s being implemented are very symbolic as that was a time of embracing sexuality. Harry’s video was very colorful, showed women in a non-fetishizing way, and was a huge thing for a lot of sapphics that watched the video. But, it was also a very attractive video, and people are allowed to believe that Harry is an attractive person and want to be with him (even if we know that it won’t happen). And because of that, a large amount of larries got angry that people even dared to thirst over Harry on Twitter. Not enjoying ‘thirst tweets’ is fine in retrospect, but many, and I mean many, larries were wishing death on anyone that did them, even calling them ‘sick in the head’, which can be incredibly offensive to people with any mental problems. They filled people’s replies with angry tweets, throwing TPWK at the end of them (as if that helps), and trying to make them feel disgusting for tweeting what they did.
 A tweet came out after the announcement video released joking about how even his walk is hot, and larries came in heavy accusing the OP of sexualizing everything he does.
These incidents don’t stop at just the video being released, it’s been going on for years. Think pieces saying “Harry has always been deemed as a womanizer his entire time of being in the spotlight, so don’t sexualize him every chance you get” come out whenever someone makes a joke about how sexy he is. They bring out the quote from Harry saying he doesn’t like being called a ‘sex symbol’ and use that against anyone that makes these ‘thirst tweets’ about him, claiming that he wouldn’t want to come back to social media because of people that do that. 
There is an entire series on Buzzfeed where celebrity men read ‘thirst tweets’ and laugh about the ones that are descriptive and strange. Every celebrity gets tweets about them being attractive and/or sexy, it’s a very normal thing for this to happen since no one expects the celebrity to ever see it. It’s basically word vomit that they post in no hopes for the person to see. 
Let’s turn the camera back to you guys now. The smutty fics, fan-art, and tweets about what you wish Larry would do together. Those are okay? It’s a double standard. Save the energy that is put on attacking harries for ‘thirst tweeting’ if you aren’t going to feel the same way when larries do the same thing. It’s even stranger when you go back to how I’ve said a lot of larries are straight. Finding it hot when gay men kiss and have sex when you’re a straight woman is fetishizing the idea of gay men and what they do in their personal and private sex lives. If you believe that men shouldn’t fetishize lesbians’ sex lives, then why do that to two men? 
When larries stop harassing other fans, family members and friends of both of them, and sending death threats to anyone that gives them a differing opinion, I’ll stop believing that they are one of the worst people on social media platforms. Harry and Louis could do anything, and there will be theories, comments, and arguments. Have you ever wondered why none of them even play with any of your ideas anymore? It has been ten years. Something should’ve happened by now, don’t you think? 
Their family members and friends shouldn’t be so sick of all of this that they get upset about it on lives, that they turn off their comments, that they don’t always feel comfortable being online. 
Again, I used to be one of them (I sincerely apologize), but I do not see how any of this behavior is okay. It’s been plaguing Twitter and Instagram for years now and I just want this to be a smack in the face that it isn’t okay to be this way. 
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