#also more dw characters to join the party :d
str8rat · 1 month
In Stars And Time Fear and Hunger AU
Today, we've got THREE CHARACTER SHEETS!!!
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TW!! i'm actually not sure LOL UHHH mentions of anxiety?? mentions of grief?? mentions of Erotophobia ( fear of sex and genitals, but nothing graphic dw, a mere mention and explanation ) but yeah if you are any familiar with fear and hunger, i think nothing can really surprise you ._.
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love how her hair turned out here :D
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Mirabelle; Atychiphobia ( fear of failure )
Effects; Severe Anxiety
The Blessed Housemaiden of House of Dormont. Immune to the Curse of Time Freezing. Unfortunately, the public is not as fond of her as one may assume, with her being the Savior of Vaugarde. The public puts immense ammounts of pressure on her, even antagonizing her venomously, claiming that she is not trying hard enough, fast enough to get to the King, as the party ventures through the country.
Mirabelle is at constant brink of an anxiety attack, especially while she is around strangers, causing her to develop a light stutter, that gets worse when she is in a stressful situation. While alone with her party, she becomes a lot more open and calmer, so grateful for everyone's support and being there for her. She picked up the breathing exercise from Siffrin, and uses it regularely. She also cannot forgive herself for Isabeau's sacrifice for her, still having horrible dreams about that day.
Other than her phobia of failing to free her country from the King's grasp, she also shows signs of Erotophobia, which is a fear of genitals and sex. Sometimes, Housemaidens weren't seen as just maidens of the House, but also, prostitutes, earning on the side. Being associated with such an oppinion from her youngest years - ever since becoming a Housemaiden, really - she refuses to ever indulge in any of those gross activities.
Also, the constant use of healing craft puts immense toll on her body, causing her to be get craft-exhausted for short periods of time. If she happens to overuse healing craft, it may cause her to nosebleed, cough up blood, inability to use crafts or even loss of consciousness. Overall, Mirabelle does not have it easy.
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MOMMY i mean what
~ ~ ~
Odile; Acrophobia ( fear of heights )
Effects; Fragile ( she old )
An Outlander from Ka Bue, a country from across the ocean. Researcher of.. something. Due to being an old lady, Odile has a much more fragile body, making up with her powerful craft skills and knowledge. During battles, her first turn always consists of Analyzing an enemy, in order to work out a tactic against it. She is scared of heights, and that is commonly known throughout the party, being the one thing that they can genuinely get back at her for relentlessly teasing them at times.
She is also subconsciously considered a mother figure of the party. She had seen many, many messed up things throughout her own travels, as well as after joining the others. Because of that, she may have became a bit numb towards violence and overall gruesome displays, which in turn sometimes greatly disturbs the rest of her companions. Still, Odile remains highly protective towards them, especially Bonnie, sternly forbidding them from joining in on actual battles, and instead staying in the back and sometimes helping out with tonics.
The things she wouldn't do in order to keep those she deems dear to her safe. One could easily underestemite her for being just an old lady with a love for books and learning more about the world around her, when in reality, she is ruthless towards those that dare to land a hand on her family.
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poor bonnie ;w; give them pinapple and headpats
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Bonnie; Atelophobia ( fear of being useless )
Effects; Traumatized, Emotionally unstable
A pre-teen from the Vaugardian village Bambouche. Bonnie is severely traumatized, their young brain quickly folding under the cruelty and unfairness of this world, and always strives to impress those around them. Their entire village have been frozen in time, the curse swallowing everyone they knew, alongside their older sister Petronille. The only thing they've got left is their hat, oversized, damaged, and yet, very important to them, because it belonged to their sister.
Overcome by anger and grief, they made the impulsive decision to go through the country all on their own, wanting to face The King by themselves. Of course, they were too weak for that, being just a child, and as their exhaustion caught up with them after days of traveling on their own and desperately avoiding Sadnesses, they were eventually forced into a fight with one. It would've killed them, if it wasn't for Siffrin, which noticed them and saved them just in time.
Bonnie feels immense guilt at the sacrifice of Siffrin's eye for their life, and distances themselves from the situation. And even though their childish nature still shines through their numb shell, they will never forgive themself for having another person lose their eye for them. They try to make up the fact of them being utterly useless in combat, with the fact that they can cook very well. They're trying their hardest.
They are also incredibly clumsy, especially when stressed- leading them to getting hurt often, resulting in countless band-aids and bandages on their body. One particularely nasty occurance was that they accidentally knocked a pan off of the stove, causing oil burns across their left arm, left wrist, and chest. They are also emotionally unstable, and consider acting angry to be "strong," and "adult-like," so that's exactly how they act like most of the time, especially towards Siffrin. As time goes on though, they warm up more and more towards the members of the party. And now that their home, their friends, their family is gone- they eventually start considerring the rest of their party as family- even though they won't admit it.
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YAY I actually speedran drawing THREE CHARACTERS!!! We already had Siffrin, we had Isabeau, now we have Mirabelle, Odile and Bonnie! Who's the last one? :0
The Universe's Favorite Cosmic Joke, of course! Look forward to that tomorrow, alongside some more doodles regarding the AU probably :D
( also, to the bozo relentlessly spamming my inbox, pls do keep harrassing me. it's funny )
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
Time to play some D&D, or rather DW
I decided to try and run a for people around here. You all have been really lovely to me so far, and I hope we can spend some quality time around the table with dice
This will be a very D&D like game, however to make things easier and more fun I am using dungeon world, but don't worry if it's your first time. I will explain everything, and DW is so rules light It makes D&D look complicate.
About game and setting
This will be a light-hearted game, largely intended to be a nice break from every day reality. However, a heard hitting dilemma every one and then is not out of the question.
The setting will be a high fantasy, vaguely inspired by a mix of pathfinder and D&D lore. I am still working out the deals, and I do plan on adopting it to the characters you make, and also you will have many opportunities to bring something into the setting yourself.
About dungeon world
DW is a PbtA that set about recreating a look and feel of D&D. It however focused less on numbers and maths, and more on the flavour. Many things don't exactly have default favour, and it's up to you to describe how things works and look within the game world. These desertions will affect how different element interact
There is an SRD that has all the rules of the base game.
Will there be homebrew?
Yes, DW largely replies on custom things made by DM, and I think adding more option is a great way to make a game more fun.
I have short dock the scribes a replacement system for bonds and alignments that allows me to better offer you some thought moral choices, and avoid moral absolutism that comes from D&D alignment system.
Default DW offers very few races choices, so odds that a lest few characters will use a homebrew there.
On top of that, DW has many homebrew classes, and I am open to looking over any you might want to use. I even made one myself.
I plan on making it a bi-weakly thing on the weekend, starting anywhere between Saturday 14:00 (EST) and Sunday 00:00 (EST) with about 4 hours session time.
Where and how?
The game will be over discord VC, with google doc and sheets for bookkeeping.
Want to join?
yeeey, I hope to get a party of about 4 players. Can you will out this form for me? It will make it easier for me to organise everything
Any more questions?
feel free to ask, dms, asks, comments, and reblogs are wide open, and I will be happy to answer any and all questions
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
Up In Flames (3/10)
Summary: In the year since they decided to become a team, John Smith and Rose Tyler have made quite the names for themselves as Team TARDIS, bank robbers extraordinaire. Newspapers the world over run headlines about The Doctor and the Bad Wolf and their latest heists. They’re practically unstoppable.
Then their world spins to a halt with a phone call. Jack’s in trouble again and a formidable enemy from John’s past has emerged from the shadows to try and destroy the bank robbing couple once and for all. Will they be able to survive this new threat intact or will the life they’ve been building together go up in flames?
A sequel to Watch it Burn, a Nine/Rose bank robbers AU
Word Count: 2748
Rating: Teen
Note: so it looks like my terrible updating skills that plagued Watch it Burn have migrated with me to this story. sorry for being gone for two months.
also welcome Clara and Amy to the story! :D
Read here: tumblr // ao3 // tsp // ff
John finished making his tea and took it to the desk where he’d set up his laptop. He may not know exactly how to take down the Master while keeping Rose safe and Jack from being killed but the only way to possibly accomplish it was to try.
He opened his laptop and navigated to one of the chat rooms on the deep web that he knew Clara frequented. He sent up a virtual flare that he hoped she would see and then started the waiting game. John half-listened to what he was fairly sure was Rose’s third phone call and third different accent as he took his first sip of tea. He grimaced and barely managed to swallow the liquid. This was why he and Rose always found a flat to stay in where they could easily set up a kettle. Making tea in the microwave was barbaric.
He was halfway through his cup regardless when Clara messaged him back with a link to a secure private chat.
John quickly explained that he needed help with a hack because the target was familiar with his methods. He kept it as vague as he could on the details but made sure to tell Clara that this was a risky job if she took it. The target was likely to try and backhack her at some point and there was also the threat of him physically tracking her down and trying to do her harm.
Clara flippantly wrote back that her girlfriend was a soldier and would take anyone out that tried to hurt her and then asked when they were starting.
He let her know that he wasn’t ready quite yet and was without his normal secure equipment and then started filling her in on the basics of his plan, including the fact that he would be distracting the target while she slipped in and got whatever information she could lay her digital hands on.
Clara made sure to clarify a few things and then gave him a method of contacting her directly so he could let her know when he was ready to start.
John thanked her and logged off.
He shut his laptop and walked over to the bed that Rose was lying on, still talking on the phone and typing notes on her laptop. He quickly shed his leather jacket, tossing it on the end of the bed before crawling onto it and leaning against the pile of pillows by the headboard.
Rose glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow, asking a question without ever pausing her conversation. He just offered a small smile in return and then closed his eyes, willing himself to relax.
A few minutes later, Rose wrapped up her conversation and hung up her mobile. He listened as she set her phone on the nightstand and finished typing a few things before her laptop closed with a soft click. The bed shifted as she leaned over to set the laptop on the floor and then there was a soft weight on his chest.
John cracked an eye open to look down at the blonde who was resting her head on his shoulder. She curled in closer, draping an arm over his chest and pressing against his side as she let out a soft sigh.
“We’re going to pull this off,” she said, words slightly muffled by his jumper. “We always make it work.”
“I know,” he answered, hoping that he sounded sure enough to convince her that he really meant the words.
She leveraged herself up so she would be looking him in the eye if his eyes were open. “Hey, look at me.”
John reluctantly opened his eyes.
“I mean it. We can do this.”
The hacker swallowed hard, tried to swallow the ball of fear that had seemed to be living in his throat since Jack called and didn’t succeed. Maybe he needed to spit it out instead. Rose would understand.
She always understood.
“I’m scared, Rose,” he admitted. The ball of fear didn’t dissipate because he’d spoken of it aloud. It remained lodged in back of his throat, making it hard to breathe.
She settled back on his chest, knowing that it was easier to talk when they weren’t looking at each other. “I am too. This guy who has Jack is terrifying.”
You have no idea, John thought, a desperate laugh almost escaping his throat. Out loud he just made an affirmative noise.
Rose pressed a kiss to his collarbone through his jumper. “We’ll make it through this and get back to robbing banks.”
This time he did huff out a laugh. “Bank robbing seems like child’s play compared to this.”
“Pretty much is,” Rose agreed. “It’s not like the coppers have even gotten close to us yet.”
John leaned down and dropped a kiss to the crown of her head before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer, holding on to her tighter than normal.
He wasn’t telling her, but he was terrified that taking on Koschei would lead to him losing her, one way or another. Either his old partner would get his hands on her and take her out just to watch him suffer or he would be forced to reveal some of the past he had worked so hard to put behind him and he was positive that Rose would turn from him in disgust and disappointment if she ever found out the whole truth.
Rose tightened her grip when John did, trying to silently tell him that she was with him, that she wasn’t going anywhere. She wasn’t sure what had him this unsettled and worried but she was going to do her best to soothe him and let him tell her in his own time.
She had to be confident that he would tell her whatever she needed to know.
She had to hope that he would trust her enough to share everything else.
They stayed wrapped up in each other for a few more minutes, taking and giving what comfort they could. Rose pulled away first.
“I promised Amy I’d call her in a few,” she said apologetically before leaning in for a quick kiss.
“That’s the ginger grifter, right?” he asked once she’d pulled away.
“The tall one,” Rose clarified since she was friends with a couple of people that fit his description. “She’s not really in the game anymore since her fiancé is more or less on the straight and narrow but she’s still got her ear to the ground.”
“I should probably start getting things ready for the hack with Clara,” he admitted. “Got distracted earlier.”
“But she said she’d help?” Rose asked.
“Forgot I hadn’t told you. She’s definitely willing to help. I’m supposed to contact her when I’m ready to go.”
“Sounds good. Let me know when you’re about to start too. I’ll pack up our things and be ready to leave.”
John nodded and looked like he was about to say something else but the loud ring of Rose’s mobile cut him off before he could start.
Rose looked at it and rolled her eyes with fond exasperation. “It’s Amy, must’ve thought I forgot that I was going to call her. Go do your hacker thing.”
John could only shake his head slightly, smile quirking the corners of his mouth upwards. It never failed to amuse him that Rose knew so much about every aspect of committing a crime and could put together an intricate plan for breaking the most difficult targets without breaking a sweat but could never get a handle on what it was he did with computers.
She tended to call it magic. He tended to tease her about being computer illiterate, a claim she always refuted hotly, telling him that she was as perfectly capable of using a computer as the next person and he shouldn’t judge her by his hacker standards.
He rolled off the bed and headed back to his laptop as Rose answered her call.
“Hey Ames, I didn’t forget about you.” Rose said immediately, smiling as she settled back on the pile of pillows against the headboard.
“I’d be offended if I thought you’d forgotten about me! Just thought you might’ve gotten distracted and I’m bored since Rory’s out of town this week.” Amy’s Scottish voice rolled over Rose like a balm. It had been too long since she’d talked to her friend.
“I was talking to John but I was about to call you.”
“You do tend to get distracted by him but since he makes you happy, I’ll let it slide,” she said.
“Generous of you,” Rose retorted dryly.
“I know. So, what’s going on? Been awhile since I’ve heard from you. Still off traveling the world and stealing things?”
“It’s a good combination,” Rose said. “And yeah, we’re in America right now.” She hadn’t told Amy that she and John were the bank robbers who had been making headlines, just that they were traveling.
“Isn’t it like really early in the morning over there?” Amy asked.
“Earlier than I usually like to be awake.”
“Guess this isn’t a social call then.”
“You’d already guessed that, Amy,” Rose said with a sigh.
“I had, but I’ve always been a better conman than you,” she teased gently.
“That’s because you refused to teach me all of your tricks!”
“Had to keep something to myself! Needed to stay in business!”
“Of course,” Rose said, smile audible in her voice.
“But really, Rose. What’s going on? You’re dancing around the point and that’s never good.”
Rose sighed again. “In a bit of trouble, Ames.”
She snorted. “Aren’t you always?”
“Not like this. This is bad and it involves me and John.”
“Right. So, I’m assuming you called to ask for help so what do you need?” Amy immediately switched to being all business.
“Is there anythin’ weird going down in London right now? Anything that seems off?” Rose asked.
“I haven’t heard anything. Just the normal weirdness of the city and its resident criminals.” She paused. “Is there anything specific I should be on the lookout for?”
Rose chewed on her bottom lip as silence stretched over the connection.
“Sorry, was just thinking. But yeah, if you hear anything about someone calling himself ‘The Master’ or Koschei or Harold Saxon, let me know and keep an eye on it. Might have ties to the Agency but I can’t be sure.”
“Master, Koschei, Saxon. Got it. Don’t think I’ve run across any of those names, though there was a Harry Saxon running for Parliament last year I think. I don’t think he won the seat and I haven’t heard anything about him since.”
“Still good info though. Gives me somewhere to start digging.”
“What else do you need? I know I’m an excellent source of criminal gossip most days but you have other connected acquaintances you can get this stuff from,” Amy said.
“I need you to get some things from John’s flat,” Rose admitted. “There’s a good chance that it’s being watched so we can’t go ourselves.”
John turned away from his laptop to make eye contact and nod in agreement, letting her know that he agreed with her plan.
“That mean you’re coming back to London finally?”
“More like being forced back to London, but yeah.”
“Good, it’s been too long since I’ve seen you. I mean, not good that you’re being somehow forced back here but you know what I mean.”
Rose cracked a smile, picturing the pacing and gesticulating that was undoubtedly accompanying Amy’s words. “I know what you mean. So, you’ll get stuff from the flat for us?”
“Of course! What do you need?”
Rose rattled off a list of her equipment and where in the flat it was as soon as Amy told her she had paper to make a list. By the time she was done with that, John handed her a list of his own that he’d scribbled down on the hotel notepad for her to relay to Amy.
“Got all of that?” Rose asked when she came to the last item.
“Think so! Will it all fit in a duffel bag?”
“Perfect. Do you know when you’re going to be back so we can meet up and I can give you your stuff?”
Rose glanced over at John but he had his headphones on and was laser-focused on his laptop which meant he was preparing for the hack.
“Don’t know for sure but definitely within forty-eight hours,” she said.
“I’ll go over there tonight then. Do you have door codes for the building?”
“Yeah, and there’s a security system in the flat itself.” Rose gave her the necessary codes and instructions for disabling the flat security
“Sounds like a bit of overkill,” Amy said.
“It is but John’s a security nut.”
“Most hackers are.”
Rose hummed in agreement.
“And how are you doing, Rose?” Amy asked, voice uncommonly gentle for her. “Are you okay?”
“I was doing brilliantly until last night or this morning or whenever we got the bad news,” Rose admitted. “Having the time of my life travelling with John and breaking laws in multiple countries.”
“That’s my girl.”
Rose laughed weakly.
“Is there anything you can tell me?” Amy pressed. She knew her friend well and she knew Rose didn’t fare well when she bottled everything up and let it fester.
“Not a lot,” she said apologetically.
She paused and then just let words spill from her mouth. “I’m just so worried. This Master guy has John more tense than I’ve ever seen him and he’s closing off in ways that he hasn’t in months. I’m worried that we won’t get a win here with what we’re trying to do and I’m worried that we won’t make it through in one piece even if we do.”
“Rose, the two of you are solid. You’ll get through this,” Amy assured her.
“What if we don’t?” Rose exhaled roughly, a bad facsimile of a laugh. “I feel silly for worrying about this when there’s so much danger lurking around but I can’t help it. I’m worried about John and what this is doing to him and what it might do to us and --” she broke off with a frustrated noise.
“Rose, take a deep breath for me.”
She did as she was instructed and let Amy calm her down over the phone.
When Amy continued, it was with her signature blend of kindness and bluntness that made her one of Rose’s closest friends. “Now listen to me. You’re being stupid but not for the reasons you think. It’s completely okay to be worrying about John and your relationship. I’d be worried about your relationship if you weren’t, honestly! But you’ve got to talk to him about it.”
“It’s not that easy…”
“It is that easy. You love him. He loves you. Talk about it.”
“Nope, don’t want to hear it. Tell him you’re worried and why and maybe he’ll start talking more too. You don’t get to complain about him being all bottled up when you’re the exact same way. Two way street there.”
Rose groaned. “I hate it when you make sense.”
“Lucky for us I don’t do it very often.”
Rose looked over at John again, just in time to see him take his headphones off. “I’m about to start. Clara’s ready.”
She nodded and he turned back to his screen, slipping headphones back on again.
“Okay Ames, I’ve got to go. I’ll let you know when and where to meet us as soon as I know, okay?”
“Sounds good. Take care of yourself, Rose, okay?”
“You don’t have to mother me. I’ll be fine.”
“You need so much mothering. Make sure to eat some vegetables. Maybe have some stress-relief sex with that hacker of yours.”
Rose groaned. “I’m hanging up now.”
“I’ll see you soon!”
“Yep! See ya soon.”
Rose rang off and stared at the ceiling for a moment, composing herself. She took a deep breath and then swung her legs over the side of the bed and starting gathering the few things they had unpacked during their short stay.
By the time John said thanks and goodbye to Clara and powered off his laptop, Rose was by the door and ready to go. When the door swung shut behind them, there was no trace in the anonymous hotel room that they had ever been there at all.
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astrxealis · 3 years
Idk i'm having thoughts... about maybe starting final fantasy... ?
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BEJQJDOWNWOQ WIAT WAIT im so sorry for the memes bUT help ahem ngl im not sure which ff you're talking abt lowkey BUT MAYBE THAT'S BCS SCHOOL ROBBEF ME OF BRAINCELLS but i will assume it's ffxiv ahem yes, /nm
under the cut bcs i mayhaps rambled a bit too much SORRY SERENITY AKDBSKDJ 😞💔
tldr: ILL HELP U OUT BB IF U'D LIKE players are friendly game fun yeet yeehaw no need to be scared issok is fun 😭😭💞
ok first ngl but. if i had a penny for people i talk to online that have a brother who has ff KWJAKD i have two pennies which isnt much. but shocking it's happened twice 💀🤚 <3
BUT JSHWKDJW YOOO dw dw maybe im biased. ngl i understand WKABDKS but if it helps in any extent !! the players are really really nice to new players in general ?? no lie at all fr like. maybe im exposing lune here. but when she played a tank class fr the first time (a defense-based role for classes that "lead" the party into battle) she didnt do so well but ppl tried to help her and even gave her "commendations" which are usually given to players in the party for doing good? even if she kinda didnt know what to do KWAJKDJS? but YUH most players are unbelievably nice 👉👈
UHM !! if it helps akbdksjs there's a japan server, which is best fr those near jp's timezone and fr the ping, but important to note many are japanese so the main english-based servers are in data center elemental! worlds tonberry and kujata are most populated im on kujata tho hehe! low level but yuh 😭
but hmm there is the north american server ! where most of the fun events happen ngl, but playerbase isn't as polite or nice as jp :0 majority is still nice? but bigger toxic population WKBSKD 😭😭 if you're starting out, i suggest not going to crystal dc? most rpers are there and it has a ... notorious reputation <//3 it's not bad tho tbh! but may be a bit too much fr someone new 💔💔💔 i'm on aether data center, faerie world! there's lots of good stuff abt joining na too? though limsa lominsa chat... ahem. close your eyes bb WKNADKJS 😨😨
last but not least is europe server! which im in even if timezone difference is so weird WOABDKS 😭😭 im on light dc, twintania world! i'd say it's quite similar to na but more chill? hmm the novice network, or chat for new players and "mentors", is not bad tbh! from what i've seen! i won't say much since i might be biased but it's nice here 💔
my main char is in eu so ksnksndks hehe :") but ngl feel free to choose whatever server you like im on all servers anyway tbh <///3 WHABSKNA if you're scared of trying new things ill help you out ! 💪💪 <33
there's also a new server coming out soon for oceania !! best fr ppl in australia, new zealand, etc, but it's not coming out for a few months or less not sure 😭😭
but WKABDKNS mayhaps i may be a bit too enthusiastic 🤥 </3 but ffxiv is rlly nice! hehe im scared of trying new things too but believe me when i say i legit. started the game bcs character customization was nice WKABKDNS 😨 but srs hehe the game is vv friendly to new players in general! the music is spectacular and the story is prolly the best ive ever seen ! a bit slow in the beginning but it just keeps getting better and better >< but ill let u see it fr urself if ever you do decide on starting! :D
ngl im slowly getting my irls to play ffxiv too WHAHDKANS getting 1 or 2 of my irl besties to play 😭🤚 and another irl who i talk to online has a brother who's now also trying to convince her to play ever since me n lune did WKANDKNS 😭😭
but uhm hi yes dont be afraid hehe I MEAN totally fine totally understandable it's seriously okay /gen but !! idk WEJBAKDS i think the feelings u'll get from the story and just the general joy from playing the game is 💪💪💪 but mayhaps that may just be me BUT then again the music is so good i have 500+ songs in my ffxiv playlist 😞 and the characters are really well written! most of them! but i think there arent even actually any characters to hate? the backstories are all vv good in my humble opinion akdjskdj 👉👈 though. someone in stormblood is... debatable :)) but NALJDSK i dont hate him either ngl 😭💔 he sux tho /srs </3
uhm we have many pretty girls and guys! in player characters and npcs both 😭 npcs as in main story characters and side ones and even normal npcs hehe :D uhm uh in my humble opinion y'shtola is ahem yes 👉👈 JSBAKD and uhm uhajdmmsj im trying not to say spoilery characters! yugiri is vv pretty... and lyna... from the guys WKABSKA g'raha is my fave but i HIGHLY suggest not searching him up huge spoilers may be seen 😭 OH lowk everyone in the fanbase is infatuated w/ pretty boy aymeric and he's actually a rlly good guy and a gentleman 💔💔 thancred is vv handsome! and so is estinien! KWJAKD im biased sorry 😭
though ngl if ever you need help if you even actually decide to start id love to help out! ive been playing only for a year WKANDKA but i think i can say im quite the veteran at this game! 💪💪 WHAKDJS a few weeks ago i cleared the current savage tier! hardest content in game aside from ultimates, though not anymore since endwalker recently hehe :D but yeah if you need anything at all im always happy to help TuT <3
BUT AHEM kanALENWKS if im embarrassing myself and you're not talking abt ffxiv but just. ff. WKANKDJS the games are rlly rlly good 👉👈 the story is spectacular always ngl tho some stuff may be a bit better than others but WKWJKDJS ff is rlly good ik im just sayign that its good but the story is just MWAH and itll have your heart in pieces in a good way 💔💔💔💞
ff10 broke my heart but i havent even finished it but i JUST KNOW it will,,, ff15 also did WKABDKA the story isnt the best for sure but the story can be rlly heartwarming! ff7... ah... vv good as well !! i love aerith she may honestly the prettiest girl ive ever seen in my whole life alwjdksjdkns,, ff8 has vv pretty characters hehe cute romance too w/ squall and rinoa! ff9 is a masterpiece, like. seriously. tho lune knows it better 😭 ff6 is likely the best in story tbh but i havent played it! ik fr sure its vv good tho <3 ff13 is quite... confusing. it's not the best either and i havent actually played it but like ff15, if it's your cuppa tea it can be vv good too :D
IM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING WHAHAKNDOWJE mention final fantasy my mind goes haywire >>>> /lh 💔💔💔 this got way longer than i expected SIGH if only i cld write this much for school quickly orz </3
feel free to cut me off from your life if i rambled too much /j KIDDINGNSKDJSKDN but im vv sorry fr rambling so much oml im kinda embarrassed /gen 🤚🤚
anyways here 😞 dang WJBAKDNS but fr! hehe i totally understand issok, but i just genuinely very much seriously recommend ffxiv! i suggest taking it slow :o it may not be your cup of tea, as uhh im not sure if you play mmorpgs? but ngl it was my first one too !! it just rlly grew on me akdnsks im surprised myself tbh /gen :") i suggest playing a dps class first and then trying out tanks or healers if you ever want to when you're ready enough :o
oh !! and dont be afraid to search up guides if you really want to be sure! or type in the chatbox, ask questions — ngl an unspoken rule in this game is be nice and others will be nice too ^^ but in any case WKANDKS only ever start the game if you'd like to fr! i dont want to accidentally pressure you or anything /gen TuT but yeah hehe im here to help whatever the case may be if you'd like bb <3 💪
once again sorry for rambling so much have more ffxiv memes 😞💔 in the last picture is aymeric hehe OH AND girls in this game are very strong no lie vv good of them vv lovely
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #186
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This motherfucker.
We’ve built gods before. Kings. Entire freaking wacky races, each with their own special kind of vehicle. Why the fuck is this guy’s spear the most difficult build I’ve done so far.
There’s so few ways to add other physical damage types to a weapon in D&D that I’m going to have to make up a weapon just so we can do it. It’s just “spear, but deals slashing damage”, but given the fact this build literally would not work with any other kind of weapon. I’m just grateful he isn’t a saber. Honestly DW, what the hell? Casters can travel to other dimensions and stop time, but giving fighters multiple types of damage is too much?
Okay. Spear-induced breakdowns aside, Houzouin Inshun is a Kensei Monk for hopefully obvious reasons, a Battle Master Fighter for an even fancier spear and a bunch of ASIs for feats. We need so many goddamn feats, it’s ridiculous.
Deep breaths. We can get through this.
Build breakdown below. Character sheet over here.
Next up: To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shinkage-ryu.
Race and Background
No mincing words, Inshun’s a Variant Human, ‘cuz we need all the feats we can get. He gets +1 Wisdom and +1 Constitution, proficiency with Survival to help with the whole “wandering monk” schtick, and the Slasher feat, which gives you +1 Dexterity, and when you deal slashing damage you can reduce the speed of the creature you hit by 10′. Also, scoring a critical hit with slashing damage forces disadvantage on that creature’s attacks for a round. He’s also an Acolyte for his Religion training. It also gives him proficiency in Insight for some Knowledge of the Sowa.
Ability Scores
Make Wisdom first. You’re so good at reading people you can point out the flaws in your inner demon’s technique after a single fight. Make Dexterity second highest, you’ve got to be able to fight that inner demon too. After that is Strength, if you couldn’t tell from that full ascension art, Inshun’s pretty ripped. Your Constitution’s also pretty good. I know it technically wasn’t you in Shimousa, but getting your head cut off and surviving is going to give you a couple points no matter the circumstances. Your Intelligence isn’t bad, we just need other stuff more. That means we’re dumping Charisma. Despite being one of the first servants we summoned, I couldn’t tell Friend Point Spear Guy and the Shimousa character were the same character until I ascended them. A petty reason to dump his charisma? Probably. But he’s also given up on alcohol and meat, so he’s probably not super fun at parties.
Class Levels
Monk 1: First level monks get Unarmored Defense, giving them an AC of 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your wisdom modifier. I mean, it makes sense. Lookit them abs, I bet most people just avoid hitting him on principle, like not messing with art. Ooh, speaking of, you get Martial Arts! It lets you use dexterity when you’re using monk weapons, and they all deal at least 1d4, which grows as you level up. Also, you can use your bonus action to punch people! You have to attack with your action to do that, though. Monks also get all kinds of proficiencies, like Strength and Dexterity saves, Athletics, and History. You’re good at working out, and you’re literally history. Easy picks.
Monk 2: Second level monks get Monk Level Ki points per short rest so they can do all sorts of cool things on their bonus action, like Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or attack twice with their fists. They also get Unarmored Movement for extra speed while not wearing armor (this also levels up as you do), and you can turn one non-monk weapon into a Dedicated Weapon! This lets you pick one non-monk weapon to use as a monk weapon (as long as it isn’t two-handed or heavy) at the end of a short rest. Now your homebrew not-spear is totally okay in the eyes of your DM. Maybe, IDK your DM.
Monk 3: Third level monks can Deflect Missiles as a reaction to reduce damage from arrows and those sorts of things. If you reduce it to 0 you can even throw it back for a ki point. You also set down the Path of the Kensei, which gives you all sorts of bonuses! You can pick certain weapons to be Kensei Weapons, which will be used for the rest of the class’ features. We just care about the spear, but you can pick others too! You can make an Agile Parry if you slap people while holding a spear, adding 2 to your AC for a round, or a Kensei’s Shot as a bonus action to make all your ranged attacks do more damage. You’re also good at writing now, I guess. You know the Way of the Brush.
Monk 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Polearm Master feat so you can slap people with the but of your spear as a bonus action. This deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage, but since it’s a monk weapon it’ll grow as you level up like your punches. You also could just use your punches, but we’re trying to fit all three damage types into a weapon, dangit! We’re not taking the easy way out! Plus, now you can make opportunity attacks when someone enters your range, not just when they leave it. You can also Slow Fall as a reaction for less falling damage, and you can use Quickened Healing as an action, spending a ki point to take a quick break.
Fighter 1: Bouncing over to fighter real quick for a Great Weapon fighting style, re-rolling 1s and 2s on two handed weapons. You like handling your spear with both hands  and a lot of your damage comes from slapping extra dice onto an attack, so it works for you. You also get a Second Wind once per short rest for even quicker healing. I don’t think there’s a lot of time between “head come off” and “dead”, so you’ve got to move quickly.
Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge once per short rest for an extra action on a turn. It’ll be a while until we get our extra attack, so just... hang in there buddy.
Fighter 3: Third level fighters join their martial archetype, and the Battle Master archetype will let you do things with a spear most people can’t do with a whole armory. You get four Combat Superiority dice per short rest, which you can spend in a couple ways. If you make a Precision Attack, add that d8 to your attack roll. For more precision. You can also make a Pushing Attack to add that d8 to the damage and push a large or smaller creature 15 feet away if they fail a strength save. Finally, you can make a Trip Attack, adding the d8 to damage and forcing a strength save on the target. If they’re large or smaller and they fail, they get knocked prone. You’re also a Student of War, so you’re even artsier than before. Go nuts.
Fighter 4: Since we used your last ASI to add bludgeoning to the jumonji spear, this time around we’re grabbing the Crusher feat, for +1 Constitution to round it out and get some more HP (remember, it adds retroactively, so you get 8 extra this level). Also, once per turn you can push a creature you deal bludgeoning damage to 5 feet away if it’s large or smaller. Also, dealing a critical hit with bludgeoning damage grants advantage on all attacks against that creature for a round. Almost like blunt trauma to the skull isn’t great for your reflexes.
Fighter 5: Okay, almost halfway through the build, and we can finally get an Extra Attack. You attack twice per action, good job.
Fighter 6: We’ve got slashing with our homebrew, and bludgeoning with Polearm Master, but  that still leaves piercing out of the mix. Thankfully, there’s an old UA that will help us out here. Grab the Spear Mastery feat from Unearthed Arcana: Feats to beef up your spear even more, and grab that last damage type. You get +1 to attack rolls made with a spear, and its damage dice change from a d6/d8 depending on stance to a d8/d10. You can also use your bonus action to receive a charge, targeting a creature 20′ away from you or further. If that creature enters your reach, you can attack it as a reaction, dealing extra piercing damage. Also using your bonus action, you can increase the reach of your spear by five feet for your turn. Since your weapon is literally “spear, but slashy”, I’m pretty sure it counts for this feat. At least that’s what I’m going to say to keep my sanity. It’s either this or we multiclass into ranger for really dumb stuff.
Monk 5: Fifth level monks get their own Extra Attack, but it doesn’t stack so it’s not in bold. They can also turn those strikes into Stunning Strikes, forcing a constitution save by spending a ki point per attack. If the target fails, they’re stunned for a round. They can also take Focused Aim, spending ki points to add to their failed attack rolls, possibly turning it into a hit.
Monk 6: Sixth level monks get Ki-Empowered Strikes for magical punches. Kensei monks also become One with the Blade, which turns your kensei weapons magic, and you can use a Deft Strike to add your martial arts to weapon damage once per turn for a single ki point. So now you can tack on Favored Foe damage, a Deft Strike, and a Superiority Die to your attack, and all those dice can be re-rolled if they’re 2 or less. I’m not sure how good that damage is yet, but the act of rolling it should be satisfying.
Monk 7: Your last monk level gives us the ever popular Evasion for supercharged dexterity saves. Fails reduce damage by half, successes reduce damage by all of it. You also gain a Stillness of Mind to purge mental debuffs, like charming and frightening.
Fighter 7: Bouncing back to fighter lets you put that insight to good use by Knowing your Enemy, spending at least 1 minute to learn two things about a creature in comparison to yourself. You can learn about its physical ability scores, AC, HP, or total/fighter levels. You also get two more maneuvers and a fifth superiority die. A Sweeping attack deals extra damage to the first target, as well as a second target within 5′ of the first. You can also make a Riposte as a reaction when a creature hits you, making a melee attack and adding the die to damage.
Fighter 8: Use this ASI to complete your trilogy and grab the Piercer feat, rounding our your Dexterity for stronger attacks and a better AC. You can also re-roll one die of piercing damage per turn, and critical piercing hits get an extra die of damage. It’s a bit niche since you only deal piercing damage as a reaction, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t a nice surprise if it activates.
Fighter 9: Ninth level fighters are Indomitable, so you can re-roll a failed save once per long rest. Getting your head chopped off is automatically at least two failed death saves, so make sure you keep this handy.
Fighter 10: Tenth level fighters get Improved Combat Superiority, making your superiority dice d10s instead of d8s. You can use these new embiggened dice  on a Lunging Attack to add 5′ to your reach, or a Parry to reduce incoming damage from a melee attack.
Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get another Extra Attack, and this one does stack, so you get three attacks per action now!
Fighter 12: We’re finally done with all those fighting type feats. Now we can use this ASI to bump up our skills. Wait, he has a skill that lets him always get the first move? Dammit. Use this ASI to grab the Alert feat. You can’t be surprised, hidden creatures don’t get advantage on attacks against you, and you add +5 to initiative. Okay, the next one for sure, I swear it’ll be stats.
Fighter 13: Thirteenth level fighters get another use of Indomitable, for up to two re-rolled saves per long rest. It’s not flashy, but given your stats, they’ll probably come in handy. Don’t worry though, now that all those damage type feats are done, we can finally use next level’s ASI to bump up stats properly. What do you mean we’re at level 20?!
For a mostly mundane fighter you have a lot of flexibility in combat, with options for moving enemies around, weakening foes, and preventing them from getting to squishier teammates. You also get the most out of your weapon of choice, but can fight without one if necessary.
While using your Jumonji Spear, however, you can deal pretty consistent damage, with plenty of ways to add extra dice to your attacks, and the great weapon fighting style evening out their rolls.
While fighters aren’t known for their skills, you bring just enough to the table to surprise people, which is exactly how you want to use that insight of yours. You also get a bunch of artisans’ proficiencies, which are more niche but good for character building.
Literally every ASI we took this build is a feat of some kind, and most of them don’t even offer half bonuses. That wouldn’t be too much of an issue, except a few of them are completely useless rules as written. Polearm Master is either incredibly niche or something you can already do by being a monk. Piercer only works by spending your bonus action and reaction for a single attack, which probably isn’t your best use of time.
Your maneuvers and kensei features are built around superiority dice and ki points respectively, both of which have very limited uses per short rest. Plan your fights carefully, or you’ll find yourself sputtering out fast.
We’re just using a spear here, they’re not known for their range. If you really have to you can throw it, or use a bow as a kensei weapon, but playing to character will not be fun against flying enemies.
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mcrcki · 3 years
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Was that [PENELOPE MITCHELL]? Oh no no, that was just [MARLENE MCKINNON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [HARRY POTTER]. They are [TWENTY ONE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here - 
marlene’s been in dc for roughly three years now. so while her information says twenty one for plotting purposes, she’s actually closer to twenty four now. 
what is your character’s job - 
she’s just gone through a bit of a job shift, having worked originally as a bar manager downtown, alecto carrow has bought out her old job and she’s subsequently quit to avoid being near the woman. so, for now, she’s a bartender with her father ewan. but she is looking to possibly change careers in the near future, wanting to do more than just pour drinks all day. i think she’d make a great cop, but everything say “no gun marlene” so. lame
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom -
marlene is pulled right after she’s died, so late july 1981. her last memory is travers’ killing curse flying at her.
has any magic affected your character -
other than bringing her back from the dead, no. she’s been one of the lucky ones and kept her memories all three years
extra information - 
alright here’s where i’m going to get wordy and ramble !!! bear with me while i gush about my disaster daughter.
background : 
sixth child to maddie and ewan mckinnon, the youngest daughter of the mckinnon children. has a younger brother felix (we’ll get into that dw), and five older sisters ; marina, abi, natalie, kit and cleo. marlene is also very much the kind of person to consider her friends her family, so you won’t be able to miss hearing her calling lily, dorcas and mary her sisters.
fully pureblood family, but they are not in the pureblood society. marlene hasn’t asked questions about it. she’s perfectly happy being a blood traitor and wears it with pride.
almost all of her siblings (save for cleo and felix, ravenclaws. and natalie the honorary hufflepuff) are slytherin, thanks mom. leaving just her and dad as the only lions in the house.
she has an absolute insane phobia of flying and will do everything in her power to never get on a broom. shout out to dad for dropping her off of one at four !
is so fiercely loyal to her family, or at least the ones that she can be loyal to anymore. they’re always her first thought and even though she has her secrets, she thinks that she’s protecting them by keeping them all at arms length.
gryffindor through and through. the absolute epitome of blind bravery and loyalty. 
honestly if you had to assign deadly sins to her, she’d be pride without any shadow of a doubt.
will die for her friends. has died for her friends. would do it all over again without a second though. 
would be the friend you call to bail you out of jail, but unfortunately she’s probably in jail with you, or is calling you first.
got into way too many fights in school, mcgonagall probably had letters written mad libs style for the mckinnon household in her office with the amount of time she spent in detention. 
was the girl to throw the parties in the common room, even if she hated playing quidditch, she loved celebrating a gryffindor win. 
had decided very early on into hogwarts that she would be joining the order. she was probably only 13 or 14 when her mind was fully made up. it made it harder for her to focus on school at that point, having done rather poorly on her o.w.l.s outside of dada and charms. she was also mostly focused on dueling club for the majority of school. anything she could do to prepare her for joining she was going to do. why did she need to worry about a job after, there was a war to win. 
went into the order the moment she was off the train after hogwarts. she mentored under alastor moody during her time there, having absorbed all she could from him, a second father figure when she started to distance from her own for their safety. 
she moved out of the mckinnon manner right as things started to heat up, living fully at headquarters by the start of 1981. it felt safer that way. 
she also didn’t want her parents worrying if she didn’t make it home at night, if she was sometimes away for days on end. or showing up battered and bruised after a mission. marlene has always been one to run head first into danger and think about the action later, consequences didn’t have much immediate damage so she never thought to worry about them. it’s unfortunately something she’s still got now even years later. will always act first and think later.
i won’t hurt yall with talking about the mckinnon death again, feel free to read the death para if you’re interested in what went down that night in july. i do have to update it a little with new names and all that jazz but
life in dc :
like i said she’s been here for three years so she’s gone through a lot. 
currently is living in a far too big, total wreck, eight bedroom house (if you want to come over please do they have too much room and you’re welcome to vibe) with sirius black.
lemme just get the blackinnon bullet out of the way lmao. has recently eloped with sirius black. they spent their entire friendship just believing everything they felt was one sided, that they were just friend who occasionally hooked up, that would hide away in corners reassuring the other they were safe after a mission, that would talk in a crowded room like they were the only ones there. bestie vibes only right. 
anyways, they wised up, sirius got his memories back, and proposed in a heat of the moment reunion and they went and got married right after. marlene is working on telling everyone she’s just enjoying this being their thing right now, please this is a good secret for once.
she will say, she’s got some not so great secrets, but she’s trying her best to be more forthcoming with her family and friends. about almost everything. 
she has made sure that everyone knows about her brother felix. the issues marlene is personally dealing with, nothing to worry about. focus on the traitor boy.
felix, the youngest of the mckinnons, was secretly aligned with the death eaters (for his own reasons that marlene actively ignores because the second she hears death eater her vision goes red). felix is the reason the death eaters knew marlene would be home that fateful night, and had unknowingly brought down the entire mckinnon line with one comment.
marlene will not forgive this. she can’t. she doesn’t know how. she’s spent the better part of three years blaming herself for everything, for allowing her family to ever be hurt and now knowing that she was not the one to shoulder all of the guilt, she doesn’t know how to really process that.
she couldn’t sleep for weeks at a time, had started to develop a drinking problem, was constantly being eaten away at by her guilt. it’s hard to just switch that off but if she can put that blame somewhere else, she will. 
might be why she’s acting out.. see below for that ::
if you have seen anything with marlene you know she’s an absolute queen of getting into situations she should never be in, and putting her foot in her mouth the second she does. 
she’s fought with rabastan, argued far too much with severus, insulted bellatrix, is currently trying to piss of travers so he stays focused on her and not her family, and most of that without a wand in her hand. 
she got her ass kicked by alecto carrow, who then went and snapped her wand post fight. so. she’s doing great. promise.
honestly, she’s mostly embarrassed, is trying not to tell anyone but sirius what happened. she refuses to let anyone worry about her and is going to figure out how to fix this without adding any stress to the rest of the marauders. they all have enough to deal with instead of cleaning up after marlene’s dumbassery. 
and with travers here now, the last thing she needs is her family worrying about her without a wand. them trying to protect her was what got them here in the first place. besides, carrow isn’t one to break a promise, and the threat to lily and her mother is enough to keep her mouth shut. she doesn’t trust either of them to not lay a finger on her family just to see marlene go off the rails even further.
right now, she’s just a mess. idk what to tell you. can’t handle herself, will keep getting into fights, because if she shies away from them? they’ll catch on for something being off. 
anyways that’s my idiot child im so sorry
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sparkleeemarkleee · 5 years
Take Me Home: Character Introductions
Hi I am in the midst of editing my first chapter (hopefully posting later today!!) But here are the character and their mood boards and some background information on them without giving away anything super important to the plot :)
Mark Lee
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smarty pants (top of his classes) + but an actual idiot + sweet + responsible older bro + loves loves family!
he actually comes from a broken family so he lives with Hyuck and other family friends
originally his parents forced him to live with Hyuck as punishment, he ends up staying there forever because he loves Hyuck and his family and the girls
treats Y/N, Hyuck, and Y/N’s sister Sara like his own family
looks up to Hyuck’s parents and treats them as his own parents
such a responsible older brother figure, will do anything he can for his younger siblings aka Y/N and Hyuck
getting them out of trouble, piggy back rides, using his allowance to pay for their ice cream, anything but cooking because last time the Lee Residence almost caught on fire !!!!!
same age as Sara (both born 1999) and a year older than Y/N and Hyuck (2000)
protective older bro, ultra hard-working, incredibly respectful, loves loves loves family
on the side loves playing the guitar and making music
drinks too much coffee and never sleeps
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high maintenance + assertive + ambitious + an intellectual + stubborn
her parents are forced to live abroad because of their company so she takes responsibility of Y/N
also desires to gain approval of parents by following whatever they tell her to do
Y/N’s biological sister, same age as Mark and born in 1999
super pretty and secretly loves photography more than anything
also really smart, the heiress to family company, parents and grandparents LOVE her
scratch that even little kids and pets like her more than Y/N so like everyone is in love with her...
definitely works hard to get to where she is right now, an excellent businesswoman, also incredibly kind
perfect and makes Y/N look bad lol
but she and Y/N have a really good relationship so dw
is good with kids too like what
lowkey loves partying and drinking with friends to celebrate for very special occasions
super classy and sweet, popular, has LOTS of friends cuz she’s just that nice
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hardworking + goofball + indecisive + kind of a mess haha + artsy boi
looks up to her overachieving older sister Sara
always feels inferior and makes up for it by working super hard on everything that she does
always studying! if she isn’t studying she’s working at her part-time job. girl doesn’t know how to rest
best friends with Mark, Hyuck, and her older sister
they all treat her like the baby so she always feels like she has to prove herself
whenever she takes a break she goes to the beach or binge watches her favourite shows,,no in between lol
loves painting, reading, writing, and anything creative
her parents want her to become either or doctor, lawyer, or join the family business ?? she doesn’t really know what she wants to do yet
loves teasing Mark with Hyuck, bonds with her sister through venting and occasionally spilling tea
overreacts and jumps into conclusions too much for her own good
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always up to no good + funniest + little ball of sunshine + annoying lil poo + lowkey sensitive
everyone in the neighbourhood calls him Donghyuck or Haechan but Y/N, Sara, Mark, and the rest of family just calls him Hyuck
at first upset with sharing his mom and dad to strangers but eventually became more understanding towards Mark and the sisters’ situation with their parents
hates seeing people cry and goes out of his way to make everyone happy
obsessed with popsickles and loves to play basketball at school and smt with Mark
fashion icon at school haha
popular for his funny vlogs and challenges on his youtube channel
all around an amazing performer and usually gets the lead in plays at school
lol um i was supposed to work on this as a break from the actual fic but i got carried away :D i swear i’ll update sooner hehehe
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boyfeminism · 3 years
5, 20, 21, & 31 for luca?
5. What was their childhood fear?
hmmmm probably being eaten by a seaworm. he was not a good sailor and his parents were a little ummm not harsh but like. a “eat your dinner or we’ll feed you to the worm” sort of thing! (the seaworms are also like. basically what the boats are a part of in this settling. like that space whale in dw) (i cant remember exactly what the seaworm real life counterpart is but they kinda look like leeches iirc)
20. What did they dream of "growing up" to be?
oh thats a Very good question, i think he wanted to be a lighthouse keeper! he cared enough about sailing and the ocean but was never really cut out for the physical Act of sailing (too bookish to have ever really gotten Tough), but he wanted to help in a way that was more suited to him, and it would give him lots of time to read.
21. How did they become an adventurer?
luca had been moving steadily inland, trying to gain a better education or at least to get a better access to books, and had to accept the fact that bc printing was expensive, books were expensive, and he was broke. he made a pact with the goddess of knowledge as a “if you make me stronger i will travel and learn more and commend more books to the eternal library.” he started taking small jobs, and then realized larger bounties would pay more, and he joined fern and e on a smaller bounty, and learned that fern Also had a strong love of knowledge and reading. the two of them basically mutually decided to hunt down the historic horde of the Lost Dragon King, as its said to have a Huge amount of lost history/culture/treasure. e specifically wants treasure, fern only wants knowledge, and luca is very good at processing that “coin can be exchanged for goods and services” as well as the books that dragon must have.
31. Who are they when they aren't with the party?
when he’s Completely alone a lot more relaxed! not fully, never Really fully, but he’s less deliberately charming/suave. he likes to cook, and is only Really comfy doing it alone, and he reads out loud and walks around. he talks to his familiar out loud a lot more instead of telepathically, and he’s less stiff. when hes with people that Aren’t the party hes skittish and lighter on his feet, and he goes Very quickly between Confident + Charming to just very Clammed Up. he somehow feels better trying to be suave with people who want less to do with him than he is with those that are actually willing to interact with him. he carries himself with a lot more uncalled for swagger when hes without the party but still in a crowd.
D&D Character Ask Game
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kenthedm · 7 years
West Marches Repository
My two campaigns have wrapped up, and I am looking for a way to run both groups together. I want a campaign that helps our schedules mesh, friends meet, and new people join up. Also one in which there could be multiple DMs (subtle nod to my amazing girlfriend and her interest).
I am thinking a West Marches style campaign is the way to go. This allows a rotating cast of characters to work together toward a common goal, and schedules to be... scheduled. For the uninitiated, here are the basic rules
Adventures begin and end in a safe town. Everything else is "the frontier".
It is player driven. They decide what to do. There is no overarching plot, per se.
Parties contain a rotating cast of characters
There is an emphasis on exploration and interaction with a dangerous environment.
There are more subtle rules than this, but this page isn't meant to define the campaign, I just want this to be a repository of links for myself and those who are interested in running it.
Things to read: West Marches a Grand Experiment by Ben Robbins - The posts that started it all. Hexcrawl - The Alexandrian - Theory and design for a hexcrawl, if you want to use a hex map. Open Table Manifesto - The Alexandrian - Theory of an open table vs a dedicated table. A West Marches game moves toward the open table ideal.
Things to Watch: The West Marches - Running the Game #30 - Matt Colville's explanation and take. 'nuff said.  Hack Attacks - For the first five episodes Adam Koebel and Steven Lumpkin talk about hacking 5e for a West Marches style game. Awesome notes are in the video descriptions. The videos include a discussion on game theory and what a West Marches game is trying to accomplish.
Random Generation: Donjon - Random generation tables for just about everything. It can even dump out a hexmap of a world. There are even random generators that follow basic rule sets (e.g. 5e, 4e)
Things to Buy: Perilous Wilds - Overworld adventuring for Dungeon World, however the region generation rules fit almost any system and look fantastic. Freebooters on the Frontier - A simple DW based system that uses the West Marches concepts.
Things to do: Dnd5e doesn't do everything I want, so here are some things I want to work on before the campaign starts. Most of it involves adding structure. However, I want to be careful to not remove freedom from the players...
Create a structured system for wilderness exploration - the DMG and the PHB feel lacking in the rules for overland adventures. I want that to be more formalized like Perilous Wilds or combat in D&D 5e. Think turns. Maybe.
Create formalized downtime activities - How can characters invest in their starting town? What do they do with all the loot they have? What happens between adventures? How can this be used to foster character growth? D&D 5e doesn't really have formal answers to these questions: a couple of tables and lifestyle expenses doesn't really cut it for me.
Anything else? Do you have an amazing resource for a West Marches games? Let me know and I'll check it out. 
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Baldur’s Gate 3 Interview — David Walgrave Shares Game Details and Reflects on Obtaining the IP from Wizards of the Coast
February 27, 2020 4:15 PM EST
After getting a look at Baldur’s Gate 3, we chatted with Larian Studios about what to expect from this long-awaited sequel.
After watching a three-hour presentation on an alpha build of Larian’s Baldur’s Gate 3 at a preview event in San Francisco, I had the privilege of interviewing Larian senior producer David Walgrave about the Dungeons and Dragons-based RPG which Larian plans on releasing in early access this year.
We chatted about everything; from the game’s tone, inspiration, and relation to previous Baldur’s Gate titles, to the implementation of the Dungeons and Dragon‘s tabletop elements and rulebook. I also asked Walgrave questions about the gameplay I saw, including information on the game’s multiplayer and difficulty settings. Ultimately, the game holds very true to the lore, creativity, and RNG elements that characterize Dungeons and Dragons.
Josh Starr: Both the Baldur’s Gate and Divinity: Original Sin series are regarded as definitive CRPG experiences, but are still quite different games. How much are you looking to reconcile the Larian style with long-time Baldur’s Gate fans? Are you trying to go for a middle ground, opting for something more akin to BioWare’s work, or sticking with what Larian knows and does well?
David Walgrave: Oh, wow. So, obviously we know our own strengths and weaknesses, and we always take our strengths into the next game we develop. So, over the last 10 or so years, there have been certain pieces of technology and philosophy that we identify as core Larian and take into our next project. For example, when it comes to technology,  a lot of stuff in our games follow systemics, so it’s really more of a simulation than anything else. We used to do this because we were a very small team, and if you work with systemics, you get a lot of gameplay for free. But we started noticing that a lot of this free gameplay was also creating a lot of fun, and creating a lot of different experiences for different players. So, everyone that was talking to each other about our games had different stories, which is really cool. So, that’s technology.
The way that we organize dialogues from a technical point of view has also been kind of the same for the last couple of years. There is some technology that we have and reuse, and there is also some philosophy that we have and reuse.
One philosophy we call N-plus-one design. This means that if there is a door that’s closed, you need to be able to open it in different ways. You can burn it down, you can start hacking it down, or you can just open it with a key if you find a key. But then a designer will say, “What if the key got lost?” Then you need to be able to unlock the door. “But what if you don’t have lockpicks?” Well, you can maybe jump over it, or maybe you can teleport through it with a spell. We always think of different ways to approach things. Not just doors, also quests. We even stopped calling quests, “quests” because we think of a quest as a simple task like, “Hey, I lost my boots, can you please get my boots?” We don’t do that anymore. We call them situations. That’s from a design philosophy point of view.
“…we started noticing that a lot of this free gameplay was also creating a lot of fun, and creating a lot of different experiences for different players. So, everyone that was talking to each other about our games had different stories, which is really cool.”
So, there is a lot of Larian that’s going to be in Baldur’s Gate 3. On the other hand, we also like Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2, and certain things that they did in them. They did things that we have been trying for the last few years to do ourselves. For instance, if you like Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2, what you will recognize is not just the Dungeons and Dragons terminology, vocabulary, and ruleset, but also the emphasis on your character, the emphasis on the party, the emphasis on your companions, and the emphasis on how they react to things that you do, how they react to each other, and the relationship between them.
One of the biggest things that we think Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 players still remember is all of the different companions that can join you. They have very outspoken personalities, and they also react to each other in specific ways. That is something from the originals that we really really wanted to have in Baldur’s Gate 3.
JS: I’d like to touch a bit more on the relationships between characters. In the gameplay presentation we saw, I noticed that many of the characters developed gripes with each other or with the player-controlled-character. To what degree can you improve or destroy the relationships you have with your companions?
DW: Completely. They might start attacking you, which is not actually that bad, because if they attack you then they are still part of the party, I think. But they also might just leave your party, and then they are gone. Meanwhile, on the other end, when they really like you, and the choices you make, there are romance options. So, you can go to the extreme in either direction.
JS: While we are talking about characters, fans have, of course, been asking about the whereabouts of Minsc and Boo, and if they’ll return. Are there any other favorite characters you’d particularly like to bring into Baldur’s Gate 3?
DW: Well, I know that our writers are planning to have cameos with characters that you will recognize from either the previous games or from The Forgotten Realms novels. I have my own personal favorites, but I don’t know if they’ll make it into the game or not.
JS: Have you spoken to any of the original BioWare or Black Isle teams about concepts, and how you might best approach development on a new title? Are any of those developers involved? Are there any plans or considerations to involve the Bhaalspawn or Bhaal, or do you plan to tell a story of your own within the setting?
DW: No, we haven’t. With Baldur’s Gate 3, we are creating a story completely of our own in the Baldur’s Gate setting.
JS: With the game being a story of Larian creation, would you say the tone of the game is leaning more towards Divinity or Baldur’s Gate? There’s body horror present in the reveal cinematic, but are you intending to make a darker game than before? What kind of humor, if any?
DW: I think, and it should have become clear from the game’s intro movie, that it’s a pretty dark tone. We also think that it’s full of serious topics; we said this about [Divinity] Original Sin 2, and I think that in Original Sin 2, we introduced pretty serious topics. I think that Baldur’s Gate 3, because of the setting, characters, and themes that we are trying to include, it is going to be very serious and dark.
But as you may have noticed during the presentation, there is also still humor. However, it’s not the typical Larian humor anymore. This is a bit of a different thing. Also, because it’s Forgotten Realms, it has its own lore, it has its own stories and backgrounds, and we’ve got to keep those; we are trying to keep the tone of Baldur’s Gate.
JS: How does the music and art direction complement the dark tone and themes? Are they key things that you try to include early, or something you fit into a developed framework?
DW: I am a producer, so I don’t know too much about art direction. But when it comes to art direction, we do have photogrammetry in the engine now, so the art direction is very realistic when it comes to nature: rocks, trees, and all that. We are also trying to put realism into everyone’s armor and weaponry. So, I think our art direction from the beginning has really been more realistic.
Music is only written after we finish a certain part of the world, and then designers and writers talk to the composer and discuss what is happening in every small region of the world. Then he starts composing stuff that really fits into that section of the world. But music is also very dynamic, so when combat starts the music changes. If you’re losing a battle, music changes. When you’re sneaking, music changes. So, it’s very involved.
“With Baldur’s Gate 3, we are creating a story completely of our own in the Baldur’s Gate setting.”
JS: How connected are you intending to make the plot of Baldur’s Gate 3 with prequel tabletop module Descent into Avernus?
DW: Very, because everything that Wizards of the Coast writes concerning D&D rules or Forgotten Realms lore is something that we need to know. We need to make sure that we don’t do anything within the game that contradicts the lore. It also makes a lot of sense, not just from a writing point of view, but also from a consumer point of view for Wizards, that what we put into the game is very recognizable.
In Descent into Avernus, something that’s currently happening is that the Tieflings are now refugees and they are fleeing to Baldur’s Gate. Within the gameplay presentation, you could see the Tiefling refugee camp that we explored. That’s something that came directly out of Descent into Avernus.
JS: In general, when people see a new game released with a numbered title, that can be very daunting for potential new players. What is Larian doing to make Baldur’s Gate 3 more attractive and accessible to a new audience?
DW: Obviously, you don’t have to play Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2. Though, it is a sequel. The 5th edition ruleset of D&D in Baldur’s Gate 3 is 100 years after what happened in Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2, so people in the game know that as history. But as a player yourself, you don’t really need to know any of it.
To make sure young people play it, we’ve made the game look very nice. When I first saw these numbers, they were a bit shocking to me because, for some reason, I kept thinking we were making RPGs only for thirty and forty-plus-year-old people. But most of the people that are playing our games are in their twenties. I think that’s because we are using a tried and true formula, and we are introducing it to a new audience. We are trying to make sure that our game looks attractive, that it looks nice, that it looks 21st-century, that it looks appealing.
With Baldur’s Gate 3, when you see the cinematics or something like that, you’re immediately drawn to it. What 20-year-old people might not want to play is RPGs that still look and feel like it’s 1998. There are things that we love from the ’80s and the ’90s, and we are putting those elements into our game, but it’s 2020, and we want to make the game look like it’s from 2020. There are more than 300 people working on this game, and it needs to be a triple-A experience. So, if we limited our audience to this group of 42-plus-year-old-people, then we would have a very small audience.
JS: That tried and true formula you just mentioned is, of course, the Dungeons and Dragons formula, and it’s been stated Larian has been making an interpretation of D&D rather than a straight port of the tabletop systems. With that said, how are you adjusting that formula for the game? How many of the options for races, classes, abilities, etc. are you trying to include? And what kind of flexibility are you hoping to incorporate?
DW: We are actually trying to implement the D&D ruleset as close to the literal meaning as possible. I think that if you know D&D and you play our game, you will recognize about 95% of everything that’s in it. However, some things just don’t work in a computer game, so we approach them from a different angle so that it is still in the game, but in a slightly altered form that works in the game’s format.
For instance, one of the things that we don’t do from the 5th edition is called reactions. When I say we don’t do it, I mean that they are in the game, but not in the way they are in the handbook. When you’re playing tabletop, you actually interrupt someone else’s turn and say, ” I am going to play a reaction.” We don’t do that because that would take the speed out of the combat. We are always trying to make turn-based actually as fast as possible.
However, reactions are in the game, they’re just automatically executed. For instance, if an attack of opportunity triggers, your character will just automatically attack of opportunity. So, the thing is still in there, but we might have changed it a tiny bit.
There are things that we left out. But usually, that’s just magic spells that are simply too wild because Dungeons and Dragons is so free-form and out there. There is a spell called “Wish” where you can make any wish. You could just tell your dungeon master, “I wish I was a pigeon.” You can come up with crazy ideas. We didn’t put that in. Sometimes, we did put it in, but we just thought of the five most-wanted options.
JS: Touching more on what you were just talking about with spells and game balance, when balancing the power of player abilities and classes, do you try to keep things relatively even, or are you okay with disparities? Lots of options with some better or less situational than others, or a more tightly curated variety?
DW: We are implementing things based on how they are in the book. So, if they are a bit skewed in the book, then that’s how we are going to implement them. What we are trying to do is make sure that every class is a lot of fun, and has many different and unique ways to have fun. For example, implementing the fighter in a computer game is a bit of a challenge because we want them to still have interesting choices to make.
“We are actually trying to implement the D&D ruleset as close to the literal meaning as possible. I think that if you know D&D and you play our game, you will recognize about 95% of everything that’s in it.”
JS:  In the gameplay I saw today, I noticed the game seemed very difficult. Swen appeared to be struggling at points, even though he’s played this segment dozens of times, and already knows many of the different environmental combos. Are there different difficulty options available or is it meant to be a learning experience where you adjust after developing more knowledge?
DW: We will have difficulty settings available. We always do that because as difficult as the game sometimes seems, some people think that they can really cheese anything. Because of the way that the systems and simulations work, you can really use the game against itself. So, some people are really good at that and then start saying, “The game is way too easy because there is so much stuff that I can abuse.” But we really like the fact that people can abuse the systems against themselves. It’s part of what makes the game so cool. But there will also be a story mode difficulty so that you can go through the story without having too much trouble during combat.
JS: During the presentation, there were also a few brief mentions of the multiplayer mode. Could you describe that mode a bit more, and specifically how it differs from the single-player experience?
DW: There are two different types of multiplayer when you start a game. Let’s say you’ve been playing for half an hour or 17 hours or whatever. Your friends can just drop in and out, and they’ll take control of one of your party members. This is very nice because the hard thing about multiplayer is if you always need to start on time, and someone can’t make it that night, then you’re kinda stuck. So, that’s one possibility. Then you also have multiplayer where you say, “Okay, let’s take on the game together from the start.” So, you and your friends – up to four people – basically start together in character creation, choose your characters, and play from there.
In multiplayer, you can basically do all of the same things that you’ve seen. You don’t have to stick together, but it’s recommended because combat is going to be pretty hard. You can do all sorts of things behind everyone’s back. If you’re the first person to start talking to someone, you might have a certain impact on the entire world and the others in the group don’t have a say about that.
Multiplayer within our previous games was actually very popular because you are in a party, and if you have a party member that’s not agreeing with you, you can actually help each other in combat because you both think differently. Multiplayer for us is a big deal because even if you just prefer single-player, all of the things that we are doing to make multiplayer work actually have a positive impact on the single-player campaign because of all of the different ramifications that we thought of. So, we have a convenient drop-in option, as well as a more traditional group D&D experience available.
“I didn’t know if we ever thought we would land the IP because we asked Wizards of the Coast five years ago, and they said, ‘No.’”
JS: From everything I’ve seen, you guys have created a video game that is very true to the D&D formula. Earlier you stated that you guys were creating your own entirely new story. So, what influenced you guys to use the Baldur’s Gate name in the game? Did you have a specific story idea in that universe? Are you guys big fans of the games?
DW: I think that Baldur’s Gate 3, for all of the RPG developers in the world, is like the golden grill. A lot of people have been asking for it, like, “We want to do it, can we please do it.” So, it’s not strange that it’s something we wanted to do, but we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I didn’t know if we ever thought we would land the IP because we asked Wizards of the Coast five years ago, and they said, “No.”
So, at first, they said no, and then we released Original Sin 2. They played it themselves, and they really liked it. They liked it because they thought that it was a computer game where the freedom of creativity in Dungeon and Dragons really came forward. So, they said, “If anyone can make a D&D game like Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s you guys.” Then they said, “It’s okay, you can do Baldur’s Gate 3.”
We actually work together with them on writing the story. So, Swen came up with the main idea that you have a tadpole in your head and your going to turn into a Mindflayer, but for very big decisions we talk to Wizards of the Coast.
Larian has announced that Baldur’s Gate 3 will enter early access in 2020 before it has its full launch on PC marketplaces and Google Stadia. This isn’t shocking, as they took advantage of early access to help finetune their more recent games like Divinity Original Sin 2.
Editor’s Note: All images were provided by Larian. Some portions of this piece have been edited for clarity’s sake.
February 27, 2020 4:15 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/baldurs-gate-3-interview-david-walgrave-shares-game-details-and-reflects-on-obtaining-the-ip-from-wizards-of-the-coast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=baldurs-gate-3-interview-david-walgrave-shares-game-details-and-reflects-on-obtaining-the-ip-from-wizards-of-the-coast
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corinemorell6-blog · 7 years
10 Use Coconut Vegetation.
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