#also me: how the FUCK did I say this much while simultaneously feeling as though I was leaving a LOT out for the sake of brevity
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2c75ff · 5 months ago
Piccolo 👀
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Alright. So.
As things currently stand, the fact that there's Something Weird going on between them is a laughably open secret. The question isn't actually whether or not the weirdness exists in the first place -- (it does, they both know it, and everyone who's seen them together over the course of the last few months probably knows it too) -- but rather where it's leading, whether or not they'll let it go there, and what words, if any, might be the best suited for describing it.
And, really--? None of that is actually too surprising, once you get over the kneejerk 'wait, didn't y'all both try really hard to knock each other's blocks off that one time?' feeling about it.
(Besides, they still try really hard to knock each other's blocks off on the regular. That part hasn't actually changed.)
The thing about Seventeen -- (or one of the many things, really) -- is that he's a coyote at heart, and most people are simply not equipped or willing to deal with that in a long-term, intimate way without expecting him to ultimately transition into a ‘normal’ member of society for them. Figuratively speaking, Seventeen might pass well enough for a dog at a glance; but he chafes under social trappings and obligations in ways that most people don't, and mistrusts anything that, to him, looks or feels too much like a leash. He has a tendency to fight against any form of containment even if doing so isn't actually in his best interests, and he's not above burning perfectly good things to the ground just to buck the sensation of being caged or tied down.
For obvious reasons, this makes him generally ill-suited for lasting, consistent relationships of any kind with the overwhelming majority of people.
But then, here comes Piccolo, who, as it turns out, doesn't really belong at humanity's figurative social table any more than Seventeen does.
While their individual manners of perceiving and navigating this sense of otherness may be different, the fundamental, strangely shared truth of it is that they both are outsiders in their own ways, and they each make the conscious choice to not assimilate into the rat race of society at large. What this has meant for them over the last few months is that [a] neither of them treats the other's way of existing or engaging with the world as a thing in need of fixing, and [b] neither of them expects the other to become or act 'more human/more domesticated' in order to advance/solidify/contextualize the relationship slowly taking shape between them.
In sum, they vibe weirdly well.
On Seventeen's end, it's pretty much the first time he hasn't felt as though he's being lured into a live-capture trap for the purpose of unwilling rehabilitation, the way he does with other people. Which, in turn, makes him curious. Makes him exploratory. Makes him bold.
Given the way that the last several months have gone, Seventeen is fairly certain that Piccolo has at least some kind of feeling for him, that's exclusively for him. There are others that Piccolo clearly regards as comrades, of course, and there are those among them that Piccolo is content to allow into his personal space; but as far as Seventeen can tell (and believe me, he's been watching), there's nobody other than him that Piccolo not only accepts casual touch from on the regular, but also makes a conscious and consistent point to touch back, of his own accord. Seventeen might have started this whole thing, but Piccolo has kept it going every step of the way. Whatever it is that's going on between them, it’s only between them; and they’re both active, knowing participants within that framework. If Piccolo was a human, Seventeen would almost certainly interpret all of this as an indication of at least some measure of romantic and/or physical interest.
The obvious follow-up here though is that Piccolo isn't human. Neither of them are. And so here Seventeen is, months into this whole back-and-forth-slowly-escalating-Thing they’ve got going on, hesitating to let himself interpret it in the way that seems reasonable/obvious to him, precisely because he doesn’t know if that’s actually the reasonable/obvious interpretation on Piccolo’s end too. He's never actually seen any evidence or gotten any particular impression that Piccolo has an urge for sex or partnership or anything of that sort in the first place. All Seventeen has which might possibly suggest such a thing is this weird little dynamic they've been going distinctly and uncharacteristically out of their ways to build with each other, while also doing everything in their powers to avoid actually talking about or naming it. Seventeen knows what this whole thing looks like from his own perspective, but he doesn’t know what it looks like from Piccolo’s; and honestly he’s not really sure if Piccolo knows what he makes of it yet either.
As of right now, Seventeen is about this fucking close to breaking the unspoken rule they’ve both been abiding by — (that talking about whatever This is might somehow break it if they dare to mention it prematurely) — and directly addressing the game they’ve clearly been playing with each other. Pushing the envelope to a point where they simply have to acknowledge the elephant in the room, even if imperfectly, and see how things shake out from there. After all, he's never been great at playing safe for too long.
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unacknowledgeable · 2 months ago
Continued: Serial killer reader x yan!batfam
.........Ooooookay, I guess yall really liked my serial killer!reader? I guess I'm honor bound to continue??? Oh noooo, the horrorrrr. But seriously, I'm glad! Because it only gets worse from here! >:}
Anyway, this was really difficult to write because I literally could not find good starting and stopping points, I tried to make my thoughts flow into each other as seamlessly as possible but there's SO MUCH I wanna write for this, it’s eating me alive, (also like, feel free to send asks bc I get sidetracked a lot in my writing and looove just answering questions as jumping off points, so please gimme gimme)
That being said, enjoy!
WARNING for disturbing imagery, untreated mental illness and trauma, blood, and depictions of murder (seriously)
So obviously, this M/c is a serial killer, so how do they go about keeping this hidden while simultaneously living with the world's greatest detectives?
Simple, ya don't.
Okay so that's not completely true. Compared to the average criminal, you put in a lot of effort to not get caught, but the average criminal doesn’t live with THE Batman either
Compared to the rest of your family though? You basically put in the bare minimum required to hide your… unsavory activities
Of course, you'll wash your blood soaked clothes yourself, in the lesser used washrooms of the manor, but once in a blue moon, when you’re too tired to care or your catch of the night put up a greater fight then anticipated, you'll throw your tainted clothes in with the rest of the families
And they just… don't fucking notice.
Or when they do, they just assume that one of the others had an unfortunate run in with some criminal while in civvies 
You've overheard many admonishments from Dick or Alfred over the years, telling Tim or Jason to “Please stop putting bloody clothes in with the whites, there's a basket for them two feet away!”
It was always pretty hard trying to keep a straight face when hearing those scoldings, but you always did, you didn't want Damian demanding to know what was so funny and dampening your mood
Or Cass giving you one of her calculated looks and suddenly getting nosy, that would make losing your clothes to Tim’s closet a lot less worth the laugh.
It’s just that, this assumption is waaaaay more plausible then say, the serial killer they've been tracking relentlessly for literal years, is just…tossing their VERY incriminating evidence in with the family's laundry, then passing out on some couch in one of the many sitting rooms of the manor, while the family goes out and discovers their latest victim
It's just easier to assume it was one of the others, Dick would never connect you, of all people, to the gore tossed haphazardly in the hamper, it's way more likely to be one of the many crime fighters of the family, not the soft spoken hermit of the manor, and even if that was a possibility in his mind, you don't even have a scratch on you
Not that he’s ever bothered to check you for injuries before, like he does almost religiously for the others
And Alfred? Well he's of the belief you'd grown out of your… tendencies, that it was a one time thing. Despite his reputation as an omnipotent presence in the manor, he never did realize just how deep your mental issues ran. Not until it was far too late.
You don't even have a specific weapon either, half of the time you'll just take one of Alfred's steak knives and hit the lower levels of Gotham, wandering around the decrepit streets till you found someone suitable 
Other times, when you’re in an exceptionally bad mood, be it because Damian said something particularly venomous or Alfred missing an important event for you because something came up with one of your siblings, or even when your classmates decided it would be funny to key your car-
Or it's just one of those days
Those days when the abstract voices simmer louder in the back of your mind, pushing and nagging. Images that you desperately want to forget but can't help the need to recreate. All threatening to boil over until you either crumble into a sobbing heep on the floor or go out and do the one thing that has always been able to shut. them. up.
Those days you’re… forgetful
On those days, you forget to grab one of Alfred’s pristine knives, but that's fine, Gothams streets are littered with dangerous items, so there's no shortage of tools at your disposal. You're creative, resourceful, you can use whatever's on hand at the time, whatever's in reach.
But if there's nothing? No sharp objects, no discarded bricks or loose pipes or even a half empty beer bottle, well… you're no stranger getting your hands dirty
Those times however, are pretty hazy in the aftermath.
You’ll forget certain details, like how they gripped your arms in a vain attempt to draw your own blood as you drew theirs, in the event that if they dont get away, at least you'd be caught, (all it leaves are dark, tender bruises along your arms, that you'll spend weeks poking and prodding at, in the hopes of reliving that moment)
Or how they'd flail their legs, inches from the ground, trying to kick your legs out from beneath you (it was kinda cute, how much shorter they were then you, how little their attempts to free themselves did when it mattered the most)
Even their last, warbling pleas for mercy were lost to you. You know they said something, could vaguely recall that they spoke, too absorbed in watching their bloody lips turn blue as the oxygen in their body slowly ran out (No no please please…My girls are waiting)
No, no you don't remember much but what you do remember, what you always, always remember, are the eyes 
You remember the tears, the fear, the acceptance, the rage, the refusal, the disbelief, the confusion, the indignation, and most of all the recognition. 
Whether it be them recognizing just who you are or realizing that this is who will end their life, you don't know, you’ve never bothered to ask. 
You prefer to think it’s the latter, it's hard to explain, but it makes you feel so so important
When it’s over, and the adrenaline in your veins soften, your breathing calmer, the blood rushing through your ears no longer so deafening, and you can feel the pleasing ache in your limbs, you sit, and asses the damage, as you always do
You always make sure to grab their wallet, take out the ID and memorize it, before gingerly putting it back, and finally walking away, head clear and numb in the cold Gotham air
There's no real reason why, its mostly force of habit at this point, it started with your very first kill, you don't feel like breaking the little ritual now, or anytime soon
It just feels wrong, to take a life and not even know whose life it is...was.
Later, long past any reasonable hour, you lay in bed, fresh out of the shower and thumbing the bruises, listening to the voices over the family's communicators (you stole one of Dicks, he has a nasty habit of leaving them around the manor) as they patrol the Gotham streets for crime and mayhem
You honestly can't help the small smile that graces your face, falling into sleep, as you hear the quiet, defeated sigh over the highly protected com link, “B, I've found another one, it's…it’s pretty rough tonight”
The pause is long before a small, gruff, “I have your location, ETA in 10 minutes”
You slept pretty good that night
Damn, sometimes the shit I come up with scares even me, again, feel free to send asks (shh I'm not begging), the brain worms are always hungry and I have sooooo many thoughts about this thing. lol 
Hope you enjoyed!
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sluttyminghao · 11 months ago
Seventeen x Phone Sex
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95 line - 96 line - 97 line - 98+99 line
♡ word count: 1.1k ♡ genre: smut - 18+ only ♡ a/n: here is the 96 line version! i hope you guys enjoy! shoutout to @bf-wonu and my friends at @svthub again for helping with this!
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Junhui: This man would be insanely giggly every single time you suggest phone sex or have any conversation that leads up to it. He’s going to not be anywhere close to dominant, and may, in fact, become a little more submissive just because he doesn't know what way the conversation will end up going. Jun is going to be very whiny and tell you what to do, but he’s going to be edging himself for god knows how long because he’s addicted to your voice. Every single time you moan or whine out when your fingers touch your sensitive body, it sends a lightning bolt of want and need through his body and only makes him speed up his own hand movements. “You sound so pretty like this, wish it was me that was getting those noises out of you instead though.” I think he’s also the type to have like…a pillow he uses to fuck himself into or a fleshlight of some kind because he just needs to have his cock enveloped in something and hear your voice whilst simultaneously fucking into a fleshlight or a pillow? It would immediately send him over the edge. When he’s feeling dominant, however, i think he would definitely take action in telling you what to do, but would never tease you because he’s holding on for dear life with his own orgasm. He knows what you want and when you need it, so would get you to the edge super quickly.
Soonyoung: He’s definitely very impulsive when it comes to phone sex. You could be at home doing some work and all of a sudden he’s texting you like crazy and calling you a hundred times, and when you finally answer he’s heavily breathing and fucking himself up into his hand. Even though you can’t see him, you know exactly what’s happening and ask him what he’s been thinking about, only for him to retort back with some of the filthiest images either of you could think of. “Was thinking about how I tied you up the other day and your body looked so perfect and ready for me…and then also was thinking about that one time i made you cum so much you passed out” He would definitely also be the type to do video calls as well, and as soon as you pick up you know you’re in trouble when you see how he’s angled his phone just perfectly so that you can see every inch of him, and it gets you going immediately. Soonyoung is very “no thoughts just need to cum” and would be spouting orders for you left and right while he jacks himself off like he’s insane. He’d be telling you to strip for him, get your tits out and play with yourself until you’re both cumming, but he makes you wait until he’s about to cum so you can cum together. Immediately afterwards, he would send you photo proof of how much he came just so you know what you’re in for when he gets home.
Wonwoo: If there’s one thing everyone can agree on with Wonwoo, it’s that his deep voice would instantly have you cumming. He is definitely on the more dominant side when it comes to phone sex, he loves being able to guide you through with a stern voice, letting your whimpers and moans hit his ear in just the right way that his cock twitches. When he’s in the mood, you can tell because his voice drops at least an octave and grows raspy, which only lights the lust fire in your belly and drives you crazy. He would spill the filthiest phrases, telling you how bad he wants you and every single position he wants you in, as well as how much he wants to fill you up with his cum. He’s also definitely the type to play mind games with you, tell you that you can cum and then say things like “oh did I say you could cum? I didn't mean to, oops, now i guess you’ll have to make it up to me” or “if you didn’t cover your fingers then you didn’t fuck yourself hard enough”, and also loves using those toys you can connect to over wifi where he can control the vibrations and movements of said toy. He would make you cum so much with the toys that you grow so sensitive and he only draws it out even further for you, making you so sensitive to the slightest touches and vibrations have you moaning and clenching. His raspy voice wouldn't help either, especially so when he tells you he wishes your hand or mouth was wrapped around his cock rather than his own hand and he’d cum a lot, it’s splayed all over his thighs and abdomen and then also is wishing that you would be the one to clean it up for him. You’re just his good little whore, after all.
Jihoon: With Jihoon, it’s very common to have sex over the phone given his constant desire to want to be in the studio. He would probably have a schedule where he calls you like once or twice a week later at night, probably when he’s at his most frustrated when he’s producing or writing, and just lets his frustrations flow in the form of mutual masturbation. He wouldn’t be overly dominant or submissive, but rather just goes with how he’s feeling and how frustrated he is. If he’s been struggling for a while, he would probably go a little more dominant, and if he’s doing alright, he’d be pretty neutral. With how often you guys have sex over the phone, he would pretty much know exactly what to do and when, really has it down to a pinpoint on how well he knows you, down to your breathing patterns when you’re getting close to your orgasm. He would also be pretty easy to come undone as well, given that you can push his buttons hard enough. If he’s frustrated, you want to get him off in as little time as possible so that he can focus again. If he’s chill, then you can drag it out and edge him for a while until he finally snaps and switches to dominance. I think he’s not one to talk dirty often, and would only use it on the odd occasion where he’s feeling more dominant than normal. He’d be very careful with his wording but manages to speak fluently in dirty talk when he’s in the mood, calling you his good little slut and whore and getting you over the edge and getting you moaning which in turn, gets him to cum all over his thighs.
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r0-boat · 3 months ago
Why do I feel like Ingo would have a praise kink, even if he might not admit it? Call him a good boy or say he's so handsome, he'll be putty in your hands. Tell him how good he feels inside you, or how hot he looks underneath you, and he'll become determined to make you feel even better than he does
👀 I see you, That's so big brain I'm not sure how I haven't thought of that before I'm going to rotate this in my head
Praise kink!Ingo Hcs
Praise Kink! Ingo, who cannot handle your praisel, but simultaneously is so desperate for it. He's making you feel so good; all he wants is for you to tell him how good he's doing. He wants to hear more than just your squeals and moans. He wants that drooling kissed bruised mouth to tremble out broken sentences of how good he feels deep inside you.
Praise Kink!Ingo Who will respond back with praise of his own. He can't help himself, moaning about how much he thinks about you, commenting on everything you're doing to his him. This is about the only time Ingo fully voices his possessiveness. The possessive thoughts that he only keeps to himself. Ingo is not only extremely vocal when it comes to moaning or groaning, He also cannot stop trying to praise you Even though most the time his sentences are broken with moans and whimpers he still tries so hard to make sure you hear nothing but praise.
Praise Kink!Ingo bucking his hips faster as soon as your shaky words fall from your lips."So big! Filling me up!" You squeal, and he's already about to cum; his eyes roll back as every last bit of control slips through his fingers, pounding your cunt with reckless abandon. Your praise alone brings him to orgasm and makes him beg for more.
Praise Kink!Ingo is obsessed when you tell him how much you love him and pamper him, all the while your hand strokes his cock up and down. You can see the hearts in his eyes when you go in for a kiss, fingers threading through his hair in one hand, and the other is meeting his hips with every buck. He's a busy man and it's nice to come home with a partner that could melt your stress away and use your mouth to not only Tell him how handsome he is and how good he makes you feel but also pamper him in 'other ways'
Praise Kink!Ingo is like a puppy, He would do anything just for you too praise him in bed. He has learned your body already now it's time to learn about other things that make you come. Whether it be kinks or new positions.
Praise Kink!Ingo to enjoys eating you/sucking you because he not only gets to taste you. But he pleasures you and he gets to feel your fingers in his hair in your hand on his face. He gets such an ego boost when you tell him how good his tongue is.
Praise Kink!Ingo Dom phrases:
“You’re a pleasure to use.”
“I love the way you look when you’re on your knees”
"So good for me, and all for me."
Can't stop thinking about you... You ruined me."
"You're so hot, how did I get someone like you?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I can't keep my hands to myself, You're too irresistible"
"oh~! Hah! So good... Feels so good..."
"Don't wanna stop! So addictive!"
"Pure-oh fuck-! temptation incarnate...!Cumming!"
"So glad you're mine..."
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artstennisracket · 2 months ago
Can you do something for Artrick on NYE? Maybe some feminization?
well yes! this was so much fun to write, I hope I did it justice.
tw: nsfw(18+), forced feminization, drunk sex
Art and Patrick ended up at a frat party on nye because old habits die hard. It was actually a party that Art suggested so that they didn’t spend New Year’s Eve in his dorm room like losers. Patrick was visiting for the next two weeks and Tashi was home for winter break so Patrick was crashing with Art.
Further in the night, many many shots later, Art can’t find Patrick. He could’ve sworn that Patrick was right next to him two seconds ago, encouraging him to do even more shots. He’s stumbling through the frat house and doesn’t see Patrick anywhere. Not in the living room, the kitchen, or the pool room. He decides to check upstairs. It takes a second but he gets up there and starts checking rooms.
He checks the bathroom and sees a girl with her head in the toilet yikes. He checks one bedroom, empty. The next bedroom had two couples going at it. Unexpected but not the worst thing he’s ever seen. The last bedroom he stumbles into before he can register the mix of moans coming from the room.
There he finds Patrick making out with a girl on the bed. They’re both topless but Patrick has his hand down her pants.
“oh I’m- that’s- m’sorry” Art slurs his words half because he’s drunk and half because he’s feeling embarrassed but also weirdly turned on?
“oh my gosh were you just gonna stand there? creep.” the girl says as she gets up grabbing her shirt. She storms out of the room shoving past Art.
Patrick sits up on the bed and sighs running his hand through his hair. “I didn’t think my wingman would be the one cockblocking me.”
“m’sorry i- i- didn’t meant to, i couldn’t find you, thought you left me.” Art hiccups walking over to sit down next to Patrick.
“awe it’s okay sweetheart, you know i’d never leave you. you can make it up to me though.” Patrick smirks as he pushes Art’s hair back out of face.
“how?” Art responds leaning into Patrick’s touch.
“your gonna be my girl for the night, okay?” Patrick leans in and starts kissing Art’s neck.
“wh-oh ah-“ Art moans letting his eyes slip closed.
Patrick moves his hand down to cup Art’s chest. “fuck babe, love your tits.”
“patrick I don’t-“ Art starts but once Patrick moves to start playing with Art’s nipples, Art groans.
“shhh, I just wanna play with you baby.” Patrick says as he pulls Art’s shirt off and then lowers Art down onto his back. He pulls down Art’s shorts only to find a wet spot on his briefs where his cock is straining against them. “you’re already so wet for me and I’ve barely touched you.”
Patrick pulls Art’s briefs off and grabs some lube. He scoots down and spreads Art’s legs coming face to face with Art’s hole. With no warning Patrick flattens his tongue against Art’s hole, licking up. Art feels a shiver run through his entire body, both of his hand flying to grip Patrick’s curls. “oh fuck” Art moans.
“you have such a pretty pussy baby. can I finger you?” Patrick asks pressing his thumb very lightly against Art’s tightness.
Art nods quickly, biting his lip. His mind is feeling a little cloudy, he’s never been this hard before.
Patrick makes quick work lubing his fingers before he presses one finger inside Art.
Art is squirming around trying to fuck himself back on Patrick’s finger while simultaneously trying to get relief on his cock. His body jerks upwards against nothing looking for any kind of friction. Patrick worked his way up to three fingers before. He’s watching Art struggle with a smirk in his face.
“do you want me to touch you? play with your clit?” Patrick asks, working his fingers in and out of Art.
Art nods but that’s not good enough for Patrick.
“say it.” Patrick presses.
Art whines, “can you please touch me?”
“what do you want me to touch baby?”
“can you please play with my clit?”
“good girl.” Patrick smirks.
Almost immediately Patrick moves to start jerking Art off, occasionally swiping his thumb over the tip.
Art is really keening now, between Patrick’s fingers pumping in and out of him and Patrick jerking him off, Art never stood a chance. He cums all over Patrick’s fist.
“did I say you could cum yet?” Patrick questions, moving his hands off Art.
Art shakes his head no. “no m’sorry, I didn’t mean to, it was just alot”
“i know baby i know, but I’m still gonna fuck you okay?” Patrick wipes his hands off on the sheets. Then Patrick covers both Art’s hole and his own dick in lube.
Patrick lines up with Art’s entrance and presses in slowly. “oh fuck baby- your pussy is so tight, fuck”
“fuck patrick your fucking stretching me out right now, feel so good- uh-ah”
“yeah baby? you like when I stretch your tight little hole? bet no one’s fucked you like this before huh?”
Art shakes his head no. He’s put a few fingers up there but he’s never been fucked like this before.
“say it” Patrick insists.
Art obliges, he’s already too fucked out, “no- no- one’s fucked me like this before”
“yeah? where has no one fucked you before?”
“my- my pussy”
“good girl, that’s why your so fucking tight huh,” Patrick says as he picks up the speed of his thrusts. He knows he won’t last long.
“yes, fuck, fuck me please”
Patrick presses his hand on Art’s lower pelvis so he can feel his cock going in and out of Art.
“fuck baby can I cum inside of you? wanna empty my balls inside of you, get you fucking pregnant.” Patrick pleas as he feels his climax approach.
Art nods, eyes glossing over. He didn’t even realize he had gotten hard again so fast. Or how loud he was moaning. Or that he was also close to finishing.
“yes please cum inside me, cum inside my pussy please-“ Art chokes out between moans
Patrick moves his hand to start jerking Art off again to match the rhythm of his strokes. “i want to you squirt for me baby, squirt all over my cock fuck-“
Art almost blacks out at how hard he cums. He feels Patrick cum inside him, filling him up.
Patrick pulls out and watches as his seed leaks out of Art’s now abused hole.
Art is recovering his breathing as he looks down to see Patrick once again eye level with his hole. Patrick uses his fingers to push his cum back into Art’s hole.
“fuck, your so pretty baby.” Patrick smirks making his way back up the bed laying down next to Art.
Art smiles. He feels sticky, covered in his own cum and full of Patrick’s. But he still hasn’t fully recovered because what the actual fuck just happened? He’s definitely sobered up at this point.
Art looks over at Patrick but before he can ask what just happened, Patrick checks his phone to see the time.
“lemme clean you up and then we can head downstairs, if we hurry we can make it before the countdown starts.” Patrick says as he scoots off the bed going to check the bathroom.
He finds a rag and makes it damp using the sink before he returns to clean up Art and himself.
Once they’re both clean and dressed Patrick takes Art’s hand, dragging him downstairs.
They can hear the mass chants from the crowd as they make their way downstairs.
Patrick lead them to a spot within the crowd that gives them a good view of the TV broadcasting the New Year’s Eve countdown.
Art is still not fully there yet. His mind is still a little foggy and he can’t stop thinking about what they just did.
Patrick is his best friend and he always knew that him and Patrick were closer than regular best friends. Art has always had feelings for Patrick, but then Patrick chose Tashi. Art couldn’t really blame him because he also wanted Tashi.
Art wonders what this means for them now or maybe it didn’t mean anything to Patrick.
Patrick grabs Art’s face, making them face each other, before he leans in and kisses Art. Right there, in front of everyone. At midnight. On New Year’s.
And maybe Art was just overthinking too much. He really did enjoy his start to the New Year.
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recklesssturniolo · 1 year ago
Look At Me - M.S
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Per request I posted earlier, soft dom!Matt, reader and him are dating, readers first time, very vanilla
A/N: lowkey not sure how I feel about this one, feel like it’s shit but I hope you guys like it (,:
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor 
Matt and I had been dating for almost a year now. Regardless of me being a virgin, he never pressured me into sex and just told me he’s ready whenever I am - as he himself wasn’t a virgin. We’d done some sexual stuff, but it was really just oral and nothing more than that. However, as he walked in from a meeting, I couldn’t help but stare as he looked so good. 
“Seems someone has a staring problem eh?” He smirks.
“Oh be quiet” I mumble, blushing slightly due to him catching me. 
Sitting down beside me, he places a kiss to my temple. Asking me how my day was, and me asking how his was. Just light conversation. As he leans back on the couch, he lets out a sigh.
“Long day?” I ask, noticing how tired he seemed. 
“Yeah, meeting also stressed me out a bit so that didn’t help” He replies. 
“I know a way I could relieve some of your stress” I smirk. 
“Oh yeah?” He smirks back. 
I nod before pulling his lips to mine. Moving so I was straddling him. Continuing to make out, I feel him grow hard, a groan leaving his lips as I began grinding on him. 
“If you don’t stop grinding like that I’m gonna finish in my pants” He mumbles through the kiss. 
Usually at this, I’d start sucking him off. But my mind couldn’t move past how good his dick felt against my pussy. 
“What if you just fuck me?” I asked. 
“I - wait what” He replies.
“I said, what if you just fuck me?” I repeat. 
“Are you being serious? You’re ready?” He questions, raising his eyebrows.
I nod in response before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom. I lay him on the bed and begin unbuttoning his pants before he stops me. 
“No no, this about you now. I want to make you feel good” He says, now adjusting himself so he was on top of me. 
“That isn’t fair to you though” I say,
“Trust me, getting to fuck you makes it more than fair” He says, tugging at the bottom of my shirt and looking at me for confirmation that he could take it off. 
Removing my shirt he notices I wasn’t wearing a bra, smirking before saying, “Lucky me, one less thing to take off of you”. Before taking one of my nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, while simultaneously playing with my other with his free hand. I moan in response to the feeling as he swithces to my other nipple, only creating more moans to leave my mouth. 
“Can I taste you baby?” He asked. 
I nod in response, but that wasn’t good enough for him. 
“Come on now, use your words” He tells me. 
“Yes fuck please Matt” I whine, wanting to feel his tongue all over my pussy. 
He smiles before sliding off my pants, and removing my panties. Looking up at me for only a moment before saying, “Such a pretty pussy” 
Not wanting to wait anymore I thrust my hips up. A known signal to him that I was needy. He lowers his head and licks a stripe up my pussy, my back arching immediately at the sensation and my hand moving to the back of his head. He continues flicking his tongue, circling it around my clit, sucking on various parts before pulling away. 
“Why did you stop? I was close” I whimper out at the sudden loss of his tongue on me. 
“ I love when you come in my mouth but I want you coming around my dick” He replies, “Do you still want me to fuck you?”
“Yes Matt” I assure him.
He himself now removes his pants and boxers, I’ve seen his dick before but the realizaton that it was somehow supposed to fit inside of me hit me.
“You’re expecting that to actually fit inside of me?” I ask.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I know you’ll be able to take it” He smiles.
I was nervous, still unsure if his dick would actually fit, and if there would be any pain.
“Relax, if it hurts too much we will stop okay?” He assures me before kissing me.
Pulling away, he rubs his dick up and down my pussy a couple times, using my jucies tolube himself. He slowly begin to push himself inside of me, I let out a whimper due to the slight pain. Him stopping immediately.
“No Matt keep going” I say, already knowing he was going to ask if I wanted him to stop.
“Okay but please just tell me if it’s too much” He replies.
He continues pushing himself further into me, almost fully in, I squeeze my eyes shut. The pain turning into pleasure, not having expected this to feel this good.
“Look at me baby, I want to see you as you take my dick” He says, me opening my eyes in response.
Once he was fully inside of me, we both let out a moan.
“Fuck you’re so tight” He groans. Starting to move himself in and out.
“Feels so good Matt” I whimper.
“Look so pretty taking all of my dick, could come just at the sight of you” He says.
He picks up his pace, not breaking eye contact with me as he did. His hand moving to rub circles on my clit.
“I - Matt” I moan out.
“Yeah baby? Tell me what you want” He replies.
“Go faster” I whimper, wanting to feel him even deeper inside of me.
He smirk and lets out a low groan, now going faster before saying, “You’re doing such a good job for me”
I notice a knot forming in my stomach, and my pussy starting to clench, Matt obviously noticing too as he tells me, “Let it go baby, let me feel you come around my dick”
That was all it took for me to climax, my legs shaking but wrapping around Matt’s waist. His pace not slowing as my high continued.
“Keep looking at me, let me see you and how good I’m making you feel” He tells me.
“Fuck - Matt oh my god” I moan out, followed by multiple more moans as my high came to an end.
“That feel good pretty girl?” He asks, his pace now slowing a bit.
“Yes, so good” I reply, my legs continuing to shake and my pussy still throbbing from the experience.
“Are you gonna let me come in you?” He questions as I feel his dick twitch inside of me.
“Yes I - please come in me” I stutter out, still trying to collect myself.
After a few minutes pass, regardless of how sensitive I was, the need to have him come inside me was stronger. I feel his liquid enter me. Watching him as his jaw dropped and he groaned out in pleasure, his grip tightening on my waist.
“Fucking hell, you have no idea how good that felt, how good your pussy is” He mumbles, pulling out of me.
I whimper as he places a light kiss to my pussy, before coming up and placing a kiss to my forehead.
“Such a good girl for me. Did I make you feel good?” He asks.
“Yes so good Matt, I don’t know how I’m supposed to go even a day without you fucking me now” I laugh.
“Who says you’ll have to?” He smirks back, getting up to clean up, asking if I needed anything and then laying down next to me pulling me close.
TAGLIST: @sturnphilia @thatonekid536 @cupidsword @loveesiren @daddyslilchickenfingers @christinarowie332 @ilovemattsturn @mattenthusiast @its-jennarose @lxvlysworld @lovingsturniolo @iwantmattsobad @secret-sturniolo @mattsd0ll @jjmaybankswifes-blog
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7waystreet · 7 months ago
dirty confessions | park jimin
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 5 — jimin
My dear diary ❀
I have a confession to make. I've always had a deep rooted fantasy about watching my gf (y/n) pleasuring both me and Taehyung together... you know, just like an extra step to solidify our '95 liner soulmate status. And I'm so fucking thrilled to report to you that it finally happened.
Taehyungie doesn't even have to say any words for me to already know how he's feeling... he's a part of me, after all. My intuition that he had the hots for my lovely (y/n) proved to be right when I finally confronted him about it while we were all piss drunk at the karaoke bar last week. I caught him staring at my baby's ass and biting his lips so I light heartedly whispered in his ear if he wanted a piece of that delicious booty, only for him to sloppily slur back "Hell yeah Jiminah, I'd tear her pussy right up like you do every day, you lucky fuck."
Little did he know how hard my cock instantly got listening to his dirty wishes aligning with mine.
Now that I knew Taehyungie was excitedly on board, it felt like a big mission to also convince (y/n) to join in on the fun. Her and I have been together for so long, and I'm grateful to have found someone who makes me feel this comfortable and happy. You already know I've written pages and pages of how much she means to me... which is exactly why I didn't even feel nervous proposing my deepest desire to her. But I was certainly taken aback by the way she reacted to it when I'd asked her.
"What do you think of Tae? Would you be down for a threesome with you, me and him?" I'd proposed while we laid cuddled up in each other's arms on our soft, comfy bed together.
The words "I'm down" popped out of her pretty lips quicker than her fine ass had made me cum the first time we had fucked... quicker than a fucking second, that is.
At first I was confused by her enthusiasm... I didn't understand whether she'd been secretly lusting for Taehyung and was just desperately waiting for this opportunity to spring up. But then again, even if she did, I know for a fact she never cheated on me and went for him behind my back. Sure, he's the most handsome and fuckable man I've ever met, but she loves me too much and I love her and trust her fully. Besides, I was the one desiring this too, so who am I to blame her for wanting the same?
I felt like a damn manager trying to set up a hangout between us three for this heated session to go down, but despite the effort, I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'll never forget that night.
I'd succeeded in getting all three of us settled on the couch in my apartment while we played a movie in the dark and sipped on some wine to ease ourselves in. Of course we all knew what we'd gathered there for, which was a steamy fuck fest, and it was a bit awkward at first, but my brave (y/n) made the first move by placing her pretty palms on each of our thighs as she sat in between the boys. My spine felt a tingle watching her run her hand up and down my shorts, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she saw my milky thigh twitch underneath her touch, all while his other palm smoothed out the wrinkles in Tae's gray sweatpants as she rubbed his thigh in an arousing way.
Her gaze remained on me even though both her hands moved up towards our dicks, her ability to simultaneously massage our hard ons making me fall in love with her all over again. I could hear Tae starting to taking deeper breaths and with one glance at him, I saw his eyes closed and head rolled back into the cushion as he took the feeling of my gf stroking his cock in the darkness, just like she was sexily doing it to me. My loyal (y/n) leaned into me for a kiss but I shook my head... "Go to him" I told her with a smirk and she smiled right back with a nod, giving me a peck before turning her back to me.
God, she's even perfect from the back.
She sat in between us with knees folded up now, leaning into Tae and slowly placing a kiss on his neck, which got him shuddering, his eyes opening up in a flash to observe (y/n) was solely giving him her attention. His first instinct was to shoot me a concerned look, as if he was asking for my permission, but I gave him a go with a nod and he instantly pulled her closer for a deep kiss. Seeing them swapping spits in a steamy makeout started to get me even harder, and my hands just naturally gravitated towards (y/n)'s perfect ass, which was facing me. I squeezed her ass cheeks through her tiny shorts and she whimpered from my touch, slowly crawling back and bending in her knees to angle her ass up in my face more, all while she leaned down and helped Tae take his pants off for a suck.
I just watched for a while... watched the content look on Tae's face as (y/n) took his throbbing cock into her beautiful mouth, his head flopping back into the pillow again as his eyes trailed down at her choking on his length. "Just like that baby" he kept whispering while holding her hair back in a fist, my own arm reaching over to run my fingers through Tae's black curly hair as he sat there throat fucking my gf. I didn't even care about how he kept calling her baby... how could I get mad about my baby calling my baby, baby?
My needs were growing by the second though and now I just had to pull down (y/n)'s shorts for a taste of her pussy, my thick lips attaching to her folds as I laid on the couch and angled myself underneath her, her back arched up until it almost broke. My tongue on her clit and her moaning in reaction got Tae aroused even more, the faster my mouth played around with her sweet pussy the more my best friend's chest kept rising and falling in heaves.
I couldn't take hearing both Tae and (y/n) moaning so loudly so I gave her clit a good suck and flick with my tongue before getting up on my knees and removing my shorts, my boner slapping up just ready to be stuffed inside my gf's tight little pussy. And the room was now filled with all three of our moans when I slid my length in (y/n)'s pussy from the back, the view of her ass jiggling against my stomach while I slammed my cock into her cunt and spanked her ass cheeks immaculate, all while Tae fucked her throat, a sight I'll never forget.
(y/n) was increasingly getting wet, my cock slipping in and out of her while I grunted from the way her walls gripped me, but I was distracted when Tae whined out "I want to taste her pussy". And I happily let him. We easily switched things up, the harmony between our motions almost suspiciously smooth, as if we were all meant to make this happen... hopefully more than this one time.
Tae disappeared in between (y/n)'s thighs when she laid on her back on the couch, her face turned to the side to allow my cock to slide into her mouth as I stood by the couch near her face. God, it felt so great watching Tae eat her out while digging his nails into her thighs, her legs flailing about and throat pulsating from the muffled out shrieks, my cock hitting the back of her mouth and fully nestled inside like a glove. My fantasy was indeed finally my reality, and I came straight down (y/n)'s throat after I reached that intense high which I'd dreamed about for so long. My bub swallowed my load of cum all at once like the good little girl she is, and Tae looked up to take a note of this after hearing my satisfied sigh. It was his turn to enter her all over again.
Tae fucked (y/n) straight to the heavens to say the least, living his own fantasy himself while I leaned down and sucked on (y/n)'s perky tits to up her sensitivity. I know my baby needs that extra kick to reach her orgasm and I was going to help her achieve that like I always do, right as Taehyungie gave her the pounding of her life. I'd already seen his cock since we've showered together in our dorm bathroom before, but never have I ever seen it so rock hard and erect, the veins running down his length making my eyes pop out. I stared at him entering in and out of my girlfriend's pussy while my lips sucked on (y/n)'s puffed out nipples.
She suddenly pulled the hair on the back of my head and made me come up to her lips, her deep desire to kiss me making me feel wanted and needed. It was a boost to my ego knowing Tae was dicking her down but she still wished for my lips to be sealed with hers and that's exactly what we did... my tongue mingling with her squishy one as she desperately panted for a breath, my fingers still pinching her nipples while we continued to make out with a crazy burning passion. Tae's thrusting pace got faster and (y/n) finally let go, her entire body tensing up and freezing as she orgasmed, my lips placing a soft kiss on her lips as she let out a shaky sigh, her chest then collapsing down and her back sinking into the couch.
Tae let out a groan and finally came into my gf as I coaxed sweet words into her ears, a smile curling up her lips even though her eyes were closed since she likes the praises I give her. I told her I love her and she said it back within a flash of a second, her grin widening up after she opened her eyes and locked them with mine.
The best part was cleaning up and going back straight into watching the movie together, all three of us cooled down and comfortable right back on the couch we'd just fucked on. Taehyungah ended up sleeping with his head on (y/n)'s lap while she tucked her face in my chest, my eyes drooping shut with a deep content feeling as I watched the two people I care about the most rest close to me with a new found appreciation and respect for each other.
I fucking love my life.
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a/n ♡
i imagined jimin wanting to experiment with his best friend and his gf, his appreciation for both showing throughout his confession. the way he loves them is different; he's more possessive about (y/n) but not in a toxic way since he's willing to share her. and he's in pure awe of tae but doesn't neglect his gf or makes her feel less wanted despite this
— he treats his diary like a friend: says "my dear diary", "report to you", "you know i've written pages and pages" as if he's having a convo with his journal
— his romantic side: he always says "my (y/n)" and calls her lots of endearing words like lovely, brave, pretty, stunning, etc.
— his needy side: when (y/n) expresses she wants intimacy with him, his ego is boosted bcuz he loves to feel wanted. jimin acts this way around the members all the time, being needy for their attention
— his will to put his desires aside to watch the enjoyment on tae and (y/n)'s faces: jimin's a giver and he always puts his members first so it's no shock he's willing to let (y/n) go to tae first before he dives in
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varlaisvea · 4 months ago
i didn't want to make a post about how much i love zerith-var, but i think i am going to... the meta of him is so lovely--he is the first companion who feels, power-wise and life-wise, like he could be credibly a peer to the vestige. isobel is a junior knight, sharp-as-night is a mercenary, mirri is an adventurer, tanlorin is a thief and a spy, and zerith-var is a miraculously undead elite necromancer-cleric-monk who gets his marching orders from azurah herself. he's way more on the level of the type of power the vestige has.
and it makes sense story-wise that he'd want to hang out with you. the rest of 'em are honored to tag along with the Hero Of Tamriel on your great adventures, but zerith has never heard of no planemeld; you were just the first person who found him and was kind to him. he sees you as his equal--he decides you're his partner, his tamiit, a word which is evidently just as ambiguous in meaning in ta'agra as it is in english/tamrielic. he's certainly getting something out of the relationship; he's incredibly powerful, but he's also woken up in a distant future, so he needs someone he can trust to help him figure out how to exist in a strange time, with a strange purpose. he's understandably uneasy and disoriented in this time, so he's glad to be with you.
i cannot say enough good things about his quests, they are some of the best quests i've ever played in eso. the plots in some of the other companions' quests are kinda flimsy and obligatory, but his has like... richly developed secondary characters who have satisfying character arcs of their own, extensive tie-ins to existing lore, and poignant themes? zerith is a holy warrior in the most literal sense, and yet he himself also needs forgiveness and redemption? it honestly kinda blew me away.
also, i just love him. i thought kim kitsuragi was a jesus i did not deserve, but zerith... it is like. unavoidable. like. a falling star heralds his awakening, and the literal very first thing you see him do is rise from the slab of his tomb, miraculously un-decayed. he has this epic way of talking bc he's 2000 years old, and he constantly reminds everyone around him that no soul is ever beyond redemption. the damned actually literally reach for his hand through a veil of darkness to find salvation from eternal torment in azurah's unyielding forgiveness. he says shit like this all the time:
"To put spirits on the path to redemption. To hold the door even when the shadow of unending night pushes against it. This is my calling... We stepped into the light from the shadow of my tomb. Together, we struck against the darkness beyond the world... I am honored to walk at your side."
he's simultaneously millennia old and also like 50, and also 5. he treats you like an equal, talks to you like someone who has no idea how important you are, but still admires you anyway. it's very good! my favorite companion by far. it's a good thing i enjoy having him around, bc i have to level him fully so i can buy this one REALLY GOOD water furnishing that is going to change like 5 or 6 of my houses substantially. it's going to open a world of possibility. he loves the infinite archive though, and so do i :)
and tbh, he could not be sexier? kind, gentle, playful, intelligent, with a voice so deep you could hibernate in it, snatched waist and dope biceps, sort of dorky smile, shares almost all of his major character traits with jesus christ, is not a human. like idk if sexy in a thirst way but objectively, doing the work of christ while looking hot is hot. terrible facial hair but it works on him, and he looks cool as fuck doing his little magic gesture thing. thenks for my life! this is like the time they made smolder scrolls online for me specifically so i could romance both razum-dar and naryu.
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zhuoyichenpretty · 4 months ago
aww yeah ep 20 GOOD
I guess I do (very casual, broadstroke) episode commentaries now, halfway through the show lmao. Spoilers below!!
Wen Xiao WANTED?
Ying Lei BACK?
*crowd cheers*
The dots are connecting like crazy with the big bad's whole inner core crusade and also with the simultaneous demon case like I did not recognize Ao Yin as the demon Li Lun first released eight years ago but oooh do I enjoy that minor payoff.
Love the repeated use of the demonic-spell-restraining sigils now that we've been introduced to them though I wonder why the Bureau doesn't ever seem to make use of them. Maybe they don't deal with enough powerful demons to need to paint those in their own (very empty) dungeon? Or perhaps just plot convenience. (edit: someone has pointed out the Bureau indeed uses them!! I'm just blind <3)
Anyway I kind of wish in the Chongwu Camp dungeon PSJ fought a little bc she's so cool in action and their bailing was a little abrupt, but it makes sense that they'd have an immediate getaway plan. Also this is an ep 19 comment but that line Mr. 3-Face Mask delivered about PSJ being fated to always be betrayed by her little brother(s) HURT. So good.
Back to the Bureau, I do love me a good framing, and I'm also happy to get a tiny bit of the episodic demon-murder-case style back. WX was v clever to hide out in Situ Mansion, and (small detail but) I appreciate that the others catch her up on the Bai Jiu thing onscreen. As an aside, I also like that the actress for WX got to be double-casted even just briefly. Seeing some of the actors get to play around with portraying various extremes in characterization and costuming is a ton of fun.
And then yay Bai Jiu backstory at last~! It's crazy how much that blood moon fucked up everyone's lives eight years ago huh.
Everything ZYC says to him is on point (and honestly, ZYC is really quite adept at comforting others, he just sucks utter ass at it when it's his fault and he has to apologize lmaooo) but of course my favorite scene in the whole episode is as follows:
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The very slight shine in the waterline, the bittersweet smile/grimace as, deliberately or not, ZYC's words indirectly echo everything about the circumstances between the two of them right now??? Whew. They did that for me specifically.
Anyway, this was a good one to chew on for me, packed with plot movement enough that I didn't feel unsatisfied with just one episode. I'm glad that so far it seems like the release schedule bears in mind what episodes should be watched in pairs for maximum effect (eps 16/17, 18/19 specifically) and which ones are okay to stand alone for the day, but I also don't want to speak too soon haha. We'll see how ep 21 fares.
Also since this is a ZYC stan account (lmao) I have some obligatory ZYC thoughts that I haven't managed to fit anywhere else. I've been meaning to comment on this for a while now and was reminded by this episode: I love the fact that ZYC actually smiles quite often. I think it's a bit surprising every time he does because he so easily fits the archetype of stoic broody action hero, but it really is just an archetype he's fit himself into, and it's never clearer than when they flash back to smiley baby!ZYC (how freely and purely he used to give those smiles away...).
On the other side of this is also how caustic and biting he can be with his words, whether sarcastically or otherwise, and how clearly his face telegraphs his emotions in general. I love that he actually emotes quite a lot and isn't cold and unaffected in the least, just pouty frowny and awkward.
The last piece to this for me is probably his age (which I very much appreciated being established super early on) and how convincingly TJR portrays him as young and inexperienced and extremely earnest. He's so sincere in everything he does that it really doesn't take much to move him, which also (imo) makes his arc less overdone.
We all know from the start what direction his development will likely go, how he'll learn he's mistaken about ZYZ and how he'll grow to have a more nuanced view of the world as he creates more bonds with others. But he's so emotional and emotionally aware that it doesn't really take much push and pull to get him there. And actually, it's not untread ground to him—he is moreso thawing, in part returning to the open-hearted nature that he had to very abruptly shutter away rather than fundamentally changing as a person. I think to me, that makes his character more compelling to watch because his cynicism about the world is perhaps the least sincere thing about him. It's entirely learned, and not by choice. Relatable.
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fjordline · 3 months ago
i cannot believe i wrote an essay for a comment on my post asking for my opinion.. only to get blocked before i could reply 💔
disclaimer: this is about something as unimportant as a character in a transformer comic and why i don't like him
i dont want to make anyone who's a tailgate superfan feel bad or anything this is just my personal opinion as someone who has read all of idw1. despite of how it may seem.. i do not identify as a hater! anyway, he's not an overtly bad character at the start, the contrived asspulls begin around the tyrest arc, tg supposedly has one day left to live because of lethal cybercrosis. he goes on to save everyone by jumping tyrest and then later rewriting the code of the legislators. and after a drawn out sad monologue on his death bed, cyclonus stabs him with his greatsword which…. for some reason cures his deadly illness. and it only gets worse once megatron arrives, the whole narrative bends over backwards to asskiss megatron and make you think of tailgate as some kind of cute mascot character to set up for the getaway 'villain' arc. tailgate is written as a stupid baby who earnestly believes he's injecting megatron with an 'anti-villain-virus' to get rid of his evil thoughts, his holoform is also. a baby. jro tries to make getaway look bad by making him cartoonishly evil, when, what getaway did cannot begin to be compared to everything megatron was doing right up to his trial. yet getaway gets all his limbs and jaw amputated and megatron gets to carry on with his ''''''''''''''''reformed autobot''''''''''''''' shit and all the good guys stick up for him.
yet somehow even worse than the megatron bootlicking is the 'energy spasm' incident. when cyclonus is shot while protecting tailgate and this causes him to be sooooo heartbroken that he .. has a panic attack that causes some kind of rainbow wave to go off for no reason. this wave somehow, not only wakes thunderclash up from his coma, but gives tailgate inexplicable super strength invincibility powers. It boggles my mind what made tg deserve any of that, because he cared about cyclonus and was sad he seemingly died? does that mean chromedome wasn't sad enough when rewind died or he also would have energy spasmed? this is around where i stopped on my last re-read so i don't remember the specific events of lost light quite as well, i do remember it not getting much better though.
and i personally cannot stand smol uwu bean type characters, when he says some shit like 'i deserve a heckin bomp for this' i start wanting to drown in a bathtub. cyclonus deserves so much better. they have no chemistry. they're just the 'grumpy x sunshine OTP XD' trite trope. whirl and cyc have a 200000 times more interesting dynamic. rodimus and his hatred of hats is a more interesting dynamic.
i feel like cyc gets bogged down so hard by the romance plot hes forced to take part in, when he's away from tg he is so much more entertaining and interesting. at a certain point it's like he starts doing fuck all except hang around tailgate and wax poetic about their love. cdrw manages to never be annoying when they're loveydovey with each other, but cygate drives me up the wall
mtmte is simultanously so good… yet so mald inducing that it compels me to write shit like this. i wouldnt care so much about this one fucking robot if (most of) the rest of the comic wasn't so excellent
this is all subjective obviously and i havent seen anyone else dislike tg other than me and some friends. he literally seems to be universally loved so maybe im just sick and twisted.
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akiizayoi4869 · 1 year ago
Azula In The Spirit Temple
So, I read the comic yesterday. And while I was confused about it at first, like I'm sure many people were, talking with some friends about it made me come to a conclusion. This comic was a reset button. That's why we didn't get anything new about Azula, and why what we actually did get was something that every Azula fan has known and has been saying for years now about her character. But this comic wasn't just for us. It was for the entire fandom as a whole. And as we all know, much of the fandom doesn't share our thoughts when it comes to her.
I'm not going to talk about the beginning of the comic since that part didn't interest me at all. What I want to talk about is when Azula is inside of the temple. A lot of interesting stuff happens there.
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The first part being this. We see what happened when Azula firebended for the first time. We see how Ursa is afraid for Azula and not of her, because she knows what this means for Azula going forward. To Azula, however, she can't tell if Ursa was afraid for her or of her thanks to the fact that the relationship between them was never really good. Also, I need to make one thing clear before I move on: that turtle duck isn't real, it's a toy. I know that people are going to use and say that it proves that Azula is a psycho, but please use your brains for a minute. If it was actually real, do you really think the damn thing would be still? It would have been writhing around in pain and screeching to the high heavens. Not to mention that Ursa's reaction would have been very different. Heck, the entire scene would have played out differently.
Next up we have this part:
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After so many years, the writers finally made what every Azula fan has been saying for years canon: that Azula was indeed abused by Ozai, Ursa's neglect hurt her deeply, and that both of these things played no small part in how she eventually turned out. We see Azula coming to terms with the fact that Ozai abused her, and that Ursa failed to protect her from him because she was so focused on Zuko that the way Ozai was with Azula seemed almost natural to Ursa. It didn't register that it was full on abuse. What really interested me about this scene was how Azula says that if Ursa has just allowed Zuko to be killed, she would have been able to stay and protect her. Is this fucked up? Yes. But it makes sense that Azula would think like that. In her pov, everyone left her for Zuko. Everyone wanted to protect him, but nobody felt like she needed protection too.
We get some scenes with Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko as well:
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These scenes show us how Azula feels about the betrayal at the Boiling Rock, as well as how she viewed her friendship with Mai and Ty Lee overall. It also shows us the harsh truths that Azula has internalized about herself: that her treatment of them wasn't ok, and that her overall attitude towards others in general is a problem. Ty Lee sort of says that to Azula, albeit in a kind way, which is reminiscent of how Ty Lee actually is. She tells Azula what she wants to hear. Mai, though? She straight up tells Azula the truth, very bluntly at that. Holds no punches at all. Mai tells Azula what she needs to hear, whether she likes it or not. Then the spirit takes the form of Zuko, who proceeds to tell her that everything that ever happened to Azula is her fault, and that nobody is responsible for her but herself. At first, this came across as victim blaming to me by the writers, which made me mad. But when I thought about it some more, I realized that that's not what this scene was. The spirit doesn't know anything about Azula. It's just showing her what she's thinking. It created a play of her innermost thoughts. So when you think about it like that, you come to one conclusion: Azula blames herself for her abuse, and how her life turned out. Which is actually common with abuse victims. They can acknowledge that they were abused, while at the same time simultaneously blaming themselves for it. Because the person who abused them loved them, right? So if they felt the need to harm them, obviously it's the victims fault for doing something wrong.
Then we get to the part where she's "offered" a chance at redemption:
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Now, I know that there's going to be idiots who will look at this and go "See?! She had her chance at redemption but rejected it! Proof that she's evil!" but was it really "redemption"? Think about it. Like I said earlier, what the spirit was showing Azula was what she's been thinking for who knows how long. What it offered her was basically a false reality that it created where she could be happy. In other words, it wasn't real. Things would still be the same for her in the real world. And if you know that something is fake, are you going to take it? No. Not to mention, the damn thing tried to kill her😭. So is it really any wonder that she said "yeah no fuck you and your redemption offer" and blasted it full of lightning?
Azula escapes from the temple and eventually finds the rest of the Kemurikage in the end, but she ultimately decides to leave them alone, saying that they are unworthy of her leadership.
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All in all, this comic wasn't bad and I actually like it. Now, as for why I say that it's a reset on her character? Because certain things from the previous comics that were centered around Azula aren't mentioned. One topic in particular, something that you would think would have been mentioned considering how much it hurt Azula in The Search.
Ursa choosing to forget about her and Zuko. Abandoning them to their abuser.
When we see the spirit version of Ursa and Azula says what she does to her, nothing about that is ever mentioned. And if Azula was supposed to be unloading her grievances to Ursa, why wasn't this mentioned?
In the beginning, when they fight Ty Lee, Ty Lee says "Fire Lord Zuko is tired of your mischief, Azula!" which can honestly mean a number of things. The kidnapping incident from Smoke and Shadow doesn't get spoken about here either. Which brings me to my next point: Kiyi is nowhere to be found in this. Considering that Azula saw her as a replacement daughter for Ursa, we should have seen her at some point. Not to mention that Azula kidnapped her. And if the spirit was supposed to be showing her all of her past misdeeds and that she was wrong for them? I'm pretty sure that kidnapping a bunch of kids would have been pretty high on the list.
So going by all of that, I think it's pretty safe to say that the writers are trying to move away from Yang's writing, particularly with Azula, considering how much his portrayal of her is hated, especially in The Search. And in a time where more and more people are vocal about how things are shown in media, especially sensitive topics like mental health? It's no wonder that they would want to move away from that. And I mean really, this is what we've been asking them to do for a long time now. To retcon the Yang comics because he ruined every character, and if they want to redeem Azula, his writing of her would make it incredibly hard to do so. This comic I feel is a start to said retcons. With that being said though, I can understand why people are disappointed. The marketing for it made it seem like we were getting something else, and not this. For the Azula fans who've been waiting for 15 years basically for the writers to release some quality Azula content, I can see why this would be a let down.
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whateverthought · 3 months ago
rhaenyra (and other characters like alicent, laenor, viserys, etc.) feature love versus duty as an internal conflict throughout their stories in the show. rhaenyra does tend to shirk duty in the beginning, sure, but i think marrying laenor is a step toward embracing duty (i.e., a fallen domino in the series of events that propel her toward where she ends up in 2x08, completely swallowed up by duty). all i meant to say is that rhaenyra is trying to balance love and duty (harwin and laenor), but doing so unsuccessfully because love and duty cannot simultaneously exist (laenor says as much during his conversation with rhaenyra in 1x07). i think rhaenyra doesn’t marry harwin because by the time their relationship develops, it’s too late. the way i imagine it is that harwin and rhaenyra’s relationship quickly developed after criston left her for alicent on the night of the wedding. rhaenyra basically has no one at this point, considering criston abandoned her, and alicent calls rhaenyra “stepdaughter,” rejecting her as a friend. then, once rhaenyra realized she and laenor couldn’t produce heirs, she looked to harwin for comfort and coincidentally he could also give her children. i think rhaenyra’s relationship to harwin was complex, shrouded in secrecy and compensation for what rhaenyra actually wants, but he did give her her sons, so i think she did love him as much as she could. basically, yes, rhaenyra is shirking duty, but in a way that is forcing her more toward it. also, i think we’re giving these characters a little too much credit; rhaenyra doesn’t know she exists in the story she exists in, she doesn’t have the foresight to understand the consequences of her impulsive actions. i love rhaenyra but a part of her character is that she is impulsive and entitled and viserys didn’t properly prepare her for her role
continued from this post
I... don't want to fight. You've been very polite but I feel like I'm going to get annoyed and/or sound rude just in general.
I don't agree with you on most of what you said. In fact, I feel like you're purposely misconstruing or misrepresenting the facts/scenes.
I dont think Rhaenyra is having any fight between Duty vs Love. In fact, out of all the characters, Rhaenyra is second in the scale on the side of, Fuck Duty, It Doesn't Affect ME or It Shouldn't. Second only to Daemon but he has little to none anyway. As the show has decided, its Rhaenyra vs Alicent and Alicent is Duty while Rhaenyra is not. She's 'Love' in this scenario, she's Privilege, She's Liberation. In our eyes, the Modern Lens, we see her as Liberated, but at the cost of everyone else around her, and to her own detriment at times.
Marrying Laenor wasn't her choice! I feel like you keep saying that even though its not true. She was forced into it by Viserys, and thats where her Liberation ends, at her father's favor. She gets to do what she likes, because Viserys is indulgent and a bad father. And he had to do that because she was pushing the limits of her freedom, refused to pick a husband on her Marriage Tour and then that Brothel Scandal forced his hand. Because before, as frustrated as he was, he was letting her stew on the decision. Its the fact that no one would want her now that she 'debased' herself that forced his hand. The Velaryons were a great choice! But she didn't make it. She even tried to get Daemon to run off with her! The only thing she could do was run, but if not with Daemon than what's the point?
And I think I've figured out the answer to my question, she was still so infatuated with Daemon that she wasn't thinking about Harwin. It's only after Daemon leaves her to her fate, one he led her down by purposely ruining her reputation but he was too late or underestimated how much Viserys didn't want him on the Throne. So he runs off, in the show they have Laena, actress aged up, run after him and make her a second choice/lesser. In the books he runs to her (Laena) defense against marrying a Braavosi Sealord. But it's after she loses Daemon and runs off Criston that she finds a new 'love'.
And on the subject of Cole, he didn't 'leave her' like this is a simple situation. She took advantage of his infatuation, urged him to break his Oath, and then told him he was just something fun. She could have explained to him running off was so stupid and breaking the Chastity Oath was not the end, but she laughed at him! Its how she spoke to him, proving he and his sacrifices were worthless that destroyed the relationship. Let's not forget he was about to kill himself During That Wedding! Alicent convincing him his life and Knighthood was more than Chasity isn't really 'leaving her at the Wedding'. It feels like you're minimizing his pain and his whole situation.
Not to mention Alicent's! Alicent didn't reject Rhaenyra as a friend, this did not start at the Wedding. Alicent standing up for herself shouldn't be diminished like this. Lets not forget, Rhaenyra ended it when Alicent was forced to marry Viserys, because of Duty. Rhaenyra has a large tendency of not understanding or empathizing with others' struggles, sacrifices or problems. Alicent married her father because of Duty, she is crying and Rhaenyra puts the blame at her feet. Alicent hears horrible rumors and asks Rhaenyra directly, not just believing others, and asks if she needs help. Is your Uncle, a man grown, hurting you? And Rhaenyra lies! And it takes Alicent's father away! And after that Viserys still sends Rhaenyra Moontea! He doesn't believe her, and yet he sends Otto away! For telling the truth! And Alicent knows. Her father is gone, her husband will shut the mouths of people telling the truth and her friend will unflinchingly lie to her and sacrifice her, Alicent, for her own impulsive wants. Alicent is alone.
Rhaenyra wasn't alone, but I understand why she would feel betrayed in that moment. But Viserys has always chosen Rhaenyra and hidden her misconduct, Laenor and her have an agreement - her husband is good to her, he listens, he holds her as an equal or superior- his family is on her side now, cold as it may have been, she didn't want Alicent, she didn't care about Criston Cole and Daemon might be the only thing she lost. But in the books she didn't, in the books she gained a female conspirer. Her and Laena loved each other! In the books I'd argue marrying Laenor gave her more.
But implying Laenor and her were 'really' trying for a child is kinda laughable to me. Jacaerys was born that year, and in ye olden days you would just have to wait to see if you missed your period so how long did they even wait before running into Harwin's arms? My question was never about their relationship per se, I'm not really positive about it, personally.
And on Rhaenyra in 2xo8, it doesn't feel like she's falling into Duty, it feels like she's falling into Religious Fanaticism. Fanaticism that's painting her as a Saint. The Prince That Was Promised actually, the Uniter of a Split Realm. Which isn't too far from 'Valyrians are better than Common Man, Dragonlords are Gods' something that's pushed Daemon and Her to acting even more recklessly and indulgently and offensively. She's better than this, Better than Duty, She can't be Wrong.
And you're last point, no she doesn't know she's part of a story but she knows she's part of a Society. She knows what the Realm wants, what every women goes through. At least every noble women who does no labor outside the birthing bed. I'm actually unsure what you mean by that. What part of knowing the story changes her actions? Or what am I saying thats giving her too much credit?
She's a princess, who she marries is important, it needs thought. She has to know how easy it is to be labeled a 'whore' in their society, and how that destroys her reputation, something that is important in their society. And when she's named Heir, she has to know the world will fight her on it, but she has a consistent belief that if Viserys Says So than its fine. She has the same belief as an Adult but even Rhaenys tries to tell her she has a Steep Uphill Climb. If nothing, she knows having bastards is a 'Sin'. But she doesn't follow that religion, sure but Society hates them. It looks bad on her and again, reputation matters so much to them. Its the prevailing idea that she's above that, that her reputation doesn't matter, that the thoughts of others don't matter because they'll just fall in line. But how true is that, and how much does she believe that? She runs after her son mutilates her brother. She hides away after her and Daemon marry like a week after their spouses die, her's suspiciously. But why? Viserys is on her side, and he forgives them for eloping, doesn't annul their marriage. If she's not scared of her reputation, why run?
I agree with your last statement, "part of her character is that she is impulsive and entitled and viserys didn’t properly prepare her for her role" but that wasn't my question, none of this was. I hope I didn't offend you, but I think we're on two different sides on some of these debates
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i-literally-cant-with-this · 11 months ago
A/N ::: Kat. That's all I'm gonna say. That and Ilysm. Thank you! Also, fuckin' dumb ass fonts and my dumb ass. Ty, Mack, for pointing that out. It looked so normal on my end!
Kat's Idea ::: All I'm saying is...coughs Hanma fucking her brutally and brat taming her while reader is gossiping and on the phone at the same time as he smokes and just listens in while plunging into her causally
C/W ::: Hanma x Bimbo.F.Reader, gossipy slut getting fucked while he smokes and blatantly eavesdrops while he's pounding her into the mattress, unprotected sex
MDNI under the cut please and thank you
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"Yoooo, she did - nghh - she did what? Fuck. I can't stand that bitch." Your eyes rolled back into your head as Hanma hit that sweet spot deep inside of you while you gossiped on the phone to your BFOTW (Best Friend Of The Week - you changed friends like you changed panties). Hanma always got a kick out of how fickle you were about who you surrounded yourself with. But ultimately, they were all fucking idiots.
Your stupid was just a little more special brand than theirs, though. He didn't find it endearing, per se. But he always found it entertaining. And Hanma was nothing if he wasn't an opportunist for entertainment. Especially when he was fucking you.
He lit a smoke and turned his face to blow it away from you while languidly gliding his cock in and out of your dripping hole. You were so wet for him, even with the phone in your hand. You were such a brat, too, always demanding his attention. But he could never deny you.
"Oh my god, bitch. That's insane! She really thinks that shit's gonna work on him? She must be stupid or something. God, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with her anymore." You giggled as Hanma slowly rubbed your clit, his touch feather light and teasing.
He winked at you and pinched your clit and nipples simultaneously, holding his cigarette between his lips.
You put your friend on speaker but muted the mic so you could talk to him. "Shu ... fuuuck feel s'good, baby. Can't wait for you to cum in me. Missed your cock all day." You whispered to him, your eyes half-closed with pleasure.
Hanma just chuckled and kept smoking, fucking you slowly, relishing in the feel of your tight cunt clenching around him.
You unmuted your phone and got back to your superficial bestie. "Are you busy?" They asked, hearing the telltale slapping sounds in the background of your call.
"Mm? Whuh? Oh! Haha, no, not busy, not really. Han is here with me. We're just fucking and stuff. You know how it is." You said casually, as if it was normal to be getting your pussy pounded while gossiping on the phone.
"Oh my god, you slut!" Your friend yelled at you.
"What? Don't tell me you've never been fucked while you're on the phone? Loser. God." You laughed, reaching out to brush Hanma's bangs back away from his sweat-covered face. "So beautiful, Han. Love you so much, baby. Anyway, girl. Did he buy that bullshit she was tryna sell him?"
Hanma pulled back nearly all the way out of you and then slammed back into you roughly, making you gasp and moan into the phone.
"Fuck, baby! Fuck that dick's so good! Just like that. Harder, please." You whined, forgetting that your friend was on the line.
"Should I let you guys ... oh, I don't know, you need to go?"
"Bitch please, 'm just gettin' dicked down by my man. 'S not a big deal, girl."
"Han, baby, can you fuck me harder, please? I wanna cum s'bad." You begged, pouting at him as he lazily stroked your clit and fucked you deep and slow.
He grabbed you by the throat and laughed. "You don't tell me how to do this. Got it, princess? I fuck you how I wanna fuck you and you enjoy it." He growled at you, squeezing your neck just enough to make you whimper.
"Sorry, baby. Won't happen again." You whispered, your voice hoarse from his grip.
Hanma smirked and let you go, reaching over for his smoke and taking a long drag. "Good girl. Now shut the fuck up and let me cum in you." He said, his voice low and dangerous.
"Yes, daddy. Anything you want. Love you so much. You make me so happy."
"Yeah? Tell me how happy you are, princess. Make me cum in your tight little cunt." Hanma cooed at you as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, angling himself to hit that perfect spot inside of you.
You moaned loudly and grabbed his hand, pressing it against your clit, begging for him to touch you. "Please, Han, please. Need it so bad. Love you so fucking much. You make me feel so fucking good." You said again.
Hanma smiled at you and rubbed your clit just how you liked it, watching as your eyes rolled back into your head. "Yeah, that's it, baby."
You started to tell your friend you had to get off of the phone now but he stopped you. "No. Stay on the phone. Want your dumbass friends to hear how fuckin' good I make you feel." He tipped his chin up, gesturing at you to tell the idiot you were talking on the phone to about how amazing he felt thrusting in and out of you.
"(Stupid friend's name) I - oh sh-shit - I'm getting the best dick of my life right now. Do you have any idea what the fuck that's like?" You moaned into the pillow next to your face on the bed. Hanma took another smoke from his pack and lit it, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke right at your face.
You inhaled defiantly and raised your hips to meet his. "Mm, so good. Right there, baby. Keep going."
"(Stupid friend's name), I can't even fucking talk right now. His dick feels so fucking good, and he's rubbing my clit with his fingers, and his other hand is all over me, and he's - nghh - fucking me so good. God, I'm gonna cum so hard." You cried out, reaching out to grab Hanma's cheek, pulling his face down towards yours for a kiss.
"You like this cock, baby? You like how it fucks you? Hm? Tell your little friend how much you love me." Hanma growled in your ear, biting your neck and making you cry out in pleasure.
"I love you so fucking much, Han. I don't know what I would do without you. You make me feel so fucking good. I want to be yours forever. I love you so fucking much."
Your friend couldn't believe what they were hearing. You were basically professing your love for Hanma while he fucked you, right there on the phone with them. They couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
Hanma smirked at you and took your phone out of your hand, pressing it against his ear. "Hey there, bitch. What's your name? Mm, well, I'm Shuji, of course. But you can call me never. I'm hangin' up now cuz my girl needs to give me her full attention. Stay tuned. Or don't. I really don't give a fuck what you do."
He hung up the phone, put out his cigarette in the ashtray on the nightstand and hooked his arms under yours and locked them around your back. He pulled you up against him, pressing your chests together as he fucked you hard and deep.
"That's it, princess. Let me hear you moan for me. Fuck, you sound so good." Hanma groaned, biting your neck again as you whimpered and writhed beneath him.
"Han, baby, please, can I cum? Please, let me cum for you. I love you so much," he laughed in your face at how needy you'd become over something as stupid as his cock. But he loved it. He couldn't deny that he loved it, a lot.
"Mm, since you asked so nicely, I suppose you can cum, princess." He said, smiling down at you as he fucked you faster and harder, hitting your clit just right as he pounded into you.
You cried out and came hard, clenching around him as your body shook and trembled with pleasure. "Fuck, Han. So fucking good. Thank you so much, baby."
Hanma moaned and thrust into you a few more times before pulling out and cumming all over your stomach and rubbing it around with the palm of his hand. He drew a little heart into the cum spread around on your pudgy belly.
"There. Love you too. It's written in the cum."
"I think the phrase is 'It's written in the stars."
"No, 's not."
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@katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @viburnt @southside-otaku
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skaruresonic · 4 months ago
I want to like Amy but her fans make it difficult.
Every other moment they're throwing another character under the bus to make Amy look better when that shouldn't be necessary. It's like they're playing victim over something that people don't do anymore.
If Amy is perfect like they claim then they shouldn't feel this threatened whenever another female character gets any kind of attention or praise. But without fail every single time another female character is girly, kind, brave, or anything else you can think of, it's somehow an attack on Amy.
Imagine if Sonic's fans got mad everytime there was a new character who was confident and athletic. That's how ridiculous this is.
Normally I'd say it's not really equitable not to give a character a fair shake just because their fans are being obdurate, but I can sympathize with your mindset when it comes to how folks gas up Sonamy. If they were chiller about it, I'd probably like it more. While I appreciate Sonic and Amy's dynamic as friends, I swear people portray it as an issue of life or death, and it's so freaking tiring.
Despite not posting about her much, Amy is actually tied with Maria for the third spot in my favorite Sonic characters list. Both girls are great characters for similar and different reasons. It doesn't make much sense to me to claim Maria is boring when Amy displays many of the same traits.
Heck, I kind of think people exaggerate how bad her Battle portrayal is, making it out to be the bad apple that spoils an otherwise good bushel. It's not fantastic, pretty Yikes(tm), actually; yet you'd think she singlehandedly ruined the game based on the way folks hone in on her portrayal at the expense of ignoring the others. ...and idk, I still laughed at a few of her lines. :v
Amy sits in the same boat as Shadow in that everyone holds their own interpretation of the character close to heart and will get defensive if you say otherwise. I've noticed a certain stubbornness among Amy fans that is also shared by Shadow fans. One time I said "I'm an Amy fan, I don't need a crash course on her character" in response to being linked a thread on her character, and got hit with "oh you're just saying what everyone else says." Like? bruh?
I'm just not one of those fans who's like "AMY DESERVES EVERYTHING EVER." She has her flaws and foibles, just like everyone else in the cast. She has a tendency to step on toes, be a bit whiny, overbearing and one-minded... and it can be simultaneously true that her kindness wins over hearts. Amy contains multitudes.
But it's almost like, for many people, taking her as she is isn't enough. She needs to practically be shown curing world hunger in order to be considered as valid as the boys or something… Which I kinda find more offensive to her character than dismissing her outright.
Why does Amy need to star in everything before you're happy, even though of the female cast, she's technically enjoyed the most screentime? Again, not to pit two bad bitches against each other, but Maria's representation isn't exactly sterling, especially considering how often folks objectify her as Shadow's morality pet or treat her death as something to shock non-fans into thinking the series is Deep and Dark(tm). If you're really for better female representation, you should be arguing for better representation for every girl character, not just saying "let Amy get hers and fuck the rest." This shouldn't be a competition. Everyone can have a seat at the table.
First the fandom consensus was "Sega sucks because they didn't include Amy in Origins." Then when they actually did that and included her in Superstars to boot, fans proceeded to move back the goalposts. Superstars doesn't count, apparently, because (insert spurious reasons here).
Maybe it makes me a bad Amy fan or whatever, but I find her crush on Sonic to be the least interesting aspect of her character in part due to how much emphasis people put on it. She and Sonic cannot have a single conversation without fans being like "OMG OMG THEY LOOKED AT EACH OTHER SONAMY IS CANON," even if canon implies that Amy is imposing on Sonic, such as SatBK's manual describing Sonic preparing for their date as "awaiting a stressful encounter."
Although I can acknowledge that Amy's crush is integral to her character, the way people talk about it makes it seem like female representation in the series as a whole is at stake every time she's mishandled. There's apparently a hashtag trending on Twitter called #letamylove that was made in response to what people perceive as Flynn's mishandling of Frontiers!Amy, FFS. They can't just say "Amy sounds too depressed in Frontiers," no, it has to be blown up into a near-political issue.
The other thing is that people who ship Sonamy often ignore Sonic's feelings and comfort in the matter. Ohshima's tweet that Sonic isn't a "real man" due to his reluctance to express his feelings towards Amy exemplifies this. It's like Sonic is considered some sort of prize that Amy earns through personal growth, when really, folks should be arguing for Amy's personal growth for her own sake.
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bugs1nmybrain · 2 years ago
Nasty - Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
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Minors Do Not Interact (18+ to read)
Warnings: This is a GROSS smut fic. Straight-up bloody period sex! Blood kink, female reader, masturbation, Shigaraki is a tad misogynistic, Shigaraki has toxic traits but we've been knew, quirkless AU, Shigaraki may or may not be a drug dealer, unprotected sex (but reader takes birth control), degrading pet names (mostly slut along with adjectives like dirty or filthy), blue-haired Shigaraki, use of vibrator, rough sex, light choking, not proofread
Today was a little tiresome. It was that time of the month and per usual, you weren't feeling like a pretty little princess right now. Thankfully your flow had lightened up since a few days ago, but you still felt worn down. You were hungry, tired, and above all else..horny.
It was such a nuisance. Out of any time of the month to be horny, why now? You supposed it could be easily explained by the fact that during your period, you're a hormonal wreck. Of course, you'd be horny. Doing anything about it filled you with shame, though. You COULD use a vibrator, maybe even a dildo, but it almost made you feel guilty. To pleasure yourself when you're utterly filthy.
Vibrators and dildos are great, but you also had a whole-ass boyfriend. A boyfriend who would sometimes question why you'd use toys and not invite him to play. Wasn't he good at making you cum? Why would you leave him hanging?
The thing is, it's not that simple right now. You were sure that if you had asked him to do anything with you now, you'd be hit with some nasty comments about how disgusting it would be to fuck you on your period.
Shigaraki was out in the common area talking to Dabi about some...stuff he had and how they were going to sell in order to make rent. You figured he'd be in there for a while, so you saw this as a ripe opportunity to try and squeeze in a quickie with your vibrator. You made sure to lay down a towel, a red one, to make sure no mess ended up staining the bed. Tomura would surely be pissed if that happened. You snuck over to your special box and pulled out your favorite vibrator that was notorious for making you cum quick and easy.
You lie down on the bed and turn on your vibrator, placing it snugly on your clit. The immediate touch is nice, and soon you're greeted with those warm, special, fuzzy feelings that come with being pleasured like this. Your flow was being generous, as you weren't getting much blood anywhere. After all, the clitoris isn't responsible for blood.
The vibrating sensations are quite lovely, but you raise your hand to tweak your nipple simultaneously to enhance the pleasure. That really got you going. Unfortunately, your blood wasn't being very conservative anymore. The mixture of wetness and blood together was making a mess and even getting on your hands a bit. You were simply grateful that you had set this towel down.
The comforting pleasure felt amazing, so much so that you hadn't even noticed your door open. Your self-care was shortly interrupted by an abrupt, "What the fuck are you doing?"
He didn't say it in an aggressive tone, surprisingly, just irritated and confused. You jolt upwards, shoving the vibrator behind you. Not that it made much difference. You were lying there, he clearly saw you using it, and now your thighs and fingers were covered in blood. But, hey, you used a towel, right?
"Well, excuse me, but I was horny and didn't have any other option. Is that okay?" you retort defensively.
"Calm your tone, woman," Shigaraki snaps. "I don't appreciate that bitching shit and you know it. I was just asking what the fuck you were doing."
"Okay. I'm masturbating."
"I can see that."
"So why did you ask?"
"Rhetorical question, haven't you heard of that shit? I thought you were smart."
You don't say anything for a moment. You were embarrassed beyond belief. Maybe you should've assumed he would eventually walk in, but goddamn it you needed this. And now he's ruined it.
"You're gonna stain my fucking bed."
"That's what the towel is for."
Tomura wanted to lecture you, but despite the bloody mess you've made, your thighs and legs right now were alluring, to say the least. You were wearing a band t-shirt, and while Shigaraki usually would prefer to see your tits, the contrast between the shirt and your gorgeous legs made him want to fuck you badly. Maybe to pull the shirt over your breasts and watch them bounce as he fucked you.
Oh yea, you're on your period. Tomura didn't really understand this shit. He didn't grow up around girls and was never taught anything about the female reproductive system, other than if he came in you you'd get pregnant. But that's what your birth control is for. This period nonsense was annoying for him. Why the fuck should he have to hold your hand through all the cramps and bitchy behavior? He was convinced that your period made you an absolute cunt. Maybe it did, but he just didn't get it, and didn't appear to want to.
Some fucked up part of him saw the blood in between your beautiful thighs and his dick twitched. For some odd reason, you looked so cute right now. All bloody and filthy. He only wished that you would've yearned for HIM, and not that stupid vibrator.
"Are you really this desperate?" Tomura says in a seductive tone as he rests back on the door to your shared bedroom.
You blush, embarrassed to admit it. "Yea.."
Shiggy takes slow steps towards you, with the most sinister look on his face. He firmly holds your chin in between his finger and thumb, tilting your face upwards to look at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought you wouldn't want to, because it's gross."
"Well, yea. It's disgusting. But you need your bloody cunt to be pleasured, don't you?"
Your eyes beam bright, and Shigaraki chuckles as he notices you perk up. He pulls you into a nasty kiss, full of yearning and lust. You moan lightly into his embrace, still feeling unsatisfied as you were unable to cum earlier.
"Heh..you know I love you right?" He soothes. You can't tell if he's being serious or just saying this shit to make you horny. Either way, his charm is working. Shigaraki sits down next to you and pulls you in for a closer embrace. You rub your hands up his chest and tug on his shirt.
"I love you, too.."
"That's obvious, you goon. Listen, if you're gonna use this vibrator, the least you could do is let me help you."
Shigaraki reaches over to the vibrator you placed behind you. He looks at it for a bit, noticing the sticky blood and pussy juice. A part of him is grossed out, but knowing that you're so damn horny when you're bleeding like this? It's animalistic, and he loves it.
He reaches the button and clicks it, but there's no response.
"You have to hold down on the button."
He does so and watches as the vibrator starts buzzing. He glances back at you and kisses your neck, pushing you to lie down as he slips the vibrator to rest on your clit. He's met with an instant pornographic moan from you, making his cock twitch in excitement.
Shiggy moves the vibrator according to your needs. He used to be pretty bad at knowing how to please your clit, but he's learned well. Years of fucking around on a controller taught him some things about pacing. He watches as you grind your hips against the vibrator and he makes sure it hits the most sensitive spot on your clit.
"That's it. You love this, don't you? You filthy slut.."
You reach down to the bulge in his pants and begin groping his cock as he uses your vibrator on you, eliciting a sexy groan from his raspy voice. You continue to stroke his dick through his pants and he begins making his motions on the vibrator more taunting
"Awhh~~, Tomura.."
"What's that?" He says teasingly.
"I'm gonna cum."
"Then do it. Cum on my hands with your bloody pussy."
Tomura reaches to tease one of your nipples as you're approaching your high, making you way more sensitive. A powerful orgasm washes over you in waves, causing desperate whines to exit your mouth.
"Mmm..." Shigaraki hums, horny as fuck from your pretty moans and wet pussy. As you settle down from your high, he looks at his hand, doused in blood. So gross, but who is he to deny his babygirl of pleasure? After all, you're so good to him when you suck his cock and let him fuck you on every surface in the apartment. Dabi, Jin, and some of the other roommates have been making food on those kitchen counters. Oh, how little did they know.
Shiggy reaches to unzip his pants and eagerly throws them off before whipping out his cock quicker than you could say, "fuck me."
There's a burning hunger in both of your eyes. Tomura practically pounces on you, kissing you passionately as you grip his hair. You know that his scalp is sensitive.
"Oh you're asking for it.."
Shiggy reaches down to penetrate you. He takes a look at your cunt before inserting it, almost as if he's reconsidering his decision. You've got him riled up though, and frankly, he's too horny to back down now. Tomura eases his cock into you, immediately hit with a pleasant surprise.
Your pussy felt amazing. So wet, so warm, so slippery. Oh he was going to have fun with you. Without much warning, he begins thrusting quickly inside of you. You feel so fucking good, so perfect.
"This is what you wanted, right, you nasty slut?"
"Yea.." You say seductively, intentionally teasing him. He loved how sexy you sounded when he fucked you.
Tomura held your waist as he pounded your pussy deep. For someone who was so concerned about you staining his bed, he wasn't holding back much. He didn't care, all he cared about was how gooey your pussy felt. Shiggy reaches down and softly wraps his thumb, middle, and ring finger around your neck. Not enough to actually suffocate you, but enough for you to feel dizzy.
This was probably feeling better for him than you at this point. He was relentless, thrusting at a rhythmic pace. He brushes your cervix and panting like a dog. Maybe even growling like one too. In his mind, he was fucking you like an animal in heat. He may as well play the part, right?
He's fucking you so nicely, every inch of your insides being pleasured. Your g-spot is practically throbbing against his cock. You allow the sexiest moans to escape, and both of you are sure that your roommates can hear you.
"You're my good little horny slut, huh? Yea??<3<3"
He reaches to pull your shirt above your tits to watch them move at the rigorous pace. Just as he had fantasized about earlier. They bounce so good, and you look even sluttier than before.
"I'm gonna cum.."
"Inside..do it inside.."
"In this bloody pussy??" He chuckles.
A couple more quick and desperate thrusts, and Shigaraki cums deep inside, and while you can't see, you can tell that his load was heavy and thick. He lets out a horny grunt as he came and both of you are panting and sweating. Not only were you bloody and wet, but now you had cum oozing inside of you. How fucking disgusting.
Shigaraki pulls out and sees the absolute filth that covered his cock. If he wasn't such a sick fuck, he'd probably puke, but knowing how well he fucked you? It makes it worth it. You're so messy now, and the towel came in good use for sure.
"Jesus fuck..that was hot..."
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corioheinous · 1 year ago
Can I just say how much I love love love it when a character or a group of characters are haunted by the absence of a person who was once integral to their lives. Especially when the entire narrative is structured around that particular loss like hands down my favorite television shows right now are Fleabag and The Bear which are both Masterful fucking examples of this (Fleabag’s dead best friend, though you could probably make a case for her mother too, and Carmy’s dead brother respectively).
And it’s like. The loss of these loved ones is so inextricable from the characters that survived them to the point where everything they do and say every choice they make whether good or bad is ultimately influenced by their grief. I’m catching up with the current Blue Period arc right now and really enjoying it, mostly bc of the complicated friendship dynamic between Momoyo, Murai, and Hachiro—and the lone piece missing from their friend group—Sanada. Murai’s experience with grief in particular is so fascinating to me because unlike Momoyo and Hachiro, he hasn’t been able to “move on” or cope with his grief in a healthy way. It’s sort of become this unsurmountable weight on his shoulder, this ghost-like presence that looms over his character constantly. When Yatora reflects on his loss in ch. 62, there’s an interesting emphasis placed on Murai’s expression—
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—which made me realize just how emotional of a character Murai is through his facial expressions alone. Not necessarily in this chapter, because he’s very much putting on a brave face, but in chapter 64, you practically witness him going through every stage of grief at once. It’s honestly a massive transformation given that he’d been stuck in the “denial” stage for so long.
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I think it’s interesting to think of Murai as both a character who is avoidant, repressive, in denial about his own feelings and the reality of the world around him (it’s mentioned also in ch. 64 that Murai didn’t even attend Sanada’s funeral, which is exactly the kind of immature behavior/inability to cope that you would expect from a character like him) WHILE simultaneously being someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. I reckon he forces himself to feel nothing at all out of fear that he’ll feel too much at once, and thus end up causing a scene like he did at Sanada’s posthumous exhibition.
Besides the cool back tat and funky earring, I wasn’t all that compelled by Murai’s character until I read through this chapter and experienced this entire emotional upheaval alongside him. I kind of just had to sit down for a bit after reading the last scene, after Yotasuke’s Murai-san, it’s okay to live your life holding onto that grief forever, isn’t it? comment which is such a bonkers thing to say (/pos) and God. Not to quote The Bear FX here but it really is satisfying to watch a character that you know needs to let it rip just let it rip. That laidback attitude and nonchalant expression of his were never truly the whole of it. I’m really satisfied with the way grief & loss has been framed through Murai, and I’m excited to see what his character becomes as he continues to both carry these feelings inside him and live to grow around them.
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