#also lukes hair i'm obsessed
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Behind ‘Bridgerton’ Video Series — New Beginnings: Penelope and Colin
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missmitchieg · 2 years
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16x01 VS 16x10
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likesummerrainn · 1 year
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SurrealEstate Rewatch: 1.08: Baba O'Reilly "I got one word for you. It's an important word, one I hope you'll remember in the years to come: moisturizer."
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rewatching the smss live performance makes me feel so many things honestly
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slu7formen · 8 months
disarmed by desire. | luke castellan x f.r
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₊˚⊹♡ luke can’t seem to get out of his head a certain someone, things become even harder when that certain someone, is an aphrodite’s daughter.
warnings: seduction, sexual tension, luke is obsessed over reader, reader’s an aphrodite’s daughter, reader has long hair (not really a warning but whatever).
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
pt2 here
Luke Castellan was obsessed with you.
No, not obsessed. He worshipped you.
He didn’t even know when it started. It was not one thing or situation that started it all, but little small things he witnessed that eventually lead to his confusing and strong feelings he wanted to desperately hide.
Being an Aphrodite’s daughter was no joke, nor was it falling for one of them. All of your brothers and sisters shared an unbeatable beauty. Each one of you is so different, but yet so similar. But the more you grew since your arrival to the camp when you were fifteen, the more you stood out to Luke’s eyes. The Aphrodite cabin girls were known for their charm, but you seemed different, less concerned with vanity and more with genuine connection.
The first flicker appeared during Capture the Flag. Luke wasn't actively participating, a rare occurrence for the camp's best swordsman. Instead, he leaned against a tree, nursing a minor but piercing shoulder wound himself, when she appeared. She wasn’t running across the battlefield like a fiery warrior, but holding a kid’s hand as he was a whimpering mess walking behind her, he sat down on a rock and she instantly attended his bloody knee.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry” her voice had said, and the little kid almost immediately stopped sobbing. “Other kids can be mean sometimes. What’s your name?”
Luke watched, spellbound, as your nimble fingers, surprisingly calloused for a daughter of Aphrodite, expertly cleaned and bandaged the wound. Sunlight kissed your hair, turning the braids into strands of melted gold. Laughter danced in your voice, calming the kid down and blending with the clash of swords.
It wasn't just your beauty, though that was undeniable. It was the tenderness in your touch, the quiet confidence radiating from you, a stark contrast to the usual flirtatiousness Luke associated with your cabin. He quickly realized you were also one of the few Aphrodite’s daughter who had the ability of influencing others with your voice; charmspeaking.
Even when your voice didn’t resonate for him, but for the little kid you were attending, he felt undeniably attracted to your sweet melody, maybe that’s why he stared so long at you too.
Then, your eyes met his. A smile bloomed on your lips. "Need some patching up yourself, brave knight?"
His breath hitched as your eyes pierced his, a blush creeping up his neck. He stammered, "No, I'm good." But the lie tasted bitter on his tongue. He wasn't just injured physically; a new wound had opened in his chest, one caused by a flirty smile and a concern genuine enough to pierce through his thick built-up walls.
Luke's attraction to you wasn't solely physical, but he'd be lying if he didn't find himself momentarily stunned by the way you carried yourself.
He couldn't help but steal glances when you wore shorter skirts or crop tops that hinted at the toned physique earned through years of training, or when the older campers organized a secret night out at the lake in which you made sure to wear the best bikini you could find. He'd catch himself mesmerized by the way sunlight would dance on the curves of your body, sending a flicker of heat through him and his own veins. There was an undeniable beauty in your perfectly applied makeup, but it only served to highlight the mischief sparkling in your eyes and the warmth etched on your smile.
It wasn't just the jealousy your beauty ignited in other girls, or the admiration you garnered from younger campers. It was the way you moved, how confidence flowed through you like liquid gold, making even the simplest actions seem captivating. One afternoon, he saw you braiding wildflowers into your hair, your fingers moving with practiced ease, and he found himself staring with parted lips, hypnotized by the delicate beauty you created.
He started finding himself drawn to her laughter, its rich melody echoing through the camp. He'd catch glimpses of her practicing archery, her form uncannily elegant even as she sent arrow after arrow into the bullseye.
She was perfect.
His mind would try to rationalize, tell him it was the warrior in you that drew him in, the way you handled a sword with both grace and ferocity. But deep down, he knew it was more than that. It was the way your beauty existed in perfect harmony with your strength, a potent combination that left him both breathless and curious.
He wouldn't admit it out loud, not even to himself, but the truth was, Luke found himself daydreaming about brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, feeling the warmth of your skin against his fingertips as he leaned it for a kiss of your sugar lips. Something as simple as that had him zoning out of every conversation and forgetting about activities in the camp. He imagined the playful glint in your eyes when you caught him staring, the teasing lilt in your voice as you challenged him to a duel.
Until, well… a true duel emerged. Summer was just starting after all, and practice needed to be done.
Steel sang beneath the afternoon sun as their practice began. The sky was painted with orange and bright yellow colors, as your darkened figures danced around the field. Luke, known throughout camp as the prodigy at sword fighting, moved with a controlled ferocity, his blade a blur of deadly grace. But his opponent today wasn't your average camper. You wielded your sword with the effortless elegance of a former ballerina, impressive to be someone who’s main skill is not fighting, he had to admit. Each parry was a pirouette, each attack a leap defying gravity.
Sparks flew as your blades clashed, but where Luke relied on brute force, you danced around him, using your agility and unexpected angles to deflect his blows. He felt a frustrated flush creep up his neck and loudly beat inside his chest, every missed strike fueling the unspoken tension swirling between you.
Sweat already glistened on your sun-kissed skin, adding a raw allure to your perfectly applied makeup. It dripped down your collarbone and hid underneath your shirt.
Luke fought with intensity, fuelled not just by the thrill of the duel, but by the desire to impress the captivating enigma before him. You, in turn, met his ferocity with playful taunts and flirtatious dodges, your laughter tinkling in his ears.
Some campers have forgotten about their own practices, drawn to the captivating spectacle between you two. Whispers swirled about Luke's unmatched skill, your surprising prowess, and the undeniable spark crackling between you.
“Look at that” Grover shook Annabeth’s arm, eyes pierced in two shadows swiftly moving around the grass, clashing their blades with resonating grunts and heavy breaths.
“Who’s that?” Percy suddenly asked, eyes wide and parted lips hypnotized by the slender figure whose hair flew around like it had its own life.
“yn, an Aphrodite’s daughter” his friend explained. “Not bad at swords at all, though. But she’s got Luke on his nerves”
Percy nodded. “Yeah, I can tell”
But Annabeth laughed. “Not that kind of nerves. Let’s just say she’s enjoying the attention Luke gives her”
The fight went on, each passing moment stretching the boundaries of skill and endurance. Your movements were a whirlwind of elegance and precision, forcing Luke to constantly adapt, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.
“Tired, hero?" you purred, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you walked around him and twirled your sword, the sunlight reflecting off its polished surface. "Perhaps a touch of Aphrodite's charm is what you need?"
Luke gritted his teeth, channeling his growing attraction into focused strikes. But despite the heat of the battle, your image kept blurring his vision - your smile, the way your hair fell around your face, how your cheeks flushed red and your glossy lips parted as you blocked his movement against you one more time. He felt his defenses crumbling, his usual stoicism replaced by a raw need to prove himself, not just as a swordsman, but as a man worthy of your attention.
“Careful, princess. Playing with fire might just burn you” he countered as he parried a particularly fierce blow, the impact sending a tremor up his arm. His voice was low enough for only you to hear.
"Oh, Luke" you laughed. “Thanks for worrying so much about me but, I know how to handle a little heat" You lunged, your blade aimed for his shoulder. He barely deflected it, the tip grazing his bicep, sending a jolt of adrenaline through him.
In a swift, mesmerizing blur, your blade danced around his, finding an opening. The clang of steel resonated as your sword disarmed him, sending his clattering to the ground. Silence descended, broken only by the ragged rasp of his breath.
He lets his knees fall to the ground, thinking you would have enough mercy for him to give him a break. But he found himself with the tip of your blade resting gently under his chin. You tapped it twice.
“Up, Castellan” you demanded. He looked up at you.
Your eyes, sparkling with both victory and amusement, held him captive. Sweat and dust smudged your face, adding a primal beauty to your already breathtaking features.
A slow smile tugged at his lips, not of defeat, but of something deeper. He lifted up his hands. "Seems I underestimated the true power of Aphrodite's daughters" he rasped, his voice husky with exertion and something else – an undeniable desire.
“Hell yes you did!” one of your sisters replied, earning a few laughs from the rest of the campers.
The small crowd erupted in cheers once the battle was determined as won by you. Luke eventually got up, sword still under his chin. He was much taller than you, to which you had to lift your own head up to fully see his face.
The roar of the crowd faded into a distant hum as Luke only focused on the heavy pounding on his chest, sword dangerously still close. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, tracing a path past the flush blooming on his cheeks.
"And it seems that our little hero falls not just to skill, but also to some… irresistible charm" you purred, amusement tugging at your lips.
Luke grinned, a touch cocky, a touch breathless. "Perhaps," he conceded, voice husky with exertion. "But I wouldn't call it defeat” he cooed as you slowly put your sword down, placing it next to you. His gaze dropped, tracing a slow path down the curve of your sweat-kissed neck, lingering on the way your shirt clung to your form. Your exposed legs shined underneath the weak sun. The air crackled with unspoken desire, the playful banter now infused with something hotter, more primal.
"Besides," he murmured, voice low and dangerous, "victors deserve their spoils, don't they?"
His words hung heavy, loaded with hidden meaning, a meaning only the two of you seemed to understand now. You felt a blush creep up your neck, surprised by the sudden shift in his usual way of being towards you. You knew he knew you flirted, that you did it with ease. But this was different. This was Luke Castellan, the stoic, the untouchable, and suddenly, he was playing your game.
"And what kind of spoils are you thinking of, big boy?" you countered, your voice barely a whisper.
Luke looked around, campers long gone, already going back to their own activities as soon as your tense situation ended.
He stepped in closer, the space between you shrinking to a charged silence. "Maybe,-" he rasped head down and still heavy breathing, "a dance with the warrior who disarmed me not just with her blade, but with her breathtaking distraction."
His eyes flickered down to your lips, the unspoken desire sparking a flame within you.
“Or maybe something a little more private, as you wish” he continued.
The world seemed to shrink to the heat emanating from your body, the intoxicating scent of wildflower and victory mingled with sweat. Your pulse quickened, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
You laughed in disbelief, smoothly placing your long hair on one side of your head, bright mane elegantly falling like a cascade without you even trying. "Bold proposition, handsome" you replied, voice barely a breath, still trying to catch it. The nickname twisted Luke’s guts, in a good way, might as well have woken up something else. "But maybe you should focus on winning a proper duel before demanding rewards"
He chuckled, a low rumble that vibrated through you. "Challenge accepted, my lady” he whispered, stepping back and raising an eyebrow. "But know this; our next battle won't be fought with steel, but with wit, charm, and a touch of something… different"
You tilted your head to the side as he took his sword from the grass. "And this time, I won't underestimate an Aphrodite's daughter, or the power of warrior who knows how to play just as dirty as she fights"
This wasn't the playful banter you were used to, but you sure liked it. This was Luke Castellan, awakened, and the thrill of it was both terrifying and exhilarating.
"We shall see, Luke" you countered, your voice husky with a newfound nervousness as you pronounced his name. "We shall see."
As you turned to address a new opponent on the field, the memory of his voice, hot and suggestive against your ear, lingered on your skin. This wasn’t what you started, this was a dance of unspoken desires fueled by sweat, steel, and the awakening of a forbidden hunger in the heart of Luke Castellan. And you, the daughter of Aphrodite, were ready to play.
He couldn't help but watch you go, his heart brimming with a newfound determination. He admired your skill, your wit, your beauty, and most of all, the way you made him feel – breathless, excited, and utterly captivated. Your golden figure disappeared into a new crowd of campers looking for someone else to fight.
This was about to be one of the best summers ever.
pt2 here <3
I’m so delulu over this man istg
Currently reading PJ 3rd book :) Had to retake my lecture after I watched the show
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floatyflowers · 8 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter One
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You look up at the sign that says camp half blood, exhaling and inhaling, trying to calm your nerves down.
Thoughts of doubt encircle your mind, but you finally decide to step into the camp.
However, the moment you step into the camp, you feel something engulf your body.
But, you don't pay any attention to it, thinking that it must be the camp's atmosphere.
You walk around the camp, trying to search for any adult around to introduce yourself.
After three minutes of searching around, you get tired and before you know it...
...you burst into tears.
After all, it's too much for your mentality to feel such pressure.
You are thirteen, got chased by a monster, your mother barely explained anything to you before she dropped you off at the camp.
She didn't even say goodbye as if she was ashamed that your demigod side started to show.
While crying, you don't notice the figure approaching you until you feel someone pat your head.
"You are new here, I guess?"
Looking up, you are met with the sight of a handsome boy with dark brown hair and eyes who looks to be a few years older then you.
"And also your godly parent laimed you it seems"
You look above your head to see a hologram of small pink cherubs flying above your head.
"My godly father is...Eros?" you inquire slowly, amazed by the hologram
Suddenly the hologram switches to a golden sun with 21 rays made of arrows.
"I think it's Apollo"
Luke is confused at what is happening as the hologram changes again and gets replaced with glowing caduceus.
"You are my sister?"
The hologram keeps changing which confused you and Luke more until it stopped at the cherubs.
Once Hermes' son is sure that the hologram is not going to change again before he confirms your parentage.
"You are certainly Eros' daughter"
Luke seems disappointed that you aren't his sister.
"Who are you?" you ask, wiping away your tears.
"I will tell you who I'm once you tell me why you were crying"
You smile at him when you see his warm expression.
He reminds you of your kind stepfather.
"I was crying because I was stressed"
Luke chuckles and guides you further into the camp until you reach the dining pavilion area.
"Don't worry, we are now your family, I'm Luke Castellan, Hermes' son"
Some demigods turn towards you as he pushes you gently to join them.
But someone caught your eyes.
And it seems like the blond demigod also notices you.
His gloomy expression turns into one of shock before smiling brightly.
He walks up to you and hugs you tightly before pulls away with the same lovesick look on his face.
"You are also like me, a demigod?"
"Yeah...hey, Percy"
Percy Jackson, your school stalker, who has a huge crush 'obsession' with you.
You always remember him staring at you.
And bumping into him by accident in many occasions.
"I'm glad you are here with me"
You chuckle nervously and nod your head slowly.
"Yes, me too"
"You two know each other?"
Luke asks, seeming jealous of Percy.
After all, he already considers you his younger sister.
Percy answers with a confident smile, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"She is my girlfriend"
Chapter Two >>>
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neptuneiris · 1 year
brooklyn baby (01/?)
i've got my eye on you
pairing: rockstar!aemond × fem!reader
summary: you go with your cousins to a concert of the band "Dragon Dynasty" in Brooklyn, although you are not a fan of the band, the guitarist catches your attention.
word count: 7.7k
series masterlist • next part
hello beautiful people, here I am again with a new fic! I'm so happy and very excited to start this, I hope you like it a lot, that you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to your support and your comments that I always love to answer:) seriously you guys are amazing!
I still don't know how many chapters this story will have but it won't be more than 10, so wait for them. thank you very much for reading loves, enjoy!
warnings: none yet.
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He is so majestic.
It's the first thing you think when the band finally comes out on stage and the concert starts, causing the screams of a bunch of girls all around you all over the place, all of them joined by your cousins, Baela and Rhaena.
You don't even understand how the three of you managed to make it to the front, just Baela and Rhaena acted in survival mode and started dragging you all over the place, making their way through the crowd to get face to face with all the band members.
And now… you're sure that by the time this is all over, tomorrow the two of them won't have a voice because of all the screaming.
At first you thought it would just be another band that doesn't have a big audience and that even though it's a band you don't know, you'd still have a good time. Although it's not like it was an option not to come, your cousins literally forced you to.
However, you're surprised to see that the place is full and all the girls are going crazy, as well as your cousins already made sure to tell you all about the band, tell you what you need to know and show you their favorite songs all the way here.
Basically the band, Dragon Dynasty, just debuted at the end of last year and is already getting some pretty good recognition.
And not only for the music, but also for the appearance… peculiar, of all the members.
When Rhaena showed you pictures of all of them, either as a group or individually, you understood the obsession of both of them. They all have platinum hair and look as if they had stepped out of the very palace of the Greek Gods, all absolutely attractive and very sexy.
And now seeing them in person, just a few feet away from you, is very different from seeing them in their social media photos.
The lead singer, Aegon Targaryen, is the one who introduces all the band members and starts the concert. And every time he approaches the edge of the stage, the girls again scream, as they scream at every verse he sings.
Then Rhaena records and focuses more on the bass player, Luke, with his short platinum hair and sitting on one of the speakers, focused on his notes. While Baela, of course, focuses on the drummer named Jace, Luke's older brother.
You understand from the great information your cousins gave you about all of them that they are all brothers, except that Jace and Luke are cousins of the vocalist Aegon, the piano guy and the guy who plays the electric guitar, the last three being brothers.
You focus for a moment on the piano guy, who from Baela's information, he is the same age as Jace. He definitely has an incredible resemblance to his brothers and from time to time he smiles towards the crowd, or rather towards the girls, who of course scream and go completely crazy with those simple gestures.
But when you look at him… the guitarist… you immediately can't take your eyes off him.
When your cousins showed you the pictures of all of them, it was precisely him who caught your attention the most of all, Aemond Targaryen.
At first you thought that his pictures with that aesthetic on him were just for the band, as a way to draw attention, however, Rhaena explained to you that he doesn't really have a left eye.
In some photos he has a black patch on and in some others he doesn't, so instead there is a shiny ocean blue stone, like a sapphire, inside where his eye should be. And when Rhaena explained to you that this is how he really lives, it definitely caught your attention a lot more.
But not only for that, also for his style of clothes, whether they were black or black with white, as well as his expressions in the photos did not really show much.
In all of them he didn't look at the camera, he was always looking away with a serene and serious look at the same time, to show himself in the same way every time he looked at the camera with his guitar at all times and his platinum hair long and completely loose.
And now to see him in person… he still looks the same way, serious and completely focused on his guitar, except for his brothers and cousins who focus on the audience from time to time, but not him.
And just like that, you can't take your eyes off of him, as if he were an invisible attractive force, delighted by the way he focuses on playing his notes, his fingers moving across the strings and his bare arms showing you some tattoos on his pale skin.
Everything about him… it's just alluring, sexy, mysterious and at the same time… dangerous, as if it's not right to involve you somehow with him, but being so striking and exciting at the same time.
"They're great, huh?"
Baela shouts to you over the music, with a huge excited smile, as you nod, really unable to stop focusing on him.
"Yes, they are."
Actually the band is really good, regardless of the looks of the members, because what looks.
The songs are like a mix of Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, Cigarettes After Sex and some Lana del Rey type instrumentals, they also have more danceable songs in the style of The 1975, but all with cool guitar and drum instrumentals.
You really like them, the style of their music is to your liking, but again… you can't help but focus on him.
The concert lasts a little more than an hour, where during some little intermissions, you saw how he was lighting a cigarette and playing the guitar at the same time, so it was more and more impossible to take your eyes off him, listening how sometimes the girls were shouting his name and he was greeting them back with a simple nod of his head, that being enough to drive them crazy.
And by the time everything ends, the vocalist Aegon starts to say goodbye to all the members with an euphoria and an energy that he gave off all over the audience so that they would react in the same way.
"I want to hear loud cheers for our drummer, Jace!"
Baela screams like crazy next to you, leaving you completely stunned, as well as more girls around you, while the mentioned stands up from his seat and waves goodbye to all of them, smiling.
"To our pianist, my little brother, Daeron!"
More shouts, as he also waves goodbye with his hands and with a charming and flirtatious smile to all the girls, moving closer to the stage, that making many girls come closer to the edge, wanting to touch him, as he laughs and takes several of them by the hand.
"To our bassist, Luke!"
Rhaena is now the one who leaves you stunned from your left ear, as more girls shout, while the boy smiles and looks a little shy, looking very cute, waving goodbye to all of them with his hand, then lowering his gaze with his cheeks slightly blushing.
You see how Aemond next to him gives him a friendly tap on his shoulder, watching him with a small half smile and looking somewhat amused by his behavior, that catching your attention a lot, since you didn't see him smile much towards his audience.
"Now for our guitarist, Aemond!"
You clap, but don't shout, seeing how immediately the place is filled with screams and more applause, realizing that even though he's not very expressive and doesn't react much to the audience, still the girls are completely crazy about him.
And you don't blame them, it's obvious that's because of how incredibly handsome and sexy that man is.
However, even so he doesn't react much again to his applause, only waves goodbye with one of his hands, really watching everyone expressionless, reading on his lips as he says "thank you" and then turns around and picks up a bottle of water.
You bite your lips, still watching him, when finally Aegon gives the closing.
"And at last your server, ladies!" says the vocalist in a flirtatious manner, again the place exploding in cheers, "That's been all Brooklyn, thank you so much for having us. See you next time, we love you guys!"
He does get closer to the audience, instantly the guards react to take care of him, while he takes everyone's hands and also takes some bracelets or necklaces that the girls give him, while he smiles and blows kisses.
The rest of the members start to leave the stage, while Aegon continues to take all the screams and those little gifts, really getting along very well with the audience, to finally after a few moments, say goodbye and leave the stage.
"Did you like them?"
Rhaena asks you as the three of them stand, waiting for all the other girls to leave the not so big but not so small club.
"Yes, their songs are fine," you nod to her.
"Their songs or the guitarist rather?" Baela asks you with a mischievous look.
"Oh come on," you give her a look of few friends, still nerves giving you away.
"I knew it!" squeals Rhaena with a huge smile, "I knew you weren't more asking about him than the others for nothing."
"And I don't blame you," adds Baela, "With those tattoos who wouldn't be crazy about him?"
"But you like Jace and he doesn't have tattoos."
"Aemond is fine, like exaggeratedly fine," she clarifies, "But I feel like I wouldn't stand a chance with him, plus he's too serious and too closed off for my taste," she explains.
"But Y/N did like him," Rhaena says, folding her arms, watching you with a huge smile.
You roll your eyes, amused.
"I think the same as Baela, I feel like I wouldn't be able to get close to him, he looks very… serious and distant," you say finally, " Beside it's not like I'm going to get the chance, he's just a guy in a band that I liked, just like I like Harry and Zayn from One Direction or Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys."
"Oh he's so hot," Rhaena says with a little giggle.
"Who of the three of them?" asks Baela.
"The three of them."
You nod, more than agreeing with her.
"Anyway…" says Balea, "Turning our focus back to this band, maybe you can get close to the sexy guitarist tonight."
"Hm?" you say instantly not understanding, looking at her confused.
Then from her bag Baela pulls out what appear to be three rectangular sheets of paper, but when you look closely, they are actually three tickets to who knows what.
"These are tickets to the band's after party," she says excitedly.
At first you don't finish processing anything, watching her like a fool, when Rhaena squeals more than happy and in disbelief, instantly grabbing you both by the arm to rush out of the club in the direction of the party, while you're still processing and asking Baela how she got those tickets.
"Savings," she tells you simply and without much explanation.
Leaving the club is a bit difficult because of all the other girls who are also trying to leave, when the three of you are already arriving at the corresponding small pub where the after party will be, which in fact is right behind the club where the band gave the concert, so getting there doesn't take any time at all.
Once outside the pub, there are other girls waiting to get in, all excited and impatient, some of them have their own band t-shirts and posters for the band to sign. And at the entrance there are two huge men, asking for tickets and complying with security protocol to let them in.
"Help me take a picture with Luke when it's my turn, please," Rhaena asks you.
"Me too," Baela says instantly, "With Jace."
"Okay," you tell her amused.
Then finally all three of you hand the tickets to the seemingly bodyguard, only to enter without any trouble as you go through security protocols as well.
Rhaena shakes you by the arm excitedly, trying to control herself, as the three of you walk into the place, where you instantly recognize those platinum hairs spread all over the pub, already receiving the fans.
The place is considerably spacious, it doesn't feel as suffocating as at the concert and there's definitely more room to move around despite the fact that more girls are constantly coming in to meet the guys.
The bar is free, there is light rock music playing in the background and there are more bodyguards watching out.
You see how all the fans line up and wait their turn with each respective member, being the first to recognize the vocalist, Aegon, who more than smiling signs T-shirts, posters, hats and even phone cases. Also the pianist, Daeron, who takes selfies and also signs.
But when Rhaena identifies Luke, she quickly squeals and prepares to go to him with her T-shirt ready to be signed by him in hand, as does Baela, focusing on Jace.
You walk Rhaena over first, promising Baela to keep an eye out for her for when it's her turn with Jace, then start lining up, trying to calm your cousin's nerves as you sense she'll throw up at any moment or be unable to speak coherently to the bassist.
Then when Rhaena gets distracted on her phone, setting up the camera for pictures, you instantly think of the guitarist and start looking for him.
However, the only ones you see are Aegon, Daeron, Luke and Jace, with no fifth long platinum hair. Confused, you go back over the whole place, really him nowhere to be seen, realizing that there are girls specifically with posters of him, also just like you looking for him, all of them confused and disappointed.
And you don't understand, isn't he supposed to be here too?
You find it strange that out of all of them, it is him especially who doesn't make any appearance, while all the other members do attend to their fans, apparently not worried about the absence of their guitarist or anyone else actually, just the fans.
Inevitably you also start to get disappointed, but you immediately focus on Rhaena, as her turn will be soon and she insists that you help her calm down, giving her encouragement and support.
When the time comes.
The boy, Luke, is actually very sweet, instantly giving his full attention to Rhaena, who acts just as shy as he is, looking excited as the two gently embrace, while he asks her name and introduces himself to her as well.
He signs her T-shirt, also her phone case, all while they both talk, to then move on to the selfie and finally the photo, while you watch with a small smile as the boy's cheeks blush and Rhaena is more than excited and nervous at the same time, hugging him and smiling for the photo.
"This is my cousin, by the way, Y/N," Rhaena shyly introduces you to him as they both separate.
"Oh, hi Y/N, I'm Luke," the boy says to you with a charming smile, not being able to cause you more tenderness, "Thanks for coming."
"Hi," you say smiling, "Nice to meet you, Luke."
You take advantage of the moment and also take a selfie with him and Rhaena, where the three of you come out all smiles, without his cheeks stop blushing, and then pass the next fan.
Rhaena can't stop smiling, again shaking your arm excitedly and on the verge of collapsing with happiness, as she quickly goes through the photos, announcing that she will upload them to her Instagram stories this instant.
You laugh and then she heads off to line up to meet Daeron now, while you now head to Baela.
Unlike with Rhaena and Luke, you can clearly identify your cousin's flirting methods and surprisingly Jace reacts completely to her, looking just as flirty as she does, talking in her ear and both of them very close to each other.
You take their picture and get excited for your cousin, seeing how both of them even after the picture talk to each other, still very close, with that clear interest in the body behavior of both of them, but more of him towards her.
And you don't blame him either, no doubt your cousins are very beautiful, you always tell them every day and they tell you too.
At the end Baela also introduces you with Jace, he also looking very nice and friendly like his little brother, just not as cute, but very sexy.
Then after finishing with Jace, Baela turns to Rhaena, getting her in line to meet Daeron where both of them will now help each other with the pictures, so you head to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools, observing everything and taking the opportunity to order a free drink.
"Can I have a gin and tonic, please?" you ask the bar tender.
"Of course," the man says politely.
While he prepares your drink, you take the opportunity to check your social media, entertaining yourself for a moment and also looking at the time, realizing that it's almost midnight, so you'll probably be home by two in the morning.
You let out a long breath and at that moment the bar tender hands you the gin and tonic, you thank him and start drinking, relaxing and keeping your eye on your cousins.
When at that moment you remember him again, Aemond, so hopefully you look around the place again, looking for him, but you are surprised to see that there is still no sign of him, really confusing you.
The girls who were also looking for him before, line up to take pictures with Aegon, but like you, they also seem to be looking for him, without success.
It continues to seem weird to you and you feel really disappointed, just realizing in that instant how terribly disappointed you are, as if you've been a fan of his for months, when you've only just met him tonight, telling yourself what the hell is wrong with you.
So time passes, you watch as your cousins after meeting Daeron, head to Aegon, nothing really being quick as they take their time with each fan, until you finish your gin and tonic, not ordering anything else as you must be driving and stand at the bar, waiting.
It's until a few minutes later that you decide to go to the restroom, asking the bar tender where they are and he points you to a hallway at the back, instantly thanking him and heading that way.
You see how in the hallway there are four doors and you head to the two at the back, having the signs for the women's restroom and men's restroom, but when you try to open the door, it doesn't open, being occupied, realizing that it's only one restroom instead of several.
You let out a long breath, as this is common in small pubs, having to wait in the hallway, leaning against the wall for the girl inside to come out.
Again you distract yourself with your phone, holding back the urge to pee, trying not to get desperate, glancing from time to time through the hallway entrance at all the girls out there, being able to see your cousins from this distance, not long before it's their turn to meet Aegon.
You bite your lips and continue to wait, when as you are leaning between the wall and under the frame of one of the other doors that you have no idea where they go, it suddenly opens and you almost lose your balance, stabilizing yourself instantly and moving away, watching the person with some surprise and shame.
When the nerves and the surprise invade you completely, seeing that it is him, the guitarist.
He really looks at you without any expression on his face, while you place the appropriate distance between the two of you in this small hallway, still looking at him surprised and like an idiot, instantly telling yourself off to act normal, still watching him carefully.
And how could you not? The man is absolutely beautiful.
Compared to the concert, you have him face to face, his features being more than perfectly visible, admiring the shape of his lips and nose, as if it had been carefully carved, then nervously observing his intense blue eye and his sapphire eye, looking amazing and beautiful to you.
Then you quickly observe his various tattoos on both arms, recognizing a musical note, tree branches, birds, a moon and other figures you don't instantly identify, but you notice perfectly how he has a dragon on his shoulder.
Again you look him in the eye, getting instantly nervous because he is already watching you intensely, looking away from him because of the same nerves, having no idea how to really react since he doesn't move, neither do you and you feel unable to speak, feeling a lump in your throat.
He is simply too handsome and too sexy.
You think in the midst of all your nervousness, when the two of you are simply there, not far away but not too close either, suddenly feeling the hallway too small and feeling out of nowhere suffocated, not understanding what's wrong with you.
"Are there many people out there?"
He asks you suddenly, definitely not expecting that, as he stands still in the doorway, watching you, while you barely process the sound of his voice, watching him like an idiot for a moment.
Your mind reprimands you, really not wanting to embarrass yourself with him, much less when he's just asked you something.
You clear your throat and control yourself, to look back towards the center of the pub, where there are indeed a lot of girls and there are many especially who want to see him. You bite your lips and return your nervous, attentive gaze to him, realizing that he hasn't even come out into the hallway, keeping himself hidden in that room.
"Yes," you finally say to him, trying to sound like a normal person, not letting your nerves completely get the better of you.
He lets out a long breath, then averts his gaze from yours and you watch as he carefully peeks out of the doorframe, this catching your attention, as he inspects everything and honestly looks a little irritated, which you don't understand why.
And at that moment you don't know if you should, considering he still wants to keep himself hidden, but also Baela's voice tells you: bitch, take advantage and talk to him, you literally have him right in front of you!
Yes, that's something she would tell you if she saw you now.
"You're not a fan of being among so many people?"
You ask him softly, overcoming your nerves, but again you feel your heart leap in your chest as he looks at you again.
"Not much," he answers you.
And at that moment, you only admire more of his handsome features he offers you as you stand face to face with his profile, actually making you very nervous. And his answer actually makes sense to you.
He on stage is very calm and quiet, so now having to be among all the fans, it really doesn't seem to be his strongest suit.
"Still a lot of girls are looking forward to seeing you," you tell him softly, "They all look very excited."
You see how he frowns a bit, not saying anything back to you, which alerts you a bit since you really don't want to ruin this opportunity by talking to him, even though it seems you already have, but… what did you say wrong?
He continues to look at you like that, so intensely, when then you see perfectly how he looks you up and down, definitely making you more nervous than before, and then you see how he puts his hands in his front pockets and leans on the door frame casually.
The image couldn't have infarcted you more, as he does everything in a calculated manner, movements so simple that they already completely steal your breath away, only for him to tilt his head and continue watching you with that intensity, but now also curious.
"And you don't?"
He asks you with that soft but so manly voice that makes you part your lips, completely weakening your legs, watching him for a moment without understanding while he watches you expectantly, but still with that sexy demeanor.
"You weren't expecting to see me?"
Oh my God.
You think, unable to answer him, your voice right now not working, much less when he continues with his burning gaze in your direction, now having no idea how to behave.
However, you know you must be behaving like a fool in his eye, so you force yourself to answer him but truthfully.
"Actually," you start to say, trying to control your nerves, "I'm waiting for the person in the restroom to come out," you point your gaze to the door, to again watch him.
Then he too watches the restroom door for a moment, to again focus on you, watching perfectly as he presses his lips together in a soft, thin line and then you see what appears to be a small, barely visible grin appear.
And even though you didn't see him smile much during the concert, nor does he do it in his band's promotional photos, now that you see him do it and only meters away from you, the man couldn't look more beautiful to you.
"Hm," is all he says, turning back to watching you like that, his gaze completely attentive and burning, all his attention on you.
Holy shit.
That's all you can think, watching him without taking your eyes off him, just as he does with you, again feeling the space suddenly very small and the air hot.
When suddenly, you see perfectly well how he opens his mouth to say something, taking a step forward, calling your full attention, but at the moment he does that, a girl at the beginning of the hallway shouts his name at the sight of him.
And that's when chaos breaks out.
The girl quickly heads towards him, excited, instantly being followed by a bunch of other girls, all holding caps and t-shirts for him to sign, wasting no time and completely breaking the spell between the two of you.
You watch Aemond again and he's already watching you, but instantly he starts giving attention to all the girls, being surrounded by all of them, to which you can't help but feel disappointed because the moment is over, since... you don't know what the fuck was going on a few seconds ago with him but you were enjoying it.
When at that moment the door to the women's restroom finally opens, a girl coming out of it but now being difficult to get back to the center of the pub because of Aemond and all his girls obstructing the way.
You head for the restroom, suddenly feeling that same attentive and burning gaze on your back again for a few seconds as you close the door behind you. You take all the time in the world, trying to calm your heart rate and trying to stop feeling your hot skin, processing what happened out there with him, really taking a considerable amount of time.
You realize you need Baela's advice, thinking about texting her right now and getting her to give you techniques so you don't get nervous, but you doubt she'll text back if she's still getting to know the rest of the members of the band.
However, you don't know if you should ask Aemond for a picture or not, not being very sure about it, but you know that if you don't ask him for a picture or an autograph, you will regret it tomorrow.
You let out a sigh, looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that you have to control, that you shouldn't act like a fool and that you should behave as normal as possible, not letting your nerves get the better of you.
In the end you don't text anyone, you gather your courage and finally come out of the restroom.
The first thing you see is how Aemond is still there, only now with few girls, in fact finishing signing an autograph for them, to which you watch him carefully and attentively, again having no idea whether to go back to the center of the pub to find your cousins and get their advice before going back to him or ask for his autograph here, taking advantage of it.
But you don't even have anything he can sign for you, except your phone case.
However, the time to think and decide is over when the girls take a picture with him and then start to walk away, all of them looking at him with that excited gaze and of complete desire, while Aemond looks at them one last time and... he watches you again.
And there you have your nerves again, but you don't let them get the better of you, lowering your gaze for a moment, thinking quickly about what to say to him, feeling again that tension between the two of you now that you are alone again in this small hallway.
And at this, Aemond decides to act fast, considering the after party isn't over yet.
"Do you want me to sign something for you?"
He asks you while directing all his attention towards you, with those fucking movements he makes that aren't that big of a deal but completely steal your breath, standing completely still and watching him carefully.
Talk, act, react!
Your fed up and annoyed mind tells you, also Baela's voice if she saw you at this moment, so that's what you do, however, again you respond with the truth and with shame.
"Yes, I'd love to," you look at him nervous, "But I don't really have anything for you to sign."
"You bought tickets to our after party and you didn't bring anything the band can sign for you?"
Oh God.
You think on the verge of collapsing in embarrassment, as he again looks at you between slightly confused and curious.
"Well, I didn't know my cousin had bought tickets to meet you. It was actually her and my other cousin who brought me to the concert," you explain, trying not to show how really nervous you are, as he tilts his head in your direction.
"So you're not a fan," he assumes and you're so embarrassed that he's right.
"But... you were still amazing tonight," you tell him instantly, being terribly honest, "I liked your music and will definitely listen to it often."
He nods slowly in your direction, apparently now understanding you, watching you even with that curiosity and again that small, barely visible grin appearing on his lips, watching him run you from head to toe, not being able to make you any more nervous than you already are.
"Hm," he says in nod, "That explains why you didn't jump on me the second I opened the door."
You let out a nervous little laugh, looking away from him for a second.
"Disappointed?" you ask him a bit amused.
"Just a little."
You smile softly in his direction, not showing your teeth, as he continues to make you nervous and make you feel as if the space between you is very short and the air is hot as he continues to watch you like that, as if inspecting you and as if he wants to see right through you.
However, you know that the moment can be broken at any moment if more girls come looking for him, so you don't get your hopes up too high. When suddenly he averts his gaze and points you to the door through which he left a few moments ago.
"It's our break room," he tells you, "There are new t-shirts and posters in there, if you want I can sign one of them and give it to you."
Oh my...
You feel the excitement run through you, definitely not expecting that, starting to feel your heart rate accelerate, but you instantly get yourself under control and tell yourself that no way are you going to pass up the opportunity.
"Well, if it's no problem," you nod to him.
He starts backing away, as he heads for the door.
And you don't hesitate to follow him.
He opens the door for you, watching you intently and again with that intensity, to which you again feel like your heart will probably jump out of your chest, from excitement and also from nerves, to finally enter the room.
You don't even know why but a shiver runs through your whole body, bristling your skin, as he closes the door behind you and walks past you, his arm gently brushing yours, feeling for an instant his burning skin.
He heads towards a table, while you watch him attentively and take a look at the room, not big but not small either, seeing how there are numerous backpacks, sound equipment, tables, chairs, a couch and also a table with snacks and bottles of water.
There are also the guitar cases, identifying his guitar on the couch, where he was probably sitting playing before, hiding from everyone out there. The noise here is less, you hear more the background music than voices, actually this space being very calm.
"What do you prefer?"
You suddenly hear him say to you, instantly causing you to stop surveying the room and focus on him, who is already watching you intently, pointing out the caps, t-shirts or posters on the table.
"Or do you want all three?" he observes you with that grin.
Focus, Y/N. You can do it.
You tell yourself, not wanting him to affect you any more than he's already affecting you or you'll ruin this moment by letting yourself get carried away by nerves, which is just what you don't want.
So you try not to focus too much on his mannerisms when he's talking to you.
"The shirt is fine," you point out to him.
You're not a big fan of the caps and posters you like but on this occasion... you're going more for the T-shirt.
"You're sure?"
You choose the T-shirt in your size while he picks up a pen, then you hand it to him and he starts writing.
"What's your name?"
"Y/N," he repeats slowly as he writes it down.
This sends a wave of excitement and nerves throughout your body because of the way he has said it, concentrating on his writing, while you watch him intently, still finding the shape of his face and also his hair majestic, looking more majestic having him right in front of you.
You really don't understand what's wrong with him but God... he's really beautiful.
"So you're not a fan hm?"
He says to you as he finishes signing and hands you the shirt, instantly placing a nervous little smile, taking it.
"Actually no. My cousins brought me, they were both very excited and needed someone to drive."
At this he again looks interested and turns around to lean against the edge of the table casually, crossing his arms, watching you, while you stand next to him and almost have to lift your whole head up to him so you can look him in the eye as you talk.
"You don't live in Brooklyn?"
You shake your head.
He frowns slightly.
He repeats and you nod, watching him curiously for a moment as you watch him think in silence for a few seconds, then again watching you curious and confused at the same time.
"And why your cousins didn't buy tickets for the concert we're giving there next Friday?"
"Oh," you go blank for a moment, but react instantly, remembering, "Well, they did want to buy tickets, but they had credit card problems and by the time they fixed it, all the tickets were sold out and they bought the Brooklyn ones," you explain.
He doesn't say anything else to you for a few seconds, watching you intently, as he has been watching you all along, so intently that you feel your legs go weak, to which you nervously avert your gaze from him and look at the T-shirt in your hands, seeing his autograph.
And all you can think about is how crazy Baela and Rhaena will go when you tell them this.
"Pick something for your cousins," he says suddenly, making you look at him again, "I'll sign it too."
"Oh, sure, thanks."
You tell him with a nervous little smile to start choosing, beginning to believe that you'll never really stop feeling nervous in his presence, much less if you're both alone in this room.
For Rhaena you choose a poster for her, as she's a big fan of having lots of them of her favorite artists and sticking them all over her room, while for Baela you also choose a t-shirt.
You notice how Aemond walks away for a moment as you look for Baela's size, then return and begin to sign that for your cousins as well, again watching or rather subtly admiring his face of concentration as he begins to write.
"Here," he gives you everything, finishing.
"Thank you very much,"
You tell him sincerely, as he straightens up completely again, setting the pen down on the table and leaning back against the edge of it.
"You're welcome," he nods in your direction.
You look away, having no idea how to say goodbye to him, you don't even want the moment to end even though his gaze on you makes you feel so nervous, but for obvious reasons, your cousins must already be looking for you and you know he must be out here to attend to more of his fans.
"Hum... then I'll see you... out there, I guess," you smile at him, starting to walk away, "This was very kind of you."
He says to you suddenly, stopping your step, standing in front of him, as you watch him take a few more steps towards you, completely alerting you, but seeing him take a hand to the back of his pants, watching as he takes something from his pocket, confusing you but completely getting your attention.
Then his eye watches you back, his gaze so intense and so penetrating, as you watch him with your lips parted, this suddenly closeness suffocating you too much, not helping anything that the two of you are here alone.
However, he places his hand between the two of you, handing you something and when you look at it, confusion overtakes you further, seeing that they are tickets to his concert as they have the words 'Dragon Dynasty" printed in large letters on them.
"These are tickets for the concert in Manhattan, next Friday," he says softly, still hand them to you.
And even after explaining, you still don't finish processing anything, as he continues waiting for you to take them, while you continue to stand still and watch him like an idiot, slowly beginning to understand.
"Take them, Y/N," he says again, softly, watching you expectantly.
Take them? Just like that? For free?
You immediately deny, staring at him in confusion.
"No, but... I-I...wait, you...
"It's fine," she assures you, interrupting you.
"But you can't do this or can you?" you ask him totally bewildered and surprised, not believing it.
"Of course I can, in fact I'm doing it now," he tells you as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
But you continue to watch him confused, not understanding why he is doing this with you especially, again feeling the nerves invade you and the hot air hit you mercilessly, not being able to think straight.
"W-what? But...
"What is it?" he asks taking a step closer to you, stopping your heart for a second, "Don't you want to see me again?"
My God...
No. You can't do it anymore. It's right there when you lose it completely.
The way he has asked you, watching you completely attentively and with that barely visible grin, his body starting to invade your personal space, slowly leaning towards you, the space between you both ceasing to exist and all of him embracing you completely.
That delicious manly cologne hits your nostrils, also the slight smell of cigarette, everything about him being so alluring, so sexy, so mysterious and dangerous somehow.
And he does it all in such a calculating way... he doesn't even do it all that fast, he does it all slow, just the way he wants to catch you, while you slowly start to let yourself be carried away by him as well.
With your heart beating too fast, you look at the tickets in his hand and slowly raise your eyes to look at him, when he is already looking at you and just like that.
Don't you want to see me again?
His question repeats in your mind, at that moment no longer taking anything else into account. Because he is clearly flirting with you, and why do you not do the same?
"Do you want to see me again?"
You ask him in your soft, low voice, to which he only leans a little closer to you, that grin returning.
"Isn't it obvious?"
He tells you in the same way, his voice soft, low and completely calculating, his answer surprising and thrilling you, watching perfectly as he watches between your eyes and your lips, his eye completely full of desire, while you do the same.
You wonder what it will feel like to kiss him, how he will reciprocate, if soft or hard and if you will also feel his hands on your body, caressing you.
The atmosphere feels tense somehow, as you both start to invade each other's personal space, at the same time as your hand takes the tickets, all hot air and suddenly feeling that need to touch him, to kiss him, to feel him closer to you.
However, just as the small distance between the two of you starts to disappear, with all his delicious scent and his whole alluring body enveloping you completely, just at that damn moment the door suddenly opens.
You jump all the way back, scared and surprised, as the two of you stare at the door and Aegon is the responsible for the interruption.
"Dude, why are you still here? Cole's going to kill you if you don't come out this instant, you know? It's crazy out there, there's girls crying, they want to see you and you-oh....
He stops talking suddenly, barely in that instant realizing your presence as well even though you're standing next to Aemond, feeling embarrassment run through all your body, as he realizes what was probably going on here when he watches you both with his lips parted, so you lower your gaze in shame and bite your lips.
"My bad, sorry," he says and then slowly places a mischievous smile, now watching you and Aemond continuously, "I interrupted something, didn't I?"
You listen as Aemond clears his throat, no longer feeling the closeness of his body against yours, while you feel the embarrassment more.
"No," he tells him in a more serious voice and nothing compared to how he was speaking to you before.
"Oh," Aegon says again and you pluck up the courage to finally get out of here.
"Thank you," you say to Aemond without even looking at him, hurrying out of the room.
With all the things he signed in your hands and also the tickets, you don't even look at Aegon when you pass by his side, feeling so embarrassed and starting to feel your cheeks very hot, not bearing to be in his presences anymore.
And you don't even look back, you just run away, not being able to believe that you were about to make out with him, the sexy guitarist, Aemond.
You immediately look around like crazy for your cousins, seeing that Baela is taking a picture of Rhaena with Jace, so you quickly head towards them, acting normal, waiting for them to finish and by the time they do, you hand them the t-shirt and the poster.
"Where were you?" asks Baela confused.
"In the restroom and I got this for you," you say without much detail, the memory of Aemond's beautiful face near you still so fresh.
"Why are you so red?" asks you now Rhaena confused.
"I drank a gin and tonic," you lie, acting totally unconcerned with Aemond's lips about to touch yours still present .
"Did you talk to the sexy guitarist?" asks you Baela excited.
"Yes," you say acting unconcerned.
"Nothing," you say with a shrug and she looks at you disappointed.
If only she knew.
But nothing ends there. Both of them now want a picture with Aemond even though they already have each his autograph, so you decide to wait again at the bar and they follow you, waiting for him to show up, you for anything in the world wanting to be near him again with your cousins around.
When then Aemond finally comes out of that hallway, appearing in the center of the pub with Aegon by his side, instantly you and him exchanging glances without even expecting it at all. And even with the embarrassment, you quickly avert your gaze from him, as the both begin to be surrounded by more girls, among them your cousins.
You're not sure exactly how much time passes, until finally Baela and Rhaena are satisfied and the three of you leave the pub, with half an hour left before the after party is over, but it's too late now and you have to drive.
However, before the three of you get in the car, you pull out the tickets that Aemond gave you for free and extend them to them.
"These are tickets for the concert in Manhattan, Aemond gave them to me," you say and then head for the driver's seat door, unlocking the doors.
And then all you hear as you start to leave your cousins behind are their screams.
During the whole ride, neither of them leave you alone, wanting to know exactly in detail what happened with the guitarist, Baela more than anything else feeling offended that you lied to her when she asked you if anything happened with him.
But when you tell them about everything and also about how the two of them almost kissed, she doesn't feel upset anymore and screams excitedly together with Rhaena, both surprised and unable to believe it, also unable to believe about the free tickets.
Luckily the questions don't last for the whole ride, so you also have time to think about him, Aemond, everything that happened with him and pretty much everything about him not leaving your thoughts alone as you drive from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
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pomplalamoose · 5 months
Ooohhh how about different eras of luke (ROTJ is my fav if doing one is easier) and maybe some modern dilf!luke 👀 reacting to you laying your head on his shoulder when you’re tired or have a headache pre-relationship?
Anonnn, you don't understand, I'm obsessed with this ask. I just HAD to do every single Luke era plus the Dilf AU as the cherry on top because it's been so long since I last wrote something wholesome😩
also it reminds me of the posts I used to do when I first started writing and ngl I'm feeling a little nostalgic
• sweet ANH Luke with his open smile and honest eyes is so easy to approach and befriend, resting your head on his shoulder comes almost naturally
• though unbeknownst to you he'd immediately be on the brink to loose his mind
• already he tends to be a little jittery with nerves whenever you randomly appear in the same room he is in
• even more so now that he's finally admitted his major crush on you to himself
• so just imagine his excitement the moment you decide to sit next to him
• as soon as your head touches his shoulder he goes bright red and doesn't dare to move in fear of accidentally shooing you away, his heart beating wildly in his chest
• for a slight moment he forgets how to breathe, though it's not like he minds
• this is the best day of his life
• not only does he finally get to feel the warmth of having you so close by his side, but also your soft hair aginst his cheek if he dares to tilt his head just a little bit
• when eventually he manages to somewhat normalize his breathing, his thoughts will start to wander
• he's SO proud you're clearly comfortable and feeling safe with him
• but should he strike up a conversation? Ask how you're doing? If everything's okay?
• maybe he could make you laugh
• your hands look so soft; what if he were to reach out and just take them in his?
• would you mind?
• he's not sure, his aren't as pretty and smooth as yours
• you smell very nice
• wouldn't your current position make you look like a couple to an outsider passing by?
• what if, and he feels very bold just considering, but, what if you...like him?
• quickly enough he has a very hard time remaining calm
• and how could he? He needs to tell someone about this RIGHT NOW
• good luck trying to catch ESB Luke sitting still for even once
• though should you be as lucky to catch him during a moment of rest and manage to lean on him, he'll feel similarly as ANH Luke; excited, a little nervous even, though not as much as his younger self would have been
• still he has to fight off the blush rising into his cheeks and will absolutely deny ever changing colors should someone (especially Leia, Han or even R2) point it out
• at the same time he wishes for as many as possible to witness this very monumental moment, hoping everyone will see that you're leaning on HIS shoulder
• HIS!
• yeah that's right! In your face, (add in name of random rebellion member that also takes an interest in you)!!!
• if he's feeling extra bold, he may use the chance to put an arm around your shoulder
• but very carefully so; he's afraid to overstep any of your boundaries
• after all he's not sure if you'd even like to be held
• there's only one problem: how is he supposed to do anything now?
• he has places to be, things to do, an Empire to fight!
• he's getting kind of warm too
• more than that actually
• Force, are you hiding a heater under all of your layers of clothing?
• also he just remembered; isn't there a meeting he has to attend?
• shouldn't he be working to improve his x-wing?
• he'll check on you out of the corner of his eye, trying to get a feeling for how long you plan to stay like this
• he needs to come up with a way to notify the others of his delay
• because there's no way he's moving even a single muscle
• he's not leaving you behind
• he simply can't!
• not when he was just chosen as your designated spot to rest your pretty but, admittedly, very heavy head
• but not to worry, of course he can handle it!
• he'll be here as long as you need him to be
• RotJ and post RotJ Luke is hard to keep tabs on and thus hard to find
• all you can hope for is to encounter him by pure chance, as he seems to simply have evaporated whenever you wander around searching for him
• though despite his withdrawn ways he's always welcoming and inviting should you happen upon him
• he, above anyone else, understands the importance of rest during a busy day
• he smiles mildly to himself as soon as you settle down and scoot close enough for your arms to touch
• the emotions you are unconsciously emitting, may it be nervousness, excitement or shyness, amuse him a great deal and he's keen to see whether you'll overcome them this time or not
• I don't think he'd tell you outright that he enjoys your presence, that it tends to calm him down and to ease his mind, until much later
• but despite what he is or isn't saying he can't help but feel a little warm inside whenever you come across him during the day
• despite that he can never not worry at least a little bit about your well-being and immediately feels the need to check in on you either with words or a gentle probe with the Force to make sure you're okay
• if he has the time to stay with you for a while he asks if you'd like to lay down
• see, he can shuffle to the side a little and then you could rest your head on his thigh instead of on his shoulder
• wouldn't that be more comfortable?
• he doesn't have a blanket in case you're cold, but maybe you could use his cloak?
• it's not the best, maybe a little rough and still a little dirty from his last trip as he didn't have the time to wash it yet, but it does a good job of keeping a person warm
• he doesn't show how happy he is should you follow his invite and agree to rest beside him, though maybe Leia would notice
• and possibly so would you by how he'd start to absentmindedly stroke your head and play with your hair whenever others are around to keep him properly distracted
• I think Dilf!Luke's reaction would really depend on the current situation/ on how far your relationship has already developed at that point
• here it's important to note though that he'd never tell you off or send you away for initiating contact, not even after just recently getting to know you
• yes he's standoffish and withdrawn, cold in demeanor, seemingly displeased with your presence in his house
• but when it comes down to it he is kind, always has been, even if he hides it away to protect himself
• his behavior towards you is nothing personal; the emotions you call forth are his to deal with
• he may try to at first but ultimately knows deep down that he can't hold you accountable for how his past still troubles him
• he's a father, deeply caring in nature
• no matter what, he could never bring himself to deny anyone his child's age comfort
• though he might be a little confused about why you chose him, of all people, to rest your head on
• after all it's not like he's been going out of his way to be peculiarly inviting or nice - quite the contrary actually
• he'll remain very still for the duration of your vicinity, involuntarily stiffening not only out of surprise but because it's been so long that anyone outside of his immediate family initiated intimacy
• he's so touch starved, so used to rarely feeling a person's warmth, that your simple act catches him off guard
• suddenly he has no idea what to do, how to continue on after
• for your own good and his child's sake he wants to keep you at an arm's length and yet...
• if he wasn't enamored with you before, he is so now
• he thinks back to those moments of doubt and insecurity frequently
• but where they once haunted him, they now serve as a reminder for how far he's come and what he was able to finally leave behind
• he's proud of himself too, yes, but most of all to call you his
• every little touch of yours, and may it be one as innocent as laying your head on his shoulder, fills him with joy
• never, in a thousand years, would he once have believed to be in a position to reciprocate your gentle displays of trust and affection
• but now that he can, now that everything feels a little less like a dream, it's all he wants to do
• (and he does)
• (forehead kisses are his favorite way to, he can't help it)
• (not when you placed yourself so conveniently)
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Wonderland pt 1
Part 1 (Eventually) Yandere Luke castellan x Gender neutral reader
Summary you're from wonderland well at least you're mother is you're father is a God. The best swordsman in camp takes an.... interesting and obsessive liking to you
Also I feel like we offen forget wine isn't the only thing Dionysus is the God of but madness as well. I currently have bad writers block and couldn't currently think of anything else to add so I decided to split it into parts since I needed to post something.
Trigger warnings nothing yet, but eventually in future parts yandere themes like stalking, manipulation, kidnapping (extra)
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You weren't from this world well......technically you are you were from a part of the world everyone thought was made up just another part of the human imagination......Wonderland . Wonderland was very.....disconnected from actual sane people or large bustling cities like New York. Your mother was probably one of the subjects of the queen of hearts just kinda surviving. Your father isn't exactly normal either he was also never around. Honestly as much as you love your mother it was kinda hard to imagine a God falling for her or really a God falling for anyone in Wonderland because while some of the inhabitants of Wonderland is more sane then others even the more sane ones start to go insane eventually.
Which is why when you were 13 you ran away from home. Although you had no clue where to go or what to do now you had left Wonderland. You're clothes and mismatched socks probably also made you stand out to by standers because in real life on Earth the other humans weren't used to seeing people dress in bright colors and patterns unless celebrating. After a few days of wandering aimlessly you ran into help or rather help ran into you.
You were desperately scrounging around for food thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave home when you felt someone run smack into you causing you both to tumble towards the ground. "Oh my pan! I'm so sorry." A male voice said. He had ...goat horns? Ehh not the weirdest thing you've ever seen. "Are those horns really or .....?" You asked. "They're real. Oh I'm Grover. " Grover replied. You weren't sure what to say or do and that's how you met Grover. After about a week of traveling with Grover is when you met Luke, Thalia and Annabeth.
" Hey Grover I'm going to find something to eat for myself. " You replied. " Ok just don't go far I'll finish setting up camp." Grover said. You did in fact wander to far when you stumbled upon a bush full of berries and you were about to eat some when you heard a voice tell you to wait. "Wait, don't eat those! those are holly berries they are poisonous!" A young female voice exclaimed. You looked around for the source of the voice. You spotted a young girl no older than 7 standing between some trees you could make out 2 more figures behind her one another female and the other male. You backed away your left hand reaching for a dagger in your pocket you swear wasn't there a moment ago while you're right hand still held the berries.
" Who are you why should I trust you?" You questioned. You got a closer look at them the seven year old girl had grey eyes , black hair and brown skin, the other gir who looked about a year younger than you so 12 had choppy short black hair , blue eyes and is white. She pushed the younger seven year old behind her. " Thalia I can protect myself!" The seven year old exclaimed. While the two girls were arguing you managed to sneak away not noticing the male following you.
" Grover!" You exclaimed finally making it back to the very stressed looking satyr. Grover rushed over to you. " Y/n there you are! You were gone for an hour I was worried I was calling your name but no reply and I didn't want to leave the fire unattended. Your not hurt are you?" Grover asked like a panicked father looking over you to make sure you didn't have any new injuries. " Hey Grover I'm ok. I'm ok." You replied. " Pan Y/n you had me so worried!" Grover exclaimed. "LUKE!" The older female voice Thalia called out causing You and Grover to look in the direction of Thalia's voice and there stood the male that had been with the 2 younger females.
Now learning his name is Luke. You started to reach for your dagger once again.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. "
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Afro-dominican Percy Jackson headcanons but by a black dominicana cause y'all write him like an oreo
His name is actually short for Perseo and his middle name is Isadore.Percy is a nickname given to him by Sally so he took it on willingly instead of assimilation but also gringos are always pronouncing Perseo wrong,including monsters and that only encouraged him to not use it in full
Sea green eyes but also darkskinned,4d textured hair,thick lips and a big nose.He's 6'4,his gray streak naturally faded to white and he has a wide variety of hairstyles per book:Baby dreads(TLT),wicks(TTC),twists(TLO),afro(for most of SON because he dosen't remember what styles he likes),dreads(SON finale),adds beads(MOA)and long locs(Tales of Dead Seas)
He calls Sally Mamí,obviously???
His favorite dominican food is blue flan
Third gen inmigrant and monoracial(lightskin Percy with loose hair is fake,that is a NIGGA 100%)
Sally had him grow up on Discovery Kids
Trilingual-Fluent in english,spanish and greek
Haircare and skincare king
Uses nigga enough that it's a common aspect of his vocabulary
All his durags/bonnets/beads are blue
Huge Pokemon fan(It's a latino meme that we love anime based things)
Sally taught him exactly zero latino machoism or black toxic masculinity and he's actually transfem bigender and femme.She uses she/he and a bunch of neopronouns and her womanhood is extremely afrolatina with her mannerisms and tastes(doing black woman hairstyles and makeup on herself,her favorite Disney Princesses are Tiana and Brandy's Cinderella,post transition she learns she deserves to be high maintenance and tons more things)
He listens to Mcr,D'Angelo,Meet Me @ The Altar,Rihanna,Megan Thee Stallion,Ice Spice,Lo-Fi beats and hiphop
He's demisexual and his type is princess-y black women(Perseus' wife was Andromeda,the princess of Ethopia afterall and names have power in the Pjo world)
Bro is romantic-He's a guygirl so that automatically gives him an advantege with rizz but she's autistic so that boosts it by 100+ points.No regards to social norms,just unfiltered kindness and acts of service that would kill any other nigga to even think of.Also i'm obsessed with the idea of her calling his s/o 'Strawberry Pop' because i'm a Demeter Kid
As per canon he's punk but i'm not boring like Rick so i do a deep dive into it.He uses 'Punkero' for himself too and he's crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk and solarpunk and he knows how to diy things that don't even exist,uses an emulator and only phone and secondhand bought games on anti-capitalist principal,defaces public property,did a lot of research after finding out punk is an actual culture and not just an aesthetic that was surprisingly easy to focus on and starts dressing punk too as he slowly finds the right thirft stores and learns to make clothes.He throwns black/dominican influences in his outfits and in Tods he gives himself that multicolor mermaid hair where you keep your og hair tone still for that Ocean Girl swag
She's a Latino Memes Queen OBVIOUSLY but her favorites are cat ones and she's also huge on energy drinks(cotton candy bang stan just like me fr fr)and legos(i'm pleasently surprised at how many lego shows fans are latinos).White people jokes are her jam also and Luke's colonizing fascist ass got the worst of it before he killed his ass
He is 100% Nico and Hazel's mom and dad,as per canon.Nico is black too because it fits perfectly and Hazel's got black hair and brown eyes because fuck exoticification so it gives them a special connection and La Residencia Jackson is a bit of a cultural melting pot because of it.Dominican flag hung on the wall behind the couch,even more hang gesturing and loud inside voices than normal,New Orleans cuisine and everything inbetween.Percy calls Hazel 'Mamita' and Nico 'Papito',do eachother's hair,they hang out almost 24/7,he radicalized them so now Hazel's pastel goth punk and Nico's goth punk,there's a lot leaning against him for emotional support or even just out of younger sibling/child love,Percy guilt-trips Poseidon into giving him money for Nico's meds and aids and helps Hazel out with girls,beach days with them are made straight up tropical with Percy's powers and they're every white man and Karen's worst nightmares combined as one big happy familia with Sally as the topping who seems easy to speak over but Percy said herself she got her rebellion against shitty people from her
Percy Jackson is NOT Peter Parker.C'mon now,don't fall for the boyloser propaganda and be real-We all know he's Hobie Brown and that his Spider Variant is an older Spiderpunk.Speak the truth with me
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Baby Hughes. Pt 2 (Quinn Hughes)
Part 1. Notes: part 2 is here!!! Warnings: none? tell me if you find some.
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You walked to Quinn and kissed the top of his head before sitting next to him. He was feeding Ellie with the biggest smile.
"Don't spit!"
"If you don't stop laughing she will think it's really funny to spit the food"
He turned to look at you. "It's funny" He whispered.
You slapped his chest and he laughed loudly. Ellie quickly mimicked her dad and it was your turn to speak.
"Aren't you the cutest?"
"Open your mouth, Ellie. It's almost done."
She obeyed and took the last spoon. "Well done, sweetie" You cleaned her face. "Now, we have to get ready"
Quinn looked up at you and sighed.
"I know"
"I can cancel"
"No, you can't. It's a big day"
You had a plane to take and it would be the first time you travelled without Quinn.
"I'm just worried"
You cupped his face and run your fingers over his cheeks. "It's only half way. We are meeting your parents for the next flight."
"I know, I know. She is just... Look at her face. She has no good ideas."
You both looked at Ellie, who had a devilish look on her eyes while she played with the spoon.
"We will be fine. I promise. I'm sure she will fall asleep in the plane"
"Come here"
Quinn made you sit on his lap and hugged you tight. "Tell everyone I love them and that I wish I could be there. And... That I miss them a lot. And tell Luckey to just be himself on the ice. He is an amazing player and has time to figure the game out. He just has to enjoy this first one and then he will learn about the team and the group and everything"
You smiled and cupped his cheeks. "You are great"
It made him blush so deeply.
"I love you. And I will tell him all of that. But you better call him before the game. The kid needs you. I'm sure Jack is buzzing and jumping around."
Quinn chuckled.
"I love you t-"
A loud noise followed by a laugh made you turn.
"You have obviously done that" Quinn said shaking his head.
Ellie had thrown the plate against the fridge and looked so proud.
"Are you going to clean it, Miss?" Quinn pointed at her and she only laughed louder.
"We have so much work with her" you giggled.
"Yeah..." He sighed.
You kissed his cheek and got up. "You better not do that again, Ellen Charlotte Hughes."
She went serious for a second but then laughed again. "Who did she got that personality from?"
You laughed and picked her. "Not you"
That earned you a slap on your ass and a kiss on the cheek. There was no way of getting used to this Quinn. You loved this life too much.
"Call when you land, yeah?"
"Of course"
You hugged him hard and kissed his cheek. "I love you"
"I love you" then he turned to Ellie. "Be good, yeah? And give grandma and grandpa a lot of hugs. And pull Jacky's hair a lot." Since Jack's hair had gotten longer, Ellie had gotten also obsessed with it. She was fixated with her uncle's hair and loved pulling it. "And tickle Lucky too, huh?"
She nodded eagerly and let Quinn pull her for a quick hug and a kiss on her head.
"I'll miss you."
"Wish Dad good luck on his game, baby."
"Luck luck.
Quinn chucked. "Good luck, yay!"
You cupped his chin and brought him closer for a proper kiss. "Good luck, babe"
"Thank you"
The flight was better than expected. After throwing a tantrum because Dad was staying, Ellie fell asleep and stayed like that for almost all the flight. Then, Ellen and Jim picked you and she was over the clouds with her grandparents and all the attention.
The second flight was easier with them next to you. And finally you arrived.
"Who are we going to see?"
She had associated the Devils with Jack and Michigan with Luke, so it was still a bit confusing for a girl as young as her.
"No. Not Dad" You said and tickled her to distract her.
"Yay!" Ellen clasped and Ellie squeaked. "Are you excited?!" The girl giggled and you laughed.
Later that afternoon, you were waiting for the boys to come out and say hi. Jack had very seriously asked for good luck cuddles before the game and you would obviously take Ellie to see them.
"Do you wanna see Jacky and Lucky?" You said tickling her. She laughed loudly and hid on your neck.
"Look who is coming over there!" Ellen said pointing at the end of the corridor.
"Who is that!?" You said shaking her a bit.
She shouted loudly.
"Hey! Is that the prettiest girl in the world?" Jack shouted from the end of the corridor.
"C'mon Ellie, show them what you learnt" You said putting her on the floor.
Ellie clumsily started walking and Jack and Luke's faces lit up.
"Oh Ellie! Look at you"
"You can walk!"
But she fell on her knees.
"Oh hey!"
Luke knelt on the floor and Jack crouched next to him. Ellie quickly got up again and jumped to Luke's neck and he hugged her tight. They had such a great relationship from the beginning.
"Lucky! Lucky! LOOK"
She fought her jacket. Obviously she was wearing a Hughes jersey. A Hughes 43 jersey. Jack smiled and helped her taking it off.
"Is that..."
"Lucky!" She said pinching his nose.
"Is that my jersey?"
"Yes! Lucky"
Ellen was recording everything with a big smile.
"Am I the best hockey player?" Luke asked. She shook her head. "You favourite player?"
"No, Dad" She said with mischief on her eyes.
The five of you laughed. "Quinny is raising her good" Jack joked.
"But the jersey..."
All our eyes moved to Jack. It had been his idea. He had called Quin one night and told him how he already had a jersey for Ellie to wear on Luke's first game.
Luke pointed at Jack. "Yeah, I can't believe you are already here. I'm so happy, Luke"
"Guys. I'm going to cry" You muttered.
Ellen and you were side hugging now.
"Thank you" Luke said blushing and looking down at his niece on his lap. "I'm happy you are all here. I wish Quinn was here too, but well... He sent representation" He added tickling Ellie.
She laughed and tickled him back.
"Ellie. Give the guys a big good luck hug" You said kneeling with them. "It's almost time"
"Luck Luck, Lucky" She said hugging Luke.
Then, she wiggled out of his arms and made grabby hands at Jack. "Come here, cutie"
"Luck Luck, Jacky"
The boys thanked her. Jack was squeezing her on his arms and Luke ruffling her hair. Which remind her of Quinn's orders. She reached and pulled a strand of Jack's hair.
"It was Quinn" You said giggling.
Jack pulled Ellis's hair a bit and you rolled your eyes. "Kids"
"Guys. You have to leave."
"We'll be cheering a lot, right Ellie?" Ellen asked grabbing her on her arms.
"Yes. Devs! Devs!"
Jack and Luke laughed loudly. They had spent a whole day trying to get her and teach her how to say it.
"That's my girl!" Luke said.
"One more time, Ellie. Good luck boys!" Ellen said.
"Luck Luck, boys!"
"Get going. I have to tell Luke something" You told Jim and Ellen, who nodded knowing how his older son was.
"Luke, Jack!" They turned. "Wait a sec. Quinn sent a message, Luke." You told them.
He smiled a bit and walked closer to you.
"Okay... I hope I don't forget anything" You grabbed Luke's hands. "Enjoy today. And don't worry about your game. You're an amazing player and will have enough time to learn with the team. Enjoy your first game and have fun. Yeah?"
Luke nodded and pulled you for a hug.
"Thank you very much for coming and bringing Ellie. It means a lot." He whispered in your ear.
You smiled softly and cupped his cheeks. "Of course, Luke. I will always be there. Now, go there and show them what you are made of. This is the beginning of something great." You kissed his cheek and he blushed.
"Thank you, YN. I... Uh... You are like a sister to me. I'm happy Quinn found you"
"Yeah, we are happy he got you preg-"
Luke directly elbowed Jack. You only rolled your eyes and opened your arms for the middle child. "Come here, idiot"
He hugged you tight.
"And you take care of him. My words, not Quinn's. He needs you a lot now" You whispered.
Jack squeezed your harder and when he pulled back he was more serious.
"Now go. Good luck and have fun."
The boys left together and you ran to catch your in laws.
"I can't believe we are all already here." Ellen said before looking at me. "The guys playing on the big league, baby Ellie... I'm getting emotional" She said.
"Ow... It's okay."
It was a great game. Ellie had so much fun, already used to the atmosphere from the Canuck's games she had been in. And obviously she cheered for Lucky and Jacky a lot. Right after the game ended, you were called because the boys wanted to see you.
You found Luke on the corridor giving an interview, but we're surprised by Jack.
"Hey Ellie. Come with me. We are going to surprise Lucky"
You chuckled when he grabbed Ellie and she reached to pull his hair. "Ouch"
"Be nice to uncle Jacky"
She giggled and hugged Jack, you cuddled her and kissed her cheeks. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"Yes... Do you want to say hi to Lucky?"
"Let's go!"
Ellie was already famous around the hockey fan base.
You watch from afar how Jack walked with her on his arms before setting her down in the floor.
You: hey Quinny. Maybe you want to turn Luke's interviews now
Quinny: why?
You: trust me
"Go Ellie"
Ellie stumbled between the camera guy's legs until she was in front of Luke. Then, she grabbed into his sweats and pulled a bit.
He looked down and his smile got even bigger. He was the happiest guy right then.
"Oh hi!"
"Who is that?" The reporter said with a smile.
Luke picked her and she hugged his neck, turning a bit shy.
"The best Hughes" He said kissing her cheek.
"Oh, is that... Quinn's daughter?! On a Devils jersey?! She looks very much like you, Luke"
Luke laughed. "She is. I think Quinn let go of this one. It's my first game after all"
"Lucky" Ellie grabbed his face, wanting her uncle's attention all for herself.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. I'm answering questions" He said.
"Whats her name?"
"Ellie. Like Mama Hughes" He chuckled.
Ellen shook her head with a smile.
"Did Luke played well tonight?" The reporter asked her.
"Yes. Devs. Devs."
Everyone around laughed.
"A Devil's fan!" The reporter exclaimed. "And... Is Luke your favourite player or is it Jack?"
"No. Dad. Dad best" She said and you smiled so big.
"Yeah... A Canucks' fan before." Luke said.
"Yes. NUCKS. DAD."
You chuckled.
"We have a lot of time to fix that" Jack said stepping on the frame.
"Okay! Three Hughes on camera!"
"Yeah. It's a pity Quinny couldn't also be here for Lukey's first. But at least we have Ellie. Right princess?"
She chuckled and hid on Luke's neck.
A collective oww could be heard from the people around.
"Do we have a third generation of hockey players in the family?"
"Duh" Ellen whispered to you making you laugh.
"Well, she has recently learnt how to walk so..."
"Yeah, everyone hid it from us. She came to say hi and she was already walking and I was like... What? Next thing is university" Jack said laughing.
Now that he had his little brother with him, Jack was happier than ever. He was chatty and always smiling big. It made you feel kind of sad to imagine how could it be with the three of them.
"So next thing is the ice"
Both brothers shared a look and nodded.
"Well, thank you very much to the Hughes and good luck on your career, Luke. Also... Good luck converting this little one to the Devils"
"Say bye, Ellie"
On his phone, Quinn saw Ellie saying a shy bye to the camera, that little part of his reserved personality showing in her. He smiled softly.
When the guys walked to you, Jack was already making grabby hands at her to convince her to switch. But no, little Ellie was with Luke and she wouldn't let go.
"I'm her favourite" He teased his brother. Jack rolled his eyes and you hugged his side.
"Well played, boys." You told them. "Ellie was really happy"
She looked at you and smiled a bit. She usually got shy when she was tired, so it was you signal.
"Do you want dinner?" Jack said. "The last time we were here we went to this place and you guys will love it"
You guys went out for din er after the game. As usual, Ellie fell asleep on Jack's lap and he cuddled with her the whole time.
"When are you seeing Quinny?" Luke asked.
"We will meet here once the season is over" You told him.
He nodded slowly and looked down at your hands.
"Is there something bugging you?" You whispered.
He shook his head.
"I was..." He cleared his throat. "I was thinking that maybe once we arrive to New Jersey Jack and I could talk to someone and... Maybe Ellie can have her first skate. Once Quinn arrived. I have been thinking g about what you told me that day in the lake house, about Quinn wanting me... Us... For Ellie's first time on the ice. And now she walks and... "
"She can barely walk 3 meters without falling" You said giggling. "Do you think she can skate?"
He smiled and nodded. "I think she can. She is sure a natural. It's on her blood"
"Well, you should talk to dad Huggy first. Maybe her first skate with the devils..."
Luke laughed. "Well, I'm sure there is some place we can go"
"I'll tell Quinny, yeah?"
He nodded.
Later that night, Ellie was peacefully sleeping on the bed and you had Quinn on the phone.
"She had a great time. I can't wait for you to be here, to support the guys with us and all"
You heard him sigh. He was tired after his own game, but couldn't go to sleep without calling you.
"I wish I could have gone" He muttered.
"I know. We all missed you"
You rolled in the bed to check on Ellie.
"Luke asked me something"
Quinn hummed with curiosity.
"First thing, they were delighted to see her walking already"
Quinn chuckled because he already knew what was coming.
"He asked me if we could go to the rink for Ellie's first skate"
Quinn laughed. "She can barely walk"
"I know. But he looked... I don't know. He was so happy, Quinn."
Quinn ran his hand over his hair. "Well, we can't promise it will be good but..."
"We can have a lot of fun. I'm sure she will love it"
"For sure."
"You should call them in the morning" You whispered.
"Yeah, I was planning on doing it."
You stayed for a bit in silence.
"Thank you for taking her. He will kill me if I tell you but Jack texted and... He adores you."
"Quinn, there is no need to thank me"
"I know, I know. But it was an important day for the family. So thank you"
"It's my family too."
"I love you"
Ellie stirred a bit and muttered a mommy.
"I'm here, sweetheart" You whispered and caressed her hair. "She is exhausted. Did you saw her with the guys?"
"Yeah. What a star"
You chuckled. "But she is a little shy like you"
"Just a little"
Ellie clinged into you.
"Are you tired?"
"Then go to sleep, bub." You told him. "I'll talk to you tomorrow"
"Call me when she wakes up"
"You will be asleep"
"Maybe wait till I call you"
You chuckled. "Of course."
"I love you"
"I love you too. Rest. You played well tonight"
You were at Jack's (and now Luke's) flat and the door had just opened.
She laughed loudly and ran to Quinn, who hugged her tight.
Quinn was a completely different person when Ellie was around. He was literally the sun and some fans and people that didn't know him deeply were truly confused when he showed this side.
"Hey, how have you been?"
"Funny. You had a lot of fun with the boys, right?"
"Yes. Lucky and Jacky." She said and pointed at Jack.
"Yay. What did we do?" Jack asked her.
She cheeky smiled and snored.
Quinn laughed and walked to you. "I'm sure she hasn't been napping the whole time"
"She naps more with Jacky" You said
"What can I say, she loves me" Jack said.
Quinn shook his head and kissed Ellie's cheek. "Dada" She hugged him.
"Ow" He hugged her too.
"Did you miss Dad, Ellie?" You asked
"I missed you too, sweetie" He said slowly rocking her.
Jack smiled for himself. It was so incredible to see his big brother like that. Luke appeared, freshly showered and with his hair dripping water.
"Hey, I didn't hear you coming"
Quinn turned around. "You come here and give me hug"
The two brothers hugged and trapped Ellie between them, who was delighted and found it hilarious.
"Lucky! Dad is mine!"
The four of us laughed. "He was my brother first" Luke defended himself. "He is mine"
"No, mine" She clinged to Quinn's neck.
"She missed Dad a lot" You said hugging Quinn's waist. Ellie nodded.
"At least we don't have to see you two moping around all the day" Luke said.
"We have missed Quinn a lot" You said pinching him.
The day was calm. All of you stayed in and relaxed, but at night, Luke and Jack had something in mind.
"We have a gift for Ellie"
"It's not her birthday" You said. Quinn nodded in agreement as he bit the pizza. "What did we said about getting her used to lots of gifts?"
"It's bold of you to assume we would obey" Jack pointed. You shook your head with a chuckle. "It's special. It's also from mum and dad. Mum chose it actually"
"Okay" Quinn sighed. "Ellie, come here, sweets. Lucky and Jacky have something for you"
She looked up from her toys and crawled to Quinn, who picked her up and put her on his lap.
"Are you excited, sweetheart?" You said.
Luke appeared with a box and Quinn and you instantly knew what it was. Quinn felt something tight on his chest and you saw how his lips shook slightly. You moved closer and hugged his waist.
Ellie was a menace and broke the paper in a million pieces, revealing a brand new pair of little skates as soon as she opened the box.
The four of you laughed at her excitement. She even reached to grab one.
"Hey, careful love" Quinn helped her. "Do you like them?"
"It's time for her to get on the ice" Luke said with a little smile.
Quinn kissed the top of Ellie's head and turned to look at you. You smiled and kissed his lips softly, hearing the more than usual gag from Jack.
"Do you like them Ellie?" Luke asked reaching for her. He tickled her sides and she giggled.
"How much? This much?" Luke showed her a size with his hands and Ellie told him no before move them apart. "This much?! That's a lot!"
"Yes. MUCH".
You laughed. "Say thank you, Ellie" You tried. She had never said it.
She looked at you with big light eyes and waited for you to repeat it. "Thank you, baby. Say Thank you"
"Thank you"
You all cheered and she screamed thank you again.
"Well, do you want to go to the ice?"Quinn squeezed her.
Quinn was kneeling in front of Ellie, who was sitting on a bench with her skates already on. He knew well she wouldn't be able to skate on her own, she could barely walk a few steps. But his brothers were excited, they were already on the ice with you. You weren't the most graceful skater and needed time to warm up every single time, it was as of you needed a reminder of how to do it. So there they were, one on each side ready to catch you while Ellen and Jim skated around.
"Is Quinn fine?" Jack asked you quietly.
Quinn had already started to tie Ellie's skates.
"I think so. He is emotional now. This is a big thing for a hockey dad, isn't it"
They chuckled and discreetly looked back.
"Quinny is a hockey dad, I can't believe it" Jack mussed. "Well, he is a future hockey dad"
You chuckled. "I think it will take her a bit to play hockey"
"Nah, we are giving her a stick next time she is on the ice" Luke simply said. "She is a Hughes"
"She is a Hughes" You said with a smile. Being a Hughes was one of the best things that ever happened to you and you couldn't believe you had found such a fantastic family.
Quinn looked up at Ellie and took a deep breath. It was a big day, a huge day. He was nervous as hell. But his daughter giggled and cupped his face with her chubby hands. "Dad"
"Ellie" He said gently.
"Love you"
Quinn smiled so big and she patted his cheeks. "Scratchy" She said feeling his beard.
He put her closer and leaned to blow raspberries on her cheeks and neck, making the little girl giggle and try to push him away. "No! Dad scratchy"
"I love you too, Ellie" He said pulling back.
"And mum"
"And mum" He said with that funny feeling setting on his chest. "Are you ready?"
He picked her in his arms and stepped on the ice. She squeaked and called for Luke and Jack.
You were grabbing hard into Jack's arm, but Luke let go of you and skated to them.
"Ok. Everyone ready?" Quinn said leaving Ellie hanging by grabbing her under her arms.
"Yes" Ellie giggled.
Ellen already had her phone out ready to film her granddaughter's first skate ever. You were grabbing hard into Jack's arm. Being a mum was scary, your baby's firsts were scary. How would it be? Would she like it? What if it went wrong?
"Sweetheart, Dad won't let you fall, yeah?" Quinn said. "I've got you"
Quinn set her foot on the ice and Ellie started moving them. It made him chuckle. "Don't move them. Like that. Well done"
Once she was standing, he carefully moved to grab her by the hands, finding his daughter was desperately trying to grab into him. "I've got you" He whispered.
You leaned against Jack's shoulder, who couldn't contain his huge smile. Luke was quiet. He always got quiet in moments like this. But it wasn't because he wasn't happy, it was because the feels always hit too hard. Meanwhile, Ellen was really emotional, barely containing her tears watching another Hughes kid getting on the ice.
"Like this, baby." Quinn said and slowly dragged his hands forward. With her dad pushing her, Ellie finally moved over the ice. She was still shocked, probably feeling too weird.
"Look at you, sweetheart! You are doing so good" You said. Quinn looked at you and smile, making you feel again as in the beginning of the pregnancy. He would come to talk to the bump while stealing little joyful glances at you. Tears filled your eyes and you had to dry them.
Quinn couldn't really picture how he was feeling. He was proud and happy but also scared because it seemed like yesterday when he could finally hold his girl. She was now on the ice and she was growing so fast.
"You are a natural, Ellie" Ellen said. She giggled and kicked her feet, obviously not knowing they were in charge of keeping her up.
If it wasn't for Quinn, she would have fallen, but he didn't let her. Still, she got a little bit scared a big frown painted her face.
A collective oww was heard.
"It's alright. It's alright, Ellie" Quinn told her
She looked up and pouted, but Quinn started giving kisses and she laughed loudly instead of crying.
Having the little scared solved, Quinn and Ellie moved forward for a bit and she fi ally seemed to relax, even more when Luke opened his arms for her.
Soon, the guys took over and grabbed her, one on each hand, to help her move. She was barely doing nothing, but there was so much happiness on her face. Ellen was making sure of documenting everything, taking pictures of the boys, Jim, you, selfies...
Time flew and soon you felt Quinn's hands on your waist.
"Hey babe".
You turned your face and he kissed your lips.
"Come with me for a second"
You both skated away, the other barely noticing. Quinn was shaking, literally shaking. He had never felt like this. Only when Ellie was born, maybe.
"What's wrong Quinn?"
He took a shaky deep breath and moved you so you were blocking him from the others eyes'.
"Don't make a big thing please" He was serious and it worried you.
"Is it the team? Are they trading you?" You barely had time to talk in person about the end of his season or the last games or anything. You didn't know if he got news from the team and you felt bad now for not having asked.
"No, no. Not about the team".
You laid your hands on his chest. "You are scaring me, Quinn"
He looked into your eyes and then back at the family, all happy playing with Ellie. Now she was on Luke's arms as he skated away from Jack, who was chasing them. Nellie's laugh was loud. Jim was telling Luke to go faster and Ellen was telling Jakc to leave them alone. Luke was pure Joy with Ellie on his arms. It remind Quinn why he was about to do what he had in mind.
"Okay, YN. I was planning on this this differently. I wanted to take you out, just the two of us. But... Before leaving the guy's house... I saw it and it kind of calling my name and I know it's the perfect moment now"
"Calling your name? What are you talking about, Quinny?"
He took another deep breath. "Don't make a bit deal. I want it to be discreet because those little shits will tease a lot"
You nodded. "Quiet" You said like you always told Ellie when she got too loud.
"Quiet" He repeated on the same tone. Then, he reached for his inner pocket.
You contained your breathed and observed his moves. When he pulled his hand out, there was a ring between his fingers. You gasped and covered your mouth.
"You are perfect. Even if it wasn't in the traditional way, you brought the biggest happiness and treasure to me and my family. I love you like I've never loved no one and each day I discover that I can love you even more. You and Ellie are the best thing that ever happened to me and... I want to marry you, YN"
You nodded quickly with tears in your eyes.
"I want to marry you too, Quinny" You said put of breath.
He biggest smile appeared on his lips before he reached for your hand with his shaky one. He was so nervous and it was so cute.
"I adore you, Quinn. I love you so much." You said put of breath.
He kissed you gently and then hugged you tight.
"Thank you for giving all of this" You whispered. "For wanting to share so much of you with me"
He kissed your temple and opened his eyes. "Oh fuck."
"Oh fuck. Already regret-"
"Mum, Dad! Be careful" Luke shouted at you and a second later passed flying, closely followed by Jack.
Quinn was quick enough to pull you close and not let you fall, still too clumsy on your skates. "Be careful!" Quinn scolded them.
But it was no use, Ellie was laughing like a mad girl while she tightly grabbed her uncle. You chuckled and hugged Quinn tighter. You couldn't believe you had a ring on your finger.
It had all started with Petey introducing you and then everything had been so smooth. Ellie had arrived like a hurricane and now you were engaged.
"What are you thinking about?"
"You just proposed" You whispered.
He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
"I did. And you said yes"
"I said yes"
"Mum!!!!" She was so loud that even from the other side of the ice and over the other's laughs you heard her.
You giggled. "Mind helping me get there?"
"Of course, Bambi"
You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not that clumsy"
"You are, my fiancee" He whispered the last part.
You spent another hour on the ice while feeling in a cloud, exchanging giddy glances with Quinn and playing with Ellie. In the end, she could barely keep her head up and once you arrived at the restaurant you were having dinner at, she sat on JAck and leaned on his chest.
"Do you want to sleep?" Quinn asked and she nodded.
Jack chuckled. "Am I your favourite uncle?" He asked.
"No" She shamelessly said in her cute sleepy voice. "Lucky"
"Oh" Jack exclaimed with fake anger. "You guys need to have another one because this one it's impossible to convince"
"Yeah, and Ellie 2.0 will also prefer me" Luke said.
Ellen shook her head. "They will have another one once they are ready, not when you guys ask for it"
Luke saw the opportunity and took it. "After the wedding?"
Quinn and you gasped loudly.
"The... wedding?" Jack asked.
"The ring. It wasn't there when we arrived at the ring"
Jim laughed loudly. "It's always the quiet ones, isn't it"
Ellen quickly reached for your hand. Quinn was blushing so hard.
"You guys..."
"Quinn proposed" You squeaked with the biggest smile.
Ellen hugged you and then looked at her son. "It was taking so long!"
"So long?!"
"Well, seeing how quickly you got her..."
A quick elbow to the ribs and Jack shut up.
You were all laughing. "I think it was the right time" You said looking at Quinn. He looked down at his hands and nodded.
"I'm so happy for you and the ring it's beautiful, Quinny" Ellen said and then looked at you. "It suits you"
Quinn smiled and hugged your shoulders. "Remember when Ellie and I got stuck in the traffic after doing the groceries?"
You nodded. "We were choosing it. Ellie chose it"
You gasped and looked at her, already sleeping on Jack's chest.
"Wow" Was all you could say. You had never felt such happiness in your life.
This didn't end up as I was expecting, but better this than nothing!"
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d1onysusw1n3 · 7 months
★haunted - Clarisse La Rue★
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
                 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 - 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜é
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
"𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒾𝒻 𝐼ℳ 𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝐼'𝓂 𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊."
     "𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓑𝓮 𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒, 𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒."
        └────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘
Tw: some kissing nd fluff.
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His curly brown hair, his smile, his everything. Even his imperfections, are absolutely beautiful.
"You're staring again Halo." the redette announces. I turn my attention away from him peering over at my best friend, Rosalyn quartz. Daughter of Aphrodite. People drool over her Porcelain skin and green eyes, her silky coils of red hair, she's the definition of beauty.
"Is it obvious." I frown shrinking into the mossy log a couple feet across from him.
She chuckles shaking her head. Her curls elegantly blow in the wind, with long dark eyelashes that shadow her sharp cheek bones, she looks as if she was sculpted by Zeus herself.
"You know you could talk to him instead of staring like a deer in headlights" she says in a sing song voice.
I looked down to my calloused hands, my chipped nails, the scars on my knuckles due to many fights i somehow get myself into. Especially with Clarisse. She has a bone to pick with me, ever since I stepped foot into camp half blood.
I don't know how anyone would be able to love my scars, my tan lines, my unhinged curly hair.
"He doesn't even know my name rose, I'm not going to go up to him." I look down picking at my nails.
"Well someone is staring at you." She chuckles.
I look up and lock eyes with clarisse. I never noticed the light flakes of brown in her dark eyes that some how, glow.
I roll my eyes and turn my body back over to rose.
"Yeah well she can shove that attitude up her grade A snotty royal a-" the horn signaling curfew blew, cutting me off.
I slump not realizing I was tired till now. I snap my sketch book shut and place it to the side to stretch my legs.
"I don't know if she hates you or is obsessed with you, she argues and teases but looks at you across the room desperately." Rose quirks her eyebrow.
"Tt she can keep all her bull shit to herself" i spit out scowling.
I walk rose to her cabin and bid a goodnight turning on my heel to walk back to cabin 7. I look in my bag and notice my book isn't anywhere in sight. I groan lumbering over to the campfire where I was sitting and see it missing.
My heart drops down to the floor. I have so many sketches in there, ones of rose and camp half blood, most importantly, various sketches of him.
I splat onto my bottom bunk, various snores of all the children around me. I kick off my shoes falling into a dreamless sleep.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
I wake with the warm sun gleaming on my tan skin and scattered freckles. I sigh as the previous night floods through my mind. My fucking notebook is floating around here some where.
Hopping up, I tug on my cropped camp half blood shirt that floats above my navel over my white also cropped long sleeve and on my low waisted light washed ripped jeans with hightop black converse.
I bend down tying my laces looking at the messy doodles on my shoes that are lightly washed off. I take off the the fire place picking up sticks and moss trying to desperately find my notebook.
I pause slowly turning around, to see the one and only, luke castellan. Holding my fucking note book. Well if hades ever wanted to magically claim my soul to the underworld he could, because at the moment I felt like dropping dead..and that is an understatement.
"Uh hi." I look down in his hand. He follows my gaze down to his hand.
"Oh um I found this by the seat you were sitting in by the campfire last night I wanted to give it back to you." he holds it out for me to grab. I quickly grab it from his hand tucking it to my chest in embarrassment.
"Your sketches are beautiful, especially the ones of me." He teases looking down at me with a smug little smirk.
"I-" I stand there with my mouth wide open.
He chuckles at my expression.
"I'm messing with you."
"Yeah I know sorry, you just have beautiful features, they're nice to draw" I say in a daze, not really understanding the depth of words I chose.
He blushes a little with a smug smile.
"I know" he says lazily bumping into my shoulder on purpose as we walk to my cabin. I roll my eyes at his stupid (very hot) cocky attitude.
"Hey I was wondering if I could ask you something." He looks down blushing slightly.
My heart quickens with a hitched breath.
"Does Rosalyn have a boyfriend?"
And crushed. My everything is crushed.
"No. She doesn't." I tightly smile at him, almost mechanically. Fake.
"Thanks." He smiles and walks off to attach his hip to your beautiful best.friend.
You ended up avoiding them both all day not ready to face the reality of the situation.
When night falls you decide to skip the campfire and sit by the lake, sobbing your damn eyes out over a stupid boy.
"Well what do we have here- are you crying?" Clarisse's cocky facade dropps immediately, almost looking worried.
I quickly wiped my tears and sniffle.
"Please I'm not in the mood."
She slowly takes a seat next to me. I look over to see her inspecting my face. A tear falls down my face, closing my eyes I look down ashamed to be found this way. But Clarisse doesn't care, she tenderly wipes my tear, her fingertips callused due to holding a weapon for a long time Daron years if combat.
"I would treat you better then he ever could." She whispers, so low I wouldn't have heard it if it wasn't for how close our bodies were to each other, knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder.
"What?" I quietly say, stunned at her words.
"I see you staring at him all the time as he follows that damn red head as if she was his mother. It makes me so angry, those tears should be from pleasure not pain pretty girl." She smirks down at me.
"I thought you hated me" I frown.
"I don't hate you, I hate the thought of you with him." Clarisse spits out with malice coating her tongue.
She leans her forehead on mine, and I realize the same thing I did yesterday. The small gold flakes floating around in her dark eyes.
"Your eyes are beautiful" I mumble breath short at the sight bestowed before me.
I can lightly see blush dusted on her sharp cheek bones due to the moons glare off the lake.
She leans over closing in space our lips ghostly resting onto each other. She leans deeper into me, and I don't stop her. I lean in as well, kissing her with such force it knocks the wind out of my lungs.
Yet, This kiss wasn't fast and rushed, it wasn't spontaneous with a fireworks and a buzz in the back of my head.
It was slow and tender, her soft lips molding to mine as if they were made to kiss me, my stomach flips and I feel at peace with her, at peace with us.
As the kiss gets deeper a little more needy, she glides her tongue against my teeth, a gentle sigh escapes her mouth, I open letting her in. He dips her tongue in my mouth as we steadily find a slow and gentle pace.
She backs up for air slow and heavy breaths.
"You don't know how long I wanted to do that, how I longed for you to stare at me instead of him." She tucks my hair behind my ear.
"That can change. Make me yours clare" I whisper.
She smiles smashing her lips against mine again, this time the kiss was different it was needy and sticky. She pulls me on her lap with a vice grip on my hips I felt as if I would bruise in the morning. I wrap my arms around her neck finessing my hands through her hair and I slightly tug at a strand of her curls, making her groan at the action.
I smile against her lips.
"Halo, please be mine. all mine." She whispers in my ear, her cool minty breath fanning over my collarbone and jawline.
"Always and forever Clare, I'm all yours." And it's as Apollo gifted her smile with the power of a thousand suns, cause gods her smile was bright and as beautiful as the star itself.
"Let's go back to the campfire, don't miss out because of him." She gets up holding out a hand to me. I take her hand locking our fingers letting her pull me up.
She leads me through tall trees up to a gleaming light. We take a seat by the campfire. I lock my arm around hers leaning into her body warmth on this humid but breezy night.
Across from me I see Luke and Rosalyn laughing and holding hands strolling over to us. I expected a punch in the gut, but nothing came, instead my mind still raced at the thought of Clarisse's lips on mine.
I look up and focus on her features her blazing eyes and beautiful full lips, everything about her was perfect.
"What happened when I was gone, because you two seemed to cuddled up to be enemies." Rosalyn points at our locked arms and intertwined hands.
"A lot" I giggle.
Luke and herself settle down next to us, giggling away as he places ginger kisses on her collarbones. And I could care less.
Clarisse laughs and jokes about something stupid with her siblings and I feel as if her smile is hypnotic, a spell that puts me in a deep trance.
"Whatcha staring at pretty girl?" She says and that catches roses attention turning away from Luke to see my reply.
"You, always you." I smile up at her.
She leans down slowly placing a kiss on my lips as if they were as fragile as china glass.
"Woah so i definitely missed a whole entire chapter because what the gods just happened." Rosalyn said with her eyebrows raised.
I laugh and Clarisse chuckles.
"I asked halo to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Clarisse confirmed, with possessive arms snaking around my waist, holding me flush against her body.
"I can see that." Rose said.
"I also wanted to say that I feel bad for making a move on.. I know how you felt and I was selfish." Rose looks down at her nails.
"Don't even sweat it, that was the best decision you have ever made." I say looking over to Clarisse, who was in her own world with her siblings.
"Yeah I bet" she smirks turning back around.
Who knew the person I resented would eventually be the woman to sweep me off my feet.
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It’s six am and I’m tired goodnight.☠️
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Could we have y!Alphonse and y!Seth?
Protective or obsessive?
tw SOME ONE DIES :D also some gore so I'm gonna have to mark this. I need to do that to my Lucien one actually-
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Sugarboo was a very good catch, Alphonse and Seth always told them that. Along with how lucky they both were to finally have them in their lives because they help better both boy's. There was lots of people in town that also told Sugarboo that, they chose not to comment on it. But it was starting to become annoying to deal with when the older women would tell them about their own grandchild looking for a partner.
Since there was more younger people coming into town Sugarboo ended up getting admirer's. It was sweet getting flowers form blushing people as they left quickly when told they had two loving partners. Hearing that they were poly some of the admirer's tries wooing their boyfriends to see if they could join the relationship.
Alphonse and Seth mostly shut that down quickly, but there was a few that tried threatening the ex con-men. Like that was going to work, a few punches and some cracked bones made the admirer's run away like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs. Sugarboo knew what they were doing and were happy, because there was a few that wanted to join for the boy's too.
But there was this one woman that kept messing with them, always trying to butt in thinking they'd let her. Lilith was one of the younger women that moved to town during the 'great young migration' named by the older people in town. At first she was sweet and began a friend of SB's bringing her close to their lovers and she fucking flirted with them. Obviously all three told her to kick fucking rocks but she kept pushing hard, like she had a death wish.
"Come on! I can be good for all three of you~" Slurring out Lilith leaned her chest on Alphonse's arm and let a hand grope on Seth's. Both men yank their arm's away in disgust and Alphonse started to speak.
"Listen here dumbass I'm in a relationship and we all three agreed we DID NOT WANT YOU! Kick rocks already lady god!" Seth grunted in agreement as both walked away from her, both were in a alley way of sorts in town picking up some groceries for Sugarboo's cooking. Lilith was able to falsely tell them that she wanted to speak in private about a apology. SB told the two to be nice to her because they already were on the sheriff's bad side getting into so many fights.
"What's so good about them anyways? They're not even that great! But everyone fuckin' praises them like their a saint when really their noth-AH!" Getting roughly shoved on the brick wall behind her by Seth, Alphonse looked over the brown hair man shoulder's. Glaring at Lilith, both were VERY protective of Sugarboo after the whole Derek shit went down.
"Sugar is a good person. THAT IS WHY EVERYONE LIKES THEM." Scolding in a dark tone to Lilith by Seth the woman looked frightened. Both men had crazy look's in their eyes when she didn't finish her insults about their partner.
"Come near us again or our Boo and we WILL deal with you." Leaning down more to get in the woman's face her breath hitched, "Your only being spared because Boo told us too." Walking away with bags of groceries and Seth following suit both left the woman with her thoughts.
Three days past from that and Sugarboo was running late home, so both boys decided to go to the bakery Sugarboo set up in town. They saw a small group of people chatting a few buildings down and quietly walking to them listened in.
"Okay so the baker gets out in three minutes, Luke your going to grab them and put this over their face. Simon go get in the car and have it ready for us to get in. Yue you got the gloves?" Lilith's voice was heard and both men pieced together what they were going to do.
"Why do I have to grab- Wait...who- AH!" Acting quickly Alphonse grabbed the closest person, Luke and smashed his head against the wall. Seth looked at Yue who froze and dropped the butcher knife she was holding, reaching down to her arm he spoke.
"Sorry." Then a sickening crack was heard as his hand shot up to hold Yue's mouth closed. Her screaming muffled by his big hand as the shorter woman sobbed into it. Lilith was behind Simon looking at Alphonse and Seth, the two men were shaking with anger. Yue was thrown down on the ground by Luke as the two crazed lovers began stalking towards the pair that was going to hurt Sugarboo.
"Didn't I say we'd deal with ya?" Cracking his knuckles Alphonse had a manic smile as he went and grabbed Lilith's hair. Before Simon could react Seth grabbed his throat and began chocking him, watching how the skinny man began losing color in his face then passing out.
"Al, hurry up before Sugar come's out and get's m-" There was a sigh at the entrance of the alley way. Turning quickly both men smiled as they saw their Sugarboo, who looked a bit annoyed.
"Really? Now we gotta hide them! Ugh you two....Seth go get Al's car." Commanding the sad eye man he nodded passing by them quickly but gave them a peck on the cheek. Then sprinting off to go get the car, he was a fast runner out of the three of them.
"Y......You three are psychopaths! Why are you so calm-" Lilith interrupted herself as she finally saw Sugarboo's face. Disappointment. They slowly walked to her as she was anchored down by Alphonse gripping her hair still.
"You really should have listened." In the little light in the alley way the butcher knife Sugarboo picked up glinted. Then it in bedded itself in Lilith's skull, she screamed for a short second before a switch blade stabbed itself into her throat. Alphonse holding a switch blade yanked it out, Lilith pawed at her head and tried touching her throat.
"Aa...akfghh??" Blood spilled as she tried to speak but with her throat slashed her vocal cords could make any sounds. Lilith then passed out hanging limply by Alphonse still gripping her hair. A car engine was heard and Seth opened it then coming back to the alley way.
"Awe man you got blood on the floor! That's gonna take long to clean!" Complaining Seth grabbed a cleaning tool form the car and some body bags. Sugarboo sighed and started to bag up the bodies with Seth, Alphonse smiled at the two wondering how he got so lucky with them.
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simpfortheseven · 2 months
I'm super sorry that you're going through a hard time and I hope it gets better! Stay strong, your efforts won't go unnoticed for sure<3 ❤️
Anyways as for the ask :
I was wondering if you have any Solomon headcanon? Funny or angsty, whatever it is, I'm kind of just collecting every hc I can get because I'm obsessed with this guy (he's so silly<3, I'm starved for content about him😭)
That's pretty much it, I'm sorry if you expected a more specific kind of ask, so feel free to ignore
And remember to stay hydrated and healthy~
Thank you Nonny! I appreciate the words of encouragement i’ve been getting from everyone 😭❤️
Fun fact: I used to HATEEE Solomon so much. Disposed him. Actively avoided any media about the guy.
then I started playing nightbringer.. and now i LOVEEE him! I low key think he’s my favorite now… Him, Simeon, Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo, and Barbatos have my whole heart
I have some headcannons about Solomon so I’m glad you asked! I’m going to include general ones, fluffy ones, and then at the bottom will be 18+ ones. Please DNI if you’re a minor!
Keep in mind these are my headcannons and not necessarily based on what’s in the game or not in the game!
Solomon Headcannons!
1. Solomon is a little bad with tech, kinda like Simeon. He only uses his DDD for calling, and texting short messages. He doesn’t play games or have much social media. He’s easier to teach than Simeon though so he gets better the more time you spend together. He even gets into selfie taking after awhile!
2. Solomon used to believe in Santa.. Like hardcore. Now around christmas time he tries to make it magical for Luke in one way or another.
3. He acts very cool around others, but when it’s just you and him he is very laid back and can even be goofy at times. Think “making pancakes at 3am because you said you were hungry and now you’re dancing in the refrigerator light” type.
4. Solomon drinks coffee, specifically only hot coffee with sugar. You try to get him to drink other things but he’s pretty stubborn about his coffee. Once in awhile on a hot day he will have a cold brew.
5. On the coffee note, he once stayed awake for 4-5 days straight working on spells/potions, and ended up using a whole canister of coffee and a whole bag of sugar in the process..
6. He loves murder mystery/Who Done It shows. He could easily solve murders in real life with magic, but watching things like Murder, She Wrote or Matlock?? There’s something about the suspense and drama that he loves.
7. Solomon does NOT like the air conditioning. He thinks it’s a waste of money, and he gets cold easily. He’d rather open a window or use a fan.
8. If Solomon could have an exotic pet, he’d want a Farret. No explanation on this one folks, i just think he would.
9. One time Solomon broke his nose due to a spell gone haywire. If you look closely it is just the tiniest bit crooked, and it irks him beyond belief because no matter what he does it won’t be fixed.
10. On that same note, he has a lot of mysterious scars. Those he doesn’t try to hide, he’s even proud of a few of them and shows them off proudly.
11. Solomon is into whatever you’re into. He’s done it all and seen it all, so he says he has no preference. His actual preference is slow and intimate, he loves savoring every moment with you. He loves seeing your face and expression change, your eyes squeezing shut and your lips trembling as you whisper his name so lovingly.
12. He’s loves seeing you in big shirts and boxers, messy hair. Just thinking about you pouring yourself a cup of coffee in your jammie’s and bed head, holding the mug up to your face and smiling has him melting.
13.Solomon also likes doing some things in public. Never any further than a caress or some PDA, but the more you do it throughout the day the more riled up he gets. He may say you have to leave an event early just so he can go home and have you all to himself.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
"Because they were strange as hell at the London premiere."
YES! I was so stressed out watching them at the London premiere trying to figure out wtf was happening. I also agree that nothing has happened between them yet. THE TENSION. Did they fight? Did they have a convo about what had been going on? Did Luke feel conflicted and not sure how to act because A was there watching in person this time? Was Nic backpedalling super hard because she doesn't want Luke/the general public to know how she really feels about him? In the same interview she had the rehearsed answer about lint picking Luke says basically they can't win no matter how they behave. Too close, they're in love. Too distant and they're fighting. Sorry sir, it's not our fault you two don't know how to control yourselves.
I've been obsessing over Ireland and the head touch as well. So many people have been saying it means nothing since the vogue video of his groomer doing a head massage came out. I'm sorry, it's different. That woman is paid to massage that mans head and do his hair and makeup. He leaned back and enjoyed it (just like anyone getting a massage/their hair played with would). I fucking love getting my hair washed/scalp massaged when I go get my hair cut, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with my hair stylist.
Nic and Luke were in an interview and we all saw that for a moment the fact that cameras and other people were surrounding them just disappeared. It was fucking wild. I don't care if she picks lint off people. She stroked his forehead and played with the hair on the side of his head and he leaned into it. Wtf is that.
Yeah and also I want to bring up we are all miss a big puzzle piece.
What happened in Galway?
Sure we have a vague idea of events but nothing of their energy, actions, body language, etc.
London feels like such a massive shift from Dublin but would it if we knew more about Galway?
We also know they took time to decompress in Galway before heading back to London which raises so many questions.
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17x06 Reaction/Spoilers Pt. 1 (aka the Jemily Episode of S17/Of All Time)
TW: not much however, there is a blood/gunshot wound warning (around 03:20-03:46) and drug use (edibles in each jemily scene pretty much)
Also if you want my jemily watch thoughts, I bolded them in this post haha (also thanks to @blackbirdsaltzman for our predictions for jemily stuff this ep haha!) I had to split this into two posts bc I have so many thoughts about this ep especially with jemily haha
Tara and Rossi teaming up together again!
Voit's cell
Tara's voice omg 😭
Noooo nooo omg Emily's singing 😭😭
Fuck it's not what we think!!
Voit fuck off!
You let go of her you fucking son of a bitch
Emily's singing is breaking my heart fuck nooooo
I know it's a dream but noooo Emily's pained singing broke me 😭
Why do they have to repeat her singing on the title card?? Damn it CME
Love Paget's voice but fuck
Aww Penelope leaving a bucket for Emily. She was drinking the other night hahaha
I've been wanting to say this since the promos came out but JJ's hair is wavy again, but her sleeves are still long and covering her hands :(
Rossi's seeing a bunch of Voits around the bullpen, including him as the others
Zach Gilford, I hate your character but I love you as an actor
JJ already being worried about Emily and her looking at Penelope
Not Emily's singing again fuck. I swear if her singing this song is foreshadowing the next eps...
JJ following Penelope to her lair. Omg JJ and Penelope's bestieism in this very lair 🥰 I miss them! It's like the early seasons them!
"You profiled that. I did not tell you" but JJ knows Emily inside and out hehe
JJ's little look at Penelope's keys
"Please I'm a mom. I've seen worse" hahahaha
Oh- Tyler's ex huh? Teresa Campos
Hahahaha Tyler calling Luke to talk to his ex
Exes in a room, whatcha gonna do
"She's the woman I dated.... right before you."
The walls shaking in Rossi's office. I'm sorry but the effects is kinda making me laugh
Tara being the second one to call out Rossi on not going to mandated trauma therapy lol
Tara just being there and holding Rossi's hand and talking him through 😭 I liked that moment
Tara's voice is so soothing, hold my hand next please.
Jemily scene #1 wooo!
JJ's cheetos obsession never dies! Also a mutual and I predicted before this ep on something that happens with JJ with these very things... 👀
Damn it. JJ I know you're making Emily comfortable but I needed the lights on!
The sneak peek!
Emily, although high, loves salt and vinegar chips!
Chopsticks is definitely going to be a jemily thing now. I may or may not have a one shot idea about that 👀
"Sooo what have you been drinking?" AJ's giggle is so cute
"Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, are you high?" "I'm not not high" "Oh my god" god I love them
"I didn't know super-hot Latina was your type. My name is Garcia..." Garcia um... I hate to tell you this...
Teresa's got a thing for army guys oh- is this... Luke's also an army guy
I have a feeling that they might set up Luke and Teresa together to try and stop Garvez from happening I fear 😔
Tommy Yates is all I could think of for Rossi rn
It's risky but I guess it might help Rossi
Tyler did that from last season and it got Penelope somewhat in trouble when her uh... predicament with him happened
"Message in a bottle" title mention!
"Sticky chemistry" omg 😭 Penelope
Teresa and Penelope and Luke and Tyler. Ooooh this should be fun!
Jemily scene #2
"I can feel your disappointed stare on my back" Emily knows her wife so well
JJ eating more... cheetos... omg girly you're gonna get fucked up
"Not disappointed, just... didn't know you smoked" JJ, you already knew Emily had some sort of a past with smoking and yet this surprises you? 😂 But also the way she sounded so amused with a huge smile like ahhhh I love them so much
When you need to focus or contemplate life, you just have a bag of cheese puffs with you, Emily? Like at any time JJ comes over to your place or something, you think she wouldn't try to go for that bag??
"tame the PR beast" liaison JJ hello??
JJ the voice of reason yesss
Not Emily talking about the Catcher in the Rye like she doesn’t know wtf that is omg 😭
"We need to talk"
Oh shit. "Why are the walls closing in?" JJ's realization and Emily's realization 👀
JJ's "Emily?"
That bag was like full earlier. Omg JJ 😭😭
Not Emily taking the last one omg. She said "solidarity" lol
"Those are edibles? 🥺" "You're gonna need to lie down" "Nooo" I just- they're so funny and adorable
JJ's on for a ride (or a trip if you will hehe)
Also I'm taking it that Emily has a bag of edible cheetos and a bag of regular cheetos, and hides the edibles from JJ hahaha
Back to Rossi. And this is the elevator scene from the trailer with the walls closing in on him. Ooooh JJ just said that earlier too
"past paramours" Penelope-
Pheromones? I swear... do not cm
Hahaha that's a long story Teresa
Luke and Tyler oooh 👀
Not to be encouraging ideas... but why do I have a feeling some people might start shipping/making fanfics of Tyler and Luke now? hahaha
Ooh they're bonding over movies now??? I might like this actually
I hate hearing Emily's pained voice :( hasn't she been through enough?? Apparently not in this season or ever
Tommy Yates
"Am I haunting you?" Yes
Subtext ok Elias
So only three people know about Gold Star: Voit, Doug, and possibly Gideon’s ex-wife?
Damn. "We build a profile" Zach Gilford
Sebastian Gasper from 17x03
Jemily scene #3
JJ is soooo out of it omg
Her little dopey (stoned) smile when she hears that Emily's reinstated as unit chief. JJ's still a supportive wife through her high world lol
JJ: "hell yeah let's goo🤘" that was 1000% AJ for sure like girl we know you've been high before irl hahaha
JJ already shaking her head and going "no" when Emily said she’s sending an email to reject the offer back
Gideon, Morgan, and Hotch mention
"the longer you stay in this job, the odds is that you're going to lose yourself or someone you love or your sense of honor. It just takes and takes and takes" Emily :(
Omg BAU-Gate mention!
Oh 😭 JJ's deep-seated fear is exactly what we thought. That Henry or his friends come across the website.
I appreciate the mention and I swear if it wasn't the website, I love AJ's delivery of "yeah I found out" like "yeah duh", that was kinda funny actually
"You know what bugs me the most, is that you- you didn't tell me." JJ wasn't mad at her (or maybe she was but not enough to hate her of course) but she was just more hurt that Emily hid it from her since she found out. JJ just wanted answers!
AJ's little shaking hand when JJ says "you didn't tell me."
"Did you think I couldn't handle it?" I had a feeling JJ would say this when she confronted Emily
"No, I knew you could handle it. That doesn't mean you had to." I know I saw some opinions on how Emily said that, but I don't think she made it about herself tbh. I think given their state of mind rn, Emily was trying to say she thought she could try to protect JJ by doing what she did. Ik there's been discourse on if Emily did the right thing or not and I don't wanna get into that either but I think if they were both sober, then it would've delved into a more emotional conversation about the website and Emily could've explained in full why she chose that decision. That's at least my thoughts on it for now.
"It's not about protecting us. It's about being honest with us. With me." JJ 😭 She was so hurt that Emily had to do that and just wanted her to be honest with her. I might have some thoughts on her saying this
Also the way she says "with me." Ohhh I love them 😭 Also the fact that JJ's more worried about Emily having to lie and hide from her. JJ hates when people lie and hide stuff from her (funny enough when she does the same lol)
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