I'm 19 multifandom Request are open. we're all just one big disfunctional and chaotic family here. thanks for putting up with my writing
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 19 days ago
Chris rodriguez
Spoilers for the books/ show! ⚠️
I forget people who haven't read the books don't know who Chris's father is yet . I remember seeing the cast for Alison and re cast for Chris and Polyphemus and Circe come out and people saying 2 unclaimed demigods and my brain immediately went wait what do you mean unclaimed? Chris is the son of Hermes then I remembered he doesn't technically get claimed until after the labyrinth
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 1 month ago
So today I was at home goods and the lady goes do you want to sign up for the rewards? Just kidding your to young. I'm 19 but it probably doesn't help I'm 5'2 and sound like i swallowed a load of helium. I didn't say anything to her tho
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 1 month ago
I don't know why but the word girly makes me cringe and I highly hate the word Girly and I genuinely don't know why it's one of those things that I hate but can't explain why
No offense to to anyone who uses the word
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
Y'all be careful because there's a user who is reblogging stuff but adding porn links to the reblogs they post I forgot their name but I blocked them since it made me uncomfortable please be careful especially if you're for some reason a minor on this app you shouldn't be seeing those things
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
Dear thatonepersonwhocantwrite, 💔
Please Help Me – My Son May Die at Any Moment.
I'm Amal, a mother of three children, living under the weight of the genocide taking place in Gaza. 🍉
Here’s my story, and I’m reaching out with a hopeful heart 💔✨💔, hoping someone will feel what my family and I are going through.
My son is suffering from a severe and life-threatening injury after being shot by Israeli drones. He urgently needs medical treatment outside Gaza.
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Time is running out, and we are facing a critical situation. I am asking for your generosity to help us save him either through a donation or by sharing this urgent plea with others
I beg you, i kiss your feet, to help my son. My son may die at any moment.
I lost most of my family. I'm afraid to lose my son too 🥺🥺
Mohammed deserves to live a happy and healthy life, just like every other child on this earth.
Please Donate now:👇
Please go donate and help this family
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
History is always repeating itself
Pairing Luke castellan x Gender neutral hades child reader
Trigger warnings ⚠️ implied kidnapping a few swear words
(Art and pictures not mine found on the internet also Luke's looks aren't described so you can choose what Luke)
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The fates had warned Hades that if he took Peresphone for himself a similar fates would happen to one of his children. He really didn't think much of it especially because Nico and Bianca were still in the lotus casino and until 21 years ago they were his only Half-Blood children until he met you're mother and feel in love. You were now 19 and honestly Hades had assumed you were safe from this curse/prophecy because he had assumed it would happen when you were younger if you were in fact the child of the curse/ prophecy he wasn't even sure it would be you he was dead wrong.
You hated the constant rocking of the Princess Andromeda, you hated the ocean and most of all you hated Luke. Footsteps came down the hallway towards your cell. "Comfortable?" Luke asked his voice slightly mocking. " What do you think Castellan?" You asked your voice full of spite celestial bronze chains around your wrists. "You're a coward Castellan. " You said anger still evident in your voice. "Ouch I thought you loved me Y/n." Luke replied. " Keyword being LOVED not love. I hope you rot in Tartarus. " You replied.
"Y/n I did this to Luke started to talk but you cut him off. " If you say that bullshit like I love you or I'm trying to protect you I would say I'd shove backbiter up your ass but I have chains around my wrists." You said. Luke chuckled slightly. "I'll let you calm down you seem a bit ......... rowdy." Luke replied. You continue to glare at Luke as he walked away. " Fucking coward." You muttered to yourself even if you had said it louder he was already far enough he wouldn't hear it.
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
I fucking hate this a few weeks ago most of my family in the house got pneumonia I got pneumonia and bronchitis while it is gone there are still some lingering side effects like my side is killing me
Also I'm scared to sneeze cause it makes it worse
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
More dragon prince season 7 spoilers
When Astrid said the pearl you brought was made of candy we ate it
I laughed
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
Spoilers for episode 1 of season 7 of the dragon prince
Don't click continue reading if you don't want to be spoiled
I'm just gonna summerize it
Episode 1 starts with Cosmo saying stuff about Aarovos' return to which Astrid interrupts him
We see Ethari again
Aarovos explains how Viren might be stuck in the in between
Corvus and Soren hug
Return to Katolis
Ezran briefly saw his dead parents
Ezran suddenly is out for blood in his grief
Astrid takes off her blind fold and go's to find Rayla and Callum
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 2 months ago
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 3 months ago
Save Mohmmed !
Dear humanity,
Please Help Me – My Son May Die at Any Moment. I am in desperate need of your help. My son’s life is hanging by a thread, and he may not survive without urgent medical treatment This was after he was shot by an Israeli drone He was critically injured in his feet. Time is running out, and we are facing a critical situation. I am asking for your generosity to help us save him – either through a donation or by sharing this urgent plea with others
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I beg you, i kiss your feet, to help my son. My son may die at any moment
Donate now:👇👇
‎‏Thank you for your compassion and support during this critical time.
#free_palestine 🍉🇵🇸
If anyone is able, please donate or repost to help!
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 3 months ago
Ok but imagine Epic the musical but Percy jackson
Percy = Poseidon
Nico = Odysseus
Will = Penelope
Mrs. O'Leary= Telemachus
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 3 months ago
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Charlie & Aryan 2 handsome men
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 3 months ago
⚠️ this is MY OPINION ⚠️
I can’t stress this enough but can you please stop tagging your work as an x reader if it’s really an oc? Like it’s not that hard I don’t know if people don’t understand that you can mark it as original character x character name. Or like when it’s says an x reader but then ten seconds you see a “random name” heard her name being called or whatever.
Or when a feature of the reader is describe with brown hair or blonde hair or had blue eyes. Recently there was a fix that read x oc but then tag as a x reader like OH MY GOD. I’m sorry if I sound a little bit rude or angry but it’s quite annoying seeing it every time you just want to read an character x reader but can’t because it’s tag as an oc like I get that some people can’t imagine themselves as y/n but instead use a character like that’s fine or like if the author uses a character outline for y/n that’s fine the problem is makeing it as a X READER when in fact it’s not. There’s an author that I i follow and they tell you they have a oc for the story because it helps them and you can use the oc for the insert so read of imagining yourself but it’s still a x reader because they uses h/c,e/c..etc.
Like that’s fine the problem is marking it as a x reader when in fact it’s not. And I know that there’s some people who find this so irritating and annoying and I’m one of them just please mark it as an oc if you’re going to describe a oc instead of tagging it as an x reader
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 4 months ago
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 4 months ago
Ninjago X Reader Y/n incorrect quotes part 2
Jay: Y/n and I are so close, we even share a toothbrush.
Y/n: We WHAT?
Y/n and Lloyd: *making a ‘hear me out’ cake*
Y/n: *puts down a picture*
Cole: This is Y/n. I've only had them for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Y/n: I love murder mysteries
Morro, trying to impress them: I’ve been a suspect in four murder cases.
Kai to young Lloyd: We don't give people the middle finger.
Y/n: We are better than that.
Kai: We give them every finger.
Y/n: No, wait. I don't like where this is going.
Kai: Right across the face.
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thatonepersonwhocantwrite · 4 months ago
So i was re watching Brother Bear and it reminded of when I was younger and thought Denaih was the bad guy but now I'm older I realized there isn't really a villian of Brother bear and Denaih genuinely thought a bear had Killed his younger brother Kenai after just watching his older brother Sitka die by bear indirectly .
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