#also love me some vampire hunter d
teecupangel · 2 years
vampire au but (almost) every assassin is a vampire bc i mean.. vampire edward tho 👁🫦👁
I promise I'll make an actual long fic idea but now, just let me drool over the idea of Assassin vampires.
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Alright, now that I got that out of my system (absolutely not), I guess we'll start from the beginning.
Buckle up, it's long because I 'accidentally' included all main AC protagonists in this fic idea hahaha
For a Vampire AU, my top two ideas are:
Let's make it full AU. We replace the Isus with Vampires.
Vampires are one of the 'failed' experiments of Juno and Aita, just like the werewolf in Atlantis (maybe it was meant to give a body that can survive the solar flare but, instead, it freaking got a weakness for sunlight, super fail)
Regardless, one of the vampires survived the solar flare. We'll call this one the 'progenitor'. This progenitor vampire has a body that needs blood to survive. Human blood is the best because they're the closest to the progenitor's body. Animal blood barely helps. It would take dozens to be equivalent to one adult human.
So this progenitor drinks human blood. Through trial and error, they understand the limitation of their body. Sunlight burns them. They're faster and stronger than humans, being able to easily pin down a man three times larger than them.
Their senses let them see everything clearly. White means food. Red means danger.
They stay in the dark. They keep to themselves.
Then, one day...
Someone finds them.
Has been tracking them down.
Because one of the humans they fed from had a rich father who was willing to pay handsomely for their head.
So they fight the mercenary that found them. They fought and overpowered the mercenary.
But the mercenary manages to nick them. And their blood drips to the panting mouth.
And that's when the progenitor realized.
They could make humans loyal to them by giving them a bit of their blood.
To make them a thrall.
And that's how the Misthios Kassandra from Sparta became the progenitor's first thrall.
With Kassandra, the progenitor starts to experiment with just how much blood is needed to make a full thrall. Kassandra needed more than a drop but the drop was enough to hypnotize her, just like how their progenitor could hypnotize humans with their voice if they focus hard enough.
So he kept feeding Kassandra more blood until she became a full thrall. Loyal to a fault. With the same limitations as a human but just a tad stronger than humans and wounds that will heal the same quick speed as them. Unfortunately, even a full thrall must drink their master's blood regularly. Otherwise, the thrall will be removed.
And that was what happened with Kassandra. They fought once more. This time, the strength she received from the progenitor was enough to scare the progenitor and they hurt her too much. As she's dying, the progenitor tried to feed her their blood, in hopes that she will become a thrall and her wounds will heal.
She dies.
They bury her.
And she raises from the ground the next evening.
Not as a thrall.
But a vampire like the progenitor.
The thrall was gone.
Her hatred stays though. Not only that, but she was now a vampire like them. She tries to attack them but she cannot.
For the progenitor is her sire. Her blood refuses to harm them.
So she leaves.
And the progenitor is alone once more.
Years passed.
The progenitor travels. They can feel Kassandra still alive, still angry.
But just as lonely as the progenitor.
So they stay away. Travel elsewhere.
That's when they saw her.
A human yet not.
A vampire yet not.
A dhampir, a union of vampire and human.
Kassandra's child.
But why was she alone?
Did Kassandra not realize that her child was not fully human?
Did she leave to give her a chance for a normal life but accidentally give her a life of loneliness, full of fear and confusion.
So the progenitor adopts the scared child, taught her all they know.
They treated her like their own child.
And experimented on what will happen if a dhampir was given blood.
As a dhampir, she grew the same as humans. Sunlight does not harm her. But she was as strong and as fast as a vampire.
Her senses were the same as a vampire.
Yet her stamina was the same as a human. Her body bruised and bled like a human.
She was better than a thrall in some ways, sure, yet limited by her half-human body.
And when she drank vampire blood.
Nothing happened.
How boring.
Yet she was loyal to the progenitor. Not because of any thrall, she was immune to it but because they were her parent. The one person who taught her and took care of her. Blinded by loyalty and love, she stayed with them. Became their eyes and ears in the daylight.
She glowed as blue. Their very first blue.
Their daughter.
And she fell in love.
To a medjay.
And he loved her back.
They give the progenitor humans to feed on. Criminals. Bad people.
The progenitor didn't mind.
Blood was the same regardless of how many laws a human broke.
If it soothed them, gave them an excuse not to feel bad about sacrificing fellow human beings... Then so be it.
The dhampir married the man. The progenitor stays with them. More like an in-law than anything.
Everything was peaceful.
They could not have any children.
The progenitor realized it was because the dhampir was sterile. A common trait of 'hybrids'. Still, the dhampir and her husband were together and in love.
But all things must come to an end.
Egypt is thrown into chaos and they are caught in the middle. The man lay dying in his wife's arms.
And so...
The progenitor tries once more.
The man who had never been their thrall was gifted with the progenitor's blood.
He dies that day.
And he wakes that evening.
As a vampire.
They are happy once more.
In their happiness they forgot to feed the man.
Deep into the night, when they have grown tired from the stress and the celebration, they go to sleep. The man wakes up and drinks the blood of the first person he sees.
His own wife.
His hunger fulfilled, his mind was clear once more. And he saw what he had done. He runs in shame. The commotion wakes the progenitor who sees the dhampir barely clinging to life.
So they try.
They gives up their blood to their daughter and prays.
The following night...
She wakes.
Not as a dhampir but as a vampire.
And she is angry.
Not at the progenitor but at her husband.
For running away instead of staying with them.
The progenitor tries to remind her that it was shame and grief that propelled him to leave. That he still loves her.
But she did not listen.
She leaves to find him. Whether to kill him or to bring him back, the progenitor does not know.
What they did know is that they are, once again, alone.
Years passed.
They feel Kassandra, Aya and Bayek yet they do not see any of them. The world is too big for their paths to intersect.
Or perhaps it was more accurate to say they themselves try not to get close to any of them.
For Kassandra, they knew it was better this way. Kassandra's anger still burns strong.
For Aya and Bayek, it is... pettiness that keeps them from following either of them. Their selfishness brings the progenitor nothing but irritation and tiredness. So they stay away.
In their travels, they meet a shieldmaiden who sees them drinking blood. She calls him a draugr and she hunts him. He runs and runs but she is a good hunter. A good tracker.
When there is nowhere left to go, they fight her. Pent up anger for his three stubborn childes propelled them to turn her into their thrall. To make her their slave. To do their bidding with no free will at all.
And when she grew old and weak, they let her go. Let her shout about the draugr that enslaved her. Let her words be heard and mocked.
As they returned to the shadow once more.
But someone follows them. Someone from the shadows. Not like them.
But their blood...
The progenitor could taste the blood of their daughter running through them.
Too weak.
Like this human had an ancestor who had been a thrall instead.
And that made him weak to the progenitor. To desire a closeness with them.
So they let the human live. Give them a bit of their blood, not to enslave them but to show them that they can be a kind master if they wanted to be.
And the human guides them to the Hidden Ones. A cult created by his daughter, taking evil men from the streets and offering them to her.
To their queen.
And they know of the progenitor.
The one they call the Master.
And so they took the seat their daughter left empty, all because she is still searching for her husband.
And, to the man who brought them here, they rewarded him with the title of mentor.
The man cast away his birth name of Hytham.
And became the first Al Mualim.
Centuries passed and they grow bored.
In their boredom, they grow complacent.
And that is how they are captured.
Encased in an iron chamber that pierces their body in places that will not kill them.
But will make them bleed.
So they bleed.
And the one who captured them...
The latest Al Mualim...
Uses their blood to create an army loyal to him.
Years passed.
They are forced to drink blood from a contraption Al Mualim created for them. Fresh human blood, yes, but fed to them like they were livestock.
They bleed.
And their blood creates thralls that Al Mualim controls.
They are powerless. Encased in an iron chamber that bleeds them. Chained and locked with an absurd amount of locks and chains.
But it was enough to keep them contained.
Unable to escape.
The chains fell.
The locks dropped.
And the chamber finally opens.
And the first person they see is a man with golden eyes.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
The first of their favorites.
To be turned became a reward only given to the most loyal of their Brotherhood.
Not a cult anymore.
But a Brotherhood of Assassins.
Serving the light by staying in the shadows. Assasinating only to rid the world of evil.
Blah blah blah
They didn't care all that much as long as they feed. And they were fond of Altaïr.
Being saved does that to most beings, even someone as old as them.
And perhaps they were lonely too. Estranged from their first childe, forgotten by their daughter and her husband...
Altaïr was a curious man, unafraid of them. He treated them like they were equals. He asks questions but he also indulges their whims. He never tries to keep them locked in a room. When night comes, he joins them as they sit on the top of their tallest tower, enjoying the cold breeze and the freedom they lost all those years ago.
He gave them a name. For he believes everyone must have a name.
From the French word 'des mond(es)'... The Worlds.
A grand name.
They like it. They will wear the name with pride.
And they gave Altaïr a gift in return.
For saving them.
For treating them well.
Altaïr was not their first childe. But he will always be the first childe they sired not out of fear or desperation or by accident.
A childe sired out of love.
There was a coup. By those who believed they deserved to be turned. They failed.
But many died.
The remnants of the Brotherhood returned to the shadows. The loyal thralls made their way all around the world. To build safe houses and connections that can be used by the inner circle.
By Desmond's inner circle.
They travel. Years passed traveling all over. They stayed in the continent that will later be called Europe. The Templars, the Brotherhood's hated enemy, change their name as well. Yet, they still hunt down the Brotherhood.
They hunt down Desmond.
The one they call The Devil.
But Desmond is not afraid. Why should they be? They finally had childes who care for them.
They had a family.
One of the thralls did well in Italy. His descendants became a noble house and they welcomed Desmond and his inner circle with open arms.
One of the children was a curious little boy.
And Desmond indulges him. Plays with him.
Even as the boy grows older, he still gravitates towards Desmond.
Not because Desmond was the progenitor, the most important secret of the Brotherhood.
But because of Desmond's kindness and smiles.
The boy is loyal.
The boy brings the entire Templar Order in Italy on its knees.
And cuts its head off.
Only then does Desmond realize.
That they had been blind for years now.
The boy they saw had been a man for years now.
And the man deserves a reward.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze was not their first childe.
But he was the most successful of their childes.
They continue to travel. To see the changes of the world. And to keep people from realizing that they do not grow old. It is during these travels in the high seas that they are attacked by a pirate ship. Their ship was damaged but they won.
But Ezio had been severely wounded, dripping blood all over the dying pirate who nearly cut his head off while he was protecting a wounded human brother. They didn't know it at that time though.
The chaos and Desmond's panic over Ezio almost dying were more important. They threw the corpses overboard.
That night...
Edward Kenway rose from the depths of the sea.
Edward Kenway became a rogue vampire. He only cared for gold and glory. The Brotherhood stayed and observed. They guided when they could but left Edward Kenway alone.
Desmond had asked them to.
For Desmond wanted to see.
What kind of vampire Edward Kenway would be.
Years passed...
The age of piracy comes to an end.
And Edward Kenway comes to them.
Comes to Desmond.
Asking for guidance.
Pleading for a purpose in life.
So Desmond welcomes him.
And gives him purpose.
As a member of the Brotherhood.
Edward did not know it then. That he had a daughter.
And a son.
Different mothers. The wife he left to become a privateer then a pirate later on. The woman he spent the nights with while on a mission for the Brotherhood.
Edward found his daughter. Welcomed her into their Brotherhood.
His son was lost. Taken by the Templars who whisper in his ears the kind of monsters vampires are.
The Templars are successful in indoctrinating him.
Haytham Kenway.
The Templar's very own vampire hunter dhampir.
Haytham Kenway became their very own boogeyman. The strength of his vampiric lineage and the weaponry of the Templars serving a keen and observant mind.
The Brotherhood learns of his history and things become more complicated.
Orders to not kill Haytham Kenway resounded all over the Brotherhood.
For he was of Edward Kenway's blood.
Of Ezio Auditore's blood.
He was their family.
But Haytham Kenway used this weakness to his advantage.
Killing any and all members of the Brotherhood he found.
In desperation, Edward did what was forbidden.
That winter night, the dhampir Haytham Kenway died in his father's arms.
The following night, Haytham Kenway awakened as a full vampire.
Haytham Kenway as a vampire did not change his stance. He was still loyal to the Order and he still hunted the Brotherhood.
All it did was make him hate himself more. Hate his vampiric nature.
And that hatred only made him more dangerous.
On the other hand...
As he was sired by Edward Kenway, he could not harm Edward anymore. As Edward's sire, he could not harm Ezio as well.
And, most importantly, he could not kill The Devil.
So he took in members of the Order. Trained them in his ways. He did not turn them, of course not, that would only hinder them.
And they became the best of the Templars' vampire hunters.
But one of them was better than all of them.
May even be better than Haytham as a vampire hunter.
Shay Patrick Cormac.
A man who used to be a member of the Brotherhood. A thrall that left after a horrifying event that changed him.
Haytham found his successor.
He found the vampire hunter that will kill The Devil.
Perhaps it had been a moment of weakness.
Perhaps it had been true love.
Regardless of the truth, the fact remained.
Haytham Kenway had a son.
And Edward found him as a babe, nursing from his mother's tit. Shrouded by the darkness, he took the child away and returned to Desmond.
He gifted the baby to Desmond.
A way to repent for how he had inadvertently created their greatest enemy?
A desire to have even just a piece of his son yet shackled by guilt and pain?
Edward did not say his reasoning.
All he asks is that Desmond takes the dhampir.
So Desmond did.
Connor Kenway was raised as a dhampir who believed he was Desmond's son. He was raised with love and his days were filled with happiness.
His favorite was Uncle Edward who sometimes visits to give him the nicest of gifts.
As he grew older, he learns the truth.
Of his parentage.
Of Haytham Kenway.
So he tries.
He tries to build a bridge between Haytham and them.
But the bridge he was trying to build was on top of a raging river that destroys everything that falls into it.
In the end, Connor had to make a choice.
A father who he knew nothing about and hellbent on destroying everything he held dear.
Or a father who raised him with love and gave him a choice.
In the end, Haytham Kenway dies in the arms of a son he did not know.
They followed Shay Cormac to Paris where he gathers what remains of Haytham Kenway's vampire hunters and the rest of the Parisian Rites of the Templar Order. Amidst the cries of the people and the growing tension between the nobles and the common folks, two young people are driven apart by their family.
Elise de la Serre becomes a Templar and trains under Shay Cormac.
Arno Victor Dorian is turned into a vampire by Ezio Auditore who takes the young man under his wing.
Their shared history comes into play as Elise starts to dream. Dreams that leave her hot and wanting.
Her nights are filled with such delicious dreams. Her days are filled with horror as more and more of their members are killed or gone missing.
Yet, this does not break her. She is a strong-willed human. She learns the truth soon enough.
Of how Arno had used their past, their previous romantic entanglements, to make her his thrall. How she gave him everything the Order told her or what she learned all on her own.
How her knowledge was the reason why so many of the Orders died.
She tells Shay all of these. Shay gathers what remains of their forces and they help her remember.
Remember the place that Arno always takes her when she is under his thrall.
The temple underneath Le Marais.
They go there to find clues.
What they found was a trap.
And they learn that Elise did break. After learning how everything was her fault, that she led all of those people to their death...
To be told that the reason why Arno had been able to enthralled her was because, underneath all that desire to be a Templar, to be taken seriously, was a lonely child wishing to be loved by a father and mother who were too busy trying to keep the Parisian Rites of Templars alive.
That underneath all that loyalty to the Order, she hated it for taking her parents away.
Two factions entered the temple underneath Le Marais that day.
Only one faction left the temple that night.
Evie and Jacob Frye were children of the Brotherhood. They were wild and brave.
And they had something to prove to dear old father.
So they travel to England to hunt down the Templars. They create their own gang and destroyed the Templars plan.
The words of their deeds (and the chaos that came after them) reached Edward Kenway who was... perhaps a bit estranged from the Inner Circle by this time. A self-imposed punishment, perhaps. He sees the joy and brashness of the two and it reminds him of how he was before.
So he turns the twins into his thralls. Not enough to enslave them but enough to just give them a little boost. And he guides them.
He helps them.
He builds a family with them.
Years later, when England is fully under Brotherhood control, it would be Edward Kenway who would greet his fellow favored childes with a grin. He would hug his grandson who was now a fellow childe, one of the progenitor's favorite if the rumors were to be believed.
And he would be the one to introduce the Frye twins to Desmond.
And ask that the progenitor reward them.
And Desmond would see the joy on Edward's face. The peace in his eyes.
And they would smile as they say yes.
Decades would pass and humanity will grow. They will develop cures for diseases that once killed hundreds, if not thousands, of them. They will invent objects and techniques that would make their lives easier. Humanity will prosper and destroy itself, over and over again.
And the Brotherhood will remain in the shadows. Forever foiling the plans of the Templars. Taking in thralls to keep them in check while securing their safety.
But there will be humans who will find their way into the Brotherhood.
Who will become part of the Brotherhood.
A girl raised in an orphanage being run by the Brotherhood.
A talented woman with a knack for technology.
A curious man who found the truth among thousands of conspiracies all over the world.
A broken man trying to keep himself together and looking for a place to belong.
A frustrated woman wanting to be acknowledged for the work she has done.
The Brotherhood welcomes them all.
Whether they stay as they are or become a thrall is up to them.
They might even be rewarded by the progenitor.
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sinizade · 8 months
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A little family tree about Izveta and Astarion because I recently discovered that vampires in D&D can have children...
The appearance and what is written about Astarion's parents is just a headcanon created by me, I keep in mind that they never found their son and ended up dying over the years since the game does not mention anything connected abt Astarion's family.
I never wrote about Izveta's father, but basically he was a quiet man and obedient to his wife even though she was extremely aggressive towards him. She killed him a few years after adopting Izveta when he tried to get rid of the girl after overhearing her talking to Sceleritas.
The day that Sarevok had mentioned in his letter arrived and Izveta could no longer think rationally, she wanted children, she needed children and so it was done... Twins with Bhaal's blood, a boy and a girl who, since they were born, already had an aptitude for magic, Belgos and Amalicia or as the people in Baldur's Gate call them "Cursed Children.
Even though they were children of a Vampire Lord and a Bhaalspawn, Belgos and Amalicia did not grow up in a troubled home, quite the contrary, Astarion and Izveta had plans for their children and being bad parents was not one of those plans. The children were loved to the extreme and no one would dare try to hurt any of them, also because no one would be crazy enough to try.
I like to think that Astarion would be a drooling father, you can see in the game that even though he tries to pretend otherwise, he loves children. I think he would remove ALL of Cazador's paintings and decorations and fill the entire castle with paintings of Elbos, Amalicia and Izveta, every hallway and room would have at least two paintings of them so that everyone could see the GREAT family he and Izveta built together
Amalicia is defiant, she took this a lot from her mother, she always wants to go out when she shouldn't, she always wants to fight with people who shouldn't, Astarion and Izveta often had to solve many of the problems she caused, whether with Astarion's vampire spawns or with some hunters she provoked when she ran away from the Castle. Even with all the problems she causes, Amalicia is still a child and many times she just wants to play.
Elbos is a calm and affectionate boy unlike his sister and is almost always seen hiding behind Astarion and Izveta's legs. He likes rats and keeps some pets hidden in his room as Astarion makes a point of banning any rats inside his castle. .
Amalicia and Elbos' relationship tends to be the basic one for children their age, they fight and then go back to playing together, but sometimes they both seem to be far away from where they are, as if they were listening to something... Or someone...
Btw, if you are a hunter or a mercenary with a functional brain and love for life, you N E V E R try to hurt the children of a Bhaalspawn and a Vampire Lord... They will do really bad things to you
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valeriianz · 4 months
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hi! in the spirit of Dreamling Week, here is an updated masterlist, now with clickable links to tags to follow along with a series :) welcome to my corner of the fandom, where it's predominantly human aus!
in time, all of my fics will be transferred to Ao3, so if you're interested in that, follow along here! this list will (finally) include (some) links to fics ive tagged on in reblogs that i usually ignore... but not this time! :'D Everything here is complete unless otherwise stated: (wip)
G - T Rated:
tepid - 1.3k canon, Dream can get sleepy, too
Stay - 1.7k hurt/comfort, vague mafia vibes
the date that never ended - 1.2k humor, established relationship
You Know How That Thrills Me - 2.2k The Devil Wears Prada AU, + blog tag which includes fanart, here!
savvy? - 1.2k pirate au! Hob rescues Dream
daydream - 1.1k fake dating, UST, fitting room pining
Exit Wounds - 2.1k hurt/no comfort, infidelity, angst
call me back for more - 2k NYE, strangers to lovers, sexual tension
scratch a little itch - 5.6k neighbors, pastry chef!Dream and professor!Hob
The magic of the mistletoe - xmas fic, canon
Hob grieves over Dream - canon, vague comic spoilers, angst
Cowboy AU (snippet) - aka Charro!Dream, Mexican rodeo vibes + blog tag with lots of art and collaborators :)
spin the bottle - highschool setting, friends to lovers
Reason in the Noise - 3k+ (wip) musician!Dream, companion piece to Bolt in the Blue (but can be read as a standalone)
Retired!Dream with facial hair along with part 2! - canon(ish), domestic, light spice
The Parent Trap AU and part 2! - loosely inspired by the film.
Hob walks in on Dream dancing - musician!Hob and Dream dancing to his music. marshmallow fluff.
Personal Chef!Hob, single dad Dream - what it says on the tin, part two here! and my 'chef Hob au' tag full of art and recipes!
NYE and slightly possessive Hob - another obligatory New Years Eve fic
The Proposal AU and also a part two! - a couple silly romcom things in collaboration with valiantstarlights here's the tag for it!
Bday fic for ambarden - the night before college graduation, pining,
Road Trip - the start of an idea...
ASMR youtuber!Dream - an add on... Hob is a fan. meet cute
Hard of Hearing Dream - pining, bittersweet, friends to lovers
Spicy/NSFW fics under the cut!
M - E Rated:
Bolt in the Blue - 102k+ (wip) the epic band au, slice of life, fluff, touring. see everything related to this fic in the tag fic: bolt in the blue
skipping breakfast - 667w domestic and a lil spicy
obsession - 1.6k canon, making out on the dancefloor
Fin de siècle - 3.2k vampire hunter!Hob and vampire!Dream
parked - 1.1k canon, car sex, PDA
tease - 1.3k Dream has a vulva, Hob fingers him in a car
ushy gushy pussy Dream - and he refuses to get off Hob's cock
Mr. Gadling's Bodyguard - 11.7k The Hitman's Bodyguard AU, action, humor... second chapter does not relate to the film at all and is just smut
Savory & Sweet - 6k+ (wip) restaurant au, unhinged behavior
Let Me Down Easy - 21k photographer!Hob and model!Dream but they're exes. angst with a happy ending
never enough - 7.3k friends to lovers, love confessions, mutual pining
turn the lights off - 3.3k phone sex, side fic inspired by by the minute by issylra
kiss me properly (and pull me apart) - 4.2k Hob wears a butt plug all day (lol) inspired by this incredible art by messmonte
Dream stepping on Hob - power imbalance, PWP
Bathtub shenanigans - a bit of relaxation ;)
Hob as Sexy Santa - and Dream can't handle it
Celebrity Dream and his normie bf Hob - inspired by that 3am photo of Ferdie looking all sweaty and disheveled
One of Your Girls AU - an ask fic/prompt i sent to Gabe and she added on <3
Let Me Down Easy [deleted scene] - they get frisky the morning after
Dream can feel Hob's lewd daydreams
Bi-curious Dream - basically a summary/headcanon of what i think Dream having his bi awakening with Hob would be like. and then hardly-an-escape went and wrote a full ass fic about it. but im counting this anyway lmao
#my writing
btw i am so sorry, yes i did give up on including the word count. i just... gave up. but everything without a word count is most likely under 1.5k.
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deconstructthesoup · 8 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
A List of my Favourite 'Gothic' Media
Last Updated: July 30th 2024
My preference to gothic aesthetic is mostly victorian goth. Hence, this is what the list will consist of with some outliers. This is not a list of every good gothic media out there, it’s just the ones I have consumed and truly make me feel like I’ve transported into that world.
This list is very selective and subjective. It doesn't always follow the textbook or culturally accepted meaning of 'goth'. It is mostly about the vibe, aesthetic, feelings and motifs that are associated with a beautiful, melancholic and mystical story.
Feel free to submit me ideas for the list, or add your own in reblogs/comments and I will keep updating this post as I consume more of said media =D
*The titles in italics are not exactly gothic but give the same melancholic, beautiful vibe that draws me to gothic media.
Corpse Bride (2005)
Crimson Peak (2015)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Dracula Untold (2014)
Haunted Mansion (2003)
Van Helsing (2004)
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Vampire Hunter D (anime movie) (1985)
The Others (2001)
Constantine (2005)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
Phantom of The Opera (both movie and play)
Series (Anime, TV shows, Cartoons):
Penny Dreadful (tv series)
Castlevania (netflix, cartoon/western anime)
Courage the Cowardly Dog (cartoon)
The Haunting of Hill House (netflix)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (netflix)
Supernatural (Not gothic per se, but it has the melancholy and secretive, monster world and lots of themes of loss and happiness.)
Carnival Row (more dark fantasy, than gothic but it's basically set in victorian London and I love it)
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Frakenstien - Mary Shelley
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Dracula - Bram Stoker
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Bronte
Penny Dreadful (serial fiction) - (Various)
Doesn’t really count but all the northern bits of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ make me feel that way too.
The Castle of Otranto - Horace Walpole
Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin
Castlevania Series + Lords of Shadow
FFXIV- Heavensward (Expansion)
Albino Lullaby- Episode 1
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine (Expansion)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (any of their ttrpg campaigns or interactive/visual novels are also good)
Curse of Strahd (D&D)
Bloodborne (PS4)
Silent Hill 2
Following are Visual/Interactive Novels:
Any of the ‘Vampire the Masquerade’ Books (they’re sub par but I love the vibe) (IN)
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (VN)
The House in Fata Morgana (VN)
this section will be really long so i will properly update it later.
Oh Willow Waly from The Innocents
The Unqueit Grave Penny Dreadful Version
youtube playlist with my favourite gothic sounding music
Gothic Pinterest Board
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Fluff Alphabet - Dwayne
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warning : pure fluff, some darker themes, angst, lots of cuddling, it's getting sweet and fluffy under the cut
A = Affection (How does they worship you?)
°Like David, Dwayne has worshipped you since he heard your heartbeat and smelled your blood. You are the most important thing to him, next to his brothers. The black-haired one may be the most silent of the vampires, but when you're together he talks relatively softly. Pulls you in and his looks show nothing but love and devotion.
B = Best friends (What would they be like as best friends? How would the friendship start?)
°I think the friendship between you happens by "accident". You were going to get the candyfloss when three guys bumped into you and you bent down to get your yellow bag, and suddenly the dark-haired guy was standing in front of you and offered to buy you a drink with a calm voice. From then on you would be part of the group and inseparable from them.
°As best friends you would understand each other better than anyone else. You would defetitively motivate him not to lose his temper with his brothers and encourage him to say more, even if it is more difficult than it looks. While he takes you on nightly outings and appreciates your company more than anything else. But sometimes you think you see more in his eyes than friendship...is it maybe love?
C = Cuddling (do they like cuddling?, how do they cuddle?)
°Dwayne may not love cuddling as much as Paul but he is close. When he pulls you close, sees how fragile you actually are under his touch, he pulls you close and is just happy to feel your body. Your calm breath, your heartbeat, your soft words.
°He loves to cuddle in his nest with you half lying on top of him, playing with his hair or the leopard fur of his leather jacket. He loves to just watch and listen to you.
°,,Tell me more that gives me infinite pleasure"
D = Domestic (how would they settle? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
°The problem will be being a vampire like the others. Since David is not only his brother but also leader and he respects him more than anything else I think he will stay in Santa Clara. Until David moves on and they come with him. Because he would never part from the group. He would find ways to convince you to stay. Like David, hypnosis is always a way. Maybe not the right one, but it is.
°"To leave...that would be treason"
°As for cleaning and cooking, it's a fifty-fifty chance. I think he's still the one with the tidiest corner in the den of them all. We all know Marko is the worst next to Paul. Business aside, he is careful not to let the rubbish or other leftovers become too much. As far as cooking is concerned, he's definitely better than David, but not a five-star meal. However, he can prepare what you like.
E = Ending (how would they break up with their partner if you had to?)
°As with the others, and therefore with him, he would only break up if you or his brothers were in danger. As with David, there are two ways. Either the gentle one in which he would protect you personally when you are with them. Protect you from the hunters who think you're a prisoner and hypnotise you if necessary and keep you hidden. The much gentler way, but how it will turn out is uncertain.
°"I'll be back..."
°The dark way, which is like a vampire's nature. You might not see it on the outside but inside he would be seething with rage and hatred and revenge. When you are mortally wounded and any transformation is too late, he would suck you dry. Take you in and have you inside him. He would definitely keep your clothes or anything personal of yours. Because you gave him the power to continue.
°,,I avenge you".
F = Fiance(e) (how do they feel about agreement? How soon would they want to marry?
°Like David, he is not particularly eager to marry. Dwayne knows you are connected at heart and by blood. Knows that you are his and he is yours. But if you wanted a wedding, you'll get one. Under the stars or in the cave everything is possible.
G = Gentle (how gentle are they mentally and physically?)
°Dwayne is emotionally the gentlest of the four. His calm nature is worth its weight in gold. Even if he doesn't talk much his looks and touch speak volumes. One look into his eyes and you know exactly what he thought of you. One quick touch and you feel his love. Which is why you often find him staring at you. Not in a hungry way but one with pure love for you.
°,,I could look at you for eternity".
°Physically, he just loves to hold you, whether in his arms. Lifting you up or you hugging him. Every contact is like a drop of blood. It gives him infinite pleasure just to have you with him. Especially when you ride a motorbike together, he likes to feel your hands on his arms, something that tells him that you will always be with him. Before you fall asleep together in the cave and he holds you in his arms. Something he loves most of all.
°,,I hold you".
H = Hugs (do they like hugs? How are their hugs?)
°Hugs again not 24/7 like Paul but you will always see him smile and feel him when you hug him. Or he'll just pick you up and twirl you around and hear your laugh, he loves that. Especially when you give him a big hug before you or he falls asleep it always gives him a feeling of security.
°When you hug it is always a longer one. Something that gives you and him security. And you can feel him pressed against you when you or he falls asleep. Even the short hugs when there is no more time are intimate. A light caress on the arm or back. A quick kiss.
°,,I will wait for you".
I = I love you (how quickly would they say it?)
°He would watch his relationship and yours. Watch you. Watching how you interact with him and what you do. He is not a man of big words and yet he knows what to say at what moment. He would say it clearly, see your reaction and then kiss you. He knows what he has to do and knows that you love the way he can read you without many words.
°Afterwards, however, he will rarely say the word. Not because he doesn't love you, but because it is something of great importance to him, as are all his words and phrases. But when he says it when you are together, cuddling, and the world is just the two of you for a moment, he whispers it to you.
J = Jealousy (how quickly are they jealous? What do they do when they are jealous?)
°Dwayne is the least jealous of the four. Because he knows you are his, he knows he doesn't have to worry if you leave the cave at dawn and go on with your other life. If it should come to a situation, you will feel a presence behind you faster than you can see it. One warning glance from the black-haired one and your unbedded guests leave. Believe me, everyone does.
K = Kisses (how are their kisses? where do they love to kiss you?)
°Your first kiss with Dwayne was slow, careful, intimate. He was afraid to actually hurt you. Even though he was under control, that thought still lingered in his mind for months afterwards. He knows what he is capable of and one loss of control is enough. But whenever you kiss, it is a slow, intimate kiss. You just enjoy feeling each other. Every now and then you notice his smirk as your heart beats faster. He just loves it
°Next to your lips and neck he likes to kiss you on the forehead or the head. Something that is not difficult with his size. He knows it makes you feel safe and he just loves it. Plus it is always a hint that he is bigger. 
L = Little ones (how are they with kids?)
°Dwayne is the best with kids of the four. He might have a few problems with a baby at first, but even that he can handle. He would definitely play with the little ones, pick them up and throw them, take them flying. Or on slow motorbike rides.
°,,Who wants to play a round?"
M = Morning (How do you spend your morning?)
°If you've slept all day and are with the boys, he'll definitely make you something to eat. Or even bring you a coffee. He appreciates you staying up to see him even though you're human. And when you fall asleep, be sure Dwayne will offer himself more than just a comfy pillow.
°,,Come here"
N = Night (how are nights spent with them?)
°When you're up at night, you're always with the boys. You do things together, drive around or just joke around. But you spend the night alone with him in the more secluded parts of the cave. The two of you just being close, holding each other's hand and relaxing. It gives him so much of your love.
O = Open ( how quickly would they open)
°He takes the longest of all to open up to you. He is not much of a talker anyway but he is afraid of upsetting you. Too much to say that you recognise him as a monster. He would be afraid of losing you. But after a while, on a quiet night when you were together and you had your head on his chest, he would take your hand and just start talking.
°,,I'll...tell you".
P = Patience (how quickly do they get angry?)
°It takes a long time to piss Dwayne off. With his brothers and especially by watching Paul and Marko every day he has more than just experience. You will work it out amongst yourselves with words he will listen to you calmly. Before he gently gives his own opinion and tries to explain it to you. He would be really angry if not only one of his brothers were hurt or dead. But also if you stepped out of your danger-free zone. He would never yell at you, but he would get so loud in quotes that even the other vampires would look at him.
°,,I care about you!".
Q = Quizzes (how much would they know or remember about you?)
°Like David, Dwayne won't necessarily ask you personally. He loves to listen to you for hours when you are with him and remembers everything. And I mean he remembers everything about you. Because if his brothers would ask him, he could tell everything exactly. Even things you would forget yourself.
°,,I just like to listen"
R = Remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
°The moment he will always remember is when he and his brothers just came back from a hunt. It was bloody and that's how they looked. Besides the bloodstained clothes, he also had some bloodstains on his face. The four went through the entrance and arrived in the main area when they saw you sitting on the couch. You raised your eyes from an old book when you saw the four. He felt your heartbeat quicken and seemed to sense a fear just then. ,,You...succeeded," you said and walked towards Dwayne who was almost trying to hide behind his brothers. But it turned out differently. He was afraid you would see him as a monster. But when you took out a cloth and ran it over his cheek to wipe away the blood, he saw what was going on. You weren't afraid of him. You were afraid for him. That something had happened to him. It was the moment he fully knew that you had stolen his dead heart.
S = safety (how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
°Like the others, they would all never let anything happen to you. He knows he can trust his brothers with your life. Which is how he knows you're safe. But he would still be the one with the most doubts.
°If the situation got worse, he would be the first to get you safe. Before he takes his revenge on the one who interfered. But his first priority would be you. If you were not safe in your house, he would hide you in the cave. Hypnotise you or keep you with him all the time. Only in extreme emergencies, when his brothers die or you die, he would turn you because he knows no other way.
°,,You stay with me...I'm sorry".
T = Try (how much would they invest in dates, anniversaries, gifts etc?)
°Small gifts are sweet but I think he would still be someone who appreciates and gives small gestures more. Like an extra affectionate kiss, a few sweet words or a long night of cuddling.
°If you do have something to celebrate, I think he'll give you some of his clothes. Because he knows that you will steal them someday and that's why he doesn't just give them to you. Or even an earring of his, then you'll have it on him.
U = Ugly (what would be a bad habit of them?)
°A little contradiction as you might say. Dwayne loves being a vampire as much as his brothers. But he always has in mind what could happen if one of them didn't control himself. The risks would be too great. Which is why he sometimes sends you gently but with a certain pressure to hasue when they are hunting. Just to keep you safe.
V = Vanity (how much do they care about their appearance?)
°He is very concerned about his appearance. Even before you got together, he was because his natural attraction makes his appearance all the more important to him. He knows you love his long hair, his claw earring or his leather jacket. He likes the way you look at him dreamily. It makes him happy.
°Like David and the others, he doesn't care what you wear. Even if the sight of you wearing his leather jacket with tousled hair and a tired look doesn't just arouse his appetite.
W = Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
°Yes he would not bear to live without you. If his brothers don't help him completely and maybe even keep an eye on him, I think he would step out into the sun in his darkest moment. Without you he would become completely mute and say almost nothing. To the point where it would more than alarm and panic his brothers. 
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for them)
°Dwayne cleans up after the hunt, at least he wipes the blood off his face and always has something to clean up with. He knows you tolerate what he does, I mean he needs it to live. But he knows that you don't really want to see the blood. Which is why he keeps himself as suaberällt as possible. Of course he is smiled at by Marko who is having a bloodbath.
Y = Yuck (what is something he wouldn't like about his partner?)
°There is actually nothing he doesn't like about you. He loves you all over. The only thing that worries him is when you don't talk to him at all or hardly talk to him or don't come around for several days. He worries and almost thinks himself into a downward spiral. Your presence and words have always been very special to him. He would definitely talk to you about what is going on and discuss the problem.
Z = Zzz (what is a sleeping habit of them?)
°If he's not hanging from the ceiling and you might even be sleeping in a hammock near him. He loves to hold you when he sleeps. Whether you're half on top of him, completely on top of him or he's holding you close to him. The contact is the best.
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dennydraws · 1 month
That sure was a long vacation!
Hoooo booooy... 2 weeks! I've never had 2 weeks off before :D! On the positive side, wow yeah that was nice! Away from technology and being glued to a screen sure was nice!
I got to binge watch Dungeon Meshi! Now I can enjoy the memes more xD; It was pretty nice! Chillchuck is definitely a fave! The Mad Mage gave me strong Recifer vibes so now that bean has been rotating in my head more.
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I got...more art supplies! That... being, ok just me going through art stores and being unable to resist the siren call of "Get this!!" and finding out the local store near my work place now has copics and that's going to be very dangerous on my wallet lol I got to paint a mini for a first time! :D Well an actual 3D printed mini and I think I did okay for the limited pallet I had!
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It's lady Voice, on her way to summon a demon boyfriend ! :D;;;
And of course had some amazing one shot DnD sessions with my guest over and had great time! Voice got to hang out with a vampire mysterious hunter and chase down a pesky monster which she... set on fire - a lot. And the surroundings and dropped a rock on him... well ya know...
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I also managed to finish drawing Chapter 12 of The Sneric comic, just need to add the dialogue..and find where I wrote the dialogue xD;; I'm so sorry the update took so long! But hopefully next monday will be chapter update!
And... I came back to some more art fight revenges and attacks! I'm so sorry I couldn't respond to them, between the heatwave that hit and vacation at the end of July, I couldn't really fit time to draw during the last two weeks and I did want art fight this year to be relaxing experience and no rush or stress. I'm really glad I got the 8 attacks out of 10 planned and hopefully next year, my missed targets will participate and I will strike first for sure! :> Overall, I had great time during this year's art attack! I got so many lovely attacks/revenges and I will treasure them dearly!! (Voice sure is a favorite this year!)
And now... ... Dawntrail awaits but I got distracted by Fields of Mistria which came into Early Access recently and I don't know when I will pick FF14 again which makes me feel guilty but...the expac won't run away :D;;; it will be there for me to pick it, eventually. I've been hungry for the cute farming games and I've been looking forward to this one for a while! You won't escape me Balor! Although I played so very little it's been AMAZING and I love the characters and the smooth play. I can't wait to find time to sit down and draw my farmer bean :D;; I made a peppy one with short hair this time!
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Speaking of arts... I'm almost done with a sketchbook! :D!! You know what that means.... Sketchbook flip through video soon!! \o/
And...that's it! Whew, sure was a long post xD;; I'm sure I'm likely missing something... but anyhowsies, Thank you for stopping by, dear traveler! I hope your week starts amazing and have great rest of the day!
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mostlikelytofangirl · 1 month
You know what would be neat
In an AU where JGY grows up in the Jin (JGS being forced to accept him early in some way or another) and there are vampires
JGS is a vampire and so is Meng Shi. Madam Jin is human. As a result, JGY is a fullblooded born vampire while JZX is a dhampir
It would be really funny if people within the very vampire-heavy/vampire-as-aristocracy society look at JZX and JGY together and immidiactly choose to adress their woes to JGY.
Because JGY is all vampire, pointy ears and greyish skin and gaunt face and all, while JZX looks utterly out of place among the vampires because he looks like a normal human with fangs
And this infuriates JGS because JZX is his heir and JGY is a bastard lmao
Lol ok, idk if you meant for this to be hilarious, but it's just so funny to me to think that JGY finally could be considered of better "pedigree" than this brother for their society's standards and it's pissing JGS off so badly XD.
I can imagine this as a world where vampires are very few but very elite ala Vampire Hunter D, so JGS married Madam Jin as a sort of social or political move, like an alliance with a powerful human family idk, but also got MS pregnant, and despite her being very low in their hierarchy, she was still a full vampire and thus, the rules demand that their son be acknowledged since full blooded vampires are rare/hard to conceive/not very fertile/etc.
Except a bastard is very much NOT part of his agreement with the powerful human family he is supposed to be an ally to now (and whose fortune/political standing he now shares lol), so it's all very tense in his household now bc, as a son of a lawful marriage, JZX should be the sole heir... only he's a dhampir and, while not looked down upon bc they are still better than full mortals, someone like him would normally be considered lesser than his full blooded vampire brother.
It's so goddamned ironic that here is where JGY would finally be seen as the "right" Jin and the one the gentry would consider one of them :'D.
Now, it'd be interesting to see why JGS is upset at this development. It could be bc he legit loves JZX and not JGY and thus it's all a matter of his favorite son being given his rightful place despite of his half-blood nature. Or bc it endangers his alliance with the humans and he has to remind everybody of who his heir is every time there's the slightest insinuation that both his sons would inherit, or worse-- that of course his pure blooded son should be the one inheriting, how lucky he was to still have a vampire son despite marrying a human, surely he wouldn't defy tradition and taint his noble family by having a dhampir as head of the next generation when a perfect fully vampire Jin son is right there :')))))
It'd also be interesting to see how the brothers' dynamics would be, bc while things behind closed doors could go very much like canon (probably with MS being a concubine or something), when in public, it's clear that they would not be treated equally, if not having JGY be privileged in their social circle. How would that the boys' perception of themselves and each other be? Sorta like "no matter what ppl say, I am dad's heir and favorite son" or "dad may love you more, but everybody knows who is the weird one here"... or maybe they actually find solace in each other, one being there for the other when their family/society reminds them that they are inherently different and should be treated as such, only feeling like they can truly be equals when they are alone with each other.
It's a very fascinating scenario, let me tell you! I love me some vampires and I love me some Jin bros feels, so I'm so in with this :D
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Scouring a Q&A archive for realmslore, as I am wont to do, and seeing people being semi-officially (officially?) directed to Lords of Darkness when they ask about Realms-specific undead lore even in the 5e era is amusing, and also validating (I love that book. I love how creating tomb guardians/mummies works in the Realms: it's so fucked up. I love the Bhaalist mummy and his relationship problems. I want my Bhaalist to get mummified.)
But anyway the concept that that lore holds in 5e Toril is darkly hilarious to me for reasons, because you'd be applying this to BG3:
Greater and Lesser vampires: Toril does in fact have rare daylight walking vampires! They're created when a succubus kills you by kissing you (ie draining your life force and consuming your soul during make out sessions/sex) and then your corpse rises again as a soulless undead horror that can walk in sunlight. Other than the daywalking a greater vampire is exactly like a normal vampire.
And I'm just... You can get your soul eaten by a fiend in game: can you imagine Astarion's reaction if - after being dumb enough to get fucked to death by Haarlep I know they don't kill you in-game, humour me - you came back as a vampire able to walk in the sun right off the bat? Either he's going to be insanely envious (why do you get everything he wants through an act of terminal stupidity), or he's going to be extremely put out that he isn't special. "There are no vampires like me" Are you sure babe? Bet?
Also as far as Toril is concerned with undeath in its own setting: undeath is evil, as are all of it's sources and all acts of inflicting it upon somebody (except for Baelnorn), but the undead are people and a bit more complicated. Not necessarily terribly nice people, who are monsters and sometimes have to do horrible things due to their nature, but they have control of their actions do damage control and decide not to be total bastards. (Most are total bastards). There are folk stories and legends of protective ancestors and helpful undead, and some undead hunters are wont to let "sleeping undead lie" if they're not bothering anyone. Interestingly I also saw something today that some undead hunting is actually done by undead, who don't appreciate other, less pragmatic and/or morally inclined undead being more evil and destructive than they need to be ("‘nuisance’ undead") and risking encouraging hatred/fear of the undead and angry mobs amongst the living: do you mind, some of us are trying to unlive in relative peace here. How is a Lich supposed to study with clerics breaking down their door, you animals?? Different source again, but D&D's token "good" vampire is a Torilian native (and by "good" I mean Chaotic Neutral and messy, and currently being warped and tormented by the Dark Powers of Ravenloft who enjoy a good chew toy). Toril does have another "good" vampire in official material, but he's been cursed to be Lawful Good and would explicitly go back to being a monster if you lifted that curse, so methinks he doth not count.
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captainmera · 1 year
Mera, Captain, Laddie, Chap, Chum, You Majestical Swede I am living for your IBWR lore on vampires. I love tidbits on biology and quirks of fictional species, especially when it's given more unusual and creative twists. My investment in your comic has begun to peak, I am precariously standing at the edge of a new hyperfixation and you are daring to push me in with your art and lore. l'II be looking forward to seeing Ollie's lil quirks and other bits of the charming world that lives in your head. Also feasting on your TOH bits, as a lore enthusiast your rambles are so very enjoyable and your connection board is so relatable. A bit curious what hexsquad would be like in the world of IBWR or what peculiars/witches/regulars they'd be. So very glad I clambered onto this ship of yours and get to see some of the bits and bobs going on in your brain- I adore the way you think. Sorry if this was a bit long, I hope you're doing well and will feel better, whatever it may be from <3
*squeaky scream* thank you anon! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ <333333
I am having a lot of fun making my story! BWR is only in the baby phases! There's so much fun about this world and it's people, culture and history, that I'm so excited to share with everyone who reads!! :'D <3
IBWR has everything I personally enjoy in a story! This means a lot to me, it's my passion project (and hyperfixation of my own creation) for a reason.
Here's a doodle of Oliver and his buddy Sebastian :)
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As for who the hexsquad would be in IBWR! HMMM! :D
Luz would be someone with a weak fylgja who wants to be a witch anyway! And she'd join a coven to try pursue it. For her, I think her story would be about learning that magic isn't as beautiful as she had hoped, and joins another coven that doesn't do the traditional ways of things. Or perhaps she starts her own.. ;)
Hunter would be a werewolf! :D A beast-type peculiar.
Gus and Willow would be Fae-types. Gus a spriggan, Willow a fairy.
Green fairies "flaws" are envy, I think I could make that work for her! Otherwise I'd put her as a red fairy, the flaw would then be rage. Willow's "fairy gift" would be plants and working with gardening.
Amity would be a regular, I think. Perhaps a wealthy girl who finds herself quietly rebelling against her parents by going with her older siblings to women's rights activism stuff! Possibly that's where she meets Luz! :O
Gus being a Spriggan would mean he's a natural showman, as they're known for their mischievous nature and charisma. I think he'd work in a music hall! :D
Vee would be a fae-type too! But she would be a Huldra/Nymph (skogsrå in swedish). Meaning she can shapeshift into people still! So that fits best.
For IBWR, I take a lot of folklore and put a spin on them with my own interpretations! :)
I like playing with the idea that the folklore and fairy tales are based in half-truths. It's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of thought into it so that they make sense into the world I've built. :D
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vladdyissues · 8 months
I once read the post where Vlad said: "This anime is obviously a romantic school comedy! Danny and I are the main characters, so it means we are love interests. (to Jazz, Tuck, Sam) You guys are the heterosexual support cast, so make sure do not across the line" (I saved screenshot but Idk how to add photo in ask). Developing the subject, how do you see this anime au? Sailor moon alike relationship? Should it also be a horror cause of creepy natural ghosts?
I've never seen Sailor Moon so I can't comment, but it definitely seems like Danny Phantom was heavily influenced by Yu Yu Hakusho, so it wouldn't take a lot of mental gymnastics to envision an anime version of DP being a lot like this, mixing humor and drama and the supernatural. I'd love to see some actual horror thrown in, though. Animes like Vampire Hunter D and Bio-Booster Armor Guyver come to mind. Guyver's not actually billed as horror, but there's enough body horror, gore, and horror elements in it to qualify, in my opinion. I mean, look at this thing, it's terrifying:
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Aside: This ask got me nostalgic for Guyver and I went and watched a few episodes. (The last time I saw it was in the 90s on VHS.) I was floored. There is so much it has in common with DP that I wonder if Hartman wasn't inspired by it as well.
Compare: the black-haired, blue-eyed MC (Sho) who's not the best student, had a disfiguring experience involving something with lots of power and now has two different personas, human and non-human, the latter having incredible strength and unearthly energy that he uses to combat threatening entities that are Not Of This World; best friends are a glasses-wearing geek and a girl who's also the show's love interest, completing the trio. Of course Sho spends a great deal of time protecting his friends, but they also cheer him on from the sidelines and offer help when able, much like Tucker and Sam.
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But get this: The only other person with a Guyver armor happens to be the villain (spoiler: not really the villain, it's all an act, and eventually they team up). This is the guy:
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Long hair. V-hairline. Sideburns. Thick black eyebrows. The English dub isn't that good, but this guy's voice is deep and nice to listen to. He's supposed to be a student but looks like he's 35.
Anyway. DP anime.
I don't see much changing at all plot-wise. Upping the rating to at least PG-13 is definitely prescribed, so there can be things like blood and fantasy violence and adult humor. Let Danny say "hell", "damn", "bastard", and the occasional "shit", like in YYH. Naturally, Vlad and Danny would start out as rivals before laying aside their differences and teaming up to save the world—which is exactly the formula that YYH and BBAG follow in terms of enemies-to-allies.
I'm imagining a steady progression of saving each other's butts and fighting increasingly powerful enemies until it comes to a point that they both realize they'd die for each other. (Literally Kuwabara and Yusuke lmao.)
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In fact, just do a DP/YYH wardrobe swap for all the characters, because Dan Dan Phantom Show is something I'd pay money to see 😂
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yourtitakate · 2 years
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some books by Filipino authors
Sugar and Spite by Gail D. Villanueva  → Two young girls who dislike each other end up becoming friends thanks the magic of a gayuma and the typhoon that threatens their island home. 
The Sleepless by Victor Manibo  → In the wake of a pandemic which causes people to lose the ability to fall asleep, an investigative journalist uncovers a sinister plot behind his boss’s apparent suicide.
The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso → After a failed reconciliation with her estranged husband, a queen finds herself behind enemy lines and must return home in order to save her son. But she also maybe finds love along the way?
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco → The throuple we deserve from Castlevania if they weren’t such cowards. A vampiric married couple team up with a vampire hunter to eradicate a mutant strain of vampires threatening their kingdom. 
You, Me, U.S. by Brigitte Bautista  → A sex worker finds herself falling for her best friend, a saleslady who has dreams of marrying an American in order to give her family a better life in the United States.
Marikit and the Ocean of Stars by Caris Avendaño Cruz → A half-diwata girl discovers her heritage after a birthday party when the forces of darkness come to take her and her powers. She must travel through the land of the engkanto using a map her mother wove into her dress.
If you enjoyed this list, visit my blog Your Tita Kate! I talk more about Filipino authors and books over there. Links in my description and pinned post!
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anawrites3 · 4 months
I don't know if you're still doing the WIP asks! If you are!! My curiosity would appreciate some assistance:
Monster Hunting
Identity porn
Dimension travel
(Your writing is awesome ❤️)
Hello, love! Sorry for answering so late and thank you for taking interest <3 Also I love the sentence “My curiosity would appreciate some assistance” that’s so cute!!
Alright so – Monster hunting is a story where Batfam are hunters and I say monster because in Gotham there are many kinds of monsters so they have to deal with all of them. They help people every night and usually they patrol in groups of at least two but one day Dick sneaks out on his own. It doesn’t end well because as soon as monsters understand that Nightwing is alone they swarm him. They want to make him pay for hunting their kind and just show him that compared to them he’s just a little fragile human, he’s nothing.
When Dick thinks there’s no more hope for him and he’s sure that he’ll die another monster joins them. Everything goes quiet and when Dick looks up Slade is standing right in front of him.
They are lovers in this world :3 they’re still enemies but they meet sometime to fuck in secret and Dick knows it doesn’t change anything but he still can’t help but hope that Slade won’t let them kill him.
And Slade-
Slade stopped just a few steps before him and Dick had to crane his neck to look at him from his place on the floor. His hands twitched nervously at the sight of the mercenary, making the chain rattle loudly.
Slade wasn’t wearing his mask but he might’ve as well had for his face didn’t betray any emotions, not even as he slowly looked Dick over. “Slade-” Dick choked out, knowing how stupid it was to hope. Slade was a monster too, he was one of those creatures that were taking pleasure in making him bleed, showing that he was a dirt under their shoes as human. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Please… Slade, please-” No one dared to make a sound as Slade walked over to where Dick was kneeling. Dick twitched when Slade lowered to a crouch before him – he hoped, he stupidly, naively, humanly hoped but he was just so scared – and the chain holding him in place rattled loudly. “Broken bird.” Slade reached out to cup Dick’s cheek in his hand. His touch was so gentle and for a moment Dick allowed himself to close his eyes as his chest heaved with silent sobs. “Look at you.” He gently forced Dick’s head higher and Dick blinked open his eyes to look into Slade’s one. Dick always admired the colors mixing in the iris – the gray and blue crashing into each other like ocean’s wave to create something so beautiful. A thumb stroked along Dick’s cheek, wiping off the blood. Dick couldn’t even feel it anymore, the sensation of the fluid disappearing under the overwhelming pain he was in, even if the blood seemed to cover every inch of his body. There was so much of it and all of it was his and he was still bleeding- “Please…” He cried again. “Slade…” “Which one of you got him first?” Slade asked calmly, standing up. Dick wanted to cry as his hands pulled away. “It was me!” One of the vampires bragged, stepping closer. He was visibly proud, bloody fangs on display as he puffed out his chest. “I saw him alone and cornered him. Once he started bleeding it didn’t take long before my brothers joined us and then-” One of the shadows tore away from the floor and before anyone managed to blink, the vampire’s head rolled on the dirty floor.
Slade makes sure no monster walks alive of there :D
Identity porn is also of course a sladick fic but I’m considering whether to actually write it or not because it’s about not-quite-cheating. I thought it would be fun to play and practice writing emotions and guilt and it would be probably kept more in a crack/comedy setting but anyway-
It’s a story where Slade doesn’t know Dick is Nightwing and Dick doesn’t know Slade is Deathstroke. They’re dating as Dick and Slade and often fight as Nightwing and Deathstroke – and the often banter/flirt during their fights. And so one day during a fight they fuck in a heat of moment but later they both feel like absolute shits. Then one of them finally confess to cheating – probably Dick – and first of all imagine how fucking absurd it is to say that you cheated on your boyfriend with Deathstroke fucking Terminator. And at first Slade is like No the fuck you didn’t fuck Deathstroke. And Dick goes from crying to being annoyed and angry because I know how I fucked, alright!! And Slade finally says I am Deathstroke! I think I’d remember fucking you as Deathstroke! And Dick is like ...what. What the fuck
Slade realizes what he said and tries to take it back but then Dick says something like Oh my God then I was feeling guilty for nothing… Wait, you fucking shit you slept with Nightwing!
And then it comes out that Dick is Nightwing so they didn’t really cheat.
Let me know if you think I should write it? No snippet for this time because I only really have outline for it so far.
And last but not least, dimension travel! It’s slajaydick story where Dick doesn’t have a very good time but what’s new? Ahaha
So Dick accidentally gets send into another dimension, one where everything is the same save for the fact that Dick never was Slade’s apprentice – instead Slade got Jason into his hands. I like to say that Dick falls there in a trap that wasn’t even set because he just tries to find a way home and instead stumbles into Jay. He then follows Jay to Slade’s base where Slade is waiting and when Slade finds out that Dick’s from another dimension, therefore no one in this world will look for him, he decides to keep him.
I posted a snippet the last time I was doing the wip ask game, you can find it right here!
But have another one <3
"I don't think you quite understand the situation you're in right now." Slade drawled, voice just as deep as Dick remembered from his nightmares and so pleased it was almost dripping off of his words. "No one knows you're here, little bird. No one will even think to look for you - not Batman, not Robin because in their world everything is as it should always be." "You're wrong." Dick spat out, fists clenching against the chain. "As soon as they'll find out that I'm in this dimension they'll-" "And that's the thing, isn't it?" Slade interrupted with a mean smile. "They have to find out about it first. They have to notice that you're gone and then start looking for you. Then they'll actually have to find you." He stroked the back of his fingers along Dick's cheek. "And I can promise you, they won't find us easily." "It doesn't matter." Dick moved away from the touch, as far away as he was able. "They'll find me and then you'll finally pay for everything you did-" "So sure of yourself. It's pretty admirable." Slade hummed. "Isn't it, apprentice?" Jason who all this time just stood by the wall without a word, hands clasped together behind his straight back, dipped his head in a quick nod. "Yes, Master." He said, not taking his green eyes off Dick for a second. "But it's also stupid and naive." "That's right." Slade grinned. "The sooner you understand it the better, Richard. I have all the time in the world to do what I want with you. And what I want is to break you and then rebuild you, piece by piece until you’re exactly what I want you to be, boy." "You can try, you sick fuck." Dick growled. Like hell he was going to let Slade do whatever he wanted. He already went through it once and knew that he could resist Slade getting into his head, no matter how difficult it was. He was going to fight Slade every step on the way. “I know your tricks, Slade. You won't break me that easily.” "Don't worry, I have my ways for unruly boys." Slade said, glancing briefly towards Jason. “And the fight is what I'm hoping for, actually." He grabbed Dick's jaw to raise his head, forcing Dick to look him in the eye. "I have big hopes for you, kid. Would be a shame if you disappointed me right away.”
Thank you for asking, dear! <3
You can ask me about my wips right here
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Hey I have nothing better to do, here’s some fic recs for y’all!!
If you have followed me for any amount of time you know which one I’m about to lose my mind over—
Bloodletting by agentgenevra / @agentgenevra
Nancy is a vampire hunter… And also a vampire. Robin is a vampire. The plot of this fic is SO incredibly woven, I am NOT kidding guys. Every character has their place, and everything connects in just the coolest way. I’m literally obsessed. The slow burn dynamic between Robin and Nancy is incredible and full of tension as well! I am feral about this fic.
dancing in the moonlight by summersociety
Nancy is a monster hunter and Robin is a werewolf. This fic is the PERFECT mix of wacky and serious and I adore it for that. The tension is incredible, I would kill for the side characters, the internal struggle for Robin is so well written! The way this author writes for the werewolf in a different way is such a cool creative choice. This fic will have you crying over “aroo.” Just saying.
a never ending story by summersociety
Robin and Nancy play D&D and their in game romance definitely has nothing to do with Nancy having a big fat crush on Robin. Their dynamic in game and out of game is just so lovely and we love a little comphet Wheeler. Plus!!! This author just has some very poetic writing and I adore it
Raise Dead by EskaWrites / @eskawrites
Robin died in the Upside-Down. Nancy is grieving, but the kids are scheming. One (1) fic has brought actual tears to my eyes. I don’t usually cry over media but this one will pull at the heart strings. Go in knowing that this fic will devastate you, but it will fix you afterwards. I found myself holding my breath through some of the more intense portions, and the way this writer describes Nancy’s grief and uses symbolism just broke my heart.
you’re the reason that i’m hanging on by EskaWrites / @eskawrites
Robin gets Vecna’d. INCREDIBLE angst, I don’t want to say too much and spoil it, but the dynamics are wonderful and the ending is fantastic.
choke up (on my bat and on your heart) by gfbuckleyxwheeler / @werewolfxwheeler
As a bitch who didn’t think I’d be into sports aus, this fic!!! Ronance are on a softball team and they have a wonderful hate/love relationship and I adore it!! And Max and Chrissy are both lovely in this au <333 Em also has a wonderful blog here, please check them out!
feels like I’ve been gettin’ anointed (ever since the day that I met you) by khalasaar / @sapphicriley
Catholic school au with the partner project trope PLEASE. This one is spicy. The writing is incredible, the tension is fantastic, and also I think you can tell she writes/reads poetry in her writing, which I happen to think is cool as shit. Inappropriate use of religious imagery my beloved <333 Did I mention tension—
put me in the movies (on a king sized silver screen) by khalasaar / @sapphicriley
Robin works at a drive in theatre and Nancy keeps visiting her because she’s a dumb lesbian. This is one of my favorite fluffy, sweet stories, oh my god. They are so!!! I want to squeeze them. Their dynamic and their banter and Nancy being So Totally Smooth is the best. I need to reread this one
Handle With Care by ElFandomBirb / @el-fandom-birb
Centering around Robin thinking about love and her Handle with Care patch. Oh. My. God. The types of love actually killed me, this fic is so soft and so sweet. Repetition as a plot device!!! Seriously one of my favorite one shots. Also another great Ronance blog
400 Bones [series] by DearApparition / @anxiouswerewolf
You want to read some of the most delicious angst out there? Here you go. Ronance is messy and angsty but they’re there for each other and I could easily cry about any of the fics in this series
here and wherever you are by penguinwritesbooks
The Half Of It au. Steve recruits Robin to write love letters to Nancy. One of my favorite movies and my favorite ship lovingly rolled into one. Everything feels very true to the characters and the dynamics without being a scene by scene retelling!! There’s a Steddie sequel if that’s your thing
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sunderwight · 1 year
watched castlevania nocturne! thoughts:
this show is nearly nothing at all like the games. as an adaptation it is not very good on that front, but then again if it was a faithful adaptation I wouldn't like it, so personally I'm not bothered about that
annette, edouard and olrox are the best parts. I was also pleasantly surprised by richter, who I expected to be kind of insufferable or just boring (he's neither!)
richter reminded me a lot of sypha and of alucard rather than just doing the usual macho protag descendant thing and being a near-clone of trevor. it was really good, I ended up liking him quite a bit
annette and edouard were amazing, even though I kind of laughed at edouard's singing. I wonder if annette could teach richter how to get into contact with his ancestors, and I wonder if richter could find her some kickass weapons/artifacts/books from a magic belmont storage facility somewhere (alucard probably knows at least one)
I really like annette and richter, they're young and cute but also relating to one another on the dead mom trauma and trying awkwardly to offer comfort and getting frustrated and forgiving and it's just really good ship material
I wonder if olrox was made into a vampire by spanish conquistadors or if vampires are also a phenomenon of the americas, but I also suspect he might not really be a "vampire" as such and that drinking that rich guy's blood was more of a show for drolta's sake. he seemed awfully comfortable walking around in the daytime while he was chatting with mizrak. it was in the shade but still
on the other hand, erzsebet got her powers by drinking a god's blood. maybe olrox did the same thing with quetzalcoatl. quetzalcoatl is a sun god, so that would explain why olrox was so unsettled about erzsebet's solar eclipse (might also mean that he can go out in sunlight). even though he's a vampire, a threat to the sun would constitute a threat to him too
olrox acknowledging to richter that it was awkward for both of them to try and interact in a non-hostile way was hilarious. man never foresaw that he'd ever need a belmont for anything, now he has to deal with the fact that he is the personal nightmare bad guy of the only one he knows about
I love how annette killed the vampire slaver who murdered her mother. how she specifies that the crosses work because he fears them, and she's not averse to using that against him, literally caging him with the symbol of the religion that colonization pushed onto the rest of the world. how he tries to get her so angry in hopes that she'll let him out just to attack him, because he has no other possible escape route, he knows he can't convince her any other way. how it utterly fails and he just burns helplessly in the sunlight. that whole scene was excellent and so narratively satisfying
also really like how angry annette got at richter, and how quickly she forgave him when he apologized. because she knows exactly what he felt when faced with his mother's killer, and she had to make herself push past it. that the real problem is that she had to push past it, could never really be a child who was afraid, rather than that richter panicked
edouard's monster design was also excellent, I was riveted every time he was on screen
in fact the vibes overall were pretty good, like vampire hunter d meets hellboy
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Hi! I saw your grumpy/sunshine prompt lists, and I was wondering if it’d be okay to request #14 and #19 for D from VHD? You can come up with any scenario you’d like! Though, if you wanted me to offer a prompt, it could be of D watching reader learn how to sharpen and clean her weapons. She could catch that lovely faint smile he tends to have when his walls are down and smile back at him/exclaim her joy at seeing it! His reactions/responses are also up to you! (I love your writing!)
Hello anon, glad to see the first request in my message box. I decided to combine all three of your asks plus my personal plan for a fic.
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May I?
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D watched your hands sliding over the blade of the sword. Its handle resting in one of your palms while the other ran oil soaked cloth over it. The task performed with almost religious reverence. Your eyes were trained on the blade so you didn’t notice D watching your every move. How you aquired the Blade of Alucard was still a mystery to him. However, he did not asked you how the sword found its way into your hands, neither he told you about its origins. That fact still burned at the pit of his stomach, but he knew he made a good decision at leaving  it in your care. After all, you needed a suitable weapon to defend yourself with when traveling with him.
„Zippy? Can you hand met he other rag? The dry one.“ You extened your arm towards him without raising your eyes from the sword.
Ah, the nickname you gave him. He remembers how you decided on it like it was yesterday. You insisted he gave you his real name, thinking it was some sort of nickname. When he told you that’s all he’s ever been called, you frowned and told him one letter is not a name and he should have real one. Shortly after, you came up with the cheeky title Zippy. D wasn’t sure it was even a word. Just another one of your peculiarities. The teasing nickname stuck and now whenever he hears it, he accepts it as his second name.
His name was another thing you’ve claimed as your own. Before he met you, he was just a test subject D, but now he was Zippy. Despite himself, D found a sense of pride in it, no matter how silly the name was. Year ago, he would be annoyed if you’d called him that. Now he felt a strange warmth everytime he heard it. There was no use to fight it. You’ve wormed yourself inside vampire hunter’s heart and there was no coming back, not that D wanted to return to his old, lonely days.  Human lifespans are so short, they are like blink of an eye compared ti his. He wants to cherish the time he has with you while he still can. To hear his name spill from your lips again and again.
„D? Don’t be a slacker.“
The hunter’s shoulders jerked. He got so lost in the thoughts of you, his hands remained still in your burlap. With warmth in his cheeks, he pulled the cloth out of the bag and handed it to you. He made sure your fingers brushed, running the pads of his fingers over your palm, much warmer than his. D noticed he’s been doing that often lately. Finding all the smallest ways and excuses to touch you. At first, he tried to justify these action to himself as well.
The space is too small, he can’t help it. He told himself as he pressed closer to you in cleft of a mountain you’ve hidden. You pulse needs to be checked often, you are sick. He told himself as he held your hand while you were sleeping away the illness. He needs to make sure the breastplate fits you perfectly. He told himself as he ran his hands over your arms and sides. So on and so on. And you, sweet and ignorant you, are so assured he could never, ever see you romantically, or anyone for that matter, that you let him do whatever he wished.
His latest temerity resurfaced when training you in swordsmanship. Unbeknownst to you, he showed you all the tricks and stances taught to him by the Great Ancestor himself. You were a quick learner, and D was proud of your progress. As he guided your hands into a proper position, D put his hands over your hips as he told you to go more loose in the knees. Then, he use done of his legs to spread yours more apart. By the time he realized what his was doing, you were already looking at him with bevilderment in your eyes. Ugh. The shame.
„There! All done. What do you think?“ Thankfully, you ripped him from his flustered musings. D lifted his head from behind the dark curtain of his hair and inspected you closely. You were holding the golden sword in front of you with utmost delicacy, the blade glinting in the autumn sun. Each nook and crevice was expertly polished and D nodded with a pleased humm. He would never thought that a playful trickster like you would take your swordfighting lessons and the artillery mainetance this seriously.
„D, you’re smiling.“ He could hear the laughter in your voice. The vampire hunter winced, he haven’t realized that a small smile was forming on his face. D looked away in embarassment. You don’t need to make a deal out o fit.
„Nonsence.“ The more he denied it, the more he felt his mouth twitching.
„You smiled! I saw it, so there’s no denying it.“ You set down the sword and crawl on all four towards him. Meanwhile, D crawling backwards to escape your inquiry. That effort was quickly squished down when his back was met with a stone wall. Before he had a chance to roll sideways, you slid between his knees and brought your wide grin towards his face. Your happiness was contagious, so D gave up on trying to fight it, and closed his eyes whilst letting a small smile form on his lips. Truly, you live to tease him, don’t you.
„Oh, your smile is so beautiful I would love to see it more often.“
When he opened his eyes in suprise, you had this soft, warm look instead of your usual cheek. Your face was so close, you were radiating life and warmth and life like a sun itself. And just like sun, you had the ability to bring him to his knees. The vampire hunters was so lost in the depth of your eyes that he haven’t even noticed one of his hands inching towards your face. You noticed it sooner than him, but were so shocked that you kept still. The moment akin to wild deer making its way towards you. Slowly, D’s knucles slid across your cheek, a whisper of a touch, while he haven’t taken his eyes from yours.
The only movement on your body was the wild beating of your heart, which was thumping so fiercely against your chest you suspected it wants to jump out of your chest and into D’s arms. Painfully slowly you raised your hand and grasped the dhampir’s one still resting on your face, simply clutching his appendages with your smaller ones, keeping your eyes trained on his.
The first one to snap out of this weird transe was D. He jerked his hand away as i fit burned him and stood up.
„Ahem- That’ll be enough training for today. Get some rest, I’ll keep watch.“
Without waiting for your answer, the hunter put the hat on his head and stomped away. All you could do was watch him as millions of thoughts swirled inside your head. Did that really just happen??
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