#also lmao i dont know how scripts or movies work
wander-wren · 2 years
with the graphic novels i’m being prompted again to consider trc tv show teaser trailer concept that has lived in my brain for?? over a year at this point??
just imagine. a sleepy virginian small town from above, a girl pedaling down the sidewalk on a bike. blue’s voice narrating as we slowly get closer.
“being the only normal one in a psychic family is bad enough.” cut to blue’s face as she rides. “what’s worse is being the one with a curse.”
a series of quick flashbacks of various women looking nervous, sad, and/or apologetic to blue at varying ages. maura’s voice. “if you kiss your true live, he will die.”
blue, on her bike, skids to a halt near aglionby academy. she watches the boys in their fancy uniforms and their arrogant smiles, their raven emblems. still narrating, she says, “so i have two rules. one, don’t talk to boys, because they’re trouble. and don’t talk to raven boys, because they’re bastards.”
she pushes off again. pan out to a darkening, cloudy sky. “you can’t outrun fate. but i didn’t expect it to find me so soon.”
the graveyard, st mark’s eve, with the dead marching past. then blue’s perspective, of only one lone boy, and neeve hisses, “take his name. he’ll die within the year.”
blue follows as the camera zeroes in on the boy’s face, his aglionby sweater, his rain-soaked shoulders. he stumbles to his knee, fingers splayed in the dirt. blue asks, “what’s your name?”
the screen goes black.
“is that all?”
“that’s all there is.”
music slams in alongside a montage of scenes, gansey, ronan, adam, noah. these have some dialogue and are long enough to establish their personalities and relationships with each other. mostly generic/immediately pre-canon things like the dolly/car dragging incident, but also a few early book one scenes. included near the beginning is gansey asking, “what do you know about welsh kings?” and explaining, “legend says he’s only sleeping, and whoever wakes him gets a favor.”
blue’s voice comes back near the middle of that: “i have my rules. we were never supposed to meet.”
half-second flashes of her meeting gansey in nino’s, adam outside in the parking lot, whenever she met ronan and noah officially.
“i guess i was never any good at following the rules.”
another montage like before, now showing all of them in various scenes from book one, getting faster, more jumbled, and soundless except for the music as we go. it culminates in flashes of the cabeswater scene, completely incomprehensible but full of fear. in the end, adam lands on his knees in the forest, hands splayed in the dirt. gansey’s voice screams, “adam!”
screen goes black again. blue says, “this is a year people die.”
[the raven cycle, coming 20XX]
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astranauticus · 6 months
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orv 🤝 asteroid city
stories about stories that left a surprisingly large impact crater in my brain
anyway some more (frankly far too extensive) thoughts under the cut for an au i dont forsee myself drawing for again (cw: mention of suicidal thoughts and lots of talk about death)
for anyone reading this who hasn't watched asteroid city: it's a movie documenting the making of an in universe fictional play called asteroid city written by conrad earp (kdj) directed by schubert green (hsy) lead actor jones hall (yjh) who plays augie, very emotionally repressed guy whose wife (lsh, kinda) just died and is trying to figure out how to tell his children about it. anyway jones shows up at conrad's house for auditions and the two fall in love, then conrad dies from a car crash 6 months into the shows run and jones is left to play a character mourning the death of his wife while irl mourning the death of his lover and it drives him up a wall trying to figure out if he's doing conrad "right" (hence 'i still don't understand the play')
anyway for this au like everything that happens in the movie also happens i think but the character motivations are a little bit different like in the movie conrad earp writes the play before he ever meets jones hall so we don't really know why it's Like That but i think in the au kdj is either like. having suicidal thoughts or just fully believed he wasn't gonna live for very long in the like cptsd symptom kinda way lmao. so like it's not really that he wrote the play to help yjh process his own death (i think if that were the case the message of the play would be way different lmfao) but it's more like he just had death and grief on the brain and was also writing stuff. and like the answer he arrived at was that he didn't actually arrive at anything in the end. sometimes tragedy just happens and there's no meaning to it you just kinda have to live with that. like i know this is not how the process of play production works but if there's one change to the original movie plot in this au i want to make it's that kdj still dies by car accident but before the script is 100% finished or after he's been talking about rewriting the ending or something because i think he also doesn't figure out an answer he's satisfied with in the end about like death and grief and mourning. like you just know that in kdj's ideal world his loved ones wouldn't mourn him at all if he dies because he doesn't want them to be sad because of him and maybe he still hasn't fully 100% internalised that he has people who would care if he dies. anyway i think yjh kinda understands like subliminally that kdj was trying to Say Something with the play he just isn't sure what because he's looking for An Answer like some kind of meaning to everything that's happened but the point is there isn't one and if there is kdj hasn't found it either lmao. and like i think hsy understood immediately like as soon as she heard the news of his death she's figured out what kdjs thought process behind the play was and like she's absolutely not holding it together as well as she appears but she also sees yjh driving himself insane every night trying to find The Meaning or whatever and like whether or not she even agrees with kdj aside this is the only way she can think of to help him get out of that hole bc she can't exactly tell yjh like 'the point is that there is no point you just have to live with The Everything' so she's just trying her best to make him understand on his own. idk i just need someone who's watched asteroid city to see this and tell me if ive gone completely insane LMAO
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
After Apollo’s book comes out (because this is the first thing I’d do lmao), do you think they’d create a biopic to go along with it? (And if it was well made) Would he and the group go and watch it?
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ooh OMG this is such a good question. i had to consult @wronghuntress about this because part of me is like - as much as i portray apollo as a kindhearted and really loving father (which he is), he's still apollo. no matter how much pain and trauma the spotlight gives him, he can't stay away from it - he doesn't want to,
even when he runs away from hollywood and leaves all that behind, he still jumps at the first opportunity to make music again and encourages nico to release it. he eventually writes his memoir (that goes along with songs - i don't think that's really a spoiler seeing as the memoir files are accompanied by mp3 files and lyrics with two songs revealed already), which is just making his story even more known.
so he definitely doesn't stray away from the spotlight, but in the end, i don't think that he would support a biopic. technically, he is a public figure, and people could make a biopic even if he doesn't approve of it (i'm pretty sure, i just watched a yt video comparing the elvis and priscilla biopics despite watching neither for some reasonSDKF, but i dont actually have much knowledge on how these are made) - but i don't think he would ever support that for the sole reason of his kids.
the memoir centers largely around apollo's kids, even before they're born - on his relationship with naomi and latricia and darren as well - it's just as much of a focus of the memoir as his father's abuse and the corruption of the industry.
with that in mind, a biopic would include someone portraying naomi - which apollo, i don't think, would feel he has a right to just portray from his perspective, and which would also be very hard to get right for will, as well.
then there's obviously darren and latricia as well, and the fact that kids would have to play his own kids - which he'd probably feel a bit uncomfortable with, seeing as, especially just then, will kayla and austin would just be in their twenties
i think that the only option for a biopic would end up either being unapproved by apollo (which would likely end up with it being cancelled, seeing as apollo's father would hate that portrayal as well, so with their combined control over hollywood i do think they'd be able to prevent it from happening - i know, them working together on smth is a strange idea), or after apollo's death
and i do think that apollo lives a long, long, life. like, long enough for conspiracy theorists to question whether he may actually be a god in hiding. by that time, annabeth would be too old to play naomi - who would be about 21-28, and would probably have already retired anyway (assuming apollo dies at like 100 or smth so annabeth would be in her 80s)
if it was created without apollo's approval, annabeth would immediately turn down that role - out of respect for apollo, will, and naomi.
but i think it raises the interesting idea of what if apollo didn't have a biopic - what if naomi had a biopic made abt her?
now that'd be interesting and i like to imagine she had a huge impact on country music - plus, tragic ending, lots of drama, it's exactly what hollywood would want to make a biopic about. and honestly, i think it's a pretty plausible idea, so long as apollo and will both get to look over the script before hand! in that case, i think it would be very interesting for annabeth to play naomi, maybe even also co-produce the movie, and then work for hours on end with will trying to make sure that it'd be perfect. i absolutely love annabeth and will friendship, they're like siblings in my head honestly, and i think annabeth would do an incredible job at that <3
thank you for the ask!
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bos-basement · 1 year
ahhhhhhh i finally finished reading the script (link here, also if you know of any other scripts from earlier or later in production plz send, i would like to read those too)
and here are some of my notes!
bo sustains a knee injury, as well as the headlight getting busted here, in a cut intro you can view some of here, this would also be the only time he is shown to kill someone
nick is two years younger then carly, so they arent twins
paige wanted to marry blake instead of her being pregnent (which still doesnt matter in the end, seriously why was this her character detail?)
script implies its vincent at the campsite due to his laboured breathing, but bts implies that lester broke the fanbelt (i think its vincent cuz why would he have daltons camera?)
the roadkill pit is 8 foot deep and 50 feet in diameter
town used to be called Athelston, also used to be a mining town instead of having a sugar mill
lester fully enjoys being sadistic to carly and wade lmao
movie theater says its playing body snatchers lol
script takes into account louisiana heat (as well as infrastructure) for the house of wax
both bo and lester have a cb radio, def how they communicate about victims, also fake detour signs to lure people into town
the line about how carly could win the beauty pageant gets way darker when you know the victim from the cut intro was made into that wax figure
bo says trudy wanted to make a town of wax in his spiel to wade and carly, is this also a lie? also adds more credence to the theory that trudy also killed
victor and trudy switch places in the story, victor dies by house fire (full on lie which shows the story is at least not all true) and trudy kills herself
bo wouldve asked wade to help him in the house if he didnt need to go piss, bo had zero thought into killing them lmao
continuing he prolly talked to vince about a plan while wade and carly waited for him at the gas station
wade puts up more of a fight, very glad the movie didnt, that bitch deserved to get got cuz of all his snooping
carly escapes into a house (lesters mayhaps 👀 prolly not tho lol) instead of the church, she also gets a hit on bos hand
also escapes into community pool where bo catches her
jonesy is prolly vincents, she sleeps in the basement while he works on wade
"Bo (mocking) : What happened to Wade?" hes so silly goofy 🥰🤪😚
dalton and nick dont have a conversion about how nick took the blame for him
script makes a typo and calls nick wade for a line
dalton is the one to check out the gas station and talk with bo, bo leads him to the house of wax
ok i have to talk about the fanbelt now cuz wtf is up with it? bo has a 15 inch in a drawer at the shop, but like no one can appreciate the dramatic irony except us and him?? what would he have done if wade had a 16 or 14 inch?? do they only go after cars with 15 inch fanbelts????
ALSO!!! would he have just let wade and carly go if they had found the 15 inch????? BO IS FUCKING STUPID AND I LOVE HIM
AND!!!! ALSO!!!! as @hollabackgrl pointed out in her alternate scenarios post, what would have happened if lester/vincent stole the fanbelt out of blakes truck?? seriously bo lucked into wade having a 15 inch 😒
bo uses he/him pronouns for jonesy 😔😔 sad day for us girl jonesy truthers 😔😔😔
also the script keeps calling her "The Mongrel" so mean to her 😔😔😔 (p.s. where did we get the name jonesy??? like did the fandom just agree on that name or is it in some extras in the dvd? /gen)
nick is abke to go into the snack store? grocery store? and finds a deer that wade hit at the start in the back, id like to believe that its because lester was going to cook it but its infested with rats, so why keep it and not throw it into the pit?
dalton finds wade in the basement instead of being displayed
vincent has steeled toed boots, nice :)
nicks still the one to free carly, there just no confrontatiom with bo
nick and carly go into the church still
script mentions shotgun wound in trudys head, so some of bos story is true,,, maybe?
paige does a strip tease but vince slices at her shoe? lmao
nick and carly run into a looney toons showing instead of "whatever happened to baby jane"
diversity win! the murderous twins that incase people in wax dont discriminate on who dies!
bo and vincent hadnt been seperated until 3-4 years old??
bos able to get both arrows out, movie bo needs to step up his game 😒😒 /j
i love how the script characterizes vincent as super pissed about everything
switch board has a label for chimney smoke??? how tf does that work???
bo and vincent never argue in the kitchen, in fact it seems as though theyre more in tune with eachother
we gotta cancel nick, he hits jonesy with a wax arm >:[
bos feelings towards trudy vexes me and i hate it
vincents scars are described differently, having actually been scarred over
carly aggitates bo by saying trudy hated him (which he hates?? seriously what tf goes on in his head) and saying he killed her instead of trying to get vincent on her side by saying bo manipulated him (which is bs anyway but i'll get to that in my analysis on the movie 😌😌)
And thats it! actual deep thoughts and analysis will come when i rewatch the movie and pause every frame /hj (will add link here when that happens) but thats everything i found interesting about the script and what all changed from it to the actual movie, im open to discussing in the comments or my dms ^^
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yeyinde · 5 months
I found your COD works on ao3 and there is quite literally NOTHING else that makes me ascend higher than your writing AAAAHHH your prose is incredibly seamless and blends so beautifully together that i find myself on the ground afterwards because EXCUSE ME?? They didn't tell us you could do that with words?? (youre the reason im researching a game ive never played before in my life at 3 am) how you are real
Anyway!!! I dont know if this was already asked, but i wanted to know about your writing process and how you got to where you are now
Thank you for always giving us your best work!! 🩷🩷🩷
it's only Thursday and here i am. just bawling my eyes out. this is incredibly sweet, and you are being way too nice to me, honestly!!! 😭 thank you so much!! and i'm so glad you've been enjoying what i write so far 🖤
i did my best to actually answer this in a way that was somewhat coherent but it's really hard to type through the tears.
i don't have much of a writing process, tbh! i mostly just shape things around a concept or a scene i want to write about, or one that i kinda picture in my head. the rest is mostly just filler to get us there.
i think i spend the most time on words—the placement, the meaning, the sound, and the way it looks/flows with everything else. i'm very particular about the ones i pick. i know a lot of it might seem like regurgitating a thesaurus (which it def is, tbh!!!), but i really love etymology. everything has a purpose. even though a lot of what i write is just gratuitous smut lmao
i also really love scripts. i don't write multiple drafts. what i end up posting is usually the first draft with minimal editing (because i am egregiously lazy and also hate re-reading my own work), but as i write, i like to make the outlines for scenes in the same style as a script. i think it gives me more flexibility to really dig down into what i want from a particular moment by framing it like a beat from a movie or play. it might not be for everyone, but it helps me focus on what i need to do—especially with dialogue.
as for how i got to where i am now: i definitely got much more confident in my particular style, which i think is obvious if you read my earlier stuff to now. i was very worried about how i came across in writing (like using rare words, dabbling in wordplay, going on very obscure tangents and making strange metaphors), but i'm a lot more willing to experiment with things than i was before. i also don't take myself seriously at all. everything i do is for the fun of it, so i've never felt pressured to stay within a certain genre or style. i just do what i want, mostly!
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 2
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well it wouldnt be a seisho 99th class production if they didn't gay the script up a little
masai and amemiya went to the beach for inspo for this scene….if nothing else is said i Am going to imagine they exchanged rings themselves there. amemiya DID mention something about real life experiences, after all
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karen gets seasick. junna doesn't
i am realizing i dont actually know Shit about El Dorado besides 'city of gold' and the animated movie which has Nothing to do with this besides one character being named miguel
aww karen's the first person junna's told she's gon go overseas after graduation. hasn't even told nana lmao. promised her to become a brilliant lead actress. and agrees with karen's sentiment that as long as they keep acting, they'll meet again on stage one day
everyone's sayin how perfectly junna is suited to be salvatore and i'm just sitting here grumpily going WHY DIDNT U LET ME PICK MAHIRUUUU havin to play thru at least this route i assume before i can ;; and at worst, having to play thru ALL of them
lmao judy comin in all threatening. mahiru and nana Might? recognize her? Claudine and maya Def do. futaba and kaoruko have 0 idea
lol judy swiped junna n karens cloaks while they off guard tsk tsk.
aw fun kaoruko hoppin in with the english. judy can speak p good japanese (i mean, her va is japanese. but as a character it is a lil surprising. i wonder if hikari taught her)
mahiru n nana checkin on their gfs after the startle
aha hikari told judy about the seisho girls thats fun
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this nana expression keeps killin me she looks so disgruntled
kaoruko who Doesnt tick you off from other schools. lalafin?
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since when did u start channeling ran bandori masai
guys please you can't go 'oh well she's doing all our hard work with ease' like have u not learned from claudine and maya that the hard work of others is just not easy for u to see
also junna- karen- i thought the beach was a hot minute away from tokyo and ur out here on a whim AGAIN kjsdhf
lol honestly junna stop bein whiny about not bein adequate yell at her karen. and aw. karen feels the same loneliness of junna going off n leaving as she did when hikari did
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emotional dipping time
and now physical dipping out time off to a 2 person training camp in the middle of the exchange program kajhdf
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also man is it weird to have karen call junna. junna. and not junjun
jkdhf wants revenge on karen too for showing up class B on coming up with the new starlight ending
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so much for their 'april fools' memoirs in starira
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yeaaa lets GO b-gumi
this is fun lol i've always liked what we've seen of b-gumi
still not enough mahiru tho
oh they stuck at school bc dorm curfew is past lmao
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masai pls its just junna. and karen
guess they're back i was expecting to see them training lol. and it past dorm curfew so. stuck in the school building i guess ksjdhfdjhfkj
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love that these two are stickin together all the way hehe.....also yes they absolutely exchanged rings themselves at the beach and no one will tell me differently
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oh they also goin hang with mahiru, maya, n futaba even MORE reason for a mahiru route grumble bumble she's the only one of those three in the mainest main role
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lol they all settled in for the night in class b sleepin bags n junna n karen were gon tell masai and amemiya what happened during their lil training camp
and karen immediately fell asleep
which sounds like a good place to stop for the night aha i'll find out why maya n junna are going 'ow' later
<<part 1 part 3>>
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lesbiancolumbo · 11 months
(if you dont want to answer this then def dont) I am really curious about your thoughts on the latest scorsese. I've mostly been avoiding all the responses because I'm Inuk and I just don't have the fucking energy for another article churned out by a white person who doesn't give a shit. But I guess my current view is that if this is a story Scorsese really wanted to see told, he should have just supported a Native director to make it from their perspective. Hasn't he directed enough movies lmao
i'm not really going to wade too much into the "scorsese should have just supported a native director" debate since i'm not native and that's not my lane, but i think it's a reasonable desire albeit a little devoid of the unfortunate realities of this industry, which is that even a guy like martin, who is one of the most well-known and well-regarded filmmakers ever, struggled for years to get this made and that films that are from a native filmmaker's perspective are getting a tenth of the budget and buried in release (lily gives a better performance in a film called fancy dance, which i saw at sundance and is a wonderful film, and as far as i can tell, it literally does not even have US distribution yet). so i get it, i don't disagree per se, but i also get why he wanted to use his name and his clout to get this particular project off the ground.
staying in my own lane, my criticisms are mostly with the ways the film looks and how it's adapted from the source material. i think the story is compelling and it's a point in history that needed telling, but the script really takes a lot of the wind out of its own sails by giving the answer to its key question away almost immediately. i haven't read the source material but from what i do know, i think this is kinda the inevitable conclusion of wanting to have your cake and eat it too (having the dicaprio and deniro characters as the primary relationship featured in the film). the structure and pacing of the film are very messy, and i'll be honest.... i expect more visually from a "master" like martin. i expect better from the man everyone compares to a god. his last two movies look flat and boring visually. i also think dicaprio is in a different movie from everyone else, performance wise. he gives way too much at all times, it's distracting and feels tonally off with what everyone else (aside from the recent oscar winner in the cast, who i'm not even gonna dignify with a name lol) is trying to do.
the positives for me are that lily and all the other indigenous actors are insanely good in their roles, but comparatively their roles are just not as weighty compared to dicaprio and de niro. but i'll be honest..... mostly i'm just annoyed in the ways that like we seem to put our head in the sand where martin's work is concerned. like we can't acknowledge that he's not a god, he is merely a man and a flawed one at that. he can stumble and make movies that are flawed, that are (gasps) not that good. but it's the way that the critics and community are just putting their hands over their ears and going this is a masterpiece i don't wanna hear otherwise it's marty, that's pee paw, argue with the wall...... like ok. i hate the way we talk about him, it has grinded my gears for a really long time, and to be honest i'm not shocked that mollie's presence in this film is minimal compared to her male counterparts because marty's track record for women in his movies is..... no one wants to say this but i'm not afraid of the losers on film twitter who prop up two (!!!!!) movies with women who are exceptions to the rule, PISS FUCKING POOR.
so to summarize.... i don't hate the movie at all. it's definitely worth a watch, it has a lot of good things in there, but it's not a masterpiece, it's not his masterpiece, and if you really love scorsese you have to grapple with his failings and his shortcomings. i think they're very apparent in this movie, and it's neither good nor bad. it simply is.
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roobylavender · 8 months
wait thats embarrassingjsvoejdfkjd i actually didnt confuse the two actors because they look alike (although they do i cant tell white people apart) its because i had been seeing BOTH bomer and guy-from-suits as fancasts for him. so sorry!
but like, i totally get what you mean, alot of these actors go to easily in one direction, whether its their fault or the script. I dont really agree with the praise pattis0n gets with his portrayal anymore because hes so like, emotionally obtuse it begins to stray from being sympathetic or understandable it just makes him look like hes a dickhead on purpose and the only thing it accomplishes is it serves to piss me off lmao. I do agree with you on affleck, hes probably the best we had so far. But i also think val kilmer did okay with. what he was given? if this were a ranking id put him in like second or third place imo
but on that hand, thats sort of why i adore the model they created for telltale batman. I know this is straying away from the discussion because its not like, a live action actor, but i love his face model. perfect mix of like someone who could be seen as a charming playboy, a doe-eyed lover and someone with his heart on his sleeve but also unassuming and stoic when needed. lol.
and that thing you mentioned about the decade long film concept sounds interesting but it doesnt sound like something superhero companies are willing to do. like that requires alot of planning, care and consideration and most of all time because they would be aging in real time. but companies need things done STAT because $$$$$. its a shame the new franchise is starting with damian because were yet again getting an older batman, i wouldve loved a movie about early years young bruce and dick. (and side note, i believe gunn had said he wanted him and supes to be similar in age, but he also wants damian robin? how does that work? what is he cooking oml)
i have a talia mutual who also swears by the val kilmer version so i will definitely try to watch it soon, you have me so intrigued! and omg when you say telltale batman do you mean troy baker. that's so strange for me to wrap my head around bc i know him as sam from uncharted but i've also never watched the telltale batman cutscenes so maybe i need to do that too 🧐 i feel like when i look at him i see oliver more but that might also be bc of the color of his hair and the mustachejgkjdflhdf
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ok so i dont feel like doing a full on review of the new episode so im just gonna make bullet points of the high lights and things that stuck out to me lmao
((contents spoilers below))
• still love that intro its so fucking awesome
• still loving the upgraded animation its so fluent and beautiful but still maintains that classic “aqua teen” look
• ok but shake is kinda hot in that outfit ngl
• shake looks like literally every millennial in my town and especially the ones that go to the coffee shops in my area lol
• “its spelled with a g cuz disney owns it” 💀💀
• “hoverboard” and its the fucking roomba 💀
• this is literally clone high istg with the self aware roombas istg /j
• all the robots had little hands that kinda looked like shakes thats so cute
• his whole rant about drinking the cream had me dead
• “its an easy fix tanner” BFNFCFNGFVX bro has beef with tanner lmao
• “master shaken not stirred” ok but that cream work was fucking bad ass
• bro literally had robots write his movie for him thats literally what it felt like when i would be paired with ppl for school projects and i had to do all the work for them but they still take credit for it 😭💀🙄
• DAMN BRO chill out with the coffee
• “script title” thats so shake
• bro literally just called his characters “boy 1” and “boy 2” 😭😭
• “i dont drink coffee its makes me uhh..” IT MAKES YOU WHAT FRYLOCK?!?! • oh hi theres more robots
• “a relationship of a gummy bear and candy cane” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• “the movie” at carls 🙄🙄🙄
• MEATWAD COVERING HIS EYES CUZ HES NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THAT STUFF 🥺🥺🥺 ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE ME GET EMOTIONAL OVER HIM?!?! /nm ((love the nod/continuity of meatwad not being able to see that type of stuff tho))
• “easy with the hands love” 💀💀💀 I LOVE THAT HE CALLS EVERYONE LOVE CUZ HES BRI’ISH
• “now i can make toast in another city” said no one ever AND BOI WHERE YOU GOING ANYWAY YOURE POOR
• bro literally just killed all the robots 0s and 1s are like robot poison lol
• classic athf to just blow up the house lmao
• “sticks and hicks” lmao
• it looks so peaceful up there kinda reminds me of that one og emma chamberlain video where her and her dad go to her grandparents house in the literal woods lmao
• “read some books, play some board games, make some s’mores” that sounds so cozy and im just picturing them all doing that and its so cute
• “no wifi? im going back to the robots” thats an honest to god mood
ngl the most recent episode wasnt the best out of the 3 so far tbh but it wasnt horrible probably give it like a 6 or 7 out of 10 i also like how they do the credits over the episode it gives them more of the episode to do but also ends in a way thats still very “aqua teen” if that makes sense
also wish they did more with them out in the country and like maybe doing something at a regular cabin instead of the robot in disguise ((which ik was the joke/point of how it ended)) but still that wouldve been really wholesome
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forgloryforhonor · 2 years
Evolution of Otae vs. Gintoki x Sacchan part one
gintama has 704 chapters and one of the most memorable running gags is sacchan riling otae up over ginsacchan endgame. This is a 3 part post where I trace an aspect of otae and sarutobi’s friendship that’s both hilarious and fascinating to me.
part one  L1-156
part two L157-364
part three L365-700
join me on this fun trip. XD
L64 Otose Snack Bar
First meeting of Otae and Sarutobi. Otae says that Sacchan’s application/omiai picture is  cute. Otae, Sacchan and Catherine are all competing to be the replacement of Kagura, the show’s heroine. Sarutobi is already in love with Gintoki at this point and doesn’t suspect Otae yet of anything. Because GIntoki and Shinpachi couldn’t pick between them, both the ladies knock them out and proceed to walk into the moonlight.
It‘s the start of an interesting friendship.
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L77 Infant Strife
Sarutobi immediately assumes that the child  between Gintoki and Otae was their offspring. She immediately attacks Otae and calls her “not a woman anymore but a mother.” Otae retaliates by saying that Sacchan is a “one woman opera a B-movie script and that the child isn’t hers.” Otae exclaims that “no one would want to have a baby with that Loser (Gintoki)” Otae tries to get Gintoki to clear things up but finds him trying to escape. Otae throws him into a river and calls him the kid “his bastard child” and gintoki “a pig”. She also tacks on that she will stop Shinpachi from working with Gintoki (for being a dishonorable guy).
Otae invites Sarutobi to just hang out with her instead. Also I think she clear things up that the kid is not hers.
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I think Sarutobi’s thought process was
“Otae wants to be the show’s heroine (from L64) --> Gin-san is bringing a kid that looks exactly like him and Otae is beside him --> Otae is also my competition for heroine  --> heroine can also mean Gin-san’s woman --> Otae befriended me before but she actually wants Gin-san for herself --> to hell with you Otae, you conniving btch”
it’s a neat tie in to their last encounter XD
L98 Post-Benizakura Recuperation
Sarutobi stumbles upon one of the traps Otae set aside for Kondou. Sacchan thinks the traps are for her specifically and that Otae made them so that she will not bother GinTae.
Yamazaki then confirms to Kondou and Sacchan that Gintoki is temporarily staying in the Kodoukan dojo to heal from his injuries. Kondou complains that he can’t allow GinTae to live in one roof. Sarutobi encourages Kondou not to give up on stalking and says that even if she was happy for Gin-san fathering a kid (L77), she wont stop pursuing Gin-san either (coz she knows that otae wasnt the mom).
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note: accdg to Word of God, Sarutobi starts to spy on the kodoukan dojo and otae after this
L103 Snowball fight
Sarutobi shows off her massive Gintoki snowman to Yorozuya. Gintoki is impressed by it. She demonstrates how it works by laying on the outstretched hands of the snowman. Because of her weight the arms break off causing Sachhan and her glasses fall. Blind as bat without glasses!Sacchan picks the broken arms and thrusts them accidentally at Otae who just arrived at the scene. The hands of the Gintoki snowman arms land on her chest. Otae gets pissed and her fist find Gintoki to send him flying.
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Convenient for Otae to show up while Gin x Sacchan was happening lmao.
L128 Hostess Club / Shogun Introduction
Sarutobi picks the shogun stick of the shogun’s game. She immediately requests Gin-san to have sex with her. Otae smacks Sacchan with her foot because the latter was not playing by the rules.
note: in shogun/kings game you’re supposed to say “number xxx i order you to [smth smth]”, the fun in the game is that you dont know who’s holding which number. the shogun just kept getting the numbers that were ordered to do the tasks.
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L138 Group Date
Kondou gets kicked by Otae to the ceiling after he showed up and objected to Gintoki’s planned Goukon. Sarutobi was lurking in the space between ceiling and roof, spying on Otae (or maybe following Shinpachi, idk)
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This is the first  instance we see Sarutobi stalking/spying on Otae. Because both stalkers were already aware of the Goukon, they invite themselves to the party. Gintoki kicks Kondou because he didnt want to include the stalkers in the first place.
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L156 Weight Loss Arc
Sarutobi pops out of Otae’s ceiling when she overhears Kagura and Otae’s conversation. She insinuates that GIn-san’s back will break if he carries Kagura or Otae like a princess (most likely this jibe was directed at Otae again). Sacchan falls from the ceiling too because she’s overweight.
Otae: hey don’t destroy my house
--> it’s  like the house is punishing sacchan for assuming about gintae again.
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at the fasting dojo otae rags on sacchan to leave the dojo if she’s just gonna keep eating. Sarutobi responds by telling Otae that unlike Otae, she isn’t actually fat and in fact she’s carrying Gintoki’s baby. Otae responds by kicking her in the stomach “Congratulations you just give birth to puke.”
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In infant strife arc, we remember that Sarutobi mocked Otae for  “not being a woman anymore and downgrading into a mother, taking herself out of the competition.” While in Weight Loss Arc she proudly she says she’s pregnant and soon to be mother of Gintoki’s child lololol
there’s a continuous back and forth of riling up between the two. It usually starts with Sarutobi insulting Otae and telling her that she’ll end up with Gintoki. Otae never responds kindly to insults and people calling her names so she retaliates at Sarutobi with violence.
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starberry-skies · 3 years
bestie what it is community please tell me about it
GASP someone to infodump to okok so. basic knowledge community is ur classic sitcom but!! the twist is that its constantly making fun of sitcom tropes (and itself) its really meta at some points but ill get into that laterrr. it all takes place in a community college and ill just go over the main characters for now bc i work in the morningjsjdjdn
jeff- hes an ex-lawyer w daddy issues and a huge ego. his character is okayyy but def not my fave.
britta- described in the show as an "anarchist cat owner". her heart is always in the right place, but shes just... bad at executing some of her ideas (side note: my favorite quote of hers is "you cant blame him, thats like me blaming owls for how much i suck at analogies")
abed- where to begin. hes the best character (who lowkey started my gender crisis) but he's introduced as "quirky weird kid who makes movie references and movies of his friends". important note is abed is v much hinted to be on the spectrum but they never say it outright,, oh also community was made in like. 2010 so keep that in mind. anyway i could be projecting (i am) but abed just knows everyone and himself really well so he just acts a certain way to make everyone and himself happy. he makes movies thru out the series and it gives a fantastic insight om how he sees the world. he takes movies and tv very seriously and i love him for it <33333
troy- my beloved. hes like... himbo at its finest. he starts off as a dumb self-centered jock but eventually evolves into kind and forgiving air-conditioning repair Man. hes bffs w abed but lets be honest theyre in love. like. ill get into that later djdjdsskejdifjfj
pierce- hes an old man bigot and i hate him. thats all you need to know
shirley- christian single mother who's super passive agressive and guilt-trip-y. i like her character but theres not much else to say abt her?
annie- if youve seen brooklyn 99 then imagine like... a younger amy whos also a (headcanon) lesbian. annie JUST got out of highschool (and a pill addiction) and shes just looking for someone to love. shes really organized and she plans her whole life years in advance and she kinda hates herself for it. she was gonna be in a relationship w jeff but the fans were like,,, no??? theres like a two decade age gap???? so they kinda stopped that.
which brings me to my next point::: Troy And Abed Had A Better Relationship Arc Than Any Of The Straight People And They Weren't Even In A Relationship.
ok im SUPER biased here but stay with me. they have a SONG. they share a favorite SHOW. they DRESS UP LIKE THE BEST FRIENDS FROM THAT SHOW CASUALLY. your honor they are soulmates even platonically. at one point in abeds films, annie looks at the camera and he goes "annie dont 'jim' the camera". but im all of abed's films, troy 'jims' the camera... and abed lets him. this doesn't sound like a lot but TRUST ME theres more (also its now 3am so brain is kinda fuzzy lmao).
ok so we got the cast: plot wise? theres a lot going on. the show suffered a lot of growing pains and was notorious for goin over budget. also the creator/head writer (dan harmon) literally always procrastinated till the last possible second to write scripts (also he sxually hrassed someone but he apologized pretty well apparently). but he was a GENIUS. so much so that when they fired him, the show dropped in quality so drastically that they had to bringing him back. abed was basically his self insert btw and thats why when he did leave abed's character went out the window. dan left for season four, which everone calls the gasleak year, bc al the characters were so fucking out of character. i personally dont think season 4 was that bad but. i can see where ppl are coming from.
whoops i didnt say the plot. ok so the whole thing is jeff, remember hes an EX lawer, apperantly faked his law degree so he has to go to community college to get one. on the way he bonds w a ragtag group of misfits he slowly learns to love. they start as a spanish study group, but by the end theyre a community to save the school.
britta and jeff honestly shouldve been the endgame but they fucked it up when they tried to pair jeff w annie. troy and abed are so fun to watch, everyone else is kinda just there.
i heard one person (i think it was @/peachy-pear is there url??) describe community as "the first four seasons are about troy and abed, and season 5 and 6 are about the lack of troy and abed" which like. yeah exactly.
community gets super meta at some points, taking jabs at itself (someone saying "i was under utilized as a character") or jabs at other shows (abed has a whole rant abt how autism is treated like a "super power" which is really good).
ok im really fucking tired and for dome reason i keep thinking about clips from super mario odyssey so i should proooobably sleep lmao
sorry ab the long post i just. like this show so muchhhhhhh
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fairycosmos · 3 years
this is very random but i was hoping maybe you could give some insight? i finally accepted that im lesbian but ive been calling myself bi for 5 years now and also realized that i used it to avoid women cause i was scared to admit that i found them attractive. now im admitting it and that i never really wanted anything to do with men but.....i have no idea how to romantically approach women loool like im so lost with it, i have no idea how queer culture or anything of the sort works cause ive avoided it as much as i could until now......how does this shit work, i feel like im reealizing things too late (even tho im only 22 ) and ive missed my chance to live a happy gay life ashfkfjkf even tho i know that sounds stupid. this sounds so dumb but i dont know how to be gay lmao
oh it's suuuuper normal don't even worry about it. it's why a lot of lgbt ppl feel like they have their coming of age moments much later. or they feel like they go through a second puberty of sorts where they rediscover sexuality and romance and love, through a lens they finally feel comfortable with, for the first time. also ur soooo young it's fine it's fine it's fine. you will be fine. i know it's frustrating and it feels kind of like stumbling through the dark TBH i'm kind of in the same boat so maybe everything i have to say on the matter is kind of stunted - but yeah it's honestly so natural. i think familiarizing yourself with queer culture and media is a good first step like movies, certain communities, tv shows, online spaces, books, music and artists etc etc. and also maybe learning a bit about lesbian history in ur country if it interests you! or not that's just an idea some ppl don't care LOL anyway. i recommend finding other lgbt ppl online too, it's really cathartic and fun and it's great to have friends who r on the same wave length as you like that, even just on the internet. THEN i guess the next step would be looking for gay/lgbt scene in ur area, if there is one, and maybe checking out a few gay bars or clubs with ur friends. or just look for any sort of communal activity that is popular w other lesbian and bi women specifically and kind of learn from there as you go through adjusting and observing. there's also sometimes these lgbt support groups to help ppl find each other/cope w hard situations that stem from being lgbt so maybe you could look into those? it sounds cheesy but there literally is no wrong way to be gay at all, it doesn't even have to be a whole thing if you don't want it to be. it's truly just an aspect of ur identity. and nobody knows how to flirt or talk to ppl at first, there's no script you need to follow with women just because theyre women or anything. they're not expecting you to know exactly what to do or say right off the bat, either. it's just about trying to genuinely connect w people when the opportunity presents itself, i reckon, and seeing where it goes from there. you could try lgbt/lesbian dating apps if u want, though they can be kind of intimidating - i always delete them every few months feeling like i have no idea how to talk to women, either. it is hard ngl like it's a weird world to navigate especially when you're new to it and it's normal to feel lost and a little strange about it so don't feel like ur some outlier who didn't get the memo! none of us did! we're all somewhat estranged from each other, even ppl who grew up out and proud. just the fact that you're finally in a place of self acceptance is a really good sign and there is no set trajectory for this sort of thing at all, where you have to measure yourself up against everyone elses time scale and journey and experiences. you're doing better than you think. baby steps into getting to know the lgbt culture and scene wherever you live is more than enough. no rush <3
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missbiddle · 3 years
1-50 for lesb asks 😎
Oh boy, unexpected but valid. Soz for the long post lads.
1. Butch or femme: Probs femme leaning androgynous rather than butch.
2. Type: I like femme or androgynous girls mainly but the older i get the less i care hoenstly.
3. Plaid button up or leather jackets: Leather Jackets
4. My style: Literally comfort. I really don't have a style. I just like being comfortable.
5. My aesthetic: uh... no clue.
6. Favourite article of clothing: probably..... my print t-shirts (i have many)
7. Fave shoes: Connies or thongs (or flip-flops for you non-australians)
8. Current hair: mid shoulder length plain
9. Future haircut goals: odd question, but no, just longer.
10. Best date: uh.. i honestly don't know? My most recent one was pretty amazing. Got coffee, walked and talked in the park for hours, then went back to mine and watched some weird ass tv while chatting and laughing.
11. worst date: uh just super awkward, little conversation, nothing in common.
12. Single :')
13. N/A
14. What am I looking for in potential gf/wife: Umm understanding, good vibes, love, humour, and freedom of expectations. An interest in tv media is a bonus ;)
15. Dream wedding: No thanks. Marriage very much not me.
16. Kids: Nope
17. Live anywhere in the world: Um.... here? I can't say any other countries or anything coz i don't actually know what it's like to be there. But in some fantasy idea of a place, England.
18. Favourite Lesbian movie: Toss up between Imagine Me and You and But, I'm a Cheerleader.
19. Fave lesbian novel: Can't say i've specifically read one tbh.
20. Fave lesbian song: All the Things She Said by T.a.T.u lmao.
21. Fave lesbian musician: Don't really follow any in particular but uh maybe LP? or i dunno, Hayley Kiyoko. or Tash Sultana? I like like a song of theirs each but wouldn't say they are my fave. Maybe the Versonicas, but only one is gay lol.
22. Lesbian stereotype i fit into: Uhhh the "tomboy" stereotype i guess.
23. Ever assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal: don't really understand the question but dont think so
24. How to woo me: Uh, talk queer media to me, or media analysis, or game shit, or dnd nonsense.
25. What do you like most being a lesbian: Women and no men lmao
26. Cat or dog: dog 100%
27: Turn ons: Kissing and gentle touch (like body stroking etc)
28: Turn offs: depends on the person, but dirty talk during sex kinda ruins it for me
29. Do i ask women out or they ask me out: On dating apps, I ask out, in person, I wait you for them.
30. Dream Career: To write for/create tv animation
31. Interests and Hobbies: Media analysis, media watching, dnd, gaming, drawing, animating.
32. Most attractive quality in a woman: Uh i guess understanding and patience?
33. Love easily or warm up to them: Complicated. I fall in love very quickly, however, it's often not a long love. Fleeting love.
34. Ever fallen for best friend: Oh yeah.
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl: Countless times. Fave thing to do honestly.
36. The L-Word yes or no: Big yes for nostalgia and for meaning. Means a lot to me. Also acknowledge how trash and problematic it was/is. But it was a staple in growing up as a lesbian in a time when that wasn't being shown on tv.
37. Fave comfort food: Honey Joys (look em up non-australians)
38. Coffee or Tea: Tea
39. Vegetarian or Vegan or nah: Big nah. Omnivore all the way.
40. Any pets: Two greyhounds, three frogs, and a cockatiel.
41. Early-rise or night owl: both lmao it's not ideal.
42. Sign: Virgo
43. Can I drive: Yes.
44. First lesbian crush: Either Eliza Dushku in Buffy or my best friend in grade 5/6.
45. What age did i know i was a lesbian: I didn't know what a lesbian was until i was about 13, and realised i was one like a month after that.
46. Coming out age: 14.
47. Crushing on anyone: Yes, very much so. Like huge, butterflies, can't stop thinking about her level crush.
48. How my day went: atrocious day at work.
49. Dreams/aspirations for the future: Finish uni, start writing scripts for my proposed animated show, and get a job in academia. Maybe find a gf, who knows.
50. Least fave gay celebrity: don't really pay enough attention to celebs in the sense of actually caring about them as people so no idea.
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falcqns · 2 years
Fame Dr: like what sort of things do you do, like acting/training for roles (like stunt training and stuff), photo shoots, premieres? How do you deal with the paparazzi? Do you ever get overwhelmed? I’m afraid I’ll find it super scary and not fun, I know I could script that stuff out but idk if I should
when it comes to training for roles, it just depends on the movie! here's my roles and what i did to prepare:
tv shows:
The Witcher S3: i did some sword training, and learned to ride a horse again (i used to be a horseback rider but havent ridden in years so it was nice to brush up on it!). i had a dialect coach as well as i needed a british accent lmao
The Orville New Horizons: no real training required, just read a few books that Seth recommended to me so i could understand what i was saying and met with Neil Degrasse Tyson with Seth as well and he answered any questions i had
Criminal Minds: nothing really, although i did take a refresher psych course, and met with a forensic psychologist and a profiler to interview them and get a taste for the work they had to do on a daily basis
Murdoch Mysteries: nothing! just team bonding really, which i did with all of them!
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: not my first marvel project but i sustained an injury during The Witcher shoot so i had to rebuild by core muscles a little. i also read the comics about my character.
We're The Millers: no prep i literally showed up and did what my mom told me to do lmao
Knives Out 2: team bonding which was scary and i had just come off of The Witcher shoot (literally less than 18 hours after wrapping) and was exhausted but we all went out and partied. other than that, i met with Rian and rewatched the first one
Batman v Superman: oh dear lord. i put myself through literal hell for this role but i dont regret it. i was eating as healthy as i could and working out every day, plus fight training, and taking extra ballet classes to make sure my body was in the best shape it could be (shit was rough) so i could do my own stunts. met with Zack Snyder and read all the comics Kara is in. I only met with Henry once as despite being in the same film, we were only in 2 scenes together, and one of them i didn't talk so we barely connected (he literally forgot that we were in the same movie and thought they'd recasted the original actor for Justice League the big dummy)
Mama Mia Here We Go Again: i took some refresher vocal lessons since i've only ever sang praise songs in church.
Mockinbird: my first marvel project and it literally knocked me on my ass. i thought the training for Batman v Superman was rough, it was nothing compared to this and the sheer amount of time and choreography that goes into a single fight scene oh my gosh. when i wasnt training, i was reading every single marvel comic that had my characters parents in it, and was meeting with illustrators and writers because my character wasn't in the comics, but was actually an original character that took over the internet bc of a fanfiction in 2012, and they decided to add her in lol so that meant making new comics that fit into the mcu timeline and giving my character a back story before the movies. i also met with so many marvel executives, was constantly doing interviews and meeting new people and trying to adjust to script changes practically hourly. i literally couldnt move or speak when i got a break from filming. i loved every second of it though!
Spiderman No Way Home: had just finished filming Man of Steel 2 so no training needed physically, but rewatched my past marvel projects and reread some comics that Kevin told me to to remind myself of the character
Enola Holmes 2: read the Enola Holmes book series and a few Sherlock books. i also watched Sherlock Holmes (the one w rachel mcadams as she played my character before i did) but thats about it. Henry actually remembered who i was and recommended me for the role
Secrets of Dumbledore: wand training! i took a beginners latin course to help with pronunciation at the request of JKR
Multiverse of Madness: no retraining, finished filming NWH and went into preproduction for MoM immediately
Drawing With Light: re read the book, met with the author, and met with my dialect coach again
They Both Die At The End: met with the author and reread the book!
and ngl, i despise photo shoots. i hate them with a passion, but i power through because i know they're important, but other than for promo, i don't do photo shoots which can sound weird considering im working on a makeup line with Sephora but i chose to have my siblings model it instead (with their consent of course).
and premieres can be fun if you make them fun! the red carpet usually lasts for an hour or two before the movie actually starts, and (at least for me) i only ever do between 3 and 5 interviews on the carpet because anything else overwhelms me and i'll shut down. i spend the rest of the time talking to fans and taking photos, and i'll go into the theatre early to give myself a noise and speaking break before the movie starts, and then the movie starts, and its so much different from a regular movie screening. everyone stays until the end credits, every one claps for everyone, and not a single person gets up during the movie (u didn't hear this from me but my mom wears depends for premieres just in case). the director and executives and producers usually talk to the audience and thank them and things, and sometimes it happens before and sometimes i happens after. just depends on the timing and the studio really!
i fucking hate paparazzi. i don't hate the people bc i know they're just doing their job, but i find it a tad ridiculous they have to approach me while shopping for pads and ask me how i feel about Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian dating WHEN WE HAVENT BEEN TOGETHER FOR 3 FUCKIN YEARS. they can take photos of me all they want, i dont care. they can literally blast "ava aniston shops for period products at 3 am in dri fit shorts, puma socks, birkenstocks that are falling apart and a red henley that looks like it belongs to chris evans" all they want but to ask me about an ex's new relationship pisses me off and crosses a line. and dont get me started on the way they were when my grandma passed away because how dare i go get a coffee when i should be at home comforting my grieving mother 🙄
and i absolutely get overwhelmed. my dad has gone viral a few times because he doesnt hesitate to yell at the paparazzi when they cross a line or when he can tell i'm overstimulated. i'm very thankful that i have someone like my chrissy boy who can tell when i've had enough and am going to meltdown/shutdown and removes me from the situation (literally called his mom to come and get me in front of them because they all know not to mess w mama lisa and her babies)!
you can always script these things out, but i didnt, because it gives me a better appreciation for celebrities and the things they go through, and i personally think its a part of the experience. and messing with the press is kind of fun (in the middle of gaslighting them into thinking chris and i are married and we're having tons of fun with it) so just remember that its your dr and you can change whatever you want within reason!!
happy shifting and i hope this helps! <3
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carcinized · 3 years
wait I would absolutely love to hear the story of how you were banned from the wiki for a week
sorry for all of you who have heard this before but the tiergasin's house incident is one of my proudest moments so i will tell the story again.
okay, so it was like. 2019 idfk. anyways my brothers and i use the wiki regularly, sometimes ironically and a bit of unironically. we like to do a little trolling. also, disclaimer: in like 2019 the wiki was inactive as fuck and the mods did not give a shit and we did not cause any actual harm, i would not have stood for that (and still wouldnt lmao).
so essentially, the first step was to come up with a plan. we wanted to have an organized crime scandal, and, using the "random page" function, selected tiergan's house (its called something else now after legacy or unlocked came out i dont remember which or what its actually called lmao). and nobody looked at the tiergan's house page, because why would you yk? its a side characters house lol. so anyways we decide this page was the one we would spam the comments of.
the next step was to recruit help, so we made posts asking for help spamming the page. a typo turned the name from tiergan's house to tiergasin's house and the name stuck for the organized crime event.
i dont know if you can do this anymore, but we coded badges for people's pages/our own posts. you could type {{tiergasinshousespam}} or something i dont remember what it was exactly into the source code and BOOM you had a badge advertising our organised crime event! and of course we all put these on our pages.
anyways, the day finally arrived. the three of us and a few other users worked together, spamming the bee movie script, never gonna give you up lyrics, and "TIERGASIN'S HOUSE" over and over again in the comments. there may have been some grafiti on the actual page, i dont remember, and it is possible that we actually renamed the page from "tiergan's house" to "tiergasin's house" but i dont remember if that is true or not.
anyways we were all banned for like a week LMFAO that was unheard of for the times too... thats what happens when you organize crime though 😭😭 i hope this is a lesson to all of you younglings on the wiki (the lesson is that spam is a victimless crime if committed correctly)
the incident is now passed down to the next generation of mods, the chaos remembered forever. we left our mark on the wiki
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alister312 · 2 years
HIII NON SP FAN ANON HERE OK SO first of all sorry for the long ask SECOND OF ALL me and pp anon are in a theatre class together and were doing a final project which is pretty much free choice (theyre doing improv i think) and i decide to write a script so pp was like "make it gregstophe" and i was like ok!! but also like tma brainrot so jon and martin are there. actually its more like jmart play ft. gregstophe bc they come in like halfway during the first scene but ANYWAYS im gonna tell you the plot.
ok so basically martin beats some mf to death bc they were being mean to his little meow meow (jon (also i just remembered i changed jons name to john to make it a little less obvious)) and johns like wtf. stop it. and they almost get into an argument but then johns like we gotta clean this up. and thats when gregory and christophe stroll in and r like we can do that! pay up and jons like ok and thats the end of the first scene!! and rn im working on scene 2 with just gregstophe and martin discussing john!!!
also idk if its obvious but i am a firm believer in jon not john. idc ab the transcripts their full name is JONATHAN NOT JOHNATHAN !! (jonny has a valid reason tho so good for him)
ALSO THEYRE ALL TRANS (and nonbinary except for martin) bc they/them jon is so... <3 i love jon so much 😭😭😭😭 omg i kinda wanna draw them now,, anyways
ok so third of all i was thinking ab gregstophe tma au again and i asked a bunch of random questions to pp and i think christophe would be a buried/corruption avatar??? pp said he would like bugs and i think the corruption would like feeding onto whatever he and his mom got going on.. and digging for the buried ofc
gregory seems like an elias kinnie to me idk.. maybe its bc he seems smug and british or something... so maybe eye avatar??? i actually focused a lot more on christophe questions lmao,, also i dont know anything ab canon but i see a lot of stuff with them as... mecrcanianies??? mercansines??? idk how to spell it but they like kill ppl or something i think that could lead them down into becoming hunt avatars... idk maybe im just thinkin ab christophe kinning daisy 😭😭
hmmm i wanna work on a consistent artstyle i like so i can draw gregstophe and jmart double date i think that would be neat :DD
ok i think those r all my relevant thoughts for now byee have a good day/evening !!!!
hey again bestie!! ooh theatre class :O i did a lot of theatre in high school. even wrote a gregstophe-inspired one act once lmao so I get just how inspiring they can be
that plot all sounds very good so far! I’m curious if they’re going to get into more silly hijinks trying to hide the bodies or if you’ll be going down a more dark and serious route? either way I wish you luck!! also fuck yeah trans rights
I can’t speak much on the tma terminology or character comparisons (but I wholeheartedly trust you as someone who is clearly passionate about it). however, on the subject of Gregory and Christophe as mercenaries:
in the movie, Gregory is initially the one who is supposed to go free Terrance and Phillip (two political prisoners who are about to be publicly executed). however, Stan insists that he go instead so Gregory tells him he has to go and request the services of a mercenary named “The Mole”. when he meets Stan and his gang, Christophe only calms down once they mention they were sent by “that Gregory kid”. this seems to imply that Christophe is probably often hired by Gregory to do mercenary work. “mercenary work” is such a broad term though, bc it could mean literally anything so long as Christophe is paid for it. however, since Gregory is such a political revolutionary (and Christophe specifically says “viva la resistance”), fans have tended to have them working against corrupt governments or corporations. often in the form of assassinations and breaking into compounds.
hopefully that bit of information is helpful for you! again, I wish you the best of luck in continuing to write your script and with making art 👀 imo the true secret to making art is that art styles only exist in so much as that you find what works best at the moment. art styles change and that’s a good thing! unless you’re doing a webcomic I don’t think you necessarily need to find a “consistent” style (and even then it’s totally not required) ☺️
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