#also like. lukadrigaminette
virtualdimensionsss · 2 years
also like i know this episode is very love square focused and i love that for them. but THE MARIGAMI VIBES
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autistic-katara · 3 months
i’ll be like “i’m being so normal about them” then i’ll blink and it’s half 2am and i just made an intraship chart of my ot4 with bad drawings and added headcanons
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(the lukanette one is a mix of dating and exes but friends bcz idk which idea i like more)
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So re: Princess Bee....
How much are y'all banking on Chloé's kid having blue eyes?
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flightfoot · 2 months
Hey, do you have any good recommendations for Lukadrigaminette or Julerose fics? Mostly canon-compliant. No fantasy or western AUs, but stuff like Adrien never going to school is fine.
Yeah sure, I've got some stuff for you!
The Quartet's Duet by timeandspace_lord
In which Kagami and Luka attempt to get two idiots to fall in love. Instead, four idiots realize they were already in love. Based a lot on Determination and Wishmaker specifically. ~~~ It was only a matter of time, he told himself. Sooner or later they’d stumble into the same secret he had and realize they were made for each other. And if they needed a helping hand to get there, a conductor for the symphony of their lives together, he was more than happy to take on that role. Kagami nodded firmly. She’d known that Marinette was Adrien’s true target from the beginning, but it had taken longer for her to get over her own jealousy and realize that the other girl was also the correct target. Now that she no longer had blinders on, it was obvious the two were meant to be together. If she could help them realize it, so much the better.
Hold Me By Both Hands by @angelofthequeers
“I know he said never to take you back,” Plagg mutters. “But he’d change his tune if he knew.” He looks Adrien straight in the eye and, more serious than Adrien’s ever seen him before, says, “There’s someone you gotta meet. He’s been looking for that book for ages.” How differently might the events of season 2 have gone if Adrien had also known of Master Fu from the start?
Honestly, I think this is one of the best ML fics EVER, and I've read a LOT of ML fics. It's a re-imagining of seasons 2 and 3, with Lila sticking around the whole time, lots of discussion and growth of all the major players in the fic, and some truly amazing character arcs. It features what I consider the BEST Chloe redemption arc to date, with looking at where she started in the early seasons and having her actually figure out reasons why she wants to be better, and what that looks like. If you've watched The Good Place, it's like that.
I wrote a 26,000 word essay analyzing the various subplots in the fic, that's how intricate it is.
holding onto the memory of you by @fruitdragon1a
For MLB Femslash February 24! Day 10: Juleka/Rose 'hold', 'dress' Juleka and Rose are on the métro when something happens to Rose.
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess by @mexicancat-girl
With Team Miraculous now full-time holders, Ladybug has them patrolling in pairs like her and Chat Noir. New partners Pigella and Purple Tigress get along phenomenally, their easy banter and similar wavelengths making working with each other a joy in and out of combat. But sometimes Tigress is surprised just how close she is with her partner. Sometimes she tries not to feel too guilty thinking about it.
There’s some nice Julerose here! I love them kinda getting into a lovesquare with each other, though it’s not as much of a problem as it is in canon since it’s reciprocal in every relationship and they’re both down for a poly. It’s fun, and I love the “Luka attempting to woo some of his love interests” plot going on in the background XD.
Everything I need by @coffeebanana
When Ladybug asks Pigella to care for her injured teammate, she wants to refuse. She's not the best person for the job, and she's not sure if Purple Tigress even likes her. But Ladybug insists, so Pigella fights through her fear and tends to Tigress' injury. It doesn't make things any easier that Tigress keeps reminding her of Juleka.
Ink, Skin, and Hearts by EpicNerd
For Rose and Juleka, the topic of soulmates is surprisingly a difficult one.
I hope these catch your fancy (especially Hold Me By Both Hands, that fic is a must-read).
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Before the Final
Hii everyone!!!
Thank you all for having done this journey with me!!!! I thought that no one would care enough, BUT turns out that Luka is much more love than I thought!!!
Also, I'm so sorry to have missed some propaganda :c I apologize but I have been working and going to university at the same time and it has taken its toll on my spare time to do these. (I know that sounds like an excuse but it's true :c I'm sorry anyway - but I hope that no one is too mad at me). For the final, I will try to be as aware as I possibly can.
Also, I am going to do a rematch between 3 and 4 places (aka Lukadrien vs Lukadrigaminette) in which, as usual, I will be using all the propaganda that I miss (again Sorry about that!!)
And without further do… LET THE FINAL BEGIN!!!!
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maestro04yayyy · 6 months
Random question time (with my rambling)
What sexuality do you hc Chloe as? (My goto is usually lesbian but some of the my favorite fics that I've read had her as pan and/or on the ace spectrum.)
Do you like Adrinette? (I like it in fanon, but canon has a lot of iffy details that I lowkey struggle to look around (I still haven't seen se 5))
What is your favorite color? (I like purple)
Aladrininette or lukadrigaminette? (Idk)
so I go with lesbian with chloe as default( or should i say lesbeean, yes i think I am funny) but sometimes i think she can fall in love with anyone that show her genuine care and love because of all the trauma and loneliness but yeah lesbian is the real answer!!!
Soooo i mostly read and think stuff about chloe so I don't really care too much about them but I love any ships made right, which means i don't like canon adrinette but in fanon is nice!(I haven't seen s5 either)
I LOVE BLUE!!!!!!!(sometimes I literally wear only blue clothes)
I would say lukadrigaminette, mostly because I like the hc that nino and marinette are childhood friend and are like siblings, but I like adrino!!!
Also I love your questions!!!!! Please if you ever want to send more don't exitate(is this how you write this word? I don't know), have a wonderful day/night!!!!
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cipherwrites · 10 months
Sugar & Spice, Chapter 1: Luck & Misfortune
Next Chapter ->
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a normal girl with a normal life! She’s clumsy, a romantic at heart, and she has a true passion for fashion design. The 16-year-old is moving into her second year of Lycee, but as this new school year begins, so too does chaos from an ancient magic unveiled, a responsibility to protect her city, and quite literally falling head-over-heels in love with the boy just one year elder that’s been kind to her…
That’s right. Both of them.
A few things you should know about this fic before we get into it:
-A personal pet peeve of mine is putting kids in dangerous situations! Even when it comes to magic, I would much prefer that adults held that kinda power. However, since a good deal of the series revolves around school drama, I’ve decided to put our main cast in Lycee and make them all young adults.
-According to my research (which could be wrong or outdated so please don’t judge me I am not from france), age of adulthood is 18 and full legal capacity comes at 16. I also found reference that the age of consent is 15, but that won’t really come into play in this fic.
-I will try to refer to French things as well as I can, such as “Lycee” instead of “High School.” For those that don’t know, Lycee is the three-year education system that comes after College (which isn’t University).
-Our main cast is in their second year of Lycee! Lycees are typically ages 15-18, so our main cast is ages 16-17 when the series begins. Specifically, Marinette and Adrien are 16, and Adrien will of course turn 17 during ‘Bubbler’
-I will be making new Miraculous lore! I will be both ignoring old lore and building off existing lore at intervals I deem appropriate.
-I’ll be changing a few Miraculous abilities, including giving them all a significant nerf/upgrade that comes from another fic series I wrote.
-I will also be changing character designs slightly, including costumes, but I have no talent in art so when I describe them simply use your imagination.
-I’ll be writing this like it’s a proper reboot, so I’ll be alluding to things that we all already know and pretend Hawkmoth’s identity is a secret until “Season 2”
-Felix and Adrien are sentimonsters. They are the only “human” sentimonsters that will be in this fic series. I have nothing against Sentimonster Kagami, but it’s just not for me in this story.
-On that note, this series will have Lukadrigaminette (gosh that’s hard to type)! Again, nothing against Feligami, but the story I’m building needs him to be a lonely boy for now.
With all of that said, please enjoy!
In the millennia before humans could even fathom recording their history, a powerful Mage made contact with an ephemeral being. The being was lonely, for it was everything that ever was and would ever be. It was all, yet it was nothing. A cosmic confusion that it could never understand. Its attempts to help humanity only brought fear and terror, and the being grew to loathe humans. However, the Mage pleaded with the eternal being that humanity just needed a new perspective. The cosmic nothing came to see reason, and split itself into two halves: Creation and Destruction. The embodiments of these concepts came to be bound by jewels the Mage forged, and he went onward to bind the aspects of humanity, the very concepts of the universe themselves, into these many jewels. In due time, these nineteen pieces of jewelry would be known as the Miraculous.
The first two Miraculous remained more powerful than the others: the Ladybug of Creation and the Black Cat of Destruction. The Ladybug could create anything and restore order and balance. The Black Cat could destroy anything and bring disorder to the world around it. The legend says that uniting these two will allow them to reconverge into the original Cosmic Nothing, and they will do as they always have: consider the wish of their wielder, and grant it in the only way they know how: destroy the very universe, and recreate it in a way where the wish is granted. The Cosmic Nothing cannot comprehend the horrors of its own actions, and so it was declared that these Miraculous could never be united…
“I want that wish, Nooroo.” a malicious man says in the shadows, three long months after a woman’s disappearance. The boy is kept calm and complacent by means he could never understand, but the man has no such freedom of ignorance. “I must have those Miraculous!”
“But Master, I was separated long ago!” the tiny purple kwami exclaims, “I don’t know where the Miraculous are anymore. No one does!”
“I found you though, my little Nooroo.” the man grins. “Your Miraculous…remind me of its powers again.”
“The Miraculous of the Butterfly allows you to swath someone in need in comforting shadow and give them the power to achieve victory with their inner potential.” Nooroo recites.
“Throughout history, the Miraculous have been used by those that have gone down in history as heroes. When it comes to luring in heroes, what could be better than creating villains?” the man suggests with glee.
“But…but you can’t! Master, the Miraculous cannot be used for evil purposes!” Nooroo warns in fear.
“I must have that cosmic wish!” the man orders, pointing at the helpless kwami. “Your Miraculous is in my control! I am your master, and you must obey me.”
“Yes…master.” Nooroo obeys sadly.
“Nooroo,” the man affixes the brooch to his attire, “Dark Wings Rise!” He orders, transforming through the power of the Miraculous. “From now on, I shall be known as…Hawkmoth.” he laughs maliciously.
“Marinette!” a voice calls, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng gasps awake to the sound of her alarm going off. “Your alarm’s been going off for fifteen minutes! You’re going to be late!”
“Oh, no, no, no!” the sixteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng panics. “Coming, Maman!” she calls down, swiftly changing clothes and getting everything together.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a petite girl with black hair that she dyes into a light shade of blue. She wears her hair in a pair of pigtails and a nice mix of colors in her homemade clothes, primarily her favorite color pink. However, the main thing people notice about Marinette is the bandages. Marinette is immensely clumsy, so she often wears a large number of bandages to cover the bruises and cuts she gets from merely existing day after day. Rushing to get her school bag together, she packs a box of bandaids with cute designs, because chances are she’s gonna have a new mark on her face by the end of the day.
As Marinette rushes out of her room, she takes one last look to make sure she isn’t forgetting anything, scanning her room in half a second. Marinette’s room is chaotic in some portions but also ridiculously organized in others. Marinette has several crafts projects beyond her personal clothing designs, plenty of empty binders and books for when she inevitably takes an extracurricular, and walls that have been bare of photos for four long years…well, that ends today! She’s gonna make friends, take pictures, and fill this room with life again!
Marinette barrels into her Family’s kitchen, practically running into the table to try and hurriedly stuff her face.
“Remember to chew, dear,” Sabine says calmly to her daughter. “And please sit down.”
Marinette mumbles a bit between her bites as she sits at the table, swallowing a handful of food at once. “Sorry, Maman.” she sighs. “I’m a little nervous, I gotta admit…Chloe’s probably gonna be in most of my classes again.”
“Four years in a row of this, is that even possible?” Sabine asks.
“You know me, the picture of luck!” Marinette chuckles nervously.
“Oh, don’t say that!” Sabine scolds, frowning at her daughter’s self-deprecation. “It’s the start of a new school year! Everything will be fine.”
As Marinette considers her Mother’s words, it’s as though on cue she drops the spoon in her hand, hitting another object and hitting many others like a Rube Goldberg machine of chaos and misfortune. Marinette just groans, tempted to just fall to the ground and let the earth take her. Before Marinette can spiral any further into her doubts, her Dad walks in, humming to himself as he places a Boulangerie Patisserie box full of macarons down in front of his beloved daughter. Marinette sees the treats in the box she has requested her Dad make for her new class, and her eyes light up in renewed triumph.
“Papa, these are so awesome!” Marinette hugs her Dad.
“Glad you like them,” Tom smiles warmly.
“My class will love them, Papa. You’re the best!” Marinette hugs him, and after Tom catches the dropped box and hands it to her, she kisses her parents on the cheek before rushing out. “See you tonight!” she calls back, aiming to get to school quickly.
Marinette rushes out of her home clutching the box of sweets as she slings her backpack onto her back. She manages to avoid tripping over herself as she reaches the intersection, but as she breathes a sigh of relief, her eyes widen as she sees a little old man crossing the street slowly, struggling with his cane…as a car is fast approaching! Everyone around her is on their phones- only she can see him! Gasping in fear, she rushes forward, using every ounce of strength in her tiny body to tackle the old man on the other side of the street! The two of them groan, and Marinette feels her heart fall as she sees her box dropped in front of her, the macarons spilling out and in pieces. Marinette just hangs her head as the old man gets up.
“Oh, my! Young lady, thank you…young lady?” he seems concerned, but she pulls herself together.
“Oh! No, it’s fine, it’s…” She watches helplessly as someone on their phone walks by, stepping on one of the dropped macarons. She just hangs her head, her gaze blurring with frustrated tears before she wipes them away. “It’s fine!” she wipes the tears away. “I’m no stranger to disaster. There are even a few left! I might be able to dust some dirt off of these ones…”
The old man picks up one of the broken pieces from the ground, dusting it off and trying it.
“Well, they still taste delicious to me.” the old man smiles kindly, and Marinette smiles.
“Thank you, sir.” Marinette shuts the box and suddenly, she hears the school bell in the distance! “Oh, no, I’m gonna be late! Ah, have a nice day sir! Be careful of traffic!” she shouts as she rushes off.
As the old man walks into an alleyway, he takes a deep breath and slumps against a wall.
“Reality,” he mutters, dispelling the illusion of the speeding car that has since pulled into an alleyway and the illusion around himself. “Trixx, Orikko, divide.” He says, the two kwamis emerging from the Miraculous.
“Master, this was incredibly dangerous!” the fox kwami warns.
“I have to agree! You shouldn’t be wielding a Miraculous at your age, much less unifying them!” the rooster agrees.
“It’s just for today.” the old man explains as he feeds the kwamis some macaron crumbs he picked up. “I need to be sure the people are worthy. I need the Fox to set up the situations, and the Rooster to give me the power of empathic reading. That way, I’ll be able to tell if those I choose are right.”
“Was she right, Master?” the Fox asks.
“I believe so, Trixx.” the old man smiles and slips on some glasses. “Now, for the final part before moving forward. Kaalki, Full Gallop!”
Barreling through the doors of Mme. Bustier’s classroom at top speed is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, barely able to catch herself as she stumbles into the room with what many classmates would refer to as “three left feet” with how fast and bumbling she is. Marinette can see many familiar faces and a few new ones. 
Mme. Bustier was the primary teacher this year…again. Caline Bustier is a decent teacher, and through her own skills and the positive enforcement of her students and their families, she went from a Junior Secondary teacher to a Senior Secondary teacher in just a few years!
Maybe she advanced a bit too quickly, that quiet, rude corner of Marinette’s mind said.
I just need some faith. She wouldn’t have gotten the position if she didn’t deserve it! The rest of Marinette reasoned.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” a shrill voice says her name like it’s an accusation, interrupting her train of thought. Marinette takes a deep breath, having only just sat down.
Here we go again…
“That’s my seat.” Chloe Bourgeois herself, self-appointed Queen Bee of the school, almost universally despised, and daughter of Mayor Andre Bourgeois.
“Chloe, it’s the first day of school! Seats are being assigned right now, and you came in after me for once!” Marinette complains.
“Not anymore!” Sabrina proclaims. “New year, new seats!”
“You refuse to know your place, so I have to put you in your place.” Chloe grins, looming over the sitting and diminutive form of Marinette. “Why don’t you go sit by the new girl?” she gestures to the Creole girl a row away reading a comic book, whose attention has been caught by the situation. “Adrien’s arriving today, and since he’s going to sit there, I’m going to sit here.”
“Adrien…Agreste?” Marinette blinks. “But- the Agrestes are shut-ins!”
“Not anymore!” Chloe smirks. “Oh, does the little fashion wannabe actually wanna meet an Agreste?”
“I- you- but-” Marinette stammers as Chloe grins cruelly over her.
“Maybe if you finally put yourself in your proper place, I’ll consider letting you meet him. The only place you belong is-” Chloe begins, but suddenly, they’re interrupted.
“Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?” the Creole girl accuses, having stood up and coming up with her comic book rolled up.
“Oh, look, Sabrina! We’ve got a little do-gooder in our class this year.” Chloe chortles. “What, another superhero nerd? What are you gonna do, shoot beams at me with your glasses?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Alya scowls and leads Marinette by the hand, “Come on, you can sit with me and away from those two.”
As she leads Marinette, the shorter girl gasps as she trips, once more spilling her macarons until only one remains in the box.
“Sorry! Sorry. I’m sorry…” Marinette whimpers.
“Hey, it’s okay, girl!” Marinette’s new seat neighbor gathers the dropped sweets and tosses them into the trash. “No biggie.”
“I wish I could handle Chloe the way you do…” Marinette mutters.
“You mean the way Majestia does it,” the girl explains, rolling out the comic again. “She says that ‘all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing’.” She then points at Chloe. “Well, that girl over there is evil, and we are the good people. We can’t let her get away with it,” she explains like it’s a simple fact.
Chloe isn’t evil…she’s not perfect, but she’s not EVIL. I hope.
“Well, that’s easier said than done,” Marinette says instead. “She likes to make my life miserable…”
“That’s cause you let her, girl! Get some confidence!” the girl grins, and Marinette can’t help but smile at the sentiment.
“I’m Marinette,” Marinette says, handing Alya the last macaron.
“Alya.” the girl smiles, taking and eating it with a smile on her face.
“Alright, class, let’s get started!” Mme. Bustier smiles.
“Where is he…?” Marinette can barely hear Chloe mutter.
Adrien has just helped an old man from tripping and falling into the street, turning back with a sight to see the two people he knew would drag him away from the steps of Francoise Dupont Lycee. Nathalie Sanceour, archaeologist-turned-assistant, and Placide I.T., a gorilla-like American bodyguard that hardly understands a word of French, much less speak it.
“I just want to go to school like anyone else. What’s so wrong with that?” Adrien protests.
“Let’s go home, Adrien,” Nathalie says, and the Bodyguard opens the door of the car.
“... please don’t tell my Father about this,” Adrien mutters as he steps into the car.
The Butterfly Miraculous allows one to tap into truly empathic abilities, allowing one to read emotions and surface thoughts for many miles while in a meditative state. There is negativity all across the so-called “City of Love,” but it is one emotion picked up on. Anger, Sadness, Resentment, and Regret all together at once! A shy boy hiding his anger, pent up with rage with a want to express his love, but how could he ever?
“This is perfect.” Hawkmoth grins. He holds his cane up, and the head opens. A butterfly lands on it, and the head closes. Dark energy pulses through the head of the cane, corrupting the harmless butterfly into something more potent. “Burn a hole into his heart, my horrible akuma!” the head of the cane opens, and the cracking purple-black butterfly emerges, fluttering out of the window with a target in mind. “Fly now, and akumatize him!”
When the akuma closes in, he can feel the anger spike. Scorned by the Principal, who should be protecting these youths. The akuma finds its way into the object with the most emotional attachment: a crumpled-up piece of paper, a failed confession.
“Stoneheart, I am Hawkmoth.” Hawkmoth declares, his influence driven into the boy’s mind like a knife. Proclaiming his new name, so that he has no chance to deny that Stoneheart is his identity. “The world hurts, doesn’t it? I can give you the power to shut out all pain. However, in return, there is something you need to do for me…”
“Whatever it is, you’ve got a deal, Hawkmoth.” the weak-willed young man agrees, and the horrible shadow covers him, mutating him into something so much more.
“Make some noise, Stoneheart.” Hawkmoth orders. “Grab Paris’ attention.”
Marinette and Alya were in the library, when the ground suddenly shook. Marinette fell to the ground- not actually her fault, this time!- and plastered across every news screen was that of a monstrous golem-like creature tearing through the school.
“KIM!” the monster roars in anger, and Marinette can see the monster’s fist tighten around something in his hand.
“Ivan?” Marinette mutters, blinking in surprise.
“Hello? This is the police?” Damocles exclaims, talking on his phone as he rushes through the library, trying to hide. “Get me the army!”
“Whoa, a real-life supervillain!” Alya rushes to her bag, swiping through her phone. “GPS, synced. Battery, charged. I am so ready for this!” she starts to rush out the door…towards the danger?!
“Hey! Where are you going?!” Marinette exclaims.
“Supervillains mean Superheroes, and Paris hasn’t had either in years!” Alya grins. “There’s no way I’m missing this!”
Marinette sees the news on another student’s phone and just how…destructive this monster Ivan has become is. She winces, and she thinks hard.
My new friend has a death wish! I have to help her!
What can I even do? I’d just get in the way…or worse, my clumsiness could get her hurt!
I can’t just do NOTHING, can I?
There’s another boom from outside.
I should…leave this to the Police.
Adrien, ever-bored, waits patiently as he answers each of Nathalie’s questions easily. Suddenly, the door to Adrien’s room opens.
“Give us a moment, would you, Nathalie?” Gabriel Agreste himself requests, and Nathalie steps out. He then turns to Adrien, holding his hands behind his back. “You are not going to school. I already told you.”
“But, Father-” Adrien protests.
“Quiet.” Gabriel orders, and Adrien promptly shuts up. “Everything you need is right here where I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you outside in that dangerous world.”
It’s not dangerous, Adrien thinks to himself. Why can’t I just go to school like everyone else…?
Gabriel walks to the door, opening it for Nathalie. “Continue,” he orders, and Adrien walks to the door as he walks away, and Nathalie looks into the room.
“We can leave it there for today if you-” Nathalie begins, and Adrien promptly shuts the door in her face.
Adrien groans, laying on his bed. He hears thumping and…explosions? He rushes to the TV and turns it on, seeing a monster literally absorbing gunfire into its body, growing bigger!
“As incredible as it seems,” Nadja Chamack reports, “it’s been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain! The Police have been struggling to keep the situation under control.”
“First day back at school…and a supervillain attacks.” Marinette faceplants into her chaise. “This is a new low.”
Marinette looks up at the monitor, her eyes squinting as she sees a small box she doesn’t recognize next to it. “Huh…?”
Adrien stares at the screen in disbelief, then notices something on one of his darker shelves he hasn’t noticed until now…something that definitely wasn’t there before.
“What’s this doing here?” Adrien picks up the box with the intricate design and opens it up, and a bright glow emanates from within!
“AAGH!” Marinette falls back, seeing the creature that emerged from the box. “Help! Giant bug- mouse- bug-mouse!”
“Everything’s okay, don’t be scared!” the creature tries to comfort her.
“AAGH IT TALKS!” Marinette panics.
“I’m Plagg, nice to meetchya.” the creature grins in front of Adrien before promptly starting to destroy his room, looking at anything shiny and possibly edible.
“Hey, hold on-!” Adrien protests.
Marinette slams a jar over the creature.
“Okay, if that makes you feel safer, Marinette…” the creature says.
“What are you and how do you know my name?!” Marinette exclaims.
“I am a kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now, just let me explain-” she begins.
“-I grant powers,” Plagg explains simply from the grip of Adrien’s hands. “Yours is the power of destruction, got it?”
“Not even a little,” Adrien says honestly, prompting Plagg to roll his eyes.
“Good enough for me!” he phases out from the hands, causing Adrien to shudder as both his hands feel like they’ve fallen asleep. “You got anything to eat? I’m starving.”
“This can’t be real,” Adrien says, shaking his hands. “I’d assume someone was pranking me, but I’m the only one in this house with a sense of humor…”
“No one must know I exist!” Plagg suddenly gets in Adrien’s face.
“I’m your friend, please trust me! You’re the only one who can stop Stoneheart!” Tikki pleads, having phased out of the jar to stop Marinette from getting her parents.
“This has to be a mistake! The only superpower I could have is how abysmal I am at literally everything I do…I know!” Marinette looks up at the kwami. “Alya would know! That’s my friend! Well, I think she is…and I think she would…she loves superheroes, and knows way more than me about being a hero! You should totally go see her, instead!”
“Marinette, you were chosen!” Tikki insists.
“I’m a pretty crummy choice,” Adrien admits. “I’m stuck here! I’m not even allowed to go to school! What good is a superhero stuck in his own house?”
“No good at all.” Plagg grins mischievously. “That’s why that’s all going to change soon. If you’re willing to use my power to break the chains that keep you here.” Plagg lounges on the open box, gesturing to the black ring tantalizingly. 
“Okay, break the object, capture the thing! What’s the…charm thing again?” Marinette asks.
“I can’t say it, but part of the transformation involves knowledge. You’ll know it when you transform!” Tikki explains. “It will create an object that will help you deal with one threat! Once the threat is neutralized, you can release the energy of the object back into the universe, restoring the balance and fixing any damage the threat has done!”
“This is going…very fast, Tikki, I…I can’t do this!” Marinette whimpers.
“Trust yourself, Marinette! You have the potential inside of you!” Tikki smiles. “The transformation phrase is ‘Spots On’.”
“Spots on?” Marinette questions, and her eyes widen as Tikki is drawn into the earrings, and the transformation curls across her body!
Her eyes become a deeper blue and segmented like compound eyes, her hair becomes longer, the ribbons curling off her back. A shoulder-length cape with a Ladybug pattern around her neck is worn, and beautiful reds and blacks make up the Ladybug pattern of her attire, including a yoyo at her waist! There is a pitch-black pattern on her suit that makes a pair of gloves, with the black going along the underside of her forearms, and her boots have a similar pattern.
“Plagg, Claws Out!” Adrien declares, more ready for this than anything else in his life.
“No, wait! I haven't finished explaining-!” Plagg shrieks as he’s pulled into the ring, and Adrien transforms.
Adrien’s heroic form is fashionable leather, catlike eyes, and his hair has become wild and longer. A tail-like belt and a golden bell completes the look, and his clawed gloves are a wonderful touch, and he grins with a toothy, somewhat fanged grin. At his waist sports a collapsible staff that can become as compact as a palm-sized disc.
“This is gonna be so cool!” Adrien laughs excitedly.
Marinette looks down at her hands, gazing at her transformed visage.
I feel…weird. Out of my element.
“Tikki, can I get my old clothes back? Tikki…? You there…?” Marinette mutters to herself, and she feels the earth shake again, and she looks at the monitor worriedly.
“The monster, which calls itself ‘Stoneheart’, is heading toward the Montparnasse tower! The monster seems to be unstoppable!” Nadja reports.
Marinette sees Alya rushing toward the scene from the news feed, and her eyes widen in fear for the safety of her only friend.
I have to help her, no matter how weird this magic stuff feels!
“Marinette!” Sabine calls from downstairs, and Marinette’s eyes widen in fear. Tikki was very clear about keeping her identity a secret. “Marinette, sweetie, are you home? Are you okay?!”
Marinette knows that if she responds, she’d have to confront her Mere, and they’d want her to hide with her and Papa. Climbing up to her balcony quickly and silently, she feels guilt spike into her as she hears her Mere worried about the lack of her daughter in the house.
Okay, I have powers or something! And a magic yoyo.
Marinette feels the magic of the suit gives her the instincts to use the yoyo to swing. Her reflexes have been improved, but her hand-eye coordination is still pretty bad. The powers seem to enhance her existing abilities, not replace them.
The wind in my face, this new strength, I feel better than ever!
I still feel a bit weird.
…no, not weird. I feel powerful.
Adrien can’t help but laugh and whoop as he launches himself throughout the city he’s never had a chance to see! Every building, a new opportunity at vaulting himself onward! Adrien was already pretty skilled and physically fit, but the Miraculous has increased all of that tenfold (well, maybe not tenfold, but it still feels great!)!
He’s walking across a gap between two buildings using his staff at a tightrope- his model poise and the Black Cat’s instincts making it practically impossible for him to fall- when he hears a shriek from above. Looking up, he sees a blur of red slam into him, yoyo strings tying them together as they hang upside-down.
“Well, hey there.” Adrien smiles, happy that he was able to find his apparent partner so easily. “Nice of you to drop in!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the blue-eyed bug girl proclaims nervously. “I didn’t mean to- this wasn’t on purpose!” she stammers slightly, and in a few moments, the two of them are able to free themselves and reclaim their weapons.
“So, you’re the partner my kwami told me about?” Adrien asks, and the girl nervously nods. “Well, you can call me…” Adrien taps his chin, grinning. He’d been thinking about this all the while he was vaulting across Paris. Something short and sweet, rolls off the tongue, but makes sense and tells people everything they need to know about him. “Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir!” the new hero grins. “And you?”
“I’m Ma- er, uh-” the girl scrambles with her yoyo wildly, and winds up tossing it up and it hits her on the head before she catches it. “...Madly clumsy. I am so clumsy.”
“No sweat, Clumsybug!” Chat Noir sidles up to her, putting his arm around his maybe-sidekick’s shoulder. “I’m still learning the ropes, too!”
The ground shakes again- another indicator of the Stoneheart fight! Chat Noir grins and starts sprinting towards the fight, seeing where the dust is kicked up!
“H-hey! Where are you going?!” Clumsybug exclaims.
“To save Paris!” Chat laughs heartily as he takes his staff, vaulting upward once more!
The students of Lycee Francoise Dupont have the unique privilege of using the Parc des Princes as their school’s P.E. grounds. The students are packing up early, unaware the mysterious quakes are anything more than just that…until the monstrous and massive form of Stoneheart bursts through the entrance and walls!
“KIM!” Stoneheart roars, looming over the student. “Who’s the wuss now?” he is about to slam his fist down upon Kim, who’s tripped over, but suddenly a black blur gets Kim out of the way before brandishing his staff as though it were a blade, pointing it at Stoneheart!
“Hey, maybe you should pick on someone your own size!” the wielder of the Black Cat proclaims.
“Just as expected,” Hawkmoth smirks, looking through his Akuma’s eyes. “The Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Black Cat have been activated! Here they come to save the day, only to be destroyed by my machinations.”
“Where are you, partner?” Chat mutters as he is thrown back by an even bigger Stoneheart- every hit of his staff makes the villain grow! Chat tries to throw one of the football nets at Stoneheart, hoping to tangle him and render him immobile, but instead, Stoneheart just throws it away- and is about to hit a girl recording everything! Chat Noir is able to save her, but she pays no mind to him, looking up at Clumsybug, who seems to be frozen with fear from atop the stadium’s bowl.
“What are you waiting for, Super Redbug? The world is watching you!” the recorder eggs on.
I can’t do this. I’m not a superhero! Look at the size of that thing! How can I fight that?
Marinette can hear Alya, and she sees Chat Noir fighting alone, against all odds.
He’s fighting. I could try and be like him.
What if I get in his way? What if I tie us together again? What if I-
What if nothing, I can’t just stand by and do nothing!
Marinette resolves herself, leaping down and brandishing her yoyo.
Never again.
She throws her yoyo forward, doing the best thing she can- let it go wild! It ties around Stoneheart’s torso, and she yanks, pulling herself towards him! She lands on his head and kicks off, snapping her fingers to make the yoyo’s strings loosen, allowing her to pull it back to her side, pulling the string together like a mechanical tape measure’s retraction.
“Animal cruelty, Stoneheart? How shameful.” Marinette quips, trying to emulate Chat Noir’s boldness. “Sorry it took so long, Chat Noir.”
“It’s cool, Wonderbug.” Chat Noir says, coming to her side. “Let’s kick his rocky rear!”
“We can’t just rush in brazenly when our attacks will only make him bigger and stronger!” Marinette reasons. “We have to do something different…”
“Alright, I’ll bite. Different how?” Chat Noir asks.
“I…don’t know.” Marinette hangs her head.
“Well, I do. What do you say we test out our powers?” Chat Noir smiles, and Marinette nods a little bit.
“Cataclysm!” Chat Noir holds his hand forward, but…nothing happens. “Huh, what the heck?”
“Tikki said they use our weapons. Like, mine is the Lucky Charm-” Marinette says, holding her yoyo in her hand, and the yoyo glows and thrums with power! She shrieks a little as the light pours out of it, conjuring a spandex suit that resembles her own. “Ugh…” she falls back from the disorientation. “I should probably throw that away from me whenever I do that from now on…”
“Oh! So it’d be like this…?” Chat Noir compacts his staff into a palm-sized disc, palming it into his ring hand. “Cataclysm!” he declares again, and this time, the dark power thrums through his hand and the disc! “Alright! Apparently, I destroy whatever I though. What’s yours do?”
“It’s supposed to help us win, somehow. We only have 5 minutes now until we turn back…” Marinette mumbles.
“Ah…probably should have listened to my kwami.” Chat Noir chuckles. “Any other tips?” he asks, leaning against a goal that starts to disintegrate.
“...our powers are only single use,” Marinette says softly, and Chat Noir looks back at the destroyed goal.
“...oops.” Chat Noir says, embarrassed.
They hear a roar from Stoneheart, who is starting to charge towards them!
“His right hand is always closed…it must be where that whatchamacallit is hiding, the…the akuma!” Marinette reasons.
“So, uh, what’s the plan?” Chat Noir asks nervously, seeing the monstrous villain charging.
“The plan, it’s…it’s…” Marinette looks around wildly, soon locating precisely what she needs. “I’ve got it!” she swiftly ties a nearby hose to the suit, then ties Chat Noir with her yoyo. “Okay, uh, don’t resist, I need you to trust me.”
“Oh god, she’s crazy.” Chat Noir says as she picks him up! “How are you so strong?!” he exclaims,
“Why are you so light?!” Marinette exclaims, genuinely thinking she was gonna have a harder time with his plan (and honestly a little concerned with how little he weighs). Regardless, she throws him like a shotput.
The plan goes pretty well. Chat Noir is captured, then so is Ladybug, then the Lucky Charm’s use goes well and they’re able to destroy the object!
“Wow…that was awesome.” Chat Noir declares, laughing as he lies in the grass, looking at the sky. “She’s awesome.”
“What’s going on? Why am I here?” Ivan exclaims, worried, and Marinette’s heart bleeds. He doesn’t even remember what happened to him.
“Well, you did it Super…Clumsy…Bug Lady.” Chat Noir laughs, still clearly unsure of what to call her. “You were great!”
“We got there in the end, didn’t we?” Marinette smiles and holds up her fist. “Partner.”
The look of elation on Chat Noir’s face was perhaps the purest joy Marinette had ever seen.
“Pound it!” Chat Noir says as they fist bump, and Marinette laughs.
“What was that?” she smiles.
“What? It’s fun!” he grins goofily, and notices his beeping ring. “Ah, we should probably get going.”
“Right! Identities gotta be secret.” Marinette nods.
“Farewell, M’lady bug!” Chat Noir winks with one last nickname and vaults away on his staff. “Let’s do this again soon, okay?”
Not too soon, I hope… Marinette thinks to herself as the adrenaline starts to wear off. She walks over to look at the paper the object was in, and she reads it, and she frowns as she realizes what Kim has done.
What he always does, with those twisted attempts at jokes.
“There’s no shame in telling someone you love them,” Marinette says to Ivan, and he looks away, ashamed as the paramedics come in to try and get the scope of the situation.
“Uncanny, amazing, spectacular!” Alya suddenly interrupts. “Are you gonna be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive Ladybug? Oh, I've got a ton of questions to ask you, uh, miss... uhh…” She trails off, as though trying to decide which of Chat Noir’s many names could be her moniker.
And honestly, while it was a bit plain and simple, Marinette liked his last one the most.
“Ladybug. You can call me Ladybug.” She smiles wide.
“Ladybug! Super awesome!” Alya exclaims, recording the scene as ‘Ladybug’ swings away.
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hi hi hi! 💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change? 🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity? 💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hello, hello there!!!
💥 One canon thing that I wish I could change?
Silly but honest answer? Change the endgame to Lukadrigaminette or Lukadrinette lol
Serious answer? It would be Chat and Marinette's behavior in the first few seasons. Chat's inability to hear and accept Ladybug's no was extremely hard to watch sometimes (even though I love Chat so much) especially when it was played off and fans got mad at Ladybug for being so harsh. Likewise, Marinette's borderline stalker behavior was just as hard to watch. Honestly, the whole romance would be what I would change. I would want it to be less creepy on both sides than canon. (I know it said one thing but I would also make Lukanette and Adrigami last longer and have more purpose. They lasted for ten seconds and had no real impact on the plot when both could've been used to help Marinette and Adrien grow into people who had a more healthy sense of themselves and what a healthy relationship should look like.)
Did not mean to rant, lol.
🤔 Would I ever want to write something canon if I got the opportunity?
I could be down for it! While I'm not completely in love with the canon, I would try!
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hmmm. I think the most frequent one I write is friends to lovers! Honestly, all the different tropes escape me so I'll go with that one! (But I'm sure there are others hidden across all my fics, so it may not be obvious to me but glaringly so to anyone who's read my stuff lol)
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 2 years
...Kagami and Adrien on the other hand- yeah I don't really see it as much-
also the part where Marinette falls over and both Adrien and Luka offer her hand literally in my brain I just went "Marinette has two hands" like the meme djdjkdkdkdmd
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Like. This one-
Consider, Lukadrigaminette
All 4 of them
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peraphelic · 3 years
Au where lukadrigaminette is a thing and Adrien comes out at an important event or something or like hijacks his boyfriends concert and the press are dying for Gabriels comment and Gabriel is just like: What? Why would I care? And it just throws off Paris entirely
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
The following picture but as the “it doesn’t have to be like this” / two hands meme:
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laldupattewali · 2 years
so like i had this lukadrigaminette fic idea
so its basically like those 4+1 fics?
so we know mari and kagami are canonically great artists and i also hc luka as one (cuz like look at him he probably makes logos and stuff and decorates his guitar) so theyre all like “omg lets have an art date itd be so cool” and then adriens like “yeah lmao i cant draw” so kagami being part of rich squad is like “im sure monsieur agreste wouldve sent you to art lessons” and hes like “yeah i know a lot about paintings and art forms but i cant even draw a line” and luka and mari are just giggling cuz how does The Adrien Agreste not know how to draw and so they make him draw all 3 of them as a date and make jokes and have fun but the moment someone makes an offhand comment about it that makes adrien sad the three go absolutely feral and then encourage adrien and show him their older sketchbooks and yeah
the next would be like sorta similar except it would be mari cuz adrien plays the piano and luka plays the guitar and i assume kagami would have learnt something like violin or something cuz yk rich kids and mari doesn’t have the time nor the money to buy a teacher and ig it would follow the same storyline but like 30degrees to the right
kagamis was videogames cuz we know mari and adrien are pros and luka is just that cool but kagamis grandma would be like “nO iTs nOt lAdYliKe” or something plus girl has just been introduced to manga theres no way she knows about videogames
lukas was chinese lmao i assume that since adrien has been helping mari with her chinese shes better than before even though the shanghai movie said lmao no do i look like i listen to canon and since adrien was taught chinese it is more than likely that so was kagami and so theyll be chatting away in chinese and luka would be like “w h a t” bit he wouldn’t say anything and one of them would say something to him and in chinese and hed just be like “mhm!” and theyd just stare at him for a few minutes before realising that luka does not know chinese
a bonus storyline for luka was him being the only one to have a sibling and the others are like i wish i had a sibling and hes like no you do not
sooooo yeah
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
Ohmygod yes the poly vibes Luka is so fucking flirty he is charming the pants off both their asses AND wingmanning them together SIMULTANEOUSLY
literally I have lukadrigaminette brainrot but the show refuses to give us another frozer like episode. I need all four on screen getting along together but it will only give me three at a time. I am starved so I will take it. also I may be mildly in love with all four of them but that's not the point
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
This wasn't in your analisys, but it ideally depicts why I am annoyed everytime people are saying that Adrigaminette is better than Lukadrienette (along with people's tendency to dismiss latter as "too much marinette-centric")
I think it's also cuz there are more Luka salters than Kagami salters. Anyways, Luka is in love with both Marinette and Adrien and Kagami is in love with both Adrien and Marinette, those are facts, so what can you do? I like fics when all four of them are dating, I don't see why Luka is getting excluded a lot. Miracle Queen didn't make me ship them, mostly cuz of the way that finale ended but reading Lukadrigaminette fics is fun and I say that as Love Square shipper.
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Not really a theory but one thing I miss from like early miraculous fandom is when we all assumed the main five would be a permanent team together. Marinette learning to share the burden, Adrien getting the love and friendship he deserves, Alya and Nino realizing their hero crushes are their best friends, and of course my favorite part, Chloé befriending everyone in the suit and being afraid they'd hate her after the reveal only for her to be showered in acceptance and support. They were also a great poly ship to see before Lukadrigaminette took over.
Like literally though!!!!
I fucking LOVE the team dynamics and all the shenanigans that could have happened in Canon with the identity bullshit and who knows who!!!!
I still have a fic in my drafts somewhere of the five on patrol and fucking around like 'yo does catnip work on Chat Noir???' and singing the Sailor Moon theme song and then Chat getting high as balls and figuring out their identities through scent because he's too goddamn blitzed for the Glamour to work properly.
I might dig that up but I'd have to change the names because it does refer to Carapace as 'Jade Turtle' because of thelastpilot. I also used Honeybee instead of Queen Bee but that can still work.
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
So canon ships in jocks so far for the most part are, Mylene and Ivan, DJWifi, Julerose
And of course we know the Choas Square (lukadrigaminette), Kimax, Chlolix, Nathmarc Aubrina are on the list to happen
But here are the ones I haven't listed yet that will be happening as well
So we got Anarcaline, because of course, Max's Mom and her gf will get engaged and married, Jess and Zoé are gonna be a thing, Jalil and Nora,
Oh. And a special treat. Ondine and Lila. :)
One of these is happening rather soon, like, real soon. Around the time Hornet will also debut :)
Anyways there y'all go
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