#also kinda funny that most of the things that I listed here were done by Yang
amiizuki · 3 months
(a 2 weeks late repost of my comment from this Reddit post, cause I forgor)
things RWBY "teaches":
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if someone lies and hides info from you – beat them up, yell at them, and then proceed to later do the exact same thing they did to someone else. except this time consider whoever tries to call you out for lying evil
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if, after you run away without explanation, one of your friends decides to follow you and try to help – slap them in the face repeatedly and berate them loudly
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if a person, who previously helped you and your friends multiple times without expecting much in return, is on edge and looks like they're on the verge of a panic attack – scowl at them the whole time, like they murdered your family or something (add bonus scowling and start thinking of them as pure evil, if said person also starts to call you out for betraying and lying to him earlier)
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when it comes to forgiving and offering redemption – only offer it if the person in question is female; if the person is male then continue villainizing them or kill them altogether
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if your overly stressed sibling is having a meltdown in front of you – scowl at them, while protecting your date from said sibling, as if they were an insane lunatic ready to kill
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if you see your friend/sibling commit sudoku, once again, in front of you – watch it happen, without even attempting to stop them, and then spend some time having a group hug with your friends, before remembering about your dead friend/sibling
bonus stuff, that were said by other people in that same comment thread:
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also a somewhat long addendum to the 3rd point, because rewatching the Gravity scene, to grab screenshots of Yang's face, somehow made me angrier than it did the first time I saw it:
lemme fucking tell you, that Yang did not start to scowl at Ironwood after he called RWBY out for being lying hypocrites. her angry face, in fact, appeared the moment he started talking! sure, at first it looked more like a slightly confused scowl, but a scowl nonetheless. girl even had her hands in fists already, like c'mon (at least during the moment when Ruby realizes Cinder was the one who left the chess piece, Yang's hands aren't visible in earlier shots, so I can't tell if she had them like that the whole time or not)
so this potato sack looking cunt, who supposedly had PTSD and should supposedly know how it looks and feels like, saw this overly stressed man, who ALSO has PTSD, and who just got faced with an image reminding him of one of the most traumatic events in his life, starting to freak out about the safety of his people and kingdom, and, again, overall looking like he's about to have a full on panic attack, and her gigabrain idea was to fucking SCOWL the whole time he's talking. wowww Yang, what a nice and kind thing you're doing there! I can feel soooo much sympathy coming towards this distressed general, who you actively lied to with no remorse by the way, from your ugly ass scowl. this will definitely help to deescalate the situation and calm Ironwood down, and it definitely won't make him call you out for being a lying shithead and throw your desaturated blonde ass out of the window.
oh, but I guess Ironwood isn't a cute catgirl named Blake, so he doesn't deserve anything more than an angry look from Yang. makes sense, considering Ruby isn't a cute catgirl named Blake either, and so Yang constantly forgets that she exists, only remembering Ruby when it's time to scowl at her, call whatever she's planning dumb, or when it's time to go drink boba and go shopping with her, instead of spending that time planning on how to defeat Salem who has 2 or 3 relics.
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burn-before-reading · 2 months
Love in the Time of Socialism
joost klein x artist!reader
art, mush, and ramblings about life
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warnings: depression (ish), burnout, reader character in some vague mental health funk
word count: 2k
a/n: slight prequel to blue is the colour of your eyes but can be read as stand alone. just same artist reader. vaguely romantic but just ramblings and getting feelings out haha. started this when I was in more of a bad mental state (lol) but im fine now so it got kinda tame by the end of it. still not proofreading anything
title from the song Love in the Time of Socialism by Yellow House
Rpf below the cut—
Normally Joost has to call you because its the only way you will actually look at your phone. Its more often that not you find yourself fixated on planning out your next project, and your friends have to force you back into reality. There was that one time no one had heard from you in over a week and thought you were dead, when you were just working. You hadn’t realized how many texts you missed and apologized for scaring your friends half to death. Especially Joost.
So now you leave your ringer on, and now they call.
Tonight, however, Joost calls and you aren’t in your studio. You are in your bed, where you have been for the entire day. and also most of yesterday. There isn’t a reason in your head specifically why this has happened. you MEANT to get up. Theres a list of chores and things to do just sitting on your desk, but you woke up late, so now nothing will get done. At some point it just became too stressful to even get up and look at it. You roll over and stare at the contact picture of him, smiling with some dumb fish eye lens he thought was funny. You debate not picking up at all.
But you can’t ignore him.
“Hi Joost.” your voice came through the phone more hoarse than intended when you answered, you don’t remember the last time you talked to someone. “Whats going on?”
“the others wanted to go out for drinks tonight, you hadn’t responded so I wanted to check you were joining us.” You could imagine him rocking back and forth on his heels in the middle of his living room while he talked, it was either that or pacing around.
“uhh..” Drinks at a bar was the last thing on your mind. In any other situation you would have loved to be around your friends, but right now you just needed to avoided as much as possible. “Not a good night, tonight. Sorry, I’ll have to join you guys next time.”
Joost felt like something was off, you sounded tired. “Is everything okay?”
“I’ll be fine I just… shit brain day. bad brain thats all. It happens.” You did your best to summarize how you felt without actually admitting anything, you weren’t sure how to explain anything anyway.
“ Oh Im sorry, would it be good, if I came over? I can keep you company, if thats okay?”
“you don’t have to, I’ll be fine tomorrow. I want you to have fun. ” you insisted, but he pressed on.
“I don’t mind, the group would understand. Have you eaten today?”
“Like… a meal? yes, or well, no. I had a soda..” You glance at the half drunk soda from the night before, now flat. “and uhhh..”
“I’ll pick something up.” You could hear him on the other end gathering things together, keys, wallet, probably his ipad.
“.. thank you. I’ll see you in a bit, I guess.”
Joost knocked on your door about an hour later. In that time you were able to get out of bed and make your way to the bathroom to change and make yourself somewhat presentable in front of a guest, and to the kitchen to make coffee despite it being 8pm.
You opened it to see Joost with a sheepish smile as he extends his arms out for a hug. “Hi.”
“Hi Joost.” you take the step to hug him, feeling his body heat contrast with the cold nighttime. “I’m glad you’re here.” the two of you head inside to your living room where he empties his bag of take out to reveal a couple different thai dishes and egg rolls. It was hard to not admit you weren’t at least a little bit hungry.
The two of you ate in mostly silence, making small talk about different projects you two have going on, or the fact that the two of you were in between projects. He done with touring for the time being and in the process of working on a new album. You loosely avoiding talking about any current work plans but mentioned one or two paintings you finished for a private gallery commission last month.
“ Just some paintings of animals and nature-ish symbolism. Honestly my heart wasn’t really in that one, but it payed the rent so.” you shrug and shove noodles into your mouth.
“Well now you have the time to work on your own stuff, right?” he commented, leaning back into your couch and looking down at you sitting on the floor instead of any of your own furniture. “Draw whatever your heart desires.”
“I mean I guess.. Im just glad to be done with the oil paints for now. I swear i think I was gonna die in my studio from all the chemicals. I dunno, I finished that whole project last month, I haven’t really been very productive since then.” you trail off and Joost gets a concerned expression on his face.
He sinks down from his spot of the couch to join you in the floor. The fluffy rug brushing against his legs as he adjusts his new sitting position.
“Its okay to take a break, you know.”
“I know I know, I just get frustrated. I never seem to have my energy directed towards the right thing. Whenever I have all those big projects from other contractors, I can brainstorm and think of all these interesting ideas I wanna work on, but I can’t because then I would get behind on the art Im being paid to do.”
“mhm.” he nods, to indicate he’s following along.
“ And then whenever Im done with those projects, I just get… tired. and my focus is gone. and Everything just feels…” you gesture the last bit with your hands, scrambling your fingers, to imply your thoughts. You aren’t looking at him, but you can still see him nodding in your peripherals. Joost always seemed to understand your thinking and explanations to things, even if you thought they were messy.
“Do you want to try painting right now?” he asks. you just shrug your shoulders.
“I don’t know what I would paint.”
“You can paint our dinner, or, or yourself, or your plants maybe?” he suggested and stands up. “Can I paint too?”
“Oh we’re actually doing this?” Not that you didn’t want to, but this self doubt had creeped into your mind again. That failing to produce something decent would prove that you’ve lost all your talent, your skill.
“yea we can have a little painting party!” he chimed, but he hesitated walking over to your studio to grab stuff, still giving you the space to reject his idea.
you looked away and started nervously tapping your fork against the table.
tap tap tap tap
“…sure. We can use my watercolors, Ive been wanting to use them more often anyway.”
the coffee table became a little more cluttered as you set up the paints for the two of you. Joost using an old set 24 pans and you using a newer set of watercolor tubes you were gifted last year and never opened. You watched as Joost immediately dipped his brush in water and started activating the blue paints, spreading it onto his paper in big random strokes.
“what are you painting?”
“not sure yet, maybe im painting you.” he looks up and smirks. you scrunch your nose up.
“why are you using so much blue. am I a smurf?” you joke and he just shrugs and points to your own paper.
“Just mess around, can’t be any worse than what im doing.”
tap tap tap tap tap tap
you fidget with your own brush for a few seconds lo get before grabbing a big mop brush and wetting your paper with clean water. Taking your smaller brush again, you pour out a small amount of yellow and mix it up with some more water. You hesitate for a moment longer before letting the brush lightly touch the surface, creating a burst of colour on the paper as the colour seeps onto the page. You make a few more random marks before switching to another warm colour and repeating the process, now watching the colours bleeds and mix into each other. You look at Joost paper and see that he is actually now trying to paint you, the blue fortunately was able to be mostly contained to the background.
“Do you ever think about what you would do if you weren’t a musician?” you ask.
“I dunno I think after this I could have a pretty successful art career.” he teases but sees in your face the question is more serious. “I don’t know. I started off with youtube, but if I wasn’t doing that… its hard to think about what my life would be like if I didn’t follow this path.”
“I always have this feeling deep down, that I made a wrong choice somewhere along the line. I was thinking about going to school for psychology, I also wanted to work with animals at one point, be a vet. I enjoy art, don’t get me wrong, but I just worry that in making it my job Ive just drained all the passion I had for it.”
You let the paper dry before staining the page with lines of dark burgundy, creating hands and a human heart. he hums as he listens, not adding anything, but simply letting you vent. beginning to piece together your mood from earlier. “I don’t have any jobs lined up right now, which is what Ive been waiting for, to work on my own stuff, yknow? I haven’t had the time ive wanted to make something for myself for a while. But now I just feel, I feel like ive been frozen.”
“things seem to be okay right now. I like what youve made. ” you look down and see the scribbles youve made with your paint. hands clasped over a broken heart. you shrug and smile softly, signing the bottom.
“Just a scribble, you can have it if you want.” You hand the paper over to him. “thank you for coming by, its… its nice being around you. Helps a bit.”
Joost takes the paper and studies it for a second. “I really like it, maybe I should come by more often.”
“If you bring the food we can have art nights whenever you want.” he holds up his paper. The blue bleeding into your skintone and hair since he didn’t wait for anything to properly dry. “I might stick to my ipad though, I don’t know why you like this paint.” he scrunches his nose at it. you laugh and it makes him smile.
You notice for the first time how bright his eyes look when he smiles, but you brush the thought away.
“Feeling a bit better?” he asks as he lingers by the door on his way out.
“a bit. like I said It was just a mood, I was gonna be fine tomorrow most likely… I still appreciate you coming over.”
“Don’t ever be afraid to call or text okay? Im always here to talk if you need. or just to listen.”
“definitely. Ive been meaning to uh, talk to someone about all this stuff anyway, you’re not a professional but ill keep it in mind.”
he grins and goes in for one last hug. you feel him slightly squeeze you and linger a little longer than usual before letting go. With one last glance he waves and head off. You see him pull out a cigarette for the walk back. It takes you a second to close the door. standing there watching him walk off until he turns a corner and disappears. Closing the door you sigh and go the clean up your living room.
You notice he left the portrait he drew of you. signed at the bottom with a smiley face next to his name.
It gets hung up in your studio above your desk.
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caseylovefics · 2 months
One Year Of Jikook Recs: 2023 - 2024
Over the last year, I've read a lot of Jikook fics, some old and some new. Many of them are explicit, FYI but this is a list of everything I bookmarked that I thought, at the time, would be worth sharing eventually. I believe there is something here for everyone here. Huge shoutout to all of these incredible authors - if you like something on the list or have any recommendations, give them some love and let me know!
Friends To Lovers:
Burn for You (50616 words) by Charmander Bachelor Jungkook and whipped Jimin have a turn in the relationship after a third party helps them...connect.
Friendly Favours (76125 words) by dontknowwhatimdoing Jungkook asks Jimin to fake date him and that sucker is dooomed. In the best way. So many adorable scenes and scenarios.
i remember thinking i had you (44676 words) by mrsmorality Unrequited love Jimin is hard and Jungkook kinda annoyeding but still cute.
Nevermind (81173 words) by rkiveink Jimin and Jungkook were best friends but haven't spoken in years. Jungkook, now recovered, helps Jimin while he mourns a close friends from his band who passes away. It's a very raw and honest fic. I found it refreshing to read something like this after a series of super fluffy fics, though in the end this is also soft in it's own way.
Run Into Sin (85356 words) by eumorious Kinda friends/roommates who are going broke and struggling to meet rent enter a porno competition to make money. You can imagine where this goes next and yes, it's raunchy and still domestic at times. Would recommend.
No Homo (75666 words) by snatchim This is just crack up. So funny and still funny even when the no homo joke is done to death. Jungkook convinces his homophobic best friend to do some 'no homo' acts after a spontaneous threesome. Who knew all you needed was a threesome to get a boyfriend these days?
what am I, darling? (18960 words) by paliampelo Heartbreakingly well written unrequited love from Jimin. Jungkook flits around from person to person until he finds his hyung's lips surprisingly irresistible. I really love some of the dialogue in this and the first kiss scene is just *chefs kiss*. You wouldn't believe how many times I read that shit.
Hybrid Fics:
Devil Dog (151164 words) by Charmander Uggggh why is everything they write so amazing? I think I read this like 2-3 times in the last year. Hybrid Jungkook and human Jimin who has a sick up his ass but has a wonderful character arc. Fantastic read. Recommend this to everyone!
I See Summer in Your Smile (28115 words) by frenchfries4life Oooof. Jaguar hybrid Jungkook is sliiick ya'll and I love how relatively transparent his character is in this fic, and it still works. Definitely recommend this for anyone who needs to be eased into the hybrid world, though this one kinda blends with some ABO themes.
Fantasy/Magical/Demon Fics:
NIGHTSHADE BLAZE (131143 words) by carameLIZed_suga I truly believe this is a MUST READ for every Jikook fan. With the amount of recognition it has, I would be suprised if you haven't read it honestly. It's just so so so good. Probably the third or fourth dragon fic I've read, but definitely my favourite so far and probably the fic I've re-read the most.
Soul To Sell (43003 words) by carameLIZed_suga Demon's Jimin and Jungkook have been fighting and thirsting over eachother for years and it is a wonderful spectacle to consume. Super hot...and devilishly well paced for those of you who are impatient readers. At this point just read all of caramelized suga if you like a couple of their stories.
you love me, you love me not (164358 words) by melodrunkcherry In a series of unfortunate events, witch Jimin makes a love potion for Namjoon and Jungkook drinks it. They're at a witch school, coven thing. I can't fully remember this but it was enchanting and a very fun read.
you shine in this pitch darkness (161271 words) by tinymiminie Demon Jungkook rarely visits earth, but when he sees Jimin's colourful soul and fluffy hair, he's whipped. This is a different take on demon Jungkook that was enjoyable to read. Jimin is just a ball of squish and Jungkook an evil puppy.
Bloom In Rebellion (189138 words) by infinitetwinkles This fic had refreshing world building and themes that was nice to see in the ABO world. Read this really quickly and wish I discovered this author sooner!
everything you do (i want to do it with you) (10113 words) by serendiplini Sickeningly sweet friends to lovers. Tae is so done with their shit and I love it.
A Tale of a Lonely Pup (51325 words) by Vitamin_PJM Angsty true mates fic set in university that is super cute!
The Rogue (226263 words) by Allnighter_Friend Oooooo if you haven't read this. Read it. Just trust me. I devoured this fic and it just gives you all the feels. Jimin is standing in as the leader of his pack while his father is sick. There are rogues in the forest and when out on a hunt with the crew, they catch said rogue, Jungkook. Many good twists and turns and some good enemies that actually do bad. Unlike those soft enemies who are kinda just...there.
Broken (before I met you) (36611 words) by peachywritten Soft. So soft and cute at the heart. Good pacing.
(k)not stuck (11550 words) by carameLIZed_suga Raunchy neighbour/nemesis read that was also pretty funny.
A Tale of Amber and Honey (74960 words) by carameLIZed_suga Old friends to lovers with some well deserved angst in ABO world. Really enjoyed this!
chasing dusk, catching dawn (17221 words) by carameLIZed_suga First ever fic I've read featuring and enigma wolf. Really primal hunt-and-be-hunted dick-swinging competition and a bit violent in the good way if you can handle it.
Harder Than a Diamond (21652 words) by carameLIZed_suga Another raunchy fic. Probably less violent than the one above but crime boss Jungkook is always a win.
Clueless with a Pinch of Chilli (35000 words) by Vitamin_PJM Their friends set Jimin up on blind dates after he gives up on Jungkook. Jikook are two idiots who deserve each other and are cute and clueless in the process.
In A Rut (21935 words) by Gylliweed Jungkook struggles with violent ruts and Jimin helps coach him through it. Really like how this was approached.
The Gathering (43406 words) by Gylliweed Every year trials are completed and the winner can ask for whatever they want. Jungkook and Jimin are both gunning for the win when they start catching feeeeelings. Damn I loved this one. Ate it up like a sweet apple pie.
Fragile (68881 words) by Neoneun_na I don't remember this super well but I do remember it being soft. Good feels.
The Courage To Live (128832 words) by infinitetwinkles Timid Jimin and caring Jungkook. Classic dynamic and story.
There for You (29788 words) by Ocean_View_Song Softmore Jimin is pining for senior Jungkook who gets possessive when a threat arises. Very cute and we love a good jeonlous story.
To Hurt and To Heal (40587 words) by rinnieluv Solo mama Jimin comes across Jungkook when on the run and so the story unfolds. Touching connections and cute pups.
Nepenthe (81318 words) by cakeandruin Jimin is an omega who goes against the packs norms but meets an alpha werewolf who can transform, unlike him. Everyone is scared of Jungkook and they live on the outskirts of the pack together in the woods. It's a domestic and sweet story, would probably even call it a classic ABO.
your fingerprints on my heart (5850 words) by nimy Jimin thinks alpha Jungkook can't stand him, but the cutie is misunderstanding the dummy's intentions. Nice, quick read.
Other Fics:
Sunflower (152054 words) by merryasoul Enemies to lovers fic that I waited to read. Me. Waiting. Patiently to read this because it was so good. I remember stumbling on this and staying up all night to read the first chapters that were out because the great characters and details captured me and the build up over years with Jikook really hooks you. I seriously recommend you read this if you haven't already and give the author some loove.
soft animal (46729 words) by paliampelo Jungkook has amnesia after a car accident. We all know the first original Jikook amnesia fic and I think this is a nice one too in its own way.
the joy of sex (31410 words) by decompositionbooks Roomates fic - Jungkook makes love in his room and seems like a sex god and Jimin is curious. Solid.
Top Chooks (17177 words) by carameLIZed_suga Rivals to lovers fic where Jimin and Jungkook play gay chicken at a party. Hilarious and hot.
And thats a wrap!
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading. I tend to pile up fics in my bookmarks and wanted to clear them out somehow - I've decided, this will be my approach going forward so stay tuned for the next one.
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littlepetbee · 18 days
i've had the house to myself this weekend so i decided to marathon a bunch of movies that have been on my watchlist for aaages. here they are ranked bc i love making lists lmao:
Game Night: this one was far and away my favorite...it's a fun, clever mystery that's also funny as shit. rachel mcadams is the queen of comedy and also waving a loaded gun around like a crazy person. fuckin 10/10, you guys
I Love You Phillip Morris: listen. i avoid jim carrey like the plague - it's nothing personal, his face just irritates the shit out of me. but i'm SO glad i gave this one a try anyway...it was so cute and touching and gay little ewan mcgregor with his gay little earring is genuinely the softest, sweetest thing to ever exist. it makes complete sense that someone would become a conman for him lmao. 10/10
Bullet Train: thee action comedy lbr!! shoutout to @seeinhindsight for reccing this one to me. it was so well done...with all the winding storylines and running gags it easily could have been a tonal mess, but i feel like they knocked it outta the park. also the steady stream of "oh shit this guy's in it too???" was fun as hell. 9/10 just bc some parts made me sad and my movie ratings are based solely on how they Make Me Feel, not any objectivity lol
Attack The Block: my brain the whole time: YEAH BOY(EGA)!!!! an alien invasion movie with a Message and pre-star wars john boyega?? that was always gonna be a slam dunk for me. though i do gotta say watching british movies as an american is always jarring as hell bc there's no guns. it feels like the weirdest kind of unreality. anyways 8/10
This Is Where I Leave You: slowing things down and getting way more Serious here but i was surprised by how much i liked this one (though maybe i shouldn't have been, since dysfunctional families/siblings are kinda my bread and butter lmao). the surprise lesbianism-slash-lowkey-polyamory definitely elevated it, too! 7/10
Shattered Glass: 100% the movie you gotta show people when they try to say hayden christensen sucks at his job bc uhhh he ate that shit up. not to be #me about it, but if that dude can be that fucking cute the whole time and still make me wanna throttle him within an inch of his life, you know he was doing something right. 6/10
As Above, So Below: i was bummed at first when i realized it was one of those found footage horror dealios, but i actually ended up really liking it. and honestly for the setting, i think found footage really was the only way to go. the concept was super interesting and the horror aspects were sufficiently creepy without being enough to give me nightmares, which is about all my babyass can handle. 6/10
Everybody Wants Some!!: yeah the hoechlin 80's movie lol. it was fun! the characters were likable for the most part! the vibes were good! but B's cannot live on vibes alone (that's a bible verse, i'm p sure) so i was left wondering what the Point was. i am not the target audience for hangout movies, i'll tell you that lmao. 3.5/10
so that's the list!!! all in all a very great way to spend a weekend <3
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bberetd · 24 days
Hey there! Since you also reblogged the post saying you want people to send you asks (actually I even reblogged it from you), here I am to ask you a question. A potentially very tough one. Ready?
If you had to pick only one (1!) favorite Mario character who would it be and why?
I'm just trying to get to know my mutuals a little better, y'know?
But most people seem to be using that 'send me asks' post as another opportunity to say mushy stuff to each other, so let me also do that! I'd like to remind you that I'm very glad that I'm following your blog. You're certainly a fun and kind person, and must say I like you very much 😀❤️ Thanks for always supporting my art, it really means a lot to me.
Also please teach me your ways to draw so fast, I just finally finished sketching my latest fanart today (yeah, that ambitious one) and it took embarrassingly long. And this one is supposed to have a proper lineart too💀
Oh, that reminds me: I'm really excited for your animations! Once I'm done with my current fanart, the next bigger fan project on my list is also one animation I've been thinking of, so I hope we'll be able to motivate each other a bit 😁👊
OH just oneeee? 😩
Whew, okay, well... while Daisy has a huge place in my heart (especially lately, as you can tell 😹), my all-time favorite will always be Luigi.
See, the funny thing is that I hardly cared for him before the movie, and even a little after I watched the movie. My first favorite Mario character was actually Rosalina when SMG came out, because I was SO obsessed with space when I was younger (and still kinda am), and blue was and is my favorite color (such a deep reason, right? :P)
I always tend to lean towards the underdogs of a franchise, yet I don't remember the exact moment that drew me to him. There were just a bunch of edits and videos of him flooding all of my social media pages when the movie hype was still fresh, and I guess one day I decided, "yup. that's my guy."
I think the moment that really solidified my love for him was when I replayed Luigi's Mansion (I kiiinda played it before, but I was 4 and just pressing buttons lol... it's strangely a core memory for me). His bravery throughout the game despite his evident fears and anxieties is just... so inspiring and real to me, genuinely. And a little bit of him shone through his commentary of some of the objects throughout the mansion, which was also endearing 😆 The game gets creepier the deeper I think about it, and I just can't help but give him more flowers for going through it three different times!
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plus, he's just so happy and awkward and silly. how could you not love him?!
But in short, he's my favorite because he's relatable to me, and I find his little quirks adorable and endearing.
yet despite all that, he knows when to lock tf IN. that's my hero <3
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Mugi!!! I couldn't be any happier that we're friends and moots! You've blessed my timeline with your gorgeously detailed art and commentary, and I'm so grateful you support my art just as much ♥️♥️ I admire and like you very much as well, you're amazing <3
as for quick art, basically-
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and thank you!! the animation might take longer because classes start tomorrow for me, and year 3 of uni is definitely gonna be more challenging and, er, expensive. 🫠 Hopefully I'll learn to manage my time better so I can make decent progress every day, but I do know where I want to go with the animation. Big yes to motivating each other!! I know that ambitious art will be PHENOMENAL when it's dropped, and I can't wait to see your style in motion! :))
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jade-kyo · 1 month
RvB 20th rewatch: s6
And here it is- possibly my favorite season? At least it was the very first time I watched the show but my favorites for everything in this show have changed so much over the years it’s hard to say. Either way season 6 goes hard and I go feral.
Omega at blood gulch: silly goofy villain who wants to rule the universe // omega at Valhalla: straight up horror movie shit
“Good luck with your empty base and raging insanity” heavily quoted line
Added to Sarges list of superpowers: he can turn into cardboard
I think it’s very funny that Sarge recommends Wash find Caboose but not Doc who arguably has way more experience with Omega
“How sad would it be to not have a brother and lose a brother all in the same day” i once saw someone apply this quote to Church and Carolina and I am in agony.
Rip joahnness
The way Wash almost drops the ai reveal in casual conversation
Honestly Wash is kinda dumb for not realizing Church was the alpha the moment he heard the same name as the fucking Director
“We don’t! That’s part of our charm! Quit fucking it up!” Quoted line
CACKLING there’s an error in the dvd version where one of Caboose’s lines doesn’t have audio so his head just silently bops and Church responds to nothing 😂
Ah yes the moment Washington became one of my favorite characters- shooting South. Listen I like my men a little unhinged
I mean Wash’s logic is pretty sound tho- South had established a habit of betraying people so making sure she couldn’t do that again wasn’t a bad idea…
“I am completely and totally sane… now if you’ll excuse me I need to go blow up this dead body” he’s so sexy
“Wow what a ringing endorsement *explosion* I am filled with confidence” another quoted line
RED TEAM!!!!!!!!
Simmons was gonna confess his love obviously
“I AM THE VOICE OF GOD” Church just like me fr
Wash is so sexy
“You can’t copy an ai” Simmons single handedly smarter than every single freelancer
Wash is so done with everything… man doesn’t know he’s gonna find his inner silly again
I cannot get over the silent “you suck” as Wash is looking for Epsilon- these are definitely Church fragments alright
“You are the Alpha” is possibly one of the greatest and most well executed plot twists I have ever seen. Even to this day, after 20 rewatches, I lose my mind every time. I feel actual chills every. Single. Time.
The first time I watched it will also always be one of the most memorable moments of my life. My jaw was on the floor. I literally had to stop the episode and go outside and scream and freak out for a whole 30 minutes.
I genuinely believe this was the exact moment that Red vs. Blue became my favorite show ever. Of all time.
Anyway Grif and Simmons are gay
Church truly drinking that denial juice. Just like me fr
“What’s a matter daddy didn’t love you enough” thing is for Carolina that was literally actually the case
Okay but if Church did have full access to his ai powers could he show them some porn?
What would have happened if the emp hadn’t gone off… would the alpha have fully reformed sans his memories? G o d. I am in agony.
I hold onto one solace and that’s that Alpha and Beta were together in the end. Chex my beloved. My new headcanon is that Alpha and Beta actually got a similar ending as Chex did in restoration- reunited, with time relative to them, maybe not perfect but together.
Church being the director was also a masterfully done twist. God it’s so fucking good. I love this show so fucking much.
S6 my beloved… it is always so good to watch this season I love it so much.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: The Scouring of the Shire
(Okay so I downloaded Phil Dragash’s reading of this and listened to it on the longest plane flight of my trip and may or may not have made a total fool of myself grinning at it throughout LOLOL)
(But I didn’t have time to write my reactions to it until now so here we go)
“On the further side of the river they could see that some new houses had been built…all very gloomy and un-Shirelike” Uh-oh.
BAHAHAHA the way Sam immediately goes OFF
I love Merry trying to be a diplomat
Frodo like “oh goodness gracious, now what trouble has that Lotho gotten up to with MY house”
(Also that little bit of stealth sass like “well I’m GLAD he’s not calling himself a Baggins anymore, I can pretend I’m not associated with him”)
Merry be like “Fine, if you won’t open this gate, I’LL OPEN IT FOR MYSELF”
I mean I can’t say that I’m happy to see him but also it’s kinda fun to be this surprised. I’d forgotten all about him being here!
Haha the way he immediately runs away from Merry once he’s challenged tho
“Neat work, Bill!” HAHAHAHA
GOOD JOB BILL (the pony)
I love the fact that 50% of the hobbits’ intimidation factor comes from the fact that Merry and Pippin are so BigTM (and the other 50% is Swords)
Pippin listening to all this talking like “heck, I’m tired and wet and I don’t have time for this, just let me sleep in a shack if you want” is such a mood
Also Pippin tearing down the rule lists LOL
Sam has had it up to HERE with this nonsense
Me, at all the burning going on: “Uh-oh.”
“Looking both important and rather scared” Heehee X-D
“‘What’s all this?’ said Frodo, feeling inclined to laugh.” Me too, Frodo!
“Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools.” OKAY SAM GO OFF LOLOL
OKAY SO at this point in the audiobook Mr. Dragash had the most BRILLIANT reading for this line:
“To the discomfiture of the Shirriffs Frodo and his companions all… [dramatic pause, then raucous laughter erupts in the background] …roared with laughter.”
He also had a great reading for this part:
The sheriff, shouting after them, insistent but nervous: “But don’t forget! I’ve arrested you!” Frodo, with the softest voice ever: “I won’t. Never. But I may forgive you.”
Sam has a friend! :-D
I mean I’m sorry that this is the way we find it out but he has!! A buddy!!
Now I’m sure “cock-robin” must have had a different meaning in Tolkien’s time…
“If I hear not allowed much oftener, I’m going to get angry.” Same, Sam.
Eeeew the table hasn’t been scrubbed for WEEKS?? I can only imagine it looking like the underside of a restaurant table, months-old crusty chewing gum stuck on it and all. Blergh 🤮
LOLOL “They would have started earlier, only the delay so plainly annoyed the sheriff-leader”
Our four hobbits have come back from their adventure so delightfully full of SassTM
My word, if I keep pointing out every funny thing that happens here I’ll be writing down the whole chapter. Look at the hobbits hustling the sheriffs who were supposed to be “arresting” them!
For someone who’s supposed to be arrested, it sure looks like Merry is the one who’s in charge :-3
And all the sheriffs like “WE GIVE UP” and the hobbits like “okay :-D”
“We shall break a good many things yet, and not ask you to answer. Good luck to you!” OKAY PIPPIN GO OFF
(......This is getting very long so I’m gonna put the rest under a read-more)
Nooooo look what they’ve done to Hobbiton D-8
This whole conversation is so tense. I find myself wanting to cheer on the hobbits’ comebacks, but the ruffian here always gets the upper hand in the next line…
DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS IN FRODO’S FACE!! Heckin’ RUDE! Only the Sackville-Bagginses have ever done that, and that’s BEFORE Frodo saved the world! D-:<
“Down on your knees in the road and ask pardon, or I will set this troll’s bane in you!” >8-D Friendly reminder that Pippin stabbed a troll in the gut to sAVE BEREGOND— *is slapped*
The fact that Pippin, Merry and Sam immediately jump to Frodo’s defense, but Frodo does not. That says so much about their friendship, and about Frodo, and how they all see themselves and their roles in this story…and it’s so sad that Frodo hangs back, not even willing to defend himself…
But also how bad*ss is that, letting your three armed friends charge to your defense while you just sit there impassively?? It’s like the “cool guys don’t look at explosions” trope.
Pippin has exactly the childish drive for revenge that you’d think he would, but Frodo sees the reality of the situation and knows Lotho has been played as a puppet and is now a prisoner to his own schemes. Good stuff.
Frodo: “Violence isn’t the answer.” Merry: “You’re right. It’s the question, and the answer is yes.”
(The way the music swelled here in Dragash’s audiobook was so good ahahaha)
“Come on! I am going to blow the horn of Rohan, and give them all some music they have never heard before.”
(And this was the part of the audiobook where I grinned like an idiot and clapped my hands and bounced a little in my seat and probably confused the guy in the seat next to me LOLOL)
Sam HIMSELF wants to turn back for the horn call!! And so does Bill! Aaaaahhh!!
This was so well foreshadowed by the Ringwraiths in Buckland at the beginning of the book I cannot bELIEVE—!!
(Writer Brain is just buzzing with this right now, sorry, LOL)
“And your face is no worse than it was, Sam.” Is Farmer Cotton calling Sam ugly?? 🤣🤣 He’s roasting his future son-in-law LOLOL I love him already
Even Farmer Cotton ships Sam and Rosie ROFL
Rosie just asked why you left Mister Frodo! What do you do??
>Tell her you love her
>Run away
Sam ran away! (What a mood)
I love that they built the fire just for fun and because it’s against the rules, LOL! A fire is exactly the thing that would cheer me up too!!
I assume Robin was one of the sheriffs that took off his feather and joined in the revolt :-D
Merry like, “See, Frodo?? Violence!!”
“Good for the Tooks!” HECK YEAH
“I’ll bring you an army of Tooks in the morning!” HECK YEAH!!
It’s so sweet of Frodo to be like “I still don’t want anyone to die” but also still turning the logistics over to Merry’ cause he’s The Plan Guy
What have I said all along?? Merry is the Smart One :-D
Okay Sam’s father-in-law is heckin’ BAD*SS I LOVE HIM
This is literally “put down your weapons, I’ve got a sniper with a bead on you”
“He aimed a savage blow at Merry who stood in his way. He fell dead with four arrows in him.” YOOOOOOOOO!!
I like to think Merry didn’t even flinch. Just like…watched him keel over dead. HECK.
I love how bad*ss all the hobbits get to be in this chapter ahahaha
Aaaaand all the others give up. Nice >:-D
Aww, Farmer Cotton and the Gaffer are friends! And Cotton would have housed the Gaffer himself if he could have!! I love how sweet they all are to each other ^-^
HA! Okay, Lobelia, that’s pretty cool, I admit. Maybe you’re all right after all. ;-P
The Gaffer just telling Frodo off for leaving 🤣🤣 And Frodo politely apologizing!! Because even though the Gaffer’s problems are small in comparison to everything else happening in the world, they’re still important! I’m love
This is so stinkin’ cute. Lookit my silver-tongued Baggins using his Words of Affirmation again! It’s the least he can do to repay Sam for all he’s done, but I think it’s the thing that means the most to Sam.
Frodo: “Indeed, if you will believe it, he’s now one of the most famous people in all the lands, and they are making songs about his deeds from here to the Sea and beyond the Great River!” Sam: 😳😅☺️ Rosie: 😲😍🥰 The Gaffer: “Sounds fake but okay”
I frickin’ love the “lure them into a trap and surround them with hobbits” tactic. You never think hobbits can be scary until there are A LOT OF THEM VERY SUDDENLY
I also think this is a fun use of the hobbits’ canonical superpower of staying hidden in plain sight.
Seventy ruffians dead, and only nineteen hobbits on the other. As casualties go, that’s not bad! Sad that any hobbits died at all, of course, but it’s a relatively clean victory.
Also the book gets Very Historical for a moment and I think that’s Very Funny
Heck yeah Cottons!
And Frodo does his part by protecting the ruffians who surrendered! The pacifist has a role to play. :-D
Noooo, look what they’ve done to Bag End!! D-8
(Ted Sandyman accidentally foreshadowing Sam going over the Sea??)
Frodo is very right. If more hobbits are like Ted, the Shire is in real trouble. Worse is the enemy within than the enemy from without. :-/
“Save your breath! I’ve a better.” HAHAHA YES MERRY LET’S GO
Oh but look what they’ve done to Bag Endddd 😭😭😭
“Yes, this is Mordor.” Thanks, I hate it :-C
“If I had known all the mischief he had caused, I should have stuffed my pouch down Saruman’s throat.” Dude Merry sounded so angry in Phil Dragash’s audiobook here. (Also can’t believe that Merry’s bag has become the running joke that it is LOLOL)
>8-O >8-O >8-O SARUMAN!!
Saruman: “Ah, yes, they called me Sharkey in Isengard! A sign of affection, possibly.” Tolkien, in a footnote: “It was not, in fact, a sign of affection.”
I….do not like….how Saruman casts such aspersions on Gandalf. Nor how his accusations almost seem to have some merit at the moment. “When his tools have done their task he drops them.” That is dangerously close to accurate, or at the moment it feels like it is. Gandalf did leave them, even knowing that things were going wrong in the Shire…
But at the same time, it’s not Gandalf’s job to fix everything himself! The hobbits got to participate in the saving of their world, and they got the honor and the renown and the incredible experiences and the personal growth that comes along with it. Same thing here; they get the opportunity to be the heroes and save their own home. It isn’t easy, but it is good, and it has its own rewards.
“Well, if that’s what you find pleasure in, I pity you.” Frodo couldn’t be more right. Anyone who takes pleasure and comfort in the pain and misery of others is a pitiable person.
Frodo still refuses to kill. His home was defiled…his last comfort stolen…and his honor insulted to his face…and he still refuses to kill Saruman. Holy cow that takes some major strength of character. What an absolute chad.
(And Sam leads the charge to avenge Frodo because Of Course He Does)
Talk about heaping coals on your enemy’s head, bruh. Even Saruman has to respect it.
And Frodo extending the olive branch to Wormtongue. Truly the G.O.A.T.
Holy COW this got dark 0_o
(Also Dragash made Wormtongue sound absolutely miserable on that “you told me to; you made me do it”)
Aaaand Saruman is dead
And Wormtongue is dead
Something something Saruman’s spirit looking to the West, from which he came, and where he can never return again, and then being blown away to nothingness…
It really is the saddest thing that the end of the war happens at the door of Bag End. Nowhere is safe. The movies have the hobbits return to an unchanged Shire, realizing that they’re the ones who’ve been changed by their experiences, and they’ll never be able to see home the same way again (which is, I think, analogous to the experience of American Vietnam vets)…..but here in the book, the war comes home, marring the very land that our heroes set out to protect, which is what Tolkien experienced at the end of the Great War. They’re different kinds of tragedy, and they both hurt, but I think this one is just an edge more bitter.
…..Anyway, I loved this chapter! It ends with on a downer note, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. X-P
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sweetmariihs2 · 1 year
My list of reasons to love Eddie Munson
"Why do you like him?" is the most asked question related to my brainrot since may 27 of 2022. And now i'm here to answer that question, and maybe bring you into our fandom too.
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1 - his unconventional beauty
Some people I know were confused as to why I love him, they asked why I feel attracted to him because he was "an ugly man", which I completely disagree with.
He has features that are attractive but are not part of society's beauty standards. Some of them would be his facial marks, his eyebags, messy hair, crooked teeth (yes! you may have never noticed, but he does have crooked teeth, look in that bts picture of him smiling before having his wig fully done), in some moments a double chin, a bigger belly. But it turned out that they look absolutely beautiful on him, and he teached me how to love them just by looking and admiring his features. People say "eww he's ugly", but these features are so cute and even attractive when you look closely, I started loving and admiring each one of them. It turned out that I fell for his personality now I love him completely. These demisexuals nowadays.
2 - his confidence
He doesn't care about what people think of him. I know that in some scenes he's very tough and hard to deal with, that's one of his almost-flaws (he's only like this to people who treat him or his friends badly), but overall he has a confidence to envy. I believe, personally, that he only acts like this because he's scared of showing that he's insecure inside, because of all the bullying he had to deal with. You can see the sad tone in his voice when he says "hunt the freak, right?". But he's not ashamed of himself, he likes to do whatever he wants and to be the way he is, talk about the things he likes, act in his own way. He's very original, and I kinda like that on him. Doesn't care about other people's opinions (but they get to him sometimes, which is kinda sad. That's also another reason of why I love him, I wanna take care of this boy. His kind heart deserves to be loved).
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3 - his kind heart
He is so gentle and kind to people he knows that are not bad. Usually he is afraid of getting close to someone, cause everybody judges and hates him, and that's why he has a tough shell, but if you treat him like a normal person he will absolutely consider you as a friend. He may think twice at first, but once you show him your real kind nature, he becomes the guy he really is. He cares so much about making people happy when they're sad, he cares about making outcast people less lonely, he cares about your safety and if you're comfortable with the situation. You can see it in the "Chrissy in the woods" scene.
4 - his funny dork behavior
He is unpredictable. When you least expect he's throwing himself of his chair. All he wanna do is make people laugh, especially when they are having a bad day. He's naturally funny, he makes faces, funny comments, and knows exacly what to do to make a person's day a little better, or to deal with someone who's mocking at him or one of his friends (He actually doesn't. He doesn't know what he's doing, he's very confused actually).
5 - his respect for woman
6 - his badass clothing and style (he's so cool omg)
He knows about the difference between him and a girl, the physical difference, the (unfortunate) social difference. Even maybe not knowing a lot about womanhood in general, he knows that they should be treated with respect, mostly because people forgot about that and probably because his uncle teached him to do it since he was a little kid. He helps them climb difficult places, open doors for them, even hold them during an earthquake so that they won't get hurt, makes sure that they are comfortable and avoid touching their bodies without permission. In that earthquake scene with Robin he hold her so that she wouldn't get hurt, but his hand that was almost touching her chest backed off purposely, closing his fist so that his palm wouldn't accidentaly touch her without permission, and that's such a small detail. And in that scene with Chrissy, when she was being attacked by Vecna, Eddie was afraid of shaking her or hurting her while needing to use a little bit more strenght to wake her up. Unfortunately you know how it ended, but his behavior with her being obviously a female and smaller than him was such a cute action. So admirable.
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That hair. That mf fluffy long beaufiful curly hair. I wanna run my fingers through it. I wanna kiss it, wash it, brush it, and make it looks the way it usually does again, but with perfume. I wanna kiss his whole face. That's it that's the post thank you so much for reading
His ringsssss oml his rings. The vest. His tatoos. The guitar pick necklace ⁉️‼️⁉️⁉️ that fckin guitar ‼️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️ he is so cool holy shit this guy played the solo of master of puppets in front of like 300 monster bats in the upside down. His bratty attitude. He has this mean behavior of John Bender but the kind heart of Patrick Verona. He's the combination of these two man. That's why I love him so much.
7 - he needs love
He's a badass dungeon master, and knows when to be tough and hard to deal with, but also knows when to be receptive and kind to people. And the best part is that he would love someone for what they are, for being a truly kind-hearted and non-judgemental person, his demands would be only these.
He deserves to be loved. Not a lot of people like him, even less love him. He needs a girlfriend to kiss him everyday and hug him until he sleeps and tell how much she loves him and admire his hobbies and be at his side everyday and bring so much love into his life
i can do that. yes eddie i would love to be your girlfriend. If you need someone please call me, would make you so happy that you would die out of happiness
i'm starting to think about how bad i want a boyfriend to do all these things to him. i'm so lonely omf
everytime i see eddie's face my mind goes like "he's so pretty kiss kiss kiss kiss it i wanna kiss it omg his hair his hair is so pretty i wanna touch his hair omg his face is so cute i love you so much
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theroamingtrashcan · 8 months
Which Percy Jackson adaptation is best? (tw opinions)
I am going to rate them all based on several things, casting, dialogue, entertainment value, how accurate it is to the source material (story, characterization of the characters, etc) and finally, does it capture the spirit and nostalgia of the og series.
The Movies
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Casting - By far the worst of the three. These are supposed to the 12 year olds? Why are they like 20?
Dialogue - Not the worst here. You can tell they were written by someone who understands how story’s play out on a screen vs a script.
Entertainment Value - Also not the worst here. These two movies are actually pretty fun and funny, if you can look past the inaccuracies.
How accurate is it to the source material? - This is what kills it. These two movies couldn’t be further if they tried. It actually upsets me how they butchered the story. WHY THE HELL DID THEY FIGHT CRONOS IN THE SEA OF MONSTERS?!? WHY EVEN CALL IT THAT IF YOU WERE JUST GONNA RUIN THE ENTIRE PLOTLINE OF THE FRANCHISE?!? As for the characters, where did Grover’s insecurities go? Where is Annabeth’s… literal entire personality? Ig they did Percy alright, could’ve been more angry (when it counts) and sarcastic.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - In the most minute way possible, kinda. It has some funny moments, some attempts at heart felt ones, kinda.
Final rating - A solid 4/10, actually entertaining, butchered the plot and most of the characters, kinda feels Percy Jackson ish.
The Musical
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Casting - This one is tricky. This, unlike the others, is a stage musical, so you cannot be too picky on the casting, nor can you easily cast children. However, this musical was written with the intention of being an age appropriate musical for youth theater programs, because of that I will say the casting is well done.
Dialogue - Again tricky but I’ll just interpret dialogue as the songs and well dialogue that happens in between. This has the best dialogue in the list, it’s goofy, funny, but also hits those emotional beats very well.
Entertainment Value - This one really depends on the person, because a lot of people don’t like musicals. For me personally, it’s fantastic. The music bops and the story is interesting.
How accurate is it to the source material? - Best on the list. Considering the options they have, as a stage musical, and what they were able to achieve, easily the best here. It has the monster battles, the pen, an actual sizable Bianca and Nico mention, best on the list. The characters are so well done, each of the og three having their own struggles and challenges that they overcome in the span of the play. Best on the list.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - 100% It’s funny. It’s heartfelt. It connects to the issues faced by neurodivergent kids, as well as kids who grew up missing a parent.
Final Rating - 8/10, entertaining, follows the books, only reason I give it an 8 is because a lot of people don’t like musicals.
The Show
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Casting - Best on the list. Actual preteens? They all act very well? Crazy. But yeah easily the best here, I mean that right there is Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, no argument. I will say however, this is unfortunately the only thing the show wins at here.
Dialogue - Listen, Rick, you’re a book writer. Not a script writer. And it painfully shows. It’s bland, there are a lot of useless lines (as in characters are often saying things rather than ever showing them). Not to even mention how horrendously rushed the entire thing is. I thought it would slow down as it went on, so the big story moments could have the time they deserved, but no. If I am being completely honest it makes the entire show feel cheap.
Entertainment Value - Worst on the list. It is actually boring. The fights they took out, the fact that you never see riptide transform, the whole thing just feels so so cheap.
How accurate is it to the source material? - It’s… weird? It is but with some changes I just don’t understand, it’s a lot like the dialogue, kinda small yet useless changes that I believe make the show suffer a bit. The characters are, kinda accurate? Why does Percy know so much? Grover is… off. Much like the movies, but in a different way. He doesn’t have most of his insecurities and honestly he doesn’t have much of a personality. Same with Annabeth. The both of them were never really given time to have one.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - Not really. The funny moments don’t land and the serious ones are too rushed. It never really felt like Percy Jackson.
Final Rating - 5/10, the only reason it’s 5 is because I feel like the internet would crucify me if I rated it the same as the movies.
Final Conclusion
Listen to the musical if you haven’t already! The movies aren’t good but are entertaining. The show is a disappointment. Before you come at me saying how Rick was there blah blah blah, I don’t care. Rick being there doesn’t make it good.
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heloflor · 10 months
Probably my hottest Mario take: I might actually like the 1986 Anime Movie more than the 2023 Movie. Yes the 2023 one is a better movie overall while the 86 Anime didn’t age well and is filled with plot conveniences and random things happening just because, along with the bad animation, questionable voice acting, weird soundtrack and sound design, but idk I still really like it.
It’s just that there’s something very charming about that movie. It came out a single year after the first Super Mario Bros, back when there was little to no lore about the Mushroom Kingdom, and it really shows in the way enemies are used and random characters exist but also you can tell they made an effort with the little they had. It’s like watching the very beginning of the franchise, way before it became the phenomenon it is today, and there’s something about it I really like.
I’m also fascinated by the way Peach and Bowser were written in it. This was the first time these two were given a personality past “evil bad guy” and “damsel in distress”. And not only are they both great in the little screentime they have, but these new personality traits, given one single year after the creation of those characters, remain to this day their personality, albeit with a few small tweaks (Bowser being a dad becoming a huge part of his character, Peach losing her temper in most versions). Kinda funny how these two are the biggest highlight of the movie despite only being in it for like 5 minutes, but still, love what was done with them.
And when it comes to comparing it to the 2023 Movie, I actually find it hilarious how many similarities the two have, including having the exact same skeleton for their story. It’s been 37 years yet Nintendo is still writing the same thing, I love it (more on the comparison here).
Oh yeah and because I just know there are some people who will go “the hell you like about this movie?!”, here’s an actual list!
- Literally everything about the intro is great once you get past the weirdness of the Mushroom people coming out the TV. We get Mario playing the Famicom, Peach managing to defend herself for a while before getting overwhelmed, Mario being hilariously chill about all of this, Mario more than willing to fight Bowser until he sees just how enormous Bowser is and gets intimidated, the back and forth between Peach and Mario hiding behind each other, that moment where Bowser gets rid of Mario with one finger and then smiles about it followed by a beat and then Peach starts throwing furniture at him, the Game Over screen, Luigi reacting like you’d expect. Just. Everything about this scene is great!
- The wooden title cards look amazing. It’s a small thing, but I love the “fairytale” vibe it gives the movie. And now that I think about it, that might also be why I’m being so nice with this movie, since fairytales do tend to be small stories with little going on and not always making sense, making it easier to forgive its flaws.
- The shop scene is also very solid in showing us who Mario and Luigi are as people and how they play off of each-other. On that note, I like their dynamic. It’s a bit of the usual bickering siblings who would still do anything for each other, but it works.
- The meeting with the wizard guy is also solid with the way Mario and Luigi react to things. It’s a bit of an exposition dump, but you can tell they try to make it entertaining. Plus, it works for how simplistic the story is (yes I’m giving this movie a lot of slack).
- The travel montages...yeah I’m gonna be honest with this one, it sucks. I do like how they use them to show the different power-ups they get, but it’s still very boring and I skip them when watching the movie. Except for the last one on the airship, that one is pleasant.
- Luigi tripping on mushrooms. Do I even need to say more? But yeah that whole sequence with the paratroopa is nice (once you get past the fact that a turtle made a bunch of birds). And I like how clever Mario gets to save himself and Luigi from the babies.
- I’m not one to care about people drawing smut of cartoon characters, but the internet is sleeping on those Toads. That’d actually be hilarious if the main takeaway the fandom had of this movie were to be the Toad girls. And on an unrelated note, their designs is more original than the Toads we get now!
- The whole sequence with the Piranha plants and the Lakitu honestly bores me and drags on a bit. The Piranhas might also be the worst animated part of this whole thing. I do like how much of a selfish bitch the Lakitu is though. Idk, that’s a fun character in their shittiness.
- The scene in the cavern is fine. I like how the Hammer Bros is used as that intimidating guard, and we get to see Luigi be the one to solve the issue this time around! On that note, I love that Luigi’s love for money isn’t only for jokes but is at times used as a plot point (him later on flooding the castle and finding Mario’s star). Mario’s daydream is also pretty cute.
- I probably watched that scene between Peach and Bowser a dozen times since I re-discovered this movie this year. I adore the way they are characterized, especially in the context of this being the first time they’ve been written this way. Bonus points for Bowser who has no rights being as adorable as he is in this. Ultimately this scene doesn’t really advance the story, but I still love that we got some insight on who these two are at such an early stage of the franchise’s existence.
- The underwater scene is also a slug to go through, though it’s interesting to see how they used the Cheep Cheep. Also Mario dressing up as a ballerina while the dog references that one queer music star is a yes.
- I find the third act of this movie to be honestly solid. Sure there are some contrivances with the fire platforms room and the water somehow destroying the castle, but I still like it. Granted it might be due to how much screentime Bowser gets here. Speaking of which, it’s actually surprising that Bowser turns down Peach when she promises to marry him if he lets Mario alone, with Bowser refusing because he knows Mario might be trouble since he already ate two of the power-ups. This is probably top five smartest things Bowser has done in the entire franchise. This isn’t an insult to Games Bowser btw, I fucking love this dumbass, and he is kind of a dumbass when interacting with Peach in this movie as well!
- While the ending is hated for a reason and I do find it dumb as well, it’s still incredibly sweet how Mario accepts it and wishes happiness on Peach.
So overall, is the 86 Anime good? Ehh, not really. But if you’re able to get past all the weird shit going on, it’s very charming as a piece of Mario history, and it’s especially funny to see all the small things that end up becoming a core part of the franchise. And because of that, I can’t help but like it more than the 2023 Movie, even if the 2023 one is an overall better movie (I’d give the 86 Anime a 4,5/10 and the 2023 one a 6/10 in terms of movie quality; but in terms of enjoyment the 86 Anime is above the 2023 Movie for me)
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styrmwb · 10 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXI - Add-ons and Bonus)
FFXI week finally comes to a close, and this is the part where I pick songs that just didn't really quite fit in any single expansion, or cases like the extra add-on content which were really their own thing and even are listed separately on the title screen. Absolutely could not have done this game justice doing just one list, and this was a great time for me to relive some nice memories from me playing this game I definitely did not want to reup the sub nope.
There's also technically probably another section I could make on this, but I actually haven't played the new Voracious Resurgence content, so I don't wanna do that part dirty and just pick shit without literally any context. Anyways, let's finish this up so that I can actually increase the number after FF.
5. Dolphin Any XI fan will tell you: the hardest part of the game isn't losing levels. It isn't the gameplay, it isn't the bosses that take hours and hours and actual cheating to beat, it's fucking installing the game. This is because FFXI has its own special launcher that Square Enix was gonna use but then proceeded to only do with XI called PlayOnline. It is absolutely a product of its time. But you know what it does? It gives you BANGER TUNES TO LISTEN TO. FOR NO REASON! You're sitting there installing the game? Here's a bop. You're just trying to log in and you're frustrated that your password doesn't allow capitals? Here you go. This song will make you feel better. Dolphin is the song that always plays whenever I open my PlayOnline launcher to play FFXI. And you might say: "Styrm, this isn't a game song, why is this in the list?" and to that I say: It's in the official soundtrack. And PlayOnline is such an integral part of the FFXI experience that I would argue that it IS part of the game. That's why it's here. Love this shit. Please do yourself a favor and listen to all of the PlayOnline songs, cause I'm not gonna fill this list up with 'em.
4. Iroha First funny thing; I cannot find an official upload of this song, so I'm using the version they put in the FFXIV soundtrack cause it's also there identically. This is the theme of Iroha, the main heroine of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the essential finale/wrap-up storyline of the entire game. The reason I like this song, is I think less for the song and more what it reminds me of. I do love the soft piano and the empty backing, the very tense and sad sounding BIM bum that keeps playing; but most of all, this makes me think of that character, and how much the storyline really just was a letter to fans from the devs saying thank you. It's somber, yet beautiful. There might be songs that fit this feeling better, like the ending theme, but this is the song that does it for me.
3. Distant Worlds Something that stinks, is that I can't find a good honest upload of this song. Everything official is either the Distant Worlds orchestra version, or the Black Mages version, which, to be fair! are both good. So let's hope this unofficial version doesn't get taken down lmao. Another technicality with this, is that this is technically the ending theme of Chains of Promathia; but, it was introduced later, and it really feels separate? It's kinda its own entity, also only being in bonus soundtracks. It's really beautiful though. Taking that main Memoro de la Ŝtono motif, but turning it into an ending theme that almost befits the entire game. Not only do I love the main melody, I am a big fan of the warbly sort of sound that plays a lot, cause that really gives this song that XI feel rather than just being a nice vocal track. You ever wanna assassinate me just start playing this and I'll be paralyzed
2. Provenance Watcher Another very strange case of "I didn't know where to put this song". This is the final boss theme of the Voidwatch story, which was more like in modern senses a patch story to Wings of the Goddess? But it again very much feels like its own entity. Add on the fact that the song itself is in the Seekers of Adoulin soundtrack and I was just like "Ok you're going with the rest of the weird off cases". Either way, love this song. The beginning strings rhythm is such a cool sound, and then add on the really low horn for that sense of foreboding, befitting the Giant Fucking Dragon Creature you are fighting. The build up for this song is amazing, and uses all of the classic FFXI instruments you know and love by this point. My absolute favorite part of the song is midway through after a lot of the instruments have kinda stepped away for a slight flute bit, and then it blows up with this amazing sounding bit with the entire orchestra. I can't quite do it justice with my words, but hopefully you'll know when you hear it. Also can I just say shoutouts to the Naoshi Mizuta tambourine????? It has no right to go as hard as it does in this entire soundtrack.
1. Shinryu And here we are. The final XI song in my lists. This is the final boss theme of the Abyssea storyline, which is split up into 3 separate parts. Shinryu in this game is essentially the bad timeline version of Promathia (Abyssea as a whole is a sort of bad timeline in a way). The song starts with this incredibly menacing brass orchestra, one part giving you this heavy almost percussion like vibe, and the other part giving you the main sort of melody in the start, absolutely perfect for this literal end of the world dragon. Then it gets fun. The actual percussion comes in with a really fun beat, the orchestra starts the meat of the song, feeling like a really fun and triumphant final battle. And my favorite part? The out of nowhere hopeful sounding bells and strings that sound almost heavenly, they sound heroic, like you're going to save this doomed world. The song goes back into more menacing, like Shinryu is beating back, giving me more of that Dragon Quest IX sound I love. After a really cool loud hit rhythm, the drums do this amazing offbeat section that gives the song a really fun vibe, then going with a sort of royal sounding section featuring a flute/horn duet, and finally, into the grand finale where everything comes together to play off the song, having the heroic vibe from earlier; you are winning. You are going to save the day.
Honorable mentions this time are: Filter branch (this is also PlayOnline music lmao), Wail of the Void, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, Luck of the Mog, Feast of the Ladies, and even though I've pretty much already mentioned it in this series, gotta give it up for my boy Main Theme - FINAL FANTASY XI Version.
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lenievi · 1 year
001 for both mckirk and spones please!
This is gonna be long :D I'm gonna have to use read more
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: mckirk
when I started shipping it if I did: so when the lockdown in 2020 started, I had nothing to do and just watched stuff. I have this favourite dubber and I was looking at the list of stuff he dubbed, and saw Star Trek AOS on that list. This guy is the voice of 2000s Alan Rickman, Tom Hanks, Tony Stark, he also apparently dubbed Garak in that one Star Trek series, and so seeing the reboot films on the list and his name next to McCoy, I was like, gotta check how he sounds. The fact that Kirk was also dubbed by a guy I generally like was a plus. (funnily enough Captain America/Iron Man and Kirk/McCoy are dubbed by the same guys here, which is funny to me). So I checked youtube and the scene I saw was the scene in Beyond where Kirk and McCoy are alone and are having a drink. And that scene did something to my brain, and I was like this is the dynamic I want, I wanna read fics, so before that I had to watch the films. So I watched AOS, basically through McCoy (Kirk/McCoy) lenses and started to read fics. Three weeks later, I decided to watch TOS because a lot of the fics referenced Kirk's backstory, so I wanted to know about it. The three weeks reading fics and looking through livejournal, kind of made me think that McCoy wasn't really an important character in TOS and that AOS made up the mckirk relationship (such a lie), so when I started watching TOS, I only planned to watch episodes heavy on McCoy. Which like... were most of them at the beginning lol I kinda decided not to trust the fandom after like three episodes or something. I binged the three seasons of TOS in like three weeks. I've had a hard time seeing tos!Kirk with men for a long time (I've had a complicated "relationship" with tos!Kirk for so long), so my interest in tos!mckirk was primarily as a platonic relationship [but it was always my fave relationship, I liked it even more than spones, actually] (but romantic in aos), but I started to insert Kirk into my spones fics, wrote a part from his POV, and then one day I just woke up and decided to write a tos!mckirk fic (it was actually because I started to read aos fics again, getting back into aos!mckirk, but... the tos version has been calling me) and just embraced the romantic (and sexual lol) aspect of their relationship.
my thoughts: I love their friendship so much. It's very important to me. I like that McCoy knows what to say to pull Kirk back on the right path, I like that Kirk can be vulnerable around McCoy. In AOS I like that McCoy is the only one Kirk shares stuff with about his mother and his insecurities (in Beyond it looked like he never even allowed the other crew to acknowledge his birthday... until McCoy finally decided to give him a party, after 5 years on the Enterprise...)
What makes me happy about them: we see both of them the most at ease around each other. They can forget who they are around each other, for a moment, at least. McCoy gives Kirk some of his most brightest smiles; McCoy can make Kirk genuinely laugh. Kirk needs him. badly.
What makes me sad about them: I eat angst for breakfast, so uhm...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the lack of their friendship even in gen fics T_T (we all know what annoys me in aos fic, we don't need a rehash)
things I look for in fanfic: having more fics would be fun lol You know, just a genuine intimacy they show in the the show. Jim's sense of duty being the cause of angst.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  McCoy with Spock (I do like the idea of mckirk to spones after the movie era, more or less). tos movie era Kirk? Actually, no one.
My happily ever after for them: buying a cabin in the mountains and getting two dogs (one big and one small) post TUC (then we can stop time lol or not...)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: idk haven't thought about their sleeping position. It would probably change based on what kind of story I'd wanna tell
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: .... you know, they're happy when they find the time to have sex...
spones under the cut
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: spones
when I started shipping it if I did: so above I said that I started to watch TOS because of mckirk, right? Mainly because of The Conscience of the King and Tarsus IV, right? Well... I finished that episode shipping spones LMAO It really was quite quick for me.
my thoughts: the most engaging dynamic in TOS imho
What makes me happy about them: The loyalty, the trust. They were in each other's lives for 100 years. 100 years. That they're more similar than different. That they actually understand each other, but would never admit it. "I don't think I could stand to lose you again." < what is that? so real to have McCoy say that
What makes me sad about them: that they would leave the other one behind and die if it meant to save Kirk (this isn't meant negatively, I'm not really explicit about it or talk about it, but my spones know that Kirk's life is a priority, sometimes even just to show that no, we're not emotionally compromised, we know what our duty is kinda way. I just think it'd be great to explore that in a fic)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: uhm (I'm speaking in general, it is just my opinion based on my taste; I believe that everyone should write what makes them happy, we can't ever please every single person) McCoy using hobgoblin, elf, jackrabbit (the last two are terms that Kirk used to make Spock angry) as a form of affection/endearment, or at all tbh. McCoy being insecure because of Kirk. (give me Spock being insecure because of McCoy-Kirk friendship) Some people feeling guilty about writing spones and therefore still making kirk-spock have the specialest bond *rolls eyes* I just don't get the need to quantify relationships, I guess. Any kind of pet names.
things I look for in fanfic: balanced relationship, mature arguments that don't rely on pettiness, trying to combine the different world views, not needing to express love in a traditional way, but a way that works for the two of them and their two differing cultures.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: McCoy with Kirk, obviously. Spock with Chapel or T'Pring (even during the movie era, yes).
My happily ever after for them: 100 years. What more do you want? LOL My personal hc is that when McCoy dies, and Spock goes to Romulus, McCoy's spirit is always there because a part of his soul stayed inside Spock's katra. So Spock is just haunted by McCoy's spirit until he dies on New Vulcan, and then they're put into the katra stone. Together forever.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I imagine them more as Spock sleeping on his back and McCoy's head on his arm/chest.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: banter (they especially enjoy if it makes Kirk exasperated)
[ask meme]
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Macaroni and Tomatoes!
1 lb (16 oz) box of macaroni
1 32 oz can of tomatoes
Butter or Bacon Grease, to taste (Use the butter, man)
Salt, to taste
Seasoning of choice (e.g., Lawry's seasoning salt, beef bouillon cubes, onion powder, garlic powder, or any preferred seasoning)
In a large pot, combine tomatoes, water (use the tomato can to measure), and butter/grease.
Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Season generously with salt and your choice of seasoning. Feel free to get creative with your seasoning choices!
Add macaroni to the pot and cook according to package instructions or to preferred doneness. (I like mine still pretty firm, personally)
Serve hot.
Servings: Approximately 6-8.
Absolutely, let's dial it back a bit:
About the Recipe:
Growing up in Appalachia, tomatoes were a big deal in our house. And one dish that always hit the spot for me was what my Grandfather called Macaroni and Tomatoes. it gave mac and cheese a run for its money in my book (gasp!).
Funny thing is, after my grandpa passed, it kinda fell off the menu 'cause nobody else was into it like I was. Imagine my surprise when I found out that most folks away from here never even heard of it!
This recipe? It came from the Great Depression for a reason. It's cheap as shit, and one pot will feed you for a while. No fancy shit, in fact, you probably have most of this in your cabinet. You can spice it up however you like - I've listed my go-to's above, but feel free to do your thing.
Now of course, if I can offer some advice? The type of tomato you use for this matters. Growing up we had three Gardens, one nearly entirely full of tomatoes- so we used those- canned during the summer, but good for use year-round. Real fresh tomatoes are going to have a lot more flavor, depending on where you get them. A part of me believes there must be some kind of magic in the dirt of these mountains because the tomatoes here are better than anywhere. Sweet, but acidic, and flavorful. You don't want to use hot house tomatoes on this. You will regret it.
Also if you google this recipe they will tell you to cook the pasta separately. That is how you get mushy pasta do not listen to those absolute clowns.
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craetor · 2 years
Death Note: Another Note (revisited)ー An in-depth analysis
Everything I don't go over concerning Misora or L is already documented here.
Definitely interesting how Ryuzaki isn't listed as an additional character. Strange and dangerous choice but okay
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And a VERY intense opening line. God I fucking love the concept of BB.
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This paragraph actually makes him seem more obscure than I assume most fans who portray him make him out to be. I like to think this isn't just intended for B's Ryuzaki persona but his entire life up to the point of the case's end, as the one untainted glance we get of 'B' apart from his motive. ("Bye-bye Angel" too. Was that intentional?)
Mello sounding like the bastardization of a christian mom when explaining "the difference between the Almighty and a shinigami"
Mihael "best dresser that died like a dog" Keehl. Hand to our hearts
I'm not even going to bother with setting up theories about how Mello even knew what Misora was doing before L first reached out to her or why L would've bothered to tell him, so, alas, it's just a book. It's a book and it needs basic story telling. But actually, making Mello the narrator sets up many plot holes which I'll probably refrain from pointing out. But you can just tell a story like it's a thing... You had your chance to expand on Mello, now it's the biker chick's turn. Just let it be a novel,
Beyond bby most people don't usually look at impersonal strategy murder and assume the least scandalous part of it/the victim's names as worthy title, sweety honeybee babygirl booboobear (ok i'm done..except probably not, prepare for more ahead)
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(jk i'm aware he tried to plaster "BB" all over the case, not just the names. It does make sense that the media don't care about things like that, though)
Side note that I can't understand why they created a whole new character and then outright stated 'we won't tell you jack shit about them' (except then go on to do just that. Thanks, Mello)
Wait! L calls her sama.... (also bothered to do her the honors of tending to her background. Create that comfortable work enviroment, king)
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B drugging all his victims before killing them could indicate several things: 1. He wanted to show off his smarts & resources, 2. It was one of several hints that the killings were purely strategic and no act of passion (like not cutting through the shirt, the locked room decision etc.), 3. That B is not a fighter. He didn't want to get into physical altercations with the victims, which could just as well mean that he simply didn't trust himself with such a task (we know that he, in fact, can fight somewhat, so that's either a shred-of-respect thing or strict perfectionism)
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ALTHOUGH... Beyond is more skilled with weapons than muscle, taking a heavy bat (that he only utilizes when Misora proves a fierce opponent, swings it once and then retreats) and blackjack to ambush Misora. It could've been a caution move to not be in danger of having his mask undone in close combat but he seems a good dodger and rather quick on foot, making more sense of why he used clean, non-taxing methods of murder like stabbing or asphyxiation with a rope.
I'm actually going to encourage discourse about the intensive cleaning of crime scenes in the comments. People headcanon that B has OCD but it's more likely that it's another attempt at appearing "abnormal". It's a pretty large and extensive effort to clean every surface of an entire home, which makes this cleaning-impulse-picture Beyond tries to paint a more forged-seeming one. He also did not clean the blood at Backyard Bottomslash's scene, instead moving around it. The contradictionー if or if not intentionalー is kinda funny, I'll give him that. We need more 'overly committed but tired' Beyond (just noticed what i did with this one in particular..)
Man, i adore him.
L, too. Funny man, busy schedule.
Mello is like "I'll save the stories of this dead individual for another time" and it's his testament
Beyond saying this line actually heightens the likelihood of his generally clumsy pretense skills severely. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason as to why he'd respond this way apart from maybe seeming non-threatening, except this line would go completely against its very purpose, creating a double-negative & making him seem more dubious.. Or. He just doesn't give a fuck
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L asking the question "was he cool?", by the way, is solely based off of the assumption that B trying to make himself look as freakish as possible would lead to him showing up as a caricature of him to steer the yoke L would send to where he needs them. It is not far-fetched, considering the 'LABB' choice, yet is still quite daring, which we should appreciate as a peak comedy moment in my opinion. I mean L could've just sent a guy to where Misora said they'd investigate next to arrest Beyond but he largely wanted the final room to prove B would lock himself in and also..maybe he thougt it was funny. Just a little bit. Swallowing his pride for the guy his position in the world traumatized to the point where he's planning suicide as part of a revenge act made L steer just a little bit in direction of "alright, let him do his thing". Anyway BB is hilarious and Misora is, unfortunately, obtuse due to avarage mental wellness. L is noticeably anxious but I know they flock at humor.
We have page 69 and the first pages of Opposition, which do the analyzing of other matters for me (everyone). And to be transparent: Good on you, canon, for pointing it out or whatever, but also... Fuck you-
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From this point on throughout the main chunk of the book it can only be said that B relies exclusively on the fact that Misora does not tell L closer details of the investigation. It's quite impressive how safe he feels to even outright lead the investigation, even showing up with a pretty much unattainable copy of the crossword puzzle, knowing all books and patternless numbers by heart and even mentioning Misora's capoeira (P.138) although never having seen her practice it as Ryuzaki and instead knowing about it from the back-alley incident. Yeah. Also showing up pretentious & arrogant af and more power to him in all honesty
Alright, let's get to the promised practical stuff. Time to rant a bit about how LABB is written, because it would've been vastly better off without Mello as an all-knowing narrator. It makes the plot so obvious it's not even clear if they're trying to hide Ryuzaki's identity or not, since there's a big paragraph dedicated to explaining the connections given at the very end like it had been a secret. It's messy. It's not satisfying. The reverse psychology doesn't hit. But let's get to the thumb turn lock lock picking...
There are a couple ways to pick a thumb turn lock, in opposition to its key-only counterpart, making it less safe in mathematical terms of chance. The technique used by B, though, involved no pins or metal sticks to shove into its innards.
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So... is this "simplified description to make it easier to understand" actually sensical?
Well, using even more words to disect this is unfortunate but here we are.
First off: I do not know how a nail with a full doll nailed to it can be "directly opposite the gap under the door". How large is the gap below that door for the thread to 'not touch it'? The explanation it comes with makes sense but the amounts of times Misora mentions that a "hole in the wall is waist-high" or 'across from the door handle' can be confusing. Thing is, the Wara Ningyo are nailed to different walls of the room. Granted, Mello doesn't say what kind of triangle the thread would form, but geometry jokes aside this whole set-up makes everything fall apart slightly for reasons to follow.
I believe what makes it so difficult to understand is that, by logic of this text, the doll at the east/west wall in relation to the door was ground-level in contrary to the one on the north wall, which was latch-level. This is weird though, as it would have pulled the latch forward instead of to its side. The correct position would need for the northern doll to be foot-level and the east/west one to be waist-level. But let us just overlook this crucial detail since there's exactly no picture of the kind of wonderful locks we're talking about. Again, the strange hight difference of the dolls is painfully telling of some greater trick but seemingly no suspicions were raised. But if this oh-so genius trick were to be discovered, B's whole 'they can't prove my suicide' aspect would crumble. There's a more than likely possibility that L could've made a case by just the fact that the case is plastered with "B"s. The 'L is After B.B.' (if someone were to argue it, in finicky fact, as double B) choice might have been able to be solved by extensive digging (which apparently paid off, since L was able to call Beyond by his full name when retelling this to Mello) or simply the philosophy that someone showing up mocking L (without even necessity to bring up his appearance but simply the name the all-knowing, highly suspicious, unlicensed detective with no track record went withー "L.L.") would've been most likely the salty runaway, B from Wammy's House, and therewith the killer and last victim.
But, at the ultimatum, if the locked room mystery were to be considered by the already relevant mantra of "the clue is not what's there, but what isn't", the now absent Wara Ningyo at the sideways wall would've been the simple and significant nail in the coffin.
So, in response to the question posed above: No. Not very sensical. But being so cocky to encourage trying it out is quite the move
And here we are. Thank you for reading. Feel free to ask any and all further questions below. I've gathered this largely to unwrap possibly scattered/unclear aspects of Another Note & am open to do more if needed. This book is sorta iconic with all its odd choices and flaws & I like talking about it
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cuddly-asexual · 1 year
Shadowpeach Mood Playlist
I love music and listen to a lot of it. I also love Lego Monkie Kid and have too many thoughts about it which led me to making some character mood playlists. I felt pretty good about them and thought it would be fun to share them with y’all :)
This is my “Shadowpeach” Playlist, but it’s really a mixture of Wukong songs, Macaque songs and shadowpeach songs. Thoughts below the cut. My method of choosing songs for mood playlists is kinda eclectic, but I hope you enjoy it! I’ll keep this updated too when I add new stuff.
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King Bitch - Well, Wukong is a king and I think he can also be kind of a bitch especially when he’s at peak hubris.
ごめんね… - Just the vibes on this one tbh. The track is titled “I’m sorry…” and I vividly picture the immediate aftermath of when Wukong took Macaque’s eye (and/or killed him depending on how y’all read that scene). Also the Kamen Rider Blade soundtrack goes so unbelievably hard I had to share it.
Lost in the Clouds - The Monkey King with his head lost in the clouds…
Close to the Heavens - …And his shadow watches from below.
Gonna preface these next few with how funny I think it is that most of my emo nu metal/alt rock shit fits Macaque really well.
A Place for My Head - Literally THIS:
“I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
And sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon's gonna owe it one”
But for real this is just macaque after they have their last (?) big fight while Wukong is trapped under the mountain, he’s done.
Get Out Alive - Coward Macaque anthem babey. This feels very s3 Macaque to me, but I can see Brotherhood Macaque fitting as well. (“He” as the teasing Peng and “She” as the teasing LBD, despite him not being able to run away in either of those situations)
Gave It All Away - Some of Macaque’s general feelings while Wukong is out there trying to become the strongest. I also think it fits the situation of the Brotherhood going to fight the jade emperor when Macaque just wanted things to return back to what they were (him and Wukong on Flower Fruit Mountain, just the two of them, forever).
Enemy - Macaque to Wukong when he returns from the dead. Bonus: mentions the shadows babey.
Cast No Shadow - Shadow boy Macaque time babey. Bonus moon mention.
uoY mA I - They are alike in almost every way so…
Don’t Forget - A more hopeful Macaque trying to cheer up a trapped Wukong.
黒点 - Hard to pin down my thoughts on this one, but I think the visuals from Houseki no Kuni when the luanrians start to appear from the black spots reminds me of Macaque and his shadows. He is looming.
シンシャ - Macaque reminds me of Cinnabar from Houseki no Kuni with all the moon imagery and the fact that both of them are loners, but have a deep connection to a very “bright” personality. It’s a beautiful track and I thought it fit him as well.
光よ - Real “Macaque swimming in the cold, cold afterlife” vibes.
Tek It -More Macaque being fucking done with Wukong’s shit. Bonus moon mention.
Man on the Moon - Sappy shadowpeach time babey
Chasing the Torrents - Song slaps and they need an epic battle theme so here it is.
Lonesome Mood - Wukong left this monkey in a Lonesome Mood™
The Day Before - We love a post break-up cry song.
Icarus - Kinda superficial but the line where Macaque says he got too close to the sun replays in my mind and I love this song so here it is
Last Regrets - I think we all know these two have many regrets, especially regarding each other.
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? - This feels more Wukong to me, feeling apologetic, but I can see Macaque having these thoughts too.
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One more list of backround character palisman choices
Some spoilers for season 3
Pairing palisman to witches has been one of my favorite things to do in The Owl House fandom. I have done about 3 lists so far.  A “first guess list” I did pre-Hunting Palisman (Amity and Mary the sheep horned abmination student were the only ones I got right). Then a list involving the palisman that did not go home with witches in “Hunting Palisman”. My third list was one I did for all the adult characters, based on their personalities and headcannons some of their actor’s had given. Well in honor of Stringbean hatching I want to make a fourth list for all the teenager’s/young adults whom we have not yet seen with palisman.
Amber’s palisman: A fruit bat. I have seen some people in the fandom nickname the youngest of the bard trio “baby bat” due to her ears, fangs, and wings. I love this, so I want to keep that little theme going with her palisman also being a bat. I piked a fruit bat just because I think their little fox-like faces are cute
Derwin’s palisman: A Newt, possibly a firebelly newt for its cool look and rebel sounding name. So I really want the the original 4 BATT’s to all have a different type of animal palisman. Raine’s voice actor already said Raine would have a penguin (a bird), Katya has a herculean beetle (an insect), and above I said Amber would get a fruit bat ( a mammal). Then that means that Derwin should get either a reptile or an amphibian. I am going to reference Amphibia here: I headcannon Derwin as being most intelligent of his trio (Katya being the caring one, and Amber being the brave one) because he wears glasses and his name is super similar/derived from that of a famous scientist.  And in Amphibia the newts were the scholarly race
Blight Twins. Okay so originally I wanted all three of the blight siblings to have cats, with Emira having a black cat and Edric having either a gray one or a tabby. Then that turned into Emira still having a cat but Edric instead having a small dog. But earlier today I saw the tweet that said the writers wanted to give the twins a butterfly and a moth. Which is funny because in my adult witch list I said that if the little brown rat was not Alador’s paliman, then he should have a lunar moth palisman. Now I am just imagining ghost with a gaggle of bugs, rodent’s, and Stringbean, who’s default form is a snake... All animals cats usually try and hunt/catch, but these ones are her family. lol.
Moving on, the person said that the reason we haven’t seen the twins with the two bugs is that they crew cold not decide which twin should get the moth and which twin should get the butterfly. Well choosing to believe them, I can decide: Emira gets the moth. Edric gets the butterfly. Now let’s talk breeds.
Emira Blight: A prometheus moth. It took approximately 5-10 seconds for me to pick this breed of moth for Emira. Prometheus moth’s are brown feathered moths with eye like images painted on to the back of their wings. Emira is such a watchful person. She does so much to try and take care of Ed and Amity. In season 2 she honestly seemed like the closest thing her siblings had to an involved parent. I think it would really cool if she got a prometheus moth that literally had eyes on the back of its wings, and it either followed just behind her or sat on her scalp, and was treated like Emira having eyes in the back of her head.
Edric Blight: A red spotted purple butterfly. They are actually blue with black edges and orange spots. They look kinda like blue Monarch butterflies. In contrast to his sister, just looking through butterfly breeds on google to find him one did nothing but overwhelm me. So to try and cut it down I decided I wanted to give him a blue butterfly, since he has blue magic. There are like 50+ types of blue butterflies, but I found the red spotted purple butterfly petty high on the list and picked it. It has three colors to its wings, just like Ed has three track colors on his school uniform. 2 of its colors even match 2 of Ed’ tracks. So a red spotted purple butterfly is Edric’s butterfly.
Matt Tholomule: a white Rat. So a rat was my original pick for him just because after 1x09 the fandom kept referring to him as “the construction rat”. Now that we have seen more of his skills and personality, the animal just continues to suit him more. Rat’s are, sneaky, good at building, really smart (seriously rats are actually incredibly smart rodents.) and fast little creatures. I say with all the love in the world that  Matt is a rat gremlin. Originally I was going to pick out a breed of rat that was black or dark grey to match Matt’s color scheme better... Then I realized that that would look similar to Micky Mouse. No. Adrian Graye, who was written as a vessel for the creators to express their disgust/frustration for Disney’s producers, is the only character who a Micky Mouse palisman works with. Give Matt a white rat that looks nothing like Micky.
Steve: Hedgehog palisman for Steve. He was on my last list, where I suggested a scorpion palisman. I have since been unsatisfied with that choice and want to change it to a hedgehog (I will give all the Tholomule’s rodent’s). I looked at its meanings and a hedgehog is literally perfect for Steve. A hedgehog is a tough little creature but also non aggressive, so is Steve. Totem wise they are seen as vessels for positivity, and Steve likes to cheer for people. But also a creature who likes peaceful outings. Europeans view them as representations of victory over evil forces, which can be represented with Steve choosing to walk away from the Emperor’s coven when he no longer believed in The Emperor’s rule.
Vee Noceda: A mocking bird. Oh y’all thought I wouldn’t include Luz’s siblings on this list? No chance. I have seen more fan art on Tumblr of Vee with Stringbean than Luz. So many people have been commenting about how the egg hatched into a mythical creature that is so similar to a basilisk, and how flattered Vee will feel when she meets her sister’s new pet. Guys Stringbean is Luz’s. Vee needs her own palisman. I did want to give her something that could learn to mimic other creatures similar to how Vee does. I also thought about birds, because Vee mentions playing with Masha and a flock of birds at camp in one of her letters to Camila. Put both of those concepts together and you get Vee with a little mocking bird palisman.
King Clawthorne: A bunny. He can have one too, once he gets old enough to take care of it. I am sticking with my first idea that once King becomes old enough to outgrow Francois he gets himself a bunny palisman to be his little buddy instead.
The Collector: A multicolored parrot. Yeah if King was going to be on this list then his new baby brother had to be next. Anyone who has watched 3x02 can see how at his core the collector is just a lonely little kid who is afraid of being alone. If you know about Parrots you know that they are long living birds who develop close bonds with their owners to the point where they want to be by their side always. A parrot could spend all day every day playing with the Collector and they would both love it.
Hunter: Well of course the first thing I want to know is if, since he has flapjack’s spirit, can he carve a new palisman body for Flap and put him into it. In “Hunting Palisman’s” Hunter said he wished he could chose his life for himself, and that bonded him to Flapjack. Well in “Thanks to Them” almost everything he said he would like to do with his life involved palisman. He still needs one and there is no room left in the show for him to mourn Flapjack and get to a point where it is believable that he would be ready to get/make a new palisman.
But let’s say that either A.) It is possible for Hunter to carve Flapjack a new body and he carves something other than a cardinal, deciding that both he and Flapjack should have knew looks for their new lives. Or B.) the Owl house gets spin off material and somewhere down the road we get a comic of Hunter going through the process of mourning Flapjack, and coming to terms with what happened. Then eventually getting to a stage where carving a new palisman wouldn't be to painful. I have seen a lot of people suggest a wolf. That good, but I want to suggest on final tribute to his fallen friend’s old forum. A black/dark brown wolf with red feathered wings. Palisman do not have to look exactly like the animals they are based off, and so far canine palisman haven’t. The green skinned fang kid has a unisus wolf, and Jarbo has a unicorn dog. So why should Hunter carve a plain old wolf when he could do a black and red Pegasus wolf?
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