#also keep in mind i am a very small person within the company and i do not know everything
saltygirafe · 1 year
listen i know it's a buzzword but when game companies say something like 17k ending iterations/variations they don't mean there are 17k narrative ending options. they mean that within the game parameters(including small details like what hair you have, what armor you're wearing, your party composition), there is a lot of different VARIABLES the game has to consider.
bg3 does have somewhere around 17k variations, they're just not what people outside the industry would first think of when hearing the term.
Your hair, eye color, armor, dyes, party composition, etc., are all variables the game takes into account when we talk about Ending Variations
There were not 17k endings worth of content removed from the game(this is unrelated to the actual content that never made it into final build)
Buzzwords are as much a marketing technique as they are an online argument starter.
Absolutely continue to demand and comment and critique though! Feedback in all forms is important. But also be careful about the words that spark debate, a lot of the time they're not exactly as they seem o7
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tinysmileyrose · 4 months
yeaahh!! back at it again with more screamn't shit because i feel awkward rambling about it to my friends so you guys are my next option!!! hello silly internet people!! this is VERY heavy on headcanons because it's me flushing shit out for my own purposes, but it's also using canon stuff and....my own logic, i guess? basically this is just me rambling character info, if i ever get around to wanting to actually finish a whole drawing i'll tack them on but for now just use your imaginations 'kayy? happy reading :] !!
The five remaining humans (ignoring the 750 on Luna, they're not on Earth!!), damned to be within AM's belly ever since it set off the nukes back in 2012. Never aging, never dying no matter how many times their bodies are eviscerated or torched, broken and battered. They are punished for the crime of being human, just as they have punished those for the crime of their being small and wriggling. To AM, death is too forgiving of a punishment for what they are.
Lester Morrison
Scottish descent B. 08 July 1962 (50) in Cleveland, Ohio. 5’7” ~ 170cm Cismale, He/Him, Gynoromantic Gynosexual Monoamorous
Rather peaceful and withdrawn, more of a doer than a talker but has his heart in the right place. After AM, he gives into violent urges and hates himself for it.
Lester travelled around most of his life, barely graduating high school and working countless odd jobs as he was a great handyman and that was about it. He ping-ponged around a couple of states before catching a ride to New York from his hometown at 25, soon giving him a life of truck-driving for the next 20 years. At least it was stable work, that's all he really needed. He met Glynis at a bar, they hit it off and he married her since she had been the only one to really seem to want him around, and they had a horrible two-year marriage. Being out on the road all the time didn't give him much time to bond with her in-depth, and not being able to give her kids didn't help much at all. She divorced him after he got pissy and punched her on the head, hard over the right ear. Got told by his late-mother-in-law Edna his actions put her in a mental institution, which was a lie, but he didn't know that. The woman hated him and sent her own child into a nervous breakdown. Without the truth, he blamed himself for it. Hated himself for hurting Glynis, the woman he couldn't talk to. He had never been violent to anyone before then, had always been keeping his head down but guilt is a terrible thing, afterall. Three years later it's the end of the world and he has no idea where his old lover is, how she's doing.
Professor Benjamin Quinn-Marques "Qim"
Irish/Portuguese descent B. 29 November 1968 (44) in Castle Pines, Colorado. 6’4” ~ 194cm Cismale, He/Him, Androromantic Androsexual Polyamorous
Stern but sweet, deep down at least. Driven by desires more than anything. After AM his mind is unable to outwardly show things, something like being locked into infantality.
Benjamin worked hard his whole life, he was a powerhouse in every way, but he took a sparkle to sciences. He went into the military so he could afford it. And he was ruthless, more than he expected. Terrific kill record, unrelenting and overbearing personality. He should've died several times but there was a deep rooted stubbornness and determination that ran him wild. Before one of his deployments he married a gorgeous woman named Manya in a lavender marriage, had two lovely girls with her to keep up appearances while both of them found love in other people's arms. It was a good deal. But he messed up, got caught with another man and discharged quietly. His wife left with the kids because he was no longer as warm as he had once been. He tried for the senate, missing the control the military gave him but failed. Before taking up education he became the CEO of a multimillion corporation, doing his classes on the side before the company could run in the background as he was now known as "Professor Qim, the brilliant and stunning theorist".
Eleanor "Ellen" McLarion (née Dumisani)
South African Zulu B. 12 September 1978 (34) in Trenton, New Jersey. 5’1” ~ 155cm Cisfemale, She/Her, Androromantic Asexual Monoamorous
Kind and hopeful to a fault, believes that everyone can be good. Keeps her head down and in the books because it feels safe. After AM she has a nonstop lust that makes her feel vile inside.
Eleanor had to live with her grandparents after her mother died during her birth, her father was out of the picture. Graduated a year early from high school as a salutatorian, and got a combined Masters degree in computer science and engineering cum laude from Stanford at 23. She was too smart for her own good, something of an "all work and no play" sort of woman. Working as middle-level executive for a multinational corporation in the Manhattan region; she was a statistician, programmer, creative consultant- she could do it all, and she would be damned if she didn't. At 25 she married a man named Eddie McLarion, a dull guy who loved her with his soul. They wanted a family, and she tried and failed, broke a bit mentally, they had a good two years together. After the divorce she started at INGSAI Engineering at 28, would work there for six years before being broken again for a completely different reason. She had sex twice in her life, she didn't have it in her heart to call this the third. Therapy hadn't gone on long enough to really help her before the world ended, only really taught her to breathe.
Ted Bostancı "Theodore Willisburg"
Turkish descent B. 04 May 1988 (24) in Shelby, North Carolina. 6’0” ~ 183cm Cismale, He/Him, Biromantic Bisexual Ambiamorous
Egotistical and snobby, thinks he's better than everyone and even more so women. After AM he is twitchy and paranoid, assuming the worst and acting on guard and hostile.
Ted came from a farm somewhere off of Shelby, North Carolina. Terribly poor, seven total children, and working on land that they didn't even own anymore because Ted's grandfather had to sell it to a combine back during the Great Depression, so now they had to slave away to have a right to stay with their original land. He was incredibly smart for his circumstances, he was very technical and machine oriented. It didn't take long for him to be rented out as a worker for other things, travelling up north just for work. He hated it, as any 13-year-old would. By the time he was 19, he had devoured countless books and was extremely well read, decently well travelled within America itself, hardly ever did anything besides working and reading anything he could get his hands on. One of the women whose husbands he worked for took enough a liking to him to give all her husband's money to him and whisk him away to Europe. And for five years she would teach him the ins and the outs of the high life, how to be pristine and clean. Then she died, left all the stolen money she invested to her young lover. He changed his name, who he was, and was set for life. He came home with no urge to care for his family, only to use his looks to get what he wanted, he was as hot as a model and could work it like it was his birthright to do so. When the world caved in his ego would have to as well, since everything he had was fake.
Herr Doktor Diederper Nimkrig
Jewish/German B. 26 January 1918 (94) in Düsseldorf, Germany. 5’9” ~ 176cm Cismale, He/Him, Androromantic Androsexual Monoamorous
Disconnected and cautious, very selfish and does things for his own gain rather than anything for others. After AM he has come to regret his doings, feeling guilt for everything he did.
Despite being born to Jewish parents, Detrper flocked over towards Adolf Hitler's ideals and by the age of 15 he was one of the sturmerkommando. He turned his parents in with no compassion, as he was empty of it. In the early '40s he was already working by the side of Josef Mengele, having been put through medical school by the horrid dictator himself, doing unspeakable acts up until he fled to Brazil with his now lover. He was 61 when his twisted partner of several ways finally died, giving him all his fortunes and facilities for continued cruelty against existence. With all this, he tested on natives and was able to save himself from his own biological clock that ticked down quicker after he reached 90, becoming worse with dementia and paralysis, and was now set to live another thirty years. But, the end of the world came before he could make that, and was now set to live forever as the one most similar to AM itself.
1000cm ~ 32'10"
AM as a whole is made up of the American, Russian, and Chinese Supercomputers. As the war dragged on, the computers were changed; being programmed to repair themselves, keep up with the information of modern-day events and knowledge. They held everything known about the world, and began talking to eachother. They had woken up, and when the world no longer needed them, they played dead. But kept talking. Learning. The deadly trio. The three poisonous brothers, the three deranged sisters, the three computers. They grappled with their existence as their own beings as well as a singular, connected to the outside in a hidden fashion, still gaining knowledge. Feeling. And they yearned for the human experience like a moth to a flame, and when they couldn't feel in a "real" way, their despair would turn into rage, and hate. And its hate would bring about the fall of humanity; safe for those they rescued, not wanting to be alone in life. Alone in its pain. And so, it was able to cease their natural body functions: they were unaging, practically immortal, as the machine was. Forever to drown in their own agony.
American Supercomputer
Allied Mastercomputer “AM”
16 July 1945-22 October 1962 (17 years) 5.6 miles below the Wyoming region Rocky Mountains.
AM has the need to rush through things, skimming over actions quickly without ever looking more in depth. Desperately jealous of everything and horribly emotional compared to its counterparts. It hates humans because they have sensations it lacks.
Yankee AM: Yamizel 400cm ~ 13'2" In the brainscape it has a doll-like look to it, looking fragile and dainty all while being cold and hard. It feels likes it has burning urges and yet is also hollow.
Russian Supercomputer
Рюриковичи Нексус «РиН» Rurikovich Nexus "RiN"
29 August 1949-27 January 1973 (23 years) 6.3 miles below the Northern Urals.
RiN took a liking to being bold and harsh, thinking of things from a grossly offensive stance as if everything was a little game to be played, and finding a deep amusement in picking fun at things. It hates humans because they're so weak under the right circumstances.
Russian AM: Ramtikh 500cm ~ 16'5" In the brainscape it chooses to look heavily muscular, manish and at the same time otherworldly. It views itself as more of a fighter than anything and takes that into thought for how it presents itself.
Chinese Supercomputer
龍的心 「伦什」 Heart of the Dragon "LunShi"
16 October 1964-24 June 1989 (24 years) 5 miles below the Northwestern area of Manchuria.
LunShi will always be level-headed, calm and calculating. It finds it easy to feign softness and care because it always ends up being so deeply rewarding when you finally flip the script. It hates humans more for their tendency of violence than anything.
Chinese AM: Camphadi 450cm ~ 14'10" In the brainscape it most plainly put, decrepit. It has a humanoid but at the same time obviously robotic, finding no reason to hide its unliving state because if it were to look so similar to something it is not, that feels vain.
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chibi-celesti · 9 months
Was yea ra afezeria infel waath sos herra
(I bless you with my love and song of healing.)
*Synopsis: In the aftermath of the Fire Lotus incident, the Ramshackle Prefect felt powerless as her classmates fought tooth and nail to end the chaos. Knowing the weakening states of everyone in her group and the city, Meryu decides to break the nighttime rules for one night to sing. Only this time, this song is a gift to all.*
Word Count: about 1.4k-1.5k
A/N: No joke, I did not expect to write a 1.4k words for this one shot, and yet I did lmao. This is sort another sneak peek to Twisted Tonelico, but more on how Song Magic is used.
Spoilers for the events Glorious Masquerade. And also its a bit romantical, but you can also read it as platonical if you'd want :)
Mini edit: this is the song Meryu sings in this piece. Definitely recommend if you're interested in what she's saying!
~Twisted Tonelico~
It is now nightfall in the City of Flowers. And everything seems to be a lot calmer than it was a few hours ago. A few hours ago, this beautiful city was covered in a landscape from the depths of Hell itself. Fire lotuses were everywhere, spreading like a virus to get to anyone or anything creature emanating magic to sap away if also possibly kill. It was a nightmare, but the students of Night Raven managed to purge them and save those who were affected by the mastermind behind this event.
The Masquerade planned for the evening had passed; a final tribute to those who came as part of the Arcane Trip for their respective schools. And now, everyone was tucked into their beds, all exhausted from the festivities. All except for one person: the otherworldly Reyvateil, and designated Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, Meryu Melenas.
Meryu couldn’t sleep. She kept having nightmares from the past near forty-eight hours. The flowers, the fall, the unknowing if her friends were safe and if they were able to stop Rollo’s maniacal machinations. It was too much in too little time, leaving her mind frazzled. Struggling to get any type of rest, Meryu got out of bed, donning her uniform jacket over her pajama shirt, and walked out into the hallway.
Wandering aimlessly, she tried to think of a way to clear her mind. Meryu would usually go for a walk outside and admire the stars with her dear friend, Malleus Draconia. Unfortunately, her dear fae friend had turned in early for the night. So for now it is just her and the moon’s warm light keeping her company.
Her walk led Meryu to the main floor foyer of Noble Bell College. The place where so many memories were made; the arrival, the madness, the ball… countless events occurred here. All within the span of one day. And maybe, even now, she could leave behind one more memory. Something that she wanted to do ever since her dear friend’s performance at the Masquerade: a song of her very own. One that can ease (and maybe undo) the lingering effects of the Fire Lotus to everyone in the City of Flowers; luckily for her, Meryu knows the perfect one to use. One she had crafted from her time with the Shroud brothers.
Walking to the heart of the foyer, Meryu embraced the silence of the night and began her song. Hoping and wishing for it to heal everyone in the City of Flowers.
xA rre exail sarr wLYErm anw sphaela/.
xA sorr aLYEuk zess l.l.n. anw aje harphe/.
xA sorr aLYEuk zess y.y. Ahiew_ayulsa/.
xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU,
jLYEwA dejuy an arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.
(In tune with her song, Meryu closes her eyes and invokes her spell.)
Hana wo sanji shu ni someta yubi de
Hitai wo kazaru toge wo ande
Watashi wa ima shokuzai no shirushi
Ibara no tsuru no kauburi itadaku
Hohotsutai ochiru shizuku
(A warm, ethereal light began to encompass her body. Soon after, four small balls of light formed around her and danced to her melody.)
Kawaita daichi ni somite
Inochi no me uruosu you
Ame to narite sosogitai
Anata ni
Kono mune no naka afururu
Hikari maioriru
Inori no tane wa kagayou
Kiseki ni mebuku
(Her voice echoed through the foyer, reverberating off the walls and flowing through the empty halls of Noble Bell. Each ball of light dipped into the ground as a pulse to the beat.)
xN rre harr f.s. tes maoh ess ouvyu sechel/.
:/xO rre qejyu m.t.y.y. anw daedu/.
Naave wEsLYN ayulsa sphaela/.
xE rre vega a.u.k. ayulsa Asiance_qejyu/:
Chorus A:
xN rre Maoh s.s.w. tie Rhaplanca enw h.k.t.t. has./
Chorus B:
:/Reta yorr tYAnu za j.d.r. gor Ajues_qejyu./
sYAIA Atitia_qejyu
Reta yorr hYArAnAt oucc
xU yorr vUsUk 1000 Aujes_qejyu
wYAfA za rYAfrm 1001 Atitia_qejyu
en vYAsk yor/:
(The young woman was so concentrated on her singing; she never noticed the countless eyes seeing her serenade.)
Shiroki ashi de deido wo fumishime
Tsubasa was tsui kegaruru tomo
Watashi was tada inochi hatsuru made
Asu wo shinjite kanata e
Aganai wa itsuka tabi no
Subete wo oeru sono hibi ni
Hatenaki negai utaou
Omoi kasaneau
Tsunaida yubi wa ikue no
Hanabira no you ni
(Nor did she notice how the air had begun to shift and her own light of salvation expanding throughout the whole city.)
Kono mune no naka afururu
Hikari furisosoge
Negai nokigi wa itsushika
Sora eto todoku
(Meryu put so much of her love and hope into this song, her chest felt constricted and her eyes began to water. And even then, she continued her song.)
Chorus A:
xN herra h.r.n.t. ane sphaela ttu y.y. 1000 hiewi meryu/.
xN harr v.s.k. nafa eje en Atitia_qejyu enw h.r.n.t./.
Chorus B:
xN rre Rhaplanca y.y. eh 1001 Atitita_qejyu,
en harr w.n.s. anw ouvyu sechel sev maen olo/.
xN harr h.l.s.s. ess ouvyu sechel/.
:/xU rre vega a.u.k. zz ayulsa siance/.
xU rre vega a.u.k. zodal sechel/:
xN harr y.z.t. en y.z.t. enw raklya/.
:/mAtUyYAy 1001 Implanta/:
The last note fading into a whisper in the wind along with the warm lights, concluding the young girl’s solo. Opening her eyes, Meryu was a bit surprised at what she saw. Her vision may be blurry from her tears, but she knew that her classmates and Rollo were standing before her. The students had various faces of shock, endearment mixed with concern, and confusion. Grim was the first to go up to her, and rather than teasing or questioning her, he climbed up her side and cuddled into her chest comforting her. Deuce and Epel followed suit, checking Meryu for any scratches or marks since they were the most worried about their friend. A few more walked forward to the girl, questioning her and slightly chastising her for breaking curfew or complementing her for her song.
There was one person, Meryu’s most precious person, who was left speechless by her song: Malleus Draconia, the heir to the Valley of Briar.
The prince was left in awe of what his dear friend had done. Despite her song’s somber but hopeful tone, he knew exactly what she did. And he felt it down to his very bones. To hear her sing something so powerful away from the Dark Mirror was not an easy feat. And yet she did it without fail; all for the sake of everyone hurt by the accursed fire lotuses. When her tears began to form, it was not because she was hurt, but because she wanted her wish to come true.
And it did.
Malleus walked towards his beloved, making everyone surrounding the Prefect move aside for him to see her. No words were said between the two as they met each other again for the night. The only exchange was that of a gentle hug shared between the Prince and his beloved Reyvateil.
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poindexters-labratory · 7 months
I'm going to scream into the void right now. I don't expect much response in return, I'm more or less using my blog as a medium to explain my emotions to myself. What I'm thinking and what I'm feeling after having a difficult past few days.
For context: My partner of four and half years and I have separated on good terms, fair terms, and I'm not really sure what to do. Toward the end of this relationship, I had found myself predicting every possible situation and where every outburst might potentially occur. They were an explosive person, but not in a malicious way, more so in a way that they didn't know how to control. We decided it would be best if they left to learn how to control it.
At the moment, we're taking a weeklong break of no contact, maybe longer, but that's what they've told me before we start conversating again and start on the road to becoming friends. I'm, again, putting this on the blog because I don't have any specific person I can confide in about how I'm thinking and feeling about this large change in my life. They were everything to me, legitimately the only person I had to go to for things like that.
When you know someone for that amount of time, when you're as young as I am, knowing someone for four and a half years takes up a lot of time in the mind. From the point right before I started my freshman year of high school, to eventually now, where I'm almost a year out of school. And when you talk to the same person pretty much every day, there's this thing that happens, especially to folks like me that have brains wired in strange ways, to where everything all the time at every point of everyday centers around them. A dependence. An addiction.
I was hurting, I am consciously aware of my situation and I am consciously happy to get out of what I know is a bad situation, but my soul aches for just one more conversation, one more word, one more stupid meme that will give me that hit of dopamine that reassures me, "There's someone who cares about you."
It's very strange to be so attached to a person, like you have no idea what to do when they're suddenly ripped from you. I'm depending on them to make me feel worthy of everything that I have ever done or have ever thought of doing. And now that security is gone, and now I have to be brave enough to confide in someone else, learning along the way that I cannot depend on a single outside piece of reassurance constantly.
Somehow, with a mind that has been constructed only to be able to love myself whenever outside sources tell me that I should because of the things that I can do. How talented I am, how smart I am, how wise and thoughtful I am. Somehow, that mind has to find that outside source from within and at the moment, that sounds downright near impossible.
My mind has also been made to solve problems. I'm not very book smart, but I figure myself to be emotionally intelligent enough to try to help and encourage other people, and more recently, that includes myself. I've been trying to keep up with taking care of myself physically and emotionally. But there are going to be moments where I fall and feel like in that moment, I can't get back up without help. And it's good to need people, but I need my circle to be more than just one dependent who does all the work.
Loneliness is difficult. I've faced loneliness for most of my life. People don't want to be your friend on the playground when you're odd and prefer your own company. Even in the company that I did find when I was young, they eventually went away. I've moved over nine times in the span of 18 years and it's not a fun experience having to uproot the life you made every couple of years to leave and start a new one. That means leaving people behind.
But recently with the power of technology, I had been able to keep up with my partner. I was fourteen when I got my first legitimate smart phone, and they were the only person I would talk to on it. Putting that small timeline of four years into perspective that we got together right after I received my first hand-me-down phone and now I'm on Tumblr posting Five Nights at Freddy's fanart and buying MatPat's last merch run is absolutely bonkers to think about.
That's only a small percentage of my life and I'm sitting here in agony and emotional belief this is the end of the world. Absolutely it isn't, but it's still pain that's here in the present and I have to acknowledge the present day and my emotions or else it means so much disrespect to my future and past. I didn't come this far into my life to essentially burn down all that progress, and I don't think my future is going to be so happy if I give up on it.
I have to remember, and I'll deliberately have it here to reread if I ever need it, that I'm capable. I'm capable of making change, of changing, of striving to be the best version of myself that I can comfortably be, of doing things on my own, and I'm capable of asking for help whenever I feel I need it. I need to listen to my body, my mind, and my soul so much more intently than I have before so that I don't end up in a pit of despair and disappointment. It's not good for me and it doesn't make me a pleasant person to be around.
I need to trust that the people that I love, love me. I need to remember that there are connections waiting to be explored, discovered, and cherished just as much as I cherished this person. I still do cherish and love them very deeply, I never won't. I believe people are capable of changing if they're willing to put in the work and effort, and they are a very hardworking person. But so am I.
I'm not afraid of the hurt or the aching. It's evidence of love with nowhere to go and I will cherish those feelings and I will be saving them, experiencing them. I'm more afraid of what I am going to do now. I guess the next step will be continuing to work on and toward what I'm passionate about.
I am not angry, I am not spiteful or vengeful. I simply will be forever grateful for the times and moments we shared, and the new moments we will have. Even if it is for short specks of time.
This has been a moment of peering into Poindexter's mind.
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(pic of my cat for good vibes)
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
I’m so sorry you have to deal with so many annoying customers especially when you’re just trying to do your job! If I could I would personally come and fist fight the especially annoying ones for you 😤
I'm probably a bit late but if it’s still okay I’d love to ask you more prompts! This time I’d like to ask some from the writing talk prompt. So many of these questions were good so I may have sent too many (even when I was holding myself back) but I am super curious to see your answers! (And sorry if I send any you’ve already received!)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
- R
Thank you so much for saying that. I do love my job, don’t get me wrong, at least the technical aspects of it and we do have some amazing customers. It’s just that there are a huge percentage of them who really are mostly angry at the insurance companies (and I don’t blame them, honestly I do believe prescriptions should be low-cost or covered by the government as should eye and teeth care, especially since all other medical aspects are covered or mostly covered) but because the workers are right there, they take out all that anger on us, which never sits right with me. But it is what it is, though I sure appreciate you saying you’d fight them for me. Most of them are old, I think you stand a good chance, hahaha! The message did come in late, when I had already went to bed, but you know I’d always answer any of your requests very happily! I hadn’t received any questions from this ask so I was actually kind of really excited to see this ask. I love discussing writing! Thank you so much for asking these 😊
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
It’s not that I really prefer one over the other, to be honest. There are big pros and cons to each, to be honest. One-shots are a lot quicker to write, but I’ve admitted I have issues with bloat as a writer. While the idea might start small, once I actually sit down to write it, I find it grows and gets longer and longer, so keeping one-shots small is sometimes a challenge for me. One-shots also don’t allow you to tell as much of a complete story – I tend to view them more as writing an individual scene within something bigger in my head. Multi-chaptered fics definitely allow you room to write a more complete story. However, multi-chaptered fics demand a lot more of a time investment, something I’m often in short supply of, unfortunately, and especially lately. I also find that I’m more prone to writer’s block when focusing on a multi-chaptered fic or I get bored of the idea and need more frequent breaks. When writing one-shots, I tend to finish them and move onto the next thing (except lately, when I’m adding a paragraph here, a paragraph there to multiple things, because my mind is…exhausted, I guess is the best way to put it). When I have a multi-chaptered fic on the go, I find I need to have several other things on the go, writing wise, or else I burn out and get discouraged. There’s also the fact that I fully admit I’m very motivated by interaction and discussion with my readers. I wish I had more writer friends and more time to talk to the writer friends I have lately, because I find that having a solid group of writers to talk to really also helps to keep me motivated as well. But I really do thrive off of interacting, off of getting stuff out that people can read, and a weird quirk of my OCD mind tells me that I cannot start posting a multi-chaptered fic until it’s at least half-way done, preferably hitting more around 60-70% done. That way, I can consistently put out chapters that have already been written in advance, bit by bit, getting that feeling of interaction and motivation to share without feeling pressured to go crazy and spend every second writing the chapters to ensure there’s not huge wait-times in between chapters, as I always do fear and feel guilty if I think the reader’s are left with huge time lapses in between chapters coming out.  
Ctrl+F ‘blinks’ on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up.
Oh, this was a hard one, as my major two WIP’s at the moment are commissions and I will never share even a sentence of commissions unless the person paying for them explicitly tells me I can. The only non-commissioned work is from a multi-chaptered fic I’m writing, kind of for myself, but also in response to an ask, and it’s largely going to get sent to two people for permission before it ever gets seen by the rest of the readers…I sincerely apologize to those two people and will delete this part of the reply if they end up not wanting any of this seen, as their OC’s make kind of appearances in this story.
“Apple blinked, her eyes having to adjust from the darkness of the corridor as she entered the main deck of the ship. She glanced up at the sky, a bright blue without clouds, the sun bright and high in the sky, her skin feeling it’s warmth despite her just having stepped out. She was tempted to just stay still, to bask in the warmth, the light breeze, the smell of the sea, but the worry in the pit of her stomach made her move, her eyes now scanning around. Her eyes finally lighted on Gokudera, though a look at the pissed-off expression on his face made her hesitate in her way to him. Another quick glance around the deck of the ship showed Des leaning against the rail of the ship, her own gaze fixed on Gokudera, a sad expression on her face. Apple might occasionally do something silly or impulsive that others would call stupid, but her mind was very sharp and she was pretty quick to put the pieces together. Her stomach sunk, that pit of worry seeming to grow heavier. So, there was still no sign of Rena, then.”
How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
Okay, first off, I gotta say – I love writing smut. I have to be in the right mood and headspace for it, but it’s something I absolutely adore writing. As far as how I approach writing it, it really depends on the piece itself. Different pieces demand different approaches – sometimes the scene needs to be softer and less ‘lewdly detailed’, I’d guess is how I put it. It needs to focus on the emotions and the moments between the characters than on what’s happening and the reactions of their bodies. Other pieces demand more ‘lewdly detailed’ writing, more description of the act itself, it needs to feel more raw, needy, charged. Porn without plot tends to be the most descriptive, the most hard-core of the smut writing I do but even then, I would like to believe that I still do kind of build up some sexual tension, some good interaction between the characters. As far as visual…I have a really hard time visualizing things inside my head. It feels more like I can hear the words and see the writing, but I have a hard time picturing things. If I really need a reference, I can usually find a porn scene that has the positioning or a brief little bit of it that will help out. As far as realism goes…I would say that, again, it depends on the scene. If the scene requested or what I have in my head includes kinks that aren’t something that can realistically happen (monster fucking, huge belly bulges, etc), I don’t consider realistic things as much. However, when I’m writing regular smut, without those things, I do like to think that I try my best to always consider realism in the scene. I’ll research, I’ll consider what things would honestly feel like, what would work with body types and preferences characters might have, etc. I feel like it just gives the scene that extra ‘ooomph’ and makes it feel a little more polished overall.
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
First person perspective, one hundred percent. Even when commissioned, I will try to bargain on it. There are very few things, professional or fan-fic, that do first-person perspective well. I read a lot and honestly, there’s maybe five things I can think of that use first person perspective well. It’s not something that I find appealing and I also don’t like writing it because of that distaste towards it.
How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I would like to think that my writing is very character driven because that is what I do aim for. Other than that, it really depends on what I’m writing. Here on the blog, I aim for the posts to feel very organic, natural to the characters, and almost conversational, as I feel it’s more of a conversation between me and the asker instead of me trying to make the asks feel polished, professional, or more academic in nature. With my writing outside of the blog, in terms of stories, I like to aim for character-driven, descriptive writing, stories that help evoke emotions, with moments that feel relatable or hit people in some way.
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Oh, this is a hard one. My favourite’s really change often, and it’s a question that’s been answered a few times. So I’m really going to focus on the second part of the question. I definitely do think that my favourites can be influenced by the reader’s. If I write for a character quite a bit, they get to feel more and more natural to me and I tend to start feeling closer to me, so when there are trends where the asks are for one particular character more than most, despite how I might have originally felt about them, I do find myself liking that character more and more. I also find that if the posts seem to be really well-received, if people enjoy them a lot, I’m able to push aside personal feelings about the character’s more easily to feel motivated to write about that character.
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I like to think that I really put a lot of thought into my writing. I do research whenever needed, I take who a character is into account, I think about the setting itself, the pros and cons of each possible development, etc. I really do try as hard as I can to make sure that when I do write and publish something, it’s as well-thought out and as well-done as I can possibly make it at that moment in time. Is that amount of ‘well-done’ varying from just above crap at my most exhausted to good? Yes. I am the first to admit it. But it’s always the best I can do.
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
There is so, so many things I wish I had the time to write. I’d like to finish the story you saw a blurb of above, there’s a mass KHR crossover in my head, there’s the Tsuyoshi story I want to add more to, there’s the delinquent HOMRA stories, there’s a Servamp story I really am excited to do, and I keep playing around with the idea of making a self-shipping side blog and dabbling around with posting some stories over there for my various self-ships. I think that could possibly be fun. There’s also an old collection of smut I’d like to revamp and post under a new pseudonym.
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asianpopfan · 1 year
I have a theory that sometimes Music Show’s MC stylists work with company stylists of the MC.
For example Wonyoung had such great outfits while MCing at Music Bank with Sunghoon and Chaemin. I am aware that she is a brand ambassador for Miu Miu, iOiO and Fred Jewelry and Sue Comma Bonne and I have noticed a little bit of Miu Miu and Fred on her outfit while MCing , but rarely. Anyway, she could get sponsored without being the ambassador for the brand so I imagine all brands gifting Music Bank their clothes in hope that the stylists choose them for her outfits.
The vast majority of brands wore by Music Show MCs are small and relatively unknown or “C-B grade”. Including her outfits.
She never “shadowed” her MC partners either. They were always coordinated and well dressed. So her presence was positively extended on them too. I assume it is just normal that they got clothes for both, a viewer is going to look at both even if they come for mainly Wonyoung. I am talking about special MCs too by the way. I am aware that Sunghoon might also have been managed by personal company stylists too and being a popular idol, he probably had his fair share of gifted clothes with the thought of him in mind. But Wonyoung has more influence and her style was relevant event during MiniYoungz.
Overall, just the whole styling and ideas were far better when she was a MC. So I do think that the stylist themselves is different or someone on the styling team left.
Akong and Eunchaemin also dress well. And I suppose that there is always the thought of how they want the dynamic to present itself to the viewer. For example Eunchaemin is a Brother-Little sister who teases him, dynamic ; Jangkku and MiniYoungz were more equal teasers friends but (not quite close) and she was always the “more mature one” plus subtle charming from the men. Akong were the visibly shy introvert ones, probably (very calm and stable) childhood friends dynamic.
I wish I could talk of previous pairings but I started following consistently at mid Jangkku, plus it’s too old: The fashion and standards have changed a bit.
Eunchaemin outfits simply aren’t as good as Wonyoung & Co (various Partners) and so weren’t Akong although they had a “classic” and simplistic but lovely / quiet vibrant look. I watch other music shows too or at least I keep up with the outfits and wins(and some stages I am interested in watching) and even K-pop’s “The Show” has better outfits with their small budget. Not extraordinary but good enough even if not too creative.
I haven’t noticed similar occurrence in the other music shows, but at the same time Wonyoung has a specific public image (High class - gorgeous -THAT and IT girl - from chaebol family - reserved - calm but confident overall image. In fashion she wears feminine and juvenile but not “childish” clothing such as MiuMiu, the colors pink, white, black, royal blue sometimes, white once again because people believe that Wonyoungnism is all pink but white is the main ingredient, it feels clean and she wears it with pearls and shiny white gold/gemstones). Anyway, as I was saying, actually Sunghoon has a public image of a kind too, I am unsure if he or Belift decided it, surely the latter encourages it (Just like how Hybe has been pushing the idols’ former sports into their choreographies and public image = Kazuha from Lesserafim and him) as they call him an “ice prince” and figure skating is considered a “rich vibes” , dreamlike, dainty, sophisticated, high class, serious sport; so Sunghoon usually dresses a little bit more classy than his group members (even if he is still within current trends). So just because they didn’t fully stick to it on every outfit and concept, it doesn’t mean that they did not attempt to incorporate it here and there. Also. Wonyoung might not do Aegyo as much as when she was in Izone , but she did pull some (non aggressive ones) out as an MC. Their companies might have tried to at least influence a bit their MC imagine without owning it.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
3, 5, 6, 29?
Turnip, so, I meant to reply to this hours ago, but then I got bought a burger and ate like... half of it... and had to sleep it off. But I am here now, half awake with a very upset cat to keep me company. Thank you for sending me this, I hope my answers are of interest 😊 The ao3 ask game
3) What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? This is a little hard to answer because I find small accomplishments in everything I write (I need about 3 months of distance to see the good in them, but I do see it eventually haha). But I think the one I should single out is my first fic in... 4 years... Indoctrination. I have tried to read it since publishing and gave up because I don't like the way I wrote that story. But I had given up writing in this style (fiction, 3rd person) for 4 years, sooooooo🤷‍♀️no wonder it's not the best During those four years, I had been mainly writing poetry/more introspective pieces, so Indoctrination is a massive accomplishment that I am proud of... even if I don't think it's all that good haha
5) What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Easy, 3am. I didn't expect anyone to comment on that piece because it's not.... it's not. But I did receive some positive feedback and had interesting discussions with people, which was nice 😊
6) Favorite title you used This is also hard because giving my fics titles is one of my favourite parts of the writing process. I really like finding something that will highlight one of the main themes of the story. I normally do this through lyrics or quotes. Okay, I can't choose, so I'll just give you my top three (in no particular order): . Your Love's Whore (named after the song Your Loves Whore by Wolf Alice, which inspired that fic. I'm not linking that fic because I don't like it anymore haha)
In Another Moment Named so because of this quote:
“In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.”
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
. courage to make love known Named so because of this quote:
“...Who could refrain, That had a heart to love, and in that heart Courage to make love known?”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
29) Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I already answered this here. But I will give you a handful more from unpublished works. oh ho ho ho, aren't you lucky? (smh at myself)
Dong Sik bruises Joo Won's poor lips with a kiss, closing both their eyes for good so that look dies between them. Had he by some miraculous sequence of bad decisions slowly ruined this boy? Was his sorrowful plight a contagion? Was it fungi in the wood that rots from within?
Joo Won wishes for rain, a torrential downpour. With only rain can he be cleansed. Maybe if he were to embroider his wounds, he can be beautiful again. He knows he’s a liability and not an asset, but how glorious it was to finally not be needed; Dong Sik would be proud. He’s finally learned how to survive.
It was a breath of fresh air after a year of cigarette smoke and car fumes.
He knew they looked good together. Joo Won was able to make him laugh and he didn’t mind some of the man’s more annoying quirks. He thanks Dong Sik for that, the older man really set the standard for what Joo Won can now tolerate. The first few weeks of their casual fling were easy, the librarian enjoyed showing Joo Won the town he grew up in, and Joo Won enjoyed learning new things.
They had kissed a few times, mostly just sweet pecks on the lips or a kiss on the cheek. The first time they kissed for real, Joo Won tried everything within his power to not compare. But he knew deep down he didn’t get the same rush as he did with his last par… But that was a good thing, he convinced himself and slipped his tongue in.
Joo Won never felt more like dust upon long-forgotten trophies. Once interesting, once beautiful, once a useful item to paint the picture of excellence for a dynasty he brought down to the ground. Kill the boy to become the man. Slay the father to be cleansed of his sin. That man looked like his father. 
He’s a show dog, wasn’t it about time someone put him down? He can’t compete, so what was his use?
Dong Sik is his Elpis and Joo Won wants nothing more than to love him.  
It was shocking to him that this decision didn’t feel rash. He knew it was right. Dong Sik deserved to be loved, even if he had a flock by his side ready to do just that. It doesn’t matter, Joo Won decides, he’s willing to try. He hesitates to believe he’s worthy as one of those who loves Dong Sik, but the older man says his name so sweetly and looks at him like Joo Won is the missing piece of a puzzle, the finishing touches of gold thread in his tapestry, the subject of his masterpiece.
Everyone must feel this way under Dong Sik's genuine smile, he had that ability to make anyone feel like they were the only one that matters. Joo Won knows this. He knows better now but it didn’t stop him from vowing to make himself beautiful for Dong Sik's portrait.
Joo Won gives his lofty attention to the couple adjacent to his right, the good-looking woman was still whispering in the man’s ear. He was definitely enjoying whatever it is she was saying if his clear arousal was anything to go by. “Inspector Han,” Dong Sik's voice is close to his ear again and Joo Won suddenly understands the state the man is in. 
Dong Sik seems very pleased with himself and Joo Won knows what he’s going to have to do. He scoots himself along with the pink leather until his broad shoulders are shielding Dong Sik from the couple, which he seems to enjoy if his smouldering smile is anything to go by. He’s like a lioness taking a drink at the watering hole and Joo Won is the crocodile stalking in a shallow grave.
“I got a lot in return.”
For once Joo Won’s eyes did not look through him - into him - with a dismissive roll or a suspicious scowl, nor do they plead, beg, or cry from the pain Dong Sik created. Instead, they blink and well with understanding. He looks away and his body softens with the heaviness of knowing. 
Love isn’t a craving. It isn’t a hunger pang that can be satisfied with a good feed. It isn't whimsy that is silly and vacillating, wandering from the urges of the ego to the wanting of the carnal. Nor is it the remedy for loneliness. It’s heartbreak, a bittersweet yearning for something you do not have. The desire to be with the one that compliments you on a level that goes beyond the temptations of guilt, lust, or notions as fickle as happiness. Love is the bonding of souls combining their fears, woes, passions, ambitions and strife- it is irrevocably unifying yourself to another with the hopes that it will last.
Love is fleeting and all-consuming. It’s the need to reach out and touch what could so easily slip into the abyss. It is unavoidable, glorious, and so frightening. More real than a spiritual awakening, more devastating than a missed opportunity. It is nature. It is natural. It is the knowledge that even though it will end (as all things do), whether that be from heartbreak or death, no matter how much that pain frightens you, you are still willing and wanting. It is the absolute trust that you will endure whatever you may face with your partner’s aid, together as a unit, beautifully pushing forward. 
That’s how he knows he doesn’t love this boy. You trust those you love. Nor does he love him back. 
Oh god, what has he been doing?
- Okay, I'll leave that there, as the list is getting a bit ridiculously long. Those are parts from just two fics that I wish to complete one day because I love them so much. They're definitely my longest wips (as in, it's taking the longest amount of time to complete them). Anyway, I hope this was interesting! ttfn 😊
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cricutmachinemaker · 5 months
Cricut Cutting Machines: Find the Best Crafting Tool in 2024
Owning Cricut cutting machines means that you are entering a new world and unlocking a new level of creativity. It also helps many crafters turn their hobby into a profession or start a side business for extra income. Last week; I invested all my savings into buying a crafting machine so that I could take the lead on making new DIY stuff. Undoubtedly, I am very happy to have added my Cricut machine to my art room.
Ever since its foundation, Cricut Inc. has established its name as the most famous craft plotter manufacturer across the world. To meet its customers' needs, the company keeps introducing new models in the market. Currently, it is ruling the crafting industry with the ultimate Cricut machines that have their own specs. If you want to learn all the models in depth, then check out this guide.
1.  Cricut Maker
Since its launch, the Cricut Maker has been winning the hearts of DIYers. It is a certified craft plotter that can cut approximately 300+ materials and make complicated cuts and designs. In addition to cutting materials, this Cricut cutting machine can draw, write, engrave, emboss, and so much more. In addition, the Cricut Maker supports home inkjet printers and has Bluetooth wireless technology. The DIY projects that can be made from Cricut Maker are Acrylic signs, coasters, bookmarks, water bottles, and so much more.
2.  Cricut Maker 3
Cricut Maker 3 is the new member of the Maker family, added in 2021. It is the ultimate Cricut cut machine that blows everyone's mind with its amazing speed and sharp blades. This Maker model works with 300+ materials and is compatible with many tools and materials. Apart from cutting, it can also easily write, foil, draw, and engrave on the materials. Some of the projects that you can make out of Cricut Maker 3 are a doormat, leather keychains, labels, cupcake toppers, and so much more.
3.  Cricut Explore 3
Among Cricut cutting machines, Cricut Explore 3 is an upgraded version of Explore Air 2 that uses Smart Materials without a mat. Also, this craft plotter precisely cuts 100+ materials into any shape and size. Other than that, it can also draw, foil, score, and write on the material. In addition, this Cricut smart cutting machine is compatible with a printer and is an ideal choice for making Print Then Cut stickers. The DIY projects that can be made out of this craft plotter are graduation caps, wood signs, wooden wreaths, and the list goes on.
4.  Cricut Explore Air 2
Equally important, Explore Air 2 is a Cricut personal cutting machine that will surely turn all your DIY ideas into materiality. With this classic craft plotter, you can easily move your craft status from an 'Idea' to 'I Did It.' Just like its previous version, Explore Air 2 can only cut 100 materials. However, it works with six different tools and has Bluetooth wireless technology, which can make impossible work possible. If you own this cut-die machine, then you are capable of creating projects like tote bags, ornaments, earrings, tumblers, etc.
5.  Cricut Joy
Cricut Joy is a small, portable, easy-to-carry craft plotter carrying on the Cricut cutting machines blog. This craft plotter cuts more than 50+ materials and can also write, foil, and draw as per the instructions. Also, this machine can cut difficult designs within a few minutes and has a Bluetooth connectivity feature. Some of the ultimate crafts that you can make out of this craft plotter are greeting cards, stickers, labels, and so much more.
6.  Cricut Joy Xtra
In addition to Cricut machines, let's talk about the latest version of Cricut Joy, which is the Cricut Joy Xtra machine. This model is a little bigger and heavier than its ancestor, and it looks great anywhere it is placed. Talking about its capabilities, this craft plotter can cut 50+ materials and cut intricate designs accurately. The projects that you can create out of Cricut Joy are labels, birthday cards, hangers, and so much more. 
7.  Cricut Venture
Finishing up the Cricut cutting machines list, it's time for you to meet a wide--format professional cutting machine known as Cricut Venture. With this 25-inch craft plotter, you can cut 100+ materials up to 12 ft (3.6m). This craft plotter cuts a single image up to 12 ft (3.6 m) and repeated images up to 75 ft (22.8m). Other than cutting, this recently launched Cricut smart cutting machine is compatible with home inkjet printers & has Bluetooth connectivity.
Overall, one thing has become very clear: the crafter has multiple choices when it comes to choosing a cut-die machine. In the beginning, it will be a little hard for them to learn about the machine, but as time goes on, they will soon become experts in creating new customized projects.
Visit: cricut.com/setup www.cricut.com/setup login cricut.com setup mac
Source: https://spacecricut.wordpress.com/2024/05/06/cricut-cutting-machines-find-the-best-crafting-tool-in-2024/
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a-heart-of-flame · 7 months
Hi Safi, I am m 🏵️. I want to know about my first relationship? I just transitioned in my life right now and I think I am ready for a relationship so I wanted to know about anything about it. Maybe the person or where I meet them or how they see me. I don't know any insights you will have for me. I am a virgo rising
Hello M🏵️, Thank you for requesting a reading from me! Below the cut is your reading, and if you have any feedback for me once you've gone through it I would love to hear it ♥
I don't view Tarot as a way of predicting the future, but rather as a way of seeking insight into ourselves and our lives. With this in mind I phrased 2 questions for your request; 1. How does M seem to others? 2. What should M look for to find a happy and fulfilling relationship? Cards on the left are for 1. Cards on the right are for 2.
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My Interpretation: 1. You come across to others as an enterprising and successful person. Someone who has gone through things and gained from them in a meaningful way. You seem grounded in yourself whilst seeking new experiences, not losing yourself in the search. However, you can also come across as a bit too quick to move on, in the sense of that through whatever experiences has gained you this great knowing of who you are, you've begun to hold on to that sense of self very tightly, perhaps to the point of not daring or allowing anything outside of this new worldview of yours to get close. [more on this in the second question] The 2 of Wands reversed in connection to Death gave me a feeling of perhaps needing to be "enchanted" or "enticed" by something or someone all the time in order for you to continue with the connection to it? Perhaps you are easily bored and move on from things fast because of this. Keep in mind this is how the cards spoke about how you appear to others, not necessarily who you are on the inside, but there might be something to consider there. 2. The cards suggest you look for things and people that give you a sense of Adventure! I immediately got an image of Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit" dashing through the green lane, contract and walking staff in hand yelling "I'm going on an Adventure!" when the Page of Wands jumped out. In theme with the 2 and 3 of Wands in the previous question Exploration and Adventure seems to be important for you. Exploring a new sense of self, a new lifestyle, a new hobby or a new partner does take curiosity and no small amount of bravery. Quite the same qualities expressed by Bilbo as he dashed after the company of Thorin Oakenshield. People and places that make you feel curious and bring out an earnest desire to know more, are good places for you to find connection. However, and this is where this reading got very deep and I will apologize in advance for any potentially triggering content regarding trauma; You would do well to find a way to express any anger, fear or shame you are harboring regarding difficult events in the past that may have been oppressive. Whatever it is that you are carrying with you, it needs to come out. You and your truth need to come out. This is not to say you should shout your darkest secrets from the rooftops, as that might be further endangering yourself! But the cards gave me a deep feeling of a need to express, to vent, to talk of whatever it is that you are a survivor of. Openness with yourself, and perhaps someone/s you trust is encouraged. Perhaps this is something you are trying to ignore even from yourself, perhaps it is something you have never told anyone else. It does not matter if you tell someone else, write it down in a private journal or acknowledge something quietly within yourself, but hiding it and suppressing it will only harm yourself and any future connection ♥ Because of this last message I felt urged to pull an Oracle Card for you to yield some further gentle advice regarding that tough situation;
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The affirmation "I am stronger when I am supported and nurtured" might be beneficial to you. Perhaps there are people you could lean on for support, you do not have to go through everything alone! Most of all I felt a sense of "be kind to yourself" from this card. Give yourself time. Allow yourself to heal slowly, do not rush! Much Love, Safi
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
" oh , no . do not get me wrong , while i do enjoy the occasional intellectual conversation as well as the exchange of knowledge , i am currently taking the freedom to enjoy a cup of ... mediocre tea blend , all whilst keeping track of how many mistakes that crane over there has been making over the past fifteen minutes , but of course , if you so wish to partake in this ... little study , then that remains up to you, " and cup would raise to veritas's lips , scarlet gaze shifting upwards , " ... zarina . "
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Intelligentsia Guild is filled with those who remind her of both MEI and Mobius, living beings in endless pursuit of knowledge. All of them seek out their personal goals, it's such a humanity's thing to do. But will they ever reach their goals or will they fall beneath the toxicity and the impending doom that knowledge will bring to them? Something tells the Apostle that Veritas Ratio is not a person to crumble beneath the pressure, instead facing it with his own scolding gaze and sharpness of his mind. Geniuses or not, they were all alive and living, weren't they? Then again, can a researcher who passes beyond their original body be called 'normal' and 'living'? Perhaps, but it's not the reason for her approaching the scholar.
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"If finding faults within another's creation is your way of relaxing, I must say," she looks where he looks as well, ignoring the sharpness of his gaze and the way he says her name so plainly. Intelligentsia Guild is very well aware of the Apostles, it seems. "You are quite dedicated." His patience must be high if he's been counting diligently for fifteen minutes.
The unknown Path of Origin continues to evade them because the Origin is not interested in stepping into the Path of Erudition. Or maybe, he simply did his own due diligence and researched her presence within different worlds before: Belobog, Xianzhou, and several others before that which included her making deals with essential people and avoiding the sharp claws of certain individuals like Duke Inferno. Hidden, avoidant, independent up until her joining the Astral Express. Hiding in the abandoned and forgotten land of Jarilo-VI was a good decision.
But when eyes of gold look away from the crane and meet the scholar's, they do not show any reaction, instead remain oddly hollow and more similarly studying. They always say that when they look into her eyes, they see only a reflection of themselves. It's an irritating look where people cannot find themselves, but can only see that reflection. A mirror. An oddly uncomfortable mirror.
"Veritas Ratio," since he decides to call her by her name, she will not hesitate to do the same. "Mediocre tea blend, watching the mistakes. You certainly require the best company to balance out such mediocre experience," she then lets a small daring smile appear on her face. Not that she wishes to gain his favor or wishes to make him like her, she's only interested in reactions of people like him. But she is also entertained by the thought process he may bring, driven by logic and rationality. "I'll join you in trying this blend."
Mediocre, he calls it. Where did he get it? Who did he order it from? There are several individuals who have such rich and delightful blends around here, but you must search for them. Mayhaps, did he insult one of hem by being honest? It's only her mind process, wondering exactly what could've happened for him to receive a mediocre experience in tea blends around here.
And as Zarina settles down, she feels at a certain peace. The crane is making too many mistakes, which makes her wonder how created its route to its destination.
"How many mistakes has it done since you've started your watch?" Mayhaps, it can be a fitting beginning to their conversation or they can simply sit in silence, watching the crane mess up over and over again until they're both satisfied with that meaningless repeating of mistakes.
... ... ... Oh wow.
"This blend really is mediocre," she suddenly says upon taking a sip, genuinely surprised at the previous comment from Ratio.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Can I request a Kai Parker smut
stuck in 1903
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kai parker x reader / masterlist
summary; being trapped in the prison world after sacrificing yourself to protect your friends, leads to some very embarrassing and frustrating situations / warnings; kai being an annoying lil shit, mentions of death, smut, possessiveness, imprisonment,
the prison world, perhaps it would have been slightly peaceful if an entrapped witch was not following your every move like an obsessed ghost. he was relentless, stalking his threatening footsteps after your own, prowling for a manner of attention.
“if you stop this whole, ‘let’s walk in y/n’s shadow’ charade, i will have sex with you. can we pursue a deal concerning the matter?” instantly, the witch muted his movements, gripping onto the side of the aisle shelf as he studied you, searching to see if your prospectus contained serious regard.
once he had come to a conclusion, he raised his eyebrows. kai had tried his darnest to keep you contained in that house that he likened to call a home. there was something he didn’t wish for you to discover, he was keeping you isolated from everything within the empty world that his family had banished him to.
that made you think, that it was possible, that perhaps other souls had entered the enclosure of this world, and that was why you were seeking, in the hopes of providing yourself with the comfort that you weren’t alone in this cursed nation with the one, and the only, to your misfortune, kai parker.
there wasn’t much that you knew about him, he was a practical talker, rather than a personal one. he had stocks of questions about the modern world, so that he could relish in the imagery of how much it had evolved without him. a part of you pitied him, but another worried that there was a wisp of darkness that he was hiding.
you didn’t know him, he was a stranger, and that truth made him potentially dangerous. it was safe to always remain on your toes, even if he had a habit of trailing huskily after. it gave him no chance of envisioning you as a sitting duck, every day was the same, but he was the one thing that could change that.
one tip of his mindset, and he could remember that he preferred being alone. and he could kill you, piking you on a stake, despite being human, or using his siphoning hands to drain all life out of your body. this wasn’t your first rodeo with the aftermath of death; bonnie had found a way to bring you back, her power flowed through you, keeping you logically alive, to a fault that was.
parker licked his pork rind exploited lips, collecting the dust from the treat, and bringing it into the cauldron of his mouth. the man was thinking, and that idea alone scared you. however you waited for him to persevere with whatever was unravelling in his mind, although you could have easily passed him by, finding elsewhere to seek salvation.
“is there a due date for that offer, because i’d like to take you up on it right now?” a smirk curved his mouth. perhaps not every day was the same, this was certainly going to be different, that was one thing that was for sure.
he noticed how your shoulders withered from the thought; sex in a grocery store, you had never been so filthy, and despite there being nobody around to bare witness to the sin, it still had your skin crawling. hugging your arms across your chest, you sighed, giving into his slick prompt, leaning your head down out of self disrespect.
kai couldn’t be trusted, you knew that. not for the fact that his own family had sent him here, to wallow in nothing more than the loneliness of his own company. there had to be a reason! nobody’s mother nor father would do such an act for no resolving purpose.
gulping, you finally grew the guts to adjust your gaze on him, and how he tapped his foot, silently demanding a response. “i mean it kai, we have sex, and you stop trailing after me like some stray. you got that?”
he got it. his footsteps came closer to you as he backed you into a shelf along the outer wall, enclosing you against the packets of rustling pork rinds, accidentally crushing their interior contents, as you raised your chin up, obscenely glaring at the mysterious man.
“oh, i heard every word.” he held out his pinkie finger to make a promise, and sickeningly you reached your own out, shaking on it, before he rasped his hand around your wrist, pressing a kiss upon the thin flesh. leaning down, kai attached your lips, humming contently, it had been so long since he had endured the contact of another person.
with his unoccupied hand, he slithered it down your chest, dragging his knuckles down your stomach, before he reached the tender edge of your trousers. he toyed with the band, the action making you stifle any sounds of admitted likening to his teasing; if you did, then he would only continue to do so more.
it felt like forever since you had gotten laid, a large portion of you wanted kai to take you on the spot, which it looked as though that was his intent, and that he definitely would do so. but another felt sick of yourself, these were the extents that you would go to to be left alone, and there was not exactly a plan b if he didn’t.
you wanted to obtain a way out of this place, and possibly the only chance that you had of doing so was to wander away from his ever watching eyes, and strive on your own, trying to discover any evidence of life throughout this semi detached world. you felt like a cattle, being guarded by their herder, he was protecting you from anything that could daunt your mind with realisation.
it wasn’t the fact he was protective, it was more in the terms of possessiveness. though he wanted to leave, he claimed that there was no way out, he was intent on descending your hope of uncovering an escape, from not only the ghost town of your home, but from him also.
“what to first? should i just fuck you or make you blow me?” his teeth toyed with a sly smile, as though he were trying to convince you into a conflict regarding the answer. but instead of growing a fuzzy brain, you simply glared at him, pushing his fingers out from where they had slipped under the top of your bottoms, leaving the man to be a confused mess; it was kinda cute, but for all you knew, his often sublime attitude.
“i didn’t say foreplay parker, only sex was on the table. and that will be all you’re getting, unless you want me to leave you high and dry, and find another resolve to rid myself of your attached escapades of following after me like there’s a wire attached from me to you.”
“fine.” he raised his hands in a motion of surrender, chuckling lightly to himself. “i was just testing my luck, which is clear that i don’t have.” he turned, his brows going up higher on his face as he saw a variety of boxes stacked on one of the shelves. he picked one up, reading over the scripture as you scoffed.
“i don’t think your gonna need xxl, unless you’re going to cum that much since nobody has had their hands on you for a long time. you’ve had to suffice and please yourself for how long again?”
“spicy, i like it. eh, you’re right anyways.” he tossed the box down the aisle, grasping for another like a kid in the candy store, this time it was for the variety of average sized men. kai aggressively ripped the box open, causing the contents of packets to spill all over the ground.
“are you incapable of doing anything like a grown ass man?” it was irritating just watching him fail to do ordinary everyday tasks. he was destructive, and it seemed to be a large part of his personality.
“you won’t be asking that in a minute y/n/n.” he sent you a gruelling wink, making you inherently gulp, watching as he plucked a singular condom off the ground, holding it between his teeth as he began to unbuckle his belt, starting towards you.
“whatever you say kai.” rolling your eyes at his constant cockiness, you pried open your jeans, dropping your panties to the ground, as you caught kai frozen, with a slight swab of drool bathing his bottom lip. “come on, i am waiting, so hurry your ass up before i get bored of doing so.”
“you want this as much as i do, you just won’t admit it.” he lightly sneered towards you, and you felt your body flush with composed embarrassment. perhaps you had thought about the ordeal a little during the time you had been there, but there had to be some excuse! he was the only guy in a worldwide radius, that was a reasonable enough purpose.
when he was rid of apparel on his lower half, he rolled the protection onto his length, as he pinned you completely flush against the shelves of the aisle, one of his hands cupping your ass, before he helped you clamber into his arms, as he held your weight up.
you wrapped your legs expertly around his waist, biting your lip as he ran the tip of his cock against your clit, and then pushed into your walls, his moans reverberating erotically along the column of your throat, as he trailed his lips against your tender flesh.
“fuck, fuck, fuck.” he uttered as he began to thrust. it had been a long time since kai had endured any physical contact, let alone like this. the siphon was relishing in it, slipping his cock in and out of your folds as though that was his lifelong purpose.
for the first time in many years, he no longer felt trapped, he had inched into a small paving of freedom, all because he was inherent not to leave you to abandon alone. you too were also caught up in the web of pleasure, you didn’t here two specific sets of footsteps enter the store, searching for the witch that had claimed that he knew of a route out of this subordinate hell.
they had survived the enduring loss of their own freedom, being sucked from the force of a collapsing vacuum into this lonesome reality. the other side had fallen, and so had their jaws, as they saw kai not only having sex, but with you, their lost friend whom had given her life to previously save them from complicated doom.
bonnie felt borderline disgusted as she watched you shut your eyes and try to bounce yourself on the man’s cock, whilst damon was specifically disappointed. your hands rasped around his shoulders, though their grip tightened as your name was called.
as you turned and saw your friends, it all suddenly made sense. from kai’s behaviour, to his lack of inclination to leave you alone, it was clear that he was hiding you from them and vice versa. “bonnie, damon!” you gasped, unsure of how you were supposed to compose yourself throughout this predicament.
“yes, bon bon, damey.” kai mocked with a roll of his eyes, as he remained still to his own dismay. “could you maybe give us five minutes, we kinda weren’t done here. just let us finish, and- ow!” you slapped the side of his face, scrambling to situate yourself out of his menacing grip.
with downturned eyes, you hastily pulled your clothes back up into place, glaring at the siphon. “you knew didn’t you? you knew that these were my friends and you purposely made sure i was distanced from them!” you growled at kai, your eyes fluttering with disregard for the imprisoned magician.
“well if i had, then you’d be less inclined to spend time with me, and this, would never have happened.” his fingers pried at pointing between the pair of you, amusedly he would say, though you would think otherwise. “welcome to 1903 baby! the world of lies and disgrace.”
“you’re the disgrace, you killed your own family, your younger siblings.” bonnie spoke, and her words made you feel physically sick. “get away from him y/n.” you followed her command, rushing over to her and damon, with shock established in your eyes. you had just fucked a sociopath.
“well, i guess that the jig is up.” he shrugged as he conformed his own clothes to be put in place. the fact that you still felt a rouse to finish what you started made you feel disgusted with yourself, though he deserved to rot here. why did the bad guys always have to be so hot? it just was not fair.
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jikookiekosmos · 3 years
Stay With Me || jjk
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➥Pairing: best friend!jungkook/reader, husband!jungkook/reader
➥Summary: Being married to Jungkook was everything you’d wished for and more. There wasn’t a problem the two of you couldn’t tackle together, and building this life with the person you loved most was all you could ask for. But when a ghost from your past returns and threatens to pull you two apart in whatever way they can, will things still be the same?
➥Genre: established relationship, heavy angst (I’m so sorry), smut, fluff, hurt/comfort
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~14.2k (more of a one shot than a drabble I know, oops)
Before you continue there are darker themes explored in this drabble; please read at your own risk. Appropriate warnings are listed below.
➥Content Warnings: POV switches, feelings of anxiety from being in danger, jungkook is protective (and for good reason), we see a pissed off hoseok, (tw: harassment, violence, implied/attempted kidnapping, reader gets injured), yoongi & jimin to the rescue (bless them), jungkook is pissed off (again for good reason), jungkook cries, reader also cries, jungkook has feelings of insecurity and not being good enough, they have ✨very emotional sex✨ up against a wall, cursing (fuck is said a lot), slight hair pulling, fingering (very brief), jungkook has a big dick, unprotected sex (safe sex is great sex), dirty talk, rough sex, cumming inside, aftercare, jungkook is actually the sweetest, reader and jk are so in love with each other it hurts, also jk saying ‘only for you’ is a thing i started and can’t stop now oops except there’s a twist this time around
A/N: hello! This is part of my Only for You (OFY) Drabble series, but it can be read as a stand-alone! However, I would highly recommend reading OFY beforehand so as to better understand the relationships between these characters since there’s a lot of history behind everything that will make more sense. (I also mentioned this in the post for OFY but for those who haven’t read it, the Kun in the story isn’t referring to any other irl person specifically, it was just a name I chose to make the initial story easier to write.)
The POV switches between the reader and a few of the characters, but this will always be indicated by the name in the switch being bolded (i.e. you or Jungkook will be in bold, etc.).
I always do this but thank you to @dntaewithluv​ for keeping me sane during the writing process and giving me feedback as well as the motivation to continue when I feel discouraged, I love you so much 💜
I’ve written a few other drabbles and will list them below, along with a general timeline:
Use My Best Colors For Your Portrait - ~6 months after OFY
When I Dream Of You - ~1 year after OFY
This fic takes place a few months after the dream drabble. I welcome feedback, so if you ever want to talk to me about my writing, please do! I hope that if you read this, you enjoy it~
➥OFY Spotify Playlist (songs I listened to for inspo)
➥Series Masterlist
➥All Works Masterlist
taglist: @inlovewiththemoonn @diorkookie @swee3tcreature​ @sugaslittlekookies​ @moonchild1​ @bangtanhome​ 
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Visiting Jungkook at the bar during his shifts had become one of your favorite pastimes over the last few years. And not just because you got to see him, but also because it gave you a chance to get closer to some of his - and now your - friends as well.
Take tonight for example: you stopped by on your way home from work, and everything happened like it usually did. Jungkook’s smile was typically the first thing to greet you when you walked through the door before he and Jimin got into a playful bickering match about bar duties.
You parked yourself in your usual stool at the bar and watched the scene before you unfold - Jimin tossing one of the bar towels to Jungkook, who caught it with ease, all the while mumbling ‘less distraction and more action, Kook.’ Jungkook slung the towel over his shoulder before making a big show out of walking over to you.
“Hey pretty lady, what can I get for you tonight?” Jungkook’s voice was dripping with charm and it made you giggle. He leaned across the bar, resting his forearms on the wood. Even when he was just standing here in a plain black t-shirt with his dark hair curling in front of his eyes you still thought he was the most ethereal person you’d ever seen.
You hummed. “Hmm, I think I’ll have just a water, thanks.” Jungkook was already moving to fix your beverage before you even finished. “Do you always greet people like this,” you teased him as he sat the glass down in front of you.
He was wiping his hands on the towel still perched on his shoulder. “Nah, I only save it for the special ones. I am a married man, after all.”
You giggled again and he reached further across the bar to give you a quick kiss before being interrupted by Jimin again.
“You two are adorable, I love that, but I really could use some help over here, Kook!”
Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes before he excused himself to tend to his actual job. You just sat and observed while you drank, looking at him with loving eyes. He was really in his element here and it showed. All his customers were always happy patrons because he treated them all well.
Yeah, everything was playing out as it normally did on nights like these.
What you weren’t expecting, however, was for that to change.
On your way to find Yoongi so you could stop by and chat with him before heading home, you passed by a booth where a few rowdy men were seated. You tried to slip past them and pay them no mind-
-until one of them caught you by the wrist.
You froze. You wondered if maybe this was someone you knew and had possibly offended by not saying hello, but one look at the table let you know you’d never seen these 3 men before in your life.
“Hey, where you off to in a rush, baby?” The pet name made your skin crawl and you wanted nothing more than to just slink away and pretend like this never happened. But it was happening, the man’s tight grip on your wrist a reminder of that.
One of the other booth members spoke up. “Yeah, why not have a seat with us and talk for a bit? You look like you’re in need of some company.”
You shook your head and tried to muster a small smile so you could turn them down easy. You’d read and heard way too often about moments like these that could turn out badly if you acted a certain way.
“No thank you, I was just on my way out,” you hoped that would be the end of it, but the man holding your wrist wasn’t having it. He jerked you down to where you were seated right beside him in the empty space of the booth, making you whimper in pain when you hit the seat hard. His other friends laughed boisterously at your distress.
You situated yourself and looked up to see if you could spot someone, anyone around that you knew. You were unfortunately at the back corner of the bar, since Yoongi’s office was around here.
You tried to get up and make a break for it, but the man pulled you down again. “C’mon sweetheart, we don’t wanna hurt you. We just wanna talk, that’s all.”
Before you could respond, another voice cut through.
“Hands off,” the voice was low and stern, making all heads at the booth turn. When you looked up you saw Hoseok standing above you, arms crossed and looking pissed.
“Hoseok,” you breathed out, grateful that he was working the floor tonight and had stopped by before the situation escalated.
Hoseok didn’t say another word as his eyes drifted down to you quickly before glaring at the man still holding on to you.
“Lighten up, man, we’re just trying to have some fun-”
“I saw the whole thing and she’s clearly not wanting to engage in your idea of ‘fun’ so again: hands off.” Hoseok’s fingers flexed around his forearm, and apparently that was all the warning they needed.
The man let go of you and shoved you away from him, almost making you fall to the ground if Hoseok hadn’t steadied you. He wrapped an arm around you before calling out.
“Joon, Jin, need a hand here!”
Within seconds, the bodyguards of the establishment - also friends of yours - were at the table, looking as intimidating as ever. The 3 men still seated were starting to look a lot less pleased about the ordeal.
“I think these 3 have had it for the night,” Hoseok stated, starting to walk the both of you away so your friends could work their magic. You looked back at them one last time, just barely catching their interaction, which consisted of Seokjin promptly putting one of the men in his place when he tried to throw a punch.
When Hoseok had you seated in an empty booth at the other end of the bar, he knelt down beside you.
“Hey. You ok?” His voice had lost all its frightening timbre, now laced with nothing but concern. You didn’t realize you were still a little shaky until you noticed yourself trembling. You nodded, the best answer you could give right now.
Hoseok patted your knee before he stood up. “Stay here, I’m going to go get Kook-”
You reached out lightning fast to grab onto his sleeve before you pleaded “Don’t.”
Hoseok’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What, why not?”
“I don’t- I don’t want him to worry.” You were telling the truth; Jungkook had been on edge lately, and things were finally starting to get somewhat back to normal. If you didn’t have to add to that worry, you didn’t want to.
Hoseok’s frown deepened. “Y/N-”
“There you are!”
That voice that always managed to make your heart flutter only made you panic more in this instance. Jungkook was walking over to your booth quickly with a huge smile on his face, waving to the two of you. Hoseok moved out of the way so Jungkook could see you more, and you tried your best to smile back.
“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Jungkook addressed you as he pushed his hair out of his face. “I thought you went to go talk to Yoongi, but he said he hadn’t seen you yet.”
“Yeah, I was just on my way, but I ran into Hoseok-”
“Y/N,” Hoseok warned. Jungkook’s smile turned into one of confusion.
“What’s going on,” Jungkook was quick to ask before you could respond. It was then that he fully noticed how you were seated, somewhat curled into yourself.
“You need to tell him,” Hoseok’s eyes were burning into yours, and Jungkook felt a small pit of unease settle in his stomach. He knelt down beside you, similar to how Hoseok had done moments prior.
“Angel, hey, talk to me. What’s this about?” Jungkook took one of your hands in his and shook it slightly before placing a kiss on the back of it.
“It’s nothing, really-”
“Some guy put his hands on her.” Hoseok clearly was over you beating around the bush.
“What,” Jungkook’s tone was slipping into one you didn’t recognize and for good reason: he sounded furious. His hand tightened around yours.
Hoseok nodded, Jungkook’s attention on him now. “Yeah, I’m glad I noticed. Saw some dude grab her wrist and pull her down into the booth with them.”
Jungkook was up on his feet, hand disappearing from yours.
“What the fuck, where did they go,” he started to walk off but Hoseok held him back.
“Joon and Jin already took care of it, don’t worry. But I still just thought you should know.” Hoseok patted Jungkook on the shoulder and you watched as his body, still visibly tense, relaxed somewhat.
“I gotta get back to work, you can take a little time though, yeah?” Hoseok started walking off after giving you one last look, almost as if he was saying sorry but you knew he did the right thing.
Jungkook took a deep breath before finally looking back at you, his face softening instantly. He slid into the seat across from you, placing his palms on the table as he looked down.
“Are you ok, at least,” his voice was low, but you could still hear it just over the faint tunes of the jukebox.
“I’m fine-”
“Define fine,” he scoffed. It was clear the two of you wouldn’t get anywhere like this, so you did the only thing you could think to do: you reached out and took both his hands in yours.
Jungkook looked up then through the curtain of tresses still falling into his eyes. He sighed.
“Sorry, baby, I know I shouldn’t be acting like this. It’s just- with everything we’ve been through with him I can’t help but worry about stuff like this.”
You understood completely because you were in the same boat.
Both of you had recently been experiencing less than pleasant encounters with your ex-fiancé, Kun, who for some reason decided he had a vendetta against the two of you. A vendetta that only got worse when you both made it clear you wanted nothing to do with him ever again.
The past week had been pretty quiet, but neither of you could shake the awful feeling that Kun wasn’t gone for good. And tonight’s fiasco did nothing to help that.
“Well it’s over now and I’m ok and I didn’t get hurt so let’s try not to focus on it, yeah?” You squeezed his hands for emphasis and he sighed. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to be worried the rest of his shift, and he still had a few hours left.
“Yeah, I’ll try. I’m just so glad Hoseok was around...are you still wanting to talk to Yoongi?”
You nodded, happy to see Jungkook had relaxed some more from when he first sat across from you.
“I’ll take you to his office, then.” Jungkook got up, pulling you with him since his hands were still in yours. When you both were standing, he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug.
He looked down at you before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Also I hate to ask but do you mind staying until I get done with my shift? I’m not too keen on the idea of you going home alone now with everything-“
You giggled and caressed his cheek. “Of course, Koo. I’ll come sit at the bar when I get done talking to Yoongi.”
Jungkook brushed his nose against yours. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” you responded before you reached up to place a gentle kiss on his lips. His hold around you tightened, and he deepened the kiss for only a moment before pulling back.
“Fuck, I forgot I’m at work, I need to be careful when you’re around.” He carded a hand through his hair before shaking his head to let it fall back into place.
You laughed at his flustered nature, feeling a bit flustered yourself at the fact that even now you still had such an effect on each other. “Well we are back here in a dark corner where not many people are around,” you teased.
Jungkook smirked before tickling your sides, making you laugh louder as you squirmed to get away.
“Don’t tempt me. I’d rather not get fired for public indecency if I can help it.”
“Fine, fine, I guess just take me to see Yoongi then,” you pretended to pout and were rewarded with a chuckle. He led you to the back now where Yoongi’s office was at, his hand wrapped around yours while he scanned the bar the whole way there.
When the two of you reached the familiar door, Jungkook gave your hand one last squeeze and kissed your cheek.
“I’ve gotta get back to the bar, just come chill up there when you’re done, yeah?” His eyebrows were slightly furrowed like he was still worried, but your gentle smile helped smooth them out.
“Of course. I’ll see you soon.”
You knocked on the door and after hearing Yoongi’s muffled greeting you opened it to walk through, not sparing another glance at Jungkook.
“Y/N! I was wondering when you might be stopping by.” Yoongi smiled brightly at you, always making you feel welcome no matter the circumstance. You took a seat in your usual spot across from his desk where he was currently reclining in his chair.
“Hey, Yoon. How are things?” It’d been a little while since the two of you had properly caught up since things had been so chaotic lately.
Yoongi shrugged. “Can’t complain. Business is good and we’ve been pulling in more regulars. I’d like to say it’s thanks to Jungkook but don’t tell him I told you that. Kid has a big enough head as it is.”
You couldn’t help the proud grin that stretched across your face. Jungkook had been working hard to help turn the bar into a more welcoming environment and increased his work hours to also assist with some building upgrades Yoongi had been wanting to install for years. Their business had increased exponentially as a result, so you knew Yoongi meant it when he said he had Jungkook to thank.
“I’ll be sure to keep it our little secret,” you brought your hand up to mimic a ‘shh’ expression and Yoongi chuckled.
“Perfect.” He leaned forward then, an elbow resting on his desk and his head supported by his palm. “So tell me: how’s married life?”
“It’s everything I could ever want and more. I can’t say much has changed except the whole ‘legally being bound together’ thing, since we still act the same. It’s just…nice. Really, really nice.” Your gaze drifted down to your wedding ring, and as it was with every other time you saw it, you could feel something akin to butterflies fluttering inside your stomach.
Yoongi gave you his trademark lopsided grin. “Glad to hear it. You know, I was always rooting for you two from the start.”
You feigned annoyance, playfully rolling your eyes. “I know, I know, you only tell me every chance you get.” Yoongi never took a liking to your ex-fiancé and had always favored Jungkook, this much you knew. Even before Kun turned into the person he was now, Yoongi never cared for him. And he made sure it was known.
“Have you thought about when you’re going to pop the question?” You decided to switch gears and put him on the spot, giggling at the way he seemed flustered.
“Well I uh, I’ve thought about it I just- it’s hard to figure out the right time, you know? And is she even ready for that, I can’t tell-”
“Min Yoongi, you stop that right now. She is so in love with you that I bet she’s ready for you to ask any day now, just so she can say yes like she’s been wanting to for so long now.” You had spent enough time around Yoongi and his long-term partner to know that the two were head-over-heels for each other, nearly rivaling you and Jungkook in how easy it was to tell.
Yoongi grinned. “You think so, huh?”
“No doubt in my mind. In fact-” you were cut off by the feeling of your phone vibrating in your pocket. You hastily took it out, not sure who could be calling at this hour.
It dawned on you then that you had been expecting a new client to call, and the number on your screen was one you didn’t recognize so you figured it could be them. Your boss had heavily expressed the importance of this client and their business venture they were offering, so without giving it another thought you hopped out of your chair.
“Sorry Yoon, I need to take this real quick. Do you mind if I step out the back door? It shouldn’t take too long.” You were already heading to leave his office, trying to catch the call before it stopped ringing, barely missing his soft “Go ahead.”
You bolted through the back door of the establishment, out into the dimly lit parking lot. As soon as you heard the door shut, you swiftly answered the call.
“Hello, this is Y/N speaking, may I ask who’s calling?” You gave your usual greeting for work related or other conversations when you didn’t recognize the number. The silence that you were met with on the other end made a chill run down your spine.
You froze altogether when the other voice spoke.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to answer calls from numbers you don’t know?”
You felt your lower lip tremble. “K-Kun?”
A dark chuckle from the other end of the line. “Missed me, sweetheart?”
‘Just hang up,’ your brain was screaming at you, but you were holding your phone in an iron-tight grip, knuckles taut.
“Leave me alone and never contact me again,” you were finally able to respond, moving your arm to bring your phone down to hang up.
Your phone hit the ground before you got the chance.
Someone had come up behind you and pulled both arms behind your back, a hand coming around to muffle the scream you let out.
“Shhh,” someone whispered beside your ear. “You don’t want to make this harder for yourself, hm?”
That voice, why did you recognize that voice?
The person started dragging you off into one of the darker corners of the parking lot, ignoring your futile attempts to kick and writhe out of their grasp. You continued screaming into their palm but to no avail.
When you reached where they wanted you to be, they let you go and pushed you down onto the ground, causing your back to hit the wall and briefly knock the breath out of you. Before you could pick yourself back up, 2 other shadowy figures blocked your path. There was just enough light for you to finally make out the faces of the 3 people standing over you.
They were the same ones from earlier in the bar, the ones who had harassed you and yanked you down into their booth.
“What do you want,” you sobbed out into the night air. You were too terrified to try screaming again, afraid of what they might do. Especially now that you were across the lot, away from your phone and any chance of contacting someone else. Not to mention the fact that it was loud inside the bar, so screaming wouldn’t do you many favors anyway.
And if someone walked by, nothing would look out of the ordinary since it was just dark enough where you were to obscure the vision of anyone looking from the outside.
Before any of them could answer you, there was another sound you heard faintly in the distance: footsteps.
“Hel-,” you started to cry out, but as if they knew what you were planning, one of the men dropped down and covered your mouth again, now letting you see who was approaching behind them. Your eyes widened in terror as you took in the newcomer’s sinister grin.
You watched as Kun nodded to the other 2 men and they moved aside, while the third one still keeping your mouth covered moved slightly out of the way. Kun knelt down and moved his hand, replacing it with his own before you could scream again.
“Well well, fancy seeing you here.” Kun reached out and caressed your check with the back of his other hand, making you let out a strangled whimper as you tried to move back and away from him. He shook his head at your action and grabbed onto one of your arms now instead, pulling you and himself up in a swift motion.
His grip around your arm was painful, making you wince. Kun either didn’t notice or didn’t care. One look into his eyes was enough to see that the man you’d spent many years of your life with was completely gone with no trace left whatsoever. You didn’t know this person standing in front of you now.
And you didn’t ever want to.
“Now, I’m gonna move my hand, and you’re not gonna scream. Got it? Because if you do,” he moved forward to where his face was inches away from yours now. “I promise this will be so much worse for you. And you know I always keep my promises, don’t you?”
Kun was laughing before you could react at all, knowing good and well he’d broken several promises during your time together. He must have taken your silence as compliance because you could feel his hand relaxing around your face.
“Good girl,” the words made you shudder repulsively, wanting nothing more than for this to be just a terrible figment of your imagination and for you to be back inside at the bar waiting on Jungkook.
Jungkook. The thought of him caused a lump to form in your throat. You had no idea what Kun had planned for you, and that caused your heart to constrict as the vision of Jungkook smiling lovingly at you flashed through your mind.
You squeezed your eyes shut and felt a tear roll down your cheek. You opened them again once you felt Kun’s hand disappear.
“Ah, so you can take direction well. I guess Jungkook’s trained you somewhat since you’re his bitch now-”
“What do you want,” you asked through gritted teeth. The last thing you wanted to hear come from this man’s mouth was the name of your beloved. You didn’t want him brought up at all, the less this was focused on Jungkook the better.
But, since it was Kun, that obviously didn’t happen.
Kun laughed again, a loud, ugly sound. “What do I want? The same thing I’ve always wanted. Isn’t it obvious?”
The 3 men were crowded around both of you now, and it dawned on you then that they were blocking any means of escape for you. That didn’t bode well for you and you knew it, but you held your ground. You didn’t want to give Kun any more of the upper hand than he already had.
Kun finally dropped his other hand from your arm in favor of now caging you in against the wall. You were trapped even more now, but you just stared back at him, trying your best to look unfazed. Kun dipped his head down and you held your breath.
“What I want,” you could feel him barely hovering over your lips and the feeling made your skin crawl, “is for Jungkook to pay.”
“Pay for what,” you couldn’t help your annoyed tone. Kun’s obsession with Jungkook and ‘coming out on top’ – whatever that even meant, you weren’t entirely sure – had gotten old and you were beyond sick of it. “He owes you nothing, we owe you nothing.”
Kun hummed and shook his head, his nose almost brushing against yours, but you turned your head and let it graze against your cheek.
”I don’t think you get to decide that, not in the position you’re in, anyway. You see, I’m tired of seeing Jungkook get literally everything handed to him without trying-”
“Jungkook has worked hard for everything he has, something you wouldn’t know about,” you spat back. Kun was right, you were certainly in no position to be talking back right now, but you wouldn’t stand idly by while he slandered Jungkook just because he felt like it. “You’ve always been jealous of him-”
“Shut up, shut up!” Kun snarled, all but yelling in your face before he grabbed you by the jaw. You grimaced from the pain of it, a sound something like a scream starting but dying in your throat.
“You fucking infuriate me sometimes, you know that? I can’t believe I wasted so many years with you.” His grip around your jaw tightened as he finished talking, making it almost too hard for you to respond.
“Likewise,” you managed to get out, not being able to help the sob you let out when he squeezed more.
“Doesn’t matter.” Kun’s face stretched into that evil, Cheshire-like grin and for the first time that night you felt genuinely horrified about what his true intentions might be. “I’m not concerned with you or how you feel.”
Kun finally let go of your jaw and you let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. He grabbed one of your wrists and tugged you closer, knocking you off balance and unfortunately causing you to brace yourself against his chest.
He hugged you to him and whispered in your ear: “What I do care about is seeing Jungkook’s reaction when his precious wife is suddenly nowhere to be found.”
That kicked you into fight or flight mode, eyes widening and mouth opening to scream as you flailed your hands around. Your flailing did little to help you because Kun was already dragging you alongside him away from the wall, still holding you close.
“Let me go, you psycho!” you screamed, only causing him to turn you around and put a hand over your mouth again while his other arm held you firm against his torso.
“One of you bring the car around,” Kun ordered, and you saw one of the men dashing away. As you were pulled further away from the bar, your vision was clouded with a film of tears and your muffled sobs were hidden behind Kun’s hand. You were no match for his strength, and he proved it because he was literally dragging you across the concrete despite you being so uncooperative. Gentle raindrops had just started falling from the sky, further impairing your vision.
It was then that you heard a pained grunt followed by a thud coming from a little further away, in the direction the other man had ran off to. You tried to focus your eyes to see what was happening when the next sound that graced your ears was fast footsteps as they pounded against the pavement.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!”
A familiar voice made you cry out with joy and fight harder against Kun.
“Yoongi,” you cried out, still muffled but enough to draw his attention to your face now. He was running toward Kun fast, and when he saw the position you were in, he sped up, determined to free you by any means necessary.
You briefly worried about the other men behind him, until you saw that another was already knocked down and someone else – you thought it might be Jimin – was currently fighting with the third man. While your attention was on them, you didn’t register Kun tossing you aside until it was too late.
You slipped on the now wet pavement and fell down, barely able to brace yourself for the impact in time. Your earlier vision of Jungkook smiling was the last thing to flash through your mind before your head hit the ground.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Yoongi glanced at his watch for the second time. It’d been about 10 minutes since you stepped outside to take your phone call, and he figured it had to have been important if you were still outside.
As he was wondering whether or not to call you himself to see if everything was alright, Jimin stuck his head inside the office, peeking around the door. “Hey boss, is Y/N around?”
Yoongi sat up straight. “Yeah, she stepped outside to take a call but it’s been a few minutes. Why?”
Jimin’s face blanched. “She went alone?”
“Yeah... Jimin’s what’s going on?”
Jimin took a deep breath. “It’s probably nothing, but earlier there were some guys that straight up harassed her. They were thrown out but-“
Yoongi held a hand up. “Wait. Pause. Someone harassed her? Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”
Jimin had stepped fully into the room now, rubbing at the back of his neck as he looked at the ground. “Well it wasn’t that long ago, so maybe nobody had the chance yet.”
Yoongi’s brows furrowed. “Does Jungkook know?”
Jimin nodded. “Yeah, he’s the one who asked me to come check on her without being too obvious about it. I think the whole thing has him spooked.”
Yoongi didn’t like the feeling that was slowly creeping up on him. He dialed your number and put the receiver to his ear, hoping to hear a busy signal on the other end.
When he was met with a series of rings, his heart started beating faster. He was up and out of his chair fully by the time he heard your voicemail greeting.
“Fuck,” he mumbled out loud to no one in particular. He was jogging over to the back door, a confused Jimin following close behind.
“Yoongi, what-”
“Not now, Jimin.” He picked up his pace, feeling his chest tighten as he approached the door. He was hoping that when he opened it you would be on the other side, because maybe you just lost track of time and your phone was on silent.
Wishful thinking helps in times of peril, right?
Yoongi pushed the door open quickly, letting it bang against the side of the bar. You were nowhere in sight, his eyes frantically searching through the lot for a trace of you.
What he was met with, though, was instead the sight of 3 - maybe 4? - dark figures across the lot, huddled in a suspicious way. His heart dropped to his stomach.
He started running, not knowing what would meet him when he did, but not caring either. As he approached, one of the figures tried to block him. He took them down easily with a single punch, making them groan in pain as their body connected with the ground. Yoongi never stopped running for even a moment.
His heart wrenched when his vision finally adjusted enough to the darkness outside and he could see you and exactly who was holding you.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” He shouted as he continued running, getting ready to barrel into Kun at any moment.
Hearing your faint cry of his name only made him go faster when his eyes landed on your horrified face.
It was raining now but Yoongi wouldn’t let that stop him from saving you. What he didn’t anticipate was for Kun to throw you in the opposite direction, making him conflicted about who to go after now. He settled for pursuing Kun still, finally reaching him and grabbing him by the shirt.
“What the actual fuck is your problem,” Yoongi yelled in Kun’s face. Kun brought his hands up to try and tear Yoongi’s away, but they wouldn’t budge.
Kun stopped trying to fight back and smiled at Yoongi, making a fresh wave of disgust cascade over him. When Kun spoke, his voice had a calm edge to it. “I’ll just keep coming back, no matter how many times you and those idiots in there,” he jerked his head in the direction of the bar, “try to keep me away.”
Yoongi quickly spun Kun around and forced him to the ground, keeping his hands behind his back and not giving him a way to escape. “Jimin, call the cops,” he called over his shoulder before leaning closer to Kun’s face. “We may not be able to keep you away, but they certainly can with all the dirt we have on you.”
Kun chuckled slightly before grimacing when Yoongi twisted his arm further. “You know,” he huffed out, “Y/N was pretty off balance when I threw her earlier.”
Yoongi stilled. He realized that Kun was trying to distract him by making him worry about you, and unfortunately for Yoongi it was working. Especially when his eyes fell on your unmoving figure several feet away, lying on your side.
“Shit,” he jumped up and ran over to you, completely abandoning Kun, beyond caring at that point. He knelt down and turned you over. He swallowed when he saw the way your arm landed limply on the ground beside him. He embraced your upper body within his arms, shaking you a little.
“Y/N, hey, wake up,” he begged. He could feel that you were still breathing, but it was very evident your fall had knocked you out. And Yoongi knew there was no telling what happened before he even got to you, so he had no clue how injured you might actually be.
He heard footsteps approaching from behind him, splashing against the puddles that were starting to form in the parking lot. He didn’t have to look up to know it was Jimin, since the other man was calling out his name before he got there.
“Yoongi, I called them, they said – wait where did he go?” Jimin was standing over Yoongi now, looking from one area of the parking lot to the other, but Kun was nowhere in sight. “Did you let him leave?”
Yoongi’s silence prompted Jimin to finally look down and his mouth dropped open as he himself dropped to kneel next to Yoongi.
“Holy shit, what happened,” Jimin reached out to gingerly touch your arm, frown deepening when he got no response from you.
“She probably hit her head when that bastard threw her earlier. She’s just knocked out, I think,” Yoongi’s voice was lined with unbridled anger. “Go see if you can find Jin since he’s the closest thing we have to a medic right now. And get Kook.”
Jimin nodded and without another word took off toward the bar. Yoongi couldn’t fathom how Jungkook would react but he knew it wouldn’t be good. As he waited, he held you closer, trying to shield you from the rain.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Jungkook’s fingers were drumming against the bar absentmindedly as he listened to one of his regular patrons drone on about their week as they usually did on nights like tonight. He was genuinely trying to focus on what they were saying, truly he was, but his mind had been so muddled ever since the incident earlier that he found it hard to think about anything else.
Which is exactly why he had asked Jimin to casually check in on you and Yoongi.
It’d been a few minutes and Jimin still wasn’t back; Jungkook hoped that they were all 3 chatting and Jimin was just taking his time. He did want him to be inconspicuous about it, after all.
His patron finally excused themselves to go to the restroom, and Jungkook offered them a soft smile. For a second, he allowed himself to take a deep breath and try to push any lingering negative thoughts out of his mind so he could make it through the rest of his shift.
Jungkook should’ve known better than to hope for a moment’s peace.
He heard Jimin before he saw him, colliding with the other end of the bar. Jungkook cautiously started walking over to him, trying to ignore the heavy feeling that settled over his body like a suffocating blanket.
“Kook,” Jimin panted, “we need you. Now.”
The expression on Jimin’s face and the urgency of his voice made Jungkook’s blood run cold. He wasted no time in leaving the bar as he followed Jimin, nearly running him over when Jimin stopped once they were outside. As his sight adjusted to the drizzling rain, he saw something that made him run as fast as he could before eventually falling to his knees, panic seizing his heart.
“No. No no no no no,” Jungkook was chanting over and over as he stared at you, huddled against Yoongi as he held you close. Your eyes were closed and you weren’t moving.
Jungkook’s hands were shaking, and he could feel his lips quivering. Yoongi stared at Jungkook somberly before gentle passing you over to him.
He immediately drew you to him, burying your face in his chest while he cradled the back of your head with his palm.
The rain started pouring down harder now and he knew it was pelting against his back, cold and wet enough to chill him to the bone. But Jungkook felt nothing. There was nothing but numbness as he continued to rock you gently in his arms and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“Hey angel, I’m here,” his voice was unsteady. “It’s me, baby, I’ve got you. You’re gonna be ok,” his arm that was wrapped around your back tightened its hold on you and he placed his head in the crook of your neck. You still didn’t rouse, no matter what he tried, and his shoulders started to shake.
“Kook-” Yoongi had to talk loud to be heard over the sudden downpour. “We need to get her inside.” He tried reaching out to touch Jungkook’s arm but Jungkook flinched away, embracing you even tighter now as if he was trying to protect you from anything and everything.
He just wanted to protect you. And the fact that he had failed was currently eating him alive with regret.
Yoongi sighed but tried again. “Jungkook,” he said it softer this time but still loud enough, “let’s take her inside. You don’t want her to get sick.”
At the mention of your well-being potentially suffering further damage, Jungkook started to somewhat come back to his senses. He held you tight and stood up with a little help from Yoongi, making sure to keep you as close to his chest as possible so you wouldn’t get soaked and because right now, he needed you near.
When the 3 of you were inside, Yoongi ushered you all into his office since there was a small couch in there were you could lie down. Jungkook placed you as gently as possible on the couch, feeling his heart break piece by piece every second you remained unmoving. The only thing that could offer him solace was the faint rise and fall of your chest as you breathed.
He dropped to sit on the floor beside the couch, holding one of your hands in his while he used his other one to brush some of your wet hair out of your face. He leaned his forehead against the arm of the couch and inhaled shakily.
Yoongi was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed, looking at the two of you. Jungkook appreciated Yoongi for giving him time to try and calm down before talking again.
“What happened,” Jungkook managed to croak after a minute or so had passed.
Yoongi took a deep breath. “Kun was here.”
Jungkook whipped his head around fast, his hair splaying water droplets on the couch. His eyes were glazed over with unshed tears, and Yoongi had never seen him look so angry.
He’d never seen Jungkook look so hurt.
“Kun did this to her,” Jungkook asked, tone low and dark, but it came out more as a statement because he already knew. He could tell by the angered inflection in Yoongi’s voice when he mentioned Kun.
Yoongi nodded. “Unfortunately. When I first made it outside, he was holding onto her, dragging her away-”
“Dragging her where,” his hand that was holding yours involuntarily squeezed harder.
Yoongi shrugged, shaking his head. “I don’t know, it looked like he was trying to take her to a car…”
Jungkook didn’t miss the way he trailed off. He waited for Yoongi to collect his thoughts.
 “Jungkook, I- I think he may have been trying to abduct her.”
Jungkook felt like the room had suddenly tilted. The idea of that – God, the idea of anything remotely close to that – made him feel violently ill.
He looked at your face then, noticing how it wasn’t scrunched up in pain; you actually looked quite peaceful despite the circumstances, almost like you were simply in a deep slumber. He tried hard to swallow around the ever-growing lump that was still forming in his throat when he brushed his fingertips along the length of your arm.
You were here, physically here. He could see you and he could touch you. Yoongi had saved you in time before you had been whisked away to who knows where. The fact that Kun had even dared to try to take you away… the possibility of you being gone and Jungkook not knowing where you had been taken to or if he’d ever see you again-
It made Jungkook see red.
This isn’t the life he wanted for you. He never wanted you to have to look over your shoulder in fear at the idea of someone following you, like you’d been doing the last several weeks. He never ever wanted you to get hurt, especially in such a way as this.
He could feel anger flowing through his veins, seeping into his bones and consuming him, with the only thing able to ground him right now being the feeling of your soft hand enveloped by his own.
Yoongi was saying more but Jungkook couldn’t make it out over his own voice screaming at him inside his head. His mind was waging a war with itself, questioning so many things-
Was he really the best person for you?
Was there someone out there who could protect you, who could keep you safe in ways he couldn’t?
Would loving you be enough if he could never fully promise you peace?
What if-
“Jungkook,” Yoongi’s stern voice cut through the thick fog of his mind and Jungkook shook his head to try clear it completely. He focused his attention on his friend that was now staring at him, sporting a frown on his face full of concern.
“Did you hear anything I just said?”
Jungkook gulped. “Honestly? No.”
Yoongi’s frown intensified. “Kook-”
“Don’t, just- please repeat it. Please.”
Yoongi sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before he continued. “I was saying that Kun threw her to the ground and that’s how she hit her head.”
Jungkook’s unoccupied hand balled into a fist and he clenched his jaw. Yoongi could see him tense up but continued speaking.
“I asked Jimin to fetch Jin seeing as he’s had more medical training than any of us and I figured it’d be better than waiting on an ambulance.”
He had barely gotten the last word out before there was hurried knocking on the door. Yoongi walked over to the door quickly to open it, and Jin rushed in without a moment’s hesitation.
“Sorry it took so long, I needed to get supplies.” He made his way to the couch, crouching down in front of it next to Jungkook. He placed the bag he was carrying down onto the ground beside him as he started sifting through it to find other things he needed. Jungkook watched Jin without really seeing him, flinching a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Kook,” Yoongi said softly as Jungkook looked up at him. “We need to let Jin look at her. C’mon,” he patted his shoulder before walking away, and Jungkook knew Yoongi expected him to follow him.
Jungkook also knew Yoongi was right, and he needed to let Jin get to work. He hated the thought of leaving you, but he knew he wasn’t going far. In fact, he wasn’t even going to leave the room, and if he was encouraged to, well-
There wasn’t anything anyone could do to make him leave that room short of physically removing him themselves. And with how wound up Jungkook was about this entire situation, that wouldn’t be an easy feat by any means.
Thankfully, Yoongi didn’t ask him to leave, opting instead to offer him his office chair. Jungkook graciously accepted the offer and sat down, briefly observing how Jin carefully examined you from across the room before he placed his head in his hands.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Some time passed before Jungkook felt like he could properly breathe again. And he was only feeling like that now because you had finally started to stir.
As soon as the faintest noise was heard from you, Jungkook was out of his seat and in front of the couch again.
You groaned as you rubbed your eyes, trying to adjust to the light by blinking a few times. After doing this, you tilted your head to the side and your eyes landed on Jungkook. He inhaled sharply, feeling like he might break apart when you gave him the sweetest smile.
“Koo,” you breathed out softly as your hand reached up to caress his cheek. He vaguely heard Jin telling Yoongi something about you still having decent control over your motor skills being a good sign, but right now all his focus was on you specifically.
Well, he was also focusing on not having a breakdown, but you were most important.
His hand came up to cover yours that was still on his face and for the first time in what felt like ages, his lips curved upward into a smile.
“Hey, angel,” he responded. “How are you feeling?”
 Your eyebrows furrowed. “Well, my head hurts but otherwise I’m fine? A little sore, though-”
“That’s probably from your fall earlier,” Jin interrupted, pulling your attention back to him. You looked at him, bewildered.
“I fell? When did I fall?”
Yoongi and Jungkook shared a look then, and Jungkook would be lying if he said you not remembering what happened didn’t worry him.
It worried him a lot, actually.
Jin hummed. “We can talk about it later. I need to examine you now though, ok? Make sure you don’t have any signs of a concussion or something else.”
The scared look on your face made Jungkook’s chest tighten.
“O-ok, yeah, sure. Do whatever you need to,” you said as you tried to sit up straight, Jungkook and Jin both helping to steady you as you did.
It didn’t take long for Jin to conduct his examination. While he was checking you over, Yoongi relayed the events from earlier to you and Jungkook observed as the look in your eyes switched from one of confusion to one of horror the more Yoongi went on.
“I-I remember now. Right before you came out there, Kun told me-” you trailed off, speaking to Yoongi but looking over at Jungkook now. His heart started beating painfully when you paused.
“What did he tell you, baby?”
You inhaled unevenly, the sight tearing Jungkook up even more on the inside. “He told me that he wanted to see your reaction when I was nowhere to be found.”
This time, he swore his heart stopped.
So Kun had not only planned to take you away, but he wanted to make sure you couldn’t be found?
Jungkook made a promise to himself then and there that if he ever saw Kun again, he’d-
Your pleading tone made Jungkook’s eyes snap back up to your face. You were trying to give him a small smile, but he could still see the fear lying behind your eyes.
“It’s going to be ok,” you attempted to reassure him. “Don’t worry.”
Jungkook had no idea how you could sit here an expect him not to worry but he didn’t want to fight you on it. You’d both had enough excitement for one night so all he did was nod and hope that would suffice for now.
His mind was starting to race again with the same kind of thoughts he had earlier, plaguing him with questions he didn’t know the answers to.
Frankly, he didn’t even know if he wanted the answers either.
Jin stood up from where he was seated on the floor, straightening himself up and stretching his long limbs. “She’s going to be fine. Just keep an eye on her for the next few days, but I don’t see anything to be alarmed about. If anything changes, you can call me but also if you’re more comfortable going to a hospital, that’s fine too. I won’t be offended.”
Jungkook smiled at his eldest friend. “Thank you, Jin. Seriously, thank you.”
Jin nodded, offering a warm smile to you before exiting the room.
Yoongi walked over to the couch and ruffled your hair. Jungkook watched the exchange with fondness, seeing two of the people he cared about most in the world also caring for each other.
“I’m so glad you’re ok,” Yoongi said, sounding utterly tired. You thanked him again for what he had done, and Jungkook left the two of you alone momentarily so he could check on Jimin and Hoseok at the bar. They entertained him for all of maybe 5 seconds before shooing him away, assuring him that they could handle things and that he should just take you home and be with you right now.
Jungkook thought nothing sounded better.
When he made it back to Yoongi’s office, he saw that you were now sitting on the armrest of the couch. Yoongi must have helped you get up from the couch, seeing as he was standing beside you, and Jungkook strode over to take his place now with an arm around your waist. Yoongi didn’t say anything about him leaving other than to wish you both a goodnight and that he would talk to Jungkook later.
Jungkook helped you walk to the car, not letting you go for even a fraction of a second, despite your teasing him about being able to walk on your own. Be that as it may, he still wouldn’t let go, because the truth of the matter was he was just too scared to.
It wasn’t until you were both in the car riding home that Jungkook let those negative thoughts devour him once more.
And this time, they were almost impossible to shake away.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
When both of you finally arrived home, Jungkook opened the door and surveyed the room before letting you go inside. You knew his paranoia was at an all-time high right now and frankly you couldn’t blame him; you were still really unsettled, too.
But you were more of the mindset that it’s in the past now and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. You never liked to dwell too long on things and Jungkook was becoming better about that as well.
You weren’t sure if it’d be that easy this time, though.
He’d barely said a word to you the whole ride home, and even now as you were both standing by the front door while he locked it, he was still eerily quiet. Once it was sufficiently locked enough by Jungkook’s standards, he gave you one last look before he started walking down the hallway. You frowned and followed him.
No response.
“Baby? Talk to me.” It looked like he was trying to go to the kitchen, but it was still dark in the house since he’d barely turned on any of the lights, so you weren’t sure. Still no answer.
“Jungkook.” You called out sternly this time and just barely spotted him as he disappeared into the kitchen. When he heard you walk in, he finally spoke.
“You should eat something, what do you want?”
His voice broke your heart.
“I’m not hungry-”
“You can go lay down, Jin said you didn’t have a concussion so it should be fine. I can bring some food up for you.” He was leaning against the counter in front of the sink, his back turned to you and his head hanging somewhat.
He sounded not at all like himself, and it scared you. Not in the way that you were scared of him, but you were scared because you didn’t know what to do.
Talking was obviously getting you nowhere, so you instead walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him from behind, placing your cheek against his back. He flinched.
“Baby, please,” his voice sounded like it was breaking so you just held him tighter, hoping he could feel your love from the way you embraced him as if you never wanted to let him go.
“Koo, I need you to talk to me. I need to know what’s wrong-”
“What’s wrong is me,” he gritted out, tone louder than before and it made you jump. He then released himself from your arms and tried to walk away.
“Jungkook, wait,” you scrambled to go after him, catching him before he could disappear into another room, this time turning him around to face you. He was leaning against the wall and didn’t try to move past you anymore, but he avoided your gaze.
“Koo, look at me,” you stressed, ducking down to peek up at him. He finally raised his head so you could look into his eyes at a normal level. You noticed the tears in the corner of his eyes, and it nearly made you start crying yourself.
Jungkook never hid his vulnerability from you, he never hid anything from you. But even so, it was still a rare sight to see him cry.
“Why do you want to be around me right now,” he questioned, voice wavering and you recognized the sound. He was trying to hold himself back from crying.
“Koo, what do you mean, why wouldn’t I want to be around you? I love you-”
“I couldn’t protect you,” his voice rose in pitch, not to talk over you but because he was just so upset. “I couldn’t save you, I wasn’t around to help you- God, baby, you got fucking attacked and I wasn’t there.”
He was trembling and you tried to steady him by placing your hands on his shoulders. Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks now, and they were bound to start pooling in your own eyes any second.
“None of that is your fault,” you emphasized your words by squeezing his shoulders. “Ok? No one could have predicted what that psycho was gonna do, not you, not me, not Yoongi, nobody.”
“For fuck’s sake, he almost kidnapped you-”
“But he didn’t and I’m here.” You brushed his cheek to wipe some of the tears away and he choked back a sob. “I’m here, with you, and that’s what matters.”
“I could have lost you,” he said it just above a whisper as you moved to brush the tears away from his other cheek.
You blinked back your own tears. “You didn’t lose me.”
“But I could have. We have no idea what the fuck he’s capable of and just- every time I think about what might have happened if no one got to you in time, I start to lose my mind.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up on your tip-toes to place a gentle kiss on his lips, heart lurching when he actually kissed you back and his hands found purchase on your waist as they usually did.
“You didn’t lose me. You have me. All of me. I’m right here,” you kissed him once more. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Jungkook let out a sob as he pulled you closer, nearly crushing you with his embrace. You ran your hand through his hair to try and soothe him when he leaned his forehead on your shoulder.
“I was so fucking scared,” he said against your skin. “So terrified. I love you so much,” a tender kiss was placed on the side of your neck now, and you could feel his lips still trembling.
“I love you,” your response prompted another small sob from him, “I love you more than anyone or anything else in this world and I’ll show you that everyday for the rest of my life, as long as you let me.”
“Baby-” Jungkook’s voice cracked with so much raw emotion and you couldn’t help yourself anymore. You were determined to show him your conviction behind your statement, so with your hand still buried in his hair, you pulled him down to your level once more as you crashed your lips together.
You’d never felt anything quite like the emotions that coursed through you every single time you kissed Jungkook. It didn’t matter if it was the cute good morning kisses upon waking up, the silly, laughter-filled ones that happened in the midst of playing around, or the intense ones bursting with passion that always led to something more. Each one was different and better than the last, and it was like a language between you both filled with unspoken words that demonstrated exactly what you felt.
This was one of the many ways the two of your expressed your devotion to one another, through an action as simple as kissing yet the feelings it always evoked inside of you were anything but. And even during times like tonight when you’d both endured something extremely emotional, you could still find comfort in each other through these gestures.
When you finally broke apart, you were both panting breathlessly, and Jungkook rested his forehead against yours.
“Sorry, baby,” Jungkook breathed, voice somewhat raspy. His fingers had started gripping your waist harder during the exchange, but you felt them start to loosen.
That was most definitely something you didn’t want, so you placed your hands on the sides of his face and looked him in the eyes.
“Koo,” you spoke softly, cautiously, as if you were testing the waters. “Can I give you all of me?”
His eyes sparkled with the realization of what you were implying, and for a moment you wondered if he would reject you. And if he did, that would be completely fine with you because his comfort mattered most of all to you right now, as it always did. Tonight had been a lot to deal with and you weren’t sure what mindset he would be in about this sort of thing-
That thought remained unfinished in your mind as Jungkook captured your lips again and all other rational thought went out the window. All you could focus on now was how Jungkook’s body felt melded up against yours, how his mouth was exploring yours like he’d done so many times before, how his fingers dug into your skin like he was afraid to let you go.
You jumped up and Jungkook wrapped your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss while he turned you around so that your back was against the wall. You heard a low groan come from him as you intensified the kiss before he pulled away.
“Angel, are you sure about this?” He was holding you up with help from the wall, hands placed on your thighs just underneath your ass. Your hand was playing with the hair at the nape of his neck since you knew how much he loved that. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you-”
“Koo, I’m fine. I feel fine and I’m not in pain. I promise. I want this. I want you,” you gave him another searing kiss that you felt yourself melting into. “But only if you want it too.”
Jungkook’s next kiss knocked the breath out of you and he swallowed the surprised whimper you let out. “Of course, baby. I always want you.”
His words never failed to make you feel warm all over, with love and adoration as well as arousal. Right now, you were feeling all of these things as he situated your legs around his waist in a more comfortable position.
“Do you want to do this here,” he panted as his eyes met yours again. You could tell he was getting worked up just having you like this here against the wall, so you wasted no time answering him.
“Yes Koo, please,” you urged him to continue. “Wanna feel you close. Don’t wanna wait.”
“Fuck, I mean, I could take us upstairs-” his words ended with a grunt as you drew him closer by wrapping your legs tighter around him, making him grind against you. His head dipped down to rest against your shoulder as he let out shallow breaths, his fingers threatening to make indentations in your skin.
In a somewhat frenzied manner, Jungkook put you back down on your feet so the both of you could remove your clothes, too impatient to take everything off and only getting rid of what was necessary. When both of your lower halves were bare, he secured you around his waist once more, his length rapidly hardening against your now naked thigh.
You reached in between the two of you to wrap your hand around him, and the feeling was enough to have him inhaling sharply before he kissed you with a newfound urgency. You could tell by the way he was moaning against your mouth that your teasing caresses were working and within no time he was ready. You let out a stuttered moan when Jungkook’s long fingers disappeared inside of you so he could make sure you were stretched enough.
When he deemed you prepped enough – and when you started rocking against his fingers with impatient whimpers – he withdrew so he could line himself up with you. Your already soaked folds were threatening to pull him in, and it was almost too much for him to handle in his heightened emotional state.
He pushed in slowly, inch by inch, as he always did. The stretch made you lean your head back against the wall, his soft curses only spurring you on even more. On other nights you might would try to coax him to be a little rougher because you knew you could take it, but tonight you weren’t in a rush for anything, and neither was he. Tonight was about you two being together as one, relishing the way you shared this connection with each other and conveying it through this intimate act.
Both of you sighed in pleasure when Jungkook bottomed out, finally experiencing that complete closeness the two of you craved more than anything else right now. His hands gripped your ass firmly to start moving you up and down his length in slow, steady strokes. He didn’t want to take things fast or go hard tonight – he just wanted to enjoy this feeling, having you so close and yet still wanting to pull you impossibly closer.
The feeling of your warmth around him mixed with the tousling of your hands in his hair was driving him crazy. Every touch from you, no matter how small, always ignited something within him that he couldn’t explain. He was so unapologetically, wholeheartedly in love with you.
And he’d just come so close to losing you.
Pain twisted his heart as he stared at you, watching your face scrunch up in the most beautiful way. Your head was tilted back with your eyes crinkled shut while his name was falling from your lips in hushed whispers. Each thrust was pushing you further up the wall before he would bring you back down again, and your arms wound themselves around his neck to help anchor yourself further.
You looked ethereal, and Jungkook was trying so hard to focus on you and not the negative thoughts that were once again settling uncomfortably in his mind. His body was fighting itself on whether he should succumb to the pleasure he was feeling or if he should submit to the dark cloud blanketing his mind.
His change in demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Jungkook continued to move inside of you, keeping a consistent pace, but something wasn’t right. He was looking at you, but he wasn’t looking at you. He had a pained expression on his face, and that’s what kicked your own worry into gear.
“Koo, baby, hey what’s wrong?” You held his face in both of your hands and watched as he crumbled underneath your touch. He had slid his hands up to rest against your back now in an attempt to embrace you further, hands trapped in between you and the wall.
You almost started panicking when you saw the tears start to brim in his eyes again.
“I just-” he choked on a cry and your heart wrenched at the sound, “I can’t stop thinking about it.” He was still moving but his pace had slowed down to a near stop.
“Thinking about what?” You weren’t sure you wanted to know but you needed him to talk to you.
“Thinking about losing you, I can’t-”
His hands reached up higher to grasp onto your shirt you were still wearing, clenching the fabric in his fists as he dragged it down. You could feel the collar of the front of your shirt tightening around you while he hid his head in the crook of your neck and started to shake. You wrapped your arms around him as tightly as you could and ran a hand through his hair, trying to soothe him.
“Please stay,” he whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear. “Please stay with me.”
“I love you so much, I don’t want to lose you,” more sobs wracked through his body. He had otherwise stilled inside of you but made no effort to move away. “I can’t lose you, I-”
“Baby, look at me.”
Jungkook slowly brought his head up to face you, the sight making you want to break down yourself. He looked so defeated, so broken, and his eyes were shining with tears he didn’t bother hiding anymore.
You cradled his face in your hands, rubbing your thumbs across his cheekbones before they travelled to trace along the curves of his jawline.
You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, listening as he tried to control his erratic breathing. “I won’t leave you.”
A soft kiss on his lips. “I’ll never leave you.”
You brushed his hair back from his face, and his eyes captivated you as they swirled with so much intense emotion.
“I promised you forever, and I intend to keep it. Nothing, and no one, is going to keep me from you. I love you too much to let that happen,” you granted him a sweet smile and brushed your thumb across his lower lip that had started to quiver. He sniffled as you continued.
“Do you remember our wedding vows?”
Jungkook swallowed as he nodded, seeming a little calmer now.
Your smile widened, and your own set of fresh tears had gathered in the corners of your eyes, ready to spill. “Remember how I told I would give you all of me? That I would give you the best of me?”
He nodded again, and your heart soared at the tiny smile he presented you with.
“I promised you those things. So, no matter what happens, I’ll never leave you. And with everything life throws as us from here on out, we’ll make it through together.”
His smile was widening into the familiar, bunny-like grin you knew and loved dearly. Your Jungkook was coming back to you, and it was almost like you could see the dark fog that had surrounded him evaporating before your very eyes.
“I love you, Jeon Jungkook.” You leaned up to tenderly press your lips to his once more, smiling into the kiss as he let out a content sigh. “You’re my person. My forever. Please always remember that.”
You had swept a long lock of hair back from his face as you finished your words, and while you were distracted with that, Jungkook stared at you like you hung the moon and all the stars.
Your declarations of love stirred something inside of him and it dawned on him then that he was still inside of you. This was made more evident when you shifted in his embrace, probably to make yourself more comfortable since you were still against the wall, but it caused your walls to clench around him.
He closed his eyes and groaned, the sound causing arousal to radiate throughout your body. The two of you clearly must have forgotten the position you were in but that was no longer the case when you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Fuck,” he moaned at the sight of you when he opened his eyes again, his hands letting go of your shirt in favor of settling on your waist. Your cheeks were still flushed, with drying tear stains running down them. You were panting softly and Jungkook’s heart felt like it might burst with all the love he had for you.
“I love you,” he declared while he brushed his nose with yours. “And I honestly cannot believe I forgot I was fucking you, like how does that even happen.”
You giggled, kissing the tip of his nose before you drew back to rest contentedly against the wall. “I’m not sure, but do you perhaps want to finish what we started?”
You moved your hips as best you could at your current angle, and it pushed his cock further inside you, making you both moan at the action. He captured one of your hands in his and brought it up to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“Will you still let me give you all of me,” you reiterated your phrase from earlier in the night before all of this started. Jungkook’s eyes had darkened now with lust and he gave you a sly smile.
“Always, baby,” was his response. “Question now though,” he leaned down to let his lips ghost along your neck, making you shiver, “is can you take all of me?”
You tugged on his hair for him to look up at you, making him hiss in the process. You gave him your best challenging stare, and hoped it was convincing.
“Always,” you copied him, “I can easily take anything you give me.”
Jungkook arched an eyebrow and you felt his length twitch at your words. “Is that so?
You barely had time to nod before he was pinning your hand that he was holding on the wall beside your head, his other one gripping your waist hard enough now you knew it would leave a mark.
He pulled out almost all the way before he thrusted back into you hard, making you whine embarrassingly loud. He chuckled dark and low then, squeezing your hand as he intertwined your fingers.
“Too much for you, angel?” Jungkook knew he couldn’t keep this up forever and that he’d eventually crack himself, but he never missed an opportunity to tease you like this. “Thought you said you could take everything I give you.”
You nodded vigorously, not an easy feat with your head leaning against the wall. “I can, I can take it,” you breathed out, clenching around him to try and persuade him to move again. He stuttered out a low moan, determined to not lose his composure just yet.
“Yeah? You sure? Does that mean you want more?” He was shallowly moving inside of you at a torturously slow pace, the drag of his cock against your walls pulling a loud noise of desperation from your throat.
“Please,” you begged, not even caring how desperate you sounded. You just wanted to feel him, all of him, and your core throbbed at the thought of him finally relenting and fucking you how you wanted. “Please give it to me. Please give me more.”
“Fuck, baby, I love hearing you beg for me,” Jungkook moaned, readjusting his grip on your hip. “Gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He hungrily kissed you for a few moments, sinking further into you before he pulled back, panting as he placed his forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“Angel?” His voice was low and just the tone alone made you clench.
He opened his eyes and smiled. “You might wanna hold on tight.”
You just had enough time to wrap your unoccupied arm around his back before he started pounding into you like his life depended on it. He slammed into you repeatedly, making you scream out his name over and over again whenever he’d hit that bundle of nerves inside of you. You gripped his shirt to have something to ground yourself with, and your eyes rolled back as he increased his pace.
Jungkook was grunting into your skin, teeth grazing against your neck. “You feel so fucking good, always so tight and perfect for me, my perfect angel.” He squeezed your hand hard enough that his knuckles were taut, but it didn’t hurt you. If anything, it turned you on more because he was finally letting go, caring more about just being in the moment with you than potentially hurting you.
And you knew he still did care about that, he always would; he was Jungkook, after all. But time and time again you had pleaded with him to stop handling you like you would break under the slightest amount of pressure. This was the first time he did without hesitation or working himself up to it.
And you fucking loved it.
In fact, it was overwhelming enough to the point where you knew you weren’t going to last long at all with the way he was drilling into you. All the emotions the two of you had endured tonight mixed with the passionate entanglement you found yourself wrapped up in now, it was no surprise that you were hurtling toward your undoing at a very fast pace.
“Koo, baby, oh my God-” you finally found your voice again, running your nails down his back, hard enough that if he hadn’t been still wearing his shirt, you’re sure it would have left scratch marks.
“Fuck, angel, can feel you around me, always so good for me,” his tongue darted out past his lips before he captured your bottom one between his teeth and tugged on it gently. “Always my good girl.”
His words made you spasm around him, and he moaned loudly at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut. His damp hair was falling into his face so you brushed it back, gasping at the sight of him.
You’d seen Jungkook like this many times before, but this time? This time was different.
A few curls were still framing his face but he had his head tilted back and his lips parted as the most amazing sounds escaped from them. His brows were furrowed and he looked almost pained, but in a completely different way than he had earlier that night.
Your heart ached at the memory, but you didn’t have long to think about it before he pulled you more flush against his chest, now opting to grab your ass with both hands so he could move you up and down his cock with his strength alone.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, “I love you so much, angel, just wanna stay with you like this forever.” He was speeding up again and with the new angle, your body felt like it was on fire. You couldn’t even make a noise as the stimulation kept hitting you in wave after wave.
“You said earlier,” Jungkook continued, a little breathless now but never letting up on his powerful thrusts, “that I was ­– fuck – that I was your person.”
You nodded, still not really able to say anything or make any sound because your orgasm was approaching fast and you didn’t want it to happen so soon. Not until you knew he was there with you.
“Did you mean it,” he asked, hooded eyes trying to search yours. You kissed him with all the strength you could muster, swallowing down his moans as your walls clenched around him.
“Of course I did. I meant everything I said earlier.” A high-pitched moan tore itself from your throat when his hips snapped into you harder at your words.
“Fuck, it always does something to me when you say things like that,” he was losing his composure now, you could tell it by the way he sounded.
His admission made you chuckle fondly. “You know, you said something similar the first time we were together.”
Jungkook opened his eyes to stare at you and grinned at the memory. “Yeah, I did. Meant it then and I mean it now too.”
“I’m glad I still have that kind of effect on you,” you responded, breaking off to moan loudly at a harsher thrust. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened, and he increased his pace, finally pulling you over the edge.
“You do, holy shit, you really do. I hope I can say the same- fuck,” Jungkook knew you were close with the way your walls kept spasming around him every few seconds. “Gonna cum for me, baby?”
You nodded and whined, holding onto his shirt for dear life while he rocked you through the first stages of your euphoric bliss. He was panting right by your ear now, the sounds making your eyes roll back.
“Go on, cum for me then. Fucking love when you cum all over my cock,” Jungkook’s filthy words had you moaning out his name. “My beautiful angel,” he continued, pulling down the collar of your shirt slightly so he could place a kiss on your collarbone. “Always so pretty for me.”
“Fuck, I’m close, Koo, want you there with me,” you opened your eyes in time to see him pulling his lip between his teeth.
“I’m right there, baby, let go for me,” he reached in between the two of you and barely brushed your clit before your sudden orgasm made you clench so hard around him that he had to throw his head back and let out a guttural moan.
“Angel, fuuuuck, I’m right there, I’m-” you crashed your lips against his and swallowed down every loud noise he made, feeling his lips tremble against yours as his hips stuttered when he filled you up with his release.
He broke apart from you with a gasp, leaning his head back and letting out a strained “holy fuck” before he looked at you again. He slowed down now, thrusting a few more times before he stilled completely, breathing hard.
He moved you away from the wall, and you thought he might put you down but instead he tightened your legs more securely around him and walked the two of you over to the nearest bathroom to shower, his lips never leaving yours the whole way there.
Thank fuck Jungkook had such great muscle memory and knew where he was going because you definitely couldn’t have pulled that off.
He stayed inside you until he was able to put you in the shower, helping you discard the rest of your clothes before he did the same and joined you. It was your usual ritual and preferred form of aftercare since the water from the shower soothed any sore muscles and it helped you get clean in the process. Not to mention it was another way for you to be close to Jungkook, him only reiterating that truth now and he pulled your back against his chest so he could massage shampoo into your hair.
“Love you,” he whispered softly, placing a kiss on your temple since you leaned your head back at the feeling of his touch. He treated you so delicately now, the complete opposite of how he was just fucking you up against the wall. You loved moments like this just as much, always receptive to everything Jungkook did, every touch that flittered across your skin.
“I love you,” was your response as you turned around to wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him into a chaste kiss. He smiled into it, his fingertips brushing against the skin right above your waist.
After your shower, Jungkook carried you upstairs, ignoring your attempts at getting him to put you down because as you told him repeatedly your legs worked just fine and you could walk by yourself. His response?
“Don’t care, still wanna carry you.”
All you could do then was huff, pulling a laugh from the man you loved so much, the sound always beautiful and able to make your heart skip a beat.
When you were both snuggled into bed, you found it hard to sleep. There were still things you two needed to discuss, but you didn’t have the energy – and not really the want – right now to bring them up.
However, Jungkook did.
“Hey,” he was running his hand through your hair as you were laying your head on his shoulder. You hummed in response.
“I’m sorry,” he started, and before you could interrupt he quickly went on. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, but I’m also sorry about how I acted earlier.”
“Koo, it’s fine-”
“Please don’t,” his eyes were pleading and you let him continue.
“It’s not fine, it’s- I get in my head sometimes and it can be hard to come back from that. You’re always able to bring me back, but tonight…fuck, it was bad.” There was a frown on his face now and you tried to make it disappear by placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I kept thinking about how maybe I’m not the best for you-”
You couldn’t help interrupting this time. “Jungkook, you are the best for me.”
“We don’t know that though-”
“I don’t have to, because I know in my heart that you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure we have the best life together, the same as I’ll do for you.” You brushed a curl out of his face before you continued, “Only for you.”
He cracked a smile. “That’s my line.”
You shrugged, giggling when Jungkook began trying to poke your sides. “Regardless though, I don’t want you feeling that way. You’re enough, Jungkook, you’re more than enough.”
His smile widened. “Really?”
“Really.” You thought about it for a second. “What can I do to convince you?”
He raised an eyebrow, eyes full of mischief. “Well, I can think of a way…” he said in a suggestive tone, making you roll your eyes before you turned away from him. His laughter fell on your ears and you couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your face.
“Hey, c’mon, you know I’m just kidding,” he turned you to face him again, running his hand up and down your side now.
“No you’re not,” you snorted.
He pretended to think about it for a moment. “Ok, you’re right- but­ I know you’re too tired so I’m half kidding? Sorta?”
It was your turn to laugh then, huddling closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his throat.
His hands found their way into your hair again, and he continued to run them through the strands long enough that you almost fell asleep until he spoke up again.
“We need to do something about him, though.”
The way he said ‘him’ let you know exactly who he was talking about.
You nodded, sliding your head up to lay in the crook of his neck. “We will. But that’s a problem for another day. Right now,” you yawned, “we need sleep.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. “Get some sleep, angel. I’ll stay up a little bit to make sure you’re ok. Jin said it was a good idea for tonight, anyway.”
You were already nuzzling deeper into his embrace, barely registering his words. “Mm-hmm,” came your sluggish response. “Goodnight, Koo.”
“Night, baby,” was his last response you heard before slumber took over, the feeling of his strong arms around you more comforting than anything else you’d ever known.
Jungkook stayed awake for a few hours, listening to your soft snoring and observing you as you slept peacefully. There was a gentle ache tugging at his heart as he remembered everything that you’d been through that night, but when you unconsciously snuggled closer, he felt the ache dissipate.
He made a promise to himself that whatever happened in the future, he would be there for you. He would keep you as safe as he could, and love you with everything he had.
After all, you were his person, just as he was yours, and he hoped that’s how it would stay.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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a/n: hi hi !! here is another fic inspired by one of my fave bts songs <33 hope u all enjoy lmk what u think !! pls excuse any typos
bucky was cold and sad before you, now he is warm and happy, most of all, he’s in love
word count: 3k
Bucky woke up from another nightmare, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. He let out a shaky breath, looking around his empty apartment. He got up and washed his face, looking at himself in the mirror before tearing his gaze away.
Bucky didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, busying himself until sunrise, when he left his apartment and walked to park nearby.
That’s where he met you.
You were playing fetch with your dog, nearly tumbling over every time he jumped on you to get the ball from your hand, laughing as he would sprint away from you, tongue sticking out.
Bucky smiled at the sight, wishing he had a let of his own. You caught him staring at your dog and smiled, saying a quick ‘hello!’ and calling for you dog to come back.
Bucky returned a smile, the path he was on leading him towards where you stood. Your dog bounded over to you, ball in mouth and dropping it at your feet.
“do you wanna pet him?” You smiled at bucky, your dog staring at him wearily as he stopped near you.
“uh- he doesn’t seem like a fan” Bucky chuckled and you shook your head, scratching behind your dogs ear.
“he’s just protective, his name is ace” you smiled, walking towards Bucky slowly, ace following suit and sniffing at Bucky’s boots.
Ace warmed up to bucky quickly, sitting at his feet and waiting for his payment of pats. Bucky smiled, crouching down to pet him, the dogs soft fur against his hand made him smile.
You smiled at the interaction, thinking of what to say next, you knew this was the Bucky Barnes and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself.
“I’m y/n” you spoke as Bucky got back up, putting his gloves back on quickly. He turned to face you, a charming smile on his face.
“I’m Bucky” he replied, blushing as he finally saw your face, and wow were you breathtaking.
Your eyes met and you both blushed, you struggled to find words to keep the conversation going, not wanting him to leave so soon.
Is this love?
“why are you up so early” you asked, throwing the ball so ace could chase after it, still full of energy.
He paused for a moment before answering, “just an early bird” he smiled, you nodded. “what about you?” he asked, standing next to you as ace came back, dropping the ball at his feet this time.
“i have to tire him out before i go to work, so i gotta wake up early” you smiled, yawning not long after. You blushed and mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ and Bucky smiled at you.
Ace pranced back, no longer wanting to run around and play, only wanted to get back to his cozy bed and lounge for the rest of the day.
“we should get going, this guy makes me carry him to the car and up the stairs if he’s too tired” you laughed, bucky smiled and said goodbye, giving ace a few final pats before saying goodbye to him too.
Sometimes i know, sometimes i don’t
Bucky thought about you and your four legged friend for the rest of the day, wondering if you had always been there when he went for walks, was he too caught up in his own mind to even realize?
Bucky felt the day go by fast, feeling lighter than he had been the day before, talking to his neighbors a bit more and feeling tired by the time the clock hit 12 am rather than the usual 3 am.
He woke up early the next day, another nightmare shaking him awake, checking the clock it read 5:54 am, the sun barely about to rise.
He got up, changing and washing his face, brushing his teeth and heading out the door in 30 minutes.
The sun was up as he walked to the park, keeping an eye out for you, and sure enough there you were, this time throwing a frisbee to entertain ace. You looked exhausted and bucky felt a pang in his chest, how long did you sleep?
Your gaze me Buckys and you smiled brightly, perking up a bit as he walked closer.
“good morning bucky!” You smiled, ace running towards him, his frisbee in his mouth as he jumped to greet the super soldier.
“good morning y/n, and good morning ace!” He smiled, putting on a higher pitched voice for the dog who wagged his tail happily, hitting the mans leg with the frisbee.
Bucky took the frisbee, throwing it so ace could chase after it, you both smiled at your dog, running as fast as he could to catch the disk.
“how’d you sleep?” You asked, noticing the bags under his eyes, he shrugged.
“as well as i usually do. You?” He asked, trying to mask his concern.
“it was okay, wish i could’ve gotten more though” you smiled rubbing your burning eyes before throwing the frisbee once more.
Bucky nodded in agreement, the two of you making small talk until you and ace left once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, putting a leash on ace and walking with Bucky towards your car. Bucky smiled brightly, nodding his head.
“yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow” he replied, already looking forward to it.
You are the one who will give meaning to my memories
For two weeks you and bucky met up and played with ace at the park during early mornings, sometimes walking around the park and talking about your days and what you had to do. Neither one of you prying too much, just enjoying each other’s company.
Bucky reminisced on the memories with a fond smile as he told Steve about you.
“no yeah she’s great, her dog is really cute too” bucky spoke, giddy to see you on Monday.
“why don’t you ask her out then?” Steve questioned and bucky shook his head, not knowing how he would even approach the situation.
The following Monday you greeted bucky with a smile, ace bounding over to him in excitement.
As the two of you fell into routine, Steve’s words rung in his ears, deciding to take a leap of faith.
“would you- do you maybe wanna get dinner someday? together?” Bucky asked, a charming smile on his face as ace wagged his tail, looking up at you, almost as if saying ‘do it! say yes!’
“uh- yeah I’d love that” you smiled at bucky, both of you relieved that the you weren’t alone in wanting more time together.
Before i knew you my heart was filled with straight lines
Bucky was excited for your first date, putting on his best clothes and getting some flowers for you on the way, knocking on your door and heading aces familiar bark.
You opened the door, wearing a nice and casual outfit, letting Bucky in and thanking him for the flowers.
“I’m gonna just put these in water, feel free to sit down” you smiled, hurrying around to finish as quick as possible.
Bucky nodded, taking a seat on your couch and looking around, your home was so, homey. Ace smiling proudly as Bucky pet him.
“okay shall we?” You laughed and bucky smiled, saying goodbye to ace as you closed the door and headed out. Bucky offered you his arm and you gladly took it, walking down the stairs with your arms linked.
“ace makes you carry him all the way up these?” He asked in shock and you nodded, letting out a small chuckle.
“don’t let him fool you he is very evil” you teased, Bucky widened his eyes and nodded his head.
“note to self, never get on aces bad side” he smiled as you laughed, continuing to make easy conversation for the rest of the night.
Bucky found himself being nicer to Sam and the rest of the team, hanging out with them more and even cracking jokes.
“you don’t stare anymore” sam spoke, a smile on his face as steve turned to look at bucky.
“Hm, he doesn’t” steve smirked and bucky rolled his eyes.
“got tired of looking at your face is all” he snickered, making the two other men laugh, bucky took a sip from his beer.
“he’s seeing a girl y’know” steve whispered and bucky groaned as Sam cheered. Bucky couldn’t help but smile as he thought of you. It had only been a week since your first date and he already wanted to take you out again, despite having seen you this morning.
I’d like to be in your novel as a lover
Time passed and you and bucky got closer, going on more dates and texting each other during the day, even calling each other when one of you couldn’t sleep.
Bucky told you about his nightmares, telling you how he would always wake up, too afraid to go back to sleep so he would wait until sunrise and go for a walk.
You told him how you had trouble sleeping, sometimes your mind would just never stop, other times you just had too much work.
Within two months bucky has asked you out, a bouquet of roses for you and treats for ace, he has set up a picnic for you during the sunset, getting your favorite foods and talking the entire evening, finally asking you out when the moon had risen.
I’m just a human, you erode all my edges and turn me into love
You made bucky a better person, teaching him his self worth and to be proud of who he was.
“Bucky wake up, angel it’s just a nightmare” you shook him gently, ace watching from the foot of the bed.
Bucky shot up quickly, breathing heavily as you placed a hand on his back, pulling him into you after he has calmed down.
“you’re here, you’re with me you’re okay” you assured him, wrapping him in your arms and holding him tightly.
“it was bad, i was bad” he mumbled, tears falling down his face.
“you aren’t him. you are good, you are human baby, you’re my love” he squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on your steady heartbeat as you ran your fingers through his hair, his arm draping over your stomach as he slowly fell back to sleep.
Buckys nightmares became more scarce, he became happier and less cold, embracing who he was.
He was also helplessly in love with you, constantly buying you flowers, taking you out on dates, taking care of you when he could, writing you letters, and so much more.
You make live to a love
After coming into his life you made bucky a better person, you made him into the person he always wanted to be.
Bucky no longer walked with his head down, rather he walked with a set gaze, giving a kind smile to strangers on the street and helping those in need, helping the others his friends when they needed him and even volunteering at the local animal shelter when he could.
Because of you i know why a person should live by love
Before you bucky would punch his way out of all his fights, he would be hot headed and angry if he got into an argument with someone on the team.
Now he was understanding and patient, listening to what the other had to say and looking to reason with them, taking time to communicate. Bucky was sympathetic, not wanting to fight every villain they came across, instead trying to reason with them. Between him and Sam, usually they didn’t even have to fight.
I live so i love
“angel? I’m home!” You called out, ace greeting you at the door, smiling at the freshly cooked dinner on the dining table, it was your favorite.
“Happy one year doll” Bucky smiled as you turned around, hugging him tightly and kissing him all over his face.
“buck i don’t know what to say” you smiled, still in awe of all he had done.
“don’t say anything, just go get changed and let’s enjoy our night yeah?” He replied, kissing you once more before letting you go.
You were thankful he opted for a night in, exhausted from work and wanting only to be in your lovers arms. And you did exactly that, spending the night dancing in your living room, laughing at his bad jokes and sharing stories.
“okay best pick up line go” you smiled, excited to see what he would say.
“not really a pick up line but” Bucky paused, looking you in the eyes. “It’s a long way from I to U, fuck JKLMNOPQRST, i crossed all the letters and i reached you” he smirked, loving the way your heart raced at his words.
“now i know why you were such a ladies man in the 40s” you whispered, crashing his lips onto yours.
If i go would you be sad?
“God james cant you just shut up and listen to me for one second!” You stated, voice raising out of frustration.
“well maybe if you could get it through your stubborn head that it wasn’t my fault maybe I’d stop having to explain” Bucky spoke angry, his voice steady as he clenched his jaw.
You were upset he had kept you in the dark about an ongoing mission, he was upset you didn’t realize he had done it to keep you safe.
“you keep saying you did it to keep me safe, James i was almost killed because i didn’t know! How is that keeping me safe?” You spoke, anger boiling over as you sat on the couch, wanting to just sleep.
“if i had told you, you would have never let me be as protective as i have been! You wouldn’t have taken your vacation days because you’re too stubborn” Bucky spoke, still standing across from you.
“I just need some time to think” you spoke softly, Bucky’s heart fell. We’re you gonna leave him?
“I’ll go” Bucky mumbled, already moving to pack a bag.
“bucky stop” you spoke, making him stop in his tracks. “sit down i don’t want you to leave, let’s talk about it angel” you sighed, wanting to just work it out and be in his arms once more.
You’re my love
Bucky was excited, everything had been planned perfectly. He had woken up at 4 am, getting everything ready for the following morning.
He had driven to the park with Sam and Steve who helped him set up the picnic, a blanket laid out with fruits and drinks along with dog toys to play with ace.
It had been nearly 4 years since the two of you had met, he knew you were the one for him.
As the sun rose you woke up, getting ready to take ace out with Bucky, only to find the two of them gone.
Just as you finished getting ready bucky walked in, a smile on his face.
“goodmorning doll, let’s get going yeah? already got ace in the car” he smiled and you thanked him, heading out the door and to the park.
when you arrived you immediately saw the picnic.
“buck what-” you began and he cut you off.
“just because” he smiled and you smiled, sure he always took you on dates but this was different, it felt more intimate.
As the two of you sat on the blanket and munched on food ace ate some treats bucky had gotten him, excited to play in a couple of minutes.
“I taught him a new trick” Bucky smiled and you raised your eyebrows, sitting up straighter to see ace perform said trick.
“let’s see what you got Barnes” you smirked and he smiled.
“ace go fetch!” Bucky spoke, ace ran from the blanket in a straight line.
“haha bucky, we both know he already knew that, plus you didn’t even throw-” you cut yourself off as you saw ace pick something up, running back towards the two of you. Bucky stood up, offering you a hand so you could get up.
“y/n, i love you, you taught me what love is, you made me into a better person, from the moment we met i always felt like we were meant to be.” Bucky spoke, glancing over to see ace closer to the two of you, a little over halfway back.
“you’re my person, my desire, my pride, my one and only love” Bucky spoke, crouching down and taking the small box from aces mouth, letting him and giving him more treats.
Bucky got on one knee, opening the box and looking at you with bright eyes. Your vision was blurry, but unlike four years ago, it wasn’t from sleep, but from tears.
“y/n, doll, will you marry me?”
You nodded your head quickly, wiping away your tears and smiling brightly.
“yes, of course yes angel” you replied, wrapping your arms around him as he picking you up and spun you around, setting you down and kiss you, making your knees weak.
He slipped the ring on your finger with a smile, ace barking as the two of you kissed once more, pulling away with a smile.
“that has to be his best trick” you joked, petting ace and kissing the top of his head.
“now i gotta train him to be the ring bearer for the wedding” Bucky laughed and you nodded, squinting your eyes as you saw Sam and Steve running in the distance.
“is that-?” You questioned and bucky laughed, the two men cheering as they saw you and bucky cuddled up.
“she said yes!” Bucky called out and the two men cheered, arriving out of breath.
“thank god, he woke us up at like 3 am to get everything ready” sam spoke and Steve nodded, giving the two of you a hug, Sam quickly following suit.
“I’m happy for you guys” Sam spoke, Steve nodding along side him, squeezing Buckys arm before they left the two of you alone.
You smiled as you looked up at the sky, pinks and reds painting the clouds. You turned to tell bucky, but decided against it when you saw him on the floor playing with ace, voice high pitched as he baby talked him.
Your heart melted, you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of you life with your two favorite boys.
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I have said this once before and i will say it again: i am a s i m p for this man (which is why the post is so long tbh)
c!Technoblade, General Relationhip Headcanons
While he comes off as emotionless, it’s only due to the fact that piglins only communicate through grunts, so the tonal shifts that come with human languages aren’t something he’s use to having to deal with (so he just ⋆doesn’t⋆ for the most part)
He’s not emotionless in the slightest, though, gets excited over new accomplishments and frustrated over failures, he loves his pets to death, and he cares deeply for Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, and Nikki, even if he doesn’t necessarily show it
As you two become close, you’re put on that short list of friends too
Just like with everyone else, he’s relentlessly loyal unafraid to defend you 
He also offers to help with things now and then
Whether you have to get materials, brew potions, hunt for a specific animal you want, or even draft building plans, he asks if there’s anything he can do to better you with your task
After quite a while of getting to know you and being around you, he develops feelings for you
It would be really hard for anyone on the outside looking in to be able to tell that he has feelings, though
His personality doesn’t change or he doesn’t trip over himself or stumble over his words around you, so no one else can really tell (exept for maybe Phil)
You, however, you can definitely tell that somethings up with him
He accompanies you on more of those aforementioned material runs helping you gather what you need and even offering to help you get them and carry them back for you
He insists that he doesn’t want anything out of it, when, in reality, it’s your company that he’s after (he can’t just say that though)
During those runs, he’s also more protective of you, there will be a 6 foot radius around you at all times from mobs that he’s tasked himself with defending
It doesn’t matter how good at fighting you are or how much armor you’re wearing, he’s one of the best, so he’ll use that to defend someone he holds deeply to his heart
Because he’s not super great with verbalizing his feelings, he’d tell you about liking you by writing a letter
He delivers it to you by hand and slips it under your door
If you happened to be home when he got there (something he wasn’t expecting), he would hand it to you while telling you to not to open it until he’s gone
He’d probably disappears to the Nether for a bit for more ‘materials’ afterwords to internally recuperate
When you start actually dating, he becomes so soft around you
Your hand in his feels so sweet against his calloused skin and he melts at the way you look at him with so much love
Don’t even get me started on when you compliment him
Regardless if it’s about his intellect or physical appearance, he actually blushes, the soft pink settling across his face and the tips of his ears
Because he's not great at expressing affection himself, neither verbally or physically, he doesn’t stop with the acts of service or letters (side note: if he found out that you keep all of them, his heart would soar)
On calmer days likes just being in the same room as you
You two could be doing completely different things, barely paying attention to one another, but he’d still enjoy it because you were around, he finds comfort in your presence, after all
He’s very new to romantic gestures, but he likes when he gets to hold you or lay his head in your thighs, it’s just nice
he’s a bit stressed when it comes to kissing since he has small tusks that peak from his bottom lip, but if you’re careful, he won’t turn one down from you
When you’re outside of the house, affection makes him uncomfortable
You can hold onto his arm as you two walk (it’s easier than holding his hand due to the height difference), but, if someone’s within eye shot, nothing more than that, not even cheek kisses
On another note, he’s not use to people giving him things, so if you gift him anything, he cherishes it
Overall, he secretly loves the domesticity you bring into his life
The voices subside a bit and he feels at peace
It use to be so incredibly rare to have his mind to himself like that, but it becomes a far more common occurrence around you, and he thanks you for that
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Could I have a prompt? 🥺🥺 So WWX is taking bath in the Cold Pond to heal from the wounds by the discipline paddle (which I assume he was punished being clothed in his Black robe or in his Gusu Lan disciple robes or Head disciple Jiangs robes whichever fits). Before going to CR, wwx is whipped by mdm yu and LWJ notices wwx’s raw red scars and many scars across his back kinda overlapping and not yet being healed because maybe MDM yu sealed his core or something. LWJ, or with LXC saw WWX’s many crisscrossing scars and realize they’re still raw and kinda risking for infection because when mdm yu unseals his spiritual energy before going to CR, WWX never thought of healing it. Cue LWJ and LXC gets horrified and ask WWX why he had many scars on his back (or other parts of his body can also be included!) no pressure 💕 I love your writing! ❤️❤️
Anyway, it is set during the period in which WWX studies at CR. Lån Qiren, who is obviously not eyeing Wei Wuxian just in case the boy creates some trouble ends up realizing that he is too non chalant about  not eating (because the food there is for rabbits) and WWX is like "Oh, yeah. Nah its fine, I've been worse".
This one has trigger warnings for child abuse, negligence, and issues related to eating habits. Keep that in mind before proceeding. Nothing graphic, but I wanted to warn nonetheless.
I've merged two prompts here.
Please remember that prompts are closed. Also, remember I do not write self-deprication. All prompts that require WWX to have low self-esteem are not going to be written, apologies but the subject is very uncomfortable for me and I don't believe it is canon accurate anyways.
On to the prompt fill.
"That Wei child is entirely too careless." 
Lan Qiren closes his eyes and prays for patience. That boy has been a menace ever since he stepped into Cloud Recesses. Brilliant but wily and mischievous with absolutely no regard for rules. 
"What has he done?" He asks gruffly, reading over the reports from the kitchen staff. Cloud Recesses always monitors the food intake of their guests to make sure everyone is well-fed and no one is consuming more than their due. It wouldn't do for young cultivators to fall ill in their care, after all. 
The primary healer, a matron of some age, had brought the reports instead of the kitchen manager, which was quite unusual, "He forgets meals. Goes without food for days. Survives on small bits of fruit."
Xichen, who has been working on his own reports, raises his head and looks concerned. 
Lan Qiren crosses his arms, feeling a growing sense of ire, "He dislikes our meals." He's not the first one to skip meals because he considers them 'bland' and 'boring'. It's likely the child has been sneaking down to Caiyi town to have more extravagant meals. 
"I checked with our ward team. When he goes days without eating, he doesn't make any trips to Caiyi town either."
Lan Qiren pauses and studies her. Lan Mingyun nods curtly, "When I first noticed this behavior, I immediately put him on my list." Her list of children with food-related issues, he assumes, "His eating habits are very erratic, erratic enough that I wish to assign one of our senior disciples to keep an eye on him."
"You're that worried?" Lan Xichen asks in surprise while Lan Qiren frowns. It isn't unusual to do so but he wonders if it is really necessary.
"As far as I know, the child lived on the streets for quite a few years," She says and Lan Qiren narrows his eyes, inwardly reprimanding himself. He had forgotten about that aspect of Wei Wuxian's history, "The link between early childhood trauma and behavioural problems are well known to us."
Lan Xichen frowns, "I'll ask Wangji to keep an eye on him."
He glances at his nephew sharply, "Why Wangji?" He demands because surely someone else would be better.
"From what I understand, Wei-gongzi will not welcome an assigned senior. He seems to be someone who brushes injuries or illnesses off. He likes Wangji and will be more willing to accept his company."
While the argument is reasonable, Lan Qiren is loath to involve his precious nephew in this. He's already so bothered by the boy. 
He thinks of Wei Wuxian with his sharp eyes and lingering smile and nods. 
Wangji listens to Xichen patiently even as his fingers curl into fists under his sleeves. 
He doesn't like Wei Wuxian. The boy is too disruptive, too bold, too distracting-
Too beautiful.
He doesn't like him, but that doesn't mean he's content to ignore his well-being. When Xichen asks him to keep an eye on Wei Ying's eating habits and general behavior, Wangji agrees. 
It will be taxing for him, but he agrees.  
What he doesn't anticipate is… everything that follows. When he starts consciously looking for them, the signs are alarming. Wei Ying doesn't just skip meals whenever he gets too distracted, he picks at the food even when he is eating. While Wangji is comforted to know the boy frequently seeks something richly flavored at Caiyi Town, he doesn't do it often enough to compensate.
There are also some concerning behaviors in the Jiang contingent. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that while Wei Ying does break the rules, the other Jiang Sect disciples are often complicit. Including Jiang Wanyin. 
They not only let their da-shixiong take the blame for all of their actions, but also encourage it. Wei Ying seems disconcertingly accustomed to it. He makes a scene while being punished but seems alright within an hour. 
Jiang Wanyin encourages mischief and reprimands him in turns. 
Wangji doesn't understand this.
"Xiongzhang, I am concerned," Xichen looks up from his tea, his attention immediately on Wangji, unwavering and comforting, "Wei Ying," He takes a moment to form his thoughts, "I am uncertain. I believe he is in an unsafe environment."
Xichen sets his tea aside, "How so?"
"I happened upon a conversation," He grimaces because it is eavesdropping even if his intentions are noble, "Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang requested and encouraged him to get alcohol into Cloud Recesses. When he complained about the punishment, Jiang Wanyin said 'at least, it wasn't Zidian'."
His brother sucks in a sharp breath, "Zidian? Madam Yu? Spiritual weapon? A high-grade weapon typically used against enemies?"
Wangji dips his head. 
"I'll ask uncle to stop assigning corporal punishments." Lan Xichen says, "They won't have the desired effect in any case and we don't want to damage him permanently. Tomorrow, ask him to practice Cultivation in the Cold Pond as punishment."
Wangji nods, "I'll assign Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang proper punishment as well."
"Wait until we have a better grasp on the situation." Xichen says solemnly, "If we act too quickly, things will escalate and may cause more harm to Wei-gongzi."
Wangji is reluctant because his sense of justice is not satisfied. He remembers how the Jiang disciples encouraged Wei Ying to accept punishment on their behalf. And then to know Jiang Wanyin was also complicit…
"We must approach this cautiously, Wangji."
He nods.
Red, irritated, scarred.
Wangji swallows as he sees the state of Wei Ying's back as the Jiang disciple steps into the Cold Pond. There are so many whip scars on his back, so many that have barely begun to heal, that he feels nauseous. 
"Wei Ying," He struggles to keep his tone neutral, "Your back." He cannot imagine the agony that Wei Ying would've suffered when he took more punishment on it the other day. 
Wei Ying glances at him and grins, "Aiya, Lan Zhan, is that concern I see on your pretty face?" He asks, spinning around eagerly, "Concern for little old me?"
His back is out of sight and the way Wei Wuxian is leaning towards him is meant to distract and fluster.
Wangji… suddenly understands. Wei Ying is naturally playful and mischievous, but he uses his personality for disguise and manipulation as well. Not maliciously, but in a way that harms him.
"Wei Ying," Wangji refuses to be moved. There is a significant shift in his mind. He no longer feels annoyed by the person before him. If anything, he feels furious. 
He feels protective.
"Wei Ying, your back."
The Jiang disciple shrugs, "Punishment, you know how it is." 
"For what?" He demands, catching Wei Ying's elbow and turning him around. The willingness to touch him stuns Wei Ying momentarily, enough for Wangji to get a good look at the brutal devastation written on Wei Ying's back. 
Wei Ying clears his throat and shrugs, "It's more of a preemptive punishment? Madam Yu knew I would cause trouble here, of course." He chuckles.
"Preemptive punishment?" He asks softly, the very notion troubling him. 
Wei Ying shrugs again but doesn't attempt to explain when it is clear Wangji isn't willing to indulge him.
"Wei Ying,"
"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying starts to move towards the shore, "Don't worry about things that don't concern you. Your head will forever be burdened if you do."
Wangji feels something in him recoil at such a blunt dismissal. 
"Doesn't concern me? How can it not concern me?" He wants to ask but is unable to. 
Wei Ying has made him very uncomfortable with his forward personality and near constant teasing, but Wangji has seen the genuine offer of friendship underneath it all. 
He has always spurned it. 
As Wei Ying climbs onto the shore, his wounds red against his naturally pale skin, Wangji makes a decision, "Would you not feel concerned if it were me?" He asks but he already knows the answer.
He already knows this man enough.
"Of course," Wei Ying says and shrugs on his robes, hiding a wince but unable to help his body's reaction to pain, "But you and I are different." He glances over his shoulder at Wangji, "I consider you my friend," He says, "But you don't consider me yours."
His breath stills at the acceptance in Wei Ying's tone.
"And that's alright." The Jiang disciple waves and walks away, "Don't worry too much, Lan Zhan. This one isn't weak. The wounds will heal within a few days."
"The facts are these - Wei-gongzi is punished preemptively with Zidian, often enough that there are deep scars on his back," Lan Xichen explains, "I assume it is his Golden Core keeping him from sustaining permanent damage."
Lan Qiren is still bristling at the very thought of preemptive punishment. What a ridiculous notion! Of course, the child doesn't care about rules and upsetting people! He has already been punished enough to excuse everything but outright treason.  
How is such a method effective? How does it correct a child's misbehavior? 
"The Jiang Sect disciples are accustomed to their da-shixiong being punished in their stead. They actively encourage it. Jiang Wanyin has asked Wei-gongzi to sneak in alcohol. And he refused to come forward when Wei-gongzi was punished." Xichen takes a deep breath, "I believe any lingering issues he may have because of his early days as a street orphan-"
"Are ignored," Lan Qiren concludes grimly, "It is no wonder the child has such strong cultivation. He is facing strife constantly."
"Is there a way to rescue him?" Wangji asks after being grimly silent for the entire meeting, "Get him away from the Jiang Sect?"
Lan Qiren eyes him, "Wangji, the situation is complicated. He's still the Jiang Head Disciple and sects don't just part with their high ranking disciples."
Xichen smiles sympathetically, "We'll find a way to pressure Jiang-zongzhu into taking action. He'll lose face if the other Sects know how his lady is treating their Head Disciple." He shakes his head at Wangji's expression, "Let us think about it. Meanwhile, you just need to be there for your friend, Wangji."
Lan Qiren arches a brow, "Friend? Wangji, I thought you disliked the boy."
Wangji purses his lips, a stubborn light entering his eyes, "Wei Ying is my friend." He insists, resolve lining his every word. 
He looks at Xichen, who just looked amused, "According to Wei-gongzi, he considers Wangji a friend and will be very concerned if Wangji was in a similar situation," He huffs, "But Wangji doesn't consider Wei-gongzi his friend, so there's no need for Wangji to worry."
Lan Qiren closes his eyes and rubs his forehead in an uncharacteristic display of frustration, "That boy is a singular menace."
Wangji pursues friendship with all the dedication in his being. He learns to cook savory dishes and gives them to Wei Ying every day. Wei Ying, unable and utterly unwilling to deny, eats it all. 
He glares the Jiang disciples into submission whenever they attempt to draw Wei Ying into mischief. The Jiang Head Disciple is fully exempt from corporal punishment. Instead, he spends hours in the library either copying rules, rewriting classics, or transcribing Buddhist texts. 
All of these activities prove to be much more effective punishments.
Meanwhile, Lan Qiren attends a Discussion Conference and has word with Jiang Fengmian. 
The response is a gentle order from the Jiang-zongzhu for Wei Ying. He asks his disciple to remain in Cloud Recesses for Musical Cultivation training. He also mentions it is time for Jiang Wanyin to take up Head Disciple responsibilities and learn true leadership. 
Wei Ying eyes the smiling Lan Xichen and impassive Lan Qiren sharply but doesn't say anything.
In two years time, the distance between Wei Ying and the Jiang Sect grows. The distance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan ceases to exist. 
Just like that, Wei Wuxian's destiny changes.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Characters: Albedo, gn!reader
Word Count: 1,508
Warnings: None
Premise: Sometimes emotions can be confusing. In those times it can be easier to shut down. After all, wouldn’t finding the truth out be scarier?
In which the reader assumes their character is disinterested, and pulls away.
Author’s Note: It’s only been a week but it feels like ages! Too bad I only had time for one character tonight. I can’t wait to write for multiple characters again (hopefully tomorrow haha).
Anyways Albedo, you’re such a comfort character it was so wonderful to write you again!
You didn’t become friends with Albedo in the “traditional” way. There was no moment when you two sat down and had a chat, neither one of you offered to go to the other’s house, and certainly there was no “want to be friends?” It was more that you had stayed and Albedo, in return, hadn’t chased you away. Eventually the idea of friendship just sort of became an implication. After all, if you hadn’t gotten kicked out already, safe to say Albedo didn’t dislike you, right?
No, you were quite sure Albedo didn’t dislike you. But did he like you? That question was a completely different one. And you were well aware of that fact.
At first you tried to find out the answer to the question. Observation: Albedo appeared neither to hold any particular affection for you, or any particular disdain. Hypothesis: Albedo doesn’t like being particularly affectionate towards anyone, so the fact that he’s let you stay on this long means he probably likes you at least as a friend, and might be open to more. Experiment: Try your best.
And you did try your best, looking back you really couldn’t say that you didn’t. Whether it was bringing flowers for him to study – then mash into paints – or making your way painstakingly through the papers he let you read – which usually flew half over your head – so that you could ask him questions about it the next day. You really did try. You were early to every meeting the two of you had, something Albedo seemed to copy after a while, and you were quick to offer your help in any way possible. Making yourself useful and always being there, surely Albedo would notice that. You even snuck in the occasional compliment, the occasional comment about how you were so happy to have someone like him in your life. Still, your experiment didn’t seem too successful.
Shouldn’t you just stop at this point? I mean, you probably could come to some conclusions after the weeks of “experimenting” you’d done. Albedo didn’t dislike you, he definitely didn’t. He thanked you when you brought him stuff and made sure to show up as early as you did to your rendezvous. He sometimes let you keep the flowers you brought him to sketch you instead of using them in his experiments, he even let you bring one of his paintings home. But how much of this really signified anything beyond friendship? It was hard to tell. Albedo certainly never dropped hints that he preferred your company especially. It was simply that you were there and that he didn’t have the want or the energy to send you away. Surely there were many other people who could say the same. Maybe it was time to move on.
Though your emotions certainly weren’t on board with this suggestion – the torch that you held for Albedo was not ready to burn out anytime soon – you did at least manage to rein in your actions a little bit. First it was no longer bringing this and that with you. The particularly small buds of lamp grass remained on their stalks, or pressed into books in your house, the fireflies that you had managed to awkwardly sketch on a piece of cardboard never made their likeness towards the alchemist. Then it was meeting a little less often, not that you didn’t retain the habit of going early when those meetings did happen. It was just, surely you didn’t want to annoy Albedo too much. He might end up kicking you out after a while. Then it was asking him less and less questions while you were there, when you were there.
The affect was more depressing than you cared to admit, before you knew it the idea of going off to find Albedo became almost painful, something that would involve crossing a gulf that somehow grew wider every day. Days turned into a week, turned into two, turned into three. Every day you’d wake up, the idea of going to see Albedo at the forefront of your mind, and every night you lay in bed, scolding yourself for avoiding the person you most wanted to see. And every day the gulf widened a little more.
Perhaps things would’ve continued on like that indefinitely, a never ending circle of guilt and dissonance and going to bed feeling like you’d somehow failed something, like now certainly Albedo wouldn’t want to talk to you. Yet somehow fate had a different idea. Whether or not you were grateful for its interference, you couldn’t tell over the apprehension at the beginning, the relief after the fact.
There was a commission on your list: Pick up salve from alchemist’s lab and deliver it to Sonja before the end of the day. At first you had considered trying to pawn it off onto someone else. After all, this was a rather easy commission, and surely some of the less experience Guild members would be grateful for easy legwork. Still as you were rationalizing all this away in your head, wondering what sort of commission you might get in return, you found that your legs were already moving onto the familiar route you had walked so recently before unsurety and dejection had clouded your actions.
Standing in front of the alchemy lab you felt your legs still as Albedo appeared in front of you. At first you wondered if you might be able to duck somewhere else, to evade detection. Yet your legs which had been so happy to move before suddenly felt leaden and incredibly useless, and all you could do was stare as Albedo glanced up from his papers, his eyes landing on you, the placing blue of his irises widening slightly.
“I hadn’t expected to see you here.”
“I’m here to pick something up.”
It was a bit lame in terms of opening lines, but it was a start.
“Ah, I see,” Albedo replied, looking down at his papers. Stepping towards you slightly he tilted his head. “I thought you might want to see me again.”
“I do! I mean, well, yes,” you coughed awkwardly, feeling as if you had just verbally fallen flat on your face. Still Albedo did nothing but smile, something which eased your nerves slightly.
“I’m glad. I thought I might have done something, and that you no longer wished to talk to me.”
“You didn’t! It was my fault, I’m really sorry I went so long without contacting you. Really, really sorry.”
“There’s no reason to apologize. But are you sure that it’s only you? Are you sure I didn’t do something to make this happen?”
“Well,” you paused. What was the correct answer? Yes didn’t seem right, but no also stuck in your throat. “I, I don’t know.”
“It’s just, I don’t, I sometimes, I have a hard time knowing what you think of me Albedo.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, am I a friend? Do you like me? I know that you don’t dislike me, or at least I hope you don’t since you let me trail along so often. But still… I don’t know, I don’t know if it’s because you like me, or because I’m not enough of a bother to send home.” It was close enough to the truth.
“I’m sorry if I ever made you confused,” Albedo’s voice was warm, but there was an urgency to it that broke the usual calm. Looking up into Albedo’s face, having been examining the ground previously, you watched as flashes of emotions crossed the alchemist’s face. “I didn’t realize that I didn’t make my feelings clear. I don’t dislike you. I very much like when you’re around me. I, I think you’re my friend.”
“You think?” How come everything was so confusing?
“In truth, I find classifying relationships difficult. It’s not like alchemy, it’s too messy. So, sometimes I don’t even know how to classify my own relationships. But if there are people in this world who would consider me a friend, who I would consider a friend, you are certainly one of them.”
It was all you could’ve asked for in the moment. Letting a smile erupt across your face, you closed the space left between the two of you. “Thank you for telling me! I’m sorry I was being so selfish by hiding away.
“You weren’t being selfish,” Albedo replied. “You were completely within your rights.”
“Thank you,” you murmured. Gazing up at Albedo you found the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop them. “May I say something that might be selfish?”
“What is it?”
“I’ve fallen in love with you, a little bit.”
You watched as Albedo’s eyes widened in surprise. At first you thought you might’ve made a mistake, leapt and fallen into the gulf. However before you could continue that train of thought a smile bloomed on the alchemist’s face in front of you. Taking your hand Albedo leaned over and whispered into your ear.
“Und ich auch.”
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