#also its just been making me feel better yaaay
brosif40 · 3 months
Sorry for not art posting alot I have been happily married to my new spouse dungeon meshi manga and we will be going on our honeymoon
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meangirlsautism · 3 months
do you have any headcanons for any ships ?? id love to hear them mean girls is like my new obsession
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HEHEHE YES!!!!!!!!!!
im just kidding im like the worst person to ask this BUUUUUT i shall conjure something up.. jsut for you... ALSO NEW MEAN GIRLS FAN YAAAY
going throuhg my notes, i made a lil ship headcanons thing on my notes app in april 2020. and all i got around to making was stuff for karen/cady. completely random but ! better than head being completely empty. so i shall reference some of that and make other stuff up on the spot (for that and other pairings). enjoy!
also im like.. super unfamiliar w/ how romantic relationships Are and how human beings function in general so like.. youre fully allowed to view these however you want (platonic, romantic, etc), i just enjoy dynamics and character interactions. i know you specifically asked for ships but ! my lil headcanons will def be more vague, if that makes sense, sorry abt that! still, hope these suffice! if you ever wanted to ask for SPECIFIC pairings too just hmu or send an ask or smth :] (as a disclaimer, im not referencing a specific MG here, im more familiar w/ slash enjoy the musical the most but ! interpret them as any version i suppose)
not really a headcanon but the whole like "i like cady, she's nice to me." i eat that shit up. i love them and their relationship, in like, all adaptations
and specifically for the 2024 movie.. the way karen is the only person to text cady during her suspension... and how she reassures her that thyere still friends.. (similar to the bway version)... UGH!!!!!! love that so much
actually, we should be more insane for cady / the other plastics. both romantically and platonically
anyway, on to the actual hcs
karen rly likes to fidget w/ something so cady always gives her like hand or hair to play with
karen LOOVES cady's freckles. def loves to count / trace them
karen is def a tad confused as to why cady is so patient w/ her, so nice to her, etc. since i feel she's been often ... dismissed her whole life. and treated Not Great due to how she functions
that doesn't rly matter to cady. she constantly reassures karen and is there for her and reminds her that she's more than other people's opinions of her, more than her intelligence, etc. and cady never gets tired of it
cady always listens to whatever karen has to say, even if it's the tiniest, most ridiculous thing
cady helps her w/ school stuff
karen def sits + listens to cady infodump abt the wildlife she observed / learned abt in africa
i can see karen enjoying nature and whatnot. she doesn't necessarily "understand" the science aspect behind it all btu she enjoys it bc :) hehe. animals.
i can see her getting good at like.. identifying species and stuff bc of cady though
karen prob enjoys physical touch and stuff. i dont think cady is opposed to it but she's not like ... used to it much
or i suppose, used to giving it much? she's cool w/ receiving it, and as ive mentioned earlier, karen def likes to be feeling / playing w/ something. its like a fidget / stim for her
anyway autism🤝autism
ALSO autism🤝autism
they def love infodumping to each other... abt what exactly? yes
not too sure abt gretchen,still have to come up w/ special interests and whatnot fo rher but. cady its def like. math. and biology and zoology and shit
gretchen has sort of been told and taught that her input isnt needed or appreciated, so near the beginning of w/e relationship they have, she often kept to herself and didn't ramble as much
cady ofc noticed this, and tried her best to like.. encourage gretchen and whatnot
but, at the same time, she understood why she wouldnt open up RIGHT away yk. she understood that these things take time
once again, cady often reassures her, abt different things than w/ karen ofc but, its still reassurance
gretchen obv becomes like .. SUPER attached to ppl who pay attention to her and whatnot. even if the overall situation is shitty
at some point, she probably just thought she didn't deserve anything more. that what she got was the best she was going to get. and so, she felt she couldn't leave and find something better for herself
anyway. of course in canon (esp in the bway version) cady also wasnt the greatest / most understanding towards gretchen blah blah. whatever .
deep down we KNOW that cady is a kind and caring and nice person. she just wants to be well liked
whatever!!!!! cady shows gretchen what love and care TRULY feels like . and i think after some time the codependency on gretchen's end lessens a bit. esp after she realizes that . oh... this is what ive always deserved. and needed. and she understands that she's not expendable, that cady DOESN'T actually secretly hate her. that cady WON'T just throw her away if the opportunity comes
i think gretchen would chill out a bit if she's just shown true love and compassion im serious. and maybe some medication would help too
gretchen def likes / wants cady to be touching her at like.. all times. hand holding mostly, but stuff along the lines of that
gretchen is like .. weird w/ touch i think. considers it sacred, and yet craves it sooo bad
she probably only rly allows it w/ ppl she REALLY trusts . despite being very touch starved
both sooooo awkward lbr
ESP w/ deeper relationships
cady is just.. obv was homeschooled for most of her life. gretchen is just a ball of anxiety
also, based on gretchen's past experiences, her relationships (both romantic and platonic) havent been ........ the greatest, as ive talked abt before, and so she finally finds someone who like.. she's comfortable with? who she knows will Love her? she's extra awkward fr
doesn't want to mess up, lose them, etc etc
a loooong time ago i think, i saw a headcanon talking abt how regina has freckles. but she just covers them up
and i LOOOOVE that thought soooo mcuh
eventually wrote a little messy thing for it
but anyway. cady finds this out eventually and she is so :D
bc i see cady as having a ton of freckles too and yeah
but yeah. cady finds this out and is SO happy bc regina's sort of look like hers and ough
cady likes to compare them to like.. constellations and stars and shit. esp when regina complains abt them / is openly negative abt them
regina doesn't necessarily like her freckles bc its an imperfection in her eyes i suppose
but cady absolutely changes her mind on them
in fact, i bet they start reminding her of cady
she goes about it so nonchalantly but, some days she "forgets" to put on makeup . not just for cady or anything, nooo way
which is saying something for regina bc you just knoooow she barely leaves the house without applying SOMETHING
(i dont have freckles myself so sorry if this sounds ignorant or smth!)
cady is ..... very awkward . i think . esp w/ relationships, ANY relationship at that
regina should know this (she doesn't)
she lowkey expects these special things and whatnot from cady and cady is just :)?
bc she does NOT know what the hell is going on
most times, anyway. i t hink she sort of picks up on shit as she goes through school but like..
that's cause she purposely observes other ppl / couples / friends to see what they do . and then she basically adopts that shit
i started making these and i didnt evne like.. have a set timeline in mind for them. bc realistically a lot of these relationships would not last in canon / post canon. or form at all lbr. but lets pretend. i guess most of these follow canon / is canon compliant. w/ some wishful thinking / AUs. ...IF THAT MAKES SENSE
dont rly think theyd be toooo good for each other but. honestly who else here really is LOL most if not all the characters would have a loooot to do introspective wise before actually getting into any relationship BUT . for these few minutes . let us pretend
assuming we're talking abt them in a canon compliant world, they'd..... def have a lot to unpack together. from regina alone esp
i think they'd be able to help each other out w/ that sort of thing
ESP w/ the trauma they got from regina
it just affected them both in veeeery different ways
janis' turned into anger. where gretchen's turned into anxiety
they both realistically would NOT be ready for a romantic relationship, as i mentioned previously
and even something non romantic? i dont think theyd ever be able to form a normal relationship of ANY kind ever again
BUT. but. maybe they see themself in the other . maybe they want to help try and fix the other . bc maybe then it will help fix themself
hopefully that makes sense idk im just saying shit atp
most relationships where the ppl involved r incredibly similar dont end up working but like ..
janis and gretchen arent necessarily similar. they just have similar experiences. which could easily strengthen their relationship
they're fucked up in the same way.. you feel me
i wrote this idea thing awhile back and its like.. gretchen cutting her hair short and janis seeing this and going ... hm. bc she senses the repressed homosexual or whatever. and she confronts her about it blah blah
anywho. i see gretchen as a lesbian. unsure atm whether shes like.. aware of it or not. ANYway, as we all know, janis is a Professional Lesbian or whatever, so i think janis like... helps her w/ that sort of stuff?
uhhhmmm oh right the hair. i totally see gretchen fucking w/ her hair following the canon events. and ofc i also see janis as someone who has messed w/ her hair a TON...
i think she helps gretchen experiment w/ that. her style too
sort of related.. but janis also def helps gretchen in managing and dealing w/ her anger and shit
bc janis sees that its THERE. its just buried deeeep within her
and gretchen helps janis deal w/ her more ...... softer? emotions
as seen in the musical... janis is NOT afraid to physically express her love. which seems super unlike her and her demeanor, i love it
and once again, gretchen is like ..... she needs this shit or else she will DIE (and yet touch lowkey makes her uncomfortable, depending on her mood and the time)
and so.. perfect pairing. janis isnt afraid to offer her touch.(?) and always provides it when gretchen asks for it (she asks a lot)
once again, realistically, this would not happen. esp in a canon world . even if everyone "got better"
however, i loved these 2 for whatever reason when i was younger LMAO
i had a bunch of little things written down for them in my notes but . i do not feel like going through them rn unfortunately. may revisit this at some other point. in order to see exactly what younger me thought of them
unlike gretchen w/ cady... iiii dont think gretchen's clingy-ness / codependency would get much better w/ regina
unless regina like . rly changes herself. if they BOTH rly change themselves
i think they'd both view each other as how they were in the past . regina would see gretchen as this clingy pushover and gretchen would see regina as this passive aggressive ruler . and REALISTICALLY i think they would prevent them from pursuing anything big, ykwim?
like. gretchen still admired regina and she lowkey HATED herself for that but its like.. as ive talked abt previously, shes probably not gonna get anything better yk? so she stayed w/ regina
honestly? in an "everything is perfect and happy" world , i think theyd both be clingy af LOL
regina would, like, never admit but like.. shes super clingy
i think their relationships w/ touch are very ... unique
ive talked abt gretchen a bunch w/ touch and shit but regina... i dont know
she's def okay w/ it .. in terms of being on the receiving end but .. im not sure if she rly provides it much
shes def shit at recognizing and managing her emotions.. esp the more positive ones.. so i think she like. i think shes weird w/ providing affection
and i suppose receiving it too sometimes, esp if its from someone she REALLY likes
but yeah.. they're both weird w/ touch IDK hopefully this makes sense!!!!
i think gretchen is very patient w/ regina... and regina tries to be w/ gretchen, but fails most times (she's trying)
regina finds it like. embarrassing to ask for stuff (ESP affection) but.. she does learn that it is Okay eventually
and gretchen, unfortunately, is very awkward when it comes to this shit!
ESP since its w/ REGINA GEORGE
so she lowkey like.. freaks out when first asked to do ANYTHING towards her
regina tries her best to calm her down but shes shit at emotions and . yeah .
(its ok they got throuhg it) (i think)
won't lie rn. dont rly care for them much. def prefer other non romantic relationships for them
buuuut since im doing stuff for NOT just romantic relationships... i shall say a few things
as ive talked abt in previous gretchen pairings / duos... she just needs someone who'll love and appreciate her for who she is
and i dont doubt that karen would provide. she def would
they def have an interesting and fun bond, esp throughout the whole regina thing, throughout their friendship w/ regina as a whole, etc
anywho. krystina alabado once put on her story abt this like.. cactus that was in the dressing room she shared w/ kate rockwell. turns out it was fake. and kate watered it for a full 2 years
anyway thats a total gretchen and karen situation LOL
(gretchen acts liike she wasn't watering it too. she absolutely was)
karen and gretchen def buy a bunch of lil succulents and take care of them together
gretchen def feels super comfortable w/ karen, more comfortable than w/ most people
so that sort of made like .. getting a deeper relationship w/ her a lot easier
once again, gretchen is fs a lot more awkward when they take things farther in regards to their relationship
and karen has NO idea what the hell gretchen is on about
but she tries to remain as comfortable and supportive as possible
gretchen touch starved... karen touch provider... its perfect
gretchen def isnt afraid to ask for stuff from karen. she has to be a lot more precise and direct but . yeah
okay.. sorry that most of these aren't "shippy" but. hopefully theyre okay! i left out a few potential pairings bc i either 1. dont care for them much or 2. dont have much to say. HOWEVER if you still want to hear abt one i did not talk abt here, just lmk :3 i will come up w/ something.. thank u for sending this in :D
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resurrection-of-soul · 8 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 5
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga, Kaoru, Adonis
Koga: Quit messin' around, "Vampire Bastard~!" The hell d'ya mean, pajama party, huh? Rei: My, what a nostalgic form of address. It has been quite a while since I last referred to you as "Puppy," did you miss it terribly?
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: That night.
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Location: The accommodations provided at the AIIE Experimental Facility.
Rei: Yaaay, it's a sleepover with everyone from UNDEAD~ ♪ Fufu. We would have had a magnificent opportunity to host a pajama party during the SS preliminaries, but alas, Kaoru-kun was torn from our midst and cast into the desert. He alone had to suffer undue hardship. I am elated that the four of us can now enjoy a slumber party toge- woah?!
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Koga: ......
Rei: Koga? It is impolite to suddenly throw steamed buns at people, yes? Or do you mean to say you wish to play ball with these?
Koga: Quit messin' around, "Vampire Bastard~!" The hell d'ya mean, pajama party, huh?
Rei: My, what a nostalgic form of address. It has been quite a while since I last referred to you as "Puppy," did you miss it terribly?
Koga: It ain't meant to be nostalgic! I'm insultin' ya, you asshole!
Rei: I would truthfully be quite troubled if thou were to abruptly begin disparaging me, so kindly refrain from venting thy frustrations on me. All four of us agreed to participate in this experiment together. What merit is there in complaining about the matter at this juncture?
Koga: I didn't agree to shit! We were basically coerced into it. If we'd refused to be used as guinea pigs, then those innocent Ra*bits would've gotten dragged in instead. Rather than havin' to sit around worryin' over whether someone out there is sufferin' some unknown fate cause a' me, it's way better for my mental health if I just run into the flames myself. Don't forget, I'm not actually on board with this shit at all.
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Kaoru: Ah ha ha. This whole experiment thing is definitely a bit shady and off-putting, but don't you think it also sounds kind of interesting? When you hear about "AI Idols" and stuff — it really makes it feel like science has come as far as it can, doesn't it? Like those old sci-fi movies!
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Kaoru: If this really had just been a movie— no, even if it had just had nothing to do with me personally, I might have really enjoyed hearing about it.
Adonis: Though I also find this all slightly uncomfortable, I do think it is interesting from a science and technology standpoint. The future which people envisioned when they came up with things like V*caloid and AI art programs is now unfolding before our eyes. When people in the past dreamed of the future for sci-fi stories, this is the world they imagined. For better or for worse, it's like living in a dream. It makes my heart pound.
Kaoru: Ahaha. It's like, totally a boy's romance, isn't it? I don't dislike that kind of thing. After all, I'm the son of a scholar who reached out to the sea in search of romance and mystery.
Adonis: I also do not dislike the idea of venturing out into the unknown.
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Rei: Realistically speaking, had we spurned this request, there existed the possibility that our agency would have given up on us. Rhythm Link adheres rather strictly to the dictates of the corporate hierarchy, after all. To not be thrown by the wayside, our participation 'twas a necessary evil. Moreover, should the project prove triumphant, the prospect of substantial reward awaits us. Simply put, we stand to profit. 'Tis true that we still boast a surplus of funds, having garnered quite a considerable sum during SS, so the monetary reward is not so alluring. Yet, if the "artificial idol" experiment is successfully realized and publicized, the spotlight will fall on us as its primary test subjects. Such a scenario would prove quite advantageous for us, yes?
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Koga: None a' that has a~anythin' to do with the real problem. They're just tryin' t'buy time cause they dunno how to deal with us. We'd better not end up lookin' like idiots who wasted all our time on this wild goose chase.
Rei: A most salient point. As Koga says, let us all carefully consider how we might solve our fundamental problem. Fortunately, we have plenty of time available to do so.
Kaoru: Yeah… I felt a bit nervous since they called it an experiment, but we, like, basically just have to spend the night here, right?
Rei: Indeed. We have been supplied medicine capable of inducing sleep for around half a day. During that time, data shall be collected through the devices affixed to our heads. While not sleeping, we are permitted to engage in exercise to prevent our bodies from suffering physical deterioration, as well as eat to maintain our vigor. We four shall live together harmoniously. The experiment shall last for approximately one week's time. For the duration of the testing period, all other engagements hath been prohibited to us, for extraneous stimuli may taint the data. Thus, our smartphones and other such devices have been seized, and we shall remain isolated from the outside world.
Kaoru: Kinda feels like we're hospital inpatients, or maybe prisoners… Oh well, it's an easy job where all we have to do is slack off.
Rei: Mm. There would be no harm in taking this chance to relax. 'Tis not a complete waste of time, as we shall receive our due pay regardless of whether the experiment succeeds or fails. Fortunately, the environment we are to live in is far preferable to that of a hospital or prison. Look here, we have been provided with cards and board games to while away the time. Until the time comes for us to work— Or rather, before we must answer sleep's call, let us play together.
Koga: Ain't you actin' waaaay too chill about this?
Rei: 'Tis good if you see it thus. As a child, I always behaved unnervingly like an adult. Thus I lacked experiences such as this, wherein one might have a sleepover with their peers. And so… Though the future remains uncertain, in this moment, I can confidently state that I am utterly delighted ♪
[ ☆ ]
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twilightmalachite · 2 years
Hinata Aoi Mini Talk - SS Arc/5th Stage Sandstorm
Translator: Mika Enstars
"…Wait, you know I’m Hinata, right? Man, now I’m thinking about Yuuta-kun…"
Season: Winter
School Bus Trip
Location: Inside Studio Bus
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Hinata: ♪~♪~♪
Heheh~! ♪ We are 2wink! We are number one!
C’mon, c’mon, Oogami-senpai, you can’t keep sulking forever! We are~?
Hinata: Ooh, hearin’ the real thing sure is something else! ♪
One more time, Oogami-senpai! We are~!
💬 2wink!
Hinata: Yaay~! Now we’re rockin’~!
Wait, but you’re not part of 2wink, Oogami-senpai, so maybe sayin’ UNDEAD would have been better?
💬 Shut up!!
Hinata: Wah, I made you angry!
I did go a little overboard, I’ll behave now, okay? Sorry~!
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Hinata: I’m getting a little hungry, I wonder if there’s any candy I can eat~.
How about you, Otogari-senpai? Didn’t you bring a whole buncha things?
I personally recommend this candy, its so sweet it’ll dissolve your teeth! ♪
💬 Lets see what snacks we have
Hinata: Oh, isn’t that the spicy snack that Yuuta-kun bought?
I’m not sure if I should eat that. If you want to eat it, Otogari-senpai, I’ll ask Yuuta-kun for you.
💬 How about something else?
Hinata: Then, how about this chocolate candy?
Could we share it together, Otogari-senpai? ♪
💬 Can I have one?
Hinata: Okay~. Then, I’ll give you this crazy bright pink one! ♪
So, how is it? Isn’t it super sweet? It just tastes like sugar, doesn’t it~!
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Hinata: Hmm… We’ve been traveling for a while now, I wonder why we haven’t arrived at a hotel yet?
I’ve been driving for so long, my butts kinda starting to hurt.
Are you doing okay, Yuuta-kun? If you feel sick, tell me right away, okay?
💬 What about you, Aniki?
Hinata: I’m doin’ just fine! ♪ My gluteus maximus are robust from training!
I wonder if we’ll get there soon. I’m really getting tired of this~.
💬 I’m doing okay
Hinata: I’m so glad! ♪ If something happened to you, Yuuta-kun, I wouldn’t be able to live!
Ah, I exaggerated things again. You understand my love better now, right, Yuuta-kun?
💬 You’re so overprotective
Hinata: Of course I am! You’re my treasure, Yuuta-kun!
Aren’t you cold? Warm up with a blanket if you get chilly, okay?
The Desert with my Senpai
Location: Desert
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Hinata: So hot~… I’m being boiled alive~…
I woke up and I was in a desert. Is this a new trend of reincarnation isekai?
I’d be at a loss if it weren’t for you, Hakaze-senpai…
💬 Are you okay?
Hinata: Yeah, I haven’t developed heat stroke yet.
But it’ll be bad if we’re stuck in the desert forever, right~? What would the management do if an idol ends up collapsing?
💬 I’m glad you’re here, Yuuta-kun.
Hinata: Yaaay, I’m so happy! Yuuta-kun makes me so sooo happy!
…Wait, you know I’m Hinata, right? Man, now I’m thinking about Yuuta-kun…
💬 Reincarnation isekai?
Hinata: Huh, you don’t know much about those, Senpai?
Well, I’m not really well-versed either. It seems that stories about starting a new life with memories of your past life are rather popular.
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Hinata: By the way, Senpai, what’s up with that surfboard?
We aren’t at the sea, so it feels sorta out of place, but…
When you nearly ran into me on the surfboard, weren’t you surfing on the sand?
💬 It’s pretty fun, actually
Hinata: Hmm? Does it have the same sensation as surfing in the sea?
If it weren’t for the situation we’re in, I wonder if I’d also be having fun challenging myself to it~…
💬 Well, something like that
Hinata: Ehh, so you can surf on sand too~?
Isn't surfing your hobby, Hakaze-senpai? It really suits you! ♪
💬 Want to give it a try?
Hinata: Huh, can I? Of course I wanna ride!
Heheh~, how was that? Looked pretty good, didn’t it?
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Hinata: In any case, standing here won’t do anything, might as well move, yeah?
The future of 2wink basically lies in my hands, so I’ve gotta make some progress~!
…Or something like that, I say cheerfully. I’m lonely without Yuuta-kun~. I miss him~.
💬 C’mon, let’s go
Hinata: Yessir… I will do as Senpai says…
But I mean, is this really the Tottori Desert? Was it always this big?
💬 I feel you
Hinata: Right~? Don’t you get uneasy without the person whos usually always by your side?
You too Hakaze-senpai, don’t you get lonely without Sakuma-senpai there?
💬 Please bear with me for now
Hinata: I don’t wanna~… You can’t beat Yuuta-kun~… Thin, yet muscular older onii-sans like you are way too different~…
Sigh… When I get to see Yuuta-kun again I’m going to hug him to my heart's content… Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do…
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darishima · 2 months
yap about yr favorite season also!!!!!! (:
YAAAY WOOOO !!!! i <3 u anon okay so. so so.
once again. just like the last one. my answer is unfortunately generic. season 12 is my favorite and not only is it my favorite i fully stand by the belief that its objectively the best season including international seasons. all stars 2 WOULD be my favorite and it would be my objective best pick if not for the riggery and bullshittery (COUGH COUGH ROXXXY ANDREWS) but even with that, i would consider it a close number two
season 12 is the least overly edited+produced season since like s3 because of the sherry pie bullshit (google that if you dont know. idk if you actually know anything about drag race or if youre just humoring me) seemingly forcing the producers to scrap all the manufactured storylines they'd built up. the only thing wrong with the entire season is the zoom finale and ofc the sherry pie situation but even that was handled surprisingly well by WOW (in comparison to how they handled other similar situations... cough cough shangela and plane jane). every single queen on it is incredibly talented, even the early outs (i mean when the FIRST OUT is a [former] haus of aja member that says a lot about the talent of the people who made it further) and it has some of the most underrated queens ever imo-- nicky doll and rock m sakura, specifically. it spawned SOOO many iconic moments-- jan's face crack, "look over there," feel the beat in the rhythm of the night, "i hate hate haaate your hair and makeup today" etc you get my point i could go on. it has some of the best music ever (the madonna rusical! im that bitch! uhh whatever that finale number was called which i somehow cant recall the name of but still know all the lyrics to!), i mean nicki fucking minaj was the guest on the first episode like it honestly just doesnt get better than 12. you get my point by now. 12 solos every other season EASY
as2 is like i said my number two. going into detail about as2 is pointless. read u wrote u, the mirror scene, all the lipsyncs (ALYSSA V TATIANNA HELLOOO??) the same parts, "party," all of it is just so fucking good. the only thing that bumps this slightly down for me, personally, is how alaska consistently won over katya in the lipsycs (and the crown obviously) when i fully believe katya deserved most of those wins. fym alaska won cherry bomb JUST CAUSE OF HER FUCKASS WIG FLAG?? FUCK YOU RUPAUL WHAT ABOUT THAT!! again NOT saying this just because i love katya im being as objective as i can be i just think she frequently loses lipsyncs she doesnt deserve to lose (kennedy v katya s7.... who said that!) and because im such a katya fan its infuriating to witness. im not a roxxxy hater per se,, just a roxxxy criticizer. so overall if those couple small things had been different it'd take number 1
number 3 belongs to my sweetheart season 13. this one is objectively not nearly as good as the first two and also worse than ones like s6 or 5 because of all the stupid ass twists that the producers pulled out just to try and top 12 (impossible) but there are SO many queens that i love to death that i just cant put it any lower. gottmik, of course, and denali and rose and symone and utica... it is dragged down by evil bitches like elliott with three k's and tina+ tamisha who i personally cant stand but those 3 are soo outweighed by the talents of the others that idec. also once again the music slaps (LUCKY <3) and the memes are incredible . season 13 they could never make me hate you
after those three i think the rest of my favs would go 4. season 6 5. UK season 2 6. season 5 7. all stars 3 8. season 7 9. all stars 6 10. season 9
oh and my least favorite season is 11 by far if that matters which is funny because 11's winner is in my like top 15 favorite queens also i have not yet watched s14 and s15 fully but im sure those will both enter my top ten easily when i do
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Desert Flower (m) Ch. 4 [fin] | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader x Baëkhyun
Characters: EXO and X-EXO (not all of them mentioned)
EXO vs X-EXO dynamics, complicated relationships, angsty, action, smut (as usual)
Warnings: sorta mingling with your ex’s ‘evil twin’, mentions of blood/ violence (nothing too graphic… I suppose), Y/N gets teary a lot(?), explicit content, rough sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~13.5k (full), ~2.1k (Chapter 4)
Summary: Baekhyun, your beloved boyfriend of three years, suddenly breaks up with you and disappears from the city in an attempt to protect you. But leaving you alone and clueless means trouble will surely find you. For it is easy to spot a flower in the desert.
Masterlist   >> One >> Two (m) >> Three (m) >> Four (fin)
Author’s Note: Yaaay, the finale is here! ✨ Hope you won’t be disappointed [I know it’ll be something you don’t expect, but the end can also be a beginning, right?] Please let me know what you think, I had fun talking to you about the previous chapters!! And thank you for following this story all the way through. Looove 🖤🖤🖤
Tags: @blahblahblah-boo @baeklightsx @wooya1224 @baekklove @usernameloaa @geniusloey​
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Chapter 4. The end of you and I [Finale]
 Stepping out of the room the next morning, you felt like you were walking to the gallows. In a way, that would’ve been less devastating than the reality. The anticipation, or rather a bad feeling, settled in your gut from the moment you opened your eyes and made you feel sick to your stomach.
After declining an offering of food, you were escorted downstairs to a large space, which was essentially a parking lot, cars all around. The premises were dimly lit – some of the lights simply went out, some were flickering as if they were about to. It was mostly dull grey concrete, a few wide columns around the area, just like any underground parking would look. There were still quite a few vehicles left – EXO liked to have a good variety. Especially Baek- No, you didn’t want to go there.
If you were completely honest, it wasn’t like you hadn’t been in this place before. You’d spent quite some time down here when Baekhyun was trying to teach you a few car tricks for fun. Despite your unwillingness to recall any of that, you could almost hear his obnoxious laughter whenever you failed to disable the alarm or accidentally set it off and panicked. Yet now this place became wicked in your eyes due to the new context. Worse than any dungeon in this abandoned building.
Sat on a lonely chair, you had your wrists bound and scotch tape put over your mouth.
‘This is for your own good,’ Baëkhyun muttered as he placed it on you. ‘Just keep quiet and let it play out.’
Huffing, you looked away. Eyes wandering around, you took notice of the absence of windows in the area. They probably chose the most isolated place in the building, luring the opponent in here. Likely to block the exits as soon as they arrive.
You exhaled through your nose, wishing that the boys just didn’t show up. Not really expecting Baëkhyun to protect you in this case, you only hoped for Baekhyun to stay away and be safe. One thing you were sure of, was that your life was not worth that many others.
As you contemplated this scenario, a drop of water fell in your lap. Then another one.
You looked at the droplets in confusion. Then up – locating a spot on the ceiling that was leaking. The intensity increased with every drop, and when you lowered your gaze, you saw the water level rise quickly, creeping at the level of your ankles. This didn’t look like it could be caused by any leakage you could think of. It was like there was an invisible circle around you, that water couldn’t cross. Like you were sitting in a glass tube.
Breath hitching in panic, you fidgeted in your seat, trying to get out of the rapidly growing pool of liquid. You whimpered, drawing Baëkhyun’s attention, and as he saw your current state, he immediately turned to the leader.
‘What the hell are you doing?’
‘The sun is almost up. I don’t see a sign of our friends arriving,’ he shrugged, tapping at his watch.
‘Stop it,’ Baëkhyun snapped, hearing you squeak as the liquid reached your knees, rising above the ground unnaturally.
Were they going to drown you?
You tugged at your restraints in a poor attempt to free yourself, and Baëkhyun turned around, walking towards you decisively.
Until Chën stepped in front of him.
‘Get out of my face,’ Baëkhyun snarled, but his opponent only laughed.
‘Keep walking. If you want me to electrocute her before you’re done.’
A faint purple lightning bolt appeared around his right fist, and Baëkhyun’s eyes darkened further, sparks of red swirling in his orbs as he gathered his power in his hands. But the fight did not break out, as Sehūn walked between them nonchalantly, shoving them away from each other.
‘They’re here,’ he announced, taking his spot next to Suhø.
The water stopped climbing up, freezing at the level of your collarbones. It pressed down on you unpleasantly, holding you still, but it also allowed you to slowly start slipping your wrist out of the restraint. Baëkhyun left it a little loose, so taking it off was feasible, now that it was wet.
A rumble sounded from behind the farther wall where the entrance was, and a car came in, tires screeching. The yellow sports vehicle took a spot in the middle of the room, drifting and rotating a perfect 90 degrees. Then a van appeared, doing pretty much the same right behind it. The door of the latter flew open, and a blonde head appeared. You swallowed a lump in your throat. He was here, they were here. It was your fault.
Baekhyun’s eyes landed on you, and he examined your state, before eyeing the crowd in front of him and turning to Suhø.
‘Let her go. I’m here to trade myself in for her.’
Your own eyes went wide. Trade himself in? No, no, you could not allow this!
‘Mhm!’ You shook your head fiercely, trying to sound protesting with your mouth covered.
He met your desperate gaze, and his eyes looked so… remorseful, that you froze in place. Turning away, he continued.
‘I’ll surrender to you, but you have to let her go first.’
Suhø hummed, nodding seemingly in contemplation of this suggestion.
‘You know what, I have a better idea. Why don’t you all surrender, and then she walks free?’
He suddenly chuckled, looking Baekhyun in the eye. ‘Or she doesn’t.’
It was a split second later when you finally freed your wrists and ripped the tape off, ready to scream… But the sound didn’t come. It happened faster than you could register – you were underwater. Fully submerged now.
Struggling to float in the mass of liquid, you saw people around start moving. Baekhyun threw a ball of light in Suhø’s direction, presumably missing him since you were still drowning.
A shadow appeared out of thin air behind Baekhyun and you screamed desperately, losing oxygen and trying to rip yourself out of the suffocating pool of water. He reacted instantly to the ambush, as if he was waiting for it, and used his power to defend. On the other side, Baëkhyun blasted Chën in the back, to find his way to you, but got held up by Kāi, appearing now in his way. Your lungs were burning. Realizing that no one would make it to you on time, you lowered your eyes in resignation.
And then you saw it.
A small, maybe the size of an orange, bubble appeared at your feet and made its way up. It reached your face, and you took an incredulous breath. Another one appeared.
‘Sehun,’ you thought, breathing in and out as the bubbles reached your face.
As you were struggling to ventilate underwater, the whole battle was happening on the outside. There was fire, and blood, and flashes of red and white light…
You almost got startled when the water around you subsided, releasing you from its hold. Falling to your knees, you finally breathed in fully and looked around in confusion, noticing Junmyeon closing distance.
But before he reached you, a wall of fire appeared. Turning your head, you saw Baëkhyun, about to hoist you up, when he got an electric shock. Looking over his shoulder, you watched Chën approach.
‘B- Baëk-’ You stuttered as an arrow hit Chën in the side, making him slump to the ground from the impact and proving that Sehun was still watching over you.
‘Run to their van. Along that wall, behind the cars. I’ll give you cover fire as you go, okay? I got you,’ Baëkhyun instructed, tugging you up and shoving you forward. ‘Go!’
You ran towards the wall to your right, feet barely able to move after all you’d just gone through. But your instincts kicked in, giving you the adrenaline high you needed to function. Hitting the wall hands first to change direction, you then ran along the concrete surface, not looking back, only hearing blasts, and swearing, and fighting…
You almost made it to the van.
But the water in your sneakers made you slip as you jumped out of your cover to relocate to the safer spot, falling over and grabbing at your leg. Not thinking more than a moment about the pain, you got on all fours and began crawling towards safety.
‘Y/N, no!’ Baekhyun shouted, and you turned around, seeing lightning paint the room purple for a second before someone shielded you from its reach.
And then he fell on his knees.
Black leather and silvery white head.
‘B- Baëkhyun?’ You muttered as he pressed his hands to his eyes, thick streaks of blood instantly painting his long fingers red.
You gasped in horror, but before you could say a word, someone grabbed you by the waist and dragged you around the car you were hiding behind less than a minute ago.
‘Are you okay?’ Baekhyun looked at you, as he pressed his palms to your body, trying to assess your injuries hastily. ‘We need to retreat quickly, can you walk? Hold onto my shoulder, okay?’
You barely registered what he was saying, the horrible picture from seconds ago still imprinted in your vision.
‘Wait,’ you shook your head, getting up. ‘I need to help him!’
‘What? Y/N!’ You heard Baekhyun call out your name, trying to catch you by the wrist as you ran out into the ongoing fight, limping noticeably.
The silver light appeared, covering you as you reached your target.
‘Baëkhyun!’ You grabbed him by the shoulders. ‘Did it hit your eyes?’
He turned to you, eyes narrow as if his vision was blurry, blood running down his entire face. Your hand trembled as he grabbed onto it.
‘What the fuck are you doing back here?’ He snarled.
‘Come on!’ You urged him to circle the closest vehicle, as Baekhyun still blasted the other side of the parking lot with his light.
‘Leave me here and run, while they have the upper hand. This won’t last much longer,’ Baëkhyun gritted.
‘No,’ you stubbornly gripped his leather jacket.
‘Y/N!’ He raised his voice.
You stared at each other intensely for no longer than a second, and then you took a quick breath and leaned forward, pressing your lips to his in an abrupt kiss. Tasting metallic and salty from his blood and your tears, it was the most frenetic one in your life. As you broke it, he looked at you silently, eyes dark blue.
‘The next parked car is the one Baek used to teach me how to break in. It’s unlocked, so if you can make it inside, you’ll be able to drive off instantly. We’ll distract them, and you show us the other way out of here, okay?’
He slowly nodded, and you held his stare for another second.
‘Don’t die,’ you told him, getting up as Baekhyun appeared again and took your hand impatiently to finally get you into the van.
‘Go, go, go!’ He yelled at Chanyeol, who grabbed the wheel.
The tires screeched, and a black sports car drove off under your noses.
‘Yeollie, follow him! Baëkhyun knows the other way out,’ you shouted, catching a confused look from the driver, as well as others. ‘Trust me, okay? The one you came through is disabled in some way already.’
He nodded quickly, no time to hesitate, and went after the black car.
Jongin appeared in the crowded van, as an explosion sounded from behind.
‘That should hold them up a sec,’ he sneered.
‘Good job,’ Junmyeon praised, looking in the rear-view mirror, as the van sped up, making it out of the building right behind Baëkhyun.
He then fell back, diverting the attention of the cars that followed you, and driving in a different direction to lead them away. You were glued to the window, watching him being chased by another automobile, and wishing that he made it out safely. If he could manage that – with the horrific injury to his eyes, no less… It would be nothing short of a miracle.
The boys around you shouted something about the chase, and that they only needed to take a couple of turns to get to the parking lot where their other vehicles were waiting, so that they could individually shake the clones off their tails...
But you paid no attention to all the tactics. The world around you disappeared, narrowing down to just that one car, fading into the distance. Your bloodied hand left a red trace on the glass you were looking through.
‘Don’t die,’ you prayed, still tasting his blood on your lips as you watched the black vehicle disappear on the horizon. ‘Don’t you dare die, Baëkhyun.’
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A/N: This is it! Thank you for reading this entire story <3 Probably not the ending you wanted, my beta was ready to throw hands too lol But it’s a pretty logical conclusion to this scenario, isn’t it? The OC is safe and reunited with Baekhyun... In any case, I hope you enjoyed this little journey and are willing to share your thoughts with me 💌 
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idolshineitai · 2 years
SUNKISS tell me abt yr ocs *wags tail
HII YAAAY HI <33 IM VERY EXCITED ABT THIS ive been fixating on them very much recently but augh which ones to CHOOSE !! i think ill go w lyla + co since i Just. posted her
IM DOING THIS ENTIRELY BY MEMORY N JUST FOR FUN so i might not get the more nuanced details but Hi. SO!! the story focuses mainly on saige and lyla!! Saige is lyla’s bf!! He iz a bigender butch bisexual ^u^ He/they. Lyla is a transfem xenogender femme lesbian who uses she/doll/🍓/🫐!! ANDDD also saige has a younger sibling Mylo who uses xe/xir :3 i havent decided xir specific identity but xe’s in a very lesbian relationship and i 🧡 xir partners .. i will not get into them unless asked cuz they dont play a huge role here . Potential sequel material ig 💗🧡💛💚💙💜
Saige + mylo have Shitty parents and thats a whole thing but one of the main parts of the story is !! this lil game that they play as a coping mechanism — where theyve kind of assigned each other a signature creature and will . Joke around in that space?? refer to each other as such? It’s . a nice family thing just for them alone IM ALWAYS VERY BAD AT EXPLAINING IT EVERY TIME 💔 but .. siblings :] Saige is a ghost n mylo is an alien
Lyla and saige r pitted against each other (← used lightly) @ school cuz of their “opposite aesthetics” Which they rlly rlly dont ….get?!?! Whats opposite abt them . Something something that meme where it says u have more in common w someone who wears all pink/all black than someone w a “plain” style. YKNOW.,,, and so they get to talking a bit more and i haven’t decided how they begin dating yet but they do and i love them so fuckin much 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Lyla , after being accepted by mylo ofc, gets her own gimmick and becomes the princess :D BUT UHJNKBJG. Eventually she realizes shes nonbinary n sort of goes spiraling :[ Saige n lyla r both autistic BTW (probably all the others too ❤️ but this is whats important Naow). And lyla doesnt like change a whole lot, she doesnt want things to be Different with this family that she has now, despite not feeling very comfortable w the princess label anymore ,,and shes not very comfortable in her identity as a whole INCLUDING da autism
it’s !!! a journey for sure but lyla is so unconditionally loved n supported and she really comes into her own and accepts her passions and interests and weird gender feelings !!!! Starts dressing up VERY cool as well which is highly important 💛💛 she loves fun fruit patterns (SPECIAL INTEREST - i have to learn so many fruit facts on her behalf im working on it.)
saige gets the means to move out nd takes mylo w him. eventually lyla joins them :3 even more eventually, when xe’s ready, mylo moves out w all the support in the WORLD from the lovebirds. And then theyre having this conversation,, like
It turns out saige’s ghost gimmick was 99% based on his dissociation that they didn’t really know was a Thing, but therapy n support n time away from parents he’s a lot better now! ♡ i havent decided his new gimmick, but it’s different ♡♡
lyla’s gimmick has shifted to like,, a mixture of things instead of one Solid identity and it makes her so much happier, very freeing, very Fun and indicative of the things she loves!!!!!!!!!!!! Fruit bat ..vampire..funny little colorful friend :] YOUKNOW!! ❤️❤️💙💙 goddd i love her so much shes ymmbaby
AND THEN MYLO. MYLO was the ONLY one to stick to xir og gimmick. Xe’s adored neon green xir whole fucking life. (OH N both sibs r punk ofc it isn’t all abt fashion but in those terms saige is more casual and mylo goes ALL OUT .) so they get to talking, joking, as mylo is moving out — this tender lil heartfelt conversation where saige is kind of awed and feeling fond,, like,,,, how did you do it? how did you keep such a strong sense of self all that tiem (even back there)? AND MYLO CITES having rlly supportive lesbian parents . And it takes a second for the couple to process but they really really cry Whbjbhjgmfk .. !!!!!! ITS JUST SO . I HEART THEM
theyre so ❣️💖💕💖💗💗💖 THANK U BTW !!! AWAWA
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limitless-shadows · 4 years
Picking up gofushi crumbs from the manga pt. 3
Disclaimer: Beware of anime/manga/fanbook/light novel spoilers. This is just me commenting on the manga with the lenses of a gofushi fan. So... it’s just my opinion.
This section runs from chapter 26 to 79.
About character developments, gofushi first meeting, “Oh, nothing <3″, and others.
[Chapter 26]
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Bless Yuuji’s imagination creating gofushi material LOL
[Chapter 32]
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Megumi’s disappointed and nonchalant face when others connect “that moron” to Gojou www :surprisedpikachu: it’s even more funny when it’s Megumi who says that.
[Chapter 33]
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Megumi being sharp at noticing changes in Yuuji. If he’s that keen, would he have sensed anything different on Gojou after Getou’s death?
[Chapter 45]
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“You really can tell even with that guy’s drawing” Dang it, now I have to add great artist to my list of type standards.
Well, Gojou can do almost anything as stated in the fanbook, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that he can communicate well with art as a medium. Ack, is that why Nobara said he had high standards.
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I like how fast Megumi is able to dial Gojou’s number here www
[Chapter 55]
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If Megumi never tells them anything, what do they think about the gofushi dynamic? Domestic feeling? lolol
Especially Yuuji, who can be perceptive (when he noticed that Junpei was being bothered by his teacher).
[Chapter 56]
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Knowing Gojou’s schedule again.
[Chapter 58]
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Aaah it implies that Megumi doesn’t usually ask Gojou to train him :(
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"Is it that annoying? To ask me?"
...either doesnt want to ask him because he is annoying and/or because he doesn’t want to feel more indebted to him ;-;
I like the face that Gojou makes here haha like: eeeeh~ why is that? what’s wrong that you don’t want to ask me
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Did Gojou realize Megumi’s self sacrificing tendencies from just the bunt? or did that already confirm previous suspicions? I liked the anime adaptation of it~
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Of course Gojou would be so angry at that that his finger flick made Megumi's forehead bleed. Megumi who isn't growing up in the correct way to be strong enough as was asked from Gojou during their first meeting:
“You better get strong, don’t get left behind.”
And also Megumi throwing away his life in such a manner after Gojou protects him so much ;-; Gojou knows Megumi has plenty of potential but isn’t tapping on it effectively. Disappointment.
Then follows it up by asking him to be selfish so he can grow up strong (it's ok to ask your sensei for training! ;-;). Megumi freeing himself from the chains that bind him to a lesser self valuing is such an amazing character development.
Adding to it is that this flashback was used as the base for Megumi’s change aaaah
I also wanted to add that Ep23 was released 1-2 days before this post and it was such a great adaptation of this chapter with the sunset, the shadows and if that wasnt enough gofushi food, they went with the jujusanpo and and violinteacherhomewreckersformationbgaaah
what is formation a??? or c??? the gofushi interpretation of megumi’s gomeeeeeeeen?andsorrythatepisodewastoogoodImenjoyingthenewgofushiviolinarts
[Chapter 59]
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A suspicious dude with white hair who is tactless.
Yaaay way to go with first impressions :D It's funny how Gojou hasn't changed and is still disrespectful in his speech XD
[Chapter 79]
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Gojou guessing that Megumi already manifested his cursed technique...
While the fanbook said that he wanted to recruit a talented person, I also fancy believing that Gojou didn’t want Megumi to grow up under a harsh Zen’in training.
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Ah. I like how Gojou kneeled down to talk to him about his father’s death. Imagine a 190+ cm tall stranger coming to you, a 6 year old, and telling you from that high up that he killed your father lololol
At this height, Gojou is near Megumi’s stature or at least close to seeing him eye to eye. That pose is also less threatening and even seems childish in Gojou manner lolol but that’s sometimes how Gojou approaches serious things: in a joking way.
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Gojou has such a similar reaction where he doesn't say what he is thinking directly, but masks it. In the chapter where Todou says that they should continue with the exchange event, he questions Todou’s age XD and here he asks if he really is a first grader.
That right panel tho... what was going through his mind in that moment? Surprise? Pity? This kid is not normal.
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Akutami-sensei Q&A mentioned that the one to tell Megumi about his father was going to be Gojou... and I wonder how it’s going to go? also, Gojou getting out of the box? aaa-
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I wonder how it must have felt for Megumi... when the suspicious dude with white hair actually did take care of things. The fanbook with the following Q&A for Fushiguro:
Q: How did he become so insightful?
A: Maybe it's because he has negative thinking and doesn't just trust people.
Source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation)
Oof, his own upbringing made him like that. Especially with how he regards himself...
When it says that he “doesn’t just trust people”, Megumi then probably didn’t expect much from Gojou after their first meeting and is surprised when Gojou comes back :(
His father and mother leaving him, but Gojou coming back... although the situation doesn’t get better when later on Tsumiki goes into a coma and Gojou is sealed...
He will take care of things after a hehe~  ;-; 
Oh, yeah and:
Q: Has he known Maki and Mai even before entering the school?
A: Yes. When Gojo was working on Megumi and the Zenin clan issue, he took him to the Zenin house, so I think that's when they first met.
source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation) (same as above)
Seems like the Zen’in house is in Kyoto? Because of Maki and Mai’s birthplace not to mention Naoya’s kansai dialect. So... did they go on a trip to Kyoto? :D
Then, Gojou counting on shotagumi to work extra hard.... so he can be strong ;-; and maybe become part of his nakama group to change Jujutsu's society huhuhu
On the topic about being granted a choice, I only came to realize it after reading this excellent work, Close Your Eyes (To See) it’s a lovely soulmate fanfic, please consider reading it if you haven’t ^^. Megumi usually goes on about unfairness randomly granted on people, so to be given a choice about going to the Zen’ins or not is quite big. Particularly when it comes to how the Zen’ins would have treated Tsumiki, a non sorcerer. It’s too good.
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The look when he says that ;-; counting on Megumi to get strong enough to rival Gojou? Then Gojou wouldn’t be the only one going against the conservative higher ups.
When Gojou closes his eyes, it seems to convey regret/resolution where he sets in motion his plan to reform the Jujutsu society so that no more sorcerers go stray or overwhelmed by duties following a rigid doctrine ;-; as if preventing them becoming like Getou. And thats so aaah because while I knew what Gojou's wish was, I didn't know the why behind it, and that would be a great reason. Megumi has been with Gojou since the start (or near the beginning of it), so it’s even more beautiful.
That transition from closed to eyes to the present where the 1st year trio wakes him up. Was he recalling all those events during the nap?
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I- I just love Megumi's pouty face here. But it's still not that angry looking, more like, he is used to it (as always). Then my gofushi brain telling me that there is a hint of concern in Megumi's look- its almost affectionate. Could it be concern because he is worried about how much sleep he gets.
About Gojou’s sleep:
Q: How many hours does he sleep?
A: Seems like only for a short while.
source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation)
And Megumi being aware of his tendency to eat sweet things:
“When he’s busy, Gojou-sensei tend to eat more sweets like these, after all…”
source: JJK First Light Novel - Chapter 1 (fan translation)
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Gojou lifting his blindfold to look at Megumi with his left eye because Megumi is on his left side.
Wait... it’s the same left eye from the second opening of the first season.... is that a hint.
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The legendary “Oh, nothing <3″ with the heart~
Is he being fond of Megumi because of dreaming about their first encounter or because Megumi did get strong, or, or, both of those. aaaah what if it was from recalling everything that happened in the 9 years they've known each other? Calm down! Probably because he got strong comrades now! ;-; i-it’s not just because of Megumi! ...but I like how he has his body turned to Megumi only...
It's a "Megumi has been with him all this time (9 years) while he is trying to achieve his dream and he became this strong"
They... they just look so good together ;-; my gofushi feelings... Chapter 79 is special grade.
[Part 4]
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Jeremy Meets Helpy
Chapter 1
Jeremy has been trying to make the best of his life after his nightmare in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. But his loneliness is about to be changed for the better from a source he least expected...
For @kanene-yaaay
This was just a fun idea I had. I just kept imagining what would happen if Jeremy met Helpy. And this was my answer! I hope you enjoy!
Jeremy was sitting in his house, reading a book. He was growing bored out of his mind from having almost nothing to do. He already got home from work, so he didn’t have anything to look forward to besides sleep. Sometimes, even sleep wasn’t fun...The painful memories of getting bitten while working would sometimes come back to him. He would feel his scar, drag his finger around the scar and would either cry or try to distract himself.
Sometimes distractions like TV, his phone or other things will help. But...sometimes it didn’t. And he would end up crying anyway. Truth be told, he was trying to make the most of his life. But...there were only a few good memories he could really think of.
Suddenly, a crash could be heard from the kitchen. Jeremy widened his eyes, got himself up and grabbed a nearby weapon. It was his garbage lid, and it was the only thing closest to him at that moment. Jeremy held onto it for dear life just like a shield, and quietly walked himself to the kitchen. When he looked in the kitchen, it looked like there was no one visibly in there. But his eyes fell upon a rattling colored box near the phone. It usually had binders, folders and his resume in there. But the stuff was being thrown and scattered all over.
Jeremy slowly brought himself to the box, picking up his folders and binders. He looked inside the box and…
It was purple...and shiny. Unsure of what else to do, Jeremy dropped the binders and folders into the box. The items hit the purple thing and let out a small noise:
It was weirdly high-pitched. It sounded like a weird, high-pitched robot voice that you’d give a fake hamster. Like those zhu zhu pets! Some of them had high-pitched voices!
Jeremy removed the binders & folders, and picked up the purple thing like a toddler. “Huh? Uhoh!” The thing reacted. Its back was facing Jeremy, allowing it to look around the room. It had ears! And arms, and legs! It also had a big middle.
The purple thing wiggled around a little and tried to turn its head around. Jeremy awkwardly looked at its back side and widened his eyes as a logo across the waist stuck out to him:
[Fazbear Entertainment]
Jeremy shrieked and dropped the thing, causing it to hit the ground and bounce. “Ouch! Oof! Ow!” The purple thing reacted as it bounced. It lifted its head up. “Where am I?” it asked next, looking around. Finally, the purple thing turned itself around and revealed its face and front body to him. “Oh! Hi!” The little thing said happily, waving.
It was a bear! A purple, plastic-looking bear!
Jeremy was shaking, growing super nervous. He knew the thing was tiny. He knew the thing could probably be punted 8 feet away. But it still scared him. Anything from Fazbear Entertainment scared him. He sensed that even the tiniest little thing like this, could find a way to hurt him too.
“Wow! Big!” It reacted, reaching its arms up.
Jeremy’s eyes shrunk a bit as he tried carefully poking it with his foot. The little bear, looking confused, tried to push his foot away. Jeremy raised an eyebrow and tried pushing the bear away with his arch against his forehead. The little bear let out a yelp of some sort, and tried to push the foot away again, or run towards it to force the foot in front. The look of the tiny purple bear, waving its arms around while his foot was against its forehead, was...kinda funny and cute.
Jeremy tilted his head and smiled a bit.
“Get off! Get off me, foot!” the bear yelled. The yelling did nothing, other than make Jeremy reconsider how scary this bear was. The bear removed the foot from his forehead and held onto it. Then, the bear started to smile. It placed its fingers onto his foot and started wiggling. “Tickle tickle!”
Jeremy yelped and pulled his foot away, causing the bear to fly up too. “Weeee!”
Jeremy hummed and widened his eyes when he realized the bear was holding onto his foot still. He was currently a couple feet in the air! Not sure what else to do, Jeremy awkwardly picked it up, and held it.
The bear giggled and looked at him with the biggest, cutest eyes. “Again!”
Jeremy smiled a little more. “Maybe in a bit.” He replied.
The bear hummed, and tilted his head. “Oh! Look!” The bear looked up at his ears, and started wiggling them in and out, in and out.
Jeremy couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Wow!” he replied enthusiastically. The bear let out its own giggle and covered its mouth. “Now: How did you get here?” Jeremy asked.
The bear pointed to the open window at the sink. Jeremy hung his head and sighed. He always forgets to close that window...
“So...You’re part of Freddy Fazbear’s?” Jeremy asked.
Helpy nodded his head. “Pizza!” The bear replied excitedly, throwing its hands into the air.
Feeling extra excited, the bear then pulled an air horn out of its purple belly and honked it in Jeremy’s face. Jeremy shrieked and dropped the bear, covering his ears in annoyance. The bear fell onto the ground with a crash…
A cracking sound could be heard for a moment as well…
Jeremy widened his eyes and uncovered his ears. “Oh shit...Are you okay?!” Jeremy asked.
The bear jumped right up onto its feet again with a giggle. Only...its little neck was not looking too good. The head was rotated a little too much to the side. That must’ve been what cracked. Next, the bear turned its neck back in front, emitting another loud crack sound.
Jeremy cringed and let out a little yip sound. Did- Did this bear just crack its neck and snap it back into place?! Jeremy had dropped his jaw in horror. What in the world was this thing?!
“D-Do you...have a name?” Jeremy asked.
The bear ran up and hugged Jeremy’s left leg. “Helpy loves you!” it replied while snuggling its face into his lower leg.
Helpy...This little bear’s name is Helpy. Jeremy smiled wider. “Helpy…” Jeremy said out loud. “He or her?” Jeremy asked.
The bear thought for a moment as it went back in its memories. A few seconds later, it finally answered. “Helpy a boy!” Jeremy giggled at the childish grammer.
Wanting to learn about Jeremy, Helpy looked up at him with curious eyes and pointed at Jeremy. Jeremy cleared his throat. “I’m Jeremy. I’m a boy too.” Jeremy replied.
Helpy gave Jeremy a big smile and let go of his leg. “Jeh...Jeeewwwa...eeemy- Jemy!” Helpy quickly declared, before breaking out in somewhat stop-motioned happy dancing. Jeremy giggled at the little bear’s cute little dance moves and watched him jump around and shake its booty. How in the world did such a shady cooperation manage to make such a cute little being?!
Jeremy couldn’t help but dance a little with him too. Helpy gasped at this and grabbed onto his leg while Jeremy danced. Jeremy stopped dancing and crossed his arms. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” He asked. Helpy replied by snuggling his face into his leg again and attempted to kiss his leg. It was more like a mouth clunk than an actual kiss though. Jeremy giggled at this more and picked him up. “Come here little Helpy.” He said.
Helpy squealed and threw his arms up excitedly as he was picked up. “Airplane! Airplane Helpy!” The little bear declared.
Jeremy brought Helpy closer and gave Helpy a big hug and a pat on the back. Helpy squealed happily and hugged him back. He also started giving Jeremy ‘kisses’, or cold head clunks, on his jawline and cheek.
Jeremy giggled and snickered at the weirdly ticklish kisses. Though they were meant to be loving, they were more awkward and tickly than anything. “Thahat tickles, Helpy.” He told the bear.
Helpy narrowed its eyes at him and opened his mouth to show off his buck-toothed smile. Jeremy widened his eyes and quickly realized he may have made a mistake with his words. Helpy brought his hands over and with no hesitation, it started skittering its fingers on his neck. Jeremy squeaked and giggled a little more. “Hehehelpy dohohohon’t!” Jeremy warned.
“Tickle tickle!” Helpy teased, wiggling its ears as he tickled him. Jeremy quickly brought Helpy away from his chest and neck and held him outwards in front of him.
Helpy went dazed for a moment or two. Confused, Helpy tapped his finger on his chin as he looked at Jeremy’s hands. Also wanting another hug, Helpy reached his arms out and looked at him with big, sad eyes.
“Are you gonna tickle me again?” Jeremy asked.
Helpy let out an auto tuned whimper and tilted his head as he reached for Jeremy.
“Listen to me:” Jeremy ordered softly. “Are you going to tickle me when I hug you?”
Helpy shook his head and made a humming sound to go with it. Then, he went back to reaching his arms out and waving his fingers. Jeremy sighed with defeat. He just couldn’t say no to this guy. It was impossible. So, he brought him into another hug.
Much like Jeremy kind of suspected, Helpy was clearly lying about the ‘not tickling you’ thing. Helpy went right back to tickling his neck the moment he made contact with Jeremy’s shoulders. This time though, Jeremy didn’t force him away. He decided to remain in the hug and just giggled away while Helpy tickled his neck. “Hehehehehe! Ihihi knehehew ihit, ya lihittle lihihihihier.” Jeremy said to him.
“Tickle tickle!” Helpy said, tickling under his chin too.
Jeremy moved his chin away and tittered with giggles mixed in. “Ohokahay, little Helpy. Should we find out where you came from?” Jeremy asked.
Helpy widened his eyes and frantically shook his head. He liked Jeremy! And he didn’t wanna leave him! Especially not now! Helpy wrapped his arms around Jeremy’s neck and refused to let go of him. Jeremy chuckled and let him hold on desperately to the back of his neck. He was surprisingly light for something made of plastic and metal parts.
“Do I have to find out if you’re ticklish too?” Jeremy asked.
Helpy widened his eyes and smiled a little more at that. Just for the sake of it, he refused to let go.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Jeremy started skittering his fingers on Helpy’s sides and lower ‘rib’ area.
Helpy let out a little squeal and quickly started kicking his tiny feet. “Aahaha! Jemy! hehehe Jehemy! I’m gonna fall!” Helpy giggled.
Jeremy widened his eyes in shock. It WORKED?! He did NOT expect that to work! He smiled almost right away. “Now how in the world-” He grabbed Helpy, laid him down onto his inner arm like a baby and started tickling his belly. “How did Fazbear Entertainment manage this?!” He asked, referring to the programming that made him ticklish.
“Jehehemy! Tihihickles! Ihit tickles! Hehehehe!” Helpy giggled, covering his mouth with both his hands.
Jeremy took in a breath and blew a little raspberry on his belly. Helpy let out an auto tuned squeal of surprise and kicked his feetsies as he giggled a lot more higher-pitched into his hands.
“Awwww!” Jeremy teased. “You’re not a threat. You’re barely even scary! You’re just a rare gem. A tiny one at that.” Jeremy told him, poking his shirt buttons.
Helpy giggled and pushed his finger away with one of his hands while he covered his bashfulness with his other. “Jehehemy ehembarrassihihing mehehehe!” Helpy whined through his giggles.
“Oh no! What a tragedy! Is the poor Helpy gonna die from embarrassment if I forget to stop?” Jeremy asked dramatically.
Despite clearly being a robot, Helpy nodded his head. “Yeheheeees!” Helpy whined with a smile. Jeremy stopped and watched as Helpy’s giggles dropped. His happy face quickly turned pouty. “No no no!” Helpy grabbed Jeremy’s hand and pushed it up to his purple belly. “Happy embarrassed! Ihihi’m hahappy ehembarrassed!” Helpy explained.
Jeremy gasped at this and resumed tickling his belly. “Happy embarrassed? Is that a good thing?” Jeremy asked. He started poking the belly with a big smirk. “I think that’s a good thing!”
Helpy squealed and twisted himself around onto his belly to hide his blush inside Jeremy’s arm. Helpy was way too embarrassed to even look at Jeremy! And Jeremy himself found this so cute and hilarious!
“Awww! Teasy bear! Teasy Helpy the teddy!” Jeremy teased. His confidence quickly fell however, as he felt a few fingers in his armpit. Jeremy shrieked and curled in. “OOOHOHO NOHO! HEHEHELPYHYHY!” Jeremy laughed. “THAHAHAT’S CHEHEHEATIHIHING!”
Helpy smiled and quickly started digging into his armpit more. “Tickle tickle! Jemy tickly too!” Helpy teased back.
Jeremy fell down to his knees and continued leaning to the side being tickled. “YOHOHOHOU GOHOHOHOT YOHOUR AHAHATTAHACK! IHIHIT WAS MYHYHY TUHUHURN!” Jeremy protested.
“My turn! My turn!” Helpy declared proudly. “Helpy love tickly Jemy!”
Jeremy hung his head as he mentally realized that his fate was sealed. He was gonna end up with a little robot teddy bear that’s surprisingly really good at tickling. Though maybe that was a good thing. He could have a companion in this lonely small house. Maybe Helpy was the one thing that he needed!
Jeremy laid onto his back and let Helpy tickle him for a little longer. Happy to be given such a fun opportunity, Helpy pulled his hand out of Jeremy’s armpit and ran to his belly. “Buttons!” He declared and felt around for any buttons on his belly that resembled his own metal black buttons. Helpy lifted up his shirt and gasped at the circular dip on his torso. “...Button?”
Jeremy looked up. “Wha- NOHOHAHAHAHA!” He declared.
“Tickle Button!” Helpy declared as he added more pokes.
Jeremy squeaked and snorted, kicking his feet and rocking his belly left and right. “NOHOHO BEHEHELLYHYHYHYHYHYHY BUHUHUTTOHOHON! *snort* COHOHOHOME OHOHOHON!” Jeremy pleaded.
“Tickle tickle button! Tickle button, tickle button!” Helpy repeated.
Helpy gasped and looked up at him with big, wide, happy eyes. “Cute?” Helpy asked. He stopped tickling and crawled up to Jeremy’s shoulder. “Helpy cute?” He asked.
Jeremy looked over with a big smile on his face and petted his little bear ears. “Of course you are! You are very cute, Helpy.” Jeremy told him. Helpy covered his mouth and giggled while waving his ears up and down. It looked like Jeremy had found another tickle spot of his.
Jeremy giggled at this and started tickling his inner ear. This actually caused Helpy to break out into a toddler-like tantrum! But he was giggling and laughing with his eyes squeezed shut! His ears were waving up and down to try and get Jeremy’s fingers away, and he was rocking left and right as well, while throwing his limbs around everywhere! It was like a happy spaz attack!
Misinterpreting it from first glance, Jeremy quickly stopped and looked at him with a worried expression. “Are you okay?”
Helpy went completely limp in a star-shaped position and continued giggling in a lazy daze. Jeremy booped his snoot playfully, and bursted out laughing when the nose actually squeaked! Helpy giggled more at that. “Jemy boop!” Helpy declared. Jeremy giggled at that.
Helpy brought himself closer to Jeremy and cuddled against him. Jeremy, happy to cuddle him, wrapped his arms around him and started rubbing his belly. Helpy smiled and shoved his fuschia pink cheek into Jeremy’s shoulder.
Before they knew it, Jeremy had fallen asleep as he cuddled Helpy on the ground. He managed to sleep for a total of 2 hours before he woke up again. Jeremy smiled as he woke up from his sleepy daze and looked over to where Helpy was laying. But...Helpy wasn’t there. Huh? Where did he go? Jeremy got himself up and started looking around the house for Helpy. But he was nowhere to be found. Did he leave?
Jeremy sat down on the bed, trying to process what might’ve happened. Maybe Helpy had to leave and didn’t wanna wake him. Or maybe...he wasn’t there in the first place. Maybe Helpy was just a creature from his dreams. But it felt so real! It couldn’t have been a dream!
Could it?
Jeremy felt tears fill his eyes as he realized how much he’d lost in what felt like 5 minutes. He realized just how lonely and sad he was. Helpy filled a gaping hole he had lived with for half of his life. And now...It was empty again.
Jeremy put his hands in his pockets as he sunk down and hung his head. But his hand grazed across something. It felt like a piece of paper. It was too big and thick to be a receipt. And it felt folded in multiple spots. Jeremy pulled out the paper and read the front word that looked like it was typed out in bubble letters on a computer:
Jeremy widened his eyes. That was Helpy’s nickname for him! He WAS real! Jeremy opened the paper and read the bubble-lettered words written inside:
[Hi Jemy! Helpy had to go. I’m sorry. Mr. Emily wants me to help a work man. Helpy can come back soon! Pinky promise! Helpy loves you! ~Helpy]
Jeremy smiled through his tears. The mystery was solved. His questions were answered. Helpy is real alright, and he’ll come back for more cuddles and bonding moments when he’s done his job.
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purfectprincessgirl · 3 years
*A A A A A A, that Rainbow High Season 1 Finale tho~*
So I managed to catch it around this morning (had to take some time to eat breakfast and clean up a bit tho so I didn't have time to type out my thoughts atm), sooooo here's a lil rundown of what I thought of it 'cause man am I hyyyyyyped~ 🌈
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-It was really cool how each of the girls incorporated a "rain/weather" theme to their runway performances (from drops of rain, thunder rumbling, freakin lighting... like damn, how are these girls not already graduated pros I don't even know fljkj)
-An interesting choice to make that not every girl had a strictly-formal look to their final runway outfits; kinda brought me back to how they designed everyones' Cheerleader looks to be all unique yet identical-enough to stand well as an official team. Interesting~
-Loved all those lil cameo shots of other notable RH characters (background-wise and so on) just hanging out and looking excited for the main girls' show, really gave us a nice feel of "unity" in a way~😊
-Huh, didn't expect them to already showcase those twins I saw leaked around over on some Instagram concept sketches... but hmmm, guess they're planned to be our next seasons' antagonists with their "sly" vibes here? :o
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-Those video monologues from each girl describing their friendships and development up to that point was pretty sweet to see (even Violet's seems like she's been truly taking their words to heart in grounding herself down better? Good for you girl 👍)
-Ooh look! Finally got a glimpse of what Jett Dawson looks like within the web series' world (since we only ever got brief cameos of her in magazines/passing mentions)... wonder what her role's gonna be like in the future? 👀
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-Of course, not too surprising the girls had ended up passing their runway exam at the end... but dawww it was still touching seeing them all genuinely congratulating one another on their progress (and again, Violet pleasantly surprised me seeing how genuine she was to compliment Sunny first of them all (even calling her hot ghljkj)- definitely refreshing to see compared to how "distant" they were in earlier episodes; fingers crossed for the next season to keep this angle up 🤞)
-*Sunny calling Lou Wright "mom" tho-* 😂
-Omg, but that lil twist reveal at the end... YAAAY, Bella's finally back, guys~!! 😭💖 AND she brought that one color-changing car I've seen advertised on some merch concepts? Sweeeeet~ 👌👌
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...Soooo yeah, all in all a very worthwhile season finale that was, glad I finally got around to giving this series a chance enough to catch up with it as everyone else~ 🥺💜 As for what I personally thought of the girls' actual runway looks? Weeeell-
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*-Amaya's was pretty lovely; glad she actually went back to her white-hair look for this one since it really blended in well with her overall outfit vibe (that lil shot of River being into it was cute lol)
*-Violet's was... cute, though admittedly kinda "plain", for a runway look imo? ^^; Idk, maybe its just me but I do like the lil pearl-beading & feather look (kinda gives me 20's flapper vibes). Maybe it'll look a lil better on the future doll design?
*-Woooow, Skylar really stole the show here with how fab her whole vibe was; from the hair to the dress shape... hell even the denim fabric worked pretty well after I looked at it a few times. Good work girl~ 💙 (also lmao that shade to Colin tho... you lost your chance, boy lol deal with it~😎)
*-JADE THOUGH, JAAAADE~! Man she REALLY came through on her own look next to Skylar- those black lips, that detailed ponytail, those black/silver-y accented clothes AND a whole lightning-skirt to top it off near the end? *chef kisses* Perfection~ 💚💚👏
*-I love the makeup and hair look for Sunny (especially with those lil baby hair accents~)... though for her final umbrella-inspired dress I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about it 🤔 I mean it is unique, for sure... but against the other girls I just don't know if it really "fits" in with everyone else's aesthetic? Idk, maybe thats just me- *-Poppyyyy, really cute entrance with those monarch butterflies and the similarily-inspired dress look~ 🥺🧡 Part of me kiiiiinda feels like the skirt was animated a bit awkwardly within the show's style... but again, maybe for the doll it'll be structured a bit better?
*-And as for Ruby... hmm, interesting idea it was to blend in her regular street-wear aesthetic with a fancier skirt train and hat veil. Like Sunny I miiiight need to take a bit to fully get used to the overall outfit design, but at least her makeup's still pretty~
Soooo with all that said, if I had to rank their overall runway looks myself, here's how they'd stand with me:
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Adhd rant time!!!! Cause it’s been awhile!!!
Sooo I wasn’t officially diagnosed with adhd until I was 20 (I’m told they started testing through the school when I was in the 3rd grade, but bc I wasn’t “disruptive” they never fully finished it. How bs right?)
Anywhoooooo. Now that I know more about adhd in general, and how it presents itself, and am just generally more self aware. Man did a lot of things Fuck me up.
My mom yelled at me a lot for being too loud and annoying when I was stimming/fidgeting, which lead to me trying to do it in quieter, less healthy ways. I started pinching my leg or arm instead of tapping the table, because it was quiet and the pain made me “stop” (I now scratch myself raw as a way to regulate my big emotions yaaay)
Not feeling comfortable enough to fidget, for fear of getting in trouble again, I started zoning out a lot more. Without something to help regulate, I could no longer pay attention to what was going on. Eventually this caused me some issues in class. Along with already needing extra help on assignments because I just couldn’t get it right they moved my desk right up against the teachers. That does some damage to a young kid, being singled out like that. Everyone in my grade made fun of me for it.
So I stopped asking for extra help, and instead brought myself close to tears every class trying to do it on my own, and listening in extra hard when another student asked a question I was too afraid to ask
I also got better at hiding when I was distracted or zoned out, it looks like I’m paying attention to the lesson, but really my skin is crawling at the sound of florescent lights and it’s taking all my power not to full body shiver.
As the assignments went from ‘colour in this map’ to ‘write a short essay’ the self-hatred upped its game. Now we had a week to complete homework instead of a day. A single day deadline was the shit, a dream come true and such a breeze (any other ‘I used to be a gifted kid’ people here?) I hated myself for taking so long to start homework. Why why why couldn’t I start my essays before the day it was due?? I was giving myself panic attacks nearly every day like this, and I hated it. I hated feeling like that but I just couldn’t do it. I thought I was broken.
But no, just adhd that wasn’t “disruptive” enough to diagnose. Because girls tend to be more inattentive than boys (although both sexes do experience inattentive and hyperactive ‘waves’ [for lack of a better word]) girls are far less likely to be diagnosed. And I know a diagnoses isn’t a magic fix it button, it sure as hell makes everything seem simpler.
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
Hi would you like some rage about She-Ra season 5?
If the answer is no, please don’t click below. For real. Really for real. I’m not looking to piss in anyone’s Cheerios. I think if you were satisfied (or better!) with the show, that’s fantastic and I envy you. As I have always said, love what you love. My opinion is mine and means precisely nothing beyond that. If you think you may be even a little bummed reading about how someone didn’t like it, skip this post and go on with your day, I promise you’re not missing anything worthwhile.
IN A SIMILAR VEIN: If -- before, during, or after reading -- you feel inclined to argue with me, I am begging you to please not. I cannot begin to tell you how much I don’t want to be argued with on this right now. I’m still extremely disappointed and cranky, and I’m not much in the mood to have a measured, reasoned debate about my feelings. Much as my opinion has no bearing on you, your opinion has no bearing on me, and as I’m giving you the option to opt out, I’d appreciate the same courtesy. If you want to write your own post on your own blog, go nuts! Just please leave me out of it. I PREFER TO BE CRANKY AT TELEVISION SHOWS THAN PEOPLE.
The rest of you, come on down. I don’t promise coherency, but I DO promise a lot of stuff said in all-caps!
Hello! Thank you for joining me! We watched the remaining few episodes of She-Ra last night! I hated them! Yaaay!
What did I hate? OH HO HO MANY THINGS FRIENDS MANY THINGS. It’s not just stuff from the final couple of episodes either, I want to clarify. It’s the entire final season, settling on last few episodes like the freshly fallen snow on your front lawn that some frat boys decide to pee their names into. By the time we’d gotten to these last episodes, there was really nothing left for me but confirmation of all the shit I’d come to hate. SO THANKS I GUESS FOR PROVING ME RIGHT
Which isn’t to say there was nothing to enjoy in the final episodes! There was!
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5. She-Ra’s Triceps. GET BUFF GIRL. I LOVE how Adora and She-Ra look similar, but very much not identical. Adora’s no slouch when it comes to physical stuff, but they go the extra mile to show us how She-Ra is that much more. HOW RARELY DO YOU GET TO SEE A WOMAN WITH MUSCLES. I’ve been nothing but impressed by the ways the show drew the line between Adora and She-Ra, and however I felt about its handling of other elements, it didn’t let me down here.
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4. Sometimes A Family Is A Twink, A Lizard, And Their Imp Baby. I don’t have further commentary on this, and I need none.
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3. Welcome Home, Daddy. THIS WAS SO SPECTACULAR. Glimmer had, I would argue, the most realized arc in the story. It was so gratifying to see this as a culmination, not just of her own struggle with her magical power and ability to harness it, but her willingness to do what needs doing, however personally difficult. That was a stumbling point Angelica could never overcome, continually trying to micromanage and protect Glimmer rather than trusting her and recognizing her for the asset she was. Also though, more succinctly: YESSSS BITCH
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2. A Shanty! THIS WHOLE SCENE WAS PERFECT NO NOTES. Just the right blend of silly and sincere, a genuine delight as even brainwashed Mermista had had enough of Sea Hawk’s shit, AND so much more clever than it seemed at first glance. THIS IS THE ONLY VALID HETEROSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP IN SHE-RA I AM NOT TAKING QUESTIONS AT THIS TIME
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1. Shadow Weaver. SHADOW FUCKING WEAVER. What a complicated, fascinating character, bar none the most interesting in the entire series. I do think they pulled their punch right at the very end with her, but I AM capable of remembering I’m watching a kid’s show, so I can only get so disappointed about it. Mostly, she remained a beautifully morally complex character, and she was one of my greatest personal delights from beginning to end*.
(*) Boy did this show have one single solution for mommy issues though.
THAT WAS ABOUT IT. So let’s get to why we’re all really here, and that is MY SCREAMING OH MY GOD WHERE DO I BEGIN
Nah, I know exactly where to begin.
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Oh my FUCKSTICKS, I could’ve rolled with so much more that angers/disappoints me about She-Ra’s ending if every single thing I feared about this hadn’t proved true.
What exactly did pairing off Glimmer and Bo do for the story? For their characters? THIS IS THE PART THAT’S STABBING ME IN THE DELICATE WEBBING OF MY TOES. Because -- COME WITH ME A MOMENT SWEET ANGELS -- because I was under the impression that, oohhhh, I dunno, FRIENDSHIP WAS A HUGE FUCKING IMPORTANT PART OF THIS PASTEL HELLSCAPE
Is it, She-Ra? IS IT REALLY???? When not one but BOTH of your childhood friendship pairings end in romance? When you close out your five seasons with romantic relationships so painfully and specifically sown across the character landscape like an overzealous gardener turned loose on the world?
You know what you have at the end? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID
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And again I ask, Why?? What was it about Glimmer and Bo’s relationship that needed them to become romantic? What was LACKING that this was the solution?
I believed She-Ra’s entire premise about friendship, I believed it wholeheartedly, and I’m so PISSED that at the close of day, narratively, it swept it all the bin. AND YES, YES IT DID, otherwise, WHY IS IT THERE. It serves no story-based need, it serves no character-based need, it has no NEED at all. So is it meant to be a “reward” to Bo and Glimmer for winning the war, as if their lifelong friendship were not reward enough? Is it meant to show they’ve walked through the flames and emerged with stronger, deeper bonds, because of course a relationship can only go SO deep without fucking. There’s no avenue to Romantic Relationship that doesn’t simultaneously point to something lacking in Platonic Relationship, AND I AM FURY PERSONIFIED
I am so tired of this. I’m SO TIRED of this.
And it didn’t need to be there. They didn’t even TRY to give us a good reason. That may be the part that makes me the angriest. Of COURSE they hook up romantically, of COURSE their platonic love would grow into “more”.
Fuck YOU, She-Ra. I thought you were better than that. YOU WERE SO CLOSE TO BETTER THAN THAT
I get it, I guess. I mean, I think it’s shittily written, but I GUESS. Honestly, end of day, I just don’t care about Catra enough to really get too angry about it, particularly when as I’m so fucking incendiary over something much more important to me. But it’s also the show’s greatest creative failure, and even if I HADN’T gotten angrier at other choices, it would’ve still cut its own legs out from under it.
Catra’s “redemption” was weak and sad and did a disservice to her and everyone involved. She started self-centered and shitty, and she ended just as self-centered and shitty, only we’re fine with that now. She learned nothing and changed nothing, but also nobody ever demanded it of her, so I can only lay so much at the character’s feet. The problem is ultimately creative, where I think Noelle Stevenson got lost in her own love of the character, and somewhere along the way forgot that if you take them out that far, you have to be willing to walk them the long road back. Compare to poor Glimmer, for fuck’s sake, whose greatest sin was being desperate enough to be manipulated by the character whose entire fucking DEAL is being THE manipulator. How much shit did she get for that? How long was she punished? Meanwhile Catra becomes THE Big Bad for a while, nearly unravels all of reality in a fit of supreme lesbian angst and self-pity, directly leads to the death of the planet’s ruling monarch who also happens to be GLITTER’S MUM and DIRECT FRIEND TO THE SHOW’S HEROES, but that’s fine, you did one sorta good thing one time and even though it was also wrapped in a thick film of self-pity and a final fuck-you at Adora, all is forgiven!
Speaking of, Adora suffers just as much from stunted growth. From the beginning, her thing was control, unable to free herself from the responsibility of everything and everyone. What did we have at the end? Adora as the only one who could save everything and everyone. Yeah, they kept asking what it was SHE wanted, BUT THEN SHE NEVER ACTUALLY GOT TO CHOOSE. NOT activating the failsafe wasn’t an option for her, and while she wound up not having to die to do it, even that wasn’t her choice in the end, it was Catra’s. (Don’t even get me started on her nth hour “You love me?” fuckery when it wasn’t once for one single second shown to be a question of such life-turning importance.)
All of which could be interesting! That Catra and Adora went through all this, came so far to wind up right where they started? AWESOME. LOVE IT. FUND IT. But really all that happens is nobody minds now that Catra’s a self-involved little shit and tee-hee another Best Friends Squad Mission being bullrushed by Adora within five minutes of ending the last one isn’t that funny?
I can’t even dig much enjoyment out of Adora and Catra as a trope subversion (if one of them was a male, their romantic involvement wouldn’t have even been a QUESTION), because the show lost its fucking mind with romantically pairing everybody off in the final five minutes. WHICH BRINGS ME RIGHT BACK TO MY PREVIOUS SCREAMING SO I’LL STOP THERE.
There was other stuff, of course. I think it was a TERRIBLE decision to spend the last season with the focus split between the two groups of rebels, and writing half the cast into brainwashing. I think the Nettossa and Spinnerella stuff was wasted and lacked any punch at all because the show for some reason or another couldn’t be bothered to let us spend any time with them to care. The waste of Scorpia and Mermista especially (to people named Jet Wolf who are me) was fucking CRIMINAL. Speaking of Scorpia, wouldn’t her showdown with Bo have been so much more poignant if they’d had really any kind of interaction before that moment to build from? (Sure, it’s Scorpia, so if you’re going to sell the lack of context with anyone it’s her, BUT ALSO.) Hey, remember Huntara? No? NEITHER DID THE SHOW.
All my details aside though, MY MANY MANY MANY DETAILS, what kills/rages me most about She-Ra was how so much potential from the first four seasons was just flushed away. Whether it was the creative team shooting itself in the foot or corporate pressure and rushing from Netflix, I don’t know. I don’t CARE. This is the show I was given, so this is the show I have, and that kind of fall after that kind of potential doesn’t just irritate me, it makes me SAD. I wouldn’t be this disappointed if I didn’t think it could have been -- WAS -- so much more.
Time will tell if I can separate out the final season from how much I loved those that came before it. I like to hope so, because I did love it intensely and loved whenever I got the chance to really dig in and talk about it.
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Again please remember that I am not at present looking to argue or debate my feelings and opinions. I get to just be angry and disappointed, as a treat!
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Hiya Clari 💖
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve checked in and this is another ask that you don’t have to reply to at all I just wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking of you and hoping that you are getting rest and taking care of yourself <3
Take as much time as you need to heal, I’m not going anywhere so bitch (respectfully) you’re stuck with me as an anon for what looks to be quite a while
I’ll give you a lil life update since I have missed talking to you but I 100000% understand why you have done a hiatus because your well being comes before anything else <3 I got my tattoo so very exciting times and uni terms start back in a few weeks so another exciting year for me
Also like I said this is just a lil message for you just so you know I’m still thinking about you and sending my love, you don’t have to reply at all or if you decide you want to take as long as you want/need so as always sending you all the love and hugs in the world <333-🍯
oh you are so lovely, thank you so much for your well wishes and for checking in!!! i appreciate it a lot <33 i am trying my best to rest and take care of myself!!! yesterday was filled with a lot of needless anxiety, so hopefully today is a little better <33
i’ve missed talking to you, too!!! sorry it’s taken me forever and a day to get to your message below waaaaah :(((( i feel really bad about that :/
OOOH U GOT UR TATTOO!? DID IT HURT??? WHAT WAS THE EXPERIENCE LIKE OMG!!!! that is super super exciting honey aaaah!!! yaaay uni!!! be safe and be kind to yourself during the school year, please!! remember that grades never equal your worth as a person!! <33
my gosh you genuinely are so incredibly sweet to me, and so understanding, and i just can’t express my gratitude enough; i literally cannot put into words how happy i am to have you in my life, my precious honey, my sweet virtual penpal <33
i hope u don’t mind me answering this here as well!! <33
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BLAH it’s super hot here right now, too!! and extremely humid because it keeps raining, it’s so ._. icky. i went to the zoo with my boyfriend not too long ago and my shoulders + face got totally fried by the sun, it was awful :( fall and winter are my favourite seasons!! tho i do really love denim shorts, so i enjoy summer in that respect hehehe <3
OOOOH YES DID YOU??? I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!!!! get out totally blew me away, literally everything about that film is immaculate, from its writing to its acting to its cinematography to its sound and music, it’s an absolute masterpiece!! i wrote an essay on get out during uni and it’s still one of my favourite academic papers i’ve ever written hehe <3 BUT YES I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, get out expertly builds this extremely unsettling tension in its viewers ugh it’s so so so goooooooooooood
kiki’s delivery service is my favourite ghibli film!!!!!! oh my gosh!! i just think it’s so so so sweet, i love magic and cats and cute little homey spaces like that, and i love the european inspired seaside town, that whole film is just SUCH a comfort movie and a feel good movie for me <3
HAHAHAHA WELL, IF U DID REREAD THEM i hope you enjoyed <3 i recently reread my 1950s dabi fic, because i love it so much??? and i’ve been listening to a lot of like, lana del rey and elvis lately so it got me in the mood hahahaha <3 hopefully one day i can do more with that universe, i wrote a whole backstory for 1950s dabi but i couldn’t find a good place in the fic to put it so it now sits abandoned in my notebook </3 ANDDDDDD if you haven’t yet, pls go vote on my poll for what you’d like to see posted next!!
i love your rambling, stop this nonsense 🥺 i sincerely love your little letters and i promise you i always look forward to reading them and replying to them, even if it takes me a little time to get there. they always put such a smile on my face and i am so grateful!!!
in terms of plans, tiff (toronto international film festival) is happening super super soon so i’m wickedly excited for that!!! my boyfriend and i always go and make a whole week out of the whole festival and it’s just lovely, we have so much fun!! they just released the schedule for the films yesterday and i am BUZZING eeeee!!! now that i’ve graduated uni i don’t get the film student discounts anymore which kinda sucks LMAO but!!! it’s okay!! i love supporting film and i especially love supporting film in my home city!!! <333
oh honeybee i love you so so so very much, please never forget it <33
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
anon: woobin fluff please 🥺
pairing: seo woobin + you
genre: fluff
word count: 1.1k
a/n: yaaay finally finished working on this request! i still have few more on my inbox. i'll make sure to get to work on them soon hehe. also, i'm gonna work on my prompt list after this for a drabble game. anw, anon, i hope you enjoy this one! ^^
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There was a comforting silence enclosed in the confines of the living room, only the faint breathing was the harmony heard. Even without words, a smile graced both lips.
Your head was resting on your boyfriend’s chest, his soft heartbeat came to your ears like a music—something you can listen to for the next few hours, days, weeks, a lifetime even. Fingers were interlocked as both of you settled on the sole couch in the room. Figures both covered by a blanket you brought. It was your favorite blue blanket.
The television in front of you displayed a poster of Howl’s Moving Castle with a play video button drew on its center. It had already been on the screen for almost half an hour with the movie ending and begging to be played again.
However, Woobin had already said no when he momentarily released you, only to get the remote control and put the appliance on rest. Few words were heard from him as he once again linked your hand with his. An arm slinging in your shoulder. Your head on his chest, his chin on the top of your head. There was a sense of comfort lying on his heart, it was pleasing. He liked it more than anything else. “You know what, I really love being with you. Like I love love you, Y/n.”
Found on his lips was a curve that made his countenance lit into a faint glow.
“Ah, Woobin please…” You pouted, moving your head so you can look at him. A whine left your lips before another sentence broke out of your lips, “Stop it.”
Yet, even with those, you never hated his words. It was just the way his words reach your heart seemed to give a foreign sensation: refreshing and new—extremely satisfying. Your heart would miss a beat only to go with rapid knocks right after.
Woobin chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, come and make me stop then,” he said, his index finger pointing his lips. The message was obvious, yet it seemed like you declined to offer him what he wanted.
You extended your hands, giving his lips a light tap instead of moving your own lips to lock with his. It stayed there until you sensed the curve of his lips changing from a sweet smile to a playful smirk.
Wrapping your hand with his own, he freed his lips from the cover you made. Slowly, he adjusted his sitting posture, closing the gap between the two of you in the process. It wasn’t enough for him though, so he leaned closer and closer until your lips were only separated by a few inches. “You know what I meant though.”
The room was well ventilated, yet you could feel a heat spreading on your cheeks. Despite that, you didn’t take a step backward. Accepting the challenge through tilting your head nearer. Even with a weak heart, you attempted to mask your growing nervousness through feigned bravery laced on your sentence. “And what if I make you?”
 “Then—” Woobin’s word was interjected when you planted a swift kiss on the corner of your lips. He fanned himself using a hand, now your former situation transferred to him. “Whoa there, miss.” A chortle before he repeated the same sentence. He can never get used to your unpredictable acts; it would always result in messy responses from him. His face was slightly flushed, such an adorable reaction from the person you adored the most.
His reactions gave way for your courage to continue building up, a stair that you were able to easily step onto. Now it was you who was challenging him. “Then?”
“God, Y/n.” Woobin was locked on the abashment zone which made soft chuckles slip past through your lips.
 “You asked for it though.”
“And I didn’t expect that you’ll actually do it.”
A triumphant grin decorated your lips, contented of the small victory. “Serves you right.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the other mumbled defeatedly as he rested his head on your shoulder.
Once again, both of you were cased in serenity caused by silence. Each other’s presence filled the gaps that provided sparks of enthusiasm. Woobin’s hand found your hand once again, this time his thumb was pleased through rubbing your palm affectionately.
“I have something to tell you,” Woobin said, breaking the silence.
“Hm?” You inclined your head to his direction, making your head rest on the top of his. Your eyes were fixated on your hands, waiting for him to continue.
“I love you so much and I’m willing to do anything just for you.” The way each syllable flowed out of his lips wasn’t the usual. Not playful, not teasing—it was soft-spoken, graced with sheer sincerity and endearment. It was like it was a string that was able to link two hearts. A connection that seemed foreign, it was a safe haven that hid behind each other’s existence.
 “Woobin,” you called. “You know I love you more than you can ever imagine.”
Your answer gave him that relief, his heart settled on a steady beat as the comfort coursed throughout his body. Though he didn’t let the sensation overwhelm him.
Someone that can put his heart at ease, someone who he can be so comfortable to be with, someone overflowing with love that made him love himself better, someone who his eyes were to look for each passing second, someone he had always longed for to be locked in his embrace—it was you, the partner he had been searching for. You were the only one he became so willing to pour all his love to. Words can never be enough to describe the enormous fondness he had for you and frankly, he was quite disappointed by his inability to put his love into word.
How come love couldn’t fit into one sentence?
Maybe because it is more than a word?
It is a feeling that continuously grows.
Even with this inadequacy, Woobin attempted to offer his love through words uttered in a gentle tone. “Y/n, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know.”
Woobin was aware that it wasn’t enough, so a tender kiss was planted on your forehead before he allowed your head to rest on his chest, arms finding its way back to your shoulder. A hand stroking your head, his fingers sliding on your soft locks. “Always remember that.”
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briswriting · 4 years
yay im back!
hello yaaay as you can tell from the last couple of days, im back from my little hiatus and thought i should make a little announcement type thingy i guess ahaha
the most important thing i have to announce is that i changed the url of my main from @moonyremvs to @kozumebri​ so that it would be anime related rather than harry potter because all i post is anime on there now ahaha and i’ve had my main and that url name since 2015 and needed a name change lmfao
im sorry for leaving for like two weeks without saying anything about going on a break, i only told a few people people about it before leaving. i just really needed a break for my own good and mental health, so i logged out of tumblr on desktop and deleted the app off my phone the whole time i was gone. my break from tumblr was essentially to get away for a while, so no i did not do any writing, or even think about writing, im sorry about that. i am still planning to finish up the 4k event requests and im trying to finish them soon please bare with me ahhhh 
also since ive been back, i’ve had some people ask me why i left and what i was up to while i was gone so i’m going to put the answers under the read more :D
why i took a break: well from that announcement post i made before i left, writing has been hard and i feel bad that im a writing blog and havent posted writing in whats been like 5ever. also the hate. on top of all the stress from family issues, work, and school the hate was getting to me a lot so i needed to leave a bit. to be completely honest with you guys, i was feeling so low with everything going on, that i was really contemplating on just deactivating and leaving tumblr for good. but i decided to take a break, cool down, think things through, and then come back when i felt better, which happened to be after two weeks. but im back now yay :D
what i was up to: working lots of hours at my job ahaha but yall already know ive been working a lot ahaha, i also started my third year of college last wednesday and its already been a bit rough tbh. umm i finsihed attack on titans, yuri on ice, and diabolik lovers yay! i was making graphics/gifs before i left if anyone saw, but i worked on more because theyre fun and i bought a tablet thingly to hook up to my laptop so making them would be easier. you can see these graphics on my main!! thats about it ahahaha 
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x22wg · 4 years
Shore Leave (part 13)
This story’s been on shore leave itself, but now we’re back baby. Still set during S2, in case anyone’s confused. Time travel, man. In fact, probably go catch up over on ao3. If you want. If not: Burnham has come clean about how everything’s she’s done has been for Tilly. To her surprise, Tilly doesn’t think she’s crazy. In fact she thinks it’s all kinda cute. Unfortunately, you can’t save the galaxy through cuteness alone.
“You call that a pull-up??” Tilly barked, voice echoing through the almost-empty gym. Neither her tone nor her posture brooked any protest. Hands behind her back, she stood straight as a ruler and looked up at Burnham without remorse. “Again! And you better do it properly this time or... or else!”
Hanging from a metal bar, Michael breathed a heavy sigh that quickly mutated into a groan. Relaxing her arms she lowered her leaden body. Not that it was much of a relief. Her attempt at a pull-up might have been unsatisfactory to Tilly, but even just hanging on like this was a struggle. In her defence it was a lot of weight to hold up.
Her time on shore leave might have left her with a few extra kilos, but since then Burnham's misguided efforts to endear herself to Tilly had a much larger impact on her waistline.
Burnham’s hefty gut surged with each laboured breath, peeking out from under a black shirt that also failed to quite cover her burgeoning love handles. What had been a narrow waist and hard abs was now a chunky muffin top pouring over a too-tight waistband. Not that the rest of her was any different – if anything she filled out the supposedly roomy sweatpants even more amply than she did the t-shirt. Trying to act laid-back and approachable had taken its toll.
In hindsight Michael might admit that her overindulgence had not quite been the calculated effort she made it out to be. Jealousy had certainly played a part, as had the harrowing events of the past few months. After all that she had lost, she could not bear to lose Tilly too. This obsession had left her little time to go to the gym like she promised herself.
It was now dawning on Burnham that this had not just sabotaged her attempts to lose weight. She had clearly gotten more out of shape than she had anticipated – and this was how Tilly rewarded that sacrifice.
“This isn't a daycare, maggot! I want to see that double chin meet that bar or I'll see it meet my boot!”
Tilting her head slightly to the side, Michael looked down on her tormentor: “You've got a real sadistic streak, you know that?”
In an instant, Tilly's ferocious façade faltered. Her lips moved silently as if to work out an apology, but before she could find the words her expression hardened again: “Don't make me... whip you into shape, like, literally as well as figuratively! Less talking, more lifting!”
Finding no quarter with the redhead, Michael gritted her teeth and began to pull. Deep beneath their doughy softness, her arms burned white hot with the unfamiliar strain. Closing her eyes, Michael opened her mind to the universe – the universe she was going to save – and let it blot out the pain. After all, she had been through so much worse in her chequered career. She would not be defeated by a little extra poundage – especially not in front of Tilly.
“One!” Burnham groaned, holding herself up just long enough to confirm that she had indeed done it. With a triumphant, if slightly tortured, croak she let go of the metal bar and landed heavily on the floor. Surprisingly nimble, the chunky commander rolled with the momentum to flop safely onto her back.
“Yaaay!” Tilly cheered and clapped excitedly, abandoning all pretence.
Sprawled on the floor, Michael burst out laughing. “I see your 'Captain Killy' is still on point!”
The redhead smiled awkwardly and looked away for a moment. “Is it a bit much?” she chuckled nervously.
Taking a moment to catch her breath, Michael likewise averted her eyes but couldn't help but grin: “Actually, it's... kinda hot.”
“Oh. Wow.” Tilly's eyes went wide, suddenly very preoccupied with adjusting her shirt.
“Sorry, I didn't mean... I wasn't...” Realizing what she had blurted out, Michael promptly forgot all about how exhausted she was. She sat up and reached out her hand, as if to console the redhead.
“No, no it's fine. If anything I'm surprised to hear you say 'hot' and not... I dunno... 'titilating' or something.”
“That's not what I sound like!” Michael huffed, affecting an indignant air. Moderating her defiance a little, she leaned back and put her hands on the floor to steady herself. “...not anymore, anyway...”
Getting down on all fours, Tilly crawled over to join her. “Oh-ho? Is that also part of the new 'approachable' Commander Burnham?” the redhead smirked and gave Burnham's belly a playful poke.
“If you want to,” came Michael's coy response.
“Well I'm glad you enjoyed it...” Crawling over the other woman's thighs, Tilly leaned in closer. Instinctively, Michael craned her neck to meet her. For a moment Michael could feel Tilly's breath on her lips... before the redhead quickly pulled back.
Drawing herself to her full height – or as close to it as she could get sitting on her knees – Tilly grinned: “...because you still have 15 minutes to go before you're done! Come on! Move that incredibly lovely butt of yours!”
“You're evil...” Michael chuckled and let Tilly help her to her feet.
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