#also im unsure if your questions were rhetorical But-
May I hand you an estrella (⭐) in these trying times? And...Hmmm...I, may or may not have something for you later...but character interactions...they are so hard. How do you plan them out? Does the welcome home crew simply live in your head and you repeat what they say? Or do you have to think on what they will say beforehand? Either way, I hope I get them close enough!
holding your offered and beautiful sternchen with a white-knuckled grip <3 it will get me through the day
also im looking so so hard at this ask. Something For Me? little Me? a Something? my curiosity is piqued....
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aphrodisianbaby · 1 year
Hi! I really like your blog, and I'm curious if you just worship deities, or do you worship heroes, spirits, etc. as well? Would you be interested in worshiping Sappho, for example? 
 I'm new to the Tumblr pagan/polytheist-sphere, and I was inspired by my research on Sappho and Aphrodite (I'm slowly working on defining modern Sapphic rhetoric and modern Sapphic online spaces) for my MA thesis to look into polytheism. I' also identify as a sapphic woman so this topic is in general very fun for me to learn about. Also, would it be okay if I included your answer in my project? If not, totally cool! ☺️ and if so, thats great too. (I can def give you more info about what I'm doing if you'd like as well.)
hello love !! apologies that this is so late, asks are anti-my executive functioning. i absolutely wouldnt mind you including my opinion or asking for more ! since you're focusing on sapphic themes, I'll make it clear that I'm a transmasc mlm not a sapphic or a woman ! I'm unsure if that matters to your thesis, but I wouldn't want to skew your data :)
for your question, i personally only really worship Deities. this isn't because I wouldn't worship a hero or a past human, but I have never really felt called to thus far. the closest I've come is contact with a spirit i consider an ancestor and spirit guide whom i refer to as "the fox" online for privacy reasons. even then, we don't have a consistent line of contact like i do with the Divine.
I do have an appreciation for Sappho absolutely. i honor her on this blog specifically because i have a UPG view* that Sappho was a lover of Aphrodite. i believe that Deities can share different levels of relationship with humans, and that Aphrodite had favor for Sappho. I can go more in depth on this if you're interested, or if anyone else is, but I won't clog up this ask with my upg
I think, in the future, I may be interested in hero worship**. i think there is something very healing and personal about forming relationships with energies that were once human, especially those who lived in completely different times than us now. I think it can really bridge the gap between the Divine and human experiences by adding a level of understanding that a Deity may never have, the experience of living as a human being. this was something I valued a lot when I worshiped Psykhe, the Goddess often considered the ruler of the human soul. when you're surrounded by big Divine energies all the time, having a familiar, mortal energy can be quite relieving.
on top of this, I think there's something unique about Sappho's position. it's one thing for a Goddess to tell you how much She loves and accepts you, it's another thing to speak with a queer spirit who lived, breathed, and was adored by others for their queerness. the ancient people loved Sappho's poetry and it was spread across the middle east, even if only fragments remain now. i think it can be an amazing experience for queer people to connect with someone who was adored for their sapphic identity so long ago. even if you don't personally identify as sapphic or even as femme/female. Sappho is the teacher who reminds us that being queer was and always will be something to honor and worship.
*UPG meaning unverified personal gnosis. it's a religious idea or practice that I carry without it being a verified belief or practice in antiquity.
**when I say "hero worship", im generally referring to the worship of influential humans or human figures.
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scotianostra · 2 years
Honest reply from a trans person: I feel youre fine? I think they're referring to the previous anon (the history, "hips and boobies" anon) who sounded like someone trying to start shit by being like "AFABS THESE DAYS DONT KNOW-". But if you're not trans it can be hard to recognize the kinds of arguments that transphobes use a lot, because it was couched in "im just talking about history!", and as you said you lacked the knowledge to reply and that's both a good response and understandable. I think this anon is conflating you saying "I appreciate your comment" to mean "oh yeah I agree" when I'm pretty sure you meant it as "thanks for uhh sending an ask but I don't know what you're talking about"??
But also may be worth trying to spot transphobic rhetoric (which can be hard as transphobes will posit it as "just an honest question" or "just talking about history", which then makes trans people look "oversensitive" to observers when they notice a talking point that's been used against them 300 times.) (And sometimes it IS an honest question! But I think tone matters a lot and that previous anon seemed...aggressive to say the least. Especially by putting down people by being like "TRANS MEN THESE DAYS DONT KNOW HOW HARD THEYD HAVE HAD IT IN THE PAST"...like uh yeah we do lmao. We know how harder it was like, just 20 years ago too. Doesn't make me not trans now lol. And yet there were 100% trans men throughout history who managed. Maybe not under the scrutiny of literal royalty, but is anything impossible for people just having fun imagining trans monarchs when there were definitely LGB monarchs? IDK i didnt see the original topic they were bringing up so im not even sure what point they were trying to make lol.
I think the "sorry this is not in my knowledgebase" is a pretty good response if you're unsure, or not engaging with aggressive "Idiot Transes dont know about _____" type stuff at all to avoid spreading it, but I can't control what you do with your asks lol
Anyway have a good day! Hope your askbox chills out lol
Thank you, I feel as if I am getting dragged into a debate about Trans, and as you say I don't have the knowledgebase to answer or debate them. What I will say is I am definitely not transphobic in any way. The askbox is always open and I do try to answer any questions. I have a good friend involved in the LGBT scene in Edinburgh and Benidorm, my sister used to work in Edinburgh's first gay bar, The Laughing Duck, she also managed a gay nightclub, which some friends and I used to frequent, so yes I have mixed with trans/gays/lesbian etc, even writing this I feel like some people are going to try and jump down my throat for some of the terms I am using, or thinking I am making excuses, I am not, I am just trying to answer in the only way I can, honestly! Maybe I'm a bit ham-fisted but hey that's me. I have a step daughter who lives in Manchester and while visiting her a few years ago we went into Canal Street while Sparkle Festival was taking place, we- I, had a great time chatting and drinking with everyone there. Anyway yes I hope it calms down and I am allowed to let my page get back to doing what I think I do best.
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definitelyseven · 4 years
deal | ten
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen - final |
You walked back into the office after meeting up with Minju for lunch. Everyone must’ve went out to eat since there wasn’t that many people in the office. You heard a loud commotion in Jaebum’s room followed by some shouting.
“What’s going on in there?” you asked Anna who didn’t seem to care. 
“No idea,” she responded casually. 
“Aren’t you going to go inside to see what’s going on? Who’s in there?”
“Rule number one of being a secretary: Only go inside the boss’ office when called,” she reminded. 
“That’s stupid! What if something bad happened in there?” you asked, worried.
“It’s Mr. Wang. What could possibly go wrong?” Anna argued before the sound of glass shattering comes from inside Jaebum’s room. The both of you looked at each other before running inside. “Is everything alright?” she whispered, unsure of how to respond to what was in front of her. Jaebum had Jackson by the collar and the corner of his lip was bleeding. Jackson’s left cheek was bright red indicating a bruise was forming.
“What the hell?” you said as you tried to pull them off each other. Jaebum lets go of Jackson’s collar and pushes him onto the ground. “Jae!” you glared at him. Jackson gets up and immediately charges towards him. You quickly step in between him and Jaebum. “Don’t.” Jackson reaches to grab your arm and drags you out of Jaebum’s office and into his room. “What happened in there?”
Jackson sighs, “I asked for you to transfer to my department. I also told him about the video.”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “Jackson, I appreciate this. I really do, but...”
“If you’re not happy there, why stay?” he questioned. Why? You didn’t know either, but you didn’t want to leave Jaebum even if you were suffering. 
“Let me think about it,” you tell him. “I should get back. I’ll send someone in to clean up your hand.” you said as you made your way back to Jaebum’s office. 
“He doesn’t want anyone going in there,” Anna said. 
“Did you get him a first-aid kit?” 
“Mr. Im doesn’t want to disturbed,” she reiterated. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the first-aid kit from her desk before making your way inside his office.
“I thought I told you not to come in here,” Jaebum said bitterly.
“You need to clean your wound,” you said making Jaebum look up at you. “What the hell happened?” you asked, gesturing for him to sit down by the couch. He makes his way over, sitting down next to you. “Are you going to ignore me?”
“Do you want to leave me?” he asked suddenly, catching you off guard. You knew he wasn’t asking about transferring departments. He was asking if you wanted to leave him for Jackson. 
“I-I never said that,” you tell him.
“Good, I’ll tell him you’re not transferring to his department.”
“That’s why you guys fought? Are you serious?” you asked in disbelief. 
“He has a video of us,” Jaebum mumbled, unsure of how you would react.
“I know. He told me already,” you replied, cleaning his cut down with an alcohol wipe.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, flinching from the sting.
“I talked to him about it already. He’s your friend, and I trust that he deleted the video when he said he did. It’s settled,” you explained. 
“Jackson doesn’t let things go that easily,” Jaebum exposed. You rolled your eyes at him. “You don’t know him like I do,” he continued to explained as you finished putting ointment on his lips.
“I thought he was your friend. You don’t trust him?” you questioned. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust him, I just don’t trust him with you.”
“If it was anyone else but me, you wouldn’t have fought him. You wouldn’t have said anything or acted like this,” you tell him. 
“You’re right, I wouldn’t have. I could care less if it was someone else. But it’s not. It’s you,” he revealed. You sighed once again. 
“I appreciate you looking out for me. I really do. I won’t transfer to his department, I’ll stay here. But just because you stopped him this time, it doesn’t mean you can stop the others that come after him. You’re in no position to do that, Jae. Remember that,” you reminded. 
The both of you knew this, whatever this was, it wouldn’t end well. You couldn’t stop him from marrying Eunbi and he certainly can’t stop you from being in a relationship with someone else. 
"I have to leave for a couple of days,” Jaebum announces during dinner time. “Would you mind taking care of Minguk for a couple of days?” he asked Eunbi. She hesitated but agreed.
“Where are you going?” Eunbi asked. 
“Actually, Y/N and I will be going to Taiwan,” Jaebum explained. You looked up from your plate, surprised. 
“I am?”
“She is? Why?” Eunbi questioned. “What about Anna? She can go instead of Y/N.”
“I think it would be a good opportunity for me and Y/N to bond before we get married. I’d like you to do the same with Minguk,” he said. 
“I’m worried I won’t be able to take care of Minguk myself. Can’t Y/N stay and help me?” Eunbi pouted. You rolled your eyes, slightly impressed at how good she was at making excuses. 
“If we’re going to get married, I’d expect you to be able to take care of Minguk while I’m away. Can I trust you?” he asked her.
“Of course baby,” she responded with a fake smile. Jaebum informed you that you’ll be leaving tonight, giving you essentially no time to pack. “I wouldn’t be happy so soon,” Eunbi said from the doorway. 
“Happy? Why would I be happy?” you questioned as you continued to pack.
“I don’t know what you said to get him to take you instead of Anna, but even if I’m not watching you, the paparazzi will, so don’t do anything stupid,” she warned.
“Every time I think about leaving you the hell alone, you do some stupid shit to piss me off and that makes me want to see you suffer,” you threatened. 
Eunbi chuckles, “Is that supposed to scare me? Listen to me you little brat, Jaebum and I have been best friends since we were kids. No one, not even his dead girlfriend could stop us from being friends. You think you can?”
You knew she was right. She’s his best friend and to be completely honest, no matter what kind of connection you have with him, it’s nothing compared to what he has with her. 
“Maybe he’s untouchable, but seeing you this nervous makes it all worth it,” you tell her as you closed your suitcase. You walked past her and downstairs to where Jaebum was waiting. 
“We should be back in two days,” Jaebum said as he settled down in his first-class seat. You sat down next to him. “I have a couple of meetings, but I should be free afterwards. I planned it so we can spend some time together,” he revealed as he reached to grab your hand. You looked around to see if there were any paparazzi. 
“You’re worried I would leave,” you said. His grip on your hand tightens - you were right. “It’s ironic, don’t you think?” 
“Things have been rough between us these past few days so I thought this would be a good getaway,” Jaebum explained. 
You forced a small smile at him, “I don’t mind. Really, it’s okay. Never did I think this would be easy.” He brings your hand to his lips and gives it a small peck. There was nothing he can say or do to make it better, but then again he wasn’t obligated to make you feel better. Nobody forced you to be his mistress, you did that all on your own. The only thing you didn’t expect was actually falling in love with him. 
You had no one else to blame but yourself. 
“You did good today,” Jaebum said to you after the final meeting of the trip ended. 
“I think so too considering I didn’t have much time to prepare,” you teased, making him chuckle. 
“All you did was just sit there and take notes,” he refuted.
“You mean all I did was sit there, take notes, and look pretty by your side,” you reminded. Jaebum laughs once again before pulling you in his arms. 
“Come to my room,” he tells you as he leans in towards your face. “We’ll order room service and relax,” he whispered in your ears with his lips barely touching your skin. His finger lightly traces up and down your neck, pushing your hair to one side. 
“Careful Mr. Im someone might come in,” you said pushing him away but only for him to quickly pull you back into his arms. 
“I won’t ask twice.”
Jaebum pushes you against the wall the second you step inside his room, his lips finding yours instantly. He was rough with you - your body pressed against the wall so hard you might get bruises on your back and his tongue was so far in your mouth, you swore you could’ve choked while wrestling with his tongue. “God, I missed you,” he whispered as he pulled away for air. Jaebum wastes no time with your clothes; ripping your blouse in half and revealing your breasts. His lips trailed down your neck and towards your cleavage. Your hands instinctively finding his head, tangling your fingers into his hair. 
You moan feeling his fingers push your panties to one side. “Jae...” you let out.
“Yes baby,” he answers while dipping two fingers into your core; his mouth busy sucking and nibbling your breasts. He pumps his fingers in and out of your core, feeling your juices drip down his fingers. You threw your head back against the wall as you moaned in pleasure; hips thrusting towards his fingers. Jaebum picks you up off your feet and carries you towards his bed. “You’re beautiful and taste so sweet,” he said before shoving the fingers that were in your pussy into his mouth.
“What happened to room service? What about relaxing?” you asked with a shaky voice as he rips your skirt off your body and tossing it to the other side of the room.
“Isn’t this much better?” he asked rhetorically.
You giggled, “Much better.” Just as he was about to shove his cock inside you, the sound of knocking echoes throughout the room. “I thought you didn’t order room service.”
“I didn’t,” Jaebum responded, getting off you. He makes his way towards the door and looks through the peephole to see Eunbi on the other side. “What the fuck is she doing here?” he mumbles to himself. He quickly rushes back into the room where you had already undressed yourself. “It’s Eunbi.”
“What? What the hell is she doing here?” you asked as you frantically gathered your clothes. “Where do I hide?”
“I don’t know,” Jaebum said just as frantic as you. He looks around and spots the walk-in closet. “Go in there,” he said forcing you inside the closet. He picks up the clothes still left on the floor and tosses them inside the closet with you. “Don’t make a sound,” he warned. 
“Get rid of her!” you whispered before he shuts the closet door.
“Baby!” you hear Eunbi call from the other side. You quietly put your clothes on and patiently waited for her to leave his room.
“What are you doing here?” Jaebum asked nervously.
“I missed you so I came to visit,” she whined.
“Where’s Minguk? You left him alone with a babysitter?”
“Of course not sweetheart. I know how you feel about babysitters. I sent him to your mom,” she explained. “You look so good baby. I knew you would be lonely here,” she said in her seductive voice. Gross - they wouldn’t, would they?
“Baby not now,” Jaebum rejected, but she doesn’t listen. She pushes him onto the bed and gets on top of him. Her hands run up and down his chest before she reaches for her top. Eunbi quickly pulls her top over her head, tossing to the other side of the room before he has any time to reject.
“Is that still a no?” she smirked as she pushes her boobs together, shaking them in front of his face. “Your dick says differently,” she moans, grinding in his cock. “You’re already so hard.”
This can’t be happening. You dropped to the ground quietly with your hand over your mouth. You could close your eyes and not watch from the cracks of the door, but you couldn’t block the noises, no matter how hard you tried.
“Fuck...” you hear Jaebum moan as the sound of skin slapping against each other echoes throughout the room. You can see his grip on her waist through the cracks of the door and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Does that feel good baby?” Eunbi asked as she bounced on top of him. “You make me feel so good,” she moaned.
“Fuck baby that feels so good,” Jaebum said taking her breast in his mouth. Just a few moments ago, he had his mouth around your breast. “You take me so well princess.”
Princess. He called her princess.
“Yes daddy. I want to feel your cum inside of me,” Eunbi moaned. She got up off him and turned away from him in reverse cowgirl position. “Baby, I’m off the pill,” she groans. “I want your babies,” Eunbi screams when Jaebum reaches for her clit, rubbing it in circular motions.
“You like that baby. You want me to get you pregnant,” Jaebum groans loudly. “I’ll fucking get you pregnant.”
You felt disgusting. He used your nickname with her. She called him what you called him. You were not special; not different. You were just some girl he fucked. Your vision gets blurry, tears clouding in your eyes, as you tried to keep your mouth shut.
“Tell me you love me,” Eunbi moaned, digging her nails into his thighs. “Tell me that you only love me,” she repeated.
“I love you baby,” he said. “I only love you,” he moaned.
Tears fall from your eyes and down your cheeks as you listened to him confess his love to her. You hugged yourself tightly, telling yourself not to cry. It wasn’t worth it. He’s not worth it.
“I fucking love you too,” she said. 
This went on for what felt like hours and there was nothing you could do but sit there and listen. He completely forgot about you. He forgot that you were still in the room while he fucked her - no not fuck, made love to her. He loves her; not you. He can go from wanting you to fucking another woman within minutes. That’s how easy it was for him.
The closet door finally opened. You slowly got up off the ground and looked straight at him. Your eyes still glossy from the tears and your cheeks were sticky with dried up tear residue. The both of you just looked at each other. He was half-naked and you could see all the red marks she had left on him.
“Y/N I’m so sorry,” he finally said in a whisper. You didn’t need him to apologize because it doesn’t change anything. His apology only brought more tears in your eyes. Jaebum watches them escape your eyes and land on the floor.
“Baby, don’t forget to bring another towel in when you join me,” Eunbi yells from the bathroom. Jaebum looks at you with apologetic eyes. He extends his hand towards you, in attempt to hold you but you move away. You handed him the towel that was sitting on the dresser. He grabs the towel from you, watching you carefully. You needed to leave. You can’t be here anymore - not in the same room as him or her. You tried to walk past him, but he stops you.
“I’ll call you,” he said. You nodded slowly before leaving his room.
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machinegunbun · 4 years
What about reader is the manager/assistant and fucks up some bug career opportunity for them?
Mistakes can allways happen but that was something really big
Maybe even gets fired for it?
Fucked It +
TW?: Mostly angst but theres some very slight smut with readers S/O
A/N: Not to age the writing but Im writing this as colson tweets that he’s gonna play at the halftime show in the next few years. S/O= Significant Other. I wanted to keep it kinda gender neutral cause bi people exist i dunno. 
Word count:1.8k A little longer than a blurb, but just as dialogue-y
This year had been stressful, to say the least. There was the release of tickets to my downfall, and along with that the cover scandal, the bloody valentine music video, downfalls high, the snl episode. It was like every second of your day was filled with something, you rarely got the chance to spend time with your S/O.
That’s right, you had an S/O. Being Colson’s manager wasn’t your entire existence, although you’d seemed to have forgotten that recently. Their name is Devin, and they are not very happy with you.
They’d broken down in tears your first full night home, telling you how under appreciated they had felt while you were away. Devin had a life of their own too, though, and considering the pandemic at hand had chosen to go stay with their family to avoid the covid hot spot that was LA. You understood, and as much as you hated to admit it you barely even realized they were gone. You didn’t know what that meant, but you knew whatever it meant wasn’t anything good for your relationship, but, you loved them and you wanted to recreate that spark.
You wanted to put work into them, and you, and most importantly your relationship. You’d gotten through the emotions, but as for the spark there was only so much you could do thousands of miles away. So, you decided to put in the work and devise a plan. Your plan started about an hour and a half ago, beginning with a shower and ending with your favorite lipstick.
You love Devin and you want nothing more than to wrap them up in a soft blanket and kiss them on the forehead and take them on picnics, but you also wanted them to look at you and touch themselves. You could do one of those things in your current situation, and you felt both would help to replenish your spark.
You looked good too, dressed in your lingerie with your hair all done. You felt so unbelievably sexy just looking at yourself in the mirror, you wished they were here to witness it.
You stood in the doorway of your bedroom, your LED lights set to red, your phone set to start recording in 
You tried your best to pose sexily in the small frame, arching your back and playing with your hair, slowly slinking down the wall. You were sure when you sent this Devin would be calling you within seconds. You checked the video, editing it to the length you liked and saving it to your camera roll.
Butterflies began fluttering in your stomach as you looked at your message app. You had seen Devin in so long, what if the spark had really gone? What if they didn’t want you anymore? Or what if they just didn’t want you right now, what if this wasn’t the right thing to do?
You took a deep breath, looking yourself in the mirror and quickly clicking through your messages, sending it before you could think too much and clicking your phone off. You moved from the bathroom, moving to your bed, staring at your phone and waiting patiently for a response.
After thirty minutes you gave up, too nervous to check if they’d seen it. You were cool.
Well, you were cool now that you had cried and and picked yourself apart piece by piece, ending up on the couch in a heap of blankets eating a family bag of your favorite chips to yourself. Family guy played on the TV, the episode only really meant to drain out the noise of your thoughts, and momentarily the bling of your phone. You would’ve missed it entirely if it weren’t for the flickering of your flashlight that you’d enabled to make sure you didn’t.
You rushed from your comfy blanket fort, spilling your chips on the way, your hand wrapping tightly around your phone. You turned it around, seeing that the notification that had popped up was only from Dylan, the guy that got Colson a place at the halftime show. 
Work, great, the thing that started this all. Was this the universe telling you it was over? You read on.
It simply said “Call me.”
Your eyebrow raised, considering waiting until tomorrow. You opened your messages, seeing that you had accidentally sent him the video of you in your lingerie. Fuck, thats why Devin hadn’t responded.
You opened his contact, calling him quickly, each ring feeling like needles being inserted into your brain.
“So I hope you understand why we wouldn’t want to be associated with that unprofessionalism.” He said, you’d zoned out through his lecture
“I understand, I do, but I hope you’d be willing to reconsider as this was a mistake on my part and not Colson’s. And seeing as this isn’t public I hope we can just brush this all under the rug and forget it ever-”
“I hear you, but I don’t think that will be possible. Mistake or not it was unprofessional on so many different levels
“But, sir-” You tried, your fingers thumbing over the buttons of the remote to mute the tv.
“It’s over, I’m afraid.” He responded, a beeping noise signalling the call had ended
Oh, nicer, you thought sarcastically, it wasn’t the universe after all, it was the manager.
Tossing your phone on the couch beside you, you retreated to your blanket fort, unmuting the TV.
Colson and the boys had been looking forward to performing at the halftime show since you’d met them. They’d been so excited when you told them you’d got them a spot. Although it was the last thing you wanted to do right now, you knew you had to break the news to Colson. 
You stared at your phone, willing yourself to reach over and call him, eventually drifting off into an unsatisfying sleep.
“Oh good, you’re here! Okay, so I was thinking for the halftime show-” Colson began, but you cut him off before he could continue
“Oh, yeah, about that.” You say, rubbing your head in hopes it would soothe the dull ache that had begun to rear its ugly head. You opened your eyes in time to watch the excitement drop from Colson’s face.
“I…” You began, not sure how to start “I fucked it.” You began to laugh, taking a moment to acknowledge how ridiculous the situation had really been.
“What do you mean?” He asks, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.
“Devin and I are going through a bit of a rough patch with them being away and all, so I decided to try and,” You made a vague shimmy movement with your shoulders “spark things up a bit. You know the silhouette challenge on tik tok? I did that, but I got nervous when I sent the video and I was on the couch for like hours crying too scared to see if they even looked at it, next thing I know I’m getting texted by Dylan asking me to call him.” You paused, partly for dramatic effect and partly to let yourself laugh. You buried your face in your hands, Colson watching in amusement, eager for the end of your clearly hilarious story.
“I accidentally sent him my nudes. It was so fucking embarassing, oh my god!” You finish, looking up from your hands to realize no one else seemed amused.
“What’s that got to do with the halftime show?” Rook questioned.
“Oh, right.” You’d completely lost track in the midst of your rambling “He said it was completely unprofessional and he wasn’t interested in working with us.”
Colson remained silent for a moment, looking over to the other boys before responding “He isn’t interested in working with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed at this, looking between the boys..
“What’s that mean?” 
“This is the gig of our lifetime. I’ve- We’ve wanted to play the halftime show since… forever. This was our one chance and because of you we got booted out. And you were laughing about it.”
“I’m sorry, it was a genuine accident, I thought you’d find it funny. Some corporate guy saw my tits ‘cause my relationship is failing, if I don’t laugh I cry.”
 “You’re the one who sent him the nudes. This is your fuck up.”
“Yeah, okay. But I work for you, so by association he won’t work with us.”
“Then you aren’t a part of ‘us’ anymore.”
“Colson, seriously? It was a fucking accident. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Watch your tone, I think you’re forgetting you work for me. I’m a nice guy, but this isn’t my shit to deal with.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated, your voice lowering. It was easy to forget Colson was your boss, he never treated you like an employee. There was more respect between the two of you than any boss/employee relationship you’d ever seen before. You’d never even seen him mad before today. You were genuinely lucky to have had this experience, to think that it was about to come to an end broke your heart.
“Is sorry going to get us this gig back?” The question was rhetorical, but you shook your head “Then I’m sorry, I can’t let this pass me up because of something you did.” Colson says, staring you down. You stood like a statue in your place, unsure whether or not you should leave. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
You took it upon yourself to make the decision to turn and leave, driving to the nearest gas station, where you sat in your car, crying in the parking lot.
Everything was fine and in the matter of a week it had all gone to shit. How did this happen?
You were in a happy relationship, and now they were living with their parents for who knows why and telling you they felt neglected. Your career was going amazing and you’d ruined it completely with one mistext.
You started your car back up, settling on the hope that maybe Colson and Dylan would come to their senses, and come Monday morning you would still have a job.
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Chapter 9 – The Hunt
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: After recovering you set off to find the man who tried to kill you. Killing him proves to be more difficult than expected when the ones you love are threatened, and on the other side of the choice, your own future.
Authors note: One more chapter to go!! Some angst at the end here! Hope y’all enjoy ❤️❤️❤️! (I also did some very average fan art if y’all haven’t seen it yet!)
Tw: sex is alluded to (not depicted), decapitation, force choke
Word count: 4.9k
Tagged list: @crazycookiecrumbles, @seninjakitey
The planet proved harder to find than expected, despite Anya's best efforts, something was fogging up her tracking causing your coordinates to be constantly in flux. She’d easily lead you past the outer rim, but since then it had been akin to a wild goose chase.
“Any idea who tried to kill you.” Din asks, he'd been exceptionally patient throughout the journey thus far. Never questioning your methods just typing in the new location coordinates calmly and re aligning the ship on its new course.
“Did kill me” you correct, as your hand moves absentmindedly over the healed wound. “but no, I dont. They had a lightsaber though”
“Was it a Jedi?” he asks earnestly.
“Well based on the context clues, I'd definitely say at least Jedi adjacent” you laugh, for a savvy strategist who knew multiple languages you sometimes found yourself questioning if his brain was in fact functioning.
“Why would a Jedi try and kill you?”
“Your guess is as good as mine”
“How do they decide on colors?” He asks after a somewhat awkward silence
“Hmmm” you hum out in confusion, only half paying attention to what he had said.
“The light swords? Ashoka's are blue, yours is purple and the figures, well there's was red” your heart stops.
“It was red?” you ask, sitting up in your seat giving him your undivided attention.
“Ya does that mean something?” He watches your eyes slowly piecing together what he'd just told you.
“That’s impossible, the Sith were defeated. They died with the emperor.” you affirm, your sure red was a common colour used by Jedi nowadays, sure no one had ever seen one before, but there was a first time for everything right?
“So were the Jedi.” he points out.
“Do you always have to be right?” you ask slightly irritated for a reason you couldn’t quite explain. He doesn't respond; he knows a rhetorical question when he hears one but unsure what he had done to upset you. An uncomfortable silence lingers in the air, a sensation you'd never experienced with the Mandalorian before. Not wanting to stew in the quiet you head down to the lower levels and try and calm your frazzled mind. Sitting down you cross your legs, one over the other, as you close your eyes.
On the best of days meditating was a chore, but under the current situation it had become an impossible task. It wasn’t the threat of being ambushed that had you distracted, no something else was playing heavily on your mind. It was what was causing the punctuated silences, forced conversation and overall awkwardness in the atmosphere. It was your own doing. Seriously, who kisses a man whose face they've never seen! Idiots that's who and now it was stuck on your mind. In your defense you thought you wouldn't have to deal with the fallout so quickly. You should have known he’d have insisted on going with you, but you hadn't thought that far ahead, or at all and now you had to sit with the fact that you’d possibly ruined your comfortable friendship by planting one on him. Technically it wasn’t a real kiss,or maybe it was, how did Mandalorians kiss anyways? There you were down the rabbit hole again, this is why you couldn't focus, you curse yourself. Shaking your head you remind yourself it was only done in an attempt to get around him, a strategic move to protect the group, nothing more, nothing less. Keeping that in mind you manage to focus and you feel the galaxy's pulse emitting throughout the ship, inhaling and exhaling with the undulations around you.
Din, bored and missing the usually witty banter you offered him, decided it was time for him to clear the air in regards to the kiss. He hopes by telling you that he knew it was only done to get around him, you’d become more relaxed. The last thing he wanted was for you to be uncomfortable around him. He knew you'd never want to be with someone like him, at least in that way. As he turns around he sees you cross legged floating in the air, not wanting to interrupt he heads back up. Anya lifts her head as he re-enters, looking at him as if she knew what he was thinking. He’ll clear the air with you later, the two of you had plenty of time to talk.
You curse as your journey gets rerouted for what had to be the twelfth time in the past two days. Whoever was hunting you did not want to be found and no amount of swearing or whacking the console would change that. The closer you got to your destination the more you felt the malevolent presence grow. You found yourself wondering if it had always been with you, finding it hard to remember a time when it wasn't gnawing at your conscience. Each time you feel it scratching at your doors you remember Ashoka's words “be careful who you let into your head.” You'd made that mistake once with devastating consequences. You would not be making it again. Your energy was now primarily being spent keeping the presence at bay, not allowing it to penetrate any deeper than it already had. Sleeping only acted as an open invitation for the figure to torture you so you opted to forgo it altogether. Perhaps not the wisest decision, but what other choice did you have.
“The planet’s still a few days away.” Din says, noting the unraveled look in your eyes as you take your place next to him.
“Anything to do on this ship.” You ask, fidgeting in your seat. “like games or something” he doesn't respond “Hey beskar head! You awake under that helmet?”. You ask partially joking, partially annoyed that he wasn't talking to you.
“Yes to games or yes to being awake?”
“To games” you smile, you never knew if he was actually making jokes or if you were just reading into it. The finer details of his personality artfully hidden beneath the metal exterior.
“Got Dejarik, you know how to play?” he asks, glad that you were back to yourself for the time being.
“I'm alright” you say smiling, you were better than alright, at least you think. To be fair you'd only ever played against one person and she was family and probably inclined to letting you win.
“You're cheating!” he exclaims, his annoyance apparent even through the modulator. Your skills were better than you expected especially after all those years, well either that or the Mandalorian was just that bad.
“How?” you ask, laughing at how frustrated he was getting. It was funny when you beat him the second time, but by gods it was even funnier when you beat him the seventh time.
“The force!” He says clenching his hand as he stares down at the board.
“I don't think the force bothers itself with helping me beat you at Dejarik.” you point out, as he grumbles something indistinguishable.
“Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are.” You tease pointing your finger at him eyebrows raised and a smirk plastered on your face.
“That’s not what I’ve been told,” he responds.
“About Dejarik or?” he laughs it off, but you seriously wanted to know the answer. After Cara told you he was allowed to have sex it was a question that you’d thought about a lot, more than you probably should have, but hey you were curious. Realizing the Mandalorian was now turning the game board over to see if it was rigged, you decide to change games.
“You still got that indestructible spear. The beskar one?” you ask nonchalantly.
“Yes, not something i'm planning on losing” he nods
“Fancy a match?” you offer you needed to work on your fighting skills, practicing on the air only went so far.
“Only if you promise not to slice through my ship.” He says, standing up.
“Only if you promise not to cry when I beat you.” you return causing him to scoff
“Oh im not going to be the one crying” he assures.
You stand in the ship's far corner across from Din who haphazardly twirls the spear in his hand as you open up your saber, raising it waiting for him to make the first move. He stays his ground, you and him were both defensive fighters and you knew he was far too stubborn to change his routine. Leaping forward you land in front of him, your saber making contact with the spear. After a few seconds spent testing his strength you know there's no feasible way for you to out muscle him. You'd have to out maneuver him. He’d seen you fight stronger opponents before so you’d have to think outside the box on this one. You move out from under the spear the release of your counter force causing Din to stumble forward. You turn aiming for his shin, but his arm reaches back the spear stopping your hit from connecting with his armour. You circle round him so you're once again face to face giving him enough time to stand back up. He turns quickly, swinging the spear as he does, aiming for your waist. You jump over the swipe landing behind him, hitting him in the back.
“Point to me.” you say
“No using the force” he says, turning to look down at you, his presence suddenly looming.
“I wasn't, I can just jump really high!” You lie.
“Likely story” he says brushing past you as he moves back to his starting spot
“What was that I said about crying earlier?” you question.
He's got you talking too long and he sweeps your feet out from under you knocking you on your ass and gently tapping you on the head with the spear.
“Point me” he says, offering you his hand.
“That was dirty” you say as he hoists you up.
“Who says we're playing clean sweetheart?” The term catches both of you off guard, but he's flustered himself more than you, allowing you to land the next two points.
“Hope your ego isn't too hurt darling.” you mock back at him as metal and light collide once again.
“It’s not over yet” he says, using all his strength to march you back towards the wall pinning you against it with his spear.
“You need to work on your attack, you leave a lot open” he says, breathing heavily.
“You need to work on a codpiece, it leaves a lot open” you retort, kneeing him in the groin, hard enough for him to drop you, but not so hard that it kept him down for long.
“Not enough beskar” he murmurs, hoping to get the last word in.
“Oh big brag for a man who just lost several games of Dejarik in a row and” your sentence is cut short as the spear taps the small of your back giving him the winning point
“And what?”
“Oh real classy Din, can’t win a fair fight” you say hand on your hip.
“It was fair considering I wasn't going 100%”
‘Oh you weren't” you mock, the smile telling him you were amused and not upset by his antics, the gentle slap on his arm further verifying this. The moments like this were nice, but as you continue to gain on your target they became fleeting. The Mandalorian watches as your ability to focus waivers, your frustration becoming increasingly evident in your training. Miraculously, you hadn't sliced through anything important, but the ship’s interior was constantly needing to be patched up. At least it kept him occupied and out of your hair. You looked like you were fighting a hidden battle, one he would gladly fight with you, if you'd let him. He didn’t know the full extent of your struggle, but he knew the anger he felt simmering inside you wasn't being aided by your refusal to sleep.
Your irritability, although caused by exerting tremendous energy keeping the figure at bay, was no excuse for the times you had lashed out at the Mandalorian. The most recent outburst occurred when he'd stepped on your foot after you had explicitly told him to watch out. In hindsight, threatening to melt his beskar down and turn it into a hearing aid for him so he could stop being such a nerf herder was a touch harsh. Alright, incredibly harsh especially considering he'd attempted to apologize before you went off on him.
“Sorry I threatened the beskar” you murmur sitting down next to him
“Are you going to tell me what's going on?” he asks
“Going on where” you ask
“Well it can't just be air in your head” he jokes, causing you to laugh for the first time in a few days.
“Seriously though , I'm sorry Ive been out of line, and it's not fair on you, you’ve been so understanding.”
“You know what might help with the outbursts?”
“A lecture?” you remark, your tone harsher than intended
“No, sleep, you should try it sometime”
“I'm fine without it” you say, the yawn escaping your lips contradicting your words.
“You should sleep.”
“ You don’t.” you remark hoping to catch him off guard, but he's obviously rehearsed this conversation a few times.
“ I don’t need to.”
“Neither do I.” You lie, almost a year later and you still had no idea how he slept so little, though your current working theory was that he would just take naps under the helmet when he thought he could get away with it.
“No, you can't sleep, there's a distinct difference.”
Not wanting to lash out at him for the third time that day and knowing he was right, you make a swift exit. You push the button that opens up to the tight sleeping quarters where you'd spent many hours lying awake. You were hoping that you'd reached an exhaustion point where your body would just shut down. You lay back on the bed not bothering with the covers, you weren't expecting to get comfortable. Anya had stopped trying to sleep in the same bed as you, usually getting inadvertently kicked or shoved out the bed by your constant movements. Your eyes can’t have been closed for more than a minute when they snap open. Despite their alertness your body's gone limp. What fresh hell was this? As your eyes adjust to the darkness you can only just make out the hauntingly familiar shape sitting at the edge of your bed. You go to call out for the Mandalorian, but no sound is emitted, nothing comes out at all not even air. You watch helplessly as the figure's arm extends ensnaring you in a choke hold, the yellow iris shining out beneath the hood, confirming your worst fear. A Sith. You scream yourself awake, the force causing items to fly to the ground, no doubt alerting the Mandalorian. You bring your knees to your chest grabbing at your scalp telling yourself it wasn’t real, but it didn't matter what you said. The truth was you couldn’t tell anymore all lines had blurred together. You get up off the bed looking around the room already exhausted at having to clean up yet another mess you had made. You lean over picking up the weapons that had fallen off the armoury hanging them back up when you hear the Mandalorian drop down the sound startling you.
“I'm sorry” you mutter embarrassed, not looking up as you move to grab the few dishes currently lying on the floor.
“What did I say about breaking the ship?” he says, chuckling slightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. He bends down to help you but you grab his arm stopping him.
“I made the mess. I'll clean it up.” You say gathering up the utensil and placing them back on the table absentmindedly stroking your throat as you turn to pick up the rest. As you reach for the chess board he grabs your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours, leading you back over to the bed.
“Get some rest, I'll clean up,” he says softly, sitting you down on the bed.
“Stop telling me what to do Din, besides it's not working.”
“You need to sleep.”
“I can’t and unless you can think up a way to make me then were shit out of luck.”
“I can think of a few ways.” he mumbles hoping it was loud enough for you to hear.
“Like what? Knocking me out with a blaster?” you scoff
“ A less violent way,” The words leave his mouth before he can fully assess the pros and cons of what he was offering to do.
“Reciting the entire code of conduct of the mandalore race to me?” Gods, how were you still not getting this.
“A less boring way.” He prays that you either catch on or he passes away suddenly so as to save him from any further embarrassment.
“Oh” you punctuate, lips parted slightly suddenly realizing exactly what was being offered to you “you think you can tire me out?”
“Only if you want.” he says, more confident now you hadn't outright rejected him
“Well I have been dying to see what’s under that armour”
“ You’ve seen it before”, and you couldn't wait to see it again.
“Not all of it”
“The helmet stays on,” he asserts.
“Not what I was referring to.” He stands there for a moment unsure how to proceed, not wanting to have misread the situation. “Well are you just going to stand there or are you not a man of your word?” That’s all the encouragement he needs.
“You want me to stop at any time, you just say so cyar’ika”
Once again the Mandalorian was right ; he was able to tire you out. Neither of you say anything after both at a loss for words, and not wanting to ruin the moment by saying the wrong thing. You fall asleep with his arm wrapped securely around your waist, as the other runs up and down your back. His heartbeat lulling you into a deep sleep, his presence managing to stay off any nightmares, at least for now.
He stays with you long after you’ve dozed off watching your back rise and fall in time with your breathing, he thanks the gods you were finally resting. He intently studies the faint purple markings covering your body, wondering how long they'd been there. His hand then tracing over the scars on your back, he wants to know how you got them. He wanted to know everything. Once this was all a distant memory he’d ask, if you chose to stick around that is. Knowing you won't want to find him in your bed when you wake up, he slides his arm from your waist and quietly, so as not to wake you, he puts his clothes back on. Re-donning his armour he heads back upstairs to check on the ship.
Your body shivers inadvertently at the loss of heat and your eyes slowly open. The room’s still dark, but the Mandalorian had gone. He must have left sometime in the night presumably his way of telling you it was a one off. Knowing Din to be a man of few words you knew talking about what had just happened was fully off the table. You sit up and stretch out, allowing your elbows to pop and your shoulders to crack as you roll them out, feeling a way that you hadn't felt in months. Well rested. Making your way over to the fresher you allow the water to wash over you removing any remaining scent attributed to the Mandalorian. After dressing you head up to the cockpit, slightly bow legged from the night before. You’d had your fair share of lovers and for a human, he was very well endowed and very eager to please.
“How far” you ask brushing any thoughts about last night from your head as you shoo Anya off your seat.
“You’re up sooner than I thought.” He says looking at you. He’d noticed the slight stagger in your walk causing him to smirk under the helmet, but the smile fades when you don’t look down.
“How far are we?” you ask again, picking up Anya who’s refused to move of her own volition.
“Close. About last night” he starts, wanting to make sure everything was okay, and that you weren’t regretting what had happened.
“ Look, we don’t have to talk about it. I know it wasn’t a big deal.” You say.
“It may not be a big deal for you.” you don't know why, but you take that tone as being pointed, referring specifically to your time spent in the rings.
“Why? because I've slept with half the galaxy? Something I did in order to survive an environment let’s not forget you put me in?” you spit out
“ No, I-I didn’t mean,” he starts. It's the first time you've ever heard him stumble over his words.
“ You never do.” You say, shutting him up for the remainder of the trip.
“Dropping out now.’ He says, 5 days, that's how long it had taken to get to where you were going, whoever was on the planet was committed to not being found, or at least committed to having you as sleep deprived as possible.
You step out with the Mandalorian close behind you, the planet's surface reflecting the ship's underlights back into its metal exterior. The mirrored rock had sprouted out into various forms and sharp geometric shapes, resulting in a beautiful, but sinister skyline.
“You sure this is the place? Doesn't look like any living thing could survive here.”
“Yes, I can sense a disturbance. You stay here with Anya.” you say placing a hand on his chest plate.
“No way.” Din responds
“I have to do this alone. It's too dangerous for you.”
“For me?” he says in disbelief.
“Wait here if i'm not back within the hour, leave.” You state ignoring his last question.
“ I'll give you two for good measure” he offers, holding out a blaster for you to take.
“It won't help.” You say pushing it back towards him before pulling up your hood and setting off into the unknown. Once he's sure you're out of sight, he follows you.
You close your eyes, letting your senses lead you through the sharpened planet careful not to cut yourself on the dark obsidian refelcting blurred images of the stars. A rock snaps under your foot and your eyes open. A voice calls out to you, uttering your name.
“Who are you.” you ask aloud, turning to face the cloaked figure who stands before you.
“ That is not important” he answers, lips not moving. Telepathy. So that’s how he'd gotten into your head.
“You tried to kill me I think it's at least relevant.” You return in thought.
“You came alone.” he asks, yellow eyes darting from side to side, despite the power this figure held you send a nervousness harboured deep within him, perhaps you should have brought the Mandalorian along with you.
“ Yes” you lie, hoping your force was strong enough to shield the bounty hunter.
“Good.” he snarled.
“Why did you kill me.” you ask not wanting to beat around the bush
“To see if I could. I needed to see your abilities, you’re stronger than I thought if you brought yourself back to life. The empire is rebuilding”, he offers not clearing the situation up in the least
“The empire died with Palpatine, they’re nothing but warmongering desolates now” you say shaking your head, not believing you had flown halfway across the galaxy for this.
“That’s what they have told you. We have been growing an army, led by the spirit of the emperor. We are seeking those with your abilities to help us rebuild.”
“You’ve lost your mind. The Sith were defeated long ago, the Jedi with them.” You turn to leave, no longer fearing this man, he holds no power over you.
“No” he shrieks, the sound drawing your gaze back to him, the noise frightening you slightly “You cannot leave. You cannot go. You will join us and rebuild a stronger galaxy.”
“I have no interest in joing a cult of fear and genocide.” you state calmly.
“It is more than a cult I offer you, something much better, power.” he was getting desperate, a few more days without sleep and you may have fallen for it.
“Power to what? Give you all the blood in my body so you can commit futile experiments on innocent people. You cannot create force sensitivity nor can you push it on someone who it has not chosen. Join you? No, I'll have to pass. Death and destruction will not be my path.”
“Not yet, but it will be. I see it in you, the pain, the sadness, the loneliness, that will all disappear once you join us.”
“Over my dead body” You say drawing your sabre. A violent clash of red and purple ricochet off the mirrored rock, lighting up the shadowed planets.
“Your grandmother trained you well.” He exclaims.
“ If you knew her then you should know that i'd never turn” You continue the fight. Managing to back him into a rock wall. Holding saber at his throat the light purple hue gleaning in the yellow irises beneath his hood.
“I understand why you ambushed me, not much of a fighter are you.” you snarl, pushing the saber into the robe, the scent of burning fabric filling the air. Then you feel it, the pulse of the fibers interwoven throughout the galaxy, something’s amiss. Something else appears under the glow of you saber, yellowed teeth, smiling under the light. You release him pushing yourself back, he wants you to kill him.
“ Do not fear it, I have seen this moment. It is what begins your reign”
“No” you say aloud to yourself, “No” you repeat turning off the saber and turning to leave.
“If you let me live, I kill the man with you.”
The Mandalorian whose been watching from afar hasn’t heard a word spoken in a while, watching you move towards him he thinks it must be over, whoever this person was, Sith or not, you must have come to an agreement. He almost walks out from his hiding spot when you stop dead in your tracks. He sees you look up, your eyes meeting his but only for a moment, before you pivot back to face the man.
“There’s…” you start.
“Don’t play me for a fool child, I have been playing this game long before you were even a thought in your mothers pretty little head. I know he is here. I know what you feel for him. You kill me and in time you will betray him, but you’d rather that, than lose him altogether.”
There's no thought process, no decision to make. With a flick of your wrist you throw the saber. You watch as it slices through the Siths neck before returning to your hand. You close it as his head tumbles to the ground. If Ashoka's words were a warning this, this was an omen. You had made a choice and now a path of irredeemably evil was laid before you. A path you were not prepared to drag anyone else down.
“I know you're there” you say after composing yourself. “I told you not to follow me.” You say making your way to the Mandalorians hiding spot.
“Are you alright? What did he say to you?” he asks, reaching a hand out for your arm.
“Nothing.” You say dodging him. The less he knew the safer he'd be. You weighed your options in your head on the walk back, but you knew there was only one way to avoid harming anyone. You had to hide away, become anonymous. Fall back into legend, never to be seen again. It was the only way Grogu would be safe, it was the only way Cara would be safe, it was the only way Din would be safe. As the ship takes off you say three words that would change everything.
“Take me home.”
“We're on route to Hoth now,” he says reassuringly.
“No, take me to my home. Grogu is back and safe. Our deal is done. Our alliance is over” You say, eyes plastered to the windshield.
“What did he say to you?” Din stresses, but you don’t answer. Silence was the only way to stop him from convincing you to stay.
“Don’t shut me out” he says slamming his hand on the panel. You don’t flinch, you don’t even look up. “We can figure this out together.” He says softly, if you hadn’t known any better you would have thought he was pleading with you.
“You’ve done enough. Take me home. If you don’t the force will.” He resets the GPS coordinates before standing up and dropping downstairs. Anya muzzles into you as you let out a sigh blinking back the tears you felt forming.
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aritamargarita · 4 years
Seth Rollins fluff?! 💕🥰
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alright so uh i actually exist-
this is late but pls enjoy, it’s a teeny bit short but im trying to start making my fics pretty longer. inspiration is really hard to come by now adays….
but hey, Seth Freakin’ Rollins™️™️ was actually pretty fun to write. :)!! i hope i did okay on this!
from now on I’ll also be adding gifs to my imagines. gives it that flair. (im also going back to make my other posts neater hehe) rq’s still open yee yee
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The match was over, you and Seth reigned victorious over your opponents. They were tough, but they certainly were no match for the both of your tactics. You two have been working together for quite some time now, and the character chemistry finally boiled over within this match.
You came over to raise Seth’s arm up high, signifying the victory. The crowd buzzed at the both of you, and it made it all the more satisfying. Nothing could get in the way of your two’s successful teamwork.
That is, until you felt a sharp pain in your right knee. You must have sprained it performing in the ring. Being too focused on being flashy, you were just careless. You bent over slightly to put a free hand on your aching knee, hobbling to the side.
Seth noticed your expression contorted in pain and whispered; “Are you alright?” He dropped your arm and turned to you. Something was off, and he quite frankly was worried.
Scrunching your eyes, you nodded your head. Even though it was a lie. You just wanted to cry. It hurt badly.
You couldn’t even walk, and it was obvious that you were going to limp it out.
Seth took note of this, helping you to the ropes and holding it open so you can step out.
It was tough, but with slow precision, you were able to stand on the apron, yet you were quite unsure how to get down from here if you did not want to hurt yourself even more. Your partner knew better though, and easily reached up to pull you off the apron, sweeping you into a bridal carry.
And the crowd ate every bit of that, because you could have sworn your ears were nearly ringing from the wild ovation.
“Who said I need your help?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. Seth merely huffed out air in response.
“You wanted me to leave you out there suffering? I think not,” He began making his way up towards the stage entrance. “You really thought I’d leave my lovely sidekick?” He rhetorically asked.
“Sidekick?” You repeated, voice full of question. Though you could not lie and say you weren’t thankful for him being there. It could’ve led to you hurting yourself more or embarrassing yourself.
You were so in your thoughts that you had completely forgot he was carrying you. He shook you, trying to get your attention again.
“Stop it!” You whined. “Damn it, just take me to the medic already!”
“Alright, alright. Quit complaining, you premadonna.” He knew that would grind your gears. Sometimes he just knew how to press all your buttons. “Please, mercy! Mercy!”
“You didn’t call me that. You did not.”
“I did. What are you gonna do about it? Walk away?”
“Not cool....”
Later on, you two finally made it to the infirmary after bickering for who knows how long. Seth was nice enough to accompany you. Which took you by suprise, because you didn’t know he cared that much. (If it wasn’t obvious by now…) It sent jitters down your spine, and you did not know what feeling it gave you. You never despised him, if anything you admired him, held no malicious intent. But it just could not be anything more than that, could it?
You said nothing as you dazedly stared at your hands, Seth however, interrupted your thoughts once more.
“[Y/N], you sure you’re good? You seem to be up in the clouds.” He checked in once more with you, wanting to assure you were alright.
You held up a hand. “No. I’m good, I swear.” From your leaning up position, you laid back into the small bed, staring at the ceiling.
Seth stayed in his chair, leaning back himself. Silence ensued before you piped up.
“I thought you would have a match or something right now. Why’re you just hanging around here?” You asked.
He chuckled, looking towards you. “Not that I know of. Unless they tell me otherwise,” He paused. “...I should be good though. Besides, you’re way more important right now.”
“What does that mean?” You ask in disbelief. Was he nervous? Maybe you’re just imagining it. No, no. It was you who was ‘just a bit’ nervous.
“Exactly what I meant.” He answered vaguely, and stood up.
“Woah, woah, woah! You can’t just leave me like that!”
“Too bad,” He said, a smile on his face. “Take care of yourself, (Y/N). I’ll be seeing you again soon.”
What a goofball.
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voidwizerd-archive · 8 years
WIZ: Talk awkwardly??
[[ some convos with @valorousimperial leading up to Date Night With Val, wherein wiz is awkward, anxious, and extremely flustered in turns ]]
voidwizerd okay so.... sorta a troll protocol question here i guess??? um
valorousimperial Sure?
voidwizerd is it okay fr me to give you somethin? unsure if th quadrant week timin makes that, uh, not okay
valorousimperial How about the night after tomorrow?
voidwizerd is that when its over??
valorousimperial Uhm. It's a Pitch night.
voidwizerd oh
voidwizerd is.... is that okay? are we okay for that??? im sorry im so questionin i jus. never know where things sit w us or where th lines are at shrugs??
valorousimperial It's fine! I'm going to get you something, too!
voidwizerd oh oh!!! well shit!!!!! i might add somethin extra bc lookin at th logs i made this a while ago but somehow forgot to get it too you??? omg
valorousimperial Material gifts aren't normal on quads nights, but I'd feel just terrible if I didn't give you something in return.
voidwizerd wait then what r normal ones?? im so lost on this whole holiday rip,,
valorousimperial They're for togetherness!
voidwizerd so jus..... bein round each other ?
voidwizerd that almost sounds like a date holidate
valorousimperial Yes! I spent the first night wit Delphine, loving on her and just Petting my egg
valorousimperial And the second with Iron, playing with Karsis and kissing on my robot man And the third with Tyfora, and we did skin treatments. Sugar scrub for her, pumice for me. Tonight I'll be with Gamzee! Dinner and piling is on the agenda, it seems.
voidwizerd man thats all jus real sweet also kinda funny fr me quad, quad, quad, quad, n..... *wiggly hand gesture*
valorousimperial Right. I had been thinking about it all last week.
voidwizerd ....did my joke attempt jus flop into somethin serious again
valorousimperial No!
voidwizerd ówò;;;
valorousimperial I was lauging about it Laughing
voidwizerd lauging
valorousimperial About if I spent a quad night with you it would be like saying that we were confirmed.
voidwizerd ....fuck dude im sorry but i cant take that word seriously
memes have ruined me
valorousimperial Pfft.
voidwizerd though i guess like.... th quad night thing could make it weird?? i dunno :y you could jus not say anythin bout it if you wanted to keep it simpler, i wouldnt rly mind > Okay, that's a lie. You promised you wouldn't lie. .....okay so i would mind a little but eh, feelins are sensitive > Nailed it.
valorousimperial I mean I Don't know what to say to that...
voidwizerd i mean like. not exactly pretendin it aint happenin so much as like.... jus not makin th little announcement post?
voidwizerd if #confirmed assumptions/suspicions are somethin you dont feel comfortable dealin with i wouldnt wanna put you in a position you dont like
valorousimperial I Of course I'd announce it I'm not ashamed of you.
voidwizerd i oh ....i didnt even realize i was thinkin that shit, im sorry
valorousimperial No, it's alright
valorousimperial Whether you were or weren't.
voidwizerd it is ?
valorousimperial Is it?
voidwizerd :x
voidwizerd if were respondin to questions w questions then im already bewildered >_>;;;
[[ annnnnnnnd there was radio silence until val posted this, and wiz posted that ]]
valorousimperial I, um. I know we mentioned this and got a little lost Are you home?
valorousimperial *Are* we going on a date? I can delete it if not.
voidwizerd no! i mean yes!! i mean! babssndjsksmsbdks it wasnt on my mind at th moment so i saw th thing n my whole brain is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aaa
voidwizerd huffs okay so. in order
voidwizerd yea im home yea date is a happen no, dont delete it its. i do like seein it
valorousimperial Excellent. Breakfast, and go from there?
voidwizerd y yea!!
voidwizerd yea sure we can do that that sounds great i mean obviously why wouldnt it no dont answer that thats me bein rhetorical why was i even bein rhetorical bout that thats pointless anyway so breakfast! sounds good!
valorousimperial Do you know where the little dining room is?
voidwizerd oh yea i mapped out p much th whole place n saved like six copies on my phone n in some assorted notebooks ahem yes
valorousimperial Are you nervous?
voidwizerd n what would possibly for any reason give you that kind of impression??????????
voidwizerd im doin super duper top notch absolutely fine up in here
valorousimperial You seem like you're nervous! That's cute!
voidwizerd dhdhsssdnsnsnssjsjsjsnzhzbxbd
valorousimperial Going to kiss!
valorousimperial I am more and more of a giggly bitch every time you keysmash.
voidwizerd Well now, would you just look at all this perfect grammar up in here.
valorousimperial So cute.
voidwizerd thats all i got typin proper feels weIRGD FFFJK
valorousimperial You did really well!!
voidwizerd dont patronize me u dink menace
voidwizerd rood scoob
voidwizerd rood scoob..... smh.... i coulda done better.....
valorousimperial I love you. I'm almost to the dining room. What do you think is for breakfast? (This is rhetorical, I know what is for breakfast)
voidwizerd oh shit!!1! is it actually breakfast time?????
valorousimperial Let's see, Super early in the evening, I'm wearing a robe and slippers, I haven't eaten since I woke up... Yes, I think so!
voidwizerd FUCK i didnt notice time did th time thingie i gotta put on pants n a shirt
valorousimperial Mmmmmaybe just pants and a robe? And slippers? We'll match.
voidwizerd sjhdhddmanndksj
voidwizerd is it rly matchin if only one of us actually fits in their robe
valorousimperial It's basically the same robe, so it matches.
voidwizerd jdbddbj
valorousimperial It looks better on you, it's okay.
voidwizerd inACCUR A ETE????
valorousimperial Your claim of inaccuracy is false!
voidwizerd NO?????,,?? GGHGHVB
valorousimperial We'll take a poll when you make it to the dining room.
voidwizerd unfair,,
[[ super unfair ;) ]]
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