#also im starting a new dnd campaign and for once im not the dm
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sharkaroni · 8 months ago
hmmm i was planning to update plum calendar on monday but i guess that's when ao3 will be down. so looks like it'll be either late monday night or tuesday. sorry i know the wait's a little longer than usual. but you're gonna flip your lids i guarantee it
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romeoandjulietyouwish · 3 years ago
Do you have any advice for complete dnd noobs? I know I can make a character online but is that what I SHOULD do? im scared to go into a game having no idea what im doing lol
Of course!
So first of all I would recommend trying to find a virtual group unless you already know of people in person who want to play. The reason I say this is because it's far easier (just go the the /lfg reddit page) and it's easier to find a group suited to your interests.
Secondly! Once you find a group, wait until you talk to the DM about the vibes of the campaign before you make a character. I know it can be exciting and you have so many character ideas, but as a DM who's had players come in with pre made characters, they almost never fit the tone or setting the DM is going for. But for sure keep those characters on the back burner for either back up characters or for a setting/campaign that would fit them!
I would for sure recommend making your character on dndbeyond. Most online groups use it nowadays, and it just makes everything sooo much faster and easier.
Also, if you watch actual play shows like critical role or dimension 20, you know a lot more of the rules than you think. Serious, I had no idea how much about the game I had picked up until I started playing and then DMing.
If you haven't watched any actual play shows, I would recommend watching at the very least some of Handbooker Helper it's a show produced by Critical Role that gives a lot of good information for newbies about the game. You can try to read the Players Handbook if you want, but I would recommend watching videos because it's soooo much easier.
I would suggest trying to find a group that's new player friendly, most of them are but sometimes in a group of veteran players the DM can forget you don't really know what's going on. It is totally okay to stop and ask questions about mechanics and shit like that when you need help.
Also! Google is your best friend. During sessions when I'm playing and when I'm DMing I google sooooo much. Don't know what an ability does? Google it. Aren't sure the range of a spell? Gooooogle. What to know how to maximize the damage of your hits? Google!
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, I'd love to answer them! <3
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gaberoothekangaroo · 4 years ago
so me and my friends are playing the curse of strahd campaign. for those not up on dnd, we’re basically fighting dracula in his own little pocket dimension where he’s kept an entire region of three cities and a bunch of people hostage for....generations?
enter us idiots. a split personality warforged (robot) paladin on the hunt for evil things, a tabaxi (cat person) druid who discovered her dead sister isnt dead but potentially helping strahd, a wood elf monk (who started as a wizard but thats just a fever dream now) who spends most of the time crooning to the wine barrel we borrowed, an apologetic cowardly lion-esque human barbarian that accidentally took the wild magic path, and recent addition a goblin ranger that hoards any and all weapons he can find in his fanny pack bag of holding. we had a black dragonborn rogue that played like a ranger, but we lost her mid campaign cause she had baby #2 at home in real life. we had a tiefling for like 1-2 sessions but lost her cause in real life things.
last night we walked into the ruined paladin fort. the warforged open not just one but four doors into the same room crammed full of spiders (which our dm kept reading the same passage as if it were a new room, to all of our delight ahaha). we also strolled into the chapel to find statues? that turned out to be three kneeling revenant paladins of the silver dragon. oops.
big oops. the barbarian, when he rages he has some random magical effect happen, magically grew vines and flowers and grass all over the floor around himself. this understandably made him angrier because hes spouted out other, more helpful magic before. he has successfully become enraged again in the past in order to try to trigger something else magical to happen--more often than not to the detriment of his party around him.
bigger oops. after a couple of hits by the revenants and two rounds of combat of throwing two handaxes from a distance before rage and swinging twice with a longsword enraged, he was at 9/52 hp.
biggest oops. surrounded by two revenants, he decided it would be best to leave their combat range and run back a bit to try to get angry again with a different magical effect. he knew he wasnt going to survive getting hit again. backing up, the first revenant missed with both swings of its sword. the second revenant struck with an opportunity attack which brought him to 0 hp. bleeding out on the floor. the second revenant took his turn--per initiative order--and proceeded to slaughter the barbarian bleeding out all over the flowers and vines growing from the rubble.
the party watched the dad figure get murdered before their eyes.
the warforged took the human, stormed out of the ruined fort, threw him on the back of their magical steed named jack, and raced off to the nearest town to go beg the priest for help.
now, to be fair, our dm typically pulls his punches and will have enemy characters move away once we go down but we had a friend playing some of the enemy characters last night and he took the initiative to kill. also since our dm has been pulling his punches, we havent faced nearly as many threats as we should have nor have the enemies been using all of their features against us. as our tabaxi put it last night, hes been having us play a hard campaign on easy mode lol
its not all bad. theres 2 potential paths the warforged has at trying to bring me back. if neither of those work, i get to play a new character. which should in all fairness be a cleric because we have someone go unconscious at least once a session. no one has heals. the druid forgets and is generally shapechanged into a giant creature doing lots of damage and our paladin only has like two opportunities to cast a spell and needs to keep those for doing radiant damage--which is the only damage type that really does any damage against all these evil vampiric creatures
so im sad that my barbarian may have bit the dust struggling to cope with the magic he thinks the fortune teller cursed him with, but i may get the chance to play someone else
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amethyst-dragons-tales · 4 years ago
Playing a Character
This DND group had started back into last year, and possibly even the year before. I cant remember honestly, time melds together like hot candle wax. 
It had first started in the new DND club that me and friends had started up once again, it having shut down because its old members had moved on/graduated. For a year (my Jr. Year) it was unofficial, and I wasnt actually DMing.
No, I was playing my Tiefling Wizard-Alchemist, Fiss. A Chaotic-Wholesome girl who was naive to many parts of the world. Savvy played Kiev and the two were practically inseparable, Kiev taking on the big brother™ stance to Fiss.
Now, with two tieflings together (Chaotic Good & Chaotic Neutral) you would think would be a recipe for chaos, but you’d be wrong. They were surprisingly the voice of reason for the group while the others took on the mob mentality and usually went on murder-hoboing while the two tieflings were off in a flower flied making flower crowns and putting them into eachothers hair. Im not kidding this actually happened.
The group didnt stay together for long but we did to 1-2 sessions where it was really just me and Savvy, playing Fiss and Kiev. The campaign was what I would consider a crack campaign at best, but it was also the DMs first time as far as I knew, so while it was weird and uncomfortable at times (for me) I didnt put up much of a fuss. It led to funny things like a dildo sword an us introducing ourselves like it was an AA meeting.
Somehow Fiss and Kiev got themselves mixed up and sent into the Nightmare before Christmas realm (not kidding) and they almost immediately got thrown into Jail for no reason (atleast I cant remember a reason). Through some ways of getting out, whether it was magic handing the key’s over or Kiev picking the lock, they got free of their cell fairly quickly, took care of the guard, and got their stuff back.
Fiss had noticed someone else in the other cell and upon inspection found this half naked vampire man. Being the sweet summer child she was she let him out and fed him and thanks for that they made a deal where he would serve her, which she wasnt too keen on but wanted to help him out anyway so she agreed. (which I think she just barely succeeded the save or she would have become his servant?)
Vampire Familiar Acquired! Jealous & Protective Big Brother™ Activated!
Ya Kiev did not like him. Like, at all. The moment they laid eyes one echother they created this rivalry that even they cannot explain all because of Fiss. Fiss doesnt like this and tries her hardest to get the two of them to be nice to one another.
Fiss clothes and names her new Vampire Boo who couldnt remember who he was or where he was from. She named him Athean, and Im pretty sure Athean did not like shirts. He acted almost like a knight to her, while she treated him as a friend and tried to figure out who he was and where he was from.
Things happened, at one point they killed Jack Skeleton and kept his head that talked on its own. They went back to their sort of home town and Fiss put on this bone crown she had gotten a few sessions before. The disembodied head of Jack starts calling her a queen and Goddess and Fiss just sits there letting it happen, as she doesnt know what to do.
We didnt have a session for a while after that, the campaign getting revamped a bit and we had one session again in a more steampunk like setting, though it was still the same world? Fiss and Kiev went to a ball to have some fun and they started to learn that the crown prince was missing. After seeing a picture and Fiss realizing that, Oh shit, this is the vampire man that I have kept as a practical familiar this whole time, she silently freaks out and confronts him in a bathroom. However he still couldnt remember anything so the Tieflings had to figure out how the fuck they were going to explain this without somehow getting arrested.
Fiss started to get on the good side of the eldest princess and on came the quest of figuring out how to get Athean’s memories back. Which also led to the funny encounter of this adorable tiefling girl going into a butcher shop and asking for all their blood. Just Gallons upon gallons of blood.
And that is sadly where the journey of the Tieflings ended, apart from some other encounters like the Evil Honey Sun and Fiss Blowing up a building, which I might eventually dive into if someone ever asks to hear it.
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vonschweetz · 5 years ago
I am sorry to hear that. it sucks that people are being jerks to you. I hope more people in your life wake and realize how great you are!
Yeah it doesn’t help that I’m like dice cursed and I often roll poorly whenever I play with them. Although I did play a solo game once with the dm one game night for a few hours because I came early and needed to catch up on the campaign because I was gone the previous night and I did SUCH a competent job and even uncovered a cool subplot but then at the literally last moment the dm let the kids (of the couple who run the group) start rolling for npc’s and that ended up getting my character killed and by the time the rest of the group came they didn’t see my awesome run and only heard I died AGAIN and they wouldn’t let me hear the end of it. I was pretty cursed that dnd session and got killed (because of other people 3 TIMES). But when we played the Pathfinder session we did such a good job and I was such an important and competent character mostly because the jerk of the last game threw a hissy fit when the party turned against him and killed his character ending the evil session and he didn’t come back for months. But I’m afraid with him back he’s gonna go back to throwing racist and sexist “jokes” at me and try to hijack our new star wars game once it starts because he’s gonna be a Mando and that just screams “Im gonna make myself the main character of this story” all over it. But me and the dm pretty much have like this vibe shared between us where we actually want people to start putting into their characters now and start actually role playing in the role playing game and idk maybe ya know put some personality into your character and not just midmax and meta game LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Also I told our dm that if that guy gets me killed again that my next star wars character is gonna be a gungan and im gonna do the voice and speech pattern and he’s gonna be indestructable and you cant get rid of me.
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duckily · 6 years ago
alrighty time for a big one. lets talk about d&d fifth edition.
if you've ever talked to me about tabletop games, you've probably heard me praise the wonders of pathfinder while i point out the hard truth that fifth edition dnd is a garbage system. while im mostly expressing my own strong opinions about this, i think that what i have to say is worth listening to, because i'm always right.
the one thing people always praise 5e for is how it's "simplified" and "open-ended." this is not really good in the case of dnd. the original edition of dnd was similar, with minimal rules and mechanics. this was not ever popular, and would never have led to dnd's iconic status today. we actually owe that to the revised edition of original dnd, literally called advanced dungeons & dragons. the whole appeal of it was that there were clearly laid out rules, easily interpreted numbers and mechanics that could be picked up by anyone, not just gary gygax's close friends. this is the whole basis of the d20 system: strong, numbers-based mechanics with rules for as many things as possible.
fifth edition is downright boring. because of the simplified combat, there are no more cool combat maneuvers that pathfinder has, and fewer conditions and varied effects. because of the simplified feats, there's less room for character customization beyond class, making new optional mechanics through feats way less common and less worth getting, and there are even fewer feats. when people say "open-ended" and "rules light" what they mean is the dm has to do a lot more bullshitting. i hate dming for 5e, because of how much work the dm has to put in to fill the gaps in the system. pathfinder having more rules and mechanics helps dms out a ton.
one of the many arguments people have against pathfinder is "there are too many numbers" which is an invalid argument made by people who haven't played pathfinder. there are just as many numbers you have to work with. every single die roll is exactly the same: roll a die, add your character's modifier, add situational modifiers. this is exactly the same as 5e. i cannot stress enough that there are not more numbers in pathfinder. i see that argument everywhere and i hate it. there is a larger variety of numbers used, but that's what a character sheet is for. actually prepare a character sheet, and you'll never have to worry again. also, 5e having less variety in numbers used is once again, boring. there's a ton of overlap in different mechanics in 5e.
if what you actually want is fewer numbers, simpler mechanics, and open-endedness, play dungeon world. dungeon world is great and underrated.
now let's talk about taz and critical role, aka literally the only reasons 5e is popular today. critical role started out as a pathfinder campaign before they started streaming the show, and they should've kept it that way. pathfinder is better optimized for larger parties, skills being applied to a variety of situations, and tactical combat; all of these things are very prominent in critical role. taz had the boys breaking the rules or making new rules in literally every single situation they were in. 5e was literally the worst possible system to use for taz. they understood this, and began using powered by the apocalypse exclusively after balance, and even used it in balance because 5e was really that poorly suited for the show. and guess what- dungeon world is a powered by the apocalypse system. it would've been perfect for taz balance. taz and critical role, the only reasons 5e is popular today, both used 5e by mistake.
play pathfinder or dungeon world
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
June 3rd-June 9th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 3rd, 2019 to June 9th, 2019.  The chat focused on Galebound by Respheal.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Galebound by Respheal~! (http://www.galebound.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until June 9th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Why and how do you think Conan has some of his own memories sealed? What did Altiria see that caused them such distress? How does this factor in to why Altiria thinks Din’s plans won’t pan out?
In Altiria and Conan's defense, Din's plans fall to pieces if a butterfly crosses his path unexpectedly
I accept the canon that Din can be tripped by butterflies
I also accept a canon where Din starts yelling at the butterfly that it's 5 seconds too early and totally off schedule
Crack theory for #2: Conan was Felix all along. He doesn't know cause of the memories being sealed. and as Din befriends Conan, he will be torn between killing the friend hed come to love and the enemy he hates most in the world.
MJ Massey
Maybe the real Felix was inside us all along
sorry Din, you've got felix germs inside you
1) the scene where Pascal shows up on the bridge to fight them. The look on everyone's faces is too priceless. And then everyone gets to have a nice chat and we get to see Pascal is just a great boy whose murder pants were a little too tight. 2) The memories are probably sealed for his own protection by someone who loves him. Cause why would anybody want to have to remember Felix? Altiria probably saw that Conan was the one true nobleman who was set to conquer them all. And that Din can't backstab conan so easily because of that.
MY FAVORITE SCENE! Is that one where Conan drowns after Alty tries to take him as a bri--- Wait that wasn't canon? Dammit, Conan! Realistically, though, I think it's currently the one here, starting at the end of Page 151: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2783990/151/ There's just.... a lot of weight. Pascal wakes up, and instead of really freaking out about nearly dying, he comforts his brother. You can learn a lot about Din and Pascal's relationship from these panels alone, and it's... something. (To me, it reads as Pascal being the one who buries a lot of his emotions - he never got a chance to really expect much out of life as a magician, before Din did what he did...)
Why does Conan have memories sealed... For... plot... reasons. You know, maybe Alty saw Conan's parents doing something. Maybe his parents are old enough to have been involved in the War of the Blind Kings--- What's that you say? No? :'D But on a serious note, one must wonder if Conan did something that necessitated his memories being sealed. A birth secret, perhaps? Maybe Conan's actually a part of the Gale that someone stole and put in a human body to learn the suffering of those under the system, to help give agency and consciousness to the arbiter of the Obligation. ...Hm. (Because right now, the Gale just... exists.) Alty, being a daemon, wouldn't like this naturally, right? If Conan's part of the Gale, she has a vested interest in making sure he returns to the cycle as he is. Anyway, Altiria's just expecting Din to get so judgemental that he misses everything going on in front of him. It nearly happened already with Pascal.... Rather than explaining things, he expected Conan to be another nobleman, and simply just hoped he could take care of things.
tl;dr: Conan ain't human, Din doesn't learn from his mistakes
Hahaha that also addresses the question of why Alty didn't just tell Din (Communication, what's that?). Something that wild....Din wouldn't believe it even if (or perhaps especially if) Altiria just told him
Some things you gotta see for yourself xD
Or maybe they just wanna see Din faceplant
Well, that, and if Conan's even a fragment of the Gale, then that leaves him open to manipulation by magicians... Conan: I give command Din: I follow command.... BY USING YOU Conan: noes
Also for the title, it makes sense? The Gale is bound....
Jo Michelle
Oh gosh, the end of Chap 5. YES. I was trying to figure out my favorite scene, but that would totally be it.
tbf altiria could just believe both. that din wouldnt believe her and that she loves the idea of din faceplanting
Jo Michelle
Wait. If Con is Felix with the memories locked away, then, Conan's like "nice Light" in that section of Death Note SPOILERwhere he forgets about the book and is genuinely helping the police....END SPOILER ..... Oh no. Felix. What trap have you set for the world as soon as you get your memories back? This actually works well with my "Conan turns into a sociopath" theory..... jess sayin'
i like this twist
that its cause felix has an awful plan in store
I dunno, I'm personally a fan of Conan being the Gale in human form.
Jo Michelle
Maybe he is, and he's also lost his memory of that?
he can be both
Jo Michelle
He's the "power of the hurricane?"
That was a REAL reach there.... but, lyrics from the Death Note musical, sung by Light.
Don't underestimate my ability to reference three different things at once, and make a crack theory for Gb.
Felix realized he was a part of the Gale but that the time was not right for the Shadowlord. So he sealed his memories, de-aged, and became Conan so that once the seal broke, it would be time to become the Shadowlord, merge with the Gale, and bring true destruction upon this land.
Bwahahahaha! The Dusk is an unjust land. The Gale can end it all peacefully with the power of the Shadowlord. It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down~
To reference a crack theory from the GB server, if Din is destined to become the Shadowlord, I love the idea of Conan being the Gale
I'm a sucker for that sort of dichotomy
You say "Crack theory," I say "I've seen this before"
Jo Michelle
well, then, I feel obligated to copy/paste these lyrics:
I'll bring the rain
I'll bring the wind
I am the mighty hurricane
The human stains
And all their sins
Blown away
I'll bring the pain
So be afraid
I will bring the power of the hurricane
Conan's new life song?
MJ Massey
I stan Conan as a Gale piece
MJ Massey
that would explain why he has no memories
maybe he's not Conan at all
Okay before I gotta get to work I'll answer the questions, too because why not 1. Favorite scene....I tend to like scenes where the onion layers of a character get peeled back a bit and you get to see who they really are. For...well, kind of both Conan and Din, this is after the Pascal Incident™, when the dust is settling and the shock starts to wear off. We see Din as he is, a broken and terrified man stuck in an unfair and cruel system, backed into a corner. Conan, a young man thrown in a situation way out of his depth, but also a dutiful person willing to admit and correct his mistakes.
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2681466/125/ http://www.galebound.com/comics/2683677/126/ <- these two pages specifically(edited)
Well not knowingly xD
......I'm going to avoid answering question 2 because my powers of bullshittery are weak and of course I know the real answer But Conan being the Gale.....well, trapping something that powerful in a human body would probably wreck havoc on that person....Wiping that person's memories as a result is plausible (edited)
the real answer to number 2 is that Altiria realized that the entire comic is just a DnD campaign cause they were able to see the real life person who is controlling Conan. and they saw Conan's stat sheet, compared it to Din's, and realized Din got shitty rolls. cause Altiria is controlled by the DM.
But Alty's comparing a Magician to a Nobleman... Noblemen generally have a pretty good charisma modifier
i feel sort of bad im the only one who picked a not super sad scene
im sorry for choosing to be happy everyone
Jo Michelle
I think you're in the wrong webcomic if you want happy....
SPOILER What did Altiria see that caused them such distress? END SPOILER
Okay. Here's what I think. Alty discovered that Conan's already signed a contract with Ursula, and they're like, mortal enemies with her.
Jo Michelle
Instead of losing his voice, he's lost his memories until he can make Din fall in love with him.
And we all know.... that's never gonna happen.
you lost be at din
this does not suit my conan/pascal ship
Jo Michelle
But, see, if he had his memories, all he'd need to do was tell Din to, since he's still got his voice.
no, see, this is why Con's doomed to fail.
Since, we all know that would never happen.
And when Ursula gave him the contract, she's like, "see, I even left you your voice to use as a Nobleman."
> Contract Confirmed, Conan is a Warlock
.....or a Magical Girl
Jo Michelle
A MG who's doomed to fail.
Because, of course he is.
...Conan is Homura?
Jo Michelle
That doesn't feel quite right as a fit.....
Okay, but which ever one he is, his transformation into the Gale or Shadowlord will be when he gives into despair, and realizes his hopes were doomed from the beginning.
MJ Massey
why not both a warlock AND a magical girl. two times the tragedy
I am okay with this
Everyone is doomed
ok there have been a lot of great scenes in Galebound so far, but i think the one that always jumps out to me is where I first jumped into the comic, when Pascal snuck into the Inn during the dark hour
For me, that scene is what shifted my opinion from "oh this is neat i wonder what happens next" to "DANG SON THIS AUTHOR MEANS BUSINESS"
MJ Massey
I think that's my favorite scene too
also i think i found it on a thursday or something, because by the time i caught up there was a new page Din in all his yellow magician-y glory, and Pascal in the middle of a swear XD
Jo Michelle
"You kiss your momma with that mouth?" Oh, yeah. She's dead. Never mind.
That wouldn't stop Din from threatening Pascal with soap
MJ Massey
it's more like "would you kiss ME with that mouth? how dare...!"
Jo Michelle
oh that's just weird.
MJ Massey
that Din expects brother kisses?
Jo Michelle
I feel like Din is definitely one of those "do as I say not as I do" parenting styles.
Din: Don't sell out magician children to the Nobleman. Pascal: But- Din: Do as I say, not as I do!
"You can't seize the means of production without being NEAR the means of production!"
oh shoot i realized i never answered the second question
as far as theories go, i don't really have any I haven't been given enough information to really form an idea other than conan's dad leaving, him getting sick, and then his memories disappearing, are all connected somehow
OTHER THAN THAT i'm just along for the ride
Jo Michelle
Oh, they're connected. Felix definitely poisoned him.
A side affect was losing his memory.(edited)
But why tho
Jo Michelle
Does Felix need a reason? Other than he's Felix?
you got me there
I was thinking it was something magic-related, not necessarily a mundane childhood illness or someone else's doing
Jo Michelle
He used a magical potion.
but really, all i know for sure is that i'm young, dumb, and a complete sucker for sick fics
Jo Michelle
A memory destroying potion. Getting sick was the side affect.
or sick cannon, as it be
Jo Michelle
He needed to destroy his memory, since Conan knew ...... something.....
give me a minute.
he walked in on felix SPOILER getting pollinated by a flower daemon END SPOILER
Jo Michelle
That'll give anyone an automatic sickness and memory loss.
maybe that's why altiria was so mad
Jo Michelle
But, for real..... I think Conan knew something about a BIG baddie's plan, and Felix gave him a memory blocking potion.
Note, for real should have been written "for real" ..... since I know things. :puffer:
oh yeah, i forgot you weren't a lowly pleb like me XD
Jo Michelle
you patreon people with your fancy spoiler privileges and early scripts
Jo Michelle
For real though, I actually don't know why or exactly how he lost his memory. I have guesses, but nothing's confirmed.
So I'm going with memory potion.
And he knows SOMETHING big. I'll bet that's why Alty freaked out too.
This is true, even patrons don't have the exact details yet
Muahahahaha >:3c
Jo Michelle
I'll bet it's the secret to bringing down the Gale, but that would also destroy the world.
And Alty's like "nope. No way."
"Your memory's a ticking time bomb."
I'm assuming.....we'll be revisiting that moment from childhood at some point, right?
I do sometimes describe Conan as SPOILER a time bomb END SPOILER ....
Probably not in full flashback form unfortunately
Jo Michelle
I'm RIGHT. My theory is now confirmed.
Conan has a secret hidden in his childhood memories that could destroy the world. And Alty figured it was better to make sure it's never revealed.
"Not again"
Is a thing Alty yelled
Jo Michelle
Wait. WHAT?
Jo Michelle
Jo Michelle
I have no idea what to make of this.
i have fears
Jo Michelle
Well. I'm just gonna assume Felix managed to do something REALLY horrible to the dang ocean and Conan knows how he did it, if he'd only remember.
When in doubt, I always blame Felix.
It's worked so far.
That's fair
one fear
Jo Michelle
To be fair, if something destroyed the ocean, that would definitely hurt the Dusk, sooooooo RIP Conan. The world needs its ocean more than another Nobleman. Sorry. No hard feelings?
AND. Felix, after nearly destroying the ocean went off to face the Gale, and ....... well...... he's had a bit of a revolving life ever since.... :puffer:
I lied. Felix didn't administer the memory potion. It was Conan's mom. To protect the world.
Felix was happy to have his son learn how to wreck havoc and destruction on the planet.
i know we've slandered her before but it always feels so wrong
Jo Michelle
I'm not slandering Conan's mom. Just saying she made a hard choice between her son's memory, and the world.
Felix is the one who made her have to make such a choice.
Still totally his fault. He just left her to deal with the aftermath when he left to take on the Gale.
You know how I said Conan is the Gale? Maybe people tried this before. What could a lone nobleman with a daemon fragment inside him do... ...enrage Alty, that's what.
Jo Michelle
WAIT. Was that what happened when he got sick?
Felix was inserting a daemon into him?
Having a literal hurricane stuffed into a child's body would probably have that effect(edited)
Jo Michelle
In the eye of a hurricane
There is quiet
For just a moment
A yellow sky
I was twelve when my mother died
She was holding me
We were sick and she was holding me
I couldn’t seem to die
I couldn't resist
What daemon hell has Felix wrought...?!
Oh that song
Is felix systematically destroying the world one element at a time? Ocean, Gale, .. what next. Fire?(edited)
Oh shit Conan was twelve at the time(edited)
I mean
Jo Michelle
Wait. WHAT?
I thought he was like, 7 or 8
No that's when Felix left xD(edited)
@Mahotou if he's taking the elements... ...then. that explains where his heart went
Is he trying to make captain planet
negative captain planet
reverse captain planet
He wants to start dusk on a rotation
If i change the gale, i can get the world spinning
He's getting captain planet to make all of dusk habitable
Although everyone will freak out at their newfound nights...
Irony (edited)
Gotta crack some eggs to make a cake
Jo Michelle
Eh. That's just cause his mom told him one time that he couldn't live in the Shadow or the Galelands.
And he doesn't like being told "no"
aaaand we're back to the normal slander. ;D
No, Felix's DAD told him no
Jo Michelle
Felix has daddy issues, because his dad disappeared for years....
we haven't talked much about Conan's grandparents. makes me think about them now lol
Jo Michelle
It's a whole legacy of being horrible fathers.
I mean, they ARE Noblemen.
and then what of the mom's side. how was she raised?
His father had a reason though: international business
Jo Michelle
Oh. I see. One of those guys who destroy some other country for cheap labor. Yep. Sounds like a Nobleman.(edited)
She was arranged in that marriage
Jo Michelle
Oh, yeah. She didn't have a choice.
heck even in non magical families abuse gets handed down through the generations - i wouldn't be surprised if Felix had an equally bad relationship with one or both of his parents
Oh, she might have had a choice
Jo Michelle
What, you think anyone would choose to marry Felix?
It might have been to improve her own circumstances... Or because Evenheim was closer to Cymaria... Or.... [Makes up bullshit about Felix's parents]
Oh, I was talking about Felix's mom
Not his wife
Jo Michelle
Oh, I thought we were talking about Conan's mom.
@Jo Michelle only if he's ... some how... not Felix?
OH me too i thought we were talking about conan's mom too(edited)
Jo Michelle
I stand by the "some parent or person forced her to marry Felix" theory.
But what if she LIKED Felix
Jo Michelle
What, LIKE Felix?!?
Alternatively, she could be like... Charlotte Lucas, who married, but arranged Mr. Collins' day so he was out of the way...
Jo Michelle
You realize that if she actually cared about Felix, him leaving would be even more painful. I prefer to think of it as a relief to her.
She got a happy few years with her son and no Felix.
Maybe she liked the idea of Felix, but he was actually really annoying and overbearing
Felix wanted a life in the clergy
Jo Michelle
Oh, I'm sure he was super annoying and overbearing.
don't forget neurotic
Everything had to be done just so
Jo Michelle
Oh yeah. She had to do it exactly the way he said.
"no conan, you can't plant the lettuce 2 inches apart they must be 2 1/2"
Jo Michelle
"yes papa."
-Get's measuring tape from house to make sure-
See? Why would anyone marry that out of choice?
Definitely an arranged marriage. Or something like it.
wait res, how many years ago did felix and celia get married
I hope we don't run into anyone worse than Felix
24 I think
ok so not marriage of convenience then
Jo Michelle
just running through all our options here
In this week's chat: All the Felix hate
Jo Michelle
And @RebelVampire isn't even here to defend the jerk.
There s so much slander happening lol
Mostly about Felix xD Which is....fair....Based on what we know so far of him, surely he isn't up to anything good
Felix is a good dad deep down i am sure...
i refuse to believe otherwise
Jo Michelle
Oh, yeah. Leave his kid to plant and morn his mom alone. But he's a good dad deep down, so it's all good. It's all good.
He had neighbors
He was in good hands.
Sometimes a good dad lets better people raise their kids.
I'm walking in and am somewhat confused by the whole room just BURNIN' with Felix hate
insert 'pizza guy walks into a room on fire' gif
Felix is just a very polarizing character.....for someone who hasn't actually shown up yet lol
Dedicating the following emoji to Felix tonight:
I bet some of the characters would approve of the Felix hate though
Felix is gonna turn out to be a great dude and @Jo Michelle is gonna eat a hat out of frustration when that happens
im saving all my felix propaganda for the felix question thats later in the week O_O
The basis of Felix hate really hinges on two pages
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2432399/059/ And http://www.galebound.com/comics/2674968/123/
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2683677/126/ this page also maybe helps, but I don't trust Din to see things well under duress
^ Same (No offense, Din.)
you couldve left that at "I don't trust Din"
that's all that needs to be said
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What do you think will happen once Din and Conan reach Cymaria? Will Din’s plans unravel, or will the two manage to slay the queen? What will be the consequences of either path?
3) Felix who is the best character who is trying to save the world. It's definitely not Pascal. It's not like Pascal is the best dresser and basically is the dude that gets the short end of the stick throughout the comic. Not to mention Pascal definitely isn't just adorable or anything. Plus, Pascal isn't even the most reasonable of the characters who is filled with surprises yet just wants everone to be alive and happy for his parties. 4) Everyone will sit down for tea. Realistically? Din's plans will fall apart because of whatever reasons Alty knows. Plus, I think Din overestimates his skills as a magician and underestimates the difficulty in killing a monarch, not to mention a nobleman. and thus Conan and Din will be in jail or wanted men or something. And then Pascal will become an accomplice and they'll all flee Cymaria trying to outrun their wanted posters and searching for Felix to punch him in the face. So ya know, Galebound will just be the most epic fantasy road trip, maybe with bank robberies. Honestly, does anyone actually think Din is going to succeed? I feel there isn't anyone who has faith in him.
Jo Michelle
I was called OUT last night.(edited)
Fave Character? Definitely Pascal. Most intriguing character, as in, onion layers of emotion I'm anticipating seeing stripped away? Din.
Reach Cymaria? Oooohhh, that's a good question. I think the queen is secretly super evil, and actually working for scary grin lady in the prologue. But she's also super smooth talking and smart, and will trick Conan into listening to her, poor sap that he is, and get him to turn on Din. MAYBE, Conan will even start to think he's falling in love with her – but then find out she's been using him, and make him even more upset, when he realizes he almost cheated on Lucie for this person.
Lucie couldve been Conan's mistress at least.
Jo Michelle
OH no. I don't see her being okay with such an arrangement.
tbf we havent met the real lucie yet. maybe shes secretly a gold digger who knew conan was a prince all along and just wanted that sweet evenheim gold
Jo Michelle
Hum. That's a good point.
And I already said what I think of Conan's judgment with women, so I guess I can't fall back on "but Conan wouldn't have loved her if she wasn't good."
Okay. Point made. Fine.
the one good thing din did for conan
saved him from proposing to the wrong girl
Jo Michelle
Re: Felix is a Good Dude: I'm just using the Sirius test:
Sirius shook his head and said, “She’s got the measure of Crouch better than you have, Ron. If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
.... You want to know the measure of a Nobleman? Ask a Magician.(edited)
There's no reason to hide your true nature from a person who has to do literally whatever you tell them to.
but the only magician we can ask is din and din is a biased source who is basing his hatred on info that is years out of date
Jo Michelle
Eh. How an adult treated you as a child is not a bad estimate either.
I'm not saying he couldn't have changed. Just that I'm gonna have to see some darn good evidence of that change.
In Din's case, he was in the inferior position as both a Magician and a child.
To be fair, full disclosure – I don't think Felix is the worst person ever. Heck, he might be pretty typical of Noblemen. I mean, his treatment of Din could be totally normal. But that doesn't make it any better, or excuse him one bit.(edited)
thats fair. i more think its better to assume neutrality and give benefit of the doubt that he isnt the same person. which gives room also for him to be far worse too, but hey gives him a chance
i will point out though that conan barely didnt anything wrong on purpose and din hated him on principle
din is himself not the best person XD
Jo Michelle
Din is what Felix made him.
Felix, and others.
Din was a lost, confused, hurting, traumatized boy.
But let's not forget who, at least, contributed to that.(edited)
Din is also an adult now and in charge of his own choices though. And his adult choices are garbage. If Felix had been abused and locked in a closet, would that excuse the choices he made? XD
Jo Michelle
Oh, I'm not excusing Din now. That's the problem with pain and trauma – the way it spreads.(edited)
BUT, the person with power here is still Felix.
Even if Din is responding totally wrong, the people with the power are still the Noblemen, so the greater responsibility for ending the violence still rests on them.
It's like the moral equivalency fallacy of [spoiler blocked for those who don't want to think about politics] SPOILER of white supremacists and anti-racism bombings, such as in South Africa. No, killing innocent people isn't right and will just produce more pain and suffering, but the two aren't equivalent, because of power. END SPOILER This is why I judge Felix more harshly than Din.
That's fair.
I can't take the same path cause I don't think all the evidence is in order. Cause we haven't met Felix, don't actually have a factual account of what he even did to Din, and so forth. So while I can agree that Felix can be judged more harshly via power in certain contexts, I think its unfair to cast judgement at the moment.
Question: How do we know that whatever Felix and Din's interaction was, that it wasn't like... Self defense?
It was clearly BAD, but Din was a child
Jo Michelle
That's also fair. But, for me, the burden of proof will be on Felix.
yeah thats another reason i dont trust Din's account of everything and label him a biased source. Cause he was a child at the time of whatever happened just by the context clues
cause kids dont generally have all the info to a situation.
cause adults dont tell
also cause they have kid brains
not to mention were expecting din's account to even be accurate after years
and memories are faulty
even when trauma is involved
which again
Felix may be the most awful person in the world
I just pass no judgement based on Din's account
as far as im concerned, din is no better than the boy who cried wolf right now
which acually is a better analogy then i intended. cause his hatred of conan really damages his case against felix.
which inevitably makes me sorry for Din if Felix is as awful as he thinks
Din is undoing his own case
Jo Michelle
No, Din is just proving my point about power and Noblemen in general. I recently heard and wrote down a great definition of racism: Prejudice + Power to enforce your Prejudice = Racism That's why oppressed people can be prejudice, but not racist. So, sure, Din is prejudiced against Noblemen in general, and Felix in particular, but that's mostly from experience. Conan seems to be his first encounter with a Nobleman that didn't confirm his expectations.
i think this convo is going a bit too political at this point so im gonna reign it in
Jo Michelle
Okay, sorry.
no its fine. im just reigning it in before it goes too far to real world.
cause at this point were touching on a very sensitive, relevant real world topic.
and thats inviting chaos
Jo Michelle
Should I spoiler hide that last comment?
nah cause when i archive it, itll be visible anyway.
Jo Michelle
good to know.
yeah. someday i will address that if i get a real website for CTP, but right now things are just archived as plain text.
At least we can agree that Pascal is the best
I mean umm...Felix. Yes. Definitely not Pascal.
Pascal the angel
The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power
Not gonna lie, I didn't expect this story to touch on some real world problems when I first started writing it x'D this was just going to be a road trip(edited)
tbf you overthink anything too much and you can put real life themes on it.
which is whats supposed to happen
it is the mark of good fiction
Yeah, and it...worked? x'D but I do realize that because these Very Real Themes are a part of it now, I have to be able to handle those themes respectfully.(edited)
I will answer question 3 in a bit and make you all mad that the answer is Felix (edited)
....actually nvm I should answer based only on the current canon ahahaha
yes pick Felix O_O
i cant pick felix cause hes not in the story yet
maybe someday
Felix actually is my fave, but yeah he's not in the story yet. Although he has clearly had a huge impact on it so far. He's like a massive object and every other character is sucked into his gravity well
If I had to pick from current canon (which is like the boys and Altiria).....that's a tough call
obviously altiria since they can just drown everyone
You're right. The only sensible choice
I am actually struggling to pick so let's go with that
3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor? Altiria! I'm sorry, Alty's natrually quite salty. It just flows out of them seamlessly... Altiria seas and knows all in the world, for Altiria is all water... Water we waiting for, we should all cheer for our water god! 4. What do you think will happen once Din and Conan reach Cymaria? Will Din’s plans unravel, or will the two manage to slay the queen? What will be the consequences of either path? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Conan's gon' die. Unless they opt for an infiltration - Din only has to bring Conan to Cymaria... Right? I guess it depends on how that command's interpreted
maybe they never make it to court. maybe they stop at burger king on the way but pascal wont let them leave until he gets all the toys from the kids meal
and nobody told him you didnt have to buy the meal to get the toy
MJ Massey
4. What do you think will happen once Din and Conan reach Cymaria? Will Din’s plans unravel, or will the two manage to slay the queen? What will be the consequences of either path?
I think they'll intend to slay the queen but then find out she's not the true villain. She's actually pretty cool, but it's the royal vizier/high priest/magician who's the REAL villain. They'll team up to try to stop them, but the queen will inadvertently die in the process and it turns out SPOILER she was Felix the whole time END SPOILER
Jo Michelle
SPOILER Not gonna lie, I didn't expect this story to touch on some real world problems when I first started writing it x'D this was just going to be a road trip END SPOILER
I thought the same thing, friend. We all did, I think.
As for question 4......well, we're not even all the way through act 1 so of course things are gonna hit the fan
the bigger question is how can galebound end happily
Jo Michelle
Things, huh? :cornytea:
The bigger question is: CAN it end happily
That is actually a good question
I posit the following: No.
MJ Massey
I agree
no way Res is gonna let the cast off that easy
everything will turn out fine. then a rogue meteor will come and crash into the planet, pushing it out of orbit
Jo Michelle
I'm trusting in Res's enjoyment of the end of "Speak".... it's literally the only evidence I've got going for my hope in a "happy" ending...(edited)
@RebelVampire This isn't Final Fantasy!!
thats just what res wants us to think
felix is the meteor
A sufficiently large meteor might kick the planet out of its tidal locking therefore eliminating the extreme focused heat that fuels the Gale
ya know i was mostly just joking, but then res came in and said that
i think this is as good as canon
ominous chanting
If this were Final Fantasy the eclipse planet would come crashing down but right before it hits--surprise it was a giant dragon's prison all along so it's death by dragon instead of by meteor
and felix was the imprisoned dragon?
which is where hes been all this time
...So it's not Final Fantasy, it's Fire Emblem
Fire Fantasy
well just combine them
Final Emblem
Fire Fantasy V: The Final Emblem
Jo Michelle
Felix is a dragon. I can live with that.
ok so its been approved. Felix is a dragon canon is a go.
can sleep on his pile of gold and kidnap princesses
and eat them
Jo Michelle
Like Conan's mom. She was a kidnapped princess.
......So Conan's part dragon now?
Jo Michelle
this canon gets better and better
conan is gonna wake up one morning and wonder why he can breathe fire
Jo Michelle
That literally happened in a kids book I read once.
reads chat
...So Conan is a Manakete, which explains why Dusk time seems so weird to him if their solar cycle is............ rapid
It's not that dusk is fast, it's that Conan is old
You caught me
Jo Michelle
I need to see a Conan art with dragon fire or wings now.
There was a story I read where dragons took human form and could only access their dragon form through a magic device passed down through their family
I'm not saying conan's pocketwatch lets him turn into a dragon but
Are these hypothetical dragons... daemons?
They probably would be
xD more Conan Hybrid Theory
But important to note, in that story only full-blooded dragons could transform
Half-dragons ended up with horns and tails and lizard-like ear flaps
conan hasnt hit dragon puberty yet. din is in for a nasty surprise
BUT since we're talking about Conan, I'm gonna say he's my favorite right now, in an answer to question 3
I'm in love with Pascal and the sun shines a little brighter every time I see him, but Conan is one of the few characters I can point to and say "hey, he thinks like me!"
We have a strikingly similar way of processing things and making decisions, and I don't see that a lot in fiction
Especially fantasy
Jo Michelle
Good job Res!
That's why I couldnt get mad at him for the Pascal Incident™
Its exactly what I would have done
Jo Michelle
That's fair. .....
(guys I think the inside jokes are escaping)
Jo Michelle
which ones?
I mean, other than Shadowlord.
Felix is the worst
hybrid theory
conan is secretly going to end the world... etc
................... Carry on
Jo Michelle
Okay, I see your point.
oh man if were basing fave character on who we relate to the most, idk who to pick
maybe lucie for me cause shes the character who is just back at home not getting involved with all the adventures
what's lucy going to do when she finds her best bud is missing? for two/three dark hours(edited)
Rebel, how do you handle spoiler tags in archives?
Jo Michelle
Well, that would be Checkers.
they are visible as plain text
I'm okay with that being visible, I'm half saying it out of humor xD
cause there just isnt a good way to do them in regards to tumblr's setup
@Mahotou im gonna repeat a thing i said on the server for in regards to what lucie will do: just assume he went and pulled a felix and get herself a new boyfriend
looking at the questions, I don't know who's my fav as a character. but I like Pascal as a person c:
sweet boy cant catch a break
that's like his description too or something
It is xD
too good for this world. cant catch a break
oh and for question 4. What if! Conan got kidnapped by the Cymaria Court and he gets a WHOLE OTHER view of this situation? they try to convince him of their side away from Din.
I think i got this idea from Fire Emblem. Birthright/Conquest
two sides of one situation O: dun dun dunnnnn
Jo Michelle
That would be a twist.
# NOW who's the bad guy? Conan technically has limited information but he DOES have experience with the magic and obligation on magicians. and the weird amulet
but what if truths are twisted? Who should he side with O: dun dun dunnnnn
... he'd prolly wanna go home to his Lucie and forget this lol(edited)
semi off topic, but arcein. arcein is the bad guy.
if they talk like a villain, smile like a villain, and do creepy vague shit like villains, theyre probably a villain
/subvert expectations OH LETS MAKE HER THE GOOD GUY XD
300 year old spirit thing with creepy grin in an amulet. was trapped like a Genie when she tried to do a good but it did a bad/
Wish we knew more about her in canon. She could be a fav character O:
gotta wonder how many people in galebound are actually good guys
and Din's just the one who wants to burn the world
conan is a goode boye
and so is pascal
he tried to be mean once boy nearly put himself into an angst coma
The Good: Artemis (#1 good), Pascal, Conan The Bad: Din, Felix, Altiria and The Ugly: Arcein, King Cymaria
Altiria as bad? xD
i mean
i dont think you can say altiria is good either
I guess for the most part I consider daemons to be neutral(edited)
thats fair although from a story perspective she has attempted murder of conan on her book
I don’t trust her
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. How do you think Pascal will adjust to being both deaf and cut off from magic? How will he wind up helping or hurting Din and Conan? Ultimately, do you think Pascal’s life will be better or worse for what happened?
For question 5... http://www.galebound.com/comics/2449333/064/ THIS PANEL Holy shit Res really pulled off magic with this one!! I just love the energy and the sense of Din's sheer power here. In retrospect, you have to wonder if it was amplified because he was really following two commands at once? As far as Pascal goes... I think Pascal's honestly going to adjust. He's adaptable, and strikes me as the type of person who takes life as it comes. So this sort of outcome might actually be a bit freeing in some respects... ...Although in the meantime, I'm sure there'll be lots of worrying about what he's good for, what'll happen to him, and such... He's no longer useful to anyone as a magician, really.
(That is to say, I'm looking forward to Pascal fostering kittens. That's clearly what he's got to do with his life after this!!)
MJ Massey
I feel like Pascal has strong strangling hands
Jo Michelle
I CAN'T choose a page! Or an illustration. But it would definitely be one of those in the end of chap 5 ... ALL THE FEELS THERE.
MJ Massey
so he's going to become a pro strangler
Jo Michelle
Although I'm kinda super partial to the illustration that's going up for today It's so heartbreaking and pretty, okay?!?
Actually, I think Pascal is going to go through a quarter life crisis, buy a muscle carstrong horse and take off on a road trip across the Dusk to "find himself."(edited)
Freedom, baby!
Jo Michelle
But I'm kinda in love with Din's half lit expression from this page: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2771099/147/(edited)
Quarter life crisis
Jo Michelle
I mean, he's not quite at a quarter life, but..... he's getting there?
And I LOVE the body language in this one: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2780569/150/
Especially Len. My new favorite side character. The adult this problem child needs.
As far as head canons are concerned... All we know at the moment is she was SHOCKED that Din did what he did.
Jo Michelle
Oh, you know I can build an entire life history from a face shot and three paragraphs about Felix. I've got way more about Len here.
5) For favorite illustration, I gotta go with Pascal gets his butt beat #1 http://www.galebound.com/comics/2369956/040/ The lighting on this is really great. Plus I really like the slanted angle it has going on. I think there's something about that choice that really makes you empathize with Conan. Cause much like the angle is expressing something is kind of not right in terms of the balance of the world, this is the first time extreme magic is at play. So it really puts you in Conan's shoes where you're like "Is this happening my life is a lie" 6) Deaf I think he'll go with easily cause I think for Pascal that one will be easier to roll with the punches for. Magic? That sounds harder if you've basically relied on it for most of your life. Cause at that point I'd think it'd be an instinctual thing that's gonna hurt when you try to fire blast someone but forget you cant actually do that anymore. Pascal's life will probably be better. He can chameleon into the crowd now and party all the parties. As for helping or hurting Din and Conan, I feel like hurt might be more likely. Just cause Pascal is kind of a distraction for Din. Cause Din was doing okay but everytime Pascal showed up he had to change his plans. Which I guess is me saying Pascal is Din's bad luck charm.
Jo Michelle
Oh, yeah, that's a GREAT moment. It's actually one of those that came to mind.
I'm still really happy with Conan's expression on that page
Jo Michelle
Oh yeah. "Shi--" just hit the fan there.
i think everyone's faces looks there. one of the few pages where im like "Din isn't that bad a dude" O_O
overall i like any page that's a double spread for illustration. cause while mobile design is the way to go, it means theres less and less double spreads going on. so when i see them i squee
I enjoy doing those pages, too xD Ironically they tend to be faster to make since they're just 1-2 panels, so I try to go more all out with it >:D
5. Favorite illustration? well i have one that got me rolling back into doing art after a huge time away from it. break-my-heart its pascal's face here (second to last panel) : http://www.galebound.com/comics/2592094/101/(edited)
my fave pics are very emotional i think
that page also features Din angrily buttoning his waistcoat as he tries to glare his brother into silence XD
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2639011/115/ oh and o boy this one. the whole page.
i counter your sadness with hilarious pascal http://www.galebound.com/comics/2484303/072-5/
that one is great
6. How do you think Pascal will adjust to being both deaf and cut off from magic? I think, not being a Magician will be ok for Pascal. He may enjoy using magic or be good at it but he can only use it when commanded so I don't believe he'll feel totally lost without it. And maybe he can be sneaky and Queen Cymaria will attempt to command him because he's supposed to be a Court Magician but then he'd be liek nahh and she'd be surprised and TeamGrump can get the upperhand. O: but also now he has to have the amulet always with him too. He has to always be touching it or else he'll start dying again so i kinda feel like this physical object may be troublesome. (but i'm sure he'll be a smart cookie and thing of something to keep it in place.) How will he wind up helping or hurting Din and Conan? hmmm. well he's MORE of a free spirit now, as he's outside the Obligation. and he's always been a ninja (good climber --> (roof boy: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2358585/032/) so he can be helpful by going on errands. but heeeee wouldn't notice if he was being noisy... so he's losing stealth points. Deafness... he'll probably miss his hearing but I think he's a talented learner and will come up with hand signals between himself and friends/Din and also practice lip reading. @Rebel: He can chameleon into the crowd now and party all the parties. but he cant hear the music at the parties now D: i've just made myself really sad.... Ultimately, do you think Pascal’s life will be better or worse for what happened? Better because he won't have the Obligation around. ... or... or worse because he now has to have this amulet so now instead of the Obligation being a part of his life, he now has to care about this amulet for liek... the rest of his life. and he has be careful to always be touching it in some way. Maybe that's ok tho. and life will be fine and the brothers will just take care of each other.
woops that was a loaded #6.
i think i rambled but i won't edit this xD
@enshogirl 's listing of Artemis as #1 good does make me think, though (and I agree with the sentiment )
I like Artemis a lot, almost weirdly so, and I'm starting to see why
This is a story where you can't trust anyone -- I mean Pascal may be a good boy, but you might not be entirely safe around him. So having someone you can trust is meaningful, even if that someone isn't a human X'D
and that says a lot about the story truly being a web of schemes!
Jo Michelle
It's totally true. You really can't totally trust Magicians.....
But then, they can't even trust their own brains and motivations....
That's a good point, @keii4ii I wish I enjoyed drawing Artemis more, because she is important to Conan as a character. She's the lodestar of stability and sanity for him in this quest into the unknown
......what are those reacts lol
I feel like you read that as me being like "it'd be a shame if something happened to her :3c"
Jo Michelle
Oh, no, I was thinking about Conan.
Oh hahaha
Jo Michelle
How a horse is the only person he can find stability and relational safety in.
@Respheal don't you dare take that horse's boy away from her
XD Club "Keep Artemis Safe"
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think Din’s ultimate plans are? Is it killing Felix or is there a bigger story to his ambitions? How does killing the Queen of Cymaria even factor into them? What even motivated his plans in the first place?
Jo Michelle
Character interaction dynamics. Hum. I mean, we've only really seen Din, Con, Pasc, and Alty. But, I've got to say, I really like the Din/Alty dynamics. They know things about Din, and the way they tell him what's what is good.
And the Din/Pasc. The way they care about each other as brothers, but also bicker about stuff. That's fun.
Basically, I think I really like character interactions that draw out Din's emotions and force him to say and do things that reveal what's going on inside.
. Speaking of. Din's plans. I mean, he's out to kill Felix for sure. That 16YO Din wasn't acting. That was seething rage there. But I think his end game is to bring down the system somehow.
But I don't know enough about it to really say how he might be going about that.
MJ Massey
Din and Pascal have an interesting dynamic I want to see more of, both in flashbacks and in the present day
like how did Pascal get involved in everything and trying to kill Conan? Are he and Din on good terms or no?
Pascal with anyone quite fankly
Considering the characters that have been introduced, his nature of pure sunshine conflicts so hard with everyone we've seen him talk to
But he just.....keeps on going
Pascal's fun to write interactions with because he's good at keeping people just a little off balance--he talks fast, hops between topics, and just his overall sunshine demeanor bewilders xD I like to think Conan and Din play off each other well.....in, uh, better circumstances, maybe.
7) I'm gonna go with Alty and Conan. I like how their interactions always really emphasis Alty is basically just on Alty's side. Cause they arent remorseful for trying to kill Conan, and even imply a bit they can still drown Conan at anytime. Yet at the same time Alty is also the person willing to warn Conan that Din is basically a dumbass. So whenever they interact theres always this uneasiness. I think a lot may be a change in the power dynamic cause even if Conan can command Din, theres only so much you can do to stop the ocean. 8) Din's plans are basically Step 1- Kill Felix Step 2 - ??? Step 3-Profit. Which is my way of saying i think calling what Din's "plans" plans is misleading. Rather, I think he has goals and just vague ideas of how to get to those goals. Like a kid with a treasure map who is finding the X but forgot to bring a shovel or backpack to carry back the treasure. I agree that Din probably wants to bring balance to the system. But I also think in his crazed mind he thinks that killing Felix is the way its gonna happen. I think Din gives Felix waaaaay too much credit. Although, honestly, I can't figure why he needs to kill the Queen. Like certainly this frees him from needing to be a court magician there. But unless theres a secret command from them that says "nah bro don't kill felix" i dont see how overthrowing a monarch works in Din's favor at all.
@jo: And the Din/Pasc. The way they care about each other as brothers, but also bicker about stuff. That's fun.
Basically, I think I really like character inte
ractions that draw out Din's emotions and force him to say and do things that reveal what's going on inside. yasss 8. Din seems like a focus one track person. He wants to kill Felix. and he's still trying to reach that even tho Cymaria has him doing other magician errands first. But sounds like he almost got the command he wanted: "Bring me the head of Evenheim's heir" http://www.galebound.com/comics/2764870/145/ but he found Conan before Felix? maybe he thinks he can work with conan to convince/trick conan into giving him commands he wants.
7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you? Din and Conan, honestly. I got friggin BAMBOOZLED when I started reading this. I was like, "hey they're staying in an inn, some shenanigans are gonna ensue!" AND THEN NOPE, MURDER ATTEMPT. So, what I thought was gonna be a fantasy buddy comedy turned out to be very much not that. And I kind of look forward to seeing how Din and Conan progress from snarky strangers to friends... Assuming Din doesn't get killed first.
8. What do you think Din’s ultimate plans are? Is it killing Felix or is there a bigger story to his ambitions? How does killing the Queen of Cymaria even factor into them? What even motivated his plans in the first place?
Din has a plan? Ever since Conan figured out he was able to command Din, it's kinda gone to shit, so... I think Din's ultimate plan was probably to kill the Cymarian nobility AND to kill Felix. http://www.galebound.com/comics/2332038/022/ Although I guess Conan didn't tell Din to tell him the truth, so... Din's a very angry man, probably motivated by the inherent injustice in the obligation. I think if he could have anything in life right now, it would be that he could be a normal person. He got the slightest taste of normalcy as a child, and... Well. :\
anyway I just need to say @Respheal how dare you bring us in thinking comedy and break us all like this so far
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Who or what is the Arcein that Conan saw? Why do you think she seemed to know Felix, and how did Arcein’s Ignorance come to be? Also, what do you think Myosotis is, and why does Arcein want it?
Jo Michelle
Q. 9: Res's foreshadowing is really great. Little details that you only notice on reread. And snatches of dialogue or character actions that suddenly are WAY different when you know what's really going on.
9) The careful choices in wording because command phrases are super OP. Like I would super hate writing a main cast who are a nobleman and a magician cause one ill choice of dialogue and poof, there goes continuity. So the fact its done so well is nice. 10) I'm assuming the Arcein we saw was basically a Horcrux. I assume by the nature of being mythical, Arcein is connected to the Gale in ways we don't understand. And the Gale is like big brother and is watching everyone, especially Felix. Idk what Myosotis is, but I'm sure Arcein wants it to destroy all nobleman or something like that. If Arcein isn't the pure evil one in this comic, I will eat my hat.
But she was so helpful in saving Pascal~ :'3
for now
unless pascal is locked away in a tower guarded 24/7 but the most elite soldiers, i will never believe Pascal is completely and truly safe in that world
Jo Michelle
But that's not safety. that's isolation, which isn't safe or healthy for any human.
There is no "complete and true safety." Life is risk.
well put artemis in the tower too
then they can be alone together
and safe
also i said safe, i wasnt necessarily aiming for healthy there O_O
Jo Michelle
But unhealthy isn't safe.
And humans need more relationships in our lives than just one other creature.
And relationship always brings risk.
also the alleged horcrux is strapped to his neck
Jo Michelle
I mean, there's risk.... and then there's..... risk.
that dang price
i feel like you just insulted artemis by called her a risk as a relationship
secretly artemis had like 10 sugar daddy horses back home and spent all their money
conan is also her sugar daddy
literally cause he probably gives her sugar cubes
also see, to deal with arcein you just gotta cut the tower off from the gale. make a huge bubble area of ignorance
9) I totally understand why Res insisted on using full color. those auras need to be noticeable and different from each other. And its really niceeeee. I love the use of double-spreads because to me it feels like the stretching of a moment aka time slows down and you can just take in the scene. <3 Also the "scene in the amulet" is really creepy and spooky and what does it all mean!? /o\ after all this time, i feel we should expect foreshadowing in almost everything. xD 10) Arcein isssss 300 years old according to Pascal so the amulet is.... HAUNTED [or Rebel's Horcrux theory]. Maybe Felix had the amulet before and maybe they spoke together/concocted a plan together. Or maybe they disagreed? I have NO idea what Myosotis is in her context. Googling it, its a forget-me-not sooooo i guess she wants to be remembered? big shrug she seems dangerous. just look at her grin.(edited)
nyahahahaha >:D
There is a whole lot of foreshadowing, and I appreciate what Jo said about "details you only notice on reread" xD Because a lot of the foreshadowing, I'm aiming it to be like it was staring us in the face the whole tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
Jo Michelle
That's the best kind.
Other than the Horcrux thing, I have about zero formed ideas or theories on Arcein myself. That's a whole giant ominous question mark in my mind.
And also the amulet is called Arcein's Ignorance. I believe it was named for how it disconnects an Obligated from The Gale (and thus be Ignorant of the commands) but... Was Arcein Ignorant about something too? I wouldn't put it past Res for double meanings. Did Arcein do something Ignorant by making this amulet?
People are ignorant of Arcein, therefore her price of "Forget-Me-Not" is... to make her known? Remembered? avenged?
((Forget-me-nots also mean true love, so make of that what you will))
Jo Michelle
What if the amulet was made by a Magician and a Noble who loved each other, and wanted a way to have a relationship that was free from Obligations?
oh That... that could have happened in this world...
i like that sound O:
As far as what the "price" is, maybe Arcien's broken the seal that's locked away conan's memories?
Not so that they'll come back all at once, but she's triggered a sort of chain reaction so that very soon, he's gonna start remembering things
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Where has Felix been for most of Conan’s life? Why do you think he left Conan, and will Conan and Din actually be able to find him? Assuming they do find him, what do you think would even happen?
Before I leave for vacation: 11. Worldbuilding is definitely one of Galebound's strengths. The decision to make this a tidally locked planet (and actually develop how that would impact and affect all facets of life) was a really good one, and it really adds a unique flavor to the story. From the color pallete of the outdoor scenes to the inclusion of the dark hour to the plot, it was enough to catch my eye and make me want to know more my first time reading. -bows to Res-
will Conan and Din actually be able to find him
It's also a question of if half of that set even wants to find him
Jo Michelle
Con: he's my dad and I don't care. Din: He's my No. 1 target.
Galebound's strengths... Well, the sheer growth it's had from its start. Both in art and storytelling... While I know the story was prepping for its first WHAM moment, the art really caught up with it in a way that helped amplify that imo. Res has improved an incredible amount in a comparatively short amount of time
...I'm absolutely terrified to see how much the art will grow in 5 years, especially as the story intensifies. I get the feelin' a storm's brewing... And it's not the Gale.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. What aspect of the Obligation system in the story do you find the most interesting? What about it specifically interests you? Alternatively, what horrible implications are you hoping to see or not see regarding it?
11) I think the strengths lie in the question and answer formula. While there are a lot of comics out there, in my experience not all of them offer good material for theorizing. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but can make for dull convos when talking about the comic elsewhere. Meanwhile, Galebound has tons of questions, tons of info spread out in various places, etc. So you get to get out the magnifying glass and look around for the answer. 12) I sincerely believe Felix left for Conan's own good to help him with something. Not that I think Felix is altruistically out to save the world or anything for sure, but I do think Felix would want to save his son. As for whether Conan and Din finding, honestly, I think it's more likely Felix will find them first XD We've established Din isn't great at the plans so Din is gonna bump into Felix when he least expects it. And be like "I'm in my underwear right now I'm not even ready for this."
13/14 I'm looking forward to meeting that one character SPOILER who is both a Noble and a magician, aka Person Doomed To Juggle Chainsaws For Life END SPOILER
13) I am looking forward to people reading the next chapter so the galebound fandom collective can gasp in the same way that patrons get to gasp. 14) my favorite aspect of the obligation system is just the fact that it plays on language and contains loopholes. so you can constantly find new ways to use and abuse it based on how something is worded or how far you push the system. cause that gives it a good balance of being powerful but still being bounded by consistent rules.
Oh yeah, the next chapter's gonna be all sorts of fun xD(edited)
The obligation system is certainly easily manipulated for anyone who might be looking For loopholes. Din is dangerous because he was taught to think >:D
"Din is dangerous" is a complete sentence.
For every time Din subverts an obligation's expectations, he also manages to hurt someone he cares about.
good job, din. this is why everyone loves you.
Jo Michelle
Mostly to himself and to people who care about him, I think.(edited)
Today I learned: Everyone in Din's life is a masochist(edited)
For putting up with him?
I almost feel like I need to come to his defense now
I certainly don't condone his actions, but......boy needs an adult
And by adult I mean therapist
He won't get better if nobody gives him good consequences
At the very least, the Ocean could have been like, "Oh hey, KNOCK IT OFF" and smacked him
tbf even with good consequences theres no gurantee.
Fair! I mean, let's imagine the Galebound discord is right, and Lenora (the King's Magician) had a chance to try to set Din right. ...if he's still after his goal of revenge after some grade-A mom-ish intervention, he's not gonna be easily deterred.
And now I'm imagining Din... "My name is Dinigo Montoya... You killed my father. Prepare to die." (Only we can't be sure if Din's father died at Felix's hands....)
these are excellent points.
to change din, i think he needs to wake up many days in a row and find out his entire life is a lie
He lies to everyone else, but doesn't realize he lies to himself, too
I wonder how many lies we'll discover he's told himself over the years.
It's gonna suck! Din had all these good things he threw away in pursuit of revenge... He really can't figure out how to appreciate the things in front of him until they're taken from him.
the biggest lie he told himself was that his name was din. really he was felix all along
That's some next level self-hatred there
Oh no... So, if Din is Felix...
I'm assuming he's also actually ten years older
.... ... That makes him ineligible to be the Shadowlord, sadly...
Because otherwise.....eek
Felix is the creator of the Shadowlord.
Not the Shadowlord itself.
13) What am I looking forward to? The answer to all of these questions really XD
There's so much we don't know, and I'm really looking forward to snapping up all the information about the plot and its mysteries as it trickles in
also clawing the tragic backstories out of everyone's cold dead hands
13) I saw a list of character names and chapter names. I"m excited to meet EVERYONE. Get to fall in love with some and get to violently LOATH some. some sweet sweet hatred on fictional character. I agree with Rebel: Meanwhile, Galebound has tons of questions, tons of info spread out in various places, etc. So you get to get out the magnifying glass and look around for the answer. Sweet mind games and investigation. THERES SO MUCH DEPTH I CAN SWIM IN THIS LORE FOREVER. xD
14) Aspects of the Obligation system? Din's sweet mindbending/word-twisting comprehension ability of commands he received. How far can it go? How far DID it go in his loophole finding ability? But also, what can they achieve together? Conan and Din. If they can work together then there's SO MUCH possibility!
Hehehehe I've got all the chapter names (and a lot of the character names) in the wiki :3c They are subject to change until they're actually written (I've already merged a couple chapters together), but I like having those up as sort of a teaser(edited)
As with many things, I didn't really realize I was setting up sort of a question/answer format until I got some momentum going, but I really enjoy how that's worked out xD
(They tease me hard)
I am looking for a gif to use as my answer to 13 xD But no such luck
So meh I'll just go with chapters: Ch 6, Ch 14, Ch 18 Those have some of the major turning points I'm most looking forward to :3c
And for question 14.....probably one of the more interesting things, from my perspective, is how the system came into being in the first place
-runs back into the spoiler cave-
14) the thing I like about the system is how simple it seems, yet how absolutely bone-chillingly horrible it is when you give it a little thought
It really is a wolf in sheep's clothing
Like, when it was first introduced my first thought was "wow this is really constricting and an awful lot of angst over a magic system that can't be used that much"
But those implications hit you like a narrative 2 by 4
If I manage to get the book published, that's the sorta quote I want on the dust jacket
Actually I change my answer
I'm most looking forward to Felix
so we can learn hes not awful
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Galebound this week! Please also give a special thank you to Respheal for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Galebound, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.galebound.com/
Respheal’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Respheal
Respheal’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/Respheal
Respheal’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/galebound
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savrenim · 6 years ago
Do you have any role-playing tips? Especially for a more ~serious~ character? Cause i want my character to bond with the rest of the party, but im not rly sure where to start, especially since ive established her as kind of closed off
super honored that you asked
gods lemme see, I have a lot to say and some of it might be contradictory because so much of improvising and character creation and motivation is character, so this is going to be stream-of-consciousness under the cut
things that you can do that are just you—get comfortable improvising things, DnD and roleplaying in general is improv, it’s all say “yes and” and “go with the flow”
—but also get comfortable saying “yes” to yourself and not second-guessing yourself
—ie if you say something or do something don’t second-guess it, let it have happened, let it be canon. and then from there, ask yourself why.
—seriously, the most interesting thing I have ever done and best way that I’ve ever built characters is I thought I had an idea who they were, and then they said or did something during a session that made me go “oh shit, why did they do that”, and it either connected to a thing in their backstory I didn’t realize or indicated that they had a stronger feeling about something than I realized and letting the thing that I’d done be canon that then I post went back and extrapolated from allowed the character to grow and mature and develop better than if I’d been wishy-washy or had stopped myself from doing the thing that came to mind in the moment because I was worried about whether or not it was “in-character” enough
—and you can use that to reverse-engineer a character that better fits the overall party dynamic
—for example, for the department campaign I’d completely accidentally created a character who was a bit of a prissy field librarian here for linguistics and to be the arcane consultant and had never seen a death before and believed strongly in all life was utterly irreplaceable and precious for a party that was way more classic DnD and way less character-driven and VERY murderous even though we’re the good guys on a classic “save the world from demons” quest just very chill about murdering moochs, and so slowly from interactions and reactions it turned out her upbringing was a more extreme high class controlling mother and her morals developed into a way more interesting “I am privileged and detached and am trying to say that I care about not killing but tbh as an elf who’s essentially immortal and the rest of you all die in 50 years anyways it is kind of weird to care about your lives and my family thinks I’m weird and really going through a phase for doing so and it’s hard to stick to that when you all seem chill with killing people so okay I guess we’re murdering people now, gotta stop the demons” and the more I leaned into that, the more interesting it became, because as she became a more powerful arcanist I started leaning into the “the more high level spells she cast the more she started power-tripping/the power affected her brain and the less she stuck to the morals she cared so much about at first that her friends didn’t” that, like. this has been a hella interesting, hella engaging character for me. if I had gone “Seraph Maewel has never seen anyone die before and she refuses to be a part of intelligent humanoid killing so we have to make sure we only knock people out and just kill the monsters and I’m going to throw up after every single fight that we accidentally do murder people” it would have been static and boring and sure, what I initially established, but it turns out what I initially established wasn’t best for the campaign and this was an interesting, in-character transition that happened naturally because I did things as I did them aligned with what I understood about the character and then thought about afterwards how it fit with everything I’d established before and what it implied that maybe was different than I thought
—also people change it’s okay and in fact VERY fun to do character growth arcs you don’t have to feel married to your initial conception of a character
—there’s another concept that’s a little bit tied? that is pretty much IC vs OOC choices, of, like, and this is my strong opinion because I’ve been a counselor who’s been in charge of making LARPs fun for little kids for years now? but basically, on a larger scale than the tiny individual interactions, it is your *job* to come up with IC excuses and still make genuine in character decisions that serve the party and that serve the narrative
—like, for example, a while back, I played a character who actively was planning to leave the party after a year. they hadn’t told the rest of the party they wanted to leave, because it was their business, but they were in a point in their life where absolutely nothing was going to convince them to stay with this group of people, *especially* the fact that they cared about them, mostly because they wanted to Prevent An Event That Had To Do With Their Backstory From Happening To Everyone. out of character, I knew that I couldn’t just Leave The Party, so I made sure the DM knew how my character felt, knew that I wasn’t *actually* going to leave and that my character might be getting uncomfortable or look like they were making plans to leave but that I trusted the DM to do the rest, and the way that it was resolved was my character really didn’t *want* to leave their new friends and just cut it too close when they thought they had more time and the Event Happened and after it happened there was no reason to leave. but I found IC excuses to keep choosing an OOC action that served the narrative way better than going “my character really wants to leave so guess I’m going to leave.”
—you honestly probably do things like that anyways? in terms of, like, there is a Plot Hook so you find an IC reason to care about it. but it’s a very useful skill to develop to look at a narrative, go “what serves this narrative best?”, and then once you answer that question go “so what reason does my character have to try to do something like that or as close to that as they can?”
—right now all of the above advice kind of sounds like “yooo change your character” and the answer is also, *don’t*. balancing meta stuff is a…meta thing? just make sure that you’re having fun, and that you’re playing the character that you want to play, and that you have Strong Feelings and act in ways that give you the Feels that you want and that you’re playing for you too. compromise is compromise all around you aren’t going to get anywhere if you’re the only person who gives any leeway then it’s not fun and easy to get bitter, roleplaying is collaborative and other people should work to reach out to you too and give you hooks
—biggest and maybe most important bit: your DM is your friend. esp if they’re trying to facilitate deeper roleplaying. tell them how yooo you want to try to get closer to the rest of the team, is there any sort of challenge that they can throw at you all that will facilitate teambuilding? a little bit of “we all saved each other’s lives” or “oh fuck we got stuck in this cave in together and have to work together in ways we haven’t to survive” or “oops we all have to be undercover and are relying on each other to keep up this act” or just any situation in a story or piece of fanfiction that you would see and go “aND NOW THEY ARE A FOUND FAMILY WHO CANNOT BE TORN APART”, well, let that happen to your group.
things that you can do immediately to have reasons to care about the party as a whole:
—if you can learn their backstories, do? group bonding happens with sharing of personal backstories, and, like, OOC, everyone wants to talk about their character and stuff. if you don’t like them, a good in character reason is maybe you’re paranoid and don’t trust them and want to do some goddamn background checks on the people that you’re working with. but once you know more things about them, you have so many more reasons that you can use to go “ah yup and here’s something my character would hella care about and maybe might be the start of a bond”
—as a closed off brooding character you still can have feelings that you are just the Dramatic Person In The Corner that you don’t show them but they’re there, that is everyone’s favorite character in tv shows as they wait for said character to Crack and admit that they have Emotions
—for example maybe pick another character in the party and oh wow you love them so much, they are your tiny son, you would never show it but nOpe they are yours now and nothing touches them
—pick another character that you absolutely hate and grumble about and glare at, except they are your asshole and nobody else outside of you is allowed to pick on them and if anyone threatens them you will murder that person
—Marian Daywrym, yet another DnD character of mine, has done both; three of the four other characters in the party are 16-ish year olds and Marian is a gruff 56 year old who oops has adopted three more children because tHEY ARE CHILDREN, and then there’s Djin, space rogue, her ex co-captain of a ship that broke up when they had a huge fight a decade ago and at this point the way that she interacts with Djin is mostly being incredibly passive-aggressive and mean to his face but pretty clearly would Die for him and if anyone else tries to be mean to him she is ready to Fight, and that is how my grumpy standoffish “I’m the medic and I’m here to do my fucking job and stay the fuck alive” space mom captain, who also has a policy of “don’t bond or poke into each other’s personal business no drama on this ship we all just want to scavenge in peace” ended up being So Emotionally Attached To Everyone
—but there’s actually another potentially interesting route to go, depending on what kind of Brooding, Closed Off character you are that isn’t “oops secretly now I love and would die for everyone”? which is basically…find someone in the party that you decide that your character maybe admires in some way? of, like, maybe they have an Ideal of they’re going to be a Hero Of Justice and you had that ideal as a kid and it only brought you suffering and pain and you never reached it and so fell off that path and that’s one of the reasons that you’re closed off and it’s Painful watching this person with such hope in their eyes try and you don’t know if you want them to succeed where you couldn’t because they deserve to succeed or if that’ll hurt more too, and that gives you reason to be emotionally invested in their storyline and find yourself taking them under your wing and also for everyone else to go “hey are you okay want to open up?” and for you to maybe feel vulnerable enough to talk about your backstory, looking at someone who reminds you of a less broken you. or not even ideals that you had, ones that are “wow are you really the sort of person that I wish I could have been?” or hey, maybe you’re the idealistic one, then is there anyone in the party that is essentially a “wow I resent you so much for starting from a similar point that I did and falling off the path and/or am fascinated because am I looking at what’s in my future, I need to figure out what makes you tick even though it’s like looking at a train wreck in slow motion of whether or not it’s going to happen to me”
—those are all the thing that come to mind to me right now but if you want me to Tell Me About Your Character And Your Party And Your Game I am always down to listen to people talk about their DnD characters (midterms season is coming up so I might be on and off of here but I swear if you ping me I won’t be ignoring you, just answering when I can)
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nutwit · 6 years ago
5, 14, and 32 for the dnd ask meme, please!
o shit another one ok!
in the words of the good red man, here a we go i think i said that last time actually oh well
5. Favorite NPC
Oh that’s a tough one.  I think it’s tied between Bernard Tripsocket, gnome conspiracy theorist, Julian Montressor, the dapper physicist pirate captain of the Stern played by Christopher Jackson, and Mzumiel (Zoomy), a three-city-block-long beta fish eel monster, demon lord of the fourth column, master of the ethereal and lover of model trains, the billion-eyed and long-mouthed, and owner of the most soothing telepathic southern accent this side of the underdark.
this next one’s a doozy so its under the cut
14.  Introduce the other parties you’ve played in / DMed
I’ve DMed for just one other party, and played in just one other party too.  And technically speaking, the party i DMed for was part of the same story as all the characters in the last answer?  Here let me explain.
There are three parties:  the CFRP, the Freelancers, and the Librarians.  The CFRP stands for Center for Firmament Research and Protection, and they’re the party I outlined last #asked and answered.
The Freelancers are a team of legendary heroes *snrk* who do adventures for hire.  They’re honestly a more traditional dnd party, but we play the freelancer campaign in dungeon world, so fuck you.
Helios Amastacia, high elf paladin.
Remember Venus Amastiacia from the last post?  Her older sibling has been out looking for their wayward sister for years.  Helios is built like a brick shit house and bares the power of Tyr, the one-armed god of tactics and war.  They’re by far the most level-headed of the bunch.  Strong parent vibes but also strong sibling vibes, and also just generally very strong.
Tex McCree, human fighter.
Jesus Fucking Christ this man.  He’s fucked his way across half the continent, at some point toppled some kind of feudal lineage, accidentally got a lordship, peaced out of that and found A Shotgun, somehow, sweet-talked his way into bed with the chairwoman of the Shatterpeak Council (Keegan’s mom), he’s a mess!  He’s a mess!  He got grossed out by touching a dead body like a week ago!
Mira the Blade, human thief.
She’s the best thief in the world.  No, really.  I’m not just saying that, it’s important for her character arc.  She’s even stolen from the Amastacia vaults, which she and Helios have laughs about sometimes.  She likes to push the limits of her abilities and wouldn’t be caught dead in a bathing suit for a number of unspecified reasons.  Very gay, extremely gay.  Has an as-of-yet unidentified link with Nikolai Hoobluff from the CFRP campaign.  :3c
Hollik Bannagammer Merrilin, gnome bard/barbarian.
Baby boy.  He just wants to write good songs about his heroes, Mira and Helios.  Him and Tex are very good chaotic friends who have never caused problems ever for the party in any circumstances.  One time he bought approximately 2000 dollars worth of fish from a butcher at 4 in the morning.  His catchphrase is, “Hello, new friends!”  Also if you hurt his friends he will kill you.
Sunbeam Talbot, halfling ranger.
So this one’s fun.  In the second arc of the Freelancer campaign, before Talbot joins up, they get hired by Hollik’s brother Bernard to steal his notes back from the museum he recently got fired from because his notes prove some big conspiracy or whatever.  Talbot happened to work at that museum, and Mira tried to steal his ID to get in, but Talbot clocked her before she got away.  So now that the museum’s been destroyed by ancient death roots from beyond time (don’t ask), he’s hunting her down to figure out what the fuck is going on.  Also, in the CFRP campaign, he’s the head of the CFRP. 
So, for those of you keeping track, the timeline is super convoluted and intriguing.  I have a lot of reveals I really really want to get to, so hopefully we’ll be able to start playing again once school lets out after next week.
So that’s the Freelancers.
The Librarians are a group of relic hunters brought together by a mysterious pair of brothers to recover a mirror from an ancient ruin that totally isn’t made of rebar and concrete for undisclosed reasons.  We haven’t played much with them because Katie’s been busy but I’m totally in love with her world.
Alys al’Damo, half-elf wizard.
Alys is off looking for the chosen one to guide them on their quest for something something.  She doesn’t really know who or what she’s looking for.  All she has to go on is vague prophecy and tarot-like character descriptions that she adheres to vehemently.  She also has a very good hawk familiar and specializes in fire magic.
Vix Sen, half-orc bard.
Vix is a very strong very sexy fashion designer.  She’s the Edna Mode of dungeoneering.  She’s designed turtlenecks for the king of all turtles probably.  Mostly she spends her time nowadays casting three thunderwaves in a minute jesus fuck Vix please I like having EARS.
Jedediah Brookes, human warlock.
Doctor Brookes is very dirty and greasy and very nice.  He has a secret doctor’s office in the seedy part of town where he stitches people up for free if they’re down on their luck, but in secret, like batman.  But surgery doesn’t explain his witch bolts.  Turns out his dad is a god of healing or something?  And Jed, being great, begrudgingly made a pact with him to be his emissary on earth.
Cederus Dur-Barundeaunt, dwarf cleric.
This boy is mine!  Cederus is a very old, very wise dwarf who’s spent most of his life in the clergy.  He’s that sort of old man style rascal where your pop pop would smuggle you a sweet when your mom said no sweets.  The most important part of his characterization though, and the reason I love playing him so much, is because of a bit of worldbuilding I did with Katie.  Dwarves in this world calcify as they get old.  Cederus is getting on in years, and two parts have already started to turn to limestone:  his upper leg, and his eyes.  He is totally blind and relies on his familiar to see.
I had to do some homebrewing with Katie to make Cederus work right because clerics aren’t supposed to have familiars and I had to start at level 2 for this campaign.  He’s got an extremely thick french accent.  I love him.
32.  Your favorite role to play (tank, healer, etc)
I haven’t played many roles actually (I’m the DM it’s my curse), but honestly, I don’t even think of characters like that at this point.  I’m not really very interested in playing any particular “role“ over the others, because I’m not really into that kind of play?  The numbers and the mechanics are a lot of fun, sure, but the reason I play DnD is to write a good story with my friends!  I’d much rather play a character with a motivation or theme that I’m really into than fill a party role, although roles can be useful in coming up with motivations!
THIS WAS SO BIG IM SO SORRY and also very late!  but if anyone is interested in more of this, let me know!
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void-ivy · 6 years ago
Dnd stories? Hell yeah
So let's do a story time with some things that have happened while I've played some campaigns!
So this happened over the summer. I was playing dnd with a group of friends and we were minding our business, doing the quest we were tasked to do and suddenly this weird old dude popped out of no where and told us to get the venom from the spider queen. So us being us, went to go do that but it didnt quiet work properly. I had to leave to do something for a second and one of the other players was playing my character while I was gone. So while I was gone the person playing my character he somehow managed to seduce the spider queen??? I cant express the pure confusion and shock that was going through my head as I heard what was happening and i actually went along with it! The spider queen joined our party and we left the spider camp but the old dude from before popped out of no where again and murdered my new girlfriend. That led to a series of quests through the underworld to get her soul back and also get her a body. My party also met gordan Ramsey while we were in the underworld so that was interesting.
So this one happened more recently, this happened during my dnd club at school. My party and I were in the middle of doing a quest and we some how got captured by a big ass black dragon. At first he seemed lonely and since my character is a druid, she tried to conjure a bunch of fake animals to keep him company. Since the conjured animals only last a little bit, I was sitting there scheming while everyone else was trying to get out of this situation. The DM not so subtly hinted that if we sacrafice something to the dragon, we would be freed! The party and I started to loom around the area we were in hopes to find an animal of some sorts but no luck. So my genius idea was to trap one of my party members with my entangle spell and steal his pet goldfish. So i did that and sacrificed the goldfish and that somehow gave the dragon a shit ton of power and reality kinda ended for a little bit... But we got everything back to normal after we played the murdery version of spin the bottle! I cant really do this story justice in a textpost but dear god it was glorious and chaotic to all hell.
Now the most recent strangr story happened 2 weeks ago at the time of writing this. So before the quest even actually started I bought myself a cat (who i named julian thanks to a group chat's suggestion) and the party member who's goldfish i sacrificed was also with me and bought himself a snake. So we get the quest started and it goes pretty smoothly until we have to talk to a dragonborn in the tavern. Now since im the only dragonborn in the party, im tasked with talking to her in Draconic. So I do and the party member with the snake tries to fight me. We fight and I summon an elemental to fight for me and the snake party member ends up knocking me out, making the summoned elemental hostile to EVERYONE. While im knocked out, my cat is hidden somewhere but apparently she's within the radius of the snake man's thunder strike. So my cat enda up dying and im out of character now, yelling at him for killing my Julian like how he killed my pet opossum fridge. More shenanigans occur and im brought back, get knocked out again, and get brought back once more at 1 HP!! My character is loopy and totally out of it at this point and gets dragged to some secret cult meeting with the rest of the party and end up threatening the cult leader and my dumbass got my party nearly killed.
So thats all I've got for now, Ill add more stories as more shenanigans occur
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sw4tch · 3 years ago
made a dnd warlock for our newest campaign and his main design inspirations are Steven Grant, Guillermo de la Cruz, and Ralsei, so you can see how his vibes are completely impeccable in the final product.
Will share the art later but im like in love with him. He's a satyr so he has cute goat legs and im ♡♡♡ so happy with how he looks. Eshuu my beloved ♡
But what i love the most is that our dm asked us to describe one npc relationship our character has
So his ex-best friend is now part of his story and i love it. THE DRAMA I INJECTED INTO HIS LORE GODDDD
basically they live in a setting where gods walk among the people right?
So Eshuu is fascinated with the concept of godhood, and wants to learn how it works. Are gods made? Where do they come from, where does their power come from? He's a bookworm and later a scholar.
And his bestie is an elf warrior named Jakobi who's more than happy to participate in the god trials to prove he's worthy of their blessings.
Then one day, in one of Jakobi's trainings, he's gravely injured and loses his sight, barely makes it out alive, and he CRAWLS to Eshuu's home for help.
Eshuu is horrified and immediately gets him help, but Jakobi says things like "i failed, i failed this time, but next time I'll be worthy, I'll be worthy"
And that makes something inside Eshuu switch.
His beloved best friend almost died for his devotion to gods that are egocentric and capricious, and he still wants to be Worthy of them?
That's just not right!
So from then on Eshuu studies up on everything related to gods, just so he can know How To Make Them. And How To Destroy Them.
This is forbidden knowledge of course. But that's the best kind of knowledge, and he won't stop until he learns all of it.
On his side Jakobi trains even harder to become an invincible elf warrior to take on the god emperor trials. He almost died once, that just won't do. He won't get blessed if he loses the trials he has trained his whole life for.
He's kind of a mercenary now, but that's a side gig while he gets stronger.
Then, the trials come. Jakobi is ready to sign up. He goes to have dinner with Eshuu to share the good news that the time has finally come for him to prove he's worthy.
Dinner goes nicely until he mentions it.
They fight, Eshuu so angry that Jakobi is just going to throw away his life just like that, and the elf is angry because he can't believe his best friend doesn't believe in him, in his life's purpose.
So that day, Jakobi walks out. Makes it clear that he doesn't want to see Eshuu ever again. And leaves.
Eshuu is absolutely devastated, but most of all, he's angry. Almost feels betrayed.
Nonetheless, he channels all that fury into passionate and obsessive research. The God Emperor himself must not be as invincible as they all think.
Then, in his search of knowledge, Eshuu communes with One Of The Old Ones, Caiphon. Or rather, he's found by The Dream Whisperer.
Caiphon promises knowledge, promises his dream of finding the core of godhood, promises him his wildest wishes.
All for the small price of his devotion.
Eshuu accepts immediately.
His eyes are forever darkened now, the clear sign of his pact.
Eshuu doesn't see Caiphon again. It's like it was all a dream.
Life goes on, until one day he has a dream. Caiphon speaks to him again after such a long time, and he encourages him to start adventuring.
It is, after all, the first step he needs to take to fulfill his destiny.
And so the story goes...
Anyway man i love Eshuu and Jakobi. I know it will not play as i have it planned in my head bcus #collective roleplay BUT
Friends to Enemies To Lovers is what I'm going for with Eshuu and Jakobi. Love these gay bitches.
Also they're both trans and they got their top surgery done by the same witch ☆
Cant stop making comics about them too. Theyre shitty and rushed BUT MY GOD THESE SKETCHES ARE GETTING DONE AS FAST AS I CAN
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bookworm-2692 · 7 years ago
8, 14, 17 for the dnd asks!
thank you!!!!
8: what does your dream dice set look like?
hmmm i’m not sure…. definitely blue. probably that etheral yeti one miho sent yesterday that i fell in love with haha they’re so pretty!!!!!
14: what inspired you to make your character?
i guess i’ll go through each of them.
norixius kava, dragonborn paladin (out of the abyss). this was my first one and i had no idea how dnd worked haha at all. in the car on the way to my cousins place, i was driving, and my dad and brother were reading through the books and talking about the races and classes and stuff and explaining to me bc obvi i couldnt read them bc i was driving haha. anyway we got to my cousins place and each of them paired up w the three of us to help make our first characters and we rolled for stats and they asked if i had anything i wanted to play and i was like “idk dragonborn sounds really cool” and they were like thats as good a reason as any, and then they suggested paladin would work well w my stats so i was like sure why not and did it haha. she survived the campaign, to level 11
matilda, human monk (curse of strahd). this was point buy system. i had mentioned seeing a homebrew avatar thing, so one of my cousins mentioned how way of the four elements monk is like the avatar, so i read through it and thought it sounded cool. i took the mobile feat, and went way of open hand instead. in this campaign we had a fight where four characters died outright (three deaths due to natural 1s in the death saves) and only two survived, including matilda. the dm mentioned taking the dead people to another room to discuss what to do and i was like “nah brian and i will just move since we’re the only alive one and theres more of you”. they ended up becoming revernants (idk spelling) but i suggested adding a caveat in place where every time you died as a revernant, you lost 1hp from your max, which we did. we then abandoned this campaign after 4 levels bc my uncle who was dm-ing was having trouble finding the time to read the campaign
jamnugget, gnome fighter (arcane archer) (storm kings thunder). this was rolling stats. one cousin rolled between 13 and 18 for every stat, and after race ability improvements got all 14-18…. so he multiclassed all of them and got to level 12 as one of each class it was a beautiful amalgamation (omg i spelt that correctly first try haha). then someone else rolled three single digit stats but was told he wasnt allowed to reroll so he became a druid for wildshape. he had -2 con, so only adding 3hp per level, starting at 6hp. 3rd level before he got double digits. if you averaged the rolls of these two you got normal stats haha. anyway onto my character. my cousin suggested the arcane archer thing on unearthed arcana so i was like “sure ok”. turns out you only got two magic arrows per rest thing and they werent very good so i hardly used them. the sharpshooter feat was way better. the best part tho was bc we were fighting so many giants, at one point someone cast fly on me, someone else cast greater invisibility on me, someone else gave me bless, so then i went in a chased a giant just shooting him on my own while everyone else was doing something else it was great. i also accidentally succeeded on an intimidation check bc an npc was saying “im sure we could handle a giant” when we asked about that and i was like “ive killed 15 myself” (bc we were keeping tallies on our sheets) and the guy panicked bc was technically in an alliance w them whoops. jamnugget survived the campaign. six of the seven original characters survived to the end, my brother went through four characters
maegrakka, half elf barbarian. we were told to make characters for a quick one shot dungeon thing for when storm kings thunder dm wasnt able to make it. so i made a barbarian bc i decided that was something i hadnt done yet and would be easy to just make (no spells. i have a strong aversion to spell casters). i think shes level 3 now???? every time we play this everyones like “wait whats my character again” bc its so long in between haha
nissa, human rogue 1 monk 2. one shot a friend wanted to dm before he moved to canberra. it was very fun. i made a monk bc i was desperate to play again bc matilda had been abandoned. i added a rogue level for sneak attack damage, w mobile feat, it was great
clover, human fighter 11 or 12, monk 3 or 4. level 15 fight to the death situation. i knew how powerful the arcane archer stuff was so i did it here. monk levels were to give me back up in case i got engaged in melee. i shouldve had some sort of healing that was my downfall. my first character to die bc three of them were ganging up on me!!
meredith, elf wizard (tomb of annihilation). we started off playing as commoners, as servants to this lord guy. so i was a librarian and realised id have to be a wizard dammit. i hated the spell casting part haha. she died. its funny bc my dads character died at first level, then we levelled up. brians character died at second level, then we levelled up. they were also sitting next to each other. i was sitting in the next seat along so was worried i was also gonna die… then my brother took that seat and died instead. so i was like there is definitely a curse. i was in the next seat along, and then one of my cousins. then came a fight where my cousin next to me turned to stone and then i died. turns out he could come back to life so the death seat thing continued. we levelled up to level 4 after my brother and i died in separate sessions in the same location. also my dad and brian died in the same location in separate session. so now theres multiple patterns - theres the “someone needs to die to level up” thing, and the death seat thing, and the two characters dying in the same location in separate sessions thing. w my cousin who got turned to stone, i keep on insisting he stays in the death seat bc either he dies (death seat) or he doesnt (he tricked death w the stone thing so is now immune), and if he doesnt die either it skips him and my uncle dies, or no one else dies ever. its very exciting haha. also w this campaign theres a map thing only the og characters can see and we’re joking how now only three characters left can see it and you can see how my cousin the dm is getting worried that we’ll all die haha. also the campaign is about how the og characters lord got sick and we need to find a cure, but once the og characters die then who cares about the random lord? itll be very funny haha
elenoa, tabaxi monk (tomb of annihilation). since i started at level 4 here, and matildas campaign got abandoned at level 4, it felt fitting to play a monk again. no mobile feat yet, but im playing the sun soul monk from xanathars which gives a radiant punch w a range of 30 ft so i dont need to get close to punch and then use mobile to run away. 
i havent even talked about where the names for each one came from….. maybe another time if asked……..
17: what is your favourite race?
idk actually. the only races ive ever played multiple times are humans, but altogether ive played longer as a dragonborn or gnome than human so like. theres not super much difference in the races in phb, like its just flavour. the new races and stuff have heaps extra stuff, but tabaxi is the only one of them ive ever played and only two sessions so far. i think humans are cool bc you get a feat at level 1 haha but other than that theres not really much difference in them yknow? races w darkvision make things easier too haha but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
thank you for these asks!!! it took so long to respond haha im gonna be late to uni now (bc still in pjs havent made lunch or brushed teeth or anything and if i wanna be on time i gotta leave in the next 15 minutes so maybe ill just…… skip this lecture lol idk haha
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generallkenobi · 7 years ago
hello! im that dnd anon I hope you don't mind. I guess my main question is how do you find people to even start playing? (especially if you're a beginner) cuz it seems like such a fun game, and I hear about people playing together for years, but how does that even start?? sorry for bothering and thanks!
No worries, you’re not a bother! I’m not sure how old you are but I have 2 semi-regular campaigns going that started from people posting in our university’s facebook group looking for players, so if you’re in uni that’s a really good option!
If you’re not in uni, or you don’t have a facebook group like that, then consider just dragging your friends into it - I’ve had tons of friends who weren’t really sure what dnd is saying they didn’t want to play, but once I explained to them what it was they were willing to give it a shot, and most of them really enjoyed it!
Another option (like the game that I run that Kay plays in) is playing online! You can play dnd online really easily since there’s tons of online tools like roll20 (which also offers open games for people to join). Either join one of those games, or finding people via tumblr/social media posting like I did. It’s a cool way to meet new people and that way you’ll meet people who are more familiar with how to play.
And don’t worry about not knowing how to play! There’s plenty of resources explaining the rules, and once you find people to play with you can get the dnd starter set, which includes rulebooks, some dice, and a pre-made adventure for you to run! You should also buy (or download) the player’s handbook so you have a reference for rules (and if you want to DM - the dungeon master’s guide, and the monster manual)!
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scadplaysdnd · 7 years ago
a reflection
aka “holy fuck mom its been a year”
just warning yall now this is about to get hugely personal and if you’d rather not see insight of the worse sides of me or what’s been going on behind the scenes then i fully understand not reading this. i wont be offended. this is kind of as much for myself as it is anyone else.
so there have been a couple times in my life where ive had to look at myself and go “if i dont reach out for help of some kind, something really bad is going to happen”. around this time last year was one of those times. i was three credits shy of getting my degree and the last thing i needed to do was an internship, which would have started around this time and finished up by the end of 2016. i would have finished my education and gotten my degree.
and then i would have died.
id known this fact for a couple months now but as we were reaching two months from the end of the year i had this thought--maybe i should like, not do that??? so i put the internship on hold. i took a semester off on medical leave. while all of this was going on, kelly and erik had come to me asking me if i wanted to play dnd. i said sure, though i was pretty wary. id only ever played dnd once beforehand and it ended really badly--basically my character died and the rest of the party kind of callously left her behind which hurt and sucked.
ANYWAY i came up with the basic concept for tami. i know i wanted to play an orc because it was always weird to me that orcs are like the stereotypical and defacto villains that most parties are pitted against from the very beginning--what must it be like to be one of those people? but i wanted her to also diverge from the typical orc playable character, in that she was going to be quiet, stealthy, dexterous, and “level headed” (in quotes because yknow her emotions are something she’s always struggling with).
basically tami naruto jumping through the trees was always a key character concept from the word go.
but character creation is easy for me. ive been doing it nonstop since i was 10 years old. i also joined a new roleplay group around this same time. creative endeavors are something i can still pursue rather easily even in the throes of the worst mental breakdowns. in fact, its probably the reason ive survived most of them.
and i had no idea how much dnd was going to be that.
by this point, things were getting really bad and we were basically deciding what to do with me. my support network as ill call them (basically my therapists and doctors) were thinking i needed to be admitted into some kind of program and i agreed with them. but they wanted me to go to an inpatient program--essentially either being hospitalized or cut off from everything while i was taught how to yknow. not die.
but i didnt want to be cut off from everything. i wanted to play dnd. it was pretty much the only thing i had going for me at the time, since i wasnt doing any work or school. not to mention most of my irl friends were still in school or just generally busy and it was pretty much the only social thing i had to look forward to.
of course, that wasnt the only thing. in general, i just really didnt like the idea that i wouldnt be able to have a phone or computer for xyz months, quite literally being cut off from everyone and everything, including all of my essential coping mechanisms that have been keeping me alive thus far. but really, i knew that if i left the campaign just as it was starting for what would probably be months, i wouldnt be able to come back. and i didnt want that.
so i put my foot down and we got me enrolled in a local outpatient program. every day for 5 hours, i had to go to group therapy and learn how to Not Die. i had to go completely sober. i had to get drug tests. it was......hard, to say the least. it was scary and frankly humiliating to get to that point where i had to be constantly monitored to make sure i wasnt a danger to myself or others--even more so that it was justified.
every day we’d have to check in, let them know what our level of suicidal ideation was among other things, and i remember for those first few months, it was never none for me. but as long as it was passive, it was alright. in response, we were supposed to take a step back and look for things to live for, and look forward to. every friday we had to write about what we were planning on doing for the weekend.
and every friday i wrote the same thing: dnd.
it was honestly everything i needed during this time. i was going through a pretty rough period of agoraphobia and social anxiety, but once a week every week i got to be social as someone who wasnt myself. my experience with dnd hadnt been much up until that point, but almost none of you guys had played before. i felt almost an obligation to make a character that was somewhat take charge and open, in an effort to coax you guys out for the same. its kind of hard to remember at this point considering where we all are now, but at the beginning there, i know it was rough for a lot of us. i felt like i had to take charge, which was so the opposite of how i was actually living my life at the time.
and it was...nice. tami is much more confident and forthright than i am, and i had to force myself out of a lot of comfort zones to put myself in that place. but as weeks went on, it became easier, both in and out of character. all yall nerds are busy now but back then we were hanging out practically every night and it gave me a chance to not be alone with everything i was going through. unlike with say, the roleplay group, i wasnt just my character--i also got be myself with you guys. i got to rediscover who i was and could be during a time where i really didn’t see myself as anything worthy, let alone anything at all. plus, my connections to others has always been a driving force of me Not Dying and being able to be a part of such a blossoming close group was essential while living at home with little contact to my other friends.
and this went on for months. in that time, through the program, i was able to learn some essential, new coping mechanisms. i discovered some trauma that was affecting me way more than id given it credit for and was able to start working through it in a way that i hadn’t for years. through helping and supporting the others in my group, i was able to do the same for myself.
while all this was going on, i was constantly doodling tami and others in the margins of my notes. i was singing the praises of the group and the campaign to my program, whose members also became somewhat invested in the story and started asking me every week what had happened. it became such a huge part of my identity and every day that soon members of the program began to identify me with the game itself. it played such a huge role in my recovery.
but by march, i had graduated the program. id started up my internship, and was on my way to getting my degree. i got a nepotism job at my dads company, and i was actually leaving my house on a fairly regular basis. i dont want to say that it was all sunshine and rainbows because it wasn’t. i still had some pretty dark periods, and there were times that if you asked for a check in, i wouldnt be able to honestly say that there was no suicidal ideation.
but i kept on. and the only consistent thing throughout all of this was dnd. i started my own campaign on top of all of that, which has been an adventure in and of itself. tami has been through a lot, both through what has happened and general character development. it would be impossible not to after a year, even if it hasn’t been nearly as long in game. 
i thought i had some sort of linear progression to all of this, and this would be the point where i wrap it up all neat and say that im all better and its all because of dnd but that.....isn’t true. its not true in life OR dnd, and i think thats why i like the game so much?? its narrative for sure, but there’s also so much uncertainty and surprise that you don’t get in general writing or roleplay. not everything works out plainly and neatly, with things being completely fucked just by a dice roll. it can be just as messy as life is. which is funny because thats exactly what i used to HATE about the game, and why i didnt want to play in the first place. i didnt want to not have control over the narrative. i didnt want to not have control over MY narrative
but i needed to give up that control if i was ever going to get help. i needed to put my safety, my mental health, my life into other peoples hands. i needed help and i needed connections--and thats kind of what dnd is all about. and in the end, it still might not matter. our characters can still die, the story can still go in a way that not even the dms are prepared for, we might not save the world.
BUT WE ALSO MIGHT!! we’re going to work together and try our best and do everything in our power to fulfill our own quests, help one another, and create a greater good for ourselves and the world around us!!! and its like yeah, im not fully recovered, i dont think full recovery is ever going to really be an option for me, but i can keep going, and i know im always going to have the support of yall and the people who care about me. that means more to me than you could ever know.
and not to be a downer but like...im still going to die, someday. maybe in the ways that i thought, or maybe not. and in the meantime i might not figure out my life plan or get an amazing job or even move out anytime soon. but for once, that thought isnt as paralyzing and world ending as it was this time last year. its okay for things to be uncertain. its okay that things might not work out neatly in the end. and i think dnd played a huge role in helping me come to terms with that.
so remember like four paragraphs ago when i said i was going to start wrapping this up?? lmao for anyone who made it this far, i salute you and thank you. this game has been really important to me but more so its YOU PEOPLE. you guys are just such a wonderful and awesome group of people and its been a privilege taking this journey with you for this last year--and for many more years to come! we’ve been at this for two months in game and who knows where we’ll all be this time next year or the year after or even more after that. i dont know!!!! and thats okay
love yall im gonna go order a pizza now peace  ✌ ✌ ✌ (i have had nothing to drink thanks)
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trpg-dingusmaster · 8 years ago
two druids and a bard almost ruin dm’s fanfiction, dm responds by being a weenie
I went to play dnd at the shop a while ago, again my friend who usually plays the unicorn in my game came with- this time there was room a the table so she joined the game. there were a lot of people missing but also one new guy? or at east one guy I’ve never seen before. he and I helped her build a character. he did most of the work since they were both playing druids anyway.
the dm this time was the guy who plays the one handed girl in edwardian/victorian england (90lbs FineCoal) campaign, and the tabaxi in the official event campaign. 
This guys campaign was, I was told, a High Seas themed 5e. I had made a character for this when I was first told about it i dunno a month or two ago? 1/2 orc bard, Bassun (like a bassoon) Drun. 
it turns out this campaign is coming to an end though so it doesnt matter. I had kept missing weeks this game was going on because of work and it seems like a WHOLE LOT of stuff went on between when I made my character and yesterday. heres a few few things, and getting even this ,uch was like pulling teeth to be honest. a lot of these details lead me to believe this is some kind of kingdom hearts fanfiction? but it was never explicitly escribed as such.
-characters all have keyblades? some more than one. each having a special ability of some kind though it doesnt seen to always correspond with the theme of the keyblade? like- mine is basically just a magical electric-keyboard-guitar? thing? but is special ability is to turn into a really big gun??? unless I misunderstood?? I thought it was weird though so I never used it.
-there are Nobodies- both monsterous and humaniod I think? But the humanoid ones might be called Shamans? (but the could be a different faction?)  which cannot be hurt by any magic or attacks not done with the keyblades. and several spells that probably we shouldnt have needed to make any rolls for we had  to roll to see if they effected them or something? I think someone said it was because they can become incorporeal nearly at will? and/or because they can shift into a pocket plain as a means of travel through the material plain?
-non magic using classes get 2 first level spells or 1 second level spell with dm approval they can cast through the keyblade only, these spells are attached to it permanently and cant be changed. these spells can be used 1/long rest. spells are taken from a class list that either fits the keyblade theme or some arbitrary choice by the dm im not sure
-magic user classes can cast either all of their spells through the keyblade or the same unchangeable 2 first level or 1 second level I’m not sure. but at the very least I  know I can cast shatter with it? 
-there are things called orbs? which are collected from defeated nobodies (I think?) and theycan be used to do stuff like- get new keyblades or to do something that sounded like buying spell slots but not quite? I’m not sure.
-there are god like entities in physical form that are just?? around?? but also somethat are not in physical form?? some of them have avatars that are around doing stuff?? both god like beings and their avatars are kill able? 
Theres something called the cursed lands which seems to be some kind of separate plain seeping into and corrupting the material plain? it seems to have some natural mind effecting abilities? and is where the main antagonists are hiding out? I get the feeling its based off of some end game locations in some kh game or another.
I’m thinking maybe if I was more familiar with kingdom hearts maybe I’d have some idea about whats going on? I’ve only played 1, 2, and chain of memories so....  I dunno if any of the weird stuff here is from the other KH content or what. I suspect the ‘Sea’ is actually SPACE/multiverse and the ‘islands’ are actually distinct worlds/universes.
Also, its not really very 5e? the way the game goes is very like how the 90lbs FineCoal is played but combat sort of resembles 5e where the other doesnt.
the game was very chaotic and confusing but this time it was basically no fun, like at all. my self, my friend, and the new guy were unfamiliar with the setting and its rules and no one felt the need to explain. nearly everything we tried to do ended up being not allowed either by setting rules or just because it was too far removed from the dms expectations and thus would ruin his narrative, I assume based on what things did work.
Which brings me to how the dm was being a weenie. Instead of just explaining to us you cant use this or do that and you don’t have such and such ability because game rules, even if it wasn’t true we wouldn’t have known or just honestly saying: I cant let you do that because it ruins the story I’m trying to tell, that would have been one thing, but what he chose to do was punish characters/players for doing stuff didn’t want us to do whether or not we knew what we were trying to do was allowed, with no explanation. this ranged from giving damage or curses to characters or destroying character equipment, and even going so far as to allow players to roll for actions or saves with crazy high difficulty but disregarding the roll entirely even if it was a natural 20 ift he result didn’t work with what he wanted to happen. this was a literal exchange between a player and the dm:
-can I roll to stop that?
-you can try hehehe
-natural 20!
-...I dont care... you still fail. (no, he wasnt kidding)
here are some things that were not allowed or deemed really annoying for... reasons? (even if what we were doing should have been allowed based on what we understood of the rules we were told, like- magic cast through the keyblade effects Nobodies... except when the dm doesnt want it to because it ruins the plot)
casting identify, casting locate object, casting warding wind, casting pass without a trace, casting wind wall, casting glyph of warding, casting lesser restoration, casting remove curse, leaving an npc behind for in character plot reasons also they were a distracting attempt at slapstick comedy (this npcs weapon of choice was a frying pan) which no one wanted to bring into the end game, having in character conversation while the rest of the party participated in the plot that only they understood, wanting to start changing character alignment for the better because plot, asking how big a space was, asking how far away things were, inspiring the party (my bards equipment was broken for this). asking for explicit approval before trying to take an action. 
one guy, whos been playing this campaign since it was started got so fed up with the dm being a weenie he nearly left. It seems this kind of behavior- punishing with out explanation or obvious reason, was common throughout and it really fits with what I’ve come to learn about this guy and how he plays these games. I can only hope he learns and grows out of it.
if youre going to run a railroading style campaign or adventure, thats fine and a perfectly valid way to run a game, but please be clear with the players- ALL of them that’s whats going on and such are your expectations for the game, also if there are weird homebrew rules you REALLY need to make sure ALL of your players have some grasp on what they are.
if my friend and I, I assume also the new guy, had known more about the setting and the dms expectations we would have chosen and built our characters, or at least played them, differently. Maybe we could have been a constructive part of the group instead of three annoying piles of dead weight everyone was frustrated with by the end of the session.
or I dunno, maybe don’t have three new people jump into the tail end of an unnecessarily complicated homebrew campaign with no real context.
we could have done something else, I could have run a little one shot  at another table or helped people make characters for the murder hobo game. if I’m there the next time this game is going I might do that, because i really didn’t enjoy this. The whole thing hardly even felt like a game? It felt more like we were just being lead through the dms fanfiction. He intends to start another campaign once this is done, to stay in the rotation, I’m not sure if I’m gonna do that one either.
 I might at least give it a try once, mostly to confirm my suspicion that even though he owns a copy of the PHB and possibly the DMG I’m not sure he actually read them. I mean, look, I understand being a dm is hard especially if youre still new and learning, I’m still learning too, but that’s no excuse to be a weenie to your players. You know? You have to communicate and yeah sometimes you gotta compromise sometimes you gotta improvise, thats like, a pretty big part of games like this isnt it?
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hdawg1995 · 8 years ago
DnD Antics: the tree spirit dies at midnight...
so today was fun! quick summary (not everything but like the major/funny bits)
the necromancer got drunk, Ranger’s animals arn’t happy, and the one time the bard doesnt do an arcane knowledge check...and other things happen!
so yeah! hydra had a mate...with 30 heads...  DM: you see shiny things at the bottom of the deeper part of the lake. shafeek: imma go down there Ryan (spine): im going with him! ryan (frost): same envoy: DON’T DIE! frost: NO PROMISES!
they find the remains of one of the DM’s former games; “they were a joke campaign but kinda not. they once made a bucket and enchanted it to summon fried chicken. they gave it to a king in order to gain his favor.” the party consisted of bacon bits the wizard (blue star cloak+hat and staff) a nameless knight (plate mail, 2 bags of holding, long sword) a bard named bard marly (black turtle neck, a beret, bongos and 2 daggers) a rouge who juts so happened to be named mcgiee (fishface family cloak-PURELY because of the concordance- 2 daggers) and a witcher (2 legendary swords). 
being the bard i got all the old bard’s stuff... which was cursed...
DM: you have to speak in a french accent me: i can’t DO a french accent D: imma just do remove curse. DM: do what? me: remove cu- oh fight me... linsy: sure you can! just add a Z to everything! me: *makes at least 10 attempts. resorts to just head nods.*
we get everyone out before the hydra’s mate wakes up. meanwhile the bear is very upset about being dropped like a potato nuke on the hydra, the griffion is scared of the bear, and the poor spider is so scared shes hugging onto Vale for dear life. she goes full blown face hugger at one point the poor thing is so scared.
me: *attempts a french accent again*....zhe at is curewsed. DM: *losing it* ryans: *knee slapping laughing*
we get the rod and take the path out of the maze. also Spine found some lake moss which was near the hydra nest which Nazul ALMOST STOLE AN EGG FROM (you guys don’t know this, but during our first inconuter kinda spine and the samurai went missing due to spelunking in a cave full of spider eggs. spine and nazul basically recreated a under water version of these events).
rolls a nat 1 while trying to make it a lazy boy chair. sets my house on fire.
envoy: YOU ARUE ZHE GROUHNDAD, ZPINE! spine: but- envoy: FIX YAT! spine: how- envoy: YOUR ZOOR? ZE GONE! 
it gets fixed and spine helps but he is still grounded. his door is just s sticker in the house to let people know where his room is but yeah. no door.
envoy: *uses remove curse* hat: hon hon hon you fool! zhere is but won way to remove me! me: ZEIPLOMACY! hat: to remove ze naughty beret, you must hit ze two headed monkey ze proper way. me: two headed monkey? linsy: do we have to punch Tim in the nuts?
envoy gets a nat 20 on playing the bongos and the hat falls off. arcane check shows that who ever wears the hat can cast a 6 level bard spell (even if they arn’t a bard).
envoy has a snow ball fight with gnome children. it is glorious. they built a fort. the yak made a snowball bigger than the gnome houses. anyone that dared to talk with the bard (or in spine’s case just happen to be in rage) was pelted with snowballs.
vale: envo- *snowball misses her*... Envoy can you do a arcane check for me? envoy: sure! *checks* your hydra bone arrows, when you fire them, turn into TWO arrows. vale: thanks! *throws a snowball at envoy. leaves* envoy: *THUMBS UP!*
spine uses word of recall after frost crystal used it to go find a new pet with the ranger. he goes back to see our friends sperlock hobbles and plotson! he also gets drunk... i repeat- the necromancer got drunk.
spine: PLOTSSSON! howsss the town doing ssshow me around! *note: ryan is swinging his arms around* DM: he takes you out of the office and shows you the town. Spine: wait i... i forgot my clock. *hugs cloak* need my clock. DM: you put your cloak on and he shows you the town. roll reflex. ryan (spine): *fails* DM: your coin purse is stolen. Spine: PLOTSSON! THERE THEY! *falls over* ryan (spine): i scry my hand to see where my gold is. Spine: *holding the bottle of liqure and using it to see his gold in the reflexion* where is dissss?
they eventually find who stole it. the halfling child who survived the accidental slaughter of her faimly at the hands of Spine and the witcher. Spine sees her and casts a grabby demon hand spell.
Spine: don-t... sorry she is alive jussst captured *toung thing snakes do* splotson: and how do you know that? spine:...MAGIC EYES! *hes not lying* splotson: go home Spine you’re drunk Spine: but my gold. splotson: go home you’re drunk Spine: but my gold. splotson: Spine. spine: i wanna talk to her. splotson: i don’t think i want you to talk to her. Spine: but i wanna. someone steal’s Spine’s backpack and Splotston runs after them. Spine get to where the halfling is and it turns out it was a dummy, but there is a decoder device. rolls a nat 1.
DM: you speak into it. “hello?” “hello.” “who is this?” “who is this?” “Spine” “who is spine?” “who IS Spine?” roll to be interstitial. Ryan (spine): *fails* DM: you are now having a existential crisis.
mean while more snowball fights. Envoy has in listened the children into pelting the witcher. also she plays a song that makes it rain snowballs.
Frost crystal and Vale go on a hunt with a giant wolf pack! (well the wolves are giant, the pack is just the mommy and 3 pups) they track a dire moose but it was killed by a frost giant which SUCKED cause now they have to fight the giant and they break it’s legs and cut its hand off and it flails and kills the mamma :( vale is saved by The Hunt and it’s divine intervention, one of the pups saved Frost crystal and is now her new pet.
elizander: Envoy, could you make a planter for me in the pokeball? Envoy, atop the yak:.....BEAT ME IN A SNOWBALL FIGHT AND WE’LL THINK ABOUT IT! elizander: *pelts envoy with snowballs, knocking her off the yak* HA! envoy: *nat 20 on a snowball. hits eli in the face and knocks him down* Nazul: *shadow teleports and buries Eli in snow. DM: you start to feel the affects of the snowballs. its very very cold.
Zack’s wife informs him that she is pregnant. he also admits that he touched the hag’s butt so shes not happy.
envoy: *throws snowball at zack* Zack: *catches it. throws it on the ground* envoy: you suck at fun, your kid is gonna be so bored.
vale and frost are off on their own adventure, so is tim and his wife. Spine was told to go home cause he was drunk so he went home.... to the swamp... so Envoy, Nazul, and Elizander go on an adventure!
Nazul: we should play a game. i spy with my little eye- envoy: *throws snowball at elizander* elizander: *throws snowball at envoy who ducks and it hits Nazul.* Nazul: *nat 20 on a tackle and pelts eli with snow* yak: *buries them both in snow. starts rolling giant snowball with Witcher and ghost boy inside*
envoy learned a song that summons snowballs from the sky
also the witcher and Zack met a very gay and very flamboyant saitr. he had kidnapped them and taken them to the fay wild. i left the table at this bit so i don’t know how they got away. all i know is the satir really really really liked the witcher.
frost got a wolf, spine was teleported back via death.
Spine: *summons litch* hey do you have anything that can get me from here to the gnome city? litch (tiffiny): yeah but you’re not gonna like it. Spine: why? *dies* spine: *clawing his way out of a shallow grave in the gnome city* NOPE. I DID NOT LIKE THAT.
envoy: *flying through the sky on a yak* Spine: *flys up* HI MINION! envoy: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
nazul: *enters center of market* ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE BLACK MARKET IS? random gnome: what the FUCK are you doing? shut up! gnome police: *shows up* who was yelling about the black market? nazul: him *points to gnome* gnome: *is dragged away kicking and screaming* DM: the only person who could have showed you where the black market is is now being dragged to prison.... shafeek: breaking out of jail is easssssy!
they bust the gnome out and he tells him how to get there. Nazul then kills him.
spine... is hella shady. he gets into the black market and gets a tree spirit and a black sapphire. its midnight as he flies back to the grave yard to murder the tree spirit and imprisions the soul into the gem. he then drops the gem+tree spirit = death seed into his necropolisp. he now has stronger zombies and the ones that needed to regenerate due to the nuke will regen 4X faster.
at this point i had to go home, so there was probably 1-2 hours more of antics
see you next week!
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