#also im sorry... if you can't see the emojis
spongyspingy-rising · 3 months
in honor of Worldbulding Wednesday, I out together a little directory to help people know what to ask about! my lair is currently a huge mess because I'm in the middle of rehauling a lot of my lore, but almost all my dragons that are NOT in sales, intake, breeding pairs, wayside inn, or junkbox, have lore! that said...
I'm currently trying to focus on building:
⚔️ Blackminster / Naramorr - my most 'hot mess' tab right now, I'm slowly building this lore as a gen1 exclusive foray into Actual Fr Lore (and I have pivoted away from Morsallis I decided to make that a separate au in my brain... ) (YES Iskal is still here don't worry about it) but I haven't fleshed it out much so. worldbuilding questions appreciated!
🩸 Blood-threaded - this is my clown ass obsession project. I've always liked linages. the first page of dragons have lore, but Deucalion and Calyci bear the bulk of it rn. I'm still trying to grind out proper bios for the guys on the second page, waiting for it to strike me...
but you can also ask about:
🕯️ Mothsgrave - not all the dragons in here have lore; actually, many of them don't yet! I love setting questions though, Mothsgrave is a small village on the edge of the Hewn City that often experiences touches of the Shade... something they have a specific village role for taking care of.
🧿 Godseye - this is a loose collection of Plague dragons, not all necessarily interconnected but largely existing in relation to each other. also a hot mess tab, the name is a placeholder based off an old lore idea I probably will not be using for this LOL
📜 Father Afield - my collab lore dragons! most of these are related somehow to dragons owned by @guardsbian. it's a special favorite out of my lair because I have a particular fondness in my heart for sharing/rping lore :)
please don't get me started on:
🗝️ Astramor - iykyk! anyone who is familiar with my old lore is welcome to ask about it because I still love it, but I'm trying to focus on it less for this wbw... it has run its course and while I might revisit it, I wanna play with new dollies :D
NEXUS - this is just my ocs. and my Alfis collection.
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runa-falls · 4 months
*raise hand violently* PLEASE CAN I ASK ABOUT sub!miguel headcanons?!?!?!?!?!
What makes him whine, how pretty does his whimpers sound like?!?!?!
How gorgeous does he look when his eyes get all shiny and wet with tears because you won't let him come yet.
sub!miguel headcanons
basic summary: miguel is the whiniest, most pushy malewife and you are his protector, comforter, and safe space :3
a/n: OK BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RIGHT? (im so sorry lmfaooo) also does it count as headcanons if i have random scenes in between them?? wtvr *shoves fic in ur arms and sprints away*
content: suggestive + fluffy
bed habits (I'M TALKING AB SLEEPING YOU DIRTY BASTARD!) -- miguel is a sleepy, cuddly boy
he never has trouble falling asleep when you're around (except for when he - adorably - forces himself to stay awake so he can spend time with you)
this man is 6'7" but he still tries to curl up on your lap when you're lounging on the couch just so you can play with his hair as he dozes off
miguel owns a king sized bed, big enough to fit five people comfortably, yet he's adamant to take up all your space
it gets hot (i mean, he's hot -- literally, like his internal temp is higher than the average human) but even when you try to shove him away, he only pulls you closer to him
if you do, somehow, get away from him, he wakes up immediately with a sleepy groan, blindly reaching across the mattress for you:
you try to dodge his hands, laying precariously at the edge of the bed, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep. unfortunately, it only makes him whine like a spoiled child, "baby, closer. need you...come here" god -- he has such a cute sleepy voice...
but you don't let it sway you. you're already laying on top of the comforter, desperately trying to cool off and get back to sleep.
"it's too hot, miguel"
"but...i can't sleep without you" you can hear the pout in his voice
"just hold a pillow and pretend its me"
he sighs -- actually sighs like the dramatic man he is, "but it's not the same!"
you don't respond, refusing to continue this 3 am argument that you'll never win, and pretend to fall back asleep. maybe he will practice self-soothing or something and sleep by himself? maybe he'll be an adult about this?
silence settles in the air for a few minutes and you're nearly lulled back to unconsciousness. and then you hear the sheets rustle as he sits up next to you, suddenly fully awake and stubbornly staring down at you.
"mig, no amount of 'pleases' will convince me to sleep against your volcanic body"
"...how about just until I fall asleep?"
"but when I move away you'll wake up again."
you hear a quiet 'hmph' before you're promptly tugged back against his body. his face presses against your hair as he situates himself to engulf you in his warmth. "exactly, so don't leave me."
it's a common misconception that sub!mig likes to be the little spoon but actually he likes to cling onto you like you're a living teddy bear -- face nuzzled against your neck, legs intertwined with yours, and one large hand on your tit
you often wake up in a tangled mess, your neck stiff from the contorted positions he maneuvers your body into during the night
but you don't mind it anymore, especially on those rare morning swhen you wake up before him and you get to see those worry lines on his forehead soften as he sleeps soundly next to you
miguel is a soft and eager man:
it's his life mission to provide for you, to hear soft words of praise whisper from your lips
as soon as you're alone in a room, he drops the tough guy act and immediately searches for your warmth
miguel sticks to you like velcro when he isn't fighting crime in the city
and when he isn't with you, he's absolutely thinking about you
(of course he makes sure that you're thinking about him too with all the texts he sends you throughout the day -- adorned with cheesy emojis...)
this dude is so needy and desperate for your love, praise and approval that he's the one asking "would you still love me if i were a spider-mutant worm and i looked at you like this: 🐛 to say 'i love you'?"
would he call you 'mami'? debatable.
but he loves it when you call him honey, sweetheart, baby, bubby/bubs, hubby (he wants to marry you so bad), and puppy (WHEN HE'S KINKY BC HE'S A HORNY SOB)
you swear he whimpers a little when you tell him what a good man he is -- when you confess that he's your hero, even when he's not swinging around the city and lifting up buildings with his bare hands
his warm brown eyes search your face, a desperate quest for truth in every gentle word you speak. he's never been spoken to so softly in his life -- this tenderness, it's new...too good to be true
as time passes and your love deepens, he begins to realize that it's all true, that everthing about you is genuine, that he is loveable after all
miguel worships you:
he is definitely a worshipper when you let him be
on slower, more sensual nights, he makes sure to paint your body in kisses, from your ankles to your forehead it's almost tortuous
(maybe even bites if it's been a while since he's seen you)
he likes to kneel for you, make himself smaller so he can look up at you and appreciate everything you've provided for him
he's really whiny and pathetic though...
he wants to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. it helps him let go of this thoughts, anything that's weighing on him
it could be his heightened senses or just his desperation, but he needs to touch you all the time -- even just the light feeling of his hand against your thigh gives him a euphoric feeling.
so you deny him because you know how much he loves the delayed gratification and humiliation when you tease him for it.
"baby, you're acting so needy right now~" you decided to withdraw from the heated interaction to keep him at the edge. his eyes are dark, blazing with heat, as you speak to him with a syrupy sweet voice.
he pouts from the spot where he's kneeling for you, already achingly hard from the thorough petting session you just gave him.
"i'm not trying to be...just really need it." he's whining with a mixture of shame, frustration, and exasperation in his voice.
"It?" you tilt your head, a small smile gracing your lips.
"..." he doesn't elaborate. you can see a hint of pinkness creep up his neck as his eyes avoid yours.
he can get so shy sometimes. it's endearing. it makes you want to destroy him then put him back together again.
"honey, i can't give you what you need unless you tell me." you know what he wants, but you want to hear him say it.
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felassan · 2 months
Snippets. 🐺💜 DA:TV spoilers under cut.
Kala has heard rumors that there may be merch pins coming of Assan and Manfred [source]
(Previous comment for context - Dev Brenon: "You can sprint, there is also a dash/dodge move you can do for short range mobility - though I don't tend to use that much when exploring.") A user asked on this, "Will it be a push-to-sprint key, a sprint toggle, or other (to be explained later)?". Brenon replied with some more detail on this feature: "Right now it's a pseudo-toggle, you press it once (while moving) to start sprinting and then as long as you keep moving you keep sprinting. If you let got of the movement controls, you stop sprinting." [source: the official BioWare Discord]
User: "if a choice i made 30 hours ago affects me.. best believe im restarting the whole game". Brenon: "Uh oh''. User: "UH OH???". Brenon: "I mean... we do have "decision saves" before big choice moments, but there are still a bunch that depend on a whole mess of stuff you've done earlier... so... yeah... RIP :P" [source: the official BioWare Discord]
They hope to get a bunch more BioWare-themed emojis for the Discord [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Trick Weekes has been signing DA:TV stuff with "with love and appreciation for your patience" [source]
Carly: "theres so much id love to say, but i unfortunately can't , that being said, i hear y'all and love working on a game for such passionate people and hope y'all enjoy when it does come out 💕" [source]
Actor signing attendees report that it was amazing and that we're in good hands with this acting cast. You can see more photos from it here [source].
Dev signing attendees report that it was packed. You can see another photo from it here [source]. and here is a photo of the sign from it [source]
Another photo of the booth [source]. Sometimes at the booth the devs had a Solas statue [source] (this is done by Dark Horse). I think Dark were also displaying somewhere a Varric and a Cassandra statue too, and I think these were the ones that Dark Horse do too (Varric, Cass), but I can't find the image or video where I originally saw this anymore, sorry >.<
The companion tarot-style art from the website was shown on the big screen at the acting panel [source]
A few more details from the actor panel, from an attendee: John Epler said that this is the best group of companions written because of their relationships with each other, not just Rook. They can become friends, lovers, rivals with each other. Zach thought that Lucanis was the coolest character he gets to play. It sounds like he mentioned Illario [I'm assuming] by name. Lucanis is quick-witted. Neve is a bit of a romantic. Jessica found voice acting freeing as it felt like playing pretend when she was little. In her role, she felt like she could embrace being very powerful. Neve is passionate. On Emmrich, "wisdom, calm to group, warm-hearted, loves learning". Emmrich has some fantastic lines. Along with working with Varric to track down Solas, Harding has also been working with Rook and Neve. Ali talked a lot about how much collaboration there is between BioWare, the actors and the material they're given to work with. Harding has been through some things and has more of an edge to her, but they can't talk about it! [source]
A few more details from the actor panel, from an attendee - Jessica Clark: "A lot of the time, we kind've really all bonded in the way that we were intended to, you know? And that's why we've been so excited all week and all weekend, because we can be like 'oh my god you're here', 'oh my god you're here, you're here, you're here', finally, you know? You know, I know on a lot of projects people are like 'oh yeah, we're all like, we love each other', but we really do, we really really do, and it just evolved so organically, and there was something magical about it just being our voices in the beginning, you know, like, sort've taking anything else out of the [equation.]" [source]
A few more details from the actor panel, from an attendee - Nick Boraine: "I think I've been preparing for Emmrich all my life. I was very attracted to the role initially, and I was so, I was so, I was overjoyed when I got it, because I think it was, the writing of Emmrich is really fascinating, it's this, this man that is obsessed with death, on one hand, but on death as a comfort, death as a transition, death as something that is not scary, and that, that ability to enable people to transition and the investment that he gives in that sphere, which we don't give in our own lives. I was immediately attracted to that and I thought that that was, I'd never seen that before, so to go in these two ways, to talk about death and to talk about it in a way that is kind, and that the transition becomes a kind transition, that was fascinating to me, and I think, will be fascinating to you too." [source]
A few more details from the actor panel, from an attendee - Zach Mendez: "[before they started shooting] I did kinda get an idea about how passionate the fanbase was, which made me really excited. I don't wanna say nervous, because I don't say I'm nervous, I say I'm excited. And so, before the first day of shoot, I was very excited. And luckily, you know, Ashley and them, didn't have me do too much on the first day. I played a lot of darkspawn. I darkspawn-ed my ass off, though. I want you guys to know, I really. And when I got home, I thought to myself, 'Zach, did you darkspawn hard enough?' I was just worried. You know, and within an hour I got texts from Jeff, who's a part of this cast as well, and G, telling me what a great job I did, and then I'll never forget, I got a call from Ali Hillis down here, and I'll remember that conversation, because for thirty minutes she made me feel like I was welcome in the Dragon Age family, and it gave me so much confidence moving forwards. So thank you, Ali, so much, I still remember that." [source]
[Character limit text break!]
Varric and Manfred: "not romanceable" [source] ?
Neve mostly eats deep-fried fish [source], it makes up the bulk of her diet [source]
Bellara loves pan-fried fish [source]
John on SDCC: "thank you to everyone who came out to the signing. thank you to everyone who came out to the panel. thank you to everyone who said hi, swung by the booth, or otherwise expressed how excited you were about the game. absolutely amazing experience. was wonderful to see you all" [source]
There's a lot of lovely concept art for DA:TV [source]
Trick Weekes: "One of the things I was proudest of was inviting leads from other teams/departments into writing peer reviews and having them later say, "Wow, those critiques went deep, but everyone stayed professional and compassionate the whole time." My junior-most writer knew she could tell me I was wrong." [source]
Violet: "As we get closer to DATV, I just want to send out a reminder Var lath vir suledin 😭" [source]
Derek on the casting department: "They really did an incredible job! Every single one of these folks deliver such amazing performances." [source]
Derek: "a lot of great talent doing awesome stuff from KY nowadays. I count myself extremely lucky that I can work on such an amazing project with such a wonderful team straight from my home state!" [source]
Michael Gamble: "i know a few people on the DA team, and i want them to have a nice time." [source]
User, on the recent word count news: "Sooooo , when will I (we) get to hear all these words". Michael: "hopefully when the game is out." [source]
User, on the news of no microtransactions: "This is great news that I hope survives past the review period". Michael: "it will" [source]
User: "What class have you been playing as in DAV mostly?" Michael: "mage. i light everything up. everything." [source]
DAMP / multiplayer mode is not returning [source]
Ghil: "Im very sorry for the teasing tweet but to be very real, i really miss playing veilguard and to stop THERE and have to wait over a year is killing me tbh. Im bothered. My crops are dying. I am withering. I want to know what happens" [source]
A user asked a question around if there are dialogue options and choices available in the game that indicate a mixed or less favorable positive perspective on Solas. Bria, a Councilmember, shared: "As an Egg Cracker, I was pretty satisfied with what we saw. I don’t want to go into spoilers but I was able to play my Rook the way I wanted when it came to the Sad Egg Man." [source]
User: "would you be able to tell us if you can change your perspective while in a fight? Those circles we saw on the video were kind of hard to see from that angle". Ghil: "Like a bit- no promises but they told us a lot of stuff like that would be in an accessibility feature. I get pretty motion sick so I remember talking about backing it up a bit." [source]
Kala: "The amount of gasping, screaming, @/ElbenherzArt having to lay on the floor, @/hattedhedgehog and @/chaosbria having to stand up from excitement and us just being in shock the whole time. Yeah 🔟 😎" [source]
Kala shared that there are moments in the game that she knows people will freak out about [source], that in terms of marketing, she knows that the devs have more things planned [source], and that she found Bellara endearing, despite not usually vibing with optimistic and energetic characters [source]
Kala shared that she feels that the Lighthouse is way cooler than Skyhold [source]
Also, in early May 2024 Zach appeared on a podcast:
Zach: "I'm very excited because it looks like at the end of this year, the video game that I've been working on for about three or so years is gonna come out, and I'm really excited for that. I'm gonna come back on and I'm gonna promote that, you guys, you will have no choice, I'm coming back on." Host: "Does the video game feature dicks?" Zach: "I can't say too much about it, but it, it doesn't ignore dicks, you know what I mean? It doesn't, you know what, there might be, yeah, there's, it's a sexy video game, it's a hot video game." Host: "So are you a character?" Zach: "I'm a character in the video game." --- Zach: "I'm gonna come back on to promote the hell out of that, because I'm really excited about that. I'm still working on that, and that's been, like, I'm super grateful for that, because that's been going on for like three years and it's been consistent work." --- Zach: "I'm super excited about it [...]" "Other people help you make really amazing things, when humans get together they make pretty stuff, and this game looks amazing"
[source (acting career segment. source link isn't work-appropriate. I don't recommend the podcast)]
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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Unexpected Affection
Kafka, Stelle,Blade x GN!Reader
Summary: They never really showed this level of affection before...
Notes: 🗿 just gonna cram this in so those two people that unfollowed me come back. Had a werid urge to cram asuka in here he looks like one of those little fluff dogs, dude.
Warnings: suggestive humor and scenes, betrayed audience (IM SORRY 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️),Barely proofread
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She's always showing you affection
Touching your hand if you were to sit across from her. Offering to carry you home if too tired. She's very happy to do things for you!
You think her being like this is almost her way of repaying you for being patient while she's out stellaron hunting
She'd text you whenever she was free she'd love seeing how fast you'd respond. "The missions taking a while, I'm sorry if I'm late" you'd type almost immediately after she sent that "don't worry about it! Stay safe." With a small thumbs up emoji afterword. Her heart melts, you can't be this cute.
She loves greeting you by getting home first and sitting down on the couch. "Long time no see~" "Kafka..." the way you say her name she wishes to record it. Your greeting smile and small sweets you prepare for her always make her warm up a bit.
"How did you know I was coming back?" She'd lean into the hug rubbing your arms with her thumb. "I don't so when you don't come back I just kinda eat those alone-" She takes a bag of those snacks with her now, how could you say something like that with a smile on your face-
The longest time she's been out was two months barely being able to text you. So as soon as the mission was done, she excused herself. Waiting for you to come home so she could great you.
"Kaf-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before she kissed you suddenly, holding your hands pinning one to the wall. She kisses you with an eagerness, almost a need for you. You pull away to catch your breath, she'd fail to hide her want for more almost hearts in her eyes. She goes back in holding your waist as she enjoys the long kisses in between short gasps for air. She'll get her fix of you,slipping her toungue in feeling yours squirm everytime they touch, she really can't get enough of you only backing off when she felt shes had enough. "I prepared dinner for us" she wraps her arms around your shoulders, leading you to the dining table completely decorated.
She pulls out a chair for you as you sit down with her and catch up. "So how was the stellaron?" "Alot more active than usual took too much work" a sigh escapes her lips. You two continue to chatter on while eating.
As soon as you two finish eating, she helps you clean up. She can't take your hands off you while you wash dishes. She slowly rock your waist to sync with her movements. She takes off her gloves to touch your face. "As unprovoked as ever" she mumbles leaning into you "Why yes it takes alot of focus to wash dishes" she smiles at the joke leaning in to kiss you "Why yes the dishes are quite a vicious foe"
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She just likes being near you. You smell nice...also you're able to keep her from turning into the local raccoon.
you would catch her looking at trash, always somehow be there to pull her away last second. "Come on, Stelle!" You drag her away.
She'd like to place small kisses on your cheek whenever you're not paying attention. She almost did this infront of the star rail crew. "The next planet..." You grab her face, holding her there. "heard that place is hotter than 12 volcano" March and Dan Heng would kinda continue to convo with her kinda stuck there
She can't sleep without you nearby. She's like the demon in the dark you run up the stairs from. She'd just stand there in the doorway as the light kinda makes her look like a shadow. "Uhhh Stelle" "..." you're barely awake yet you could tell it was her. You tsk before lifting your blanket lazily. "Come here" she nearly runs into bed with you cuddling into you. "You need a night light...maybe I'll take one from March" you pat her head as she scoots closer to you.
You had a maid run up to you shrieking about someone jumping out of a closet. "I'll go check it out miss I'll contact you if you it's anything serious" you go to check the room walking in and closing the door. You hear something in the closet and peak in only to have the doors fly open, Stelle almost jumping out trying to stop herself realizing who it was. "So you jump scared the room service lady" she nods "....wanna try that on sampo?"
She gets caught up in boxing and actively shows off how good she is. She always looks for you in the audience and shows off her win. "Congrats Stelle, but put him down!"
She won't admit it but she maybe maybe- likes pda. Maybe she does like holding your hand in public or the thought of you kissing her without a care. You'll never get her to say it tho. She just brushes her fingers on yours, occasionally hoping you'd hold onto her hand.
You found her in a trash can as usual but this time one on her head. You looked at her flabbergasted. "Stelle- get that off of your-" you were interrupted by her pulling it up and kiss you. Her tongue slipping in a bit, lowering the trash can down for a bit of privacy. You pull away, "Stelle what the-" she kisses you again before you pull her off gently "wait till we're on the express k?" You blush softly. She pounts a bit but still waits pulling the trashcan lower.
Turns out she forgot when you got back to the express a few days later when she does remmber tho she nearly runs at you slamming your door. "Eh what?" You rub your eyes seeing the raccoon in all of her glory "Stelle?" Your eyes a bit hazy yet you could still tell it was her, she nearly jumps on you immediately taking off her jacket. "Youre always up to something-" she cuts you off putting a finger to your mouth "shush" she smirks teasingly "been waiting for this for a long while now~" her voice is so calm yet you could almost feel mischief radiating off of her.
She kisses you for a long while, only pulling away to catch her breath quickly going back to it moments later. She didn't even care when March came knocking, wondering where she was. If anything, she just became more passionate. She adores your little tired noises every time she does something to fluster you. The infamous rubbing circles in your back always managed to get an embrassed squeak out of you. As soon as you pull her off breathing heavily, she'll notice just how flustered she made you. Her job was complete staying with you that night so she could do it all again in the morning.
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He isn't too open even when in a relationship
You know he loves you he just doesn't say it outloud. You usually have to make moves and he'd slowly respond to those things, he's almost confused. "You're so stiff" you hug him from behind "as stiff as a board~" leaning into him a bit. As you hug him he's not really sure what to do. Does he hug back backward? Does he turn around and hug you? Does he just embrace it? So may questions running through a very straight faced man
The quickest way you flustered him is when you ask about the future while laying your head on his lap. "Blade... you think you might settle down with me when there's no longer stellarons to hunt." He didn't move, but it was clear to see the blush on his face. As he softly pats your head, you could almost hear him mumble a "I want to..."
He offen tries to sneakily hold your hand. "Oh?" He would stay straight faced, holding your hand behind your backs. Gripping your hand a bit tighter sometimes. "Is this your way of being flustered?" "No" he'd squeeze your hand. "Uh huh"
He wants you to braid his hair. He'd sit down with his back facing you, and you'd be so confused. When you finally offered, you could tell he almost ran but didn't wanna embrass himself. "Alright, sit -" he sits with his back turned to you in the same spot as usual. "Oh...so THAT'S what you meant." "What did you think I mean?" "That you were mad at me. " "...." he got his hair braided but still sensed undying guilt
He'd be so confused if you bought him any sort of gift. He's grateful, but... how to use it. "Blade...it's a fake flower, and when ya open it!" You carefully twist off the bud. "It's a chapstick!" He looks down at it, then back at you,"are my lips that crusty. " "No! No! I just got it cause I thought you wanted one! Always notice you staring at mine when I use it" he doesn't tell you, but he's been wondering about indirect kissing via chapstick.
All this thinking of kissing is gonna get in the way of stellron hunting it's too the point Kafka picks up on it and starts teasing him. "Bladie~, you seem flustered." "..." she smirks. "Is it that cute person you're dating!" He's pink trying to hide it, but he's blushing just thinking of you. "Your little play thing surprised you haven't given up on revenge just to stay with them longer." she walks in circles around him, annoying him but fluttering him none the less
He caught you asleep while waiting for him, so he tried to sneak into your arms without waking you. He'd fail...horrendously. you'd feel soft breaths and your arms going around a figure patting your head as you slept. Jokes on him, after you caught him doing this for a multitude of times, you just decided to pretend not to wake. Hopefully, making him feel like he's getting better at this.
He hides his cravings to wanna kiss you, but when he wants them, it's so odvious. He stays around you more often with almost no room for air, his frown deepening and eyes softening almost as if softly begging for something.
When he finally acted on this urge, it was only when you figured it out, kissing his cheek as he turned into a blushing mess. "Oh ho~, it seems someone got a bit excited for that," you smirk teasingly, hugging him. "Did you want one of these too?" His breath was heavy, his hair covering some of his face, but you could tell you had him on the ropes. Suddenly, he cups your face and leans in hesitantly before kissing you, slowly getting more passionate as he grips the clothes near your waist. You softly laugh at this, hearing him scoff, taking this chance you kiss him again in a slightly teasing way as he fully embraces your affection. He gets more egar gripping your clothes a bit tighter as his small kisses turn into deep, long ones with short gaps for air. He'd look so ashamed whenever he pulled away for breath. "If you're tired, we could save it for later." You smirk teasingly. "...just one more," you kiss his cheek. "..." You smirk, kissing his lips. "You're cute whenever you want something, you know"
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peachy-wolfhard · 7 months
dating yuta okkotsu
a/n: wowzers more than one post a year??? also HAPPY BDAY YUTA LUB U BABYBOY
Warnings: swearing, sims death, yuta gets elbowed accidentally, a little angst
Word Count: 823
My literal bf
He's so in love
Heart eyes whenever someone even slightly mentions you
Yuta will be talking to someone and if they slightly mention something you like he starts rambling about how amazing you are and how much he loves you while blushing and borderline giggling and kicking his feet
He's so sticky too like anything you do he's right there like a shadow
Yuta is also really quiet when he is being your shadow so 99% of the time he ends up scaring you when you turn around 
One time after a mission, you're nerves were still on edge and Yuta just happened to walk behind you and ended up getting an elbow to the eye (Rika beat ur ass sorry)
Yuta isn't that big of a gamer himself but he LOVES to watch you play the sims, especially if you made you and him
Speaking of the Sims ! Whenever Yuta is away for missions you always update him about what's going on
hi yu! Update ab our sims…OUR SON DIED HE DIED IN A FIRE IM SO SAD!!!!!! BUT ITS OK WE CAN MAKE A NEW ONE ;) wink wink anyway we moved to a farm and ITS HAUNTED. ok bye bye baby ilysm MWAH
VOICE MESSAGES!! Yuta can't get enough of them he loves sending them to you and he loves when you send them
“Hi honey, I just saw a really cute cat that reminded me of you. I swear it looked almost one hundred percent like you, not even joking…ok i gotta go bye i love you!”
Facetimes are another thing that is pretty regular. Its either you walking around campus showing him to all your friends or him show you around wherever he is
“Yuta, look at these freaks. They’re going crazy without you here…me too honestly”
“I know I'm losing my mind not being around you guys but especially you.”
Another thing he loves is sending random pictures to each other
*picture of yuta being cute* 
*picture of you doing something*
Cries sobs screams throws up I MISS UUUUUUUUUU <333333 :333
Yuta barely uses emojis, he's an emoticon boy :3
He always brings you presents back from wherever they send him
There's always a big dramatic reunion when he returns. Running into each other's arms, fake loud crying, one of you carrying the other (translation: you carrying Yuta) …the works
Nights after he gets home are very chill. Ordering take out and watching reality tv while just enjoying each other's company. Ending the night by cuddling each other to sleep
Yuta has a note in his notes app of EVERYTHING you like and dislike
Everytime you slightly mention something you like or dislike he makes a mental note to write it down
Even if he doesn't write something down, he memorized it. Remembers what kind of candy you like, what your favorite flowers are, your orders from take out and restaurants
While your guys relationship is lovely and amazing it does get hard sometimes with Yuta always being gone and you having missions and school
Going days without hearing from the other because the two of you are so stressed and busy then having to update each other all at once in one message then repeating the process
Trying to facetime each other but when he's in an entirely different timezone it's hard. You'll be almost asleep and his day is just starting
After a while it started to get to you, that your boyfriend was away for so long, you weren't able to see him, and when you were you had to prepare for him to leave just a few weeks after
Even though you were surrounded by your friends and teachers that love you, you felt so lonely
Finally you talked to him about it, about how all his traveling made you feel so alone and he agreed with you. That he too felt so alone (because most of the time he was) and that he just wanted to stay home for at least a year
Loves snuggling with you but only in private (Maki beat his ass)
Holds you so close at night to the point it feels like he's trying to get into your skin
Seems like the type to either wear minimal clothes to bed or pajama sets, no in between
Kicks the blankets off then curls up to you when he inevitably gets cold
Yes he's very sweet but he still likes to mess with you ESPECIALLY at night
His favorite thing to do is putting his cold hands or feet on you and asking “are my feet/hands cold”
He 100% gets you guys those Lego roses so you can build them together
Overall he very much loves you and cant get enough of you
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riotlain · 1 year
Dates with Batboys
evil emoji
duke's is short as hell im sorry 😭😭
Bruce Wayne
Expensive as sam hell
Like the first few dates will be really expensive restaurants and shit and then it'll die down into smaller stuff
Wanna go to the aquarium? Done.
He would mainly want to go in dates at night because paparazzi
His fav is when the manor is empty for once and you 2 can have a nice candle lit dinner together
Dick Grayson
Doesn't overthink it, as in literally has no plans and will just go out and see what happens with you
Its always a nice mixed bag
Either you all could end up talking to each other while swinging in the park or having a nerf gun war in his apartment
Its like this whenever he is the one to initiate a date
Also speaking of the park, he enjoys showing you his acrobat skills on the poles in the park
Ignore how he hits his feet on the ground bc he's tall as hell. Watch his cool flip !!
Jason Todd
He would love a nice picnic at night, yknow the wine and all
but also the night is dangerous for a man like him
So he settles for a good picnic in the daytime
If he's in a good mood, he'll sit on a roof with you at night and stargaze
He likes just walking with you and talking
Also car rides
Tim Drake
Doesn't know what the hell he's doing tbh since he doesn't date that much
He's too busy being Robin to date people (until you)
So he settles for a nice movie with you
Drive in dates !! Drive in dates !!
Sucker for diners
Library dates and study dates
I feel like he can't cook but is lowkey trynna learn
So cooking dates too
Damian Wayne
Not a fan of people. So yall will go into the forest
Forest picnic. Kinda sorta
Botanical gardens typa guy too
Doesn't like zoos. Don't take him there. He will steal an animal
Does training together count as a date?
History museum chump. He will call out if the museum got something wrong. He liked the fossils idc.
Enjoys a nice dinner. As in he will rent a restaurant out to have dinner with you.
Duke Thomas
Probably the most normal guy ever on this list.
Anyway, he enjoys talking with you so he doesn't mind where yall really go
A nice cozy restaurant is favorable for him
Also nice walks in parks
He's a simple guy. Being with you and having a good time will make him a happy man
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1onelypoet · 8 months
stuck by the glue pt4 || op81 smau
a/n: last part. im a little depressed abt it but im working on a (hopefully) much better smau with like writing (does that make sense?) sooo. again thank u guys sm for the love 💕 ALSO OSCAR NEW IG POST WAS SOSODOD
pairing: oscar piastri x singer!reader
fc: beabadoobe
warnings: cursing and the mildest of mild innuendo
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liked by logansargeant, lnfour, opeightyone and others
oscarpiastri First race back was a crazy one 🥴
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mclaren A day to remember!
oscarpiastri 👊👊
landoscar OP81 WDC 2024 🗣🗣
landonorris Great job, mate!
pastry4piastri im so normal abt him!
oscarpiastriswife same.
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, littlebodybigheart and others
tagged yourbff, yourfriend1
yourusername it's a blacked out blur but im pretty sure it ruled 🍒
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youfriend1 there's no bond like the one between drunk dutch girlies who don't speak english and drunk american girlies who don't speak dutch 💕
yourusername nothing brings ppl together like alcohol-induced nausea 💓
landonorris think you guys forgot to invite me
yourbff we didn't invite you! yourbff girls only 😘 yourusername esp after that comment 😐 landonorris I'm not sorry.
y/ntaylorsversion oscar is not giving up lmao
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oscarpiastri added to their story
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[caption: my world ❤️]
seen by yourusername, lilymhe, logansargeant and others
yourusername got me giggling n blushing n shit 🤸‍♀️ oscarpiastri that's the goal 💕 also why are you cartwheeling yourusername y not 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
yourbff simp oscarpiastri only for y/n ☺️ yourbff ok that's kinda sweet ig... still using the emojis like a grandpa tho!
yourbff added to their story
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[caption: last day in the netherlands w my bae yourusername n her man]
seen by yourfriend1, yourusername, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername we're such masterminds 🤞🤞 yourbff imagine if they dont figure it out lmao even tho we layed it all out yourusername HELP bet they're gonna say it's logan again yourbff nah logans mine 🥊🥊 he just doesn't know it yet! yourusername LMFAOO i ship it 💝
logansargeant i thought y/n and oscar were hardlaunching? yourbff y/n is wearing the same jacket as the one in oscar's story so u can tell it's her logansargeant who's gonna notice that 😭 yourbff twitter the chronically online hoes etc logansargeant ...so you
yourusername added to their story
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seen by oscarpiastri, f1gossip, landonorris and others
oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️ can't wait to show you off yourusername AHHHH U CANT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT cant wait to show u off too ☹️☹️
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liked by oscarpiastri, f1_gossip, laufey and others
tagged oscarpiastri
yourusername love u to the moon and to saturn ❤️
comments have been limited
oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️
oscarpiastri This guy's very lucky!
yourusername ur such a dork oscarpiastri You love me though ;) yourusername yeah <3
yourusername im the luckiest logansargeant this is disgusting oscarpiastri Don't be rude to my gf yourfriend2 U TELL HIM OSCAR
oscarpiastri I love you so much
yourusername I love you toooooo
laufey so happy for you my love
yourusername mwah
alex_albon Congrats!
yourusername omggg thx alex
yourfriend1 YALL R SO CUTEEE
yourusername thank u bb
oliviarodrigo cute! (sleeping on the highway 2night)
gracieabrams love! (gonna go bathe with my toaster) conangray amazing! (taking a long walk off a short pier)
lilymhe you guys are the cutest I'm crying
yourusername lils 😭😭
yourbff ngl this made me tear up a little
yourbff no but fr, there is nothing better than seeing u happy. so so happy for u y/n ❤️
yourusername ur gonna make me cry. yourbff good.
logansargeant photo credits pls
yourusername no logansargeant wow okay i see how it is
mclaren Welcome to the family!
yourusername sobbing. oscarpiastri I can confirm this
landonorris the draining life of a thirdwheel...
oscarpiastri It was like 3 times. landonorris 😔😔
logansargeant same mate yourbff hi im free monday 8pm xx landonorris FIFTHWHEELING NOW
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liked by yourusername, clairo, mclaren and others
tagged yourusername
oscarpiastri All's well that ends well to end up with you ❤️
comments have been limited
yourusername AHHHHHHHH
yourusername best. bf. ever.
oscarpiastri best. gf. ever. landonorris get. a. room. yourusername no ❤️
carlossainz55 You are the child. yourusername OKAY GO OFF KING 🔥🔥🔥
lilymhe we've all seen the pictures. she looks amazing! and, um, he's there...
alex_albon I'm starting to think you're y/n's girlfriend lilymhe I am! alex_albon @/oscarpiastri you seeing this, mate?
mclaren 🧡🧡🧡
logansargeant again, no photo creds? this is insane.
oscarpiastri 😬😬
danielricciardo Congrats, mate! 🎉🥳🎊
oscarpiastri Thank you!
landonorris not the emojis...
alex_albon ❤️
liamlawson30 We should go on a double date sometime!
oscarpiastri We'd love to!
opeightyone Aaand couple of the year award goes to...
yourbff u better treat her right or else
oscarpiastri I will 🫡🫡
youfriend1 not the public threat smh youbff 😘😘
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liked by oscarpiastri, honeymoon, f1gossipgirl and others
tagged mclaren, oscarpiastri, landonorris
yourusername 1st gp as papaya girlie <3 also yes ik the top n skirt arent papaya i have no orange clothes :(
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oscarpiastri Stunning 💕
yourusername <3
mclaren Our favorite papaya girlie!
y/nupdates admin is so real for this
landonorris @/oscarpiastri get the girl some papaya clothes
mclaren ^^
318 notes · View notes
tiyoin · 5 months
Tiyoin the voices got to me again. I was scrolling tho tik tok and came across a video ,and it reminded me that you mentioned reader doing a sport before attending twst in the singing au. Wanna give a guess what sport I saw??
It was ✨figure skating✨. Just imagine it for a sec. Do I know anything about skating?? No. But the idea of anxiety reader being one is beautiful. Especially since skating isnt a confrontation sports like soccer and, reader doesn't have to be in contact with someone while performing their act.
I see reader starting the sport when they were young. They may have seen it as a way to put themselves out there while doing something they enjoy and find relaxing. They didn't compete in big contests with thousands of people watching (girlie would not make it). They would only get to county or district level of the contest B4 the nerves got to them. Most likely self sabotages at the end so they wouldn't have to seen and judged by so many. Reader does has a few gold medals tho. Yuu has been their personal cheerleader for a few years now. Going to as many contests as he can to just support reader and know they're not alone.
What if there is a different competition (w/o a overblot hopefully) which a sport is picked randomly. Whether you want it to be a school vs school, dorm vs dorm or maybe grade vs grade you can decide. I think it could work with any of them. Like they pick a few people to represent their side and to complete. The ones that physically compete get prizes (💰) and the others get bragging rights and a 🍕 pizza party or smth like that idk.
Anyways, Yuu is like *puppy eyes* pls reader 👉👈we poor. And reader knows Yuu is only asking cuz they they really need the money and he would never make them do smth that would harm them. Yuus real motive is maybe this will help reader make friends or less be less anxious around their classmates. And he knows Reader is gonna win cuz none of the others skate.
The only ones in NRC that I can see being able to skate to a degree is Rook, Jade or Ortho maybe Epel too. He probably hated it till his grandma said only strong people could skate cuz it's hard. I think his home town is gets snow right? Can't recall rn.
Depending on which VS is picked the outfit and preforment is gonna be a easy choice or the hardest thing in the whole contest. Maybe a duet gets thrown in there. ➖👄👁️
Overall reader is ✨stressed✨ rightfully so. The creeps are recording, admirers admirering, rivals showing up left and right. Reader gonna need a nap after everything that's happened.
Another 3-5 am ask woooo. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. Why do the best ideas always come when I'm tired 😩. I can send u a tik tok I saw that inspired me if u want. Also I don't mean to mention Rook in every ask he just shows up w/o asking. Like my fav is Malleus and I haven't send a single idea with him.
Maybe it's cuz Rooks a Sagittarius and I'm a Gemini. They are sister signs. That's probably why he lives in my head rent free. I hope a good night.
especially with the death of YOI: adolescence... a sad day for anime lovers' everywhere (im on desktop so i can't do any emojis </3)
I actually had a really big skating phase. still do and would love to have prof. lessons. i wanted to do it so. badly. my parents said 'no' and that it was too late for me, so i mourn that. believe it or not, i was in soccer and almost did it in college.
but the ice feeling so freeing whenever reader steps onto it. they're not worried about sweating because of ice, and they can move how the want when they want.
reader would 100 PERCENT self sabotage themselves. filling their head with nonsense and because of all those thoughts (especially) 'dont miss this spin, dont miss this spin' only to miss it because they were focusing on whether they would 'miss the spin or not')
but in their home world, reader is phenomenal!! they're amazing! they got scouted by amazing coaches who wanted to tap into their raw potential, who were impressed by reader's hard work and drive... but reader always finds a away to miss things up for themselves.
ITS LIKE THEIR OWN MINI OLYMPICS HAHAHA (reader: wdym you guys dont have olympics?)
ofc there's a pre sign up and auditions. reader is thinking and mulling it over. because trying out for the boys team is very different than the girl's team, is co-ed even allowed?? this is an all boys school after all!
(yuu brings crowley to their audition to convince him to give them student-ship so they can compete and WRECK those snot-nosed princes.)
maybe there's a partner skate? and you know that the admirers of reader that can skate and sign. the. fuck. up.
I WANT SKATER JADE!! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!! but home boy would probably not be able to skate at the level of reader just because he's og a fish and if he started skating when he turned human then he'd only have a year of experience </3
but lets just say there's a sports thing they have... not club but dedicated for this event... then i can see jade being somewhat on reader's level. but there's still a difference unfortunately
ROOK HUNT SKATED OUT OF THE WOMB!! ortho could professionally skate sine... 5 minutes ago? like c'mon guys get on his level.
though i can see rook rather being an observer. he also called it 'ice dancing' because that's what it is to him. but if rook trying out for this instead of his usual sweep of archery, all to stop some... he doesn't have a word for the level of disgust he'd have if he saw you dancing with a slimy no name.
plus he will be able to experience your growth! not just as a skater but as a person! he can also get closer to you!
vil. vil can! ice dance. he needed to learn it for a film and he's always liked the feeling of being on the ice. which makes pomefiore the contenders for being on the team / being reader's partner during partner categories.
epel would want ot learn hockey but was forced into ice skating by his grandma HAHAH she'd say that he can learn to play hockey after he's mastered the ice or something. it's something he's NOT proud of- but (if this is the point where him and reader are on good terms) then he'll happily play up him being a skating pro.
i can also see vil forcing epel into skating for the school. like wdym ice skating is for girls? get your ass on the ice NOW
SILVER AND LILIA WOULD ALSO BE ICE SKATERS AHHH. but it's a bit dangerous for silver to be on the ice but if it means helping support his friend then he's gung ho about it! just... please keep an eye on him in case he starts falling (he's usually good about that. making it to the sides before he was able to face plant on the ice. but lilia is always present in case of such emergencies (and if the designated watchers arent able to get to him in time))
lilia has dabbled in a bit of everything. so if you see him whip out a quad (with only a little bit of stumbling, as he complains about his bones again) he'll act like it's not hard (it's not- for him)
BUT IF MALLEUS WANTS TO GET INTO THAT ICE SKATING ACTION THEN HE'LL SPEND HOURS AT IT. the prince bale to do things a bit differently than everyone since he's.. ya knw, thee malleus draconia.
crowley ; you can barly even skate! why are you at the try outs!
malleus :... give me a week (and the mofo MEANS IT)
and dw i get random spouts of 'rook hunter-itis too. I DONT MIND YOU BRINGING HIM UP CAUSE I LOVE HIM- AND MALLEUS AHHHH)
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truly-a-snitch · 10 months
Hi! Hi! I just discovered your blog and I have a request. So can I request Ranpo, Sigma and Dazai with a s/o who is like really calm and reserved in public but when they're alone together you can't separate them. Like a clingy, touchy, overprotective s/o who is reserved in public or at work. BUT if anyone hurts their partner they will go to war!! THEN afterwards come home and cuddle with them.
🍬 - Idk if you do the emoji things but I'm signing off with this one.
(You can just ignore this if you want, NO PRESSURE)
this is actually so cute. me and who
this sorta turned into just ways they show affection sorry i got carried away. jn my defense i love these three
warnings: none !! this is fluff but only sort of partially answers the prompt oopsies
Ranpo, Sigma, and Dazai with a reserved but affectionate S/O
ranpo is very affectionate no matter where you go so you two could not be more different in that regard
like. at home ? hes never not in your lap. shopping ? your arms Will be linked together (so he doesnt lose you, in his own words). at work ? he sidles up next to you and slings his legs over yours while he begrudgingly does his paperwork
he doesnt mind that youre more reserved when it comes to pda !! he knows how to tone it down when he gets to be too much
he just has a lot of love to give ok :-(
ranpo is 100% the type to just like. after a long day he will very dramatically splay himself across your lap and be like "ughhh im dying of boredom..... blehhhhh........."
his favorite activity is laying on top of you and demanding that you entertain him (any means possible) (especially reading to him)
he BITES !! leaves hickies on accident sometimes (he says hes sorry but like. is he really) and he encourages you to bite him right back fr. hes so silly i love him
admittedly he is a little upset he cant be as affectionate w you in public but he loves u enough that its ok and he makes up for it by not letting go of you from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed
has fallen asleep in your lap before. also has fallen asleep on top of you on the couch before. haha good luck getting up you cant youd disturb him
congrats on the cat boyfriend btw
silly... as somebody who runs a casino (yes he still runs the casino in my head. canon can get bent) he is very very busy, so he understands that there simply may not be time or energy to dedicate to him during working hours
affection shared between him is often that tired sort if only because after a full day the last thing he wants is something high energy
seeing as he spent a lot of time around fyodor, public physical contact of any kind is probably still a taboo hes deconstructing, so hes very much grateful that you arent really big on pda yourself (if only because he doesnt feel ready for all that at this point in time)
he likes to just lay against you, or hold your hand while he does his paperwork :3
big on forehead kisses. he loves them okay. the inherent tenderness of it makes him forget how to speak for a little bit he gets So flustered its actually the cutest thing ever
sigmas also a big big fan of massages (he runs on energy drinks, stress, and pure unfettered anxiety okay. i bet his muscles are Stiff)
and if you give him coffee...? doesnt matter if u made it or not. you are Getting Kissed
sleeping next to each other,, sleepy kissing,,, naps together,,,, top tier
sigma likes to just sit on the couch and watch tv with you. lay on him right now do it. diy weighted blanket
he treats you with fancy schmancy meals from the casino kitchens. you guys get to have date night where its just you watching tv and eating good food and drinking wine (hes a white wine guy you cant tell me otherwise)
dazai isnt super affectionate in public, hes sorta similar to you in that regard, but he still has to be touching you almost all the time
HES SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO his love language is annoying you so he will find the most inconvenient ways to Just Barely Touch You so that you have to talk to him and tell him to stop
getting home tho you get to literally watch the mask melt away. you sit down on the couch and he immediately just relaxes into you, he is ALL over u
(pspsps play with his hair. and like gently run ur nails over his scalp a lil bit. he gets so so sleepy when you do that)
dazai is so NEEDY w affection but he knows how to act like he doesnt want/need it in front of other ppl
if ur in private and ur not actively giving him attention. he will stare at u for a bit before practically tackling you. bro sprawls
hes not like AGAINST pda btw i forgot to touch on that its just that he prefers to be more private with his genuine romantic endeavors :3 like hell annoy you on purpose in public but behind closed doors hes a softie fr
dazai also bites as a love language like ranpo does but dazai is always careful not to accidentally bite too hard (ranpo may not give a fuck but dazai certainly does)
he rly likes laying on top of you. fair tbh laying on ur s/o is better than therapy
anyway overall hes very much like. purposely annoying or embarrassing in public but hes much more romantic behind closed doors
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krowlovesinazuma · 5 months
How do I do the special anon thing do I ask for emoji identification here or in messages or... and can I choose my emoji? Bird🪶?
Also, can I ask for Kujou Sara with a Kujou Sara Main!Reader? I'm talking C6, max friendship, would basically follow her around as she does her Army General stuff, triple crowned, and takes her pretty much everywhere in Teyvat? I'm sorry my bird girl's so underrated if I can't have a hangout event with her I'll have to request content for her from blogs. I don't know if maining a specific character is allowed or not because of the "altering traits" rule but if so, thank you for taking the time to read this request!
Thanks for the enthusiasm! Also, you only needed to ask, welcome 🪶 anon!
Scenario: How it is to be your favorite
Character: Kujou Sara
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Being taken out on so many adventures before you appeared in Teyvat was... Certainly an interesting experience! At first she was really unsure about this being a proper way to use her time, but she couldn't help but warm up eventually.
At first, exploring foreign lands with your lead made her uncomfortable and unsure, and she definitely questioned it heavily once she realized what was happening. Seeing other Inazuman people alongside her did help with this, but overall it takes time to get comfortable.
Seeing so many diverse parts of the world helped her appreciate it more, and how to be more efficient with whatever jobs she had to do by herself, so it was a win/win for her. She also noticed how much stronger she was becoming, which was surprising!
She started to long for your attention when she made the connection to the creator myths, and couldn't help but be glad that you showed her just as much attention as she began to show you. Definitely helped her divide her attention between you and the Shogun!
Speaking about her though, sometimes Sara felt conflicted about following two divine beings by separate, but knowing you also favored Inazuma made her slightly more relaxed about this. Slightly.
When it's finally time to see you in physical shape she's far from ready, although she was eager to meet you. When you come to her however, she tries to show herself as she always is, which fails when you show her fascination. She wasn't ready.
It's going to take a while for her to be fully prepared to accept your compliments, as they were so different from what she usually experienced. Everything you do for her is so different, it takes some time to get used to! Just give her time, and start slow.
She tries to offer you her service to make up for it, but it's hard when she's still active in the Tenryou commission. She'll appreciate it if you accompany her during work instead, and try to convince her that you only need her company. It'll help a ton.
While at first she's overwhelmed by what you throw at her, she'll get used to it over time, and you can tell just how much more relaxed she is in her daily life with your presence to energize her. The others in the commission notice it as well, and they appreciate her better state!
The Shogun will also notice, and before long, she does try to know more about it. Sara does feel guilty about showing you so much attention, even though she was solely devoted to the shogun. You should help her out with speaking with Ei directly for this!
All in all, your presence in her life is such a change of pace that it takes her some getting used to, but once she does, it helps her get through life much more relaxed, stronger and better, and she can't thank you enough for it. She just wishes she had more time to show you her thankfulness!
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sonicblueartist · 10 months
Are your requests actually open for bullfrog? If so, is it alright to request for yandere headcanons of him? ( or oneshot if that fits more to your liking! ) With human reader that possibly works for eden?
It doesn't has to be anything bloody! Any yandere scenarios that fits him are fine, You can change the scenario if you want it too
And sorry if im misunderstood it! You can just delete this request if i did so!
A/N: Yandere looks so out of character of him. But I give it a try for you dear anon~ Yan!Bullfrog and a worker of Eden? (It's not like humans and hyberds already have a complex realationship enough) Oh jeez. We are going in a big rollercoster ride here, so buckle up your seats guys! 😏👀☕️💦
I need one more thing to say. There is a similar ask like this one. A reader working for Eden. So I'm gonna change this request a slightly bit, so both wouldn’t cross much. I hope that's alright for you :)
Bullfrog x h!reader HEADCANON-ish? (It's a bit diffucult to tell with what I write here :')
Warnings: blood, dead bodies, possesive behaviour, ooc
Word Count: 1.1k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
×Anouncment: I am no longer writing for Yangere Bullfrog. It's so out of character of him and I don't want that. Please don't ask me to write about it again my dear readers~ Thank youu. (I'm also so bad at writing yanderes oh my god 😭)
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You both already knew each other when it all started
"Hey, do you have any gum?”
"Gum?" You glance at your soldier friend.
"Yeah, I like to chew on them. Do you have any?”
"Uh... no sorry." But you checked on your pockets anyway. Who knows? Maybe you actually have it. Before you can even lift your head a breeze past you.
A breeze? In the middle of the hall where no windows open?
You glance at your side, seeing what is left of your friend on the ground, his throat ripped open as he choked on his own blood and died in mere seconds. You stared at him as his lifeless body lay down motionless.
"I was talking to him.”
"Pas désolé, he is pretty much dead now."
You glance at him unimpressed while he stared up at you with a smile, a sweet sickening one, making you feel annoyed even more. His bloody blades disappearing behind his wrists.
"You need to stop your little visits. They will notice our talks one day. And it's not gonna be pretty for both of us.”
“We never agreed it would be. Qui a dit que ça m'intéressait de toute façon.” He grinned at you as he connected his hands behind his back.
How do you two know each other? Well, you two met when you started to work for Eden, seemingly. You're an agent observing Eden's work and informing your superiors. That's it. That was your job. Being a spy. Dangerous you need to say. Thankfully, if someone notices your act, you know how to fight.
It wasn't long before the assassin and spy met in unfortunate circumstances. Forcing you to fight side by side in a station where both of you are in grave danger. It was in the past now. Either you regret meeting him or not… you weren’t sure.... yet
After that day, he didn't seem to forget about you. Or your purpose. It looks like you managed to catch his attention from the first moments.
He started to show his face whenever he could to the point you can't ignore anymore.
You did get irritated by that a lot of the time, especially in the beginning. But now you just… get used to it? You don’t know. It’s not like he listened when you told him to go.
Thankfully whenever he kills your ‘comrades’ he helps you to not get caught because of his reckless actions? You actually started to think he's doing it on purpose too. Just to stay a bit longer and interact with you more.
You don’t actually care who he kills. You just want him to not ruin your cover.
But when you start to notice every person you talk to starts to disappear or end up dead? You start to worry. Like a lot. How can you not? Your life is on the line.
You know it was him doing it. But you just didn't get why. You are more than capable of handling yourself.
What was he thibking doing all that? Risking your whole mission- YOUR life- To get you caught? There need to be more to it. There is something really wrong with him…
And you were proven right when you found one of your agent friends covered in his own blood, near him only stood and stared Bullfrog while he slowly... died. Like he wanted to teach him a lesson in his own mind.
His blades were bloody. There was something horrible the way he just… stared. What shocked you even more was what he uttered out to the body laying motionless, to the soulless eyes.
“No one… no one can take her away...” he slowly wiped the blood from his mouth.
Your eyes widen with that. How does a normal person would act in this situation? Run away for their life? Scream? Cry? Grow in anger? Probably. But you were a skilled agent. You stepped inside, even you couldn't belive how calm you were, he quickly got aware of your presence and tilted his head with a smirk. He never hid that glint in his eyes.
“Bonjour, mon lumière. How was your day? Good I hope?”
You shook your head, and went straigh to the point, “What have you done?” It was the only thing you could let out at the moment. A lot of things went trhough in your head but you just stood there and actually hoped to hear a manageable answer?
He opened his arms towards you and approached, he actually believed in what he said, “He was going to get in between like all the others. I couldn’t let that happen.”
The more he came closer the more you stepped back, you shook your head, “You are not even making any sense. You are sick, you are—“
You yelled in pain and dropped down on your knees before you could even put up a fight to get away. He cut your ankles. Not actually cut them in two but that still hurted like hell. You hissed and suck in a breath. You grimiced and tighten your fist. You are not going to show any weakness to him.
You panted in pain as he held you in his arms, caressing your back. You growled in anger on his shoulder, wiggling in his strong hold, trying to get away but he didn't even move an inch and continued holding you tightly, not very affected. How could he be so strong?
“Don’t worry, ma vie. You will soon understand that I’m freeing you from the burden of working under an organization as vile as Eden. You’ll be at peace with me. I promise." He caressed your head ‘lovingly’. “Nous serons ensemble pour toujours.”
Your angry yell muffled in his chest. As his eyes stared blankly into space with a smile on his lips.
Everything got so much worse after that...
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okay inspired by this post
- sends you cheesy rizz like 'did it hurt when you fell from swarg 😩💘✨️' BUT IT WORKS EVERY TIME
- sends outdated memes
- when you send meme spam he reacts to each one of them individually
- the most charming sweetheart texter ever
- wants all ur attention
- *sends cute couple activities or cafes* thought of you sakhi~ 🥰
- dramatic af
- also top quality advice for literally every life problem
- pvt snapchat story for gopis and gopas where kanha posts daily fit pics hahaha (he know its the 💅kanha thirst💅 grp fr lool)
-- > takes a selfie with radharani literally every time he sees her and posts it with caption 'RADHE ❤️'
-- > (leads to some rly funny candids of radharani 🤭🤭)
y/n: *sends cute pic of self*
krishna : *sends selfie of him swooning* caption: AAAAAAHHHHHHH MY HEARRTTTTT 😩😩😩😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵💘💘💘💘💘🫶🫶🫶🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞💕💕💕💞💞😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💓💓💓💓💝💝💝💝💝
krishna : SAKHI IM DYING
y/n : OMG WHAT
y/n : KANHA???
y/n : ?????
y/n : WHERE R U
[10hrs later]
krishna : dying without ur love 😩👌
[left on seen]
y/n : *sends a meme that's not even that funny tbh*
krishna : you're so funny sakhi~~
krishna : 🤣🤣😂😂
krishna : hey sakhi have u seen my flute anywhere i can't find itttt 😭😭😭😭
krishna : nvm it was in my dhoti waistband
krishna : silly me !
krishna : 😆
krishna : got worried for a sec !
- its all for the attention of his beloved sakhis 🥰
y/n : ...yknow u don't have to try so hard u already got me whipped 😂
- literally everyones contact name for him is 'Dau'
- sophisticated texter, reacts to all ur msgs with 👍 emoji
- replies either the second u msg him or 5mins after with profuse apologies for late response
- daily hydration reminders
- daily bedtime reminders
- daily "Sorry, but have you seen Kanha anywhere?"
- "I have posted you some herbal tea and face masks. Take care of yourself, you deserve it!"
- will cook for u in exam szn
- 'Some positivity for your day 🥰' *sends 7 cat vids*
- on ur speed dial
- on everyones speed dial
136 notes · View notes
what if ej x gn blind reader??😏
Anon your brain is so huge.... Im basically writing fanfic here but AAAAAAA
(Edit: Oh my god I noticed the smirking emoji way too late yall please be specific with wanting NSFW or SFW I was well Into fluff territory before I realized and I still can't tell what anon means, but SFW and NSFW under the cut)
Thank you for the request!!
◇EJ x GN! Blind Reader◇
• So EJ CAN see but his vision is more akin to like...cat night vision. Only sees in shades of gray.
• Basically the man is colorblind.
• He takes advantage of it and only hunts in the night, scouting out houses for possible victima to soothe his demonic hunger or or contract kills for The Operator.
• So when he's creeping around a what he thinks is an abandoned house and sees you walking around in the dark, his heart stops.
• Naturally, being blind has led to your other senses improving over time and you're barely able to hear a creak that DEFINATELY wasn't you.
• You grab the kitchen knife and reach for your phone in your pocket just in case you need to dial a neighbor or the cops.
• You hadn't turned around yet so EJ didnt notice you were blind, he tried silently moving towards you to knock you out when-
• "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER I CAN HEAR YOU!" You swung around with the knife in your hand. EJ saw your closed eyes and realized his mistake.
• "Hey hey Im sorry. Im not gonna hurt you. Ill get out right now." He pretty much bolted out the window leaving you confused.
• You DID call someone over to check and yeah...he left.
• Weeks later you found a note in braille at your door apologizing for the incident, you were shocked at the amount of effort this intruder was taking to amend his actions, he also explained that he'd been completely blind before and understood how terrifying it must have been.
• You don't know what possessed you but you wrote back and left your letter in the same place you found his. Thus started a pattern of you both writing back and forth.
• Eventually you both came to care alot for each other, you found out he was a part of a sort of task force and had killed before, but he wanted to "Spare you the gory details" so you didn't find out more for a while.
• He started helping you in small ways, fetching you groceries, running small errands since it was a hassle to get around with your condition, you aporefuated the kindess that was rare from other people. And slowly started falling for him, and maybe it was the way he wrote, soft yet deep voice or his constant compliments but it felt like he was falling for you too.
• Even though you couldn't see him, you wanted to meet him again in person (without the breaking and entering) and tell him how you felt. And so you did.
• He agreed but something was off even as you both laughed in the kitchen while baking, his hands..no his skin was ice cold. And even if he was talking and laughing with you he seemed unusually nervous, you could hear the tapping off his foot.
• When yoy asked him if somethibg was wrong he couldn't take it anymore and broke. He told you about his past and qhen he was turned in college, the ritual that put a demon inside of him and how he had no choice but to break into morgues and scout for the "morallly corrupt" so the demon had a source of food, it had turned him into a cannibal.
• At first you thought he was making fun of you and that it was some kind of joke, but before you could get mad his chilled hands took yours.
• "Do you trust me? Ill show you... I promise im not lying"
•You dont know what made you say yes but you did. He took your hands and put them on his face so you could feel his features which were definately human..and after you were done his face started to morph, skin splitting and his jaw unhinging to reveal what felt like razor-sharp teeth.
• His mouth closed as soon as it opened. He tried pulling away and running but you didn't want him to this time.
• As said above Jack loves providing acts of service for you. Groceries? Cooking? Cleaning? call him your malewife because he's doing ALL of it.
• Of course he doesn't treat you like some helpless child and respects when you qant to do things yourself but still always offers just in case.
• After you both properly get together and you know his past hes noticibly more physically affectionate while making sure not to startle or scare you with sudden touches.
• Takes EXTRA precaution to make sure youre out of The Operator's radar since youre at a bit of a disadvantage (a tad overprotective)
• kisses you on your eyelids (kicking my legs and screaming)
• Regardless of who he's with he's a soft dom (Im tired of yall slandering my man's name HES A SWEET BOY.)
•Jack is so gentle. Mainly because he's terrified of doing something wrong.
•He's a big boy at 6'5 so a good chance hes taller than you, and hes somewhat muscular too so he's aware theres a huge imbalance in your relationship and checks in on you every once in a while to make sure youre okay with him doing anything.
• He has 3 tongues.....need I say more?
•Goes down on you VERY often, somwtimes gets a bit carried away and overstimulates you
•Even if you can't see him he ALWAYS ALWAYS compliments how pretty/handsome you look during sex.
• Sensory deprivation but just....always.
• Despite being majorly soft that doesn't mean hes not an absolute tease in bed. 100% makes you beg. And definately takes advantage of tue fact that you cant see what he's gonna do next.(Will feel guilty if you accuse him of bullying you for being blind)
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juneberrie · 2 years
you always have been
thinking thoughts. *ೃ༄ this is very self indulgent im not sorry <3 btw the formatting is terrible 😭 also this is 1.5k words im so proud of myself its literally the longest fic i've ever written
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
fandom: outerbanks
warnings: swearing, mentions of being drunk, reader kind of pushes jj away, insecure!reader, stressed out!reader, mentions of jj's trash dad, fear of abandonment, sort of a smau? science hw (yes thats a warning science hw sucks), love confession, hurt/comfort <3
Tumblr media
jj's instagram is a mess. it alternates between pictures of random objects, pictures of himself, and pictures of our friends.
lately, all of his pictures have been pictures of him and the pogues at keggers and on the boat. without me.
the most recent one is a blurry shot of him and kie at the boneyard. his hair is dripping wet and kie is holding up a red solo cup, beer sloshing over the side. the caption reads, "my brst girl 😋 ilysn kier.carrera" its so misspelled its obvious hes drunk, even without looking at the picture.
↳ comments
-> jb.wifirouter ong your so drunk. ↳ heywpope its "youre" not "your" 💀 and you're durnk too ↳ sarahcamer0n lmaooo durnk
-> kier.carrera lol ilyt jj 💀 ↳ kier.carrera wsit wring emoji ❤️
i groan and shut my phone off. kie knows i like jj. she's heard me rant about him since eighth grade. its fine, though. i need to focus on school. i get up and silence my phone, putting it into a drawer at my desk before going back to the papers sprawled on my bed.
science isn't my best subject, but i need this extra credit to bring my grade up. and, no pressure at all, this stupid extra credit is due by monday, at its literally sunday night. at least its pretty easy. all i have to do is write an essay about newton's laws and how they function in the "real" world. i sigh and open my textbook to the page on the first law, inertia.
as im scribbling down the beginnings of the paragraph about f=ma, my pencil breaks. well, how fucking dandy. i get up and head to my desk to grab a sharpener, and i pass the mirror next to my door.
i cringe away, then force myself to look back. the girl staring back at me is... not kie. not sarah. she's wearing a big oversized t-shirt she stole from jj and some shorts. her nail polish is chipped and her hair is practically crying for escape from the worn scrunchie.
i tear my gaze away and grab the sharpener. the clock on my desk reads 11:11 pm. i remember something kie said about making wishes at 11:11, so i think, why not give it a try? i squeeze my eyes shut and hope my wish gets to whatever magical star angel being is listening.
after i finish my essay, its 12:23 am. i grab my phone from the drawer and see a flurry of texts and instagram notifications assaulting my lock screen.
i ignore the texts — six from kie and eight from jj — and click open instagram.
my homepage is filled with pictures of the pogues at the kegger they're at. i can't help the pettiness that surges up inside me and i click on jj's most recent story, a video of him, kie, pope, john b, and sarah screaming the lyrics to bohemian rhapsody around a campfire.
you replied to their story
yourinstagram looks like you're having fun :)
i feel slightly terrible, but whatever. every single kegger they've been to this past week, i haven't been invited.
a text notification comes down onto my screen. it's from kie. the preview reads "im soo sorru"
what the hell? i immediately click on the text and i almost start crying.
kie kie ml ♡
bro so dnt be mad but like i accidentally told jj that u liked him
im sorry
answer me please idont want yu to be mad
i dd;t mean to i swaer
y/n?? are you mad??
y/n pleeaas answre
im soo sorru
bro wtf.
ik im sorry but we were playing truuth or dsre and plpe asked if i had acrush on anybody and i sadi no i didn't but ik you did and the n jj asked who and im sorry :)
:(*** SORRY
whatever. go enjoy your kegger.
what the everloving fuck. i specifically told her not to tell anyone, especially jj, and she goes and tells everyone and their mother. i've gotten a flurry of texts from pope, john b, sarah, and other pogues i suppose are at the kegger, all asking me if it's true i like jj. and, speak of the devil, jj himself has been texting me nonstop for the past thirty minutes.
golden retriever lookin' mf 😋
haha kie jus told me the funnist shut
wait is she for real
wait n/n yuo like me
like fr fr?
brp answer me pls
are you asleepo r somethinh 💀
y/n if you dpn't answer rn rn im going ovet to yiur house
shit. jj can't come over right now. i look like a mess, and now im fucking crying. my gaze drifts back over to the mirror; my eyes are red and puffy and tears are streaming down my face and dripping down onto my (jj's) shirt.
golden retriever lookin' mf 😋
jj please dont come over just stay at the kegger and have fun
nooo y/n im already on my wsy so its fine
shit shit shit.
i throw my phone across the room and scream into my bedsheets. the pogues already didn't like me anymore; they had been going out and having fun without for weeks now, and now kie tells jj i like him? my life is fucking falling apart.
a knock at my window wakes me up from whatever sad haze i was trapped in for the last twenty minutes. jj's peering in and he smiles when he meets my gaze. i shake my head and turn away from him.
no bother letting him in, he'll probably just tell me that he doesn't like me back and to never talk to him again.
another knock, persistent, sounds from the window. i sigh and turn back.
i open the window but leave the screen up, so jj can hear me but he can't get in. "go away, j."
"nooo. wait, why are you cryiinggg?" he asks, the booze slurring his words.
"nothing. no reason. go away, please, jj," i say, my voice cracking.
his face softens and he seems to sober up a bit. "n/n, please tell me what's wrong. i hate seeing you sad," he whispers. fuck. i can't, i can't with the fucking blue eyes and the soft looks and the whispers. i open the rest of the window, and jj climbs in.
i crawl under the covers of my bed and face away from jj. i feel the bed dip next to me and he lays a warm hand on my back. its so casual, so domestic, that i want to laugh.
"sunshine, what's wrong? is this about what kie said?" he asks, gently rubbing my back.
the dam breaks. tears start flowing out of my eyes and i started shaking.
"it is about what kie said. i like you, jj, i really like you. no, i- i love you! i love you so much. i've loved you since i first saw you in mrs. williams' science class in eight grade and you laughed when she said that iron was discovered by the hittites. and i know you'll never love me back because— well— look at me! im not like kie, im not like sarah. i'm just... me! and i've been trying to pretend like you guys going to keggers everyday without me isn't a big deal because, hey, i'm swamped with school, even though its fucking intercession. and i knew if i told you, you'd hate me and you'd never talk to me again," i sob into my pillow.
jj is silent for a few seconds, still rubbing my back.
"i love you too, sunshine. i've loved you for the entirety of the time i've known you. and, you're right. you're not kie or sarah, but you're you. that's what i love about you. you are unapologetically yourself. and i'm sorry for not inviting you to the keggers. i just, i knew you were swamped and i know you don't really like parties 'nd drinking and shit. and i just want you to know that im so proud of you, honey, and— jesus, y/n. you're the only one for me. you always have been. you're the person who's been there whenever luke did something shitty to me, you've helped me with my homework, and gosh, dare i say it, you've helped me be a better person."
he chuckles. i feel him press a kiss to the back of my neck and gently bring me towards him so i'm basically in his lap. he wraps his arms around me and lays his head in the crook of my neck. we stay together in a comfortable silence for a few moments.
i sniffle. "i'm sorry, j."
"you're not the one who should be apologizing, sunshine. i love you, so much. i'm sorry if i made you feel like i'd never talk to you again or like you weren't enough; you are enough. you always have been."
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
schlagg is sooo…. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
but i’m here to formally request the nsfw for the back dimples but you also didn’t hear that from me
(i’m on my knees for your works)
u are so correct anon he makes my brain go spinny emoji
i think the combo of your back dimples and your ass is like the top 5 things schlatt loves about you. like they just compliment you so well and make you even sexier.
genuinely loves fucking you from behind and seeing your dimples pop in and out as he thrusts into you.
"fuck yeah babe. lemme see those dimples."
big hands gripping your hips and he can't stop staring at your dimples. yum.
your first time having sex with schlatt. when you take your shirt off, you turn around and he immediately notices your dimples.
he asks about them and looks down at them, studying them as you explain. and like he's instantly captivated because he's never met someone with back dimples and he thinks they are STUNNING.
you love sending him nudes of your ass to tease him, making sure your dimples are in the picture. and he saves every single one of them and uses them for later.
and even regular pictures where he can see them he saves that for later too.
(aaa sorry if this is short im kinda blanking :( but i hope u enjoyed it nonetheless anon!!)
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alfiely-art · 4 months
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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