#also if anyone has tagged me and I haven’t liked and reblogged yet
jiminjamms · 1 month
sex therapy :: 30. breaking news
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chapter tags/warnings: manipulative! naoya. physical aggression. verbal abuse (not to reader). infidelity/adultery. extremely strong language. corruption. family drama.
word count: 3.4k
notes: thank you again for your patience with the chapter! life update: i resigned from my company (on good terms, even though the work had sucked my mental and physical health), and i am soon doing a trip to japan and southeast asia as part of my recovery. still, i will be actively writing and responding since this community is so important to me! also, has anyone been keeping up with jujutsu kaisen's manga?! likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Life without a sugar daddy was rough.
As Toji Fushiguro's ex-wife and Naoya Zenin's ex-mistress, Mari faced this harsh reality since no one threw their money in her direction anymore. She slept little this past week, overwhelmed by financial stressors. While she still subsisted on the younger executive's credit card (with his fortune, Naoya hardly noticed the charges on his bill), she realized that she actually had to work for an income.
Such was the case as Mari walked home one evening after interviewing for jobs, her body and mind exhausted from fielding mundane questions about her previous professional experiences (which she had little of).
Upon unlocking her apartment door, she was immediately greeted by the sight of her illuminated living room.
That struck her as odd.
She always switched the lights off before she left.
However, when she spotted a familiar face down the hall, she found the answer.
"Tsumiki." Mari dropped her purse by the door. "What are you doing here?”
The woman had not seen her one and only blood-related child in months. While she knew that her daughter—who was, without doubt, a fantastically accomplished and intelligent young lady—just completed her second year at Oxford University, she thought the girl had chosen to remain in England for her summer break. Didn't Toji mention that she did not want to return to Tokyo?
Not that Mari complained. She was just...confused.
Admittedly, Mari should know the answer to her question, but she had been too ‘occupied’ to contact Tsumiki as much as a good mother should. As a result, Mari found herself in the dark about the girl's life in the United Kingdom, her plans for the university holiday, and her recent classes in…what was her field of study again?
Surely, Toji and his twerp son Megumi would know all the answers since Tsumiki had always been closer to her Fushiguro stepfamily. Quite a shame, since Mari would have considered her daughter as the most perfect angel otherwise.
She toed her shoes off.
“When did you arrive in Tokyo?” Mari continued with a plastered smile and approached the girl sitting with crossed arms in the living room.
Genetics ran deep between mother and daughter. Uninformed observers might even mistake the pair as sisters, the physical resemblance uncanny in how Tsumiki presented a more youthful version of the older woman by sharing the same warm chocolate-colored eyes, long dark hair, and flawless porcelain skin.
Yet, physical similarities meant nothing when Mari could not fully decipher her own flesh and blood.
“I came back to Japan earlier this week,” Tsumiki responded a terse edge in her tone.
“But I haven’t seen you until now.”
“Because I’ve been staying with Dad.”
“Oh.” So, she meant with Toji. “You mean your stepdad.”
“No,” she corrected sternly. “He's my dad.”
Theoretically, Mari could go into a whole tangent on how Tsumiki’s actual father was some middle-class nobody whom she hadn’t seen or spoken to since her first divorce (and that was many years ago). Or how the Fushiguros technically were Tsumiki’s ex-stepfamily since Mari had divorced her second husband Toji earlier this year.
But she spared her daughter from the reminders.
“Well, I’m glad to see you back, honey.” With a bottle of unfinished cabernet sauvignon in the fridge, Mari meandered to the kitchen to pour herself a full glass. She returned to living room and joined her daughter on the sofa. “How have you been? I’m guessing England has been treating you well? I have never been, so I wouldn’t know. Heard that the fish and chips are good there."
No response.
Am I being ignored? Mari commented inwardly and swirled the red wine in her chalice.
She took her first sip amid the long and awkward pause before switching the topic to encourage conversation. "Anyway, whenever you would like, you’re always welcome to stay a few nights here. Wouldn't hurt to spend some more time with your mother."
Only for Tsumiki to quip, “We’ve talked about this before. I don’t want to live with you.”
Now, this—Mari believed—was certainly uncalled for. "Watch your tone with me, young lady."
"For what? I am not here because I miss you," her daughter resumed. "If I had a better option, I would not bring myself to show up here and be in front of you."
The older woman placed her glass down and tried to appear calm. Hearing Tsumiki speak with such contempt twisted a deep knife into Mari's heart. Once upon a time, her daughter had been the sweetest girl—warm, full of life, and eager to express her innocent thoughts with anyone she encountered. Now, however, that same person had been tainted into someone cold, guarded, and withdrawn, demonstrated by her disrespect to the very woman who had given her life.
"That is no manner to talk to your mother," Mari cautioned.
"Well, maybe because I have my reasons."
"Which are?"
"Do you want to know why I did not bother to text or call you these past several months?" and Tsumiki did not wait for an answer before she angrily added, "Because I am so upset that you filed a divorce with Dad!"
While Mari had hoped to not bring up the topic before, she had no choice but to do so now.
"That big, burly, bulky man is not your father," she snapped. "He and his emo Harvard-bound son are not your family! In the eyes of the law, there is no longer any relation between you and them. But, I am your mother. I had given you life, and this is what you think of me?"
"Because I love them!" Tsumiki opposed through a hardened glare. "Dad and Megumi treat me more like their blood-related family than you do!”
Mari could not believe the preposterous words her daughter spewed. She always presumed that the Fushiguros had been corrupting her child, and to see her suspicions confirmed had Mari standing up promptly from the couch.
"How dare you say after all I have done for you, Tsumiki?" Mari interrogated angrily. "Did you think that I left your biological father and then divorced your stepfather for what...for fun?! These choices were difficult for me, too! But I made those judgments because I wanted to give you a better life in which we didn't have to worry about where our next meal, our next piece of clothing, or our next rent payment would come from! Your biological father is a no-name nothing. He could’ve never supported the lavish lifestyle you had experienced during your adolescent years. In fact, if I hadn’t married Toji Fushiguro, you probably wouldn't be studying at the University of Oxford right now! I, alone, could never have afforded all your years of expensive tutors or private school tuition. Please, think before you speak. I know I did not raise an ungrateful brat.”
Tsumiki furrowed her brows from the comments.
“You're the ungrateful one, Mom!” she insisted, and the said woman visibly reeled back when the girl continued to seethe with antipathy. “All the money that you had spent while married to Dad, he never asked for a single cent back. Never. In fact, he still pays for my university. In his eyes and mine, I’m as good as any blood-related child to him. He hadn't asked you to chip in because he knows you wouldn't have the money to. Divorcing the man you've been leeching off of isn't a sign of appreciation, Mom."
To hear her child defend another family, Mari wasn’t sure if she was going to laugh or cry at how ridiculous this scene was, the only thing she could process being the pain and betrayal that slammed her with one bitter blow.
"Well, did you want to become a laughingstock?" the woman rationalized. "Given our ties to the Zenin name when Toji left the company, those nasty journalists would've clung onto any scrap to label you a buffoon. You know what those tabloid writers are like! I had the foresight to divorce that man. I did not want the disgrace if we remained attached to the Fushiguros."
After that response, Tsumiki turned quiet with one sharp exhale as her eyes snapped shut, and Mari, whose entire body had undulated from heavy and irate breaths, thought that finally—finally—she had won this godforsaken argument.
Until she heard the younger girl speak again.
"Yet, you have humiliated me more than anyone," and noticing how her mother quirked a brow, Tsumiki went on. "Who are you really trying to protect, Mom? Are you truly making these decisions for my benefit? Or is it...for yourself?"
Despite hiding a gulp, the older woman noticed her heart race. "What do you mean?"
"How can you explain this?"
As though that was her cue, Tsumiki reached for her phone. She tapped onto the front page of the Yomiuri Shimbun, the most highly circulated newspaper in Japan. Before Mari could read the bold title labeled as 'Breaking News,' Tsumiki provided her with a verbal summary:
"The world knows you're a homewrecker, Mom."
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Naoya found no surprise when Naobito Zenin burst into his executive suite as an angry bull would charge toward a provoking cape.
Plenty of times, his father barged into his private office completely unannounced, slamming the door open with enough force to rattle the wooden bookshelves behind him. Usually, the dramatic entrance would be followed by a slew of harsh admonitions, and this encounter—Naoya could tell—would be no different.
The astringency cast on his father's countenance gave the executive no other choice than to rise from his seat, his office chair sliding back so he could pose tall and confident as the heir to Japan's largest conglomerate should be.
"Father," he greeted, curt.
Taking hurried steps around his mahogany desk, Naoya aimed to meet the older man halfway until he instead came into contact with one harsh blow that sent his face flogging to the side.
Naoya froze, his gaze lowered.
Instinctively, he reached for his throbbing cheek with one hand as the other wiped briefly over his busted upper lip. To have his father approach him physically like this didn't even register as a surprise. Despite his title as the Zenin CEO, Naoya continued to be scolded, lectured, and outright ignored because, in his father's words, he 'never seemed to get anything right.'
Even now, the older man found no hesitation in cursing out his only child.
"You fucking son of a whore! Want to explain why your affair with Toji's ex-wife is all over Japanese media?!"
Slowly, Naoya lifted his eyes from the floor. He had suspected that this would be the topic of discussion. In the last hour, Naoya saw his name plastered over tabloid pages, news websites, and social media feeds as an anonymous whistleblower tipped publishers in regards to his scandalous affair with Mari—and the millions Naoya spent to hide it. Evidence ranging from supposedly long-gone paparazzi photos to screenshots of money transfers circulated quickly with the internet.
Naturally, Naoya had seen the headlines too...
'Zenin Corporation CEO Exposed for Concealing Affair with Predecessor's Ex-Wife' 'Everything to Know About the Zenin Household's Uncovered Drama in Family, Business, and Love' 'Billionaire Naoya Zenin Entangled in Cheating Scandal, Accused of Bribing Press to Silence Coverage'
...and the comments:
'That’s why you can’t trust rich people. They never have any shame.' 'His wife and company deserve better.' 'Disappointed that this is the scumbag leading our country's largest company.' 'The Board should fire him.’
Now, that last comment struck a very particular chord, especially since the Chairman of that very Board stood before him.
Naoya clenched his hands, yet he stood mute. With every wrong move certain to cost him far too much in return, he was completely powerless in front of the family patriarch and, as a result, his first logical reaction was to defend himself.
"I do not have the evidence yet, but I am certain Toji had planned this, Father. Him, and also Sukuna, Geto, and Choso. All four leaked these details because they didn’t want to see your son succeed. I will resolve this. I am going to call Toji immediately and—“
"You're right," Naobito interrupted coldly. "If Toji had still been CEO today, he would've made sure that none of this bullshit would’ve happened.”
Naoya widened his eyes in bewilderment, not anticipating his father to twist his logic like that. He already received a literal slap across his face, but to realize that Naobito still compared him to his older cousin all these months later drove him insane!
"No, Father. What I meant was—"
"Oh, there is no need to correct me. I know what you meant," Naobito tested in a low voice. "What I gathered from this conversation is that I have given you a million chances in life, and you know what? You blew every single one of them. You're an asshole, you're a cheater, and you're a complete humiliation. I can always count on you to paint me as a failed father."
With the bitter staring contest between father and son, the latter boiled internally listening to the insults from the man who sired him. For the ruthless Naobito Zenin, Naoya meant no value as an heir without the ability to achieve his high standards. 
"Some twisted brain you have for sleeping with your cousin's ex-spouse,” Naobito then chided, yet amusement remained absent in his tone. “Was that the low-class tramp I saw in the photos with you on the private jet the other day?"
The blonde kept his mouth shut.
But his father wanted an answer. "Well?!"
Suck it in, Naoya. That's all you can do now. "Yes."
What a sight, to see how someone blazing as a furious flame then erupt into a violent volcano. Naobito grabbed his son's collar, pulling him forward and shoving him against the wall. His fists shook as he sought the other's gaze.
"You're fucking married, you realize that?!" he snarled.
"I do! Which is why I have cut Mari from my life! I don't talk to that woman anymore."
Unimpressed, Naobito tugged forcefully at Naoya's shirt again. "I am truly astonished by what an idiot you are. Your answer doesn't change shit." He tightened his grip and did not care that his son wrapped both hands around his wrist to prevent himself from choking. "Let me tell you something, boy. I did everything—everything—to convince our Chief Operating Officer to let his treasured daughter marry you, you despicable bastard. He didn't want to hand the girl over because he knew—oh, that man is wise!—he knew that the union mainly served as a tactic to improve your public image and that there was little obvious benefit for his child. Power and money did not interest him when compared to his daughter, so the one promise I made is that you would love her," and he roared, "so, what the hell have you done?!"
Naoya had heard his father’s warnings countless times, yet he previously brushed each one aside with an ambivalence he now acknowledged as foolish. Unlike before, the threat to his hard-earned position suddenly became very, verypalpable. He grappled with a strange fear, unable to pinpoint what precisely unsettled him the most. The scorn from a world that no longer saw him as an honest businessman? The sneers from relatives with an undeniable reason to mock him? Or perhaps the fury from his draconian father, whose disappointment cut deeper than any public disgrace?
"I—" Naoya's choked voice resembled a croak. He could hardly breathe. "I apologize. This entire situation...this got out of my control."
Alongside his callous disregard for his son’s feelings, the Zenin patriarch even scoffed.
"This isn’t about getting out of your control, boy. This is about your complete lack of judgment. In fact, Daisuke called me when he saw the headlines, and you know what he told me?" and he had to refrain from flinging his son onto the ground before he continued, "That Y/N's been staying in her family residence again because she is going to leave you!"
Naoya held his next breath. Fuck, he knows. Naoya intended to keep his recent arguments with you a secret, hoping to resolve the situation first. However, since your father snitched...lying would be a dangerous move.
"I have not seen Y/N in a week because we've had a few fights." Naoya did not dare admit the details about how you two became arguing spectacles, first in his cousins' presence and later on at the café. "Just...marriage quarrels. We will get over—"
“She would be a moron to stay married to you,” Naobito cut off. "Y/N and your unborn child deserve more than to have a public disgrace like you in the household."
Right. Had he not been reminded, Naoya would've forgotten that he had lied to his father about your pregnancy, too. His hands grew clammy where they still seized his father’s wrist.
“There"—a cough—"there is no child,” Naoya blurted out, determining to rip all bandaids off in one go.
Naturally, his father became perplexed.
“Excuse me?” His hold loosened just enough for Naoya to gasp properly for his next breath.
“Y/N is not pregnant,” Naoya repeated, his voice hollow with resignation. “During our last family dinner, I only said that because I wanted to please you.”
The older Zenin became still, appalled by the younger one's bravery to say those words. For a moment, Naoya braced himself for another physical blow before his father released him, shoving Naoya backward such that he stumbled.
“If you weren’t so disappointing, there would be no need for you to lie to me,” Naobito pointed out coldly. "Not only to me, but also your wife, your colleagues, and your shareholders on matters about your family, your marriage, or your commitment to the company. If Toji had not brought this to the media's attention, how much longer would you have manipulated the truth for your benefit?"
There he went again.
"I don't understand," Naoya protested, unable to contain his frustration any longer. "Toji doesn't belong in this family anymore! Why do you keep talking about him? Father, you forced him to leave earlier this year, citing his threat to our family and company's reputation."
"You're the one to talk!" Naobito shot back. "At least Toji has the brain that you utterly lack." Before the younger man could react, the Chairman had already turned on his heel. "I have made my decision."
His decision?
A confused Naoya watched his father head for the exit.
"Wait, Father...!"
"Enough!" The infuriated man raised a hand right as he neared the door, a warning for him to not speak further. "Our discussion has concluded. Effective immediately, Toji Fushiguro has been re-instated as the Zenin Heir and CEO."
Instantly, Naoya slumped forward in disbelief.
Even as the older man disappeared, the room appeared to spin dangerously. Toji Fushiguro...re-instated? As the heir and CEO?
Naobito Zenin could never make up his mind, now could he? In Naoya's head, this must be some cruel joke.
Ever since he comprehended his ability to bend fate to his will, he had promised himself to fight tooth and nail to defend the (very rightful!) position that he worked hard to earn. He had disposed of his cousin through slander, he had to put up with shitty corporate politics, and, hell, he had to even marry you!
Some may label Naoya's current negative publicity as irredeemable, but he held hope the situation would normalize once the steam blew over.
With these thoughts in mind, Naoya regained his balance and rushed out as well. "Father!"
However, by the time he reached beyond the doors, Naobito Zenin was no longer there. Even his secretary could not be found as, instead, two imposing figures stood by the desk where his assistant should be. Naoya didn't recognize them. The men were tall and well-built, their muscled arms and thighs visible despite the fabric that covered their tattooed skin.
"Nice to meet you," one started after the long silence. "I am Eso and this is my younger brother Kechizu."
A stumped Naoya frowned.
"May...I help you?"
"No," the other answered nonchalantly, "because we are here to knock you out."
And Naoya's vision went dark.
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: Note that Eso and Kechizu are Choso's younger brothers in JJK. (Both are not completely human in canonverse, but we shall suspend beliefs.) Also, I cannot explain the satisfaction as I wrote about Naoya and his mistress finally getting wrecked! Talk about justice being served! There were many ways these scenes could have played out, but I strategically chose Tsumiki and Naobito as the agents in the discussions. Freed from corporate America handcuffs, I plan to post again soon. Love you all!
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @puffaloxx @sakanoshitaa @arizzuruu @kissditrio @lewd-bunny14 @mistyheart @szired @supsii @yvy1s @lazyassfinals @katkbc @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
193 notes · View notes
runnning-outof-time · 5 months
The Joys of Being a Girl Dad | Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons (set in Girl Dad series)
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Request: no - written for @justrainandcoffee ‘s 2 year ‘Alfieversary’
Pairing: Tommy Shelby (x Reader mentioned) & Alfie Solomons (x fem!OC & child OC mentioned)
Summary: Tommy stops by Margate to congratulate an old associate…adversary…friend.
Warnings: language (it’s Tommy and Alfie we’re talking about here), a slight bit of Cyril slander
A/N: I’m sorry it took me soooo long to write something for your celebration, Flor!! I guess I could call this a present for Rose’s 1 year anniversary too now, even though she’s not really in it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful au with us!!
A/N 2: I should also say that this story was supposed to be shorter, but I just kinda became invested and ran away with it…I hope you don’t mind. Also it’s been a bit since I’ve written for Alfie, so I hope he’s not too ooc here. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged!
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“Who let you in?” the man who was sitting facing the open balcony door asked.
“How’d you know it was me?” the other man, who was standing at the entrance of the room, responded with his own question.
“Smelt the smoke and horse shit the second you stepped through that archway,” the first man mused, earning a snort from the second. “So I’ll ask again: who let you in?”
“Your wife…”
“Figures she did,” the first man cut the second off, muttering the comment under his breath.
“Your wife’s assistant let me in after she told me to get lost and slammed the door in my face,” the rest of the statement was shared, which made the first man finally spin in his seat to look back towards the archway.
Silence hung in the air for a few moments, the two men staring at each other from several paces away…much like they had on that fated day all those months ago. “So why didn’t ya listen to her?” the first man finally broke the quiet, his quip conjoined with a look of query.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Alfie?” the second man asked, his eyebrows just slightly raised.
“It has,” the first man nodded, pursing his lips together for a moment before he continued, “yet it is still sooner than the day in which I thought I’d see Tommy Shelby again.”
Tommy Shelby just shook his head at the man’s remark, looking at the ground as he pursed his lips. It didn’t faze him in the slightest.
“Why’re you here then?” Alfie asked, still wanting to get to the bottom of the Birmingham man’s presence. However, he interjected again before said man even had the chance to speak: “you’ve come to finish me off, haven’t ya? Since ya couldn’t get it right the first time.”
“I’ve come with something,” Tommy answered, not even bothering to respond to Alfie’s second comment.
He then stepped towards the chair that the other man was sitting in, his hands still behind his back. Anyone else would have wondered if maybe they’d got it right…maybe he was actually there to finish his old adversary off. But Alfie wasn’t bothered in the slightest. No, he could tell from the manner in which Tommy approached him.
“I want to offer a congratulations…on your daughter,” Tommy finished his statement once he was standing in front of Alfie. Alfie looked him over with raised eyebrows, wondering just how a busy, business-minded man like him would have gotten such information. “(Y/N) told me the news. She got word of it from Rose,” Tommy gave the curious man some more information.
“That Rosie…” Alfie mused with a slight shake of his head, “I had a feelin’ that she hadn’t cut off all contact with you Shelbys.” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of his wife still keeping up a regular correspondence with the wife of the man who’d shot him.
(Y/N) and Rose had hit it off practically from the moment they met each other. Their friendship went beyond their husbands’ business partnership, and so when one disgruntled husband aimed a gun at the other and pulled the trigger, the two women tried hard not to let it come completely between them. There some time where radio silence prevailed…actually most out the time over the course of the last year was filled with radio silence, but it didn’t seem like a beat was missed when Rose contacted (Y/N) to tell her of the newest addition to the Solomons family.
Although Tommy was more hesitant to make amends, he couldn’t deny his wife’s request to deliver something to the newest Solomons.
“She wanted me to give you this,” Tommy then said, finally revealing the tan, stuffed rabbit that he’d brought with him. “To give to her,” he included, making his intentions more clear.
“I knew you weren’t givin’ me a stuffed rabbit,” Alfie quipped, snorting to himself before continuing, “or at least I hope you were plannin’ to.”
“I wasn’t planning on doing that, Alfie, no,” Tommy shook his head, dismissing the comment before it gained any ground. “The rabbit’s for your girl.”
Alfie took a moment to look over the other man again. He was still holding the rabbit out in front of him, waiting for Alfie to take it. Tommy wondered how long Alfie was going to make him stand like this.
Finally he took it. “She’ll like it,” Alfie stated, eyeing over the animal from close up now. He couldn’t deny that it felt soft in his hands. Allie would surely love it. “Thanks, Tommy.”
“My three couldn’t go to bed without it,” Tommy commented, a small smile gracing his lips as he thought of his three daughters and the love they had for that very stuffed rabbit.
A look of realization flashed across Alfie’s face as he heard Tommy’s comment. He brought his hand up to his jaw and ran it down his cheek slowly, stroking his beard as if he was in thought. “Have a seat,” he then said, gesturing to the chair that was set directly across from the one he was sitting in. He waited until the other man was seated before continuing, “three girls, huh?” he mused, sounding like he was talking more so to himself than anything.
“Yeah,” Tommy nodded in response.
“A proper girl dad,” Alfie commented then.
“A what?” Tommy asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“You’re a dad that’s got all girls, hence the fucking term girl dad…stick with it, Tommy,” the response came laden with derision.
Tommy raised his eyebrows at the other man’s comments, looking to the ground as he let the air cool off before he cleared his throat and nodded his head. “Yeah, a girl dad then.” He ran a hand along the back of his head as he spoke, wondering if he was even using the term correctly. Alfie didn’t comment, so he guessed that he didn’t seem to care none.
Instead the newer father continued on with the conversation. “Does it ever get hard?”
“What? Being a girl dad?” Tommy looked over at him again.
“No, not being able to hit your fucking mark when you’re fifteen fucking paces away,” Alfie retorted, “yes, being a girl dad,” he then exaggerated his words.
Tommy bit his tongue yet again. He wasn’t here to get into a fight with Alfie Solomons. The rabbit currently sitting in the other man’s lap was supposed to serve as a sort of olive branch.
“It does,” he finally answered after a moment’s pause.
“Give me some fuckin’ detail, mate,” Alfie asked.
“Fuckin’ hell, Alfie,” Tommy sighed under his breath, pressing the pads of his thumbs against his eyelids. He cleared his throat again as he thought of how he’d answer the question. “It’s been hard from the moment we brought Thea home. A different sort of hard than the ‘hard’ I’ve experienced prior. But it’s also been rewarding...with Thea, then Evie and now Juniper. I’ve learned more from them than from anything else I’ve ever done.”
Alfie took a moment to digest what his confidant had just shared with him. He truly didn’t expect Tommy Shelby to come out with such meaningful statements. I guess even the worst of men can change their tones, he thought to himself. “I didn’t know ya had it in ya, Tommy,” he commented, exuding a breath of a laugh as he shook his head.
Tommy kept his eyes locked on Alfie unsure of how to respond to his comment. He wondered if this was all some sort of game…if Alfie now wanted to toy with him; getting him to open up just to use the information against him.
“Thanks for sharing it though. I, uh…” Alfie paused, the sound of his voice cutting through Tommy’s thoughts and making him focus in again. “I’ll take all of the help I can get with this one. They say that raising a child takes a fucking village, or however that fucking saying goes.”
“There’s a great deal of joy in it too,” Tommy made sure to add, hoping to convey that having daughters, or kids at all for that matter, wasn’t only stressful. “I just know that I wouldn’t be able to do it without (Y/N) though.”
“That’s the same with me and my Rosie. A fuckin’ trooper, that woman is,” Alfie agreed in regards to his wife. Truthfully, he wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for Rose Solomons. He genuinely owed his life to her…and he was going to spend the rest of it showing her.
Silence fell between the two men then, both sitting comfortably in their thoughts of the women they had in their lives, and of how much their respective wives meant to them. The silence hung until the sound of small feet came pattering off of the hardwood in the hallway.
“Daddy! Daddy!” a shrill voice of a small girl soon accompanied the hurried footsteps. Said girl quickly appeared in the archway of Alfie office. Along with her frantic demeanor, Alfie was also able to see streaks of tears on her chreks.
“What’s wrong, Allie?” he asked her, his brows furrowing together.
“Cyril chewed on my stuffie, daddy!” she exclaimed, hiccuping as she spoke through her tears. “It was my favorite stuffie!”
“Awe now love, I’m sorry about that,” Alfie began, opening his arms to the child as she came over to him. She quickly fell into them, and he wasted no time in hugging her tightly. “He’s just a brute that knows nothing of favorite stuffies,” he consoled her as she continued to sniffle her tears away.
Tommy watched on as the moment played out in front of him. He laughed to himself as hearing the reason behind the problem at hand took him back to the moments where Cyril had chewed his girls’ stuffies; there had to have been several instances during the dog’s stay at Arrow House.
“I don’t have a stuffie now, daddy,” Allie whimpered, finally lifting her head from her father’s chest. “Mum said it was too covered in slobber to be saved.”
“Well I’ve got just the fix for ya, Allie,” Alfie began, unwrapping one of his arms from her so that he could blindly search for the stuffed rabbit that Tommy had just handed him. He continued when he found the animal, “now I know it’s no bear, and I know that your favorite stuffies have all been bears, but this lovely little lass was just placed upon my lap moments before you came runnin’ in.”
Allie’s eyes immediately found the rabbit, and she had it in her tight embrace within an instant. “This stuffie is so soft! And she has a lovely bow!” she observed, now beaming with excitement. “Thank you so much, daddy!” she smiled at her father.
“Thanks have to go to that man,” Alfie told his daughter, nodding in Tommy’s direction. He bit his tounge and stopped the urge to add ‘the one who shot your father’ because even he knew this wasn’t the time for that. He didn’t want to bring that feud into Allie’s realm.
“What’s his name?” Allie asked in a loud whisper, her shy eyes finding Tommy’s.
“Tell ‘er your name, mate,” Alfie beckoned Tommy to share the information.
“It’s Tommy,” the other man followed suit, smiling as he spoke.
Allie observed him for a moment, surely trying to decide what she felt about him. A few beats of silence passed before a smile formed on her face. “Thank you, Mr. Tommy,” she said in a small voice.
“You’re welcome, Allie,” Tommy nodded, his smile widening.
“Dad you have to yell at Cyril now,” Allie turned back to her dad, a deep frown present on her face.
“I’ll make sure he knows what he’s done,” Alfie assured her, “go play, love.”
With one last smile, Allie hopped off of her father’s lap and exited the room almost as quick as she entered it.
“That fuckin’ dog…” Alfie trailed off, shaking his head, “why’d you give him back?”
“You wanted him back, Alfie,” Tommy answered in a monotone voice.
“You may be right,” Alfie conceded, cracking a smile as he thought about the dog.
“Your daughter’s lovely,” Tommy commented.
“She is, ain’t she?” Alfie answered, “light of my fuckin’ life, that girl…both her and her mum.”
Tommy nodded, his mind going to his wife and daughters. There was no doubt that he shared the same sentiment towards his girls.
Oh, the joys of being a girl dad…even if — or rather when, because it’ll surely happen again — Tommy and Alfie were at odds with each other, they’ll always have the shared title as something they can both relate to.
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The Story of Rose and Alfie
Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21
@mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @notyour-valentine @theshelbyslimited
@peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss
@alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl
@emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife
@anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @garrison-girl-08
@insanitybyanothername @depxiety @justrainandcoffee @dragons-are-my-favorite @forgottenpeakywriter
@cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable
@thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife @jomarch-wannabe @ryecosse @padfootdaredmetoo
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ringsofsaturnnnn · 11 months
(I’m not sure if this is how I ask but I’m going for it. Let me know if it’s not right!😭)
Can I play blackjack all in with shigaraki? A cosmopolitan to drink! I’d like a reader with a sheep quirk!🩷
.˚ 🐑┊..⃗. 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗽 ⌇
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MDNI | t.shigaraki x fem!reader
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 :: shigaraki’s girlfriend has a sheep quirk and he can’t help but tease her every chance he gets
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨(𝘴) :: fem bodied reader, mocking/bullying, hair pulling, not a warning; but reader has white hair because of the sheep quirk, name calling (slvt, whvre), begging, spanking (sorta)
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 :: i’ve never written for shigaraki so please please please have mercy on me 😭. i highly suggest checking out senpai (who is tagged on my tag list) or @sluttyshigaraki for better shigaraki fics! this is not proofread. i’m sorry if this is completely ooc, i tried. i also kinda altered his quirk a bit so he can touch you without like.. y’know.. decaying you. i’ll be real honest when i say i haven’t finished mha yet so i don’t know everything about him☠️
© 2023 ringsofsaturn | please don't copy or repost my works! i have not given permission to anyone to repost my works. reblogs/comments/likes are okay!
𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥
tag list :: @callm3senpaii
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a soft bleat escaped your slightly parted lips as your boyfriend harshly tugged on your hair. “t-tomura!” you whimpered. a stinging sensation shot across your scalp as your fingers curled around his bedsheets. “what’s wrong, hitsuji?” his voice was mocking as he slammed his hips into yours harshly.
“t-that hurts!” your hair was extremely sensitive seeing as it was part of your quirk. “that’s too bad,” he chuckled, the sound was hardly one of comfort. his “chuckle” was raspy, nearly comparable to the noise of nails on a chalkboard.
you weren’t quite sure how the two of you ended up becoming a couple. tomura was known for being the leader of the league of villains and a rather ruthless person. you, on the other hand, were a ua high alumni, who was working on becoming a pro-hero. never did you imagine you’d find yourself tangled within a villian’s sheets.
“poor, little lost sheep.” pulling your hair even harder, he pressed a harsh kiss to your lips. his thrusts were brutal, the headboard hitting the wall harshly. “can’t believe your shepard let you wander so far from the flock.” you knew he was referring to the hero you were interning with to help finish out your provisional hero license.
every chance he got, tomura teased you about your sheep quirk. he always made a jab at you being “lost” since sheep were known to wander off. sometimes he’d call himself your shepherd in a condescending manner, claiming that you’d never survive without him.
more soft bleats escaped you as his thrusts brought you closer and closer to your orgasm. “god, you’re so fucking tight.” he grunted under his breath. he kept a firm grip on your soft, silky locks of white hair. shoving your face into his pillows, he continued to use you as he saw fit. “g-gonna cum..” you cried out softly. another chuckle sounded from above you. “you’re gonna cum already? poor, pathetic little slut. you can hardly last five minutes.”
he finally released his hold on your hair, opting to grip your hips instead. sinking his nails into your flesh, he started pulling you back to meet his thrusts. “a-ah!” your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you buried your face in his pillow. “if you want to cum, you’re going to have to fucking beg me.” he grunted.
it wasn’t long before you were babbling helplessly into his pillow. your voice was muffled, tears were wetting the fabric as he continued to thrust into you harshly. growing annoyed with not being able to hear you, he pulled you up by your hair, causing you to yelp in pain. “try again, slut.”
“please! please let me cum, tomura! i’m so close! i need to cum!�� you wailed helplessly, a few bleats weaving itself through your begs. he smirked, but he wasn’t completely satisfied yet. “yeah? you wanna cum?” he mocked. trying your best to nod, you weakly opened your teary eyes.
“tell me who owns you.” the look in his eyes was sinister as he stared at your pretty, arched back. “y-you,” you hiccuped. “you own me!” squeezing your eyes shut once more, you felt your legs start to shake. “good little sheep. you can cum now. make sure to thank me while you do it, whore.”
a few thrusts later you were cumming all over him, loud moans escaping you. “o-oh!” panting, you immediately began thanking him. “thank you. thank you for letting me cum! thank you..” you were breathless, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
he laughed loudly before spanking you. he gently rubbed your ass as he spoke. “you’re welcome, whore. now, stay still while i fuck you full of my cum.”
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hitsuji - 羊 :: japanese. means sheep.
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dividers & main picture made by :: @strrynigghts
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writing-for-life · 6 months
Right, okay, I’ve thought long and hard whether to write this:
A squick (even a strong one) is not the same as a trigger.
Emotional discomfort, even emotional discomfort that leads to low-level physical symptoms like e.g. mild nausea, is not trauma. Unfortunately, TikTok pop psych has done nothing to help people understand the difference, because the trend to perceive (even strong) emotional discomfort as equivalent to a trauma response is worrying and neither helps people with nor without PTSD. I don’t wish it on anyone to actually find out the difference if they haven’t yet (disclaimer, since this is unfortunately necessary these days because everything gets misconstrued: I am not talking about individual experiences, because only you can know about those. I’m talking about wider trends in an often young audience with not enough background info to be able to tell apart sound medical/psychological info and viral BS created by “influencers” for some kind of personal gain).
What people in the current fandom spat want to have tagged as “triggers” are overwhelmingly squicks. And we’re probably all guilty of quickly saying “that triggered me”, myself included (and I’m a licensed psychotherapist, shame on me). It has become somewhat of a shorthand for “extremely annoyed or grossed out”. But when it gets used in the context of tagging, it’s good to remember that no one owes us a tag list the length of our arm just because we don’t like certain things. Even if we strongly dislike them.
And even on the occasion someone else’s yuck or yum is an actual trigger for us, it is impossible to cover for every possible trigger, because in theory, EVERYTHING has the possibility to trigger someone somewhere.
E.g., a certain smell in a supermarket holds the rare possibility of triggering someone, but do you see disclaimers at the supermarket door that say, “May smell of 484 different things, which are in detail [list of 484 things] and might be different tomorrow. Plus, we might have a customer today who smells of that perfume that brings up your triggering childhood memories. Or maybe we won’t, but just on the odd chance we do, we thought we’d rather cover it”.
There might be one person with a very specific trigger that does literally nothing to the vast majority of people. Do we expect everyone on Tumblr to tag for “eyebrows” or “white T-Shirt” because of that? How about that person just puts “eyebrows” or “white T-Shirt” in their content filter instead?
Do we really suggest to put that type of responsibility on creators? More importantly: Who are we protecting that way? All we do is put people into bubble wrap and shift responsibility for our mental wellbeing away from ourselves to others.
We are trying to tell other people what to do for our own comfort. That’s controlling.
If we’re squicked out by something, there is a simple solution: we can stop looking or reading. We can use content (not tag) filters. In the worst case, we can block. We don’t have to put that type of responsibility for our personal sensitivities on creators (or people who reblog, for that matter).
We can tag for certain things as a courtesy, I’m all for it. I love being able to filter out stuff I’m not into, and I sometimes wish people would tag better or not tag a certain way (getting ship tags for a ship you’re not into slapped on your character-metas is annoying 🤣). But I don’t die, neither does it cause me unbearable distress, if I see cows where I don’t expect them. Scroll past or block. And if I’m worried about mature topics like nudity or violence: Tumblr has a community label for mature themes you can (and in my view should) use if in doubt. Funnily enough, many people don’t do that though—maybe because they worry about reach?
Of course we should include content warnings where they are due, no one says we shouldn’t. It’s also fair if a creator doesn’t wish to do that beyond general warnings (no specifics) though because they might give away, say, major plot points that way. In that case, general disclaimers like “contains depictions of violence”, or whatever it might be individually, are a good idea. And if that’s not specific enough for us despite knowing that “violence” in general might also contain our personal trigger, we might need to make the decision not to read it to stay safe, but we shouldn’t have a go at the writer for not tagging very specific things that might be considered spoilers.
Long story short: If we assume people are “triggered” by werewolves with vulvas or non-human characters, it might be worth thinking about whether we’re just talking about squicks that very much fall into the category of “personal responsibility”. And there are plenty solutions to that at our end���we don’t need to put that on creators…
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
so i can’t work on my twst x pokémon au (fittingly named a twisted pokémon au) atm since i’m absolutely overwhelmed with irl stuff but i want to share this little headcanon with the attentive ones of you that catch this post
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I still haven’t finalised giving each character a team but every now and then I think about it and I know a lot of people give Azul a tentacruel or octillery as a signature pokémon, and I definitely have them written down too, don’t get me wrong, but I had this stupid idea out of nowhere
Picture this: you’re fighting this super tough battle against this cunning opponent and he has all these intimidating water pokemon and you somehow get him down to his last but strongest pokémon. As you wait with bated breath for what kind of ace he will send out next, he throws his pokéball to release… quagsire, arguably one of the least nefarious water types there is (at least visually)
And basically the backstory is that Azul’s had the whooper since he was still a chubby little octopus and it was basically his first real friend who’d stick by his side and wouldn’t bully him, even trying to ‘protect’ Azul from his bullies despite being so small itself (the twins would totally find it hilarious yet strangely adorable), so Azul being the softie he is just can’t not have quagsire on his team, even if it ruins his whole reputation
Tl;dr emotional support quagsire for the business octopus
I mean quagsire isn’t a bad pokemon if you don’t put it in front of a plant (or the opponent has freeze dry), it just ruins the image Azul is trying to establish here. But I think Azul is low-key a softie and I want to believe that quagsire could be the worst mon ever and he’d find some kind of excuse to keep bringing it along (Jade and Floyd just trade knowing smirks as Azul clears his throat and pushes up his glasses)
Speaking of Jade and Floyd, they get to make fun of Azul/ quagsire but if anyone else does it, they’d better start praying to all higher powers they can think of
Imagine quagsire wearing Azul’s dorm uniform hat, being all happy and proud about it ㅠㅠ
(Also quagsire going from this stick thin little guy to a chubby bigger guy kind of parallels Azul’s insecurities if you want to read more into it than I initially considered)
Azul: Should we order dark purple or lilac decorations for Mostro Lounge… What do you think?
Quagsire: :]
Azul: You are so right, a deeper purple would compliment the tableware nicely
or maybe I’ll just give him a tentacruel anyway… though quagsire is also working his way into my heart
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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➺ send in an ask to be added to or removed from my tag list
Twisted Wonderland: @savanaclaw1996 @honehbee42
A Twisted Pokémon AU: @witch-craft-works @voidlesslove @mochiclouds
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moonlightdancer26 · 10 months
I'm an ex-marauders fan at this point, but haven't yet worked up the nerve to leave :( Wish me luck.
The marauders fandom promises acceptance and tolerance and lighthearted fun, but as soon as Severus comes up, the previously rosy atmosphere turns downright ugly. I've seen so many marauders fans posting or reblogging about how “your trauma is valid”, how “intentions don’t matter if you hurt someone”, and how “apologies don’t count if they’re coupled with an excuse”… who also go out of their way to justify the ‘prank’ because Sirius didn’t /mean/ to almost kill Snape, and how it’s really all Snape’s fault, and why can’t he get over it already since the marauders clearly became better people (even though Snape never received any kind of apology or any indication that they regretted their behavior)?
And these posts live side by side on their dash? Idk just needed to vent as i figure out where to go next in this fandom (or maybe another one altogether)...
Anyway, I totally wish you luck anon. It’s hard switching fandoms and building up the courage to “move to the other side,” but I can tell you that it is 100% worth it when you realise how much the Snapedom differs from the Marauders fandom! As someone who’s been in the fandom for many years, seen what both sides are like, and has a bunch of friends (both online and irl) who don’t always share the same opinion, I can safely say that we are generally far more accepting of different opinions than the Marauders fandom. We tend to steer clear of them because they’re.. very persistent about their opinions and find it amusing to purposefully mistag their anti-Snape posts or to scroll through pro-Snape/anti-Marauders tags and attack the posters. But if you’re not like that and you can accept not always agreeing with friends or fandom members, then we’ll welcome you with open arms <3
And honestly I agree, I’ve seen Marauder stans make excellent and detailed analyses of their favourite characters and articulate their arguments greatly. But then all that reading comprehension shoots out the window when it comes to Snape, and you suddenly see them brush him off as nothing more than a “obsessed incel nazi” and call it a day. I’ve seen similar things happen with Snape fans as well, and I completely understand how you feel.
All I can say is: Just leave the Marauders fandom. Either announce it with a post and say that you no longer wish to be in the Marauders fandom or want to switch to the Snape fandom. Or if you want, you can create another blog altogether. The important thing is that you do it now and get it over with, because simply reading your ask and knowing how it’s negatively affecting you really upsets me. This ask was sent around 2 months ago, so I hope that by now you’ve done something about it, but if you haven’t, this is what I think about the whole situation. I wish you the best ❤️❤️ and if you, or anyone else who’s struggling with anything similar, want to DM me and talk about this, don’t hesitate to do so.
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
hey hey are there are aftg socmed aus you reccomend? any sort of media is fine!! ty <3
mhmm i’m not sure if i’m the best to recommend ‘cause i feel like i haven’t stumbled on them all yet, but i did stalk my likes to give you the ones i have seen and liked hehe. (if anyone else has recommendations pls let us know hehe).
i can’t start this without saying @ninyard first. in my opinion it’s the BEST on this platform hehe and inspired me to do mine <333 i also lost a good night of sleep going through their posts when i first found out LMAOO so i definitely think EVERYONE should check theirs out if they want to read some good aftg socmed aus 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
i stumbled on @high-queen-of-the-court today and reblogged their post too hehe because i really liked it and ntm it’s so prettily done the way their posts looks just scratches something right in my brain fr
then @sapphoherselz has aftg socmed au posts too that make me giggle so much hehe and i really like :))
i really wish i could recommend more tbh but i’m afraid i have to do a little stalk session of my own in the aftg socmed au tag i’m sorry
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24-7-testing · 2 years
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The end of the year gets tough for a lot of people, especially the last few years. Because of this, I am once again excited to announce the return of…
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To try and lift people’s spirits up this year, I will be making and sending out FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! The cards are customized to match any December Holiday of your choice and mailed to you physically or emailed digitally!
This will be the fourth consecutive year I have run PHSI, and features the return of the nifty Postcards from last year! But don't worry: All physical cards will be mailed in themed envelopes this year, so your postcards should arrive in much better condition! :)
These postcards are are also special and unique, because they feature new artwork made by eight different artists from the fandom, specifically for this event! The design of the postcard you receive will be based on what you select in your Card Request. I can’t express the amount of thanks these artists deserve for volunteering their time and talents to make PHSI 2022 special!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/portal-holiday-spirit-initiative …
Answer the questions on the form…
Wait for your card to be made and sent!
It’s that simple! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! It might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, but they do get mailed to whatever address you provide, whether domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 141 cards to Italy, Australia, Canada, Colombia, The Czech Republic, Germany, England, Finland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, The US, The United Kingdom, and Vietnam!
I’m glad to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! While not a requirement to receive a card, please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you’d like to give $2 to cover the cost/postage of your card and someone else’s too. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $2 to cover the cost of your card and someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $2 to the initiative helps me buy card supplies and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
Each artist's social media are listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! If your physical card fails to show up after the first of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
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of-stars-and-chaos · 1 year
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Pairing: KIng Loki (Old Loki) x fem!reader
Summary: Life in your village is boring and predictable for the most part, until one day when you stumble across a stranger near the lake. Horny shenanigans ensue.
Warnings/Tags: NSFW, smut, dub-con, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, biting, rough sex, overstimulation, teasing, horn kink?, voice kink, implied large age gap, reader is implied to be over 18 tho, King Loki is creepy and has some nasty vibes just beware unless you're into that, but he's also kinda funny, King Loki also has a hair reveal in this
A/N: This really is just self indulgent thirsting over crusty old Loki from the AoA comics, idk what else to say... please leave a like, reblog and comment if you also love morally dubious old men in viking gimp suits. I hope I'm not the only one who simps over this old hag. (this is the first fic I've shared over from my AO3 yay!)
“Who are you?” You asked. Quite frightened by the man before you; he appeared very tall and thin, yet lean and well muscled, and he wore strange green leathery clothes and a golden helmet with large curved horns.
He was kneeled down near the bank of the river, and at your arrival and voice, his face turned, his eyes darting up to you; they were a striking green, rimmed with dark makeup. And he was old in the face, far older than his body appeared to imply. He sized you up quickly, from your loose long hair to the slightly tattered frills of your dress. His thin lips curled a little.
“No one of consequence, not to you, my dear.” He said. His voice was refined, like someone of nobility, it was deep and gravelly from age. He gave one more sweeping glance of the river before sighing and standing up.
You stepped backwards.
The man turned to you, tilting his head. “Are you going to run away? Call upon your village men to come and deal with me?”
You swallowed. “I… No.” You were not sure why, there was just something about him that made you curious… he did not seem dangerous, just very strange. Something drew you to him, and you wanted to find out what and why. 
You could see his clothing better now that he stood. The dark green fabric was tight to his body, outlining his muscles and collarbones. He had a sash around his waist, as well as decorative golden hoops hanging from his narrow hips. Around his shoulders was a thick furred pelt that hung to his mid back and made his frame appear broader than it was.
“But I’m an outsider. A dangerous spying stranger.” He said theatrically, wiggling his long, bony fingers for effect.
You frowned, trying to cover up your smile. “No. I won’t say anything.”
A grin stretched on his gaunt face. “Oh, you are a sweet little lamb, aren’t you?” His gaze drifted to your basket. “What are you doing out this far? It’s dangerous to wander past the borders of the village, you know. You never know what kind of monsters are about.”
“I’m foraging. Who are you?”
He smiled wider. He took a careful step towards you, making you tense a little.
“Would it be a little too alarming to tell you I’m a god?”
“A little.”
“Well, I can’t avoid that unfortunately. You can call me Loki.”
“Loki.” You echoed. “Why do you dress like this, wear those?” You gestured to his helmet.
Loki scoffed as he got within arms reach of you. He was very tall. You barely made it up to the height of his shoulders. “What a rude thing to say. I expected better from polite little village girls.”
“I have never seen anyone like you before.” You said defensively. You held your basket a little closer in front of yourself. “And I am a woman, not a girl.”
“Oh, well pardon me.” Loki said, mocking you. “Tell me,” He tilted his head at you again, the gesture made his great horns move through the air in a way that had you staring more at them than his actual face. “Why haven’t you run? You can’t be that desperate for male attention, now, lambkin.”
You flushed and averted your eyes from the rude old man- god- whatever he was.
“Oh.” He chuckled darkly. “I was joking, you know. And I thought you were the innocent type, but morally dubious old men do it for you, hm?”
“Please.” You didn’t want him to taunt you. “Leave me alone.”
“Oh, but you don’t really want me to do that. Do you?”
You took a deep breath, looking around. You paced a bit in the long grass, walking as if to go back to your village, then circling back to him. You hated to admit that he was attractive- in more ways than just physical appearance. His attitude was so full of swagger and confidence, his garb and means of being here were mysterious and so unusual… and you, unfortunately, were never very strong when it came to the temptation of the unknown. Your curiosity had gotten you into trouble in the past, but that had never seemed to stop you. Thinking with your pussy hadn’t gotten you into bad trouble yet, but there was a first time for everything. 
You pouted a little as you looked him up and down again. Loki could only watch you with plain amusement in his deeply hooded, dark rimmed eyes; eyes so sharp and cunning they almost scared you.
“I like your horns.” You finally said.
“Oh, I bet you do. All the chicks dig the horns.” He smirked and decided to walk around you. “I’m getting tired of being here. Would you like to follow me to someplace more interesting?”
You gulped, unsure of what he meant, and what to do.
“Come now, darling lamb, I wouldn’t dream of hurting such a pretty thing.” He grinned as he walked past you, his strides long and his pace fast and swift. It was obvious he had a destination in mind.
Your curiosity- of course it was purely your curiosity and not the eagerness in your lower gut and the fluttering in your chest- got the better of you.
“You remind me of The Horned God.” You said as you meekly followed behind him, trying your hardest to keep up with his long legs.
He peered at you from over his shoulder. “Now, where did you hear of that?”
“I shouldn’t say.” You realised, biting your lip.
“Dear, dear.” He tutted. “Hearing things you shouldn’t, hey? You seem to want to get yourself in all sorts of trouble. Following me definitely counts as trouble,” Loki turned suddenly, making you come to a halted stop before you collided with his chest. He looked down at you with unabashed hunger and playfulness. “It’s been a long time since a mortal found the courage to approach me, and under such base, primal circumstances at that. It’s really adorable.”
He extended his long fingered hand to your face, stroking down your cheek to rest under your chin, tilting it up to him as he examined your features. “You must be truly desperate,” He leaned in until you could smell his leathery scent. “Needy, pathetic little thing.”
You blushed hotly, breathing with your mouth parted. Caught like a stunned animal. “Y-you won’t hurt me? Will you?”
He laughed at you, patting your cheek rather harshly. “Sweet lambkin, don’t worry your pretty little head.”
Loki turned and continued as quickly as he had stopped, leading you to what appeared to be a cave, but upon entering through the leafy doorway you realised it was a huge tree. The vast space underneath the canopy of thick branches was akin to the inside of a large tent.
You could see that he had been staying here temporarily; there was a smouldering fire as well as a few bags of supplies lying around.
Loki leaned against the trunk of the tree in the centre, arms crossed as he continued to look you over. “There are few who can accept their carnal desires. And fewer that can openly express them around strangers.”
“I’m not-...” You started, then stubbornly looked at the ground.
“Oohoh, yes you are. You are so very shy about it, but don’t play coy with me, girl, I’ve been around long enough to know how the song and dance goes.” He raised a humoured brow. “But it’s certainly been a while. I’m glad I haven’t lost my touch in the art of seducing mortals, especially the ones who know they shouldn’t want me.” He gestured with his long, gloved fingers for you to come closer.
You felt your feet move towards him despite your common sense telling you to flee. Things in the air had changed, and you finally felt some true fear of him. His eyes were no longer cunning- they were predatory. 
You ended up in front of him, looking up at his old, handsome, sharp face.
“I take it you’re new to this.” Loki observed. “You seem eager, yet unpractised. Unsure.”
You nodded quietly, in awe and fear of him at the same time.
His lip curled. He stepped forward, starting to prowl around you as he spoke. “So small and timid… and so pretty… I bet many of the village men have their sights set on you? Can’t wait to turn you into their little wife, fill you with their babies and start a little family.”
You blushed hotter if that was possible, trying to look away from him as he circled around to your left, but he pulled your face back to look at you. He grinned, harshly grabbing your jaw, making his fingers dig into the flesh of your cheeks.
“Too bad for them, really. I’m going to ruin you first. Now get on your knees.”
He released his grip and you sank to your knees, placing your hands on his muscled thighs. You waited patiently.
“So obedient and submissive.” Loki cooed in praise as he began to remove the sash and belts from his waist, once out of the way he unlaced the reasonably tented crotch of his suit. “They’re there for a reason, by the way.” He offered, his dark rimmed eyes dropping to the golden metal hoops that hung at each of his hips.
You gulped again, feeling more naïve for not noticing his perverse accessories. You took a hold of the cold metal with trembling hands, watching silently as he pulled out his impressive cock. He tilted his head as he lazily stroked his length, watching you eye this new part of him with trepidation. “Don’t worry darling, it’s not that complicated. You just suck it and avoid biting.”
And without much more warning or instruction he pushed it past your open lips, making you take him in your mouth. You pulled and gripped onto the golden hoops as you tried to suck and lick, pulling back a little when he got close to the back of your throat- which was quickly due to the long length of him.
He took a fistful of your hair in his hand once you found a steady rhythm, you were drooling as you took his cock, wanting to please him, hollowing your cheeks around him, licking the underside of the shaft and sucking like you were dying of hunger. All the while the heat at the centre of your thighs grew, spiking with desire at all the sudden stimulation. 
“What a good girl you are,” Loki said, an extra growl to his voice. “It’s like you’ve done this before.”
You frowned and pulled yourself off his cock. “I’ve been told how it is done, I just haven’-.”
“Now, now, no need to be snappish.” He sneered before pushing your head forward, back onto him. He let out a breathy grunt at the pleasurable feeling of your attentive mouth. “Apparently you’re more of a would-be-whore than I assumed.” He cracked a grin again as he looked down at you. “I just needed to break you in, hmm?”
He continued to smile nastily down at you, as you frowned and glared at his words, taking his cock as best as you could. Soon your mouth was getting sore, wetness from your saliva beginning to drip down your thighs, mixing with an entirely different wetness. You whined around his hot hard length, wanting it somewhere other than your mouth.
As soon as you did so he gripped your hair tighter and pulled you off his cock, a string of saliva connecting it before breaking and dripping down, you whined again at the sight.
“What a horny little mess you are…” He purred. “Looks like you need some attention now, lamb?”
You could only nod, humming in acknowledgment as you started to unlace your dress. Before you could even get a good start on doing so however, he lowered himself to his knees and more or less tackled you to the ground, lowering your shoulders to the grass and dipping down to hurriedly lift up the layers of your dress and bury his head between your legs, pushing your thighs apart with his long hands. He didn’t even quip a smartass comment about your lack of undergarments, instead going in to broadly and unashamedly lick and suck at your slit and clit, alternating between the two rapidly and appearing to indulge in the act in a way that made you moan out in absolute shock and pleasure, gripping the horns on his helmet and angling your head out of their way.
The way he used his mouth was unlike anything you had ever imagined, and it wasn’t very long at all until you were reeling, your moans taking on a higher, alarmed pitch and wobbling in defeat as you came. Arching and twitching violently, Loki held your thighs firmly apart despite your muscles wanting to clench and close as you shuddered.
The first thing you could understand after that crashing orgasm was the pull of his horns as he lifted his head from between your legs, making you release them from your shaky, vice-like grip.
Loki chuckled breathily, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he rose to look you in the face, which you were frankly a little too embarrassed to do. He sat back on his knees with all the swagger of someone who still had a raging hard-on, and looked you over appreciatively while taking off his helmet- which you almost objected to, considering it was honestly a turn-on, and also because you were worried about what he’d look like under it. But to your pleasant surprise he removed the helmet and head-cap to reveal locks of dark ebony hair, long and gorgeous despite the subtle streaks of grey, and the slightly greasy look. The hair framed his gaunt, sharp face in a way that made you possibly more attracted to him than before. His body was already so tall and tight and muscled, this was almost too much. The fact that this old man could have so many desirable features to him made your core clench and throb with fresh want.
You desperately fumbled with your dress again, ripping and shedding it from your body as you whined at him with glazed over eyes.
“Do you want something, lambkin?”
“I want you inside me, please, please, please-” You whimpered. Your need currently overshadowing your embarrassment at how pathetic you sounded.
He chuckled deeply, grabbing your thighs and pulling them up around his waist as he lowered himself to you, his hair soon curtaining around your faces. He nudged your slick entrance with the tip of his cock for longer than you thought was necessary, teasing you by sliding in a little only to pull back out and slide over your slit.
You whined in a high pitch, needy tone, hoping he would give in and take pity on you already. He was teasing you too much and he knew it. You barely knew what was even happening anymore, it was all so overwhelming. “Don’t you think it’s wrong?” He purred. “An old, nasty thing like me, fucking such a young pretty thing like you?”
“I don’t c-care.” You whimpered in desperation.
Loki exhaled a short laugh before he pushed inside and let your tight body adjust to his size. You gasped and whined in hurt and want, your body not entirely sure how it wanted to react to the intrusion.
He let out a hum of pleasure at the feeling of your tightness wrapped around him, before cooing at you smugly. “Poor little thing, I bet it hurts? Doesn’t it?” He emphasised his words by pushing further in, at your limits.
You let out a quiet, strained yelp. “Y-yes.”
He looked at you with hazy eyes, starting to slowly rock his hips. The stretch was indeed painful, but the feeling of his cock stroking the tender, sensitive flesh of your insides and reaching further than you believed anything could go; it was euphoric. And you found that you could hardly focus on anything other than the sensation. Loki started to pick up the pace of his thrusts just before he adjusted his grip on your legs, bending and pushing them down until your knees were at your shoulders. He dipped his face down so he could drag his tongue up the length of your neck, only to drag his teeth back down, biting playfully at the join of your neck and shoulder. As he did this his hips slowed, his thrusts deeper, straining into places that made you yelp and cry out. You could practically feel him in your stomach.
Loki’s voice was like gravel as he chuckled at your reactions, pushing in again and again at the same spot, watching you and feeling you. “How does it feel to have your guts rearranged by my cock?” His voice rasped at your ear. “I bet it burns, doesn’t it? It kindles a fire in you, you’re not going to last much longer, lamb…” His dexterous fingers slipped from one of your legs, down to your clit, teasing it with soft touches.
You whined desperately and squirmed underneath him, your chest rising and falling rapidly with your breathing. “Yes… please!…”
He grinned before removing himself from you completely, whipping his hair out of his face as he stood. “Get up, lamb.”
“No!- Why?” You whined in confusion, aching for a release that had been ruined. Your body felt heavy and sore due to his rough handling.
“If you want my cock back in you, you’ll get up and do as I say.”
At that you stumbled awkwardly to your feet. You realised that you were completely naked and he was still wearing more or less everything you’d found him in, apart from the helmet and belt sash. You frowned at him in annoyance.
“Good girl.” He purred. Stepping around you again like a stalking predator, then without warning, picked you up by the thighs, making you straddle his hips. You held onto the furs at his shoulders for dear life, feeling his muscled body flush against your own and his erection against your ass.
He nuzzled into your neck as he held you, his mouth licking and biting, enveloping you with his hair once again. The combined sensations were utterly intoxicating, and you fell at his mercy again willingly. He slowly walked to the tree, pressing your back up to the wide, tall trunk.
You wanted to kiss his mouth, but at the moment that thought manifested in your mind he moved one hand from your thigh to pull at your hair, yanking your head to one side and giving him full access to your neck. In response to the lack of support you linked your legs around him securely, digging your heels into his lower back.
You tried to angle your head back towards him, looking pointedly from his eyes to his mouth, breath panting out of your lips.
Loki crooned with heavily lidded eyes. “Such a desperate mess of a thing for me, aren’t you, darling?” He laughs deeply at you again, trailing his little love bites along your jaw, muttering into your skin. “But you haven’t earned heartfelt kissing just yet.” He moved to bite your neck again and add to the blooming marks as he devoured you with his needy, messy, strong, base lust.
His hand left your hair to reposition himself at your wet, slippery slit. Sheathing his hard cock back inside and causing you to gasp and moan. He felt so big inside you, and the change in position had him rubbing up against places that made you keen and roll your own hips to meet his thrusts. You felt close again, on the edge as your clit was stimulated by your bodies every time your hips met, adding the much needed friction. If you were honest with yourself, you believed that he could make you cum by his growly, deep voice and cock alone if it ever came to that, it felt so incredibly good that you almost didn’t want it to stop. The friction mixed with the new demanding, rough, claiming bites sent you into your second orgasm. Shuddering and clenching around his length as he had to slow a little at your tightness, a groan sounded low in his throat at the feeling, making you whine and clutch at his shoulders tightly as you rode through your climax.
Loki didn’t stop however, continuing his fast, desperate pace as soon as your muscles relaxed enough to allow it. It made you truly wonder how long he could last. His breathing was ragged, his eyes filled with a manic gleam as he looked down his sharp nose to you.
You were continuously whimpering due to your sensitivity as he kept going, sometimes pushing in deep and holding there before restarting the fast more shallow pace.
“Do you like how I feel inside of you? Do you think a simple man could make you feel the same way?” He leaned down to mouth and kiss at the top of your breast, trailing up from it back to your neck.
“I… No!” You managed out. Desperate for him to just finish, willing to say anything in order to please him.
“Of course not.” He snarled, his mouth just under your ear. “I am a god. And you belong to me. Now why don’t you be a good little lamb and cum again for me?” He growled against your ear, his free hand grasped and squeezed your breast, the pace of his thrusts becoming erratic.
You keened, at first unsure but then swelling with the building tension of another release as he intentionally rammed his cock into your sweet spots. You arched against him, your body pulsing and wracked with spasms as you cried his name in repeated praise.
That did it for him. You heard a deep groan of abandon just as you felt his teeth sink into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. He thrust his big cock deep inside of your tight constricting pussy as he came, spilling his warm liquid into your depths. You felt every spurt and each pulsation as you were intimately connected.
Part of you wanted to scream at him, and the other part was too sated and tingling with pleasure to care.
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justkillingthyme · 2 months
Hello! My name is Thyme or Valerie/Val, and this is my Layton blog!
My school year has started, and so to not Get Killed, I’ll probably be posting less frequently than I used to.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not tag spoilers in rbs unless I know a mutual hasn’t seen it (only applies to plvspw right now) I do try to tag general triggers though, and you can request a trigger tag. Currently, that only applies to smoking.
Did you want a master post of every AU I’ve ever done? Cause it’s right here.
My inbox is always open to anyone about anything, and I’ll try to get to it quickly as I can! Also beware that I talk and RB a lot of things (nothing spam without warning though).
My username is the same on TikTok and Discord if you want to add me
My sideblogs under the cut if you’re interested! + more general information about me and my content
@yourthymehascome is my nonpl sideblog
@nothymetospeak is my personal blog. Might complain there sometimes
@thymeisasocialconstruct is my blog for live-blogging games (currently playing Azran Legacy)
@ask-keats-and-co is my Bostonius askblog (not yet active, haven’t done anything with it yet)
@thehandsofthyme is my art blog (RBs of my main account and misc art I’ve done)
A little about me and the blog. Hi! I’m a minor, and I do get pretty anxious about talking with new people, tho I do still usually interact with people that talk to me first. I will always respond to dms, though asks are a little different (I sometimes just forget. Oops). Feel free to say whatever, but I dont reblog nsfw or suggestive things, and I try and keep that kind of content to a minimum while posting. I have said suggestive things before if you scroll back enough, but I do avoid that kind of thing now. Same applies for violence/death/gore and particular topics that I’m unsure of the audience for on my blog. I try and keep this a safe space.
That said, I do talk about canon typical events and I love me a good serving of angst. I’m not super explicit with anything without warning.
If I’m following you but have never interacted or liked your posts, I’m probably talking to you on anon, or rbing with one of my sideblogs. (<there are particular people that I’m nervous to talk to, but that might change).
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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Today is all about @spicysix! In today's Mod Spotlight, we're highlighting Lui and all they bring to this space!!
Lui handles our Challenge Monday and Theme Weekend Days! They queue up and handle any initial recs for those days, as well as keeping track of how many recs we need for each day!
lui (she/they) has discovered fandom life over 13 years ago and went through multiple fandoms since then. currently focusing on Stranger Things, they're an occasional writer and avid reader, and a multishipper at heart - but Steddie is her favorite ship to read in the ST fandom. she took a role as a mod on Steddie Underdog Fics trying to embrace a side of fandom that they haven't before, and it's been a great to be a part of it!
Having Lui on the team has been a blessing! Not only is she easy to work with and so kind, she's really helped level up this space in so many ways. I'm so glad I get to work with her! - ohstars
As a part of our mod spotlight, Lui answered some questions from you all and our team! You can read them below.
Be sure to stay tuned for more recs and future mod spotlights in the future!
What drew you to Steddie?
The opposites-yet-so-similar situation they have going on. Rich guy versus poor guy? Popular versus the loser? Jock versus nerd? But both with hearts of gold… Self sacrificing idiots…. Older brother figures… Smart in some ways but stupid in others… Stuck to high school ideas and dynamics… All of it is tasty.
What is your favorite thing about modding this page?
Getting to know many new fics! My TBR list has grown over what I can manage since I’ve started modding. My companions, Stars and Shane are also amazing and it’s great working with them.
What are your favorite tropes to read?
Probably strangers or friends to lovers. Or like, a one sided rivalry (usually comes from Eddie, who haaaates King Steve while Just-A-Guy-Steve never thought about Eddie before the UD shit lmao). I’m also a sucker for Soulmates AU; and anyone who knows me knows this: my favorite EVER is the timeloop. Ugh. My beloved.
What is your preferred way to read and find fics?
I usually read (or put on my TBR list) whatever shows up on my timeline. From friends, mutuals, or reblogs. When I go straight to the Ao3 ship tag it’s usually to find a specific type of story to read before I sleep,, so I usually set the filters to completed, under 10k words, and no Explicit and go through whatever shows up.
What’s your guilty pleasure trope?
I no longer feel this feeling, but I have once been found feeling guilty for reading monsterfuckeries of omegaverse stuff. Omegaverse is not exactly my cup of tea, but sometimes it can be fun. Anyway, embrace the cringe.
What makes a fic an instant yes for you to read?
Well, timeloops as I’ve said, mutual pining, a good ol’ roadtrip fun. And happy endings. Sorry, but sad endings are a no-go to me.
Anonymous - Is there any older or lesser-known Steddie event from the past few years that you particularly love (if ongoing or recurring) or loved? Did you participate in any?
Hmm no, not that I can think of! Our fandom is very creative so we have amazing events all year round, thankfully! I also haven’t participated in any Steddie specific events because, funny enough, Steddie is the ship that I write the least for (even though it’s the one I read the most! lol)
@sidekick-hero - What makes a fanfic stand out for you?
I think characterization and lots and lots of emotion. With big ships like Steddie, it’s easy for us to fall into different characterizations and sometimes we write them almost as OCs - and that’s not a problem at all, I’m in the team “write whatever you love”, I wouldn’t even call it “mischaracterization”. But when a fic is able to stay within the character’s traits, it tastes better lmao Especially if the side characters are well written – it’s often hard for people who focus on a specific ship to be able to write well the side characters or even care about them and in a fandom like ST specially I think the other relationships are just as important as the main romantic one. I also really love when a fic makes me cry until I have a headache.
@worldswcollide - What advice would you give to someone who is interested in becoming a mod in the future?
Only do it if you know you have the time to dedicate to it. It’s very upsetting to rely on someone only for them to never dedicate themselves fully to a commitment they made on their own choice. You also have to like what you’re doing. If you’re on a project like ours, you have to like this reccing interaction. If you’re on a bigbang project, you have to like being that leader and organizing dates and putting people in contact with each other. And it goes on, but you have to enjoy what you’re doing or you’re gonna resent it and other people involved will know. We always do.
Anonymous - Do you participate in any other fannish activities, like making playlists, gif edits, fanart, podcasts, Pinterest boards, etc?
Not anything that I share, no. I sometimes do moodboards or playlists specifically for my own fics, but besides that, writing and modding, I don’t do any other type of art (bc I lack talent and/or will to learn lol).
@sidekick-hero - What motivates you to mod for steddieunderdogfics?
The idea of shedding a spotlight on fics that can pass by unnoticed, I think. In a big ship like Steddie, that’s easy to happen because we’re two years past Eddie’s first appearance and we still get dozens of fics posted per day!! Being more in touch with the community in this way is fun!
@worldswcollide -  Are there skills you’ve learned as a mod that have helped you in your everyday life?
I think every time you have to work in a group you learn something new, because it’s always new people and new ways to work with them. But I can’t think of anything specific, you know?
Anonymous - Have you had a particular favorite Challenge Monday or weekend theme so far (maybe because of the theme, the recs, or the engagement, or for some other reason)?
Well. Timeloops Theme Weekend for starters of course lmao. I also loved all the engagement and recs we’ve had for fics with podfics challenge, even though I don’t listen to podfics (or podcasts at all lmao) I was happy to see people showing our podfic people the due praise! Fics with colors in the title was also a challenge that we’ve had so many recs we’re still queueing them till this day basically lol. It’s always amazing when we receive a lot of recs and responses.
@sidekick-hero - What do you like best about fandom?
That’s a hard one. But I think the general sense of so many people of different ages and places in the world come together to show love to an art or artist. There’s something so simple and beautiful about that. Dedicating our free time to talk, praise, watch, listen, create fanart for something! It gives me the good chills.
@worldswcollide - If you absolutely HAD to choose—enemies to lovers or friends to lovers? (At least when it comes to Steddie)
Ohhhhmygod why would you do this to me!!!!!!! I’m gonna go with friends to lovers because that is also what I love the most in real life I think – the mutual pining, the obliviousness, the potential angst while they don’t confess, all the little moments they have together, the always presents “you are so dense and blind and stupid and dinguses” from Robin… Love that, yeah.
Anonymous - Has your experience as a fic rec mod changed your perception of fandom (positive or negative, though I do hope positively!), either as a whole or specifically for the Steddie fandom?
Oh, I definitely have a lot more respect for modders now lmao Not that I didn’t before, but it’s always different when you see it/do it yourself. It takes a lot of dedication and organization.
@sidekick-hero - What makes modding fun to you?
Honestly in this specific case, I absolutely love the routine process of formatting the recs lmao I genuinely have fun with it. But also, to see the interactions, how people talk about the fics they’re reccing on their asks, and also I love going through the tags on reblogs and seeing people praising the fics or seeing the author so happy with the recs. It all warms my heart.
@worldswcollide - What has surprised you the most since becoming a mod?
How this fandom is still so alive!!! It’s insane to think Eddie was first shown to us two years ago already and people are still in love with him and the idea of making him and Steve kiss. The creativeness of this fandom, the many fics we get with so many different tropes, AUs, all the different situations we keep putting those blorbos in. How, even within the same trope, different authors can always put their own little things onto their fics and even when they’re similar, no two fics are ever written the same way.
Anonymous - Do you find yourself engaging in reading and writing differently now (for any fandom) because of your work as a mod, or have you changed how you interact with others in fandom spaces?
I feel like I comment more, especially on fics that have less comments or interactions overall.
@sidekick-hero - What makes you fall in love with a fanfic?
I think I said in a previous answer, the characterization but also the way a fic is written. Like, if it’s through Eddie’s POV I love when authors use a kind of fast paced writing with no pauses and many thoughts happening at the same time while he has a hard time thinking about something specific or focusing on only one thing and and and– cause I feel like Eddie’s head is a mess like that. When it’s a fix-it, how the author manages to save everything, how they pass on the grieving and bad feelings of being part of an apocalypse. When they remember the characters are all just kids. When they give them a break. If it’s an AU, how they put our boys out of the apocalyptic situation, how they make Steve still be Steve when he’s just a baker or a teacher or a nurse and not a high school jock with a savior complex anymore. Those little big details.
Anonymous - Do you try to read through every rec or have you found yourself wanting to read more recs than you can keep up with?
Absolutely the second option lmao Also there are a few themes/tropes that are not my cup of tea, so they don’t go to my TBR list, but the list is still huge anyway lmao But I love learning about new works and writers even if I don’t have the time to read them!
Today, all of our recs are from @spicysix specifically! You can always see their recs on our Fic Fridays by checking our #mod lui rec tag.
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gettinshiggywithit · 9 months
「ᴛɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ ~」
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Scenario:Gift Shopping With Yosano
Pairing: akiko Yosano x fem!reader(platonic)
Genre: fluff
A/N:Hi everyone! Hope everything thing is great and your Christmas has been merry ☺️ I got myself to write and i hope yall like it!
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It was the Christmas season and yosano had gifts to buy!
And of course she made her bestie come along with her, an extra set of hands never hurt anyone~
“So, kiko, where to first?” You asked, arm interlocked with akiko.
“Hmm i think we’ll start with some dress shopping?Finding some new Christmas outfits sounds like a good place to start~” she said as she dragged you into a department store.
Red,green,black and even navy blue.
about a thousand dresses had been tried on between the two of you.
“Hmm how does this look on me?” She asked as she twirled in a sequined navy blue dress. Of course she looked magnificent, and she knew it, but your opinion meant a lot to her too.
“I think this one suits you best ‘kiko!l it goes perfectly and with the pearls you bought the other day, it’d be perfect!” You said matter of factly.
“Hmm i think you’re right! I’ll get this one, but what about you?” She asked as she disappeared back into the changing room to change back into her regular clothes.
“Hmm i think ill get the black dress i wore earlier!”
“The one with the star detailing?”
“Yup that’s the one!”
“Ooh that one didd look great on you~perfect choice y/n”
She stepped out of the dressing room and the two of you paid and checked out.
You also got a pair of black wedge heels while she chose some silver ballet heels.
“Now what?” You asked
“Now for present shopping, i havent bought the other’s gifts yet.” She said as she looked through her bag for what you assumed was a list “what about you?,” she resumed after pulling out a crumpled piece of paper.
“Yeah even I haven’t started on that yet…” you replied.
“Oh well then! Dont let me see my present.”she said with a wink
You laughed along, but little did she know you’d already bought her present! A gold and silver necklace with a butterfly charm to match her head piece.
You continued on and watched as she bought atsushi a new pair of boots, dazai,a few roles of bandages, Kunikida,a new pen(he keeps breaking his thanks to dazai),kenji a new hat, fukuzawa, a cat plushie, ranpo a gift voucher for the local sweet shop,kyouka a new bunny plushie,haruno a new blouse,mii a Christmas themed cat-costume and the tanizakis a pair of matching sweatshirts.
You followed suit and bought your colleagues presents as well and after all of that tedious work, you both gave the gifts over to be wrapped and headed to the spa to relax,after which you headed back to the ada apartments,bid farewell to eachother and it was then that you realised you hadnt seen what she’d bought for you…
Sneaky…how so very yosano of her
“Well,” you said to yourself as you snuggled in with a cup of hot cocoa, “guess ill have to wait and see.”
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen
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mikrrokosmos · 9 months
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feel free to tag me in any and all of your creations!
i will like the set (will show in notes from my main blog, @permanentreverie) and then either reblog right away, or add to my queue under #queuecard.
—« i mainly watch kdramas (and the odd cdrama) - here is a link to mydramalist for those curious on something specific to tag me in (will likely reblog the drama even if i haven’t seen it yet!)
—« kpop groups i am most active in are bts, seventeen, stray kids, and ateez, but also listen to/will reblog txt, enhypen, the rose, nct, kard, twice, (g)-idle, iu, and b.i.
if anyone has any specific questions on what to tag me in, my inbox is always open!
tagging to get the word out - @cordiallyfuturedwight @cosmicdreamgrl @raplinenthusiasts @kimtaegis @mixtapedoh @chanselysees @gobarbie
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just wondering if youre ok with me spam liking your posts bc i love aaravos & viravos LMAAO im new to tumblr and you fill up their tags so sorry
seriously tho i love aaravos' lore so much its not healthy at this point. there gotta be some sort of document with all canon lore/evidence thats connected to aaravos at this point istg🙏 the brain rot is real
of course not, spam is no bother, it makes me happy if anything! i wish you a warm welcome to viravos tumblr my friend >:) we could always use more soldiers for our delusional cause 🫡 its true i post them too much 😔
and yes in fact there is such a document, in fact a few! :) may i refer you to d-pennants post? their blog also holds tons of other useful info! too bad theres nothing past arc 1 <\3
everything we know about aaravos
as well as some other links :)
all of his lines!!
related guide to aaravos part 1 & part 2 by cartoon universe!
tdpo s4 q&a aaravos questions
viravos presentation that has even more things linked in it…
tdp 6x01 masterlist (UPDATED!)
6x01 video leaks as well as the trailer audio
there’s also his reflections patience & ripples if you haven’t seen that yet!
also if you’re interested in even further reading and have the time, my own theories or others are tagged under tdp theory or tdp s6 speculation on my own page :)
(+ a list)
but there are a lot of great other ones out there i have yet to read (or at least reblog) as well!
like this or this or these !!
aaand if anyone else on tdptumblr has any other pertinent info about aaravos to contribute not listed here, please feel free to reblog or reply with it 👀 i hunger.
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spopsalt · 9 months
This person missed the point of the criticisms SPOP has been receiving completely. I haven’t seen one person complain that the world was saved with the power of friendship bc it WASN’T. It was saved by a poorly written rushed abusive romance. In fact, the critics actually wanted to see Adora’s friendships save the day instead of her awful romance with Catra since the show is called She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, despite the princesses barely getting a role. And if there HAD to be a romance, it could’ve been with Glimmer, which would’ve made more narrative sense and sent a better message to kids.
Next, I’m not sure why OP described SPOP as a show with a “pastel color palette about friendship and love and unity” as if these things detract from the bad writing, plus these themes weren’t even handled well. I have no issue with Catra being redeemed and I liked her in seasons 3 and 4. That’s not why the show is being accused of abuse apologism and this isn’t comparable to when Sugar was accused of being a nazi apologist over the SU finale. SPOP was rushed as well (I’m not sure if it got canceled like SU) but Catra’s redemption either should’ve started sooner or the romance should’ve been ditched. SU at least had a much better writing, representation, and messages for kids. It’s funny since imo SU and SPOP are not two sides of the same coin as OP claims. If OP wants shows that are ACTUALLY comparable to SU with “pastel colors, nuanced yet positive and relatable messages about love, fun for kids,” then they should watch MLP and Amphibia instead. Also I haven’t seen one SPOP critic who’s “appalled by anything that is remotely challenging to toxic masculinity” so that’s a load of BS. As for the remaining claims, those may pertain to the SU critics for all I know, but I have yet to see any SPOP critics express such sentiments or behave in such a way. The “hate blogs” for SPOP are really just critical blogs like yours that make valid points rather than “a shit ton of bad faith misinterpretations” and aren’t “tearing [the show] to shreds,” plus the only harassment I’ve seen towards teens over a kid’s show has been from SPOP fans themselves.
This post also included a bunch of nonsense in the tags which I can no longer see since OP recently deactivated their account (in fact the only reason I’m able to share a link to the post is bc someone reblogged it), but they contained more misinterpretations of the criticisms along with slander towards the critics. I’m so sick of SPOP fans continuing to have no critical thinking skills while blindly defending the show and demonizing anyone who dares criticize it. It’s pathetic.
Thanks for the ask! Yeah, the show was saved because of a rushed abusive relationship. The thing is, I wouldn't be half as mad if it wasn't directed towards kids. I don't believe it's intentional, but kids are getting the thought that the way Catra treated Adora is ok because she loved her. Basically the "He bullies you because he likes you!" thing. Instead of actually considering if they have a valid point, they just assume that the critical blogs are just angry homophobic white straight men when a lot of the blogs are queer women like me. Also, yes a pastel color palette makes up for us having to watch a rushed toxic relationship in season 5. It's like spop stans don't realize that their perfect little show can have flaws and anyone who calls them out are homophobic racist. Also from my experience, nobody said the creator romantizes abuse, they are complaining that the show itself does whether it realizes it or not. This show is being marketed to kids and kids will believe that this is ok. That's probably my biggest gripe with the show.
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sentienttoastah · 5 months
Someone mentioned in the reblogs of the last post about their preferred interpretation of Moby Dick and after seeing that I had a little personal thought discussion of my own in my brain and like ahahsjsjs it made me so happy
I just love looking at this book in a more serious way than I usually do so thank you to whoever that was :)
And speaking of, I think from now on I’ll give actual (only occasional!) literary commentary on Moby Dick for these Daily Dick posts because I cannot discuss this book with anyone else except the internet so yes. But for the sake of those who only want to see funky whale drawings I will keep them under the post’s cuts!!
Plus if I didn’t the post would be ungodly long.
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Today, I tried to draw a bit of the crew but then I remembered I suck at drawing humans so even more extremely and unnecessarily green shaded Moby instead. Didn’t have much time so I just gave that fella the Outlast camcorder filter treatment. Dw, the cameraman is fine. Don’t like how this turned out though :(
I want to draw whale skeletons tomorrow :D
Anyways, delusional whale ranting time. Be warned this is way longer than my last one and will contain spoilers for those who haven’t finished the book!
So the reblog tag I saw went along the lines of interpreting Moby Dick as not a god but to have the reader doubt that fact throughout the book until the end because of the descriptions we get of him and honestly, yes. I absolutely agree on that for the original novel. It gives us dread while reading!!
Although I will say that if we were to add/accept some kind of mysticism to Moby Dick and see him as not only a whale and as something else, he still wouldn’t be a “god”. Yet at the same time he isn’t exactly a whale either. Or at least not a normal one (that much is clearly obvious I suppose). Like if that’s not a god then what is a god? And if that’s not a whale what is it? It’s all vague!!
One of the many messages or themes in Moby Dick is humanity’s constant struggle against the unknown and the uncertain. We all fear the unknown in one way or another whether we realise it or not. Why else do we dread our future? Or what will happen tomorrow? Or what will happen after death? Because we don’t know.
With Moby Dick we understand that he’s described as a massive white whale who is known to wreak havoc among sailors. But aside from that what else do we actually know about Moby? The only information we get about him all come from 3rd party sources (such as that other whaling crew they met at chapter 54) and then through Ishmael as our narrator. Like Ishmael himself has only encountered Moby Dick once. How do we know if the information he got from others is true?
And even if it was true it still doesn’t tell us a lot about Moby Dick. We don’t understand why he attacks ships, was he angry? Was he in pain? Was it his own form of revenge? Or was he genuinely just trying to mind his own business? We don’t understand how he became so intelligent, or whether it really was Moby Dick that they saw in the apparitions of chapter 51 or was it just a squid like we see in a later chapter? If it was Moby why was he following them?
The vagueness of Moby Dick’s position in being either whale or something else makes him haunting. So in my own interpretation I’d say to keep the final verdict completely undecided. He appears, then disappears. As only one of the many horrors of the deep. Moby Dick isn’t a horror book by any means but it is about the ocean, the ocean just so happens to be scary because we haven’t truly discovered everything it has to offer. Who knows what’s down there?
Also, not only the fear or mystery he gives to us as the readers but to the crew in the story as well. Moby Dick took victory from doing what other whales the crew have hunted never do. He was “unpredictable” as described. That wraps back to the beginning where I mentioned humanity’s struggles against the unknown and uncertain. But yet, even when we fear what we don’t know we are constantly challenging it still. We’re intrigued by it. Ishmael does so by wanting to learn more about whales and go off on more voyages despite his experience the first time around, and the pequod crew or most notably Ahab does so by challenging Moby Dick.
Speaking of Ahab, he himself can also be compared to Moby Dick’s unpredictability. He might not be vaguely god-like as Moby is, but there’s definitely something about him. Ishmael even quotes something about a mad man, a man who has let go of all rationality and morality, to be more dangerous than any beast. Why? Because he will become an unpredictable man. A man who will do anything to get what he desires even at the cost of others. Which is exactly what Ahab does. Humans are already dangerous enough when we understand them but when we don’t understand them? Even more dangerous no doubt.
That’s why his crew feared him after all. They didn’t know and nor did they want to know what would happen if they disobeyed him. Even Ahab doesn’t understand himself as he mentioned in the chapter with Starbuck. Why does he do the things he do? For revenge? For glory? For gold? He doesn’t understand except the fact he knows (or feels?) he has to. And it’s tragic.
In conclusion; aside from accepting differences, democracy, and the dangers of unhealthy obsession or copious amounts of whale anatomy, Moby Dick is also about the unknown and the uncertain. There’s a lot of other instances like Starbuck’s hesitation and Fedallah’s entire existence but I don’t want to drag out the rant for too long and obviously I’m not the first person to come up with this.
But what do you think? And thank you to anyone who actually read all my crap frfr 🙏🐟
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