#also i wonder what they did with mineta and hagakure
princelyre · 16 days
currently watching the mha arabic dub out of curiosity and. apparently it has its own opening ??? like it has the visuals of "the day" but the music is different. different melody different lyrics (dunno if they're completely different or just translated) but woah
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
001. English Literature is a Pain in the Ass
The September breeze sent all things flimsy to sway in its path. The wind danced with the falling leaves before hitting the ground, occasionally picking them back up only to fall once again. You loved this time of year. It was perfect for going outside without having to dress in a stringy top to beat the heat or wearing a jacket over your stylish outfit. The only downside to this amazing weather was the tradition of going to school at the start of the month.
You let out a breathy sigh, head in the palm of your hand as your elbow rested against the windowsill. The windows of your faded red Dodge Dart GT were rolled down, allowing the wind to blow through your luscious (H/C) locks. Your loud, edgy music causing heads to turn in your direction the further down the street you went. As you came to a red octagon, you stopped, letting the following cars pass by accordingly at the four-way. You tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel as you patiently waited, paying no mind to the four girls in the pale moon convertible next to you.
You stepped on the gas, turning into your schools parking lot. It was a struggle finding a spot to park due to everyone walking and waiting around for God knows what. You were relieved once you found an empty space, quickly pulling in with no hesitation.
You navigated your way through the crowded courtyard, your messenger bag filled with books in hand. You bumped shoulders with anyone who obviously saw you were walking, but refused to move even if it was the teensiest step forward to clear a path. It was only seven in the morning and you were already fed up with everyone's shit.
The bell rung and eventually you made it to your first class of the day: English Literature. You sat in the second row of the seating chart. Intently, you listened to Aizawa drone on like he always did at the beginning of class.
"Okay, then. What did everyone think of The Sun Also Rises?" He scanned his sluggish students after he asked, looking for any volunteers to speak freely about the book.
A girl in your class named Hagakure raised her hand, bringing it down once she made eye contact with Aizawa. The class turned to look at her, including yourself. She spoke in a dreamy tone, "I loved it. He's so romantic."
"Romantic? Hemingway?" You asked, wondering if she was being serious. You heard Aizawa release an elongated sigh before you turned to him and continued, "He was an abusive alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers."
"As opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag who has no friends?" Kaminari asked from the back of the class, earning a few chuckles from his buddies. You rolled your eyes at the comment from him. He held his hand out toward a smaller high school boy, Mineta. The crisp clap of their hands was cut short when Aizawa shouted at him.
"Pipe down, Chachi." That quickly wiped the smirk off Kaminari's stupid face. He was embarrassed to say the least. It wouldn't have been the first time he was shut down by Aizawa in front of a large crowd.
"I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time." You didn't waste a second to snap back. Your classmates groaned, knowing you were about to go on a spiel. "What about Sylvia Plath, or Charlotte Brontë or Simone de Beauvoir?"
The door opened, totally unscripted from the looks of everyone's faces. As nosy as your class was, they turned their attention to the person at the door.
The tall teenage boy wore a black, short sleeve t-shirt. His straight fit, dark wash jeans ran down to his plain sneakers. His chiseled jawline looked almost like it could slice and dice any vegetable he wanted to.
"What'd I miss?" He asked as he panted. He looked like he'd just run a marathon—sweaty and a pinkish tint added to his cheeks. A clear frown was plastered onto his face. His crimson eyes darted around the classroom.
You turned away and crossed your arms over your stomach. You stared Mr. Aizawa right in the eyes as you spoke, as if he were to blame for the previous conversation, "The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education."
"Good." The blonde spat, doing a 180 on his heel, and walking out of the classroom before Aizawa could stop him.
"Hey, hey!" Aizawa shouted after him.
"Mr. Aizawa. Is there any chance we could get (Y/N) to take her Midol before she comes to class?" Kaminari, once again, was mouthing off about you. Of course, even more of your classmates laughed at his joke.
You felt like it was a game of turning between Kaminari and Mr. Aizawa. You were getting tired of it. You whipped your head once more, giving Kaminari the meanest glare he'd ever seen. You wanted to wipe the floor with his smug face.
"Someday you're gonna get bitch-slapped, and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it." Aizawa shook his head around, emphasizing his sentence. You felt a small ego boost from him taking your side, especially because Aizawa would usually just ignore the conversation or egg you both on. Your teacher began to slowly strut to your side of the classroom, making direct eye contact with you as he did so. "And (Y/N), I want to thank you for your point of view. I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper-middle class suburban oppression. Must be tough."
"Anything else?" You sarcastically inquired, expecting there to be a complaint about your mouthy and unpopular view of things.
"Yeah, go to the office. You're pissing me off." Aizawa pointed to the door, walking back to the front of the class.
"What? Mr. Aizawa—"
"Later!" Your teacher cut you off, holding a hand up to silence your protests.
You rolled your eyes in defeat, standing from your desk and grabbing your satchel. Scattered chuckling was heard, including the most obnoxious coming from Kaminari. As you swung your book bag onto your shoulder, you managed to hit the annoying blonde in the shoulder. No remorse coming from you when he exclaimed in shock.
Upon entering the office, you were checking in with the front desk lady, explaining the situation. Though, she already knew of your antics and how much Aizawa despised you in his class.
"Emi!" As if on cue, Ms. Joke was at the door of Ms. Midnight's office. "What's another word for "engorged"?"
"I'll look it up." Ms. Joke offered, scurrying back to her desk.
"Okay." Midnight whispered. You listened to her ponder as you wandered into her room. The office lady told you to have your almost "daily talk" with Midnight. Midnight stared at her computer screen, typing then deleting words from her page, "Swollen. Turgid."
"Tumescent?" You asked, hands in your pockets.
"Perfect." Midnight mused, returning her gaze to the screen in front of her. She put her red-framed glasses on. Midnight typed and talked at the same time, trying to finish her lewd work, "So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr. Aizawa's class again."
"Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action." You defended, sitting in the uncomfy chair across from Midnight.
"The way you expressed your opinion to Minoru Mineta?" Midnight shut her laptop, taking off her glasses and setting them on her desk. She faked a smile as she spoke, "By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested."
"I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls."
"The point is, (Y/N)..." Midnight picked up her mug, assumably sipping on her morning coffee before she continued. Her fingers remained in the handle of the mug, "People perceive you as somewhat..."
""Heinous bitch" is the term used most often." Midnight informed. You looked to the floor, then brought your gaze back up as you smiled to yourself at the funny description. Ms. Midnight saw that you took pride in the saying, she admired that you could handle such strong words, but for the sake of other students, advised otherwise, "You might want to work on that. Thank you."
"As always, thank you for your excellent guidance." You stood from your seat, repeating the same process you did when you were in class; scooping your messenger bag onto your shoulder. "I'll let you get back to Captain Celebrity's quivering member."
You walked out of the room before she could even say anything. She didn't know how you knew she was writing about one of her favorite American heroes.
""Quivering member"," Ms. Midnight hummed in thought. Then she lifted her computer screen, typing a storm, "I like that."
⇨ 002. Your Overgrown Hatred for Assholes
first chapter of this story ! i intend for the story to be short because it’s based off the movie (duh). let me know what you all thought.
taglist🫐 @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes
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Lost Mineta Fic
Because I’m STILL SALTY ABOUT THIS, is it SO HARD for me to recommend a good fic, do you know how many fics there are of Mineta being a decent person!? It ain’t many!
So, as much as I remember (I swear-)
(TW for sexual harassmen, not sure if it counts, but better safe than sorry)
(Unfortunately this is long so under the read more it goes!)
Fic was called “Sour Grapes Are Hard To Swallow”, or something similar
It’s mostly from Mineta’s pov, and starts shortly after Kamino, when all the kids are moving into the dorms. The fic basically starts with Aizawa and Yagi going to the Minetas to talk about the dorms, and we get our first look at Mineta Sr., who is basically Fanon!Mineta!Grapist. the meeting is tense, with Yagi at one point noting Mineta looks like someone in a hostage situation, but Mineta Sr agrees to move his kid into the dorms. After the teachers leave, We also get a pretty good look at Mineta’s home life, and … yeah, Fanon!Grapist is the best way I can describe him. Mineta Sr is a close-minded, Quirkist, anti-mute Homophobe. He’s the picture of toxic masculinity, and seems to be doing his level best to impart it onto his son, which is actually going pretty badly, and Mineta is conflicted about the fact that he isn’t more conflicted. Like, Mineta is aware he is not what his dad wants in a son (he apparently takes after his absent mother in looks), and he’s starting to wonder if maybe that’s a good thing.
A quick jump here, but part of what I loved about this fic was that it made Mineta an actual CHARACTER, rather than a collection of jokes. Someone with hobbies, and feelings, and aspirations, things that I looked at, then compared to canon, and went, “yeah, I can see that” (which, considering how little they gave us, I’m not sure how impressive that is, but there you go). For instance, Mineta likes art. He’s actually very passionate about it, and is a fairly good artist. One of the things he and Kaminari do while hanging out is play video games - Kaminari playing the game, and Mineta just watching, enjoying the set design And artwork. He and Jirou have the same taste in music, and even swap playlists sometimes. He’s apparently a fairly good tutor for the sciences. He likes animals, especially bunnies, because they always look soft. And most of this wasn’t explicit, it was more “show, don’t tell”. Again, considering how little they gave us, not much, but it was SOMETHING. 
Also, Mineta is bisexual, and TERRIFIED his dad will find out.
Like, there’s a scene/flashback of Mineta in middle school getting a crush on a boy, and how badly it went for him when he tried to ask his dad about it (spoiler, it’s how he learns that Pop Off will eventually start bleeding if he pushes it too much). Mineta basically admits to himself that he only acts how he Does, because it’s the only thing his dad ever praised him for - acting more like HIM. As the fic goes on, it becomes about Mineta, now basically out of his dad’s house, not HAVING to act like his dad, and how he deals with it. It also goes into some of Mineta’s thinking, which, while a bit warped, makes a weird amount of sense, and you kind of start to see where he’s coming from.
Like, yes, even in the fic, he ended up groping a few of the girls (and was summarily told off, given detention, and Did not do it again) but there’s a very awkward scene after a few people have learned what his dad is like, that someone points out Mineta made it a point to avoid ever doing any hero exercises with Hagakure. So, apparently, the way it went in Mineta’s mind - groping girls was something his dad was basically expecting of him as “a red blooded male”. He actually talks about the first time he did something like that in middle school (which was an accident he decided to double down on), and when they called his dad, his dad just laughed. When Mineta got home, his dad actually told him he was “proud” of him, in a roundabout way (which, yes, is messed up, that’s the whole point). So Mineta kept doing it, kept getting calls home about it, and it got his dad off his back about other things - like his art. However, Mineta was still aware it was bad, so he tried to make sure it was fairly fast, obvious, and on girls who clearly had no problem knocking him off (even if most of this was subconscious). However, he’s also vaguely aware of social norms, and all of this shit was above the waist, over clothing - Hagakure’s costume is literally boots and gloves. We later find out that Hagakure DID actually have an actual costume, it was mostly a joke saying she didn’t to freak people out, but Mineta didn’t know that. Apparently, he was genuinely concerned he would grab a naked Hagakure somewhere Not Okay, so avoided doing any exercises with her just in case. Keep in mind, it wasn’t that he WANTED to grope her, he was just conditioned to be EXPECTED TO, and the only solution he saw was making sure he never had the chance.
and yes, all of this is SEVERELY MESSED UP, but thats The point. The fic is pointing it out, saying “Wow, this thinking makes a sick kind of sense, but man, isn’t it fucked?”. They even Have Mineta and Bakugou have a conversation, shortly after Bakugou runs into Mineta and his dad over a weekend. Bakugou talks about how his mom, as much as he loves her, has really messed him up. How he acted a lot like she did, how he internalized a lot of shit she believes, about emotions making you weak, about caring making you weak, about having to stand alone to be strong, even if most of it is a bunch of bullshit. About how physical they are with each other, and how he didn’t even realize how much damage that was doing until he saw Deku without a shirt once, and realized how many scars he had. About how Bakugou is trying his best to shed some of her toxic ideas, but how hard it is.
As the story goes on, Mineta is finally starts accepting himself, especially when he starts crushing … on Kouda. No, I am not joking, this was a Mineta/Kouda fic, and I kid you not, that shit was ADORABLE. It starts as the subplot, Kouda and Mineta paired up for a school project, and Kouda finding out that Mineta draws (something he’d been hiding from basically everyone but Kaminari). They start bonding when Kouda invites him to hang out so he can draw some of Kouda’s animal friends, and just gets more tooth rottingly sweet from there. Mineta starts to realize that, after Kaminari, Kouda is probably his best friend. He doesn’t judge him, even when Mineta’s being a dick. He’s teaching him Sign Language, even though Mineta sucks at it. However, he starts to get conflicted, because Kouda is EXACTLY the type of guy his dad would call [a bunch of slurs] but he’s nice! And his Quirk is actually really cool! Not to mention they went to a museum together, and he let Mineta rant about post-modern Impressionism, and they got ice cream, and he’s really cute, andwaitwhatHOLDON-! Eventually, Mineta BiPanics, blurting out most of this to Kaminari, who is a good bro, and helps him out (while also privately planning to murder Mineta Sr.). There’s a lot more back and forth, but Mineta does eventually realize that if he wants to be himself - be happy - be a HERO - he needs to stop trying to be his dad. That he’s ABLE to stop being his dad. He’s in a place where he can safely break away from his dad, with people who will support him and keep him safe.
Now, some other random shit:
- Mineta is technically part of the Bakusquad by the end. No, I’m not kidding.
- Mineta hides his drawing in part because his dad kept insulting Him for it, and he doesn’t want anyone else too
- Kaminari only found out about Mineta’s drawing habit by accident, and he had to really work at it to make the other boy realize he wasn’t going to tease him for it
- Yes, Mineta and Kouda end up dating. For their first kiss, Kouda has to hold Mineta up, which Mineta is embarrassed about but also pleased with (he likes to be held)
- at some point, after Sero and Mineta have a bonding moment, Kaminari dubs them “Sticky Bros” (the two kind of like it despite themselves, and take it as proof they’ve been hanging out with Kami too long)
- Kaminari already kind of suspected Mineta Sr was a prick, as did, funnily enough, Jirou. Kaminari because several of Mineta’s statements seemed like red flags; Jirou, because Mineta sent her at least one playlist by mistake that was of the “Oh, these song choices aren’t concerning in the least” variety
- Everyone finds out Mineta can draw when he does a massive group picture of the whole class in their hero costumes as a birthday present for Aizawa. He actually ended up doing a fairly accurate job of drawing Hagakure’s face, revealing that he’d figured out a light reflecting trick to sort of see her. Later, said light reflection trick is semi-key to Hagakure figuring out how to turn her Quirk “off”
- when Mineta is panicking about his crush on Kouda to Kaminari, he confesses that he briefly had a crush on Shouji, purely for his hugs. Mineta is very small, and enjoys being picked up. Shouji picking him up, he says, is the platonic ideal of being cuddled.
- Mineta and Mina team up for a heroics class against 1-B, and end up kicking Monoma’s ass after he insults Bakugou
- Mineta comes out to most of the class during a game of Truth or Dare. Its right after Tsuyu, Tokoyami and Shoji reveal they’re dating, and he figures if everyone is accepting of that, they won’t much care about him being bi
- Bakugou ends up deputizing Mineta during study nights, because he can apparently explain certain things in a way Mina, Kwami and Sero will understand.
- Yaomomo finds Mineta’s phone at one point after he loses it, and sees a string of texts from Mineta Sr that make her concerned
- there is a big breakdown, where Mineta Sr shows up unannounced, makes a big scene, and Mineta has a panic attack the moment he leaves, thinking the class is going to hate him. I’m actually NOT going to describe it, because just reading it almost gave a sympathy panic attack, and I’m not doing that to myself
-There was also a scene where Mineta explains himself to his classmates, and apologizes to them (The girls in particular) for his behaviour. Everyone is more or less understanding, on the caveat “yeah, we get why you did that shit, and we are trusting you not to do it again, the moment you do we are beating your ass”.
- Ships as follows: Bakugou/Kirishima (like, two weeks after they start living in the dorms); Jirou/Yaomomo (apparently started dating just before the Summer Training Camp); Kaminari/Shinsou (Shinsou is not yet part of their class, but Midoriya keeps dragging him along, he and Kami hit it off); Tokoyami/Shouji/Tsuyu (about halfway through the fic, honestly adorable); Midoriya/Uraraka/Shouto (secondary background subplot about how all three are in love with each other, but think the other two are in love, and keep trying to step aside so those two can be happy. When Tsuyu announces she’s dating both Shouji and Tokoyami, all three have an epiphany, and spend the rest of the fic trying to figure out if the other two are into it. Someone makes the joke that their class has the Stable Poly Trio, and the Chaotic Poly Trio); Iida/Hatsume (not technically dating yet, but heavily implied that they will at some point); Sero/Ojirou (author joked they bonded over being “the plain ones [who are actually badass]”); Aoyama/Hagakure (the definition of dramatic, pansexual disasters); Mina, currently single (the author said they see Mina as grayromantic); Satou, also single (AroAce); Aizawa/Present Mic; and finally Mineta/Kouda
- Fic finale was Mineta Sr disowning Mineta after finding out his son was “a homo”, leading To Mineta becoming a ward of U.A. under Midnight, who was Sort of his mom figure at that point. Mineta Sr also ended up arrested, because he thought it was a good idea to use his Quirk (secreting some kind of adhesive from his skin) to “shut up that gay cockatoo” (Present Mic) leading the PM almost asphyxiating. 
Obviously, the fic was better written than my rambling, but here we are. If anyone finds the fic, throw me the link, cause this is the fifth time a fic I really like just FUCKING VANISHED after I recommended it, and I’m starting to wonder if I am cursed.
Honestly this sounds fucking fantastic and I hope someone finds the link
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kackzsuki · 3 years
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currently have been playing way too much minecraft nowadays and i wondered what it'd be like if class 1-a did the same.
hcs under cut !!
koda tames all the animals he sees. this caused him too have the largest mc animal farm 1-a has had the pleasure to see
he only eats bread, apples, and baked potatoes since he doesn't like killing any of the animals, even in minecraft.
the bakusquad live in this insane mansion that sero and kaminari built. it has like, 15 rooms and all that.
bakugo, unlike koda, kills every single mob he sees.
when bakugo’s in a pissy mood, he’d log on the server just to mine. It calms him down.
kirishima joins him most of the time as extra inventory space (the company's enough)
mina, tsuyu and uraraka make cute little cottages, gardens and basically very cottagecore builds!
iida likes doing redstone, and the house he, Midoriya, Shinsou, (YES, shinsou is an honorary class 1a member) and Todoroki live in is FILLED with redstone traps to avoid being griefed. (by bakugo)
shinsou plays minecraft instead of sleeping (sometimes he plays bedwars or skyblock. for variety)
usually, it's him and bakugou who's online at the oddest times.
they also go mining together when kirishima isn't online.
uraraka shares a house with tsuyu (it's hello kitty and keroppi themed, they got that idea from hagakure)
tsuyu likes adventuring out with midoriya, shoji, kirishima, and todoroki!
todoroki only tags along with midoriya and the others during adventuring because he doesn’t know what you’re really supposed to do in minecraft.
kirishima, midoriya and todoroki suck at navigating their way back to their base, so tsuyu and shoji lead them back.
everyone goes to bakugou for armor or tools!!!! (because he mines a lot)
kirishima and bakugo share a room, since bakugo requested it to be so damn big, and he didnt know what to do with the space so he just asked kirishima to room with him.
kirishima decorated it with flowers, bookshelves and other stuff to make it look less dull since bakugo’s room was literally just a bed, some chests, a furnace, and a crafting table.
tooru makes really cute sanrio themed builds!! they’re very colorful and her house is just a giant wool replica of my melody
she picks flowers for her garden, where she has her pet bees in
everyone goes to Sato when they don’t have enough resources, since sato seems to have almost everything in very big amounts (known as the server's "catalog")
he manages a huge farm, as well. He has chests filled with wheat, potatoes, carrots etc.
tokoyami has a cave base. he didnt put any torches, so mobs always spawn.
crowned as the server's bat man because of all the bats in his cave base
aoyama has a diamond castle as a base,,, like those bases we built the first time we played minecraft except,,, fancier
(no one knows how he got so much diamonds, but they dont really question it.)
kirishima crowned himself mayor of a village, and spends his time on minecraft maintaining the farm, fighting pillagers, and trading with villagers.
he redecorated the village with flowers and vines :)) uraraka and mina helped!!
ojiro just plays the game normally. (at least he tries to when class 1-a's shenanigans aren't so disruptive)
ojiro was the first to get to the nether ( he has a base there, too)
everyone goes to momo for potions!! she loves making them and makes tons of them!
jirou spent most of her time trying to get every single minecraft music disk. denki would help when he can.
once she did get them all, she wouldn’t stop playing them. everytime you pass by momojirou's territory, you'd either hear mellohi or cat.
^^ its bc momo listens to cat while she makes potions :))
“Hey, jirou? can you play the song?” “Sure thing!”
mineta is banned from the server for trolling and hax. (he wasn't in the server's whitelist and tried to get in by force. they gave him a chance, but his behavior in the server caused him a ban :))
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sharkdream3421 · 2 years
Izuku Midoriya X Male Orca Reader - Hidden Truths
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Let's start this serious chapter with a cute Izuku gif!
Before you read, I recommend that you read my Izuku X Reader - Ignored Inheritance and my Toru Hagakure X Reader first.
Okay let's get to the story now.
Warning: Mineta makes an inappropriate comment.
Summary: You tell Izuku that you know about One for All.
You made it home and your parents were both in their room undressing out of their hero outfits. You noticed because the light was on in their room.
Just great. You thought.
The least thing you wanted was to talk to your parents after having to wait to go to the park and meet Izuku.
You sat on the living room couch to watch some TV. You turned on your favorite show, which was "Present Mic's fabulous talks." Even though your Dad kind of disliked the guy. You thought he was kind of cool or entertaining to say the very least. He did DJ tracks, interviews, and many more. When you will become a hero, you will do some of the stuff Present Mic does as well. Well...at least doing the interview part. Maybe then you could at least try to discourage discrimination among quirks.
You heard a door open, which you immediately could tell it came from your parents' room. Your father and mother walked in and immediately sat down on the couch next to each other with smiles on their faces.
"Hey little guppy, we saw your note, but try to text us next time when you're going out. How was your time out with your friend?" Your father asked.
You grumbled, "I told you not to call me 'little guppy.' I'm sixteen now."
Your father had a deep chuckle escape his throat, "I know son, I'm sorry I just enjoy calling you that sometimes."
You rolled your eyes as you sighed, "Anyway, me and my friend had a good time. We ate some ice cream with each other and talked not much else." You replied clicking onto another channel.
"That's good, hey we wanted to talk to you about something. It's about our family." Your mother spoke to you in a somewhat concerned voice.
You shut down the TV as you put the remote away and laid back.
"We have starting to notice that this family has been drifting apart a little lately and we know it's because we are all so very busy. Though, when we are home you tend to avoid us Y/N, why is that? We're your parents you know you can talk to us if anything is wrong." Your mother explained.
You grumbled once again as you put your claws over your face. They would never understand, you can't tell your Dad that you went into his office and now know about the provisional license exam. They also wouldn't stop being overprotective despite you telling them you can handle yourself. They say they "understand" when they freaking don't!
You stood up from your seat as you looked at them with a serious look on your face.
"Even if I told you, you wouldn't care. The problem is that you guys keep texting me every goddamn time that I can't even have time to myself that's why a wrote a note instead of texting! Your all so overprotective that your not even letting me have a chance to prove myself that I can take care of myself!"
Your father stood up and put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to stop you from going out the door. "Hey, your mother and I aren't done talking yet and you don't talk to my wife like that! You can't just leave!"
Your sharp teeth showed as you retaliated with shoving him, "Leave me alone!" You shouted as you opened up the front door of the house and left.
"Y/N!" Your Dad shouted.
Kugo felt a hand on his shoulder, and when he turned around he saw that it was his wife.
"Let him go Kugo, he just needs time to himself for now."
Kugo sighed very deeply as he relaxed.
"Okay, but we will talk about this with him later."
You were in a spa with a bunch of the other guys in class 1-A. You sat with Izuku enjoying the nice warm water going against your rubbery skin. You wore a white towel over the bottom part of your body to cover up your private parts.
"Hmm I wonder what a fish's we we looks like." You heard someone mumble.
You saw that Mineta went under the water! No freaking way! That damn pervert! No way he was going to see your nuts!
Everyone in the spa heard Mineta and immediately jumped out of the pool along with you. Mineta's head appeared out of the water as he cried like the baby he was.
"Aww come on Y/N! I just wanted to see what your balls looked like." Mineta yelled crying like a baby.
This fithy pervert! You had it you were going to kill him! You bent down and picked up Mineta and threw him in the air. Like really really high, almost to even to outer space.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You heard the pervert shout.
You sighed contently, "Finally, got my revenge. I always hated that guy."
Everyone just stared at you shocked. Not even a word come out of anyone's mouth after what had just happened.
You saw Mr. Aizawa come out from the summer camp building with his hands in his pockets.
"What happened? I heard screaming from here?" Aizawa questioned.
You looked at Mr. Aizawa with an apologetic look, as you itched your dorsal fin.
"Uh Mineta just tried to assault me, sort of. Sorry Mr. Aizawa." You replied. You felt bad for having to have Mr. Aizawa out here now instead of relaxing inside the building.
Mr. Aizawa just waved his hand off at you like he didn't care, "It's okay I believe you I never liked that guy either. I'll save him later, just enjoy yourselves in the spa for now."
"You know Y/N, that was kind of crazy." Izuku said looking up at you.
"I kinda don't regret it." You said.
You then suddenly heard the girls from the other side of the fence praise you, "THANK YOU Y/N! WE HATED MINETA!"
"Or maybe it was a good thing?" Izuku said as he laughed lightly and itched at the back of his head embarrassed.
You chuckled at remembering the memory. You and Izuku were close friends, you could trust him. He can trust you with his secret about his quirk, but you thought about telling him about the provisional license exam. You can't keep secrets from your best friend right?
It's 8 PM and you saw Izuku walking towards you wearing his normal outfit that he wears in the dorms and his light blue hoodie. When it came about Mr. Aizawa going around and asking about doing dorms for class 1-A to ensure more safety for the students. Your Mom and Dad politely declined, which made you all the more frustrated. It was mainly because they were "at home to protect you."
"Hey Y/N, why are we meeting here at 8 PM? It is getting kind of late." Izuku said with a concerned look on his face.
You sighed as you patted down at the bench, "Take a seat Izuku, I have something important to talk about with you."
Izuku sat down on the bench and looked at you awaiting for your answer. You took a deep breath as you looked up at him with a serious expression.
"I know about your quirk Izuku, it came from the big head honcho didn't it?"
Izuku's pupils dilated as his entire face overcame with shock. He knew you were talking about All Might.
"Whaaa!? How did you know?! Who told you!?" Izuku shouted.
"Shhhhh! It's freaking 8 PM man, I wanted to talk to you about this in a quiet spot where no one could hear us." You replied.
"Okay okay sorry, just how did you know?"
You sighed as you itched a finger on the side of your face, "Well I kind of figured out myself. There were a couple signs that showed it. You gotta work on hiding your quirk better."
You smiled as you put Izuku's hands into your big ones, "Izuku, don't worry about it. Not to be rude, but I think some of the people in our class are a little oblivious about your quirk. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
Izuku looked up at you with a big smile on his face, "Y/N...t-thank you. Although, maybe I do need to work on hiding my quirk better?"
A deep chuckle escaped your mouth, "Hell yeah man."
"Izuku how did you get his quirk?" You asked.
Izuku told you everything from one for all, All for One, and how he was even quirkless at first.
You gave him a hug as you rubbed his back softly, "I promise you Izuku, anyone can become a hero with or without a quirk. All that matters is the heart. All Might clearly saw your spirit, and if he didn't give you his quirk. Then, I wouldn't have met you. You changed my life so much Izuku. Thank you! You would make a great hero someday." You told your best friend.
Izuku was speechless a little at first, but then a big smile appeared on his face. "Thanks Y/N, you would make a good hero too!"
"I guess we both would wouldn't we?" You propesed your idea.
Izuku looked over at the statue that was in the center of the park. "Yeah, we would."
You could tell him about the provisional license exam, but you pushed that aside. You knew you shouldn't even have known about your Dad being in the exam, but if somehow you got in trouble. You didn't want Izuku getting in trouble too. Your Dad was in your way from becoming a pro hero and you wouldn't let him stop you! You and Deku were going to do your very hardest and make it to the top!
Next part, Y/N will fight his Dad (Gang Orca) in the provisional license exam!
Next part
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Can I request class 1-a having a new student and one day the hole class have to make a PowerPoint presentation and the new student makses on of the whole class but it's (for example that's why todoroki makes a good boyfriend and bonus points he is a cold and warm pack ) and then they say there is nothing I could find pozetief on mineta but who wants to date him anyway
I hope that makes sense
I’ll try my best!
Fluff 💖
PowerPoint Presentation On Why You Should Date Them!
All of Class 1-A!
For a school project, you had to make a presentation on something that everyone needed or needed to know. After about a week, it was finally your time to shine. "Hi everyone!" You say as you get your computer set up, everyone smiles and looks up at the projector screen. "Okay so this is the presentation I made and it's called "Why You Should Date The Students of Class 1-A at UA." You say as you point at the title. Everyone's eyes go wide, Aizawa doesn't care since it was his nap time. You heard him lay his head on his desk, so you continued.
The first person to show up was Yuga Aoyama! You started to read off the points, "okay so the first person is Yuga Aoyama!" You say as you point to him in the front, he smiles. "Number one, he has wonderful fashion sense! Like that's who you would want to go to for it, second, he can teach you french! Yes, it'll probably take some time but hey, you'll still learn it! And lastly, he is such a fun person to be around!" You look back at him and he's smiling more now, "thank you dearly (y/n), I knew I was that gorgeous on camera!" He says and you laugh.
You go to the next slide, this time it says Mina Ashido! "Next up is my dear friend, Mina Ashido!" You can hear Mina giggle, you smile and continue. "First, she's always there when you need her! She's goofy and lovable so that is a plus! Second, she is romantic! Like girl, it's amazing!" You exclaim, you can hear Mina and some others laugh. "Lastly, she is the best to go anywhere with! She is so sociable and fun that you'll automatically have a great time! Bonus points for her great style, girl send me some of those tips!" You say as you wink at her, she bursts out laughing.
As you continue onto the next slide, it shows up as Tsuyu Asui! On the slide, you include a cute photo of her and a frog. "Now onto Tsuyu Asui! For one, she's mature and responsible! Tsu is focused on her schoolwork and home life. Second, she is like a mom to everyone! She knows how to look after us and makes us feel at home." You smile, Tsu smiles at you and you can hear her go "ribbit" every now and then. "Lastly, she is loving and caring. Even at your weak point, she can help you and give you all the emotional support you need."
"Next up is Tenya Iida!" You say and you can see him blush slightly. "First reason is that he's incredibly smart! If you ever have a problem or even just need some extra help, he'll be amazing for that! Second, he works hard. He is so determined that he'll want to make sure you can achieve your goals as well. Lastly, he's humble. He'll admit his mistakes and the rare occasions when he is rude, that's boyfriend material, guys!" You say that laughing, his face goes even redder. "Bonus points for the fact that he loves study dates, hint hint!" You say as you wink.
The next slide is pastel pink and filled with bubble gifs. "Next up is Ochaco Uraraka! Number one, she's bubbly and loving! She is so friendly and can make a friend out of anyone! Second, she is always excited and loves to go out! Lastly, she may be a bit of an airhead, no pun intended," You giggled, "but she is such a friendly person and she's so empathic." You look back at the class and Uraraka is smiling widely, "I feel honored to be on the list!" She says, you laugh and continue on.
The next slide has thunderbolts all over it, and in those, it spells out "Denki Kaminari". "Okay, so this one is Denki Kaminari! He is super funny and sweet for starters, so that makes him an awesome person to hang around with! Secondly, he tends to joke around a lot and be playful, so automatically he's goofy!" You exclaim, you hear Denki laughing and saying "how did they know!" You laugh and continue, "lastly, he may be a bit of an airhead but he cares for all of his friends. He is such a sweet guy."
You smile, "next is Eijrou Kirishima!" Kirishima laughs and watches the presentation. "He is manly and a gentleman! He knows how to treat you right that's for sure!" Eijrou smiles, "Second, he is super loyal! I mean look at him, he's funny and can make friends with everyone he meets! Lastly, he's kind-hearted! He's super sweet and he is amazing to be around! I'm glad to call him my friend!" You say with a big smile. "Plus, his quirk can be useful in other activities if you know what I mean!" You say, winking. Everyone starts laughing, "nice one (y/n)!" Kirishima calls out to you.
"Next is Koji Koda! For one, he can teach you sign language! It may not seem like a lot, but it can be really useful to know! Second, he's kind-hearted as well! He's super sweet, he's shy but that doesn't stop him from being kind and a good friend. Lastly, he loves animals! Everyone loves an animal person, he's great with them and it's such a cute sight to see as well!" You pause before going on, you spot Koji, he's smiling and clapping. You smile and continue onto the next slide.
"Next up is Rikkido Sato! For starters, he loves to bake! And that's an amazing trait because imagine all of the desserts you can eat! Next is that he is sweet! Just like his desserts, he's super sweet and kind! Lastly, he's a very positive person! He has a good attitude about everything and it's adorable!" You smile, and Rikkido smiles at you.
A picture of Mezo Shoji and him with his friends, you included, shows up on the slide. "Next is Mezo Shoji! One, he's super protective of his friends! It shows how much he cares and loves his friends. Two, he is kind and can make friends with everyone. Thirdly, he is selfless. Which means he's willing to risk his life for any of his friends." Shoji smiles, "thank you (y/n)."
"Next is Kyoka Jiro! She is usually very social, except for when Denki bothers her." You laugh and Kyoka laughs as well, and nods "that's true honestly." You continue on, "second, she has great taste in music! She has a mixture of different bands she listens to, and then she'll even try some new ones for you! Thirdly, she can play different instruments! I find that amazing and she can even teach you how to play them!"
"Now we have Hanta Sero, he's very sociable and friendly! He is also quite funny and I have to say, he might be the funniest out of everyone in here!" Sero starts laughing, "you got that right!" You laugh and go on, "lastly, he's brave! He'll make sure to keep you safe and he's willing to step in for you."
"Now we have Fumikage Tokyami, he is protective of his friends! He will step in and make sure they're okay. Second, he has self-control. This may not seem like a big thing, he knows his limits and he can stay patient. Third and finally, he is very brave! Yes, he's shy but he's brave." Tokyami nods and watches the presentation.
A picture of Katy Perry's "Hot and Cold" shows up on the next slide, everyone giggles, and chuckles. "If you didn't guess from that, it's Shoto Todoroki! He is very calm and collected, he stays calm during stressful situations. He tends to care very much for his friends and values them very deeply, and lastly, he tends to put them first. He's grown a lot from when he first started, he's becoming more sociable!" You say, Shoto slightly smiles and nods. "Plus he makes a great heating pad and an ice pack if you need it!" You say laughing, others join in.
"Next we have our favorite invisible girl, Toru Hagakure! For one, she's super bubbly and overall a very positive person! Second, she likes to collect plushies and other cute things, so that means you'll have a shopping buddy! You have to invite me at some point girl!" You say, she laughs, "for sure (y/n)!" You look back up at the screen, "then finally, she can easily make friends and super sociable! She's such a sweet person!"
You laugh and change the slide, "now the one and only, angry pomeranian, Katsuki Bakugou!" Katsuki frowns, "hey dumbass that's not funny!" You laugh and continue, "yes he is very hot-headed, but he is protective over his friends. Second, he is very determined to do good, he'll push you just because he wants to see you achieve your goals. Lastly, he may have pride but he does have his sweet moments. I've only gotten to experience them every now and then but he truly is a good friend, angry or not." You say with a smile, everyone starts going "aww" and Katsuki's face goes beet red. "I- Thanks dumbass." He says quietly.
"Now onto our favorite broccoli boy, Izuku Midoriya!" You exclaim, "first off, he's super sweet! Like just look at him!" You say pointing to Izuku, he blushes and smiles. "Second, if there's anything you want to know about heroes, that's the man to go to! And lastly, he cares for his friends so much. He loves them and will do anything for them, he honestly just wants the best for them." Izuku smiles, "plus if you ever want some cute dates, that's who you go to!" You exclaim.
You frown as you move onto the next slide, "okay so Mr. Grape Pervert, or known as Minoru Mineta. " You clear your throat with the *ahem* sound, "there's nothing good about him so next!" Minoru frowns as everyone laughs.
You smile, "and our last slide is about Momo Yaoyorozu! She is a natural leader, so definitely determined and focused! She encourages you and helps you out, she wants you to be the best you can be! And finally, she is a really great person. She's an amazing friend and always wants the best for you!" Momo smiles, "thank you (y/n)!" You smile and close your computer. "This was my presentation on why you should date the students of class 1-A. I really hope you did enjoy it! I meant it, you all, besides Mineta, are wonderful people. I'm so glad to have you as friends." You say, smiling.
I hope you enjoyed it! This took FOREVER!
I hope you have a great day!
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pikahlua · 3 years
ok im unsure if this is something that has been asked/answered before but i am a really bad listener when it comes to japanese and sometimes only vaguely pick up when characters are speaking impolitely. any insight on like a scale of who is the most polite vs impolite? i feel like bakugou is only rarely polite when it's superiors (but even thats rare depending on who it is?) where as midoriya is like in the middle ? sorta rude sometimes? particularly when hes got that win to save mindset on haha (thanks kacchan)
You chose quite the topic, dear anon.
Without writing you a 100-page thesis, I'll see what I can do here.
I think what you're referring to are the politeness levels of Japanese grammar patterns, such as polite speech vs informal speech and things like that. I can certainly tell you which characters use which forms the most often. But you should understand that using polite speech isn't always polite in-context. Say you have a close friend you always speak to with informal Japanese; if you suddenly switch to polite speech, you would sound cold and distant, like you aren't friends anymore. That person would wonder what they did to offend you. The speech forms you choose need to reflect the relationship you have with your conversation partner as well as the context in which you are conversing. Likewise, there are situations where it’s totally appropriate to use informal speech: Aizawa speaks to his students this way, and no one should bat an eye about it because he’s in an elevated social position to them as their teacher.
There are also certain grammar patterns within informal Japanese that are unique and stylized. I’d say from what I personally can notice, I’d divide what I know into the following groups: standard informal, masculine/assertive, feminine/casual, slangy, and rude (aka masculine/assertive up to 11). By rude, I don’t mean offensive...except often it is? It has its appropriate contexts within a friend group.
So here’s what I did: I split up the class 1-A characters by gender (because comparing the context of genders just sounds like a nightmare), and then ranked them in groups of politeness levels based on how they speak to their peers.
Yaoyorozu (polite, feminine)
Asui, Hagakure (informal, feminine), Jirou (informal, androgynous)
Ashido (informal, feminine, casual, slangy, a little more assertive than group #2)
Uraraka (informal, casual, but she can be assertive/masculine in the right context like for competition or exercise)
Aoyama, Kouda, Midoriya, Ojiro, Sero (informal, Sero can dip a little into the masculine/casual realm)
Shouji, Iida, Todoroki (informal, masculine/assertive)
Satou, Mineta (informal, masculine/assertive, a bit more slangy, Mineta can dip into the rude territory in certain situations)
Kaminari, Kirishima (informal, masculine/assertive, a lot more slangy, the dudebros)
Tokoyami (informal, masculine/assertive, rude, about the same politeness as group #4, but Tokoyami doesn’t talk like a dudebro in the ways Kaminari and Kirishima do)
Midoriya when his desire to win outweighs his desire to save (informal, masculine/assertive, slangy, rude, emulating 90% of Bakugou’s speech patterns)
Bakugou (informal, masculine/assertive, slangy, rude, trying so hard to sound like an asshole delinquent it’s funny because we all know he goes to bed at like 8 or 9pm)
If there’s a particular character you’d like further insight on, please ask! It’s especially helpful if you want to know how they talk to another character or in certain situations, like to a teacher vs. a peer vs. an enemy or something.
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astersofthesky · 3 years
What I really loved about Heroes Rising is that every student (except Hagakure like I'm sorry girl but you deserve better) was able to show their growth, techniques, fighting skills, and their resolves of being a hero.
It was amazing to see Aoyama and even Mineta shine and go Plus! Ultra. I really like Aoyama and it was sad to see this as his only 'big moment'.
The final fight is one of my favorite scenes in MHA despite coming from a movie because it was the first I actually saw the whole of Class A in action, and their teamwork was amazing to watch.
I also enjoyed the callbacks, 1. Uraraka floating debris which she first used against her fight with Bakugou, 2. Kamino moment between Kiri and Todoroki, and 3. (This one's actually a spoiler rather than a callback) Bakugou uses Kaminari as a lightning rod during Nine's attack, and this is also Kaminari's biggest moment in the War arc because unlike in the movie, Kaminari did not go into 'Whey' mode
Last but not least, the BakuDeku team-up.
Even with the current manga events, this is still Bakudeku's best duo fight yet. It is super duper satisfying to see them fight together and their combo moves are absolutely beautiful *sobs* Gosh, I wanna see it again, them kicking ass and stuff. There's just one thing I desperately need before MHA ends and that is to see 'Wonder Duo' get officially recognized.
Although tbh, I'm getting a lil' worried especially with the current power scaling in the manga. Shiggy's multiple quirks and not to say if he's successful in stealing Star's quirk, he'd be too OP. I'm not too worried about Deku cos he's the MC but Kacchan !!
Him and Deku would absolutely team-up but to see them actually fight with equal strengths like in Heroes: Rising ?? I don't have high hopes for it 😭😭
Kacchan's hella strong, but against ShigarAFO and even Deku himself (especially when Hori decides to give him a power-up to balance the scales), he would definitely lag behind.
I swear I don't have any idea as to how Hori plans to do the final Bakudeku combo fight
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makeste · 3 years
Don’t you think that Horikoshi backing up Katsuki with 1A is proof Deku’s stronger than him? Like, I really don’t think it would end in a draw if they fought it out 1v1, it would just be unrealistic at this point, (and would undermine Endeavour’s storyline, Nagant’s character and the overall power scaling of the manga). However, Katsuki winning alone against Deku or winning as a team against Deku is the same end result for him, so it’s way more realistic, and follows what MHA’s always telling us about teamwork. Maybe in the end there’ll be a Deku v Kacchan (and I hope so! And likely, considering Katsuki’s definitely the strongest in the class and the only one who can at least hope to compare) but I think Horikoshi realized Katsuki can’t win alone (and I think even Katsuki knows that rn), but that doesn’t mean he can’t win at all.
I very much do not think this is proof of that, but I am also very biased and stubborn about this, and have a lot of strong feelings about it as you probably know lol. so keep that in mind.
there are a few reasons why I think the entire class is there. firstly, to show how much they all care about Deku and how important Deku is to all of them. I said in my prediction post last week that I thought the Deku Rescue Squad would consist of people whom Deku had inspired in some way. and that did turn out to be the case -- it's just that I underestimated just how much Deku has inspired all of them, not just a select few. he means enough to each and every one of his classmates that they all came together and agreed that they were going to go out and find him and show him that he wasn't alone. and that was actually very moving to realize (no wonder Deku scrambled to hide back under his mask so quickly lol).
the second reason why I think they are all there is because, this being endgame times, I think Horikoshi wants to show how much all of them have powered up, not just the main cast. with the final battle approaching, he needs to show us that these kids are ready, or else he risks us not being able to suspend our belief when they wind up defeating AFO and the League at the end of the series. we need to see how far they've come, and he needs to show us what they're made of.
and the third and final reason is because in order to ease the fear in Deku's heart right now, his friends need to reassure him that what happened at Gunga and Jakku is not going to happen again. they need to show him that they're strong, so that he can trust in their strength. and they also need to show both him and the Vestiges that the most surefire way of defeating AFO isn't through OFA's power alone, but through the power of all of their quirks. all of their strength, combined. they need to demonstrate to him that the 19 of them acting together are easily a match for him even if he does have six quirks. and so if all of them work together, they can even be a match for TomurAFO as well.
so yeah, all of these things are very important and need to happen. but none of them precludes DvK3 from also happening as well. what I'm currently envisioning is a two-phase battle.
in the first phase, all of them team up against Deku while he tries to use SIXQUIRKS to take them down, using the same strategies that worked against Muscular and Nagant and the others. except that it doesn't work against 1-A because they're prepared for it, and they show him how their own strength and ingenuity can match and exceed his own when they all work together.
during this phase we'll get to see the kids show off, and we'll get to see what kind of combos Horikoshi can pull off with all of them acting together as a unit. so for instance, maybe Deku tries to use Smokescreen to escape, and Momo makes a bunch of giant fans to blow the smoke away, and Dark Shadow carries one of the fans up into the air, and Ochako makes the others weightless, and Kouda summons a bunch of birds to carry them, and Iida turns on Recipro and runs a bunch of high speed circles around the area to clear out the rest of the smoke.
or Deku uses Float, and Mineta and Sero and Shouto use their quirks to catch him while Kacchan and Shouto and Ochako and Tokoyami and all the other kids with flying quirks loop around to cut him off.
or Deku uses Danger Sense to try and dodge their attacks, but the same group from the previous paragraph uses the same tactics to hold him in place. or Jirou and Kami and Tsuyu use their quirks to paralyze him temporarily. or Hagakure and Kacchan use their quirks to momentarily blind him.
or Deku tries to use Blackwhip to grab them and hold them all in place, but Kacchan and Iida use their speed to evade (evading Blackwhip is a specialty of Kacchan's after all), and Shouji uses his quirk to sprout arms on all of the other kids to help pry them free, and Aoyama and Mina use their quirks to dissolve some of the Blackwhip tendrils because idk but there has to be something that's able to actually counter them (just like Dark Shadow is similarly made of "dark energy" but isn't invulnerable either), and Ojiro runs around being a diversion or something because I had to include him in these hypotheticals somewhere, and Sero and Shouto use their quirks to bind and freeze Deku's hands so he can't aim properly, and Kiri and Satou use their strength to turn the tables on Deku and yank him off balance instead using his own quirk.
anyway but the point is, they have an effective counter for each and every one of Deku's quirks and strategies, because they are taking advantage of the fact that 19 > 6. and so that's what the first part of the battle will be like. but then the second phase, I envision happening once Deku finally whips out the one quirk they haven't been able to prepare for, because they didn't know about it -- Fa Jin. I don't think Deku will use it to attack any of them directly; rather, he'll try to use it as a trump card to try and make his escape. in which case the most likely scenario is that Kacchan -- whose own speed upgrade Deku is similarly unaware of -- will take off after him, with the others following behind at a slower pace (assuming they can still track him using the GPS). which in turn leads to the second phase of the battle -- our much-anticipated DvK3 proper.
which is still going to happen for my money, and is still vitally important. because the two of them have a lot of things that they need to say to each other. and because Kacchan is still Deku's equal, and I will die on that fucking hill if I have to lol. and with respect, I can't really bring myself to worry about it potentially undermining Endeavor's storyline or Nagant's skills or whatever either, because to be perfectly frank this is something that was established long before those things came along, and this takes precedence. Kacchan staked his claim to number one in the very first chapter. he reaffirmed that claim multiple times throughout the series, including after DvK1 and DvK2. he was the second one to be tied to All Might's legacy right after Deku. he is the other half of the "win" and "save" equation. the first one Deku entrusted with his secret. the one who Deku emulates. and the reason why Deku left UA. the real reason. not the only reason, but the predominant reason which he still hasn't been able to face yet. because Kacchan's body moved on its own, and he took that blow for him, and that frightened him more than anything has ever frightened him before.
so yeah, it has to happen. there are too many loose ends which need to be addressed. too much emotional buildup to be resolved with just a handful of sentences while they duke it out alongside their classmates. at the very least, if 1-A does wind up triumphing over Deku, there would need to be some kind of follow-up conversation between Deku and Kacchan alone, if not necessarily a fight.
but you know what, even as I typed that last sentence out it didn't feel right lol. ngl I do still think it's gonna be a fight. that's just what they do. they're shounen rivals. and shounen rivals share their feelings via their fists lol. and these two have a lot of feelings to share, and a shitload of trauma to unpack and address. and that moment at the end of 318 -- that solo moment with just Kacchan, alongside the "the one who can complete Midoriya Izuku..." dialogue -- that wasn't just a coincidence. there is absolutely no way.
so yeah, I stand by my previous posts lol. we doin this. not sure when, at this point, but stay tuned.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
320 bits I wanna talk about
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Iieda looks like he’s doing the *inhale* before the BOI IF YOU DON’T- meme. Something along the lines of “BOI IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS BACK TO UA-” kind of thing lol.
He holding something in definitely. Maybe charging up for an attack? Idk but he sure seems concentrated
Actually, Iieda seems kinda considering. Maybe he’s weighing up if he should join in the fight, as if he’s asking “Will I have to fight Midoriya, if it comes down to it? Or can the others handle this?” Something tells me he doesn’t want to have to weigh in on the fight. Maybe tear into Izuku verbally, but fight? No I don’t think he wants to do that
But also, I find it interesting that that black panel of text is under him and then it cuts to Bakugou yelling at Izuku. I mean, it could very well be Bakugou thinking that, but if that’s so, then why is Iieda the first person we see?
So, I think it’s Iieda thinking that. Tensions are rising, it seems. I’m expecting his turn to be full of a lot of emotion, or at least trying to get across to Izuku that he feels betrayed but mostly just wants Izuku to come back home.
I don’t really know what’ll happen with Iieda exactly, but I’m totally interested to see what happens
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I know Bakugou has problems with his emotions and words and stuff, but I also think here he’s trying to anger Izuku in order to get him to fight back, maybe so he’s more angry than flexible in a fight, so the end result would be Izuku getting too angry to predict anything and eventually tripping up, and that’s when 1A could capture him.
The one thing to remember about Izuku is that allowing him to think is going to be the opponent’s downfall. We saw in the Kacchan VS Deku 2 fight that Bakugou knew this and so kept attacking as much as possible so Izuku wouldn’t have time to think. Which worked, because Izuku is great at analysis, so making his “Win” attitude [getting competitive therefore putting more energy into attacking than strategy] come out over his “Save” attitude [you’re my friend and I want to help you] is kind of a weakness of his. That’s kind of one of the reasons he lost that fight.
Then again, maybe Izuku has improved since then? I don’t really know but I think enough time has passed for him to have maybe improved more on that so idk we’ll see
I really love Bakugou’s expression in that bottom screencap lol
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His wound!! All bandaged up!! I wonder if there’s a scar there or smthg :O
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I know Enji or Bakugou probably gave them details about the multiple quirks but I still find it wild that everyone just knows now
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KOUDA! MY SWEETHEART! I’m glad he’s getting a part in this too, along with Sero. Two of them who didn’t really hang around Izuku but still want him to come back :’)
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Sero and Black Whip! Finally! I mean it’s not much but it’s still better than nothing
Also, seems like Sero is trying to taunt Izuku to get him to attack him maybe [same as Bakugou feeding into Izuku’s competitive side] soooo idk Sero following Bakugou’s lead? Maybe :)
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Look at how,,,, innocent Izuku looks,,,,, *head in hands* AND SERO TEACHING HIM!!
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I knew this lil moment would come bite me in the ass at some point, I knew and yet I’m still tearing up goddamn
That “I thought she was going to tell me its a useless hobby” bit really drives home how Izuku’s friends are 1A, that he loves them and they were the only friends he’s ever had [except Bakugou but he was a bully at the time so I’m not really gonna count him for back then]. HOW many people before UA had gone around and told Izuku his taking notes hobby was useless? SHOW me the people!
I, mettywiththenotes, will NOT allow anybody to slander one of my own!
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I know it’s like the only moment Izuku and Ojiro shared, with the sports festival thing, but it’s still really sweet that Ojiro sees that Izuku stood up for him
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*head in hands*
Shouldn’t this kid be more worried that he’s likely going to get kidnapped?
“Yeah this super evil villain guy has decided he wants to kidnap me and take me away, but like nbd guys really, that’s why I left in the first place! So I wouldn’t be a burden!” Somebody get this kid a fucking therapist or some shit
This is kind of a chilling and pretty scene though. The rain falling above Izuku and him looking down with these piercing green eyes likely being the only light between them. Good stuff.
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Satou! Aha I like how he’s pulling all the stops, such as “I WON’T LET YOU BORROW MY INGREDIENTS FOR ERI!”
Also let’s appreciate that Satou caught Ojiro and Jirou and managed to land on a freaking traffic light. The balance on this kid! Very well done
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Kaminari putting Izuku in a headlock! How cute :)
Be cuter if they weren’t trying to subdue a martyr-complex cryptid from killing himself, but still
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Does Shouji have some kind of support-item?? Or could he always do the stretchy thing?? Or I guess maybe he’s just stretching his arms out like branches [like he usually does] and using them as more like a capture weapon rather than his usual stuff. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him use his heteromorph body and quirk for anything other than the 5 senses, though I could be wrong
Also Shouji remembering what Izuku said at the training camp, I’m so glad! Shouji always seems like the kind to be so protective over his friends, so I’m glad he remembered that. Then again, Izuku did compare them to freaking ALL MIGHT, but if the nice analytical kid in your class who knows your limits and strengths says you could basically beat A GOD, then that’s definitely one for the memory scrapbook lmao
“It’s nice and dark here, Dark Shadow.” Who said that?? Kami or Izuku?? I just have this mental image of Izuku being shrouded in darkness and trying to keep his eyes open from falling asleep haha
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Tokoyami remembering that from all the way back then!! It makes me think that not only have Bakugou and Izuku been watching each other, but that Izuku has always had everybody’s eyes on him! Which is true, he’s inspired everyone! It goes both ways; Izuku loving his friends, and them loving him back :’)
Kami telling him to take a bath lmao I love it. Finally somebody said it
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*ugly sobbing noises*
This kind of segment, with a mask falling, a space in-between and a reveal, reminds me of Compress’ reveal :) In that, the person is hiding their identity and then when the mask comes off, they reveal who they truly are underneath
While Izuku is of course determined to go after AFO and is quite the fearsome powerhouse, I really think when he takes off that mask, he’s showing who he really is underneath - a scared little boy who just wants everyone to be happy
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“The burden placed on you... it doesn’t allow for tears, right?” He sounds so sassy here.
Kind of like saying “Oh you look upset. But that’s weird, I thought Heroes weren’t supposed to cry.” Lol it really shows here how pissed Shouto is at Izuku
But then he relents from that snark and is like “Hey, come on, we’ll share this burden. I’m not letting you go it alone, remember that we’re all here.” :’)
I love when Shouto is sassy and passive aggressive but I also love it when he shows that soft side of him
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Okay, this is something I really love.
Tsuyu didn’t join the Bakugou Rescue Squad because “they would be just like Villains breaking the rules”
But here she is, learning from that regret of hers and coming right back to make sure Izuku isn’t the one struggling. She wants to be a part of this rescue squad and pick up where she left off :)
Tsuyu has always struggled with her regrets. It was shown after Kamino when she cried, but for me, I only realised this fully during the Joint Arc when she had her regrets about not making better decisions and not being quick enough [I think that was it].
“I won’t cry in such a flurry” reminds me of “I want to live a life without regret” and so that’s what she’s saying here. This won’t be another regret of hers. She wants to do her best to save her friend
“When scared, you’re allowed to tremble when it’s tough, you’re allowed to shed tears. That’s how you become a Hero like in the comics.”
I feel like that quote piggybacks off of Shouto’s “Heroes cry too”, in that, this is now 1A comforting Izuku. This is them fully coming up to him and telling him that they can help, and that he’s allowed to feel sad about his situation. Shouto’s quote was the teaser, while this entire chapter [and the rest that come to follow] is the main course.
And this is exactly who Tsuyu is. Reassuring, comforting, someone dependable. It says a lot that she’s come from not going to help in Kamino, confessing her feelings and crying about it, then coming back in a similar situation and offering her help - that she’s not willing to just let an opportunity go to better herself. I think I remember reading a few posts on her crying after Kamino and saying it was “performative” or that she just “wanted attention” or smthg like that, but I think she’s really just quite an honest person, and here she is making a great show of how she won’t let something like her guilt slow her down from being the hero she wants to be.
[A part of me feels like this is also a little more evidence with the whole People Not Caring About Bakugou’s Feelings Of Helplessness but like. I digress. It kinda counts but at the same time, it’s not what is going on at the moment.]
Seeing everyone try to reassure Izuku was lovely, and I can’t wait for the rest. I’ve seen a lot of people waiting more for Bakugou’s portion of the battle [AND YEAH DUDE ME TOO] but I really feel like Bakugou’s won’t come until like 2 chapters later or something.
Cause, if this chapter is anything to go by, we’ll probably get through Mina, Mineta, Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama next chapter, and then we’ll move onto the “more important” conflicts which will be Iieda and Uraraka, and if their segments are chocked with tension drama and tears, then Bakugou will have a whole chapter to himself hopefully.
Which means we’ll probably have to wait 2 more chapters until we get that sweet, sweet Bakugou chapter :( I hope I’m wrong and it comes sooner than predicted but whatever
I know for some people, that’s all they want, but personally I love these little bits that reflect on the background characters. As someone who isn’t really obsessed with the background characters but also likes them enough to appreciate their development/the little moments they have, I gotta say I really liked this :)
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 256, Replies Part 1
1) “It`s time boyos! Last time we had some truly fucked up hours thanks to our friend Hori, now let`s see what darkness he shall unleash upon us, on Chapter 256: The Sky, High and blue.
Oh lord that tittle… it worries me.”-  For a second there I read that as ‘Sky High, Blue’ and I was like ‘man, It feels like years of days ago that people were calling this Sky High, Japan version’, instead of becoming its own thing with an impact of the world culture.
2) “Ah, the regular machine uprising? Seems like everything was going fine back at school then, and here was I starting to get worried.”- It seems like you’re reading a fan-translation for this chapter, but even the official one went for the full-on shout out here.
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3) “Aoyama please can you put that thing away? I don`t like the way its looking-“- Since Aoyama can’t exactly lengthen or change the blade’s shape without Hagakure’s help, I’m taking this as proof Aoyama has mad belly-dancing skills – not surprising considering the intestinal control he needs to have with his powers’ side-effects.
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From her phrasing in the official translation it seems this is something she can only do recently thanks to her training, so it’s likely that her ability to control light was uncontrollably manifesting as her filtering it through herself to become invisible rather than her intentionally doing so, and having gained better control over her powers, she could now theoretically become visible if she wanted to, amongst other things. That said, whilst she can manipulate light, she can’t ‘create’ or ‘store’ it for big attacks, so she needs a powerful intense light source like Aoyama’s laser nearby to make full use of her quirk’s offensive capabilities. 5) “Oh damn, that was cool! Mina almost made a goddamn mecha suit out of acid to stop that robot, holy shit did she went far beyond what I  would expect for her quirk.
Now, please someone bring her a towel, and Aoyama a pair of clean underwear, he`s going to need it.”- Interesting. Since it’s implied that Mina is using her body fluids or some other capacity to create her acid attacks, I wonder if she has to ‘suck’ the acid armour back inside herself to avoid dehydrating, or for repeat use, or if it’s a one-use-per-fight deal. In any case, this is another example of how difficult it’s gonna be for her to non-lethally subdue her enemies without removing their body parts in the process. 6) “Now those two also made a pretty solid choice. Jiro`s a no-brainier in this situation, but Shoji, he is focusing more in reconnaissance and support than fighting, despite his strength. Gang Orca, being, well, an orca, would perfect  for him, he would learn all about focusing in different frequencies and how to isolate audio clues in real time.”- It also allowed Orca to keep his Yeeting arm in fine practice. 7) “Now okay, I can see why they would pick Kamui woods, but Mt. Lady and Edgy shot don`t particularly enhance much their abilities here. From the three, Kamui is the only one that has crowd control, abilities that all of them need to learn to direct and focus, especially in heavily populated areas.”- Well Kaminari’s electro-attacks have some commonality with Mt lady’s destructive gigantification – as a reminder, she can only grow to that giant size and a normal size with no in-between sizes or partial body expansion for attacks, making her unwieldy in urban areas -  Sero would gain great advice from Kamuri about his particular take on web-swinging and entanglement, and Mineta’s balls need forethought and preparation to be most effective, especially if they’re positioned right where the enemy doesn’t notice them until they’re stuck to them, making him a useful learner from the Ninja-themed Edgeshot, who doubtless has several ninja-esque tools for use in the field besides his quirk. Plus, since all three are in a team together, it’s useful learning for how to use different abilities together in an effective team without tripping each other up and maximising your different advantages whilst covering the other’s weaknesses. 8) “fucking wash”- Well, if he can get people to follow his instructions and relay complex orders all whilst saying only ‘wash’ then he’s one hell of an effective communicator. 9) “Yeah, well, Tokoyami isn`t exactly training with Hawks, but even so his agency is full of competent heroes that might synergize and probably can teach him as much as Hawks would.
Well, that implies that Hawks would even teach him something, besides being a cryptic mentor figure that is actually just using him for info.”-  Eh, I dunno, he did teach him how to use his ‘Black fallen Wings’ move after Tokoyami figured out a way to improve himself first, showing he had the spark of creativity and self-reflection that Hawks is specifically seeking out and nurturing in the younger generations, both to make heroes who work together well to cover the absence of All Might and overall makes more effective heroes than his generation are, so I think if Hawks didn’t have to deal with the whole ‘Twilight espionage’ spy deal, he’d be happy to tutor Tokoyami a bit more in-depth. 10) “OH SHE`S USING THAT HOOK SHE SHOWED LAST TIME! SHE`S USING IT TO MOVE AROUND WHILE AT LOW GRAVITY!
Oh look, another couple of aspiring hero students whose implied attraction to each other has led to improvements/homages to the other in their fighting styles…
11) “Alright, now that is something that Momo would greatly benefit from. Not that she`s bad at it mind you, she showed that she`s really quick to come up with a plan and execute it, but even so, there`s a lot of room for improvement, and she`ll be truly unstoppable once she polishes it.”- Also, the fact that her mentor is apparently a stage magician-type hero, and Momo can ‘literally’ create something from nothing up her sleeves, would have been an additional benefit. Who needs to prepare tricks when you can make tricks in the heat of the moment?
12) “Oh yeah, no surprises here. We know those boys are pretty much walking wrecking balls, we can barely see the difference from their showcase, but by lord do we know that they are far beyond what they were when they got in this school… “- Well, if there’s one difference, it’s that Bakugou can’t create the big-massive destructive explosions easily, and has to individually blow up each target one-by-one in a speed blitz, whilst Shoto just creates one big attack in an instant and indiscriminately wipes out a whole platoon in a single go without worrying about precision. Each improved the speed at which they can use their powers, but apply it in different ways
13) “Oh yeah All might, you see that? Those kids far surpassed your expectations, haven`t they? Well, just you wait, because now it`s time for an even better one, we saved the best for last, time for the Broccoli to shine”-Whilst All Might’s flashback is meant to be referring to how he said Izuku has earned the right to wield OFA by his own merit, I actually kinda like this translation more, because by now, the Quirk really has become a power that Izuku was able to unlock and master himself, achieving feats with it All Might never could due to his lack of spirituality or whatever it is that the quirk uses to tap into the vestiges/powers of the prior wielders. @thelreads​
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Poly!EraserMic x teacher!reader
Summary: Y/N finds out that the students have a betting pool on who the three of them are dating. Little do the kids know, all three of them are together and definitely going to use their knowledge to their advantage.
Pairing: Aizawa Shota x gn!teacher!reader x Yamada Hizashi
Warnings: none
Word count: like a few hundred, I’m too lazy to check
A/N: I absolutely love poly stuff, so if you ever want to request it please do. Also this isn’t my best work, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for ages so I’m posting it anyway.
H/N: Hero name
While waiting for you to come into the classroom, a large group of 1A students huddled around a desk. Mina, who was sitting at the desk, had a sheet of paper in front of her.
“Okay so Tokoyami, Tsu, Ochaco, and Jiro, you all are betting on Aizawa and L/N?” Mina read the first category on the paper as the four nodded. “Then Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Mineta, Sato, Aoyoma, and I think Present Mic and L/N. And last we have Midoriya, Ojiro, Shoji, and Hagakure for Aizawa and Yamada.”
“Add me to the last one.” Todoroki, surprisingly, spoke up.
“Alright the only people we don’t have are... Bakugo, Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Koda.”
Iida and Bakugo started to simultaneously shout. Iida about respect and rules, Bakugo about how stupid he thought it was. Little did they know, you had been standing outside the door listening to them yell. Even though it was hard to understand what either of them were saying, you managed to figure out that there was a betting pool on you, Shota, and Hizashi dating. You whipped out your phone and sent them a text before opening the door and walking in.
“Alright! Everyone in their seats. Here’s what we’re going to do today.”
Shota pulled out his phone when he felt it buzz. Hizashi, who was sitting next to him, did the same. They read the text you sent them before looking at each other. Hizashi looked like he was bursting at the seams, obviously very amused. Shota was also amused but significantly less so. They looked at each other knowingly and silently decided to use this knowledge to their advantage.
The three of you had to watch over the cafeteria during lunch, so you made a point to stand very close to Shota while Hizashi stared at the two of you from the other side of the room. Because of your quirk, you were able to hear the group of 1A and 1B kids that were close by, but not close enough for Shota to hear.
“Look at how close Aizawa-sensei and L/N-sensei are standing!” Uraraka squealed. “They’re so cute!”
“But Present Mic is standing over there staring at them, and Aizawa just winked at him.” Midoriya started mumbling about every time he had seen Aizawa and Yamada act like a couple.
As they talked about why their ship was better, you relayed what they were saying to Shota. He looked like he wanted to smile, but he was too good at keeping his face blank.
“You of all people should know that I like to keep my life private, but this is pretty funny.” Aizawa looked to you, but quickly back to the students when he noticed a couple of students from 1B walking up to the class A kids. “Is B in on this too?”
“We heard about you guys betting on H/N, Eraserhead, and Present Mic. We want to join.”
“Yeah! I’m betting on Present Mic and H/N!” Tetsutetsu was loud enough for Shota hear.
Midoriya shushed him, and Kirishima high fived him, saying that he said the same thing. A couple other kids from class B came over to say who they were betting on. You wondered how they had even heard about it or who they would bet on seeing as Shota didn’t teach them.
It had been nearly a week by now. The three of you had been messing with your students continuously. Honestly, it was a little surprising that no one had figured out that you knew about it. All of a sudden the three of you had started acting strange out of the blue, but luckily the students seemed more focused on what you were doing instead of why. It had been rather funny to talk about on the way home. The three of you would share any news you’d heard from the kids or what you did to trick them a bit. Somewhere towards the end of the week the teachers had started to pick up on what was happening, especially anyone else who taugh class A or B. At one point All Might, who is very oblivious even though he has literally seen you and Hizashi cuddling with Shota, asked Shota if he actually was dating either you or Hizashi. Shota apparently literally just stood up and walked away.
Monday morning you walked into the 1A classroom, expecting to only find Shota. Instead, all the students and Shota were there already. Ignoring the students since they were huddled in the back, you walked up to Shota and handed him his lunch.
“You forgot this, dork.” You hit his shoulder playfully. “Zashi did too. I’m glad that one of us knows how to cook. You and Hizashi would burn water if it were possible.”
“Hizashi forgot to grab his lunch? That’s odd for him. He has been stressed lately.” Even though you were quiet, it seemed the students still noticed you.
“See, they act like a couple.” Tsu said quietly to everyone around her.
“But they’re talking about Present Mic too.”
You looked at Shota and smiled.
The next day you and Hizashi were on lunch duty. The two of you stood on opposite sides of the cafeteria, but every time your eyes met you would make weird faces at each other and start laughing. A couple kids from 1B noticed and started watching the two of you like a tennis match. Some other kids joined, even some kids from different years and classes started to look around just to see what the fuss was about.
This went on for about two or three more weeks before people started showing up with pins saying who they shipped. By then, Shota had decided that enough was enough. It had become much less funny to him and much more annoying, especially since almost everyone shipped you and Hizashi more than him and either of you. The day after the buttons showed up, he walked into school holding both of your hands. He walked each of you to your respective class, kissed you both smack on the lips, then left. Immediately, screams could be heard from any 1A or 1B kids nearby. All Might was there too, but he couldn’t have looked more confused and startled. In homeroom, every single one of Shota’s kids asked about fifteen different questions, all talking over each other. He activated his quirk, and they shut up.
“I’m dating them both, now sit down and be quiet before I fail all of you. And get rid of the bet, you all lost.”
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
Love Festival
Kirishima Eijiro x F!OC
Summary: Being Fatgums adopted daughter can be challenging, especially when it comes to meeting his new interns while also having to keep watch over Eri.
Quirk: Ram
Quirk fact: Bring able to run, jump and react like a Ram, the user is able to also headbutt and cause great damage with their strength and horns. They also can digest anything like a Ram. Also has a fluffy wool tail, and a wool band around both wrists. Her legs from the waist down are ram legs, so she looks more like a Mythical Fawn.
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, enjoy!!
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"Oh hey Eraser Head! What's going on?" Fatgum answered his phone while sitting at his desk in his office at Fatgum Agency. "Fatgum, Midoriya and Togata have requested for Eri to be present at our School Festival, seeing as how Eri has bonded with Aki, do you think she'd be willing to join her on that day?" Aizawa questioned, standing outside Eri's hospital room where the young girl was currently having her lunch.
Fatgum pondered for a moment,"Well I don't see why she couldn't. I guess she could use a break too, between her assignments and being with Eri at the hospital, I'm sure she'd love it!" "Alright, I'll be sure to let the class know so they don't freak out. Speaking of, only Amajiki and the others in the Big Three have met Aki right? She was away on another assignment when Work Studies happened," Aizawa knew his students would probably freak out when seeing Eri's caregiver and friend, who was the same age as them but on a whole other level.
"You're correct, so Kirishima hasn't met her. It'll be fine though, I have full confidence that everything will be fine," Fatgum smiled into the phone, nonchalant about anything going on. "Alright, we'll discuss details later then," with that the two hung up.
"Oh hey Togata!" Midoriya called out to Togata, waving him over from where Togata was hiding behind the bush. Togata narrowed his eyes, realizing he'd been found out before he can surprise them.
The dance team looked on in surprise as Togata stuck his bottom out from the bush, Eri standing beside him looking surprised as well, "Hey guys! I brought a PEACH for ya,"
"Eri!" Midoroya called out as he, Uraraka and Tsuyu ran up to greet them. "That dress looks so cute," Tsuyu commented, "You are precious!" Uraraka gushing in fondness. The girls couldn't help the big smiles on their faces.
"Midoriya, I finally got permission from the Principle," Togata climbed out of the bush and began brushing off his pants as Aizawa spoke, "in order for her to not get stressed, we're allowing her to roam around today before the Festival, also there's someone you all need to meet as well,"
The other dance team members came forward to introduce themselves to the young girl. "Well hello there, you must be Eri, I'm Iida, nice to meet you," "Wassup I'm Mineta, man you're gonna be a looker when you're older huh~" Mineta smirked, but the young girl hid behind Togata, "I want Aki,"
The name had taken them by surprise, "Aki? Whose that?" Midoriya questioned, confusion written on the Work Study kids faces. "Oh right, you haven't met her yet. Aki is Eri's caregiver, well when she's not on Assignments for Fatgum," Togata explained, "Eri can be a little shy around new people, but her and Aki get along very well,"
"Its perfectly alright to be shy," Iida commented, softening his voice to not scare Eri further. "Let's start the tour! Aki should be here soon, so I wanna show her as much of the school as I can so she can see what we do here, you wanna come along too Midoriya?" Togata extended the offer, knowing that since Aki isn't here, Eri might be calm with Midoriya around too. "You bet!" "Hey Dance Team! New idea!" Kirishima's voice broke out, before realizing Eri was there.
"Oh hey Eri! Wait, we've never been officially introduced," Kirishima crouched down to meet Eri's gaze when another voice broke out.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, someone decided to rob a gas station on the way over and I couldn't just leave the situation," it was a soft, silky voice that came from behind Aizawa. The students all turned their attention to see a young dark skinned girl about their age.
Her hair was a dark auburn red that came to below her shoulder blades, soft waves accentuating her purple eyes that seemed to have a swirl of white in them but were framed with thin gold wired glasses. Freckles dawned her nose and cheeks that were flushed with red, giving her an innocent look. What caught their attention the most was the Ram horns that protuded from her head, her legs being Ran legs with red fur like her hair but black hooves. Her outfit consisted of a off the shoulder wool dress she seemed to be wearing that came to stop at her upper thighs, a bell was wrapped around her neck and jingled everytime she moved, of course it also brought attention to her chest that was framed by the wool.
Some of the boys blushed, and Kirishima found himself entranced by her. "Aki!" Eri exclaimed, walking over to the girl who crouched down to her height, "I missed you!" Eri reached her arms out to her, Aki smiling and welcoming the girl into her arms, "I missed you too," giving Eri a nuzzle as the girls closed their eyes and embraced eachother.
"So you're Aki! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoroiya smiled, the class seemingly broken from the momentary shock. "The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for what you did for Eri, I would've been on the assignment too if Papa hadn't sent me on a different one," Aki greeted, before realizing she needed to properly introduce herself.
Standing up, Eri still in her arms as she bowed, "I'm sorry! My name is Toyomitsu Aki, it's so nice to meet you all, please call me Aki!" Straightening up, Eri wrapped her arms around Aki as rested her head on Aki's shoulder.
"Wait, Toyomitsu? Why does that sound familiar?" Kirishima wondered aloud, rubbing his head as if it would bring the answer to him. "WAIT I KNOW YOU!" Midoriya yelled out, eyes growing wide as he pointed toward Aki,"YOU'RE RAM-RAM, THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO EVER BECOME A HERO, YOU'RE ALSO FATGUMS DAUGHTER!" Now the students outside all yelled in shock, "WHAT!?"
"Oops, guess the cats out of the bag," Togata laughed, Aizawa just shaking his head in embarrassment from his students. "WAIT, you're really Fatgum's daughter!? Why didn't I know this!" Kirishima cried out, his head a mess knowing the girl he found cute was actually his Mentors daughter.
"Yeah, Papa adopted me when I was a baby, I hope this doesn't affect us becoming friends?" Aki smiled nervously, her small tail twitching in anticipation. "No way! That's so cool, let's take a break everyone, it's tea time!" Mina chimed in, hoping to calm everyone down from the excitement, "There will be more time to explain later, get on with the tour, we don't have time to waste," Aizawa called out, Togata and Aki nodding as Midoriya went to go change his clothes really quick.
"So if you're Fatgums daughter, you must know Amajiki right?" Kirishima questioned, trying to push through his nerves in front of the pretty Ram girl. He was determined to get to know his Mentors daughter. "Definitely! Tama-Kun is so nice, I love going on assignments with him, especially when he shares his food with me like Papa," Aki gushed, her red cheeks getting even darker with excitement, a closed eye smile making Kirishimas cheeks match hers in color. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro, my hero name is Red Riot, I'm actually a new intern at your father's agency for my Work Study," He introduced himself, holding out a hand in greeting.
Aki's jaw dropped and sparkles seemed to erupt from no where, "NO WAY! Papa has told me all about Red Riot, your name is a play off of Crimson Riot right!? I love that, he's such an amazing Hero!" Aki rambled, Kirishima feeling himself fall even harder.
Togata chuckled and took Eri from Aki, who was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't even seem to notice the weight lifted from her arms. Eri looked between the two red heads and noticed that Aki looks so happy, like when she finds a good object to chew on, then again anything was good to chew on for Aki.
"Totally manly right! Hey, are you gonna be here for our School Festival? It'll be totally killer, we're putting on a performance!" "Of course, I'll be chapperoning Eri that day so we won't miss it," The two had seemed to have fallen into their own little world, the other students just watching in amazement.
"I don't think I've seen Kirishima this excited before," Tsuyu commented, Uraraka and Mina nodding in agreement. "Oh jeez, he's got it bad," Ojiro laughed, Mineta seething from the mouth that he didn't get to touch the pretty animal girl. "He's got what?" Shoji asked, looking to Ojiro for answers, although Hagakure answered instead, "Kirishima is totally falling for Aki! What better romance is that!? An employee and the Bosses daughter? It's so forbidden but romantic!" Hagakure couldn't contain her excitement and started to swoon, Mina grabbing her shoulders as she tries to balance her friend.
"Hey Aki! Let's get this show on the road!" Togata called out, waving his arm to grab her attention. "Oh, coming MiMi-Kun! I guess I should go, we'll talk again soon, right?" Aki questioned, taking Kirishimas hands into her own, a bright smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle. Kirishima felt his face warm up, but nodded, a nervous smile on his face from how close she was,"Definitely, we can meet up sometime at the agency maybe,"
"See ya later," she giggled, walking over and taking Eri's hand into her own. Kirishima could only watch with his heart beating out of his chest as the beautiful girl left, when he felt a hand on his back slap him forward, "OH MY GOSH KIRISHIMA, YOU'RE SO LUCKY, YOU SLY THING YOU!" Mina exclaimed, repeatedly hitting him in her excitement. "Way to go dude," Ojiro laughed, the rest of the students all smiling and calling out their support for him. "Come guys this is so not manly," he whined, embarrassed having realized they watched him and Aki. Yet he smiled and couldn't help but think 'Maybe this Festival will be good,'
Walking around the school seemed to excite Eri and Aki, both wondering how all the different classes worked and what each class would put on for the School Festival.
Meeting up with Amajiki and Hado excited Aki to the point of her having steam come out of her nose in puffs, "Tama-Kun!Nene-chan!" She called out to them, Nejire flying over in greeting as they began to discuss the beauty pagent in detail and how Nejire was going to win this year.
"Hey! Maybe you should join Aki! I bet you'd be a shoe in for runner up!!" Hado squealed, wanting the girl who was like a little sister to join in on the fun. "Oh I'd live to Nene-chan but I'm not a student here," Aki smiled, though Midoriya thought her smile seemed a little forced, "plus I wouldn't wanna ruin your chances by competing, I'll be sure to cheer you on though!" Aki grinned, giving Hado two thumbs up who returned it. Eri looking between the two and then to her hands, mimicking them but smaller, though everyone swooned.
After visiting the Support Class last, they went to Lunch Rush's in the cafeteria to give Eri somthing to eat to finalize the tour. "Well that's all of U.A!" "What did you think of our School Eri?" Midoriya questioned, Eri though looked unsure, "I..I don't know," both boys looked at eachother nervously, but Aki smiled at her which gave Eri enough courage to continue, "But I can see how hard everyone is working, so I do wanna see how it turns out," Aki gave her a grin, proud of Eri for trying to speak out more and explain her thoughts and feelings.
At the end of the day, they returned Midoriya to Heights Alliance and said goodbye. "We'll be back on the day of the festival," Togata explained, pumping his arm in excitement, "So make sure it's killer,"
As they went to leave, Aki spoke up, "I will catch up with you in a moment MiMi-Kun, I wanna ask Midoriya somthing really quick," Togata nodded and escorted Eri out.
"What is it Aki? Is everything okay?" Aki stared at him for a second, before her eyes sharpened and it made him jump back, "What is your deal with Eri? What are you hoping to gain?" "W-what?" Midoriya was taken back, 'How can such a sweet and cute girl get terrifying to quickly!?'
"You seem very focused on making her happy. Why? I don't want anyone near Eri who was bad intentions," "It's not like that! When we found Eri that first time, I was so upset we couldn't do anything. I beat myself up everytime I think about it, I wanna be a hero that saves people with a smile. But Eri hasn't smiled once, so I wanna help her smile. I wanna help her become a child again, especially after what she went through," Midoriya was firm with his answer, now staring Aki back in the eyes, hoping to show her the true meaning of his intentions.
Aki suddenly smiled, sparkles surrounding her like with Kirishima earlier, "Okie dokie. I hope your goals come true," Midoriya sweat dropped, 'How bipolar can she be?' Aki then bit her lip nervously, arms behind her back as she shuffled, "I do have one more question, more of a favor though,"
This caught him by surprise, "Sure, what is it?" Holding out a folded up paper, she asked, "Can you give this to Kiri-kun for me?" "Huh!? KIRISHIMA!?" "Y-Yes, I know this sounds silly but.. he's very cute," Aki admitted, her face turning red and her tail stub swished back and forth.
"U-uh sure, I can give this to him. Wouldn't you wanna give it to him in person though," "I-I don't know..I don't wanna over step," "Nonsense, come on,"
With that Midoriya led her inside, the rest of the class unwinding in the main sitting area, though they looked in surprise with the girl in tow with Midoriya. "Hello again!" Mina greeted, "Guys this is Toyomitsu Aki, she's Eri's caregiver," Midoriya introduced the girl, her bowing to the class with a smile.
"Hello everyone, so pleased to meet you," her smile made them all flushed, 'SO CUTE'. "So what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Jirou questioned, "I-I was hoping to speak to u-uh..Kirishima-kun," Aki was embarrassed, now noticing how many people were staring at her intensely.
"Did someone call me? Oh hey Aki! What's up?" Kirishima questioned, having just walked out of the kitchen, but smiled big when he saw the beautiful girl from this morning.
"H-hi! I just wanted to u-uh, give this to you," stumbling over her words, she tried to act relaxed but was dying on the inside and outside. "O-Oh, thanks," Kirishima blushed, taking the folded up note from her out stretched hand, when their fingers touched however they both jumped apart and their faces burned red.
Of course, Mineta took this time to try and sneak up behind the girl. Reaching his hand out to flip the bottom of her dress, mumbling on how it was so short, it'd be a crime to not go through with it. Thankfully, Kirishima took notice and pulled her to him, hardening his hand as he punched him away, "KNOCK IT OFF," He growled, holding Aki close in his left arm.
Aki shivered, noticing how his muscles squeezed her like she'd dissappear if he let her go. Tapping his chest, he realized he was holding her and jumped back, "I'm so sorry! He can just never keep his hands to himself and it'd be so unmanly if me to not step in," Kirishima freaked out, waving his hands and trying to plead his case. He froze though when Aki walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "It's alright, thanks for being my Hero," she winked, suddenly finding some courage in his embarrassment. "I'll see you at the festival like we talked about earlier, right?" Aki asked, let her hands rest on his chest, "U-Uh YYEaH Suree," his voice cracked, his whole mind running in auto pilot. "Awesome, I'll see you then," she turned on her hoof and began walking toward the exit, she looked over to the class in a whole and waved goodnight before exiting Heights Alliance.
A loud thud made everyone turn toward where Kirishima was, noticing he'd fallen over, his eyes swirling and a giant grin in his red face. "Aki's so cute," he chucked, Kaminari and Sero whooping for him while Iida lectured about proper PDA in the presence of others. All Kirishina knew is that the festival couldn't come soon enough.
On the day of the festival, Aki and Eri sat in the back if a taxi has Togata sat up front and was going over the schedule for the day. "We'll catch 1-As performance, then race over to 1-B for their play, then it'll be lunch and the pagent, does that sound alright?" He turned to face the horned girls in the back, Eri's outfit was a cute red and white dress while Aki wore her usual wool dress only this time it was red to compliment her hair.
"Sounds great, we can probably catch 1-A setting up before they perform," "oo~you just wanna catch Kirishima before he performs, maybe to wish him luck~" Togata teased, Aki gritting her teeth and raising her hood, kicking him in the back if the head leaving a hoof print, "Hehe, nevermind," Togata smiled, Eri looking up at Aki, "Do you like Kirishima?" "U-uh well, I admire him so to say," Aki tripped over her words as Togata laughed at her misfortune.
Once they'd arrived at the school, Aki mentioned she was going to see Nejire before 1-A to wish her luck before she got ready.
"Nene-chan, are you in here?" Aki knocked, hearing a lot of voices from inside the dressing room. Opening the door, Aki was met with Hado, Yuyu, and a few other students. "Oh sorry, I just wanted to come wish you luck," Aki smiled, holding her hands together in front of her.
"Ram-Ram!?" The other students exclaimed, shocked that a young hero would show up here. "Oh hello! Wonderful to meet you," she bowed, greeting them as they momentarily freaked out before bowing back.
"Hey hey! What're you doing here Aki? Where's Eri? Or Togata?" "They went to go see 1-A real quick, I was about to go see them, just wanted to see you first," Aki sheepishly explained, Testutestu suddenly appeared in front of the girls face making her lean back in surprise.
"Wait a second are you that girl Kirishima is always talking about!? The pretty red haired Ram girl that is Fatgums daughter!" Aki flushed hearing the red haired boys name.
"Well it's nice to know he thinks of me," she said happily, before looking at the clock, "I've gotta go, I hope everything goes good for you girls!" She cheered, waving as she walked out leaving the others stunned, "Why does Kirishima always get the good opportunities," Testutestu cried out, falling to his knees depressed that a beautiful girl like that was already taken by Kirishima.
"Hey! I'm not too late am I?" Aki called out, running up to the 1-A group. "Oh Ram-Ram! Welcome," Yamomo greeted, fiddling with her keyboard to make sure it was on the right setting. "We've still got about twenty minutes until we go on, Midoriya should've been back by now, he went to go get rope earlier," Kirishima mentioned, cheeks going a light pink at facing Aki again.
"Well I'm sure it'll be amazing, are you doing special affects?" Aki questioned, leaning close into Kirishimas personal space, "Y-Yeah, I hope you'll enjoy them," he smiled, running a hand through his hair. "HEY SHITTY HAIR, LETS GO WE AINT GOT ALL DAY!" Bakugou yelled out then realized Kirishima was talking to a girl.
"Hey Sheep Ass! What're you doing in here?! Don't be trying to pull anything dammit," Bakugou seethed, his teeth gritting together in annoyance of a new person.
"I was just wishing you guys luck," Aki began to ring her hands nervously, "Well we don't need luck! We'll kick ass either way dammit!" Bakugou exclaimed, getting in her face. Aki decided he needed to calm down and quit yelling.
Ramming her head into his stomach, Bakugou lurched forward coughing as he fell to the ground holding his stomach,"Damn Ram Bitch. What the fuck was that for," he gasped, rolling around on the floor in pain. "I didn't appreciate you being in my face," she calmly spoke, turning to Kirishima again who looked at her in awe at her strength.
"I'll leave you to it, you'll do amazing," her lips pressed to his cheek again, although this time they grazed the corner of his mouth slightly. Giggling she turned and left the room.
Silence ticked by for a second before Kirishima belted out, "GUYS THIS HAS TO BE AMAZING, TOP NOTCH MANLY," He hardened up without knowing, the others in the class around him sweat dropping at the sudden mood change.
As the curtains opened and a deafening explosion happened, Aki smiled as Jirou started her song, the dancers and musicians knocking it out of the ball park all at once.
The beat had Aki dancing in place, Togata laughing at her as Eri watched in surprise of Midoroiya dancing, well at least until he went off stage for some reason. "He left," "He'll be back, let's keep watching," Togata assured her, the music still blaring into their ears.
The song kept continuing to grow in progress when all of a sudden a lot of special effects went off, Uraraka swinging out to the crowd and lifting some audience members off the ground, one of them being Aki who laughed and brought Eri with her who couldn't hold it in any longer, throwing her arms out and laughing, a giant smile on her face. Aki and Togata had tears in their eyes as they smiled, knowing this young girl had finally broken free from her shackles of a pervious life. Aki hugged her tight before spinning in a circle with her, both girls laughing together in glee as Togata cheered them on. The song came to an end as the audience screamed and cheered, Aki and Eri now holding onto Togata as the three of them embraced in a hug. Eri had finally smiled and it made the two older ones warm with happiness.
As the gym filled out, the three met up with Midoriya on his way back in, Togata congratulating him on a job well done. "It was so crazy! First there was a loud sound and it was scary, but then everyone started jumping, even Aki was dancing and then Deku you went away for a little bit. But then there was a spinning guy and it started to get cold and I saw a lot of birds and people went "Wow" and you know what I said? Wow too!" Eri rambled on, her arms being thrown everywhere in excitement as Togata and Aki copied her from her side. "It was so much fun! Especially when Aki flew in the air with me and we danced," Eri stopped when she noticed Midioriya getting tears in his eyes, "I'm so glad you had fun Eri," this caused Eri to smile wide at him, Aki not able to hold it in anymore and swooped her up, spinning in circles as both girls laughed together. The boys looking on with their own smiles.
Heading outside, they met up with some of the boys that were melting the ice. "Ah dang this ice is too big, hey Bakugou can you-" "Kick Force!" A voice cut off Kaminari as a blur of red jumped in the air and came down on the giant block of ice, breaking it into little pieces. "Whoa!" Peoole passing by stopped and stared, Aki standing up and fixing her glasses. "Is this okay?" She asked, tilting her head with a smile.
"Hey its Ram-Ram!" "I didn't know she'd be here!" "She's so cute!" Voices came from behind her, causing her to turn over her shoulder and smile at the students and give a wave causing them all to flush red from the adorableness.
"Hey Aki! How'd you like the show?" Kirishima asked, hands on his hips, but he quickly put them put to catch Aki who jumped at him, landing in his arms as hers went around his neck that was turning red, "It was so amazing! The lighting, the music, the dancing, it was so beautiful! The affects were so awesome too! It was a rush of adrenaline for sure," Aki couldn't help but gush over the performance, Kirishima grinning and twirled her around, cheeks still flushed, "THAT'S GREAT! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it! I did happen to catch you dancing a few moves too," he winked, catching her off guard but she laughed and nodded, finally getting set back in the ground.
Togata watched for a second before smirking, "You know we still have about two hours or so before the pagent, why don't you show Aki the rest of the festival Kirishima!" Aki and Kirishima turned bright red, but both agreed to it as the rest of the class came out to begin their own sight seeing if the festival too. Kirishima grabbed Aki's hand and began to drag her out of sight, she looked back over her shoulder to see Togata and Eri waving to her, both smiling as she disappeared from sight.
Both red heads walked around, looking at all the different food vendors and games, before coming upon the High Striker game, where you bring the hammer down to ring the bell and win a prize. They went to walk past it before Aki noticed fluffy Ram and Shark plushies. Kirishima looked to her and then the prizes before waking up to the student running it. "Hey dude! What do you have to do to win those two?" Pointing to the plushies Aki was eyeing. "You've gotta ring the high bell, you only get one try though," the student informed, gesturing to the tallest one they had which looked to be about fifty feet high. Kirishima grabbed the hammer, Aki stopping him momentarily, "You don't have to do that Kiri-Kun" she informed, but he shook his head, "It wouldn't be very manly of me to not win a pretty girl the plushies she wants, so just sit back and watch," he grinned at her before turning his attention to the game in front of him. He hardened his body as he swung the hammer up and brought it down full force, the little rod shooting straight up and knocking into the bell, denting it but ringing it nonetheless.
Aki cheered in amazement as Kirishima was handed the two plushies, the student behind the counter complaining to himself about needing a new bell now. Aki was handed both but then looked to Kirishima and handed him back the Ram one. "Seems only fair you get one too, right," she giggled, Kirishima smiling and nodding, taking Aki's free hand into his again as they continued down the path. Both could agree that this was probably the best day ever.
Standing at the gate to see the three off, Aki and Kirishima stared at each other for a minute before smiling softly to one another. "I'm glad you could join us, maybe you can come back another time?" Kirishima asked, hopeful he'd get to see her again, preferably outside of Work Studies and School. "Mmm, I don't know. I have my assignments and taking care of Eri too," Aki admitted, her purple eyes staring into his Ruby red eyes that were full of hope.
"Actually, I guess it's alright to tell you that you'll be seeing everyone alot more. We're planning on moving Eri into the dorms here, to keep a better eye on her and her progress with her quirk. Of course, her care taker is gonna have to be with her," Aizawas voice cut in, making both teens turn toward him in shock before turning back to each other.
Kirishima whooped and picked up Aki, spinning her around as they both laughed, setting her back in the ground, he blurted out, "Would you like to go out sometime?!" He realized what he said and burned red, but kept his eyes trained on her shocked face but she soon smiled shyly and nodded, "I'd love to, maybe you can show me a nice Cafe around here?" She asked, Kirishima nodding as he took out his phone to get her number so they can plan it for the day she comes back.
Aizawa and Togata watched the two as Midoriya and Eri said goodbye a little ways to the side, "I'm gonna regret this aren't I," Aizawa sighed, feeling the need to go to bed after such a long day, "Awe come on Eraser Head, it's cute," Aizawa merely shook his head, turning to walk off, "Some School Festival this turned out be," Togata only laughed and called out, "I'm pretty sure you mean Love Festival!"
Hiiiii. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts! I know some people don't like OCs that much but I thought I'd give it a try.
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munchcorner · 3 years
Birthday Present (BakuDeku)
Midoriya had always been the first person to greet Bakugou happy birthday. He's also the first one who gives his gift to Bakugou but not today.
Bakugou wasn't expecting much for his birthday. He doesn't usually like being the center of attention when it comes to his birthday, but he does want to be the center of Midoriya's attention on this day.
Bakugou walks out of his room during the usual time he and Midoriya would meet at the hall to eat breakfast together and talk about what he learned from their training with All Might the night before but minutes passed, and Midoriya doesn't come out. Bakugou grows irritated when Cheeseman comes out of his room.
"Oi! Navel, where's Deku?" Bakugou asks, making Aoyama turn to him.
"Oh, I think he's eating with Iida and Uraraka in the kitchen. I heard them talking earlier," Aoyama answers, "do you need him for anything?"
Bakugou grits his teeth but ends up sighing, "no,"
Bakugou lets it go and walks down the hall to the kitchen to eat with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.
"Oh, you're not eating with Midoriya today?" Kirishima asks and shoves a fish in his mouth.
"Yeah, you've been eating with him since you started to train with him and All Might to help him control his quirk," Kaminari adds with his mouth full of rice.
"Did you guys get into a fight? I saw Midoriya eat with Iida and Uraraka," Sero comments and eyes the group, making the other three turn to where Sero's looking.
"But don't they always fight? Remember ground Beta?" Kaminari comments, making Bakugou snap towards him.
"Will you stop talking like I'm not here, fucking assholes," Bakugou says and angrily starts to eat his breakfast, making all three exchange questioning gazes before shrugging it off.
"Did something happen?" Kirishima asks in concern. Silence ensues for a few minutes before Bakugou speaks, "I don't know. He just fucking went and eat with them,"
"Maybe you did something horrible to him," Sero says, making Bakugou scoff, "that idiot would forgive me no matter what I do to him," he says, his voice low and almost inaudible, but you can hear the shame in it.
"Come on, don't make a big deal out of it!" Kaminari suddenly says. Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou raise their head to look at him with wonder, "it's Bakugou's birthday, come on, stop being so moppy. It's not something serious, Bakugou. I'm sure,"
Bakugou glares at Kaminari, but it did make him feel a little bit better. Maybe it is nothing, and he's just overthinking it. So, he switches the topic, and the table became a little livelier as the three converse about something they saw online while Bakugou just listens and throws a few side comments from time to time.
The day proceeded with Bakugou staying with his squad. Midoriya never approached him nor threw him a glance while the others walked up to him, greeted him, and gave him their gifts. It was slowly starting to annoy Bakugou, but he pushes down his emotions and focuses on their tasks.
But it really pressed his bottoms when even during the team-up battle, Midoriya still refused to talk to him. Midoriya was talking to everyone in the team except for him, and it annoyed Bakugou for some unknown reason, so when he pulled Midoriya away from the team to talk to him privately when he got the chance.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Bakugou asks, his voice low and growling, but Midoriya just averts his eyes, "why? Is there something wrong, Kacchan?"
Midoriya was definitely hiding something. Bakugou could tell from the nervous timbre of his voice that there's something Midoriya isn't telling him.
"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about," Bakugou says through gritted teeth.
"I really don't, Kacchan," Midoriya denies, but the way his eyes continued to stare at the ground told Bakugou that he's lying.
"Deku," Bakugou says in a low, threatening tone, "why have you been avoiding me?"
Midoriya immediately snaps his head towards Bakugou to answer, but a loud explosion a few kilometers away from them catches their attention, "I'll tell you later. There are more important matters to attend to,"
Midoriya sprints off after his sentence, and Bakugou's left with no choice but to put the activity first.
The team battle proceeds and ends with their victory as a team, but the look on Bakugou's and Midoriya's faces didn't seem like one of someone who just won. The atmosphere around them was tense, and no one dares to comment on it.
Everything felt like their first year at UA once again, and no one knew how to act. So, they act normally, hoping both of them could fix their problem together.
The class ends with Bakugou leaving the class first, which was unusual because he used to wait for Midoriya before leaving for training in the school gym.
"Midoriya, is there something wrong between you and Bakugou?" Iida asks Midoriya, who silently sits on his chair with his eyes locked on the door Bakugou had just exited.
Midoriya gives them a small smile before standing to leave, "it's nothing. I'll talk it out with Kacchan later,"
"Are you sure?" Uraraka ask as everyone gathers around him.
"Will you guys be fine during the party?" Mina asks with concern, "maybe we can do something to keep you guys away from each other later?"
Midoriya shakes his head, "it's fine. I'll make the adjustments,"
"We can talk to Bakugou, but we don't really know what to tell him if we don't know why you're avoiding him," Kirishima says and rubs his neck, "I haven't seen Bakugou that upset in a while, though,"
"Yeah, but whatever happens, we won't take sides," Kaminari says and gives Midoriya's shoulder a quick squeeze.
"Thank you," Midoriya says and smiles at them, "I'll have to go. I still have to train with All Might in the gym,"
Everyone nods and lets Midoriya leave, but before he completely walks out of the classroom, he says, "you guys can call me if you need me for something,"
"We will," Iida says and gives Midoriya a reassuring smile.
"Good luck with your training, Midoriya-kun," Yaoyorozu cheers which earns her a smile and a nod from Midoriya.
The rest of class A leaves the room to prepare their surprise party for Bakugou. Mina, Uraraka, Iida, and Aoyama were in charge of putting up the decorations, while Yaoyorozu, Sato, Koda, Tokoyami, and Tsuyu were in charge of cooking. On one side of the common room, Kaminari, Todoroki, Jirou, Mineta, and Hagakure worked on the sound system and set up the karaoke. As the rest were preparing for the party, Shoji and Ojiro were given permission to go out and buy sodas and chips while Sero and Kirishima keep Bakugou in his room by talking to him.
It was difficult not to make Bakugou suspicious, but it seems like he was too preoccupied to notice that Kirishima and Sero were doing their best to keep him from going to the common room. Sero and Kirishima kept track of time, and when seven-thirty came, they forced Bakugou to go to the common room with them.
"What the fuck?! I'm not going to play with you this late at night! You'll make me stay up until ten again!" Bakugou protests while thrashing around.
"Come on! Being this difficult isn't manly!" Kirishima yells as they pull him down.
"Yeah! It's not like you'll die if you don't get to sleep at eight-thirty!" Sero adds.
They continue to yell at each other until they reach the common room and are greeted with party poppers going off accompanied by a loud, "Happy Birthday, Bakugou!"
Music starts to play, and everyone sings for him, making him flush red, while Kirishima places a party hat on his head. Bakugou's eyes scan the room for Midoriya, but he wasn't anywhere, which made his mood turn sour instead of feeling happy.
"I don't need this," Bakugou says and turns around. The class goes silent, but Sero and Kirishima try to salvage the situation by grabbing each of Bakugou's arms and asking him to stay.
"Come on, Bakugou, everyone worked hard for this," Sero pleads but is pushed off with Bakugou saying, "I didn't ask for you to prepare anything for me,"
"But it's your special day!" Kirishima yells but suffers the same fate of being pushed off by Bakugou, "you're right. It's my special day, so shouldn't you respect what I want?!"
Kirishima and Sero let go of Bakugou after hearing what he said because he was right. Bakugou resumes climbing up the stairs but stops when the door creaks open, and he hears the voice he's been wanting to greet him for the entire day, "I'm sorry I'm late! Where's Kacchan?"
"Party's canceled," Kaminari answers and points at Bakugou, who's walking up the stairs, making Bakugou throw a quick glance at Midoriya. Their eyes briefly meet before Bakugou says, "fine, I'll stay and eat whatever the fuck you extras prepared for me,"
The class releases a sigh of relief before they proceed to play the music. Everyone was having the time of their lives as the party goes. Mineta, Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Uraraka were having fun with the karaoke, Iida, Shoji, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Hagakure were chatting in one corner, Midoriya, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama, Koda, and Sato were talking about recipes, while Bakugou, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina were playing beverage games. Well, they were except for Bakugou.
The birthday boy's eyes were locked on the person he's been wanting to spend the day with. He never really told Midoriya what he feels, but he wished Midoriya would notice through his little actions. But today told Bakugou that actions alone won't be enough for Midoriya to know.
"I'm turning in," Bakugou says when he realized that he won't receive any greeting from Midoriya.
"But it's still early, Bakugou!" Mina yells, catching everyone's attention.
"I think we should let him sleep. We've kept him past his bedtime," Yaoyorozu says.
"That's true. Besides, we still need to clean up," Iida adds.
Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Kirishima whines but do obey their president and vice president's words by saying, "okay,"
Everyone started to clean up as the party ended. Bakugou was about to go up to his room when someone grabs the hem of his shirt, "for fuck's sake, when will-"
Midoriya lets go, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you before you go to bed,"
"You've been avoiding me for the entire day and ask me to talk to you now?" Bakugou asks and raises a brow at Midoriya.
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I completely understand," Midoriya says, "I just wanted to say happy birthday and-"
"Let's talk outside," Bakugou cuts him off and walks out of their dorm with Mirodiya trailing behind him. He stops a few meters away from their dorm to make sure no one sees or overhears them.
"Spill," Bakugou says with his arms crossed as he waits for Midoriya to speak.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you. I just didn't know how to give you your gift," Midoriya says with his eyes locked on the ground and his arms behind his back.
"Just fucking hand it to me. It's not that hard to do. You've been giving me gifts every year. What makes this one so difficult to give?" Bakugou asks, making Midoriya flush, but Bakugou couldn't see that, not when it's so dark outside, and the only light they have is the moonlight.
"Well, I might be thinking too highly of myself, but I wanted to gift you my feelings," Midoriya says and raises his head to finally meet Bakugou's eyes.
Those green orbs look so sincere as they stare at Bakugou's.
Bakugou takes a sharp inhale to calm himself. He needed some time to take in Midoriya's confession before he pulls him into a hug.
"You idiot," Bakugou whispers, "that's the best gift you could fucking give me,"
"Kacchan," Midoriya says as he hesitantly wraps his arms around Bakugou.
"I like your nerdy ass too, dimwit," Bakugou says and chuckles before pulling away and pressing a kiss on Midoriya's forehead, "I just didn't know how to tell you, so I decided to show it to you through my actions. I should've known that your dense ass won't notice,"
Midoriya blushes even more and covers his face with his hands, "I've been avoiding you because I was so nervous that maybe I'll back out, but you feel the same way?"
"Yeah, dumbass," Bakugou says and flicks Midoriya's forehead to make him remove his hands on his face, "you've been stressing us out for no reason,"
Midoriya laughs, "I'm sorry, Kacchan,"
"It's fine, just don't do it again, okay?" Bakugou asks and walks closer to Midoriya to press another kiss on his forehead, "now let's go back in because I'm fucking sleepy,"
"We just had an entire confession, and you're worried about your sleep. Don't you want to spend more time with me?" Midoriya teases as he lets Bakugou hold his hand on their way back to the dorms.
"Why should I worry about spending some time with you when we're cuddling to sleep in my room tonight?" Bakugou asks with a smug smile on his face.
Midoriya freezes, and his eyes went wide as blood runs up his cheeks, "what?"
"Do you want us to sleep in your room? I'm honestly fine with it," Bakugou says with a shrug and tugs at Midoriya.
"I'm fine in your room," Midoriya says and tries to hide his blushing face as they approach the dorm.
"It's settled then," Bakugou says, and they enter the dorm to cuddle till the next morning but not without going through the entire class teasing them.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,958 Words
Summary: Midoriya’s store run, Todoroki kills everyone with laughter, and girl day has been moved to Bakugou’s room, and Shigaraki and Dabi have a talk.
Warnings: Food Mention, Death Mention, Caps, Child Abuse Mention, Cursing, Period Mention, Menstruation Mention, Murder Mention, Grooming Mention, Burn Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: Shigaraki's alias in the group chat is Ren, Dabi's alias is Haruhi, and Hime is Toga's alias.
Usernames: Area 51   Aoyama: bonjour je suis Dora, Ashido: aggressive chicken dance, Asui: wut, Iida: Human Porche, Uraraka: Fuck Gravity, Ojiro: ceouolo, Kaminari: pikachoo, Kirishima: ordained, Koda: the muffin man?, Sato: dammit kevin, Shoji: pIaNoMaN, Jirou: neko neko kneecaps, Sero: wine and cheerios, Tokoyami: brb drowning, Todoroki: daddy issues, Hagakure: oreosandpussy, Bakugo: mother i crave violence, Midoriya: mistakes were made Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: its a mental breakdown, Yaoyorozu: single braincell
Usernames: Emo Sanctuary  Jirou: tell tale heart, Tokoyami: eldritch peep, Todoroki: i love you 3000, Bakugou: knife tag, Midoriya: bitchasaurus, Shinsou: unhappy meal, Kuroiro: meth and deadamine, Shigaraki: depresso extra shot, Dabi: *sad kazoo*
Into The Group Chat We Go: Chapter 2
10:00 AM
Area 51
Midoriya: I'm heading to the store and then to my apartment for the weekend, so if anyone needs anything while I'm out, tell me now.
mother i crave violence: Pickled daikon, seaweed chips, pea sprouts, spinach, enoki, and sausages.
Midoriya: Ew.
Midoriya: Fine.
mother i crave violence: Breathe one word of what you know and you're dead meat, Deku.
Midoriya: Not very nice to say to someone buying you food, now, is it?
mother i crave violence: Sorry, Deku.
Midoriya: Now send me the whole list. I know you don't buy six things and call it a day.
mother i crave violence: Also chapaghetti, eggs, and probably tofu.
mother i crave violence: And coffee pudding.
Midoriya: And?
mother i crave violence: Aloe yoghurt and ham.
Midoriya: Got it.
mother i crave violence: I hate you.
Midoriya: Yeah, yeah. I'll say hi to Hotaru and Hikaru for you on my way home.
Hagakure: Who's that?
Midoriya: NOTHING.
Midoriya has deleted one message
Midoriya: See? nothing.
Hagakure: Suspicious.
mother i crave violence: I'm not even going to deal with this. I'm too busy crying.
Midoriya: Overdramatic much?
mother i crave violence: I'm not, I'm dying. I deserve to cry if I'm dying.
Midoriya: Drama queen.
mother i crave violence: Stop arguing, I'm hungry.
Midoriya: Fine, fine.
Iida: What are you two on about now?
Midoriya: Kacchan needs some groceries that I offered to grab for him on my way out.
Todoroki: I'll go with you. I have to grab a few things for my dinner. I'll bring everything back to the dorms so you can head straight home.
Midoriya: Cool. @its a mental breakdown, do you need anything? I know you said something about needing to grab groceries to other day. I won't have you surviving off rice.
its a mental breakdown: My guy, it's 10:10 in the morning. Why are you waking me up so early on the weekend?
Midoriya: Groceries. Fork over the list, my guy.
its a mental breakdown: grocery.link
Midoriya: Looks good. Anyone else need food?
aggressive chicken dance: I forgot to pick up rice yesterday. I can't make my green curry without rice.
its a mental breakdown: I have a big container of rice you can steal from, Mina. Remember, the rice container that's as tall as a toddler?
aggressive chicken dance: Hells yeah. I'll hit you up at like 6pm. Raincheck on the rice, Midoriya.
Midoriya: 👍
Hagakure: Why do you have so much rice, Shinsou?
its a mental breakdown: it used to be the only thing I was allowed to eat at the orphanage because they could get a 4 pound bag and feed me for two weeks. I got used to eating rice a lot and I usually will just add things to rice.
Hagakure: Shinsou, that's like half a cup of rice a day.
its a mental breakdown: I never said they fed me correctly. thus why I had a job to make money for extra food. the nuns hated that, though, so I had to hide it or make it at a friend's house. thanks for those days, Bakugo.
mother i crave violence: No problem, Toshi.
10:25 PM
Area 51
Uraraka: We're missing shit.
Uraraka has changed their name to Fuck Gravity
Fuck Gravity has changed Asui to wut
Fuck Gravity has changed Iida to Human Porche
Fuck Gravity has changed Midoriya to mistakes were made
Fuck Gravity has changed Todoroki to daddy issues
Fuck Gravity has changed Aoyama to bonjour je suis Dora
Fuck Gravity: Much better.
daddy issues: I wasn't aware we were having a therapy session. I can talk about my daddy issues if you want.
Tokoyami: No, Shoto.
daddy issues: I mean, it's not a secret that I have daddy issues. Just look at him. Of course I have issues, he made me.
Hagakure: Hold on, I'm wheezing.
daddy issues: Like I do when I look at his face knowing there's a possibility of me growing into its image.
daddy issues: No wonder Touya was constantly depressed to look so similar to him. I'd be depressed too.
Ojiro: Send help, I can't breathe.
daddy issues: It's no wonder Natsuo is so proud to look like our mother but as a guy. And Fuyumi is basically mom's twin but with a different quirk and some red in her hair.
daddy issues: Lucky motherfuckers.
bonjour je suis Dora: Mon dieu, Shoto, stop, everyone's dying.
daddy issues: ...
Fuck Gravity: Don't!
daddy issues: Like I wish my father would.
daddy issues has set "that's a lot of damage" audio to play
Fuck Gravity: Shoto, please, we're suffering.
daddy issues: Okay, okay. I'll stop tormenting you all like I wish I could my father.
aggressive chicken dance: Savage.
11:00 AM
Area 51
daddy issues: I'm coming home with the groceries. I put our stuff in separate bags. Shinsou, you'll have to come to 1-A dorms because I don't know where your room is.
mother i crave violence: just give mine to Toshi for now. I can't move yet.
Hagakure: Alright, I've been wondering why it is you said you were crying for like an hour now. Why are you crying, Bakugou?
mother i crave violence: I'm having my period. It's bad, I can't move.
Hagakure: I have midol!
aggressive chicken dance: time to spoil Baku.
wut: I'll bring heating pads.
Fuck Gravity: I'll grab his food. Do you want any of it made before I go up?
mother i crave violence: I was just gonna destroy the chips, coffee pudding, and yoghurt.
Fuck Gravity: I'm making you eat. It'll be good for you.
daddy issues: I bought a bunch of extra ready made bentos because they were on sale for you girls' Girl Day. Take him two or three up and make sure he eats.
Yaoyorozu: We're moving Girl Day to Bakugou's room, if that's alright with everyone.
mother i crave violence: Why do I feel appreciated? Make it stop.
Yaoyorozu: Because we appreciate you, Bakugou.
mother i crave violence: I don't like this.
Yaoyorozu: So you don't want us in your room?
mother i crave violence: I guess it's fine.
Hagakure: Alright, Girl Day in Bakugou's room!
neko neko kneecaps: Alright, Todoroki, bring the stuff up to Baku's room.
daddy issues: I know, I'm on the way. I was waiting for Hitoshi.
its a mental breakdown: thank you, Sho.
daddy issues: You'll have to show me to your dorm one of these days.
its a mental breakdown: oh. it's floor five room four on the boys side in the 1-C dorms.
daddy issues: You say this like I won't now make a bridge to walk from my room to yours.
its a mental breakdown: I know this and I love you.
daddy issues: Good, someone has to.
its a mental breakdown: No airing therapy sessions in the group chat, Sho.
daddy issues: Damn.
daddy issues: Anyway. I'm thinking of playing musical rooms with Aizawa and freezing the empty girls rooms on floor two. Any oppositions?
Tokoyami: My only opposition is not today. I'm working on a time sensitive commission and I don't want to see a month of work go down the drain if the ice creeps over.
daddy issues: Tokoyami, the real MVP, running his business as a profit hobby so UA can't stop him.
Fuck Gravity: What a king.
Tokoyami: Thank you both.
Tokoyami: I'm going back to Hime's fourth dress.
Tokoyami is now offline
Hagakure: Alright.
Hagakure has changed their name to oreosandpussy
oreosandpussy has changed Ojiro's name to ceouolo
oreosandpussy has changed Koda's name to the muffin man?
oreosandpussy has changed Shoji's name to pIaNoMaN
oreosandpussy has changed Tokoyami's name to brb drowning
oreosandpussy has changed Yaoyorozu's name to single braincell
ceouolo: I'm not shocked, just disappointed.
oreosandpussy: That's normal, Mashi.
1:45 PM
Emos Sanctuary
depresso extra shot: Has anyone heard from Haruhi? I haven't been able to find him for like a solid five days and he last messaged someone in here from what I can tell.
*sad kazoo* is now online
*sad kazoo*: Sorry, man, I've been doing some shit for a few days so I can find a way to adopt Toshi.
depresso extra shot: Nobody's heard from you for days!
*sad kazoo*: Well, yeah, I mean, I bought a house, I'm working, I got stuff to do.
depresso extra shot: How the fuck?
*sad kazoo*: I had Hime help me.
1:50 PM
private chat with depresso extra shot and *sad kazoo*
depresso extra shot: How the fuck did Himiko help you?
*sad kazoo*: Himiko hooked me up with one of her friends who can change appearances. The girl made me look how I would if the accident never happened.
depresso extra shot: So you're never coming back to the League.
*sad kazoo*: No. I'm not, I can't. I have a son, man. I need to be there for him.
depresso extra shot: I'll still be your friend, right?
*sad kazoo*: Of course. And you can always have Himi's friend make you look different too. You can get away from this life too, Tomura.
depresso extra shot: I can't just disappear, Dabi.
*sad kazoo*: Why not? I've already found a way to disappear without questions. I could take you into it.
depresso extra shot: Tell me why I should? I have All For One's legacy to uphold!
*sad kazoo*: Who are you even carrying his legacy anyway? Because he saved you? You don't have to risk your life for his legacy because he saved you once. Following his legacy will kill you. I should know, I was held to a legacy too and look where it got me. I'm a murderer, a wanted criminal. This path isn't one you'll survive. He groomed a child and forced his own destiny onto you.
depresso extra shot: I'll think about it.
*sad kazoo*: You could really be Izuku's brother then.
depresso extra shot: You say that like I don't have a quirk that would kill this family like I did my last one. How am I supposed to explain to Izuku that I killed our father? My mother and sister?
*sad kazoo*: Himiko knows someone who can change your quirk. I was going to see him right before I stage my disappearing act. He was going to make my fire red again and give me some ice control so I won't turn into a burnt chicken nugget again.
depresso extra shot: So he could make my quirk something else?
*sad kazoo*: He can make your quirk into whatever you want.
depresso extra shot: I've always wanted to have a healing quirk like my sister did.
*sad kazoo*: And he can do that.
depresso extra shot: I think I'd like that.
*sad kazoo*: So you wanna make the League a family instead? We can all move into my house. We can be normal. We can have lives.
depresso extra shot: I could probably talk everyone into it.
*sad kazoo* So it's a plan then.
depresso extra shot: We'd have to tell the others.
*sad kazoo*: Himi's already onboard. So are Magne and Twice. I haven't raised the question to Compress or Spinner yet.
depresso extra shot: So we just need to talk to Atsuhiro and Iguchi.
*sad kazoo*: Yeah.
depresso extra shot: Iguchi is a lost cause. He's a devout Stain follower. He won't ever agree to it. Compress we might be able to convince. He's said how his great-grandfather is a famous criminal. He might have it though his thick skull that he needs to bring honor to his family name by reforming the hero society.
*sad kazoo*: So we've decided to kill off the League.
depresso extra shot: For our second chance at life.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust @paint-in-flames @hakodas-tits
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 9 | previously: part 8 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi hi!! 💙so there isn’t too much Bakugou in this part BUT i promise the part after this will make up for it *wink wink*. and i just think this part is really cute anyway ☺️ enjoy xx
nine: girls day
You woke up to the sound of someone banging and giggling outside your dorm.
“Fucking hell… GIVE ME A SECOND!” You groaned and got up from your bed. You opened the door to see a smiling Mina, Momo, Uraraka, Jirou, Hagakure, and Tsu.
“What the hell…”
“I knew she’d forget,” laughed Jirou.
“Forget what?”
“Girls day today!” squealed Mina. You perked up, remembering well what Mina had mentioned to you a couple days ago.
“I didn’t forget...my alarm just didn’t go off,” you lied.
“Well we are all leaving in about 15 minutes so get dressed and let’s get going!” Mina and the other girls ran off. You were still waking yourself up as you rubbed your eyes.
“You look like hell,” said Bakugou, standing outside your room. You immediately crossed your arms.
“Fuck off Katsuki. It’s too early for your shit.”
“It’s almost noon.”
You huffed.
“Whatever.” You closed your door and began scrambling around for something to wear. You quickly put together an outfit and slipped your shoes on. You grabbed your wallet and phone, shoving it all into a small bag, then rushed out the door.
“There she is! You look great!” smiled Mina.
“God I love it when they wear casual clothes…” mumbled Mineta. You scoffed and kicked the purple boy over.
“Can you ever not be creepy?” You muttered.
“Alright ladies, a day filled with fun is just ahead! Let’s go!” cheered Mina. You sighed and began to follow your friends out the door.
“Hey dumbass!” called Bakugou. You turned around to look at him.
“Have fun,” he smiled. Your eyes widened.
“Fine maybe I will!” You replied. Bakugou raised a brow but laughed off your comment. You gave him a shy smile and rejoined your friends.
“Fine maybe I will”? What the fuck Y/N.
You and the rest of the girls in your class took the train to the city. It was a beautiful day, a cool breeze passing by you as you walked along the city streets. The seven of you stopped for some boba before being led into a store by Mina.
“Guys, what is this?” You asked as sipped on your drink. You looked around the girly boutique.
“PROM DRESS SHOPPING!!” cheered Mina raising her arms in the air.
“My parents set us up with an appointment and we have the whole shop to ourselves!” explained Momo.
“Momo what is your life…” mumbled Uraraka.
“Oh gosh I don’t even know where to start!” squealed Hagakure.
“Hi ladies! How can I help?” asked the store manager.
“We have our Prom this week and we need some show stopping dresses!” said Mina.
“Well you’ve come to the right place! Here I’ll show you around.”
You followed the manager around the store as she showed you the endless amounts of dazzling dresses. It was an understatement to say you felt a bit overwhelmed.
“Feel free to pick out a few dresses and try them on. Don’t be afraid to ask any of our attendants for some help,” smiled the manager.
“Thank you very much!”
Your friends immediately dispersed along the aisles of clothing. Piling up whatever outfits caught their eyes. You walked slowly as you looked around, feeling a bit intimidated by the glitz and glamour.
“Would you like some help?” said a voice. You turned around to see one of the attendants.
“Uh yeah that would be great actually,” you said nervously.
“Perfect. What’s your name hun?”
“It’s Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Zella. Do you know what style of dress you are looking for?” She asked. You shrugged.
“All I know is that I need a long dress. I have no idea what I actually want,” you admitted. Zella smiled.
“Well that’s why I’m here. How about I pick a few styles out and you let me know what you think of them?”
“That sounds good.”
You followed Zella as she picked out a couple dresses. She would show you them, asking for your approval before keeping it for you to try on.
“Probably not something pink,” you laughed as you looked at the princess dress before you. Zella chuckled.
“How is it going Y/N?” asked Mina, or what you presumed to be Mina. You could barely tell through the skyscraper of dresses she was carrying.
“Uh good thanks. I think you’re holding half of the store there,” you joked.
“Gonna go try them on! I have to find the perfect one!” She cheered.
“I think we have enough for you to try on too,” chimed in Zella. You nodded and went over to the dressing room.
“We should do this bridal style and each one of us goes one at a time!” Suggested Uraraka. You laughed.
“As long as I can sit on the couch the longest, I’m good.”
“Me first!” Mina rushed into the dressing room to change. You crammed onto the couch with your friends in front of the mirrors and riser.
“So Y/N, what did you tell Deku?” asked Jirou. You flinched.
“Well uh, I told him that I’d rather go without a date. He understood so we’re cool,” you explained.
“Yeah well dates are overrated anyway,” said Jirou.
“Did you want someone else to ask you?” asked Uraraka. Your face went warm.
“Well uh I wouldn’t put it like that it’s just that-”
“Okay dress number one!” said Mina.
Thank god.
Mina twirled around in a white and gold flowy dress.
“It’s cute Mina but it’s not you, you know?” said Momo.
“I agree. You need something bolder!” You smiled.
“Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of this one either. Onto the next!”
The seven of you took turns trying on and showing off your dresses. After about 30 dresses, Mina settled on a light purple dress, definitely more of her vibe. Momo went next, trying on about 10 dresses. She picked a vibrant red one. Jirou only tried on one outfit, a two-piece black jumpsuit. She was set on it from the start. Hagakure tried on every pink dress possible. She actually chose the pink dress that you had rejected. Uraraka also went for pink, but more of a lighter tone. Lastly, Tsu picked out an emerald green dress. All of your friends looked stunning.
“Alright Y/N, you’re up,” smiled Tsu as she exited the dressing room. You sighed.
“Bare with me ladies,” you joked. You walked over to the dressing room and stepped inside. Zella had already hung up the dresses you had picked. You looked at them, unsure where to start. You decided to put on your least favorite first, just to get it out of the way. You slipped the light blue dress on and looked in the mirror.
I look like a fucking cupcake.
Just to amuse your friends, you stepped out of the dressing room. Their hands flew to their mouths.
“I never thought I’d see the day where Y/N wears a bright color,” joked Mina.
“Yeah well don’t get used to it because this is definitely a no,” you laughed as you stood on the riser.
“This is priceless...”
“Y/N, this dress just came in today so it wasn’t on the floor yet. I think you’d like it.” Zella rushed over to you holding a zipped up dress bag. You smiled.
“Anything to get me out of this.”
You took the bag and went back into the dressing room. You hung up the bag and unzipped it. You gasped. Inside was a beautiful black dress with thin straps and a slit for one of your legs. You eagerly changed out of the dress you were wearing and put the new one on.
“Zella? Could you zip me up?” You asked, opening the door. Zella smiled.
“That’s definitely the one.” You turned around and Zella zipped you up. You walked out to your friends. This time their hands flew to their mouths, but in a good way. You stepped onto the riser, letting the skirt of the dress fall around you. You looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to hide your smile.
“Oh Y/N, you look beautiful,” Mina gushed. Your face grew warm.
“It’s just the dress that’s all…”
“No it’s you. You’re glowing,” said Momo. You continued to look at yourself. You felt beautiful. You were beautiful.
“Fine I guess I’ll get this one,” you joked.
“Perfect! Let’s get you changed and get going!” smiled Mina. You nodded, heading back to the dressing room.
You changed back into your clothes and zipped the dress back into its bag. You took the dress and went to meet your friends.
“Alright, who is paying first?” You asked.
“Oh no no. All your dresses have been paid for by the Yaoyorozu’s. You’re all good to go,” explained the manager. All your jaws dropped as you looked at Momo.
“MOMO!” The six of you rushed over to your friend, joining in a large group hug.
“Tell your parents the biggest thank you!” said Uraraka.
“I will,” smiled Momo.
After your wonderful day filled with fun just as Mina had promised, you were back at UA. The seven of you walked into the dorms and watched as the boys' faces lit up from your return.
“THEY'RE BACK!” cheered Denki and Mineta as they rushed towards you all.
“Mineta if you lay one hand on me I’ll blow your ass up right here right now,” you warned him. He nodded, stepping back.
“How was your ‘Girls Day’?” asked Iida.
“It was amazing!” gushed Uraraka.
“Well I see you all found your dresses for Prom. That’s excellent!”
“Yeah only after trying on half of the store,” you joked. You went over to your room and set your dress bag down.
“Hey dumbass,” said Bakugou, standing outside your door.
“Hi Katsuki,” you smiled. He raised a brow.
“Why are you in such a good mood?”
“What? I can’t smile at you?”
Bakugou smirked. “No no, go right ahead.”
“Find your dress?” He asked, pointing to the dress bag laying on your bed. You smiled.
“Yeah I did. Wanna see?” You said eagerly.
“Woah is that like allowed?”
“Katsuki it’s a prom dress not a wedding gown,” you chuckled. Bakugou stepped inside of your room and stood beside you as you unzipped the bag. You showed just the top of the dress. Bakugou’s eyes widened.
“That’s uh-that’s a pretty dress,” stuttered Bakugou.
“Thanks,” you smiled. You looked up at Bakugou, who was already looking at you. Your face got hot.
“Well uh, I’m exhausted so I think I’m gonna take a nap,” you said. Bakugou nodded.
“Alright. Sleep well.”
“Thanks Katsuki.” Bakugou left your room and you slowly shut the door behind him. You pressed your back against the door, placing your cold hands on your hot face.
Only 7 more days until Prom. Just 7 more days. I can do this.
a/n: so i actually have pictures of all the dresses i mentioned in this part but im not sure if you all would care to see them so just please lmk so that i can post the dress/outfit hc’s that go with this part :)))
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick @that-chick212 @bibly @nxynxy @theunknownrandom @flustered-blue-eyed-sex-muffin @94potterhead @moonlightaangel @katusukisbitch2000 (if your name is bold I couldn’t tag you) ]
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