#also i think its kinda uggo;;
cyanpromise · 4 months
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Over the Hedge
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Yeah so I think I just entered Dreamworks' first Exceptionally Mid Era, because by god this movie just... well it simply just is.
So Over the Hedge. I've never seen it before and yeah... I feel like my life would have been completely unchanged if I'd never seen it. It strangely almost doesn't feel like a Dreamworks movie, it feels like something made by a c-tier studio that makes ripoff versions of Disney movies. Idk man, it's just... the vibes in this are so weird.
So the story. We follow RJ, an opportunist raccon indebted to a bear who has to collect a mountain of human food or be killed by said bear. To do this, he tricks a family of various other small animals, led by the cautious turtle Verne into going... well, over the hedge into the newly built nearby suburbs to steal as much human food as possible. Pretty simple plot, littered with enough cliches to kill literally any one of these creatures, really.
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I think one of the problems this movie suffers from is its main cast is... simply too big? Like yeah, we focus mostly on RJ and Verne, but then there's the rest of the animals tagging along. Most of them are agressively unimportant and I wouldn't be able to tell you any of their names from memory because they're all just that forgettable (aside from Hammy, the crack-addicted squirrel, I guess). As for the humans, our antagonists are some crazy Karen lady who is trying so hard to channel Mrs. Tweedy (bitch wishes she had that level of Unhinged) and Dwayne, the exterminator, who is probably a Redditor tbh.
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The animation is agressively bland, and honestly falls short of even the past several Dreamworks movies. There's just... not a lot of style to it? And what little style that's there is just so saturated and uninteresting to look at. The music is just as forgettable, a few whatever pop songs against an average score. I honestly kinda zoned out a few times while watching this because... idk it just didn't do a very good job at keeping my interest.
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I feel like, tone-wise, this was the first Dreamworks movie very much made with young kids in mind. Coincadentally, I think it's also the first Dreamworks movie to not feature any swears or adult jokes? (aside from Prince of Egypt? I suppose, but that's a different case entirely). It's very focused on its slapstick, its "family is everything" messaging, its cutesy, silly animal antics, and so on and so forth, coming together to make what's, in my opinion, a pretty boring package overall.
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So yeah. Over the Hedge. It certainly... exists. It's not insanely terrible or anything, but I think its definately one of the most... forgettable things Dreamworks has put out so far. Kinda understandable why this one never caught traction or became one of their reoccuring series. It's just sorta lame (shrugs).
Overall Rating: 4/10
Verdict: Call pest ontrol on these uggo animals
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Previous Review (Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit)
Next Review (Flushed Away)
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Dr Pac Man vs Ex-aid & Ghost movie livewatch notes (ex-aid spoilers. spoilers for other shows too probably)
-Holy shit Tanahashi
-Ah this is pre-looney tunes Kuroto I see
-Should mention that I’ve never seen Ghost and all I know abt Takeru is that he has died several times prior to this. good on him for getting an education tho
-Oh shit he’s friends with a monk that’s rad
-"People bitten by the pacmen are developing symptoms of high fever" guess you could say. that they got. pacman fever
-The Pacmen @ Takeru: grrrrr fuck this guy in particular no more henshin belt for you
-Hiiro's dad is so useless love him
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-Monk dude laughing at Poppy's name and no one reacting. it's a silly name guys he's right to giggle abt it
-Iconic lines in cinema
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-Heyyyy pre-character development Taiga, missed you ice king <3
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-Takeru very correct abt how incredible Emu's patience is. a teenager mouths off to me i'm turning them into a pretzel
-Feel like that's surprising regardless of profession Emu
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-Sorry abt your rider transformation impotence cop man
-The baddie's whole deal is directly tied into Emu birthing Parad lmao???
-Takeru and his lady friend have been bugged. sad. also a pair of additional twinks are just Here now
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-Weirdly loud and echo-y ADR grunting going on
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-Takeru's powers coming back bc he believed in himself hard enough. just like parappa the rapper
-A moment of appreciation for Hiroki Iijima's crooked teeth
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-These henshin belts talk too much like shut UPPPPP
-This shit must overstimulating as fuck to kids. so much noise and bright lights good god
-Pacman is Fucking Dead
-Quit flirting on the job you two
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-Emu being hysterical bc he couldn't save one teenager oh yeah you def have not endured the Horrors yet huh buddy
-"I believe there's a special power dwelling inside Emu" yeah its a 6 ft grown ass man dressed like a rave clown marinating in his boy womb
-Is Akari Takeru's like. girlfriend or sister or really good friend bc I cannot tell
-Takeru also spending a lot of this movie grunting in pain and falling over. i assume that's accurate to how he is in his own show
-Don't like Wizard's hideous pink pants
-Aw Drive's belt is a lil guy that's cute
-Love that Gaim showed up already in his suit. was his non-suit actor sick that day of shooting or what
-Ridiculous group of individuals right here
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-"BANANA AU LAIT" real attack name
-Think I watched a porno like this once. less special effects but just as much non-consensual penetration
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-Parad violating Emu's mind exhibit #587
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-Emu once again having more chemistry with a guy not in his own show. Emu should have given him mouth-to-mouth here actually
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-Surprise Hiiro cake watch! Very pretty cake!
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Closing thots: I had fun watching this! I probably would have enjoyed it a lil more if I knew anything abt Ghost or the other riders, but thankfully this was mostly an ex-aid movie ft. others so it didn't dampen the viewing experience all that much. I liked seeing Tanahashi for the whole 2 minutes of screentime he got, the slingblade to Drive was sick as fuck. Plentiful Emu ryona as well; slightly less graphic than when Asakura shoved light tube glass into his eyeballs but still pretty brutal! And hot! What else uhhh the actor playing Takeru is really handsome in a slightly off putting way. His suit is kinda uggo tho, shame.
7/10 pacman died for our sins
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imbuity · 1 year
delusion time
to the tune of closing time
absolutely BEAUTIFUL unit, massive backyard, the brick walls are so stunning, I’m enamoured. Plenty of storage in the kitchens for the MANY more items we are going to have together. that random wall of boxes is strange but also can be my dedicated trinket spot since I’m really going to be losing creative control of my room. oh is it for shoes? no, that’s not where the door to the backyard is. Maybe I can commandeer that spot as a little sarah yoga hole. entryway is so lovely, i adore the very thin little storage box (and I think there’s an additional coat closet beside it anyway). I think really the only single downside of this place is that the shower has a wall and not a curtain, so the bath option will be kinda worse. but perhaps in the 1.5 years before I even have the faintest ida of moving into this place my designated bath time will be less (since I’m all caught up on kpop content, after all). oh my god the WALK IN CLOSET. LUXURY!!! the second bedroom is a little dank but tbh it’s not even necessary since I have that wonderful, well-lit nook. That closet could be kite storage and just office use. anyway I am obsessed with this place and would kill to live here.
Smaller, but much more affordable. Idk what’s going on with the people who have currently decorated this place because dear god, but again this will change bc I will be living there. kitchen storage looks more than reasonable, I love the island size, the light wood is a little uggo but that’s such a minor concern. more than enough room for living space, kitchen, and dining room to be fully separate - why do they have such clunky, space-soaking chairs? The view from the bedroom is nice, definitely tall enough to have privacy. separate bathtub and shower, what multitasking LOL. the light wood + cabinet handles are again a little ugly but not only could they be changed, with the right decor it might even be fine. looks like this second bedroom office space is behind the living room? with direct access to the balcony, so that can be my little yoga corner or I could set up shop in the living room while nick stays in bed.
the 2 bedroom in the same building is by far the worst visually (and storage wise) but I know for a fact he’d be willing to do it lol. I know that I like the location and the building, the washer and dryer and dishwasher are guaranteed, and the bathtub is functional, which again are the main concerns. Its just that the bathroom and kitchen storage are reeeeally lacking, so will need at least one large shelf in each room to accommodate this. I’m having trouble envisioning the layout of this apartment also but it would be very easy to arrange a viewing.
Ok, all done now - I think when this time comes we’re both going to be picky in different ways, which will be difficult, but I know that washer dryer and dishwasher are essentials for him as well, so the only thing I’m potentially fighting for is bathtub + storage. yoga nook will just be in the office space or if there’sa sectioned off living room so there’s no “battle” there, and location I can really make work anywhere. all 3 of these are totally fine options tho, imo. 
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meowhawkk · 3 years
you show your grandma your art? thats so cute oml (sorry for calling your sona ugly :c)
she's like my number one fan!!!
a few years ago i designed a throwaway naga character in one of my sketchbooks & she commissioned me to make it into a an actual character for her lol
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sawyersick · 5 years
1 through 69 because you gotta twin with me
aight here goes bitchez
1. are you religious?
nahh but my parents sent me to church camp when I was in elementary school??? For the cheap childcare I guess???
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
I haven’t thought about this much but I think a field mouse!!
3. how do you take your coffee?
never……………………… I hate coffee
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
my mom’s bosses son forced himself on me when we were 6 lol so I don’t count that……….. so 15 i guess (according to my friend, if there’s no hormones it doesn’t count lol)
5. museum date or aquarium date?
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
Just my ears are pierced and I have a whale (badly) tattooed on my hip I’ll post pix if you want but its pretty uggo
I want another whale on the other side so I’ll be symmetrical and a triangle hand tat….. maybe an eyeball tat (a tattoo of an eyeball…. not one on my eye lol)? I’m not really interested in anymore piercings tho
7. favorite fruits?
8. favorite vegetables?
when I was 12 I ate so many carrots my skin turned orange and my mom thought I had jaundice
also I heckin love mushrooms
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if you treat me with respect :(
10. do you cry a lot?
yeah lol at least twice a month minimum
11. who are your closest friends?
I don’t really have any? I’ve felt distant from my irl friends lately so idk probably just demo
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did the walk out for gun violence
13. do you play any video games?
helllllls yeah but I usually only play 3/ds
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
yes and I think I’m still in it rip
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
I think I wear a lot of blue! and black and white too i guess…… I’m trying to add more reds tho
16. what do you like to do for fun?
I bake and sew and draw! and listen to music
17. what is your biggest fear?
body horror tw for this one rip
being abandoned, being forced to do horrifically gross/unclean stuff, getting my eyes gouged out, getting the bones in my hands broken, getting acid poured on my face, the people around me dying, being forced to eat live slugs, getting my skin peeled off with a knife
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
whales/the ocean in general and baking!! and the band Liily
19. favorite fictional characters?
hm idk? Link and Zelda from LoZ, Clover and Snake and Aoi from 999, rhyme from TWEWY, Maka and Soul from Soul Eater, Storm from the Xmen, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, Chun Li, the Kagamines, Rilakkuma
idk I just thought about characters I have merch for
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
I used to??? Haven’t had the time for it in a while though and I’ve been reading a lot of how-to books as of late….. I really liked the Legend trilogy though
21. how would you describe your style?
art style and fashion style would both be classified as “cute but tries to be edgy” I think
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
Yes!! a pastel elephant with a rattle in it named Elephant (very creative I know) He’s in my stuff somewhere now and this question reminded me to go find him again
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
hmmm…. sports? mustard? airpods???? idk
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
actually yes? I wanna be in a band but I’m lowkey afraid of singing in front of people I know but have no problem doing it in front of an audience of strangers hmu if you’re in the SF bay area I’ve written 6 punk songs
25. who do you live with?
my parents and cat
26. favorite desserts?
ice cream, anything with chocolate or whipped cream, creme brulee, lemon tarts
I’m not too picky though lol
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
realizing that I can actually do mostly whatever I want and most things have fewer consequences than I think
also cutting people out of my life that emotionally exhaust me
28. favorite makeup brands?
uhhhh whatever’s cheap and doesn’t make my eyes burn ig urban decay is good when I can afford it
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
Goodwill??? I used to shop at f21 but I try not to anymore
30. what was your first job?
working at a lake teaching windsurfing and sailing and I still work there
31. do you take a lot of naps?
n o  I absolutely  h a t e  taking naps and try to avoid them
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmm I have pretty good hair i think and sometimes my eyes? I have huge (genetic) eyebags tho which gets me down
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
In day to day life I guess I’m more dominant??? like I make decisions when nobody else wants to :0 also idk intimately since iM aN aDuLt vIrGiN and pretty sex repulsed but probably sub 
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
outgoing but sometimes it makes me annoying
35. how tall are you?
short…………………………. 4′8/143 cm
36. what is your body type?
uhh hourglass????? maybe pear I got them Thunder Thighs according to the guy who got kicked out of drama club for peeping in the girls changing room
37. favorite flower?
calendula, sunflowers, lavender and dianthus!!
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
I wanna be the bride of frankentstein but in a shiro lolita coordinate to make her look ~fancy~ or the Nancy part of Sid and Nancy if I’m in a relationship by that time
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Ideally the same age and I’m wary of dating anyone more than 2 years younger or older than me but I’m more willing to date older than younger
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
yall know who it is already but
in a band, dark hair, kinda tall, very fashionable, coincidentally happens to be the same racial mix as me, good at art, very humble, really sweet, lives in SoCal, has a hand tattoo of milk and “aye yah” on his arm, paints his nails orange, wears a lot of rings, gets freckles in the summer, prefers vanilla over chocolate, ties his shoes the cool way
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
idk at the moment? I like to draw from many inspirations
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
one (1) very loving cat
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
……………………….. myself
I literally had to google mixed race celebrities and STILL none look like me lol
46. do you like sports?
not really except I weirdly like baseball
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Yes!! I won tickets to On Your Feet and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
I also won Hamilton tickets but saw it in SF yall should download the app
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
MERMAID actually I have a mermaid tail too so
50. what is your instagram?
@wishwhale :)
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
glossy by default because I have chronically dry skin/lips so matte lips are sooooooooooooooo uncomfy but it looks good on other people lol
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
grape because im weird
53. what are your best personality traits?
I’d like to think that I’m kind and sometimes funny
54. what is your ethnicity?
55. what different hair colors have you had?
brown and brown with pink that was supposed to be purple
56. favorite disney princess?
Ariel! bc mermaid
57. favorite album of 2017?
Humanz by Gorillaz  or Deep Dream by Daddy Issues I guess
I was weirdly obsessed with Feel Your Feelings Fool when it came out but I’m not really into it anymore though
58. have you ever had braces?
59. favorite holiday?
Halloween! Because dressing up is fun
60. post a selfie.
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how do I make this smaller anyways I don’t normally wear this much makeup but I’m going to a small show tonight
61. are you a good swimmer?
Yes!! I swim once a week at my local pool
62. do you wear jewelry?
I used to wear a lot………. like multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings daily but now I wear my ring every day and a necklace/earrings if I remember
63. can you play any instruments?
I’m learning guitar!!
64. do you have any siblings?
short answer is no but you can dm me for the long answer
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
just my maternal grandmother and she is almost 90! My paternal grandmother lived to 102 so I’m hoping for those good genes though (I think she would have lived longer because my family suspects elder abuse by my weird aunt)
66. who knows the most about you?
hmm probably Demo or Emily
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
I! Never! Shut! Up!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you arent cool
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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badchoosey · 5 years
LoveHacks, Book One. Chapter 1: This Story Will Change Your Life
You make your way to the counter at a San Francisco cafe before the first day of work at your new job. The barista hands you a latte, complete with a recycled paper sleeve and your name written on the side.
Dad: Thank you! That’s… not how you spell Dad. Is Dadthaq even a name?
A guy in a plaid shirt over by the milk and sweeteners flashes you a smile.
Evan: They never spell my name right either. I’m Evan. Or ‘Effin’, according to my coffee.
Dad: I’m Dad.
Evan: So, Dad, do you take sugar in your coffee? Because I’m pretty sure you’re sweet enough as it is.
Dad: You were cuter before you started talking.
Evan: Ouch! … But you do think I’m cute, right?
Dad: Maybe.... But you definitely need to work on your flirting skills.
Evan: And I suppose you’re on expert on flirting?
Dad: It’s kinda my job, so… yeah. It’s my first day at ClickIt. You know, viral posts, life hacks, listicles?
Evan: I’ve heard of it. ‘20 Things Only 90s Kids Will Understand’... That kinda stuff?
Dad: Exactly. I’m the newest writer for their love and dating section.
Evan: Love and dating, huh? In that case… how am I doing?
Dad: Honestly? Your game is weak, son. Your body language is all wrong. You’re trying to look confident, but you have a tenseness that gives away how nervous you are. And you used a pick up line, which can come off as unoriginal, or even fake. You should be yourself.
Evan: Wow. Anything else?
Dad: Actually… you’ve had something in your teeth this whole time.
Evan immediately covers his mouth.
Dad: Kidding! You’ve done well enough that if you gave me your number, I wouldn’t immediately delete it. I might even let you show me around the city sometime…
Evan: It’d be my pleasure.
You exchange numbers with Evan, who smiles the whole time.
Evan: Wow, you really are good at this. How is someone like you still single?
Dad: I’m single because I have high standards. No one has managed to meet all my requirements.
Evan: Oh, it’s like that, huh?
Dad: It’s like that. You’re free to try to be the first, though.
Evan: Any chance you’re walking my way? I’m headed to the Zamble offices.
Dad: Cushy tech job, huh? I’m actually heading the other way. Can’t be late for my first day on the job!
You walk into the ClickIt office for the first time…
Dad: Whoa. What is this place…?
Martin: You must be Dad. I’m Martin, editor-in-chief here at ClickIt. This way. We’re about to start our daily stand-up.
Dad: Daily what?
Martin: I don’t know how they do things on the East Coast, but out here, we host a meeting each morning so all the writers can sync up.
Martin leads you to a brightly decorated lounge area where several men are already sitting on bean bag chairs.
Martin: Not the sort of vibe you’re a used to, huh?
Dad:This place looks like something out of Sesame Street.
Coworker: Really? You have a problem with our comfortable, creative environment? Maybe we could get you a wooden rocking chair, or a butter churn.
Dad: The bean bag is fine.
Coworker: See, Marty? A chick on the staff for one minute, and she’s already trying to redecorate. Total buzzkill.
Dad: Excuse me?!
Coworker 2: Hey, TJ, can you turn down the ‘douche’? She just got here…
TJ: I don’t take advice from junior writers, Felix.
Martin: Behave now, boys. Everyone, meet our newest Clicker, Dad. She’s the head of the new LoveHacks page. She’ll be our resident expert in all things fashion and romance.
TJ: So, the girly stuff?
Martin: Dad knows what she’s doing. Her personal blog post, ‘The Worst Date Ever’, went legit viral! Two million likes, five hundred shares, and more retweets than Kendall Jenner’s latest selfie. And I’m sure she has plenty more ideas up her sleeve!
Martin looks at you expectantly.
Dad: Oh, right! Actually, I’m glad you brought that up, Martin, because I’ve done a lot of brainstorming lately… How’s this for a headline? ‘Table for One: How to be Happy and Single.’
TJ: Ha! What are we, a website for ugly people?
Dad: Ugly people? You mean single women?
TJ: That article would get, like, negative clicks. But if you insist on catering to the uggos, you gotta at least make it snappy. Something like… ‘Five Ways to Replace Your BF With a Body Pillow!’ That sorta thing.
Dad: That’s… that’s actually not bad.
TJ: You know, I’d be happy to help you with some field research, if you want. Teach you a thing or two about love.
Martin: Field research! That’s a great idea!
TJ: … It is?
Martin: Dad can go on dates and write… ‘The 10 Guys You Date in Your Twenties!’ What do you think?
Dad: I’m gonna need a company card to do this right.
TJ: What, you can’t even get a guy to pay for you?
Dad: It’s the 21st century, TJ. Women can pay for things too.
Martin: Dad’s right. I’ll talk to the finance department and see what I can do. One month should be more than enough time for the article. I expect to see your progress and notes each week.
Dad: Yes, sir.
Soon after, you settled into your new workspace, a desk clustered together with others in the big, open space of the ClickIt office. Suddenly, a kind face leans into view from the workspace next to you.
Felix: Hey! I’m Felix. Looks like we’re desk-neighbours. Sorry about Tj back there. He can be a jerk sometimes. And by that I mean all the time.
Dad: I know the type. How and why do people put up with him?
Felix: Despite being a human poop emoji, he’s actually one of the most clicked writers on our site… and he’s Martin’s favorite.
Dad: That’s not fair, someone needs to call Martin out! No one should get special treatment for being buddy-buddy with the boss!
Felix: Hey, people have tried, but what’re you gonna do? Martin signs the checks, and we all tryin’ to get dat paper! … I immediately regret saying ‘get dat paper’. Let’s pretend I didn’t.
Dad: Stricken from the record.
Just then, a woman strides over, glaring at Felix.
Coworker: Felix, did you eat all our horseradish for your stupid video?
Felix: Isabel! Yes, I, uh, did! But I also got ‘Horseradish Challenge Fail’ trending! And the doctor says my sinuses will heal in no time.
Isabel sighs and turns to you.
Isabel: It’s Dad right? I’m Isabel. Don’t let Felix rope you into any of his videos, especially anything that involves wasabi.
Dad: Duly noted.
Isabel turns and walks away, and you notice Felix watching as she leaves.
Dad: I see what’s going on here… you totally HATE Isabel. You guys get on each other’s last nerve.
Felix: No! I mean, we kinda do… but I don’t hate her! I would never…
Dad: Oh, I got this all wrong… This tension isn’t anger… You like her, don’t you?
Felix: Well… maybe? Alright, fine, yes… But it’s not my dating life we should be discussing. What are you gonna do for your first date?
Dad: Good question. I kinda got caught off guard.
Felix: There’s no one in town you could call up? Word is you’re originally from the Bay, right?
Dad: Well… there is one guy. A good friend from college, Mark…
(Now Playing as Mark Collins.)
You’re walking down a bustling San Francisco street on your way to the Muni bus station.
Mark: There is not enough caffeine in the world for me right now.
You finish your energy drink before tossing the empty can into a bin. Your roommate, Cole, looks up from his phone.
Cole: You alright? You’ve been acting weird all morning.
Mark: I… didn’t sleep well last night. I’ve got a lot on my mind.
Cole: Wait… Is this because your college friend is back in town? The one who got away?
Mark: She’s not ‘the one who got away’.
Cole: Riiiight. You only talk about her all the time. And not in the ‘have you seen the latest episode of The Walking Dead’ way. In the ‘Dear Diary, I love her sooooo much’ kinda way.
Mark: I’m not the type to get lovesick. Sure, we were close in college, but that’s all.
Cole: Please. I’ve been your roommate for years now. I know when you have a crush on someone. I saw it when you first discovered Zooey Deschanel, and I see it when you talk about your long-lost BFF.
Mark: Fine. You wanna know the truth? The real, one hundred percent truth?
You lean towards Cole, and he leans forward to meet you…
Mark: Go to hell, Cole.
Cole: Aw, come on. I thought we were having a bonding moment!
Mark: You’re the worst.
Cole: Love you too, roomie. Anyway, you should call her up. Invite her to The Double Tap for drinks. Meet the gang.
Mark: I dunno. I have that work thing tonight…
Cole: Whatever you say, man. But she’s probably wondering about you as we speak…
(Now Playing as Dad).
Felix: Soooo… you gonna call this Mark guy, or what?
Dad: Oh! It’s uh… It’s just been so long, and…
Felix: … It’s complicated. Say no more. In that case, can’t you just go to a bar or something and get a guy’s number? You’re an expert, right?
Dad: Oh! Actually… I picked up a phone number at the coffee shop before work!
Felix: Okay, now you’re making this look too easy.
Later, you and Felix go to a small boutique just off Market Street.
Dad: Thanks for coming with me to pick out an outfit for my date tonight! I didn’t think you’d want to come shopping.
Felix: Hey. I’m helping you with research. Any time I can get out of the office and still get paid, I’m down. So, where’s Evan taking you tonight?
Dad: Some new club… Mystique, I think it was.
Felix: Mystique? Seriously?! That club is impossible to get into! Rumor has it the VIP lounge has an ice luge for vodka shots and its own taco bar. And last year, DJ Khaled played!
Dad: You listen to DJ Khaled?
Felix: No. I’m more of a Lumineers guy… but I recognise how big DJ Khaled is. Mystique is very exclusive, but you never know who you’ll run into there…
Dad: In that case, I’d better look my best.
Just then, a little black dress catches your eye. You run your fingers over the bright sequins.
Felix: Wow. If you wear that dress, Evan will fall all over himself trying to impress you.
Dad: I definitely have to try this on! … Actually I think I’ll go with this mustard dress instead. The other one is very… sparkly.
Felix: Are you sure? I mean, I know I’m not very stylish but..
Dad: You don’t like this one?
Felix: No, that’s not what I meant! I’ll, uh, just defer to your judgement…
Dad: I’m ready for my first big date in San Francisco!
That night, you’re waiting for Evan outside Mystique…
Evan: Dad! Over here!
Dad: Hey, Evan.
You make your way over to your date, weaving through the crowd of typical Silicon Valley tech workers.
Dad: Whoa. It’s like a sea of plaid button-up shirts out here.
Evan: Yeah, a lot of the guys came directly from work.
Dad: You know them?
Evan: Oh, yeah. Zamble rented out the whole place for the night.
Dad: Really? You brought me to a work party?! For our first date?
Evan: I just, uh, couldn’t wait to see you again! And I had to come here tonight, so I thought, you know, two birds? Plus, Zamble parties are always epic. Trust me, when we get inside, you won’t believe it’s a work party.
Dad: … Fine. But just FYI, next time, you should really tell a girl beforehand. No one likes to be blindsided.
Evan: You got it.
In the club, Evan pulls you close so you can hear him over the pulsing music…
Evan: Let’s grab a drink at the bar.
Dad: Okay!
You follow Evan through the dance floor to the back. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice calling your name.
Dad: Wait, is that…?
The crowd parts, and a handsome guy you haven’t seen in years steps into the light.
Mark: Dad?
Dad: Mark?!
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 23.08.18 lb
ugh starting off the ep with nikhil’s uggo mug. 
lol i’m really loving anika’s “dgaf” break up style tho. may we all be blessed with it while casting away the fuckbois who haunt us. 
lmaooooooo she lapsed into mooneyes for a sec there, surely thinking about last night’s pool shenanigans. 
goddddddddddddd girl, could you stop throwing this damn kismat line at every damn man (other than omkara, who seems to be the only one who seems to get it.) 
ok she should have def bought om or gauri along. nikhil’s starting to react like every fucking asshole does when broken up with. 
lol she still dgaf tho. 
lmao, nikhil’s last ditch attempt: “shivaay kya sochega??????” 
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lololololol. get fuckt, fool. 
god this dude’s eye-widening waala acting is so yuck. 
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A+ to prinku who wants to say A LOT OF THINGS to her brother re: his dumbassery, but is wisely keeping mum, but cannot quiet down HER FACE. 
RETURN OF THE OLD ANIKA MUSIC. *weeps tears of joy* 
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god it’s so good to see her so happy. 
also, surbhi said she had wisdom tooth issues while shooting this day. i see it. her face looks kinda puffy and she’s kinda clenching her teeth on that one side. 
i don’t like how this shivaay is so... pheekaaaaaa. like old shivaay would be intrigued and kinda try to get it outta her and challenge her. this one is just like yeah ok whatever. 
haaaye with all the times she’s saying “billu”, kaan taras rahein hain to hear her sing a billu ki shaadi hogi type song. 
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that momentary flash of puppy eyes tho. 
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fiddling with his kapde when nervous is his tell in this universe. 
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she cute af. 
does he sign a lot of things “billu”? ki ainvayi “galti” se ho gaya??? 
i’m as resigned and pakaoed at all this bullshit kismat talk as he is. 
ok she came right out and said it. thank god. 
(please god please don’t play the biwi no 1 music after this moment.)
“main nikhil se shaadi nahi kar sakti.” “kyun nahi kar sakti? jab mujhe problem nahi hai toh tumhe problem kyun hai?”
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas return of The Faraq Games!!!!!!!!!!! 
ah man caps aren’t capturing his microexpressions coz they’re super fleeting but fuck that is NOT the face of a man who gives no Faraqs. fuckkkkkk, my heart. 
also the way he’s super softly saying “faraq nahi padega”, as if to convince himself more than her. THE ANGST. 
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lmaoooooooooooooo it splashed on surbhi almost equally. she said in the BTS that jaise taise she just wiped it off and continued with the scene.
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her daant chabaane (non-toothache related) waala gussa tho. you better watch out billu. 
lol glass bhi tod diya jaate jaate. 
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SO MUCH CUTE, I CAN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goddamnit there goes my shivri moment of gauri calling him jiju out of her own volition. anika’s forcing her to call him jijaji, ugh. 
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what a face, lord. god was truly in the best of moods when he made it. 
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lmao om whipping out that phone as if he’s a new mom waiting for baby to say its first words. (coaching her too!) 
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OMG I STILL GOT MY JIJU MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #blessed
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lmao @ shivaay’s completely nonplussed face at sudden and unexpected acquisition of new baby sis tho. 
oh hey wazza tejvi! you exist! 
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i’m so so so happy om has a good and healthy relationship with his dad in this universe. no really, so fucking happy. 
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lmao the gossip has reached tejVi in london. no doubt via rudra. i’m willing to put money on it.  
loving om relishing in shivaay’s squirming at the interrogation. 
i’d grown tired of hating tej, who’s played by suchhhhhhh a likable actor. i’m glad he looks to be a positive character and a good father figure in this universe. 
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could you not please???? your “i don’t give a Faraq” statement is falling apart rapidly.
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lol. he almost wants to laugh, but he’s also flustered and in love with her, but also mad at being cornered like this.
(they fucking ruined it by playing that garbage biwi no 1 music tho.) 
om’s tinyyyyyyyyyyass wink at prinku ugh why is he soooooooooo cuteeeeee.
tejVi are all of us. confused af. 
anika’s reallllllllllly milking this to the max lmao. 
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ugh added layer of heartbreak for shivaay, who just said “aap mere sagge maa-baap se badhkar hain.” why tej? why you gotta break my heart in every universe like this?????????/// 
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tej has some serioussssssssssssss jealousy issues with shivaay and he needs to get the fuck over it. 
oh ho, shivaay is on “kuch nahi chupaata” lvl with jhanvi? (or so she seems to think.) interesting. 
ohhhhh boy, old tadi waala shivaay music. mentally preparing myself for a phone-phenk. 
who’s he calling? 
i am loving how much nirmal anand she’s taking in calling him “jiiiiii” and billu ji. 
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the way his eyes get all half hooded and he just lets himself hope and believe for the tiniesttttttttttt second that all of it is true and real. 
oh ho, he intends to be the mira to her krishna. forever devoted to her, never considering another spouse. 
also, lol @ that step he took backwards when she stepped forward. i loveeeeee it. good. be intimidated. or do you just not trust yourself to not jump her, like you did last night? 
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unexpected boner due to ziddi and challenging wife. 
ok what’s the angle with these lillies now? 
god what’s this cockroach chutiyaapa tomorrow????????
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lmao @ om shouting “main kuch karoon kya???????” and gauri being like STFU AND LET JIJU HANDLE IT YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!! at him. 
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thatfunnyfatfriend · 4 years
Lets. Talk. Growing. Up. Fat.
I'm Cuban.
That alone has nothing to do with my weight. Yeah the food isn't the best for you. VERY SCARCE in the veggie front but DAMN if it's not literally blessed by the angels of flavor. And yes the oil goblins got to it.
I've always been like a chunky kid? Idk if my family just has a history of like a slow metabolism or what but, but what I CAN say is obesity is definitely here. And she is a nasty bitch.
My mom and dad weren't always fat. Dude, there is a picture of both my mom and dad from highschool BEFORE they started dating that shows my dad "walking down the runway" at a school fashion show. My mom still had these leather pants and I swear she had the waist circumference of a paper towel roll. And not the two ply shit either, the skinny shitty tubes. You know the ones.
Its like my mom and dads side of the family have this curse. The curse of the CHILDREN!!! *Thunder sounds spooky organ played by uggo phantom man*
Literally one you have kids, you got fat like I don't get it? I know this is very common don't get me wrong but like okay. My mom finished having kids at 31. She is 55 now? I think? And she like a year or two ago got a sleeve operation. You know the gastro sleeve I think? But like what happened after the kids? And why did my dad also get fat?
My mom might admit this, but my dad absolutely not, but I think they are depressed. And have been depressed for a very long time. I am not even entirely sure if they like each other? They of course love each other. It's like that scene from Ladybird when Ladybird ask her mom if she likes her. And the mom replies saying if course she loves her. And Ladybird is like, "yeah but do you like me?"
I think my parents have been together for so long that they now have this unbreakable bond for sure. But idk if they like each other. Idk what they have in common other than a love for food.
You would never catch them in therapy discussing this because it "looks messy." Abd if there is anyone what cares about what the fuck they look like to everyone else, it's my parents (mostly my dad)
Weight loss was always tied with "being successful" in my house. Quick tangent but it relates I swear but, did you know in asia, it's like a thing to sometimes get leg legnthening surgery because apparently I'm their society the taller you are the more successful you are. That is to say the taller you are the more people will view you in a positive light. Over someone who is shorter.
That's what weight loss felt like in my house. That somehow by losing weight I would have a better life because people would see me different which would improve my mood and set me up for success. Only when I got older did the conversation become more about health.
My mom still gets caught up in weight specifically. Weight is the only thing she thinks determines your health. I actually am going out of my way to NOT weigh myself at ALL this time around. Granted, I weighed myself today to that a year later I can see how much in total I lost. It's just fun.
But that's enough about my family dysfunction, let's talk about more important things. Oh, you guys wanna talk about me? Oh I couldn't I'm too modest. Well if you're gonna twist my arm...
I only noticed I was fat in middle school. If it wasn't for the fact that I was noticably bigger than even most of the boys in my class, the nutrisystem box that arrived at our door that was for me was a dead give away.
Now, here is a fun game. Let's see just how many weightloss things have FAILED for me:
DDR as exercise
The tredmill
Trying to eat/like nuts
Steamed veggies
Weight watchers (kinda, we'll come back to that)
Diet shakes
Protein bars
Taebo (although very fun, that was more of me than the exercise that failed me)
Super restrictions
Weighing myself everyday
Weight machines
I'm sure I'm missing some but you get it, I've tried a LOT of different things. And most of these I went in thinking they will help me lose weight. But I didn't really understand the science of how or why they could help. I just saw that they worked for other people.
Let's talk about WW. Now I mentioned that this kinda failed but in reality I've YET to do a program or regime that helped me lose this much weight. 25lbs to be exact.
I personally find the wright system to be....kinda dumb? I'm not hating on it it helped me a lot and it has helped a ton of people, hell my mom is going back on it. But what I did get from WW was the art of counting.
Counting calories and my fitness pal actually help me A LOT. And if it weren't for WW I might have not discovered my fitness pal and calories counting.
Now I want to re-iterate that, these are things that failed FOR ME. They did NOT FAIL me.
I failed myself.
And could you blame me? Even when I was doing an okay job I would get criticized for how I worked out or how I dieted. My parents were my biggest enablers and supporters at the same time. They would get mad when I didn't want to eat what they ate as of I thought I was "better than them" or they would get disappointed if I fell off track while they are a whopper in front of me.
Yeah, that shit is fucked up, but at the end of the day, I FELL off track.
I ATE that food
I DID those things that failed me.
I could talk about my trauma with a the manipulation and shit but man, look how long this post is, hello??? Is ANYONE STILL READING THIS?!?.
Look, I'm so e holding on to the past because I'm 27 now. And my parents aren't big scary adults anymore. Hell they arent even the smartest people I know anymore.
They are sad, in denial, and trying their best, I guess.
They are just people and I di t have to feel intimidated by them anymore.
I'm just gonna do me and do my best.
I'm gonna be healthy for myself.
It makes me happy it makes me feel good it makes me think clearer. It helps my anxiety and stress.
Something that nutrisystem just never did.
P.s-you call those eggs, nutrisystem? DISGUSTING!!!
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
ThebesAce hello! Me Hello, Thebes human! ThebesAce oh, thenightetc is waiting to be let in Me Hm, I'm not seeing a message. thenightetc Hi! Me Night human, hello! thenightetc I just reloaded the page and tried again. Me Rabbit's an aftport. thenightetc Apparently! thenightetc Ohhhh my.
ThebesAce oh this one hahah thenightetc Oh my god thenightetc This is amazing Me Alright! Is everyone ready for Delgo? thenightetc Well, THOSE look aerodynamic. Me Don't they just make perfect sense? thenightetc Maybe the planet has a very, very, very thick atmosphere. Me The majestic colonhead. Er Hmmmmm 😐 MORE aerodynamics Me This is the kind of race the Cybertronian expansion wiped out. we were right to do it. thenightetc You know, I feel like I should disapprove on principle, but... Me They look like Torkuli. thenightetc Imagine I'm wagging my finger at you, but insincerely Me Good compromise. thenightetc ThebesAce OH HEY WHO SAW THIS COMing thenightetc I'm going to go ahead and imagine these guys are bug-sized "Explaining" how they can fly With those wings and that gravity also yikes okay, so she has a selection of prosthetics Me Was she murdered or wasn't she? *Executed thenightetc Not executed--they were cutting off her wings, not her head Me Well, that's pointless. thenightetc Probably some horrible exile thing Me One that clearly won't leave her more vicious than before. ThebesAce Scorpion gotta sting, exiled royal gotta murder her obstacles thenightetc Why do they even have that feature in their dining room thenightetc Well, that was smart ThebesAce I KEPT EXPECTING TO HEAR MARIO NOISES WITH THOSE JUMPS thenightetc Ha! Surely not, the movie's named after him ThebesAce silly comic relief, he'll be around mocking you for at least the rest of the movie Me Can we cut something important off of this character too? Please? thenightetc I vote head. ThebesAce If we're lucky, it'll be screentime thenightetc "I'd literally rather die a squashy death" So, do YOUR races ever end like this? Me I'd give up racing if they did. ThebesAce Soooo is it just me or is this guy basically saying "Look, if we act like they exist we have to pay consequences for that massacre thing." thenightetc So they're Jedi, too Me Tell them I hate them. thenightetc God, yeah, why would ANYbody want TELEKINESIS. How lame is that?? Moving stuff with your mind? Booooooring. ThebesAce yeah just LET GO of the MASSACRE you are A SURVIVOR OF thenightetc The past is the past! Me Something something mercy! thenightetc For vengeance, a Jedi cares not thenightetc Shouldn't that thing he hit still be lying there? thenightetc I'm dying a little inside because I can tell this is the movie's romance Me These two have a more compelling romance. ThebesAce for real ThebesAce for real thenightetc Pffff, if he's on a winning streak then why's he need a loan. I assume that's practically treason, or something Me Time for another lesson on turning the other cheek! thenightetc Just sneak over to THEIR hideout and wreck THEIR junk Me Why couldn't the Autobots have been this useless and apathetic? It would have spared everyone vorns of grief. thenightetc Put up some graffiti or something ThebesAce your carnivorousness. That's an AMAZING form of address. thenightetc Does that mean they AREN'T carnivores? I mean... the lackey guys Me She looks like she's eating weeds. ThebesAce or she's just especially bloodthirsty thenightetc They've got teeth like humans Me She put on her classiest rubber pants. thenightetc ...Walking pineapples Jalaperilo Yo! thenightetc Hi! Me Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Why is everyone uggo? ThebesAce because the animation budget was just south of claymation thenightetc It doesn't really look low-budget, to me... just ugly art direction ThebesAce this was released the same year as WALL-E Jalaperilo I have never heard about this fiom before now I dunno if it got a uk release lol Me I like how he had all day to plan this weird date and that was the best he could come up with. thenightetc Right? Show her your jedi powers and yell at her about some dudes wrecked your temple's rock garden Jalaperilo Also, what was that explosion of anger at ger. What an abusive tool thenightetc Ladies love jedi powers and being yelled at! Jalaperilo I hate this generic film already Me Daddy Tightpants bought it because you were bad. Jalaperilo Haha! I never wanna hear "daddy tightpants" from you again Me You're welcome. ThebesAce stop repeating everything! Me Please, Primus and/or Unicron, take that one's thumbs. thenightetc This cost $40 million to make Jalaperilo Tell me 39.99million was spent on hookers thenightetc Could have slid some of that towards better writing Me Hah! Jalaperilo They deffo didnt have a cinematographer or storyboarders thenightetc Wow Jalaperilo So everyone has fantasy inspired clothes except the stoner skateboard er thenightetc oh my god He should have used his jedi powers to get it across the gap ThebesAce why is he so aggressively useless thenightetc hahahah Jalaperilo What was the point of that??? ThebesAce Stupidest king on the planet thenightetc This seems like a dumb way to do votes Like, what, whoever's the strongest jedi gets their way? Jalaperilo Dumb-go thenightetc Rude. Jalaperilo He is dumb though lol Me Feed them the squawking one. ThebesAce GREAT LINE READ ON THAT SCREAM thenightetc I'm rooting for the giant enemy crab Me Crab, crab! Go, crab! Jalaperilo I hate this so much. Its so generic. The characters are just furthering the plot and not geing characters. Its predictable dialogue and stilted anination make it boring. Its not even a good bad film thenightetc WOW ThebesAce yes. Let him be drained of his fluids thenightetc "you're definitely not covered in spinemonsters" Jalaperilo He wants his friend dead Me As do we all. Jalaperilo Racism Me They have the same faces, the same body structure. They clearly diverged from the same ugly ancestor. Jalaperilo Hasnt stopped humans Me Point, point. thenightetc What, so are those ones her original wings? Jalaperilo Does she wear other people s wings? thenightetc I think they're just made of cloth or something Me Those look like the originals. thenightetc I guess they let her keep them Me Did they just let her keep them as a momento? Jalaperilo Oh fuck ThebesAce Why is the comic relief still here? thenightetc And then she had them preserved?? Jalaperilo They fucking mutilate people???? thenightetc Oh my god Me Cue screaming as her wings come off. ThebesAce oh, yeah, big bad there got her wings got chopped off in the prologue Jalaperilo Maybe these people deserve to ge killed? ThebesAce they WERE responsible for a massacre they never apologized for Jalaperilo Im rooting for this lass thenightetc Oh, just thump it with your hand or soemthing Me She has style, a motivation, and a partner she clearly adores and is fragging senseless. I'm on her side too. thenightetc Idiot! Don't waste time. Jalaperilo Pity she suffers from neanderthal face like the rest of them thenightetc Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people's hilarious genetic conditions Jalaperilo Lol thenightetc Oh, what a shame, he's dead Forever Me Exactly. If you're going to laugh, you need to throw in some pointing. thenightetc Why is there an asteroid field Jalaperilo Cause they had a budget of 40mil? Time is fleeting and so am i. Good night chaps! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! ThebesAce good night! REALLY REALLY. thenightetc Oh, so his jedi powers finally become relevant thenightetc Pictured: gravity thenightetc "you JUST got back from being kidnapped" thenightetc "DIdn't we... banish you?" "Oh, I quit when I heard about this!" Me "You quit...being banished?" thenightetc Oh no! How unexpected! Me How tragic and stuff. thenightetc So what's the dragon thingy exactly Aside from something the other guy, and then he, threw for a distraction ThebesAce I'll be shocked if they explain thenightetc Oh, so they're no tthe originals thenightetc Well, I think she'll have gotten the picture after that rescue thenightetc oh c'mon, the war is OVER her in the first place thenightetc Haha, he looks so embarassed ThebesAce I'm getting Jupiter Ascending flashbacks ThebesAce let her faaaall thenightetc C'mon, it'd be so convenient, right Me No one would have to know. thenightetc she's totally faking anyway she's totally gonna murder you ThebesAce She's spent this entire movie being literally and figuratively poisonous to everyone around her Me Goodbye, only interesting character in the film. thenightetc Well, it's almost over anyway Okay??? Me And then they devoured him, starting with the eyes or whatever other body part he values most. ThebesAce THIS MUSIC LIES. NOTHING in this movie was this adventurous sounding! Me And of course, some art of what could have been. thenightetc Ah, so this is why we blame. Me This is a long list of credits for something so pitiful. thenightetc Uh What are these "Mini 'Mator of Mirth"? Please. Me Very professional. thenightetc Well then. ThebesAce so that happened Me That certainly was an hour and a half we won't get back. thenightetc I feel like this is the inverse of that one movie The one with Little Red Riding Hood ThebesAce Oh yeah, Hoodwinked thenightetc thebes, you know the one I mean, I can't remember---yeah! Hoodwinked. Me Was that anywhere near as awful as this? thenightetc No, no! ThebesAce no, it was great! thenightetc The story is great. ThebesAce it just had terrible animation thenightetc The characters are great. It's just ugly as sin. ThebesAce that kinda made the woodsman's scenes extra hilarious though thenightetc It's... I'm sure they did the best with the tools available to them at the time. ThebesAce yeah, they had a rock bottom animation budget but the story, characters and human were really good humor thenightetc See it's the inverse because THIS has animation that looks fine, but the story and characters are bland/annoying. ThebesAce also, predictable as all get out romance where Hoodwinked doesn't even have a romance, just a bunch of characters who have a bad enough day the cops get involved thenightetc It's a lot of fun! Me Sounds unexpectedly amazing! thenightetc It really is! thenightetc It's the kind of movie that has you going, "well, looks aren't everything" ThebesAce yeah, the animation is the poster child of bad animation but it's a legitimately good, fun movie, not a so bad it's good one thenightetc Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGV-cTSr6zg thenightetc "Granny, are you... a furry?" Me I see what you mean. thenightetc Right? Me Does anyone have any other suggestions to close out on? thenightetc We could watch some more SNL sketches! Looked like there were some fun ones "related" to the doll one ThebesAce Dragon Babies, for one Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc Oh my god ThebesAce this is so very on point thenightetc Wow hahahahah this is amazing thenightetc Oh! The narrator that ruined christmas? *I* want to see christmas getting ruined! also I haven't seen this before so it's not my fault if it's bad Me If it's good, we're showing it again at Christmas. thenightetc Oh, boy! Me Oh yes, showing this one at Christmas. thenightetc Well then. They're really not. thenightetc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc I'm sure she'll be impressed Me I would be. thenightetc God Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc It's not good, though. ThebesAce oh god I laughed so hard at their misery my throat is cramping thenightetc I mean, it would be NICE if working hard on something automatically made it good... thenightetc What INDEED ThebesAce PRIORITIES thenightetc Oh my god Me I think that seems like a good place to leave it. ThebesAce yeah thenightetc It was fun, though! Thanks for hosting. 😃 Me Glad you liked! ThebesAce yeah! Me Thank you for coming! ThebesAce thank you! thenightetc oh... automatic emojis.... ThebesAce good night! Me Good night! thenightetc Goodnight!
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