stars-and-leather · 7 hours
every girl should have a terrace or a balcony or a sprawling secret garden hidden from the outside world but containing beautiful mysteries and hidden worlds but we don't and that's why the world is going to hell in a handbasket
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
Aaaaa @loveinalocket look!!!
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vintage heart-shaped lockets
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
“I would miss kissing” ok so like, what about the scenario you are in is making you think about kissing. Just come out.
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
[After the quest in TLT]
Annabeth: Hey, I wanted to give you something
Percy: Hm?
[Hands him an intricately woven band]
Percy: What is this?
Annabeth: It's a gift
Annabeth: Athena is a goddess of crafts too, not just war
Annabeth: I never practiced weaving much, but I wanted to make you something, to show that we're friends now you know?
Percy, trying not to smile: So you made me a friendship bracelet?
Annabeth, embarrassed, trying to grab it: You don't have to wear it if you don't want it!
Percy, laughing, batting her hands away: No way! I'm gonna wear it forever back off!
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
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all of them together 😞😢
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
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stars-and-leather · 7 hours
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[Gif by @cull3nblaze ]
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stars-and-leather · 8 hours
this blog is a museum of my heart
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stars-and-leather · 8 hours
Open tags y'all if u see this ur automatically tagged <3
Mine are crows and other corvids <3
@moonsfavoritedaughter @applesandarson @moonisagremlin @ankoku-teion @sarah-ankh @mentally-disturbed-bookworm @a-rose-by-any-other-gender @0dividedby0haha @glitchydraws
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stars-and-leather · 14 hours
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One thing I adore about Dead Boy Detectives is how brilliant the first ten minutes are. The pacing is incredible. You meet the boys, learn who they are, get a peek at what they want, and are shown what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Straight out the gate, you know that Charles is impulsive and more physically protective, and that Edwin is more intellectual and prone to magic. You learn magic exists and this is a setting where an infinite backpack can happen. Edwin gets a chance to show off his deductive skills with their client, and Charles gets to show off his people skills with both the client and the WWI ghost. Six minutes in and we already know these characters.
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You learn that this is how these characters function together, and that they know each other well enough to know each others' strengths and weaknesses and rely on each other and compensate for them, respectively. The pacing is lively and attention-grabbing, and the back-and-forth between the office and the scene while they're on the job allows a fantastic showcase of the contrast between how they work together in different situations.
Then we get a look at the deeper need that motivates our two ghosts: staying together, against all odds, even after death, even in the face of Death herself.
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And then we segue into another brilliant bit of exposition. Instead of a long, stodgy talking scene that would slow down the pacing, we get shown slices of Crystal acting strangely to explain what's going on.
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In the space of ten minutes, we have met our characters, know what drives them, know their status quo, and are ready for that status quo to be upended, all without a single exposition dump.
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No wonder this series series was met with critical acclaim. This is brilliant character writing and pacing. I write for a living, and this intro scene had me turning to the person next to me, saying, "THAT'S how you do it."
There's so much to appreciate about Dead Boy Detectives, but I feel like the script doesn't get anywhere near enough attention. Standing ovation for the absolutely brilliant writing, honestly.
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stars-and-leather · 18 hours
Can we see the girls uniform at Saint Hilarions? You don’t have to tho!!
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The uniform changed a lot in 70 years, who would have thought?
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stars-and-leather · 18 hours
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the girls!!!
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Hey bestie I’ve got x4 Taylor Swift tickets for Indianapolis night, me and my friends won’t be able to attend the concert due to my fiance's sister's wedding. Don’t want the tickets to go to waste willing to sell them for less than I bought them, so someone can go and have a good time
Don’t hesitate to reach out🙏🏼
Omg tysm for thinking of me but I dont live anywhere near here 😭😭 I wish I could go 😭 have fun at the wedding tho ur acc so sweet <3
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*Lily trying to teach muggle nursery rhymes to Sirius and James*: Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, your turn Sirius
Sirius: And on that farm he became an alcoholic so he had to declare bankruptcy and most of the animals got butchered as he attempted to make some money on his way out.
Lily: That’s not-
James: But he let some of the animals go free, and sometimes when you’re walking in the woods, if you listen closely you can hear the mooing of a lone cow, or the haunting oinks of an old pig as they desperately try to find Old MacDonald and the other animals that either got murdered or set free, never to be seen again.
Lily: …
Remus: E-I-E-I-O
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apologies to anyone who ever thought i was cool and reached out to me only to discover i am just a weird little hermit who can't carry on a conversation to save my life
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stars-and-leather · 2 days
i would move heaven and earth to avoid hearing one single advertisement
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