surfeitofpeaches · 9 months
My name is Meg (or Yzma, depending on what part of the internet you have recognized or followed me from) and I'm here to share my thoughts.
Back on tumblr after many years as a place to put my various live reads and watches. I'm active on twitter as bl_yzma but have found that it's not a great place to have longer form conversations about books and shows or to post more than a few sentences on a single topic. So, I've created this new space strictly for that. More degenerate and Weird content will still probably be on twitter.
As an introduction, I'm an adult fandom person (turned 35 this year) and have been active in a variety of fandoms since I was 13 - Lord of the Rings (and for a good while lotrips), historical rpf, Hoyoverse games (mostly Genshin), lots of anime fandoms (Eva, Trigun, Psycho-Pass as big examples), LOST for a good while, football rpf, World of Warcraft... the list has been long and it gets longer. Right now, historical RPF and the Hoyo games are probably my biggest time sink.
My primary fannish interests at the moment for historical rpf are heavily towards the 12th/early 13th century England with a smattering late Roman empire and Mesoamerica. While I don't work currently as a historian, in museums or other adjacent spaces, I have worked as a research assistant and TA while working on my Master's. My research interests at the time started with the mistresses and illegitimate children of Henry II and then (after an affair with a much older man who was working in a very period, shifting dramatically and not in a great way to) pornography and the female body in the French Revolution. I've studied both in the United States and in Europe, taught high school history for a while, but now I work for a nonprofit dealing with evictions and homelessness.
All that to say, most of this blog will likely just be my reactions and thoughts on various history/historical fiction books, films, articles and fanfiction that I read - maybe some fantasy and science fiction stuff as well if I'm feeling up to it. I used to do these live watch megathreads for Lost on LiveJournal when it was airing and I loved being able to look back at them. This is a very long introduction that I'm not sure many people will care to read, but I wanted to make clear-ish what a person might be getting into if they decided to follow my blog. :P
My current list of possible threads include The Devil's Crown (1978), a reread of Warriors of God by James Reston (meh?? we'll see?? I have a bunch of notes and tabs in it but what I've reread doesn't grab me like it did when I was in high school and I've already found a Ton of very bad History in it just from a quick glance), The Brothers Karamazov (if I can find a buddy reader), Matthew Strickland's Henry the Young King, a bunch of articles of religion during the reign of King John (for a class I'm teaching), maybe the audiobook version of Natasha Seigel's Solomon's Crown, C.S. Pacat's Dark Heir and Sherry Parker-Chan's She Who Became the Sun.
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surfeitofpeaches · 9 months
Well, here's a test post to make sure I really like this layout.
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