#also i suggest the possibility that jon has just
ririrules60 · 1 year
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he has greasy hair
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frownyalfred · 1 month
But how would Bruce sweep in to help the Kents without raising suspicion on himself? Even if he did it anonymously, theres few people in Gotham that could have the power to so quickly get them out of the public eye. And if he does it publicly, I'm assuming he claims he was doing it to protect the JL as Bruce publicly funds them? Or would he essentially release a statement saying that as a close friend of Clark Kent, he wishes to protect him from the media as he of all people knows how vicious they can be? Idk, I completely agree that Bruce would be the one to get them out, the question is just how?
My heart also breaks for Clark because this is obviously one of the last things he ever wanted to occur. Superman's love for humanity is obvious to everyone and the loss of his civilian identity destroys any chance of him being able to interact with them outside of his superhero identity. Its one thing having to wait for something in the media to 'blow over' but this isn't your everyday politic scandal or other media story, this is the reveal of the man behind one of the Trinity itself, the reveal of Superman. It could easily take months before it stops being the front page cover of every newspaper and after that, what then? How do they move forward?
And all of this doesn't even begin to consider the guilt Clark would feel for ruining Lois and the kids' lives. Everyone would reassure him it wasn't his fault but Clark would obviously take responsibility for this, telling himself he should have been more careful, more secretive, more vigilant. That as a result of his lack of caution, he'd ruined any chance his kids and Lois had at a (somewhat) normal life. I feel like I could even see him being embarrassed to accept Bruce's help, chastising himself for not planning for contingencies like Bruce had.
Sorry to dump all this on you, I'm just so intrigued by the aftermath of the reveal itself.
No it’s a very valid question! In that media/public world, getting them out of the public eye as quickly as possible is the number one priority. That doesn’t need to be attributed to Bruce right away, or even at all — the Kents (all of them) disappear as quickly as possible. They fly to an agreed-upon rendezvous or they are taken there by private security hired by Bruce.
Once there, that’s when the PR shitstorm hits. Superman and his family are found out, maybe there were a few brief videos of them leaving or being escorted out of their workplace (Lois) or flying away from their school (Jon) but nothing long, nothing conclusive.
The media cycle begins. Interviews with the Kent’s’ friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc proliferate the news. Everyone is cashing in on what they can. Bruce, if he’s smart, has Clark and his family locked down somewhere they can’t watch television and is handling the response on his own.
But the reality is, there is not much Bruce CAN do, for the reasons you mentioned. Publicly tying himself to Superman and his family puts WE under greater scrutiny. Coming out in defense of Clark’s lies suggests he 1) knew about them and 2) approves of Superman’s decision to hide from the public.
I’m not sure that conversation between friends will go well. Bruce telling Clark there’s no way to return to their previous lives, not without significant security risks (not to mention the social strain) and Clark spiraling as he realizes he’s inadvertently taken away his Ma’s knitting circle, Lois’ job, Jon’s school.
It’s all different now. If he’s lucky, Bruce has plans to funnel them into a sort of witness protection, maybe in a few years when things settle down. But that would mean splitting them up — and that’s non negotiable. Even keeping Ma and Pa together is a stretch. They’re too easily recognizable.
I imagine maybe Bruce can give them a sort of asylum in the Watchtower, operating outside of any Earth’s jurisdiction. But that puts scrutiny on the Justice League instead. And Bruce is the kind of person to keep the JL autonomous and take the heat on WE if needed — even if he never mentions it.
There are things that Bruce would need to step in on: connections starting to be made between himself and Clark, accusations of Clark not being a US citizen (and Jon too, but because he’s an alien) and Lois for lying to the US government. Accusations that the Justice League was culpable in any way for Superman’s civilian actions. Scrutiny on WE and how much Bruce Wayne knows or should know, or how his funding is connected to a JL that is now under investigation etc.
But yes: I think Bruce could get them out and hidden without tipping his hand. But everything else, yeah, he would need to step into the spotlight at least a little. And he would do that for Clark, because that’s his friend. He’s had this complex series of contingencies ready since…maybe Clark and Lois’ engagement?
Having been in some PR crises, you need a Bruce. Someone not affected directly and cool/calm enough to speak to media, move people around, and make judgement calls. Clark is lucky he has such a friend, even if he’s beating himself up over his own actions and missteps.
I have more (probably more coherent) thoughts about this, but that’s my initial reaction — Bruce gets them out fine, but next steps are very, very complicated. And things won’t ever be normal again.
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cinematic-phosphenes · 3 months
HoTD S2x01: A Son for a Son (I have thoughts and I'm keeping them here)
The Stark theme and Cregan doing his best Sean Bean accent have me nostalgic.
If getting conscripted to the Wall is an honour, then why does budget Jon Snow look unhappy about it?
No Sara Snow, okay. I’ll live with it. No Jace/Cregan (b)romance, not okay. Tumblr made me want it, only to be so denied by the showrunners.
Not more Targ colonialism erasure. "We colonised an entire continent to save the world, no really. And look, even the noble Starks agree with it!" is such a shit take, even if it's canon. I like the Targ characters, but let's not erase the original Aegon's colonial crimes.
Jace looks so pretty! Major glow up.
Dragonstone has a dragon hangar! Yay for worldbuilding!
Daemon calling Vhagar a hoary old bitch reminds me of this absolutely amazing Vhagar POV fanfic I read. (Soon the god's hoar by eldritcher on AO3) (The fic is spoiler-y for the rest of the Dance, jsyk.)
Yes, Rhaenys! Put Daemon in his place! Also, her dragon riding outfit!!!
Alyn, I see you doing an Egg by shaving your head.
Why in the hell does no one take Helaena’s visions seriously?! She’s right every time. (Can I blame ‘I had a dragon dream once’ Viserys for this? Because I want to blame Viserys for this. Look at the mess you left your kids in, Viserys! I hope Balerion bites your ass in the afterlife.)
And here we see the 'Our lives are in danger, so let's fuck about it' trope in action. I’ve heard a lot of Alicole hot takes. “Criston Cole is ‘unmanly’ for going down on a woman” is the absolute hottest of hot takes I’ve had the misfortune of encountering.
Otto giving Alicent and Criston Cole that look as they walk in. He knows what they’ve been doing.
Aegon grinning at his son like a fool. Aegon giving Jaehaerys attention and wanting him to learn how to rule even though he’s only six. Aegon trying to do better than deadbeat Viserys did. Aegon talking about pony rides in a way that suggests Jaehaerys often gets pony rides, possibly from Aegon himself. If you told me last season Aegon would somehow turn out to be the best father on this series ….. (Yes, I know that when it comes to being a dad the bar is in hell’s basement here. Yes, I know the way Aegon treats his illegitimate kids is horrific. I think there’s definitely been some retconning here and S2 Aegon is not the same character as S1 Aegon. They should have portrayed him this way from the start.)
Alicent wrote Rhaenyra letters to apologize for Luke's death and she's expecting a response?! Girl ....
My kingdom for a scene of the Greens finding out that Aemond killed Luke. My kingdom for a scene of Aemond deciding to just fully commit to the villain persona and lie to say he killed Luke intentionally. Such a missed opportunity.
Larys being an intimidating creep to Alicent again. He should go fall down some stairs.
Alicent scrubbing her skin raw. She is not okay. (I want to see Alicent cracking. Let Olivia Cooke act!)
Rhaenyra’s grief over Luke is heartbreaking. Emma D’Arcy is acting their heart out. And Syrax crying too, nooo.
Aegon walking in sync with his fratboy squad. You know they practised that entrance during one of their nightly seshes in the throne room.
Are they going to show the throne cutting Aegon?
“On further thought, I have decided ….” Aegon is hilarious.
It’s Hammer time!
Larys already angling for the Hand’s position. I know this guy is ambitious, but damn.
Just Alicent looking ethereal reading letters.
Mysaria’s accent has been toned down! (Why was Mysaria fleeing King’s Landing though? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t get it?)
“We swore an oath to protect the whole of the royal family. So what were we to do when they turned against one another?” Jaime Lannister echoes.
"I want Aemond Targaryen." Chills. Rhaenyra only says four words all episode and it's these four words.
Jace trying to keep it together and be professional to give his report. Jace looking so much younger and more vulnerable when he’s back with his mother. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Scenes with Rhaenyra at Luke’s funeral interspersed with scenes of Alicent paying tribute to the dead, including Luke. My heart. That empty space next to Alicent in the sept where Rhaenyra used to pray. They are an absence in each other’s lives.
Rhaena crying for her betrothed, nooo.
Why didn’t they have a dragon light Luke’s funeral pyre?
The return of the Daemon crime hoodie, now upgraded to a war crime hoodie.
Making it unclear if Daemon told B & C to go after another son if they can’t find Aemond or if B & C just went rogue – that’s a cop out by the writers. Unless it comes up again. EDIT: Daemon said 'a son for a son.' He was giving them carte blanche to go after another son if Aemond is MIA.
Daemon reluctantly admitting Aemond is a good fighter. I love to see it.
Why do I get the sense that Aemond also knows about Alicole?
“Rhaenyra is a cunning spider. Long ago she pulled Alicent into her web. Intoxicated her. It is not your mother’s fault.” “Her Grace speaks with two tongues. Alicent holds love for our enemy.” So they’re both obsessed and very much not over Rhaenyra. Do Alicent and Cole both think of Rhaenyra while being unholy together because it kinda seems like it?
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond is so mesmerizing. That man has presence.
Why the fuck has no one tried to map the secret tunnels into the Red Keep and close off the ones that allow randoms to sneak in/royal minors to sneak out?
The entire Kingsguard is in the throne room guarding Aegon? And they don’t stop the ‘rat catchers’ working at night? Even if the rat catchers were supposed to be there, I feel like it would still be protocol to stop and question them. Have none of these writers been pulled over by the cops for no reason/even slightly suspicious behaviour?
I think the build up to B & C should’ve focused on Helaena and her kids instead of B & C creeping around, arguing for no reason and committing gratuitous animal abuse. (That dog kicking scene looked so real, I watched the end credits for a disclaimer that no animals were harmed in the making of.) They could’ve shown Helaena getting the kids ready for bed, reading them a story, etc. They established a connection between Aegon and Jaehaerys pre B & C but none between Helaena and the kids before it happened. Lost opportunity.
B & C was very different than I expected before I was spoiled. I guess I see what the writers were going for with Helaena’s response to B & C. She’s dissociated rather than hysterical. She’s been painted as a character who’s distanced from the world around her in general, so perhaps this is an in-character trauma response for her. Plus you could see the absolute terror in Phia’s eyes. Helaena was terrified and traumatized. She was just quiet about it.
As for her just pointing out Jaehaerys instead of trying to bargain or plead more for his life … I guess it’s because they’re characterizing her as very literalist, straightforward and honest to a fault as part of her ‘strangeness’? So she just took B & C at their word and didn’t try to change their minds because after the necklace offer failed, she assumed they couldn’t be swayed and would definitely kill her and both kids like they threatened to if she didn’t point out Jaehaerys to them. As for not pointing to Jaehaera – that wouldn’t accomplish anything. If they didn’t check that they really had the boy, one of her kids would still be dead. If they checked and discovered she’d lied, they might kill both kids. She was a mother who didn’t want either of her kids to die but perceived she couldn’t do anything to save both of them, so she felt she had no choice but to point out Jaehaerys. And then she grabbed Jaehaera and got her to safety when she saw the chance. At least she could save one of them.
As for Helaena saying they killed ‘the boy’ instead of saying his name Jaehaerys – I don’t see that as her being insensitive and uncaring about her kid. I think she was just repeating B & C’s exact word use in her dissociated state. She was on auto pilot at that point.
I do get what the writers were going for … but it’s not going to translate well to most of the audience I don’t think. I see many people interpreting it as Helaena not caring about Jaehaerys and not trying hard enough to save him. “Why didn’t she offer up her own life like any mother would?” If a large part of the audience misinterprets or misunderstands a scene or a character’s intentions or motivations, then that’s a failure on the part of the writers IMO. I’m not upset they didn’t make B & C more graphic or violent in the physical or psychological sense. (In the book, their twisted mind games were just as horrific and brutal and every bit as violent as the physical violence). But I do think that scene could have been better executed in a different way. And including Maelor probably would have worked better to illustrate the horrific, inescapable situation Helaena found herself in between a rock and a hard place.
Where the fuck are the guards? In the throne room with Aegon? Sent away by Cole to hide the fact that he’s in the queen dowager’s bed? The Greens never considered infiltration or a stealth attack? They really got complacent because they have Vhagar guarding the city.
Alicent and Cole doing it in Rhaenyra’s old room, in Rhaenyra’s bed!! Are they both imagining they’re with Rhaenyra too?! Because this is giving … high levels of dysfunction. They’re both haunted by Rhaenyra
The only thing I’ll say about Alicole is that they really should have shown them getting together for the first time. When, how and why did that happen? Who instigated it? How did they both feel about it? Again the writers don’t show the motivations they had in mind for the characters, resulting in the viewers drawing different conclusions than they’re ‘supposed to’ and it works against the story. The interviews I’ve watched seem to say it’s consensual on both their parts. (I know there’s a power imbalance that makes it problematic, but I don’t think the writers see it that way.) Again, showing the start of their first sexual encounter would have been better writing (IMO) because it could have been used to illustrate consent.
The last thing I’ll say about Alicole (okay, so I wanted to say two things) is that showing it after B & C that way by having Helaena walk in on them cheapens B & C. The true shock and horror here is that a child was murdered in front of his mother. Why add the cheap shock value of someone walking in on their parent in flagarante?
All in all, okay episode, kind of weird. Looking forward to see what they do with the rest of the material.
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linberlyy · 5 months
That promo shows that the writers even have team black minsunderstanding their characterization.
“They’re usurpers. Were the rightful heirs”
-Rhaenyra literally committed treason and forfeited her title when she gave birth to a white bastard child and tried to pass him off as her black husbands. Bastards can’t inherit anything.
“We do things the right way”
-when there is literally Daemon on the team.
-Killing Rhae Royce was the right thing?
-Groping your niece in public so you can ruin her reputation so the only one left to marry her is you.
-Wanting to have your baby brother tortured after your child just maimed him.
-Being smug and gloating at your big age because you see that your father cares nothing for his wife and children/your half siblings.
-Suggesting to actually kill your husband, only to have an actual murderer talk you know just faking it?
-Killing an innocent, to fake that death.
-Fleeing Kings Landing, doing nothing on Dragonstone. While letting Alicent and Otto to do all the work and successfully rule the seven kingdoms. Then coming back and insulting the people who are doing your job/
-Beheading Vaemond because he wasn’t standing for that shit.
-Blood and fucking cheese. The murder of babies. One of the foulest things to happen in the entire series. Up there with the abandonment, Rape and murder of Elia Martell and her babies and 11/12 year old Jeyne Poole being given to Petyr Baelish to be sold at his brothel.
“We seem like more of a family”
“Everybody gets on with each other”
-Daemon celebrated the death of Aemon and Baelon, then stole Baelon’s egg
-Rhaenys has disliked Rhaenyra since she was 14.
-Laena was a second choice and knew this all of her marriage. Daemon kept her from her family until she died.
-Daemon ignored his own child because she didn’t have a Dragon.
-Rhaenyra wanted to murder Laenor.
-Rhaenys ignored Rhaenyra’s sons, had nothing to do with them, never agreed to pretend to be their Grandmother, didn’t support Lucerys being the heir of Driftmark and only spoke in favor of him because she was backed into a corner and she also tolls in the service of men…
-Rhaenyra didn’t tell Corlys and Rhaenys their son is actually alive.
-Corlys and Rhaenys think they murdered their son. Rhaenys’a dislike is now a hatred
-Baela peaced the fuck out after that freaky Valyrian wedding and barely knows those people, especially her betrothed/stepbrothers.
-Rhaenyra’s sons are treated like royalty but Rhaena who is still hungering for her father’s attention, approval and affection is basically a glorified hostage to keep the Velaryons in line and is a servant to Rhaenyra. They have a formal where we only see Rhaena refer to her as “Princess” and “My Queen”. She seems to have no thoughts other than to serve “Her Queen”
-Daemon and Rhaenyra never gave Rhaena a new egg, yet they keeps finding eggs for each of their new pure Targaryen babies they keep having. He never took his daughter to see if she could claim one of the many at the Dragonmont. If he did why does she light up at the possibility of unclaimed dragons being used in the war? Free Rhaena
-Rhaenyra never told her son’s who their actual father is . Jace asks her and she gaslights him. She sends Luke on a mission and tells him that he has “Baratheon blood from your Grandmother Rhaenys” the boy dies with that lie being one of the last thing is mother told him even though he too knows Harwin Strong is his father. Rhaenyra doesn’t even offer him a “I’ll tell you about your father when I see you again” like Ned told Jon. Rhaenyra had no intentions of EVER telling them
-After they murdered his brother, Corlys was ready to abandon Rhaenyra, Daemon and those bastards and go back to Driftmark with Rhaenys and his real Grandchildren BUT Rhaenys reminded him that the girls are stuck with the Strong boys.
These people just seem like they just act in scenes yet they don’t actually watch the episodes to see the story come together. Either that or they’ve bought into their character’s superiority complexes. For the Team Black actors to have such a basic black and white, good vs bad outlook and understanding of their characters and see even their worst actions as good, is bad. The writers have failed to show the moral grayness of the book.
Everyone should see this post. it's just great. nothing to say 🤝🏼
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clown-eating-pig · 8 months
One thing that I really appreciate about martin as a character is how you can observe him becoming more open over the seasons. Specifically with how he expresses himself, I like the way he noticeably becomes more vocal in his anger and pettiness by season 5. There are several things that I think contribute to this, and all of them make me varying levels of sad and happy all at once:
Obviously being part of the magnus archives in any capacity is enough to make someone more openly angry (as evidenced by pretty much everyone), and martin isn't excluded from that general "I'm being held captive by an invisible entity and the world is on the brink of collapse" rage.
Job security. This one is probably silly, but I can imagine that part of the reason that martin's season one, people-pleasing personality eases up slightly as time goes on could genuinely be because he literally can't lose his job. He's canonically stated to be manipulative, and I'm sure that one of his main reasons for him being so is that it was one of the only ways to assure that he and his mother were taken care of. Once he has the assurance that the only way he'll lose his job is via Death or Dismemberment (and also maybe once his mom died oop) I'm sure it was a lot easier to ngaf.
Comfort!!!!! Again! Martin is a manipulative guy! Not maliciously! Maybe not even consciously sometimes, but to me it feels like he's more likely to put on the gentle, friendly face with people he doesn't trust or isn't comfortable with. Come season 4 and 5, though, he's actively more petty towards and around jon (notably in how he reacts to Jon's gouging suggestion and just his general demeanor come apocalypse times). Part of this could certainly be bitterness leaking over because of The Circumstances, but I also feel that it has a lot more to do with the fact that he isn't necessarily trying to impress jon any more. In fact, at this point jon is the one actively seeking him out. He's beyond the point of needing to prove himself or make himself smaller for jon. By season five it's clear that jon loves him and that he'd go to the ends of the earth for him, so martin lets loose. He holds a grudge and he makes jealous requests and he snaps at times. He's a little bit bossy, and he ignores requests, and he sets boundaries. And all of this is so so beautiful because this is a person that, for years, has had to make himself as passive and small and as serving as possible - if not to appease his mother (who hates him) to keep her taken care of. So slowly watching him find people that he doesn't feel the need to act small around or to act as a caretaker to (unless he WANTS to) is a wonderful wonderful thing that I love.
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gaiusgoose · 8 months
I don’t think we’re seeing Smirke’s 14.5
First, I would like to point out that a lot of the point of season 4&5’s “mechanics” was that the fears are not really 14, or 15 but fingers and toes and eyes and teeth of Fear, the singular entity.
For a time it is helpful, understanding how these things function, like Jon’s smiting or how The Web does The Web things, but that’s like understanding that the nose smells and the brain thinks. Really, it’s a singular thing that humans have tried to understand and simplify, abstract and restrict. It’s wholly possible that in tmagp
Now notice how the current few statements have manifested:
First episode we have some more, fairly usual statements:
- the resurrection one, which I think we can all agree would fall into Stranger + Terminus
- Canary, who is definitely, solidly, Beholding focused.
Yet notice that the resurrection one has a blending of fear subtypes, without any distinct dominant type emerging (imo). See how Canary is a subtlety different interpretation of Beholding then we got before, focusing on a fear of the possibility of being seen and ridiculed and all that, while more classic ones are actually about being watched, the action is done. Overall, these points are stretches, and could fit within tma easily, but I think these subtleties are indicative of what is to come
Because next episode, about the artist, is really confusing from a tma perspective. We start with The Eye, focusing on self image then being streamed to the world, yet moving onto a Flesh esque mania of self reformation, but if they’re becoming something of an avatar (generating that fear in others such as their roommate, not themselves, I have another post on this) then they’re probably closer to becoming a part of the stranger. Essentially, the paints are muddled and we can’t just look at it and say “blue”.
Then with about the same level of muddling is episode 3. He’s clearly spiraling the entire time, delusional and fearful. I won’t chalk up his fear of being caught to the eye, that’s probably not strong enough nor supernatural enough to count imo. But as the statement progresses, he becomes more and more corruption + flesh. Corruption and flesh are often packaged together, even Jane Prentiss was the Flesh Hive, it’s honestly quite hard to escape The Flesh, but again like the resurrection from episode 1 it’s muddled to the point where no fear is dominant.
Finally notice the state of Chester and Norris. While I’m hesitant to jump to any conclusions about them, because we know next to nothing, but I suspect they’re some of the first cases of the stated theme of the show “what makes someone a person.” They’re clearly sentient, but they’re also clearly not wholly human anymore. Are they still people? Dunno.
I suggest that in tmagp we might be seeing emergence of a different categorization. I suspect they’re going to focus much more on identity and the loss of it, like tree man and the artist losing themselves.
So uh yeah
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zahri-melitor · 8 days
What's the Williamson thing? I don't think I've read much of his work
This is not exclusive to Williamson in any way, but he's part of it.
There are a bunch of DC writers who have a decided tendency to place more emphasis on biological relationships than adoptive ones. Williamson's a known example.
This affects variously families differently. Flashfam are less affected because they're almost all actual interrelated family members, however it's particularly noticeable in the writing of Bat, Super and Arrow titles.
(Aquafam is its own special case because 'biological v adoptive v foster' dramas extend back to the Bronze Age. Fortunately nobody seems to have let these writers near the Marvelfam/Shazamily much)
But essentially, it shows up as a tendency to define Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Connor Hawke and Emiko Queen specifically by their biological relationships to Bruce, Clark and Ollie, and minimising the importance of adoptive bonds.
This is where you'll see things like Dick Grayson referred to as "Bruce's ward" in a title published in the 2020s, or Dick mention Bruce to Damian as "your father" (not ours), or have Ollie thinking about "my son Connor and my former sidekick Roy", or describing Roy as "like a son", or suggestions that there wasn't a Super Family before Jon arrived and that obviously the only possible Superman replacement for Clark is Jon, and so on.
It's this insidious "adoptive relationships and foster relationships are great but this here is your own flesh and blood, your biological child, and that is something that has its own special importance above and beyond any child you have chosen to look after". Which is something that some people do think and struggle with in blended families! But which gets really noticeable when it's prioritised in properties that were originally about families of choice.
Because we're talking about Joshua Williamson, and I was referring to his writing of Damian in particular:
It's having Alfred say to Damian “Bruce would have wanted you to be Robin” and claiming that is a scene that happened during Batman R.I.P., even though Tim was very much still Bruce's Robin at the time, had been promised by Bruce that he could be Robin as long as he wanted to be, and was literally in costume as Robin trying to hold the city together and track down and imprison Hush with Dick.
It's the attitude that Damian was entitled to be Robin because he was Bruce's son, and being Robin is a marker of being Bruce's Blood Son, whether or not Damian is actually doing the job of Robin.
It's scenes of Bruce and Damian going "Father and son. Batman and Robin. We don't need anyone else" even as Tim is currently also Robin and a very important thread of Bat family storytelling for the last 30 years is that yes, actually Bruce does need his family, he does need more than one single connection, the network is important at keeping him grounded and sane and able to do the job.
It's just...sigh. Joshua Williamson at it again.
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onceinawhilemoon · 15 days
tonight's insomnia is brought to you by:
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in the ending where mycroft narrates the aftermath, he briefly mentions how one of his agents’ vehicles was ignited during a surveillance operation..
mycroft then says, “there's only one man who could orchestrate such a feat - or perhaps two.”
i'm pretty sure one of the "two" is M. him being responsible for something like this is my personal canon and just makes sense. but the way mycroft says it right after talking about sherlock and how he's afraid for him, and right after saying, "i suspect he is growing paranoid," drives me insane. the way it's phrased seems to suggest that mycroft is referring to sherlock as one of the two men who could have been responsible, and that seems to be what led mycroft to suspect sherlock was growing paranoid..
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but why would mycroft even suspect sherlock, and why would sherlock even do such a thing?
"she was lucky to get out alive" implies the incident was pretty serious and could have killed the agent and whoever was inside the vehicle with her. i doubt that sherlock would intentionally endanger people's lives like that..
and why would he even go out of his way to sabotage mycroft's operations in the first place? unless this “surveillance" operation was actually a “keep an eye on my brother and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid” operation. and when sherlock realized that he was being followed/watched, he set fire to the agent’s vehicle to protect himself and scare her off, perhaps thinking she was sent by someone he antagonized in cordona?
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i've spent more time than i care to admit squinting at this screenshot depicting Mystery Man Around the Corner. M would definitely hire someone to do the dirty for him, but sherlock is more of a hands-on kind of person, right? i mean... the hairline kiiiiiind of resembles sherlock's, i guess? maybe? if you squint? i'm probably just seeing things at this point..
what further firms my suspicion that the "two" is in reference to sherlock and M, is how the phrasing seems to play into the idea of them being equals. the idea of only two people possessing the same level of intelligence and cunning, who have access to certain information, and who are capable of knowing exactly when and how to intercept mycroft's operations. M, who seems to have consistently stayed at least one step ahead of mycroft, and mycroft's own brother, who knows him a little too well and shares his brain genetics, who is also familiar with many of his agents, some even by name.
i love this ending because it's the only one where we get a glimpse into Sherlock After Jon from a perspective that isn't sherlock's. he's lonely, he's likely paranoid, his brother is worried about him... all of it contradicting the other endings in which sherlock tells us that he's fine and has moved on with his life.
so the whole fire incident thing and mycroft’s line about who could have been responsible could be a way of hinting at the negative consequences that jon's loss is having on sherlock. now, without jon to course-correct and reorient him, he's more prone to (extreme?) paranoid reactions such as this. though i'm not sure if i like the aspect of going to the extent of jeoprodizing lives... (also, funny how the loss of what sherlock perceived as his "irrational" part probably caused HIM to act in irrational ways..)
it gets even sadder when you think about it from mycroft's perspective, especially with him saying, "i saved my brother. he will never forgive me" right after he mentions the fire incident. if he truly believes that sherlock could have been responsible, then it would not only sprout worry and confusion, but also send him into a spiral grappling with conjectures, because what if sherlock WOULD go out of his way to deliberately break mycroft’s trust? what if it's an act of retaliation because mycroft broke HIS trust by lying to him to save his life? but mycroft attributes it to paranoia, possibly because he doesn't want to fully lose faith in his little brother and their relationship yet, but most likely because he's resignedly too aware of their family history...
from mycroft's perspective, even if sherlock truly did it, he had to have been driven by something out of his rational mind, rather than by mere spite or a desire for revenge. and mycroft doesn't hold it against him because he knows that sherlock only did it to defend and protect himself from a perceived threat. instead, he fears for sherlock and his mental health because the last time someone close to mycroft took action against a perceived threat in a fit of paranoid delusion... well, we all know how that went..
anyway. i'm choosing to end the ramble by rolling down the brighter side of this hill: mycroft dropping hints about his awareness of M in this ending (and his knowledge of M in TA in general) implies to me that sherlock taking jon's advice and swallowing his pride to ask Big Bro for help regarding M is most likely very canon. weeee :')
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jozor-johai · 1 month
So do you think Dany and Jon are just two Heads of the Dragon? and if so, who do you think is the third? my money's on Bran as like, the Ice Representative to balance out Dany's fire and Jon's Ice/Fire dealies.
Thank you for this ask, sorry it took ages to respond.
Say that we know (or we think we know) that two "heads" of "the dragon" are Jon and Dany—insofar as we even think we understand what that phrase is supposed to mean (an assumption that I think is worth questioning as well, but that's not a task for now).
Here's what I love about this question—the issue of "who/what is the 'third head'" comes up as a literal question in a religious sense when Arya is talking to the Sailor's Wife in Braavos. There's a statue to the god Trios, and the Sailor's Wife can't tell us the purpose of one of the heads:
Three-headed Trios has that tower with three turrets. The first head devours the dying, and the reborn emerge from the third. I don't know what the middle head's supposed to do.
GRRM is definitely referencing the concept of the "three headed (dragon)" when he invented Trios; the imagery is too central and too specific for that not to be the case. What's fun, of course, is that we're all asking ourselves the same thing—what (or who) is that middle head?
I like your suggestion about Bran. It's a pretty unorthodox idea, because most people assume/expect that the three heads of the "dragon" must be Targaryen or at least Valyrian... but I don't think one needs Valyrian blood to ride a dragon, so as far as I'm concerned Bran is an option. He's a cool idea, too, because of his attachment to the North, the far North, and maybe even the "Ice" concept, like you say. Bran's also a powerful skinchanger—or, in training to be one—and there's not a doubt in my mind we're going to see some dragons get skinchanged. GRRM has been asked about that idea before and he's gleefully dodged answering it.
That would also be interesting because it's worth remembering that Jon is technically not canonically a Targaryen (yet), or even a contender to be a "head of the dragon" (yet). We think we've figured it out (and we probably have) but it's still technically a mystery. In that sense, then, if I was going to lean on the comparison with Trios, I would say: perhaps by now we should have met the first "head" —the "death" head—and we should have met the last head— "rebirth" head—so we should be missing this middle head whose purpose we don't know. However, we think we've figured out that Jon is the marriage of Ice and Fire, so maybe he's the "unknown" middle head—and then Dany is, on one side, the "rebirth" head (of fire?), and we should have met the "death" head (of ice?) already, but we don't know who it might be. Perhaps it's Bran!
If I'm being honest, I personally haven't thought too much about solving the third head of the dragon issue. It's clear to me that some key piece of the puzzle is being intentionally obscured from our view, so it feels like a fool's errand to be confident in solving it at this point. I realize that's a lame answer, but it's the truth—I try to approach these things beginning with how they work in the story and how they work with the symbolism at play, so without being sure how the "three heads" are even supposed to work I haven't tried to solve this mystery.
If there are truly three people who are going to be the "three heads of the dragon," I think the rules of good storytelling limit our options to characters that were introduced in AGOT. If we limit that to POVs—which is not necessarily a valid assumption, but I think is likely—then that's only Tyrion, Bran, Arya, or Sansa. I'm torn on the common "Tyrion Targaryen" theory... I don't really like it, but it would explain why he's included as a POV in AGOT and why he makes the shortlist for possibilities here (among other things). Bran would be a much more interesting option, though.
The thing is, I'm ultimately not convinced the "three heads" are going to work like we expect. Yes, it's said that Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya were the "three heads," but who knows if the common understanding of that is true? Plus, the person who presents the idea to Dany of the need for "three heads" to ride the three dragons is Jorah... who I don't think knows shit about dragons. So my mind is wide open when it comes to possible interpretations of the "three heads of the dragon."
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butterflies-dragons · 2 months
Is it possible that Sansa WILL end up marrying Harry the Heir? I know there is quite a bit of foreshadowing suggesting that he won’t survive the tourney (and that’s what I personally think as well) as well as it being difficult for Littlefinger to attain an annulment for Sansa’s marriage to Tyrion but still, what if it did happen? … I’m hoping that’s not the case, since it’s much more satisfying for Littlefinger’s plans to fall apart . The only marriage that would be narratively satisfying would be Sansa x Jon. I’m hoping we don’t get yet another sham marriage instigated by Littlefinger’s evil machinations and just get to our final Targ suitor … but I keep seeing takes from people who believe Sansa will undoubtedly marry Harry in Winds. Thoughts ?
I don't think Sansa would marry Harry. I don't even think that marrying Sansa with Harry is the real plan, but more like an illusion/trap Littlefinger sold to Sansa. And even if that's the real plan, I don't think i will happen as planned. First Sweetrobin has to die, and it is Harry the one that's most likely going to die, there's also the threat of the mountain clans, there's Shadrich agenda as well, and a tourney is about to happen, and something really unexpected always happens during GRRM's tourneys.
Those takes about Sansa marrying Harry, and ending as Lady of the Vale (after killing Sweetrobin of course), come from people that think Sansa is not a major character (contradicting GRRM's himself), that she's not Stark enough to be the North ruler, that there are better opcions to rule the North, like her little siblings: the boys are before her in the line of succession (of course), her little sister is Ned's valiant little girl and a true Stark and Lady of Winterfell by proxy (LOL), and Robb apparently disinherited her.
I believe Robb has legitimized Jon, but that doesn't mean he desinherited Sansa, that just put her one place behind in the line of succession but still before her little sister.
And last but not least, we already have a hint of what will happen to Sansa in TWOW and that doesn't include a marriage:
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inchidentally · 10 months
Write a list of all the landoscar concepts u want to read 👀
oh fuuuuuck anon
ok so bearing in mind I'm still way behind w fic reading so if these already exist pleeeaaaase link me up (and ofc if anyone writes these link me!!):
there's the vestal virgins thing I blurted out
vamposcar AU and this could go the way of it being more like a minor health condition that results in lots of daytime sleeping/sun sensitivity/needing blood during duress like races but Lando is ??? when he finds out, or full-blown immortal Oscar who keeps having to remember to act like a normal young man and not a highborn son from Renaissance Italy and Lando makes the realization during a stream when chat jokingly suggests Oscar's a vampire, basically I want lots of horny Lando and trying-to-hold-back-fangs-Oscar
EDIT: @nyoomfruits has this delicious and funny and beautiful vamposcar fic I’ve Tasted Blood (and I want more)!!
fae-but-doesn't-know-it Lando was actually found as a magic baby in part of an ancient forest near his family's Somerset home, nestled among bluebells when his brother wishes for a little brother - they raise him as normally as possible but have to hand-wave how often he gets hurt but heals super quickly and only Jon is informed for Lando's protection - Oscar being the first person outside the family circle to pay close enough attention to Lando and notice a few odd things: the strange light that seems to follow Lando wherever he goes even in the dark, the way the gold specks in his green eyes sometimes move around, the way certain metals make his skin rash up, how Lando isn't just a fussy eater he can somehow sense where food he hates is being stored even if it's out of sight, how he's wary of cats because they react strangely to him, and the way Oscar sometimes has to avoid looking directly in Lando's eyes because he's actually falling prey to Lando's instincts to trap and keep him. I'd love a scene where Oscar approaches Lando about it in private and does a little experiment he found on the internet where he intentionally hurts himself and Lando freaks while Oscar keeps telling him to "fix it, you know you can fix it" and hey presto! Lando has a lot of questions for his parent because he just healed Oscar with his hands and some weird glowing light came out?? EDIT: @lemonadedino has begun a fic for this!! and here's the finished fic!!
Lando who everyone assumes has been with guys but hasn't who then finds out that Oscar who has been with more guys than girls (Oscar having to talk Lando through a whole lot of realizing things)
Oscar adores casually sucking dick with no feelings attached and has blown just about every guy in racing that he could - except when he asks Lando he's unexpectedly excited and Lando is snorting a drink out of his nose in shock and oops has Feelings when Oscar gives him the best head of his life
Lando loves making straight men crazy for him and collects them like beaded bracelets but when it comes to Oscar he has an attack of guilt and can't work his usual wiles. Oscar assumes Lando is just especially not interested and ~miscommunication~ ensues
eternal-dork-complex Oscar has no interest in his own appearance and just kinda hopes the people he dates/sleeps with will be game but also lets a lot of hotties slip by because he doesn't bother - oops that's the case with Lando who Oscar assumed would be out of his league so he friendzones himself. Lando perceives this as Oscar somehow ?? not finding him smoking hot ?? what is wrong with this guy ?? but Oscar is also so incredibly kind and funny and attentive to Lando and his best teammate yet. he assumes it's that Oscar is just not interested bc it's not like being straight has stopped guys when it comes to Lando but ohhhh it hurts more and more that Oscar is the one to not be head over heels for him. lots of inside Lando's poor confused head POV and he ends up back in his apartment in Monaco all alone and wanting to cry every five minutes because Oscar just hugged him goodbye in Abu Dhabi and went off without a care in the world! texting miscommunication where Max F checks in worried and Lando spills it all out but through his blurry wet eyes he accidentally sends it to Oscar who had texted at the same time asking about the Autosport Awards videos they'd recorded. Lando falls asleep miserable and jetlagged and only wakes up hours later to the building's security guard pounding on the door saying that a Mr. Piastri has been asking to get in for the past hour but ofc Lando has missed all the texts and calls and intercom buzzes. Oscar is finally allowed in and he's frantic and rumpled with his little backpack and so adorably confused that Lando has to kiss him. LOTS of communication and feelings ensue etc.
ok that's all I could do for now but I'm gonna keep this to update anon, thank you for making me do this bc I had no idea I wanted all of this aslfjlashfljhf
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Do you have a fancast for the batfam?
Ooo! Thank you SO MUCH, anon!!! I absolutely ADORE getting questions like this and I don't usually get them so this is such a treat! 😁
That being said....I don't exactly have a fancast for the batfam 😅 Instead, I tend to have a specific version of each character (mostly from a certain comicbook style) as a fancast if that makes sense.
However, I've put some thought into it and have a few ideas I'll put under the break if I were to cast them today. I'll also include the version of the character I usually picture when I write/read/think of the character.
Bruce Wayne/Batman
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My go-to version of Bruce Wayne is the Dan Mora comic book one (though he sounds like Kevin Conroy in the Animated Series 😁).
For a fancast , I know it isn't an original opinion but I think Jensen Ackles would be a great choice. We missed out on him doing a live-action Jason Todd after his amazing voice work in Under the Red Hood, but I think he could really capture the duality of Batman & Bruce Wayne as well as show a third, more tender side when interacting with the Batfam.
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(Other options I like include Karl Urban and Jon Bernthal. Also, shout out to @mayhem24-7forever who first suggested Oscar Isaac to me as a possible Bruce Wayne and I LOVE that idea!)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
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So this one is a little more complicated. My go-to version of Dick is the comics version by Mikel Janín. However, my Nightwing costume is the one by Bruno Redondo.
For the fancast, this one might be a little out there, but I really like Leo Howard for it. He hasn't done much acting recently, but he is known for his martial arts skills which would be a big plus for playing Dick/Nightwing.
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(Honorable mentions to Evan Evagora)
Jason Todd/Red Hood
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The Dexter Soy version of Jason is the one I always picture him as, especially the Red Hood costume (and it is still my dream to cosplay this one day).
For a fancast, I really like Tanner Buchanan for a post-death Jason. My only problem is he's too short! I need a 6ft+ Jason! But otherwise, I think he'd be great!
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(Another choice I really like is Jacob Elordi)
Tim Drake/Red Robin
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I had trouble finding the specific artists, but this is the version of Tim that I usually go to.
For a fancast, I'm leaning toward Griffin Gluck. He has a sort of presence or aura that feels very Tim to me.
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Damian Wayne/Robin
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I am most familiar with Damian from the DC Animated films so that's usually what I picture him as.
For fancast, I think Carter Rockwood is perfect! And the fact he is already working on a short video playing Damian just solidifies it.
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If anyone is interested in me continuing with more of the extended Batfam or any of the villains, please let me know and I would love to share! 🥰
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spiral-man · 11 months
Good evening gents, I have been going through the Magnus timeline to try and figure out what may have changed in this scenario of The fire in 1999 killing everyone in it/destroying the institute and it’s very interesting to me so here is some things I’d like to share with y’all.(please share your opinions on these things as well)
•Michael Shelly was sacrificed to the spiral around 2009-2011 and he was most likely hired around the 1980s or 90s (this is a educated guess) which suggests he was most likely one of the casualties taken in the fire, it’s sad because he would’ve been so young but kinda happy he probably wasn’t sacrificed lol
•this also means Michael was never distorted and also probably Helen never was either, there is evidence of a spiral creature similar to them though in MAG 8 so I’m curious to how The Spiral as a Entity will exist in the Magnus protocol
•in 2006 Abelard Dekker wrote a letter to Gertrude about his theory of an emerging 15th entity (the Extinction) and that is also how a lot of other main characters learn about it so I’m curious as well about how/if the Extinction will exist in the mag protocol without that letter being written or sent
•In 2007 Gertrude buys “The key of Solomon” off Leitner and in 2015 they destroyed it, not a lot of information was given on the book but makes me wonder where it would have ended up/if we will see more/new Leitners
•Brutal pipe murder probably never happened, what the fuck happened to Jurgen Leitner, if he pops up in Mag protocol I’ll punch a hole in my wall
•what happens with the NotThem!/the web table if Jon never destroyed it with a axe?
•decent amount of statements not given to the institute/artefacts not delivered, did they just go to the Incident Assessment and Response or if not what happened to them? Was anything different?
•Eric Delano is another character that has a very up in the air timeline lol so it’s possible he also died in the fire but if he quite before that then he was never summoned by Gertrude in 2008 so either way I have the question of, dose anyone know they can get out of the eye by taking out there own eyes?
•Mary Keay was destroyed by Gertrude in 2013, of that never happened what happens to Mary? And more importantly what happens to Gerard Keay, and would he still have burned all those Leitners without Gertrude. At the very least hope to all hope that without Gertrude he would have gotten to just die and not be bound to to the book but with his mom still about who knows
•even More importantly without Gertrude would he still almost beat Jurgen Leitner to death lol
•Tim’s brother was killed in 2013, if Tim hadn’t joined the Magnus institute what would he have done instead
•Is monster pig still out there if Gertrude hadn’t suggested encasing it in cement
•in the years between 1999-2015 Gertrude stopped quite a few rituals, it’s most likely without her they still would have failed but how exactly would servants of these entities react, would they sooner realize on there own why it doesn’t work or what would happen exactly with that?
I will most probably be adding onto this later but here you go, please tell me if you have any theories about any of these things <3
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baelonthebrave · 1 month
What you describe for aemond and Alys was beautiful but she was a prisoner of war I don’t think that they will make it into a romance but who knows
Thanks for the ask, I hope you don't mind me typing up a long-ass reply to this. I won't lie, I don't understand this idea in the fandom that alys was definitely a prisoner and therefore could not consent to the relationship with aemond at all. It's ONE possibility, yes, but it's one of many. I just don't think that F&B is reliable enough or gives us enough detail to make ANY decisions about the nature of their relationship. It is an in-universe historical account and is very biased against the Greens and Aemond in particular, due to when and for whom it was written, but even this heavily biased, unreliable source never accuses Aemond of forcing anything on Alys.
The things people usually point towards to back up this argument is 1) House Strong, Alys's family, is put to the sword by Aemond when he arrives at Harrenhal and 2) women in these situations (in ASOIAF and irl) are generally NOT consenting. That would make total sense if Alys was a run-of-the-mill highborn lady and any suggestion of romance between them would be repulsive, but she's not a run-of-the-mill highborn lady.
1) Alys is a bastard and we have absolutely no idea how she feels about House Strong. I think for show-only people there's this misconception that every highborn bastard is treated as part of the family like Jon Snow was by Ned and the Starklings, but this is very much the exception to the rule. The way Westeros generally treats its bastards is much more like how Cat treats Jon, not how Ned treats him. Bastards are a walking reminder to noble families that their honourable patriarch is fallible and sinful and human - they are generally not treated warmly. For all we know, Alys could despise House Strong, only living at Harrenhal for the relative security of her position or whatever nexus of magical power lies there, and she views Aemond's coming as her saving grace. It's also hinted at in s2 that Alys's magic is the reason Larys has clubfoot, it really doesn't seem like she has a cosy relationship with them and would particularly care if they died. Maybe she's glad when Aemond puts House Strong to the sword? Maybe she hates them, because they always regarded her with derision and fear? Or maybe she doesn't even take notice of them, they're so unimportant to her? We just don't know, we can't make any assumptions about how she feels about their deaths.
2) Alys has power that we can't even begin to understand. The magic of ASOIAF is very undefined and Alys is one of the only characters we see to have any control over it in any ASOIAF story - this automatically makes her one of the most powerful people we've seen in this world, on the level of Melisandre or Bloodraven. What we DO see of her power shows us that Alys is very capable of manipulating important men to her own ends. She did not want Daemon to challenge Rhaenyra for the throne, so she manipulated him by showing him visions of the people in his life he has mistreated and what needs to happen for the PTWP prophecy to come true. This doesn't seem like a woman that Aemond could make do something she didn't want to do. Daemon walks around Harrenhal in a stupor, not being able to draw the obvious line between the weird visions he's having and the creepy witch who's hanging around him - she has weapons that neither Daemon nor Aemond has any defence against. She bends men like them to her will, not the other way around.
In fact, I think for whatever argument there is to be made that Alys is the unwilling party in this relationship, there's an equal and opposite argument to be made that Aemond is the unwilling/manipulated one. This isn't my personal opinion but there IS an argument here. Aemond seems to all but ditch the war effort and undergo a major personality shift when he meets Alys in F&B, he's so under her thrall. A character that has up until now been described as basically sociopathic falls head over heels for a powerful witch to the point of abandoning his life's ambition - there is an argument to be made that THIS is Alys's magic, again interfering with the Dance to bring it to as swift a close as possible. Aemond & Vhagar are the backbone of the entire Green cause - wiping him off the board at the God's Eye is the major turning point in the war that causes things to start to wind down.
I personally don't think their relationship is purely one party forcing or manipulating the other - I think there could be genuine feeling between them. I don't think the love between them is uncomplicated or unproblematic, but I do think it is genuine. A kind of 'it didn't change anything, but it was there' love. I think it would make sense thematically for Aemond and start to tie up his arc.
This is all a very long-winded way of saying that I think drawing any conclusions about the nature of Alys & Aemond's relationship from F&B alone is premature - there just isn't enough canon information about it. And that's why I'm excited to see where they go with it, wherever they go with it. That's why I'm enjoying HotD so much. The main ASOIAF novels are so detailed that it set the path clearly for GoT every step of the way, but F&B is only a skeleton and it's up to the writers to give any and all context. We know that 1) Alys & Aemond were in a sexual relationship, 2) Aemond voiced feelings of love for Alys, and 3) there was a child. Beyond that, we know next to nothing. So I look forward to seeing what path they choose.
NB: I'm doing my best to talk about these possible consent issues as sensitively as I can, but please let me know if you think I haven't done that very well and/or overlooked something.
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therainscene · 1 year
I’ve been rolling the Mike thinks Will is in love with El theory around in my head some more. I like it, but it’s not without its flaws.
One especially damning counter-argument a few folks have brought up is that Mike heard Will refer to himself as El’s brother at the police station:
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Will’s line contrasts Jonathan’s earlier “I’m her brother... uh, step-brother...”, indicating that Will has fully embraced her as family where Jon doesn’t quite see her that way yet.
It’s a great point. The only justification I’ve seen for it is that Mike wasn’t put off from kissing El after he’d already implied he wanted to be her brother... but that doesn’t wash with me. Just because he had no idea how to reconcile his feelings with heteronormative expectations at 12 doesn’t mean he's still clueless at 15.
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So let’s give him some credit and try a different angle: When we step outside of the Byers POV, Will’s line is actually quite ambiguous.
The unsympathetic receptionist refused to let them see El on the grounds they weren’t a parent or legal guardian, so Will jumped in with an argument he hoped would win her over: we’re her legal next of kin. He’s just saying whatever he thinks will grant them access to El -- there’s no reason it has to be reflective of his true feelings.
After all, it’s not as though Will “be gay do crime” Byers has any qualms about being dishonest with authorities when it suits him.
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Mike was present for both of the above moments, so he definitely knows this about Will. And this is only one piece of evidence amongst many -- the rest of it is undeniably suggesting that Will’s in love with one half of Milevn:
Will’s been acting weird in a likes-someone way around El;
Will sulked at Rink-o-Mania over getting third-wheeled by Milevn and rarely took his eyes off El;
Will is always eager to talk about El and brings her up in conversations with Mike more than Mike does;
Will hinted that he was hiding an uncomfortable secret from Mike in the scrapyard heart-to-heart;
Will is the more trustworthy party in the “maybe it is for [someone he likes]”/“El commissioned it” painting lie conflict;
Will was on the verge of tears the whole time he was pushing Mike back into El’s arms in the van and the pizzeria.
It’s obvious to the audience what conclusion to draw here because we had the benefit of seeing it all through Will’s sad gay puppy eyes...
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...But Mike is forced to assess the evidence through his own biased POV.
This kid has severe self-worth issues, which are tied up in his feelings for El, which are in turn tied up in heteronormativity. It’s also been hinted that he has depression -- messy room, slipping grades, parallels with Max -- an illness that’s notorious for twisting your thought processes into the most pessimistic directions possible.
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So while Mike may very well suspect the truth, I’m not sure he’s in the right headspace to accept it. There’s a good chance he’s torn between the two interpretations:
Will likes El: Mike is forced to choose between making Will happy vs. holding on to the one thing that makes him feel like he has value. But he can tell that El doesn’t need him anymore, and he couldn’t live with himself if he hurt Will... after all, aren’t a straight boy’s feelings more important than some pathetic queer who’s lying to himself?
Will likes Mike: Mike gets to make Will happy and he gets to make himself happy. Letting go of El might be difficult, but he knows she’ll be fine without him, and Will has already proven that his unbridled love can help Mike see his inherent self-worth -- a much healthier approach than tying his self-worth up in being someone’s boyfriend.
The first interpretation reinforces Mike’s heteronormative beliefs and ensures he continues to feel worthless, whereas the second allows him to feel hope that things can get better.
Which interpretation would a depressed brain find more appealing? Or, more to the point, since Stranger Things tends to explore these struggles through metaphor--
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--which interpretation would give Mr. Everyone-is-Just-Waiting-For-it-All-To-Be-Over an opportunity to break through Mike’s defenses?
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thatpodcastkid · 3 months
Magnus Archives Relisten 13, MAG 13 Alone, Spoiler-Free Version
If a ghost tells you to turn left in a forest, and no one's around to hear it, do you still get hit by a car?
My apologies to Ms. Herne for the tasteless and offensive humor. MAG 13 analysis, spoiler free version!
Facts: Statement of Naomi Herne regarding the funeral of her fiancé Evan Lukas. Statement given January 13, 2016.
Statement Notes: RIP Evan Lukas. RIP king. You would have loved Bo Burnham's Inside.
It's so exciting to have our first live statement. The beginning of the episode stands out because it establishes that the digital recorders not only fail frequently, but at specific times.
Naomi's behavior at the beginning of the episode is also a bit strange. For one, she states that a paranormal investigator laughed at her for suggesting the Magnus Institute. I've always found it odd that investigators mock the institute or find it illegitimate even though they are an academic institution. They do extensive research, have significant funding, and even though they don't actively interfere in paranormal occurrences, they appear to be conducting and publishing legitimate studies. Why are they disregarded so often?
Naomi also appears actively antagonistic towards Jon. She needs his help, yet still ices him out. This is exemplative of her unconcious commitment to remain alone. Even when she asks him to stay while she gives the statement, she doesn't form any connection with him.
The religious aspects of this episode are so profound. Herne had found solace in religion her whole life. The only person she aside from Lukas and her mother that she could form a connection with was her priest. Yet, in her moment of desperation and fear, when she seeks shelter in the church, the door is locked. Her priest had advised Naomi to bond with others, and while she does get close with Evan, she doesn't actually make more friends and instead depends on religion to give her a sense of connection. But religion alone couldn't help her when everything fell apart.
The idea of being locked out from your religion is also particularly powerful. Being metaphorically and literally locked out of her religion amplified Naomi's loneliness and drove her further into misery.
Lukas' death, while not necessarily supernatural, has this particularly stinging bit of symbolism. A man from a strongly connected yet chronically isolated family dies of a genetically broken heart.
The "turn left" line is frightening because I can't pinpoint where it came from. There seems to be a few possibilities:
A) It actually was the dead Evan Lukas. His ghost was using the car crash to jar her out of the Lonely and save her. This insinuates that he wasn't killed by an illness, but by his family or at least some aspect of the supernatural which absorbed him.
B) Evan Lukas had been killed/absorbed by a horror, but he wasn't the one warning Naomi. The creature had taken and brainwashed him, compelling him to force Naomi towards the car in an attempt to kill her.
C) Evan Lukas' ghost was stuck in a supernatural plane, and in an uncontrolled spiritual state, thought killing Naomi could reunite them and free him from loneliness. Old school lovelorn ghost stuff.
C) It wasn't Evan Lukas or his spirit, but a manipulation of his voice by the supernatural to kill Naomi for invading their space and taking one of them away.
Character Notes: This introduction to the Lukases is very frightening. Very classic "isolated rich family" horror, but taken to another level because the isolation is the fear, not just a storytelling device.
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