#also i say potentially... like that isnt the whole point of making a group
totentnz · 4 months
wanna make v be part of a group... a group that does Things (rebellion) will tread this path very carefully because it potentially means i will make another 4+ side ocs
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Am I an asshole for making fun of someone’s name and interests but then apologizing? I (16M) recently became friends with some people in my lunch hour. They are Z (17NB), M (18NB) and K (17M). M is dating A (18FTM), who i have met twice and had maybe two brief convos with, and he seemed sweet at the time. However, A is friends with the whole group, so they all know him and talk about him. We have joked in the past about the fact that A has the same nickname as one of my other friends. For the sake of fake names, lets say the nickname is Alex. I refer to my friend as Alex and Z,M, and K all call their friend Alex too. However, one day i called my friend by his full name- again, fake name, but lets say- Alexander. M makes fun of my friends name, saying its a bad name. In retaliation I jokingly say ‘your partners name is worse!’. A’s full name is a different spelling of a rather nice name, for this lets say its Alexyus (like Alexis). I mention that i like the name alexis, just say “but who spells it with a y!”. I also add, “plus theyre literally a dsmp and homestuck fan!”. OKAY BEAR WITH ME! i will fully accept and admit that thus far i have been an asshole. It wasnt okay for M to make fun of my friends name, but it also wasnt okay for me to make fun of their partner.
Anyways- no one seemed too upset by it in the moment, but later when i got home i received messages from M, K, and A. M’s had some odd sort of long copy pasta which basically said i hope you suffer, but it felt like a joke to me so just responded withh “i aint reading all that”. K’s message was wild tho- he said “i was just hoping you would kill yourself, overdose, hang yourself, or even just cut ur wrists. what is wrong with you, you fing freak!”. which is… wow! After i read the message i saw him edit it to add a “/jay” (meaning joking) at the end, but the original message had no indication of it being a joke. However, i accepted it as a joke because…. Why would he tell me to kill myself lol…. Anyways, A’s message was polite and formal, asking to talk about something i said earlier at lunch (A isnt in our lunch, he wasnt there when i made the comment about his name, but i assume M or K told him). I respond equally politely and we had a good conversation about it, i realized that it wasnt at all my place to make thats jokes or poke fun at A in that way, and i apologized. A said it was all good and honestly i was impressed with their forgiveness and maturity. I hoped A and i could become potential friends in the future, even. I was still peeved that K literally told me to commit suicide, but whatever yknow. The next few days at lunch were awkward but my other friend, Z, and me mostly just didnt talk to M and K. At some point my other friend, who i told about this, mentioned to K kinda offhandedly like “yo it was kinda fucked up u told (me) to kill himself..” and K informed us that he actually didnt send the message, it was A on his phone. M corroborated this story and then we left, but i was honestly so shocked.
Now i dislike and feel uncomfortable around M, K and A (although not Z, who agreed that what the rest of them did was not okay), because to me it feels like they all were okay and agreement of the message. But ultimately i’m really conflicted- it was definitely wrong of me to make fun of A (even if it was not meant to be serious, i dont know A well enough to joke like that), but i feel like telling me to kms is unjustified. Maybe it all is stupid drama tho, and i should just let it go?
*** i forgot to add- if its worth noting, since A is trans, he chose his own name, and mentioned that was one of the reasons he was specifically upset. Should i have not made fun of his name because i know he chose it himself? (Idk if it matters but my friend alexander is also trans and chose his name too. Also i love him and his name to death so maybe thats why i was specifically defensive of it.) but anyways:
Am i the asshole? Are we all assholes?
What are these acronyms?
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
hello unfortunately i thought even more about sol + swag as an analogy for being asian and it is . making me unwell. i am putting it under the cut for the main reason that it is stupid beyond belief
OK. so. hear me out .
(and hint: this is all me projecting 100%)
1) moist frog who immediately turns off when it gets too cold. SOUTHEASTASIAN BOY AS FUCK (to me). guy who thinks thirty degrees celsius is pleasant temperature. guy who thinks that anything below 25C is sweater weather. guy who is soo sweaty and moist all the time (the humidity) and that is not only a natural state, but a preferrable state. 20 degrees is too cold. anything below 0 is actually not functional.
anyway. sol bufo. keepin it warm and gross. if its too cold and dry he immediately hibernates. king
2) idk if anyone reading this has seen shaolin soccer. but sol bufo. could clump shaolin soccer. essentially what im saying is sol bufo is like a buff asian jock. which is kinda goofy and goodnatured and loud and also very obnoxious. i cannot articulate this very well. but. what can i say except a human version of sol bufo was delivered to me in a dream and it was every buff chinese classmate ive ever met.
3) (you will notice the reasons get progressively more stupid and more deeply specific)
sol bufo would love milo. omg. like. chocolate drink in a juice box container that is branded as a sports/energy drink and also green. also the guy on the front of the packet milo. sol bufo coded. tbh
anyway. milo isnt strictly southeast asian..? but. yes it is actually.
4) the whole monk class is extremely steeped in asian 'aesthetics' anyway. i mean. ki. so whatever i can claim this monk for me thats my right
and this is also me projecting 100%. obviously all delusion. so i guess see this as a for-fun reading of the sol/swag storyline through the lens of a very specific of asianness
okay so. swag right. his journey is about leaving his home where he was comfortable and safe but also very confined. mothership lures him to ezry w the promise of opportunity & seeing the world, making something of himself. he ends up being exploited for his body and skills. and he runs away, but his blood still oils up the mothership cogs.
so anyway. i think its pretty clear how that cld map onto like . an immigrant experience? leaving home because of the need to find urself, but simultaneously, the threat of exploitation at the hands of ppl who see you as a potential profit to be mined. this is the first part
the part that is more crazy to me is his experience in irondeep. like, when he left moonstone he left his entire community. now hes alone ... and he cant go back. (he is stranded physically, emotionally). and at this low point, of true and utter loneliness and purposelessness, comes along bronzebeard industries. they offer him a job - but more importantly, they offer him connections.
like. thinking about how were introduced to swag. its not at his job, its his downtime, its when hes hanging out with his coworkers, when hes surrounded by 'friends'. w people who think hes cool, and the people who think hes a "sucker".
idk! but i think this also relates rlly strongly to a common experience of being international? like. when you know you are permenantly lost from home. what you want more than anything is to feel the same community and sense of belonging you used to have. and it is very easy for that desire to ge manipulated. (like - im just gonna mention the one specific instance that ive seen. which is like. international students on college campuses getting targeted a lot by christian groups. because they know those people are lonely and want a feeling of shared tradition and practice. anyway. this is one specific example but also this is literally what happens to lyddie and sister rosaline :-| )
anyway so in summary: swags story of hope/idealism, exploitation, and loneliness leading him to be a very good pawn. i think that is something that could potentially be read as the experiences of ppl dislocated internationally from their home. and im saying its asian because I Want To.
... and sol! okay. i think very simply: sol is super white-washed. total banana. and thats part of his character. he is a moonstone bullywug who never knew his own home, and still, has never even seen moonstone with his own eyes. he does not know his own history. (and kinda tangent, the place where he spends the majority of his life is in launchpad, a sanitized corporate version of reality. and i mean, the whole 'boy wizard and frog pal' is very clearly alluding to harry potter. like. its white.) but ignoring that, the essence of his character is like. this is a guy who does not know where he came from
and currently? a large part of his arc is about trying to unravel his identity by figuring out where (who) he came from. swag daniels is his one link to a community hes just now found out he has. that is a part of why hes trying so hard to save swag. swag is his family - specifically the parts about family you cant choose. that is hard, complicated and how you understand where the parts of yourself track back to.
like. i think a lot about how the pivotal moments of connection between swag and sol are all about swag... showing sol what moonstone is like. in a dream, he lets sol experience what that place is like. that place is a muggy swamp. idk. swag is taking sol back home. that fucks me up a lot
... anyway digression aside. i think one of the most painful things gg on rn w sols arc rn is. how its looking right now. sol is going to lose swag. sol is going to have to come to terms w losing swag. sol for the first time, yearns to know who he is and who he came from. but by the time he went looking it was too late. his time is up. that moment of connection was brief and gone. there are so many questions about their history that sol will never know now
so obviously this kind of dips a bit into metaphor at the end. swag represents connection to cultural history and heritage and identity. and in that lens, it reads to ME as a story abt being asian and disconnected from ur roots. but anyway. even without that lens i think sols story is still v much abt cultural estrangement
(i also have a very loose and unformed thought: which is that sols journey from wanting to stand out/be special to wanting to find a place of belonging. is ALSO INCREDIBLY RESONANT to the experience of being whitewashed asian... ESPECIALLY for ppl who do come from asia. and how that also relates to the tragedy of wanting to understand ur roots when its already too late. but . i dont rlly know if that is a common experience so. itll be noodling in my head for now)
anyway. my essay. and yes this is all make believe in my head . TLDR: i think swags an immigrant sols a banana and i am fucking insane thanks everyone
also if u read this all and want to know what part of this long ramble actly answers the question of why i think theyre asian. well. you know what.
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entering--hyperspace · 3 months
Was talking to a friend about this but like. The fallout show is weird in a way that like, objectively its good. The cast is great, the production value and attention to visual detail is stellar, but it doesnt feel like Fallout. Well, It feels like Bethesda Fallout which is a negative, bc that Also doesnt feel very Fallout to me, But I digress. I was wondering what else it was missing outside the obvious weird lore tie ins.
Its the Hope. Its the silly satire. I think the show leans too heavily into the grim direction of the wasteland, theres never any payoff, theres never any hopeful seeds planted, and they blew up Shady Sands for no good reason other than to hammer in how much the world sucks which, isnt a good enough reason, narratively. Theres not really any moments that make me appreciate the uniqueness of the setting way Fallouts 1/2/New vegas did.
Im not saying fallout cant be serious, it absolutely can be, but its being steered into a weird tunnel vision of everything sucks direction for no reason other than to continuously loop a "war never changes" without the nuance of civilizations trying to rebuild and look towards the future in their own way, of learning from the past and stepping into this weird, struggling but endearing.
Take the Kings of F:NV, for example, theyre an independent group trying to help freeside without an outside faction, theyre objectively one of the more morally upstanding groups in Fallout...And theyre a bunch of Elvis impersonators without even knowing what that means. Its silly, and the part that fallout excells in is taking that silliness, seriously. And even to continue. This not really train of thought.
The "comedy" of The Fallout show is so weird, its just thrown into the script which, personally, is 1. mostly not even funny to me and 2. Just takes you out of the moment in general. I always felt like Fallout's dark humor and comedy was moreso built into the world itself and the people you meet more than it is just a haha funny joke.
Its just. Weird, this whole show is Weird. I think it wouldve been so much better if they kept it an independent story rather than trying ot give us answers that, honestly, the world didn't need. We did not need to know who was responsible for it all directly, thats not the fucking point. Is it an objectively good show? Yes. Is it a good fallout show? No. It had so much potential to be, but it really just wasnt there.
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akgaereporter · 5 months
꩜ briizes: seunghan/wonbin/taro main dancer discourse 🤕
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tldr: an ot7 account made a big thread on why seunghan is vital to riize's lineup, talents and visuals wise. they explain why his dancing is needed to balance the team but some taro/wonbin stans took it as shade towards their biases dance skills and ended up seeming lowkey ot6..
so everything started with this ot7 user posting a thread in korean about how seunghan is vital and unreplaceable within riize. they mentioned things like how his visuals and proportions blend the group properly, how he’s the mood maker and has good sense in variety and comedy contents, etc. very well written thread btw, here’s the link to read it if u havent already !
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anyways, the issue started bc of the part where nomad talked about seunghan’s dance position within riize. they praised him for his flexible movements in contrast to shotaro and wonbin’s “rough street dancing and standard styles.” they also said that after watching the member’s fancams, seunghan is the member best at “using his upper body” and “highlighting the details of the choreography.”
here is the whole translated paragraph transcribed from the ss:
“Additionally, in order to widen the range of performance types that a group can handle, it is best if the specialized styles of each dance member do not overlap too much. While Shotaro and Wonbin's characteristics are rough street dancing and standard styles, respectively, Seunghan's style, in contrast, is very flexible and allows him to control the strength and weakness well. Also, by analyzing the members' fancams, we can conclude that the member in Rise who uses his upper body the best is Seunghan, and more importantly, Seunghan is the member who is the best at highlighting the details of the choreography among the members. In this way, the three dance line members are already the best combination, complementing each other's shortcomings, so if even one of them is missing, the quality of the performance will inevitably decline.”
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this thread sparked a lot of seunghan praise:
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now idk abt yall but after reading all these, the first thing on my mind isnt “ok but what about x member..”. this is clearly about seunghan, how he affects the performance/stage/vocal dynamic of the group, and what they lose without him. this is for seunghan and about seunghan, RELATIVE to the other members, not comparative. but some people clearly have other things in mind..
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things got kinda messy from here🤕
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and some people just straight up revealed they dgaf about him fr☠️
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and youll never guess whats in shawty's bio..??
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like hmm?? if 2+2 is 4.. how can you support an ot7 riize if you think he doesn't bring anything to the group? that hes not vital in anything? that they're doing fine w/o him? like im genuinely curious but anyways..
some people clocked how weird these reactions were but the damage has lwk already been done bc this is such a strange discourse to have at all🤕
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☆ my opinion
again i just think its crazy how u can call urself ot7 when u dont believe he’s indispensable to the group? the whole point of nomad’s thread was to showcase what seunghan brought to riize, and why this ot6 body isn’t bringing out their full potential as vocal&performance artists. there are so many things to take into account here:
because one member is good at a certain aspect of a skill doesn’t make another members’ any less than..
the thread was to show seunghan’s unique differences from any other member, and highlight what the group loses by not having him. not to say “hes better at x than y member,” but to say “this is how seungan’s skill contrasts any other member and creates a better result.”
riize is a team, teams have members, members are going to have distinct styles that they execute best. shotaro is obviously the main dancer as he's very versatile and can cover a wide range of movement, but that doesn't change the fact there are details & aspects of seunghan’s dancing that he makes most noticeable, & that differ and contrast shotaro’s in a good way. those differences make them look better as a group. like yes taro is a pro dancer, but he has a more "x" style while seunghan accentuates more "y" movements, and "x" and "y" work together perfectly with the rest of the members on stage. its not about who is better, it’s about how they look together as one.
i feel like some taro/wonbin stans are referring to individual skills, which explains why they're bringing up taro's past as a dancer. individual skill is a whole different story, and again, that wasn't the purpose of the thread, it was to show what riize loses as a group by not having seunghan.
the “better at moving his upper body” part is one of those details seunghan highlights, but that comment is an opinion on nomad’s part, so ofc u can disagree with it. however the undeniable fact is that seunghan is very talented at dancing with his upper body, and whether x member is better than him or not isnt the point - it was included to show how he and only he executes it differently than others to create an enhanced look on stage. i think its funny how theres literally a part of the thread where wonbin is agreeing that seunghan has the most flexible upper body in an interview but some milkteas were still acting like nomad saying that is a snub to taro??😭
getting mad at a seunghan praise tweet for praising seunghan is odd behavior. u can of course have preferences, but to call it “discrediting” shotaro is a huge stretch. no one is downplaying shotaro’s skills as a dancer, in fact nomad’s thread is one of the only threads ive seen actually articulating and placing focus on seunghan’s dancing, so to say it was “objectively untrue” is crazy and i think we should just let hongjjangus have nice things. if u disagree, and think taro is better at something, gone ahead and make ur own thread like this user did (maybe with a less shady caption🤕) instead of creating a space for people to feel comfortable demeaning seunghan's skills comparatively to other members.
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like who was speaking on him??😭😭 some people have definitely lost the plot but at least its a minority.. unrelated to these screenshots but theres srsly an epidemic of briizes who are lowkey moving ot6 but claiming its in the name of supporting riize's active members so be careful who u call oomf & stay strapped in these streets😕🙏🏽 seunghan WILL be home soon trust me ladies.. im psychic
[c l o s e t a b ?] ◀ ⇨ akgaepop.com
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danvillecheese · 1 year
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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vyvesvi · 8 months
pd 101 japan picks & commentary (3)
preshow & ep 1
ep 2 - ep 5
ep 6 general commentary
this ep was kind of lowkey. not really sure how i feel about the team selection being entirely determined by rank - pretty sad that karen & momoka, amongst others, probably wont get to show their actual main abilities
the teams that performed were hero, shine a light, wa da da, & run run. ranking: run run > hero ≥ wa da da > shine a light. i don't really like the song choices (songs that already have choreo for a dance round, only one non-idol dance song, plus the singers/producers for that song helped arrange all of the vocal performances? makes me wonder if the final group will be getting a LAS song) but at least theyre all in japanese this time (for the vocal & rap groups at least)
run run: good performance but i have a few gripes. 1 - why was it worth more points? they said that the choreo was harder but the whole mission was for the girls to create choreo so... i dont actually expect that the trainees on these shows are doing all the arranging and writing and choreography themselves (much less on pd japan where virtually no one has a trainee background) but the whole set up of the mission kind of says the quiet part loud, you know? 2 - the distribution was a complete mess. loved joa as the center but the rest were basically backup dancers...for a choreo that theyre ostensibly creating themselves the difference in screentime between each person just doesnt make sense. and that was reflected in all of the ranks apart from yuuki & yurara i think. storyline: i found the koto/yuki storyline pretty meh. joa did actually do better than both of them so...? still, in another series this wouldve had a massive conflict edit & im glad pdj doesn't really do that. sad mitsuki & serina didn't get much screentime, i think mitsuki should've gone for antifragile actually, she needed to be on a team where the styling would've worked with her & allowed her to show more of a charming side on stage (friend that i watched LOVED her in cheer up, made me pause to figure out who the "gorgeous regina george lookalike" was.)
hero: ando yui is my daughter but i have to admit that she has a tendency towards shouting some notes. still, i feel like she has a ton of potential and im glad that she got to redeem herself after the audition. tsuzumi is basically in and she 100% knows it, so it's interesting to see how she's dealing with it. more than anyone else in the top it seems to really be impacting her, but she also seems to have a lot of close friends on the show who understand & are supporting her. to be honest, i usually don't like contestants like mayu but...idk. i see a lot in her but im not sure why. it seems like voters are starting to get serious so her rank has dropped a lot but i i'll miss her when she's eliminated. i hope there's some opportunity for her beyond the show.
wa da da: kind of sick that no one chose wa da da 😭 the stage was pretty messy in my opinion but mana did great, she's such a performer. personally ranka isnt one of my picks but i like her intensity a lot & she definitely deserved her rank. i don't think this is her moment exactly but i could see her being recruited somewhere after this. she would suit a kind of dramatic vibe. karen is interesting to me because while she doesn't dance well i found that she really fit the stage. i also love her attitude. there's no way she won't rise but im not sure that itll be enough. last and least,
shine a light: im a big jo1 fan but i knew this wasn't gonna go great from the outset. the energy of the original song is part of what makes it so good so the fact that they removed that.....i also think it's kind of notable that hina said that she didn't want it to be a ballad and was kind of steamrolled........anyways. we saw the performance. i've always said that i wanted hazuki to get more screentime & establish herself and this was her chance but...rip. from the second her voice cracked it was over for the whole team. every single person messed up except for hina. i know that this wasn't a super strong vocal group but it's so sad that they did the worse they've ever done on stage. i expect hina's rank to continue to rise, and hazuki in particular will fall (not because she was the worse but because she has the smallest fanbase & isnt insulated from mistakes like some of the top contestants). curious about what will happen with chiharu because honestly...no one really expected her to sing super well and she was gorgeous so. we'll see
member commentary
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change is always possible but this is my stable top 4. rino & ran's teams weren't in this episode but it's a very good sign that rino still got screentime singing well & being a good leader. not thrilled that her rank dropped (14 → 17) and there are a lot of strong contenders in the early teens right now. in truth, i think some of them would be a much better fit for a spin off project (which have much higher success rates than the ones from korean produce) & rino would make more sense in top 11 but that's neither here nor there.
mana, as i said earlier did sooooo well in wadada, although im curious as to what she would've picked had she been given a real choice. im hoping her rank will rise - she didn't get a push in this ep but she was significantly more visible than a lot of her teammates so fingers crossed.
serina is just a good [potential] idol. i was surprised that she went for dance since her vocals are what i noticed first but she pulled off run run well. i wouldve picked shine a light or even antifragile for her though. unfortunately she got very little screentime & storyline but i'm sure run run will win so maybe that 20k will help maintain her spot.
standouts in this ep
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not gonna break it down again but yeah. love the girlies love the vibes
other thoughts
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call me crazy but im so so sure that these three will be recruited by lapone for a gg after the show. with the top 11 having skewing less cute im hoping that this becomes a reality bc these three fit eachother more than they fit momona/nano/ran/rin/etc. oda aruha (and maybe moro anon) would be here too but alas.
people i'd like to have seen in this ep
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rin is riding a wave right now and she needs momentum to stay top 11. looking at the ranks now, kokona dropped 10 places (19 → 29) 🙃 rinon & ayano are fine, but i wanted to see them keep momentum as well. i like akiyama ema for some reason but to survive she desperately needs screentime and a good performance. I'm even more worried about tsukushi - her dropping from 18th to 31st after doing incredibly well is kind of insane. what i've said about tsukushi needing a storyline in the past still stands. i can already tell that her part in bijin will be great but with rinon & keiko im not sure what her screentime potential is.
ep 6 voting list
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no surprises here, although im not sure what the voting has been reduced to? if it's only 5 i'd have to go with mana, rino, rin, serina, and then alternate kokona, yui, and mayu. i know that the "this person is safe so i wont vote for them" logic is flawed but i can't help it. good thing intl fans cant vote so this isn't a real concern! 🤪 /s
ep 6 semi-realistic top 11
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only change is that i replaced kokona with joa. i have to say, im not thrilled about how many "givens" there are this season. it's not that i dislike them but it makes for a kind of boring top 11, at least until we get to 1 & 2 pick voting. rin was a nice surprise but i think the production has been pretty mask off about their picks. interestingly, i think it might bite them in the butt that momona & kokoro in particular don't actually get that much screentime. for people who are seeing them through the show for the first time (and also dont keep up with twitter discourse) probably feel that their ranks came out of nowhere. ran has gotten good screentime but she's definitely also buoyed by her original fanbase. miu, joa, & tsuzumi have good screentime & storylines so when joa goes up to top 11 i won't be surprised. rin had a good storyline so she makes sense. ayane doesn't get very much screentime but her voice does the brunt of the work. nano is a (capable) visual pick but she doesn't have a storyline. suzu has had a fanbase since the theme song but i expect her to fall a little honestly. we'll see. keiko is new to the top 11 this ep, i hope they reveal the actual ranks this time because that will influence my thoughts. keiko has great screentime and a litle bit of storyline so her rising makes sense. kokona is interesting to me because her rank is so stable based on not very much honestly. i don't dislike her but her lack of expressiveness on stage is probably something they'll try to build a storyline out of later.
i have a lot of confidence that rino will debut elsewhere after this but in the interest of creating a group i would actually like...
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Wish there was more Shiggy/Toga stuff. :)
ShigaToga; Great Compatibility
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Sure but first, i would like to say that i wasnt shipping them at first or expected to ship them because well, to me, Shigaraki was always redeemable villain and Toga was crazy yandere girl. I used to not pay attention to their relationship or any other league relationship before MVA arc. And honestly, it was hard to imagine Shigaraki having romantic partner or involving any romance but biggest reason is their age. At beginning, we didnt know their age so i thought Shigaraki was like 23-24 at least and Toga is high school girl so lol but then he turned out 20 years old, a lot younger than i expected. He is the one who has closest age to Toga in league, 3 years age difference isnt actually much, if it was 4 or more, it would be but 3 years age difference depends. Especially in Shigaraki and Toga's case, since they are not your usual 20 years old or 17 years old. Shigaraki is literally Afo's hostage since he was 5 years old and Toga is living in streets since her middle school so yeah. And 'average 20 years old would have to take care of Shigaraki and average 17 years old could easiely take advantage of someone like Toga too. (And the thing is; I am pretty sure that people wouldnt mind shipping Twice with Toga, if Twice was 20 years old but suddenly its a problem because it is Shigaraki, even though, it should be other way around and Shigaraki isnt really big brother to her, yeah). I think its not a problematic ship. I think it is very good ship with potential and also, there is kinda set up but well, i wish we get more lov interactions.
Also, i would like to say that the only reason i ship is because i truly believe that Shigaraki and Toga can actually develop healthy romantic relationship. And honestly, its hard not to ship after realizing their canon interaction, Toga's character and how much Toga is fond of him. Anyway, lets continue.
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It is even more interesting since they are written to be compatible with each other. Their dynamic is like murderous couple, not in a way 'we make each other worse' but in a way 'we make each other better'.
Their characterization is inspired by Joker and Harley Quinn. All it takes is one bad day. Though, Shigaraki is opposite of Joker. He is not Toga's abuser. He is her healer.
They have the opposite attracts energy.
When i think about those two together, I realize how healthy and compatible their relationship would be.
Since they are both murderers and since they both became like this despite being good people/they tried their best until reaching breaking point, they wouldn't judge each other for this. Their life has been destroyed both causes of their quirk and environment so they would understand each other.
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Who Toga really is was ignored her whole life, and that's why in the end, Toga controlled her all relationship. She always stalks people, having side relationships to have absolute control. Even with her relationship with Twice, she has more control over her relationships. So what Toga needs to do is give control to her partner too, she shouldn't try to control their life. She should be letting that person s taking decisions too. Shigaraki is the opposite. His life was always controlled by others. He didn't make decisions in his life so he needs to take control of his own life. Shigaraki needs to make decisions in his relationships too. Shigaraki wants to be a leader in the group while Toga has no interest in being a leader, she is ok with being a helper. Shigaraki became a villain cause of pain, and hate. His life is full of pain, this is why he needs to see good things in life. Toga became a villain cause of pleasure and love. Her life is full of pleasure but she shouldn't ignore the pain of life. They are both equal children, this is why they would be equal in a relationship, they could learn how to deal with life and grow together. Toga is living in her world, she doesn't see people, only she is there. Meanwhile, Shigaraki only sees other people, he doesn't see himself, even in his memories.
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Normally, Toga acts close to other people but in reality, she is too cold and acts logically cause she wasn't loved. Meanwhile, Shigaraki normally seems too cold and cautious but actually, he is very warm and emotional. when someone pushes him, he acts emotionally, unlike Toga who acts logically. And even though, Toga is more emotionally intelligence than Shigaraki (and many other characters), Shigaraki is a lot better at socially interacting with others and making friends. Again, since Toga was never really loved, she would afraid of being loved, hugged, being touched, at first. While Shigaraki lost his family with his own hands, he would afraid of loving, hugging, and touching someone. Shigaraki has always had a relationship with someone but since his all relationship is abusive towards him, he has no interest in having a partner, also he is like asexual. While Toga never had a relationship with someone, all she wants is to have a partner, also she is like bisexual. Shigaraki has no one in his life as his lover while Toga has many lovers in her mind. Shigaraki is always being chased after, and controlled by people while Toga always stalks people. All Toga want is to be accepted by someone, and belonging to somewhere. While Tenko’s hero dream is literally about giving a place to outcasts like Toga.
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Toga always sees people as things but she needs to see people as people. Meanwhile, Shigaraki was treated as a thing his whole life, he needs to see himself as a human being, not a thing. Toga needs to see worth in other people while Shigaraki needs to see worth in his life. Shigaraki needs someone who will be beside him, loyal to him, someone who will fight beside him, even against the whole world. Toga needs loyalty towards someone, a person who will inspire her and since she heals with Shigaraki’s kindness, she would fight beside him, even against the whole world, since they are both outcasts as equals. Shigaraki needs support, and Toga needs inspiration, just like their foils Deku and Uraraka. Shigaraki is very destructive and he always hurts himself he needs to learn to care about his life. Toga enjoys someone’s bleeding, and getting hurt, she needs to care about other people’s pain.
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Toga likes spicy food, and Shigaraki likes sweet things, kinda funny. Both Shigaraki and Toga don't want anyone to do their thing, Toga cause she wants to choose what she wants on her own, for Shigaraki, he doesn't want to be a payer to someone.
Shigaraki is youngest child of his family, he has that kinda spoiled kid energy and very codependant and he always needs a babysitter to take care of him while Toga (and Dabi) is oldest child of her family, she is very independent girl. Even though, she is the youngest in league, she tends to take care of people around her too and she is living in streets on her own since middle school.
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I am sure that there is more. They are written to oppose each other in every way but also in a good way and it is really entertaining. They have murderous couple energy with amazing chemistry but at the same time, its is unexpectedly very stable for them. This post is actually kinda old but whatever, it is fun to think about it.
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necro-hamster · 1 year
9 12 18 22 !! fallout and/or fc5
( this post )
9) worst part of canon
for fc5 i'd have to go w the endings, touched on it in a previous response but i think they both suck ass tbh. i end up just making up my own shit.
for fallout..... well that's a hard one because fallout's canon isn't very good. and has a lot of weird shit in it. i mean honestly i could just broadly gesture at all of it. fo has So Many Problems. but to point out smth specific, the way ghouls are handled comes to mind almost immediately. tons of missed potential and a lot of inconsistencies. wtf was up with the ghoul kid in the fridge?? lil man was NOT in there for 200 years. his ass would've fucking died. they still have to like. eat and stuff. plus it's just weird how 200 years post nuke ppl are still like EWWW AN IRRADIATED PERSON!!! like? bro you're all fucking irradiated. i know about your 11th toe and that weird spot on your butt cheek. you'd think ppl would get used to it by then. i get that obviously hatred of groups like that doesnt just go away over time magically but it just feels unrealistic the way they handle it. also boring.
i guess if you want an easier answer then i think it's stupid that the brotherhood of steel is still going strong on the east coast lol
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
grinding my teeth together. preston garvey for fallout. i will defend him until the day i fucking die. i'm convinced that the reason so many ppl hate his ass and are annoyed by his very presence is bc he's black idc. kiss my ass. he's my best friend.
also!! raul!!!! nobody ever fucking talks abt him but he's my FAVORITE new vegas oc. i think if he looked more fuckable ppl would pay more attention to him honestly 🙄
for fc5. hurk jr. the only reason ppl don't give him as much attention as sharky is because he's fat. idc. i will stand by this until the day i die. but i guess i'll fuck him since everyone else is a coward about it
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
CODSWORTH. it's criminal that bethesda's lazy asses slept on him too!!! he's got SO MUCH potential as a character but they didnt even give him a side quest???? i need yall to integrate him into your sole's story more PLEEEAAAASE. also raul again lol
far cry 5 im absolutely gonna have to say faith, she's so interesting but gets pushed aside so often and it pisses me off to no end. but that's the boring answer. that's the answer everyone expects. so i'm also gonna point out that i think it's super lame how so few ppl actually focus in on the cult and what average ppl were going thru inside of it. because, like, this isnt just Fascist Murderers or Literal Human Traffickers like the other games. they're cult members. many of them are victims of this shit too. obviously some of em were definitely just having fun killing ppl but like there were prolly a ton of ppl who were also just normal folks in desperate need of help and community and they ended up here. please have more discussions abt this shit.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for fallout, prolly civilization as a whole? specifically settlements/cities/towns/etc. a lot of ppl focus on being Alone In The Wastes (which is fun and cool) but i rlly like that we see time and time again that society has rebuilt in plenty of places. there's a city on a boat for gods sake. can we talk abt that shit more pls pls pls pls.
for fc5..... god. again my mind just turns toward faith and her craziness. ppl hate talking abt how much of a freak she is. so ig i'll go with the environment. how hope county is a rural place and the way that must've shaped many of the characters, including ocs who are from there. yall dont get it 😩😩😩
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
18, 22, 26, 30, 32, 39? Wrestling asks for u, pls ramble for me
bless you babe 💜
wrestling asks
under a read more cause OH BOY this got long sorry not sorry
18: Best feud i dont know if i have one solid answer for this, but lemme just ramble a few that come to mind when i think stuff ive enjoyed.. few of the first ones i ever witnessed years ago, eddie guerrero vs rey mysterio. this is like my introduction to wrestling, the first time i got familiar with the context of heels and faces, etc. this was ultimately really stupid (the whole eddie was dominics dad, you know the one lol), but its the one im extremely nostalgic for and i will always remember it fondly despite that lol
then i dont remember a lot of it tbh, but at the time matt hardy vs edge (when he came back innnnnn 2007?? was that the year lmao), it introduced me to the terrible world of wrestling love triangles and also i do believe this was the first time i saw a bloody cage match. also the tension in this from that era will live with me forever my god
just a bonus mention to randy orton (or technically the ortons i guess) vs the undertaker. that shit went HARD in my tiny teen brain jfc
for more current stuff.. i mean i was always a fan of the whole kip sabian/miro vs best friends stuff. it had so much potential on all ends, im just very upset it got cut when it did cause kip was injured. also that is to date my favorite wrestling wedding honestly. only really rivaled by the indy/dexter one but anyways lol
also very much a fan of whatever the fuck jay white and kazuchika okada have going on at all times. i dont think i have to explain how much i enjoy the (sexual) tension and taking any times i can get to yell at jay and look at okada buT ANYWAYS
and a special mention to the one i know nobody else ever liked, but the whole thing seth and murphy had going on with the mysterios during the pandemic. it was the one thing that kept me really interested in wrestling on a weekly basis, i personally found it incredible until the end after they completely shafted murphy before releasing him etc., but prior to that everything in that was absolutely my shit. everything from the monday night messiah to the goddamn disciple run. i could base my entire personality around that whole storyline and im not kidding lol
ALSO ALSO literally anything eddie kingston has going on. him fighting anyone, right now especially garcia and claudio tho, is just fucking lit at all times. this man knows whats up
22: Worst entrance theme im trying to think whats a bad theme but not associated to someone that i dont care for.. and unfortunately i have to say clark connors. ever since salty pointed out they are just robot farts i cant fucking unhear it and everythings gone to hell since LOL
like i love clark but my god
26: One unpopular opinion of yours oh im sure i have many lol. lemme just keep this very tame and say i dont think aew in its current state is very good. and this isnt just my "give me kip sabian back" bias, i just really dont care for the product, or any of them tbh, as a whole right now. i want the early days back when they showcased smaller talents more and actually had storylines i could care about and not just teams and factions like this is new japan all over again woo
30: You get to make your own stable. Who would it consist of? What is their name? ..is it a cop out to say i dont wanna make one, i just want to join in the united empire? im gonna say that anyways cause yes. please. ive made my case for ue before, but its like. they are a group of misfit assholes around the world, which hey i fit the bill too, trying to prove themselves cause everyone sees them as foreigners wherever they go and whatever they do so they never fit in geographically, but keep on fighting to prove everyone wrong in that way. and i want that too you know ..also i just really like united empire i dont fucking care (also its half nine in the morning im on my first cup of coffee i cant think sorry)
32: Who would you like to be in a mixed tag team with? so this comes from two places. but its cause ive been very infatuated with him recently, and ive kinda realized that if i ever were a wrestler (i wont be cause lmao what is being in shape or starting a physical career at the ripe age of 30) i would definitely lean towards being a technical wrestler out of the given options.. so yeah zack sabre jr cause im a biased bitch lol. also the smol and toll dynamic with two loudmouth bitches just yelling accented insults? yeah who am i to say no to that lol
39: What is your best wrestling related memory? okay im sure the best one is yet to come (JERSEY IN A MONTH +1 DAY I GET TO MEET SO MANY BABES), but theres two. 1. my first (and only) live show in 2019. sure we had kinda shit seats now thinking about it, but getting to chant live that sami zayn sucks alongside my brothers and like two other random kids in the audience will live with me forever tbh. and 2. when we got into watching old (we're talking about like 2016) nxt with @ss-trashboat to get her back into watching wrestling after a few years and yeah. it literally started with her saying she had never seen tyler breeze and here we are now, like two years later, watching (at least my first) g1 together <3 wrestling brings people together, as its also the thing that brought us together like eleven years ago as friends to begin with, so. yeah im very fond of stuff like this <33
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minisugakoobies · 2 months
and either kpop has always wanted to make it big in the states or its totally lost its track, i mean its odd how on surival shows they make temporary groups then disband them after short time or theres rhe odd group with a one hit wonder and they just didnt bother exploring any further talent with them
i wouldnt say its lost its spark but its not doing it in a way that makes me wowed by every group yaknow? its more of a like what even is kpop anymore? its not westernising its song but its trying to make it smth else by adding so much westerners and practically forcing the groups in every american brand and label there is isnt it, when i dont follow bts for their brand collabs lol. theyve almost overdone it too a point of no return to the basics so ofc these newer groups arent going to hone in in their skills when they expect the same public reaction for each group that wants to be the next bts
maybe its also the fact that music as a whole is so glamorised and excessive as well that its never simple anymore very few good vocals and synchronised dancing where groups cant even let loose fully on stage without having it be absolutely perfect even their hair colour has worn off on me like its not as dramatic as it was when i first found out they did all this stuff its just got so typical / nothing too new or eyecatching. itd be like asking avril lavigne in 00s to do full on choreo when shes a singer not dancer
i still enjoy their performances but they need to let loose and slow tf down sometimes or expect less to start with rather than putting a pity them and their hardships narrative out. itd be nice to see groups really work for it instead of them only doing it bc they want it rely on things like internet trends or tiktok challenges songs that have dance choruses instead of vocals can get boring bc ik its only for the dance to go viral on tiktik. otherwise they not doing it for music or their fans. its like there has to be more to them than just pretty face aegyo and good dancing
ps i loved seeing joong with a guitar he suits that as well oml ateez has so much talent and potential, i hope they dont let it get to their heads
I can only come at this with a western perspective, but it's always interesting to me watching a genre shift and change. I wonder what it's like to the people who have been fans since first gen - what they think about what groups do now versus then, that kind of thing.
I am so weak for a talented musician like Hongjoong. I'd love it if he broke that guitar out again! 💕
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mhaynoot · 11 months
oh cheongryeo my little psychopath you really are a psycho
he's so red flag red flag im so in love alslkd i didnt expect a whole ass kidnapping scene but like damn thats good pay off considering the sprinkling of foreshadowing, building tension and bait with the fake de-escalating "im sorry" part
listen i like my ships as messy as possible. the more they bring out the worst in each other to the point it loops back into actually making them better is so Peak Ship Dynamic
warning: my opinions and some personal critiques on dod here
i think im gonna take a break on reading this though and just wait for manhwa updates instead because the novel is very ... slow? or maybe i should say its a bit too light hearted for me i dunno
i think it would have been a little more interesting if the other members of testar were also part of some other system or if there was just a lot more drama in genera. i dont know but considering what i know of irl kpop and the really messy fights that happened, the internal and interpersonal character conflicts here are just the slightest bit too tame for me personally and, while that isn't necessarily bad thing, its just not to my drama loving taste. also the external conflicts aren't all that spicy either to act as a counterbalance.
well tbh, i was already very worried when i saw the survival show format and the first debut or die mission because thats a very short term conflict. and the back to back missions, format and tension of the survival show is incredibly good for creating escalating high stakes and, combined with the death penalty, it has a natural development for consistently high tension and lots of potential drama and conflicts. and the novel hit those points very well. and while i think they definitely could have potentially made this arc a little longer and explore different aspects, it does end as a satisfactory first arc. but now there's the rest of the 600 chapter story which will have to match that level of tension. and so far i dont think it really has? at least until cheongryeo LMAO which is why i love him so much!! he makes things interesting and the novel isnt afriad to make him villainous and start shit up and do actual things that really fucks up moondae and has like some future consequences like oh no whats gonna happen to their relationship, whatll they do in the future when they meet, whats happening to the other members and their relo with this sunbae who they admired
i just feel the novel is really fluffy and light hearted for a death scenario concept. and even if it didn't want external conflicts to be too heavy, a way to keep the stakes might have been to shift focus onto interpersonal conflicts instead. like i really thought they'd continue to do that when the keun seijin and bae seijin arc happened. and then the chungwon arc too! but it feels like its been twenty small online conflicts in a row between them. i just want stuff with like actual group breaking, and potentially friendship destroying conflicts that they have to work through.
yes the testar members are wholesome and nice and they love moondae and...? that's about it right now for the last some chapters now. they dont have arguments, they dont even really properly talk to each other. i know moondae treats it like coworkers and professionalism but maybe bring up more of the other members perspectives. like i know we're in moondae's pov but like considering the consistent pov shifts, it wouldn't be too bad to at least make it so that we can flesh out the other members and their relationships with each other too?
but like what do i know?
maybe i should've seen moondae's easy rise to platnium and quick skill up as an indicator that this novel isn't really focused on drama and breaking the kneecaps of its mc like what i prefer. i dunno i just thought that was a bait or smth and things escalate hard later or smth HAHAH yeah i guess when i saw the death failure, i jumped to conclusions and thought this novel would be a really gritty one that might touch on and explore the messed up behind the scenes of kpop
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colognedecigarette · 1 year
i just clocked why sometimes but not all the time when i see someone being like, "yes but this group isnt the one doing this" or something along those lines, i get so annoyed but again, only sometimes.
like for example if someone's saying like, idk, "girls got the not like other girls syndrome bc they want to be accepted by guys around them" and someone swoop in being, "guys werent the one making them do that though" am more or less just like. yea. yea, i get what the op was saying but this commenter isnt wrong and thus not annoying.
but if the op was like, "our culture and society place so much value in male approval that a lot of girls developed not like other girls syndrome for that approval" and then a person swoops in giving the same counter as before am like, oh my god shut up literally reread the whole thing again.
cause like, am personally more of the mindset that if youre speaking in public thats on you to minimise as much potential misunderstanding as possible. i mean it's also still on you on private convos but like those are usually more with people you already know so it's whatever, they prolly already got what you meant. and unless the person is a massive asshole clarification is prolly just "huh wdym" "like, this, yknow??" kinda deal. but in public, or with strangers, since they dont know anything about you, and with the tendency of people easier to get confrontational, disclaimers or just clear phrasing in general is like, a courtesy ig. less headache for you too; if someone misunderstands what you said it's easier to be like, "i literally cannot be any clearer than this, this is a you problem" when you've communicated what you meant well enough.
which is why am not exactly a fan of generalisation in public/strangers. like, unless it's pretty clear that it wasnt meant to be taken seriously. i get what people mean when they say stuff like, idk, "men aint shit" but also like ... if you say that unironically, and in what's supposed to be a genuine/serious convo about stuff, and you dont elaborate further.... like i get what youre getting at but also people saying, "not all men" arent wrong either. and i'll be honest as much as i dont disagree with the sentiment behind the slogan and why it came to be at all, whenever these things happen and the usual debate ensues am just like. this is silly. it's silly. am sorry. none of you are having the same conversation with one another. yes, sorry, the person saying not all men was correct actually. no, you werent talking about that, but ostensibly by the phrasing you were. so just. have fun now, i guess.
so when, now, the person is clearly not talking about men, or any group, let alone generalising anyone, and is instead pointing out to the larger entity that affects everyone by making things harder for one group and easier for another ... but not talking about individuals ... to have someone swooping in to be like "not all men/[insert any other demographic]" it's like. youre the silly one here actually. youre clowning so hard but no one attends your gig. sad. embarrassing. literally no one is talking about that. if someone points out the system benefits you thats not someone pointing their finger at you. this isnt about you. like legitimately shut up.
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thestangossip · 1 year
not saying that that's an excuse but isnt pedro pascal gay?
To back Belle up, sexuality and gender identity are not excuses for any behavior. This is everyone’s favorite gay teacher anon back at it again with insight of “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” Lord I’m sorry Belle forgive me I go back to work tomorrow now that break is over and I’ve been in a mood so thank you for sharing your platform with me.
Inappropriate behavior isn’t exclusive to sexuality, it can be as simple as making an age appropriate joke, knowing when to discuss religion or politics, wearing the right thing to an event, etc. The nature of what makes something appropriate or not also ties into consent and can depend on many factors. Like, you wouldn’t go to a funeral in shorts and flip flops unless asked to just as much as I wouldn’t make jokes based on sex, alcohol, partying, or drugs to my students as a teacher even if my they were 17 and far from being innocent. We tailor our way of speaking, dressing, and doing things with appropriateness and consent in mind without typically thinking about it and it’s why holding others accountable if they somehow don’t recognize potentially problematic behavior is important. As a gay woman I wouldn’t be okay with men undressing themselves in front of me without my consent just because I’m not interested in their sad excuse for a sausage McMuffin just as my female friends know they don’t have to worry about me crossing boundaries in public changing rooms knowing I’m gay. It’s about consent, communication, and age/gender/race/religious specific boundaries.
This point also ties in with another anon who said they’d never do what Pedro and Bella are doing in the interviews with their male friends. I do want to mention that I happily do with friends of all genders with their consent and comfort, but the difference is that we’re all in the same age group. I’m absolutely okay with dog pile cuddling my friends but not if they’re significantly younger or older. Different generations come with different cultural and societal expectations and behavioral meanings that need to be considered because something I say or do may come off as innocent to my friends but may have a whole different meaning to someone not from my generation. The way Gen Z and Alpha treat the internet vs Gen X and Boomers is a good example of this. Regardless, accountability is important to setting and enforcing boundaries and I need people to understand that, again, in any other profession Pedro would get into serious trouble for his behavior. Part of my mood is that I had a meeting with my principle yesterday after my meetings because a very religious family complained that I was being inappropriate with their kids regarding sexuality. The kids in question asked why I used they/them pronouns for a fellow teacher and I told them “it’s because Mx so-and-so isn’t a boy or a girl, they’re a person.” That’s it. 💀 My principle had my back over it but it proves my point that something can come off as innocent to one person but hold more weight to another and I’m having those kids moved to a different class out of respect for their family’s wishes despite my right to teach as an openly queer teacher. Accountability requires everyone involved to ensure boundaries and consent are respected and isn’t something one person can dictate for others or not based on their own lives experiences. We’re normies and grooming and inappropriate behaviors will look different on celebrities that need to be held to tighter and higher accountability than not and I wish more people understood this.
All these paragraphs worth of points.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
i wasn't lying! lol. the roughest roughs Celia n co/ gold & silver animatic<3 before i do a full pass of adding more frames.
loads of info under the cut, bc i needed to write it somewhere. brief mention of drug addiction & ofc the whole cycle of violence bullshit these fuckers are all stuck in
notes on this version, and where i go from here
this is mostly for blocking out the key shapes & movement, seeing how it works in motion, when i have got the frames fleshed out/smooth enough, im going to export them to my usual program of choice, and work on them there [i dont care if im planning simple b&w block colour drawings im not doing them in flipaclip]
the celia section [first one] feels off in comparison, bc i fleshed it out a lot more, compared to say Ramettos section which only has 3 frames of him actually being there. i dont have a version where it has similar frame density bc i completely redid it [and may do so again. the movement of the knife & hand isnt as smooth as id like but limitations of the program means guiding lines aren't doable]
what is happening:
Celia grabs a falling knife, lightly stabbing it into Conficcare's hand, he picks it up, flips it, and it turns into a scalpel, he then opens his hand, dropping it, and as it rotates it turns into a syringe, which Tesoro grabs, holding it in front of his face, pressing the plunger leading to two drops that look like tears bc of positioning falling, the first one catching up with the second one and encircling it, turning into a embedded jewel, which falls onto Ramettos ear, he then turns away and it falls off, falling to the ground, turning and cracking, then rolling back upright as a shine that eventually becomes Cecios over exadurated eye-shine as the jewel turns into Cecios face, the then takes off the police hat he has on, and covers the camera with it
Celia takes the knife in front of her and continues the cycle of violence, but it would have hurt her if she hadn't seized it, and the stabbing Conficcare in the finger is a key point in their relationship, and symbolizes hurt done with the intention of teaching.
Conficcare takes the blade and teaching, making it his own, a lighter and more precise blade, a scalpel [it doesn't show well but hes also laughing, showing his tendency to laugh off pain other do unto him, as a survival tool] [also in general, he is symbolized by a scalpel bc of its medial use, as well as potential as a weapon. he wanted to be a nurse and heal people, now he uses those same skills to hurt ]
he then passes it on to Tesoro, where it turns into a syringe, linked to his stand, the ability to alter peoples emotions using injections of stored emotions taken from other people, and in turn his own ability to read and help people manage their emotions. as well as his own struggle with addiction/overuse of drugs [not solely injection based] mainly to help him regulate his own emotions and escape from his understanding of the emotions of those around him. the teardrops represent sadness [duh] the main emotion he struggles with.
those drops merge into Ramettos earring/main symbol, a blue oval gemstone embedded in silver, falling onto him, as oppose to him seizing it, because unlike the rest so far, he did not seize an opportunity given to him, but had it 'fall into his lap'. like gravity, it was inevitable he would follow in his older brothers footsteps, but he turns away from the camera, letting that duty fall away as he distances himself from his family and create a new role, similar but separate from what was expected from him [not of his own volition btw. he did not turn away on purpose but i cant quite fit that in]
The earring falls and cracks, reminiscent of Ramettos stand ability, and who should emerge out of the cracked silver and blue but Cecio! hes in his most used 'mask' but has the threatening eye-shine and his other eye in shadow, lifting a core prop to his mask and covering the camera, obscuring the view of the group, like how he covers up their actions & crimes using said mask.
both Cecio and Rametto do not have a choice in being chosen as part of the group, show by their lack of seizing the item [instead having it 'fall' onto them, and come from it respectively] and also end up distanced, shown through their tuning away/obfuscation of the camera.
Celia starts and Cecio end, and while Cecio may not have a choice in his path, he does chose how he uses it, to protect his family and the group.
Tesoro is the last to wield something that can be used as an actual weapon, showing his role in helping break the cycle of violence, at the cost of his mental health. ALSO BC HE IS THE LAST OF THE ORIGINAL TRIO HOW COULD I FORGET [rip Elena but you get a happy ending]
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well-fuuuck · 2 years
Themes with the LU Chains characters that I do not like (based on fics and fanon interpretation, not necessarily jojo's comic). I needed to rant about this, and get it out of my head, so here y'all go. Also these are just my opinions, but I'm objectively right
Four - either his character is supremely bland and barely in the fic, or he is the main character and it is extremely difficult to read the way y'all write his thought processes. Find a better, easier way for us to read him please.
Hyrule - genuinely, i have almost no complaints about his character. Some of the best LU fics I have read are ones centered around him. Y'all really go off when writing Hyrule. The only problem I have is when he is a side character and grouped with Wild in that 'omg we are so reckless, we put the whole group in danger LOL'. I despise that. Hyrule is from a land where he is constantly on guard and cautious - he is not reckless to the point of putting others in danger.
Legend - y'all love to make him a bully and leave it at that. There is so much more to his character than 'sarcastic and mean'. If you wanna write Legend as a bully, go off I guess but know that you're doing a diservice to his character.
Sky - ...yall make him. So. Bland. I think i have only read one fic where i genuinely liked Sky's character. He is almost always characterized as a love-sick fool. Sky is no fool. He is angry and guilt-ridden. He was used by Hylia, too, and he knows it!! She literally admitted it to him. He may be in love with Zelda, but I am almost certain he has some pent-up anger against Hylia. Also the demise curse?? Guys, Sky is so guilt-ridden, pls explore it
Time - 'basic gruff dad characterization' copy and paste. He is either way too gruff and angry, or has a little bit of playfulness mixed in. The playfulness never balances his gruffness though. His character is always boring to read, which is such a shame bc he is one of my fav game Links.
Twilight - again...such a bland character y'all make him out to be. Either he is reduced as just a mentor to Wild or he is reduced as just a son-figure to Time. Both of those I hate and they're both over-written. Its a goddamn fight to be able to find a fic where Twilight isnt a mentor to Wild, dear Lord. Also the majority of his angst (if there even is any in the fic) it is almost always based around Midna. And i get it, i do, but dear lord. Y'all do know that other stuff went down in his game, right??? That there are other women in his life besides Midna? Like, have none of y'all read the TP manga and the amiunt of angst potential in that??? Come on
Warriors - this one makes me a tad angry. He is just the pretty boy, the pretty link, the link who is always getting with women. 'Womanizer'. Women problems. And yep, Wars has women problems - but in the way that he doesn't like relationships and is uncomfortable with intimacy. Listen, i could go on and on about Warriors trauma, but I'll digress and just say this: Warriors is not a womanizer, and it is an insult to his character to make him one.
Wild - *deep breath in* *deep breath out* the way y'all write his character inspires a deep rage inside of me. Wild is not inept, he is not stupid, he is not 'feral', and he would not put people in danger even though he is reckless. I understand that many of you characterize him as feral and reckless, because that is how y'all played BOTW. I apparently played it much differently; very cautiously and fought from a distance. Listen to me, though: all of the Links are reckless, but none of them are stupid.
Wind - y'all make him so annoying, please quit. Wind is 13/14 years old and has been on 2 quests. He is not a 7 year old boy, playing at being a hero. He is an older brother, who went on a quest to protect his sister. Wind is proud and protective, not to be babied. And honestly, i think the other Links would understand that (and yes, even twi and wars can understand that)
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