#ishii ran
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youmeipeach · 6 months ago
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nightfuryinthesky · 1 year ago
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ME:I - LEAP HIGH! 〜明日へ、めいっぱい〜
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kpop-idolxx · 4 months ago
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sekaiichi-happy · 11 months ago
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RAN ISHII 100424, Click
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vyvesvi · 1 year ago
pd 101 japan picks & commentary (3)
preshow & ep 1
ep 2 - ep 5
ep 6 general commentary
this ep was kind of lowkey. not really sure how i feel about the team selection being entirely determined by rank - pretty sad that karen & momoka, amongst others, probably wont get to show their actual main abilities
the teams that performed were hero, shine a light, wa da da, & run run. ranking: run run > hero ≥ wa da da > shine a light. i don't really like the song choices (songs that already have choreo for a dance round, only one non-idol dance song, plus the singers/producers for that song helped arrange all of the vocal performances? makes me wonder if the final group will be getting a LAS song) but at least theyre all in japanese this time (for the vocal & rap groups at least)
run run: good performance but i have a few gripes. 1 - why was it worth more points? they said that the choreo was harder but the whole mission was for the girls to create choreo so... i dont actually expect that the trainees on these shows are doing all the arranging and writing and choreography themselves (much less on pd japan where virtually no one has a trainee background) but the whole set up of the mission kind of says the quiet part loud, you know? 2 - the distribution was a complete mess. loved joa as the center but the rest were basically backup dancers...for a choreo that theyre ostensibly creating themselves the difference in screentime between each person just doesnt make sense. and that was reflected in all of the ranks apart from yuuki & yurara i think. storyline: i found the koto/yuki storyline pretty meh. joa did actually do better than both of them so...? still, in another series this wouldve had a massive conflict edit & im glad pdj doesn't really do that. sad mitsuki & serina didn't get much screentime, i think mitsuki should've gone for antifragile actually, she needed to be on a team where the styling would've worked with her & allowed her to show more of a charming side on stage (friend that i watched LOVED her in cheer up, made me pause to figure out who the "gorgeous regina george lookalike" was.)
hero: ando yui is my daughter but i have to admit that she has a tendency towards shouting some notes. still, i feel like she has a ton of potential and im glad that she got to redeem herself after the audition. tsuzumi is basically in and she 100% knows it, so it's interesting to see how she's dealing with it. more than anyone else in the top it seems to really be impacting her, but she also seems to have a lot of close friends on the show who understand & are supporting her. to be honest, i usually don't like contestants like mayu but...idk. i see a lot in her but im not sure why. it seems like voters are starting to get serious so her rank has dropped a lot but i i'll miss her when she's eliminated. i hope there's some opportunity for her beyond the show.
wa da da: kind of sick that no one chose wa da da 😭 the stage was pretty messy in my opinion but mana did great, she's such a performer. personally ranka isnt one of my picks but i like her intensity a lot & she definitely deserved her rank. i don't think this is her moment exactly but i could see her being recruited somewhere after this. she would suit a kind of dramatic vibe. karen is interesting to me because while she doesn't dance well i found that she really fit the stage. i also love her attitude. there's no way she won't rise but im not sure that itll be enough. last and least,
shine a light: im a big jo1 fan but i knew this wasn't gonna go great from the outset. the energy of the original song is part of what makes it so good so the fact that they removed that.....i also think it's kind of notable that hina said that she didn't want it to be a ballad and was kind of steamrolled........anyways. we saw the performance. i've always said that i wanted hazuki to get more screentime & establish herself and this was her chance but...rip. from the second her voice cracked it was over for the whole team. every single person messed up except for hina. i know that this wasn't a super strong vocal group but it's so sad that they did the worse they've ever done on stage. i expect hina's rank to continue to rise, and hazuki in particular will fall (not because she was the worse but because she has the smallest fanbase & isnt insulated from mistakes like some of the top contestants). curious about what will happen with chiharu because honestly...no one really expected her to sing super well and she was gorgeous so. we'll see
member commentary
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change is always possible but this is my stable top 4. rino & ran's teams weren't in this episode but it's a very good sign that rino still got screentime singing well & being a good leader. not thrilled that her rank dropped (14 → 17) and there are a lot of strong contenders in the early teens right now. in truth, i think some of them would be a much better fit for a spin off project (which have much higher success rates than the ones from korean produce) & rino would make more sense in top 11 but that's neither here nor there.
mana, as i said earlier did sooooo well in wadada, although im curious as to what she would've picked had she been given a real choice. im hoping her rank will rise - she didn't get a push in this ep but she was significantly more visible than a lot of her teammates so fingers crossed.
serina is just a good [potential] idol. i was surprised that she went for dance since her vocals are what i noticed first but she pulled off run run well. i wouldve picked shine a light or even antifragile for her though. unfortunately she got very little screentime & storyline but i'm sure run run will win so maybe that 20k will help maintain her spot.
standouts in this ep
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not gonna break it down again but yeah. love the girlies love the vibes
other thoughts
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call me crazy but im so so sure that these three will be recruited by lapone for a gg after the show. with the top 11 having skewing less cute im hoping that this becomes a reality bc these three fit eachother more than they fit momona/nano/ran/rin/etc. oda aruha (and maybe moro anon) would be here too but alas.
people i'd like to have seen in this ep
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rin is riding a wave right now and she needs momentum to stay top 11. looking at the ranks now, kokona dropped 10 places (19 → 29) 🙃 rinon & ayano are fine, but i wanted to see them keep momentum as well. i like akiyama ema for some reason but to survive she desperately needs screentime and a good performance. I'm even more worried about tsukushi - her dropping from 18th to 31st after doing incredibly well is kind of insane. what i've said about tsukushi needing a storyline in the past still stands. i can already tell that her part in bijin will be great but with rinon & keiko im not sure what her screentime potential is.
ep 6 voting list
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no surprises here, although im not sure what the voting has been reduced to? if it's only 5 i'd have to go with mana, rino, rin, serina, and then alternate kokona, yui, and mayu. i know that the "this person is safe so i wont vote for them" logic is flawed but i can't help it. good thing intl fans cant vote so this isn't a real concern! 🤪 /s
ep 6 semi-realistic top 11
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only change is that i replaced kokona with joa. i have to say, im not thrilled about how many "givens" there are this season. it's not that i dislike them but it makes for a kind of boring top 11, at least until we get to 1 & 2 pick voting. rin was a nice surprise but i think the production has been pretty mask off about their picks. interestingly, i think it might bite them in the butt that momona & kokoro in particular don't actually get that much screentime. for people who are seeing them through the show for the first time (and also dont keep up with twitter discourse) probably feel that their ranks came out of nowhere. ran has gotten good screentime but she's definitely also buoyed by her original fanbase. miu, joa, & tsuzumi have good screentime & storylines so when joa goes up to top 11 i won't be surprised. rin had a good storyline so she makes sense. ayane doesn't get very much screentime but her voice does the brunt of the work. nano is a (capable) visual pick but she doesn't have a storyline. suzu has had a fanbase since the theme song but i expect her to fall a little honestly. we'll see. keiko is new to the top 11 this ep, i hope they reveal the actual ranks this time because that will influence my thoughts. keiko has great screentime and a litle bit of storyline so her rising makes sense. kokona is interesting to me because her rank is so stable based on not very much honestly. i don't dislike her but her lack of expressiveness on stage is probably something they'll try to build a storyline out of later.
i have a lot of confidence that rino will debut elsewhere after this but in the interest of creating a group i would actually like...
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otakebi-cam-wao · 1 year ago
Produce 101 Japan The Girls final was like 12 hrs ago, so let's welcome
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Mirai Idol... i love that concept in the name
but also MOMONA!!!!
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i'm sad for anyone who didn't made it into the group specially for momoka
the pics they uploaded from #11 to #1
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fishpondpages · 9 months ago
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happy sakuranbo saturday to those who celebrate
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idolsgeneration · 1 year ago
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oshi-ga-toutoi · 10 months ago
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magicmorningmeteora · 10 months ago
ME:I (ミーアイ) ⊹ 'Click' Recording Behind
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haveyouseenthistoku · 7 months ago
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youmeipeach · 6 months ago
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nightfuryinthesky · 1 year ago
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kpop-idolxx · 4 months ago
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vyvesvi · 1 year ago
forgot to update my produce japan picks after ep 2 & im watching ep 3 today so it's kinda dumb to make this now but im gonna do it anyways 👍
preshow & ep 1 picks
ep 2 picks 👑
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sakaguchi rino & ishii ran
capable encouraging people (bonus if theyre good leaders/mentors too) are always my type on these shows. i was already familiar w/ rino and learned more abt ran pre-show and they're totally living up to my expectations 👍 rino & ran you WILL be famous
ep 2 im biased oops
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koyama mana - up and down on my list but after the comments that honggi & yumeki made abt her body i'll be supporting her through thick & thin. she's also literally not as bad as they keep making her out to be, it's so obnoxious
oda aruha has actually gone down my pick list because for her to have the dance experience that she has and then completely lose it under pressure...i have sympathy but i've never seen anyone on these shows just freeze. im hoping that something clicks for her soon
ep 2 i like you but
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murakami rinon, kasahara momona, sasaki tsukushi, sakurai miu
i don't want to repeat stuff from my previous post but for momona & miu i just need more from them. they're both 100% debuting & i like them but i would like to see them step it up.
rinon is just growing very fast. she came in with no experience but im impressed by her showmanship
tsukushi is extremely talented, easily a top all rounder but she needs a storyline to compel more fans
ep 2 id vote for you but i need to see more
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hatta mena, ando yui, kitazume sakura, takami ayane
most of them just have decent skills & good energy, ayane is one of the best vocals on the show but her presence, vibe, & hair desperately need help
ep 2 peanut gallery
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kamada moe (1st) & yoshida hana (6th): if im being honest i don't fully remember why i noticed them. i think hana had vocals
kenmotsu nano (2nd): she's pretty & not terrible & born in 2001, which is a win these days! i just liker vibe honestly
nakano kokona (3rd): i just think she's hilarious. the staring contest was so needlessly intense 😭 she's also a pretty decent rapper
sudo sakura (4th): i also think she's hilarious, from the gyuaru audition to shouting during the reeval video, i just like her vibe a lot
ebihara tsuzumi (5th): couldve been in the need to see more section but oh well. i like her, she's a good vocalist, but she's young and needs to grow in dance
kurokawa honoka (7th): that's my daughter from who is princess but it's not looking good for her tbh
aramaki joa (8th): good vibe, decent dancer but she cant sing at alllllll. but the sjow likes her and i dont hate her so im kinda just watching
abe nagomi (9th): she's cute & fun and has a lot of potential
people who i would vote for as of ep2:
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a more realistic top 11 w/ some of my picks:
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otakebi-cam-wao · 1 year ago
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obligatory top 11 i made on thursday when i knew bout the eliminated girls... i might change it... but till now it's this one
tho i don't think these girls should be in the debut group (at least, i don't think Keiko should, i'd put Rinon... Keiko seems off)
produce 101 japan the girls ep 10 by a harowota
you know, all under the cut, probs gonna speed up or skip elimination cuz i already know the ones who were eliminated (i'm crying)
omg Kaela on the previews me crying now
OMG bby pics!!!
the words, damn
i love their way to get into the elimination set up stage thingy
so cute no matter what
Nalala so oujosama as i said bout &ME song in general
i don't even want to talk bout the elimination's part, like i dunno how they felt THERE, but i know the ones who left already
ohhhh randomly
claw-me had a salon and tokimekki rainbow cafe?
idk new f7avors...
Seul tower apparently, Kokona is afraid of heights
ohhh they eating!, me hungry now, and wanna try all that food
"the song that everyone love it's popcorn" sorry, is the one i like less
claw-me now with makeup and hair styling
i already saw Yui's new hair style (inner color mainly) and love it, really nice
they became koakuma indeed
idk if i'd like that...
so much cream
ohhh Kagura ordered 2 pieces of cake, nice nice, be happy tol girl
awwwwwwwwwww HINA
everyone happy
ohhhh Nalala has i guess korean bbq
miu looks cute like that
hehe Tsuzumi looks cute and funny eating all in one bite
Charm Holic has? what?
oh korean fried chicken, wanna try haven't been able
Kokona ate all quickly lol, mood
Tsukushi is panicking
awwww Ayane being surprised by the flavour so cute
Ayane run for your ramen!!! (me when my mom buys instant ramen)
i love to see cute girls enjoying their food!
oh they have guests
the reacciones while trying to guess who is lol
reactions in general
(don't ask me who they are never watched pd48 nor looked at iz*one... tho i knew Miyawaki Sakura cuz friend likes HKT48 and tried to see HKT)
Tsuzumi is crying so happily
they're living their happy life with them
ok cute moment from Ranka wanting to eat lot of oyakodon cuz ... Yuri? likes it a lot
""Happiness" comes first" okay, yes, food is happiness
the pink haired one, i like her way of thinking towards food lol but ofc the other one has a point to be healthy and keep a diet
Yena, that's the pink haired one... idk her but i liked her with this
this is cute... fr...
OH NO ELIMINATION SHUT UP gonna speed this up
love how parutan is saving herself so at the cut, i love her mochi mochi parutan
love u parutan, i don't care if u don't debut here, i have faith you will debut somewhere
i'm fr gonna skip this, i don't want to watch what i already know
a special gift?!
surprise visit from the "national producers"
lol this is kind of fun so many takes lol
lol this is kinda funny
everyone calling their names is cute
their faces as well, so cute
i like to see their emotive faces
you know? this is what makes me "i don't want anyone to get eliminated" since day 1... well i had exceptions, but still, even if i had them, i wanted them to debut here as well...
they left the eliminated ones talking, damn
more elimination, speeding up again
technically skipped the elimination...
okay, debut evaluation, so last step
did they wrote free debut camp instead of pre debut camp?!
live stream (but for international viewers? what? pirate i guess)
these are new songs as well? i guess
i think i'll like sozoijo who ever is in that group
this way to choose song and position is messed up tho over rank 19th can move the rest, is so messed up, but okay, rules are rules
i love how they kinda tease everyone if they want to
i love how Suzu went all "gomennasai" for moving parutan
they're so cute so apologizing so much when changing someone
Kokona stop, but u cute
Ayane taking sub vocal 1 is a shocker but she's so cute reasoning it
lol Keiko reactions to her change are funny
Ayane like "hm... wanted to be sub vocal, Miu..."
Kassa taking main vocal for the lyrics is so Kassa!
Ayane frustrated for sub 6, but at least she wanted to be sub vocal, not main...
best sub vocal you'll be i think
Koto, you're wrong there's no 50% chance to debut, there's 55% chance to debut
PARUTAN KAWAII!!!! if u don't debut, i'd love u to go knock on up front's door for an audition (but somehow doubt she could get into H!P...?)
i'm just watching cannot actually write
the trainners' words awwwww
i love Nakasone, so mother!!!!! she's my mom now
surprise event made by Kaela?!
they will all sing a song?!
a ballad from her?!
OMG CUTE, i'm releasing some tears cuz i can feel what Kimura felt while writing it
ahhh class w Kaela!
i'm crying! wtf?!
i wish i could have the eliminateds singing this as well, just to make it like for everyone
making them tell their strength/weapon
that part was so cute... and made me sentimental... i'm not like that...
also made me think about my own weapon, i might find some day
RIP KOTO&YUI, they're so cute
stop i'm crying from before this, don't wanna cry more
i see so many friendships here, i love all the girls in this show, how they say goodbye, how the eliminated ones comment to the others on insta, how even after they left the program they meet, how they're doing covers, and all
omg i'm so attached to all these girls!
that was all, i'm crying, bye
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