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catastrophiccreature · 4 months ago
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Queen never cry.
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xbuster · 2 months ago
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雫 SHIZUKU (by Leaf)/1996 — PC-98
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shalscumbunny · 3 months ago
The Phantom Troupe over hearing chrollo and fem reader fuck?
The worst of tortures | Chrollo X F.Reader
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Summary: Poor members of the Phantom Troupe suffering because they have to listen to their boss fucking his girl hard without any consideration
Pairing: Chrollo X Female!Reader
Warnings: Penetrations, slight mentions of types of sex and torture, attempt at comedy that is not funny
Author’s note: FRIEND, I apologize if this is not what you wanted, I gave it my all, I don't know why I directed it more to a funny situation, but if you don't like it, send me the request again something more specific and I'll do it again, please don't hate me.
Sites: AO3
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Chrollo isn't the anxious or desperate type, he doesn't crave being between your legs and possessing you, but he undoubtedly enjoys it immensely when it happens, and occasionally, if you tempt him too much, he'll find himself "forced" to succumb to his baser instincts. 
And you truly enjoy seeing him fall into that temptation. Obviously, you respect him and are somewhat afraid of him for obvious reasons, however, you can't help but strut in front of him wearing shorter clothes than usual or sending provocative pictures while he's in a meeting with the Phantom Troupe.
He's not about to let you get away with it. He's gonna give you what for every time you step out of line, and sometimes that's more often than the Troupe can handle.
It's hilarious how you enjoy it when Chrollo's cock is pounding his cock hard and thick from so much temptation that you give him and you're both moaning like crazy, while Machi and Pakunoda are trying to block out the noise and Shizuku's just making things worse with her off-the-wall comments. 
Shalnark, on the other hand, is all prepped up with his noise-canceling headphones, watching videos, probably of his own S/O, while ignoring the chaos. 
Feitan is probably in another room torturing some poor stranger to distract himself, and Uvogin and Phinks are probably brawling to distract themselves from your high-pitched whimpers begging Chrollo to go deeper.
You also have Franklin and Nobunaga, who fled to the roof, embarrassed to hear the noises, but not embarrassed enough to admit it and hide with others.
Finally Kortopi and Bonolenov who've hidden in a basement where luckily, not much sound carries, but they refuse to share their secret  shelter because it's not big enough for the whole Phantom Troupe. 
Unfortunately, the next day they have to face Chrollo and pretend they have no idea why his chest is covered in scratches and his neck is marked with bites, bruises, and hickeys. 
The worst part is knowing they'll soon have to listen to you again and again, to a point where it's embarrassing to admit they can tell the difference between the sounds when Chrollo eating your pussy, you sucking his cock, or which of your holes he's penetrating.
At the end of the day, you choose to avoid them for a few hours or days because you're dying of embarrassment. You know you're the one torturing their ears for a couple of hours and you can't help but feel bad, but you're also not willing to stop getting pampered or "punished" by Chrollo for it.
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Thanks for reading this shit 🤍
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beforeelectriclight · 1 year ago
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they're up to no good
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kajiuna · 2 months ago
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Shizuku HXH <3
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radishly · 3 months ago
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Dream blunt rotation
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ydotome · 9 months ago
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You said it would be a disgrace if you didn't die, yet you jumped out of there to save your skin. That was the hero in you. Running and hiding are good skills for a hero. - Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi - Episode 1
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j11nko · 2 months ago
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koochoos · 3 months ago
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illubean · 8 months ago
ooooh if i can request a fic or hc, can you do the phantom troupe or just chrollo, feitan, phinks, shalnark, and shizuku (if its too many for all the phantom troupe) with like an angelic fem s/o like full on wings and halo and her nen ability is healing?
(if u dont like it its fine :) have a good day everyday! sending virtual hugs!!!)
Phantom Troupe w/ an Angelic!S/o
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Shalnark, Shizuku Murasaki Type: Headcanons, written Fem!Reader in mind
this has been marinating in the drafts for a while whoopsies
Warnings: some toxic behaviors
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Chrollo Lucilfer
ngl he's prob thought of just stealing your nen then killing you and preserving your wings
butttttt you were interesting to him so he decided against it
he decided it was more worth it to keep you around then have to go through the trouble of all of that
did he massacre an entire clan for their eyeballs? well yeah but like...they weren't THAT special to him
but you?
he thought you were gorgeous
and he was intrigued by your very existence
after you start dating and you start trusting him he probably just locks you up somewhere under the pretense of "keeping you safe" aka making sure no one can kill the troupe's personal medic
despite that he still treats you very well
he likes to bring you stolen gifts and shower you in praise whenever he gets the chance
if he could make a cult around you he probably would
Feitan Portor
very confused how someone meant to be the epitome of pureness ended up with him of all people
he is one of the more viscous members of the troupe
seriously, you chose HIM????
thinking about it brings him to...not so appropriate territory
all I will say is he is a wee bit perverted and his brain is going down the corruption route
n e wayzzz he's probably scared to touch you when you first get together
you're just so pretty and delicate that he doesn't want to hurt you
he often comes to you when he's wounded and won't say a word about it
whenever you touch him while healing him his face dusts a light pink and he has to avoid eye contact <3
he may get a wee jealous if you tend to the other troupe members
sometimes when he's on missions he won't dodge attacks that he could've easily just for an excuse to have you touch and tend to him again (you could've just asked babes)
another confused one but not as self deprecating as Feitan
like why are you with him he's a criminal but also he's not THAT bad right???
he probably asks you if he's going to hell when he dies
actually he asks you tons of questions in general
like how does your nen work, how did you get your wings/halo, how did you end up walking around on earth like every other human??
he is very curious like shinee
sometimes he likes to just stare at you
and he especially likes to watch you work
he is amazed by your healing abilities every time
but most of all he likes watching you do mundane things
like watering the flowers outside or setting out food for stray cats
he thinks you are adorable
Shizuku Murasaki
upon first meeting i see this going one of two ways
either your appearance is so unique that she cannot forget you
or she forgets you a few times and thinks she died but didn't remember
you have to reassure her that no, she is not seeing things and she is not dead
she wishes she can keep you all to herself; not because of your powers but because of how ethereal you are
she thinks your too perfect for the public eye
when she has the chance and if you let her she likes to pet the soft feathers on your wings
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xbuster · 9 days ago
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Saori Shinjo // 雫 SHIZUKU (by Leaf)/1996 — PC-98
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bifrutas-tropical · 8 months ago
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two redrawn memes for the prize of one can you believe it
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keiriiz · 11 months ago
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Here’s some more of my favorite photos of Chrollo and the Troupe from the Stage Play!! I will be making a post of just Shalnark’s actor later because he literally EXUDES Shal it’s great 🛐
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nino-19981 · 11 months ago
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illumiskneecaps · 1 year ago
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the last preformance of the 2nd stage was last night 🤧🤧 sniffle sniffle
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just-some-toad · 1 year ago
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