#kato kokoro
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kpop-idolxx · 4 months ago
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ryujinwife · 11 months ago
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cocoro ♡ click
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nightfuryinthesky · 1 year ago
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rifurijiita · 1 year ago
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otakebi-cam-wao · 1 year ago
Produce 101 Japan The Girls final was like 12 hrs ago, so let's welcome
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Mirai Idol... i love that concept in the name
but also MOMONA!!!!
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i'm sad for anyone who didn't made it into the group specially for momoka
the pics they uploaded from #11 to #1
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choi-yujus · 1 year ago
kokoro is back<3333
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kpop-girlsworld · 1 year ago
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Kato Kokoro
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magicmorningmeteora · 1 year ago
ME:I party ५🎉⋆*
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vyvesvi · 1 year ago
link to part two (ranks 12 - 20)
link to the twitter poll that inspired this
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madeintrinafchelp · 2 years ago
❁ click on each tag to find the faceclaims resources ❁
❁ A-B | C-D | E-F-G | H-I | J | K | K-L | L
M-N | N-O-P | Q-R-S | T-U-V | W-X | Y | Z
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sekaiichi-happy · 1 year ago
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ME:I 2024, Debut Concept Trailer
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kpop-idolxx · 4 months ago
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chebulcafe · 10 months ago
2019.02.19 "Kokorin's Counseling Center🧐"
5:26 PM
🥥: "📍Kokori’s Counseling Center opens on Cherry Bullet's V LIVE!!!! I'll solve any of your concerns🧐✨
Please leave a lot of private comments💙"
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nightfuryinthesky · 1 year ago
Produce 101 Japan The Girls - BEHIND
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otakebi-cam-wao · 1 year ago
Post ep.9 top 11 (tho I'd get everyone there if i could) sad without Kotone
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pd101 japan the girls ep 9 by a harowota
you know the deal
opening words hit kinda hard
ONE TWO THREE LEAP HIGH!!! leap high brain rot
why elimination feelings recap?! me sad i miss S. Kotone
the concept groups feelings being either saved or having lost members is so :c
Ayane is ambicious, quite sure some might take her words a bit insensitive...?
ahhh saved teams must chose the ones they think they need (toxic's case)
everyone (except Ran, who choose Yuuki) choose for the 1st one themselves?
oh and Ayane put Joa 3rd
ow Joa felt impossible to add herself there
ohhhh &ME time, saved ones
Koto unsure poor thing
poor Tsuzumi, can't choose
AtoZ time here
Shizuku wants S. Kokona
Popcorn team, idk, N. Kokona wants Joa
who stays for &ME?! (as if i didn't saw images before... remember half)
bye Rinon, let's see you in your group for this (which i totally remember... i don't)
awwww Rinon!!! (i love and hate how i get attached to these girls)
who stays for TOXIC?!
bye Miyu, Joa, Hazuki... let's see you later (poor Miyu, she was leader)
all of them are so cute!!! (feels like sisters, all sisters)
NOOOOOOOO AYANE SAD (well, all sad)
how they join the groups? who decides?
ohhh they divide
AtoZ team so cute!!!
they got Rinon and miyu
they look like little sisters to Miyu and Rinon here, idk
"Ai no reson" - Sakuraba Haruka (love you parutan)
wait... so Baddie got intact... ohhh nice
Mena is like "they're good and i'm glad, but don't want to lose my positions and might lose them)
they're so fun!!!!
how they planned it, how they received them, so cute and cute!!!
Joa in popcorn is interesting
ohhh uncle hongee is presenting this as well
Yumeki strict w his fan that wrote Yumeki in kanji, wtf
global producers!
Tsuzumi's "Daisuki" to her french fan (who lives in Korea but speaks japanese, funny remark)
the benefit thingy makes me feel so bad
being 7th is 0 votes, at least give them 100... this is so sad
Koakuma (Baddie) time!!!!
CLAW-me cool and cute at the same time!
they look so cool, OMG I WANT YUI'S FIT
oh, ofc, rehearsal, and it's Hana's team so and she's 35th, so is hard for them
all missing Ema-chan :c c:
they got a letter from Ema
awww Ema
ohh Ema was supposed to be center, wait... Ranka center? :/
when it changed to Yurara? (better)
ohhh Ranka wanted Yurara to be center and gave it to her for preffer the rap, nice tbh
poor Yurara, girl is worried
Hana is leading ohhh
Baddie is complex as i understand Keiko
they're so wow after that discussion of the concepts, feel them kinda explosive
this is fun group as well
so cool, sexy and cute
wow Yumeki's opinion
i can hear Yui having troubles with the lower notes
i love how Thelma seems so fun as a instructor, Thelma is big sis for sure
OMG THE FITS!!!!!!!! i wanna be that cool to rock those outfints, maybe not Ayano's tho, furr jackets seem so weird for me
best teamwork are you saying Thelma?!
me likes me likes
omg Yui! Hana! Yurara! Keiko!!!
ojhduiafhuyfsghjsdgabfuyh Keiko and Rino!
i'm weak at that type of fanservice, sorry
kinda wanna cover this song ngl
ehhhh Hana's monitor fell?! went unnoticed
owww Ayano you did it nice, idc how many votes you got, you all shined (even Ranka...)
true, they enjoyed this a lot!!! i agree w hongee
next one is? AtoZ!!!!!!!
i have high expectations but not in how ever you may think
Tokimekki (why traduce the name you mfs?!)
firts love song, expectatives go up
no one wanted this one? (tbh i agree Parutan, i'd want koakuma too, i guess Haruka doesn't want more cute songs?)
Mena keeps being leader and center, but she handled it good, i think
oof Rinon wants the rap, but also Mena
Rinon took the rap
tbf, Mena's voice in the rap is not bright, as Rinon's
Miyu is so good at expressions and again sooo ii onee-san
oof get the same group she was in before joining the dance room is hard for Miyu...
everyone helped her to focus tho
ohhh Parutan is another that quited school, but doesn't regret it, that's good, hope she never will
auch Mena off key
ohhh recording footage
iugh i saw pro tools (i hate pro tools)
awww Parutan looked so cute recording!!!
Mena has many problems to record
2 and half hrs for Mena recording?!
they're supporting her so cutely
i love to hear the hint of classical on Shizuku even when it's almos unperceptable
Yumeki being cute and not scary and kinda therapeutic, make a wish!!!
they look so cute, i wish i could handle cute looks like those, but i cant
Hina and Parutan are all in my eyes
Shizuku so interesting sounding
cute song, me likes
Miyu is master of expressions and taught them nicely
Rinon is so cute cool cute
Miyu is cute sexy cute here
Kagura is cute cool
the rest cute cute, but in different ways
AMAZING me liked, feel so sweet, i hope popcorn isn't much sweeter or i'll get diabetes
Parutan's words for Yumeki so cute, her improvement as well
&ME time
Nalala?... kinda boring name
cute cool white uniform-ish outfits, like, but too white... kinda oujosama-ish tho Tsuzumi's is less oujosama-ish tho
idk what to say here, but i sense the troubles they have and had with the rehearsal footage
Miu's funny comment bout choosing center
awww Koto&Yui (Yui hyping Koto)
everyone here's in crisis?! Koto, Suzu, Kokoro?
poor Suzu, i think
Ran words are nice, ngl, i also think i got a 180° turn mindset after those words, and i'm not even sure about what
Koto isn't there, Koto got sick :c
still sick for last rehearsal?! I feel so sad
Nakasone got me sadly annoyed, but i get it why, but then mother, and then profesional mother
still kinda worried, KOTO WAS SICK!!!
is she sick in the performance?!
wow i haven't talked bout Momona
i can finally see a bit of brightness on Suzu
Momona is my dear Kassa that i remember always but pro-er somehow
everyone cool, tho idk how i feel bout this song, is cool and cute, more cute tho... but there's a something missing... idk
nice performance, nice all, i'm just worried Koto was still sick there
she wasn't totally fine yet, trainers said it, wasn't noticeable, but still worried
i could have said more bout everyone, but idk, no words, and weird feelings
everyone a flavour of popcorn cute!!!
lol cute Serina!
new F7avors (don't like that 7 there... but cute, all are xxFx)
i'm curious bout cute Joa
uhhh Joa had hard time for sure
lol Serina was the only one wanting to be center after reformation
poor Hazuki can't remembers choreo
Joa extra work
i can't talk bout their meeting but it feels, dunno how, but feels
Sakura is so funny
Nakasone made them go outside!!!
and look from affar
Serina wasn't last rehearsal!
oh nooooo pain, back, or hip?
poor Serina!!!
hope she didn't got it worse after performance
i like they're colour coded, that's idol!
lets go
i like this song!
cute Joa!
everyone but wow cute Joa!!!
from cute cute to cute sexy to cute cute?
cute Joa is amazing
all cute
ohhhh Kokona speaking english cute!!!!
I'm gonna speed up stuff cuz gotta sleep, but let's go Toxic
they look sexy
CharmHolic... interesting name
ohhh Kokona says it's a sexy song, makes sense (also the name and fits)
kinda want Yuuki's fit and Momoka's
ok, so, Yuuki leader
Momoka suggesting change on positions
ofc Ayane wants main vocal, girl is confident on her voice
Momoka, Yuuki and Tsukuchi battle for the raps part
Momoka rap (enjoy what you lost one time)
Yuuki got sub vocal 2, so Tsukushi rap 2
so they're discussing the type of sexy the song is, interesting
Ran woks so well with everyone, idk, Ran shines whereer she is because she seems to try her best to make everyone else shine as well, that's what i think at least
Kokona, u can be sexy, believe it!!! (i'm not one to talk tho) also work on expressions, that helps, but you're expresionless
had to put x2 speed
They got Ayane embarrased at recording
c'mon Kokona, u can do it, i know it's hard
Kokona is doing it!
let's go
poor Yuuki, doesn't know how to sing that part!
awww Yuuki and Nano, they were in the same club so it seems so wholesome the help
new Kokona you say Nakasone? okay okay
i got cautivated by everyone but the song is not my type of sexy song, but nice nice
fr it's a new Kokona
idk what are Momoka's vibes, but i want them and also wanna be under the charm of those vibes (in which way? idk)
not Ayane being the only one becoming cute cute in her solo camera portion after the end! she had a sexy vibe but cut it anyways, love it!
but omg MOMOKA
back to speed up more
every one was amazing!
but tbh, i think &ME was the less amazing one
let's see what people thoght
POPCORN? that was 4th for me
2 on 3rd?
Koakuma?, is my 2nd
AtoZ tied with koakuma? that was my 1st
&ME will be 1st right? ofc... but that was my last (sorry Kassa, and everyone)
Toxic was my 3rd...
oh &ME places
Kokoro and Suzu 4th?
3rd? Kassa oh
6th? Rin...
7th? nooo she will get 0... Koto noooooooooooo, she was sick!
1st? Tsuzumi (deserved) so 2nd Miu
don't wanna see rank...
yes they all did good
no ranks pls!!!!
they'll have prizes!!! deserved!
i don't want elimination!!!
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mono-blogs-art · 1 year ago
Revue Starlight Sports Festival Draft!
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As you know, the big Stage Girl Sports Festival Revival will take place in February - literally just a full day event of the various cast members of Revue Starlight (from anime, game, and stage plays) will participate in a funky pretend-highschool sports festival. Today the full teams were decided via draft stream!
The team leaders had previously been announced:
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Koyama Momoyo (Aijo Karen, Seisho) - Yellow Team "ZERO" Tomita Maho (Tendo Maya, Seisho) - Blue Team "This is..." Nomoto Hotaru (Yukishiro Akira, Siegfeld) - Red Team "HOT" Nanaki Kanon (Yanagi Koharu, Seiran) - Green Team "shuThuarunomi" (集中あるのみ; "sTay focused")
Also quite funny to me that 3 of the team leaders (all but Maho) are former Sera Myu performers... the Sailor Moon squad has taken over
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As is tradition at this point, ensemble member Jinko Moe is the MC for this stream and explains the rules. In the first two rounds, all leaders are free to pick 1 stage girl of their chosing per round from the roster as their top picks. If any chose the same person, they will have to decide by draft - the loser can then choose freely again. After round 2, all other rounds are chosen by draft completely by luck. We already knew not all cast members are going to be there so not every stage girl is available for chosing. Suzuko Mimori (Hikari), Emiri Kato (Tsukasa) and Shiina Hekiru (Souda-sensei) are going to be the MCs at the event, so they won't be participating as athletes either. Also, Tsukui Minami (Suzu) and Kobayashi Yuka (Yakumo-sensei) are a "2 for 1" deal, as they won't be able to make the whole event (iirc).
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Team Zero's name is the most easily explained. Moyo gets a lot of praise from her colleagues and chat for her genius team logo design. The E is a crown with tomato jewels... I'm in awe
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Maho explains the pronunciation of her team: The "..." is performed dramatically with the eyes, like the above. Lol
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Nossan's design of course features Hot-kun, Akira's favourite food & beloved plushie. The Hot-kun icon is actually the inside of a chili, not a sun. Apparently.
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Kanon struggled quite a bit with finding a team name, and after consulting with the other leaders in their Line chat group, she wanted a good Koharu line as the team name. Koharu's "うるさい." ("Shut up.") came to mind, but she thought that was too rude for a team name, so shuchuarunomi it became. She placed a big T (position zero!) for the "ch" sound. Complicated, but clever.
Time for drawing the teams! In round 1, everyone is asked to present their top picks for their team.
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Moyo's is: MATSUZAWA! Aka Matsuzawa Kanon, who plays Shiro from Siegfeld Middle School!
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Maho's is the one and only Sato Hinata - student council president of Seisho herself, Hoshimi Junna.
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Nossan's top pick is: Ikuta Teru of Futaba fame!! And funnily enough...
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Kanon's pick is also Teru!!! She even drew a tiny Ponzu (Teru's dog) to sway the public. The crowd goes wild. They have to let fate decide who wins over Teru for their team, and Nossan comes out on top. So Kanon gets to choose again, and her next free pick is Haruchan! Aka her fellow Photon Maiden bestie, Iwata Haruki of Mahiru fame.
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Time for round 2, and last round of free picks! Again, Moyo goes first.
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Moyo's second pick is Saeki Iori, who plays Rinmeikan's Yuyuko!
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Maho's second pick is Sasaki Mikoi aka Mikoron, Shizuha of Frontier!
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Nossan's next pick is Koizumi Moeka aka Moepii, who plays the one and only Banana! Complaints from the other leaders are heard for her making her team too strong. Lol. We'll see about that.
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Kanon's pick is Kuge Kokoro of the Siegfeld Middle Schoolers, who plays Minku! No overlaps this time, so everyone gets their first pick!
The next picks are all made by random draft, so it's really just up to luck. Kanon is praying to get at least one other Seiran member for her heart. Everyone is praying not to get Aiai (lmao). Kanon manages to draw Tsumutsumu, another Photon Maiden member, making it a 3/4 for her team (with the fourth PM member, Hinata, sitting in Maho's team). For Nossan, she manages to draw two people very close to her - Ozaki Yuka (Michiru) and Kadoyama Yoko (Hisame), two of Akira's girlfriends. Moyo gets both of the Yumeoji siblings. Maho gets to draw her bestie's wife, KDHR. Kanon's wish is fulfilled by drawing the 2for1 duo of Minami&Kobayashi, her fellow Seirans. The crowd goes wild when Nossan draws Aiai, her team being declared the noisiest for sure (they're not wrong, this will be utter chaos).
Final distribution:
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Yellow Team "Zero": Koyama Momoyo (leader; Karen), Matsuzawa Kanon (Shiro), Saeki Iori (Yuyuko), Tono Hikaru (Shiori), Fukagawa Ruka (Ryoko), Kurachi Reo (Fumi)
Blue Team "This is...": Tomita Maho (leader; Maya), Sato Hinata (Junna), Sasaki Mikoi (Shizuha), Ito Ayasa (Kaoruko), Kudo Haruka (Yachiyo), Takeuchi Yume (Mei Fan)
Red Team "HOT": Nomoto Hotaru (leader; Akira), Ikuta Teru (Futaba), Koizumi Moeka (Nana), Ozaki Yuka (Michiru), Kadoyama Yoko (Hisame), Aiba Aina (Claudine)
Green Team "shuThuarunomi": Nanaki Kanon (leader; Koharu), Iwata Haruki (Mahiru), Kuge Kokoro (Minku), Tsumugi Risa (Rui), Sato Yuria (Kuina), Tsukui Minami (Suzu) & Kobayashi Yuka (Yakumo-sensei)
Info & Graphics can be found on the official Revstar twt , the stream was archived so you can watch the shenanigans yourself here!
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