#also i love this creature 🐈
naycelium · 3 months
A lil Pretzel for @freshlybakedfeline ! 🥨
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
ummm distraction okay!!! bird facts perhaps???
um! magpies are a corvid so they're related to crows, and are very intelligent! i think some magpies can even talk? and some crows and ravens can talk and mimic human speech suuuuper well, even better than parrots!! also australian magpies are not related to (european) magpies at all. if you wanna see a raven talk you can look up Mischief the raven!
also no longer a bird fact but did you know there's a type of deep-sea fish called the tripod fish that has like, these looong appendages on their fins that they can stand on. so they just kinda. stand on the bottom of the ocean and let food float into their face.
I've never seen a magpie I didn't know they could do that and I knew Ravens were like. Super smart and if you're nice to then they steal stuff for you but I never knew they could talk that's so cool woah
OR WAIT NO I THINK I SAW SOME MAGPIES they're the black birds with the white feathers on their wings right?? The ones because of which you shouldn't leave your shiny jewelry on gardening tables because they will come and steal it from you right?? In germany we say that about them I think it's true but that might be mainly because I grew up with the way you'd see one of them fly around and go ''Oop take care not to leave your shiny accessoiries outside or else it'll get stolen!" I love ravens they're my favourite birds dext to pigeons and doves they're such little guys and when you're nice to them they can steal stuff for you I think that's so sweet of them <33
In one of my favourite radioplays there's a little girl that has a raven that can talk and I always thought that was a little exaggerated suspension of dispelief and all that but I never knew that could actually do that that's so awesome!!
also I love how the australian magpie kinda just looks like the european one in reverse how funky of nature to do that
also what's it with deep sea fish and always looking Like That is there any deep sea creature that isn't the most creature you've ever seen I swear they just get more and more shaped
and also I envy that fish it must be so chill to just vibe at the floor of the ocean and the food just floats at you. What a lifestyle /pos
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shyvien-obeyme · 28 days
⚜️ Little Moth
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⚜️ Summary: You need help researching local insects. Who better to ask than your favorite angyboi bookworm, Satan?
⚜️ Content: Satan x Reader. No gender specified. Mentions of insect taxidermy. Slightly grotesque at one part. Otherwise, it's all just gentle fluff. 🐈🪷🦷
⚜️ Word Count: ~1,500
⚜️ Note: Lepidoptera is the name given to butterflies and moths. This is my first ever fic. I don't ever plan on becoming much of a writer, I've just been wanting to get my thoughts and fantasies somewhere. But if you have any helpful constructive criticism, please let me know.
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I had always has an interest in pretty things, so it was no surprise that I liked insect pinning. It was a small hobby of mine that I’d enjoy in the human world whenever I would come across deceased butterflies or other insects. I also just enjoyed spotting the different local Lepidoptera. But since being in the Devildom, I haven’t been able to partake in this hobby of mine, as I am not very familiar with Devildom creatures. And knowing that the Devildom is a rather magical place, I fear that picking up any random dead moth would leave me cursed or something. So that's when I decided that I should study more about the wildlife in this strange new place I‘ve been suddenly thrust into. I think it over. How do I obtain this knowledge? Maybe I should go to the RAD library?…Or perhaps I could ask Satan if he has any books on local insects. I decide on the latter; It would be a good excuse to spend some alone time with him and talk to him about a favorite hobby of his, books. 
You leave your bedroom and hike upstairs to Satan’s door. Knocking on it’s antique wood, you whisper “It’s me, MC. Can I please come in?” “Ah!” He exclaims gently before you hear a quiet shuffle and his footsteps near the door. He opens it and asks “Of course you can come in. How may I help you, MC?” with a gentle smile gracing his soft pink lips. He steps aside and gestures for you to enter his room. It’s a large room, dimly lit with candles and ethereal moonlight pouring from grandiose arched windows. As usual, it’s something similar to a maze as you maneuver around piles of books stacked as high as pillars. He shuts the door behind you, creating distance between the both of you from the rest of the house so that you can have some much needed privacy. Standing before him you ask, “Umm, I hope you don’t mind… I was wondering if you had any books on the local wildlife. Insects specifically.” You twiddle your thumbs and blush slightly. Even though you love the boys to death and have spent ample time with each of them, you can’t help but to feel a little embarrassed about revealing your hobby. He pauses to think for a moment, hand on his chin as he averts his cerulean eyes. “Yes, I think I have a few, let me take a look.” Thankful that there seemed to be not even a shred of judgement, you take a seat and watch as he shifts his attention to focus on the given task. He gracefully paces back and forth, checking a few different places in the room for books matching your request. He pulls out books from a large stack with precise precision, as if taking a block from a Jenga tower, careful not to knock the rest over. About 6 different books pile in his arms as he meets you on his relatively stiff bed.
“Is something like this what you’re looking for, MC?” You take a look at the books. Some large and thick, others thinner. Some bound in leather, some very old and moth-eaten, and others that seem more modern. They all seem useful, but your attention sticks to the book with the title: Devildom Moths and Butterflies; A Complete Guide. “Ah, yes! Something like this.” You take a moment to peek through a few of the pages before Satan questions “Might I ask what you need these for? You seem very interested” “I‘d like to take a closer look at Devildom’s insects, even take some home if they’re no longer alive. So I wanted to make sure I did research on them first - lest I get struck with some unruly curse!” You gesture dramatically with your hands before chuckling lightly. Satan’s eyes widen slightly in surprise before relaxing into a sweet smile, as if he wasn’t surprised you’d take interest in such a thing. He loves the look of excitement on your face when you find something else that you’re fascinated by. He’s also happy that you came to him for that help, not one of his idiotic brothers.
He shimmies a little closer to you until your thighs and shoulders are touching. You can feel the warmth radiating from his body, and you can smell the subtle floral and musky scent of his cologne. You take a long breath in, letting his essence spill into your nose and send waves of comfort reverberating throughout your whole body, making you relax a little more. “Want to take a look at this book together then?” You look up at him and smile with a nod. “I’d like that a lot!” You gently pry open the aged leather-bound book, pages fluttering as you turn them, and your eyes wander at the pictures of the different butterflies of the Devildom. Together, you pore over the short blurb of information on each of the insects.
“•Demon Silk Moth
Located in only this specific region of the Devildom, the Demon Silk Moth produces silk that contains very special properties and is used for making the most luxurious clothing. The moths are also made into a wide variety of gummies. Yum!”
“•Devil Clothes Moth
A common and destructive pest that eats away at clothing, carpets and tapestries, causing significant damage to any and all fabrics. Is found all over the Devildom, and can be kept away with Mothballs. You can tell when a Devil Clothes Moth infestation is on the rise when you begin to notice holes and weakened spots in your clothing.”
He reads aloud in his smooth and feathery voice as you follow along with your eyes. You point and ask about some of the more eccentric looking Lepidoptera as you see them, to which Satan replies with stories of the occasions he’s found their beauty and grace in person. He places his pointer finger, tipped green with Asmo’s designer nail polish, onto a picture of a butterfly similar to that of a Blue Morpho in the human world. “These ones we often find residing in the garden of the Demon Lord’s Castle. They’re much more beautiful in person, you should see the way their scales glisten in the moonlight. It’s truly an enchanting sight” Your face lights up at his retellings, you feel the excitement surge through your body, letting your toes wiggle as an outlet for some excess emotion to spill out. His expression is warm and gentle, deepening your feeling of ease and comfort. A soft chuckle leaves his lips as you rest your head on his shoulder, continuing to read together.
“This butterfly here with what looks like eyes on its wings, charms it’s victim to eat it so it can lay eggs inside the hosts brain, and like a parasite, it takes over the victims body, making them seem like a zombie and controlling the body to find an area perfect for its offspring to grow and to then devour the corpse as it comes of age.” “Creepy. I’m totally glad a took the initiative to research before possibly ending up as a zombie, haha!” You almost shudder at the thought. “Good thinking. Not to mention, I don't think zombies make good exchange students” You respond by make a silly face and growling like you think a zombie would, extracting hearty giggles from both of you.
Holding the book with one hand, he snakes the other around your waist to pull you in closer. You stare at him again for just a moment, silently consenting to his touch. Your big, goofy yet content smile sends heat to his cheeks. He warmly beams back as you reposition your head back against him, he responds by settling his head against yours. “I value time spent with you, little moth.” You’re struck by Cupid as the words leave his lips. Little moth? “L-Likewise.” “Well, what do you say we make this insect spotting a date? I know perfect places for us to go looking. We should prepare a picnic as well.” “It’s a date, then!” Your glee and excitement is palpable. He takes the moment into his hands and lands a chaste kiss on your forehead with his warm lips, sealing the promise.
Your head spins. It’s at this moment, with wide and glazed over eyes that you realize, the butterflies you were looking for were in your stomach this whole time.
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𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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xaharadesert · 10 months
MC’s Familiar Having a Crush on LI’s Familiar - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6 + Familiars)
A/N: another poll winner! The request for this one specifically asked for the reactions of the LIs and their familiars, so it doesn’t really fall into “x MC” territory :) also, I’m leaving the species of MC’s familiar purposefully vague, but with the assumption that it’s not the same species as LI’s! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!
TW: swearing in Lucio’s section
As a man of science, he has many questions
Are relationships between different species common in the magical world? Does a “crush” indicate that familiars have a similar level of sentience to humans? Is this an innate trait, or something that manifests as a result of magic?
The temptation to launch a scientific investigation is strong in this situation, but he restrains himself
It feels immoral to toy around with love, even if he doesn’t really understand it
However, that means that he’ll be supporting this crush from both the standpoint of a friend and a scientist
He had never really thought about romance before
Most of his time was spent bothering people and collecting shiny things, and he was content with that life
So finding out that another creature had a crush on him was an odd experience, to say the least
Not to mention that it was someone he already knew, and shared a strong connection with
He thinks he might give it a try. He won’t be sharing his collection of shiny things, though
Immediately thinks it’s the cutest thing to ever happen
100% supportive, no matter the species difference
Gives your familiar the shovel talk (Pepi is her baby, after all)
Makes all the classic parent jokes about keeping the door open
After making that joke, she sits in silence and contemplates the reality of the relationship, and now also has many questions
Will not be asking them though; might ask Julian about it later
Embarrassed by her mother, which is difficult to achieve, given that she is a cat and feels no shame
When she finds out about the crush, she just kind of shrugs it off
It makes sense, after all; she is a cat, and cats are perfect
If the crush seems serious, then she’s willing to reciprocate
Probably would not be the best partner— she prefers to spend her time napping in the sun, so if your familiar is high energy then it might not work out
What the fuck
Like, genuinely, what the fuck
I mean, he’s not really one to judge, given his own weird tastes
But, like, really? How the fuck does that happen?
Thinks his dog(s) can do better than your familiar, and makes this well-known
🐾Mercedes OR Melchior🐾
Makes perfect sense to him— he would fall in love with himself too
Not really interested in reciprocating though: he is a very busy boy
Many squirrels to chase and bones to chew
May pursue a more dedicated friendship, though
And if he’s feeling generous, then he may share one of his toys with your familiar
A bit hesitant at first
He’s a very reserved kind of man, and he really only has Inanna by his side all the time
So he doesn’t know how he feels about losing her to any degree
But if it makes her happy, then he’ll support it
After all, it’s your familiar, and he trusts you
Really did not expect that
Immediately rejects the crush, partly out of panic, because she really doesn’t want anything to change
But over time, she realizes she might like something more with your familiar
Eventually, the crush is returned
Mostly, she truly feels comfortable with it when she realizes she will always have Muriel’s support
Makes perfect sense to him; he’s loved you for years, so it’s only natural that Faust would form a bond with your familiar as well
He thinks it’s really cute, and encourages them to spend time together
Sometimes jokes with Faust about her “snake charm”
As a bonus, your familiars spending time together means that the two of you can spend more time together as well
Most definitely plans double dates (platonic or romantic)
Faust had a crush on your familiar before they had a crush on her
So she’s delighted to see it’s returned!
Very enthusiastic about having a partner
If your familiar is larger, then she’s hitching a ride whenever they hang out
Very cuddly for a snake, especially if your familiar gives off body heat
Keeps her thoughts to herself while she tries to understand how exactly your familiar can have a crush on hers
She doesn’t want to judge what she doesn’t understand, so she asks you a few questions about it
Once she gets the gist of it, she’s very supportive, and finds it rather cute
Keeps an eye on Chandra though, since she knows her familiar likes her personal space, and helps to enforce boundaries
Overall thinks it’s harmless fun
She’s not into romance, and let’s your familiar down as easily as she can
Still wants to be friends, but needs her own space
She’s a very solitary creature, and she has no desire to change
Will still occasionally be more affectionate to your familiar when she sees that they’re feeling down
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creedslove · 1 year
Who of the boys would be more of a cat and who would be more of a dog person?
Rewatching Narcos currently andJavi P seeking justice for Murphys cat was the animal love I needed.
I know he says he’s not much of a cat person but the way he treated it.. cat man 🧐🫶
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Dave York and Marcus Pike
A/N: aww this is a very good idea!!! I love it honey! Also, I have a feeling all the Pedro boys lean towards dogs, but that doesn't mean they won't go soft with a kitty 🐈
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Javier Peña: Javi likes dogs better, there's no argument towards that, he grew up around dogs on his dad's ranch and he loves how strong and loyal they are, however, that doesn't mean Javi is insensitive towards cats, we all have seen how fierce he was to fight for the fact that cat was DEA as much as Steve and himself were, even if there was a tiny comical hint to it; Javier isn't a huge cat person, but he does have a soft spot for them, they are cute sometimes and amongst all the violence he has encountered through his life, he thought he would lose that empathy towards smaller things, but he was very wrong, so once he saw a stray kitty fumbling around the garbage to look for food and it made his heart break, he didn't know why exactly, but he was so tired of seeing the evilest side of people, it felt just too unfair such a tiny cute little creature starve on the streets, which caused Javier to feed the cat leftovers of his meals which quickly became a habit and now the cat is fat and he doesn't know what to do
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Joel Miller: Joel Miller is 100% dog person and there's no argument about that at all, although after he grew up and had to take care of a house and a baby daughter on his own, he decided to have a no pet rule: money was tight and so was time, taking care of a baby, and then a toddler and then a child and then a teen was exhausting as it was, so he didn't have time for bullshitting with cats or dogs. In fact, getting a puppy was the only request Sarah has ever made him and he managed to remain strict and not let her have it. However, he knows his daughter pets all the neighbor's pets and he's okay with it. Now, if you have a cat, you can expect Joel getting into a grumpy old man mood™ he is just going to complain about the cat and he is going to swear that cat is up to no good, plotting against him because its so jealous of you. He will definitely have arguments with your cat
"get out of my guitar now!"
"I swear... get off my truck or I'll kill you!"
And well, sometimes it kind does seem your cat is teasing Joel by sitting on his truck hood or sitting on his beloved guitar; if Joel is reading some work papers on the kitchen table you can bet your life your cat will climb all the way just to sit ON the papers and make Joel's blood boil, and you'll de damned if that ain't the funniest shit you'd ever seen; but hey, sometimes after you went to bed, your cat nuzzles Joel's body and your tough boyfriend actually pets your cat, but it's their secret and neither of them will ever admit it 🤫
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Agent Whiskey: our sweet Jack loves animals! He is a farm boy after all, and that means he absolutely adores every single living thing. Of course he likes dogs and cats like everyone else, but those aren't his favorites, if anything, Jack is the kind of man to have farm animals as pets as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As a grown man, Jack has his own ranch, and he keeps all the animals he likes there: he's got cows, horses (his big passion), pigs, chickens, goats, bunnies, dogs and a few cats in the barn because someone needs to catch those damn mice, since he hates killing any kind of animal, he leaves it for the cats to chase down the mice and if he finds spiders in the house he'll definitely just throw them outside. He loves birds and fish but he'd rather watch them out in nature than have them trapped in birdcages of fishbowls; he's not a big fan of frogs but he doesn't mind them at all and his biggest childhood trauma was when little Jack befriended a very cute little pig and the two of them became quickly inseparable, playing together and hanging out all the time, he even named his pig Hector™ until one Sunday morning he woke up to see his friend gone and later, mama Daniels had made pork chops for lunch ☠️ Jack cried his little heart out, refused to eat lunch and spent years without eating pork, until this day he feels kind of guilty to eat bacon or something, he doesn't kill any of his own ranch animals to cook, he just goes to the supermarket to get the meat
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Dave York: Dave had always loved dogs from a young age, when he was little, his dog Sprinkles was his best friend and he still keeps old pictures of himself and his old friend in the back of his memory boxes. Once he grew up and he got into his... business... he realized dogs are the safest option for a pet; they are very rational, they can be trained and protect the house and the owners against threats or burglars. If his kids beg him for a puppy, he will never say no to them, but it will be frustrating to him that they will pick the cutest and fluffiest puppy over the one breed he thinks it's safer for the family, statistical saying. However, how happy they get will make him think of Sprinkles and soon enough he will become those dads who treat the family pet better than his own kids. He will definitely doze off on the couch and the dog will be curled up to him. Dave also admires the felines and mostly how neat and careful they are. They are silent and are able to sneak into a room without anyone noticing, exactly like Dave does when he's out working, he likes how cats are independent and always take care of themselves, however, the idea of having a cat never occurred to him, but well... never say never
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Marcus Pike: that man is the human version of a golden retriever, so he obviously would prefer dogs. He has thought of getting a dog some time but he hasn't made up his mind yet, on one hand, he would like to have a puppy waiting for him at home so he won't be too lonely, but on the other hand, dogs are a lot of trouble and he doesn't know if he will be able to actually take care of it, not to mention dogs remind him a lot of the perfect image of a happy family, you know, a husband and a wife and kids, something Marcus would love to have but he hasn't been too lucky with it lately! He does like cats too, but the thing is: he is allergic to cats, and I don't mean just a slight allergy, I mean sneezing, coughing, red puffy eyes, stuffed nose etc, so cats are definitely a big no to him!
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zetadraconis11 · 3 months
Estelle Ilson Wizarding World Alphabet
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~~~ Here I am again sharing more info about my MCs, starting with Estelle Ilson! I plan to do Cael's shortly after, but I love these templates to add more info. I hope this isn't too sudden or overwhelming, lol Credit to @dwellinginsilence for this blank template! 🪄Wizarding World Alphabet🪄
🐈Animagus: Estelle is a true Hufflepuff of hard-working and loyalty, and her animagus form perfectly reflects that with her being a Badger! She's fiercely defensive of her loved ones and friends, and she's a very determined and ambitious person. Just like a badger :]
😱Boggart: If it's her irrational fear, it would probably be an acromantula as she hates spiders. If it were a more mature fear, it would be herself with pain extracted like Isidora, but it makes her more apathetic and villainous.
🍎Class: Her favorite classes are Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. She loves Potions as it makes her think of baking, and she's been baking since she was 8 (that's a bit of a long story). DADA of course is also her favorite as she aspires to be an Auror to help bring justice to more dark wizards. Not to mention she loves to duel, especially with Sebastian, hehe.
💀Dark Magic: Estelle doesn't really like Dark Magic. She doesn't mind dangerous spells like Confringo and Bombarda, but she does not like the Unforgivables for sure. And after the events in 5th year, she is even more against it when she was hesitant at first.
🌀Expecto Patronum/Patronus: The first time she ever tried the Patronus Charm, it was during the sixth year. Her patronus is a grey wolf that represents a certain freckled Slytherin boy since I do headcanon Sebastian to be a (grey) wolf Animagus.
🧹Flying: Estelle likes flying, but she wasn't in the mood to try out for Quidditch. She does like watching her brother, friends, and her eventual boyfriend play Quidditch, though. She does have an affinity to riding a Thestrel, as she doesn't mind the "ominous" creatures.
🏏Game team: She is loyal to her friends, and also her House, so she just stays neutral and enjoys watching the games for fun.
🏠House: She's a Hufflepuff of course, but a part of her fun side personality is what made the Sorting Hat work with her for a little bit longer.
🔵Imperio: She doesn't care for Unforgivables, especially after seeing them at work. Not to mention, she hates manipulation, so this curse really rubs her the wrong way.
💼Job: She wants to be an Auror. Duelling is one of her best skills, and she wants to use it for a good reason. Not to mention, she wasn't too pleased with how Officer Singer handled things, lol, so she is determined to help change the justice system for the better.
💋Kiss: She never kissed anyone growing up. She didn't really have time, nor managed to have a fancy last long. Then she got to Hogwarts, and she kissed Sebastian's cheek when they departed at King's Cross after 5th year. Their first kiss later happens in the spring of 6th year when they finally confess to each other.
🧠Legilimancy: She learned Occlumency before being an Auror, not wanting any dark wizards looking into her head and see her thoughts and memories.
🐉Magical beasts: She loves thestrels and nifflers, but also the phoenix she and Cael found and rescued. She loves all of their magical creatures they rescued, actually, but she is most partial to Omen the Thestrel.
📝N. E. W. T./OWL: 5th year was insane for her and Cael, but she doesn't let that stop her from being a good student. She takes the OWLs, and she did the best in Potions and DADA with "Outstanding" with Divination being the worst with "Poor". Everything else ranges in "Exceeds Expectations" and "Acceptable".
🦉Owl: So, Estelle is fascinated by things that aren't the norm. Instead of an owl, she gets a bat, lol. She names him Dusk, and he's a fruit bat. Dusk is very chill, and she loves to have him perched like a falcon....If a falcon hung upside down, haha. She hugs him plenty, and he bleps like a cat.
🌱Plant: She doesn't mind magical plants, but she will always love lavender flowers. She's loved the smell of them ever since she was a child, and she loves adding lavender to her biscuits (cookies). It's her trademark baked good.
🏉Quidditch: She....missed try-outs in 6th year, and by the time 7th year try-outs happened, she didn't care to play. She much preferred just watching.
💭Remember: Her best memory was probably when she and Cael were taken in by Professor Fig. They were raised in an orphanage, and no one ever wanted to adopt the twins before, so Fig meant a lot to her, and Fig started to become a father to the two of them. Estelle often thinks back on the short time she got to know Fig and sadly smile at the fond memories.
🩸Status:blood: Muggle-born. Estelle's and Cael's parents were Muggle, but their father's brother was magic. And yes, the twins sadly have heard the "M" word in Hogwarts, but they didn't let it deter them.
🍬Treats/Honeyduke’s: Like I've said before, she loves to bake, and her favorite thing to make and eat is lavender biscuits. When she goes to Honeydukes, though, she likes the traditional chocolate frogs. She is very much a sweet tooth, and she loves butterbeer as well.
❌Ugly bad habits: She is very much a people pleaser. She can't say no when people ask for favors or want her to do something for them. This leads to her running all over the place in 5th year, do so much for everyone, even adults in Highlands or Hogsmeade. She sadly grew up and was molded to seek approval, especially approval from adults, so that's why she runs herself ragged to help.
🙊Veritaserum: Estelle does get worried about drinking something spiked with Veritaserum as she has so many secrets that she doesn't want to unwillingly spill. Like everything involving Sebastian, and all of the ancient magic she and Cael dealt with. She has considered brewing it, but she didn't see a need to make some during her Hogwarts years. Maybe when she becomes an Auror, though...
🪄Wand: Wood - Cherry; Core - Dragon Heartstring; Flexibility - Pliant; Style - Spiral; Length - 11 inches; Wand Handle - Imperial Brown and Gold
➕Xtra: She does have a three-clawed scar that goes from the top of her forehead on the left side and down to her cheek, over her eye. She and her brother were scarred by the same animal: a tiger at the zoo. One of the orphan kids they were supervising go too close, so Estelle and Cael rushed to the girl and pulled her away. But not before they got slashed by paw swipes of the large, dangerous cat. Their caretaker, Madam Lindsey, made things worse for them as she tutted at seeing their scars. She even said to their faces: "You both had such pretty faces. What a shame." So, Estelle is more self-conscious about her scar as she doesn't think any boy would find her pretty after being "marred". But Sebastian proves that wrong very quickly.
🤢Yuck: Estelle is prone to throw up when she's deeply frightened. So, dealing with too many spiders in Jackdaw's Tomb? She lost her lunch over the edge of the bridge while Cael patted her back. Same deal happened later when they were stuck in that dreadful haunted Hogsmeade shop.
😜Zonkos: Estelle is VERY playful. She never got to be mischievous growing up in the orphanage as she was forced to grow up quickly, but when she gets to Hogwarts, she wants to have so much fun when she can. She wouldn't ever be as trouble-making as the Sallow twins, but she does tease her brother a lot (especially when it's about his crush on a certain someone, lol). She is not one for impractical jokes, though, seeing that as too far. She also likes puns, so whenever Sebastian does a play on words, it always makes her laugh or giggle.
And there we have it! Some more information blurbs about Estelle! Like I said, I'll probably do Cael's shortly after. There might be some confusing parts of her lore like the orphanage deal, but I DO intend to go more in length about that side of things on a separate post. That is...if you guys don't mind me going on more and more about my MCs, lol. ^^'
Anyway, thanks for checking this out, and thank you again @dwellinginsilence for the template!
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moistvonlipwig · 6 months
i think when it comes to media criticism it is important to try to meet the media in question where it's at and consider what it's trying to do & say. but i also don't think that should preclude you from making arguments & critiques that are contrary to the show's intent.
as an example of what i mean let's look at the use of vampires on buffy the vampire slayer. i do think if you are going to analyze how they are used in the show it is important to acknowledge their intended purpose: that btvs is a show about growing up, and the monsters buffy fights represents hurdles to growing up, with soulless vampires specifically representing the urge to stay young forever. buffy, by slaying vampires, is symbolically rejecting the idea of never growing up; she is choosing to face the struggles of growing older. however i don't think that means you can't talk about the fact that, regardless of the symbolic meaning of vampires within the text, btvs has, in its vampires, constructed a class of people whom it portrays as acceptable to indiscriminately kill, and that this has political dimensions and implications beyond fantasy creatures on a tv show.
i believe both critiques expressed above are completely legitimate, and it frustrates me both that some people are so attached to their own feelings about a text and their own way of seeing the world that they refuse to engage with the text on its own terms, but also that some people are so in love with authorial intent and reading the text the 'right' way that they refuse to engage with media criticism that reads against the text or questions the political & cultural assumptions upon which it is built. in conclusion please everyone get better at media criticism right now thankies so much 🐈
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luna-the-bard · 5 months
🐈🎮🤓 that’s a lot of questions wow
Not nearly as many as the other two asks I received lol.
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Skeets writes poetry (don’t tell Samus, she’ll get really embarrassed about how many of her poems are about her), and likes to sing/dance (singing isn’t really a hobby as much as just something she does naturally, but dancing definitely is). She also loves exploring, but that turned from a hobby into a job after she got together with Samus.
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
She keeps a wide circle of friends with a few closest ones! It’s hard not to when you grow up on Te’rra, terranians are very social creatures. Skeets keeps up regular online communication with most of them when she’s away.
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
Skeets is incredibly chatty given the space. Seriously, she doesn’t shut up. No one to talk to? That’s fine, she’ll sing or hum to herself. Nothing to talk about? Not a problem, she’s just gonna make noises at you like a bird. If you really need her to be quiet you’re gonna have to either give her some food to keep her busy or, if you’re Samus, just shut her up with a kiss (although she’s still gonna be noisy if you go into a full make-out session).
It can feel very surreal to see the switch between normal-Skeets and huntress-Skeets for the first time. Skeets can be eerily quiet when it comes to stealth - it’s a skill, and she is exceptionally trained. Samus definitely had to get used to it - Skeets’s stealthiness is one of the primary reasons why she didn’t even think that the feeling of being followed she started getting on missions was her girlfriend, until Skeets eventually revealed herself. After all, it’s hard to picture your always-chatty partner as a silent killing machine (Skeets isn’t really a killing machine per se, but she nails the silent part). Later, they had a long conversation about which missions were safe enough for Skeets to follow Samus on and the protocol of doing so.
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naturecpw · 4 months
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Cat who was accepted by a herd of capybaras receives official signage 👇 🐈 👇
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oyen, the Cat who was accepted by a herd of Capybaras, is the number one top story of the year! 🐈 🐈 Oyen the capybara cat is believed to have been orphaned as a young kitten, but he’s not without family now. The capybaras happily accepted him, and they’re not the only ones. Oyen the cat was so popular that zoo staff decided to make him his own sign outside of the habitat. In this video you may notice that two different Oyen signs are shown by the capybara habitat. The original sign fell off shortly after installation, and the yellow sign is the replacement - this is the one that is currently there! 🐈 📸 Zoo Negara Malaysia 🐈 "No longer sated by human worship, the felis catus sets about establishing its dominion over the humble capybara" - Sir David Attenborough 🐈 Kudos to this Malaysian zoo for taking good care of Oyen. Even though they could have just arranged to transport him to a local pet shelter, they chose to take responsibility. I hope his presence brings in more resources that they can use to maintain or upgrade their habitats. 🐈 I love how this cat wandered into the zoo, looked at the capys, and said to himself "this. this is my family now." 🐈 Oyen is the childish or cute way of pronouncing 'Orange ' in Malay. In Malaysia, all orange cats are effectionately called ' Oyen ' [ pronounced as it is spelt : O-YEN. The ' Yen ' is pronounced as the Japanese currency, Yen ] 🐈 Unofficially Oyens or formally known as ginger cats are Malaysias national animal 🇲🇾 🐈 Hi! Malaysian myself here Oh, this news is quite recent then, of Zoo Negara/National Zoo… That's one cute family of Capybaras & Oren turned to Oyen. Oren = Malay language word for 'Orange' in English. I think Oren has evolved to Oyen due to some pronunciation slip… Anyhow, terima kasih/thank you for this uplifting news 🐈 Cat is a survivor. He's a cat, and doesn't eat greens and doesn't like to get wet, but if his family members are going to be crazy and eat grass and swim, well, family is family. 🐈 Orange cats are zen mastCapybaraers, just like capybaras. Very mellow dudes, and highly intelligent. Linton Zoo in the UK had a cat naned Arnie (also orange) who famously wandered in one day and stayed around for years to help them raise baby animals. 🐈~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
A Herd Of Capybaras Adopted A Stray Cat Into Their Family 👇 🐈 👇
https://youtu.be/bWGiwBLTB_o?si=-dnDkiHd25a5z1U9 🐈 Capybaras: known for being friendly with all sorts or calm mannered creatures.
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Hai welcome to my hell
(Please at the very least read my DNI at the bottom of the post.)
Art fight account ::3
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You can call me Tamari, Soda, or Luvin! Anything works ig.
Pronouns are He/it/spark/beep/boop, and any other neos ::]
My project sekai friend code is: 394877626071769089
♫︎ anything is chill really, as long as its not she/her or any feminine aligned surnames n stuff
♫︎ im genderfluid transmasc and aroaceflux!
♫︎ Im part of an endogenic system!!!! They will have their own signoffs and post tags:
-✨️Squilf/Atlas || any pronouns, #Atlas Does a Talk
- 🎉 Kylie || they/them, #Kylie Speaks
- ⭐️ Emu || she/her, #Emus Shenanigans
- 💥Teto || she/her, #Tetos Faggotry
- 🔥 Ashfur || he/him, #Ashy Burns Shit
- 👑 Ranboo || he/they, #Rans Ramblings
- ⚡️N || he/him, #Ns Silly Talking Times
- 🔋Uzi || she/her/they, #Uzis Kooky Insane Ramblings
- 🪽V || She/her, #V Says Something
- 🗡Spears || He/they/slug, #Spears Whispers
#‼️ the whole gangs here ‼️ || post from multiple fronters or the system as a whole!
We all use the names Squimpy and Chiip, but only use that when youre talking about us as a collective, or when the fronter is unknown.
Uhh more stuff:
♫︎ my kintypes are listed on my strawpage which is linked further down
♫︎ im a furry
♫︎ we are bodily a minor (younger than 16)
♫︎ my birthday is febuary 1st
♫︎ Timezone is EST.
Note: with kaomojis, i use two colons (EX: ::3 ) for 4 eyes ::D
Fandoms im in:
♫︎ Rain World
♫︎ Ghost and pals
♫︎ In Stars and Time [still in the middle of playing it, please no spoilers ty]
♫︎ Vocaloid [my favs are Kasane Teto and Yi Xi if you were wondering]
♫︎ Hfjone [+ other object shows but mainly hfjone]
♫︎ TPOT [two my beloved /p]
♫︎ Murder Drones
♫︎ Omori [havent played the game yet but still]
♫︎ Project Sekai
♫︎ The Amazing Digital Circus
♫︎ Hermitcraft
♫︎ Wings of Fire
♫︎ Warrior Cats
♫︎ Parties Are For Losers
♫︎ Pokemon
♫︎ Undertale [+ Deltarune when i play it]
We mostly post about rain world and murder drones atm.
RAIN WORLD ART REQUESTS OPEN!!!!! I do mostly slugcats, but i can do creatures and iterators!!! I can do ships but i likely will take longer on those if i dont feel like it.
[Edit: i am no longer taking requests with ships in them. I apologize, but i feel uncomfortable with drawing ship art for rain world. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.]
F2u with credit slugcat pfps here
My fursonas name is Luvin and they use the same pronouns as me
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Our systems collective sona <- Click!
Username changed from tvcat0w0 -> chiipeatsbatteries175 -> tamarieatsbatteries175
Our discord user is luluvin_ (for just in case if that KOSA bullshit does end up passing)
Tagging System:
Tamaris Art- #Sillyart
Artfight attacks- #Tamaris artfight stuff
My brothers art tag- #Watermelons Gallery
Reblogs (though i tend to forget to use this tag)- #sillyreblog
Text posts- #Chiip is a huge bug enthusiast
Text posts from 2023- #sillytalking
Vents- #Not so silly sillytalking
Asks- #answering the sillies
Real life photos- #squimpy irl
Pictures of my cat- #kevin the sea pickle 🐈
Extra tag for when people infodump/show me about their blorbos- #blorbo storage
My warrior cats oc fanclans tag- #Chiips silly fanclans
Rando facts about me:
♫︎ My favorite songs are HOW 2 PLEASER by friendxp, Salt-Wound Routine by 11vein, BITE ME by AJ Dispirito, and Machine Love by Jaime-P
♫︎ currently mentally ill about: Murder Drones,,,, guhhhh
♫︎ my favorite color is green
♫︎ my irl friend calls me pookie bear [i think it would be quite funny of people called me this on here too /silly]
♫︎ my favorite slugcats are Saint and Monk! (Not counting Inv cuz i AM Inv)
Please tag me in things you think i would might like, and i am also 100% open to talk to ::] dms are open ::D
I almost forgot my sideblogs: @cattingyourfavs , @ittybitty-azlyn , @just-kevin-things , @the-spinner-that-spins-things , @where-is-tamari-now , @that-thing-luvin , @chiipsimportantblog , @tamari-official , @chiips-slugpup-posting , and @invwuzhere
If you have any questions, just ask! Pleeease ::]
A really epik post <- Click!
I have a youtube channel! But for personal comfort reasons, i will not be sharing it ::P it is mainly alterhuman focused tho
More info here:
Small introduction to my headmates:
And here:
Note: we are an Endogenic system WITH TRAUMA. Our system may not have formed from said trauma, but we still have it.
Homophobes, terfs, pedos, zoos, anti-furs, anti-endo, anti-alterhuman/therian, kink blogs, Pro Israel, and anything similar shall not interact with my blog.
NSFW BLOGS/ 18+ BLOGS ARE ON THIN ASS ICE. if you tag it properly and dont be nsfw towards me i am fine with you interacting.
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user boxes made by us!
K thanks for reading look at teto now
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shockensemble · 7 months
—Intro / Pinned! 📌
howdy hey! welcome to our humble little theater! we're the SHOCK! Ensemble (also known as the rat squad and the Planetarium Pantheon), a mixed origin (possibly) OSDD-1b system of 20+ theatrical ratties that decided to get a tumblr blog.
we collectively respond to Ei, and go by any pronouns; but if you know about us and who we are besides our host, we use our individual pronouns and names! we also use i/me and we/us interchangeably!
in terms of carrd... we have no carrd yet. but fear not! we're working as fast as we can to have it up! you'll get to know about us in more detail eventually ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ (HURRY UP EI -rin)
‼WE RESPECT ALL ORIGINS HERE‼ everyone deserves a chance at figuring themselves out, and making sense of their individual experiences. we are all doing our best out here! (unless you're a fakeclaimer, which we kindly ask to leave us alone!)
feel free to ask us anything!! our askbox is open and we love to talk nwn)!
interests you may see here, headmate/alter list/calls and more underneath the cut!!
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-; ༉‧₊˚✧user boxes credits
x | x
-; ༉‧₊˚✧interests (not all of them tho, just our main interests!)
anime + manga (ask about our favs!), pokemon, league of legends, rain world, project moon, persona, genshin, vocaloid + prosekai, vtubers, j-rock + j-pop (and other banger music we enjoy), sea creatures, art and writing
-; ༉‧₊˚✧ensemble (alter/headmate) list / calls!
—collective system tag/call: the ensemble [🐀🎭]*
*note: if a post has no tag, the author simply did not want to tag the post and/or it's a post made by some of us collectively
main fronters:
—Ei [🌙🐏] - any prns - 22 (body age)
—Critter [☄️🦊] - they/them - ageless
—Kuma [🐻🔆] - he/him - 25
—Rin [🍊🐈‍⬛] - she/he - 20-22
—Len [🍌🐈] - he/him - 20-22
—Yukisada [🪶❄] - he/they - 29
—Mirai [🌀🎐] - he/they - (physically) 27
—Mio [🎏🦀] - he/they - 25
—Emil [🐣🌸] - he/they - early 20s
—Donny (Don) [🎠🪻] - she/he/they - early 20s
other ensemble members you'll see here:
—Tristana (Trist) [💥💣] - she/they/he - (physically) young adult
—Nunu [🪈🧊] - he/him - 12
—Willump [🌨🎶] - he/they/it - (mentally) 15
(note: you'll never see neither of them alone! and please do not discuss anything 18+ with them -Kuma)
—Riven (Rivulet / Ruffles / Riv) [🫧🌊] - any prns + it - young adult
—Goro (Gojira / Goji) [🔋🦖] - he/him - (physically) 48
—Furina (Furi) [⛲🦁] - she/her - (physically) 26
—Neuvilette (Neuvi) [⚖💠] - he/him - (physically) 32
—Nahida (Nahi) [🍀🌐] - she/it - (physically) young child
(note 2: she's hundreds of years old and extremely wise and mature but please do not discuss anything 18+ with her either, it makes her uncomfy -Kuma)
—Aurelius [🌌🐉] - he/it/they - (physically) late 30s
—Olivier (Oli) [🔮📚] - he/him - (physically) late 30s
—Casper (Cas) [💀🌒] - he/him - (physically) late 20s
—Akiren (Akira / Aki) [🃏🚬] - he/they - 28
-; ༉‧₊˚✧other stuff!
we're friendly and love meeting people (systems and singlets alike!), but please keep in mind that aside from our host (Ei), most of us have wildly varying social energy levels. don't be afraid to ask who's around if you talk to us in DMs, tho!
we prefer tupperbox over pluralkit and simplyplural (we are too dumb to figure out the interfaces/commands so we gave up lmao -rin)
thank you for reaching the end of the intro post! here, have some candy as a token of our gratitude! 🍬
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darkrpfinders · 1 month
Looking for one more person for some smutty RP fun. 30+ adult here looking for 21+ adult to play with. I write in third person, past tense, and consider myself semi-lit. Meaning I write a minimum of three chunky paragraphs and more. Looking for someone who can match that.
I have no set plot in mind, just a desire to do a cest plot with some added kinks like non/dub con, 24/7 control, large age gap, and many more. Please for the love of the gods don’t make me do all the plotting. Be comfortable with OOC chat, I like to share pics and other inspo I find about our characters. Ideally this old be long term. Can include things like super natural creatures or fantasy settings. This will also be done on Discord
Willing to make this MxF with me playing the female roll or MxM as long as you are cool with me playing a guy with a 🐈. Bonus points if you are ok with omegaverse or werewolves.
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prpfz · 1 month
Looking for one more person for some smutty RP fun. 30+ adult here looking for 21+ adult to play with. I write in third person, past tense, and consider myself semi-lit. Meaning I write a minimum of three chunky paragraphs and more. Looking for someone who can match that.
I have no set plot in mind, just a desire to do a cest plot with some added kinks like non/dub con, 24/7 control, age gap, and many more. We can talk about this being 🍪 but I will be super picky if that is included. Please for the love of the gods don’t make me do all the plotting. Be comfortable with OOC chat, I like to share pics and other inspo I find about our characters. Ideally this old be long term. Can include things like super natural creatures or fantasy settings. This will also be done on Discord
Willing to make this MxF with me playing the female roll or MxM as long as you are cool with me playing a guy with a 🐈. Bonus points if you are ok with omegaverse or werewolves.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
( 🐈 anon here massive madoka magica spoilers ofc ) SO lets say, randomly, you encounter a white cat-like creature. you believe only you can hear it and see it. cat-like creature ( his name is kyubey) tells you that it can grant you any wish, but, you will have to become a magical girl and fight 'witches'. you get any wish youd like AND you also get to destroy witches in cute outfits?? you agree. Now for your wish, lets say instead of you, its kanade, but when her father wasnt in a coma. Kanade wishes for her dads work to become succesful. He does become succesful, but like in main story he cannot recreate a 'succesful' song and eventually falls into a coma. Pretty much all wishes come with weird side effects, say you wish for x group to like you and their personalitys are shifted so they like you. Most magical girls end up regretting their wishes deeply in the show, and, from the deep regret and despair is one way where the witches come from. If they fall into a deep despair, they turn into witches and p much turn into mindless beasts, for the other way that witches come to be, you remember that the cat-like creature gave you a "soul gem". It told you your magical power was stored there, and that if it gets shattered, you will die. after defeating a witch, you notice two things. one, your soul gem seems... darker. its lost some of its color and shine. you also see that before dying, the witch drops a seed like "thing" on the floor. after putting the seed thing next to your soul gem, it seems your soul gem absorbs it, and recovers its shine, so you deplete some of your magical power each time you fight one of those witches. You go ask the cat-like thing, and it tells you something; your soulgem contains, quite literally, your soul. if you go more than 100 meters away from it you will faint until its returned to you, and if your magical power runs out, you'll also turn into a witch. Now, you could say "well, i can just take the wish and stay home without depleting magical power", but, now that your body is nothing but a soulless shell, it takes magical power to keep it running. if you do not go out to slay witches, you will die. This causes to be zones "owned" by magical girls, causing girls to actually die in combat with ones of their own kind rather than working along them.
Your wish gives you a special ability of some kind, as an example, if you wish from someone to recover from an illness, you'll have great healing powers.
Magical girls can ONLY die in combat or becoming a witch, so all magical girls are destined to either die in a witches hiding place and never be found , fall into despair, or get slain by another magical girl. Basically there is no hope for them.
Witches have hiding spots that are p much just sekais but creepier and not so cute or not so,, coherent i guess??? magical girls can acces through portals to there, but witches cqn kindap normal humans.
Extra info you can easily skip over: soul gems are normally in the form of accesories. A necklace, earring, etc.
WOAG OKAY this is super cool actually!!! and its ok dw, ill probably check out madoka sometime....but I used the same charas from the original prompt, I hope you like this!! <3
♡ MADOKA MAGICA - Mizuki Akiyama, Rui Kamishiro and Nene Kusanagi x Reader
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When Mizuki first learns that you're a magical girl, they think it's the coolest thing ever!
Well, that is, until you explain all of the schemantics of it-
They're very confused, but they try to keep up. You had a wish, you were gifted a soul gem, you now had to kill witches in order to stay alive??
The only thing they truly understand is your whole "territory" thing, and they try their best to help you manage it
For all the strife that you being a magical girl brings, they absolutely LOVE your outfit. If there's a way for you to change into it without the whole transformation part, they will try and replicate it for themself
Sometimes, they tease you on the whole thing, but they mean it as light-heartedly as possible. It was certainly very impressive, and they would never discredit that
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Sticking with my Rui loves magical girls headcanon, he also believes that it's the coolest thing ever!
When you explain everything though, he gets very curious
He won't test your limits persay, but he'll certainly try to find out how everything works. How do you transform? How does you being soulless work? Can he make something to hold your soul gem easier?
He definitely makes drones in an attempt to help you. Even though they can't actually shoot deadly lasers, they can help you look around your territory easier
He always loves watching your transformation, and definitely takes notes for any costume/costume change ideas that he can bring to Tsukasa. He'll ask where Rui gets the ideas and he just shrugs with a grin
He surprisingly doesn't tease you on anything, simply asking questions to quench his curiosity. He'd definitely try to be a sidekick if he could be one!
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Nene kind of understands the concept of magical girls, so she'll look at you with awe when you tell her
The awe is immediately replaced by concern when you explain everything in detail
She definitely understands that you have your reasons, but she's worried that that is far too much for you to handle on your own, especially with the risk of being killed by someone else-
She'll try to go around town and observe people, telling you about people she thinks are suspicious. More than half of the time she ends up being right, and she doesn't know how-
Your transformation impresses her a ton, but she doesn't say so, in fear of weirding you out. You just remind her of her favorite character in a fighting game...
She asks you about what you do from time to time, but expect her to leave you alone on it otherwise. It's your business, and unless you want her to be involved, she'll stay out of it
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dalishborne · 6 months
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
ok some quick-fire cat hc's (some i've written before but i can't rmb if i deleted the posts):
rogathe - black cat, single yellow eye (the other is sewn shut after having been extracted due to an infection), rowdy, playful, moody, selective in being held
tarasyl - long-haired grey cat with a white teardrop spot on her nose, green eyes, a big, spoiled baby. was a runaway house cat from some orlesian town (supposedly), revenelan took her in and kept her knowing she probably belonged to someone else. she feels like she should be guilty but she isn't. super cuddly and extremely food motivated.
nuven - calico, blue eyes, stained with a peculiar blue pigment that has only been moderately washed away. found by a clansmember when trading in a human city, eventually realized that the cat was hiding from its "owners" because it was marked for bait in dogfighting rings. immediately swooped him up and he has only known love and happiness ever since. has anxiety.
some non-cat related hc's (need fleshing out):
there are two dogs within clan aravun, belonging to some of the hunters. these pups accompany the clan's hunters on hunts, excursions, scouting, etc. very smart and protective. best boys.
also a part of the hunter group is a falcon, belonging to the head hunter. i'd imagine it's a rare occurrence? so the clan is particularly proud of this lil birb.
revenelan has her own halla which she occasionally rides, named lavan. he's a beautiful creature, with intricately carved horns that revenelan took years to complete. still fleshing this out.
overall: lots of animals in clan aravun. unsurprising given the nature of the dalish but also, as a clan known among the dalish for their healers, their halla-keepers are very skilled in the realm of animal care/vet practice.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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Reasons why you should vote for Princess in the @original-character-championship !!!
- well she does a little bit of 🐈, perhaps even a "meow" every now and then
- literally a cat girl AND mouse girl in one
- show your support for strange and off putting women!
- feminism.
- there are many things wrong with her
- she calls her family in the middle of the night to ask if they'd still love her if she was a worm
- she has a favorite bug! it's bees. bumblebees, to be exact. for context bees are also like the size of puppies here which makes it infinitely better.
- she's been through the horrors but she is not miserable forever. she grows and gets better :3 still a failgirl though
- ultimately still kind to people despite everything
- could probably fight someone and win. rip and tear!
- even a girl boss has her weak moments
- (she's not exactly a girlboss though because she is unemployed. and has zero dollars)
- she's an aspiring poet and is honestly pretty good at it 👍 get your self a woman with good reading comprehension
- shes trying her best.
I hope I have sufficiently convinced at least a few of you to vote for my wonderful creature. on that note, I ALSO OFFER MORE COOL ART IN EFFORT TO SWAY THE PEOPLES OPINION!!!! GET A LOAD OF THIS ↓
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