#also i know i havent been writing shit lately or updating anything
vilsoo · 5 months
it’s already may… horrorland teaser will be posted soon 😩
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senbbonzakura · 4 months
hey guys,,, i fear i need to tell u something
i know i havent been here a lot lately and disappeared for a whole week (or even more??) before and im so sorry for just leaving without telling you all anything about what happened. now ill do that though.
i dont want to imply any details here since i think its simply unnecessary for me to do so, but a lot of stuff has been going downwards lately and i dont really feel like updating anything. i really enjoy writing sp x reader stuff for you all but these days ive just been so unmotivated and trying to make some requests whether i liked it or not, you get what i mean? jus been feeling pressured a little to do it
im trying to focus on my health atleast just a little bit. been strugglin with ed and sh shit lately more than ever and i need to take care of that or atleast try cuz i dnt wanna end up in a grave lmao.
i hate to do that, but for now ill take a small (i hope) break and get back to you all as fast as i can. i might do some requests slowly if ill feel motivated enough to actually write something. you can still send requests, its not like im gone, i just wont be posting much.
if you still want to interact with me, you can text me on my dc @yaeuno or instagram @bloodonthe1ce . ill try to text back as fast as i can !
also lastly, i just wanted to thank you guys for all the support,,, ill miss you and i love you all sm.<3
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anon0618 · 2 years
Life updates?
Other than our wedding planning, trying for a baby and going to the gym life has been pretty good. Work is the same as usual. we have had a ton of move outs and i have been doing them all pretty much. yeah wendy still aint shit. but whta can you do. Demi is going to be moving into the surf which i was avoiding telling dimitri because i thought he would feel some type of way about it but he didnt even care. Like i told him and he said “what does that have to do with me? So he either really trusts me or he doesnt remember? i am hoping to be honest that its both. he should trust me. I would never cheat but also like those messages were not my proudest moments so if he forgot them then thats even better for me. Someone died in there apartment and we have to fill that unit. I am worried how thats going to go. Renee is moving into the apartments we live at! WE are going to be neighbors! thats pretty cool. I am going dressing shopping almost a week from now! I am so excited. I hope I find the dress! What else? My mom should be moving into a new apartment with cheap rent! I so hope it happens. If I no longer have to pay her rent then i can put away more money for the wedding.It is looking like it might be around 10k So every little bit helps. Drea had a baby! I dont think I mentioned on here she was pregnant! Im so happy for her. Hes a pretty cute kid. My insecurities havent been as bad lately. I can truthfully say i litterally dont give a shit about any one or anything going on in dimitris phone. I finally feel secure enough that I know he truly truly loves me. He is such a wonderful man. Ive always trusted him but have just been curious about what goes on in that head of his. he just doesnt share with me alot. but ever since we got engaged i just feel even more secure. like i know hes here for me !00%. last week he held me, we made out and we had sex. It was such good sex. I wish we could do it more. But today again we made out and he held me. my god i love being in his arms. how can i explain it? hes just my favorite person in this whole world. Anyway im exhausted. Hopefully the next time I write I will be telling you that I am pregnant!
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
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Welcome to the party!
I hope you're ready for a fun time! I'm very happy everyone could make it and you all look great. More on the party later, I have a few words to say first.
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I started this blog a year ago today after having barely any idea what the hell I was doing. All I knew is my wonderful friend Poe got me into a new anime and I'd absolutely fallen in love with it. I'd had a love of writing since I was ten, and I thought it was time to put that talent to use.
Words cannot describe how happy I am to still be active. I may not be as active as I once was, and I cannot update once a week like I used to, but I still appreciate all the support I get nonetheless.
Since then I've made so many friends, met so many people, got into new things and done things I never thought I would. I could talk for hours about all the friends I have because I love them all, but I'll try to keep these short so we can get to the more fun part...
@emswordss you were my first mutual and we still talk almost every day and that makes me so, so happy. you're so incredible and i'm happy i could be part of the journey you're on and help you with the crazy shit that is teenage years.
@domestic-void/@nekomas-kuroo my second mutual ever! i am so glad you let me write that lev fic its still the longest fic i've ever written for this (besides that one selfship thing but we aren't counting that)
@shoyotime/@miyamours my first wife <33 we havent talked in a while but i remember how much we did especially when i was first starting out. thanks for all the confidence boosts and all the weird conversations <3
@shirari we havent talked in so long !!! how are you? i don't know if you're really active anymore but i feel badcwe kinds lost touch
@ellesmain/@ellewords I MISS YOUUU ik finals suck i do but i miss seeing you on my dash!!! need my big sister once in a while yk <3 i hope finals are going well and that you're doing ok too! mayeb by the time you're back I'll have another taylor swift cover for you
@maizumis i havent seen you online in forever either !! we gotta talk soon!
@possiblypoe THE OG!!! this brilliant person got me into haikyuu it's her fault you all have to deal with me. poe you are so so so so so incredible and i KNOW how long you've been waiting for your matchup so go read and text me/send and ask and tell me your thoughts!!! love you (/p)
@mysterystarz/@nekonovs wife #2!!! thanks for being the crackhead in my discord dms over the summer /j. no but actually i know we dont talk as much as we did over the summer, mostly because we're both busy, but youre so amazing really. thank you for all the late night conversations and the akaashi brainrot
@k-kazvha i think you were my first genshin moot?? also happy late birthday!!! have fun dancing the night away with diluc. i said some of this yesterday on your birthday but i am SO glad we met you're so funny and honestly great to talk to. i ma not always comment on it but your posts make me laugh a lot (usually the shitposts). you're an incredibly talented writer thank you for being amazing
@rqkuya you literally know all my ocs in and out and you're so so so incredible to talk to about them. you always ahve the funniest one-liners and little ideas to add, and no matter how much you yell at me for throwing angst at them, you love me for it anyway. thank you so so much for making me feel like i always have someone to talk to about anything (usually characters, but even serious things) tor.
@merciemer DAD !! high key you're very like an older brother for me and i talk about you deadass all the time. you give me gender envy a LOT (but in a great way) and youre so pretty in like the most gnc way possible. you're absolutely hilarious and i feel my own parent friend instincts kick in once in a while when we talk but its because i care i swear <3
@animated-moon my fellow tendou simp. we really need to sit down and watch howl's moving castle one of these days. i'm still proud of that tendou fic for you i wrote not too long ago (or maybe it was, i have no perception of time) but it was really fun to write and you're just. so much fun to talk to we really need to talk more bc youre a riot in the best way ever
@kage7ama ANGEL THAT INTRODUCED ME TO THAT SONG— ok i still scream sing that and in the back of my head im thankng you for showing it to me i LOVE it thank you. i was so worried when you deactivated but its ok bc i got the new url <33
@kodzukoi ANOTHER ONE WHO HEARS ABOUT MY OCS i am so glad you're as into sk8 as i am (or almost, idk) and know that langa is giving u a forehead kiss rn. as am i (/p). but you're so easy to talk to and constantly reminding me that im not talking too much which i appreciate also you give the best compliments. jun kinnie (affectionate)
@rudolphsboyfriend AAAAA I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ UR MATCHUP URS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. but youre so talented like what the hell??? talented voice, talented writer, my irls hear about you all the time jfc i need to shut up about you sometimes. but yeah i just think you're super awesome man
@sunalma i missed you on my dash !!! im glad youre back though even if it's not as much. fun fact: i was SO SCARED to talk to you for so long but the more time went on the more time i got over myself and tried not to hit the send button on inbox asks and throw my phone to the other end of my bed
@miyagem LAST BUT NOT LEAST i think youre my newest mutual??? we talk a decent amount though so i already call u my friend <33 i definitely need to bother you more tho its fun youre great to talk to
that should be everyone its everyone in my notes w an emoji at least. if i forgot you i swear i didn't mean to !!!!
and an extra extra shoutout to all my anons + anyone who just likes to interact, even if through reblogs! ur messages/tags/anything else mean the world to me !! your support is mostly why i keep doing this and i wouldn't have hit 1 year if not for you.
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quick preface: when in doubt assume everyone is 22. i don't care how that affects the plot of the original story your character is from, everyone is 22 so we can all drink champagne (if you choose). carry on
The night opens in a giant, golden, open ballroom, perfectly set white tables taking up a decent amount of room. Other tables line the walls, all covered in food (all with various coverings on it so it doesn't get too cold). Come in, take a seat wherever you like. Dinner starts soon.
The room is quiet, save the chatter of people finding seats. Three people stand in the center of the room with various kinds of musical nstruments—L, in the center, (@rudolphsboyfriend my beloved) Blue to their side and Semi Eita on their other. All three are smiling, however L is the most, seeing everyone make their entrances.
Once everyone is seated, he explains: one of his biggest passions is music and he has two incredibly talented friends that agreed to play with him for the first part of the night, then dinner, then the rest of the party as everyone pleases.
They make a speech about how appreciative they are for everyone (see above for that) and the three of them play their set. Music kicks on, they announce dinner is open, and the rest of the night is yours for the choosing.
Do enjoy and tell me how spend your time!
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Event Content!
playlist for the night
✧ drabbles ✧
@merciemer - dancing with matsukawa issei @kage7ama - people watching with diluc ragnvindr @animated-moon - eating dessert with tendou satori @rqkuya - xiao (yours didn't get a name but i swear its for good reason) @terushimatwinn - balcony conversations with miya atsumu @kodzukoi - car conversations with langa hasegawa
✧ matchups ✧
for @emswordss ✧✧✧ for @keijinn ✧✧✧ for anon ✧✧✧ for @duckymcdoorknob ✧✧✧ for @possiblypoe ✧✧✧ for @rudolphsboyfriend ✧✧✧ for 🌱 anon ✧✧✧
✧ other additions ✧
my evening with kaoru sakurayashiki
If you didn't get a chance to participate and want to (or you did, and want to add onto what I came up with), please do! Send it in as a submission or inbox message, or just tag me in a post you make! I'd love to add it to the main post!
Only rule about this is you cannot double characters. There are a few taken already, but if you would like to participate, please choose someone else that hasn't been listed in one of the drabbles/matchups to save everyone the confusion.
Thank you all so much again. I could not have done this all without you and I appreciate everyone that follows and interacts with me more than you all know. I hope to do something like this next year around this time if life permits. Other than that, get a drink, some dancing in, talk to new people—the night is yours! Enjoy the party.
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i love you so fucking much - coops proposal
Haha, I feel like shit so here have some fluff. Also apparently I can't just write a cute date, it always turns into some grand gesture, it's called ~love starved~ (I just had a major stress thingy, which is why I can't put my own thoughts into words, only coops cuteness)
(I had paper rings by Taylor Swift on repeat, so do with that what you will - okay update 24 hours later: there will be a paper rings lyric fic :))
And a big thabk you to my beta @tonksandherpinkhair !! I really really appreciate it!!
!! Okay so I havent been very active on tumblr lately and I literally just, like 2 min ago, found out that @fruitcoops also did a proposal fic with paper rings by taylor swift. But I just wanted to make clear that this fic (or the part 2) wasn’t stolen from them, we just got the same idea apparently lmao. (I put this "warning" here, because my anxiety just told me that otherwise everyone will hate me and think I stole the idea)
I recommend that you still read their fic because it's really fucking amazing and adorable!!! !!
Cw// food, fear of drowning, swear words
'Mon loup, you know I love you, but why are we going ice-skating? It's our job.'
'It's romantic.' Sirius raised his eyebrow. 'Okay, I saw a couple do it on TikTok, but it was really romantic.'
'But do they play ice-hockey for a living?'
'Baby, we can stay there and have dinner and look at the stars. We can stay as long as we want. Please?' Sirius was persuaded at the word baby.
Sirius hadn't exactly known what made him agree -it was the word baby- but now he stood in front of a completely frozen lake. It felt different without his protection gear and with the fact that there was ice-cold water underneath the ice. A vivid memory of 10-year old Sirius came up.
It had been his first time skating on natural ice, but I wasn't cold enough. Sirius had taken one step on the ice and his foot went right through. The worst part was that no one seemed to care, except for Regulus. It was when Sirius started to realize they simply didn’t care about anything other than his reputation.
'Pads?' Remus' warm voice broke through the memory. 'Are you alright? You don’t have to skate if you don’t want to.'
'No, I want to.' He tried to smile. 'I'm sorry.'
'No need to be sorry, come, I'll help you.' Remus carefully stepped on the ice and Sirius almost winced at the thought of Remus falling through.
But when Remus took his hand all the ghosts from his past seemed to fade away and he realized that for once in his life there was nothing holding him back from being happy.
'I got you. One foot first.' Remus helped Sirius on the ice. 'Love you. Now let's go skate, shall we?'
Sirius laughed as Remus dragged him to the middle of the lake where loads of families were already skating together.
'Honey, like you said, this is your job,' Remus laughed when Sirius slipped.
'It's the ice! It's different!' He said, but he was laughing too.
'Sure, baby.' Sirius grabbed Remus' arm and pulled him on the ice with him. 'Sirius!'
He just laughed and tried to stand up and skate away, but Loops was put on the Lions team for a reason. Remus had reached him within a minute.
'Were we planning on going somewhere?' Remus' smile still gave Sirius butterflies sometimes.
'Sir?' A small girl looked up to Remus. 'How did you learn to skate so fast?' For a second he hesitated and then he lowered himself to eyelevel with the girl.
'Hi, what is your name?'
'Everly, but, Sir, how did you skate so fast?'
'Everly, manners!' a woman interrupted her. 'I'm sorry, she's six and, well, hard to control.'
'Oh that's alright,' Remus said. 'Hi Everly, my name is Remus Lupin. I play professional ice-hockey. But I can teach you some tricks. If that's alright with your mother, of course.' Sirius heart almost melted at the sight.
'Mommy, can I please skate with Remus?' The girl tried her best to look cute and Sirius had to admit that she was almost as cute as Remus.
'You are- That means you are Sirius Black, I thought I recognized you! Ev, stay in sight, okay?' She gave her daughter a stern look and then smiled. Both her and Sirius watched them skate away.
'I'm sorry, kids seem to automatically have thing for Remus. I can't say I don't understand them, though I hope it's a different kind of thing.' The woman laughed at Sirius', slightly awkward, but apparently successful ice-breaker.
'My name is Sarah by the way. I heard everything about you and Remus on the new some months ago, that must've been hard.' Sirius normally wouldn’t answer to this, but Sarah had somewhat the same motherly energy that both Hope Lupin and Celeste Dumais had, though maybe a little less.
'It wasn't, but it got us here.' She smiled at him.
'I'm glad it did.' She turned around to look for something. 'Oh, Jack! I am so sorry, my toddler just learned how to walk and Cecile and I have trouble getting him to not walk on the ice.' She smiled apologetically. 'Could you give a shout if something happens with Everly?' Sirius nodded. 'Thank you, darling,' she said as she skated to her wife and son.
Sirius saw her kiss her wife, Cecile, on the cheek and bow down over the toddler and he couldn’t deny that he wanted that. Someday. With Remus.
Then he felt a weight against his back and arms around his hips. 'Hey baby,' Remus whispered. Sirius turned around and kissed his boyfriend.
'Where is your little admirer?'
'She's showing her mom all the tricks I taught her.'
'You'd be a great dad.' Remus seemed a little taken aback by that.
'You would too.'
Sirius couldn’t hold it in. 'I want that. Someday.'
'Me too.' Remus couldn’t hold back a smile and kissed Sirius again. 'Love you,' he whispered against his boyfriends lips.
'Hmm, love you too,' Sirius replied.
'Do you want to sit down and eat something? I brought chocolate.'
'of course you did.'
Hours later, both Remus and Sirius were getting tired. They had skated, talked and exchanged contact with Sarah and her family and Remus had eaten a shocking amount of chocolate. They had been snuggled on a thick blanket with another blanket over them in a tent-like contraption for an hour now. Remus was the first to notice it was getting dark.
'Pads. Pads, we can see the stars now,' he whispered to a half-asleep Sirius. He took his hand and dragged him up. Let's go on the ice, there is the least unnatural light.' Remus began walking.
'Honey, you forgot your skates.'
'Don’t need 'em.' He walked to the middle of the lake and promptly sat down and then laid on his back. 'You coming?' Sirius rolled his eyes, but went to lay next to Remus anyway. There they looked up, waiting for the stars to become more and more visible. The ice was cold underneath them, but Remus warmth made up for that.
After a while the stars were very visible and Remus pointed to the sky. 'Okay, if that's the north star, than North is right,' he lowered his hand in a straight line, 'there.' He pointed somewhere to into the forest next to the lake.
'How do you know this?' Sirius looked at his boyfriend looked at him.
'I might have looked up how to stargaze this morning,' Remus admitted. Sirius laughed -it could almost be called barking- when he saw Remus' grin. 'Anyway, there is Ursa Major. And I think that that is..' That was the point where Sirius stopped paying attention to what Remus said and more to him.
Remus' lit up when he talked about something made him happy. He had a wide smile and gold sparks in his eyes.
'And that's you, baby, the dog star.' But Sirius didn't look up, he kept staring at his boyfriends face. 'Pads?'
'Marry me.' It slipped out. He hadn't meant to say it, but it was sincere.
'What!?' Remus shot up.
'I- I just realized how fucking much I love you. I want to spend every second with you, I want to talk either to you or about you, I want,' Sirius trailed off in a search for words, 'you.' He smiled. 'I just want you.' Sirius had not prepared this, in any way, but he was happy with what he said.
'Bab-y,' Remus' voice broke as tears welled up and Sirius sat up and then went down on one knee.
'I'm sorry I don’t have a ring, but here goes,' he smiled apologetically. 'Remus, will you marry me?'
'Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes!' He kissed Sirius. 'Ba- fiancé,' he whispered against his lips, 'I love you so fucking much too.'
I kinda want a significant other now,, anyway, let me know if you want a part 2 where they tell people!!
(I'll probably write it anyway, but still!)
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Seven
~sweet home~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, han jisung/lee minho
warning: mild language
words: 4.7k
summary:  Home is where your bros at right? right.
a/n: I actually like this chapter, shocker. i hope you enjoy 
Minho stared at the video file sitting on his computer, on the familiar application site that had been haunting his mind for the past couple years. The debate he found himself in with himself on whether or not to submit another application, had become his default subject of thought for much of the past few weeks. All building up to right now. Something had tipped the scale though. Something that reminded him if he didn't submit an entry this year, that he might as well have given up on his one dream. His one goal. The only thing that had been keeping him motivated through university. So once again he found himself rationalizing, and knew that if anything he had to try, at least just one last time. 
Upload complete, Thank you for your entry!
Minho sighed loudly. He had sent it in. The first part of the application. It was just a basic dance routine supplied by the academy. He had practice and recorded it all within one sitting. Having been a part of a dance crew for much of the past year had allowed him to quickly pick up choreography and perfect it. The other reason being that he wanted more than anything to get the overbearing presence of the audition tape out of his head space as soon as possible. A heavy sigh left his lips as he laid back down on the studio floor, not too long after a ping of his phone revived just enough for him to check his messages.
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
2:50 pm
I hope your day has been going well~
Sadly, no updates on when ill be free :/ 
They’re working us hard for the debut
It’s alright Ji, work hard!
You better be taking care of yourself tho...
4:03 pm (new)
Have you heard this song? Made me think of you :)
{link attached}
I hope you like it!!!!
Oh, no i havent
I’ll give it a listen ^-^
As of late it wasn’t uncommon for Jisung to send the older songs he thought he would like. Always saying some cheesy line that was so blatantly sweet it made Minho flustered everytime. This time of course was no exception. 
I knew I was rubbin goffon you 
Dont get too ahead of yourself 
atleast I can still type coherent sentences
Boo :p
Why Jisung was so persistent about sending him songs was lost on the older, but it was a sweet reminder that someone was thinking about him. It had been a while since Minho had even imagined that someone took a few minutes of their day to actually consider how he was doing. It didn't quite make sense to him that suddenly out of nowhere, there was his boy, man, person, who purposefully took the time to dedicate brain cells to his existence. Wild. 
Minho hurriedly clicked the link to the song that Jisung had sent. It was an upbeat song, with a strong but subtle strumming of a guitar to keep the song’s pace just quick enough to be comfortable. “There's no one else that could ever hold me like you do.” The lyrics were in the realm of positive longing and companionship, but the dips into minor chords and tone of the singer created a mood of desperation. More than anything, the song brought forth a story to Minho. One that he could see with his eyes close and feel his body wanting to move to. 
A smile stretched across his face, as he rose from his spot on the floor, dusting off the dull ache and pressure in his shoulders from having just finished a routine not even 10 minutes ago. 
“But I know that I'd be crazy, Not to wanna be the one to keep you up all night”
Woah there Jisung, at least take me out to dinner first. He made a mental note to tease the younger later about his “Made me think of you :)” line later. Already stretching and drawing a plan in his head, Minho took his phone and saved the song, pressing the repeat button twice, to allow the guitar chords and chorus harmonies to carry on endlessly. A smirk stretched into an excited smile. Not wanting to jinx himself, a shy “finally” was whispered in the back of Minho’s mind at the surge of inspiration, but not spoken aloud just yet.
Flashing lights, heavy makeup, hot clothing, and too much fog from the smoke machine is all Jisung had thought about for the last couple hours. 3RAHCHA was in their last photo shoot for their debut. The concept photos would be released later through the week, slowly revealing the three members and their group as officially signed with JJP ent. 
The multicolor lights had been running through his vision for so long that as soon as he walked into their Green Room, he had almost forgotten what color everything actually was. Looking in the mirror he saw the blonde highlighted streaks in his hair had settled nicely, slightly slicked back. The stylist had surely done their jobs well. Painting the three rappers up to look less like the nightcrawlers they were, and into something that leather and fishnet clad superstars might look like was definitely a challenge. Jisung had his makeup done just enough to give his eyes a smoky look to them, and grey contacts to emphasize his gaze. The ensemble he had on looked like something that had come straight from a catwalk. Fishnets crawling up his arms from his gloved hands and an asymmetrical shit he for sure would not have been able to put on without the help of his stylist-noona. All that plus some leather pants and combat boots, he definitely looked more like his persona J.One than the notorious hoodie clad couch potato named Jisung he usually found himself as. 
Having just finished his own solo shoot, he signaled Changbin to head on to the set as he returned. The older nodded from his chair in front of the makeup station, as the artist finished the final touches to his eyeliner. Jisung watched as the shorter rapper walked out to the set in a white puffer jacket that he somehow pulled off, even with the bright red pants he wore. A part of Jisung was thankful his stylist hadn’t taken that many liberties with his outfit, but the makeup and outfit Changbin wore really only emphasized his intimidating stare and the wideness of his shoulders. It was undeniable that their concept photos would come out well. 
Chan, who was seated on a couch, eating some of the provided sandwiches, was already hunched over his computer and mixing equipment again, airpods in. Probably working on tracks for their third comeback knowing him. Not wanting to jump right back into work Jisung snagged a few snacks from the buffet and found a chair he could lay on. Listening to music that wasn't work had become a rarity for Jisung in the years he had been with 3RACHA. Of course he always tried to stay on top of the recent pop and hip hop trends, but straying any farther than his trusty morning and workout playlists was more than unlikely. 
Lately though, Jisung found himself looking through a lot of random indie, alternative, “western” pop, and especially dance music. The versatility of the genres was comforting to Jisung in the rather turbulent state his emotions and mental state have been in, as the debut approached. Also Minho. Meeting Minho definitely had introduced a whole new set of feelings Jisung was still working on navigating. As he listened to the different songs that populated this radio, he told himself he was just looking for some inspiration for his lyrics and 3RACHA’s new music, but even he knew that was mostly a lie. 
Ever since that night at the bar with Minho he found himself always considering the older and what he would think of a song or how he would dance to it, or if he would even like it. After pointing out that he liked a particularly upbeat pop song with melancholic lyrics, during their impromptu karaoke session, Jisung had been delvinging into all related categories to find songs he thought the older might enjoy. He wanted more than anything to inspire his older companion? Partner? (that was a later Jisung question.) but he wanted to repay the man who had allowed him to get out of his creative slump. That night, as soon as the youngest rapper had returned to the 3RACHA “house” he felt the start of at least 5 separate tracks and choruses appear in his brain. His two hyungs jumped into action along with him as Jisung desperately tried to write and record everything that was jumping out of his brain at once. 
Jisung remembered Chan’s smile and encouraging words as he fitted a few of his new verses to songs they had previously put on the shelf. After finding a particularly emotional but upbeat song he immediately wanted to send it to Minho. He always got hung up on what to say with the link. Other than the thought vomit that occurred every time he chooses to send him a potentially good song: “Found this song? U Like???” No Jisung, what are you five?? “I think you will enjoy this song. Please give it a listen? :0” No that just sounds desperate. 
“You doing alright there Ji, I can hear you sighing through my earbuds?” Chan peeked out from under his styled bangs with a raised eyebrow, sending Jisung into a red embarrassed mess that he had been caught. He hoped his layers of foundation would cover it up. 
“Yeah fine fine, don't worry. I’m FINE.” Attempting to hide Jisung curled up tighter into his arm chair. Just be casual Jisung it's a song not a marriage proposal dear god. “Have you heard this song? Made me think of you :)” Good, yes fine. Send.
Minho responded immediately and cutely with an emoji that made his heart jump a little. Minho would respond always with a variation of a “Thanks! I’ll go listen”, but Jisung had yet to receive any confirmation that the older actually enjoyed the links he sent, much less had found some inspiration in them. At this point the only thing he could do was hope. He wanted nothing more than Minho to be smiling because of him.
Officially exhausted, it wasn’t until late when the 3RACHA boys had finally made it back to their apartment. The day Jisung had, had been anything but short. Almost collapsing immediately on the couch. Sana notified them that she had already ordered food to be delivered for dinner and that they should go to bed as soon as they had finished eating. Chan looked like he was about to pass out on the couch before the food even arrived, which was more than likely at this point. After their shoot they were immediately sent to a few other meetings laying out their marketing and schedule plans for the upcoming weeks. Although glad they were able to part with their artistic and career decisions with their company, it did add a lot of work and responsibilities to the trio. 
Jisung’s phone had died somewhere after meeting 3 of 5 and he had submitted to having to carry the lifeless brick with him anyway. Not ideal for his wandering mind and anxiety that comes with a few too many stressful meetings. Once finally arriving home he went and plugged his phone in at the charger on the kitchen counter. Lighting up with notification buzzes as it rebooted back to life. 
[ 5 new messages from Lee Minho hyungie]
Immediately cursing himself internally for not bringing his charger with him, he opened his messages from Minho ignoring all others. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
5:45 pm
Hey Jisungie, just finished up practice!
Actually may or may not have danced to the song u sent…
Maybe I’ll show you some day hehehehehehehehe ;)
7:21 pm
Han Jisung, did you forget your charger again >:/ 
Well I’m off to my late shift, I hope you have a good night~
Jisung always found himself smiling at Minho’s before work texts. They were always so cute. Either some sort of sweet well wishing or some other Minho-esque goodbye, along the lines of “don’t die mysteriously while i'm gone ;p” or “Have a good night, try not to miss my WONDERFUL company too much <3”. (The hearts always made Jisung grin hard, even if they were sarcastic)
This night though, Jisung found him almost jumping in victory at Minho’s text. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
12:35 am
What did you like about it? 
When can I see????
You better not leave me on read after work!
Jisung tried to imagine what kind of dance Minho would do to the track he sent,and suddenly found himself flush at the thought of watching the other dance. Somehow, watching Minho dance, felt more intimate than any other situation that they’ve shared. Thankfully Minho seemed to want to hold off, so at least of the time being Jisung’s heart was safe. The exhaustion and stress from the day faded ever so slightly as soon as he thought of Minho with coordinating blush to match. 
Jisung you lovestruck fool.
“Jisung! Food’s here!!! If you don't hurry Chan’ll eat your portion again.”
“HEY! It was one time.” Laughter filled the apartment gently as they all respectively fought gravity to get up and make their way to collect the food from the delivery man.  
Minho tore up the stairs and through their apartment door as quickly as he could without spilling the carry out food he had in his arms. The clock was ticking a little past midnight and fear set in that the older would miss their planned celebrations. 
Bursting through the door, “Did I beat him?!” The oldest was frazzled from rushing in order to beat their third roommate home from work.
“Barely! I was afraid you wouldn’t make it, with having to bring the carry out.” Hyunjin’s sigh of relief was visible throughout the boy's now relaxed body. He had spent the last ten minutes hoping that they would still be able to pull off their surprise party for the youngest. Pacing around and failing to come up with any backup plans if Minho had been later than Felix. Thankfully for them both, Minho had a way of always being on time. 
“Hey all that matters is I made it. Is everything else ready?” Looking around Minho could see that Hyunjin’s bed was transitioned back into the couch setting and that the floors had been tidied up. A couple stray balloons littered the floor as well as a home made “happy birthday felix” sign hung from their living room screen divider. 
“Yep, I've just been waiting anxiously for you to get home for the past half hour.”
The door handle of their apartment began to jiggle, signaling the two boys to spring into action. Minho setting down the carry out, and Hyunjin frantically lights candles on the small cake on the coffee table. The door swung open, revealing a disheveled after-work Felix wandering through the door. As soon as the boy turned toward their living room, he was accosted with shouts and the flailing limbs of his hyungs. 
“Surprise!!!” “Happy Birthday!!!” 
Felix’s smile erased any of the signs of exhaustion off his face immediately as soon as he spotted his hyungs excited expressions. The cake, the streamers, the balloons, and sign all sparked some joyful tearing of his eyes as he set down his things and made his way to the small cake with a few random lit candles on top. The clock had crossed over into the next day as Felix had made his way home, that he had almost forgotten that it was now technically the early morning hours of his birthday. Coming home to joyful cheers instead of their usual exhausted silence had given him a certain happiness that he hadn’t realized he was missing. 
For all of three of the roommates this was their first time having a celebration in their small home together. By now the sense of home was undeniable and without realizing it all of them had begun to consider each other and their shared 3 room apartment, home. 
The disjointed singing of happy birthday followed by the laughter and conversation surrounded their coffee table as the three enjoyed their small carryout feast and cake. The warmth that their company gave each other lasted well into the night.
“Hyung! It's my birthday, stop eating all the cake!!!” 
“I have no idea what youre talking about Lixie.” Minho says while actively taking another bite of their 2 person sized cake. 
“Hyung!” The laughter of the oldest filled the room followed by the other two’s not too long after.
“Happy Birthday Lixie~” The smile hadn’t left the freckled boys faces since he had sat down, and remained as he pulled his two roommates into a forceful hug. It was his birthday so the boys both submitted to the clingy nature of their third roommate, as always.
It was late into the early morning by the time Minho had checked his phone. 
[ 5 new messages from Rich Boy Han Jisung]
A soft pang of guilt hits his chest after reading the younger’s texts and realizing that he did in fact leave the other on read for the better part of the last two hours.  
2:43 am 
I’m so sorry Sungie!
We were celebrating Felix’s birthday, and I didnt check my phone…. 
Look at the cute cake we got him!
{photo attached}
Minho sent the selfie of the three of them with Felix’s cake, if anything just to lessen the guilt in his chest. Hoping that the cuteness of Felix’s smile would be enough to forgive him for low key ghosting him for a few hours. Minho knows that on the days Jisung has the most schedules are the hardest for him mentally, and he always tries his best to be there for him and send him a message or two to lessen the load on those nights. The fact that he hadn’t been there tonight filled him with some worry. A part of him hoped that the younger would’ve been asleep by now but their late night track record did not exactly support that. 
Jisung had been lying painfully awake in his bed for an hour when he heard the buzz of his phone. Slightly upset with his body for not giving into the exhaustion he had gathered from the day, and just letting him sleep, he turned to the side table to check the messages. Awake fully ,but only mentally half conscious, he read through his messages:
Minho. Oh, yay, it's Minho.
Felix’s Birthday. Oh right he had mentioned that coming up.
Cute cake. Aw that cake is really cute… wait. 
I have one of those, around this time to- 
I missed my birthday. I forgot my birthday. Everyone forgot.
The cute picture Minho had sent was so filled with happiness that Jisung almost let the pain slide and pass the moment by. But something just didn't feel right in letting himself forget his own birthday. The fact that the others hadn’t remembered didn’t bother him too much. Chan, Changbin, they were all busy with schedules and he can't blame them. Especially since he, himself had forgotten. No birthday text from his family either. Unsurprising though since he rarely got in contact with them since moving to Korea in high school. He forgot though. 
He wasn’t quite sure why this was bothering him so much. Some people don't even celebrate their birthday, or remember how old they are, but Jisung had always prided himself on never letting his work take over entirely who he was. To exhausted-Jisung, he couldn’t help but feel like this was one step toward losing the grip on who he was, and that was in itself, terrifying. 
The coldness of his bed and the dark expanse of his room seemed to only perpetuate the way Jisung felt. Floating, alone, lost. His insecurity was starting to come into focus, and no wonder it had been keeping him up. He had been spiraling for days probably, without even knowing it. The buzz of his phone lit up his face, snapping him out of his own thoughts for a moment. 
[Lee Minho hyungie]
2:50 pm 
You okay Jisung? 
I hope I didn't wake you
Jisung noticed that the app had revealed that he had read the messages and was indeed awake. Unfortunately, exhausted-and--spirling-Jisung was the only one present enough to send a response. Hopefully Minho wouldn’t mind him too much. 
You didn’t wake me, was already up :/ 
It looks really fun hyung
I just realized something too
My birthday was yesterday
I forgot it
Jisung found himself fighting the watering of his eyes as he sent those messages. Why was he crying? He just forgot, he was busy. It was okay. Right? The tears seemed to only cloud his vision more, blocking him from reading the messages from Minho that were buzzing and populating the screen. Not bothering to wipe his eyes, he let them blurr.
Wh- do you- mea- ???
Jis--ng ar- y-- ok--?
I-- sorry i- di-nt -----
---- wa-t --- ca-l?
A few moments passed, without him realizing it, as his phone buzzed some more, screen changing to the incoming call screen. Sucking up his tears and drying his damp screen, it took a few tries before answering the call.
“Jisung!?” Jisung nearly flinched, just nearly. 
“Hi hyung, How was work?” hoping to cover up his tears by changing the subject. Jisung thought it was a pretty good attempt.
“How wa- what, no. Jisung are you okay?” There it was again. The undeniable worry in Minho’s voice. Ow. 
“Yeah I’m okay.” Despite Jisung’s efforts it was obvious to Minho that the other had in fact been crying. Not wanting to push the younger though, he allowed him to change the subject
“.... okay, I just want to check in on you. I worry you know, Sung!” 
“About me? that's silly hyung.” The distance in his tone replaced Jisung’s usual brightness, and it hurt Minho to hear it. 
“I don't think so. How am I to know what my favorite customer is up to? You may be a soon to be rap star but that doesn’t keep you from ignoring your hyung.” Even though Jisung giggled at that, the irony of the statement wasn’t lost on Minho. A wave of guilt washed over his chest as soon as he said it. 
“I am sorry though. For not answering sooner and everything.” 
And for reminding you of your birthday, and making you cry, and not being there to make you smile.
“No don’t be sorry! That’ll only make me feel worse for bothering you… I think the exhaustion was just making me delirious, I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights.” Minho had to fight his initial protective instincts that told him to scold the younger for not taking care of himself, because a part of him knew that the younger was certainly trying his best to do so. 
“Well if you can’t sleep ever, just call me okay? I’m usually up from my shifts anyway. Plus if I'm not up surely one of my roommates is. Felix will probably never let go of you once he finds your birthday brothers." Hearing Minho's laugh lightened the tight pressure that Jisung hadn't realized had been settled in his chest.
"Okay hyung, i'd like that I think."
"You better. My time rarely comes free, and this is a limited time offer." Jisung’s laugh is a little bit more enthusiastic this time. 
“Of course hyung.” A silence came over them for a moment. Not an awkward one, more of a point of realization and relief. Like the feeling after having a good cry, in Jisung’s case. 
“Happy belated birthday Jisung.” 
“Thanks hyung… Did you have a fun time with Felix?” 
“Yeah! It was actually a lot of fun. Just some carry out and cake after work, but it was good to relax with them. We don't always have free time together, and haven’t had the chance to celebrate anything until now. Hyunnie luckily found a cake on sale at the mart today, sparking this whole thing.” 
Minho remembered the frantic call from the younger as he delved into his plans for giving Felix the “perfect surprise birthday celebration” because he had “found the perfect cake to match Felix’s cuteness.” It was on sale. Also because “Come on Min-hyung Felix would absolutely do the same for us.” Explaining the situation to Jisung really did solidify the fact that Minho knew Felix, would in fact, plan some adorable birthday celebration for the older two if given the opportunity. 
“What would you guys have done if he hadn't found the cake?”
“I’m not sure maybe it would’ve just been a carry-out celebration.”
“Still sounds really nice hyungie. You and your roommates seem so close.” 
“I suppose shared rent does that to people.” Minho laughed it off but he had begun to cherish the brotherly bond that had grown between his roommates. 
Not having ever considered it before, the fact that the roommates were only able to buy a cake because it happened to be on sale, revealed to Jisung that their financial situations may have been farther apart than he realized. Money had never been a barrier that Jisung had to face, always having family (or honestly Changbin) help pay for his living and pursuit of his dreams. Sure he’s had part time jobs in the past but he never found himself worrying about not making enough each month. Not going to university definitely was a large factor in maintaining his “affordable” lifestyle.
“It's nice you do things for each other. I can't remember the last time my hyungs and I have done something together that didn't have to do with our music.” Jisung started to feel some sort of jealousy at the closeness that Minho and his roommate had found in each other. Financial guilt and emotional jealousy are a strange combination for a half conscious Jisung to say the least. 
“Are those fools not taking care of my Sung properly? Illegal, tell them to call me I have to yell at them too. They better not be working you too hard.” 
‘My Sung’ Jisung almost choked. Almost. 
“Nonono Hyung! They take care of me fine, we're all just exhausted with work.”
“Hmmmm okay they get a pass this time, but please relay my threat.”
“Okay okay I will.” 
“You should probably get some rest soon. You're busy tomorrow right?” 
Jisung yawned in response, which was enough convincing for Minho that he needed to rest. 
“Okay looks like it's sleepy time for hardworking Jisung~”
“Wait hyung!” Jisung wasn’t quite ready to sleep yet, even though his body was actively fighting him.
“Yes belated birthday boy?”
“Thank you for not letting me be a sad gremlin all night. It would've been nice to have spent my birthday with you, but you still made me feel better.”
The musings of sleepy Jisung were just about enough to let the fondness burst from Minho’s chest. As much as he continues to hide it, the fondness still seeps into his voice, “Of course, Jisung we always have next year.” A promise he wasn’t sure he could keep but Jisung always made him want to try new things. 
“Next year?” The sleepiness had definitely taken over, making his voice much softer than his usual bright edge. 
“Yes next year... Goodnight Sungie, call me back if you can't sleep okay.”
“Mmkay, G’night hyungie.” Already half asleep by the time he hung up, Minho was glad that the younger was finally able to rest. Glancing at his roommates huddled together on the couch already drifting off, Minho accepted that it was his turn to finally rest knowing that all his younger companions were all safely sleeping. Hyung instincts he supposes.
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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bound-writings · 4 years
well I think all of yall noticed I've haven’t posted anything in a few months 🤡🤡🤡
and fuck I'm really sorry abt this,,, there's so much juicy requests that I have that I would love to answer but I just lost a bit of interest and motivation to write for tbhk since its hard to be focused on it when the anime is done and there's only 1 chapter per month 💀💀
I planned to come back sooner but since its the end of the year my school has been giving us a ton of project 🤠🤠 ah love them 
but I DO plan to come back soon (most likely when school ends) but not as a tbhk only blog but I want this blog to be multifandom
and this I'm here exposing myself I may as well expose my other writing platforms
idk if any Dr Stone fans are here but I'm @dr-stone-things! fuck yes that's me haha epic
I have a Wattpad here and an AO3 here!
aahaha call me the queen of not updating my stories
idk if anyone is still here bc barely anyone likes mah shit anymore lmao!! but please send recommendations for any animes/mangas yall want me to write for!! (I'm sorry for being a bitch and abandoning yall 🤡🤡) love yall thou!!
and no I ain't changing my URL bc then I have to do my whole ass masterlist over again and ya girl ain't doing that much work
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kinktae · 4 years
hi babe !!! i’m starting on my journey through the whole bitchin’ series today !!! and i just wanted to say that it really reminds me of that 70’s show (even if i know urs is set in the 80’s lmao) !!! and i want to congratulate u on the job well done !!!
All the bitchin’ asks I didn’t get to answer in time uwu. Spoilers ahead:
prince-jjk said: just read your beyond the story for bitchin’ and i literally cried twice 🥺 especially in the 10yrs later when, for the wedding gift, jk gives y/n the contract they wrote all the way back when they barely knew eachother, that part just made me be like skfkskckskfkd on the inside, that was adorable.
Anonymous said: bitchin is so soft 🥺 it was love at first chapter for me, i loved watching y/n and jk grow throughout the story both together and on their own and i love all the soft lil moments and reading every chapter warmed my heart so damn much 🥺 thank you 💕
Anonymous said: okay so i finally read bitchin’ all in one day and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they are both idiots i love them sm,, thank u for writing such an incredible story!!💕💗💕💘💗
Anonymous said: I LOVED WHAT YOU POSTED FOR BITCHIN OMGGG i actually LOVE seeing behind the scenes of writing so i really enjoyed reading about the details of bitchin. nOT TO MENTION HOW CUTE THE EPILOGUE WAS PLEASE I DONT THINK ILL EVER GET OVER THEM but overall i really liked it and thank you so so so so so so so much for this
Anonymous said: i swear Yara and Taehyung do be the cutest couple :(
beifong-bitch said: So im new around here and just started reading bitchin and oh god- I KEEP IMAGINING TAES VOICE SOUNDING LIKE THAT ONE SURFER DUDE FROM TOTAL DRAMA.
Anonymous said: beyond the story: bitchin’ got me so emotional like??? i think i can’t live without them:( thank you for this beautiful story🤧 you’re so talented
sapphireprinces5 said: can I just say that the fact you called it Behind The Story as BTS is so genius and the best chef’s kiss of the century. reading this made me tear up like I miss the two so much and to see them happy forever was just 🤧 it was so cool to see how the stories developed and your thoughts as you wrote them. thank you for giving this to us - probably one of the best gifts i’ve ever received as a reader. amazing, you’re amazing
mochiieberry said: JUST READ THE UPDATE FOR BITCHIN AND FINALLY I CAN START MY DAY(ignore the fact it’s 3 am :) ). But honestly after reading BITCHIN I questioned what happened afterwards and thank you for writing the behind the scenes and giving us 10 year update!!
ggukcangetit said: oh my gosh i was missing bitchin' and you posted the most incredible companion piece. also love how its called beyond the story (BTS) so sneaky rose (¬‿¬) you really spoilt us with the connect i am sad and happy so thanks for that. lastly, just wanna appreciate how much effort, hard work, and care you devote to your stories, characters, and readers. since you are a LOT younger than me imma go ahead and say this- uWu rose is the best liddol bean in the world. okay bye.
Anonymous said: I just wanted to say thank you for the extra bitchin' content! It's one of my favorite fics ever (mainly bc I am a woman in stem who takes shit from no man and I hardcore identify with yn) and to see how much you love the fic and genuinely get excited about the little details you slip in to make it more enjoyable for you to write just makes my heart !!! bc i love nothing more than hearing writers talk about their works with pride. love you lots and thank you for always putting out great content!
Anonymous said: Yara refusing to put a label on her relationship after 10 years sends me. For one thing, as an independent woman who is terrified of commitment, I can 100% relate lol. The titles she gives him instead killed me as well. Her outrage at the crustaceans was also so something I’d do. Like ��no ma’am my best friend ain’t sign up for this and as far as I’m concerned she’s gonna get exactly what she wants”. Yara is my spirit animal.
Anonymous said: I have a lot of questions. #1- How dare you? Bitch I am sobbing. I love those Bitchin fools and I ain’t ever gonna stop loving them!
lee-u-ne12 said: I may have giggled one too many times during my "beyond the story: bitchin'" reading. Dammit it's just so cute! I found it charming how instead of just giving us an update on the characters you included some commentery on each chapter! Ngl i was rlly sad earlier but this made me smile :)
Anonymous said: I definitely noticed the sock thing and thought it was stupidly cute (like this entire fic tbh) and djjdjdjdjjd I wish I had commented on it when I first read it! I loved the behind the stuff and loved all the reasoning as to why you didn't want y/n to be a 'popular guy gave me confidence' type of character 👏 honestly loved it all thank you!!!!
cheeky-kookie said: ROSE, I am so happy this is the best birthday present wowza ily thank you bitchin' update I cry
Anonymous said: oh my gosh yara and tae are gonna get married someday and she's still gonna be like what? husband? you meaN my matChing riGg wEareR.
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know, I just read BITCHIN' AND IT'S THE BEST STORY I'VE READ IN A WHILE AND NOW ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. I would totally read it again in the future . Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us and you're awesome!
Anonymous said: Bitchin' was amazing. I cried. Thank you for writing it 🖤
Anonymous said: I think I've read bitchin like 3 times now but in never fails to put a smile on my face. The 80s slang kills me every time. Just wanted to say it's one of my favourite fics I've ever read :)
Anonymous said: i just finished bitchin’ AND IT WAS SO GOOD i cried at the end when it came full circle about the paper 😭❤️
Anonymous said: Hi I just binge read bitchin I’ve always ran into it but I hesitate Bc I knew it wasn’t completed I’m the worst but,,, ow. Ow. My heart physically melted you developed two characters so well and there’s no way I’m not going to reread again and again because of how good and genuine their relationship was. Uhh that’s it sorry I just wanted to let you know I’ll need money Bc my heart is unfunctional because of how full it is
Anonymous said: i just wanted to tell you that you made me feel so 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!! with bitchin', that it is one of my favorite stories ever and that it's just so amazing and well written i just- don't stop doing what you're doing please !!!!!
Anonymous said: hi sorry this is random but im a huge fan of your work! i havent checked in with tumblr too much lately but last night i binge read camellia, groovy, and bitchin and oh my goodness i was so enthralled !! you have such a wonderful ability to engage readers with such relatable and dynamic characters! like wowowow i cant wait to read more of your writing! thanks so much for putting in the time and effort you do to create your work, its great and im glad you get to share it with the world! 🌟
Anonymous said: hi so i may or may not have read all of bitchin in one night BUT I LOVED IT AND IM AMAZED BY YOU 🥺♥️
Anonymous said: hiii! bitchin’ has been the best thing i have ever read and im so sad that its over, but im so happy you wrote it! u are an incredible writer❤️❤️❤️
emdancing said: Hi! I’d just like to say I binged bitchin and i absolutely loved it! It just might be my favorite koo fic 💕 your writing is awesome and so are you!!
Anonymous said: i binge read bitchin this weekend and i don’t even like fanfics but kept seeing it get recommended so decided to check it out and i loved it 😭 jungkook in that fic is so perfect and cute (except for his mess up with kiri) and that note at the end got me emotional 🥺 your story and writing was too too good, i skipped all the smut but still loved it 💗 thank you for sharing one of the most heartwarming and lovely stories i have ever read! 🤧
lowlifeoeuvre said: Hi i just read bitchin and i only have one thing to say about it... A WHOLE MASTERPIECE MAN!! literally almost cried and actually made a very inhuman happy noise at the end. I will for sure be reading anything else you write or have written.
babeewiththepowerr said: I just finished reading Bitchin and now I’m crying 😢 it was soooo pretty and well written 💜
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode I -The Phantom Menace
So.. I got the idea of writing my thoughts up as I go basically as they get to the Gungan city so.. i’ll try and remember my thoughts before that and then I’ll do it kinda live. Under the cut cus long. 
Alright.. So the opening crawl was very.. politics which to be honest as i’ve got older I actually kind of enjoy that side of Star Wars but it doesn’t really add anyhting to the actual film because I think everything thats in it could be picked up by just watching the film. 
I kinda like the battle droids.. weird soft spot for them. I like the big ship ones too and Droidekas i thought were the coolest shit ever when i was a kid and i stand by that. 
I’m not all that bothered by the racial stereotypes because like.. i’m not the races they’re sterotyping but i can see why it’d be problematic.
Jar Jar isn’t as annoying as everyone makes him out to be.. don’t get me wrong.. he’s annoying.. but he’s not cancer. 
Aesthetically the Gungan City is pretty cool, giant underwater bubble city.. i bet there’s cool fan art of it somewhere. 
Alright now we’re live.. The duck things the Gungans ride are weird. 
Do Gungans like JarJar eventually become the giant Green guy? .. I googled apparently they’re just two different races of Gungan despite looking like totally different Aliens.
It’s nice that all races are like “Life debt? Oh yeah thats a legit thing.”
Gungans speak like English or Common or.. i forget the Star Wars term.. Basic? is their second language.. but it isnt. 
Yooo Qui Gon just made JarJar go to sleep using the force.. Why is Force Sleep not a thing in more stuff... gotta keep an eye out for that now. 
Naboo is pretty.
Padme is so extra, she’s in her iconic red dress that’s already extra as fuck and then sees that she’s been captured and is like “Alright.. but first.. wardrobe change!” and then shows up in some black number. I’m not sure if at this point she’s actually Padme or if Padme is pretending to be one of her servants now but either way she had a costume change and nobody questions it so she must be having costume changes all the time. 
When Qui Gon force pushes two battle droids theres a really weird sound effect that sounds like it belongs in a mario game. 
Pretty sure Padme is the handmaid now and this new Queen should take the opportunity to be like “Yoo peace out bitches.” Then we get Keira Knightley’s adventures in Star Wars.
Also who was she before this swaparoo? Was she a handmaid and just suddenly got promoted to queen? Like she could be saying all sorts of shit. I know she gets revealed later on but think of how much she could do whilst Padme is away. 
The first words ever spoken to R2 in Star Wars, chronologically, (although inderectly) are “Hello Boyos”. Just sit with that. 
The first words spoken to him directly are “How rude.” which seems about right tbf with how sassy he is. 
Darth Maul is awesome. 
Keira Knightly or Sabe (I looked it up) is like “Yo actual queen, clean that droid!” i think she just wanted to feel more powerful than the actual queen there, little power trip. 
Nice Poncho Qui Gon. Cal approves. 
I wonder how long Padme took to convince the others to let her go off alone with Qui Gon and Jar Jar and R2 (Dunno why R2 joins them?) on a planet thats ruled by the Hutts
I kinda like Watto.. not as a person.. he just amuses me.
Kinda cool that Anakin can speak Huttese, wish he spoke it more often.. just cursing in Huttese as Obi Wan tries to teach him stuff. 
“Are you an Angel.” Smooooth kid. Smoooth, you’re gonna get with her. Despite her being way older than you. They couldn’t have just made him the same age as her? 
Toydarians should be used for more things, especially involving force users. 
Anakin. The slave. Is like “Here Qui Gon, you’ll like this food.” and he’s just like “Cheers” and pockets it for later. Dude. Try it. 
I really hope they do go into more High Republic stuff next, give me a Destiny-type game where you play as a Jedi with your mates. 
Quigons like “You must have Jedi reflexes to race pods” Then he catches Jar Jars tongue in a blink of an eye and Anakins like “You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you?” And Qui-Gon is like “What makes you think that?” ...? .. You just fucking.. God damn it Qui-Gon. 
Anakin: “No one can kill a Jedi”. Palpatine: “Hold my Blue milk.”
I feel like im becoming fluent in Gungan broken basic which is worrying. 
Anakins mom whos name i’ve literally just forgot is like “He was meant to help you.” ... bitch.. what? Why does nobody question that? 
WHY DOES JAR JARS MOUTH MOVE WITH OTHER PEOPLES LINES!? ... Darth Jar Jar.  #PlagueisTheWiseWasAGungan. I mean not rly but seriously.. that would have been a really cool plot twist. 
Jar Jar got numbed and got his hand stuck.. so like.. perhaps not.. otherwise you’re playing a little too dumb mate. 
The look of worry from Shmi, good stuff. 
The two Headed announcer speaking basic and Huttese is pretty smart like, the one doing one and the other doing the other. 
What the fuck is Clegg Holdfast?
What the fuck are any of these races? Like.. where are these races throughout the rest of the franchise? 
Crazy that lightly bending that one part of the podracer can fuck it up so bad. 
Who the fuck is that other Hutt? Oh yeah I’m watching the like updated version with Geroge Lucas’ “Fixes” in it. Probably should have said that earlier. 
I cant remember if this is true but I’m pretty sure Qui-Gon knows Padme is the Queen and is just fucking with her at this point. 
Man Pod Racing is cool, fuck whoever says it isnt. 
Gimmie an updated Pod Racing ps4 game.
What the fuck is that long thin alien thats selling food to the crowd? Gimmie a Jedi version of him. 
Havent commented in a while because i just kept watching it tbh.
Coruscant looks cool. Still want more High Republic stuff. 
What the fuck is that driver alien, he looks in pain to exist. 
“There is no civility, there is only politics” The Chancellor code. 
Is it too late to call a vote of no confidence on Palpatine? 
I see you there in the background Yaddle. Get it girl. 
Fuck me the added extra of this long neck ass Jedi Master is so distracting. 
Where Jaro Tapal at tho?
You’d think after Padme’s like “Surprise bitch it’s me” moment coming up the Jedi would be like “Well shit.. maybe we’re less aware of things than we think... Yoda.. are you just a short human painted green?” 
Amedala... So extra with these outfits. I get that she’s a Queen but Jesus. 
Eyyyyyyyyyyyy it’s ET. 
Qui-Gon is such a bad boy. 
I kinda get why Jedi take kids when they’re really young, so they can’t remember their parents so they aren’t constantly worried about their parents and then fall to the dark side... doesn’t make it any nicer though. 
My vote went to Bail Antilles. 
To be fair not training Anakin could have been very bad. He could have like gone even more Darkside and Palpatine could swooped in and trained him himself completely. 
Maul is barely in this but fuck is he still cool. 
You know what I don’t hate Midichlorians. They’re just like atoms that stick to certain people and thats what gives them access to the force, it doens’t really change anything it’s just a scientific explination. 
You know what.. During the middle of the film, Jar Jar keeps his mouth shut and just lets people get on with it, that’s alright. 
How old is Obiwan supposed to be in this film? 
A little more variation in these creepy ass gungans would be nice. 
Damn the Viceroy and the other guy are huge or Maul is smol. 
Love that Gungan dindgeridoo horn thing. 
I also love the giant bubble shields. 
Are they watching a Star Wars battle tactics pc game on that screen?
Fuck The Darth Maul fight is badass. 
I don’t buy Anakin at all, he wants to fly out there and get involved, the little shit. 
Quigon doesnt even flip when he jumps, he’s just like “I’m too old for this shit.”
Yeah R2 is like “Go back” and Anakins like “Naaa fuck that”... Tut tut. Boys gonna be trouble.
The way Maul stalks back and forth the other side of that barrier like a Sith Tiger.. Good shit. 
Aaaaand Quigon is dead. RIP. 
“Now This is Pod Racing.”.. It’s not though is it? 
Nice to have something blow up and actually have debris instead of just all being gone completely. 
Anddd there goes Maul to go get robot spider legs and then be found by his bro Savage. 
Why do you wanna bring balance to the force anyway if it’s currently so one sided favouring the light side? Surely bringing balance is a bad thing at that point. 
Yoda’s already soooo old. 
Alright so they know there’s a Sith out there and the guy is still just like right next to them and they don’t know. Tut. 
That Jedi behind Mace Windu at the end looks intimidating as shit. 
Padme, he’s a kid, calm yourself down woman. You predator. 
Alright.. Film done. 10/10 Best movie ever. Naa tbh I enjoy the prequels more than most, obviously if you’ve stuck with me this long you know that but it clearly has its flaws.. still.. I enjoyed it! Feel free to ask me my opinions on specific things if you want.  Also shamelessly gonna plug my two star wars muses Cal and Savage here, rp with me you cowards. Also I’m down to star wars verse any of my other characters, literally any of them, i have ideas for all. 
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watchmegetobsessed · 6 years
Crush // Shawn Mendes mini-series part 2
part 2 wohoooo!! this is honestly such a cute story i love writing it, im currently finishing the last part so i’ll probably update very soon!
part 1
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The awkwardness soon vanishes. This clear new chapter we just opened with Shawn allows me to loosen up and just enjoy a nice evening. Aaliyah and Eric seems satisfied with the outcome, the parents seem to hit it off quite easily and when we leave they already start making plans for another meetup.
“It was so nice meeting you!” Karen sighs happily as she hugs goodbye to all of us.
“You too, email me that recipe you told me about!” Mom points at her and she nods her head laughing.
I’m just about to step out of the house when Aaliyah grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.
“I need your help with a little something. Can you come over sometime tomorrow?” she whispers confidentially.
“Um, yeah. Around what time?” I ask.
“Three pm?”
“Sure,” I smile at her and she lets go of me.
On the way back home I’m thinking about what Aaliyah could need help with and the only thing I have in mind is Eric’s birthday that is on the 29th. She must be planning something special for him.
I call Maddi around midnight when I’m already in my pj’s, but I know she must be still up, maybe even drunk. For my surprise, she answers the phone quite modestly.
“How was the family union?” she asks chewing on something. I throw the cushions off of my bed and crawl under the blanket.
“Um, very interesting,” I chuckle closing my eyes and just shaking my head at the thought of the evening.
“Uh, spill the tea!” She cheers clearly very thirsty for some drama, though this story is not as juicy as she would want it.
“Guess who Aaliyah’s brother is!” I say, but I don’t expect an answer so I just continue. “Shawn Effing Mendes.”
“What?! Are you kidding me?” She gasps. “How did Eric forget to tell you this small detail?”
“Apparently, he thought it doesn’t matter to me, which is kind of true, but there is more.”
“What more? Did he hit on you? Because I’m not talking to you again if he did. He is hot!”
“No, he didn’t, but what you don’t know is that we have history.”
“Okay, now I’m confused!? How do I not know about this?”
“Well, remember my ex, Dylan? I told you about him.”
“Yeah, the asshole who cheated on you,” she hums.
“Well, Dylan and Shawn used to be best buds when we started dating, but the guy hated my guts, or so I thought. He was always mean to me, talking against me and just… avoiding me like the plague.”
“I thought he is the nicest person on earth.”
“He might be now, but when I knew him, he treated me like shit. So it was pretty awkward to see him again after all these years.”
“And how did it go? Was he an ass again?”
“No. He was… nice. Well, we both acted awkward in the beginning, I didn’t know if he would continue his act with me, but he turned out to be nice. And then at one point he told me he is sorry for everything in the past and he was just acting like that because he wanted to amuse Dylan.”
I turn to my side and stare out the window.
“That’s good, right? I mean, he grew out that mean phase and he is all good now.”
“Yeah, it’s just still weird to be around someone I knew from my Dylan phase.”
“But it’s Eric who is dating Aaliyah, why would you be constantly around him?”
“Aaliyah asked me to go over tomorrow, I think she is trying to put a surprise together for Eric’s birthday, so I’m spending the afternoon at the Mendes house.”
“Oh, then keep me updated about the details and sneak me a shirtless photo of Shawn please.”
“Maddi!” I scoff laughing. “Why would I even see him shirtless?”
“Maybe he likes wandering around in his home without clothes on, how would I know?!”
“Unbelievable. I’m going to sleep.”
“Bye bitch,” she sighs making me roll my eyes at her smiling.
  I sleep late the next day, it’s past noon when I actually make it downstairs looking like a real human being. Eric and Dad are watching a documentary on WW II. while Mom is reading the newspaper at the dining table. I join her with a bowl of cereal.
“Do you have any plans for today?” She smiles at me over her narrow glasses as she turns a page. I lean closer hitting a confidential tone.
“I’m helping Aaliyah today, she asked me to go over around three.”
“Oh, birthday surprise for Eric?” she asks clearly excited.
“I think yeah.”
“Great. And you will probably see Shawn again.” Winking at me she puts the papers down.
“Why does that matter?” I ask with my mouth full. She caresses my cheek before standing up and walking over to the sink for some water.
“Isn’t he a nice young man? I think the two of you would look cute together.”
“Mom, you are literally talking about the biggest pop sensation, he is not really the kind of guy who just casually dates,” I say.
In my mind all these celebrities are living their wildest life. Even if I were interested in Shawn in any way, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even get in the game, he must have thousands of girls waiting for him in line. We are not really on the same page.
“Oh, come on. You guys knew each other in high school, you have a past, that connection must mean something!”
“He was an ass to me!” I blurt it out making her eyebrows raise.
“He was? What did he do?”
“It’s nothing,” I roll my eyes, but Mom gives me a demanding look. “He just didn’t seem to like me no matter what I did, he was avoiding me most of the time when I was with Dylan and also made some pretty rude comments sometimes.”
“Maybe he was into you,” Mom shrugs and I almost choke on the milk.
I start coughing like I’m about to die and my eyes start watering when I’m finally able to breathe evenly again.
“No fucking way!”
“Charlie! Language!” She hisses at me, but there is a smile hiding in her eyes. “You know, young boys tend to do it. They are mean to the girls they like.”
“Mom, it wasn’t in kindergarten, it was ninth grade or something. I think he just really didn’t like me back then and I don’t blame him.” I was annoying, thinking back at it. But hey, all teens are annoying!
“You can never know,” she sighs.
 I totally ignore the theory Mom tried to make me believe, there is absolutely no chance of the nonsense she told me, and this is what I keep telling myself as I’m on my way to the Mendes house.
“Hey!” Aaliyah greets me with a wide smile. She is now wearing some more comfortable clothes than the last two times I saw her, the grey sweats and lose white shirt must be her home wear. “Come in! My parents are out at a friend’s place, and Shawn…” she starts, but just when she is about to finish he appears on the top of the stairs.
“Is here,” he chimes in. I look up and there he is, in a pair of checked pj pants and a black shirt. Looking at it, I think Aaliyah has his shirt on, it seems like the same size.
“Hi,” I smile at him.
“Come, let’s sit.” I follow Aaliyah into the living room and we sit down to the couch next to their Christmas tree. From the corner of my eyes I see Shawn going into the kitchen and for a moment I’m actually disappointed he is not coming with us.
“So. I want to surprise Eric with cooking for him, but I have no idea what. I tried to find out what’s his favorite, but he says it’s his favorite to everything!” she growls frustrated. I shake my head laughing.
“That’s typical.”
“Yeah. So do you have anything in mind?”
“Well, he really like tiramisu. He can eat tons of it, all the time. That’s good for dessert,” I offer. Aaliyah has her phone in her hands and she is typing everything I say down.
“Okay, got it.”
“Um, he likes gazpacho. He thinks it sounds fancy and you know, he likes everything with ketchup, so a soup that tastes like tomato was made for him.”
“Oh yeah, he pours so much ketchup into his sandwiches, it’s crazy,” she rolls her eyes jokingly. “Okay, so gazpacho. Anything else?”
“Um…” I try to think about the times we went to restaurants and Eric got really excited over the food. “Oh, we were once at a place and he ordered grilled mushrooms and he couldn’t stop moaning, it was very embarrassing, but I guess this meant he really liked it.”
“Grilled mushrooms, perfect,” she nods to herself noting everything down. “Do you mind helping me pick out his gift too? I have a few ideas, I want to go into the city and buy it tomorrow, I already looked up some jumpers online, but I can’t really decide.”
“Sure, show me!”
We spend the next thirty minutes scrolling through everything she had saved as a possible gift. She found some really nice ones, her taste is fantastic. As the time is passing I’m starting to feel like I’m with a friend and not with my brother’s girlfriend and I’m just hoping Eric will keep her around for a long time.
She asks me to stay a little bit longer so she can show me the awkward photos she has taken of Erik since they’ve been dating, but she gets a call and excuses herself quickly. I stay there in the living room, looking around a bit, I haven’t really had the chance yesterday, I was too occupied with the situation.
Shawn walks in, this time he has a headband on, keeping his locks back from his face.
Damn, Maddi is right. He is hot.
I shake my head at the thoughts and try to look as casual as possible.
“How is the birthday planning going?” he asks plopping down on the couch next to me.
“Good, Aaliyah basically had everything right, I just had to choose the best options.”
“How crazy is that our younger siblings are dating? I mean, I was thinking about it yesterday, the last time I saw Eric, he was about twelve or something. No wonder why I didn’t recognize him when I met him,” he chuckles and I nod agreeing. Aaliyah changed a lot in the past years too.
“Yeah. Strange that they are not babies anymore. I mean, I’m still mad that Eric is taller than me.”
“Oh I remember how you always wanted to get taller!”
“You remember?” I ask surprised. I used to never stop talking about my height, later I accepted my fate.
“Yeah, I remember once you told Dylan how you want to wear the highest heels to the dance so you two can be the same height.”
I laugh at the memory. I remember it too, it was quite early in our relationship and Dylan asked me out for the Halloween dance. I wanted to look taller and told Dylan I would wear heels. Of course, I ditched the plan as I found out how uncomfortable they are and ended up wearing my Converse.
“And at the end I looked like a punk princess with my Converse and mini skirt,” I scoff at the thought of my outfit for that night.
“I think you looked pretty,” Shawn says and I look at him. I catch his small smile before he shakes his head clearing his throat. What the Hell? “High school feels so far away, right?” he quickly says.
“Um, well for you I guess, for me… not really,” I chuckle shaking my head. “Your life got turned upside down, but not much has happened to me since then.”
“What? I don’t believe you. I’m sure you’ve been having plenty of fun. Parties, dates and everything.”
I can’t help, a sad smile plasters across my face. He can’t be more wrong.
“Not really… I had some rough years after Dylan and I split.”
“Can I ask what happened? I mean, after the split,” he shyly asks.
“Well, since I was a dumb naïve little girl, I needed an entire year before I could even think about getting to know other guys. Now it all just seems like the biggest bullshit. I shouldn’t have cared that much. And I’m not a fan of partying, I only go out on birthdays and maybe New Year’s Eve,” I shrug. Maddi has been trying to boost me up a bit, she attempts to drag me out every month or so, but I’m really not that kind of type. I thought I was, when I was with Dylan, he was a popular guy, I kept going to these lame parties with him in the last year of our relationship, but I never really enjoyed them. Shawn was long gone by then.
“I’m sorry Dylan played you so bad.”
“It’s fine, I mean, not your fault,” I chuckle. “But what happened to you and him?”
He sighs scratching the back of his neck.
“Not sure, I guess we grew apart and I realized that he is an ass. When I became a private student we kept in touch, but I met new people and I saw how different a friendship can be, so… I cut him off, I guess.”
“Did you guys fight?”
“Not really,” he shakes his head. “Well, we had one last very awkward phone call when I was in Atlanta, if I remember right. It was forced and… just awkward, really,” he chuckles shaking his head.
“And your life has been better since Dylan is out of it, right?” I grin at him.
“Yeah, you must know about it.”
I laugh nodding. I know everything about it!
Before I could even think about what I’m saying, my mouth just opens and the words roll down.
“The only good thing I got from my relationship with Dylan is that I know you now.”
My eyes widen and I wish I could take it back.
“I- uh I mean…”
I don’t even know why I’m so nervous suddenly, I didn’t even tell much. But for some reason, I can feel myself blushing.
“I meant that he basically ruined my senior year and I needed so much time to get myself over him, but at least now we can talk like, normal people,” I quickly add somehow saving the situation.
“What do you mean he ruined your senior year?” he asks with furrowed eyebrows and I’m happy he didn’t get caught up on what I said before that.
“Well, he successfully made me push all my friends away, leaving me totally alone when we broke up.”
“Wait, what? How about that friend of yours, um… I don’t remember her name, you always sat together at lunch.”
“Rochelle. Oh Dylan played us dirty. He told me Rochelle keeps hitting on him and being my dumb naïve self I believed him and not her. We had this huge fight and I called her a bitch. No wonder why she didn’t care about me when I was alone in the last couple of months of senior year.”
“Ouch, that sounds horrible. I’m sorry he did that.”
“Why did we even like Dylan in the first place?” I ask laughing to myself. It still bothers me how blind I was, I wish I could just shake myself.
“I have no idea!” He sighs rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry your senior year got fucked up, I wish I could be there to have lunch with you.”
I turn to him and swear to God he is blushing! And it is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I feel the urge to touch him, anywhere, to take his hand in mine, but I stop myself.
“That’s… nice. Thank you,” I whisper touched.
As I’m staring at him I realize this is probably the closest I’ve ever been to him. I wonder how many girls want to be in my position, they see the popstar, the heartthrob from the stage, while all I see is the guy who used to be mean to me in high school but now we are friendlier than ever. I could never see him as a celebrity.
“Okay, so I found some- Oh am I bothering?” Aaliyah walks into the room with her phone in her hands and she is giving me a knowing look. I quickly clear my throat turning away from Shawn.
“No, you girls just… do your thing. I have to make a few calls.”
Shawn jumps up from the couch patting his sister’s shoulder before walking out of the room. Aaliyah takes his place, still grinning.
“What?” I ask her playing dumb.
“You guys… I felt the sparkle,” she says wiggling her eyebrows.
“What sparkle? Aaliyah, you see everything in pink because of my brother.”
“Oh stop, don’t tell me you don’t like him.”
“I don’t know him,” I say truthfully. “The last time I saw him I was dating a douche and he was also being a douche to me. I can’t tell if I like him, because I don’t know his new self.”
“But you seem to get along with him pretty well and I’m sure you are attracted to him.”
“I’m not talking about this with you, you are his sister!” I gasp feeling myself blushing again.
“Whatever. But I think you two would look cute together.”
I refuse to carry on with the conversation about me and Shawn and Aaliyah fortunately doesn’t force it on me. I leave the Mendes house around five, Aaliyah thanks me the help and I can’t help but feel disappointed I don’t see Shawn anywhere when I’m leaving. Aaliyah’s speech about me and Shawn is slowly getting to me.
By dinner, all my thoughts are racing around him and soon I find myself stalking his social media profiles. I knew he is very famous, but seeing the numbers on his pages makes me gasp. Millions of people are following him, waiting for him to post anything. The last photo he uploaded to his Instagram is with his family, Karen and Manny are smiling proudly into the camera while Shawn and Aaliyah are messing around next to them. Before I could realize what I’m doing I double tap the picture liking it.
“Oh shit,” I suck my breath in. I hesitate, but then I realize how dumb this is. He must be getting millions of notes every minute, he won’t see this.
Gaining some confidence from this, I decide to follow him and continue my stalking session. I’m a few months deep into his profile when I get a notification. Opening the tab my eyes widen.
shawnmendes followed charlieprkr
I guess I was wrong about the notification getting lost. A moment later I see that he has liked two of my photos.
One was taken on a family vacation. Eric and I are posing at the beach, I have a red swimsuit on and the wind is blowing my wavy blonde hair that was so much lighter back than from all the sunshine. The other one is a picture Maddie took of me last month. I’m sitting in our armchair with a mug of tea in my hands, smiling shyly at the camera. We had Christmas lights in the window and the lights made me look colorful in the photo.
I’m just about to put the phone down and go to bed when I get a dm. I’m not surprised to see Shawn’s username, but I definitely get excited.
shawnmendes I’m happy I’m not the first one to accidentally like your photo, though I was minutes away from that haha
I smile at the message rolling my eyes.
charlieprkr Ha. Ha. I was hoping I can easily hide in the millions of your followers.
shawnmendes You could have, if only I weren’t stalking your profile as well. Fate?
charlieprkr I guess.
My fingers linger across the keyboard, trying to think of something else to write and keep the conversation up, but nothing comes to my mind. I almost give up when I get another message from him.
shawnmendes I’m in a nostalgic mood, I want to have a walk in the neighborhood, around our school tomorrow. Would you like to join me?
My smile grows wider than ever reading his lines.
charlieprkr Totally.
shawnmendes Great! Sometime around 4 pm?
charlieprkr Perfect. Where?
shawnmendes I’ll meet you at your house and we’ll go from there.
charlieprkr Then see you tomorrow!
shawnmendes Yeah, good night Charlie.
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lanaarwenlazar · 6 years
in honor of villain releasing and me starting it later today, here is a special insight into my brain in the form of the notes i made on my phone as i was reading monster last year, completely unedited (so with all my spelling mistakes and freakouts)
there are spoilers for monster, obviously
(keep in mind that i was very emotional about being back in the gone-universe, so don’t judge me lmao)
i ship malik and shade already. can’t habdle them they’re too cute
oh my god shade is basically a true crime fan, thanks i hate it
...it will be interesting to see what people have to say about mg writing his first trans character
transphobic violence already, i think someone will have a problem with this chapter being called “the meet cute”
nooo dekka sweetie :(((
oh my god a dekka chapter what if we get updates on everyone i’m not ready
dekka is broke no :(((
but she drives a motorcycle i’m so in love
dekka has a cat. marry me
“Of those three hundred thirty-two kids, fifty-one developed one supernatural power or another. Only nineteen of you developed major powers and survived. And of these nineteen, seven have since developed serious psychological disorders” NO MY KIDS IM CRYING
“Lana Lazar spent time in a mental health facility” eeelp
“I know, she’s a friend of mine. She’s fine now.” THEY ARE FRIEND.jzoddbfb
“Others’ like Sam Temple, the supposed hero of the fayz, have had-”
“’Supposed hero?’ Screw you. You don’t disrespect Sam Temple where I can here it.” I’m 😭😭😭😭😭😭
sam was in rehab has an alcoholic kill me
and he’s on the wagon sober for sixteen months ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hey, Sam’s sober and Astird got her head screwed on straight so leave them out of this - dekka out there defending her people
MG in the online: edilio is the true hero of the fayz MG in the books: sam is the true hero of the fayz me: so what is the truth?
oh my god that just means edilio is still underappreciated
Me @ me: mg loves edilio. he will be in here. mg loves edilio. he will be in here. mg loves edilio. he will be in here. mg loves edilio. he will be-
Four year old Sean is here to cause trouble
Cruz singing my love ❤️❤️
We’ve literally just met him and Justin DeVeere already sounds like a potential school shooter
also how dare mg give him the same name as justin roger’s little brother
He’s so disgusting yikes
I don’t understand what just happened and what erin and justin are up to but WHY do i feel like they just had sex so they could have a gaia-like baby
is justin turning into the hulk or orc
Justins arm is turning into a sword
Is justin turning into drake...
Or orc/britney? Orc/britney/justin?
If Aristotle Arno Adamo is anything like Ari from Aaddtsotu i already love him
oh he’s not
Armo is the Quinn of Monster pass it on
Will Quinn be mentioned in this book?
“Armo was not part of any clique, because there was one, only one Armo at Malibu High School” oh my god he’s awful i love him
“I want to take Danish. My family is danish” bitch mine too
“You understand that everyone in Denmark speaks english right? Usually better than most Americans?” drag america i love t
god i love him
armo just survived a serious accident and he’s crying because he wreacked his car whaya guy
what are they doing to armo :(((
noo poor cruz
whyy would mg introduce malik tenerife, the biggest sweetheart and shade’s closest friend and make me fall in love with him, and then in the SAME CHAPTER introduce cruz, a new best friend for shade and then just never mention malik again???? i love cruz but i miss malik
where is knightmare
yikes a milady dude and homophobia all in one page!!
oh shit i just understood why mg says this is part animorphs
Malik’s back my boy
“Only now did Dekka see that those last four years had been a dream, unreal, somehow. The FAYZ was real.” dekka bby no :(((
oh my goooood taylor is back bitches i just got chills
dekka be nice to taylor she’s had a hard life she deserves to know the goss :))
when they’re only talking baout the kids with power... when will edilio come in
aaaand there is drake ugh. “a violent, sadistic psychopath. A rapist. A torturer. A murderer”
Drake responsible for 18 instances of rape mutilation and murder in the last year y i k e s
Justin has a lobster claw for one hand and a sword for the other o k a y
oh my god shade could kill tr*mp
“There are three types of superheroes, Shade: Hero, Villain and Monster” *looks into the camera like i’m on the office*
Malik is still in love with shade rip me
oh no cruz bby you’re invisible :((
i feel like this series will be more hard sci-fi with aliens and government and powers than gone was, gone was more of a sci-fi/dystopian/lord of the flies/survival-mix
i’m worried about armo :((
me: had never read an animorphs book in my life also me: wow this reminds me so much of animorphs!
should be interesting to see what kind of shit mg will get for this y i k e s
fuuuuck i knew he would be knightmare
at least knightmare really is the name of a shitty pretentious art student dude
a group of girl scouts just fell to their deaths off the golden gate bridge
i actually think they’re aliens
pls get over brianna dekka
at least mg is realizing that brekka was kind of weird
why is dekka watching danish sex. what does that even mean.
this book is unrealistic bc it’s page number 208 and dekka still hasn’t thought about edilio. who goes that long without thinking about edilio.
oh no dekka is morphing with some animal too
the cat died WHAT THE FUCK
“Motorcycle gangs and white supremacists and registered sex offenders, that’s who dominated Perdido Beach today” yikes
Dekka mentioned the word gaiaphage and i had a physical disgusted reaction, but not because of the actual gaiaphage, but bc of that fucking website. god i lvoe that gaiaphage.com is dead.
why has mg created a worldwide perdido beach situation but just given is three books to fix it
“I was Sam’s soldier” NO??? You wrre edilio’s soldier the fuck
Armo and Dekka is my new brotp
“Hey. You. Should. Um.... Stop. Being. An. Asshole.” SHADE
Combining the villains into one villain. Very schmart michael 👌🏻
Edilio on page 309 kill me cant even quote it
Grave for Caine 😐 “Caine Soren. “King of the FAYZ. Blaze of Glory”
BRIANNA HAS A LAST NAME SOS. “Brianna Berenson. “The Breeze”. None More Bold.”
When Roger still hasn’t been mentioned and you know he wasn’t really that important so you can’t really complained but you miss him
and how is edilio really dekka hmmm???
Eww this Drake Brittany thing is worse if possible
wait wait wait what hoe did they get there what
if i finish monster and still don’t know how edilio is doing i’ll sue
the villain...breathes fire. he’s a dragon
Shade looks like a the bizzare cross between a flea, a Power Ranger and a teenaged girl w h a t
Vincent Vu: part fish!
noooo not malik :(((
one half of me: where the fck is edilio go talk to him dekka other half of me: edilio deserves a peaceful life thank i for keeping him away from it all
im emo
the end
missing: quinn and roger
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thelettervi-ttv · 7 years
The Queen Rambles: Real Talk Edition™
Hello my Lovely Loyal Subjects™. Because some of you have recently shown concern for my well-being, I decided that I ought to give an update about how life has been for me lately.
To be honest, its not super well. My physical health hasn't been great. I had to go to the doctor last week, because I had horrible stomach cramps and then threw up some blood. Which is really concerning... I am scheduled to see a Gastroenterologist to follow up with that. So lets hope it goes well. On a lesser note, I have also had a horrible ear infection this week. Its been giving me some serious pain, and it has really messed up my balance. Really it is more annoying than anything else. Because of these and some other health issues I have missed a lot of school lately which has had a pretty strong impact on my mental state.
Aside from the physical problems, I have had a multitude of mental issues going on. Namely, my bipolar disorder has me really out of whack. Normally my medication does a decent job of evening me out. But lately I have just been jumping back and forth between extremes. (Technically I am cyclothymic, but thats just labelling. *Shrug*) I think that this is all being agitated by my extreme stress. I have no idea why, but this school semester just has me overwhelmed, and my inability to keep focused isn't doing me much good. I am horribly depressed, insecure, and just generally hating myself/my life. My anxiety has hit a peak, and I have found myself having panic attacks more and more often. Tbh I have been really scared, because my self harm impulses have been really really bad lately. And for those of you who weren't around back in 2015, y'all should know that is pretty serious for me.
Finally, I have become consumed by my dysphoria. I seriously can't even look at myself anymore. I take showers wearing shorts, and when I see my face in the mirror, all I can see is how flawed I am. And how masculine some of my features are. Some of you will try to tell me that I am cute and stuff, and I appreciate the thought. But I just can't see my body in a positive way anymore... Actually that ties in with the school stuff. I really don't get any respect at school. Unless I am wearing a dress, no one can tell I am a girl. Even when I introduce myself as Violet, and ask my teachers to accommodate my pronouns, I have been outed during roll-calls alone about 4 times, and I can't even muster the courage to use the womens bathrooms anymore...
My home life has been pretty bad as well. My mom, while being a decent person, sort of uses me as a dump for all of her stress. And she doesn't really seem to appreciate anything I do. Or at least she doesn't seem to understand that I work so hard... Like i worked my UC GPA to a 3.5 average, and itll be around a 3.8-3.9 when I graduate next year. And she kinda just... Shrugged it off? Told me it would be too difficult/expensive to go to a UC, and that all the people who go into Psyche come from money. I told her I want to pursue a Psy-D, and I got discouraged because the reality is Ill never be able to afford one... Honestly because of it, I have a really hard time coming home. I try to only come back to my house to sleep. Which is awful for many reasons... On top of that, my room is an absolute disaster zone and I can't muster the energy necessary to clean it. So when I am home, I occupy only the space of my bed...
Dad is the same as he has always been and I thank God I don't live with him. I could write a book about how horrid it is trying to communicate with the man. And in fact I spent a week camping with him last month, that basically boiled down to me being verbally harassed and cut down by constant micro aggressions...
So uh. Yeah. Other than my friends, tumblr, and youtube. I am completely miserable in almost every aspect of my life. And I really hope this shit clears up fast.
And thats really all I have to say.
*edit* I am sorry to the people who know me IRL whom I havent told about all this. I have just had a lot on my mind lately, and I haven't been able to vocalize this. Please do not throw me under the bus with this information by messaging my family or anything like that.
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damester13 · 5 years
Entry #5 - (Selfish) 08/07/19
Sorry for very long period since I last updated. I've always had the desire to write one for the past days but I just seem to make myself do it. I want to say that I wasn't feeling okay, but that's nothing new anyway. Let's just say that I feel worse than before lately.
Anyway, more than 2 weeks have passed since I've started staying here in Cavite and some things happened, especially these recent days. I've started going back to my "habit" of skipping meals. Back in Cainta where I used to stay, this was nothing new. In fact, during my LoA period, I can go as far as not eating anything for almost 2 full days. It's not that I wasn't feeling hungry when I skip meals. I just endure it without risking my health and sending me to the hospital. My main reasoning is that I've lost my sense of being a person, all I can think of myself is an investment, a failed one. My parents, relatives, and even my teachers have placed a lot of their resources and expectations on me with the hope I'll be able to make up for those. Unfortunately, I can't. That's why I just eat meals enough for me not to cause anymore additional expenses (like meds or whatnot if I got sick) just to not worsen the loss. As sad as it is, this mindset is not something that seems to be changeable at this point.
For other happenings, my male cousin who was living in Cainta with the rest decided to run away from there and came here to stay for a while. Basically, he stopped studying because he couldn't enroll for the Senior High School cuz he has problems with his missing personal documents. Anyway, he just left today and is going to his sister's boarding house I think. I hope things go well for him. He's different from me because he desires to continue his study, he wants to be something in the future, and that drove him to leave Cainta since the people there don't seem to do be doing something about him missing his chance to continue his studies. With all my heart, I salute his decision. I don't think Ill reach a point where Ill have the that kind of drive to do the same. Actually, after knowing of his situation, I had a wake up call reminding me of the shit that I'm in and that I am. That's why lately, I have been shutting myself in my room. Honestly, I have the worst coping mechanisms and well, I don't have the urge to take action to be better, so this is very typical of me.
Lastly, since I've been stuck in my room for pretty much the whole time, my mom and sister constantly knocks on my door and even uses their key to open it asking me if Im okay and that I should eat. I kept telling them that I just want to rest, really. This kept on going until yesterday when out of pure irratation from the endless knocking, I lashed out and screamed. They havent knocked again since then. Somehow, I instilled fear in them when I did that. I know that what I did was wrong, but maybe this is for the better. I just don't want to be forced to eat if I dont want to. Hell, I simply don't want to be forced to do anything that I don't want to do. I'll invoke my selfishness more so now than before, and I am sorry for that. But that is what makes me different now, even just slightly. I'll consider what I want for myself a lot more until I've had enough. And also, I want to write as many entries here as I can, so I need the rest and the time to think. Expect more entries very soon.
After some thoughts, I think I understand why I reverted back to being a shut in. I had a conversation with my mom the morning before I started being like this. We talked about my cousin. She said that he needs to look for a place soon so he can pull his life together and not be "mapariwara". At that time I felt like her concern was great but she doesn't realize that I am already at that state. I've no motivation nor intention to go back to being a functional person. I'm stupid and weak. I felt so drained despite just waking up. And so, I decided to rest.
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girlwithbird-blog · 7 years
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my new laptop thingy takes takes pretty decent pics with this weird kawaii filter
also huge life update and rant about mental health below, but to distract from the fact rose is being really cute and helping me cope today. thank you rose.
anyway, i had basically a nine hour long panic attack at work. i showed up late and the boss was mad but then i was like lol my anxiety and hes like omg its okay so at least theyre understanding. essentially all yesterday at work i was crying on and off, i couldnt eat anything, i dont know how i managed to actually work yesterday omg. but somehow, i did it. i also managed to hang out with this girl from tinder but she wasnt cute and kind of weird but i managed so that was super weird too.
my coworker whos the kindest lady on earth ever looked me in the eye and was like “you need to go on medical leave. like right now.” and i havent even thought of it as an option, but i could apply for my employment insurance and have some of my wages while on medical leave.  i would move home as well so i can have the support of my parents. luckily, i have the most loving parents in the world and they love rose too so theres no way id ever have to rehome her ever, because that would surely kill me.
after going to bed at 7pm yesterday and forgetting to put rose in her cage (she slept beside me the whole night tucked under my chin but still do not sleep with your birds esp if theyre small) i woke up at 10am not feeling any better. so i didnt go to work i called my mom and dad and decided to cry for two hours with rose sitting on me and making funny noises trying to cheer me up.
it kinda worked.
now im thinking as i write this... maybe its a good idea to move home for now and short my shit out? i could make a youtube vlog channel thing documenting rose and i’s adventures and go to the local university and get my license and a car and see where things go from there. i just really need my health better. i havent even seen a therapist before and ive been battling this full on since i was 12. im now 21. i need to fucking DO something about this.
i love vancouver and i love living in vancouver and im going to miss it so much but i live so close its just a boat ride away. but i need some time back home where my roots are and just like, figure it out.
anyway thats my rant time to go sleep or cry some more
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lupurel · 7 years
it’s the Jake’s Mental Health Corner Update time (this is long and probably Do Not read it)
let me Tell u something. me?  i gave up that ‘trusting people’ shit a LONG Time ago. bro ive been so fucking paranoid and depressed lately its not even a bitfunny anymore and having semi-relapses and some of its not my fault but also Some of it is? Like i’ll legit get a thought in my head and instead of stopping it like i usually do ill let it spiral. and spiral. and spiral. and spiral
until all i can think about is how everyone probably talks about me behind my back or they dont like me as much as they say they do or i’ll Fuck up(tm) again and make the worst assumption but ill make the mistake again of saying it out loud and i wont be able? to Explain why i think the way i do other than ‘ idont know Guess im just fucked up’ and then that’ll get all my friends to leave 
But maybe that would be better you know? Because sometimes i think im such a shitty person anyway like, the last time i tried to help someone ,REALLY help someone, it was just for my own gain. I just wanted to prove to myself i could do it , so that i could lift up my own self esteem. And even to this day sometimes i still feel like that about people? not...Like i dont act on it anymore but it seems lately
sometimes my only two feelings for people are either this fuckin Pity or a ‘oh god ill never be as good as them’ envious feeling? Which are both awful? i either get fuckin like... freakishly jealous yet idolizing that they’ll always be better than me, or i feel They can never get on my level (not that thats a bad thing because whomst the fuck wants to be on this shitty stage) and i’ll be nice to them but out of pity?????
that or nothing at all. that or i dont feel anything at all and im just acting out the part of being their friend. sometimes i wonder if im really even capable of caring about people Genuinely? like other people talk about? and that sounds so .....like, Mind-boggling, but sometimes i feel like the ‘care’ that i give people will always be dirty and unclean. and tainted by my own desires. is that normal? like is it normal to feel like no matter what, you can’t really selflessly love someone else? even if you do favors for them and never ask anything in return (which to be fair i never do that anyway, i Always gotta have Something), you’re still using them to some degree because you’re just tricking them into liking you you know? like youre only doing those favors for them to get them to like you Its Manipulation(TM) right?
I can try to be as Nice as a fuckin saint but in the end im still just doing it so that ill feel loved. Like it’s still only just for me. and i see so many people that love their friends and s/os so dearly and so...purely? like that sounds meme-ish  in this day and agebut i mean it. i see people that have a pure love for others and i just wish i could. feel that. i wish i had that because i feel like i cant give it to people even when i want so Badly to
or thats how i see it in my head anyway
but maybe im overthinking it? And also talking about it just makes me feel even more awful for a second because i dont want people to see this part of me that feels like im a shitty person because when you talk about how shitty you are i feel like people start to see it too. like ‘oh yeah you Do do that now that you Mention it’ and i just cant stand the fact that theyre gonna hate it as much as i do
I wish people didn’t hate me? or i wish i didnt constantly feel like they did. I feel like even if people don’t hate me for good reasons that they cant see they’ll find something else to hate about me that’ll be just as valid. like that i interrupt people too much or only know how to make conversations by making everything about Me again or im so torn up about isolating myself but i wont stop doing it, i wont stop ignoring people and turning people away even though it Fuckign eats me away inside?  I Hate doing it!
and then i cling to a specific number of people while pushing everyone else away, every one that tries to get in and see what im all about i just push them away and stick to the same people who already Know and are gonna get sick of me eventually and then who is gonna Care? no one will because i ignored them and the people that i didnt ignore found out how awful i am , still am, even after all this time even though they trusted me to get better
I feel like i havent gotten better at all
Outside of my social life I still can barely feed myself, i still can barely shower or brush my teeth, i still cant go on walks even when i really , really want to even when i just want to feel the sun i cant. I cant go outside because ill get people looking at me and i cant stand strangers looking at me. i just want to be alone but also im more terrified of it than anything and being so alone in this world is whats eating me up inside. not doing anything is whats killing me, not getting to talk to anyone face to face is whats killing me, But i cant stand doing it! i cant stand doing it whenver i do get the chance
And no one can help me but myself and i know this. i know its my job. its my responsibility. i Know this
but you cant stop wishing you know? when youre like this, you cant help but wish for something to come along and just magically. make it all disappear. magically make all your problems better and thats the problem? thats the entire problem with people like me. because logically, the only thing that makes things disappear? The only thing that makes it so you dont have to feel bad anymore? well
You Know What.
But im not gonna ever attempt That again
I think im fine now. writing it all out really...helps...even if this is just like some nonsensical piece of garbage and honestly i think i make it out to be worse than it is. Its fine yknow? it goes away pretty quickly. and it feels nice to have a platform to put it on , where people Might see but not guaranteed see? like theres a chance they can, and you can still feel acknowledged and like you exist, but you dont have to freak out about it. thats nice. thats kinda why i still use this site after its descent into Hell
if you made it to the end of all this Congrats my friend and i know this might seem like super....uh, Heavy but Really....it Passes. it comes and goes. Im Done Now good DAY
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lovebunnie · 7 years
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oh golly gosh i didnt really expect anyone to respond to this so i guess ill explain whats goin on also im just gonna vomit type and ignore the read more because 1. im on mobile and 2. this is my blog ive been writing for more than half my life, believe it or not fan fiction all the way back when i was a lot younger. i used to write invader zim fan fiction and it was my real first fandom that made me look into everything it had to offer its impossible for me to think that i havent improved atleast a little bit since then, but i feel as though in the 3 years times ive truly dedicated myself to writing i havent really improved too much. all my destiel pieces look like my overwatch pieces and it sucks to see yourself stuck in one place for so long. thats really the meat of the problem: i know what it takes to make a good story but i cannot execute it. its clear as day in my head but i absolutely detest my own writing to the point that i want to delete it all and erase any evidence that i wrote. most recently, my fic has gotten the most reads of anything ive ever made and has eaten up the most time, since i started scripting it out in late September. back when i updated weekly, i did it to keep the most people engaged and get as many reads as possible. now i cant even look at the chapters because they seem so shoddy and poorly executed. its a bad fic and now the pressure to keep people happy is on me like never before and its exhausting. i want to give out good content but everything I write i hate and im absolutely sick of it. ive been told people like my reading and i million other people could tell me that but i hate it so much and it makes me sad and angry to do it so i figured why do i keep doing it? i have so many ideas to express and no way to do it. i cant draw, i cant write, i dont have enough followers for people to give a shit about what i have to say, no one irl likes what i like. it makes me wanna scream im just so stuck and have been for the past three years. writing is destroying me and i dont want to do it anymore. ill update my fic because i promised and only because i promised but after that i dont know what ill do.
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