#also i just personally really like penguins and have many penguin toys
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severus-snaps · 7 months ago
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the care bears pajamas have been living in my mind rent free for a while now so hopefully other people will also appreciate this
Headcannon #19
Give me a non traditional Severus.
🌠Severus having a hoarding problem from his father spending his coin on liquor. (Doesn't throw anything away)
🌠severus not showering for days because he has to pep talk himself into fully undressing to do it.
🌠suffers from bulimia and bouts of anorexia because of the SA in hogwarts (and probably under Voldemort, too)
🌠recovering from addiction of heroin and morphine. They were his only escape when spying placed him in high stress situations, not being able to confide in ANYONE. Plus it numbed the pain and guilt of facing Lily's death everyday.
🌠Severus secretly loves the feel of women's clothes. They are soft. They provide him with solace and peace when he wears a woman's care bears pajama set. (He also has tons of stuffies. He cuddles with a different one each night)
🌠Severus reading muggle romance novels, he imagines himself as either the giver and or reciever.
🌠Severus being a super picky eater.
🌠Severus being cold, like ALL the time even in the dead of heat in the summer.
🌠Severus being a big old teddy bear. The moment you earn his trust, friendship, and love, there is no one more loyal and protective than him. To the point that you can't even carry a single grocery bag.
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gallusrostromegalus · 1 year ago
On God I was working on the AEIWAM Outline today but I also got "The AEIWAM cast, post-fic, go to the Aquarium" brainrot so have this:
It kicks off with Retsu seeing Kenpachi deep in thought for once and asking him what he's mulling over and after a moment he asks: "Are there zoos for fish?" "...Pardon?" "There are lotsa fish," he reasons, "-at least as many as there are land animals, but they're all really hard to see, because they're in the water." Retsu considers him for a moment before gently asking "Do you mean The Aquarium?" "The what?"
Retsu, texting Ichigo in the Gotei-13 Groupchat at 2AM: I need you to acquire tickets and human chaperones for a group field trip to The Aquarium Ichigo, who fears her above everyone else in soul society: Yes, Captain. Retsu: If it was just the SWA I'd only ask for tickets but you know what The Lads are like. Ichigo: Unfortunately, Yes. Ichigo: I'll bring the first aid kit, zip ties, duct tape and candy. Retsu: Good man.
Upon Arrival, Kenpachi has already been lectured about "You ARE NOT ALLOWED to fight and/or eat the fish, no matter how annoying and/or delicious they look
Turns out they were lecturing the wrong guy because it's Byakuya that develops a personal rivalry with a grouper ("It's smug expression disgusts me." "Captain that is a FISH.") and has to be talked out of climbing into the tank to fight it
after that he has to hold hands with Rukia or Renji.
Rukia discovers Sea Bunnies and ends up crying about them.
Yachiru gets to see them feeding the Piranha and it's a Spiritual Experience for her.
Later, she gets to see them feed the sharks and it's an EVEN BETTER spiritual Experience.
Hitsugaya learns Penguins are real and not just 'made up for christmas, like the flying reindeer and the guy with the suspect toy charity'.
Momo lights into him about "Penguins are my favorite animal, they've been my favorite animal for decades YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE FAKE?" Hitsugaya: "YOU ALSO USED TO LIKE UNICORNS!" Momo: "THOSE ARE ALSO REAL!" Orihime: "They are?" Momo: "...I keep forgetting they're extinct in the living world."
Tousen gets to experience the Touch Pool and the docents realize what's up so they start pulling out the cool stuff like sea hares and moray eels because he's an adult that can be trusted to pet things gently.
When the group comes back to collect him the staff is letting him hand feed a Pacific Red Octopus, and Yachiru immediately demands she be allowed to as well.
Retsu quietly releases Minazuki into the stingray touch pool so she can "go play with her cousins :)"
Kenpachi and Yamamoto asking "Can we eat it?" about every. single. animal.
The extremely dedicated docent that is *just* Psychic enough to know something is up with this group of chucklefucks so they're following them through the aquarium, but is also genuinely having fun answering every fucking insane question these guys ask.
Yoruichi was not anticipating there to be Tigers at the aquarium (they ARE semi-aquatic and part of a larger exhibit on Tropical Riparian Ecosystems) and she is SUPER NOT JEALOUS of how much Urahara and Baby Labcat like them.
There is also an exhibit with an Anaconda that the docent finds Rangiku staring at with a forlorn expression. Docent: "It's okay, not everyone is a fan of snakes." Rangiku: "What? Oh, no, I love snakes. They just also remind me of my Ex." Docent: *WomanTryingToDoMath.Meme* Docent: *Considers the size of the Anaconda* Docent: "...Ah. Yeah, I'd miss a man like that too."
Renji, Ichigo and Ikkaku going "Its YOU!" to each other over every single red, orange or round creature.
Kenpachi going "IT ME!!" about the black urchins before anyone can get him though.
Shunsui pointing at the sea otters that are holding hands and declaring, tears in his eyes "Jushiro! It's US!" Ukitake then prompty ruins the moment by telling Shunsui Fun Facts about Sea Otters like how they're basically giant marine weasels that will absolutely drown each other's young and maul anyone dumb enough to touch one.
The Dolphins all love Komamura and he is just a little bit smug about this.
Relatedly, not sure if its funnier for Komamura to show up in a Human Gigai, or as Tousen's "Service Dog"
Human Gigai: -Komamura is weirdly stony-faced and sort of intimidating and everyone thinks he's stressed out but really he's used to making micro-expressions and gesturing with his ears so he sorta just forgot how to move his face. -Still Nine and a Half feet tall and smacking his head on Everything
Service Dog: -"He's uh. A Shepherd. Mix." Ichigo says to the aforementioned Docent about what is very obviously a Bigass Timber Wolf. -Sajin doesn't give a rat's ass about his cover and keeps talking to Tousen while in dog form. If anyone looks at him funny he makes direct eye contact and says "Woof. Bark."
Yamamoto vs. Escalator. Catastrophic Beard Incident. 2 injured, 16 Dead but they were like that already.
Ukitake, Retsu, and Tama all Not Shutting Up With Facts About Every Fish Ever because they all share a Special Interest.
They briefly lose Byakuya in the Jellyfish exhibit because Rukia and Renji both thought the other one was holding Byakuya's hand and he is *enchanted* by the wall-sized tank of Moon Jellies.
Ikkaku attempting to talk Yachiru out of getting the ridiculously oversized Great White Shark plushie only for Zaraki to get it for both of them instead.
Everyone had a great time and is Very Tired and so they don't realize anything is amiss until they get back to Ichigo's place and the nightly news comes on. "Hey ichigo?" Yuzu calls. "Why is Ms. Unohana on TV?" The news has a story with a still image of Retsu on CCTV and "Authorities are looking for this woman who somehow ADDED a fully intact and highly venomous short-tailed stingray to the aquarium's touch pool" "OH MY GOD WE FORGOT MINAZUKI!"
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animentality · 10 months ago
not to be a boomer, but I do worry about the current generation of kids being raised with iPads.
first off. some of them literally can't hold a pencil because their parents never gave them physical toys to grip and play with, developing their fine motor skills.
you might ask why do we even need to learn how to write physically anymore- well, frankly, because if you're stranded on an island somewhere and you need to write HELP, you might not have the strength to hold a pencil, but you can at least hold a stick.
but on a more general note.
writing by hand helps you remember things better. it forces you to focus in a way that typing something word for word does not. a person can transcribe what a professor says without even thinking about it.
someone writing notes has to consider what to write and what to omit. it also activates more parts of your brain, forcing you to flex the parts of your brain related to learning and communicating, while also engaging the part of your brain dedicated to muscle control and precision.
but in general, I think the issue isn't even oh technology is bad and kids are getting dumber.
you can have PowerPoints AND take physical notes. that could help you learn even better than the olden days where you just had to remember everything that was thrown at you. or read very limited, out of date books.
the problem is that the generation that raised/is raising this generation of children just doesn't understand the true impact that all this technology will have on their kids. or they just don't care.
because our generation had the internet yes, but it wasn't widely accessible for most of us, sharing our computers with the entire family in the kitchen. it was also the internet in its infancy, where it wasn't quite so predatory, when it was lawless and disturbing, yes, but it wasn't weaponized by corporations trying to sell you things and steal your data, it wasn't flooded with bots and ai and all sorts of things that the human brain can't even distinguish as real or fake, especially when you're just a little kid.
that generation still played with physical toys. we celebrated when it snowed and we could stay home.
we also came from a gen that still, vaguely, cared about some form of community and had third spaces for kids to hang out.
90s children, who still had some memories of both playing outside on a playground and playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 with their friends, who both went out to the mall and had a club penguin account.
we grew up with laptops and smart boards. maybe some of us had them in high school or college, but we still physically went to class and developed relationships. learned uncomfortable things about ourselves and others, the way humans do.
met new people and were exposed to new ideas, away from our parents. but not from some fucking influencer trying to sell us Sephora products.
we had to study for things, instead of just being able to Google shit for some bullshit online test.
which is also something that really concerns me. so many kids today can so easily Google answers for every test, and while tests don't ultimately matter in the real world, they still provide some basis for things that do matter.
like I'm just imagining medical students googling how to perform an appendectomy on the day of, and just using a YouTube tutorial to guide them through, and shuddering.
there are some things that the Internet can't teach you.
there always will be.
but I don't think my generation is really helping their kids find the balance that we were given naturally growing up.
the boomers and gen xers had fist fights and we had bullying someone online until they committed suicide.
and now kids use AI to spread fake nudes of girls.
but the laws haven't caught up with a lot of this stuff yet, and certainly won't while we have dinosaurs running our government. and culture takes even longer to change than laws.
I also worry because I know how badly covid affected kids worldwide. how they struggle to read and do math, because remote learning just isn't good for kids.
and I can't even blame them!! I literally teleworked for 4 years and even I can admit that I'm not nearly as good at focusing at home as I am in the office.
it's hard for kids with social anxiety and disabilities, yes I know, I know, trust me, I have social anxiety, and as a hybrid worker ATM, I highly doubt I'd be able to handle 5 days a week in the office.
but it's also not particularly good for kids to stay home ALL the time, entertaining themselves in their room and never being challenged, and never meeting people other than their parents.
the iPad is more of a symbol of that problem than the direct problem.
if your entire... world view is limited to what you can see on your iPad... I mean what a terrible world view you'll have.
you're a 10 year old using TikTok and all you ever see is the same opinion over and over until you can scarcely comprehend people who have an opposing opinion.
you see fake videos that seem so real. that must be real, and so comforting, aren't they, those videos that seem so real?
you let 30 year old influencers who are trying to grift people shape your world view.
and it's not even your fault.
your parents aren't doing anything to help you.
you're young and you're being barraged with entertainment and fake educational videos and how to guides that accidentally create mustard gas in your toilet.
your parents should be teaching you to find a balance between these things. they should be telling you what's real and caution you about the things you see.
they should limit your fucking time on the iPad actually. take you to a fucking park and let you roll in the mud or some shit.
and then when you're a teenager and a young adult, then you can start deciding for yourself what you believe.
but a lot of these weird millennial/gen z parents, man. just let your 1 year old scroll through vids on TikTok while you don't even talk to them or look at them once.
maybe it's because they don't see the harm in it, but I don't get it.
adults can watch TikTok all day and know, ahhh this is bad for me. I'm not doing anything I actually want to be doing.
adults can see other adults doing dumb shit and say ah you're sponsored. someone paid you money to say and do that. silly.
but kids are just kids.
they don't have discipline and frankly, that's not their responsibility. that is yours.
you should be teaching them that they can't have everything in life at their finger tips at all times, actually.
the iPad doesn't solve all of your problems, nor will it think critically for you.
so I worry about if humanity can really keep up with its own technology.
our species is still in its infancy, believe it or not.
so maybe these are just growing pains, and future generations will be able to look back on this era and know the proper balance.
but as someone living in 2024.
I wonder just how much pain is left before we really mature and either make it or break it.
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bagopucks · 2 years ago
A. Matthews - Needs Approval
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warning(s): itty bitty happy crying
Proofread once
“Alright. We have plans.”
Spontaneity was not something I knew Auston for. So when he came through my front door with these ‘plans’, I had to refrain from looking too surprised.
“Auston, you can’t just blow through here unexpectedly, trying to take me out. I have a kid-“
“No, that’s who I’m looking for.”
My face lit up in shock and slight amusement.
“Sad is the day a woman is outshined by her son. To the man of her dreams, I have become but a mere oracle to consult.”
“Okay, Shakespeare.” Auston smiled, walking over to help me pick up Hudson’s few toys scattered across the floor.
“What are these plans?” I asked, watching him sit next to me.
“I was gonna take him to see that new kids movie.”
“Is there a reason I can’t go? I mean- I’m all for the bonding, but.. I’m a little surprised there’s no invite.”
“Well.. ya know I just thought,” Auston shrugged, “give you a night to yourself. Maybe you could call one of your friends, or- you could always go to my place and hang with Felix. Whatever you want.” I couldn’t quite tell what he was hiding, but I knew it was something. Auston didn’t like to make eye contact when he was avoiding a topic.
“You know I go stir crazy when you boys aren’t around.” I teased, gently nudging his leg with my foot.
“I promise I’ll invite you to the next movie outing.”
“Alright. He’s coming home from a friend’s house. They were working on a project.”
“What kind of project?” Auston glanced up at me before setting another toy into the tub Hudson had designated to his action figures.
“A science project. Creating your own habitat. He and his friend are doing something Arctic with penguins and polar bears.” I smiled, recalling the creativity Hudson had been blessed with. He had so many materials he wanted to use, and so many great ideas.
“He asked me if you could get him a little plush of Carlton so they could set it up in the hall by their habitat.”
“Sounds cool. I’ll definitely get one when I can.”
“By next week.” I was quick to add. “They’ll need it by Friday. That’s when the project is due.”
“I feel like two weeks is a long time for a project like that.”
“Not all kids can be as smart as the one we’ve been raising together.” I didn’t miss the way Auston’s eyes lit up. Then a sheepish smile took over his lips.
“That makes us sound like bad people.” He commented.
“But not bad parents.” I would never tell another person that my child was smarter than theirs, nor did I ever feel as such. I was aware all kids grew and learned at their own pace. But at times it was nice to admit that Hudson was such a curious and driven child, always eager to learn. It was nice to admit Auston and I were shaping a pretty successful child.
“So we’re parents now?”
“Auston, you’ve been here long enough. I’m not ignoring what’s in front of my face. You’re a father to Hudson. You know what he told me the other night?” Auston stopped what he was doing to focus on me. “He told me he wished you didn’t have to bring clothes over all the time. That you could just stay here and be with us every day.” I smiled and tossed another toy into a smaller bucket. “He also said he really loves your house. He said he loves when you have sleepovers there, because he can swim and have ice cream all day.”
“I feed him other stuff!” Auston laughed, shaking his head. “That kid. I promise I feed him other stuff.”
“I’m not too worried about it.” I admitted with a shrug, reaching for another toy. I glanced up at Auston, watched the way his eyes went blank, staring me down. I didn’t ask. Usually he spoke his mind. So I waited, going back to tossing toys in the bucket.
“Do you want me here?”
“You’ll have to explain a little.”
“If we ever move in together. Do you want me like- in this house with you, or do you want to live with me? Or we could get our own place.”
“Change is gonna be a little hard no matter what we do. But I think what’s best is searching for a new home together. Something that’s ours equally. I want a new house, with new memories. Unless that’s too expensive.”
“No, I totally understand. And nothing’s too expensive.”
“We’ll buy a place we agree on. And as much as I love the modern touch of your house, I still want something that feels like a home.”
“Whatever you and Hudson want.”
“I’ll let you have a man cave.” I teased, smiling at his quiet laugh. We had time to discuss it. We were in no rush. We had just only started talking of marriage a month ago. We actually had to get married before anything else. At least that was the next step Auston and I agreed on.
“Do you want any more kids?”
“Are you kidding?” I laughed, resting my hand on the floor to support my weight. “Every time I see you with Hudson I think I want another kid.”
“But after the change?” Auston asked.
“Yes.” I picked up the last action figure and set it in the small bucket. A small test. I knew Auston would pass it before his hand even reached into the bucket to remove the figure, tossing it into the bigger one. “I want Hudson to feel comfortable in a new place, and feel secure before we go making any additions.” I watched a brown curl fall out of place. “It’s important that he feels like your kid before we have any others. The last thing I’d want is for him to feel like you’ll love him any less.”
“I could never. He’d be my kid just as much as the others.” Auston slowly leaned back to lay on the floor. I made my way over to lay with him, resting my head on his chest.
“Others plural?”
“At least three.”
“Three between us?” I gasped.
“No! No. Like- Hudson, and then two others.”
“Why three?”
“‘Cause kids that grow up in families with just one sibling- they end up weird.”
“My first example is Mitch.”
“Auston!” I scolded through soft laughter. “He’s not weird.”
“He’s pretty weird.” Auston chuckled, warming my heart with the way his body moved beneath me. I lifted my hand to check the time on my watch. A sigh fell from my lips. We’d only just laid down, and already we had to get up.
“You wanna come stand with me on the porch? Hudson’s gonna be here soon.”
“Boy do I.” Though Auston’s words were teasing, I knew he was excited. I stood up and helped him off the ground. I walked toward the door and unlocked it while I put my slippers on. Pulling the door open, I walked out onto the porch, Auston close behind.
“What time do you think you’ll be getting back?” I asked as I pulled the door shut.
“Probably around eight? If thats not too late.”
“Eight is just fine. Maybe hold off on the sweets though if you get movie snacks.”
“What do you mean if? You always get movie snacks.” I laughed at Auston’s argument.
“The popcorn is pretty good.”
“And the little chocolate crunchy things.”
“The Buncha Crunches?”
“Yeah, those.” Auston nodded. I leaned against the porch rail, and Auston mirrored my stance next to me.
“He’s gonna be so excited to see you.”
“Oh, quit that.” Auston bumped his hip against my own.
“You don’t understand how much he loves you. Or how much he misses you. When you’re on road trips. And how scared he gets when he thinks you’re hurt.”
“I’m always a call away.”
“Yeah I know. I just hate not knowing your schedule when you’re in another city.”
“Shoot me a text.” Auston rested his hand atop my own. “You’re a first priority. I’ll always text you back fast.”
Our conversation was cut off as a car pulled into the drive. The back window rolled down as Hudson hopped out with his book bag. His friend waved and shouted goodbye.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Haleigh!” Hudson bounced up the driveway, but the second he turned in our direction, his speed picked up. I waved to Haleigh before she pulled out of my driveway and left.
“Auston!” He climbed up the porch steps and dropped his bag.
“You mind if I steal ya for a bit tonight?” Auston asked, holding his hand out for their elaborate handshake.
“Did you ask mom?”
“Of course I did.”
“Can I put my stuff inside?”
“I’ll get it.” I answered quietly, laughing. “I’ll take a hug first before you leave.” I added quickly. Hudson was swift to spin around and hug my legs. “Be safe. And listen to Auston.”
“I always do.”
“I’m serious.” I pulled away to grab his bag from the floor.
“I’ll see you boys later.” Hudson was already jogging down the stairs by the time I turned to Auston. I rested my hand beneath his chin and guided his lips to my own. “I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too.” Auston smiled, pressing another quick kiss to my lips. Hudson had never been one of those kids to gag or groan. He usually just smiled or looked away. I had no doubt it was because of his happiness. He didn’t grow up for five years with a proper example of love. He was content with knowing love provided happiness. With understanding that we had a good situation.
“Ready, Hudson?” Auston finally followed the kid down the steps.
I gave one last wave before they left. When the silence set in, I felt both at ease and antsy. I decided to slip back inside to find something to busy myself with.
“So what snacks do you want?”
“Can we get gummies?”
“I’m cool with that. What about slushees?”
“Oh! Blue!”
Auston followed and enforced every rule you did. Almost every rule. When it came to movies, he didn’t give Hudson a sugar limit other than what would make the kid sick. And when it came to hockey, Auston told Hudson sometimes cursing was appropriate. Hudson however, was keen on saying words and phrases you told him never to say. Like “stupid” and “jerk.” Hudson knew of curse words, but they weren’t well rounded in his vocabulary yet.
“Did you get that?” Auston asked the woman behind the counter, who smiled and nodded.
“Cute kid.” She complimented.
“He’s my girlfriend’s.” Auston used to love the attention in Toronto. Girls always managed to find him, speak to him, contact him. It brought a lot of confidence, and worked wonders on his ego. If he was honest with himself, Auston didn’t know what he was getting into when he first met Hudson. Auston always said he wasn’t opposed to meeting somebody, he just never found the right person. Turns out his right person was actually two people. Now he only needed one love to make him feel like a million bucks. And the admiration of the kid standing next to him, trying to gnaw open a bag of gummy worms.
“You think mom’s okay on her own?” Hudson asked after Auston had paid, and they were handed the rest of their snacks.
“I think she’s doing just fine.”
“How’s come you didn’t invite her?” Auston led the kid toward the theatre corridor.
“‘Cause I just wanted to have a fun night with you.”
“You always invite mom.” Auston sighed, glancing down at Hudson.
“I have a really important question for you.”
“How important?”
Auston had to pause, thinking of a good comparison.
“Like.. Stanley Cup important.” He found amusement in the way Hudson immediately looked up at him, wide eyed.
“Dude…” Hudson whispered. “That’s pretty important.”
“I know.”
“Why do you need to ask me?”
“Because right now, you’re kinda like.. the keeper of the cup.”
“That’s cool. What does he do?”
“He protects the cup. Makes sure it doesn’t get any scratches. Travels everywhere with it, and keeps an eye on it.”
“Well that sounds like a pretty boring job.”
“Yeah, but its important.” Auston paused as he pulled the door to their theatre open.
“So what are you asking me?”
“Well I can’t tell you right now.” Hudson groaned as he walked up the isle into the theatre, Auston following close behind.
“Why do I have to wait?”
“I wasn’t gonna bring it up until after we watched the movie.” Auston reasoned as he helped Hudson find their seats. Hudson’s silence was a bit out of character, but Auston let it slide. Once they got comfortable, Hudson turned to him.
“Nobody’s ever told me I’m as important as the guy who watches the Stanley Cup.” He admitted softly.
“Well I’m glad I got to be the first.” Auston smirked, reaching for the extra straw he’d stuffed in his pocket.
“What’s that for?” Hudson asked, watching as Auston peeled the wrapper off and crumbled it up. They made brief eye contact before Auston stuck the straw in Hudson’s slushee and took a sip.
“Hey!” Hudson laughed quietly, and soon Auston was laughing too. “That’s not fair!”
“Yeah, we’ll I paid for it, pal.”
“You’re mean,” Hudson teased as he swatted the bill of Auston’s hat.
“I only do it cause I love ya.” The words left Auston’s lips before he could really think of them. He looked away almost immediately, holding his breath and trying to act natural. A kid can smell panic from a mile away. But instead of Hudson asking any more questions, or teasing, he let out a big old sigh and looked forward as well. Auston saw him smile from the corner of his eye. Then he felt a small hand rest on his arm.
“I love you too.” Auston could hardly contain his smile, and he was still grinning like an idiot as soon as the movie began.
The boys sat quietly through the movie, though admittedly Auston missed most of it, replaying the quiet moment he shared with Hudson over and over again in his head. He’d worked hard to earn Hudson’s respect and acceptance. He worked hard to fill a role he knew he hadn’t been prepared for.
When the movie ended, Auston knew he’d have no trouble asking Hudson his important question.
“That was such a cool movie.” Hudson beamed as the credits began to roll. Auston helped him gather their trash before they left the theatre and threw everything away.
“Thanks for taking me out, Auston!” Hudson skipped along the tile floor in the lobby, careful not to step on any cracks. Auston laughed at his excitement. The kid was all hopped up on sugar.
“Hold up, Buddy.” Auston immediately reached for Hudson’s hand when the boy made it to the door. Hudson high fived Auston before pushing the door open.
“No, Hudsy. It’s a dark parking lot. Hold my hand.” Auston’s amused laughter was met with a bashful smile from Hudson, who slipped his hand into Auston’s. They were careful when walking across the parking lot, and Auston opened the front door for Hudson.
“My car seat’s in the back.” Hudson reminded.
“We have to talk first, little dude.”
“Oh! Oh yeah.” Hudson climbed up into the front seat, before Auston walked around the car to join him on the other side. He pulled his door shut and turned the vehicle on.
“So, this big question.”
“Yes.” Hudson pulled his legs up onto the seat to fold them up, turning to face Auston.
“You ready for it?” Despite his certainty that he’d get a yes, Auston still felt nervous.
“Yes!” Hudson insisted.
“Alright.. I want you to be honest with me. Like completely honest. Okay?”
“Just ask, Auston.” Hudson urged. His impatience got the best of him.
“Is it okay if I marry your mom?”
There was a beat of silence. Hudson taking time to process the question, while his wide eyes studied Auston’s face.
“You wanna marry my mom.” Hudson repeated.
“Yeah? I really love her, Aus. And I love you. I’d love to join your little family.” Auston fidgeted with his own hands, occasionally glancing down to avoid the steady gaze from the kid across the console.
“So you mean like.. I’m gonna have a dad? Like a real dad?” Auston immediately looked up.
“Of course, Hudson. That’s what I’ve been trying to do.”
“I’m gonna have a dad.” Hudson’s features shifted from excitement to shock, then he couldn’t sit still. His hands pulled at the fabric of his pants, seemingly distressed as tears clouded his vision.
“Hudson?” Auston immediately reached across the car to rest a hand on the boy’s arm. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna have a dad.” Hudson cried out, the tears spilling down his cheeks. Years of confusion and grief, always feeling like he was missing out on something. It was finally coming to an end. Hudson’s mind could only focus on one thing. Having a second parent.
“Buddy, come here.” Auston gently guided Hudson forward. The kid practically climbed over the console and right into Auston’s lap, wrapping his arms around the man’s shoulders to sob against his collar. Auston held onto Hudson like his whole life depended on it. The situation choked him up, but he kept a brave face. At least he thought he did, until he felt a few tears of his own sliding down his cheeks.
“Hudson,” Auston forced the word from his lips. He knew Hudson would be happy eventually, but the pain had to come first. Kids were too young to completely understand their emotions. Hudson’s tears came from fear and relief. Relief of knowing the wait was over, and fear of not understanding why that made him want to cry. He just needed to let it out. Auston learned he was pretty good at sitting and waiting for that.
“I gotcha, Hudson. You wanna take a few breaths for me?” He felt Hudson’s choppy breathing stop for only a moment before it started again. He was listening.
“Those were pretty bad breaths, dude.” Auston teased softly, sniffing quietly, a quiet quivering laugh falling from his lips.
“Shut up.” Hudson pouted, his voice broke as he spoke. He gently punched Auston’s shoulder.
“You wanna try that again?” Auston moved one of his hands from Hudson’s back to reach for the hand that hit his shoulder. Hudson only tightened his grip.
“I just-“ he hiccuped. “I just wanna hug a little bit longer.” He whispered.
“You got it.” Auston nodded, wrapping his arm back around Hudson.
At some point, Hudson’s legs grew tired, and his grip on Auston finally loosened. So, the hockey player took his chance to help Hudson lean back, a smile on his lips as he pulled the sleeve of his sweatshirt over his palm.
“You okay now?” Auston asked as he wiped Hudson’s face with his sleeve. Hudson managed a smile and nodded.
“I’m really happy.” Hudson finally admitted, though his voice sounded as though another round of tears were close behind.
“You can’t tell your mom, okay? You’re gonna help me with everything, but you can’t tell her.”
“I can do that. I won’t tell anybody.” Hudson spoke as he stood on the seat between Auston’s legs, leaning back against the steering wheel.
“Betcha didn’t expect me to ask that kinda question tonight. Did ya?”
“That’s bigger than the Stanley Cup.” Hudson giggled quietly, still sniffling as he rubbed at his face.
“I know. That’s why I had to ask your permission. You and your mom mean the world to me. I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first.”
“It’s okay with me.” Hudson clarified, as if he needed to. “You can marry my mom.”
“You know.. as her son, you’ll get the third piece of cake in the wedding.”
“Who gets the first and second?”
“Me and your mom.” Auston helped Hudson back across to the passenger seat.
“You’ll share a little bit with me though.. won’t you?” Hudson’s question made Auston scoff out a laugh.
“We’ll talk about it more when the time comes.”
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stormi-the-pup · 2 years ago
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Gwen Stacy sister caregiver/flip moodboard!
Headcanons below the cut!
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Gwen as a CG
She likes calling her little(s) “little bro/sis/sib”, or plays on that such as “bubby”, “sissy”, and/or “sibby”! She also calls her little(s) nicknames based on their favorite activities or animals.
For example, if you’re an artist, she would call you her little painter, or if you were a musician, she would call you a little rockstar!
As for names you call her, she prefers “big sis”, “sissy”, or something else along those lines.
Gwen loves to show off all the stuff you give her. A pretty rock? She puts them on her shelf with all the others! A drawing? It’ll be hung up next to her posters!
I like to imagine she’s a good singer, so she likes to sing lullabies or fun songs to her little(s)! Her voice is very calming.
She’ll also take you to concerts if you like that (and make sure you have the proper ear protection), because she enjoys it just as much!
If you want to go out for a swing with her, she makes sure and then triple checks that you’re secure before taking off.
If you start to take an interest in one of her hobbies (dance, drums, etc.) she is over the moon and super willing to teach you!
Can and will insist she do your makeup/hair/play dress up!
Gwen as a regressor
She’s an older regressor, usually around the age of 9.
She likes music a lot when she’s little, whether she’s playing it or just listening. Often times she’ll be wearing her headphones and dancing or singing along!
When Gwen is small, she likes to watch shows/movies that she did as a kid (Strawberry Shortcake, Lilo & Stitch, etc.)
I imagine she’s not so much of a person who likes toys, rather she likes to collect little mini figures like LPS or MLP blind bag toys.
Along with that, she doesn’t own many stuffed animals. She has some from Miles and the other spiders, but other than that she only really owns one or two that she’s had since she was a kid.
^ One is a lamb, one is a penguin!
Gwen doesn’t strike me as someone who uses pacis a lot, she prefers teethers or chewlery.
Other things: She loves hair clips, fake makeup/lipgloss, and rattles.
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foodfightnovelization · 5 months ago
My Foodfight! Collection: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Foodfight!
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So here it is, here's my Foodfight! collection. Since I've been writing this blog for over a year now, I thought it was worth finally showing off all the merchandise I've collected during that time, as well as talking about the relationship I've developed with the movie over the course of my many posts. But first, the collection- from left to right, we have the Cinnamon Sleuth cereal box (yes it's fanmade but I still think it looks cool enough to be included), the Junior Novelization that started it all, a Daredevil Dan plush, a Dex Dogtective plush, a copy of the movie on DVD, the Deluxe Sound Storybook, a Polar Penguin Plush, and 18 inches of Cheazel T. Weasel.
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The plush toys are especially interesting- I don't think I've really discussed this before, but they all have a tag on the back stating they're not to be sold at retail... I guess these were only intended for arcades and carnivals as prizes, which is where they ultimately ended up, but I've heard at least one person who worked on the movie claim these were being sold in stores as well. So... chalk that up to another unsolved mystery, even if it's not a particularly interesting one. If I had to guess, the Playmates action figures and more detailed plush toys I talked about a while ago were meant to sold in stores, but the deal fell through and somehow these cheaper Nanco plush toys ended up there instead, on top of arcades and carnivals as originally intended. Maybe Nanco just produced so much stock, anticipating the movie to be a big hit, then when it got delayed time and time again they had to sell them off however they could. I know these Nanco plush toys come in a BUNCH of different sizes- for instance, I have an 18 inch Cheazel, but there are smaller variants that show up on eBay every now and then. Speaking of Cheazel by the way...
About 10 years ago, a small child in Nebraska got stuck in a claw machine trying to win a Cheazel plush, with the incident even making the local news. You can read all about it in the above link- thankfully he was fine and nobody was injured, but it's just crazy to me that something Foodfight!-related was picked up by the news media and that there was a kid out there who wanted a Cheazel plush so bad he was willing to crawl into a machine for it. It's also a testament to how, after the movie came out, these plush toys were EVERYWHERE- there are so many stories of people finding them at local carnivals, and it's why a lot of them are still showing up on eBay to this day. I wonder if the Cheazel plush I have now is the same one this child tried to win many years ago...? Probably not, but it's certainly a possibility.
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One more thing about the toys while I'm still on the topic- I know I've mentioned it before, but a bunch of concept art and prototype images for the Playmates plush toys and figures were found among the recently shared files from the Foodfight! tie-in game, and I just thought I'd share them here for anyone who hasn't seen them yet. While I love the idea of Dex Dogtective's Price Gun and the Daredevil Dan Crash N' Spin Plane, I've gotta say.... the plush toys we actually ended up with are WAY cuter. I know they're just prototypes, but look at how bulbous Cheazel's eyeballs are, it's just offputting. Granted, the character is equally if not more offputting in the actual movie, but when you compare it to the Nanco plush...
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I mean just look at him, he's adorable!! How could you not like him, how could anybody like him? The tongue sticking out, the dopey expression on his face...he's just a rascal, a scamp, a mischief maker. I think in general the Nanco plush toys are by far the most visually appealing versions of the characters, partly because they're soft and huggable, but also because they all look really friendly and gentle in a way the designs never really did onscreen, even in the early footage.
Anyway, as for the rest of my collection, there's not a whole lot TO say about it that I haven't already said- I've already discussed the novelization and Deluxe Sound Storybook at length, I made the Cinnamon Sleuth box myself, and the only notable thing about the DVD is that one of the Chapter Select options takes you straight to the end credits. And so I instead wanted to take this time to talk about how Foodfight! has affected me over the past year.
When I first found the novelization on eBay, I just KNEW I had to write about it. Nobody else was talking about it, it was the only copy available for purchase anywhere, there was no other mention of it on the entire internet, and it seemed like no-one else even knew it existed. I was inspired by Ryan North's B To The F blog, in which he reviews the similarly obscure Back To The Future novelization, feeling this could be my very own "B To The F" moment. That kind of moment only comes along once in a lifetime, and so even though I was in the middle of an incredibly stressful move at the time, I bit the bullet and started my blog anyway. Ever since then... it's like Foodfight! exploded, all over the internet. A large part of that was of course thanks to Ziggy Cashmere's incredible work on ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight, but it still made me feel like writing about the novelization opened a Pandora's Box of Foodfight! material across the world, or like I was living through an ARG designed just for me. I made a fangame, interviewed a cast member, I even got a speaking line in the aforementioned ROTTEN, and the more I wrote the more Foodfight! news seemed to come out. Every time I thought we'd found everything there was left to find, something new would come up and I'd be pulled right back into it. And through all that...god help me, I actually started to like Foodfight!.
To be clear, I still think it's a bad movie. As a matter of fact, it's one of the worst movies ever made. BUT...it's the greatest movie STORY ever told. Everything that went on behind the scenes, all the scrapped tie-in products, videogames, crazy anecdotes about the director, it all coalesces into something much greater than itself. In the same way, it felt like writing about Foodfight! allowed me to be a part of something greater than myself too. I got involved with a community of like-minded fans, was lucky enough to able to share previously lost media with the entire world, connected to the internet in a way I hadn't in years, and did something nobody else had done before and will likely never do again. Maybe THAT'S the real Foodfight!...no, I really mean it. When you dedicate enough time and passion towards something forgotten and obscure, it takes you on this special kind of journey that's hard to describe, but you come out the other end with this genuine appreciation for it you couldn't have found anywhere else. Like if you didn't care so much then maybe you would never have got it, but you did and so you you really DO understand. Like at the end of Be Kind Rewind, when Jerry and Mike can't save the video store but it doesn't matter because through making their movies they brought the community together and shared a story in the way only they could. Maybe that's what this was for me, sharing a story in a way only I could. To date, not a single other copy of the novelization has surfaced anywhere... it really does feel like it was my destiny to write about it. Even if I stop updating this blog someday, I'll never forget about everything I went through writing about Foodfight! The Junior Novelization...but for now, here's to another year.
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2a8n · 2 years ago
Shirogane's dream
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I wanted to speculate a bit about Shirogane's dream shown to us in the Ice Scream Original (Round 2), since some of the moments shown will either be redone in the Ice Scream Remake or confirmed in it. And according to the old tradition, I write in advance: "Sorry for the quality", because some screenshots might not turn out in the best quality, but I tried to make them at least better than my previous such screenshots. Well, let's get started!
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It all starts with showing the ceiling in one of the rooms of the Ice Cavern and our depressive wolf lying on the bench there. Personally, I would be very scared to be there simply because I would be constantly afraid of one of the icicles falling from the ceiling on me. At the same time, Shirogane can easily be in this pleace, and even more so lie and sleep on the bench there. The other one who was there was a bunny, and that's to arrange a GAME OVER player on the screen.
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Next, we are shown the dream itself. It starts all this confusion Suno-san jumping into the middle of the white space like a bunny. At the same time, in Round 3 we will be shown that he can teleport, and also when showing his moving game sprite, we can see a movement that looks more like crawling, but not like a jump. I don't know if this snowman is really capable of moving in as many as 3 distinct ways, or if Suno-san's jumping in this dream is just Shiro's own fantasy.
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Note that in Shirogane's dream, squid tentacles appear, a flower dancing at night in the Peraco house, bunnies, and Nekoyama. This tells us that Shiro saw/met all of these things/characters, which is confirmed by the following: 1) In the Remake, Shirogane lies on the snow and sees a Squid, whose tentacles stick out of the water surface; 2) A similar flower stands next to the television in Peraco's house, but it differs from the flower shown in the dream in the absence of a leaf and a thinner stem; 3) There is no need to talk much about bunnies - they can often be seen on Iceberg Isle (as well as Rock running from anger, probably…); 4) And finally, Nekoyama - our cameo from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. He can be found in Round 2 delivering cigarettes to Orca. As a result, it can be assumed that the rest of what is shown is also familiar to Shirogane. And this makes me wary:
if our wolf could see a simple fish in the same fishing buckets of Rock, then to consider the moon-fish or those white squids, he would have to dive straight into the water, most likely;
Tori-san can be either a simple easter egg (remember Tori-san's toy in Rocma's house), or a frozen Tori-san that Shirogane once saw;
has Shiro met the Mogekoels? I hope they didn't try to hit him with their arrows while doing so…
the head of a huge white "something" with an outstretched tongue raises many questions in me. Is there a possibility that this is the head of a huge turtle, on which a huge glacier has frozen and, thus, having formed Iceberg Isle, it swims in the northern latitudes, preventing the isle from melting and the inhabitants on its back from dying?
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It doesn't surprise me that the phrase "Bad doggy" and Suno-san appear here. I'm more surprise why he uses the parachute of Mogekov Hashasky and… bees on a background.
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If there are good Japanese translators with good eyesight, please translate the symbols on the background. I will be very grateful for this. ( v _ v )
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Here you can see Peraco's name-calling towards Shiro. I don't know what else to add here.
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What did I ever even do? It is this question that our wolf asks when once again the hot-tempered penguin, familiar to all of us, takes out his frustration or anger on him.
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Fall - it is unclear only, emotional and/or physical.
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Shirogane managed to be a wolf, and a dog, and a bunny, and even a caterpillar in his and others' fantasies. It remains only him managed to be happy in real and then his life was a success! =D
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It is noteworthy that the snowman appears here only on the red background. Neither he nor Shiro can be seen on the black background. Because of this, I get the impression (or maybe it's an attempt to convey the impression of the wolf himself) that the talking pissed snow is stalking him and/or watching him quite often…
That's it for now. Yeah, there are some monologues to Shirogane that were later moved to Watch 1 of the Remake, but I want to give them time in a separate post. I will also pin here a video with this very dream from the official DSP channel and a walkthrough of one of the youtubers with this very fragment of the dream game (9:36 - 10:33) in case you yourself want to disassemble it. Until then, see you soon! ;)
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ponycritterz · 7 months ago
<3 Hi I'm ponycritterz, or pony for short!
Click below to learn more about me, and what I'm going to post!! <3
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Hai hello!!!! :33
My pronouns are he/him, I'm gay n happily taken, and I'm 19 years old! I have the best bestie in the world, and I'm madly in love with all things nostalgia. I would describe myself as a guy who dresses goth, but has a bedroom full of cute pink stuff :))!! My goal one day is to have a pink poodle and stride down the sidewalk wearing all black, with a lovely corset ♡
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My interests include 70s-2000s nostalgia, collecting older toys/video game consoles, video games, vintage interior design, the color pink and red, and more!
My top three favorite video games to play have to be Baldurs Gate III, Overwatch, and Sims 3! But as for like., video games I love no matter what, that includes Club Penguin, Webkinz, Tomodachi Life, Sims Urbz DS, Rune Favtory Tides of Destiny, Cooking Mama wii, Animal Crossing GC and New Leaf, and many many more!!
As for like., misc interests, I like a few YouTubers such as Call Me Kevin, Jerma, Oneyplays, Supermega, Kurtis Conner, Izzzyizzz, Film Cooper, Inabber, and EXPLORE WITH US. I love a few shows too, including Golden Girls, Fullhouse, and How I Met Your Mother a lot right now!!
Christmas is my ALL TIME FAVORITE HOLIDAY. It's connected to me in such a nostalgic way, and not really in a religious way at all. I start decorating in July <3 /j
(Vintage) toys I collect include, My Little Pony gen 1-4, Calico Critters, second-hand Precious Moments (because I don't support them lol,) Barbies, Furbies, Muppets, Sesame Street, and more!
As for hobbies, I make digital art, crochet, cross stitch, make Perler bead art, make stuff with air dry clay, repair old toys, and window shop tehe :3 I'd love to learn how to sew.
For "fandomy" interests, I'm currently into Baldurs Gate III, Ghost (band,) Smiling Friends, My Little Pony (gens 1-4,) and definitely more I can't think of. I'm also still super interested in the "classic" fandoms, (such as Sonic, Creepypasta, FNAF,) I just don't talk about them as much anymore. And if you're wondering how we haven't met, I was on Amino, not Tumblr yet <3 LMAO :3
I heavily dislike spiders, death, religion, excessive drug use, and bigotz <3
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On a more personal note, I deal with a lotta dumb stuff that sets me back!! I'm on the spectrum, have BPD, chronic fatigue, severe OCD, and wayyy more dumb stuff. But!! I find posting on social media to be a fun way to cope here and there :)
I'm also under the age regression/dreamer umbrella, and will not tolerate any hate about that. ♡
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- You are a minor!! 17 is right on the line!! I recommend any minor that reads this to go play Webkinz and be a kid as long as ya can :) /gen
- YOU ARE A NSFW ACCOUNT!!! Whether it be some form of "agere" or not, ION like it!!!
- You are anti LGBT+, furry, agere, women's rights, abortion, vaxx, masks, all of that!
- You can't tolerate., "cringe"?? Cringe is dead!! Have fun, rawr means ily in dinosaur bro <3
- Can't tolerate tone indicators, some cussing, over use of ":3"....
- you are an asshole <3 ion like em!!
I am open to making friends as long as you're not dry, follow the DNI guidelines above, and don't talk excessively about drugs/religion. I ain't about allat!
Please interact if you are SFW, a nice person, LGBT+ or ally, whatever!! Just be cool :P
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What I'll be posting:
Moodboards, agere/dre inspo and such, maybe some requests, silly tingz, various crafts, and more :)
I'm not too sure I'll have like a consistent post schedule or anything, but I'd love to try as much as I can while staying healthy!!
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That's pretty much it!!
Thank you so much for reading!! I appreciate you, and hope you enjoy my blog :) I'm VERY new to Tumblr so I'm just getting the hang of things -- bear with me!! <3
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meteor752 · 2 years ago
Meteor looking through the Starkid songs and pairing them up with mcyt as much as they can wow this title sucks
I’m bad at shit
Anyways, a few weeks ago I realized while listening to the Black Friday soundtrack that “Wow, this is a goldmine for MCYT animatics”, but like I can’t really draw so I’m stuck doing this
If ur fave Starkid song didn’t make it then it’s cause it didn’t fit well enough
Also if you have anything I missed then please inform me, lol
We will be going in order just to simplify things
Different as can be (AVPM) Desert Duo in third life, Scar as Quirrel and Grian as Voldy
Different as can be (reprise) (AVPM) - Desert duo in Double life, same casting
Granger Danger (AVPM) - Empires s2 fWhip as Ron, Joel as Draco, Jimmy as Hermione
To dance again (AVPM) - Xornoth’s release in Empires s1, with Xorny as Voldy and Joey as Quirrel (Scott as Harry)
Not over yet (AVPS) - The eggpire after the banquet, Bad as Lucious
Stutter (AVPS) - Scar, Ren, Martyn, and Pearl in Double life. Roles are interchangeable 
Kick it up a notch (Starship) - Dream convincing Eret to betray L’Manburg, with Punz, George, and Sapnap as the mosquitos
Kick it up a notch (Reprise) (Starship) - Eret actually betraying L’Manburg
Rogues are we (HMB) Some of the villains of Dream SMP, with Wilbur as Riddler, Quackity as Penguin, Techno as Scarecrow, Philza as Catwoman, Niki as Poison Ivy, and Jack as Mr Freeze
The American Way (HMB) - The HC s9 king arc, with Soup Group as Superman, Grian as Batman, and Ren as Sweet Tooth
Sidekick (AVPSY) Tubbo after Ranboo’s death, though could take place like at any point
Everything ends (AVPSY) This one is just, Tommy surrounded by everyone of the SMP. Could be changed to Dream. I’m not Sure yet.
Dream a little harder (Twisted) King Ren, the rest of HC as the backing score. Impulse as Robert’s role tho, and Gem as the main lady
If I believed (Twisted) A Xornoth song honestly. Idk, maybe like pre-corruption.
When the world’s at stake (TTO) I can’t even explain how many people this could fit. Any character that has like, some familial role to anyone, boom the song fits. Personally I’d say my top picks are either Dadschlatt, or Older brother Grian with Jimmy
Wagon on fire (TTO) Double life, Scar burning the ranch down. Jimmy and Tango as the family members (The horse is the daughter)
The Night belongs to Snarl (Firebringer) Third life, Joel as the main singer though Ren sing in the chorus. Snarl is replaced by Scar, right after he became the first red
Cup of Roasted Coffee (TGWDLM) Joey and Sausage, post-corruption, fWhip is Emma
Cup of Poisoned Coffee (TGWDLM) -´´-
Join us (And die) (TGWDLM) Hannah and Antfrost (Or possibly Punz), after being corrupted by the egg
Let it out (TGWDLM) Empires s1 au where everyone is corrupted except Joel. Joel takes the place of Paul
What do you say (BF) Empires s2 Jizzie right at the start, recollecting their time in s1. The rest of the server are the background characters
Our doors are open (BF) Joel at the toy barn, featuring Hermes
Feast or Famine (BF) The emperors fighting for the crown (I have a rewritten version of this, click read more if you wanna check it out)
Take me back (BF) Either Desert Duo or Treebark in Double Life, singing about third life. Scar/Ren is Tom, Grian/Martyn is Becky
Adore me (BF) Joey, empires s1. ‘nuff said
Made in America (BF) The eggpire finale, Velvet (as the egg) singing to Bad
If I fail you (BF) Very self indulgent, but Mumbo singing about Grumbot
Wiggle (BF) Joey during the release of Xornoth
What if Tomorrow comes (BF) The end of the dsmp as the nukes are about to strike down, Aimsey as the main singer
This took me an hour. Anyways
Jimmy:It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs to my land!
Joey: It's mine, it's mine
It's certainly mine, it belongs in my hand!
Joel & Lizzie: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine, it's my path to glory
Katherine & Pearl: It's mine, it's mine (it's mine, it's mine)
It's certainly mine
All: It’s my turn to change history
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry too
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
Gem & fWhip & Sausage: Let go, let go (let go, let go)
Just let go!
Do you have a death wish?
Scott & Shubble: Just die, just die (you die, you die)
It's time to die
You made it on my list
Joey: I got it!
Pearl: I got it!
Lizzie: You got it!
Pixl: They got it!
Jimmy: What a relief
Joey: it's mine
All: My people will love me
Joel: Now take it
Shubble: Wear it
Pixl: Love it
Gem: Steal it
All: Grab it!
It's metal so shiny
You never should settle for the title that you are born into
Sausage: are born into
There's always some line to be cut, and someone to marry to
Sausage: someone to marry to
And if you should find that you're about to get the short of the stick
Sausage: short of the stick
Take what you want, kill what you don’t get
It’s all I need and all I came for
A feeling I just can’t explain
A new law that you all should live for
That crown will make my empire long remain
I wont hesitate to just kill you
To get what rightfully is mine
My rule will be so legendary
Amongst you I will be so fucking Devine
fWhip: You never should settle
Scott: You never should settle
Shubble: You never should settle
Pearl:For the title
Pixl: For the title
Lizzie: For the title
That you are
Born into
Sausage: take what you want!
Rags or riches!
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abyssmalice · 5 months ago
Watching and listening to Freminet as they walk through the corridors, Tonia finds herself gradually just nodding at his words, slipping back into meek acceptance for everything and anything. Which, she thinks a bit to herself, isn't very Harbinger-like of her. She should also look determined and capable like he is too! But at the same time... just following along and quietly nodding is easier, more comfortable...
So she falls a little quiet until they reach the basement level; Tonia's eyes hardly take any time at all to adjust to the dimmer lighting, where she immediately looks around. She wasn't expecting a workshop down here - it distantly reminds her of Sandrone's workshops back at the palace, with the mess of tools and parts, but smaller, rustic. Cozy even.
At least, Sandrone's workshops didn't have cute toy penguins. That was already a major point in favour of this one. Tonia almost absently reaches to pick up one of the toys—a pink penguin, with a sunflower on it—out of some childish instinct, before she immediately thinks better of touching someone else's things.
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"This is your workshop?" Tonia repeats with a little wonder, amazed that he would have a whole space all for himself - and for tinkering and making more of his equally amazing penguin friends! Wow... Freminet is turning out to be even more amazing than she thought at first. He has his penguins, and is nice, and is clearly quite well-trusted by another Harbinger, for Arlecchino to place him as her guide.
A part of her feels - just a little inadequate. Just a little. A tiny, tinsy-winsy bit.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the thought doesn't last very long, as her attention gets pulled back to the map that the diver brings out, taking in the holistic view of Fontaine on paper - the girl has seen a map of the region before, but not often enough to be as familiar as she'd like with its terrain.
"Souvenirs..." Tonia mumbles to herself, thinking. She's isn't here on vacation, she had been expressly told that from the start. And while she does have some amount of money on hand for small, occasional purchases, she certainly wasn't given enough for a giant day spree or the like.
But a thought came to her nonetheless - of buying a trinket or two, holding onto them for the day she finally goes home. She can show them to her family then, giving them away as little gifts. Only her father and sister ever had the chance to travel beyond Snezhnaya, so wouldn't it be nice to bring back a piece of the wider world for everyone else?
Yet the idea still sounds so... silly, and childish, and overly sentimental for the person she's supposed to be, even though now that she has it in mind, a part of her feels keener than ever to do it—
Tonia thinks and contemplates and debates the merits, practically burning an unwitting hole into the map from her long, silent stare in the meanwhile. Gods know how long it takes before she finally blinks and nods at Freminet, somewhat enthusiastic, and unusually determined -
"I'd like to get some souvenirs. For, um... myself. Just myself! And, um. Maybe while we're out, we can get something nice for your family too - if they're sick, maybe some medicine, or otherwise, something nice. I..." Tonia pauses for a second, fingers fidgeting, before she belatedly remembers that fidgeting betrays nervousness (like prey) and hides her hands under the table, mumbling now, "I always liked getting a sweet... or a toy, whenever I was sick..."
Depending on how many people were sick, they probably couldn't really be hauling back a lot of plush animals or the like. But a bag of sweets to distribute should be doable, nor bad for their health, right?
Feeling a bit more assured of this line of thought, Tonia squints at the map before pointing at what seems like a shop location towards the edge of the city, near a route that is a short walk away from the shoreline between land and the lake-sea of the region. "This looks like a good place to start, unless it's not a shop? But if it is, we can take a look. And—you said swimming? I can swim, but I'm not that good at it. I don't think I can hold my breath long enough too..."
Or rather, Tonia's whole experience with swimming was being grabbed by the neck and thrown into pools of abyssal muck-water. She doubts even now that the experience is very comparable to real water, even if it made her learn the basic motions of swimming.
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To have to balance training with multiple harbingers within such a short time span...it sounds terrifying. She must be incredible to be so highly regarded by the Tsaritsa and her peers. Not like himself who still have a long way to go to be a proper agent.
He must endeavor not to disappoint her or Father with his abysmal hosting. With that in mind, Freminet squares his shoulders with renewed determination.
"I see. Then we can come up with some travel spots to visit here. And maybe..." the diver pauses thoughtfully before asking. "If you don't mind swimming, I can- I can show you the sights underwater too."
He can introduce her to his underwater companions. Maybe she will find it relaxing?
The latter of Tonia's questions ran through him like a sudden chill and the diver found himself grimacing at her observations.
"It's not that," Freminet shook his head. "Some of them are...sick so they are resting. The rest are outdoors tending to their assignments."
To someone just entering the Hearth, it must seem immensely confusing. Pushing open the door to the basement, he guides her down towards his own private workspace. At a glance, Tonia would be able to spot several mechanical parts littered on the workbenches as well as his work in progress; a wind up toy, a small clock, several more penguins. Attached upon the wall is a copy of a map detailing Fontaine's regions as well as several marked out areas.
It seems the diver had been prepared for her visit too as he'd taken the liberty of collecting some travel brochures for them.
"I'm okay." A smile. "It's just been a long time since we've had any guests around so I'm a little rusty but I can keep up I promise. So....um. This is my workstation. I spend most of my hours here."
Collecting the map on the wall as well as the brochures, he brings them to the table and spread it out for Tonia, pointing at a spot.
'This is where we are right now. If we head out, there are places that sell souvenirs and clothes. There are also cafes if you're hungry...and um the Aquabus lines leading to other areas of Fontaine."
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petrorabbit · 2 years ago
Let's Watch Batman: The Adam West One
Chronologically, the next movie is actually Batman Dracula (1964) by Andy Warhol, but unfortunately that is lost media. Instead, let’s move straight on to Batman: The Movie (1966), starring Adam West.
This is more something that I noticed during the serial, but a bunch of iconic stuff in the Adam West version is directly parodying the serials. Stuff like the fighting style and scaling the wall with grappling hooks is pretty definitely a direct reference. So, that’s nice context to have.
Something that I think is very funny about this movie is the huge emphasis on modes of transportation. We get the batmobile, the batcopter, the batboat, the batbike (I know those names are wrong, don't @ me) and then an extended sequence where Batman and Robin just run. Obviously this is because little boys love vehicles, but I still enjoyed it. I wonder how many of these things were sold as toys at the time?
The premise is that the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler and Catwoman are all teaming up to dehydrate the UN security council and hold them for ransom. Notably, the Joker contributes absolutely nothing the whole movie. Everyone else is adding their little touch to the plan and Joker is literally just standing around giggling. 
Catwoman is the ringleader, and she also has an alter ego, a Russian reporter named Kitayna Ireyna Tatanya Kerenska Alisoff, who goes by Kitka, because it’s an acronym of her name. This really bothered me for no good reason, because Kitka could also just be a nickname for Kitayna. Like, why was the acronym thing necessary. I realize this doesn’t matter but it bothered me, okay.
At one point, Bruce goes on a date with Kitka for the purpose of luring out the rogues, who they think are after her. Since this is a sting operation, Dick and Alfred are watching from the car. Despite this, Bruce gets super horny and is absolutely going to bone down with Kitka even though he knows his father and son are watching him. Dick turns off the monitor because he doesn’t need that in his life, allowing Bruce to get kidnapped, but I can’t blame him for that one. Keep it in your pants, buddy.
This is another movie where Batman and Robin are working for the authorities. They very confidently announce that they are NOT vigilantes, they have deputized by the Gotham City Police Department! It’s lowkey kinda funny how different that line hits now. Can’t believe Batman and Robin are bootlickers. Well, Dick I can believe.
They also kill people in this movie! Not, like, super on purpose, but people die and they don’t care at all. This happened in the 1943 serial too. I guess it’s surprising to me because the Morality of Killing is such a hot topic in Batman now, but in this pre-Jason world, it straight up isn’t important. There’s this mildly horrifying sequence where a bunch of Penguin’s henchmen are dehydrated and brought back wrong, and they just explode on contact. Dead without even a body. This was one of two scenes that my dad informed me gave me nightmares as a child, the other being the one at the end where it is revealed that by mixing up the sand of the dehydrated UN security council, they all speak a different language now after being rehydrated. But what else did they lose? Their memories? Their souls? Chilling. Shout out to baby my dad for having an existential crisis about this.
I don’t know that I have much else to say about this one. Shark Repellent Batspray is still very funny. Burt Ward looked pretty good, imo, I feel like people are always dunking on him. Oh, apparently there was an old woman who lived with them in the show??? She has no lines but she’s there for a minute with Alfred. Who is this person. I’m not going to look it up because I don’t care, but there it is.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years ago
hc for a typical day off for hotch, prentiss, and little baby!jj? (feel free to make it as long as you want, I need jj content 😅)
Caregiver Hotchniss x Little Jennifer Jareau Headcanons
a/n: all of your requests are being filled do not fear but I just had to answer this one a lil quicker bc omg themmmmm. this also got so sidetracked but shhh I’m having fun
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Hotch totally has a plan for everything, they try to stick to it but do they really,,,,,,I think not
If it’s a day off and nice out they’ll probably go out somewhere fun for Jj, the zoo, aquarium, park, beach
Though the trios favorites are the zoo and aquarium
Jj likes to look at the penguins,polar bears and seals
Emily is a Tiger,lions,panda type of person
And Hotch is far too busy taking pictures to pay attention to anything other than the birds (guilty pleasure that he reads bird books bc of Gideon)
Emily teaches Jj how to scrapbook once they’re home but she usually gets pulled away from it to cook lunch or dinner
Hotch can’t cook, he can bake
Him and Jj bake fun animal shaped cookies for Emily if she makes dinner
They probably share a house at this point, Emily and Hotch taking up the master bedroom while Jj’s is the closest to them
Though a lot of nights she crawls into their beds and piles stuffed animals around Hotch while giggling with Emily
If a case is tough and they all have the next day off then they’ll stay in
Movies and board games that Emily somehow always loses
But she wins every card game unless she’s helping Jj cheat against Aaron
No matter if they’re inside or outside, Jj wants to be carried
Emily usually fits her to her hip, an arm under he and the other preoccupied doing tasks
Hotch gives piggyback rides like no other, he honestly doesn’t need to hold Jj’s legs because they’ve done it so many times
But Jj is just happy to be as close as possible to either of her caregivers
They cuddle at all times, physical contact is a must for all three
Emily is the most apprehensive about saying she wants a hug or to have Hotch just cutely kiss her forehead
Jj and Aaron can read her pretty well though, not saying a word and just shuffling closer to her
Surprisingly Aaron is the most vocal about wanting cuddles from either of his girls
Jj doesn’t mind saying she wants some too but in public she’s a bit shy
Her nature is shy and quiet in general but public always spikes her anxiety so her caregivers make sure to keep a hand held in hers at all times
Hotch drives in the car while Emily and Jj sit in the back
Prentiss use to sit up front with Hotch but didn’t like Jj being alone
They spend a ton of time in the car between driving to and from work or driving home from the airport
So it’s stocked filled with anything little Jj could need
Toys, blankets, snacks, hair clips (it’s always getting in the way), pillows, pacifiers, books— anything and everything
Hotch restocks the snacks every week or so since him and Emily always end up eating some too
Prentiss makes sure to wash the blankets and switch out the book so they aren’t re-reading things too often
Jj likes to help emily with the laundry, mostly just to get wrapped up in a dryer warm blanket
Late night car rides most likely end in Aaron carrying Jj to his and Emily’s bed (not even pretending that she’ll stay in her own)
While Emily checks the house to make sure the locks are secure and lights off, she does this every night anyway
The only time they wake Jj up after falling asleep in the car is if she’s in jeans or something uncomfortable to sleep in
Or to brush her teeth, most times Emily will do it while Jj struggles to keep her eyes open and Hotch chuckles behind them “totally not helping Aaron!”
None of them sleep in late, Emily use to but learned quickly that Jj and Hotch are up by 7am even if they don’t have a case
This prompts the family to go on early morning hikes that Jj adores and Emily drinks three cups of coffee to function through
But if Jjs staying at Garcias or Reid’s (rare but occasional) Hotch will stay in bed longer with Prentiss
Emily always reminds Hotch that this why she married him, he retorts that they aren’t married, she then half asleep proposes only to forget it in the morning (it’s Hotchs favorite thing)
Jj’s always extra clingy after a sleepover so maximum snuggles are in order as soon as she gets home
Not that any of them are complaining
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awesomeuchuu · 2 years ago
There was a small intake of breath from Kanata at Sonia’s words, one that he would have very much liked to stop but simply couldn’t. He supposed it was something about the way she declared that she was happy to have him as her friend. How many people said that? How many people said it and really meant it? There was something to be said about emotions running high during exalted situations of course, when adrenaline, serotonin, endorphins and dopamine rushed through your body, like after a successful live or parties… Any sort of celebrations when people were really in the zone so to say and got dragged along their own emotions and readily said whatever they were feeling right then and there, feelings that might die down when the high left them. This? This wasn’t such a situation, which meant that Sonia’s words had to be sincere. And it caused something warm and tight to swell in Kanata’s chest. He smiled happily at her, lips closed but eyes crinkled up at the corners as he locked his arms behind his back, shoulders relaxing. “I do not know what exacerbate means,” he admitted with an apologetic look over his face, “but I agree with you… And loneliness is the worst feeling that I know… Finding comfort in… Having people who share things… Um… Have things in ‘common’ I think I am trying to say… This is very much something that brings me joy too… Sonia, I am happy if I can make you comforted by me the same way I can find comfort in you. This is my sincere and honest opinion.”
The otters were so adorable Kanata almost forgot all else for a while, simply admiring them, especially the curious little fellow who seemed so enthralled in following Sonia’s finger’s every movement. He wondered what kind of thought went on in that little head of his, how much he managed to see all of Sonia and not just her finger. Did he realize that there was an entire human connected to that funny moving object on the glass? Or did he suffer from a case of tunnel vision brought on by his tiny brain and very small frame of reference?
Kanata’s smile turned a thought distant. Staring at the world from inside a plexiglass cage… It wasn’t unlike how he had been brought up, was it? And to have people unknown to you – more or less – gather around to stare at you and toy with you for their own entertainment… Even the smallness of such a world was similar; Kanata hadn’t known anything else, not until Madara had expanded his world, stretched it out to what it was today; limitless and ever-reaching.
“I wonder if you like or dislike Togami-san…? It is like you are describing what he is but not who he is… Like an objective observer or… Our… fans? This is what you said too, is it not? But this is someone you see often, no? As he is in your school…” Kanata pursed his lips thoughtfully. “You should have a more… Personal opinion on him but you are very… discrete. And if I am being too pushy, don’t mind me too much. It simply makes me a little curious.”
As he heard her talk about Eichi and her friendship with him, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Oh, but that made perfect sense, didn’t it? He didn’t know Eichi too well, but he was happy that him and Sonia had hit it off. And that kind of answered Kanata’s previous question, didn’t it? Eichi was a friend of hers, but Togami obviously wasn’t.
“Not much…? I have never had anyone offer to help with hiring staff and the like before, Sonia…! It is very much and very good and very kind of you actually! You are like a helpful coral reef offering protection and stability to a whimsical jellyfish who is lost and trying to find his way, hehehe~” Maybe that simile was more than a little odd, but Kanata didn’t exactly realize this because it made perfect sense in his own mind.
Her words as she sat down in front of the penguin pool were a bit confusing, but not enough for him to stare blankly at her. Instead he simply pondered them carefully, while also keeping an eye on the waddling penguins. The feeding platforms here looked clean and well kept, and rather different from Aoumi’s. Not to say that Kanata’s family’s aquarium was subpar, it wasn’t, but there was definitely a glaring difference in finance showing in the small details. “It is like the plankton and the whale,” Kanata finally decided. “The plankton does nothing, it simply sails through the water and cannot do anything at all. It is destined to eventually end up as food for something bigger. The whale, on the other hand, goes out and makes an effort to get his food. The plankton is doomed from the start but the whale who eats the plankton will thrive…” Perhaps a bit morbid, but it was his way of showing that she got the point across.
As the conversation turned to the subject of Madara, Kanata couldn’t help but give pause for a moment. Madara was a wonderful friend to have? Perhaps he was. He had almost always been there and those were the happiest days of Kanata’s childhood for sure. But when he had gone away, when he had left that gaping hole inside that allowed loneliness and doubt to seep in… Was that really something good?
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Yes. It was. Kanata frowned at himself for a moment, annoyed that those thoughts surfaced when they had no place to do so. Madara was so very important, so it had to be a good thing, bright memories of a childhood that was anything but most of the time. “I did not know the game House either, until Madara showed me… And the other boys. I… Do not know if there are strict rules on how families look… And what is acceptable when you play, but we always had one ‘mother’ and one ‘father’ and then children, because that was the way it was in the picture books Madara brought and that he read for me.”
“…But oh! Oh, I would so very much like to come and visit your home, Sonia! I… Cannot see myself get an official invitation by your parents so I wonder if they would approve, but… It would be very fun, I think! Flowers and all…”
A mischievous little smile came to his face and he gently nudged her lightly with his shoulder where he was sat next to her. “Are there any horror movies that takes place in aquariums, I wonder…? I have heard of Jaw, but I have not watched it because I feel very sorry for Shark-san, this is so… But other than that?”
Well, that was a relief: her explanation seemed to have resonated with him, as dispiriting as it was. Sonia nodded, giving him a warm, understanding smile. He was an idol and she was a princess, but they could both understand that particular situation. "It's as if people love us, and want to know us and respect us, for what we are," She reaffirmed. Her voice didn't match her expression: there was a melancholic tinge to it. "Not who we are. And sometimes, I think that protects us. Other times, I think it exacerbates a loneliness that can come from putting so much of ourselves into our work. That's simply my opinion, though: and I'm happy to have you as a friend. Firstly, you're nice, but there's a comfort in knowing that you understand and have experienced such similar situations, too."
At least the otters didn't seem to care that they were in the presence of an idol and a princess: they simply seemed to enjoy the humans on the other side of the plexiglass who would interact with them. Respectfully, of course. Something Sonia didn't always attribute to the likes of Byakuya Togami, though as she hummed softly in thought, she wondered if Kanata might have had, an albeit misguided and unintentional, point. "Mm, I suppose Togami-san is a bit like a prince, though he has no royal title of his own," Yet, if her mother had any say in it. She seemed dissuaded that it wouldn't even work: he was the heir to his own family's conglomerate and in such situations, Sonia would need to eventually wed a second or third son, not one poised to inherit. The prospect of family name, resources, and how striking they'd look together had occupied her thoughts the moment Sonia had become a second year at Hope's Peak. "He's the heir to the Togami conglomerate and attends Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Heir in the class below mine, though he acts like some of the aristocrats I know at times." That wasn't a compliment: he looked down on those he deemed unfortunately and terribly common, believing himself to be superior to them in every possible way. That, at least, was akin to the real princes she knew. Most of them, particularly those who were unmarried anyway, which seemed to be the only sort her family took particular care in introducing her to.
She grinned, however, at the mention of Eichi's name. "Oh, Eichi-san is nothing like Togami-san," She assured Kanata as she moved her fingers against the glass for the otters to follow. "That's a good thing! Eichi-san is a friend of mine as well, as he's very nice and sociable. Just like our otter friend here!" She traced a figure eight before drawing what she supposed was a fish and a flower for the otter, who swam back and forth and pressed his paws up on his side of the glass in return.
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"It sounds like quite a lot of responsibility," Sonia told him sincerely once the otter had swam away, looking to entertain another group of interested humans. Maybe it was hollow, coming from her, such an assessment: she would be running an entire country one day with the help of advisers, ministers, and a Royal Council. But she meant it: even if she'd spent her entire life thus far preparing for such a role, she still found it daunting. And it would be remiss to think that others wouldn't find such leadership, particularly the sort they had no choice in inheriting, to be so as well. "But I agree, I too hope you may continue to live out your dream and uphold your inheritance at the same time. It might not be much, but if you need assistance in hiring staff, I'm sure I could assist in finding someone excellent to help you. I'm afraid my hiring needs are a bit different than an aquarium, to be fair." She chuckled a bit at that: marine biologists and animal caretakers would be out of place against the footmen, maids, groundskeepers, and more at her family's various residences, much less the people put in positions to help inform the Royal Family with important choices and decisions.
She wanted to say that being frightened of being in charge was a perfectly normal thing, but Sonia wondered, as they walked over to the penguins' pool and enclosure, how helpful that would've been. Providing actual assistance, she thought, that would at least make a difference. "You know, I think there's a choice to be made of being too frightened to lead, or making an attempt and making mistakes as you go," Sonia offered as she took a seat on a row of benches in front of the pool with enough space beside her for Kanata to sit down as well. Crew members were readying the show platform for the birds' feeding time as she continued. "In one situation, you at least tried to do some good in the world. In the other, you do nothing and therefore are guaranteed to fail. I think the first at least gives some hope to a brighter future: that's what I'm choosing, anyway." She smiled as they moved on to happier topics: his friend, Madara.
He seemed like the sort of 'approved friendships' she herself had as a child: the offspring of some prominent, important family in Novoselic or elsewhere that her parents deemed acceptable to play with the Princess. Kanata, Sonia thought, must have been the same where Madara was concerned. "He seems like a wonderful friend to have in your life, indeed," She beamed, nodding. "Though I am unfamiliar with the game 'House.' And why must there be a mother and a father in it? Is it not acceptable for two mothers or two fathers? Or no parents at all? And I suppose an aquarium would make it very difficult to have live flowers indeed: at home though, at Novoselic Castle, we have meticulously-kept gardens and several fountains. Should you come visit, Kanata-san, I shall show you so many flowers!"
Naturally, Sonia hadn't grown up with a plastic kitchen set meant for children's playtime. Instead, she'd had a real, miniature carriage pulled by two ponies that she could steer around a secluded part of the Castle grounds, where no people nor flowerbeds would be at risk of being trampled. From her dolls to her tea sets, to her books and her child-size carriage: all of her toys had been meant to prime her for her future role as queen. Make-believe...what time was there for that, when she was already a princess?
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maxwell-grant · 4 years ago
Who's your favorite Batman villain?
The Penguin. Was gonna put off this ask for a bit but I got surprised today with an incredible rendition of him, so now the dastardly bumbershoot waddled and squawked his way into my thoughts again and I gotta talk about him.
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Penguin's not just my favorite Batman villain, he's my favorite DC character and comic book supervillain, the main reason I even want to write a Batman story someday.
I love the imagery that surrounds him, the trick umbrellas and the birds he so lovely dotes after and the WAKs and the Iceberg Lounge, which has become maligned in recent years as a sign of his downfall, but I very much appreciate as a concept in general still. I love a lot of the performances and actors who've taken him over the years. Burgess Meredith and Danny DeVito are some of my favorite performers of all time, Paul Williams has a wonderful voice and starred in my favorite film of all time. Tom Kenny, David Ogden Stiers, Robin Lord Taylor, Penguin's just had such great, terrific performances and adaptations. Batman Returns is my favorite Batman film by far and it was what got me to start paying more attention to Oswald.
I love the roles he can play in any given Batman story and how he's managed to endure all of his falls from grace by becoming an indispensable part of Batman's worldbuilding. I love his varied dynamics with Batman and Riddler and Catwoman and Gordon and his henchmen and those who get close to him. I love his style and the way he conducts himself when he's allowed to be more than just a generic mob boss. Penguin's design has, by simply staying unchanged over the decades, gone from "common rich person wear draped over a funny cartoon gangster" to "he is so out of touch and desperate for respectability that he dresses like an 1930s capitalist caricature, like a little kid's idea of what a rich and respectable man looks like, and Penguin's still stuck in that mindset". I love how absurd and plausible he is.
I like that Penguin can very easily fit just about any kind of Batman story, from the campy supervillain plots to the gritty urban crime ones. You can tell stories about Penguin falling in love, pretending to be legit because he doesn't want his aunt to learn he's a criminal, and opening up a comedy act with a talking penguin, or stories about Penguin terrorizing the city with giant robots and guided missiles and driving people to suicide. I like that he's a character who both relishes in his lifestyles of supervillain and crimelord alike, and yet is perpetually restless because the minute he acquires what he wants, he immediately starts wanting something else. He could have Batman and the Batfamily and all other supervillains wiped out and have Gotham in his pocket and maybe even become President of the United States, and he'd still want more. Because Oswald is nothing but wants, the wants of a traumatized manchild in a funny costume throwing money and toys and brute force and tantrums at the world until it makes sense, which only makes him far too fitting as a Batman villain.
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Everyone forgets that Penguin was canonically the first villain to ever successfully escape Batman at the end of a story, completely bypassing the usual "villain swears revenge behind bars" ending to instead escape scot-free, and went on to establish himself as one of his biggest, most inventive and most cunning villains, second only, if not equal, to Joker. I love that he's ruthless and inventive and classy and cunning and brutal and how his main trick is using the fact that everyone underestimates the short fat man to his advantage. He's taken traits that got many of us in real life relentlessly tormented for them, and he uses them to pull the wool over those who think they are better than him.
It'ss a trick that works because even in real life people can't stop looking at this weird and silly little man and think "that guy's too silly for a Batman villain, he's not a murder clown or musclebound monster, what's he gonna do" and, yeah, that's the point, that's been the point from day one, he doesn't look scary or intimidating or even that evil, and he's the guy who pulls the rug under supergenius fighting machine Batman and becomes the top crimelord of Gotham City, a city ruled by terrors and manias and monsters infinitely bigger and scarier and stronger than he is, and he STILL made it to the top and he STILL maintains it, time and time again even when newer and flashier and scarier villains come and go. Batman is, at it's core, a fundamentally absurd character, and Penguin acts as a reminder of that. Because the minute we accept a man can terraform himself with training and money into a living legend on the level of gods, there's no reason why a tiny fat man with similar drive and resources can't likewise throw his weight with monsters and warriors far above his station.
Despite how ridiculously often he's disrespected by writers and fans alike, how far he's fallen off his former position in Batman's Rogues Gallery, and how often he's used as just a punching bag for assorted Bat-people, Penguin never goes away. He's the biggest survivor of all of Batman's villains, more so than the genuinely immortal ones, because he's the cockroach that won't go away no matter how many times you flush it.
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Because once you get past the piles of money and the lounge fortresses and the armies of goons and the piles of cartoony gadget toys not too dissimilar from Batman's own, what the Penguin has is brains, and spite and hatred on a scale no other Batman villain has. He hates Batman, because Batman is nothing but yet another bully who thinks he can push Oswald around just because he's bigger and stronger. He hates the lower class for it's unsophisticated brutes and boors that made his childhood hell. He hates the upper class that's rejected and also tormented him since infancy, that he desperately spent so long trying to be a part of. He hates the monsters and supervillains he works with and has to associate with to stay alive. He hates the city that he fights to rule over tooth and nail.
And although he may never admit it, he hates himself, because he'a short paunchy man with a beakish nose who's brutal and immoral not just because those are the cards life dealt him, but because he likes what it affords him too much to give it away. Because he's never going to have the love and acceptance he desperately craves, he will never be able to accept it or keep it. Because he can never fully be a gentleman, or a monster, but instead a sad mix who belongs in neither of their worlds. Because at the end, he doesn't look like anyone else. He looks like one of him.
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And still, I like Penguin because he's a Gentleman Villain. The one Gentleman Villain of Batman's rogues gallery, even if that's faded from a lot of his recent appearences that pushed the crimelord aspects to the forefront. He dresses like a gentleman thief, he's canonically a huge A.J Raffles fan, he's one of the most cunning brains of Gotham, he's got the money, resources, and adventurous spirit. Problem is, he's The Penguin. And suddenly, all that he has becomes overblown, outlandish, theatrical, and out of touch purely because it's him trying to do all those things. He's a gentleman adventurer gone rogue, the Count Fosco of the DCU, and that only makes it amusing, even endearing, when Penguin does engage in the swashbuckling antics he's so fond of.
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When all his plans go to hell and so he starts fencing Batman, or when he commands henchmen with superflous fancy language, or even when Oswald gives the whole "hero" thing a shot and we see he's actually not bad at it, maybe he actually could have been one if it wasn't for the bile drowning his heart and the hellscape that warped innocent young Cobblepot into Gotham's Penguin, a name that immediately denotes something silly and ridiculous, and he carries it with pride, because he will make you respect that name.
And that's just a couple of reasons. I really, really love this character to the point of obsession and the main reason why I ever wanted to write stories for DC was to get to write Penguin and at least try to do the character a little more justice. But if nothing else, Penguin endures, regardless of what happens to him, in and out of universe. If nothing else, that's a very admirable quality in a supervillain. Oswald is the best.
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years ago
Crybaby - 3 (m)
— synopsis: he calls you crybaby, crybaby. but you don’t fucking care.
alt: Jungkook doesn’t want to leave you.
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↳ pairing: jungkook x reader
↳ genre: smut, fluff
↳ rating: r-18/18+
↳ word count: 12k
↳ warnings: the usual dom!jk x sub! reader, ddlg themes, reader is small in height, degrading terms, he’s aggressive this chapter YIKES, jungkook gets turned on seeing you cry, manhandling, uses of rope and a vibrator, kinky sex, size kink, multiple orgasms, rough intercourse, jk’s a sadist, throat fucking, dirty talk, teasing, very possessive jk, and aftercare!!! there’s also some tooth melting fluff to (hopefully) balance everything out ;)
A/n: Before anything else, I want to repeat saying that everything written here is purely fictional, consensual, and doesn’t mirror the mentioned artists’ personality in real life.
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Jungkook thinks you’re the most adorable person in the entire world.
“How did you even fall in love with me?” you ask innocently, resting your head on his lap as you both let Edward Scissorhands play in the background. You didn’t even want to watch it in the first place but of course, a little bit of his desperate ‘please’ and puppy eyes always wins your meek heart.
He wraps his hand around your jaw, leaning down to kiss your lips tenderly. Giggling from the sudden impromptu kiss, you feel his soft, supple lips fondle with your own so gingerly. His grip on you tightens before he pulls away with a smirk, noticing the blush on your cheeks.
“So suddenly, baby?” Jungkook mutters as he feeds you a spoonful of Reese’s ice cream he holds in one hand. Looking down at your endearing face, he replies, “Don’t you remember our arcade date? That’s when I confessed my love to you.”
“Yeah, but…” you ponder, “Did you plan it all along?”
Jungkook shuts his eyes before giggling, his dimples peeking through his cheeks. Watching black strands of hair fall down right in front of his eyes as you gaze at him in confusion. Jungkook just sits there. “Well, there’s this exact moment when I knew that I just had to make you mine.”
With your eyes slowly expanding, you try to hide the smile that was slowly creeping up your face. He places the spoon inside the tub, letting his hand stroke your delicate cheek. “Wanna know what it was, baby girl?”
The way how fast you nodded your head was a little bit embarrassing. He grins nonetheless, “So…”
“Y/n,” Jungkook’s arm snakes around your waist before he tugs you closer to him. He gazes down at you with a smile before he points to the shelf full of toys and stuffed animals. “Which one do you like?”
Gulping, you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows, “Why?”
He doesn’t hesitate to answer, “Because I’m gonna win as many tickets as I possibly can to get it for you.”
You didn’t know how to respond for your shyness takes over you once again. On the other hand, Jungkook finds this so charming about you.
“The pink penguin…perhaps?” you mumble.
Jungkook immediately walks closer to approach the male employee behind the counter and inquires, “Excuse me, but how many tickets to get that penguin over there?”
You giggle as you watch how serious he looked as if talking about a huge business deal with his arms crossed together.
The man replies with a bright smile, “1500 tickets, that is!”
“That’s a lot—” you exhale.
“Let’s go, Y/n!” he abruptly pulls you by the arm and tugs you along with him, “I’m gonna get that lil’ penguin for you, baby.”
Your heart swells at the petname. It wasn’t his first time saying it, you just can’t get used to it.
Even though this was the fifth date, the post-nervousness was still there. Before he picked you up from work, your hands were sweating bizarrely. It wasn’t like you weren’t comfortable with him, no, you were always at ease when you’re with him. The reason for the nervousness was you haven’t been in a relationship with someone for so long, and Jungkook has his bars set up high. 
Plus, it was overwhelming in a good way; Jungkook was the confident type and he likes to display how much he adores you – either in private or public places, he didn’t care. As long as he can properly show how much he likes you.  
The arcade has a very 80s feel to it, with a color scheme of mostly red, yellow, and blue. It was lively and has a fun atmosphere going around. Children were running around with their parents, eager to search for another machine to take over, teenage boys were competing against each other in a game of Tekken, and a lot of girls were having a blast inside the Karaoke rooms. 
While time goes on in the arcade, you never realized that he was super competitive. “Y/n, I’m gonna beat this record, watch me.” He says in a deep tone as though wanting to sound serious, stretching his arms to prepare for the punching machine.
“Are you sure?” you chuckle as you hold all of you two’s well-earned tickets from the past hours, “The record is 877. Are you even strong enough?”
You could’ve sworn to yourself that it was an innocent, genuine question. But Jungkook, on the other hand, turns behind to look at you with those dark yet sensual eyes. He precipitously cracks his knuckles, succeeding to intimidate you.
“What a weird question, Y/n,” he says sarcastically with a smirk daubed on his face, “I don’t think you know how powerful I am, babe.”
As soon as those words left his lips, he turns back around in a flash, swinging his right arm with all his might until his fist crashes against the punching bag. You let out a loud gasp, mouth forming into a beaming wide grin as the machine slightly thuds from the harsh impact.
Still, he doesn’t look at the score and he looks at you with a cocky grin, boldly spreading his arms out.
“Kook—” you snort.
“What did I tell you, Y/n? I’m the strongest man you know.”
“Sure but,” you cover your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing too loud, “You s-scored 878!”
Jungkook whips around instantly. Surely, surely he didn’t win by only 1 single point! He groans and stomps his foot like a little child. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You couldn’t control your laughter anymore as you reach out to him, hugging his body from behind. Jungkook throws his head back in despair while he places his hands on top of yours. Your hug felt warm and soft, feeling your cheek pressed up against him. Jungkook turns you around until he was face to face with you.
“You’re so small,” he practically whispers underneath his breath. He places his long, slender index finger below your chin and tilts your head up. Then with his other hand, he uses it to remove the lost strands of hair away from your face. “So fucking cute.”
You can’t help but look away as your body freezes in place. And once again, you feel yourself wanting to crawl into a little ball and hide from everyone from how tough he was staring at you. There was a fuzzy, fiery feeling going on inside your system that you can’t seem to handle.
“Nuh-uh, keep those pretty eyes on me.” He applies just the right amount of force on your chin and angles your head to look up.
Your breathing almost stops at that single sentence.
Jungkook looked like as if numerous of thoughts were running through his brain. His eyes were not only fixated on yours but were darting all over. He memorizes the pattern on your face; the distance between your nose to your mouth, the little creases near your eyes, your moles, and even the little pimples you had on your temples, he thinks you’re so beautiful. Too beautiful to handle.
‘How can a person look so perfect?’ He asks himself.
Oh, how soft your voice is. His mouth curves into a gentle smile for he can’t help himself but pull you closer.
“People are staring.”
Jungkook scoffs quietly, “Let them stare, Y/n. This is our world and they’re just living in it.”
You had a tough, long day at work and this date really made your day better. You were laughing and having fun with Jungkook the whole time, experiencing one of the most enjoyable days you’ve ever had. It was as if all of your problems went away whenever you’re with him. You and he played almost every game in the arcade, except for the Dance Dance machine which was sadly under maintenance. You were really looking forward to beating him in Dance Revolution because he insists that he’s a good dancer. He has yet to prove that to you! 
“Yes! I won!” You yelled, turning your hands into a fist after successfully beating Jungkook at the Hockey table. He chuckles when you stuck your tongue out at him like a child.
“I obviously allowed you to win that one, babe,” he playfully rolls his eyes. “I mean, you have to win at least something, right?”
“Hey!” you pout, treading heavily to his side. Jungkook gawks down at you with his brows raised. “I won because I’m good at it, okay?”
“Aww,” he teases, “Alright then little one. Say whatever you want.”
“You’re so,” you gulp, “so m-mean.”
Jungkook looks around the arcade, zooming his eyes all over the place until he spots an ice-cream seller just outside the building.
An idea pops up inside his mind.
“I’ll treat you some ice cream, how’s that?”
He notices how your eyes glimmer as if little shining stars replaced your pupils. You nod frantically.
“Yeah? Alright, wait for me here, okay? And in the meantime, how about you turn in all of our tickets, and let’s see if we can get the penguin stuffie.”
“Okay,” you jitter excitedly, holding the stack of tickets tighter. You watch him walk out of the area, catching the way he pulls out his black leather wallet from the back pocket of his jeans.
Making your way down the hallway to the main entrance where the ticket eaters are, you smile at a couple of strangers who had their eyes on you. When you arrived, you can’t take your eyes off of the shelves full of plushies. Especially the pink penguin that you were after. You had an instinct to squint your eyes at the toy as if having a little staring contest with it while the machine consumes and counts all of the tickets.
After a little while, you hear Jungkook’s voice calling your name.
“Y/n!” he shouts, holding up two cookies and cream ice cream cones, “come, come!”
You sprinted. You didn’t know why you were so excited to get the ice cream, leaving the tickets counting all alone behind you.
“Yaaay! Ice cr—oomph!” 
There was a step slightly higher towards the exit and your feet immediately collides against it. Like a quick wisp of air, your body smashes upon the hard, cold cemented floor. A loud, painful cry escapes your lips as you close your eyes, trying to endure the building pain on your forearms and knees.
‘This is so embarrassing!’ you say in your mind, struggling to regain your composure. 
People around you looked, some tried to hide their obvious laughter by covering their mouths, but none helped.
Jungkook saw everything. Quickly handing the ice cream back to the vendor, saying that ‘he’ll come back for it’, he dashes to where you are and handles your fallen body with utmost care.
“Hey, hey baby,” he whispers, placing his hands on your underarms to lift you up with ease, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
His heart drops to his stomach right when you looked up at him with your big, teary eyes.
“Oh god,” Jungkook’s voice weakens, “No, no, don’t cry baby girl, don’t cry…”
You were so humiliated. You shouldn’t have run so fast like that, you should’ve watched your step! Now everyone will look at you weirdly!
Whimpering when Jungkook makes you walk, you shake your head to show that it hurts as you try to hold back your tears. “Ohh, Y/n,” he sighs before he lifts you up, and carries you to a nearby brown bench just outside the arcade. He crouches before you, “Does your knees hurt, hmm?” his hands caress your exposed legs up and down, trying his best to soothe you.
Biting your lip, you nod slowly.
“Aw, goodness,” he leans closer to you and kisses your forehead, “What did you do, huh? You should’ve been more careful and watched your step.” He clicks his tongue, making a ‘tsk’ sound, “Good thing there’s no scratches.”
The stern, strict tone of his voice caused you to look away and hang your head low. “S-Sorry…” you sniffed.
A single tear flows out of your right eye and it slowly treads down your cheek. Jungkook was quick to notice, wiping your tear away with his thumb. “Hey, it’s okay baby.” He reaches your hand and gives it a little kiss, “Don’t cry now, hmm? Look at me,” he tilts your head up with a single finger underneath your chin, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re okay, you’re with me.”
You only stared at him with glossy eyes, not giving a reply. However, Jungkook’s mind comes up with a plan. “Wait here Y/n, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“No!” you whine, shaking your head. Your hands grab onto his muscular biceps as you try to pull him closer.
He chuckles quietly and holds your face in his big, warm hands, his eyes staring deep into yours. “I won’t be going far, baby girl, I’m not leaving you alone, yeah? Stay here for me, I’ll be back in a quick second.” With a final kiss on top of your head, he shuffles back inside the arcade, leaving you alone on the bench while the soft, supple air kisses your skin. The wind whooshes your hair to one side, causing a few strands to get caught in your mouth. You hiked your knees up to your stomach, hugging yourself in search of comfort.
You never want to go inside that arcade ever again.
A few moments have passed and you see Jungkook walking back to you with a huge grin on his face, hands behind his back as if hiding something.
Your mood instantly picks up again when he surprises you with the soft, pink penguin stuffie, handing it over to you with a big smile. You eagerly reached your arms out to grab for the toy, but he doesn’t give it to you just yet. 
“Uh-uh, promise me you won’t be sad anymore?”
“I promise!” you giggle, eyes laid still on the penguin. “Gimme!”
“Right,” he sighs amusingly, “Here you go, babe.” Jungkook laughs from how fast you snatched the stuffie away from him. He looks at you with love as you cuddled the toy in your arms, pressing your cheeks against it.
In the meantime, he leaves you to get the ice creams that the vendor was still keeping an eye on the entire time. Jungkook pays him and apologizes for the wait, before coming back to you with two cones in each hand.
“Ice cream,” he gives you your cone, “for my crybaby.”
Jungkook, somehow – as crazy as it may sound – feels his chest warming up from the sight of you. How come he likes seeing you this way? Something about taking care of you drives his heart pounding. Was it because you look so cute, yet so vulnerable? Or was it his caretaking, nurturing personality that was beginning to emerge? Whatever it was, Jungkook was fond of it.
Jungkook walks you back home, his hand intertwined with yours, while you carry your penguin toy that you named Perry. 
“Perry?” Jungkook chuckles amusingly, “Like Perry the Platypus?” 
“Nope!” you shake your head with a serious glint in your face, “Perry the Pink Penguin!” 
“Well that’s just horrific.” 
The air around the two of you was great – it wasn’t hot nor cold either. You two had little sweet talks and short conversations here and there as your shoes brush along the paved sidewalks.
When you both end up in your doorstep, you bid Jungkook goodbye. “Thank you for today, Kook,” you speak shyly, “And um, for this—” you refer to the penguin stuffie. He chuckles but not a word has been spoken. So you continue, “I-I also want to say sorry… for uh… because you had to see me cry…”
“No, no, it’s alright with me,” Jungkook quickly reassures you, enveloping your small figure into a hug, leaning down so that his chin rests on top of your head. “It doesn’t bother me. In fact, uh, Y/n?”
You raise your brows, pulling out of the hug to stare at him, “Yeah?”
Jungkook gulps the ball that has been formed in his throat, looking away from your beautiful face for a moment before recollecting his thoughts, “I’ve…I’ve thought about this for a while now. Like a really long time.”
You listen with your mouth slightly agape, watching him get a little flustered.
“I really really fucking like you, Y/n. I know you know that already.”
Your heart beats a little faster.
“And I want to spend more time with you. There’s not a day where I don’t think about you. Almost every second of my mind is filled with you and your pretty smile. I w-want to treat you and take care of you everyday without having to think twice. So, uh, if you want can you…can you be my girl—”
Jungkook was taken aback from your quick reply. His eyes slightly expand as the corner of his lips curve up, “Yes?”
“Yes! I-I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Jungkook’s heart was filled with joy and ecstasy for he was so glad that you felt the same way. He lifts your body up and spins you around, causing you to squeal and hold onto his shoulders.
“You’re mine now, Y/n. Fucking finally.”
*end of flashback*
“What do you mean?! So the entire time we were playing games at that arcade… the moment you fell in love with me was when I cried because I tripped?!” You bellowed, sitting up straight on the couch as Jungkook laughs his ass off from your reaction.
“Well, obviously it’s not only that! That moment just sticks to my mind a lot. You’re too adorable when you cry.” Jungkook smirks on the last sentence, having two meanings behind it. 
You huff, standing up to head to the bedroom. “Hey, where are you going baby?” With him still giggling, he tries to catch your arm.
“Bedroom! I’m scared of Edward Scissorhands. You’re weird, Jungkook.”
“I’ll be with you after I finish my ice cream!”
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Being a graphic designer can be challenging yet enjoyable at the same time. You get to do what you love which was drawing and editing digital photos, yet the only downfall was that you had to work in an office building. Being an introvert, having a lot of people around your workplace was a lot to get used to.
But thankfully, you have Jimin.
Not only is he one of your best friends, but he was also a senior designer who is assigned to you – his inferior.
Sometimes you two can’t even get a single thing done because all you both did was fool around your office, instead of him guiding you and teaching you the ropes.
“Hey, Y/n!” Jimin gleams as he walks inside the office room, hands in his pockets. He was wearing black fitted pants and a white long-sleeved shirt tucked inside. “Have you ate yet?”
You stretch your arms out, twisting your body side to side to crack your bones. “Uh, yeah! I ate two cups of ramen before you got here.”
He smiles at you, “That’s good. Anyway, are we still working on the designs for our Christmas calendar?” Jimin sits across from you, eyeing all of the scattered papers filled with colorful drawings.
“Mhm! This is my fourth edit. Director didn’t like my designs,” you pout.
“That’s why you need my help, Y/n.” He speaks slowly with his eyes squinting, enunciating his words, “Me and no one else.”
“Sure.” You roll your eyes.
“That’s no way to talk to your superior!”
Meanwhile, Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay when he gets stuck in the long traffic. He was on the way to your office building to pick you up from work, but of course, it just had to be a busy Monday today. No cars were moving even a single inch, the whole highway motionless that causes Jungkook to zone out a little bit.
Zoning out isn’t a good move for Jungkook for he tends to think about the most ridiculous, absurd things ever.
But suddenly, as if his thoughts were infatuated by a demon, the image of your sobbing, fucked-out face flashes in his mind. He unconsciously bites on his lower lip, remembering how much your little body shuddered, and how you keep withering around the bed from even the slightest of touch.
“Shit,” Jungkook breathes out, feeling uncomfortable in his seat. He shuffles around until he finds a good position, sensing a tightness in his pants. He recalls how he got so turned on just from your sensitivity, the way you were whimpering and trying your best to hold back your tears.
Knowing that he’s the only person that can make you cry from having sex really strokes his ego. Before he had you, he didn’t know that he had a kink for making his significant other cry during intercourse. 
It may be just the sadistic side of him getting fueled up whenever he sees your tears, he can’t explain how much it drives him wild.
Jungkook smirks while he rests his elbow on the car door as his fingers play with his lip. He’s cocky about the fact that he can make you sob and quiver like that. Make you turn so fucking submissive and obedient for him, letting him take over and control your frail, poor body.
He remembers the first time he discovers your filthy kinks and fantasies, how baffled he was to know that an innocent, shy girl like you can be so wild. It was always the ones you don’t expect to have a freaky side.
Jungkook grunts as his hand grip the steering wheel a little tighter, knuckles turning white. He chuckles to himself as the raging boner hardens beneath his black ripped jeans, almost being a little too painful to bear. He hears your cries of pleasure ringing in his ears, the way you whimpered so cutely every time, your sobs growing louder and louder, he loves those noises. Thankfully, the traffic eases up and cars finally move.
“Oh, Y/n,” Jungkook mutters whilst shaking his head, “What an angel you are.”
If it weren’t for the traffic lights that always reminded him to slow down, Jungkook would’ve driven in light-speed just to see you again. His dirty thoughts that won’t go away was making him impatient and hornier. 
When he successfully arrives at the building, he speed-walks to the elevator, heading to the second floor. Jungkook taps his foot impatiently, crossing his arms together. “Fucking hell,” he grunts as his mind keeps repeating images of your cute body trying to take his dick, how your legs shake, or the way your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open from the pleasure he was giving you. He sighs with a little grin on his face, “Why am I like this?”
The door opens and he makes his way to your area, knowing which hallways and turns he has to make thanks from his previous visits. He makes long, quick strides until he finally reaches your office.
But the excited smile that was once planted in his face fades away when he spots you from outside the window, with Jimin behind you. Jungkook feels his body tense when Jimin leans his body from behind, his arms trapping your upper body with his cheek pressed against your face.
“What the fuck?”
Jungkook’s blood boils and he feels himself getting enraged. Why were you letting him touch you like that? He knows that Jimin’s only a friend, but he was not supposed to act all touchy like that with a girl who’s already taken. It made Jungkook furious to see some other man holding his girl like that – for he was supposed to be the only one. The only arms that are supposed to wrap around your body are his.
He tries to calm down. Jungkook really does attempt to calm down but his nerves don’t stop heating up. With a shaky exhale, he grabs his phone from his back pocket and calls your number to test if you’ll pick up.
“Oh, wait, is that your phone?” Jimin asks, “Someone’s calling you.”
You giggle while you make your way to the desk while dragging Jimin behind you. Your phone displayed Jungkook’s name – although it made your heart skip a beat – you declined the call.
“Huh,” Jungkook scoffs, smirking wrathfully. He doesn’t even try to wonder why you didn’t pick up. He feels irritated and all the flirty, playful mood he once had was gone in a single moment.
You jump in surprise when the door swings open, revealing a very angry Jungkook making his way to your desk. Jimin instantly distances himself away from you.
“B-Babe!” you laugh nervously, palms getting sweaty. You quickly glance at Jimin, sending him a worried look before turning your attention back to Jungkook. Your boyfriend stands tall across the desk with his arms crossed, glaring at you with a lifted eyebrow. “You’re here e-early!”
He doesn’t reply.
Unwillingly, you clasp your hands behind your back and your head hangs low from Jungkook’s intimidating, hard glare, falling right into submission. You gulp from the immense tension that builds up in the room.
“Uh…I’ll be heading off—” Jimin says, making his way to the exit but Jungkook doesn’t speak a single word to him, nor to you. 
You take this chance to gather all of your belongings, packing your laptop, tablet, and shoving all of your papers inside your tote bag in a rush. 
“So we’re allowed to let other people touch us, hmm, Y/n?” He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. His head was tilted up although his gaze looks down on you. 
“I-It doesn’t mean anything!” you feel your knees getting wobbly, wanting to just disappear from the harsh look he was giving you. 
He rolls his eyes, “Of fucking course it doesn’t. But tell me, Y/n, if it were the other way around. If you saw some other girl’s face pressed against fucking mine while she had her arms around me, would you like it?” With your feet shuffling against the floor in fear, you look away from him. “Huh? Would you like seeing some other girl in your place?” 
“No. That’s correct. So I have the right to be fucking angry.” 
Jungkook rushes forward, “Why didn’t you answer your phone, hmm?” he slams his hand on the desk, causing you to gasp. “Y/n?”
While your eyes look down on the ground, you can hear the heel of his boots clicking against the floor, walking closer to you. The air that surrounds the two of you immediately thickens, and you weren’t a fan of the tense atmosphere at all.
“I was w-working—”
“Bullshit.” He grips your jaw tightly in one hand, forcing you to angle your head up and look at him. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Your heart clenches and drops down to the floor from the stringent attitude of his voice. You mewl when he tightens his grip and feverishly rattles your head side to side. “Use your fucking words.”
“I…w-was…” you stammer, “talking with Jimin.” Instant regret fills your mind and body for even being so close with Jimin when you should’ve answered his call. “I’m sorry—!”
“Save your sorry’s for later. I won’t be accepting your apologies soon enough, brat.”
He releases his grip on you and walks away without sparing you another glance. “We’ve been together for so long, Y/n. Haven’t you learned that I don’t like it when other men oggle you up?” Jungkook turns back around, lifting the hems of his long-sleeves so that it exposes his forearms. “If I wasn’t here, you would’ve allowed him to keep touching you like that, right? Yes or no?” 
You immediately shake your head, “N-No!” 
“No? Really...” he laughs darkly, “Please, Y/n, I wasn’t born yesterday. Since he’s ‘just a friend’ I still think you would’ve let him touch you. I know you, I see right past your fucking lies.” 
He wasn’t wrong, and you feel so guilty. So guilty that all you wanted to do was to hug him and apologize, but you know that it isn’t easy. 
“Head down to the car. Don’t make me wait for you because if not, I’m gonna fucking leave you here.” He brushes his long hair back and with that, he was gone.
A chill came running down your spine and you immediately follow right behind his footsteps.
The car ride back home was quiet and you didn’t like the silence at all. You were trying to force yourself to talk, say sorry so that everything will hopefully go back to normal. But there was as if a thick wall separating the two of you.
“Babe?” you whisper meekly, your hand nervously playing with the hem of your thigh-high stockings. Jungkook clenches his jaw yet he doesn’t respond.
A pout creeps up your lips instinctively, “I’m really really sorry…”
No response.
You feel a heavy burden in your heart, upsetting you even more because he was giving you the silent treatment. Jungkook has never ignored you like this before, not even in your most heated argument. Looking at his face in hopes that he’ll at least give you a single glance, you depict how his eyebrows were furrowed and eyes straight ahead on the road. “Kook, please talk to me—”
Your words got cut off when the engine suddenly roars loudly and the car accelerates, your body going in a state of shock as Jungkook shifts the gear. He steps on the pedal and the car goes from a steady 60 to 80 miles per hour.
“Jungkook! S-Slow down!” your left hand reaches out to grab a hold of his own hand, but he was quick to shove it away, leaving you sad and whining in your seat.
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “The faster we get back home, the quicker I can punish you.” He says without looking at you.
Your core jumps and twists at his demeaning words, feeling confused yet excited at the same time. Unintentionally, you clench your thighs together as his hot, sultry voice resonates throughout the car.
“You can smile all you want right now baby,” he mutters, “Gonna wipe that cheeky little grin on your face later when I force your orgasms out of you.”
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“Put your hands against the wall,” Jungkook immediately commands after he drags you to his bedroom. He stands tall behind you, watching your poor figure slowly obeying his words. His lips curve up when he studies your body, already trembling in fear. This feeds unto his primal, dominant desires to take over you and ruin you. Your little hands touch the cold walls with your back slightly arched, already knowing what’s about to come.
Jungkook’s dick throbs in just the sight of the combination of your skirt and thigh-highs. He doesn’t hesitate to firmly grasp your ass cheek below the flimsy material with his big hand, causing a whimper to fall off your lips. “Look at this fucking outfit you have,” he muses, “If it weren’t for that sweater you have on, I would’ve said that you look so much like a fucking slut.”
He suddenly blows a hard slap, “That’s not my name. Huh, you really wanna disobey daddy?”
You whimper, “N-No.”
He hikes your skirt up to expose more of your plump ass, landing another harsh spank that caused your body to jolt, eyes fluttering shut from the sting. “No? Isn’t it disrespectful to ignore daddy’s phone-calls?” he hits your ass again, harder, his muscles flexing. “Tell me, what was Jimin doing that he just need to fucking put his hands all over you with his head so fucking close to yours, huh?”
Your eyes instantly start to become glossy from the solid, rough slaps on your tender ass cheeks. Chewing on your bottom lip, you try your best to cover your little sniffs.
Within a quick second, Jungkook flips you around until your back was pressed firmly against the wall, his hand wrapped around your throat. You hitch your breath up from the aggressive behavior, how his eyes were quick to scan your body up and down like a predator. “You’re not gonna answer me?” he scoffs, “Fucking god – you love to make daddy mad, don’t you? Acting like such a bitch.”
Furiously shaking your head side to side, you disagree with his statement. Jungkook is scary when he’s angry – even though it can be seen as hot sometimes – you never want to make him mad on purpose!
“T-That’s not true, daddy!” your bottom lip faintly quivers as your eyes can’t seem to focus on him.
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise up, giving you a mocking expression, “Ohh really, baby?” the grip on your throat tightens, making you gasp for air, “You don’t like making me angry? When in fact that I know you like being punished like this. You like daddy manhandling your frail, little body, and letting him ruin it in every possible way. Are you gonna lie and tell me that that isn’t true, hm? ”
You didn’t know what to answer. Your chest heaves up and down in panic while you release a quiet, little mewl in desperation. Jungkook – somehow – finds that adorable; how your big, teary eyes look up at him in utter fear of what’s about to come.
He smirks as he leans down to your height, your faces so close to each other as his lips barely graze against yours. You can feel his hot breath upon you, the warmness of his body resonating. 
With a low, almost gravelly voice, he asks you; “Do you not talk?”
Those words seem awfully familiar…
Gulping nervously, you tremble, “I-I can…”
“You can? Sorry darling, I just needed to make sure because you seem to be silent every time I ask a goddamn question. Now, get on the fucking bed.”
Jungkook watches you scramble and obey his command, the cold mattress rubs against your skin from the air conditioning. He stands at the edge of the bed, watching you with primal eyes. “Undress.”
“I said what I said. Strip,” he crosses his arms, revealing his toned biceps, “Leave your skirt and stockings on. Remove everything except those.”
You can’t seem to look at his eyes because you were afraid that you were going to melt when you do so. You tug your sweater up, your skin exposing to the air that surrounds the two of you, followed by your bra. Your boyfriend sees your cute hardened nipples, making him smirk a little bit.
“Now your panties, go on.”
Before you can even yank your undergarment down, Jungkook speaks, “Look at me while you do so. You’ve been avoiding my eyes all this time.”
Jungkook barely hears the quiet whimper that emits your mouth while your eyes finally lock onto his. Wanting to tease you furthermore, he sends you a cocky smirk with a quick raise of his brow as you pulled your panties down.
His breath almost hitches up from the sight of you, all naked except those kinky pairs of stockings and skirt. He wonders if you specifically wore them just to tease him, heck, was it even appropriate for your work? Even so, he’s glad that he’s the only person to see you like this, so beautiful and ready to be ruined.
You wonder if he’s going to crawl on the bed with you and touch you, waiting for him to make a move but nothing happens. You look up at him expectantly with wide eyes as your hands timidly fumble with your skirt.
“Touch yourself.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Did you hear him correctly? Like... does he really want you to play with yourself right in front of him? You can feel your tummy do backflips from his words while you instantly turn shy once again.
“Fucking hell, is one instruction not enough for that brain of yours to comprehend? I said—,” he leans down to grab your thighs, forcing your legs apart with vigor, exposing your cunt all to his eyes. “—touch yourself.”
You whine when he suddenly crawls on top of you, arms on either side of your figure to support himself up, his face hovering above yours. He leans down and whispers in your ear, “Bring your hand down, little girl, and play with your pussy the way daddy does.”
Without angering him further, you obey and brought your hand down to touch your clit. Jungkook never removes his eye-contact as he watches your face slowly contort in pleasure. With two fingers, you gently circled your clit, making your mouth part open from the meek pleasure. “O-Ohh,” you can feel your wet lips when you dragged your fingers along them.
You feel so embarrassed masturbating in front of him like this. Jungkook chuckles and kneels in front of you, placing his knees in between your spread legs to watch how you play with your cunt. You moan when he finally grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, revealing his toned body for your eyes to see. This encouraged you to rub your clit faster, but it just wasn’t enough.
“Daddy…” you whine, “please...”
Jungkook notices the frown that was beginning to form your lips, but instead of feeling bad, he takes the opportunity to degrade you. “What is it, baby? Hm? Do you even know how to touch your pussy?” he teases, “Do you still fuckin’ need daddy’s help?”
You don’t even care if you look pitiful, shaking your head up and down. “Y-Yes, please touch m-me…” you say with a quiet voice. As you continue to masturbate, Jungkook sees how your body trembles, knowing that it wants more.
But sadly, you look too good in this position that you’re in. Your skirt hiked up to your abdomen while your toes curl in desperation. Jungkook lightly scoffs as he doesn’t hesitate to palm his rock-hard cock through his jeans. “Mmm, I would if you had been a good girl. But daddy wants you to cum with your own fingers, prove to me that you’re a big girl who can fucking cum without my help.”
You release an exasperated groan, arching your back in utter need. Jungkook was cruel to do this to you, as he definitely knows how much you prefer his own fingers on your juicy little pussy.
The sight was boosting his ego, whether he likes it or not. He observes how your cute, middle finger tries to insert itself inside your tight little hole, earning a loud moan from you. Jungkook sees your arousal dripping down from your entrance, the glistering liquid running down to your ass. You were so wet, and he was dying to taste you. Jungkook feels his dominance taking over as his patience was wearing thin, wanting to shove your hands away and just take over. It frustrates him how desperate you make him feel without even trying.
You finger yourself with one hand, as the other continues to rub your clit. You try to remember how Jungkook does it, your mind trying to reminisce his techniques, making you distracted from your own pleasure. It doesn’t even feel half as good as his! You let out a loud, frustrated whine, feeling your eyes well up with tears once again.
“I-I can’t,” you sniff, a tear rolling down your cheek as you try your best to make yourself feel good, “Please, daddy I need y-you!”
Jungkook leans forward as he wipes your tears with his thumb, licking his lips slowly while he watches you with a sensual look. “What do you need from daddy, hm?”
You groan, hating how much he can torture you like this. Your breathing was already unstable and your mind was thinking of ways on how you can make him touch you. “I need your fingers, daddy – please? I can’t cum like this,” you shake your head desperately, “I can’t.”
“Holy fucking shit, I think I need to get a new baby girl. One who knows how to pleasure herself without my help.”
“No!” you yell, closing your eyes as more tears wells up, “N-No! I-I’m sorry I just can’t…”
Jungkook almost feels bad. Almost.
“That’s sad, baby girl. If you can’t cum then don’t try anymore.” He abruptly spanks your inner thigh, leaving you crying for more, “You’ve been a bad girl today and you’ve got to endure your punishment.”
Jungkook tugs your hands away and your pussy clenches from the sour loss. “Keep crying, slut, this is what you deserve.” He stands up from the bed and makes his way to the closet to get something. You obediently lay there with a frown as you wiped your eyes, ogling his broad, muscular back in the meantime.
When he was taking up more time than you wanted, you kicked your legs impatiently while whining.
He smirks, rolling his eyes, “Impatient, I see?” After that, he swiftly turns around to reveal a red-colored rope, dangling it side to side for a little tease.
“What are you g-gonna do with that?” you ask with wide, glossy eyes.
Jungkook walks back to you with that signature sultry yet teasing look, making you anticipate what’s about to come even more.
“Daddy’s gonna tie your hands behind your back until your wrists bruise, little one.”
Your core throbs from the image he paints in your mind, how the rope would probably scratch against your skin, and how turned on he would be from the sight of you struggling. Jungkook motions you to turn around with a little spin of his finger. You kneel, looking away from him while he grabs your wrists together in one hand. The arrogant smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face as he ties the rope around your hands, whimpering when he pulls it tight. 
“Is that too tight baby girl?” he asks, stopping himself from laughing, “Does it hurt?”
You sniff, “A l-little bit.”
“Good. I was actually planning to bind your legs together as well, but I don’t think you can handle that anymore.” He says behind you, “I don’t think your precious body can handle being daddy’s little ropebunny.”
With his words, you turn your head to look at him with a confused expression, “Rope…ropebunny?”
Jungkook chuckles and nods his head once.
“What does that mean, daddy?”
Jungkook’s heart swell, “Means that you’re letting me tie you up, restraint your body with rope – and letting daddy do whatever he fucking wants to you. Bruise your skin until it hurts too much. If maybe you weren’t such a crybaby and a sensitive little bitch then I would’ve done that to you by now.”
He doesn’t let you reply as he gives your ass a loud, stinging spank using the palm of his right hand. You whimper in pain, closing your eyes for a mere second as your mouth parts.
“Head down, ass up. Now.”
You do as you’re told, and not going to lie, your heart was doing backflips from the nervousness and intimidation of the position that you’re in. Your ass and cunt were so exposed, allowing him to see how wet you are. Your cheeks pressed against the sheets, tilted to the side so that you can at least see a portion of his figure behind you. Although you release a loud cry when he suddenly lands a slap directly on your throbbing clit. Your hands instinctively moved to grab onto something, but the rope was preventing them from doing so.
“Daddy—!” He slaps your pussy again, this time harder. He slides his index finger down your wet slick, teasingly prodding against your entrance that causes your arousal to gush.
“God, you’re so fucking noisy. I’d put a gag in that loud mouth of yours to shut you up, but daddy loves your cute whimpers too much.”
You dig your nails onto your palm when Jungkook finally plays with your pussy, using two fingers to gently – barely rub your clit. The tip of his index and middle finger brushes against your throbbing clit, using the slightest bit of pressure. He bites his lip from the way you wiggle your ass, desperate for more. “You can’t even masturbate without my assistance, fucking hell,” he muses, “did it embarrass you, huh?”
“Mhmm,” you hum meekly, grinding your teeth together because you needed more friction, and you were too afraid to tell him.
“Yeah?” Jungkook smirks, “You had to cry like a pathetic little bitch, too.” Without a warning, he easily shoves his middle finger in, making you arch your back painfully, drawing a loud squeal. He starts pumping it in and out at a fast pace. The wet squelching noise that your cunt makes, paired with your moans was music to his ears. “I guess it feels better when daddy plays with your pussy, right slut?”
When you don’t answer immediately, too focused on the pleasure, he inserts two more fingers in – stretching your pussy. You gasp loudly, his long, slender fingers reaching the most intimate places inside of you. Jungkook bites his lip harshly, getting so turned on from your sweet moans and whines. 
“Y-Yeah… yes daddy – oww fuck – it feels much better,” even though your mind was filled in lust and can’t think of anything else but the way he was furiously pumping three fingers in and out of you, you answer him in fear that his punishment will turn way worse. His three fingers were almost too much for your hole to handle, making your hips tremble as it tries to accommodate the girth. 
“Who owns your pussy, hm?” he uses his other unoccupied hand to rub and pinch your clit, providing you with overstimulation of pleasure. His fingers reach deeper until it hits your g-spot, making your toes curl while you once again tear up. He growls, “Who fucking owns you?”
“You!” you moan, vision getting blurry, “You own me d-daddy…” you can already feel yourself coming close to an orgasm – one thing you can’t do with your own fingers. Your stomach tightens and tightens, waiting for your oh-so needed release. You sob onto the sheets, eyes closed in desperation.
“Good thing you know—” but he suddenly pulls his hands away, leaving you shaking and breathless. “This is my cunt and I get to do whatever I want with it.”
“No!” you groan in frustration from the denied orgasm, eyebrows furrowing as your legs shake, “Fuck y-you.”
Jungkook’s ears pick up the words you muttered.
“What was that?” He roughly wraps his hand around your neck and forces your upper body to lift up. You start to panic as Jungkook chokes you, “What the fuck did you say, hm? Getting fucking bold today, aren’t we?”
“S-Sorry,” you stutter, not having the courage to speak. You didn’t mean to say that at all! You were just frustrated and the words slipped out without realizing it! He sees a droplet of tear dripping down your cheek and he rolls his eyes.
“What a bratty, disobedient little fucktoy.” Jungkook quickly stands up to unbutton his jeans and pulls it down, leaving himself in his underwear. “You’re not the good girl that I know.” He hops back on the bed with you and moves so that he kneels in front of you. He holds your face up with one hand on your jaw as the other pulls his boxers down. Your mouth waters from the sight of his cock springing out, the angry red tip hitting your cheek.
“If I stuff my cock down your throat then maybe you’d shut the fuck up, learn your lesson, and think before you speak. Huh, slut?” He strokes his length a few times, letting his precum lube his cock.
He nudges the tip against your lips, signaling you to open your mouth. He releases a long, guttural moan when you wrap your lips around him as he pushes his length further and further, your mouth feeling so warm and wet. Jungkook initiates the pace as he starts to rock his hips steadily. A sudden gush of tears escapes your eyes when he shoves past your gag reflex, whining as your throat struggles to take in his big cock. 
Jungkook doesn’t wipe the tears off of your face like he used to, this time letting them flow and drip down your jaw. Your pussy clenches every time he thrusts forwards, feeling yourself get wetter and more aroused from the noises he makes. He twitches whenever your throat contracts, feeling it tighten and squeezes his cock so good.
“Do you like this, baby girl?” he smiles sadistically, “You like being throat fucked?” Jungkook knows you can’t answer so he continues to torment you, “I like you better when your mouth is stuffed with daddy’s cock. Much more useful than being an undisciplined, rude slut.”
You shut your eyes while you slack your jaw, trying to take all of him the best that you can. He grabs a bunch of your hair, pulling at your scalp, the pain making you kick your legs repeatedly. While he snaps his hips, thrusting in and out, Jungkook watches how your saliva drips down from to your chin that makes a whole mess of your face.
Jungkook finally gains some sort of empathy, pulling his dick out to let you breathe. You emit a harsh, rugged exhale. He lowers himself until his face was directly parallel to yours, “Why was he touching you like that?” His eyes scans your poor, messy self, eyes puffy with your hair all over the place. 
You sniff, “He’s just a f-friend!”
He wipes the saliva on the corner of your mouth using his thumb, “Don’t you have a boyfriend? Hm? Doesn’t he know that you’re mine? Even if he’s your goddamn friend, he doesn’t need to touch you like that.” His voice somehow turned soft, a bit more like his natural talking voice. He shakes his head whilst staring directly at your weary eyes, “And what if I wasn’t there, huh? What if he did something to you that I wouldn’t like?”
“Are…” you tilt your head, trying to lighten up the situation in hopes that he’ll go easy on you. You start to giggle, “Are you jealous, daddy?”
You didn’t know that it was a bad move until his face immediately hardens, raising an eyebrow up. He scoffs, “You think I would be punishing you like this if your actions took a toll on me, Y/n?” he stands up from the bed and walks over to the bedside table, opening the drawer, “Lay on your tummy. I won’t say it again.”
Jungkook grabs the remote control vibrator from the box of toys the two of you had been collecting. You certainly love your toys, he knows that, but it’s a completely different situation if he uses them to torture you. It’s better for him that you can’t see what he’s doing, bringing your anticipations up for what’s about to come. He turns the toy on, your breath immediately hitching when you hear the buzzing sound. The hot pink, egg-like looking toy with a slender tail vibrates against his palm.
“Daddy? Wha…what are you gonna do with tha—” Your words painfully got cut off when he plunges the toy inside your pussy, the vibrations instantly resonating throughout your core and lower abdomen. You sobbed loudly, the rope tightening around your wrists whenever you tried to struggle away. “Oh my god!” your back arches, feeling your eyes rolling to the back of your head, “Daddy!”
He walks to the other side of the room to go sit on the plush loveseat, twiddling with the remote on his right hand. He doesn’t hesitate to crank the setting up, noticing how your ass trembles and wiggles. Your mouth drops open while you feel an immense tingling sensation down there, moaning and shuddering on the bed. 
Jungkook wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump slowly, observing how your cute little figure trembles and makes a mess of the sheets. He notices the way your pussy clenches around the toy so tightly, and how your cunt never stopped dripping in arousal. 
He teases his swollen tip with his thumb as he turns the toy’s setting up another notch. The smirk grows on his face from the noises you make. He was addicted to the sight of you right now; your hips shuddering as you try to escape all of the vast ecstasy, the stockings you wear making you look as adorable as ever – if he had a camera he would definitely take a picture of you.
“Daddy, p-please – I’m gonna cum!” you sob, chewing on your swollen bottom lip. That was his cue to put the setting to the highest level. Within a flash, your spill your cum down your pussy and onto the bed, ruining the sheets as your body contorts, hands balling into tight fists. Your orgasm feels like you gushed a whole waterfall, cumming so hard while your hips involuntarily lifts up off of the bed. 
He continues to fuck his hand, staring at your sweaty, hot body with hooded eyes while he groans darkly. His cock was rock solid and was also begging for a release, but he knows to control himself. Jungkook hears your sobs get louder and louder, knowing that the overstimulation was too much for you to handle.
He stands up and crawls back with you on the bed, his warm hands starting to caress your inner thighs.
“Da—” you cry, “daddy… t-too much…”
“Yeah?” he smirks before lifting your ass up until he was directly in front of your cunt. he smells your arousal and it caused shivers to run down his back. Without holding back, he wraps his mouth around your throbbing clit and starts to suck harshly on it. 
Jungkook was absolutely nasty to do this to you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel his tongue swirl around your bud, flicking and sucking at the same time. You can’t even comprehend the pain and pleasure that as going through your body right now, for it was all too much. “A-Aawwh shit,” you breathe, “D-Daddy, I can’t... oh m-my god!” 
The combination of the powerful buzzing vibrator inside you, plus his mouth on your clit caused another strong climax to wash throughout your system. You flail your arms behind your back as your body can’t seem to keep still. Jungkook holds your hips in place as he licks your pussy clean of your cum. He grunts from the way your legs were quivering after forcing another orgasm out of you. 
“Taste so fuckin’ delicious,” he says after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “What a good little pussy.” 
Finally, he pulls on the tail and the toy plops out with a wet sound. Though your chest doesn’t stop heaving up and down, your system is still riled up from the strong orgasms you just had.
“What will you say, baby girl, hm?”
You perk your head up from the sudden question. Your mind quickly wanders for an answer but was quickly distracted when you feel him squeeze your tender ass cheeks. 
Leaning down to your ear, he whispers with an awful smirk, “Say ‘thank you daddy’.” His monotone voice sent shivers all throughout your body, “Say thank you for letting you cum. I would’ve stopped the toy and edged you when you were about to orgasm to further your punishment, but glad I didn’t, right baby?”
“Thank…” your cheeks start to heat up, “Thank you for l-letting me cum, daddy.”
“Mm, good girl. I just had to get a taste of your sweet cunt after seeing you shake and tremble like that. Such a good, pretty little girl.” 
He was actually supposed to reward you after this. That was just his initial plan, until he is distracted by your phone suddenly ringing from the other side of the room. He quirks a brow up and starts heading to where your bag was placed, rummaging through it to get the device that interrupted the moment.
He reads the caller ID.  
Jungkook is dead quiet as he reaches back to you until he takes a seat on your thighs. His silence further builds up your anxiousness, your gut twisting and turning after you hear him groan underneath his breath. “Daddy?” whispering, you tilt your head to the side to figure out what he was doing.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you picked up the phone,” Jimin speaks in a rush, “I was so worried about what happened. Are you and Jungkook okay?” He rolls his eyes and doesn’t hesitate to put the phone on loudspeaker, placing the device in front of you so that you can see who was calling.
Jimin’s voice unsettled you, leaving your body in a state of shock, humiliation, and awkwardness. You furiously shake your head, lips pursed in a straight, pungent line – making it known to Jungkook that you didn’t want to talk to him. Why can’t he just hang up?!
“Hello? Y/n?” As Jimin worries from the other side of the line, you quietly mewl when you feel him poking the tip of his dick right up against your dripping wet entrance, sliding the head up and down your soaked slit slowly to torture you. “Answer him,” Jungkook growls from behind, “Talk to him as I fuck your tight little pussy.”
“Y/n, do you hear me?” Jimin asks once again, and this time you pick up the courage to reply.
“Y-Yeah,” your voice strains, closing your eyes as you try your best not to moan out loud as Jungkook pushes the head in, feeling your walls flutter around his thick girth. “I hear – oohh – I hear you.”
While inching his cock further and further, he grasps your bounded wrists in one hand, as the other firmly holds onto your waist. He struggles to keep quiet, only releasing quick little grunts here and there as he slowly thrusts his hips. Your body squirms from the humiliating situation he has put you through, yet he holds you down.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier,” You notice the sad tone in Jimin’s voice, “I really didn’t mean to touch you like that, and I should’ve known better. You’re taken.”
“M-Mhmm—!” Jungkook shoves his length deeper and deeper, hit tip hitting your g-spot again and again, rougher and harder with each sharp thrust. Your eyes generate more tears, definitely making your nose a little bit stuffy while you struggle to breathe properly. Jungkook groans underneath his breath from how tight your pussy is after being teased and tortured.
Jimin continues with his apology, saying that he wants to personally apologize to Jungkook – but you weren’t listening anymore. You can’t! His words were going in one ear and out of the other because your mind only focuses on how his big, thick cock was tearing your cunt apart. With each outward stroke, your pussy keeps sucking him back in. He smirks from the way your pussy was gushing your arousal endlessly, soaking the sheets and making a mess of yourself.
As if everything can’t be humiliating enough, Jungkook blows a hard, loud spank on your ass, definitely not caring if it can be heard from the other end of the call. Gasping, you mewl from the stinging sensation but also worried if Jimin heard. Jungkook laughs menacingly, spanking your ass again.
“Y-Y/n?” Jimin says slowly, “What’s happening over there?”
“Nothing! I’m o-okay – mmngg shit,” your jaw drops when he fucks you faster and rougher all of the sudden, his balls starting to clap against your poor, throbbing clit. Jungkook feels impatient so he takes the phone back, puts it against his ear, and speaks for you. “Jimin!” he greets happily as if he’s not pounding your pussy until you break, “Don’t worry about Y/n, she’s doing just great.”
How can he talk so steadily like that? Your teeth sink down on your bruised bottom lip again to stop you from moaning too loud. “But I’m trusting you, Jimin, not to touch my girl like that again, okay? I know you two are friends, sure – but there’s a limit. She has a boyfriend now.”
The possessiveness in his voice turns you on so much, not even expecting such a dark tone as he talks to him like that. Your arms start to hurt after being tied for too long, wrists getting sensitive as it keeps scratching against the rope.
“Yeah, okay, goodbye.” He finally hangs up, throws your phone somewhere on the floor. After that, he firmly grips your waist and changes your position with ease. He sits down on the bed, flips you around to make you straddle his cock.
His breath almost gets stuck in his throat from the way you looked. His hands immediately flies to cup your head, thumbs wiping your tears away from your cheeks as you look down at his with lustful eyes. “Baby girl,” he whispers, eyes raking your body up and down while you don’t stop bouncing on his cock, “Keep crying. I wanna see you get ruined on my big cock.”
He pulls you closer by wrapping his right hand around your neck, squeezing tightly, as his other hand guides your hips up and down. Your hard nipples slightly graze against his chest, adding more pleasure than you already can take.
“I’m g-gonna cum,” you grit, eyes drooping, “I’m gonna fucking cum again, daddy.”
He chuckles and nods his head. He can’t stay angry at you for too long. He can’t wait to provide you the aftercare that you deserve after this. He helps you to your orgasm by meeting your thrusts, fucking his cock into you while he brings a hand down to rub your clit with vigor. Your moans were getting louder, higher in pitch, as you can feel the oh-so-familiar tightness in your stomach again. You throw your head back, hands trying to pry themselves out of the rope. Thankfully, he gives you the benefit of the doubt and finally starts undoing the knot, unwrapping your wrists so that they can finally be set free. “Here you go princess,” he groans, “Ah ah, keep your arms still.”
Within a second of your hands being free, you quickly hug his sweaty body so tightly, pressing your cheeks against his shoulder, not only to have something to hold onto but to feel his comfort after a long time of being suppressed and denied from it. Jungkook laughs and kisses your shoulder, “I love you, Y/n.”
“Love y-you— awh god, thatfeelssogood!”
“Yeah?” he bites his lip, feeling the urge to tease you with his words for the hundredth time, “How good?” He attaches his mouth on your damp neck, sucking and biting on all of the sweet and tender spots that he knows you love. Trailing kisses all over, you were certain that he’ll leave marks all over your skin. Your body shivers when he uses his teeth to bite down on you, adding more to the buildup of your climax. “So g-good, daddy,” you whine, bouncing up and down harder, “Your big cock f-feels…feels so good inside my tight fucking pussy, daddy.”
Jungkook’s cock throbs from your unexpected words, gasping a little with a cocky smirk, “Mmm, when did you learn how to talk like that, huh?” a spank lands on your right, tender ass cheek, “Such lewd words coming out of that pretty mouth.”
Your mind starts to feel dizzy, almost to the edge of blacking out as your orgasm overpowers your body. He grunts from the way your walls were clenching around him so firmly, using his dick to your own good. Wrapping his arms around you tighter, he forces you to stay still on his cock while letting you ride out your high. “There we go, baby, there we go. Cum for me,” he insinuates, “Fucking hell, such a good, pretty girl for daddy.” He lifts your chin up with one hand, trying your best to make eye-contact with him but your tearful eyes feel too heavy. “Cumming so hard, oh my fucking god darling.”
Almost seeing black and white spots, your mind goes into a frenzy for you have no thoughts but the overwhelming sensation of your climax taking over your body. Jungkook moans as he lays you back down on the bed, bringing himself to his high. With your body shivering from the high sensitivity, Jungkook doesn’t stop.
His thrusts were sloppy and his pace becomes unsteady, moans getting louder. His body tenses and goes still inside of you, trapping your small body in his as he blows his load. He fills your cunt up with his cum, painting your walls in his seed. You can feel him twitch while you claw your hands on his back, trembling.
Jungkook mutters a series of curse words as your pussy squeezes his cock so hard, milking him properly until the very last drop of cum. After a little while, he pulls his dick out and he sees his cum leaking out of your pulsating little hole and dripping onto the bed. Licking his lips from the hot sight, he caresses your inner thighs as he tries to calm you down.
“Deep breaths, sweetheart. Deep, slow breaths for me.” He hovers back on top of you as he places his right arm underneath your head for support, his other hand gently stroking your side. All the anger, all the controlling and dominating aura that he previously had ten seconds ago immediately fades as he takes the role to comfort you the best that he can. He wipes your cheeks clean with the back of his hand, almost looking down at you with a slight pout. “Baby girl, look at me, hm?” Jungkook whispers gently, “Look at me.”
Once you do so, he feels himself almost collapsing from the poor, worn-out look that was embedded on your little face. “Oh, sweetie,” he sighs, “I’m so sorry.”
“N-No,” you slowly shake your head, still breathless, “Don’t say…”
“I should’ve, fuck—” Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay, feeling almost frustrated in himself, “I should’ve fucking stopped, look at you baby.” He holds your hand, gives your bruised wrist a wet, long kiss.
“Kook, I’m okay,” you giggle, a hint of tiredness in your voice, “I l-loved it.”
“Are you sure? Baby girl do you remember what I told you? If you ever feel too uncomfortable, or pain that you couldn’t bear anymore, or if you just want me to stop completely, what will you say?”
Perhaps this was one of the best things you love about Jungkook. His duality. One minute he’s rough and would dominate the fuck out of you, and the next minute he’s treating you like his princess.
“I’ll say my safe word.”
“Good,” he kisses your lips once, smiling down at you, “always remember that.”
You were awfully thankful that he’s the type to always shower you in kisses after a whole round of sex. Always caring about your well-being, that’s what he loves to do. Jungkook has cleaned himself in the bathroom first before he can handle and take care of you. He comes out of the bathroom dressed only with a pair of gray sweatpants with a damp towel and one of his t-shirt in his hand.
Kneeling before you on the bed, he starts to gently wipe your inner thighs and genitalia with the cloth. It was ticklish on the spot of your inner thighs, releasing a giggle as you try to move away from him. He smirks, grasping your leg down. “Tickles?” he grins at you.
“Turn around, little one. Let me massage your back.”
Your heart beats happily at that. But once you followed his command, his eyes immediately fly down to your ass. He hikes up the skirt that you still had on a bit higher, and he sees his handprints imprinted on your precious, delicate skin. “Holy shit,” he breathes out. Your body twitches when he carefully lays a hand down. “Sorry for this, little one. Guess you aren’t sitting for a couple of days, huh?”
Hiding your face in your arms, you quietly squeal, his words having an effect on you. “I g-guess so.”
Jungkook proceeds with his mission to massage your back, using his big hands to his advantage to knead your skin with just the right amount of pressure, massaging your arms and shoulders, pressing down on your lower back. Little groans emit from your mouth, enjoying the warmth of his hands. Your eyes eventually close, feeling that you were eventually going to fall asleep from how relaxing it is.
“Want some tea, darling?” he asks.
“Mm, no thank you. I’m a little sleepy…”
Your mouth curves up into a grin when he starts peppering kisses all over your back as well, moving your hair to one side. Jungkook, too, was smiling. He can’t even figure out how he got so lucky with you.
“You wanna nap, Y/n?”
“Mhm,” you nod.
“Okay, let’s get you in this shirt first. C’mon sweetie, flip back around for me.”
He holds onto the hem of your skirt and tugs it down, throwing it somewhere on the floor. His shirt reaches almost on your knee after slipping it on. Soon, he lays down beside you and starts spooning your body. It was easy for him to enclose yourself in his warmth, for his limbs were obviously bigger than yours. “Let’s take a rest and clean everything up later, okay?”
Although you didn’t reply.
“Baby?” he tilts your head to make you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Kook, I-uh…I wanna say sorry for what happened earlier—”
“Shh, shh, settle down now, sweetheart. I’m not angry about that anymore,” he gives you a beaming smile, his dimples peeking through. Oh, to swim in someone’s dimples…
“Don’t worry about it. I love you, Y/n. More than this fucking world.”
“Impossible!” giggling, you eventually squirm around him because you know for a fact that he’ll hug you tighter.
He did.
“Nothing’s impossible when you’re mine – my girl.”
God, you can never take a break with him and his impeccable word choices. You feel your cheeks heat up, shying away from him that caused him to laugh in amusement a little.
“I love you too, Kook,” your heart says genuinely. Jungkook pulls you closer and makes you rest your head on his arm. “Cozy? Let’s take a rest, baby. You’ve had a long day today, you did well. You might be sore afterwards but I’ll be right here when you wake up.”  The only thing you can remember after that was the gentle kiss he placed on your cheek, and the feeling of love and comfort in the air that encloses both of you. 
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“You know, Jungkook,” Taehyung speaks while munching on his Cap’n Crunch cereal, watching Jungkook come back to their apartment after driving you back to your own building. “You’re fucking lucky I was out partying. If not I would’ve…” Jungkook rolls his eyes when Taehyung fakes a gagging sound, “I w-would’ve thrown up hearing the two of you.”
“Funny,” he says blandly while heading towards the cupboards to make himself his own bowl of cereal.
Taehyung walks to his side, “Aren’t you and Y/n together for almost a year now? I don’t know much about relationships, but don’t you think it’s time for you guys to have a place of your own?”
Jungkook chuckles, heading towards the living room as he sits on the old green couch with his cereal on one hand. “So you’re kicking me out, Tae?”
“Well yeah, maybe I am, asshole.”
The youngest abruptly turns his head to him with a look of confusion, “Wait, really?”
Taehyung smirks, “Yup! I’m sick of you bringing Y/n here just to fuck, and not even let her hang out with me!”
Hang out with him? Since when was Taehyung interested in her? After a little moment of silence, Jungkook finally thinks of a reply, “What do you even wanna do with her? Also most of the time you’re either out getting drunk or locking yourself up in your room playing video games.”
Jungkook almost spits out the mouthful of milk and cereal.
“What the fuck—”
“Let’s have a threesome together.”
“No fucking way, bro.” Jungkook scoffs, pointing a finger at him, “We are not doing that.”
Taehyung was having the time of his life teasing Jungkook. He stands up in front of him, blocking his view of the TV. “I’m not having a threesome just to see you naked, cunt,” slowly, his mouth forms a smirk, “I wanna see Y/n nak—”
“Don’t even think about finishing that, Taehyung. I’m not fucking joking around.”
“Okay, shit, chill man,” he laughs, watching how Jungkook rolls his eyes. “And here I am thinking that you’re kinky and open-minded.”
Taehyung just loves to get into his nerves.
“I am,” Jungkook says in all seriousness, looking directly at his eyes. “But you know how I am with her. How selfish I can be. Other people will be fine with this, sure, but her body is for my eyes only, Tae. You can fuck anyone you like but not my girl.”
Taehyung sighs, walking away as he throws his hand in the air, “Fine, fine, whatever.”
Jungkook crosses his legs together, leaning back into the couch as he closes his eyes. The fact that he just had to put that image into his mind – someone else fucking his girl – he just can’t do it. He can be too possessive of your body and he wants it only for him.
“But if your girl ever wants two cocks to play with one day, hit me up.”
“If she wants two cocks then we’ll use a fucking dildo. Shut your ass up or else I’m gonna beat the fuck outta you,” Jungkook warns with a menacing chuckle.
Although Taehyung isn’t bothered by it, he fakes being frightened, “Oooohh, scary! Don’t hit me daddy!”
“Yep, that’s it.” Jungkook places the bowl down on the couch before abruptly standing up. Taehyung runs away while laughing like a madman with Jungkook following behind him. His roommate ends up locking himself inside his room where Jungkook can’t come in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He says in the middle of laughter.
“You’re fucking hideous, you know that?” Jungkook crosses his arms.
“Tell me something I don’t know, Jeon.”
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When Jungkook turned nineteen, he remembered asking his mother when a man should introduce his girlfriend to his parents.
His mother, heart filled with genuine compassion, replied with; “When you are fully committed, and when you know for a fact that you will be spending the rest of your life with her – that’s when you let her eat at our table. So be very mindful of your feelings, Jungkookie. Remember this when you grow up, alright? I know you didn’t believe in long-lasting love when you were younger, but trust me when I say that it truly depends on the person.”
It was clear that Jungkook’s romantic side definitely came from his parents.
And fast-forward to the present, here you are sitting at their dining table, meeting his parents for the very first time. 
“So, Y/n,” Jungkook’s mother beams from the other side of the table while passing her husband more rice for his bibimbap, “How did you and Jungkook meet?”
“Mom,” Jungkook chuckles, “Haven’t I told you that a hundred times already?”
You blush from his words, trying your best not to look down in shyness. Though you feel your boyfriend’s right hand rests on your knee to ease you up.
“I know! But I just want to hear it from Y/n’s point of view! Who knows, you might be hiding some details!”
Before you can speak, his dad talks before you, “I was actually there at the time,” he smiles at you, “I think you should thank me for making Jungkook talk to you!”
“Hun, please let Y/n talk—”
Jungkook grins, “I think I would’ve talked to Y/n whether or not you told me so, dad.”
“Let the girl talk!” his mom balls her hand into a fist and pounds on the table.       
You busted out a laugh, quickly covering your mouth as you shook your head in disbelief. You’ve never encountered such a fun, happy family like this. This was your first time being introduced to someone’s parents, and truthfully, you wanted them to be your last.
“So, um,” you take a glance at Jungkook before continuing as if asking for permission first. He smiles down at you and nods his head, feeling his hand squeeze your knee. “Jeon’s Kitchen was actually a favorite place of mine! And of course, it’s still is—” you beam at his father, “It was raining very hard so I decided to stop by to eat some food before work.”
“Brown coffee and banana bread, yep, I remember that!” His dad proudly says.
“That’s correct, Mr. Jeon,” you giggle, “I sat alone and waited for the order until Jungkook here suddenly bursts into the café, all drenched from the rain!” You turn your gaze at him with creased eyes from the way you were smiling as you talk, “If I remember correctly, his car broke down and he had nothing to do, so he decided to help Mr. Jeon with work, is that right?”
Jungkook responds with a hum, staring amusingly into your glimmering eyes that were full of love.
“Until Mr. Jeon told Jungkook to keep me company! So yeah, that’s where we started talking.”
Of course, you had to leave out the fact that you had such an intimidating first impression of their son. You recall how hard his stare was as he talked to you, and how he literally made you blush so easily just by his handsome smirk (that until now you couldn’t get used to!). He carried such a strong aura, even up to this day.
“After that, well, we exchanged numbers and everything went from there!”
Before Jungkook drove you to his parent’s house so that they can finally meet you, you were an absolute nervous wreck. Overthinking that what if you say something embarrassing? What if you humiliate yourself in front of them? You were driven to have a good impression on them, which Jungkook founded adorable. Of course, he reassured you, saying, “They already love you from all of the stories I’ve told, baby.”  
And he was right. His parents never would’ve thought that a girl like you would walk into his life. You’re a blessing for their son.
Jungkook doesn’t sway his eyes off of you as you continue to chat with his parents, telling them your goals and dreams for the future. He watches the way your mouth tilts into the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, lips tinted with lipstick that was just begging to be kissed. He also catches the way your head slightly tilts as you talk, oh – he can’t forget how your knees were nervously jumping! With his hand slowly caressing your knee up to your thigh, he reminds you to calm down.
His breath hitches up a slight bit when you unexpectedly hold his hand under the table. He feels how cold your hand was so it was good for you to take his own warmth. Using his thumb, he strokes your skin delicately, and you instantly feel much better.
When the time is right and when he garners enough money, he will buy a house for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything elegant, but enough to keep you happy and contented – he knows you’ll understand that. Needless to say, he’s excited about the future he’s going to have with you. His mind wanders to the point of your first anniversary, the second anniversary, even up until marriage and having kids. It’s a huge stretch, yes, but he’d rather spend his life alone than without you. 
If his past self can read his mind right now, he’d definitely laugh.
He can’t wait to live his whole life with you by his side. You already have all the qualities he’s been looking in a person, and there’s no way in hell he’s going to leave you anytime soon. 
His mother’s voice cracks him from his thoughts, “Y/n’s such a pretty girl. So amusing to look at, too!” She gawks at you with excited, wide eyes. Her eyes reminded you of Jungkook, the same big and round ones, “Next time when you come to visit us, let me teach you my signature shrimp fried rice recipe, okay? Are you allergic to shrimp, Y/n?”
“Nope! I love shrimp!”
“That’s great!” his mom claps, “Jungkook, thanks for bringing Y/n here with us. She’s so wonderful.”
Shaking your head, you try to take her compliments as much as you can but of course, your bashfulness takes over.
Your boyfriend removes his hand from yours, only lifts it up so that his arm can rest at the backrest of the chair while he starts to stroke your head lovingly. The corners of his lips tilts up to form a smile, he feels as if fireworks were going off of his whole body, for he was so in love with you. How can a person love someone this much? 
He mutters the next sentence underneath his breath, thus only he and his pounding heart can hear; “That’s my girl.”
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The End.
Thank you so much for all of the amazing support for Crybaby! I never expected so much love and anticipation in the first place. I wrote Crybaby without any serious plot with a ‘tragedy/problem’ in mind, for it was only supposed to be a oneshot haha! Crybaby was mainly about the fact that Jungkook has dacryphilia and that’s it. But thanks to the support I’ve gotten, I made a part two and three! It’s sorta sad to end this series because I know a lot of people (including me) love this couple soo much! But they’ll make an appearance in short drabbles or even kinky hours. I’m sorry for the sudden ending, but this will not be the end for them!
Please tell me what you think by commenting or sending an ask, I really love to read your reactions!
Please stay safe, especially in these times. Remember that you are loved, and please be happy. I love you!
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bumpscosity · 2 years ago
I think furby connects rely WAY too much on the “current” fads (late 2010s shit) and burp fart humor. If I were able to reprogram these guys and make them their own app I’d go in the OPPOSITE direction.
Kids need something that ISNT like online spaces now, I’ve been playing club penguin again recently via a remake and kids need silly games and mind challenging puzzles like this now (don’t laugh at the mind challenging part Thin Ice in the Arcade is impossibly hard).
I would take this in a COMPLETELY different direction essentially making an app FULL of mini-games, if you really need those in-app purchases maybe you have to pay to unlock some of them.
I think there’s some great potential in making TONS of different games. I came up with 3 basic types off the top of my head:
Branded - basically reskins of popular games. Like maybe there’s something like the disney tsum tsum mobile game where you have to match furbies of the same color, maybe a game like those classic Sunstorm games where you have to make food but it’s all weird furby food and then you get to feed it to your furby :O
Competitive - this is an idea I got from Anki’s Vector and Cosmo. The basic concept is you’re playing these games AGAINST your furby, something like tick tack toe or connect 4, the ai gets more challenging as you go.
Cooperative - the best way I can think to explain this is something like bop it, except your FURBY is the bop it, maybe when you get to harder levels it goes from basic commands like “press tongue” to more vague ones like “feed me” and then even goes into furbish. Really can’t think of anything else for this category i just think furby bop it is fun.
I feel like there’s SO many games that would be fun if they were furby branded. Maybe there could be a card collecting game ala card-jitsu with a bunch of weird furby scenarios on them. Maybe you can make an account and play multiplayer and there’s scoreboards and stuff :O
I think minigames like this would bring in people of all ages, something relaxing to do with your little furball after a long day sounds like something anyone could enjoy.
I LOVE the idea of personality variations but 2012s and booms did it so poorly. We need more than archetypes. What if there was something similar tomodachi life where there were sliders for different parts of them, so you could have a loud obnoxious furby if you wanted, or you could have a softspoken one it’s all up to you. If no sliders than have it set via hard resets like voices in 98s (also being able to choose their voices and not have them hard coded to their personality type would be so so cool) because accidentally pulling your booms tail too much and ending up with a loud annoying furby is I’m sure a quite unpleasant experience.
Overall my direction would be to make something that isn’t so loud and flashy, we don’t need more loud yell-y toys in the world. We need to go back to the source, 98s said simple phrases, had a couple minigames, and sung and they’ve stayed popular to this day because of it.
In order for a new furby to succeed it needs to be DIFFERENT from everything else out these days, and making something in your face that says terms that will be outdated in a year and a half is what EVRRYONE else is doing, and especially was doing when connects came out.
And for the love of GOD it’s 2022 give them volume controls and an on/off switch why is it so hard for them to give furbies features every other electronic has
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