#also i highly rec all three of these !!
perelka-l · 1 year
okay okay okay now im thinking of a few things-
one is have you ever seen how like mob/gang meetings and fights sometimes happen in those bathhouses cos you gotta be completely naked, more difficult to conceal things like weapons etc. Thinking about Archer having the greatest honour of accompanying Giovanni to one of these. Like Wow hes so Important he gets to Escort Boss. But also!!!! he gets to look at 100% naked Giovanni. Which i guess is not new... but its not the same as seeing GIovanni stepping out of the shower to get dressed. This is sitting with the boss for A While. Buck Naked. Not to mention ARCHER is also naked like. i'm not sure how he will deal with Gio seeing him naked. Also i feel like getting into a fight with some rival group whilst buck naked with your boss is some kind of great bonding activity
THE OTHER THING THO about Archer seeing anyone else in Giovanni's bedroom- You can see his gaze harden as he throws a glare at the 'intruder'. But he would not say anything about it. He doesnt show hes upset (Gio can see him stiffen tho heheh he thinks its pretty amusing probably). Is he jealous? He tells himself he isnt. His boss can do whatever he wants obviously. But there is an anger towards the intruder for daring to encroach on his territory (and then he proceeds to have inappropriate dreams after seeing that lmao)
Tbh I didn't but I can imagine that for sure :Dc I feel like nudity between them indeed isn't much (I assume both sew each other in some terrible state at least once anyway) and also Archer is pretty professional about whole ordeal. Sights are a bonus. I think he aknowledges pretty well that he is second in command (and would like to stay here, thank you very much) so that wouldn't be that much of a surprise to accompany Giovanni or receive particular tasks. It's more like a normal part of job with bonus that isn't a paycheck but more of Giovanni's presence uwu)b
I was wondering today about Archer and whip which I find always interesting for TR. I like to think he started from the bottom so he should be efficient in using one as well. Improvised one in bathhouse, maybe? Since alas his Houndoom wouldn't be as useful as he could be in a bathhouse ;w;)a
I was pondering about Archer, Giovanni and Nanu recently bc... Well, Gio and Nanu is a Thing, but what I find impossibly amusing is that Nanu and Archer are basically opposites in every way you can possibly imagine. Tired old cat cop vs young and motivated dog mafia second in command. Whatever spectrum they are on, they are opposite, and I love it and I like to think Archer has a special sore spot towards that guy, you can even throw in potential bitterness over Nanu knowing so much more than Archer. So Archer stumbling on that guy in Giovanni's room would be very unwelcome for him (and an interesting way to test Archer for Giovanni. He can almost see the way his leash loses some slack).
Maybe he wouldn't mind other executives that much. Like *points at Ariana and Silver* tho Archer would probs offer his own help in some regards if he could.
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uhzuku · 2 years
hmmm sorry for the random questions they were just the first thing that came into my head:
do you read many actual books (not 'actual' in a snide way just like idk how else to word it 😭) and if you do what genres do u like and what's a book that comes to mind when you think of a book you enjoyed reading?
Sorry for the lengthy questions, short answers are fine bcos i don't want to interrupt your writing 😭
Have a great day ^^
i haven’t read published books in so long unfortunately 😭😭 but i will say that i really enjoy horror and crime novels as well as historical fiction/nonfiction!! crime and punishment ( ive mentioned it before ) is good, and the auschwitz escape and the nightingale are two of my favorites !! the jack reacher series is also very very good, and my sister’s keeper is amazing.
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joostsblog · 4 months
i loved to be desired sm omg. Could i request a joost x reader where reader is partying with joost and friends. they meet ski aggu and are chilling and they tell ski that they are super into joost but joost isnt into them and they are sad about it. The ski aggu makes it his mission to make joost jealous to get them together and there is a lil angst but reader and joost end up together and making out.
loved writing this request!! i love shy!joost in this, hope you enjoy!!❣️❣️
is this as good as it gets? ~ joost klein one shot
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x female!reader (also Ski Aggu x reader if you squint ig)
Description: When you almost lose all your hope getting with Joost, Aggu proposes an interesting idea to get the two of you together.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: title and also vibe inspired by as good as it gets by fizz so i highly rec giving that song a listen! again, you can still send in requests 💌
Warnings: consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, not proofread
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You should write Mel a thank you note, really. For one because she always lets you crash at her place whenever you visit Berlin (which happens to be very frequently, actually) but also for tagging along to her party nights with her Berlin friends which also include the famous German rapper Ski Aggu and his dutch friend Joost who you couldn't seem to keep your eyes from. Ever since you first met last time you were in Berlin (which was only three weeks ago) you were crushing on the man - hard. And suddenly you were pretending you knew more about music than you actually did just so you could try to hold a conversation with Joost. And you stepped out one time too many to smoke a cigarette with him when you usually smoked maybe two cigarettes within one year. And overthinking whatever you should wear to go out with Mel and all her friends without even knowing if Joost was gonna be there that evening as well.
And when you decided to visit Mel again just three weeks after having been the last time ("Already?"), maybe Joost was a deciding factor as well. You didn't even know if he was gonna be in Berlin around the same time as well but you were in luck when you and Mel walked into the bar and you could see Joost's figure sitting beside Aggu. You tried to play it cool as you greeted everyone and finally got to Joost.
"So nice to see you again," you said earnestly as you both hugged.
"Likewise," Joost said and gently rubbed your back. You hoped that he wasn't just being polite and actually remembered you.
You were also in luck when there was a free spot beside Joost which you could take as you tried to casually open a conversation with him, talking about whatever the two of you had been up to in the last few weeks. You talked about his hometown, your hometown, why you were visiting Berlin so often and how you were thinking of moving here. You could tell that Joost was taking interest in the conversation and by extension you, but it wasn't enough for you. You knew that you wanted Joost in other ways and you wondered how and if you could persuade him of you.
"I'm getting a new drink," you announced. "Does anybody want anything?" you asked and hoped Joost would say something or offer to come with you to the bar.
"Actually, I'll go with you," Ski Aggu offered instead.
"Alright," you smiled and you two headed off to the bar.
The bar was incredibly crowded and you could already tell that you would have to wait a while until the bartender would get around to take your orders. You leaned against the counter.
"So, does Joost visit here often?" you asked and immediately regretted it as it came out way too obsessively as you had intended to. Aggu laughed.
"Why do you want to know?" he asked amused.
"I don't know, just because I don't live here as well," you tried to casually explain.
"Yeah, well, he's working on new music currently, so he comes here a lot," Aggu said and paused as he seemed to contemplate for a moment. "Joost is cute, right?" he tested you. Blood rushed to your head.
"I suppose," you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Nah, come on, he's very cute, we can agree on that," Aggu pushed jokingly.
"I imagine most girls would agree," you said.
"Maybe, but I'm talking about you," Aggu said and poked your shoulder as he said the last word. "Do you think he's cute?" he asked again. "Or sexy or dreamy or whatever?"
"Yeah, I think Joost is very cute," you blushed. "Is it obvious?" you asked.
"Well, I think Mel mentioned how you're not a smoker when we first met and suddenly Joost is here and all of a sudden you're out with him for a smoke every hour or so," he teased and you hid your face behind your hands in embarrassment.
"Oh god," you groaned.
"Nah, come on, it doesn't matter," Aggu said. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," he insisted and removed your hands from in front of your face.
"Yeah, but Joost definitely doesn't like me," you explained with a saddened expression on your face. Aggu raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know that?" he inquired.
"I don't know, I just feel like he's deliberately treating me like a friend, you know, in a very platonic way only," you tried to explain. "Like he's very persistent about me just being a friend - if that," you said. Aggu looked sceptical.
"Listen, I don't know if Joost likes you back but I do know that he's a little awkward about flirting and expressing his feelings and whatever," he said. "He might need a little help to push him along," Aggu said with a knowing smile. You looked at him with a confused expression on your face. "You can say no to this if you want, but I have an idea for us," Aggu said and you nodded, indicating for him to keep going. "What if we both do a little thing to make Joost jealous?" Aggu proposed and your heart started racing.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Let's just try for tonight to spend a lot of time together, laughing a lot, sitting very close to each other, touching, flirting and just rubbing it in Joost's face that you're having a great time with me?" Aggu explained. "In fact, I saw Joost looking over at us standing here a few times already," Aggu pointed out and you looked over to the table where all your friends were sitting and as your gaze crossed Joost's eyes he immediately averted the gaze and looked in another direction. "We've got nothing to lose, either way the outcome, we'll just have a fun evening together," Aggu concluded.
You contemplated Aggu's idea for a second before you decided that he was right - you had nothing to lose. Aggu obviously was a nice and handsome guy so you wouldn't mind having a fun evening with him as well.
"Alright, it's a deal," you said with a smile and extended your hand before Aggu took it for a handshake.
"Alright, let's start with me buying you a drink," Aggu grinned and moved to stand closer to you. You casually rested your hand on Aggus bicep as you kept talking until the bartender finally took both of your orders.
"Is this okay?" Aggu asked as his arm wrapped around your waist to hold you.
"Yes," you said and you wondered whether Joost could see you right now, what he would feel at the sight of you two being so close to one another. "Thanks for the drink," you said and cheered your cup to Aggu's after you got your drinks.
"Scoot over," Aggu directed Joost as you got back to your table. You could read a confused expression on Joost's face for just a second before he darted his eyes back and forth between you and Aggu quickly. As Joost moved over from his spot Aggu could now sit beside him and you could take your seat beside Aggu.
As you were talking with Aggu you made an effort to seem careless and laugh at every joke he made, softly grazing his arm if the chance occurred or bite your lips as you watched his face. It took everything in you to look to the left of Aggu to check on Joost. You were so desperate to see whether he was fazed by your spiel. But you knew you needed to ignore him for the time being. Aggu took the biggest leap so far when he casually wrapped his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him as you giggled.
"Alright, I'm going for a smoke," Joost announced almost immediately after. Aggu's arm dropped from your shoulder as you both had to move over to let Joost out of the booth. After Joost got out he stood there for a moment looking down at you with a blank expression. Did he wait for you to join him for a cigarette as you always had in the past? Surely not, you thought before Joost turned around to get outside alone.
Joost leaned against the wall outside as his cigarette was slowly nearing its end. Usually, you would be leaning against the wall beside him as well and he would intently listen to whatever story you were telling him, always grateful that you were so good at making conversation. If it weren't for that fact you might as well would have never talked to each other. And although Joost tended to be a little quieter around you, he was hanging onto every word you said. The truth is, Joost was a little shy around you because you mattered to him. Because he liked you, he was way too afraid to mess something up. So he stood back instead.
But now he was cursing himself for doing so. Because apparently now you had enough of him and instead you were attached at the hip with Aggu. And the situation was made worse by the fact that Aggu was Joost's friend. He was annoyed at Aggu for snatching you away from him but he knew he shouldn't feel angry and instead be happy for his friend.
Joost flicked his cigarette to the ground and stumped it out before he decided to get back inside. As he looked over to the table where you and your friends sat he caught your gaze. You were sitting on Aggu's lap, your arm wrapped around his shoulders. Joost stood still, the sight really making him not want to sit back down beside you. Aggu leaned into you and whispered something into your ear as you were still looking over at Joost who couldn't hide the sad expression on his face.
Joost felt uncomfortable and looked down at his phone before he decided to step out again instead of sitting back down at the table. Time for another cigarette or just maybe go back home already. As Joost lit the cigarette in his hand, the door to the bar opened again and you stepped out into the cold.
"Hey," you said softly.
"Hey," Joost replied with a nod. "Want one?" he asked and held out his hand with his pack of cigarettes. Your arms were crossed in front of your body because of the temperature. You looked down at his offer before you declined.
"You know I usually don't smoke," you admitted.
"Really?" Joost asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "That's news to me," Joost said although it really shouldn't come as a surprise to him as he noticed that you never carried your own pack of cigarettes.  
"I know," you laughed. "Are you having a good evening?" you asked.
"Not really," Joost admitted honestly.
"How come?" you asked and Joost didn't answer. Instead, he just shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. You could feel an aura of sadness radiating from him and you suddenly felt really bad for the spiel you and Aggu had been doing tonight. Although you still didn't know how Joost felt about you, you wondered if you had somehow contributed to his bad mood tonight.
"How long are you staying in Berlin for?" Joost asked after he released a puff of smoke.
"Another two days," you said. "You?" you asked in return.
"'M leaving next week," Joost said. "You should come back soon," Joost tried nonchalantly, giving you a sign that he cared about you in some way.
"You think?" you said with a smile.
"Yeah, you're fun to have around," Joost said.
"Well, I'm sorry if I haven't been around you tonight a lot," you said earnestly.
"It's fine," Joost said. If he had the confidence of Aggu, Joost would only have to take one step forward to engulf you in a kiss. "Can't blame Aggu," he said and immediately realised the implication of his words. He looked up at you again and saw a smirk on your face.
"You know me and Aggu aren't actually-," you tried to explain. "We're just friends," you said and Joost could feel a blush creeping on his face.
"Oh?" Joost said.
"Yeah, I'm interested in someone else actually," you said.
"Oh," Joost stated.
"If only he would notice already," you said and looked Joost deeply in the eyes.
"Maybe he's too shy," Joost offered.
"He doesn't have to be," you said and stepped towards Joost. You reached out for his hand and took the cigarette before you put it to your mouth to take a drag. As you let it fall to the floor Joost slowly and carefully reached out his arm to your hip without actually laying his hand on there. You stepped just a little closer until his hand touched your hip and you were standing so close you had to look up to him. "He could just kiss me," you said and it wasn't long before Joost leaned down, his hand finding the back of your neck, and his lips attached to yours.
You approvingly hummed into the kiss. Joost's lips tasted of beer and smoke but it was a divine taste to you as your lips started moving against each other in sync. You rested your hands on Joost's chest where you could feel his calm breathing. Joost's hands tangled in your hair as your lips parted to taste each other on your tongue. Your head was spinning, heart racing as you finally got what you had been looking for since the night you first met Joost.
As you pulled back from the kiss Joost cupped your face and looked down at you with a sheepish grin on his face.
"We should've done this way sooner," he stated.
"That's what I've been saying!" you laughed before you leaned back in for another kiss.
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 months
I want to thank you for making your list of recommended long batfam fics. I have been making my way through it and I am really enjoying them! ESPECIALLY cards on the table (I also love Dark Matter but I had already read it). Please let us know if you ever get more long batfam fic recs 🥺
okay so ive been waiting to answer this until i had gathered a good chunk of new long fics and ive been getting a lot of similar messages asking for recommendations, so here is another list of my fav long batman fics!
Jason and the Three Terrors by @cdelphiki, 220k, ongoing, T. if i can get you to read one thing, let it be this. ohhh my god where to even begin, this is a fic where jason stays with the league after his dip in the lazarus pit for a little while and winds up being charged with getting damian, his cousin, and his sister out of the league safely. this fic is just so fucking good, cdelphiki always writes such seamless relationship growth and watching jason go from "im dropping these brats off first chance i get" to "im a single mother of three and i need to provide for my kids" is phenomenal. 1000/10, the writing, the kids, the relationships, please do yourself a favor and read this.
A Collision of Masks by Movaz, 169k, completed, T. !! guys. this is such a good dick grayson-centric fic. this is set in an AU where batman never joined the justice league so the justice league knows very little about batman inc. and consequently dick never joins YJ so the YJ team is tasked with checking out a new hero called nightwing in bludhaven and police officer grayson is tasked with helping the team in their investigation :) really good fic exploring dick juggling all his identities and finally gaining people he can rely on! i actually did a bind of it so you know i love this story so much
Life Happens by @cdelphiki, 176k, complete, G. ok so this fic is probably one of the most beautiful stories of growth and love i've read. its about tim and damian being transported from their world into ours where they're only comic book characters and they start to build a life for themselves here. cdelphiki is one of the most amazing authors, im currently going through all of their works, but this one has just stayed with me and i dont think anyone should pass it up. watching tim and damian grow together and seeing damian have a real childhood and just the whole concept of life happening wether you want it to or not is so beautifully done. cannot recommend enough.
Honoring Promises by LananiA3O, completed, 14k, T. okay this isnt actually a long fic, but its one of my favorite fics ever and i need it on this list. if you're like me and you love UTRH aus where instead of sticking around as red hood after bruce threw a batarang at his throat jason fucks off and disappears to live a normal life, this is for you. from dick's pov, he realizes jasons last letter was a last attempt at reaching out and stalks him until he finds out what really happened to his little brother. i think about this every day and wish it was 10000 words long
The Time Before by @cdelphiki, 80k, completed, G. at this point this is basically just a cdelphiki fic rec lmao when i said everything by them was good, i meant that shit. this is a fic where jason is sent back into time when he was 9 years old but still has all his memories from the future. he goes to bruce for help despite wanting to do literally anything else and is surprised to realize maybe everything isn't how he remembers it 10 years in the future and maybe theres a chance he can go home when hes older again. once again cdelphiki hitting me in the feels with this one, really amazing study on how time and pain can change how you perceive and remember things and also just forgiveness and fixing mistakes and accepting mistakes were made. very good, highly recommend
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by Sophene, 80k, completed, batlantern, T. I have no excuse for this, this is such a fun and funny fic i love it so much. basically HOA president single dad bruce with his 10 million adopted kids and then hal jordan moves in next door and plays his music too loud at 10pm on a school night and throws parties and bruce has a stick up his ass about it. i really really love the shift in hal when kyle comes to live with him as his ward (? i cant actually remember if hes adopted or just a ward) and seeing him finally understand why bruce acts the way he does when it comes to his kids. also seeing bruce just being a tired dad 90% of the fic when he isnt glaring at hal is so good.
Option C by CasualGeek, 78k, completed, T. this has, in my opinion, a very unique and interesting premise. basically, what if instead of becoming red hood, jason comes back to gotham and manages to get Joker put on trial for the murder of sheila haywood and get the insanity plea thrown out. really interesting approach to batman and joker and jason technically doing things through the legal justice system and what that means for him and the people around him. very good, read it all in one sitting
butcherbird, fly away home by e_va, 41k, completed, M. lost days jason todd loml! basically what if when jason was off on his world tour one of his tutors kidnapped bruce wayne and jason has feelings about it against his will. "what if lost days jason was stuck in the same room as a sick bruce for more than 10 minutes and actually had to talk to him without punching him" AU and i throughly enjoyed it. @darlingatlas recommended this one and she never misses with the jason recs
this kind of weather by r_astra, 55k, completed, T. this is the fic something in the static was originally inspired by and if you know me, i love that series, and i love this fic too. another what if jasons mom didnt die until later and social services gets involved before he can bolt and bruce seeks him out with some very interesting news. i love fics that display jason’s relationship with crime alley and him being one of them. very good, i love jason so much
ok now these aren't actually long fics but i need to get them out here because i love them so much and highly recommend!
To My Brother by a_silly_gander, 7k, completed, T. Lost days jason au where he starts sending post cards from his travels to dick on a whim while we follow his time away and the people he meets. i love this one so much, please read it if you love jason and dick, its so special to me.
Enhanced Fashion Sense is a Perk of Being a Cat by 12pt_timesnewromanfont, 23k, complete, G. selina breaks into drake manor to steal a cat artifact and accidentally meets the drakes ten year old son they left home alone. then she starts keeping tabs on him and eventually adopts him and makes him stray. i really love selina finding tim before bruce and taking care of him <3 10/10 i wish selina would adopt me
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Even More Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs
I've discovered some amazing new authors since my last post! And writers I've already recced have published more great stories So here's another fic rec post!
Who? You mean your teammate in the Codependency World Cup? (series) by RoseGanymede95
I couldn't chose! They're all great! Basically a series of Edwin and Charles through the years and on cases pre-show. It scratches that adjusting-to-being-dead/newly-escaped-from-Hell itch and the authors writing is magic! It also fleshes out a really interesting conflict in the payneland dynamic: Charles' drive to protect Edwin at all costs clashing with Edwin's guilt over putting Charles at risk/depriving him of some ideal afterlife. Parts one and four also introduces Constantine/Johanna and part three revolves around an absolutely gut-wrenching temporary break-up. 😢
In Hell I'll Be in Good Company by laylabinx
Charles rescuing Edwin from Hell does not go smoothly. Just. Bucketloads of Trauma for both of them. And for you, the Reader. It's so good though!
your fangs in my neck (like an anchor like a vow) by shadowquill17
Vampire Edwin AU! It's great because it combines the (homo)eroticism of vampiric feeding with Charles' whole bisexual crisis and post-confession Edwin worrying about making Charles uncomfortable. Also Charles is some kind of demigod/immortal agent of divine vengeance which is an AMAZING detail and I desperately want to see some fanart!
The same author's ongoing story to the pain is also excellent though very angsty (cw temporary character death). I'm anxiously waiting for an update!
To Memory Now I Can't Recall by engineering_madonna
This is an amnesia fic and the most recent in an established relationship series. The first two installments feature the boys getting together and navigating their new relationship, so pulling the old 'character A forgets their whole romantic relationship with character B' trope hits especially hard! The whole series is lovely, but I am WEAK for temporary-amnesia.
Lemonade & Sunrises by paraph
A Quiet Place AU! The boys are alive, but they're the only ones. Very bleak but in a way that makes me want more!
1999 au (series) by websters_lieb
The boys figure their shit out in the 90s. Also, Edwin gets to read Maurice and queer theory. The cases in both stories are compelling and the author's writing and characterisation of the boys are excellent.
I also recommend offer me that deathless death which is about the boys' first meeting, Charles' funeral and the birth of the agency.
if I could reach the stars (i'd give them all to you) by ObsessedWithFandom
Charles falls first, Edwin falls harder. This is an AU of the author's excellent Charles' bisexual awakening fic, which I also highly recommend. It has lovely OCs and Charles having a sweet little friendship/romance with the boy he saved in canon, which actually makes his death a whole lot more tragic.
Came up from that lake of fire by ghostinthelibrary
Charles and Edwin get caught escaping Hell and promise to capture a demon-eating ghost called The Deathless in exchange for their freedom. With the added twist that they get to be alive again! An exciting case, high stakes and all the alive-again culture shocks and emotional/interpersonal drama you could ask for.
gig officially gigged by laiqualaurelote
Band AU! It shouldn't work but it does. Which might also be an in-universe review for the band tbh. Idk, I loved Edwin's massive obscure musical instruments and Charles being his unpaid roadie. Peak Found Family Feels.
No Rehearsing It, No Reversing It by DontOffendTheBees
Charles overthinks being in love with Edwin, my beloved. This time with increasingly flimsy pretexts for why they NEED to kiss. Just perfect Idiots in Love, no notes.
The Case of David Bowie's Made up Sexuality by williamvapespeare
The agency attempt to help a living lesbian couple deal with a haunting. Meanwhile, Charles struggles through his bisexual (re)awakening. With bonus past (living) Charles no-homo-ing himself to the nth degree. Pure of heart, dumb of ass, indeed.
The lamps are going out by CasiHuman
Vengeful Spirit Edwin AU! Has some interesting ghost lore and Edwin being convinced his touch is painful to Charles (love that trope!). Also features some of the author's adorable/hilarious fanart at the end.
just frame the halves (and call them brothers) by Anonymous
Crystal stumbles upon the ghost of Edwin's older brother, who hires the agency to free him and his platoon from the battleground they've been haunting. Case fic with interesting details about Edwin's family life and an awkward as hell family reunion.
the case of the very long ferry ride by obsceme
Sex pollen but with skin hunger, so it's more touching turned making out and hand jobs in a bathroom. Interesting use of ghost lore and it's cute and well written.
Form 239, Schedule L by sanctuary_for_all
Charles Rowland's Love Language is Acts of Service: The Fic. So many feels! Plus Afterlife worldbuilding and some quality Night Nurse rep.
don't go sharing your devotions (lay all your love on me) by Hephanna
The boys and Crystal accidentally summon an alternate universe version of Charles. He's very... handsy. Charles being jealous of himself is objectively hilarious and it looks like it could be heading towards throuple territory. Possibly even a foursome, if alternate Edwin figures out parallel universe travel. Which he probably will.
Still a Better Lovestory by Vamillepudding
Hanahaki disease! Charles is on the case but Edwin's being weirdly uncooperative about his own curse. I loved the worldbuilding (there's a whole sisterhood of washerwomen!) and the angst, plus the writing is excellent.
The author has also written Eternal Sunshine, in which Edwin is cursed to feel no love of any kind. It makes for an interesting character study, contrasting cursed Edwin, his public reserve and his actual personality.
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welcometothejianghu · 10 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 琅琊榜/Nirvana in Fire.
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Nirvana in Fire is a 2015 historical series best described as either a complicated succession drama set in the premodern Chinese imperial palace, or the story of a man who didn't die a decade ago and has decided to make it everyone else's problem.
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And really, I almost feel silly giving my glib little summary, because Nirvana in Fire is so well-known of a property. It's a classic for a reason, and that reason is that it's legitimately very good. This show is what happens when you adapt a solid story, get a bunch of very talented actors, and throw a huge amount of money at it. It's incredibly popular and highly acclaimed, and it earned all of the hype.
Still, while I bet there are few people adjacent to c-drama stuff who've never heard of Nirvana in Fire, I'm sure there are plenty who haven't watched it. After all, it looks like one of those slow, serious shows with a lot of ponderous talking and no joy. If that's the impression you've been given, I could imagine looking at the 54-episode commitment and saying, I don't need that in my life.
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I am here to tell you you're wrong. It is a banger of a show. It's tense. It's funny. It's heartbreaking. It’s exceptionally clever. It’s jaw-droppingly stupid. It’s romantic. It’s tragic. It has smart plots and bizarre subplots. And that's not even touching the thing with the yeti.
So in case you're one of those people who's heard of Nirvana in Fire, but has put off watching it for one reason or another, I'm here with five reasons I think you should try it.
1. Epic Shit
Did you like the Lord of the Rings? More specifically, did you really like the second Peter Jackson film? Great, then you're all set for this.
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I guess I could have called this Game of Thrones without the dragons, but that's not actually the vibe at all. Game of Thrones is much more sensational and salacious, with all the blood and butts and what-not. The Tolkien comparison is more apt, I think, because Nirvana in Fire is equally about as wholesome as you can get in a property where dudes are still getting stabbed all the time.
This is a show about vengeance. And yeah, justice for the fallen, sure, that's fine too. But mostly it's about a bunch of good people joining forces to make sure the bastards who did wrong pay, with their lives as necesary.
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The problem, though, is that these bastards are incredibly powerful, which means that a pure brute-force approach isn't going to work. Accordingly, this quickly becomes a story about the power of smart teamwork to exact retribution on some people who can (and did!) legally get away with murder -- and our heroes are some of the people with their necks most on the line if anything goes wrong.
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Don't let the Middle Earth comparison fool you into thinking this is all epic swordfights. It's not. (I mean, for one thing, as well-funded as this project is, it doesn't have Peter Jackson Money.) The vast majority of the tension in the show comes from dialogue and slow, terrible realizations. The fight scenes are almost a relief from the nail-biting intensity of intimate conversations about getting a letter from somebody's ex-wife or returning a book.
All told, the show has that incredible almost-RPG vibe of going through all the little subquests and cutscenes you find along the way to defeat the final boss. The plot carefully unravels a multi-tendriled mystery told to you by people in incredible costumes. It doesn't get much more epic than that.
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(Nirvana in Fire is also a cautionary tale about how you should be very careful with who gets invited to your birthday party.)
2. A chronically ill protagonist
Okay, right in the first episode, it is established that the main character has three whole completely different names and an old nickname. I'm going to call him Mei Changsu for the duration of this rec post, but let the record show that I could just have easily gone with one of the other three.
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What you learn in that same first episode is that Mei Changsu used to be a palace insider, the cocky son of a noble family, only now nearly everyone he used to know thinks he's dead. Also, he's not far off from being actually dead -- he has an unspecified terminal condition that's mostly managed, provided he stays in his little mountain hideaway with his handsome doctor bestie and doesn't return to his old stomping ground and start kicking over hornets' nests.
So guess what he's about to do.
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I have to make a note of how brilliant the casting is here: Hu Ge is an action actor! He is a kickpuncher of a man! And I think it's great that you can sort of see his frustration, as well as Mei Changsu's, at having to spend the whole series wrapped in countless layers of fabric and/or lying in bed while everyone around him gets to be the badass action heroes.
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Mei Changsu's not faking it, either -- he's actually dying. He expends his energy where he thinks it's necessary, and sometimes that means he has to spend the following week in bed. He's constantly frustrated with himself for what he can't do anymore. He's racing a clock, and that clock is his own failing body. If he dies, the only hope anyone here has for justice dies with him.
He gets two love interests that the show treats pretty much equally. One's a lady general who wasn't even a love interest in the book. The other's the handsome prince who was initially going to be his textual romantic partner in same book, until the author hopped genres from danmei to general historical drama. I can't even call this a love triangle, because there's no competition. He just gets a wife and a husband -- in that he gets neither, because circumstances and his own illness keep him distant from them. He lies to both of then about his condition (among other things). He wants to be with them both and knows he can't be with either. And they in turn have to learn to accept what of him they can and can't have.
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(Also, Nihuang (her) and Jingyan (him) are both incredibly gorgeous, which is exactly what bisexual genius Mei Changsu deserves.)
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Obviously this isn't a perfect representation of life with chronic illness, largely because Mei Changsu is an incredily wealthy man who lives in a universe with what's basically magic medicine. However, I've seen the story's treatment of him and his condition resonate with a lot of chronically ill viewers, so even with the fantasy layer on it, there's definitely something there.
3. Dave
I have already told the story of how Meng Zhi became "Dave," but long story short, he's such a Dave that I legitimately forget his character's real name. He embodies Daveness. He's The Ultimate Dave.
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Dave is an excellent fighter, a loyal friend -- and a terrible liar. He's possbly the only straightforward character in the entire show. When he's asked to be duplicitous, he's comically bad at it. Dave will never do a heel turn. I was misled at first by his semi-evil facial hair, but I have seen the error of my ways. Dave is pure lawful good.
And the reason I list Dave as such a selling point is that having a Dave means you always know what's going on. This is because Dave never knows what's going on, and he has no ego about that, so he asks questions, and other characters have to explain to him what just happened, and that is how you figure out what's going on.
It's an incredibly smart move on the drama's part, because some of the (very fun) schemes are so complicated that there's no way for you, the viewer, to understand them just by watching. Without the internal monologues and omniscent narration of a book, the machinations are opaque. You need things explained -- but why would the schemers explain their schemes? Well, Dave needs some exposition, so here you go.
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So if you're worried that you might be left feeling stupid by a show where so many sneaky people are hatching so many complex plans, worry not! Like the good man he is, Dave has your back.
4. A Million Amazing Antagonists
If you like bad guys, this is a show for you. This show has brilliant bad guys all the way down. It has bad guys at every turn. It has bad guys for every taste. Welcome to Big Liang's Big Bad Guy Emporium, where we guarantee you'll walk out of here with a bad guy you like, or your money back!
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(And yes, this set of pictures is also to say that their costume budget was entirely well-spent.)
Without getting too far into spoilers, I will say that the basic situation underlying the whole series is this: The emperor has done a lot of bad things, and he has enlisted a bunch of people's help in hiding those bad things, so much so that many of those other people have done even more bad things the emperor didn't even know about -- and then everyone has gone to great lengths to cover those up as well. Our protagonists spend the whole series unraveling this colossal shitshow and bringing people to task for their crimes.
So really, if you're going to spend 54 episodes taking down the baddies, they've got to be baddies you love to see taken down. And these are -- in part because all of them have crystal-clear, rock-solid motivations for their actions. Nobody here is a moustache-twirling comic-book-villain baddie. They're all bad for reasons that are very understandable in their individual contexts. And not a single one of them is going to go down without a fight.
5. World's Best Mom
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(Sidebar: The fact that four out of five of my reasons to watch the show are individual or groups of characters should be your strongest indicator that this is an intensely character-driven story.)
This is not a Dead Mom Show. Okay, some moms are dead, but mostly this is a Moms Are Alive And Often Cause Problems Show, which is a lot of what makes the palace drama so delicious. But there is one Good Mom who stands out above all the rest: Consort Jing.
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Played with perfect grace and devastating politeness by the stunning Liu Mintao, Consort Jing is a skilled doctor and excellent baker who starts the show with a low-level status among the women of the palace. She swallows down all kinds of mistreatment because she's not in a place to oppose it -- and when she can retaliate, it must only be through soft power. She loves her jock son with all her heart, but because of both their relatively poor positions in the hierarchy, she doesn't get to see him all that much. She wants to be an asset to him, while all the time she has to fear becoming a liability.
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She is also the smartest person in any room that she's in, unless she's in a room with Mei Changsu, and even then it may be a tie.
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There are lots of great characters in the show that I could have highlighted here, and plenty of them are women, but Consort Jing in particular never ceases to impress me. She is trapped in a gilded cage, married to a man who [lengthy list of spoilers that are traumatic to her in particular], and held hostage by how every time she even looks like she's out of line, it puts both her and her boy in danger. She's the most vulnerable of any of our good guys. Kind of like Wang Zhi, she's got to be clever or she's dead.
Consort Jing is not part of Mei Changsu's original plan. She figures out his plan and makes herself part of it -- and entirely remotely, as she and he aren't even in the same room until episode 40 or so. She puts herself in great danger to make sure he succeeds, not because it will necessarily do her any good, but because Jingyan needs him. This woman has been captain of the Mei Changsu/Jingyan ship for like twenty years already.
Oh, and did I mention her outfits?
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I love you, Consort Mom.
Are you ready to watch it yet?
Get it on Viki! Get it on YouTube! Get it on YouTube but in a different playlist! (And also maybe get it on Amazon? Not in my region, but maybe in yours.)
I will warn you that it does take off running -- I think I saw someone say it introduces nineteen characters in the first episode? I was worried that I'd be too innundated by situations and flashbacks and names to be able to follow. By the second or third episode, though, I was rolling with it. So if you feel like you're struggling at the beginning, stick with it a bit. See if you don't feel it start to click.
...Man, reading over this post has left me going, oh, but I missed that! and that! and that guy! And yeah, the truth is that there are just so many great things about the show that limiting myself to only five (and being limited to only thirty images) was tough. I'm sure that people reblogging will add their own must-see elements.
Truly, this is a show that deserves its reputation. It may not be for everyone, but if this is the kind of thing that you like, it is a shining example of that thing.
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Besides, you have to love a production where everyone was clearly having just a whole lot of fun being big ol' costumed dorks.
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dontbelasagnax · 5 months
hi, do you happen to have any fic recs? :)
Hello!! Of course I have fic recs!!! Now, I must say I haven't read in two or three months due to depression and brainfog so none of these fics are recent but they are highly recommended by me!!
First off, we have non explicit fics!
The General by @snowywinterevenings
Very cute canonverse fluffy fic in which Cody adopts a tooka. There are cuddles.
the spaces between us by @soap-brain
This is THE codywan cuddling fic. It's the first fic that comes to mind when I want to read about them cuddling. It's canonverse.
seeing the long day through by @biscuityskies
Canonverse late night of flimsiwork. So soul wrenchingly tender. They had their first kiss(es). Stoked my overwhelming love for codywan by showing just how well these two can be done.
cherished in sunlight by @inkformyblood
This fic made me smile so much. It's perfect. Just perfect. Another first kiss fic, this time after the war. Soft, hopeful beginnings.
Another Happy Landing by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
Goddddd this fic!!!! Order 66 happens, codywan lose one another (neither of which is shown in the fic), but this is their reunion!!! Obsessed with Lttrs' take on this.
calls for you tonight, to share this moonlight by @anaclastic-azurite
Modern AU with beekeeper Cody and baker Obi-Wan. Cody is just a gay disaster. He's so sweet. Alcha is the best at writing this dynamic.
Now! For explicit fics!
all your vivid dreams by @meebles
This is a no order 66 necking fic inspired by this artwork of mine. Read it. Have your life changed.
Chasing the Heat of You by @kotekenobii
This is THE fucking for warmth fic. Amen.
Thicker than water by @galateagalvanized
Canonverse vampire Obi-Wan. Cody gets his world rocked. What more could you want? (Also the art is hands down my favorite codywan art ever)
Right on Time by @elwenyere
This fic... God. Bury me with it. It's no order 66 and Cody and Obi-Wan have some spectacular marathon sex. It's fucking amazing.
well. haha. (nuts) by @oathkeeperoxas
Cody with a praise kink. Amen. It's no order 66 domestic sweetness. With hot smut.
Full Moon Blues and the Warmth of Sunlight by @anaclastic-azurite
Werewolf Obi-Wan spends his rut with his loving sun elf boyfriend Cody. Mwah mwah
This is a non-exhaustive list but I hope you enjoy reading these and perhaps acquire a new favorite or two! And of course, if you read, make sure to leave the author a comment ❤️
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Jupiter & Rahu : Ditziness & Weird Girl Humor
This post is inspired by an ask I received a while ago
Jupiter & Rahu girls in comedy cinema/television often play airheaded characters who are a bit ditzy and zany. Another feature is that all these characters are mostly harmless, good natured people. They can be mean/blunt but its because of their ditzy, airheaded nature and not out of malice.
All 3 Jupiter naks belong mostly to air signs (Punarvasu- Gemini, Vishaka-Libra, Purvabhadrapada- Aquarius) and same goes for all 3 Rahu naks (Ardra-Gemini, Swati-Libra, Shatabhisha-Aquarius) in fact all Rahu naks come right before a Jupiter nak. I have always personally believed that Rahu & Jupiter are similar in many ways but obviously different as well. Rahu is limitless expansion. Jupiter is boundless expansion within principles.
But all that aside, Jupiter & Rahu are literally air influenced and I do think its the presence of an excess of Air that makes someone come across as "airheaded".
The etymology of the word "airhead" is that one's head is filled with air and is thus empty. I have talked about Jupiter & even Rahu's limitless nature feeling "empty" for the natives themselves. Out of all the elements, air is the only one that can really said to be boundless, its not measurable or calculable, its just there, unlike water or earth or fire. but air has no physical form and while that is liberating, it also makes one feel empty and untethered and these are all emotional issues that a lot of Jupiter/Rahu people deal with.
But anyyywayys,
Cat Valentine on Victorious played by Ariana Grande is a really good example of an airheaded, zany comic character.
Ari has Ardra Sun & Mercury in Punarvasu (Rahu + Jupiter influence)
I will include Mercury placements because Mercury is literally how we communicate with others??
Phoebe Buffay from Friends is another good example of this type of comedy. She is played by Lisa Kudrow's who has Rahu conjunct Ascendant in Punarvasu
Kelly Kapoor from The Office is the ditzy zany delusional gal played by Mindy Kaling who is Ardra Sun & Moon, with Mercury in Punarvasu
Jackie Burkhart on The 70s Show played by Mila Kunis, Swati Moon is a meaner version of this archetype
Meryl Streep- Ardra Sun often speaks and talks this way. Just watch any of her interviews and you can sense that Rahu/Jupiter airy nature/demeanour/comic sense
Janhvi Kapoor, Purvabhadrapada Sun, Mercury in Shatabhisha is known for her "dumb girl persona" that most people think is fake but tbh I just think she's a little slow due to all that Air influence lol
Gracie Allen, Mercury in Punarvasu conjunct Jupiter is an early example of this type of humour and comedy
Cheryl Tunt on Archer voiced by Judy Greer, Mercury in Punarvasu (Saturn in Punarvasu atmakaraka)
Chrissy Snow from Three's Company played by Suzane Somers, Punarvasu Moon & Mercury in Vishaka is a classic example of a ditz
There are notable male ditzy characters as well
Andy from Parks & Rec played by Chris Pratt, Mercury in Punarvasu & Swati Rising
(there's a 10 video limit per post so I cant attach more vids)
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Joey Tribbiani, played by Matt LeBlanc, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Mercury in Ardra & Punarvasu Rising is a great example of a male ditz
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Harpo Marx- Punarvasu Moon, Mercury in Vishaka he was a silent comedian known for his highly exaggerated physical comedy that was very pantomime/clown-like. This is another aspect of the airhead/ditz, they don't just say dumb things, they do dumb things. Physical comedy is a big part of it.
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London Tipton played by Brenda Song, Mercury conjunct Rahu in Purvabhadrapada
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Christina Applegate, Shatabhisha Moon played a very ditzy character on Married With Children
These are all the examples off the top of my head. I feel like many Disney princesses will also fit this bill lol
lmk if you have other examples
hope this was interesting xx
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astrobei · 7 months
hi i love your fics and I was wondering if you had any byler fic recs
hello there! in all honesty, i have not had the time to read a lot of byler fic as of late, but it’s been a while since i posted some recs so i’ll drop a few that i’ve enjoyed recently! as always, i do endorse every fic in my bookmarks to the highest possible degree, so always feel free to look through those for new reading as well <3
say it with your hands by pseudologia (@hellfiremike) — will is a new employee at the movie theater mike works at, and mike starts thirsting over will’s hands to a degree that’s downright detrimental to his employment status
GOD. this fic. i gushed in their dms immediately after finishing it because this might be my favorite modern will characterization of all time, and this is coming from someone who has a million and one takes on modern era will byers. this fic just checked all of my boxes — from the summertime romance to mike’s painfully in-character teenage angsting to will being a frequenter of star wars reddit threads and an enjoyer of sufjan stevens. and the TENSION. oh god the tension. i’ve read all their fics probably three times over each, and i also highly recommend like i am home again, a college au set during a halloween party which made me stare at my phone refreshing ao3 hourly until it updated, and can this be a real thing (can it?) wherein mike and will reunite in a gay bar. enough said
landslide by chamb3rs — the party’s senior year of high school
i don’t often reach for chaptered fics since i usually have such limited reading time, but i’m sooo so so happy i stumbled across this one. there have just been very few fics that have touched me like this one did. i blew through this in one sitting a few weekends ago and subsequently experienced the full range of human emotions (and then some) all in the span of a few hours. everything about this was perfect — the will pov, the weird liminality of transitional periods, the party and byhop family dynamics, down to my favorite portrayal of theeeee jennifer hayes in any fic ever. on top of all of that, this fic perfectly captures the heartbreaking euphoria of being in love with your best friend, and all the ups and downs that come with it. i crawled out of the ao3 tab covered in blood and my chest was hurting and i was shaking and i had damn near chewed my own arm off — and then i sent the link to my friend 10 minutes later and watched her experience the same exact thing like a train wreck in slow-mo HAHAHA
what a time to be alive by passerine_in_jade (@newlesbianprideflag) — will disappears and haunts mike from the upside down
i’m forever a total sucker for a good haunting metaphor, so it’s absolutely not a surprise that this fic is appearing on this list. the premise for this was so so so cool and interesting, and it’s another chaptered fic i’m glad i had a little extra time to read. the way the author had me rooting for mike and will the whole time even though half of the pairing was offscreen for a large majority of the fic is a highly commendable feat. mike’s unyielding loyalty to will and will’s constant faith in him felt so true to their canon selves, and there were so many moments that were so quiet and intimate and tender that i really felt like i was intruding on something. good good stuff
that’s what you get for falling in love by harriet_vane — will gets his first boyfriend in college, and mike, ever the ally, has very normal feelings about it
i want to preface this by saying that this fic is rated m, mostly just for mentions/allusions to sex, and one largely non-explicit portion of a scene in the last chapter. if that’s not your cup of tea, it’s easy to tell when it’s coming up and to skip past it without detracting from the plot, but i think it would be a greater detriment to not rec this fic at all, because it has quickly made the list of my favorite byler fics of all time. something about this take on jealous mike especially resonated with me — his inner monologue is simultaneously hilarious and depressing, and his obliviousness regarding his feelings for will feels so true to life without being overdone or cartoonish. you can tell just how much they really care for each other, and the conflict in this actually made me start crying because it felt so visceral and so fundamentally them. you can tell this author really understands their characters, and the love put into this fic is soooo palpable. it’s the kind of fic where you want to bonk their heads together to knock some sense into them, but you are helpless to do anything but hold on as you’re swung along for the ride.
finally, i try not to just rec fics written by my friends, but my recent reading list would be incomplete without these two wonderful additions:
the way you love me by strangeswift (@strangeswift) — byler exes (absolutely heartwrenching edition)
i’ve been hearing abby talk about her ideas for this fic for the better part of a year as she worked on it, and she actually edited and posted the first two chapters while i was visiting her! and by god is this world a better place with her byler exes concept in it, because if you want angst, you’ll never have to look further than her ao3 page. something about the way she writes will in this fic just makes my heart shrivel up and die in my chest — his quiet resignation, the bitterness (always love a good bitter will byers moment) and the Longing that never quite went away. mike’s characterization is also top notch, and you can really feel the chemistry between them during every interaction. at the time of me posting this list, chapter 4 is not yet up, but trust me when i tell you guys it’s going to soooooo be worth it. :-)
the end is here by bookinit (@bookinit02) — a speculative byler-centric season 5
if you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that haven’s canon rewrite series is hands-down my favorite series across any pairing and fandom. her creativity with her season 5 concepts never fails to astound me — from the scripts she’s been working on as an alternative to the episodes she rewrote for s1-4, to her ideas for possible plot lines, and just incredible writing all around. i’ve had the privilege of reading through her scripts before she posts them to her blog (definitely go check them out) but special privilege bias aside, it takes soooo much skill to create such a visually powerful story in a medium that allows for such little narration, and the corresponding chapters just totally pushes it over the edge. pre-s5 required reading for every byler, and 100000% my new canon if the show doesn’t pan out
this definitely is not an exhaustive list because i have a million and one fics on my to-read, and one day i will get around to reading them all, but i hope there is something on this list that strikes your fancy!!
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inklore · 1 year
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since the spooky season is fast approaching, and as a little kinktober appetizer, @psychedelic-ink and i have decided to do a little writing challenge to get us all excited and in the mood to be gripping the sheets from the spooky thrills of course.
and to keep this fun we have given you many many options! we have compiled a twelve day prompts list you can go by, or if that's not your thing we have listed twenty three different pick and choose options to create whatever kind of fic you want, even if you want to do half the days daily prompts but switch out this prompt dialogue for that au or trope or kink, you can literally do whatever your heart desires!
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the challenge will go on from the 19th - 30th of this month. you can do as many or as little amount of days as you choose.
any fandoms are welcome, literally any characters, ships, but please no rpf.
no minors should be interacting with let alone posting for this challenge.
dark content, light content, dubcon/noncon, is all welcomed but please tag everything accordingly. grooming, underage, and incest however are not allowed.
there are no word limits but please use that readmore.
tag #hauntedhoedown so we can read and reblog your work!
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DAY ONE: taboo au + "i'll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into."
DAY TWO: murder plot au (lets kill this person together) + "crawl to me"
DAY THREE: inspired by your favorite lana del rey song (if not a lana fan then any fav song of yours) + stalker / yandere au or love triangle gone wrong
DAY FOUR: artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing."
DAY FIVE: gothic au + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.” + a masquerade au or a good ol' priest au
DAY SIX: animal shapeshifter au + "he's a monster" + "he's perfect"
DAY SEVEN: stranded au or slasher / summer camp au + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
DAY EIGHT: cosmic horror au + "you're a fucking nightmare. kiss me."
DAY NINE: “do you like it when i bleed for you?” + the toxic exes trope or cult au
DAY TEN: zombie apocalypse au + "every moment might be our last, let's make the most of it."
DAY ELEVEN: black swan au or inspired by your fav psychological thriller + “they die for love, you kill for it.”
DAY TWELVE: vampire court au + "forever isn't long enough for me to forgive you."
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if following the above isn't your thing and you want to pick and choose yourself that's great! we also highly rec this random generator if you wanna live life by the edge, each category has 23 options to pick and choose from so customize the generator accordingly!
steampunk / cyber punk
fairytale retelling
mythology / monster
virtual reality
taboo (see great options here)
game gone wrong
addams family
bonnie and clyde
spy / secret agent
circus / carnival
hitch hiking
basement wife
time travel
urban legend(s)
american horror story inspired
vampire / supernatural
pirate / mermaid
"do you like when i touch you like this? i can keep going if you want me to."
"i can see how badly you want this, so i'm going to make sure you get it." 
“this fear you feel? it won't last.”
“you are mine, whether you agree or not.”
“why do you keep following me?”
"i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together."
"you're not actually scared are you? of me?"
"i'm so close, can you feel it?"
"tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it, no matter the cost."
"you're like a sickness, a disease, and the only way for me to be cured of you is to let you completely consume me until my body has no fight left."
"i want to see you bleed."
"they're dead...because of you."
“i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you.”
“everything i've done.. every horrible atrocity, it's been for you.”
"it's just a little blood."
“don't you know how sick with love i am for you?”
“i would burn the world for you.”
"this is so fucked up." "you like it."
"finders keepers."
"what's your favorite scary movie?"
"tell me you want me back. tell me i'm forgiven."
"you're a monster." "that's never stopped you before."
"i've killed for you, who else can say that?"
mob / mafia
dubcon / noncon
soulmate / fated mates
mind control / telepathy
final girl
once is not enough
haunted manor
dark academia
enemies to lovers
haunted object
vengeful ghost
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
unrequited love
creation / creator vs monster
'i'll find you in every universe / century'
reverse harem
cursed / fuck or die
curiosity killed the cat
theatre phantom
fate worse than death
corruption / authoritarian
breath play
knife play / blood play
jealousy / sharing / possessive
hunter / prey
humiliation / degradation
mirror sex
deprivation / immobilized / bondage
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
body worship
shotgunning / swallowing / facial
torture / surrender
hate sex / make up sex / phone sex
magical healing [redacted]
soft!dom / pleasure!dom
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
1970s porno filming (turned into a blood bath)
touch her and die except who the hell are you and why are you obsessed with me?
a trip to the circus (or carnival) ends with you stuck there...forever
you just inherited this creepy mansion where people where murdered what could go wrong?
a ritual gone wrong and now i'm bound to a demon
if 'this person' ever found out about this they would kill both of us (literally)
oh no i'm dating the town serial killer
passionate professor tells me to prove my devotion to the craft / class by doing something insane
we're the last people on the planet and you will be mine
daydreaming about being with you is better than actually being with you because i missed all the red flags and now it's too late
i got casted out of my world and ended up wounded and bloodied in your backyard, convince me why i shouldn't destroy your world out of anger
vampire has a taste for specific blood and looks like you have it
the creepy neighbor is too hot to be insane, right?
i keep seeing them in my dreams and i wake up with bruises and marks on my skin, it's definitely just wild dreams, right?
loving you is easier than hating you
got stranded in some little town that seems so cute, until night hits
'this person' ordered me to kill you but i actually think i'm in love with you
my lover is wearing the same costume as you and i can't tell the difference but i'm pretty sure it's them i'm fucking in this closet...pretty sure
confessing to a murder via a silly little ghost story around a campfire (but someone reads through the lies)
how far would you go for love? for the one you love?
in a past life you were the cause of my death so i'm here to exact revenge now that i've found you
we're at a fun little horror movie reenactment except people are really dying
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we tried to make this writing challenge as fun and very 'choose your own adventure-like' as much as possible because we know how hard it is to stay motivated when doing these things.
so please feel free to use any and all of the prompts, tropes, kinks, etc as you wish. we're just super excited to see what ya'll come up with!!
so good luck and stay slutty spooky <3
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{11} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Smut
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Wooyoung)
Words: 20,320
Warnings: Overstimulation, Face Sitting - Oral (fem. rec.), Wooyoung has a long tongue (think venom), OC gets a Lap Dance/Striptease, Dragon Dick (briefly), Switch Tendencies (from both of them), Massive Dirty Talk, Mirror Sex (technically speaking), Wall Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Praise, Wings (Does this count as Monster Fucking? I'm counting it as Monster Fucking), so much EMOTION, Mental Illness. PTSD: mentions of past trauma and allusions to past violence, anxiety, depression. I think that's everything This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I do really hope you all enjoy this, as it turned out WAY longer than I ever anticipated. I do highly recommend listening to the songs mentioned in this chapter when they appear to get the full effect. Yeah... so... Wooyoung Stans, come get y'all juice, this man is one kinky mf... Also, he's a demon, so he CAN lift you, shush. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten
You don’t know how long you remain in the music room for, but by the time the sun is in the opposite corner of the sky, you can feel your stomach churning with hunger. You wager it’s now about mid-afternoon, Kuroo having left some time ago as you had continued to play different melodies on the piano. 
Yeosang had stayed with you for a little while, simply content to listen to you play as he gently stroked a hand over Kuroo’s fur. Of course, he was a little disgruntled when Yunho pulled him away with Mingi to spar with them for the afternoon. He had been quite enjoying this time with you far too much for his own good. 
Listening to you play is a dream come true. All that’s really left to do is play with you.
Now, as you begin to make your way out of the music room, you can feel the effect of not having eaten anything since breakfast this morning. Your hands are a little shaky, and you’re a little lightheaded. Your back is a little stiff from sitting on the piano bench for so long, too, but you haven’t felt this good in weeks. There’s a new lightness to each step you take, and you feel as if you could do anything right now.
Faintly, you can hear music coming from the dance studio as you walk by, and you risk a glance inside. The door remains closed, but the window does not obstruct your view of Wooyoung sitting on the floor. It appears as if he’s currently doing some stretches.
At the way his head darts up, gaze shifting towards the reflection of the door in the mirror, you’re quick to scurry down the hallway.
You feel a small heat rise to your cheeks as you shake your head. Food first, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll finally brave the dance studio. Even so much as standing outside of it with the door open will be enough for you today. Despite how good you’re feeling, you don’t want to push yourself too far.
Reaching the kitchen, you’re quick to make yourself something to eat. A glass of water is placed beside you, refilling the cup once you’re finished. After a quick clean up, you stretch your back out one more time, cracking your neck while you’re at it.
This time, when you step out into the hallway, the music from the dance studio sounds the slightest bit louder. Though, it’s nothing compared to the sound of your racing heart.
Briefly, that horrid day with Miyeon flashes through your mind, and you take a deep breath.
You pause, shuffling from foot to foot with that glass of water held tightly in your hands. You cling onto it as you stare down into the clear liquid, worrying your bottom lip in the process. Then, in a moment of clarity, you steel your nerves, slowly traversing down the hallway once more.
She cannot hurt you anymore.
You discover that the reason the music sounds louder than before is because the door to the studio has now been left opened. It seems as if Wooyoung needed some fresh air.
The water in that glass sways slightly as your hand trembles. It’s barely noticeable, except for the way the level tips back and forth just beneath the rim of the glass.
You swallow your nerves, keeping your gaze so intently focussed on that cup for the moment. That is, until finally, you risk looking up.
Subconsciously, you shuffle forward to get a better glance at the male inside. Your lips part, and your breath catches in your throat as your eyes widen the slightest bit in awe. You don’t even realize you’ve leant yourself against the doorframe, the trembling in your hands stopping as the dancing male before you completely enraptures you for the time being.
He seems to be dancing some sort of contemporary choreography. Each extension of his body, such as the reaching of his arms in the air as if he’s desperately attempting to grasp onto something that keeps slipping through his fingers, is mesmerizing. You cannot even help the slight awe filled gasp that catches in your throat as he leaps through the air, his legs kicking out in succession behind him as his body twists elegantly with every movement.
You don’t recognize the song playing through the speakers, but just from the way he moves, you can tell that it means a lot to him. His eyes are closed as he loses himself to the music, and as the final notes ring out, you swear you see a single tear trail a path down the side of his cheek.
The only sound that now fills the silence of the room is his heavy breathing. His chest heaves as he remains in his final pose, his head tilted towards the floor with his back slightly slouched as he stands there looking almost defeated. His bright red hair, of which you noticed he changed only the other day, is pushed back from his face, a few stray strands framing his forehead as they begin to cling to his skin with sweat.
You take a moment to trail your gaze over him, observing him carefully. He wears a loosely fitted button up, a light blue in colour almost reminiscent of a denim material. The sleeves are rolled up halfway, showcasing his forearms. Light grey sweatpants with black and white stripes running down either side seem to cover his legs, yet his feet remain bare.
Blinking your eyes back into focus, you lift your head.
The first thing you notice is that Wooyoung seems to have shifted his gaze from the floor. Though, that’s not what catches you off guard. No, it’s the fact that he’s already looking directly at you in the reflection of the mirror as if he cannot believe his very eyes.
He turns almost instantly as soon as you meet his stunned stare in the mirror, the movement frantic and rushed. It’s as if he believes that he’s imagining things, and that once he turns to get a proper look at the entrance to the dance studio, you’ll no longer be there.
You can’t be standing there. It’s just another figment of his imagination from all of the times that he’s fantasized about this happening. It just isn’t possible.
The instant he sees that you’re still there, and that his vision is not playing tricks on him, he freezes. You can physically hear the hitch in his breath as his whole body stills, his wide eyes never leaving your figure for even one second.
He blinks. Once. Twice. Then, he’s swallowing thickly, his throat bobbing with the movement.
His lips part as if he wishes to say something, but no words escape him.
Honestly, he’s terrified of saying the wrong thing right now, and scaring you away. This is the first time he’s seen you even acknowledge the dance studio in weeks, and he doesn’t want to ruin this moment for all it’s worth. Even if this is all he gets, he’ll take it, clinging onto this single memory like a lifeline after everything you’ve been through. A memory which he’ll cherish until the day he can truly show you his passions, and reclaim this room for the both of you.
The silence stretches on between you, and you notice the tips of his fingers beginning to shake. Not even a second later, he’s clinging onto the material of his sweats to ground himself. His tongue darts out to wet his lips as he continues to think of something, anything, to say.
Taking a slow, steady breath in to calm your nerves, you beat him too it.
“Want some company?”
You swear you can physically see the tears of relief lining his eyes as his breath catches once more in his throat. 
He swallows thickly, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“I would love nothing more.”
Before you can even so much as take a step forward, he’s in front of you. His hands go to reach out to you before stopping himself, hesitant in each one of his movements. He wants nothing more than to reassure you that he’s here, but he also doesn’t want to push you too far, too fast. This is already more than he could have ever hoped for, and the fact that you’re actually entering the dance studio of your own free will, that you want to be here, means more to him than you’ll ever know.
Cautiously, your eyes dart around the room, shifting from one corner to the next. Everything about the space has been fixed; not a spec remains from the incident about a month and a half ago, but the memories do. Memories which threaten to pull you back into your own head, reliving the horror as if for the first time.
A gentle hand is placed onto the side of your arm, and you jump, the touch having pulled you from your thoughts.
Wooyoung’s expression falls. 
“I’ve got you, Angel.” He attempts a weak smile. “I promise I’ll never let anything hurt you in this space again.”
Finally, you lift your head to fully meet his gaze, offering him a comforting smile of your own. “I believe you.”
The hand he has placed onto the side of your arm squeezes you assuringly.
You take a moment to observe his features, noting the worried furrow of his brow as he watches you carefully. There’s even a small bead of sweat that rolls down the side of his temple, but he seems to not notice.
Your hand tightens subconsciously around the glass in your hand.
“Oh,” you blink, as if realizing something. “Here.”
Extending the glass out to him, you offer him your water.
Wordlessly, he takes the glass from your hand, a small tug of his lips upwards as he thanks you lowly. Not even a second later, he’s taking a small sip.
With both hands free, you gently clasp them in front of yourself, nervously fidgeting with your fingers as you shift from foot to foot. Your gaze flits all around the room, shoulders tense as you stand there before him.
Wooyoung’s worried tone gets cut off almost immediately by you.
“Can I-“ you squeeze your eyes shut, taking a deep breath in to steady your nerves. “I want to watch you dance.”
Wooyoung’s breath hitches for the nth time that day.
“Please, Wooyoung,” You blink your eyes open, meeting his wide eyed gaze. “Won’t you dance for me?”
Wooyoung swears his heart has stopped beating inside of his chest. This is everything that he’s ever wanted, and so much more. The fact that you’re asking him right now to do something that he’s always wanted to do for you is making his head spin, and he nearly drops the glass of water held in his one hand.
“Are you-“ he swallows the sudden dryness in his throat, “Are you sure?”
You smile faintly, nodding your head. “I want to watch My Sunshine light up this room with his passion like he’s always wanted to do for me.”
There is no denying the tremble in Wooyoung’s hands as he pulls you immediately into his embrace. His head buries itself into the side of your neck, careful not to spill any water on you in his quick movements.
You hear him sniffle lightly right by your ear.
“This room has always been intended for us,” you whisper, tightening your own hold around his back. The words you currently speak are just as much for you as they are for him right now. “Not her.”
“She will never be able to hurt you again.” His voice is low, but the promise is clear. “Not if I have anything to do about it.”
You smile faintly, nodding along softly to what he says. “Besides, I’m curious.”
“Oh?” He chuckles, pulling away slightly to look into your eyes.
“Thing for dancers, remember?” You crack a teasing grin, and the way his whole demeanour perks up says it all.
“How could I ever forget?” He wiggles his brows suggestively, an eager tug upwards to the corner of his lips. “I do have one condition before I start, though.”
This time, it’s your turn for your brow to quirk, “Oh?”
“Dance with me.” He breathes, his eyes shining as he stares deeply into your own.
Your lips part slightly, blinking in mild shock, “I’m not much of a dancer…”
Wooyoung parts from you only briefly to place the glass of water off to the side of the room where the stereo resides.
“Don’t worry,” he assures you, setting up a song in the queue before walking back over to you for the moment. He offers you his hand, “Just follow my lead.”
For a moment, you glance between his hand and his face. You can see the slight nervousness lingering in his gaze as he looks at you, the tips of his fingers shaking the faintest bit as he holds them in the air. His shoulders are a little tense, and you can see his eyes practically pleading with you to accept his offer. To accept him.
Taking a deep breath, you do.
Placing your hand in his, you allow him to guide your body into his own. His touch is nothing but gentle as he places his opposite hand onto your waist, your own coming to settle on his shoulder as a familiar melody begins to trickle through the speakers.
Your breath hitches as the opening notes to Elton John’s Your Song begin to fill the room.
“This is-“ your eyes shine as they meet his own, and you notice his crinkling in the corners.
“I know.” He smiles, holding onto you a little bit tighter as he begins to guide you around the room with smooth steps. “I wanted it for us, too.”
Your heart swells with warmth in your chest. The fact that he knows how important this song is to you, it being your parent’s wedding song and all, has a love unlike anything before flooding your veins. This song is for you as much as its meaning is for them. You sung it for them, for him, and now you’re dancing to it, too.
A special memory for what you’re sure is soon to be a very special place.
Each step is fluid, Wooyoung moving you from one spot to the next. All the while, he pulls you close. His touch is nothing short of gentle, grasping your hand in his as if you are the finest piece of glass he has ever had the pleasure of holding. A soft smile tugs at his lips as he notices the way your eyes shine as you meet his gaze. A fond look which he knows is reflected in his own as he stares back at you with nothing but tender love and affection.
Nothing could take this moment away from either of you. The music surrounds you like a warm, comforting blanket after a long, cold day, easing some of the tension from the both of your shoulders as you continue to twirl around the room.
This time, when it reaches the chorus, it’s Wooyoung that pulls you in closer to him. Softly, he rests his head against the side of your own, humming gently. His voice is low as he sings along to the words that float tenderly through the air.
You hold him tighter, tears of joy beginning to sting at the corners of your eyes as this moment settles over you. All that matters to you right now is the way Wooyoung guides you around the room, spinning you lightly in his arms as the two of you dance together for the very first time. A dance of which you know will be the first of many more to come.
“See, you’re doing amazing, Angel.” He hums, the smile he wears lighting up the room.
You nuzzle against him affectionately, allowing your eyelids to flutter closed as the music surrounds you. “It’s because you’re here to guide me.”
A content rumble reverberates in his chest. 
“I am deeply in love with you, My Angel.” He places a lingering kiss against the side of your head. “Forever and always.”
“Wooyoung,” Your eyes shine as you meet his own, nothing but love reflected in your gaze as you place a kiss onto his cheek. “I am in love with you, My Sunshine.”
You can feel his fingers pressing a little bit more firmly into your skin as you say this, his whole demeanour practically glowing as he holds onto you. You just know that if he could, he’d stay in this moment with you forever, and honestly, with how calm he’s making you feel, so would you.
All too soon, the song comes to an end.
“Thank you for dancing with me.” He keeps his voice low, nothing more than a mere whisper in your ear as he hugs you to his chest. One hand cradles the back of your head while the other rests on the small of your back. “This is everything I could have ever asked for.”
You smile, holding onto him just as tightly as he holds onto you. “I’ll dance with you like this whenever you’d like, Sunshine. As long as you’re here to guide me.”
Faintly, you register a tear landing on your shoulder. Tenderly, you stroke a hand down his back.
“I don’t want you to be scared anymore.” He admits, voice rough as he squeezes his eyes shut. “I let her hurt you.“
The worried call of his name from you is cut off by him.
“I let her hurt you in our own home.” His breath catches in his throat. “She-“ he swallows thickly. “She almost killed you in my own space.”
You meet his gaze, ensuring that he cannot look away as you cling onto his shoulders for dear life. 
“It is not your fault.” Your voice is firm as you speak these words, but you can tell that he’s not going to listen to you right now.
“It is.” Another tear slides freely down his cheek as he shakes his head. “It’s all my fault.”
“No, Wooyoung-“
“She knew how much this space meant to me, what it means to me, and she wanted to use it to send a message.” He avoids your gaze, as if the words he admits to are the greatest sin he could ever confess. “I was always the closest to her out of all of us, and she always wanted me to dance for her.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “I could never say ‘no’ to her.”
Understanding washes over you. “You really loved her.”
His chin begins to tremble as he nods. A moment later, he bites his bottom lip.
“I did.” He inhales a shaky breath. “She never did anything without reason, so her choosing the dance studio… it was her way of saying that this was her space before it could ever be yours. She probably thought that it was still her space.”
Your hands come up to cup his face gently, guiding his gaze back to your own. There’s a deeper realization flitting through your mind now, and as you watch him blink open his eyes, you realize that just as with the others, he needs you being here with him as much as you need to be here in this room with him right now.
“But she’s not here now.” Your voice comes out much firmer than you ever thought it would. “Is she?”
He exhales a low breath, hands coming up to settle on top of your own. “No.”
“I am tired of letting her control me.” You swallow, fingers pressing the slightest bit more firmly into his skin. “Of letting her control us. She doesn’t get that satisfaction. Not now. Not ever. This is our home. It will always be our home, and you made this space for us. I think it’s time that we replace her tainted presence in this space with special memories of our own, and I’d say we’ve already started.” You meet his gaze, your own softening as you smile. “Wouldn’t you?”
He squeezes your hands, and you notice his throat bob as he begins to nod. Finally, it seems as if he’s listening to what you have to say.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Softly, he leans forward to rest his forehead against your own. “I won’t let her hurt us in this space again.”
Your eyes fall shut as you hum in agreement, and you can hear your heartbeat ringing in your ears as you exhale lightly.
“Make new memories with me, Sunshine.” You whisper, holding him close. “Dance for me.”
It takes only a moment before he starts nodding softly along with your words. You can feel his heart thundering against his chest as he presses right up against you, your own beating just as erratically as his is.
“I would love nothing more.” His voice is but a tender caress as he leans in to place his lips upon your skin.
For a moment, he lingers, revelling in this moment with you and what it means.
He won’t let her hurt you again. This is your space. A space meant for the two of you, and it always will be.
Blinking his eyes open, he finally pulls away from you. Wooyoung clears his throat lightly, wiping his lingering tears from his face as he straightens in his spot. A gentle smile pulls at his lips.
“I think I know just the dance I wish to show you first.” He says, walking you over to the mirrors.
Catching your reflection, you pause. Your breath hitches slightly, noticing the placement you stand in, seeing yourself resting right in front of the same panel which Miyeon threw you at all those weeks ago. You swear you can hear the way the mirror shatters still echoing through your ears, the cracks appearing in your vision the longer you stare at the panel before you.
Immediately, Wooyoung notices, concern furrowing his brow as you seemingly retreat into your own head.
“Hey, hey,” he gets you to look at him. “Remember, you’re here and she’s not. You’re safe now. Nothing will ever harm you again.”
You take a moment, glancing at your reflection once more. Then, slowly, you begin to nod. Every second that passes with you looking at both your image and his in the mirror solidifies that you’re okay. The panel is no longer broken, and neither are you. You are alive, and she can no longer hurt you. Besides, you are no longer the person you were when all of that happened, nor do you long to be.
You turn your back to the mirror, facing Wooyoung with a newfound softness to your gaze. He’s right, and you just know that nothing that she can do will ever harm you again.
He smiles gently in response, cupping the side of your face in his one palm briefly before moving over to set up the next song. In the blink of an eye, he stands in the centre of the room, rolling his shoulders out as he takes a deep breath to steady his nerves. This will be the first time he’s truly dancing for you, and he wants it to be special. Of course, Wooyoung is prepared to give his all for you, like always. He just hopes you enjoy what he’s about to show you, for there is nothing more intimate than he can offer you than his own soul while dancing.
He takes another deep breath in. 
Finally, he’s ready to perform.
Sparing one final glance over to you, he sees you sitting on the ground, your back against the mirrors. Your knees are bent before you as you look up at him with wide eyes, excitement gleaming within.
He swallows thickly, and the music begins.
Of all the songs you thought Wooyoung would choose to dance for you first, never could you have ever imagined it to be Hozier’s Take Me To Church. The first notes are sombre, and so is his expression as he begins to move, and you cannot help the way your breath hitches in your throat. Your entire body stills as the meaning of him performing a song like this washes over you, and you realize right then and there that his guilt over what happened to you in this very room runs deeper than you’ll ever know.
Your eyes never leave him for even one second, and when the first chorus hits, you can see how he begins to get lost in the music. Each movement is precise, never once faltering in his concentration despite the slight tremble you can see in the tips of his fingers as he extends his arms above his head. His wrists are locked together, as if they are physically bound by a manifestation of his regret over what happened to you before he pulls them back down, moving into the next part of the dance flawlessly.
Wooyoung can feel his heart pounding inside of his chest, the lyrics washing over his very soul as he performs this dance for you. He’s never been one to care about religious imagery before, being a demonic entity and all, but there is no greater sin he feels that he has committed than letting you down. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to forgive himself for what Miyeon did to you, and every day, that guilt eats him alive. With this dance, he can no longer hide his true feelings. Not that he really could, anyways. At least, not from you.
Dancing has been his salvation, but after what happened to you, in this room, no less, he finds that it may never mean the same thing to him again. Though, after what you’ve already said to him today, there’s a small glimmer of hope that he desperately clings to. A glimmer which tells him that everything might actually turn out okay; things are never truly as bad as they seem.
You’ll get through this. Together. One step at a time.
The moment the bridge hits, the first of his tears that he had been desperately attempting to hold back begin to fall. Wooyoung pours all of his emotions into every movement, resonating deeply with the lyrics being sung right now as he feels your eyes on him as he flows from one step into the next.
His heart squeezes painfully in his chest, and he begins to find it difficult to breathe. How you can even bare to look at him as he confesses to his greatest sins to you is beyond him. Right now, there is nothing artificial between you. No titles. No pretences. Only you and him. Two damaged souls who are finding refuge in the comfort of one another’s presence as he bares himself to the one he loves most.
That’s all he’s ever wanted; all that he could ever ask for.
He swallows thickly, the last line of the bridge echoing throughout the room.
Only then I am human. Only then I am clean.
Wooyoung falls to his knees, the movement synonymous with the first of your own tears that blaze a path down the sides of your cheeks. 
The final chorus of the song rings out around you, and you watch as Wooyoung performs for you with all that he is. The whole time, his eyes remain closed, almost as if he’s too ashamed to so much as meet your gaze now. Still, you don’t need to have his hearing abilities to know that his heart is absolutely racing inside of his chest.
The tips of his fingers have yet to stop trembling.
The silence that echoes throughout the studio is deafening as the final notes of the song dissipate throughout the air. You can hardly keep your hands from shaking as you see Wooyoung practically collapsed into his final pose. His arms are extended towards you, palms facing upwards in complete submission and surrender as he curls in on himself while resting on his knees. Even you can see the way his back shakes from the weight of his sobs, and before you register what you’re doing, you’re beside him, pulling him into your loving arms.
“Oh, Wooyoung-“
“I’m sorry.” His wails have your heart squeezing painfully in your chest as he collapses into your embrace. “I’m so sorry.”
Softly, you shush him, cooing comforting words into his ear as you tenderly rub a hand over his back. You can feel his tears hitting your skin as he buries his face into the side of your neck, latching onto your form as if you may disappear at any moment.
“It’s all my fault.” He chokes on a sob. “It’s all my fault.”
“Shhh, no it’s not.” Gently, you comb the fingers of your hand through his hair. “It has never been, and will never be, your fault.”
He sobs harder.
“She did this to us. Please, never think that I’ve ever blamed you for anything that she did.” You keep your voice low, steady as you hold him close. “I’m sorry I let her taint this room. I’m sorry I let her manipulate me into hurting the people that I love most.”
“You’re a beautiful dancer, Wooyoung.” You pull away to stare deeply into his eyes, cupping his face tenderly in your hands. “I’m sorry it took me so long to be able to acknowledge that.”
His breath hitches slightly, and you take this time to wipe his tears away. Not even a moment later, you’re dabbing gently at his sweat with the sleeve of your shirt.
“My only regret is not asking you to perform for me sooner.” The corners of your lips twitch upwards faintly. “Maybe then she wouldn’t have been able to worm her way into my head like this. Maybe then you wouldn’t be hurting like this. Because of me.”
Lightly, Wooyoung shakes his head. “We could have never known she would do this to us.”
“No,” you agree. “We didn’t.”
You take a moment to spare another glance around the room, taking in all of the new details you missed on your way in. There seems to be a small couch pushed against the one wall that’s been added since the very first house tour you went on all those months ago. Small windows have been added, lining the top of the opposite wall across from you. The wooden floor is now a light brown, the hardwood interconnected seamlessly, and the new panelling against the sides is a cement grey. Though, the closer you look, the more you realize that the walls are just that - cement.
The feeling of Wooyoung brushing his thumb along the skin on the back of your hand draws your attention to him for the moment.
“You okay, Gorgeous?” His inquiry is soft, a hint of worry shining behind his eyes.
At least it appears that he’s calmed down.
“I’ll be okay, Woo.” You assure him. “The longer I spend here with you, the better it gets. You make me feel safe.”
He squeezes your hand, your words meaning more to him than you’ll ever know. “I’m glad.”
Carefully, he helps you back to your feet.
“Will you-“ you shift slightly from foot to foot, as if suddenly nervous to be asking him something. You avert your gaze, a heat blooming on your cheeks. “Will you keep dancing for me?”
“Of course, Angel.” The smile that pulls onto his lips is nothing short of radiant. “Never be shy to ask me to dance for you. It’s one of my absolute favourite things to do. Getting to share this passion of mine with you means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
“I’m glad.” This time, it’s you who hums, shifting to meet his gaze. “I love watching people dance. Even better that it’s you.”
A pleased rumble shakes his chest. “Is it too early to be able to call myself your favourite dancer, then?”
“Hmm,” you pretend to think about it. “I don’t know, Taemin’s got a few years on you.”
The growl that escapes his lips is nothing short of feral as you find yourself suddenly pressed up against the mirrors.
Your breath hitches in your throat.
“I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on all these years, Angel.” His voice is but a low drawl right by your ear. The way you shiver in his arms has a smirk pulling on his lips. “I’ll admit, the last dance might have selfishly been for me, but this one?” He trails his nose along the column of your throat before lightly nipping at the skin with his teeth. “This next one’s all for you.”
Much too soon for your liking, he’s pulled away from you. It only takes him a moment to queue up the next song, returning to the centre of the room as you slide back down the mirror to sit back on the floor. Anticipation claws at your chest, excitement thrumming in your veins as you see him staring at you with hooded eyes.
A second later, you find out why.
The familiar opening notes to Taemin’s Press Your Number begin to play through the speakers, and you audibly gasp. You find that you cannot tear your eyes away from Wooyoung as he begins to dance, that smug smirk pulling at his lips the whole time. The way your fingers dig into the skin of your thighs to ground yourself says it all.
You know he knows how much you love this song, not to mention this dance. Considering that this was the song you used to distract him with all those months ago in order to win that bet, you know he doesn’t particularly like this song. Hell, you’re sure he’s not the biggest fan of Taemin considering your affection towards the artist. Still, the fact that he learned this dance for you, and is now eagerly performing it as you watch him, means the world to you. A fact of which you’re sure he’s well aware of.
Special memories indeed.
Subconsciously, your lips part, tongue coming out to wet them as you watch Wooyoung move his hips so sensually to the beat. It might just be your imagination, but watching him perform this for you is much more intense than watching Taemin dance has ever been. Perhaps it’s the fact that this is for you that makes it all the more intense. Maybe, perhaps, it’s just because it’s him.
You swallow the sudden dryness in your throat.
Every movement he makes is precise, watching your reactions carefully. The way he can see your breathing deepen, lips moving in time with the words as you stare, transfixed by him and him alone sets his heart racing in his chest. He knew learning this dance for you would be well worth it in the end. Just seeing you looking at him like this, with such an awed filled gazed full of nothing but admiration and love makes his head spin. Not to mention how dark your gaze has suddenly become. The fact that he can hear your heart racing in time with his own is simply icing on the cake.
Finally, he has captivated you in the same ways you have always captivated him.
His smirk widens.
Never did Wooyoung believe he could ever enjoy performing this dance so thoroughly, but the fact that it’s for you has a pleasant thrum echoing throughout his veins. He absolutely adores the feeling of your eyes on him, and he has to suppress the pleasant shiver that wants to caress his spine when he takes a deep breath in only to scent the faintest beginnings of that familiar, intoxicating aroma of your arousal.
He did this to you. Heis doing this to you, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
Lowly, he sings along to the final line of the song, staring deeply into your eyes all the while. The way your breath hitches says it all, and despite his heaving chest, Wooyoung cannot keep the pleased growl from escaping him at the way you’re looking at him. There is no mistaking the darkness in your eyes, or the way that you’re almost breathing as heavily as he is right now. 
You cannot tear your gaze away, heart thundering as you slowly push yourself back to your feet as he stands back to his own. Slowly, you close the distance between the two of you, noticing how he eagerly meets you halfway.
Wooyoung watches you through hooded eyes, loving how your hands immediately find purchase on his shoulders as you come to stand before him.
“You learnt this for me?” Your inquiry is a bit breathless, gaze shining with nothing but affection as you search his own.
The corner of his lips quirks upwards as he nods. “I want you thinking of me dancing these songs for you, not him.”
You say nothing, that same look of awe painting your features as your hands slide up his neck to cup his face.
Finally, he allows that shiver to caress his spine.
“I, uh-“ he swallows, your scent suddenly overwhelming him as he attempts to control himself. He clears his throat. “I also just enjoy seeing you happy. Knowing it’s because of me is a dream come true.”
Your heart swells in your chest at his words. “You’ve made me so incredibly happy right now, Wooyoung. This means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
He cannot keep the grin from his lips, eyes crinkling as he giggles. “Does this mean you think I’m a better dancer than Taemin is?”
“Baby steps, Sunshine.” You chuckle.
He pouts, quite dramatically at that.
“Hey, you’ll always have something that he never will.” You hum, teasingly trailing your finger over his chest.
“Oh?” He quirks a brow, almost knowingly. “What’s that?”
You meet his gaze. “Me.”
The growl that escapes him as he pulls you flush against him is nothing short of pleased. His lips trace over the skin of your neck, nose nudging against you affectionately as he holds you close.
“My Angel.” His voice is a mere rumble, his fingers digging into the skin of your back as he holds you close.
“My Sunshine.” You tenderly brush his hair back that’s fallen over his forehead. “My Dancer.”
Another pleased rumble escapes his chest, his lips beginning to trail lightly over your racing pulse.
“There’s another dance I wish to perform for you today, Angel.” He begins lowly, nipping at the shell of your ear. “A dance meant only for you.”
“You can dance for me as long as you want, Sunshine.” You say earnestly, hugging him tightly.
“No, Angel, please don’t misunderstand,” he chuckles. “This is a bit different than all of the others. This would be quite an intimate dance, meant only for the two of us.”
“Intimate?” You repeat the word back to him, a curious quirk to your brow.
“Long have I desired to be able to dance for you, and now that I have, I find that I wish to fully demonstrate every aspect of my performance art for you.” He admits lowly. “Will you let me show you the extent of my desires for you, Angel? May I dance for you?”
The inhale you take is sharp, understanding lighting behind your eyes as you see his own flitting all over your face. It’s as if he’s taking the time to memorize every little detail that your expression has to offer him.
You swallow thickly, beginning to nod your head slowly at first, until you can no longer hide your eagerness. No one has ever offered to perform something so intimate for you, and you find your heartbeat accelerating the more you think about it. Despite knowing he’s wanted to dance for you since the beginning, hell, even before he properly met you, you never thought he’d want to give you a lap dance.
Your stomach twists in excitement.
Wooyoung smirks against your skin, backing you up slightly until you’ve reached the centre of the room. Then, he’s guiding you down onto a chair that’s appeared out of thin air. Luckily, there are no arm rests, but you still cannot prevent the hitch in your breath as your body makes contact with the wood.
“Let me show you exactly what you do to me, Angel.” He nips lightly at your ear, running his hands down your arms comfortingly. A second later, he pulls away. Slowly. “Let me show you how much you mean to me."
“Yes.” The word is breathless as it falls from your lips, your hands clinging to the sides of the chair you sit on for support. “Please.”
His smug expression says it all.
Sending you a cheeky wink, Wooyoung is quick to move over to the stereo once more. His back is to you as he sets up the song, and he can feel your heated gaze practically boring a hole between his shoulder blades the whole time. Turning his head, he meets your eyes, his lips tugging upwards again in the corners. He blows you a kiss.
You wish you could deny the way your heart flutters from that simple action, but the anticipation thrumming through your veins is making you highly susceptible to everything him. Not to mention that you absolutely adore the fact that he wants to perform something like this for you. To say you’re excited to see just what he does would be a severe understatement. The fact that it’s him performing it for you only makes such a moment that much more intense.
“Keep your eyes on me, Angel.” His voice is but a low growl on his lips as you see that familiar darkness swirling within his gaze. “Eyes on me, and hands behind your back.”
You blink, somewhat in a daze, “Uh-“
“Don’t worry, Angel,” he smiles assuringly at you, straightening slightly in his spot. “I won’t make you go the whole song without touching me. I don’t think I could, even if I tried.”
Heat floods your veins at the implications, your throat bobbing as you swallow the sudden dryness that forms. “Okay.”
Slowly, and with meticulous movements, you shift your hands behind your back, clasping them gently behind the chair. Your shoulders are a little stiff, but with each passing moment, you remind yourself that this time, it’s you who controls your actions. No one is forcing your hands down, nor are they bound like before. You can get up and move at any point in time, but you will stay seated here like this for now. For him.
She cannot hurt you anymore. Besides, he’s doing this for you.
He meets your gaze, hands trembling as he attempts to ground himself by the stereo. “Ready?”
“Yes.” Your eager nod which accompanies your one word says it all.
Wooyoung can feel his heart absolutely racing inside of his chest as he hits play on the song. His head is tilted downwards for the moment, no longer facing you as the opening notes of The Weeknd’s Earned It begin totrickle out through the speakers. 
Desperately, Wooyoung attempts to steady his breathing. His eyes darken with every inhale he takes. For too long has he dreamt of performing something like this for you, and now that the moment has finally come, he finds that he can hardly contain his own excitement. The fact that you can’t seem to tear your eyes off of him is the best feeling he’s ever experienced in his life, and he hasn’t even started yet.
The second the beat truly kicks in, he’s turning to you. A moment later, he’s sliding up to the chair you’re sitting on in one fluid movement as he comes to kneel before you. His hands settle gently onto your knees, as his eyes flutter closed, rolling his head once in a circle in time with the music. The instant his eyes flash open to reveal those pitch black pools of darkness you’ve become so used to, your breath hitches in your throat.
“You make it look like it’s magic.” Wooyoung’s voice is nothing short of seductive as he lowly sings along to the song while staring deeply into your eyes. Carefully, he walks his fingers up your thighs before pushing your legs apart. 
Tingles erupt on your skin wherever he touches, your heart racing inside of your chest. Your gaze remains locked on his own, noting every subtle twitch of his lips as he performs for you. A fact which you know he enjoys, for his eyes never stop swirling with that all too familiar darkness you’ve come to love so much from him.
Fluidly, he stands back to his feet, leaning into you as he cups your cheek tenderly in his hand for only a moment. 
“So I love when you call unexpected.” Slowly, he begins to walk around to the back of the chair, his fingers tracing over your shoulder until he rests behind you. “‘Cause I hate when the moment’s expected.”
Your eyes track him the whole time in the mirror, noticing how he never shifts his gaze from you for one second. Similarly, his touch never leaves your skin, both hands resting on either one of your shoulders as he leans over you. 
“So, I’ma care for you, you, you.” His breath caresses the shell of your ear as his fingers trail down your skin. Goosebumps soon erupt over your arms as he slowly, meticulously, drags his fingers back up your sides. “I’ma care for you, you, you, you.”
In the blink of an eye, Wooyoung has swung himself back to the front of the chair. His legs rest on either side of you, straddling you as he cups your face, oh, so tenderly in his hands.
“‘Cause girl, you’re perfect.” A slow grind against your lap in time with the lyrics.
“You’re always worth it.” He stares deeply into your eyes, transfixed by the very way you’re gazing at him with nothing but love and desire. A look he knows is reflected on his own features right now.
“And you deserve it,” He leans into your ear, nipping at your skin as he continues to move over you in time with the music, “The way you work it.”
He pulls back only to rest his forehead on your own, holding you tenderly in the palm of his hands.
“‘Cause girl, you earned it.” The hitch in your breath makes him smirk, feeling his whole body heating as he continues to grind himself into you in time with the beat of the song. “Girl, you earned it.”
The moment the second verse starts, he’s pulled himself away from you. You can feel the ghost of his touch lingering on your skin, swallowing thickly as you watch him begin to undo the buttons on his shirt. He never misses a beat, moving around you like a predator stalking his prey.
A pleasant shiver caresses your spine.
Appearing in front of you once more, you see his shirt fully open, the planes of his chest on full display. The way your breath hitches as he flicks the material off of his shoulders does not go unnoticed by him.
He smirks, loving how he can see you slowly being shaking in need as he allows the material to fall delicately to the ground. The fact that you waste no time trailing your gaze shamelessly over his bare torso has a pleased growl falling from his lips, his already aching cock twitching beneath his sweats.
Briefly, your eyes dart to that necklace you gave him all those long weeks ago.
This time when he sits in your lap, his hands are finding purchase on your shoulders. There’s no mistaking the tent in his pants, feeling his hard cock pressing up against you as he grinds himself meticulously against you in time with the second chorus. Only this time, his voice is more of a rumble as the words fall from his lips, a sharp hiss escaping him as he presses a little firmer down on your thighs as he moves over you.
Desperately, his fingers dig into your skin, holding you close as he commits every expression you give him to memory. The way your lips part, chest heaving alongside his own says it all.
As soon as the bridge hits, he’s swinging his leg over you and standing back to his feet. He shifts behind you, bending his knees slightly as he rolls his hips to the side. A blink, and he’s on the ground before you, knees shifting over the hardwood as he rolls his hips, his body soon following each movement that he makes.
Slowly, Wooyoung brings a hand up to his neck, wrapping his fingers lightly around his throat while staring at you through hooded eyes. Meticulously, he drags that hand down his torso, fingers tracing over that charm that hangs over his skin before sliding lower over his body.
Your eyes follow his every movement, watching as he cups himself over his sweats. A low moan escapes his lips as his eyes flutter shut.
“All for you, Angel.” His breath stutters. “I’m all yours.”
“Wooyoung,” His name is nothing more than a breathless moan on your lips as the final chorus begins to ring out around you.
Carefully, he shifts his hands, hooking his fingers beneath the waistline of his sweats. In one fluid movement, he’s stood back to his feet, all the while ridding himself of those grey sweatpants. A second later, he steps out of them only to straddle your lap. His black briefs leave nothing to the imagination as he presses himself firmly against your thighs, grinding down so sensually in time with the music that continues to surround you both.
“Angel,” he’s panting at this point, eyes falling shut. “Angel, please-“
You lick your lips.
“Please, touch me.”
Your hands are on him without another thought.
The whole time your fingers trace over his skin, wrapping around his torso and pulling him closer into you, you can feel him shaking. His thighs begin to tremble, and he can barely control his breathing as the final lines of the song wash over the both of you.
Bringing your hands up, you move one to tangle in his bright red locks. The other cups his face, bringing his lips to yours in a heated kiss. A kiss which he eagerly reciprocates as he continues to move over you.
You deserve it.
Your hands slide down his shoulders and light a fire upon his skin as he feels your nails trail over the front of his torso.
Girl, you deserve it.
Wrapping your arms around his back, you trail your hands downwards in order to squeeze his ass. The stuttering moan that he lets out against your mouth as you pull him in closer causes you to clench around nothing, swallowing his whimpers as his grinding meticulously slows over you. The desperate way he clings onto you says it all.
This is everything that he’s ever wanted, and so much more. The amount of pure ecstasy flowing through his veins right now, and all because you allowed him the pleasure of performing such an intimacy for you, begins to overwhelm him. With every breath he takes, he can feel his thighs shaking, his abdomen tightening as he attempts to control himself for the time being.
The call of your name is but a mere shaky, breathless warning. One which you understand completely as the final notes of the song fade out around you.
“Go ahead, Wooyoung,” you pull his bottom lip between your teeth, giving his ass another appreciative squeeze. “Come for me. Come performing for Your Queen.”
The words have barely finished escaping your mouth when his eyes are fluttering shut. His brow furrows, and he stills above you, mouth parting as a low, desperate moan tumbles from his lips.
Leaning forwards, he rests his forehead against your own. His breathing comes in jagged pants, whole body tingling as the aftermath of his orgasm washes over him.
Nothing could take this moment away from him. Absolutely nothing. The fact that you wanted him to lose himself in you - for you - makes his head spin, heart swelling in his chest as he revels in your gentle touches.
Softly, you press your lips to his once more.
Whimpers continue to escape him as he feels you gently massaging his ass. The languid way your tongue moves against his own has nothing but pleasure flooding his veins once more, his arms settling around your shoulders as he cradles your head in his one hand.
Almost reluctantly, he parts from you, only to trail his lips down the side of your neck. His teeth come out to graze your skin, nipping at the sensitive flesh and eliciting the sweetest of moans from you. He smiles.
“I love you, My Angel.” Another kiss is placed directly over your pulse. “So much.”
“Wooyoung,” you smile, shifting your arms so that you can wrap him in your embrace. You bury your face into the side of his neck, placing a tender kiss of your own against his skin. “I love you.”
The pleased hum that builds in his chest reverberates against your own, and you feel him pull you impossibly closer.
“May I-“ he takes a deep, stuttering breath, and a moan escapes him at the way he can scent your arousal permeating the air. “May I please you, too?”
“You already have.” You hum, beginning to thread your fingers through his hair.
“As happy as that makes me to hear you say that, My Queen,” he pulls the slightest bit away to stare deeply into your eyes. “I want to make good on my promises, and show you just how well Your King can please His Goddess.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, and the corners of his lips twitch upwards.
“Please,” he nuzzles against you affectionately. “Won’t you let me?”
A second where you can feel your heart skip a beat inside of your chest.
“Yes.” You begin to nod, quite eagerly at that. “Only if I get to please you, too.”
Wooyoung smirks, “You already have.”
Your words of protest die in your throat as you feel him move off of you. With wide eyes, you stare up at him, feeling your heart warm at the tender way he looks down at you still seated in the chair.
Gingerly, he cups your face in his hands. “Tell me what you want, and it’s yours.”
“I just want you.” Your earnest reply sets his heart fluttering inside of his chest.
“Angel,” he coos, eyes shining with the weight of his emotions. He swallows, his throat bobbing with the movement. “That’s not entirely what I meant, but your answer still means the world to me.”
You blink up at him, tilting your head in mild curiosity. “Then, what did you mean, Sunshine?”
“I cannot please you to the best of my abilities if you do not tell me how.” The way he repeats those same words to you that he said all those months ago has your breath hitching in your throat.
Not even a moment later, a devious smirk is pulling at your features.
“Oh?” You tilt your head slightly in his direction, standing back to your feet slowly. “And here I was thinking the self-proclaimed ‘Master of Seduction’ had me all figured out.”
His brow quirks, a low chuckle falling from his lips. “I’ve made some deductions, yes.”
“Then show me everything you’ve learned, Angel.” The way he shivers as you drawl out that particular name does not go unnoticed by you. Your grin widens, and you step closer. Keeping your voice low you whisper into his ear, “After all, I’ve made some deductions of my own.”
Gently, you nip at his skin, hands finding purchase on his shoulders as his own find purchase on your waist. The low groan that tumbles from his lips says it all.
His eyes flash, “With pleasure, My Queen.”
Wooyoung moves in to kiss you once more, but your finger on his lips freezes him in his spot.
His brow furrows, worry immediately shining within his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect.” You smile assuringly at him. “I just have one request before we begin.”
“Anything.” He breathes, nothing but sincerity reflected in his gaze.
“I wish to make love to you here.” Your grip tightens on his shoulders. “In this room.”
Wooyoung blinks. Once. Twice. Three times before he manages to get his thoughts under control. His racing heart feels as if it will beat right out of his chest at any moment, a fire lighting in his veins as his breathing deepens. The full meaning of what you’re asking him settles over his very soul, and he cannot contain the way his eyes flash black, a pleased growl rumbling in his chest as he pulls you flush against him.
His lips part, but only pants escape him. His head continues to spin, grip tightening over your hips as he feels that familiar tightening of his abdomen. A moment later, his cock begins to throb, his whole body heating beneath your intense stare.
“Are you-“ he manages to choke out, “Are you sure?”
“More than anything, Sunshine.” Your loving expression says it all.
In the blink of an eye, Wooyoung has you wrapped in his arms. You feel yourself falling forwards, bouncing slightly as you land on top of him on what appears to be a mattress that he’s made appear on the floor. White linen sheets greet your gaze, and suddenly the whole room is bathed in candle light.
The soft flickering of flames illuminate the entire space, casting a warm glow over his tan skin. His eyes hold nothing but tender love and fondness as he gazes up at you, your legs resting on either side of his waist. His hands still grip your hips so gently, his chest rising and falling steadily with each breath he takes.
Softly, his fingers caress your sides, trailing beneath your shirt and causing the material to lift slightly. Wooyoung can feel the tips of his fingers tingling everywhere your skin makes contact with his own, his heart thumping wildly in his chest.
“Angel,” There is nothing but affection dripping from his tone as he stares up at you in awe. “You are my everything.”
You smile down at him, reaching out to cup his face tenderly in the palm of your hand. Gently, your thumb strokes over his cheek, and you lean in to kiss him.
“I love you, Wooyoung,” you mumble against his lips, feeling the way he moans against yours in response. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
A breathless call of your name escapes him, his voice nothing more than a tender caress against your ears. His eyes flutter shut, absolutely revelling in this moment, right here, right now, with you.
He trails his hands higher.
Parting from him only briefly, you sit back to your full height. In one fluid motion, you remove your shirt, tossing it to the side as you see him staring up at you in awe. You can see him watching your every movement as you waste no time unclasping your bra, sliding the straps down your shoulders and tossing it in the same direction as your shirt.
“You’re so beautiful,” his eyes flit everywhere over your exposed torso, a pleased rumble escaping him. “My Angel.”
Teasingly, you run your hands down his chest, nails scratching gently at his skin. You hum. “My handsome King.”
This time, a growl escapes him, his grip tightening as he pulls you in closer. The way you begin to grind yourself over his hard cock has his eyes flashing black. His tongue darts out to wet his lips.
“I’m all yours, My Queen.” His hips buck up to meet your own, lips tugging upwards in a grin as you gasp. “And you’re mine.”
Your eyes fall closed in bliss. “I’m yours, Sunshine.”
A moan tumbles shamelessly from him, hands trailing up your sides to begin palming at your breasts. The way you keen into his touch, especially when he begins circling your hardening nipples with his thumbs has a warmth flooding his chest.
“Angel,” The way he calls your attention, so softly and full of adoration has you meeting his gaze in an instant. “Please, let me taste you again.”
You blink down at him in mild shock, your lips parting as he continues to squeeze your breasts so tenderly.
“I’ve been dreaming about that gorgeous pussy of yours since the very first time you allowed me the honour of pleasing you.” His confession is somewhat breathless, eyes locking onto the apex of your thighs. “I need to feel you dripping down my chin, drowning me in everything you.”
He does not fail to hear the hitch in your breath, nor the way your thighs tighten ever so slightly around his waist.
“I promise I won’t hold back this time.” Wooyoung briefly darts his gaze upwards to meet your own.
Your hands come up to grasp his wrists, steadying yourself against him as you watch him lick his lips. There’s a certain type desperation written all over his face, jagged pants escaping him the longer that he stares, transfixed, at your clothed core.
“What do you mean by that?” Your inquiry is quite airy, swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat as you look down upon him. 
The way his hair fans out around his head only serves to accentuate his features, his dark eyes locking with yours.
“You’ll see.”
Wooyoung can physically feel the way your heart stutters beneath your chest at his response. He knows that you’re curious, and eager, to discover what he has in store for you. It’s written all over your body language, for a shiver is soon to caress your spine as you move off of him briefly.
With hooded eyes, he watches as you stand back to your feet. Wooyoung pushes a few stray strands of his hair back from his forehead, making sure his view is completely unobstructed as he watches you slowly push your jeans down your legs.
The second the material touches the ground, a needy groan is escaping him. The full scent of your arousal begins to permeate the air, making his mouth water. All he knows in this moment is you, that all too familiar burning hunger rising beneath the surface of his skin as he is almost completely consumed by his desires. All he wants to do is please you, to make you drown in ecstasy until you cannot tell where he ends and you begin.
Biting his lip, he watches you slide your panties off before teasingly dropping them directly on top of his face.
The snarl that tears from his throat as he breathes in your unfiltered arousal is unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Almost immediately, his hand is clutching desperately at the material of your panties, nose buried in the material as pleased rumbles escapes his chest. His eyes flutter closed.
“I was going to say ‘save them for later’, but it looks to me as if you’re rather enjoying yourself right now.” You giggle, and Wooyoung swears it’s one of the most melodic sounds he’s ever heard in his entire life.
Pitch black eyes flash open to meet your own.
“I have been longing for another pair ever since I accidentally tore apart the last one.” He admits lowly, taking another deep breath in.
Your eyebrows raise in mild amusement. “You tore them apart?”
Slowly, albeit reluctantly, he lowers his hand that clutches onto your panties to his side. “To be fair, it was an accident.”
The corner of your lips quirks upwards as you sink back onto your knees. The mattress dips as you crawl up his body, stopping just beside his head. You cup his cheek.
“One of these days, I want to see you act out every little desire you’ve ever fantasized about with those panties of mine.” Your sultry tone leaves nothing to the imagination.
A growl escapes him, eyes flashing in agreement as his free hand comes up to grasp your thigh. He meets your gaze.
“You let me know when, Angel, and I’ll show you everything I’ve ever done to myself when fantasizing about you.” He tightens his hold on your thigh, nails biting almost desperately into your skin. “But right now, I want you to sit on my face.”
“You better.” You grin, stroking your thumb over his cheek delicately. “Then, maybe I’ll show you what I’ve fantasized doing with you.”
The snarl he lets out gets partially smothered by you shifting above him. Your thighs encase his head, slowly lowering your glistening core onto his eager and awaiting mouth as he stares up at you with those all too familiar black eyes. He licks his lips.
At the first swipe of his tongue through your folds, you cannot tell who moans louder. Desperately, his fingers dig into the skin of your ass, pulling you flush against him as his eyes close in bliss.
“Fuck, Angel-“ He groans against you. “How are you even sweeter than I remember?”
Without wasting another second, his lips are wrapped around your clit, suckling on that little bud eagerly before his tongue is flicking over it in tandem. Guttural groans escape his chest, bordering on low growls as he soon laves his entire mouth over your dripping entrance. Of course, he takes the time to trace over your lips with the tip of his tongue soon after.
The whole time, he never breaks eye contact with you, holding you close as his nails bite into your skin. Every movement he makes with his tongue is precise, circling over that little bundle of nerves and watching your reactions carefully. Wooyoung is more than eager to draw out your pleasure for as long as possible this evening, slowly building you up in the best of ways until he has you falling apart for him over, and over, and over again.
At one particularly harsh flick of his tongue, your hand immediately seeks purchase in his hair. Your fingers tug at his roots, nails scratching against his scalp as he moans shamelessly into your pussy. The resulting vibrations send a pleasant shiver up your spine, feeling his tongue beginning to dip into your entrance as your juices drip down his chin.
A soft caress against your mind has you opening your void, his white string practically humming in movement.
Best pussy I’ve ever had. A pointed suck is given to your clit, causing you to whine out his name so beautifully. Best pussy I’ll ever have.
Your eyes flutter closed in bliss, stomach twisting from his words.
I’ll never get tired of this. His admission is echoed by a low growl as his tongue circles your entrance once more. Fuck, what a beautiful sight you are, My Queen. Even better knowing that I get to please you like this. I could devour you allday.
A choked moan falls passed your lips as you keen above him.
So fucking wet for me. He hums in approval, eyes briefly closing as he traps your clit between his lips, shaking his head from side to side. All for me.
“All because of you.” Your lips part, breathless pants escaping you as you attempt to ground yourself. “No idea what you do to me."
Wooyoung snarls, tongue eagerly flicking at your clit in response.
“Fuck- yes, My King,” you whine, a blissful smile tugging at your features. “Just like that.”
You feel him smirk against your cunt as he presses himself impossibly closer into you.
Tell me, My Queen, he manages to get you to meet his gaze, and the way you can barely keep your eyes open from the pleasure of it all has his heart swelling with pride. Have you thought about me since that day? Have you thought about the way my lips felt on you? About how good my tongue feels flicking this precious little clit of yours?
“Yes.” The admission is but a whine on your lips, a moan tumbling from you shortly afterwards. “Fuck- I always think about you, Woo.”
This time, it’s his turn to moan.
“You always make me feel so good, Angel.” You drawl out, feeling the way he shudders beneath you in response. “How can I not think of the way your skilled tongue licks this pussy so eagerly?”
Sparing a glance down, you notice his eyes roll into the back of his head as he leans into you even further. Low growls escape him with every breath, his suddenly sharp nails pricking desperately into the skin of your ass as he pulls you even closer.
“You’ve just been waiting to serve Your Queen like this, haven’t you?” You continue, an almost mocking concern to your tone.
A guttural groan escapes him, his answer of confirmation being muffled by your dripping cunt.
“My Sunshine has been so eager to bury his face in His Angel’s cunt again, he tore her precious panties apart out of sheer desperation.” You hum, almost knowingly.
The resounding whine he lets out is all you need to know that what you speak is true. Wooyoung has always been so desperate for you, that he’s never been able to control himself around you. All he’s ever wanted is to please you, to make you fall apart for him as many times as you’ll allow him to, and he’ll never expect anything in return. Seeing you lose yourself to such ecstasy, and knowing that he’s the cause of such delightful bliss you’re succumbing to turns him on like nothing else. He wants to be the reason His Goddess reaches the highest pleasures that she’s ever received. Only he wants to be the cause of your euphoria, and he’ll do everything in his power to make it so.
You’re addictive, Angel. He moans shamelessly into your cunt. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with only a single taste.
Your stomach twists in pleasure, feeling yourself clench around nothing at the sheer honesty behind his words. The desperation alone that you can feel in each of his movements is enough to make your head spin, and you find yourself getting lost in the feeling of it all.
There’s a slight hitch in your breath as you feel him dipping his tongue through your folds, prodding slightly at your entrance as he eagerly laps up every last drop you have to offer him.
Fuck- My Queen- His eyes fall shut, revelling in the feeling of your fingers tugging at his hair. The way you begin to grind your hips against him, meeting his every movement of his tongue over you has his one hand creeping down his own body to palm himself over his briefs. Give me more. I want more.
“Wooyoung-” The gasp of his name is synonymous with the feeling of his tongue slipping through your folds. You can feel his wet muscle probing at your entrance, dipping in and out while sliding deeper inside of you each time. It’s almost as if the further he presses into you, the longer and thicker his tongue gets.
I told you, Angel, his chuckle reverberates beautifully against your folds as he slips his tongue inside of you. The way your eyes roll into the back of your head as the tip begins massaging the inner walls of your cunt has his cock twitching in his hold. This time, I’m not holding back.
“Oh, fuck-“ your thighs begin to shake, and you subconsciously squeeze them tighter around his head. 
Not that he really minds… 
“Don’t stop! Wooyoung-“ your breath hitches, “fuck, don’t stop!”
You can feel the upturn of his lips against you, his nose affectionately nuzzling against that little bundle of nerves. The whole while, his tongue explores the interior of your cunt. There’s a certain eagerness to his movements, your essence flowing from you shamelessly as he continues to hum against you. Each exhale is but a pleased growl, his chest vibrating with every sound he makes as his tongue rubs up against your walls.
At the way your breath hitches, a high-pitched whine escaping you as he flicks over a specific area inside of you, he snarls. There it is.
All of his attention is now focussed on pressing his tongue against that special spot inside of you. With each movement, he experiments with different patterns, changing the pressure until he finds the ones that have you keening the most. All the while, his nose bumps over your clit, the little jolts of sudden ecstasy causing your whole body to shake as you attempt to control yourself.
Long since have Wooyoung’s eyes bled black, his hand moving over his cock in time with your movements on his tongue. The way you are more than content to grind down against him, seeking out the most intense pleasure that he has to offer you has his stomach twisting, and his cock throbbing in his hold.
That’s it, Angel. He encourages. Lose yourself on my tongue. Succumb to the ecstasy of my touch, and let yourself go.
You can feel yourself clenching around his tongue at his words, barely able to hold yourself upright as nothing but pure bliss courses through your veins. You can tell that you’re close, breathing coming in jagged pants as you tilt your head back, a loud moan of his name falling from your lips.
Just as you shift your head to peer down at him once more, something catches your attention. An image that has your cunt fluttering around him, your stomach clenching pleasantly as your grip tightens in his hair.
Glancing up, Wooyoung takes notice of where your gaze lies. His chest swells in pride, unable to prevent the snarl that tears from his throat as he redoubles his efforts over your weeping cunt.
Gorgeous, aren’t you, My Queen? His voice resounding in your head makes you whimper above him. Keep watching yourself. See how beautiful you are as you fall apart on my tongue. How beautiful you’ve always been.
“Wooyoung, I-“ your voice catches in your throat, that all too familiar coil close to snapping.
Come for me, My Queen. A low growl greets your ears. Fucking flood me in you.
A loud cry of his name flies passed your lips as you toss your head back in ecstasy. Your entire body trembles as the wave of your orgasm crashes into you, eyes squeezing shut as you cling onto him for dear life. Spots dance behind your vision and your head spins, feeling as if your whole being is floating as your chest heaves with every breath you take.
Languidly, you feel his tongue moving inside of you. The tip gently caresses your walls, and you can just tell from the way he’s snarling beneath you that you’re positively dripping onto his chin right now.
His nose brushes against your clit, and your whole body jolts. An involuntary whine escapes you, lips parted as you practically collapse forwards. Luckily, you manage to catch yourself just in time with your arms, even if they feel like they might give out at any moment.
Slowly, Wooyoung retracts his tongue, lapping gently at your folds as his one hand moves to help support you. The way your arms give out beneath you has him smiling wide, holding you steady as he pulls you down to rest beside him on the mattress.
He licks his lips, chin shining with your essence as he giggles at your somewhat dazed expression.
“You did so well for me, Angel.” He places a chaste kiss to your lips, stroking a hand over your back tenderly. “That was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.”
“Shouldn’t-“ you clear your throat, voice hoarse from overuse, “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?”
The smile that tugs at his features lights up the entire room, even more so than the candles.
“I’m simply glad that I could serve you.” He leans in to rest his forehead against your own, nuzzling you affectionately as he pulls you closer.
Softly, your hand runs down his chest, feeling him shiver beneath your touch. The way you caress him now just as you did that one morning last week has his eyes fluttering closed in bliss.
“Let me serve you.” Your words are but a mere drawl on your lips as you lower your hand even further.
Only, the prominent wet patch you feel against the palm of your hand says it all.
“Don’t even worry, Angel.” Wooyoung hums, wrapping his arm loosely around your waist. “I already told you that bringing you pleasure pleases me more than you’ll ever know. I’m just sorry I’ve already came twice, and you’ve only come once.”
“Believe me,” you eyes widen slightly, as if to truly emphasize your words. “That one time has already been more than enough. You seriously all have incredible stamina. I’m just happy to know I could have such an effect on you. Knowing I can essentially make you come without so much as actually touching you is incredibly confidence boosting. Not to mention extremely hot.”
“You have no idea.” Wooyoung grins, his chest rumbling with happiness. “Besides, seeing you fall apart like that for me- because of me, is reward enough.”
The corners of your lips pull upwards softly, your heart warming as you hum in content. “Since when could you do that with your tongue?”
“Since forever.” He chuckles fondly. “Shifter, remember?”
“Fuck, I love you.” Your eyes shine with nothing but adoration as you meet his gaze.
A pleased rumble shakes his chest. “And I love you, My Queen.”
Gently, your thumb comes up to wipe some of your essence from his chin.
“Ah,” he practically tuts at you, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. “I got it.”
Not even a moment later, his tongue creeps out of his mouth, languidly running over his chin as the muscle slithers against his skin.
Your breath hitches in your throat, watching every movement he makes with dark eyes. The fact that his tongue was just inside of you only makes this moment that much more intense, your stomach clenching pleasantly in response.
“Should I start calling you Venom?” You smirk, a sudden playful gleam flashing within your gaze.
His teeth suddenly look much too sharp as his lips pull back in a wide grin.
“I suppose it would be very fitting,” you hum, brushing a hand over the side of his face and pushing some of his hair behind his ear.
“Well, poisons are my specialty.” He leans forward to kiss the tip of your nose.
“Definitely also has nothing to do with the fact that I’m also a monster fucker.” You add casually.
Wooyoung’s eyes go wide as if you’ve just revealed the greatest piece of information to him that he’s ever heard.
“I knew it!” The grin he wears is nothing short of triumphant, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he begins giggling like a maniac.
“I don’t necessarily hide it, Sunshine.” You chuckle, lifting a finger to boop his nose affectionately.
“Now that you mention it, you do talk about fucking dragons and vampires quite often.” He hums in acknowledgement.
“You’re telling me that vampires are real?” Your eyes go wide in excitement, your whole body practically beginning to vibrate in his hold.
His lips purse dramatically as a frown pulls at his features.
“Kidding!” You nuzzle your head against his own, that playful gleam back in your eyes. “It’s still so easy to rile you up.”
“I can’t help it, Beautiful.” He sighs, almost wistfully. “When you have a Goddess laying before you whom you love more than anything that jokes about this kind of stuff… well, I’m sure you’d feel the same.”
“Wooyoung, you know that I’m serious when I say that I’m in love with you, and that you’re mine and I’m yours, right?” You look at him expectantly.
A moment of silence passes between you where he simply just stares at you. His eyes shine with nothing but tender love and awe, his heart absolutely thundering within his chest from your words.
A blink, and he’s shifted your positions so that he hovers over you while you rest beneath him. He meets your gaze, strands of his red hair falling over his forehead and framing his face beautifully.
“Say it again.” His plea is desperate, his throat bobbing as he swallows thickly.
“Which?” You quirk a brow teasingly. “That I’m in love with you, or that you’re mine and I’m yours?”
“Yes.” A low groan escapes him as his head falls forward, forehead pressing against your own as his eyes slip closed. “Both.”
“I am in love with you, Wooyoung.” There is no hesitation in your voice as you reply, watching as he blinks his eyes open only to stare deeply into your own in the next second. “You are mine, and I am yours.”
His lips are on your own as soon as the final syllable escapes you, grinding his hips lightly into your own.
A soft gasp falls from you, and Wooyoung takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Gently, he kisses you, pouring all that he is into the movement of his lips against your own. Right now, he’s not concerned about anything other than showing you how deep his love is for you in any and every way that he can. 
Right now, it’s exactly as you say: you are his, and he is yours. Nothing will ever change that fact, and as you lay beneath him, in the comfort of his dance studio, you both know this to be unquestionably true.
You love each other, and nothing, no one, will ever change that. You love each other, and you always will.
Tracing his hands up your sides, Wooyoung feels a shiver caress your spine. Long since have your panties been tossed aside, allowing for his fingers to freely roam the expanse of your bare skin without impeding his touch. He simply revels in you: your every sound, your every reaction, loving how your scent intoxicates him the longer that the two of you spend together. The fact that you’re starting to smell like him, and him like you is simply the cherry on top.
Your hands on his back pull him in closer as he continues to slowly grind himself into you. With each movement, you can feel his cock becoming harder once more, your heart racing at the very fact that it is you that is doing this to him.
“Woo,” the gentle call of his name from you against his lips has his cock twitching against your core.
He pulls away to stare into your eyes, but not before nipping lightly at your jawline. “Yes, My Queen?”
“Don’t you want me to touch you?” The question you pose is so innocent falling from your lips, blinking up at him with those loving eyes of yours.
“You are touching me, Beautiful.” He chuckles, placing a brief kiss against the skin of your lips.
“That’s not what I meant.” A slight frown tugs at your brow.
“Angel, I’ve already told you,” he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck, placing another kiss over your racing pulse. “There is no greater pleasure for me than pleasing you. I want to take my time, drowning you in an ecstasy that only I can provide for you. Right now, I want to focus solely on your pleasure. That is my greatest desire: pleasing you in every and any way I know how, and sharing in this intimacy with you as I make you come over, and over, and over again for me and me alone. You know that I will never expect anything in return.”
Your gaze softens, “Wooyoung-“
“Do you know how many times I’ve come untouched just to the mere thought of you?” His voice is but a low rumble right by your ear. “Simply the thought of being able to bring you uninterrupted pleasure, My Queen, pleases me more than you’ll ever know. I want you to use me in any and every way that you know how until you are satisfied. I want to serve you, and watch as you fall apart for me over, and over, and over again using my fingers, my tongue, my cock.”
A desperate shudder caresses your spine, your breath hitching in your throat.
He smirks.
“My body was made to please you, Angel.” Lightly, he nips at the skin of your neck, just below your ear. “That’s exactly what I intend to do.”
Your throat bobs as you swallow, lips parting as you stare up at him with nothing but a deep love and admiration in your eyes. Your entire being warms, heart swelling in your chest at how earnestly he speaks his words to you. There is no insincerity that you can hear within his voice, no false pretences or double meanings behind his words. All you do know, is that what he speaks is true, and you’ve already begun to experience it first hand.
A tender smile pulls at your features, your one hand reaching up to brush his hair back from his face yet again this evening. Softly, you shift to cup his face so tenderly in your palm, loving how he instantly leans into your touch.
“You are in control here, Angel.” He turns his head to nuzzle deeper against your hand. “You are always in control.”
“Alright.” You breathe out, eyes fluttering closed as you bask in this moment with him. “Then, let me make the sweetest love to My King.”
The smile that stretches across his face says it all. “I would love nothing more.”
Shifting over the mattress, Wooyoung helps you flip your positions. Quickly, he shimmies out of his underwear, allowing you to settle over top of him. His hands instantly find purchase on your waist, such a tender fondness shining within his eyes as he gazes upon you. It’s as if he’s truly looking upon a Goddess as he takes in your every feature above him, nothing but the deepest, sincerest form of love and trust swirling within his gaze. There you appear to him in all of your glory, and like hell will he ever forget this moment. No, this day will live in his memories forevermore. Until the very end of time.
Settling your core above his cock, you teasingly grind down onto him. The way he can feel your wetness dripping onto his skin makes him moan, eyes nearly falling shut in bliss. Only, he swears to keep his gaze fixated on you at all times. Never does he want to miss a single moment of intimacy with you, selfishly wanting your every reaction for his eyes only.
“Are you okay, Sunshine?” Your gentle inquiry is but a soft caress against his ears.
“Never better.” He admits breathlessly, hands squeezing your sides lovingly. “Are you okay?”
The fact that he repeats your own question back to you warms your entire being, soul coming alight as you nod your head. Even though your confirmation is but a whisper on your lips, he still hears you loud and clear.
Not even a moment later, you’re reaching down between your two bodies and taking his cock into your one hand. Pumping him a few times, you teasingly run your thumb over his tip, spreading the precome that leaks out over his head.
A low moan from Wooyoung is all your receive in response, feeling him twitch in your hand.
Without breaking eye contact, you line him up with your entrance. Slowly, you drag his tip through your folds, gathering the wetness there and watching as his gaze darts down to where your bodies are soon to be intertwined.
You begin to sink down onto his cock.
A pleasant hum escapes you as you feel him beginning to stretch you out. Of course, you take your time, adjusting to him as you lower your hips to meet his own.
The whole while, Wooyoung watches as his cock disappears into your wet warmth, stomach clenching as he feels your walls beginning to squeeze him so delicately. Absolutely nothing could have prepared him for the feeling of your cunt sucking him in, his head spinning as that familiar darkness swirls within his gaze.
Low groans escape him with every breath, bordering on growls as you finally sink down fully on his cock. He adores the feeling of your hips pressing against his, your hands coming to settle on his chest as you steady yourself, nails digging into his skin.
Your breathing comes in jagged pants, core still so sensitive from the single orgasm he’s already given you this evening. Even you can feel yourself dripping onto his skin, his cock twitching inside of you and making you moan.
“So good, Angel.” He pants, fingers digging into your skin as he attempts to ground himself. “Feels so, so good.”
“Yeah?” Your response is breathless, chest rising and falling dramatically as you attempt to control yourself.
Involuntarily, you clench around him and moans are escaping the both of you.
“Fuck- long since have I dreamt of this day.” He admits, tossing his head back in bliss. “Better than anything I could have imagined.”
Your heart positively flutters at his words, especially given the implications behind them.
You lips part with unspoken words, but luckily for you, he seems to already know just what you want to say.
“Yes, I’ve always thought about what our first time together would be like.” He hums, thumbs stroking tenderly against your sides. “I don’t think my fantasies could ever top this.”
“Wooyoung,” your expression softens, heart swelling inside of your chest.
“You make me so unbelievably happy, Angel.” He tells you, keeping his voice low as if sharing the most intimate of secrets with you. Right now, he is. “With all that I am, I am so in love with you. I would do anything, give anything just to see you smile. I will never forget what you mean to me. I don’t think I ever could, even if I tried. You mean too much to me. Besides, you are the only one I will ever want. You are the only one I will ever need. For me, there will never be anyone else. Only you.”
Shifting slightly, you lean over him. Bringing your hands up, you cup his face in your palms, staring deeply into his eyes as you being to grind your hips against his own.
“My Wooyoung,” a moan escapes him at your words, “I am deeply in love with you. Not a day passes where I don’t count myself lucky to have you in my life. You have shown me a love, a devotion I never thought was possible for someone like me. I will never forget that, nor what you mean to me. I am grateful to have someone like you to make me laugh, to make me smile,” your expression echoes your words, “To make me feel loved. Truly, you light up my life, Sunshine.”
“My Queen.” Tears line the corners of his eyes, your words washing over his very soul and setting his whole body alight with an ecstasy he has never felt before in his life.
“I am yours, Wooyoung.” Your words have the first of his tears falling freely down his cheek. “And you are mine.”
“I’m yours, and you’re mine.” He repeats, wrapping his arms around your body and holding you tightly to his chest.
Gently, Wooyoung begins to help guide your movements over him. Every rise and fall of your warmth over his cock causes low moans to escape the both of you, each revelling in the intimacy this moment brings you. You feel connected to each other, in more than one way, basking in each other’s tender embrace.
At hearing the way your breath hitches after he shifts his hips slightly, Wooyoung smiles. His lips trail the softest of kisses along your neck, feeling the way your pulse races alongside his own. Long since have your hearts begun to beat as one, and neither of you would have it any other way.
The way you so eagerly move above him makes Wooyoung’s head spin. Desperately, he clings to you, moans bordering on growls the longer he feels your warmth squeezing him so sinfully.
“That’s it, My Queen. Claim what’s always been yours.” Wooyoung’s breathless voice reaches your ears and he feels you clench around him. His lips part, a low groan escaping him. “From the very first moment I saw you, I’ve been yours. You own every piece of me: mind, body, and soul.”
Again, the way your walls clench around him has moans falling from both of your lips this time.
“Wooyoung,” The sigh of his own name from your lips is just as breathless, eyes fluttering shut in bliss. “My King.” A pleased hum escapes you, feeling him twitch inside of you as you continue to grind your hips down against his own. “So good to me.”
He moans unabashedly, eyes fluttering shut as his grip tightens around you.
“Please, My Queen,” his words are but a mere sigh as his chest heaves with every pant. His gaze shines with nothing but pure love and dedication as he meets your own. “Kiss me.”
Your lips are on his without another thought, continuing to lean over him as your walls squeeze his cock so sinfully.
His hands pull you closer, nails shamelessly digging into your flesh. His hold is desperate, small whimpers escaping him as his brow furrows. Parting from you briefly, he absolutely adores the way you immediately come to rest your forehead against his own.
“My Angel.” His voice is airy as he whines out his beloved name for you. Eagerly, he grinds his hips up into you, meeting your every movement in tandem as you sigh his name so tenderly.
“My Beauty.” The breaths that escape him begin to boarder on low growls, chest rumbling with each exhale that he makes.
“My Queen.” This time, there’s no denying the pleased snarl that escapes him, his eyes flashing black as he takes in the wondrous sight that is you above him once more. Ever so slightly, his grip tightens around your body, pulling you flush against his chest. “Mine.”
You cannot help the way your walls involuntarily clench around him from his words.
“Yours, Wooyoung.” The blissful sigh that falls from your lips is music to his very ears. “And you’re mine.”
“Fuck-“ a desperate shudder wracks his entire body as his eyes fall shut in pleasure, a euphoric feeling unlike ever before flooding his veins as your words wash over him. “All yours, Angel. All fucking yours.”
Carefully, you push yourself back to your full height, hands supporting yourself on his chest as you continue to move above him. The way he brings a hand down to begin circling your clit with his thumb has a whimper escaping you. Your eyes fall shut, feeling that all too familiar tightening in your lower abdomen as you completely surrender yourself to the pleasure.
“Feels so fucking good, My King.” You breathe out.
“Yeah?” You fail to see the way the corner of his lips quirk deviously. “I know what will make it feel even better.”
This catches your attention, cracking your eyes open to stare down at him with all of the energy you can muster for the moment.
“Would My Angel like to know what a true monster cock feels like buried within her tight little pussy?” His gaze is sharp, calculated in the way he watches your every reaction carefully.
You find that you can’t even form words, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you absolutely keen above him. The desperate whine that escapes your lips says it all.
Every movement of your comes to a halt as you feel his cock slowly beginning to shift inside you. You can feel him expanding, his girth beginning to stretch you out in completely new ways as bumps and ridges begin to press against your inner walls.
The grin Wooyoung wears is deadly, keeping his thumb firmly pressed against your clit the whole time. Purposely, he shifts his cock to fit the contours of your pussy, pushing against your most sensitive spots as he fills your tight little hole unlike ever before.
High pitched moans falls from your lips as you attempt to support yourself above him with your hands on his chest. Your breathing deepens, feeling yourself clenching rhythmically around him as every new ridge on his cock presses deeply inside of you.
“Dragons cocks are quite unique,” he drawls out, his thumb pressing over your clit moving in the slightest of circles over you. “Every one is different, and this one is made just for you.”
With a loud cry of his name, you’re collapsing on top of him. The sudden, overwhelming feeling of your orgasm crashes into you without warning, his name falling like a mantra from your lips as tears of overstimulation line your eyes. Every shift of his hips, you feel his cock and all those special ridges brushing up inside you. Still, his thumb has yet to leave your clit.
Focussing back in on your surroundings, you register faint, pleased growls echoing lowly in your ears. Wooyoung’s chest rumbles in delight beneath you, his arms wrapping securely around your waist as he finally removes his thumb from over your clit. Slowly, you can feel his cock shifting back to its regular size inside of you.
Nothing but small whimpers and whines escape you, the only word able to form on your lips is his name. A fact of which has his chest swelling with an insurmountable amount of pride as he strokes a hand tenderly over your back.
“That’s it, Angel.” He coos softly. “I’m right here. You did so well for me. I’m so proud of you.”
Jagged pants escape you with every breath, eyes somewhat glazed over. Your mind is in a haze as you come down from your high, clinging onto him for dear life in attempts to ground yourself back to reality.
A few more minutes pass by with him cooing sweet nothings in your ear, his cock remaining buried deep within your dripping pussy. Even he knows that that was a lot for you, and he doesn’t want to make you any more sensitive right now than you already are.
“Good girl,” his voice is but a gentle caress, mirroring the way he holds you close. “My Beautiful Queen.”
Finally, you’re able to catch your breath.
“That was-“ you search for the right word, noticing how Wooyoung holds his breath in anticipation. “That was intense.”
“I’m sorry, Angel. I probably should have waited-“
“I fucking loved that.” You manage to shift your head in order to meet his gaze. “Don’t you dare apologize, Woo.”
A low, pleased growl reaches your ears. “You did?”
“Absolutely.” You collapse back on top of him. “I’m only sorry you haven’t gotten a chance to finish yet.”
“I am more than content to simply lay here like this with you.” He replies, quite earnestly at that. A fact which makes your heart swell with warmth in your chest. “I don’t need to finish.”
“Huh, that’s too bad, then.” Your brow furrows slightly, nuzzling against his chest affectionately. “I was rather enjoying this all.”
“Do you-“ he swallows thickly. “Do you not want it to end, yet?”
You take a moment to consider his words, but at the devious smirk that pulls at your lips, he knows you’re only holding him in suspension to tease him.
“No.” You hum. “I don’t.”
The pleased rumble that shakes his chest says it all.
“Then, what would you have me do?” Wooyoung is much too eager as he says this, eyes shining with an excited gleam.
Your gaze trails back upwards to meet his own, drifting passed him in the next second as your eyes land on the mirrors behind him. You clench around him.
“Uh…“ you trail off, blinking a few times to clear your head.
His brow quirks. “I know that look.”
“What look?” You turn back to him.
“The look that says you’re thinking of something, but you’re unsure if you should actually express your desires or not.” He smiles, somewhat knowingly at you.
“It’s a bit of a selfish request.” You admit.
“Angel, nothing is a selfish request when you’re with me.” His hand lovingly caresses over your spine.
You inhale sharply, blinking as if you’re still attempting to make up your mind for the moment. Then, your whole body is heating as you avoid his eyes, swallowing thickly.
“I’ve always wanted to be taken against a wall.” You admit lowly, shifting your gaze up to meet his own once more. “I want you to take me against the mirrors, Wooyoung, and I want you to have your true wings out when you do so.”
This time, it’s his turn to inhale sharply.
“Only if you’re comfortable with that, of course-“
The words have hardly finished leaving your lips when you find yourself pinned against the mirrors. The glass is cool against your back, causing a shiver to caress your spine as Wooyoung presses himself into you. Your legs are hooked over his arms, the back of your knees settling in the crooks of his elbows as he holds you effortlessly against the one panel. His breathing is heavy, head tilted forwards as he now avoids your gaze for the time being.
“You want to see my wings?” His voice is a mere whisper, yet you can still hear the heavy emotion behind his every word.
Even he cannot deny the way your walls clench around his cock still buried inside of you from his words.
“More than anything.” You breathe out. “Please, Wooyoung. Won’t you show me?”
You watch as he slowly lifts his head to meet your gaze. His eyes shine with something you don’t quite understand, but from the way that he presses into you closer, you think you actually do.
Finally, he has found the one person he can be the most vulnerable with. From dancing, to his true form, he will give his all to you. Every part of him is yours, and he will gladly put himself on display in any and every way imaginable just to see you happy.
In the flickering light of the candles, two great, bat-like wings begin to emerge from his back. They are a dark brown, the thin, leathery membrane between each bone almost appearing mahogany in colour as he stretches them outwards in the air. Faintly, you can see dark veins criss-crossing through the semi-transparent membrane binding each section of his wings together. A few faded scars litter his skin. On the top of each of the main joints where his wings bend rests a claw-like protrusion, slightly curved and tapering off into a sharp point.
There is no hiding your awe filled expression as he shakes out his wings lightly behind him. The fact that you continue to stare, completely transfixed at them with nothing but adoration and excitement shining within your gaze sets his heart racing within his chest.
“Wooyoung,” you shift your gaze back to his own, and you briefly see a hint of nervousness flash across his features. “They’re beautiful.” Your hands, which have been resting on his shoulders this whole time, move to tenderly cup his face. “You’re beautiful.”
“Angel,” he swallows his building emotions, tears beginning to well in his eyes for the nth time today.
“Can I-“ your fingers twitch as you do whatever you can to prevent yourself from reaching out towards them for the moment. “May I touch them?”
You swear he stops breathing.
He blinks away his tears, nodding vigorously in the next second. “You may.”
The instant the confirmation slips past his lips, you’re lifting your hands towards his wings. Your touch is nothing but delicate, gently tracing the natural curve as he flares them out for you to have easier access.
A shudder caresses his entire body, and you’re quick to retract your hand.
“I’m sorry.” Your brow furrows in worry. “Did I hurt you?”
He shakes his head. “Quite the opposite, actually.”
“Oh. Oh.” A melodic giggle escapes your lips as you grin. “Should I continue, then?”
“Please do.” He nearly begs, his response a mere breathless whisper.
You do not need to be told twice.
Another shudder wracks his entire body the instant your fingers return to brushing along the curve of his one wing. Delicately, you dance feather like touches over the top, soon beginning to trace over a prominent vein you can see within the membrane.
Lowly, Wooyoung moans.
Sparing a glance at his face you notice his eyes squeezed shut, his brow furrowed in what appears to be concentration. A moment later, you find out why.
The closer your touch becomes to where his wings protrude from his back, the deeper his breathing gets. As soon as you start to gently massage the membrane attached to his shoulder blades, he moans. The instant your fingers make contact with the skin of his back, right between where his wings protrude, his cock twitches deep inside of you.
“Angel,” his head falls forward, forehead resting against the skin of your bare shoulder as he attempts to control himself for the time being.
Shifting slightly, you allow yourself to get a better angle to reach his back. Your one hand massages over the spot right between his wings while the other gently traces over the contours of cartilage and bone. Every twitch of his wings, you take note of, focussing on the movements which have him moaning the loudest, and cock throbbing inside of you.
“So pretty, Wooyoung.” You hum, nuzzling against the side of his head and placing a lingering kiss to his skin. “I absolutely adore your wings. They’re so smooth.” You emphasize your words with a finger tracing delicately against that leathery membrane. “And strong.”
Another low groan escapes him, his breathing coming in ragged pants.
“Don’t stop.” He chokes out, hips beginning to grind into yours with shallow thrusts. “Please, My Queen,” he gasps, holding you tighter, “Don’t fucking stop.”
“I didn’t know you could get even more attractive, Sunshine.” Another kiss is placed against the side of his head as you continue to massage his wings so tenderly. “Have I ever mentioned how I love men with wings?”
“Must have slipped your mind.” He groans out, wings twitching once more.
“Well, I do.” You say, your words but a low drawl on your lips. “I find them incredibly sexy, especially when I know how sensitive they can be.”
A low moan of your name falls from him in response.
“So fucking beautiful,” you nip at his ear, increasing the pressure of you one hand massaging between his shoulder blades ever so slightly. “So incredibly sexy.”
“Oh, fuck- you’re gonna make me-“ A sharp hiss escapes him as his legs begin to shake. “I’m gonna-“
“Come for me, My King.”
A guttural growl escapes him, teeth latching onto the skin of your shoulder as he feels his orgasm washing over him. His cock throbs as he releases deep inside of you, pressing you firmly against the mirror as his eyes flash black and his wings flare out behind him. 
Wooyoung’s entire body shakes, whimpers and whines soon tumbling from his lips as his chest heaves with every breath. His hands dig harshly into the skin of your waist, brow furrowed as he revels in the aftermath of his high.
Never has he ever allowed himself to be so vulnerable with any other lover. However, because it’s you, he finds that he can let himself just be, succumbing to his deepest desires and letting himself be loved in a way that he wants to be loved only by you.
Slowly, he detaches his teeth from your skin, placing tender kisses over the indents he’s left behind. At least he didn’t pierce your flesh. Though, from the way you shudder pleasantly from the feeling, he doesn’t think you would have minded at all.
“My Angel,” he whimpers, grinding himself into you as he holds you flush against his body. “My Perfect Queen.”
Purposely, he extends his wings out behind him, bringing them down in one powerful swoop as he steadies himself on his feet. Again, he grinds himself into you, already feeling the way your combined fluids begin to drip out of your tight little hole and onto his thighs as he holds you close.
“Wooyoung, you-“
“Shhh,” he coos at you, nipping at the shell of your ear as he attempts to get his breathing back under control. “My Queen desires for me to take her against the mirrors of my studio, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”
Another shallow thrust is given to you, your body moving in time with him as he adjusts your position slightly. He makes sure to lift you slightly off of the mirror for the moment, ensuring your back isn’t sticking to the glass due to your sweat. Once he’s confirmed you’re fine, another thrust is given, much sharper than the last one.
Flaring his wings out behind him, Wooyoung repeats the same action from only seconds before, this time using his momentum to sharply thrust into you as he does so.
A choked moan escapes you in surprise, thighs tensing against his arms in response to his movements. Of course, Wooyoung is quick to pick up on such a reaction, the corner of his lips quirking upwards as his eyes darken.
“Look at you,” Another sharp thrust aided by the tremendous beat of his wings. “You’re fucking mesmerizing, My Queen.”
Your lips part, hands seeking purchase on his shoulders as he slowly begins to increase the frequency of those sharp thrusts of his.
“Feels so fucking good around me, I don’t think I could ever get enough of this pussy.” He moans, eyes falling shut in bliss. “Just listen to how wet I’ve made you.”
As if to emphasize his point, he gives a pointed thrust, the wet squelch of his cock sinking into your dripping cunt resounding through your ears.
“Fuck, you’ve made me so sensitive.” He inhales sharply, whole body shaking as his hips snap into yours once more. You meet his gaze and you watch as his eyes flash dangerously. “I love it.”
Adjusting his grip on your body, he holds you tighter, beginning a brutal pace as he makes you bounce on his cock.
“I want to make you cream all over my cock again.” He growls. “I want to feel you squeezing around me so delicately again.”
A choked gasp escapes you as your sensitive walls flutter around his hardening cock. Already, you can feel the telltale signs of overstimulation creeping in again, and your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head.
“I want to hear you fucking scream my name as I make you come for me.” His voice boarders on an animalistic snarl. “I want to fulfill all of your darkest fantasies, and then I want to drown you in an ecstasy you never thought was possible.”
“My-“ your breath hitches as you whine quite loudly, “King-“
“That’s fucking right, Angel.” His voice is the deepest you’ve ever heard it go. “I’m Your fucking King, and you are My fucking Goddess.”
Your lips part, but all that escapes you are whines and whimpers right now. Each snarl you hear him let out goes straight to your core, feeling yourself clenching around him almost rhythmically.
“You’re so fucking perfect, My Goddess.” Long since have his eyes bled black, his nails once again sharpening into claws as they prick into the skin of your ass. “Like you were made just for me.”
“Yours.” A single coherent thought escapes you, only serving to fuel his every movement even further.
“That’s right, My Queen.” He nips at the skin of your neck. “You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
You pull him in closer to you with whatever remaining strength you have. “Mine.”
A guttural groan escapes him, loud and shameless. You can tell from the way snarls continuously fall from his lips that he’s faring no better than you are, desperately doing whatever he can to bring you the utmost pleasure for the moment despite the intense overstimulation he feels.
“Come on, My Queen.” He pants out, biting and sucking at the skin of your exposed neck. “Come for me. Come for Your King.”
Briefly, his eyes flit downwards.
“Rub your clit for me, Angel, and come all over this cock.” He licks his lips. “I need to see you fall apart for me again.”
Shakily, you shift your one hand down between your two bodies, fingers trembling as you barely brush them over your clit.
A desperate whine of his name escapes you, eyes squeezing shut as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm you at any second.
“It’s okay, My Angel.” He coos softly into your ear, nipping at it in the next second. “I’ve got you. Make yourself feel good, and then let yourself go.”
The sound of his heavy breathing is encouragement enough, for you can tell that he won’t last too much longer. Still, he waits for you. He needs to see you fall apart again before he can so much as allow himself to find release.
Always, your pleasure comes before his own.
Pressing your fingers back to your clit, your entire body shudders. Your movements are a bit sloppy, seeking that last bit of friction to help push yourself over the edge. The wet sounds of skin on skin only serve to make this moment that much more intense, and with one final flick of your wrist, you’re vision is going white as your orgasm washes over you.
A scream of his name tears from your throat, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your whole body shudders in his hold. Not even a moment later, he stills inside of you, wings flaring as hot spurts of his come paint the inside of your walls for the second time this evening.
Sloppily, he thrusts a few more times into you, hearing you whine from the sensation. A second later, you feel yourself being pulled down onto a soft mattress. Your legs are no longer held in his arms, Wooyoung opting to wrap them firmly around his waist instead. Tenderly, he places kisses over your face, grounding you as you come down from your high.
“You did so well for me, Angel.” He hums, hand stroking lovingly over your spine. “I’m so proud of you.”
You blink up at him, still in a post-orgasmic haze. The smile you send him is tender, albeit lazy as you rest against his chest for the time being. Softly, you can hear him mumbling praises to you, his hand tracing all over your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your spine.
For a solid five minutes, you lay like this in his arms, simply basking in the afterglow. That is, until he’s breaking the silence.
“Are you okay, Angel?” His voice is a tender caress, making sure to keep his tone just above a whisper so as not to overwhelm you.
You hum, nodding your head almost absentmindedly in response. 
“Just tired.” You mumble, blinking lethargically up at him.
“I’m sorry, Gorgeous. I think I might have been too intense-“
Frantically, you begin shaking your head in denial. 
“It was perfect, Woo.” You find enough strength to lift your head and place a kiss onto his jawline. “I really enjoyed that. I just… don’t have the same stamina that you all have yet.”
“No,” he chuckles, placing a tender kiss to your forehead. “I suppose not.”
Carefully, you allow your head to fall back onto his chest.
“Come on, Gorgeous,” he lifts you easily back into his arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
A blink, and you find yourself in another extravagant bathroom, unfamiliar to you, but one that you’re sure belongs to the male who sits you gently on the side of the large tub. A few minutes later, and after he ensures you drink two full glasses of water with a third on its way, the two of you are relaxing into the warmth of a bath. Wooyoung’s arms are around your waist as he holds you to his chest, your heartbeats syncing as one.
A content sigh escapes your lips, allowing your eyelids to flutter closed. You absolutely revel in his moment, adoring the way Wooyoung gently begins massaging your shoulders.
“Shouldn’t I be doing this for you?” You hum, tilting your head slightly to the side to give him better access to your neck.
“You technically already have. Besides, I wanted to do this for you.” Comes his reply, his fingers tenderly rubbing at all of the knots he can find and working them out of your muscles. “Just let me take care of you.”
You hum contently. “Okay.”
Half an hour later, you find yourself wrapped up in his bed, his blankets draped precariously over the both of you. One of his arms rests over your hip, while you curl yourself into his embrace while facing one another.
Blinking up at Wooyoung, you cup his face gingerly in your one hand.
“Are you okay, Sunshine?”
The loving smile that pulls at his features is answer enough.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my entire life.” He admits.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” A heat blossoms on your cheeks as you smack his chest playfully.
“I just made love with the most beautiful girl in the world.” His eyes shine with the sincerity of his honeyed words. “A beautiful Goddess who loves me, just as I love her.”
Your expression softens, heart swelling inside of your chest as you look at him. You hold nothing but fond affection for him in your gaze, fingers coming up to brush some of his stray strands of hair behind his ear.
“I do.” You confirm with a gentle nod. “I do love you, Woo.”
“And I love you,” he leans forward to peck your lips. “My Goddess.”
The vibrant smile that stretches across your features sets his heart racing inside of his chest. There is nothing that could take this moment away from the both of you right now, happy to bask in each other’s presence for the evening as you lay in his bed.
For about ten minutes, nothing more is said between the two of you. You’ve even shifted your positions slightly. Now, you lay on your back while Wooyoung curls into you. His head rests on your chest, listening to the comforting sound of your heart beating alongside his own. Tenderly, the thumb of his right hand rubs over your skin beneath your shirt as your fingers thread themselves through his hair.
“I would have said ‘yes’, you know.” The soft whisper of his voice manages to pull you out of your thoughts for the moment. At the way you look down at him in confusion, hand pausing in his hair, he’s quick to continue, “That day at the mall. Even if you didn’t call in that favour from our bet, I would have told you to go have fun with your friend.”
You blink at him mildly in shock.
“Even knowing what you know now?” There’s no malice in your voice as you ask him this, only a genuine curiosity held there as you resume combing your fingers through his hair.
“Even knowing what I know now.” He confirms with a soft hum. He curls into you deeper. “I just thought you should know.”
You smile faintly, heart warming as you watch his eyes slowly close.
“Thank you for telling me.”
“I wanted to tell you ever since that day.” He replies honestly. “I just- I guess it was simply just never the right time.”
“You’re telling me now.” Comes your gentle response.
He hums, perfectly content to continue resting here with you in your loving embrace.
It is then when he gets an idea.
Wooyoung can hear your soft intake of breath as he makes his wings appear once more. Carefully, and with the greatest of ease, he wraps them around the both of you, blanketing you in both his protection and his warmth.
“I love you, My Angel.” Tenderly, he nuzzles against you, his voice but a mere whisper on the air.
“I love you, My Sunshine.” Your reply is equally tender, keeping your tone just as soft as his own.
Closing your eyes, you let out a content breath, fully relaxing into this moment with Wooyoung held in your arms.
That night, you fall asleep to the comforting sound of his heartbeat, and the brush of smooth wings surrounding you in a tender, loving embrace.
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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flux adjacent fic recs
in media res by wreckageofstars (3k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “Well,” she said. “Now you know what the mattress is for.” Dan shifted. “And the trampoline?” “Best not ask about the trampoline.” //I think this is probably the first Dan pov fic I ever read, and it’s absolutely brilliant. This author gets the character voices down so perfectly it’s unreal, and the whole thing is just so wonderful to see from Dan’s outsider perspective. It’s set in the immediate aftermath of Once, Upon Time, and it does a fantastic job of exploring the impact of what happened in that episode – both from a whump perspective and an emotional one. Angsty, but also funny in the worst kind of way – someone please go give Yaz a break, she REALLY needs one. Anyway, it’s great, everyone go read it right now.
Hearts of Stone by weirdpug (previously xhonia) (1k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: The Doctor loses herself. The Master finds her. //Ohhh this one this one, it’s SO awesome – it’s one of those fics that does really cool things with the formatting? Which works great here, because it’s a weeping angel!13 fic and wow, wow! Extremely awesome indeed, and just beautifully written – the prose is just so full of character, even when the Doctor is losing herself and it’s so well done.
Divination by WalkerLister (6k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “There was a name for someone similar to me once. They called them the Valeyard. You can call me that, if you like. I quite like it, it’s suitably eerie. Little bit of drama never hurt anyone.” //Right, so we all remember what happened when War of the Sontarans aired…we got that ‘next time’ trailer of Once Upon Time…and all collectively lost our minds over the inverted dark coat. Since then, I feel like everyone has been finding really creative ways to get it into fanfics, and this is a wonderful example. And, well, if the promise of dark coat!13 wasn’t enough, this fic is just an absolutely fascinating look at the concept of the Valeyard in the context of the fobwatch from Flux, but focused on Yaz and her relationship with/perception of the Doctor. It’s such a good concept and so so wonderfully done! (also, if you’re a fan of thasmin, this author has a ton of stuff, so definitely go check it all out! For the less thasmin-inclined folks, I highly recommend Ipesity, which is one of my favourite post-TTC fics)
three points where two lines meet by Ymae (4k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: The Doctor tries to get those memories back, and breaks herself, bit by bit. //Oh man. This fic. I still remember when this one first posted and hoooooo boy, it is a hell of a gut-punch and absolutely wrenched my heart right out of my chest but HHHHHHHHH wow!! WOW. Genuinely, I think this fic rewrote my brain a little bit. It's set in the immediate aftermath of Once, Upon Time where the Doctor makes some very unwise decisions about trying to tug at her timeline and it's absolutely incredible. Very angsty, very whumpy, and full of a HUGE amount of the Doctor messing with timelines and very visceral, tangible descriptions of her timesense. It is such a treat, guys. And if you like this one and want something with similar vibes, I also highly recommend this post-flux fic by the same author!
Sheer Poetry! by Papapaldi (57k, 5 chapters, gen) summary: Trapped within her own mind, the Doctor travels through an impossible house, with everyone she has ever been locked inside. Her body is an unresponsive, useless bag of flesh somewhere far and away in reality. The part of her brain that she knows, where her past resides, sits somewhere else entirely within the old machine. The Ravagers eat, buried memories beckon, and the Doctor's faith is shaken to its core. She will never be the same – but that's what she's all about, right? Incredible change. //oh my days. THIS FIC, guys - look, I see the word count, I know, I know. This fic is a serious undertaking, but like so many things in life it is soooooo so worth it. Bucket loads of absolutely ASTOUNDING imagery, more references to Lungbarrow and Timewyrm Revelation than you can shake a stick at, BUT you don't need to have read those stories at all to enjoy this absolutely fantastic saga (put it like this - I've not read those books, and I had a whale of a time). Incredibly poetic, a little nonsensical in the best kind of way (it IS a mindscape fic) but startlingly funny and so beautifully in character. I laughed, I cried. This fic is just a love letter to everything Doctor Who, weaving all of canon into this beautiful, cohesive tapestry. I highly recommend. (and, if you're hungry for more and want tpotd content, there's an excellent sequel as well)
every step i choose to take (begins to set the world aflame) by SleepyMaddy (12k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: In a spaceport lost in a remote quadrant of interstellar space, a Doctor who doesn’t know herself anymore runs into a Master who doesn’t know himself yet // Ok so the sheer concept of this one ALONE is absolutely brilliant – the Doctor, escaping from the Division and half out of her head, bumps into the Master, who’s not long regenerated from Missy. And, guys. It’s fascinating. Seeing the Master right at the start, before he finds out everything that comes to define him in this era, and then having him meet a version of the Doctor who is quite a lot further along than him and just completely out of it? It’s like catnip to me, guys. And, of course, it’s all helped by the fact that the writing is absolutely brilliant – the characters are just absolutely spot on, which is quite an incredible feat seeing as they are both in very different places to where we see them in the show, yet they still manage to ring true throughout the whole thing. And also the mindscape imagery? The psychic whump? The emotional gut-punch that is the entire fic? Absolutely unparalleled. (also, if you’re a spydoc fan? Just help yourself out and read this author’s entire set of works, because it’s all fantastic)
see me bare my teeth for you by picnokinesis (16k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “Do you know your mission?” //This is a bit of a cheeky self-rec, but, in my defence, if you're looking for flux fics, then I think you'll enjoy this one. I wrote it in the week after Village of the Angels aired, and it's basically all my thoughts and theories about what was going to happen in Survivors of the Flux thrown into a 16k oneshot. I was...mostly wrong HAHA but I’m still really proud of it. If you like division!doctor, then this one is for you
we're only dreaming (tell me who i am) by SpaceBetweenGalaxies (2k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: more the-memory-house-is-Lungbarrow clowning //ok, so if you were like me when flux was airing and absolutely lost your MIND over the illogical house which was a bit too on the nose regarding Lungbarrow related things, then THIS FIC IS FOR YOU. Absolutely brilliantly done, with some gorgeous imagery that I'm still thinking about to this day, and just a wonderfully unsettling exploration of the Doctor and how she picks at those cut off memories in the aftermath of the Flux
the stars are bound to change by emptypockets (9k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: Being trisected across the universe has unexpected consequences for the Doctor, and Yaz is tasked with the responsibility of keeping her awake. //ohhhhhh this fic is so wonderful!! It's that weird sweet spot of 'soft angst', where it hits where it hurts but at the same time the whole thing feels like it's wrapping you in a warm blanket. Augh!! Such a lovely portrayal of the Doctor and Yaz's dynamic - I adore how this author writes these two so much. An absolutely lovely (but angsty!) character exploration, with a healthy dose of whump and sleepiness on the side. What more could you want?
Everything by rowanthestrange (24k, 13 chapters, thasmin) summary: In which Yaz wants to know everything, and the Doctor finally wants that too. //Ok, so full disclosure, I don't read that much thasmin, but this fic, guys. It's just gorgeous. A beautifully written exploration of Yaz and her relationship with the Doctor in the aftermath of Flux, which explores the years Yaz spent in the past and how that changed her; the Doctor grappling with her identity issues and how that's changed her; as well as all sorts of other wonderful things besides. Another fic that had tears streaming down my face (the TARDIS chapter got me...). It's such a poignant, emotional fic, and it's very focused on character in a way that I really adore. If you like thasmin, this is an absolute must-read. If you're not a fan of thasmin, I recommend it anyway (- signed: a thoschei shipper) because it's just such a brilliant portrayal of these two.
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craftypeaceturtle · 5 months
TMNT 2003 Fic Recs
These are mostly going to be hurt/comfort, with a lot of Don fics.
Homecoming by Technodawn
Donnie is kidnapped by someone and held captive for four years.
Posted on fanfiction.net, this fic is brilliant! One of those fanfics that I read entirely one sitting because I couldn't stop. Lots of brotherly moments and the time Don is held captive is emotional and visceral. This whole fic is so grounded and well thought out.
Turning the Blade by Pebr
All of the brothers start experiencing the same intense nightmares and all need to come together to face those fears. Only Leo spirals from these nightmares and falls further from his brothers.
Not for the faint of heart with its vivid descriptions and gore. Fantastic exploration of the characters and Leo in particular. A super creative idea with a unique threat. The exhaustion and injuries make the fic feel real and intense.
Blood-Stained Tiles by RealityBreakGirl
Donnie panics after having to stitch up his father.
I'd recommend anything by RealityBreakGirl in all honesty but this fic has a special place in my heart. It's so sweet and explores the idea of Donnie as the team medic and the pressure that puts him under.
The Gauntlant by T33la
Donnie has been working on a gauntlant that can negate gravity- but it's highly experimental and glitchy. But soon Mikey and Donnie have to bet their lives on this tech.
Again, would recommend you read through everything T33la has ever written, this fic in particular is my favourite. Reads as an episode of the show. The characters are so vibrant and in-character. Some fantastic action and character moments that won't leave my head.
Find the Road by SillySocks
A series of oneshots exploring how everyone is dealing after Leo is sent to the Ancient One.
Such a great exploration of family and what these characters mean to each other. Kind of blows my mind that this idea isn't in a bunch of fanfics. A slow almost grieving look after Leo leaves as everyone finds a new normal and tries to keep going as well.
It Takes a Village by GreenGoddessSmoothie
April is stressed out to the max with dealing with her baby. Thankfully Donnie and Leo come to the rescue.
You won't find a better April hurt/comfort fic. It's so sweet and an amazing fic which explores how these three all see each other. It's one of those fics which is great to read while trying to sleep, very fluffy and a great read.
Can You Break What You Can't See? by lunaless
Donnie struggling after the mind probe.
One of my favourite post-mind probe fics. The struggle Donnie facing to keep his mind in tact and also everyone struggling to get out of the ship is great! It feels intense and the growing realisation that Donnie isn't okay makes for a great read!
The Afterward by halogalopaghost
Donnie after his secondary mutation slowly recovering and being nursed back to health. The cure didn't work instantly and everyone is on edge trying to coax him back to health.
Yes. YES! A great fanfic with a lot of medical speculation and the helplessness of watching a family member fall sick. Leatherhead's exhaustion, everyone's desperation. A fantastic read! Also please check out halogalopaghost, another fantastic fic writer that I could recommend every single work they've done.
Midnight Comforts by mattyj
Raph comforting Don after he had a nightmare about SAINW.
OH! If you want a great character based conversation which completes destroys my heart, you'll find it here. Such a sweet fluffy fanfiction. A fantastic look into Don and Raph's relationship. A must read if you're a sucker for that dynamic.
Matchmaker Matchmaker (Make Me a Match) by LilliputianDuckling
Donnie is in love with Usagi but mistakes that interest in seeing how great Usagi would be in a relationship and so setting him up with Leo.
Okay I usually avoid shipping stuff since it doesn't really interest me but this was so cute and put an interesting spin on Donnie and Usagi. A great little read and the moment when Raph realises what's actually going on is great. The fic that makes me prefer Don x Usagi rather than Leo.
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porcelainmortal · 1 month
RWRB Anniversary Fic Rec Spectacular
Happy one year to the Red, White and Royal Blue movie!!
As both a fic writer and an avid reader of FirstPrince fanfic, I love any reason to celebrate it. I came up with this as a way to honor canon fanfic, old and new! There are rules for both fic writers and non-writer fic lovers, so please play along.
The Rules: Post two canon-compliant/post-canon fic recs. Fic writers should post one that you wrote and one that someone else wrote. Non-fic writers should share your favorite old fic and your favorite new fic! Then tag your friends so we can get the whole fandom to play along.
That's it! Pretty simple. Up to you if you want to include a summary, a written rec specifying why you love that fic, or any other notes.
Fic Recs:
In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites - I love this fic! It's so sexy and incredibly sweet. The trust and love these two have for each other, not to mention that they are so drawn to each other, even in sleep, is swoon-worthy. This fic offers a small glimpse into their post-canon lives; it's about how they handle being apart and coming together again (pun intended). It's pretty horny but it's also got lots of feels, too. I think it encapsulates who Alex and Henry are in a wonderful way. I highly recommend!
the song of Alex & Henry - Post-canon fic where Alex and Henry read The Song of Achilles and are changed by it (as we all were). It is a tribute to their love and deep soul connection. It's short and sweet, only around 1k words, so it can be squeezed in between longer fic recs! I hope it makes you feel heart-bursting joy.
Tagging @anincompletelist @almightaylor @blueeyedgrlwrites @bitbybitwrites @caterpills
@cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @firenati0n @faketrex
@getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @iboatedhere @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes
@leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites @meraki-yao @oldfarmwitch @onthewaytosomewhere
@orchidscript @priincebutt @rmd-writes @sparklepocalypse @smc-27
@theprinceandagcd @three-drink-amy @thesleepyskipper @tailsbeth-writes @wordsofhoneydew
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atelierlili · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
You’ve made a grave mistake because I have so much to say and some art as well(becuase I’m so sane for them I swear)
So I’ve always headcannon that Katniss had her first baby in her late twenties-early thirties. In my head the 5, 10, 15 years go like this. Year 5: Katniss is open to the idea of children now. The games are done, but is Panem really safe yet? Is she ready yet. No, not really. Year 10: okay, Katniss feels safer and braver now. If it happens it happens. They won’t actively try for it and will let nature take its course. Year 15: Toast boy and girl are born within a 5-ish year time span.
Katniss names the girl Marigold for the golden flowers that Peeta planted next Katniss’ Primroses. Marigolds represent warmth, creativity, joy and good luck, but they were also given away during times of grief as a gesture of kindness and solidarity as the flower’s vibrant colours helped ease the pain of grief. Gold is also the colour that represents the bond between the district 12 team that comprised of Peeta, Katniss, Effie, Haymitch, Portia & Cinna. So it’s also carries some sentimental weight as without them and their bonds, this little girl wouldn’t have been born. Of course, Peeta calls the girl Muffin. Because she’s his little muffin. His little cupcake. It’s not until Effie decides that Mary is too bland a nickname for her favorite niece that we get the girl’s most used nickname- Muffy.
Muffy is a bundle of joy to their lives. And Katniss loves being a mother more than she’d thought. Having Muffy made Katniss yearn for the mini Peeta she dreamt of on a beach in the QQ.
Toastboy pops out about three and a half years later. The age gap is so close to be about the same as Katniss and Prim’s that it makes her heart squeeze again. His name is Cress, after Watercress (wait plz don’t leave), the aquatic plant that can be found in bunches at Katniss’ special lake. They are a highly nutritious plant to eat and is said to believe to have medicinal uses like treating swelling and fevers. The name is also a small nod to Annie Cresta and Finnick because of the water connection. His curly blonde hair gets him the nickname Goldilocks from Johanna.
Both children are highly artistic and connected to nature, Katniss teaches them both to hunt, but the kiddos don’t like it as much because they don’t like to hurt animals. It hurts Katniss a little bit, but she’s glad that bloodshed and violence (even to survive) aren’t a daily part of their lives.
Muffy is a performer. She’s definitely daddy’s little girl because she loves to yap. She could yap all day and still find something to talk about. She grows up loving to dance and then wanting to sing and dance- the dreams of making it big in the Capitol as a actress. (To Katniss’ complete and under horror) She’ll definitely develope some complex when it comes to being the Mockingjay’s daughter. Especially when she starts getting movie offers to play her Mom, even when after she tries going out of her way to distance herself from Katniss by going under a different stage name.
Cress is very much not Muffy. He’s a quiet little guy who follows after his big sister like a little duckling. He’s the only one who doesn’t get tired of her yapping and genuinely listens to her. Peeta and Katniss were a little worried when they started noticing that he wasn’t speaking for a while. They go to doctors and they can never find what’s causing this speech delay, but one day he starts talking at the age of 2, and he has the softest most sweetest voice in the world. He’s a very quiet and observant kid, that gets into more trouble than you’d think. While Peeta’s art is very imagery and emotionally (and politically) focused, Cress’s art is not. He’s super talented with a pencil and really skilled at realistic/technical drawings that he’d probably go an illustrate diagrams for scientific textbooks on nature and stuff. Growing up, he probably feels like his art work is too cold and unfeeling compared to Peeta’s splash of life. But in reality, the difference between they art styles are indicative of how they see and filter the world through their art.
Anyway, this is taking waaay to long so here is some early concept art of the toast babies. I’m still messing around with the tones and hues of their design, so none of this is final. I’m probs gonna switch Cress’s skin tone to a more golden undertone as opposed to Katniss’s reddish one to match his hair color, which might get a tad darker (or lighter tbh. In the books Peeta’s an ashy blonde) Meanwhile maybe I’ll give Muffy the redder undertone? There’s something off bout her that I need to keep experimenting with. She screams Movie Katniss baby, not Book Katniss Baby, but maybe that’s only because Jen has blue eyes.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 18 days
Rec List: Teacher AUs!
I........ may have completely forgotten to post this for two days. In my defense, last week was about three separate nightmares, followed by attending a lovely but loud and long wedding and then driving home in a torrentially downpouring thunderstorm while my inebriated fiancee babbled adorable nonsense from the passenger seat.
Also my ADHD ass made it 8 months before this happened so we're gonna take that as a win.
ANYWAYS. Teachers. They have so much influence -- I've had teachers who inspired me and made me want to be better, and teachers who made me vow to never take that subject ever again from anyone. Teaching someone can be such a gift, such a sense of intimacy and vulnerabillity and trust, a unique bond.
And thus, I bring you ten teaching fics, from preschool to high school to university to diving to yoga and beyond. We've got 11k, we've got 111k, and plenty in between. Please enjoy, read, reblog, kudos, comment, and get ready for the next theme!
Breathe Me by Elsi-bee (25609, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis is a songwriter forced to take part in a meditation retreat, Harry is the coach.
Reccer says: It's a lovely story! Comfort fic! There's pinning, the relationship is sweet and very believable even though the fic isn't very long. There are feelings and emotion. I really loved it and highly recommend it!
Take My Breath Away by RealityBetterThanFiction (153658, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Top Gun AU
Reccer says: It's a remake of Top Gun en Larry, so it's ten thousand times better. Louis aka Rogue is something else. And Sparrow aka Harry is not to be outdone.
You Watched Me Sink by bananasandboots (38000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry and Louis are teachers at the same school and they're sort of casually dating except maybe neither of them is quite as casual about it as they mean to be but they refuse to talk about it until they do.
Reccer says: No matter how many times Harry and Louis tell Niall that they're dating, Niall is absolutely certain that they're not dating BUT THEY SHOULD BE. It's so fucking funny every time.
Hands Clasped Tight by afirethatcannotdie (44300, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry and Louis are teachers at the same school and all their students either think they're dating or want them to date. They're half-right: they've been married for three years.
Reccer says: It's just so sweet and cute and funny, they fit together so well and know each other so well but their relationship still feels vibrant and alive and hot and full of love
Hold My Breath by Zarah5 (19749, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is a footballer, Harry is a yoga teacher
Reccer says: Why do I love this fic? It can be summed up in a few words: Zarah5, footie Louis. And Harry is the Harry I like: a little clumsy, sweet and kind.
Into the Blue by Zarah5 (117218, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is Harry's diving teacher
Reccer says: I can't say it often enough: I love Zarah's writing. She makes every one of her stories a wonderful read, and Into the Blue confirms that rule. Pinning, a little angst. Perfection
An Unbalanced Force by kingsofeverything (110000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry's picture-perfect future starts to crumble, but something else is born out of the rubble.
Reccer says: Mature OT5 in a realistic world where things aren't perfect. Angst with a happy ending.
come as you are by Stylinsoncity (77438, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
louis is a professor of literature at oxford and harry is his newest and most eager protege. both are caught in a story about forbidden love, loss and second chances, in which one is on the brink of heartbreak and the other comes along when he's needed most.
Reccer says: This fic—the whole series actually—so brilliantly explores complex feelings, poor choices, falling in love, hating oneself…
All in the Golden Afternoon by Leighllbealright (126007, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
When Louis Tomlinson needed to find a new preschool for his daughter, he wasn't expecting the one across the street to be everything he and Goldie ever needed. Or: the one where Louis is closed off, Harry is the weirdest person ever, and Gemma may as well be a psychic.
Reccer says: This fic is possibly one of the best kid fics I’ve ever read! Goldie is a star in her own right. Harry’s reaction to meeting Louis for the first time is so delightfully weird and memorable.
The Section by Bananaheathen (11144, Mature, Harry Styles / Louis Tomlinson)
In which Louis is a TA for an Intro to Cinema course, and Harry is an undergrad with a bit of a crush. Or, the one with "Name: Harry Styles, Date: me please”
Reccer says: The “date: me please” makes me giggle every single time. I love the Zouis friendship and the lusting over the Likely Lads!
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