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love that lasts | joaquín torres x fem!reader

Pairing: Joaquín Torres x Fem!Reader Summary: When Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half of all life from the universe, he also took you from Joaquín. Five years later, he is still trying to learn how to live without you – until the Avengers can save the world. Warnings: Google Translate is my best friend – apologies if the Spanish is used incorrectly in this fic, I do not speak it but I tried my best to make sure I used words properly. Mentions of bad mental health, nightmares. It's very angsty at the start, has a bit of fluff, but mostly full of angst. Word Count: 4.2k A/N: I rewatched Infinity War and Endgame last week and came up with this idea. Since we know that Joaquín survived the snap, I decided I wanted to write something angsty about where you didn't survive and this was born. This was the most challenging fic for Joaquín I've written so far but also the most rewarding, I think. I know everyone's really moved on from the whole Infinity War/Endgame thing regarding fics, but I really wanted to write this so I hope people will enjoy it. The title of the fic comes from 'Still' by Noah Kahan – I had his album on repeat almost the entire time I was writing this.
Joaquin Torres always knew that the Avengers were going to save the world. From the moment that half of all life on Earth had disappeared, he knew that whatever had happened, the Avengers would somehow find a way to fix things.
He just didn’t count on it being five years later.
There had been one good thing that had come out of him not being blipped, though – the fact that his mom hadn’t been either. If he’d had to live without her, he’s sure he would have gone insane. Because it was hard enough to live without you.
He’d spent days wishing that he’d been taken too. The first few days had been the worst. He’d been unable to leave the house, having to learn to grieve you when he wasn’t even sure if you were dead or just gone.
He remembered every moment of that first day like it was yesterday. How he’d just arrived home from going to pick up some takeout for the two of you and he’d seen his neighbour turn to dust in his front yard while he’d been outside gardening, making the most of the evening light. He thought he must have just been seeing things.
He’d walked through the front door of your home and called out your name, heading into the kitchen to put the take out down before he went to find you, feeling more than confused. Then you’d appeared in the doorway to the kitchen and Joaquin had been flooded with relief.
“I’m home, angel, I have the takeout in the kitchen, come get yours” Joaquin called, starting to get the take out from the bags. “Hey, have you seen anything weird on TV today?”
He’d looked up at you, then, just soon enough to see you say his name as you slowly started to turn to dust in front of his eyes. The blanket that had been wrapped around your shoulders fell to a pile on the floor as Joaquin stared at where you had been standing only seconds earlier.
“Angel?” Joaquin’s voice was small, hesitant. He put the container down that he’d been holding and walked towards the doorway, half expecting you to be hiding behind the wall, ready to jump out and scare him. It’d been a trick of the light, something like that. But all that was left of you was the blanket on the floor and your phone which had fallen on top of it.
He’d fallen to the floor, grabbing the blanket in his hands and holding it to his chest for what felt like hours as the feeling of numbness overtook him. The blanket still smelled like you and he never wanted to let it go.
Whatever was happening, whatever had happened to your neighbour and to you… there was nothing Joaquin could do about it. He wasn’t an Avenger, he wasn’t anyone special. He knew in that moment that he was going to have to live with it. That fact alone could have killed him.
His knees went numb after kneeling on the floor for so long but he couldn’t find it in himself to pull himself up from the floor. Not even when the sun finally set and the house was blanketed in darkness. The food on the counter had long gone cold. It was only when your phone, sitting in his lap, buzzed, that he’d been pulled out of his stupor. His mother was trying to ring you. She’d thought Joaquin had been taken when she couldn’t get a hold of him, but the second he answered your phone, she knew that you were gone.
Joaquin had stayed with his mother for a while after that, not being able to bring himself to be in the house without you there. There were memories of you in that house everywhere he looked. The sheets still smelled of you, all of your things were still in the cupboards, every time he opened up Netflix, your profile was there. Everything was there except for you.
“You could always sell the house and move back home with me properly, mijo,” his mother had said. “It’s not smart to be paying your mortgage on that house when no one is living in it.”
He shook his head. “I know it’s not smart, mamá, but I just can’t. We bought that house together. We were making a life there. I can’t even bring myself to move her things, how could I sell the place and clear everything out?”
His mother reached across the table and placed her hand over Joaquin’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Then you’ll stay here until you’re ready to go home.”
“I don’t know if it will ever really be home without her, mamá,” Joaquin said honestly, meeting her eyes. His were full of tears, as they were most days since you’d gone.
There was no hesitation as his mother stood up from the table and walked around to him, wrapping her arms around him to pull him into a hug. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “She was the love of your life. Just like your father was the love of mine. You don’t have to move on like she never existed, mijo. Time will continue to pass and she will continue to be with you, even when you cannot see her.”
Joaquin sniffed, holding his mother close as he cried. “I really love her, mamá,” he murmured, not really expecting her to hear him since his voice was so muffled.
She did, though. Gently rubbing his back, she closed her eyes and let out a long, shaky sigh. “I know you do. I loved her too, mijo. Just like she was my own,” she hummed. “Don’t lose hope. She will return to you one day, I believe that. Your soulmate will find you wherever you are, in any life.”
As the years went on, Joaquin started to believe that this was the way it was always going to be. The Avengers had not saved the world like he thought they would. And he was going to have to learn to live the rest of his life with only memories of you. Like his mother had said, time continued to pass, no matter how much he wished it wouldn’t.
The world changed. He changed. Things became darker and he became darker with them, though he desperately tried to keep the spark alive in his chest – if only because he knew that was what you’d want him to do. You would want him to still be the same Joaquin that you’d loved, but how could he be that person without you?
He threw himself into his job, working day and night to try and keep himself afloat. It seemed strange to be doing such mundane things in a world that was so different. To have to keep earning money to pay the mortgage of your house. To have to get out of bed every morning and shave. To have to make food for himself to eat during the day. To have to go to the grocery store to get milk for breakfasts and coffees.
Five years had passed slowly. Joaquin had made it through them relatively unscathed, with a few mental scars here and there. Every day he was grateful that he still had his mom. That she was there to comfort him when the days were hard and that he was still alive to be there for her as well. If she’d been alone through all of this, it would have broken Joaquin’s heart even more.
When he eventually moved back into your home, every time he cooked dinner it was like you were in the room with him. He could feel your hand on his back as he cooked, your arms around his waist as he washed the dishes. It was like you were still there with him, but then he’d blink and the memories were gone, washed down the sink with the water he drained.
He still cooked enough food for two people before realising it was only him. For a while, he could never bring himself to eat the second serving, until times got harder and he couldn’t afford to waste anything.
He would be laying in bed at night and he could swear he could feel your arm draped across his side. He could feel the ghost of your kisses on his lips. Your side of the bed was empty every night and yet, he could never bring himself to wash the pillowcase you’d once slept on for fear of the way you smelt disappearing entirely, forcing him to lose another part of you. He couldn’t lose anymore of you.
His friends who had survived the blip had suggested that he put himself back out there. Go on a date, find someone new. There were plenty of stories of people who had gone to support groups after losing loved ones and had found new love there. The likelihood of everyone who had been blipped coming back was slim to none, so why not? But Joaquin could never bring himself to let you go. Even just thinking about going on a date with someone else filled him with guilt. People had tried to set him up on dates but he had never gone through with actually going on any of them.
His mom was the only one who understood. Even if it meant that her baby would never be able to give her the grandchildren she’d wanted for so long, it didn’t matter to her. She had loved you like you were her own child. All she wanted was for Joaquin to be happy and for some miracle to bring you back to him so that he could be. But even she had lost hope after the past five years that anything could bring you back to him.
And then… the Avengers saved the world.
That morning, Joaquin is sitting in a coffee shop – one that had been your favourite before you were gone. He’s missing you a little more than normal this morning and had decided that a good way to feel like he was with you would be to come out and spend time at a place you loved. He’s taking a sip of his coffee when someone suddenly appears in the chair opposite him.
Joaquin almost chokes on his drink, coughing a little as he looks at the man in front of him. He hadn’t walked in from anywhere, he hadn’t been in the coffee shop before. He’d just… appeared. What the hell was going on?
“What the…” the man says, looking around the coffee shop with a confused and haunted look in his eyes. “You’re not my wife… I was just sitting here with her… Where is Sylvia?”
Joaquin’s eyes widen. For a moment he wonders if the man is just confused, maybe there’s something wrong with him mentally and this is his way of asking Joaquin for help… but then, on the table in front of him, his phone lights up and starts to ring.
The contact photo is of you and the name on the screen is yours.
He drops his coffee, spilling a little on the table as he reaches for his phone. His hands are already starting to shake. A part of him thinks this must all be a cruel joke. Someone has broken into your house and stolen your phone, or there’s some kind of technological glitch. But another part of him, the part that is still hoping after all these years, truly believes that when he answers the phone, your voice will be the one he hears on the other end of the line.
“Angel?” Joaquin’s voice is hopeful as he holds his phone up to his ear and presses the answer button. “Is that you?”
There’s a moment of silence on the other end of the line and Joaquin’s stomach drops. But then he hears it. “Joaquin… where are you? What’s going on?” Your voice – your voice on the other end of the line. It’s real. By some miracle, you’re home. “You were just unpacking the takeout and then…”
“Angel, just stay there, okay? I’m coming home,” Joaquin says to you, grabbing his coat off the back of his chair as he stands up. “I’m so sorry, sir. You should call your wife,” he mutters to the man still sitting on the chair opposite him, looking confused.
He takes off at a run, almost running straight into a few people walking through the door of the cafe. He doesn’t hang up the phone the entire time he’s running home, just grateful that your favourite coffee shop is within walking distance of your house. He’s grateful that he wasn’t driving – he doubts he’d be able to focus on the road properly, knowing that you’re home and waiting for him.
Joaquin runs faster than he’s ever run in his entire life. His throat hurts from his heavy breathing and the air rushing in and there’s a stitch forming on his side. There’s sweat dripping down his forehead, owing to the sweater he’d put on this morning and the pace at which he’s running. But he’s not going to stop or slow down for even a second until he gets to you.
Once he reaches your street, he pushes himself to run even faster. He can see your house in the distance and he hopes he’s not dreaming as he runs towards it. He doesn’t think he can deal with the pain of walking inside the house and not seeing you inside again.
He’s breathing heavily as he reaches the front door, fumbling in his pocket for the key. He doesn’t even notice his neighbour in the front yard, the one he’d seen disappear five years ago, standing right where he’d disappeared, holding his wife close.
Joaquin doesn’t manage to get the key in the front door before it’s pulled open, his hands shaking too much with adrenaline. His head snaps up and his eyes fall on you, your hand on the door handle and your cheeks tear-streaked as you look at him.
“Oh, dios mío,” Joaquin mutters, instantly stepping inside the door and wrapping his arms around you. He holds you tightly to his chest, worried that you’re going to disappear from his arms for good this time. “Are you real? Are you actually here? I’m dreaming. I must be dreaming. This can’t be real.”
Your hands fist the fabric of his sweater as he holds you close. Whatever happened, you don’t really know yet, but what you do know is that Joaquin is acting like he hasn’t seen you for years. The house looks the same, you’d noticed, as you’d walked around before Joaquin came home and you heard the sound of his keys at the door. But something is off.
“I’m real, Joaquin,” you murmur into his ear. “You’re not dreaming. But I don’t know what’s going on… where did you go? You were unpacking takeout and then you were gone.”
Joaquin pulls away from the hug but still keeps his arms firmly wrapped around your waist. He can’t bring himself to let go and he fears it’s going to be that way forever now. “Angel, it’s… it’s been five years since I last saw you. Thanos… he wiped out half of all life in the universe… you were– you were gone.” Tears start to fall down Joaquin’s cheeks and he doesn’t realise until your hand moves to gently swipe them away. He leans into your palm, finding comfort in the feeling of your warm hand on his cheek. “But the Avengers… whatever they did brought you back to me. It was them, I know it must’ve been.”
He internally curses himself for ever doubting them.
“Five years?” You frown, eyebrows knotting together as you try and piece things together in your mind. For you, it had just been like you’d blinked and things had changed but for Joaquin… it had been five years. Five years without you, and yet when you’d called… he had literally come running. “I was gone for five years?”
Joaquin nods, reaching one hand up to wipe the tears from your own face. He can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been for you to come back and not find him anywhere, for you to be alone in the house. He’s more grateful than ever now that he never tried to sell the house. If you’d come back and an entire new family had been living in your house…
“They were the hardest five years of my life, angel,” he says softly. “I thought that you were gone forever.”
You look at him for a moment, a little confused. “But you still live here… you still kept my number in your phone… you– Joaquin, you came running to me when I called… what have you been doing for the last five years?”
Joaquin’s heart cracks a little in his chest. “Angel, I’ve been waiting for you.”
With that, he can’t bring himself to maintain his self control any longer. The hand that had wiped the tears off your cheeks gently holds the back of your neck as he presses his lips to yours. You reciprocate immediately. Five years of wanting, five years of waiting for something he was sure was never going to come… a kiss five years in the making. Joaquin is surprised he was able to hold off for so long. He’s never going to take advantage of kissing you ever again.
A little later, you and Joaquin sit on the couch in the living room. Your hands are entwined, legs tangled under a blanket in front of you. It had taken a while to pull yourselves from the doorway. You were both in a little bit of shock – Joaquin in shock that you were finally back here after five years, you in shock that you had been gone that long.
“You really never dated anyone at all in the last five years?” You ask, resting your head on his shoulder as one of his fingers draws patterns on your palm that slightly tickles.
Joaquin looks down at you and sighs. “Believe me, my friends tried to make me. They even set up a couple of dates for me to go on, but I never went on any of them. I just couldn’t bring myself to get out the front door.”
Frowning, you look up at him. “Why not?”
“Because none of them were you, angel.”
He gives your hand a squeeze and you snuggle closer into his side. You’d been insecure in your relationship at times – five years ago – but you knew you could never be insecure about it anymore. How many other people could say their partner had waited five years for them on a sliver of hope that they’d come back after disappearing from the universe?
In his pocket, Joaquin’s phone starts to buzz. He pulls it out of his pocket and smiles as he sees his mothers contact on the screen. “I’ve got a phone call for you, mi amor.” He hands the phone to you and his heart warms as he sees your smile upon seeing who’s calling. “I think she almost missed you more than I missed you.”
You take the phone off of Joaquin and instantly hit answer, holding the phone up to your ear. “Suegrita,” is all you say and even though Joaquin isn’t holding the phone, he can already hear his mothers cries on the other side of the line.
He motions for you to put the call on speaker.
“Mamá, you told me not to lose hope,” he says, taking advantage of a moment of silence from the other end of the line while his mother isn’t sobbing. He’s already planning to go and see her as soon as possible – especially when she’s like this.
For a moment, there is nothing but the sound of his mothers sobs on the other end of the line, and then she speaks. “You bring her home to see me soon, mijo!” She exclaims to Joaquin. “Mi querida niña, you do not understand how happy I am that you are home with your love.” Her words are directed at you now.
There are already tears streaming down your cheeks at her words. “You must have taken really good care of him these past five years for me, suegrita,” you sniff. “Thank you for looking after him when I couldn’t.”
Joaquins arm wraps around your shoulders and squeezes tightly.
“I knew you would come home to him one day, querida,” his mom says. “Soulmates will find each other in life no matter what comes between them. I told him that years ago.”
His mother only hangs up after Joaquin promises that he’ll bring you around to see her tomorrow. You know you’re going to need to prepare yourself for plenty of hugs and kisses from her, and even though for you it’s only been a matter of weeks since you’ve seen her, it’s been five years since she saw you. It’s going to take a while to get used to that fact.
“Mamá took good care of me, angel,” Joaquin says, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “I don’t know what I would have done without her here. I cried in her arms more than I can count over the past five years.”
You frown, moving until you’re straddling Joaquin’s lap and you can hug him properly. You bury your head in his neck and one of your hands moves to rest in his hair. His arms wrap around your back. “You don’t have to cry anymore, baby.”
Joaquin chuckles a little. “I think I’m probably still going to do a lot of that. I can’t make any promises, angel,” he rubs your back. “A part of me still thinks I’m dreaming. That I’m going to wake up any second and you’re going to be gone.”
You pull away just enough so you can look him in the eyes. “I’m real, Joaquin. I’m not going anywhere. Not unless there’s some other alien out there that’s going to get rid of half all life in the universe again.”
He scrunches up his nose. “Don’t joke about that. Too soon.”
Smiling, you lean in and touch the tip of your nose against his gently. Joaquin takes advantage of the closeness of your face to lean up and capture your lips with his. He can feel you smiling into the kiss. Maybe if he does this enough, he can make his brain realise that this is real. That you’re here in his arms, your lips on his. That against all odds, you’re home.
He knows the nightmares aren’t going to go away any time soon. They’ve been plaguing him for years at this point. He’s lost count of the amount of times he’s woken up from a dream that you were alive, or a nightmare where he had you back only to lose you again. It’s why, when he wakes up later that night, his heart racing and sweat drenching his body, that it’s not a surprise to him.
What does surprise him is that he forgets you’re here now. It’s not until he hears your soft, sleep filled voice speak his name and feels the mattress move underneath him that he spins around from where he’d moved to sit on the edge of the bed to see you.
“Baby, are you okay?” You ask quietly.
Joaquin takes you by surprise by pretty much launching himself at you. He places a hand on your cheek, another one on your thigh. You’re sitting up, legs crossed, staring at him full of worry.
“Baby?” You try again.
“You’re real,” Joaquin mutters. “I’m not dreaming. It’s not a nightmare.”
You reach up a hand to rest on the one on your cheek. “It’s not a nightmare. I’m real.”
Tears fill Joaquin’s eyes again. He’s still haunted by the nightmare, one where he’d lost you again, and his brain is just sleepy enough to make him think that this is all a dream, even after trying to convince himself that it isn’t. Even after hearing your words confirm that it isn’t.
“Please don’t leave me,” he murmurs.
You shuffle closer to him until you’re face to face, until you can feel his unsteady breaths on your face and your noses are almost touching. “I’m not going anywhere, Joaquin.”
He brushes his lips against yours softly, barely even a kiss. “Don’t leave me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and kiss him properly in an attempt to wake him up a little. It’s almost like he’s still in the midst of the nightmare, that he can’t manage to pull himself out of it completely. The fact that he’s had to deal with all of this alone for the past five years makes your heart hurt.
“I’m home now, baby,” you mutter against his lips after you pull away. “I’m not leaving you. I’m home.”
Joaquin’s arms move to pull you closer to him until you’re almost sitting in his lap. “You’re home,” he says softly.
“I’m home,” you repeat.
He takes a moment to just breathe, then. Focusing on the feeling of your hands on him, the feeling of his hands on you, trying to ground himself. You’re home. You are really home. And for the first time in five years… Joaquin finally feels like he is home too.
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres x reader#joaquin torres x you#marvel#marvel x reader#captain america brave new world#mcu#mcu x reader#i'm lowkey terrified to post this cause this fic feels so special to me#but i really hope people will enjoy it!!
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HIHI! Before I make my request, I just wanna say that I absolutely ADORE the way you write the crk characters! The posts you have about Shadow Milk are scarily accurate. On another note, I really enjoyed the Burning Spice x reader hcs, and for my request, could you maybe do some Burning Spice NSFW hcs?🤧🙏 I haven't seen many people do requests for him, so I figured I'd step up and ask!
Burning Spice NSFW Headcannons
🍓Girl, I gotta clear out my askbox AGAIN. I clean it out and then y'all come back with a vengeance. Anyway, you were the first person to rq this, so congrats, you get the special answered ask! Yay! Anyway, Burning Spice is SUCH a challenge for me because we have virtually no content of the guy. This is 90% guesswork on my behalf, so please give me grace lol. Sorry if these are short and kinda bad, my motivation is low rn lol
Tw: NSFW; Rough Sex; Marking (like, bruising and biting); blood mention; predator/prey dynamic mentioned
Info: Burning Spice Cookie x Reader; NSFW
-Burning Spice Cookie is surprisingly lax about sex. It's not something that interests him too much, because once you've done it so many ways, you cannot do much more spicing it up.
-Pre-corruption he had sex semi-frequently with various different partners over a long period of time, but the closer he got to corruption the more... boring sex became. There wasn't much appeal other than dominating his partner, and even then, once he did that it was kind of nothing.
-He's experienced and he's very good at what he does, but he doesn't really care to initiate in most cases. Despite what most might think of him, he values the time he spends with you. Sex seems like it would be a waste of it, so he just doesn't bother with it.
-Unless, of course, you seem to be into the idea. Then his tune changes. Oh, his little warrior wants to try something different? Alright, sure, but he won't hold back on you. (He does, of course, because he can't have you crumbling on him.)
-Your first time with him is... interesting. He is, in all meanings of the word, considerate of you and your well-being the whole time. But, he's also doing everything in his power to see what makes you tick. How far can he push you this time before you need to tap out, how many orgasms can he get, how hard can he get your legs shaking?
-He likes to push you. A big part of his style of sexual intercourse is dominating. In most cases, he likes to go as hard as he can as fast as he can, but he has an inhuman tolerance when it comes to you. So he takes his time figuring out how to dominate you.
-He likes things that puzzle him, he likes having his mind challenged, he likes to have something for his mind to do. With sex, this is especially important. He gets off on the thrill of figuring you out, he wants to see the way you react to everything.
-He's big on predator/prey dynamics, like, really big on them. He likes to set you loose and give you a fixed amount of time to throw him off your trail. Run, hide, set traps, and he'll come after you like a wild animal starved for weeks. You always think you've got him, but he waits until you're comfortable to strike, and he takes you wherever he finds you - so hiding in public isn't a smart idea... or it is... depends on what you're into.
-Speaking of, he is a big proponent of public sex. Like I said in his initial headcannons, he loves to show you off. You both have a lot of pride in being the other's partner, so why not show it off in every way possible?
-Usually, this manifests as him having you bounce on him on his throne while loyal followers come and praise him. They'll be showering him with flowery words and begging for his acknowledgment, but his eyes are only on you. He soaks in your nervous expression, loving the way you shy away from the other cookie's eyes.
-It also can be more ritualistic. What I mean is that, he very well enjoys having people watch, so why not make a festival out of it. The two of you will be on a huge platform, surrounded by rich silk sheets and the eyes of his most loyal followers. They cheer the two of you on, shouting praises and exclamations of joy as you reach your climax.
-Do not think that this means he's in any way okay with sharing. He is not, it's a one-way ticket to get crumbled. If any cookie is foolish enough to even propose the idea they don't live to tell the tale. Look, enjoy, but don't touch.
-A lot of sex with him actually starts as sparring. You are very weak compared to him, so he rarely goes out of his way to spar with you, but he does. When he does, it always ends with you bent over and babbling his name like a mantra.
-He can't help it, the way you fight him with such a cute determined little expression really makes the cogs in his head turn. Flushed face, chest heaving, oh you look heavenly. Wouldn't you look nicer with him splitting you on his dick? Yes, he seems to think so.
-He likes it when you fight back against him, make him work for his own high. It's just what he wants. Kick and bite and punch and scratch as much as you can, he wants to see the marks you leave on him. He wears them with pride, just like you should his.
-And he does mark you up, very well. Your body is littered with bites from him, and you have several new bruises where he restrains you. The most prominent ones are on your thighs, the perfect outline of his fingers practically burned into your dough.
-You always bleed when he bites, his teeth are sharp, and he never cleans it up. He likes seeing the crimson jam dribble down your body. It's a beautiful sight, the very essence of you leaking out for him to see. When he's feeling particularly romantic, he'll smear it across his lips like makeup, and kiss along your body leaving a trail of blood-soaked kisses in his wake.
-Something else to mention, he very much likes to see the two of you connected. He enjoys watching himself sink into you, and he does it in silence. To him, it's beautiful to see your bodies meld together. Even more so, he likes to see evidence of himself in you.
-So, he always cums inside and he never uses protection. He likes to see his cum leak out of your abused little hole, he'll scoop it out of you after the fact with a scary reverence in his eyes. It's hard to tell what he's thinking, but he cleans you up well, so it's best to let it be.
-He also likes to feel himself while he's inside you. He'll press on your stomach so he can enjoy the way he fits more directly. If you squirm, it just makes it all the better for him. The pleasure is only heightened by your wiggling, so keep it up.
-Okay, we have to acknowledge his size. It's impossible not to do so with how big he is in the game - he is significantly larger than every cookie we've seen so far.
-His dick is large, like very large. It's more... normal... than Shadow Milk Cookie's, but it's not regular by any means. It's big, nearly eight inches long, and about five inches thick. It's the same color as his dough all the way up to the tip, which is a deep reddish-brown color.
-The tip is flat and wide, and it's the same thickness along the entire shaft. The first push-in is always the hardest, but as soon as you adjust, it's easy to take the whole thing... well... what you can fit at least.
-Oh, one last thing, his dick is ribbed. Several bumps line the shaft in a nice pattern, and it rubs you inside like a dream. He knows the effect it has on you too, and he uses it to get you to melt against him like butter.
-He's rough, and he goes rather hard and fast, but he can slow it down sometimes. It's rare, and it isn't something he thinks to do in most cases, but occasionally... just sometimes, you'll get a sweeter side to him.
-That doesn't mean it isn't intense, though. It is intense, even more so than his other style of sex. But it's for different reasons this time.
-Instead of fucking he is making love to you, which seems to be out of character, but I promise you it's not. He loves to show you his devotion to you, and a great way of doing that is through sex.
-If you are, for any reason, feeling insecure he uses sex as a means of expressing just how much you mean to him. Words can only do so much, gifts and mortal possessions are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but this? The physical connection between the two of you? It's something more, something deeper than anything else he could give you.
-He holds you close, usually facing him on his lap, and slowly ravishes you. There is to fighting or bruising or biting like this, just raw passion that he has for you. Not an inch of your skin is without his burning touch, the heat between the two of you fogging your mind until you can no longer think.
-The pace he sets is slow and deep, each thrust and movement a deliberate show of his admiration for you. It's only then that you'll hear him praise you, words of affirmation spilling from his lips like warm honey, encouraging you to keep going for him.
-What is the most intense, what gets you shaking, is the way he looks at you. His eyes are unblinking and affixed to your face with nothing but sheer devotion and love. He doesn't let you shy away either, you need to look at him, to see how much he adores you. Only once you are jelly against him will he be satisfied that he has done his part.
#x reader#crk#cookie run kingdom#crk x reader#cookie run kingdom x reader#burning spice cookie#burning spice cookie x reader#burning spice x reader
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What if, like, one day Billy's hit with a spell as marvel and the gods suddenly spilt from his mind in front of the league? And then he drops something like "wow it's so quiet in my head!" While the league stands baffled by the literal gods in front of them
Marvel: “Wow! It’s so quiet in my head!” *immediately goes back to fighting with someone with a big ahh smile on his face*
With Zeus���
JL: *still stunned*
Zeus: “DAUGHTER!” *bear hugs Diana*
Wondy: “Father??” *confused, but hugs back*
Zeus: “Oh, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to tell you how proud I am of you!”
With Solomon…
Solomon: *walks over to Bruce*
Batman: *confused as to why this old man who appeared from nowhere came up to him*
Solomon: *puts a hand on his shoulder* “Young Bruce, I can call you that, yes?”
Batman: *alarmed* “Excuse me—”
Solomon: “I’ve always wanted to tell you that out of everyone here besides the Captain you are by far my most favorite.”
Batman: “…thank you?”
Solomon: “Granted, your costume is atrocious and your gadgets could use some upgrading, but you are the only sane and rational person here. I commend you for that.”
Batman: *both insulted and confused*
Bruce was confused because last he checked, his gadgets were top-of-the-line, he’s not even gonna comment on the costume thing, and as for being the only sane and rational person here? Well, that was true.
Solomon: *pats his shoulder* “Good talk.” *looks over to Billy* “Billy, I will be going to the nearest tapas place. We will reconvene at the rock.” *walks off*
With Mercury…
Mercury: “Speedster!” *zooms over*
Flash: “I— uh yes?”
Mercury: “You!” *points to him* “Me!” *points to himself* “Race! Now!”
Flash: “WHA—”
Mercury: *zooms over and drags him away*
Flash: *screams fading as they get farther and farther*
With Hercules…
Hercules and Hawkgirl: *looking at each other*
Hercules: *nods head* “Mace? Respect.”
Hawkgirl; “Club?” *also nodding* “Respect.”
Hercules and Hawkgirl: *join the battle so they can clobber the villain together*
With Atlas…
Atlas: “Hey, do you know where the nearest hotel is?”
GL: “No?”
Atlas: “What about motel?”
GL: “I think there’s one down the block?”
Atlas: “Thank you.” *starts to walk off*
GL: “Wait! Where are you going??”
Atlas: “To find a place to sleep. It’s extremely rare that I get breaks.”
GL: “Are you— Are you even supposed to leave??”
Atlas: “Probably not, but you heard the old man. We’ll reconvene at the rock.” *walks off to find the motel*
With Achilles…
Achilles and Aquaman: *share a look*
Achilles: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Atlantean?”
Aquaman: “First off, how did you know it was Atlantean? Second, heck yes!”
Achilles and Aquaman: *team up to do a superduper, cool, bro move that somehow fuses the spear and triton for like three seconds and jump in to attack*
Achilles and Aquaman were the ones who finished the fight that day, landing the finishing blow on the villain. Also, unfortunately, for Solomon and Atlas neither made it to their tapas place nor motel because as soon as the villain was defeated all the gods and/or legends went right back into Billy’s mind.
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LADS! Idol Group AU — Y/n

(Banner Art — @/AngyeFdez on X)
Before I officially start on the drabbles/prelude, I just wanted to present the Y/n's for this drabble series! There's going to be six in total, one for each love internet and then one for the polycule.
For poly Y/n, the others will have a purely friendship-type of relationship while in the solo ones, poly! Y/n will be a normal manager and, often times, middle-man for their relationships.
I haven't completely fleshed them out just yet, but I thought I might as well post what I have so far and gauge how y'all feel about it!
I'll also reiterate here the nicknames for each Y/n;
Zayne's Y/n — Petal
Sylus's Y/n — Kitten
Caleb's Y/n — Pipsqueak
Rafayel's Y/n — Cutie
Xavier's Y/n — Starlight
Manager Y/n — Grey
(If I'm honest, Grey came from an old bts fic I read where Y/n was referred to as that instead of Y/n. I couldn't think of a better "name" and I just wanted to let that be known!)
Zayne's Y/n
Y/n has been with her group since she was 15. From trainee to debut. She was always the poorest of the four, the butt of the joke, but she tried her best to get along with the other three girls. She was the youngest, so she was already at a disadvantage, but she wanted to prove to them and the higher-ups that she was a good addition to the group. However, the group wasn't gaining enough publicity and so her manager decided they needed to have one of the girls act out to get eyes on them.
To be the ‘Wildcard’ and have more people talking about them, and that role was unsurprisingly given to Y/n. At first, Y/n wasn't aware of this. She'd be confused and panicked whenever tabloids would post about her having a “night out” with another guy when she was just hanging out with one of her cousins. Or when she had a class reunion and was photographed leaving the bar with her friends. But eventually, the team sat down with her and explained everything. Because she was being portrayed as a “problem child”, the group was becoming more popular.
People were keeping an eye out on the group for her, to see what she'd get herself into next. Y/n didn't want to ruin her image to put her other bandmates up on a pedestal, but what else could she do? (Her group could be called BILY – Because I Love You).
Anyway, idol x idol and maybe her manager decides to take it up to the next level and tells her to get close with someone from the most popular idol group at the moment, which is LADS. She only listens to her manager, because maybe someone at UNICORNS INC could help her become a soloist, she can't stay with her group any longer because it's absolutely ruining her image. Every single video, it's “she has such a good voice, it's a shame she acts the way she does”, “if she wasn't such a good dancer, she would've been kicked from the group”, “what's all the hype anyways? She's not even that good looking”, “BILY deserves better! #Y/nleavethegroup”. (It's the best idea I have right now.)
She'll be 19 when LADS is first formed (while Zayne is 22) and when the official drabbles begin, she'll be 24 while Zayne is 27.

Sylus's Y/n
I'm not sure why, but I want his Y/n to be a stripper turned actress. Like she's always had big dreams, but she's doing what she can to make money so she first meets Sylus at the N109 Zone while she's a waitress and a stripper and he's a rapper in Onychinus. As he works his way up through the ranks of Onychinus, she's by his side every step of the way. They're not exactly friends, but they're not strangers either. Right before Sylus leaves to pitch his idea to UNICORNS INC, he tells Y/n about his plans and she encourages him.
She even hits his shoulder with a smile and says, “When you make it big, don't forget about me, y'know?” And while he's off training with his new group, she also gets scouted, but for a completely different industry. Acting.
So his Y/n is basically just actress x idol
I know this one has significantly less writing, but it was the easiest to explain. The other Y/ns, including this one, will be of similar age to their love interest until we get to poly! Y/n whose age will be more in the middle.

Caleb's Y/n
For this au, Caleb and Y/n won't be step siblings, because outside of the games, I can't justify pseudo-incest. (I have a step brother and don't wanna screw him — my sister, on the other hand, did 🕴 /srs)
Instead, Caleb was taken in by Y/n's grandma, Josephine. Josephine didn't really want to take Caleb, but Y/n insisted. Josephine worked at an Orphanage, that's how she adopted Y/n, and whenever Y/n sae Caleb, noticed how quiet and distant he was compared to the other children, she couldn’t help but be reminded of herself. So an 11-year old Y/n begged Josephine to take in the 13-year old Caleb. Josephine didn’t even have to adopt him! She could just be his guardian. After she took him in, Y/n grew close with Caleb, learnt his story about how he was separated from his parents, and dove into research and news articles to find his parents. She found nothing.
Besides their last name Xia.
So Caleb continued to live with them, even getting a part time job during school since Josephine paid more attention to Y/n. She didn't even give Caleb an allowance, but Y/n didn't know this. Even when he graduated college, Y/n was the only one there for him. (He went straight to college after highschool graduation at 18 and graduated college at 19. He was volunteering at a local air base to get a feel for if he wanted to work there, shadowing employees throughout college, and eventually he got to flying.
So he technically has two years of experience whenever he gets into his accident at 20.
Again, Y/n was the only one to show up at the hospital for him. (So childhood friends to lovers, but also she's the one who tells the agents, Tara, Jenna, and Simone, about Caleb and to scout him.)
But also slowly becoming a Josephine disliker. Put her in an old folks home and be done with it 😭

Rafayel's Y/n
Rafayel's Y/n will be a fan. But she's actually been a fan since his old Tidus days, whenever he revealed his very first artwork (which she immediately bought once he sold it). She's on the richer side of life. She's always gotten what she wants, but she knows the struggles of the lower class.
Her and her mother used to be dirt poor, always scraping by for their next meal, but when Y/n turned 11, there was someone at their doorstep. An agent from UNICORNS INC. They were looking for one Miss “M/n” and it appears your father, who you never knew at this point, had been looking for your mother this whole time.
Your father was elated to learn he had a successor to his company, but also a daughter. A sweet child that he could spoil and now he has his beloved wife back.
Y/n saw Rafayel's first work at 16 (he was 17) and knew she had to have it, but it wasn't for sale. Not until two years later, when Rafayel (Tidus) was more famous, did he sell it. So at 18 (him 19), she was in a huge bid war until she finally won the painting. She has it hung up in her apartment. Then, a few months later, Rafayel dropped from the public eye. (He was doing this idol training with the others, this training went on for a few months before they went to the public to reveal their group).

Xavier's Y/n
What if his Y/n was someone he had a crush on in college, they slept together at a party when they were drunk (they both remember) and she got pregnant? 🤔 So they'll be parents at 18/19 and when Xavier is 23, the baby would be around 4 years old. Okay, okay.
The two had a mutual crush on each other during college, but neither ever reached out. They were mostly acquaintances, working together on projects and one-sidedly fighting for the top ranked student. Y/n was trying to be number 1, always falling short, and Xavier wasn't even trying. He would usually not nap in classes she was in, but a few weeks after the party, she dropped out. So Xavier lost his motivation to stay up in his classes and that's what led to him being kicked out of college.
Y/n dropped out because she was embarrassed. Her and Xavier weren't dating, she had a crush on him, and now she's pregnant. She's downright mortified. She can't tell him that he's suddenly going to be a father because what if he just says he doesn't care or that he wants nothing to do with her? She's too nervous and anxious of his reaction to even be around him, so she left college and got a job at Linkon's local bookstore. She practices writing while pregnant and after she gives birth, she publishes her first book.
By the time her and Xavier are both 23, she's a best selling author and a mother to a lovely 4 year old daughter named Margot (child of the light). So his Y/n will be one night stand/single parent?
Don't ask why my mind jumped to college pregnancy, hidden baby type stuff for Xavier, but I am extremely attached to Margot

Poly! Y/n
In the non-poly drabbles, Grey / Y/n will just be their manager. She'll be helping them with their relationships and being completely professional.
In the poly drabbles, Grey / Y/n will also be their manager, but they'll be trying to win her heart. They all know they like her and they're trying to get her to realize it.
The other Y/n's will be present, but Pipsqueak will just be Caleb's childhood friend who called in a favour to get him scouted, Petal will be the troublesome member of BILY who comes to them for help, Cutie will be a rich fan who helps them out with money troubles and the face behind their social media account, Starlight will still have Margot but her and Xavier's college crushes have since went away and they're close friends (Margot comes over to play with Grey and Xavier, and Grey loves it. She would sit there with a smile and say, “I can't wait to have ours…” And “Margo can be their big sister.”) And Kitten will be Sylus's actress friend who helps Rafayel dip his toes into the acting business and is close friends with Grey.
Since Grey's mother was a stripper who worked at the N109 Zone and slept with her clients, which led to her getting pregnant. Grey's mother ditched her and so she was raised by the strippers of the N109 Zone (similar to MaoMao from Apothecary diaries being raised by the sex workers).
#love and deepspace#lads#love and deepspace x reader#lnds#lads x reader#lads sylus#lads xavier#lads zayne#lads rafayel#love and deepspace xavier#l&ds#lnds xavier#lnds x reader#lnds zayne#lnds sylus#lnds caleb#l&ds xavier#l&ds x reader#l&ds zayne#l&ds sylus#love and deepspace zayne#love and deepspace rafayel#love and deepspace caleb x reader#love and deepspace caleb#love and deepspace sylus#lads xavier x reader#xavier love and deepspace#lads drabble#lnds drabble#lnds rafayel
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The Hobnob Affair—Watchthrough Thoughts
Yes! I’m back! I’m not sure if I’ll continue to be in a place to do these going forward, but I’m feeling up for it today, so here we are. I loved this play so much (and Luke was hilarious in the livestream chat), so fair warning that this is, as always, pretty long. But for those of you who, like me, have fun reading these things: I hope you enjoy!
Ooh, the idea of starting with a narrator is really interesting; I like it
“Sorry. Just killing time. There you go.” I love the way he says that and I don’t know why (also I always adore it when they use a microphone)
Tom having to lean down so far to reach the mic is my new favourite thing, actually
“A little café” I think they forgot that basically immediately and I love that for them
“Oh… Love can be difficult. It can be even more difficult when you’re trying to get a mic off the stage whilst maintaining your gravitas.” I love Tom so much
“Sometimes when I’m angry with David, I call him a fat cunt.” What a healthy-sounding relationship (I mean, I guess if David’s really fine with it…?)
“I don’t mean it, though. He’s not fat.” The moment of pure silence
“But I am a cunt” I will never be able to hear this without thinking of Luke in the live chat saying ‘so true Sam’
“Raw materials” AJ (also I adore when one of them (to be honest, it’s usually AJ, and I say that with so much love) fucks up some little thing and it becomes the plot of the play)
“You mean ingredients?” “Ingredients—Noooo.” Go on, AJ, double down on it
“Dough and flour. You’re a maverick, you are.” Sassy Sam, hell yeah
“Steel-dough flour biscuits” only in a SFTH play, I swear
Ooh, John and David/Terry/Dave—we’ve got another gay couple!
Also “John.” “John.” is hilarious
“Even though his name’s definitely Dave” um actually Luke it’s David (lighthearted; I love it when they forget names)
The look on Sam’s face when he changes the scene is glorious
Hello Tom (he should wear tank tops more often, because, like… he looks good)
This is so fucking ridiculous and I love it (a blacksmith-bakery—peak SFTH)
“You ever seen a pussy cook?” Jesus, Tom
“Took about nine months” I love Sam
Sam always goes all out for Scottish accents and I adore it
The continuation of the Sam-Tom stagecraft war!
I love Cindy Campbell with all my heart
Sam’s dramatic fucking door-opening is incredible
Wait, so John (AJ) is trying to buy raw materials from the blacksmith-bakery? Do they sell raw materials, or just the finished products?
“Oh, no, don’t. ’Cause it’ll make me feel bad about mine.” Um, no, excuse me, Tom’s not ever allowed to feel bad about himself, actually
I love how Tom’s always the one to hype up AJ’s muscles; it’s so sweet
AJ playing football (???) with the hammer is just so quintessentially AJ
“You [thruhmp] and I’ll [duong]” AJ???
I love it when they sing so much
“You could be the son I never had” right in front of your daughter???? Okay, you know what, this guy might have great arms, but fuck him
“She’s only fourteen.” “I’m eighteen.” Ah, Shoot from the Hip, the kings of ‘yes, and’ (sarcastic but affectionate)
“It’s so they can fuck” thank you for that hand motion, Sam
“I treasure this young man, and I bet he’s got standards” okay, nope, yep, FUCK THIS GUY
“No offence” yeah, fucking sure
Okay, so he’s a self-aware asshole
The way they fade in and out of conversations in order to do two scenes simultaneously is incredible holy shit (you can really tell how long they’ve been doing this and how well they work together)
Tom just jumping in and breaking the two-scene flow to correct AJ is beautiful
“My girlfriend says that I’m a massive weight and I have nothing to offer” what healthy relationships on display in this play
Tom and Sam in the background oh my god
…am I starting to ship Angus Campbell and Sam’s character?
“A series of fun parlour games” I don’t know why I love the way Sam phrased that, but I do
Also this is not about SFTH but they mentioned daylight savings time and I just feel the need to add FUCK DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME
“A biscuit can mend a broken heart” that would make great merch (“it’s on our slogan”) (although I’m hoping for ‘raw materials’ merch, personally)
God damn it, Angus, you were so close
Look, I know I said I hate Angus, but I am rooting for him; I like to think that someday, in the future, he does some therapy and gets to make amends (although I wouldn’t blame Cindy if she didn’t accept his apology)
“Don’t call your ex. Don’t do it.” As someone who doesn’t have any exes, I can’t speak personally, but I’ve heard that calling them is generally a bad idea, so: hey you! Listen to AJ! Don’t call your ex!
I love Sam’s “bad girl” characters, actually
The detail in Sam’s mime is killing me
That is so many beeps, good god
“That was my unlock code” I love AJ
AJ is just picking on Luke at this point and I’m here for it
Also Sam is just staring directly into the camera and it’s scaring me
“Call averted” ???? Is that a British thing, or a misspeak, or…?
“Phone unlocked” ah, Luke’s revenge, I see
“MEGACALL unlocked!” …I’m not even going to ask, actually
Oh, John, baby, you are not helping yourself right now
Shoutout to the subtitlers for the placement of the captions saying each person is laughing
I adore Lucy, actually
“What if I can’t move on? What if you were everything to me and there’s no life—” oh, sweetheart, we really need to get you some self-esteem
The little cheek rub? I’m sorry, that was so fucking cute????
Oh, okay, cute might have been the wrong word
Fucking hell, Luke (at least he didn’t take his trousers off again (Nigel flashbacks))
“Du-bye-bye” that was so stupid and I loved it
Okay, Sam, damn (I love how much Sam carries the others)
Also Lucy carrying her go-go-dancer partner bridal style is one of my new favourite things (they are literally in half a scene and I’m so invested in their relationship)
ALSO the way Luke holds his arm out as Sam carries him is giving me “behold, Luke” (Marigolds, Bluebells, and Hugh) flashbacks
The captions are the best as always; “heartbroken rage-screams” is indeed the best description of that noise
AJ oh my god (this is the new Tom-with-the-wine moment) (which means it’s never going to leave my head) ((we don’t need to talk about how often I think about Tom with the wine))
…Are we just brushing past the fact that Angus Campbell and Sam’s character literally sleep together? Because my conviction about this ship is growing
Do they genuinely just sleep in the blacksmith-bakery???
I never knew the name of that song (I know, I’m uncultured), so I’d like to thank the captions for that
“She became a series of crumpets” I’m fucking sorry??? Tom???
This is graphic
“Aye, I’m not sexiest.” “No! You’re just abusive to your daughter.” “Aye!” Well that’s a quote
Ah, so Angus has good intentions and is just fucking horrible at executing them
Ooh, Troll-Father?
As someone who has no idea what a hobnob is, I’m greatly enjoying trying to piece it together (I know it’s a kind of cookie/biscuit, and I’m getting chocolate? But that’s it)
Oh, okay, they’re happy about the chocolate on both sides; I thought they were going to be upset, but I’m pleased to see they’re not
“You didn’t even put any ingredients in” excuse me, Tom, what are ingredients? We only know RAW MATERIALS here
“The Bussy Café” fucking—I was NOT expecting to hear that today good god (does Tom know what that means? Because in the QnA I got the sense he doesn’t) (to be honest it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t) (but it sounds like Sam does know what that means and to be honest, I’m not surprised)
“Alright, Sally” you know, Sam is the only one who ever gets away with getting people’s names wrong
“It’s here on this plinth.” “The plinth came out of nowhere as well.” “No, it came from here; you just didn’t see it.” I love the stagecraft war (and the word ‘plinth’)
“It’s been a while since I’ve been impressed” look, I am trying to root for you and your potential future redemption arc, but you sure making it very hard
“The technique was all mine” HELL YEAH show them Cindy!
Hey! Mrs. Campbell can be a beautiful, seductive, blonde, muscular, big woman; who says she can’t be both?
“’Cause I trusted myself even though you didn’t trust me” go on, Cindy, overcome your upbringing!!!!
AJ taking the phone again????? I am never going to get over this oh my god (look, I don’t know why the Tom-wine bit and now the AJ-phone bit get in my head like this, okay? They just do)
No, John, don’t do it!
“I’m lying here in Dubai, just thinking about you while I’m wrapped up in Marco’s arms” No, wait, I really like Lucy and Marco! Or, wait, hang on, maybe they’re polyamorous; I mean, if she’s making this call while in his arms, he’s clearly fine with it, so… Yeah, that’s going to be my headcanon (Also, I know the storyline is about John moving on, but now I’m thinking about a Lucy-Marco-John-Cindy polycule, and… I’m getting off track, sorry)
Also I don’t think we’ve ever gotten this many names before; I think every character has a name except for Sam’s character who works at the blacksmith-bakery (and Mrs. Campbell, technically, but she’s a. dead and b. got a surname)
“I’ve sent you a selfie” Sam
“How would you like to bake something in here for nine months?” SAM
The beginning of Angus’s redemption arc!
…AJ, what are you doing?
Oh, Jesus
Oh my fucking GOD
What the hell were you thinking
He just dropped someone’s phone
They are unhinged
They are unhinged and I love them so much
Wait, no, I like Lucy; I don’t want her to be a crumpet (maybe the phone is a crumpet now, and she’s just fine)
That’s a great kiss, as well
“I knew they were” Tom
I adore it when they end the play with the title (and I love that it’s always Sam who does it)
Unhinged. Fucking insane. I love this play.
#I think these might be my longest watchthrough thoughts yet#at least for the plays and not the livestreams#so… sorry about that#but#yeah#I fucking loved this#and I’m really glad I felt well enough to do this#hopefully I’ll be able to get back into doing them more regularly#but no promises#anyways#this was such an incredible play#definitely up there with some of my favourites#shoot from the hip#sfth#the hobnob affair#nightshadow’s watchthrough thoughts
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Sorry but saying Nesta had been ignoring Elain is a wild take because as far as the story goes, both Elain and Nesta just drifted apart since they coped differently. second there’s this take from the E/riel side that absolutely loathes the idea of Nyx calling Emerie and Gwyn "aunt" which ykw?fair, even though that whole "aunt Emerie and aunt Gwyn" thing is probably just a silly post from 2-3 people or because they might end up with IC members. And this feels like that.
I don’t think we’ll get much of Gwyn and Nyx interacting in a meaningful way in a Gwynriel book, but if we do it should be fine. If gwynriel is canon Gwyn will be his aunt too right? And I dont even like Gwyn but why are we even gatekeeping a fictional baby’s interactions in this fandom? For all we know Elain has changed Nyx’s diapers daily and has already bonded with him in her garden.I keep seeing you everywhere defending Elain just because people don’t see her the way you want them to even when it’s not even an anti post. Can Elain stans everywhere chill? You all really need to take a deep breath sometimes. don’t worry I’ll block you after this shouldve done it earlier.
Canon disagrees with you.
“She said she didn’t want to come to anything. Ever.”
“She just said … She said that we have our lives, and she has hers.”
Feyre’s eyes gleamed. “You think I don’t know why you’ve pushed even Elain away?”
The last time she’d seen Elain—a week before she’d come to the House. She’d passed her sister in the bustling market square they called the Palace of Bone and Salt, and though Elain had halted, no doubt intending to speak to her, Nesta had kept walking. Hadn’t looked back before vanishing into the throng.
Also, I'm allowed to have an opinion of my own without being told I need to chill or being accused of e/riel behavior. There are many e/riels who claim Gwyn can't have a book because she's just a side character which Gwynriels hate but then many Gwynriels will claim Elain isn't developed enough to be a main character. And now as an Elucien I'm saying I think Elain's story happening before Gwyn's makes the most sense to me while acknowledging Sarah might think differently yet that's a problem? It sounds like you can't handle a difference in opinion and only permit e/riel behavior so long as it happens within your preferred ship.
I'm not gatekeeping a baby, I'm simply pointing out that it would make more sense to me to get the next book from Elain's pov because of her relationship to Feyre and her nephew. It would make more sense for me to see the sisters overcome their issues before there's a new person introduced into the IC and the focus is on that newly formed relationship instead of Elain because Gwyn will become important to Az's friends and family if she's going to be his mate. Feyre focusing on Nesta then just ignoring Elain for another book after she acknowledged she was still struggling would seem out of character for her.
I know so many respectful Gwynriels so this is not pointing fingers at any of them but there are a few takes in the fandom that have been extremely disrespectful to Elucien's. "Gwyn is way more developed than Elain.""Gwyn is way more interesting than Elain will ever be.""Gwyn is ready for a book but Elain isn't". Because there are some Gwynriels who are also Elucien's but hate Elain and it's not hard to tell and if you like Gwynriel but love Elucien, it's difficult to avoid seeing those posts. But the second an Elucien makes a post that suggests maybe Elain's story makes a little more sense (to them) before Gwyn's, the pitchforks come out and we're accused of babying Elain 😂. We are allowed to love the characters in our ship and see the setup for the possibility of them being next just like many Gwynriels and e/riels do every day. We are allowed to have ideas on why they're next, just like others.
It's a double standard as Elucien's who love Elain often have to sit and watch Elain slander or those who downplay Elain's character and growth from some even though Elain went from where she was in the cabin to kicking the hounds and saving Briar, stabbing the king, going out on her own in Velaris, offering to help with the Trove when Nesta didn't want to, saying she'd try to figure out her own powers, and heading to the Hewn City (a place that bothers her) to show her willingness to be part of things.
But god forbid I say I'd like to see Elain's pov and her feelings on her sister / nephew after the events of SF before Gwyn's and that makes me deserving of an anon. God forbid I write a post on why Elain having the next pov makes sense to me though that's all Elucien's have seen from many other ships over the past few years (that someone else should / will have a book first), while some also use the Elucien tag for it. Literally the post will be "Az is getting the next book" and Elucien is used in the tags. Elucien's are allowed to have their reasons for hoping Elucien is next, same as everyone else but we don't go out of our way to tag Gwynriel while doing it because we respect that our Gwynriel friends do not agree therefore we keep their tag clean.
It's weird that you're accusing me of defending Elain against those who don't see her the way I do while you're in my anons hiding all because someone had a different take on Nesta and Gwyn than you do. While I only used Elain and Lucien tags.
And you're not an airplane, you don't need to announce your departure. The block button does not require spoken words.
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Oh my gosh I love your Bingo idea!! Could you do the used as bait with either Legend or Wars please??
Bait and switch
Pairing: Warriors x reader
Rating: T
Summary: Cia has decided to pull some new stunt, and you get swept up in it. Queue a sweet get-together and Warriors spotting a fake you immediately.
Warnings: Cia, captivity, cursing,
You officially hate strange people in purple. Most of them are probably lovely, but the tall, skimpily clad woman before you wears purple and is holding you captive, so you're a little bitter today.
Sue you.
She's got some sort of vendetta as she looks you over. Rude but she also kidnapped you so being rude is to be expected.
Unfortunately, you've been here for four days, and you are getting really sick of this lady. You're mostly sure she's called Cia. Whether that's accurate or not, you would like to call her a criminal. Maybe even an asshole, what the kidnapping and what not.
She's spent the last ten minutes or so monolouging about how her hero is just confused by you and is going to choose her when he comes. She's also insulted you and told you he should break up with you. That's just today. The last three days were more of the same.
That last part of her rant is the most confusing because you aren't romantically involved with anyone. You aren't even entirely sure which Link she is talking about. You're narrowing it down to Warriors, Time, or Twilight.
"The Hero of Warriors will forget all about you when he sees me. Oh sure, he'll come for you, but he's just confused." The woman croons, waving her hand at you dismissively.
This is about the capatian? Really? He's certainly handsome. He's smart, kind, hard working, honest, and funny. He's quite the catch, but this seems a tad far, especially since you are confident he dosen’t like you as anything more than a friend.
"Wait- this is about Warriors?" You blink, trying not to laugh. It seems like a bad plan to laugh at your captor. "He isn't coming for me, no one is."
You hate that it's true. You know they have to keep on their path, even if they want to save you, there's little chance Hylia cares to give them time.
"Of course he will. They all will. I don't know how you have enchanted them but they will come for you. You've stolen Link from me-"
"Wars isn't going to come for me." You say again, trying not to let the truth burn your mouth. "He dosen’t love me and we aren't together."
The woman turns to you, raising one impeccable eyebrow. "Do not lie to me."
"I'm not." You say tightly. You bite back the bile in your throat as you try to ignore the heart ache. "Wars dosen’t love me and even if he somehow did, he wouldn't waste time saving me when he has a mission."
He is so hard working... how could your capture ever outweigh the Goddess' will?
She laughs at you coldly, not saying anything else before she disappears, leaving you to your own devices.
You sigh, looking at the shackles around each of your limbs. They're heavy and well maintained, chafing your skin. None of your gear is here, left only in your under shirt and pants.
Whoever this woman is, she sucks. Like- sucks so much.
She is also very stupid. Wars won't come for you and he dosen’t love you.
No one is coming. You'll just have to save yourself. Now, you just have to figure out how to get these pesky locks handled.
Warriors tears through monsters with vicious single-minded focus. He's here like Cia wanted, but she won't like how this ends.
Golden three above, if you're hurt even a little - well... Warriors dosen’t have forgiveness for that in his heart.
He dosen’t think he can find any either.
It's been six days! You could be-
Warriors can't let himself think about all the negative possibilities. He has to focus on getting to you.
The others fight near him in ways he can't focus on. All he knows is that his brothers are still standing.
His focus is on trying to find some trace of you. Some sort of proof that you are alive and unharmed.
"Link!" Your voice cries from further away, the sound a sweet balm to his aching heart.
Warriors is moving faster than he can process. He tears through enemies until he can finally see you without obscuring vision.
He stands before you and almost kisses you. He dosen’t because that would be rude and disrespectful, but the sheer relief of seeing you makes him want to.
You're there, clothes torn and body bruised.
But you're there.
Golden three, you're breathtaking even now, roughed up and all.
"Sweetheart." Warriors breathes out.
You smile at him, sweetly, just a little off in a way he can't place. "I was so scared, I knew you'd come for me."
Except... something is wrong. Your smile is off. He's already noticed it, but it keeps naggingat him. It's just a little too sharp. Yes, sharp is the word.
Like honeyed silk stretching over a blade.
"Why wouldn't I?" Warriors asks, trying to figure out what is happening.
"I just thought... I just thought you'd be scared... Cia is so powerful... and you're so strong, but... I'm just your partner and-" Your voice says, but the show is officially up.
You aren't his partner the way the tone implies. Warriors would like you to be! But you aren't.
He narrows his eyes, something hot crawling up from his chest and settling onto his tongue.
Warriors grabs the imposter by the shirt and presses his sword to their throat with extreme biaz. "Where are they?!"
His voice is a snarl that has his teeth baring into a dangerous threat.
"I don't-"
Something blows up and throws a metal door of the hinges in the background. The door skids across the floor with a horrible sound like nails on a chalkboard and a wailing banshee.
"I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR SHINS!" Your voice shrieks as footsteps enter the hall.
That- sounds like you, alright.
"That's a fake!" The imposter protests quickly, gripping his wrist tightly.
Warriors snorts, "Uh huh. Cia, you're going to call your monsters off."
"I'm not Cia!" Cia lies through your voice and your face stares up at him with wide eyes that look wet-
This isn't you.
"CIA WHEN I CATCH YOU!" Your voice calls loudly as a metal bar is being used as a weapon. "WHEN I CATCH YOU CIA!"
"That's obviously a fake! You could never love someone so brash!" The fake- Cia protest.
Warriors drops the woman to the ground, ignoring the face she wears. "Start running."
"OH, HE'LL COME GET ME?! HE WILL SAVE ME?! BULLSHIT LADY! I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR SHINS! I TOLD YOU NO ONE WAS COMING!" Your voice bounces off the walls as what must be your figure bashes a metal bar through the monsters around you.
Warriors flinches immediately.
You... thought no one was coming? That he wasn't coming for you? You felt you had to escape all by yourself if you were getting free at all?
He's failed you. Horribly and unforgivably.
The fake you frowns. "That's got to be a fake-"
"Shut up Cia." Warriors snaps.
Your voice gives a guttural screech as you fight.
Warriors starts towards the sound, that has to he you. The real you.
He trusts the others to handle Cia. His concern is you and nothing else.
He finds you mid swing, aiming at a fire lizafos.
You connect the swing and Warriors lunges forwards, skewering it and watching it puff into smoke.
"Sweetheart." Warriors says, looking you over for any hint that this is another trick.
You choke on something, "Wars? What are you doing?"
"Rescuing you!" He says quickly, "Looks like you beat me to it though."
You break into a nervous laugh, "I can go back to the cell?"
"Don't do that. Just - let me see you. Are you hurt?" Warriors sets his hands on your shoulders as he scans you.
You are bruising in a few places, abrasions, and raw wrists, but you are mostly okay. You stare up at him with wide eyes but this time they aren't wet. This time your eyes are wide with a positive emotion he can't quite name.
"Just a little banged up."
"I'm so sorry. This is my fault-"
"Nope!" You cut in, placing your hands on his wrists where he still holds your shoulders. "It is not. The only person to blame is Cia."
"I- I suppose."
The fighting around the two of you dosen’t matter. It is all but gone from your minds.
"I didn't think you'd come." You breathe out.
"I heard."
"Why did you come? You have your quest-"
"To hell with the quest!" Warriors declares as he pulls you into a hug, holding you tightly as he begins to shake. "You're more important!"
"I'm not." You laugh shakily, leaning into his hold ad you snake your arms around his back.
"You are. Golden Three, sweetheart when you went missing I all but lost my mind."
"I'm right here."
"And I can never thank the stars enough."
You don't know what makes you ask the next thing that falls out of your mouth, but you do anyway. "Wars... Why did Cia tell me you loved me like we were lovers?"
His breath hitches. "She did?"
"She said she took me to bring you here. That I stole you."
"I don't know how I stole you." You huff.
Warriors pulls back, looking away as he takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)... You didn't steal me because I wasn't hers ... but my feelings put you in danger."
You frown, wheel turning as you try to figure out what feelings he is talking about. That sounds an awful lot like Cia was right about Warriors loving you.
But that would be ridiculous. Right?
"I understand if you want space from me after this... This isn't how I wanted you to find out I was head over heels for you, but I guess the cat's out of the bag." He chuckles dryly, looking to you.
"Link." You breathe out.
Warriors pulls you closer to him so you can avoid a stray shield flying through the air. "Sorry-"
You laugh, pulling him into a hug. "We are so stupid."
"Here I thought you couldn't ever see me like that, nursing my heartache." You snort, "But here you are, apparently in love with me too."
"Too?" He asks weakly.
You look at him, smiling softly. "I'm so in love with you, Link. You're smart, capable, honest, hardworking, loyal, and funny. How could I not be?"
His breath hitches again but he just hugs you closer. "We are stupid."
"She's going to be so mad that this is how we get together." You laugh.
Warriors laughs too, "It is?"
"Well, I think you coming to save me from evil pants over there and your confession make a pretty convincing case that we should be together."
"I'd love that." Warriors says breathlessly, eyes holding your gaze before flicking to your lips.
He's been wanting to kiss you for so long... perhaps he can?
"Lovebirds come on!" Legend calls from somewhere else. "It's time to go!"
"Together?" You ask with a smile.
"Together." Warriors agrees.
If on the way out, you kick Cia's shins just so you can make good on your word... no one protests.
Warriors leaves hand in hand with you. His heart relaxing as your presence sinks into him.
When you're cleaned up and in fresh clothes, he feels even lighter.
Now, you know that he will come to save you every time. Always. He just hopes he dosen’t need to because he doesn't want you taken hostage.
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"Nothing I do seems to work!" James threw himself onto the sofa with a loud sigh before turning to his two amused parents perched into one armchair together, "How did you two get together?"
"Oh", Fleamont flushed slightly, "I'm not sure that would be the best-"
"Please!" James whined, "I'm in love."
Fleamont sighed slightly, and Euphemia laughed behind her teacup.
"We were in our sixth year of school", Fleamont began.
"Monty, I will ram your head so far up your arse!" Minerva shouted, stepping off the quidditch pitch, wiping the sweat of her forehead as she chased after Fleamont.
"I'm sorry, alright?" He shrugged, "It was an accident!"
"An accident that cost us the game!" Minerva yelled again.
Rolanda hurried after the two, "Hey, not his fault, we're just better than you lions."
"Oi, piss off, Ro, we would've won if Flea wasn't so stupid."
"Can you not call me that?" The boy flushed slightly.
"Don't be such a baby", Minerva huffed.
"Fighting again, are we?" Poppy folded her arms, discreetly taking Minerva's hand in her own, with a quick glance to make sure no one else was around.
"They always are", Euphemia laughed beside Poppy, the two having just made their way down from the stands.
"Hi, Mia", Fleamont awkwardly waved.
"Monty", Euphemia smiled in acknowledgement before turning away from him to chat to Rolanda, earning an amused laugh from Minerva.
"None of you are injured are you?" Poppy frowned slightly, glancing at the three quidditch players, "Quidditch is such a violent sport, I'll never understand the appeal."
Minerva's lip curled upwards as she glanced slightly down to Poppy, "You saying I don't look good out there?"
Poppy laughed, "Oh, you look good out there, but you also look like you could break a bone any second."
Euphemia grinned, wrapping her arms around her two friends, "You two are so sweet", she sighed, "God, I want a boyfriend."
"You do?" Fleamont's eyes lit up.
Euphemia smiled at him again, "Were you not aware of my romantic endeavours, Mr. Potter?"
"You have romantic endeavours?" Fleamont questioned.
Euphemia snorted, "In my dreams."
"Who do you dream about?" Rolanda asked, ignoring her quidditch team trying to call her over to celebrate in the distance.
Euphemia shrugged, glancing only quickly at Fleamont before turning towards the lake, "I feel like a swim."
"Sudden conversation change", Poppy commented.
Minerva and Euphemia locked eyes on each other, speaking without words.
"Oh no", Poppy sighed.
The two girls grabbed each other's hands and ran straight into the lake.
"Why?" Fleamont groaned.
Rolanda shrugged and ran after them, jumping into the water with them.
"Come on!" Minerva shouted to Fleamont and Poppy.
The two merely walked over waringly.
"This such a stupid and dangerous idea", Poppy tutted, peering down at Minerva, who wore a large grin on her face.
"Hey, Monty", Euphemia called out from the water, waving him over, "Come in!"
Fleamont instantly jumped in, leaving Poppy who had sat down on the edge of the lake, leaning in to have a quiet conversation with Minerva, who had her head rested against Poppy's legs.
The boy swam over to Euphemia.
"What are we doing here?" Fleamont glanced around.
Euphemia smiled innocently, then grabbed Fleamont by the shoulders and pulled them both under the water.
Whilst under, Euphemia quickly kissed him on the lips before the two came back up.
Fleamont's hand shot up to his lips, staring at Euphemia in shock.
"You know, I was planning on doing that at the gryffindor party if we won the game, and then I thought we could go off somewhere alone. Have a quiet talk in the night air, maybe plan our first date."
Fleamont's eyes widened and he quickly swam back to shore without a word.
"What are you doing?" Euphemia shouted after him.
"I'm going to find Coach", He spoke as he squeezed the water out of his quidditch uniform, "Ask for a rematch."
"What we can do that?" Minerva's eyes shot up to him.
"I don't know!" He groaned, eyes flopping by his side, "But I have to try!"
"Fleamont!" Euphemia, laughed, quickly swimming after him, "You don't have to win for that to happen!"
He quickly turned to her as she made her way over, "What?"
"I'd gladly go on a date with you no matter how many matches you lose for us."
"Really?" Minerva frowned, earning a glare from her best friend.
"Really?" Fleamont asked.
Euphemia laughed, holding out her hand for Fleamont to grab.
He quickly stepped forwards and took it.
"Really", she nodded, before pulling him into the water with her.
James blinked, "You're telling me I have to lose a quidditch match for Lily to go out with me... I don't know if I can do that."
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I'm seriously thinking about joining the RTV AU as well, but I know very well that my persona will be a punching bag most of the time lol-
Anyway, she would be a shapeshifter with extra powers, but they are temporarily limited, being useful during a certain period time but with a great cost afterward. For example, she can stay invisible, but only for up to 1 hour, if she exceeds this time, her magic will deplete very quickly, leading her to a state of 'hibernation' that can last from 1 to 3 days, in certain cases even an entire week, like when she stays in a strong form for too long...So she rathers stop immediately after this happens, causing her to reveal/show herself.
She can't transform into people, only certain specific animals, and even so, she doesn’t copy them 100%, having differences here and there that make her stand out in the animal or being she transformed into...Her strongest forms is a eldritch horror thing and a dragon (ANOTHER DRAGON PERSON?!?!?)
"Is there a way to know when she’s running low on magic?"
Actually, yes. She uses a necklace with a purple crystal that she carries everywhere and refuses to take off at all costs (for some reason). If this crystal appears pale in color, it means her magic is depleted, and in the few minutes she still has left awake, she will look for a hidden place far from everyone to hibernate.
"How wasn't she brainwashed like the others?"
That’s a great question, but maybe it’s related to the necklace that she always wears and also to the fact that she is not a TV fan....And also because she lives in the middle of a freaking forest isolated from everything and everyone.
"What happened during the brainwashing period?"
At first, she was confused because no one was online anymore or replying to her messages. Then she got even more confused when everything she saw on social media was a TV headed guy called RTV, she had never seen him in her life until now...She thought it was just a huge event about some famous person, and everyone was crazy about him, so she didn’t care much at first...But during her occasional trips to the city, she noticed that everyone was acting...Strange? She didn’t know how, but it seemed like everyone started to hate SMG4? She didn’t know much about the guy, but from what she’d heard, he was just a meme guardian of the place who was adored by everyone, at least up until now-
After a long while, she finally putted two and two together, and realized the gravity of the situation, avoiding going out of her house more and more because of that, rarely leaving to get food, but even that was becoming dangerous, forcing her to hunt animals in emergencies. Well, that wasn’t too hard since she could transform, but even so, she felt bad about doing it, so most of the time she was eating fruits back then.
A few weeks later, some people came very close to her house’s area, and fearing the worst, she transformed into something scary to scare them away. Some tried to persist, but she just yeeted them away, not wanting to seriously hurt anyone...But obviously, rumors of a monster in the forest arose, which caught the attention of a certain someone...Some guards entered her zone, and she did the same as last time. But then she thinked that he might know her location, so she migrated to a cave far from her house...Staying there and developing a mindset that anyone who saw her...Would have to be killed...This was the only way for her to stay out of RTV’s direct sights and survive this apocalypse, even though the idea of killing people who weren’t even at fault for anything was, well, terrifying and uneasy. After all, it wasn’t their fault that they no longer had control over their own minds and were being puppeteered by a lunatic with a TV head! She had no idea why no one had taken him down yet- he didn’t seem strong- at least she thought she could take him on easily...Big mistake thinking that...Big mistake.
Days staying alone make her get quite anxious and empty from not having contact with people throughout this process and wondered if any of her friends, or anyone in general, still had their minds in the right place. But her fear of finding out that something might have been done to them or that they had been controlled drove her a bit insane and paranoid about anyone.
One day, however, some explorers (I guess RTV have people to look at anything out of order) entered her cave, and she immediately turned invisible as they ventured further inside...But remember her time limitation? Yeah- she was a bit too close to them when she suddenly became visible again...And remembering her mindset...They're no longer among us. She left their bodies hanging on some stalagmites as some kind of warning to others who might enter...And so, her collection of people began to grow a bit more and more to the point where, besides talking to the dead, she started to develop habits of roaring, growling, and hissing every time someone new entered the cave...She wasn't a monster before, but thanks to RTV and her paranoid, she began to immerse herself in her new role as one.
But not so many days later, two people entered...RTV's guards specifically...She was already preparing to pounce at them when she noticed it was Swag and Chris...She hesitated and backed off, recognizing them as the guards she really loved seeing, before all this chaos started. Unfortunately, they saw the bodies of the other people and ran off to report it to their boss...She had a horrible feeling in her gut that sparing them would have been her downfall. She could flee and migrate again...But she wanted to face RTV head-on, take him down once and for all, avenge everyone he brainwashed...Another mistake...And one she would remember forever.
It didn’t take long for 'The Man itself' to show up and investigate himself, after all, he doubted that anyone could have caused him so much trouble and also managed to stay hidden for so long. When he saw the scene, he found it...interesting...Maybe he could use it as a horror story? Or as a tale of how he heroically defeated and saved everyone from the beast hiding here to boost his popularity? Well, speaking of the beast, she emerged from the shadows and tried to attack RTV, of course, not before being shot a few times by the guards right behind him. But she assumed that getting rid of him would also get rid of the others, so she focused solely on RTV, who didn’t take long to put her in her place.
So he noticed her necklace and immediately removed it, forcing her back to normal, and thus he realized that it was thanks to this small object that he could now force her to take the form he wanted, not her. He could kill her I mean, get her out this place for an indefinite period, or use her to instill fear or gain greater respect from others by showing that he had brought the monster to its knees...The idea was appealing, and that’s exactly what he did.
After removing the bullets and applying some bandages here and there, RTV left her confined in a room where she spent most of her time sleeping to recover her energy and regenerate some of the damage she had suffered. Since the crystal was responsible for controlling her powers as she wanted, but now being in RTV's possession, she could no longer transform at will- only during her insane outbursts when she clawed and tried to break the place to escape. This led to her constantly being muzzled and chained to prevent her outbursts...
"Does she eat?"
Yes, of course...The difference is that feeding her can be quite challenging since they had to remove her muzzle, and she wasn’t much of a fan of anyone there, causing some scratches and even bites in the process...Although she avoided seriously hurting anyone out of fear that RTV might do something to control her... Swag and Chris were sometimes sent there... And since she was a fan of them, she seemed to be calmer and would sometimes talk to them...She usually responds to yes or no questions by nodding or shaking her head and rarely speaking if necessary...The most random question she heard was from Swag (obviously) asking, 'Are you gay?' Her first reaction was to look at him somewhat perplexed before starting to make a sound that seemed like laughter and shaking her head negatively...She adored the two of them, what a shame they’re not in control of themselves.
"What was she used for?"
Every time RTV had problems with some type of rebellion, he (accompanied by a few guards for security measures) would release her and force her to take on a terrifying form to show the rebels that if he could bring a monster like her to heel, they would be no trouble for him. And occasionally, when there were still people disobeying him, he made her kill them and recorded the scene with his head to replay it as if it were a horror show...
And one day, she came across the resistance, and RTV wanted to eliminate them using her. Despite her killing most of the others with some complaints and direct provocations toward RTV, seeing a group that perhaps had a 0.0000001% chance of putting an end to him made her snap. Instead of getting rid of them, she had the brilliant idea of attacking RTV again. Of course, the resistance took advantage of the commotion to flee, and Lari...Took a stab from her precious crystal in the chest, immediately collapsing 'dead,' but not before punching RTV’s screen as revenge...
Well, little needed to say that RTV was furious about this and also for having lost track of the resistance, ordering Swag and Chris to dispose of her body. And so they did, throwing her into the sea...But she was alive, having pretending to be dead the whole time...Managing to reach the surface with difficulty and nearly passing out in the process, but not before seeing a familiar hand extended to her...SMG4, and Beeg on his shoulder, apparently they followed the two goofballs there in hopes of finding a new ally...And it seems they’ve found one now.
"What's her relationship with the resistance?"
She is extremely loyal to SMG4 and Beeg, willing to kill for them. Now Mickey...We don't talk about Mickey...She doesn't like him, especially due to the poor choices he's made with his movie studio in the last years, she thinks he deserved to go bankrupt.
SMG4 considers her an ally and maybe even a friend? She considers him a friend/savior.
Beeg finds her tolerable and an ally, and she considers him a friend/savior.
Mickey tolerates and hates her, but the feeling is mutual this time.
If something bad is happening, her focus is on protecting SMG4 and Beeg. As for Mickey? He can fend for himself! He's a rat! He can escape by crawling into a sewer or something like that.
Also, thanks to being literally impaled by the crystal that gave her powers, she is now able to change her form and transform whenever she wants. However, she still limits it because she doesn't want to hibernate and put others in danger, so she avoids using it as much as possible. The damage she suffers is now doubled, and her regeneration has become severely weakened because of it. If she's shot or takes a strong hit exactly where RTV impaled the crystal, she'll die... Mickey seems quite tempted to do just that.
(Fun facts: She is not the same as the one in the tour, since this one revealed her face, and started using the mask after the whole incident with RTV, she keeps the mask on top of her head, only putting it on when she's on the run...In short, two different people.)
(RTV doesn't know she still alive, since she uses her mask whenever he or anyone else is near.)
(Despite everything she had done, she still blindly believe she is not the one to blame...Which is kinda true...But it wasn't RTV who killed all those people...Was it?)
@4thwallbreakerdraws2 please do tell me if there's anything i need to clarify or change! I had no idea if this concept was good enough for the AU, and i was afraid in doing a comic and messing things up badly- so there it is! PLEASE JUDGE ME!-
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MY opinion
So ik Mia Bloom is popular in the fandom but i have no idea why. Not just for the purpose that I don't like her 1 little bit, frankly I hate her. (she is very pretty though) PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE THING IF U END UP COMING FOR ME AND CALLING ME A SHIT PERSON FOR MY OPINION
She literally edits herself in ship edits with Chris, many people say it's weird how others make edits of her and Chris but it's 10x worse when she does it herself. I forgot the username but she had an undercover acct which she confirmed as hers, editing herself with Chris as a clear ship, using an intro where it starts off with Chris wanting or finding something (hot or something I forget the exact thing he said it was a bunch of mombojumbo basically) but she used that and also edited herself MARRYING Chris. Mind u she's 14 and he's 21.
Look i get it, kids have celeb crushes but this is far. To defend this is just as bad as her. Imagine Chris seeing that? If he wouldn't be uncomfortable with it then I'd be concerned, because if i got edited as a ship with a minor 7 years younger than me ID BE SO WEIRDED OUT.
2. She's overly dramatic. Yes shes a teen with a lot of emotions but SOBBING over a hoodie that will probably come back and a tour is crazy (imo) First off international fans i understand they'd be upset but the way she reacted was over the top, and I don't even mean when she found out it was for the U.S. and one place in Canada. She began overreacting even before that. The the dramatic posts about 'have fun U.S.' was excessive. I don't think she understood how hard it would be for 3 boys to go across a country they've never been to and for a show that isn't even that big, no offense it just seems rushed (but anyone going ofc have fun, I hope you enjoy it! I just didnt find it worth the money) Anyways, she got mad at the U.S. fans practically for the triplets staying in the country they literally live in.
3. She tries very hard to be alike to the triplets, first off the YouTube channel, she tries to be like Chris, doing disgusting things during a video and keeping it in. Example: she farted in a video with her and her friend in a car with fresh love hoodies on. She films car videos and did the deaf blind mute challenge which sure a lot of people did do that challenge so honestly idc much for that. It's just very obvious shes one of those grwm people that FORCE a humorous side to their videos, just look it up on tiktok and u can find videos: 'Mia Bloom trying to be funny'. What I'm saying with this take is just that she makes her personality based off the triplets when I wish she would be more separate, as being her own personality and not faking it or basing it off the triplets (as it seems)
Finally I just find the whole fangirling over fangirls stupid at times, depending on how they take their fangirling. I will say I do like Mia Bloom's friend's because they seem very separate from the triplets as they have less of the trying to be them personality, mainly just making content about them but not going too far with it like overreacting, and plus they don't make SHIP EDITS OF THEM WITH ADULTS? Which thats the only real problem I have with Mia Bloom being so looked up to.
I'd also like to say i do have her blocked on all of my tiktok accts so if anyone wanted to comment "just block her or swipe the video" there's your answer, but this post is solely to talk about my opinion and also to get others if someone does want to comment them. I didn't reread this so pardon if they're any mistakes. Again she is a teen so this could all be a phase and she could end up maturing with how she takes this 'basically an obsession' with the triplets.
Also send hate if u want idc this is my opinion, I'm a teen myself so it's not like you're gonna say im attacking a kid, shes not far off from my age and she should know better than to act how she does for an account that somehow has 1 mil followers (Which her content apart from the triplets isn't that bad some of her grwms have forced humor but other than that they're not bad)
#mia bloom#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#matt sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo#chris sturniolo fanfic#fanfic#sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo fandom#opinion#criticism#matt sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#matthew sturniolo
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Mysterious Ways: Destiny and Prophecy in Arc 2
So... this started out as a look at the tension between fate and free will that drives Callum's arc in s7 and how it is reflected from Aaravos's side, but I kind of got distracted. That's all still in here, at least kind of, but I want to talk about some other stuff, first. Primarily this: there's a big shift in how this story approaches the concept of destiny for s6 and s7.
Outside of the very specific instance of "destiny is a book you write yourself," both arc 1 and the first half of arc 2 are much more focused on free will as breaking a cycle whose continuation is demanded by historical, cultural, situational, and emotional pressures—recognizing that it's possible to choose a better future, regardless of what you or anyone else has chosen in the past.
To introduce destiny as a force beyond those pressures—one that says certain future events are so immutable as to be foreseen years or centuries in advance—is a significant change in the playing field. What s6 and s7 add to the story is a power that could take all the hard-won choices of love and forgiveness and freedom that were built up in s1-s5, and render them powerless.
Yeah, it's... a turn. Not one that doesn't make sense, however. The narrative is also shifting away from the (largely resolved) Humanity-Xadia conflict, with the freed Aaravos emerging as an antagonist on a much greater scale (ha) than he has been operating thus far as a manipulator. In a lot of ways, s6 and s7 are meant to make the heroes feel small (ha) again, as they are caught up in a war between beings of much greater power.
All That Prophecy Rubbish: Season Six's Narrative Pivot Toward Destiny
So outside of Callum's dream in s2, the concept of destiny as an actual force that can be perceived via prophetic visions (rather than as a representation of the illusion that choice is not possible) doesn't really appear until Callum and Rayla reach the Starscraper. We immediately get hit with a prophecy that anticipates deliverance by a "chosen two"... which, after initial reluctance and skepticism, Callum and Rayla go on to fulfill.
There's not really a lot of time taken to truly examine the ramifications of the entire concept—the narrative is itself a little coy on whether Callum and Rayla actually are the chosen two (and what that might mean), but the audience is meant to follow Callum's thought process as he becomes increasingly convinced that not only can he and Rayla meet the terms of the prophecy, they are the only ones who can. He winds up being both right and wrong... they do fulfill the prophecy, but not at all in the way he had laid out.
This sudden introduction of not just destiny, but prophecy—i.e. the idea that the course of events is so immutable as to be revealed ahead of time—is immediately followed by Kosmo's time-blindness and reading of Callum's "star" as shrouded in darkness. Callum has been fatalistic about his dark magic corruption before, but this actually takes him to the brink of giving up—until/unless Kosmo intervenes by altering his own actions in order to manipulate Callum's. As a follow-up to "destiny is a book you write yourself," this is all kind of insane.
Then, to top it all off, we have the ultimate reveal of the cosmic order and its defenders, who—along with Aaravos—foresaw the end that he now seeks to ensure.
It is Only Fitting: The Nature of Prophecies as Seen in Seasons Six and Seven
Season 7 doubles down on what s6 started, opening with Kosmo reading a prophecy from the starweaver spiders' tapestries and the implication that they are a neutral source. Kosmo is certain that what he sees there is "what will be," and cannot be avoided or prevented:
Death Alive In darkness thrives They wither and writhe In Sun's true light But the Fallen One brings Eternal Night
It's a pretty bullet-point description of what happens, so the starweaver spiders are apparently pretty accurate. Not great poets, though.
Kosmo also gives Astrid some unknown number of additional prophecies before she leaves, with the caveat that (as she later repeats to Callum) they "might not all be true." We know that Kosmo is familiar with visions of future events that don't come to pass, and even deliberately averted, because he does exactly that in s6—he sees an undesirable future play out, and changes it to a more desirable one by altering his own action at a critical moment.
The most significant of these prophecies, revealed to us much later, describes the climactic events of s7:
When the hour turns black, one with dark eyes will save us all... and choose his own end.
This prophecy is more similar in format to the one about the chosen two, which the Elder prefaced as foretold by "the Timeblind." Are these two different kinds of prophecies, one a factual description of fated events—"the story of the heavens"—and the other a more interpretive possibility to be claimed or denied?
If there is an unbiased prophecy provided by the stars that details an immutable destiny, presumably the Startouch elves—the Great Ones, the stars themselves—would have access to it. But who knows? Plenty of magical creatures have powers granted by their arcanum that elves don't. Maybe the spiders are special.
We don't get the phrasing or details of the prophecy shared by Aaravos and the cosmic council, only that they have all seen it, and that it indicates humans receiving magic as the inciting event for some kind of doom.
Interestingly, it also seems to be a fate that the council felt could be averted—they appear to not know how or when it would occur, and attempted to exert whatever control would prevent it. Punitive justice of the kind they insist on for Leola is generally argued as a deterrent to others who might repeat the crime—but what is there to repeat, in this case? The events that stem from humans receiving magic presumably cannot be stopped or prevented after they begin, whether Leola lives or dies. If not, why was it even a prophecy?
Similarly, Aaravos makes what he perceives (or frames) as the sacrifice of enduring "an eternity of pain" in order to ensure that the doom they foresaw comes to pass, which suggests that he believes in the possibility that it was never really, truly 100% certain that it would happen. His vengeance is not just delivering the fate the council feared, but also them knowing that all of it was his doing, not the unknowable hand of destiny. He wants them to appreciate the irony of their cosmic order unraveling as a direct consequence of their cruelty in trying to avert that fate.
This puts him in the position of acting as an agent of destiny to bring about the prophesied future in a subversive way—setting up fulfillment of fated events in ways that further his own plans. However, I think this also gives him a reliance on the concept of destiny that then drives a lot of the tension between him and the rest of the cast around that theme. His arrogance is in believing that there is no end in which he does not eventually win—after all, everything he's pursuing is, in some way, already destined to happen.
(His downfall, naturally, is in his planned fulfillment of destiny being twisted back out of his hands in ways he doesn't expect.)
It's Not About You, Is It: When Prophecies Collide
Anyway, let's go back to Kosmo's prophesy for the climactic events of s7:
When the hour turns black, one with dark eyes will save us all... and choose his own end.
The audience, at this point primed by several episodes of Callum's agonizing, accepts (as does Callum, himself) that it refers to a final choice to end the threat of Aaravos through dark magic, the only means now available to him. As with the prophecy of the chosen two, it is then fulfilled in an unexpected manner—it's the corrupted shade of Avizandum who takes back his free will and delivers the killing bite, accepting a second death to save (at minimum) his son.
One feature that stands out about this prophecy is that it has a distinct point of view—presumably that of the living population of Xadia (which includes Kosmo), who it claims will be saved from doom. So is this a vision accessed only by Kosmo, or is it visible to everyone with the equivalent of time-blindness? What if Aaravos foresaw the same thing, or something similar?
When given Kosmo's prophecy, both the audience and Callum expect the fulfillment to be that Callum will sacrifice his life (choose his own end) after using dark magic (one with dark eyes) to successfully imprison Aaravos (save us all). Aaravos's behavior and reactions suggest that he at least knows that a dark mage will stand against him (and who would that be, besides Callum), and make a final sacrifice. Even if he does pick up on the "will save us all" aspect, it's quite vague—"us" may or may not include those currently fighting, and they could be saved from eternal night, but not from Aaravos himself. It's entirely possible that a valid fulfillment is Aaravos taking Callum as a vessel. It's not entirely clear what Aaravos would actually do with that situation, but he's willing to count it as a win.
What he's not willing to count as a win is being imprisoned again, and the only time he has a negative reaction is when it's revealed that Runaan, not Rayla, is prepared to kill Callum and prevent Aaravos from escaping the spell by taking him. It definitely seems like he's got some other information that he's drawing on, here—maybe another prophecy—that makes him confident that Rayla will be unable to kill Callum. When Runaan is removed, even though Rayla takes his place, he's not worried by Callum beginning the spell. Destiny, as far as he's concerned, is back on track.
Now, we know that the prophecy both Callum and Aaravos are focused on is only one out of some unknown number that Kosmo gave to Astrid, all of them less certain than the "Death Alive" one from the starweaver spiders. Aaravos is known for contingencies within contingencies, so if he's factoring one prophecy into his plan, he's probably factoring in several.
When Ezran and Zym appear, Aaravos goes from visibly angry—possibly cornered—back to being satisfied with the way things are progressing. He purposefully set things in motion for Ezran to arrive with the Novablade (i.e. Aanya is correct, it was a trap), because another thing he's willing to count as a win is his death taking all his enemies with him. The archdragons are reluctant to kill him, knowing that he'll return and they won't. Ezran, however, doesn't fully appreciate the level of devastation Aaravos's death will unleash—that it will kill him, Callum, and everyone else.
This could all be just garden-variety manipulation, but doesn't it sound at least a little bit like a prophecy? It even has a similar cadence to Kosmo's:
The brave king and the Dragon Prince will seal my fate... and light the world on fire.
Even more interestingly, Ezran and Zym's appearance does seal Aaravos's fate, just like one with black eyes does save them all. Because here comes Avizandum, out of nowhere with the steel chair.
So what's the actual point, here?
Well, choice actually winds up being a significant factor in the two major prophecies I've covered, both in their actual text—"the chosen two," "choose his own end"—and in their fulfillment. Was Kosmo's prophecy actually about Avizandum all along, even when Callum claimed it as his to fulfill? Did Callum and Rayla fulfill the prophecy at the Starscraper because they were the chosen two, or because they were the two who chose to do so? Are prophecies ever actually about anyone in particular, or are they just choices someone can make?
And with the story leaning heavily into destiny and prophecy as devices at the same time that Aaravos is getting back on track in his planned vengeance of fulfilling the prophecy of doom that made the cosmic council demand Leola's punishment... I suspect we'll see a lot more of "that prophecy rubbish," as Rayla puts it, going forward.
#the dragon prince#aaravos#callum#ezran#rayla#is in there too i guess#don't @ me to explain that aaravos's cockiness about callum is because dark callum in s7e6 was actually him in disguise okay#i am aware of that theory#kradogsmeta
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Friends, I need so many more fics with the howling commandos, Steve, and Bucky.
AUs where Steve doesn't crash the plane or he does but gets found quickly. The howling commandos and Steve sticking together and moving forward the best they can..
And they don't go back for Bucky, because they're sure he's dead.
Except, between Shield and all of them becoming more involved with that world, they start to hear rumors after a few years. Rumors of an assassin, a ghost, whatever people want to call him, working for Hyrda.
And yeah, it's something they have their eyes on, but it's not necessarily a priority. They can barely find any info on this ghost anyway.
Except, eventually, someone says they caught a glimpse of the ghost. It's mainly considered someone trying to get their 5 minutes of fame... but they say haunting steel blue eyes and dark hair. And it just.. has them pausing for a moment.
Lots of people fit that description. Why are they even considering the idea that it could be Bucky? It's ridiculous, but something has them hesitating.
There's really nothing to back up the unbelievable, horrible, vague idea taking shape in the back of their minds, but they start looking into this ghost more.
He only started showing up a few years ago, and all accounts of him lean towards being enhanced, along with what people say is a metal arm.
They don't have anything to explain the arm but the enhancement claim. Well, they all remember how unclear it was on what exactly happened to Bucky while he was being experimented on.
Everyone else moved on after seeing how quickly he bounced back after Azzano, wrote it off as Bucky being Bucky, but it was too quick. Looking back, something wasn't right after that. They should have looked into it more and pushed it harder.
How off he was after that. The normal and expected aftermath of something like that, like being jumpy as hell and wild eyed, but there was more.
The way he was an even better shot, at least when his hands weren't shaking, and they never did when it mattered. How he seemed to tilt his head slightly at things no one else heard, pricking his ears similar to the way Steve did. How there'd been blood on him but never seemed to be wounds that needed attention. All the little things they dismissed or overlooked seem big now.
They say hindsight is 2020 but Bucky always had the best sight out of all of them. They wonder if he knew.
No one wants to say out loud what they're all wondering, partly to avoid giving any hope that it could be him but also because of what that means, what would have happened to him in the past few years.
They keep getting stuck on the metal arm. Based on the way Howard had reacted when they discussed that, it was as horrible as they were imagining.
They don't think about how hard it is to numb Steve, and how quickly it wears off when they actually mange to. They don't think about how Hydra probably wouldn't have cared much to figure out how to properly numb Bucky for whatever they did to his arm. They don't think about it. They can't.
Steve gets restless, his attention is gone, eyes always looking towards the horizon, and he's going to take off soon. There's no way he wasn't going to track this down, even if it was just to confirm it wasn't Bucky.
And like hell they're not going with him. They're not letting Steve chase this by himself, especially when they all have this horrible feeling in their gut that it's Bucky.
That's their man out there. One of their own. And they might have left him out there in the snow and cold, bleeding and broken, all alone. Had he waited for them to come back? Did he know they would have come in a heartbeat if they'd had any idea he survived. They wouldn't even have left the mountain. Steve probably would have gone right over the edge after him if he thought there was any chance. The rest of them wouldn't have been too far behind.
Peggy and Howard help them finish gathering all the info they have available on Bucky the ghost, prepare anything else they might need, and they're off.
No one is going to stop them. Not the government, or the military, or anyone. They can try, and they will certainly throw a fit and demand Steve and the others return, but what are they actually going to do? What can they do?
They could send people after them and it'd just give them a good reason to not come back. All another country would need to do was promise resources to help find the ghost and Steve would be in their pockets.
Plus, people are loyal. Steve and the commandos are well liked and respected. People are going to start asking questions if anyone raises too much trouble over them taking off.
Peggy, with the help of Howard, is more than capable of stomping down her foot on anyone trying to overstep.
Because they're all willing to draw blood over this. They're willing to call in favors, and make enemies, and whatever else they need to do.
It takes a while because, of course, it does. It's the ghost. The Winter Soldier, they eventually learn he's called. What a terrible cold name.
Barnes. It's Bucky. God damn it, they just know it's him.
They should have gone back. They should have taken a moment to just think instead of grieving and trying to shove it out of their minds for a while.
They still can't explain how they know or why their suspicion has only grown when they still haven't found anything concrete, but they know.
They get closer each time. The time they miss him by starts to get smaller and smaller. The number of Hydra agents they run into seems to increase each time, but it's nothing capable of stopping them. If anything, it has them even more sure that they're right and that they're close.
Between all of them, they've got skills in about everything and they're determined. They are relentless. Desperate. They'll find him or they'll die trying.
It's almost anticlimactic when it finally happens, the first time they actually lay eyes on the ghost, and it's him.
Even with that fucking muzzle on, a metal arm, and his hair starting to grow out, it's him. The broken noise that leaves Steve would have confirmed it even if they still had doubts.
Hydra really messed him up. He doesn't react to them, there's nothing in his eyes when he looks at them, and fuck does that hurt. Maybe they deserve it. They left him there. Look what they helped do to him. Left him to be found by Hydra, who went looking when they didnt.
The metal arm looks heavy, and they can only imagine how it's attached for him to have so much control over it.
It becomes clear that they don't necessarily have to fight Bucky. They just need to take out the person with him. The one who's giving the directions, and spitting things in Russian when Bucky doesn't manage to kill them quickly enough, things that have him flinching just a little.
He's in there somewhere. He's still in there.
They manage to take out the Hydra agent while Steve distracts Bucky. He whips around as soon the agent stops yelling instructions, and Steve takes the opportunity to hit him hard. He smacks his head against the brick wall on the way down. He doesn't get up, and Steve looks both relieved and devastated.
They know it's him, but they have to make sure. Maybe they're wrong, maybe it's some other sorry bastard... but it's him.
The muzzle is practically ripped off. Get it off him. The protective fury burning in their chests is choking, and they can't imagine how Steve must feel right now.
It's him.
They're finally bringing him home.
I always say poly andor qp when I do group stuff like this because I just have such a hard time thinking that characters who sweat and bleed on/for each other, kill for and are ready to die for each other, can do that without being a little in love with them. Aren't we all a little in love with our friends?
Intimate, I suppose, is what I'm going for. They don't need to fuck or kiss or anything, but they certainly can they've seen the best and worst of each other and are ready to see it again.
Soldiers go through hell with each other, and it creates lifelong bonds. It's easy to imagine that and crank it up a few levels when you add in superheros and villains.
Idk I just think Steve, Bucky, the howling commandos, Peggy, and Howard could have had something amazing. I feel like they could have know each other better than anyone else ever could.
If you have any fic recs, let me know ~
#stucky#bucky barnes#steve rogers#howling commandos#au idea#marvel#the winter soldier#poly andor qp energy#deep in my bucky feels today fam#doing superhero things with greyskyflowers
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Eeeeyyyyy don't mind me hiding in your blog for a while, mine is being BOMBARDED with notification (the good kind) hahaha 😅😅
Anyways what is Shifty and shifter!Stan interaction like? Does shifty still call shifter!Stan “Dama”?
No worries! I do enjoy responding to these, so hide away.
I've already caved and plan to write another chapter (the siren song is too much for me) that wont be posted for some time that'll go over their meet up in detail, but i can give you an overview of what it'll be like as of now (which might change, depending on how the story goes)
Unfortunately, Dama is a cat Stan only title. There's no one here to not tell him to call Stan that, so he's just Uncle Stanley.
Shifty is very excited to meet the shapeshifter who's going to help them grow up properly, even more so when it turns out to be his own uncle. Stan's.. well, he's in a depressed slump, his brother thought his inner most important secret was a joke, and he's mad at Maurice for tricking him into being here. So while he's very excited to help his nephew, he's also kinda grumpy and snappy at everyone for daring to be alive while he has feelings.
It becomes pretty obvious pretty fast that Stan has no idea what he's doing, and he's winging it. He was raised hands off, and while he's the most social of his circle, he also has zero experience raising a baby shapeshifter, especially one with Shifty's situation. Shifty doesnt have a base, is far more versatile then even Stan, and is the spawn of a wild shapeshifter, so there wasnt anyone to tell him everything he needed when he was growing in his egg. Stan's basically working from scratch with no experience, and Maurice bounced asap.
On top of that, this is his actual nephew, and Ford is constantly hovering, watching what he's doing and taking notes. Its nerve wracking, and not helping Stan feel comfortable. Stan's also not making Ford and Fiddleford comfortable, because his first suggestion to getting a base is... less than ideal.
Once Stan gets the hang of it, he and Shifty have a lot of fun together. Too much fun, in Ford and Fiddlefords opinion, since their idea of fun is doing actual crime across town and in the woods. Too bad for them, crime is a shapeshifters bread and butter. Very few try to get jobs outside of some kind of criminal activity, and those that do tend to do it more as a hobby, so Shifty has to learn how to do it properly.
Cue parental disagreement, and the inevitable "Shifty should be allowed to do anything he wants to do! What would you do if you could do anything!"
Stan: crime. I love crime.
Ford: i don't even know what i expected.
Shifty: I love crime too!
Fiddleford and Ford: D:
#gravity falls#gravity falls au#stan pines#ford pines#fiddleford mcgucket#shifty gravity falls#shapeshifter stan
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DP x DC (From the POV of someone who only knows DP)
Alright so like... I know I'm super late to the party but also. Idea. Ghost King Danny except he actually does want to go to war with Earth.
Danny Ends up escaping from the GIW and retreats back to the Ghost Zone afterwards to recoup and heal
After fully healing up he heads back to Amity Park to check up on his friends and family, not knowing how long he was in captivity for.
He finds out, unfortunately, that Amity park no longer exists. It's been wiped out. Gone from the map. Not a single building left.
Not far from the city limits, he finds a mass grave. One for every member of the town. Death dates going back to 3 years ago.
Distraught, he returns to the Ghost Zone to mourn and look for his family.
Unfortunately, they're not there.
So Danny locks himself away in his small section of the Infinite Realms. No one sees him but Clockwork knows that this is for the best.
When Danny returns, he seeks out Clockwork and tells him that he wishes to take the crown. Unsurprised, Clockwork agrees and they start the preparations for the coronation
Eventually, Danny is crowned and the Infinite Realms enters a new age.
Another 10 Earth years pass and Danny declares war on the Living realm. Because he's angry. Angry no one cared for his home. That no one cared for his family or came looking for him. That he was not avenged.
Cut to the JLA, they receive word of the declaration from the UN. From a dimension they did not know of. Not good.
Batman attempts to research the Infinite realms but because there is nothing on it that he can access, he comes up with multiple dead ends.
Eventually, the JLA call in Constantine for information and boy, does he have info for them.
TLDR, Constantine tells them that the Infinite Realms is the counter dimension to theirs. And the King is declaring war because the USA, and in turn the entire world, have been torturing and killing his subjects for years.
To say things are bad is an understatement. The JLA send Danny a request for Parlay, to hopefully delay or even remove the threat of war from the table.
Amazingly, King Danny agrees to meet and so, some of the JLA (Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Constantine) meet with him in the ruins of Amity Park, Illinois. The only place where Danny was willing to meet with them.
There, after some tense conversation and comments that almost ruins the parlay, King Phantom offers humanity one last chance to prove that he shouldn't start a war.
Danny will spend a year among the humans, living with them and assessing if they are worth living. If he finds them lacking, he will not be merciful, knowing full well that he will win.
Batman agrees to the terms and offers Danny to live with him and his children. It allows him to learn more about ghosts from their king while also letting Danny live with his, mostly, functional family.
Cue chaos.
Ngl, this shit is half baked and kinda made up after reading like... 15 dp x dc fanfics after nearly 10 years. So I apologize if my DC knowledge is fucked. I'm still learning the Batfam lore.
#danny phantom#dcu#dpxdc#dc x dp#Somehow this got me back into the writing mood#And it's a tragedy#As always#It gets better#I promise#danny needs a hug#And maybe a new family#Also Jason and Danny are the same person in a different font#batfam#Seriously#someone get Danny to therapy
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Oh, oh!! If it isn’t too much to ask, can we hear about some of the other planned endings that viewers could have pushed the story towards? I think it’s really neat that we had some effect after all!! :D!
I don't mind answering now. ^^
First change would've been how Levas and Savel first met. Had the viewers not pushed Levas in the right direction to find Savel, both of them would've been far closer to corruption when they met, which would've led to Farrow evolving into an Umbreon rather than a Falcheon. They would've done so to try and help Savel fight corruption by being a dark element, but it would've been to no avail because it just doesn't work like that. They didn't know any better. This would've led down a path of Farrow having some confliction about their evolution, adding more to their issues regarding body image and self worth.
Second change would've been regarding Lucky. Originally, Lucky's punishment was going to be far harsher by Mingle, because as far as Mingle was concerned, what he had done was by and large evil, and when he died, he would've come back, but without his memory. He would've spent years not knowing who Farrow and co all were, and much much longer to regain some of his lost memories.
Third change involved Laivan not being found at all, and therefore Dravol would've been fully corrupted, and remained that way all the way to the end, where she would've been forced to the Incarnate Temple rather than going of her own will. Laivan would've been a dratini still (and Dravol a skitty), and the two would've never reconnected like they did. Both would've died not knowing or remembering who each other was, Dravol from corruption and Laivan from being out of water too long. In this end, also, Antono and Notra did not meet Savel and co until this point either, leading both to not really have much interest and being a lot colder towards everyone. They were there to do a job and that was all it was to them, rather than forming bonds.
Fourth change was Dravol would've died and not been reincarnated either. Eventually she would've returned as a Sylveon, and she and Laivan would've found one another eventually, had they survived the Incarnate journey, but it would've taken much, much longer.
How the audience changed the direction was as follows:
Askers pointed Levas in the right direction, leading him to Savel in time to release the blue light and start to balance one another out.
Lucky was pushed to go to Sinnoh because of this change, and forced to confront his past. Askers helped him further deepen his understanding of his wrongdoings, and also helped him learn to forgive himself and repent for his sins, leading to his fellow beholders also learning to a peace agreement, and lending their strength to him in the big battle.
Askers called out to Laivan, leading him to be 'found' by the audience early, even if you had no idea who or what he was. This in turn pushed Laivan to reveal himself once, singing a warning to all, which in turn stirred Notra and Antono into action, calling them to the right location to find Savel and co.
Askers started helping Dravol in the ask hints, leading Laivan to allow Dravol to be questioned, leading her down the right path to eventually prove herself to everyone that she was capable of change. This led Mingle to revealing herself to askers despite being VERY annoyed about it, but it also strengthened her resolve to use Dravol as a candidate of her God's Exam, which brought her back not only as a dragon (something neither Mingle nor the viewers would've ever known as she wouldn't have been askable) but with her full memories intact.
So yeah. ovo good on yall ;)
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my parents are 86 and 79 years old and are currently in morocco. the family chat yesterday has a lot of snaps of them on and with camels in the sahara desert. the camels are smiling. it’s so good. i’m so proud of them
… by “them” i mean my parents
but sure, also the camels?
this sahara camel ride business is a feature of nearly all morocco tours, i did one when i went. it’s not like the ten-minute camel ride on the flat for children at the zoo. dunes are steep. sand shifts underfoot. camels walk with a lurchy gait moving both right legs together and then both left legs together, rather than use reciprocal motion like a horse to distribute their weight more steadily. it’s all very weird and it doesn’t take long to get remarkably sore. my parents sensibly did a shorter ride with no overnight camp, but mine was only an hour each way and it was ~enough tbh
it helps to do a weight-shifting thing that’s vaguely but not exactly analogous to posting on a trotting horse, in that where you are on the dune matters as well as the animal’s stride. reasonably enough they don’t try to teach nuanced camel riding skills for these one-off short rides, so you either connect the dots and make an effort to poorly approximate a strategy, or, perhaps more sensibly, accept your ignorance and just sit there. either way, your contribution will be negligible to zero. also, both the camel you get and the way in which the saddling material is sitting on it may or may not be a great fit for you, and that also isn’t something that gets attention for a short one-off ride. again, this is all fair and i’ve no doubt that if you sign up for a trek to timbuktu they put much more up-front effort into rider/camel match and skills pedagogy. but yeah: riding a camel through the dunes may sound delightful, and it in fact very much is, but there’s a lot involved, and as someone with no idea wtf they’re doing you’re extremely dependent on the camel to just deal with everything on its own. i think that it must take a lot of patience on a camel’s part to carry novice riders every day, and i’m not sure that camels in particular have naturally high baseline patience. so yeah, i am in some sense or other proud of them lol
(ngl though part of me is extremely stubborn and wants to go to timbuktu on a camel, regardless of how objectively terrible a choice that would be. there’s something about being in a camp in the fucking sahara desert with dunes as far as the eye can see in every direction and the nice berber guy is like “timbuktu is fifty-two days that way” and points into the, to your eye, totally undifferentiated distance and just hnnng snorting and pawing at the ground with an imbecilic visceral desire)
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