#also i hate you tumblr for deleting half of what i wrote
autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
thank u @zenstrike for the tag <333333333 i see ur mic and i'm elated about it
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
185! but i haven't updated in like a week and a half so we're probably closer to 190
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
556,104. i am very excited to watch it jump up when i finally finish my longfic teehee
3. what fandoms do you write for?
literally just voltron lol. well not counting baby me's wattpad lol. i started writing almost two years ago and just went ham basically. i've been intentionally avoiding things that i know i will get hyperfixated on bc i don't want to stop my writing obsession lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
ooooou i'm excited to check. i know it's changed quite a bit over time. i usually sort them by hits!
i will grind you to sand (beneath my louboutin heels) [voltron, 2573 words]: bamf lance fic where i give him a revolver and let him go ham basically
mr. snuggles [voltron, 1656 words]: one of my very earliest fics! lance, lover of weirdo animals, finds a demonic cat-sized spider and adopts it despite his friend's freakouts
he might not look like he gets bitches (but honey that dick was eleven inches) [voltron, 1136 words]: this one is so dorky lol but it's just secret relationship klance coming to light in the most embarrassing possible way
does anyone know where the love of god goes (when the waves turn the minutes to hours) [voltron, 4283]: a canon divergence au where lance is a seer and convinces the skeptics on his team of his abilities by ending the war
this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever get away) [voltron, 3262 words]: a lance & shiro hurt/comfort with a small autistic lance character study! i'm very proud of this one
5. do you respond to comments?
i definitely do on tumblr! it's one of the first things i do when i wake up actually. on ao3, though...i'm pretty sure i have about eight hundred unanswered comments sitting in my inbox 💀 it's an ongoing issue
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm almost sure it's this post-game show lance leaving fic, because i got comments and asks for weeks begging me to write a happy ending lol. but this fic from the hana universe, from when keith is little and shiro is fighting for custody and they haven't figured things out yet. that one is sad. this dream pov adashi fic is also sad and has no happy ending bc, you know. shiro is in space and adam thinks he's dead and everything. my loneliest series is also still in progress and as such there is no happy ending. and this is my earliest angsty-ending fic with MCD
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh god pretty much everything i write has a happy ending?? if i’m being serious?? frankly i don’t do a lot of linear plot. i just write Scenes that are vaguely connected. BUT my h2o fic had a plot that ended happily, as did my cowboy fic, but truly i’m more of a slice of life kinda gal. all my active wips are plot-driven, though, and i plan for all of them to end happily.
8. do you get hate on fics?
oh god yeah. i get it on brown eyed lance, autistic lance, adhd keith, allura just in general (are you sensing a pattern), my refusal to use readmores, and lately just some demands for me to write differently/more?? most of it is just funny so i post it to goof on it lol, but some of it i just delete and pout about until i forget about it 💀
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes and it’s nasty and i will literally never ever post it. although i guess i’ve written some softer stuff that’s more allusion than anything, like in my loneliest series.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not anymore, but i did when i was a kid?? i think i wrote a pjo/hoo/divergent/the mortal instruments/homestuck/a bunch of other shit fic when i was 13. i’ve successfully blocked that era out of my mind tho so i’m not sure. i do a lot of insane aus, tho. i wrote a fic based off a country song written in the sixties. so.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i’ve had people write continuations of my wips?? which i didn’t rly like. i just ignored it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
someone has asked me about translating a fic before! haven’t heard anything since tho.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried. i’m not very good at it. i have very Specific ideas about things and can be very controlling, so it’s honestly better that i don’t lol.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
klance, easy. been in the trenches of this goddamn fandom since i was 13 years of age. it’s been a Journey.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
god, the butterfly effect. i get people asking me to update all the time and i genuinely feel bad, because i have absolutely no ideas or plans for it. i might try to come up with an ending of some kind?? but i wrote that like two years ago, so i have changed a LOT about my writing since then.
16. what are your writing strengths?
dialogue and humour, i think. and sometimes writing lack of emotional communication (if that makes sense — i like to try and write around an emotion).
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i over explain a lot. and i overuse dialog ur tags sometimes. i have a Very Specific scene playing out in my head and i want everyone else to see it like i’m seeing it, which is my downfall a lot. i’ve been trying to work on implicit stage directions.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think sometimes it’s necessary? it can be a good tool for humour, like with cussing that can’t be achieved in english. but while i understand and read several languages i have always always struggled to speak or write in them. it’s very frustrating so i often avoid the subject entirely lol.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i’ve been writing fanfic in my head since before i knew what it was, but i started typing things at around 11 when i used to homestuck roleplay with my friends lol. messy messy times.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
oh i am my own target audience. i have several.
i need a man (who’s patient and kind): keith-centric post canon (divergence) fic where lance takes him to his family and keith is good with kids and just keith being loved is the whole point. always.
what if i lose it all: an alternate universe where lance, as a baby, loses both his parents, and then is raised by his oldest siblings. in luis’ pov.
when does a ripple become a tidal wave (when does the reason become the flame): brogane fight & angst canon divergence post season 6; covering shiro’s guilt complex and keith’s unwavering loyalty
he’s into superstitions (black cats and voodoo dolls): halloween verse with witch lance and vampire keith! i have barely spoken about this au on here but rest assured i’m thinking about it all the fucking time
the applebee’s universe: modern au with young keith and lance learning how to love each other
ceilings (plaster): non-linear dream-like fic that’s just so trippy and strange i’m obsessed with it
if the sky comes falling down (for you) there’s nothing in this world i wouldn’t do: a keith character study about how the biggest bleeding heart in the universe loves
the hana universe: brogane-centric universe as their family starts rocky and grows
thank u again for the tag zen <33 open offer for anyone else who would like to hop on!!
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kkurades · 11 months
KILL BILL ━━━━━ yn’s ex-family
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PARK SEONGHWA regretted nothing more than breaking up with you due to his need to focus on his studies but trying to win you back would be harder than he had originally thought and finding out that you had happily moved on with another man while being a successful idol didn’t make it any easier for him
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biology major, is yn’s ex, broke up w her bc he wanted to focus on his studies but regretted it a month later but she had already dropped out and disappeared, she also blocked him on everything, still has nightmares bc of how sad yn looked when they broke up, has a yn shrine that he refuses to let anyone touch bc it still smells like her, really really really wants her back
he dropped out after two years of uni, is a song writer and producer, is on yn’s side of the break up, knows what she does and is still in contact w her, has been planning to collab w yn for her solo comeback for a while now, doesn’t talk to the others anymore bc of the tension, is too lazy to change his location on twitter
JEONG YUNHO ( portrayed by YUN-HO )
the biggest hoe on campus, is on seonghwa’s side of the break up, is v loyal to him and refuses to speak to anyone who’s on yn’s side of the break up, has tried to set seonghwa up on multiple dates after he realised that he wanted yn back but he refused, is on the football team
KANG YEOSANG ( portrayed by YEO-SANG )
has a side job as a toe model so he could pay for uni, is neutral on the break up, likes to terrorise yunho and san w toe pics, hongjoong and mingi refuse to tell him anything ab yn bc he isn’t fully on yn’s side, he’s considering to turn to seonghwa’s side bc he thinks yn’s being over dramatic to refuse contact w any of them except for mingi and hongjoong
CHOI SAN ( portrayed by SAN )
has the whole campus simping over him and he doesn’t even know, is also on the football team, is on seonghwa’s side bc he’s like an older brother to him, misses yn a lot tho, has a serious case of toe phobia bc of yeosang
SONG MINGI ( portrayed by MINGI )
is obsessed w miffy, he creeped out his first roommates w his miffy mercy collection, on yn’s side of the break up, is yn’s nr. 1 supporter and knows what she does, dresses up like a woman every time he goes to his and yn's weekly hang out, is yn's bff since childhood & will forever stay loyal to her, doesn't hang out a lot on campus bc yn and hongjoong dropped out so he doesn't really have any friends left
the biggest babygirl there is, has made out with 90 percent of the female population at kq uni, is on no one's side of the break up so he doesn't know what's going on w yn either, has actually made out in a girl's bedroom w (g)i-dle posters plastered on her walls and didn't notice it, wants everything back as it was, gets into a lot of fights w yunho and mingi bc they don't want to make up and help seonghwa get back together w yn
CHOI JONGHO ( portrayed by JONGHO )
looks v mean when he walks around campus so he doesn't have a lot of friends, used to be on yn's side but when she left without a word he was v hurt so he switched sides (but he’ll switch back the moment yn texts him), body weightlifter in his free time, tries to avoid anything that could actually lead to a fight between the two friend groups, biggest beabadoobee enthousiast
# NOTES — I HATE HATE TUMBLR. i wrote a better description ab everyone but tumblr deleted it so i had to rewrite it with half of the things i remember ☹️
# TAGLIST — @sserafimez , @neohyxn , @smh-anon , @redm4ri , @stopeatread , @yourfavoritefreakyhan , @saiewithakatana , @kyuupidwrites , @i-dont-know-me-either , @aestheticsluut , @certainyouthpeanut, @deadgirlwalking3 , @stopeatread , @cookiechristie , @atinyreads , @legohwas, @sollum , @a1sh1teruu , @nikisbf, @s00buwu , @kissezfornamjoon , @hexoolio , @bunnystrm, @dutchessskarma ( open )
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tumblr was being buggy today and this ask got deleted but i do have screencap of it, so i'm gonna answer it here.
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hi! first off, thank you and i appreciate you being so civil about this.
i understand what you mean. i wasn't raised in a religious cult so i may not know the nuances of that experience but my problem does not lie solely with catra's toxic behaviour in s1-4. what i dislike is her redemption arc.
if you've read some of my previous posts, you might know that i was never against catra having a redemption arc. i don't think she's irredeemable. i do sympathize with her and i think it would be a powerful message if she really was able to become a kind and compassionate person, after all the hurt that she went through.
i just have a problem with how rushed and frankly unrealistic her redemption was. i wanted to see a drawn out redemption arc where catra makes amends for everything she has done, and earn the trust and forgiveness of the other characters. but instead of doing that, the creators decided that it was easier to have the other characters forgive her unprompted and to have catra act basically the same as she always did.
also, while catra was raised in a cult-like environment, what i find interesting is that the horde has almost no effect on her. catra was definitely very traumatized by shadow weaver's abuse, but there was nothing even close to religious trauma.
she knew from the beginning that the horde was evil, she wasn't taken in by the lies like adora was. i feel like the religious trauma reference falls apart there because catra was working for the horde in her own interest, not because she was forced or manipulated into doing so.
i have mentioned shadow weaver in my blog as well, i just don't go into detail about her abuse because i think the show was pretty straightforward and countless other people have done deep dives on it. shadow weaver was meant to be an unlikeable character anyway, we weren't supposed to sympathize with her or relate to her.
you said that catra was trying so hard to redeem herself. i would like to hear a clarification on that because as far as i can see, she wasn't trying at all. she went back to lashing out at adora, calling her names and guilt tripping her as soon as she was rescued from horde prime. not even a thank you. she doesn't address angella's death at all and glimmer seems to have completely forgotten about it. she still makes unsavory jokes about the princesses after she spend four seasons colonizing and destroying their kingdoms. her apology to entrapta and scorpia was half-assed, to say the least.
catra wasn't trying hard. the other characters just magically forgave her for all her war crimes because that's what the writers wanted. and she definitely did not deserve to get into a relationship with the person who she had been relentlessly abusing, both physically and emotionally, and trying to murder.
i get that a lot of people relate to catra and i'm not saying that anyone who relates to her is automatically toxic. even i relate to certain parts of her. but that doesn't mean she's a good character.
you said it takes time to unlearn toxic behaviours and i completely agree. (also i wouldn't consider 21 “a kid”. she's young, sure, but she's still an adult.) but if the writers cared about that, they would have redeemed catra earlier. they had five seasons to work with, most shows don't get that liberty. avatar the last airbender gave zuko an incredible redemption arc in just three seasons, the owl house wrote a believable redemption for hunter and amity in just one season each, infinity train wrote a good redemption arc for grace in only ten episodes! you can't use the “there was no time” excuse.
you have to keep in mind that a lot of people who hate catra and her arc are also people who relate to her. a lot of my mutuals relate to catra and her struggles, and that's exactly why they hoped for a better redemption arc. they wanted to see her work on her mistakes, face the consequences of her actions and change realistically. they didn't want to see her just get forgiven out of the blue. imagine if that's how we treated war criminals in real life.
if i was like catra and i heavily related to her, i wouldn't want to see her never face the consequences of her actions and be coddled. i wouldn't want that for myself either. if i made some serious mistakes (especially to the extent that catra had), i would be prepared to face the consequences of my actions and i wouldn't expect anyone to forgive me.
anyway, sorry about the long post but i hope this gives you an idea of why i have a problem with catra and spop as a whole.
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shootingstarpilot · 8 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thanks for the tag, @merlyn-bane!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
*sobbing* Star Wars, my beloved. The brainrot is real; I am consumed. When I was still on FF.net, though, I had stuff up in Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
back then, i was dauntless
how to bring him home
if i don't make it back (from where i've gone)
though some would harm you
like lightning changing hands
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely do! I feel bad because I know I've gotten some lovely comments on chapters that aren't the most recent one, and those tend to get lost in the inbox, but I promise I'm working on it- if you get a response from a comment you left a year and a half ago, don't hold it against me 😅
I do it because I want so badly to build community here! I love getting comments from people, responding to something with a wee hint of a tease because I'm AWFUL and then getting a keysmash of a response and then exchanging snippets in the comments, truly, it fills me with delight- and I've met some absolutely wonderful people who I got introduced to by responding to comments-
Anyway. Community. That.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh. Hm. Hm.
I... guess it would have to be though some would harm you? Although I'm not sure if I feel confident in that designation, because it's very much part of a multi-work series. And I'm too much of a sucker for happy endings to write a stand-alone fic that doesn't have one, I think.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, neural plasticity, for sure! Short and sweet <3
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
A bit. I can brush off the "actually the Jedi were the real monsters" assholes easily enough, but honestly, the comments that hit the hardest are the ones that clearly come from people who think they're offering ✨constructive criticism.✨ Not only because I didn't ask for it, but also because saying my work is "fatiguing" or "I'm sure there's a decent story here, but it's being buried under what you're trying to do with it-" there's nothing constructive there.
Side note: the person who left that last comment deleted it about half an hour later, because when I went to reply, it had vanished from my inbox. I don't know if they did that because they didn't want me to be able to reply, or if they realized that what they said was unhelpful and mean, but if they ever happen to see this-
I still got the email, prick.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Write? No, I haven't quite worked up the panache to try. Reading, on the other hand...
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do have snippets of one crossover that I actually posted in an anonymous collection, ha- an old BBC Merlin/ Good Omens/ Supernatural fic that I dug out of my old documents. Other than that, no- unless you count the Prequels and the Clone Wars as different enough to qualify as a crossover.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of- very much open to it, though!
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Since I don't think taking drabbles in tumblr chats to ridiculous lengths counts, I'd have to say no- I'd like to, though!
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Codywan. Fiercely, unwaveringly Codywan.
Just to reinforce this- 292 of my bookmarks consist of Cody/Obi-Wan. The next most common romantic pairing (Aziraphale/Crowley) has less than half that, at 121.
I'm a goner, and I can't even bring myself to regret it.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
OKAY SO I've written snippets of a modern AU focusing on Helix, Needle and Stitch, and I'm totally gonna take this opportunity to rage about it. I'm probably never gonna finish it, but it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, so, hey- what else is fic for, really, if not for indulging yourself?
At first, it's just Needle and Stitch. It's just been the two of them, for as long as Stitch can remember. Needle's only a few years older than him, but he's raised him, kept him in school, kept a roof over their heads and food on the table-
Food on Stitch's plate, at least.
Then, one night, Needle does not come home.
A hit-and-run, the nurse tells him, although the words will not trickle through until much later. A coma.
He will not, they say patiently, come home for some time.
(There is so much that needs doing.)
Helix, meanwhile, is studying physical therapy at the local community college and working part-time at his brother Ace's bakery.
It's during one of these shifts that a skinny little twerp comes in and hands him a job application.
(Rent and bills and Needle Needle Needle-)
It doesn't take Helix long to realize something is... off.
Ace tells him not to push it, but-
The kid's a good worker. Great, as a matter of fact. He's never late. Stays past closing, too, if they've had a rush. He tells Helix about his brother and nothing else.
(His brother hasn't come to visit.)
Everything that's not sold at the end of the day gets packaged up and given out. They only toss in the dumpster what's really, truly inedible- stuff that got dropped in the kitchen, scraps left over from customers-
He thinks it's raccoons, at first, until he peers in and sees Stitch flatten himself against a heap of bags in the corner.
They package up leftovers for him, after that. A bit more than leftovers, maybe. Ace sets aside sandwiches. Helix buys him a thermos and tells him it's been in the lost and found for over a year. They make sure he eats.
(Needle's getting transferred out of the ICU.)
Stitch is trying. He's doing everything he can, and more besides. But Needle's life is too expensive and he's buckling under the weight.
(He hasn't even grieved. Not really. No room. No time.)
Eventually, something has to give.
He does.
(He hadn't expected someone to be there to catch him.)
Helix stumbling into adopting first one, then two idiot kids
Ace being a supportive brother
Needle finding his way home
Mace Windu as Needle's (unfairly attractive, Helix thinks) neurologist
Obi-Wan as a hospital social worker who gets assigned Needle's file
Cody as Obi-Wan's husband, Helix's cousin, and children's book author (Stitch's favorite)
(listen I am WEAK for author!Cody, truly)
(Helix was totally the one who got them together and he regrets it every day of his life.)
Sheev Palpatine as the epitome of the evil of the American healthcare system
The Melidaan crew running a long-term, non-profit care facility that offers both in-patient and out-patient rehab services
16.) What are your writing strengths?
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I am, apparently, really good at writing breakdowns. >:3
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Dialogue does not come easily to me. I have to work a bit to hit my stride. But I think it turns out well enough!
Hm. Coming from a purely technical perspective here, I think the reader should be able to understand everything that's spoken in a fic. If a character says something in another language, then I think the best way to convey that is, "X muttered something Y didn't catch," or, if the listener recognizes that it's at least in another language, "X muttered something in French."
If the reader should understand it, then something along the lines of: "'I knew we shouldn't have trusted him,' X muttered in French."
If the POV character doesn't understand the language, it doesn't make sense to provide the reader with a perfect transliteration of what the other character is saying. The character wouldn't have that knowledge. It can really take me out of the fic when two characters suddenly start conversing in written-out sentences in another language, and I have to scroll all the way down to the footnotes for translations.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
But then again, that's just my opinion- I'm sure others have their own thoughts on this!
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Harry Potter.
Hell, I have to say like lightning changing hands, if only because whatever fic I'm writing at the moment is my favorite. It's the act of creation that does it for me!
(Also because it's such a good opportunity to explore so many relationship dynamics.)
No-pressure tags for @jedi-enthusiast, @themonopolyhat, @shadow-pixelle, and @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Did you know that sometimes, you do something totally normal in the tumblr editor, something that you could accidentally do very easily, and it decides to eat your entire post? It just deleted over an hour of work? Did you know that it does that?
Isn't that swell?
We're doing a challenge from 2011 and we're doing it very slowly. We're actually doing it even slower, because we wrote half of this post, hit ctrl+z, and tumblr just fucking deleted it with no way to get it back. Glorious. 10/10, fucking hate it.
This challenge number was a little weird for me. I've been doing lolita since 2011, and the answers that I would have given in 2011 are probably very different than the ones I'm giving in 2023. Having that framing makes me feel very nostalgic.
Let's get into it. If tumblr eats this again, I will be throwing the entire website out the door.
Number 1) A comfortable petticoat that stays the right shape, and that I don't have to worry about crushing.
Back in my early days, one of the first things that I bought for lolita fashion was a real petticoat. One of the most critical elements of a lolita fashion look is the shape, and having a foundation that gave me the right shape helped things that I was making look a lot more like real lolita.
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(Early 2012)
My first ever petticoat, which is under the red dress, was made out of muslin and some walmart tulle. I believe it used this tutorial. While that dress wasn't ever going to look really lolita super well, the petticoat issue sure isn't helping.
These days I have a Wunderwelt petticoat that I got in 2016, and it's so very enjoyable to have a petticoat where the only concern is that it might be too big for a dress. I love how little work it takes to add the proper shape to a coord.
Number 2) Definitely lolita shoes.
When I wear lolita out and about, I've noticed that one of the things that changes stranger's reactions is the shoes. If I've got some distinctly lolita shoes, like RHS, people tend to ask if it's a fashion. If I'm wearing lolitable shoes that could also work in a non-lolita outfit, I get asked what costume I'm wearing.
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(Late 2013)
Baby lolita me had a pair of black Mary Jane pumps from Target, and those were my lolita shoes for several months. In my first ever Bodyline order, I got some brown tea parties, and about a year later I bought these pink RHS and white flats.
And that was it. That was what I owned for lolita shoes from 2013 to 2016. Coords were black, brown, pink, white, or else I wore shoes that didn't match. Occasionally I'd go crazy and get some short boots into the mix, but this was my lolita shoe collection.
I have at least four tutorials in this blog about how to fix shoes, because I don't let my shoes die until they're absolutely dead and gone. Those brown tea parties are now painted gold and have been turned into very dangerous roller skates. I had to take a five-ish mile offroad hike in the white ones, which destroyed the bottoms as well as permanently staining the ribbon frill brown. These are, to this day, the only lolita shoes that I've ever thrown away. The other two pairs of shoes I still have.
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My closet doesn't look like a BTSSB show room because I have to keep the rubbermaid tub of skulls somewhere, and the closet seems the best place.
In the seven years since I started buying lolita shoes again, I've collected several pairs. A lot of these pairs were in the $5-$30 price range, and none of them have been disposed of. This is just seven years of collecting shoes.
Number 3) Little details that are fast to add to a coord.
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So, TJ Maxx sells these little clip on ribbon bows in their baby department, and they're my new favorite fast and easy accessory. They can go in your hair. They can go on your dress. They can go on your shoes. It's wonderful.
I've said a whole lot that making a lolita coord is about adding all the details that you think you should add, and then adding 3-5 more details. It's very easy to underestimate how detailed a handmade lolita piece should be.
Something that I didn't fully appreciate until recently, at least not to the extent that I currently appreciate it, is how much your overall coordinate can benefit from the same thing. If you CAN throw on some little extra bows and bracelets, it generally looks better if you do that.
I have very small wrists (both wrists together cannot hold a 4-week old kitten) and jingling loose bracelets often drive me nuts. I finally found out that stretch bracelets meant for kids will fit on my wrists, won't jinglejangle, and also won't pinch. As a bonus, they're like $1 for a 2-pack, so I went a little bit nuts stocking up on them.
I've got a couple of tutorials on making your own cheap, small details that you can just plop onto as many coords as you'd like.
Number 4) Sewing machine.
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(Feb 2011)
My first lolita dress was handmade. Making my own garments and accessories has always been an important part of this fashion for me. I don't have as much to say about this, because it's just so constantly present in everything that I do.
I've learned about lolita fashion by sewing it, and I've learned about sewing by sewing lolita fashion.
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(October 2010)
I made my first lolita dress on a pretty basic sewing machine (the precursor to the Janome 3160QDC). I've since sideways-graded to a really basic 80's Singer. Despite having a very fancy embroidery machine, I don't sew on it. My last service said I've done 5 hours of sewing and 170 hours of embroidery on that machine. I know what I need, and I have what I need.
Number 5) Five Below's $5 bike shorts
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They're $5. They come in every color.
Your tights falling down? Bike shorts. Your bloomers pretty annoying to wash and so you want to keep them off your skin to avoid having to wash our sweat stains? Your car a little bit funky and you might need to lie down on the ground to change your tire? Bike shorts. Little old lady in a wheelchair might pick up your skirt to see if you're wearing pantaloons? and you're not wearing pantaloons? You're never going to be more glad that you have bike shorts.
When I was new to lolita and like 12 years stupider than I now am, I had smaller petticoats, and always figured that high-coverage tights and standard underoos were modesty enough, with bloomers being necessary for coords with socks. Get a fuller petticoat, and you stop feeling like that. Bike shorts at Target were like $15 a pair, because they're designed to be comfortable to wear when you're riding a bike. I'm not riding a bike. I'm walking through walmart to buy some milk. I'm not going fast because I have 5" of fake wood glued to the bottom of my foot. I don't need your comfort features. I need $5 bike shorts.
These have pockets in them so that you can stash emergency money or a fortune you got from Panda Express in 2020 that says, "Be ready to take an important journey soon," on it.
Yes, the pantaloons thing happened to me, and I actually was wearing bloomers. Yes, the woman pushing the tiny old lady in the wheelchair clearly had never been more embarrassed in her life.
Number 6) Men's undershirts.
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Call it a singlet, call it an a-shirt, please don't call it a wifebeater. These things are made of a ribbed knit that stretches to accommodate boobs and curves very well. They're meant to be washed the heck out of. I can't throw my dresses into the washing machine on the crazy hard cycle and throw them in a hot dryer and figure whatever happens happens, but these things are THREE. DOLLARS. EACH. A whole lot of not perfect things can be forgiven when the under shirt is $3.
The neck doesn't work on OPs or some blouses, but they're also three dollars each, so I wear them any time I can. Women's undershirts are $12-18 EACH so I can't just buy 30 of them. If you want some bonus armpit protections, men's t-shirt undershirts are only like $5 each.
Number 7) Oxiclean.
A lot of lolita fashion is about our super fancy, super detailed prints. These are prints that look lovely when you're up close to them, so it's important to not have dingy and dirty and faded prints, especially when you paid good money for that printing. All hail Oxiclean.
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I went to go take a picture of the jumbo boxes of oxiclean that I buy, but it looks like someone threw the box on the ground and then went to lie in her bed like nothing bad happened. (She wasn't hurt and I cleaned it up so she couldn't get it on her paws and lick it).
Also yes, my cat has her own little personal heater. It turns off if it's tipped over, so she will turn it off whenever she gets too hot.
Number 8) Parasols.
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First of all, it turns out that finding offbrand parasols for lolita is a super cool challenge. They're not very common, so when you do find one, it feels like a big accomplishment.
I love parasols for a lot of reasons. I was going to get coffee with a friend, and someone was acting kind of strangely outside the shop. I liked that I had something in my hands to potentially use to keep that person away from me if they decided to approach me way too quickly. My doctor and I thought for a while that I had a condition where if I went in the sun, my skin attacked my internal organs, so I started carrying umbrellas for that. It's very sunny where I live. Before I lived here, I lived where it was very rainy, and having a nice couple of ruffled RainStoppers was good to have on hand.
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(May 2011 | Sept 2013) I've actually collected parasols for longer than I've really been into lolita. Pic on the left was pre-lolita times. I absolutely loved that parasol and took it everywhere that I could. Pic on the right is the earliest picture I could find of my white RainStoppers that I got at Target, which I still have somewhere in my car. Mostly that pic is there because of my cats. Also the pictures just felt like a nice weird little bit of symmetry.
Anyway, when someone's taking a pic of you without asking, you can block it with your parasol. My relationship with parasols in lolita is complicated, because I feel like I shouldn't need to have a weapon with me, but here we are.
Number 9) All the info that baby me chronicled. Everything I've learned and everything that I didn't used to know. I have so much fun looking at my old cringe coords and all of the things I did that I know are wrong now. I really miss the way I fearlessly tried things out and the rate at which I churned out new pieces. There's some pieces that I don't have anymore and I miss those things. I used to have some old school AP socks that I have no clue where they are. Seeing the way I used to have my bedroom set up so that I'd still have space to sew. Looking at the dates on pictures and thinking about what I was doing back then. Most of these pictures are from back when cell phone cameras were awful, and I've had to edit all of them to get better exposure before putting them up. There's memories I have of us all carrying around digital cameras to save things, because cell phones just weren't there yet (also some of us didn't have pix messaging plans and had to pay 25 cents per picture to get them to our computers). I looked at the bottom of my pink RHS the other day and the tread's all the way worn off. That's so interesting to me, that I've worn pink-shoe lolita enough that I completely wore the tread off.
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Jan 1, 2014 "Sometimes the best thing ever is to walk into Starbucks and watch a five year old’s eyes go as wide as they can, point at you, and say loudly “Mom, is that a real person?” Sometimes the best part is watching the mom go BEET red."
I remember that event so specifically. It was one of the first times I'd actually worn the head-eating bow in public. It took me several years to warm up to the head-eaters. I remember exactly what the mom and the kid looked like, but also until I read this post, I'd completely forgotten about this whole incident.
Number 10)
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This blog, and the people who read it, interact with it, comment on it.
I really cannot explain how amazing this community is to me. I think the first time I saw someone link someone else a tutorial I made was just a couple of years ago. It was so exciting. Every time i meet someone who is afraid to get into lolita fashion due to the expense, and I'm able to tell them that there's a whole COMMUNITY of people who want to do lolita for less, it's amazing. I started this blog because I felt like I could make myself some accessories for not a lot of money, and I just needed the motivation to do it. But now it's so much better than that. I'm still making things for me. I make things I want and things that I'll use and things that I can make. But I'm also making them for other people, who also need the same kind of help. I teach myself new things so that I can answer questions I've been asked. Every time I have to research an answer for someone, that person has helped me grow.
It's just amazing. Thank you.
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achillessulks · 2 months
;;;; I saw your GR account is gone, I'm heartbroken. I hope staff get their shit together and reinstate it because you were truly one of the best users on the site. Your reviews are so interesting and well written and informative. I'm gonna be so mad if all you wrote is gone because of the neurotic fans of some shitty subpar fanfic. Hope you have a nice day.
Hi, thank you for your very nice comments! The bad news is that everything on GR is gone for good as far as I can tell (I reached out to the support team and they were basically as unhelpful as it is possible to be), since there’s no appeals process on review/account deletion. The good(ish?) news, however, is that I’d previously cross-posted some of my reviews to Storygraph and Wordpress a couple of years ago. Obviously none of the newer stuff is there, which sucks, but maybe 50-70% of the more popular reviews* have been preserved. All the comments are gone forever, which is probably the saddest thing for me personally, because one of my favourite things about GR was being able to talk to other people about different translations and such. But oh well! Honestly it’s my fault for expecting morals from an Amazon product 🙃
As a general note: I do not intend to use Storygraph in the future (and didn’t at the time I made that account, for the same reason), because honestly I hate the entire layout and structure of the website... I care more about making notes on what I’ve read and my thoughts on it than keeping track of how many books or pages I’ve read and when, which is SG’s main function from what I can tell, so that’s not very appealing to me. If I do ever get back into writing longform book reviews — as opposed to just texting my friends updates on whatever I’m reading, which is what I did and do pre- and post-GR — it’s more likely to be on Tumblr or Wordpress, so those are the places to follow me if you want to see more. You can also send me an ask or message (off anon, please) if you have any specific questions about books or translations, and I’ll do my best to answer; you can also contact me if you just want to be friends lol
*As of maybe a year and a half ago.
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drop the lore for your song !
(insert "sorry i put this in drafts and immediately forgot about it" cake here. sorry i put this in drafts and immediately forgot about it!!!)
okay so first i guess we should probably drop the lyrics, theyre on bandlab but also who give a shit. here you go:
-and you sit there like youre some starry-eyed god
asking for sacrifice, knowing what i lost
and what can i do but follow you?
i made you my temple, just follow through
and your honor, you sit and stare as i stand witness
to this man burning everything i love down with this building
and from the ashes his eyelash comes falling, i make a wish
it wont ever come true but ill make him pray it did
and god, my god i would follow you to death
you know this so you hold a blunt knife to my neck
i am more than just your satisfactions and regrets
but you are less than i thought, you are less and you're not even worth it
i am breathing just a little and calling it a life
you are walking in the wild with a mass market knife
and it feels so juvenile to talk it all through
we are teenagers at battle, we are always coming true
that must mean im stronger.
you said you would protect me.
but im like ocean water.
and youre like twenty three!
so i choose now between honesty and dignity
and i cannot worship a god i cant believe
yeah i tore my palms down your altar
for war, blood must taste sweet
i dont know what to do to make you believe that im insane
you made me, made me you, made me who i am
no you didnt make me, i made me, you were just a tool
ill say anything so ill sleep the whole night through
first piece of lore: i did in fact write this in tumblr drafts. people tend to not believe me when i tell them but notes app is far too open. tumblr drafts is for the arteries. also the sense of danger from my drafts being cleared or my account being deleted (which happened) keeps me on my toes.
second piece of lore: this is less of a song and more of a conglomeration of words i thought go together good. i didnt really have a plan for this as i was writing it, it sort of formed the image and story it has as i wrote and only when i was "done" (the song isnt complete but im done writing it for now) did i have it completely. my sister said the phrase "starry-eyed god" and i ran from there! i was kind of toying with the idea of being hurt by someone who doesnt really believe they are harming you, and sort of falling across that line all the time of are they really innocent or are they playing innocent.
i also liked the idea of being so in love with someone that you'd worship them, not understanding that that isnt love, its obsession. lots of misunderstandings and insanity in this bad boy.
this is also definitely the ending half of the song. in my recording the end is a little fucked because, third piece of lore, i accidentally slammed my hand on the table out of passion and spent the rest of the song trying not to cry in pain. why did i push through, you may ask. why didnt i just stop and rerecord in a minute. well im something of an artiste (idiot)
that bit on "what can i do but follow you/i made you my temple just follow through" where im high and singing almost reverently is what i want more of the beginning to sound like. for this section we have more of those divine chorus vibes peeking through every once in a while, so the beginning will have this almost spoken desperate vibe peeking through, but majority of that high angel voice for most of it.
okay this is already long so im gonna stop here with general lore -- if you want me to go through the lyrics as well and talk about that, i am more than happy to!! lyrics are my favorite parts of a song, especially writing-wise, so i would love that actually. some of the lyrics in this are inspired by poetry so its pretty fun to look back and see.
thank you for asking!! i love you sm <33
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the-slasher-madame · 2 years
May I request the Sinclair brothers with a mutual friend who has autism and asks a lot of questions. It’s their way of connecting with the boys and getting to know them better.
Wait is this like a strictly neurodivergent thing?? Cause I tried to get diagnosed with ADHD and/or Autism (the psychologist said I didn’t...I disagree) and I do this all the time. It’s just nice showing people you care ya know? That you find them interesting and like to know about them.
ALSO FUCK MEEEEEE I WROTE HALF THIS AND IT GOT DELETED this is why people suggest writing on google docs or something before transferring it to tumblr-
Anyways enjoy <333
Vincent Sinclair: I don’t think he would mind per say, but I don’t think he understands it at first. And if he’s having a bad day, he’d be a little stiff with you (especially at first). He doesn’t talk much, and he’s a good listener, so he doesn’t mind most days. And he likes the background noise. When you explain that it’s a form of affection/a way to get to know him better, he melts. Thinks it’s adorable, and feels pretty  honored (cause I know I try to be more like myself and not hide anything around the people I care about, AND I do this to show people I care about what they like. They listen to my bullshit, the least I can do is listen to them). Starts to mimic you and ask you questions back to show he cares about you, too. He loves hearing about what you like, and you love hearing about his interests too. One of my English teachers said that it’s about “loving that they love what they love” or along those lines. Y’all will absolutely use the information y’all gather against the other. You and Vincent get into “wars” where you try to spoil the other more. These usually end with Bo stepping in and telling y’all to “quite that sappy shit, it’s makin me sick.” This warning does not stop y’all for long. 
Bo Sinclair: He tries to be patient, he really tries. But we all know what he’s like, and before long he gets annoyed. He feels like your interrogating him, like your trying to find something wrong with what he’s doing or that you know better than him, particularly when he’s doing his mechanics thing (I think the feelings of interrogation and not doing something right trace back to his parents). He snaps at you to shut up and leave him alone, so you go back to the house (and personally I’d feel really bad even if I did nothing wrong because I have a lot to unpack mentally but anyways moving on). Personally, after he’s come home and calmed down I’d explain why I ask so many questions and all, and then he feels really bad. He’s just like “shit shit SHIT” and feels so so guilty. I’ve seen these headcanons around, that like he treats you really well and is really soft for you, and I think that comes through when you explain you weren’t trying to annoy him, just connect with him. He’ll spoil you to make it up to you, and then he always answers questions and just really tries to be nice. He’ll also be nicer if he’s getting annoyed and just needs a few moments of quiet. I don’t think he’d ask as many questions back as Vincent does, but he appreciates that you care enough to want to know more about him. While he doesn’t ask as many questions, I think he’s observant (and I think he’d look through your diary/journal sometimes, I hate to say it but we all know what he’s like). Overall, he indulges you and gets those goofy butterflies when he thinks about how it’s a sign that you really care about him
Lester Sinclair: He’s gonna understand the most, cause goddamn it look at him and tell me he’s neurotypical. You Can’t. He does this too, probably doesn’t realize it could be considered a weird thing or possibly annoying. He feels so so loved when you ask him questions about the stuff he likes (especially thinking about how I think the abuse his parents threw at him was mostly neglect and lack of attention, so shower him in it). I feel like y’all go back and forth like birds, chattering and talking for hours on end. He loves when you ride with him when he goes places and y’all keep talking. Y’all talk about everything and anything, y’all cover every topic under the sun and the moon. When y’all are with the twins, Bo gets so annoyed lol. He’s all like “can y’all shut the fuck up fer 2 seconds, shit, how y’all breath?” Vincent will try to listen for a while, but eventually he tune y’all out cause the two of you talk so fast and so much. Another Sinclair who uses these conversations against you and will spoil the hell out of you. If he finds something he thinks you would like, it’s gonna be yours. You can’t stop him, you just can’t. It’s a like a force of nature. Lester is just big golden retriever himbo energy and it shows with how he brings you stuff (you do the same, of course, but he is determined to one-up you). Best, most understanding boy
Ahh I hope you like it!! This was fun (even if it deleted itself halfway through lol). I love the Sinclairs so much, they have every piece of my heart. Thank you for being so patient <3333333 
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ollieofthebeholder · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @fridayyy-13th for the tag!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 64!
What's your total Ao3 word count? Holy...! Uh, 1,700,611. (I should've guessed, I've got some ultra-long fics on there, but Jesus Christ on a cracker.)
What fandoms do you write for? These days, mostly The Magnus Archives. I've also written for Star Trek (primarily the AOS/Kelvin films), the MCU/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cut & Run, and RQG. I've got a couple of very, very old Sherlock fics, a couple PJO fics from some ship week challenges I took part in back when the Heroes of Olympus books were still coming out, a couple WTNV fics, a few Star Wars fics that never made it to AO3, and three one-offs.
What are your top five fics by kudos? leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall) - 1,758 kudos Had He Known It - 777 kudos Whiskey Lullaby - 395 kudos It Was Just My Imagination Telling Lies - 378 kudos Hurry Up and Slow Me Down - 349 kudos
Do you respond to comments? Every single one! It's half the fun to me.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ooh...that's a toughie, actually, but I'm going to go with Where the Road Waits to be Taken because it's the only one where the ending focuses on the people left behind.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Also a toughie! But I'm going to go with Love Will Find Out the Way.
Do you get hate on fics? Not so much anymore. I've been around long enough that I definitely used to, but I write for saner fandoms now.
.Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not these days. I'm asexual and, while I'm personally sex-averse, my tolerance for it in fiction kind of goes in cycles. I think the last time I wrote an explicit sex scene was in 2016 or 2017.
.Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Heh...I do, on occasion. Most recently the WTNV/TMA crossover (the full extent of which hasn't been published yet), which isn't that crazy. I think the craziest one I wrote was the Sherlock/Star Trek crossover that was also (sigh) a HP AU...which I have deleted, so sorrynotsorry.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know, but I don't exactly go looking.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not as far as I know.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Uh...technically? My brother had an idea for a fic, but he wasn't old enough to join any fanfic websites at the time (we were probably the only two kids who never lied about our age on the internet to join websites), so he dictated it to me, I fleshed it out and posted it under my username.
What's your all time favorite ship? I love so many, but I have to say, the only ship I love that I genuinely can call an OTP in that I cannot fathom them in a relationship with anyone else (even adding anyone else to the equation) is Cecilos. JonMartin is a close second, but, well, I can see (and frequently enjoy) them also having other people in their relationships. Cecil and Carlos? Nuh-uh.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ooh. There are...a couple. But I have a WIP sitting in my Tumblr drafts that was a sequel to Hurry Up and Slow Me Down that I would very much like to finish someday...I just, yeah.
What are your writing strengths? Angst and heartbreak. I've got a gift for descriptions, and I'm really good at conveying emotion in text. And I think I have a knack for putting together a tasty sentence.
What are your writing weaknesses? I do tend to get hung up on irrelevant details, and I frequently think myself into a corner. I also think I tend to obsess sometimes about things being perfect...and if I'm being honest, a big weakness of mine (not just in my writing, but in general) is that I often feel like it's something I need to apologize for, which is not helpful.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Oh, I love doing that! I try to put a translation in hover text, and also in a footnote for benefit of screen readers, but I also try not to burden the actual text with translations. It's one of those "trust the reader to know what you're trying to say, and if they can't figure it out from context, you have failed as a writer" things to me. (This may have something to do with the fact that I used to write Star Trek fanfic, and conlangs are a thing.)
First fandom you wrote for? If you want to get technical, Power Rangers; I used to tell myself stories about the Power Rangers to put myself to sleep at night when I was a little kid, and once I wrote one down and read it out loud for Show and Tell. (The opening line was "One night, when Kimberly and Trini were sleeping, they were stolen," which should tell you everything you need to know about it. In my defense, I was seven.) I didn't know that's what it was at the time, though. If you're talking fandoms that I wrote for knowing it was a fandom and published on the internet...well, I grew up in the '90s and turned thirteen in the early '00s, so it probably shouldn't be that big of a surprise that it was HP.
Favorite fic you've written? It's like asking me to pick a favorite child. I am deeply in love with to find promise of peace (and the solace of rest) even if the next chapter is currently frustrating me a bit, because I am always deeply in love with my current project, because I love the way it showcases how I've grown as an author. That being said, I think my favorite fic that is currently complete might actually be Tomorrow When the World Is Free.
Tagging (absolutely no pressure) @blasphemous-lies-and-deceit, @amberastra, @magnetarmadda, @astudyinfic, @dyscalculated, and anyone else who wants to give this a go!
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lighthousegod · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my rant from my time on Stranger Things Steddie and Friends Twitter for the past few months.
K I'm really pissed but its fine I wrote this all before the poll thing. Now I just. Can't get rid of it. (Me at tumblr headquarters right fucking now)
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Anyway. Sorry for the interruption.
The fact that I've seen several ST fans claim most people who like steddie are fetishizing them is already shitty, but what makes it even more shitty is that they focus on them being two white cis guys fetishized by "white girls".
To reference the two white cis guys first, yeah, you got me there. That really is all those two are in the show. And if you wanna talk representation, well shit! Let's do it! Out of the main cast, we have 3 people of color: Lucas, Erica, and Argyle. Lucas is much too young to be in a relationship with either of them and already has one of his own, and Erica is ten years old. Now, I love Argyle, but he was written to be a comic relief character that had no arc and never met either of them. I think that's a wasted opportunity, Eduardo is great and would've done well as a fully fleshed out character, and there is a conversation to be had about whether that character would've been received the same way Eddie was being a white guy. But the thing is, he was never even CAST as a character who could be compared with Eddie- again, his whole character was "funny stoner." THAT is fucked, and people have definitely decided to ignore that fanon. In fact, Jargyle has become a pretty well known ship! Weirdly enough, the content I've seen of them has majorly been from people who also ship steddie! It isn't as popular as Steddie, though, and I don't think that's ONLY bc of half of the ship has less lore than eddie. There definitely is at least some internal bias us white queer folks should take into account when considering what ships we focus on in media.
However, I don't think that's why it's being brought up. I don't think I read tweets from lesbians with she/her in their bios condemning all us steddie ppl who just ship it because "they're two white guys we can fetishize for being in an mlm relationship" bc they're trying to be good allies. That COMPLETELY disregards that transmasc and nonbinary people (ESPECIALLY transmasc people of color) make a BIG chunk of the steddie fandom. Crazy, it's almost like Eddie was written to represent an outcast and literally GOT TARGETED BY CHRISTIANS and a bunch of people in marginalized communities related to his struggles! Except oh, yeah, that'd exactly what happened. And yeah, okay, he's a white guy and it IS pretty shitty that they cast a white dude to represent outcasts in general, but the people talking shit are watching the SAME DAMN SHOW that has a huge fucking cast and still has minimal representation. Fuck, man, Caleb McLaughlin has faced SO MUCH hate from assholes "fans" as the only black main character. Why the hell are people using that very real issue to back their shitty arguments against a gay ship on twitter?
Again, I wanna preface that 90% of these kinds of comments come from lesbians and bisexual people with she/her or she/they in the bio. I thought yall were COOL with the gay and trans people. Yall ARE queer people. Some of them were even big Ronance or Rovickie fans! YALL. WHY IS FRIENDLY FIRE ON??
A lot of this argument is backed by claims that steddie fans ignore canon queer rep, too, and I just don't understand that.
I know. Robin is representation. I am SO HAPPY to have her, and I'm so happy that Maya pushed for it, and as a transmasc person who was not out at the time and likes girls, I felt very seen when watching her coming out scene with Steve. However, I know I don't fully understand the lesbian experience as someone who likes guys too. I know Robin means a lot to wlw fans, especially lesbians. There have been instances where steddies have co-opted that scene to make it about steddie, and that is not okay. (I've never SEEN this happen, but I've seen people talk about it. All the steddie guys on Twitter that I follow were making it pretty clear that that was not cool and pretty fuckin lesbiphobic. I agree, whoever did that, fuck them. Wlw and specifically lesbian wlw relationships have very little rep and Netflix canceled all their shows and it's super fucked.) But besides this, I actually see a LOT of steddie fans who very much love Robin's character. Most of the steddie artists and fic writers I know are also ronance, rovickie, and/or Buckingham creators. A lot of them are wlw themselves!
//I should also note that Will is canonically gay now and I'm super excited, but truly, I just don't see as much appeal in byler because they're so much younger than me now. I totally love Will as a character, and I was around the kids' ages when the first season came out, but I'm in college now. I relate a lot more to the older kids! I'm real happy to have will as mlm rep and I hope he gets his moment in s5. I just didn't latch onto him and Mike the way I did Steve and Eddie! We all got preferences and that's fine.//
All this to say, I'm just so tired of Twitter, man. I just saw a post about how many cis women who claiming its "ableism" to say they have to be around anyone who identifies as masculine, including queer men, queer mascs, cis men of color, butch lesbians, etc. And I've seen a lot of that lately too. It's just so weird to see someone who identifies as a queer woman talk shit abt a steddie fan with a hellcheer shipper.
(man I can't even get into that rn. Chrissy and Eddie shippers in ST fandom are a whole other bout of drama. I've seen steddies be pretty nasty on the issue toward bi women who ship that bc of age difference, which I never really understood because eddie has no confirmed age?? Like idk how he can be a super senior AND 17 on his missing poster but whatever, I'm not stressing abt that as long as you dont make them have a weird age gap on purpose. Hell, I even thought they were love interests at first, too. But DAMN I've seen some hellcheer people that hate steddie. None of this justification type shit either, they just say "it doesn't make sense" and "I'm scared of steddie" and "they ruined the fandom and eddies character" like bro that's literally homophobia. like oogily boogily gay people jumpscare homophobia. So I just don't talk to those guys usually.)
Whatever abt the straight ppl tho they're never gonna get my weird gay stuff. But what SUCKS is when it's other gay people saying this stuff. Like what about mlm wlw solidarity man? Why do I gotta see a rovickie stan and a hellcheer girl talking abt how steddie shippers are all misogynistic and hate women?? Esp when so many are transmasc?? It's getting weird and TERF-y and I just. I wish we were cool again. ST is abt outcasts at the end of the day, it's why we root for them and relate to them. There aren't even a lot of queer people from the 80s around because of the kinda hatred people like us face. Not to mention racism, ableism, misogyny, all of it. For centuries. The people up top all hate us. We gotta have each other's backs and twitter is making us INSANE instead. God.
Anyway I'm gonna go watch the mandalorian now later losers.
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facks-stories · 11 months
Note: this isn’t proof read, sorry for any confusion on wording
Summary if you don’t wanna read it all:
I’m basically quitting the social part of Tumblr because I remembered how I hate talking to people online. Also art I said I’d make i will, but *Insert excuse* I’m not even going to say it will be done or even started soon, also even if you don’t want to read the next nine paragraphs, please skip to the end to appreciate the art that @colbyandmillie and @art-mushroomy made for me
Extra shit:
What are you not doing?
What’s going to happen to the blog
So if you didn’t give a shit why are you doing this?
Cool, but what about the promises that were already made? 
What about the ask blog?
I won’t be reposting, commenting,asking [anon included] maybe even liking anymore posts or blogs, I just don’t feel like having someone angry or upset about me for something I can’t control, I will still follow pages but that’s about it, this blog is probably but be art every blue moon.
But now that I won’t be socializing on this account I’ll just post all art I will make and all story scenes I will make after posting it on it’s right blog [the 1-2-3 au blogs] so really this account will be somewhere to see all my art if you don’t wanna check all 3 other blogs
I hate when I can’t tell if someone doesn’t want me to do or not say something/ wants me to do or say something. And online its hard for me to try and see what you mean. This goes for almost anything. Like being rushed, I can’t tell if someone online is rushing me while being angry or not, and using things that look negative to me [using a . Or 😑🫤😐😬 ect.] make me think you are angry whether you are or not, so I’m not going to ask people to not use them, I don’t feel like possibly getting into a argument because my ego/feelings is hurt.
Normally I wouldn’t care if someone is being a ass knowingly or accidentally being a but rude, I probably would have forgotten about it but it’s because what they were asking be was something I didn’t want to do because of lack of being excited for it and energy. Now normally I only need one/only have one, but right now I couldn’t give a shit about drawing fanart, and honestly I don’t think if you asked me to draw Mimu in like 5 days I’d want to. Then I dreaded it for 2 days just to draw something I might delete later in a hour. Like holy shit my ego needs to be worked on because all of yesterday and Friday night was spent being pissed because I didn’t want to draw 4 characters despite having fun those two days 😀
It wasn’t even procrastination at this point the only thing I actually want to draw is Mimu and probably pretty soon I’m not going to want to do that, I don’t don’t think I will be non-petty if I keep talking and making promises,
Eventually i will draw all the peoples characters that i said I would, but I don’t want to half ass it because I’m angry and tired so it might not be anytime soon and they all may have honestly forgotten that I said I would in the first place
“Who the hell am I talking about” for the one random person that might see this, basically inde asked me to complete what I said I’d do so a bit is based off of that but I don’t blame him [if you are wondering why this feels a bit short it’s because I already wrote it but didn’t save before my phone died]
Despite me barely getting asks that aren’t art request [with the few I do get] I will still keep the ask blog open, but still keep in mind that I don’t feel like drawing as many characters so it may just be Mimu for now
I did have people draw Mimu, and they will be in the background of the ask blog posts so thank you @art-mushroomy and @colbyandmillie
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Alright thats all thanks for reading me being a crybaby for 10 paragraphs (or you came down here for the art, but thats good too)
[also not tagging inde because I want to let him be-]
Womp womp
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shadowthevampire · 3 months
I hate instagram
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This is something I wrote that instagram auto deleted and said "This is against our policy" Whats against your policy , being nice to people alone on white day (asian valentines) ??? This has happened to me serveral times now half the time I write someting it gets auto deleted it, it got so bad I made a new account at one point but apperently it keeps happening??? Even when you write nice things like theese...I'm seriosly thinking of boycotting instagram there is so much I dislike there...but problem is everyone is over there and especially the person I care about most. But at this points it is toxic over there and it makes me upsett, I really like it here on tumblr exceot there is no video option...but it would give me an excuse to reasume my youtube...I just don't know what videos I wanna make or what prople might wanna watch anyone have any ideas on content I could make? Im also extremly shy ...and I like both emo goth stuff aswell as kawaii pastells stuff ^^" I live in sweden Im intressted in asia, I like plants and animals and have a whole bunch of hobbies...but I think my self asteem is not the best at the moment...Im not sure if people would wanna watch or how to begin...also it seems editing videos is pretty important and idk if I have the stamina for that.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Your blog is a breath of fresh air and I love seeing such nuanced & well-thought out comments about the show. As much I loved 911/Buddie, I stopped watching like 6 eps into s5 bc the BT + overall OOC-ness of the show became too much and didn't wanna put energy into something that was upsetting me. I only know stuff thru tumblr posts and never fully understood what happened w/ lucy and the fallout. was she planned to be a main/B's LI but ppl hated her so much they wrote her outta the show? [1/2]
[2/2] I've seen folks mention that they filmed a lot of scenes with her that got cut? I know next to nothing about her character, and was trying to find a summary of what happened in regards to her/her planned arc from the lens of buddie/tumblr fandom (not just wiki summaries), and your posts are some of the most informational and level-headed content I've seen on here, so thank you for that! <3 Hello, nonnie! First things first: I put together this post from 5x11 -> 5x15 that details AK's deleted scenes and how she was told to set up the BL dynamic. You'll see that Lucy as a love interest was never confirmed, but the show wanted the audience to keep the possibility in their minds. (Cliffs notes: "Sometimes they’re borderline poking at one another. Sometimes it’s flirty…. But is it flirty, or is it poking?") Another quote to back up the will they-won't they angle: While she does move on after [Buck] reveals he has a girlfriend, expect to see them “bounce very quickly between being best pals and having a little bit of sexual tension.” Because that post only went to the midway point of 5B, I can now add that an Eddie and Lucy interaction was also cut from the later episodes (possibly the finale): "...there’s a really nice moment towards the end of the season between Lucy and Eddie and you get to see Lucy gets it.” As for whether or not the plan was to make Lucy a main...AK and Kristen and Tim know the answer to that, but from the onset AK and Kristen spoke about Lucy's future, probably in hopes of endearing the character to the audience over the course of 5B: Reidel also revealed that fans won't meet Lucy's family this season, teasing: "Depending on what happens going forward, though, we'd love to. We make jokes about doing the whole Blue Bloods dinner set-up." Kebbel hinted that if the show is renewed for a sixth season, the plotline leaves room for more developments with Lucy. Peter Krause gave an interview prior to the finale where he referred to Lucy as a new member of the family because, as we found out, the final shot of the season was all the OG firefam + Lucy (+ Ravi, on the opposite side) walking together towards the trucks. But then summer came. AK posted about preparing for her first day on set - a day that just so happened to be the first for s6 production. And then...she wasn't there. She was actually in North Carolina filming a movie (but she sure did have people freaking out for a minute, which was probably the goal). We never saw her on set. The Lucy scene from 6x01 was a "surprise" to the audience. Before and after the premiere Kristen gave an interview where she said she was hoping to bring Lucy back in the second half of the season. This is what Kristen said at the conclusion of 6A: Are there plans for Arielle Kebbel’s Lucy to return to 9-1-1 this season? “I’m not sure yet. We’re still planning the back half of the season (premiering in Spring 2023), so there are some question marks about space and real estate and what the stories are going to be. We’re still figuring that out.”
I don't think it's out of line to say the negative/dismissive reception impacted AK's place on the show rn, but I also think that it's possible that even *if* Kristen wanted to "start over" and act like the BL stuff didn't happen, AK made the decision to distance herself from this experience for now since it did not go at all like she was told/believed it would. (Many will say that Kristen probably thought people would look past the cheating because they just wanted BT to end, and with the way AK was able to discuss her character and Buck potentially having something brewing while he was still going to be in a relationship...yeah, that checks. On the one hand, I want to feel sorry for AK that her boss completely misread the room and had her thinking it was a great idea, but on the other....she did not sign up for another coming-of-age teen drama. People don't want to see that kind of stuff on a show like 9-1-1, especially not from a character as loved as Buck. If she knew anything about the show she could have seen the backlash coming. Do your research, babes.)
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Why, hello there! Thanks for all the follows everyone! I was just gone for a week so I’m very surprised to see my blog grew so much hhhhh-----
SO! I apologize in advance that this post is looking very bland but I didn’t had the time to edit any banners qwq. Anyways, as you can see in the title, I’ll be making a sleepover party! The time will start from today, Saturday 22 August 9:15 pm until Sunday 23 August 3:30 pm (PHST- Philippines Standard Time) (to anyone wondering, no im not a filipino, we just have the same timezone :))
- Just as the name suggests, we’ll babble together! Just scream anything you want in my inbox, anonymously or not; e.g. fangirl about stuff you like, tell me about your self-ship, ask anything about my works, tell me about yourself, or if you also want to ask anything about me :D! Anything and everything is welcomed! JUST INTERACT WITH ME PLEASE. (Except for nsfw or hate talk obviously 😖)
- For this one, I’ll be making quick sketches for any character you ask for! Whether you want it to be them interacting with you, or just them eating or doing something else! Or in case anyone wants an angst, that’s very much welcomed too *cough*hanahakihehe*cough*(*cough* or maybe them in glasses *cough*)(Nothing too hard though, i’m not a pro qwq) REALLY, anything and everything is accepted! Reminder that these are sketches I’ll be doing in my sketchbook, so it’s all in traditional art. (because it’s faster and I actually prefer drawing on paper than on my phone---) I’ll be doing everyone or everything from the fandoms I’ve listed in my rules for requesting post (it’s in my navigation for anyone wondering)! ONE EXCEPTION, HOWEVER! Is the fandom Haikyuu! I can draw the characters you want, but I don’t know all of them so to avoid anything ooc, please give a bit of specifics or their characteristics if you wanna request for them! My art isn’t the best though so please don’t expect anything too high---
- It’s quite similar to the one above, but this one is more specific. Request any character that you want as vines or memes or incorrect quotes! I’ve been into them lately after watching lots of tbhk vines on youtube hehe... These will also be in traditional art, so I can’t really insert the original audio (if they have it) but I will put the dialogues. Since this is an x reader blog, it would be preferable if you request anything that has a reader insert in it, but if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine too! AND IF YOU WANT TO USE THE CASTS FOR MY SMAUS THAT WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED HHH---)
- If anyone doesn’t know, requests are open--- There’s currently 2 requests pending so please send them in if you have any qwq Make sure to read the rules first though!
- If anyone wants to interact with me using my persona, it’s very much welcomed! Please specify though, since this one is different than [ CUTIES BABBLES ] since while you’ll still interact with me(cause it’s my persona) for this one, I’ll be using doodles (traditionally) to interact with you! To anyone that doesn’t know how my persona looks, here’s their forms!
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The first picture is the one I used most, since it’s easier to draw. She’s the more passive and calm Hikari, but once she loses her shit, it’s the end of the world. The second picture is the more active and dumbass Hikari. She’s very chaotic and reckless. To differentiate both hikaris, just refer to active hikari as P! Hikari (p stands for ponytail) The short haired boy is basically the genderbent version of Hikari, but he doesn’t have a name as of yet. I said genderbent, but he acts more like someone who constantly fighting or arguing with P! Hikari (also a bit of a caretaker for her). He’s basically tired of her shit.
- Basically any sleepover game you wanna play with me! Kiss marry kill, would you rather, which character would, and anything else! Please, I’m trying to make this a fun sleepover.
These are all I could offer you! I’m sorry that this event looks so boring, since it has no theme, but since this one was rushed, I can’t help it. I just want to interact more with my followers so please excuse this one. I’ll do a better one for another milestone event. Also, this event is quite short since well, it was rushed, but I hope there’s at least one person who participated in it.
Once again, thank you very very much to all of my followers. Who would’ve guessed I’d reach 450 followers right? I guess people do grow. I appreciate all of your likes, reblogs, and comments on my stuff. They really make me happy and I’m so glad you enjoyed my content, if just a bit. I hope to be able to interact with all of you more in the future! Thank you again! ☺ If this flopped, just forget this ever happened---
If anyone don’t want to see this event, just blacklist the tag [ #hikari’s 450 sleepover!! ]
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absinthe-and-tea · 3 years
Hii, you wrote slashers and s/o with big boobs, but what about the opposite? S/o with small boobs who is insecure about that and feels less like a woman?
Btw I love your writing and your headcanons. They make my day ♥
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I myself have pretty tiny boobs soooo- also I got this request twice kinda so I hope you guys dont mind me putting them into one ❤ Also super happy you like my stuff!!
P.S. I got half way through this and had to start over cause Tumblr deleted my progress 🙃
Slasher HCs || S/O W/ Small Breasts
Warnings: N//SFW
Jason Voorhees
He loves you no matter what. Honestly he loves how small they are. They easily fit in his hands, making it easier to touch all of you in a shorter amount of time.
If he sees you're down about them, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and pick you up gently. He'll then proceed to cover them in kisses.
He can't speak so he often uses his hands or mouth to praise them in other ways.
Loves running his thumb over your nipple to watch the small bud harden from his touch.
When you're intimate with him he makes sure to give them lots of attention. He prefers using his hands, loving how soft they are.
He's always loved them so he'll always continue to touch them and whatnot.
Michael Myers
He's fairly indifferent about them. He prefers was anyways.
Doesn't really compliment them or pay much attention to them the first time you two are intimate.
He doesn't notice how you feel for a while but when he finds you criticizing them though, it's fair game.
Will start coming up behind you, running his hands up your sides and to your breasts to engulf them in his large hands and gently squeeze.
He loves messing with them, that includes lightly pinching them. But he loves using his mouth on the more. Beware, he will nip and bite just hard enough to get a reaction from you.
Even after he's convinced you they are perfect, he'll continue touching them abd whatnot cause he'll have realized how much he likes them on you.
Brahms Heelshire
He's a manchild. And it shows. He definitely prefers bigger but he's alright with small breasts too.
100% has an oral fixation. Meaning he'll suck on them a lot. Whether he's partially laying on your lap or if you're on his lap stradling him, he's gonna have his mouth on them.
He'll say something about wishing they were bigger, not thinking about how it would make you feel.
If you start wearing sweaters more often or staring into mirrors longer, silently judging yourself, he'll start to take notice.
He'll start to grope them more and give them more attention while whispering how much he loves them.
He's an ass sometimes. But he loves you and your body. He'll make sure you know it too.
The Other
He's not home often and when he is, he spends a lot of time with his daughter but the moment its just you two, he's immediately walking towards you like a predator stalking it's prey.
He doesn't care about your boob size at all or if you have a nice ads. He just loves you.
When you cuddle, he'll always have a hand under your shirt. Either resting on your tummy or one of your breasts. Usually the latter.
If he sees how much you resent them, he'll show his love for them and your vidy in general by getting you lingerie.
The moment he sees you in it, you're getting thrown on the bed and getting the best night of your life.
Prepare to always be worshipped.
Vincent Sinclair
He loves them. No matter what, you are his muse. His inspiration.
He loves putting his hands on your sides and gently running his thumbs underneath them, against your ribs. Almost like he's sculpting a masterpiece.
He adores that they are small because he can pull your body even closer to his. He loves feeling all of you.
He prefers using his hands on them but he will gladly suckle on them as well. He's a bit shy though so you'll have to tell him you want it.
Absolutely hates that you feel badly about habing small boobs. So, he'll make countless sculptures, paintings, and drawings of you. He'll have so many things of just you that it feels as though he knows your body better than yourself.
Bo Sinclair
Another ass man but a nice set tits is great too. And that includes yours.
He enjoys them. How soft they are especially. His hands are very rough from doing mechanic work on the side so he enjoys the difference in softness.
If you say anything bad about them or judge them, he'll sit you on his lap and suckle them until you're writhing on top of him from sensitivity.
Not afraid to grope you in front of others or slide his hand under your shirt. Your his and he'll make that known real quick.
Loves to leave bitemarks and bruises on them to show you how much he likes them and how much he fully claims them and you.
Lester Sinclair
He likes boobs in general. Small or not. He just really likes the soft mounds.
Loves the feeling of your soft, squishy flesh under his hands and your hardened nipple brushing against his palm.
Gets super wide-eyed and excited if you wear lingerie that lets your breasts hang out. He'll sit there in awe until you get on his lap.
The moment you're on him, he's on you. Licking and nipping them softly, his hands gently groping and squeezing.
His heaven is either his head between your legs or against your breasts so expect him in either place at least once a night.
Solomon Goode
He worships every bit of you. You are his love after all and he would do anything to make you happy.
He enjoys the fact he can hold you close to his chest without large breasts in the way.
Enjoys teasing you every so often when in passing or not busy with work around the house or garden.
Seeing you topless makes his throat go dry and he begins hesitantly walking to you. You'll have to give him the okay to touch you but once you do, his mouth is attached to one of your nipples. His hand moving to rub the other.
He loves your softness and the smell of flowers that seems to surround you without your knowing. Being so close to you and tasting you is intoxicating to him.
Will always compliment them when he gets a good view. He'll never let you feel down about yourself. And if someone does something to make you feel that way, oops. Where'd they go?
Harry Warden
He's so happy anytime he can touch them. For a while though he won't take his gloves off, afraid you'll find him repulsive.
Though once he does and he feels the soft flesh for the first time, he'll never want to let go.
He loves the small mounds almost as much as he hates Valentine's Day. Between the softness of your flesh and the way your nipples harden at his touch, he's completely addicted to them.
Enjoys covering them in kisses while he praises you and compliments you. You're his precious lover after all.
Expect him to compliment them every time he sees you once he realizes you think they aren't perfect. They are gorgeous. Just like you.
Bubba Sawyer
Absolutely loves them. He couldn't even mildly dislike anything about you. You're perfect in his eyes. He'll even make you sundresses that show them off perfectly.
Though be careful when wearing said sundress because he'll get distracted by you really quick, causing him to forget about his work.
When laying in bed he'll always have a hand on one of your breasts subconsciously. Not even on purpose most times, he just wants to hold you.
Definitely another with an oral fixation. He enjoys gently playing with your hardened nipples with his tongue when in a more intimate moment.
Won't publicly do anything like groping because he's a good boy but will attempt to compliment you. You'll know what he's trying to say when he does.
Thomas Hewitt
Very handsy with you once your relationship starts to take off. Your breasts being something that fascinates him despite the size.
When you two are cuddled up in bed he will lightly run his fingertips over them to watch the goosebumps form and your nipples harden.
His favorite thing to do is grab your sides and use his thumbs to rub the little nubs. His eyes will wonder from your breasts to your face, wanting to catch the faces you make.
After a while he'll attach his mouth to one, his eyes never leaving your face. He adores how much pleasure he can give you from something so small.
His opinion when you bring up how you feel about them is "Good things come in small packages."
Eddie Gluskin
Well you already have a one up on his exes. They didn't even have anything at all. Barely even mosquito bites.
He'll run his fingertips over the mounds, lightly pressing down to see the small squish it makes.
You're his perfect bride. His Darling. So different from the whores he was with before. Your body is something else to him.
The mounds may be small but boy does he praise them and cover them in affection.
If you ask, he'd be happy to add an modifications to your wedding dress to make you feel better about them.
Though he'll need to do a lot of... Researching... To make sure he gets the measurements right.
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babubabibambam · 2 years
Uhhhh, there was an ask saying they wanted me to write more about Carla or Reiji, and i accidentally lost the ask cuz I wrote it half way at first, then pressed save draft, then when I was gonna continue it… i pressed delete instead of edit;-; Anon im so sorry but anyways since my head is somewhat filled with DiaBois here you go hun, also very sorry for that Laito ask anon— the same sht happened and I uh, let’s just say i hate tumblr for not having a recently deleted function. Imma blame it on my inf Se(if yall know mbti winkwink) and tumblr. ANYWAYS here💗
Reiji Sakamaki HCs (nsfw)
• Reiji definitely has a corruption kink and all his songs show it. Especially this one.
• He has this WANT to corrupt his pray, at first his touches are innocent, he’s simply guiding your through daily routines, be it straightening your posture where his hands are over your back, waist and neck, or him teaching you the correct posture to pour his tea, or an efficient and safer way to hold down vegetables when cutting them. Innocent and safe, enough for you to lower your guards around him and his touch.
• He’s patient, sure he’s planning on slowly corrupting you, but that doesn’t mean he would ever go easy on you with punishment. We all know the man is all about the whip, so when you’ve done anything wrong that whip will surely be there to correct you. But since his plan was to corrupt you, he’ll secretly give you aphrodisiac before he would whip you, once he notices that you’re quite accustomed to the pleasure his whip could bring, he lowers the dosage half by half. Now you seem to get wet at the sight of him and that whip, the confused and guilty expression on your face makes him grits his teeth. God he cant wait until he steals away that purity you have.
• Soon enough he’ll have you on his lap while he drinks from you. Bouncing his legs to make you feel that delicious friction on your pretty little thing but not enough to quench your desire. He’ll move you around as if he was trying to find a better angle to bite down, but in truth he’s just creating even more friction. You were already letting out soft moans and mewls with just his fangs alone, but he can hear that you get louder when your precious princess parts were getting stimulated.
• Once he thinks you’re ready he completes his plans. Feeling the thrill and the sweet release. After months he now has you crying and creaming on his cock. The confusion you had at first was almost enough to make him come right then and there, the look of confusion, guilt, and pleasure showing and blending so perfectly on your pretty face he can’t help but coo. “What’s that? Surely my slutty pretty pet can handle this right?” He’d say in a mocking way.
• Ahem, back to the headcanons. After he’s corrupted you, he enjoys you to his desires, be it pet play, master/slave, all those kinky roleplays that wasn’t the daddy/baby one, he’s done it all with you.
• His favorite is probably the master/slave.
• DEFINITELY has a sir kink. Call him sir and he’s carrying you to his bed.
• Most likely more into edging rather than overstim. Edging just frustrates you more, of course this sadist would love that.
• Be a brat and he’s tying you up and putting a toy in you while making sure you’re not coming at all for the entire might. Won’t even put his cock in you even if he’s hard as fvck. He’ll secretly go jerk off in the toilet. No way in hell will you being seeing his pretty cock for the rest of the week.
• Idc but he puts a tight collar around your neck, whenever he tugs on it at a certain strength it blocks your airway.
• Occasionally does temperature play when he’s feeling more devious, hot red wax on your beauty body while the wholes of his previous bites leak slowly on those red wax. He’s more neutral when it comes to ice:/
• Never lets you top, no way in hell is he ever letting his sub top… but if you’re a switch/dom… then he MIGHT allow you to do so… you’ll just have to be incredibly lucky.
• Praise kink, please praise this man, we all know his mother did him dirty(cough mommy kink for the doms cough)
• He may want praises but he’ll degrade the hell out of you.(like most of the DL bois)
((I might be making all the hcs for more characters from diff animes depending on y’alls reactions… just cuz im not sure if the internet would like to see me being like this—
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