resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
Easy tips to prepare your home for monsoon.
The rainy season is all about romance. In this article, we are going to tell you how to romance with your ‘home sweet home’.
Here are some simple tips to protect your home from the unpredictable yet impending monsoon.
Walls and metals check.
This can seem to be basic. But painting your wall before the monsoon with a good water resistant paint will save you a lot of damage. Also, do not forget to paint your metal-made items at your home as well.
You don’t want not-so-appealing water designs on your wall, right?
Electronics check.
You must check if any of your electronic devices or connections is at the risk. Make sure that none of your switches, switchboards and power boards is exposed to water or to moisture. If any, get it fixed ASAP.
You don’t want the shock of your life, right?
Water harvest check
Check for your roof water pipes and clean if there are any blockages. If you don’t have any way of harvesting the rainwater, we absolutely recommend you set up one.
Let’s do some water harvest, yeah!
Trees and branches check.
It is very much obvious that heavy rains cause severe accidents everywhere. To protect your home, we strongly suggest you get rid of that ready-to-fall trees and branches surrounding your home.
It is always good to enjoy the rain from your verandah, not others’, right?
Family check.
Your home is never complete without your family. Take necessary steps to protect your family from water-borne diseases. And you know what to do.
Monsoon is all about enjoying a cup of chai and some fritters with your family, right?
This monsoon let’s give our home a lot of love and care. Happy monsoon!
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
This is the ultimate guide to your dream kitchen. Have a look at it because we have zero instructions on how ‘your’ kitchen should look. Let’s take this guide step by step.
1 Research
2 Plan
3 Budget
4 Execute
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
The Most Cost-Effective & Beautiful Decorative Items to Use in Your Home
People associate exquisite and aesthetic homes with extraordinary expenditures. However, one does not necessarily have to squeeze their wallets to make their home outstanding. In this article, we will share some of the most cost-effective and beautiful decorative materials that can help you with home decor. So, let’s get started.
1: Install Vertical Shelves
By adding vertical shelves to your living room, you will get more storage. What’s more, it will make your room look aesthetically pleasing, which every homeowner aims for.
2: Display Pictures
On a narrow wall that looks very plain, you can stick some polaroids in straight lines. In this manner, you will get memories stuck on a wall. After all, who doesn’t like hanging photographs anyway?
3: Color Code Organization
We all have those bookshelves in our homes but tend to arrange them regularly. If you have never given this a thought, organizing your books by color code is one of the least expensive ways to decorate your house.
4: Lean a Mirror against the Wall
If you want to make your room look more spacious, the best way is to lean an oversized mirror against the wall.
The Bottom Line
There are several ways homeowners can decorate their houses without spending a lot of money. All you need to have is a creative and imaginary mind, and you are good to go!
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
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resmiresh · 2 years
Tips for choosing an apartment with a good R.O.I. in the long term
Do you like a good return on investment? Indeed, your answer will be a big yes! However, how do you get that?
A property you put your eye on will not be an excellent financial acquisition if it doesn’t give any return. For example, suppose you are putting in your effort in looking for a house. In that case, you should get emotional stability, residing security for the future, and financial advantages. Factors like location, construction cost, a house’s real estate value, and amenities play a huge role in determining if your home will give you a good R.O.I. So let’s help you explore further.
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How to choose a house for a better R.O.I.?
A home is a place where you come back and relax, sure. But, it can give you more than that if you consider few important points to choose the correct house.
A house with sufficient interior space and preferred amenities in a suitable location will offer you a satisfying return on investment.
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resmiresh · 2 years
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