#Used TVS Bikes
pikachu-deluxe · 2 months
hey if anyone wants to play mario kart wii hmu let's play retro rewind you can play it on pc too if you don't have a wii literally it's so easy to get it pleas
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songsofhome · 3 months
Us: Louis why do you have a big ass tv in your car?
Louis: cause it wouldn’t fit on a Lime bike 🤷‍♂️
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 months
watching my love mix up episode 1 just brought me to the conclusion that if you put not just one (1) but two (2) of your main characters on bicycles and then you have them actually use them frequently, you automatically get a +1 in the Winning Me Over stat. which this show didn't really need, but it's still fun for me, specifically
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ray935sworld · 1 month
So ServusTV said that those shark teeth on Pols bike are supposed to help with the after flow of the air to reduce the air resistance, if someone wants to know.
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scarletttbitch · 6 months
how did u get into sewing!!
omg this somehow got totally buried in my notes (thanks tumblr mobile) but!!
Imma be real i dont Actually remember Why i got into sewing haha it was just something that my family thought i should know (and a way to keep my little autistic hands busy) but my mom was a big sewer when i was a kid, would make my halloween costumes every year and i started helping her with that when i was like 8, so my mom taught me hand-sewing when i was old enough to safely hold a needle (like 10?? i think??) and then my great-aunt taught me to use a machine when i was about 14. i would go to her condo for 'lessons' since she had a sewing room in her basement and she taught me how to read patterns and such :) I started making my own clothes very soon after, and by 16 I was either making or altering all my dresses for school dances 😂 and now [redacted] years later, I do it professionally!
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roboctopus · 2 years
god remember when we all thought Chimney getting kidnapped and maybe being in the car that maybe hits Buck was going to have some/any sort of emotional narrative weight to Buck or Chim or Maddie or Eddie or anyone really but instead it ended up being just a brief lil un-impactful blip of an action scene that could be easily swapped out for any ol’ emergency?
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disastrouscarrots · 1 year
The absolute dire state of motogp to fall on the same day as ind v aus odi and japanese gp is so middle child coded
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francoisceverts · 2 years
one day i will post my essay on why im allowed to go a little bit insane over mick and michael parallels and racing families and mick being named after mick doohan and being friends w JACK doohan and the cyclical nature of motorsports and the strange web of families and friends you form around each other
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al1c3mal1c3 · 3 months
since we have no use for our switch as a switch I've turned it into an android handheld/android tv
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paired a cheap backup android TV remote we have to it
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pulsedemonremastered · 6 months
i love having vivid dreams about awesome devices. dreamt there was a jukebox for dvds and i googled it and at some point sony made a dvd player that holds four hundred discs
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aponhutcom · 7 months
ঘরে বসে যেকোন ধরনের আসবাবপত্র ক্রয় বিক্রয়ের জন্য আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন অথবা আমাদের Aponhut অ্যাপস টি ডাউনলোড করে ফ্রি বিজ্ঞাপন দিন, লগইন করলেই পাচ্ছেন 100 টাকা বোনাস..
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fanaticalthings · 3 months
Most children, once they've grown up and moved out, sometimes come back to visit their parents to use their house as a sort of personal grocery store
And with Bruce being a literal billionaire whose house is always stocked with food and supplies, the batkids (that aren't living in the manor) definitely visit just for the purpose of taking shit for themselves.
For Dick, it's just small things, food and maybe some utensils. Bruce is barely in the kitchen so he never notices dishes go missing, and there are like 10 other children in his house so literally any one of the younger kids could've stolen food in the middle of the night, so he doesn't bat an eye at all.
Babs probably steals Bruce's hardware or his tools from the batcave. Sometimes, if she's nice, she'll leave a note.
Steph probably takes shit that no one will notice at the time but will absolutely be annoyed about when they need said thing. Stapler, soap bars, the microwave plate, etc...(Taking after Jason, she steals the hub caps off the batmobile's tires)
However, for Jason, once his relationship with Bruce is somewhat decent, of course he's gonna be petty and start stealing the more expensive shit in the manor for his apartment. Jason's microwave is broken? The next day, the cave's self-made and enhanced microwave made by Bruce for convenience is just gone.
Jason's feeling a coffee maker for his place? The one in Bruce's study disappears, too.
At first, Bruce thinks he's just sleep deprived, but then much bigger things start to go missing, like the whole TV and couch set in the living room. He assumes the younger kids are just playing pranks on him (sounds like something Stephanie would do) but then Bruce notices that the thief deliberately avoids stealing things from the kitchen, which is where Alfred is most of the time, and suddenly Bruce has an irritated clue on who the culprit is.
At first, he doesn't say anything, until one day he comes back, tired from a patrol, and is about to log in all the info on the computer only to realize his batchair is gone. That's when he texts Jason a blunt "If you really need things for your place, you can just ask me. I'll buy them for you." (As if Jason himself isn't loaded from his totally legal activities)
So now Jason's pettiness levels increase tenfold, and oh, wouldn't you look at it, his bike needs some new tires, and he knows a great place to get some more.
One night, Bruce is just blearily getting up for a late night snack, only to see Damian scamper away with a...lamp? So Bruce immediately follows him into the foyer only to see ALL of his kids (sans the ones not living in the manor), trying to haul two arm chairs out the window, and they just stop dead silent to stare at him until someone whispers a nervous "Crap"
Bruce doesn't even have any energy to fight, he just pinches his nose and is all "What is the meaning of this" in his tired dad voice. And Duke meekly responds with "we wanted more chairs at Jason's place"
And suddenly it all makes sense. Not once did Bruce wonder how the HELL Jason managed to lug a whole 60in TV and a full couch set on his own in one night. Of course, he had accomplices. Bruce just turns right around and goes right the hell back to his room to sleep. He'll deal with this in the morning.
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harmoonix · 6 months
Mars and the sports in the birth chart:
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💥 We all know Mars is a planet who needs a lot of movement/motion/action/stimulation and of course competition, and in a birth chart Mars can indicate a passion for that, here are some examples 💥
Mars aspecting the North Node can indicate being involved with sports in your life, maybe you wanna make a living out of a sport you like, for ex, swimming or football/soccer etc
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can indicate a career involved with sports, making a sport your job/career
Mars in the 1st/6th/10th and 11th/12th house need a lot of movement in their lives try waking up with a running outside if is comfortable for you, maybe with yoga or meditation
Mars in the 1H / 2H /5H and 10H can have athletic bodies which can be a boost/bonus when they're practicing a sport
Mars in the 4H can indicate a person from your family can be involved with sports/a sport- passionate person! They may get you into sports aswell
Mars in the 9H/12H is really good if they practice something between mediation - yoga and sport in the same time because it can help them a lot
Mars aspecting Chiron can help you to get out of your fears by using a sport/gym/personal motivation
Mars in the 3rd house can be very attracted into being motivational to others or to themselves, and here we bring the podcasts (take care *healthy podcasts* not toxic ones) or that one person who watches yoga from their tv at home
Mars in the 3rd house can aslo develop a passion for bikes or motorcycles so if that helps you and your body do it!!!
Mars in the 11H can be into a sport where involves communication and friendship (team work) such as team sports like football/basketball/volley and more..
Mars in the 6H needs lot of mental stimulation in order to enjoy/start their day maybe try a little bit of body movement after waking up like waking up your muscles and you can feel a lottt better
Mars in the 8H can be actually invest a lot in sports, either be watching sports from home either practicing a sport themselves, sports can also bring them money or wealth
Mars aspecting Uranus are known for being talented already, dancing/body movement/gymnastics/ballet is a good key for them
Mars aspecting Sun can easily have a passion for everything they get into, whatever it is they'll enjoy it
Mars aspecting Neptune on the other hand can be good at teaching others, especially in sports like gymnastics/yoga they're good mentors
Mars aspecting Moon needs an emotional boost before starting their day try to listen to music and practice body movement in the same time it can help
Mars aspecting Saturn can either have sensbile bones or really strong bones it really depends here, a good massage can help them with their body movement a lottt
Mars aspecting Venus can have a healthy routine/ a healthy relationship with their body so there just try to make whatever your body feels the best/most comfortable with
Mars aspecting Mercury can be good at encouraging which may help in not losing hope/getting better and better everyday
Mars RETROGRADE in your natal chart can indicate a sport can help you much better, can improve your life and your mental Health
Mars aspecting the South Node at first can be a bit shy/confused if they are into sports or not but if they're truly passionate about it they can get attached to that
Mars sitting empty in a chart/little or no aspects to Mars can indicate not really a passion to sports but you still wanna do something to improve your life and your body
Mars aspecting the Ascendant natives already have that very athletic energy, they're that type of person who can be good at any sport if they have the ambition for it
Mars in the 7H can be good at improving their love lives with using sport as a tool. Maybe you and your partner share both a passion for sports (which btw is a really cute thing to have), that type of couple who goes running every morning
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feederrmotivation · 2 months
I want to take your fit life away from you.
Replace your workout routine with an all day eating routine.
Replace your healthy meals with fattening, calorie filled ones.
Replace your active hobbies with sedentary ones.
No more biking, or yoga class.
Only tv, movies, and video games from now on.
Your jobs too active? Time to find a new one.
Better yet, go ahead and quit and I’ll support us both.
The result of this is you’ll get fat.
Not just a little chub you can lose.
I’m talking hundreds of pounds of pure blubber.
You’ll be unrecognizable. You’ll be unable to lose it.
You’ll be stuck with me, none of your ex’s will want your obese ass back.
The cycle of fattening will continue, you’re mine now🐷
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nadvs · 4 months
home before dark (part three)
pairing rafe cameron x kook! female reader
rating mature 18+
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summary as children, you and rafe were best friends, but then tragedy suddenly struck his family and he shut everybody out. years later, you need his help when a pushy ex-boyfriend won’t leave you alone. rafe is perfect for the job because everybody’s afraid of him. except for you.
content warnings stalker ex, violence, substance abuse, death and mourning of parent
» masterlist
· · ── ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ── · ·
Rafe is sitting in a chair in the front room of your home, his chin resting on his hand, hardly paying any attention to the sitcom playing on the tv screen.
He’s pissed off. Why did it have to storm tonight of all nights, when he doesn’t have anything to numb the pain, nothing to drown out the sound of the rain drumming on the windows?
In his haste, he didn’t pack any coke before coming here. He didn’t think he’d need it this bad.
And that photo he saw upstairs. It’s making everything so much fucking worse.
This is how the world repays him for helping someone. Figures. He’s used to having shit luck. Trying to make his own father love him has been a losing game, and he’s been at that for years, so why would anything else go his way?
“Hey.” Rafe straightens when he hears you. You look into the room. “Did the thunder wake you up, too?”
He hasn’t slept at all. But he nods.
There’s a blankness in his stare, the tv casting dull colors over his face. He didn’t bother to turn the light on.
You cross the room, hazy from your interrupted sleep, and settle on the couch. You’re far away from him, acting like you’ve never touched, even though you were just pressed against each other on his motorcycle.
You wonder if it felt nice to him, too. Or if you were just extra weight on his bike, an irritating responsibility he was cornered into taking on.
“Do you have any booze around here?” Rafe mutters. You catch the desolation in his tone.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
You instantly feel ridiculous for expecting you won’t be met with the cold shoulder. You doubt he’ll answer. But then, because the world must be off its axis, he does.
“Fucking hate this weather,” he says.
His words make a chill sink into your bones. You remember your father telling you the news years ago after he got the phone call. A torrential downpour. The freeway. Zero visibility.
Anne lost control of her car.
By the look on your dad’s face, you knew what that meant. Rafe’s mother didn’t survive the wreck.
He doesn’t have to say it. You know that’s why he hates storms.
“I can distract you,” you offer, “if you want?”
It was something you did as kids. Rafe would be angry or sad or hurt or anything and you’d talk his ear off about whatever you could think of until the dark cloud hanging over him drifted away.
His feelings always felt too big for him. You were the best at making them small enough to manage.
Rafe is used to wanting to be left alone. But not right now. Not if he can be with you. Admitting it feels impossible. The wall he spent years building around himself is solid from both sides.
“It’s your house,” he finally says. “Do what you want.”
You take it an invitation to stay. You turn your attention to the tv, as if holding eye contact with him will make him take it back.
It gives him a chance to look at you. How the fuck have you not lost patience with him yet? Why do you still care?
“I keep wanting to ask why you’re helping me,” you say, just loud enough to be heard over the tv.
Rafe exhales sharply, rubbing his forehead.
“This is you distracting me,” he scoffs. “Aren’t you supposed to do the talking?”
The fact that he’s expecting you to replicate the days of your youth gives you a sliver of hope that maybe he misses them, too.
“There has to be a reason you’re doing it,” you murmur.
“Can’t you just be happy that I am?” he responds. A white flash of lighting pools into the room for a split second.
“No,” you say. Finally, he gives in.
“Because I…” he begins.
The noise from the show is adding to the frustrating confusion engulfing him. He angrily picks up the remote and turns the tv off, plunging both of you in darkness.
You turn your head towards him again, only able to make out the hard outline of his jaw.
“I always had to look out for you,” he says. “I guess I still do.”
You look down at your lap, taken aback that Rafe holds any sense of loyalty for you.
You almost want to remind him of what he said earlier, that you’re not kids anymore, but you don’t want to challenge him.
“And I don’t know why,” he adds, voice thin, “but you’re not a dick to me like everyone else is, so I kind of owe you.”
All you can hear is your own breathing and the ticking of the clock in the foyer and the tap of faltering raindrops. The storm is passing.
“It’s because you didn’t do anything wrong,” you say into the silence. “It’s not like you did something to make me hate you. You shut me out, but I get why.”
Your words reverberate through him. He wonders if you think that he hates you.
Still, you could have gone to any other guy and asked him to pretend to be your boyfriend.
“Why’d you come to me?” he asks.
“Because he’s scared of you.” You don’t have to nor do you want to say your ex’s name.
“And you’re not?”
“No.” You tilt your head. “We used to be best friends.”
You say it like he wouldn’t remember. He couldn’t erase it from his brain if he tried. And he has.
The heaviness of all this is suffocating to him. The past is done. There’s no point in digging up things that’ll just hurt him all over again.
He stands up, chasing out the familiarity that was slowly growing between you. But before he leaves the room, he pauses, pinching the bridge of his nose with trembling fingers.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, either, alright?” Rafe says into the dark, irritated, answering the question you asked him on the shoreline hours ago. “Not on purpose.”
As his shadow retreats, the words he left you with ring in your head. He doesn’t blame you. But you did do something wrong.
Rafe had his head buried into his pillow, throat burning from crying through his grief, every night for months.
As he lies in an unfamiliar bed all for a girl whose very existence makes him feel a multitude of good and bad all at once, he’s thrown back into those days, as if he’s a boy again.
His mother used to tell him it was a strength to be so sensitive, but her voice faded and his father’s voice got so much louder. What he tells him every time Rafe can’t swallow down the tears echoes in his mind. Toughen up. You’re fine.
But he’s not fine. He can’t stop crying and he knows he has to tell you he can’t do this anymore. Being with you brings back too much.
But the next morning, when Rafe finds you sitting at the kitchen island, wearing your pajamas and a smile, the prospect of ending this is tossed away.
You have access to him that nobody else does. You and that damn smile are a weakness that he didn’t know he had. And while he can act happy and careless around everyone else, he can’t put on an act for you. Ever.
“How’d you sleep?” you ask. Your hands are cupping a mug, your phone sitting beside it.
“Like shit,” Rafe replies, pacing to the fridge. “Took hours to fall asleep.”
You feel guilty that he didn’t have a good rest, considering he’s only here because you were too frightened to be alone.
“You?” he says after a beat. The ice must be melting if he’s actually asking about you for once.
“My sleep was good,” you reply. “It helped having you here.”
Rafe’s cheeks get warm. Someone actually wanting him around is a foreign feeling.
By the time your conversation was over last night, the rain and thunder had dwindled. It couldn’t have been the storm keeping him awake. Curiosity pushes you to figure it out.
“Was the bed uncomfortable?” you ask.
“No,” he answers. He finds a glass and fills it with water. His throat still hurts from crying last night.
You watch him, his presence commanding as he leans back against the counter opposite you. The dark, shallow bags beneath his eyes are illuminated in the bright lights above you. He looks exhausted.
“Was the room too warm? Or too cold?” you say.
“Can you relax?” Rafe huffs, his tone almost playful.
He isn’t about to admit that he can’t remember the last time he fell asleep sober. And he’s definitely not going to tell you that the last thing he thought about before finally passing out was that his cheeks burned from how hard he was wiping his tears away.
“The least I can do is make sure you’re comfortable since I made you stay the night,” you say.
His brows furrow as he takes a long gulp, tipping his head back.
“Nobody can make me do anything,” he replies once he downs the water. You know it’s the truth. It makes the fact that he’s doing this for you all the more meaningful.
Before you can respond, your phone buzzes loudly on the countertop. Rafe sees your face fall when your eyes drop to the screen. You read the notification for a moment, then sigh and shake your head.
“He emailed me,” you say incredulously. “I blocked him on everything and he emailed me.”
Rafe leans over to see if you’ll let him look for himself. You slide your phone towards him and he picks it up to read Ty’s message.
What you have with him isn’t real. We both know it. Let me prove that I can treat you how you deserve. Please. I’m sorry for everything. I love you.
A part of Rafe is concerned you’ll fall for it.
“What’re you gonna do?” he asks.
“Block him there, too,” you mutter. “He does this. He’s mean, then he pretends like he changed, then he’s mean again… It’s the same bullshit over and over.”
Rafe blocks him for you and places your phone on the counter. You bite the inside of your cheek as the dread you always feel when Ty contacts you floods your every sense.
The despair on your face makes Rafe’s stomach sink. The next time he sees Ty, he’s beating the shit out of him.
“He’ll stop, okay? I’ll make him,” he says.
You’re still skeptical. Rafe definitely scares him, but Ty called him a bullshit rebound last night. He wrote that what you have with Rafe isn’t real. You’re not fooling him. And you’re afraid he won’t leave you alone until he believes you’re actually in a new relationship now.
“Yeah.” You exhale slowly. “Doesn’t sound like he’s falling for this, though.” You motion between you and him.
Rafe has to take a moment to catch your meaning. Falling for this. Your pretend relationship. Right.
“I didn’t tell anyone it’s fake,” you say, afraid it somehow got out. “Did you?”
Rafe shakes his head no and puts his empty glass in the sink. He scratches the back of his neck and looks at you again.
“Do you want me to keep crashing here until your mom and dad get back?” he asks.
You hate that your mind goes there, but you wonder when the last time he said mom out loud was. You shake away the thought.
“Not if you can’t get any actual sleep,” you respond.
Rafe typically gets irritated when someone can’t make up their mind. He wants everything done quickly, so he doesn’t have to stop and think.
But this is you and even though you’re scared of sleeping on your own, you’re considering how staying here affects Rafe and it gives him a heavy feeling of shame. He spent years avoiding the only person who never abandoned him. The only person who still gives a shit.
“I’ll just leave my stuff here,” he says, making the decision for you.
“Thank you.” You mean it. The thought of someone being here with you is comforting.
As usual, Rafe ends the conversation quickly and abruptly, leaving the room. You soon hear the engine of his motorcycle rattling loudly from outside, the roar fading as he drives away.
You hoped that he’d at least want to hang out with you now. You don’t understand why you keep expecting more from him. It just hurts you every time.
You don’t hear from Ty for the rest of the day. You manage to run some errands without worrying you’ll see him because even when Rafe isn’t with you, you don’t feel as scared knowing he’s in your corner.
The days of the week mean practically nothing on the north side of the island over the summer. There’s a party almost every night, this time at a house just down the street from you.
You invite your friends to your place, drinking as you get ready, deciding to walk over to the party. You turn up already tipsy, finding yourself looking for Rafe even though you know you should only really be doing that if Ty is bothering you.
When you walk into the loud, crowded house, seeing you reminds Rafe of why he isn’t smoking or drinking or snorting anything tonight.
He’s had countless fights while wasted, but he wants to have a clear mind when he sees Ty. He needs to make the fucker pay and not give him a chance to get even one punch in.
You meet Rafe’s blue eyes every so often throughout the night, glad you’re finally able to have fun again because you know he’s keeping you safe.
The second Ty walks in, even though he hasn’t come close to approaching you, you make your way to Rafe.
You stand close to him, placing your hand in his, acting like a girlfriend to someone who is only doing this because he feels an overdue sense of loyalty to you.
Rafe stills for a moment before he laces his fingers with yours. His skin is hot, making your heart flutter in a way you know it shouldn’t.
“Hey,” you say over the music. His ring presses against your thumb.
“Hey,” he says tensely. He’s not used to affection, especially in front of people.
But this is what he signed up for. He needs to act like a boyfriend and he’s not going to fuck this up. It’s the first real responsibility he’s had that he actually gives a shit about.
His eyes land on Ty and his plan to confront him takes a backseat when he realizes he doesn’t want to let go of you. Right now, he’d rather have his hand in yours instead of using it to throw a punch. It’s like every touch you give him leaves a heavier impact than the last.
You immediately notice how tense Rafe is.
“Can you relax?” you joke, imitating the way he said it this morning. Your heart warms when his dimples appear, framing a smile he can’t stifle.
“I don’t sound like that,” he says.
“You sound exactly like that,” you reply with a laugh, picturing how tired he looked in your kitchen. “Please tell me you got some sleep today.”
Again, the concern you seem to have never lost for him appears.
“I did,” he says. He crashed in his bed the second he got home.
“How come it took you so long to fall asleep last night?”
Rafe’s knee-jerk reaction is to avoid the question. Especially if it’s you asking. But he can’t forget how shitty it felt when you brushed him off last night at the beach, so he pushes himself to answer.
“Just, uh…” He looks away. “Couldn’t turn off my brain.”
You gaze up at him. It almost aches, how badly you’d love to know what goes through his mind.
“When did this start?” one of his friends amusedly asks, pointing between you two. You notice Ty close by, his gaze sharp as he eavesdrops. Rafe notices him, too.
You squeeze Rafe’s hand tighter, clinging to him. He notices that his entire body buzzes when you do that.
“What, was I supposed to call you?” Rafe responds.
“I’m just saying,” his friend replies with a laugh, “it’s like all of a sudden, you got a girl out of nowhere.”
Alarm stings every inch of your skin when you notice Ty’s posture straighten in your peripheral.
“Don’t sound so surprised, asshole,” Rafe replies lightheartedly, gently pulling his hand out of your grasp to drape his heavy arm around your shoulders, pulling you flush against him.
You follow his lead, wrapping your arms around his torso. The relief from how well he played it off and the comfort you get from how he’s holding you is overwhelming.
Rafe dips his head to speak into your ear, his cheek brushing against yours, his cologne fresh.
“Think he’s falling for it now?” he mumbles, voice lowering an octave. With the way he’s holding you, you might fall for it yourself.
“Yeah,” you breathe. You squeeze him tighter, not for show, but because you want to. You’ve wanted to hug him since the funeral, when he was a boy with bloodshot eyes in a crumpled black suit, but he never let you get this close.
He brings his other hand up to your face, cradling your jaw, his thumb rubbing over your cheek. His touch is so tender that you have to remind yourself it’s Rafe doing this.
You’re suspended, bodies curved together, cheeks brushing, like you’re playing a game to see who’ll let go first.
“And he’s staying away from you, right?” His breath is warm against the shell of your ear.
You nod, at a loss for words.
“Is he watching?” he asks. You can see from the corner of your eye that your ex is staring right at you.
“Mhm,” you hum with a nod.
At this point, Rafe is being selfish. This is close enough. You wanted him to act like you’re a couple and he’s done it. He can pull away now. Maybe he should keep his arm around you for a little longer, but he doesn’t need to be this close.
Instead, he lowers to press his lips against your cheek and you hug him tighter, and fuck, it feels so good that he misses it before it’s even over.
He can’t believe that his body yearns to be this close to you. You opened up the floodgates the second you put your hand on him the first time a couple of nights ago. How good would it feel if you were doing it for real?
You lean into his kiss. His lips are so soft. You wish you could feel them against yours. It’s all to make everyone think you’re actually together. You keep telling yourself that.
When your arms around him weaken just a little, you feel something at his back, protruding against your forearm.
Your eyebrows draw together as you pull back only a few inches to meet Rafe’s eyes, your mind going to the worst possible scenario. Your breath catches. It’s a weapon.
“What is that?” you ask quietly, nudging against the hard item tucked into the band of his jeans.
“What do you think?”
“Rafe,” you say. His jaw tightens. The moment is gone. The wall is back up. Your tone teeters on a thin edge, like you’re judging him.
“You’re surprised the psycho owns a gun?” he scoffs.
He didn’t brush off what Ty said like you thought he did. It makes your stomach turn that your ex’s lie actually stuck with Rafe.
You glance over to see Ty’s back as he storms out of the room. Part of you is relieved, but right now, you mostly feel anxious that Rafe believes a lie.
“I never called you that,” you reiterate to him quietly. “I’ve never said anything bad about you. You think you can trust what he says?”
“I’m not planning on using it on him, okay?” Rafe snaps. “Unless he asks for it.”
He wishes you didn’t notice it. If you didn’t think he was fucked up before, you do now. He’s pissed off and embarrassed and disappointed all at once.
You’ve been trying to reconnect with him for so long. If he gives in, you’ll see that he’s not even close to who he was when you knew him. He’ll just let you down.
He realizes he hasn’t kept his distance only because you’re a painful reminder of a time he wants to forget. It’s also because he’s sure you wouldn’t like who he’s become. And he can’t take the rejection.
You’re still, unable to believe that he actually has a gun. That he would use it. That these are the lengths he’s going to to keep you safe.
You haven’t lost contact with him, but Rafe checks out of the moment and pulls his arm away.
“He’s gone now,” he mutters. You get the message. He’s done pretending. You drop your arms and find your friends again.
Hours later, the party is dwindling, but far from over. Rafe has been sober the entire time, making him all the more antsy and irritable.
He thought he’d beat the shit out of Ty tonight, but he’s exhausted and he can’t stop shaking. Why the hell is he shaking?
Rafe loses his patience and approaches you while you’re dancing with your friends.
“Let’s go,” he says, holding your hand. The contact makes your head spin all over again. Even though you’d like to stay, you comply.
You notice Ty’s eyes on you when you leave. He’s pretending to be a good guy again, keeping his distance, but you know it’s only a matter of time before he cracks.
Once you reach Rafe’s motorcycle in the cool night air, he hands you his helmet and you take it without hesitation.
After the short drive, you walk up the steps to your front door together. But you soon stop in your tracks, eyes wide as you stare at the ground.
Rafe follows your eye line. Mud’s been tracked onto the porch in fragmented footprints.
“I can’t… I can’t remember if that was there before,” you stammer. “Did you see it this morning?”
“I don’t know,” he responds. He rushed out of here too quickly to have noticed something like that.
You look around, as if you can find an answer in the darkness surrounding your home. You would have noticed it after you ran your errands earlier today. Probably. Maybe.
It could have been you. Or Rafe. Or one of your friends.
Or Ty. He didn’t arrive at the party until late into the night. Could he have been creeping around your house? Why would he?
Rafe glances up to confirm that there aren’t any cameras aiming at the door. It pisses him off when he notices there aren’t any cameras at all. He quickly catches on that your breathing has grown faster.
“Come on,” he says, gently pulling you by the crook of your elbow. “Let’s go inside. It’s nothing.”
He doesn’t believe his own words, but there’s no reason to scare you any further.
“What if he was here?” you say, letting Rafe pull you to the door. He takes the key out of your hand and pushes it into the lock.
“Then I’ll shoot him,” he mutters.
“That’s not funny.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
The door swings open, prompting the security system to start beeping.
You flip on the light and enter the code as he shuts the door behind you. You’re so frightened and unnerved that you jam one of the buttons with the wrong finger, prompting a harsh error noise from the system.
“Can you do this?” you huff. You tell Rafe the five-digit code and he quickly enters it, arming the system again. You notice his hand is trembling.
“Are you okay?” you ask. You know it’s not from fear. Rafe isn’t afraid of anything. He must be high on something. “What’d you take?”
“Nothing,” he says with a humorless laugh. It dawns on him that his body is reacting to the lack of coke in his system. “That’s the problem.”
“What?” you ask.
Rafe sighs, double-checking that the front door is locked for your peace of mind.
“I can’t be wasted if that asshole tries me. I haven’t taken anything since last night,” he says. “But it just made shit worse.”
He realizes how messed up it sounds. How messed up it is that being sober for one night makes him shake like this. He has a problem. But he never really had a reason to get clean before now.
You watch Rafe checking the lock and like a riptide, everything crashes down on you at once.
The torment from Ty harassing you. The guilt from asking Rafe to take on this responsibility. The sadness from knowing that he’s only doing it because he feels a sense of obligation for you and wants nothing more.
“Bet you’re glad I have a gun now,” Rafe mutters. He turns to look at you, your expression grim. “What?”
“I don’t want to keep bothering you with this,” you admit, your heart racing with panic. “I don’t want you to have to sleep here and I don’t want you to have to drive me home all the time and… I hate that this is happening and that I had to drag you into it.”
His eyes travel over the anguish etched on your face.
“What, like it’s your fault he’s a piece of shit?” he says.
You chew on the inside of your cheek and look up to the ceiling, trying to keep your tears at bay. It’s still odd being alone with him, having him in your home.
Rafe hasn’t tried to make someone feel better in a long time. He hasn’t cared enough to. He takes a deep breath.
“I don’t mind doing this, alright?” he says.
“You don’t?” You take in the softness in his eyes that you don’t often see.
“Think I’d be here if I did?”
“I don’t know,” you say. “You used to do things you didn’t want to all the time for me.”
The Rafe that was your best friend always went along with whatever you wanted to play, wherever you wanted to go.
He grits his teeth, tearing his eyes off of you, trying not to think about how when he was a kid, if someone asked him who his favorite person was, he’d tell them that it was a tie between you and his mom.
“Don’t talk about how shit used to be,” he says quietly. And because he doesn’t want to see that hurt look on your face again, he adds, “Please.”
The mere prospect of talking about the past seems to actually give him pain. It dawns on you that you’re looking at a man who may have never processed what happened to him.
“Do you want something to eat?” you offer, changing the subject swiftly.
Rafe realizes he’s starving.
“Yeah,” he says.
A memory washes over you as Rafe sits at your kitchen counter, eating leftovers you heated up for him.
It was a humid summer day and you two were scarfing down the lunch his mother made for you after a morning of swimming behind his house.
Rafe always liked picking the wildflowers that grew in the grass that lined the beach for his mom. The ones he found that day were purple, sitting in a small vase she put in the center of the dining room table.
Every time he gave her a small bundle of uneven flowers, she had the same joyful reaction. Rafe always looked so proud of himself when she enthusiastically thanked her son.
It was just another happy day.
Until Ward came into the kitchen and like always, Rafe’s smile disappeared. Your best friend tended to shrink when his dad was around. Ward almost always found something to chide his son about. He never spoke like that to his daughters.
“Could you eat any faster?” Ward muttered. “Where are your manners?”
“Leave him alone, Ward,” Anne said with a sigh. His mother’s tone was only ever sharp when she was defending her little boy.
You remember watching her lean to kiss Rafe’s head, earning a small smile from him. Then she winked at you, trying to dismiss the tension from the room.
You wonder what Ward has said to Rafe ever since he lost the only person who stuck up for him.
You face the sink as you wash your hands, your back to Rafe, trying to stifle the tears that build as you imagine what the world would be like if the wreck never happened. Who would Rafe be if he never lost her? If a part of him didn’t die with her?
Is it crazy to think that you’d still be best friends, instead of two strangers pushed together in such an arduous situation? You miss her so much that it hurts and all this is yet another thing adding to the weight sitting on your shoulders.
Rafe hears you sniffle and when you finally turn around, you stare at the floor as you try to rush away.
“What is it?” he asks. Is he already failing at making you feel safe?
You freeze. You can’t tell him what’s really bothering you. Especially since he asked you not to talk about your memories.
“I’m just freaked out.” It’s not exactly what you’re thinking of now, but it’s true. This mess with Ty is a nightmare. “If he was really creeping around here… Ugh, I don’t know what he’s going to do next.”
Rafe chews slower as he observes you through narrow eyes. He’s no stranger to the pain of crying to sleep. He doesn’t want that for you.
You notice his hands are still trembling. You have no idea how often he does coke, but it must be an addiction if one night without it makes his body react like this.
“What else do you need?” he asks. It comes out sharper than he intended, like he’s asking what else you could possibly want from him after he’s given you so much.
Your lips thin as you stare at him from across the counter. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone look so miserable.
“Nothing,” you mutter. “Good night.”
You start to walk away but Rafe says your name to stop you and it sounds so good coming out of his mouth that your stomach numbs. When was the last time he said it?
You turn to look at him. His eyes dart down to his food.
“What if…” he begins, his fork loudly clattering against the dish. “Would it help if I slept in your room?”
You’re surprised. And soothed by the thought of him sleeping close by in case your ex does something as unhinged as break in.
Everyone else paints Rafe as rude and aggressive, but you knew it. You knew he still had some kindness in him.
“Yeah,” you say. “It would help.”
(part four)
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jobean12-blog · 4 months
Bucky and Bluey and You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 1,882
Summary: Bucky has been away on a mission and to pass the time you started watching a new TV show. You love it and you can't wait to watch it with him.
Author's Note: Well it happened. I love the show Bluey so much and thought it would be so fun to introduce it to Bucky. If you haven't seen Bluey you can still read it of course. I did use a couple of lines from some episodes but I've said which ones so you can watch it you want! 😁Either way it's really just sweet domestic fun and fluff! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: it's fun and fluffy and soft and sweet and silly and there are bits of spice :)
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You’re bouncing on your slipper clad heels as you wait at the curb for the sound of the engine. You look up at the window of your apartment and see both Alpine and Winter sitting at the glass and watching you.
It makes you smile, their cute faces a momentary distraction, so when you finally hear the familiar roar of his motorcycle you squeal in excitement and do a little happy dance.
He rounds the corner and revs the engine before slowing down and idling right in front of you, the sound dying down to a low hum. You throw yourself into his open arms and bury your face in his neck.
“Hiya doll face,” he murmurs into your skin.
Before you can say hello in return he slides his hand up your back and curls his fingers around your  neck to direct your lips to his.
It’s a sweet kiss that quickly turns heated the more you stay pressed against him on the bike. A car passes by and beeps loudly, breaking you two apart with a laugh.
“Hi,” you whisper and kiss him again.
With your hand in his you walk into the apartment, instantly greeted by Winter’s loud and happy barks and Alpine’s meandering softness.
“Hey boys,” Bucky says and bends down to pet them both.
Winter wiggles round and round, his long tail slapping the wall while Alpine rubs himself along Bucky’s arm.
“They missed you.”
He looks up at your words, letting his eyes do a slow sweep over your body.
“I missed you,” he says and stands to take you in his arms.
After another kiss he whispers against your lips, “what did you do without me all week?”
While he waits for your answer he walks you toward the bedroom.
“Watched Bluey.”
He pauses in the hallway, his lips turned up in a boyish smirk.
“Bluey? Is that the one with the blue dog?”
You nod excitedly.
“YES BUCK! It’s SO good. I love it so much!”
He smiles. A real smile where his eyes crinkle at the corners and their blue color sparkles more than usual.
“Really?” he asks, dipping his head to kiss along your neck.
“Yes,” you breathe out, instantly distracted.
“I’m glad you found something to watch that makes you happy doll.”
He nibbles on your earlobe then runs his nose along your jaw, finding your lips again as he pins you against the wall.
“Will you watch it with me?
“Hm doll?” he asks, clearly focused on kissing every inch of your skin.
“Bluey. Will you watch with me?”
“I’ll do whatever you want doll face,” he hums as his fingers slip under your shirt-which is actually his shirt. “Right after I do you.”
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You gently wake to the warmth of Bucky’s bare chest, the scent of him surrounding you and keeping you in a comfortable haze of sleepiness. With a stretch you spread out and giggle softly when your feet hit Winter’s large body at the end of the bed. Your hand falls to Alpine who’s snuggled in a tight ball and asleep above Bucky’s head on his pillow.
“Looks like I’m the only one up,” you mutter to yourself.
Bucky turns from his back to his side and throws his arm over you, tugging until you’re nuzzled under his chin.
“I’m up,” he says sleepily. “Sorta.”
“CAN WE WATCH BLUEY!?” you squeak.
You wiggle out of his hold and catch his eyes pop open with a confused expression. You narrow your gaze.
“What about breakfast?” he asks with a yawn before rolling on top of you.
“HEY!” you squeal. “You promised you’d do whatever I want…remember? And I want to watch Bluey!”
“What was that doll?” he asks as his fingers dance along your sides, their feather light touch very ticklish.
“BUCKY!” you yell!
Alpine’s disgruntled meow is followed by a dramatic sigh from Winter.
“The babies are not happy with you right now Barnes.”
“I need something to eat first,” he whispers against your lips before they curve into a smirk.
“I’ll make you breakfast in bed.”
“My breakfast is already in bed,” he simpers as he starts to place soft kisses along your neck.
He slides down your body and pushes your shirt up over your hips, pressing on your thighs to spread them wide so he can settle between them.
Your fingers fall to his long hair and you drag them over his scalp, pulling a low moan from the back of his throat.
His satisfied hum hits you in just the right spot and you forget all about Bluey and breakfast.
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“Now are you ready?” you ask from the other side of the bed.
He’s sitting up, still shirtless, but with a tray full of food. Eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes, along with his coffee.
“Yep!” he chimes happily. “I had my dessert and now I have plenty of food. Let’s watch!”
He winks at you then digs in.
You playfully roll your eyes and curl up under his outstretched arm. His other hand holds his fork to shovel the bites into his mouth. Alpine sits at Bucky’s feet, his tail swishing back and forth as if he’s deciding whether or not to swipe something to eat. Winter is seated on the floor next to the bed on Bucky’s side, the dog’s long nose resting on the mattress as close to the tray of food as he can get without getting into trouble.
“So the episodes don’t really need to be watched in any order and I thought we could just start with a few of my favorites,” you explain as Bucky nods through a mouthful of pancakes.
“Sure baby doll.”
“And just before we start…Bandit is Dad, Chilli is Mum and Bluey and Bingo are the kids- sisters. Their last name is Heeler because they’re Australian Cattle Dogs-heelers.”
“Are all the characters dogs?” he asks.
“Yep! All different breeds too.”
“That’s fun,” he says. “It is a show for kids though right?”
“Just wait and watch,” you say with a smile.
You start with the episode titled “Grannies,” and as soon as Janet and Rita show up you can feel Bucky’s body shake with this laughter.
“I slipped on mah beans!” he repeats after Bingo, causing you both to chuckle.
“Oh poor dad,” he sighs. “Always gets stuck plunging the toilet!”
You elbow him hard and he grunts with an “ow.”
“What?” he asks. “I’m just sayin’!”
When that episode is done you start the one called “Bike.”
“You’re going to like this one too,” you tell him.
“Pardon?” he says in his best old man voice.
It sends you into a fit of giggles.
“I KNEW YOU’D LOVE THE GRANNIES!!! We're watching ‘Grannymobile’ next. You’ll get a kick out of Muffin.”
Bucky’s laughter rings out and it only makes you laugh more.
“Man Muffin nailed that grouch granny!” he says. “I love it!”
“Wait until you see her in other episodes,” you say with a devious snicker.
After you watch a few more episodes and Bucky has finished his breakfast you pause the TV and crawl into his lap.
“Well?” you ask with an expectant look.
His hands settle on your thighs and his thumbs start to rub soothingly along your skin.
“I love it,” he states. “I think it’s so funny how they act like dogs sometimes and then don’t. The kids are really cute and Bingo is my favorite!”
“I love Bingo but Bandit is my favorite! And Rusty!”
“I knew Bandit was gonna be your favorite!” he laughs. “And who’s Rusty?”
“He hasn’t been in any of the episodes we’ve watched so far but I have one more I want you to see called, ‘Army,’ and he’s in that one.”
“Ok doll face. We can watch as many as you want. I just want to get rid of his tray and grab some snacks.”
He runs out of the room in his boxer briefs and you yell after him, “I love your butt!”
“Not as much as I love yours!” he yells back.
When he returns his hands are full of snack bags and cookies and some bottled water.
“Did you just take everything out of the cabinet?” you giggle.
“Yep,” he says, popping the p and promptly sitting himself down in the middle of the bed. “Come on!”
He pats between his spread legs and waits for you to sit. Once you’re cozy in his arms he starts the episode.
“I like Rusty too,” he says once it’s over.
He kisses the top of your head and feeds you a chip.
“I wonder if Steve will play army with me?” Bucky muses, his eyes lit up with amusement. “I have to be the Sergeant though.”
“Of course you do,” you say before taking the chip and nibbling his fingers.
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The two of you spend the whole morning and half the afternoon in bed. You watch Bluey, eat snacks, and just lounge around with Alpine and Winter.
“I guess we have to get up and do stuff at some point huh?” you sigh.
“At some point,” he answers. “But the only thing I’m gonna do right now is…”
Before he finishes the thought he grabs you and rolls over with you on top of him.
“ME!” you say when he opens his mouth.
“How did you know?” he asks, feigning shock.
“You always use that line Buck.”
Your fingers lightly trace his jaw, the dark shadow of hair rough under your fingertips until they meet his soft lips.
“Well it’s only because you’re my favorite thing to do and I’ve been gone a week,” he whispers before taking your hand in his and kissing each of your fingertips. “I have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
“I’m not complaining,” you murmur.
“Better not,” he warns as he slides his hands along your curves. We can always do stuff tomorrow.”
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“I knew this doing stuff was never a good idea!” you huff. “We should have stayed in bed.”
“That’s what I said!” Bucky counters, giving you the ‘I told you so’ look. “Could have had a nana nap love!”
You smile brightly and laugh but when you look back down at the laundry it fades into a frown.
“Laundry sucks,” you pout and throw a pile of socks on the floor.
“Laundry SUCKS!” he adds in exasperated camaraderie.
Once the laundry is all done, the groceries are put away and the animals are fed you fall onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.
He watches you from the kitchen and when your eyes meet his he says, “how about we order some take out for dinner, take a shower, put on our pjs and watch more Bluey.
You stare from your prone position for several seconds and you can see he starts to get fidgety.
He walks to the couch and stands there waiting.
Without a word you jump up and throw yourself at him. He catches you with ease and laughs when you start to pepper his face with kisses.
“For real life?” you ask.
He takes your face in his hands and gives you a long and sweet kiss.
“For real life,” he answers.
“I love you Bucky.”
“I love you more babe.”
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@hiddles-rose @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @randomfandompenguin @kmc1989
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