#also i get to go home in 4 days i'm so excited i haven't been home since june!
wonwooslibrary · 2 years
CALL CALL CALL HAD THE BEST OUTFITS FR. and ur so right about wonwoo's green suit like... bro ur out here looking like oscar the grouch... its not a good look on you...
omg don't say ur gonna fail sociology :(( U GOT THIS I BELIEVE IN YOU !! i also am planning on taking sociology cus i wanna take law later on (fml...). most likely in my opinion would be chan because he gives me the vibes. least likely would be shua or vernon because they are both fairly consistent in what they do.
since i'm finally working on ur fic, i wanted to ask u a couple questions to make it more personal. don't feel pressured to reveal too much because we all have our boundaries. alright, lesgo
q: are there any specific soulmate au prompts you enjoy(ed)? do u think there's a specific member who suits it the most? (🕯️- i love the classic red string prompts! I've read a lot of webtoons and mangas on them so it's nice to read them in a fanfic. 🌙-)
q: outside of svt, what're you're hobbies or interests? (🕯️- i like to bake, watercolor, write stories in my journal, and read novels :p i have my own bookclub with my friends lmao its usually just us yelling over characters 🌙-)
q: would u consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? (🕯️- i don't believe in ambiverts im sosorry. but anywho, i'm an introvert because i get drained pretty easily. i need a minimum of 7 hours of alone time otherwise i'll tear my hair out. 🌙-)
q: do u like recieving gifts? anything specific? (🕯️- i like receiving jewlerry the most as a gift. earrings/piercings are my favourite accessory and im planning on getting a septum when i have the opportunity. 🌙-)
good luck on exams sammie!! i wish u all the best.
UPDATE: bestie did not fail sociology....or at least I don't think I will anymore...I have a C+ right now and I'm currently writing my final paper, but I don't think my paper is going to be bad enough to lower my grade!!!
I'm ngl I did totally forget we have to write fics lmao rip why am I like this but YES I LOVE QUESTIONS!
q: are there any specific soulmate au prompts you enjoy(ed)? do u think there's a specific member who suits it the most? (🕯️- i love the classic red string prompts! I've read a lot of webtoons and mangas on them so it's nice to read them in a fanfic. 🌙- I love literally any soulmate au tbh I think they're all cool! I particularly enjoy matching tattoos and stuff similar to that! my svt biases are jun (ult), coups, jeonghan, and vernon but i love every member and think they all fit their own kind of soulmate aus)
q: outside of svt, what're you're hobbies or interests? (🕯️- i like to bake, watercolor, write stories in my journal, and read novels :p i have my own bookclub with my friends lmao its usually just us yelling over characters 🌙- kpop journalling!!! i'm on my 7th journal and yeah i just love that kind of stuff! I also really like animal crossing, pokemon, minecraft, and other games similar to those. I religiously watch miraculous ladybug like the five year old I am on the inside but it's fine lmao. ooo i also love reading!!! esp popular tiktok books! i'm currently reading The American Roommate Experiment by Elena Armas :3 )
q: would u consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?(🕯️- i don't believe in ambiverts im sosorry. but anywho, i'm an introvert because i get drained pretty easily. i need a minimum of 7 hours of alone time otherwise i'll tear my hair out. 🌙- if ambiverts don't exist, I'd say....probably more of an extrovert. Although I have a lot of introvert tendencies (and medicated social anxiety lol)...i'm loud. all the time. i literally never shut the fuck up and all of my friends are sick and tired of me :P )
q:do u like recieving gifts? anything specific? (🕯️- i like receiving jewlerry the most as a gift. earrings/piercings are my favourite accessory and im planning on getting a septum when i have the opportunity. 🌙- love language wise, i do not like receiving gifts (my love language is physical touch lmao), but i love buying gifts for others! though if i was to receive a gift, i love wacky earrings, books and literally any type of stationary ever. oh, and money to buy other people gifts with)
I am genuinely going to love anything you write for me so don't stress to much about it! I can't wait to hear back from you!
~ Sammie <3 🌙
0 notes
kangals · 3 months
kep report card, month 4! how is he 6 months old already that is absurd.
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢 hongry
leash walking: 🟡/🟢 he's gotten pully on the harness, takes a few minutes of stop-start before he remembers to not do that. is good on a collar though.
sleeping: 🟢 - gotten a lot better about sleeping during the day, i think bc it's been hot so he's just too tired to fuss much.
crating: 🟢/🟡 - i THINK he's doing ok about day crating, i need to buy another camera so i can make sure but he doesn't seem nearly as worked up when i get home as he used to. hopefully the hugelarge crate + new position + age has helped.
potty training: 🟢/🔴 great everywhere except. my goddamn living room. i'm going insane about it.
general training: 🟢 honor roll student
manners: 🟡 still countersurfs and jumps on people a lot, we're working on it.
grooming: 🟢/🟡 tolerant of nails, ears, and bathing with a distraction. getting fussy about brushing, which, too fuckin bad my guy.
cars: 🟢 no complaints
outings/socialization: 🟢 loves going on adventures
other dogs: 🟢/🟡 great with stellina, he has finally learned bite inhibition and how to take subtle "not interested" signals. still a little hyper-focused on strange dogs but not unexpected for his breed/age.
other people: 🟢 a strangers just a bestie you haven't met yet
small animals: 🟢 being very good with the kitty, very enthralled by small critters but doesn't seem frantic or aggressive.
*exciting new category* puberty: leaving this one un-graded bc i don't think it's hit him yet lol. i haven't seen him do any marking or any behaviors that would indicate that he's gotten a big dose of testosterone yet, but now is about the time so we shall see.
overall still doing great, some very generic annoyances (e.g. jumping, fussing about brushing, etc) but generally he's easy to live with, as expected. if i could just actually housebreak him i would be sooo happy but that's really the only thing that i think he's behind on.
also have had some other ppl ask if they can use this format for their own puppies: yes by all means please do! i didn't invent using emoji buttons lol and i do think it's helpful for me to look back on and track development.
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Ups and Downs
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master list
dark master list
Slight MCU AU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: Your neighbor across the hall isn't anything like you thought she'd be.
Word Count: 3.5K
TW: Men, Guns, Violence, Bad Flirting
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Your life has always been a series of ups and downs.
After graduating from university, your life took a turn. Some would say for better. Some would say for worse.
You got the dream job you wanted! But it took you to a brand new country away from everyone you knew.
Your girlfriend, who you planned to propose to, was happy for you! But she wasn't happy enough to stay.
You got a cat! A pet you always wanted! But it turns out it wasn't a stray. It was your neighbor's cat who loved to wander the streets.
So yeah. These last six months haven't been your brightest time. But you tried to be a glass-half-empty person: greener pastures and all that jazz.
So when your neighbor with the whore of a cat moved out, you were determined to become friends with whoever moved in.
Oh yeah, you also needed friends...
So the day you were walking up the stairs to your apartment and, a redhead you've never seen before whizzed by you. You got excited! But before you could even open your mouth, they were gone.
Okay. They're speedy, you noted. You'll catch 'em next time.
Except you didn't. Because unbeknownst to you, the redhead didn't just get home late. They got back home past 4 in the morning. Hair flowing in different directions. Her leather jacket scuffed up as if she was in a bar fight. The bruises on her face would give that impression, too. Plus, she was quiet.
So quiet that you failed to notice that the redhead had been living in her new home for three days prior.
She would roll her eyes at that word. Home. Sure, the apartment was very nice. Had all the parts she needed. But she didn't care where she was stashed as long as she got the job done. Plus, home wasn't a word for her. It never existed in her eyes.
Well, maybe once, but.. never mind.
"Clint, I got the intel, but I'm gonna need a few more days." Your neighbor spoke into her flip phone with such conviction. "Look, the guys I'm tracking can lead to something bigger. Just give me a few more days. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'll be waiting for his call." She threw her phone down onto the round wooden dining room table before bending back into the uncomfortable chair.
She knew she should get up. Go take a hot shower. Bandage up her knuckles and tend to her bruises. But with each blink happening in rapid succession. The redhead fell asleep while sitting upright in a chair that her back would curse for years to come.
Across the hall, hours later, you had already gone on your Saturday walk, had your breakfast, showered, and not so subtly waited for any signs of life coming from the woman you saw once. Was it weird? Maybe. Maybe yes. But even you would admit you were desperate for a friend. Or anybody who wasn't stuck in a screen when you wanted to talk. Plus, she was pretty. Or so you think. She had a cap on and dark glasses when you saw her yesterday, but her jacket looked incredible, and she had cute pink lips.
Not that you noticed!!
So, with it creeping closer to early afternoon, you decided to take the initiative. Standing here in front of her door, you were about to knock when a voice stopped you. "Excuse me." Turning to your right, you were met with a tall, broad, shouldered man. Black hair. Dressed in black. The vibe you were feeling wasn't right. Back in the States, you would guess he worked for the mob. "Yes?" You asked, looking him up and down.
"Sorry to bother you. But I'm having trouble finding my friend. She says she lives in this building, but I can't seem to find her. About this tall." He raises his hands just past your head. "Red hair." Oh shit. "She has a if looks could kill kinda attitude as well." He forces out a chuckle you know to be fake. But you fake laugh with him. Afraid of what will happen if he knows you've seen her or if he finds her.
"Wow, she sounds like quite the character. But no, I'm sorry, I haven't seen anyone like that here." You lie through your teeth. Something you don't like to do, but you're just hoping he doesn't notice. "Oh really?" The man's face turns from a fake smile to a fake frown. "Yeah, I'm really sorry." You shrug. You think that'll be it too. Thinking the man will leave with a simple no, I don't know her. But he's a man. They take no for an answer.
"Are you sure? Because I thought maybe this was her place?" He points to the door you're both in front of. You look from his eyes to the door. Shit. Think! "Oh no." You shake your head. "I mean, unless your friend turned into an old woman with a tabby cat who has a knack for playing gin rummy every Tuesday night, then I don't think so. The woman plays cards, not that cat! Although maybe we could teach him-"
"Okay, sorry to bother you." Without another question or look from the man, he turns his back to you and starts walking down the stairs. Frustrated with the answer you gave. Quietly, you move closer to the banister as he descends, hoping he'll prove his real intentions for being here. To your surprise, he does when he reaches the bottom floor.
"Yeah, I checked. She's not here, but..." His voice fades out as you faintly hear the doors to your building open and close. Turning around now, you have a different mindset about the woman across the hall. Before, you were simply going to ask if they had any allergies you needed to know about. Because you planned on making them homemade bread. Banana, to be specific. Well, if she could eat it. But now that was the last thing on your mind. When you looked at the door now, you can't help but feel bad for how much trouble she seems to be in. Taking a few steps closer, you ready yourself to knock on it again. Hoping to find answers.
"Okay, knock in 3..2..." Before you can even process 1, the door opens, and you get pulled into the room with a force you've never felt. Firm hands grip themselves to your arm before turning your body around in a flash so they have a hold around your waist. Keeping your face away from seeing them. You feel her body against yours, quickly short-circuiting your brain before the loud slam of the front door snaps you out of your thoughts.
Scanning the room around as quickly as possible while your neighbor holds you tight from moving, you see things you've never seen before. Files spread across the room in another language—a sniper positioned in the window and lots and lots of spy stuff.
Shit. Shit! This woman was dangerous.
"кто ты?" (Who are you?) The same woman barks, making your eyes go wide at the foreign language used and how lovely her raspy voice sounds. "кто ты!?" She barks again before pushing the backs of your knees out from under you so you fall to the floor. Arms pinned behind you. Fuck that's really going to hurt tomorrow, you think. Wait, if there is a tomorrow!
You rack your brain, trying to think of what she could be saying and what proper response would be beneficial for this particular moment, but your mind keeps getting distracted as the roaming hands of the woman keep touching you.
The redhead above you didn't get a good look before pulling you in, or she would see that there is no way you could be a threat. "Šíření!" (Spread!) She tries a different language, Czech, to be exact. Yet you still don't know it. You don't know any other language aside from English and the little bit of Hungarian you've been learning since you moved.
So her order for you to spread goes right over your head. Maybe if she asked nicely in English, you've complied...
"Oh my god, what are you doing?" You ask as the grip tightens around your wrists and the feeling of her fingers slides along your thighs. But you get nothing in return, only frustrated grunts from the woman holding you down, finding nothing on your person.
"Please, I'm sorry. Just let me go, and I'll pretend I didn't see anything or that I didn't enjoy-"
"Shut up!" Finally! English! She speaks it! "Ow! Fuck! You speak English?!"
"Who are you? What do you want?" Her fingers run through your hair, digging into your scalp before she grabs hold and lifts your head up. "Answer me!"
Remember what I said? Ups and downs.
"I'm sorry. Shit. I- I'm just your neighbor from across the h-hall.. fuck.." The small moan that escaped your mouth could've been mistaken for a groan of pain caused by the redhead.
But Natasha Romanoff knew better.
She knew exactly what that noise that left your mouth meant. Which also confirmed what she was thinking. You weren't a threat.
She loosened her grip on your hair but kept tight around your wrists. "Name? Give me a name." Her tone is softer and not as harsh.
"Mine?" You asked, confused by the whole situation. "Obviously." The spy rolled her eyes but had to hide the smirk, forcing its way onto her mouth.
"Y/N Y/L/N!" You answered honestly. Natasha could tell it was honest, too. Your rapid pulse she had her fingers pressed against didn't waver anymore than it already had by the older woman being on top of you. "And no one sent you?"
She began to loosen the grip she had on you as a whole.
"What?! No one sent me to check up on my neighbor. But Goddamn, this is the last time I'll do that." Natasha thought for a minute as your breathing began to calm down. "KGB? Hydra? MI6? Ring any bells?"
"No, I swear." Natasha thinks again. "Okay." Her voice goes back to a normal volume. One you find delightful even in this particular situation. "I'm going to let you go. Don't do anything stupid." She warns with a smile.
"Okay. I'll try not to." You say knowing you were prone to have stupid things happen to you. "Just please don't hurt me." You mumbled, but Natasha doesn't respond. Instead, she lifts herself off your body, removes her hand from your hair, and lets go of your wrist, which will completely have bruises tomorrow.
Once you feel the air touch your skin again, you crawl a few feet away before turning over.
You like to think that the first thing you laid your eyes on was the redheads apologetic smile, but it wasn't. It was her green eyes. You swear you had never seen anything more beautiful until you looked down the rest of her body. "You're beautiful." You let slip. Surprising the woman staring back at you.
Except she wasn't stupid. Instead of opening her mouth, Natasha kept those those words on the inside.
You're beautiful.
"Oh my God, ignore that. I'm sorry! Does that count as a stupid thing?!" You panicked, only earning a tight smirk from the redhead. "I'll let that one slide." She gets up and walks past you. Leaving you on the floor. "Besides, you're not so bad yourself."
You're brain short circuits for the second time in the last five minutes. Pretty spy dangerous lady called me beautiful?! You couldn't muster any more thoughts, so instead, you turn your gaze to the woman, watching her as she starts packing up. "What are you doing?"
"Why you just got here? Plus, what was that whole thing? Attacking me? Hello?" Natasha stops packing and looks at you. "No one is supposed to know I'm here. Within three days, I've been comprised by my neighbor from across the hall. I can't take the risk." Natasha says point blank while effortlessly avoiding your other questions.
You're not sure how to respond to that. But you know that you should probably get up off the floor. So you do that as the woman goes back to packing. She starts with clothes before moving on to guns. Lots of guns. "Whoa."
You take in all that you're seeing. "Who are you..." You felt the need to ask the unaskable question. "A person you shouldn't try and fuck with." She answers without any sense that she's joking until she winks at you.
Oh, you wanted to moan all over again.
"Should I leave?" You say to disrupt her and the growing silence. "Not yet. I still need answers from you. And to make sure that if you're ever asked. You never saw me." You nod, following along to her words. "Okay." You take a step forward, thinking it'd be a stupid thing to take a step back towards the door.
"Good." She says before dialing someone with a phone, you haven't seen in years. "Go secure. I need a cross reference on the person occupying the apartment across the hall from me. Give me everything. Bank records. Death certificates. Occupation. Everything. You have five." She flips the phone closed and sets it down before her eyes lock on you.
"I need you to sit in this chair for me." She pulls out the chair directly in front of her and her belongings. You would typically agree what, given the situation and the sight of her left hand on the grip of a pistol. But instead: "No."
"What did I say about doing something stupid." The woman groans, making you smile. Just a little over the tiny amount of control you have at the moment. "I'm not sitting on the chair until you give me your name. And the reason."
"You do realize I'm the one holding the gun, right?" You nod. Terrified of guns, but you nod as she waves it in front of you. "I do. But you're not going to shoot me or anything because, from what I just heard. You're waiting on your friend to see if I'm telling the truth, but I have no reason to lie to you."
Natasha couldn't believe what she just heard out of the mouth of that sweet little face. Here's the kicker. You're right. Natasha honestly hates that you have the upper hand at the moment, but Natasha's the Black Widow. She can flip the script as easy as one.. two.. "Please. Be a good girl and get in the chair."
You've never sat in a chair so fast in your life.
In fact, the second your butt hit the wood, you were mentally cursing your legs for betraying you. "How did you do that?!" You looked to her green eyes for an answer, but you both knew. "Alright, fine. Can I at least get a name?" You huffed as she gently handcuffed your hand to hers.
"Natalie." She replied as if that was her real name. But you took it for face value, even throwing Natasha a "thank you."
"What's that?" You asked, pointing at a pile of small silver discs. "Oh, don't touch those." She quickly moves them away from your reach. "They'll electrically shock you and leave you incapacitated." Okay. Good to know. "No touch, got it." You dryly chuckled, earning one from the woman who had no issues being handcuffed to you.
"How many languages do you speak?" You figured if you're going to be waiting, you might as well get to know Natalie. "Do you want to guess?" She smirks at you as she puts away her laptop. "Ummm, five?" You look up for an answer but only receive a shake of the head. "More than five?"
"More than 10, dear."
10?! Dear!?!
"Wow." You mutter. "What about you?" Natasha feels the need to ask. Plus, she wants to know more about the young woman she's handcuffed to. "I'm sure you'll find out when your friend calls back."
"Yeah, but I want to hear it from you." You look up to see her already smiling at you, forcing a shade of pink to sneak onto your cheeks. "Umm, it's not nearly as impressive. But one." You meekly answer, earning a chuckle from Natalie. "You're right.. that's not nearly as impressive."
"Hey!" You groan and whine. "It's two on a good day if I can understand what the vendor down the street says. It's not easy learning Hungarian."
Natasha nods. "You're right. It's not easy. But you picked the perfect city to learn it." You have to agree with her.
"You're right. Budapest is wonderful."
"Budapesht." Natasha can't help but correct you. "Huh?" You look to her, who looks down on you like an English teacher. "Budapesht." She repeats. "That's how you should pronounce it." You shake your head "No. It's Budapest. Your way is wrong."
"No, my way is right. It's Budapesht. You just don't know any better." You scoff, which Natasha takes as a sign to go on the attack. "Oh really?!" She starts. "I'm sorry, but who in the room is the world-class spy, and who is the.. the.. the whatever it is you do!?" She looks at you, who stutters for a moment.
"That's what I thought."
You go to fight back. Which frankly is an unwise move, but you're thankfully interrupted by the sound of the flip phone ringing.
Natasha answers it with urgency. "Clint, you're on speaker; which is it, Budapest or Budapesht??"
"Oh God no. Please stop this. Take me off speaker."
You watch Natalie roll her eyes as she takes the man, Clint, off of speaker. "Okay, shoot your arrow. What have you got for me." Natasha yanks on the handcuff, pulling you to make you look up at her. She holds a finger to her lips with a look in her eyes that you read as "Don't be stupid."
You not as she sets the phone down in the middle of the table on speaker.
"Okay, so Y/N Y/L/N. Born in California. Yadda yadda. Excellent student. Blah, blah, blah. University. Bank is in the green. No sign of trouble. Oh. Is the daughter of two former shield scientists before they lost their lives in a fire. Not Ohio. No Hydra connections either."
Clint quickly adds, confusing you.
What's shield?
"Relationships, let's see... looks like her most recent ex is one Gewn Stacy, and before that it was... Kate Bishop. The second one sounds familiar... Anyways, occupation.. occupation.. Stark Industries. Relocated to where she currently is. Moved into the apartment across from you six months ago. Isn't one to cause trouble. No arrest records or complaints of any kind. I can't find anything else on her. She's clean. Looks like you got a golden retriever living across from you, Nat."
The man finishes up before Natalie or Nat picks the phone up. "Okay, thanks, Clint. Yeah, no, I'm sure she won't be any trouble." Nat looks at you with a smirk, making you shift in your seat.
"Yep. Uh-huh. No. Could you not mention it to Fury? I got it. Okay. No, it's Budapesht. Bye." She clicks the phone shut and looks at you with a smile before laughing. "What?" You ask as you start to smile. "Nothing." She says before she controls her laughter. "No, come on. What!" You plead as Natalie picks up the key to the handcuffs. "It's just... I attacked you earlier because I thought you were dangerous, and here I have handcuffed to me is the most prett- perfect, sweetest person ever, apparently." The pink hue on Nat's cheeks gets missed by you.
You laugh at Natalie's explanation as the cuff slips from your wrist. "Well, I must be scary a little bit. Plus, I think I'm really good at lying!" You fess up. "Not to me, you're not," Nat calls you out. "And you're not scary." She picks up her bag and moves it to the counter to pack her suit.
Now it's your turn to roll your eyes. "Well, I have to be good at one of those things." You say as you get up and follow her around the kitchen and into the living room. "Why is that?" Nat is curious as to what you're answer could be.
"Well, how else would I have gotten rid of that guy earlier?!"
Natasha wasn't expecting that. "What guy?" She turns to you with a stern, calculating look. "Th-the guy. Tall. He was outside your door. Asking about you. I sent him away." Natasha shakes her head and rubs to her bag, grabbing two pistols. "How long ago?"
"What?" You question. Nat runs past you. "How long ago was the guy here?"
"I-uh.." Since Nat's hands and sweet voice were all over and around your body, you truly lost any concept of time.
Nat ignored your non-answer as she looks out the window where her sniper is positioned before turning to you with a worried look.
Yeah, there will be a pt2 in the future.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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andreal831 · 3 months
What are your top 5 episodes on both TO and TVD?
This took me some time to put together but if you push me on any of these, I'll probably cave. I haven't rewatched in a while and I feel like I would have to sit down and actually rank them to get a list I feel confident in. A lot of my favorite scenes aren't even in this list because the rest of the episode just doesn't rank high for me. But without further ado, here is my tentative top episode list.
Top 5 Episodes for TVD
5. 1x22 - Founder's Day
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Despite how problematic the 'Founder's Day' was (like how they completely disregarded the actual founders. Justice for the Bennetts), Katherine's entrance was done so well. The revelation was a great twist and I love watching people watch this episode for the first time.
It's not higher because everything else was kind of just a normal episode. I love at this point we are getting glimpses of how powerful Bonnie is and Stefan's devotion to Damon. It also begins to build on the mystery of Tyler which was fun. But other than that, it was just a lot of high school drama. Katherine's entrance really made this episode.
This is one that I would probably replace if I rewatched.
4. 6x21 - I'll Wed You In the Summertime /6x22 - I'm Thinking of You All the While
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I'm already cheating and combing these episodes, but they are basically just a continuation.
I want to preface this with saying, I hate Matthew Davis more than I can express. I also don't think I like Alaric much in the later seasons. But I did really like him and Jo. This episode was so cute and light and fun. Up until it wasn't in true TVDU fashion.
I loved seeing season 1 Elena again. I will always defend Elena when people get misogynistic with her, but vampire Elena was not my favorite. When she took the cure, I felt like we got the old Elena back. If they hadn't of done that, I probably wouldn't have been sad to see her leave.
We got some really touching moments between Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline, with them getting ready and their goodbye. Bonnie and the feathers had me in tears the first time I watched this episode. We get Stefan torturing Damon with the fact that Damon loves being a vampire, sorry but I loved it. Caroline and Tyler actually talking as friends. Tyler and Liv making me sob. Stefan and Caroline moment. Kai's reappearance was terrible but pretty epic. Bonnie just being an amazing badass. Just all of the chaos was great and Damon faking us out thinking he wouldn't save Bonnie but then ultimately doing so.
My biggest complaint was that Bonnie was so separate from everyone, dealing with Lily with just Matt for back up. Though I do love a good Bonnie/Matt team up.
3. 3x05 - The Reckoning
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Surprisingly, this was the first episode I ever saw of the TVDU. I was at a family member's home for a holiday and they had it on and I was hooked. Not only did I love the friendship dynamics in this episode, but the villains were so good. Klaus and Rebekah were unhinged in this episode. It was a great introduction to the best aspects of TVDU.
Stefan fighting the compulsion for Elena is one of the reasons I'll always have a soft spot for Stelena. I loved Matt and Bonnie's friendship in this episode. They were both such selfless people and I loved moments we got of them together. I don't typically like Damon and Katherine, but even their interactions were so funny in this episode.
2. 4x20 - The Originals
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Is this cheating?
I always get so excited when I get to this episode because it's time to switch over to The Originals. But come on, we get to meet Cami and Marcel. We get haylijah and klamille's meeting.
It is weird that I almost like it more than the pilot of TO? Just purely for the nostalgia. Also because the pilot removed some of my favorite scenes that I always forget aren't there until I rewatch TO and then i have to go find wherever TVD is streaming.
And then stuff is still happening back in Mystic Falls, I guess.
I could probably also replace this one on a rewatch with a more TVD focused episode but I can't think of any right now.
2x08 - Rose
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No one is surprised this one tops the list. Not only is it the introduction of the Originals, but more importantly it's Elijah's introduction. I know I am biased, but this is my favorite episode in TVD and usually the one I start with on rewatches.
I also love Rose and Trevor (RIP). But the tension in this episode is so good and the show struggled to recreate it. They built up Klaus' entrance so much that it was kind of disappointing. Nothing could live up to the hype. But Elijah came out of nowhere. We didn't even know he existed before this episode. He just shows up, all creepy and mysterious, and then just casually comes back to life after being staked in the heart.
I wouldn't change a thing about this episode.
Top 5 Episodes for TO
5. 3x09 - Savior
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I'm a sucker for a Christmas episode.
But let's be honest, this is one of the best TO episodes.
We get the trio's reunion, if only briefly. We get Rebekah going mad and trying to kill everyone while dropping some hard to hear truths (sorry Hayley). We get Jackson starting to accept his in-laws. Cute scenes between the Mikaelsons, actually including Hope. Finn helping Freya save their siblings. Freya's first Christmas with her family. Klamille's first kiss. Plus a bunch of drama in the background.
One of my biggest complaints with TO is that it doesn't give us moments of just peace and let them be a family. It is so action packed that we never get to just have a comfort episode. It only took them 3 seasons, but we finally got one (mostly). I mean it ended terribly but I just stop watching before that.
4. 2x01 - Rebirth
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This is just Elijah's best episode hands down. And yes I am making this list about Elijah. It's kind of what I do here.
But seriously, he looked so good in this episode and was just so perfect.
I had no idea what to expect out of this episode since season 1 ended with so much up in the air and this episode delivered. So much happened. Elijah being the mastermind while Klaus and Hayley grieved losing Hope. Then them all working together as a team for the first time. And I'd be remis if I don't talk about Elijah's infamous scene of walking into the Guerreras house like he owned it. Also love them trusting Cami to help. Marcel is also in on it. I just love them all working together.
Getting to see Rebekah raising Hope. Marcel and Cami just being hot. But also Cami going to check on Klaus, that scene, the tension. So good. Cami and Elijah talking and then Elijah and Klaus talking about Cami. Perfection. Davina putting Oliver in his place. And then Hayley later doing the same. The introduction of Gia. Even the tension between Elijah and Hayley is so good. I could truly feel all of their grief and desperation. I also love Klaus and Hayley actually talking and Klaus realizing that his scheming is what cost them everything (although he will quickly forget this lesson).
It's another perfect episode. No notes.
3. 4x03 - Haunter of Ruins
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I'm honestly surprised an episode from season 4 or 5 is even on this list, but I do love this episode before everything goes to hell.
This episode was another comfort episode.
I clearly loved the amount of haylijah we get. We get our first "I love you" from both of them. Although I headcanon they said it before this. We get them just being super cute and flirty and then super hot. Hayley wearing Elijah's shirt when she runs to check on Hope is so perfect to me. I love the scene of them on the porch. They love each other so much and this episode does a great job expressing it.
We finally get the Mikaelsons all together, even Kol (sorry Finn). I love seeing them behave as siblings in the beginning, bickering. I love how they handled introducing Hope to them and how hesitant they all are, which is so out of character for them, but they have no idea how to interact with a child. Klaus and Hope was so sweet. And Rebekah finally standing up for what she wants and encouraging her brothers to do the same.
My only complaint is Freya and Keelin. I love them because this show is deprived of sapphic representation. But why did they have to make the only sapphic couple's origins be essentially stockholm syndrome. I loved Hayley standing up for Keelin but then Freya just immediately goes after her again. Only thing I would change is how Freya behaved in this episode.
2. 3x22 - The Bloody Crown
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May be unpopular, but I loved seeing the Mikaelsons get put in their place. And then I loved Vincent standing on his morals and turning around and put Marcel in his place. Everyone needs accountability.
Marcel awakening as an upgraded Original was so good. We got the return of Rebekah in this episode and she was fantastic. I loved Klaus' trial and I loved Rebekah getting to stand with the enemies (even if it was just the curse/part of the plan). People love to say Klaus didn't deserve it because Marcel was really mad at Elijah, but all of these people were here specifically because of Klaus. They all needed some humbling. Except Rebekah.
I can't talk about this episode without talking about haylijah. The show opens on one of their cutest scenes (we aren't going to talk about the problematic stuff that happened in the episode before). Elijah watching Hayley sleep was adorable. And then we get the scene of Elijah telling Hayley to not grieve him. They break my heart.
2x09 - Map of the Moments
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Not surprising, but another Christmas episode.
And no, it's not just because of hayllijah.
I mean, it's not not because of haylijah.
In case you can't tell, my favorite episodes tend to be the comfort episodes. I love the drama, but the reasons I adore these shows are because of bonds. We get to see the Mikaelsons reunite with Hope and actually have some moments of peace together.
There are so many scenes that made me actually laugh out loud. I just adore this episode so much. And yes, I love it because we finally get haylijah getting together, if only briefly.
This was such a fun ask, thank you! What episodes did I miss?
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wikiangela · 10 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @daffi-990 @giddyupbuck @spotsandsocks
hi!! i'm back lol - well, the craziness at work is done and I'm slowly getting back to writing bc I haven't written in like a week and it's killing me lol (this is gonna sound dramatic but I literally don't feel like myself if I don't write for too long haha) I don't have anything new to share rn, but I figured since it's already december and since some of y'all are sharing Christmas fics, and knowing I likely won't write one this year, I'm gonna shamelessly plug my holiday fake dating fic with 4 Christmases and 6 Christmas chapters actually 😂 (Christmas was a very important time for Buck and Eddie's relationship in this lol) - there's obvi more holidays in this but anyway, here's a snippet of their first Christmas together also, it's been a year since I posted the first chapter and I'm feeling nostalgic lol, this fic is my baby and I love it so much (tho there's so many things I'd change now lol)
[read on Ao3]
Turns out, Buck is very much serious about the whole thing, and Christopher finds it hilarious and is eager to play along. Eddie doesn’t have valid arguments not to do it, and it’s not like he doesn’t want to. After another snide comment when talking to his parents, he made his decision. And he already felt this exciting feeling of satisfaction when he told them he’d be bringing someone for Christmas this year – miraculously, Buck and Eddie don’t work on Christmas, and they took an additional day off, so their schedules allow for a three-day trip to Texas. 
So now, it’s Christmas Eve and they’re on their way from the airport to Eddie’s childhood home, and he’s nervous, doubts just starting to seep in. What on earth possessed him to do this? He can’t lie to his family. He can’t pretend to be in love with Buck. What if he really does fall in love with him? What if everything goes to shit? He’s watched enough movies to know it’s a bad idea, but he couldn’t and still can’t bring himself to stop it.
“So.” Eddie says, his voice shaking slightly, as they sit in a cab. “We’re doing this.”
“Yep.” he can hear Buck grin next to him. “Unless you still wanna back out?” he adds quickly. They could still say Buck’s just a friend. No big deal. But Eddie does have this petty desire to stir something up, and this seems perfect. 
“No. It’ll be fine.” he smiles at Buck, and then feels hot when Buck grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers, winking at him. Christopher laughs.
“You’d make a great couple.” he comments. He’s been unusually happy about all of this. He also asked Eddie a few days ago if Eddie loves Buck, which prompted a conversation, but he thinks Chris knows what’s going on now. Eddie doesn’t really know what to think about that.
“Thanks, buddy.” Buck responds excitedly, squeezing Eddie’s hand, and he can’t contain a smile. If not anything else, at least all three of them are going to have a lot of fun.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @jamespearce9-1-1
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buckgasms · 1 year
Doctors Barnes and Rogers (Part 4)
So I had a meltdown but I'm back and feeling hotter than ever so let's just dive right in shall we? It's not smutty 😭 but don't worry, it will be 😍
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A few months had passed and you were now about three months along. Although you were excited, it had been quite challenging. You felt sick almost all day, exhausted and fed up. Trying to keep on top of tidying up your flat and take care of yourself was a huge challenge and all you could do was nap.
You trudged to the fridge and as you went to get a cold drink you smiled at the little sonogram you'd stuck to the fridge door. The little grey squiggles that showed your baby in their first few months. Sadly a wave of nausea interrupted your happy moment and you groaned, heading back to the living room.
You were woken from a doze by a knock on the door, making you jump before shuffling over. You were surprised to see both doctors standing there, looking at you with a mixture of concern and relief that you were in fact alive.
"What's going on?" Was all you could say in your surprise. Bucky chuckled as he rolled his eyes and nudged the door until you came to your senses and let them in.
"We could ask you the same question honey?" Steve said sternly as you sat down looking sheepish. "You missed an appointment today, your next scan, and you haven't been keeping us up to date with how you are?"
You felt tears well up in your eyes and you sank back in your chair. "I'm sorry" you sighed as you pinched your nose. "I just feel so exhausted, it slipped my mind..."
Bucky reached over and laid a hand on your thigh, stroking gently as you quietly cried. "It's ok sweetheart, it's ok..." You sniffled and nodded, "I'm sorry, I should have called you, I just..." You descended into more tears as they both cooed and rubbed your shoulders and legs. Steve pressed a kiss to your hair and took your hand in his.
"We have a suggestion on how to sort this out, would that be helpful?" You leant into his body and nodded as Bucky chuckled and continued rubbing your legs, which made you sigh in relief.
"You might not remember because you are a silly thing, but in the paperwork, it was agreed that you could live in provided accommodation, alongside a substantial amount of money to help you in the meantime. Do you remember that?"
You pouted and nodded, as Steve smiled, giving you another kiss. "Very good honey, well that's where we're gonna take you today. If you don't like it, we can figure something else out but let's just see how it goes for now."
You weren't sure what you imagined but when you arrived on a leafy street in Brooklyn, a pretty brownstone greeting you, you heart leapt in excitement. It also made you cringe to think about your messy apartment with peeling paint and smashed windows littering the facade.
You all but ran up the steps to see where you were and your shock doubled when you saw the name on the letterbox. Doctor Barnes M.D and Doctor Rogers M.D. It was their house? Well this was a surprise.
Finally they caught up with you and saw you staring but didn't say anything, just smiled before unlocking the door and guiding you in.
It was so beautiful, everything tastefully decorated, like something out of a magazine. Neutral tones, soft fabrics, fluffy rugs, tasteful art, big windows letting in the soft light from outside and that was just the living room! You wanted to run around and explore and sensing your anticipation, Bucky took your hand and guided you around the house.
They had a home office with two desks, and walls covered in books and a gorgeous, well fitted kitchen that had your favourite coffee maker, a huge fridge and every other gadget under the sun. You couldn't help but do a little happy dance when you saw it, and wrapped your arm around Bucky's as he pointed a few other things out to you before guiding you upstairs.
There were three bedrooms although working out which one belong to which Doctor was a real struggle. Both had lots of books, artwork (which had been made by Steve no less) and wardrobes stocked with fancy clothes and workout gear. It made your head spin.
At least until you saw the bathroom. It was insane. A beautiful walk in shower and a huge bath which you couldn't help but squeal at. You tried to remain casual but it was incredibly difficult when faced with such luxury and comfort.
Finally he showed you the last bedroom. "This is yours sweetie" he said and guided you in. It was fairly plain compared to the other rooms, but he explained it was so you could decorate as you wished. "This bed is huge" you giggled as you sat down on it, glad for a break as you bounced on it a little. He took your hands in his and kissed your fingers. "Well if you want, you don't have to be in it alone..." You flushed and felt your stomach flip, "Share it with you? What about Steve?"
"Glad to know I'm still remembered" Steve said as he came into the room, a smile on his face as you pouted again. "I don't understand? Are you two together?"
Steve sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and rubbing your tummy a little. "Let's just say, Bucky and I feel the same way about a lot of things, and that includes you honey..."
You giggled at that but still felt unsure. "One last room to show you, and then you can have a think..." Bucky pulled you back up and lead you to a small room across the way from yours.
You gasped when you went in, a beautiful sunshine yellow room greeted you, with a crib and nursing chair already set up. Like your potential new room, it was still a little empty, but you understood the implication, that you could decorate it to your heart's desire.
They'd even left out some teeny little baby gloves and booties which you couldn't help but pick them up and smile, turning to them and laughing accusingly and Steve's sheepish face. "I couldn't resist I guess..." But you couldn't stop smiling at it. For the first time in weeks you finally felt really excited again.
You sat in their little garden, sipping on a cold drink pondering what you were going to do. Obviously the house was perfect and you would be very well looked after. Even in this short visit you had been waited on hand and foot and even been given a little check over by Bucky.
Your pondering was cut short by Steve and Bucky joining you and taking a seat next to you.
"We do have some rules whatever you decide to do sweetheart" Bucky said seriously, "if you need something you have to tell us, if you feel poorly you need to let us know, and no more missing appointments."
"Ok, I promise... I... I think I'd like to live here if that's ok with you?"
They both laughed and took your hand in each of theirs, "that'll be great sweetheart..."
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luimagines · 3 months
HI PINKY ! 🎻 Anon here ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
My finals went overall quite well! (Except for one final but my overall grade was still fine so we're all good) I did end up having my ceiling of my room collapse though! (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Gotta love landlords that refuse to do proper house maintenance on century old homes. So right before finals had my ceilings collapse, then had finals while stuck sleeping in the living room (to be fair the couch was comfy but the whole setup is less than ideal), and then literally the evening after my last final flew out to literal other side of the planet for college visits. So needless to say I've been rather tired recently! It's been fun though and I also got to see some family that I rarely see again so that was nice. BUT! I finally have the mental bandwidth to send in an ask again. So enough with the dramatic rambling about my life I have more ideas about the human hero reader I thought of!
So! I learned just the other day that an army captain is actually kinda low rank. (At least in the US military, can't speak to other systems) And you usually get there within like 4 years of your career as an officer. And if Wars is around 24-26ish (at least that's how old I usually imagine him since he's one of the older members of the group but not like OLD) and he would have started his time in the military as like a 17-18 year old, buddy boy would actually be behind on his career. (Stick with me this will all come together I swear!)
So I imagine human hero reader (I'm calling them hh!reader for my sanity to specify from here on out for my sanity) ended up getting pulled into the military after saving Hyrule. They really don't like being there, but the royal family of that time doesn't really give reader a choice. I'd imagine them most likely being a very low rank enlisted soldier. (If you require explanations for anything just let me know. I am more than happy to explain and understand most people haven't been raised around this stuff) But because reader didn't want to join the military in the first place and Warriors is one of the MOST wary member of the chain they would probably butt heads quite a bit. I imagine reader with an attitude of while they're usually a very nice person to be around they can hold a strong grudge and aren't afraid to tell someone if they're being an idiot. Not something that goes over well in the military. So reader probably targets at least some of that frustration to the resident military man. And something that would be rather easy to go for is that fact that he still hasn't been promoted. This would probably devolve into him telling them that they suck as a soldier until reader snaps and said they never had any choice in the matter and they storm off. Probably one of the their merry little band would go after reader. I think Sky might be best since he's a knight himself so he'd have a better idea what they were going through. Wind would also be an interesting option especially if it's after the whole "We're the same since we both made the active decision to save Hyrule!" moment. Both are good chances at bonding. Oh yeah I guess it's relevant that I see reader at an older teen age, like 16-17. Yay sibling dynamics (I say this like my only younger sibling doesn't drive me up a wall). I'll prolly add more later but I am tired. And I have a relatively early morning tomorrow.
Hope this was coherent but I actually had motivation for once so I went for it. If any clarification is needed just ask. Make sure to drink water and eat a snack! Self care is important to help prevent burnout. Have a lovely week. Good day/evening) ┌⁠|⁠o⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠o⁠|⁠┘⁠♪ See you maybe once I've slept and ate. Bye!!
Oh, I thought you going to go the path of Reader outranking Warrior and him not being able to do anything about it. ^.^*
It reminded me of that one post for Marvel where Tony got excited because Rhodey, being Colonel, outranked Steve and could tell him what to do.
I'd imagine if Warrior pulled out the whole "you suck as a soldier" Wild would have to push back a bit because if they suck, what does that make him? He died! Hello? At least Reader had something going for them. They still won in the end with minimal loses on their side.
Wild lost everyone.
So what does Warrior actually think of him then?
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chaotic-on-main · 11 months
So glad you reblogged this because I did not see your post about this event before. And I almost missed it! 😱 But now I'm here… hi, Sky! Congrats on your milestone, dear! ❤️
I would be interested in one matcha green tea ice cream with cookie crumbles on top. If it's okay, could it be something like Levi comforting the reader while they're anxious and stressed? Something with nice calming domestic vibes maybe?
Order up!! One matcha green tea with cookie crumbles for Rose!!
Sky's Summer Fall and 250 Follower Event!
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☾ Pairing ➼ Levi Ackerman x cisfem!Reader
☾ Content/Warning ➼ modernAU, pregnancy, anxiety, established relationship, pregnancy reveal
☾ A/N ➼ hi rose!! again, sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. this wasn't the initial path i had planned, but i think it went better than expected!! also i know i said i wouldn't write a pregnant reader, but i was inspired and i love the idea of dadvi even though i don't see myself wanting kids. there's something to unexpectedly soft about dad levi, and i love to imagine it. i mean, he's already so dad coded considering how many kids he adopts lol. also for anyone seeing this, the rest of my requests are no longer summer themed LMAO. i'm gonna have to do something simple for my next event a;lsdkfjalj
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.9k
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The pattering of raindrops on window panes is a sound that brings comfort to you, doubly so during this time of year. Orange and red leaves lie dormant on the wet pavement only to be run over by various cars going home for the evening. With the end of the year holidays looming around the corner, excitement fills the air. But not for you. Instead, it's overwhelming anxiety, and the rain does not bring the comfort you seek.
You're so in your head that you don't hear the keys in the door and the light footsteps of your husband coming home from work. As you toss some chocolate chips into the red bowl full of light brown dough, your mind bounces from one thought to another. Some thoughts hurt worse than others and you find yourself almost choking up until you force yourself to think of something else.
Long, cold fingers wrap around your wrist as you go to pick up a silicone spatula, holding your arm up midair. You're so startled at the sudden touch that you drop it straight into the bowl – thank god it was mixed enough to not splatter. When your eyes snap to the source, the automatic relief that normally comes with seeing those beautiful gray eyes doesn't wash over you. You’ve underestimated the anxiety that courses through your veins like ice.
“What's wrong?” Your husband's low voice comes out careful.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about right now. Welcome home!” You force out, your lips pulling back on your teeth in a reassuring smile. Levi Ackerman has known you for far too long, and he wasn't stupid. His eyes scan the messy kitchen counters with furrowed brows.
“I count at least 4 mixing bowls, most half filled and only a few finished products. Either you've signed up for a bake sale, or something is wrong. You only get like this when something is bothering you.” Levi's eyes go back to yours.
“I- uh. It's nothing, really.” You check the clock on the stove and gasp. “I didn't realize the time, and I haven't even started on dinner yet. I'm so sorry.” You quickly push aside your mess to make room for some space.
“Go sit down.” Levi says as he puts his keys and phone in the little wicker basket that sits on the far end of the counter.
“No, it's okay! I can do this.” You don't even know what to make for dinner. You've been in a downward spiral all day and haven't thought that far ahead. The sound of glass bottles rattle as you open the fridge doors to peek at your options - only to find them extremely limited. You should have gone to the grocery store earlier today.
The fridge closes in front of you as Levi pushes his way in front of you. Suddenly his hands are cupping your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks in a way he knows is comforting to you. You just now notice his hair slicked back, stuck in place from the rain outside. Black eyebrows scrunch together in concern as he stares at you.
“Levi, I don't need help. I can do this myself.” You mutter.
“Go sit down.” He repeats, softer this time. You stare back, trying to find the energy to argue. But you have none, so you make your way over to the plush navy couch in the living room. In a means to help comfort you, you pull your knees to your chest and stare out the window. Night time has made its way home, the yellow streetlights hazily glowing through the cold rain. It takes everything within you to focus on what you see and hear, and not what races through your mind.
Either you dozed off or fell into a trance because before you know it, Levi comes over and taps your shoulder. You blink a few times as your eyes adjust to what he's holding out to you – a bowl and a glass of water.
“I bet you haven't hydrated once today, have you?” He raises a brow.
“I've been busy?” You give him a small smile, but take the glass anyway. He sets the bowl down in front of you on the coffee table. You didn't even need to see it to know what it was as the smell of it wafts from the kitchen to your nose. Spaghetti, and Levi's spaghetti at that. Well, technically Kuchel’s - Levi's mom – recipe. From the moment he had made it for you when you both first started dating, you knew this was the best recipe you have or will ever taste.
Not only was it delicious, though, it was comforting. It was home.
“Oh, Levi.” You sigh as you reach over to place your glass down so you can pick up the warm bowl in two hands. The smell of herbs and tomatoes dance in your nostrils as you breathe in deeply. You don't hesitate to poke your fork into the red pasta and slurp up the saucy noodles.
The sofa shifts as Levi sits next to you, leg crossed as he leans back with his own bowl in hand. He doesn't say anything as he digs in, eyes looking out to the darkened window. It stays silent save for the quiet smacking and the metal clinking on porcelain. For a while, you're distracted yet again as you fill your tummy but eventually your bowl is empty and the dread starts creeping back in.
“Did you want more or…?” Levi breaks you out of your thoughts and your eyes focus back to what you were looking at – the red-streaked bottom of the bowl.
“Oh, no I'm good. Thank you for making dinner. I'm sorry I couldn't have it done by the time you got home.” You smile softly at him as you hand him your bowl. His lips twitch as he regards you. He takes the bowl from you and you think he's about to get up but instead, he sets it on the coffee table and shifts so that he's facing you fully.
“There's nothing to apologize for, dummy. What's going on in that head of yours?” He reaches over and taps your forehead gently with a forefinger.
“I don't know if this is the right time.” You whisper, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“I'm home for the night, we have plenty of time before bed.” His hand trails down your face and cups your jaw as he holds your gaze. “What's going on?”
Reaching up, you rest your hand over his and lean into his touch. Then with a shuddering breath, you gently pry his hand off and stand up. Without another word, you make your way to the master bathroom and retrieve what you're looking for. Before exiting, you bend over the sink to take a few deep breaths. You just need to rip this off like a bandaid, you keep repeating to yourself.
Making your way down the hallway back to the living room, your fingers shake. The room grows silent as you hold the little white stick up to eye level the moment you step in front of your extremely confused husband.
Levi has to squint to see the little pink plus sign. There's a range of emotions that flood his face past the initial shock. You know when the realization hits him because his wide eyes flit over to yours as he checks to see if you're kidding. You only nod your head back. There's a moment of excitement that lights up in his eyes before the same look of anxiety that no doubt mirrors your own stares back at you.
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach at that.
“I-" Levi chokes on his words.
“It's real.”
You hear Levi inhale loudly as he runs his fingers through his hair and step back as he processes. You’ve been with Levi for so long but even you didn't know how he would react. Children weren't off the table, but you both had agreed to start a family when the time was right. To you, this was the worst possible time with Levi starting a new job and your writing career finally taking off. His reaction is enough to confirm those thoughts. Or, at least that’s what you thought.
“I know this is awful timing. And I’m sure we're not ready. I'm so-" Your last words are cut short into a squeak as a pair of strong arms pull you into a warm chest, the sudden movement causing the pregnancy test to fall and bounce onto the rug. You can feel Levi's heart beating a mile a minute against your own.
“Don't apologize.”
“But you’re not excited.” You’ve started crying and you can feel your tears seeping into Levi's shirt. He pushes you away from him and holds you there. His dark eyes bounce between yours as he regards you.
“Who said I wasn't?"
“I- just your face-"
“I won't pretend to say I'm not nervous. You know, Kenny was the only father figure I had and he wasn't around, not when it mattered, at least. I'm scared, actually.” His eyebrows furrow to match the concern that laces his tone.
“But this is exciting, and I'm thrilled. And we'll navigate through this like we always do. But, how do you feel about it?”
“Well, I guess I'm scared too. Anxious. Our jobs are just taking off, and while I'm excited for a family with you, I'm just not sure how to take this.” You pull a hand up to wipe away the salty tears that streams down your face.
“We have 9 months, give or take. That's plenty of time for us to figure things out. But is this what you want?” Levi let's go of your arms to cup your face again. That moment of hesitance that graced his features is no longer there, only replaced by love.
“Do you think we'll be ready by then?”
“Who knows. But we can try. We'll figure it out together.” Levi pulls you back in and holds you in his tight embrace. You bury your face in his shirt, once again letting it soak up any leftover tears.
“If it's any consolation, I think you'll be a great dad. I watch the way you interact with your little cousin during get-togethers.”
“Tch. If our child is anything like Mikasa, I'm sure we'll be fine. But if they're like her friend Eren, we're starting over.” You laugh at that and slap his chest playfully.
“Levi, you can't say shit like that.”
“I'm just kidding. Mostly. That Eren kid has something wrong with him, I swear.”
You hold on to him in silence for a bit, taking note of the slowing heart beat between the two of you as the news finally sinks in. You were going to be a mom. You were going to be a parent with Levi.
“Someone needs to eat this. This is way too much for just the two of us.” You hear Levi chuckle. You can't see it, but you know he's staring at the mess you've made all day. You'll be up until 3am making sure everything gets baked so it doesn't go to waste.
“Three of us.” You lean back to look at your husband, smiling at that comment.
“You're right, the three of us.” You feel as Levi gently rests the palm of his hand on your stomach and leans down to kiss you softly. Your anxiety still lingers, but now it's tinged with relief because no matter what life throws at you, Levi is here.
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tagging: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @youre-ackermine @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @secretmoneybearvoid @apolloshaiku @sujiroses @jadam724 @e-riellaaa @kamyru @highgoon69 @missyasma @kingkonoha @sckerman @notgoodforlife @nube55 @svftackerman @velouria17 @melodyuzumaki
if you're not a part of my taglist but would like to be (or take off lol), please fill out the taglist on my pinned post!
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breadtheft1796 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for the tag @palettesofrenaissance <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 91 (with 8 of those posted anonymously and 26 current hidden).
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 316,689
3. What fandoms do you write for? i currently write for marvel and good omens. previously i have written for doctor who, hannibal, harry potter, hetalia, interview with the vampire, les misérables, and the walking dead (occasionally i dip back into writing those). and some other one-off fics for other fandoms.
4. Top five fics by kudos: quips and endearments (t, 1.6k) aragorn and legolas flirt to keep morale up acts of service (t, 4k) aziraphale falls nothing but theatre (e, ongoing) bucky/zemo fake dating and time travel au behind the make-up (t, 1k) the grandmaster exposes loki's mouth scars hannibal, it's tinsel (g, <1k) hannibal/will fluffy hissy fits over xmas decs
5. Do you respond to comments? i like to and try to but i've got behind on it lately. i need to catch up.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? angst is my thing so most of my fics end angstily. maybe either: uncovered secrets (e, 5k) bucky recognises heinrich in one of zemo's family photos lithium (e, 3k) zemo's first look at the latvian apartment since his family's death
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? definitely this, it's very hopeful for the future: falling leaves and apple pulp (g, <1k) bucky and sarah go apple picking
8. Do you get hate on fics? i used to but not so much anymore. i've had a couple of hate anons on here related to fics though.
9. Do you write smut? yes, occasionally but i'm not very good at it.
10. Craziest crossover: i haven't really done many crossovers but i mix adaptions a lot.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i had a couple stolen off deviantart and ff.net back in the day but nothing off ao3 that i'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no but i had one of my anonymously posted fics podfic'd, so that was nice.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i'd say so, yes, because even though it wasn't a back and forth thing some of the babes from the winterbaron discord have plotted and contributed so heavily to fics that i refuse to take full credit. also me and @palettesofrenaissance are going to be co-writing something soon so that's exciting!
14. All time favorite ship? usually i would usually say peggy/steve from mcu because i've loved them fiercely since 2011. but i'm going to say england/spain from hetalia because i'm feeling nostalgic at the moment and i always fall back into writing fic for them when i'm feeling particularly stressed or down.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i don't often write multi-chapter fics so only have one wip currently up. it would be good to get that finished, since i'm only 1 chapter away from an epilogue.
16. What are your writing strengths? angst. character studies and introspection. oneshots. i've been told i'm good at setting the tone and atmosphere, and i keep getting comments saying i'm good at conveying emotion, which makes me insanely happy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? worldbuilding in general. multi-chapter fics. spelling and grammar. knowing how to end fics. smut. i'm also very quick to get discouraged and abandon fics all together.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i love it. other languages are often so beautiful and i like looking up commonly used phrases and contexts for how they are used. i've used other languages in most of my mcu fics.
19. First fandom you wrote in? i have hazy memories of this but i think it was twilight, where instead of going to italy to save edward, she and alice got together instead. i stand by 15 year old me's taste in ship. the first fic i posted online was for hetalia though, the twilight one stayed in a notepad.
20. Favorite fic you've written? i couldn't just pick one so: the last of fine days (m, 15k) zemo's old family home plays tricks on their minds -> my first attempt at gothic domestic/horror and i'm proud of it. migraine aura (m, 5k) aziraphale and crowley are exes stuck together at a party -> i wanted to write the most claustrophobic, overstimulating environment i could and i think i succeeded.
no pressure tagging, in case any of you felt like it: @zsparz, @milarca, @zemos-bathrobe, @fuddlewuddle, @yolkinthejump, @captainjimothycarter
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eonars · 1 month
Moved into my actual long term place in the city today (have been living in my department head's basement apartment thing until my contract starts and that was way out in the countryside where the university is) right now it's 10:15pm and I'm all tucked up in the brand new fresh bedding I bought today for my dinky little twin bed because this is a one room studio. Which is worth honestly bc I'm paying only approx $1k a month for it and it's smack DEEP in the city center, walking distance from the train station and surrounded by all kinds of super exciting stuff. Tomorrow I need to unpack properly and go through the box of kitchen stuff the landlord gave me and decide what I want + do a big shop of establishing kitchen essentials + possibly another less big shop of homewares and storage/organization stuff perhaps. I've also been struck with the realization that tomorrow is Saturday night and I'm in the big city and can just.....go out if I want to and easily walk back here whenever I want. I gotta go into the office on Monday even though there's nothing to do because I need to retrieve my work laptop (left it there so there'd be one less thing to move) and I figure since I'm there I can also practice the presentation I have to give at this summer school program. The summer school program that I have to leave for on Tuesday because why would I get to just chill and settle in to the new place for more than 4 days you know. But that's where the real hard work is gonna start because they're gonna have us in lectures and practical sessions on cryopreservation and laser microscopy from the getgo which is giving me the major fear cause from here on out it's Real. Like I get back from this week long program and immediately it's time for my husbandry sessions and learning to do ivf on fish and a microdissection session and signing up for the ethics in animal experimentation course and I'm getting a weird fear that for whatever reason I'll just full stop be too stupid to determine cryodamage via laser microscopy and they'll be like actually you're done just go back. Which is stupid I'm aware because obviously they know full well I'm not an expert on this stuff and I've never even done it before and accepted me anyway but still. It just feels really surreal cause I suddenly got every single thing I've ever wished for in the space of like two months and I haven't been able to shake the feeling that somethings gonna go wrong and it's all gonna disappear and I'm gonna end up back home again. Or like I'm scared it's gonna be too hard and I won't be able to do it cause they overestimated me and I have the least lab and research experience out of all these other candidates because again I'm just a minimum wage waster from california they brought in vs veterinarians and research scientists. Like if doing ivf on a zebrafish was so easy surely everyone would be doing it. I've also had an unshakeable migraine for like 3 days now and I think even though I've been doing so well at a solid 11:30 to 7am sleep sched for these last few weeks I'm gonna let myself sleep in tomorrow morning before I rise and grind and unpack. And then maybe dress up and go sip a vodka soda in a metal bar alone looking like a spooked antelope.
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lazar-codes · 7 months
14/02/2024 || Day 12 (dop)
🔸 practised ASL fingerselling
🔸 went to ASL class
🔸 worked on button functionality for Frontend Mentor project
🔸 started planning new illustration
🔸 read current book
Turns out that when I pick up extra shifts at work, I don't do anything productive when I get home -- including program. I feel like I haven't done any consistent programming since November, tbh. Hopefully I can find it in me to get back on it, but I'm definitely feeling the programming burnout.
ASL class - I just want to say that today we learned about conjunctions after it was introduced to us 2 weeks ago, and dear lord will I need to sit down and practice it a bunch. I'm excited though!
Frontend Mentor - I decided that I want to wrap this project up ASAP, so of course I did only the minimum today. I got the button functionality all working, where they'll appear and disappear at appropriate times. The next thing that I'll do tmr will be to dynamically fill out the information required in the Summary step, which is depending on the user's selections throughout the form.
Much like with programming, I've been putting off sketching, but this time only for the past 2 weeks. I swear, I was at a sketching high in January, where I filled a page almost every day. Especially at the end of January, because I had finished re-playing The Last of Us Part 2 and was a sketching machine filled with inspiration. But then it disappeared once I made a finished digital illustration of one of my fanart ideas. So, to combat the stagnation I feel, I did the unspeakable and picked up a pen and went in directly without pencil lines. Apparently I can't go 2 months without using pen, despite swearing it off since I used it for nearly 4 years straight. And what do you know? I had fun sketching today. I gotta say though, the best thing about drawing in pen is that the sketches really pop out of the page because they're so bold.
Also, I spent last night looking for some graphic novels I might be interested in, but a lot of ones aimed at adults have art styles and don't really vibe with me, so I started looking at kids' graphic novels and found one whose style I fell in love with! I know nothing about the plot, but I'm really hoping that the art itself can inspire me! Plus, it's a nice little Valentine's Day present to myself.
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
Why Your Vote Matters (aka Where I've Been Lately)
Hi there. I'm back today. We got back Thursday but I needed to recover for a day before I tried to get back to something like my normal life. Needless to say, I missed you all. 💕
So, before I launch into this story, two things. First, my family and I are all okay. Second, yeah, I'm going to get a little political here and I try to keep such to a minimum. But I wouldn't do this without a compelling reason.
Trigger warnings for miscarriage, stillbirth, pregnancy, illness, and reproductive health care.
Not far into October, a friend of mine from college invited us out to visit her in California. Like me, she has two little girls. She and I haven't seen each other since we started families so it has been a little while. We got back in touch a few months ago on social media and often talked about how we needed to get together. My Chemical Romance, our favorite band, was playing out there and she got us tickets.
My husband stayed home but I took the girls, yes I made them do school each day lol, and we went out to stay with my friend and her family. Her girls are lovely, her husband is a really great guy.
I should probably mention that she was expecting her third child, a boy. Her due date was right after Thanksgiving. She was just starting her eighth month when we got there. She looked amazing and everything was going well. She suffered a miscarriage last year, she explained, and with this pregnancy, she was terrified of that happening again. She didn't even tell her friends she was expecting until it became obvious.
This pregnancy wasn't planned. But she wanted 3 or 4 children and when they found out everything was going well and it was a boy, they were thrilled. They had a room set up, all his things ready. Their girls, who are a little younger than mine, are small but they were excited. All four girls were like long-lost sisters from the start. It was fun to watch them.
The night of the concert came. My friend didn't want to take a risk in going. Understandable. I went with a friend of hers named Brie (also an MCR fan) and she watched my girls. It was a really good night.
The day before we originally planned to leave, I got my girls going on school (we homeschool). Her girls had gone to school and her husband went to work. She seemed worried. When I asked what was wrong, she said the baby was still and that concerned her. We talked about it and I finally convinced her to call her doctor's office to get her in that day. She was worried about overreacting. I told her that her peace of mind was important too.
The rest of that day was a nightmare. The ultrasound revealed that her son had died. What happened was incredibly rare. Even if they had been doing an ultrasound the exact moment when things went wrong, there was little chance they could have saved him. Her husband raced to the hospital. I went with my girls to get theirs from school and took them home. Her labor was induced and after 11 hours, she gave birth to her son. And he was a little smaller but perfect in every way. His heart just wasn't beating.
I stayed on to help with the girls. My friend's parents are gone and her mother-in-law lives in New Zealand so she couldn't get there right away. I was glad to help. I've experienced some things at the shelter but this was so much more personal. The loss was intense. Her girls aren't 5 yet. How to explain to them (and mine) what happened. It was hard to watch this couple go through loss and grief and have to face every aspect of that. There was a funeral. There was that happy room in bright yellow waiting for a child that wasn't coming.
The funeral was the Friday before Halloween. I took all our girls to a Halloween trail in their town that weekend. I helped where I could. I decided we'd stay on a few days until her MIL could get there.
But my friend had a fever almost as soon as she got home from the hospital. She didn't look well. Yes, she'd been through hell. But one morning, I was making breakfast for the kids and she came into the kitchen. There was a sick smell coming from her. And I had to tell her that. I asked her if I could check her temperature. It was high. She didn't want to go, but I loaded her and the kids into the car (her husband had gone in to work for just a couple of hours) and took her to the ER. There was something left in her womb. They put her under to clear out this debris (they said it wasn't placenta) which had caused sepsis. It was serious. She was back in the hospital and we almost lost her.
Her husband and I took shifts with one of us staying with her, and the other staying with our kids until we knew she'd make it. I thanked the nurse when we brought her home three days ago for all her help. She told me that she was just grateful my friend was in California.
Her MIL got there Wednesday and we came home. But that nurse's words stayed with me. If my friend lived somewhere else, would she be dead? Would she have been denied the care she needed to save her life after the devastating loss of her son? Would her son's loss be blamed on her? Would she have been arrested? What would happen to that family either way? Either that husband and two little girls lose a wife and mother or legal issues would haunt their lives on the heels of one of the worst things that can happen to a mother.
Tuesday the 8th is election day here in the U.S. And I'm just asking as a mother, for my friend, and our daughters, that you think carefully when you vote. While I understand the ideology of those who say they want to protect the unborn, I get that, there are so many other situations where access to medical care is vital to the life of the mother. Access to reproductive care is vital to families with kids already here, and to the economy.
What happened to my friend can happen to any of us. And this is a woman who wanted her son. She loved him with all her heart. I can't even bring myself to think about what might have happened to them if they lived in a place where reproductive health care is denied or where a bounty could have been placed on her head so someone could get $10k by saying she deliberately caused that loss.
Please vote to protect women and their rights to their own bodies. Please vote to save the lives of mothers, to save families.
Thank you so much for letting me share this with you.
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purplesimmer455 · 7 months
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Meanwhile, Tess chats with Paenji and Min in the living room. She grins as they tell her more goofy stories of Megan from college. "I'm going to tease her forever about this, thanks Paenji." Tess says as Paenji finishes recounting a cheesy story involving her, Min Jun, Iseul, and Megan on a double date. Plus, Min Jun asks Tess more about herself. Tess tells him and Paenji about growing up in Willow Creek with her two moms and 4 siblings, and cat Bob, and how she met Megan in Selvadorada and they fell in love and got married. "I knew she was the one a couple months in." Tess says, her light brown eyes lit up as she recalls sitting on the couch with Megan and her two kids Safiya and Amir and looking at Megan and just knowing she wanted to marry her. "Aww man, thats sweet." Min Jun says, smiling as Tess tells him of how she asked Safiya and Amir if they were okay with her proposing to their mom and after getting their blessing, she used the ring her grandma had gifted to her and had proposed to Megan. "We got married, moved in with Luna and Chrissy, and had our third nooboo Emily a year later. She's the love of my life." Tess says softly, and Paenji exchanges a sappy look with her own love of her life, Min Jun.
The two families then have dinner together, and then the adults hang out while Emily spends time with the Kang's dog, Oscar and then sits and chat with Cam, who's dating Emily's older cousin Piper. Emily still has a bit of a crush on Cam, but thankfully it's fading and she doesn't turn as red when Cam smiles at her as she did before. "So, you excited to go to 8th grade next year?" Cam asks. "I don't know, it seems kinda scary cause everyone is graduating and going to different high schools and such the year after." Emily admits as she twists her friendship bracelet. "It'll be okay, Emmy. Maybe you'll end up at a high-school you really like with your friends. Or you'll make new friends there, like I did with my friend Casey in our first day of 9th grade, and now we're best friends." Cam says, smiling at Emily. "Yeah, maybe." Emily says, smiling back at Cam. "Are you nervous to go to college?" Emily asks, and Cam nods. "Yup, definitely, I haven't been away from home for longer than a few days. But I'm also excited and happy to be dorming with Pipes." Emily grins. "Oh, Pipes feels the same, believe me. She's always singing love songs about you around the house, it's annoying and cute at the same time." Cam laughs. "I'm sorry Emmy." She says, but Emily waves her away. "It's all good, I'm going to miss her when she's not here though, even all the cheesy songs she sings." She adds, and Cam grins, patting Emily's shoulder.
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gobletofmilk · 7 months
hours of the day ranked
1. 6pm 6pm is the best hour of every day because this is when you are eating dinner. sometimes it doesn't happen in this hour but when it does, this is why we are on earth. dinner. it's also good because you eat dinner then. 
2. 7pm i love this hour because if you have eaten dinner already you have a good 4-5 hours of true free time. you can literally do whatever, spend time with friends, read, write, watch a movie, or do what god herself placed us on this earth to do which is rot in bed and look at phone.
3. 12pm yummy lunch time 
4. 4am I'll fight all of you on this but 4am is here because of that sweet sweet rem. you know how good sleep feels at 4am? you kidding me? this is why i LIVE.
5. 12am there's just something special about midnight you know. it's just cool. if you're still awake the vibes are kinda crazy you know. if you're with friends then the vibes are even crazy er. i love it when it is midnight. 
6. 3pm i haven't been in school for years (like millions of years), but there is no denying the power of 3pm. home time. it's also the peak time in the afternoon. lots of shenanigans to be had at 3pm you know
7. 5pm this is like like school ending but for adults although i don't have a job that ends at 5 i just kind of work whenever and it is so bad for my work life balance because i end up working at the worst times and don't give myself enough time to relax but if i had a normal job this would be the best time
8. 10pm sleepy vibes you know
9. 8pm i really like this time because i'm usually right into a movie or something or playing a game or rotting in bed usually rotting 
10. 4pm it's interesting at this point we are starting to get to the hours i'm not too fond of. don't get me wrong i'm a fan of 4pm, but my brain just turns off around this time every day. i can't get anything done. it sucks. i'm not a morning person or an afternoon person or an evening person tbh.
11. 11pm hey that's a good placement
12. 5am such a risky hour. if you're getting good rem then it is the greatest hour in the world. but if you wake up at 5am and still want to have a little more sleep. god. kill me. it happened to me this morning and it has just ruined my day
13. 9pm it's kind of sad at 9pm because the night is coming to an end and it's like sad and stuff??
14. 1pm i ated all my lunch :(
15. 10am hey this is usually like a snack time so that is good. but you have a whole work day ahead of you and it's like ugh lame you know. if it is a day off though 10am can be pretty exciting. i'm usually rotting in bed around 10am
16. 2pm controversial maybe but this time isn't it. i want to go home you know i don't have three hours of work left in me.
17. 11am the most nothing hour ever created what even happens at 11am
18. 1am not for me
19. 2am like 1am but slightly worse 
20. 3am like 2am but slightly worse
21. 8am of all of the morning hours, this one is the least offensive. you're usually eating breakfast or just commuting and listening to music so hey, it gets a pass i suppose. morning sux.
22. 7am the only good thing about 7am is your bed is so comfortable, but like why can't we take that comfort and move it to other parts of the day. i gotta get up at 7am, don't do that to me.
23. 6am kill me now it's so over
24. 9am imagine being henry time, inventor of time, and thinking you know what is a good idea? 9am? what a fool. i'm so upset this time should not exist. so sick and twisted.
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not-poignant · 1 year
I hope it's okay to ask, but how are things? Looking forward to Underline The Gold on Sunday so much
Omg I'm looking forward to it too
Tbh I'm up to chapter 8 on that now so we're ready to really start pushing ahead with some of the side stories which is exciting
As for me, it's been pretty rough, anon, not gonna lie. I'm going to put this under a read more because I'm pretty honest and also because there's more than one 'I might have cancer' mention among other things:
I kind of thought I was doing fine and then it all got on top of me a couple of days ago and (self-harm mention) I ended up self-injuring due to autistic meltdown. Sometimes I don't realise how bad things really are until I'm at that stage and I have bruises and soft tissue damage to show for it. I've since talked to my doctor and therapist about it, but like...oof.
I've actually been taking a break from writing since I've hit 50k and I generally have a rule that I have to take at least 2-4 days off once I've hit that point, but I'm still pretty stuffed, but mostly for health reasons. I've written 14 chapters this month so I feel okay about the break lol.
On Friday (the day after the meltdown) I needed to have a hand X-ray (even right now, the knuckles in my left hand are really sore), see my GP for 40 minutes, talk to my therapist, organise an iron infusion (I have microcytic anemia and need an iron infusion again, which I think is my 5th or 6th - I need one about once every 2-3 years, and mostly the time between is the slow downward spiral of losing more and more iron until I'm truly fucked) and a meeting with one of the head haematologists in the state because my red blood cells are bullshit and weird (yay). Guess that explains the exhaustion.
I still need to organise a lymph node ultrasound (which is probably nothing, except there is like a 'higher than average' chance it could be metastatic cancer, since I do have tumours in my head right now that could metastasize, and the tumours are extremely close to the swollen lymph node - also I haven't had a virus).
I need to organise a meeting with a dermatologist, I need to organise a full abdominal MRI to see if I have any other tumours we don't know about, and I got an eating disorder management plan for restrictive eating, which does entitle me to like...cheaper dietitian appointments, but also formalises me as having an ED as opposed to 'disordered eating.'
On top of that I had to deal with a tribunal after my Dad had a catastrophic stroke a few months ago, and the tribunal was last month, to determine who would look after him. Our family is so broken and my stepmother so manipulative/vindictive that the government decided no one could be trusted and took care of his finances and healthcare themselves meaning none of us can have any real say in his future (truly the best outcome, but a damning one for the state of the family), and I also had to listen to my stepmother accuse my sister of being a criminal for 20 minutes with completely unfounded lies, and of course, my Dad has had a catastrophic stroke, and that's complicated. That's a whole...
That saga is so much anon, I cannot even begin to explain even the tip of that iceberg.
I've been spending a lot of extra time like scanning family photos and other things and packing items in his home for storage etc. and while that's been done now for over a month and a half, I guess the burn out started some time ago and it's just been slowly getting on top of me. Kind of the 'slowly boiling a lobster in a pot' analogy.
I've been overall quieter on Tumblr as a result of all of this, and it all just...destroyed me on Thursday, and ever since then I've been recovering.
I've just realised it's nearly 1.00am and I swear the last time I looked at the clock - which felt like 5 minutes ago - it was 11.00pm.
Oh and to top it all off I've had vicious 'not falling asleep until 4.00am' insomnia + increased nightmares because my PTSD has relapsed back into 'pretty severe.' So um, managing most nights on 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and that's bad for all my chronic illnesses, of which I have many.
Ah. Yeah. :(
Lemme rustle up some good news for you, anon, because I feel like this is just too much crap.
Bushflowers/wildflowers are really nice right now as it's turning to spring in Western Australia (it's Djilba in the Noongar seasonal system, which I prefer)
Rhubarb is in season so I'm making a lot of stewed apple and rhubarb as a comfort food.
Reading the manhwa Punch Drunk Love and enjoying it.
Asks like yours - even if all of this sounds dire - helps me to undestand that I actually do have good reasons to feel tired and that it's okay to take breaks and that's really valuable (sometimes - though rarely - people use my anon function to talk at me, rather than talking to me as a person, and I just...really value feeling like a person sometimes aslfkjsa) so while I might seem down, this has actually been nice to end my night on. Also you've reminded me that I am super excited/happy to share more Underline the Gold with people
I got some organisational stuff and organising stuff in the house makes me feel good.
I have an extremely good doctor and tbh for a long time I didn't, so like, every good specialist and doctor is worth their weight in gold. :)
I hope you're doing okay and looking after yourself / taking care anon, and that you get something good out of what remains of the weekend. <3 And for everyone who needs one, hugs are on the house.
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kingdomof-omens · 1 year
Day 4- Clutch: Folio/OFC
30 days of Bad Omens Bingo Card here Masterlist Can also be found on Wattpad and AO3 This is a work of fiction based on real people. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Pairing: Folio/OFC (Lesley)
Warning: No smut in this one- just fluff, motorcycles, short one-shot
"You want to WHAT?!" Nick screeched through the store, turning to face Lesley, his best friend since childhood.
"C'mon, Nicky! You said you'd teach me and yet I still haven't learned!" Lesley shoved his shoulder, pushing him gently into the shelf.
"Yeah Les, I did... but with my baby?" He put his hand over his heart, feigning hurt.
"Ugh, you're so dramatic." She waved him off, walking away towards the back of the store where they displayed their motorcycle helmets.
Nick was back home for the summer off of tour and his motorcycle was finally out of the shop from where someone decided to rear end it. He was excited to ride again, but he had made plans with Lesley for when he got back home to travel down to the beach. He figured they could take his beloved Harley since Lesley had never ridden before. First, she needed proper gear so to the store they went.
Lesley did make a good point, though. Nick did promise to teach her how to drive a motorcycle, but he didn't think she would actually want to. Now he was stuck between breaking a promise, or trusting his clueless best friend to ride his bike.
He didn't dwell on the thought too long, following behind her to the back corner of the store for her to pick out a helmet.
"The number one rule of riding bikes is that you dress for the slide, not the ride." He told her, grabbing her shoulders and moving her away from the faceless half-helmets to the full faced ones. "Losing body parts and getting gnarly road rash isn't fun."
She shot him a playful glare before picking up a bright pink helmet, twisting it in her hands. "What about this one, Nick?"
He took the helmet from her hands and looked it over, reading the helmet's information tag. He nodded, handing it back over to her. "This one is highly rated. It's a good one. Plus it has a communicator in it, so we can talk to each other without having to yell over the engine."
She smiled, deciding that this was the helmet for her. She left Nick standing there as she went to the counter to pay for all of her items. The leather jacket Nick had to argue with her about included.
"Okay, ready?" Nick asked, tension in his jaw. He made through on his promise, taking Lesley to a deserted parking lot to teach her how to properly drive the motorcycle. He decided to teach her later that day, so when they left for the trip tomorrow she wouldn't annoy him the whole time. She didn't mean any harm in constantly reminding him, she just didn't see Nick that often and was excited to learn something new.
She took a deep breath sitting on the bike, Nick standing right next to her. She looked up at him through the face shield on her helmet and nodded.
"Remember, you can talk. Our communicators are synced."
"Right, sorry. This is a lot of information at once. I'm just...trying to remember."
"Dude, you're good. That's why I'm here. Ask me questions, tell me what you're thinking.
"I just ask that you don't burn my clutch because it's new and hasn't been broken in yet."
Her eyes widened at his words. Things on bikes needed to be broken in?! Who in their right mind sells a bike with it not completely ready for the rider?!
He laughed at her shocked face, reaching his hand out to give her the keys. "That's a normal thing, Les. Each driver is different. You want the motor to be catered to the driver, not the other way around." He reassured her.
She grabbed the keys from his outstretched hand, placing them in the ignition. "Whatever you say, Nicky. This is why I wanted you to teach me. You know way more about this stuff than anyone else I know."
"Alright, so go ahead and make sure the bike is in neutral. Look for 'N' to be lit up."
"Now, start her up!"
Lesley gripped the key in her hand and turned it, hearing the engine below her purr to life. Her face split open, forcing a wide smile on her face, as she looked up to Nick, who's expression mirrored hers. The gentle vibrations from the engine below her was an accomplishing feeling- she got step one down successfully.
"Now here's the fun part. Remember how to drive a stick shift, Les?" Nick asked, leaning forwards and placing his arm on her shoulder, her nodding in confirmation.
"Same applies, but the controls are opposite. Clutchwith your hand, shift with your foot. One down, five up. Then the opposite to come to a stop. Try it out."
He backed away from Lesley, crossing his arms over his chest waiting for her to be comfortable enough to try to move the bike. He knew she would get the hang of it rather quickly, he was the one who also taught her how to drive a manual car. She was able to grasp that concept within three tries, and now she frequently drove her dad's old stick-shift pickup truck with the worn transmission.
The first time she attempted to move, she stalled the bike out. She didn't give the bike enough acceleration as she lifted off the clutch, causing the bike to lurch forwards slightly. Nick was immediately next to her, reaching out and grabbing the bike to keep it steady so she wouldn't topple over and get hurt.
"Dammit!" She yelled into the communicator, throwing her hands into the air. Nick chuckled at her, shaking his head. She was always a perfectionist, getting agitated if she didn't succeed at something the very first try.
"Give it some more throttle. You got this, Les. You're overthinking." He tapped his finger on the visor of her helmet.
She groaned, putting the bike into neutral before starting it again, and feeling the engine roar to life beneath her. She sat calmly, taking deep breaths and letting the vibrations of the motor sink into her bones. She remembered what Nick had told her: just like her dad's truck, the bike is finicky. "Treat her with respect and she'll glide over the road with you."
Nick backed away slowly again, standing not too far away in case Lesley needed him again. The man had the patience of a saint, and it was obvious in him calm and soothing demeanor.
Feeling like she was ready, Lesley pulled the clutch in with her left hand and kicked the shifter down into first. Taking another deep breath and closing her eyes, she cleared her mind and decided to let the bike tell her what to do. Like what Nick had taught her before: she would feel for the pull of the gear catching, and accelerate from there.
Letting off of the clutch slowly, she waited for that pull, giving the bike a tad bit of throttle to even out so she wouldn't stall again. She opened her eyes and looked to her right, seeing Nick walking beside her. He had both of his thumbs up and was nodding enthusiastically. She picked up her feet, and gave the bike more throttle, the bike gently gaining speed.
"Don't forget to shift when she's ready!" Nick called to her, coming to a stop and watching her slowly drive away. He heard her giggle in her helmet, accelerating more, as she gained distance between them.
He stood there with his arms crossed, watching his best friend with amazement. Her little giggles in his ear were bringing a smile to his face. She was a determined woman, that was for sure- never giving up on something she had set her mind to, and learning new things with ease.
He heard the bike go quiet for a moment and the click of her switching into a higher gear, then she was accelerating more.
"Nicky, look! I'm doing it, Nick!" She yelled into his ear, excitement coating her voice.
"Alright, bring her back to me. Remember to lean as you turn so you don't fall."
He watched her make the turn, leaning into it, before the headlights were casting shadows behind him.
"Can I just pull the clutch and stop like in dad's truck?" She asked as her hand came up to grip the lever on the left hand side.
"Yeah, that's a good idea." He told her, hearing the roar of the engine quiet down slightly when she pulled the clutch in.
She came to a stop next to him, gearing down the bike back into neutral, before turning the key in the ignition to the off position. She jumped off of the bike and lowered the kickstand, pulling off her helmet and turning to Nick.
He was pulling his helmet off of himself when he felt her body collide with his, her hands coming around his back to grip around his torso tightly.
"I did it! Did you see that?! I can ride a bike now!"
Helmet in his hand, he brought his arms around her to embrace her, chuckling at her words. "I saw. I'm very proud of you, Les. You did great." He squeezed her tightly once before letting go and taking a step back. When she looked up at him, she had a face splitting smile and her eyes twinkled with delight.
"You'll need more practice because you only got to second gear and there's no traffic, but we're going to save that for later." He brought his hand up and ruffled the hair on the top of her head.
"I know, but at least I got the hardest part down! The rest is super easy." She removed his hand, smoothing her brown hair back down.
"Let's get something to eat before I take you home. We gotta pack for tomorrow anyway. Just please, Les, don't pack too much shit. You see what I'm working with here."
She agreed, placing her helmet back onto her head. She waited for Nick to hop onto the bike first, before she climbed on behind him.
As Nick was driving away from the parking lot, he started shaking his head as he heard Lesley through the communicator: "Can I drive tomorrow?"
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