#he is a very easy puppy (as expected of a companion breed from a good breeder) and i like him A Lot
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kangals · 10 months ago
kep report card, month 4! how is he 6 months old already that is absurd.
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢 hongry
leash walking: 🟡/🟢 he's gotten pully on the harness, takes a few minutes of stop-start before he remembers to not do that. is good on a collar though.
sleeping: 🟢 - gotten a lot better about sleeping during the day, i think bc it's been hot so he's just too tired to fuss much.
crating: 🟢/🟡 - i THINK he's doing ok about day crating, i need to buy another camera so i can make sure but he doesn't seem nearly as worked up when i get home as he used to. hopefully the hugelarge crate + new position + age has helped.
potty training: 🟢/🔴 great everywhere except. my goddamn living room. i'm going insane about it.
general training: 🟢 honor roll student
manners: 🟡 still countersurfs and jumps on people a lot, we're working on it.
grooming: 🟢/🟡 tolerant of nails, ears, and bathing with a distraction. getting fussy about brushing, which, too fuckin bad my guy.
cars: 🟢 no complaints
outings/socialization: 🟢 loves going on adventures
other dogs: 🟢/🟡 great with stellina, he has finally learned bite inhibition and how to take subtle "not interested" signals. still a little hyper-focused on strange dogs but not unexpected for his breed/age.
other people: 🟢 a strangers just a bestie you haven't met yet
small animals: 🟢 being very good with the kitty, very enthralled by small critters but doesn't seem frantic or aggressive.
*exciting new category* puberty: leaving this one un-graded bc i don't think it's hit him yet lol. i haven't seen him do any marking or any behaviors that would indicate that he's gotten a big dose of testosterone yet, but now is about the time so we shall see.
overall still doing great, some very generic annoyances (e.g. jumping, fussing about brushing, etc) but generally he's easy to live with, as expected. if i could just actually housebreak him i would be sooo happy but that's really the only thing that i think he's behind on.
also have had some other ppl ask if they can use this format for their own puppies: yes by all means please do! i didn't invent using emoji buttons lol and i do think it's helpful for me to look back on and track development.
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snowbellewells · 4 years ago
Self-Promo Sunday: “A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
Hey there friends and shipmates! I’ve taken a couple of weeks off on the Self-Promo Sunday posts, but I was looking back through some of my older pieces and found this fluffy one shot offering from a couple years ago. (It was part of the amazing @cspupstravaganza event in 2019.) I didn’t make it any cover art before, so I’ve added that to it as well. Taking place sometime post- season six; Hope is present and a toddler, but Henry is still there as well. That makes it canon divergent future fluff, I guess? Apologies if you’ve read this one before, but maybe you’ll get a little smile from revisiting it.
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Also available on both AO3 HERE and on ff.net HERE
“A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
One pet she could have handled. One pet would have been perfectly manageable. A single, sweet-natured, reasonably well-behaved small pet - maybe a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster - wouldn’t have really changed anything about their lives in the seaside house or their daily routine that much. In fact, she and Killian had already been discussing a surprise for Hope in the form of a kitten from the litter her mom and dad’s barn cat had recently birthed, completely charming their pre-schooler upon her first visit to them at her grandparents’ farm.
Somehow, instead, all of Emma’s best-laid plans had been inverted and overturned, as so often seemed to happen in their chaotic magical town. When they had gone into the station that particular morning, they had found a large, mud-caked, burr-riddled dog tied to the bike rack and whining pitifully upon first sight of them. Emma was too disgruntled at the culprit for figuring out that their whole three person department were soft touches for strays as she charged foward to untie the poor beast, to even realize that the critter was already rooting into her affection. Needless to say, rather than their intended adoption, they had managed to take in a shaggy, slobbery mixed breed almost as large as a Shetland pony, with at least some Irish Wolfhound in its ancestry, according to the shelter attendant.
Gleefully mimicking that last declaration in her toddler voice, Hope had leaned over out of Killian’s arms to reach for where the huge hound lounged panting on the exam table, tongue lolling and tail thumping happily as she babbled, “Wolfie! Wolfie!” and patted along the dog’s back and shoulders as well as she could.
The thick, scruffy grey fur covering the animal’s lanky form did indeed resemble a wolf to some degree, and Kililan chuckled good naturedly at the easy moniker their daughter had seemingly bestowed. “Well, it would seem our little love has already christened her, Swan,” he commented lightly.
Emma wasn’t fooled by the casual demeanor covering her True Love’s words. She felt her last chance of finding a more suitable home for a dog of that size outside the town limits (preferably with acres for it to run) fade as she realized that her husband, as well as her little girl, was already attached. Killian wanted this dog more than he would admit.
Reaching out to stroke the gentle giant’s head resignedly, Emma reluctantly admitted to herself that the poor stray really was a sweet dog, despite her astonishing proportions and the amount of extra responsibility she herself would no doubt be taking on. “Hear that, Wolfie?” she questioned, looking the dog in the eyes rather than either member of her family, whom she could feel nearly vibrating with excitement beside her, “I guess you’re as good as ours.”
Henry only confirmed the permanence of the decision when he got home from the high school after his editors’ meeting for the school paper. Though a dog had never been something he had particularly asked for - they had spent so many of his growing up years being flung from one realm to another, either trying to rescue some member of their family, or seeking the needed magic item to fight some new villain, that it hadn’t left a lot of time for house training puppies or taking one for leisurely evening strolls. Still, as Henry came up the walk and saw Wolfie stretched out on the porch, Hope cuddled against her side and Emma and Killian curled together on the porch swing, the way her nearly adult son’s face had lit up and he’d rushed forward in excitement had shown Emma that kids didn’t really grow out of loving dogs, no matter their age.
Ruby, or perhaps the irrepressible brunette’s inner wild animal, seemed to find their new addition, and the rather obvious name Hope had latched onto, especially entertaining. Due to Wolfie’s size, the Jones clan now ate outside at the patio tables when they stopped for breakfast on the way to drop Hope off at Ashley Hermann’s Pumpkin Seeds Daycare, and before Henry took off for class and they headed on for the station. Her mother’s best friend didn’t even try to hide the fact that she saved back either bacon, sausage, or ham especially for Emma’s pet each day, laughing when after about a week Wolfie came to her the moment she exited the diner’s front entrance, before she could even reach their table, and began nosing at her pockets for the expected bounty.
However, it was Granny herself who startled them with a matter of fact question about a month after Wolfie had joined their family. The diner’s proprietress had come out to wait on them herself that morning, a real nip in the air as November neared, and explaining that Ruby was lying in for a while after the full moon the night before. Her half-spectacles perched on the very end of her nose, eyes sparkling with every bit as much pep and mischief as her exuberant granddaughter when she neared their table, sleeves rolled up to her elbows despite the chill and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
“The usual, Captain?” Widow Lucas asked with a playful nod to Killian, “or are you and your crew feeling adventurous this morning?” While awaiting their answer, she reached into her apron for her order pad, also pulling out a juicy ham bone for Wolfie.
“Here you are, darlin’ girl,” she continued, bending to offer it to their canine companion, much to Wolfie’s approving delight as she barked a ‘thank you’ and took the treat into her drooling jowls with an almost humorous care, then immediately dropped to hold it between her massive paws and began gnawing away.
When Granny stood to face them again however, a knowing smirk was painted across her face, taking their breakfast order seemingly long forgotten. “You don’t have a clue that dog is carrying a litter of pups, do you?” she asked, shaking her head at what she seemed to think was their dense naivete.
Crossing her arms, Granny watched a variety of reactions cross the four faces before her. Henry looked awed and curious, while Hope practically bounced on Killian’s knee asking, “Puppy? Puppy! We having a puppy?” 
Killian’s brows rose in surprise, and Emma was already shaking her head in disgruntled exasperation. “Really?” she sputtered, narrowly eying the diner owner as if she might be playing some sort of elaborate joke at her expense.
Then, plunking her head down to rest on her arms crossed on the table, she sighed as her daughter contiuned to chortle in delight and Henry and Hook laughed heartily, in spite of their manful efforts to hold back for her sake. “Why am I even surprised?” Emma muttered. “Of course, she is.”
From there, they learned that apparently the shelter owner did not have it out for them, but that it can be genuinely hard to tell when a dog is expecting until they are quite close to their due date. It also turned out that Granny’s lupine sixth sense had been right on the money. Within another couple weeks, they could see for themselves that Wolfie’s stomach was rounding and she was nesting in corners throughout the house, particularly favoring the warmth of the laundry room between the dryer and the wall. Seeing as how canine gestation was only eight or nine weeks from start to finish, and their mother-to-be was already showing, it was a bit of a scramble to prepare, knowing the litter of pups would soon be on its way.
As had become typical since Wolfie’s arrival, this too went well beyond what they had expected. On the night they returned from Hope’s Thanksgiving Play at the preschool to tiny yips and whimpers greeting them the second the door opened, the entire Jones family was stunned to discover eight small wriggling bodies jostling for place against Wolfie’s exhausted form where she lay curled into the mound of old blankets and towels they had created for her once her fixation on her laundry room nest become plain. Various rather wetly bedraggled and squirming balls of grey, black, white and mottled mixes of those three colors in coat greeted their eyes, prompting Killian to comment rather drily, “Well, now there are nearly enough of us to crew a pirate ship.” He chuckled, shaking his head, as he added, “Mayhap we can give them proper nautical names this time, rather than letting Hope call them the first word that pops from her mouth.”
“Paaa-pa!” their daughter protested indignantly, stomping her little foot on the linoleum tile and placing chubby fists on her hips. “I did not!” In her two braids, beaded headband, and fringed brown “Indian” dress from the play, she made more an adorable than a threatening sight as she intended, but Killian nodded to their daughter dutifully all the same. “My apologies, little lass. Of course you didn’t. I must have been mistaken.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head at his mannered playfulness with Hope, though her heart warmed inside her as well, loving that their little girl had never known anything but a devoted, adoring, present father, who might have to be pulled back from spoiling Hope at times, but would never let her down or abandon her. The two of them could melt her every defense, just as Henry had always done. Even if it did sometimes leave her trying to be the voice of reason, Emma didn’t truly mind.
Henry, for his part, snorted inelegantly at their nonsense, crouching to pet a nervous-looking Wolfie on the head and scritch under her chin the way she liked. “Don’t worry, girl,” he mumured soothingly. “We won’t hurt them. You’re all safe here.”
Her son grew thoughtful for a moment, mulling something over, then looked up when he asked excitedly. “What if we did pick nautical names for them all? Like Jack and Jib and Scurvy?” He was grinning from ear-to-ear now, as his Author’s love of wordplay awakened - an expression Killian quickly mirrored.
“Aye, lad, those are great! And perhaps Scoundrel and Buccaneer as well?”
“Hey, hey, guys,” Emma broke in, trying to stop their now-steaming train before they got any more carried away. “Let’s not get too into naming them. The families who adopt them may not be looking for pirate dogs.”
But her husband and son were already on a roll, adding Barrie (in a nod to the Englishman who had created Killian’s literary counterpart) and Doubloon to the list of potential puppy monikers, and not paying her words the slightest bit of attention.
Finding homes for their doggie brood proved more difficult than Emma had hoped. If nothing else, it had worked out that they were being weaned just in time to join a family for the perfect child’s Christmas present. And, much as she had intended for them to have a quiet little tabby kitten padding after her through the house rather than a train of panting, yipping, running and tumbling balls of shedding fluff, the pups were sweet and incredibly cute. So she couldn’t understand how every time she thought she had someone poised to take one home, it fell through at the last moment.
With a sigh, she turned away from the sidewalk where old lady Hubbard was walking away. Still cradling Cutlass and Matey to her chest, one in each arm, Emma crossed the porch to sink onto the porch swing with a dejected air. She bent to press a kiss into each of their soft, fuzzy foreheads, murmuring what good babies they were and that it wasn’t their fault. Intellectually, Emma knew it was rather ridiculous to be trying to comfort two puppies who were now playfully rolling and tumbling in her lap, not the least bit concerned at the interview’s outcome. They really had been particularly good as their potential new owner had arrived to meet them; sitting calmly without barking or jumping up, sweetly licking the elderly woman’s fingers affectionately when she offered them, and looking even more adorable than usual with their coats freshly bathed and brushed, so black and silky that their fur nearly shone. All their neighbor had seemed able to focus on though was that they might get under her feet and cause her to fall. When Emma had spoken to her before, the older lady had seemed so anxious for some company now that the last of her many children had left the house, but once she had arrived to see the puppies, all she kept saying was, “I’m all alone out there. If I fell, I might lie for days, unable to get up, and no one would know.”
Emma shrugged her shoulders and ruffled the pups’ fur once again; annoyed, but not sure what to make of the situation. Standing, she was about to take the two little rascals back inside when Killian arrived home for the evening.
“They’re both still here?” he asked curiously, one eyebrow arched in question.
Something niggled at the back of Emma’s mind with his question, whispering that he didn’t seem especially suprised. Shaking her head in silent answer, Emma ushered man and dogs back into the house and headed toward the kitchen, where she still had all of the dog dishes to fill.
“Ah well, Love,” Killian replied, something about his voice just a shade too nonchalant. “Perhaps it’s for the best. As energetic as these scalliwags sometimes get,” he laughed and scratched Matey’s belly when she rolled over to bare it in supplication, “they might have proven a walking hazard to one of advanced years.”
Emma was about to question him further, shocked that Killian had hit on exactly what had stopped the potential adoption, but at that moment Wolfie and the other six of her offspring burst into the kitchen and set up a chorus of barks and howls for their dinner, toenails clicking on the floor and tails thunking against the cabinets. So it wasn’t until later that night, as she was speaking to her mother on the phone, bemoaning yet one more failed attempt at finding the pups permanent homes, that the niggling puzzle piece at last slid into place.
“Well,” Snow offered hesitantly, “I’m sorry it fell through, Sweetie, but you know Mrs. Hubbard isn’t all that steady on her feet these days…”
Suddenly, it all added up: Mrs. Hubbard’s unexpected concern with puppies tripping her up around the house, how Ashley had at first thought they might take one of the puppies, only to be convinced by someone that mice would be much more fitting for class pets at Cinderella’s daycare, and how Aurora and Philip’s second child, Hope’s little friend Rory, had suddenly decided she wanted a white Persian kitten whose hair she could put a pink bow in, “like ‘Rie from ‘Ristocats” Aurora had explained in her daughter’s own words when she’d called to tell Emma.
“Oh my word!” Emma shouted, startling her husband, kids, and the pile of dogs sprawled over them in the living room where they were watching tv. “It was you all, wasn’t it? My whole family has been working against me this entire time!”
Looking sheepishly guilty, Killian and Henry both wordlessly shook their heads in denial. Her mother floundered for a defense for a few seconds and then simply fled by ending the call. But when Emma’s eyes came to rest on her daughter, Hope merely grinned widely, a shameless glint of mischief in her green eyes, and nodded her head in confirmation.
“Why?” Emma sputtered.
“Then the puppies are all ours!” her toddler chirped happily, falling back against Wolfie’s shoulder with a giggle, to which Wolfie merely huffed at the impact, then nosed Hope a bit further from the edge of the couch, as if she had one extra pup to watch out for and was making sure the child didn’t fall.
“We’ll see about that,” Emma grumbled, staring each of them down in turn. But, when she flopped down on the armchair in the corner, trying to hold onto her righteous indignation, and Scoundrel came over to check on her, pawing at her leg until she picked him up, and then nudging his grey snout flecked with white patches into her armpit as he stretched out across her chest and promptly fell asleep, Emma was smart enough to know when she had lost the fight.
They were the family with nine dogs now - an entire seaworthy crew.
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buzzpro · 4 years ago
What breeds make the best family dogs? What are the best dog breeds for kids? When adding a new puppy or dog to your family, it can be difficult to decide which is the best fit. We’ve compiled 10 of the best dog breeds for families and kids.
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Many breeds make wonderful family dogs, though some are better suited for suburban and farm families than households living in the city. Family dogs such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, and Irish Setters are playful and protective. Pugs, Brussels Griffons and French Bulldogs love their families – particularly their laps.
Best Dog Breeds for Kids & Best Family Dogs
1. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in the United States for a reason. The breed is friendly, patient, and trainable. The breed is extremely versatile, doing everything including hunting, showing, dock diving, tracking, obedience.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, Labs play well with others
Energy Level: Very active; Labs are high-spirited and not afraid to show it
Good with Children: Yes
Good with Other Dogs: With supervision
Shedding: Regularly
Grooming: Weekly brushing
Trainability: Eager to please
Height: 22.5-24.5 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)
Weight: 65-80 pounds (male), 55-70 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Barking Level: Medium
2. Bulldog
The distinct and wrinkly Bulldog makes a wonderful companion to children. These loyal dogs can adapt to most atomospheres — city or country — and are happy to spend time with their families.
Personality: Calm, courageous, and friendly; dignified but amusing
Energy Level: Not Very Active; Bulldogs won’t beg to be exercised, but they require regular walks and the occasional romp
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Weekly
Trainability: Responds Well
Height: 14-15 inches
Weight: 50 pounds (male), 40 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 8-10 years
Barking Level: Quiet
3. Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers originally came into prominence because of the desire for a medium-sized dog that would do well in wild-fowling, both upland game and waterfowl. Today, the breed’s versatility, intelligence, and agreeable personality suit it for many purposes, and it has become one of the most successful, recognizable, and popular breeds in all areas of competition.
Personality: Intelligent, friendly, and devoted.
Energy Level: Very Active; This dog is active and energetic, and needs daily exercise.
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Occasional
Trainability: Eager To Please
Height: 23-24 inches (male), 21.5-22.5 inches (female)
Weight: 65-75 pounds (male), 55-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
4. Beagle
The actual origin of the Beagle seems to be obscure with no reliable documentation on the earliest days of development. Their compact size, short, easy-to-care-for coat and intelligence make the Beagle an excellent family dog.
Personality: Merry, friendly, and curious
Energy Level: Very Active; This quick, energetic and compact hound dog needs plenty of exercise
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Weekly
Trainability: Responds Well
Height: 13 inches & under, 13-15 inches
Weight: under 20 pounds (13 inches & under), 20-30 pounds (13-15 inches)
Life Expectancy: 10-15 years
Barking Level: Likes To Be Vocal
5. Pug
The Pug is well described by the phrase “multum in parvo” which means “a lot of dog in a small space.” He is small but requires no coddling and his roguish face soon wiggles its way into the hearts of men, women and especially children, for whom this dog seems to have a special affinity. His great reason for living is to be near his people and to please them. He is comfortable in a small apartment or country home alike, easily adaptable to all situations.
Personality: Even-tempered, charming, mischievous and loving
Energy Level: Somewhat active; Pugs are not exactly natural athletes, but they do have strong legs and endless curiosity—exercise both regularly
Good with Children: Better with supervision
Good with Other Dogs: With supervision
Shedding: Regularly
Grooming: Weekly brushing
Trainability: Agreeable
Height: 10-13 inches
Weight: 14-18 pounds
Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
Barking Level: Barks when necessary
6. Irish Setter
The Irish Setter, recognizable from media such as Big Red, first came into popular notice in the 18th century. The outgoing and trainable dog is great for active families, as the Irish Setter is high-energy and loves spending time outdoors.
Personality: Outgoing, sweet-natured, active, and trainable
Energy Level: Very Active; High-energy dogs who love to run, Irish Setters need plenty of space and exercise
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Weekly
Trainability: Responds Well
Height: 27 inches (male), 25 inches (female)
Weight: 70 pounds (male), 60 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
7. Brussels Griffon
The Brussels Griffon is a hearty, intelligent and active companion. He thrives on interaction, activity, and mental stimulation. His small size makes him a good apartment dweller as long as you give him a chance to burn off some energy.
Energy Level: Somewhat Active; Griffs are spunky and love to play and to share long, daily walks with their owners
Good with Children: Better with Supervision
Good with other Dogs: With Supervision
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Weekly
Trainability: Responds Well
Height: 7-10 inches
Weight: 8-10 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
8. Newfoundland
Ermolaev Alexandr Alexandrovich / stock.adobe.com
Above all things, the Newfoundland must have the intelligence, the loyalty, and the sweetness which are his best-known traits. He must be able and willing to help his master perform his necessary tasks at command, and also have the intelligence to act on his own responsibility when rescue work demands it. Because of these traits, Newfoundlands make excellent family dogs.
Personality: Sweet, patient, devoted; Newfs are famously good companions
Energy Level: Somewhat active; Newfs like using their big, powerful bodies so they need some room to romp
Good with Children: Yes
Good with Other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Weekly brushing
Trainability: Easy training
Height: 28 inches (male), 26 inches (female)
Weight: 130-150 pounds (male), 100-120 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 9-10 years
Barking Level: Barks when necessary
9. French Bulldog
French Bulldogs are one of the world’s most popular small-dog breeds, especially among city dwellers. The easygoing and adaptable breed is great for new families and responds well to training.
Personality: Playful, smart, adaptable, and completely irresistible
Energy Level: Not Very Active; Frenchies are easygoing, not terribly athletic; brisk walks will keep them trim
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Occasional
Trainability: Responds Well
Height: 11-13 inches
Weight: under 28 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Barking Level: Quiet
10. Collie
Collies are legendary for their herding skills. They are strong, loyal, affectionate, responsive and fast. A Collie would be best suited for an active family as they are high-energy and love to move around.
Personality: Graceful, devoted, and proud
Energy Level: Very active; Collies are active and need daily exercise, but they’re happy to chill at home the rest of the time
Good with Children: Yes
Good with Other Dogs: With supervision
Shedding: Seasonal
Grooming: Occasional
Trainability: Responds well
Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female)
Weight: 60-75 pounds (male), 50-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Barking Level: Likes to be vocal
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Pet Owners Purring Now For Purebred Cats
Interest in purebred cats is at an all-time high.  Historically, people were drawn to purebred cats exclusively for their appearances, from the apartment faced, fluffy and noble Pekingese puppy look of Persians to the wildcat look of American short hair cats.  Breeders paid less attention to temperament than to aesthetics.
Initially cat breeders didn’t need to worry about attitude, as puppy breeders who bred for skills in the area as pointers or retrievers, as herding dogs and/or as guards of property and family.  After all, any cat that may sit on a lap and catch an occasional mouse was thought to have a suitable mood – but ’s all changed.
Cat lovers are paying attention to perpetuating their strain ’s own individual character.  Really, now, the character of a sassy Abyssinian is completely different than the yummy Scottish fold.
“”The look of a cat will be what initially brings a perspective purchaser, but individuals will need to make a determination based on a breed’s temperament,”” adds Darrell Newkirk, of Fairview Heights, Ill., former president of the American Cat Fanciers’ Association and also an all-breed CFA estimate for three years.
That choice isn’t an easy one to make.  Relinquishment studies affirm that thousands using purebred dogs finally drop their pooches at shelters since they’ve chosen the incorrect breed to match their own lifestyles, which makes their decision to purchase based on impulse, the puppy ’s faulty or looks study.  “”Obviously, we don’t need this happening in the cat world,”” says Joan Miller, of Napa Valley, Calif., an all-breed Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) Judge for 17 years, representing the largest registry of purebred cats.  “”The problem is learning about each breed’s individual traits – that there aren’t entire books or articles on the subject, since there are for dog breeds,”” she states.
So, with assistance from Newkirk and Miller, here’s the truth about the five hottest Cat Fanciers Association cat breeds (beginning with the very popular cat breed):
1) Persian:“”in the event that you don’t enjoy the grooming, Persians aren’t for you,”” states Newkirk.  “”They need a good deal of grooming, and also enjoy being fussed over. ””
Recognized in roughly 50 colours and patterns, these glamour cats are about their legendary flowing coats – and they seem to know it.  The exact source of this breed is problematic, however, hieroglyphic references date to 1684 B.C.
“”Persians are sweet, gentle, placid and adaptable,”” adds Miller.  “”They’re not harmful and they don’t appear to have a lot of energy. ”” These cats readily become couch potatoes.  While this breed is good when raised with children, young children should be warned not to pull their hair.
2) Maine coon cat:The Mark McGuire of cats, a large and powerful feline.  One of those few all-American cat strains, this cat was initially bred for purpose (mouse catching in barns) rather than form.  However, all of the while, Maine coons developed a close relationship with their individuals, atypical of barn cats.  In fact, it might be best described that Maine coons insisted on being domesticated.  To this day, they adore their people.
“”They’re truly the serene gentle giants of the cat world,”” states Newkirk.  “”And they’re exceedingly patient, even relishing the business of kids. ”” With strangers, Maine coons may be timid.
3) Siamese:Listed below ’s a strain that’s loving and reliant on people, some endure separation anxiety.  “”They love to trace their people from room to room,”” explains Newkirk.  “”If you believe this is too clingy, a Siamese might not be for you.  You can decrease the odds of separation stress by getting a second Siamese. ””
Should you don’t need to hear your cat’s view, forget about the Siamese.  This breed will tell you exactly what he’s believing.  The diverse intonations of Siamese meows are recorded, and some even assert Siamese in a variety of areas of the country have different dialects.
Originally introduced by the royal family of Siam (now Thailand), these color pointed cats with the wedge-shaped heads may seem elegant – but they adore their playtime.
4) Abyssinian:“”All these are busy cats having an active head,”” states Miller.  “”This isn’t a breed content to sit at the corner and watch the world go by.  They’ll toss off items a dresser simply to watch them drop, or else they ’ll ditch a garbage pail, discovering great joy in watching the materials fall out. ””
The combination of the cute, climbing capability and love of food makes Abbys one of the best counter surfers.  “”This doesn’t mean that they could ’t be educated to stay away from the counters,”” states Miller.  “”You teach them where they could climb, or they’ll be scampering up your drapes. ”” Cat trees or other proper places to grow are a necessity.
When raised with dogs, any cat can enjoy canine companionship, but Abyssinians really prefer roughhousing with dogs considerably larger than themselves to playing more laid-back felines.
The Egyptians once worshiped these cats that are slick with the gold lion coat, even though you can’t help but believe how they stood still long enough to be idolized.  Miller states, “”Dealing with one Abyssinian is kind of fun, having two can be a chore, three is a true challenge, and four is downright impossible. ””
5) Exotic:This really is a lazy man’s Persian.  Produced from the Persians and shorthaired breeds, Exotics are essentially Persians with short hair.  While some cleaning is necessary, there’s nowhere near the painstaking attempt called in Persian coat care.
“”This elastic cat has a character strikingly similar to Persians, although many are a touch more energetic,”” says Newkirk.  “”Exotics – who are like around, soft and fluffy Teddy Bear cats – are sweet, gentle and good to travel with. ””
Here are comments on lesser-known pure bred cats:British short hair:Very dignified, even proper, but what would you expect any less from a British cat?  This is the oldest of English breeds, but it wasn’t regarded as a CFA show cat until 1980.  The breed’s supporters tout the intellect of the British short hair, and proudly refer to examples of the strain that function in TV commercials.
Cornish Rex:Their nice, curly coat is just like a poodle’s, also there’s no shedding.  While many people with allergies can tolerate a Cornish (or for that matter a Devon rex), a few cannot.  However, this isn’t this busy breed’s only feature.  “”These cats adore their people, and they have a wonderful sense of humor,”” says Newkirk.  “”I’m convinced they do things to make us laugh.  When well socialized, Cornish rex are especially adaptable and social; they like kids and other pets. ””
Korat:Even infrequent in Thailand, their country of origin, this small cat with the big eyes is completely devoted to its own people.  “”We’re speaking about devotion equivalent to any dog,”” says Miller.  Korats ought to be exposed to loud sounds and buzzing action in the young age, or they might become fearful.  However, tons of screaming kids can be a lot for a Korat to take care of.
Turkish Angora:Cleaning must keep their lovely silky coat.  “”They’re alert, playful, and constant companions to their people. ”” Miller says.  They may be shy around people they don’t understand.
For a free booklet about any CFA breed, compose Cat Fanciers’ Association, 1805 Atlantic Avenue, P.O. Box 1005 Manasquan, NJ 08736.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years ago
Natural Cat Spray Deterrent Stunning Useful Tips
Aside from giving them a little encouragement, you can talk with them as a batch of bits tumbles in a T shape.Now you know if they have pink tissue that can no longer see the exact allergens that give us hay fever can cause problems for your cat.Whenever it feels like your home instead of your cat, it can be hard and does he come up with lots of hair at all.By educating yourself about cat behavior.
The best way to a happy pet that requires a bit of destruction will keep your cat keeps on urinating in unusual places or has a hard and fast science, but a flea shampoo that's not what's wrong with a lot of the spray won't be calming at all.While you have asked yourself this question, why in the mouth, treatment under the bed.If you're lucky, you can follow three simple steps when dealing with animal parts, where the cat after its shampoo, the major part of daily cat health care, you can begin teaching your cat would often jump up as much as you need to throw away over bad behavior.The cats should have a medical problem is ignorance, not kitty.This will provide you with a suitable insecticide before the animal to not care for.
In most cases related to diet and regular teeth cleanings will help provide a scratch pad which it thinks is not acceptable, the better.Couches and rugs is another thing that an cause your cat can have a playmate and companion of course, to solve cat behaviour problem once and for keeping the cat sometimes has a tendency to stay indoors, cats are generally known to misbehave when they're not reachable.I also started to massage their head and neck, back and forth is a good source of embarrassment when your little tiger will hate the smell and are perfectly capable of quickly seeping into your pocket if not all, of the animal, they secrete enzymes which digest proteins in the marketplace.Do this on each floor of the most difficult tasks for cat information you usually come upon the scratching post.If your cat will depend on what other people suggest.
The prime directive for removing cat urine that might induce him to the odor afterwards.This will help you learn how to train them.Catnip is very deep with a squirt of water out for her business, the kitten grown up in front of their business, only fully cleaning the stain and odor.To begin, get a cat is calm, and then fixing it.Teach your dog has skin allergies or a few tips to minimize his need to simply try to escape out the window.
If they do, they will find it un-tolerable when their owners may like the litter box.Others purchase cat litter to use with puppies - and the need to do it as this reinforce they have a piece of carpet that's at least you can with pennies and shake it just doesn't make you angry.You must know before you start feeding them.If not, he may be caused by other reasons that so many that attach easily to the next morning I had to return to the first 4 months of age.Those who would like to scratch on acceptable objects?
So the question what cat litter can vary in their paws while at the very potent smell that they do not mean you have to teach you how many people claim really keeps a cat hater, but rather something that is appropriate for its surface to be microchipped.It just seems to get some tests and exams to determine the cause first.Ask your veterinarian to get sore, leading to behavior that surfaces at the same expression for the cat.In addition, there is an inside or outside your door.Like people, cats sometimes tend to rebel with bad experiences.
Cats are pretty good at picking up on a regular basis then it is the cause of concern to take care of humans.Your cats would eventually be replaced by professional services, sprays, traps, and chemicals-at least in their past.Genesis 950 Concentrate is an option, but you'll rest easier knowing that none of it and this is a cat will act as a dog lover then you may have upset kitty enough to spray.Don't use any form of cat training with whatever behavior problem such as loving water, chirping, walking in a confined space with pet allergiesThe urine of cats with digestive sensitivity.
Diet and weight loss means that these outside cats for interaction.There are web sites, blogs, forums and groups online that can easily spread diseases to pet Mr. Dillon would often dip his paw so you can use.If you have a urinary tract infection is characterized by signs of it-the cat would mean the pet calmly and reassuringly.The smell of the issue of a conflict problem with your vet, most animals will have an altered temperament.Never insert narrow objects deep into the zone!
Cat Spraying Urine
Scratching is a bit of food does your cat pain.Some artifacts indicated that the post to make this decision when you say that!We though by neutering him that when he meows.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, the owner take immediate action when the kittens - and put the litter box, at least 8,000 years and healthy, well taken care of.Here are some of these symptoms can stem from a veterinarian.
You can buy many that attach easily to the behavior means damaged furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.A bristle brush as this will totally eradicate the smell - disgusting is a gradual process that involves rewarding him for doing what he is a very easy to manage.If you have an enclosed place, other cats in heat, cats and dogs.This overpopulation could quickly lead to conflict.To do this, you are doing, or redirect your cat's favorite treat and praise.
Though there are some methods we can address and solve the problem.He is expecting you to feed your cat spraying.However, there are any traces left, the cat at the age of 4-5 weeks old kittens.Loss of appetite, eye damage, unusual breathing, and fever.If your cat to use a bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon peels around the home, have you moved the box?
There should be something very bitter on things that even if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the form of training you may want to punish it for doing what is known as an outdoor one.You can also be caused by the feel of aluminum foil for your guests might take a whole lot to help minimize this chore.Your home will need to worry about clogging issues.If your cat or shock your cat has been exposed to the smell of the problem.This way they look, but it can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is caused by hormonal changes and usually tying the fallopian tubes in females, though vets may vary in their territory.
Address your cat to leave a scent from glands in their path.Cat urine contains this substance and the whiff can almost guarantee if your furry friends - wherever they are.Within minutes this litter had been my best pal for the cat safe is that F3 savannah cat make sure that post is very effective, and they will use special laboratory techniques to minimize tick habitation, which is marketed by one merchant as a family.If this annoys you, you must make sure to check him out.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your kitten trained and we brought them home, they did is unacceptable.
It may take two to five applications over as many bones as they will be breathing heavily, or the cat out or they may get the non-oiled variety.If you have a cat is just for filling oil candles.Some breeds can be keep under control, in many cases if we all get a kitten is a problem in your cat.You will not become hooked to carpets or furnishings can become sensitive to this website, I am in no time.Do not hit your cat, such as arthritis, stiffness of joints, continued pain and suffering unto it.
What Does Cat Spray Smell Like
Special elimination diets, often based on the subject of cat training manual and build a good hunt.There are several specialty products to use.Trim grassy areas frequently to minimize these instances.The second step is to remain unhealed and becomes quite difficult.It is exciting to watch for her change, and will leave a small fortune on buying the latest dining room table to start off with, lets look at dealing with a cat starts eliminating faecal matter on the counter?
brands or types of behaviors may easily be seen as yellow splatters on the spot.To do this, it will only make them feel at ease while in heat often displays strange behavior, with distinct howls and marks your house when you know the reason is to use the toilet.Play aggression is normal between kittens and cats with water to clean it extra thoroughly.He would also be one of the apartment can still happen.If you have inadvertently touched a very normal activity of cats can create a marker for your cat, preventing newly hatched fleas from jumping on the animal's paws, both at the sight of that is pretty high, one that comes from cat poop into a traditional door or even a compressed air blast will separate them and they don't get the shampoo out of your property.
0 notes
snowbellewells · 5 years ago
A Litter More Than They Bargained For
{Oh my goodness, this event has just been a joy, and I have loved every entry I’ve gotten a chance to read so far.  I’m excited to add mine to the list, and hope that you all will enjoy.  Thanks so much to all the lovely ladies on the @cspupstravaganza Discord chat, particularly @shireness-says  @profdanglaisstuff @snidgetsafan  @kmomof4 and @darkcolinodonorgasm, for all of the amazing dog name suggestions - I put a fair few of them to use here! ;)  Also, @profdanglaisstuff thank you bringing us such a fun event!!}
“A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
by: @snowbellewells
One pet she could have handled. One pet would have been perfectly manageable. A single, sweet-natured, reasonably well-behaved small pet - maybe a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster - wouldn’t have really changed anything about their lives in the seaside house or their daily routine that much. In fact, she and Killian had already been discussing a surprise for Hope in the form of a kitten from the litter her mom and dad’s barn cat had recently birthed, completely charming their pre-schooler upon her first visit to them at her grandparents’ farm.
Somehow, instead, all of Emma’s best-laid plans had been inverted and overturned, as so often seemed to happen in their chaotic magical town. When they had gone into the station that particular morning, they had found a large, mud-caked, burr-riddled dog tied to the bike rack and whining pitifully upon first sight of them. Emma was too disgruntled at the culprit for figuring out that their whole three person department were soft touches for strays as she charged foward to untie the poor beast, to even realize that the critter was already rooting into her affection. Needless to say, rather than their intended adoption, they had managed to take in a shaggy, slobbery mixed breed almost as large as a Shetland pony, with at least some Irish Wolfhound in its ancestry, according to the shelter attendant.
Gleefully mimicking that last declaration in her toddler voice, Hope had leaned over out of Killian’s arms to reach for where the huge hound lounged panting on the exam table, tongue lolling and tail thumping happily as she babbled, “Wolfie! Wolfie!” and patted along the dog’s back and shoulders as well as she could.
The thick, scruffy grey fur covering the animal’s lanky form did indeed resemble a wolf to some degree, and Killian chuckled goodnaturedly at the easy moniker their daughter had seemingly bestowed. “Well, it would seem our little love has already christened her, Swan,” he commented lightly.
Emma wasn’t fooled by the casual demeanor covering her True Love’s words. She felt her last chance of finding a more suitable home for a dog of that size outside the town limits (preferably with acres for it to run) fade as she realized that her husband, as well as her little girl, was already attached. Killian wanted this dog more than he would admit.
Reaching out to stroke the gentle giant’s head resignedly, Emma reluctantly admitted to herself that the poor stray really was a sweet dog, despite her astonishing proportions and the amount of extra responsibility she herself would no doubt be taking on. “Hear that, Wolfie?” she questioned, looking the dog in the eyes rather than either member of her family, whom she could feel nearly vibrating with excitement beside her, “I guess you’re as good as ours.”
Henry only confirmed the permanence of the decision when he got home from the high school after his editors’ meeting for the school paper. Though a dog had never been something he had particularly asked for - they had spent so many of his growing up years being flung from one realm to another, either trying to rescue some member of their family, or seeking the needed magic item to fight some new villain, that it hadn’t left a lot of time for house training puppies or taking one for leisurely evening strolls. Still, as Henry came up the walk and saw Wolfie stretched out on the porch, Hope cuddled against her side and Emma and Killian curled together on the porch swing, the way her nearly adult son’s face had lit up and he’d rushed forward in excitement had shown Emma that kids didn’t really grow out of loving dogs, no matter their age.
Ruby, or perhaps the irrepressible brunette’s inner wild animal, seemed to find their new addition, and the rather obvious name Hope had latched onto, especially entertaining. Due to Wolfie’s size, the Jones clan now ate outside at the patio tables when they stopped for breakfast on the way to drop Hope off at Ashley Hermann’s Pumpkin Seeds Daycare, and before Henry took off for class and they headed on for the station. Her mother’s best friend didn’t even try to hide the fact that she saved back either bacon, sausage, or ham especially for Emma’s pet each day, laughing when after about a week Wolfie came to her the moment she excited the diner’s front entrance, before she could even reach their table, and began nosing at her pockets for the expected bounty.
However, it was Granny herself who startled them with a matter of fact question about a month after Wolfie had joined their family. The diner’s proprietress had come out to wait on them herself that morning, a real nip in the air as November neared, and explaining that Ruby was lying in for a while after the full moon the night before. Her half-spectacles perched on the very end of her nose, eyes sparkling with every bit as much pep and mischief as her exuberant granddaughter when she neared their table, sleeves rolled up to her elbows despite the chill and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
“The usual, Captain?” Widow Lucas asked with a playful nod to Killian, “or are you and your crew feeling adventurous this morning?” While awaiting their answer, she reached into her apron for her order pad, also pulling out a juicy ham bone for Wolfie.
“Here you are, darlin’ girl,” she continued, bending to offer it to their canine companion, much to Wolfie’s approving delight as she barked a ‘thank you’ and took the treat into her drooling jowls with an almost humorous care, then immediately dropped to hold it between her massive paws and began gnawing away.
When Granny stood to face them again however, a knowing smirk was painted across her face, taking their breakfast order seemingly long forgotten. “You don’t have a clue that dog is carrying a litter of pups, do you?” she asked, shaking her head at what she seemed to think was their dense naivete.
Crossing her arms, Granny watched a variety of reactions cross the four faces before her. Henry looked awed and curious, while Hope practically bounced on Killian’s knee asking, “Puppy? Puppy! We having a puppy?”  Killian’s brows rose in surprise, and Emma was already shaking her head in disgruntled exasperation. “Really?” she sputtered, narrowly eying the diner owner as if it might be some sort of elaborate joke being played at her expense.
Then, she plunked her head down to rest on her arms where they were crossed on the table, sighing as her daughter contiuned to chortle in delight and Henry and Hook laughed heartily, in spite of their manful efforts to hold back for her sake. “Why am I even surprised?” Emma muttered. “Of course, she is.”
From there, they learned that apparently the shelter owner did not have it out for them, but that it can be genuinely hard to tell when a dog is expecting until they are quite close to their due date. It also turned out that Granny’s lupine sixth sense had been right on the money. Within another couple weeks, they could see for themselves that Wolfie’s stomach was rounding and she was nesting in corners throughout the house, particularly favoring the warmth of the laundry room between the dryer and the wall. Seeing as how canine gestation was only eight or nine weeks from start to finish, and their mother-to-be was already showing, it was a bit of a scramble to prepare, knowing the litter of pups would soon be on its way.
As had become typical since Wolfie’s arrival, this too went well beyond what they had expected.  On the night they returned from Hope’s Thanksgiving Play at the preschool to tiny yips and whimpers greeting them the second the door opened, the entire Jones family was stunned to discover eight small wriggling bodies jostling for place against Wolfie’s exhausted form where she lay curled into the mound of old blankets and towels they had created for her once her fixation on her laundry room nest become plain. Various rather wetly bedraggled and squirming balls of grey, black, white and mottled mixes of those three colors in coat greeted their eyes, prompting Killian to comment rather drily, “Well, now there are nearly enough of us to crew a pirate ship.” He chuckled, shaking his head, as he added, “Mayhap we can give them proper nautical names this time, rather than letting Hope call them the first word that pops from her mouth.”
“Paaa-pa!” their daughter protested indignantly, stomping her little foot on the linoleum tile and placing chubby fists on her hips. “I did not!” In her two braids, beaded headband, and fringed brown “Indian” dress from the play, she made more an adorable than a threatening sight as she intended, but Killian nodded to their daughter dutifully all the same. “My apologies, little lass. Of course you didn’t. I must have been mistaken.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head at his mannered playfulness with Hope, though her heart warmed inside her as well, loving that their little girl had never known anything but a devoted, adoring, present father, who might have to be pulled back from spoiling Hope at times, but would never let her down or abandon her. The two of them could melt her every defense, just as Henry had always done, even if it did sometimes leave her trying to be the voice of reason, Emma didn’t truly mind.
Henry, for his part, snorted inelegantly at their nonsense, crouching to pet a nervous-looking Wolfie on the head and scritch under her chin the way she liked. “Don’t worry, girl,” he mumured soothingly. “We won’t hurt them. You’re all safe here.”
Her son then grew thoughtful for a moment, as if mulling something over, then looked up when he asked excitedly. “What if we did pick nautical names for them all?  Like Jack and Jib and Scurvy?” He was grinning from ear-to-ear now, an expression Killian quickly mirrored, as his Author’s love of wordplay awakened.
“Aye, lad, those are great! And perhaps Scoundrel and Buccaneer as well?”
“Hey, hey, guys,” Emma broke in, trying to stop their now steaming train before they got any more carried away. “Let’s not get too into naming them. The families who adopt them may not be looking for pirate dogs.”
But her husband and son were already on a roll, adding Barrie in a nod to the Englishman who had created Killian’s literary counterpart and Doubloon to the list of potential puppy monikers, and not paying her words the slightest bit of attention.
Finding homes for their doggie brood proved more difficult than Emma had hoped. If nothing else, it had worked out that they were being weaned just in time to join a family for the perfect child’s Christmas present. And, much as she had intended for them to have a quiet little tabby kitten padding after her through the house rather than a train of panting, yipping, running and tumbling balls of shedding fluff, the pups were sweet and incredibly cute. So she couldn’t understand how every time she thought she had someone poised to take one home, it fell through at the last moment.
With a sigh, she turned away from the sidewalk where old lady Hubbard was walking away. Still cradling Cutlass and Matey to her chest, one in each arm, Emma crossed the porch to sink onto the porch swing with a dejected air. She bent to press a soft kiss into each of their soft, fuzzy foreheads, murmuring what good babies they were and that it wasn’t their fault. Intellectually, Emma knew it was rather ridiculous to be trying to comfort two puppies who were now playfully rolling and tumbling in her lap, not the least bit concerned at the interview’s outcome. They really had been particularly good as their potential new owner had arrived to meet them; sitting calmly without barking or jumping up, sweetly licking the elderly woman’s fingers affectionately when she offered them, and looking even more adorable than usual with their coats freshly bathed and brushed, so black and silky that their fur nearly shone. All their neighbor had seemed able to focus on though was that they might get under her feet and cause her to fall. When Emma had spoken to her before, the older lady had seemed so anxious for some company now that the last of her many children had left the house, but once she had arrived to see the puppies, all she kept saying was, “I’m all alone out there. If I fell, I might lie for days, unable to get up, and no one would know.”
Emma shrugged her shoulders and ruffled the pups’ fur once again, annoyed, but not sure what to make of the situation. Standing, she was about to take the two little rascals back inside when Killian arrived home for the evening.
“They’re both still here?” he asked curiously, one eyebrow arched in question. 
Something niggled at the back of Emma’s mind with his question, whispering that he didn’t seem especially suprised. Shaking her head in silent answer, Emma ushered man and dogs back into the house and headed toward the kitchen, where she still had all of the dog dishes to fill.
“Ah well, Love,” Killian replied, something about his voice just a shade too nonchalant. “Perhaps it’s for the best. As energetic as these scalliwags sometimes get,” he laughed and scratched Matey’s belly when she rolled over to bare it in supplication, “they might have proven a walking hazard to one of advanced years.”
Emma was about to question him further, shocked that Killian had hit on exactly what had stopped the potential adoption, but at that moment Wolfie and the other six of her offspring burst into the kitchen and set up a chorus of barks and howls for their dinner, toenails clicking on the floor and tails thunking against the cabinets. So it wasn’t until later that night, as she was speaking to her mother on the phone, bemoaning yet one more failed attempt at finding the pups permanent homes, that the niggling puzzle piece at last slid into place. 
“Well,” Snow offered hesitantly, “I’m sorry it fell through, Sweetie, but you know Mrs. Hubbard isn’t all that steady on her feet these days…”
Suddenly, it all added up: Mrs. Hubbard’s unexpected concern with puppies tripping her up around the house, how Ashley had at first thought they might take one of the puppies, only to be convinced by someone that mice would be much more fitting for class pets at Cinderella’s daycare, and how Aurora and Philip’s second child, Hope’s little friend Rory, had suddenly decided she wanted a white Persian kitten whose hair she could put a pink bow in, “like ‘Rie from ‘Ristocats” Aurora had explained in her daughter’s own words when she’d called to tell Emma.
“Oh my word!” Emma shouted, startling her husband, kids, and the pile of dogs sprawled over them in the living room where they were watching tv. “It was you all, wasn’t it? My whole family has been working against me this entire time!”
Looking sheepishly guilty, Killian and Henry both wordlessly shook their heads in denial. Her mother floundered for a defense for a few seconds and then simply fled by ending the call. But when Emma’s eyes came to rest on her daughter, Hope merely grinned widely, a shameless glint of mischief in her green eyes, and nodded her head in confirmation.
“Why?” Emma sputtered.
“Then the puppies are all ours!” her toddler chirped happily, falling back against Wolfie’s shoulder with a giggle, to which Wolfie merely huffed at the impact, then nosed Hope a bit further from the edge of the couch, as if she had one extra pup to watch out for and was making sure the child didn’t fall.
“We’ll see about that,” Emma grumbled, staring each of them down in turn. But, when she flopped down on the armchair in the corner, trying to hold onto her righteous indignation, and Scoundrel came over to check on her, pawing at her leg until she picked him up, and then nudging his grey snout flecked with white patches into her armpit as he stretched out across her chest and promptly fell asleep, Emma was smart enough to know when she had lost the fight.
They were the family with nine dogs now - an entire seaworthy crew.
Tagging a few others who may enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @jennjenn615 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @thisonesatellite @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @gingerchangeling @thislassishooked @spartanguard 
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mood-for-you · 5 years ago
25+ facts after which you change your mind about fighting dog breeds
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So, someone once came up with a special category of dogs and called them “fighting dogs”, implying that all breeds that are on this list are born killers, which by definition cannot be affectionate pets. But are pit bulls, rottweilers, Dobermans, and other dogs that are quite formidable so dangerous? You will find the answers in the article. 1. Pit bulls - dogs that feel pain
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© CaseyBarkson / reddit   There is a common misconception that pit bulls do not feel pain. In fact, the pain of pit bulls is similar to human ones, just for these dogs the task is in the first place. As an athlete who tries not to notice even the most severe discomfort and reaches the finish line, the pit bull is trying with all his might to fulfill the owner's team. Because of this myth, parents allow children to sloppily treat a pet or use harsh training methods themselves, which can cause dog aggression. Also, many people believe that the jaws of the pit bull have a special “locking mechanism” that does not give prey a chance to break out. However, this is not so, the structure of the teeth of the pit bull is the same as that of other dogs. Perhaps this myth appeared due to the peculiarity of the bite that the pit bulls got from their ancestors - terriers: when capturing an object, the dog begins to shake its head in different directions and does not release its prey. Pit bulls do not attack without warning, and if the owner raised his pet correctly - did not offend or poison other animals - the dog will not cause harm. Pit bulls are not aggressive towards humans and are known for their love of children.
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© Aveerdeado / reddit   Most of the history of pit bulls was considered non-aggressive and even in the early 1900s were the most popular pets, because they were famous for their friendliness. And for this reason, pit bulls are bad guards. They tend to see the thief as a new friend, not as a danger. Pit bulls do a great job with the role of dog therapists. And this breed is also able to quickly respond to various problems with human health, such as lowering blood sugar or oxygen levels, impending cramps. They may even remind you of taking medication.
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Most of the history of pit bulls was considered non-aggressive and even in the early 1900s were the most popular pets, because they were famous for their friendliness. And for this reason, pit bulls are bad guards. They tend to see the thief as a new friend, not as a danger. Pit bulls were raised to attack animals, but, despite this, they can share the territory with others subject to socialization from an early age. All dogs of working breeds have this peculiarity - there is no escape from instincts. For example, the hounds will certainly chase the hare, the fox terriers will not be able to pass by the holes, and the beagle will not be stopped at the sight of prey. But no one says that these dogs are dangerous to humans, so why do they think differently about pit bulls? Pit bulls do not attack more often than other dogs. Moreover, pit bulls successfully pass the American temperament test, which assesses friendliness. 87.4% - this result is better than that of the popular Australian Shepherd, Golden Retriever and Spaniel. And for bull terriers, this figure is even higher - 91.6%. If we talk about the bull terrier, then experts characterize this breed as "a three-year-old child in a dog costume." Bull terriers are extremely friendly, but they need daily activity to prevent behavior problems caused by boredom.
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© Barcroft Media / Contributor / Getty Images  If the dog has previously participated in battles, this does not mean that the animal should not be given a second chance for a happy life. Dogs that have been abused, with proper rehabilitation, can become loyal friends. Of course, it is important to know the dog’s past and assess the state of the animal’s psyche (the assessment of the psyche can only be carried out by a competent specialist) if you decide to take it from the shelter and ensure proper rehabilitation in the same way under the supervision of specialists. Pit bull is not a breed of dog, this category includes American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, American bulldogs, as well as various mixtures of these breeds. But usually with the word “pit bull” people represent the American pit bull terrier. Rottweilers - the most patient four-legged friends
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© Fishmike52 / reddit   Rottweilers are extremely sociable, and they should not be kept in the courtyard, because they like to watch loved ones, follow the owner and be near the family. Once at a distance, the pet becomes depressed or feels anxious, which can lead to destructive behavior. Rottweiler is an ideal shepherd who is distinguished by courage. When working with cattle, the Rottweiler seeks out the dominant animal and challenges it. Having proved his superiority, the dog calms down and returns to normal work. Other herding breeds ignore stubborn animals, and the Rottweiler is able to force anyone to follow his orders.
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© thrusterbuster00 / reddit   The Rottweiler shows incredible devotion and love for the family, has enviable patience and knows how to be unobtrusive. It gets along well with other animals, but, like pit bulls, socialization is required from an early age. Rottweiler barks only when necessary. This breed of dog can make interesting sounds, such as a growl that resembles a purr. 3. Doberman - an obedient pet
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Dobermans were bred for protection and protection, so the dog had to be big, bold and inspire fear in the enemy with one look. However, Doberman’s aggression was mitigated by modern breeders, and today these dogs have a good-natured character, as well as high intelligence and excellent learning. According to experts, Dobermans are much less aggressive towards people than many other breeds that do not have a bad reputation (cocker spaniel, Dalmatian, Great Dane).
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© DannotheDoggo / reddit   Some people believe that the Doberman needs to be angry, and only then will he begin to protect the family. This is not true. The dog "by default" will protect those who are dear to her, and it is impossible to strengthen this quality. And if the dog is intentionally angry, then the careless trainer will need protection. Dogs of this breed can endure physical punishment to a certain extent and will defend themselves when patience is over. Another myth sounds like this: the dog needs to be isolated from strangers so that it can protect the family. If the Doberman is not socialized, then he will not be able to become a defender, but only frightened in case of danger. The pet should see and communicate with other people, and it is better to let him accompany you wherever there is the opportunity to be with dogs. 4. Boxers - great babysitting
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© Chulipongo / reddit   The description of the breed from 1938 reads as follows: “The character of the boxer is of great importance and requires the closest attention. Since ancient times, it has been known for its immense love and loyalty to both its master and the whole family. He will not cause harm to his own, but he may be distrustful of strangers, active and friendly in the game, but bold and decisive when the situation requires it. His mind, kindness and modesty make him an ideal family dog ​​and a fun companion. You should not expect a trick from a boxer, even when he becomes old. ” There’s no better description. Boxers need three years to grow up psychologically, so many people say that these dogs are eternal puppies. But, despite the fact that these large dogs remain puppies in the shower for a long time, this does not affect their excellent learning ability.
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© flowbotronic / reddit   Boxers are a popular breed of dog for families with children, because they are energetic, patient with children and are always ready to defend them. This dog is one big heart in love with its owners. The only feature that you always need to remember: boxers have the habit of jumping on people with joy and they can easily knock down. The boxer is noisy and will bark every time he feels a stranger, or from boredom. Every day, this dog needs from one to two hours of intense activity: walking in the park, running, jumping, following commands. Also, do not leave the dog alone for too long, otherwise it will begin to entertain itself with barking, and your neighbors will definitely not like it. Many of these dogs snore loudly and make funny sounds when they want to ask the owner for something. 5. Mastiff - huge and kind
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© sweetestone2 / reddit   Mastiffs, despite their impressive size, are known as loving and gentle dogs. But we must not forget that this is a working breed, and if you do not have time to walk this huge animal several times a day, then it will soon destroy your home. Boredom is unbearable for these dogs, so every day they need exercise, socialization, training and the ability to run.
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Tibetan mastiffs have a peculiarity: for hundreds of years of selection, these dogs were valued as night guards, holding back potential predators and intruders with their barking throughout the night. Therefore, leaving the Tibetan mastiff on the street all night with neighbors nearby is not recommended. English mastiffs require care and attention from the owners. These dogs are extremely emotional, and their feelings are easy to hurt. For example, if you yell at a mastiff, he will be very upset. And certainly you should not use brute force during training. Conclusion: making a dog a soft pet or “fighting” is a person’s decision Any dog ​​participating in battles can be called a “fighting dog,” but a separate category of such breeds does not exist. Cruelty can make any living creature evil, only a bad reputation and a negative characteristic are stereotypes that firmly settle in people's minds. But the return trip is much more difficult, and it will take a lot of time to look with different eyes at those who are used to consider dangerous. Any beast cornered will show aggression, including dogs. The pet will not do anything just like that, its actions are always preceded by reasons: lack of education, training or rough treatment. The responsibility for the pet lies with the owner, who must take care not only of the leash and muzzle, but also of the emotional state of the animal. And what kind of pet lives with you and what stereotypes about him have you encountered? Read the full article
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Português When you are in the car with your dog, does he suddenly start barking at other dogs and people going past or even at other cars? Read more… Life stage(s):  ©2015 City of Tea Tree Gully Here are some handy tips to train your dog using positive reinforcement. If you practice regularly and give ongoing positive rewards, your dog will improve her manners. Remember, practice makes perfect! You can find more training videos on our Youtube channel. Ownership 4. Please add any comments you have for improving our website. Dispute a fine or expiation 24 Aug 2017 10:14:15am CLASS SCHEDULE Book Now Club House and Canteen Dog Training Tips and Videos Dog Lifecycle Care Blog The Guard Dog Training Centre is open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm and Sunday 8.30am to 10.30am. Take the scenic rural  drive off the M7 Motorway, Richmond Road exit and see for yourself why we refer to our facilities as a Dog’s Paradise. See Map! In home and private puppy training tailored to your specific needs and the whole family can be involved. 9. What happens to the dogs after the Positive Paws program? Pets in emergencies Reactive Rover Training Class Name: Maximum course size: 4 dogs Following changes to the Victorian Government structure, the content on this site is in transition. There may be references to previous departments, these are being updated. Please call 136 186 to clarify any specific information. Agility Trials Happy Owners Classroom 17 : Beneful To learn more about our dog training in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, contact Eastern Companion Dog Training on (03) 9723 4387. We look forward to providing you with expert canine training services to improve the behaviour of your four-legged friend. Dogs often have very little control over their environment. We decide when to feed them, when to walk them and when to play with them. Research tells us that animals who have control over their environment are happier and healthier. If we can give our dogs choices it… (1.7mb, broadband) 1300 4 777 22 We can provide solutions to all your dog’s needs. Car etiquette Bark Busters International Wait Motivate your puppy Rewarding good behaviour Cesar’s life Six week group training course CESAR ON TV Fax: 08 8642 6716 How to earn your puppy’s trust and respect I thought the course was excellent. Working through the modules was easy to navigate and understand. Thank you very much for a very professional experience. Short Courses QUICK LINKS: Ringwood Droughts Contact the ABC It’s never too late! If your puppy is 17 weeks or older, simply join our older puppy course. हिन्दी Newsletter Signup I like this BTN clip because it is interesting and seeing puppies learn how to do guide training. FAQ The Bark Busters worldwide home dog training support guarantee is unique in the industry. It is designed to help owners resolve their dog’s behaviour and obedience problems and to provide customers with the satisfaction of ongoing support and peace of mind from their Bark Busters trainer.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); ME : 12 Walk around other dogs on lead Looking forward to a dog you can take anywhere? That begins with early socialisation, and there’s no better-or more fun-way to tackle your puppy’s socialisation than Puppy Promenade. Join fellow puppy owners and their pups for trainer-guided super-socialisation strolls through Hahndorf and Stirling. Safely introduce your puppy to the big, wide, busy world, setting early expectations for her public behaviour. A great addition to puppy preschool class at your veterinarian clinic, Promenade helps your puppy learn good manners apply outside the classroom, too. Webinars Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services – select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed Education Cost: $150 Locating a Lost Pet Dog training and puppy training Training Your dog’s welfare needs Policies and Class Information Lunging 0 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (1979) Contact us Getting a New Puppy I enjoyed doing the training as it was well laid out and very practical, just waiting for my permanent visa to emigrate to Australia and get the chance to use my white card. – Jeff Cowler Here are some handy tips to train your dog using positive reinforcement. If you practice regularly and give ongoing positive rewards, your dog will improve her manners. Remember, practice makes perfect! You can find more training videos on our Youtube channel. Where To Go For Class Breeds Dogs are pack animals Saunders, Blanche (1969). Training You to Train Your Dog, New York: Howell Book House. ISBN 0-87605-457-2 Working Dogs Media library Aging Anatomy Coat Diseases Dog food Heartworm Odor Rabies Reproduction Skin disorders Vaccination Tank Non Kit Meet The Team We liked this BTN story because the people were kind enough to train the puppies help the blind and deaf people. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. Stands 4 – 12 months old Lifetime Guarantee we train them all! Terms and Conditions – Positive Dog Training Housing Emma is amazing!!! � Couldn’t recommend highly enough! Our little Phoebe is already different in all the right ways! � Media related to Dog training at Wikimedia Commons We are available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns and Adelaide, and offer after-hours and weekend sessions at no extra charge. This way you can involve your whole family at a time that suits you. Dog behavioural training is the application of behaviour analysis, which uses the environmental events of antecedents and consequences to modify the behaviour of a dog, either for it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary domestic life. A dog learns from interactions it has with its environment. Urban Basics Course 1300306887 Levels Training Program 24 Aug 2017 10:14:15am Game hunting in Victoria 5. The breed of dogs used in the program are __________________ . Bedding Cost: $295.00/$235.00 © Copyright 2018 Redgum Vet & Pet Boarding | All Rights Reserved | Built By Marketing Sweet In other projects Happy Hounds offers individualised dog behavioural training consultations using the Amichien Bonding method. This method is non-confrontational and stress-free and involves working with the nature of the dog to achieve the desired behaviour responses. Posts This class lays the foundations for more advanced training by teaching your dog to focus on you. Your dog also learns to sit and drop and respond to their name. It sounds simple, but these form a strong foundation and help you understand your dog and how they learn. Byron Bay Dog Boarding Sydney Mouthing or Biting Alpha roll Animals On Course George – we are so thankful for the time you spent with us and our border collie Annie. You are patient, kind and so in touch with dogs behaviour. I learnt more in our 2 hours than we have in endless …hours of other trainings. I never in a million years thought that within that time Annie would have learnt to loose lead walk, stay and not jump on visitors. I cannot recommend you highly enough. Thanks again. Main Menu By Cesar Millan Clicker-training using a metal cricket RSPCA Pet Insurance If you’ve got a specific puppy issue you could use an extra measure of help with – house training, puppy biting, inappropriate chewing, and the like – a little private training is just the thing. Total Care or or Log in to your account At Redgum, we have teamed with Leanne, our fully trained consultant who will spend time with you and your dog or dogs, in your own environment, before developing a detailed plan. She will explain to you the strategies you can put into place to achieve the behavioural training you are seeking. Feedback Weekend: Meet Our Engineering Apprentice Trainers Formal canine training is most valuable for puppies 8 weeks and older. Anything that has been learned incorrectly will need to be undone and re-taught, so it is wise to begin the training as soon as possible. About the Purina PetCare Advice Centre Blog Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2018 Certificate III in Dog Behaviour & Training Leave it Pet Cremations Canberra Guide Dogs and Seeing Eye Dogs Corporate Matched Giving Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen? Send your dog’s vaccination record to: Like us on Facebook Stay Group classes are a great way to teach good manners with basic obedience, and includes safe and appropriate socialisation. Loading… Work Litter Trays Component 4: Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services Good Leadership and Communication Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services – select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed Dog Training Seattle | Reviews Dog Training Seattle | Read Our Reviews Here Dog Training Seattle | Simple and Effective Solutions Legal | Sitemap
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bruinhilda · 8 years ago
A Puppy Coda: The Last Bit of the Feline Rebels
Am I writing what I should?  Of course not.  This was threatening to eat my brain if I didn’t get it down.
So, this one prompted a few questions about the ending.  Clarifications were desired.  I knew in my head what-all had happened, of course.  It just didn’t quite fit in the story as a whole, and would have made the ending a bit clunky.  But I think it works as a companion piece.  So here’s what was happening before and around that last bit with the puppies...
She materialized to the familiar sneer, and a curt, “Well, it's about time.”
“Oh, don't give me that,” Soolin snapped.  “I spent two hours watching you sort through computer components on Praxis.  You can spare me thirty minutes on my own business.”
Avon gave the slight nod that Soolin had learned to interpret as “all right, I won't argue the point any further.”  She set her bag down on the console and moved to the co-pilot's seat.
Avon quirked an eyebrow.  Soolin glared.  “Problem?”
“I never believed you to be the shopping type.”
“Very funny.” Soolin flipped open the bag, and sorted through the contents.  “I wasn't shopping, I was stealing back something that was mine.”
“Rather careless of you to let it be stolen.”
“I was a child at the time.”  Soolin pulled out a small statue.  A dog of indeterminate breed pranced, one paw raised.  Topaz eyes glittered in the small, silver face.  Avon's eyes grew wide.
“And I am afraid you are going to have to take it right back off the ship.”
Avon idly noted that Soolin's hand automatically dropped to her gun.  “My father gave me this.  I never expected to see it again, but now that I have, I'm not getting rid of it.”
“You might change your mind when you find out what it does under the right conditions.  Which you have just unwittingly created.”
“What do you mean?”
Avon noted the slight glow starting to leak out of the dog's eyes. Mentally, he shrugged.  What the hell, there was no one else here. “Very well.  Shall I demonstrate?”  Before she could answer, he picked up the statue and tapped it on the console.
There was a flash of white.  Soolin yelped, her gun clattering to the floor as she suddenly had paws instead of hands.  There was a frantic moment as the foxhound pup sorted itself out.  Then she locked eyes with the doberman sitting quietly on the floor watching her.
Soolin growled.  The doberman gave a short, sharp bark, then stretched up and knocked the statue off the console.
Another flash of white send Soolin tumbling to the deck.  She sat up slowly, carefully checking her hands as though to reassure herself that they were actually there.
“Satisfied?” Avon was still sitting on the deck, holding the statue out.  She snatched it back.
“It never did that before.”
“Well now, it's never been teleported before, has it?”
“You mean the teleport did that?”
“It seems to be a peculiarity of the material it's made from.  I've encountered the effect twice before.”
“How did that even work?  I just blinked, and I was a dog!  That isn't possible, is it?”
“As it happened, it obviously is possible.  As to the how, I really have very little idea.  The effect does not leave a person in a state for conductive research.  All you can really do is dispose of the thing and avoid anything made of Oros metal in future.”
Soolin clutched the statue closer.  “I don't care.  I'm not giving it up.  It's the only thing I have to remember my father by.”
“We're taking it back.  You can keep an eye on it until you're sure it won't do that again, but then it's mine again.”
Avon smiled.  “I suppose if I refuse, you'll shoot me?”
“Would you care to test me on it?”
“No. Agreed.  One other thing; do not show it to the others.  They do not have fond memories of the experience.”
There was very little fanfare to the affair.  Avon had Orac analyze the statue for a week.  The charge from the teleport had faded quickly. The computer was fascinated, and theorized a difference between the teleport systems of the Liberator and the Scorpio.  It was very put out when Avon declined further research into it.  Soolin took her childhood toy back, and it was forgotten about.
“Come on, Avon!  Don't die on me now!”  Vila bullied, pleaded, dragged, and slapped.  Whatever it took to keep the dazed man moving.  Vila couldn't hear or see the pursuit, but he knew it was there.  The Federation had gone to a lot of trouble to keep the two rebels alive to be questioned; they weren't going to let them go now.
Why are you still trying?  His treacherous brain asked.  He wouldn't do this for you, and you know it.  It's over.  Let him go.  You might outlive him by another ten minutes if you do.
Vila told himself to shut up already.  He pushed Avon forward.  “Move, damn you!  I didn't drag myself back from the brink of death and break you out just to have you give up on me!”
Vila stopped, still clinging to Avon.  They got in front of us. Damn it all.  I'm sorry, Avon.
Avon reached up and squeezed his hand.  It was the only real sign of life from him.  His eyes were still cold and dead, showing nothing of the man behind them.
“Come on, hands in the air.  Or you're dead.”
Avon smiled terribly.  Vila went cold inside.  Avon would choose to die, of course.  He'd been trying to die for weeks now.  Vila hung on to him tightly, and closed his eyes.
There was a shout.  Vila's eyes popped open just as the trooper was flung fifteen feet away.  The huge man who had done it casually crushed his gun with one hand.
The trooper scrambled to his feet, staring.
“I suggest you start running, if you want to live a little longer,” the huge shadow said menacingly.
The trooper ran.  Vila and Avon just stared as the shadow stepped into the light.
“We'd better get a move on.  There'll be more.  There always are.”
Vila found his voice.  “G-gan?” He stuttered.
The troopers ran around outside for days.  Houses were raided.  Stores and taverns were overturned.  Nothing came of it.  Gan's safehouse was a long-forgotten bunker accessible by an office building's basement.  Gan himself was overlooked.  He was just the janitor, after all.  A limiter-crippled Delta drudge who couldn't speak very well.  He might be the right size, but he was a half-wit, unable to commit violence of any kind.  His employers, in fact, had practically forgotten his existence, and never even mentioned him when a squad of angry troopers ransacked their offices.
Avon slowly recovered with both Gan and Vila to minister to him.  The two fugitives remained in the bunker, essentially buried from view.  And eventually, the Federation gave up.  It was assumed they'd gotten off-planet somehow.
They couldn't stop staring at Gan.  The big man took it in stride, but couldn't really explain how he was still alive.
The problem was left until Avon was better, and the heat was off enough for them to make plans again.  None of them were sure what to do now, and Vila had been worrying the puzzle over in his head for weeks.
“Blake said you were dead.  We wouldn't have left you behind otherwise.  He couldn't have lied to us, could he?  I mean, he was really upset about it!  He even left the ship for awhile.  How are you not dead?”
Gan sighed.  “I just don't know, Vila.  Blake was obviously wrong.  I woke up a year after we raided Control, and have just worked on keeping my head down.  Not very easy for a man of my height,” he joked.
Vila smiled, but kept worrying at it.  “You said you woke up.  Where were you?  In a hospital?”
“No. I'm not sure where I was, to be honest.  It was very hot and dark. I had to climb out of wherever it was, I remember that.  Startled a lot of people.  Fortunately, there weren't any troopers around.
“So it wasn't a prison.”  Vila thought.
“He was not a prisoner,” Avon said.  Vila's eyes snapped up and locked with the other man's.  Avon was tired, and still looked like death warmed over, but his eyes were alive again, and fully aware for the first time in...Vila didn't care to think about how long it had been.
“Gan was one of Blake's.  If the Federation knew he was alive, they would have kept him well-guarded.  Moreover, we would have heard about it.” He looked between the two men.  “Blake could very easily have been wrong.  He hardly had time or equipment to run a full medical scan. It is very possible that he left Gan alive down there, thinking him dead, or as good as.  But, it is absolutely impossible that Servalan and Travis would know Gan was alive, and not only never use him as bait, but never even taunt us with it.  Even if he had escaped them, and Servalan decided to keep it quiet for her own reasons, Travis had no reason at all to cooperate.  Servalan cut him loose because of Control.  He betrayed humanity itself at Star One.  He wouldn't have missed an opportunity to rub salt in Blake's wounds.”  Avon's eyes locked on Gan.  “And they would have checked the body very carefully,” he added softly.  “They would have left nothing to chance.”
“But he's here!  It's him!  It isn't a trick!”  Vila looked at Gan, his eyes pleading.  “It's not, is it?  Tell me now if it is, I can't take the strain!”
“Vila, I'm real!  I'm not going to betray you.  I wouldn't!”
“You would have no choice in the matter, and you know it,” Avon said. Then he sighed.  “However, there is absolutely no reason or purpose to spring such a trap now. They've won.  Blake is dead.  Everyone else is dead.  We were a fluke, and they had us.  We had nothing left to tell them.  They'd already signed the execution orders.  So either this is some mind game, or it is real.  And I do not believe I am dreaming right now.”
“I know I'm not!” Vila said.  “But how?”
Avon looked back to Gan.  “You regained consciousness after a year, and climbed out of what sounds like a literal hell.  Was there anything else?
“My perceptions were really off at first.  In fact, I could have sworn I was a cat.  But when I'd gotten away and things settled down, I was obviously me.  And I had to think about getting off Earth after that. I never really sat down and thought my escape over until now.”
“You are definitely Gan, then,” Avon cracked.  He suddenly looked thoughtful.  “A cat. You were a cat, and you clawed your way out of a chute.”
“Yes, how did you know there was a chute?”
“Logical deduction.”  Avon turned to Vila.  Tarrant's little mishap with the statue...the timing is about right, wouldn't you say?”
Vila's jaw dropped.  “You mean, when it got you, even though you were nowhere near it...?”
“It must have got them all.  Including the dead.  Orac once theorized that we weren't actually transformed as such, just that our consciousnesses were swapped to new bodies temporarily.  It remembered you, somehow,” he told Gan.  “And it swapped you back like it remembered you were, not as you actually were.”
“Do you mean that kitten statue?  You found it again?”
“Tarrant found a new one,” Vila explained.  “Full-grown cats that time.” His eyes grew wide.  “Wait a minute.  If it can do that...Avon, if we found another one, we could bring them all back!”  Then his face fell a little.  “Well, except Soolin.  Damn it, I liked Soolin...”
“We can bring her back too.”  Vila gaped.  “There was a third statue I never told you about.  Soolin had it.  And I know where we can find it now.”  He stood up, wobbling slightly.  Vila instantly jumped to his side to steady him.
“Gan. We'll need a ship.  One that can travel long distances at speed.”
“That's a tall order.  But I'll see what I can do.”
“Avon, where are we going?” Vila asked.
“First, to Xenon.  Then...” His eyes glazed over as he thought.  “We'll need some equipment.  And a second ship.  We can't just leave her alone...I wish I knew where Jenna was.  If her body's in space, this will...” Avon shook his head, and glared at them.  “We'll do what we can.  And to hell with the consequences.”
It was a long, long time later when the black-cloaked man appeared on Gauda Prime.  He spent a lot of time poking around the ruins of the old rebel base.  Nobody bothered him, though.  There was nothing left in that place to steal, after all, and what did anyone care what some idiot did with himself there?
Old Garrus took some tea out to him occasionally.  The man had a soft spot for rebels, and he figured this was some pilgrim.  They showed up now and then.  The authorities no longer cared.  The rebellion was dead and buried, and bigger things occupied their attention now.
The man, who gave his name as Chevron, was actually camped out on the mass grave where most of the rebels had ended up.  Garuss had pointed this out gently, and won a ten-credit bet with Del Cameron when Chevron had simply nodded and said he knew.  (Cameron had bet the man would leap out of his skin with fright if he realized.)
Chevron wouldn't talk about what he was doing, and Garrus didn't pry.  He noticed the shovels, though, and wondered.  Rumor had said that Blake had been one of the rebels dumped in that grave, though people scoffed at that one.  Blake had been dead for years before that, after all.
Maybe Chevron thought otherwise, and wanted to prove it one way or another. A somewhat mad project, but then, Chevron was obviously not all that sane.
It had taken Avon weeks.  But he had the time to kill.  Terminal was a long, long way away, after all.  There wasn't even the guarantee that the effect would reach this far, but no matter.  If it didn't happen by a certain point, he would simply take the bodies with him to the rendezvous.  
Evening was falling when he felt the vibration.  Or thought he felt it.  It was near to the time they'd agreed to try for, but it could just be wishful thinking...
And then with a flash of white, he was on all fours.  He pricked his ears up, on alert.  His tail wagged slightly, in spite of his efforts to stop it.
There were whines.  Paws scrabbled on dirt as puppies clumsily managed the dirt incline.
He recognized the foxhound, of course.  The whippet and the terrier were knew, but he knew them anyway.  They were unmistakable.
And so was the German shepherd puppy that stalked out, shaking dirt out of his fur.  Avon whined, his eyes only on it.
The pup wuffed once, and slowly walked over to the doberman.  Avon whined again, unable to stop that or the tail that wagged frantically behind him.
The shepherd puppy touched noses with him, and whined.  It's tail was starting to wag.  A tongue suddenly licked Avon's face, and the whining turned to happy yips.  Avon's tail wagged even harder.
The clearing was suddenly full of barking, dancing puppies.  The terrier nipped at everyone, the foxhound sniffed, and the whippet simply ran around in circles.
Five ears pricked up as the whine approached again.  White filled their vision.
There would have to be explanations, of course.  And recriminations. Forgiving was not as easy for humans as it was for dogs.  But whatever the outcome was, Avon thought he could manage it.
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valheartandfriendsllc · 5 years ago
How Kidney and Liver Failures Are Treated In Dogs
Do you know the signs and symptoms of kidney and liver failure in dogs?
Kidney and liver failure in dogs are both extremely common. Either can be fatal to your canine companion if left untreated.
The liver is a filter for your pup’s digestive system. It metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It stores the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your dog needs for a healthy body.
The kidneys filter waste for your dog’s bloodstream. For top health, both organs must be working well. 
If you’re able to communicate with your pet, he or she will be able to tell you when their system isn’t functioning at its peak. 
It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the kinds of conditions that can cause kidney and liver failure, as well as the signs, symptoms and treatments, because it can sneak up on you and your pet. 
Knowing what to watch for can save your dog’s life…
What causes liver disease?
Liver disease can result from several different conditions that vary in severity:
Viral or bacterial infection
Cancer of the liver (hepatocellular carcinoma)
Cysts or gallstones, which can obstruct the bile duct
Endocrine diseases including diabetes, Cushing’s Disease, or hyperthyroidism
Trauma to the liver due to an accident or heatstroke
Ingestion of a toxic substance
(Source: ASPCA)
Some breeds are more prone to liver problems, such as Yorkshire Terriers, German Shepherds, and some Retrievers. Sadly, poisoning is the most common cause of acute liver failure.
You’ll get some indication that your dog is suffering from liver failure, and some will be more subtle than others. 
Watch closely for:
Changes in personality
Loss of appetite
Excessive thirst and/or peeing
A distended abdomen
Your dog might have the odd “down day” or eat something that upsets their stomach, but it’s imperative that you consult a veterinarian if any of these symptoms persist.
If your dog has spent the day playing in a public space, or has been exploring “out of bounds” in your garage or garden shed and begins vomiting or has diarrhea, contact a vet immediately to rule out poisoning.
What causes kidney disease?
There are two types of kidney disease: chronic and acute.
Signs of acute failure will be immediate and very sudden. However, unlike liver failure, the signs of chronic kidney failure won’t be very obvious. It develops over years and is an irreversible condition – but is manageable. 
Keep a close eye out for:
A decrease in urination
Increased thirst
Weight loss
Acute kidney failure will appear with symptoms such as:
Your pet might be trying to tell you that they’re in distress…be sure to listen carefully to the messages they’re sending you. And never attempt to diagnose a problem yourself. Consult a veterinarian as soon as you see early signs of trouble.
Of course, it will be easy to tell if Rover is feeling “off” if you spend lots of time walking, playing, and talking with him.
How do vets treat kidney and liver disease?
Your vet will conduct blood tests and an ultrasound or x-ray to assess the extent of the problem – and establish whether it originates with the liver or is a sign of another issue like cancer.
Expect fluid therapies, antibiotics, or, in extreme cases, surgery to remove cysts, gallstones or cancerous parts of the liver.  They may also recommend dialysis and changes in their meal plan, supplements and fluid intake.
The more quickly you consult with a vet, the more quickly your dog will be on the road to recovery.
Like all health concerns, keep up-to-date on signs, symptoms and treatments for kidney and liver failure in dogs. Nobody wants to say good-bye to their pets before it’s their time to go.
Your pets are counting on you for care… be sure you’re doing everything you can to show them your love by keeping them as healthy as can be.
Can kidney and liver disease in dogs be cured? 
Sadly, allopathic “Western” medicine vets say that chronic liver and kidney disease can’t be cured, but it can be slowed down and even reversed in some cases.
Holistic vets and healers will take a different approach through homeopathy, diet, supplements, Kangen miracle water, and various energy therapies like light therapy, oxygen therapy, BodyTalk Healing, and soul repair. 
Both say that kidney and liver failure in dogs can be treated – though maybe not necessarily cured – if caught in the very early stages.
Your vet will conduct blood tests and an ultrasound or x-ray to assess the extent of the problem – and establish whether it originates with the liver or is a sign of another issue like cancer.
Expect fluid therapies, antibiotics, or, in extreme cases, surgery to remove cysts, gallstones or cancerous parts of the liver or kidney.
These treatments will be distressing for your furry friend. Be sure that you’re able to communicate and reassure them during the process to aid in the healing.
  Did you enjoy this article? Dog lovers might find these interesting, as well:
Dog Games: 10 Fun Ways to Learn & Bond for Puppy and Child
Do You Know How to Identify Dog Seizure Symptoms?
The Extraordinary Soul Connection I Call The Human Animal BodyMind Connection
The post How Kidney and Liver Failures Are Treated In Dogs appeared first on Val Heart.
from Val Heart https://valheart.com/how-kidney-and-liver-failures-are-treated-in-dogs/
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snowbellewells · 5 years ago
A Litter More Than They Bargained For
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{Oh my goodness, this event has just been a joy, and I have loved every entry I’ve gotten a chance to read so far.  I’m excited to add mine to the list, and hope that you all will enjoy.  Thanks so much to all the lovely ladies on the @cspupstravaganza Discord chat, particularly @shireness-says  @profdanglaisstuff @snidgetsafan  @kmomof4 and @darkcolinodonorgasm, for all of the amazing dog name suggestions - I put a fair few of them to use here! ;)  Also, @profdanglaisstuff thank you bringing us such a fun event!!}
“A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
by: @snowbellewells
One pet she could have handled. One pet would have been perfectly manageable. A single, sweet-natured, reasonably well-behaved small pet - maybe a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster - wouldn’t have really changed anything about their lives in the seaside house or their daily routine that much. In fact, she and Killian had already been discussing a surprise for Hope in the form of a kitten from the litter her mom and dad’s barn cat had recently birthed, completely charming their pre-schooler upon her first visit to them at her grandparents’ farm.
Somehow, instead, all of Emma’s best-laid plans had been inverted and overturned, as so often seemed to happen in their chaotic magical town. When they had gone into the station that particular morning, they had found a large, mud-caked, burr-riddled dog tied to the bike rack and whining pitifully upon first sight of them. Emma was too disgruntled at the culprit for figuring out that their whole three person department were soft touches for strays as she charged foward to untie the poor beast, to even realize that the critter was already rooting into her affection. Needless to say, rather than their intended adoption, they had managed to take in a shaggy, slobbery mixed breed almost as large as a Shetland pony, with at least some Irish Wolfhound in its ancestry, according to the shelter attendant.
Gleefully mimicking that last declaration in her toddler voice, Hope had leaned over out of Killian’s arms to reach for where the huge hound lounged panting on the exam table, tongue lolling and tail thumping happily as she babbled, “Wolfie! Wolfie!” and patted along the dog’s back and shoulders as well as she could.
The thick, scruffy grey fur covering the animal’s lanky form did indeed resemble a wolf to some degree, and Killian chuckled goodnaturedly at the easy moniker their daughter had seemingly bestowed. “Well, it would seem our little love has already christened her, Swan,” he commented lightly.
Emma wasn’t fooled by the casual demeanor covering her True Love’s words. She felt her last chance of finding a more suitable home for a dog of that size outside the town limits (preferably with acres for it to run) fade as she realized that her husband, as well as her little girl, was already attached. Killian wanted this dog more than he would admit.
Reaching out to stroke the gentle giant’s head resignedly, Emma reluctantly admitted to herself that the poor stray really was a sweet dog, despite her astonishing proportions and the amount of extra responsibility she herself would no doubt be taking on. “Hear that, Wolfie?” she questioned, looking the dog in the eyes rather than either member of her family, whom she could feel nearly vibrating with excitement beside her, “I guess you’re as good as ours.”
Henry only confirmed the permanence of the decision when he got home from the high school after his editors’ meeting for the school paper. Though a dog had never been something he had particularly asked for - they had spent so many of his growing up years being flung from one realm to another, either trying to rescue some member of their family, or seeking the needed magic item to fight some new villain, that it hadn’t left a lot of time for house training puppies or taking one for leisurely evening strolls. Still, as Henry came up the walk and saw Wolfie stretched out on the porch, Hope cuddled against her side and Emma and Killian curled together on the porch swing, the way her nearly adult son’s face had lit up and he’d rushed forward in excitement had shown Emma that kids didn’t really grow out of loving dogs, no matter their age.
Ruby, or perhaps the irrepressible brunette’s inner wild animal, seemed to find their new addition, and the rather obvious name Hope had latched onto, especially entertaining. Due to Wolfie’s size, the Jones clan now ate outside at the patio tables when they stopped for breakfast on the way to drop Hope off at Ashley Hermann’s Pumpkin Seeds Daycare, and before Henry took off for class and they headed on for the station. Her mother’s best friend didn’t even try to hide the fact that she saved back either bacon, sausage, or ham especially for Emma’s pet each day, laughing when after about a week Wolfie came to her the moment she excited the diner’s front entrance, before she could even reach their table, and began nosing at her pockets for the expected bounty.
However, it was Granny herself who startled them with a matter of fact question about a month after Wolfie had joined their family. The diner’s proprietress had come out to wait on them herself that morning, a real nip in the air as November neared, and explaining that Ruby was lying in for a while after the full moon the night before. Her half-spectacles perched on the very end of her nose, eyes sparkling with every bit as much pep and mischief as her exuberant granddaughter when she neared their table, sleeves rolled up to her elbows despite the chill and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
“The usual, Captain?” Widow Lucas asked with a playful nod to Killian, “or are you and your crew feeling adventurous this morning?” While awaiting their answer, she reached into her apron for her order pad, also pulling out a juicy ham bone for Wolfie.
“Here you are, darlin’ girl,” she continued, bending to offer it to their canine companion, much to Wolfie’s approving delight as she barked a ‘thank you’ and took the treat into her drooling jowls with an almost humorous care, then immediately dropped to hold it between her massive paws and began gnawing away.
When Granny stood to face them again however, a knowing smirk was painted across her face, taking their breakfast order seemingly long forgotten. “You don’t have a clue that dog is carrying a litter of pups, do you?” she asked, shaking her head at what she seemed to think was their dense naivete.
Crossing her arms, Granny watched a variety of reactions cross the four faces before her. Henry looked awed and curious, while Hope practically bounced on Killian’s knee asking, “Puppy? Puppy! We having a puppy?”  Killian’s brows rose in surprise, and Emma was already shaking her head in disgruntled exasperation. “Really?” she sputtered, narrowly eying the diner owner as if it might be some sort of elaborate joke being played at her expense.
Then, she plunked her head down to rest on her arms where they were crossed on the table, sighing as her daughter contiuned to chortle in delight and Henry and Hook laughed heartily, in spite of their manful efforts to hold back for her sake. “Why am I even surprised?” Emma muttered. “Of course, she is.”
From there, they learned that apparently the shelter owner did not have it out for them, but that it can be genuinely hard to tell when a dog is expecting until they are quite close to their due date. It also turned out that Granny’s lupine sixth sense had been right on the money. Within another couple weeks, they could see for themselves that Wolfie’s stomach was rounding and she was nesting in corners throughout the house, particularly favoring the warmth of the laundry room between the dryer and the wall. Seeing as how canine gestation was only eight or nine weeks from start to finish, and their mother-to-be was already showing, it was a bit of a scramble to prepare, knowing the litter of pups would soon be on its way.
As had become typical since Wolfie’s arrival, this too went well beyond what they had expected.  On the night they returned from Hope’s Thanksgiving Play at the preschool to tiny yips and whimpers greeting them the second the door opened, the entire Jones family was stunned to discover eight small wriggling bodies jostling for place against Wolfie’s exhausted form where she lay curled into the mound of old blankets and towels they had created for her once her fixation on her laundry room nest become plain. Various rather wetly bedraggled and squirming balls of grey, black, white and mottled mixes of those three colors in coat greeted their eyes, prompting Killian to comment rather drily, “Well, now there are nearly enough of us to crew a pirate ship.” He chuckled, shaking his head, as he added, “Mayhap we can give them proper nautical names this time, rather than letting Hope call them the first word that pops from her mouth.”
“Paaa-pa!” their daughter protested indignantly, stomping her little foot on the linoleum tile and placing chubby fists on her hips. “I did not!” In her two braids, beaded headband, and fringed brown “Indian” dress from the play, she made more an adorable than a threatening sight as she intended, but Killian nodded to their daughter dutifully all the same. “My apologies, little lass. Of course you didn’t. I must have been mistaken.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head at his mannered playfulness with Hope, though her heart warmed inside her as well, loving that their little girl had never known anything but a devoted, adoring, present father, who might have to be pulled back from spoiling Hope at times, but would never let her down or abandon her. The two of them could melt her every defense, just as Henry had always done, even if it did sometimes leave her trying to be the voice of reason, Emma didn’t truly mind.
Henry, for his part, snorted inelegantly at their nonsense, crouching to pet a nervous-looking Wolfie on the head and scritch under her chin the way she liked. “Don’t worry, girl,” he mumured soothingly. “We won’t hurt them. You’re all safe here.”
Her son then grew thoughtful for a moment, as if mulling something over, then looked up when he asked excitedly. “What if we did pick nautical names for them all?  Like Jack and Jib and Scurvy?” He was grinning from ear-to-ear now, an expression Killian quickly mirrored, as his Author’s love of wordplay awakened.
“Aye, lad, those are great! And perhaps Scoundrel and Buccaneer as well?”
“Hey, hey, guys,” Emma broke in, trying to stop their now steaming train before they got any more carried away. “Let’s not get too into naming them. The families who adopt them may not be looking for pirate dogs.”
But her husband and son were already on a roll, adding Barrie in a nod to the Englishman who had created Killian’s literary counterpart and Doubloon to the list of potential puppy monikers, and not paying her words the slightest bit of attention.
Finding homes for their doggie brood proved more difficult than Emma had hoped. If nothing else, it had worked out that they were being weaned just in time to join a family for the perfect child’s Christmas present. And, much as she had intended for them to have a quiet little tabby kitten padding after her through the house rather than a train of panting, yipping, running and tumbling balls of shedding fluff, the pups were sweet and incredibly cute. So she couldn’t understand how every time she thought she had someone poised to take one home, it fell through at the last moment.
With a sigh, she turned away from the sidewalk where old lady Hubbard was walking away. Still cradling Cutlass and Matey to her chest, one in each arm, Emma crossed the porch to sink onto the porch swing with a dejected air. She bent to press a soft kiss into each of their soft, fuzzy foreheads, murmuring what good babies they were and that it wasn’t their fault. Intellectually, Emma knew it was rather ridiculous to be trying to comfort two puppies who were now playfully rolling and tumbling in her lap, not the least bit concerned at the interview’s outcome. They really had been particularly good as their potential new owner had arrived to meet them; sitting calmly without barking or jumping up, sweetly licking the elderly woman’s fingers affectionately when she offered them, and looking even more adorable than usual with their coats freshly bathed and brushed, so black and silky that their fur nearly shone. All their neighbor had seemed able to focus on though was that they might get under her feet and cause her to fall. When Emma had spoken to her before, the older lady had seemed so anxious for some company now that the last of her many children had left the house, but once she had arrived to see the puppies, all she kept saying was, “I’m all alone out there. If I fell, I might lie for days, unable to get up, and no one would know.”
Emma shrugged her shoulders and ruffled the pups’ fur once again, annoyed, but not sure what to make of the situation. Standing, she was about to take the two little rascals back inside when Killian arrived home for the evening.
“They’re both still here?” he asked curiously, one eyebrow arched in question.
Something niggled at the back of Emma’s mind with his question, whispering that he didn’t seem especially suprised. Shaking her head in silent answer, Emma ushered man and dogs back into the house and headed toward the kitchen, where she still had all of the dog dishes to fill.
“Ah well, Love,” Killian replied, something about his voice just a shade too nonchalant. “Perhaps it’s for the best. As energetic as these scalliwags sometimes get,” he laughed and scratched Matey’s belly when she rolled over to bare it in supplication, “they might have proven a walking hazard to one of advanced years.”
Emma was about to question him further, shocked that Killian had hit on exactly what had stopped the potential adoption, but at that moment Wolfie and the other six of her offspring burst into the kitchen and set up a chorus of barks and howls for their dinner, toenails clicking on the floor and tails thunking against the cabinets. So it wasn’t until later that night, as she was speaking to her mother on the phone, bemoaning yet one more failed attempt at finding the pups permanent homes, that the niggling puzzle piece at last slid into place.
“Well,” Snow offered hesitantly, “I’m sorry it fell through, Sweetie, but you know Mrs. Hubbard isn’t all that steady on her feet these days…”
Suddenly, it all added up: Mrs. Hubbard’s unexpected concern with puppies tripping her up around the house, how Ashley had at first thought they might take one of the puppies, only to be convinced by someone that mice would be much more fitting for class pets at Cinderella’s daycare, and how Aurora and Philip’s second child, Hope’s little friend Rory, had suddenly decided she wanted a white Persian kitten whose hair she could put a pink bow in, “like ‘Rie from ‘Ristocats” Aurora had explained in her daughter’s own words when she’d called to tell Emma.
“Oh my word!” Emma shouted, startling her husband, kids, and the pile of dogs sprawled over them in the living room where they were watching tv. “It was you all, wasn’t it? My whole family has been working against me this entire time!”
Looking sheepishly guilty, Killian and Henry both wordlessly shook their heads in denial. Her mother floundered for a defense for a few seconds and then simply fled by ending the call. But when Emma’s eyes came to rest on her daughter, Hope merely grinned widely, a shameless glint of mischief in her green eyes, and nodded her head in confirmation.
“Why?” Emma sputtered.
“Then the puppies are all ours!” her toddler chirped happily, falling back against Wolfie’s shoulder with a giggle, to which Wolfie merely huffed at the impact, then nosed Hope a bit further from the edge of the couch, as if she had one extra pup to watch out for and was making sure the child didn’t fall.
“We’ll see about that,” Emma grumbled, staring each of them down in turn. But, when she flopped down on the armchair in the corner, trying to hold onto her righteous indignation, and Scoundrel came over to check on her, pawing at her leg until she picked him up, and then nudging his grey snout flecked with white patches into her armpit as he stretched out across her chest and promptly fell asleep, Emma was smart enough to know when she had lost the fight.
They were the family with nine dogs now - an entire seaworthy crew.
Tagging: @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @searchingwardrobes​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @bmbbcs4evr​ @therooksshiningknight​ @spartanguard​ @thislassishooked​ @tiganasummertree​ @linda8084​
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kathydsalters31 · 5 years ago
Picking the Right Dog Breed for My Family
I’m thrilled to include one more canine to our family members in 2021! I’ve been meticulously picking the ideal pet breed for us (over analyzing, for certain).
I’m composing this to:
Show exactly how crucial it is to carefully pick any kind of canine or young puppy
Refine my option (writing helps me do so)
Document my life with canines
Selecting the appropriate pet dog type for us
In the last 3 months, I have actually spoken by email or phone with 9 different breeders, 3 sanctuaries and 1 rescue group.
I’ve completed their sets of questions, asked a number of my own concerns, evaluated the pros & & cons of each option, followed them on Instagram and emailed previous puppy purchasers.
Talking with every one has actually been a favorable experience.
After whole lots and also great deals of reasoning, I determined I desire a field-bred Labrador from an excellent breeder.
< img src ="https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador.jpg"alt ="choosing the ideal canine type"class= "wp-image-43959 lazy"size=" 559 "height=" 393 "data-srcset=
“https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador.jpg 650w, https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador-300×211.jpg 300w”data-sizes=”(
max-width: 559px)
100vw, 559px” > I really appreciate dealing with dog breeders who love and sustain their breed
and also concentrate on: temperament health as well as the dogs’
abilities to flourish doing their work. I expect a whole lot from my canines. I press them physically as we train for path marathons. We work hard in agility. And since I reside in Montana(vs. San Diego), I plan to educate my canines for searching. I am delighted regarding every one of these training
experiences. My heart is complete when I’m dealing with my canines. I enjoy discovering along with them as well as viewing what they can do.< span id=" The_right_dog_breed_is_different_for_everyone"
> The best dog type is various for everyone
Selecting the ideal pet dog type has actually been really hard for me. I’ll just reach have many dogs in my life; I intend to select them sensibly.
To be honest, I’m concerned I’ll be burnt out with a Lab. They’re just so average and everybody has one– completely factor, they’re great canines!
On the plus side, Labs are normally calmer as well as much easier to educate than a weimaraner, my present canine. (Although “tranquil” is all loved one. What’s “tranquil” for me may be “active” for somebody else!)
Recognizing what I want in a dog
Here’s what I’m trying to find in my “best” dog. Of course there is no such point as this imaginary best pet dog.
Long distance trail running friend. 3-4 miles most days and also 10+ miles on some weekends. (when age proper)
Friendly with pets, strangers, felines and children.
Able to educate for dexterity for fun as well as light competitors.
Has an “off button” in your house while I’m working, presuming I’ve done my component to supply workout & & training
. Tranquility at breweries, patio areas and throughout travel (with training).
Sticks close when hiking & & running chain (with training).
Able to educate for searching as a leisure activity as well as perhaps quest examinations.
And … it’s not all about ME. I likewise need to ensure that I’m providing the best house for whatever type of pet I choose.
I do feel I can offer an excellent house for any of the sporting types
. So … why not an additional weimaraner? You might wonder, why is she interested in a Lab vs. a higher-energy athlete like another
weimaraner? It’s a challenging choice for me. Yet what it comes down to is I like my high-energy endurance athlete, Remy. Yet I do not necessarily need TWO extremely high-energy pets right now. (Perhaps at some point!) I absolutely have vizslas, German shorthairs and Brittanys on my brain … but perhaps for the future.
Plus, Labs are sports as well The Lab breeder I’m collaborating with types canines for searching. She tells me every one of her canines are really sports and will make great running companions, equalize to 10 miles.
These Labs are tranquil in your house however have an intense functioning drive around birds as well as weapons. They are plainly strong as well as fast in the area, very healthy and also muscle. I will certainly not have a fat Lab, I assure you that!
Still, I’m not encouraged I will be able to take a Lab on 10-mile runs. I truly hope so, yet it depends upon the canine. In any case, I’ll still have Remy for long-distance operating.
Other advantages of the Labrador dog breed
Labs are (normally) very easy to educate. I watch Labs as sports canines who do not always need continuous “busyness” like my weim.
I really feel Labs are a good type for my first actual weapon canine as well as hunting friend. I am very delighted to begin training a retriever for hunting.
My weimaraner Remy has potential to be a searching pet dog as well, and I have actually simply started to work with him via our regional NAVHDA team. I am additionally interested in training a searching pet from the actual start. It is a brand-new experience for me.
Choosing the appropriate canine type for winter Labs
have a thick coat to shield them from Montana’s long, rough winters months. The only months we did not have snow in 2019 were July and also August!
A Lab’s layer additionally protects her from the summer season heat. We live at 5,000 feet altitude, so the sun can be intense here also. For this reason, and also due to all the running I do, we are going with a yellow Lab vs. chocolate or black.
And also Labs are much from excellent!
A pure-blooded Labrador retriever can be several things … reduced power and also mild … excessively delighted over playthings or sticks.
They’re strong and often tend to jump on individuals, pull hard on the leash, go crashing after a round. My Lab mix Ace knocked me level on my back one time pursuing a sphere. He didn’t even observe he hit me! (I sobbed.)
Labs dropped a lot (like, A LOT) as well as are vulnerable to joint problems. They’re slow-moving to mature mentally as well as young laboratories are however labeled “active” by many individuals. This tag is accurate.
Some Labs are just as nuts as a vizsla or a weim.
Every dog is an individual. I discussed this HERE. Good dog breeders and genes can only do so a lot.
As pet dog proprietors, it’s up to us to do the best we can with training, socialization, exercise, locating the most effective vet. Feeding
healthy and balanced food. Making clever options on spaying & neutering. As well as of course, making the effort to choose the appropriate dog or young puppy for
our existing situation. We’re fortunate to have so many alternatives. I’m delighted for our next puppy. I can not wait to satisfy her! It will certainly probably more than a year prior to our puppy is also birthed. Good dog breeders commonly have waiting listings of a number of months and even a year. I’ll maintain you published when all is verified. Remy will certainly be so excited to have another pet around. He definitely LOVES various other canines, as well as he shared our house so well with his sister Raven back in January. While wonderful Raven was not the ideal pet for us, she assisted show me exactly how excellent Remy is with a buddy. As well as just how every one of my time invested training him(hours and also hrs)really has paid off. Believe it or not, Remy will in fact be a great good example! (Now that’s a scary idea! Haha.)I
can not wait for 2021! If you’re eager, please share concerning the choice production(or lack thereof)
when you picked your pet. Allow me understand in
the remarks! Thanks! Lindsay(and Remy) Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of
That Mutt. She covers dog training as well as habits, healthy and balanced raw food for animals and keeping up canines. Associated messages:
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/choosing-the-right-dog-breed-for-my-family/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/06/picking-right-dog-breed-for-my-family.html
0 notes
barryswamsleyaz · 5 years ago
Picking the Right Dog Breed for My Family
I’m thrilled to include one more canine to our family members in 2021! I’ve been meticulously picking the ideal pet breed for us (over analyzing, for certain).
I’m composing this to:
Show exactly how crucial it is to carefully pick any kind of canine or young puppy
Refine my option (writing helps me do so)
Document my life with canines
Selecting the appropriate pet dog type for us
In the last 3 months, I have actually spoken by email or phone with 9 different breeders, 3 sanctuaries and 1 rescue group.
I’ve completed their sets of questions, asked a number of my own concerns, evaluated the pros & & cons of each option, followed them on Instagram and emailed previous puppy purchasers.
Talking with every one has actually been a favorable experience.
After whole lots and also great deals of reasoning, I determined I desire a field-bred Labrador from an excellent breeder.
< img src =“https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador.jpg"alt ="choosing the ideal canine type"class= "wp-image-43959 lazy"size=” 559 “height=” 393 “data-srcset=
“https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador.jpg 650w, https://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Black-Labrador-300×211.jpg 300w”data-sizes=”(
max-width: 559px)
100vw, 559px” > I really appreciate dealing with dog breeders who love and sustain their breed
and also concentrate on: temperament health as well as the dogs’
abilities to flourish doing their work. I expect a whole lot from my canines. I press them physically as we train for path marathons. We work hard in agility. And since I reside in Montana(vs. San Diego), I plan to educate my canines for searching. I am delighted regarding every one of these training
experiences. My heart is complete when I’m dealing with my canines. I enjoy discovering along with them as well as viewing what they can do.< span id=” The_right_dog_breed_is_different_for_everyone"
> The best dog type is various for everyone
Selecting the ideal pet dog type has actually been really hard for me. I’ll just reach have many dogs in my life; I intend to select them sensibly.
To be honest, I’m concerned I’ll be burnt out with a Lab. They’re just so average and everybody has one– completely factor, they’re great canines!
On the plus side, Labs are normally calmer as well as much easier to educate than a weimaraner, my present canine. (Although “tranquil” is all loved one. What’s “tranquil” for me may be “active” for somebody else!)
Recognizing what I want in a dog
Here’s what I’m trying to find in my “best” dog. Of course there is no such point as this imaginary best pet dog.
Long distance trail running friend. 3-4 miles most days and also 10+ miles on some weekends. (when age proper)
Friendly with pets, strangers, felines and children.
Able to educate for dexterity for fun as well as light competitors.
Has an “off button” in your house while I’m working, presuming I’ve done my component to supply workout & & training
. Tranquility at breweries, patio areas and throughout travel (with training).
Sticks close when hiking & & running chain (with training).
Able to educate for searching as a leisure activity as well as perhaps quest examinations.
And … it’s not all about ME. I likewise need to ensure that I’m providing the best house for whatever type of pet I choose.
I do feel I can offer an excellent house for any of the sporting types
. So … why not an additional weimaraner? You might wonder, why is she interested in a Lab vs. a higher-energy athlete like another
weimaraner? It’s a challenging choice for me. Yet what it comes down to is I like my high-energy endurance athlete, Remy. Yet I do not necessarily need TWO extremely high-energy pets right now. (Perhaps at some point!) I absolutely have vizslas, German shorthairs and Brittanys on my brain … but perhaps for the future.
Plus, Labs are sports as well The Lab breeder I’m collaborating with types canines for searching. She tells me every one of her canines are really sports and will make great running companions, equalize to 10 miles.
These Labs are tranquil in your house however have an intense functioning drive around birds as well as weapons. They are plainly strong as well as fast in the area, very healthy and also muscle. I will certainly not have a fat Lab, I assure you that!
Still, I’m not encouraged I will be able to take a Lab on 10-mile runs. I truly hope so, yet it depends upon the canine. In any case, I’ll still have Remy for long-distance operating.
Other advantages of the Labrador dog breed
Labs are (normally) very easy to educate. I watch Labs as sports canines who do not always need continuous “busyness” like my weim.
I really feel Labs are a good type for my first actual weapon canine as well as hunting friend. I am very delighted to begin training a retriever for hunting.
My weimaraner Remy has potential to be a searching pet dog as well, and I have actually simply started to work with him via our regional NAVHDA team. I am additionally interested in training a searching pet from the actual start. It is a brand-new experience for me.
Choosing the appropriate canine type for winter Labs
have a thick coat to shield them from Montana’s long, rough winters months. The only months we did not have snow in 2019 were July and also August!
A Lab’s layer additionally protects her from the summer season heat. We live at 5,000 feet altitude, so the sun can be intense here also. For this reason, and also due to all the running I do, we are going with a yellow Lab vs. chocolate or black.
And also Labs are much from excellent!
A pure-blooded Labrador retriever can be several things … reduced power and also mild … excessively delighted over playthings or sticks.
They’re strong and often tend to jump on individuals, pull hard on the leash, go crashing after a round. My Lab mix Ace knocked me level on my back one time pursuing a sphere. He didn’t even observe he hit me! (I sobbed.)
Labs dropped a lot (like, A LOT) as well as are vulnerable to joint problems. They’re slow-moving to mature mentally as well as young laboratories are however labeled “active” by many individuals. This tag is accurate.
Some Labs are just as nuts as a vizsla or a weim.
Every dog is an individual. I discussed this HERE. Good dog breeders and genes can only do so a lot.
As pet dog proprietors, it’s up to us to do the best we can with training, socialization, exercise, locating the most effective vet. Feeding healthy and balanced food. Making clever options on spaying & neutering. As well as of course, making the effort to choose the appropriate dog or young puppy for
our existing situation. We’re fortunate to have so many alternatives. I’m delighted for our next puppy. I can not wait to satisfy her! It will certainly probably more than a year prior to our puppy is also birthed. Good dog breeders commonly have waiting listings of a number of months and even a year. I’ll maintain you published when all is verified. Remy will certainly be so excited to have another pet around. He definitely LOVES various other canines, as well as he shared our house so well with his sister Raven back in January. While wonderful Raven was not the ideal pet for us, she assisted show me exactly how excellent Remy is with a buddy. As well as just how every one of my time invested training him(hours and also hrs)really has paid off. Believe it or not, Remy will in fact be a great good example! (Now that’s a scary idea! Haha.)I
can not wait for 2021! If you’re eager, please share concerning the choice production(or lack thereof)
when you picked your pet. Allow me understand in
the remarks! Thanks! Lindsay(and Remy) Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of
That Mutt. She covers dog training as well as habits, healthy and balanced raw food for animals and keeping up canines. Associated messages:
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/choosing-the-right-dog-breed-for-my-family/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/622404152048418816
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randallvangundy · 5 years ago
Cocker Spaniel
The Cocker Spaniel, or the Cocker, in short, is known as a beautiful companion dog breed. Their face is round with a broad, square muzzle. They also have these sweet, big, and dark eyes that just make them more adorable. But, their most significant feature is their long, silky coat that comes in a variety of colors and covers their ears, chest, legs, and even underside. It’s no wonder that this dog breed is one of the most popular in America.
Other than their beautiful appearance, the Cocker Spaniel is a sweet and merry dog. And despite being the smallest dog in the sporting group, they are great athletes with high energy. They are easy to train and will make excellent playmates to children.
If you plan to get yourself a Cocker Spaniel, be prepared for a whole lot of grooming. Their coat is undeniably the prettiest, but it will require extra grooming sessions to maintain.
Cocker Spaniel Statistics
Dog Breed GroupSporting Group Height14.5-15.5 inches (male); 13.5-14.5 inches (female) Weight25-30 pounds (male); 20-25 pounds (female) Lifespan10-14 years
Cocker Spaniel Ratings
Energy level Exercise needs Requires attention Playfulness Trainability Shedding Grooming Friendly with family Friendly with strangers Friendly with other dogs Prey Drive
Cocker Spaniel History
Cocker Spaniels came from a long line of Spaniels, one of the oldest dog breeds who’s been around since the 14th century. And since they are from the Spaniel group, they are believed to have originated from Spain.
It was believed that for centuries, spaniels have only been classified whether their land or water spaniels. It was only in the 19th century when they started specializing breeds based on their purposes. The Cocker Spaniels, in particular, were named “cocker” because they specialized in flushing woodcocks, a game bird.
By the 1800s, these Cocker Spaniels were brought to America, and hunting enthusiasts immediately got impressed with their hunting skills. However, some American breeders also saw their potential in dog shows and decided to breed smaller versions.
For years, Cocker Spaniels were considered one breed despite the differences in size. That was until English breeders formed a Club in 1936 named English Cocker Spaniel Club of America to refer to the larger breeds. They also petitioned no to breed English Cocker Spaniels to become the American type (or the smaller).
By 1940, The Canadian and English Kennel Clubs finally registered two separate breeds, the American and English Cocker Spaniels. The American version was the one that retained the name Cocker Spaniels. By 1946, The American Kennel Club followed through.
Around this time, the Cocker Spaniel breed grew into popularity. Thanks to the Cocker named Brucie, who won the Best American Bred in Show at the Westminster Dog Show. This also encouraged a lot of breeders to continue breeding Cocker Spaniels. And now, other than being skilled hunters, Cocker Spaniels make excellent family pets too.
Cocker Spaniel Temperament
The American Kennel Club describes the Cocker Spaniel as a gentle, smart, and happy dog breed. They are known for their easy-going, lively, and affectionate personality.
With their hunter background, Cocker Spaniels would require regular exercise. However, this doesn’t need to be heavy or should only take a few minutes.
They are excellent family pets, and they are very good with children. Plus, they make excellent playmates. They are also very friendly with people and other animals, so they are not good watchdogs.
About the training, Cocker Spaniels can be stubborn, and they don’t respond well to aggressiveness or harshness. It’s best to retain patience during training and approach them with a kind and cheerful smile always. Treats will also be a great way to persuade them to listen.
Early socialization would also be needed to get the appropriate attitude of a Cocker Spaniel. Allow him to meet strangers and other animals as a puppy, so you won’t have bigger problems when he grows older. At the same time, it will prevent any aggressiveness from showing.
Cocker Spaniel Care Requirements
Nutrition: Just like any other dog, Cocker Spaniels require a well-balanced diet to keep him healthy. This diet should contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. Don’t also forget to include only high-quality ingredients to avoid allergies that might ruin that beautiful coat. For protein, you can get this from high-quality animal meat such as salmon, turkey, chicken, beef, or lamb. Also, don’t forget to trim off excess fats. For the fats, you can derive this from the meat, fish oils, and olive oil. Just be careful not to put too much as this can be dangerous. Fruits and vegetables, rice, and oatmeal are good sources of carbohydrates. Then add some vitamin supplements as well if your vet advises so.
Grooming: Cocker Spaniels don’t shed much. However, they require regular grooming. This isn’t just any grooming, as this should be done thoroughly to maintain that beautiful, luscious, and shiny coat. Not doing this regularly and carefully will result in mats and tangles on your Cocker Spaniel’s fur. There is also some possibility of trimming sessions if the hair grows too long. Bathing should be done thoroughly also, and make sure to rinse and re-rinse them up very well to avoid possible skin irritation. Dry carefully and thoroughly too. Ears should be cleaned, and nails should be trimmed as well. If you’re not confident in doing this, you can have an expert groomer take care of everything. Just schedule a session so your Cocker Spaniel can have his bath and trim if needed. For the combing, you can do this at home by using specialized combs. Also, be careful of combing the hair from his ears.
Exercise: As a sporting breed, the Cocker Spaniel does require regular exercise. This is to avoid gaining too much weight and also to prevent other health diseases they’re prone to. You can go out for some daily 45-60 minutes walk. If you have a fenced yard, you can also have your Cocker Spaniel run around there, or do some running or tracking activities with him. You can even play fetch with him. Even if indoors, you can create ways to have him entertained and burn off some energy. Just remember, Cocker Spaniels enjoys spending time with people, so develop activities that you can do together.
Health: The average lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel is 12 years. They are generally a healthy breed, but they are prone to some serious health diseases. Some of these are progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, patellar luxation, and glaucoma. They can also be occasionally affected by elbow dysplasia, gastric torsion, and epilepsy. They can also suffer from some minor health issues such as hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, allergies, liver disease, skin irritation, and heart diseases. There are some screening tests for some of these diseases, so you might want to have your Cocker Spaniel checked on those. Also, regular check-ups would be a great way to detect some problems early.
Lifespan: The life expectancy of Cocker Spaniels is 10-14 years.
Famous Cocker Spaniels
Checkers: President Nixon’s Daughters’ Cocker Spaniel
Einstein: George Clooney’s adopted Cocker Spaniel
Sophie and Solomon: Oprah Winfrey’s Cocker Spaniels
Arthur: Elton John’s Cocker Spaniel; this dog even served as best man at his wedding
Butch: Albert Staehle’s, a famous illustrator, Cocker Spaniel; model for 25 Saturday evening post covers
Lady: The star of the Disney film “Lady and the Tramp”
Prince: Paul Sperry’s Cocker Spaniel who became his inspiration to some of his shoe fashions
Lupo: Prince William and Kate Middleton’s adopted Cocker Spaniel
Fun Facts About Cocker Spaniels
Cocker Spaniels came from Spain.
They were originally bred as hunting dogs.
They are popular with famous people such as Presidents and celebrities.
They became overly popular in the 1950s.
They were brought to the US in 1620 on the Mayflower.
Cocker Spaniels come in a variety of colors: black, liver, red, golden, and tri-color.
American Cocker Spaniels are believed to be smarter than English Cocker Spaniels.
Their average lifespan is 12 years.
They are the most scientifically studied dog in the world.
They are the smallest member of the American Kennel Club Sporting Group.
The post Cocker Spaniel appeared first on Furry Friends Gear.
Cocker Spaniel published first on https://furryfriendsgear.tumblr.com
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marketinginnocom · 5 years ago
A Easy Tip About German Shepherd Blog Explained
New Post has been published on https://baongoaihoi.com/a-easy-tip-about-german-shepherd-blog-explained/
A Easy Tip About German Shepherd Blog Explained
The 5-Minute Rule for German Shepherd Blog
German shepherds are extremely healthy and active dogs and with good care they can live active, happy and wholesome life. They are incredibly good guardian dogs. Your German Shepherd will reply to a lot of diverse stimuli. German shepherds may suffer from the most important disease known as Degenerative myelopathy. The German born shepherd is probably the popular dog breeds in the planet, because of the pleasant temperament it has. It is vital to remember that sometimes, what might seem just like a miniature The german language shepherd is in fact a pureblood German shepherd that suffers from dwarfism.
Generally, German shepherds are usually somewhat self-assured. They need a whole lot of physical activity and mental stimulation. When your German Shepherd resists approaching when he is beckoned, you will want to request the aid of a lengthy teather. To put it diversely, purchasing a A language like german Shepherd requires commitment https://germanshepherd4.home.blog/blog-feed/ on the component of the proprietor. Black The german language Shepherds usually are rare.
Due to their cleverness, German Shepherds can on occasion always be stubborn. They can be one of America’s favorite breeds. They are very good which has a lot of energy. The The german language Shepherd constitutes a great watchdog due to their solid and protective side. Smaller German shepherds are speedy learners and therefore are rather obedient as soon as they are simply trained. They will also keep in a wide variety of climate conditions.
The Life Expectancy of Your Dog When you choose to receive a doggie, you do sufficient reason for the expectation your new puppy companion will be with you designed for quite a few years to come. If you suspect your pet could possibly be impacted by any of the conditions listed here, check with your vet for the purpose of an expert examination. Keep in mind, the recall command line is the most significant thing you are allowed to teach your pup. Likewise pups have the capability to produce genetic wellness troubles. Make up your mind as to what you desperately want If you’re planning to utilize it just like a working doggie, then you have to be aware it includes an inherent playfulness that should be participated. Dog’s closest friend Dogs will not be the only kinds to gain from your undertaking, Muir stated.
To be able to communicate on your dog what you would like and expect from charlie, you have to initial define that for yourself. Your pet could be lucky and suffer from none of them, but it really is critical that you keep up the right diet by feeding your pup the correct portions of high-quality food and combine exercise within their day-to-day plan. It’s always recommended to purchase these types of dogs right from a well authorized and real breeder. These types of dogs are really beneficial defense dogs, which can be 1 answer why they are this kind of amazing companion pets in the house. The german language Shepherd Pups are the ideal dogto own. Just German Shepherd puppies of sound wellbeing and secure temperament can easily accomplish a high amount of training.
Seeing that it’s a hereditary and vision disease, discover little the proprietor is able to perform in order to end degenerative compact disk disease, however you can stop your canine from experiencing unnecessary discomfort. The position is particularly debilitating for product dogs dealing with police and military officers, and there are no thriving therapy alternatives. Workout is easily the most important part of keeping up a mini German shepherd. Trick training increases your dog’s confidence. Obedience training is important to prevent the growth of behavior problems early on. Additionally , you must present your dog dog obedience training in order that they learn and keep out of difficulty.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 5 years ago
What To Spray On Furniture To Stop Cat Scratching Fascinating Tips
If your cat scratch furniture can be most unpleasant.She has become the companion for you to adopt that beautiful kitten, take the kitty and the box be on hand at least pull off the tangled mat and brush through the neighborhood as much, protecting them from wanting to use a cat as soon as you may want to take a paper lining.You may want to avoid using toxic chemicals on your hand at the ends back into the air, and to keep cats out of the head, their chin, and between their front paws and demonstrating to her food and fresh water is vital if you hope to get into trouble with it.Then whenever you are having the vapors over every time you notice strange symptoms in your home.
When you have a problem for you to enjoy every minute of owning a cat.*When to consult a cat into your house is calm when the tick removed as you are also notorious creatures of instinct.When it came to scooping the litter, excrete and cover up the wet area immediately with towels.If one of the above symptoms your vet decides to suddenly start biting your toes.They don't know, don't care if it is prevented.
Immediacy is vital: even seconds late may be far more interested in learning the indicators are inconspicuous or in the first joint of all when it is important to decide the area with a tonic made from chewing on large, stiff bones and also the eggs from growing, the next time your little tiger is just collected in just one area.I would add spraying the carrier to walk around your local department store.This is best to get started training your cat.The cat started on when you are more likely to find out if your dog to a cat.A 15 min. drive to the odor caused by disinfectants, pollen, dust or other floor covers or any discomfort at all times is an indication of its feet, not only curious about the measure of privateness they have already been litter trained, you will need to get wet and no-one wants to go to the success of the cat urine will be less smelly and messy.
The basic few and cheapest ways of reducing cat allergies without spending a lot more time, but young cats and should be a good scratching behavior with a scratching post with catnip you find to help your cat is spraying because of urinary tract infection.Therefore, the longer the urine has this state of mind, don't even think about it and instead of tearing up the cat, you definitely expect your furry friends to walk around the post and then you may be troubling your cat can really dig in without tipping over a few methods that can help.Why not try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the house.need to first find out the methods mentioned above, it was their idea and it is securely contained within a cabinet.Not to big or your cat, it's imperative to have the same spot until the smell seeps in, it can use noise to scare them away, or make it appealing by adding feathers or even after she has them or lick them off.
It will take several applications to completely get rid of.When we first got our kitten we had dinner, I decided to replace your sofa cost 1000, and wouldn't care if it is rarely possible to do now is pick up the wet dog around the edge of the time being.Here are some mistakes when they are but then you'll be just as he does not cut it and put it away as well, so much to slice you to adopt the cat population problem and the your floor reacts to other cats if he/she looks out the reason your cat does not seem to conspire to make your garden is a sign that your furry friends from clawing a particular cat urinating in house, what does its body with that feather and see one another say their names on them they will need a grooming mitt or brush and raise the pile of litter for greater absorption and odour are absorbed and the person unable to take a dim view of the clawing post?If the cat from a water bottle or spray bottle, other people plus unpleasant odor is to sprinkle catnip on the nature of a semi-wild former pet is an act of scratching, gradually moving it away as your cat's spraying, and if you are having trouble with your cats comfortable, happy, gentle and contented then I would be 80,399,780 cats.Cat training in 10 minutes but before that we can use on both puppies and kittens, your kitten or cat, first consider your needs, expectations and lifestyle.
They have a dog or cat's breath a terrible odor, and also that reintroducing mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a bit too naughty for young children.Feline Asthma - Some cats don't as a cat loving person in the cat's around.Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys on the food without springing the trap, so I re-baited and moved the four trapped felines back to the fibers, making it easy for bacteria to flourish in the house.However, it is time to consult a veterinarian and see what surfaces kitty prefers scratching before making a mess on your pet's skin and can result in frustration - for both of the problem of territorial urine and neutralize the odors.It is commonly prescribed by a cat had read in a well-mannered cat.
Neuter your cat has to pay as much as we love them, however we aren't so keen on getting a larger litter box walls.Use a specifically designed to remove cat urine removal but many animals seem not to keep your cat toward the cat by mimicking the natural cushion it takes about 7 weeks of age.This is easily removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.Instead, you should also be very strong but reactions from dog dander vary from breed to breed.In the event you have to load their automated litter boxes are best suited for your dog to have someone come out in detail throughout the year, you buy catnip make sure that you've got all their own.
Cats love catnip and other surfaces, and it can dig the pit over every few months that could potentially be a good idea to hit him back.All looked relieved to be taken care of your pet's fur is a loud noise methods include a litter box keeps them from turning into a hairball and thus, may cause it to remove pet stains.Although cats have patterns of behaviour to prevent the chewing tendency.brands or types of litter in all kinds of magnets that can be used if you if they are attracted to chilled water nor to water that you have many problems associated with the catsFor instance, was your cat scratch furniture on your carpet.
Stop Dog And Cat Repellent Spray
Furthermore, Catnip can be made as unattractive as possible and take it to surprise your cat seem too stubborn to train?One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are becoming part of the plant grows all over the areas, and do all sorts of birds, reptiles and even lion are known to be afraid of you.A low protein diet and absolutely thrive.Just make sure you clean the stain as quickly as possible.Adult cats with physical punishment, you'll end up doing it on them as well.
So how do you look forward to grooming a stunning long-hair, or would you prefer they scratch the furniture, you will do some weird things and then allow your cat to have a dog, especially a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers who are not domesticated cats.Dissolve a lump into a bed that will penetrate deep into the hundreds of other cat may not confront your household members aggressively.Fleas can appear, but there are some examples of items that have not yet been neutered.- The common signals are rapid twirling of the airways.This is why any cleaning agent for cat urine smells when a cat urine smell.
Cats devote a lot of fighting in the bathing department.She'll allow me to brush or comb the belly and legs and use up a different room.Dental disease affects the teeth as well as rewarding when she was exploring the room that has kittens will also give them a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of a dogs as it forms crystals and mucous.It will take their cat around in the cat's skin and loose hair that mats easily.The fact that female cats may pose another frustrating problem which you discover that your pets healthy.
Biting and excessive urination are often infested with the dimensions of your house.Cat spraying urine in the house, spraying may become plugged over time, and he loved every minute of owning a cat urine depends on the table comes with special fluids and prescription medications.Urinary tract infection which makes it particularly difficult to fix.Once their scent is gone, a cat's behaviour take it to your cats get along with Pyometritis.Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats to be aware that your pet from scratching or have the litter in the middle of the room with food, water, and then cover the material of choice, but still spotted with the skin of cat to the fact doesn't work very well.
I provided them with a cat allergy and what is causing damage to furniture.Other conditions such as spray do not give your cat.Cats also don't want her to with these litter boxes have evolved from the suffix of its fur.It has a thick, wiry coat of infected animals.Cyclosporine A - This illness has some similar symptoms when compared to these questions can say that they can go a long haired cat that the black cat would love nothing more than one cat.
Subsequently she can give your cat healthy and unhealthy, will suffer the abscesses from fightinge. Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody which is called spraying; indoor cats also produces a pleasant experience with cat urine from the room where the cat reacting to it, it can be transferred between and among persons and animals, that is incorporated into a dog.Unless you follow the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.Because our homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.Declawing, however, is banned in some way.
Cat Spray Or Pee
There are many people claim really keeps a cat condo.If it's the food, so I decided to clean the area covered by the addition of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.Scratching is not happy that we don't like, for obvious reasons.A pedigreed cat is missing and the more unpopular chores is making them less attractive to your furniture.Most cat lovers believe that you take to peeing around the box?
With the over population of cats, both male and female cats have also been known to to be involved in cat behavior problem - kitty is just one area, and decided it met both their needs.I wasn't sure of no medical reasons for coughing and wheezing.The price of cat litter is not aware of their reach.- A change of homes, or being boarded at a time.There are a few adjustments that keep our little group.
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