#also i feel like no one enjoys these so i might stop
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sa2sugu · 2 days ago
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....hi everyone......... i know that some of you already know about this but i have a bl comic that is currently being published on lezhin. it's called "처음의 여름" or "a first of summers". it's explicit and i'd be really happy if anyone who is interested in this type of thing or my art gives it a read.
you can read the english version at: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/first_summer
(or the korean version here if you're into that): https://lezhin.com/ko/comic/first_of_summers
you can also follow me on twitter: https://x.com/pppanghouse
i have gotten many messages asking me if i was the one behind a first of summers (because apparently my art style is very recognizable i can't hide from you guys!!), and i've been ignoring them for months (sorry, everyone) because i was never fully proud of the work that i was putting out there. i still don't think i am at a point where i can confidently promote my work like a normal person would because me and shame are like this -> 🫂. but i am working on getting better at managing my shame and making this post is a step towards that goal. in a way, i felt more reluctant to post about it here because i see the connections i've made on tumblr as real tangible friendships rather than parasocial ones so it's even more embarrassing.
as a lover of yaoi, slice of life and queer media, i tried to make something that i personally would like to read, in an art style that i would have found inspirational when i started digital art. here are some panels that i am kind of proud of ahh hee hee
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to be honest it feels very very weird to "make a story" and "share it with people", because i've never done something like this before and having to offer my personal themes and internal symbols to people in the hopes that some of you may resonate with them feels like i'm running down the street with my whole ass out in the open. idk how people do this.
also, i know a lot of you consume media illegally and i know that i alone can't stop you from doing that. which is why i'm all the more thankful to anyone who chooses to support me by buying the chapters on the official websites. i'm slowly learning that this (working on stories and drawing) might be something i want to keep doing and get better at, so i'm so deeply grateful to those who make that possible for me by supporting me financially. it always feels super nice when people show appreciation for my art and recommend it to other people and talk about it.
anyways, so that's me. i have a lot more to say but this post has already gotten long enough, and none of it includes any information on what the comic is about lol so here's a short synopsis: hyeonseon is a 40yo divorced salaryman who, after having a bit of a midlife crisis about where he is at in life, decides to learn electric guitar. his teacher, yeoreum (which means summer) is a 24yo college student who is also having a bit of a crisis of his own aaaand falls for the older dude. uhhhh and as i said it's explicit they are fucking it oppa homo style, and it does deal with themes related to age gaps but please don't come for meeeee!!!!!!!! i tried to make it tasteful and chose to work with age gaps because i had something to say about the concept of adulthood/life, also i enjoy a dude who's a little old getting dicked down by a younger lad what do you want me to say, damn......
if you have any nice things to say about my work then weeheee please go ahead, thank you
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spiderb00bs · 1 day ago
Jenna Ortega x reader  
“The night seemed perfect for a love confession” 
Genre – fluff     Warnings – none 
Now playing – I Know Love, by Tate McRae ft. The Kid LAROI 
“we started off friends, how we end up here?” 
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Working with Jenna was one of the best experiences you've ever had. You saw that what everyone said was true, Jenna really was kind, charismatic, beautiful, talented and very professional. Although Jenna's professionalism made your job 1000% easier, you took it as a sign that she would never look at your relationship as anything more than work.   
During the shoot, you reached a level of friendship you never imagined you could. You and Jenna constantly hung out together after the shoot, talking about funny things that happened on set and just relaxing. When the promotions for the movie started happening, you and the brunette were instructed to be very intimate and touchy-feely in the interviews, since you two were playing a couple, so this would consequently generate a lot of promotion for the movie.  
After all the work fog cleared, you and Jenna kept in touch - making it even harder for you to try and put your feelings aside. Jenna was always perfect, she asked you out constantly, at first it was just going for walks while the two of you shared playlists, then you started meeting weekly to see plays that were showing, not just on Broadway, but also in small theaters that you found while walking around the city. Then you just met up to watch movies, or drink while chatting about random things.   
Every time you and Jenna went out, you fell more and more in love with the brunette, and without you knowing it, she found herself the same way. Jenna fell in love with you the first time she saw you, her heart raced immediately, her pupils dilated when you were near her, and her head went into overdrive every time you got close to her. The Latina found it extremely difficult that you hadn't noticed all her efforts, she knew you weren't an outgoing person, and she understood that. But at this point, it was practically impossible for you not to have noticed her advances.   
By tonight, Jenna was tired! She had planned everything, every word, how she was going to make the evening happen, how she was finally going to admit her feelings for you.   
The restaurant was full, the lights were low and the atmosphere was expensive and extremely elegant. You were slightly out of place, you and Jenna had never been to places like this, your dates had always been in more relaxed places, where you both seemed to let yourselves show, places where you could both be yourselves. Not that you didn't enjoy being in a restaurant, especially in Jenna's presence, but it all felt as if you were forcing yourselves into something you weren't.   
 "Do you want to order now?" You ask Jenna.   
 The woman, who was only pretending to read the menu, twisted her mouth slightly, something that might have gone unnoticed if you didn't know her so well. The truth was that the brunette was regretting, firmly regretting her choice of place. Looking around, she saw how the people in that restaurant were almost robots, bored rich couples, just sitting at the tables as if the fabric of the tablecloth was holding those empty relationships together.   
Sighing, Jenna put down her menu, looking around before stopping her gaze on you. "Do you want to get out of here?"   
Her tongue was covering part of her teeth, while she made that expression that made you go weak. For others, it was just another of Jenna's quirks, for you it was one of her most passionate expressions. 
"I'll go wherever you go." Your smile mirrored Jenna's, and the brunette stood up grabbing your hand before walking quickly to the exit.   
You and Jenna liked walking, so you rarely went out in the car. Running through the streets hand in hand, the two of you laughed, apologizing when you bumped into people. Some eyes were on you, of course people would be staring, two Hollywood actresses were running through the streets of New York like two kids. You were lucky not to be caught by paparazzi.   
Stopping momentarily at a street kiosk, you and the shorter woman looked at the dirty, greasy menu - a stark contrast to the world of elegance you were in minutes ago. Sitting on the sidewalk, you let the hot dog sauce fall on your white shirt.  
"You're a child." Laughing, the woman brushed her finger across your lips.  
Your eyes glazed over at the brunette as she kept her gaze on yours while you brought your thumb to her lips, watching her taste the sauce almost as if it were your own. Your eyes didn't stray from each other, and both you and Jenna swallowed the words you wanted to say.   
Clearing your throat, you stood up from the sidewalk, wiping your hands on your napkin and holding your hands out to Jenna to get her to stand up.  
"I have a copy of Nosferatu at home, you know, the old one." You said, scratching the back of your head as you tried to complete your train of thought. "Do you want to watch..."  
"Yes!" Jenna coughed covertly, trying to disguise how quickly she would follow you anywhere you went.   
"All right, let's go then." You smiled at the brunette, letting her cling to your bicep as you walked to your apartment. 
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Jenna's head was resting comfortably on your shoulder, she had long since put the movie aside, focusing only on how she was going to approach the subject she was most looking forward to that night. realizing that the brunette wasn't paying attention to the art on the television, you paused the movie, glancing at Jenna to make sure she hadn't fallen asleep.   
"Hey, is everything okay? You're a bit off..." Jenna saw the concern in your eyes. The brunette loved the way you looked at her, she loved how loving you were.   
"I just have a lot on my mind right now." She said, looking at you tenderly.   
Sitting down properly on the sofa, you looked at Jenna expectantly. "Do you want to share?"  
Sighing, Jenna settled her head in the palm of her hand. "What would you do if you were into someone, but they had no idea?"   
You sighed, not wanting to let the sadness on your face let Jenna know how disappointed you were to hear that she liked someone.   
"Well, you could tell that person." You swallowed.   
"Do you think she'd like me?"  
"Jenna, anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. You're one of the strongest women I know, one of the best actresses I've ever worked with, if someone doesn't want to be with you they're at least stupid..."   
Suddenly, you were interrupted, Jenna's soft lips on yours. Your eyes widened slightly, the smaller woman's body was practically on top of you, Jenna's arms were wrapped around your neck and you finally relaxed, closing your eyes, putting your hands on her waist and enjoying the Latina's soft lips on yours. Kissing Jenna was exactly as you imagined, and happiness seemed to bubble up inside you.   
Breaking the kiss, you looked at Jenna, seeing the woman's eyes still closed as she tried to normalize her breathing. Raising your hand, you put a lock of Jenna's hair behind her ear, smiling.   
"I like you too, Ortega."  
And there, in the moonlight coming in through the window, you slept, snuggling Jenna to your chest, feeling everything you could say in words.  
But actions are worth more. 
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Hey, look at me here again. 
Well, passing by very fast here, I have to keep working, so stay safe and drink water
xoxo, spider.
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harrywavycurly · 2 days ago
Almost Bumble Fumble: Ordinary
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
A/N: I have gotten asked for more of these two and I was very inspired by the song Ordinary by Alex Warren, it for some reason made me think of these two so 10/10 recommend listening to it! Enjoy!✨
Tag List: @georgiarose94 @maiajadestyles @fandomfreak404 @likea-silhouette @obsessiveenthusiast @thegr8estpuff @triski73 @amarenonamari @cloudyluun @umadirectioner @styleswithaseaview @sunflower-tia @tulips4harry @gmikaelson @fangirl509east @howling-wolf97 @outofthisworl-d @namoreno
Summary: Harry says something that causes a change in your relationship✨
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You can feel his eyes on you as you stand at the sink washing the plates the two of you just ate dinner on, it’s a feeling you’ve gotten used to over the last few months ever since you ended up in front of his house during a mid morning walk. The two of you finding it just a bit odd that he just so happens to live only a fifteen minute walk away from you and yet you haven’t bumped into each other before but in true Harry fashion he chalked it up to the universe knowing just the right time to make the two of you come across each other’s paths, or dating profiles. You bite back a smile as you remember the first time Harry knocked on your door one Friday evening with a box of pizza and a bottle of wine, wanting to switch from your usual FaceTime hangout to an actual in person hangout and it’s as if the two of you haven’t stopped hanging out since. No words have been spoken about what exactly the two of you are doing, but at the same time you don’t think either of you need to explain it.
Harry while he was a little shy at first and needed you to be the one to reach over and grab his hand on one of your evening strolls around the neighborhood, now has no problem subtly showing his affection towards you with kisses to your forehead and a hand on you at all times if you’re within arms reach, he even holds your hand in public now and not just in the confines of the neighborhood and sometimes like now he will just stare at you with this far off look in his eyes that has the underlying hint of fondness that makes your heart want to burst. You on the other hand aren’t shy and have Harry laughing when you nearly cause him to fall over with how aggressive your hugs can be when you haven’t seen him in a day or two. Harry doesn’t ever have to wonder if you want him around because you simply drag him back to your side by his belt loop when he gets too far ahead of you while out at the shops or sometimes you just come up behind him and wrap yourself around him and rest your head between his shoulders and the sigh he hears you let out tells him you need his comfort just as much as he needs yours, the two of you just show it in different ways.
To the outside world the two of you might seem like an odd pairing, Harry being seen as somewhat quiet and reserved while you’re more on the vibrant and only slightly loud side and by loud it’s really just your laugh but Harry doesn’t mind because he adores the sound of it. Another thing is that Harry isn’t really online as much as someone his age is assumed to be, he prefers to have his head in a book and while you do enjoy reading you’re also more in tune with social media trends and quoting viral phrases to him that make him laugh or feel as if you’re playing a joke on him when he doesn’t quite get it but he tries and you appreciate his efforts every time he uses one of his newly learned phrases, even if it’s in the totally wrong context.
“I think it’s clean love.” Harry’s voice brings you out of your thoughts making the plate slip out of your hands and into the soapy water. “You okay?” You hear the smallest hint of concern in his voice as he slides a bit closer to you from him spot next to the sink where his drying station is set up.
“I’m fine.” You answer with a smile and you want to laugh at the faintest sound of what you know is a sigh of relief you hear come from Harry that without a doubt he tried to keep to himself but he can’t keep much from you given how close he managed to inch himself towards you while you were lost in your own little world.
“I just feel a little concerned.” You tell him with a slight purse of your lips as you reach for the plate that just fell back into the sink. Harry quirks an eyebrow at you as he watches you turn your head and look at the stack of dishes he’s already dried. “I mean honestly Harry have you never been on drying duty before? You can’t stack them.”
“I beg your pardon? You can absolutely stack dry dishes. How else are you meant to put them back on the shelf?”
“You can stack them after they dry overnight but not right after you run a rag over them. You’re going to make them all gross.”
“All gross? Really? The woman who has been using the same soapy water and nasty sponge to clean all the dishes is now worried my drying capabilities will be the reason they get all gross?”
“For someone who was standing there watching me like a hawk you clearly weren’t paying attention to what I was-”
“I always pay attention to what you’re doing.” It’s the softness of his voice that has you turning to face him. He has a hand on his hip while the other is down by his side holding the rag he was using to dry the dishes and his face has a genuinely sincere look on it as his green eyes stare into yours.
“That’s cheating.” You say with a huff making Harry let out a chuckle as he tosses the rag onto the counter before turning and placing his hands on your hips. “You can’t say things like that in the middle of a fake argument it’s-it’s rude Harry.” He just nods along while you speak as he pulls you closer until you’re resting your forehead on his chest and let out a dramatic sigh.
“I’d say sorry but I’m not.” He admits as his hands slide to your lower back. “And I know how you feel about lying and all that.”
“I appreciate the honesty.” Harry smiles when you lift your head off his chest so he can get a good look at your face. Your eyes have a sleepy little droop to them that could either be from the wine you had at dinner or the fact it’s nearing eleven at night, your cheeks have a faint pink tint to them that he feels happy to be the cause of and honestly Harry thinks you look adorable as you stare up at him.
“You’re pretty.” You say with a sigh as you bring a hand up and place it on the soft fabric of Harry’s t shirt and with that Harry has his answer that your little sleepy looking eyes are probably from a mixture of the wine along with the time of night.
“Thanks love.” He says with a chuckle as he leans down and places a kiss to your forehead. “But you’re the pretty one.” He argues making you roll your eyes as you reach up on your tiptoes so you can grab both sides of his face and pull him into a kiss that has his hand on your lower back tightening around you and pulling you closer into his chest.
“I still can’t believe you’re real.” You mumble once you pull away and turn to go back to washing the plates in the sink making Harry shake his head while dropping his hands from around you.
As he stands in front of the stack of dry plates he has to hold back a laugh because that little phrase is something he hears you mumble quite a bit to yourself or sometimes like now you let it slip out while still in front of him. He knows that you’re referring to him being real as in not some fictional human you’ve made up in your mind, it no longer holds the same meaning it did when you first saw him when you didn’t believe he was real as in the real Harry Styles.
“Yes love?”
“You’re not really going to leave the plates stacked right?” You question as Harry turns his head just to see you looking at him with a look of minor concern etched on your face as you hold out a clean plate for him to take and dry off.
He can’t help but give you a reassuring smile to ease your worry since he can tell this is just one of those things you clearly like done a specific way. And since Harry isn’t a stranger to having certain ways of doing things he won’t argue with you this time, even though a small part of him does love the effortless way the two of you can go back and fourth without actually crossing any lines and turning silly bickering into a full blown argument.
“I’ll put them on the drying rack don’t worry.” You smile and give him a small nod of approval as he takes the plate from you.
“God we’re so domestic.” The statement makes a warm feeling wash over Harry because it’s true, the two of you often end up doing very ordinary and basic things such as grocery shopping and dishes together and now that he thinks about it, those moments are the ones filled with the most meaning for him. Because if he can have fun and enjoy every moment of doing everyday things with you that are usually a bit boring and feel more like a chore, than that has to mean he’s found something special with this relationship and with you.
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“I’m not so sure about that one love.” You look down at the photo of the flower arrangement on your phone as Harry rests his chin on top of your shoulder. “S’a bit too orange.” He explains when you let out a huff and begin sliding through other examples the florist you’ve chosen for a party you’re hosting next week has on their website.
“Too orange? That’s not a thing.” You bite back making Harry chuckle as his hand on your waist gives you a little pinch. “It’s just for a little garden party oh-what about this one?” You hold your phone out so he can get a good look at the small yellow and pink arrangement, you feel him smile against your neck making a shiver run down your spine.
“That one’s nice.” He answers before lifting his head off your shoulder and reaching out towards your phone screen with his free hand so he can use two fingers and zoom in on the photo. “I like the pinks and the bits of green.” You smile as you briefly let your eyes glance up to check if your order has been placed on the little counter of the small cafe the two of you have become regulars at. A place that has Harry feeling more comfortable with showing his affectionate side while tucked away near the back with his back against the wall and you standing in front of him between his spread legs so your back can rest against his chest.
“I think I like it.” Harry notes the excitement in your voice as his hand drops away from your phone screen and lands on your waist.
“I love you-I mean it.” Harry’s words are a jumbled mess swirling around in his brain as he feels his face get hot and his hands suddenly begin to get all sweaty at his slip up. “I love it.” He reiterates as you slide your phone into your pocket and turn around so you’re facing him, his grip on your waist loosening ever so slightly as if he’s giving you wiggle room to run away and never speak to him again.
“Yeah? You love it?” Your voice is like a soothing tonic to Harry’s mind that’s running a mile a minute with things he should say to clear the air but when he meets your stare suddenly all those thoughts are gone. Leaving him with a pile of muddled words that only barely scratch the surface of how truly beautiful he thinks you are, especially when you’re looking at him like he’s the only person on the planet that means anything to you.
“Yeah.” Is all he can manage to get out and he feels a ball of anxiety form in the pit of his stomach as the thought of potentially just ruining everything with his stupid one word response but to his surprise, it earns him a grin as you reach up and place a hand on the side of his face.
“Good. I love it too.” His brain doesn’t have time to register what that means exactly, if you’re talking about the flowers or something else before you’re reaching up and placing a very quick kiss to his lips.
“Edward? Edward your order is ready!” You laugh and turn around as you hear the name you gave the barista for your order while Harry is still mentally stuck in the fog of not knowing if the two of you just told each other you loved each other in some weirdly yet very you type of way.
“I’ll go get our drinks.” You tell him over your shoulder and Harry just watches you walk away making his hands slip off your waist as you head towards the counter, leaving him standing there in a confused bubble while you’re just acting completely normal. But he’s brought back to reality when he looks up and finds you heading his way with your coffee in one hand and his tea in the other and a very sweet smile on your face.
“You think I should get two? Of the arrangements? One for each table?” You question casually as you hand him his tea. Harry can’t do much besides nod his head making you smile and reach up to place a kiss to his cheek. “Perfect.” You say with a smile as you reach for his hand and begin heading towards the door so the two of you can leave the cafe and continue on your morning walk that will eventually end at one of your houses just in time for a snack and some cuddles on the couch.
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“Just focus on running Harry.” He thinks to himself as he rounds the corner at the end of his street.
It’s been two days since the cafe incident and ever since then something has been bugging him about this situation he’s in with you and this morning when he woke up he officially felt as if he’s going insane with not knowing where the two of you stand with each other so to clear his head he laced up his running shoes and hit the sidewalk. Normally this type of relationship is exactly what he likes, one that doesn’t need defining and the label of being exclusive because how could either of you really be seeing anyone else when all your free time is spent with him or your girlfriends and for him he doesn’t think a day has gone by in the last three or four months that he doesn’t either want to make plans with you or already has plans with you. But something about you has all of a sudden changed everything because he doesn’t think he would be able to handle it if you told him you wanted to see someone else while also seeing him, it would crush him.
“Oh those are nice. Are those roses? She likes roses.” He wonders as he runs past a front yard that has an impeccable garden with vibrant flowers and lush bushes.
As he continues down the sidewalk Harry begins to go back to the look on your face when he accidentally let those three little words fall out of his mouth. You didn’t look surprised or scared, you almost looked as if in that moment you were letting Harry decide on if he wanted to repeat them or not and whatever came out of his mouth you were ready to go along with. That realization makes Harry stop in his tracks.
“She loves me?” He pants as he tries to catch his breath in front of a random house in his neighborhood he doesn’t think he’s ever seen before. “That’s what that means right? She-she was ready to say it back?” He mumbles to himself as he brings a hand up to his forehead while the other rests on his hip as he looks up towards the sky for a moment before a grin slowly begins to form on his face. “She loves me.” And with that he’s off running again but this time with a destination in mind, no longer needing to clear his head because he knows exactly what he needs to do or say in this very moment.
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You’re standing in your kitchen holding a mug of coffee when you hear your front door open and then close, you don’t bother to check who it is because only two people have keys to your house and one of them is you and the other just so happens to be the flustered looking man standing before you in maroon running shorts and a black tank top. You silently watch as Harry slides his sunglasses off and tosses them onto the kitchen table behind him, he then puts both hands on his hips while taking in a few deep breaths and you wonder if he ran here on purpose or if he is just stopping by while on one of his more longer runs. When you set your mug down on your counter and open your mouth to speak Harry holds a hand up to you as if to tell you not to say anything just yet so you just close your mouth and give him the floor to say whatever it is he needs a moment to prepare himself to say.
“Are you my girlfriend?” His words come out rushed as if he’s still trying to catch his breath as he looks at you with bright green eyes and flushed cheeks. “Because if you’re not then I’d like you to be if that’s okay?” You rub your lips together as he nervously rubs at the back of his neck. “Because m’not sure I can go on without knowing how-”
“Three words.” Your voice is sweet yet serious as you cut him off mid sentence. Harry’s arms drop to his sides and his eyes to go a bit wide as he watches you take a step towards him.
“Three words?” He repeats with a quirked brow while running a hand through his hair.
“Three words. Eight letters.” You can’t fight the smile that wants to take over your face as you stand right in front of him, his face is a mixture of confused but also relieved that you’re not telling him to get lost or something worst. “Say them and I’m yours.” Harry tries to shuffle through all the random quotes he’s heard you say over the course of knowing each other as the last sentence hits his ears, he knows he’s heard it before and when he realizes where it’s from he can’t stop the chuckle that escapes him.
“I love you.” You have your hands on his face pulling him down towards you for a kiss before the last syllable leaves his lips. Harry’s arms instinctively wrap around your waist so he can pull you closer not wanting the kiss to end just yet.
“I love you too.” You mumble against his lips before capturing them in another kiss that leaves Harry feeling as if he’s floating on cloud nine when you finally pull away.
“Gossip girl? Really?” He asks with a breathy laugh that makes a grin spread across your face.
“I couldn’t just let the moment pass me by I mean how many times does someone get to say that quote? And it actually be perfectly timed? Besides,” Your hands travel down to Harry’s chest as you look up at him while his arms tighten their hold around you. “You know you love me.” Your voice is lower and more sultry than normal as you do your best gossip girl impression but it’s the wink you give him that sends the both of you over the edge and into a full fit of laughter
“I do yeah-I love you.” Harry placed a kiss to the top of your head as you rest your cheek against the fabric of his tank top. “So does this mean you’re my girlfriend then?”
“Yes Harry I’m your girlfriend.”
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lily-sofii · 2 days ago
Hii! I am in love with your Raf nsfw alphabet. I can't imagine him being any other way cause you were so accurate. If you want, could you write a Caleb version? Thank you very much anyway byeee
Caleb NSFW alphabet
I am madly in love with you anon for this ask, we should get married fr
Warnings(?): I'm not the most familiar with his personality yet so it might be ooc, Caleb being weird and obsessive, slight mentions of drugging without your knowledge (just like canon lmao), the fanfic is just 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔶, step-brother Caleb
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Caleb would rather die than to not treat you like a princess after sex. I mean, what kind of step-brother doesn’t want to take care of his sister? He does everything and anything you ask of him. Do you need a shower Pip-squeak? You got it. Want a snack or a drink? Caleb is on his way already! Wanna just fall asleep and stay in bed? Caleb will wash you down and cover you with the softest blankets. Don't worry about him, you're the only important one right now.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Caleb's favorite body part of his is the one which you like the most. Do you like his hands? So does he! Do you like his abdomen? He does too!
(Although if you did force him to pick a part himself, he'd pick somewhere where you left a lasting mark on him. Like the bite wound on his hand from when you were both kids)
As for his favorite body part of yours?. He'd say everything, he doesn't need one favorite part when he can just love all of them. But truly? He's obsessed with your chest. Any time of the day he grabs your chest, his hands sneaking under your shirt and your bra. His brain is addicted to how soft your breasts are under his fingers, how your nipples harden under his touch.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Caleb will cum inside of you, no matter what. Everytime you two are in bed, he cums inside automatically, not even asking. The only way for you to get him to cum anywhere else is to push him off of you just as he's about to cum or to say that you'll forever hate him if he cums inside.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you were teenagers and both still lived under one roof, he'd always jerk off to the thought of you, his lovely step-sister. Now, of course his friends and he used to talk about pornography and porn stars all the time, but Caleb never understood it. He tried it, he really did! But nothing could compare to the thought of you being with him as he was jerking off. Did he feel disgusted? Absolutely, I mean, he's jerking off to his step-sister. But it felt the best.
A dirty secret from the present? He's obsessed with the idea of feeding you an aphrodisiac. I mean, he's given you pills before without your consent, why not try it more? Although it is worth noting that he hasn't done it yet, nor will he have the courage to do so in the next 6 months or more.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Caleb knows what he’s doing because he knows you. He has no experience outside of you, because as cheesy as it sounds, he was saving himself for you and you only.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Caleb is okay with any position as long as you like it, although he does prefer positions where he can see your face. He enjoys seeing the pleasure on your face, the pleasure he’s giving you. Plus he also enjoys kissing you non-stop, leaving you out of breath.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Caleb is as serious as he can be in the moment. Sure, if anything embarrassing happens he’ll laugh at it, but otherwise he’s rather serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I was gonna say that he only trims his hair, but in his design it is implied that he shaves, as seen here:
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As for the hair itself? I’d say it’s slightly darker than the hair on his head and that it is thicker.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Caleb is romantic with you 24/7, and it does not change when he’s intimate with you. If anything, it ten folds.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
He'd jerk off almost every day when he was a teen, always thinking only about you. But upon becoming a fleet officer he didn't have time to do much. The only time he'd get to jerk off is when he had a free day (few days a month), and once again, his head would only be thinking about you no matter how hard he tried to think of anyone else.
As for the present? He jerks off anytime he gets needy and you’re not there. No matter where he is. Is he in a meeting and you text him? Well, he’s already hard and making his way to the bathroom to rub one out.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Due to Caleb's profession, I think he'd have a thing for bondage, especially handcuffs, and he'd be into uniforms, along with marking, like bites and hickeys.
For handcuffs, he'd cuff you and never let you cuff him.
For the uniform, it wouldn't matter. Sure, he loves to wear the uniform and to act higher than you, but you wearing the uniform turns him on the same, if not more.
Also, I am convinced he'd try to make you levitate up to his face to eat you out with his Evol while jerking off.
And there’s a slight chance that he has Dacryphilia, but he won’t admit it.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
I honestly think he’d want to do it anywhere if he was needy enough and if it was private enough. Most often he takes you in his home since it’s private and you barely leave anyways, but there have been times (far too many times) where he bent you over the control panel of the fleet’s airplane, or on a random wall in a public space where no one could see you two.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
YOU. Anything and everything about you is what gets him going, innocent or not. Oh, are you wearing his shirt? It's because you love him so much you wanna look like him, right?
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I believe he’d try almost anything for you, as long as it gives you pleasure/turns you on. He just loves you so much that he’d do it even if it was odd to him,
Although a thing that he’d never do, is take you with anyone else. You’re his, just his. No one else can ever see you in the ways he does.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Caleb loves giving oral. Sure he enjoys it when you give him oral too, but he’s much happier giving you the pleasure.
As for his skill? Well, given the fact he has no experience before you, I’d say he’s definitely sloppy in the start. He does get better with time, noting how each of his movements make you louder or quieter.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
This mainly depends on Caleb’s mood. He’d rather enjoys slow and sensual sex, but if something happens when he’s at work, he’ll come home and fuck you until you are on the verge of passing out.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Caleb most certainly prefers to take you in the confines of his home, taking his time with everything, but that isn’t too common due to his always-packed schedule. Thanks to him being a fleet officer who barely gets any time off, there are many times that quickies between you happened, much to his dismay.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Caleb isn’t the biggest risk taker, but he does take them sometimes. I mean, whenever he asks you for a joined ride in his airplane you end up bent over the control panel with Caleb fucking you from behind, your face pressed against the glass of the front winndow.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Caleb feels like he has infinite stamina, being able to go all night long if not longer. Although, if you start feeling exhausted, too overstimulated or like you’re gonna pass out, he will stop for you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
When he was a teen he tried to DIY a fleshliight/pocket pussy, but failed horribly due to being terribly untalented in the crafts. So he just continued jerking off with his hand and until now that had stayed the same. Sure, he had the idea of buying a fleshlight, but he’s grown accustomed to simply using his hand.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As much as Caleb loves to have soft and sensual sex with you, he also loves to tease you. And as much as he’d hate to admit, he finds it utterly hot when he makes you cry with his teasing.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The first few times you were intimate, Caleb was rather quiet. Although after you asked him if he’s even receiving pleasure during intimacy, he let his voice go. Now most of the times when you have sex he whines and whimpers as he kisses you, moaning in your ear when the kisses break.
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
I think the step-sibling aspect of your relationship turns him on beyond belief. The forbidden aspect of it fueling his love (obsession) for you even more
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Caleb is much bigger than average, and much thicker too. His cock has a curve to it with the tip being an angry red color.
And for the record, he knows more than well how to use it. Well, after the first few times at least.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Before you? It was honestly low (not counting when he was a teen) and he’d actively have to get himself horny but now? He’s horny almost 24\7 when he’s with you, when he thinks about you, or when you text him.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Caleb makes sure you're okay. He watches you as you fall asleep and if you can't? He's gonna get you a nice drink that assures you will sleep. After all, he doesn't want you to be tired tomorrow, does he?
It also is rather common for Caleb to not sleep much himself. He just loves watching you sleep. Sometimes he can spend the whole night just watching your chest rise as you breathe calmly. He'd love to watch you like this every night, but he is the fleet's commander after all, so there are bound to be distractions.
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Idk @scarasdarling wanted to be tagged, there ya go bud
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fmnxpl · 1 day ago
Hold me, please
Pairing: Joaquin x semi!avenger!reader (not really an avenger but reader does fight and is in a fight scene here)
Warnings: a looooooot of angst, brief fight scenes, some fluff, at the begining, open ending (bc i might make a part 2 if someone is interested), brutal injuries, gore, and also reader is not doing well mentally with Joaquins last mission
Word count: 2k
Summary: You get hurt on a mission that was supposed to be Joaquin‘s. Arguments start, words are said that cannot be taken back. What ever to do now?
A/N: I think my next few posts will be joaquin based but i will def throw in some jason todd fics! Also thank you so much for all the love Forget me Not got! All likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated and i have seen all!:)) As a thank you have a waaaaayyy longer Joaquin Fanfic. I hope you enjoy it<3
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You feel him long before you see him.
A small smile grows onto your face as his goatee scratches and tickles your neck while he places kisses along your jaw. You had forced Joaquin a few weeks ago to let his beard grow in because you found him more attractive with it, and although he was reluctant at first—because he didn’t want Sam making fun of him—he very quickly learned that it indeed made you way more attracted to him. You open your eyes and turn around in his arms so that your face is pressed against his chest, one of your hands cradling the back of his neck.
"You smell really good, Joaquin," you murmur, placing a kiss on his Adam’s apple. You feel him shudder around you. “I was wearing that new cologne you got me yesterday,” he replies, his voice still thick with sleep. “Seems like it stuck.“
A low hum leaves you as you feel yourself slipping back into sleep.
"No, baby. We need to get up. It's late, and I gotta go meet Sam and Bucky." "Do you have a new mission? You just got out of the hospital, Joaquin. I don’t want you out there for at least two more weeks.". You sit up in bed, your back meeting the headboard. Joaquin leans on his side, propping himself up with one hand as he looks up at you with a goofy, shit-eating grin, chuckling.
"No, not a mission. Just a quick debrief of their last mission, and they wanted me to surveil an attack. I won’t engage at all, and I will be far, far, far away from any danger. I promise.". Every "far" is followed by a soft kiss on your chest, just above your heart.
You let out a sharp sigh and look away. Ever since his brush with death, you’ve been anxious, doting on him, taking care of him—you don’t want him out there anymore. You knew who he was, and you knew all the dangers that came with his job. You yourself would help them out here and there on their missions, but you would never call yourself an Avenger, a hero, or anything of the sort. And you certainly had never experienced such grave injuries before.
They had to restart his heart. He was gone. His heart—the one that holds so much love and so much joy—had stopped, and—
"Stop that." "I'm not doing anything." "You’re thinking too much about this. I won’t be near any danger, and after this, I won’t be asked to do anything for a month." He pulls himself from under the covers and makes his way to the bathroom, leaving you no room to start an argument.
As you stand up to get yourself something to eat, your phone begins to ring. It’s Sam. You pick up on the third ring.
"Hey, Sam." "Where are you? Is Joaquin with you?" You furrow your brows in worry at his tone. "No, he's in the bathroom. It's just me. What happened, Sam?" "We need you for a mission, but Joaquin can’t know." "Is it the mission that he’s surveilling? How exactly do you want him not to know, Sam?" "It’s a ruse." "A ruse? Am I your jack-in-the-box? Sam, just because Joaquin is on a break doesn’t mean you can go searching for others to just throw themselves headfirst into—" "I’m not asking."
"…Excuse me?"
"It is either you or Joaquin. And I wouldn’t have asked if this wasn’t absolutely necessary. Figure it out." Before you can even formulate a sentence in your head, he has already hung up.
A minute later, you receive a text from Sam—coordinates, most likely where the mission is supposed to take place.
You exhale deeply through your nose before moving to the kitchen. Breakfast is bland, unsatisfying. A little while later, Joaquin steps out of the shower, fresh and clean, already dressed. He grabs some fruit, kisses the top of your head, and bids you goodbye.
For a few minutes after Joaquin‘s departure, you stare at the kitchen wall. No sound, no movement, just the weight of your own heavy breathing. The more you think about Sam and his mission, the more you feel yourself stress. Your left ear starts ringing heavily as your head starta to sway. The harsh ringing of your phone yanks you out, and you quickly pick it up.
"I’ll be there in ten, Sam."
"Does Joaquin know? He just arrived and seems a bit skittish."
"No, I didn’t tell him anything, Sam. Can you keep an eye on him? At least until I’m in?"
"You got it. And thank you, for doing this."
It was supposed to be quick.
In and out. Grab the damn papers, throw anybody down who tried to get them, and get out before you get caught. And don’t kill anybody. That was what Sam and Bucky had told you.
Sam had even given you a headset to stay connected to Bucky as he stayed behind with Joaquin to surveil you and keep him off the radar. About five minutes in, your headset was crushed when one of the workers in the facility tried to bash your head into the wall. Small shards and sharp pieces of the headset pierced the side of your head, leaving behind a deep cut just beneath your eye. Your ear was ringing again, and you could practically feel Sam start to panic.
It took you two elongated hours before you finally saw the front door cleared. You had been stabbed in your abdomen, and your hand—although pierced to bits as well—pressed onto your wound as best as you could. The other hand grasped the papers tightly in case anybody tried to rip them out again.
But as you made your way to the door, your legs gave out from just beneath you and— Damn it.
Everything went black.
Damn Sam and this stupid superhero bullshit.
You hear frantic voices, someone yelling for help. Two warm hands cradle your face, thumbs rubbing slow, soothing circles against your cheeks. "Mi cielo my sky, don’t do this here. Please, please, please. I’m sorry. I know it hurts. Baby, don’t you love me? You can’t leave me alone, please, baby."
That was all you had gotten before your body blacked out again.
The next time your body wakes again, your eyes open first. A bright, strong white light almost blinds you with its intensity, and it does nothing to help the blaring headache pounding away at your skull. As you move your head to the side, you spot Joaquin. He looks tired—eyebags under his eyes more prominent, his beard unkempt and grown thicker than the last time you saw him. His hand holds tightly onto yours. You try to speak, to move, to give him any sign that you’re awake, but you’re far too exhausted. Instead, you just hope he realizes it on his own.
The door swings open, and Sam and Bucky enter. Sam holds a large bouquet of flowers in his hands, while Bucky—who doesn’t look much better than you imagine you do—just stands idly by.
"How ya doin’, kid?" Sam places the flowers on the nightstand next to your bed. You let out a sigh and open your mouth to try and speak, but before you get the chance, Joaquin already startled awake.
"How long has she been awake? Why didn’t you wake me? Do you need the doctor? Hold on, let me—". He moves to press the call button, but Sam is quicker.
No one says anything after that. Joaquin simply sits to the side as the doctor checks on you, glaring between you and Sam. You already know—once the doctor, Sam, and Bucky leave—you’re in for a long argument. And it's ironic, considering you had just been in his position less than a week ago. It takes an excruciating hour before Sam and Bucky finally decide to leave.
All the while, Joaquin hasn’t muttered a single word. Sam apologizes, and Bucky tries to start a conversation, but he doesn’t get far once he realizes that nobody is responding to him.
In all honesty, you don’t want them to leave. You don’t want to start an argument with Joaquin when your body is still half-alive, still clawing its way out of the grasp of death. However, much to your surprise, five minutes after Sam and Bucky leave, Joaquin stands up as well.
"Where are you going?" Your voice comes out dull and scratchy from disuse.
"I’m going home. I’ll come back tomorrow."
"Joaquin—". He leaves.
You exhale a deep sigh, turning your head to stare at the wall beside you.
It takes you two weeks to be cleared to return home. And in those fourteen days, Joaquin comes to visit you only four times—each visit shorter than the last. You try to talk to him, try to get him to explain why he’s this upset when he himself does this nearly every day, but the only responses you get are a sigh, a roll of his eyes, or a very short, "I have to go." You quickly learn to leave it be. When the time comes, he does come to pick you up, driving you both home in complete silence.
The second you step through your front door, his entire demeanor shifts.
"Was this what you wanted from the start?" His voice is sharp and rough as he whips around to face you. His narrowed eyes glare at you with a pointed stare, his breath coming out heavy.
"What? Joaquin, what are you—"
"Did you want this to happen? Go on a mission, get yourself hurt, just to teach me a lesson? I just got out of the fucking hospital, and not even a week later, you’re in there. Are you out of your mind? Taking on a mission like that all on your own? No backup, nothing, and I wasn’t even informed that you were there! You all lied to me. You can’t even fucking fight. You’re not even a fucking Avenger. What the fuck is wrong with you?", his voice grows significantly louder with every word that tumbles out of his mouth, but all you can focus on is the last sentence.
"Are you out of your fucking mind, Joaquin? I took care of you for four fucking weeks—day in and day out! I got you food, I got you everything you wanted, and this is what I fucking get? I took the fucking mission so you wouldn’t have gotten hurt again, and you can’t even look at me. Are you fucking kidding me?"
"No, you don’t get to—".
You don’t let him finish.
You turn around, storming toward the door, and slam it shut behind you.
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lilianne-tarot · 2 hours ago
PICK A PILE: What do people feel when they look into your eyes?
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How to Pick Your Pile: Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and look at the images above. Which one pulls you in the most? Trust your gut! Once you choose the image, The number below your chosen image is your pile. If more than one catches your eye, that just means there’s extra tea for you—go ahead and read both!
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── .✦ PILE I
cards pulled: The world reversed, 10 of wands, Ace of wands, 3 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles.
Hello pile 1! So starting off with your reading, your eyes hold weight. Like, people stare into them and feel this deep, almost overwhelming pull—as if you know things. You know when someone makes eye contact and immediately looks away? That’s why. Your gaze makes people feel exposed. 
Maybe, Your eyes look different depending on the mood you’re in. It’s almost supernatural. When you’re deep in thought, they can look distant—like you’re somewhere else entirely. But when you’re focused on someone? It’s game over for them. Your gaze locks them in place, and they suddenly forget how to breathe. Another hit I’m getting—your eyes glow in certain lighting. Like, maybe in the golden hour sun, or under dim lighting, there’s this otherworldly sheen to them. People notice it and get caught in a daze. You could be walking past someone, and they’ll turn back just to check if they really saw what they think they saw. (Hint: They did, and now they can’t stop thinking about it.)
But here’s the thing - your energy isn’t necessarily intimidating; it’s just unfiltered truth. People sense that you carry wisdom, resilience, and maybe even some silent battles that have shaped you. The World reversed tells me that people feel like you’ve seen life’s highs and lows, and it shows in the way your eyes hold untold stories. Some might feel comforted by that, but others? Oof—they go into a full-on existential crisis when they meet your gaze. people look into your eyes and get this weird mix of heavy emotions and admiration. Like, they see a depth that reminds them of their own struggles, but at the same time, they see someone who is still standing, pushing forward, making things happen.  But (and this is interesting), people also feel a need to prove themselves to you. The Three of Pentacles tells me that when people lock eyes with you, there’s this unconscious pressure to be better, to work harder, to impress you. Your eyes challenge people, like, “Are you really putting in the effort? Are you really stepping up in your life?” And some people LOVE that—they want to earn your respect. But for others? They shrink. They can’t handle being held to a silent standard.
Now, let’s talk about the fire in your gaze. Because it’s not all deep emotional weight and existential reckoning—your eyes also ignite something in people. The Ace of Wands is passion, energy, inspiration—your gaze has this spark that wakes people up. It’s like staring into pure potential—people look at you and suddenly start daydreaming about big moves, wild possibilities, and even risky choices they never considered before. Also... I HAVE TO SAY IT—some people get lowkey obsessed with you because your eyes make them feel ALIVE. Like, they weren’t even thinking about you that way, but now? They’re pacing their room at replaying that one glance you gave them. 😭. People can’t pin you down, and that drives them INSANE. Your gaze shifts between calm and intense, warm and unreadable, steady and playful—people never know what’s coming next. And THAT? That’s dangerous. They start overanalyzing, wondering, “What did that look mean? Did they just read my mind? Do they hate me? Do they secretly love me??” And now they’re in a full-blown mental crisis because of you.
Your eyes have this almost ethereal, timeless quality—like they’ve seen things beyond this lifetime. The Soft yet piercing contrast is WILD. Your eyes can look gentle one second, then suddenly hold a gaze so powerful it makes people nervous. They flicker between warmth and unreadability, and that unpredictability makes people obsessed.  I hope this reading resonated with you, Thank you for reading till here, i hope you have an amazing day! Sending you all the love and good vibes!
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── .✦ PILE II
Cards pulled: 9 of pentacles, Queen of swords, 9 of wands, Page of swords, Wheel of fortune.
HELLO pile 2! Okay, listen. Your eyes? They do NOT play around. Your eyes carry this deadly mix of wisdom, confidence, and just a little bit of "don't mess with me" energy. There’s an air of control—like you’re the one observing, assessing, deciding whether someone is worth your time. And BABY, people feel that. They know they have to come correct with you, or not come at all. Your eyes are DANGEROUSLY ATTRACTIVE.
Your eyes have that “I see through you” energy.  I am seeing so many words to describe you eyes, like Passionate, rebellious, playful but intense. These eyes command attention. They’re the type that makes people flustered or lose their train of thought mid-sentence. There’s also something undeniably seductive about them—not just in a romantic way, but in a “I can’t stop looking at you” way. Your gaze slices through the BS like a sword. People who are fake, insecure, or hiding something? They literally can’t hold eye contact with you for too long because they feel exposed (and maybe even a little judged). They are also Elegant but lethal. Your eyes have that old-money, untouchable confidence. You don’t even need to say "I told you so"—your eyes already did. I feel like, yall know HOW to use your eyes in your favour, and if not, i beg you besties to learn that😭you would literally unlock another whole level of magic.
I also see that your eyes scream self-sufficiency, like you know exactly who you are and what you bring to the table. People get the sense that you’re impossible to own—they either meet your standards or they’re dismissed. your eyes are so freaking sharp and observant, it’s almost unnerving. People feel like you pick up on everything—tiny changes in their tone, subtle body language shifts, the way their hands fidget when they lie. The wheel of fortune signifies the unpredictability of your energy. Your eyes don’t just see people—they make them feel like anything could happen. This tells me the mystery your eyes hold is a huge part of your personality. There’s a karmic pull—people don’t just glance at you and move on. Your gaze leaves an impact that lingers long after they look away.
Your eyes could Mysterious most of the times, even if you don’t try. Some people have deep, soulful eyes that pull you in and whisper secrets. YOURS is the king That tell people, “Try and figure me out. Good luck, though.” There’s a challenge in your gaze, and it drives people CRAZY. Just like pile 1, your eyes could also look different depending on your mood. When you’re calm, they’re collected, regal, and unreadable. But when you’re passionate about something? They light up like fire, and suddenly, everyone is hyper-focused on you. But they ALWAYS hold that sense of mystery to them.  I’m getting cat energy—sleek, unpredictable, untouchable. If you stare too long, it feels like you’re reading minds.
People feel drawn to you, not just for your looks but for the energy you carry, one that’s both mysterious and captivating. There’s a quiet confidence in your gaze that makes people want to know more, yet they also recognize that you don’t let just anyone in. Whether it’s admiration, curiosity, or a little bit of intimidation, one thing’s for sure—people don’t forget the way you look at them.That was intense, but I LOVED every second of it. 😭 Thank you for reading till here, i hope you have an amazing day! 
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── .✦ PILE III
Cards Pulled: 2 of swords, the moon, 8 of pentacles, page of cups, 9 of swords.
Omg. Okay. When people look into your eyes, it’s like they’ve suddenly stepped into a thriller movie. No, seriously. There’s a hypnotic depth here, which is too obvious. Pile 3, your eyes hold a mystery that people can’t quite put their finger on. There’s something dreamy, distant, and almost otherworldly about them
Let’s start with the obvious: People feel confused, intrigued, and just a little bit haunted when they look at you. Babe, you radiate the type of energy that makes people second-guess what they are doing. Like, they’re staring at you, trying to figure out what’s going on behind those eyes, and suddenly, they’re re-evaluating their whole existence. 💀 Your eyes hold secrets. Unspoken words. Feelings that can’t be named. They might see flickers of sadness, nostalgia, or even a past life connection that lowkey freaks them out (in a good way). But let’s be real—you don’t let people in easily. That 9 of Swords here tells me you’ve seen things. You’ve felt things. Your eyes carry the weight of emotions you don’t always verbalize, and people feel that heaviness, even if they can’t explain it.
But here’s the thing, they’re not just drawn to your depth; they’re drawn to your creativity, your softness, your quiet hope. The Page of Cups is giving, “There’s a dreamer behind these walls.” And omg, people can SENSE that. Your eyes have this soft, artistic melancholy, like someone who writes poetry or listens to sad indie songs while staring at the stars.  There’s something about your gaze that commands respect. People see work ethic. Strength. Determination. Your eyes say, “I’ve worked for everything I have,” and people feel that energy before you even open your mouth. It’s giving silent resilience. Like, someone could stare into your eyes and KNOW you’ve had moments where you were tired, drained, on the edge of breaking down—but you never did. And That’s powerful.
Some people, They straight-up don’t know what to do with your energy. They look into your eyes, and suddenly, they’re questioning if they should run towards you or run away. (The Moon + 2 of Swords energy is no joke.) There’s this magnetism, but also uncertainty. You give off that, “Come closer, but only if you’re ready to see the real me” vibe. And bestie, not everyone is ready for that level of depth. Now, I HAVE to say this: If you’ve ever been told, “You’re hard to read” or “I can’t tell what you’re thinking,” just know that it’s so real. People might assume you’re guarded, mysterious, or distant, but that’s just because they don’t realize how much is happening beneath the surface. And the funniest part? Even when you do show emotion, people still question if they’re seeing the full picture. 
People don’t just look into your eyes—they get lost in them. this pile is literally the most poetic and softest of the all the three. Some people see sadness, some see secrets, some see silent strength. But everyone? They see something. I hope this reading resonated with you, Thank you for reading till here, i hope you have an amazing day! Sending you all the love and good vibes!
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Thank you so much for reading all the way through! I hope my reading resonated with you and that you had a lovely time going through it. If you enjoyed it, please like and reblog—it really means a lot! Let me know which pile you chose; I absolutely love hearing your thoughts and feedback on my readings! If my reading resonated you, you may consider buying my paid reading as it would really help me out financially♡
Note: tarot cards provide guidance and possible insights into what could happen based on current energies, thoughts, and actions. the cards can highlight potential paths or outcomes, but they do not fixedly predict the future. this is a general reading so take what resonates!
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mrsnishimuraaa · 2 days ago
PAIRING: prince!sunghoon x presidentsdaughter!reader
SYNOPSIS: When at the ripe age of 19 with Y/N having her big dreams in the medical field and wanting to be independent,in the midst of convincing her father to let her go to college in America. To build her own sucess, to be seen as normal. Not just as a shadow of her father. Everything is turned upside down when her father (the president of korea) forces her into Marriage with a prince in an attempt to gain more power, and to try and trap her in Korea.
GENRE:angst? fluff
note: all fake stuff, i really dk how the actual korean president acts but this is just how hes gonna be portreyed in this ok ;) also a bit of self indulgence because im trying to become a neurologist! enjoy this xo (shite ending im sorry im literally so sick but enjoy the main part i guess) ( i might fix up the ending one day and make it more detailed no promises tho)
not proofread
youve had your dreams set straight since you were like nine, always wanting to work in the medical feild somewhere, but never knew where to start. Ending up taking intrest in neuroscience you decided to go with that, the only thing in your way being your father.
All youve ever wanted was to move away, learn, grow as a person, and build a career and have your independence and the feeling of building your own sucess. But your dad having an important role in leadership made you feel as if you were left with almost nothing.
Years and years have you begged him to let you do a degree in the US whenever you could, but it always ended with the same shit; "Your my only daughter" "You have big responsibilities here ahead of you" "I dont trust you to be out there by yourself" "Its not safe" the list goes fucking on.
Your fed up, your tired of it, all you've ever wanted to do was build your own quiet life with a steady career. And right now you feel as if all hes doing is crushing it right infront of your fucking face. Freshly 19 now, yet your still babied every day. Your father treats you as if your ten. Hell your barley able to get out of the house or have contact with anyone.
You know your father is filled with greed and selfishness, and hes always in seek of reaching for more power than he already has. And now hes gotten in contact with some royals and you already know hes gonna try and milk them for what they have, but youd never ever guess the stupid shit he would pull on you now.
"y/n, come down here darling" you hear your mother call from downstairs, you comply and make your way down, pausing for a second or so at the bottom of the stairs when you see unfamiliar faces.
you glance around, your eyes lock onto a younger looking man, maybe in his early twenties? hes tall and god hes good looking. your snapped out of your thought when said man reaches his hand out to you "Park Sunghoon." he smiles warmly, the scent of his cologne invading your nostrils. "Kang Y/n" you smile back, shaking his hand gently before letting go. Confusion floods your mind, initial thought its some stupid deal your dads trying to get ahead of.
"Y/n meet the Parks, the South Korean royals"
"im sorry?" your jaw gapes slightly "Are you being serious" thinking your mom is being sarcastic with you. "No y/n im not"
After a few small clearups, you figure out they're staying for dinner, nothing too big, they seem quite lovley. Until your peace is disturbed.
"Y/n theres been uh.. i guess a few plans in the making" your father speaks, pouring a glass of wine. You cock your head, listening in on what he has to say next.
"We want you and sunghoon to get married."
your heart drops, your smile fades, face relaxing, and then finally as if it had stopped, your heart rate picks up uneasily quickly. Your breathing uneven as you sit in silence for a few long seconds, thinking you heard that sentance wrong. "Sorry? can you repeat that" your heart is beating out of your chest, you dont know what your feeling, but you sure hope you heard it all wrong.
"I said, we want you and sunghoon to get married."
your breath hitches in your throat, lip quivering slightly as tears threaten to pour out. deadpanning as you bluntly stare at your dad, god you knew he was low but seriously? he would stoop this fucking low?
Anger fills you for a moment, as you realise how bad this is about to fuck you over and its all because of your dad wanting some fuckass billions off them. Until disgust washes over you, and betrayal. The realisation of using his very own daughter as almost a money scheme, your heart shatters into what feels like a million endless peices, a sharp feeling in your chest. You dont know what to do, what to say even, god your still practically a teenager.
so you get up. standing up, pushing your chair in as a tear rolls down your cheek before turning your back and leaving.
Sunghoon had watched you from the other side of the table the whole time, feeling a pang of guilt of how it all just got layed on you straight like that, he dosent know how old you are, assuming your in your twenties, he dosent know how badly that had just ruined you dreams. completley unaware of what hes about to witness as your dad quickly follows you.
Sunghoon hears a door slam, then it open, then slam again. listening in as he hears broken sobs, focusing to hear the conversation.
"are you fucking joking me?" you cry out, tears are streaming down your face now "are you really gonna fucking do this to me?!"
"Y/n quit complaining, you know how bad we need this" his anger at the brink of explosion as he inches fowards. "are you serious? your gonna make me fucking marry someone ive never even met! all for some extra power as if you dont have enough!" backing down isnt an option for you, you've had enough and your finally standing up for yourself. "You know how close i was to going off and building my own life! why would you fuck it all up" you yell, in both confusion and anger. "its for the better y/n, you know i dont want you moving all alone" his tone sounds almost mocking and it disgusts you.
"your so fucking selfish, sooo fucking selfish dad, are you hearing youself? your practically selling your nineteen year old daughter to some fucking royals for marriage in an aim for power." your voice raises again, your mind spinning with a thousand emotions. "you were never gonna make that career y/n so get over it, i dont care about your silly little fucking dreams, you dont have a choice" your flat out bawling now, not able to process this all properly.
"Dad, please, please you know how hard ive worked for this, how hard ive worked to get spots in collage, how badly i want my own independance and life!" you let out a broken sob. "Please dont do this to me dad, please. im so young i have things ahead of me i dont want to get stuck in royalty please" your on your knees now, begging at your own fathers feet for him to rethink.
Sunghoon feels his heart break as he hears the argument upstairs, he never knew, never understood, let alone would you be not even 20 and being made to marry.
"i dont care y/n! fuck whatevers ahead of you, fuck the hard work youve done. you will marry him and thats final"
"get out, get the fuck out of my room now." its so overwhelming, you cant deal nor process it all.
Your father slams your door, before walking back downstairs. The silence is loud, really loud, barley a faint noise of your sobs can be heard. "Sorry about that" he clears his throat. Sunghoon and his family all exchange weird glances before his mom speaks up. "she seemed a bit.. uneasy, have you brought this past her before?" concern shows in her voice. "No." a stern reply from your father.
"How old is she?" sunghoon asks, really wanting to confirm that he heard right.
"19." "like as in, nineteen?"
"Why so young?" his mom asks, almost feeling bad for you. Your father completly ignores the question, subsiding it off.
Later you hear a faint knock on your door "y/n" a unfamiliar voice calls out, you open the door, eyes puffy and face red from crying. It was Sunghoon. your enveloped in a warm hug, his large hands rubbing your back, you relax into him as his hands soothe you gently. "Look i- i know you dont know me very well, but i heard the whole argument and i fell so so guilty for you, your probably going through alot but im gonna do the best i can to help you okay?" His sentance alone makes you tear back up, his hand still rubbing your back delicately, as if you could break.
"I hate being a prince, i hate the big responsibilites. I feel you y/n, i just want to live a normal quiet life aswell, but we both have to understand theres not much we can do." he grabs your shoulders to look down at you with a reassuring look, trying to read your expression as you nod and let yourself fall back into his chest.
Its a 2 weeks out from your wedding now, and you swear you feel worse every day, yet sunghoon has been helpful dispite the overwhelming of it all. He really tries his best.
The two of you are sitting on the sofa, a time to relax and get to know eachother more. "i want to step down y'know" he speaks, twirling his wine glass in his hand. You look up at him. "I've been thinking about it, i want to step out of royalty" he sounds scincere. "Really tho?" your head tilts "Yeah, hate it its so much stress." you continue to listen to him for about ten minutes, until he alters a sentance you thought you might ever hear.
"Why dont we get this marriage over and done with, then move. I'll step down and we can move or run away. where is the collage your aiming to go to?"
"Close to new york city, why?"
"New york city it is then"
After the two of you got married, your 'honeymoon' was to new york, although you'd only booked a one way trip. Had an apartment on rent and your collage expecting you, after a week there, Sunghoon sent a letter back home, something along the lines of wanting to step down from royal activities and to not expect him to come home.
You built your career independently, and made a hopeful marriage even though it wasnt by choice, you both made the best of it. In hopes to build a family together in the future
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jayktoralldaylong · 3 days ago
Brandon Sanderson's true calling is writing romance.
No no, I know he's supposedly bad at writing romance, but I ADORE how he writes women. 😂😭🔥 Oh my goodness I adore all his women. I adore how no two are the same. I adore how they feel like people. 🥰🥰
I love Shallan's horny desire and identity crisis. I adore how she's brave and also frightened of a lot of things, and it's not like her fear is mentioned in passing, Shallan is scared all the time. I love that her trauma is ADDRESSED! EXTENSIVELY! Cause in the name of making female characters bad ass, some stories give them trauma and then just never touch on it at all, or how this affects a lot of their decisions, leading to the absolute worst takes about those characters. 😭😭😭 I love Shallan's battle with her attraction to two different people and how that worsened her identity crisis as she tried to figure out who she was supposed to be and who she truly wanted to be. Of course, it's not a Shallan rant if I don't truly enjoy her art. 😌✨ And perhaps we only have Media Literate people in the Brandon Sanderson universe so there's no one mocking her passion like they do with Feyre.
I love Jasnah being a stiff possibly aroace stick-in-the-mud 💀. I love how she lectures as a teacher but also a mother with no interest in having actual children of her own. ❤️ I love how they don't just make her stiff but she's also got really strong platonic relationships that make her soft and anxious when she rests at night because she so terribly wants to use the intelligence she's been blessed with to protect the people she loves. 🥺 And Jasnah loves. And it is not romantic love. And her love is beautiful too.
I love Navani the huntress who bagged her man with the power of books of all things 😂 (reverse beauty and the beast). To be honest, I was unsure about Navani at first, but she's grown on me. She was really forward. 💀😌❤️ Also, I love how despite being a sort of secondary character, her trauma is not overlooked. She loves her children so dearly. 😔 I want Navani to stop losing things.
I love Lift, the lazy younger girl who cares more about satisfying her hunger even on a battlefield.😂 She could not care less about an assassin approaching her. She's the boss of everyone. She's about thirteen but she gives everyone orders. She tries to ignore the things that weigh heavy in her heart, after all, she's a child. A child with an awesome power. 😎 And a growing circle of friends.
I love Siri,🥹🥰 the strong-headed troublemaker who is reasonably scared of a lot of things but can't bring herself to follow rules that don't make sense.
I love Vivienna, who thought that she was very put together and politically savvy, lost in a world that frightens her, like a frog from the well viewing the deep blue sea. She so badly wants to do the right thing, but she's also lost and she wants to go home, and I relate to that so hard. 😭 Fortunately she's got a group of bandits who've sort of adopted her, so she's going to be okay. Though she might have to rewrite her black and white moral code. 😂
I love Jewel, the grumpy woman with no colours (who seems to still be clinging to the man she loved and lost 💔).
I love Blushweaver. 😂 Her shameless desire for power is hilarious, and I like how she's upfront about her desires for Lightsong, figuring manipulation would never work on him anyway. I like 'aggressive' women as they call it. A woman who will chase what she wants with zero humility. She's also very funny, intentionally. 😂❤️
I like Vin. I love that she's a girl who got taken from the streets but she loves balls and makeup and big beautiful dresses. 🥹❤️ No daydreaming about rags or suffering as if there's any joy to be had in poverty. 💀 I love that her power is a part of her and she shreds people as easily as paper. And she'll do it to protect the people she loves. I love that both the warrior in the dark and the lady in the ballroom are her, one and the same, and I love that Elend loves and accepts both parts of her. 😭 Vin has lost so many people that she has to hold on to Elend, holding tight with hands like daggers piercing his clothes but he holds her just the same and it burns! 😭😭
I love Evi. She was such a pathetic fragile creature, but I love Evi. I love how she would always ultimately be Dalinar's undoing. All she wanted to do was love and she spread love to everything she touched. And it was that love that broke Dalinar....so cleanly. (I wish there was more Evi fan art, she sounds so beautiful and wonderful and so dainty compared to Dalinar. I think of them as a Bull and a Dandelion. He would always lean close to gather her scent but one breath would blow her away to nothing and she'd be lost 💔😭)
I hate Illami or Illari or whatever they call her. That's the thing about excellent writing. Sometimes you got to write characters for people to hate. And oh I hate that woman. 😂 It's just a shame. Her intelligence would have meant so much to them.
I love Brandon Sanderson women. I love the ones I love. I love the ones I hate too. It's nice to have nasty women once in a while. Women should get to have nasty hobbies too. 😌✨
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nightbutterfly09 · 3 days ago
Hello! your work is something! I don’t want to miss the chance to share a possible idea!
The reader is a genius striker, while he (for example, Isagi, Sae, Reo) is your most devoted fan, ready to follow you around the world. While she play in championships, he sneaks into restricted areas of stadiums to wish she luck and support she in every way possible.
English is not my native language, sorry if it is not written clearly!
Hii thank you for your request! Don't worry, english isn't my native language either!!
Apologies if it took long, I wanted to make sure I don't dissappoint TxT
Also, some others also requested some things which Im super happy about! It means a lot to me so thank you everyone. I can't guarantee speediness, but I'll do them with due time.
I hope you'll enjoy 🩷
Characters used: Yoichi Isagi, Reo Mikage, Michael Kaiser, Sae Itoshi
(I feel like Isagi’s got a little long.. upsiees)
Yoichi Isagi
He simply adored the striker named Y/N L/N. The thought of liking this woman even better than Noel Noa hit him like a truck. He loved both, but if he needed to decide between the two, he’d surely pick you. His girlfriend of two years.
You had a match in Rio de Janeiro, and he had one back in Japan. Regardless to him, that didn't matter. He threw that out the window without a lingering thought, and bought tickets. Sometimes you had to scold him. He is throwing his life away for you, in the literal sense.
“Yoichi! Who in their right mind would do that?” You sighed, reaching the end of the same old conversation. “I’ll play in the next one, it’ll be alright.” He protested. It’s just the same old disagreement. He wanted to fly out with you, no matter the consequences.
It wasn't that you were severely against him supporting you with all his might, you just wanted to be realistic.
The next day, there he was. With you on the plane. Sitting closely next to you. He leaned his head onto your shoulder.
“Good luck my love~” he yawns. “Luck for what?” You chuckled. For this match you needed more than just luck. The opposite team was strong. You’ve been defeated by them once, back in the day, and you can’t let them take another win. That’s straight out disrespectful. At least, that’s what you always said.
When the loud cheers for your team made the stadium erupt in shouts, whistles you bathed in the recognition. With each win, it was like you became someone more important. Your dream, to be number one wasn’t so unachievable after all. That’s how Yoichi’s gaze lingered on you.
He was watching from the stadium’s highest stands, where no one but the staff could be. He enjoyed seeing you from so high up. Because when you turned, your gazes met. Without a single soul covering anything.
The man smiled down at you and subtly waved. He looked proud. Proud of his striker. His eyes told you many unspoken words. He was like an open book, without any complicated words.
Maybe, after you’ve changed, the flight will have to be delayed. At least if he isn’t opposed. Which you guarantee he isn’t.
Reo Mikage
Everyone knew how obsessed this chameleon was with his wife-to-be. That was quite obvious even to someone who only heard of the player.
Your next match was in Italy. Japan and Italy are obviously miles away. But when you told him you’d be overseas for a month (as your training camp was also held there) he didn’t flatter an eyelid. He straight up nodded and purchased the tickets.
“What are you doing?” You asked. Flabbergasted. “I bought first class tickets.” He smiled. “Best for the best.” With a shrug he was ready to leave the topic. Not on your watch.
You grabbed his phone and quickly clicked out from the webpage. “No way. You have your job too! Not to mention the company!” You frowned at him.
“Stop looking at me like I did something horrible. I can’t just leave my girl to fly alone, live alone, and be lonely. If I have the money, I'm going. Naturally.” He didn’t falter. His voice told a thousand reasons why he can’t back down. The conversation had no further space for an argument.
Even if you really wanted to stop him, you knew it’s hopeless. Once Reo wanted something, he would be sure to bring it to his deathbed even. “Still.. what will your manager say?” You trailed off not wanting to look at him. “He’ll understand, if I have anything going on i’ll jus cancel it. If it’s a meeting, since this is the 21st century, I can just attend from my laptop. If it’s about soccer… well no one would mind me missing out for once.”
He was determined. No backing off now. His argument was fair and it was already set in stone. Still, you feel his manager. You would’ve already quit with how he acts sometimes.
The numbers were close but you ended up winning. You were the one to hit the last goal, therefore you were swimming in the glory again. The loud celebrations of the audience filled the air around you. Only when you met those dark purple eyes did the outside noise come to a halt.
He was watching you from where he wouldn’t be spotted. Perhaps, he didn’t want people to pay attention to him, when his gemstone is out there doing her best. Your heart fluttered as he smirked. The moment caged you two into your world, completely shutting out everything and everyone else.
Truthfully. You felt great that he watched you. You wanted to thank him for coming.
Michael Kaiser
The man heads over heels for his partner. Undying love, undying attachment. There was no way he could release you from his grasp. Not even for that one stupid match. Not when he was so down bad for you.
It was impossible to stop him. You were fully aware why he is so broken and damaged. But there wasn't any reason to love him less. Quite the opposite, you always thought he should be even more cherished.
But to let him accompany you for another match overseas… Now that was a little risky for you too. In the end, his decision. But he’s been missing practice, and matches frequently.
“Are you sure it’s okay to skip again?” Though it was more of a rhetorical question. With a grumble he responded not even looking up from what he busied himself with. “Don't care about others’ opinions.” “Surely your manager’s opinion counts!”
“He is there for my career, not for my private life.” With that you really couldn't argue. “Anyway, I will be at the usual spot, so find me”
And there he was. Looking straight at you as you. As you shot the ball straight into the goal.
The eyes of the world were heavy on you but the only thing you cared about was your boyfriend. He waved lazily and smiled. A rare smile coming from him. Regardless, it enchanted you each time.
Sae Itoshi
Your boyfriend was never one to show his deliberate feelings. With him everything was a little puzzle. When it came to them anyway.
The only thing he was brave to show was his love for soccer. He always bought every merch of yours. He wouldn't admit it but when he was far away from you he often wore those signed shirts.
No one could imagine he’d go crazy over a player but ever since the first time he’s seen you he always hoped he could someday pass the ball to you. That was when he first saw you in Spain.
Ever since then, playing as a midfielder was for the sole purpose of passing to you. Even if he knew that's impossible.
He was overjoyed when he and you started talking. First it was only about your jobs, but later it all got a little deeper.
At every match you had, no matter where it was, the soccer addict was willing to shake up all the priorities he set in stone. All for a girl. All for Y/N L/N. All for his girlfriend.
He was there each time, hiding from the watchful eyes so all the glory could be yours. Because he was sure that if he were to appear people would take their eyes off of you. You didn't ever deserve that.
He needed everyone to look at you. To be amazed by you. He needed to see everyone’s gaze locked onto you. Even if he wanted you just to himself. Even if he hated sharing.
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lurkingshan · 12 hours ago
Hi! I really enjoyed your long essay on ThamePo -- I was looking for some commentary on the links between Only Boo! and ThamePo and I stumbled onto your essay. I have tried signing up for Tumblr but I'm still finding my way. I wrote a long essay about Only Boo! and I'd like to post it somewhere; I was going to do it in the comments section of BL Watcher's site but they have never reviewed Only Boo! and a few days ago they stopped posting again after a several month hiatus earlier this year. What do you suggest I do about the essay? I can send it to you if you'd like to read it.
Hi and welcome to tumblr! I’d love to read what you wrote about ThamePo and Only Boo! I was thinking a lot about the connections between them and the big differences in their commentary on idol and fan culture while watching. Here are a few tips for posting meta here (this is what we call essays about media):
Anything you want to post, you do on your own blog. The way to help others find it is to tag it (you’ll see the tags on this post below the main text). On tumblr, we use tags both as an organization and as a sharing tool—people track tags for stuff they’re interested in. So when you post your essay, tag it with relevant show tags and others will find it. For this one, you can use: [#thamepo, #thamepo the series, #only boo, #only boo the series].
If there are certain people you want to make sure see your post, you can also @ them either in the body of the post or in the replies. When you post your essay, you can tag me by adding @lurkingshan and tumblr will send me a notification, ensuring I see the post.
Labeling the post clearly (like with a title that includes the show names) also helps, because once others reblog your post, people will also see it on their dashboards and if they’re interested in the shows the title will catch their eye.
And a few general tips for using tumblr:
You should add a profile pic to your account. Not of yourself—tumblr is an anonymous website so most people just use pictures from media they like or want to discuss (so you might just pick an image from ThamePo). This helps assure people you are a real person and not a bot.
The best way to get folks to see and engage with what you write is to do the same for them. Go into the [#thamepo] tag and interact with other people’s posts. You can like, comment, or reblog on posts, and you can follow blogs whose style or content you like. This will tell people you exist and are interested in the same content.
Reblogging is the most important feature on this site because it’s how we help other people see content we like. Reblogging promotes posts by putting it onto the dashboards of anyone who follows the reblogger. Once you follow a blog, everything they post or reblog will appear on your dashboard. When you reblog you can also add commentary in the tags either addressed to the original poster (that’s what people mean when they say “op”) or just add your own thoughts to whatever they said. This is one of the most common ways tumblr users talk to each other.
Sending asks like this one is always welcome and a good way to get to know people, as well.
I hope this helps! Definitely feel free to tag me when you get your essay posted.
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sugurouge · 1 day ago
🏓 today i am here to ask you about calcharo 🌝 however i am asking you to dump your lore because i want to know all of it (i played wuwa for 2 weeks and have no idea where to start with more specific questions)
aeris . . . what if i say this ask makes me incredibly happy because all i might implode with my calcharo thoughts !! there's a decent bit of lore already, so please, buckle up
we begin our dynamic as something exclusively transactional. being an oracle, i offer insights nobody else can provide. he first comes to me seeking information—missions, enemy movements, predictions on what the future holds. he doesn’t believe in fate, doesn’t trust people, and certainly doesn’t put his money on cryptic wisdom. but i tell him what he needs to hear: straight to the point, unemotional, always one step ahead. what infuriates him is how correct i always am >:D
while at first he came to me in disbelief (someone else recommended me to him) he grows to truly appreciate my info and how it can prevent unnecessary loss on his side
one visit turns into another, then another... time passes and calcharo keeps coming back. at first, it's always only for missions
since i never pry into anyone's business (i've learnt a long time ago that i don't want to know people's answers and their secrets) he sort of enjoys my company and how reliable i am. on top of that do i offer him some banging tea and cookies instead of questions and pressure
we don't talk about personal things, not directly. but between the lines of our conversations there is a quiet understanding. a careful, fragile trust, perhaps
i have already seen the things that haunt him, so i never force him to talk, yet i do allow him to stop by when he feels like escaping. a place where he is not needed but simply allowed to be
calcharo's walls are built from years of betrayal and loss, so while he can be kind to strangers, he doesn't let people in because he knows how easily they can disappear. though i kind of prove that i could be a constant. a fixed point in his world
neither of us realise when we start falling for another. but suddenly we are on another's minds. suddenly i'm worried about him during his missions, suddenly he yearns for my tea and presence. his feet take him to me without purpose, simply because he doesn't want to be anywhere else :>
he tries to fight it at first, doesn't want to truly let someone new in and puts distance between us, uses sharp words meant to push me away just to see if i would stay. but i'm not really that emotional of a person and i see through him a little too effortlessly and let him run off, let him hide. i have lived years on my own, i won't succumb because of a scared man no matter if i like him ... and slowly, like a scared cat, he comes around again
our eventual relationship is never about grand gestures. there is no dramatic confession. it’s in the little things like truly paying attention to another's words and gestures. how i always leave a space for him, even if he never says he'll return for example. we are not a verbal couple, we prove it through actions. the first time he lets his guard down is when he shows up, injured and exhausted, and allows me to tend to his wounds. the fact that he actively seeked me out instead of staying with his ghost hounds is quite a telling gesture. it's also rather exhilarating to be looking after him and to be able to touch him skdak 😏
neither of us ever fully confesses. we won't say "i love you" until way into our relationship... instead there is just the morning after his sudden visit when we wake up in another's arms and his eyes convey all the gratefulness his mouth won't speak ahhhh
in that understanding, we find something neither of us expected—a bond that does not break. we both learn to open up, to trust, to desire, to be greedy with another and he's KDJSAKLdak HES VERY GOOD AT BEING POSSESSIVE ILL TELL YOU THAT
through my bond with calcharo, i find myself less of an outsider / observer and more dragged into the conflicts of the world. do i like it? not very much :s
Tumblr media
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jxtina-86 · 2 days ago
The Chase - Part 4
Thanks again for all the likes so far!
In case you missed the earlier parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Pairing: Lando x Fem!OC
Warning: Swearing. Sexual tension. And smut.
Word Count: 4.4k
Likes/Comments/Reblogs welcome! Enjoy!
“You gave him the place and the time, he’ll be here,” Ruby tells Mia, seeing that her face is etched with nerves.
“I know, but-”
“No buts. He’ll be here. And we’re not leaving for another 30 minutes. So sit down, have a drink and relax.” Ruby takes her hand and guides her over to the bar where she pours a glass of champagne and places it in Mia’s other hand.
“Do I look okay?” Mia hears herself say for what might be the hundredth time that morning. She plucks at the floaty black cover-up hiding her green and white checked bikini beneath.
“You look gorgeous and he doesn’t immediately pounce on you, then I will be having words,” Ruby assures her.
Mia’s eyes travel back to the harbour, but it’s so busy she can’t make any sense of who is coming or going.
“Stop it,” Ruby reminds her, pulling her now towards the group. “Sit down, have a chat and relax…”
Mia rubs her forehead, a stress headache building from the nerves she feels at the prospect of managing her friends and Lando in one place for longer than five minutes. She wonders why she agreed to this in the first place. Ruby has placed her next to some guy who is a friend of a friend and he is quick to start a very animated conversation with her. She nods along, only half-listening as she slowly sips her champagne.
Across the table, she sees Lydia look up at her and then pointedly look behind her. Mia turns her head to look, not spotting him at first and doing a double-take when she does. Ruby has cornered him at the bar, pressing a beer into his hand. He looks around, his smile widening as he spots Mia. 
She makes her excuses to the poor guy who has also spotted Lando and is immediately deflated by the competition and heads over.
“You came,” she says, trying not to sound surprised. 
“Hi,” his arm wraps around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. His shirt is only half done-up, flapping slightly in the breeze and her hand meets bare skin as he leans down to kiss her hello. She sees herself reflected in his sunglasses, the beam from her smile undeniable. 
“Hey,” she mumbles against his mouth before looking around. “Did you come on your own?”
He nods. “Not deliberately. I think Max didn’t want to be er… third-wheeling again, shall we say?”
Mia has to shoot dagger eyes at Ruby who is stifling a snigger. “That’s a shame,” she tells him.
“No, it isn’t,” he grins. “But it does mean I only know you, so please whatever you do, don’t abandon me.”
“I doubt we’ll be able to separate you both even if we wanted to,” Ruby chimes in. “Right, come and meet people.”
She introduces Lando to the group, where if anyone does recognise him they make a good effort to play it cool.
There’s a spot free at the end of the sofa, but even with everyone shuffling up to make room, Mia eventually finds herself perched on Lando’s lap. His arm drapes casually around her waist as they make easy conversation with Lizzie and Cass who are sat next to them. 
Mia’s arm is looped around his shoulders, her fingers idly playing with the collar of his shirt. As he takes a swig of his beer, her hand slips to find a new home at the base of his neck, her fingers grazing the curls that rest just above. The arm around her waist flexes slightly, pulling her even closer into him.
As Lizzie turns her attention away to call over to someone on the other side of the seating area, Mia feels Lando’s warm breath on her neck and then his lips.
“You got me into trouble,” she murmurs.
“Oh yeah?” he mumbles against her.
“Your handiwork was spotted.”
“My… Oh.” She feels him smirking. “That.”
His fingers slip through her hair, pushing it away from the other side of her neck so he can inspect the damage almost 24 hours later. His fingers brush over the small reddish purple mark that’s still gracing her fair skin.
“I’ll have to choose a more discrete spot next time.”
She inhales sharply, twisting to look at him. “Behave.”
With his fingers looping around the beer bottle, he pushes his sunglasses up so she can see his wide-eyed, oh-so innocent stare. “You’re the one whose mind is going places. I just said discrete.”
“It’s probably a good thing we stopped when we did yesterday. Otherwise, I might have had to wear this for the whole day,” she gestures to her cover-up.
He grins. “Now that sounds like a challenge.”
She shakes her head. “No, no.”
“I like a challenge that I can…” he’s already smirking at his own joke. “Sink my teeth into.”
She lets out a laugh as he buries his face into her neck. She happens to look up and can see Ruby and Lydia staring at her with smirks of their own, the former having to bite her lip to stop herself from fully grinning at the scene.
“I need a top up,” she says to Lando, lifting her glass. “Come with me?”
She doesn’t need to ask twice, his hand still on her waist as they head for the bar. Just as she tops up her glass, the captain appears to announce their departure.
“C’mon,” she says to Lando, leading him away from the group entirely. She doesn’t dare look back as they head around to the sun deck at the bow of the yacht and some much needed privacy.
He drops onto one of the loungers, pulling her down next to him.
“Hey,” his fingers find her chin, tilting her head so he can kiss her. His hand finds hers, swiftly removing the glass from her grasp and placing it on a nearby table.
It takes all her strength not to climb onto his lap and when she ghosts her fingers over his arms, she notes the tension in them. She takes it as a sign that he’s fighting the urge to pull her on top of him too and she feels her mouth flutter into a smile.
“What are you smiling at?” he mumbles against her lips.
“Nothing,” she tells him, her hand sneaking to the back of his neck and pulling him back into the kiss.
God, she hasn’t kissed someone like this in what feels like forever. Maybe not since she was a teenager and that’s all and her then-boyfriend would do. There certainly is something of the horny teenager about them both, she thinks. No wonder her friends are smirking. They are acting like two teenagers, unable to stop touching or kissing each other.
Part of her is glad that she didn’t let him in on that first night. She’d have missed this endless foreplay that they’re now engaging in. She’s not even that mad at herself for ending where they did yesterday now. The way he lifted her, kissed her, sucked on her damn neck was a great preview for the main event and she wouldn’t mind another repeat of that before tomorrow evening. That didn’t even take into account the unashamed away he let that bloody towel slip away, revealing him entirely to her, however brief.
It was his confidence too, she realises as he briefly pulls away for a breath. Everything from those early interactions on Friday night, the way he’d handled her full-on friends, how he was still so sure of himself when she knocked him back that he invited her on another date after one kiss, all the way down to the way he drove her around yesterday. Her mind keeps replaying the moment he’d spun the wheel one-handed with his palm and that alone had made her go weak at the knees.
Even the thought now makes her slightly whimper into his mouth and he pulls back. His eyes are darker than she thought was possible, his teeth glinting as he catches his bottom lip with them briefly.
“We should go back,” he murmurs. “I… I don’t think I can be trusted to be alone with you right now.”
All that comes from her is a soft groan.
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Fucking you on a sun lounger isn’t what I had in mind.”
“Oh and on your kitchen counter yesterday was?” she manages to tease back, her mouth feeling dry.
“Heat of the moment.”
“Plus,” he grins. “My bed was like 30 seconds away.”
The thought of him carrying her as effortlessly as he did yesterday makes her feel light headed and she presses her forehead against his in response.
“If you can't be trusted, then you need to stop saying shit like that,” she tells him.
“Shit like what?”
“Where you imagine fucking me.”
He grins at her. “Well, I've had quite a bit of time to think about it.”
She’s about to reply when she hears voices approaching. She tries to shift away, to create some space from the intensity between them but his arm sliding around her shoulders is keeping her close. She reaches for her glass, taking a long sip as she watches several of the group joining them, including Ruby, who raises her eyebrows at her with a grin.
“Having fun?” She asks as she takes a seat opposite them.
“Yup,” Mia says with as even a voice as possible. Lando’s chin is resting on her shoulder, his warm breath ghosting across her cheek. Her own hand drops to his leg, squeezing softly to keep him in check.
It's a move that doesn’t go unnoticed by Ruby. “He’s not going anywhere, M. You've got him trapped on a yacht, ease up on the lad.”
Lando snickers into her hair as Mia scowls. She’s about to reply when Lando diverts away by asking Ruby where they're headed.
She feels herself relax again as Ruby answers, reminding her that they're not heading back to the port till sunset.
“You going for a dip later?” He murmurs to her as Ruby is distracted by another conversation.
She nods. “Sure.”
“This is getting a bit of a bad habit,” his bottom lip disappears beneath his teeth for a second. “Seeing you all wet.”
Mia sits on the edge of the swim platform, her feet kicking in the water, her hand shielding her eyes as she looks up to watch Lando and the rest of the guys in the group debating about diving in from the deck itself. She's lost her cover-up, much to Lando’s pleasure - if he'd been handsy with her before, it was nothing compared to now. Several times, she'd had to grab his hand to stop his fingers from accidentally tugging the strings on her bikini bottoms loose.
She watches as he jokes with them, running his hand through his hair before both hands settle on his hips, his fingers disappearing to scratch an itch beneath the waistband of his shorts. He looks down and sees her, shooting her a wide smile before one of the guys taps him on the shoulder and he’s brought back into the conversation.
There’s a splash and a cheer as the first of the group makes the leap. She watches as Lando takes another look over the edge and then he takes a short run up before launching himself in, his arms circling the air briefly before he straightens and enters feet first. He surfaces a second later, his eyes closed, shaking his head to whip his now drenched hair out of his face. He looks around to spot her and then heads her way with a front crawl that has her ever so slightly hypnotised.
She giggles as his hand gently tickles the bottom of feet before he rests his forearms on the swim platform, squinting up at her. 
“Impressive,” she tells him.
“I was gonna really, y’know, go for it,” he grins. “But I could just see the headline if I fucked it up.”
“Ruby was already worried that the insurance for the boat didn’t cover damages to F1 drivers,” she jokes.
“You coming in?” he reaches for her hand, tugging it gently until she gives in and slips off the platform. Holding her breath, she ducks her head under the water briefly, scraping her hair back as she emerges.
He swims closer, tugging her arms around his shoulders and then his hands slide down to her waist.
“Hold onto me,” he murmurs as his fingers graze over her ass and the back of her thighs. Her legs tentatively curl around his waist.
Once again, it’s a display of his strength that makes her melt even more to his charm. His legs kick slow circles beneath them, keeping them afloat and she’s barely aware of the laughter, splashes and cheers around them. She drops her gaze to his mouth, tilting her head closer to make the first move for once. He smiles against her lips before he kisses her back, an arm wrapping around her to pull her closer as they continue to float in lazy circles.
She pulls back to catch her breath, grinning as she sees his eyes are still closed, his lips gorgeously pouty.
“Earth to Lando,” she murmurs. He opens his eyes, licking his lips as he meets her gaze. 
“Do that again,” he groans.
“Do what?”
“Kiss me.”
“Oh.” She tilts her head to the side, shifting closer so she can wrap her arm more securely around his shoulders and use her other hand to trail her fingers down the side of his face. Her stomach flips at the way his eyes flutter close and he leans into her touch.
She places a soft kiss on his mouth. And another. And another, her hand cupping his cheek before her fingers push back into his wet hair. A sigh escapes him and then a soft, barely there moan that makes her head spin.
It's a satisfying feeling, knowing the effect she has on him. She struggles to remember any past encounters that have been so blatantly unashamed of their own neediness, other than when they wanted their dick in her. And yet here he is: moaning as a result of her kissing him.
She wants more. Not all. But more than this. More than kissing. She can feel her brain fighting itself - the want trying to override the rationale of the situation. What if she gives him enough not to bother with her after today?
But what if it makes him want her more?
The champagne buzz isn't helping her decision making. But the way he whines as she pulls back again, makes it easier.
She looks around and sees they've drifted away from the main group who appear to be holding some kind of impromptu diving competition off the side of the yacht. The swim platform is empty and from where everyone is jumping from, completely obscured.
“Let’s go back,” she suggests or rather tells him.
He nods and she untangles herself from him. They swim back to the platform and she watches in fascination how he gets up and standing in one fluid motion. She on the other hand heads for the small ladder on the end to get herself out.
Taking his hand, she leads him through the yacht.
“Where are we going?” He laughs behind her as they head deeper inside and she tries doors to the cabins to find the one, she knows is open because it's where she left her bag when they boarded the yacht.
At last, a door gives way and she pulls him inside.
“Mia…” his voice makes her turn to face him. “I told you-”
“Yeah, I'm not good at being told what to do,” she hears herself say.
His eyes darken slightly. “I can tell.”
She grins, her boldness taking over as she nudges him back up against the door. His hands skim over her wet hair and skin, his fingers digging into her hips, her ass as she cups his face and kisses him.
It’s breathless, control starting to slip as the kiss deepens and starts to trail a hand down his chest. She hears his breath hitch as her fingers graze his stomach.
As if reading her mind, he pulls his mouth from hers.
“You don't-”
“I want,��� she breathes, her fingers at the waistband of his shorts. Still wet from the water, it makes it hard to easily slip her hand inside, so instead she continues her exploration through the material.
“Fuck,” he exhales, his eyes hazy as her hand grazes across his length and she hums in satisfaction as she feels him hardening.
She presses her mouth to his for a second and then to his chin, down his throat, licking at the beads of water that adorn him. He groans loudly, his hands on her shoulders, in her hair as she presses a slow trail of kisses south.
Her fingers scramble to the waistband again, peeling it back. His hand fights with hers to allow her access and he lets out a strangled moan as her hand wraps around his length. Her mouth is at his stomach and she looks up to see his chest rising and falling in rapid breaths.
“Get them off,” she murmurs, giggling as he scrambles to shove his shorts down to his ankles. He looks down at her, his mouth hanging open slightly as she presses wet, open-mouthed kisses to his lower stomach, her hand lazily fisting his length. He’s cupping the back of her head, his fingers firm but he makes no attempt to rush her. The only sign that he’s struggling to control himself is the way his hips buck slightly as she lets him go and shifts her position.
“Needy,” she grins up at him and he stares down at her through thick eyelashes.
“Yeah,” he agrees, his voice rough with want and lust.
Holding his gaze, she fists his dick again, letting her tongue dart out to wet her lips. He lets out a soft whine, his free hand curling into a tight fist that he presses against the door. She drops her gaze to his length and realises with a sharp intake of breath that her sneak peek yesterday didn’t deceive her. Biting her lip she strokes him again, her thumb running over the tip and making him let go of a shaky ‘fu-ck.’
Dragging her other hand down his thigh, she continues to stroke him, watching his face contort between pleasure and frustration. She toys with him, enjoying the thrill of the moans spilling from his mouth and the clench of his fingers in her damp hair. But eventually, she gives him what he wants.
He gasps as she presses her lips to his tip, his hips thrusting forward slightly but she doesn’t mind, taking him into her mouth.
“Mia… Fuck…”
Her tongue swirls over the tip as she pulls back, relishing in the taste of him and the faint saltiness from the sea. Glancing up, she sees him looking down at her and she gives him a smirk before she takes him back into her mouth, further than before. She stares up at him unblinking for a second, watching his eyes widen as she pulls back, letting a string of saliva hang from the tip and her lip.
“Shiiit,” he lets out in a shaky breath, his hand nudging her head to pull her mouth back to his dick. “Do… do that again.”
The tip of his dick scrapes the back of her throat and she wills herself not to gag, her hand gripping his thigh tightly. He gets the hint, letting out a strained groan as he fights not to buck his hips at her. Her other hand grips the base of his dick, moving in sync with her mouth, her tongue swirling over his length.
His fingers twist around her hair, his other hand finding her face and pulling her off for a second.
“I’m so fucking close,” he whispers hoarsely.
“Good,” she says, her own voice thick with a lust she can’t hide. His eyes roll back as she takes him back in her mouth. His moans, his shallow breathing, the desperate gasps echo around the cabin. Her hand moves from his thigh to his stomach, feeling him tense and shudder as his self-control starts to tumble. His hips buck against her, her own hand at the base of his dick the only thing stopping him from fully thrusting in her throat.
Chancing a look up, she sees his face flushed, eyes squeezed shut, his teeth biting his lip for a second before he lets out a loud groan of warning.
He spills into her mouth, her name tumbling from his lips as she swallows all he gives her.
“Fuck…” he rasps as she slowly releases him, sucking the tip clean before she reaches for his shorts and pulls them back up.
His hands grip her shoulders, pulling her up and flush against him. His mouth is rough against hers as he turns her and pushes her up against the door.
She’s faintly aware of the noise above her, the sound of music.
She pulls her mouth away from his. “We should go back.”
“Fuck them,” he tells her gruffly, pulling her mouth back to his.
She shoves him back playfully. “Stop it.”
He stares at her in disbelief, his eyes wide and pleading. “Let me at least repay the favour...” His fingers trail over her breasts and down to her stomach.
“You can owe me,” she chuckles, trying to keep her voice casual, praying this was the right decision.
He scrapes his hand over his face. His hair is starting to dry, damp curls reemerging as he stares down at her. She nudges him back, moving out of his grasp to check her appearance in the mirror.  Her lips are pouty from the kisses and his dick, but apart from that there’s no sign of what they’ve been up to. Apart from the way he is hungrily eyeing her. She meets his gaze in the reflection, blushing as he licks his lips.
“I’ll… I’ll go back out first. Give it five minutes,” she tells him.
Opening the door, she glances up and down to check no-one is around before she heads back up. As she emerges, she sees the entire group are back on board, the music starting to thump as they all gather around the bar, a few starting to dance with each other.
“Where have you been?” Ruby slips an arm around her shoulders when she spots her. “Where’s lover boy?”
Mia shrugs, hoping her face doesn’t betray her. Ruby narrows her eyes, but decides not to pursue it. “Come, dance.”
“No, I…”
But her protest is ignored and she finds herself being dragged into the group. A dancehall track is blaring out and she laughs as Ruby grabs her hips and forces them to move to the beat.
Cass bumps against them. “Hey, Mia, care to share why Lando is giving you eyes like that?”
She nods to somewhere behind her and Mia turns to follow her gaze. Her breath catches in her throat as see Lando leaning against the bar, his eyes trained directly on her. His jaw is slightly clenched and he scrapes a hand over his face to try and release the tension. It takes her second to realise he’s changed back into his original shorts and shirt, although this time he’s left it completely undone. He’s also donned a baseball cap, backwards of course, over his damp hair.
“Woah,” Ruby grins. “What the fuck happened?”
“Yeah, we noticed you had disappeared for a while…” Cass giggles.
Mia feels the colour rise from her chest.
“Oh god, you’re bad,” Ruby laughs.
“We didn’t-”
“Don’t lie,” she replies in a sing-song voice.
“We didn’t!” she protests, unable to look away from Lando.
“Well, you did something,” Ruby grins. “Because he looks like he wants to eat you up.”
Mia can’t look away, watching as Lando takes an offered beer and takes a long swig, not taking his eyes off her. His gaze flickers down briefly to where Ruby is still gripping her hips as they roll to the beat of the music. He meets her eye again, his lips twitching into a smirk as he shakes his head.
“You know, the sooner you two actually fuck, the better,” Ruby tells her. “Not that I understand why you haven’t already.”
“I dunno, it’s kinda fun how it is.”
Ruby chuckles as they both watch Lando push himself off the bar and start to make his way over to them. “Yeah, I bet.”
As he nears, Ruby gives her a nudge, pushing her into his space. His arm snakes around her waist as he lifts the bottle to take another swig. As he lowers it, she eases it from his grasp and takes a drink as well as she continues to wind her hips to the music. His hands fall to her waist, fingers digging in as curls her arms around his neck and shoulders.
His eyes sparkle down at her as the beat suddenly changes, his head nodding along as she changes her rhythm.
“You are killing me,” he groans into her ear.
“Always leave you wanting more, huh?” She grins up at him.
“See, I knew you weren't all sweet and innocent.” His hand is resting on her ass now, his fingers squeezing as he recalls the comment from yesterday's lunch.
“I’m definitely all sweet,” she winks at him, watching as he swallows hard.
“Come back to mine tonight.”
“Have you ever heard of delayed gratification?” she teases.
“Yeah and it fucking sucks,” he grumbles.
Their bodies are pressed impossibly close together, her breasts against his chest, her head tilted up to his. His mouth ghosts over hers as they move to the beat, but she’s the one to close the gap, her hand cupping his face. His hands slide up from her ass to the small of her back, forcing her to arch into him as his mouth slips from hers to her throat briefly and she has to shake her head with a laugh and give him a swift reminder that they’re surrounded.
“Please,” he groans against her cheek. “Come back to mine.”
Final part will be up sometime next week (I'm still agonising over it!)
Thanks for reading!
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tempestvista · 2 days ago
I'm basically treating these freaks like barely-tethered-to-canon characters. At least in the case of 007n7, Chance and Guest 1337. I've known of and preferred other characterizations of 1x1x1x1 prior to Forsaken (no shade/not intended to be condescending, just info). Also note my interpretation of canon deviates a lot (to my knowledge).
Anywho, onwards!
007n7 centered headcanons + Some 1x1x1x1 (x 007n7.. hehfhr)
- Transmasculine/Agender. He finds any thought or idea of being seen as a woman deeply unpleasant.. Fortunately passes really well though, in my canon most people (aside from his closer friends / Chance and Guest 1337) do not even know due to how private he is
- - Also adding on/Obvious but I like the idea of Guest 1337 and Chance being the most amiable towards him. Chance because they have a history of being unreliable/flippant at times / truly struggling with a gambling addiction (recovered but still something they're heavily associated w/ by other survivors) and Guest 1337 because he's quite self-sacrificial and cares a great deal for anyone and has the ability to look past 007n7's past (doubly so because of his own demons and guilt haunting him) without excusing him/coddling him. Chance isn't a bad friend here to clarify; They just often used sleep as an escape and previously hid in their apartment or other locations when out of funds in their former life (not doublefedora related here.(not that theres anything wrong w that though lol)).
- Heavily projecting here but 007n7 is Jewish and is fluent in Hebrew, although again, most don't even know this about him. They might hear a slip of a curse or hostile wish if he thinks he's by himself and does smthn . Like stub his toe or whatever. (Or in rounds and gets shocked by a generator, trips, what have you..). C00lkidd has picked up some and speaks broken bits, but due to their current situation (+being separated from his dad for extended periods and not caring or remember to practice) he has forgotten most of it. Knows basic greetings, well wishes, etc.. He picked up on like two cursewords lol
- - It's more of a cultural/ethnic background for him, he's never been able to connect to most religions. I think he'd be a member reform synagogue. He probably stopped going after he got c00lkidd since his hands were full + attendance that progressively got more sporadic.
- A bit random but he likes spiders. Very much against flies / most insects and appreciates that the spiders keep then away. Might get mocked by his 2 bros for having a cobweb in a corner that he's just chill with. I doubt he could perform the upkeep to keep any pets, though. He likes dogs and cats equally, I'd say.
- Actually not a big fan of pizza due to getting sick of eating the same thing no matter what but unfortunately most options r limited.. I like to headcanon that the Spectre does restock their personal fridges at times though and he cooks for himself whenever he can
- - Two notes / piggybacking off that: Survivors have their own separate areas. There is the main/common building, and some do sleep there, but there aren't many rooms upstairs and it lacks privacy + more exposure to noise. Most of them have smaller buildings not too far from the main one, with 007n7's being the furthest possible.
And 2: Enjoys cooking and doing other small tasks because it makes him feel in control of his life. Similar things like cleaning are a comfort to him, shockingly. Most people assume he's a slop and when he's depressed.. it can get like that, however when you have an omnipresent entity tormenting you, you develop interesting/different coping mechanisms.
- Has vague medical knowledge from a previous mild fixation on medicine previously that would go away and come back since his freshman year. (I'm not projecting I swear)
- Actually working on healing himself as a person lol. I do enjoy the concept of him being pathetic and afraid (and I lean into it often) but I also like the idea of him developing some snark. Possibly a reason for 1x1x1x1 to develop interest in him, he jabs at 1x1x1x1 before getting killed /, running away or whatever lol.. he's still a bit of coward who VERY much feels pain, though, and does more running and fixing things in the shadows than direct confrontation. Slippery guy
- Feels guilt for what he did and the isolation he faces doesn't help. But he slowly tortures himself less and less, especially as a means to gain control over his life + a desire to stop constantly dissociating and intentionally triggering himself because he "believes he deserves it"
- Physical headcanons is that he's 5"8 and a bit stocky / broad guy. Sorta muscular dad bod? Hard 2 explain.. used to be insecure, still sometimes is. He has a sleeper build underneath lol
- A little obsessive. Fixates on certain details, sometimes people. Isn't weird about it but he has formed a heavy attachment to his two friends (and subsequently/later on 1x1x1x1.. I imagine 1x is as flattered by this as he is shocked/intrigued)
- Again projecting but big on tea. He's not a connoisseur by any means, however he knows what he likes and what he doesn't. Like some of the big staples (especially for health and herbal medicine reasons, has some books on that, too) such as green tea, lemon (+honey) ginger, chamomile, etc.
- Likes flowers to an extent. Has minor pollen allergies, though. For this reason he tends to favor Fall over Spring, though he truly loves Spring the most. Being out in the sun is a must for him after all the years of being a shut-in and depression. He enjoyed taking c00lkidd out whenever possible, though he stopped hiking (frequently did so before) since c00lkidd wasn't a big fan unless there was more stimulation (i.e racing, tag, constant chatting, etc.)
- His favorite kind of weather is a mildly sunny day with a lot of clouds and a deep blue sky. He doesn't enjoy excess heat or sunlight, though. Burns semi-easily after a bit as his skin never took to tanning, especially after, again, not going outside for periods of time.
- Also fond of those grey-sky days where it might rain some, might not. Slight breeze.
- If he had to pick a favorite natural disaster he would probably gravitate towards whirlpools and large bouts of lightning. Maybe dust devils.
- He likes Silent Hill and most old-style horror games. Gets nostalgic over the old Playstation intro. Enjoys terraria.
- He likes the smell of Wisteria oil if we're talking about flowers still. Fond of dandelions, especially since he carried over the little tradition with c00lkidd of wishing on them and blowing them (also tosses pennies into fountains).
- Likes the smell of smoke, campfires, and sometimes burnt sage. Most incense tends to be too strong for him, sadly.
- If you ask him for his sexuality he'll just say queer or something along those lines since it's too much thought for him. Doesn't have much reason to care beyond that, his preferences are fluid but more masculine and/or androgynous leaning.
1x1x1x1 headcanons (a bit less developed since I'm primarily ill over 007)
- Probably 6"8-6"10. Though imagine it's hard for majority of people to gauge his height beyond "holy shit that tall person is coming at me at Mach 40 with a sword"
- ^ Fast runner, can be silent if he wants to. Yet he can't resist being loud because he likes terrorizing others and being known.
-  Gloats a little. Not entirely undeserved considering his strength but it can be hard for most to tolerate. I think 007n7 may challenge him on some things, yet flatter/agree on others. He does admire him to an extent, after all, especially with his own insecurities and also. Not Being Able To Generally Fight Back against killers 99% of the time
- Struggles with emotional regulation, picks up some skills throughout his time alive but does deal with intense loneliness that is masked as "anger."
- Very obsessive. Not in a gross way, but due to intense loneliness and trauma of some variation, he does not react well to being ignored or being left behind (or the perceived thought of it). Probably also why he is more willing to connect with 007n7 after developing some interest and lowering some walls. Rare is it that killers develop close bonds as they all sorta have their own issues and reside in their own areas.
- The closest "friends" he has would be John Doe and Azure (somewhat). Don't ask me why Azure specifically, ive yet to make a good reason for it aside from vague shared betrayal trauma </3 /lh j. Takes a fondness for c00lkidd in specific due to the small dudes naivety, but doesn't know how to react around kids, so he might appear standoffish.
- He isn't incompetent as far as domestic upkeep goes, but he's not too interested in doing much. Prefers to wander outside and explore, likes forests and the cover they provide.
- ok just hear me out. But if he was a more healthy and unburdened individual, he'd have a generous primadonna/self-assured personality. Think Lottie from the princess and the frog is she was a giant dude instead LMFAOO.. Ik this is irrelevant but I would like to explore a what-if idea someday and that's. Part of it. Lalalala I am cringe and free. I know this is very ooc but Hey.
- Gorgeous black hair.. how does he do it, we may never know.
- He doesn't care much about fashion. He enjoys some styles over others, but his main motive is what is:
1. Easy to move/run in, especially for extended periods.
2. Durable/Not cheaply made.
3. At minimum somewhat flattering on him. He doesn't wear much shirts or arm accessories, prefers range of motion + having his torso exposed.
- If he did wear accessories, he'd gravitate towards specific piercings. Absolutely would go for ear piercings, and the ornate / jeweled ones, too.
- Maybe rings.
- If they did more damage, I feel like he'd enjoy brass knuckles. (Tbf, I think he could do significant harm regardless of weapon type, it just comes down to preference and speed)
- He likes some of the poorly made horror tales that you'd tell to scare your friends at a sleepover. Dude is a fan of Bloody Mary. /pos
- He wouldn't admit it immediately, but he likes libraries, castles and Gothic churches. Very fond of previous Robloxia history, even if he sees unbecoming things said about him. Sometimes it upsets him, sometimes it amuses him. But most of the time he's annoyed (worst case: enraged) over how many details people got WRONG. If you're going to speak of his harrowing acts, at least get it right.
- In spite of this, rarely will he destroy a book. It's just wrong to him. And though he may indulge in the occasional fit of breaking things to cent frustration, something like that is too childish, even for him.
- Once in a rare moment, he will feel a deep sense of mourning and longing for what could've been. In the dead of night, where it's so dark that even his own hands and body are noticeably obscured from his vision, he grieves for a life he cannot even properly envision having. A world where he wasn't created. A world where he wasn't destined to be at odds with Shedletsky, wasn't forced to be a foil for him. A world where he could express emotions as strongly as he did hate and vengeance. Where maybe instead of seeking a false justice that's been beaten into the ground ten thousand and ten thousand more times over, he'd have advocated for something righteous. He doesn't talk or do much for a while after these moments, and does his best to forget they ever occur at all.
What's most hilarious is I'm not even big into the game. I just love the characters + roblox characters as a whole. I tried playing but most servers I joined were pretty toxic </333 and yet.. I still am fixated... I'm a fake fan /j
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angelsdvsts · 17 hours ago
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"i sure hope not or else i just have to make it my mission to give you the best memories each time we hang out," it was already a given though with their non-stop laughter, that continuous teasing that he enjoys doing with her. lainey was the closest person to him aside from his parents, never once did he want to ruin anything with her, but as they grew older his desire for her grows and he had no issues voicing it to her, especially when he notices her redden cheeks. "oh, most definitely. think i'll be a perfect chair, wanna put it to the test?" brow quirks, almost too amused by how casual he's being regarding the situation. "while that's true, sweetheart i also know how innocent you are," though he's second guessing how truly innocent she was, someone that innocent surely wouldn't be spilling her deepest desires and what she does when she's alone with one of her books, right? wonders if lainey could feel the tension shift within the air between them, the way his eyes never leaving her features; more so soaking her in, admiring her beauty and truly missing her presences. wondering if this was his chance, for him to finally push that boundary he built and devour her like she deserved. "mm, can't ever say that i ever wanted to reread any books i read," because all of it was for school and it was something he dreaded. head shakes at her words, "that could never happen, lanes... matter in fact in you're quivering i think it might be even hotter," wanted to see if she'd stumble over her words, if his gaze falls on her trying to envision her words played in his mind. "y'know those are the only ones i get, the only chocolates i could stand eating.. but of course, i'd feed you and massage them, give you the full princess treatment." and how can he really say no to that beautiful face? rhys tongue darts out to dampen his lips before nodding his head, "until she's screaming and her legs are trembling.."
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"we really do, nobody can compete with us . . . with you." because while lainey did have other friends none of them came close to rhys, she was closer with him than her own family members even now when distance kept them apart so often. his bold statement leaves her gaping, hues widening before she stutters out a laugh, cheeks once again flaming hot. "you'd like that? take the place of this booth?" the way he flirted was effortless, lainey envied it in a way --- she was fumbling so much that with anyone but rhys she would be embarrassed. "i think i can, i've been by your side since we were little kids so i'm probably the one person who definitely can handle it", she was sure that it would break her mind regardless so what was a little stretching of her tight core? she couldn't ignore the way her body reacted to him, how the teasing and seductive words that slip from his mouth make her want to climb up on their booth table and offer herself up instead of their milkshake. does he feel it too? looking at him now lainey thinks he does, that with his darkened gaze he's imagining doing what he's hinting at and pushing their friendship in a new direction. "a tab system is key for if you ever want to read the book again, sometimes you just want to read certain parts, you know?" like the ones that either made her swoon or delve a hand between her thighs with her precious vibrator. "but what if i read them and suddenly they're the least sexiest thing ever? it could turn you off reading sports romance for life!" and with him listening she was sure to stumble over her words or forget how to read entirely. "chocolates? the ones with the caramel inside them? oh my god please, feed them to me while you help ease the pain?" she playful bats her lashes, angelic smile curling at her lips. she should have known that asking rhys about what turned him on would result in her own panties sticking uncomfortably to her skin, how she shamelessly imagined herself as the girl he described. "no? you'd um, you'd . . . you'd hold her there until she . . . until she cums? make her t — take it until she couldn't anymore?"
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cent-scratchnsniff · 1 month ago
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#library of ruina#yesod lor#yesod#netzach lor#netzach#PRETEND ITS THE 14TH FOR ME OKAY!! god this thing made me feel so tired but its over. its over. am i happy w it? no.#ahhhghg the dialog is subpar. you can see visibly where i started and stopped some days. yk what. its. done.#ill do a whole different reblog from the sideblog on just ramblings of getting through it plus choices made. tldr aroace and harder to writ#romance that feels genuine. either way its done!! i was going to have it not as detailed but since i already missed the date by a lot might#as well put more effort into it yk. the last one made me want to die though. its really iffy compaired to the others . struggled so hard to#make it look right. ended up just going w one of the other previous sketches and just giving up and shading it in. i dobnot gaf it can look#weird but be done. HUZZAH!!!#ohbright forgot#netsod#probablt will do the text reblog abouuutt ???? 2 hours after og goes up. just to properly format it and collect thoughts and write#to who ever sent that anonymous ask. hope u like it. sorry it took so long#if this isnt in order i will melt into the floor and be consumed into the earth. PLEASEPELASPELASPLEASE#i onow i will make a seperate post abt it. but also. still just very. eh? i wanted to try and be true to what i had originally come to enjoy#with lor. but also i know im not capable of replicating such aspects and works and craftsmanship. but i still want to keep to what i can or#try to express facets that drew me into it all. which makes me a bit skittish abt writing dialog or drawing them in any other situation that#isnt just like. white void or the like. but still... .. .. . ahgh. skittish and overthinking. i cant tell what is attempting to handle with#adoration and care and what is just being overly terrified of having words or intent misconstrued#rechecking and rechecking and rechecking and .. . .. ect ect. i cannot look at it lest i explode
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keferon · 8 months ago
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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