#also his line about ‘having enough of these working class heroes’ or whatever. i was ready to fight him for that one
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years ago
saw jaws for the first time today and i can’t believe despite knowing so much about it through cultural osmosis i had no clue matt hooper existed and i love that funky little guy
#he’s just autistic about sharks and i love him for it. i forgive him for his crimes (being rich)#also his line about ‘having enough of these working class heroes’ or whatever. i was ready to fight him for that one#i knew about concerned police officer and weird old vaguely threatening fisherman but no one ever mentioned the silly little guy who just.#i knew when every jumpscare happened but i didn’t know one of the three main characters existed#he just loves sharks man. man was so funny. ‘hey i was told to tell you guys that you shouldnt all get in that boat’ ‘we’ll do it anyway’#‘okay! they’re going to die :)’#crazwaz posted#id seen the clip of matt discovering the body and the clip of them paddling to shore at the end!!!#but i’d never seen any clip of quint so i figured the one at the end was him and the body discoverer was a random character#he was wearing a wetsuit in the body scene and is seen from far away in behind in the final one so i have the right to not have realized ok#also weirdly enough my submechanophobia was not really triggered at all? which is wild. like one or two times it happened but like. that was#so weird to just. know that normally i’m scared of that kind of thing but it just. didn’t happen? like i’m scared of the jaws animatronic on#the universal ride! it scared me in pics and it scared me when i saw it irl! but bruce? nah she was just fine#that’s another thing i always think of bruce as she/her like. them all using he/him for the shark confused me#my brother mentioned she’s a girl in jaws 3d + in the wild girl sharks are bigger than boys so that’s probably what caused it#but i still think of godzilla as she/her and that one has like no evidence so maybe my brain just does that to them or smth
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vanishingstarrs · 8 months ago
midnight rain ( k. bakugo x reader, slow burn, hurt x comfort, anxiety, fluff ) ( as an insomniac, this was v much self indulgent, also for the sake of this story the timeline is irrelevant, i kinda went all over the place so let's just pretend it all lines up (: also also feel free to imagine whatever quirk you'd like i never really had one in mind except for the side effect is you being v v cold bc it worked for the plot lol sorry it took so long to get this out, just wanted it to be perfect !! hope y'all enjoy <3 )
part 1, part 2, part 3
It was raining. Hard.
You were a nervous wreck.
It had been agreed that your classmates and you would be permitted to retrieve Midoriya from his self isolation. The heroes were out in the streets, instructed to call as soon as he was sighted since your class had full permission to spring into action and try to convince him to come back. The heroes told to stay back and allow you guys to take the lead on the mission.
Part of the reason you couldn’t sleep as of late was your classmate out in danger. You and Midoriya had never been best friends by any means, but you’d been close enough and you’d worked alongside him a few times. He was a nice person and always trying to help those around him, he’d come to you multiple times with theories on how to better improve your quirk so you wouldn’t overwork and accidentally freeze yourself to death. Even if he hadn’t done any of that, you likely still would’ve felt guilt over being safe while he wasn’t. He was good, and he deserved to come home.
All of this in turn meant more baking and less sleeping. You’d been out of bed for thirty minutes now, having brought your journal with you in order to go through your recipes.
You’d been in your room before, tinkering with your costume and doing little workouts while waiting for everyone to head to bed, not wanting to bother anyone.
The day had been spent training and putting more work into improving your individual powers, leveling up so that when the time came… you and your classmates could join up in the war. It was a frightening thought, and you weren’t sure you were quite ready for that again.
Speaking with Katsuki had been some help though, the way he spoke of heroes and nobility made you want to be brave like him.
And so, to thank him for the late nights, you were now up again, only this time you baked with purpose. For him. You weren’t sure how you were going to approach him to give him the baked goods, and part of you hoped he might be awake and come out on his own to save you the trouble of an awkward conversation.
You sighed as you double checked your recipe, making sure of your next step before incorporating dry ingredients with the wet ones.
It wasn't that you wished another sleepless night on Bakugo... but it was definitely easier to go to bed after having had him around. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't bullshit you, or the way he let you talk about nothing in particular until you were ready to open up about what had actually been weighing on your chest. Things you had yet to even bring up to your best friend.
You went through the motions almost at a sloth’s place, overthinking to yourself as you made sure everything was perfect for the muffins you were baking.
When all that was left to do was wait for the room to start smelling of cinnamon, you sat yourself at the island, headphones blasting as you grabbed you pen and journal again. You turned the page from your experimental recipes and found your sketches for the new costume you were working on, you'd asked Hatsume for some suggestions, but she'd dismissed you; she was too busy right now. She said she'd help you create the final design, but she didn't have the brain capacity to make something from scratch for you.
A groan left your lips as you stared at the page, just about ready to tear it and your hair out when your headphones were yanked down to your neck and the chair next to you scraped the floor as someone sat down,"Don't you ever sleep?"
"Don't you?" You scoffed, the response coming naturally,"Thought you were Mr. go to bed at seven every night, what happened?"
"That was before." He rolled his eyes,"Whatcha working on?"
You stared at Bakugo, unsure if he was actually there. Had you conjured him up somehow? Were you hallucinating? And was he actually making small talk with you right now?
"Muffins... for you, actually."
"Hah?!" His eyes bulged as he turned to the oven, like he just noticed it was on,"What are you making shit for me for? And I meant the sketches, idiot."
"Oh." You frowned.
"I'll eat them." He declared, realizing that it sounded as though he didn't care for them.
"No, it's okay." You looked away, trying to hide your smile and the fact that you were teasing,"I'll offer them up to the others. Who doesn't like apple cinnamon muffins with a nice crumble on top? No, don't worry, my efforts won't be in vein, maybe Momo will make a nice tea for us all."
"Tea? I can make tea, I'll make you the best damn tea you've ever had, and we're eating these damn muffins if it's the last thing we do." He grumbled as he stood up and found his same mug, as well as somehow finding yours amidst the array of everyone's cups.
His was orange with his first initial on it, and yours was purple with the multiple facial expressions of Kuromi all around, she was your favorite Sanrio character. You had no idea how he'd known that it was yours, but didn't dwell on it as you turned your frown back to your notebook and the aforementioned sketches.
"Been tryna come up with a new costume design, I'm not very great at it... Midoriya kinda helped me with my last one." You mentioned as he began boiling water for your tea.
You heard him scoff.
"What?" You asked immediately, self conscious now.
You had thought he'd done a pretty good job, and most of it was your idea anyway; he'd really only brought your vision to life since he was a lot better at that kinda stuff than you were.
"Nothin'. Didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to, is my costume ugly? I'm not really a big fan of the flashy stuff, I just want something simple that won't make me stand out..."
He walked back over, leaning against the island counter as he raised his eyebrows at you,"You do know the whole point of being a hero is standing out, right?"
"No..." You denied,"Not all of it. What if I just wanna help people and not be seen?"
"What about recognition?" He countered,"I see you standing back all the time, especially when you make shit like this and just leave a note, you don't always sign your name, don't you want people to know what you've done? What you've accomplished?"
"I'd hardly call baking a few cookies an accomplishment." You scoffed.
"When I got kidnapped." He brought up,"You were there."
It wasn't a question. He was stating it like it was something he knew for a fact and you didn't know how that came to be.
You'd never spoken about it, you'd gone along as a favor to your friends, they thought your power might be useful just in case the situation escalated. You'd agreed and at the end of it all, after getting him back, you'd gotten separated in the crowd. You didn't bother meeting back up, feeling you'd done all you that could and gone home. It was a long time ago, you felt.
"Who told you that? Kirishima?"
"Deku did." He corrected with a roll of his eyes,"He wanted to make sure I thanked you properly."
"You never did."
"I should've."
The oven timer dinged and you used it as your excuse to remove yourself from the conversation. You cleared your throat as you stood up and grabbed your oven mitts, your face felt warm and it wasn't just because you were removing baked goods from the oven.
"We'll have to wait for them to cool." You said aloud.
"Still gotta brew the tea, so... it's fine."
You felt incredibly awkward and he must've sensed it too, because he changed the subject back to the original.
"Y'know I can help you with this." Bakugo was holding your journal when you finally mustered up the courage to face him again,"My parents are fashion designers, I did my own costume. Won't make it too flashy if you don't want, or you could just wait for Deku if that's what ya want, he'll be back soon anyway."
"No." You said, maybe a little too eagerly.
He stared back in surprise.
"You help me." You made your way across the room again,"Please."
“Alright, alright, no begging it makes you look pathetic.” He said, though it had no fire behind it,“I guess I owe ya anyway.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the tiny smile as he tugged you closer and took charge of the project. He made a few comparisons from your last costume to the lame prototype you’d been working on and then asked you for your favorite aspects of both before starting up from scratch on a different page, his writing was surprisingly neat as he listed a few support items he thought you should look into for the upcoming battles.
“It has to be purple.” You stated your only condition as you took the pen from him and started to shade a few spots, you had to lean close into him to be able to reach the journal and you heard him inhale sharply before moving it closer to you.
When you reached something actually resembling a good costume, you grinned and turned to him,“It’s great, Katsuki, thank you so much.”
“No problem.” He seemed to whisper, he was staring at you in a weird way that made you look back down at the costume you’d drawn up together,“Let’s, uh, eat those muffins now.”
“Wait! We have to sign our names at the bottom.” You held his arm before he could move away,“C’mon, we’re the designers.” You quickly scribbled your signature before handing the pen back to him with a grin.
He rolled his eyes, but snatched the pen from you nonetheless and quickly wrote his name next to yours. It felt… binding, weirdly enough.
You let him go and he brought over the tea he’d brewed, which had cooled a little but not enough to be cold. The muffins were perfect and you watched for a reaction that he never gave, so you went poking for compliments.
“You can say they’re good.” You teased as he took several bites in one breath.
“I was getting there.” He grumbled, after swallowing hard. He looked at the tray of muffins and then back at you,“You really made these for me?”
You shrugged,“You said they’re your favorite.”
He took another huge bite and around it he managed to get out something sounding close to a thanks.
You laughed,“You’re welcome, Katsuki.”
When he finished off two muffins, he wordlessly began helping you clean up your mess. It didn't take too long, as much as you wished that it would so you could talk to him more. When you handed him a tupperware for the muffin's he seemed to get an idea as he walked away and came back with a piece of tape and a sharpie.
He started writing "DO NOT TOUCH" on the tape.
You couldn't help snort,"Had a feeling you weren't the sharing type."
"They were made for me, weren't they?"
"Mhm." You hoped you weren't blushing as you agreed.
He stuck the tape onto the top before showing it to you,"I can share, but only with you."
You were definitely blushing now as you read "Y/N and Katsuki's muffin's" underneath the initial message for no one to touch them. You smiled,"You're sweet."
He scoffed,"Am not."
"You totally are." You teased as he rolled his eyes at you for the hundredth time while also turning you around and pushing you toward the stairs, he was holding your headphones and journal in hand and when you reached your door, you held out your hand expectantly.
He held them back,"One condition."
Feeling emboldened, you went up on tiptoes to whisper into his ear,"My door will be open, don't worry."
With your heart beating wildly in your chest, you quickly brushed your lips somewhere along his cheek while grabbing your things from his hold,"Night, Kats."
You weren't sure if you heard him say it back, but you thought he did as you escaped into the darkness of you room, blushing.
That night, you had one of your better sleeps.
The next day, however, came early. And before you knew it you, along with your classmates, were suiting up and leaving U.A. to chase a possible Midoriya lead. The state he was in when you guys finally found him broke your heart in a way you didn't know was possible, the boy was working hard to get Japan back to how it'd been before and the citizens seeking safety in U.A. didn't understand that. Tears were brought to your eyes after a touching speech from Ochaco, and when the day finally came to its end your bones too were crying from all the extra exertion.
When everyone got back, you'd set to work making a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies since the last one hadn't lasted longer than the morning on which they were discovered. The bath had been miraculous for your muscles, and you'd almost fallen asleep while sipping on the tea Momo had brewed for everyone.
The day had been quite momentous, and through it all, you couldn't help want to seek out only one person...
You sighed as you turned over in bed.
You had your phone turned on in your hand, your text messages with Mina blinking up at you as you typed and deleted the same text many times.
You deleted it one last time and reread her text.
mina ෆ⃛(ˇᵋ ˇෆ)ೄ: soooo you and bakugo ?? 👀👀 noticed he was prettttty worried abt u getting hurt / just u in gen during mission bring deku home, didn’t know y’all were so close hm 🤔🤔🤨
You debated letting your best friend know you’d somehow become sort of friends with Katsuki, having spent a few nights in each other's company. But how did you explain to her that somehow, through three simple nights, that you might be having other feelings for him. And that you'd kissed him. Well, his cheek, but still. That move was quite bold for you and then, like a coward, you ran away. You'd always dismissed things like crushes and boys, but Katsuki... he was loud, to put it simply, and therefore was much harder to ignore.
You hadn't thought he'd paid you any extra mind in comparison to everyone else during the fight, but having been focused on Midoriya... maybe you'd missed it?
You pulled out your phone again, sending your friend one last reply.
y/n ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ: lolll as if girl yk he doesn’t do friends, think he’s probs just on edge bc of midoriya
She texted back immediately, but rather than opening the text you opened up your music app and pressed play on a soothing playlist. You listened to it, along with the rain that had yet to stop, and felt your body start to relax into your pillows.
You weren't lying to your friend. Bakugo had made it clear he was at U.A. because he wanted to be number one. He didn't have time for "extras", as he so often put it, what exactly made you so different? Nothing. Exactly, you told yourself, nothing at all.
Sure, he was calmer around you on those measly nights on which you found one another. But that was just because everyone else was asleep and maybe he was being considerate. Sure, he listened to you talk on and on and watched your silly romance drama with you... but that had to be because he had nothing better to do, having already been awake... right?
You groaned, the longer you thought about it the more the frustration with yourself grew. How could you be so clueless?!
When it all became too much, you pushed your covers off and ripped your headphones off, your feet found your slippers immediately as you picked up your glasses from your nightstand and slid them on. You marched toward your door with purpose, ripping it open only to freeze at what awaited on the other side.
He had his fist up, ready to knock. There he was.
Katsuki Bakugo, right outside your door.
“Bakugo… hi.” You breathed out, you felt your heartbeat start to pick up a bit.
“What happened to Katsuki?” You faintly heard him say, but your attention was elsewhere, eyes taking him in completely.
He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants you’d never seen before and a fitted black t shirt. His hair, you noticed, was pushed back by a black headband. You never wanted to be a headband more. Was this his usual sleep attire? Last time you could’ve sworn he was wearing a muscle tee and a pair of shorts. Focus, Y/N, focus! You yelled at yourself internally. You snapped out of it in time to hear him say your name.
Aaand shit. So preoccupied with him, you had momentarily forgotten your own attire: Kuromi pyjama bottoms and a sports bra... and your glasses— shit, shit, shit.
Embarrassed, you pulled your hair forward to try and cover yourself just a tiny bit,“Oh, my god, sorry, hold on, let me grab a shirt.”
You turned, but didn’t make it more than two steps when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, he pulled you back and firmly asked,“Were you coming to look for me?”
You gulped, forcing yourself to meet his eyes,"Yes."
His eyes widened slightly, like he couldn't believe how easily you admitted to it.
"You too, by the looks of it." You pointed out, and he nodded.
He looked away, gaze zeroed in on the ground as he released a deep breath, and with it, how he truly felt,"All I seem to think about these days is impending doom. Well, that, and also you.” His lips pressed together and you noticed his hands clenching down at his sides, you wanted to unfold his fingers and tuck your own around them.
“Whenever I talk to you, or I’m near you… it helps. I don’t know what it is, but being with you makes me not have a fire lit up under my ass or something.” He confessed.
A weight was instantly lifted off your shoulders. You allowed yourself to smile,"That's super poetic, Katsuki, and sweet."
He rolled his eyes, and you could swear his ears were turning red too,"I'll take it back."
You gasped,"You wouldn't dare."
He shook his head, releasing a small sigh,"I'm no good with words, but am I..."
You took a step forward, listening to your heart and taking his hand into your own. He seemed to want to pull back, but you didn't let him as you wound your hands together.
"They're sweaty." He argued.
"Don't give a shit." You grabbed his other hand too,"You're not alone, you know. I feel the same way you do, not about the impending doom part, but the rest of it. Ever since that first night when you were there... I just feel at ease with you. You may say you're not good with words, but you're pretty good at listening, and I think you've done great at comforting me in your own way. I didn't really see it today, but you were there, watching me, making sure I was good, I was so scared—”
“I was terrified.” He said at the same time.
You smiled even bigger now,“Good thing it all worked out in the end, huh? You got your friend back.”
He scoffed,“He’s not my friend.”
“Am I your friend?” You asked, still grinning.
He shook his head and the smile instantly left your face as you started to pull your hands away,"Oh—"
You didn’t get a chance to fully let go as he pulled you forward with one hand and grabbed your waist by the other, and before you realized what was happening, his lips had met yours for the shortest kiss. So light it could barely qualify as one, but it was enough to freeze you in place as you once more repeated:
He leaned his forehead against yours and you inhaled, consumed by him and his scent.
"Hold on, can I...?"
You didn't wait for a response as you stood up on your toes, placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him again. This one lasted longer and you thought you might've tasted chocolate from the cookies you'd made earlier on his tongue, you hadn't seen him around when you were passing them around and you were happy he'd gotten to enjoy some after all. When you pulled away, you were smiling again.
"I'm not good at this." He repeated once more.
You shook your head,"You're doing perfectly."
He kissed you a third time, another short and sweet peck that led to one more on your cheek and then the other cheek and then your forehead and lastly, your nose.
You blushed as he buried his face in your neck and hair and inhaled deeply,"You smell so good, like cookies and warmth."
He tried to move, but you kept him there by running your fingers through his hair and making him relax further into your hold. You couldn't look at him for what you were about to ask. You felt your face heat up,"I know that was our first kiss and you said we're not really friends, which I think means something and if it does mean that thing, well, our timing isn't great and we can't really go on a date or anything to even start the thing, and if Aizawa were to find out, surely we'd be dead, but could you, maybe, think about possibly staying with me tonight?"
Katsuki pulled away, hands in your hair as he agreed right away,"Thought you'd never ask."
He pulled you back into his arms, shutting the door behind himself as he walked right into your room like he owned it. "Those glasses drive me crazy." He said as he instantly made himself comfortable under the purple comforter of your bed.
"Really?" You scrunched up your nose before taking them off and putting them back on your nightstand,"I hate them."
He shook his head,"You should wear 'em more."
"When classes start back up, maybe, I'll think about it." You hesitated as you laid down next to him.
It lasted maybe one minute before he was pulling you closer, your head on his chest. You could hear the pounding in his chest as he said,"It's new for both of us, but I think we can figure this out."
His warmth and his arms around you were already making you sleepy, you agreed with him,"Mmm, tomorrow?"
He gave a grunt of acknowledgement and you could tell the lack of sleep lately was catching up with him too as he shifted his body even closer, head burying into your neck again,"Night, Y/N."
You smiled, content,"Goodnight, Katsuki."
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marveling-cg · 6 months ago
Okay, I just turned on MHA like six weeks ago, and just finished the manga yesterday. And while I have.....thoughts -.- about that ending, I also can't help think about:
Deku's Accidental Charm Offensive & Unintentional Rehabilitation of Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight's Image
On one of Deku's first patrols with Dynamight, they wrap up a villain with no injuries, no collateral, no casualties, and Dynamight lets rip his signature shout: "FLAWLESS VICTORY!"
The PR folks at his agency (and the internet) have told him that it's off-putting and unnerving
But Deku breaks out laughing behind him, Bakugo turns for the fist bump, aggressive, still pumped up from the adrenaline
Deku returns it automatically, smile bright, cheeks flushed, eyes nearly shut
The internet thinks it's adorable
And when:
They've responded to a request to back up heroes in an adjacent zone
Bakugo's been picking up more requests for backup now that Deku's in the field -- he knows the nerd gets a kick out of working in teams, and sometimes they run into their classmates, it makes Deku smile, whatever
There's a group of villains working in a team, and the biggest of them has a quirk it takes the the BakuBros way too long to figure out, but Deku, Chargebolt, and Red Riot manage to clear the extras from the field long enough for Bakugo to finally put the big bad down
It was a messy and exhausting fight, Bakugo's barely staying on his feet in the aftermath, but then he hears a shout from a nearby roof -- Deku:
"Great Explosion Murder God --"
"DYNAMIGHT" Kaminari and Kirishima join Deku's dumbass shout, and Bakugo is tossed up on the idiot's shoulders like an American frat boy.
They're so embarrassing.
The nearby newscaster filming from the police line laughs with the rest of the nearby civilians, says something about the atmosphere of joy as the villains have finally been subdued
But especially that time:
Some overexcitable brat almost got themselves killed on Deku and Bakugo's watch
There'd been some two-bit criminal, hardly enough of a threat to be called a villain, but Endeavor'd taught them to respond quickly, and they'd never been able to kick the muscle memory
The kid, no more than 8 or 9 had seen them passing by from her window and climbed out onto her fire escape, climbing up on the rails to try and record the interaction
Thank fuck the sensors on Deku's suit had picked up the anomaly of her sudden descent
Though they'd both rushed into action, Bakugo made the save snatching the kid from the air before she'd injured herself
When he got them both on solid ground, he'd been ready to light into her -- "Listen here, you --"
But Deku had been there, hand firm on Bakugo's elbow, "Kacchan, no!" Before hip-checking Bakugo out of the way and crouching down to get at eye level with the girl
"Hey, what my buddy, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight" (Deku always says it like Bakugo had dreamed it, like it's the name of someone trustworthy) "is trying to say is that your safety is way more important than a picture or video of us. Right?"
Here Deku had turned to look up at Bakugo. His midnight green eyes stern and expectant. Reminding Bakugo:
He'd made a promise to himself. If Deku gave becoming a hero a chance -- not just doing test work with the suit, not just moonlighting between class and grading papers, but really gave partnering with Bakugo his best effort -- Bakugo wouldn't let himself do anything to get in the way of Deku becoming the #1 hero. Anything.
"Yeah kid, it's not a flawless victory if you get hurt."
Deku beamed at him as if Bakugo just plucked the moon from the sky and personally gifted to him. Bakugo's cheeks had burned. But it didn't matter (he'd thought it wouldn't matter -- smartphones are the worst) Deku had already turned back to the girl.
"And if you want to come chat with us, we'll be at the Fall Festival at _____ Park around the corner in just a couple weeks! We'll be at the ______ Agency booth!"
Business kids had gotten the bright idea that heroes ought to be more accessible, feel more a part of the communities they helped protect.
A week later, Ashido sent a tweet to the Forever 1A group chat. A video of he and Deku with the kid. The caption: "Turns out Great Explosion Murder God just needed an anger interpreter."
The first comment under the tweet: "Anger interpreter? Do you mean husband?? Look at the blush!"
Bakugo is going to kill them!
But like, after 3 months of he and Deku partnering, they're neck and neck with Todoroki - the Big 3 back in competition.
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bomber-grl · 8 months ago
Hiiii!! I'm not sure if you've done this but could you make one with Hiro and a male reader where he just goes through the whole gay panic bc of the reader? If it's not too much trouble ofc :]
There’s this river in Egypt-
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Male!Reader
CW(?): There’s a bit of denial on Hiros part but not in a internalized homophobic sense rather just confused so take it with a grain of salt
Tumblr media
Hiro and the rest of bh6 were casually eating in the cafeteria, same as any other day
It was lunchtime and it was usually spent hanging out which wasn’t out of the norm
Hiro wanted to get a snack before he left to the rest of his evening classes and chose to get up and select something from a nearby vending machine
He wasn’t really paying attention, hero work alongside quickly approaching due dates were plaguing his mind
And so he accidentally crashed into you
Was it avoidable? Sure but did he end up regretting it? That’s up for debate…
He quickly tried to collect everything back on your tray and was profusely apologizing over and over, refusing to even look at you.
Any normal person would’ve been pissed as hell but all you did was laugh and wave a hand
It was fine, and he had nothing to worry about
You offered him your hand as he was on his knees on the ground, trying to urgently correct his mistake.
Once you pulled him up he managed to get up he was basically just standing there staring
You were going on with your convo and even pulled out your phone talking about whatever it was that you were
But then you noticed Hiros lack of attention
“Hello? “ you waved a hand in front of Hiros face, he was obviously spacing out.
“Huh? Oh uh sorry I wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying, sorry” his face was heating up and he didn’t know why.
Like seriously, why did he feel sweaty all of a sudden, And when did how he stood start bothering him?
“Oh it’s fine I was just wondering if I could get your contact information? I mean i also ran into you and …” you gestured to his stained shirt “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I offered to dry clean it.”
He stood there staring at you. Then he realized you looking at him expectantly. oh! It was his turn to talk.
“Uh yea I wouldn’t mind if it were you” how could someone fail so hard at being casual. His face heated up even more than it already was at the connotation , “I-I mean considering you stained my shirt!”
Horrible save. “Oh, yeaaa” you said in response and nodded along, great now you thought he was weird…
You two quickly exchanged info and you went on your way
Hiro unfortunately had to walk back to his table like a dog with its tail in between his legs
As if bumping into anyone wasn’t enough of a commotion, he also made a fool of himself
He wasn’t even in the mood for that snack anymore despite desperately bee lining for it a moment ago.
That same night was spent with Hiro wide awake staring up at his ceiling
I mean it was the first time he’d seen you, you’d think he would’ve known about another genius his age
Not to mention your voice, and laugh, and you looked pretty cool too..
Maybe he just wants to really be friends with you, yea that makes sense
Eventually you ask to meet up with Hiro and give him back his shirt neatly folded
Which was also the start of his one sided pining your friendship
Before you could leave he called out and asked if you could hang out
Of course he stumbled out excuses of having stuff in common and rambled on in typical hiro fashion
Despite that, you didn’t seem to mind the proposition
Doesn’t make seeing you around school any less of a heart attack though
He’s down bad and his heart immediately starts pumping so hard that he literally had to shut Baymax up when you were first introduced to him
He almost gave away Hiros concerning rapid increase in heart beat
This thing doesn’t exactly go unnoticed by others either
Wasabi offers to help him out best he could and honey lemons all for it
But hiro doesn’t know what he’s talking about
He just rlly likes you as a friend
Until he realizes that he doesn’t
It isn’t until his aunt is calling him to try out a new dish that she made for dinner and he’s luckily not in any rush
When he starts to eat, however, his aunt starts talking about going somewhere for the summer and then she brings up you
You were already introduced to her and she’s seen how Hiro acts around you
So she began to talk about you as if you were hiros boyfriend or something
That’s when Hiro realizes and finally begins to wonder if he likes you
Which obviously he does
*insert the rest of the night spent with hiro taking ‘am I gay quizzes’, contemplating and thinking about his sexuality,but also thinks about if you’re into him then maybe he’d have a chance..?
He quickly turns his light off and goes to bed after that thought
He’s already starting to experience delusions..
*insert Hiro standing at a bus stop a month later*
You two planned on hanging out that day and you began walking to a movie
Even I have no idea where Hiro got the courage from but he managed to be brave enough to hold your hand during the movie
It was pre planned too 💀
The night before said movie, he was hanging out with the rest of bh6
They had found out about Hiros date hang out with you because Hiro was really fidgety and maybe, by chance.. Cass had mentioned Hiros squealing that was quickly covered with him “clearing his throat” when she passed by..
So then ofc they had started coming up with ideas for cliche things to do and Hiro had none of it
Except maybe one idea got to him
Which leads to now that he reached for popcorn at the same time you did
Was it cringe? Terribly but now or never ig
He refused to even look at you and you pulled your hand back.
He sort of deflated, at least he knew he didn’t have a chance
But then you held his hand, even intertwining your fingers
And you leaned in and whispered “if you wanted to hold hands you could’ve just said so”
If hiro could explode, he would
I mean he certainty looked like he was a bomb waiting to be detonated
After the movie Hiro walked you home and when you got there he didn’t even need to confess because you did
You told him that you’ve liked him for awhile and fortunately for him, you’re not oblivious
Thus, you two began to date yipeeee
Thankfully Hiro finally relaxes and starts being himself more around you
Although, he learns that you didn’t know how down bad he was for you and how you basically “turned” him gay
Maybe one day he’ll tell you that you were his gay panic but he won’t, knowing it’ll go straight to your head
Not like he’s any better when you tell him you thought he was cute since the moment you saw him
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
You mentioned Sol & Minerva interacting in the tags of a post and now I’m curious what you think the dynamic would be like between Sol and your other protagonists
sol’s family fled ferelden when they were a kid because of the blight, so they have an extremely weird relationship with the concept of the Hero Of Ferelden and would be a little nervous to meet her in a deeply uncharacteristic way. meanwhile, minerva would recruit sol to the wardens faster than you can blink. oh a world-class darkspawn slayer who’s, yeah, impulsive, but also fearless, charismatic, and adaptable, and has even thought about joining up because they want out of their current life situation which happens to be a faction minerva has beef with? Hers Now. i actually had them interact in that post in a theoretical situation where sol is pregnant because that’s the only thing i can think of that would slow her down. legendary minerva viago custody battle let’s go
varric picked sol out partly because they are (in his eyes) keir if he was funny and likeable. (scrappy sword and board human warrior fereldan blight refugee who cares a lot about a sibling figure.) keir would IMMEDIATELY clock this and sigh internally. even today he has to endure whatever the fuck varric’s issue was and now he has to grieve about it too. sol when dealing with keir would probably poke the bear a lot so to speak because they’re very good at noticing when someone is actually all bark no bite and they would think he’s funny when he gets snappy. they don’t respect him and only think of him as varric’s old friend rather than a Great Hero of Thedas or whatever. i think he would find their particular mixture of high energy and pessimistic beliefs irritating. keir loves people who are passionate about things; sol is easily bored, they usually don’t want to hear or give lengthy explanations, their mind skips from one thing to the other. he would probably also be the one to notice the real way in which sol is dangerous: not just that they’re an impulsive live wire, but also the other thing he and they have in common, which is their intensely specific priorities. they would both let the world burn if like 5-10 specific people didn’t need it to live on. and he would, rightly or not, consider their set of 5-10 people—well, mostly the central antivan crows—to lead in more questionable directions than his set
toramar cadash would think of sol as a kid who’s been through a lot. he sees them and is immediately not happy with varric’s choice; this weight should have landed on the sturdier, more experienced shoulders of someone who could actually handle it and, ideally, not come out broken the other side. and someone who isn’t visibly the absolute worst shot at getting solas to hear them out! but he can’t change things now so all he can do is show confidence. sol is sharp enough to pick up on that but shrugs it off. one major thing which is continually hysterical to me: sol is andrastian, and used to listen to varric. resulting in the fact that there is a non-zero possibility to them that toram is legitimately andraste’s herald. because they are also an objectively funny person whose mind somehow moves on quickly from this kind of world-shaking concept—got things to do and places to be!—this doesn’t massively affect how they talk to him. but it is present and they do give his opinions more respect than they would most people’s. interpersonally toram quite likes sol. they’re fun and a breath of fresh air; most of the people he talks to these days are just so squeamish about lines of work like the ones they come from. they remind him of sera a little bit and sera was a massive favourite of his. this makes him go back around again to feeling worse about their involvement lmao
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maddascanbe-blog · 1 year ago
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Miracu-class girls are done! It took less time than I initially anticipated, thank goodness. Let's talk re-write's and re-designs shall we?
Sabrina so freaking cute, give the girl her hat. It was probably a gift from Chloe. For her redesign I thought she would be the kind to dress in cute blouses and flowy skirts. She has tennis skirts in every color for every occasion. As for her re-write- anyone who saw how I changed Chloe probably will guess that their dynamic is drastically changes as well.
Sabrina met Chloe when they were in their tween years, Officer Roger having worked security for the Bourgeois on multiple occasions. One day he had to bring his daughter into work and Chloe found her wandering the halls. When a kidnapper tried to abduct Chloe, Sabrina sprayed him with pepper spray her father gave her and then kicked him in the dick for good measure. Chloe then declared that Sabrina should be her full-time body guard, and she technically is being paid to hang out with Chloe. But Sabrina would have done it with or without the money since Chloe is actually very endearing once you figure out how she works.
Alix is next! Alix's violently pink hair could not be ignored, so I kept it (albeit a little less saturated) Also she is in fact still short. Her outfits are probably all variations of sports gear unless she has an event to attend at the museum. I also tanned her up since I imagine she spends a lot of time outside, girl is sunburnt. She is actually a year ahead in history, having gotten too bored with junior level classes. So she's friends with some of the seniors too. I won't get into Bunnix anytime soon but- let's just say it's a lot more tragic than cannon would ever admit. The rabbit's powers are changing, and Alix still has to live with that.
On a lighter note, Juleka, as stunning as ever. Tall queen. She is a year behind since her lack of participation in classes ultimately tanked her grade in several subjects. Her band director was more then happy for her to stay an extra year though, since she is trained classically as well as electrically on the bass. She may not like talking, but she has little fear of performing when the music can do the talking. Her twin brother actually graduated early, and he's working now to help pay for the band the two want to start. Her design doesn't change much from her cannon one other than the fact I switched her ripped leggings for lace ones. I imagine she actually has many outfits in this color pallet, since Chat Noir quickly becomes her favorite hero.
Mylene, okay the change I made here is pretty obvious. I debated for a long time on whether or not I change her skin tone. And when I did the line art? Wasn't planning too. But changed my mind last second, since I thought it helped the color pallet more. This would imply she is mixed, with her dad looking pretty much the same as cannon. it's hard to tell her unless you look closely but I gave her freckles that just cover every inch of her. She is Sunkissed. He character isn't super different, she is still easily startled, but she knows what she believes and will fight for it no matter what.
And finally, Rose! The lovely Rosey! The flower child! Her nonspecific illness still definitely happened, but I like to think she has actually recovered. I do not know enough about most chronic illnesses to make any sort of specification on what she has so nameless headache disease it is! She struggled a lot as a kid, but now she's planning to start a non-profit to help kids who are going through hard times of their own. She definitely still has her down days, the fact that she nearly died so young is not something she is quick to forget. But she will do whatever she can to give other people hope, sinee she knows all too well what it feels like to be hopeless.
As for her design, she had a bucket of pink upturned on her. She did have to have her hair shaved as an affect of her illness but now it's growing back faster than ever. She gets it cut every time it gets past a certain length to donate it.
Luka is next!
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 7 months ago
HI! :D
Do you have any Four/Sky headcanons you have yet to share that you would like too?
*cracks knuckles* Do i ever. (a bunch of these will be just. straight from some of my fics but eh whatever i love them)
Four absolutely heard stories about Sky, particularly as a child. Sky was probably a cross between George Washington and, like, Odysseus to his era. Someone legendary, a hero just toeing the line between history and myth. No one's 100% certain he's real, but Four believes it. (So does Dot)
In Four's era, there is a constellation known as the Godslayer constellation. Enough said.
Sky's love of flying and his experience in piloting parallels Four's ceaseless examination of minute details. Four likes dealing in the little things that make big results, so he ends up being really fascinated with how exactly Sky's Loftwing can fly and how it evolved. And hey, giant specimen that won't eat him? Big win.
Four gets along so well with Minish engineers and scientists. It's scary.
Sky took up woodcarving as a meditative art. He couldn't focus for long enough (inattentive ADHD) so woodcarving became a way to learn to focus and complete tasks, and he just sorta fell in love. He probably learned with Gondo.
Speaking of, Gondo is probably his favorite shopkeeper at the Bazaar. Sky was totally the type of kid to pester him with questions and stories and anecdotes while he worked, and Gondo was kind and patient enough to let him. He also liked the company.
Sky and Four both seem pretty chill (one's a mom friend and one's pretty smart/inquisitive/has common sense?), which is why no one ever suspects them when they team up and pull the most ridiculous pranks. (Wild knows, though. His best friend is Flora. He knows how absolutely insane scientists are, and he and Sky regularly drag each other around on misadventures. When there is a prank war, Wild only makes Four's and Sky's favorite dishes. They scare him.)
Sky's soul doesn't display his physical scars. In Silent Realms, you can only see cracks and impacts where Guardians have gotten him. They glow.
Sky likes listening to Four ramble about cool stuff he's learned. He has no idea what Four's talking about half the time, but Four is always so excited to have someone listen that all of his walls come down and you can see the Colors more clearly. Sky adores it so much.
Speaking of, after Four Swords, i think Four came back together, but rather than being four people piloting a meatsuit together or just a single person again, he's more like a granny square blanket. He's one dude, but different characteristics will show more overtly depending on the situation, and when put under stress, the seams begin to rip until he has to use the Four Sword to split. Otherwise, he gets a super migraine and just can't function. Also, magic fucks with him.
I read a fic where Four had a stutter and that's canon to me now. Like. yeah.
Sky much prefers the application of things to the theory. He's a smart guy for sure, canonically breezed/slept through all of his classes and did well while Groose had to work his ass off, but while he was able to absorb the information easily, it just didn't engage him and he wasn't all that interested. His favorite classes were in the Sparring Hall and in the air on his Loftwing. As I said before, real ADHD guy.
Sky's Loftwing is named Bird. Sun's is Blue, and Groose's is Fast. I'm sure some kids made up cool names like Felicia and Arnold, but I love the idea that they were childhood friends before, like, middle school years, so they probably shared a single braincell.
Four ends up teaching Sky metallurgy and stuff when they get a chance to chill at the forge. Sky teaches Four woodworking/carving.
Sky is good at physics.
Four is like. SO autistic to me, what a guy, and the Chosen Hero is and has been a big special interest, so meeting Sky is like the best moment of his LIFE. He was probably trying to do some detective work with the other Links as subjects when he meets Sky and he just gets SO excited, it's adorable. Sky sees him, learns he's his successor, and immediately loves him forever. They are besties your honor.
also any version of FD!Sky
thanks for the ask!!! these two are my favorite dudes, i love them :D
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pacifymebby · 5 days ago
Chiming in with my 2 cents or whatever about Sam "privelige" comments, though I'm pretty sure we all know what I'm going to say
I think some people are very disingenuously trying to twist what he has said and deliberately miss his point. Actually what he has said about the Andrew Tate stuff is completely correct, there's just a level of nuance there that some people (that want to polarise the argument) don't want to acknowledge.
At the end of the day he's not wrong, since Thatcher the UK has done very little about the class divide. Like one women said "everyones middle class" and people believed it and just shut up about the poor kids growing up in schemes.
It is true that there are a portion of white boys growing up in extreme poverty... They may not have to face other types of oppression such as sexism/racism/ableism etc, however there is a base level of suffering and once you're living beneath that line then it's already enough and too much for a person to handle.
I don't believe for a second that the man who wrote Greasy Spoon doesn't also understand that women are oppressed in many different ways, and I don't believe that he's some kind of Reform UK racist either...
I think he's unfortunately been jumped on by the right wing press and some absolute grifters who want to push the culture war/ anti "woke" thing.
At the end of the day though Sam sings and talks a lot about the experiences he has had and situations he sees his friends and family and wider community struggle through... I don't think it helps anyone to ignore the fact that actually yeah, there is a portion of the white male population who does feel oppressed/disenfranchised/hard done by, because they are hard done by. There's a reason the suicide rate in Sam's home city is so high, it's largely to do with class and poverty.
But aye, the right wing tossers will be twisting his words because he's the perfect prototype for white working class hero, they can turn him into a "sensible" lefty cause he cares about poverty but doesn't necessarily think that all the "nitpicking can count as progression"
Like all he's really said is that he thinks the reason some lads buy into the Andrew Tate shit is because they grow up in poverty and have people much more well off, from universities they couldn't afford to go to, telling them that they're somehow more privileged than a trust fund baby who went on a gap yah and bought her first house she 21 with a small loan of £100,000,000 from her parents... And obviously that's an extreme example, but those are the examples that the right wing will use when trying to seduce young lads barely out of highschool to buy into their racist/sexist bullshit. Sam's not wrong and not stupid for pointing this out at all...
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prof-ramses · 1 year ago
Decided to rant about Striker's character and why I think he works (Warning: This ended up being massive)
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The best analogy about Striker that I can make is that he isn't really a cowboy, but a comic book villain who themes himself around being a cowboy. Now that I've done the meme-y version, allow me to actually explain.
A lot of people seem to overlook that there is a single thread that holds together Striker's personality, and is the root of most of his characterization. And that thread is a need for respect.
Let's look through his appearances and explore how his obsession manifests:
Harvest Moon Festival:
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In his first episode, Striker presents himself as a model Wrath imp in order to gain the trust of Millie's family and Blitz. The only person he breaks character around is Moxxie, since he assumes Moxxie's insecurity about not being good enough in the eyes of his in-laws will make him automatically respect someone who they do approve of.
He later breaks character when Blitz catches him, he tries to convince Blitz that they're too good to live their lives around the whims of nobles, he tries to show himself as someone who can get Blitz what he wants, or rather, what Striker thinks Blitz wants, again to seem like someone who's "got it figured out" .
Another note worthy thing is his very professional way of speaking with Stella in both this and the next episode he's in, we'll get back to this later.
Western Energy:
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The first point of interest is easy to miss the significance of, when breaking into the Richest Cup he makes it as dramatic as possible, he's trying to show himself as dangerous enough to warrant such cocky recklessness while surrounded by goetic demons.
After he takes Stolas we see his hideout which is full of scavenged western imagery that looks like an ominous lair, but upon closer inspection is actually a meager living arrangement for a deeply troubled demon.
His actual rant to Stolas includes a line about nobles taking everything lower class demons care about, showing WHY respect is important to him, he's never felt that he, or the part of society he belongs to, have been respected, or as he later says, all nobles do is try to talk over them.
Striker torturing Stolas shows how his need for respect is reflected in him being an assassin, he thinks he can get respect through fear, that having the most primal form of authority over someone will make him feel more significant. And this is why Stolas and I.M.P. are his greatest enemies, their irreverence makes them the only targets that don't play his game, that remind him of what he really is, a desperate, fragile, hero in his own mind, willing to do whatever it takes to prove his importance, not to others, but to himself.
Once again, he's begrudgingly cordial towards Stella despite his hatred of royals, in an effort to get even a fleeting acknowledgement of his worth. Showing that his belief that he can play into people's minds to get what he wants extends to his emotional wants as well.
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Here we see Striker in a much different light, mostly due to his new employer. First off, he's much more open with his frustration and moments of weakness, despite Crimson actually being physically present there and being able to see and hear everything. I think this is because Crim is a rare example of someone Striker doesn't feel he needs respect from. Crimson is, at least in Striker's eyes, an imp who has found moderate success by mimicking the lifestyle of a royal. He might not show it, but Striker probably resents Crimson just as much as, if not more than, he resents Blitz and Fizz, since Crimson has no actual royal support (that we know of).
Speaking of Blitz and Fizz, in his interaction with them in the cage scene we get the most blatant example of Striker thinking that his victimhood as an imp makes his "accomplishments" more worthy of respect, as he completely skirts around the fact he's the only hybrid out of the three, and we also learn he's aware of all this on at least some level when he threatens Fizzarolli for comparing him to a royal due to his arrogance.
And lastly, the climax when he grabs Fizz and the moment when we get the immortal line "Why is it always a sex thing!?", and why is it always a sex thing? Why do the members of IMP and those close to them not fall for his act? Put simply, it's due to trust, no matter how skilled or intimidating he is, Striker is still a loner with no one and nothing to fall back on beside his own skill. In sharp contrast to this the main cast have strong enough bonds that they know someone will oppose him. For example, Striker's attempt at demoralizing Stolas fails because he didn't think Blitz would trust his employees enough to do the saving.
So, yeah, I think Striker currently has a better thematic through line than any other villain in the series and I'm interested in seeing where they take him next. That being said, I feel Crim could be just as great and will probably make a similar post for him after his third episode.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months ago
Alright I'm aimed at the whiteboard of an unrelated lecture hall the way I'm about to be projecting
Warriors: bitches about how much he hates chemistry. Is a chem major. This surprises people and then he gets to senior level classes and is like "oh I learned how to make meth four different ways and also how to make a pipe bomb" and it makes sense bc forensic science. Alternative to him being a cop cause acab
Wild and Wild started political major then switched to rec management and worked there as a park ranger/trip guide. Then he got a phd in some very niche history specialization bc Flora informed enough for him to basically test out of an entire other undergrad degree.
Hyrule: also switched to rec management from nursing. Theydo their assignments together and those are things like: go camping, catch bugs. Wild works at the university climbing wall, and Hyrule works in the first aid tent at uni events
Legend: undecided for a while, fashion major, switched to political science but was way too far into fashion to NOT have that be his minor. When he switched, Wild gave Leg his notes. They were not helpful.
Sky: didn't go to uni bc he went to flight school. Paying the same as their tuition for lessons, but he's got a guaranteed job and fucking excellent pay lined up.
Time: got an associates in art at a community college, met Malon, and then decided to live his best stardew valley life and we love that for him.
Wind: hear me out: scuba diver/submarine operator investigating shipwrecks. This I feel is trade school more than university but college isn't needed for every field. He'd work at ocean gate for like 2 days before seeing their shady business practices and even sharper and moping the fuck out.
Twilight: went to a trade school to be a mechanic as his day job and the reason barrel racing isn't an Olympic sport is bc there's no point when Twi will win until the day he or Epona dies
Four: so many majors he cant keep track of his sophomore year his advisor got fed up and made him pick four. Literature and criminal justice became minors, music and engineering are majors.
Wars: I LIKE THIS, THATS VERY COOL. i have a lot of thoughts about potential majors for him because there’s literally just so much to do with him, depending on the au i’ve made him a political science/history major with the intent to become a lawyer, i’ve made him an engineer (for a big hero six au), fashion, and a dance major. I like the chem to forensic science thing thats VERY cool :)
Hyrule: PERFECT. NO NOTES. whatever he ends up doing it involves being outside and exploring or discovering things >:)
Legend: I HAVE HIM AS A POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR IN MOST MODERN AUS TOO (except the big hero 6 one because, like wars, he’s an engineer)
Wind: I LOVE IT. ive had him interested in marine biology before :)
Four: he’s definitely any advisors worst nightmare alskdkdslkskd
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allwormdiet · 6 months ago
Insinuation 2.2
Time for another day of learning and adventure at Winslow High
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That does have to be weird, though, right? Like "I fought a big badass villain last night and survived, my whole world has been changed by this encounter, I stared death in the face, what do you mean I still have to go to class and act like nothing changed?" Massive whiplash, I'd imagine.
Mrs. Knott gives the impression of being... better, at least, than Gladly. She's putting the effort in if nothing else, even if she has to leave the better-performing students alone in order to handle the rest of them, but that feels more like a matter of understaffing than any personal failure on her part.
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God it's still messed up that Taylor has such little respite from bullying. This poor girl.
...I think this is the first time I've ever seen anything about Taylor knowing basic computer programming. Wonder if that ever comes back around.
And yeah Taylor, of course you have a geeky reputation, you're a fucking geek. Even setting aside the stuff with the bullying, like c'mon.
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I saw a shitpost about how the single reason that Earth Bet is a dystopia is that Reddit is the number one news source in the world and there's something really funny about that idea.
Okay real quick the screenshot would be too small for me to add alt text, but “This article is a stub. Be a hero and help us expand it.” is an objectively hilarious line
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And here we get the most information on any given Undersider, and it's immediately clear that Rachel has had a hard fucking life, like hell. Living on the streets as a teenage parahuman must be rough as hell, it's like living on the streets as a normal teenager except people want to recruit or imprison you while wearing stupid costumes instead of just police uniforms
(I would follow a Bitch fansite though, for real)
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That's not how gangs work but whatever
So the ABB has a dragon man with dragon tattoos who uses the Chinese word for dragon as his cape name while being from Japan, a suicide bomber who dresses like a ninja, and a bomb Tinker. I don't know enough about Bakuda to really say but Lung and Oni Lee's gimmicks feel... mm. Lazy isn't the right word. Let's just stick with "racist" and move on so it stops bugging me
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This is cute actually. She did a good job and she wants to like, celebrate that... and the only problem is that there's nobody she can celebrate with. I just made myself sad thinking about that.
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And now she's basically Googling herself, which is also somehow cute.
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There's something really funny about the idea that like. Taylor gets in touch with the Undersiders through a fucking Missed Connections post on a superhero message board. Like it's almost certainly the safest and most reliable way to get that message out, but that doesn't make it less comical.
And it looks like that's where we're leaving things.
Current Thoughts
Hit some highs and lows with this chapter honestly. Learning a little bit more about Taylor (swear to god I've never heard the programming thing come up before) and getting more of a breakdown on the Undersiders is all well and good, plus developments from the events of the night before, but again the whole Deal of the ABB grates pretty harshly. Like you don't need goddamn Edward Said to tell you that's all crap, it's just crap, and I don't think it reflects well on the author for putting that crap out there instead of thinking about it for maybe another thirty minutes first.
I gotta run some errands, 2.3 after that, God willing I don't have to read about the ABB for a while longer
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sokumotanaka · 8 months ago
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See THIS is the exact shit I talk about when I say RWBY Stans don't know what they're talking about.
None of this even debunks or scratches the points I made in the prior post.
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I had to highlight and underline so you actually read my post and absorbed the POINT.
The characters don't learn anything new, This is Jaune's several time where he needed to unlearn his hero complex, Jaune throws himself into danger every volume and gets a talking down to, at this point I dont care, he won't learn till we have a second Pyrrha situation.
He didn't learn when he forged school papers then slept in class while whining that he wanted to be a hero but never wanted to put the effort in. Pyrrha was the best fighter won tons of tournaments as a kid and he still told her to fuck off cause he was insecure and wanted to learn by himself. But he only swallows his pride after Pyrrha secretly saves him. THEN he wants to actually be a good leader for his team and not hold them back.
Then he spent several seasons relearning the same BS.
As for Blake and Yang a moment away from the stress of war honey the war's still going on. If I were Blake or Yang I'd be worried about what's happening at home while I'm stuck doing unrelated bs elsewhere. This is like watching Avatar the airbender watching Aang get shocked and almost die then seeing Aang deal with the carebears for a month, they talked vol 7 & 8 and we just reiterated the same character beats.
WBYJ realizing that ruby was falling apart and then not being their for her until it was too late IS not the gotcha you think it is, all you prove is that you severely misunderstood the problems with VOL 9- You don't see a problem with the writers making a suicide death tea, or Neo puppeting two of her friends and several unrelated people like clover, Ozpin and Ironwood three people she barely knows personally and are adults who either are horrible liars or unrelated and don't interact wit ruby enough for her to care about them...or lionheart was there too that's right XD
Going back to my actual POINT is that nothing you mentioned here couldn't not have been done in Vacuo- Blake and Yang could of talked in a desert or a hot-spring, Jaune could of had countless interventions and Ruby could of had a breakdown in Vacuo- Atlas JUST fell and penny is gone forever, you could of had it all! But for some reason it's done in a badly interpenetrated version of Alice and Wonderland.
"There will be no victory in strength." Isn't this a line Salem...the villain said?
My brother have you NEVER absorbed a story in your life? villains have said they're unstoppable only to be beaten by heroes constantly- it's called SUBVERTING TROPES. That's such a silly thing to latch onto, hell I also even said "Special techniques" Where did I mention "Strength" ?
Lemme show you something: This is the Mafuba- a SPECIAL TECHNIQUE ooooh! Where the person seals a demon or being into whatever sealable container they have infront of them, This is a technique used by characters in Dragon ball
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They use it on demon king picolo and almost works again in the future.
Or how Aang took Ozai's ability to bend away.
That's what a special technique is! Only you, YOU read it as a repetition in psychical striking. That's what I meant, Ruby hasn't learned anything new about silver eyes, or trained or found anyone with a semblance to beat her or found a way to get the relics back etc ecetera my good jester~!
It would be prudent that when you ...read my rwde post you actually read them and not, bullheadedly skim in angrily then skip to the end for my bottom line. Reading the whole thing might help friendo~!
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twixtandshout · 2 years ago
@sparkingoverload So! Wild’s DnD sheet. :3c
I’ve statted him as a modified half-elf variant. I went with Eladrin first, because seasonal Even More Fey elf felt right – I love the idea of him having leafy ear-tips and other planty offshoots that change with the seasons, but being stuck in the castle and Zelda’s royal retinue and court year-round, maybe trimming those bits so as to fit in uniform or else just quietly wilting/molding because the environment really isn’t hospitable for his wildness – but he really didn’t need to be able to teleport in a rush of flame whenever he feels like it when I’m already lining things up to give him a more reasonable teleportation option. I gave him the basic Eladrin suite besides that, Aquan language proficiency thanks to growing up in Zora’s Domain, and then stole the half-elf’s extra skill proficiencies instead of teleportation. (He also knows Goblin and Celestial.)
Choosing backgrounds was a little fun because of the whole amnesia thing. Assuming this was post-Shrine, I went with the folk hero background, which gives him animal handling and survival proficiencies, land vehicle proficiencies, and a tool. I chose chef’s tools, which went well with the iron pot the background starts you off with! Also the various cooking-related feats I gave him, which I’ll get to later. The main trait the background gives him is rustic hospitality, meaning he blends in easily with common people and is generally well-liked, enough for them to do things for him if it won’t put them in harm’s way. (That’s a trait he shares with Twilight!) I didn’t make a tenth sheet for pre-Calamity Wild, but if I were gonna I’d probably go with some unholy amalgamation of the soldier and knight backgrounds.
Equipment-wise, I’ve given him twice-enhanced leather armor (thanks Great Fairies), manymany weapons, and a very kludged Slate, complete with runes. It’s very OP, but then again, he is level 20, and it’s a one-of-a-kind item that serves as system ID. It would be fairly easy for a concerned GM to have a Yiga or whatever steal it and let there be Consequences tm.
Despite the amnesia, I’ve decided that he retained a couple levels in the fighter class. Haven’t made any decisions about which levels came before and which came after, but either way, he’s got five levels as a Champion-class fighter, which is just enough to give him an improved crit threshold, an extra attack per turn, one-time HP regen, and bonuses for fighting with archery. The rest of his levels are, as mentioned, in fey wanderer ranger. He can deal extra damage to an enemy he marks in a fight, sense the location(s) of magical creatures within a mile, travel easily even through difficult terrain, melt into nature to become magically invisible for a turn, and reroll low damage rolls when he attacks with two-handed weapons. Thanks to his fey associations, he not only has advantage on charm/fear saves (and a bonus to any charisma check!) but can reflect the triggering charm/fear effect back on the caster. He can also deal extra psychic damage on practically every attack, and can’t be tracked except through magic unless he wants to be.
Cool spells:
On/Off (cantrip): Turns electronic devices on or off at a range of 60′.
Sudden Awakening: I love giving this to him, Legend, and Time, lol. None of them are gonna get caught in comas again if they can help it!!
Goodberry: Create a handful of magic berries. Goes well in cooking – well, presumably; I’m not sure there are any rules for how adding magic hp+ berries to hp+ cooking works, but it’s nice thematically at least.
Alarm: Good for setting up perimeters around camp! And for avoiding getting a Yiga surprise.
Summon Vehicle: Master Cycle, go! Plays very nicely with that land vehicle proficiency from his background.
Conjure Barrage: Technically you’re supposed to throw(??) a piece of ammunition to create a barrage of it that rains down on your target, but I think it’s way cooler to draw back one arrow and fire a whole 60′ cone. Being sick as hell is really the only reason I need for this one, but it also kinda maps to his whole air-archery thing.
Freedom of Movement: The toad cannot be contained. This would let him basically clip out of any restraint, including shackles. I can totally see the Yiga taking him and some of the others hostage and locking them up in a dungeon somewhere except. oops.
Summon Beast: Technically he shouldn’t get this one but I say it’s okay because it only summons Twilight.
Misty Step: Comes from the fey wanderer subclass. Twice per day, he can teleport <30′ for free, and as a bonus he can bring one other willing person with him! Tell me you can’t see him and Hyrule sneaking off like this.
The Observant feat gives him lipreading proficiency and bonuses to passive investigation/perception, and the Stealthy feat not only gives him stealth expertise but also the ability to openly move up to 10′ without being spotted so long as he ends the turn under cover. Excepting an ability score increase to Wisdom, his last two feats concern food and health recovery! The Chef feat lets him cook for the party during short rests to give everyone HP-replenishing food, and the Remarkable Recovery feat means he gets extra HP any time he regains any and bounces back easily from the brink of death.
I’ve given him the Boon of Peerless Aim, which lets him basically auto-hit one shot per short rest, and gave him the Champions’ gifts as spells (one cast per day free) instead of a blessing. He’s also got homebrew mechanics for ADHD, autism, scarring, chronic pain, and PTSD.
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reno2005 · 10 months ago
When did you begin playing Resident Evil?
Why is Leon your favourite?
Top 5 favourote RE and/or Leon facts?
Do you have any headcanons?
It’s kinda long, sorry lol but thanks for reading if you do!
1. An older brother of mine showed me a video of a comedian at a gaming convention and the whole joke was how cartoony kingdom hearts was compared to how hardcore resident evil 4 was.(it was a different time for sure) so I was fascinated with how hard this game seemed.
One day I went to a swap meet with my dad and this man selling used video games had a copy of RE4. At the time I was too nervous to ask to get it since my dad was… not the kindest to put it lightly. Anyways I saved up the money, I begged my dad to go back to the swap meet to get the game, and luckily it was still there.
2. I had gone into RE4 hearing how cool Leon was.(like I said it was a different time, a lot of people on tumblr think he’s cute but back then he was Chad McGee, I still think he is but whatever that’s just me, don’t think I’ll judge anyone for how they see him)It was probably the hardest game I had ever tackled at the time so having gone through everything the game throws at you blew me away. Like, I’d never seen a man jump like 10ft out of a mining cart and climb to safety. I was so blown away in fact I had shown a friend of mine that one scene in particular like it was Jesus walking on water lol
Leon had such cool lines and his look was pretty cool too(as a kid of course I was “discovering” myself and my tastes). Y’know as a kid you see someone you admire a lot and you want to be just like them and him and the game as a whole was an escape from my pretty bleak childhood. If Leon could get through all that and still win and look that cool while doing it I wanted to be as cool as him. I wanted to look like him too, I discovered I was trans without knowing what that was until a friend told me about transitioning years later.
Right afterwards, because I couldn’t get enough of this guy I found out he was in RE2, so I bought that for the psp. Idk about you, but if I had to go through that shit, that licker would have killed me at the beginning.(which it did, a lot lol) I was fascinated with the game and I would start new games just to run around as Leon shooting stuff. It’s why I believe he’s so cool myself. You don’t get RE4 cool Leon without being already a bit cool.
Also a random addition, I think he’s really kind and caring.
In conclusion, he was my childhood hero.
3. I think it’s pretty cool he graduated top of his class and had extraordinary marksmen skills.
Something about him wanting to solve the disappearances in RC tells me he has an observant and critical mind.(which is why I don’t get why people call him dumb? Or maybe I’m just “old” now and don’t “get the joke”)
The “John Wick” thing Leon does is called the Center Axis Relock(CAR) and the cool swish swoosh stuff he does with Krauser is called Kali. We know he knew kali in OG 4 but with the addition of CAR in 4 remake we can assume he learned that back then as well.(which I’m happy about for preferential reasons)
Leon knows several different Martial arts styles. I don’t know the names but I used to watch martial arts movies a lot when I was younger.
From what I remember reading, his outfit in RE2 is a combination of different parts of varying types of police clothing (winter, summer, etc). Which makes sense since he’s trying to cover himself up as much as possible to avoid bites and grabs.
4. I think he’s a coffee guy.
He’s clearly a meat guy. If I saw a rotting cow carcass and thought of cooked juicy meat, I mean lol to add to that I always imagined he’s a decent cook.
I’d like to think he gets his hands on Matilda and then continuously gets it taken away in some form or another. Poor guy can’t even keep his favourite gun.
Maybe at first it was a new thing to him, but I feel he developed a taste for working out.
Not that he doesn’t like other genres, but if he’s a rock fan he has to like classic rock as well. It just makes sense.
I think he’d actually be pretty good with social media,memes, jokes, and etc.
Not that it’s his whole world, but he gives the impression he cares about fashion/his look to some degree.
I think he likes a fun lighthearted challenge just going off of his lines after completing merchant tasks and if he actually canonically stops by the shooting range.
I’m not sure how to word this one, but he seems nervous about rides and such if they’re out of his control. On the minecart and castle seat shortcut he either audibly shows distaste or uncertainty at the experience the ride will give. But on the jet ski he gives a cool reassuring line with no hesitation.
That being said, I do not think he’s bad at driving, steering, etc. but I’d rather not say anything more than that.
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kinetic-elaboration · 1 year ago
March 5: The Expanse 1x06
Fell asleep after work, which was NOT the plan, but whatever. Got up for dinner and to watch The Expanse after a 2-week break, and soon I will return from whence I came (bed).
I’m a little rusty on… everything, and I think the plot is coming together just enough for me to be confused. Like, it’s starting to make sense but in a way that makes me actively want to make sure I’ve got everything, not enough where I know I’ve got everything—though maybe that’s fine, given there are still 4 episodes and plenty of time for everything to come together in a clear way without me doing any work. Before I was riding on pure vibes, is my point, and now I’m starting to feel like I should be following along better lol.
I definitely see things starting to come together, though, so I trust the show. Episode 6 is a good time in a 10-episode arc to start putting forward a coherent bit of exposition like Miller’s speech to his boss explaining the clip of the Phoebe Station scientist. I presume there are more details and possibly more twists, but we do have a pretty traditional story set forth there: discovery of Something Big (war McGuffin), and now the people who know about it want it, and they also don’t want other people to know about it or to know they know etc. etc. I’m not unentangling the specifics but basically all the deaths, attacks, etc., are part cover-up, part-housecleaning.
I feel like the Rocinante crew is also getting a more pointed, sharp story line, too. They’ve spent most of the show just kind of bouncing around from location to location, and now they finally have a bit more specific of a mission, so I’m looking forward to that panning out. I am also starting to like them more as characters and appreciate their various relationships (friendships? Hmm, maybe), and I like how Holden’s Hero Transformation is coming along. I buy it. I think they set him up well early on, as someone whose ambition didn’t match his skills and intelligence, not the other way around, and who has just enough moral core that when he feels guilty or otherwise beholden to these other people, he will act selflessly and smartly to protect them—basically, he’ll trip and fall sidewise into leadership etc. etc.
I still think Butcher Fred’s introduction last episode was pretty clunky, comparative to a lot of other things in the show, but I like him as a character. I felt like he was actually on the same level as Holden and Naomi… somehow most of their previous interactions haven’t given me that impression, even though they’re not exactly coming up against fools. And his voice is so great. Sort of weirdly soothing, even as the things he was talking about were pretty serious and dark.
Overall, though this episode was heavy, and heavy on the exposition/plot versus just general worldbuilding, I really enjoyed watching and I’m enjoying the season as a whole. I think what I’m really enjoying is that it has so many extremely classic story elements—the ragtag crew of misfits, the reluctant hero, the noir detective trying to untangle a case through a field of corruption, class warfare, etc. etc.—which are both comforting/familiar and fun, and the way each of these elements is developed implies to me that the writers really knew the tropes and how to fashion them. But at the same time, that they’re all thrown in together at once, and in the context of this interesting, vast, complex sci fi world, keeps everything feeling new. My familiarity with the tropes and genres being used is a good thing, not a bad thing. They’re helpful sign posts, and they’re also just… enjoyable! I love a good craft.
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hello, i'd love to request a matchup for jjk and genshin impact if you have the time!
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
zodiac/mbti: sagittarius and infp but to be honest i do not believe in these at all. sorry girlie </3
appearance: i am a lovely kawaii hello kitty princess (east asian) girl of 5'3 stature with light skin. i also have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes which i'm sure is absolutely shocking. my aesthetic is mostly within the soft girl, girly girl, and elegant girl archetypes and you can almost always find me in a pretty dress. also a huge fan of dangly korean-style earrings and glittery pink makeup.
personality: apparently i look very normie and sweet, but that perception of me is quickly shattered as soon as i open my mouth. i retain almost no sense of shame and am not afraid to say something completely insane and out of pocket at a volume loud enough to have me labeled as a public menace. i love to talk and have a wide and varied range of hobbies and opinions that i can discuss at length about; but nothing delights me more than having something happen to me which i can then call 4-5 people in succession to complain about.
i have always been academically driven and push myself to excel in my studies and take on as many extracurriculars as needed to succeed. i'm always the first to voice my opinions, and i like to confront my issues head on and directly, whether that be homework or a conflict with a friend. i have strong ideas for how things should be done, and i value my own independence and autonomy. but i also want a dominant partner so take that as you will ...
in terms of relationships with others, i'm very much anxious-attachment. with people i haven't known for long enough, i consistently seek verbal affirmation they care about me, and i frequently get jealous when my friends get together or get closer without me. i always want to be everyone's number one, or failing that, somewhere within the top five. i'm also the world's most neurotic person ever!!
i would say i'm an introvert when it comes down to it, but i frequently socialize and enjoy going to the occasional party. my first love is peace and solitude, but my second love is spending time with others. i'm always around other people, and i'm always trying to talk to them.
likes and dislikes: i love pretty faces and intelligent, capable people. desserts, shopping, and pretty clothes occupy more of my likes, along with academic validation. i tend to dislike stem subjects, physical exertion, and waking up early.
hobbies: i have chronically online femcel hobbies so i have very good working knowledge of video games, anime, manga, web novels, and a variety of other things. i consider myself a media omnivore and i can watch/read/play almost anything with a plot. and i love to write!
other info: my sense of humor is not to be mentioned in polite company, but i promise it is completely wrecked. every single year i land somewhere in mitski's top 0.1% of listeners. i'm a notorious night owl who sleeps when my roommates wake up, causing me to be late to classes and hangouts much to everyone else's disappointment. my free time is very limited in that i usually have either classes, homework, extracurriculars, or plans lined up every moment of my day. if someone wants to see me, they have to schedule a week in advance and have me put it into my google calendar.
thank you so much for taking the time to read this entire mess lol ...! you are a hero for even doing matchups and i hope your day goes wonderfully. if you asked i would put you into my google calendar btw.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Jujutsu Kaisen, I match you with...
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You and Gojo are so similar in so many ways. You’re both very vocal about your opinions and have no filters, saying whatever comes to mind. Being together only makes it worse.
However, that’s not to say you’re always going around causing trouble. Gojo enjoys being able to relax with you in silence as much as you do. With a job as stressful as his, it’s a nice change of pace.
Enjoys going shopping with you. He’s got a good eye for fashion and knows what styles you like so you’re always sure to find at least one new item of clothing to leave with.
I see Gojo as someone who also enjoys playing video games with you. He’s good at multiplayer games but has a preference towards simulators and calming games. He already deals with enjoy chaos on a day to day basis.
Loves going to parties with you! You both bring a whole lot to any event you attend and he enjoys being able to spend time with you in fun, energetic places like parties.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Unlike Gojo, Jean is more likely to balance you out. She’s got to maintain a certain amount of discipline due to her position in the Knights of Favonius so that will inevitably wear off on you.
Very good with verbal affirmation. Jean knows how to rally people around and encourage them to continue doing their best and you’re no different.
I see Jean as someone who has a secret sweet tooth. It’s something she tries to control but if you bring her afternoon tea when she’s had a long day, she’ll be very grateful.
Jean’s also someone who needs a schedule so she’s more than happy to help you organise your day as well. She’ll try to work it so that you both have free time together.
At the end of the day, there’s nothing she likes better than being able to relax with you in silence, away from everyone else. It’s a nice de-stress time for her.
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