#also hi hello sorry I kinda went radio silent??
ashes-of-ailell · 10 months
there is only one character who reaches the same level of blorbo status (for lack of a better phrase) as Ashe and that is Joker from Persona 5.
so naturally I'm thinking about making them swap places. like. drawing Ashe in the Shujin uniform, Joker in the Officers Academy uniform, etc. and I really do want to do it but I'm also really tired so maybe tomorrow
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A/N sorry this is kinda trash
3 AM drives had become a tradition for you and Dream. His sleep schedule was already fucked up and you couldn't sleep without him curled up next to you. It was a way to unwind from the days stressors, just the two of you against the world.
Unfortunately, 3 AM was also when those who should have been cut off hours earlier decided they should fall asleep somewhere more comfortable than a barstool.
The drive was just like any other, Dreams hand lounging on the steering wheel and the other warm on your thigh. Radio blasting a playlist full of old songs that you'd both grown up listening to, both of you belting the words at the top of your lungs, laughing and just being together.
Everything happened so fast after that.
The other driver didn't even have time to try and swerve, to try and avoid hitting the car. When you'd first woken up, Sapnap informed you that the coward just drove away, not bothering to contact anybody. You'd suffered a broken leg and arm, as well as a small concussion, but that was the extent of your injuries.
Dream was far worse.
The car was totaled, the initial impact T-boning the drivers side. Dream had broken bones, blood loss, and a severe concussion. And he hadn't shown any sign of waking up soon.
Once you were discharged you went straight to his room and just...sat.
It hurt to look at him. His shining eyes shut, one bruised bleeding, an impossible frown settling on his lips, a bandage flattening the fluffy hair on his forehead. Wires were connected to him, machines beeping monotonously, IVs delivering a clear liquid into his vein.
"Dream..." you whimpered. You'd give anything to have him back.
Sapnap and George took turns visiting, as well as Dream's family members. They'd try convincing you to go home and rest, get some real sleep, but you always said you were fine. George would bring you meals from the cafeteria, and you'd pick at them, but never enough to fill you stomach. You didn't know if you'd be able to keep anything more down.
Finally a week later the machines started beeping faster. Dream was making progress, pulling through.
Everyone wanted to be there to see his eyes open for the first time. The staff tried their hardest to prevent it, but when Dream finally woke up, all of you were at his bedside.
"Dream, Honey?" His mom whispered, trying to hold back tears.
"Mom? Dad? What happened?" You could see Dream wince from the hoarseness of his voice, trying to clear his throat. "Water?"
"You were in a pretty bad accident about a week ago." George answered.
Dream took a cup of water from his dad's outstretched hands. "Hey, guys." Dream nodded towards George and Sapnap.
"Dream." You breathed, almost scared that this was a dream and you'd wake up and he'd be asleep still.
"Hello." He responded, but it wasn't in the way you would have expected your boyfriend to. You decided to brush it off figuring he was just tired or something from the medication.
"How are you feeling?" You asked, taking his hand in yours.
"Fine, I guess. I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asks, pulling his hand from yours.
The room fell silent.
"Dream..." You asked in disbelief.
Before you could say anything else a Doctor came in to check on Dream.
"I need anyone who isn't family to stay in the waiting room please. You all shouldn't be back here. Now go." He said, shooing you and the other boys out of the room.
"Babes..." Sapnap starts, seeing how hurt and confused you are.
"It's probably just temporary." George assures you. "Let's go sit down and i'm sure when we can see him again, he'll have remembered."
Nodding slightly, the lead you to the stiff chairs of the waiting room.
A little while later Dream's dad came into the waiting room.
"He's going to be alright eventually. Just needs lots of rest and time for his bones to heal. Unfortunately, he does have a kind of amnesia. He remembers most things leading up to the accident, but not what happened during."
"Most things?" George asks.
"There are certain...aspects...that have slipped his memory" Dreams dad says, looking away from the three of you.
"It's me, isn't it?" You say, a feeling of dread growing within you, being almost too scared to say it out loud.
"Yes. But don't worry, the Doctor said it should be temporary." He quickly reassured.
What was said after that fell upon deaf ears. What were you going to do? You'd moved in with Dreams years ago, and never as just a roommate. You were building a life together and that was just....gone. You guessed you could move into the guest bedroom for a while...
"Have you told him anything about who I am?" You interrupted the current conversation.
Dreams dad nodded. "We told him you're a friend of the family. That way when he sees you around..."
"He's not so weirded out."
Dreams dad nods solemnly.
"You're all welcome back to see him though." He offers, trying to lighten the mood.
"Actually, I think i'm going to go home. Rest up a bit." You declined. You figured it'd be better than staying a feeling like a stranger.
You still visited the hospital every day until Dream was discharged, but you didn't stay as long, and stayed as far away from Dream as you could in the tiny room.
When Dream was discharged his mom insisted he stay with them for the time being so she could keep an eye on him.
Whenever you'd visited before, Dreams childhood home was a safe place. A place where you feel like you belonged, and were loved. Like a second home. Now you felt like you were intruding. A guest in this family home. No matter how much his parents promised you were part of the family and that this would all go away soon, you began to wonder if it would.
"Hey Mom, Hey...(Y/N), right?" Dream said, entering the kitchen where you were visiting with his mom to grab an apple from the fridge.
Once Dream left the kitchen you turned to his mom.
"Do you really think it's temporary?"
"Oh, Sweetheart. I know it must be hard. But I really do think that deep down, Dream still knows exactly who you are and loves you every bit as much as he did before."
You fingered the necklace he'd gotten you for your anniversary, only a month before the accident."
"I know I should have hope, it's just...too hard. Too see him, smiling and laughing again, and knowing that I can't be the cause. Knowing that he has no idea who I am.." You say, a sob threatening to escape taking your words.
"I'm sorry. I have to go." You say, standing up and leaving without another word.
Days went by without you visiting. George and Sapnap would update you, but they never said what you needed to hear.
After a month went by with no sign of his memories returning you decided you'd given it enough time.
You moved in with your friend for a while until you were able to find an apartment. Sapnap fought hard to convince you to stay but George understood how hard it was for you and eventually Sapnap gave up.
Once Dreams mom felt comfortable with it, he moved back into the Dream Team Household, still without a inkling of memory for you.
Then, one day months later, Dream rushed into the living room where George and Sapnap were lounging on their phones.
"Guys, I'm freaking out. I can't find (Y/N) anywhere and all her stuff is missing." He says, tugging on his curls, panic rising in his voice.
"(Y/N)?" George asks, surprised, looking at Sapnap who returned the same surprised expression.
"Don't be stupid George, I'm serious. I cant find her and I've tried calling and texting with no answer."
"Dream, calm down. (Y/N) is fine, just staying with a friend." Sapnap started slowly.
"A friend? What the hell is going on?" Dream asked. HIs legs felt wobbly and throat felt tight with fresh tears. He sat on the couch to steady himself.
"After the accident..." Sapnap started.
"You suffered from a sort of amnesia." George took over.
"Right. The doctor said that's why I couldn't remember the accident at all." Dream said, confused. Why were they telling him all this again?
"There was something else you didn't remember. Well, someone." Sapnap said.
"What?" Dream felt a heavy wash of something come over him.
"You woke up and couldn't remember (Y/N) at all. Your parents told you she was a family friend so you wouldn't be so confused as to why she was around all the time. We wanted to tell you , but your mom convinced us that it would be better for you to go along with the lie, she said you were in such a fragile state that it'd just be better that way. And then we didn't know when the best time to tell you would be."
"I forgot her?" Dream asked. He couldn't believe it. This was the girl he'd pictured a future with. The love of his life. No way did he just forget her.
"It got too hard for her. She started out visiting your house nearly every day, but eventually it was too much and she moved out. Forced herself to move on." George said.
"Move on?" Dream whispered. "No, I can't let that happen. I have to see her. Have to let her know I remember her. We can be together again." He looked at Sapnap. "Do you know what friend she was staying with?" Dream had only met a few of your friends, but only knew where one or two of them lived.
Once Sapnap told him and Dream thanked whatever God he believed in that it was one of the ones whos addresses he knew, he grabbed his keys and got into the car and started driving.
A knock on the front door of your friends apartment startled you from where you were sitting on the couch scrolling through yet another page of apartment listings on your laptop.
Placing the computer on the coffee table you opened the door, eyes widening at the sight in front of you.
"Dream.." you whispered.
You were wrapped in his arms immediately, being crushed to his chest in a suffocating hug.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could have ever forgotten you."
"Oh, Dream. " you said, with tears in your eyes, wrapping your arms around him and burying your fact into his neck.
"Please don't tell me i'm too late. That you haven't given up on us. That you didn't forget me."
"Dream, even if there was anyone else I never would have been able to forget us. Never would have been able to completely move on. I love you."
Dream smiled widely pulling you into a kiss.
"I can't wait to make more memories with you."
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anaiswriterr · 4 years
The Dragon Kings Queen
Pairing: Dragon King!Bakugou x Queen!Reader
Rating: M
Warning: This is part four, I’d like to point out be aware: 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝗺𝐞𝐬, 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐠𝗼𝐫𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐭𝐜. Please don’t read if you are not comfortable with it, and if you’re under the age of 18+ I will give a warning when it becomes NSFW but at the moment it’s SFW.
Synopsis: ➪ When the word marriage crossed your mind, you believed you’d marry someone you loved. Not this brute of a King. So here you are standing at the end on an alter, pushing away the urge to run and fight. Possibly start a new life, instead of being dragged into a loveless marriage. But for the sake of your people.. They say he’s not what rumors make him out to be, but how can you believe that when his eyes burn into yours; just as fiery as before. How could you, ever love someone as barbaric as him…
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- chapter four: gifted dagger -
You clutch hard onto an old bladed dagger, it digs into your palm and slices a long line against the soft skin. Droplets of blood pools onto the gravel below you, heaving you throw the weapon into a tree bark. You groan out in frustration when it doesn't latch onto the wood, "I can't do this!"
"Don't say that, it's your first day. Try again," Kirishima urges, bending down to grab the dagger off the ground, handing it back to you placing the blade down into your palm; you seethe in pain. Swallowing down the yelp that threatened to escape passed your lips, Kirishima notices your stained palms before snatching the dagger back from your grasp.
"We'll pick this back up later, don't want you getting an infection."
Perhaps he was right, the blade was only slightly rusted - it's been over an hour with the blade constantly digging into your skin; if you didn't cover it up soon then an infection was possible. You shrug, "An infection compared to getting eaten by a bear, or an ogre is nothing in my eyes; so don't worry about me. We can continue," You reach out to grab the dagger out from his hands, but he hides the blade into his holster. Nodding his head side to side, "No can do, my job is to make sure you are safe 24/7 and if that means making you go to the infirmary then so be it."
You arch a brow wiping away the sweat beads off your forehead from the hot dewy morning, "Is that a request?"
"Your Highness, will all due respect, it's an order."
"Fine, but I quite frankly would like to survive so if we could continue this on later-"
"Of course," he smiles, "Now, go fix your hand. I was told Bakugou would like to speak to you-"
"That will not be necessary since I will not be speaking to him." You pour a cup of water over your palm, attempting to clean off the dirt. After yesterday's events you have vowed to not utter a single word to him, he's clearly a hard head who never had anyone stand up to him. As his "wife" what better then to punish his actions then using the silent treatment towards the temperamental brat. Kirishima scratches the back of his head sheepishly, fiddling with his weapon. "Well you know Your Highness-"
"Y/N will do just fine. Please no formalities between us two."
"Right. Um well, you know. Bakugou is a hard kinda guy to work with, it was hard for even I to get to be as close as I am with him. He hates silence, he might ask for it. But radio silence might not be the best answer between the two of you.. considering you two are on thin ice right now."
You arch a brow in question, wiping the sheen layer of sweat off your brow bone. "What do I do then, Kirishima. How do I win over a beast who doesn't attempt at all?"
To say you utterly hated Katsuki Bakugou was an understatement.
For one night he managed to put on a mask that nearly caught you in a rope of curiosity for the man - maybe he was just misunderstood. Like hell, his mother had the same fighting and burning spirit one of a dragon meanwhile his father was more calm, well rounded, wise like a dragon. So why was Bakugou the mean one of the bunch.
'You can't fix everyone, Y/N.'
Well that sentence surely did not age well, you wince as the healer places an alcohol soaked cotton ball onto your wound. Biting your lip back in pain it takes up all your strength to not pull back and away from the old man.
"I'll be right back, my Queen it seems like you may need some herbs from the garden and recently I've run out. Don't worry it'll only take me five minutes." The healer reassures you, you nod in return pressing the cotton ball into the cut, cleaning the area in the meantime.
"That's alright, take your time." You smile.
The stinging pain slowly subsided when you finally became accustomed to the clear liquid, to handle a dagger will be much harder now. You are determined to prevail, just a small bump in the road nothing quite serious. A knock on the infirmaries white door retracts you from your thoughts, eyes wondering towards the window that overviewed the garden shows it's not the healer.
"Come in."
Short blonde hair with ruby red eyes strut in, Mitsuki, your mother in law smiles down at you. "Hello dear, I heard you were in here.. I wanted to speak to you. Are you okay?"
You can feel your heart nearly drop, your mother in law was as sweet as a ripe strawberry in season but the aura she carried screamed and resembled Katsuki. You nod, greeting her with a formal cheek kiss, "Oh I'm fine just a tiny cut is all. What would be the problem?" You wave off her worry.
"Oh no dear, there is no problem. I'm glad it's just a cut, I was worried it was far worse. I just wanted to spend time with my daughter in law - I wanted you to know that though this may be a hard time, I went through this. You will be just fine. I also... heard your and Katsuki's fight last night.. I didn't mean to intrude I was just on the way to find Melody when I stumbled upon you two, how are you feeling?"
Oh dear. She knew, did anyone else know? Of course people know the two of you were practically testing who can yell the loudest - this is embarrassing. He really did manage to get a rise from you.
You stare down at your palm, this was the first time anyone here has actually asked whether or not you were fine.
"I-I'm okay, he's just hard to get to."
The bed of the infirmary dips slightly beside you as Mitsuki's takes a seat beside you, "Yes, he can be a handful most days. Katsuki doesn't exactly know how to be... nice? It's probably my fault, I was constantly pushing him as a child. You know, he turned out to be a fine warrior; a fine commander." You nod listening to his mother, "I guess the two of you are no longer on speaking terms. I get it, I moved from a neighboring kingdom to here. It was hard to get his father to open up," Mitsuki sighs.
"But the two of you fell in love."
"You are very right, but like all love. It took time."
A silence falls between the two of you, she was the only person who you could remotely relate to right about now. She was the only one who could even fathom how scared you are, you were served with a silver platter all your life nearly always spoon fed and suddenly thrown into a tribe you knew nothing about. "How did you do it?"
Mitsuki arches a brow, "What do you mean?"
"H-How do I survive in that forest? What do I have to expect even after? How did you do it?"
The former queen sighs, eyeing your injury. "Well, from my kingdom we had similar principles I already had the basic knowledge of outdoor survival. To keep it short," She grabs your free hand in comfort. "I'm sure they haven't bothered telling you the objectives, the point system.. the tribal ceremony for those who make it out of alive. You must come out with a Goblin heart, no exceptions. Afterwards believe it or not you are placed on a pedestal at midnight the day you arrive back where you must eat the entire muscle, uncooked. The blood is told it'll bring great fortune and fertility. The process.. was nevertheless grueling I felt like a caged animal with all the drums and cheering. Y/N you must not, and I repeat my not throw up during the feasting."
You nod intently, stomach curling at the thought of a eat raw heart. But tribal traditions and regulations must be met, your heart pounded. It seemed like no matter where you turned there was always a set back, a catch. You survive the forest and now you must feast in front of the entire kingdom?
"Stay high, on top of the trees are the best option. Don't make a fire at night - I know, it'll be tempting. It'll grow cold as night falls, but the most dangerous creatures come out then and are attracted to light. You'll be dead before you even know it." Mitsuki lectures with a stern gaze, tightening her grip around the palm of your uninjured hand. "Find running water, a stream, lake, river. Whatever, it's freshwater. You'll catch your fish there, berries and nuts are also located near there. If you'd like to start a fire I suggest start when the sun rises, the creatures of the forest will retreat since they are nocturnal."
You store this information into your head, such valuable keys of survival. You are determined to return breathing, to return alive.
"Goblins are tricksters - never trust a single word that utters from their mouths. It's poisonous. They are most active during the day, but during sunlight stay low and stay quiet, follow the wind and it'll guide you. That is all I can say, I wish I could say more. Personally, I attempted to change this law for years. It never seemed fair, I pray I see you again Y/N."
"Thank you. I hope to see you as well." You smile sadly at the blonde woman who carried a guilty expression, her hands finally let go of your free one. "I'm terribly sorry, Y/N. I have one last thing to gift you, It's not much. Katsuki was supposed to give it to you this morning but it appears the outskirts have called upon him once again." Mitsuki reaches out for a golden box to the left of her, the velvet embroiled box calls your attention.
"It's said to be a gift from the gods. The gods who birthed dragons, carried down by generations. All Dragon Queens have used this, a sacred weapon to help kill the beast and restore balance; Katsuki has made the executive decision that you get to receive this gift." Mitsuki's hand fiddles with the locks of the box, the top lid opens with a flick of her fingers.
A blade, shines in the light.
Cleaned and sharp, the Queen's dagger passed down from hundreds of years worth of battles.
Is gifted.. to you, by the king.
"I-I can not accept this. This gift, I do not deserve this. It's sacred-" You babble, waving your hands you gently push away the box bestowed to you between the spot that separated the both of you. Two queens of the Dragon Kingdom. "You can, and you will. I was gifted this dagger two months after both I and Masaru's wedding. Katsuki wanted you to have this sacred weapon now. He has chosen you, please take it."  
You nod in response, hands trembling as you reach out for the velvet box. The handle of the dagger stings in your possession, the bleeding in your right hand has finally stopped when you hold the blade with two hands. It was much more easier to carry, sharper, and even thinner - as light as a feather, fit for a Queen, fit for battle. It was your husband who bestowed this gift to you, "When you are out there, Y/N. Remember.. to fight like a dragon."
"And how must I manage to fight like a dragon? I don't even know how to throw a dagger properly - at a still object, may I add." You show her the deep cut in need of stiches on your palm, "Dragons, my dear, always find a way to win."
Your palm is tightly wrapped with herbs to protect the freshly new stitches, meeting Kirishima in the backwoods where training took place. You managed to learn how to build a fire, a makeshift knife if your original weapon were to ever be kicked away from you, how to catch a fish and how to determine which berries were poisonous and which were safe for consumption.
You wince at the feeling of sharp branches scratching against your bare legs, dressed with royal training gear you wondered if you could actually make it to the finish line. You take a bite of a berry, it's tart yet semi sweet flavor cleans your palette of fish. Kirishima watches from the side with a satisfied grin, nightfall was quickly approaching and since this morning you have requested no sort of rest. You drink away at your makeshift cup, the leaf holding only a handful of water you eagerly drink away at.
Kirishima looks up to the darkening sky, hews of purples, pinks, and blues paint the sky as stars begin to appear.
"I should probably get you back to the Palace," He says wiping his hand away from dirt he collected off the tree bark he leaned against - watching your crouched and exhausted figure warm your hands over the mini fire you created. You look up, "I suppose you're right," You reach over to the stream beside you cupping a handful of water and watering down the fire, stomping it out with wet breaches and leaves. Patting it into the ground to stop the embers from continuing to burn.
Kirishima fiddles with his swords and daggers, "You did great today, Y/N." He praises you, proud of how far you've come in just a day. It took him hours to catch a fish when he was just a child, when his parents were alive. You thank him, moving beside him as the two of you walk down the backwoods trail. Only sharing small talk and friendly conversation.
You hum at the story he told of both him and Bakugou, "Well.. how exactly did the two of you meet. You two seem so close to one another, not to mention.. Kirishima you're very loyal to him - his family. What's your story?" There's a visible hitch in his breath, his shoulders tense up as he stumbles upon his words. "I-I'm so sorry! If you don't want to talk-
Kirishima chuckles waving off your worries, "No, nobody has ever asked me. We were just.. brothers. I met him in the mountains, I was just eight years old and back then Dragon hunting use to be a huge problem. Hunters, Poachers - they would all terrorize Dragons who lived peacefully with no mercy murder entire hoards. My parents.. were hunted and killed along with the entire clan and neighboring tribes. I was running, miles away from my home for days. Crying, hungry, thirsty, I was to afraid to fly because they would see me."
You listen intently, nodding along to his words, saddened by his past. Feeling guilty for even asking, he continues.
"Bakugou, can be mean, a brute, barbaric, and even sometimes cruel. But I promise you he has a good heart; so easily he could've turned his back away from me in the mountains. Let the Goblins and Wolves feast on me, instead he took me in. Into the Royal campgrounds, his parents welcomed me in. Cleaned my wounds, gave me a hot meal, warm milk to combat the winter, fresh pair of boots and clothes, even a warm bed to sleep in. Bakugou didn't talk, didn't even introduce himself to me after a few days. However if he didn't take me in then I would've died alone in the cold. And for that I am loyal to them, hell he even let me hold onto his toy for a while." He chuckles.
A silence grows between the both of you, with only snapping branches beneath your boots. Its crunches sooths the silence until he spoke once more.
"I hope you know you're going to be okay, Y/N. I believe in you, and in three days time when you have to walk into that forest; I am convinced I will see you also walk out.
"Thank you Kirishima, I-I'm sorry for what happened to your family."
The redhead waves you off once more smiling to you as the castle gates approach, "It's okay, things happen for a reason. Now go clean up, Melody should have your bath ready. Sleep tight your Highness." He bows gesturing for you enter passed the gates. You press a small kiss to his cheek watching a dark red blush spread throughout his face, "Goodnight Kirishima."
Walking passed him and into the handmaidens arms, Kirishima watches you. A hand pressed hard onto his sizzling red hot cheek that burned out against his palm, smiling sheepishly, gushing over the lingering feeling of ghost lips that once pressed against his cheek. Turning away with his back foot, he hears two pairs of heavy boots stomping against the ground, royal guards heave - catching their breathes.
"What's wrong- where Bakugou?" Kirishima quickly asks eyeing the guards who ran all the way here from the stables in search for him. "Sir Kirishima, King Bakugou has requested your immediate arrival at the outskirts-"
"It's the eggs, sir!" The other interrupts, "The Dragon eggs, the four Gardina left behind."
"What's the problem? What happened with the eggs, I thought they were fine."
"Since Gardina's sudden death the eggs need warmth, there's talk from other kingdoms across the seas even, that people are thinking about stealing them, selling them for one million gems on the magical black market." Bakugou grimaces, his arms crossed over his chest. "It seems that we should pay a visit, remind them who we are."
Kirishima nods his head, moving along with his friend passed the campfire where soldiers sat. "What can I do to help?"
Bakugou moves the curtains of his tent, "After you train Y/N, the same day as the games I need you to take the eggs and hide them away as far as possible, I don't care where just away from  here. Hide them with the others in the mountains if you'd like - we can not afford them to go missing. Far too dangerous for anyone else." The blond commands, tiredness seeps through his voice as he rubs his eyes to combat the sleep he's been in desperate need for. "I'll give you the green light when to bring them back, I won't return to the Kingdom until the day of the games. Did my mother give Y/N the Royal Dagger?"
Nodding to himself Kirishima smiles, "Yes, she was given it this morning just before noon."
"How did she do?" Katsuki rubs the back of his neck, "Rocky as first, but the girl picks up fast. Will you be here to send her off?" Kirishima tilts his head crossing his arms, "I don't know if she wants me there."
"If you care about her coming back alive, you'll be there." ***
- 3 days later -
The carriage ride is slow, dangerously slow as you remember the long tight hug Melody gave you before your leave at the sunset, Former Queen Mitsuki sits in front of you, her hand clutches onto yours in comfort as you shake in fear in your seat. Kirishima is waiting outside the enchanted forest where it was the most safest - a crowd has formed of simple tribe and clan members outside their homes as they attempt to try and get a glimpse of you; their Queen.
You have yet to meet them, only knowing the castle walls and the workers who served.
You can feel your dagger inside it's brown leather hostler dig into your thigh; but it's fine. It's the only thing keeping you distracted from your pounding heart beat against your chest and the clamminess of your palms. The stitch's finally healed by a magic teller.
You don't even notice the purple hews of the setting sun turning pitch black with only the moon and stars to prove it's light on the passage way;  you breath deeply through your nose. Watching how you approached the enchanted forest quicker then you anticipated. Queen Mitsuki and King Masaru insisted you sleep, but you respectfully declined. How were you supposed to sleep when you were being forced into the most dangerous forest known to mankind. They could've just simply pushed you into a hungry Dragon's nest.
The carriage stops and the horses neigh signaling your arrival, a part of you wishes your mother had declined the offer of King Bakugou it would've been nice if he were to even apologize. But since you do not live in a fantasy world, you are reminded this is real life. And you are most certain no prince dressed in armor will come to your rescue and insists he runs off with you. You're stuck here.
You look back nervously at the former king and queen who both bite back their bottom lips, "I will see you in three days time. We both will."
The door to your side of the carriage is thrown open by Kirishima who holds his hand out to grip yours, "M'lady."
Hesitantly you let go of Mitsuki's hand, bidding the two goodbye and latch onto Kirishima's calloused rough ones. Your boots settle into the ground when you let go of his hand, eyes catching a pair of vermillion orbs, ones you haven't seen in three days. His necklaces of teeth he's collected over the years frightens you, will you have a necklace like that one day? "Are you ready, my Queen."
His eyes.
They say nothing at all, just a simple red gleam. He watches you approach the entrance of what seemingly looked like a one way ticket to death, is he going to say anything all? Probably not.
His malicious words still ring clear in your mind, "You wont be a Queen if you're dead."
Death is something you refuse to meet, at least not yet. You turn to face him, he has no emotion and the tears that threaten to spill are wiped away by your wrist. The only people here to witness the games are him, Kirishima, a few men from the counsels parliament, royal soldiers (who you suppose are only here to protect the king and stop you if you decide to run) and both Bakugou's parents who insisted on staying in the carriage. Bakugou's quiet glare is something most would be terrified of, but you refuse to be belittled and underestimated.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" You hear Kirishima ask, your eyes detach from the blonds. Nodding you wipe your clammy hand against the leather hunting skirt you were dressed in. "I'm fine, I'm ready."
You're scared. That's an understatement, "Time starts as soon as you enter, retrieve the Goblin heart and come back here the third day at sunset. If you are not here by then we will assume you have died." A counsel man announces, you hold back the urge to flip him off - he didn't know you. Nor did you know him, to throw your life away as if it were never meaningful to another was plain cruel but there was a thing you refused to do.
Give up.
"I'll see you later Y/N."
'I will not die'
You set out into the forest, without looking back, with the feeling of two vermillion eyes staring into your back.  
TAGLIST: @loxbbg @urmomsshousee​ @samkysnks @mikithekiki @aegeanblues @mykuronekome @lowkey-a-faerie-in-disguise​ @orange-aesthetic-yay @katsukibabe​ @vvanills @katiekat300​ @utterlyconfused-tm​ @learningasigo​ @bigkoalafications​ @bnhaficswriter​  @tspice283​ @simpforeveryone​ @crackhead1-800​ @poetryandhoetry01​ @bakasbitch18 @riceballsandanime​ @franko-pop​ @lostmarimoismyhubby​ @junniev8​ @thirsthourdemon​ @cowward​ @the2ndl​ @reaperintheroses​ @bakugousmrs​ @maemi324​ @beautifulparisiangirl​ @commandertorinshepard​ @bnhafan101 @meliapis​ @thecaoswitch @liviwivi1 @hikaru-mikazuki​ @angie-1306​ @theinfamoushotdog​ @minibobabottle​ @honeylemondragonemperor​ @iloveitblackbnha @yokesmam​ @annepamgkrth​ @the2ndl​ @sugarandsoft​
AUTHORS NOTE: Personally one of the worst fucking chapters I’ve produced, anyways yooo Bakugou kinda feels guilty Y/N is going through this but you know this is going to be a strength building exercise for her. The ceremony after is based off of GOT so iykyk. Anyways my eye has been shut for like three days it just keeps watering and so irritating to write with. Okay I’m done ranting, I hope you liked it. 
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
Um Hello? Roadtrip Bonding?
Shoto Todoroki  x reader, sfw, fluff?, word count 717,
shout out to @red-kewpie-cap​ for this idea and concept!!! Go check out their stuff :P 
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It was Shoto’s turn to drive again and you had ended up in the passenger seat. Shoto was a cautious, steady driver, he was the one who suggested getting a map at the gas station for when the service would eventually go out on the road. You didn't really need the map, since the GPS on the phone still worked, but you had unfolded it and were reading over your route to pass the time.
Your friends were asleep in the backseats. The AC on, the sky outside gray, like rain could break at any moment, and Shoto had the radio on the classical station. Driver got to pick music to maintain peace in the car. Usually Shoto let you use his phone to choose the music while he drove but it had died some miles back.
“Is this the type of music you like?”
“Huh? Shoto, it’s a radio?”
“Huh? Shoto, it’s a radio?”
“Huh? Shoto, it’s a radio?”
“Yeah, but by the time I was old enough to drive the car I got had a screen and bluetooth,”
You nod understanding.
“But what about when you were younger? You never had to change the station? Not even once?”
Shoto gave a shrug.
“My family has drivers, we sit in the back,”
Whenever Shoto said ‘family’, you got an uneasy feeling in your gut. Not ever sure what would come out of Shoto's mouth next. He rarely had any average experiences or platitudes to add when it came to family conversation.
“Well, did you ever have a favorite station?”
Shoto contemplates. The road was empty, it had been for about an hour now, nothing but farmers fields and muddy soil this far out. When you looked at him, his bright hair stood out against what had become dull scenery.
“Natsuo and Fuyumi, they used to play music in Fuyumi’s room sometimes after Enji would go to bed. It would always be really late. I’m not sure how I would even manage to wake up. The music was never loud. But I would sit on Fuyumi’s bed too tired to dance with them.”
He slows the car, the first turn in forty five minutes was approaching.
“It was one of those top hits stations, because after an hour the songs would loop. I’d whisper the few lyrics I knew, and I’m pretty sure they would carry me back to my room. I was years younger than them and fell asleep faster. Fuyumi still has that radio, it's pink, has a cat on it. Hello kitty, it has Hello Kitty on it. “
The car turns. You shift in your seat a little, waiting for Shoto to tell you more but he is quiet once again. He stares off, seemingly done reminiscing. Then he perks up, his back perfectly straight as he takes his eyes off the road to look at you.
“Sorry for telling you all that, I didn't mean too,”
“It’s okay, I don't mind at all,”
You say reassuring him. You reach for the volume dial and turn it down lower.
“What type of music did they used to play?”
“I guess you would call it pop,”
“And how old were you?”
“Seven or eight, maybe even six”
You talk in the softest voice you can muster. Showing him how to tune the radio, which buttons pop open the tape deck or let you put CD’s in. How to mute, stop, rewind. You cruise through the stations easily, listening intently for a particular type of station.
You clench your fists in silent triumph when you catch the station. There was always a station like this, no matter where you went. The talk show host was closing out their segment.
“Up next it's everyone's favorite hour, our 90s to the 10’s forever hits! First up is SOS by Rihanna followed by Mariah Carey’s Heartbreaker! Enjoy folks!”
Shoto looks at the radio suspiciously. Like it knows something about him. Then he turns to you mumbling out his words, shy, and avoiding your gaze.
“Thank you”
༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: I’m back!!! Kinda. Presumably. Maybe. Have been super tired lately but hopefully I can write some more. First tine writing Shoto too :p he's a little goofball :p Also I mentioned it early in this post but this piece is really only thanks to @red-kewpie-cap​ !!!!
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
alrighty, these two are a bit simpler and not as long. Maybe a one shot where you and MIdOrIyA are cleaning out y’all’s kitchen cabinets and there’s music in the background. You guys are kinda just mindlessly organizing until you hear your favorite song come on. Then, you kinda half heartedly are like “ooo, my favorite song” so then Midoriya comes over and offers his hand out to dance. And you two just end up dancing to the song. Idk, sorry if is dumb….
a/n: I wanna be friends with you. Like so freaking bad. Can we be friends. Please.
Caught in 4K
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After living in the dorms with Midoryia for almost a year and a half now you’ve learned three things.
1. This man LOVES All Might even more than you thought.
2. He is willing to lift up the fridge for you to get a penny.
And finally,
3. He can’t work in silence.
So it’s not not uncommon to find him doing paperwork on the coffee table in the commons and hear some kind of music playing.
His music taste never has been solid so normally it’s just whatever anyone else was listening too or, if he’s alone, a playlist you made him a while ago. Before then it was just the radio.
Midoryia also has issues with loosing track of the time
And the playlist and long as I’ll get out
So when it finally ended and he looked up and around him the commons are dead silent and dark
Well ya know except or the kitchen which still had the lights on and had some noise coming through
So he got up and went over to see who it was
And low and behold it was you his wonderful girlfriend
And for the reasoning of coffee, sleep deprivation, and that sudden 2am hit of motivation you had the pantry open and emptied
“Love? Whatcha doing?” He asked as he got closer
He could see all the food on the counter tops and it seemed like you were only throwing expired items
But still what were you doing?
“Huh—oh babe! I came down for a snack and saw you working and thought I’d wait for you and then I got distracted and thought I would organize the pantry. Are you done?” You smiled and went to hug him
Midoryia smiled and hugged you back before really looking around
“Want help?” He smiled down
“I would love it!”
And now you two were almost done while your speaker played out your playlist
You were starting to feel the burnout of staying up late
And then you heard that opening note
After a second you stopped to listen better
“What’s wrong?” Midoriya asked, seeing you stop
“Oh ya, I’m alright. It’s just this is my favorite song,” you smiled
Midoriya stopped and mirrored the look on your face
He took a few steps back and did a dramatic now and stretched his hand out to you
“Shall we?” He glanced up to see you laughing a little
“I’d be honored,” you giggled
He pulled you in and pulled your arms up to wrap around his neck before pulling you against him
You giggled as you both swayed to the beat
You both just went around in circles for a majority of the song
And then this dork suddenly spins you out and dips you
“Oh hello... come her often?”
this idiot that I’m helplessly in love with
Literally it’s a wonder what being in a relationship with him long enough for him to be confident does man
He gently started pulling you back up when you pulled him down to meet him half way to kiss you
You two kinda just hung there for a hot minute after pulling away
I mean we all know he has the strength lmao
So you two were just there
Very very close
Whispering and laughing about random shit and how cheesy his line from before was
When there was a clicking sound
I mean probs to Aizawa for finally checking in and making sure everyone was on curfew
But like
It was 3am by now
And when I say Midoryia SCRAMBLED
It was so funny he went ghost white my guys
So you just laughed and followed behind him as he threw himself down the hall
“Sorry Sir, goodnight” you gave your teacher a bow before going up to deku’s dorm
Lol like that’s not against the rules too
Aizawas just to tired to deal with you
For the next hour you got Midoryia basically suffocating himself in your chest and bright red all the way tot he back of his neck
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yyxgin · 4 years
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"with you, feel like summer."
~ where you always listen to the same radio station and he lives in the apartment complex opposite of yours. perhaps you play your radio a little too loud on sundays.
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
genre: romance (fluff and a hint of angst I guess)
words: 2.3k
warnings: reader's a little sad in one part of the story,, also I don’t actually know that pancake song but I googled the lyrics and they’re nice lmao
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What is your song request, young man?“ you hear the smooth, honey voice calling from the radio.
You are currently sitting in your kitchen, eating your delicious lunch you've made yourself from the last bits stored in your fridge, hapilly watching people walk the street under your open window. The street is narrow, because the other apartement complex stands right in front of your window, but there's still plenty of people there as it's a short cut for people rushing to work.
„Hello! I'd like to request a song for this one girl who's always playing her radio super loud every sunday at this time. I'm pretty sure she's listening right now and eating her scrambled eggs.“ you hear other voice say. Perhaps you could say it sounded even more pleasent than the radio host's, but you swear to be faithful to the one and only Min Yoongi.
You look back to your plate of scrabled eggs and laugh. How ironic, it sounds just like you. Maybe that girl is your soulmate and you were destined to meet some day.
„Is there something you'd like to say to this girl?“ asks Yoongi, voice curious.
„Yeah, um.. No offence, but could you maybe turn it down a little? I live right opposite of you and it's slowly getting on my nerves.“ you hear and laugh out loud.
„Also, could you maybe look out your window to see me instead of laughing?“ his voice changes into irritated, but playful at the same time.
Out of curiosity, you look out your window as if the guy was talking to you to see a young man standing in the window opposide of yours with a phone pressed to his ear. You see him smirk and wave at you, making your heart jump.
„What song would you like me to play?“ asks Yoongi again as your eyes never leave the boy in the window.
„Could you maybe play Blueprint by Stray Kids? She seems to enjoy their music a lot.“ he giggles and your mind takes you back to all the times you've danced in your kitchen to their songs, singing your heart out. You suddenly feel red in your cheeks.
„Coming right at you! Did you hear him girl? Tone it down a little! But only after listening to this song requested only and only for you.“ Yoongi's voice slowly trails off as the first tones of the song start playing, making you feel excited in your bones.
The boy only stares at you for a second before he slowly turns around with a huge smile and dissapeaes further into his own apartment.
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What is your song request?“
It's sunday and you're sitting in your kitchen eating lunch with your windows open and your radio on full volume again. You feel good, happy, even. The weather got warmer and it finally feels like summer.
„Hi! I'd like to request a song for the girl blasting her radio again, because it seems she didn't learn her lesson from last week!“ you hear a familiar voice call out, making you snap your head and look out your window.
„Poor girl! Well, could you blame her? At least she's having fun. What song are we playing for her?“
„I think she hates metal music, so I'm requesting Enter Sandman by Metallica, hope she turns it down this time.“ he laughs and you see him smile in the window. His plan is evil, but he sure does not look evil at all. His smile could light up the world and you swear you feel your lips turn upwards to mirror his.
„Here you go then! Girl in the window, don't dissapoint the poor boy again!“ you hear Yoongi say and you face palm as you see the boy put a winning fist up in the air.
But to tease him even more, you don't turn down the music. You stand up and dance along instead, your whole performance being watched by a smiling boy with sparkling eyes in the window opposite of yours.
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! May I ask your song request?“
„Hey! It's me again, I'm calling for the third time in a row now. I'd like to request a song for the girl in the window, like always. It seems that this is our only way of communication because I'm not going to act like Taylor Swift in that one music video, if you know what I mean, but I'd like to tell her that her pancakes are burning.“ a familiar voice says and you panic.
You've been so immersed in the music, you haven't noticed that in a few moments, your whole kitchen could be on fire because you've forgotten about your pancake.
You swiftly take a spatchula and flip the pancake, face palming yourself in the process and giggling a little at the black color of the pancake. You surely aren't going to eat this one.
„Girl! Be more careful while cooking, I know our music occupies your mind a lot, but make sure this poor boy doesn't have to call fire-fighters instead. Anyways, what song are we playing for the nifty girl?“ Yoongi's voice is full of enthusiasm and joy, it seems like he enjoys the ever occuring calls he gets from the boy every sunday.
„Let's play her Banana pancakes by Jack Johnson, so she doesn'g forget about hers again,“ he snickers and you feel your cheeks burning a little again.
The song starts after a while and you can't help but smile the whole time as you're making your pancakes, making sure not to burn any more of them, not knowingly being watched by the boy matching your food choice in the window opposite of yours.
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You're pacing in your kitchen, changing your clothes every few minutes. The radio is loudly playing, but you're hardly paying any attention to it with the fragile mental stabillity you're in right now.
„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What is your song request today?“
„Hi! It's me again. I'd like to say something to the girl in the window. Umm.. I don't know where you're going, but you look beautiful so please stop worrying and changing every few minutes.“ he softly laughs and makes you stop in your tracks.
You slowly look out of the window and see him there, in gray sweatpants and a black over-sized t-shirt. He's holding a coffe cup in one hand and his phone in the other, but his gaze is focused only on you.
„You hear him, girl? Stop worrying. But what if she's going on a date, though?“ asks Yoongi and you feel your cheeks burning as if you were caught.
„I hope she has fun, then!“ he says and you see him smile, but it doesn't really reach his eyes as it always does.
„What song are you requesting for her?“
„I don't know, man. What makes you beautiful by One direction? It kinda fits the mood right now.“ he cracks up and his eyes crincle at the corners along with his nose, making him look like an adorable bunny.
„One direction it is. Have fun, girl!“ you hear Yoongi say and even if you were supposed to leave right now, you don't. You stay in your kitchen and listen to the song the sweet boy requested for you, because there's just something about him that makes you want to stay.
After the song ends, you leave. You don't see the boy silently watching your steps through the window.
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What song may I play for you?“
You quietly listen to the radio and watch people with blurry eyes. It's raining and everyone's running home with umbrellas over their heads. You slowly move your gaze at the glass of wine you're holding in your hands and finish it.
„Hey Yoongi, it's me again. I'd like to request for the girl in the window, because she seems a little sad today. I don't know what happened, but I want to cheer her up a little.“
„I'm so sorry to hear that. What song are we playing for her?“
„It's Promise by Park Jimin. This song means a lot to me and I hope she'll feel a little better after hearing it.“ he mumbles.
„Cheer up, girl from the window!“ says Yoongi before the music starts.
The sound of rain blends a little with the words of the song, but you don't dare to look at him through the window as your sobs only pick on their intensity. You clench the empty glass of wine in your hands and helplessly try to catch air.
But when you finally stop after a while and look out the window, you see his face in the dark apartment, still watching you. You snicker at the realisation that this poor boy cares more about you than the guy you went on a date with last week ever did.
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What can I play for you?“
„Hey! It's me again!“
„Hey! Is the girl from the window feeling any better?“ asks Yoongi and you feel your lips quietly turn into a smile.
„I hope she is! Anyways, I'm requesting a song for her today because I just felt like it, you know. I have nothing on my mind right now that I want to say to her, just that I'll enjoy the song with her.“ he says and you look out the window to see him already standing there.
„What song is it than?“
„It's Fancy by TWICE. I hope you dance with me, window girl!“
The song starts playing and you see him slowly start moving into the rythm as he begins to dance. His dance moves are really silly and you can't help but mirror them as you giggle at him.
The tones of the music are so carefree and you feel like you never want to stop dancing. With him.
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What is your song request today?“
„Hey! It's me again. It's the last time I'm going to call, I promise.“ your breath hitches upon hearing these words.
„And why is that?“ even Yoongi sounds a little sad to lose his stable caller.
„Well, you see… I kinda have a crush on the girl from the window and I can't stop thinking about her recently, so I'm shooting my shot today. I know you're listening, so, if you wanna, we can meet in front of your apartment complex. And maybe go for a lunch. If you want…“ he trails off and your heart picks up on speed.
„This is so sweet of you! I'm glad I can be the help to pass the message. What song are we playing as the last one from your journey?“
„It's Our Summer by Tomorrow x Together, because when I see her, it truly feels like summer every time.“ he softly laughs.
„Okay! So, the girl from the window, we know you're listening! You have an only chance to meet your admirer, so after the song ends, don't waste any time in running out of your apartment complex and meet him!“ says Yoongi and the song softly starts playing.
„I'm glad I could witness this romance bloom, kids.“ you hear him fake-crying as his voice dissapears entirely and the song plays on full volume.
Any other time, you wouldn't leave without listening to the song the boy requested for you, but today, you have no time to waste.
You take your keys and run out of the apartment complex only in your flip-flops, not even bothering to turn off the radio. You see him standing there right after you open the glass door.
His smile only grows wider as you cut the short distance and run into him, finding your place right in his arms.
You feel his hands gently squeezing your waist as he puts his head on your shoulder, breathing in your scent.
You hear his muffled voice as the soft tones of the song coming from your window make you feel truly special.
„I'm Jungkook, by the way.“
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„Hello! You're listening to Honey FM, this is Min Yoongi, your usual host! What song can I play for you?“
„Hey! My name is is Jungkook and I'd like to request a song for my wonderful girlfriend, because it's our anniversery today.“ you hear the voice of your boyfriend coming from the radio as you watch him in the window waving at you with a huge grin on your face.
„That's wonderful! How did you two guys meet?“ asks Yoongi with curiosity.
„Well, actually, I requested a song for her over here every sunday for a month a year ago.“ explains Jungkook and you can't help but laugh out loud at how ridicilous it sounds.
„Oh my God! Is this for the girl in the window?“ gasps your favorite radio host as the realisation hits him.
„Yes! Do you remember us?“
„Of course! What song can I play for you two?“
„It's the same song as the last time I called, because it was the song I heard while something new and wonderful was only at the beginning. So, I'd like to hear Our Summer by TXT again.“
„Sure! Any other words you'd like to say to your girlfriend?“
„Yeah… Y/N, I love you! And don't forget to be out in 5 minutes so we can leave for our lunch." he giggles as the song starts and you can no longer deny it, the boy from the window truly cares for you the most.
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 14:
Holiday Playlist
Sold (Dance)
Leo was freezing, shivering in the car with the heated seat under his ass and heat blowing on him. He changed his pants from the ice soaked ones earlier and his ankles were sore from his skates but he was happy. He made a good impression on Logan’s sisters, his mom texted him to let him know the sale went through, and he watched Clay face plant on the ice.
All was well in the world.
He was smiling to himself as he leaned back into the heat of the seat with his arms hugging himself, teeth only chattering a little bit. He is listening to Logan chat with his sisters in the back in fairly fast French-Canadian French, he knows Finn is confused. But Leo is listening to him tap on the steering wheel to whatever song was playing in his head. The radio is off because Leo doesn’t want to overwhelm Finn with too much noise in a small confined place. He would be miserable the rest of the night.
They pull up to Pascal's house and the Trembly siblings are the first out of the vehicle, leaving Leo and Finn in the dust. Finn kisses Leo’s temple after shutting off the car.
“Ready?” Leo smiles and nods, he is honestly a little tired but he’s excited to get a little drunk and just relax with the team plus the team’s families.
Leo grabs onto the handle to push open the door when it is suddenly flung open and he topples out face first first into the ground. Hearing someone gasp from above him he rolls over to his back and blinks a few times.
“I think… I broke my teeth again.” Leo runs his tongue over his two front teeth and feels the chip in his tooth is suddenly much larger, but still less than half his tooth so he doesn’t really care.He has broken his teeth way worse before. Ma will get a kick out of it. “That's fun.”
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Aubry is helping him sit up and is grabbing his still dazed face and looking it over to make sure he’s okay. She looks over to her left and sees Logan looking at her and she can feel the anger rolling off of him. His arms are crossed and his hands are gripping his arms, Sydney takes one look at Logan and steps back a couple of feet.
“Can you let go of my face?” Leo mumbles, causing her to look back at him and smile a little at his squished cheeks. “Also I break my teeth all the time, 90% of my front two teeth are fake so…” He shrugs and smiles at her. She lets go of his face and Finn helps Leo up.
“Again I’m sorry Leo!”
“I feel like I look like Jason Derulo after he tried eating corn off the cob with a power drill.” He laughs at himself as he looks in the side mirror of the car. Rolling his bottom jaw a bit, popping his neck from side to side, then rolling his shoulders. He notices a scrape on his chin and his cheek. “Not gonna lie, I kinda look rugged.”
“Let’s go inside, get you a drink and an ice pack, yeah?” Logan takes his hand and smiles up at him, taking note of his scrapes and his chipped tooth when he smiles back.
“Yes please!” They all make their way inside to find families just chatting on the couches in the living room, people drinking wine and eating little horderves that Celeste and Adele put together. Leo is led to the kitchen where the two chefs were.
“Oh Leo, did you fall on the ice after we left?” Celeste looks at him as she hands him an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel.
“Non, Aubry opened my door with me attached to it and I landed face first on the concrete. Broke my teeth some more but.” He shrugs and his nose scrunches as Logan dabs at his scrapes with a wet paper towel. “Okay! Okay! I’m Okay! OW!” Logan sighs at Leo’s dramatics and goes to throw the paper towel away.
“So you’re the man with the terrible singing.” Adele looks up at Leo from where she is cutting pinwheels. “I wondered if you were ever going to appear.”
“You don’t like my singing?” Leo smiles at her and she smiles back. “Wait, when have you heard my singing?” He absentmindedly starts helping her put pickles on sticks. He remembers catching a glance of her the first time he visited Pascals’ but he doesn’t remember singing when she was around.
“When Logan was really sad after Louisiana, he would only fall asleep to these videos of you singing in front of a fire pit. It was really annoying for a while.” Leo is silent for a moment, Adele looks up at him and notices how he is trying to keep his face blank but the frown lines are still ghosting. “He is better than ever now that you are with him and Finn though, he blabs about you two all the time.” That makes him smile a bit.
“No! Alex! Let go!” Leo and Adele turn around to see an older version of Finn keeping Logan in a headlock. Leo hides his smile by sucking in his lips and holding them between his teeth. “Ah!” Logan is suddenly on the ground with Alex laughing from above him, asshole kicked his feet out from under him. Glaring Logan takes his hand and gets helped up. “Jerk.”
“Hey! You can’t be mean to me or I’ll tell Finn.”
“He would be on my side!”
“He would laugh at you and give me a high five and you know it.” Logan thinks for a moment and then signs knowing Alex is right.
“Why do my boyfriend's siblings bully me?”
“Because we are family, shortstack.” Alex gets punched in the stomach for that nickname everytime. Yet he still calls Logan that any time he gets the chance. After a moment of catching his breath, Alex looks up to see Logan’s face buried into another man’s chest. He was tall and had a couple scrapes on his face but he looked young. Maybe in his early twenties. His hair was barely sticking out from under his.. Cowboy hat… he was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt… with cowboy boots. Who was this guy!? Does Finn know about him and Logan?
“Leooooo, I got some people I want you to meeeet!” Finn walks into the kitchen with his mother and Father trailing behind and bumps into Alex who is just staring at Leo like he's a ghost. “I promise he doesn’t always dress like that.” Taking a few steps towards his boys he gives Adele a fist bump and then leans his head on Leo’s shoulder. “Mom, Dad, this is Leo. The cowboy I have been talking about for…. A good year now. He is Logan and I’s boyfriend.” He smiles.
Leo feels his heart pick up a bit as the nerves of meeting parents that have authority makes him feel like he shouldn’t be there. He shakes the fathers hand after Logan goes to help Adele take out more tiny foods. He goes to shake Finn’s mother’s hand but is pulled into an aggressively tight hug that reminds him of his Mama’s hugs. He smiles and hugs her back. Already starting to feel at ease.
“I’m Alex.” Alex pats Leo on the shoulder.
“Leo, Finn talks a lot about you. He has your pictures up all around the apartment. I was convinced you two were twins for a while.” Leo smiles and continues to relax as Alex bursts out laughing.
“I’m not surprised, when we were younger people swore we were twins, and I think Finn would let people believe it when he was in elementary.” Alex ruffles Finn’s hair.
“So, Finn tells us you’re a Professional Bullrider. Correct?” Finn's dad looks to have the exact same face as his boys, same eyes as well. But he is much more tan and doesn’t have a single freckle that Leo can see, his hair is dark brown and curly, his eyebrows were so thick that Eliose would have the time of her life shaping them, his nose is also quite large and protrudes from his face with a little crook in the bridge making him subtly look like a bird.
“Yes, I do ride professionally. I actually leave in a couple of months to go travel the country to do it all again. My best friend Clayton ropes calves as well and my Mother was crowned Miss Rodeo when she was younger. So, it’s interesting when Finn tries to talk about rodeo stuff with us and he just has no idea. He’s getting better though.”
“I always had a dream of riding bulls or just being a cowboy in general but I’m from upstate New York! Not many cowboys there.” He laughs in the loud way most older fathers do and pats him on the shoulder just like Alex did. His smile was large and inviting, it reminded him of Finn.
“Country is Country wide, Sir. I have rode with people from New Hampshire and Massechusets. If you want I could teach you some things! I do train children in the two weeks before I leave to compete.”
“Don’t give him any ideas, he may be young at heart but his body is becoming old and crepid.” Finn’s parents share a kiss and it gives Leo’s heart a small painful yank. He can’t help but wonder if his parents would look that happy if his dad was still alive. He takes a sip of the Jack and Coke that Finn made him and swallows it along with his own self pity.
Now is not the time to mope.
He chats with Finn’s family some more until the doorbell rings. That would be his mother.
“Hello, who are you?” Pascal is looking directly into the sharp blue eyes of a woman who is either the same height as him… or taller. SHe is holding two milk crates, both filled with jars full of clear liquid. Odd. She is dressed in a tight red long sleeve shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans that flare at the bottom with matching red boots poking out from the jeans. Something flashes light into his eye and he notices the giant buckle on her belt.
“Oh excuse my manners! I’m Eloise Knut! My son Leo should be behaving here. This is Pascal’s house, yes?” She smiles and her teeth are so blindingly bright that Pascal has to look away.
“Oh yes of course come in.” He opens the door all the way and she struts in. Clayton was the first person to run up to her, Marc is on his back laughing loudly as they were just pretending Clay was a horse.
“Ma! It’s about time you show up! I’ll take this.” Clay has Marc hop off his back and takes the crates from Eloise, walking away lifting them over all the peoples heads who are sitting down or children.
“Ma! I want you to meet my brother. Sirius, this is Eloise. Eloise, this is Sirius.” Reg is looking between them with this excited glint in his eye, his two favorite adult figures in his life are meeting.
“Ravi de vous rencontrer.” Sirius shakes her hand and kisses her hand. Eloise smiles and pats his cheek.
“Si gentil de ta part.” Sirius smiles, cheeks turning a bit pink as she pinches them a bit. “You are just adorable! You and your brother have the most beautiful hair. I would love to just sit down and play with it all day.”
“Mama, stop hitting on Reg’s brother. Hit on his boyfriend instead.” Remus laughs from his spot next to Leo as they walk up with plates piled high with food. Leo’s vegetarian, Remus’ not. “I mean look at him, he is exactly your type! Short brownish hair, giant brown eyes, probably a bottom- Hey!” Remus swats at his plate of food to try and knock it over, making Leo barely have time to balance it out again.
“Leo, you’re gay. I thought you would have been better at seeing who is top, bottom, or a switch in relationships. It’s pretty obvious if you ask me.” Eloise smiles at Remus. “Since you have your hands full I will just give you a wave, Deary.” She waves at him. “I’m Eloise, Leo’s mother. I hope you haven’t heard anything bad about me, Leo likes to tell stories of when I was younger.”
“I can’t help it Mama, you were just so interesting!” Leo speaks with his mouth full and Reg, Remus and Elosie all give him a look.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full!” They all manage to say at the same time, catching Leo off guard. He laughs and swallows the food in his mouth.
“There are so many mothers around me. I’m going to see who Clay has rounded up to try the shine.” He stands up and leaves his plate on the little table in the middle of them, Reg grabs a few pieces of his food and eats them as he listens to Sirius and Remus talk about how they will be celebrating the holidays.
“I’ll go with you, I should probably meet the rest of the boys.” Eloise follows him into the kitchen to find Clay behind the kitchen island with two jars of moonshine in front of him, explaining to the team what it is. Leo walks over beside him and takes the lid off one and smells it.
“I think this one is watermelon.”
“Thanks for interrupting me. Anyway, moonshine is technically illegal because… honestly I don’t remember but we have been drinking it since we were like 13 I think.” Eloise walks up behind the two, reaching over them to grab the other jar, Clay and Leo move out of the way to let her in the middle.
“You two make me look like a terrible person, you know that? Letting my child drink moonshine at 13. I could get arrested.” She is examining the jar as the boys back track their statements about drinking so young even when they are still under the drinking age. She has a little half smile on her face when she looks through the clear liquid straight into a set of eyes that are staring right back.
Dark hazel eyes surrounded by the longest eyelashes she has ever seen. Dark smooth skin wrinkling around the eyes as this person smiles. Her mouth was very dry all the sudden, her stomach had a pit in it as well.
“Leo why don’t you let me have that, Y’all can keep all the rest.” She puts the jar she is holding down and takes the open one from Leo who was about to take a sip. She leaves the kitchen without another word. Clay and Leo share a confused look as they watch her leave.
Timmy follows a few minutes later.
The music played in the house after all these kids left to go spend the night at other houses, leaving the Dumias house open for adult activities like swearing. Leo, Reg and Clay had all moved the furniture around, with permission from Dumo and Celeste. There was just enough room for people to dance.
No one was really drunk persay but a couple swings of moonshine definitely got people tipsy. Elosie was talking with Ollie, Andrew, and Timmy. Who leo was keeping an extra close eye on, because he just felt like he should. He knows a lot of people find his mother attractive, that's why Eloise always wore her ring, to get people to back off, but she was almost… flirting back with Timmy.
It made Leo feel weird. Clay too.
Leo was staring at Eloise and Timmy when Sold (Grundy County Auction) came on over the bluetooth. He hears a gasp from behind him and sees Remus trying to get Sirius to dance with him.
“Re, I don’t know the dance.”
“It’s easy I promise!” Sirius gives his boyfriend a look and Remus sighs, giving up on trying to yank Sirius up off his chair . Leo walks over because he would also like to dance but his mom is flirting, Reg gets dizzy, his boys don’t know the dance, and Clay is laying across Thomas and Noelle on the couch a bit too drunk to really do anything but smile at them and twist Noelles hair around his finger.
“I know it, and all my dance partners are busy if you’d like to dance.” He smiles and nods his head when Sirius mouths ‘thank you’ in his direction. Remus hesitates for a moment.
“I only know how to follow really.”
“And you wanted me to dance!” Sirius tsks sarcastically and shakes his head leaning back in his chair so the two front legs were off the ground. Making sure there was something soft behind him, Re puts his foot under one of the chair legs and lifts up so Sirius falls backwards onto the pile of blankets that were thrown off the couch. “Re!”
“Well, I only know how to lead so that works out perfectly.” Leo takes Remus’ hand and leads him towards the group of dancing people on the wood floor of the living room. “Think there is enough space?”
“I think so, here.” Remus grabs his hands and they swing in a circle so people give them room. Leo just about trips over his own feet. Remus catches him while laughing, putting a hand on Leo’s shoulder and holding his other while Leo rests his free hand on Remus’ waist.
Spinning each other they are lost in the dance, not noticing the two or three people filming them. Sirius is just watching Remus move so smoothly, without a care in the world. His hair was long enough it swished with him, his laugh was loud and sweet. He didn't know how he didn’t get dizzy from dancing.
Finn was also watching them dance, as well as Logan. Finn was just enjoying his friend and Boyfriend dancing, Logan was too but a bit more… possessive. They all trust one another but Logan can’t help the little voice in the back of his head telling him to make sure Re knows Leo is theirs.
They finish the dance and just straight up sit on the floor to catch their breath, laughing a bit as people return to the dance floor. Eloise walks over to them and holds out a hand to each to help them up.
“Last Song! I want to go to bed!” Dumo announces as he turns the music down for a moment, he turns it back up before people can complain. Celeste was starting to put food away in to go containers and in tupperware to go in the fridge. Dumo walks over to help her but gets distracted when he hears someone drop a glass. He sighs and goes to help them, James, clean up.
“I am going to stay and help Celeste tonight and tomorrow morning. I will see you at the apartment and then we can go out for lunch.” Eloise smiles as Leo nods and lets her kiss his cheek. Leo and Remus make their way back over to their lovers.
“You were amazing!” Sirius hugs Remus, lifting him off the ground and smooching all over his slightly red face. “Where did you learn to dance like that?”
“My dad and mom used to go to swing classes when I was younger and my dad would always secretly practice with me so he could wow my mom.” He smiles, pushing Sirius’ hair out of his face and sighing happily. “Let’s go home, I’m tired.” Sirius and Reg follow Re out of the house a few minutes later, waving goodbye to the team.
The drive home in the uber was interesting, Leo and Logan were both sliding their hands up Finn’s thighs making his tispy brain only think about one thing. He watched those two whisper to each other before they left the house, Finn didn’t pay much attention, busy watching for the uber to pull up.
Once they enter the house Finn finds himself pinned against the door as soon as it is closed, Leo is kissing and nipping at his neck while Logan is reaching his hands under Finn’s shirt as he kisses him with maybe too much tongue. Finn lets himself be dragged into the feeling of their hands and lips on him.
“Tonight is all about you, sweetheart.” Leo whispers in his ear, Logan pulls away and tugs on Finn’s shirt towards the bedroom. Leo pats his butt to get him moving and follows the other two, stripping off his many layers and stretching his jaw a bit from his fall earlier.
“Hi, how are you?” Finn is pulled on top of Logan who has lost his clothes sometime in between the door of the room and the bed. He was beautiful; basically glowing from the yellow light of the lamp near the bed. Shadows and light contrasting on his tan skin make him look like a work of art. He can’t help but run his fingertips lightly over Logan’s chest and stomach. Smiling as the muscles move under his fingers, he feels a hand on his hand and two hands cupping his face making him look back up at Logan.
“I love you.” Logan pulls him down for a kiss as Finn feels Leo’s rough hands slide his shirt up, he pulls away just long enough to take his shirt off and then dives right back in for more kisses. Logan is very addictive, he lets Finn take over the kiss when he wants and other times he will take over the kiss just to annoy Finn into fucking him. Logan is giggling slightly as they kiss just because all this happiness is bubbling in his chest.
“I love you too, Lo.” He mumbles on Logan’s lips, feeling the bed dip behind him, Finn pulls away from Logan. Only after he is pulled into one last heated kiss that he can barely pull away from. Sitting up on his knees he turns his head to the side and has his lips met with another set of lips he loves.
Leo is almost always soft, besides his calloused hands, his skin is just perfect and makes Finn want to touch him always. He lightly nips at Leo’s lips, drawing a smile from the younger man. They pull away after a moment and Leo wraps his arms fully around Finn’s bare waist, resting his chin on Finn’s shoulder, humming a bit.
“I want to eat you out, is that okay? I mean your ass is so pale it looks like two marshmallows.” Logan snorts at Leo’s comment and flexes his legs from where they are resting on either side of Finn’s thighs, squishing Finn between them. Finn thinks about it for a moment, running his hand up and down Logan’s calf while Leo's hands run all over his torso.
“I don't know. Are you sure you want to? I mean, I just don’t want to find out I’m dirty or something… I also like never shave so… I don’t know.” He absent mindedly twirls a couple of Logan’s leg hairs together between his forefinger and thumb. Trying to ignore the feeling of an embarrassed blush that is creeping from his ears to his chest.
“Finn, you have eaten both of us out. Did you ever care if we were perfectly smooth or whatever else you are worried about?” Logan sits up, Looking him in the eyes. “We want to make you feel good, but if you don’t want to, that's okay too.” After a couple minutes of the three of them just existing together on the bed Finn starts nodding his head.
“Yeah, I want to try it. I think maybe once I get past feeling all jittery I will like it.” He kisses Leo and smiles at Logan. “I want to feel good like how I make you two feel.” He pushes Logan back onto his back and leans over him.
Leo helps Finn out of his shorts and, “Are these… my boxers?” Laughing as Finn nods, Leo also helps him slide off his boxers with fish on them. “You know Fish is a good nickname for you.” Leo starts kissing down his back.
“You named a fish after us and now you are naming me after a fish?” Finn starts to snicker but is cut off by the feeling of Leo licking over his entrance. His brows pinches together, his eyes close and he feels himself turn bright red.
“Hey” Logan kisses his cheek and nudges his cheek a bit with his nose, “Kiss me.” Finn doesn’t waste a second moving to have one hand holding him up by Logan's head and the other is gripping the back of his head with his fingers threaded into the long hair on Logan's neck. “Leo, you’re making him so red.” Logan mumbles on Finn’s lips.
Finn is losing himself in the feeling of Leo slowly opening himself up with his tongue, he knew this made his boys feel good but he didn’t expect it to make his legs shake. He has lost the ability to kiss Logan back because he is breathing so hard, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Every once in a while Finn feels Logan twitch and move under him.
Leo starts using his fingers alongside his tongue, Finn can’t help but rotate his hips in circles as the pleasure keeps flowing through his body. He feels like a soda bottle that hasn’t been opened, but has been shook. Everything was bubbling up and he felt like he was about to explode.
Leo pulls away when he feels Finn is ready. Looking at his boys, they both look blissed out. Leo notices one of Logan’s hands isn’t in sight, Finn is a complete mess. His hair is wild, his face is red, he is panting and looking more out of it than Leo has ever seen him.
“What do you want next?” Leo kisses up his back, nuzzling into the back of his neck and breathing in the smell that is strictly Finn.
“Leo, fuck me.”
“Can I get fucked too?” Logan is staring into Leo’s eyes with his pupils basically taking over his green eyes. Leo nods and leans over Finn’s shoulder to give Logan a quick kiss. Sitting back up, Finn follows his lead and sits up a few moments later. He gets handed the lube from where it is sitting next to Logan and covers his fingers. Logan grabs his hand and shakes his head.
“I already did it.” He smiles shyly at Finn who just blinks a few times.
“Loooogannnn! You know that’s like my favorite part!” Finn is pouting as he uses the lube on his hand to cover his cock. He is still mumbling his complaints as he starts to press in. He is already feeling everything more than normal, so his jaw goes slack and he pauses halfway. “Fucking Christ.” He leans down and presses his forehead to Logan’s as he pushes the rest of the way in. Their heavy breathing syncs up until Finn starts to pull out and push back in, just barely moving.
Leo is watching the whole thing, giving himself a few strokes to ease some pressure. He whispers the question to Finn who slows his thrusts to a stop. Leo slowly starts to press in and feels Finn suddenly tense up, Leo pauses and Finn lets out a noise that he knows like the back of his hand.
Finn just came. Logan moans loudly at the feeling of Finn cuming in him.
“Fuck! Finn~” Leo sees Logans hands grip Finn’s bareback digging his nails in.
“Leo- Please keep going.” Leo takes a deep breath to calm himself from just going to town on Finn. He pulls out and groans as Finn clenches around him. He presses his forehead to Finn’s sweaty back and listens to his plea to go deeper.
“Leo!” Logan calls out to him as his eyes start to roll back and his back arches, following Finn’s example from earlier and cumming between the two of them. Leo continues to fuck them as they moan his name, each others names, and grip one another as if they would lose them if they didn’t.
After finding the perfect rhythm, they all fall into a void of pleasure. Their bodies moving on their own, their voices becoming hoarse from moaning, lips raw from stolen kisses. Everything was perfectly balanced.
Logan suddenly breaks the atmosphere by falling off the edge again. He jerks himself through his orgasm and loses his voice as his vocal cords become taunt. Once the fog in his head dissipates he looks up at his boys.
“Can I watch you two?” The raspiness of his own voice catches him off guard, he clears his throat before Leo pulls out of Finn and Finn pulls out of Logan. Leo is holding Finn up as he has slumped back into Leo’s chest. They rearrange, Logan is laying on his side next to Finn who is lying on his back. Leo is between Finn’s legs and moves them so one is wrapped around his hip and the other is out to the side. With Logan wanting to still do something, he holds the leg that is out to the side and sits up to watch as Leo pushes back into Finn. His eyes wanted to watch where they met and Finn’s face at the same time.
Logan knows that Leo’s eyes when he is fucking is one of the most intense things he has ever seen, Finn tries to look Leo in the eyes but ends up turning his head to meet Logan’s.
Logan's eyes are soft and blown out, beautiful green, calming yet wild. Logan is just a walking oxymoron. He was everything. Finn looks back at Leo who is watching them look at each other. He hits Finn’s prostate just right and Finn cums again as he cups Leo’s face and stares into his eyes.
Leo swallows as he starts to slow down. Finn is still looking into his eyes, Leo kisses him passionately. Teeth and tongue are the main part of the kiss. Finn wraps his arms around Leo’s neck and his legs around his waist, pulling Leo in deeper to him. Leo gets the hint and keeps fucking him.
Finn holds on for dear life as he is fucked into the mattress. He is sensitive from earlier so it doesn’t take long to get him over the edge again. Leo is just about to cum when he pulls out as Finn’s limbs flop to the sides of him, hitting Logan on accident, Leo pulls out. Remembering that Finn doesn’t like the feeling of cum in him. So he jerks himself a few times before he cums all over Finn’s chest and stomach. Mixing with his own mess.
Logan being the impatient boy he is… Fully shoves Leo out of the way, placing two hands on his chest and shoving Leo out of the way. Not meaning to fully knock him off the bed but he does. Logan is between Finn’s legs and licks up his stomach and chest, right through the mess. Taking Finn by surprise he shoves his tongue down his throat.
Leo stands up, watching them making out with the mess and feeling himself start to get turned on again. They pull away and look at him, the softest and sleepiest smiles on their faces.
He loves them.
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
Wip Day
Startin this bad boy up (at least this is an attempt)
Chapter 6(?)
TW: Mentions of drugs, suicide, vulgar language, hallucinations, abuse, vomiting
Angel rose up out of bed with a groan followed by a stretch
“Good fucking LORD” Angel grinded out as he cracked his back “I feel worse than that one time I was injected with fucking ketamine...”
After contemplating his life choices, and considering putting a bullet to his head, Angel managed to drag himself towards the window of his room.
“Hmm. Still out here huh?” Angel grumbled discontentedly “I would’ve hope it was a dream” Angel looked up as if he were speaking to God himself
Angel made his way downstairs and looked around. House was still quiet. There’s no way that she was taken, right? Missy couldn’t be gone. Angel had his own “gifts” but Missy was a trained army soldier, maybe higher than just a soldier. All Angel knew was that she was trained in the army and probably had way more control over herself than he did over himself.
“..Missy..?...MISSY?!” Angel called, walking through the deathly silent home
No...no..this isn’t good...They couldn’t have possibly kidnapped her. She’s a trained professional. She would know what to do in these situations. Angel is more likely to get himself captured and probably nearly get himself, and others, killed in the process. And aside from that, if Missy is gone...what will be of Angel? He is nothing but a ticking time bomb waiting to lose control.
Suddenly the silence was broken as his radio cracked “Ayooooo Angel!!!”
Angel jolted nearly sending himself out of his skin “Who the fuck is that” Angel took out his radio “How did I not lose this shit...” he whispered to himself before clicking the radio “Hello..?” Angel answered back
A voice of happiness and relief was heard on the other side “Angellll! Great to hear you’re alive bud! Kinda heard a lot of ruckus going on back at the bunker since you were....ya know...spotted and all but this whole ordeal kinda died down a bit of course..for now that is”
Jesus Christ who is this guy and why is he rambling at a time like this...it’s too fucking hot and early to be talking a man’s ear off.
“Also uh..Sorry about the whole smoke sesh we had the other day I kinda got a bit too excited and gave you way more than a shoulda..You probably feel-“
For fucks sake.
“Jesus fuck you’re talking way too fucking much.” Angel clicked the radio and it went dead silent. Angel drew out a deep sigh and clicked the radio again “Sorry...Havin a bad mornin...what’s your name now?”
“Oh shit my bad- you’re probably feeling like a dog that got ran over!” Connor laughed on the other side “Probably can’t remember a damn thing either...I’m Connor! The guy you met in the bunker” Connor replied in benevolence
Angel paced in the living room “Connor.....guy I met in the bunker......smoking...” Angel froze in realization “This fucking dickwad-“ Angel clicked his radio “YOU’RE THE GUY THAT TRIED TO FUCK ME UP WITH THAT FUCKING BLISS- BULLSHIT.”
“Woah...hey now I said sorry for that already. I meant good intentions. I would never purposely fuck a gay man over unless he fucked me or my guys ov-“
“HEY. I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE. TO BE FAIR I DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD A RECORD” Connor yelled back drawling out the ‘record’
“WHATEVER. Say now....what did you give me. I nearly had night terrors because of that fucking plant. And there’s no fucking way that it’s just weed.” Angel sat himself down on the couch thinking about the nightmares he had last night
There was a silence after that question. Was it that it was a mistake? Should he not have asked? Or hesitation? Maybe there was something in that cigarette-joint whatever it was...he-...Connor had to have gotten it somewhere...this wasn’t no ordinary plant or mix of bad drugs in a plant. This was...different.
“Okay....look. I trust you. But you cannot say this to anybody.” Connor spoke carefully
Gullible for a man who works in a cult
“What I put in that joint was bliss oil and ground up Moonflower....l-look I’m sorry okay...the flower adds to the high and the oil makes it burn longer” Connor had a very regretful tone in his voice. But that didn’t explain what any of that substance was...
“What the fuck is bliss oil? And moonflower...sounds slightly familiar..” Angel said confused
“Don’t worry about it. Can you meet me near John’s ranch later?” Connor asked
“That asshole? Fat chance drug mule” Angel returned with a chuckle
“Ya know you should be nicer. And how do you remember him easily???” Connor huffed, malcontented
“This man has been harassing me the last four months ever since I moved here. I think at that point it’s safe to say he has a rememorable face....a punchable one too.” Angel sneered
“O-oh right....probably not a good place then huh...”
“Of c- didn’t you say that I had a record Connor?”
“Okay okay...I wasn’t thinking straight-“
“That would be great love” Angel mocked
“Ain’t you a peach...you know...I’m starting to believe what John was saying about you.....hmm.” The radio clicked and went silent
“Oh I’m goin to nick his ears off...” Angel growled “Can finish a sentence but not a fight”
Angel got up after having a moment of planning to beat up Connor later and decided it might be better to head to Fall’s End...maybe after a nap of course.. he won’t have to worry about Connor till later.
Angel decided to head back into his room and throw himself on his bed “Oooh...” Angel breathed out “I have a feeling this is gonna be one fucking day.” Angel drawled out in exhaustion before closing his eyes shut.
Angel had a horrible gut wrenching feeling...that voice...that terrible fucking voice...
"𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁...." the voice sang his name in a comforting tone...but that voice was never a comfort to him
He kept his eyes shut...but didn’t know how much longer he would have to for him to go away...it was impossible to ignore something that was so insisting and demanding...
"𝒲𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓊𝓅...𝑀𝓎 𝓈 𝑜 𝓃."
He opened his eyes and saw red. Only red. The walls of his room. Red. The ceiling. Red. Where he slept. Red. The sky. Red. Everything was Red. He immediately felt sick but he couldn’t escape there was no escape. He sat up.
There he was in the doorway. Blocking his only way out. The tall figure that loomed over Angel’s doorway. A Man that Angel could never fight, The Man that Angel fears the most more than anything...anyone in the world
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓮𝔃
Angel quickly looked around but realized he was stuck. He was backed into a wall. There was no way he would make it out alive.
"𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝑒 𝒾𝓈...𝑀𝓎 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎." The voice said tenderly moving closer to him
“D-don’t call me that....” Angel moved back to try to move himself away from the Man but there was no use of it. He started breathing heavy. With every step the Man took the more weight he felt on his chest. He started to spiral, every fighting instinct left his body. He felt like a rabbit being hunted by a Lion.
“𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜 𝒾𝒻 𝐼 𝒹𝑜?"
“help...h e l p.” He tried to call out but struggled to get the words out between breaths “somebody help me. get me out of here.”
The Man grabbed Angel’s face and tightened his grip, enough to leave bruises on the skin. All the fight left his body...he froze in horror having to force himself to look in his eyes. Tears started to stream down his face and he whimpered and tried to scream.
"𝒮𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽...𝓆𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓌..𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝑒" the Man stroked Angel’s face gently while shushing him like a puppy
“I don’t feel safe around you...I will never be safe or free in your hands....” Angel rasped out, nearly overworking his lungs for air “I will never call myself your son.”
The Man’s eye twitched but he cracked a smile "𝒜𝒽..." the man clicked his tongue before breathing in "𝒩𝑜..𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇" he retreated slightly before taking both of his large hands and pressing them on Angel’s throat, tighting them and he watched Angel panick and try to push him away legging out a crooked laugh
Angel saw his vision fading and slowly going dark. He was trying to fight back but it was a losing battle to begin with. So, he gave up.
"𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶 𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃"
Angel immediately woke up and started coughing and immediately felt something coming up his throat. He ran to the bathroom and flipped the toilet cover up and immediately started retching. Fluids poured out of his mouth that burned his nose and throat. And when he thought he was done more came back up. After finishing he was shaking and his head was pounding, tears were streaming down his cheeks and he still felt that weight in his chest. He looked into the toilet and...it was red. He flushed the toilet quickly as the color made him nauseous again not to mention he didn’t even have a chance to eat. It was nothing but bile. Angel sat back. He couldn’t even bring himself to try to speak to himself. So he sat on the floor, trembling....crying. The silence in the house was loud. He has to get out of here.
Angel quickly got up in a panic and washed his face and brushed his teeth, wanting to get that awful taste of bile off his tongue. After he packed his backpack with survival tools and some basic needs to help him out...there...I mean there was just more than one man chasing after him...
He wasted no time leaving after, wiping whatever tears were left on his face, God, he hated looking vulnerable I mean he was already enough..
“I’m never taking a fucking nap again...not until the exhaustion comes over me...”
Angel made the trek to Fall’s End. And though it wasn’t a long hike, it was quiet...almost too quiet.
Angel reached for his hun and aimed at the sudden greeting
“Woah! Hey now! It’s just me Angel Mary May spoke softly
Angel lowered his weapon quickly in shock ‘I could’ve killed her for Christ sake’ he thought
“You okay love? You seem...different? On edge..?” she spoke with a tone that was almost a comforting as Missy, Bless her heart if she’s still out there
Angel tried to get the words out “....I......uhm...y-yea....kind of...just had a nightmare...no big deal...” he manage to put on a smile that could fool a careless man. But Mary saw right through it.
“Look I know you probably don’t wanna talk about whatever is going on with you bit don’t try to fool me with a smile m’kay” Mary scolded Angel a bit and started walking forward to Fall’s End
“Okay mom” Angel huffed out a laugh “Funny seeing you out here huh” Angel followed after her like a little duckling
“Funny seeing me out here? It’s noon Angel! Did you oversleep again?” Mary looked at Angel teasing him a bit
“Very funny. I was up earlier but was still tired from yesterday so I took a nap......unfortunately it didn’t work out in my...uhm....favor” Angel cleared his throat
“Well why don’t you tell me all about it?” Mary asked curiously
‘This is gonna be a common thing huh...’ Angel thought before breathing out “Where do I start?”
@mrspaigeomega @mrsladydiana @oorah22 @minilev @lilwritingraven @scungilliwoman
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Movie Night
A flashback kinda thing, I guess, showing Connie back before she met Death (when she still went by Chimera)
Contains some of Glo's shenanigans, some of her friendship with Cobalt, and even some of her friendship with her demon buddy, too :P
I know it leaves off at kind of a weird spot, but eh. I wasn't sure what else to add ^^"
Chimera let out a soft whine, and her companion snorted, arching a brow bone, "See? I told you that you wouldn't like this movie." The female skeleton made a face, lightly swatting at his arm, "Oh whatever, Cobalt! I don't remember you ever saying anything of the sort!" Cobalt sighed softly, absentmindedly wrapping his arm around Chimera and tugging her flush against his side. As a masked killer emerged from a building on the tv screen and began to pursue a group of young monsters, she turned, cuddling as close to her friend as possible and burying her face in part of his shoulder.
He sighed, content to have her in his arms as they sat on her living room sofa. Appearing in the entrance to her kitchen, an all too familiar pink and blue fire elemental held up a bag of unpopped popcorn, "Hey love birds, I'm making popcorn. You want any?" Both skeletons immediately froze, Chimera's face flushing bright orange while Cobalt's became a faint shade of blue. Chimera made a face at the fire elemental in question and groaned, "Come on, Glo! I thought you said you wouldn't tease us like that anymore!" Glo hummed, "No idea what you're talking about. Now do you want any popcorn, or am I only making it for myself?" The female skeleton rolled her eye lights, "I think I'm good for now. What about you?" She looked to Cobalt and he shrugged, "Sure, why not? I'll take a bag, I guess."
Glo playfully scoffed, her attention focused on Chimera as she gestured to him, "I'm tellin' ya, he knows what's up." Cobalt couldn't help the amused grin that found it's way onto his face and Chimera waved off her adopted sister's words, trying to hide her own tiny smile, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Glo." The fire elemental held the flat, unpopped bag of popcorn in both hands, and as her body temperature began to rise, the bag began to unfold on its own, the kernels inside loudly popping. Once the bag was done, she called out, "Incoming!" Chimera looked up in time to see Glo toss the bag in her direction, and her sockets widened. She let out a soft gasp as Cobalt moved without warning, raising a hand to catch the bag with seemingly no effort. Quickly trying to regain her composure, she prepared to scold Glo, only to find that Glo had already vanished back into the kitchen, likely to get another bag of popcorn from the cupboard.
When Glo returned and made herself comfortable on the floor, everything went silent as the three went back to watching their movie. As the end credits began rolling, Glo scooted away, and the pair of skeletons watched curiously as she wedged herself inside the unlit fireplace. Her body temperature began to rise again, warming the room ever so slightly and casting a pink and blue glow across the space. Chimera raised a brow bone, visibly confused, "Uhh Glo, what are you doing in there?" Glo took her phone out of her pocket and pushed a button, sliding it a bit away from herself and grinning mischievously as 'Careless Whisper' began to play through their Bluetooth radio, "I'm about to see this ship set sail. Now ignore me. I'm your warm, cozy evening fire and nothing more."
Chimera's orange blush slowly spread down to her shoulders, and she attempted to hide her face again, very clearly embarrassed as she murmured, "Oh my God, I cannot believe you right now..." Cobalt's blush gradually began to darken as well and he sighed, lifting his free arm and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, unsure of how he should respond. An unexpected guest cleared his throat and Chimera squeaked in surprise, jerking her entire body back away from Cobalt. Her guest arched a single brow, the rest of his expression appearing bored, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The female skeleton stared up at him with wide eyes, her face still burning a vibrant orange as she shook her head, "N-No, of course not! I-I um... What are you doing here, Dr. Wright?" The demon sighed softly, "Please. It's 'Soren', remember? We're past the point of needing formalities." Cobalt offered him a polite smile, "Hey there, Soren. What's up, dude?" The demon's attention snapped to him and he hummed in disapproval, "I said it was 'Soren' to her, not to you." Cobalt held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sorry. I guess I forgot about that."
In what felt like the blink of an eye, Glo slipped out of the fireplace and lowered her body temperature as she zipped across the room. Reaching out to delicately touch the demon's arm, she smiled sweetly up at him and purred, "Well hello there, Doctor~ I was starting to wonder when you'd come see me again." He deadpanned, his vibrant, almost neon green gaze boring into her, "It's 'Soren' to Chimera, and 'Dr. Wright' to that other bonehead. To you, however, it's 'Diamondback.' Please refrain from calling me anything else. If you do, I may have to hurt you for it. Do you understand?" Glo was frozen for a moment, nodding slowly, "...Yeah. I read you loud and clear." Diamondback sighed, "Good. Now will you please remove your hand from my arm? I don't care much for physical contact." The fire elemental nodded again, promptly releasing his arm and taking a step back, watching quietly as he looked over his sleeve, as if inspecting the area she'd touched.
Chimera also watched him, her breath momentarily catching in her false throat as his gaze locked with hers. Clearing his throat again, he lifted a hand, conjuring a small stack of books, "I thought I'd stop by to drop these off, since I remember how interested you were in them last time you were over." She smiled politely, standing and making her way over to him. Carefully accepting the books with one hand, her other gently patted his arm and she hummed, "Thank you, Soren. I appreciate that very much, and I'll be sure to get them back to you as soon as I'm finished reading them." The demon nodded, "Of course. Despite my numerous attempts to push you away, you kept coming back, and as fate would have it you're my friend now, so it's only fair that I allow you access to my personal library." Her smile widened slightly as she stepped aside, gingerly placing the books on a small stand, "That's very kind of you. I'm really happy that we're on such good terms like this."
Diamondback offered her a slight smile, his fangs peeking out of his mouth, "As am I." As Cobalt caught sight of the fangs, he shrunk back the smallest bit, absentmindedly lifting a hand to prod at one of his own, much smaller fangs. Glo's flames very briefly flickered in interest as she caught sight of the demon's fangs, and she let out a soft breath; For all she knew, Diamondback could be venomous, but she was dying to know what it'd be like to experience a bite from him. As if her interest was beginning to show on her face, the demon shifted his attention to her, his small smile falling into a frown, "Whatever disgusting thoughts you're having had better be gone soon. I don't like that you're ogling me, young lady."
Glo's face became flushed with a faint blush and she smiled awkwardly, "Sorry... Can't help it, I guess." She paused, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, "Not when you're this good looking. If you weren't so attractive, maybe I wouldn't ogle you as much." As if a switch had been flipped, the demon warped through the space between them, his hand firmly catching her jaw as he leaned down, his eyes narrowed as he hissed, "I would've let it slide this time, if you hadn't added on that additional little comment." Glo's soul began to beat faster in her chest and she stared at him with wide eyes, frozen in place. Not giving her the chance to say anything more, he bared his fangs, letting them both be fully exposed as a liquid - more than likely venom, Glo assumed - began to gather at the tips and a faint rattling sound could be heard from somewhere nearby. A single drop of his venom dripped down onto the carpet, and the demon drew in a deep breath, attempting to calm himself, "For the last time, you're not my type, and you never will be. I'm in the process of courting someone else, and I would like it very much if you could stop flirting with me."
The fire elemental continued to stare at him with wide eyes, still visibly in shock. Taking her silence as agreement, he released his hold on her jaw and the rattling sound around them began to fade away. Closing his mouth and allowing his lips to conceal his fangs again, he sighed softly, glancing up at Chimera as she cautiously approached him, keeping her voice low, "I'm sorry for all of her flirting, but I do appreciate that you're able to control your temper. Thank you for not lashing out, Soren." Diamondback's shoulders seemed to sag a bit and he hummed, mumbling back, "Of course... I might be a demon, but that doesn't mean I'm some irredeemable creature that enjoys causing harm." As if she could read his body language, she frowned, "And I've never thought that of you. Not even once. You have your good days and bad days, just like everyone else."
Diamondback offered her a small, vaguely saddened smile, "I appreciate that, Chimera. I think I should head on home now and call it a night, though... It's getting late, and I have work tomorrow." The female skeleton nodded in understanding, "That's alright. I hope you rest well tonight, Soren. I'll be over again tomorrow to drop off your mail and some goodies, since you seem like you could really use a few right now." Diamondback made a sound in acknowledgment, "Ok, that sounds like a plan, I suppose. Thank you in advance for the goodies, in case I'm not there when you stop by." Chimera offered him a small but genuine smile, gently patting his shoulder before taking a step back. Shifting his attention back to Glo, he sighed, "Apologies for the outburst. I hope I didn't traumatize you or anything." Glo nodded, her voice cracking, "I-It's ok. It's on me, for always hitting on you." The demon offered her a tiny smile, glad to hear that she was finally taking responsibility for something. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving the pair of skeletons and the fire elemental alone.
Chimera let out a soft sigh, returning to her seat on the couch. Casting a glance up at the clock that hung on the nearby wall, Cobalt frowned; Like Diamondback had said, it had gotten later than he'd realized. Because it was getting so late, that meant he'd have to head home for the night. He wasn't working tomorrow, so he could always ask if Chimera wanted to hang out again in the morning. He stole a glance at her, quietly appreciating her perfectly smooth ivory bones, the way her nimble fingers moved as she idly picked at her clothes, and the soft, peaceful smile she wore. As if she sensed him looking at her, Chimera met his gaze and tilted her head curiously, her cheekbones gaining the faintest hint of a blush, "Something on your mind, Cobalt?"
Snapping out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat and shook his head, his brow bones furrowing as he shook his head and offered her a small smile, "Nah, it's nothing, 'Mera. Just spacing out again, I guess." The female skeleton made a sound in understanding, "Ah, I see. You know, I think that's something that happens more often when you get tired. Have you been sleeping alright?" Cobalt shrugged his shoulders, glancing away from her and hoping she wouldn't notice the slight bags under his sockets, "Eh... My sleep schedule hasn't been the best, but at least it's better than nothing." Chimera frowned, reaching out to gently touch his arm, "Coby, you should've said something. If you'd like some medicine to help you sleep at night, I have more than enough in my cupboard."
At the nickname, his cheekbones flushed a soft shade of blue, and he grinned sheepishly, "I know, I know... Sorry about that. Are you sure you'd wanna give me any of that medicine though?... What if you run out sometime soon and don't have anymore when you need it?" Chimera arched a brow bone, "I can always make another trip to the store, you goof. It wouldn't be a problem, I promise. Just... You seem like you could use some, and I'd be happy to share." Cobalt let out a soft sigh in defeat, still smiling sheepishly, "Ok... If you're sure about that, then I guess it'd be alright. I just don't wanna inconvenience you at all, y'know?" She scooted closer to him, and without warning, lifted both hands, delicately cupping his face and prompting him to look at her. Locking gazes, his breath momentarily hitched, and his soft blush because a bit brighter. Making sure to hold his gaze, she offered him a reassuring smile, "Cobalt, it's ok. I don't mind giving you some medicine, if it means helping you sleep better at night."
She paused, lightly tapping on his cheekbone with her thumb, "I really like being able to help you, you know. It makes me happy." Cobalt was frozen, his blush very gradually becoming even brighter. His gaze drifted downward, briefly settling on her teeth. For a moment, he couldn't help but notice how smooth they looked, and then when he coaxed himself to make eye contact with her again, his sockets widened the smallest bit; Those beautiful eyes... They were focused solely on him. The soft glow from her eye lights cast a faint glow, and the warmth in her gaze made him melt. He snuck another quick glance at her teeth, and then he watched quietly as she seemed to mirror what he'd just done, her eye lights flickering downward to his own teeth.
She seemed to debate something for a moment, before she leaned closer, gently pressing her forehead to his. Cobalt stared at her, breathing in her scent and noting what seemed to be a hint of oranges in the smell as he looked at her. He opened his mouth to speak, wanting to somehow acknowledge how beautiful Chimera was, but to his frustration, no sound would come out. Keeping her voice soft, the female skeleton murmured, "I'm gonna go get that medicine for you... I think I'm gonna send you off with some of the leftovers from dinner, too. Is that ok?" Cobalt nodded, making a sound in confirmation as he murmured back, "Yeah, of course. I love your cooking, so it's not like I'd have any complaints with that."
A soft orange blush dusted across her face and she smiled, almost looking shy, "Ok... I'm really happy you like it that much." Cobalt could only smile back at her, his soul thudding inside his chest. As she withdrew her hands and backed up a bit, he let out a deep sigh, trying to push back to disappointment he felt; She was so close, and he could've sworn he felt something there. If he had acted on it the way he'd wanted to, then maybe, just maybe, he could've-
Chimera stood, vanishing from the room and leaving him alone with Glo, who was quietly staring at him with raised brows and the hint of a smug grin that was hidden within her flames. Looking at the fire elemental, he arched a brow bone, "What?" She hummed, still grinning, "Oh, I think you know 'what,' mister man." Cobalt willed his blush to fade and he deadpanned, "Nope. I have no idea what you're talking about." Glo let out an exaggerated sigh, moving closer to him, "Oh come on, yes, you do. It was all of that, just now. Her touching your face, the foreheads touching, all of that prolonged eye contact, and the way you guys kept looking at each other's teeth. You wanted to kiss her, didn't you?" Cobalt's blush reignited, now so bright that it began to glow faintly, "Shut up, airhead. What if she hears you saying stuff like that?" Completely unbothered by what she'd been called, Glo tilted her head, "I'm gonna take that as a 'yes.' If I'm right, then why didn't you?"
Cobalt fell silent, his gaze shifting away from his companion. He watched to entrance to the kitchen for a few seconds before mumbling, "...I dunno if she even likes me, like that... And I wouldn't wanna feel like I was forcing anything on her. If that's what it felt like from her perspective, that means I might as well say goodbye to my friendship with her." The fire elemental stared at him for a moment before reaching out and flicking his face. He jerked back away from the contact in surprise, "What was that for, weirdo?" Glo raised a single brow and sighed again, "You're such a dweeb, y'know that? If you're not sure how she feels about you, then ask. If she doesn't give you the response you want, you can either pass off the question as nothing more than curiosity, or you can make your big confession. If you take a risk and tell her how you feel, then who knows... Maybe she'll end up feeling the same."
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kingstylesdaily · 4 years
Stevie Nicks Answers All Our Questions About Harry Styles
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Of all the disciples to worship at the altar of Stevie Nicks, none have managed to capture the attention of rock’s reigning priestess quite like Harry Styles.
The 26-year-old rocker (who this week received three Grammy nominations) is the Gucci-clad poster boy carrying the torch for a bygone era of music history that the Fleetwood Mac frontwoman helped crystallize. Styles recently cited the group’s 1977 (and still charting) classic “Dreams” as one of the first songs he learned the words to growing up. Their friendship began in 2015 after the former One Direction member presented his idol with a hand-piped birthday cake after a Fleetwood Mac gig in London. (“Glad she liked carrot cake,” he later said.) The years since have seen the duo’s mutual affection blossom into one of pop culture’s most cherished bondings.
Last year, when Styles inducted Nicks into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, he proclaimed the 72-year-old “everything you’ve ever wanted in a lady, a lover, in a friend.” Nicks has gushed about him in interviews as everything from “the son she never had” to her “love child” with bandmate Mick Fleetwood. Styles earned her official seal of approval after covering “The Chain” every night of his first solo tour in support of a record that sounds closer to Crosby, Stills & Nash than anything he released under his prior band.
“Harry could’ve lost a lot of fans, but he didn’t,” Nicks recently told Vogue over the phone. “I’m so proud of him because he took a risk and didn’t go the One Direction route. He loves One Direction, I love One Direction, and a gazillion other people do too, but Harry didn’t wanna go the pop route. He wanted straight-up rock and roll circa 1975.”  
Nicks has been embracing some of the busiest years of her dual careers as both Fleetwood Mac frontwoman and solo sorceress—and doing so amid a global pandemic. Since she last performed with Styles at the Forum for his Fine Line release show in December, she’s released a 24 Karat Gold concert film and “Show Them the Way,” her politically minded single and first piece of original music in six years. After Miley Cyrus asked for Nicks’s blessing before releasing her “Edge of Seventeen”–tinged “Midnight Sky,” the two joined forces for an exhilarating new mash-up titled “Edge of Midnight.”
In honor of Styles making history as the magazine’s first solo cover boy, Nicks caught up with Vogue to answer all our questions about their cosmic connection. Currently beachside with her quarantine bubble in Hawaii, she’s been doing what one would expect Stevie Nicks to be up to during a pandemic: writing new music, dancing around her house to “Watermelon Sugar,” and “casting little spells.” As befitting rock’s foremost storyteller, our intended 30-minute chat turned into a two-hour confessional about her love of Styles, working with Cyrus for the first time, joining Fleetwood Mac, the president-elect Joe Biden, the Met Gala, betta fish funerals, and much more.
ksd note: edited to only include Q&A about Stevie and Harry!
Did you get a chance to look through Harry’s cover story yet?  
Right before I called you, I sat here and looked at all the pictures on my new iPad. What can I say? That’s my Harry. I think the thing that’s most wonderful about him—and I’ve told him this, and sometimes I think he takes it the wrong way—is that he’s such a kooky guy. He’s the type of person you’d wanna live next door to. He’d look out the window, see you having a hard time planting flowers, and rush out asking, “Can I help you with those roses?” “Sure, but you are Harry Styles, right?” That’s who he is.
I really only know him to a certain extent, but I have gotten to experience some big moments in his life, like when he released his first solo record at the Troubadour. I always think of Tom Petty saying, “So, you wanna be a rock star or you wanna be a pop star?” It’s two completely different things, and he really could have gone pop like his friend Zayn [Malik]. I was sorry that Zayn didn’t keep going more because I thought he was really good. But he took the pop route, which I think was right for him. Harry could’ve lost a lot of fans doing rock and roll, but he didn’t. Harry did a long tour with that first record and said, “I’m a different person now. I have a full-on rock band, and this is what I’m gonna do.” With many of my records, I’ll stuff down peoples’ throats until they like it, and that’s exactly what he did. Then he went away and wrote Fine Line, one of my favorite records.
What were your immediate thoughts listening to Fine Line for the first time?
Me and four of my friends sat with Harry in his living room  in London and listened to it a few times before it came out. But it wasn’t really Fine Line yet. The first time we listened to it, nobody really said anything. The second time everyone started to go, “I think this song is great, but it should be second in the sequence.” By the third listen, it was five girls screaming, “Well, Harry really now, I think you need to take these four that are called Harry Songs and do this and that—” while he’s sinking in his reclining chair thinking, Are these women ever gonna leave? Thanks for your opinions, but oh, my God, stop already.  
What changed when you heard the record in it’s finished form?
This record means a lot to me. When it was all put together, I listened and said, “Oh, my god, the Beatles live.” A whole lot of people live in these songs. Fleetwood Mac lives there. I live there. When I listen to “Fine Line,” I hear melodies that would’ve worked on “A Day in the Life. “It has that same kind of complexity. I think the Beatles would’ve thought, Here we’ve influenced a young man who took some incredible things from us and made them his own years and years later.
Earlier this year you posted a message saying that Fine Line is Harry’s Rumours. Can you elaborate on what you meant by that?
When Harry asked me to do “Landslide” with him at the Forum, I asked why, and he said, “Because I want you to be there. You were there for my first night at the Troubadour for the first record.” That night I wrote him a letter that said, “This is your Rumours so you have to really respect it and adore it because these kinds of records sometimes don’t ever come again.” Fleetwood Mac went on to make many great records, but people would bet their life on the fact that Rumours was the one. And this might just be the one for Harry. We were all kind of the same age when we made Rumours. I was 28, and Lindsey [Buckingham] was 27. I actually don’t even know how old Harry is—he’s that timeless to me.
Do you have a personal favorite of his songs?
Every one represents a different thing to me. “Sunflower” is such a great little song. He loves to do crazy videos, and one time I called him and said, “I have an idea. You’re gonna be a bee, and the sunflower would be your girlfriend, and you guys would get married and live in a beehive with your little bee children. You’d sing the lyrics ‘kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor duh duh duh’ and show this entire bee relationship.” 
What did he think of that pitch?
When I finished, the other end of the phone was silent. I said, “No, really, think about it. It’ll be fantastical like a Francis Ford Coppola movie.” He’s like, “Yeah, okay...” [laughs]. I also love the “Adore You” video with the little fish because I have my own special relationships with fish.
In what sense?
I always have two beta fish, but they have to be separated otherwise they’ll kill each other. I stick my finger into their aquarium, and the blue one will swim around my hand like a little dolphin. When my fish get old and suddenly die, I have funerals for them in my backyard where I play Celine Dion. I have them filmed, and everything [laughs]. It’s too much, but I thankfully haven’t had any recent fish deaths. I haven’t even been able to sit down and show Harry the videos of my little fish, so when I saw the “Adore You” video, I couldn’t believe it.
Why is it important for you to foster these relationships with younger artists like Harry who’ve been so openly influenced by you?
I’m inspired by them. I’m inspired that Miley wants to make music with me. I’m inspired that the Haim girls are my biggest fans—and I theirs. A lot of these kids are making the amazing records I’ve been waiting for them to make. I’m not like other 72-year-olds. I listen to current music because I want to be current. When people find out how old I am versus the music I’m listening to, they think it doesn’t gel at all. I’ve been collecting musical knowledge since I was in the fourth grade listening to the singles my grandfather used to bring home. I listened to Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers until the sixth grade when R&B radio became Top 40. I said goodbye country and hello R&B, so it’s not like I’m ever stuck on one thing. What I love about Harry is that he’s very old school but still modern. And that’s kinda like me.
You both also transitioned from massive groups to equally massive solo careers rather seamlessly.
When I decided I wanted to be a solo artist, I’d only been in Fleetwood Mac for a few years. I tried to figure out a way to do it gracefully because I didn’t wanna break up the band. I just wanted to sit at my piano and write poetry. After we did a record and a really long tour, the band scurried off to different parts of the world while I’d just be home writing songs for a year and a half. What did they care what I did while they were all on vacation? I’ve always said all the way through these two careers I’ve had: If you’re in a band first, never break it up.
Do you think One Direction would ever reunite?
I think it’s a good idea. For all we know, One Direction is completely broken up forever. But I think those guys are friends, and five or ten years down the road, they could all go, “You know what, wouldn’t it be really fun to do a One Direction tour?” Because that’s what people do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did reunite at some point just because they can. And because it would just be fun. Harry is the kind of person who would never stomp on that idea. He would never say, [imitates posh English accent] “Never! I would never do that again!” Because why not just keep the door open?
Was there any particular detail or passage in Harry’s cover story that stuck out to you?
According to this article, he can get in a car with his friend to drive all over Europe then drive back by himself. I stopped driving in 1978 because my driver’s license expired and I’d already made a lot of money. I very smartly thought, “You know what, if someone even hits you and it’s not even your fault but you’re a little drunk, you are done. You’re finished, and the fortune that you’ve made is gone, so why should you drive anyway?” By then me and Christine were very cloistered, but Harry’s able to live a freer life because he’s a guy. He’s like Mick. He has a free life.
Would you say that you don’t?
I’m only comparing us in the way that Harry goes off to the Bahamas to work on songs, then flies back to L.A., then London, then Italy—I can’t do that. I can’t do that by myself. He’s able to do whatever he wants by himself, and it’s a whole different way of life. Being that Harry is a guy, he’s able to be a loner more than I am. As a woman, I’m not free to do all that. Even when I was his age, I couldn’t just get off anywhere I wanted. When we were on the road, Christine and I didn’t have a clue in the world what the boys did. We went to our rooms with security guys standing outside. It’s not like we ever escaped to go club-hopping in downtown Manhattan. We never got to live that life, so freedom as Harry knows it is very different than it’s been for me.
Did you ever have any figure in your life who provided some sense of mentorship the way you have to artists like Harry?
I didn’t really have anyone. If I had any guiding force at all, it probably would’ve been Christine McVie because she was five years older than me. And five years is five years, you know? Chris was friends with Eric Clapton and knew all the famous musicians in London. She’d married John [McVie] and done a bunch of records with Fleetwood Mac before I came along, so she’d been in the music business for a long time. I was breaking up with Lindsey when she was breaking up with John. She was my therapist and my go-to person for just about everything. We had each other to get through that really difficult situation where no one was gonna quit the band. Christine and I kept the whole thing together by telling the three men, “You quit because we’re not stopping” Thank God I had her, but on the other side of that, thank God she had me. We really were a force of nature.
** I’m curious to what extent fashion plays a role in your and Harry’s relationship. Have you** gifted him any accessories that were significant to you?
I actually gave him a ring at the Forum thing. It’s very masculine and has a pink stone in it. I told him it was a pink diamond, but it really isn’t. It would’ve cost $5 million. It was mine, and I really loved it, but I thought, This should be for Harry. You can see it on his hands in the “Falling” video where he’s playing the piano. If Harry and I were in a band together, we’d be trading all kinds of crazy stuff.
What are your thoughts on him being the first solo male cover in Vogue’s history?
It makes me feel so inspired. I’m extremely jealous he’s on the cover of Vogue because I’m 72 years old and have wanted to be on the cover my whole life. I’m such a magazine hag, so I’m incredibly jealous of Harry, but I’ll get over it. As far as all the crazy things he’s wearing, you do whatever you have to do to be on the cover of Vogue. I’m very proud of him, and I think it’s great that there’s a man on the cover…but I should’ve been in the corner off in the distance [laughs]. Did you know I’ve never been to the Met Gala?
We would be honored to have you at the next gala and every one after that. I’m putting this in the article to make sure it’s in the public record.
As Mick Jagger says, “We still have our freedom, but we don’t have much time.” I would like to be not much older than I am now so I can wear a fantastic outfit and entertain everybody. It’s a dream of mine, and most of my dreams have come true, but I need to not be 90 when it happens.
Harry and you could perform together.
We wouldn’t even have to rehearse. We’ve got a couple of duets that are really great. We do “Landslide” and “Two Ghosts” together really well. We actually have five or six terrific acoustic numbers that we could do at the drop of a hat.
You hinted earlier this year that there might be a role for Harry in the miniseries based on the stories of Rhiannon. Is there any update there?
This is probably the third-biggest thing I’ve ever done in my life after Fleetwood Mac and my solo career. There’s a lot to be done in the movie business before I can start riding my horses across the mountains of Wales. I’ve signed with a movie company—I’m not gonna tell you who—and we just signed a writer. I’m not gonna tell you who that is either, but there’s an amazing part for Harry. My favorite character in the series is the only man who goes through all four books. He’s a magician who doesn’t wanna be king, and I think Harry would just be so perfect.
Have you and Harry discussed collaborating on any future music together?
We’re open to making music together because we’ve been very successful when we go onstage just to do one song. I would love to be in a band with Harry, but even if I never saw him in person again, he’s made a record that breaks my heart in a million places like Fine Line. As far as music goes, there’s plenty of fun things that he and I could do. We can just reach out to each other and do it. I’m always ready to slip back into those high-heel black suede boots and become my alter ego.
via Vogue.com
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hlupdate · 4 years
Of all the disciples to worship at the altar of Stevie Nicks, none have managed to capture the attention of rock's reigning priestess quite like Harry Styles.
The 26-year old rocker (who this week received three Grammy nominations) is the Gucci-clad poster-boy carrying the torch for a bygone era of music history that the Fleetwood Mac front-woman helped crystallize. Styles recently cited the group's 1977 (and still charting) classic “Dreams” as one of the first songs he learned the words to growing up. Their friendship began in 2015 after the former One Direction member presented his idol with a hand-piped birthday cake after a Fleetwood Mac gig in London. (“Glad she liked carrot cake,” he later said.) The years since have seen the duo's mutual affection blossom into one of pop culture‘s most cherished bondings.
Last year, when Styles inducted Nicks into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he proclaimed the 72-year old “everything you’ve ever wanted in a lady, a lover, in a friend.” Nicks has gushed about him in interviews as everything from “the son she never had” to the “love child” of her and bandmate Mick Fleetwood. Styles earned her official seal of approval after covering “The Chain” every night of his first solo tour in support of a record that sounds closer to Crosby, Stills & Nash than anything he released under his prior band.
“Harry could've lost a lot of fans but he didn't. I’m so proud of him because he took a risk and didn’t go the One Direction route," Nicks recently told Vogue over the phone. "He loves One Direction, I love One Direction, and a gazillion other people do too, but Harry didn't wanna go the pop route. He wanted straight-up rock-and-roll circa 1975.”
Nicks has been embracing some of the busiest years of her dual careers as both Fleetwood Mac front-woman and solo sorceress—and doing so in the midst of a global pandemic. Since she last performed with Styles at the Forum for his Fine Line release show in December, she’s released a 24 Karat Gold concert film and “Show Them the Way,” her politically-minded single and first piece of original music in six years. After Miley Cyrus asked for Nicks's blessing before releasing her “Edge of Seventeen”-tinged “Midnight Sky,” the two joined forces for an exhilarating new mash-up titled “Edge of Midnight."
In honor of Styles making history as the magazine’s first solo cover-boy, Nicks caught up with Vogue to answer all our questions about their cosmic connection. Currently beachside with her quarantine bubble in Hawaii, she’s been doing what one would expect Stevie Nicks to be up to during a pandemic: writing new music, dancing around her house to “Watermelon Sugar“ and “casting little spells.” As befitting rock’s foremost storyteller, our intended 30-minute chat turned into a two-hour confessional about her love of Styles, working with Cyrus for the first time, joining Fleetwood Mac, the president-elect Joe Biden, the Met Gala, betta fish funerals, and much more.
Did you get a chance to look through Harry's cover story yet?  
Right before I called you I sat here and looked at all the pictures on my new iPad. What can I say? That's my Harry. I think the thing that’s most wonderful about him—and I've told him this and sometimes I think he takes it the wrong way—is that he’s such a kooky guy. He’s the type of person you'd wanna live next door to. He’d look out the window, see you having a hard time planting flowers and rush out asking "Can I help you with those roses?" "Sure but you are Harry Styles, right?" That's who he is.
I really only know him to a certain extent but I have gotten to experience some big moments in his life like when he released his first solo record at the Troubadour. I always think of Tom Petty saying "So you wanna be a rock star or you wanna be a pop star?" It's two completely different things and he really could have gone pop like his friend Zayn [Malik]. I was sorry that Zayn didn't keep going more because I thought he was really good. But he took the pop route, which I think was right for him. Harry could've lost a lot of fans doing rock-and-roll but he didn't. Harry did a long tour with that first record and said “I'm a different person now. I have a full-on rock band and this is what I'm gonna do.” With many of my records I’ll stuff down peoples' throats until they like it and that's exactly what he did. Then he went away and wrote Fine Line, one of my favorite records.
What were your immediate thoughts listening to Fine Line for the first time?
Me and four of my friends sat with Harry in his living room  in London and listened to it a few times before it came out. But it wasn't really Fine Line yet. The first time we listened to it nobody really said anything. The second time everyone started to go "I think this song is great but it should be second in the sequence." By the third listen it was five girls screaming "Well Harry really now, I think you need to take these four that are called "Harry Songs" and do this and that—” while he’s sinking in his reclining chair thinking "Are these women ever gonna leave? Thanks for your opinions but oh my god stop already."
What changed when you heard the record in it’s finished form?
This record means a lot to me. When it was all put together I listened and said "Oh my god, The Beatles live." A whole lot of people live in these songs. Fleetwood Mac lives there. I live there. When I listen to "Fine Line” I hear melodies that would've worked on “A Day in the Life.“ It has that same kind of complexity. I think the Beatles would've thought “Here we’ve influenced a young man who took some incredible things from us and made them his own years and years later.”
Earlier this year you posted a message saying that Fine Line is Harry’s Rumours. Can you elaborate on what you meant by that?
When Harry asked me to do "Landslide" with him at the Forum I asked why and he said "Because I want you to be there. You were there for my first night at the Troubadour for the first record.” That night I wrote him a letter that said “This is your Rumours so you have to really respect it and adore it because these kinds of records sometimes don't ever come again.” Fleetwood Mac went on to make many great records but people would bet their life on the fact that Rumours was the one. And this might just be the one for Harry. We were all kind of the same age when we made Rumours. I was 28 and Lindsey was 27. I actually don't even know how old Harry is—he's that timeless to me.
Do you have a personal favorite of his songs?
Every one represents a different thing to me. “Sunflower” is such a great little song. He loves to do crazy videos and one time I called him and said “I have an idea. You're gonna be a bee and the sunflower would be your girlfriend, and you guys would get married and live in a beehive with your little bee children. You’d sing the lyrics “kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor duh duh duh” and show this entire bee relationship.”
What did he think of that pitch?
When I finished the other end of the phone was silent. I said "No really, think about it. It’ll be fantastical like a Francis Ford Coppola movie.” He’s like “Yeah, okay...” (laughs). I also love the "Adore You” video with the little fish because I have my own special relationships with fish.
In what sense?
I always have two betta fish but they have to be separated otherwise they'll kill each other. I stick my finger into their aquarium and the blue one will swim around my hand like a little dolphin. When my fish get old and suddenly die I have funerals for them in my backyard where I play Celine Dion. I have them filmed and everything (laughs). It’s too much but I thankfully haven’t had any recent fish deaths. I haven't even been able to sit down and show Harry the videos of my little fish so when I saw the “Adore You” video I couldn’t believe it.
Why is it important for you to foster these relationships with younger artists like Harry who’ve been so openly influenced by you?
I'm inspired by them. I'm inspired that Miley wants to make music with me. I’m inspired that the Haim girls are my biggest fans—and I theirs. A lot of these kids are making the amazing records I’ve been waiting for them to make. I’m not like other 72-year olds. I listen to current music because I want to be current. When people find out how old I am versus the music I'm listening to they think it doesn't gel at all. I’ve been collecting musical knowledge since I was in the fourth grade listening to the singles my grandfather used to bring home. I listened to Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers until the sixth grade when R&B radio became Top 40. I said goodbye country and hello R&B, so it’s not like I'm ever stuck on one thing. What I love about Harry is that he's very old-school but still modern. And that's kinda like me.
You both also transitioned from massive groups to equally massive solo careers rather seamlessly.
When I decided I wanted to be a solo artist I'd only been in Fleetwood Mac for a few years. I tried to figure out a way to do it gracefully because I didn’t wanna break up the band. I just wanted to sit at my piano and write poetry. After we did a record and a really long tour the band scurried off to different parts of the world while I’d just be home writing songs for a year and a half. What did they care what I did while they were all on vacation? I’ve always said all the way through these two careers I've had: if you're in a band first, never break it up.
I know Beyoncé because I spent a day with Destiny’s Child making the “Bootylicious” video. I owe them a debt of gratitude because that’s the one time I ever got to pretend I played rock-and-roll guitar! But when Beyoncé made the decision to be a solo artist she did not see herself going back to Destiny's Child every couple of years. And that's a perfectly acceptable decision because sometimes that's what people wanna do. I, on the other hand, said why not have the ability to go back to Fleetwood Mac whenever I want? Being a Gemini I get bored really easily, so being able to have those two careers was great.
Do you think One Direction would ever reunite?
I think it's a good idea. For all we know, One Direction is completely broken up forever. But I think those guys are friends and five or ten years down the road they could all go "You know what, wouldn't it be really fun to do a One Direction tour?" Because that's what people do. I wouldn't be surprised if they did reunite at some point just because they can. And because it would just be fun. Harry is the kind of person who would never stomp on that idea. He would never say (imitates posh English accent) "Never! I would never do that again!" Because why not just keep the door open?
Was there any particular detail or passage in Harry’s cover story that stuck out to you?
According to this article he can get in a car with his friend to drive all over Europe then drive back by himself. I stopped driving in 1978 because my driver's license expired and I'd already made a lot of money. I very smartly thought "You know what, if someone even hits you and it's not even your fault but you're a little drunk, you are done. You're finished and the fortune that you've made is gone, so why should you drive anyway?” By then me and Christine were very cloistered, but Harry's able to live a freer life because he's a guy. He's like Mick. He has a free life.
Would you say that you don’t?
I'm only comparing us in the way that Harry goes off to the Bahamas to work on songs then flies back to LA then London then Italy—I can't do that. I can't do that by myself. He's able to do whatever he wants by himself and it's a whole different way of life. Being that Harry is a guy, he's able to be a loner more than I am. As a woman I'm not free to do all that. Even when I was his age I couldn't just get off anywhere I wanted. When we were on the road Christine and I didn't have a clue in the world what the boys did. We went to our rooms with security guys standing outside. It's not like we ever escaped to go club-hopping in downtown Manhattan. We never got to live that life so freedom as Harry knows it is very different than it’s been for me.
Did you ever have any figure in your life who provided some sense of mentorship the way you have to artists like Harry?
I didn't really have anyone. If I had any guiding force at all it probably would've been Christine McVie because she was five years older than me. And five years is five years, you know? Chris was friends with Eric Clapton and knew all the famous musicians in London. She’d married John [McVie] and done a bunch of records with Fleetwood Mac before I came along so she'd been in the music business for a long time. I was breaking up with Lindsey when she was breaking up with John. She was my therapist and my go-to person for just about everything. We had each other to get through that really difficult situation where no one was gonna quit the band. Christine and I kept the whole thing together by telling the three men "You quit because we're not stopping” Thank god I had her, but I think on the other side of that thank god she had me. We really were a force of nature.
I’m curious to what extent fashion plays a role in your and Harry’s relationship. Have you gifted him any accessories that were significant to you?
I actually gave him a ring at the Forum thing. It’s very masculine and has a pink stone in it. I told him it was a pink diamond but it really isn't, it would've cost $5 million. It was mine and I really loved it but I thought "This should be for Harry.” You can see it on his hands in the "Falling" video where he’s playing the piano. If Harry and I were in a band together we’d be trading all kinds of crazy stuff.
How did you come to decide on your all-black stage uniform?
I started getting paid when I joined Fleetwood Mac but up until then I didn't have any money to buy food. All of a sudden we were going on tour so I just packed up my normal clothes. We started eating because there was room service and there I was gaining ten pounds in the middle of the tour. I didn't fit in any of the clothes and I didn't have time to shop so when I got home I said “I can never do this again.” I knew a friend who knew a designer and I told her I needed a uniform because I can't be thinking about what I wanna wear every night. It makes it so much easier since everybody that's in Pittsburgh isn't necessarily gonna be in Philadelphia. Harry's done the same thing with his white pants and pink shirt.
What are your thoughts on him being the first solo male cover in Vogue’s history?
It makes me feel so inspired. I'm extremely jealous he's on the cover of Vogue because I'm seventy-two years old and have wanted to be on the cover my whole life. I’m such a magazine hag, so I’m incredibly jealous of Harry but I'll get over it. As far as all the crazy things he's wearing, you do whatever you have to do to be on the cover of Vogue. I'm very proud of him and I think it's great that there's a man on the cover… but I should've been in the corner off in the distance (laughs). Did you know I've never been to the Met Gala?
We would be honored to have you at the next gala and every one after that. I’m putting this in the article to make sure it’s in the public record.
As Mick Jagger says, "We still have our freedom, but we don't have much time." I would like to be not much older than I am now so I can wear a fantastic outfit and entertain everybody. It's a dream of mine and most of my dreams have come true, but I need to not be ninety when it happens.
Harry and you could perform together.
We wouldn't even have to rehearse. We've got a couple of duets that are really great. We do "Landslide" and “Two Ghosts” together really well. We actually have five or six terrific acoustic numbers that we could do at the drop of a hat.
You hinted earlier this year that there might be a role for Harry in the miniseries based on the stories of Rhiannon. Is there any update there?
This is probably the third-biggest thing I've ever done in my life after Fleetwood Mac and my solo career. There’s a lot to be done in the movie business before I can start riding my horses across the mountains of Wales. I've signed with a movie company—I'm not gonna tell you who—and we just signed a writer. I'm not gonna tell you who that is either but there’s an amazing part for Harry. My favorite character in the series is the only man who goes through all four books. He's a magician who doesn't wanna be king and I think Harry would just be so perfect.
Have you and Harry discussed collaborating on any future music together?
We're open to making music together because we've been very successful when we go onstage just to do one song. I would love to be in a band with Harry but even if I never saw him in person again he’s made a record that breaks my heart in a million places like Fine Line. As far as music goes there's plenty of fun things that he and I could do. We can just reach out to each other and do it. I’m always ready to slip back into those high-heel black suede boots and become my alter ego.
This interview has been edited for clarity and space.
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prince-ampora · 4 years
Maybe Zombiestuck!CronKri, if you would write that?
I know that there is already a zombiestuck au but I don't know how to find it or if cronkri is in it, so this is my own kinda thing!
-im so sorry this took so long! school, yknow?
-human zombie apocalypse au
-mentions all the other alpha trolls
-the alpha and beta kids are here, and the beta trolls
-jane is fat and strong and i will die on this hill
-a whole lotta character death
-cheating (mentioned)
The zombie apocalypse was something no one was prepared for. No matter how many movies people watched or how much of a survivalist they were, no one was prepared. So it's a wonder how Cronus and Kankri survived this long. Maybe they just happened to be lucky? No, that can't be a possibility. If the two were lucky, they would have been happy before all this. They could have saved the friends they lost when it started. They could have convinced Mituna not to sacrifice himself, and Latula not to go back for him, and stopped Porrim from look for that crying kid, and convince Damara to not storm off after finding Horuss and Rufioh sharing a bedroll in the morning, and force those two not to stay behind out of guilt to wait for her, and maybe they could have stopped Kurloz getting bit and turning Meulin, or stopped Meenah from running into a horde in some cool hero act, and stopped Aranea from trying to drag her out. So no, the two left from the group of twelve were not lucky. But at least they had each other, right? The two most annoying and selfish of the bunch, stuck together and barely surving. This was unlucky. But they still want to live, after everything, they want to keep going. So they keep moving.
"Kan, there's a radio station ahead. Should we go there for the night?" Cronus elbows the other, who's scanning the roads intently, "Oh, uh, sure. Maybe survivors will be using it to communicate and we can find a settlement." Cronus nods and takes Kankri's bag, "You cover us. Let's go." They run silently down the street, narrowly avoiding the detection of a zombie in an alley. The doors to the radio station are locked, but Cronus thankfully manages to pick it. Once inside, Kankri scouts the area. "It's all clear." "Good," Cronus nods, "Let's go check the frequencies." They find a console and flip through dead channels, before finding one working one, repeating a message.
Cronus smiles and Kankri starts crying. Finally, a safe place. Somewhere they can go. Kankri hugs Cronus and they sink to the floor. "We can go tomorrow. For now, we should sleep." Kankri nods and Cronus, words, and they lay down an open sleeping bag, then drag the other on top, holding each other. They don't know when this started, the cuddling, but it's the warmest and most mentally stabilizing option. At keast, that's what they kept telling themselves. But night after night of falling alseep in someones arms and being comforted by them when you wake up in tears... feelings happen. They never had time to address it but... maybe they finally can.
In the morning, they set out again. A horde had passed, but luckily it was in the opposite way they had to go. Kankri lead the way, having lived with his brother and father in Sburb Apartments before moving to college. Maybe they were still alive.
They managed to get there just as night fell. The doors were guarded by two very muscley women, one with long needles and the other with a chainsaw. "We heard the radio message. Neither of us have been bitten, can we go in? The one holding needles looks them up and down. "I'll take them in Kanaya." She leads them into the apartments and to a very clean room. "Jane, we've got survivors." Another woman, equally muscley but also chubby, comes out from behind a cabinet. "Oh goodness me, look at you two!" Needle lady leaves and the two are left clutching each others hands. "I need you two to strip so I can check for injuries. Will that be an issue at all?" Kankri elbows Cronus before he can say anything, "Not at all. Underwear too?" Jane shakes her head, "Only if you're comfortable." She leaves and the two strip down. She comes back with fresh clothes and looks them over. "Well, you two seem to be fine. Find Dave, he'll show you to an apartment. Or two, of you would rather stay apart." "No, together is fine," Cronus says, surprising Kankri. They dress in their dirty clothes again and leave the infirmary(?). A high schooler with a bunch of scars and a lair of shades two doors down stops them, "So, you two are new survivors?" Kankri nods at presumably Dave's question. "Woah, you look just like... Is your last name Vantas?" Kankri's eyes widen, "Yes! Is my brother here? My father?" Dave takes off his shades. "Karkat is here, but... your dad... he went out to find others and hasn't been back." Kankri's eyes fill with tears and Cronus pulls him into a tight hug. Dave hands him a room key, "I'll swing by with Karkat later." Cronus nods and Dave leaves.
Cronus gets Kankri into the room, "We should shower... You can go first." Kankri clutches onto him, "No, don't leave." Cronus lets out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be left alone either. "Let's shower together then." They strip once more, leaving the clean clothes on the sink. Cronus washes Kankri's hair as Kankri fiddles with Cronus' purple streak. It's so faded now. "Y'know... You didn't have to elbow me, in the infirmary." Kankri stops. "What do you mean? A girl was asking you to strip for her, I was not going to let you embarrass her." Cronus lets out a dry laugh. "I don't think I have it in me to do that stuff any more. And... even if I did... Kankri I think I love you." A long pause, and then Kankri smiles. "You know what Cronus? I think I might love you too."
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Borrowed (Chicago PD x Officer!Reader)
A/N: Hi again to those few people that pull through my fics when my lazy ass decides to write (lol♥) and hello to newcomers who stumbled with me haha. It’s my first time trying to write a gender neutral reader!! so please if you see something that is grammarly incorrect feel free to let me know (and also please remember that english is not my main language). I struggled with the ending and the title so sorry about that ): 
Warnings: blood, death.
Word counter: 1903.
The room was silent. Every member of the Intelligence Unit was staring at the board where seven photos of seven different people were under the title of 'VICTIMS'.
But the hardest part was that they knew who was responsible. They even had the monster in interrogation, taunting them, always almost confessing. Almost.
They watched him walk out, making eye contact with every one of them with a smile on his ugly and perverted face.
Not. Enough. Evidence.
"Okay enough moping around" says Voight from the door of his office. "I'm not waiting for another call to inform me that there's a new body. We know how he acts, how he chooses the victims, what are his preferences, where he hunts. What do we need?"
"To be one step ahead of him" replies Atwater.
"Exactly. Someone call Platt up here, I have an idea and I hope it's last one we will need" order the Sargent and started to explain the plan to his unit.
"What do you need Hank? Sorry for the delay, today is a bit crowded downstairs" asked Platt from the top of the stairs.
"I need to borrow one of your officers, if that's okay with you" answered Voight.
"Every time some of you said that sentence to me it ended with my patrol officer working up here, if you promise me to give her or him back to me at the end I'll bring you my big guns" joked Trudy. "Someone especial?".
"It's for an undercover gig, so they need to look similar to this victims" he explained while showing her the photos.
"I have someone in mind already, I'll send them right up".
A knock on the door pull the sargent out of his mind and signaled the officer to come in.
"Hi sir, I'm officer Y/N Y/L/N. Sargent Platt send me here but she didn't say much, there's something I can do for you?".
"Yes please take a sit, I'll fill you in what's the issue here".
After talking the details about the case and the suspect, Voight saw his team back from the assignments he had ordered and went to present to them his last hope.
"Team, this is officer Y/L/N and hopefully the end of this son of a bitch" commented the grey haired man.
Everyone was stunned silent for a few seconds, eyes trailing to the board and back to the first responder in front of them.
"Oh wow, I-I really see the resemblance" said Y/N watching the photo of a particular victim that was an almost carbon copy of the patrol officer. "It was the first victim you guys found right? Uhm sorry, it must be really hard".
"Yeah it is but thank you for coming" said Kim shaking their hand. "I'm sorry for asking but I don't really remember you from when I was patrolling, are you new?".
"I'm kinda new in this district, in a few months it will be two years but I also work on other place in daylight so I take all the night shifts I can here so, I don't see much of anyone" Y/N joked and surprisingly bringed a smile on the unit members face.
They hadn't smiled since they caught this case.
"Okay, I want you to go through everything again. Go" ordered Voight.
"Entering the club looking a bit self-conscious but not to much, looking around a bit and going straight to the bar.  Looking at the door and my phone then act like if I got stood up. Act a little tipsy but not drunk" Y/L/N listed, just like they have been practicing all afternoon until it was time to leave.
"What's your distress signal?" asked Halstead.
"What about... Popcorn?" they asked.
"Sounds pretty good to me" answered Adam with a half smile while finished testing the hidden microphone and camera.
"Hey remember that none of us can get in the club without tip him off, he know all of us but you so if you don't like something you call it early. It's a really private club and even with a badge it'll take us a beat to get in" said Voight looking very serious.
"Don't worry sir, I know I'm in good hands and I promise you that I will give my best to end this for good" Y/N smiled reassuringly at them.
Just like they planned, the monster had settled his attention towards the undercover patrol officer that now was sitting in a bar stool nursing the second beer of the night.
It was a waiting game now. That took an hour and a half, one more beer that was "accidentally" spilled and a tequila shot, but he finally made his move.
Y/N was good. Every piece of information they have gathered about this guy was being used carefully but also effectively.
"If you want I can show you around. I  know this place can be a bit intimidating on your first time here but I promise you, it gets so much better" he proposed. Got him.
"Yeah please, if it's not bother. I'm really trying new things but I'm kind of a introvert and-it's just really hard sometimes" Y/N half smiled him, "I really appreciate this".
They walk through the club, crossing the most weirdest, grossest and explicit zones until they got to a hallway full of rooms.
"And here we have the bedrooms" he presented, "I'll show you my favorite, everytime I'm here I use this one. I bought it so no one can use it and I can come here whenever I want. It's like my lucky charm".
"Okay everyone, be prepared" said Voight through the radio from his car outside the club. "I can feel we are close but Y/L/N's safety is objective number one".
"Wow t-this is... " Y/N stammered looking around the room, plastic covers were on the bed, couch, floor, walls... Except the ceiling. "Uhm, unique".
"Yeah it is" he smiled darkly locking the door and looking through a drawer that was next to it.
"Uhm do-do you smell that?" the officer asked walking backwards while looking for something to use as defense.
"Smell what?" The murderer asked putting on some gloves and searching for his hunting knife, still giving his back to his soon to be victim.
"Maybe it's my imagination but it smelled like popcorn for a second". Distress signal sended and received.
"Move! Now!" barked Voight through the radio while pulling out his gun and running towards the door.
"You look so much like someone I used to know" he said finally turning around and locking eyes with the officer that was now almost pressed to the opposite wall of the room. "Huh, I guess you kinda find out what I like to do here".
"The plastic covers were a bit much but with those gloves and the knife you just confirmed it" Y/N gulped, keeping the pen hidden from his vision.
"Wow by now all the people I brought here was shitting and pissing themselves, even after I gutted them" he mused walking slowly towards them. "Still, this is a nice surprise. I love when they put a little fight, very entertaining".
"Yeah well if you want entertainment we can go through all the training from the academy" Y/L/N smiled smugly at him when his face dropped, "I know it from memory".
"NOO!" he raged and run at the police officer with his knife but in retail getting stabbed in his arm with a pen, making him drop the hunting knife.
Hard punches swinged from both sides, all meeting their ultimate objectives. After a few nasty ones, the fight continued on the floor with the unfortunate overcome of the serial killer who was now on the top of the officer almost strangling them.
A commotion could be heard in the distance, distracting the assailant enough for the law enforcer to reach the knife and stab him in the guts, twice.
"I ended you" Y/N said to him, through gritted teeth and looking him in the eyes.
But... He smiled. That now bloody and perverted smile appeared and then an excruciating pain on the neck that sent an almost electric shock through their entire body.
The door was flunged out of its place and the Intelligence Unit barreled behind, spotting two people laying in a growing pool of blood. Their suspect with a knife in the abdomen and their colleague... With a pen stabbed in their neck, slowly chocking with the pouring blood.
"Oh God, call an ambulance right now! Request all the patrol cars, firetrucks, whatever the hell is available to clear the traffic towards the Chicago Med!" Voight yelled while going straight to his officer and putting pressure on the wound. "Hey kid, hold on okay? Help is coming".
"Hey Y/L/N come on, I owe you that beer so you ain't going anywhere okay?" said shakily Jay taking their bloody hand.
"W-we e-end it-t" Y/N chocked out, spitting accidentally a bit of blood into some of their clothes, looking at the team and then straight to the Sargent eyes.
"What do we have?" asked the paramedics as they entered the room, requesting a second ambo but rushing towards the officer who's condition was more critical.
"We need to leave right now!" yelled the paramedic loading the stretcher in the ambo and closing the doors.
"Halstead, Atwater and Rojas go behind, clear everything in your path, that ambo gets to the hospital in time record" barked Voight, turning around to look at the half dead criminal. "You and I are going to have a chat".
It's been an hour since patrol officer Y/N Y/L/N was wheeled in through the door of the Chicago Med. The waiting room is full of blues. One could though that a big name, a big charge is in the operation room right now... But no.
It's a colleague. A pair. A friend.
Dr. Halstead approached the waiting room joined with Maggie after treating the wounded officer. Clearing his throat to gain the attention and quiet the whispers, he informed them.
"I'm so sorry to inform you that officer Y/L/N didn't make it" sighed Will. "When they got here the blood loss was tremendously big but the second we had to take the pen out was impossible to recover. They didn't gave up quickly, Y/N wanted to keep fighting but the body couldn't anymore. I'm sorry guys".
"And when you can please, pass by the nurse station or just look for me if you know a family or significant other phones so we can contact them" said Maggie with a sad smile, leaving them to mourn their family in peace.
Slowly the law enforcers went back to their duties with a heavy heart but pleased with the rumors about Voight having taken care of the son of a bitch responsible for their loss.
The last ones to left were the Intelligence Unit. They catched the bad guy, the case was solved but it didn't felt like a win. Every one of them felt guilt, rage, sadness in one big wave that made them spechless all the ride to the precint and while they dressed in their formal blues preparing for the funeral.
District 21 didn't won that day.
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
I'm on my way (a whump drabble)
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Summary: The father of your unborn child, Mick Mars has finally the last concert of the tour and is eager to come home. You spend most of your time at his parents' house but when you are driving home an unexpected thing happens.
Being a wife to a rock star was never easy. Constant tours and albums and hardly any free time during them. But you exactly knew what you will face when you and Mick married. You have known each other since the Theatre of Pain tour when the Crüe went into a bar you actually worked in and you all meet there.
After dating for months you left your workplace and followed the boys on the tour. Then you got pregnant. In your 5th month Mick sent you home and didn't let you continuing the shows with them. He asked his parents to take care of you when he was not at home. Now you had a pretty big belly and was nearly in your 8th month.
"Eat more, honey, you look skinny." Tina, Mick's mother was really nice and helpful, and was your mother instead of the real one. She cooked for you and gave you several pieces of advice about raising a child. She told you many interesting and funny stories about little Mick and about her sister, Susie, she even showed you pictures.
"No, thank you. I have already eaten instead of two and I don't want to eat up your food." You leant back on the chair and rubbed your stomach with your hands sighing. Your little warrior was quite a wild one, he constantly let you know that he is such eager to come like his father did.
"Yo, Mick are you ready?" Vince yelled after knocking on the door. The guitarist was sitting in the changing room and waited for the concert to start. However he still had to call you before the show since he promised it. He went as quickly as his back let him to a phone booth and dialed his parents' home number. After a couple of minutes you picked it up.
"Hello, (Y/N)!"
"Hi Mick!" You mumbled in the phone since food coma hit you.
"Are you okay?" He asked worryingly immediately after he heard your voice.
"Of course. I'm okay. We are okay." You smiled and looked down on your belly. You felt your son kick and giggled. "Yes, it's daddy. It's your Dad speaking." You murmured.
"How is my little warrior?" He was smiling from ear-to-ear just hearing your voice, though he would be happier if he could see you. Finally it was the last concert of the tour and he was eager to arrive home sweet home to meet his beloved and his son.
"He is quite active lately. I'm pretty sure he will be a boxer or something. Or..." You were grinning from the thought.
"Or what?"
"A musician! Whenever I'm listening to music this little guy starts to dance like Michael Jackson." Mick sighed thinking maybe it's not the best idea for his son to follow his father's steps. One musician is more than enough in one family.
"We will see. Anyway Vince and the boys are sending hellos and big hugs for you. They say we will celebrate the birth of our son like no else has done before. I'm kinda scared if you ask me." He rubbed the back of head while playing several scenarios in his head how bad the party could be.
"Don't worry, I won't let them do any harmful things and I'm sure they will be the best uncles. They will love this boy to the moon and back."
"I hope so. Now I have to go but tomorrow we are heading back so we will soon see each other. I love you (Y/N)."
"We love you, too." You hung up the phone and headed to the couch to rest a bit before going back to your home to prepare everything for Mick's arrival.  As you sat down you looked out of the window and saw that it was already darkening.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay and sleep here?" Tina asked trying pursuade you not to drive home in the dark.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I want everything to be nice and ready when Mick arrives." You stated and started to pack your stuff.
"If you insist. Then I will pack you some food and ask Frank to bring it to your car." You placed a small kiss on her cheek, thanking her all the things she has already done for you. After saying goodbyes to Tina and Frank you got in the car and fasten your seatbelts and adjusted it not to bother your huge belly. You turn on the radio and set off from the driveway. It was pitch out there but luckily there wasn't so much car on the road. You hummed  along the song which was played and drummed on the wheel to the beat. Your eyes widened when you saw that a car was in your lines from the opposite direction. You honked but you exactly knew it won't help at all. You tried to turn the wheel away as fast as possible but other car hit yours hard. You heard the screeching of the tires and then a big bang. Your head was pounding and you lost your consciousness immediately.
"It was hell of a concert, man!" Nikki yelled as they walked down stage. His terror twin agreed as he patted Nikki's back.
"It was pretty wild, dude! Vinnie, what are you doing after this?" Vince turned around started walking backwards to be face-to-face to the drummer. He was grinning like a mad man and was laughing.
"Oh man. Didn't you see how many chicks wanted to get me?" He asked snickering. Mick just rolled his eyes and hoped his band mates won't do anything that could ruin their way back home.
"You got me there, dude." Tommy said while pointing at the singer. "And you Mick?"
"Being away from you." He muttered and tried not run away from these idiots.
"You already hyped up to see (Y/N) right?" Nikki asked while opening a bottle of Jack Daniel's when they arrived in the changing room. Mick nodded and sat down hissing from the pain his back was giving him.
"Oh man, I miss (Y/N) so much. I haven't annoy her in 4 months." Vince pouted.
"We will have the biggest party when (Y/N) and little dude comes home." Tommy cheered before Doc stormed in the room and was gasping for air. The boys looked at him questioning when he walked over to Mick.
"What is it, Doc? He asked their manager.
"You have to come to the TV. NOW!" They got up fast and followed Doc in the hallway. Many people were already there staring at the screen.
"Car crash on the motorway. We barely know anything about the condition of the drivers, the only thing we know that in the car which was driving in the wrong lane was completely wrecked and the passengers are wounded seriously. In the other car there was..." Mick heart skipped the beat when he recognized (Y/N)'s jet black car in the middle of the road. "We just got the news that the victim is the wife of the famous guitar player Mick Mars. She was critically injured but that's all we know right know. I will report the news as soon as we know something."
Mick quickly left the room and headed towards to the plane when Vince came running behind him.
"Mick wait!" He panted trying to catch his breath. Nikki and Tommy arrived soon and was walking next to the determined and shocked guitarist. "Mick stop! Listen here..."
"You don't have to come if don't want to. It's about my family so it's none of your business." Mick continued his way down the hall.
"What, no way man! We are coming with ya. Mötley Crüe is a family and we are stuck together no matter what." Nikki said and grabbed Mick's shoulder who sighed and smiled.
"Then come on let's go."
Even with the plane it was still two damn hours to get back to the city. Mick couldn't stop thinking about his wife and little boy. "I'm on my way, baby, just hold on." He whispered to himself looking out of the window. He constantly stomped his feet and was biting his lips worryingly. He couldn't eat a thing since the news and he wasn't even hungry. The boys were looking at him with sadness in their eyes, too. They loved (Y/N) more than anything and would give everything to save her.
After getting to the hospital Mick recognized his parents in the corridor. They got up in the moment they saw their son.
"Oh Robert, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let go alone. It's my fault." Mick sighed and hugged his mother strongly and was rubbing her back.
"Shh mom. It's not your fault at all. It was an accident. Believe me it wasn't you, okay?" He draw back and looked in her eyes making sure she didn't blame herself. His dad also hugged him and smiled sadly down at his frightened son. "Do we know anything about her?"
"No, they haven't told us anything. They told us to wait here, but it was like ages." Tina sat back and was playing with her scarf in her hand. Mick told his bandmates to go home, he will call them if he knows anything so they could come to visit you.
They were sitting in the hall for minutes when a nurse approached them.
"Mr Mars?" She asked not looking up the papers she was reading.
"Yes. How is she?"
"She was unconscious when she was brought in and she has many broken bones but apart from that she is lucky."
"And how is our son?" Mick was worried sick since the nurse haven't said a word about him.
"Well, since your wife was in the 8th month we thought it would be the best idea to operate your son from her. The surgery went well and they are both recovering now. Your son alive and he is healthy although he is in an incubator and you can only see him behind a window." Mick let out a long breath which he wasn't aware he was holding. He never felt so relieved before. His parents were also glad and followed the nurse to their newly born grandson.
"There he is in the middle." The nurse pointed on the bed and walked away after telling where was your room.
"Oh, Robert he is such a beautiful boy." Tina was trying to adore him through her now wet eyes.
"He got your eyes, son." Frank added as he glanced at Mick who couldn't took his eyes off his son. He felt he was luckiest guy on the Earth and couldn't believe that he is married to such a talented and perfect lady like you. After he was managed to think other than his son he told his parents to stay there until he is visiting you. He hesitated first before exiting the dark room but he silently stepped in and closed the door behind himself. He sat down a took a look at you. Your brown hair was still covered in blood just as your beautiful face. Mick leant closer and took your hand is his and placed a soft kiss on it.
"I will never let you go, (Y/N). Did you hear me? You won't get rid of me this easily." He promised to himself.
Two weeks later
"I can't believe I can finally sleep in my own bed now." You said while getting out of the car. You cautiously stretched your back before getting your son from the car. Mick stood next to you and waved you away.
"I will bring him in, babe." He said after kissing you on the lips.
"Thank you." You picked up your staff and opened the big door. When you stepped in you almost had a heart attack. All the boys and many people jumped in front of you cheering. Somebody switched the lights on and you can see the all the decoration and presents in the room.
"Guys, how..how?" You were looking for the right words from the shock, joy and happiness, you couldn't really decide.
"We told you we will throw the biggest party when you come home." Tommy yelled before giving you a big hug. You hissed from the pain but you didn't care anymore. You were with your family and that was the only thing that mattered.
tags:  @cmft-jr-winchester​ @leatherandheels​
This idea came up last night and I didn't want to insert in my other story so here it is.
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stevesnailbat · 5 years
Hi! So I saw that you were taking request and I was wondering if you could do one with Steve where the reader aka his girlfriend is pregnant but they’re not telling anyone yet but he lets it slip since he’s worried about her and Hoper(her dad) like freaks out but like is happy about it yet still mad. Maybe it’s happening at the battle at Starcourt. A bit angsty yet a lot of fluf. Also I just want to say I love your blog and hope you’re having an amazing day!!! ♥️♥️♥️
warnings: pregnancy?, a little angsty but pretty fluffy
word count: 1.8K
a/n: Kinda AU bc Hopper comes out of the base alive but besides that, everything is pretty canon. Thanks for the love and request, anon, enjoy!
“Are you...positive, that it’s positive?”
“Yes, Stevie. I’ve taken two of them to be sure.” Y/N said shakily as she watched her nervous wreck of a boyfriend pace around his bedroom.
She waited almost two weeks after her missed period to even confront Steve about being late, knowing that he would freak. As scared as she was for their future, she was sure that Steve would be a great and loving father just like he was a great and loving boyfriend. Tears of pent up fear sprung to her eyes when Steve turned to see her reaction, fiddling with the two sticks in her hands. Steve’s nervous demeanor immediately softened when he saw her tears, feeling bad for making her even more worried than she already was before telling him.
“Hey, hey. Don’t cry, baby. I’m sorry, I’m just in shock. Don’t be upset.” he said in a hushed tone, cupping her cheeks in his hands after sitting down on the bed and pulling her into his lap. “We’ll figure this all out, okay?”
She sniffled quietly as he spoke and nodded silently in response. Her gaze never met his, she always hated looking at him when she cried. Before she could instinctively bury her face into the crook of his neck, he put a finger under her chin and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle, yet reassuring kiss.
“We may not know what the hell to do right now, but what I do know is that I love you and I’ll do anything to make sure you and this baby of ours are taken care of.” he said sweetly, his hand resting on her still small stomach. “We probably should get you home now, yeah? It’s almost midnight and I’d rather not have your dad call a search party to find you again.”
The car ride back to the cabin was quiet for the most part, both of them still trying to process what was really happening. Steve mentioned something about picking up some extra shifts at Scoops Ahoy! to help out with paying for doctor’s visits and other things she needed. His words and the gentle circles his thumb rubbed on the back of her hand soothed her, allowing her to be reassured that everything would be okay.
“Are you gonna...tell your dad?” Steve stammered out when he parked in front of her small house in the woods and saw the living room light on, signaling that Hop was still awake. “Like right now?”
“I was thinking we could tell him soon, like the two of us could. Not right this moment, Stevie.” she said with an exhausted smile, running her hand through his hair. “We don’t have to tell anyone right now, I don’t think I’m ready to yet.”
Steve nodded in agreement, relieved that he didn’t have to endure the wrath of Jim Hopper quite yet and had some time to prepare for it. He gave her a small kiss goodbye and brushed his hand along her stomach once more, as his way of showing her that he really was okay with it all. They said their goodbyes and told each other they loved the other before she walked into the cabin.
Little did the couple know, the next week would turn out to be a living hell for them and everyone around them. They didn’t see each other for days, Steve was stuck in the underground Russian base while Y/N was staying alongside El, protecting her little sister at all costs. Their reunion in Starcourt was emotional, Y/N’s fresh pregnancy hormones getting the best of her when she saw Steve’s beaten and battered face. Everyone around them bickered about what the hell had just happened after El flung the car across the mall, while Y/N held onto Steve tightly and never wanted to let go.
It hurt Y/N to watch her sister go through so much pain, but she held onto El as tight as she could as Jonathan attempted to pull the flayed arm from her leg. Steve stayed close by her side, rubbing her back soothingly as she held her little sister close. It was like a motherly instinct had kicked in already for Y/N, because she felt the need to comfort El through her pain.
Soon enough, Joyce and Hop showed up with Murray to reunite with everyone. Plans are made for their navigation through the tunnels of the Russian base, others are made for everyone else to plan out their success. More tears are shed from Y/N and El when they talk to Hop, both girls promising to stay together and keep each other safe while he was down there. Before they all part ways, Steve pulls Y/N to the side with a worried look on his face.
“Please come with me to Dustin’s radio thing. You’ll be safer there, baby.” he pleaded, running his hand through her hair as he spoke.
“I...I need to stay with El, Stevie. You know I want to keep her safe more than anything.” she replied, shaking her head to get rid of the tears forming in her eyes.
“But...baby please.” he begged nervously, his hand instinctively going to her stomach as he spoke. “This day has already given your body enough stress. I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re stressed already I just want you to be okay! I...I don’t want the baby to get hurt because you’re trying to protect El.”
“Baby?” a roaring voice came from behind her and her heart dropped to her stomach, after Steve’s nervous talking came out a little too loudly to be just between the two of them.
“Looks like we’re telling him now.” Y/N said as she bit her lip, Steve letting out a string of curse words and apologies into her ear before kissing her temple as she turns to face her dad.
“Mind explaining what you two were talking about, Y/N?” Hop’s voice came out as angry, more tears coming to Y/N’s eyes from being so nervous.
“I’m...I’m pregnant, Dad.” she said in a quivering voice, feeling reassured when Steve squeezed her hand.
“And what? We’re you not gonna tell me about it?” he questioned, his tone growing angrier as he spoke, which caused El’s eyes to widen in fear also as she sat next to him.
“I was going to tell —“
“Hello! As great as this reunion seems to be going, we need to leave, Jim.” Murray interjected, causing you all to look his way.
“I’ll deal with you later, Harrington.” Hop said as he pointed a stern finger in the already nervous Steve’s direction; he gave his girls a strong hug before leaving, telling them to be extremely safe now.
The next two hours seemed like two days. An eternity could have went by between the time Steve left and when the Mind Flayer was defeated, and Y/N wouldn’t have noticed. Between the fireworks, the Mind Flayer’s screeches, and everything else going on, Y/N was overloaded and exhausted. She collapsed into a hug on the ground with Max and El after watching Billy sacrifice himself to save everyone else. Tears of exhaustion and sadness flowed in the trio, the quietest of sobs to be heard from each of them occasionally as her and El tried to comfort Max.
Sitting on the back end of an ambulance, Y/N huddled up with El after being cleared out of the mall. They waited eagerly, eyes wandering everywhere to find Hop and Joyce. Before they arrived, Steve made his way over and pulled Y/N into a strong embrace. She could have sworn she saw a tear run down his cheek, but he would deny that forever.
“Are you okay? No injuries?” Steve questioned, his hands roaming her arms and torso to check for cuts and bruises, eventually landing on her waist and belly once more.
“I’m fine, Stevie.” she giggled exhaustedly, her hand running along his battered cheek as he flinched. “The real question, are you okay?”
He hummed and nodded in response, kissing her forehead gently. “Just a little beat up, baby. I’m just glad you two are safe now. Please no more getting involved in this stuff after today, okay? I don’t want anything to happen to either of you.”
She agreed and sat in his arms, her hand still in El’s to comfort the traumatized girl. Steve complimented El’s courage to make her feel better and she smiled, Y/N getting the courage to tell her younger sister about the baby. She seemed excited after they explained what was happening.
“I’ll be...an aunt?” she said quietly as she squeezed Y/N’s hand, they both nodded in reply as tears flowed down Y/N’s cheeks once more.
As they spoke, Joyce and Hop emerged from the underground base. Hop’s eyes filled with tears as he hugged his daughters again. They relished in the moment for a little too long, knowing what conversation was to come after they pulled apart. Locking eyes with Steve as he watched the three of them hug, Hop’s demeanor changed. Y/N took a deep breath as she braced herself for his anger.
“Dad, listen. Before you lecture me or yell at me, I just want to say that I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I was...scared. I didn’t know how you would take me telling you that I was having a kid.” Y/N choked out, wrapping her arm around Steve’s for comfort.
“I always told you that I only had simple rules in my house, Y/N. The ‘don’t be stupid’ rules, but you obviously didn’t follow them.” Hop said, residual anger still filling his voice as he spoke which caused more tears to flow from Y/N’s eyes. “But we’ll have to deal with this no matter what.”
“And I’m sorry for not being more careful, Chief. We were always safe...I guess just not safe enough since it only takes one time.” Steve said as he wrapped a blanket around Y/N’s shoulders, “I don’t plan on going anywhere, either. I’m taking care of this baby no matter what.”
Hop looked at Steve and Y/N, noticing how his touch was calming her down during a time of overwhelming emotions. He never was able to express his feelings enough to talk to her during those times, let alone to calm her down like that. She needed Steve, he thought. While in the base, he worried about Y/N and El, but also about the baby Y/N was going to have; he wanted her to be safe and for nothing to happen to either of them. He had come off as so angry about the situation, but his feelings milled over while he thought about it.
“You and I both know that I will make certain that you’re around to support and love her throughout this whole time, Harrington. Understand?”
“Yes — Yes, Chief!” Steve replied nervously, making Hop chuckle at the flustered soon-to-be dad.
Maybe being a grandpa wouldn’t be as bad as he imagined.
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borealis-strange · 4 years
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Chapter 3: I don't know why
Felix was on the San Ignacio dock in the city of lilly, calmly watching the waves of the sea. He had been there for more than three hours waiting for his father, who had promised that he would arrive that day. He still wasn't there and there was no sign that he would soon. In a way, Felix was used to his father arriving later or the next day, or even never...
Notes: This is kinda messy because I changed the plot half way through it. Sorry about that
Tw; Graphic despictions of violence
It’s only one paragraph and I don’t if it’s too much. But I put this trigger warning just I case.
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Felix was on the San Ignacio dock in the city of lilly, calmly watching the waves of the sea. He had been there for more than three hours waiting for his father, who had promised that he would arrive that day. He still wasn't there and there was no sign that he would soon.
In a way, Felix was used to his father arriving later or the next day, or even never...
Felix was tired of the behavior of his father, he loved him, but he was tired of him. He seemed like he never wanted to see him, making any excuse to delay his visits. At least his father was thinking of him, sending letters and some gifts from different parts of the world.
—Felix…— Felix heard the voice of his mother, Marina, approach. He didn't even flinch, he kept looking at the horizon waiting to see something. Any sign, something — It's getting dark, don't you think you should go back?
Felix blinked rapidly trying to chase away the tears that were forming and quickly shook his head.
—He promised he would arrive today — Felix sobbed.
His mother sat next to him, put her arm around him and kissed him on the forehead.
—You know how he is. Always so busy traveling around — Marina sighed.
Felix stared at the horizon. The sun was already setting, filling the sky with beautiful colors. They lasted like this for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company.
They both got up ready to go back to their apartment. Felix spotted something in the distance. A figure of a small ship. Couldn't be his father? Right?
He narrowed his eyes, hoping to see more detail but the darkness would not allow it.
As he got closer Felix was able to make out more details. The red sails with engraved golden dragon figures, in a way, it reminded him of a pirate ship. And even he managed to make out the figure of a tall, stocky man.
When he was close enough, he could see that she was indeed his father. Who greeted him from afar with a big smile.
Felix returned the greeting with great emotion.
Felix and Marina waited on the dock for a couple of minutes while his father finished arriving.
The ship carefully approached the wooden platform and Felix's father, with a rope, and a little magic, tied the ship so that it did not move away.
Oscar jumped off the ship.
Oscar was quite an imposing man, what stood out the most were his scarlet red eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. What could terrify the most was his face, marked by a black spot that covered almost half of his face, a mark of black magic.
Oscar spread his arms to hug his only child.
—Hello, little dragon. Look how much you've grown! You almost reach! — Oscar praised as he ruffled Felix's golden hair. — You're already studying with my little brother, right?
Before Felix could say anything, Marina spoke.
—You would know if you were here — Marina reproached.
The air tightened. It was no surprise to Felix that his parents did not get along at all, and it seemed that with each visit Marina hated Oscar more.
Oscar coughed a little trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit.
—Well ... I think it's a bit late — Oscar said while he pretended to see a watch on his wrist — We'd better go home—
Oscar quickly returned to his ship for his suitcases and placed a protection spell on the ship so that no one tried to steal it.
The three of them walked through the lonely streets of the city, which were only illuminated by lamps. In those areas people were not very active at night, and less in summer. It was more common for magicians to meet in the cultural center, in the heart of the city. Felix prefers it that way, without being in a crowded place where you could barely walk.
On the way, Felix told his father all about what he had done in the last few weeks. All the new spells he learned, how much he explored Valparaíso and how he got along with his new friends.
Oscar listened to him carefully. In a way, he made him happy to see how his son was so excited and wanted to learn more.
They arrived at the Falcao village, a residential complex that was located near the coast of the city.
Marina and Felix lived in building 4, on the third floor.
The apartment was small, decorated with plants and flowers. With worn wooden furniture.
-—You can leave your things in the living room — Marina indicated to Oscar — And as always, you will sleep on the couch — Marina said with a somewhat macabre smile.
A chill ran down Oscar's spine. He paid attention to what Marina told him, put his suitcase in a corner of the room where they were not in the way.
They ate baked potatoes, Felix's special preparation (with Marina's help)
While they dined in tranquility, a report about Macabre was played on the radio. A businessman who spent a lot of money on scientific research. It seemed to be an interview about future projects he had planned. Nobody was paying attention to it, it was only working as background noise, but it seemed that Oscar was conflicted.
—Could you turn that off Felix? — Oscar ordered, annoyed.
—Why? — Felix asked as he turned off the radio.
—I just can't stand this Macabre guy. He thinks he is so smart with his technology and modern things — snapped Oscar.
Felix found it odd that he would be so upset with a businessman he didn't even know. His father could be traditional, always using magic in everything, but even so he used technology: television, radio, car, all those everyday things.
Dinner was spent with Oscar talking about his great adventures at sea. Of the great dangers that he lived day by day. For so many years he had explored places very different from Lilies of the Valley; like the catacombs of the ancient Huldra empire, the swamp of parasites (a place full of carnivorous plants) or living islands. Even how he supposedly fought a banshee and a walker.
Felix listened carefully to all the stories about his father while Marina just rolled her eyes, not quite believing what Oscar was saying. Felix would like to travel around the world like his father instead of living in the boring City of the Lily. His mother even told him that when he was only an infant, the three of them traveled together to different parts of the country and also outside of it. Felix obviously didn't remember any of this. There were only a few photos that confirmed this.
And so they went until midnight, with Oscar acting out all of his adventures and Felix being even more impressed with each of them.
Felix was doing his best to stay awake and spend more time with his father but he just couldn't. He finally gave up and decided to go to bed.
— You should spend more time with your son — Marina said from the kitchen, once the two of them were alone — You know that he admires you a lot —
—I do my best to come whenever I can — Oscar said without being able to look into her eyes.
—Seriously? — Marina questioned — Well, it doesn't seem like it. Hardly you come every two months if not more. All you do is send thousands of letters from your travels around the world. You don't even invite him to join you —
Oscar was silent. He knew Marina was right, as much as it hurt him.
— You know why he can't come with me. —
— I know. It's just ... I wish you were there for him. — Marina said sighing heavily — Felix is ​​going to be 14 years old, don't you think you should already tell him the truth? Of why you left—
Oscar thought about it for a moment. Felix was no longer the child of eight years ago, he was already growing up. Marina was right, as she always was, he should tell Felix the truth. But when? He was planning to leave the next day and he would not have time to talk seriously with his son.
Marina seemed to read his mind.
—Why don't you stay longer?— Marina suggested.
—Felix has to go to Valparaíso — Oscar responded quickly.
— You could stay at your brother's academy — Marina said with a small smile — I don't think it would bother him, that you stay a couple of days —
“It's not that simple” Oscar thought.
With Johannes for more than eight years he has not seen his face. He didn't know how his brother would react to seeing him after so long. He would probably try to kill him or rejoice, Johannes might have mixed reactions, a man of mystery no doubt.
— Okay — Oscar finally gave up.
For a moment he could see how Marina's gaze lit up for a second before she pounced on him and hugged him.
Oscar almost fell in surprise. He never would have expected Marina to do that, but he appreciated it. He had forgotten how good it felt.
Since Felix had to go to Valparaíso before the night, they started the day early.
They went to the house of caramel cookies, a restaurant that was a couple of blocks from  the Falcao village. Felix remembered how he used to go there with his family all the time when he was little, because his mother was a friend of the owner of the place.
Breakfast was a blast. Everyone coexists like in the old days, even Óscar and Marina.
It was in those moments that he remembered that his family might be together again.
After breakfast, they strolled through the bicentennial park.
They went home so Felix could finish packing his things.
Oscar offered to take Felix to the academy, which Felix relented in wonder.
Valparaíso, the sweet and quiet Valparaíso. For Oscar, one more small town on the map. It was exactly the same as 10 years ago. The same streets, the same boring houses and the same people. Oscar never understood why Delta decided to make her long-awaited academy in such a… normal place. It was not even the norm that there were magicians in this town, there were much more interesting places and much more magicians who could teach things to their students. But no, he chose a drab and gray place.
It had been years since he had seen his younger brother's academy, the last time was when they finished building it. He had to admit that it looked more "alive" and stood out a bit from the other houses.
Felix rang the doorbell of the house and they waited for Delta to come out so he would open it. He came out a couple seconds later.
Oscar never thought he would see his brother again and Delta's expression told him the same thing. His little brother had changed so much in recent years. His old golden hair had darkened to ash blonde. His premature wrinkles could be seen on his face. And in general, he looked much more tired and ill. Now that he took a closer look, it was hard to tell that he was 36 years old.
Delta walked over to the gate and carefully opened it.
— Oscar — Delta said calmly when he met her brother face to face, but a great storm was hiding inside him.
— Johannes. It’s been so long without seeing each other — Oscar said with a fake smile.
—Eight years to be exact — Delta said grimly.
Felix just looked at them, not understanding why all the fuss
—Felix, why don't you go leave your things? I need to talk to your father — Delta indicated to the boy.
Felix carried all of his things and went inside the house.
Delta took a deep breath.
— What the hell is wrong with you! — Delta roared — You left and you never told me. You didn't even bother to write to me. You had me worried all this time. I was afraid you had died! And now you appear as if nothing happened—
— Come on, it's not so bad — Oscar tried to downplay it.
— Isn't that so bad? — Delta claimed — How is it not so bad? You disappeared without a trace. You left Marina and Felix alone. Why did you leave without telling anyone?
— Marina and Felix did know. I've even been visiting them — Oscar murmured.
All traces of anger completely left Delta's face. Sadness clouded his features, he looked like a little boy again. Oscar knew that expression, he had used it so many years ago when he was just a child; when Oscar had left his house never to return, the first time he had disappeared for eight years.
Delta hid her face with her hands as if he was avoiding crying. Oscar could hear how Delta held back her sobs.
— Sometimes you are incredible — Delta said with contempt — You did exactly the same when you were seventeen. You left home without giving any explanation.
Oscar was breathing more and more quickly, trying to contain his anger. He didn't know how his brother didn't realize the truth. As the mistreatment of his father was reason enough to leave.
Oscar continued to listen to his younger brother scold him for his erratic behavior.
— Do you want to know why I left this time? — Oscar replied — It was because of this — he said as he pointed to his face.
Delta looked at him confused.
— I can tell you don't know anything about magic — Oscar said annoyed — Black magic has been corrupting my body all these years. It has infected my blood, it has changed my behavior. — Oscar sighed at the memory that resurfaced in his mind — I have attacked a man, an old friend of mine, marking his face forever. For this.
Delta's gray eyes widened. He moved a little, like preparing to fight.
— I'm not going to attack you — Oscar said offended — I just ... I did it once. —
— Why? Why did you attacked your friend —
Oscar remembered that day, somehow always coming back to his memory. The scream of his friend when he attacked him with a magic whip. The blood all over his face and as his friend tried to stop the blood as Oscar just watched in perplexity. He remembered how he was screaming heartbreakingly in pain and Oscar didn't know what to do but leave. Twenty years later that scream still haunted him.
Oscar squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head trying to forget that memory.
— I don't have to tell you — mused Oscar.
Delta wanted to insult him and yell at him but she didn't have the courage to do something of that magnitude. He was his brother after all, even though he often didn't seem like it.
Delta entered the house without saying anything else. Later he would forgive him, now was not the time.
The next day neither Oscar nor Delta could see each other's face. Delta was still annoyed with Oscar for the way he was. Why did he always do the same? He never told him anything, it was as if they were strangers. Delta  even remembers that Oscar didn't even tell him when Felix was born, he found out from Marina.
He had returned, hadn't he? Perhaps his intentions were different from what Delta considered.
Delta decided to invite his brother to the boys' training so he could talk about his plans and ask him nicely if he could do him a favor. Maybe it wasn't the right way to apologize but he couldn't think of a better way.
Delta knew exactly where to find Oscar, in the port of Valparaíso. Fortunately, Felix had commented that they arrived on his father's boat.
Delta rushed out of the house before the class started so he could find his brother. The morning was not the best time to go to the port, it was crowded with fishermen preparing for a long day at work. Not that he had much of a choice.
He toured the harbor scanning the ships for the right one. He finally found the S.S Tulio.
Luckily, Oscar was on top of it, arranging the sails.
— And what are you doing? — Delta exclaimed when she saw his brother.
— And what do you think I'm doing? — Oscar replied — I'm getting ready to leave here —
— And where will you go? — Delta asked worried.
— I do not know. I've always wanted to go to the islands of Armendia —
—I need to talk with you —
Oscar stopped what he was doing and turned to see his brother. He looked at him confused. Why did his brother want to talk to him? Oscar believed that he hated him.
—What do you want? —
— Ask you a favor — Delta said with a smile.
Oscar grimaced and looked away.
Delta stood like a statue, waiting for his brother to make up his mind.
After a minute, Oscar sighed heavily and jumped off the ship.
Oscar with a wave of his hand placed the protective spell and with a movement of his head indicated for them to start walking. With that, Delta had enough to know what had accepted his invitation.
Back at the academy, Delta told Delta to wait a moment to start the boys' class.
The boys began to practice a series of exercises to improve movement and speed to use spells. And Delta came back so she could finally talk to her brother.
— Next week we will start traveling around the country to continue with their studies — Delta announced to Oscar.
—Seriously? — Oscar said without paying much attention to what Delta was saying.
All of her attention from Oscar was on Felix in his movements. He was good but lacked quite a bit of practice. More than anything Felix casted the spells with little force as if he doubted his abilities. In a way, he reminded him of him when he was his age.
— Yes. We will go to The Serenity first, Solaria offered to train Milo. We will also go south, with the healers and Biobío for Marshall —
With that Solaria, an old friend of Delta. Oscar never got to know her as such, only once they interacted when he got married. A pretty nefarious woman, in his opinion.
Oscar did not know that his brother had interacted with the healers, they were quite reserved people and rarely allowed “strangers” to enter their small community.
And Biobío… he didn't know why they would go there. He never got to visit that place but he doubted there were clairvoyants. According to him they lived in the mountain range.
— Good for you —
— But I have a little problem — Oscar looked at him confused—- I don't have anyone to train Felix.
Oscar already knew where this was all going.
— And well ... —  Delta continued — You are the only alchemist that I have knowledge of. And taking advantage that you are here ... —
—I'm not going to train him — Oscar said coldly.
— Why!? Come on, it's your son. Don't do it for me, do it for him. —
—I can't teach him —
—Why? It shouldn't be that difficult. Dad always told us that you were a prodigy of magic. — Delta replied amused.
—I can't teach him because I don’t have magic anymore — Oscar muttered so the boys wouldn't hear him.
The truth hit Delta's face. He blinked a few times, he tried to speak but his words were not coming to him.
—What? — It was the only thing he managed to gesticulate.
— You heard me, Johannes. I don't have magic — Oscar sighed heavily — At least, I've only lost the alchemy. I can still do basic magic —
 —H-how ... how is that possible? — Delta was concerned.
—I'm not entirely sure.— I think it's because of the dark magic —
Delta simply had no words. That was something he had never seen, he would not even have imagined that it was possible. Losing magic. It was like losing a part of yourself.
—And ... since when do you not have alchemy? — Delta questioned with a hand on his face.
—I found out after Felix was born — Oscar said monotonously.
—Did you tell someone? —
Oscar shook his head.
—Not even Marina knows — You are the only one — Oscar turned to see his brother for a second.
There was a long silence between them, filled by the sound of the boys' magic spells. Thousands of thoughts ran through Delta's mind, he couldn't focus on any of them.
"It's impossible" Delta thought over and over again. After so many years of study, there was never a record with something similar. There is always the first time for something, right?
—Is there any solution?—
—Why do you think I left? After eight years of searching for answers but… there is nothing I can do—
They did not speak again. Delta had to go back to continue class with the boys, leaving Oscar alone at home. His head wouldn't stop spinning, not only because of Oscar's problem but also because of Felix. Now he had been left without someone to teach Felix. He could teach him a few things, but what better way than an alchemist to teach you all that in great detail.
Delta knew perfectly well that that would happen, that was the reason why he did not want Felix to go to her academy originally. However, Marina could be very convincing. Now she would have to travel out of the country to find another alchemist.
There had to be another way.
Once the class ended, Delta went back to his brother who was on the porch of the house.
—I've been thinking about it — Delta broke the silence as he sat next to Oscar
—About what?—
—About Felix. You can still teach him even if you don't have magic —
—No —
—But… —
—I’ve said no! — Oscar yelled as he hit the ground
Delta jumped out of his seat. Oscar took a couple of breaths trying to calm himself.
— I don't want you to mention something about it again. — Oscar said severely.
Delta nodded fearfully. Oscar left the house without looking back.
For the next two days Oscar was unable to return to Delta's academy. He didn't have the courage to face his brother again. That was his problem, he always ruined everything, his marriage with Marina, and his relationship with his son. At that point he did not know if it was due to the influence of dark magic or simply the way to be his.
He had spent so many years trying to get away from his father that in the end he had become just like him.
That day he finally decided to do the right thing. He had to make things right with his son.
He went to the academy and knocked lightly on the door, waiting for an answer.
Delta opened the door and looked at him confused as if he wasn't expecting his arrival.
—He needed to talk to Felix — Oscar said. —And retrieve something from the attic.—
Delta sighed.
— It's okay. Did you finally accept my offer? — Delta said as she let her brother pass.
— No —
Delta snorted but preferred not to insist further.
—Felix is ​​outside — Delta informed.
With a nod, Oscar thanked him and went out to the patio.
There were all the boys, they seemed to be playing with paper figures.
— Felix - Oscar called his son and he approached — I need to tell you something —
Oscar saw his son. He reminded a lot of him when she was his age. He looked so young, so innocent. He couldn't tell her the truth, at least not yet.
— I'll stay longer in this place — Oscar muttered — I decided I could teach you a couple of things about alchemy. Besides that ... I have a gift for you —
Oscar could see Felix's eyes sparkle.
—Seriously?! — Felix marveled.
— Yes. Come with me —
Felix followed his father to the attic of the house, where Delta let him keep a few things. 
Delta never let them be in the attic, although it wasn't the only place they were forbidden. There was a room, next to Delta's, that was locked. Delta didn't tell them why they couldn't enter these two places, he just told them not to.
The attic was quite ordinary, with boxes and shelves full of books. Most likely, Delta didn't want a bunch of teenagers looking at his personal stuff. And the room, it was still a secret.
Oscar rummaged through one of the boxes until he found what appeared to be a small book. He dusted it off a bit and handed it to his son.
It was a hardcover book and on the cover there were different symbols in gold. There was nothing to indicate to Felix that he was special about this book.
—A book? — Felix questioned.
— It's not just any book. It's an alchemy book —
Felix opened a page at random and found more strange symbols, a few pictures, and all the information written in ancient runes. Also it had a few notations in blue ink, with somewhat messy handwriting.
— This book belonged to your grandfather, and then to me. And now I leave it to you — Oscar said with a calm voice — Do you see these notes? I did them when I was your age—
Felix simply had no words.
— Another secret — Oscar said - It's not just any book. It is a book that can help you enhance your magic —
Felix's eyes sparkled even more and he grinned broadly, showing his fangs. He pounced on his father and gave her a big hug.
Oscar didn't return the hug right away, he still had that feeling of guilt. He had to tell him the truth but it was not the time. He would now concentrate on spending as much time as possible with his son, as he should have done years ago.
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