#also hello to the only male character that made it on my list oops !!!
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ahollowgrave · 2 months ago
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-- mistletoe. pt ix. (feat. the rakish Captain Styr of @captain-styr!)
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thesunicarusfellfor · 4 years ago
Mortal of Gold - Part 3
(Yandere!C!Techno x GN!Shy!Reader x Yandere!C!Philza)
Anyone want my list of the characters as gods? There were a few characters that I couldn't think of like Ponk, so I just left them out. ANYWAY. Hi, how's it going? ALSO I CANT EDIT THIS DAMN POST AND THE SPELLING ERRORS ARE SO IRRITATING
Part 1 Part 2 TW: Mention of amnesia, memories being altered Send me a message via inbox if you wanna be added to a general or series tag list. Make sure to turn off anon, please. ------- “They weren’t born… A mortal?”
A light wind brushed over your features, causing you to give a small sigh and roll over onto your side in an attempt to block the light from hitting your lidded eyes. It was nice and quiet for once… “(Y/n)?” A distorted voice echoed softly, causing you to flinch a bit. You opened your eyes slightly to see a silky blackbird sitting on the sheets beside you, a few golden trinkets laying beside it. Upon seeing your eyes slide open, the creature hopped up onto its legs and began making soft cooing noises, “(Y/n)! (Y/n), you’re awake!” Glancing around at the surroundings you had been placed in, racking your mind for any sort of familiarity but failing to come up with anything at all, even who you were. You sat up, slowly brushing your fingers along your ombre silk clothing before putting your hands on the sheets below your body, frowning as you didn’t recognize the bed as yours. “Hello…” You murmured softly, reaching your hand out to the crow who eagerly jumped forward to nuzzle your hand. The feathers of the bird felt… Odd. They felt more like grabbing at misty fog, but with a light staticky cotton texture that caused a buzzing sensation on your fingertips, “I’m sorry, my memory… Seems to be a tad faulty… Could you tell me your name?” “I’m Chat, Dadza- er… Philza’s familiar! I was a gift from Mumza, oops... Kristen, the Goddess of Void and Death.” It chirped, its voice having multiple layers in your head, causing you to shake your head a slight bit, “No, they’re not married, only parental figures to the souls that pass on to the afterlife or those they saved sometime before they passed on… I believe they have more of a co-worker relationship.” You nodded slightly, pursing your lips at how the creature’s voice sounded in your mind. It was unsettling and caused shivers to crawl up and down your back, but at the same time, it was incredibly calming and had a soothing aura. How that worked, you had no clue whatsoever. Brushing off the unsettling voice of the bird, you decided to focus on the name that caused a light to go off in your head, “Alright… Philza… I think I remember that name…” “Yeah! Dadza- Eck… Sorry. Phil, he’s the God of Survival and Crows! He controls not only every crow in the mortal land, but he also controls whether or not someone will survive a situation. If there is no way that the mortal can survive, he will send a crow down and have them guide the soul of the mortal to him! Then he escorts them to Kristen! He has gained the name Angel of Death because he works for Mumza!” You decided not to question why the crow called Philza and Kristen Mumza and Dadza, knowing that you’d probably find out later, but by the sound of it Chat seemed to be multiple children, “Okay… Makes sense…” You mumbled slowly, nodding your head up and down. With a sigh you slowly brought your legs over to the side of the bed, only now becoming aware of how large the soft mattress was. Lowlands! (Hell) You could probably fit six people who were ten feet tall in it with room to roam! Pushing yourself off the bed, you also realized how high the beautiful bed was off the floor, Gods, whoever lived here was tall! Behind you, you heard a small chirp, and you saw Chat watching you curiously. With a small shrug, you decided to pick the familiar up and hold it in your cupped hands as you walked out the door, “Oooh! Dadza never carries us like this, and Technoblade does only when he’s about to yeet us out a window!” “Yeet?” You scowled in confusion as you walked through the arched doorway, your bare feet padding silently on the quartz flooring, “I'm scared to ask. Technoblade? Is he also a god of some things? He sounds familiar as well…” “That’s its word for throwing something. Well, it yells the word when they throw something or get thrown, so I assume it’s yelling in excitement,” A deep voice spoke from in front of you, causing you to gasp and lift your head from the crow. The telepathic chirping and squeaks from Chat in your mind quickly formed the name Technoblade, so… You had a feeling that your answer was on its way past his
lips, “I’m Technoblade, or Techno, the God of Blood and War. It’s… nice to see you finally awake…” He shifted awkwardly on his feet as you curiously studied him. His appearance could certainly be described as godly if anyone asked you. His long pink hair was mostly twisted and tied into a braid with bits of golden chain and a polished golden crown adorned with rubies, garnets and diamonds. Upon his pale skin, dozens of scars of varying sizes decorated his skin in different areas, but they were displayed in an almost proud manner. Almost. When he spoke, his dark pink eyes hidden behind cracked glasses searched your form for any sort of injury, “I’m… (Y/n)... I think. I don’t know if this bird is exactly trustworthy in its information… Do you know where I am?” Techno snorted as Chat gave an offended squawk at your statement, “That’s very fair, to be honest. You’re in the Tundra of the Upperlands, and this is my palace. No there is no snow, I believe the person who named this place has never looked into the name or word Tundra, but it’s been like this for too long to change it-” He paused for a moment as he noticed you looking extremely confused, “Ah. Right. Desert. Don’t worry about it.” “Oh… Okay…” You frowned at the tusked male for a moment before shaking your head, deciding not to question it much, “Now, uh… How did I get here, and why don’t I remember anything about myself? Or, about you and this Philza guy, I was told about.” You lifted Chat slightly toward Techno as a silent indication that Chat was the one who told you about Phil. “That’s uh… Phil’s field of expertise.” He rubbed the back of his head with his black-tipped fingers before adjusting his crown, “I don’t understand much of what happened, and Phil will tell you what you need to know that will keep you safe.” Hesitantly, he held his free hand out towards you making you realize that he was easily over seven and a half feet tall, “C’mon, I’ll take you to him and get you the answers you need.” His hand was extremely steady, you noticed as you stared down at it cautiously. Once you noticed that he didn’t seem to want to do you harm, you slowly shifted Chat into one hand and used your free hand to take the one extended to you, which you couldn’t help but notice, made Technoblade very happy, “Okay. Thank you.” The god held your hand in his calloused one for a few moments before beginning to lead you down the tan and white hallways that were turned a light golden hue from the rising sun. It was quite a long walk filled with a slightly uncomfortable silence, but you distracted yourself by looking around the palace curiously. It was obvious he was the God of War by how many swords hanging on walls and sets of armour he had placed on armour stands in the hallways. Eventually, he walked you through an archway that led into a wide-open room with multiple windows that had many crows perched on the windowsills, some chirping and singing some little tune in perfect unison while others shuffled around, seeming to do a little dance. You were quick to realize the whistling of one of the birds didn’t match up and noticed that it was coming from the man with the large white and green striped hat as well as massive black feathered wings dangling on his back, fluffing themselves up every so often. When you and Techno stepped in, the blackbirds started chirping loudly, losing the rhythm of the tune the winged man was whistling as Chat started telepathically squealing about… 2/4? Two out of four what? “Ah!” The hat-wearing male turned around and clasped his hands together upon seeing you standing up, “(Y/n), you’re awake. I was worried the injuries you sustained were enough to keep you out cold for a few more weeks. I’m glad to see I was wrong. I’m Philza, God of Survival and Crows, and I see you’ve met Chat and Techno. Pesky bird, I told it not to wake you...” You pursed your lips for a moment, analyzing the shorter god as the bird squealed out its protests. While he was shorter than Techno, he was certainly tall, standing roughly around six feet tall, his wingspan
probably double that for each wing! His blonde hair was long around his face but was pulled into a loose braid like Techno’s was, although instead of gold intertwined into his hair, it was silver. His outfit was made up of a loose green shirt and black pants, with a red heart-shaped pendant dangling off of a chain into the center of his chest. Why did that pendant… Look familiar? You slowly rose your hand up and clasped at the pendant around your neck, noticing how Philza smiled softly, “Technoblade… Said you could tell me why I can’t remember anything?” “You’re still wearing my gift, I see,” Philza gave a soft hum as Chat jumped from your hand and onto his shoulder, before gesturing for you and Techno to take a seat where he already had drinks and some form of cakes set out, but they certainly weren’t there when you came in. Upon seeing your confused blinking, he gave a soft laugh, “I’m a god, mate, magic is no difficult task for me, let alone creating some measly tea and desserts. Now, sit down and I will tell you everything…” - General - None Mortal of Gold -@generalalmond @binas-idea-vault @ohworm-writes
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aspenflower17 · 4 years ago
Finding You (Part Ten of ??)
Aha! Finally it is done!
Hey everyone! It’s been one Monday of a week, but I finally had today (Saturday) off so I finally got to work on this update. I also thought I’d give you guys an update on my scheduling. One of the supervisor’s at work is done with her semester at college, so I’m probably not going to have a set schedule for awhile. That means the only day I know I will have off is Sunday. I usually work on writing on my day off, so updates are probably going to vary wildly from week to week. If I don’t get one out the rest of the week, you should see an update from me on Sunday (though it might be at a late hour, like this week).
Anywho, I hope you’re all doing alright and that you’re staying safe. I know I have some readers who recently had Finals Week (or whatever the equivalent of that is for you). I want to congratulate you on finishing your semester (because it is a big accomplishment), and that I hope you got high marks on your respective tests/projects/ect.
So, as always, if you’re new here, here is the link to Part One. You can also find the links to all the parts on my Master List if you’ve missed any of the other updates :)
This update was brought to you by the support of the following: @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling (Seriously, thanks so much for the support you guys! I love each and every one of you!) If you’d like to be on the tags list for any future updates, please just drop a comment below or send me a message!
Word Count: 4,144
Trigger warnings: There might be some language in this one, Satan gets PISSED
“Will you just sit down Satan? You’re making me nervous,” Asmo complained, watching his brother with concern.
“Yeah. You’re totally breaking my concentration here,” Levi chimed in, not looking up from his game.
“Well, you can take your complaints to Lucifer,” Satan stated, starting what had to be his 200th pass on the same stretch of the ballroom, “I don’t know why we had to be here so early.”
“We got here ten minutes ago,” Belphie sighed, leaning on Beel, “You’re just nervous.”
“And what if I am?” Satan asked, his anxiety adding bite to the question.
“We’re all nervous,” Beel gently reminded Satan, “We’ve all missed our favorite human.”
“Not human anymore,” Mammon muttered, glaring at some undefined point in front of him, leg shaking anxiously. He had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since the night of the art show, gone most of the day, and retreating to his room when he was home.
An awkward hush fell across the group at his words, everyone’s thoughts turning inward. Satan sighed and sat down, the feathers on his boa trying their hardest to enter his mouth. The lacing on his shirt threatened to strangle him along with the collar, and his tail kept flexing around his leg. He was a bundle of nerves, and he couldn’t seem to relax. He had wanted to wear a simple suit or tuxedo, but the invitation from Diavolo had explicitly said demon forms were to be used.
A strangled but disgusted gasp escaped Asmo’s mouth, “What the hell is he doing here?!”
“Another jilted lover Asmo?” Belphie asked, rolling his eyes.
“No! It’s Michael!” Everyone’s head whipped up at that, even Levi.
“OMG! WFT?” Levi exclaimed, eyes large and worried.
“Bro, why is he here?” Mammon nearly growled, glaring at the man in question.
“I don’t know, but I want him to leave!” Asmo’s voice was getting more shrill as time went on.
“Is tha’ Lord Diavolo with ‘im?” Mammon asked, still glaring, though he wasn’t growling anymore.
“OMG, you’re right. They're laughing together too!” Levi narrated.
Beel had joined Mammon in glaring at Michael, as his twin smiled smugly, “Oh, you guys didn’t know?” Everyone looked over at that and you could tell Belphie was relishing in the shock, “Mc came with some angels. I hear Luke’s here too.”
“How can you possibly be happy about this?”
“What are you all gawking at? You all look like you’ve-” Lucifer cut off, finally seeing what his brothers were looking at. If he hadn’t already been in his demon form, Satan was fairly sure he would’ve burst into it immediately, though he didn’t look as surprised as Satan would expect him to.
The absolute contempt and disgust that dripped from that single word had all the brothers sharing looks, most very concerned. Belphie caught Satan’s eye, shooting him a sly, wicked grin. Satan wanted to share in Belphie’s enjoyment, but his mind was taking this new roadblock into account, trying to figure out how this was going to factor into his plan.
Satan didn’t really have an opinion on Michael. He had never really met the angel, his only knowledge of him coming from his shared memories with Lucifer, the little he’d heard from his brothers, and what he’d gleaned from Luke and Simeon’s conversations, not that he really cared. He simply wasn’t someone who mattered. That is, until now.
“Did you know Lucifer?” Asmo asked.
“Diavolo had told me Mc had come with two angels, though he didn’t mention names. I just assumed it was Simeon and Luke,” Lucifer was still watching Diavolo and Michael talking, though he had taken on a frigid demeanor, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. You didn’t have to be the Avatar of Wrath to sense the boiling anger underneath the frosty exterior.
Barbatos walked over to Diavolo and whispered something. The Demon Prince nodded and stood up, the congregation quieting, “Hello and welcome, each and every one of you! I’m so glad you could make it!” he voice boomed out into the 
Levi scoffed, “As if we had a choice.”
“Shaddup. Ya wanted to come jus’as much as the rest of us,” Mammon hissed.
“As most of you know, this ball is in honor of Jane Doe,”
“Wait.. Who’s that?” Beel asked, confused.
“That’s her pseudonym,” Belphie explained softly, Beel nodding his understanding.
“We have other guest’s as well, who came with Jane. Michael, the archangel,” Diavolo gestured to Michael who raised his hand in greeting with a smile, “And Luke, Jane’s older brother. You may all remember him when he was here as one of our first exchange students,” A blonde male who had been sitting by Michael inclined his head.
“Oh my gosh, that’s Luke?!” Asmo said loudly enough some nearby demons looked over.
“I didn’t even recognize him,” Levi murmured.
“Did he say brother?” Mammon asked.
“Shhhh!” Lucifer hissed as Diavolo continued.
“Now for the person you’ve all been waiting for, Jane Doe,” all the brothers held their breath as Mc walked over to Diavolo, an absolute vision. All of the brothers were transfixed, their own personal feelings overcoming everything else. Lucifer, having already seen Mc at the palace was the first to recover, looked over to Satan to see how he was doing. He was encouraged by what he saw. Satan was subconsciously touching his pocket where he knew he letter was at. Though he seemed a bit nervous, the fierce resolve in his eyes made him smile proudly, before looking back to Diavolo.
“I hope you all treat our guests with the same respect and kindness they’ll give to you. With the introductions done, let the party commence!”
“So, what’s the plan Satan?” Asmo asked, bringing the fourth born out of his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you need to talk with Mc right?” at the nod he continued, “Well, how about we help you?”
“We?” Belphie sighed, grabbing a lock of his hair.
“Yes we,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
Belphie sighed, but turned to look at Satan anyways, “Well, if I have to help, what do you need?”
“I just need to give her a letter,” Satan explained, about to tell everyone they didn’t need to bother, but he didn’t get the chance.
“Don’t you want to talk to her though?” Levi asked.
“Well, I need her to read this first. I didn’t make the best impression last time, and I don’t think I’ll be much better this time around,” Satan admitted, looking chagrined. He hadn’t told any of the brothers the entirety of what happened.
“Easy enough,” Mammon announced, getting up, “We just need to walk over and give it to her then.”
“Not so fast Mammon,” Lucifer said, motioning for him to sit, “She’s probably going to be flanked by those two angels all evening. I don’t know if they’d take well to one of us handing Lillith’s descendant a letter. Luke at least, is aware of Satan’s attachment to Mc, and last time I checked, he’s not a fan of ours. As for the other…” Lucifer trailed off, irritation twisting his features, “Who knows how that may go.”
“So we need to make sure to separate them all,” Levi mused.
“Do you have any ideas on how to do that? Like, anything from one of your anime’s?” Asmo asked.
“I mean, there’s the ‘trying to get the main character and love interest alone’, but it doesn’t always work, though it’s entertaining to watch.”
“Well, we want this to go well,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“What about you then? Where’s your grand idea?” Levi scoffed.
“Actually, I do have an idea,” Asmo giggled.
“I really should’ve just done this myself,” Satan sighed, Asmo standing next to him.
“Oh, shush! This will turn out great, just wait.”
“When’s it supposed to work then? I mean, we’ve been standing here for an hour and we haven't caught a glimpse of Mc.”
“Patience, patience. Beel and Belphie… Well, Beel already has Luke distracted with food talk, and Lucifer’s doing a good job of keeping Michael… On his toes, I guess?”
“I do have to admit watching him run away from Michael is amusing,” Satan chuckled, his eyes darting to Lucifer from their perch on the balcony above the dancefloor. He was obviously fighting his pride, knowing he was running away from Michael, but unable to stay and deal with the angel who wouldn’t stop trying to find him, partially due to his pride as well. Looking back to Michael, Satan grinned, “Gotcha!”
“Wha… Oh! There she is! Told you!” Asmo nearly shouted.
“That was my ear.”
“Oop. Sorry.”
Satan watched Mc speak with Michael, noting all the small changes in her behavior. There was a level of refinement that hadn’t been there before, which made perfect sense seeing as how she had been raised in the Celestial Realm by Simeon. She was more graceful for one thing, and seemed more calm and at ease than he remembered her. She did seem more reserved and closed off than before, though that could just because she was talking with a superior. She was fairly open with me until I screwed it up, so hopefully she retained that part of herself, and hopefully I didn’t screw it up.
Asmo sighed, “Lucifer isn’t doing his job.”
“Did you really expect him to? He did say he didn’t want to be part of whatever you were planning.”
“Well, Michael chose to follow him. He was chosen. It’s fate.”
“Still doesn’t mean he’s going to actively participate.”
“Fine. Looks like I’m going to have to have Mammon and Levi do some work for us.”
“You really don’t have to do this. I can handle it.”
“Yeah, but that’s no fun. I also want to mess with Michael as much as possible.”
“Fine. What do we do next?”
“We have to get down onto the dance floor. I’m calling Mammon right now.”
They found the staircase closest to Mc and Michael and made their way down, Asmo on his DDD the whole time, “Yes… Do you see us? Oh, there you are. Do you see them? No, left… Left! Your other left! Mammon, how are you this stupid?... I’m not the one who can’t see-... No, you listen! I can’t stand that you-... How dare you! I- Ugh, fine… Yup, just distract him…” Asmo laughed, “No, though I would pay to see that. Maybe, walk past and see if he takes the bait?... Well, you’re just going to have to deal with it Levi… Look, the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get back to your game… Wow, I thought you wanted Mc back, but I guess not. I’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t spend anytime with you… Then get your act together! Okay, Mammon, we’re close enough now. Alright, take it away.”
Satan watched as Mammon and Levi stepped out of the crowd, Mammon talking loudly enough to turn a lot of heads. Unfortunately, Michael was not one of these, though Mc seemed interested in what was going on. She seemed to ask Michael about it, but he just brushed it off, continuing to talk.
“Why does Mammon think he’s such hot stuff?” Asmo asked, rubbing his forehead.
“Don’t frown too much. You’ll get wrinkles,” Satan gently chided.
“You’re right,” Asmo sighed, “I just don’t know how to… Whoa. Look at that.”
Satan looked to find Diavolo talking with Mc and Michael. He also spied Lucifer keeping his distance, but frowning so intensely he was surprised Diavolo couldn't feel it. Michael said something and Diavolo laughed delightedly, motioning for Mc and Michael to join him.
“She’s alone now. I’ll cover you!” Asmo hissed, pushing Satan forward.
Mc was sitting on a bench, on the outskirts of the room. She was watching the crowd with interest, eyes bright and curious. Satan hesitated, before steeling himself and walking forward, letter in hand. He was almost close enough to her to call out, when some demon approached her. Satan turned on his heel, and concealed himself in the crowd. He watched the demon extend their hand, heart sinking as he realized what that meant. She smiled and nodded her head, taking their hand as she was escorted out onto the dancefloor.
“What happened? Where’d she go?” Asmo asked, joining his brother.
“Someone asked her to dance before I got there,” Satan muttered irritably.
Satan looked at the time on his DDD. There was only two hours left of the ball, and he still had the letter. The past hour had been spent trying to figure out how to get Luke to leave Mc’s side without much luck. Beel had apparently gone to raid the food table and then the palace kitchen, and Belphie had fallen asleep, so Luke had found his way back to his sister and hadn’t left her side since. Worse yet, it seemed his opinion on demons was unchanged, keeping most of those that came over to talk to the artist at bay with a single look.
“He needs to leave so we can get on with this.” Asmo huffed, upset his plan was failing.
“Well, he is a chihuahua,” Levi said distractedly, “I can’t… say for certain, but he’s probably… Trying to keep her out of trouble… Woot! Got it!”
“Levi, could you stop gaming for five seconds?” Asmo sighed.
“Well, I have bad ideas, so no. You’re lucky I decided to stick around at all,” Levi huffed, eyebrows furrowed, though from the game or Asmo, Satan didn’t know.
“Oh come on! Are you really that upset by my comment?” When Levi didn’t answer, Asmo rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Do you have any ideas then Levi?” Satan asked
“Not really.”
“Yo, yo, yo! Luke! What’s happenin’ my man?”
Both Mc, Luke and all three brother’s  looked over at Mammon strolling toward the duo through the crowd.
“Is he seriously…?” Levi asked.
“I think so…” Satan answered, shocked.
“How’ve ya’ been?” Mammon asked, grinning at the blonde angel.
“Fine I suppose,” Luke answered, suspicion lacing his words.
“Nice, nice. So, this is your sister?” The emphasis on the word left no interpretation of what he thought of the title.
“Yup. Of course, you can understand an angel’s definition of sibling though, don’t you Mammon?” Luke shot back.
“Oh! You’re Mammon!” Mc said suddenly, turning her full attention to Mammon “I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Mammon turned bright red, “Oh, you’ve heard of the Great Mammon?”
“Of course!” Mc beamed at him.
Mammon started stuttering, “W-W-Well, o-of course ya’ have.”
Mc giggled a bit at that, smiling at the second born, “I was actually hoping you might have some time you could spare to answer some of my questions.”
Satan was sure Mammon was going to combust, but Mc wrapped her arm around his anyways, “We’ll be back Luke.”
The blonde angel seemed like he wanted to argue, but something was holding him back, “I’ll be waiting then.” Mc nodded at him, and then walked off with Mammon.
“Wh… What just happened?” Levi nearly squealed.
“I hear Mammon got to talk to Mc before you did.”
“Shut up Lucifer,” Satan muttered.
“Where are they?” Lucifer asked, and Satan pointed to a bench where Mc and Mammon were sitting. They seemed deep in a conversation.
“Interesting. I had to see it to believe it.”
“What’ve you been doing this whole time?”
“I’ve been… walking around…”
“Hiding from Michael.”
“That would imply I’m scared of him.”
“I do not fear Michael.”
“Good to hear, since he’s coming this way.”
Lucifer instantly started walking forward, stopping by some random succubus, “Hello, Jezebel. Would you like to dance?” Lucifer asked, barely waiting for a response before dragging her out onto the dance floor.
Satan was still chuckling, Lucifer’s discomfort making his misfortune seem better, when a male voice he remembered from memory but had never actually heard addressed him, “Are you Satan, Lucifer’s… son?”
Satan blinked a couple times, “Excuse me?”
“That is you right? Or do you prefer something different? Spawn of Lucifer?” Michael cocked his head a bit, seeming a little confused.
Some rational part of Satan’s brain was the only thing keeping him from jumping on the angel and ripping him to shreds. He couldn’t keep the growl from his voice as he responded, “I am Satan, THE Avatar of WRATH.”
“Oh, I seem to have hit a nerve. My apologies,” Michael said, actually bowing. Satan narrowed his eyes, tail flexing around his leg. Has he always been this stupid? Or is he mocking me?
“I was wondering if we could speak. Privately,” Michael said, his smile showing he knew he’d said something wrong.
“Anything you want to say you can say here, Michael.”
“I do think it would be better for us to speak privately,” Satan could feel Michael’s irritation building a bit.
“Why? So you can try to hurt my brother’s again by killing another of their siblings?”
The shock on Michael’s face satiated Satan’s anger enough that he almost laughed at it. Michael quickly put on a blank look, but Satan could hear the sorrow in his voice, “Though it is always unfortunate when an angel dies, I do not regret any of my actions. When someone goes against what they know to be right, there will always be consequences.”
“Of course. Always the errand boy, blindly doing whatever it is you’re told to do.”
“How would you know? You weren’t even around to know her. I’m not sure what lies you’ve been fed-”
“I was there, you imbecile,” Satan seethed, “I saw how your actions helped push Lucifer towards rebellion, knowingly or not, and how you stabbed him in the back once he was finally there. I remember them, and I find your actions to be deplorable.”
“Now listen here, you demon-”
“Oh, I’m the demon here?! Shall I describe, in detail, how you-”
“Everythin’ cool here?” Mammon came up next to Satan, putting a calming hand on his shoulder.
Satan whipped his head to look at Mammon, confirming that, yes, Mammon had heard what Michael had said.
“Ah, Mammon. It’s been awhile.”
Mammon looked over at Michael, his disgust thinly veiled, “Yeah, sure.”
“I would like to talk with your… brother, but he doesn’t seem to want to.”
“Good fer him. Tah be honest with ya’, I don’ trust ya’ Michael. I didn’ up in the Celestial Realm, and I don’ now. If ya’ wanna’ talk with Satan, I suggest ya’ do it where we can all see ya’.”
Satan felt two hands on his shoulders, and looked back to see both Beel and Belphie standing behind him. Neither one of them looked very happy, but Beel’s look was a lot more intense than Belphie’s.
Michael sighed, especially after seeing the twins, “If you’re not going to allow me to explain, I can only tell you this: It is imperative she not remember her past. It will hurt both of you more than you could ever know. Now, I have things to do, if you’ll excuse me,” and with that, he left.
“I really don’ like that guy,” Mammon shook his head, “Oh, Satan, hol’ on a sec. Imma be right back,” and with that, he took off.
“You okay Satan?” Beel asked, still frowning after Michael.
“Yeah, things just got a bit intense there for a second. Thanks.”
“I don’t think your thanks is going to stop here. We’re going to leave you now. Have fun,” Belphie smirked before wandering off with Beel.
Satan shook his head at all the weirdness happening around him, before resuming his place along the wall. He didn’t know how things had escalated that quickly with Michael, especially considering the guy had never done anything to him personally. Yeah, he had all the memories of Lucifer being angry at him, and he had hurt his brother’s, but he had never had any personal problems with him. Well, a lot of Lucifer’s anger started because of Michael, and that’s what I was born from… The small voice in the back of his head started acting up, though he often tried to keep it quiet, You’re more like Lucifer then you want to admit.
He growled a bit at the voice, before starting to wander around. People watching always helped calm him down. It was one of the things he had done in his early life to help him learn how to interact with others, at Asmo’s suggestion. He always found something new to store away in his brain, and the problem solving helped calm his brain.
“There ya’ are! We’ve been lookin’ for ya’.”
We? Satan turned to Mammon to see Mc standing next to him. Satan froze, having not prepared himself to talk to her.
“She asked me ta dance, but cha know I’m more of a solo dancer myself, so I was wondering if you would for me?”
“I… Uhhh… Yes, if she would like,” Satan finally managed to get out, watching Mc for any negative reactions.
“I have no problems with it,” Mc answered cryptically, nothing in her tone or mannerisms betraying how she actually felt about the suggested change.
“Uh… Perfect, I guess. Have fun you two,” Mammon announced before walking off.
I could both hug him and punch him, Satan thought, though what came out of his mouth was, “Well, may I have this dance?” while extending his hand to her.
A smile graced her lips, “You certain may.”
He led her out onto the dance floor, still lightly holding her hand. He was still nervous, but not like he was the last time they’d met. He let his mask start to slip when he faced her, “I’m very glad you accepted my invitation to dance,” he slipped his hand to its proper place for the waltz as the music started.
“It’s my pleasure,” She smiled, though not as warmly as he would’ve hoped. They started dancing effortlessly, Satan extremely happy they were still in sync. If only the conversation flowed as easily. Satan spent the first full minute of the dance just trying to figure out what to say to her, also trying not to think about how beautiful she looked.
Finally, he figured out something neutral to say, “Have you been enjoying the Devildom?”
“Yes, I have, thank you for asking.”
“What’s been your favorite part?”
Mc took a minute to think, “I would have to say… Sightseeing. There’s a lot here I could have never imagined existing in the Celestial Realm.”
“Ah. Have you visited the Royal Library yet?”
“I have actually. I’ve been researching for my next art project.”
“You’re working on a new art project?”
“Yes. I feel rather inspired here.”
“I look forward to seeing it. Are you planning on showing it in the Devildom?”
“Quite possibly.”
“Good. We need new art down here,” Satan said before the conversation lapsed back into silence. It was towards the end of the song that Satan decided to bring up the elephant in the room, “I’ve ummm… Been hoping I would see you again.”
“As have I.”
“You have?” he asked, extremely surprised.
“Yes. I’ve been trying to figure out why you acted the way you did.”
“I apologize for that. I… Well, I actually wrote you a letter to explain it. I know my behavior was… off to say the least. I’ve been going through a lot lately, and I apologize that it negatively affected my behavior towards you.”
“You wrote me a letter?”
“Yes. I find I can express myself far better and with far more accuracy by writing than by talking.”
“Ah. Do… Do you have that letter with you?” Her voice was small when she asked.
“I do. I was planning to give it to you tonight anyways.”
“You were?”
“Oh, I said that out loud didn’t I?” Mc giggled at that and Satan felt better, the mask slipping even more, “I’ve been trying to find a good time to give it to you all night actually.”
“Really?” Her smile was curious and a bit teasing.
“Er, yeah. I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I think that’s alright,” Mc smiled, finally seeming at ease around him.
The song ended then, and Satan reached into his back pocket to produce the letter, “Here it is.”
“I’ll make sure to read it,” Mc promised, reaching for the letter. Their fingers brushed when she went to grab it, and they both blushed at the contact, “Well, I’m going to go find Luke. Thank you for the dance.”
“No, thank you,” Satan said sincerely, smiling softly.
She smiled back, and with that she was gone.
“Heh. You owe me don’ cha’,” Mammon’s voice came from behind him, sounding pretty smug.
“I’d say you’ve made up for not telling me she was in town.”
“I’ll take it.”
Hey you guys, a couple more things:
First off, I have passed the 100 follower mark, and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do anything for it.
Second: I was wondering how you guys ran across this fic. If you wanna comment down below and just let me know. I’m really wondering how my work’s being spread, so if you could do that, I’d appreciate it!
~As always, likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated (I always read everything you guys write in the comments and reblogs)
Part Eleven
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jamesmarlowe · 5 years ago
『ANTON THIEMKE ❙ CIS-MALE』 ⟿ looks like JAMES MARLOWE is here for HIS SENIOR year as a FINE ARTS student. He is 21 years old & known to be CLEVER, INVENTIVE, UNRELIABLE & EGOTISTICAL. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ SLOTH. 25. EST. SHE/HER.
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hi hello welcome 2 my twisted mind ☺️ marlowe is a character i’m still fine-tuning bc he’s brand-new, so this is unfortunately.... a bit of a mess.... and mostly made up on the spot.... c’est la vie!!
(a late addition but u can also peep his weheartit collection here 4 some vibes)
his government name is james marlowe but he only goes by marlowe & only introduces himself as marlowe like he’s madonna or sting....  most ppl who know him (apart from like close friends) probably don’t even know what his first name is. maybe he doesn’t have one!
hails from Appalachia, specifically a trailer park in a poor-as-dirt stretch of Virginia where he was born n raised, baby. he’s Appalachian white trash and not afraid to admit it. marlowe’s very casual about his upbringing and his dumpster fire of a family (no less than three relatives are currently incarcerated, one of which is his older brother who’s probably serving a minor sentence for whatever dumb shit Tim Riggins got got for in FNL or like, selling illegal fireworks out of his trunk :/ ). the only thing he’s a little self-conscious about is his twang which he’s mostly suppressed by now, but other than that, he’s got no shame in where he comes from bc lbr no authentic artist ever came from money anyway!
born sandwiched in the middle of five siblings, marlowe’s always been wild and creative and impulsive, a loud-mouthed kid with too much to say for his own good, prone 2 getting in trouble but learning absolutely nothing from it. it was his mission in life to be Different from all the other kids who grew up where he grew up, with the way he talked, dressed, acted, because he knew that he was destined for bigger n better things so it was just a matter of getting other ppl to believe it, & then seeing how far a little talent and a lot of charisma would take him >:)
from age 8 onwards, he told people he was an “artist” and that became his primary identity. when he was 16 he completed an independent sculpture project (called “Skyscraper”) where he constructed a 20-foot tower made out of junk collected from around the trailer park and then glued Barbies n other dolls all clawing over each other to get to the top, smack dab in the middle of Main Street and refused to take it down even when the local fire department showed up 2 threaten him with fines. it did eventually get taken down bc it was ‘structurally unsound’ and someone nearly got concussed by a falling mannequin head, but at least it got some attention from local newspapers and w/ that as the crown jewel in his portfolio, marlowe got into a few different art/liberal arts schools the following year. radcliffe was the only one who offered a partial scholarship and the east coast sounded nice n far from home, so anyways lets go ✈️ college 
FAST FORWARD its senior year babey and marlowe’s been making the most of his time here at radcliffe. he’s a fine arts major but specializes in mixed media sculptures (and probably is really shit at most of his other classes, like art theory where u actually have to read textbooks? still life drawing? boring. yawn. won’t do it.) his entire profile as an artist i’m cribbing from Rachel Harrison bc I saw her exhibition at the whitney a little while ago and her sculptures made me go ?????¿¿¿¿¿ which i think is exactly the kind of bizarre nonsense that marlowe is going for with his “art”. feast your eyes on these masterpieces. the joke of it all is that marlowe is the first to admit that his art isn’t like.... good. but his philosophy is that if people respond to it & praise it like it’s art, then by definition, it’s art. and if it gets him places (like it got him onto Cultured Magazine’s “30 Young Artists To Watch This Decade″ list), then yeehaw!
When he’s not busy creating new monstrosities, marlowe takes one fat nap per day (usually at a time when he has class) and is otherwise a very social creature who needs constant attention. he’s got a lot of friends and is always looking to make more, not in a #fake way but just as a person who genuinely likes being around people. he very quickly gets bored if left on his own, so he’s prone to following people around campus like a stray cat regardless of whether or not they tell him to shoo. he dorms at Noland but is almost always found in other houses, often crashing in other people’s rooms (needs to be close to his friends or He’ll Die), and he definitely frequents parties, bc marlowe never passes up an opportunity to drink other people’s booze and get a lil messy and Chaotic. he’s [jim halpert voice] not a slut, but who knows? he’s kinda a slut! he’s also definitely pulled another stunt similar to Skyscraper by taking over the quad for a guerrilla art installation with his sculptures (and without the school’s permission oops) which may be the basis for some connections if ppl know him from that particular exploit!!
in summary..... marlowe can be a bit up his own ass at times, but being around him is generally a Good Time bc he’s easy-going and friendly and always down for anything, always. litcherally zero impulse control so nothing gets in the way of a dumb idea that might potentially make for a good story. perhaps he’s not the most reliable person, so don’t expect a prompt text back if ur in a life or death situation, and he doesn’t care very much about anything, so ur setting urself up for disappointment if you do expect him to care about something (the fact that he’s never been in a long-term relationship... very telling). all he wants to do is just have! fun all the time! he’s trying to scam his way into the American Dream with his dumb art, so that he can live a good life and maybe get rich and famous and eventually party at Art Basel in Miami with Frank Ocean! is that really so much to ask!
appearance: marlowe’s very vain and a lot of thought goes into his appearance even when (especially when) it doesn’t look like he’s done anything but roll straight out of bed. all of his outfits are as outrageous as his sculptures are ugly. think mismatched prints and loud colors, silk shirts gaping open like he got tired after the first three buttons, a pawn’s shop worth of jewelry, weird dangly earrings w/ feathers or tiny charms, tinted yellow or pink sunglasses, sometimes a bandana around his neck, just for extra flavor. his hair always has to look perfectly tousled; u can catch him checking out his reflection in pretty much every mirrored surface. at least half the surface area of his body is covered in tattoos & he’ll suggest getting more during every drunken night out, which... is why he has so many by now!
connections: to be quite honest its 2 am and i feel all of my higher brain functions shutting down so i’m gonna make these very simple n straightforward, but we can always workshop!!!! pls feel free to message me even if none of these strike ur fancy :0)
peers in the arts - friends, acquaintances, rivals, probably some former group project members holding a grudge....
fellow party animals who don’t mind sharing when marlowe inevitably mooches off their alcohol and drugs :)
unlikely friends!!!!! it’d be fun to have a friendship dynamic with someone who’s very different from him!!
a roommate in Noland... possibly one he’s not on good terms w/... even tho marlowe hardly EVER sleeps in his own dorm room, he uses it as a storage locker for all his “found” art materials. i can imagine that living in that mess would try the limits of anyone’s sanity :)  
enemies - they can hate his whole Genius Artist shtick and they’d be valid :/
fellow insomniacs! marlowe is very much a night owl (regular naps during the day may be 2 blame but oh well) so he needs a fellow nocturnal to hit up the late-night McDonald’s drive thru with him and then lay on the grass lookin at the stars and contemplating life’s great mysteries while eating chicken mcnuggets 
exes - idk if u can even call them tht when his past “relationships” have all had a lifespan of six weeks or less, but hey there’s drama in that too!!
fwb - i don’t think marlowe’s the type 2 be juggling too many fwb/hook-ups at one time simply because That’s A Lot of Work. that being said... he never likes to sleep alone ;) 
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prophezeiung · 4 years ago
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@vorhersage​ said:    3, 12, 18 for all of them thanks​​   ›   oc creation questions ( accepting )
3. how did you choose their name? carter: i remember scouring baby naming websites for the most obnoxious sounding rich people names. i wanted something more ~modern frat bro-y but with a touch of old money™ too, so in the end i went with lewis montgomery carter which imo already sounds extremely annoying so i’m happy. lloyd was.. just a vibe... but also lloyd bank, no correlation but a vibe. marty: marty was acc a really stupid one, because i first made him on forums where you have to sign up with the character’s name... very funny story for a different day but i just wanted to make an account so i could work on the site, so i just picked any random name that i thought sounded cute. i think i was thinking of back to the future? only after that we came up with an rpg concept and i started creating an oc... who wasn’t very marty mcfly-ish at all? but i decided to stick with this fresh nickname and give him an eccentric real name...... that’s why it’s a stretch from artemis to marty when he literally could’ve been arty but that’s not a vibe at all. his middle name is aurelio bc it’s cute and lighthearted but i realized it’s almost a c/mbyn mood which .. puke.. also all his siblings have a. a. names so 8) graves just sounded nice and dark academia-y, plus because it was a fantastic beasts-ish rpg concept i was thinking of claiming p.ercival graves as a distant relative oop. when i removed marty from the hp setting i thought the last name still fit v well with his new lore so i yoinked it from fb and now it’s mine uwu pandora: i have no clue how i came up with pandora, i just thought it’s funny to give her the nickname bread bc ‘big bread’ was somewhat of an inside joke but i couldn’t make myself give her the last name grande... also all my central american friends have like 7 names each so i wanted to give her at least one middle name and two last names ... i went with belén like bethlehem because it doesn’t fit her AT ALL hehe and then for a last name i really liked olivar.. bc of plant imagery and it sounded like bolivar... anyway... holden: very non-deep i found it on a baby naming website and vaisey is a golden trio era side-side-character so i just thought i’ll make an ancestor ... stonks! 8) margaret: i really really liked the nickname muffy and so i looked up for which names it’s a nick name... mary and margaret just happened to be on the list, which perfectly matched her background hehe 8) barr is actually kind of an eva-ism, i asked her if i should name my character after a.aron burr or c.atherine parr and she said yes <3 so i did 8) conan: conan means little wolf babey!!!! r.emus l.upin who!!!!!!!!! irish werewolf all the way!!!! and hm mcloughlin just struck me as irish™ idk it sounds nice! sunshine: haha... i didn’t have a name for her for the longest time, i just knew she was a hippie gal with a pure heart and uwu attitude so eva and i just called her ‘sunshine rainbow baby’... and then when it came to actually naming her... i didn’t :) it’s just the right amount of tacky and in-your-face so i kept it ayyy emily: she just was emily .. i didn’t choose the name it was just there and i accepted it.. sorry... for her last name i looked at japanese name meanings that sorta fit her vibe and i liked all the kuro- ones bc kuro means black which... hello... and kurosawa just sounded really fitting!
12. what have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your oc (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? carter: the fact that he knows shit about american politics and icba to look that up for every reply. plus the fact that his political opinions disgust me .... also i changed carter’s fc once and that kinda messed up a little how i picture him physically, esp with art and edits i... still don’t know if he rly has curly hair or nah.. have stopped thinking about it... marty: the fact that he’s so cringey and his vocabulary is bigger than mine.. also he has read walden and i refuse to... generally his obsession with classic literature is a big yikes for me bc the canon is so str8 white cis male heavy oof pandora: her lore? i am very lazy with her lore... also finding the balance between whirlwind and Chill.. i know she’s there i just gotta find where exactly... holden: trying not to make every reply sound the same but he only has 2 emotions ( angry, a little less angry ) so it’s hard. muffy: not so much difficult as interesting but i find out more and more that muffy is actually... kinda dark? idk man i don’t wanna see her snap. ( but actually.. i do.... ) conan: it just hurts man.. everything about him.. i want happy endings for my characters so bad but i wonder if he can ever be happy without being sad :/ sunshine: her whole inner monologue lmaooo i have no idea what i’m writing i’m just winging it?? emily: i’m yet to find out babey 8)
18. what is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your oc?
carter: how whiny he is rip :/ i knew he kinda was.. but oh boy he’s terrible... marty: his relationship with Evil people and that he actually... would rather follow charisma than ideology which is a big oof ://// .. not that he’s into breaking the law at all but his moral compass is so weak and he usually thinks about other things and he is so easily peer pressured that he could high key be manipulated into doing bad stuff :/ pandora: she’s a coffee person! holden: that he spits on kids muffy: that she’s kind of a slytherin? conan: he can’t sit with his back to the door.. sunshine: she could be kind of an adrenaline junkie? not in a dangerous way she just... is the person who says ‘ i wanna go again! ’ after getting off the roller coaster hehe emily: that she swears oop
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xmagicxpenguinx · 7 years ago
Hey hey hey can you give me some music recommendations? I like most music so don’t worry about like what genres and such to focus on just recommend some favorites
Hey hey hey anon! I can give you some music recommendations! I like a lot of music, 187 different artists according to my Spotify. You requested some of my favourites, and quite frankly I have a lot of favourites. These are my go to songs, the ones that can make a shit day better. Also I’m sorry that I took so long to reply to you, I hope you like the songs I have listed and it isn’t too disappointing.
One Direction: 18, Ready to Run, Fools Gold, Night Changes, Illusion (that song is so underrated its sad), Infinity, Love You Goodbye, Wolves, End Of The Day, Diana, Story of My Life, Don’t Forget Where You Belong, Through the Dark, Half A Heart, Why Don’t We Go There, Home, Perfect (Stripped), Last First Kiss, Rock Me, They Don’t Know About Us, Nobody Compares, Moments, I Should Have Kissed You, their version of Torn and Teenage Dirtbag and the song they sold to a 14 year old Just Can’t Let Her Go. (who am I kidding every song they released.)
Shawn Mendes: Life Of The Party, Kid In Love, Imagination, This Is What It Takes, Lost, Three Empty Words, Lights On, Honest, Patience, Bad Reputation, Roses and Show You.
Troye Sivan: TALK ME DOWN, HEAVEN, YOUTH, LOST BOY, for him, SUBURBIA, BLUE, The Fault in Our Stars, Fun and Happy Little Pill.
BTS: Spring Day, Pied Piper, Dimple, DNA, Best Of Me, Butterfly, Autumn Leaves and Run
5 Seconds of Summer: Daylight, their version of American Idiot, Amnesia, Rejects, Wrapped Around Your Finger, Just Saying, Disconnected, Story Of Another Us, Broken Home, The Space Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Safety Pin, San Francisco, 18, Long Way Home, Heartbreak Girl, Beside You and Out of my Limit.Andy Black: his whole solo album is amazing and it features Ashton Irwin, Gerard and Mikey Way, and was produced by John Feldman. If that doesn’t make you want to listen to it, I fear that nothing will.
Black Veil Brides: Mortician’s Daughter, Love Isnt Always Fair, Ritual, Rebel Love Song and Fallen Angels.
Panic! At the Disco: Northern Downpour, Nine In The Afternoon, Miss Jackson, This Is Gospel, Girls/Girls/Boys, Casual Affair, Collar Full, Memories, Emperor’s New Clothes, Let’s Kill Tonight, Turn Off The Lights, New Perspective, LA Devotee, Golden Days, and Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time.
My Chemical Romance: The Sharpest Lives, I Don’t Love You, Disenchanted, Famous Last Words, Na Na Na, Bulletproof Heart, Sing, Planetary (GO!), The Only Hope For Me Is You, Helena, I’m Not Ok, The Ghost Of You, It’s Not A Fashion Statement It’s a Deathwish, Cemetery Drive, Fake Your Death and Teenagers.
Avril Lavigne: Rock N Roll, 17, Bitchin’ Summer, Hello Heartache, Here’s To Never Gowing Up, When You’re Gone, Innocence, Contagious and You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet
Halsey: New Americana, Hurricane, Roman Holiday, Ghost, Strange Love, Castle, Is There Somewhere, Empty Gold, 100 Letters, Now Or Never, Bad At Love, Srangers, Don’t Play and Angel On Fire.
Charlie Puth: Losing My Mind, Up All Night, Left Right Left, Then There’s You, Some Type Of Love, River, Does It Feel, Dangerously, How Long, Attention and We Don’t Talk Anymore.
Fall Out Boy: American Beauty/American Psycho, The Kids Aren’t Alright, Jet Pack Blues, Fourth Of July, Immortals, Sugar We’re Goin Down, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, I Don’t Care, 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, Rat a Tat, Save Rock And Roll, HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T and The Last Of The Real Ones.
Ed Sheeran: Holy crap anything that he has released I love. To list everything would just be the tracklist to every album and ep.Little Mix: Little Me, About The Boy, Love Me Like You, Black Magic, I Love You, Love Me Or Leave Me, I Won’t, DNA, Change Your Life, Wings, How Ya Doin’?, Reggaeton Lento, No More Sad Songs, Oops, You Gotta Not, Your Love, If I Get My Way and Nobody But You.
Olly Murs: Dance With Me Tonight, Beautiful To Me (the music video is my religion) Love Shouldn’t Be This Hard, Kiss Me, I Blame Hollywood, A Million More Years, Right Place Right Time, Dear Darlin’, One Of These Days, You Don’t Know Love, Grow Up, Love You More, Back Around, Unpredictable, Flaws and Heart Skips A Beat.
The Vamps: Wild Heart, Somebody To You (both versions) Oh Cecilia, On The Floor, Can We Dance, Middle Of The Night, Paper Hearts, Same To You, Cheater, I Found A Girl, Volcano and All Night. (also I was reading a book on Wattpad and I listened to The Vamps every time I read the book and it was so fitting…? Like all the lyrics made sense at the right time. And for the whole book I imagined the male character as Brad. Now when I hear The Vamps I am reminded about of book. Idk why I am sharing that.)
Taylor Swift: YES OK I LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT AND HARRY STYLES DON’T HATE ME PLEASE!! (I don’t think haylor was a good thing for either of them though) Jump Then Fall, Fearless, Fifteen, Love Story, Tell Me Why, You’re Not Sorry, Red, 22, Everything Has Changed, Girl At Home, All Too Well, The Last Time, Getaway Car, This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Today Was A Fairytale, Style, This Love, Wonderland, You Are In Love, New Romantics, Mine, Sparks Fly, Back To December :’(, Long Live, Ours, Mary’s Song, Our Song and Teardrops On My Guitar. (Also Taylor Swift by Taylor Swift was my first cd, I was so obsessed with her and its because of her I got emotionally invested in music, so thanks Taylor for ruining my life and also improving it.
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