#also hello ln followers. if you’re still there. it’s been a while :3
crazysnor1ax · 11 months
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Starvetober Day 22 - Nightmare
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chapter one - the note // light me up : a draco malfoy fic
a/n : hello ! this is chapter one of light me up. it is a bit short- i really want to get outside opinions on what you think ; i hope you enjoy ! seeing as i have exactly 0 followers on this here blog this story will also be posted on wattpad (where i’m known as starlight--writes) . it’s a bit easier to grow on there , but i figured theres always a chance of someone finding this fic on here and falling in love with it . anyways , if you’re seeing this , reblogs and notes are always appreciated . requests are open as well ! k , bye (:
reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
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Charms was your least favorite class of the day. Usually you looked forward to it, eagerly awaiting getting to sit next to your boyfriend, Cedric Diggory, but in the week that the two of you had broken up, it had been torture. You still had to sit with him- the seating was assigned that way, but now instead of kisses when you walked in and holding hands under the table, it was forced smiles and awkward greetings. 
So far, you’d spent the whole class looking down at your lap, tangling your fingers together and trying to take up as little space as possible. Maybe, if you were still enough, he would just forget you were there. You made no noise, no sudden movements; essentially, acting like you didn’t even exist. However, that illusion was broken when Nearly Headless Nick has floated in through the back wall, holding a letter that he handed to Professor Flitwick. He read it over silently, then looked up and directly at you. He cleared his throat and stepped down from the pile of books he stood on, and shuffled over to you.
“Miss Y/L/N, it seems you are needed elsewhere. When you finish, please see me for the homework,” he said with a warm smile, handing you the parchment he was holding. 
You smiled back- Professor Flitwick had always been nice to you- and grabbed your bag without even reading the short note; if it meant not having to be so close to Cedric, you were happy for the excuse. As you got up, you felt a gentle tug on your sleeve and your stomach flew up into your throat. Looking up, you saw Cedric smile and drop his grip on your shirt.
“When you’re done, can we talk?” he asked quietly, trying not to draw any attention to either of you. “I’d like to. I’ll wait in the library after classes.”
You couldn’t muster a vocal response- this was the most he’d said to you in a week, and from the look on his face, it seemed important. You just nodded and fled the room, trying to compose yourself before the pumpkin pastie you had eaten before Charms came back up. 
Once you were in the silent, stony hallway, you took a deep breath. Everything was fine. He probably just wanted his jumper back- it was his favorite, and he’d given it to you for pajamas a while ago. You leaned your head back against the cool cobblestone of the hallway, and retrieved the note from your bag, reading it over twice before you fully comprehended the meaning.
Miss Y/LN, Excuse the interruption of your class- upon review of your marks, it seems that you will be quite alright missing a charms class and upholding your grade. The staff have deliberated the results of your try out for Slytherin House’s Quidditch Team, and we are glad to offer you the position of a back-up seeker. Please meet the current Slytherin seeker- Draco Malfoy- in the dining hall for a private practice. We hope this letter finds you well, Slytherin House Quidditch Staff
You tried to contain your excitement, but couldn’t wipe the grin off of your face as you made your way to the Dining Hall. You had mostly tried out for Quidditch as a one off thing, to get Cedric to shut up about it. You absolutely hadn’t expected to be chosen and assigned a spot, so the letter was the only bright point in your week so far. As you entered the great hall, you saw the white-blonde head you were supposed to be meeting leaned over a roll of parchment, chewing on his lower lip.
                                                      ☁ ☁ ☁
Draco Malfoy was in the same year as you- the same house as well- but the two of you had never talked much. Your social circles weren’t intertwined, and besides the few classes you had with him, you didn’t run into him often. As you walked over to him, you dimly wondered if he even knew your name.
“Draco? I’m supposed to meet with you, right?” you asked, timidly. He looked up from his books to meet your eyes. 
“Oh, right. Sorry, I’m trying to get this Potions work done, but…” he tapered off, shaking his head. “Anyway. Sorry- but yes, Flint asked me to meet with you. Y/N, right?”
“Right,” you said with a nod, “Yeah. And I have the answers for the Potions homework, if you want them.”
Draco gathered all his things, shoving them into his bag and asked, “Really? Oh. Wait. Aren't you in my potions class?”
You nodded, and went to fish the paper out of your book, wondering why you’d offered in the first place. You weren’t one to let others copy. “Yeah. I finished it last night, so you can look over it, if you want to,” you replied, handing him the parchment. He took the roll from your hand, giving you a half-smile. 
“Thank you. I can’t seem to understand Potions, like, ever, so I appreciate it. I promise, this will only take a couple minutes; I’ll have you out on the field right after.”
You settled beside him and pulled out your Charms book- might as well finish reading the chapter while you have the time. You could hear Draco muttering the words under his breath as he scratched them down with his quill, and found that oddly endearing. Besides him being the seeker for Slytherin, and his constant feud with Harry Potter, you really didn’t know much about the tall boy sitting next to you, so that fact that you knew how he took notes seemed almost… intimate. Like something you shouldn’t know, but you did. As you pondered on this, you started to wonder what else you didn’t know about him. You referenced the general knowledge of him you’d picked up over the last six years.
Name- Draco Malfoy (son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, who were well known in the wizard community. Kind of a dark family, though.)
Year- 6
Position- Seeker
Attributes- tall, handsome, good Quidditch  player, constantly nagging at harry potter for reasons unknown, friends with Crabbe and Goyle, mumbles while taking notes. Had never had a girlfriend, to your knowledge, but had many hookups. Quiet and brooding and slightly scary. Very intimidating, and taller than you’d think. He smelled good, like citrus and musk and old parchment, and his hair looked soft. He was a pretty boy, really. Scarily pretty. 
You were still trying to think of anything you’d heard about him, other than the general assumptions of him: good looking, but a woeful git to just about everyone, when he shut his book and slid the roll of parchment back over to you.
“Thanks, again. So you’re gunning for my spot on the team?” he asked, packing up his things. You felt your face flush, and didn’t know how to respond when he chuckled and spoke up. “I’m kidding. It’s always good to have backup players, for when we get hurt. You must’ve really impressed Flint- he was going on and on about the ‘new girl’ at practice.”
Your cheeks got hot again as the two of you walked out of the dining hall and through the passages leading out to the field. “I guess so. I really didn’t think anything would come of me trying out.”
Draco ran a hand through his hair and walked out into the courtyard. “Really? What took you so long to try out, if you don't mind me asking? We’re always looking for new talent.”
You looked up at him out of the corner of your eye, and saw that he was waiting on an answer. “Um- I really didn’t ever think about playing, honestly. Over last summer, I was dragged into a game by a couple of friends, and they told me I had a knack for it. Then Cedric wouldn’t stop bugging me about trying to join the team, so I did.”
“That’s right. Isn’t he your boyfriend?”
You felt your heart pang at his words, and gave him a tight lipped smile. “He was. We aren’t really together anymore.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn't know. I’ve just seen you two around, so I assumed…” he trailed off, looking down at you with sympathetic eyes.
“It’s fine. It was pretty recent that we,” you hesitated, almost choking on the words. “It was recently that we split up. No one really knows yet, besides close friends.”
Draco nodded, pulling a key out of his pocket. He unlocked a door on the side of the castle that you didn’t even realize existed, and walked into the cramped room. It was full of Quidditch  supplies- practice jerseys, brooms, and the trunk that held all the equipment. He picked it up, and you could see the muscles in his forearms flexing and shifting under his pale skin as he held the heavy trunk. 
“Well, I won't tell anyone. I’m sorry, I know how that can be. Will you grab two of those?” he asked, nodding at the wall behind you. Multiple brooms were mounted on it, and you grabbed two, following him out of the room. You replayed his sentence in your head. ‘I know how that can be.’ and wondered if you had missed something. You’d never seen Draco with a girl, much less a girlfriend. But maybe he was one to keep his relationships quiet. It made things much easier when you broke up if no one knew you were dating anyone in the first place.
“Yeah. It’s been… it hasn’t been fun. But, anyway, I really tried out because of that. When I didn’t hear anything for a bit, I figured that I hadn’t made it.”
“Yeah, the review takes a long time. Snape has the whole team review tryouts, then selects certain people to start training. Just about everyone was impressed with yours, though.”
“Well that’s good, right? I mean, if I’m being trained, I assume that I made it.”
Draco smiled down at you, dropping the trunk on the grass. “Welcome to the team. Let’s see what you can do.”
                                                       ☁ ☁ ☁
After a few hours of flying about Draco started packing the trunk back up, strapping the snitch back into place. The curls that had previously adorned your head had fallen limp from flying, and you were out of breath as the two of you walked back to the supply cabinet. 
“I can see why Flint was so impressed. You really could take my spot, if you wanted it,” Draco said with a smile, unlocking the hidden door once more. 
“I don’t think so. But thank you.”
He placed the trunk back on a shelf, and turned to you, crossing his arms. Again, you watched the muscles ripple under his skin and tried not to flush. “You really are good. Maybe not better than me, but good,” he said, and you could feel his eyes on you as you returned the brooms to their wall mountings. 
“I’ve seen you play, Malfoy. If you can take the snitch out from under Cedric’s nose, then I'm not sure I'll be put to much use.”
“Oh, please. Cedric isn’t what I would call competition’” he joked, locking the door behind the two of you. “And if you were watching Cedric play, how would you know if I’m any good?” he raised an eyebrow at you, and your heart fluttered in your chest. 
You’d always known Draco was good looking- it was hard not to notice that- but he was also wickedly funny, and quick witted. You felt better than you had in a week for the first time today, and you didn’t doubt that some of it had to do with the blonde boy beside you. 
“Just because I was dating someone in a different house doesn’t mean I ever stopped rooting for ours. I know where my loyalties lie.”
He gave you a sweet smile, and the two of you continued walking back to the castle in comfortable silence. When you ducked back into the bustling hallways from the courtyard, Draco cleared his throat, stopping in the small alcove. 
“So. Um, I think we should probably do this again. You did almost all solo flying today, but you need to feel the pressure of racing against someone as well. That’s half of being a seeker, is racing your opponent. Do you have a free period sometime this week?” he asked, and you felt your heart stir again- while you might’ve needed more training, you had a nagging feeling that it was a little more than that. The two of you had a good time, and you hadn’t seen Draco smile that much in the whole six years you’d been at Hogwarts with him.
“Sure. I have two on Thursday. Just let me know when you’re free; I’m in the common room a lot, so I should be easy to find.”
He grinned down at you, his blonde hair flopping down and over his forehead and cleared his throat. “Okay. sounds good. I’ll see you later, then?”
You nodded, and gave him a smile. “I’ll see you around.”
                                                       ☁ ☁ ☁
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
Subscribe - Final Part
Summary: (Modern AU) Peter was your college sweetheart until a certain event led to your break up. Seven years later another event brings you two back together, but this time a little girl is in the picture. Will listening to your podcasts be the reason you two get back together or be another reason to keep you apart?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 3790
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing
Subscribe Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Peter stepped into Walkman Records feeling good. His head was clear instead of in the throbbing cloudiness it was the previous day. It felt like it was going to be a good day. Sure, it was almost noon, and he had to be at Mer’s parent-teacher conferences in an hour, but he was ready for it. 
“Good afternoon, Peter. You’re looking sober today,” Mants grinned as Peter collected his mail from his cubby. 
“Ahh yeah,” he nodded at her with a half smirk. Mantis was someone who wasn't afraid to state the obvious, and it's one of the reasons he hired her. He made his way to his office to find Bucky lifting Nat in the air, smiling up at her. “Oh joy, it must be nice being in a healthy relationship. Thanks for rubbing it in.”
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” Bucky asked, gazing at Nat. She nodded at him to continue with a contagious smile on her face. "We're pregnant.”
“Wow, that's ahhh...I don't...congratulations you two,” Peter stated with wide eyes and a half smile. “Didn’t even know you two were trying? I’m happy for you both.”
“Then, why don’t you look happy for us?”
“It’s just you two are moving on with your life, and I'm kind of stuck here.” Peter shrugged, motioning around the room. 
“Come on, man.” Bucky squeezed his shoulder. “We wouldn’t leave you behind…you were our first child.”
“I appreciate it,” Peter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I am really happy for you two though. It will be nice to have another mascot running around here and wreaking havoc.” 
“Peter, I--” Nat stammered “--I went to see YN yesterday.”
“What? Why?” He dropped the mail on his desk, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Someone needed to tell her about Bereet, and given your track record, you would've waited another seven years,” Nat confessed, forcing Peter to scoff. 
“Why would you do that? I was gonna talk to her, and now you ruined it.”
“Before or after she moved to New York.”
“What...what are you talking about?”
“YN got a promotion to run the new Potts of Honey facility in New York. Why do you think she went there in the first place? To check out the sights?”
“No, no no.” Peter shook his head. “She would’ve told me this.” He stared hard at the floor in defeat. “Do you know when she leaves? Is she taking Mer with her?”
“Better question, why haven't you told her how you feel?"
“Tell her? She fucking hates me.”
“Are you sure it’s hate? Last I heard you said she loves you.” Peter grunted, shaking his head. “Are you going to let her getaway for the 3rd time, or are you going to chase her down?”
“Shut up.” Peter stood there with his eyes moving back and forth, clenching and unclenching his jaw, trying to figure out what to do. “Son of a bitch,” he cursed, running out of the room with his phone in his hand. 
“You had to go that far to say she was moving?”
“Lit a match under his ass, didn’t it.”
“It did,” Bucky smirked. "We’re going to make such great parents.”
Everything was set up for this week’s podcast. Pepper was ready to share the exciting news about the expansion of Potts of Honey and the new product lines hitting shelves within the next couple weeks. 
“Okay, Darcey, whatever you do. Do not let anyone in the room while we are recording because I hate editing these podcasts. It takes forever.” She nodded. “If you have any questions at all, use the whiteboard.”
“Got it, boss.”
“Great, I will be with you in here until...” Your phone ringing interrupted you. You peeked at the screen, seeing Peter’s name and hit ignore. “...until I get summoned in.” He was on his way to Mers parent-teacher conferences for the first time, and he was either worried or didn’t know what to do. 
“You got it, dude.”
“Good,” you replied as Pepper and Wanda walked in. “Ready ladies?”
“Born ready,” Wanda smirked, taking her usual chair in the booth.
“Are you sure about your decision?” Pepper asked you before walking into the booth.
“Yes, I am,” you smiled. “You're more than welcome to announce it over the podcast.”
“Excellent,” she pulled you into a tight hug.
“We will be recording in 5, 4, 3,” you said as you mouthed 2, 1, and pointed at Wanda. You pushed the button to signal the red on-air light above the door outside, so no one would disturb your production. 
“Hello, my wonderful listeners. Welcome back to another episode of Everyday’s a Monday. You are all in for a treat today! We are speaking with my boss, the lovely Pepper Potts hyphen Stark. She's speaking about the future of Potts and Honey and new products being released in the coming weeks. Later, YN will be joining us after not saying a word on here for about two episodes now. I have a conspiracy theory about how she might’ve paid our guests to not get her to come on the show. She's shaking her head no, but I know the truth,” she chuckled, getting Pepper crack a smile. “Turns out we also have our new intern, Darcey, helping out in the recording booth. This means YN has no choice but to join us today. But first, play that awesome intro.”
You hit the button to signal the short upbeat catchy tune that plays at the beginning of each podcast. It was a little redundant, but it kept things fun. It also made Everyday’s a Monday stand out and be more recognizable like any opening to your favorite tv show. 
“Pepper, it is great to have you back on the show.”
“It’s always fun coming on here and talking with you both.”
“The boss said both, so YN get your ass in here,” Wanda waved you in, and you stepped into the booth.
“You just had to say the magic word, didn’t you, Pepper?” You spoke into your mic and slid your headphones over your ears. You sat in your usual spot right across from Wanda with your back to the door while Pepper sat at the end of the rectangle table.
“Couldn’t help myself,” she laughed. 
Parent-teacher conferences went off without a hitch. He gave Mer a few fist bumps as the teacher praised her for how well she was doing in her classes. There was one teacher, who didn’t like how she spoke up in class, but Peter ignored him by nodding along and acting like he was listening. Mer had to nudge him a few times because he zoned out during this teacher's rant. Overall, the teachers love Mer and how open she is to learning. With it being conferences, Mer was able to leave school early for the day, and after telling Mer about his plan, he knew exactly what he needed to do. 
Peter walked through the rotating doors of the Potts of Honey headquarters building with Meredith in tow. It was crazy how many buildings were on the grounds, but he assumed they all had a specific purpose. They walked up to the welcome desk seeing three receptionists typing away on their computers.
“Hi, Peter and Meredith Quill here to see YN LN,” Peter said to the lady with blonde hair.
“I’m sorry, sir, but she is unavailable at the moment. I can take a message for her if you’d like.”
“Look--” he reads her nametag “--Sharon, it will take like ten minutes tops.” 
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go up without her approval.” Peter nodded, thanking her for her help, and turned around to leave. 
“Hey, Quill.” Peter looked over, seeing Drax waving at him.
“Drax, hey, buddy. I haven’t seen you since you worked security at the Howling Commandos concert.”
“Wild night,” he chuckled.
“This is my daughter Meredith.” 
“I know her too well.” Drax held up his hand, giving her a high five. “What brings you here?”
“I need to get up to see YN.”
“Desk lady, I am taking Quill and his daughter on a tour. Give me two badges.” Sharon rolled her eyes, handing them over to him. “This way. Follow me.”
“What is this big exciting news you are bouncing up and down to share with us, Pepper?” Wanda questioned, wearing a huge smile on her face. She already knew the news, but she was good at faking enthusiasm when she needed to. 
“Yes, well, very recently I sent these two lovely ladies, YN and Wanda, to New York City to scope out properties, and I am happy to announce we will be opening up a new Potts of Honey facility in New York,” Pepper informed while you and Wanda cheered. “And I have more news. YN here will be taking over the Malibu division while I will be heading to New York division. But don’t worry, this podcast will still be airing an episode weekly.”
“Whew, I thought I was out of a job for a second,” Wanda wheezed, wiping her forehead. 
“If only,” you chuckled, earning a glare from Wanda before everyone started laughing.
“At least this way, YN has the option to be with Star-Lord.”
“I’m ignoring that for now,” you sighed. “What is going to be different about this facility?”
“It won’t be much different than the one here in Malibu. I pride myself on putting family first and jobs second. It has been my mentality from the beginning, and I don't plan on changing it.  I want to hire parents to be or parents who want to return to work after taking a leave to take care of their youngsters. I love working with these types of individuals because they have opinions and know what type of products parents want to see on the market.” 
“I still love that mentality to this day,” Wanda confessed. “Like many times before, we did take some questions from the listeners, and we are going to be answering some right now. Many listeners might not have known about the new facility, but some did ponder it. Let’s begin with….”
Drax, Peter, and Meredith stepped off the elevator on the top floor of the building. It wasn’t a high building, but the twelfth floor still offered a great view of the grounds. Peter’s mind was running a mile a minute, and he still didn’t know what he was going to say to you. He had a plan, but it was only 12% of a plan which involved convincing you not to leave. He needed you in his life, and he hoped you still needed him, too.
“My dad is going to make a grand gesture to my mom,” Mer told Drax with a cheeky smile. 
“Really? Do you think he has a chance?”
“Will you two be quiet? I’m right here.” He glanced behind him as they continued to walk down the long hall. 
“We know. Why do you think we are talking so loud,” Drax stated, earning a giggle out of Meredith. 
“I was hoping my plan would work. I have been trying to parent trap them like Lindsay Lohan did in that movie before she kind of went crazy.”
“You are one smart girl, Mer, and I’m positive your plan will work,” Drax winked, making an excited smile appear on Mer’s face. “I mean, it worked for Lindsay Lohan, but then she went crazy. I still often wonder what happened to her twin.”
Mer looked at Peter with a confused expression, forcing him to let a raspy chuckle escaped him. “Drax, she doesn’t have a--” Drax stared at him with an intense glare forcing Peter to bite his tongue “--never mind.” Peter shook his head, seeing a door at the end of the hallway with an ON-AIR sign shining above it. “Is this the right door?” Drax nodded as Peter knocked on the door.
“Can I help you security guy, adorable little girl, and the other dude?” The young lady asked, eyeing each of them over as she opened the door.
“Quill here needs to speak to his woman.” Drax patted him on one of his shoulders. 
“Dude. Ow.”
“Sorry, but you can’t come in. They’re recording an episode, and YN hates editing, so it’s better if left undisturbed, okay? Buh-bye, thank you, come back later.”
“Wait!” Peter grabbed the door to keep it from closing. “It’s okay; I’m Star-lord.”
“Come on, the amazing mystery dude that YN talks about on this podcast. YN’s ex, who she shares a daughter with.” 
“Hence this small human beside us,” Drax informed, motioning to a grinning Mer beside him. 
“This is my first time listening to this podcast, so I have no idea who you are. I’m only here for college credit, so no, you’re not coming in.”
“Okay fine, how about I give you.” Peter pulls out his wallet, digging around in it. “Fifty bucks?”
“Well if I get fired over this, I will be out at least $350 for my college credit, so technically I won’t be out anything if you reimbursed me in full.”
Peter sighed, looking unamused but gave in to her demands. He dug through his wallet once more and handed her the rest of the money. 
“Come on in fellas.” 
“Next question is for Wanda and YN,” Pepper announced, reading the question to herself before reading it aloud. “Oh, this is a good one. What is something you regret from your past and why?”
“Oh, this one is tough,” Wanda added, tapping her finger to her chin. “I would say I regret not traveling more when I was younger since I didn’t have many responsibilities. Now I am kind of tied down, but I still love my life and wouldn’t change a thing. Who asked this question?”
“Oh right, let’s see.” Pepper’s eyes scanned the page. “Peter Quill.”
Your head snapped in Pepper’s direction, but something moving behind you caught the attention of both your co-hosts; Wanda’s mouth dropped open, and Pepper's eyebrows shot up her forehead. You narrowed your eyes at them before turning around to find Peter Quill. Behind him, Darcey held up the whiteboard saying ‘Incoming, Star-Crunch?'
“Peter, what are you...what are you doing here? You’re not allowed to be in here. We’re in the middle of an episode.” You stood up, taking your headset off and setting them around your neck. 
“Do you want to know what I regret from my past?” 
“No, not right now, Peter. Can we do this later? I’m working.” You put your hands on his chest to try and push him out of the room, but he grabbed your forearms, stopping you. You gazed into his eyes, seeing something you haven’t seen since the night you slept with him. 
“Nat told me,” he confessed. “Please don’t move to New York.” You try to say something, but he keeps talking. “You’re in my life again, and I don’t want you to go. I wish things in the past would’ve worked out differently. If I wasn’t such a coward, maybe they would’ve, but this time I’m not gonna let you walk out on me.”
“Peter, I’m not...”
“I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago. Please just let me talk for once,” he interrupted, forcing you to snap your mouth shut. “When I got the call about you being in an accident, right then I knew I didn’t want to lose you again. I didn’t want to lose you for real. Deep down, I always thought we would find each other again,” he confessed, taking your hands into his. “Then, I found out about Meredith. The amazing sweet little girl who showed me what I was missing out on for the last 7 years.” Peter glanced behind him, and you peeked around him to see Mer wearing a toothy grin on her face. She gave him a thumbs up, and you didn’t miss the lopsided smirk spreading across Peter's face as he turned back to you.
“After you woke up, everything happened so fast. We were getting along and rocking this co-parenting thing most parents seem to struggle with. Then, I told you I never cheated, you kissed me, and we slept together. The next day, you told me it was all a mistake, but we both know that wasn’t true,” he murmured, staring into your eyes. “I hate how I hurt you all over again. We both know I have horrible timing when it comes to fixing my wrongs, but I can’t let another day go by without telling you how I feel. You were the one for me. You still are.” Your eyes widened at his confession. “Where will this big grand gesture leave us? I don’t know.
What I do hope for is that you will give me a chance to redeem myself. I want to be there for you and Mer. I want to watch her grow up into an incredible young woman, like you, with you by my side. I want to help you protect her from assholes who will break her heart, but still encourage her to find love and happiness. Even in times when you thought you were never going to get another chance. But before you know it you’re laying your heart on the line, hoping you’re not making a complete ass of yourself," he cleared his throat. “I regret many decisions in my life, but the one thing I regret most was not chasing after you the day you walked away from me. This time, I'm going to fight for you to stay because...well, I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I don’t think I ever stop loving you.”  
Pepper and Wanda gasped behind you. “Ladies and gents, this is Wanda speaking in a hushed tone. If you haven’t made the connection thus far, Peter Quill is Star-Lord aka Star-Lord is Peter Quill, just to clarify things.” You shook your head, staring at Peter’s chest as she narrated the moment through your headphones.
You squeezed his hands as you let go of one of his and placed it over his heart. His soft gaze sent a flutter to your heart and a blush to your cheeks. “Peter, I’m not going anywhere. Pepper is the one moving to New York while I’m taking things over here. Nat obviously said what she needed to to get you to barge in here,” you added, making him raise his eyebrows at the realization.
“Guess I will have to thank her later.”
“But you’re right about one thing. What happened between us wasn’t a mistake, but I still couldn’t help but think I was the other woman.” You lowered your head, letting out a deep breath. He put his hand under your chin and lifted it to stare into your eyes.
“You are the only woman,” Peter replied, making you crack a small smile.
“My biggest regret was not telling you about Meredith sooner. I guess it was my own selfish pride that I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t need you in my life. Truth is, I did, and so did Mer. I didn’t want to see it for myself, but watching you two together warms my heart. I wish I could say I fell out of love with you, but I never did.” You slid your hand from his heart to cup his cheek, and Peter leaned into your touch. He bit down on his bottom lip as he leaned in closer to you feeling his breath become shaky against your lips. He gazed into your eyes before his lips collided with yours.
“Woooo! Their smacking lips now! Get it, girl,” Wanda hollered from her chair as Pepper joined in with her. 
“Bought fricken time, am I right, Mer?”
“Yes, you are Auntie Wanda,” Mer replied through your headphones. You didn’t even notice her sneak pass you and Peter. 
“Guess all those parent trapping tricks I taught you paid off,” Wanda added, giving Mer a high-five. You pulled away from Peter, resting your forehead against his smiling. “I bet they’re going to get married, now. Would you like that, Mer?”
“Yes, I would love it,” she gushed beside Wanda.
“Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, you two.” You glared at them, feeling Peter's chest vibrate from a soft chuckle. “We should at least go out on a not a date date first.”
“Hear that folks, it’s happening. It’s like their first not a date date all over again. Did I predict this or what?” Wanda grinned into her headset.
You looked back at Peter as he shot you a quick wink and your favorite boyish smile.  It was the same little sexy smile that drove you crazy all those years ago. You smiled at him, resting your forehead on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You heard him let out a deep breath, and in your heart, you knew he was always the one for you, and like many great loves, you fell in love with your best friend. 
“How about we close out this episode,” Pepper offered.
“Thanks for the assist, Pepper. Come on, Twig. Let's get out of here.” Peter loosened his grip on you and held out his hand for Mer. She grinned, rushing towards him, and Peter leaned down and scooped her up in his arms. You couldn’t stop the heartfelt smile from appearing on your face. Peter grabbed hold of your hand with his other hand as he leaned over to kiss your forehead. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the warmth spread all over your body. When you opened your eyes, you found Peter giving Mer a quick kiss on the forehead, and without saying a word, you knew exactly what he meant. 
“Awww, what a cute family,” Wanda commented, snapping a photo with her phone. “This picture is going on our Instagram page, so be on the lookout listeners.”
“And I thought Tony had terrible timing,” Pepper declared with a knowing grin.
“I don’t think we have any more to discuss on this week’s episode, but wasn’t it a great one.  We found out Potts of Honey is expanding, Star-Lord’s real identity is none other than Walkman Records owner Peter Quill, and Pepper Potts is going to be leaving us. It’s a sad yet happy day. I’m only hoping this whole episode recorded everything and that YN doesn’t edit anything out, but let’s be real folks she never edits,” Wanda chuckled. “Don’t forget to tip your waiters and waitresses. And as always, don’t forget to subscribe.” 
AN: That's all folks. How bout that ending though? The podcast restarted their relationship, so I thought ending with one would be neat. It also might've felt rushed towards the end, but I kind of liked how it turned out. Like, rushing to someone you love in an airport or wherever else you might be. Cleshay, but the rush of excitement at the same time...haha. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it. Glad you stuck with me through the end. Comments are always welcome and as always thanks for reading!
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namjooncharms · 6 years
Deals with a Demon (1)
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demon!jungkook x reader  
( also another supernatural!bts, they’re all different species in this one! )  
Part 2, 
description: all children believe in fairytales until they are proven wrong and demons do not fall in love. yet this one is fated and punished to do exactly that. 
i do take requests btw!<3 so send me some in
warnings: illness, mentions of death, future smut 
okay i know i’m basing these off my fave shows but still. it’s based off a korean odessey. 
at nine years old you were seeing the world through rose coloured glasses, well almost. your life wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t exactly the worst either. you had your full life ahead of you. that was until you got sick,  your small frail body is laying on the hospital bed. fast asleep. the demon lowers his face close to yours, you are so close to death. a smirk has formed on his lips, your little eyes flutter open and he doesn’t expect you to see him but your eyes land on his face. when the demon has realised you’re staring at him he stands away from you, confused. how do you see him? is it because you’re dying? 
“hello.” you say softly, your voice cracking when you do. your voice is so small and crackily that the demon  almost misses it. offering a smile back to you he perched down next to your bed. the demon isn’t particularly sure what he’s even doing in here, he sometimes finds himself watching people, uninterested but interested all at the same time. but there was something about this room, and your soul. it was like the sun, shining brightly, but the demon jacked that up to your soul getting ready to leave, he’d never witnessed such a thing before. 
“hello, little one.” his voice crawls out and he leaned against the railings of the bed. you’re so close to death that he can smell it. the smell is intoxicating. 
you try and angle yourself so that you can look at his face, he looks so much like an angel. even in your bleary state of mind. you smile again at him and he smiled back so you ask the question. “are you my angel?” you asked him and he laughed. 
“not quite little one.” the demon says. “maybe i’ll explain to you one day.” 
maybe you’re young brain has formed up an imaginary friend, one that nobody else can see because any nurse that seemed to enter the room really doesn’t take much notice of him. he talked half the night with you, a boost of energy coming to you and you weakly push yourself up. 
“what is your name?” you asked him. 
“jeon jungkook.”  he may as well tell you, you wouldn’t remember it anyway. 
“jeon jungkook.” your little voice repeats it and you smile again. 
“what’s your name little one?” he asked. 
“Y/N Y/L/N “ you say and you’re quiet for a moment. “can i ask you a favour jeon jungkook?” you ask him. 
his brows twitched and he almost frowned. he didn’t do deals or favours with humans he wasn’t one of those deal making demons, plus it was against the rules. he never had. but he supposed, you’d be dead soon, so what would it matter? 
“what can i do for you?” he asked. 
“can you protect me from the monsters and stop me from dying?” you asked quietly.
 monsters? what monsters? the only monster in here was him. the demon smiled. he couldn’t do that, people died all the time. and you were close.  “of course.” so he holds out his hand offering it to you his pinkie outstretched. your small hand has lifted and you curled your small pinkie around his. it would be harmless wouldn’t it? 
“is it a deal?” you asked yawning, ready for sleep, which the demon took as something else. 
“it’s a deal.” he smirked. 
over fourteen years later you still every now and then thought of your angel, the one who had saved your life.  and you’re getting on with your life. that whole night had just been a dream as far as you were concerned. after turning twelve your family moved to Australia where you lived until you turned you were old enough to move out on your own and when you did you managed to secure a job in Seoul. You’d only been there about a week. you’re not new to the culture and the language  you‘ve been studying since you were small. 
but working at this place called big hit seemed like the perfect scape goat to get out of home and live by yourself. you were happy when the job was offered to you more or less on a plate and you weren’t sure why but you weren’t complaining. you just needed a new life, one that was your own. you loved your parents, you really did but, it didn’t mean you wanted to be stuck under their over protectiveness forever. you fix the bottom of your dress as you walk through the unfamiliar building, having gotten a job as a.. now that you think about it, you don’t know what the job is. 
you frown at the thought as you walk through the doors of big hit entertainment and looked around almost immediately, a woman stands in front of you. “ miss Y/LN ?” she asked and you offer her a small smile and a nod. “ right this way, miss. “ she gestured where you had to go and you followed, your heels clicking off the floor, they made you so uncomfortable but you wanted to impress at least someone. the woman opened the door and you walked through looking around, your eyes falling on the man in the suit who stands up, bang pd nim as you knew him as anyway. “ahh, miss Y/L/N.” he smiled walking over holding his hand out. 
his hand is larger around yours but you smile brightly shaking it with a strong grasp. “nice to meet you too, sir.” you speak and you look around. he offered to take you  a tour of the building and you gladly agree you wish to see where you’d be working from now on and bang pd nim would be more than happy to show you. 
you’re walking around for about half an hour when he takes you to get a coffee, explaining your job, which is basically an assistant to him, helping him with the band known as bts. when asked if you knew anything about them you sheepishly admitted that you didn’t. you’d expected a different reaction from the laugh you’d gotten but being sheltered your whole life meant that you didn’t really know much about anything, but it wouldn’t take long to find out. 
unaware of the six pair of  eyes on you, bang pd nim hands you the mug of coffee and you hold it in your freezing cold hands. one set of eyes is missing, and he’s yet to show his face. “the demon better hurry his ass up.” namjoon grunted under his breath. the eldest looked towards him. “he’s coming. i can hear him.” only gaining another grunt from the leader, the vampire next to him shakes his head and they all look back to you. you’re like a beacon of light. like the sun. glowing, brightly for all to see. 
it’s when he appears that namjoon growls an insult at him, only for the demon to snarl back in response. despite all being different and in no way connected, they all worked well, and most of the time got along well. keeping up appearances was sometimes difficult but they got on with it. “what exactly are we here for again?” the demon scowled, sure yes it was a day off but this was important apparently jimin pointed “ the new assistant. that’s what we’ve been called here for.”  
sighing, another dumb fucking human assistant that would either be a plaything for one of the elder boys or be fired in two weeks for doing something stupid. “her.” taehyung pointed in the direction to show the demon, jungkook turned with a scowl to finally look at you, his doe looking eyes have widened and it’s like he’s frozen. he recognises your soul almost instantly bright, shining as clear as day. “tfuck..” is what he hears but doesn’t realise he’s said it just as you and bang pd nim have turned, the older man is pointing towards them, because he wanted you to meet them. you’re smiling, and he realises that you are you, still shining as brightly as you were the night he fucked everything up for himself. 
“ah, the boys.” bang pd nim started and you turn to look but your heart stops. and every member notice the way you and jungkook are looking at each other. seokjin can hear your heart pounding wildy now and he glances at jungkook. you’re so startled at the sight of him that the cup of hot steaming coffee slips from your hands the mug immediately shattering and the hot liquid has not only splashed onto your bare thighs but has burned your hand from slipping out of your grasp. everything has fallen silent and you’re first to break the eye contact because you think you’re going crazy. you had imagined him. 
“i’m so sorry.” your voice rushed out and bang pd nim shakes his head helping you calling to the boys to get something to clean up. you’ve picked up all the shattered pieces except one and a hand throws itself outward to pick it up just as you have and your hands meet in the centre. an electric shock vibrates up your hand and you pull away with a flinch, the larger hand still there and you look up, eyes meeting those doe ones that you had never forgotton about. 
“move over.” yoongi has gently moved beside the demon who’s still beside you, to help clean up the coffee. bang pd nim has had someone else take the remains of the mug away and you stand up just as jungkook does both still staring at each other and you only look away when pd nim speaks. “i thought you didn’t know anything of bts?” he asked and you smile, a tight lipped smile. “i don’t.” he laughed at that and shook his head. “the boys, miss Y/L/N.” and he pointed. “this is their leader.” 
you look towards him and he holds out his hand. “kim namjoon.” he smiled slightly, and you’re instantly taken with his dimples, you’ve never seen such a thing, you nod, looking from him to to kim seokjin, then min yoongi, park jimin, kim  taehyung and jung hoseok,  lastly him. the angel. your angel. 
he, despite wanting to disappear holds his hand out to you, which you take hesitantly, waiting. if he says the name you’ve thought about for years then you just might die. you wait, fingers lightly pressed against his hand and he says it. feeling lightheaded as you wait while holding your breath because you might pass out.his voice is almost like velvet but that’s not what gets you, it’s the name. 
“jeon jungkook.” 
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essiefreds · 6 years
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This one’s wild. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18,  Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22
Word Count: 3125
Tagged: @hotemotionalmess
Almost the minute you walked into headquarters the following day, after a night of restless sleep filled with dreams that you were positive had been nightmares, but that you could not describe in detail, Director Fury intercepted you. 
“What have you learned?” he asked, looking and sounding patient, although his question made you wonder if he was really willing to be so. 
“Uh… probably what you already have hundreds of files on,” you replied, wanting to step around him, but not wanting to risk it. “I just had him tell me about himself." 
"You ate dinner with him.”
“Yes,” you confirmed. “I think he’s been craving human interaction, but he hasn’t been able to form trust with anyone enough to ask them to spend time with him.” You lifted your shoulders. “I didn’t exactly give him a choice yesterday, but I think I must’ve convinced him I’m trustworthy, because he asked me to eat with him.”
Also, no one’s called it ‘had dinner with him’. Why is that? Is it because 'had dinner with him’ makes it sound like a date, or something? Maybe. No one’s comfortable with the idea of the super soldier dating when he’s barely ventured out of his apartment, apparently.
Director Fury did not relax, but he did say, “It’s a start,” so you supposed that was as close as you were going to get to approval. “What are your plans for today?" 
"I’m going to give him some breathing space,” you responded, gratefully moving around Fury as he stepped out of the way, but walked with you towards where you’d established a space for yourself in one of the many sectors of SHIELD’s headquarters. “I don’t want to overwhelm him with my presence, however accepting of it he seems to be.” You paused. “Does he have a way of getting in contact with people down on these levels?”
“Of course,” Fury said. “Why?" 
You lifted your shoulders. "I told him that whenever he wants to eat with me, he just has to let me know. I wanted to make sure that he has a way of doing that.”
Director Fury was silent for a moment as you started down a hall towards the vacant room that you’d claimed as an office. You did not have an official job title with SHIELD, other than Agent Y/LN, but since the space had not been occupied, you took it as your own. You always worked better in solitude, rather than with people all around you, talking and moving around. 
“You should discuss a direct line of contact with him, see how he feels about that,” Fury finally said as you reached the door to your office. 
He nodded. “Whatever gets him moving into the future. If he prefers to have contact with you whenever he wants it, and if you’re comfortable with it, of course, then we should give it to him.” He paused, studying you carefully with his one good eye, and seemingly his eye patch as well. It was kind of an unnerving feeling. “But it’s just for work purposes, obviously. We’re not trying to create a relationship, here." 
Something within you protested strongly to this, but you forced it to stay silent as you replied aloud, "Of course, sir. Strictly professional." 
"Good,” Fury said. “Send me a memo when you decide to head up there.” He turned, and walked away, leaving you to enter your office on your own. 
As soon as the door was closed, you allowed the protesting part of yourself speak its mind: Not form a relationship? What the hell is the cyclops thinking? Of course you want to form some kind of relationship with Steve! How else are you supposed to convince him that he can trust you with the task of helping him adjust? He needs a friend right now, not another SHIELD agent who is only focused on getting the job done. He needs someone who is working to help him, and not just the agency.
There were solid points in that argument. Forming bonds with people that you wanted to help had always been a large component of actually being able to assist someone. When a person felt as though you were a friend, they automatically expressed more trust in you, and were willing to tell you more, and with less hesitation. If Director Fury wanted to get Captain Rogers back into the world sooner rather than later, than it was incredibly necessary that Steve felt like you were his friend. 
And you wouldn’t mind being his friend, either. You liked him, quite a lot. He was kind, had a sense of humor, and genuinely seemed interested in you, in your life. Under completely different circumstances, you would not hesitate in trying to befriend a man like him, perhaps even going so far as to ask him on a few dates. 
But, because of the current situation, that latter part was completely impossible, and apparently, the former bit was at least a little bit unorthodox. Although you couldn’t understand why. Things pointed in SHIELD’s favor if you befriend Steve.
It meant that, once he actually did adjust to the 21st century enough to be on his own, that someone in SHIELD would still have contact with him. No doubt the agency would still keep tabs on him, but didn’t it make sense to have someone doing so in a more ethical way? 
Annoyed, you sat down at your desk, and poked at the snow globe that sat on the surface. You’d need to talk to Director Fury about it in more depth, once you actually had something to report, and could prove that you were managing to get things rolling. 
The day passed normally. You sorted through some files that had to do with other assets that SHIELD was debating sending you in on. Namely, Anthony Edward Stark. You knew Stark (how could you not), and that SHIELD had been trying to get him on board with some undisclosed project. They’d gone so far as to help Stark save his own life, even, and you knew that they were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to cash in on that favor. The downside, however, was his attitude about the whole thing. Stark hating owing anybody a favor.
According to the files that had been sent to your office a few days prior, they wanted you to try and shift that opinion. 
You didn’t think you’d be able to do that. Your work was dealing with trauma victims and war veterans, and apparently, helping ninety year old men adjust to a future they had suddenly woken up in. You could not change the minds of playboy billionaires. 
Also while camped out at your desk, you sent an order in for the most popular movies that had come out during the 1940’s, as well as a few choice films from the 1950’s that you might be able to move onto. Because of SHIELD’s vast resources, digital copies of all the movies, as well as a portable DVD player, were delivered to your office within an hour. These joined the collection of modern movies that you had brought from your apartment. You had a plan, and hopefully, it was a good one. 
At one o'clock in the afternoon, you decided that you’d stalled as much as possible, and headed upstairs to Steve’s apartment. On the way, you passed by an intern, who was ushering down the hall with a cart that looked like the one that dinner had been brought up on the night before. 
“How is Captain Rogers today?” you asked the intern, who blinked at you. 
“Uh… normal? I don’t know.”
“Great, thanks,” you said, refraining from rolling your eyes. You supposed that normal was a good word, though. 
You continued down the hall to the door, which you noticed was the only door in the hall, aside from the elevator near the other end. It was kind of startling to realize that this entire floor belonged to Steve, and yet he did not choose to venture beyond that door. There was no reason for him to, however, was there? The hallway was not decorated, had nothing to offer. 
Maybe you could change that. You’d have to think on the best way to use the space, to help with your goal of welcoming him to the 21st century. 
You knocked on the door. About a minute passed before it opened. You did not think too long on the implications of that, especially because, once the door had opened, and Steve saw it was you standing on the other side, his eyes lit up considerably, and he smiled. 
“Hi,” he greeted. 
“Hello,” you returned, smiling back. “How’s your day been so far?" 
"The same as it usually is,” he replied. His eyes drifted down to the bag you carried with both hands. “What’s in there?" 
"A surprise,” you answered. “Can I come in?" 
"Of course,” Steve said immediately, stepping out of the way of the door. A big improvement from the day before. 
You entered the apartment, and set your bag of DVDs on the sofa. Steve joined you in the main room, and looked at the bag curiously. “I hope this surprise isn’t anything too surprising -”
“Why don’t you let me show you?” you suggested, and he nodded after a moment of hesitation. You reached into the bag, and after rooting around in it for a moment, you pulled out a copy of the oldest movie that had been delivered to you. You turned around, and held it out to Steve. 
He stared at it for a moment, and then he lifted his gaze to meet yours. “Casablanca?" 
”Casablanca,“ you confirmed, holding it out further, in an effort to encourage him to take it, which he did. "Have you seen it?" 
"Of course,” he answered. “It came out in 1942." 
"Oh, good,” you said. “You can explain it to me while we watch it, then." 
"Wait, what?” he asked as you turned back to the bag, to go about setting up the portable DVD player. “I don’t - I thought you were supposed to be explaining modern things to me?" 
"Yeah, and I will,” you said to him, pulling the player and it’s power cord from the bag. “We’ll take turns. We’ll start with a movie that you’ve seen, and then I’ll show you a movie more recent, and then we’ll watch a movie that neither of us has seen. That way, we’ll be even.”
Steve did not appear to know what to think of this. He watched as you plugged in the portable DVD player, and then turned around to look for somewhere to set it up so that you’d be able to watch it together. 
“Here,” he said at last, handing you Casablanca, and going to retrieve the table from the night before. “This should work, right?” he asked, holding it up with one hand. 
“Yeah,” you agreed, pleased that he was willing to cooperate. 
He set up the table for you, and you set the DVD player down on top of it, before putting the DVD itself into it. You then turned to look at Steve. “You’ll probably have to actually sit next to me on the couch, this time,” you said, smirking. 
“If you don’t mind,” he replied, hesitantly. You responded by patting the empty cushion beside you, and after a moment, Steve moved around the couch and settled down there. He was clearly uncomfortable, at least for the first few minutes while you prepared the movie. 
By the time you’d hit play, he had relaxed, at least enough to actually lean back. 
“So… what’s the premise of this movie?” you asked him as the opening credits started to flash across the screen. 
He glanced at you. “Uh, well, basically, this guy has to protect a woman and her husband from Nazis,” he explained. 
"I can’t tell you that, it’ll spoil the movie.”
“But it’s almost two hours long,” you complained. 
He chuckled. “Just watch. It’s pretty good, I think." 
"You would think so,” you sighed, but turned your attention to the DVD player nonetheless. 
Throughout the movie, you continually glanced over at him to see how he was handling watching it on such as small screen. He seemed to be enjoying himself, however, despite the difference in viewing than what he’d most likely experienced back in his time period. It was probably due to the fact that the movie was familiar to him, and that he wanted to pay attention, just in case you had any questions for him. The plot of the movie was strange, and you found yourself asking questions. Although they were about the movie, they were also check-ins, to see if Steve was still doing all right. He responded amiably and patiently to each one, which was a good sign, that it wasn’t a strain for him to watch the movie on the small screen. 
However, you decided that it was probably a good idea to maybe get a bigger one set up, at some point in the future. 
Once the movie was over, and the credits were rolling, Steve looked at you, clearly waiting for your assessment.
You had to be honest. “Uhm… I didn’t like it.”
You were relieved when Steve let out a laugh. “That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest." 
"I just - were we supposed to be rooting for that Rick guy and the girl? Because, excuse my language, but Rick was a dick." 
Steve merely laughed harder, as you continued to complain about the movie. "Like, okay, it’s obvious they had a past relationship, right, but… why? He was the worst, Steve! And like, is the movie supposed to be romantic? Because it’s not! It was really, really, bad! And the premise of the movie, of people being stuck in Morocco, waiting to try and get to Lisbon, that’s great, but why wasn’t the movie about that?" 
"It kind of was,” Steve managed through his laughter. 
“No! It was about this jackass of a man, trying to fight against this love for a woman that he had once upon a time, while also trying to make sure she and her husband can get to the United States. I don’t… I don’t get it. It pissed me off.” You shook your head. “This movie is supposed to be a staple film, and it just… it was terrible. Although I do appreciate that it was kind of an original story. Most movies nowadays are just repetitions of something that already exists. Casablanca actually made me feel something, whereas a lot of movies today don’t make me feel anything at all." 
"Profound,” Steve said once he’d finally stopped laughing, and you were tempted to hit him, but you didn’t. “So, I’m going to guess that love in modern movies isn’t portrayed that way?”
“Not at all,” you responded, and he laughed again. “And, as such!” You reached for your DVD bag, and pulled out a modern movie that was known for it’s romance. Pulling it out, you offered it to him, and he frowned to himself as he took in the cover art. 
“What’s… what is this?” he finally asked, looking at you.
“This… is a modern romance movie, that takes places in the 1940’s,” you responded, smiling at him. “And… I don’t like it, but I don’t like romance in general. And I thought it was important to follow up a romance movie from the 1940’s with a romance movie from the early 2000’s." 
"How early?” Steve asked, handing it back over so that you could put it on. 
“2004. So like, it’s not super new, which is good for you, and it’s a familiar setting, being that it takes places in your time period. Right?”
“I guess we’ll see,” Steve said, although he sounded apprehensive. 
“Also, it’s super sad,” you said, and then you pressed play. 
“Wait, it’s sad?” Steve demanded. “I don’t want to be sad!" 
"Shh,” you hushed, pointing to the screen. 
Steve fell silent as the opening credits of The Notebook began to play. 
Looking back, it probably hadn’t been the best choice, but sometimes it was better to jump square into a pool than it was to linger on the edge of it for an extended period of time. Steve did not speak the entire time, unlike you during Casablanca. Instead, he watched the movie with rapt attention, his expressions varying between many different emotions throughout the film. 
At the end, you reached over to pause the credits, and then turned to him. You were thrilled (probably because you’re evil) to see a tear running down his cheek. 
“And that, Captain Rogers, was a romance that someone can get invested in,” you told him. 
“Yeah, uhm, huh.” He said, using his hand to wipe at his face. “That was… something." 
Immediately, you could tell that something was wrong. You stood up, cautiously, not wanting to invade his space. "It… it hit home with something for you,” you said, softly, watching as he covered his face with his hands. Even as you said this, it hit you: Agent Carter. 
“Oh, shit,” you cursed, cradling your own face in your hand. “Steve, I - shit. I didn’t even think about it. I’m so sorry." 
"It isn’t your fault,” he muttered, but he did not raise his head. 
“Yes, it is, I should’ve… I shouldn’t have just jumped into it like I did. I should’ve thought out it, thought about how it might… parallel. Dammit.” You couldn’t believe how stupid you’d been. “I’m… I’m really, really sorry. I should… I should go." 
"That might be a good idea,” Steve agreed, still not looking up.
Something inside you was screaming, probably in a mixture of rage at yourself, and horror that you’d already fucked up so terribly, and on the second day. As quickly as you could, you gathered up the remnants of the movie day you’d been having, sticking the two DVD cases and the player into your bag. You then headed for the door of the apartment. That thing within you was still screaming, although its focus had turned towards Steve rather than yourself. It was insisting that you shouldn’t leave him alone. 
You paused next to the door, and glanced back at him. He still sat on the couch, his head hanging in his hands. He did not look to be moving at all, not even to breathe. 
You closed your eyes, briefly, and exited the apartment. You’d have them set up surveillance, to make sure he didn’t try anything damaging to himself, but you knew that staying in the apartment was a terrible idea.
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gotmattitude · 6 years
we’re gone but we don’t know where
WHO: Santana Lopez ( @trickstersantana​ ) and Matt Rutherford, with NPCs Julio Lopez, Someone.
WHAT: Running errands in New York City, doing some sponsor/sponsee bonding? Sort of?
WHEN: Sep 22nd
WHERE: A building in a dark alley.
WARNINGS: Mention of needles/injections, stabbing, manipulation, death, murder implied?
Santana walked, or almost run, alongside Matt through the city, too happy of her fake sense of freedom. She was too used to being trapped in NYADA. "C'mon, Hoodoo guy, we are almost there." She said with a big smile. She talked with her 'sib' Oliver to know where to met with them and her fake parental figure. She should be wary, she should warn Matt even more of how awful he was. But still, she was happy to see him and talk with him again. A happiness that would end quickly, she knew it very well. "This is the place." She said pointing to a   seemly abandoned building on a dark alley. The kind of place where super hero parents die. "Alright, fair warning. My 'dad' is a fucking ass. Like, the worst, the less he know of you, the best. Oh God, thank you so much for this Matt I will always value your sacrifice, I'm sorry you always have to met the worst... the worst of my kind when you are with me." She would love to tell him she could introduce him to a nice trickster someday, but she didn't knew anyone she liked. Her 'mom' only, but she didn't want to see Santana.  "Ready?"
Matt's internal gears were turning as Santana bounded through the streets of NYC. It was really about time that he used his privilege for something other than snarking Bloodlines on the internet, he thought, just as Santana urged him on. "I'm walking, I'm walking," he said, a little distracted, but speeding up to keep up with her. The building seemed sketchy, at least at first glance, but he'd slept in worse places before. He'd just keep his hands in his pockets; one on his phone, the other on his wallet. "Alright, sure. Is this your hangout spot, or?" 
He wondered what was up with Santana's 'family,' what they'd done, but didn't ask. Some people got shitty families. Some of them were shitty enough to add scare quotes to the word. He nodded along, until she started apologizing to him. "Hey, c'mon. Tamamo--Tamamo wasn't your fault. Your 'dad' is also probably not your fault. Besides, I know one badass trickster already, the bar was too fuckin' high," he joked. "And you know, you don't represent your entire race, and all that shit." Giving a last tentative glance towards the place, he nodded. "Don't let him know too much, he's an ass. I got it. I'm ready when you are."
Santana nodded at the question, but she wasn't that sure. It might be a trap too.  She knew it wasn't her fault, completelly, at least on the Japan part, still, she felt like she was dragging Matt into danger. But she wasn't sorry enough sorry to stop it. She smiles a little at the compliment. "Lucky for them, or they would be super screwed" She joked back. When she was about to open the door, someone opened it from the inside. 
Someone who looks very shady opens the door. They are a white teen, pretty shorty, with black hair and a red hoodie. Even without meeting them before, you could sense the annoying teen energy surrounding them. "Hermanita!! You finally arrived!!" They shout in a very bad spanish pronunciation, quickly hugging Santana to her exasperation. "Hay! Who are you? Who are you? A new friend? What's your name?" They ask very fast, looking at Matt, ending the hug with Santana and going to hug the other guy if no one stopped the energetic kid.
Matt chuckled at her joke, adding something like 'whatcha gonna do about it' before the door swung open, and someone... interesting came out of the other side. He tried not to be annoyed, but Aether, he'd barely been a teenager, and sometimes he was really grateful for that, including right then. An eyebrow raised, he was selfishly glad for a moment that this kid was Santana's "something"--although probably not her "dad"-- and not his. 
Until the kid started heading towards him. Frozen in place, he let them hug him, patting them awkwardly on the back as the only vague form of reciprocation. "I'm Matt," he said when the hug was released, and he could comfortably breathe again, in his own bubble of personal space. "I'm Santana's friend. What's your name?" It was polite to ask, but now he was also very curious. Where had this kid come from?
Santana groans and complains when the kid shows they're still existing. "Oh my God, I'm no family or 'family' or yours. I'm nothing yours. Don't bother Matt you brat" She fear Matt was already saying too much information, but hoped it won't scalate. She went upstairs hoping the others will follow. She enters a room that looked like it was abandoned for years until a little kid found it to turn it into their secret operation base. She entered the living room, completelly covered with a blanket fort, lots of toys and anime figures on the floor and snacks and sweets around. She rolled her eyes when she noticed her 'dad' was sitting on the couch. Inside the blanket fort. "God fucking dammit Cabrón. Really? Your idea of safe place to meet is where the brat lives, right?" She could notice how unconfortable was to be in a room with two other tricksters,  but she know Matt was the only one there that had to suffer 3 distrust auras. 
Someone smiles and moves nerviously and happy. "Do you have a tumblr, Santana's friend? Guess my name!" They said, and fake cries with Santana's complains while she goes upstairs "You're so meaaaaan, you both use me as a messenger and... hey don't ignore me!!" They say as the walk upstairs too. 
The man in the sunglasses smiles at seeing Santana appear, getting up from the couch, but still not being able to stand up fully for the blankets. "That's how you say hi to your old 'dad'?" He says, sound fakelly offended. "If you assume the horse kid lives here." He shrugs. "But let's get to the point, I know you aren't visiting just because you miss me."
Matt stiffens up when this kid asks for his tumblr. Were they going to hack him? Spam him?  Dig up his every secret and expose them to the world?? He smiles, tight and uncomfortable, and thinks for a long second. "I'll guess your name if you guess my tumblr URL. And no checking Santana's blog for clues." He's setting himself up for failure, he can feel it. But there was no such thing as being too careful, not in this city, not this year, not anytime. 
When they go upstairs,  underneath all the alertness, something twists in his chest. Santana had once told him their pasts weren't so different, and he knows many LN experience homelessness, but the childishness of the blanket forts, of the candy and the toys makes sympathy shine through. When Santana makes that comment though, he finds himself looking around. Is there someone here? Is this a setup?? 
Matt looks to Santana for guidance on how to react to this man. Her "dad". He gives a noncommittal nod when he speaks to her, but doesn't greet him out loud. Yet. Shit. Now he's also wondering why Santana wanted to come here when she thought so badly of her "family". Maybe she found out about Brownstone. Maybe this was a way to quietly say "fuck you" for being another sponsor with blood on his hands. Or maybe she is a really good actress and she hates shadow magic more than she let on. His eyes dart back and forward between all three tricksters, and he has to push himself to settle down. What the fuck, chill, he thinks.
Someone looks defeated. What a masterful way to ruin their machinations. "Uuuhhhhhhhhh.... mattfriendofsantana dot tumblr dot com!" They try to guess while they go upstairs, and sits next to the man on the sunglasses. "I don't live here! This is my super secret operation base!!" They said with pride. 
Santana rolls her eyes. But she did miss him, sometimes she wasn't interacting with him. Everytime they met again it was full of regret. "You said things you knew things. About enchantments. So c'mon be a decent fake dad a help your fave fake daugther, you bastard." 
The man in the sunglasses points at the kid like saying. 'See?' and waves at the other man that went with Santana. "Hello, sorry my daugther was raised to forget to introduce people. You can call me Julio, who are you?" He asks, and talks a little softer to Santana, in spanish. "¿Cuánto confías en él? Y no digas que no te fias de nadie, eso ya lo se, Niebla. But yeah sure, if you are a decent fake daugther and give me the information I asked you about months ago."
Matt probably shouldn't feel as satisfied as he does to have outsmarted a child. But he does, and a smile tugs on his lips as they guess the wrong username. "Wrong. I'll tell you what letter it starts with if you tell me what letter your name starts with." Matt suggests, and even though he's probably a bit too cocky at the moment, the end of the sentence turns into a question. "Operation base for what?" he asks before he can stop himself. Do teenagers tend to have these sort of things? Is this normal? It takes him a second to brush off the confusion, but when he does, the initial suspicion lingers. Is this an ambush?? 
And Santana's asking about enchantments, and he would have thought there wasn't much left inside him to be twisted up, but there is. Aether, he hopes someone is able to help her. Brownstone was months ago, and she is still dealing with this shit?He tries to stand next to Santana and look intimidating with arms crossed, but his eyes keep darting from person to person to 'secret operation base', giving away his uneasiness. 
Matt nods at Santana's 'dad', and something about the way he spoke strikes a nerve. "Eh, politeness is fuckin' overrated. I'm Matt, it's... interesting to meet you, Julio." His attention drifts when the conversation turnsinto Spanish, once again glancing around the room. He has been here for... what? Two minutes? Two hours? And he's thoroughly confused. Thoroughly. He catches the tail end of her 'dad''s sentence, and an eyebrow rises of its own accord as he glances sideways at Santana. What the fuck was going on here?
Someone is too hooked up with this. "O!" Then pouts exageratelly "I told you is super secret! But it's for super secret meetings, like this one!" They reveal anyway. "Stop talking in spanish I want to know what you guys say!!" 
Santana was annoyed, but she throws him a notebook she was carrying in ther bag (who was there the whole time). "En una escala de 0 a 10, siendo un 0 'no le diría ni mi nombre', y 10 lo que me fio de la prediccion del tiempo, un 7. Now. What do you know?" Santana can see Matt also dislikes her 'dad' from minute one like every living on Earth. "We don't respect politeness in this fucking house." She says proud. 
The man in the sunglasses smirks. "Interesting. That's pretty generous. In the 'family' we have a saying about Santana's friends. They are either naive fools she's trying to use, or people without any morals whatsoever, which one are you?" He tries to catch the notebook in the air, but he fails, and he has to crouch to get it. "Eso es un número muy alto para ti, Niebla, te fias demasiado del hombre del tiempo." He says without opening it. "I actually don't know that much about enchantments and you suspected it, so this notebook is full of lies, right? But to not get stuck in the accusations of lying like always, let's jump to the deals. I'll have to do my research and if I get something, you tell me something. Now, what's the enchantment about. I can't help much without data, you know that."
Matt starts going through all the names with O he knows in his head. As it turns out, they're not that many. Octavius. Octavia. Octopus. Fuck. A deal's a deal, though, so he begrudgingly offers his URL initial as well. "G." What kind of super secret meetings do teenagers even have? Is this the first one to be hosted here? He also wants to know what Santana and her "dad" are saying, but he refuses to agree with this kid right now. Maybe there will be time for that later. 
Discreetly, he tries to gauge what they're saying. He hears numbers. Maybe it's a secret code. The little phrase about politeness shakes him out of it, but before he can react, Julio is talking to him. Eyes narrowed, he laughs a little, and crosses his arms over his chest. This is a test of some kind, he can tell. But he's not going to fall for it. "Bit of both. I'm a naïve dumbass with shit for a moral compass." The notebook falls straight to the ground, and he bites back a laugh, trying to not get visibly frustrated when he speaks Spanish again. Is he talking about me?? It's alright though, soon enough his eyes bounce back between the two like he's watching a ping pong match. "What do you know about Enchantments? Forcing people to do shit they don't want to do?" Matt asks, arms still crossed and keeping his gaze straight.
Someone checks their phone when they heard the first clue and opens Santana's tumblr page to find a blog she rebloged starting with G. They will scroll down until They Find Matt.
Santana is already nervous just looking at Matt and her 'dad' talk, but she knew showing she cares too much about Matt won't end well and her fake father would be ven more of a dick. She doubts before giving an answer. She crosses her arms. Ah, fuck it. "Ah, you know." She shrugs. "Self-deprecating magic bullshit. To be ashamed of myself, that I'm alone, or no one will miss me, that other people think I'm just an animal and all that super fake shit that is totally not real and I don't believe for a moment." She tries to say non challant like its her grocery list. "Alright maybe I believe that but it's magic's fault!"
The man in the sunglasses laughs at Matt's answer. "This guy is fun, Mist. I hope you aren't planning to stab him." He says way too casually. "Enchantments is manipulation for inepts who don't know how to convince people without magic." He listens to Santana, quiet for a while. "Oh, you finished? Really? That's it? God damnit Mist, you believed all those things already. What a redundant and useless spell."
Matt sighs when the kid takes out their phone. This is going to go great. 
[CW: needles]
His eyes narrow at the stabbing comment. What. The. Fuck. Was that an inside joke??? Did Santana regularly stab her friends, or enough so that her "dad" asks about it. "Don't worry, I stab myself enough with needles regularly. I can handle myself." Could he though??? He's trying real hard to look completely different than how he felt, which was threatened and confused as fuck, and he doesn't know if it's working.
Focused on what Santana is saying, his guard drops for a moment. Aether, how had it been so long since Brownstone, and he had no idea this was going on? He never means to pry, to force people to talk about things they don't want to, and he's been so ridiculously focused on his own bullshit that he just didn't know the enchantment went this deep. What a fucking dick. But this isn't the place to voice that. He turns back to Santana's "dad" and crosses his arms tighter against his chest again, and ignored the pang that comes with this comment that these things weren't new. "Do you know how to help her or not?"
Santana super fake laughs and then acts super offended "Excuse me? I had never, NEVER stabbed anyone with a real knife." She might had try a lot of times, though. 'How much do you know about it, you bastard?' She was getting even more nervous and unconfortable. "Don't listen to him, Matt, he thinks he is soooo funny" She rolls her eyes, and controls herself from saying 'I would never do that to you' because it would be too much of a lie. Who knows what the future hold, right? She gets even more angry to his fake father reaction. "I guess!!! But you don't have to be a dick about it!" She answers without thinking. "Ughhhh, c'mon! You are just saying that because...because you don't know shit about getting rid of it and you just want to...aggh!!" She is too annoyed and embarrased to say a proper argument.
The man in the sunglasses keeps his confident smile on. "Is that because you take drugs or the...the sugar thing...thing" He says, snapping his fingers, like he doesn't remember the name but it's so close to get it and that would help. He groans frustrated to his bad memory. "Mist, you throw a knife to my face, don't act all hight and mighty like you are above stabbing." He says as casually as fake dad could talk to his fake daughter about something as not washing the dishes. He calmly stares at Santana while she gets progresivelly more annoyed. "I told you it's like manipulation. Just manipulate yourself back goddamnit. Where is your manipulative liar pride? You are terrible at it, but also you believe a lot of crap, so it could work."
Matt is really doing his best to not freak out about the whole 'does Santana plan to stab me' thing, and he knows he's being irrational--oh. The aura. Times three, probably. He tries to push it down, and quirks a smile at Julio. "Testosterone," he says simply. Still... there have been knives thrown before, it seems, but he'll ask her about this afterwards. Aether, this experience has been fun already. He laughs awkwardly before he clears his throat and laughs again, still falsely, but more sarcastically. "Hilarious," he comments. 
Matt knows everyone has their insecurities, but today has really been a wake-up call, and he's growing steadily more annoyed at Julio, and worried about Santana, until he offers them a solution. Manipulate yourself back? Admittedly, that seemed like the wrong approach to take about getting herself to believe she wasn't an animal, or alone. But maybe Leah could help with that. "She's a fucking great manipulative liar," he defends her, and the words come tumbling out of him before he can stop them. "Is there anything else you know?" Matt asks.
Santana shrugs, still very annoyed and angry at everything. "But you dodged it! Geez old man, get over it. You deserved it. And stop asking Matt questions!" She frows even more at the useless advice. "That's bullshit. It's like an illusion. I could make a deal everyday so you had a noisy fly flying in front of your face forever. You can try to ignore it, even if you know it's not real, but it's still there." She doesn't know how to feel about Matt's defense. "Yeah!" 
The man in the sunglasses snaps his fingers when Matt's says testosterone. "Insulin! Oh, it's not that." He says first proud and then dissapointed. The kid stops staring at their phone to complain. "Daaaad, I explain it to you!" and the man makes shushs sounds so they shut up. "Mist that's hurtful, I'm hurt. And someday, someone won't dodge your knives, and they would be no one to stop you. " Beats. "That sounded too optimist." He laughs at Matt saying Santana is any good at manipulation. "If she was, you wouldn't know. But you know because she is not subtle at all. I love you, Mist, but you are terrible." He raises his eyebrows to Santana's explanation. "You should have started by that! Then you know how to deal with illusions, I already teach you half of what I know!"
Someone whose name starts with O grins. "Found it~! Oh! You're a doppel!! I have some theories about doppels."
Matt, without thinking it over, blurts out: "or she might stop throwing knives at people." There are many ways to stab someone. In their back. Looking right at them. Having someone else throw the knife. With a hidden contraption. Still, he cringes at his own completely useless addition and gives Julio a look like he just owned him. Which he knows he didn't. What the fuck is he even trying to do here. Maybe he should just let Santana talk. "That's not necessarily true," he says, immediately contradicting his decision to let Santana do the talking. "You can realize after you've been manipulated how much they fucked you over." He shrugs. 
He narrows his eyes at Santana's example about the fly, and he thinks about it for a moment. "But maybe he can convince you to stop making the deal." Get to the root of the problem. He ignores Julio's comments about illusions. Santana's at least half the reason he's even attempted to work on his illusion magic. Blaine's like 15%. The rest is just he really likes learning. 
Looking at the kid, he lifts his chin. "What did you explain to him?" Matt asks, just as Julio shushes them. A sigh leaves him before he can stop it when they find him online and immediately put their foot in their mouth. "Theories? About doppels?" An eyebrow is high in his forehead, and his arms remain crossed against his chest.
Santana is actually a little happy Matt is there and not only full of regret. "Yeah! Thanks, Matt" She stops to look at him. "Wait, what do you mean?" Hey, nice, actually they are discussing solutions and brainstorming. Who had though, talking things with people actually helped? "In this case, stop doing the deal would MAYBE had been getting rid of that bastard's magic. But SOMEONE" Marley. "Didn't want to testify for it.Yes I'm talking about you know how." She says Marley with her mouth in case Matt doesn't get it, but with no sound. "It's Marley I'm blaming Marley. And the entire  judicial system but mostly Marley."
The man in the sunglasses continues his theory.  "You know what to do agaisnt an illusion, Santana. Look out for the truth." His phone sounds, he checks it,  an shush the kid again,  "Don't waste time, we have to go now, Mist. I'll ask around to make your work easier, and you give the fucking information, alright?" 
Someone whose name starts with O knows they don't have much time. Their theories won't be stopped. "Everyone thinks doppels come from witches but WHAT IF" They say, very exagerately and dramatic. "Doppels are actually the tricksters who get to become human."
Gears are turning in Matt's head, and he points at Santana as he processes the information. "No--I don't mean Fuchs's magic," he says, as his attention remains on trying to hypothetically solve the enchantment problem. "Although I have no fucking clue why Marley wouldn't get her ass to court to testify," he says offhandedly, only sounding mildly annoyed. "I'm saying we get to the source of the problem. The source of your beliefs. And work from there." Shrugging, he speaks towards the ground for a moment. "Maybe we don't get rid of the deal at first. Maybe some days the fly is quiet. Maybe some days it just lays there. Maybe it buzzes without being able to see it. But we take steps."
Look out for the truth. Manipulate yourself back. Santana says Julio doesn't know enchantments, but Matt's starting to think he knows enough, at least, for them to make some progress. "Leaving so soon?" he asks, like he was really enjoying their company. 
Matt is straight-up rendered speechless when O-kid shares their theory, at least for a series of seconds that stretch long. If tricksters became human, would they have memories? Would they arise as doppels do? "Where would we get the memories of our past lives, then?" He asks, trying to one-up some kid, like an adult is supposed to do. "I'm pretty sure doppels are just doppels. Tricksters who become human are humans who used to be tricksters?" The first sentence is pretty confident, but the second sounds just about as unsure as he feels right now.
Santana groans "Because her problems are more important than everyone's else." But she rather focus on solutions now. "Ugh, Matt, the source is the entire world and systematic racism. This is not a thing we can change from the source. We are looking for realistic, magical solutions here" She listens to how Matt follows her fly metaphor. She doesn't agree, she just wants to kill the bug forever. Her fake dad was going to leave, anyway. "Alright, alright, I'll give you your shit info, but you better do something because I'm just going to give you as muchinformation as you give me. You have to go? Oh my God, please, tell me is not because there is some dangerous person coming here trying to kill you out of revenge for some fucked up thing you did to them." She stops for a moment. "It's Darling?" She is so annoyed at the kid. "If there wasn't like, proofs or evidence of doppels coming from witches, yeah, suuuure." Santana rolls her eyes to Matt outright lying to the kid. You don't even think you are human, Matt, don't say tricksters are now
Someone  whose name starts with O doesn't want to leave yet. "From the life as a trickster, of course! But doppels comes from someone else." The kid laughs at Matt question. "Hahahaha you have no idea, don't you?"
 The man in the sunglasses text someone, then throws the phone to the ground and breaks it. "You know it." He says with a smile and he could talk in spanish, but it would be easier to talk on a way only Santana would get. "But no, do you remember Clown and Mirror? Medieval fair, 2014.  This is like that time before Nails tried to throw a goat to Doorframe combined with that time Darling and Tibula were betting our lifes on a game of jenga at the aquarium." 
Santana hears that totally understanding the gravity of the situation and grabs Matt's arm. "Matt we have to go."
Matt scoffs. "A lot of shit is product of systemic oppression, and it doesn't mean you can't work on it. " He's pretty proud of his idea and his metaphors, alright? Besides, life already seems pretty bleak without adding 'no way to combat self-loathing thoughts instilled on you by systemic racism'. He's not about to add an extra layer of bleakness on purpose. "Maybe there's no magic solution. At least not without using more enchantments." 
"I'm almost sure that's not true," he tells the kid. "There's some pretty witchy memories in there. But it's not like that shit's gonna stop you from making up theories like that in your head. So whatever." Jesus, he's like the teenager here now. But he's annoyed. Sure, he has no idea, but do they have to point it out like that??
He goes to continue to argue--he's not even sure about what, but that seems to be what he's doing today--when it seems like things start moving real fast, real suddenly. His head jerks one way, and then the other, and his heart drums in his chest when tension seems to rise out of nowhere and Santana grabs his arm. "Wh--what? Sure. Sure, let's go." Glancing back towards Julio and the kid, he waves half-heartedly. "Nice... to meet you?"
Santana frows. There is has to be a magic solution. Bitch don't say that bullshit but instead she just makes complaining noises about it. She waves goodbye "Die a painful dead." Santana says, with a friendly tone. "I love you too!" his 'dad' answers. Oliver just says bye very enthusiastically.
She brings Matt outside, almost dragging him by the arm until they are out the flat. And then until they are far away from the flat. "Oh man, uuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I fucking hate him so much!" She complains, angry. "Sorry I dragged you into this. But..." She calms herself a bit. "But it really helped me. I think."
Matt waves goodbye to everyone in a confused daze as he's pulled away, partly by his own feet and partly by Santana. He's so confused by the circumstances, but he doesn't say anything while Santana complains. He just pats her on the arm while glancing over the direction they'd come from. 
His muscles relax when Santana says it had helped her. "Did it? You seemed sort of skeptical about it." His teeth worries his lip for a moment. "I told you before that I would help you with this, and I haven't been doing great at that, but whatever you think of for this shit, I'm in."
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bangtan-babe · 7 years
Letting Go [part 2]
—–- “What if we were soulmates who just met at the wrong time?”——- 
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Characters: Namjoon x reader/ Jimin x reader
Summary: As a doctor, you’re never supposed to get emotionally attached to your patients but you find yourself unable to forget Namjoon. 
Length: 3.7k
Genre: Angst/ Fluff
part 1. part 2. part 3 (final) 
Namjoon was finally stable after being given dozens of fluids and antibiotics. At first, you thought that he fainted because his blood pressure was relatively low, but after an MRI was completed you learned that his tumor had spread towards his liver and kidneys. Despite his constant treatments, his Leukemia had worsened.
A part of you felt sad. While you learned in medical school to never get attached to a patient, you found yourself unable to follow through with that advice. It hurt you to see Namjoon unconscious and exhausted.
You were standing next to his bed examining his heart rate and temperature when Nurse Seokjin came into the room. “Y/N, someone’s looking for you,” he informed. You nodded your head and walked out behind him. You saw a petite middle aged woman standing by the nurse’s station.
You took off your mask and walked up to her. “Hello, I’m Dr. Y/LN,” you said introducing yourself. She stared at you with a cold glare. For some reason, she looked really familiar. The shape of her nose and deep eyes reminded you of someone but you couldn’t put your finger on it. “What kind of hospital is this?!” she spat.
You stood there dumbfounded by her tone. “And you are...?” you asked hesitantly. She became even more furious. “I’m Kim Namjoon’s mother!” she roared. Of course, that’s who she reminded you of. It was Namjoon!
You instantly bowed and apologized for not recognizing her sooner. Namjoon’s mom scoffed at your apology and turned around to enter his room. You ran in front of her and stopped her from entering. If you let her in your job would be jeopardized since visiting hours were over. “Ma’am I’m sorry but we have a strict policy and can’t let you enter at this time,” you explained.
Her eyes darted back and forth in anger. “How dare you!” she yelled. You didn’t know what to say so you hung your head. Namjoon’s mom spoke up again. “I knew I shouldn’t have come here.” You lifted your head surprised at her harsh words. She noticed you were staring so she spoke more sternly. “I had an appointment set up at the spa and you completely ruined it,” she yelled blaming you for her situation.
Now you were beginning to get furious. She had no right to place any blame on you for missing her appointment. If anything she should be more concerned about her son’s well being. In fact, you wondered why she never showed up at the hospital before. This was the first time you or any of the other staff had seen her.
You’re more than welcome to leave,” you grinned widely. From the distance, you called out to Seokjin. “Nurse Seokjin if Miss Kim doesn’t leave this entrance by the time I’m gone please call security,” you explained eyeing her intently. His mom looked shocked but also frightened at your sudden abrasiveness. “Please come back during visiting hours. Hopefully, you don’t have a spa appointment then,” you snapped before turning on your heels and entering Namjoon's room. You closed the door in her face. How could she even be worried about the spa when her son is in this condition? you thought.
You turned your back to the door and let out a deep sigh staring down at the floor. “What a great mom,” you muttered under your breath. When you looked up you saw Namjoon was awake. You saw his hands were formed into a fist and his mouth was locked tightly. His eyes looked heavy and intense. “Namjoon?” you called out. “Are you okay?”
He had been listening to your conversation the entire time. He turned his attention to the wall on the right and didn’t say anything. You walked carefully up to his bed unsure if he was going to yell or scream at you. But when you got closer you saw he was trying to hold back tears. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to your mom like that,” you began.
Suddenly you stopped when Namjoon grabbed your wrist. He turned his head slowly towards yours locking an intense gaze with you. “Thanks, Y/N,” he spoke sincerely. You were confused why he was being thankful. Didn’t he notice you were yelling at his mother? Since it wasn’t your business you didn’t want to ask him any more questions. But Namjoon started talking again regardless. “Even though she’s my mom, I don’t love her,” he spoke coldly.
You were surprised by his strong statement. “Namjoon, I’m sure you don’t mean that. We all can’t stand our parents sometimes but-” He suddenly interrupted you. “No, I do mean it. You love your mom because she cared for you and raised you. My mom abandoned me. She married someone else and forgot about her old life,” Namjoon ranted. “Including me,” he added half heartedly.
This was the first time that you saw Namjoon being sincere and open. He wasn’t acting arrogant or cocky. After what he told you, you sensed that those negative qualities about him were shields that he used to hide his true feelings. You looked down at the bed frame realizing he was still holding onto your wrist. “Hey, at least you turned out sort of alright,” you mentioned trying to comfort him. “Who knows? You could have been way worse. Then I really would have wanted to stab you with a pen,” you added seriously.
He looked at you for a second then started laughing. “You wanted to stab me with a pen? Is that even legal?” he questioned.
You froze, completely forgetting what you had just confessed. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied looking off to the side. Namjoon followed your gaze and came close to your face. “Sure,” he whispered. You rolled your eyes at his presence and slowly got up to leave. All of a sudden Namjoon pulled your wrist. “Don’t go,” he croaked. You looked at his grip and then back up at him. He looked sad and defeated.
“Namjoon..I have other patients I need to see,” you explained sadly.
“Yeah, but I’m more important,” he added. He was still holding onto your hand when he abruptly pulled you further down. You lost your balance and collapsed on his chest. Your first instinct was to worry about the heart monitors on his chest. “Your electrode pads!” you muffled out. But Namjoon didn’t move. He pulled you in closer to his body wrapping his long arms around your upper body.
Then you noticed it. You felt your heart beating faster and faster as each second passed by. His embrace was warm and it felt as if he would protect you no matter what. You weren’t confused about your feelings anymore. All you needed was this moment to remind you of who Namjoon truly was and not who he pretended to be. Yet, you also realized how dangerous he was. And when you thought about the danger, you felt a sharp pain that hurt you deeply.
Nurse Seokjin looked at you sadly. “What?” you mouthed. He sighed coming closer to you. “This is the fifth time you’ve made me give him his medicine,” Seokjin complained.
You pouted, “Please.. this is the last time. I promise.”
Seokjin rolled his eyes as he walked away with Namjoon’s tray. “That’s what you always say,” he singsonged.
“You’re the best!” you called out. Seokjin lifted his hand to wave and turned the corner.
When you saw yourself beginning to get closer to Namjoon, it scared you. As a doctor, that type of affection should never develop. But more importantly, as a regular person, it meant you would only get hurt. It was obvious that his health was deteriorating and you knew that if you crossed that boundary any further it would shatter your heart. So, you knew it was for the best if you slowly decreased your interactions with Namjoon. Yet you still couldn’t forget about the hug no matter how much you tried.
You made your way towards the resident dorms, completely exhausted from the shift you just had. When you opened the door to the room you saw Dr. Park crashed on the couch. You wondered why he was there since these dorms were for residents and he was already a fellow. But he looked too peaceful to disturb so you decided to let him sleep. As you placed your keys and notes on a nearby table, you kept looking back at Dr. Park. His serene nature surprised you because he was always loud when he was awake. Not realizing it, you let out a chuckle as you thought about his ridiculousness. After taking off your lab coat and shoes you made your way to the bunk bed which was across from him. You noticed how he looked like a model with his perfect glowing skin and styled hair. “If only you weren’t an asshole at work,” you sighed aloud.
All of a sudden Dr. Park’s eyes opened and he glared at you. You stumbled back nearly hitting your head on the bed frame. Noticing his gaze, you cupped your hands over your mouth completely mortified that he heard you call him an asshole.  
“Well tell me how you really feel,” he blurted still laying on his side and not breaking his stare from you.
You gulped and tried to force a smile. “Dr. Park...I..I didn’t really mean that. I just had a long day and was frustrated,” you tried to explain.
He got up and walked over to the mirror to fix his hair. “You know...you’ve really been getting under my skin lately,” he remarked. You weren’t sure if you had a right to be offended since you called him an asshole, but it still irked you. You questioned hesitantly why he thought that about you.
He spun around and walked over to where you were standing.  “You’re always late. You never listen to me. You do whatever you want,” he ranted naming off each negative characteristic about you.
Then he suddenly paused. “But, I somehow can’t stop thinking about you.” His confession felt like you were hit full throttle by a moving truck. Your legs wanted to run out of the room, but your brain was unable to send a signal.
“Why are you telling me this?”  you muttered barely able to speak.
Dr. Park tried to walk closer to you but you stepped away from him. He saw that you were uncomfortable and didn’t move anymore. “I couldn’t just keep my feelings buried inside...I wanted to tell you how I felt the day we had dinner together, but I thought it was too soon. So I decided to wait,” he explained. You nodded your head but internally you didn’t comprehend a single thing he was saying. “Please just say something,” he added.
You widened your eyes unable to wrap your mind around his request. “Well, I need some time.. and space,” you began. Dr. Park interjected quickly. “How long do you need?” he asked.
You shrug your shoulders and stuttered. “I’m not sure...I don’t even know if I could ever feel the same way,” you answered unaware of how aggressive that statement was. After those words came out, you noticed he looked disappointed.
“You know I’m not a bad guy right?” he sighed. You thought about what he said and realized his question was pointless. “Dr. Park-” you began. He interrupted you. “Just call me Jimin,” he noted.
You let his name slip off your tongue. It was the first time you ever said it out loud. “Jimin... I don’t think you’re a bad guy. But I don’t know you. I haven’t had much time to get to know you and I really don’t have the heart to do so right now,” you confessed. Subconsciously your mind went straight to Namjoon. You were somehow unable to let him go. A part of you felt guilty for thinking anything of Jimin, even though you and Namjoon weren’t anything to each other. Yet the other part begged you to move your feelings away from Namjoon because of how disastrous you knew it would be. When you looked at Jimin you saw that he was trying his best not to show how hurt he was. He was always a demanding person, but in this moment he seemed vulnerable.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted noticing the unsettling feeling in your chest that erupted once you walked out of the room. Jimin kept calling your name but you didn’t dare to look back.
You finally went into Namjoon’s room. He looked at you coldly, clearly holding a grudge against the fact that you’ve been ignoring him. “So how’s my favorite patient?” you asked trying to play off the situation.
He scoffed. “I’m dying.”
While that word should have unphased you by now, it hurt more than usual. “Namjoon I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy,” you explained walking over to his bed.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. You’re a doctor, I know you’re busy,” he answered less than enthusiastically. It made you upset that he felt hurt, but you knew it was for the best if you distanced yourself from him. “I know...but I shouldn’t have just ignored you like that,” you stated.
He nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah well...I’m a big boy. I can handle myself,” he announced.
You pursed your lips and lifted your head. “Of course, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t upset.”
Namjoon stood up.“I’m not upset. Don’t be concerned about me, don’t be worried, don’t be sad. Do us both a favor and just forget about me,” he declared. You should have felt relieved that he felt the same way. After all, you knew how this would end. But hearing those words come out of his mouth left you feeling uneasy. It made everything that you were thinking become real.
“Namjoon..” you began. He closed his eyes at the call of his name. “Don’t...” he spoke. “Just get out of my life.”
“Why are you acting like this?” you questioned hurt that he was being so intense.
He stood in front of you. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? This is why you ignored me. You were scared when I hugged you. You were terrified that you felt something more,” he revealed almost laughing at the ridiculousness of your actions.
You felt like your throat was closing and you couldn’t breathe. “I wasn’t scared. It was just a hug,” you lied.
He let out a scoff, thinking about those words in his mind. “Alright then what about now?” he announced. Before you could even reply, he quickly grabbed your face and kissed you intensely. Your eyes widened at Namjoon’s spontaneous reaction. The part of you that felt confused tried to break away but he pulled you into him. Simultaneously, he sat you down on the bed and deepened his kiss. His lips felt soft and luscious. You didn’t want to kiss him back but you feel unable to stop. All of a sudden you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him down onto you. In between the kisses, he spoke up. “Y/N..”
You realized that you were still in the hospital and instantly got up. “I have to go,” you blurted placing a hand over your mouth. He grabbed your wrist before you could go. You looked at him for a few seconds and then broke his grip.
“Clearly you felt that,” he presumed. While you did kiss him back, you couldn’t admit your feelings. You opened your mouth to talk, yet no words came out. Instead, you turned around and began walking out.
You suddenly froze when Namjoon spoke up. “Why are you so scared?” he questioned coldly.
Your back was away from him and tears began to form in your eyes. There was a tight knot developing in your chest. “Because I am! I’ve never been in this situation before!” you yelled quickly turning to face him. “You think I have? It’s not like I’m falling in love with every doctor I see,” Namjoon mentioned.
Your eyes widened when he said falling in love. “Love?...” you stuttered.
Namjoon shifted his gaze away from yours. “I don’t know.. I think I do. I mean I guess. I’ve never loved anyone so this is new to me,” he tried to explain scratching the back of his head in confusion. For a second you thought it was cute that he looked nervous.
Without looking at you, he spoke again. “I know I’m sick. I know I’m probably going to die-” You stopped him, wincing at that thought.
“Don’t say that,” you said choking your words.
But Namjoon continued talking while turning his attention to you now.  “Y/N it’s true...I’m being realistic here. As much as I want to live, I can’t. But, I don’t want to give up on being who I am. I’m going to do what I want,” he explained.
You gave him a glare suggesting that he was still supposed to watch his health. “Yeah, I know.. I need to be careful. But fuck it. I only have one life to live,” Namjoon stated hopefully. You let out a sigh because you were emotionally exhausted.
“So what do you want me to do? Say I like you too..?” you questioned rhetorically. “Or how about we just forget your treatments completely and go on dates??” You knew that Namjoon would get hurt by the words you were saying but you needed to express your frustrations.
“Do you like me?” he asked completely ignoring everything else you said.
You stuttered and were taken aback by the suddenness. “I...I don't know,”
Namjoon interrupted you and looked straight into your eyes “Don’t be scared... Just be honest,” he pleaded
“Okay! I like you! Are you happy now!? Are you satisfied?” you wailed completely letting out the tears that you were trying to hold in.
He sighed, looking down at his bed sheets. Then in a split second, Namjoon got up and tried to walk to you. You quickly went to his side, scared that he would fall down again. “I’m okay,” he mentioned while still holding on to you. Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed and you sat down next him.
“I know that whatever relationship we have won’t be a normal one. But who even has a normal relationship nowadays?” he stated trying to convince you. You didn’t say anything.
To break the tension, Namjoon spoke again. “We can just have hospital dates,” he added trying to make a joke.
You gave him a stern glare. “Yeah, I’ve been waiting my entire life for hospital dates,” you replied sarcastically.
He nudged you playfully on the side and then turned his head to look at you. “Hey! Don’t criticize this hospital. They have very skilled doctors,” he said while puckering up his lips to suggest you have great kissing skills. You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“Just give me some time. I need to process all of this,” you explained. Namjoon nodded his head in agreement.“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” you added before getting up and leaving.
Everything was a mess. Your work life with Dr. Park was awkward now. And your personal feelings about Namjoon interfered with your abilities to treat him as a patient. The moment someone brought up his name, a thousand emotions rushed in all at once.
You were turning a corner when you ran into Dr. Park. He rubbed the back of his head wanting to say something to you.
“Sorry, I should have been more careful,” you said trying to get away.
He spoke up. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I want you to forget about what I said.”
You rose an eyebrow at his comment. “What?”
“Yeah, if our relationship at work is going to get affected...then it’s not worth it,” he explained.
You were in shock but also annoyed that he could take back so easily what he said to you. “You said you liked me.” you uttered carefully.
“I did. I mean, I do. But...you’re acting awkward,” he began.
You interrupted him while raising your voice.“Of course, I’m awkward. You’re my boss! How am I supposed to act normal?!”
After you finished, you calmed down. He stood there without saying anything. “I’m sorry...I was being selfish,” he stuttered.
You saw he was being sincere, and while you wanted to scream at him, you held back. You didn’t have the energy to deal with Dr. Park. At the same time, Namjoon’s confession played in your mind. Why did they both have to confess to you?? A million thoughts went through your head but you tried to remain calm. You realized what you had to do. “Yeah, I think it’s for the best if we just keep a professional,” you added. It seemed as if Dr. Park looked disappointed that you agreed with him, but you didn’t want to make too much of it.
“Alright, I’ll see you around then Dr. Y/LN,” he stated before walking past you. You nodded your head. “See you.” There wasn’t anything else you could say besides that. Your head was throbbing.
You made your way to the nurse's station expecting to see Nurse Seokjins cheerful personality. But, he looked exhausted and frantic. “Seokjin? What’s going?” you asked perplexed at the atmosphere.
Seokjin looked at you and let out a sigh. “Y/N..something happened,” he remarked. For some reason, a knot developed in your stomach and you felt lightheaded. Your mind went straight to him so you ran towards Namjoon’s room. You saw it was empty.
“Where is he?” you wailed your voice cracking.
Seokjin followed you to Namjoon’s room. “He had a convulsion. He’s in surgery right now,” Seokjin explained.
All of a sudden you broke down and collapsed to the floor. You held onto your legs and cried out. You felt Seokjin’s hand on your back trying to comfort you, but it was no use. What you were afraid of was coming true and it killed you inside.
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All We Ever Knew (3/4)
Prompt: Y/N and Jason don’t usually fight each other, but one night they can’t hold anger anymore… just remember this the next time, be careful with your wishes.
A/N : Grammar mistakes of course. Still I can’t believe how many people likes this series, thank you so much for your support, also, for those who sent me message I will add you on the taglist, hope you don’t mind.
| Y/M/LN - Your Mother’s Last Name | Y/M/N - Your Mom’s Name
Pairing : Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff.
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"Are you crazy Dick?! We can't just kill her!" Tim hiss as he rub his temples.
"Why not? I mean, maybe it's like that Inception movie...she needs to die here to wake up in her real time line" Dick say with a big smile as he looks at Bruce.
"Seriously, why you chose him? Wasn't there any better option?" Damian asks Bruce while pointing at Dick.
"A better option?! I'm The Nightwing you demon!,  I'm the first robin in here!, I'm the chosen one!" Dick say with a gasp.
"And the biggest drama queen, EVER!" Damian answers as he stands up.
"Biggest drama queen?! I'm no the one who cried over a week because he wanted a damn cow!" Dick says as he steps closer to Damian.  
"CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP!?" Another voice echoes in the room.
Everyone including Alfred and Bruce, turn their heads surprised to hear the female voice after long hours.
"Oh well, we can't kill her now, she's awake, are you happy Damian?, we lost the only chance" Dick says as he sits on the couch again.
"Dick, shut up" Tim says in a kind of an angry whisper.
"On behalf of everyone in this room, I apologize miss. May I know how you feeling?" Alfred asks as he steps closer to you.
Confussion can describe the situation you're currently in. I mean, picture the scene. You wake up because two people are screaming at each other, then you realize you are soaking wet and there's a big pain in your head, like if someone smashed your head against a rock, and lets add some other ingredients, five men are staring at you like some alien while one of them wanted to kill you before you opened your eyes.
"Miss. May I know how you feeling?" the old man asks you once more, this time his closer to you.
Your eyes scan the man, he looks kind and worried about you... he actually looks familiar but you can't put a name on his face. So then, your eyes moves to the other guys in the room, but none of them rings a bell in your head, only the oldest one, the one that looks...angry.
"Did I did something to make him so angry?" you didn't realize you actually asked that like a whisper, until the old man started to laugh.
"He's always angry miss. You should know that for sure...but he isn't angry, right now at least" the old man says as he place a hand on your forehead, making you flinch a bit.
"And I do think you don't know me...right miss?" The man asks and you deny with your head.
"Actually, I only think I know him" you say as you look at the angry man.
"Well. In that case, maybe it's time that I stop being so angry" The man say as he stands to walk close to you.
"Do you know who you are?" The man asks as he kneels infront of you.
"I'm Y/N...Desmond" you say as you try to remember your name... why was it too hard to remember?
"Well, three hours ago you were that one, but you aren’t anymore" The man says with a smile and you look at him confused.
"I'm not following you... where am I?" you ask more to yourself when you start to look at the place.
"Bruce, did you happen to knock her out in the backyard?" One of the boys says.
"Everyone, out of the room" The 'angry' man says as he look at you.
"You still scaring me... can he stay?” you ask as you hold the older man’s hand, the other man only nods as the younger boys leaves the room.
"Alright, what it is about? You come here and tell me a big story and now you don't remember... anything?" the man says...angry.
"Excuse me? You’re not only an angry man, you also rude as hell" you say with a frown at the man.
"Master Wayne. I think she's right, you better start all over again." the old man says as he glare at the other man with a somewhat passive-aggressive voice.
"I'm Bruce Wayne, but you should already know that. Apparently you are my... daughter, and you don't belong in this life" Bruce says as he looks at you again.
"Did you just confess that you want to kill me?" you ask with a deeper frown now.
"No. okay, I didn't use the best words. Thing is, this life you are living in... for what you said hours ago, isn't yours... you made a wish in your nomal life and you are stuck here" he says and you laugh.
"Are you crazy? That's not possible, why do I want to change my life? I love my family and I have the sweetest boyfriend ever, which... now that I remember, I should be with him today..." you say as you begin to realize the confusing situation.
"Sorry, what was that?" Bruce asks you with raised eyebrows.
"My boyfriend. I should be with him tonight, where is he?, why I am here? Did- did you all kidnap me or something? Oh my god, I should call my mother or Conner  or -"
"Did you said...Conner? Like, Conner Kent you mean?" Bruce asks you surprised, which you were now too.
"Yes, indeed! Did you know him too or something?" you ask him with joy.
There's a long and horrible pause, where only Bruce it's looking at you, like if his trying to read your mind, and to be honest, it keeps scaring you. But suddenly he looks like if he had decipher all the secrets in the universe.
"Your memories are changing... soon they are all going to be replaced with the new ones" he says more to himself than to you.
"Can you please, explain your mind? I'm really confused with all of-"
"Jason Peter Todd" he simply says.
And there's something in your mind that rings many bells. Sounds...no... voices, more like just one voice, calling your name over and over again in different ways, there's a face too, blue eyes looking at you, a laugh that makes you shiver, and then three words spoken with what you get to know as pure love. But then it's all gone, and now you are... sad?
"There it is... you need to go before you forget him, before you stay here forever" Bruce says as he stands up.
"Wait" You call him before he goes.
"Is he... here?" you ask with a trembling voice, he turns around and by the look on his face, you can figure out the answer.
"Be ready, we're going to break into the bank today" After that, he goes by the big door, leaving you confused with the old man.
"I'm Alfred, miss, just in case you need something" Alfred says as he stands up.
"Alfred?" you ask him, still looking at the door.
"Yes miss?" Alfred answers by looking at you. 
"Can I call my mother, please?" you asks with wet eyes. 
"Of course Miss, just promise me, you're not going to leave" Alfred says with a tender smile and you only nodd. 
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"Holy Fuck! You're The Batman!, and oh my fucking God, you are the robins!" you say with wide eyes as you look at the people in front of you
"Holy cow! Is this... let me guess, the Batcave! Oh dear Lord, Bruce Wayne it's Batman?! well, now that I think about it, it's kind of logic" you add as you look at the entire place. 
"Oh... God, this is to much to handle right now" you say as you sit in the main chair of the Batcave, making the robins look surprise for the lack of response from Bruce, ‘cause... no one sits on Batman’s chair. 
"B, is she still the girl from the other timeline? Look at her, I think we lost her" Tim whispers to Bruce. 
"You only have to say Jason's name to bring her back. Trust me" Bruce says as he looks at Tim. 
All of sudden, there's a ring, everyone except for you, looks confused. Alfred, without thinking twice, goes up, still, the guys are wondering what it's happening, at this hours in the day, who is visiting Bruce Wayne?. 
"Ohhhh, I didn't think this could happen" everyone turns to look at you when they heard you. 
"What does that mean?" Damian asks you with a raised eyebrow. 
"Well, don't blame me but, I know that, in my actual life, I don't have my mother... so I called her so I could say goodbye at least, I never had the chance so... yeah... that" you say with a sigh as you rub your hands. 
"Your mother, is...here? Like right now?" Dick asks worried as he realize the situation. 
"Apparently, she thinks Bruce Wayne kidnap me, so she might be here, right now, yes." you say without looking at them. 
“You’re kidding, right?” Tim asks with a chuckle. 
"BRUCE FUCKING WAYNE, YOU BETTER RETURN MY DAUGHTER IN THIS FUCKING MOMENT!" Your mother’s voice echoed all around the Batcave. 
“Bloody Hell, she’s pissed” Dick says with a frightened voice. 
"Y/N, go upstairs with Alfred. Everyone else, change clothes, RIGHT NOW!" Bruce commands and you go running up stairs.
"Miss Y/M/LN. Please calm down, I assure you Y/N it's okay" you hear Alfred voice trying to calm your mother.
Just as you step into the room, your mother's eyes found you, they went from worried to angry in less than five seconds, making you gulp.
"Y/N! Thank God! Do you happen to know how worried your father and I are?!" Your mother says more than angry, making you step back.
"Mom, I'm sorry, I- I did called you to tell you I'm fine, look at me" you try to say, but you're some kind of scared.
"Well, we're leaving, hope you enjoyed your time with the asshole of-"
"Hello, Y/M/N" You hear Bruce voice behind you, and a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Bruce Wayne" your mother looks totally shock and just like before, anger boils her blood, even you heard Bruce Wayne gulp behind you. 
"Y/N, we're leaving" you mother says, her eyes still looking at the man behind you.
"I'm sorry Y/M/N but I can't let you take Y/N" Bruce says as he grabs both of your shoulders.
"Well, I'm not asking you Bruce. Y/N come here" Your mom says as she reach out her hand towards you.
"Mom, what I said when I called you, was true... I can't go with you" You say as you look down to the floor, you can feel your eyes watering.
"Y/N, I know this day has been weird, but it doesn't change the fact that your my daughter... just, come one, let's go home" Your mother says as she steps closer, anger isn't in her voice any longer.
"Mom, I need to say goodbye to you..." you say now looking straight to her with sad eyes.
"Y/N you're scaring me... what's happening?" your mom looks at you the same way you are looking at her, and it makes your heart crumble, something in your mind recalls the day she left.
"This morning I told you about a nightmare, where I lost you..." you take a deep breath before you continue "But... it wasn't a nightmare, I did lost you, and this morning felt like a dream where you never left me"
"And as long as I love it, this isn't my life... and I have to go" you end up crying, your mother eyes are confused but they have tears too.
"Y/N I never left, see? you can feel me, I'm real, I will never leave you alone..." your mom says as she caress your cheek, but you feel pain instead of kidness, you know you will never feel her again.
"Mom... I love you more than anything... but I can't stay" you say as you place your hand above hers.
"Y/N, this...this is a joke right? A prank" she laugh a bit, but when she meets your eyes, her smile fades.
"I love you mom" you say as you hug her tight. Tears are colliding with her shirt. You're sobbing, because it's the second time you are going to lose her.  
"Y/N, just stay, okay? We-we are your family. Me, your father, Jake, we are a family" your moms says trying to make you stay, it only breaks your heart more.
"I only wish I can take you with me... but I can't" you say in a whisper as you untangle from your mom.
Your mom it’s about to say something when you feel the familiar pain once more. She looks at you confused and calls your name worried, but the pain grows stronger, making you scream in pain. 
“Y/M/N we need to take Y/N out of here, before she forgets everything!“ Bruce says as he tries to carry you in his arms. 
“No, Bruce, please don’t” Your mom tries to hold you back, scared that she will never see you again. 
“Y/M/N, trust me please. I’m afraid she can actually die if she has another episode like this.... just, trust me” Bruce says. 
In that moment your mom let you go. 
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“B! I think she’s dying!” Tim shouts as he tries to stop the bleeding from your nose. 
“She’s not dying Tim! Just try to stop the bleeding for a little longer!” Bruce answers back as he drives high speed through Gotham streets. 
“I’m trying my best, but we better arrive now!” Tim says once more as he commands his brothers to help him out. 
Those were the longest four minutes for everyone. The Batmobile was soaking with your blood just like the hands of the robins, they even swear somehow you had a wound on your head since it was a lot of blood. 
But that didn't matter when everyone saw the Bank a few blocks away. For obvious reasons, they couldn't just park in the entrance. Bruce need it to knock out some guys, and Tim need it to hack the security system while Dick and Damian tried to wake you up. 
"I'm in. Dick, how is she?" The boys heard Batman in the comms. 
"Well, I don't want to alarm you, but I don't feel pulse" Dick says worried. 
"Change of plans. We need to take her in, no time to take the amulet first" Batman says as he steps inside the Vault, his eyes looking at the face with emerald eyes.
"We can't do that! What if-"
"It's a command! Bring her in!" Batman say once more as he check his belt, maybe he has something to make you wake.
The robins arrive in less than a minute. Dick is carrying you towards the Vault, and when Bruce sees you, he felts a knot in his stomach, you skin it’s pale and your clothes are full with blood, just like the robins. 
“We tried our best B, but... I think she didn’t make it” Dick says with a sigh as she place you in the floor. 
“I supposed you don’t remember Pulp fiction, right?“ Bruce says as he takes out a syringe. 
“This is some hardcore shit, B” Tim says as he looks at the big needle. 
Bruce doesn’t care about it, he holds the syringe high as he mentally counts to three, and then he injects you with adrenaline in your heart, not even 10 seconds later, you are awake making Dick faint from the scarry experience. 
“Can’t believe that actually work” Damian says as he saw your wide open eyes. 
“Y/N... it’s time to go” Bruce says, your eyes moves from the syringe in your chest to him. 
“Who are you?” you simply say. 
There’s a silent pause, Bruce is looking at you confused and scared. 
                                                     Was it too late?
 TAGLIST: @boosyboo9206​ @spooder-moon​ @julesatticusb​ @dawnshuntress​ @lonewhitewolf488​
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writtenbymonarch · 8 years
Generations (pt. 1)
43: “My arms just fit perfectly.” 61: “I heard a noise.” 81: “I’ll just tell your mom on you.”   Stupidity warning: I am only on season 3 so bear with me. I've wanted to write something since the start of season two but I got caught up with Harry Potter. Imagine: Your mom was one of the doctors acquaintances but she never told you anything about the adventures and you happen to run into him on your own. Words: 2,200 __________ 
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She had just gotten off work. Of it had to end at three in the morning. That thought ran through her head every night when she had to walk through a bad part of town to get back home. Just a simple job at a small local news station, not an anchor or anything special though. Suddenly there was an odd sound, like an alarm maybe, just around a corner of an alley. She didn’t want to get into any ones business but it was such an odd sound and she was such a curious girl. Before she rounded the corner, she readied herself, while waiting, a small sound rung through her ears again. It had kind of sounded like foot steps down the alley, but then again, they were so light, the sound could only belong to a stray cat of course.   Finally, she had enough courage, along with not hearing any other new strange noises, and decided to whip her head around the wall, just enough to see down the ally, in case there was something she shouldn’t see around the corner, not wanting to get caught in something crime related. To her surprise, there wasn't any living creature back there, just a big blue box, so she stepped into the opening fully. But then again, the box was slightly open with a light on, in it. This could only mean that it was somewhat operational. If the lure of curiosity didn’t work, which it did, there was also a meow sound coming from inside. She couldn't just pass up both of those chances. With her eyes focused on the cat in the box, once it had stepped more into sight, she didn’t realize that the box was bigger on the inside. Petting the affectionate cat, she finally looked up. She couldn’t believe her eyes, this had to be a dream. She stepped inside more, admiring the impossible oddity. The only thing to snap her out of her thoughts was the cats meow. Y/N closed the door to the box and followed the cat, since it was venturing out of her sight. Eventually it was getting to be too complicated of a floor plan so she went back to the main section, but this time, there was a man. Before she could present herself, a major earthquake occurred. It seemed as if the man had went through it hundreds of time before with the calmest of expressions on his face but she was having a breakdown. Until it stopped, she was hoping through the whole thing that she would make it and be able to just see her family at home. Her eyes were still closed, not knowing that the whole place stopped shaking violently, when the Doctor saw something out of place out of the corner of his eye.   "What are you doiNG IN HERE?" He questioned her after marching towards her, confused, and slightly enraged. She was an unwelcomed visitor and could be looking for his demise. "I-I heard a noise, and it went err err, and there was an open door,  and a light, and a cat, please don’t hurt me." She ended her crazed explanation, still forgetting to open her eyes. When there was a silence, her eyes finally opened to see quite a handsome man in front of her. A bit skinny, but full of wonder. "It, it's ok. You can never be so careful now a days," He said, in a calming voice. "Hello, I'm the Doctor." He reached out for her hand, helping her up. She accepted his help. "Y/N," She finally calmed down. "Sweet cat, nice place, nice face, what just happened?" She motioned around, referring to the earthquake, along with trying to cover up what she had just said. The Doctor smiled a bit, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat. "You're not going to believe me but, we're in the past. And, about the cat, I picked it up along the way, and, it kind of just, stayed."   "Alright, who sent you, I'm not falling for that again." Y/N was now extremely pissed about him mentioning time travel. "What?" He was confused again. "Some one payed you off like the last one. Pretending to fulfil what my best dreams are made of. I'm not even sure what is so embarrassing about it. Everyone just needs to drop it." She went to the exit and stepped into what appeared to be the 1700's. Stepping right back in after a short gasp. "Not fooling you this time, hun." She smiled at his response. "Yes, yes, yes! It's actually happening." She started to jump around a little. Even adding a few air punches. "Yes, it is happening," He quieted for a second. It seemed out of character. "You act just like some one I used to know."He stood there perplexed until snapping out of it, becoming 'bouncy' again. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's see what history is happening." He started running so she felt obligated to as well. Outside, it was cold and full of people wearing powdered wigs in front of big buildings. They were not ones to fit in very well, but no one seemed to question anything, along with the police box along side a hut. "1787, right in that building," He pointed to the one in front of them. "is the signing of the US constitution." The Doctor walked straight into the building, not noticing that Y/N was looking wild, trying to catch up. "You could have just asked me to stop." He grinned. She just rolled her eyes. "Not the brightest idea to yell 'doctor' now a days, how much attention do you want on you?" He didn’t answer her, instead, just wondering through the building, put his ear up to all of the doors. Finally, he had found the one he was looking for, grabbed a wig out of his coat, putting it on, and walking in acting as if he owned the place. He put quill to parchment and walked back to Y/N, who was starting to shiver.   "Here, have this for now." The Doctor draped his coat around her shoulder and she drove her arms through the sleeves.   “My arms just fit perfectly.” She joked, slapping the door frame with the excess jacket sleeve fabric. They both stood there until all of the men finished signing. She was awing at what was happening in front of her and he was looking at her, trying to figure out why she looked familiar. This was starting to make her uncomfortable, although she didn't want to ruin the moment.   He tugged at his ear in thought as they just stood there, she didn't even know what they were waiting for now. "Of course! How did I not know?" He sprang out of his thought. "Does you mom happen to be Y/M/FN Y/M/LN?"   Y/N sort of just nodded, so many new questions running through her head. As if she had more questions about him knowing her mom than the whole time machine thing. "When we get back to the box you're going to answer a few of my questions." She started walking out of the building, a silence with the Doctor walking just behind her. Once he unlocked it and they both stepped in, she let out her thoughts. "What are you and what is this?" Y/N motioned towards the inside of the box.   "Funny you ask, I'm a time lord, the last," That named sounded familiar to her. "And this is the Tardis, just an acronym and exploring, nothing too special." "Yah, not too special. Now, what does this thing do, and will it mess up my brain waves or something? It doesn’t seem like its main for humans." "Now, when it comes to operations, that's when its magnificent. We can go to other planets, universes, other generations, and it helps to communicate with other life forces, along with holding lots of power. Now about your brain waves, never thought about that. I suppose not since nothing substantial happened to the other humans that have been in here." He did that ear tugging thing, she had mixed feelings about his nervous habit. "And how did you know about my mom?" "And that there seems like the hardest question you've asked me. Well, she was one of the people who traveled in here with me. Since it seems you didn't know about me at the start, she hasn't told you, probably wanting to keep you away from me. Don't worry, I'm not the dangerous part.   "Just the two of you on here, did you fill up the time doing, uh..." "Oh, no no no, strictly platonic. Mutual feelings about it."   "Good," It feel silent. "Now what to do?" Y/N questions. "Well, I have some questions for your mom now. We're going back to your time." The ride back seemed easier than the first. Now the Doctor had the opportunity to ask Y/N a few questions about her life.   "What were you up to before you decided to sneak on board? It was pretty late." He teased, trying to figure out what to do with his hands since his coat was still on her, he was fine with that though. "Walking back home from my job, nothing too important though. Especially compared to what you do." She joked. "So, nothing too big going on in your life? Spouse, children, schooling?" "None of those, yet. Just want to make sure I know what I want before I do something life changing. Trust me, I'm not boring, just breaking." She said, as if it was nothing. He continued questioning her, seeing if he should make his decision yet. She had character and he was companionless currently. Even if he takes her back to her current time right after, they would both know. She did also have a connection through birth, already survived a trip, had nothing holding her back, and was extremly curious. All plusses.   They had reached her house after the small talk. Y/N unlocked the door with her keys, asking the doctor to stay in the doorway for a second. Her mom had just been up for a late night snack. "Hey mom, I have something to show you." She said, this was his que. He walked in hesitantly. "Doctor," slipped from her moms lips. Once the awe left from her eyes, she marched towards him and slapped his cheek. "How dare you walk into my house and think everything will be fine and dandy. Not how you left. I don’t want you near her.  You're not going to ruin her, too, Doctor." Y/N's mom was fuming. "I'm sorry, I should have explained myself earlier. I didn’t mean to cut it off that way. I can explain so much, just ask me the questions." "I don’t want to talk to you." She hissed. "I need to talk to you in private," She pointed at Y/N. They both walked into a separate room. "He is not the good guy he may make himself look like. I mean his is a good guy, just not, ugh, I don’t know how to explain it. I never told you about him for a reason. Well, I did use to tell you stories about our adventures before you went to sleep at night as a kid, but never told you it was real. I'm not going to control your life, but I think it is best if you stay away from him." She was calming down and she hung her head low. "I will not repeat history like that again, I promise." The Doctor came around the corner after eaves dropping. "Y/N seems like an extraordinary person, especially since she was raised by her mother."   "I'm sorry for acting out earlier, it was just my first reaction." "You had all the reasons too. Now, I was wondering if I could get both of your permissions to journey with Y/N." He stood there patiently awaiting their answers. Simultaneously, they both nodded their heads, causing a small giggle to erupt. "Oh, you're up for a wild ride with that one," Y/N's mom joked. "From what I have seen already, it's more than I can ever imagine." "You've got that right." The Doctor butted in. "Pack your bags," he directed towards Y/N. "You don't have to say goodbye, she'll be back in 5 minutes." He winked at Y/M/N. The two of them headed out soon after. They had both ventured beyond. It was starting to get dark and Y/N didn't want to sleep, afraid she's miss out on some of the fun on the mission, but it could wait. “If you don't go to sleep, I’ll just tell your mom on you.”   A/N This is the start. Way more then I expected to write. Sorry it took 3 days. I liked it. I'm going to write a second part and make it one of their adventures. Send me requests! I want to start doing ships as well ahh. ~Monarch
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