#also he reminds me of bedi
mako-neexu · 1 year
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thinking about it now, since servafes centers on artoria, they really gave him this specific hairstyle for this event...i understand now
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simpknight · 2 years
Hi!! Been following you for a while now so the moment you opened requests I was ready to ask uwu ✨
Could you make headcanons about how Diarmuid! lancer, Bedivere and Arjuna!archer would react when g/n master gifts them a flower they found pretty and made them remember about them? Like, a present to them because well, they deserve good things ;;;; (i know, pretty fluff😔) And if you don't mind, as a bonus, them having already a crush with the master👀
THX U FOR UR WORK! love how you write and hope u have a nice day! ✨
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you also have a lovely day!
I know you didn't request this, but I added a small text to introduce the prompt. I hope you like it!
Relationships: Arjuna x gn!reader /Diarmuid x gn!reader/ Bedivere x gn!reader
Rating: Gen
Words: 736
Warnings: None
After fixing a minor singularity, Mash, your servant and you had to wait before Rayshifting back to Chaldea. Apparently there had been some interferences that made difficult going back.
You’d been waiting for at least half an hour with no updates on the situation, so you decided to stretch your legs and go for a walk.
Mash was worried at first; it would be dangerous for you to go alone in case a monster attacked you, but you reassured her it would be fine. You wouldn’t wander too far after all.
After a couple of minutes walking, you found a small clearing in the dense forest. There were some beautiful flowers growing in the ground and you felt like taking a closer look at them. You didn’t recognize the type of flowers they were, still you thought they were really pretty. There was something about them that made the flowers look special, so you decided to pick up one. Perhaps they would be a nice detail for the servant who accompanied you in this mission.
- He was a bit worried about you. You weren’t away for a long time, but in these woods you wouldn’t know when a ferocious boar monster would appear.
- He was relieved when he saw you picking up some flowers. You seemed happy surrounded by nature, the rays of the sun gently caressing your skin.
- “Hey, Diarmuid, look.” When you noticed his presence you hurried to meet him “This flower is really pretty. It somehow reminds me of you.”
- He tried to speak but found himself unable to. He just stood there as you gently tried to put the flower on his hair.
-“See? It looks really nice on you.” You were oblivious at how tense he felt by having you so close.
- Despite his nervousness he chuckled and advised you to go back were Mash was in case Chaldea solved the communication issue.
- That day when he returned to his room, Diarmuid left the flower you gave him in a small vase (and Fionn teased him a lot for it).
- Mash asked him to go look for you, just in case something happened; connection was reestablished and it was time to go back home.
- He found you sitting in the grass, mesmerized with something on your hands. When he called your name you made him a sign so he would come closer.
- ”Look Bedi! I found this cute little blue flowers so I decided to make this” You showed him the flower crown that you’ve been making. He thought it was adorable.
- “I was planning on giving you just one of the flowers because they reminded me of you. In the end I thought it would be better to make you something with them instead.” You admitted laughing.
- He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to thank you when you interrupted him to put the flower crown on his head. It turned out to be smaller than you expected.
- You teased him a little, saying he looked really cute with it. Then you winked at him and that was what turned him into a blushing mess.
- Luckily for him you didn’t notice because if you did he would probably die from embarrassment.
- He was already following you after you announced you were leaving. It was not that he didn’t trust you, he knew you wouldn’t get into trouble, but he wanted to make sure no monsters were nearby.
- After making sure there weren’t any enemies, he approached you. You seemed to be occupied inspecting some wild flowers. Did they catch your attention because of something special?
- Sometimes he found your behavior peculiar, he couldn’t understand what was going through your mind.
- Especially he didn’t understand why you liked him to accompany you so often in your missions. He thought it was nice that you cared about him, even if he couldn’t express it out loud.
- “Master, perhaps we should get going.” Before leaving you took one of the flowers, one you were looking at with a particular interest.
- Once you went back to Chaldea you gave the flower to Arjuna, claiming it was a small token of affection. You didn’t want to give it to him earlier because you didn’t have one for Mash.
- Arjuna took the flower gently on his hands with a faint smile on his lips. He would make sure to treasure your gift.
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hotmess321 · 5 months
ok so i've been getting into watching aamir khan movies lately (thanks 3 Idiots for ripping my heart apart and also reminding me why the soundtrack for that movie was my childhood and also starting this obsession) and just watched Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar. And likeeeee WHY WAS IT ACTUALLY SO GOOD???? sure, he was kind of an asshole at times and they could have made Pooja Bedi's character less shallow but like the chemistry between Aamir Khan's friend group was so. good. Especially between him and Anjali, even though he basically used her for a while which was a real dick move.
Also, can I just say, I LOVED Anjali's character. Like, she was fun and badass and skipped class and was a female mechanic in 90s India, but still so kind and selfless and good. In conclusion, I'm kind of in love with her
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elstreem · 8 months
Patchwork Haze, Yet Memories True
Kinda just what I think Ritsuka and Bedivere would have talked about after the Lady Reines's Case Files event in F/GO.
Admittedly this isn't a fully finished fic, just some ideas of what they would have talked about.
Anyways: fic is written with established BediGuda in mind, BediverexFemale!Ritsuka/Gudako. Spoilers for the event and all that, too.
Case Files Epilogue
The simulator was set to a peaceful flower field on a sunny day, a tea set and picnic blanket laid under a tree.
A tranquil setting, to ease one's mind.
Ritsuka was used to this sight - Bedivere often arranged for their little dates to be like this, a quiet spot and some tea on hand. But she was grateful for it, especially after yet another adventure, and one that heavily involved losses of the past, too.
Her most recent adventure also brought up memories of the Sixth Singularity, and some happenings related to it. So it was just natural to talk to Bedivere about it.
And, in any case, she also wanted to ease Bedivere's mind of any worries he had for what happened to her. But before all the rather heavy topics...she wanted to ask something, something casual to start their date off with.
"Say, Bedi, have you met our new additions to Chaldea? Professor Reines, Astraea…and Gray?" Ritsuka asked as he handed her a cup of tea.
Bedivere nodded, settling down beside her.
"I have met them, in passing. I spoke briefly with Lady ah, Reines, was it? She saw me handling the tea service and asked me about Chaldea's supplies. And the Lady Justice…"
He paused, eyes twinkling.
"I may have seen her tackling Lord Batholomew in the halls. What superb technique, I have to say," Bedivere said, a ripple of mirth in his voice. Ritsuka laughed - Astraea had wasted no time in bringing some order to some of Chaldea's rowdiest bunch, and was especially happy to give Bartholomew Roberts a vicious suplex when the pirate got too loud with his admiration for hidden eyes.
"He he, she's not one easy to miss. But I bet you won't have any, ah, impromptu judgements with her," Ritsuka giggled.
"I hope not. I don't think my spine can take it," he said, more pleased to see her laugh than at his own joke.
Ritsuka took a sip of her tea - a warm, sweet one, with a mellow fragrance. Perfect for unwinding.
"Mmm, absolutely wonderful, Bedi," she said, looking at him.
He beamed back, then picked his own cup.
"Oh! How about Gray, and Add? Have you met them?" Ritsuka asked. "The Lady Gray is the one who wears a hood, right? And Add is that, um, cube? That accompanies her? I think I heard he is her weapon, and that he talks. I have not conversed with that pair, no. Although…" Bedivere paused, thinking something over.
Ritsuka paused as well, waiting for what he was about to say. She was wondering if Gray reminded Bedivere of Artoria.
"Hm. I've only seen her from a distance, but…something about the weapon she carries. I cannot pin my feelings on it, but…I feel…a tinge of uneasiness, almost," Bedivere said.
Ritsuka paused - Besivere always spoke very honestly with her, and Ritsuka knew there was a lot of the trust in that, his confiding in her, even of small details. So, she wanted to be open and honest with him, too, as much as she could while respecting other Servants's private matters.
She decided to confirm something with him, at least.
"About that, Bedi…I wanted to say, Gray carries a form of Rhongomyniad," Ritsuka said, putting down her cup.
His eyes widened in surprise, and he also put down his cup.
"She carries the sacred spear as well, yes," Ritsuka said.
"Ah...that must be why. To think I will keep coming across the Tower at the Ends of the World…" Bedivere mused.
…was it just him, or the number of people wielding that spear here in Chaldea were...quite a lot?
Ritsuka also had the same sudden thought.
"…huh. It does keep popping up, doesn't it," Ritsuka said sheepishly.
Bedivere actually laughed, a short chuckle of amusement. In a moment, Ritsuka joined him - theirs was just an absurd situation, really.
"Well, it gladdens my heart we have such forces on our side, if nothing else," Bedivere said.
He nodded, picked up his cup again. "Yes - it is good to see, that such a force can be used to peotect you, Ritsuka."
Ritsuka smiled. "Yeah…we have lots of strong friends on our side."
She looked down at her cup of tea, taking in its scent, before taking a drink. Seeing this, Bedivere readied the teapot for a new cup, and also reached for a box of treats.
"New friends, hm. The circumstances of the last Singularity must have been quite eventful, for you to meet new allies," Bedivere said.
Ritsuka nodded - now onto some more difficult topics.
"New allies, yes, but also, memories of..." Ritsuka put down her cup. Bedivere noted the change in her demeanor, her becoming more somber.
Ritsuka took a deep breath and put down her cup, not even picking up a single cookie to eat.
"Well, that's just the thing. This whole adventure - was about memories. When I got there - I couldn't remembered anything. Or, I woke up not knowing anything."
She bit her lip and brought her hands together, twisting her fingers together. Concerned, he scooched closer, putting a hand on her back.
(sorry, this part is unwritten, here's another segment)
He took her into his arms, and she burrowed her face into his chest, taking comfort in his presence.
"Mnemosyne - she wanted to help me by erasing the hurtful memories…to forget those who died," Ritsuka said, her voice muffled, but Bedivere heard very clearly.
"But forgetting would have been -"
"Worse," Bedivere mouthed, but didn't say the word.
"It would have been so much worse. Maybe it would have stopped the hurting, but it would hurt in a different way," Ritsuka said, her voice trembling.
He hugged her close, pressed his cheek to the top of her head.
"It would. But still - Ritsuka - that you would refuse -"
He stroked the back of her head.
"It still speaks strength of heart. And - this may be selfish of me to say, but -"
He drew back, and she raised her face to meet his eyes.
He drew his hand over to her cheek, cupping her face.
"Thank you. For not wanting to forget any of it. To not forget - me," he whispered.
"I never would. Promise."
He ducked down and she met him, their lips pressing together.
Kisses, soft and sweet, and this, warmth and solidity of his arms. A true comfort after the patchwork haze that was tampered memories.
"My own promise, to you, Ritsuka. Though Servants may lose memories between incarnations - and though I myself may never even be summoned again -"
"So long as I am Sir Bedivere - my heart remains yours. No matter what."
Sorry, this is just a messy drabble and doesn't really go anywhere, lol. I feel like recounting the events is just me rewriting a summary anyway.
...I do wonder if Bedivere finds it concerning that Chaldea has a few Rhongomyniad users running about, heck, including Morgan in the mix now. I imagine it brings back bad memories for him, but he tries not to let it bother him and he just tries to think it's great Ritsuka at least has that firepower protecting her.
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slashcrz · 1 year
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☼☾ ( charithra chandran , 24 , she / her , cis woman , bedi 6 ) - have you seen LADY ESHA BEDI ?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re VIVACIOUS but also SELFISH. when you think of them , you think of GAZES OF GREEN ENVY WANDERING ASTRAY, A STRONG SENSE OF SELF WORTH, PRICKING YOUR FINGER WITH A NEEDLE AS YOU LOOSEN A SEAM FOR A GROWING BELLY.
name; lady esha bedi.
nicknames; n / a.
birth date; june 19th, 1775, a gemini.
orientation; bisexual & biromantic.
relationship; needed a man by, like, yesterday, very available, currently pregnant.
politics; she does not give two flying fucks.
religion; see above.
languages; tba.
the youngest of five, by the time esha was born into the world, her parents were tired && quite over the thrill of parenting, so she grew up primarily with a steady rotation of governesses, nannies, nurses, and maids to keep her occupied && entertained; never an easy feat. she was boundless energy from the moment her feet realized they could carry her off quickly, and has yet to slow down. it's not like anyone paid too much attention to her antics, anyhow.
somewhere along the line, she became quite the drama queen, whispered about as being quite vain && spoiled, not-so-kindly referred to as the little princess around the parties. && it was true, she loved the idea of her royal cousins && the luxuries they shared, chasing after them with starstruck eyes && greedy hands.
though she had plenty of siblings && cousins to entertain with, her parents, at their wits end with their energetic, talkative, invasive, curious, adventurous, meddlesome youngest daughter employed for her two ladies as her companions && aides. the three were thick as thieves && it did little to improve the wild child's behavior, and her favorite retort to toss back to those who apposed her recklessness was - "what? it's not like i am a princess or anyone of such importance, i can do for myself simply as i please!" and so she did.
not a year went by that there was not some such trouble kicked up by the youngest of the bedi crew, seemingly intent on bringing down the name of the duke && his family with her, though it was never on purpose that esha found herself in such situations. very little thought went into her actions && nearly everything was decided upon in the moment - this was the excuse when she inadvertently stole her sibling's beau ("what? he pursued me first, who was i to turn such a fine man down!"), && lost family heirloom pearls at a party.
last year, however, esha went too far. what was a hot, heavy, && very serious summer romance turned wrong quickly when she realized she was with child, and her dreams of a lavish, comfortable future were dashed when her brother reminded her that as the youngest, she was more or less responsible for her own inheritance, and would need to either start doing something to impress their cousin, the king, or she should be looking to marry up... and the father of her child was decidedly down.
though very much in love with the man who had sired the child, esha chose her future over her happiness with him, && made the decision to not run away with him && to join her family in france, instead. she now hopes to very quickly secure a husband to hold fast her secret of her child, but france has proven to be another gateway for mischief, and esha may be more efficient in ruining what was left of her reputation entirely, on a global scale, if she's not careful.
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tansyuduri · 9 months
@shana-rosee sent the word Magic (So my rule is I have to go to the last section with it I did not share! But I'm breaking it so not TOO much of spoiler since I'm getting near a climax SOOOO (Also remember this is rough draft!)
“It's a good thing I drank it.” he thought giddily as his magic awareness tried to rip itself in five directions at once in time and space. He had to corral it with his own power so as not to go insane “I don’t think the others could handle this."
There! A griffen near a stream… oh! A woman in medieval clothing curing her neighbor. Magical creatures in some sort of pen, Then magical creatures in a basement or cave. His magical awareness jumped to his younger self trying to save a unicorn then to an ancient sorcer raising up some sort of monster. An elderly version of Bedi teaching a child magic…  Merlin was losing more and more control as the potion wore on. He had to do something. 
ENOUGH! He grabbed most of his magical awareness and muttered some words and tucking his awareness in a cocoon. Sheltering it from the visions that tried to assault the place of safety. 
Merlin huddled there assaulted as hours passed and slowly the visions began to fade. 
When he came to he was laying partly on the sofa of their suite and partly in someone's arms. Wrapped in blankets and panting. For a moment everything was blurry.. and then there were voices. He blinked and tried to clear his vision and his mind
“You’re our healer Elaine there has to be something…” Arthur’s voice “Its been hours”
“Hes done something with his magic to protect himself if I try anything it might mess that up!”
“Then we just have to wait here while he’s twitching like that, expirancing who knows what!?”
He heard an apologetic cooking squawk from the dragon and then its weight landing on him as it moved forward to breathe on him.
Merin's mind and vision cleared
“Remind me…” He croaked “Remind me never to do that again” His hand went up to stroke and reassure Euthymos now that he could see straight. He realized Arthur was holding him. Arthur looked down his face filled with relief and Elaine’s head moved into his vision.
“Please tell me you had no idea this would happen” Arthur’s voice was rough as he tried to control his tone. One hand stroked Merlins hair “And that there will be no more of this kind of thing for awhile. Because I swear Merlin if you knew this was coming and didn’t tell me…”
“I didn’t..!” Merlin insisted “Potion was wrong!”
“And that makes It better!? Honestly Merlin! Do an extra check.. Or or something!” Despite Arthur’s angry tone his hand kept running gently through the sorcerer's hair.
“Gonna close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep if you keep yelling at me” Merlin huffed.
“Oh well then” Arthur started  “you-” Elaine cut them off. “Enough! you both can argue after we know what happened!”
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
76 mordred andi but he's only snooping in her sweets stash
∗ 76﹕ sender  is  caught  snooping  in  receiver’s  things .
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it’s been a long day. between training, rayshifting fumbles, and dealing with whatever the hell their fellow masters were doing at any given point- it’s been a long few days for andromeda, and really, right now, all she can think about is . . . just taking a few days off to sit in bed and do nothing.
walking through the halls of chaldea- she feels . . . drained. she wants to cuddle with cetus. ( maybe bedi or sitri would be willing to bring my meal to my room for me. . . )
she presses the button to let herself into her room. ( white. sterile. clean. impersonal. it reminded her of the hospital rooms her mother had been in. maybe the director would let her put something on the wall to make it less . . . miserable to look at. )
the first thing she notices is that the lights are on. the second thing she notices is that cetus is hopped atop the shoulder of a certain traitorous knight ; who also is currently rummaging through one of the drawers in her room. panic bubbles up in her chest- but that twisted bubble pops almost as quickly as it formed, replaced by irritation at the heroic spirit who had pledged himself to her service.
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“ M-MORRRDREEDDDDDDDD !!!!! ” andromeda yells, startling both her cat, ( who dashes off of his shouder, and under the bed ) and the knight, who was caught red handed with andromeda’s gifted chocolate box in his hand. her voice drops back down to its normal volume. “ w-what are y-you doing ?!?! g-get out of there !!  ” attempts to push him away from her secret stach of sweets- artfully hidden from the prying eyes of any masters ( or doctors ) who would snoop through her things. the fifteen minutes is her half lecturing mordred, red in the cheeks from embarrassment, and the rest of the hour is spent coaxing poor cetus out from the bed.
admittedly, she’s not even that mad at mordred. she just wishes he would learn to ask first.
nonverbal prompts. @nefezh​
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Dinadan | Ruler
Dinadan - Ruler Dinadan manifested in this class due to not having a wish for the grail. He is the only knight other than the king themself to manifest under the Ruler class. Even when alive, he had no wish, he was just content with what he had. He was even content in his dying moments when he was held so closely in Lancelot’s arms. 
Dinadan never cared for fighting or for courtly love. No one is sure why he became a knight, he’s not even sure why either.
Dinadan is a knight of shorter stature, about the height of Sir Mordred. He’s got brown hair that reaches his shoulders and he’s got blue eyes. He also has a little bit of stubble but it’s very faint.
In his first stage, he wears a gown befitting the queen of Camelot herself. He wears this gown due to the part of Arthurian where Lancelot beat him in combat in a dress and then forced him into one, and then paraded around Camelot together in said dresses. 
In his other stages, he switches out the gown for a proper suit of armor. He carries a lyre on his back in all of the stages, he doesnt use it during battle, he just prefers to keep it n him
Dinadan is known as the ‘class clown’ out of the knights. He was constantly seen cracking jokes and making light of even the most darkest of situations. His relatively friendly nature and carefree nature was what got him killed, for merely being friends with another knight who was related to the man who killed Mordred and Agravain’s father(King Lot).
When it comes to his relationship with his master, he easily trusts them. This is evident in his bond lines where he openly talks about his life. He even tells them straight out that he’s not a very good knight in his later bonds
Voice lines:
Upon being summoned:
“Nice to meet you master! The name is Dinadan, ruler class. I hope I don’t disappoint!”
Bond Level 1:
“Hey master, I ought to tell you. I aint really good when it comes to fighting, not really my thing. But I’ll try my best!”
Bond Level 2: 
“Hey master, I should write you a song sometime! Oh yeah I’ve written a couple songs! Like once I wrote one about King Mark, Sir Tristan’s uncle. He didnt like it very much..”
Bond Level 3:
“I dont see how you can be so interested in me. I’m not very interesting or as special as your other servants. I’m just some measly little knight that clings to his lyre.”
Bond Level 4:
“You know you’d like Isolde...for some reason you remind me of her. I dunno why! Maybe it’s because you’re so nice to me. And you dont find me annoying like some of the other knights. So thank you for being nice to me!”
Bond Level 5:
“Hey master I wrote you that song! Here let me play it for you...hey no its not like the one I wrote for Mark. This is a ballad about your victories! Your heroic deeds!”
Dialogue about Tristan:
“Sir Tristan! It’s been such a long time since I saw you! You look handsome as ever..Hey dont look so sad my friend. It really is me..I won’t leave you this time.”
Dialogue about Mordred:
“Master please shield me from Mordred! Now isnt the time to ask questions! Please protect me!”
Dialogue about Lancelot(saber):
“Lance my friend! It’s good to see you! Thank you for being there for me in my last moments and for taking me to Camelot...Anyways! We should spar sometime! Maybe this time, I can put you in a dress and parade you around!”
Dialogue about Merlin:
“Up to no good I see. Hey I want in, I’m not a snitch. Oh we’re gonna mess with the doctor? Nice! Lets do it!”
After finishing the Camelot singularity:
“I wish I had lived long enough to stop the knights with Bedi..but alas, I did not… I dont regret many things but I regret that.”
“Oh I like to play music and crack jokes! And to be honest, I really like wearing dresses. Lancelot made me realize that...I’ll tell you the tale some other time.”
“Oh I dont really care for fighting. So I guess that?”
About the grail:
“I’d advise you not mess with that. I don’t think it’d be wise. No I don’t want it. I dont have any use for it.”
During an Event:
“Is that a party? Lets go master!”
Your Birthday:
“Oh it’s your birthday! Well happy birthday! Lets get some sweets and I’ll play you a song, whatever you want!”
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cielospeaks · 3 years
so it occurred to me that heck everything, im doing my own rewrite lb6 thing (which maybe isnt fair bc it isnt even out yet but heck that)
so it was bc i was listening to prince herberts song by chance and realized that not only sir robin, but herbert, patsy, the french taunter, tim, ect.... wont ever appear in go and that made me sad. theyre like the best characters. so i was like fuckit they can be in lostbelt w robin
maybe everyone has been taken over by beryl and the other lostbelt characters(?) the later crypters group? idk. sir robin maybe ran away (maybe? of course he did) and thats why he’s safe, he meets up with chaldea group but as a npc. bedi, arthy, and mashu are at the lead- mashu is still insecure bc of how rude fate!galahad is. but bedi and arthy reassure her she’s doing fine. dadcelot is also there (berserker. maybe saber too).
instantly sir robin recognizes lancelot’s armor, and possibly afterwards proceeds to soil his own armor due to how intimidating zerkerlot is. but when mashu and bedi approach, he recognizes them too and joins up with them all. hes like the scared anime boy like binji kun who gets better in like episode 15.
the group continues on and runs into herbert, whos controlled by the bad guys. but seeing lancelot (under his helmet?) snaps him out of it with the power of love(tm) and he instantly joins chaldea. maybe he looks a little like roman and it makes lancey and mashu a little unnerved, mostly lancey surprisingly enough, who is reminded of how much he misses roman, on top of feeling bad hes not the lancelot that herbert knew and loved.
i havent worked out how the others are recruited. i think arthy reunites w patsy and notices him finally, which snaps him out of the mind control (+ a good old fashioned boss fight). patsy is a rider, maybe herbert is a caster? tim is obvs a caster. french taunter is a ruler bc he has the grail, hes already got one you see, and unfortunately probably 5 star. rip. maybe sir robin is a rider or caster, or maybe one of the knights classes. maybe black knight is also there bc hes so iconic, but i associate zerkerlot w the closest to black knight well get in the game ;w;
i dont know what beryl does nor do i care. maybe setanta is there too? hes like the guy whos like “dont be afraid binji kun i mean sir robin”
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gxymlky · 4 years
Amiya in Bedivere’s interlude
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I recently played his interlude again and again because it’s so sweet, this boy deserves the world. Also, in his interlude, he self-depreciate himself so I wanna insert myself that he isn’t like this.
(yeah, i tried but you get the idea) and the B-team is mentioned but not really the spotlight
Interlude began when Amiya was in her room busy with some paper works and was watching videos on her laptop when Bedivere entered greeting her, “Good morning, Amiya. What do you have planned today?” Amiya looked at him, kinda perplexed, “I was busy, but I might need a break” she replied, “then I shall accompany you, no matter your destination”
“Hmm. Maybe some place where I can breath a fresh air”
“Rayshifting? Perhaps training in the simulator?”
“I have done that with Rhion and Chiyo the other day, thank you Bedivere” Amiya acknowledged, her eyes still on the computer, listening to a video commentary of some memes, which she does while doing her paperwork whilst knowing she will add words from the video if she wasn’t paying extreme attention.
“Well, I am here on behalf of Miss Mash today---”
“Oh, it’s fine, I appreciate her looking after not only me but also everyone else.” she understood as she shifted a bit and faced him, “so..”
“I will try my very best to aid you then” Amiya smiled and muttered a thank you before shifting her position to stand up and stretch herself after hours of sitting down and crouching, facing the screen and the notes.
“Now that you mention it---” she forgot her medical check, Amiya remembered how her welfare is tied with her thaumaturgy, the more she draws from it, the more she feels sluggish or even collapse from a single blast from her staff she delivered, even Rhion mentioned she has to be careful or equip herself with a Mystic Code to not fall back.
Bedivere explains she was having her medical check and has to remain in the exam room all day.
“Medical checks are important, Amiya, you’re aware that Chaldea is isolated from the rest of the world,” he continued, “and is located in an extreme environment”
“I know, I know...” her words trailed as she let out a long sigh, arching her neck up.
“Our bodies and minds are under incredible pressure, we must always be aware of this, understand, Amiya”
“Yeah... you sound like my mother” she chuckled but he continued on despite her comment.
“and because you have exceptional talent, I don’t want you to crack under pressure especially if you have a frail body”.
“So please take care of yourself as the flames we are facing and the cold, uncaring environment surrounding Chaldea are quite different in nature and said to be exceptionally difficult.”
“That’s the challenge we are facing right now, Me, you, the staff here” she shrugged, “as someone who intended to be an intern now is tangled with these threads, I have slight mixed feelings” Amiya stated.
“And as such, frequent checkups are of critical importance here Amiya”
“I-is this the reason why you’re here to pick me up? I am going later. But okay, thanks”
She was thankful it was Bedivere who came to check up on her, she doesn’t have anything against when Mashu or Chiyo does, as long as it wasn’t Wilhelmina since she drags her out of her room when she doesn’t respond the third time, that happens so bad, even Bedivere saw it.
“Permit me to remind you once more: I am a substitute for Miss Mash today, as such, please ask me for anything, I am your attendant, your butler, I am your servant in every possible sense of the word”
“Ah, um, okay, by the way, where’s Chiyo?” Amiya interrupted as he shortly finishes.
“I believe she was with Lady Marie and D’Eon, they must be having a tea, would you like to join them?”
“Hmmm, maybe some other time, she might be replenishing herself today and deserves to take a breather.”
“I see, since you trained in the simulator the day before, maybe observing and monitoring the remnants from the Singularities would be appropriate as well.”
“Maybe, but I am off duty with that, besides, Wilhelmina and Rene are doing that as of right now”
“Battling to gain something is what will lead to further growth for you, Master”
“Huh...I don’t know much about that”
“Battles for the sake of the Grand Order”
“Or rather...” he continued on, eventually these battles will wear her, or anyone in the team down. Psyche, Soul, in modern times, Nerves.
“Heh, modern, it’s medical but whatever” she retorted
Bedivere paused for a bit
“There is something that crossed my mind, Amiya”
“What is it?”
“Normally, I wouldn’t dare mention something like this to other, but in your particular case...”
“I’m sure HE would be happy about it, without a doubt since he is that kind of knight.”
“Hmmm. He...” 
“I think you must be referring to Bird boy.. Tristan?”
“Yes, my comrade, the man who is the epitome of freedom. And also the comment, Bird boy...?”
“What of it?”
“When you say he is the epitome of freedom, the first thing that comes to my mind is birds, they fly freely...”
“You have good analogy, I’m impressed by that. Anyways, I occasionally would accompany him and believe it is a wonderful place to relax. But please, keep that to yourself.”
Relax huh, never heard that word in a million years but I am overreacting Amiya thought as she spaces a bit.
“The Rec room is what you’re referring to”
He laughs and asked her if it is where she think it is, Amiya nodded and shrugged, “Chiyo, Rhion and I hang out there, usually we pick meadow alps like the swiss alps where we sing and copy scenes from the Sound of Music”
“Ah I see, so you seem to know it as well, let’s head over there right away, I will leave a note for Sir Tristan and perhaps, Sir Rhion?”
“Rhion is likely asleep right now, so it’s just us”
“Alright, let’s go”
The two arrived in the simulator, instead of a the Swiss alps she was so familiar with. It was completely different.
“The sea...”
“You’re less enthused than I expected, my apologies. I must reflect on my presentation”
Amiya shook her head, “n-no, no it’s fine. It’s alright. It’s good to take a breather somewhere else” her tone has a small bit of upset as if she was expecting something the long time only it didn’t leave up to her expectations.
“Ah, I’m glad you like it, but still it doesn’t make it any less better on my part. I will further reflect on my actions regardless.”
A simulator, a virtual creation of an environment of the outside world. They aren’t outside Chaldea and it would be a bit troubling if they went out since the endless winter is absolutely unforgiving Heroic Spirits or humans alike.
“The sea gives me a sense of peace. I hope it goes the same way for you, Master”
“Actually, I was initially skeptical about whether or not this would work. I accompanied Sir Tristan to watch him go fishing and listening to him ranting that was nothing but difficult to understand..”
“Haha, I see you take yourself as Tristan’s punching bag with his rants huh” Amiya mused.
“There was sincerely nothing to do except spending time just watching the sky and the sea. But surprisingly, doing so felt peaceful, or rather, calming to me”
“Ah, I see. So we are complete opposites but not really”
“Complete opposites?”
“Mhm, when you say the watching the sky and the sea is calming for you. I’d felt the same way except, I would watch the sky while lying down in the flowery meadow. Both is relaxing to us”
Bedivere chuckled and Amiya leaned closer to him, “maybe sometime, I’d bring you there someday where we’ll experience it together”.
The two looked to the sea until he breaks the silence.
“...Have I..overstepped my boundaries?” his tone. It was as if someone was confessing their crimes but at the same time, there was a tone of remorse and genuine solemnity.  “No, it’s fine. It’s nice to relax sometime and take a break away from all these..thank you, Bedivere”
“I should be the one thanking you, Master.”
“Please call me Amiya, I think I find the term Master a bit... uncomfortable”
“Alright, Amiya”
Amiya smiled and just stretched herself once again, trying to feel herself and the environment and slightly sides to his shoulder. 
“Would you like to try night fishing?”
“Night fishing?”
“Yes, did you know Amiya, Sir Tristan uses his Failnaught so skillfully to catch a many great fish..”
“Oh, but how do we get fishing gear then? Shouldn’t we entered the data before entering? I didn’t expect this to happen, I’m so sorry..”
“Ah, don’t apologize, Amiya. I requested Miss Da Vinci’s help on that front.” He then entered a few buttons on the multipurpose window whilst she waited.
“...Now I equip the extra item and we’re all set” he said. “Well, I’m sure there are other ways to do so but I don’t have much experience with the simulator”
“I think it’s enough, there are two of them and just teach me how to fish, if it’s alright with you, it’s been a while since I’ve fished and I completely forgot the basics”
After a few exchange with eachother, Bedivere guided the milk-haired girl, “the bait is already on the hook, so please cast it to the sea with all your strength, Amiya.”
“Eeyyy!” Amiya stood up, arching her back to further cast it away and hearing a small sound on the water surface. “Ah, I think it landed”
“Such bold and brazen movement, amazing!”
“Ahaha, it’s not that special Bedi” she appealed and looked at the sea again to detect any movement from the bait.
“But it’s really wonderful, did you any by chance tried fishing before?”
“As a child yeah, but it ended up so badly that I accidentally threw my teddy bear instead of the fishing line.” Recalling that said memory really takes her back where she was in a small lake with a family gathering, at such a young age of seven, she accidentally threw her bear and her having a total meltdown, thankfully it was recovered but the dress the bear was wearing was ruined. Looking back at it, it was so embarrassing. 
“Ah, is that why you take all your energy in casting the fishing line since you’re not holding anything besides that right?”
“You read me like a book, Bedivere” she then looked back at the sea, smelling the salty, calming atmosphere whilst holding the fishing pole. Bedivere said he will look out at the front so there’ll be nothing to worry about.
Amiya laid back again and let out a sigh before putting her hand on her nape, rubbing it to release the tension.
“...This is something that I’ve never said before...”
“Nor did Tristan say this...but at times, I find myself thinking this: 
Tristan was torn between the two Iseults. And his fate led him to lose his life by the water. Or rather, his soul”
“Ah..” she remembered, she knew the story, it was how Tristan was poisoned and his last request was to see the Iseult he loved, but the other Iseult who was his wife lied to him about the sails being black instead of white.
Poor thing.. 
“Perhaps that is why he cannot be apart from the water. Even now, he could be waiting for that ship with the shining, pale white sail...” Amiya didn’t say anything but was about to open her mouth to say something when she suddenly jolted
“Something’s biting! It’s splashing. It must be a very big one..! It;s like Sir Kay swimming amongst the fishes!” the last part almost made Amiya chuckle but she is reeling back with her might, almost panicking.
“Almost there! The tug tho!”
“It could be a red snapper, mackerel, or even a tuna!”
“It could be all three!” 
“Alright, let’s reel it in, Amiya! And just like humans take pictures of the fish to record their greatest catches, we both can capture its data and show it to Miss Mash and Sir Tristan!”
“Add Chiyo and Rhion to the list!” she beamed
“It;s sure to make them smile!”
“Now reeeeeeel!” Amiya reeled with all her might with the help of Bedivere, her back was against his chest, close too close! She isn’t into those, yet and it’s making her cheeks burn
“Haa, it’s so big! The fish just leaped out of the sea” never in her life had she seen a fish so heavy and big.
Amiya walked closer to examine it until Bedivere held her back
“Wait..” the creature landed with a heavy crash, apparently it is a weird looking....fish?
“The fish we caught is...actually, not a fish.....”
The creature roared an eerily screech as it further lunged into the two. “Ahhh! T-that’s an enemy!”
“Oh, I’m so embarrassed...I must have made some kind of mistake when I am setting the system up, Doing something one is accustomed to can cause such trouble.. I pulled an all-nighter studying the manual...but I am no good at learning new things...”
“Stop the lamentation first Bedivere, for now, we need to get rid of this thing!” Amiya wasn’t able to bring her staff with her but she could put up small barriers to keep the enemy in place.
“Yes, Amiya, your commands! I am prepared to make amends for my misconduct, Or, I am prepared to accept whatever punishment you deemed fitting, but first we have an enemy to fight!”
His demeanor changed as he prepares to fight the enemy lunging forward
“I swear by my Airgetlam that I will dispose of this monster immediately!”
“Let’s go, Bedivere!”
Bedivere slashed off the enemy to two before dying. Returning to normal, Amiya let out a deep breath, that was hell of a fight but it’s done. 
“...Please allow me to apologize once more. Even though it was only in the simulator, my most important job is to keep you safe, you being in danger clearly meant I failed my duty as a Knight. My efforts were fruitless once again, I apologize Amiya”
“It is alright, Bedivere, as long as you’re fine, it doesn’t matter. I am not mad to begin with” she earnestly acknowledge and patted his head.
He blushed as she patted his head, “Ah, Thank you so much, I am  undeserving of such kindness.
Amiya and Bedivere looked at the now dead creature before them. 
“Now...it would be a waste to leave this, so let’s eat it”
“?!” did she process this correctly? Eldritch things are not her cup of tea so she was clearly caught off guard but then she lacks self-awareness, any point he would coerce her to eat this and it scared her.
“I have memories from my previous life. For instance, from Round Table analects, King Arthur, number eight: Food is all the same. Nutrition is nutrition, even monster meat!”
“Now, Amiya...repeat!”
“Ahhh” Amiya walked back, clearly freaked out. If anything, she’d rather starve than eat those kinds of things, she had seen people on videos eating live octopus, geoducks, raw meat, hell even a roasted alligator. Roasted. Alligator, one girl from China even had her face scarred by an octopus in her attempt to eat it alive. But luckily, this one is dead so the chance of it scarring their faces is zero.
Amiya backed away even more
“T-those videos, haaa” flashbacks of people grossly eating really stood out as she backs out further.
“What are you talking about, Amiya? Why are you backing away? Amiya? Amiya?”
(just imagine her face during the whole event after the battle)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After running for quite sometime (not even long, just 10 minutes) and him after her.
“...Once again, my apologies. But now I’ve learned more about your food preferences”
“..sea grapes are something I actually like” she revealed. They aren’t as bad, but at least she could live with it than those Eldritch-type things, he is into.
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind, in order for you to enjoy my dishes more in the future, I will continue to hone my skills” Amiya just nodded, tears and sweat are so visible and her expression seems like she’s simultaneously crying and laughing
“By the way...” she looked back as she wiped out her sweat with her handkerchief, “where are we?”
“The seaside we visited is Sir Tristan’s place of relaxation. Now we are at mine..” His expression softened as he walked past her. “It’s quite similar to a certain place in Britain”
“....A place of peace...well, admittedly this tranquil place is where I allow my mind to race. It is a place that helps me renew my resolve and reinvigorate my soul. So it may be a stretch to call this place a place of peace.”
“Oh. So like mine but in a different environment huh”
“Yes, as you mentioned, your place of relaxation along with miss Chiyo and Sir Rhion is the swiss alps.”
Huh, so he remembered, the smallest detail, something that you genuinely appreciated so much, everytime someone knew the teeny bit, their heart leaps with joy.
“...” Amiya looked at him with concern, perhaps, her actions upset him earlier, “I’ll make it up to you what happened earlier. I’m sorry, I wasn’t educated in those types. I’ll promise to learn about them for sure.”
“No. It’s not about that, I was thinking of the past.”
“Our Britain was a nation under constant threat of attack, never peaceful or stable...” He then explained that many fell victim to the chaos and he wasn’t able to save them. Then he told her about the Giant of Mont Saint-Michel. “A fearsome giant was wreaking havoc on the Mont Saint-Michel of Brittany”
Amiya carefully listened to him, her expression filled with soft curiosity like a child who wanted to see what her grandmother was knitting.  “...and kidnapped Princess Helena, the niece of the King of Brittany”. Helena. First thing that popped in her head when she heard the name was Caster Helena Blavatsky, though she didn’t want to sound disrespectful and just swallowed the thought. The atmosphere isn’t even a time for cracking jokes or a quip.
“Our King Arthur took Sir Kay and myself to hunt the giant down and rescue her..” His eyes lowered a bit but soon looked at her, “and on that quest...to be frank...I was of no help to the two of them. King Arthur and Sir Kay defeated the giant in a gruesome battle and brought some peace to Brittany.” Amiya’s expression slightly lit up, “and bam! It’s a finally happy ending right! At least you and your comrades brought peace” she chattered. But even her cheer isn’t helping.
“On the other hand, I...I could not save the princess.”
“Ah, so she...”
“Yes, by the time we arrived she has already been gone. I was too late, powerless as I am. All too little, too late. Princess Helena, known for her grace had her young and promising life plucked away, and we found only her pitiful corpse”
“Oh,” Amiya couldn’t believe what happened, she couldn’t imagine what guilt and pain he must’ve felt when he saw the once and beautiful, lovely princess, once filled with life and possibly cheeriness now snuffed out of her. It is something that reopened a painful memory in her past.
“I couldn’t save the people dear to me. First, Princess Helena. Then, the Battle of Camlann, my king...Arthur. I failed not once, but twice”
“...This place..it reminds me of where Princess Helena drew her last breath. Every time I stand here, it reminds me...that I am a powerless knight...I am but a man who lost the two people he swore to protect”. Amiya grabbed both of his cheeks slapping it together causing him to snap out.
“That’s wrong Bedivere!” she asserted. 
“Just because you can’t save people dear to you doesn’t make you a complete failure! Do you think Helena would be happy if you continue to depreciate yourself further? Do you think your King or your comrades would like it if you degrade yourself further?! Not only I find it absolutely repetitive and annoying but I couldn’t stand seeing you this way as your Master.” Amiya then lets go, “I’m sorry, I kinda went off”
She looked away, “you see when you mentioned Princess Helena and about her, there’s also a memory that I repressed for so long, I don’t even share it with close people like Mashu and Chiyo”.
Amiya then placed her index finger on her lips. “Please keep this a secret between us, Sir Bedivere”
“You have my word, Master..”
It started back in Junior year of high school, when a girl her age was introduced in her class, her name is Rika, but she was bound to a wheelchair and the desk beside her was empty, since she was beside it, the teacher assigned Amiya to aid the new student to the assigned desk. She didn’t think anything of it until she saw her one day on the garden alone, drawing. Without a doubt, Amiya approached Rika and asked what she was doing, drawing flowers, Rika stated that the flower’s beauty lasts temporarily and if she were to pluck it, then it will hasten its beauty and dies much faster, the least she can do is draw and keep an original image even if it is not as accurate. Amiya was interested and seeing how talented Rika was, she was curious what technique she used and even taught her how to mix colors, soon their friendship blossomed, Amiya who was a recluse became more open and willing to help, she never had any real friends even if she has, she does not consider them close. The two shared same interest with one another when it comes to history and their love for retro things. Their bond grew stronger as time passes, it came to a point where Rika needed to be hospitalized due to an illness slowly eating her life away, she was due in operation and wanted to spend her time with Amiya before her operation. In reality, Rika had no friends and her grandparents homeschooled her before going out to a real one, Rika’s first and only friend. Touched by this, Amiya encourages her that she will make it regardless and gave her a charm to remember her by once she enters the operating room. Amiya went home in hopes the surgery would be a success. Only for her to learn from her mother days later that Rika had died during the operation, but prior to that, she left a small gift and a letter to Amiya indicating how much she appreciated her and the fact she was very patient whenever Rika would ask her questions and never get mad or irritated nor does she feel pity just because she was bound and with that, she is also able to make friends through her while Amiya opens up to people at the same time.
If it wasn’t for Rika, I would’ve not made friends along the way...
“I just had to share that, after your telling about Princess Helena, I learned that we both share the same parallels,” Amiya said as she clasped both her hands on her chest. “It’s because I don’t want you to feel the burden alone...her last wish to me was I hope I’ll be able to live my without fear, and every time I recoil or hesitate, I think of her resiliency and how she is able to withstand any obstacles in her way...”
I was scared, I didn’t know where I was going nor what I am going to do until I met her... and when she was cruelly taken away from her grandparents, from me, from my newly-made friends.
I know she will not always be around to help me...
The least I can learn from her was to move forward despite everything...
“Bedivere, you are not powerless, you stayed loyal to your King until the very end. Even undergoing those trials just to return Excalibur to your King and you call yourself powerless? Those were the most daring and valiant task you did!”
He blushed, but she still continue
“In the end, we will face adversaries together, that is a way to keep moving forward. So please, for your King’s sake...don’t belittle yourself anymore..”
This warmth, her hands touched his cheeks, cupping them together. “Thank you Bedi...”
“Master, no, Amiya...those words...” So assuring, so gentle yet firm, it was as if she was sharing her pain with him which was the case. He wonders why she would give those words to someone like him, someone who doesn’t even deserved to be numbered among the Knights of the Round Table but now...
Bedivere knelt down in front of Amiya, “w-wait----”
“Master, even if I am a powerless man who does not deserve to be included among the Knights of the Round Table and the words you have expressed to me, and yet, because of that----nay, I shall offer you this vow, knowing that my manifestation here with you was truly a miracle...
I shall protect you, Amiya, who fights these brutal battles to defend humanity’s future.
No matter how powerful the enemies coming to our way, no, no matter how cruel the fate we face may be....
Your life...your soul...your heart...every single part of you.
I shall protect you till the very end..”
Amiya dove down in his kneeling height and wrapped her arms around him, her eyes are swelling now, tears are falling, tears of warmth, assurance, happiness or whatever it is, someone willing to protect her and, the feeling is mutual too, she also wanted to protect her brother, Chiyo, Mashu or anyone dear to her
“Thank you, sir Bedivere” she sobbed through gross crying. She had never cried this far aside from her friend’s death who turned her to be a caring, open individual she is today.
“....Yes, Amiya
I swear I will live up to your expectations..”
and with that, Amiya kissed him on the cheek causing him to blush deeply.
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Merlin relationship headcanons pls!!!^.^
Merlin + relationship 
A/n: I love this trashy fucktard of a wizard as much as I‘d love to slap him it’s weird because on the one hand he’s so damn beautiful and smug (I might have a thing for this type of man oh well) but on the other hand he’s actually the worst boyfriend material ever ya feel me?
Requested by: anonymous
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No one knows how you managed to get this - excuse the term - wandering whore into a working, monogamous relationship but somehow you did and it’s equally impressive and terrifying 
(That title for 4th Grand Caster - you absolutely deserve it, but having Artoria and the Knights of the Round Table threatening to kill him if he dares to hurt you probably helps too)
Honestly, even though Mama Bedi is ready to go on a murder spree if he even makes you frown he’s probably more afraid of Fou
There’s never been anything or anyone he got that attached to, so when he realizes he’s earnestly and utterly in love with you he actually has to sit down for a moment to contemplate this fact, because even if he has lived for a long time and had his fair share of fleeting romances, he never thought this could happen to him
He, Merlin, half-incubus, King maker and Grand Caster, was actually in love with you and only you
Merlin doesn’t know how to emotion, I mean sure, he feeds on them but really feeling them himself has never once happened before so the sensation of actually loving you never ceases to amaze him, no matter how long you’ve been together
It’s these moments of realization where he just wraps you into his arms and his oversized cloak and contentedly hums about nothing while feeling your drumming heartbeat against his chest, to remind himself that these feelings are actually real and how precious you are to him
But there’s no way you can just innocently cuddle with Merlin, he’ll kiss your ears, your neck, heck, every piece of exposed skin he manages to find, until you’re either in the right mood for more or laughing because it tickles
vvvvvvvery touchy-feely, since his incubus blood makes him feel horny 24/7 and I know this doesn’t need to be mentioned but not only his lips, but also his hands will be all over you all. the. freaking. time.
Doesn’t matter if you’re eating, reading or even sleeping, his fingers will be wandering up and down your thighs and waist ceaselessly all while he’s purring indecent things into your ear with that silver tongue of his and nuzzling his cheek against yours, until you’re always left bright red and panting for air because no Merlin there are others around!
Sometimes you even wonder if he has more than two hands the way and especially places he’s touching you
His teasing level is outrageous and therefore he lives for your blushing expressions, there’s nothing more adorable to him, so try to hide your embarrassed face but he’ll bite and nibble at your hands until you show it to him
of course he always stops if you’re not up to it (or when Fou starts kicking his face - thank god for that CE ) but he’ll be making sheep eyes at you long enough until you yourself start missing his wandering hands
His hair is made out of all the fluff in the world and he knows it oh so well, so he is pretty used to you combing through it for hours or burying your face in it and falling asleep there
He loves flowers almost as much as he loves you, so if you thought he wouldn’t ‚decorate‘ you in them then that’s where you went wrong
‘Merlin I love you but don’t scatter flowers around me while I’m trying to eat’
Of course a lot of people more or less openly wonder how you even put with him or that he’s probably cheating on you anyway, and even though he never voices it, it does upset him, because no, for once he’s actually serious about someone and doesn’t want you to end it because of some petty rumors
But that’s just where you get the opportunity to defend your pervy lover, making him fall in love with you even more
„What did you just say about him?? - Hold my flower Merlin I’m going to kick his ass“
„Go kick his ass baby I got your flower“
Anyone please recognize the meme
And oh does it turn him on even more than usual when you defend him like that, prepare for a rough and heated make-out session afterwards
Talking of, his kisses are always aimed at leaving you breathless and with him biting and nibbling on your lips all the goddamn time they’re probably raw everyday
He knows that he’s flawed and by gods not the perfect boyfriend, but still he always tries his best to preserve that happy smile he loves so much on your face, of course all while keeping that smug expression you fell in love with
- Mod Silver
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bad-draft-stuff · 4 years
c. AU 3
Sheepy: *Nobody likes math class (except nerds (like me)). You know what's worse than math class? Math class but with very loud nearby combat noises!* Arsé-kun: *Local math major Kay is annoyed. Local math professor Moriarty is EXTREMELY annoyed.* Sheepy: *Christo looks into the classroom.* Sheepy: Christo: Do you mind if we stay here? Some man with a sword came in and stabbed our professor. Arsé-kun: Mori: I suppose so. Just do not interrupt. Arsé-kun: *Kay just heavily sighing in the background.* Sheepy: Christo: We won't, but... Should we be calling an authority? Arsé-kun: Mori: Under normal circumstances, yes. However, if what I can hear is correct, then it is an exceptional, excluded circumstance. Sheepy: Il: Ah, worry not. If he passes, I will simply pray for his soul to reach a better place. Sheepy: Il: I have learned from otome games that those with swords are usually main characters and therefore intercepting them is getting in the way of their destiny. Sheepy: Christo: ...We're sure we should leave them like this? Arsé-kun: Mori: Would you rather be there in person? Sheepy: Christo: Well, no. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then let us stay put. Sheepy: Il: In otome games, such a scene usually ends in a confession of love to the protagonist. Sheepy: *There's another loud crash before the noise suddenly ceases.* Arsé-kun: *Kay stops doing classwork to stare in the direction of the door* Sheepy: Christo:...I'll go check. Arsé-kun: Mori: Give it a couple of minutes. It may not be over. Sheepy: Il: Correct. It might be time for one of them to make decisions that'll impact them permanently. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he raises his hand* When we're dismissed, should we take the stairs on the west side to avoid all that mess?? Arsé-kun: Mori: I recommend it. Avoid the elevator. Sheepy: Il: Stairs... Sheepy: Il: Hmm... Sheepy: Il: We have to? Arsé-kun: Mori: If a human child can do it, so can you. Sheepy: Il: A human child was taught at a young age... Sheepy: Il: My data on "stairs" is incomplete. Sheepy: Il: I will fall. Arsé-kun: Mori: Fine, you may be the exception. To everyone else, please use the stairs. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to see what happened. Arsé-kun: Mori: Absolutely not. Sheepy: Satoru: It's safe. Il said everyone is dead. Sheepy: Il: No... Sheepy: Il: It could mean anything. The room could be empty. Arsé-kun: Kay: [text: to Bedi] Please tell me yor headed to class because I need an outside view of the math building, Grif may or may not have made good on his promise Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] I am. Thisconcerns me. Give me a moment. Arsé-kun: Kay: [text: to Bedi] he busted in mid class and Merlin's class is hiding in here now. And I have no idea where Merlin is Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] The science professor appears to be dead and Grif is prodding him with a stick... Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] There's some weird substance, too. It looks gooey, except I think it's moving. Arsé-kun: Kay: [text: to Bedi] I no longer want to know. Thanks! Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] My apologies. I think it's safe to say Merlin's class is cancelled for today. Are you sure he isn't there? Arsé-kun: Kay: [text: to Bedi] I'd hear him if he was. Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] I'll try texting him, then. That worries me, considering the damage I see. Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Kay] The window looks to be shattered and the professor's body is battered, implying the room's broken up too. Please be careful. Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Merlin] Merlin? Where are you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Bedi] Math building. Didn't feel like hiding somewhere so I'm buying snacks and I can see you from here! Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Merlin] Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Bedi] I'm fine, babe! You want a cinnamon roll? Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Merlin] You're alright? Thank goodness. I was about to rush in and find you myself. Please be more careful. I get the feeling that he might not care too much who he hits. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Bedi] He was careful! Only teach was hit! Unless you mean masks mcbitch, in which case nah, he was kinda careful too for some reason! Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Merlin] Good. I'm glad you weren't at any risk. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Bedi] I appreciate it!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Bedi] Thanks for asking! Do you want me to come down there and walk you to class? Sheepy: Bedi: [text: to Merlin] I'd like that, thank you. Arsé-kun: *Merlin casually strolls out of the building a couple of minutes later with two cinnamon buns. He gives one to Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course! Lets get out of here before they start round two! Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder... if your class will be taken up by a new professor? Or are you stuck with him... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Now that what he is has been given away, we're probably allowed to throw things at him when he's an ass. Sheepy: Bedi: I hope that works. Sheepy: Bedi: But you're right, let's make distance before we get involved. Arsé-kun: *They make distance. Mori's math class and Christo's science class have been dismissed, meanwhile.* Sheepy: *Grif is still hanging out by the body.* Arsé-kun: Kay: *distantly* Grif, you fuckin' idiot, I have several things to bitch at you about and if you look like shit I AM going to cry on you! Sheepy: Grif:...? Ah... Kay's nearby. ...I think I look fine. Injuries sustained are minor. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he enters the scene from around the corner and freezes up. No, Grif, you do not look as fine as you think you do.* Sheepy: Grif: Hello. Worry not. Only some of this is my blood. Arsé-kun: Kay: That doesn't... That doesn't help! Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Grif: I see... it should be more of mine next time. Arsé-kun: Kay: NO! Sheepy: Grif: Ah, it’s because of the blood in general, isn’t it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Duh! Obviously! Sheepy: Grif: However, I am not unknown to bleeding out. This is but a scratch. Sheepy: Grif: I’ll try bleeding less. Arsé-kun: Kay: And could you not do this in the middle of class?! Sheepy: Grif: ? Sheepy: Grif: I had to. Arsé-kun: Kay: You really didn't! Sheepy: Grif: It was the only time slot. Arsé-kun: Kay: And if someone got hurt?? Then what, you fuck? Sheepy: Grif: Nobody would get hurt. Arsé-kun: Kay: Ugh. You're hopeless. Be cleaned off by the time you get home or I might vomit. Sheepy: Grif: I'm very controlled in combat. Sheepy: Grif: Where do I clean myself if not home? Arsé-kun: Kay: Shredding someone to pieces doesn't sound controlled to me. And fuck if I know. Sheepy: Grif: ......... Sheepy: Grif: ? Sheepy: Grif: It's controlled. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure!! Okay! I'm going home to do homework now! Sheepy: Grif: But where will I get clean if I can't go home? Arsé-kun: Kay: Where'd you do it beforehand??? Sheepy: Grif: I did it in the closest body of water. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, have fun! Unless you can find a way to come in without bleeding out the whole way there! Sheepy: Grif: Uh...... Sheepy: Grif: Maybe I'll die and use the dorm as a respawn spot. Sheepy: Grif: ..............Ha. Ha. Ha. Sheepy: Grif: It's a joke. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, fine, forget it. Just go home and clean up before someone else sees you! Sheepy: Grif: Fine. Sheepy: *Grif begins heading home.* Arsé-kun: *Kay just turns away from all that mess and decides to get a coffee* Sheepy: Il: Do humans have a sense of taste? Sheepy: Il: Is that how they can handle coffee? Otome games say they do... however, to be capable of enjoying coffee... Perhaps this data is faulty. Sheepy: Il: I'll update my data. Only some have a sense of taste. Sheepy: Il: I remembered you had a blood draw and wanted to see your current state. Are you still sick, Cai? Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh? No. Now don't remind me. Sheepy: Il: ? Sheepy: Il: I won't remind you of it any longer. Sheepy: Il: You seem nice, and I was concerned. Sheepy: Il: However. I will not tell you why I was concerned. You can't be reminded. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I just meant the bloodwork part. What did you want? Sheepy: Il: Want...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Ugh. What did you want to ask? Sheepy: Il: You seemed nice so I followed you. Arsé-kun: Kay: What were you concerned about? Sheepy: Il: Your health. Arsé-kun: Kay: Neat. Sheepy: Il: That's what my friend calls me! Arsé-kun: Raph: *piping up from the sidelines* Il, did you ditch Christo again? Sheepy: Il: He wandered off so I let him. Sheepy: Il: I am confident he can handle himself. Sheepy: Il: Unless... Perhaps he gets lonely easily? He could be considered "tsun"... Arsé-kun: Raph: I asked because I was more concerned about you. Sheepy: Il: I appreciate this sentiment. I get lonely easily. Sheepy: Il: However, I did not get lonely. Arsé-kun: *in the background, Wilbur chugging black coffee from the pot, completely straight. black and bitter probably like his soul. edgy* Arsé-kun: Raph: That's good to hear. Would you like me to get you a chocolate milk? Sheepy: Il: I'd appreciate it, thank you. Arsé-kun: *Raph gets Il a chocolate milk* Sheepy: Il: Thank you. Sheepy: Il: I have yet to be able to figure out why I have been banned from kitchens and making purchases... however, it doesn't affect me. Arsé-kun: Raph: As a general rule, setting fire to a kitchen and spending far more than necessary are both frowned upon. Sheepy: Il:...? Sheepy: Il: But only in general... Sheepy: Il: It could always be the exception. Arsé-kun: Raph: There is never a good time to light a kitchen on fire. Sheepy: Il:........ Sheepy: Il: So raw food is the only choice... Arsé-kun: Raph: No! Sheepy: Il: Unfortunate... I like pancakes. Arsé-kun: Raph: I said the kitchen, meaning a large portion of it being on fire. The stove is fine. Sheepy: Il: How complicated. Cooking truly is a challenge... Arsé-kun: Raph: Not really.. Sheepy: Il: Eventually, I will try to learn. According to otome games, cooking is a very desirable trait. Sheepy: Il: It seems that it's seen as dependable, yet also a pleasant surprise... Sheepy: Il: Ah... I suddenly remembered. Sheepy: Il: In the future, what should I do in the situation of a student trying to kill a professor? Arsé-kun: Raph: That is usually something you'd want to non-fatally stop. If this changes I'll let you know. Sheepy: Il: I see. Sheepy: Il:...... Sheepy: Il: I didn't. Sheepy: Il: May his soul rest in peace... Arsé-kun: Raph: Let me try again. You'd want to non-fatally stop unless the teacher is not mortal. Then it's less priority. Sheepy: Il: Yes, a student attacked a professor today and both went out the window. Sheepy: Il: We listened and let them be. Arsé-kun: Raph: I heard about it. As that was the grounds' security and not actually a student, it's allowed. Sheepy: Il: Security can commit crimes as they stop crimes. Arsé-kun: Raph: We'll work on the exact details later. Arsé-kun: *Visible from outside the café's window, is Herb wheeling away a wheelbarrow filled with black. And a few human-looking limbs hanging out but mostly black. Rest in several pieces Mr. Nyarly "Kashihara" Thotep, biology teacher from Hell* Sheepy: Il: Look, there he goes now. Arsé-kun: Raph: Luckily the teacher isn't mortal. Sheepy: Il: Yes. I still detect life from him. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's...... Fortunate. *he's conflicted on this* Sheepy: Il: So is the student, although he has gone home. Arsé-kun: Raph: That is much better to hear. Sheepy: Il: Despite his fear of blood, Cai approached him and scolded him... Ah, listening in on others' conversation is wrong, and yet I cannot help myself. Arsé-kun: Raph: When someone may need medical assistance, it is not as much of a bad thing. But that is interesting. Sheepy: Il: No, I just do it when I think the conversation will interest me. Arsé-kun: Raph: Not as good. Sheepy: Il: You never feel tempted to do that? Arsé-kun: Raph: Not with medical situations. Sheepy: Il: I'm not interested in that. Arsé-kun: Raph: ... You did say something very interesting though. *he leans in a bit* Kay approached him despite visible blood? Sheepy: Il: Yes. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's unusual. Sheepy: Il: It must be the power of love! That's what helps people surpass their fears in otome games. Arsé-kun: Raph: I might have to agree with you on this one. Sheepy: Il: One day I would like to experience such emotions that would make me capable of doing the impossible. Arsé-kun: Raph: I recommend it. Sheepy: Il: Have you felt it? Arsé-kun: Raph: Mayybe. Mayyyybe not. Sheepy: Il:...! What is it like? Sheepy: Il: Is it as fun as it seems? Arsé-kun: Raph: Sometimes! Sheepy: Il: So you've experienced it multiple times, or perhaps for a long duration for one person... Sheepy: Il: I want to know more. Arsé-kun: *Raph starts telling a story. What it is about will be determined later* Sheepy: *Il is fascinated!* Arsé-kun: Raph: ---But see here, the problem is that I couldn't just ask them out. He likes girls. But I was happy that he was happy, and that is another form of love. Sheepy: Il: Unrequited love... Arsé-kun: Raph: It was unfortunate, and it took some time to get over, but we're still friends and he's happily married. Arsé-kun: Raph: But I'm glad he's happy. That's what matters. Sheepy: Il: I have seen this phenomenon in otome games... Sheepy: Il: It usually leads to rude remarks towards the heroine's love interest. Sheepy: Il: However, feeling happiness... Sheepy: Il: Updating [Unrequited Love]. Sheepy: Il: I would like to feel this kind of love... To feel joy at another's good fortune... Arsé-kun: Raph: I'd like for you to feel any emotion at all. Sheepy: Il: My emotions are real. I made them. Arsé-kun: Raph: You made this? Sheepy: Il: Yes. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's progress. Keep it up. Arsé-kun: *these two are out here having a philosophical conversation about love still and Wilbur may as well deep throat the entire coffee machine by now in the background. This man's blood is 99.99% coffee beans* Sheepy: *wilbur that's how you die* Sheepy: Il: I learned them from otome games. Now I am using them. Arsé-kun: *Wilbur said "nah" to dying and just keeps getting more coffee.* Sheepy: *wilbur no* Sheepy: Misyr: Leave some for the rest of us, will you? Ahahaha... I wanted to try a new blend, but even so... Sheepy: Misyr: You can't be enjoying it by drinking it so quickly, can you? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: *he stops to give Misyr a dirty look* If I was drinking this for my own enjoyment, I would at least make it well. Sheepy: Misyr: What other reason is there? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You can ask everyone else here that question and get the same answer- We're all tired as hell. Sheepy: Misyr: For the caffeine... Sheepy: Misyr: That would explain the taste. Sheepy: Misyr: For the caffeine... Sheepy: Misyr: That would explain the taste. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It's terrible, it's budget-focused, and it's trash. But it does the job. Sheepy: Misyr: I'd offer to work here if I didn't have so much work. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You'd never have a break again. Sheepy: Misyr: Mmm... Nope, can't do it. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: They never last long anyway. Sheepy: Misyr: I've got a strict schedule so I don't think I could fit it in. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: That's about what I expected. Sheepy: Misyr: If I had the time, I would do it. Sheepy: Misyr: But the whole "no breaks" deal... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: If there was any available staff, it would be simpler. There is not, ergo, the circumstances are as I said. Sheepy: Misyr: There's no one interested in doing it? If there were enough people and they were paid, they could take shifts. Sheepy: Misyr: I could even help in that case. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: No one wants a job here. We're too close to the path borders, and it's a chaotic hellzone where schedules are more suggestions than anything. Sheepy: Misyr: Man, everything changed with what happened off the path... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Obviously. There's nothing unaffected by it. Sheepy: Misyr: Nothing? Really? I'm sure there's some parts of the world unaffected... Although those places may be unlivable. Isn't a hero supposed to appear just about now and slay the source of this? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Not happening. Sheepy: Misyr: The source is truly that strong? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It's very possible. Sheepy: Misyr: What is the source? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Probably the oldest one. Sheepy: Misyr: It just serves as a reminder that this isn't a game, I guess. Sheepy: Misyr: Because if so, maybe someone could just go and slay all the monsters off the path. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Anyone is welcome to try. But what of those that live off that aren't monsters? Sheepy: Misyr: Hmm.... it could cause issues for them. Dealing with so many monsters would take a large area attack. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: And they're not ALL monsters anyway, so I don't recommend it. Sheepy: Misyr: Hmm... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: For example, a man was living in a museum off the path. Completely human, I heard. Sheepy: Misyr: Really? Can humans actually survive off the path? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Apparently. It's more common than this, but recording the number of cases is difficult. Or so I hear. Sheepy: Misyr: Really... well, maybe ask them how they do it to be able to extend the area outside of the path. Sheepy: Misyr: Personally, I'd just find a cozy place to make a home and get rid of everything around that place. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I agree entirely. So the fact that most things off path are apparently at least partially intact... It doesn't make sense. Sheepy: Misyr: Maybe the monsters are using it as living spaces? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: That's possible. They do not need to make spaces if the spaces exist. Sheepy: Misyr: I'm sure they'll let everyone share it if we bribe them! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: With what? Sheepy: Misyr:.... Sheepy: Misyr: Their own lives? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Unlikely. Sheepy: Misyr: Pastries? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Okay, now we've left reasonable territory. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha, it's a joke, it's a joke. Sheepy: Misyr: Some places off the path are entirely untouched by them. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Might I ask why you know this? Sheepy: Misyr: I live there. It's where I'm from. Of course, I don't just stay there all the time because I have obligations here. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Oh, me too, so understandable. Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, is that so... Sheepy: Misyr: I'd much prefer living in an area like this, buuut I've gotta stay where I live because I can't let my people go without a leader for even a day. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: M-hmmm... *he doesn't seem to believe Misyr that much* Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, you could at least try sounding like you believe me. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Hm. No. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, it's true, but I can't open the place up for anyone. Sheepy: Misyr: It's a breathtaking place, but my people would be blown away easily if an aggressive intruder entered... Sheepy: Il: Ah, I thought I heard your voice. Raphael, Misyr is here. Arsé-kun: Raphael: So he is. You can go and say hello. Sheepy: Il: So can you. Arsé-kun: Raph: I could. Sheepy: Il: He doesn't bite people. Arsé-kun: Raph: I sure hope he doesn't. Arsé-kun: *RIVETING DIALOGUE!* Sheepy: Misyr:...Hey, I hear you two talking about me. Arsé-kun: Raph: Yes, with great lines such as "He doesn't bite people". You don't, right? Sheepy: Misyr: No, of course not...! Arsé-kun: Raph: Okay, great. And yes, hello, good to see you. Sheepy: Misyr: Usually people say that more enthusiastically. Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, yes, you're right. *ahem* Good to see you!!!! Sheepy: Misyr: Okay, that's a bit overboard, but good to see you too! Arsé-kun: Raph: I see you've held up at least decently. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, you know, looks are important for demon kings. Arsé-kun: Raph: You demons have a lot of free time, huh. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha... Not me. Sheepy: Misyr: I can't leave my citizens for even a day. Arsé-kun: Raph: You can't leave, but you can do yourself up nice at least. Arsé-kun: Raph: Still better than working most of the day every day. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, I think working with other people could be enjoyable. Arsé-kun: Raph: It is! Sheepy: Misyr: Even so, breaks would be nice. Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, breaks are necessary. Legitimately. Not having time off can lead to physical and mental problems, too. Sheepy: Misyr: I'd help you if I could, but I'm awful with medicine. I'm only good at destroying things and cheating. Arsé-kun: Raph: I'd still hire you as a secretary. Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, that'd be interesting! Arsé-kun: *Wilbur has gone back to stalking the coffee machine. He is denied access by several other people hogging it. Karma* Arsé-kun: *Kay is trying to listen to the conversations around him, but there's so many that he can't focus on any of them. He nat 1'd* Sheepy: *Me too Kay* Arsé-kun: *Relatable mood* Sheepy: Grif: --Kay. Let me tell you of my newfound knowledge. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he jumps* Grif! Jeez, when did you get here?? Sheepy: Grif: Recently. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Grif: I learned new words. Sheepy: Grif: Crowded places are good for improving vocabulary, although I dislike them due to the sheer amount of people. Sheepy: Grif: However, you look very yolo. *Grif appears pleased with himself!* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... ... ... Arsé-kun: Kay: That doesn't mean anything even slightly related to what you said otherwise. Arsé-kun: Kay: Like, thanks for trying? But uh... What? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... I’ll try again. Sheepy: Grif: .... Sheepy: Grif: Uh... heepy: Grif: You’re very swag-looking. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I mean, that's better... Sheepy: Grif: Still not right? Arsé-kun: Kay: I don't think so. Sheepy: Grif: :.. Sheepy: Grif: I’m out of ideas. Unfortunate. Sheepy: Grif: As you can see, I have learned a new technique. To bond with someone, you share what you like about them. I have combined this with the new words I have learned. Sheepy: Grif: By meshing the two, however... it feels as though I have lost the original purpose... Arsé-kun: Kay: Yyyyyeah, maybe a little... Sheepy: Grif: It’s too difficult. You can forever question how I feel about you. Arsé-kun: Kay: Nah. Sheepy: Grif: You already know? Excellent. Sheepy: Grif: Or should I try harder...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Uh. Nah. I don't think you need to. Sheepy: Grif: I see. So we’re bonding. Sheepy: Grif: Right. I learned something of interest. Despite this being a place for coffee, they have apple juice. They're very confused here. Sheepy: Grif: Unlike my brother, I can't handle coffee... Arsé-kun: Kay: We buy drinks here. Coffee is the hot commodity. Sheepy: Grif: Do people usually drink so much coffee? Arsé-kun: Kay: Several cups? Only when they're desperate. I don't recommend it. Sheepy: Grif: I see. My brother is desperate... I need to help him. Sheepy: Grif: Are you ready? Arsé-kun: Kay: I guess so! Sheepy: *Grif leads Kay over to Wilbur.* Sheepy: Grif: Share your desperation. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I want coffee. Sheepy: Grif:...? Sheepy: Grif: Why? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Because I enjoy it? And because I am somewhat tired. Sheepy: Grif: Kay said you'd only drink so much if you're desperate. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Perhaps Kay actually knows very little... Sheepy: Grif: Or perhaps... this is avoidance. I learned of this term recently. Come, come, tell me of your distress. I'll deal with it. Arsé-kun: Kay: The same way you dealt with Merlin's? In public, scaring a lot of people? Sheepy: Grif: Yes, of course. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Between schoolwork, Duncan-watching, and several undisclosable things, I've got no time for me. Or sleep. That's a foreign concept now. Sheepy: Grif: So I should help by alleviating some of these things. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You can't do my schoolwork. Sheepy: Grif: I can, uh... Sheepy: Grif: Could I successfully Duncan-sit...? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You usually hesitate when I suggest it. What's different now? Sheepy: Grif: Your desperation. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: That you finally only noticed now. Sheepy: Grif: Kay told me you drink a lot of coffee because you're desperate. Sheepy: Grif: I didn't notice it myself. Sheepy: Grif: I'll try hard, but, uh... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: But it's Duncan. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: Ah. Kay could help. Sheepy: Grif: Or is it too risky? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It should be okay. Just don't be too loud. Sheepy: Grif: To not upset Duncan? Sheepy: Grif: Hm, Kay's good at upsetting people so maybe I shouldn't bring him along. Arsé-kun: Kay: And I'm definitely loud. Sheepy: Grif: You can meet Duncan another time, then. Sheepy: Grif: He's my brother. I've met your sister so I'm supposed to introduce you to my siblings... But you already know Wilbur, so that leaves Duncan and many siblings from my dad's side. Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh? What??? Seriously???? *he looks at Wilbur, back to Grif, back to Wilbur* Sheepy: Grif: ...? You didn't know? Arsé-kun: Kay: No? Sheepy: Grif: I thought we looked similar... Sheepy: Grif: We only share one parent, though. Sheepy: Grif: Even so, I think we look related... Arsé-kun: Kay: *he doesn't see it. he proceeds to comment on this* Sheepy: Grif: Well, now you've met one of my brothers. We're even now, unless he doesn't count because you already knew him... Arsé-kun: Kay: It, uh, it counts I guess. Sheepy: Grif: That's good. You wouldn't get along with most of them. Sheepy: Grif: A lot of them eat people. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: And some are worse than that. Sheepy: Grif: Although maybe Bedi counted already...? He's not a sibling, but he's a cousin. Hmmm... Sheepy: Grif: We are no longer equal. Arsé-kun: Kay: Bedi AND Lucan. Luckily for you, I have two more siblings. We even out after all, sorta. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: This is convenient. Sheepy: Misyr: ...Merlin? Sheepy: Grif: I see. You're beevesdropping. Arsé-kun: *Kay lets this one slide* Sheepy: Grif: I have heard this is rude. Are you ready to face your punishment? Sheepy: Misyr: Punching around demon kings is kind of... well, I really wouldn't recommend it! Sheepy: Grif: Worry not. I never listen to recommendations. Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, I'm right near by your conversation, so it's not actually eavesdropping... Anyway, I know family of his and just wanted to see how he's doing. Arsé-kun: Kay: He's around the lines of "blowing himself up every tuesday". Arsé-kun: Kay: That is not literal, Grif. Sheepy: Misyr: That doesn't sound good. Arsé-kun: Kay: He's alive somehow. Hell if I know why. Sheepy: Misyr: That's.... kind of concerning. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, that's what I used to think too. Sheepy: Misyr: "Used"? Sheepy: Misyr: Is there some reason not to be concerned? Arsé-kun: Kay: It's in the cartoon ash-and-smoke kind of blowing up. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha... I see... Sheepy: Misyr: So he's not very good at magic, huh. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sometimes. Sheepy: Misyr: That may be for the best, really. Sheepy: Misyr: Absolutely nothing good can come of following his predecessors. Arsé-kun: Kay: Did his predecessors go to college and have a stable human job? Sheepy: Misyr: Well, no. Arsé-kun: Kay: Then shut your fuckin' mouth. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, if he's going down the route of meshing with society instead of becoming an outcast fated for disaster, that makes me happy. Sheepy: Misyr: Unfortunately, I can’t think of a single predecessor of his that didn’t meet their downfall by getting punished. Sheepy: Misyr: ...Eh, except 12. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, you can't just say that and not expect me to ask. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, he had a nasty fall. Sheepy: Misyr: ...Or rather, a nasty fall on him. A piano. Who dies to those, even? Arsé-kun: *Kay desperately tries not to laugh at this poor man's misfortune. He succeeds, but it is still kind of funny.* Sheepy: Grif: ......*he’s mulling this over* Sheepy: Grif: So Merlin is at risk... Sheepy: Grif: What is merciful here...? Sheepy: Grif: ... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Putting people out of their misery is not a valid option, Griflet. Sheepy: Grif: Worry not, Wil. I usually leave them to bleed out. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I'm going to personally demonstrate to you what mercy does and does not mean. Sheepy: Grif: Go on, then. Sheepy: Grif: Demon King, are you ready to behold mercy? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Mercy is me not sending you into the floorboards and letting you bleed out for several hours while you pick out splinters. Individually. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha. I eat heroes for dinner. Come back to me in a few light years if you want to face me for real. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm... so it's sending you into the ceiling instead... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Light years are distance, not time. Sheepy: Misyr: ... Sheepy: Misyr: Eh, you've never played JRPGs, have you? Sheepy: Misyr: They usually say inaccurate things that sound pretty cool on the surface. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It was fine until then. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Anyway, Grif, let me show you less mercy than you'd like to get. We're going outside. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehhh... You want me to come up with something else? Usually, heroes die before I can test out these quotes... Sheepy: Grif: I see. You wish to take me outside. I have heard of this before. Sheepy: Grif: It's when you're using code for actually wanting to rough someone up. Sheepy: Grif: To knock the bread pudding out of them. Sheepy: Misyr: It's actually stuffing. *Wilbur rolls his eyes, and exits scene with Grif. Forcefully. Sheepy: Misyr:...Are they going to be okay? Arsé-kun: Kay: I have no idea. Sheepy: Misyr: Should we be doing something about this?? Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh. *he shrugs* I'm not paid to deal with it. Arsé-kun: *How does one describe the sound of something impacting against dirt with moderate force? That would be the current sound effect* Sheepy: Misyr: ... Oh dear. Arsé-kun: *Wilbur returns, carefully tucking his shirt back in and sitting down* Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Don't worry. I still showed mercy. He's alive. Sheepy: Misyr: Hmm... Arsé-kun: *Raph goes to check on Grif. As a doctor, of course* Sheepy: Misyr: Man, if you can take him down, maybe he shouldn't pick fights with Final Boss class enemies... Sheepy: *Grif is lying face down on the ground, unmoving.* Arsé-kun: Raph: You're alive, right? Sheepy: Grif, muffled: ...Ah, it's just you. Arsé-kun: Raph: Do you need help? Sheepy: Grif, muffled: No. I'm faking injury so he feels strong. Sheepy: *Grif lifts himself up.* Arsé-kun: Raph: *he studies Grif* You seem to still be in good health, so I'll believe that. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: However, it would make him feel weak if I showed this, right? Arsé-kun: Raph: I suppose that is true. Sheepy: Grif: So.... I cannot lie to him, but I can lie on the ground. Arsé-kun: Yog: *through Paimon, as per usual* May I point something out? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Yog: This doctor can see your HP. You do remember what this means, yes? Sheepy: Grif:...! He's a healer. Sheepy: Grif: I need one for my party. Arsé-kun: Raph: Not so loud..! *he seems hesitant suddenly* No one else needs to know about that, I do enough work already...! Sheepy: Grif:? Sheepy: Grif: Merlin is one, too. Recruit him. Sheepy: Grif:And Lucan lives in the hospital predominantly so he can probably help. Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm not endangering Lucan like that. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Well, if you won't recruit him... I need a healer still, so I'll recruit him. Sheepy: Grif: Or I'll recruit you... Sheepy: Grif: I can take DPS or tank. I need a mage, healer, and either a DPS or tank... Arsé-kun: Raph: Please do not. He is sick enough as is. Sheepy: Grif: Sick? Arsé-kun: *Raph does not explain* Sheepy: Grif: I have been sick before. I got better. Sheepy: Grif: It doesn't take very long to recover, does it? Arsé-kun: Raph: That depends on what it is. In Lucan's case, no. Sheepy: Grif: Humans are very fragile, hm. Sheepy: Grif: I need to grow stronger to protect them. Sheepy: Grif: I need a party to do this, however. Sheepy: Grif: Every member of a party serves a specific role. I can tear enemies to shreds, but what if I face an enemy that can't be torn? An enemy that kills me before I could kill it? Arsé-kun: Raph: Then that is a shame. I work every day of the week. I do not have the time to do this. Sheepy: Grif: So if you didn't work every day of the week, you would have time. Arsé-kun: Raph: Absolutely correct. Sheepy: Grif: What roles need filling? Arsé-kun: Raph: Most of them. Sheepy: Grif: Define [Role - Most-of-Them]. Arsé-kun: Yog: I don't need to be formal for that. He means that most of the required roles for the building to continue it's normal activities are absent. Most of the people who are needed simply aren't there because no one has been hired. Sheepy: Grif: Define Required Role. Arsé-kun: Yog: Grif, you know both of these words. Sheepy: Grif: I do. But together... Sheepy: Grif: What is a required role? DPS? Sheepy: Grif: Do I attack people so he can have patients? Sheepy: Grif: Do I attack those who approach the medical center? List the details of required role. Arsé-kun: Raph: Don't do that! But it's like... *thinking* It's a position that needs to be taken. Sure, like the DPS in a party, or the nurses who help doctors. Sheepy: Grif: Nurse. Sheepy: Grif: I have heard of this before. Sheepy: Grif: It is a type of fish. Arsé-kun: Yog: Noun. the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. Therefore, a REQUIRED role is one that is necessary and maybe important. Sheepy: Grif:....... Sheepy: Grif: I understand now. Sheepy: Grif: Give me some time and I will get you a nurse. Where do you want the aquarium? Arsé-kun: Raph: That isn't what a nurse is. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but... Arsé-kun: Raph: If you're going to do errands, can you make a request to the Dean for me to hire more people? Sheepy: Grif: I see. Sheepy: Grif: [Quest Accepted: Sam-one contact the Dean!] Arsé-kun: Yog: I'm going to have to stop you briefly. There is a small chance you may end up in an unwinnable fight. Are you sure you'd like to take this quest? Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Wait. Sheepy: Grif: If I die, I die. I feel no pain at death anymore. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's distressing information. Sheepy: Grif: No. This body is built to be destroyed and rebuilt. Arsé-kun: Raph: So you don't need healing? Sheepy: Grif: I need healing. Arsé-kun: Raph: So you don't want to die? Sheepy: Grif:...? I lose my progress in battle if I die. Sheepy: Grif: Why would I want to? Arsé-kun: Raph: So if you don't die, you don't need to be rebuilt. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Raph: So you don't want to need to be rebuilt! Sheepy: Grif: This body is built to be rebuilt. Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh my God. Sheepy: Grif: Healing lets me clear hard fights before I die. Sheepy: Grif: I don't die often, but I occasionally fake my death, much like a lizard dropping its tail. Arsé-kun: Raph: I'd prefer that over actually dying. Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Raph: Don't worry about it! Sheepy: *Grif heads off!* Arsé-kun: *Raph goes back inside. He needs another coffee after that* Arsé-kun: Yog: You will be travelling from here, the West Student Union's Coffee Stoppe, to the Dean's Home. That is across campus. Would you like directions? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: *A little pink arrow appears in front of Griflet. It is pointing forward.* Sheepy: Grif:........ Sheepy: Grif:............... Arsé-kun: Yog: If you turn around, I will not help you. Sheepy: Grif: But.... Sheepy: Grif: Loot... Sheepy: Grif: What if I miss secrets? Arsé-kun: Yog: There is no loot. This is a straightforward path. Sheepy: Grif: Secrets... Arsé-kun: Yog: If Nyar gets you for being slow, that will be your problem. Sheepy: Grif: ...! I need to rush. Sheepy: *Grif starts dashing towards the arrow's direction!* Arsé-kun: *It is almost a completely straight path, with only one hard, right turn. He passes Raph's place of work, too.* Sheepy: Nyar: --So then I said, "Man, I caved into doing this, but it turns out that it rocks!"... Or so I tried, but he bashed a stone directly into my sku- *he gets shoved out of the way by Grif* Sheepy: Grif: You. Release the Dean. Sheepy: Nyar: Hey, hey, easy, Cas! You can't just go around shoving people! Arsé-kun: the Dean: Oh, you've been interrupted? Finally... Sheepy: Grif: You. Where is the Dean? Arsé-kun: the Dean: In front of you as the one speaking. May I help you? Sheepy: Grif:...?! Sheepy: Grif:.....Uh... Arsé-kun: Yog: *from both Paimon and the orb on the Dean's desk* Well, I can remove this event from my bucket list now! Sheepy: Grif:....... Sheepy: Grif:.....Uhhhh.... Sheepy: Grif: So you're family... Arsé-kun: the Dean: Possibly. Zepar refuses to give me a solid answer on that. *he pats his orb lightly* Sheepy: Nyar: That sounds Zepar for the course. Sheepy: Grif: You smell like Dad... So I have a fourth older brother, huh. Arsé-kun: the Dean: The Whateleys are both older than I am in terms of birth-year, so I'm not very far ahead of you. Sheepy: Grif: I'm... *he starts counting on his fingers* Sheepy: Grif: Oh, I'm out. Sheepy: Nyar: I think you could count your IQ on your fingers. Arsé-kun: the Dean: ... Yog, sir, this is why I recommended he take classes. Arsé-kun: Yog: Noted. Sheepy: Nyar: You have classes for him? He's pretty far behind. Sheepy: Grif: I am not far behind. I am right behind you. Arsé-kun: the Dean: I think I can work something out. Arsé-kun: Yog: Randolph, if you are taking the path I believe you are, then I will... Certainly permit it. Continue on. Sheepy: Grif:...? Arsé-kun: Randy: Please stop calling me by my full name if it isn't important. I keep telling you this. Sheepy: Grif: It's after Rudolph has Rundolphed... Arsé-kun: Randy: Is there anyone in this relation that isn't a fan of puns? Sheepy: Grif: Grandpa. Sheepy: Grif: Right? Arsé-kun: Randy: ... Y-yes, sure. Right! Sheepy: Grif: I like him. He's nice. Arsé-kun: Randy: So, what did you come in for, Griflet? *CHANGE THE SUBJECT, CHANGE THE SUBJECT, CH* Sheepy: Grif: Hiring staff. Arsé-kun: Randy: Oh? For whom? Sheepy: Grif: He's, uh... Sheepy: Grif: He stabbed me and got away with it. Arsé-kun: Yog: I will help you this once. Raphael asked for it. Sheepy: Grif: Hmm.. Arsé-kun: Yog: Remember, I record names for you. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Randy: He must really need it if he can't come himself... I've been having difficulties in that area, though- Hiring medical staff is tiresome. I will put in the extra effort though. Sheepy: Grif: He told me to do it so he can join my party. Sheepy: Grif: He denied my offer of [Nurse Shark]. Arsé-kun: Randy: The only shark on campus belongs to Gla'aki. Do not try to obtain it. But did he now... Sheepy: Grif: My fishing skill grows stronger yet. Sheepy: Grif: At LVL 8, I can fish up sharks. Sheepy: Grif: It has recently grown to 2. Arsé-kun: Randy: Glaaki can instantly kill you in one hit. Please don't take his shark. Sheepy: Grif: Tell me where to find [Nurse Shark]s not owned by Glaaki. Arsé-kun: Randy: I don't know or care. Sheepy: Grif:....?! Arsé-kun: Randy: I only keep track of what I need to. That isn't one of them. Sheepy: Grif: [Opinion on Randolph Carter updated.] Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: I will remember this the next time I need to ask you of important matters, such as [Nurse Shark]. Sheepy: Grif: Tell me where I can find hires for the medical center. Arsé-kun: Randy: That would be something I need to handle. Sheepy: Grif: Fine. Good. Sheepy: Grif: Now I can recruit a healer. Unfortunate that he is also a doctor. Sheepy: Nyar: Hey, you know what they say. Sheepy: Nyar: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Sheepy: Grif: ...Apples... are poisonous to doctors? Sheepy: Nyar: Sure, let's view it as that. Sheepy: Grif: >Griflet will remember this. Arsé-kun: *nobody corrects this information* Sheepy: Grif: So you'll provide the necessary [Nurse Shark]s? Arsé-kun: Randy: A nurse and a nurse shark are not the same thing, Griflet. Sheepy: Grif: .........!? Arsé-kun: Randy: ... If you had asked, you would have known. Sheepy: Grif: ............... Arsé-kun: Randy: Everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry about it so much. Sheepy: Grif: Mistakes are costly. Arsé-kun: Randy: As long as you haven't committed to it yet, there's no foul. Sheepy: Grif: I see.... Sheepy: Grif: I must commit. Sheepy: Grif: Otherwise, there is no fowl. Arsé-kun: Randy: Wrong foul. Not the bird kind. Sheepy: Grif: ...!? Arsé-kun: Yog: Adverb. unfairly; contrary to the rules. Other definitions include adjective, disgusting and adjective, immoral. Sheepy: Grif: Wh... Sheepy: Grif: Fowl...are disgusting and immoral... Arsé-kun: Yog: Different word. Sounds the same, spelled differently. Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: Grif: English is bad. Arsé-kun: Yog: I agree. It is very hard to learn. Sheepy: Grif: Why? Arsé-kun: Yog: Because a second language is not easy for many people. Sheepy: Grif: I see... I am a people... Sheepy: Grif: This is why I can't read nor write. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... Right. Sheepy: Nyar: Eh... so that's your weakness. Sheepy: Nyar:.... Sheepy: Nyar: That's...not really exploitable, is it. Arsé-kun: Randy: No. No it is not. Sheepy: Nyar: Was this intended? Sheepy: Nyar: Or is it pure luck that his flaws are useless to me? Arsé-kun: Yog: Not everything exists for you to take advantage of. Sheepy: Nyar: That's a lie. Sheepy: Grif: Dad never lies. Arsé-kun: Yog: Also, I know you are smarter than this. Since when do you require literacy to mess with someone, Uncle? Sheepy: Nyar: Well, of course you don't. Sheepy: Nyar: But it's also not really exploitable. Sheepy: Nyar: And he isn't smart enough to understand half of what I say, anyway. It's like trying to toy with a bear. The bear won't understand anything you say and it'll take a piece out of you before it wanders off to take a nap. Sheepy: Nyar: Couldn't you come up with something a little more fun personality wise than dish water?? Sheepy: Grif: I have heard of this. It's when you're angry because you lost, so you criticise the other person to feel better about yourself. Arsé-kun: Yog: I have, but as he is designed to be similar to a human, then perhaps he isn't showing his true personality to you. Arsé-kun: Yog: I wonder why. Sheepy: Nyar: Maybe because he enjoys dismembering me? Arsé-kun: Randy: Because you're a prick. Sheepy: Nyar: Hey, hey! How would he know that when he kills me before I can even show my true colors?! Sheepy: Nyar: In fact, maybe I'm actually a good guy faking being a bad guy for my own amusement. Arsé-kun: Randy: That's hard to believe with your kill count. Sheepy: Nyar:..... Sheepy: Nyar: For fun! Sheepy: Grif: Can you truly be a good guy if you kill people for fun? Arsé-kun: Randy: No. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: What if instead of people, it's Nyarlathotep? Arsé-kun: Randy: I would prefer you did that a bit less, because I have to hear about it every single time. Sheepy: Grif: Unfortunate. Sheepy: Grif: I'll do it a little less. Arsé-kun: Randy: Please limit it to when he deserves it and outside of the public eye unless necessary. Arsé-kun: Randy: I can't disagree with this. Sheepy: Nyar: I can! Sheepy: Nyar: I didn't do anything! Sheepy: Grif: You assigned homework. Arsé-kun: Randy: That is only a problem under some circumstances. ... This is one of them. Sheepy: Nyar: It's my job, isn't it? Arsé-kun: Randy: There is such a thing as "too much homework". Sheepy: Grif:...You read over it? Sheepy: Nyar: No, of course not. Why would I waste my time like that? Arsé-kun: Randy: I'm going to replace you with a hunter at this rate. Sheepy: Nyar: Could a hunter clean things as well as I do? Arsé-kun: Randy: You can keep that job. Nobody else wants that one. Sheepy: Nyar: Could you even find someone to replace the teaching job? Sheepy: Grif: Quest accepted- Sheepy: Nyar: Not you. Arsé-kun: Randy: At this rate?? Unlikely. Sheepy: Grif: Quest- Sheepy: Nyar: No. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'll deal with it after I finish with Raphael's request. Sheepy: Grif: Uh...but... what do I do? Sheepy: Nyar: Go read a book or something. Play a fun game. Learn a new language. Attend a math class. Arsé-kun: Randy: Or scout out the Colour nest on campus. Do not engage. Sheepy: Grif:?! Ah... I think I can do this. Arsé-kun: Randy: And do not disturb the human body that is present. It is incredibly toxic. Sheepy: Grif: Human body? Arsé-kun: Randy: Someone was killed by the Colours and the body was unable to be retrieved before they settled in. Sheepy: Grif: If I die there, will my body be trapped forever? Arsé-kun: Randy: I doubt that, unless Yog purposefully does it. Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Dad wouldn't do that, right? Arsé-kun: Yog: I hope not. Sheepy: Grif: ..... Sheepy: Grif: ...What would cause you to do that...? Arsé-kun: Yog: Who knows? I do not look at my own future. Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Arsé-kun: Yog: It is still highly unlikely. Sheepy: Grif: That isn't too reassuring. I don't want my permanent death to be one where my body is stolen and used by something else. Arsé-kun: Yog: I would not allow that. Sheepy: Grif: So if my body gets possessed, you'd delete it? Arsé-kun: Yog: If you are deceased, I would remove the offending presence. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Sheepy: Grif: Remove the offending presence... Sheepy: Grif: Like doctors. Arsé-kun: Yog: Perhaps. Sheepy: Grif: I have learned something recently. Sheepy: Grif: Anyone who graduates graduate school because a doctor. I will never graduate. Sheepy: Grif: I need to warn Kay of this soon so he doesn't become a doctor. Arsé-kun: Randy: They only become doctors if they graduate medical school. Sheepy: Grif:...?! Sheepy: Grif: But... what are doctorates for? Sheepy: Nyar: To make you more attractive to employers. Don't worry about it. You won't be getting far enough to need to. Sheepy: Grif: I see. That's good. Sheepy: Grif: I need to recommend this to Kay so he can become more attractive. Arsé-kun: *Is Grif going to do this?* Sheepy: *Grif heads to the coffee shop to tell Kay the news!* Arsé-kun: Kay: ---- But if I go with 180 divided by 12, there's no fucking decimals! Where the fuck did the .40 come from? This sucks! Sheepy: Grif: Hello, Kay. Are you ready to become more attractive? Arsé-kun: Kay: WHAT. Sheepy: Grif: Are you ready to become more attractive? Arsé-kun: *Kay just stares at him. He is confusion* Sheepy: Grif: I will tell you how. It is very simple. Sheepy: Grif: Become a doctorate by graduating graduate school. You will become more attractive. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, to employers. What are you, campus hiring management? No. Sheepy: Misyr: Maybe he just finds intelligent people hot. Sheepy: Grif: I learned this today. Arsé-kun: Kay: Thanks, Grif... Sheepy: Grif: Are you disappointed? I will find better information next time. Sheepy: Grif:....Ah, I know. Sheepy: Grif: I was misinformed about [Nurse Shark]. Arsé-kun: Kay: what Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Grif: Was my information not of use? Arsé-kun: Kay: That didn't tell me anything?? Sheepy: Grif: Then tell me what you want to know. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure, how do you write the letter K in ye old gross runes? Sheepy: Grif: I can show you this. Sheepy: Grif: Please don't laugh at my handwriting too much. Arsé-kun: Kay: Like I'd know what it looks like in bad handwriting? Sheepy: Grif: My skill with a pencil is, uh... Sheepy: *Grif sits by Kay and picks up a nearby pencil in his left hand, clenching it in his fist tightly. For once, he seems totally lacking in confidence.* Sheepy: *Grif begins writing very shakily. Help him* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I don't think you need to do it that hard... Sheepy: Grif: I'm not used to this. Arsé-kun: Yog: *helpfully* Would you like a reminder on how to hold a pencil? Sheepy: Grif: *his grip tightens* I can do it myself. I don't need help. Arsé-kun: Yog: Understandable. Good luck. Sheepy: Grif: *He continues attempting to write. Grif 1 Paper 0, but the table is good to write on too. He doesn't seem to notice...* Sheepy: Grif: ..Behold. I wrote it. *he puts down the now broken pencil.* Sheepy: Grif: Now you can try. Arsé-kun: Kay: Rrrright. Okay. *he gets a new sheet of paper and a new pencil, and attempts to copy the rune* Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 16 Arsé-kun: *Success horse* Sheepy: Grif: Congratulations. You did it. *clap clap clap* Good job. Sheepy: Grif: I knew you could. Sheepy: Grif: Now you can spell your nickname. Sheepy: Grif: K, shortened version of Kay. Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he picks up Grif's "paper" and gestures to the table rune* Should we get out of here before we get yelled at for this? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... okay. Sheepy: Grif: That's a good idea. Arsé-kun: *they get the fuck outta dodge* Sheepy: Grif: Uh... sorry about your pencil. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's fine. At least you didn't do that to my binder Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Kay has finally returned. It seems he brought a guest, too. Sheepy: Grif: That is not my name. Sheepy: Grif: I am Griflet. Not August. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, because he lives here, unlike you! Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Tristan:...? How sad! I'm being evicted! Sheepy: Tristan:...Ah, wait, no. You're right. Sheepy: Tristan: Tomorrow, the hunt begins. Sheepy: Grif: Hunt? Arsé-kun: Kay: No, it isn't literal, Grif. Sheepy: Tristan: Will you be attending? Arsé-kun: Kay: Why would I? Girls are weird. Sheepy: Grif: You are hunting girls? Arsé-kun: Kay: They're trying to find dates. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: They go on a date to find dates. Arsé-kun: Kay: I mean.... Sorta? Sheepy: Tristan: Our bond could never be topped by any woman... How sad! We pick up women but lose them just as quickly, like sand between our fingers. Sheepy: Grif: I see. He's sad. Sheepy: Grif: Maybe he's lost. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. That reminds me. Sheepy: Tristan: We brought others. Arsé-kun: Kay: How many of you chucklefucks are in my house? Sheepy: Tristan: Don't worry. We didn't think to ask, and therefore we did no wrong by not asking. Arsé-kun: Kay: What the fuck have you done?? Sheepy: Tristan: Agravain and Bedivere are in the kitchen together, I think. I could sense his dampness from a mile away... Oh! How sad! Imagine being a living wet blanket! Sheepy: Grif: I had a favorite blanket, too, but I kept it dry always. Sheepy: Tristan: Some strange girl also showed up and told us to leave. I think I smelled the scent of flowers when she was around. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Funny joke. Try again. Sheepy: Grif:...? Ha. Ha. Ha. Arsé-kun: Kay: I wasn't. Sheepy: Tristan:...?! I didn't know you had siblings... Arsé-kun: Kay: I try to forget but they always come back. Sheepy: Tristan: I am an only child. Arsé-kun: Kay: Lucky you. Sheepy: Tristan: On the day of my birth, my parents did not show up. Sheepy: Grif: That's unfortunate. Make sure to give them a better idea of the date and time in the future. Sheepy: Tristan:........ Sheepy: Tristan: Did you just tell me to RSVP my dead parents to my own birth? Arsé-kun: Kay: I think so. Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Grif: So if you die, you can't attend parties? Arsé-kun: Kay: Generally, no. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Humans are lazy. Sheepy: Grif: They allow death to stop them. Sheepy: Tristan:........ Arsé-kun: Kay: Let me explain something here, Tristan. *pause* Grif's a fucking idiot. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh. Sheepy: Tristan: I had a feeling that was the case. Your roommates generally are. Sheepy: Grif: Hm... So this nickname is not unique to me... I'll give you time to let your creative juices flow. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Right. Do not look in the kitchen. Only Agravain and Bedivere are in there. There is no one else. Arsé-kun: Kay: Tristan? Answer me this one seriously. Did Gawain get into my potatoes? I bought those recently. Sheepy: Tristan:..... Sheepy: Tristan:.......... Arsé-kun: Kay: *raising his voice* Gawain! If you're in my potatoes, I'm going to obliterate you! I just bought those, you sick fuck! Sheepy: Gawain, distantly: I'm making mashed potatoes! Arsé-kun: Kay: NO! Sheepy: Gawain: Do you want some?! Arsé-kun: Kay: I wanna shove you so far into a toilet that we'll need to call a fucking plumber! *he storms off to confront Gawain. this does not stop him from bitching* Why do you have to force your fetishes onto my food, you maniac?! Sheepy: Gawain: Fetishes? No, no, potatoes are good for you! Especially mashed potatoes. Arsé-kun: Kay: I was gonna use those!!!!! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Hey, Aggy. Nice, you came out of your hole for once. Arsé-kun: Kay: But fuck you, Gawain! Sheepy: Agravain: I had to. Sheepy: Gawain: I'll let you have an extra portion! Arsé-kun: Kay: I was gonna use those for my own dinner this week! Now I can't because you crushed them all! Sheepy: Gawain: This is dinner. Arsé-kun: Kay: Get out of my kitchen, Gawain. Sheepy: Gawain: But I'm almost done. Arsé-kun: Kay: That was a five pound bag! Did you ruin ALL of them?! Sheepy: Gawain: Of course not. I haven't dented it... Sheepy: Gawain: You know what happens if you don't eat potatoes and don't take care of yourself? Arsé-kun: *Kay takes back his bag of potatoes and leaves. Gawain is denied.* Sheepy: Grif: What is that? Arsé-kun: Kay: It's my potatoes. I was gonna use them for dinner later. Gawain isn't allowed to have them. Sheepy: Grif: Potato. Sheepy: Grif: It's what they make tato tots from. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure is. Arsé-kun: Kay: But Gawain just mashes them and calls it food. Sheepy: *Grif seems pleased with himself!* Sheepy: Grif: Hmm... mashed tato tots... It sounds bad. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hold on. *he goes and hides the potatoes somewhere, then comes back* It's okay, but it's the only thing he CAN make. Sheepy: Grif: I can't make anything either. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, but you're just a moron. He's a potato fucker. Sheepy: Grif: If I learned how to make mashed tato tots, would I lose my moron status? ...Hm, I must avoid that recipe. Arsé-kun: Kay: Tater tots aren't supposed to be mashed. Also, you're never losing the moron status. Sheepy: Grif: I see... This brings me joy. Sheepy: Grif: It would disappoint me to lose Moron status. Sheepy: Agravain: You want to be a moron? Arsé-kun: Kay: Better than "dumb whore". Sheepy: Grif:...? Sheepy: Grif: That's too long of a nickname. Arsé-kun: Kay: How do I explain this... Oh! I know! Arsé-kun: *Kay pulls the magnetic notepad off the fridge and writes on it before taking off and handing the top note to Aggy* Sheepy: *Agravain reads it.* Arsé-kun: *Kay puts the notepad back meanwhile* Sheepy: Agravain: As always, your taste is awful. Arsé-kun: Kay: I know. Always has been! Sheepy: Agravain: Consult Merlin. He has experience with such things. Just look at Bedivere. Arsé-kun: Kay: Look, I know you're right, but you don't have to say it. Sheepy: Agravain: He's an oblivious airhead. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he just looks at Bedi, who is also very much present* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for my airheaded behavior. I do my best to stay focused, but I often get distracted... Arsé-kun: Merlin: --For Bedi's honor! *he smacks Agravain with a broom* That's MY airhead you're talking about! Sheepy: Agravain: *He doesn't flinch, instead slowly turning towards Merlin* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You come into our house- Well, Kay's, but he's letting us stay- And you say this? In front of him? You wanna go?? I'll blow something up! Sheepy: Agravain: No, I'd really rather you didn't. Sheepy: Agravain: You called him an airhead as well. Sheepy: *Grif isn't listening to any of this meanwhile.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're not allowed to say it because you're not dating him! Sheepy: Agravain: And I wouldn't want to date him nor you. I've got little interest in such things. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ooh, so edgy! When are you gonna run out of hot topic shirt slogans? Sheepy: Agravain: Hot...topic? Arsé-kun: *Kay has also given up on this situation and has joined Bedi in whatever he's doing* Sheepy: *Grif seems to have found a potato from... somewhere? He's looking it over.* Sheepy: Agravain: Mordred's favorite store aside, if you're going to bash my head in, you might as well use yours to figure out the solution to Kay's problem. Sheepy: Agravain: You've got the experience of being rejected again and again. You might as well use it for something. Arsé-kun: Merlin: He needed help? I thought he had a handle on it. Sheepy: Agravain: How? Sheepy: Agravain: If he's coming to me for help, he clearly doesn't. Sheepy: *In the background is the sound of someone seemingly eating an apple. It sounds a little off.* Arsé-kun: Kay: ..... Oh, he left, ok. I'm not dealing with that. How do I deal with hot man that's dumb as a bag of rocks? Sheepy: Bedi: Be honest and not dodge around it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Ooh, so the opposite of what Merlin was doing for the first two months? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wait, how did I suddenly become the one under the bus?! Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm? You're the perfect symbol of what not to do, right? Arsé-kun: *FATALITY* Arsé-kun: Kay: Geez, you didn't need to destroy him too, Bedi! Sheepy: Bedi: .........? Sheepy: Bedi: Destroy? I was not aware I was insulting him... Arsé-kun: Kay: You just.... Forget it, look, you're just so honest that it's insulting, he's actually just an idiot. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies, Merlin. I thought you would be pleased to know you're so heavily a part of my decision making. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y-yeah, thanks. Sheepy: Bedi: You're welcome. Arsé-kun: *Merlin does not look appreciative. The man is wilting like a goddamn plant* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin? Are you alright? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Could it hurt to explain things in more detail? You like to make it sound like I'm awful. Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: Awful? You aren't awful. Arsé-kun: Kay: This is a fucking disaster. Sheepy: Bedi:.......?! Did I insult you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Could you maybe not just leave it at "You're the perfect symbol of what not to do" and maybe explain what it is so I don't sound like satan incarnate? Sheepy: Bedi: I was trying to say your techniques on flirting are best to avoid... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, that sucked, but say that next time! Sheepy: Bedi: I thought it was clear what I meant... Arsé-kun: Merlin: It was nooooot~ Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm... Well, now it's clear. Arsé-kun: Kay: This sucks. I don't want to have to riddle out every single conversation. Sheepy: Agravain: As Bedivere so wonderfully said, this is a perfect symbol of what not to do. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, you're doing that on purpose. Sheepy: Agravain: Well, I thought they would help you, but instead they've begun whatever... this is. Sheepy: Agravain: I want to say it's a conversation, but it's more like they're talking on two entirely different wavelengths. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We're not that bad!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: But yes, our relationship is nothing like you and Grif, so there's not much I can do! *he shrugs* Sheepy: Agravain: So you don't usually end up frustrated talking to him? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Usually no it is not, thank you very much! And we've gotten back around to! For Bedi's honor! Arsé-kun: *Merlin promptly gets clocked with the broom. Merlin yelling has a 0-star rating on Lance's Yelp* Sheepy: Bedi: Well, everyone likes gifts, right? If you can figure out what he likes, he might grow closer to you, but he also might become cautious or skeptical if you take this route to often... Ah. Sheepy: Bedi: It's super effective. ... Super effective... He talks like he's in a video game... Maybe it's rubbing off onto me?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck no, it better not be contagious! Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder if he acts like characters in video games. You can date characters in some of them, right? Arsé-kun: Kay: He acts like Griflet. Sheepy: *Grif has returned, but he seems to be watching Lance closely rather thsn listening to the conversation. He seems awe struck.* Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, he does. Arsé-kun: Kay: Gee fuckin' whiz! Sheepy: Bedi: What is it? Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I was being sarcastic. Sheepy: Bedi: I see... Arsé-kun: *Poor Lance has been trying to say something for the past five minutes* Sheepy: Agravain: What is it? Arsé-kun: Lance: I was going to ask that we don't yell so we don't wake up Tristan, but don't start fighting. I'd hate to clean house. Sheepy: Agravain: I won't. Sheepy: Grif: Ah... he even protects the sleep-deprived... *awe* Arsé-kun: Lance: Thank you. Also, someone left a weird note in the fridge when I was getting another pudding cup. *he notices Kay staring* I did not eat the entire package myself. Yet. Sheepy: Bedi: Weird note? Arsé-kun: Lance: Where the milk usually is. Sheepy: Bedi:....? Sheepy: *Bedi checks the fridge.* Arsé-kun: *There is a folded note in the fridge. There are no pudding cups left in the fridge.* Sheepy: Bedi: *He opens the folded note after picking it up.* Arsé-kun: *that aint english* Sheepy: Bedi:...Um... Arsé-kun: Kay: What? Is it Lance's handwriting? Sheepy: Bedi: It's.... Sheepy: Bedi: Here, take a look. Arsé-kun: *Kay takes it* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I can make out one letter of this. Just one. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, it's time to be useful! What the fuck does this say?? *he more or less throws it at Grif* Sheepy: Grif:?! Sheepy: *Grif snaps back into reality and picks up the fallen note.* Arsé-kun: Kay: The only part I got was the letter K! So thanks, but this isn't your... Uh. Your handwriting. Sheepy: Grif: It's Dad's. Arsé-kun: Kay: what the fuck Sheepy: Grif: Dad is very kind and helpful. Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, I can't read it. What does it SAY, moron? Sheepy: Grif: Dad reminded us to buy milk. We're out. Sheepy: *Grif is absolutely beaming.* Arsé-kun: Kay: oh. He could've just messaged me instead. In English. Without making it weird in front of other people. Sheepy: Grif: He left us a note... Arsé-kun: Kay: That was almost unsalvageable.... Sheepy: Grif: Dad never leaves notes. Arsé-kun: *very different perspectives here* Arsé-kun: Kay: But he calls constantly. Sheepy: Grif: But I rarely ever get to have anything physical from him. Arsé-kun: Kay: I get that. But does he have to be weird about it? Sheepy: Grif: It's not weird. It's the best he can do in his situation. Arsé-kun: Kay: There are people here..! Look, I just don't want this to get too weird! I don't need questions about this! Arsé-kun: Yog: *popping open the microwave himself* Yes, you do. Good luck. *and he closes it again. Thanks, Satan* Arsé-kun: Kay: ........... Sheepy: Agravain: So hold back my questions, then? Arsé-kun: Kay: .............. Well, I'm done with being a human being for today! *he's very clearly done with the situation and going to get booze. The booze isn't there. It just was.* ......... Grif, tell your dad to stop owning me like a noob and let me suffer. Sheepy: Grif: Uh... I don't order him around. Sheepy: Grif: I don't get to see him very often even... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he takes the booze out and hands it to Kay. and then takes the actual last pudding cup and exits scene with the speed and grace of a nervous teenager at a family party* Arsé-kun: Kay: ......... Well now I'm just embarrassed and don't want to look at anyone. Sheepy: Grif: Ah... He's very cool...! Sheepy: *Grif doesn't seem to notice Kay's mistake. He's more focused on the exit Lance left through.* Sheepy: Grif: He's strong and kind, capable of solving problems without even hearing the details! Amazing! I'd like to be like him one day! Sheepy: Agravain: Lance, cool...? *He doesn't seem too sure...* Arsé-kun: Kay: Yyyyeah, I don't know either. Sheepy: Grif: Very cool! Arsé-kun: *distant Lance confusion continues* Sheepy: Grif: But if I talk to him, I'll say all the wrong things... Arsé-kun: Kay: Would that be new? Sheepy: Grif: No, of course not. But here it matters. My charisma is low. Someone like him must expect higher charisma, right? Sheepy: Grif: My charm stat being high is very meaningless if it draws people in before I'm prepared to talk to them... It's good it didn't work on him. Arsé-kun: Kay: How long is it gonna take you? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... uh... Sheepy: Grif: If I say something bad, it's all over... Sheepy: Grif: Maybe I'll never be ready... Arsé-kun: Kay: *he slightly raises his voice* It would be a real shame if I mentioned that you have a sword before you were ready to talk, huh?? Sheepy: Grif:...? Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: :) Sheepy: Grif: My sword isn't really relevant, is it? Arsé-kun: Lance: *SWORD????* Sheepy: Grif:?! Sheepy: Grif: Uh...uh... Sheepy: Grif: It, uh, has high stats. Arsé-kun: Lance: Um. Y-yeah, I would hope so... Arsé-kun: *IT'S VERY AWKWARD!* Sheepy: Grif: It's [Dragonblade]. I did not name it. My dad found it in his hoard, so he named it this. Sheepy: Grif: It's a birthday present. Arsé-kun: Lance: You're allowed to carry that on campus...? All I'm allowed is a little knife.. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. It's my job to dismember things. Arsé-kun: *Kay takes a seat over There and cracks open the booze to watch this go down. He intends to explain as little as possible* Sheepy: Grif: My job is [Security Guard]. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Grif, you know we're gonna have to explain all this backstory now, right? Sheepy: Grif: I am paid [$0]. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And stop putting things in brackets out loud! Sheepy: Grif: Uh...but... my backstory is very simple. Arsé-kun: *Kay prepares for a lot of secondhand embarrassment.* Sheepy: Grif: My mom disowned me and ran away for not being human enough. My dads raised me away from humans after this event to be capable of protecting humans. I was hired to protect students. I was stationed to this dorm after some events. Now I live here. Sheepy: Bedi: ...It really feels like you left out everything important and added in everything uncomfortable. Sheepy: Grif: This is my whole backstory. This was what was asked for. Sheepy: Grif: What else was I supposed to add? Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, he didn't make it too weird! Next to Tristan's "Both my parents failed to arrive for my birth" bullshit? Sheepy: Grif: They are very forgetful. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, I don't feel like explaining the process of human pregnancy to a dragon, lets do something else! Sheepy: Grif: I know of this process. It's when you summon a baby from the stork lord. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... You know what? I lied. I'm gonna explain it to him. Sheepy: Grif: Tell me of this ritual. Arsé-kun: *Merlin starts explaining where human babies come from to Grif. In great detail. And far more joy than he should.* Sheepy: *Grif gets increasingly distressed during this explanation.* Arsé-kun: *Understandable.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ---- So your dad probably seriously fucks and that's where human babies come from! It's a terrible process and we need to get on making it faster. Sheepy: Grif: But...Dad said that he had the stork lord on "speed-dial"... Did he lie? Sheepy: Grif: Dad would never lie. Sheepy: Grif: Who is this stork lord? What does he have to do with pregenenancy? Arsé-kun: Merlin: People used to say that a stork would bring kids instead of, well, what I just explained. I got a feeling it means something else here, but I'm not gonna think about that! Sheepy: Bedi: Could it be that, uh... This stork lord... is a man with another bird related name...? Arsé-kun: Kay: *checking his phone* Yer orb dad said 'yes' n' nothing else Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: Dad's the stork lord because he gives many people children. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I hate that I was right. Sheepy: Bedi: There's other names to call him... Sheepy: Agravain: *he looks over at Kay in disbelief* You...You...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Deal wit' this? Somehow? Sheepy: Agravain: Yes, but you really, actually...?! Arsé-kun: *Kay just shrugs* Sheepy: Agravain: Your taste is awful. Arsé-kun: Kay: What c'n I say except "I've been knew"? Sheepy: Grif: What? Why would you eat him? Sheepy: Grif: That's cannonballism. Arsé-kun: *Kay fails the 'do not laugh' check* Sheepy: Grif:....? Arsé-kun: Kay: Th' english word you want is cannibalism..! Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: Why does he care about how you taste? Arsé-kun: Lot: I'm fairly certain it's describing a sense of aesthetic here instead. Sheepy: Grif:.....?! Sheepy: *Grif has a similar reaction to Lot that he did with Lance - awe.* Arsé-kun: Lance: Hey, look, look at this! *Lot gets a face-full of Sword* Arsé-kun: Lot: :V Sheepy: Grif: They're both so cool...! Arsé-kun: Kay: yet another unrealistic expectation fer men Sheepy: Grif: Worry not, Kay! I'll work hard to accomplish this level of cool! Arsé-kun: Kay: Better you do, I ain't cuttin' it. Sheepy: Grif: But can I...? I think this is an impossible task... Arsé-kun: Yog: *paimon input, finally* Wrong. Sheepy: Grif: But when I help others, I generally need a lot of detail and I end up destroying everything in my path. Is a berserker actually cool...? Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe you could just not destroy everything in your path? Sheepy: Grif: But it's my job. Arsé-kun: *Lance has broken something with Grif's sword in the meantime. He looks incredibly sheepish about it. Oopsie.* Sheepy: Grif: Usually I use it for breaking enemies but this is fine. Arsé-kun: Lance: I did not mean to do that. *he's refusing to look at Grif* Please forgive me. Sheepy: Grif: It's not mine. It's Kay's. Arsé-kun: *Kay is paying 0% attention to the current situation* Sheepy: Grif: He is drunk. Arsé-kun: Lance: Uh. Yes, we see this. I am apologizing because it is your sword. You should take this back before I do anything worse. Arsé-kun: *grif gets his sword back* Sheepy: Grif: Thank you. It's my birthday gift. I got it when I became this year years old. Sheepy: Grif: Kay probably won't remember in the morning you broke it and I'll get accused of your crimes. Worry not. I will correct this mistake upon being prompted. Arsé-kun: Lance: Please do. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: Eh... but... *he briefly glances at Lot. He seems flustered...* Arsé-kun: Lot: ...? Are we that difficult to talk to? Sheepy: Grif: Very cool...! Arsé-kun: Lot: ... Hm. *he looks around briefly* Anyone else think we're going to have the same situation when we go try to talk to girls? I feel like this is going to be the result. That or violence. Sheepy: Bedi: Violence? From whom? Sheepy: Grif: I have spoken to a girl before. Arsé-kun: Lot: The last time we tried, Bors got attacked for being a bit too stubborn. I'm sure it won't happen again. I hope. But yes, as have I. Sheepy: Bedi: You've...only spoken to one girl, once? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Her name was Haru. Sheepy: *In the background, Aru is prodding at Kay* Arsé-kun: Lot: ... Well, I suppose it's a start. Arsé-kun: *Kay picks his head up to glance at Aru. he's up, he's still up. unfortunately* Sheepy: Bedi: It's more girls than the amount Bors has successfully spoken to, I'm sure. Arsé-kun: Lot: I don't think so. Arsé-kun: Lot: .. Oh, successfully. Sheepy: Aru: You've invited all these friends over and you're just ignoring them and getting drunk? Sheepy: Grif: That's the girl. Sheepy: Aru: By the way, did Kay break that? Arsé-kun: Kay: I didn't invite anybody, they were already here! I didn't ask fer this! Arsé-kun: Kay: N' break what?! I'm gunna have to clean that! Sheepy: Aru: There's a broken glass. Arsé-kun: Kay: Ghhhhoddammit. Sheepy: Aru: You didn't break it? Who did? Sheepy: Grif: My sword. Arsé-kun: Lance: I had it. My apologies. Sheepy: Aru: Sword? Arsé-kun: Lance: He has a sword, yes! It's a bit heavier than I expected it to be... Oh, I'll stop speaking now. Sheepy: Aru: You like swords? I have a sword. Arsé-kun: *Lance looks at her like its Christmas. You're spoiling him, Aru* Sheepy: Aru: Do you want to see it? Arsé-kun: Lance: I should say no. I should really say no. Show me. Sheepy: Aru: I'll be right back. *she leaves briefly before returning in an object wrapped in fabric. She removes it from the fabric, revealing a very fancy looking sword. Nice!* Arsé-kun: Lance: That's... It's so clean... I almost don't want to even go near it. Sheepy: Aru: I don't really understand why it was in a stone, but Teacher was insistent on dumping more work on me afterwards... Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't look like it was in any dirt. This shit looks p' clean to me! Did you wipe the whole thing down? *he leans out of his seat to tilt the sword towards himself* Sheepy: Aru: Of course. Arsé-kun: *Kay is very promptly electrocuted. By the sword. Kay is legally allowed to yell in pain and surpise, and also fall out of the chair without consequences. Which he very much did* Sheepy: Aru:?! Sheepy: Aru: Kay?! Arsé-kun: Kay: What the FUCK was that?! Sheepy: Aru: I don't know! It's never done that before...! Sheepy: Grif:......... Sheepy: Grif: .......Shiny... Arsé-kun: Kay: What the fuck?! This shit a taser?! Motherfucker that hurt! Sheepy: Aru: Maybe it just doesn't like you very much. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, we're all thinking about trying to grab it now! I know we are! So lets not do that unless you are a wizard or Aru! Sheepy: Bedi: How do you know that you're immune? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wanna see what kinda wards it has! Sheepy: Bedi: You can touch it because you electrocute yourself regularly? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wasn't gonna assume I could safely, whether I fuck myself over or not. Sheepy: Aru: You can give it a try. I think you have the best chance of handling it without beibg shocked. Arsé-kun: *Merlin pulls his sleeve over his hand and goes to carefully take the sword. To his own surprise (and everyone else's), he is able to hold it! Mostly. It's sorta shocking him but he's ignoring it the best he can.* Sheepy: Aru: Maybe it likes you a little. Sheepy: Aru: Or maybe Teacher knew you could handle it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: My hand hurts! This has a LOT of wards on it! Damn- OW! *he nearly drops it* Anti-curse word sword?? Sheepy: Aru: Huh... Sheepy: Aru: But why can I touch it without pain but you can't? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No idea! Sheepy: Bedi: It reminds me of that one movie with the sword. Sheepy: Aru: ...Um, there's a lot of movies with swords. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ah! You're right! *he hands the sword back to Aru and wrings his hand out* Hold on, hold on, I know the one! Sheepy: Aru: You do? Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he unbraids his hair (a massive undertaking) and pulls it around his face before overacting* Back from Bermuda and the 20th century! Sheepy: Bedi: The Sword in the Stone. There's a sword in a stone in it. Arsé-kun: *Merlin looks slightly disappointed* Sheepy: Bedi: It's - it's... Ahahaha... It's about King Arthur... eheheh.. Arsé-kun: *Merlin perks right back up, makes eye contact with Bedi, and continues the scene* Sheepy: *It doesn't take long for Bedi to go into a fit of giggling!* Sheepy: Aru:...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: :D :D :D Arsé-kun: Lot: I believe he was suggesting that your sword is similar to the King Arthur's.. Sheepy: Grif: Define: Bermuda. Sheepy: Aru: Hm... Oh, I get it. Arsé-kun: Yog: Bermuda - a group of islands in the Atlantic off the Carolina coast; British colony; a popular resort. Location of the Bermuda Triangle. Sheepy: Grif: I know of this place. Cthulhu's vacation home. Arsé-kun: Yog: I was under the understanding of that not being something you were meant to share. Sheepy: Grif: I have made a mistake. Arsé-kun: Kay: Who fuckin' cares? There's a fucking taser sword in my house. Sheepy: Bedi: Ahaha... Merlin is the name of the wizard who teaches King Arthur. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure was! Legend says my family is descended from the same one, but it's not like I can ask! Sheepy: Bedi: And Kay is the name of his adoptive sibling... Now that I think about it, he's a redhead drunk there, too. Maybe the name Kay is just destined to produce redhead drunks...? Sheepy: Aru: What, you were disowned? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I-- Arsé-kun: Merlin: What?? Sheepy: Aru:? You can't ask the previous Merlins, so that must be why, right? Sheepy: Bedi: Most of them are dead by now, I'd think... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I mean, there's my grandfather, but... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'd rather not risk that! Last time I did, I'm pretty sure I hit every bad luck superstition in that one evening! It was bad. Sheepy: Aru:....? Well, alright. I guess I can see why Teacher chose you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: He isn't called the 13th for nothing! Sheepy: Aru: 13th... Sheepy: Aru: There's a lot of Merlins. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yep! Every other generation has one! Sheepy: Aru: But why is the name passed down? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Cause we're wizards and he's cool?? Sheepy: Aru:...? Hm... hmm... Sheepy: Aru: I assumed you all had the same duty that was passed down from Merlin to Merlin... Arsé-kun: Merlin: "You all"??? Arsé-kun: *Merlin is Sus* Sheepy: Aru: Well, there's many Merlins, right? And the original one had the duty of teaching kings to become great... Arsé-kun: Merlin: No kings left that aren't figureheads! Nothin' to do! Sheepy: Aru: And his magic was just how he did it, so the name Merlin isn't really about his magic, but about his duty and accomplishments, right? Anyone can learn magic if they try hard enough, but not everyone can produce a good leader. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sheesh, okay, settle down King Arthur! I didn't ask for a speech! Sheepy: Aru: I guess if you're Merlin, that does make me King Arthur... Arsé-kun: Kay: This sucks! Why's all this weird shit happening now? Sheepy: Aru: Oh, that makes Kay the redhead drunk older brother. Arsé-kun: Merlin: The one that insults everyone constantly and forever? Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Aru: And that makes this Caliburn, huh. Arsé-kun: Kay: If one of you fuckshits calls me "Cai" one more goddamn time, I WILL clean you up with that fucking broom! *attention span: no* Sheepy: Aru: Is that your Cai Instinct in action? Arsé-kun: Kay: OKAY THATS IT Arsé-kun: *Kay gets up to Obliterate Aru* Sheepy: Aru: You can't hit me! Arsé-kun: Kay: I don't have to! I only need to catch you! Sheepy: Aru:?! Sheepy: Aru: Do I at least get a head start? Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell no! C'mere you lil shit! Sheepy: Aru: *she turns to flee. pauses. realizes she's holding a sharp object* Sheepy: Aru: I can't run with this! Arsé-kun: Kay: That's a shame! Sheepy: Aru:...Here, you hold this! *She absentmindedly shoves it into Lance's hands and flees* Arsé-kun: Lance: Don't give this to me!! *he yells as he eagerly takes it. the sword just as eagerly shocks him into oblivion. Maybe even moreso. Hard Ban from the sword servers* Sheepy: Bedi: She electrocuted Lance... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hand me that broom, pronto! He's still holding it and it hasn't stopped I don't think! Sheepy: *Bedi grabs the broom and passes it to Merlin* Arsé-kun: *Merlin starts whacking at the sword with the broom. No! Bad! Get on the floor!* Sheepy: Bedi: It's very dangerous... Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry, but...! *he goes to grab the sword* Arsé-kun: *Bedi is immediately shocked by the sword as well!* Sheepy: Bedi: *he grimaces and attempts removing the sword.* Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 3 Arsé-kun: *He absolutely does not remove the sword.* Arsé-kun: *Bedivere takes 5 shock damage* Sheepy: Bedi: Please stop! You'll kill him! Sheepy: Grif: I know of a solution. Sheepy: Grif: Remove his arms. Arsé-kun: Yog: Removing limbs is absolutely not a valid strategy here. Sheepy: Grif: Explain. Arsé-kun: Yog: Traumatizing. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Sheepy: Grif: Well, Mr. Sword. You've had your fun. *He grabs it and attempts wrenching it out of Lance's hands.* Sheepy: Grif: Shocking people is wrong. If you shock anyone else, I will shock you. Arsé-kun: *Grif is able to easily yank the sword from Lance's grip. He takes no damage.* Sheepy: Grif: I break things for a living. Hurt anyone else and I will demonstrate to you the art of sword breaking. Arsé-kun: *Lance is paralyzed! It cannot move!* Sheepy: Bedi: We need to do something...! Sheepy: Grif: Behold your crimes, Calibum. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I can heal damage, maybe! Arsé-kun: *Grif takes one shock damage. 1.* Sheepy: Grif: No. Bad. Sheepy: Grif: You will not shock people, Calibunga. I will break you in two if you do not CoD. Arsé-kun: Yog: If you do not Call of Duty? ???? Sheepy: Grif: Cease and desist. Sheepy: Grif: Do you understand your crimes? Haku handed it to him. She entrusted it to him. Sheepy: Grif: And yet, you shock him. What an awful sword you are. Arsé-kun: *the sword just keeps trying to shock Grif. it is not making progress nor is it responding* Sheepy: Grif: Terrible. Awful. Sheepy: *Bedi is calling Raph in the background* Arsé-kun: Lot: It's a sword... I doubt it can hear you... Put that down and help me! Sheepy: Grif: With what? Arsé-kun: Lot: Help me move Lance to somewhere safer! I don't know how to do this... Sheepy: Grif: I see. Arsé-kun: *Yog helps by giving Grif some dotted lines. in this case, "safe" means the living room sofa.* Sheepy: *Grif tosses Caliburn aside and lifts up Lance.* Arsé-kun: *Sword in hand becomes sword on floor.* Sheepy: *Grif brings Lance to the sofa* Arsé-kun: *Lance never utters a peep. The entire experience seems to have rendered him unconscious.* Arsé-kun: *Lot follows Grif like a lost puppy. He's really, really concerned and rightfully so!* Arsé-kun: *Yog brings up a status screen for Grif. Lance's HP is at 0.* Sheepy: Grif: I see. His HP is 0. Sheepy: Grif: I left my 99 potions in [Dad's Hoard] so I wouldn't use them. Unfortunate. Arsé-kun: Yog: I still genuinely believe that was a very poor decision. Sheepy: Grif: When I get more I will have more, but I should never use them because I may need them. Arsé-kun: Yog: If you do not use them when you need them, you may die or someone else may. Sheepy: Grif: If I have a healer, I will never need them. Sheepy: Bedi: I called Raphael, but if you had these potions, you could heal Lance... Sheepy: Grif: The potions wouldn't work on Lancelot because he's at 0 HP. It requires a different item. Sheepy: Bedi: ...Do you have this item...? Arsé-kun: Yog: He does not. He hoards usable items like his father and never uses them. Sheepy: Grif: I put it in [Dad's Hoard] because it is useless to me. I have no party. Sheepy: Bedi: Grif! We need that! Sheepy: Grif: This is unfortunate. Thankfully, a healer is on the way. This is the benefit of healers. You never need to use items because they always can heal you, although if they use their healing spells too often, they will run out of MP. Therefore, you should never use their healing spells unless you need them. Arsé-kun: Lot: Healers cannot heal when they are also unconscious. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: So I should have kept them. Sheepy: Grif:..... Sheepy: Grif: Unfortunate. One day I will get more as drops. Sheepy: Grif: Defeating Nyarlathotep gives me [Chaos Cookie] on occasion. Revives 1 ally at 100% HP and MP. It is too valuable to use... Sheepy: Grif: I would rather perish than use [Chaos Cookie]. I look upon it and feel hunger within me, and yet I never eat it... I want to try [Chaos Cookie] one day... Sheepy: Bedi: Is that even safe for human consumption? Sheepy: Bedi:...Is it safe for him to have...? Arsé-kun: Yog: That is a very good question. Sheepy: Grif: I bet it tastes like apples. Or ice cream. Both are very good... Arsé-kun: Yog: Sometimes. Arsé-kun: Yog: It is a solid sometimes, to all of those questions. Nyar did not actually invent these, but this is not the time for lore. Sheepy: Grif: Did he name them? Arsé-kun: Yog: In English, yes. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: Nyarlathotep does some good. Arsé-kun: *very distantly, nyar sneezes. this is completely irrelevant* Sheepy: Bedi: So it isn't safe for Lance. Arsé-kun: Yog: It is entirely up to chance. Sheepy: Bedi: Let's wait for Raphael. Sheepy: Grif: Raphael can't have my [Chaos Cookie]. Sheepy: Bedi: I think he'll be here soon. Arsé-kun: *while they wait, a brief shift to make sure kay and aru arent dead. they arent, but kay might as well be* Sheepy: *Aru is keeping her voice low, but is complaining on the phone to her teacher about Caliburn.* Arsé-kun: *on the bright side, at least Kay isnt snoring* Sheepy: *Aru is thankful for this.* Arsé-kun: Primo: --- But that is unfortunate. However, you can't just expect everything to be harmless. Sheepy: Aru: But swords don't usually electrocute people...! Arsé-kun: Primo: This is true. They usually do not. Sheepy: Aru: It's also never hurt me. Why? Does it like me? Is that why I felt a draw to it...? If I'd known it'd electrocute people, I wouldn't have taken it out... Sheepy: Aru: Maybe if I punish it it won't do it again. Like letting it collect dust for a bit. It probably wouldn't like that. Arsé-kun: Primo: You want to punish a sword. Sheepy: Aru: You act like it's just a sword. Arsé-kun: Primo: It is a sword. Sheepy: Aru: But swords don't have opinions on people. Caliburn clearly does. Arsé-kun: Primo: How can a sword have opinions on people it has never encountered prior? Sheepy: Aru: It clearly went out of its way to be extra vicious towards Lance! Arsé-kun: Primo: That sounds like a bad coincidence more than anything. Sheepy: Aru: So you claim it being fine with me and electrocuting others is perfectly normal sword behavior. Arsé-kun: Primo: For this sword, yes. It has always electrocuted people. That is not new. Honest statement. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, so let's say there is something in the sword. An entity of some sort. Arsé-kun: Primo: Interesting concept. Go on. Sheepy: Aru: How could I talk to it if it existed? I can't let it continue being hostile towards others here when they have no ill intent. Arsé-kun: Primo: That would depend on quite a few factors. Is it sentient? Is it conscious? Does it have control over the sword, or the other way around? Is it malicious or unfortunate? We would need answers to all of these things first. Sheepy: Aru: I don't know. How could we find out? Arsé-kun: Primo: I can give you one answer of your choice. The rest will be up to you. Sheepy: Aru: Only one...? Arsé-kun: Primo: You can't learn if I do it all for you. Sheepy: Aru: I don't really see how I could even find the answer to these other questions... Arsé-kun: Primo: Then pick wisely. Sheepy: Aru: I think it being sentient is the most important first step. There's not much point to the other questions otherwise because it couldn't be reasoned with if it isn't sentient. Arsé-kun: Primo: Good choice. I will give that an honest answer. Arsé-kun: Primo: The sword itself is not, but maintains a single baseline thought of "Are they worthy?". The entity inside was sentient initially. I cannot speak for its current status. Sheepy: Aru: So the entity could be sentient... Sheepy: Aru: I just need to get through to it somehow...but how...? Arsé-kun: Primo: I would like to hope it still is. It would be devastating if it wasn't... But good luck! Sheepy: Aru: I don't even know where to go from here!! Arsé-kun: Primo: I personally recommend determining if it is conscious or not. Any answering system will work, I suppose, and that is all I can give you! Sheepy: Aru: Maybe if I grow stronger, it'll get intimidated and finally talk back to me... Or if I keep telling it about my day, it'll finally crack and tell me to stop telling it about my day every day. Arsé-kun: Primo: Good luck! Sheepy: Aru: Oh, or maybe...! A Ouija board! Arsé-kun: Primo: .... .... I'm going to stop you right there. Don't play with those. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Sheepy: Aru: It's an answering system, isn't it? Arsé-kun: Primo: It is, but it's too risky. Stop making me be honest. The last blunt thing you are getting is that the next time an Ouija is used by anyone currently present on your end, it will end badly. Sheepy: Aru: Eh...? Sheepy: Aru:....Uh, okay. Sheepy: Aru: I guess I'll try to think of ways it can interact with me... Arsé-kun: Primo: Anyway, tootles! I have work to do, and then I'm going to visit the Bermudas! Sheepy: Aru: You're visiting the Bermudas now??? Arsé-kun: Primo: Eventually! But not yet! No, you cannot come, it's the vacation spot of a big nasty! Okay, hasta la byebye! Sheepy: Aru:?! B...bye? Arsé-kun: *Primo hangs up on her.* Sheepy: Aru: Ugh, talking to him is such a pain sometimes... Arsé-kun: Kay: *drowsily* Sounds like it. Sheepy: Aru: Sorry, did I wake you? Arsé-kun: Kay: Eyup. Sheepy: Aru: I tried to keep it down, but he can be really obnoxious. Arsé-kun: Kay: Then keep it down more, idiot. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe you'd actually be helpful here... Arsé-kun: Kay: ....? Sheepy: Aru: If you wanted to talk to a sword entity, how would you get it to respond? Sheepy: Aru: Teacher banned Ouija boards. Arsé-kun: Kay: Uh... Fuck, I dunno, with words? Ask Grif. He's better at weird shite. Sheepy: Aru: It likes shocking people, so maybe I'll tell it to give one little shock for yes and two little shocks for no. Arsé-kun: Kay: Just don't taze me again. Sheepy: Aru: But I don't want to be shocked either. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hook that bitch to a lightbulb, I don't know. Sheepy: Aru: Huh. Sheepy: Aru: When you're drunk, you get good ideas. Arsé-kun: Kay: H-hey, you sayin' I get none when I ain't?? Sheepy: Aru: Sometimes you do. Sheepy: Aru: But there's Kay ideas and Drunk Kay ideas, and this falls under the Drunk label! Arsé-kun: Kay: 'm only useful when I'm drunk off my shits? I'll reme'ber that..! Sheepy: Aru: No! Sheepy: Aru: But your most out of the box ideas are when you're drunk. Sheepy: Aru: Meanwhile, in any other situation, I'd probably rather only take advice from you when you're sober. Arsé-kun: Kay: Ay, speakin' of, maybe get that bitch a box so we don't get tazed. Sheepy: Aru: Box...? Sheepy: Aru: That's a good idea. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe it's like a cat and it feels safest in a box. Arsé-kun: Kay: Maybe it's a bitch. Sheepy: Aru: You can't say that yet! We don't know that. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe it's a perfectly nice sword ghost who feels distress when the right person isn't carrying it, but it's too shy to say anything. Sheepy: Aru: Grif was talking to it like it was alive. Arsé-kun: Kay: I don't fuckin' know. Circle. Sheepy: Aru: How does a circle... create a human? Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif said with the Sims. Didn't say which one. Sheepy: Aru:?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Th' issue here is he's too stupid to lie, but that's so goddamn fuckin'. Sheepy: Aru: If we put a plate in fromt of him, will he complain until he eventually starves to death? Arsé-kun: Kay: I'd pay my wallet betting he'd eat the plate. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, but- But... D-do you think he's... *snicker* Do you think he's hardbanned from trying to try for*snort* try for baby with the grim reaper? Sheepy: Aru: I sure hope so! Sheepy: Aru: But if a meteor hit a school he was in, he wouldn't be allowed to evacuate... Arsé-kun: Kay: He'd just say "No" and tank it. Sheepy: Aru: Can he get out of the pool if the ladder is removed? Sheepy: Aru: I guess it'd depend on which Sims... Arsé-kun: Kay: He can climb out of the pool, but not the water. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, don't intend to. Sheepy: Aru: I think he'd drown unsupervised... Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, absolutely. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ---And federal tax dollars go to Gawain trying to get around with every couple on campus. Sheepy: Bedi: In a way, he's simultaneously winning yet losing Lot's chick hunts... Sheepy: Bedi: The relationships are meaningless and purely business. Arsé-kun: Lot: I have established that business-related endeavors do not count. Sheepy: Bedi: So Gawain is at 0... Arsé-kun: Lot: If men were counted, he'd be at... One, maybe. Sheepy: Bedi: Eh? Gawain actually hooked up with someone? Arsé-kun: Lot: It lasted approximately three days before both parties decided it was weird. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... That sounds like Gawain alright. Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan has mentioned having a girlfriend but I've never seen her. Arsé-kun: Lot: Yeah, he did win a past season with that. Sheepy: Bedi: Although one time I came to visit him and he had a bowl of milk sitting by his bed. I asked why and his response was that he had a fight with his girlfriend. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What, so he's bonking a succubus now? Does that even count? Sheepy: Bedi: H-he's... what?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, that repels succubi. Might work on the other kinds too? Don't care enough. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh no... he's gotten into a relationship with a succubi...? But he's already sick. They eat life forces, don't they? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Even if they ate his life, they'd get like. Nothing. Sheepy: Grif: I see.. He has no life... Sheepy: Bedi: Wouldn't he just die? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, probably. Sheepy: Bedi: Kay is 0, too. Arsé-kun: Kay: I better fuckin' be! The day I flirt with a womans the day I goddamn die! Sheepy: Bedi: But if we count any date, you're still 0, right? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Shit, yeah, you right. Sheepy: Grif: I have had many dates. Arsé-kun: *Raph has entered into whatever this conversation is. He did knock but it was probably missed.* Sheepy: Bedi: I see... Grif's a hopeless romantic just like his Dad... although his Dad would probably call this a "player". Sheepy: Grif:........? Arsé-kun: Yog: Griflet is referring to either the fruit, or the individual days he has been alive. This mistake has been done before. Sheepy: Bedi: So he's 0, too. Sheepy: Grif: Chewy... Arsé-kun: Lot: So Gawain, I, and Lucan are in the top rankings still. That is unfortunate. Sheepy: Bedi: Tristan is 0, too? Arsé-kun: Lot: Duh. Sheepy: Bedi: That doesn't surprise me. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm 1, too, but does it count? Arsé-kun: Lot: It counts. Sheepy: Bedi: I am 1, then. Merlin's...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Formally at one. I know! Surprising! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes.. Sheepy: Grif: You are all little babies then. Arsé-kun: Lot: Okay, Mr. Tough Guy, how many people have you gone on romantic dates with? Sheepy: Grif: Romantic dates? Arsé-kun: *Yog then has to explain what a romantic date is* Sheepy: Grif: I see. Sheepy: Grif: I have never boosted a bond level to 10. The closest non-family member I have to bond level 10 is... Sheepy: Grif: Kay, at bond level 2. Arsé-kun: Lot: I'm sorry for asking. Sheepy: Grif: My charisma is very low. Sheepy: Grif: Yours is very high... very cool... Arsé-kun: Lot: I'm cool now. Sheepy: Grif: How did you accomplish this? Arsé-kun: Lot: By talking to people a lot? I don't know. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: Well, too bad. Arsé-kun: Yog: I do not mean to interrupt, but I see an opportunity of reminding you that you do currently have one useful curative item. Arsé-kun: Yog: Kthanid's Respite. Do I need to give you an early tutorial reminder, or can you figure this out yourself? Sheepy: Grif: Tutorial. Arsé-kun: Yog: Use the item on someone else. Here. I will bypass the menu for you. Sheepy: Grif:...? Arsé-kun: *big orb in Grif's bag pokes out slightly, but only to shove a bag of yellow candy onto the floor. what color is the orb? uhhhhhh. whiiiiiidont know* Sheepy: *Grif picks it up.* Arsé-kun: *[Kthanid's Respite] fully restores status conditions on one party member.* Sheepy: Grif: I see. This is for Kay. Arsé-kun: Kay: Whh'? Sheepy: Grif: Kay? Are you ready? Sheepy: Grif: Use this item. Arsé-kun: Kay: Fffffer what? Eh? Candy..? Sheepy: Grif: Use it. Arsé-kun: *Kay blankly stares at Grif. processing load too heavy, try later* Sheepy: Grif: I will use it on you. Sheepy: *Grif shoves one of the candies into Kay's mouth!* Arsé-kun: *Kay makes a brief sound of protest before kinda just pausing mid-chew. you can almost SEE the drunk leave him. it's amazing. worth every penny. And MAN does he look confused* Sheepy: Grif: It worked. Arsé-kun: Kay: Wh't th' fk Sheepy: Grif: *blank stare* Arsé-kun: Kay: What the actual, and I do mean actual, fuck? Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is he sober now? Is it really that simple?? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: Great. Goddammit. I was trying to avoid feeling things and you're making me do it anyway! ... And here comes the concern, goddammit! Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck! Sheepy: Grif: Do you want to feel something else? Arsé-kun: Kay: If your answer is "pain", no thanks! Already had that! Sheepy: Grif: Hm. I was going to punch you until you felt better. Arsé-kun: Kay: And I was gonna offer to help clean that sword, too! Not happening now! Sheepy: Aru: I can handle it! Arsé-kun: Kay: *he shudders* And why's the fucking window open?! Sheepy: Grif: A bird. Arsé-kun: Kay: So NOT Elyan, according to you? Sheepy: Grif: Sometimes Elyan is not a bird. Sheepy: Grif: For example, with enough exposure to Fou, he will eventually become a Fou. Sheepy: Grif: Water copies the form of its surroundings, and at his core, Elyan is a water. Sheepy: Agravain: If you're still struggling to deduce the obvious, neither Raphael nor Lance are present. The window wasn't opened until they left, and none of us saw them leave, presumably. Sheepy: Agravain: Therefore, Raphael opened the window. Sheepy: Agravain: Maybe he decided to jump out of it as a shortcut. *Agravain, your scary grin is showing.* Sheepy: Grif:...Although, if you think about it... Sheepy: Grif: If water's only surrounding is human shaped, it'll copy the shape of its only surrounding... Sheepy: Grif: So perhaps Elyan might just steal our looks. Arsé-kun: Kay: I hate that. Thanks a lot. Sheepy: Grif: I'll request he copy Fou if he copies anyone. Arsé-kun: *merlin pockets a floor feather. merlin pockets a floor feather. merlin pockets a floor f* Arsé-kun: Lot: Are we gonna gloss over the school nurse jumping out a window with my brother?? Sheepy: Grif: It sounds logical. I would do it too. Arsé-kun: Lot: No! With how high up we are?? That could easily injure or kill someone. Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: Grif: Well, clearly with the feathers there he flew. Wouldn't you? Arsé-kun: Lot: How, though..? Sheepy: Grif:? Sheepy: Grif: With his wings? Arsé-kun: Lot: Did you see wings? I certainly did not. Sheepy: Grif:? Sheepy: Grif: Wouldn't he just hide them until he needs them so they don't get in his way? Arsé-kun: Kay: How have I dealt with this since the 19th without wanting to injure myself? Sheepy: Grif: I would never let you injure yourself. I care about you. You're my friend. Sheepy: Grif: If you try, I’ll punch you. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why the fuck would I? That shit would hurt! Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: *Lot has gone back to looking down out the window. He's still very concerned* Sheepy: Bedi: I hope he’s okay... Arsé-kun: Lot: Me too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: For Fun. For Glory. Arsé-kun: Merlin: To keep people off their shit. Sheepy: Aru: But... It’s just a sword. Sheepy: Aru: It can’t do anything other than cut things and stab things, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I think we've seen otherwise! Sheepy: Aru: Well, other than that, there’s nothing unique about it. Right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: And the fifty billion wards on it? Yeah, probably not. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, so what does it do? Your ancestor taught the original King Arthur to wield this very blade. Certainly that knowledge was passed down to you, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Clearly, it can electrocute people! *he doesn't seem very appreciative rn* So hitting people with it would obliterate them, yeah? Sheepy: Aru:....Eh, so basically you don't know, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I got nothing! Nothing's been passed down! Sheepy: Aru: This is probably why Teacher sent me to you, then. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I can help you with MAGIC, sure, sorta, but not that! Sheepy: Aru: Because unlike the other Merlins, you're still young and could benefit well from knowledge that wasn't passed down to you... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Why do so many people know more about my own family than I do?! Sheepy: Aru: Well, that's your mystery to solve, now isn't it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Then good luck with your taser! Sheepy: Aru: Ugh, you're cruel! Okay, let me think... Sheepy: Aru: Well, of course the one who would send me to you in the first place would tell me everything I needed to know about your family, right? Except Teacher very conveniently didn't tell me that you didn't know much your family yourself. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, ain't that cool? Gramps hasn't taught me shite except how to avoid ladders at all costs. Sheepy: Aru: It's almost like I'm more a part of your family than you are... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, fuck me I guess! Sheepy: Aru: I'll try to fill you in about everything as best as I can. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Why don't you go meet my parents while you're at it? They'd probably adopt you on the spot. *he's... very bitter* Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I mean, you're probably right! Sheepy: Aru: I don't really want to be adopted by your parents... Teacher is already like a granddad to me. Arsé-kun: Kay: And it isn't like we don't have parents. Sheepy: Aru: And I love my parents. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Cool. I'm gonna make sure Tristan's alive. *and he just leaves. just like that* Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Arsé-kun: Kay: Ehh? What's up his ass? Sheepy: Aru: He could've borrowed some books on the subject from me... I would've let him. Sheepy: Bedi: Telling someone who already feels insecure about his connection to his family that you're more part of his family than he is is rude. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, like you're any better, sir insults him anyway. Sheepy: Bedi:...? Sheepy: Bedi: Do I...? I hadn't really noticed... Sheepy: Bedi: I don't try to. Arsé-kun: Kay: I was fucking with you. Chill. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Tristan is very much still alive. Confirmed! Sheepy: Aru: Sorry for what I said. I didn't know it was hurtful. I can teach you everything! I even have books. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You got books?? All I got were some old scrolls I can barely read and a kick in the ass for taking a science class in high school. Sheepy: Aru: I do. Teacher assigned them. I read them already, so you can borrow them. Sheepy: Aru: I'm sure my brother and sister do too, but... I guess you can't really approach a stranger wnd demand their books. Sheepy: Grif: Remember, Merlin. Sheepy: Grif: You cannot eat borrowed books. Arsé-kun: Merlin: True, but they could eat you if they're cursed. Sheepy: Grif: Foolishness. Sheepy: Grif: I would eat them first. Sheepy: Grif: Take the initiative, Merlin. Don't pass up opportunities just because of societal norms. Eat the books. Sheepy: Aru:...There was a vague attempt at a motivational speech, but it all came crashing down... Arsé-kun: Kay: This is why he has a low charisma. Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. Sheepy: Grif: It's because, uh... Sheepy: *Grif shifts anxiously, clearly embarrassed.* Sheepy: Grif:...My intimidation stat is very high, so my conversations end quickly because people lie to get away from me. My experience with conversing is minimal, so I am almost entirely learning from you and everyone else who enters this dorm. Arsé-kun: Lot: You're doing a good job then, because we're all still here. Sheepy: Grif: Ah... he said I was doing a good job...! I must be, then. Arsé-kun: Kay: And I haven't kicked you out yet, so you must be tolerable at least. Sheepy: Grif: You're my first friend outside of my family. I wouldn't kick you, either. Arsé-kun: *Kay appreciates this* Sheepy: Grif: I see... My charisma is not getting too much in the way of making a friend. Sheepy: Grif: Merlin is kind, too. Perhaps one day he will be my friend. Sheepy: Aru: By the way, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What? What this time? Sheepy: Aru: Eh, I guess you should be mad, but even so, seeing that I probably damaged our relationship a little hurts... Uh, that's not what I was going to say. Sheepy: Aru: I can tell you about stuff you probably should know, since Teacher decided to make you teach me for the time being. Basically, I'm your sidekick now! So I guess now that I know you're in the dark about a lot, I should tell you about some things. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'd like that. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, here's one! Did you know King Arthur's my great, great, great, great... so on and so forth, grandpa? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Confirmed? Sheepy: Aru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: *Kay staring from across the room.gif* Sheepy: Aru: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: Why does no one tell me things, ever? Sheepy: Aru: ? Arsé-kun: Kay: You can't just come out swinging with somethin' like that! What's next, Bedi's related to the knight? Or maybe Tristan? Not Gawain. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Sheepy: Aru: Why would I know something like that? Arsé-kun: Kay: Who knows? Maybe you do! Sheepy: Aru: If I did... information is power! Learn it yourself! Arsé-kun: Kay: NASA only uses around 15 digits of pi in its calculations for sending rockets into space. There's some useless information. Heck off. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? I thought this was kinda important, though... Arsé-kun: Kay: It is! That's why I'm annoyed that I'm always left out! How long have the other two known? Sheepy: Aru: I mean, it explains why I've been stuck learning all of this stuff, right? I assumed Merlin knew so I didn't mention it. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? You didn't know? Arsé-kun: *Kay gives Aru the flattest stare he can muster* Sheepy: Aru: I'd assume they've always known... I mean, we're stuck learning from Teacher and reading tons of books "just in case" we get stuck with his job. I'd guess everyone in Mom's side has, right? Arsé-kun: Kay: I want to start drinking again. *his expression hasn't changed* Sheepy: Aru: Huh... I guess that's why you were skipped? Such is the fate of Kay to be left out, no matter the generation... Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, fuck it! I'll catch up eventually! Sheepy: Aru: You can read my books. I can also teach you a few skills he taught me, but I'm not really a good teacher... Maybe Merlin might be more fitting for that role. Sheepy: Aru: I don't really mesh well with skills that hurt others. I get anxious and fire it without thinking about where it'll hit. I just hope it's non lethal. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin has taught me a few spells. He is a very good teacher. Sheepy: Aru: Like...? Sheepy: Bedi:....he's a very good teacher! Arsé-kun: Merlin: That makes it sound really shifty! Sheepy: Bedi: I am a very bad student... Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, it's just difficult! Chin up, we'll get somewhere! Sheepy: Bedi: Really? I suppose you've been doing it long enough that you make it seem easy... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I still blow myself up with overflows and backlash. How do I make anything look easy??? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, you blow yourself up with ease. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's not a good thing! But okay, fine! I'm bored, lets see if anyone else can cast a magic missile! Sheepy: Bedi: Magic missile... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Do you think you have the hang of it? Sheepy: Bedi: If I don't and you get hit by it, will you die? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I highly doubt I will? Sheepy: Bedi: What is our target? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Uh.... Uhhh.... Oh, I got it! *he exits briefly, then places a water bottle on the kitchen island* .... We should probably not do this here, huh? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes... if we break anything, Kay will be angry. Arsé-kun: Kay: I'll kick your ass. Sheepy: Bedi: Please don't. I sit on it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Relocate to the main room! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Also, that ass belongs to Me and you can't touch it! *myehhhhh!* Arsé-kun: Kay: gross Sheepy: Aru: It's attached to Bedi, though... Sheepy: Bedi: Main room seems like a good idea. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And Bedi is Mine. But okay, move along, skedaddle skedoodle, before Kay turns me into a noodle! Sheepy: Aru:...Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Lot: *he's just watching this, but slowly shifting towards Grif* Sheepy: Grif: *he is idling and staring into space* Arsé-kun: Lot: ... Might I borrow you briefly? Sheepy: Grif: Borrow? I have no wheels, so I am not of much use. Arsé-kun: Lot: That's a wheelbarrow. I was going to ask you to help me with something. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I can help. Arsé-kun: Lot: Great. I really want to get across campus to see if Lance is doing okay, but it's too late to do it myself. I don't think anything will happen, duh, but it's better to be on the safe side. Sheepy: Grif: I will escort you. What about your friend? Tryst? Arsé-kun: Lot: Tristan? He'll be fine. Sheepy: Grif: Do I leave him here? Sheepy: Grif: Eventually I will want to sit on that sofa... Hm, I'll just sit on him. No issue. Arsé-kun: Lot: Nothing's stopping you... But please respect his personal space. Sheepy: Grif: Define. Sheepy: Grif: I have heard not of this term. Arsé-kun: Lot: Hm. No, I think you can figure that one out. Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: Grif: Very cool.... he inspires me to think for myself... Sheepy: Grif: Purrsonal space: A universe of cats. Arsé-kun: Lot: It wasn't a pun, but that is also a very good answer. I'm taking note of that. Sheepy: Grif: Synonyms: Meowky Way Galaxy, Mewniverse, Bath Tub. Sheepy: Grif: Speaking of bath tub, maybe Elyan will befriend Tristan. Arsé-kun: Lot: Who knows? Certainly not I. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan is kind. I will tell you about him on the walk. Sheepy: Grif: I will tell you more about Elyan along the way. Sheepy: Grif: When did you want to head off? Arsé-kun: Lot: Now would be good. Just give me one moment. Sheepy: Grif: Fine. Sheepy: Grif: I will defeat any threat. Arsé-kun: *Lot exits for a moment and comes back with a few cookies. He gives Grif one.* Sheepy: Grif: Cookie? Arsé-kun: Lot: Cookie. Sheepy: Grif: Archiman cooked this. Arsé-kun: Lot: Agravain did, yes. Sheepy: Grif: I see. There's a 50-50 chance it's poisoned just based on his feel. I will trust it. Sheepy: Grif: If I try it, it's a 50% chance it won't kill me. If I don't try it, there's a 0% chance it won't kill me. Arsé-kun: Lot: If he poisoned these, feel free to give him the ol' one-two after we've recovered. Sheepy: Grif: I will. Sheepy: Grif: Very cool... You even let me fight people. Arsé-kun: Lot: I figure that I can't stop you. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. You figure right. Sheepy: *Grif heads out, dragging Lot with him. He's excited!* Arsé-kun: Lot: *oh ok* Sheepy: *Grif drags Lot to the hospital.* Arsé-kun: *nothing happens on the way there. disappointing.* Sheepy: Grif: We arrive. Arsé-kun: Lot: We have. Thank you. Sheepy: Grif: What now? Arsé-kun: Lot: Well, first I pay you for your service. After that, I don't know. Arsé-kun: *Lot pulls out his wallet to get money. he hands Grif a ten dollar bill. that's money baybe* Sheepy: Grif: Money... Arsé-kun: Lot: I'll probably stay for the night. You can go back home or whatever you want. Sheepy: Grif: I see. This works. I will return home then. Sheepy: *Grif heads home.* Arsé-kun: *Grif is met with loud snoring upon getting in range. No one appreciates it.* Sheepy: Tristan: --How sad! I have been abandoned! Truly, someone such as I will always end up in the dark pits of loneliness and despair...! Sheepy: Grif: A threat is nearby. Arsé-kun: Kay: That's Gawain. Also, shut up, Tristan, we're right here. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah... but my closest companion has left me... Arsé-kun: Kay: Maybe 'cause you weren't up. Now shut. Sheepy: Grif: Kay. I must show you a treasure I found for you on my walk home. Arsé-kun: Kay: Show me the rock, Grif. Sheepy: *Grif gives Kay a rock. He seems pleased with himself!* Sheepy: Grif: Behold. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure is a rock. Sheepy: Grif: My gift to you. A symbol of our bond. A treasure I chose for you. Arsé-kun: Kay: That's so corny. *he takes the rock* Sheepy: Grif: Corny? Sheepy: Grif: Hm... corny beef... Very good... Sheepy: Grif: Do you like it? Arsé-kun: Kay: It's a bit rough, but it's definitely a rock. Ten outta ten, is a rock. Sheepy: Grif:...! Sheepy: Grif: I see... get a smoother rock next time... Sheepy: Grif: Maybe a red tinted one. You feel like you like red. Sheepy: Grif: There are few green rocks. They look very tasty, so I ate some from Dad's hoard when I was little. I got sick. He was displeased by my actions. Arsé-kun: Yog: Imagine glowing for a week because of your failure to identify things. Wouldn't be my son. Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Or my husband. Sheepy: Grif: It made my stomach hurt a lot, but Dad did it before and seemed fine. Arsé-kun: Yog: You have no radiation immunity. He does not either. Sheepy: Grif: Why? Arsé-kun: Kay: Because radiation is hella bad for you usually? Sheepy: Grif: How do I build resistance to radiation? Sheepy: Grif: Hm...I have an idea. Sheepy: Grif: Grandpa is radioactive, right? So if I absorb his radiation by spending time with him I will grow a resistance to radiation. Arsé-kun: Yog: I do not recommend it. Sheepy: Grif: Do you not like Grandpa? Arsé-kun: Yog: We have discussed this already. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... Sheepy: Grif: However. Green rocks look tasty. Arsé-kun: Kay: What CAN'T you eat, seriously? Sheepy: Grif:....Hm... Arsé-kun: Yog: Speaking of inedibles and your grandfather, you still have a quest due for him. Sheepy: Grif: I do not remember this quest. Arsé-kun: Yog: You were going to buy bug spray for him. *he brings up the quest log for Grif* Sheepy: Grif: How? Sheepy: Grif: Where is the shop? Arsé-kun: Yog: Why don't you ask? Sheepy: Grif: Kay. Sheepy: Grif: Do you know of bug spray? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I'll just buy it for you after class. You'll owe me like ten bucks, though. Sheepy: Grif:?! Sheepy: Grif: So much... what will you do with it all...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Make up for the money I spent buying bug spray. Sheepy: Grif:....? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Bucks are dollars, Grif, you absolute imbecile. Sheepy: Grif: You will sell the meat...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Ten dollars and ten bucks means the same thing. I don't mean animals. Moron. Arsé-kun: Kay: Do over. You'll owe me ten dollars to make up for me buying it for you. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I can afford this. Arsé-kun: Kay: Since when? But okay. Sheepy: Grif: I was also given a piece of paper by Lot. Arsé-kun: Kay: Rrrrright, Dr. Herb paid you... But anyway! Sheepy: *Tristan is uncharacteristically smiling.* Sheepy: Tristan: Amazing! So this is the true power of love! Arsé-kun: Kay: WHAT? Sheepy: Tristan: You are accepting of his lack of intelligence! Is that not affection? Love? Arsé-kun: Kay: When you can punch clean through an undead, I'll let you be as stupid as you want. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Is that so... Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you were hot, too, but you're just Tristan. Do something with your hair, you lazy bitch. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? I brush and wash it daily. Gawain even lends ms hair care products. Arsé-kun: Kay: But you just leave it down all the time. Fuckin' do something with it. Sheepy: Tristan: Is freedom not beautiful? Blowing in the wind without a single worry as onlookers watch with awe and wonder at your confidence... Arsé-kun: Kay: And then it blows in your face and you look dumb as shit. Sheepy: Tristan: ....?! Sheepy: Tristan: Lot has never said this... Arsé-kun: Kay: When it all gets blown forward and all in your face? That's not as great. Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps he keeps such thoughts to himself... Sheepy: Tristan: Could it be... all this time I have been the sidekick and not the partner in crime...?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Could it be? That all this time, you're a dumbass? Sheepy: Tristan: ?! Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm fucking with you. Arsé-kun: Kay: It just looks dumb when it's in your face. Sheepy: Tristan: I was fearful that I truly was foolish to believe that Lot sees me as an equal... Sheepy: Grif: Lot is very cool... Arsé-kun: Kay: Why does everyone think he's the coolest shit to roam the earth? He's just an overly polite geek. Sheepy: *Gawain has mysteriously stopped snoring. Could this be connected to the fact Grif is sitting on a Gawain-looking cushion?* Sheepy: Grif: He is very cool. Perhaps you can learn from him... but I like you as you are. If you were like Lot, I would be anxious about everything I said... Sheepy: Grif: Instead, you insult me regardless of what I say. Sheepy: Grif: That is easy to gauge. I have no worries about unpredictability and saying the wrong thing. Arsé-kun: Kay: That was rather intelligent of you, Moron. You might actually get somewhere with that. Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: Kay: You said a few big words in there. Good job, toddler, you're learning words! *he's teasing* Sheepy: *Kay receives a blank stare in return.* Sheepy: Grif: Toddler? Sheepy: Grif: His name is Tristan. Arsé-kun: Kay: I called you a toddler, you small brained peanut. Sheepy: Grif: Why? I am no longer a toddler. Arsé-kun: Kay: Joke, noun Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: You do not know the terror of Toddler Griflet. Arsé-kun: Kay: You would bite Lucan. Sheepy: Grif: Everyone. Arsé-kun: Kay: Horrible Sheepy: Grif: Not Bedi. I like Bedi. Arsé-kun: *Fou has decided to sit on Gawain's face. he is helping* Arsé-kun: Kay: Also, get the fuck off Gawain. Sheepy: Grif: I stopped the snoring. Arsé-kun: Kay: Not you. Fou. Sheepy: Grif: Fou is very soft... Sheepy: Grif: What is Fou? Sheepy: Grif: He's a rabbit, isn't he? Arsé-kun: Kay: Apparently a cat. Or so Bedi says. Sheepy: Grif: I have never seen a cat like Fou before... Arsé-kun: Kay: And he's almost twenty years old. That's fucking old for a shitty lil cat. Sheepy: Grif: And you're certain he's a cat? Sheepy: Grif: According to Elyan, a cat is any furry creature that stands on four legs and has a tail... Sheepy: Grif: So I suppose Fou would be a cat based on that, but he looks more like a rabbit. Arsé-kun: Kay: Bedi insists he's a cat. Who am I to argue over what kind of bitch this is? Sheepy: Grif: Bedi also told me that the only truly edible rocks are salt and gold... Sheepy: Grif: But who would eat gold? It's so expensive. Maybe Dad would eat it. Sheepy: Grif: However... a lot of what he says makes sense. Sheepy: Grif: He told me that dragons are just very big birds. Arsé-kun: Kay: I mean.... I meaaan..... Yes? But actually no. Sheepy: Grif: I doubted this. After all, at the time I thought, "I am a dragon, but I am not a bird". Arsé-kun: Kay: They're related, but not the same shit. Dragons aren't birds. Sheepy: Grif: And yet, both eat rocks, both often can fly, and both generally lay eggs. They create nests out of things they find and dislike having visitors. They generally like high places and occasionally birds have teeth. Sheepy: Grif: They are basically the same. Sheepy: Grif: This is what he told me, and yet... Arsé-kun: Kay: Birds are not lizards anymore. I know that much. Sheepy: Grif: I cannot fly, lay eggs, nor say I dislike visitors. I do not make nests and instead just make my room as comfortable as possible. Perhaps, I am not a dragon after all... Sheepy: Grif: What am I? I guess Fou and I are similar. We do not fit in with anyone. Arsé-kun: Kay: You're Griflet. End of discussion. Sheepy: Grif: Fou is Fou, and I am Griflet... Sheepy: Grif: I suppose the only difference Fou and I have is everything. Arsé-kun: Kay: You both have eyes. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... Fou and I are basically the same in that respect. Arsé-kun: Kay: And you both have more functional eyes than I do. Therefore, fuck you. Sheepy: Grif: I cannot give you mine. Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't want em. Sheepy: Grif: You wouldn't. They're mine. Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't want Tristan's, either. Sheepy: Grif:...Tristan has eyes? Arsé-kun: Kay: Shockingly, yes. Sheepy: Grif: Where? Arsé-kun: Kay: *blink* The same place as everyone else?? Sheepy: Tristan: My eyes can only behold beauty. That is why I do not use them when I look upon you. Arsé-kun: Kay: Ain't what you said last time we went drinking. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm... hmm... Sheepy: Tristan: I do not wish to behold the ugliness of the world. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, okay. Sheepy: Grif: No one here is ugly. Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm willing to argue about that, but anyway. Sheepy: Grif: Hm? Arsé-kun: Kay: Anyway, Halloween week starts tomorrow. This is gonna suck. Happy Monday. *he checks his phone and pauses* Wait, no, tomorrows Sunday. I don't even have class tomorrow. Sheepy: Grif: You can spend time with me. Arsé-kun: Kay: And buy that stupid bug spray, sure, yeah. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I like your company. We can go together. Arsé-kun: Fou: *he gets up, circles around, and starts kneading Gawain's face. cat stuff* Sheepy: *Gawain groans and goes to shove Fou away weakly. He seems to be having some trouble breathing. Perhaps it's due to Grif sitting on him... Nah.* Sheepy: Grif: Kay, your cushions make strange noises. Arsé-kun: Kay: Get off him before I kick your ass. Sheepy: *Grif gets up.* Sheepy: Gawain: *wheeze* Wh-what was... was on me...?! Sheepy: Grif: Ah. The cushion was actually Gawain. I understand why it was so uncomfortable now. Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif. He decided snoring wasn't allowed. I'm inclined to agree, but not that much. Roll over and shut the FUCK up. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: If you snore I will stop you. Sheepy: Gawain: You could've killed me! Sheepy: Grif:...? That would've stopped the snoring, but I didn't think it was a good solution. Arsé-kun: Kay: He said you doing that could have killed him. I mean, yeah, that's why I didn't do it. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: I'll throw you off the couch next time, then. Sheepy: Gawain: That really isn't funny. Sheepy: Grif:? It wasn't a joke. Arsé-kun: Kay: You breakin' your skull ain't either, and here we are every other month. You got no right to bitch. Shut up. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't try to get head injuries, but it's hard not to. Sheepy: Grif: Humans are so fragile, and yet they break their skulls. Arsé-kun: Kay: From games, no less. If it kills him, I'm gonna piss on his grave. Sheepy: Grif: If I were human, I would simply say no to getting head injuries. Arsé-kun: Kay: ...... Thanks Grif. Sheepy: Gawain: But how else will I graduate? Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, yeah, true, you're kinda stuck. Get better grades, chucklefuck. Sheepy: Gawain: I do try. Sheepy: Grif: Worry not. I, too, do not have good grades. Sheepy: Gawain: I have no grades. Arsé-kun: Kay: Better get some. Sheepy: Grif: The dean said something about this. I do not remember it.
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elstreem · 2 years
Astraea's Interlude aka Beating Forgiveness into Bedivere
Finally!! Astraea's Interlude is released in the NA version which means we get to help Bedi with his remaining hang-ups.
I suppose it's too much to ask for any more Bedivere appearances in the main story considering he already got a chapter all to his own, but I sure am going to jump at any chance to see him in other events, so I'm super glad I got Astraea during this year's Valentines. Now onto the Interlude!
Long post, so I'll put it all below under the cut, and this goes without saying, but spoilers for Astraea's Interlude and general Lostbelt and Camelot Chapter plot points!
Right from the start of the 2nd segment which features Bedivere, there is already one detail that tears at my heart - this background of open fields is the same one as Bedivere's own Interlude, because it's the view which reminds him of his failure to save Princess Helena from the Giant of Saint Mont Michel. I'm not sure how intentional it is, but I'm fairly sure this was a deliberate choice.
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Before we get to resolving Bedi's issues though, Astraea comments on Ritsuka's first. Another similarity between Ritsuka and Bedivere, really, the fact that they feel guilt for something they've done/are doing and man Ritsuka needs a LOT of therapy when all of this is over.
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Oh, btw...I never noticed it before, only when I read TV Tropes, but the nickname "Bedi" isn't actually used in game during Camelot. Merlin does use "Bedi" if you ask him about sending Bedivere in the Babylonia chapter, but not Ritsuka.
Ritsuka calls Bedivere that in the movie adaptations though, and it got backported into the game in this Interlude. (I do have a bit of a laugh at that, the fact that Ritsuka/Gudao nicknamed Bedivere in the movies and Bedivere just rolled with it, no questions asked).
What you do have the choice of calling Bedivere once in the Camelot chapter is "Beddy".
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"Beddy" makes me think of "teddy" in teddy bear lol. Teddybear - Bedivere sound awfully similar now that I think about it...
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Cue me jumping in the background saying, "How was he to know it was going to turn Artoria into a jerkass goddess??"
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While it it true that the Lion King is a truly warped existence of Artoria...poor Bedivere never heard her last words, if he did maybe it could have relieved him of his guilt, but he already dissipated by the time the Lion King said this.
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In a strange way...Bedivere actually did save something of himself in making that choice, because it led him to meeting Chaldea and in turn, being heroic enough to be recorded in the Throne of Heroes. But of course he wouldn't see it that way.
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The fact that Ritsuka's dialogue choices are pretty much screaming "Don't beat yourself up for this!" tho - gahh, my heart!!!
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I would have to be willfully blind to ignore the terrible things in Camelot, because so many people did die (Rushd's mother just being one of them) but I stand by the fact that Bedivere did nothing wrong, ever.
All half-jokes aside, I think it would be more painful to have caused so much damage when you did it with good intentions.
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...I really don't like it, but I guess beating self-forgiveness into Bedivere is a good option at this point.
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In this battle, Bedivere starts out with "Feeling Guilty" which lowers his ATK and DEF every turn. Also, I defeated him quickly with the Asvatthaman I borrowed, but I don't think he uses Calm and Collected, he only ever used Oath of Protection as a skill.
I'm so so sorry for beating you up with fiery hot wheels man my sweet Bedivere -
Even if it was for your own good -
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Astraea says a lot of stuff here, but basically it goes, "Uh, no, man. We're here to help you. You're good."
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I'm not quite sure I agree with everything Astraea said here, but in this case what Bedivere really was looking for was absolution. Taking into consideration his character as the knight of loyalty, I guess he couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that a punishment had to be handed to him, it's the only way he could make up for his mistake. Though really, he's not alone in that regard, Lancelot and Tristan have the same mentality when it comes to their failures to their King.
I do wish all of the KotR will be allowed to move on from that hang-up, but time will tell if they'll get that character development. Mordred seems to have moved away from that fixation with Artoria in her writing out of all of the KotR I currently have.
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And we finally get to this point - the matter really was Bedivere's remaining sense of regret.
I wonder if canonically, Astraea suplexed Bedivere before giving him this therapy talk. Must have been one heck of a therapy session.
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Ha, but Bedivere poking fun at Astraea is great.
And seeing him smile at the end is so sweet!
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Ahhh, and the fact that when Astraea compliments Bedivere's show of courage, Ritsuka sounds so proud, like, hell yeah, that's my boy!!!
We love and support our one armed silver knight in this household...even if the love and support comes in the form of justice suplexes at times. So glad to finally see this Interlude play out but uh, I actually have to finish it and see if there's any more Bedi appearances lol, I was way too excited to post my thoughts that I haven't even finished the whole thing lol. And even then I pretty much hit the limit for images in one post, whoops. This scene was just too good though, I feel bad for cutting out some of the screenshots because it's already so long as it is.
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braincoins · 7 years
Title: Beacon - Hands; Names Fandom: “Voltron: Legendary Defender” Summary: Allura’s been captured and is being held with prisoners from a work camp. They’re on their way to their deaths. Allura has to rally the prisoners to free themselves, keep them alive, and get them out… and that’d all be easier if she’d stop being distracted by thoughts of her Black Paladin. Ships: Shallura Warnings: Some blood & mentions of violence later on in the series; this one should be fine. Author’s Notes: @shalluraweek 2017 is here and I had to be ambitious with it. Rather than 7 disconnected one-shots, I’m doing 7 “chapters” of an overarching story. Each chapter fulfills (or tries to fulfill) both prompts for a given day. Some of them succeed better than others. For that matter, some chapters are more Shallura-y than others, but I was trying to set forth an overall narrative that leads to some sweet Shallura action, okay? This is part 2 (841 Words - Also on AO3)
           When she came to, there were hands on her. Her instinct was to thrash, to fight, to be free. But a deep, gentle voice said, “Be still; we are doing what we can to help you.”
           She wanted it to be Shiro’s voice but it wasn’t. It was… similar? Still, something in it reassured her. She laid there and let her eyes adjust to the darkness again. “Who are you?”
           “Your fellow prisoners,” the voice assured her.
           “They really did a number on you,” the squeaky voice from before muttered.
           “N-no, I mean – what are your names?” she asked.
           Someone chuckled.
          Another voice whimpered, “I haven’t had a name in so long, I’m not sure I remember it anymore.”
           “What does it matter?” someone else piped up. “What use are names to the dead?”
           Allura struggled to sit up. Hands – bound together like her own – helped her up as best they could. “We’re not dead yet. And if I have anything to say about it, we’ll make it through this.”
           “Oh no, you’re one of those,” the squeaky voice groaned.
           “One of What?” she asked in annoyance.
           The squeaker didn’t seem to care about her shift in tone. “Heroes,” they all but hissed. “Cause a lot of trouble for all of us and just get yourself killed that much faster.”
           “I might prefer that,” someone else said. “A quick slash of the blade, and it’s all over, without being entertainment for the bloodthirsty masses.”
           “We can’t just give up!” Allura insisted to them all.
           “Why not?” someone demanded. “What point in fighting? How would we even go about it? And why? What is there left to fight for? Everyone I care about is gone!”
           “Then you fight for them!”
           “Easy now,” the gentle voice said from behind her. “Your wounds are still healing. We’ve patched them up as best we can, but we can only do so much.”
           “I don’t have time to take it easy,” she declared.
           “You don’t have the energy to fight right now.”
           She whipped around towards the voice. “We’ll see about that.”
           They chuckled thinly and replied, “Well, if you’re this eager to fight now, with hands and ankles bound and wounds barely staunched, let alone healed, then think how much better off you’ll be once you’ve rested and healed up some.”
           She did ease down a little, if for no other reason than that she didn’t want them to think her ungrateful for their aid. It also helped that this sort-of Shiro voice was saying the same sort of thing Shiro would say if he were here. Thank heavens he’s not. “I’m sorry, you’re right. Can I ask your name?” Please, please tell me so I’ll stop thinking of you as Sort-of Shiro. It’s… distracting.
           There was a throat clearing and then silence. Just as she began to think they wouldn’t tell her, they proved her wrong. “Seron. My name is Seron.”
           She smiled, even if they couldn’t see it. “Thank you, Seron, for your aid and for sharing your name with me. I am Princess Allura of Altea.”
           That caused a murmur through the crowd in the cell. “Did she say ‘Altea’?”
           “Altea’s been gone since my grandfather’s grandfather’s time.”
           “I’ve never even heard of such a place.”
           It hit her again. Sometimes she thought she’d never stop being hurt by the reminder. But this was a pain she could push away, and she did so – for now. “Altea is not gone,” she informed them. “The planet and its system may have been destroyed – by Zarkon – but I am not the only Altean still alive.” She tried to think of Coran and not Haggar. “So long as her people exist, Altea lives on, even if only in our hearts.
           “I am a princess of no people, but I will not lay down and die at the Empire’s whim. I will show them what it means to be Altean, and I will declare my name proudly. Let them know that Allura of Altea died fighting and would not submit.”
           The silence was heavy in the cell, more all-consuming than the darkness.
           The squeaky voice broke the quiet. “Bedi. I’m Bedi.”
           She turned towards them. “Pleased to meet you, Bedi.”
           “Vyzax,” someone else said.
           “Crasthexiope; please don’t call me Cras. I prefer Thex.”
           “Thex it shall be then,” she assured them.
           Each name filled the already-full cell, but she didn’t mind. The heat from the press of bodies around her felt less stultifying and more... warm. Welcoming. A hearthfire to curl up in front of.
           “I still don’t remember my name,” one voice broke, sounding on the edge of tears.
           Allura scooted over towards them, sure that she’d crash into people. Dark shapes scooted out of the way, and their hands caught her as she started to fall, helped her back up. She scooted until she was near the sniffling sound. Her bound hands fumbled until she could find the being’s hands as well, and she held them tight.
           “Then we shall call you Friend.”
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tellytantra · 5 years
Sharanya had been surrounded by noises  all day. Questions about wedding details,  calls from Vyom, her family leaving no chance of teasing her and at the same time picking at her trying to ease her worries. But much more than any of these, what kept her mind pre-occupied was the thought of 'him' coming back. Off late, Sharanya hadn't felt him closer. The fragrance of the stargazers had begun to fade and the chilly winds seemed to have gone away. But much to her shock, what should have made her feel at peace had left her feel more restless. She could not put a finger on what exactly felt wrong with her not being able to feel him around. But something wasn't really right. Did that spirit really leave her and if yes, why was he even there in the first place...She had no answers. "Sharanya..." Chandni kept a hand on her shoulder trying to pull her back out of her chain of thoughts. "What happened darling? Vyom is waiting to put that ring on your finger and you are lost in your own world" she taunted. Collecting her thoughts Sharanya looked at her, trying to appear as normal as she could but as soon as her eyes met that of Vyom, she could not help but feel a pang of guilt grip her heart. This wasn't what this man standing in front of her deserved. He deserved to be loved equally and as passionately as he loved, and she knew that was the only thing she could not give to him, how hard she tried. She could not fathom if in the process of protecting Vyom it was correct to break his heart for ever. While Sharanya was still lost in her reverie, Rajan who had been witnessing both Chandni's scheming as well as Sharanya's hesitation from a distance, made his way to the stage. "Well Chandni you should not be worrying about Sharanya so much,  I am sure she is as excited to marry my son as him" Rajan said with a toothy smile making Sharanya flash a forceful smile at him. She could not understand what made her feel so uneasy but it surely had something to do with her past. It felt as if something within her stopped her from going ahead with this proposal. +++ Vyom approached Sharanya sometime later as he saw her standing in a corner totally lost. The two had exchanged rings by now but the happiness which Vyom wished to see on her face was totally non-existent. "Sharanya are you ok?" the voice from behind pulled her out of her daze. "Yeah I am fine Vyom...why are you asking like that?" she flushed. "Nothing you just seem so lost...aren't you happy?" Vyom asked slightly furious. Sharanya's face lost color as soon as she heard his words. "It's not like that Vyom...Why are you saying that!! I am very happy" she fumbled. "Are you sure?" he asked again. "Ofcourse" she tried to look away. "OK then come over dad has a surprise for you" he took her by the hand and walked towards the main hall of the Bedi mansion. "But Vyom mujhe batao to sahi kya hai..." she kept on asking but all he had was a smile on his face. As soon as they reached the main hall Sharanya was surprised to see a diamond studded necklace kept in the middle of the table. There was a look of resentment in Chandni's eyes and a tint of disapproval on Madhavi's face. Sharanya did not want to accept such an expensive gift but she knew she will be having no choice. "Vyom now do I really have to tell what to do next?" Rajan teased making Vyom blush. "Sharanya's mom gestured her to move ahead as Vyom lifted the necklace but Sharanya hesitated.."But uncle, Vyom iski kya zaroorat hai?" her voice trailed. "Zaroorat nahin Sharanya, this is your right now and even your duty" Rajan flashed a smile. She would be left with no route to escape, she had a clear idea of that. Still hesitant she moved around facing her back towards Vyom and pulled all her hair to one side to give him access but as soon as she bared the back of her neck, waves of shock flickered on the faces of one and all from the Bedi family. On her neck was a tattoo, with two S's intertwined into each other. "OMG what is this Sharanya...this tattoo?" chandni asked still looking at her tattoo with broad eyes and a shrewd smirk spread across her face. Rajan and Madhavi's face had drained color by now. Rajan had his fists balled at his sides.  Sharanya slowly turned her face to answer Chandni, but what her eyes met this time left her totally stunned. Everyone who stood in that hall had quite literally frozen at their spots seeing that tattoo. She could not fathom what had gone wrong with them. "Chandni aunty I don't know from where this came from but I noticed this when nurse was giving me sponge bath the day I came out from coma. She told me my tattoo was beautiful...I don't even remember when I got this"  was all she could say. +++ Next day Sharanya stood helplessly at her spot as her mom scolded her for the hiatus from last night. "But ma ismein di ki kya galti" Aditya tried to interrupt seeing a drop of tear trickle down his sister's face. "Tu chupkar Adi...Sharanya tune dekha na Vyom aur Rajan bhaisahab uss incident ke baad kitna upset tha. Itni mushkil se tumhara rishta hua hai. Tujhe dhyaan rakhna chahiye tha ki koi woh tattoo na dekhe" as her mom spoke, Sharanya could not believe her words.  "Really Ma? Aapko bas Vyom ki taqleef dikhi aur main jis taqleef se guzar rahi hoon woh koi kyun nahin dekhta? Aisa lagta hai jaise aap sabko meri memory wapas aane se kahi zyaada sirf Vyom ki padi hai. Un teen saalon mein mere saath kya hua mujhe kuch yaad nahin and all you care about is that Bedi family" she fumed. "Enough Sharanya...agar humein teri fikar na hoti to kya teri shaadi uss ladke se karwate jisse tu teen saal se pyaar karti thi? Aur ab jab tujhe tera pyaar mil raha hai to tu aise react kar rahi hai. This is not right aur behtar hoga ab tu Vyom aur uski family ka bhi apni family ki tarah khayal rakhe. " her mom scolded and walked out of the room leaving her in tears. Adi tried to console Sharanya as she sat on her bed helpless. He noticed there were 23 missed calls from Vyom on Sharanya's mobile. "Di ek baat puchun apse?" Aditya spoke after a pause. "Yahi na ki main tere favourite Vyom bhaiya ke saath aisa kyun kar rahi hoon...bol le tujhe bhi jo bolna hai Adi...bas teri hi kami hai" she sobbed. "Nahin di...It's not about Vyom bhaiya. I want to ask ki aap jaise ho,  apko kya lagta hai agar apko tattoo banwana hota to aap kahan se banwate?" Aditya's question suddenly left Sharanya surprised for a second. Her mind replayed his words and she tried to concentrate. "Sirf city ke best tattoo artist se...someone who is certified and most popular" she spoke wiping her tears. "Exactly! Because you are so finicky and particular" Aditya squealed impatiently.  "Aur aisa sirf ek hi tattoo studio hai Mussorie mein, the one just next to your college. That's the best in town. Ho na ho di I am 200% sure usi ne ye tattoo banaya hai" as Aditya said, Sharanya's eyes glittered with hope. A little smile finally spread on her face realizing she had got some clue to unravel the mystery her own past had become. Now even she was sure only the tattoo shop had some answers to her umpteenth questions about what happened in her past. +++ While Mr. and Mrs Bisht went to seek their family priests blessings, Sharanya decided to drive down to the tattoo studio next to her college. She rode her scootie at an insane speed without caring about anything else. Reaching the place she walked inside to find a stunning tattoo and piercing studio. She was totally impressed even two years back she had such classy choice. And much to her surprise the place felt eerily familiar and cheerful. As she sighed taking in the warmth of that place a smile made it's way to Sharanya's  lips when she saw a couple getting inked together. The girl smilingly affirmed as her boyfriend freted the needle making Sharanya giggle. "I am sure this reminded you of your time mam" a man spoke from behind leaving her little surprised. She turned to face the guy and couldn't recognize him but from his smile it seemed that he remembered her well. "I am sorry do I know you" she said in an embarrassed tone. "Mam really you don't remember the one who did your first tattoo?" as he spoke, Sharanya's face beamed with an ecstatic smile. "So it were you!!!" she exhaled noisily. "Yeah Ms. Bisht I was the one who did your couple tattoo and I can never forget it as it was my first in this place. It was my dream job to work here and you my first client " the guy exclaimed. "Couple tattoo? You mean I got this tattoo with Vyom?" Sharanya was totally confused now. Did Vyom know about her tattoo and if yes why was he so upset? What made him so shocked if he himself got this tattoo with her in college?? "Is his name Vyom? I don't know mam but you two got  intertwined S's...I thought his name also started from S" "What are you saying? It's my name that starts from S. And his starts from V...the famous guitarist Vyom Bedi" baffled, Sharanya flashed at the guy a picture of Vyom from her phone. He took the phone from Sharanya's hands and squinted his eyes trying to recognize his first client. "But mam he is not the one who came with you...He is not your boyfriend" Sharanya felt her world blur before her eyes as the tattoo artists words echoed in her ears. She tried to speak but coherent words refused to come out of her mouth. She tried to focus her vision, but all she could see were blurry shapes. Standing up was almost impossible; it felt like she was stuck in gelatin.  "Mam are you ok?" the guy asked concerned. When she didn't answe he tried to shake her slightly. "Can you please tell me what exactly happened that day" there was a bone chilling tremble in Sharanya's voice and her eyes had turned blood red. Despite feeling absolutely stunned at her query, the tattoo artist nodded at her, trying to recall the proceedings of the fateful day. "Mam you two had come to my studio at around noon. I was very excited as well as nervous because you were my first client here. But both of you were really supportive. You two were very happy and excited for the tattoo but yes he was a little scared. I think he didn't like needles. You requested him to let you do this alone as this was your dream but he wasnt ready. He wanted to do it for you. He wanted to it together with you. You got it on your neck and he got it on his chest. But the tattoo was exactly the same...Two S's" Streams of tears rolled down Sharanya's face as the guy's words formed black and white pictures in front of her eyes. She could not recall anything despite how hard she tried. Her head throbbed as her imagination failed to transform those blurry pictures into concrete moments. "Do you know who was he?" Sharanya asked after a pause, her voice still shaky.  The guy was more than stunned this time but did not dare to ask why she behaved so weird. "No mam but we generally have the contact details of all our clients. If you want I can give that to you" After moments of searching which actually felt no less than centuries, Sharanya got hold of two numbers from the studio's database. To her disappointment one of them had turned out to be her own number but the other looked unfamiliar. Taking in sharp breath, she slowly dialed the number and waited for someone to answer from the other end. Each time there was a dial tone, her heart sank a little deeper into the pit of her chest. Not hearing any response from the other end of the phone Sharanya finally decided to hang up in frustration when the sudden sound of a heavy breath echoed from the other end of the receiver. Her heart had stopped beating for that one second. "Hi" a throaty masculine baritone resonated from the other end of the receiver leaving Sharanya frozen at her place. His voice passed through her body like a thousand  undercurrents charging up each miniscule particle of her existence. She suddenly felt afloat and buoyant. The water swirled around her suddenly, pushing against her skin like it had come alive, sliding over her arms and legs in a watery caress. She could no longer comprehend what she heard from the other end of the phone but just the virile voice that was making her go insane. His voice played havoc with her senses as if every bone in her body had turned into jelly. "I'm currently either away from my desk or on the other line. Please leave your name, telephone number, and a short message after the beep,... and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I'm available. " the voice reached Sharanya only as haunting resonating echoes. She had no strength in her her to make out where she was and what was happening to her. Hearing that voice seemed as ecstatic as floating in clouds but at the same time as painful as the feeling of hiraeth.It was a mixture of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness and the most intense forms of pain all striking her at the same time.  " ... And well, if it's you Ms. Bisht,  I know you feel like punching me hard but work beckons darling. Till then don't forget I LOVE YOU!!...NOW AND ALWAYS YOURS...Shiv" Malika
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rang-de-basanti7472 · 6 years
Rang De Basanti
When Rang De Basanti released on 26 January Jan 26, 2006, I remember watching the film with a very fidgety, very confused audience reacting as we all to unfamiliar experiences, with embarrassment and heckling.
The film adopted a unique format to tell the story of a freedom that we all have taken for granted. The film unfolds through the eyes of a young British documentary maker Sue (Alice Patten) who comes to India to shoot a documentary on the Indian freedom struggle. The story of Rang De Basanti is told in two time zones. In the past , Aamir Khan cast as Chandrashekar Azad, Tamil star Siddharth as Bhagat Singh, Atul Kulkarni as Ramprasad Bismil, Kunal Kapoor as Ashfaqullah Khan and Sharman Joshi as Rajguru. The same actors were also seen in contemporary times grappling with the grammar of socio-political corruption.
After watching the film, I was stunned by director Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s audacity and creative energy. I knew I was watching a film that would create history. But I also felt, wrongly, that it would be a box office disaster. As usual I underestimated the power of the Indian audience to absorb and assimilate unique cinematic experiences.
I remember speaking to Rakeysh (now a dear afriend) after watching the film. Rakeysh was confident of the impact his film would make on the audience. Looking back he says, “Rang De Basanti is a younger film. But I didn’t consciously choose a subject that would be more accessible to audiences than my first film Aks. I knew I had to make this film. Since Aks, my storytelling technique had improved. You learn from your past mistakes and new experiences. This time I had the luxury of living with my script for four years. So many people joined me on the journey that was Rang De Basanti. It was no longer my film. When it released it became the audiences’ film.”
YouTube screengrab.
Looking back at Rang De Basanti, I am struck by how effective the entire cast was, and how miscast Aamir Khan was as the college brat. In fact he was so over-age for the part that the director had to write in a dialogue explaining why his character DJ chooses to hang on to his campus days long after he has crossed his student days.
Rang De Basanti came when patriotism was passé. There were 4-5 Bhagat Singh films that didn’t connect with the audience. Then there was Aamir Khan's disastrous Mangal Pandey.
Rakeysh was determined to make the film. He says, “It’s a collection of many circumstances. In school I wanted to join the air force. It didn’t work out for me. In college in Delhi I was predominantly a sportsman. It didn’t work out because I was from a lower middle-class family. And the first priority was to bring money back into the family….As kids in Delhi on 15 August when we flew kites, we could hear India Gandhi speaking…On the other side there were the patriotic songs on the loudspeaker….Ae mere watan, Mere desh ki dharti…We were looking at the idea of our country through a kite….Films like Mother India, Do Bigha Zameen, Naya Daur touched all of us. This was the era when escapism hadn’t seeped into cinema or real life. That was the era I wanted to re-capture in Rang De Basanti.”
Seven years ago even before his first film Aks, Rakeysh wanted to make a film called Awaaz. There are shades of Awaaz in Rang De Basanti.
Recalls Rakeysh, “Awaaz was about a bunch of boys working in a garage, the haves and have-nots. I wanted to make it with Abhishek Bachchan. Then I wanted to make a film on the life of the revolutionaries. What I didn’t want to do was to shoot them with halos ….I wanted to shoot them as normal youngsters . I wanted to call it The Young Guns Of India.”
Initially Rakeysh wanted to make a film on the life of Bhagat Singh. Then the race for Bhagat Singh films started. Several of Bhagat Singh bio-pics hit theatres one after another.
Recalls Rakeysh, “Initially I wanted to enter the race. Then I realized we were all insulting his memory. Attention was diverted by who would get into theatres first. I moved on….I did a focus group in Delhi and Mumbai. I took a new story idea to youngsters between 17 and 23. Our survey showed that for our generation a relationship meant, ‘Let’s get married and make babies together.’ Not to this generation. The youngsters we spoke to were driven by ambition. And I didn’t even know how to get on the internet! Anyway, we then moved into surveying them about the country and the tri-colour. The borders of patriotism had blurred. Pagdi sambhal jatta was no more relevant. Not too many kids knew who Chandrashekhar Azad was. I told my writer Kamlesh Pandey there was no point in making a film about the freedom fighters. He insisted , reminded me of the passion that Manoj Kumar’s films used to incite. But that was a different era.” This, says Rakeysh, was when Rang De Basanti born. “I sadly abandoned the original idea and hit on another idea of a British documentary filmmaker coming to India to make a film on the Indian armed revolution. She finds kids who are more western than her. Two lines… the past and present run together. They intersect. There are sparks. Then the rooftop scene where the line between past and present blurs when Soha Ali Khan asks her friends to kill the raksha mantri… Suddenly the original idea was replaced by this new idea.”
It cost Rs 25 crores to make Rang De Basanti.
Rakesh is all praise for his cast. “Aamir didn’t dominate the film. And yet he has brought in everything require.The whole Punjabi accent for his Mona-Sardar character was his idea. There was an attraction between Siddharth’s and Soha’s characters. We couldn’t bring it into the forefront because of lack of space. In any case love stories don’t have to have a happy ending. Today’s generation is very mature about love and its end.”
The film's controversial ending, where the protagonists gun down corrupt politicians, has been perceived as fascist. Rationalizes Rakeysh, “Every story has to follow its own course. When heroes in a mythology enter the caves to fight the demons , they’ve to perish. Mani Ratnam’s Yuva didn’t work for me after the heroes went into the parliament….What jolted the audience is, they love my heroes and they don’t want them to die. Too bad. You love and lose the best people in your lives. It isn’t a heroic but a poetic ending. But they become heroes because they die. What I’m trying to say is, we got independence from the goras. But we got enslaved by our own. Now we’re killing each other. You’re from Bihar. You know what I mean. There can be no neat solution to the problems we face. Rang De Basanti is a conversation with the masses.”
Published Date: Jan 27, 2016 12:27 PM                                                | Updated Date: Jan 27, 2016 12:29 PM                                            
#Aamir Khan
#Rakeysh Omprakash
#Rang De Basanti
#Soha Ali Khan
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