#also he meets a doppler who takes his form
jewishsuperfam · 2 years
thinking about that one witcher short story where geralt gets a new leather jacket and he’s so proud of it and all day he just walks around wanting people to compliment it and instead everyone’s like “it’s unfashionable” and “that’s such an old style” and “you paid HOW MUCH for THAT”
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bamf-jaskier · 4 years
AU Where Dara is the Heir to the Elven Throne
I have been thinking about this NONSTOP and yeah so this is like my new fav headcanon rn. We know Dara’s family was involved in Filavandrel’s uprising and that Filavandrel himself wasn’t indicated/shown to have a family so imagine that Dara is either Filavandrel’s son or just heir and THAT is the reason he hid but still felt very guilty over hiding while the elves were slaughtered by Calanthe. 
In episode 4 he says, “Her soldiers…They laughed when they did it, killing, raping. They laughed the hardest when they were swinging babies from their legs, smashing their heads in. I was the only one left. Because I hid. I should’ve saved them. or fought and died.” (I kinda talk about this more here)
and if you think about this in the context of Dara being a prince it makes sense. Because then he realizes he has to hid in order to continue the royal line of the elves but also he feels a sense of guilt because he is feels as though he has this sense of duty to his people. It also explains why he knew so much when the doppler was impersonating Mousesack about what happens in sieges and how prisoners are tortured, etc. Dara would have been involved in at least some way in the planning and fighting of the uprising even if he was extremely young. 
So Dara leaves Ciri behind because he had this realization that just like Ciri is pushing for her destiny and her plans, he has to do the same. He felt this sense of kinship with her, both royalty whose kingdoms were stolen from them. It adds this layer that Dara’s home was stolen by Ciri’s family and how there is this struggle there and how much blame can Ciri hold for her ignorance and the sins of her family? Clearly Dara cares for her in some aspects but there is going to be this tension that I think in the end would be difficult to overcome. 
Dara leaves Ciri behind and while she finds Geralt, Dara finds the few elves that are left. Filavandrel is still alive and is forming an elven army. They want to take advantage of Cintra’s weakness in order to take back their land. This sort of plays into the idea of the Scoia’tael but instead of being a group of elves who were manipulated by Nilfgaard and honestly were expected to lose from the beginning, this would be a real fighting force with clear goals and intentions. 
At first, Dara has trouble adjusting once again to the responsibility of being heir. While he was on the run, he adjusted to hiding under the radar but he knows the eyes of his people are on him again and he feels a sense of survivor’s guilt for watching his people die during Calanthe’s massacre and struggles with having this leadership position alongside Filavandrel while feeling like he wasn’t good enough. Of course, as he plans this elven campaign, and they fight against the few remaining Cintran forces and take back a lot of their land and set up their own kingdom once again, he gains confidence. 
He is crowned king once the new elven kingdom is set up because Filavandrel is just so tired and wants to rest and Dara is the new blood the elves sort of need to keep them strong and secure. He’s definitely the sort of ruler who will dress in normal clothing and go out among the people in disguise. I love the royalty-in-disguise trope and I’m willing to bet that Dara will often do this. He loves traveling and meeting new people and new experiences without the grandeur of the royal title. 
Imagine he reconnects with Ciri while in disguise when she is planning to take down Nilfgaard, maybe it’s been a year or so since they last saw each other and  by now, Ciri has grown a lot. She’s more secure, she has been training and being raised by Geralt and Dara has grown a lot too so there's now this sense of maturity between them. And although Dara doesn’t reveal he’s royalty he does offer to help Ciri once again. He is not a fan of Nilfgaard, recognizing that they are just another form of benevolent imperialism. 
So perhaps Dara helps Ciri plan attacks against Nilfgaard and surprises her with his talent strategy. Maybe he plays a role as a spy or an infiltrator within the Nilfgaard Army. (also imagine him trying to keep his role as a fighter alongside Ciri a secret from his advisors and telling them he’s on the road or something when he’s actually fighting Nilfgaard, the comedy)
And then, down the road, Nilfgaard is defeated and a lot of people in Cintra want to take their land back and re-establish their kingdom again. However, there is now this new Elven Kingdom that has formed near Brokilon and much of the land they have is in what was once Cintra. 
So Ciri goes to the newly set up Elven Court to negotiate and sort of feel out how relations between Cintra and the Elves would work and then who is on the throne but Dara who did NOT expect Ciri to arrive. 
And they’ve been good friends for a number of years now so Ciri is just SHOCKED that Dara is actually the KING of the Elves and he’s just like “Listen, I didn’t want to tell you I thought it would make things awkward”
I love this idea a lot and I know I don’t really have time to ever write it but I am obsessed. 
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 8: nonhumans
this is easily the geekiest part of the series. and it's a Very geeky series. because sapkowski's worldbuilding is waaay more extensive than i have the time, ability, or desire to convey, i'm sticking with races both sentient and important
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
dopplers, also known as vexlings, shifters, mimics, doubles, imitators, or pavrats, are a nonhuman race that can take on the appearance of nearly anyone they encounter
before mass migrations of humans, dopplers primarily inhabited the forests and plateaus around the city of novigrad, where they would transform into wolves and pack animals to hunt
their abilities are pretty impressive, dopplers can not only mimic appearance but also voice, personality, skills, behaviours, and knowledge. dopplers can even turn parts of their bodies into pieces of clothing or other objects
however, there are some limitations
dopplers can't transform into someone/thing with dramatically more mass than they have, are burned by silver, and can't drop anything they created (if they did it would kind of turn into a fleshy goop)
we've already met a doppler in twn, this sexy sexy man
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it is important to note that this doppler is a huge deviation from sapkowski's lore. dopplers are pretty much always exceptionally kind and gentle. a lot of times they use their abilities to appear threatening (big teeth, sharp claws etc) because they really don't want to hurt anyone.
when dopplers aren't mimicking another form, they aren't exactly pretty. they're bald, short, have beady yellow eyes, and kinda look like they're made from soft clay
here's the hexer doppler
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the most notable doppler is dudu biberveldt, who i mentioned as the halfling dainty biberveldt's fake cousin. dudu's actual name is tellico lunngrevink letorte, but dainty decided to help dudu live in novigrad by adopting him as his fake cousin.
dragons are fucking awesome. you know it, i know it, and zerrikanians know it. witcher dragons are especially awesome
they are the only being, other than cats, that can naturally harness and absorb the force of chaos
there are multiple subtypes, but most dragons fall into one of four: black dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons.
black dragons are the largest, and primarily live in swamps and wetlands where they bathe in mud. they have extremely hard scales and don't breathe fire, but an acid that causes burns similar to those from mustard gas.
green dragons (right there) are the most prominent yet smallest species of dragon, mainly living in forested areas and breathe highly flammable chlorine gas.
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red dragons mainly live in hills and mountain caves and can breathe fire hot enough to melt metal
white dragons are one of the rarest species and live in the far north, and can breathe frost
however, if you watched the witcher netflix as i assume you did, you may remember golden dragons. these dragons are so rare and exceptional that they are not usually included with other species. they breathe steam and fire and can shapeshift into any living being
all dragons communicate through telepathy, although golden dragons can speak when they are in the form of a species that can speak
humans are pretty divided on the topic of dragons, with zerrikanians worshiping them and nordlings hating them.
because they are incredibly intelligent and emotional, witchers (generally) refuse to hunt them
borkh three jackdaws, also known as villentrenmerth, is the only golden dragon we know. there he is right there.
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the other dragon from twn was a green dragon named myrgtabrakke, borkh's mate. their daughter is named saesenthessis, also known as saskia the dragonslayer (an alias she took to explain her extensive knowledge of dragons) and the virgin of aedirn
because saskia is part golden dragon, she can shapeshift, although is much more limited than her father. she can basically only be a human looking woman with blonde hair or a huge dragon.
cut because this part is getting REALLY long
ah godlings. i love them so much. they're adorable and precious. they usually look somewhat like a human child, but with blue skin and large amber or green eyes. they don't wear much clothes, their focus is in accessories like jewelry, flowers, or tattoos
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that's johnny, a holding in wild hunt.
godlings are incredibly rare, and are easily confused with young goblins. they primarily live in swamps near drowners, but aren't afraid of them.
they're quite mischievous but kind hearted, many have happy go lucky personalities and love just having fun. i adore godlings. i've said it once and i'll say it again.
higher vampires
definitely the most important group on this list, higher vampires are incredibly powerful and intelligent. they can shapeshift within certain limits, generally either looking like a human or a large terrifying bat. they also have some telepathic abilities - they can basically make you fall asleep and forget stuff
scary wooo
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higher vampires do not need to drink blood to survive. some don't drink blood at all. when they do, it's like a human drinking alcohol. on full moons, groups of higher vampires go out partying and get white girl wasted
although all higher vampires have the same basic abilities, each individual has one skill they are exceptional in.
most find humans harmless but annoying, like mosquitos. they don't really like interacting with humans, which works out pretty well as higher vampires can blend in very well, even a witcher's medallion can't detect one
higher vampires also have three distinct cultures, the tdet in the far east, the ammurun across the great sea, and the gharasham in the northern realms
they are really really hard (or impossible, depending on canon) to kill. based on the books, you basically need to disintegrate them. based on the games, only higher vampires can kill other higher vampires, but humans can get close
we only meet one in the books, emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefroy. he goes by regis for short. regis was an "alcoholic" in his youth, and has since abstained from blood or any other substance. he's incredibly old, by the end of twn season 1 he'd be 425 years old. as for regis' "special ability", he's just kind. he's an incredibly gentle and loving person. that's it. i love him.
probably one you're already familiar with! merpeople are intelligent humanoids that inhabit the great sea. mermaids are notably gorgeous, having green hair and tails, and their scales are prized alchemy ingredients
sapkowski's mermaids can breathe above water, but the sun burns their skin so they don't stay at the surface for very long.
merpeople are incredibly powerful, they can summon krakens and the sea-dragon like race of vodyanoy respect their authority
they use their own language that's quite similar to hen llinge, but more lyrical sounding.
nymphs are a humanoid race primarily based around nature. they have 5 subspecies, dryads (including hamadryads), leimoniad, naiad, nereid, and oread.
dryads, called eerie wives by humans and aen woedbeanna by elves, are the most prevalent, primarily living in the brokilon forest. some have human skin with olive undertones, but others are green. they usually have dark brown or green hair which is usually worn in dreadlocks (breaking my promise of not being overtly and annoyingly political in this series yet again - the dryads, especially in the netflix adaptation, are classic magical n*gress stereotypes. but more on that later.)
this is a lore-accurate one that i LOVE
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dryads have incredibly strong connections with nature and magic, although it is really rare for a dryad to be a source. dryads are able to draw energy from trees, but rarely do because they don't want to hurt the trees. support dryads and take the bus.
all dryads are women. all of them. they make babies by basically luring men into the forest and doing the adult hokey pokey. also why dryads aren't really a fan of witchers, who don't make the baby butter (i am so sorry)
however, dryads can also turn a girl of another race into one of their own through the use of magic. the water of brokilon has some mutating quality that makes young girls forget their human past and physically turn into dryads, although it is less effective as the girls are older. the dryads tried to do this to ciri, but given that she's a source, nothing happened. generally, this process is done to girls who wander into brokilon, but some dryads will abduct peasants from outside the forest if they need more dryads.
here's twn dryads... yikes
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this is where i think the whole racism thing becomes a bit too obvious. "uncivilized" women who live in the forest and have dreadlocks and abduct young girls from "civilized" areas?? in twn they leaned even further into this, having one of the two black women they cast be a dryad and replacing the usual bows and arrows with spears, a less sophisticated weapon. again, this series is about the lore, not the political implications of it, but it is important to keep in mind
dryads are excellent at archery, shooting anyone who comes within 80 metres of the forest. through their connection with nature, they have highly advanced medicine and use glowing fungi as a source of light.
hamadryads are a specific type of dryad that is incredibly connected with her tree. because of this connection they have exceptionally strong magical and healing capabilities, but will also go insane and die if their tree dies.
like merpeople, dryads use a more melodic dialect of hen llinge
leimoniads are a type of nymph that lived exclusively in meadows, but are practically extinct due to wars with humans
naiads, also called rusalki, are nymphs that live in lakes and rivers, although a few live with the dryads in brokilon. naiads are very similar to dryads, although they tend to have very light skin with very dark hair, webbed hands, and can dry out on land
naiads rarely speak common, live in small groups, and have highly developed telepathic abilities
nereids are nymphs that inhabit the great sea, often living closely with merpeople. they usually have blueish skin with either blue or white hair and have some telepathic abilities, though not to the extent of naiads.
oreads are nymphs of the mountains, which, like leimoniads, are nearly extinct due to human conquests.
succubi (female) and incubi (male) are creatures which look like incredibly attractive humans but with horns and goat legs. they seduce humans, first in dreams and then physically, using their prey's energy to sustain themselves, often to the point of the human's exhaustion or death
our man eskel has a soft spot for them...
sylvans, another race we already met, are exceptionally rare. like, practically extinct. they live mainly in the woodlands of the northern realms and have goat-like faces with yellow eyes, horns, cloven hooves, and tails
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my man torque is quite possibly one of the last sylvans on the continent
they are distantly related to elves, and the two races tend to coexist quite well
generally quite mischievous and merry, highly enjoying pranks and parties. they can use simple spells and are mainly herbivores
sylvans live around 100 years and are highly sought after by dryads for their... ahem... reproductive capabilities
yep, we got unicorns! i fucking love unicorns and still kinda think they're real. camels are real and those lumpy fuckers are way weirder than a horse with a spike on its head.
unicorns are highly advanced beings, they can travel between worlds and use telepathy. they don't really like the "less advanced" races, mostly staying around to observe them. they have distinct societies led by a council of elders and tend to avoid evil
these unicorns are badasses
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unicorns strongly despise the use of the force but encourage the power of destiny. in the context of pavetta's betrothal feast, a unicorn would not be happy with pavetta's little source hurricane thing, but would encourage geralt to follow the law of surprise
in of the witcher, unicorns are very important because of their world-hopping capabilities. the aen elle, unfortunately, realized this and began enslaving unicorns to help them plunder other worlds. this turned into a massive conflict between the unicorns and elves.
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gayregis · 4 years
Honestly if you just wanted to revisit your thoughts on Eternal Flame and its homiesexual text/subtext, I would be delighted. I love that short story and I love hearing your thoughts on the stories aodnsjsjabsjx
fghjkl i just think it was a story very centered on geralt and dandelion’s friendship and it did so in a manner which exceeded the sort of generally accepted norms of “friendship” and went into “being gay for your best friend”
i mean the story literally begins by them both being dumped by their girlfriends, but not too upset about their relationship drama because they have each other for company now. they plan to spend the day and night together, and throughout the story they have the general geralt and dandelion friendship interactions - trying to get some food and drink, joking around, dandelion being overly dramatic or preoccupied with sex and geralt being mopey and unamused. when things go wrong and there is conflict in the story, they of course still are spending the day together and thinking of a way to deal with the problem. overall, the story is a look into day-to-day life of when geralt and dandelion run into each other and hang out.
another thing of note is how dandelion hypes geralt up during when they meet tellico-in-biberveldt’s-form, calling him the terror of strigas and werewolves and all, which is a nice and awarding description for a man whose job it was to kill some shit in a sewer last chapter. of course, it’s dandelion (overdramatic and flowery with language), and they’re close friends, so of course he is going to describe geralt as thus, but it’s a reminder of how positively dandelion views geralt and how he both doesn’t see him as repugnant for being a witcher (as is the case with many geralt encounters) and isn’t ashamed to have a witcher as his best friend (as would be the case with many others, who treat witchers like bad omens), and also since it’s dandelion, it’s telling that he doesn’t let his own arrogance get in the way of lauding his friend with his proud titles and descriptions. although dandelion is self-loving, he is not so overwhelmingly so that he would ever refuse to acknowledge or downplay geralt’s presence.
another thing is how, when geralt, dandelion, and biberveldt are visited by chapelle and the men of the eternal fire, dandelion begs geralt to not start a fight with them because it will end in disaster, and geralt refuses to promise him that, and when chapelle speaks to him, he is internally very aggressive and alert, very displeased. of course, he is geralt, he doesn’t love authority and he dislikes the eternal flame for their persecution of nonhumans... but the aggression he feels towards chapelle reminds me of the aggression he felt towards toruviel in edge of the world when she broke dandelion’s lute, or in season of storms when dandelion has a knife to his throat, it’s only when dandelion is afraid or hurt that geralt really gets aggressive.
but the climax of the story is geralt literally being inable to enact violence towards tellico for the compounded reasons of “i value innocent life too much” and “the embodiment of this value of life is my best friend” ... 
the fact that geralt is pretty aggressive still towards tellico when he turns into him, but once tellico turns into dandelion geralt just... stops fighting and completely rules out any physical harm from the equation. he practically “gives up” the fight, it’s like tellico changing into dandelion was all geralt needed in order to be persuaded, because it’s the only form that he would listen to. after tellico switches forms to that of dandelion, geralt listens to him, and he also is not described as making any sudden movements, he doesn’t think as if he’s in a fight anymore, the narration is not that of a “fight scene” - something i recognize from when geralt is in a fight is that the prose switches to a certain point of view of his where his actions and options are narrated (e.g., in a grain of truth when he fights vereena, the sword of destiny where he fights the dryad scalpers). he instead hears tellico’s every word out, and “reluctantly nods,” and “says nothing.” he’s practically frozen compared to what he was prepared for just a moment ago when tellico took his form, when he threatened to carry him out of the city in a handcart.
and what makes it even more suggestive is that this wasn’t a random guess from tellico that “maybe if i take dandelion’s form he’ll lay off because they’re friends!” ... no, this was strategy that he came up with from literally taking geralt’s form and reading his mind - “i took over your thoughts, only briefly, but it was sufficient, do you know what i’m going to do now?” - tellico, after being in geralt’s form, immediately makes the decision to change forms into that of dandelion, because he knew geralt’s mind while he was in his form. that means that tellico read geralt’s thoughts only briefly but from this inside view of geralt’s mind, knowing what his greatest fears, loves, dreams, hopes, passions, regrets, etc. are... he thought it would save his life to change into dandelion, because he knew from geralt’s mind that geralt would listen to him in that form.
additionally, after this occurs, geralt... doesn’t tell dandelion in the falling action of the story. he had the chance to, when dandelion drew near, he might have smirked and said something like “don’t look too closely at his boots” (tellico-in-dandelion’s-form’s cordovan boots were sticking out of the carpet that geralt rolled him up in, so dandelion could have recognized them if he paid attention, since he seems to be so caring about his footwear as in the beginning chapter)... this raises the question why geralt wouldn’t tell him about what happened, why he wouldn’t communicate to dandelion about this, maybe warning him that tellico could change into him in an effort to evoke sympathy, or to break it to dandelion that his famous persona had been stolen for a little while. dandelion literally jokes and asks geralt why vespula was so surprised to see him, asking what was wrong with her (vespula was frightened because she smacked tellico-in-dandelion’s-form with the copper pan, but then saw dandelion coming down the road... double vision). geralt could have easily explained to him then, he had the perfect opportunity to say, “oh, dudu changed into your form and so vespula was scared for she saw two of you, [insert biting sarcastic comment here about how one dandelion is certainly enough, and how he would be scared seeing two of dandelion as well].” ... but geralt doesn’t tell him, and that makes me think that tellico taking dandelion’s form was a moment of emotional vulnerability for him, something that geralt doesn’t want to share or joke about, something that was uncomfortable for him. that makes me ask the question how geralt emotionally took that confrontation in the alleyway, what he felt about his own actions (or rather, inaction), and why he might be reluctant to share about that.
i think there is also this tension of the myth of the doppler being about the physical world, changes to a physical form, a form which is tangible and real. it’s not only that tellico evoked the image of dandelion, but that he was him - and the narration from geralt’s point of view seems to... lurk on a lot of not only physical characteristics that he noticed, but mannerisms and behavior that he knew instinctively as being those of dandelion. he describes his curly hair, his smile, his laugh ... the focus on physicality, body, face, and how one exists in the physical world, intimate details like those described just seem very out of place for someone who you’d only consider a best friend, a platonic relationship. one could argue that this is just standard narration for describing the changing of a form for a doppler, but the same style of narration was not given when dudu changed into biberveldt, or when he changed into geralt. additionally, things like smile, laugh, song, and style of flirting are very close and positive details, and other more “neutral” aspects like height and weight and clothes could have been described instead. this suggests that the most striking elements about dandelion to geralt are his curly hair, his insolent smile, his rippling laugh, his blue eyes, his song, and his flirting ... which are ... intimate to say the least
and of course the story ends with them going to a brothel! which continues these themes (two themes which dandelion always invites) of the comedic and the physical. what’s also striking to me is that at the very end of the story, dandelion asks geralt if he’s coming along or what, and geralt smiles to him and says he will join him with pleasure. geralt smiling is honestly a rare event (though it does happen, in dandelion’s character debut in the voice of reason he smiles at him), so i think it’s something to pay attention to. additionally, the line translated in the UK edition is “right, very satisfactory. geralt, are you coming?” and “i’ll come with pleasure,” which focuses on the words ‘satisfactory’ and ‘pleasure’ which are also words i wouldn’t relegate to being solely platonic.
additionally, this might be a bad take but i’m going to say it anyways because i’m gay so i can say what i want regarding lgbt themes ig: the ending of the story is that chapelle is actually a doppler who has taken chapelle’s form, since the real chapelle has died. tellico beseeches geralt, in dandelion’s form, to let him live and live amongst the people of novigrad, because he’s tired of being dehumanized and persecuted, and just wants to live in peace. there is a theme surrounding the dopplers as they are shapeshifters and chameleons, having to change who they are in order to blend in with the rest of society. again, this might be a bad take, but this kind of strikes me as an analogy for being lgbt, because when you are lgbt in a homo/transphobic society, you have to hide who you are and adapt your outward appearance into something that others will accept, and you are persecuted even though you are harmless and don’t mean to cause anyone trouble. of course, this could be a wider analogy about persecution and being marginalized in general (cultural assimilation, anyone?) and compring any marginalized people to nonhumans sucks (wouldn’t be the first or only time sapkowski went there, though), but ig as a gay person i found myself relating to the plight of the dopplers. the ending message of the story is also positive, something like there is hope and life in the world despite hatred (re: tellico’s ending to dandelion’s ballad) and the dopplers, the persecuted ones, are actually everywhere in society despite appearances that they’re not (not the best execution because you know figures of authority suck but whatever)
TLDR eternal flame is a little fruity to me because
geralt and dandelion want to be in each other’s company (as always)
geralt and dandelion’s relationship is again characterized by ability to be casual and comfortable in each other’s presence, working together through difficulty and conflict, and standing up for one another/being proud on the other’s behalf
tellico strategically takes dandelion’s form to evoke kindness and respect in geralt, and it works completely
geralt’s pov focuses on dandelion’s intimate physical and behavioral traits
geralt smiles and tells dandelion “i’ll come with pleasure”
vague lgbt themes about the dopplers
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
Let Me Linger
Three years was a long time, even by witcher standards. Lambert had spent three winters without Eskel and their hopes dwindled. Nobody had seen him or heard of him since a contract to clear out archespores. While the area wasn’t bothered by them since, the bounty hadn’t been claimed and the witcher who had taken the contract hadn’t been seen. That third winter, they burnt an empty pyre in Eskel’s memory and Lambert spent the rest of the winter as drunk as he could be, snarling at Geralt, Jaskier and Vesemir if they got too close to him or his alcohol.
In the spring, Lambert emerged from Kaer Morhen with a plan. He remembered Eskel talking about dopplers and how he’d been impersonated by one for a while. Closure wasn’t something a witcher ever got but Lambert could do his best to get the next best thing. Heading north, he put out feelers, searching for the doppler who had taken on Eskel’s appearance all those years ago. He promised safety and coin in exchange for a chat.
Luck was on his side for a change. A slim, young girl slipped onto the bench opposite him in a tavern with a coy smile.
“I hear you’ve been looking for me.” She picked up a silver dagger and bared her teeth as it burned her palm but it was proof enough.
“Then you know who I want.” The doppler nodded at Lambert’s words and let him lay out his wishes. “Meet me in the woods, there’s a clearing by a stream. All I ask for is an hour of your time and your discretion on the matter.”
The doppler named a price and Lambert accepted. There were some things he would pay anything for and another hour with Eskel was one such thing. He had two hours to set up his camp and get everything ready. Hurrying, Lambert started with the more obvious things. He pulled two large logs beside the pit he had dug for a fire. Said fire was piled up just the way Eskel liked it, surrounded by stones Lambert had found in the stream. It was one of his fanciest camps, he had to admit. There were even flowers growing around the edge of the clearing. Once all the heavy work was done, he took a quick dip in the stream and pulled his nicest, cleanest clothes on. Next, he grabbed his pack and started pulling out the supplies he had gathered. Goat’s cheese, honey, sweet bread, all of Eskel’s favourites. This was his last time with Eskel, he was going to make it special.
Eskel’s favourite tea was brewing over the fire when familiar footsteps approached. The doppler was 20 minutes early but Lambert didn’t care because he looked up and there was Eskel.
“You look like shit,” Lambert blurted out. Indeed, Eskel looked haggard, tired and filthy. There was a tear in his gambeson which also looked heavily blood stained. Deep down, Lambert hoped the doppler hadn’t come across Eskel as he was dying, that this wasn’t the last look Eskel sported.
Stopping at the edge of the clearing, Eskel looked around with a raised eyebrow. “Nice to see you too. Expecting some fancy company?”
Words dried in Lambert’s throat. He’d missed Eskel so much. The world had felt big and empty without him. Without really thinking, Lambert launched himself for a hug, clinging to Eskel tightly.
“I missed you.” The words hurt but they needed to be said. “I never got to tell you I love you. That you make all the fighting worth it.”
Hesitant hands came up and patted Lambert on the back.
“Sorry I’ve not been home recently.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Lambert’s face was still buried in the crook of Eskel’s neck, trying to commit his scent to memory. Over the last three years Lambert had forgotten too much about Eskel. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
Eventually, Lambert peeled himself away and gestured at the camp he made. “Got all your favourites.”
It was an apology he would never be able to make to the one who really mattered. But the doppler was gracious enough to sit and give a crooked smile.
“That’s not cheese from Lil Bleater, is it?”
Lambert had to remind himself it was a doppler and he only had an hour. But it was exactly like sitting down with the real Eskel and his heart was shattering. “Yeah. It’s Bleats approved cheese.”
He watched as Eskel dug in, happily humming about how much he’d dreamed of having the cheese again. For a long moment Lambert had to stare off into the distance so he wouldn’t break. Gathering himself up, he poured two cups of tea and clutched at his mug.
“I didn’t think you tended to come North,” Eskel said around a mouthful of sweet bread. “Not too cold for you?”
“I wanted to see you.” The admission was quiet and Lambert averted his gaze. A large hand landed on his knee and gave it a squeeze.
“I’m really pleased you did. I missed you too.” After a moment’s hesitation, Eskel looked bashful. “Did you mean it? That you love me?”
Caught out, Lambert had nothing left to lose. This was his last hour with Eskel, he would never have this chance again. Taking a deep breath, Lambert nodded.
“Yeah. I loved you.” It hurt to say it in the past tense. “I just wish I hadn’t been a coward and accepted what we could have had. You were my reason to get back to Kaer Morhen each year. Now, I don’t know if I’ll make it back there ever again.”
A small, confused frown drew Eskel’s brows together. He looked genuinely befuddled and Lambert wanted to smooth the wrinkles away with a thumb.
“But Lamb-” Eskel began, “-you need to. I love you and I’ll be there too.”
Which was a brazen lie. It was the one thing Lambert asked the doppler not to do; don’t make false promises.
“Yeah, and we would travel the Path together too, right?” He snapped out bitterly. The soft “if you wanted” was cut off by the sound of footsteps approaching. It was Eskel again but he looked younger, healthier and so much more like he did in his heyday.
“Lambert?” The question was gentle, a little hurt from the new Eskel and Lambert’s head whipped between the two. The one sitting down was smirking.
“Nice face. If a little outdated.”
“You!” The new Eskel hissed, face morphing into a scowl.
Before it could descend into a fight, Lambert pulled his silver sword out and stood between the two. “Enough!”
It seemed to do the trick and both Eskels backed off. Lambert pointed at the newcomer with the tip of his sword. “You’re the doppler I spoke to, right? You’re on time.” He tossed a bag of coins to him. “Sorry to have wasted your time.”
Taking the coins, the doppler huffed and turned to leave. It left Lambert with the original Eskel. Logic demanded that he push the silver sword against Eskel’s neck to determine whether he was dealing with another doppler. But it was Eskel. Worn, weathered, tired but alive.
“You’re Eskel, right?” he asked instead.
“I’m Eskel. We can walk the Path together. I love you.”
Sheathing his sword, Lambert sat back down. He didn’t need to know the truth. All Lambert needed was Eskel by his side. Silently, Lambert made a mental note to be more careful with silver in the future, not wanting to find out whether his Eskel was the one he remembered and loved. The only thing that mattered was that Eskel was by his side again and promising to stay. As far as Lambert was concerned, quashing down his own uncertainty was a small price to pay for the happiness Eskel would bring him in whatever form.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Part of Your World pt.1/4
Jaskier is a sea witch who finds Ciri crying by the edge of the ocean. She's lonely and desperate to find her Destiny so Jaskier offers to escort her to him. (Based on a guest prompt on AO3)
Jaskier swam as hard as he could towards the surface. He could see the sun sparkling through the water, calling to him, begging him to breach the waves and bask in the warmth of its glow.  He loved the surface. The people were always so interesting and the music. Sweet Kostroma, the music. The mermaids could sing well enough underwater and yes, Jaskier wasn’t one to turn his nose up at joining in with their choirs, but the music of humans… Oh ho ho! It was something else indeed.
He broke free and dived through the air. He didn’t quite have the grace of the mermaids, but having eight tentacles flying out behind him instead of their delicate fins would have that effect. Still he was faster than any of them, and he was stronger too. He had also inherited his mother’s magical talents. Unlike the mermaids, he could transform into human form. So really, who was winning?
He crashed back into the ocean before bobbing back up to up at the beautiful sky. The sun was high and shining bright. There were wisps of clouds drifting through air. Jaskier was always entranced by the clouds. Water… in the air.
Fucking magic!
And they never stayed still. They were always changing, just like the ocean. Sometimes they were light and fluffy like something out of a fairytale, but Jaskier loved them when they were swirling and dark, calling on the storms. He loved storms. Most of the mermaids were scared of the storms, except the mermaid warriors who protected their underground palaces. Jaskier, delighted in the chaos, the way the ocean pushed and pulled everything in it. There was a certain thrill about just relaxing and letting the current take him wherever it so pleased.
There were no such storms and currents today. The sky was blue and ocean was still. Jaskier sighed as he let his hand dance over the surface of the water, creating ripples with his fingers, and he began to sing. There was no words that a human could understand, just feelings, emotions and a dash of chaos then sent shockwaves of energy through the air until he heard…
“Crying?” He muttered and turned his head in the direction of the soft sobbing. He frowned and plunged back under the water, swimming as fast as he could towards the shore.
As he approached the harbour he peeked out, barely lifting his head above the waves. There was a young girl with her dress pushed up to her knees as she dangled her ankles in the salty sea water. Her hair was long and ashen, falling down past her shoulders in waves that a sorceress would envy. Her cheeks were blotchy and tearstained, the source of the sobbing.
Jaskier swam to a secluded corner of the shore and pulled himself onto the beach. As he did he released his magic and his tentacles morphed into human legs. With another burst of magic he was clothed in the finest silk trousers and a soft linen shirt. He thought about a matching doublet but, having spent most of his life topless under the sea, he didn’t really like them. He shook himself dry with the help of one final wave of chaos and sauntered over to the little girl. “Are you alright?”
She gasped and jumped up, pulling a dagger from the folds of her dress. “Don’t touch me!”
Jaskier put his hands up. “I’m not going to, I just heard you crying. I can sit over here and listen, if you need that?” He slowly moved back away from the girl, putting a few metres away in between them.
The girl glared and waved the dagger in his direction. “Stay over there and don’t talk.”
“As you wish.”
“I said don’t talk!”
Jaskier’s mouth snapped shut and he waved his hand, gesturing for her to continue.
“Do you know who I am?” The girl asked, narrowing her eyes at him and still not lowering the dagger. Jaskier shook his head. “Good.” She sheathed her dagger and turned to stare out into the ocean. “My parents died when I was a child and apparently I’m linked by Destiny to some witcher but my… my aunt won’t tell me anything about him. Only she’s too busy with… with working at the, the blacksmith and all my friends treat me like glass no matter how many times I tell them that I’m just… just Fiona.”
Jaskier hummed and tilted his head as he listened. She was lying to him. He didn’t know why yet but she was absolutely hiding something, then again, so was he. She had no idea that he wasn’t as human as he appeared.
“And I keep dreaming of wolves, white wolves with yellow eyes. It’s driving me mad and I can’t sleep! I know it’s got something to do with my Destiny and I’m just so angry!” Fiona hissed.
“So you’re not upset?” Jaskier asked quietly.
“Of course I’m upset!” Fiona growled. “But mostly I’m just fucking cross at my gran… my aunt.”
“Your gran aunt?” Jaskier let out a soft laugh.
“I told you to shut up!” She hissed again.
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “My apologies, Fiona. What if I help you find this witcher?”
Fiona’s eyes lit up. “You would do that?”
Jaskier shrugged. “Sounds like an adventure. I love adventures! But I do have one condition.”
Fiona’s face transformed back into a fierce scowl. Jaskier didn’t mind. She was right not to trust him. She didn’t know him at all. “What?”
“I would like a lute!” He grinned. He could magic one up but they never sounded as good as ones that had been lovingly crafted. “Mine was taken from me and I simply cannot be without a lute.”
Fiona laughed. “You’re a bard?”
He winked and did a little bow. “Jaskier, at your service.”
She wrinkled her nose. “No. Don’t bow.”
Jaskier raised an eyebrow. “Alright then. No bows, but I am a bard, little one. I may forget.” He winked, playing along with the back story she had created for him.
And so they set off, to find the witcher. They passed through Cintra on the way. Fiona made Jaskier wait outside the city whilst she procured him a lute. He wasn’t entirely sure that she hadn’t stolen it, she was acting incredible suspicious about the whole affair, but he had a lute so he wasn’t going to complain. Jaskier gently pressed Fiona for details on her mysterious witcher that she was apparently linked to. He’d never met a witcher and he was intrigued. He knew witchers were monster hunters but they also tended to stay away from the sea creatures. They were not designed to fight in the depths of the oceans. Jaskier was pretty sure he was safe.
He would just stay in human form until he was away from the witcher.
He’d be fine.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Fiona asked as they peered at the campfire together.
Jaskier had found a lovely spot by the river and charmed a couple of fish into his hands so they would have dinner.
Now he just had to cook the things. Fiona was very human and would probably run a mile if he were to just eat the fish raw. Although personally he didn’t see the problem with it. Humans were just fussy. He sighed and prodded at the firewood. Jaskier’s magic could be incredibly powerful…. around water. He was shit at fire. You didn’t need fire in the ocean so why would a sea witch have fire magic, but he was also not the one that was going to freeze to death if he didn’t get the fire started.
“Yes.” He snapped. “Can you do any better?”
Fiona tilted her head and glared at him with fierce green eyes. “Yes. Now give it here!”
She did do better and within minutes they were sat by a fire roasting the fish that Jaskier had prepared. Jaskier played whilst they were waiting, old sea shanties that he’d heard pirates sing from their boats. He knew some songs from the main land, he’d visited enough times but the shanties were uplifting and helped to cheer up his young companion.
As he sang he let out tendrils of magic to search for Geralt of Rivia, calling on the clouds and the rivers to help guide him. They told him of a castle high up in the mountains where the witchers of the Wolf School hid out over winter, but spring was blooming over the Continent and the witchers would soon be back on the path. Geralt, he learned as he sang, was a white haired witcher also known as the Butcher of Blaviken. This worried Jaskier. He had already grown quite fond of the young girl that sat beside him and the moniker seemed a little violent. He would be sure to be near a source of water when he guided them towards Geralt, he didn’t want to be totally useless against the monster slayer.
Fiona asked him about his life and family as they ate. He lied of course. He invented a whole new backstory for himself as not to alarm the young girl. The Viscount de Lettenhove. She noted that she’d never heard of the Lettenhove estate and he mumbled something about it being an obscure place, which is why he had left to become a bard. He could see she didn’t believe him by the way she scrunched up her nose.
“We all have our secrets… Fiona.” He said pointedly. “But I promise you that I won’t harm you. I will take you to your destiny and then fuck off.”
Fiona blushed at the use of her name and stared at the flames of the fire. “Ciri.” She muttered. “My name is Ciri.”
Jaskier laughed and smiled fondly at the young girl. “It is nice to meet you, Ciri.”
“So where are you really from?” She asked, narrowing her eyes.
“Oh ho ho!” He laughed at her tenacity. “I’m afraid that’s a little bigger than a name, my dear. Let’s just say it is a beautiful place that is far far away from here.”
She glared at him. “You’re not human.”
It wasn’t a question.
He tilted his head. “Right. That’s quite an accusation.”
“Fae?” She asked.
“Ciri, no.” He sighed. 
 “Werewolf!” She grinned and clapped her hands together.
He pouted. “Oh for love of… follow me.”
“Do you want to know or not?” He snapped.
“Urgh. Fine.” She muttered and they walked together towards the river.
Jaskier gestured for her to remain on the bank whilst he waded into the water. It wasn’t deep but it was enough that he could change back into his real form. His clothes melted away as his legs morphed back into tentacles. He pulled at the river with his magic to create a spinning orb of water, passing it back and forth between his hands.
“A mermaid?” Ciri gasped and he shook his head.
“A sea witch.” He corrected her and waved a tentacle at her. “I don’t have fins.”
Ciri snorted. “But you’re a man. How can you be a witch?”
Jaskier looked down at his lower body and then sighed. Humans. So narrow-minded. “You are a hu-man, but you don’t see me questioning your gender.” He muttered.
“Enough now. Get back to camp. We’ll continue searching for Geralt in the morning.” He shuffled back to the river and changed back into his human form, clothes and all.
“Alright.” Ciri mumbled with a yawn. “Goodnight, then.”
“Night, Ciri.” He replied softly, he wasn’t tired yet. So he turned back to the fire to watch the flames dance in the darkness of the night. He hummed a lullaby under his breath until Ciri fell asleep.
When he eventually joined the girl in the land of dreams, he dreamt of the oceans that he was now so far away from.
Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @awitchersbard  @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @victorieschild
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roddy-yu · 4 years
Dark S3E1
Extreme spoiler alert!
Just finished the episode.
Definitely need to share my thoughts about the final scene. (And the whole episode)
My God, he doesn't know who she is!! Does it mean that it never happened before? Or did he lose his memory? It breaks my heart how happy he was to see her, and how his hope was taken away from him again. Because it's not his Martha.
However, the fact that she wants help him to find the origin and to begin it all gives me the vibe that Martha 2.0 is also being manipulated by her older self, otherwise how whould she know what exactly to do and where/when to search for The Stranger?
Should we also talk about all the same or mirrored events and details worth mentioning?
Let's go:
The mirrored date of "the beginning"
The house exterior/interior (it really is mirrored)
Martha waking up like Jonas
Martha sniffing the milk to be sure it's safe to drink it (like Jonas did)
Morning routine of a Nielsen family shown in a long take
A family photo with a ripped out family member
Morning sex in a red house with someone interrupting it and one of the partners escaping through a window in a hoodie
Ulrich is coming back to his wife much later, explaining it by a line in a bakery. (And I am surprised by Hannah's looks... For a moment there I thought he wasn't cheating, I've got that tiny light of hope, but then this happened)↓
"Ich liebe dich"..."Schön bist du" (That explained me everything I needed to know about their relationship)
A protagonist in a yellow raincoat riding a bike and seeing a note about missing of Eric
"Don't forget to breathe" - well, that's old. "Don't forget to think" - oh, that's new. Glad Martha is standing up for herself here.
Martha is kissing someone and the other person who likes her, standing there uncomfortably
The headmaster
"It will happen again", and gosh, I expected it to be your ear
Doppler's marriage presumably having issues
Oh, Wöller, it's so lovely to see you in one piece! (*a second later* Are you effing kidding me?!)
A hair on your husband's hoodie that isn't yours
An explanation about how the black holes are formed by a diligent student
Someone is asking how the other person is doing after the death of his/hers partner in a conversation with a power plant director.
A meeting between Katharina and Hannah that actually leaves Katharina smiling
A kiss in the evidence room between Ulrich and his mistress
The play rehersal
Franziska and Magnus doing it in a small room mirroring their first time in Jonases world, but there is small plot twist too! (And I also love that they have strong feelings for each other)
The talkative Doppler girl! At last!
A visit to a graveyard
Alexander and Erik's dad are up to something again
Oh. The "déjà-vu" déjà-vu. I have seen it and I have heard it somewhere. You know... "Das Licht. Der Wald... Oder ein Fehler in der Matrix"
The meeting under the bridge
The cave incident
Protagonist falling and seeing & hearing someone covered in black paint
The appearance of Mads
The protagonist's possible love interest recognises the older version of the protagonist.
Jonas is terrified, confused and happy at the same time because he sees Martha, being sure that she is his Martha, only to be left heart broken and more confused.
I would call this episode "a way to mirror-recap two seasons in one over adding more details that will blow your mind"
An absolute effing masterpiece.
I am thrilled to bring able to watch it.
And a bit tired of typing 😂
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im-fairly-whitty · 4 years
The Witcher Wolf: In Plain Sight
Two years have passed since Geralt was cursed with the ability to turn into a wolf whenever his medallion is removed, a curse that's turned into a blessing now that he and Jaskier are partners in everything they do.
It's no exception when they discover a Nilfgaardian army bearing down on Cintra, headed straight toward a certain child surprise. With Jaskier's help and Geralt's enchanted medallion they must find a way to get into the palace, make sure Princess Cirilla is safe, and get out with her in tow if needed, regardless of Queen Calanthe's orders.
[Chapter 1: Into the Fire]  [Chapter 2: Old Friend] [Chapter 3: Bad Luck] [Chapter 4: So Much for Being Smart] [Chapter 5: Secrets] [Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End]
Chapter 7: Out of Time
As night fell, Geralt could do nothing as the siege began on the castle of Cintra.
As Nilfgaardian troops swarmed the city, burning everything in sight he could only sit by quietly. When Ciri was brought to Queen Calanthe’s deathbed (because Geralt could smell the death on her, it would be her deathbed) he could only stick by Ciri’s side as the girl cried over the news of Eist’s death.
He likewise stayed with her as they watched Mousesack’s doomed attempt to hold the castle gates with a wall of magic by himself at the queen’s orders, listening attentively to every nervous story Ciri told him in an effort to distract them, her distressed over-petting of his fur getting nearly painful as the night crept by. Not that he made any effort to dissuade her. 
When Mousesack’s magic barrier finally fell in the dead of night and the three of them made their way back to the queen’s room Geralt was nearly shaking with furious impatience that they weren’t already all safely out of the city.  
So when only Ciri was let inside the queen’s room, leaving Geralt and Mousesack outside the closed door with Calanthe’s spymaster who was reeking of Jaskier’s fear scent, Geralt could perhaps be forgiven for bodily lunging at the man with a rabid snarl.
“Has the queen given her permission or not?” Mousesack asked shortly, barely managing to haul Geralt back by his collar rather than allowing the wolf to sink his teeth into the royal spymaster.
“She has. She is saying her goodbyes to the princess as we speak.” Wilhelm said, looking altogether far too calm for a man in a burning city, despite the clearly evident exhaustion in his eyes. “The queen has given her official approval to have Princess Cirilla taken by Geralt of Rivia of Rivia. Please tell me that he is in the castle Mousesack, I haven’t been able to find him anywhere and we don’t even have seconds to spare now.”
“He is.” Mousesack said, releasing Geralt’s collar with an ironic flourish, letting Geralt’s front paws hit the ground again.
Geralt shook himself hard, then huffed a sigh as he collected himself, stepping forward and looking up at the spymaster sans snarl. Wilhelm looked down at him for a long moment, then up at Mousesack.
“He’s the Wolf.” Wilhelm said, his voice full of the kind of flat irritated weariness that only comes from solving a particularly complicated pun. “Geralt of Rivia is the wolf that the princess has had at her side for a week now underneath my very nose. Which you of course knew, and kept from me.”
Mousesack grimaced, shrugging.
“Well...all things considered I suppose it ended up being for the best.” Wilhelm said, shaking his head as he looked down at Geralt, already recovering from his shock. “Bravo getting past me Sir Witcher, I only regret the fact that I don’t have the time to hear the story of how you managed it.” He looked back up to Mousesack. “Am I right in assuming his Witcher medallion is what changes him back? Jaskier indicated that keeping the medallion safe was of utmost importance if I were to rely on his help tonight.”
“It is, he’ll also need any gear you seized from the bard. He’s not a Doppler, he won’t already have his armor and swords when he shifts back.” Mousesack said.
“Now there’s a pity.” Wilhelm said, his gaze focusing past the druid, looking as if he were making several calculations in his head before he snapped back to the moment, looking at Geralt.
“The castle has already been breached, we have only minutes to react properly and we will only get one chance.” Wilhelm said, as calmly as if he were explaining the rules of a tournament. He took a key from a hidden pocket in his doublet and handed it to the druid. “Mousesack you will accompany Geralt, Cirilla and Captain Cordova to my office to retrieve everything that was taken from Jaskier when he was arrested. You will find it all in a basket beside my desk, medallion included.
“Once you have retrieved everything you need, get to the back gates of the castle. I will meet you there with Jaskier as soon as I have retrieved him from the dungeon. It’s on the other side of the castle and I am the only one authorized to remove him from his cell, so splitting up accordingly will save us the most time with the most safety for the princess.” Wilhelm said.
They all paused as a distant soldier’s scream echoed down the stone hallway of the castle. Wilhelm looked back to them, drawing his sword from its sheath, a steel beauty Geralt recognized as having igni runestones set in the hilt, a rare sight indeed outside of a witcher’s weapon kit.
“If Jaskier and I are not there when you arrive you are to continue on without us,” Wilhelm continued. “Follow the sewers out of the city and into the forests. Three horses and a handler will be waiting for you. If there are no further questions I suggest we split up immediately. The princess’s safety is the highest priority any of us have and all of us will act in a way that protects her first. Is that understood?”
Geralt nodded grimly, not liking it one bit but seeing no other choice. His ears pricked forward as the door was opened and Ciri was brought into the hallway by a soldier that was presumably Captain Cordova. The girl was crying and threw her arms around Geralt’s neck, burying her face in his fur. Geralt whined softly, knowing all too well the pain of being separated from a parent, despite his relief at Calanthe finally giving in to reason. He only had to hope that she hadn’t given in too late.
“Come princess, we must move quickly.” Mousesack said, nodding to Wilhelm as the spymaster took his leave, moving quickly down the hall in the opposite direction, sword at the ready. “We have to get Geralt’s things, we don’t have much time.”
 “This is the one.” Mousesack said when they’d reached the door Wilhelm had directed them to. “Captain Cordova, stand guard out here while we get what we need inside.”
The soldier nodded, allowed Mousesack, Ciri, and Geralt into the room behind him. Geralt was glad to hear the druid lock the office door behind them again after they were inside, the last thing they needed was an interruption by enemies halfway through his transformation.
Looking around Geralt saw that Wilhelm’s office was somehow full to the brim with enough fascinating artifacts to impress even Vesemir, while also being so strictly organized that it took only moments to find Jaskier’s packs in the basket by his desk, just like he’d promised. Jaskier’s lute in its case however sat on top of the desk, evidently where it would be safest, a detail that made Geralt dislike Wilhelm just a shred less.
Geralt grabbed the side of the basket in his teeth and knocked it over, spilling the loose contents of their packs onto the ground. He pawed through all his clothes and armor pieces checking if everything was still there, which they were. Even both his swords were still in their sheaths.
He huffed in relief when he found his Witcher medallion, snagged the silver chain in his teeth and bounding over to Mousesack with it. Bit of help, please?
“Ciri, turn away.” Mousesack instructed, checking to make sure the girl was obediently facing the corner before he slipped the medallion chain over Geralt’s head.
There was a flash of light and Geralt was sitting on the floor, restored to his regular form again after days spent otherwise. He groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, rubbing his human hands roughly across his human face as he tried to physically recalibrate to bipedal motion as quickly as he could, reaching for his clothing and armor almost before he was balanced. They didn’t have a second to lose.
“That really is an impressive piece of magic, isn’t it.” Mousesack said, whistling in appreciation as Geralt tugged on his socks and pants, helpfully tossing him his boots next. “When you transform can you actually feel your skeletal structure adjusting, or do-“
“Not the time, Mousesack.” Geralt said, pulling on his shirt. “Questions after escaping the burning city.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Mousesack relented, ducking around behind Geralt to help him with the buckles of his armor as Geralt started tugging all the pieces into place across his body as quickly as nearly a century of practice let him.
Geralt looked over to see Ciri staring at him, her eyes wide as she watched him buckle his double swords across his back once his armor was in place. He grimaced as he braced himself for whatever her reaction to his imposing Witcher form might be.
“You’ve still got your wolf eyes!” Ciri said, despite everything a bit of a smile making it through her worry and panic as she came right up to him, one hand absently taking hold of a strap on his armor as she craned her neck to look up at his face.
She wasn’t the least bit afraid of him at all. Utterly fascinated, if anything. Geralt couldn’t help the feeling of warmth and relief it kindled in his chest.
“Closer to a cat’s when I’m like this.” Geralt said, consciously narrowing his pupils a bit and smiling at the impressed gasp it got him as he pulled on his leather gauntlets and reached up to tie back his hair into its usual ponytail. “They’ll help me get us out of here in one piece, so stick right next to me, alright?”
Ciri nodded intently, her small hand latching onto his large one as he drew his steel sword with the other, the blade slipping out of its sheath with practiced ease.
“I’ll carry the rest.” Mousesack said, moving to pack up what was left of Jaskier and Geralt’s things scattered across the floor.
“Just take the lute case, leave the rest.” Geralt said, pulling Ciri along as he made for the door. “We’ve already used enough time. We have to move quickly to-”
He froze, pulling Ciri behind him as his hearing picked up commotion on the other side of the heavy soundproof door.
“What is it?” Mousesack whispered, following his stare, evidently unable to hear the sound of the struggle in the hallway, the clash of metal, or the unmistakable fall of a body.
Geralt shook his head, staying silent as he raised his sword.
He felt Ciri jump as the locked doorknob rattled, but she stayed quiet, even as a heavy armored fist pounded on the reinforced wood. There was some more fussing and slamming at the door for several heartstopping moments, but evidently the spymaster had spared no expense in security when his office had been made, the locked door not budging an inch. After a long minute whoever was on the other side seemed to grow bored and Geralt heard them moving on, doubtlessly in search of easier prey.
When the clanking footsteps were gone Geralt took a steadying breath.
“The castle has fallen.” Mousesack said soberly. “We’ll need to take the servant’s passages to the back gate, it will be our best chance at avoiding as many soldiers as we can.”
“Ciri I’m going to carry you so we can go as fast as possible.” Geralt said, crouching down to be at her eye level. “And I need you to keep your eyes closed, alright? We’re going to be moving quickly and passing a lot of things someone your age doesn’t need to be seeing.”
She was going to have nightmares aplenty for years to come after this, no use in adding more if they could help it. Certainly not starting with the sight of whatever was left of Captain Cordova on the other side of the door.
He half expected her to protest, but to his relief she instead threw her arms around his neck and hid her face against him as he picked her up, carrying her in one arm. He took a moment to marvel at how much she trusted him, a trust he would do everything in his power to deserve.
“Alright, to the back gates.” Geralt said, adjusting his grip on his sword and nodding for Mousesack to unlock the door. “We get Jaskier and then we get out of this blasted city.”
 The castle was already crawling with Nilfgaardian soldiers, but Mousesack had been right in guessing the servants passages would keep them mostly out of the way. They only encountered a few lone enemy soldiers on their way out, all of whom had all been more or less easily slain, even with Geralt fighting one handed.
But once they made it outside the castle and into the night air there was no spymaster or bard to be seen.
“Are you sure this is the back gate?” Geralt demanded, the dark pit in his stomach already knowing the answer as he looked around him.
“It is.” Mousesack said grimly, wiping at the blood that was trickling down his face, the result of a cut he’d gotten above his eye from the last soldier they’d run into. “Wilhelm said to keep going if he wasn’t here by now Geralt, I’m sorry but we can’t stay.”
Geralt felt a snarl rising in his chest as he hesitated, feeling helplessly torn and knowing he had only moments to decide.
The night air around them was dark with the smoke billowing from the burning city beyond the castle walls and yells and shrieks echoed through the night from all sides. The dark corner against the castle that the three were currently tucked into wouldn’t shield them for long from the eyes of the Nilfgaardian soldiers that were hurrying past.
They still had to cross the wrecked courtyard and get to the sewers that would lead them out of the city. The longer they waited the worse their chances got of getting Ciri to safety.
“We can wait for Jaskier.” Ciri said, loosening her terrified grip around Geralt’s neck just enough to look at him. The smell of her fear was nearly overwhelming, despite the brave face she was putting on. “We have to stay to make sure he’s okay too, right?”
Geralt looked at Mousesack but the druid merely looked back at him, waiting for him to decide.
In the near distance there was the booming crash of a battlement falling, followed by the piercing screams of both horses and men. The smoky sky lit up brighter for a moment, as if a burst of flame had grabbed on to new fuel on the other side of the castle wall.
“We’re going on.” Geralt decided, casting a shielding quen sign over himself and Ciri as he raised his sword. “Mousesack stay close, I’ll get you both out safely and then come back for Jaskier after.”
The druid looked as though he wanted to add something, but instead nodded silently, adjusting the strap of the lute case over his shoulder to keep his hands free, sparks of chaos shimmering over his fingertips as he looked warily across the courtyard.
“But what about Jaskier?” Ciri asked, voice shaking.
“He can handle himself.” Geralt said, gritting his teeth against the ill feeling inside him.
He shifted to hold her more securely against him as he started forward, ducking them behind an overturned supply cart, hiding momentarily in the deep shadow it cast in the light of the fires all around them. He grimaced as the sight of what used to be a Cintrian soldier at his feet.
“Ciri, close your eyes again until I say so, alright?” He said, rebalancing himself and checking for Mousesack beside them before moving again.
And she hadn’t closed her eyes a moment too soon, Geralt realized as he darted from behind the cart toward a shadowed corner along the city wall. He muffled a curse as he spotted the crumpled form of what could only be the queen of Cintra on the dusty ground. He glanced up. She must have flung herself from her own bedroom window when enemy soldiers got too close.
Geralt traded a hurried silent look with Mousesack who looked stricken, but to his credit stuck by Geralt as they pressed on. It couldn’t have taken them longer than a few minutes to weave their way across the courtyard—Geralt’s senses and timing keeping them hidden from the scattered troops left ranging about the courtyard, torching everything they could reach—but it was a relief unlike any other when they finally reached the dislodged sewer grate that would lead out of the city.
Geralt heaved the grate aside and nimbly dropped down into the darkness, quickly swapping his steel sword for silver to hold at the ready as he started down the tunnel. Cintra wasn’t known for having monster infested sewers, but for their own safety he had to assume they’d come across at least a few before they reached the outlet on the other side of the city.
“Lead the way.” Mousesack said, voice hoarse from smoke and grief as he rejoined them, conjuring a ball of light tonight their way down the tunnels.
Geralt nodded, trying his very best not to think about where Jaskier was at that very moment, afraid that if he did he’d go rushing right back into the flames after him before the others were safe.
 Wilhelm had promised three horses and a handler, but when they emerged from the sewers two easily slain drowners later there was only one saddled gelding to be seen. Geralt cast a hurried axii on the nervous animal to calm it, grimly noting the blood stains on its hocks. Human blood. There was no time to figure out exactly what had happened to its handler and the other horses, but Geralt had a pretty good guess.
“Mousesack, take Ciri and head due south for two miles.” Geralt said, grabbing the dazed gelding’s reins and setting Ciri down. “You‘ll hit a crossroads with a hanging tree on either side, and after that a clearing by a stream where I’ve hidden my mare. Get to the clearing and wait for me for twenty minutes. If I’m not there by then take Ciri and ride hard for the Morhen mountains, keep off the main roads and use false names at inns, the empire can’t know you’re heading to Kaer Morhen.”
The druid nodded. “I’ve only been up your mountain once years ago, but I should be able to track the path with summer weather instead of snows. What shall I tell Vesimir if we arrive without you?”
“Geralt, you can’t leave!” Ciri said, clinging to his side. “Please, don’t go back!”
“The truth.” Geralt said, giving the gelding’s tack a quick once over as Mousesack heaved himself up into the saddle. “Tell him everything starting with Pavetta, he can’t turn away a child surprise owed to the Wolf school.”
“Geralt! You can’t go, don’t leave me, please!” Ciri cried, her hands latching onto his armor. Geralt’s eyes widened as the desperation in the distressed girl’s voice edged with enough chaos to make his medallion shiver.
Geralt looked up at Mousesack as memories of Ciri’s mother flashed through his mind, of a scream laced with enough elder blood magic to level the very castle that was now burning in Nilfgaardian flame. Mousesack looked back with a grim silence.
Well, that would have to be discussed later. What mattered now was that Geralt had a twelve year old girl to protect and comfort in a situation that made comfort near impossible, and that he would still try anyway.
“Ciri, Mousesack will take care of you.” Geralt said, his voice softening just a bit as he dropped to one knee in front of her, gently loosening her grip on his armor. “I have to go back for Jaskier, but we’ll catch up with you as soon as we can.”
“Promise you’ll be okay?” Ciri demanded, wiping at the tears on her face.
“Witchers don’t make promises like that Ciri, but I can promise you I’ll do everything I can.” Geralt said solemnly, resting a steadying hand on her shoulder. “I need you to promise me that you’ll obey Mousesack so that he can protect you, alright?”
“I can try.” Ciri said, making a valiant effort to keep her voice from shaking as she threw her arms around Geralt’s neck, just like she did when he was a wolf.
This time however Geralt was able to hug her back, holding her just as tightly for a long moment while she buried her face against his neck. He could feel her trembling.
She had lost so much so quickly. Her grandparents, her home, her city. Of course she would be terrified of Geralt too disappearing forever in the smoke of Cintra if he went back into it, and just when she’d gotten him too. Geralt could still remember the pain of losing his mother and home centuries later, he couldn’t imagine how much worse it must be for Ciri in this moment, but he could guess.
Geralt pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against hers, looking her in the eye, a gentle hand on the back of her head. “I’ll catch up to you as soon as I can, but you have to leave now. I need you to be strong and fast and brave, alright?”
Ciri swallowed and scrubbed tears from her eyes, but nodded.
“Good.” Geralt said, standing and helping her up into the saddle in front of Mousesack who had watched their exchange in sober silence. He knew as well as Geralt did that every passing second lowered the chance of him coming back alive, let alone with Jaskier.
The men nodded to each other and then Mousesack took the reins, pulling the horse around and digging his heels into its flanks. Geralt watched the horse disappear into the night, then turned back to the sewer entrance. He pulled a bottle of swallow and a vial of cat from his alchemy pouch, downing them both in quick succession as he dropped back into the darkness with his blade drawn. Without Mousesack’s enchanted light he’d have to see in the pitch darkness on his own.
He growled as he felt the toxins course through his veins, already sharpening his night vision and eating away at any fatigue he’d already collected that night as he started moving back toward the burning city as quickly as he could.
He’d gotten his child surprise to safety, but he wasn’t going any farther without Jaskier.
And if he didn’t find him alive and well, he was going to find out how to burn a city down twice.
For whatever reason my brain was really squirrelly getting this chapter written and decided to write the final chapter before this one, then made me hopscotch backward to write the rest out of order. Regardless of the chaotic approach it's gotten the job done, so I can't complain too much at having been broken out of my usual start-at-the-beginning-then-write-to-the-end writing style.
This also means that I will be publishing the final chapter one week from today, next Tuesday evening. I look forward to seeing you all then, and until then I look forward to reading your comments and tags! Re-reading them between chapters always helps me get back in the writing mood, so thank you all for every one of them. :)
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terresdebrume · 5 years
The Witcher - Favorite reads masterpost
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Like much of Tumblr, I have recently fallen down the delicious rabbit hole of the saga of Henry Cavill’s abs in form-fitting leather, aka the tv adaptation of The Witcher. As always, that means semi-obsessive fic reading which in turn means recs! So, here’s a non-exhaustive, always evolving list of my favorite Witcher fic.
As of right now it’s...well, almost exclusively geraskier, because shipping is my primary reason for reading fics and also the Witcher (TV) tag is one of the most uniformly slashy ones I’ve ever seen, but there will be other kind of fics too. Hope you’ll enjoy :)
Tagging @nyliekeo because I’ve been saying I’d give you a rec list for a while and I’m finally (beginning to) deliver. Other stories will be added as I catch up with my reading and/or discover new ones.
Now with a Volume 2
Last updated Feb. 20th 2020.
Non Geraskier fics
Nighttime Conversations - Starfleet_Command_Unite_Bi
Specs: 731 words - Eist/Calanthe - Teen & Up Summary: Eist and Calanthe have a mostly serious conversation. Set about a year after they get married.
what changed? - TheSoliloquy 
Specs: 1939 words - Eist/Calanthe - Teen & Up Summary: Eist is a man born to belief and faith. Skelligens put stock in destiny... Perhaps they shouldn't. Or: Eist and his relationship with the Lioness of Cintra and her cubs.
Three times (and a half) - karadeniz
Specs: 4 450 words - General Audiences - Happy family dynamics Summary: The annals of Cintra are not that interesting, so Eist and Ciri push the definition of a history lesson a little.
You know The Princess Bride movie? Yeah, it's a little bit like that.
Capable - periwinklepromise
Specs: 100 words - General Audiences - Drabble Summary: Renfri is capable of many things
Between Roaches - RabidRabbit
Specs: 1 522 words - Geralt & Roach - General audiences - Sad going to hopeful Summary: Witchers live far, far longer lives than their mounts. So how does one deal with having to find another Roach when the loss of the previous one left a great gaping hole in the heart many people didn't believe Geralt had?
A Quiet Night - 2spaces_lesbo1
Specs: 1 214 words - Geralt & Ciri - General audiences - Fluff Summary: They have a still moment together.
you’ll be alright (no one can hurt you now) - hopeless_hope
Specs: 1 347 words - Teen & Up audiences - Grief/Mourning, soft dad Geralt Summary: “Hey,” he says, making sure he has her full attention. Ciri looks at him, and the amount of hope in her eyes scares him, though he’d never admit it. He pitches his voice low and soothing yet firm. “No one is going to hurt you while I’m here. And I won’t be leaving you.” She gives him a twisted smile. “They all say that,” she says bitterly, and Geralt spares himself a second to remind himself of what Ciri has lost. Her parents. Her grandparents. Her home. Geralt is all she has left. - In which Ciri has a nightmare and Geralt does his best to comfort her.
Geraskier fics
Limpid As Dammit - Gigi_Sainclair
Specs: 3 100 words - Teen & Up Summary: "The first time, Jaskier does it out of kindness, to avoid hurt feelings."
Becoming a hero - charlock221
Specs: 4 181 words - Teen & Up - Graphic depiction of violence Summary: Jaskier found that being a damsel in distress was only fun when the peril was very, very mild.Being a damsel in distress was definitely not fun when the peril was four thugs threatening him and he hadn’t spoken to his usual rescuer in several months.He just wasn’t sure he had what it took to become the hero.
The Ballad of Pots and Pans - 6th_magnitude
Specs: 1 880 words - Mature - Friends to lovers Summary: Geralt knows Jaskier is a bard - but until now, he’s never properly listened to his songs.
Astra Inclinant - JustGettingBy
Specs: 11 790 words - Explicit - AU Summary: When Jaskier is seven, he first hears the myths of the Witchers--those foul, half-human beasts.When Jaskier is twenty-one, he meets Geralt.He falls in love with him not long after.
kamilica - yogurtgun
Specs: 3 295 words - Explicit - Service Top Jaskier Summary: Jaskier rubs chamomile oil on Geralt's lovely bottom.
your very best friend, in the whole wide world - sargarepa
Specs: 5 996 words - General audiences - Soft!Geraskier - Touch-starved!Geralt Summary: Geralt of Rivia has spent a strange amount of time feverishly obsessing over the way Jaskier can just casually touch him, like it's nothing, like he's not an aberration capable of breaking Jaskier in half with a sneeze. Jaskier saw Geralt slice through monsters like pudding, covered in guts and grime and his own sweat and blood, but there he was, leaning against him and tuning his lute. Geralt doesn't know how to classify the feeling gripping him every time it happens, but he knows he doesn't want it to stop.
the world will follow after - friendlyghost
Specs: 8 827 words - Explicit - Dopplers - Scent kink Summary: The thing about dopplers is that while they know their target’s mind, they aren’t all that skilled in actually impersonating them. It’s easy to look like the baker’s wife and to know that she’s having an affair with the laundress down the road. It’s much harder to know not to kiss the laundress in front of the baker.In which a doppler impersonates Jaskier, Geralt realizes some things, and then they (Geralt and the real Jaskier) have sex. In that order.
His Touch - Sevent
Specs: 6 203 words - Mature - Touch starved! Geralt Summary: Jaskier is an affectionate man. It drives Geralt mad, but in more ways than he knows how to put into words.
Masterwork - phnelt
Specs: 1 461 words - Teen & Up - Master Bard!Jaskier Summary: “Master Jaskier, please meet your apprentice. Valdemar, do try to contain yourself.” Master Juhani looked at Jaskier’s expression and coughed. “Surely you remember the duties of a Master, Jaskier.”
let us shake the abacus - Ark
Specs: 3 062 words - Explicit - Denial (of feelings) Summary: "This is a bad idea," says Geralt."Terrible idea," Jaskier agrees. He kisses up Geralt’s neck, his tongue wicked on Geralt’s ear. "Really bad."
What Pleases You - jesstiel (jseca)
Specs: 5 725 words - Not rated - Geralt & Jaskier do go to the coast. Summary: “Well, it’s just – we were on the brink of finding a dragon.   You had Yennefer in your grasp – or perhaps you in hers, it’s difficult to tell, sometimes.  Adventure, peril, romance!  And.. you walked away.”
“You asked me to,” Geralt says, like it's that easy.
Now With Chapter 2: They Actually Get To The Coast.
Companionship - ArliaDevi
Specs: 4 104 words - Teen & Up - Found family Summary: In which Ciri suspects but cannot confirm.
Or, Geralt and Jaskier get domestic. Well, as domestic as they can.
it steals all my reason - theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
Specs: 1 382 words - General Audiences - Pneumonia Summary: The worst thing, Geralt thinks, is the quiet. There is no singing, just the heavy labour of breaths hard-won.
Sinister as Silence - MountainRose
Specs: 1 783 words - Teen & Up - Monster of the week Summary: Jaskier goes quiet for one second, and it's enough for Geralt to have a heart attack.
When the Morning Light Shines In - QueenForADay
Specs: 2 760 words - General Audiences - Morning After, Lazy mornings Summary: Jaskier can’t think of any point in their travels together where he has woken up before the other man. In mornings where they were surrounded by trees, or half-way up a stupid, fucking mountain because of a stupid, fucking quest posed to them by some stupid, fucking man, he’ll always wake to the sound of Geralt moving around: whether it’s rolling up his own tent, or taking his blades to a whetstone, or fixing the last of Roach’s gear. He remembers Geralt telling him about not being able to sleep. Until then, he supposed, Witchers might not have needed it. Then again, until he met Geralt, he can’t say for certain that he knew exactly what a Witcher did and didn’t need. He can’t think of any point in their travels together where he has woken up before the other man – except for now.
The Knack of Acting Normal - KeriArentikai
Specs: 4 407 words - Teen & Up - Geralt is bad at feelings, but he gets better Summary: It's been almost two years since the last time he's seen him. Jaskier looks the same to Geralt. Maybe a little older, he supposes. Happier, certainly, than when he turned away on the rocks. [Geralt is sad. Jaskier is sad. And then after a while they are both happy.]
Weak, My Love, and I Am Wanting - TabbyCat33098
Specs: 2 443 words -Teen & Up - Getting together Summary: Jaskier has written a lot of ballads about some woman who has stolen his heart. The thing is, he's been on the road with Geralt for the past month. He hasn't had any time to court a woman, much less have his heart broken by her. So who is this woman? The answer may shock you. // “There’s no lady,” Geralt says. Jaskier trails off. “Well, of course not,” he says instead. “I imagine a woman would take grave offense to the frequency with which we give our patronage to brothels, not to mention your unseemly habit of bathing in monster blood and other revolting gunk.” He wrinkles his nose. “Perhaps I should write an ode to your masterful powers of observation next.” “But you were talking about a woman tonight,” Geralt continues, ignoring Jaskier entirely.
there’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met - theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
Specs: 2 469 words - Teen & Up - Not really a character death Summary: “I wonder,” says Dandelion, lounging under a tree- his lute is in his lap. Geralt is cleaning his sword and stealing glances at him every few moments. “I wonder why it is some people feel so familiar. I could swear I’d never met you, Geralt, but you’re- maybe it’s just from those old songs.” He strums a chord, and when he starts on Toss a Coin Geralt grits out a “stop it” before he can even think.
Where the Field Meets the Forest - karcheri
Specs: 782 words - General Audiences - Flowers meanings Summary: Jaskier has been putting flowers into Geralt's hair. He catches on.
Speechless - Silverynight
Specs: 1 371 words - Teen & Up - Emotional repression Summary: The first time Jaskier wakes up next to Geralt he tells himself it’s an accident, even though he knows it doesn’t make any sense. Of course he’s attracted to his friend (the witcher would never admit they’re friends because he’s an idiot, but they are friends) he’s been attracted to men before, however… He’s never actually slept with one before, only women. Perhaps that’s the reason why he hasn’t said anything since he woke up. He’s still trying to think about what happened. Not that he didn’t enjoy it, quite the opposite in fact, it’s just… Jaskier thought he’d never sleep with a man.
a broken pot can still hold water - MarionetteFtHJM
Specs: 28 742 words - Explicit - Jaskier makes Geralt grovel a bit. Summary: Despite what his outward code of conduct would have you thinking, Jaskier knows when he is not wanted. He allows himself the exact amount of three days of wallowing in that small town before he packs his meager possessions and hits the road like nothing happened. In those three days he sings and dances for his food and drink, fucks the pretty barmaid and sleeps off the hangover before heading out in the morning of the fourth day. He travels alone for the first time in a while but it’s alright. Now, if only people would stop telling him that the Witcher asks about him - that'd be swell.
Surprise, Surprise - Laylabinx
Specs: 1 732 words - Mature - Graphic depiction of violence Summary: Even in the dim light, he can see that Jaskier is absolutely covered in blood. His clothes are splattered with it, his face is streaked, there’s even blood in his hair. His arms are slick and saturated up to the elbow and the sharp, polished blade Geralt had given him before he went into the cave is still gripped tightly in one fist like he can’t let it go. His knees are drawn up to his chest like he’s trying to make himself very small and aside from his quiet, hitched breathing he doesn’t move at all.Jaskier blinks at him and his expression crumples just slightly as he stifles back a sob. “I killed them.” (Or Jaskier is forced to kill in self-defense and does not handle it well. Geralt helps him pick up the pieces.)
Opulence - QueenForADay
Specs: 7 237 words - Explicit - Praise kink, some plot. Summary: In private, and sheltered from the wandering eyes of stablehands, Jaskier presses a light kiss to Geralt’s neck. “Please?” he mumbles against the skin, smirking as he trails his nose along a tendon there. “For me?” Geralt turns, catching Jaskier’s lips in a kiss that, if he wasn’t completely aware of how discreet they have to be, would become so much more. Jaskier still doesn’t move his hands though; one on the small of Geralt’s back, and the other holding on to a forearm. When he pulls away, Jaskier tries to follow, but a barked order from one of the grooms to a nearby stableboy makes him pull away. “Siren,” Geralt sighs. He would follow Jaskier anywhere. The bard knows that. He’s abused that fact. But the city they’re heading to has a reputation; draped in gold with springs of silver in the main square, it’s opulence at its finest. And Geralt is pretty sure that, although he’ll appreciate the comfy bed and the nice food, he’s going to fucking hate the rest of it.
Here’s a safe place (to lay your heart down) - Some_Dead_Guy
Specs: 1 439 words - Teen & Up - Hurt/Comfort Summary: “My mother used to do this for me, when I got headaches.” Jaskier murmurs, his voice quiet and soft, “I was a bit clumsy as a child, still am now I’m sure you’d say.” Jaskier chuckles and Geralt can feel the puff of his breath against his face, “I hit my head a lot, and this would make me feel better. Not sure how well it works on Witchers but–” “Works just fine.” Geralt mumbles, and his head splitting headache has dulled to a barely there throb under Jaskier’s fingers. Or, Geralt has a headache and his bard comes to the rescue.
I spoke your name (out loud to the room) - objectlesson
Specs: 1 151 words - Mature - Unrequited love Summary: You wish Jaskier would leave you the fuck alone, but he clings to you like ash after flames have laid waste to a village, like clotted crimson after you have killed something with your bare hands. However, you can scrub blood out from under your nails. Jaskier, so far, has proven to be far more indelible.
To Sleep Perchance To - Sospes
Specs: 16 955 - Mature - Graphic depiction of violence, torture, PTSD Summary: Jaskier gets kidnapped and tortured. Geralt comes to rescue him. Except it's not quite that simple.
Scales and Songs - TeenyTinyTony
Specs: 4 640 words - Teen & Up - Siren!Jaskier AU Summary: Geralt had known from the moment Jaskier introduced himself that the bard wasn't human, but he had seemed harmless enough and Geralt wasn't one to chase something that wasn't hurting anyone. It was easier not to mention it.
Starving on Scraps of Kindness - penguistifical
Specs: 4 388 words - Explicit - Orgasm delay/denial, not entirely human!Jaskier Summary: "It seems obvious in retrospect, but Geralt didn’t realize Jaskier’s true nature until the two of them encountered a succubus."
Benefits - ShastaFirecracker
Specs: 3 319 words - Explicit - Friends with benefits, coming untouched Summary: Whenever Jaskier's mouth isn't occupied, he talks. Low, easily, about anything. Sounds to soothe. And the thing is – unlike all the rest of the time, Jaskier is pretty sure that when he talks while he's chasing Geralt's pleasure, Geralt listens. It's a heady drug. And yes, Jaskier is becoming addicted.
Sleepsong - QueenForADay
Specs: 1 643 words - General audiences - Geralt wakes up from a nightmare, Jaskier helps. Summary: Some part of him wishes that people could see this – the man that they all fear so much, the Witcher, a hunter of the supernatural and evil, placated by his bard’s voice, melting into his arms. All he’s missing is hearing Geralt purr like a housecat. Every so often, Jaskier’s ears prick at the sound of a murmur of a hum leaving the other man, particularly when Jaskier presses a kiss to the crown of Geralt’s head, or runs his foot along the length of Geralt’s bared leg.
And at the same time, he would gladly pick up a sword and kill anyone who even thought of intruding on a moment like this.
When sorrow sang - Ailendolin
Specs: 11 184 words - Teen & Up audiences - Regret, pining Summary:  Alone, with only his trusted lute as companion, Jaskier sat in front of a pitiful fire, strumming his instrument with almost absentminded fingers. His hands were trembling, something Geralt had never seen them do before, and that was startling enough to make him pause at the edge of the clearing, just out of sight. “I’m weak, my love, and I am wanting,” Jaskier sang softly, and his voice broke with so much sorrow Geralt could feel it in his very bones. After their fight it doesn't take long for Geralt to stumble upon Jaskier again. There's only one way down the mountain, after all. What he didn't expect was to catch him in an unguarded moment - one that changes everything for both of them.
Neither one prepared - Sevent
Specs: 10 050 words - Mature - Idiots who don’t know they’re in love, semi-slow burn Summary: Between the Djinn and the Dragon Hunt, Geralt and Jaskier share many encounters on the road. A collection of coincidences, through Jaskier's eyes.
look what you made me do - cicak
Specs: 6 569 words - Explicit - Farce with porn Summary: “Like that dandy has ever bedded a woman,” the woman at the next table scoffed. “All those sexy songs of his are about that Witcher.”
The Love of a Bard - SpaceSexual
Specs: 2 103 words - Teen & Up audiences Summary: "The pen is mightier than the sword - and so it would seem, is the lute." Jaskier's a bard, a truly exceptional model of his vocation. He writes songs that bring crowds to their feet and thinks his time spent with the Witcher has let him learn a step or two of his own. However, some dances require one step forward, and a few very rapid, fear-filled, paces back.
Priorities - Penguistifical
Specs: 2 590 words - Teen & Up - Geralt cares and so does Jaskier Summary: Geralt’s getting used to a certain bard's company, but he can’t help but notice that Jaskier takes better care of his lute than of himself.
Curiosities - Luddleston
Specs: 3 109 words - Teen & Up audiences - Banter, witcher biology Summary:  "Geralt, let me ask you a question." "No." "Oh, come now. It's nothing ridiculous." Jaskier does his research, Geralt is tired of all the questions, and the questions get more and more personal along the way.
Woodash and iron and leather - LokelaniRose
Specs: 9 874 words - Explicit - Mutual admiration - Mutual pining Summary: Jaskier is the only person Geralt's ever been around who doesn't smell of fear. Russian Translation here Korean Translation here
lay (not) your heart against him - theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
Specs: 1 368 words - Teen & Up audiences - Geralt of Rivia is bad at communicating, scenting Summary: He’s a brave man but the core of it is that he trusts Geralt to save him before anything ever gets too close. It’s- Well. Geralt thinks the last time someone trusted him as far as they could throw him was when he was still a child. Before Kaer Morhen, before anything. His world is a cruel, cutthroat one. He doesn’t know what to do with this unceasing, unspoken dedication. So he doesn’t mention it. Probably Jaskier doesn’t even realize what he’s doing. 
The Ballad of the Bard and the Moon - Ravenheart
Specs: 2 605 words - Mature - It’s all about the YEARNING Summary: If the moon allowed it, Jaskier would call himself a worshipper for as long as he lived. And that, he guessed, was the problem. Because the moon could keep you company, but it couldn't worship back. It might give you direction, and you might even be blessed with its protection, but it would go its own way, whether you followed or stayed behind. Stubbornly determined to walk the night at its own pace, painting its own path. (Alternatively: Jaskier spends over 2k trying to figure out that he's in love with Geralt, and then he does something about it)
in restless dreams i walked alone (the sound of silence) - august_embers
Specs: 16 136 words - Not rated - Mental health issues, suicidal thoughts (but no actual suicide attempt), Jaskier is not okay sometimes Summary: "Geralt is able to scent the guilt on a lying man from ten feet away, to catch sight of half a pawprint in the undergrowth in the dead of night, to know when to lean back before the coming blade can cut through his throat.  Much of it comes from his training at Kaer Morhen, where his instincts were honed and enhanced, but even more comes from his travels and experiences while walking the Path.  Geralt notices things, because not noticing means death. He does not notice the lack of singing." Something is very wrong with Jaskier.
front row praises - The_Watchers_Crown
Specs: 25 098 words - Explicit - Porn with feelings Summary: The girl rolls her eyes at him. “If you’re just going to stand here ogling the witcher, maybe go and do it out of the way.” “Ogling.” Jaskier scoffs. “Who’s ogling?” She looks unimpressed. “Have you told him you want him to fuck you?”
Inspiration - CobaltCephalopod
Specs: 1 131 words - General audiences - Magic, musical instruments Summary: Between all the half-hummed melodies and scratched out words to be had over the course of decades, Geralt knows how Jaskier’s songs work and how they are made. He’s the subject of them, more often than not, and he can’t count the number of hours spent falling asleep to Jaskier’s strumming while he huddles closer to the dying fire to read what he’d scribbled so far. Or: I figured Filavandrel's lute probably has some kind of magic in it.
a fool by profession - besselfcn
Specs: 967 words - General audiences - Jaskier tells his problems to a horse Summary: “Make sure my horse gets a bath,” Jaskier mumbles, in a poor imitation of Geralt’s distressingly low register. “Who does he think he is, honestly? Man has one bloody popular song written after him and he thinks I’ll attend to his beck and call, is that it?” He gives pause for Roach to weigh in, if she’s inclined. She snorts.
i’ve never been there bu i know the way - theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
Specs: 2 525 words - Mature - Basically jaskier starts being competent and Geralt is like. huh. Huh. Summary: On the left hand of the noble, however, is Jaskier. His charm is turned up to eleven, and Geralt could swear he’s batting his eyelashes, and his voice is all syrupy-sweet. He squints at his bard to no avail- Jaskier is very determinedly seducing this damn noble. And what’s worse is that it’s working. Somehow, improbably, Jaskier is charming him through shockingly well delivered compliments and subtle little flattering remarks. It’s such a far cry from the stuttering, irritating bard Geralt knows that he feels almost offended, like this has been purposefully hidden from him just to pull out at the most fucking inopportune time he could possibly find. 
Tinseltown - LaurytheLatrador
Specs: 16 545 words - Mature - Alternate Universe - Hollywood Summary: Back when Jaskier was a small town busker he hooked up with Geralt, an MMA fighter gaining renown. Now Jaskier's a musician struggling to keep his head above water in Los Angeles, while his ex is one of the most famous actors in the world. He never expected their paths to cross again, but there wouldn't be any stories if life went the way we expect.
Where there’s a Witcher - ghostinthelibrary
Specs: 61 278 words - Mature - Alternate Universe - Modern setting Summary: Jaskier is a twentysomething recently unemployed journalist and amateur musician looking for his big break. So when he’s saved from the jaws of a wyvern by the infamous Butcher of Blaviken, Geralt of Rivia, he comes up with a brilliant idea: he’ll follow the Witcher around and sing about their exploits. He’ll gain fame and fortune and Geralt will get a much needed image rehab. Everyone wins. Unless Jaskier goes and falls in love like an idiot.
The Witcher Wolf - im_fairly_witty
Specs: 11 448 words - Teen & Up audiences - Geralt accidentally becomes an emotional support animal Summary: It’s been two weeks since Geralt shouted Jaskier away from him on that mountain and Jaskier has been handling it like a champ by forlornly wandering alone in the wilderness with his lute. When he (literally) stumbles across an injured white wolf he decides to take a chance and see if he can help it, appreciating the irony of the situation but not quite realizing why it is that the wolf’s golden eyes look exactly like his Witcher’s... Inspired by @kayivy's lovely art on tumblr
home is nowhere, therefore you - Ark
Specs:  18 134 words - Explicit - Fairytales, love confessions Summary: "Right, well," Jaskier says, when he halts before Geralt. Up close, he looks much more nervous. There is sweat on his brow and his collar is damp with it, and his teeth keep catching on his lower lip. "True love's kiss. There's—ah—there's nothing to it." And he bends, the utter imbecile, and kisses Geralt full on the mouth.
Two Halves of a Whole - penguistifical
Specs: 3 450 words - Teen & Up audiences - Alternate Universe - Daemons Summary: Geralt doesn’t take much notice at first when the small brown bird alights on his table.
Second Refrain - Kenjiandco
Specs: 7 006 words - Explicit - Siren magic has unexpected effects on witchers Summary:  It’s been...Gods, it’s been more than a year since their paths last crossed. Since Geralt emphatically un-crossed them, one could say, outside another cave high up on a windy mountain top.  And here they are, trapped like a couple of treed cats in this little hole in a cliff face. No horse, no pack, no potions, no swords. Just a rapidly dwindling handful of dried meat, a useless hunting knife, a festering bite in his side that hurts much more than it should...and Jaskier, the surest omen that everything in his life is about completely stop making sense. Again. In which back-to-back encounters with a siren, a wyvern, and an old, old friend leave Geralt in need of a rescue. Just not the one he thought he needed.
is there a person more cherished - nowherebound
Specs: 629 words - General audiences - Just Geralt and Jaskier loving each other very much Summary: Geralt is the most fond of him. Fond, fond, fond… fond of his chestnut hair and sloped eyebrows, smoothed back by two gentle thumbs; honest eyes and sweet voice, bathing him in praise; slender waist and soft belly, perfect for resting his head on; petite hands, fingertips calloused from lute strings. How pretty, how divine, how lovely that Geralt is the one who gets to hold him, to love him. Yes, he is the most fond.
Food of love - tanktrilby
Specs: 22 485 words - Teen & Up audiences - Magical bard Jaskier, Renfri lives Summary: I brought a dead princess back to life through the power of song is the kind of thing that would have got an eyebrow raise even from the stone-faced Geralt of Rivia, so it's a good thing he and Geralt will probably never see each other again. (or: the one where Jaskier channels magic through his songs, and it almost never goes as expected.)
You Suffer Alone, Not Anymore - Sevent
Specs: 2 719 words - Teen & Up - Roach is an emotional support horse Summary: There's much Geralt is willing to put up with. The trials and tribulations of his witcher youth prepared him for a lifetime of cruelty and scorn. No one ever prepared him for kindness.
Guide - TenSpencerRiedPlease
Specs: 2 740 words - Not Rated - Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides, Protective Jaskier Summary: “Oh for the love of god Geralt, could you cooperate for like five minutes?” Jaskier asks as he pushes Geralt to sit on the ground. He doesn’t look impressed about it but if his ass wasn’t constantly going into some type of zone out or sensory overload this wouldn’t be an issue. They’ve already had to mute all the colors on the TV, it never plays very loud, he’s only just gotten used to sun light of all things and he can sit on the ground because Jaskier has long ago discovered that if he’s touching Geralt he doesn’t lose his focus in another sense so much. Geralt glares at him the whole way down but he does go.
194 notes · View notes
ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 17
This chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Chapter 17 - Proud Daughter
“Wow, Rex, you look like you went on quite the shopping trip!” Ptera observed as her son got in the back seat of the car with Weevil. 
“I bought all my school supplies.” Rex sheepishly revealed his debit card. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Quite the contrary.” Ptera ruffled Rex’s hair. “You’re coming to class prepared. I’m so proud of you, mi hijo. ”
“Hehe… Thanks.”
Ptera noticed the bag with the fetal doppler. “Oh? What’s that?
“I saw a doctor on campus today.” Rex was careful not to mention a word about Spinos. “And no, it didn’t cost me a dime. Bet you didn’t know that healthcare is free for all students, whether it’s at the hospital or at the university.”
Amber noticed that the back seat was fairly full, and elected to take the front seat. “Um… Hello, ma’am.”
“Who’s this, Rex? A new friend of yours?” Ptera asked as the car took off.
“Yeah. Her name’s Amber… Say, Amber, I just realized something. You never told us your surname or your middle name.”
“That’s because I don’t have either one. Believe it or not, there are people in the world who don’t.”
“Is that so? Well, I learn something new every day.”
“That’s not hard for you, dino brain.” Weevil laughed.
“Speaking of which, Mom… The reason I went to the doctor was to get an ultrasound of my baby. You’re going to have a happy, healthy granddaughter!”
“You should name her after me, haha! I hope she gets my wild purple hair and personality.” Ptera invited Amber into the house. “Adelaide and your mama just came home from a long shift at work, so don’t wake them up until it’s time for dinner.”
“Ma’am, can I help?” Amber offered as she retrieved a satchel from her handbag. “I mean, I’ll admit I’m not the best cook around, but… I know how to cook bee larvae.”
“Say whaaat? In that case, knock yourself out!” Weevil happily consented.
“Y-Yes, well… Go right ahead.” This notion creeped Ptera out a little bit.
“Now I can just get right into studying, without worrying about looking for my favourite food.” Weevil laid down on the sofa with a cushion under his head. As usual, Rex turned it to one of his favourite channels, the Discovery Channel. Weevil paid the T.V. no heed as he began to study, propping his legs on a loveseat. “Which, by the way, I haven’t been able to find in a while. Where ever did you find it, Amber?”
“Oh, just… Just looking around.” Amber whistled as she and Ptera cooked. While she left the skillet on, she began to prepare salad, as that was the only other thing she knew how to make. “My father actually owns a well-off apiary and is an avid lover of insects. He’s the reason why I’m an insect duelist. I also have some of our honey with me, if you want some.”
“So you are rich!” Rex grumbled. Having little desire to study, he pulled out his laptop and switched the T.V. to the news. “That explains why you’re such a smartass.”
“I’d love to meet this fellow insect duelist,” Weevil mused. “And what better way to introduce ourselves than through Duel Monsters?”
“Haha…” Amber gave a halfhearted chuckle. Dinner was ready, and she offered Weevil a small bowl of fried bee larvae. “I’m sure of that…”
A reporter from the T.V. put this conversation on hold. “We just received breaking news that monsters have been spotted in various parts of Domino City and around the world. Sightings have not been prevalent, but said monsters have caused wreckage in several small towns and isolated areas. We will keep you posted on these latest monster attacks.”
“Oh great, this again?” Rex facepalmed as he recalled the mess that the Orichalcos caused. “As if one or two monster attacks weren’t enough…”
“What do you mean, ‘again?’” Ptera raised an eyebrow.
“Uh… Forget you heard that.” Rex had never told his parents about said Orichalcos mess or the fairly recent Red-Eyes Black Dragon attack. Or about his shapeshifting abilities, for that matter. And forget about the time travelling and KC Grand Tournament! Rex wasn’t thankful that, unlike Weevil, he had no ability to bullshit. “Just… uh… Whoa! What was that?”
Rex could hear a loud sound; though it was in the distance, its source was strong enough to shake the ground and wake up Adelaide and Tricera.
“Oh my gods, could it be an earthquake?” Tricera worried.
“No, an earthquake would be more consistent than that,” Adelaide answered. “But hust in case, I’ll call the police and report it.”
“Then… Then maybe the monsters from the news are real!” Ptera turned the burner off and approached her son. “Rex. You know something that the rest of us don’t, don’t you?”
“Mom…” I suppose there’s no hiding it now. “You’re not going to believe this, but I-” A knocking from the front door prevented Rex from speaking further. “I’ll get that.”
“Who could be knocking at our door at a time like this?” Ptera wondered. “I hope none of you ordered pizza or something.”
“Maybe it’s the press,” Adelaide suggested. “They could be here to ask us about monster sightings.”
“...Wait.” Tricera squinted at the person who knocked on the door. “That’s-”
“Dad!” Rex was stunned to see Spinos at the door. “What are you doing here?”
“You…” Tricera marched to the door. “You fucking bastard! How dare you show your ugly ass face at MY house!”
“W-Wait!” Spinos couldn’t stop the tall, strong Tricera from seizing him by the collar and punching his face.
“How the hell did you even find us?” Ptera asked. “You’ve been stalking us, haven’t you?”
“ ¡Vete al diabolo, puta madre! ” Ptera clocked Spinos really hard on the other cheek.
“Please, Ptera, there is no time!” Spinos disregarded the stings from the punches on both sides of his cheeks. “There are monsters coming this way!”
“And you expect me to believe you?” Ptera thundered. “If I couldn’t trust you 20 years ago, how do you expect me to trust you now?”
“Mrs. Raptor, he’s not lying!” Amber pointed to the sky from which several flying monsters came. “Look!”
“Oh, gods…” Ptera watched as the monsters shot lasers that destroyed nearby homes. “They’re going to destroy my house that I’ve worked so hard to save up for!”
The monsters… Weevil trembled as he heard the horrified screams of the unfortunate people who lost their homes - and would soon lose their lives, if he didn’t do something about it.  
“Weeves?” Rex knelt down to Weevil’s eye level. “What’s wrong?”
“Nobody can save these people… except me…” The ground underneath Weevil began to quake. His heart raced uncontrollably fast, and a red-and-purple aura emanated from it.
“Weeves, snap out of it!” Rex seized Weevil’s shoulders as the bug duelist fell deeper into his trance.
“Leave me alone!” Weevil shoved Rex off of him. He hadn’t fully shifted since last year’s Halloween Tournament, but was fully prepared to do it to save his boyfriend’s home. “You guys need to stay behind!”
“Weevil, don’t do it!” Ptera cried. “You can’t face them all by yourself!”
“...Actually, Mom, he can.” Rex watched as once again, Weevil transformed into Earthbound God Uru. Only this time, rather than causing harmless mischief, Weevil had every intent to kill any monster who would dare oppose him. Just the presence of his spider form, looming over his enemies larger than even KaibaCorp Tower, intimidated foe and friend alike.
“M-Master Weevil!” Adelaide couldn’t believe it. “What is happening to you?”
“Leave my home alone, you bastards!” Weevil shot a string of spider webs at the enemies who attacked him.
“Gaaah!” Two of the enemies fell to their deaths.
“He’s… something else, isn’t he?” Spinos observed.
“You know it…” Rex could only sit there and watch his boyfriend wreck havoc on his enemies, and hope that Weevil wouldn’t completely lose his mind out there.
“Wait, where’s Amber?” Tricera asked after a brief look in the house. “She’s gone!”
“I didn’t see her in the backyard, either!” spoke Ptera.
“Oh… Oh, no…” Rex’s good mood faded. “Did she get captured?”
The apparent leader of these enemies, Cyber Dragon Infinity, answered, “No, but I’m about to capture your precious little boyfriend! Who, by the way, isn’t looking so good over there.”
“It’s… happening again…” Weevil stared at the blood on his spider legs, and the blood he shed throughout the concrete. “I… have killed someone… again…”
“Well, why don’t we put you out of your misery, eh?” Cyber Dragon Infinity ordered his underling, an Armored Bee, “Activate your special ability!”
“With pleasure!” The Armored Bee rushed at Weevil full-speed, shouting, “Poison Stinger!”
“Ah… I feel… weak…” Weevil passed out and shifted to human form.
“Hah!” Cyber Dragon Infinity looked down upon Rex and his family. “Some ‘almighty, powerful Earthbound God,’ huh?”
Rex stepped forward, and already he half-shifted. “I’ll show you yet…”
“What is the meaning of this?” Cyber Dragon Infinity cackled as Rex transformed. “Do you, the puny Creepy Coney, honestly think that you can take down a monster as strong as I? By yourself? Hah! Your brain must be smaller than that of an actual rabbit!”
“Shut up!” Rex charged, only to be blown back rather easily by the Armored Bee and forced to revert forms. “O-Ow!!” he cried in pain while rubbing his belly.
“Rex!” Ptera knelt to her son’s side and cried. “You fucking idiot! Why did you do that?”
“Now that Uru is out of my way, there’s nothing standing in between your ruddy home and I! Die, the lot of you!”
Cyber Dragon Infinity couldn’t even begin to charge his attack, when out of nowhere, a shapeshifter with white-and-pink wings flew onto the scene. “You will do no such thing!” she declared as she shot an arrow at the Armored Bee, killing it instantly.
Rex already knew who this shapeshifter was. “Amber! There you are!”
“Leave my family alone!” Amber continued to shoot arrows at Cyber Dragon Infinity.
“You… You are…” Cyber Dragon Infinity was truly scared, yet tried to fend off Amber with attacks of his own - but not without sustaining severe injuries himself. “Pah! I don’t give two figs who you are! You’re severely outnumbered! Here, why don’t I give you a fresh reminder of that?” The dragon shot a quick beam of light, nicking Amber’s wings.
“Yeooooow!” Amber retracted her wings as she fell back to the ground. Though she was too weak to even half-shift, that didn’t stop her from pursuing Cyber Dragon Infinity. “Give Weevil back this instant!”
“Hmm… How about no? I’m not going to waste the little energy I have left on a monster that is clearly stronger than me. You get to keep your heads and your home for today! Be thankful!”
And with that, Cyber Dragon Infinity flew off with Weevil in tow.
“Tch!” Amber turned her attention to Rex. “Why, oh gods, why, Rex? Why did you attack an enemy that is clearly stronger than you?”
“That’s just the Raptor way, haha…” Rex had strength to stand up by himself. “...Wait. Amber? Is that you?”
Amber now had long mint-green hair with lavender sideburns and bowl-cut bangs. Her pupils were small and indigo. Rex didn’t think it was possible, but she looked even more beautiful than ever before. “It, um… seems my wig and contacts came off during that fight.”
“Amber…” Rex walked up to Amber to get a better look at her face. “Who are you, really?”
“I have lied to you all this time, Rex… Forgive me.” Amber calmed down a little before she began to explain herself. “So you know how you time travelled to the past with the pharaoh? I have done the same thing… I come from the future - a ruined future. I’m here to prevent that future from happening.”
“Uh-huh.” After all he had been through with Atem and Kaiba, Rex believed every word Amber said. Still, he found it curious that people could travel from the future. He thought that Amber would have had it all over there - the best technology, the toughest opponents, and the strongest cards. If she wanted to escape that, then something truly messed up must have happened.
“Everyone I know from that future is dead… My kid brother… My boyfriend… Even my mother!” Amber teared up. “Everyone I knew! They… They all died trying to protect me!”
“Amber…” Rex rubbed Amber’s back. “I’m sorry. I can’t say I know what you’re going through, but… I really am sorry.”
“But now… I can see you again… You’re alive, Papa!”
Rex’s eyes opened wide. “What did you just call me?”
“I’m not just Amber… I’m Ambrosia Camellia Ptera Raptor, the proud daughter of Weevil and Rex Raptor.” Amber lightly touched Rex’s baby bump. “I’m your daughter from the future!”
“So… that explains why you know about Mom, and about shapeshifters…” Rex began to cry too. “Forgive me, my daughter… You deserved better from me than one bow and a world of troubles… I’m sorry.”
Amber could finally release her emotions that she kept bottled up since her mother’s death. “Papa! Oh my gods, Papa…” she cried loudly into Rex’s chest. “I… I never thought that I could hug you again… You’re alive and breathing! I can’t… I can’t believe it!”
“Shh… I’m here, Amber…” Rex ran his fingers through his future daughter’s hair and wiped away some of her tears.
“You’re… breathing…” Amber held her ear to Rex’s chest to hear his heart beating. “And… you’re alive… This is… Oh, my gods… I’m sorry, I’m just so happy right now.”
“There, there…” Rex smiled while he cried. “We’re going to save your father, too. Or… Hold on a second.”
“Yes?” Amber stopped crying and looked at Rex curiously.
“ Weevil is the father, right?”
“Uh-huh. That would make you my mother.”
“I knew it…” Rex shook his head. “I wonder if I’m going to bottom for him again. Not that I would mind that…”
“Come on, Papa, there’s no need to be embarrassed about it!” Amber laughed and poked Rex’s cheek. 
Still feeling confused about everything that had happened, Ptera spoke up. “So… that makes you my granddaughter, doesn’t it? You’re the little baby Rex is carrying.”
“That’s right.”
“First this time travelling, then this whole shapeshifter thing…” Spinos spoke. “I have made many discoveries as a paleontologist, but this one really takes the cake.”
“Why are you still here, scumbag?” Ptera growled.
“Please, Grandma…” Amber begged. “I know what Grandpa did was unforgivable, but in my future, he died protecting both you and me. I ask that you give him a chance.”
“I ask the same,” Rex concurred. “It was Dad who told me about the doctor, and if it wasn’t for him, I would have no idea how to care for my daughter… for baby Amber.”
“Hmph!” Ptera still wasn’t wholly comfortable with this idea. “Fine. Since we’re both interested in Rex’s safety, I’ll cooperate with you. But do not expect to ever become friends with me. EVER.”
“Thank you so much, Ptera… No matter how long it takes, I’ll do what I can to earn your trust once again.”
“So what do we do now?” Tricera questioned. “Weevil has been kidnapped, and there are monsters roaming the city… We’ve got quite a matter on our hands.”
“I know of a club who can help stop this mess,” replied Amber. “But I ask anyone who’s not a shifter to stay behind, for your own safety.”
“No!” Adelaide refused. “After all Master Weevil has done for me, I can’t just leave him alone, suffering in gods know where… I’m coming, too!”
“Weevil is part of my family, too,” Ptera declared. “We’re all in this together.”
“And I’m sure this is a really good reason to call off of work,” Tricera added. “It’s times like these that remind me why I’m thankful to be a reputable employee.”
“It feels a bit weird being called that, I gotta say.”
“Well, what I gotta say is how damned proud I am that you’re named after me!” Ptera laughed. “I mean, I wish you took my given name, but I guess I’ll settle for middle name.”
“Hahaha!” Amber already began to walk in the direction of the university. “Well, what are we waiting for? I wanna go save Daddy!”
“Wait, Amber, before we go…”
“Yes, Papa?”
Rex pulled out his flip phone. “Let’s meet at the café first. If things are as serious as you say, then we need all the help we can get.”
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metawitches · 4 years
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In episode 6, the worlds ended, thanks to Adam’s double apocalypse. In episode 7, we meet the new world. And tie up a few loose ends.
The episode begins with a twist on the opening voice over- a segment from HG Tannhaus’ science show from the 1970s:
Tannhaus: “What is reality? Is it singular in nature? Or do several parallel realities exist at the same time? To address this, Erwin Schrodinger constructed an extremely interesting thought experiment. Schrodinger’s cat. A cat is locked in a steel chamber with a tiny amount of a radioactive substance, a Geiger counter, a vial of poison and a hammer. As soon as a radioactive atom disintegrates inside the steel chamber, the Geiger counter triggers the release of the hammer, which smashes the vial of poison. The cat is dead.
“However, due to the wave characteristics in the quantum world, that atom is indeed disintegrated and intact. Both states are true until our own observation forces it into a definitive state of existence. Until the moment we check and see, we can’t know if the cat’s dead or alive. It exists in two superposed states. The attributes “dead” and “alive” exist simultaneously in the microcosm.
“But what if the simultaneous existence of life and death also applied to the macrocosmic world? Could different realities exist side by side? Could we split time and let it run in two different directions, and, as with the cat, induce a state of death and life simultaneously? And if so, how many different realities could exist side by side?”
Good question- how many realities could exist side by side? Is that the normal state of reality- for many realities to exist side by side, happily coexisting long term without judging each other’s existences, each accepting that sometimes the cat lives, sometimes she dies, and sometimes she chooses to leave the box closed and uncertain forever? That does seem like what the theory predicts, doesn’t it?
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The famous cat, waiting for her life to go one way or the other.
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HG Tannhaus presents the 2 potential states which the cat is superposed in- it exists as both a live cat and a dead cat at the same time, until an observer opens the box and forces circumstances in one direction or the other. The observer affects the outcome because of quantum entanglement.
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A representation of 3 equal states/worlds/dimensions superposed together which arose from one moment in time, showing this is possible in the Dark universe, according to science expert HG Tannhaus.
In the Prime world 2020, Alt Ex Raincoat Now Emo Martha stands outside of Hannah’s house at the end of S2, just after Adam shoots Prime Martha. Inside, Young Jonas watches his Martha die and promises to make it right. Alt Martha goes inside- or does she? In split screen, one Martha runs into the house, while the other stops when Bartosz appears and yells to her not to go inside, Back to the Future-style. He tells her that Adam doesn’t want to stop the apocalypse and will kill her in the future.
Bartosz says that they’re all doomed because of Jonas/Adam, because everything is his fault.
Of course it is. At least some things are consistent across all of Space-Time.
As the black hole warp bubble forms in the sky, Jonas runs to the basement. Bartosz takes out the time sphere and begs Martha to trust him. He can save her and show her the origin and how everything is connected. Martha and Bartosz poof away just as the shockwave hits.
So good to have Bartosz acting normally again.
Time to note the next twist of the episode- sometimes we are seeing a 3rd world, which I am going to creatively continue to call the 3rd world or Tannhaus’ world. You can tell when it’s this world because widescreen black bars appear at the top and bottom of the picture. And HG Tannhaus appears.
Except in this episode, the jumps between worlds aren’t always marked by any of the normal markers that we’re used to. Make of that what you will- do some of the scenes apply to multiple worlds? Are we seeing Bartosz’s world sometimes? Are we seeing more of Tannhaus’ world than we realize?
Did the most recent surges in time energy fry the system in some way so that the boundaries between worlds are overlapping and more fractured than usual? Maybe the new connections that were made need a while to settle down? Usually, after an event like the end of episode 6, we’d be shown where/when travel has now been opened up to- my guess is that’s why we can see Tannhaus’ world in this episode. The connection to his world has been made or changed. We’d also usually be shown the travelers along with the new places they went, but apparently we’re assuming Martha, Charlotte and Aleksander are dead.
In the Prime world, in 1986 HG told Teen Charlotte that his son, daughter-in-law and infant granddaughter, Charlotte, died when their car went off a bridge in a storm in 1971. Baby Charlotte’s body was never found. That same night, two peculiar women brought him a replacement infant to raise. The “For Charlotte” pocket watch, a Tannhaus family heirloom since the early 19th century, came with her. Teen Charlotte met Peter, who came to town that day and eventually became her husband, on the day HG told her about her past. Both HG and Charlotte were given reasons to stay in town and stay settled when they were told the story of the accident.
In the 3rd world, in 1974, the clock shop looks much more like an inventor’s workshop than usual. HG works on a machine on a table late at night. It’s unclear whether he has Charlotte in this reality. We never see her, but he could be working around her sleep and then later her school hours. In S1, Prime Charlotte found a piece of the time machine chair room’s wall paper in the bunker and recognized it for what it was.
That suggests that on the Prime world, Tannhaus brought her with him to the bunker while he worked at night and the room was originally set up as a bedroom and playroom for her. The ownership of the bunker and cabin is murky, since we’ve been shown that the property also belonged to the Dopplers, especially Helge, during the same period. Bernd Doppler and HG were the same age and may have been friends, sharing ownership of the vacation/hunting cabin between the families.
The ownership of the cabin could be a bootstrap paradox- someone could have changed history. Bernd and Helge are Claudia’s allies, so it would benefit her to pass ownership of the passage to them. Encouraging marriage between Charlotte and Peter also accomplishes that goal.
Or we could have been seeing the cabin and bunker in multiple worlds all along, but it’s only become clear now that the timelines have differentiated more. In the pilot, Jonas’ timeline, Martha’s timeline and Bartosz’s timeline may have been identical. They could be living in entirely different universes by now.
HG glances at his photo of his son and family, then the scene switches to the Winden graveyard and the family’s gravestone. They died on November 8, 1971. Marek was born on March 20, 1947. Sonja was born May 26, 1949. Charlotte’s birthday was May 30, 1971. She was just 5 months old when she died. HG leaves a red knit animal on the grave for Charlotte.
Both Charlotte and Sonja were born just a few weeks before the Summer Solstice, the peak of the light. Marek was born on the Spring Equinox, one of the balance points in the year between light and dark, this one tipped toward light.
In voice over, HG says that it’s hard for humans to accept death and loss. “We long in vain for a way to turn back time. To reverse death.”
“But if time is relative and nothing is really ever in the past, and the simultaneous overlapping of different realities is possible, shouldn’t it then also be possible to bring back something that was believed to be dead long ago and to create a new reality in which the dead live again? If our life is defined as everything between birth and death, it exists there, ad infinitum. Could we succeed in cheating death by finding a way to bring back life, there, between time?”
As he speaks, HG goes to the Doppler cottage and down into the empty bunker. He must own the cottage on this world. He looks around the bunker thoughtfully.
The bolded question is the central question of the series and especially this season. There are several different stories about how time travel began on Dark. They all have to do with bringing someone back from the dead. Generally, the characters’ theories about the knot involve blaming someone who they believe shouldn’t be alive either.
The show’s focus on how guilty characters feel about this or that serves to distract from how alarmingly frequent murder and physical violence have become. When you combine this violence with the way Adam speaks about who deserves Paradise and pay attention to how few characters Eva saves from the apocalypse, it starts to look like a multi world genocide.
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Prime world, 2021.
Young Elisabeth and Hanno work to clear the rubble from the passage. It can’t be that long since Hanno finished clearing the passage the first time, in the 1920s, so he has every right to be an angry guy. Adam couldn’t send him to the 1990s for some R&R for a few years first?
Of course not, Adam doesn’t believe in happiness or fun anymore.
They reach one of the Sic Mundus doors, which gives them hope. Later, while they’re relaxing, Elisabeth looks at the For Charlotte watch that Adult Noah gave her. She asks Hanno to tell her about Paradise. He uses sign and speech. “Paradise is free of pain and sorrow. Everything we’ve ever done is forgotten there. Any pain that we’ve ever felt is erased. And all the dead live. Adam will keep his promise. The passageway will open up.”
So cruel of Adam/Jonas to raise all of these kids on the dream of a beautiful world, then take it away from them. Such a timely storyline. Better living through chemistry and physics, y’all, ’til the artificially concentrated and combined chemicals turn into poisons that build up in every system on earth.
Prime world, 1890.
Adam/Stranger Jonas is working in his workshop, wearing a leather suit that looks like a hazmat suit, but of course it isn’t as sturdy. The cesium 137 is placid in its basin until he turns on the electricity. Once it’s been hit enough times, it turns into a blue-black cloud, but it remains unstable.
When Jonas goes to one of the lightning rods to adjust something, he gets struck in the arm by an intense bolt. It gives him a large burn. The energy surge probably would have killed anyone else. He glares at the stone basin where the God particle lives- it’s sentient, so given the way he treats it, it probably is out to get him.
Later, he finds Bartosz staring out the window in the one bedroom in 1888. It’s time for their regular blame Jonas session. Bartosz is angry that Jonas hasn’t reinvented time travel and all of 20th century technology yet, after two whole years in the 19th century. He’s wasting the best years of his life here in the past and he doesn’t think Steampunk is a good look on him at all.
Jonas reiterates that he knows he’ll get the God particle working eventually, because he’s already seen it working in the future-past, but Bartosz continues to be suspicious of his intentions. Jonas explains that he wants to fix everything, not just one event or one person’s problems. He’s the savior, okay? That’s bigger than their love triangle.
Jonas: “If the portal works, then we can use it to find the origin. The one moment that started all of this. And when we’ve found it, we’ll destroy it. And everything that arises from it. That is paradise.”
Bartosz storms out and takes a long walk in the rain. Of course it’s raining. Jonas makes a mental note to do something about this situation in the future, like get Bartosz a girlfriend or a hobby so he’ll quit being such a pain in the butt.
Still in the 1890s.
Silja arrives from the 2050s, wearing Alt Martha’s 1800s outfit. She hides her hazmat suit under some brush. Bartosz comes stomping by, still fuming over Jonas. Silja makes a little noise so that Bartosz will notice her, then comes over to introduce herself.
And Jonas’ Bartosz problem is solved.
I hope that Hanno, Agnes and Silja at least got to pick out which family members they wanted to date before the first cycles in which they were used this way. Because there is no other way to interpret how they are sent to Elisabeth, Doris and Bartosz and the way Agnes was bred with the Unknown. We never see Silja question her path, but Agnes expects Jonas to keep up his side of their deal (plus, she doesn’t stay with either Doris or Unknown). Hanno/Noah openly chafes at the expectations placed on him, and eventually rebels against them, even though he loves Eli.
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2023, Prime world.
After 3 years of torture by blue lightning bolts from Jonas and Claudia, the cosmic egg has developed a transparent, protective outer layer, but seems no closer to becoming a time travel portal. Claudia and Jonas give up for the day and rinse the radiation off their hazmat gear in the outer section of the power plant. Jonas is super depressed and ready to quit. Claudia tries to convince him to keep going, because, well, he just has to. Someday, somehow, it just has to work, if they can keep up their team spirit. Jonas tells her he really doesn’t have any team spirit and walks away.
Of course he goes home. He stops in the kitchen for one last look at all of his emotional touchstones- the family portrait, the kitchen table where he last saw Michael, the spot on the floor where Martha died. Then he goes up to Michael’s studio, which has tree branches growing in through the skylight. A sign from his dad, the Sun King- choose life! Jonas looks up at the ceiling beam fondly, then goes about the business of hanging himself.
He doesn’t die. Young Hanno rushes in and cuts him down, sent by either Claudia or Adam. The poor kid has been doing hard labor in the tunnels for years, now he has to live in the barren cave with his child bride, and his savior can’t even be bothered to stay alive. He tells Jonas that he and Adam made Noah and Hanno a promise that the apocalypse had to happen so that everyone would get saved. “You cannot die.”
I think if Jonas died, Hanno would kill him.
He hands Jonas a gun. Jonas holds it to his head and fires. 5 times. Hanno takes the gun back and fires the bullet in the last chamber at the wall. Time and Hanno win this game of Russian roulette.
Hanno explains that Jonas can’t kill himself, because his older self already exists. A force or a person will always intervene. He tells Jonas that he and Elisabeth have found the passage, as ordered by Jonas’ older self. So now it’s up to Jonas to keep the promises made by his older selves.
When Hanno burst into the room, Jonas asked why he was there and if he was following him. After that, Jonas stayed silent. When they’re done with the gun, Hanno brings him to the passage to prove that it’s waiting to be reopened. Jonas stays silent for this as well.
Hanno tells him again that the passage will open up and then Adam will take them to Paradise. Before then, he and Jonas are supposed to become friends, until Hanno is betrayed.
It’s always worded that way- Hanno/Noah will be betrayed and Jonas will be to blame. Jonas is never blamed in the active voice and Hanno never notices. But Hanno is also one of the few who knew Adam well before he met Jonas, so he sees Adam as the real version. Young Jonas is merely the alternate.
Jonas is already tired of the burdens placed on him by people he hasn’t become yet.
And he isn’t even saving for retirement or a mortgage or his kid’s college or keeping up with the maintenance on that poor house so he can pass it down to the Unknown. His eldercare plan for his parents is pretty rough, too.
I’m thinking Jonas’ cosmic egg is also a metaphor for all of those core wounds that get buried deep inside and won’t budge, no matter what you do to heal them. They pop out occasionally as giant black time clouds or nightmares or ex boyfriends. They say that time heals all wounds, but even time can’t heal some damage.
Metamaiden says she assumes that “time heals all wounds” means you’ll die eventually anyway and then your problems will be over.
She was born with this cheery outlook, folks.
But you see- Jonas doesn’t have death to look forward to as an end to his pain, so he keeps zapping that poor time egg. It’s ultimately a circle of torture and self-loathing, punctuated by occasional suicide attempts. He didn’t even hesitate before he pulled the trigger on that gun, 5 times in a row.
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In 1904, Silja gives birth to a baby boy. She tells Bartosz she wants to name him Hanno. Bartosz realizes that this innocent newborn baby will grow up to be the killer who brought him into Sic Mundus while posing as a priest and drug dealer.
In the 3rd world, 1974, Tannhaus hangs the photo of his son’s family on the bunker wall, mirroring the way Claudia hung photos on the wall and Martha made the family trees in chalk. The 3rd world mirrors the other two, but things don’t happen in exactly the same way or at the same time.
Tannhaus: “Fate is playing a cruel trick on us. Yet we will always believe there is a way to turn the tide in our favor. If we only want it hard enough. A person is able to pursue any goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem, over the course of an entire lifetime. No resistance, no obstacle is great enough to stop the human will in its tracks… Throughout the ages, isn’t this unquenchable thirst at the heart of any progress that is ever made? No matter what motivates our will, it guides us on our path. We will only be able to let go once we have finally reached our goal.”
As Adult Tannhaus speaks, he spends the 12 years from 1974 to 1986 building a time machine in the bunker. At the same time, he turns into Old Tannhaus. The machine is a large ball with even larger rays sticking out. When he’s done, it looks like a room size version of what’s probably in the sphere.
We saw a similar aging process mirrored with Gustav Tannhaus in the carriage, which had a prophet, the wheels of time and Charlotte’s watch, even if it didn’t technically have a souped up time machine. HG’s new time machine could be seen as a high tech variation on a wheel of time or a cosmic egg as well.
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Forward to Prime world, 2040.
17 years have passed in the power plant and Hanno and Jonas have aged into their older selves. Hanno works with Claudia and Jonas on the God particle. At rest, it’s still a white cosmic egg, but when stimulated by enough electricity, it gradually turns black, then becomes the larger cloud that’s a precursor to forming portals. They all look hopeful for a moment as the cloud begins to smooth out into a ball, but it doesn’t hold the formation.
Later that night, Jonas and Hanno stand outside in the dark over a fire. Jonas wonders why the portal isn’t working.
Hanno: “Maybe Claudia doesn’t want it to work.”
(This is correct.)
He asks why Jonas trusts Claudia. Jonas asks why Hanno trusts Adam (Adam raised him).  He tells Hanno that Adam’s Paradise is a lie and that he knows the portal will work eventually, because he’s seen it, in the future-future. Everything repeats itself, so this will, too, Jonas is sure that he can do things differently this time though. He and Claudia have changed enough of the components in the passage so that this time, he’ll be able to close it forever when he tries in November 2019, as Stranger Jonas.
Hanno confirms that Claudia told Jonas this. Then he asks what Jonas actually knows about Claudia. “She sometimes disappears for days. How does she know all the things she knows? She said that not all that’s here, should exist here. What did she mean by that? Claudia’s hiding something from us. We can’t trust her. I hope that you know that.”
A very pregnant Elisabeth calls Hanno inside for the night.
Alt Claudia to Prime Claudia: “He still doesn’t suspect anything?”
Prime Claudia: “No, he has no idea that you or the other world exist.”
Alt Claudia: “You must continue to guide him on this path. The matter must not function yet. You keep the knot up in your world, and I’ll keep it in mine.”
Alt Claudia pulls out the sphere, ready to leave. Prime Claudia stop her. She asks how Eva knows what will happen in the future and what instructions to give them. She wonders if Eva knows everything, every future. Has Alt Claudia met her? Alt Claudia asks who she means. Prime Claudia says, “My older self.” Alt Claudia says, “No.”
Prime Claudia: “I still remember exactly what she said. ‘If all this works, then our Regina will live.’ I’ve thought about it all these years. I just can’t believe that what she meant by that was that her suffering would repeat endlessly. There must be a way to untie the knot, without destroying all life in it. A way for Regina to live. Really live. I think neither Eva nor Adam know this path. But I’ll find it. In my world or yours.”
Prime Claudia takes out a gun and shoots Alt Claudia in the forehead. Alt Claudia dies. Prime Claudia becomes the supreme deity on 2 worlds. She picks up her prize, the Golden Time Snitch of Omniscience. Now she can figure out what the multiverse is really all about.
Because they’d never seen an Alt Old Claudia, Prime Claudia assumed she was meant to kill her. Claudias think this way. To be fair, so do Adams and Evas. They are gods, far beyond our mortal ways of thinking about murder and death. They know there’s always another version of the person, somewhere, on some world, and anyway, that person will be born again, next cycle, like nothing ever happened.
Claudia is assuming that at some point she changed the course of the cycles to bend toward favoring her Regina. And if that isn’t the reason Alt Claudia died in past cycles, well, it is now. If you ever think that changes haven’t been occurring over the course of the cycles, go watch S1Ep1 and any S2 episode again. The Windens are all very different places.
And with all the Claudia drama, we skipped right past the confirmation that she’s actively holding back progress on the God particle portal (“The matter must not function yet.”). She doesn’t need to hold Jonas back in 1888. The primitive working conditions do that by themselves. In the 21st century, they can scavenge modern materials. So she’s misdirecting him toward experiments that are ineffective, while she and Eva, and maybe Adam, work on other goals.
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Swoop into the Alt world, focus on those darn scorched paintings. This scene takes place after the apocalypse in the Alt world, when Stranger Martha is aging into Eva, so it’s probably about 2040 there as well. Eva’s God particle apparatus is disassembled on the floor, so she probably lost it in the shockwave too and is trying to rebuild it.
The same scenario is being played out on all 3 worlds, in a different way on each world. As promised, no matter what, the three worlds are linked and the same archetypal events repeat between them. Family members die and get lost, going all the way back to the first Charlotte Tannhaus in the early 1800s, creating the desire to change the timeline. Time travel is invented and reinvented, repeatedly, by the same or different people. This is not a one time occurence based on a single sad event.
Tannhaus justifies following his Will with no restrictions by saying that wanting his son back so badly makes it okay. Claudia believes that saving Regina’s life justifies anything she will do for that cause, no matter who else she hurts in the process. Both arguments come back to Bernd’s advice to take what you want, because no one will give it to you. The flip side of that is the assumption that you are owed whatever you want and no one else’s needs or desires matter as much as your own.
When Prime Claudia enters, Stranger Eva asks if her alternate self is coming, too? Claudia says that Noah is watching her, so she couldn’t get away.
Note that she knows he’s suspicious of her and is limiting her movements because of him. When Charlotte disappears, Noah’s mental focus is conveniently removed from Claudia and his physical person is conveniently removed to time periods and locations Adult Claudia mostly stays away from.
Eva rolls up a blueprint for a time travel device and tells Claudia to give it to the other Claudia, who must then give it to Tannhaus to build. She asks if the Claudias understand why everything they’re doing is necessary and everything has to keep repeating. Claudia nods her head yes.
At some point, everyone in Winden will have been designed one of the time travel devices. I’m glad to see Martha get her shot. Does Alt Tannhaus also get blueprints, or does the Alt world go straight from their futuristic God particle portal design to the sphere?
Back in time to 1910. We aren’t shown a switch back to the Prime world, and for the first time all season, we’re shown the outside of Erna’s tavern and boarding house. Either we’re still in the Alt world, or this happened in both worlds. Both worlds, is my guess.
Silja has died in childbirth. A woman tells Hanno that he has to be strong now for his father. Someone holds crying baby Agnes. A crazed looking Bartosz bursts into the room and kneels at Silja’s side. The midwife tells him the baby’s name. He looks overwhelmed.
Forward to 2041.
Under a full moon, Hanno and Elisabeth leave their cabin to bring in the laundry that’s hung outside. Elisabeth asks Hanno to tell her about paradise. As he tells her the same story he told her in the caves in 2020, 2053 Charlotte and Elisabeth sneak into their cabin to kidnap Baby Charlotte. Elisabeth picks up the baby she lost 12 years prior. Charlotte takes the pocket watch.
When Hanno is done with the story, they hug and take the laundry inside, where they discover that Charlotte is missing.
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Hanno vs Noah
By telling Elisabeth the story, Hanno keeps her facing away from the cabin during the kidnapping, so she has no idea what happens. But as it’s happening, he seems like he’s upset and trying to control his emotions. From where he’s standing, he should notice the movements of the two women entering and leaving his cabin.
Noah/Hanno tells the Paradise story to Elisabeth twice on camera- just after Peter dies, which he knew was coming but didn’t prevent, and now during Charlotte’s kidnapping. Did he know it was coming and that he had to let it happen? Even though he spends the rest of his life blaming Adam and Claudia?
I think he did know that he had to let it happen, but he blames them because Charlotte is taken as part of their war. Prime Hanno blames Adam/Jonas and Claudia for the whole war and the way it tears the whole family apart, starting with the death of his mother. Silja was born in the 50s. If she hadn’t been time displaced, she probably wouldn’t have died in childbirth.
Before he dies, Bartosz tells his son to ask Adam why he took Hanno back in as an adult, after the apocalypse and after Charlotte was taken, and called him Noah instead of Hanno. The biblical Noah is remembered for saving his own family and two members of every species. Since we are all theoretically descended from those winners, we see it as a victory for the virtuous.
We rarely think about the fact that Bible Noah knew the flood was coming and did nothing to stop everyone but his family from dying. Noah’s immediate family weren’t actually much better than anyone else. It’s more likely that Noah had boat building skills and was in the right place at the right time. But Noah went along with God’s plan and watched everyone die, feeling quite good about himself. In fact, when it’s all over, God makes a backhanded promise to Noah:
“Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.”
God promises he won’t send another apocalypse, even though humans are born evil with no hope of ever changing. God has apparently given up on finding good in humanity and is settling for telling people to be fruitful and multiply.
Like so many others, Hanno usually has good intentions overall, but he performs evil acts, such as killing Erik, Yasin and Mads, to attain his goals. In the Dark world, consequences usually catch up with the characters over time, no matter their intentions.
Hanno leaves the cabin and goes straight to Jonas, who’s working in the bunker, and demands to know where Charlotte is. Jonas is taken by surprise as Hanno shoves him up against a wall and nearly chokes him to death. Hanno continues to ask where Charlotte is and whether Jonas or Claudia took her. He says that he finally understands how Jonas betrays their friendship. Before he leaves, he curses Jonas with endless suffering.
Too late. Jonas has been there for a long time. Or is this falling out between best friends the true origin of the timeline split? They’ve been close for 18 years. I think that’s Jonas’ real time record. And their fireside chat showed that they really were very close.
Causality. Such a slippery concept on this show.
Hanno returns to Elisabeth, who looks like her soul has been ripped from her body. She’s fondling Charlotte’s tiny knit cap. He promises to find Charlotte and bring her back. A bit of resolve forms in Elisabeth’s eyes as he gets up to leave, but they both know their life together is over. He picks up the triquetra diary and puts it inside his coat, an offering to help smooth his way back into Adam’s lair after wishing him endless suffering.
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Where is Charlotte? Mikkel? Ulrich? Mads?
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Noah/Hanno does find Charlotte after some number of years in his life. We aren’t told how many, though he refers to it as a long time, during their first conversation in the clock shop. When he finds her in 2019, after reading the final pages of the triquetra diary, she’s 49 years old and has already been told by Stranger Jonas that Noah killed Yasin, Erik and Mads. That’s the true betrayal of the Jonas-Hanno friendship. Adam is no longer Hanno’s friend, so I don’t think it matters what he does to Adult Hanno/Noah. Hanno is just waiting for the chance to kill Adam.
It’s Stranger who drives Hanno’s long lost daughter from him by giving her out of context information that benefits Stranger and makes Noah seem like a terrible person who’s only motivated by his cult’s orders and his own sadism. That’s what we all thought about Noah in season 1.
Instead, Noah is a driven man, more like an addict who’ll do anything to get what he needs, which is something Stranger Jonas should understand. For a long time, Jonas mainly takes his pain out on himself and Martha. But even in his more benign forms, he’s coerced into participating in Michael’s death and Mikkel’s kidnapping, which ultimately lead to Ulrich’s confinement and Katharina’s death.
Adam coerces Hanno into becoming a demon just as surely as Claudia leads Jonas to his fate as Adam, heartless mass killer. Hanno can’t simply leave his daughter alone and abandoned in the world. He’s been trained since his mother died to be a caretaker and fixer. The murder of the boys is even mixed up with raising Helge and getting him back to 1954.
Meanwhile, Charlotte is displaced in time in before she’s even born in 2041, since Hanno was born in 1904 and Elisabeth was born in 2011. In addition to her kidnapping to a third time period, she and Elisabeth give birth to each other.
Alt Charlotte was born in 1971, the year HG Tannhaus tells Prime Teen Charlotte his original granddaughter was born. But Noah and Elisabeth still enter the bunker in the Alt world and Charlotte and Elisabeth are still shown giving birth to each other on the Alt world family tree. Is this a clue or a mistake?
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If this is real, and isn’t changed within 48 hours of me posting this recap, then it perhaps fits with the theory I’ve had about Charlotte since sometime in S2- I think that when she’s kidnapped as an infant, 3 versions of her are swapped between 3 worlds, not just taken to another time in the same world. If the Charlotte who’s in the Alt world was born in 1971, then she could be the Charlotte either from Tannhaus’ world or Bartosz’s world. Alt Infant Charlotte would have been taken to the Prime world and Prime Infant Charlotte would have gone to the 3rd world.
The Adult Elisabeths and Charlottes (or someone else- we don’t know who ran Marek’s car off the road) would have done this round robin with the infants between the 3 (or 4) worlds to help create or strengthen a connection in time and space- an earlier, less binding version of the Unknown. I can’t explain every detail because of the bootstrap paradoxes involved in Charlotte’s family and HG’s family, but I suspect they are the same family, slightly altered between variations in timelines, time accidents and deliberate tampering.
HG Tannhaus: “A man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills. All the paths we take in our lives, every choice we make, is guided by our deepest desires. It’s pointless to fight this sense of want. It determines every one of our actions, no matter how difficult and unimaginable they seem.”
This is a very different sentiment from the one expressed by Prime world HG Tannhaus, who’s said many times that he’s always wanted to travel, but circumstances have required him to stay in the present, running his clock shop.
3rd world, 1986, the bunker.
Tannhaus looks at the family photo on the wall and removes his lab coat. It’s time. He presses keys on a keyboard, fiddles with this and that, then decisively presses the 2 blood red buttons on the wall. The time machine fires up- literally. The center ball is coated in a thin layer of orange flames, with waves of electricity flowing up the arms, but the machine doesn’t seem to be out of control in any way. The music and other sound effects aren’t ominous either.
Prime world, 1911, Tannhaus factory.
Bartosz is in the courtyard working on a car when Hannah and her approximately 4 year old daughter approach, device/apparatus suitcase in hand. Bartosz, who already looks haunted, recognizes that this child is his wife, who’s been dead for about a year. Hannah asks for Jonas. Bartosz warns her that traveling has changed him, but still takes her to see Jonas in his lair.
Jonas is in a transitional stage between Stranger and Adam. He’s in Adam’s uniform and stands staring at the painting. But he still stands tall and straight. Adam will eventually sort of melt into rounded edges and a more socially presentable public persona. This man is still in the midst of the hottest part of the fire.
When he turns around, Hannah is momentarily shocked by the extreme facial scarring. In this time period, his face looks like a skull in ways that will soften later, maybe when he tires of punishing himself. Hannah recovers quickly and introduces his sister to him.
She’s clearly saddened by what she sees, but as a mother who wishes she could have helped spare her child this pain. She touches his cheek and explains that an old woman, Eva, came to her a few days ago and told her that Jonas needed her and where to find him. She promises to be there for him from now on.
Since Jonas doesn’t want to be spared pain, he’s not interested in her compassion and even finds it repulsive. He removes her hand from his cheek with enough menace that Hannah feels it. He finds himself repulsive and probably finds anything connected to him repulsive right now. He tells Igor Bartosz to take them to the bedroom.
Later that night, once it’s raining, Jonas sneaks into the bedroom. He goes to Silja first, but as he’s carefully folding down her covers, Hannah awakens and asks what he’s doing. He decides it’s Hannah’s turn first and sits on the edge of her bed, as we’ve seen Young Jonas do for sweet mother-son talks.
This is an entirely different situation. He tells Hannah that she and Silja aren’t right here and all of the pieces must be in the correct position. Hannah knows something isn’t right with him, but he’s got her lying down and blocked in. He gently touches her face, calls her Mom one last time, then pulls her pillow out from under her and smothers her to death.
She and Silja are both in white nightgowns. Women should refuse all white garments on this show. It never ends well.
When Jonas is done brutally murdering his mother, he turns to his baby sister and wakes her up, telling her has a secret to show her. He needs her to be quiet so they don’t wake her mom up. He carries her out so that she’s facing back toward Hannah’s body, staring at it the entire way to the door. Hannah very clearly isn’t asleep.
I can Only Salvage So Much from a Bad Situation, Okay?
So. That was sickening and exploitative. There is no good reason to include hints of pedophilia and for Jonas to brutally murder the mother he hasn’t seen in decades. Given the number of characters who commit heinous crimes, such as Helene, and are never caught, and the women who just disappear, such as Greta, there was no reason to bring Hannah back simply to kill her this way.
Though Tannhaus’ last voiceover certainly justifies indulging in any sexual or violent predilection you can come up with, regardless of the other person’s desires. Is that what this show is saying? Anything goes?
The message, if there ever was one, has gotten confused in these last few episodes, as if this show doesn’t know what it’s trying to say anymore. I’m tearing my hair out trying to continue some kind of coherent narrative through line that holds together through the final episode. I finally realized the only way to do it was to give up.
Maybe Claudia has taken the wheel and Hannah had to die out of revenge, because she allowed Ulrich and Katharina to think Regina had turned Ulrich in for rape. That’s a giant stretch though, to the point where I’m writing the show for the creators. And many innocent people who had little to do with Claudia or Regina have died horrible deaths.
I could play the mythology card, and say that Jonas is Hades, the god of the Underworld, who has been collecting young women as his Persephones. Hannah, as the Mother goddess/Demeter, came to look into the situation. Jonas sent her back to another realm, where she wouldn’t interfere with his plans. The myth is sometimes called The Rape of Persephone. In mythology, Demeter mostly wins, though they essentially end with joint custody of Persephone, creating the seasons. Demeter isn’t going to win here.
And there’s only one Persephone, whereas Jonas is collecting everyone’s children for his cult, but mostly girls. Adding a scene where he has a skull face, creeps on a small child in bed at night who’s dressed in white, then kills her mother when he’s caught and carries the little girl off, pretty much solidifies his symbolic nature as a pedophile. At least they only implied the pedophelia itself, rather than showing it.
But this finishes the assassination of both his character and Martha’s character. When we met Martha, she was was on a hunger strike to save starving children. Now she’s procuring women and girls for men who like to murder women and rape little girls?
Yes, the fairy-tale witch imagery has been there all season in Eva’s long black dress. I’d hoped they’d avoid actually going to the stereotype for old women, witches and the biblical Eve, even though they’re obsessed with stamping out original sin. I should have realized that getting rid of the “origin” would involve killing as many mother figures as possible, while turning over little girls to men as child brides.
Because it’s really all Jonas’ mother’s fault, right? She must have done something wrong to make him this way. She must love him too much or too little or embarrass him in front of the other boys. Otherwise he wouldn’t need to live in the basement forever and only have sex twice in his life.
This is an incredibly disappointing direction for this show to take, in so many ways. Beyond misogyny, the philosophy seems to be that people just can’t control themselves and there’s no point in trying.
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1920, Erna’s tavern.
Adult Hanno enters the bar, fresh from 2041. The crowd pauses for a moment when the stranger enters. He tells Erna that he’s come a long way and needs someplace to rest. She calls for Young Hanno and tells him to take their guest upstairs to a room.
Adult Hanno goes to see Adam in his lair. Adam has become the older version played by Dietrich Hollinderbäumer. Before Hanno can speak, Adam says that he’s been waiting for Hanno’s visit. He says that Hanno was right about Claudia all along. She was the one who stole Charlotte. Adam says that Hanno needs to find the missing pages from the triquetra diary, with the help of Helge. Then he’ll find Charlotte, his final destination and his Paradise. Adam hands Hanno a bible and says that this will be his last cycle. “Are you ready, Noah?”
Forward to 2052, the bunker.
Old Claudia gives instructions to Stranger Jonas. They’ve finally stabilized the dark matter/Cesium 137. She’s sending Stranger off to November 2019 to lead Young Jonas down the correct path. If he helps everyone he knows complete this cycle in the exact same way they’ve done all the other cycles, for sure change will occur this time.
I have to wonder what she’s been putting in his food for the last few decades.
She hands him Tannhaus’ book, A Journey Through Time and says that the author will repair the apparatus. Once the device is repaired, he can destroy the passage and the knot. It’ll work for sure this time.
Because doing everything exactly the same way always creates the change you’re looking for.
As he’s headed out the door, she tells him not to ever give up hope. Then she tears out the last few pages of the triquetra diary, sticks them in her coat pocket, and leaves.
Now for a brief recap of the series. Stranger goes to Winden in November 2019, when Mikkel and the other boys have gone missing. Noah experiments on the time machine chair, killing 3 boys in the process. Old Claudia gets Gretchen from 1953 and brings her Adult Claudia in 1986, to prove that time travel is real and that she’s really Adult Claudia’s older self.
Both Claudias will abandon Gretchen with Regina in order to pursue time travel and supposedly save Regina. It doesn’t occur to any Claudia, ever, to actually be a mother to her daughter, which is why I question her motives.
Claudia abandons the dog, the daughter, the lover and the father. She kills the daughter and the father and leaves the lover to die in the apocalypse. This is not a woman who will devote eternity or destroy worlds to save someone. This is an obsessed scientist who is devoted to solving a problem and needs an emotional flag to keep her motivated through the tough times.
The writers can retcon the character they created. That’s their prerogative and TV shows do it all the time. But this is the Claudia they created. She doesn’t move heaven and earth for Regina. She moves them for science.
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Hey, remember that time that Bartosz decided to get in on the Back to the Future action, so he put on Christopher Lloyd’s duster and went to rescue Martha from getting killed by Adam? I know it was about 9k words and 110 years ago, but I promise you, that did happen. After 3 seasons of Claudia trying to save Regina and Jonas trying to save Prime Martha and Noah trying to save Charlotte and half of Winden trying to save Mikkel, and all of them failing, all the time, plucky little Alt Teen Bartosz jumped in and rescued Alt Teen Martha.
I knew I liked that kid, And his older self, too. In fact, I think he’s the chosen one on the 3rd planet that his Grandma is trying to take out of the system in her obsessive quest to ruin everything for everyone, everytime in everyway. That’s why this episode focused on Bartosz’s story and the story of his son, Hanno/Noah. We’ve already spent quite a bit of time on Bartosz’s granddaughter, Charlotte and her family, for 3 seasons. And Charlotte has known all along that she was important.
This episode is kind of its own little season, focusing on a third world/timeline that’s almost identical to the prime world/timeline, so we’ve switched between them throughout the episode. That’s my theory. Time is so mucked up that apparently even the writers can’t be bothered to sort it out anymore, so here we are. I can’t tell you when we were where, necessarily, just that we jumped around a lot without the normal markers telling us what world we were in.
Also, I think the HG Tannhaus time machine world, which I’ve been calling the 3rd world, is a 4th world, that’s not Bartosz’s world. As I said, Bartosz’s world is so close to Jonas’ and Eva’s that it blends with theirs, so it doesn’t get the widescreen black bars at the top and bottom that HG’s world does. HG’s world/timeline has some significant differences from the other 3, so it looks different on screen. That will be explored more in episode 8.
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Okay, so. Our plucky boy hero, Alt Teen Bartosz, convinces Martha to leave Jonas in his house, so he can live in his mom’s basement forever like the loser he is. She goes back to Erit Lux with Bartosz instead.
One poof of awesome gold glitter later, and we’re there. Those paintings are still scorched and I’m sorry, I still can’t spoil how it happens. Truly annoying, I agree. The writing and editing for S3 are meant to f–k you over, but I doubt they meant for it to indecipherable rather than mind blowing. 3 episodes worth of teasing when the paintings burn? Really? And then all of the scorched painting scenes look so alike that it’s nearly impossible to put them in order, though I’m not sure why we would care enough to go back and try, when it’s all said and done. I know I don’t. Somebody didn’t think that one through.
Martha wonders why Bartosz brought her there. He tells her that the Marthas are the only ones who can save them, because they are the Light. Martha realizes she’s in the hands of an Erit Lux true believer, though she has no idea what that means.
You know what? I think it mostly means love. I think Old Claudia impersonated Eva when she brought Hannah to be murdered by Jonas. I’m going to singlehandedly exonerate Martha/Eva of this crime, for my own sanity’s sake, and go on with my life. Readers, you do you and believe whatever you want. I can’t work with a meaningless world. What would be the point? I know they’re going to continue with Eva pushing apocalypses and whatever, but I’m going to believe that she at least loves her little family of followers, even if she doesn’t show it, because I need Martha, or someone, to be a good person in order to continue writing.
And the madness continues, as Eva enters the room. Martha says something nasty to Eva and Eva says they’re more alike than she thinks. Then she gives her version of Adam’s patented “You’ll grow up to be just as bad as your parents” speech, before pulling out a dirty machete and swiping it across Teen Martha’s eye.
She tells Martha that she can’t tell all of the Marthas apart anymore unless they have festering wounds to go by. But Adam is the one who’s trying to kill her. The disfiguring wound is a reminder that things can always get worse. Choosing Jonas/Adam’s side means choosing death, while choosing Eva’s side, which is ultimately her own side, means choosing life.
This is strange reasoning for someone who’s main motivation is protecting her son- if Martha doesn’t choose Jonas sometimes, the Unknown is never born, because this is the version of Martha that brings him to the Alt world.
There’s really no way to spin what Eva’s says into something that makes much sense. They just wanted to squeeze in more mirroring of Adam/Jonas’ scenes.
I can put a meaningful spin on it, but I’m pretty sure this is coming from me, and not the show- in real life, the underlying reason for the slash would be to make Martha unattractive to creepy old men like the ones Jonas becomes. The road to women’s accomplishments is paved with women who fell by the wayside because they couldn’t take the sexual harassment, even rape, from their male colleagues anymore and were driven to quit the male dominated fields they worked in. And the women who got married and pregnant, giving up their careers.
By taking away Martha’s perfect features, she takes away her attractiveness as an innocent young woman to both Stranger and Adam. If they want her, they will have to deal with more than just Young Martha’s pretty face and apparently neither of them are ever inclined to do so. Adam collects other young women instead, until he finds a replacement Young Martha Eve to torture to death for tempting him into sin.
Yet God and Lucifer both still refuse to take him back.
Unfortunately, Martha/Eva didn’t realize Prime Claudia was also her enemy. As far as I can tell, Alt Claudia was actually working for/with Eva. Prime Claudia is the megalomaniac who took over the universe.
I suspect the creators just wanted to throw in one more senseless, sadistic action against a main character for shock value, plus they needed Martha/Eva to mirror Adam’s disfigurement, but sexism stops them from making her as scarred as Adam.
Time to take the Wayback Machine over to the end of episode 6. Adam has the other Alt Teen Martha dressed in the only rapey white slip he had left after 66 years of kidnapping and torturing women. He’s tied her to some Faye Wray scaffolding under the enhanced God particle. The God particle is turned up to 11 and it’s incredibly excited to finally be turned loose.
Martha’s yelling for mercy and Adam is excited to finally be getting somewhere in his life’s work. He’s pretty sure he’s never used an enhanced God particle to kill the love of his life and his own child inside the womb before. Surely this ultimate human sacrifice will do the trick and Time will finally be satisfied with him.
A portal opens up above Martha’s head. Then the God particle finally escapes its enslavement, mercifully taking Martha and her unborn child with it. Time has always had a fondness for her.
The cloud and the woman disappear. Jonas assumes they’re dead, because he has so few brain cells left.
I sincerely hope that Martha is in a world outside the Dark universe, with better writing and no white slips. Women actually die in the clothes we’re wearing- we don’t change our clothes when we find out murder is on the schedule, or keep a special victim dress on hand for the occasion. I f–king loathe the sight of those things. “Time to die or be abused, little girl. Here’s your pseudo-virgin gown to remind that you’re ultimately powerless.” Where is the corresponding male attire?
Jonas waits to disappear, too, but he doesn’t. He’s dumbfounded. Life is so unfair. Why does Martha get to die, but he doesn’t?
I wouldn’t mind if he eviscerated himself to see if it would stick.
A moment later, the door to the control room creaks open and his other nemesis, Old Claudia, who Noah killed on his orders almost a century ago in chronological time, walks in.
“Hello, Jonas.”
I’ll give her credit for knowing how to make an entrance.
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Martha on her way to Oz- You can see Martha is getting transferred up into the cloud. The upper right part of the cloud shows a bright light and the opening to the next reality. 
The God particle has literally never killed anyone on this show, much as Jonas has clearly tried to get it to kill him. The dark matter/Cesium 137/cloud/goo/cosmic egg transforms, it doesn’t just cease to exist. In fact, nothing in the universe ever just ceases to exist. Everything either transforms or transfers to a new location. That’s basic physics. In this case, there’s nothing left behind, so it goes somewhere else.
If Dark is following its own rules, then Time took Martha somewhere, probably to Bartosz’s world. It would make sense for this to be a way to create a new connection through time and space, maybe connecting the 3 worlds together. But we’re in the Endgame and the rules no longer apply.
If they ever did. It’s retcon time.
Next episode, we visit the Biff World of Claudia’s mind. Don’t look her directly in the eye and don’t take your hand off your valuables. Actually, that sojourn in the Old West 19th century was probably more fun than anyone realized at the time, even without antibiotics, since there was nothing Claudia or Biff wanted there.
Too bad Adult Bartosz wasn’t able to get the car he was fixing to fly- or was he???? Maybe there’s a world where instead of showing Hannah to her room, he grabbed her, Noah, Silja and Agnes and drove away as far and as fast as he could. Parts of early 20th century Northern Africa seem nice. Or maybe they took the God particle forward 50 years, then went to live in the south of France.
Wait. I just realized. Bartosz is in the Harry Potter world. He’s Mad Eye Moody! Constant Vigilance!
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Kill the Origin or Find Another Timeline?
I bolded the first half of HG’s speech from the graveyard because it fits both his point of view and that of his protege, Jonas, who spends 66 years trying to go back to the origin point and bring back something that’s lost, whether it’s Mikkel or Martha. For HG, it’s Marek, Sonja and Baby Charlotte. But the second half of the speech is equally important:
“If our life is defined as everything between birth and death, it exists there, ad infinitum. Could we succeed in cheating death by finding a way to bring back life, there, between time?”
The episode takes its name from the bolded phrase, between time. The 3rd world is formally introduced in this episode. The 3rd world is the Time/Eternal Recurrence that is between the other two Times/Eternal Recurrences that we’ve been watching. What HG is really saying is, in this multiverse full of infinite possibilities, could he find another timeline where things worked out differently for his family? Could he jump to that timeline and live happily there? Or is he hoping to meld the two timelines- bring that Marek and Sonja home to this timeline? It’s not clear.
This is echoed in Stranger Jonas’ speech from S2Ep1, explaining that he is both infinite as part of the multiverse, but also finite as himself, the single soul known as Jonas:
“You could say that I exist infinitely. I’m here now. And I exist for every second between my birth and my death. I’m always Jonas. I’m the same as I was and yet not the same. Just as you’re not the same person who came through that door about an hour ago.”
No matter where or when he goes, what he does, or what he looks like, he’s still Jonas. At first, Hannah still wants the Jonas who left a few months ago, but she quickly accepts Stranger as her son, just as she accepted the proto Adam she met in this episode. In S2 Stranger was grateful for her acceptance, then, in a supreme act of hypocrisy, rejected her when he learned she’d cheated on his father one time before Michael’s death.
The next time they meet, in this episode, he murders her, either because she’s served her purpose in his plans or because she’s kind to him at a time when retaining his strength requires removing all human warmth from his life.
He is still Jonas, but he’s changed everything about himself, from his looks and dress to his demeanor to his home time period and way of thinking. He is no longer trying to save his loved ones. He is now trying to find the origin moment and destroy it. He’s redefined saving as destroying and convinced himself that saving himself saves everyone else. Maybe when he finds the origin moment and changes it, it will set both him and the God particle free from their enslavement. He is now enslaved to a life he can’t bear to live.
Gustav taught him a prophecy of a Paradise that was a dream filled with beauty and light, the Heaven or Ascension of so many religions. Jonas turned it into darkness as an absence of light, where he would remove the cancer that caused his pain (in the form of the God particle, which is the true knot) and kill the patient (himself) at the same time.
In his scenes with Hannah in this episode, Jonas’ true state is laid bare. During the time between 1890-1920, he is a 4th Jonas, Lord Death, with his facial scars meant to look like a skull.
In other words, maybe he’s made some sort of Ghost Rider deal with the God particle, but there are no flaming skulls involved. Just a pact to get out of this world together. That would explain the way they are bound. No one else seems to share quite the same relationship that he does with the God particle, Time and Death, not even Martha.
Martha, the Unknown and the God particle are his family. They all disappear at once and the other 3 versions of the Unknown presumably die in the nuclear meltdown. Unknown has time to save himself if he wants to, but he told us he was about to die. Anyway, after Jonas sent everyone else who was with him in 2053 to the past, it must be devastating for him to watch Martha and the God particle leave him behind and alive while they get raptured together.
He’s in a heartbroken, confused state when Claudia appears to tell him another story.
Images courtesy of Netflix.
Dark Season 3 Episode 7: Between the Time Recap- Hanno, Bartosz and HG Tannhaus move to the front of the house as gaps in the story are filled. #DarkNetflix In episode 6, the worlds ended, thanks to Adam's double apocalypse. In episode 7, we meet the new world.
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Axl's First Exciting Mission
((Hey guys. Today, in going to create a new fan fic today that an idea has flown towards my face. It's about a teenage prototype named Axl, who's very thrilled about the new mission that awaits him, but doesn't really know yet due to the mysterious yet similar maverick hidden within the underground basement of Maverick Hunter HQ that X has warned him about. So again, this story contains yaoi and I understand that it made you uncomfortable. However, if you're a fan, then welcome aboard. Without further ado, please enjoy this fiction. 😊))
Abel City. One of the most clearest town state of all, home of the inhabitants of Earth filled with humans and reploids altogether with meek, sided along of peace. No matter the differences, negligence or other, everyone who is new to the city are freshly more than welcome to live alongside all individuals. Before the roaring stampede of Mavericks would attempt to ruin tranquility, commanded by the gruesome but merciless overlord formerly known as the commander of the Maverick Hunters created by Dr. Cain, Sigma. During the reconnaissance given by his creator to locate the dangerous red maverick, the unstoppable Wily Virus have taken control or finds its way within his core, reestablish the morality. Forcing him to surrender to its power succumbing everything belonging to him, erased right quickly. The growling aura shouts, unleashing the new and improved villain to all who have feared more than their own weaknesses. Gathered up several more irregulars to make an army, destroying the town, killing a few humans, painting the whole planet with his dreams bursting into reality of rearranging a new world for only the strong and powerful reploids to rule. However, it was interrupted by the dynamic duo, X and Zero, shutting down the false fantasy by defeating 8 bosses including the crazed menace. Time and time again. No matter how he would return with more of his invincible forms due to his manipulation of other reploids such Dr. Doppler, Repliforce, Gate, and the rest, the irregular busting crime stoppers will always put an end to his wretched schemes for a new life. After his defeat, tranquility has regain its colors once more, the meaningless conflict between robots and humanity have been silenced. All thanks to the hopeful hunters that every civilization will always look up to.
Not only if there were two that could battle against more threats other than the malicious maverick king, but another hero that arrives to the scene. One that possesses such a great ability like no other being. A compassionate soul so young, lacking maturity yet not the interest of helping those in need when it comes to danger. His name is Axl. Armor themed of the navy blue color striped of red lines, detailed with an X shaped scar across the face by an unknown accident, spiky upward hair and helmet design with a camera lens type inside the crystal. Left the group called Red Alert by his decision on his own to become a hunter due to the view of his friends and scythe wielding leader Red changing their desires of using the briefcase full of chips stolen from Sheeda and the boss for power. Chased by a large mechaniloid, met and teamed up with the crimson sword slasher by taking it down, mistakenly arrested, refused by the indigo pacifist of being or becoming a full pledged hunter, facing off his old colleagues and Red, dueling with the previous mastermind from the beginning and saved the earth again. Still refused, an emergency has been briefed by the blonde navigator, calling to the young gun shooter to race into action.
A new generation built by a blue print, enhanced with the special kind of item known as the Copy Chip. With it, it access the DNA of all reploids even to resist various types of pestilence from every corner. Sadly, the least have chosen to become corrupted as a maverick, including the flesh hating ex commander, at will. None of them have ever experienced such a miracle bestowed upon them. But it doesn't mean that they're immortal. The generation have the same mortality as a few reploids and human alike, making them quite special within their own way possible. Posing them, including the youngster, as hopes of the future as well as protectors. For the land will relax in meekfulness while the heroes do the rest.
Somewhere at Hunter Base, a secret government domain of skilled hunters, the autumn hair youngling rests around the table with legs crossed, seating into the chair slightly bored after the war has ended. Blowing a mist of a sigh. Sure there are no crimes of fire that would be happening right now, but nothing very exciting could ever seek for his attention. For he is lingering in his own boredom by daydreaming.
"Man... This is so boring... Couldn't there be anything fun around here for me do so I wouldn't die in my own sleep?" Groaned the teenage prototype, tilting the side of his head against the hand. Slowly collapsing into a tired state until the Class A expert would arrive at his direction, folding his arms.
"Listen, Axl. I know that you're furiously bored cause of no casualties or invading threats coming to screw up everyone's day, but you have to learn to be patient and let disaster come to us first when duty calls." He explained.
"I know... But it's just no fun sitting around the base to do ABSOLUTELY nothing. Sigh... This is lame..." He griped silently.
"We get it, kiddo. There isn't a speck of villainy around these parts, but It's not the end of the world that quickly, ya know."
"Well.... I guess you're right, Zero. Don't know why I was whining about since we took care of that maverick jerkface. I mean, the three of us, taking the toll on him."
"Heh. I know, and you even single handedly knocked out Sigma with your special copy ability to save our asses. "
"Darn right! Heh. He didn't know what hit him! Thanks to you guys, the legendary Maverick Hunters!"
"No, kid. Thank YOU. Without your help, we would've been dead right now. You're the real hero that the world needs."
"You think so?"
"I know so. But you still got a lot to learn when you're a hunter. Facing with tougher baddies, saving the innocents and all that."
"You got it, boss! Thanks again." Grinned Axl.
Both of them stare into their peers for just a moment until the reploid teen would lean closer, accidentally deepens the long haired senior with a longing kiss. Laying his hands onto his cheek when he blush with surprised.
"Mmmm...  Mmmmm..." 
"Mmmm... Hmm?! Oh shoot! Sorry Zero!" He pulled himself away. 
"Axl! What the hell are you doing?! We're not supposed to be doing something inappropriate in public!" He angrily flustered.
"Oops... He he... My bad... Didn't know what got over me."
"Ugh... Look, just try to control yourself, OK? Cause it's getting too weird. And by the way, X told me about an unknown maverick yesterday."
"Really? There's a new bad guy?"
"Mhmm. He was incredibly dangerous. Not to mention as a vampiric version."
"A vampire?"
"Yes. The creature of the night that drinks the blood of mortals to survive, like in the movies. But this baddie is different. He possess as an incubus of some sort. Flirting with woman both reploid and human at once. Or perhaps secretly someone else... Acted very sultry as his personality, but enhanced with an elemental use. Like ice for starters."
"Whoa... Is he really dangerous?"
"Precisely. He had both vampire and incubus personas. But a calming expression. Also with sneaky eyes."
"Wow.... "
Furthermore, he continuously explains more of the mysterious figure's tricks and powerful elements aiding his claws, warning the rookie about what he could do anyone with the unavoidable "secret weapon" that he tells X and crew. Unlike the young gun slinger, everyone is quite aware of this deadly strategy.
"Is that so?" He asked.
"Yes. It's something that no other reploid would escape from. Once being controlled, there's no chance of resisting against it before the..." Unable to say the rest of the sentence it out loud, he finish it by speaking into the kid's earport. Then made him jump of shock.I
"NO WAY! He seduces them?!"
"Not so loud. But yes. He performs a sexual lip locking with females of all kinds. Endlessly."
"Holy crap.... And I thought that a succubus would do the same thing to a guy."
"Yeah. Plus, he would even get a taste of their bodies if necessary..."
"But anyway, there's nothing to worry about it now. We've already sealed him underneath the containment basement built with preventable locks." He assured to the wild child, patting his shoulder. "So all is well."
"Heh. Guess so. I was getting a little frantic there. Say, what if he would do the same to me?" He said curiously. But on the inside, quite scared.
"Come on, Axl. There's no way that he would get to you. Or is there?* Smirked the golden headed saber wielder, teasing him.
"Uh oh...."
"Oh, I'm just yanking your chains. So long as you stay put, far away from that containment cell. I'm counting you to remain on your post. Understood?"
"Yes sir! I'll try my best!" He saluted.
"Good. I'll be in the meeting room. Do your best, Axl." Ordered Zero as he nodded.
"You got it!"
"One more thing... If anything happens when you're in danger, be sure to contact me or X by the earport."
"Roger that!"
"Oh. And one last thing..." He went up to the energetic teen boy, grabs him by the head to return the sinking kiss aggressively. 
"Mmmmmmmmmwah. There. Now we're even."
"Ack! *Cough cough* Geez, Zero! Guess that'll teach me a lesson!"
"Just giving back the favor. Try to continue your duty, got that?" He chuckled teasingly, before leaving for a meeting.
"Yes sir...." Spat the young begginer. 
With the examination talk aside, he walked off to attend a meeting with other hunters and navigators. But, then stopped for a pondering solution just for the lad in dark blue due to the kiss. Stood there into the middle of the hall, he felt the affected warmth melting away the coldness by touching his lips. Even though he haven't experienced nor practice empathy towards anyone but to his friends that he deeply trusts before.
"Huh... What is this weird tingling that I'm getting? Sure it was an accident, but... it feels so soft... And tense..." He imagined. "Hmm... Maybe the kiss wasn't such a bad accident after all. Actually, it's kinda hot too... Mmmm... Axl... He really is a good kid, even though his immaturity annoys the hell outta me a little." Smiling slowly from the straight stern written on his face, the idea has driven to his mind for a moment. Granting him the opportunity to pose as dangerous yet sexy winged maverick for his young friend to "fight off" with. He quickly walks into the room while no one is looking, morphing his original armor into an Absolute transformation to act as the unknown maverick. 
"He he he... Perhaps I'll give the brave little hunter a special solo mission he'll never forget~ A chilling "battle", that is~" He plotted. Cycling his tongue around the pale lips, tasting the smooching marks led by the novice hunter from the former organization of assassins. For a surprise trick will never fail to get the jump on him. 
Meanwhile, outside into the garden fields behind HQ during midnight, the emerald eyed gun blaster is relaxing his butt off from all the boring worriness dancing across his head all cheered up from the conversation he had with the die hard blonde, arms at the back of his head and boots crossed. Watching above the glittering stars of the night skies, so beautiful and sparkly to his pupils.
"Ahhh... What a beautiful nightfall... No wars, criminals or intruding crooks around at bay... Just some all out peace at last...." Sighed the dual wielding lad, succumbed by the wonders of the brighten dots as well as the graceful moon. The decent opposite of daytime for every or less generations to witness, secondly to lay back and watch. Everything that the red violet ex maverick have said about peace is very true, no worries, miscreants or anything too risky for that matter. It is a cesspool of non violent freedom to swim about all the time without ever getting out. 
"I really miss Red... He's like the true father I never had, before going bonkers from those stupid case loaded with corny chips that changed him... Sigh.... But, his DNA will always be carried within my mimic enhancement... And in my memories too..." Tears have descended from his eyes, remembering of his foster father that caused him to grieve. However, as the new recruited hunter, he wiped them off by fist to get his spirit together. 
"*Sniff...* What am I sobbing for...? Big boys don't cry. They would stay valiant and kick the crap outta fear! Heck, I'm a brave man now, in fact, I'm a Maverick Hunter! Yeah! Those creeps are gonna be very sorry if they first took a gander of me!" Cheering himself up with self encouragement, he would practice his kicks into the middle of the garden, fantasizing of him shooting multiple enemies who are robbing banks, abusing civilians and more. Hearing the applause washing all over him, women admire his fearlessness by delicate smooches. It will be his wonderful dream come true. 
"Yeah.... That's right, ladies... Plenty of me to go around... He he he..." He imagines of himself surrounded by women giving him kisses by gently stroking his body all over. Until suddenly, a ringing has disturbed his daydreaming sequence. Must be an emergency or some sort. Or worse, he might have done anything disrespectful by switching the report papers. He then respond by the ear port.
"This is Axl."
"He he he he.... Hello there, Maverick Hunter Axl...." Then, a sudden deep voice has reached to him with a comely yet seductive vibe. 
"Who is this?! Where's Zero?!" Replied Axl, demanding for a certain answer. 
"There's no need to be angry, boy... I'm sure that he's perfectly safe with me... For now... He he he..." He replied. 
"You bastard!"
"Mmm... Aren't we fueled with anger? I like that in a boy~ Truly that I would admire a woman, but never mind them... For I already found someone right in front of me~"
"Found who!?"
What the young pistol user didn't really know, despite of a mysterious call, is that a dangerous "maverick" was quietly behind him the entire time. He have felt his chilling presence speaking to his ears until he jumped back from the "enemy". 
"What the?! Who are you?!"
"He he he... Haven't your precious red friend ever warned you about me~?"
"So you're that scary looking maverick jerk that he told me about!"
"Precisely~ But enough of the meaningless introductions~ I've come here to have fun with you~" Approaching the incubus themed reploid, making his way to the youthful ward of the hunters. 
"W...What are you doing?! Step off from me!" He quivered slightly, reversing himself from his opponent while trying to gulp his pride whole. "Y..You're suppose to seduce women, not men!"
"You're correct, my young plaything~ But...." He teleported for moment. Seeing as kind of a magic trick, the former member of Red Alert was infuriated by that. But, giving him a chance to draw out his trusty Axl Bullets just in case the malicious "intruder" reveals himself again.
"All right. This is it. Time to take out some maverick tr-" Then, something very impossible has happened to him. He was interrupted by the disappearing individual, now visible, by placing his clawed hand upon his innocent cheeks. Rubbing them for a quick second until the touch has intrigued his interests.
"Ohh yes~ Your flawless face is so passionate, along with your delicious figure~ So hot~" He examined, circling his palms very slowly. 
"H...Huh...?!" He frozed. 
"Not only do I desire for females, but in secret, I love males as well~ That's why I found you, little boy~ Now, how about a little privacy to shield ourselves from this world~?
"Are you insane?! Why would I wanna date a-" Stopped once more with a hungry kiss had made the adolescent reploid dropped his weapons. Defeated by something very consensual that he had never seen before.
"Mmmmph! Mmmph!" 
"Mmmmmm~ Just try to relax~ And let go of your unwanted fury you've kept for so long~" Repelled the goth colored vampire, staring at his leaf colored eyes to hypnotize him. 
"Mmmmm...." At last, he was fully compelled to the deadly spell that Zero mentioned earlier. He tried to fight it off, but it too late.
"Good boy~ Now, let's retreat into a secret place to have our little mission together~ Forever~" 
"Yes, master..." 
Teleporting both him, along with his mind controlled captive to a darker basement cell underneath the base to continue their "battle" in peace, they can finally have a much more privacy zone to make some love. Setting the youngling onto the bed gently while pinning him down softly, he began to sip his longing kiss once again into a seductive way. 
"Mmm~ Mmmmm~ God, your lips are very tasty, but yet beautiful~ I love it when it shines brightly than a diamond~" He was fascinated by his pure and polished lips. 
"Mmmm..." The future hunter would conduct the same while hugging around his master's neck, giving into the lip mashing. Connecting both of their armored bodies with approach to began the intensive grinding. Gripped tightly of their embrace to never release each other or to be separated. Finally alone together, into the dark underground area filled with nothing but lights which will be activated automatically by clapping. But it's probably best to have them off for a special night just for two. 
Their anatomy would polish one another into a normal pace, meeting face to face. Or perhaps chest to chest. Jointed into a pleasurable condition as the demonic ice maverick tilted his head towards the thinly neck of the rambunctious prototype, running up and down of his snake like tongue to please him. 
"He he he... You like that~? How about this~?" He downward his tongue a little further, all over his body, and mostly, his little private briefs. 
"Unh... Unh....!" The flustered expression has appeared in his face. 
"That's it, little man~ Let it all out~" 
"Unh.... Unh... Unh.... Oh man.... It's so good... Unh..."
He continued to taste more of the youthful newbie, onto the legs, even the chest and mouth. Then returns for a thirsty tongue on tongue action to juice up the peacefully mood. 
"Mmmph...." Moaned the pea shooting individual.
Their tongues were performing a tango during a kiss. Enjoying a perfectly evening at meek for a desirable dance. Dipping one of them after a dazzling twirl. Outside, the incubus would place his clawed hand upon the dual wielding lad's cute little buttocks for a casual spanking. 
"Well, you have been a very naughty boy, Axl~" He said playfully, gripping it very hungrily.
"Ahh...! Yes, I'm a very bad boy, master..." He moaned again, but with an enjoyable act. 
"You know what happens to bad little boys~? They deserved a good spanking~" 
He then gives him a very good slap to the ass, not too hard but lightly. Patting it like a beloved pet.
"Mmm... More master..." Begged Axl. 
"That's more like it~ Yes, you may have another~" He rapidly punishes the tiny little rump. Just to give him more. 
This was his first special mission he had with the shadowed themed hunter unlike any kind. Thrilling and exciting for a boat load of duels awaiting for his call when it comes to danger. He asked for something dangerous, now it arrives to him and was purposely delivered. Endlessly lingering by his ice user's grasp, but an a lustful way. Flushing away his tired boredom along with the annoyed whining down the toilet for good. For the new memories of his new friends have replaced the previous one from his mind, straighteningly stored to inherit it forever. 
And finally, the true feud shall finally commenced. 
"Now then~ Are you ready~?" Questioned the winged hunter.
"Ready when you are, master." He replied, lending his neck closely to him with his dipped head. 
"Yeeeeeesssss~ I'm going to enjoy this more like I admire you~" He grinned, revealing his white diamond fangs for a scrumptious dinner. Axl was a little nervous, but not afraid to allow his mentor to seduce his sexy neck. Hissing very quietly with a purr, he gently bit it, inserting his fangs into the synthetic flesh. 
Like any other vampire whose patiently desperate for blood in order to survive, he is interest into necks. One of his favorite sexual parts of the body that will never cease to amaze him by the slightest. It really inspired his needs even more than talon his enemies with one strike. Plus, he even dreams in his slumber. And now, he finally had a chance to permanently suck on the thin yet strongly part of the new gen teenager. 
"Mmmmmmmm~ So sexy~" He moaned comely, wiggling the tongue to clean off the blood from the marks on his disciple's neck. 
"Ahhh..." He moaned yet again, puffing out a warm steam from his mouth. Enjoying his solo mission to the fullest than just lounging around at his post. 
"Mmm~ Your blood is so hyper and sweet~ I really appreciate it so much, Axl~" Licked the unknown maverick, who later showed his true identity by removing his helmet. The rookie gunner gasped, knowing it was...
"Hey, kiddo~ Liking your new mission~?" Said the pale blonde upperclassmen. The plot twist has shocked the scarred youth. 
"You're the unnamed maverick?!"
"That's right~ Just giving you a new lesson when this is all over~"
"No freaking way! I...I'm really sorry for kissing like that! It's not like me at all! I..." He was silenced by his friend's deep smooch as his forgiveness for the accident that occurred from the start. 
"Heh. Don't worry about it, you cute little runt~ Accidents happen sometimes when you're new~ So there's no need to get all apologetic about it~" 
"Well... You're right, Zero. Thanks for understanding." He cheered up.
"So~ Ready to continue our little private mission together, partner?"
"You know it, boss~"
And so, two hunters have resume their reconnaissance by kissing into the lips once more, making out in peace with the saber wielding senior's wings folded across them for a more comfortable terms. 
"Oh Zero~"
"Zero~...." He whispered.
"Axl~...." Same with the black crimson blond.
Tranquillity has comfort the town of Abel City during the return, free from the dreaded master and his army of mavericks pillaging amok by trying to scare humanity from the face of existence, all dealt with by the fearless Maverick Hunters. And not to mention Axl as well, the third hero that the world will look up to and will always count on. He may have lack immaturity unlike X and Zero, but has the potential will for caring about his trustworthy friends and saving everyone from certain devastation invading the earth. But for now, all is peace once again. And their thinks belong to the true hero for his bravery to protect mankind at all cost and his pure of heart. Thank you, Maverick Hunter Axl, for your limitless generosity and protection of all humans and reploids living in equality, as well as in harmony. 
The End
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For Superlove 2/2 Mpreg! Steve is also excited for Belly casts and maternity clothes, to build the nursery, buys stuff for the baby, has Pinterest boards, baby books and what not.But sometimes he also gets really hormonal and moody and clings to Tony like a koala and wants constant attention and cries when he doesn't get it. Tony is always concerned and sees to his every need , even buys grocery himself for Steve and has constant heart eyes for Steve and his baby bump. Continued...
(PART TWO)So, I’m splitting this one into three parts on my Tumblr, since the ask in is three parts. You’ll be able to find the entire thing on Archive!
This part was a bit harder to complete because I wasn’t sure what the scenes should be specifically. They kind of ended up being background mentions with greater scenes, but I made sure to include them all!
They had just finished with the normal part of the prenatal check up. Tony had the prescription for vitamins tucked somewhere in his suit. Steve had fully checked out and was apparently progressing just fine from the outside.
The blond was sitting on the examination table in one of those flimsy hospital gowns that they used for check ups. Every now and again he would squirm uncomfortably as he had an entirely full bladder. He almost breathed a sigh of relief as the sonographer opened the door and entered.
“Nice to meet the two of you,” she grinned widely after introducing herself. “I take it that this is your first baby and first ultrasound?”
After they had nodded she went on to explain how everything worked and what they should expect. She had Steve lay back on the examination table and then inserted the small machine that would allow them to see and hear their baby.
Steve grasped his husband’s hand as he stared nervously at the screen, waiting for anything to happen. He took in a shaky breath when she placed the doppler on his stomach, allowing them to hear the rhythmic swell of noise that was their infant’s heartbeat. “Is that really…?” he whispered, in a state of disbelief.
“That's the heartbeat, and this is the baby,” she pointed to the screen where she had finally managed to get the hazy black and white to level out a bit. There was a large shape with the static inside of it and then a small, pea sized object almost in the middle of that.
“Holy shit, that’s our baby,” Tony gasped, his eyes wide with shock and realization.
“Tony, that’s our baby,” Steve whispered and nodded. He placed a hand over his mouth as he took in a shaky breath and turned to stare at the screen. He took in every ounce of the shape that he could while also straining his ears for the heartbeat.
“Everything seems to be progressing right,” the sonographer chirped as she printed them out some pictures.
The blond ex-superhero almost felt like sobbing when they had to turn the lights on because their session had ended. He was allowed to go change and pee in the bathroom just down the hall. When he returned, she talked to them a little bit about the baby and assured them that everything sounded right.
They left the appointment with the pictures of their tiny baby, more excited than they had ever expected to be. When they got home, they discussed how they were going to tell the team and decided to wait until they had reached the second trimester just in case something happened.
Tony grabbed another piece of the cloth from the glue-y white solution, placing it on top of Steve’s stomach. He was still without a baby bump, which left the only sign that he really was pregnant as the disappearance of his abs.
“Jesus, that’s cold!” Steve exclaimed, almost shying away from the strip.
“Language,” Tony teased.
“Are you ever going to let me live that down?” he asked, leaning his head back against the chair behind him.
“Are you ever going to stop reacting to it? Because until then I don’t think I’m going to drop it,” he replied easily.
“You’re ridiculous,” he complained.
“You married me,” Tony reminded him gently. He got up and washed his hands off so that the plaster was only under his fingernails. “You wanna watch a movie while we wait for it to dry?” he asked.
Steve nodded eagerly. Tony helped him up carefully so that they didn’t disturb the plaster and brought him to the living room. They sat together on the couch while watching whatever movie they could agree on that night.
The timer went off about halfway through, signifying that the plaster had dried and they could take it off. Tony kneeled in front of Steve, peeling it off of him. “What’s the point of this, again?” he asked.
“I want to be able to see the progression of the baby bump. We’re going to do this every ten weeks because it’ll seem like nothing is really changing to us, but we’ll be able to see how big I get with these,” Steve grinned as he watched the rest of the plaster fleck off onto the hardwood below them.
“This another thing you found on those Pinterest boards you make every night before bed?” Tony asked with a teasing smirk.
“The belly casts were, but the every ten weeks thing was my idea,” he replied proudly.
Tony put the cast down on the floor and then got up next to his lover, kissing him sweetly. When they pulled back, he placed his forehead on Steve’s, “You’re so cute.”
“Are you sure that this is how you want to tell the team?” Steve asked as he watched his lover work. Tony had the two newest pictures of the ultrasound on the table in front of him, and was trying to get the best picture of them with the older ones and a pregnancy test they had kept.
“Yes. I don’t want to have them all over because who knows what their reactions might be. This way they’ll be destroying their own furniture,” Tony nodded. When he finally got the picture he plopped himself down next to his lover.
“It just feels a little impersonal,” Steve sighed, placing his head on Tony’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms lazily around his husband’s waist and let himself enjoy the feeling of closeness.
“It’s not impersonal,” Tony defended. “Okay, maybe it is a little impersonal, but the baby is kind of a personal thing, and I want to just keep it between us. This is a good middle ground where we tell people but we keep them at a distance.”
“You have a problem sharing,” the blond looked up at his husband slightly.
“Well, a lot of the things that I tried sharing got forcibly taken from me so you can’t really blame me for being a little hesitant about the baby,” he replied quickly.
“I know, Tony,” he lifted his face up and kissed the other man’s cheek just as Tony sent the announcement to the group chat. They both settled in to watch the chaos unfold with their friends.
Tony and Steve did another belly cast when Steve reached twenty weeks, where he was already growing a firm bump. Neither of them could keep their hands away from it, just happy to feel the baby in any way possible.
While they hadn’t had any symptoms like morning sickness or cramping, they found out that even a super soldier wasn’t immune to mood swings. Luckily, he avoided anger almost always and focused on being overly clingy and sad to happy. Currently, he was stuck in the former of the two.
“Hey Tony?” Steve called. He was camped out in the living room at the moment, putting his feet up. His ankles were a bit swollen and sore from his morning run with Sam, where he now had to jog along with the other former soldier due to the size his baby bump was getting to be.
“Yeah?” Tony hummed in reply, happy to get an excuse to finish with the paperwork early. He had been taking full advantage of the pregnancy as an excuse to get out of his work a bit early.
“Could you mix some of that cherry ice cream we got last time we went shopping with the hot sauce Rhodey brought over?” he yawned.
“Hot and cold? Kinda predictable there with the cravings,” Tony chuckled. He pushed his chair back and got up to go get the requested items.
“It’s not for me, it’s for the baby,” his husband replied quickly.
Tony just chuckled as he opened the freezer to get the icecream out. He winced when he saw that the place where the carton was now occupied by cold, empty air. “Uh, babe, I’m going to have to go to the store and get some more,” he shut the freezer and walked to the entryway where they kept their coats.
“I don’t want you to leave,” he whimpered, tears forming in his eyes and threatening to fall.
“Baby, you just asked me to go and get you hot sauce and ice cream,” Tony chuckled as he shrugged on his coat.
“But I want you to stay and cuddle with me and the baby,” Steve whimpered. Tears began to roll down his face at a terrifying rate. Tony quickly removed his coat and rushed over to his lover, cuddling up next to him.
“I’m here, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere,” Tony murmured, pressing his lips to the blond’s forehead.
Steve tucked his head under Tony’s chin and wrapped his arms around the other man. His bump laid on top of his husband’s stomach. Tony placed a hand on the bump while the other one gently held Seve’s shoulder. The billionaire had no idea how he had fallen so far from where he used to be. He used to sleep with one person a night and never look back, but now he was bending to the every whim and need of a single person. He wouldn’t change it for the world, he smiled to himself.
When they got to thirty weeks they held a baby shower with the rest of the team. Natasha had come over early and decorated the living room. The rest of the team, including Sam, Pepper, and Rhodey, with a special appearance from Maria Hill, filtered in when the clock finally hit two.
Maria was helping Clint and Pepper with Steve’s newest belly cast while Rhodey, Sam, and Bruce were helping move furniture out of the spare room and into a storage room next door. They were going to paint the room today and then let it dry before they went and put together the baby furniture. Steve had allowed them to do that much while getting them to promise that he would be able to decorate it to his tastes later.
“I’ve had a couple of my friends get pregnant, but I never really realized how big they got,” Maria hummed as she smeared more of the sticky plaster over the bump.
“I’m amazed that my skin even stretches this much,” he replied, his cheeks turning a bit pink. He felt as though he had let his figure slip since he had gained a lot more weight. He was nowhere close to unhealthy, but his face, ass, hips, thighs, and almost everything else about him had definitely gotten fuller.
“I think that pregnancy suits you. Way more than it would me,” Clint chuckled.
“Do you know what you’re having yet?” Pepper asked, steering the conversation away from bodies, just in case it would result in a pregnancy mood swing breakdown.
“No, we’re going to find out here with the cake,” he replied with an excited grin.
Some of the people in the nursery finished their part in painting and came back to enjoy the snacks and chatting. Several of them had brought small gifts, mostly just stuffed animals like the ones that they had as kids or onesies themed like Ironman and Captain America.
Eventually, time ticked later and later, leading them to when they were going to cut the cake. Tony brought it out of the kitchen where he had been storing it, placing it carefully down on the table. He stood proudly next to his lover with a hand on his hip, watching as Steve cut into it.
He removed the slice of cake and placed it onto the plate in Tony’s hand. Both expectant parents stared down at the bright, baby blue coloring of the vanilla cake.
“We’re going to have a boy? That’s amazing,” Tony beamed, throwing his arms around his lover to kiss his lips.
“We’re having a boy!” Steve cheered as he wrapped his arms around his lover and kissed him back.
They got cheers from their chosen family and friends. They eventually separated and answered a few questions about names before they gave out cake. They opened presents and talked until around seven, when they all went out to eat at their favorite restaurant.
When they got back to the house, Tony and Steve were both exhausted. The blond fell asleep almost immediately, leaving Tony to do the cleanup and finished putting the nursery furniture together for his pregnant lover.
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oroontheheels · 5 years
Why nobody’s talking about this ship??
Me and my bros were watching Witcher (Wiedzmin) TV-series. And so there’s an episode #7 that started with Geralt meeting with Dandelion (He is called Jaskier in subtitles, so i will use that name in this post), who just break up with his girlfriend Vespula. So our duo is headed to tavern to eat and drink but it turns out none of them have any money. Luckly for them they meet  Dainty Biberveldt and decided to feast on his money. Moments later the real Dainty runs into tavern and scream for them to catch a doppler. So they captured him.
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BTW if you have never seen old polish Witcher series the guy on the right is Jaskier. I know, i know, but that’s how it is. 
So this doppler is named Dudu and he took money from Dainy and spend them poorly wich made latter very sad. He asks Jaskier to check doppler’s pockets and then THIS happens
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Geralt is laughing his ass off 
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SOOOOOO story goes on and our heroes decide to take this tickster out of the city, so he won’t prank anyone and won’t be killed by autorities. While they escape the town Geralt needs to check if anyone following them, so he ask Jaskier to 
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And Jaskier keep carrying him after that for more, finally noticing that Dudu is looking at him lovingly.
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Dudu: *smooching noises*
Jaskier: *puts him down and grunts*
Geralt leves to get horses, when bad guys appear to ruin the day, so Dudu hides behind Jaskier and he is immidiatly protective
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But Geralt is there to save the day, so they all leave the town and continue they jorney a bit. At the river Geralt decides to rest for a night until they and Dudu part ways in the morning. Jaskier looks confused but the moment later he be like
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Geralt what are your witcher’s senses are telling you why are you smiling like this hmmmm
So while he eats Jaskier comes up with some INTERESTING ideas
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Dudu might be a trickster but he’s not a hoe
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Srsly be better Jaskier!
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Geralt is laughing his ass off #2 
So after some cute couple bickering they all talk about narute of humans, dopplers and stuff. It’s a nice scene, but you readeing this post not for fantasy philosophy, right? 
Scene changes for night time and Dudu tells his plans for future. Also he is cold so Jaskier rushes to help him
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Is this cute AF or what
In the morning Dudu transform into the raven and flys back to town so he can help Dainy to get out of the prison (for not paying his debt). But not until he bids his farewells
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Aghfthmrtdhgwsgh look at him being so proud lmao what a cupcake.
So that’s the end of their story... Until in episode 13 very depressed Geralt meets very sad Jaskier, both feeling very lonely and lost. But Jaskier tells Geralt that he is loved by Ciri, him and even Dudu. And then mentions that
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It’s not quite the happy ending tho, since Dudu now decided to stay in raven form. But! TV-series were not finished so you can headcanon any continuation you want. Also Dudu is doing fine in books also ok in video games based on books (and looks a bit hotter if you aks me :,D). SO, don’t know about you god people but I’M SHIPPING IT.
Also we need to choose ship name. @darii0 sugested dudelion (dudu + dandelion) or we can use dandudu. Both are empty on tumblr :D
Thank you for your attention.
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mezzomercury · 5 years
Bohemian Rhapsody in Blue Chapter Two: You Take My Breath Away
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Pregnancy, Doctor’s office
September 4, 1985
Munich, Germany
A couple days before his 39th Birthday Extravaganza, Freddie invited Jim and Nadia to stay with him in Munich for a couple weeks, as Queen was recording their new album A Kind of Magic at the Musicland Studios before they would resume in London within the next month. While he was hard at work as always, he desperately missed his husband, as well as the woman carrying their child, whom both men had grown quite fond of and developed a fast friendship with ever since she accepted the offer to become their surrogate. Being away from home meant having to miss a lot of milestones in Nadia’s pregnancy, which he felt guilty about every passing moment. Therefore, having them visit would be the perfect opportunity to touch base on everything he missed, as well as celebrate his birthday with the people that mattered most to him.
Everything about their visit seemed ideal, except for the fact, which Nadia pointed out, that they would be missing their 20 week ultrasound if she and Jim were out of town. This hadn’t occurred to Freddie in the slightest before talking on the phone with her about it, but he quickly dismissed her concern and assured her, 
“I’ll take care of everything. Don’t worry, it will happen wherever we are.” 
This unfortunately put him in a difficult predicament, and now he had to find and ultrasound technician that spoke English fluently, via looking through a phonebook entirely in German and trying to make an appointment in a language he did not speak at all. After giving up and slamming down the phonebook in frustration one day, he sought help from Queen’s producer Reinhold Mack, who was a Munich native in addition to being a father of three. Mack scheduled an appointment at a clinic on his behalf, which unfortunately was on the complete opposite end of the city, but Freddie figured that beggars couldn’t be choosers. All he needed to do was obtain Nadia’s medical records and send them prior to the appointment, then the rest would hopefully be easy.
It was now the day before his birthday, the day of their appointment, and Freddie, Jim, and Nadia arrived at a small clinic after trying to find it for more than an hour, their limo driver losing their way multiple times in the process. The three of them were full of excitement, as this would be the appointment where they would see their baby again, and hopefully find out the gender of their little bundle of joy. Freddie took a moment before they entered the office to observe Nadia. Her baby bump had grown significantly since he left London, and her figure had become curvier and more feminine, complimenting her statuesque, six-foot-tall frame. She was currently wearing a loose-fitting summer dress, as Autumn had yet to arrive, and had an absolutely radiant glow on her face that never seemed to leave. Of course, his days of being romantically attracted to women were long gone, but Freddie couldn’t help but admire the sun-kissed Maghrebi beauty that was standing before him and his husband, carrying cargo that was way too precious for words. Pregnancy suited Nadia well, and it was just an added bonus that it was his and Jim’s baby that she was carrying. If it’s a girl, I hope she looks like her mum, Freddie thought to himself with a small smile, now being hurried off with the other two members of his group into an examination room as soon as they walked into the clinic.
The technician assigned to them was luckily a British expat living in Munich, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and an almost maternal manner, thoroughly answering all of Jim and Nadia’s questions with informative care. Freddie found himself not having any of his own to ask, as he was far too nervous and in his own little world to come up with anything. He involuntarily reached out for Nadia’s hand as she sat down in the chair, which she accepted and squeezed assuringly to the nervous father-to-be. Jim looked on at his husband in concern, knowing how anxious he was, and wishing he could say something that would help.
The moments leading up to the three of them seeing their baby seemed unbelievably slow, or perhaps it was due to Freddie’s current child-like impatience. His anxiety levels seemed to exponentially increase as he watched Nadia lift up her dress to expose her belly and the technician squeeze some weird gel onto the exposed area before waving around the transducer on it to try and get an image onto the screen in front of them. Freddie’s eyes were completely glued to the screen, sweating bullets as he was waiting for an image to appear, worrying that nothing would show up and there would be no sign of a baby in sight.
All of the sudden, as if some higher power had taken notice of his worries, the image of a small, potato-like figure appeared on the monitor, immediately causing all three parents to gasp in unison. Jim stuttered to speak, trying to get a confirmation from the technician, 
“Is that….” he found himself stopping, too busy focusing on the little blob that was his future child, 
“Yes, that’s your baby.” she answered happily, glancing at all three of their reactions. 
Nadia seemed to be amazed that this little thing was growing inside her, while Freddie looked like he had just seen a ghost, but had the beginning of tears forming in his eyes. It hardly looked human, Freddie thought, save for the outline of a head, feet, and a spinal cord that resembled a string of pearls, but it was his baby. His smile got even wider as he watched it move its little limbs around, finding himself wanting to touch Nadia’s belly to see if he could feel the movements for himself, but alas, he would have to wait until the appointment was over to try his luck. Still, he found himself tuning out his surroundings and focusing only on the image in front of him, as if it were the only other thing in existence.
Time seemed to stop as Freddie continued carefully watching the monitor, not registering that the technician was taking measurements and getting snapshots of the screen to print out for later. Freddie’s eyes found themselves quickly darting over to meet Jim’s, sharing a moment of pure bliss. Their relationship had gotten so intense and so loving at this point that they could communicate to each other with just a single glance, and now they were repeatedly saying to each other, That’s our baby. I can’t believe we’re going to be fathers. Their moment was interrupted when they started to hear a faint whirring sound in a pulsating pattern coming from the doppler that was just placed on Nadia’s belly. The baby’s heartbeat. They heard it before when they had first found out that Nadia was pregnant, but this time is was much louder and stronger. Freddie had to fight the ongoing urge to cry now, nearly hyperventilating and squeezing Nadia’s hand even harder than before. It was by far the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Every other sound seemed to pale in comparison to the tiny thuds that signified the life he helped create.
“Everything looks really good so far.” the technician assured them as she continued waving the transducer around, “Very healthy and happy.” 
This came as a huge relief to everyone else in the room. Nothing was more important to them than the baby’s well-being. Finally, it was the moment they had all been waiting for: 
“Would you like to know the gender?” the technician asked. 
Nadia glanced at both Freddie and Jim to see their reactions, both of them excitedly giving the confirmation for the big reveal. Freddie found himself ridden with anxiety again. Part of him wanted to wait and be surprised, but he just had to know if it was a boy or a girl. He watched eagerly as the technician kept moving the transducer around, but the little blob on the screen wouldn’t uncross its legs. 
“Already such a stubborn little thing.” Jim joked, trying to relieve the tension in the room.
 Freddie was starting to get a bit frustrated and tried to calm himself down, but found himself accidentally saying, “Come on, little one. Don’t be shy.” out loud, much to Jim and Nadia’s amusement, both knowing he didn’t intend for anyone to hear that. 
Then, as if the baby somehow heard its father’s gentle pleas, it uncrossed its little legs and gave the answer to the question everyone was looking for. The technician immediately zoomed in on the screen to see if she could find any visible genitalia on the baby and happily declared, 
“Looks like you’re going to have a little girl. Congratulations.”
All time stopped again. Those words rang through Freddie’s head like the colossal bell of Big Ben. He kept repeating silently to himself I’m going to have a daughter over and over until he couldn’t keep his composure any longer and broke down in the room in front of everyone. His heart felt like it self-destructed in his chest and he was drowning in emotions that he previously forbid himself to have for the longest time. He didn’t even have the time to try and suppress these visceral feelings, and he had reluctantly surrendered and let everything go right then and there. As he covered his face as not to reveal hot and heavy tears, Jim rushed over to his side and tenderly kissed him on the cheek. He also had tears of pure joy leaking from his eyes, but didn’t even try to pretend they weren’t present. 
“You were right, Freds. We’re having a little girl. She’ll be so beautiful.” he whispered to him while cupping the back of his neck in the way that Freddie so enjoyed.
As the technician finished up the ultrasound and left the room to get the photographs that were printing out, Freddie and Jim spent a couple more minutes holding each other tightly, both in disbelief that soon they would be fathers to a little girl. Everything about her seemed so real now. She wasn’t just an abstract concept to them anymore. She didn’t have a name yet, but there was no doubt that both her fathers would move heaven and earth for her even now. Once Freddie regained enough composure to have at least one coherent thought, he got up out of his chair and embraced Nadia as tightly as he possibly could, his breath still hitching in his chest and the tears he shed now stained on his cheeks. He wanted to say so much to the woman whom he believed to be an angel on earth, the woman who said yes to the most outrageous proposition, and as a result was now giving him and his husband the greatest gift they ever could receive, but all he could say at that moment was, 
“Thank you, darling. For everything.” 
Even though Nadia was more than a decade younger than him, her maternal instincts kicked in and she started to lightly scratch Freddie’s back, trying to soothe him as if he were a small child. 
“I should be the one thanking you,” she replied, “I have no doubt that she will be the most loved and adored child in the world, given her two dads.” 
Jim blushed and helped Nadia get up back into her feet once she and Freddie broke apart, also giving her a tight hug.
Fast forward to nearly twenty minutes later, as the trio sat in Freddie’s private limo on the way back to their home. Nadia and Freddie sat next to each other with Jim sitting across from them, as Freddie was now completely glued to the expectant mother’s side ever since they left the clinic. He was quietly fixated on the sonogram photograph, which he hadn’t stopped looking at since the technician gave it to him. He held it in one hand, while the other gently rested on Nadia’s tummy, his thumb slowly and absentmindedly fanning the spot below her belly button. If he was previously in disbelief that his daughter was growing in there, he was even more now. Jim looked at the two of them in awe, knowing how excited and over the moon his husband was. He knew that Freddie would be the perfect father, no matter how much he vocally doubted it during late nights after drinking a little too much. This would be something that would completely change his current lifestyle, but he gradually seemed to welcome it with open arms. After all, he finally found the love of his life, and was convinced they could get through anything as long as they were together.
Amongst this scene was a calm silence, with only the sounds of the limo driving through the old Bavarian cobblestone streets, the driver trying not to cause any feelings of turbulence for the passengers behind the partition. This silence was broken when Nadia gently sighed and rested her head on Freddie’s shoulder, causing him to chuckle and bring her in closer, his hand still protectively on her belly with no plans of letting go anytime soon. In a rather bold but not unwelcome gesture, he lowered his head as best as he could so that he could gently press his face into her bump and started quietly speaking to his daughter; Something he started doing shortly before he left for Munich but hadn’t done again until now, 
“Your Papa and I can’t wait to meet you, sweet girl. I already love you so much.” 
Nadia looked down at him in awe and added in, 
“Happy Birthday, dear Freddie.” to which he smiled and sat up, gazing lovingly at his dear friend, and then at Jim.
“This is undoubtedly the best gift I have ever received.”
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atcabblog · 5 years
In the simple and mundane
All my life, I have been shackled by the chains of an inevitable entity that has resulted to my imprisonment upon this earthly world. However, for some unknown reason, I suddenly have this fleeting feeling of finally being set free; I can now reach the skies whenever I want to.
Then again, this sweet taste of freedom has terrified me more than any horror movie I have ever watched. Even if the skies are within the tips of my fingers, how do I return to stable ground? Oh, no. This is bad. Somebody, pull me back! I do not want to drift away aimlessly!
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I must have been screaming at the top of my lungs, because my mother came barging into my room, with a puzzled look on her face. “Is everything all right, sweetie?” my mom asks in a rather sweet tone. I told her I just had another bad dream, to which she responded with a warm and reassuring hug. She then told me that I could still sleep for about thirty minutes, or I could proceed downstairs for breakfast.
After mom left the room, I was again lost in my trail of thoughts. Gravity. Wow. I have been lectured thousands of times in science class that it is this force that pulls us down to the ground, acting like some sort of anchor. I laughed to myself as I thought about how Earth is this clingy person who always draws others towards its center; no matter how far you drift away, you will always “gravitate” back.
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I must have been AWOL for quite a while because I did not notice my younger sister standing by the door. “Why are you smiling like an idiot?” she asked. “Nothing really, just envisioning a world without an annoying meddling little sister. Oh my, that would be nice.” I replied. She rolled her eyes and uttered, “You’re letting the cold air escape by leaving the door open, stupidhead.” As I watched her smirk triumphantly before leaving, I muttered to myself, “Well, except that cold air does not actually escape, but the warm air from outside the room actually enters, since heat travels from hot to cold, not the other way around. I guess I’m not the stupidhead here.” Or so I thought. Was that even the right explanation? Holy Hephaestus, I should really participate more in class.
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I wasted about fifteen minutes pondering about random stuff like gravity and heat transfer before I actually got up from bed. That was when I had this realization about Newton’s First Law of Motion. That fella was right after all. You know, about how an object at rest will stay as it is, unless acted upon by an external force. I would have stayed in bed this whole time if an external factor like going to school did not have to bother me. Newton’s quite a funny guy, don’t you think? An apple falls on his head and boom, he gets this stroke of brilliant insight to come up with a theory about gravity, then becoming a renowned scientist. If an apple were to fall on my head, all I would get is a terrible headache and a bad day.
At this moment, eighteen minutes has passed, so I decide to take a bath first before eating breakfast. As I wait for the tub to be filled with water, I stare blankly at my reflection in the mirror. It stares back at me, piercing through the deepest chambers of my soul, making me feel aghast. Sunken, deep eyes reeking of despair and desolation; chapped, pale lips in a constant sickle curving downwards; and a face, that is horrifyingly indistinguishable to be human. Snapping back to reality, I turned the taps on time before the tub would overflow. Undressing the disappointments of yesterday, I got in the water and sunk back deep enough to leave my nostrils available for breathing. And once again, I am warped to my train of thoughts.
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I start thinking about how different objects would either sink or float when put in water. It is rather interesting how the discrepancies in densities would result to this. You know, when something is denser than water, it tends to sink, and vice versa. And it is rather amazing, how water or any fluid for that matter, exerts an upward force on an object immersed in it. I can sort of attribute it to your support system, constantly lifting your spirits and returning you back to the surface when you have sunk rock bottom. But then again, I think to myself, what if I become to heavy and this support system will fail to push me back up?
Tired with all the negative vibes, I dismiss the thought. I started recalling about Archimedes’ Principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces. If I remembered it correctly, this was how Archimedes discovered whether the golden crown of the king was indeed crafted from pure gold, without damaging the crown itself. Due to a state of euphoria, he ran around the streets, shouting, “Eureka! Eureka!” Then I wondered to myself, when will I have my own moment of eureka? Will these buoyant forces keep me adrift long enough for me to have it? Or will I eventually become too dense and sink to the bottom, drowning in my own failures and shortcomings?
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I slapped myself several times and uttered repeatedly, “The day has just begun. I should not be influenced by negative thoughts.” After wiping dry and clothing myself, I proceeded to meet my mom and annoying sister downstairs for breakfast. My mom, frying more bacon in the pan, smiled sweetly upon seeing me. I smiled, too. Not to my mom, though, but to the bacon I will wholeheartedly consume in a matter of minutes. But as I watch the bacon being flipped over and hear it screaming due to the intensely hot oil it is submerged in, I think about the “cold air will escape” fiasco from my little sister. Heat transfer. Ah yes, heat is a form of energy that can be transferred from one medium to another, from a hotter surface to a cooler one. When we put a pan (with bacon in it, for example) on a burning stove, the energy of the flame from the stove touches the cold pan, transferring heat to the pan, making it hotter. This phenomenon is called conduction. My thought process was interrupted when my mom placed the bacon on my plate, its aroma filling my whole system. As I happily devoured my sumptuous meal, I thought about how my body will convert this bacon into usable energies that will drive me to function for the day, as well as how I am already two minutes late for the bus. In a surge of panic, I took my bag, kissed my mom on the cheek, pinched my little sister’s nose, and rushed out of the door.
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As I walked speedily towards the bus stop, I could not help but think of random things as usual. For example, as one walks, he/she actually does some work (recalling that Work=Force*displacement), when he/she exerts some force, and as a result, he/she covers some distance. During walking, Newton’s other laws of motion can also be applied. The Second Law of Motion states that acceleration=Force/mass. In essence, acceleration is directly proportional to the force we use or exert while walking, therefore, when we will apply more force, our acceleration will increase. The Third Law of Motion is about action and reaction. When we set foot on the ground we exert force on it, and as a result, the ground exerts vertical force back on the body. One can also easily walk because of friction. It is responsible for this good grip without slipping because of a sort of roughness or resistance between the soles of one’s shoes and the surface of the road. However, if you are unlucky enough to step on a banana peel, there is a tendency to slip due to the reduced friction between your shoes and the surface of the road caused by the slippery banana peel
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And yes, I already missed the bus. To alleviate for the looming bad day, I seek solace from music. With a sense of relief, I realized that I have indeed brought my headphones with me this time. I put them on and had my playlist on shuffle. The first song that plays is the infamous Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. With a slight cringe, I picture her swinging on the wrecking ball just as depicted on the music video. But then, that scenario hits me: I have to report about pendulum in class today! Oh, Zeus. As Miley belts out, “I came in like a wreeecking baaaall!”, I rehearsed my report in mind. The pendulum is any setup that involves an object AKA bob, suspended on a string and is allowed to oscillate. When it is at its highest position, the potential energy is maximum, and the opposite applies to its kinetic energy. As it swings, the potential energy decreases while the kinetic energy increases. As it reaches the central part of the setup, kinetic energy is at its maximum, and the opposite applies to its potential energy. One can say that the mechanical energy of the system is conserved if the total potential energy and kinetic energy are equal with one another. However, dissipative forces such as air resistance will hinder this balance. Oh well, I guess life would have been easier if no such forces would hinder us from achieving balance, right?
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I must have been totally distracted because I could suddenly hear a loud and continuous noise that screams of danger. I might have recalled hearing it faintly despite Miley’s voice in my head, but this time, it’s extremely powerful. I turned my head east and realized a speeding truck honking its horns in a desperate attempt to alarm me is advancing towards me. The doppler effect, I processed, is a change in the pitch of a sound when the source moves relative to the listener. It is because the frequency of the sound wave changes as the source of sound moves closer to or farther from the listener. And in this case, it’s moving towards me.
I could not move a muscle; I was frozen stiff. All I could hope is that I am strong enough to endure the oncoming collision. But then of course, that is not possible. The truck moved with a greater speed, and also has a definitely greater mass. I, a lanky person-turned-statue, would surely not be sufficient to stop the momentum of this huge truck. Inertia, the ability to resist change. All my life, I have been afraid of the concept of change, thinking about how I would consequently be unable to recognize myself upon changing. And now, here I am, unable to counter it. In a matter of a millisecond, I will be sent flying away, disfigured and demised.
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And then I jolt awake, sweating from the intense nightmare of dying. Wow, that all happened in a dream. I laughed a little as I remembered how I related physics concepts in trivial and mundane occurrences in that dream. But that moment of joy was short-lived, because I realized that I actually fell asleep last night while I was in the middle of reviewing for a physics exam.
Which is today. At 9am. And as I check my phone, it’s already 9:01am.
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