oroontheheels · 5 years
Why nobody’s talking about this ship??
Me and my bros were watching Witcher (Wiedzmin) TV-series. And so there’s an episode #7 that started with Geralt meeting with Dandelion (He is called Jaskier in subtitles, so i will use that name in this post), who just break up with his girlfriend Vespula. So our duo is headed to tavern to eat and drink but it turns out none of them have any money. Luckly for them they meet  Dainty Biberveldt and decided to feast on his money. Moments later the real Dainty runs into tavern and scream for them to catch a doppler. So they captured him.
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BTW if you have never seen old polish Witcher series the guy on the right is Jaskier. I know, i know, but that’s how it is. 
So this doppler is named Dudu and he took money from Dainy and spend them poorly wich made latter very sad. He asks Jaskier to check doppler’s pockets and then THIS happens
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Geralt is laughing his ass off 
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SOOOOOO story goes on and our heroes decide to take this tickster out of the city, so he won’t prank anyone and won’t be killed by autorities. While they escape the town Geralt needs to check if anyone following them, so he ask Jaskier to 
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And Jaskier keep carrying him after that for more, finally noticing that Dudu is looking at him lovingly.
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Dudu: *smooching noises*
Jaskier: *puts him down and grunts*
Geralt leves to get horses, when bad guys appear to ruin the day, so Dudu hides behind Jaskier and he is immidiatly protective
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But Geralt is there to save the day, so they all leave the town and continue they jorney a bit. At the river Geralt decides to rest for a night until they and Dudu part ways in the morning. Jaskier looks confused but the moment later he be like
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Geralt what are your witcher’s senses are telling you why are you smiling like this hmmmm
So while he eats Jaskier comes up with some INTERESTING ideas
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Dudu might be a trickster but he’s not a hoe
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Srsly be better Jaskier!
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Geralt is laughing his ass off #2 
So after some cute couple bickering they all talk about narute of humans, dopplers and stuff. It’s a nice scene, but you readeing this post not for fantasy philosophy, right? 
Scene changes for night time and Dudu tells his plans for future. Also he is cold so Jaskier rushes to help him
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Is this cute AF or what
In the morning Dudu transform into the raven and flys back to town so he can help Dainy to get out of the prison (for not paying his debt). But not until he bids his farewells
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Aghfthmrtdhgwsgh look at him being so proud lmao what a cupcake.
So that’s the end of their story... Until in episode 13 very depressed Geralt meets very sad Jaskier, both feeling very lonely and lost. But Jaskier tells Geralt that he is loved by Ciri, him and even Dudu. And then mentions that
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It’s not quite the happy ending tho, since Dudu now decided to stay in raven form. But! TV-series were not finished so you can headcanon any continuation you want. Also Dudu is doing fine in books also ok in video games based on books (and looks a bit hotter if you aks me :,D). SO, don’t know about you god people but I’M SHIPPING IT.
Also we need to choose ship name. @darii0 sugested dudelion (dudu + dandelion) or we can use dandudu. Both are empty on tumblr :D
Thank you for your attention.
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