#also have other.... i wouldn't call criticisms but 'things i can understand that others dislike'
stackslip · 6 months
i do have criticisms of chainsaw man part 2 tbh as much as i gleefully enjoy it, and one of them is that it feels so heavily built on fire punch that it must not do *nearly* as much if you haven't read fire punch beforehand. it's like half of a conversation and if you're missing the other half i imagine it must sound a bit like nonsense
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hellaversity · 2 months
Look, I can understand where people are coming from when they criticize the portryal of the female characters in Helluva Boss.
But extending that same criticism to Hazbin Hotel is where I draw the fucking line.
Hazbin literally has a female protagonist with her own independant goal, who has to work hard for it because people constantly belittle her ideas and beliefs, and eventually gets proven right when it works in the end. Charlie tried to do what was thought impossible, and accomplished it when Sir Pentious gets ascended to heaven. Her love interest has her own backstory before meeting Charlie, where she used to work for the same exorcists who are responsible for nearly driving Charlie's people to extinction and almost making her fail to redeem anyone at the hotel. Vaggie kept this a secret from Charlie since they met, and Charlie feels betrayed by Vaggie to the point of not feeling like she should trust her anymore until it gets resolved. Vaggie has more characterizarion in season 1 of Hazbin alone than Millie does in the entirety of Helluva Boss pre-Hell's Belle's.
Lute is one of the main antagonists. She contributed just as much to the genocide as Adam did, is openly bigoted like Adam, has more common sense than Adam, is the only exorcist with a name, is just as much of a threat to the hotel as Adam is and most of all she survives while he doesn't. Sera approved of the genocide, but felt guilty about it because Adam would've probably killed her or something, which Emily calls her out on regardless. Speaking of Emily, she joins Charlie in on calling heaven out for their hypocrisy and literally says she detests being treated like a child.
Velvette is no less evil than the other two Vees. She sells love potions (aka date rape drugs) and treats her employees cruelly just like they do. She also disrepected the other overlords without giving two shits. Carmilla wasn't having any of Velvette's BS, is protective of Zestial, literally killed an exorcist (despite angels being much more powerful than demons, so that's pretty impressive on it's own) to protect her daughters and figured out that Vaggie was a fallen angel just by knowing what her choice of weapon was. She encouraged Vaggie to fight for the whole hotel, not just for Charlie. Cherri Bomb has an interesting rivalry with Sir Pentious in the pilot that eventually grows into a healthy relationship, and she goes against Valentino just to help and comfort Angel Dust in the Addict music video. Sadly she doesn't do much after that, but at least she got to participate in fighting for the hotel in The Show Must Go On, so it's better than nothing I suppose.
Rosie is one of the few people who Alastor has a genuine friendship with. She played a big part in Charlie trying to give a speech to Cannibal Town, and encouraged her to trust Vaggie again. Mimzy, while I dislike her, is the whole reason why the plot of Dad Beat Dad even happened. She tried to use her friendship with Alastor to get herself out of trouble, so the episode techically wouldn't of happened without her. It's also telling that Alastor didn't eat her or try to kill her for screwing things up, since he's done just that to others for much less. Even Niffty, who's mostly just there for comic relief, is another character who Alastor gets along with. He may own her soul, but he's a lot nicer to her than he is to Husk, who he keeps on a chain and abuses in a not-so-different way that Valentino does to Angel Dust, only without SA involved. Niffty is also the one who kills Adam in the end, so there you go.
That's a BUNCH more than what can be said for most of the ladies in Helluva. (Most of whom I also like, but their writing really does leave something to be desired, though it does seem to be slightly improving with the Hell's Belles short and the promise of a Millie focused episode in Ghostfuckers.) For the record I don't think the writing for the female characters in HH is perfect by any means, but it's a far cry from being anywhere near as bad as HB like many antis claim it is. I think they just say that shit because HB takes place in the same universe as Hazbin and both shows were created by the same person, (aka the guilt by association fallacy) or they just think Vivzie can't do anything right no matter what she does.
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sailorsally · 10 months
hi so I am very new to the fandom. Can you explain who Daniela is? I am so lost but I do get the vibe that I already dislike her
Hi anon! Daniela is the woman who organizes JiB con in Rome, Italy every year. There have been a handful of those cons so far. See there are many supernatural cons but JiB was special because a) it's in Europe when most CE cons are limited to the US and b) JiB had something no other con had: a cockles panel!
You might have seen Jensen and Misha being silly and flirty on stage, most of these are from JiB. Over the years JiB had given us classics like the famous "resume off", straddle gate, orgasm imitation, hitch kiss, green eyed grasshopper & blue eyed cootie pototie, "you know what i haven't told you today? That love you", and most recently Jensen calling Misha his (?) boyfried.
So needless to say, masses would flock from all corners of the world to JiB con to experience the sexually charged deranged energy between these men in person & pay lots of money for it too! (Or should I say "donate" because JiB con is officially registered as a charity and the prices people pay for tickets/extras are called "donations" in order to avoid paying taxes. Yes, for real)
However, Daniela, the organizer as established above, is also head over heels in love with Jensen and wants to have him all to herself. This need of hers often manifests in her being not so kind to Misha (#interesting). She will famously send in Jared to crash cockles panels whenever Jensen & Misha get too handsy. Most recently she interrupted a genuine heartfelt moment between Misha and Jensen when Jensen was praising Misha and talking about their lifelong friendship. Now I know this could be seen as a coincidence but the interruption ALWAYS happens when Jensen & Misha are being affectionate.
On top of this, Daniela is, well, homophobic?? At the last JiB con with Misha someone tried to get their fanart of Dean & Cas touching foreheads signed and Daniela wouldn't allow Misha to sign. On top of that, she was super rude about it at the time (noting that there were no rules about destiel fanart nor was the piece in question nsfw) and then took the whole thing online and when people confronted her about it on twitter she just decided that from now on she wouldn't allow any Destiel fanart at con and also blocked bunch of people who were criticizing her.
Now the latest drama is that she announced yesterday that Misha won't be coming to JiB anymore because he's charging too much and they can't afford to pay him (so far Misha was only getting a fraction of what Jensen & Jared get from attending JiB con). And that's all good and understandable except her numerous tweets make it sound like it's Misha's fault because he's too greedy. Here's one of the examples:
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Or again, it's Misha's fault because he doesn't sell as good as J*2:
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which is obviously a lie because
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all in all, the worst thing in all this is that she kept tagging Misha in ALL her petty replies 🙂
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Anyways, that's Daniela for you.
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Thoughts on some of the Mando negativity
I just wanna start this by saying that if you didn't enjoy the premiere, then that's fine. I'm not gonna start claiming that if you didn't like it, then you aren't a SW fan because that's stupid. If you disliked it, fair enough. I'm sorry that you didn't but I totally respect that it's your opinion.
Now let's just do a quick skim through some of the criticisms I've seen.
Should probably start off with the big one, which is the whole TBOBF issue! I can understand why they wanted Din and Grogu together again for this season because their dynamic is an integral part of the show (also, because of money). But when they were reunited in TBOBF, we all knew that this was gonna be a problem. They said that they're gonna try and write it in a way that covers the things people may have missed, but it's obviously not working too well so far. 😅 Personally, it hasn't ruined my enjoyment, so I'm kinda over it now. But I totally understand the frustration and do acknowledge that it wasn't the smartest decision.
Seen some people saying that they don't like the dialogue and that it feels AI generated. Personally, I don't have much of an issue with it but I do kinda see where people are coming from. I think the biggest thing is that it feels a little exposition-y and that's probably because they're trying to bring people up to speed if they haven't seen the TBOBF (we've already addressed how well that's going though). Obviously, it's definitely not like the amazing monologues we had in Andor, but this show is also more accessible for younger audiences, so they're gonna tone it down a little bit.
Which sort of brings me onto the next point: it feels too childish. Once again, I think this is a result of Andor. The Mandalorian has always been campy and fun. Sure, you get some serious moments, but they're not going to chuck them into the first episode of the season. They're just keeping it light and quirky to bring everyone back into the world of Mando. If you didn't enjoy it, fair enough, but I don't think it's too far off from the other funny moments in the show.
It felt rushed! I'm kind of with people on this one because I do think that everything could have done with being a couple minutes longer, especially with it hopping around so much. But I didn't find it to be a major issue, just that we were hitting a lot of story beats very quickly.
Nothing happened. I think this mainly comes from the fact that this is one of the only times when we haven't had a complete story within an episode (which makes me laugh when I think about how many people complained about it being too episodic) but I do think we need to remember that this is only episode 1. The entire point of this episode is to set up the story arcs that are going to be relevant this season. There was a lot to cover and I feel like trying to tie it all in to a complete story in episode one wouldn't have worked so well. It feels like this is one of those episodes that may be slightly more accepted when the rest of the season comes out, but who knows.
So yeah, that's just my two cents on some of the criticisms I've seen. Once again, if you didn't like the episode, then that's fair. I'm not here to call anyone a fake fan or anything. SW shows are never going to be for everyone and that's fine.
The whole TBOBF fiasco definitely didn't help it out much because they're struggling to keep everyone up to speed. But we'll see how it goes throughout the season.
I think the other issue is Andor. That show was such a success (for good reason) but now it means that everyone is expecting everything to be that show (I'm seeing this with TBB as well). The Mandalorian has always been more quirky because it's designed to be consumed by a younger audience (not to say that adults can't watch it). Objectively, I do think that Andor is better, but I also can't rewatch it as much as I do Mando because it's a more emotionally heavy show. Andor is not Mando and Mando is not Andor. It's perfectly fine to prefer one over the other, but I don't think that there should be an expectation for Mando to be something that it never was. If you've fallen out of love with it, then I'm sorry to hear that.
I think the main take away is to just wait it out and see how the rest of the show goes. This is only the first episode so we can't hinge the entire season on this.
[Hopefully this didn't sound ranty. I don't wanna sound like I'm having a go at people for their opinions. 😅 This is just my thoughts on some of the critiques that I've seen.]
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eatingrosescollab · 13 days
I don't follow u but I do follow the person calling u a bigot for the TV glow (I haven't watched it but I have read from other queer people they didn't like it either) show and????? I'm transmasculine myself and there are a lotttt of transmasculine or queer focused stories written by transmasculine or queer people that I still don't like.
Like you're allowed to not like something and feel that it's a bad representation of trans experience. I think. Idk. Like yeah it's cool to have nuance about a subject (which you clearly do, I think) but a) sometimes you can just watch something and not like it and b) you can have nuance and study it and still not like it. You wouldn't call a woman who read Lolita a bigot against women bc she didn't like it. Idk. I may be slow or smt but I genuinely didn't understand that one.
Or for me, for instance, I'm transmasculine, American, autistic and black, and I did not like the Passing Playbook, a story written by and about a black, transmasculine, autistic American teen. Bc I thought there were a lot of things that I didn't like about his characterization. Doesn't mean I think it shouldn't have been written, but I couldn't relate to it, it made me uncomfortable and I didn't want to feel uncomfortable anymore. There are a lot of works I do seek out specifically because they make me feel uncomfortable so that I can explore those feelings and that topic but sometimes you gotta enjoy things as well. Sometimes you can just watch smt bc it makes you feel comfy and happy. Idk man. Idk.
I understand where it’s coming from. I used to be the same way. It’s hard to accept criticism about queer media because it’s so hard to find (although much easier the past few years, at least for white queer Americans). But the knee jerk reaction to accuse someone of being a “bigot” for not liking something is a reaction that I think it’s important to acknowledge and work on.
There were cis people who laughed at the movie and bashed it and bombed reviews. There are critics who won’t like it because it’s trans. There are people who will intentionally misgender the writer/director. (I do apologize for unintentionally saying one of the nb actors wasn’t trans). Those are the bigots.
A queer person saying “this movie was bad” is not the same thing, and it’s kind of pointless to focus on that.
Also, no one is “making” or “forcing” anyone to read their posts. I didn’t even tag my original one. Or laid myself as the Last Word For Film Critique.
And trying to create a divide and suggest that I, a non binary person, was participating in binary trans oppression or something is rather off the wall.
You can like whatever media you want.
You can dislike whatever media you want.
You can critique whatever media you want.
You can even hate whatever media you want.
If you’re doing so based on a pattern of bigotry that’s one thing. But casually disliking something for a myriad of reasons is totally valid and not hurting anyone, and not really where I think anyone should be directing their energy.
Trying to work through/process/articulate how you feel is never bad! Not understanding something is never “slow!” If you feel like you understand more later and disagree with me, that’s ok too! Maybe don’t reblog my post and call me a bigot lol but in general that’s ok!!!
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I find it odd that how it is normalized to hate Endeavor but not Bakugo.
Don't get me wrong, Endeavor deserves to be hated by readers because he isn't doing all that much to be forgiven by his family and when people learn about his abuse, they don't react accordingly. But at least the majority of the audience points the blatant downplay of abuse and has criticisms for Endeavor's redemption arc. Which is wonderful and should be the expected reaction.
But when it's about Bakugo, why is it so unreasonable to hate his redemption arc? Why do people ask us if we even actually read the manga as if they possessed reading skills superior to ours? Is it because he's a minor and therefore gets a slap on the wrist? I never found Bakugo's character charming or interesting to say the least. I really do want to understand, but the more I see his Stan's brush off the bullying, I go back to disliking him as a character. (I know that there are people who do like Bakugo but still hold him accountable for his bullying, which I'm happy to see). I would go as far to say that the real reason why I begun to dislike Bakugo is the blatant favoritism almost everyone seems to have for him. Before I really began to immerse myself into the fandom, I sort just thought everyone didn't like him. I couldn't be more wrong.
Because from my perspective, abuse and bullying are both horrible things to do. While, bullying is less serious in comparison to abuse, I don't understand how it's easily brushed aside. Maybe other people just don't find bullying that serious of a problem, but I do and I will never not bring it up if someone were to ask me why I don't like Bakugo. I'm not going to forget it just because it happened in the past (chapter 1 as some like to say). Which is incorrect because Bakugo had continued bullying Izuku even after they entered U.A. Before someone tries to bring up how in the first few chapters, Izuku mentions Bakugo stopped bullying him, I think it's necessary to mention that Izuku is an unreliable narrator. Furthermore, bullying does not only include physical bullying, it also includes verbal bullying, which Bakugo still does by yelling at Izuku for the most pettiest reasons. The severity of Bakugo's actions are masked by the fact that these interactions are depicted as gag scenes, which does not make me laugh in the slightest. Imagine the gag scenes were depicted in a serious tone. Would it be funny then? I think not.
Also, I do believe that one of MHA's theme is that past actions have consequences. Which is what Endeavor and Bakugo are supposed to represent. But do you really expect me to be satisfied with this. While Endeavor's abuse is revealed by Dabi, he only faces disgust from their society for little bit of time. It wouldn't have been more effective if Endeavor had been the one to reveal his past, rather than his son forcing him to confront it. But at least the society he lives in knows of his horrible abuse. Bakugou on the other hand apologizes in front of his classmates, whom know nothing of his past and have this misconception that his relationship with Izuku is sour is due to the fact both of cannot make up due to their differences. And the cherry on top is that Izuku doesn't say anything against him. I just can't look at his scene and still take Bakugo Stan's seriously. How could they look at this scene and think that Bakugo's redemption arc is great. Clearly both Bakugo and Endeavor's redemption arcs are horribly written, yet calling out Endeavor's is the only acceptable thing. Wish I could understand why Bakugo is so beloved in this fandom, but it seems that I can't do that.
But, hey, at least found a community in which I can share these thoughts.
I really do think it’s cause he’s a minor and the narrative sympathizes with him. I personally agree with what you’ve said about Endeavor and I feel his story should’ve been done better, but the narrative at least tells you he was wrong to treat his family the way he did. Yeah, there’s some backpedaling, and yeah, the reactions from others are relatively tame compared to what they should be like, but the narrative does tell us that Endeavor was a bad person and now he’s making up for his sins. With Katsuki, after the USJ, they narrative is constantly sucking him off and trying to hammer that he has good traits and that he is “redeeming” himself but his actions show otherwise. When watching something for fun, it’s easy to let the narrative influence your thoughts on the series, but once you take a step back and analyze things, you might notice some inconsistencies. That’s pretty much the case with Katsuki.
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twilightguardian · 1 year
New review from Lilith Fairen where I really begin to wonder if she has reading comprehension so poor that I should feel guilty for being harsh to someone with a mental disability. The lack of fundamental comprehension is that bad.
Either that or she does this on purpose because like CanonSeeker, she thinks that "criticizing the critics" aka bullying, is a sane thing to do.
But of course Lilith doesn't comprehend the first thing about criticism because it has to come from some sort of intellectual place. But she doesn't do that. She's just hating because she hates Celtic Phoenix/Raymond, and not for anything that he's done, but because he's a fan of a show she dislikes: Madoka Magica. She is peak petty and childish.
Where as most so-called "capital C Critics" and "RWDE" are genuine fans of RWBY and look at it through this lens of being a fan, Lilith is not a fan of FRWBY. She doesn't understand the point of it, doesn't comprehend it. It's rather sad considering she's a writer and should know how writing works, and that it can involve editing. Someone who is more artistically inclined takes their criticism to an artistic level, but she doesn't understand this.
Anyway, by now it's clear that I'm not really responding to Lilith or any of her pathetic ilk because they're going to keep doing this no matter what. My goal isn't to communicate with those who have gouged out their ears in order to keep hating. My goal is to make sure anyone who talks about Fixing RWBY and becomes curious about it will see how Lilith and people like her twist things around to lie about a fan project done out of passion, telling people its done out of spite because people like her cannot stand it when people are more successful and popular than her. Especially if it's a man, doubly so a Madoka Magica fan.
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You have an illness. You are mentally obligated to make yourself unhappy. Dislike FRWBY all you want, but no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch a fan video. Having gone through all the saved logs of your previous tumblr, I know for a fact that you have a visceral need to be unhappy. You can't help yourself. Seek therapy or at the very least unplug your internet. Go outside, breathe some fresh air. The internet has obviously not been good for you.
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Mistral is canonically meant to be based on Asia. How dare the worldbuilding actually reflect that. No, it should be more Western or else you're fetishizing. Because erasing other cultures from existence for no reason is totally a logical route to take, right? Absolutely bonkers insane fucking logic. This woman is stupid or racist. Pick your poison.
Also keep in mind the only fandom Lilith regularly partakes in is still a Japanese anime. It's fundamentally Asian. All the characters are Japanese and they likely partake in Japanese culture. You write stories based on these characters I guess you're automatically "fetishizing" Asian culture. That is Lilith's twisted ass logic.
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Lilith wouldn't know what a good reason was if it slapped her in the face and stole all of her possessions.
Plot isn't the only important thing to the story, and as a writer I'd HOPE that Lilith knows this, but unfortunately it seems not. That doesn't bode well for her story, which I've been struggling to get past the first twenty or so paragraphs.
Essentially what she's complaining about is the fact that characters take some time to actually be people. We get time for the characters to breathe, but more importantly for character relationships and dynamics to be established, enforced, reinforced and enhanced. But no, it's not plot, so it's not important. No wonder she likes the canon show, which neglects this. If she does this with Glints Saga as well, I can't see many people actually caring about the characters or the romance she's so interested in writing for in the first story. Then again, I'm sure she's perfectly fine with it if it's in something like Precure. Though she only seems to like a la mode.
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Look at how the logic here doesn't follow. The girls are aided a little bit by their companions which means they aren't protagonists.
Apparently according to Lilith a protagonist is someone who doesn't get assistance from anyone ever, who doesn't interact with anyone. Effectively what Lilith wants is a mary sue protagonist, which canon RWBY never was nor will Fixing RWBY Team RWBY ever be. Plus the girls in canon get help from other characters all the time, and rarely do anything for themselves unless Jaune brings up an idea first and if they do it's after sitting around a whole lot and the only thing they manage to accomplish is getting a lot of things destroyed and people killed.
Raymond also hates the female protagonists so much that he makes them more active characters in their own story than canon. Because he hates them. Makes perfect sense.
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Lilith once again showing she knows nothing about anything. Changing the location of a scene from a train station to a festival and expanding upon it isn't padding. Unless Lilith is actually a critic after all. She's using Fixing RWBY as a way to critique the canon show but hide it behind the guise of hating on a "critic" so she doesn't lose her friend group. Because heck knows she doesn't have friends anywhere else from the look of it.
She doesn't understand what padding is in a story. Padding is useless fluff that adds nothing to a story. If there are important character dynamics going on, and worldbuilding being shown through the setting, it's not padding. Simple as.
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Raymond's writing of Madoka fanfiction has nothing to do with this. Lilith is trying to label Raymond a pedophile, I suppose, which is incredibly cunty behaviour. Salem is canonically 16 during the setting of The Lost Fables and yet her design makes her look like she'd fit in with the cast of Grease. Making a 16 year old actually LOOK like a 16 year old isn't gross, Lilith. Grow the fuck up, I implore you.
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This is what happens when you only scroll through the video. Neo, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Roman and Qrow are all framing devices. Neo just happened to be the first one, followed by Yang. But she wouldn't know that because she doesn't pay attention. Her goal, despite calling Fixing RWBY a "spitefic" is to act spiteful and to lie and be a massive bitch in service of defending a show that she barely cares about and likely wouldn't if it hadn't been for hearing through the grapevine that RWBY had a massive "hatedom".
Also really telling how obsessed Lilith is with the idea of subservience. I'd think she's projecting quite a bit. Just like how obsessed she is with complaining about Fixing's Shiloh or Roman. Raymond lives in her head rent free.
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Ahh. So she does know that Neo isn't the only framing device used. Love that she implied that but then had to admit that's not true. It didn't even take her a full paragraph to admit she lied.
You can dislike the framing device all you want, but it's more engaging than what canon did. It also wasn't pointless, and her saying that it was doesn't make it true. The point of it was to show that these are stories that the girls know, possibly modified over the millennia, to show that these stories are all interconnected. These are fairy tales of Remnant, but also those fairy tales weren't the whole truth. Lilith can't comprehend anything unless it's directly spelled out to her, and she admits it by calling it confusing. If it requires her to rev up a braincell, it's too confusing. Just sit back and consume product, that's how you watch RWBY, this is bad because it makes you think!
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She doesn't want to summarize the rest of it because it's actually good and that ruins her narrative lol
Yes, I repeat, a child didn't look like a child. It's like those really cheap 80's movies where a 14 year old is played by a 38 year old. Yes, I totally believe you're a high school student, sir.
It's apparently wrong to want Salem to look as old as Ruby was during volume 1. Because she looks like she's 30. She looks no different than she is now when you take off the special effects. She looked no different in age than when she had children, which is unfortunate.
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lmao she's mad
Like what does she want? This isn't an AU or a full rewrite. It's a reconstruction project with the goal in mind to show how RWBY could be a lot better with a couple of little tweaks and changes. Like I said earlier, what Raymond is doing is essentially developmental editing. He's not the author so he's not going to do any major changes to the story. Ozpin still has a host at the end of the day. Vernal was still a little servant of Raven and died. These preserve the overall plot beats of the stories while being different, but there's nothing that fundamentally changes by design. That's on purpose.
There's a difference between hating or being frustrated with aspects of a show and hating the entire thing. Raymond falls into the former camp. He likes RWBY. Doesn't mean he can't have problems with it. That's too much for some people's little pea brains to understand and that's very unfortunate. It creates unnecessary division and toxicity in the fandom than there should or really needs to be.
Some people have this revulsion to others actually wanting to engage with their fandoms in ways those people don't like and have this sense of entitlement to the fandom and what goes on in them. It's a disturbing trend, especially with those that have a problem with discourse and critique. Some think that any kind of fandom engagement that isn't wholly, unquestioningly positive is automatically hate and that's disturbing.
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It's really not. Raymond has only watched the first episode and he disliked it, though couldn't put his finger on why. This has nothing to do with that spinoff, and I have no idea why Lilith would think that. The episode was recontextualizing a bunch of fairy tales in Remnant's world that everyone would have known.
Raymond has said a few times that he doesn't want to touch Fairy Tales of Remnant because he has no interest in it at all, so there would be no sense for him to do it in episodes 6&7 of all things.
It's commendable that Lilith is trying very hard to use that dusty old thing in her head, but she's still got a ways to go. Her logic doesn't follow, the speculation that she has doesn't come from anywhere and has no follow through.
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She loves repeating herself, doesn't she? Girl, this isn't twitter. Saying things over and over and over doesn't make it more true.
Just because you can't comprehend why something was done doesn't necessarily make it bad lol
Also can't say that I've really come across anyone except for Lilith who says it's disorienting, which leads me to the conclusion that until further evidence of someone who isn't an "anti-Critic" says the framing device was confusing, that it's said deliberately to have something to complain about, because otherwise, there would be nothing to complain about. She's already struggling so much with this review because she knows it wasn't that bad so she has to look for things. I am so happy that Lilith is so boringly predictable that I said hours before her 'review' came out that she was going to focus on Neo being the first in line for the framing of the story.
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What's telling about it, Lilith? The point of words is to actually have meaning behind what is being said.
She says the emphasis isn't on Team RWBY, but they take up the majority of the transitions.
Neo to Young Yang, Adult Yang to Young Blake to Adult Blake, Young Weiss to Adult Weiss, Young Ruby to Adult Ruby to Teen Qrow to Adult Qrow then finally to Young Roman. So she's not even correct that Qrow ends the section. Neo and Roman bookend the segment, but the meat of the segment is taken up by Team RWBY+Q.
Now, could he have started with a member of Team RWBY? Sure, definitely. But if you look at the bolded names you'll notice a pattern.
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
The bookends get the first and last, but the middle portions get double focus. It balances out.
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Only Ruby's weapon is damaged, but it's presumed to still be able to fight in gun form. She just cannot transform it into a scythe. He said nothing about Blake's weapon, Yang's weapon, Weiss' weapon or any other weapon. Not only are none of the other characters are impacted due to their weapons. Yang and Neo are injured. Blake, Weiss and even Ruby are still readying to fight.
Also really ironic she's so bent out of shape that she thinks FRWBY doesn't have the main characters do anything when canon doesn't allow them to do much, either. Why aren't you complaining about that, Lil? Could it be that she doesn't actually care? She just has such a hateboner for Raymond because he likes Madoka.
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Raymond has never insisted that everything about RWBY is 'horrible and terrible'. It's heavily flawed, and frustratingly so. Raymond has consistently been the more positive person of his reaction friend group over the years, often saying he likes many things of the show. But Lilith doesn't know this because unlike me, who tried to understand Lilith before speaking about her, she's only seen his skits and videos specifically for Fixing RWBY. She knows nothing about him, and thinks nothing of trying to pin every terrible thing she can think of onto him, from pedophile to racist.
Lilith doesn't understand the concept of deep editing. Not anything beyond the basics of spelling, grammar and maybe attempting to change a few minor points around. Comparing the beginning to her older draft of Glints Saga: Papillon to her newer version, she doesn't do much significant to change it.
Don't get me wrong, it's BETTER than the older version, but that's not saying much. Lilith is too precious with her story to do something like what Raymond is doing: a developmental edit, a large edit that might change a lot of things but make the overall story better.
And Matrixdragon decided to chime in as well.
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Yang is trying to stave off hypothermia with Neo. She can probably move, but it wouldn't be the best thing for her. But like I said above, Yang's weapons are not damaged.
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I think this is actually a fair criticism, and one I've seen a little bit with other people. To each their own, really. It's not like RWBY didn't try and do the same thing with Volume 1 and the whole background NPCs, keeping the events isolated to a small group of important characters. What Raymond is doing here is cutting out background characters that don't need to be there and can be filled with other ones, ones that can lead to better character dynamics and interactions than if they were strangers. Some people are going to like that, and some people won't, and that's fine. It's certainly not unique to FRWBY and no one else complains when coincidences for story happen in any other franchise, though. So it's a little eyerolling when it's suddenly a problem because a fan did it for a fixit fic.
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Do old ladies have a stereotype of being curious? Maria didn't wander into the middle of a battle zone during her first introduction in canon, either, so what's your point? The whole train was being attacked so it wouldn't matter where she'd go she'd still be in the middle of a battle zone. We know from context that she's a former huntress but it makes no sense otherwise why she'd wander in other than to have a contrivance that she's there, which makes the contrivance more noticeable. We don't even learn that she can still fight until late into the Atlas arc.
At least with Fixing RWBY's new introduction of Maria, she is shown off the bat to be a capable fighter and we know right away that she likely came to the area to help fight. That makes the contrivance more understandable as a reason why she'd be there. She's a character that got a lot of focus in canon even if she just walked past the camera because she has a highly unique character design, so it's not a secret she's going to be important, and some people even rightly pointed out she was likely a silver-eyed warrior due to how they framed the opening to the anime.
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The characters don't trust Roman. Blake certainly doesn't. But they acknowledge he's in this with them for better or worse and now they're all stranded together, so there wouldn't be any point in lying to everyone.
Yang is not someone I would call 'mature' in canon. Being an angry little sourpuss when things don't go her way or someone challenges them is not what anyone would consider mature.
It's also not that Yang is unwilling to give Blake a chance, either. She hasn't completely forgiven Blake for what she'd done, and Yang is under no obligations to forgive her, either. Forgiving someone has nothing to do with maturity, and the fact that this seems to imply you think so is unsettling. It means that someone cannot have feelings about something traumatic that happened, and the more 'adult' thing to do would be to just get over it. Things like this don't resolve overnight. They take time, and before Yang and Blake can become a proper couple, they need to properly work things out, not sidestep the issue and pretend like nothing's wrong until there might be, then step on eggshells around each other, wondering if the other is mad at them for no reason.
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I don't think Adam gave a shit about being detected. It's not like he was trying to ninja his way through the train car. It also wasn't just Cardin he had to deal with, but Qrow and Russel at the same time. I honestly don't remember whether Cardin was a competent fighter in canon, but we know he was at least tactical and not an idiot. So 'the likes of Cardin' only means someone thinks he's an incompetent fighter because he's a bully. But Cardin in Fixing isn't like Cardin in canon. He was more competent in the scenes where he fought and he likely became stronger during aftermath of Beacon.
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The only ones being spiteful around here are you two. It's seriously pathetic.
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You like making people who don't like incest in general or are disgusted by the thing you all turned Elsa and Anna's bond into your personal haters, constantly weaponzing one(bad and stupid) or two screenshots. But most of the time there's nothing personal. Disliking/criticizing this ship doesn't mean that your personality is under the threat. The screenshot with "it's just a familial/platonic art" and the person who suspected Elsanna in the art is absolutely innocent, nothing offensive there if you understand that incest is not for everyone and people have the right to ask what is going on.
You really don't know me, do you, anon? I have defended people's right to dislike the ship continually in the past. I have supported individuals who dislike the ship and I respect the fact that not everyone wants to see Elsanna content, that is why I have two blogs. The two blogs are there because I realize "incest is not for everyone" and I want to be supportive and compassionate towards ALL people, including people who personally dislike my ship.
Disliking/criticizing a ship is one thing, but telling shippers to die is another. Telling them to shove swords down their throat is another. Saying you want them trampled to death is another (and yes, this is in relation to a famous meme, but the sentiment is still brutal.) Someone stalking me personally and hounding others to "expose" me is another (also, I would count that one as kind of personal, since it WAS directed at me specifically.)
I am not saying that "all people who dislike incest in general or are disgusted" by the ship are like this. The fact that other KA shippers who similarly dislike Elsanna supported me when that one person stalked and harassed me PROVES they are not, PROVES that people can dislike a thing and still have some sense of decency. (At the same time, I've also been mistrusted and emotionally manipulated by KA shippers, even by some of the people who stuck up for me there, so.)
But don't I have the right, anon, to criticize the people who DO behave this way? OBVIOUSLY, not everyone who dislikes a ship is like this, but the people who are deserve to be held accountable.
As for the screenshot you mentioned, it isn't in the same category as the other things I have mentioned, but if the mere sight of the sisters near each other in a piece of fanart that could easily be interpreted as snow sisters is enough to make you think, "This is an incest red flag," then you should probably take a step back.
Likewise, if you're going to call out someone (another blogger, the one referenced in the screenshot calling the ship "p*d*ph*l*a" when it isn't) who has cleansed their blog and not shipped it in years, then you do not care about righteousness, you are just being cruel.
And if you want people to die (even as a joke) then you're cruel. I can't change you but I have every right to dislike your behavior. How would people react if I put "__________ shippers die!" on my blog or fantasized cruelties done unto other shippers?
If I did that, you wouldn't be defending me for "disliking/criticizing a ship but not personally attacking."
And even if it WERE only two examples, anon (it's not, it's been more than that since the beginning) people have a right to talk about the hostility, the "jokey" death wishes. Even if it there WERE only a few of them.
I also think it's telling that you gloss over the more openly cruel examples to focus on the tamer one. Convenient for you.
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Hey just a random anon poppin' in to say love your fic on Deltarune, ngl at first thought I wouldn't like it had been reading a lot of stuff looking for a good yandere kris as I was craving it but all of them left me disconnected how ironic with your fic title it finally scratched that itch and even allowed me to start reading some other stuff now feeling more connected to the idea of kris
However, don't think I've found one yet that tops your idea of them and the way you write them (I've also only looked on Tumblr so far but with how great yours has been at having me on the edge of my seat I don't know if I'll ever find one that tops you)
And goner! Goner is amazing! I usually end up either just accepting or hating a lot of writers who insert characters that feel like mostly oc material but goner doesn't at all and fits really well with the story (Really impressive tbh cuz sometimes on first readings even when a character isn't the op oc insert and actually plays into the story I can end up feeling eh about them just due to deciding they are but goner just immediately on the first few lines captivated me)
It probably helps that most of it is your interpretation on them since Kris also doesn't have much personality known about them so cause of that nothing feels screaming out of place or wrong instead it reminds me of when I read a lot of au stuff- with fics that feel like their trying to capture the magic of the source material I think I get a lot more critical but your writing in this fic has it's own magic and lore
Like why they're both obsessed! The SOUL is pretty much drug-like and addicting to such a point without their guidance Kris is crippled, this not only creates amazing tension with their weakened state but also really makes you think about if it's actually even good for either of them to pine after the very soul that will take them both over. But as the soul we also have a life not of our own to live, to see, and explore every possibility and every outcome. The reader is almost god-like with resets but an easily chained-up one without a host. Which also creates an understanding of why Kris chooses to put the reader in a cage, limit them and create interest and mystery but also because that feeling of power over something so powerful has to also be somewhat addicting and why they view the soul as wholeheartedly (pun intended) *theirs*
And it also shows how much they're willing to go through to get it back that even while weakened and at every possible disadvantage they still want to risk it all.
And honestly with all of this really do feel like the SOUL in this situation, which may be my favorite part as the main element you do keep in deltarune is that feeling of playing a game. Is there that concern for goner? Yes, but do I also want to see how far goner and kris will go tearing each other apart to see who gets the SOUL? Also yes. Recreates that aspect of deltarune very well including the accurate freak out every person playing games has when the character their playing makes a sudden decision [See goner killing a monster cuz they called them Kris] and it perfectly ties it back into the plot and uses it to make further tension as the SOUL just goes along this new path while Kris is freaking out thinking there have already been resets because of it.
Just? Love? So? Much?
Keep doing what you're doing- I hope my feedback has only influenced you in positive ways- (slightly debated on taking out the more negative aspects where I mentioned things I disliked in other fics and things I hyper-fixated on or possibly misremembered outa fear it would make you change yourself too much- I have no idea what I'm talking about or what makes a story a good story only what makes my brain go brrrrrrr and that's all you should read this as, someone just really over-excited rn- ill probably calm down later)
Wow, thank you so much! This was an absolutely delightful ask/comment! I'm so glad you've been enjoying Verge of Connection so far! It's been very fun to write. 😁
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majingojira · 6 months
So I read your post and all I have to say is no. No. No. No. NO. NO!
Sjbattleangel and Samasmith23 are not nor ever have been motivated by "righteous malice" or any of that nonsense! All they ever wanted was for you and your friends to do better!
Those posts made by HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro and others were ALWAYS wrong and so was Nostalgia Critic and Mr. Plinkett in encouraging that sort of behaviour! AVGN and Linkara have long apologised for this sort behaviour and strived to do better. The worst Linkara ever did was call Joe Quesada a "moron", "dickhead" and "hack" but now he realized how out of line he was and, like I said, has APOLOGIZED for it. As for the MANY false equivalences: The way HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Farsight-The-Chad and TheFemaleFury treat creators and the way Linkara goes after-let's say-Frank Miller and Gary Brodsky are two completely different things: 1) Miller and Brodsky are ACTUAL loud and proud misogynistic bigots who deserve Linkara's tongue-lashing! 2) Tynion, Snyder, Williamson, Slott, Cates, Hickman, Aaron and others are NOT "hacks", "bigots", "TERFs", "eugenists", "misogynists", "perverts", "fascist sympathizers", "closeted Neo-Nazis", ect. Especially when there's ZERO evidence to prove otherwise! HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro and others have every right dislike their work, every right to be angry but to spread misinformation about them and attack them as people is, was, and always has been wrong!
Just because something was once acceptable, doesn't make it right!
Also, hyperbolic attacks against these creators ISN'T the same as MST3K 's snarky jokes towards B-Movie filmmakers!
"Don't make my friends apologise for being toxic because it distresses them!" So you constantly move the goalposts, deliberately turn a blind eye to actual evidence of their toxicity towards creators, always making excuses for them. There are words for that: Complicity and enabling. Is this the community you want? Are these the people you'll happily defend just because you happen to share the same beliefs? If they ever enact out hurting any of these creators due to some twisted sense of justice for fictional characters, how will you defend them then? Sjbattleangel was right. You, HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Farsight-the-chad and the others are no better then the far-right hate mongers of Comicsgate and The Fandom Menace.
Enjoy the community you made.
Looks like you exploded, must have hit a nerve.
For someone who is trying to defend people to make it appear as though they aren't full of Righteous Malice, you sure are expressing a lot of it yourself on your self righteous proclamations. Like, your rant does more to damn you and your allies than anything I've said about them.
Me, I personally have an apology I waiting to the appropriate parties, and I am not a person who demands personal control over every acquaintance and their choices. You, however, demand it of any and all that you see. By what right do you do so? How much damage will you do in your pursuit?
I also know that I can be a complete tool. You, however, have done no self reflection for someone so sheeted in righteousness.
You can do no wrong, because you don't truly know what it is.
Or, to paraphrase another great writer:
"You can't call yourself the good guys and do bad guy things!"
Remember when SJW battle angel tried to weaponize another group when the creator was trying to take a break but wouldn't back down? I do. It was hilarious.
Your call for justice is shallow and superficial.
I mean, you are so full of yourself that you failed to realize that Linkara hasn't scaled back that far, he scaled back even further, limiting himself to the behaviors rather than the people 99% of the time. The other counterarguments are equally ignorant.
Hell, your reading comprehension is so poor you failed to understand that the core of the points we've been trying to make are the thing you think is a moved goal post.
HYH not talking about this stuff anymore for mental health reasons. Do demand an apology out of them now is a dick move. If they change their mind, then you may proceed -- once they start up again.
Once upon a time, you could have talked to us about the subject and gotten defenses or apologies for recent, active behavior.
But the statute of limitations ran out.
No, really, if you wanted to view any of what we said as libelous, the statue of limitations on it are one year, and (IIRC) only the affected party could file suit.
But that's just the legal take on it. And what are uncontroversial laws in the face of self righteous internet jackasses like you?
That's the difference between us.
I know I can be a monster. A long winded, condescending jackass who uses his higher than average intelligence as a cudgel and barrier against criticism. It's gotten me in hot water before.
And I've had to eat crow more than once.
While you think your farts smell like roses based on what you've been doing here.
That you devolve into Slippery Slope reasoning based on talk that hasn't been engaged in for several years is telling! How can they go down a path they are no longer on?! It only shows the depths you have gone to justify harassment.
Belated harassment at that.
Like, it just goes to show your incompetence that it took you this long to react.
"You are no better than far right hate mongers!"
Oh, really? That just tells me you never actually dealt with any of them directly.
Me? I've been fighting Creationists and Anti Abortion activists online and IN PERSON for over 2 decades now. You would shrivel up and die if you were exposed to half of the horrors I've endured.
Personally, I find it amusing that your crusade devolves into such blatantly bad logic. I particularly it funny that you want to go after me as if I had some control over other people.
"But you still hang out with them!"
You've never hung out with people who had different opinions than your own? Who you never disagreed with?
No wonder you are so brittle. You lack flexibility.
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I was on some Joe fan blogs ( who hate Taylor but anyway) and the way I've seen some swifties being so classict towards Joe I thought his hard defenders but some things that are said about Travis are so weird. Like he wouldn't be able to understand Taylor's music? Fact that he don't have a real degree ? Or that he can't read ? It's not because he is a player that he is stupid. They complain about swifties being mad at Joe because of Taylor but they are mad at Travis because of Taylor 🤷‍♀️Wish that sometimes people could be normal about Taylor. ( and that had nothing to do with his outburst (don't know if it is the right word). And while I find that kind of behavior very annoying, it's also annoying how people jump at that to say he is horrible or an abuser (??) ( or to defend him with too much passion ). I liked how you say you don't judge people by their worst actions. Some people in my family can sometimes be real angry ( nothing physically violent)( except for my sister but it's complicated she is sick ) and I would hate that people reduce them to that. But there is also the other way, where we always excuse the violence of some people ( men often ) and burn others. But I have seen that he apologized and he seems often pretty aware and someone who could put his behavior in question.
Hope you have a great night 🌠
This is a great message, anon! And I have a lot of thoughts about it.
First of all, regarding the comments on Travis’s intelligence, they’re absolutely despicable and I’ve already talked about this stuff a couple of times. Before Taylor and Travis became serious sooooo many fans made comments about how Taylor deserved a “dumb jock” era. Plus most of the people who dislike/hate Taylor insult Travis’s intelligence daily, and the same goes for some Joe’s fans (and some anons I receive and never post!). I hate these comments so so so so much and there’s so much classism behind them.
Now, you’ll notice the fans who call Travis “dumb” (in a cute way) are often the same ones who call Joe “pretentious”. And that’s because these people are actually the ones who value intelligence above anything else. They’re the ones who’ve built a hierarchy through which they see the world, and “intelligent” people are at the top of the pyramid. And, of course, they consider themselves to be intelligent. That’s why they lightly poke fun at Travis’s supposed lack of intelligence, because they feel superior to him (and they think Taylor is also superior to him): they like Travis but in the way they talk about him it’s clear that they see him as a dumb harmless bro. And that’s why they get so defensive and call Joe “pretentious”: because they feel threatened by Joe, because he has more degrees than they do, he’s more well-read than they are, he listens to indie music and he watches serious movies. Therefore, according to the metrics they’ve made up, he’s better than they are, and so he must be called “pretentious”. They can make fun of Travis because he barely got a degree and he doesn’t read! But wait, Joe reads more serious books then they do and (gasp!) he listens to indie music, so they must call him “pretentious” because they feel threatened. It’s as simple as that.
It’s actually pretty funny because Joe doesn’t take himself seriously and he’s actually called himself dumb! But since he reads more and he has more serious interests than they do, they must call him “pretentious”, otherwise they feel threatened.
In my own humble opinion intelligence is not even in the top 10 of characteristics that define a “good” person, and I actually find the discourse around intelligence extremely classist. But hey, maybe that’s why I’m writing these paragraphs while they’re out there making fun of Travis because he doesn’t read AND simultaneously criticizing Joe because he reads too much lol. They just value intelligence (THEIR IDEA of intelligence) so much that it’s the way through which they see the world.
About the rest… yeah. My problem is not with Travis. As I said, who cares. I don’t know him and I’m not gonna judge him based on a three-second clip. I’ve forgiven people in my life who have done a lot of bad things because we’re humans! We screw up! It’s okay!
(This of course does not in any way shape or form means that violence should be accepted, btw).
My problem is with swifties bending over backwards to justify Travis’s actions when they would NEVER do the same for someone who’s not Taylor’s boyfriend.
Can we have a mature conversation about violence in sport and toxic masculinity without turning it into a fandom war?
The coach himself has said that Travis tends to throw these tantrums and that he’s had some “violent” outburst but he’s working on it. It’s fine! (Again, I’m not justifying violence here, and I personally would never date someone who shoved someone else). But again, we’re human! It’s okay!
But can we please as fans not turn a blind eye and not excuse what happened just because Taylor’s bf did it?
I always like to say that it’s not about casting a moral judgement on a person, it’s about criticizing and analyzing a behavior.
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charleslebatman · 1 year
Y’all are so corny and weird writing essays about ppl you don’t know and assuming things about their relationship???? this is beyond crazy and creepy they’re real human beings and not a story 😭& let alone speaking like this about a WOMAN and her looks mind you alexandra looks absolutely beautiful and mind her business and post her cute dresses why is she irritating yall? this is literally not normal considering yall are women speaking about another woman. it’s charles’s personal life not yours you’re here for the sport not who he dates
a job and a life is very much needed
I really wonder what you're thinking when you post things like this. What answers do you expect? That I delete my blog, that I find the enlightenment of my life? Or that I should just send you packing like this because it passes the time? No answer I give will make you happy.
When did people start criticizing her looks? We stopped saying she was pretty and as soon as someone went too far, I set the record straight. So before you criticize, read what's being said. The only thing that makes me dislike this woman is her political opinions, which I've constantly called out on this blog.
Then really stop with this story that because we're pretty and we dress well, that means we're nice people. You want a kind of sorority, except that all you can do to criticize gossip blogs and say how bad we are, is send women back to their looks by claiming how jealous we'd be of their looks. I wouldn't call that caring either.
And on top of that, you dare to come here and say how weird we’re and that it's not healthy to meddle in other people's lives. Except, the last thing you do is make up false facts about our lives.
You always have the same arguments to defend your supposedly benevolent thoughts. It's all going round in circles. Innovate.
You want to remain a gossip virgin, fine. But stop with your false benevolence and trying to impose it on everyone.
So before criticizing, try to understand and READ what's going on. I don't think I'm the worst gossip blog, and what's more, I'm far from influential. Quite the contrary, in fact. We also talk about racing and other things. I'm not bothering anyone and I stopped tagging a while ago to avoid that. So please block me or move on.
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I haven’t listened much to BigBang or other kpop bands except SHINee and BTS which are my favorites but the last anon is giving a perfect example why I just can’t stand the general mentality in those kpop fandoms and especially Army. The constant shade towards other artists is utterly disrespectful, it makes us look bad and rightfully so. I highly doubt the members would appreciate their fans talking sh*t about artists they look up to. You’re perfectly allowed to not like BB or Taeyang or whoever else and criticize their content but saying it that way is really childish and ridiculous. I seriously don’t understand the fandom mentality, no wonder why I don’t call myself an Army or a Shawol. Some fans seriously need to grow up.
Hi Anon,
I was in the middle of drafting another response, but since you're referring to "the last anon", I thought I should respond to you first so there's continuity for other people reading.
You're ultimately free to feel however you like, but so is everyone else, even though on some level I understand why you find shady comparisons between groups distasteful. All you're really doing here is expressing your sensitivity to how other people express what they like and don't like about another group/artist, which is fine, but can also come across as tone policing.
"I highly doubt the members would appreciate their fans talking sh*t about artists they look up to."
I can understand this sentiment, but at the same time, BTS are not religious leaders whose beliefs determine the actions of their followers. Jimin looks up to Hoseok and Namjoon and it certainly doesn't stop people even within the fandom from disliking those members and being shady about it. Jimin wouldn't like it, but since when has that ever stopped anyone?
It would be wonderful if everyone was respectful and careful with their language all the time, but the reality is that most people aren't unless there's an incentive to be. And honestly, being shady is par for the course for most people on the internet. Generalizations are emblematic of how people speak online, you've essentially done a similar thing just now as have I, but unless there's a glaring factual error such as with that anon believing BTS surpassed BB by "any objective metric" in 2015, my approach is to just observe and let it pass, after all it's just an off the cuff opinion. Just as your ask is.
Personally, where I draw the line is when people claim they're offering some sort of reflective critique or creating a platform for constructive dialogue on a subject, but then it's just a fan being needlessly shady lmao. And oftentimes being ignorant of the facts available to them. That gets an eyebrow raise from me because posing an opinion that way just dumbs down any critical conversation, because then they're just elevating an opinion of likes and dislikes and oftentimes misinformation, to the level of critical discourse, which of course is nonsense.
Most people in fandoms aren't doing this though, and I saw the last anon's comment as similar to the way I've seen people discuss Beyonce vs Adele, or Taemin vs Kai vs Jimin. Again, it's perfectly fine if you can't stand it, and you're aware enough to remove yourself from associating with any of that, but people join fandoms because they are fans of the subject, and comparisons are expected especially in a space as competitive as k-pop. In the case of the last anon, given how highly BigBang is revered by k-pop stans, I can understand that anon's confusion on what I can only assume was their first exposure to Taeyang/BigBang.
"but the reality is that most people aren't unless there's an incentive to be."
I want to come back to this point because I think it is important, and because I think it's related to why you think some fans need to "grow up." A lot of people in the fandom aren't OT7 in the sense that they love all members equally, but they are in the sense that they're moderately respectful of all the members though they prefer some members to others. I think this is because on some level, they understand this mentality is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem within the fandom as it hedges against more poisonous instincts from solo stans, akgaes, multis etc who typically care little for the maintaining the positive dynamics of the group. The OT7 mentality has the benefit of prolonging the group's longevity - that's the incentive, and it's easier to control for since more people in the fandom already share a common like for most things to that effect (ie liking BTS as an idea at the very least).
That control mechanism evaporates for competition between groups, as many groups are very distinctive (BTS being very distinct in many ways from how several groups in k-pop are), and so people feel they have less in common and therefore less incentive to be respectful about things they dislike. ARMYs aren't any different from any other fandom in this regard. But as I said to that anon, on a practical note, if BTS want to maintain their social license to operate in k-pop at their current scale of success, these sorts of collaborations are necessary, because it helps the group remain approachable to their peers, and creates more opportunities for things in common between fandoms, thereby creating incentive for respectful discourse.
I'm not saying all of this out of cynicism or to make excuses, but to point out what I think is obvious about how fandoms behave online. And to say why.
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Wait show me the dreamswap dream thesis
I'm going to split this into two parts, the first one being "so Kai is an unbiased party when it came to making Dreamswap" and the second being "oh yeah this is DS Dream's character", since I got two asks about this and I want to show both of my sides when it came to how I feel about this character.
If I get seemingly angry in this ask, know this isn't directed at you anon (hence why I answered this ask with Part One bc the other person isn't anonymous and I don't want any misunderstandings), I'm more angry at the whole fiasco about the inner workings of how DS Dream came to be.
I just want to give you a little hint about how I feel about Kai's interpretation of OG Dream, because that is VITAL information to know before I tear everything to pieces.
Part One: Kai's interpretation of OG Dream's characterization is like corporate meddling at EA games, but there's not even a fun game at the end.
If you read their starcrossed fic and had at least a CRUMB of what Dream's character is like in Dreamtale, or be like me who actually talks to Joku at times or have a friend who talks to Joku a lot more then I do, you understand just how terrible this fic is. I just want to grab it, rip it up, and then rewrite it all. I won't, because that's disrespectful as fuck, but I could just see how it could be improved.
But it is painful to read, and it's all so wrong.
Dream is not bitter about trivial things like that. Sorrowful that his brother - his actual brother, not this goop-monster that spreads negativity - is gone? Yes! Does he let his feelings get pent up because he doesn't want others to feel bad? Also yes! But being bitter about Cross saying pineapple was better on pizza, while comedic, breaks character more then Dream wanting to fuck Cross. (Since he's canonly demipanromantic and asexual, though I don't think he's sex repulsed, just uninterested and also uneducated bc. y'know. 400+ years in stone. Wanted to throw that out there btw)
But if you know what Dream's character is like, at least an OUNCE of what he is like canonly, this so-called "Starcrossed" is more painful then a white girl who never encountered real spice in her life eating Carolina reaper sauce. I am NOT exaggerating, that fic is likely as painful as that. I could go into the nitty gritty and the nitpicky on that fic, but that's not what we're here for.
Dreamswap Dream is Kai's version of what he thinks OG Dream "should" be, without taking any account of what OG Dream ACTUALLY is.
Because, y'know, asshole OG Dream is sooooo much better then what he's actually like. It's like skinny dipping into a mud bath, but instead of mud it's just shit.
OG Dream doesn't swear, he can't read or write for shit, he clearly would NEVER murder his brother, and he even went vegetarian because he thinks life is sacred and wouldn't even have an animal in his meal (though dairy/eggs/all that would be still on the table because that can be harvested without hurting the animal), and he would never touch Nightmare's side of the tree.
DS Dream does swear (though mostly in alarm/surprise), he can clearly read or write because how else would he do paperwork, you tell me if he wants to murder his brother, he kills people like it's break time because they "spread negativity" so you tell me if he thinks life is sacred and shouldn't be ended, and what do you think the apple incident in Dreamswap was all about when Dream ate all the positive apples.
However, I do know one thing: A swap is meant to swap characters, and while Dreamswap was meant to swap "roles", it also dabbles in changing personalities as well. So, while there is fair criticism that Dream in Dreamswap is nothing like in Dream in Dreamtale, I have to say this:
The reason that Dream is different is because of this IS a swap universe, even if creative liberties have been taken.
Is Error fine with others touching him and likes to donate his knitting to kids in need, or having others point out he's an error? Or is Swap a manipulative piece of shit that doesn't like being violent at all and also dislikes other Swaps? No?
Or is Ink someone who willingly works for Dream because he can and also doesn't have a hand or care in AUs being created, or is Cross someone who hates Dream's guts and would only join him under duress? No?
They are swapped with each other, but while I understand that OG Dream is handled pretty badly in terms of Kai (I mean, you know that Dreamswap was born from parodying Zelda and jumping on the "Joku is Bad" train, right? It won't ever be good as Dreamtale), and that the creator originally created Dreamswap to be somehow "infinitely better then Dreamtale" (no, it isn't, and I've loved Dreamswap since 2018, I'm just not a paint-huffing zombie like some of the fans here). I can understand why many fans of Dreamtale have a distaste for DS Dream - he's not the loving amazing muffin that OG Dream is, and I get that to hell and back
But also, it's still an AU at the end of the day, and while it's not a fully proper swap originally created from drama and for memes, none of the characters are going to fully be what they are in OG. If you want Ink and Error to still act like themselves, there's OG right there, and if you want Ink and Error to switch places, may I propose Pale and Template?
Part 2 will be in the second ask I got of this, 'cause I got two asks regarding this JUSFHSIURGHDG
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somehowmags · 2 years
i thought ccwilbur said "ctommy was written as the main character in my writing" ? he also said he saw cquackity as the main character in the ravine.. i see it as ccwilbur expressing how he planned out his characters story around others by using certain characters as main characters in his own text, i dont see it as him saying it "ctommy is the main character" <- no hate twards you at all just saw some people saying it as well when ccwil was not saying it like that at least to my understanding
yeah that's a fair interpretation honestly, i could have misinterpreted the summary i saw as i missed that part of the stream and wrote that post at four am with the beginnings of a migraine lol
i just personally dislike the "[x] is the main character of the dsmp" thing at all- its just not how a group roleplay works. i've played in group roleplay games since i was eleven and on paigeeworld and im still in one of those groups from that time! it would be fantastically rude of me to call my character or any other character the main character of that roleplay, because there are other players right there alongside me who have their own arcs and plotlines. and you can say this about any group roleplay or tabletop rpg- like you wouldn't say that taako is the main character of the adventure zone balance, for example, because magnus and merle are also right there and have their own character arcs and plotlines! the medium itself makes it so that this way of describing a character is inaccurate and reductive to all other characters
and i don't mean this to dunk on ccwil or criticize the way he plans or the arcs he wrote- i just think that saying it like that just kinda sucks, and also is a part of the ccrimeboys centric view that a lot of the fandom has that leads to "side" characters and smaller streamers getting ignored yknow?
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wowsoboring · 3 years
Deconstructing baseless Harry Potter arguments #1: Harmony Edition
There’s a very helpful account on instagram (this instagram page merely gathers toxic harmony shippers, they don’t ship Harmione or hate all Harmione shippers, please don’t send them hate, show them love and support) where you can essentially find stupid fucking bashers who make baseless arguments. I’m all for Harmione shippers, as long as they don’t denounce Romione, bash Ron and just peacefully co-exist. To my pleasure, such people are out there: they just dont seem to be seen as often as the ones that are not nice. Maybe all I see is the mean people and the majority is nice, but in this post, I am attacking those who make baseless claims and bash Ron/Romione/Hinny/Ginny. I don’t myself hate all Harmione shippers. On top of that, as a Romione/Ron fan, i do acknowledge Ron’s character flaws along with Hermione’s and I hold them on the same pedestal.
This is copied directly from my own instagram page, granger.weasley_ on ig.
Anyways let's get deconstructing
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Yeah okay mf; maybe don’t compare real-life relationships with fucking fictional ones. Your relationship going wrong has nothing to do with Ron/Hermione. It has everything to do with you and your ex: the *real life* people involved in it.
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The weird subreddits and discord servers also seem to have a lot of die-hard Harmione “non-canon” shippers. They bash Ron and Romione (along with Ginny and Hinny) with a burning passion without any objective sense of remorse. They ignore all the merits of Ron’s character and bash him to push their agenda. They can’t even do so much as fucking acknowledge any of Hermione’s character flaws but still somehow manage to fixate on that one time when 11 year old Ron just shit-talked one line while Hermione had just publicly humiliated him in front of the Charms class and practically shouted at him for doing the spell wrong just before. I personally don’t because Hermione was 11 too and wasn’t that good at social cues that early on, which is more than okay. Neither am I.
Only a few people in the Romione fandom bash Hermione. And it’s not like Harmione shippers (most, not all!) don’t bash Ron and Ginny remorselessly, right? The fucking hypocrisy.
If someone considers Ron as the best member of the trio, it is their own opinion and not a fact. I do that. If you consider Harry and Hermione as the best member of the trio or in the whole wizarding world, most people don’t give a flying fuck and probably won’t argue with you because it is simply an opinion. That will only happen when you pass that off as a fact.
Statistically speaking, most (not FUCKING all) Harmione moments are in the movies. The weird dance scene especially. The passionate kiss that happens in Ron’s vision, shit like that. Ron is pushed to the sidelines in the last set of movies while Harry and Hermione show each other endless love and support. “I’ll go with you”. The books on the other hand, describe Harry and Hermione as siblings multiple times, with very little Harmione references.
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So you don't want us to fixate on the large majority of Harmione shippers who do the exact same thing, just kissing Hermione's and Harry's ass and hating on Ron. However you will fixate on people who are most likely not EVEN bashing or hating but pointing out a few character flaws in Hermione in a fair and unbiased way. I would know, I'm a huge fan of Hermione as an individual character (in the books). The only criticism I've seen of Hermione to this day has not been bashing. In the comment section of my own fics (shameless plug) I've seen some Hermione bashing. On an ao3 comment section. And I've seen so damn fucking many people bashing Ron, Ginny, the Weasleys etc. and garner tens and thousands of upvotes on quora.
What does Ron even need excusing for? The running away incident and Krum. What does Hermione need excusing for? Canaries, contributing to Ron's insecurities by making him jealous through Cormac and Krum even though she didn't even like them (especially not Cormac, she fucking hated him). Ron wore a locket that literally highlighted his fatal flaw (insecurity) in an echo chamber. Harry kept getting annoyed when Ron wanted to check in on his family. Harry asked Ron to leave; Ron didn't say that shit in the books about Harry's parents being dead: that was plain shock value.
And sorry for repeating myself but I have seen quite a few Harmione shippers bash Ron and Ginny and excuse every single thing Harry and Hermione have done.
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37 upvotes on this weird comment that makes no sense? Echo chamber alert! You know what us Romione/Ron fans all have in common? We have never experienced such an echo chamber. I made a pro Ron/Romione post on reddit and got a considerable amount of people who bashed Ron and Romione in the comments.
The amount of Hermione haters is very few compared to Ron bashers. Nobody hates Hermione for being independent, determined, etc. We dislike perfect movie Hermione who’s an unrealistic image of females and seems like some sort of agenda than a real woman. Most Romione shippers/Ron fans and book fans in general (except for you apparently) dislike movie Hermione and still are fans of realistic book Hermione. Most, not all. In general, we do not claim anyone who does the exact same thing to Harry and Hermione that these sorts of Harmione shippers do to Ron, Romione, Hinny and Ginny. I say this on the behalf of all Romione shippers and Ron fans.
Ron's not a bitchy lay-about drama causing loser. That's Steve Kloves's movie Ron. In the books Ron is realistic and simplistic and apologizes whenever he causes problems. He acts up substantially twice in a span of 7 years where he is also a hormone-fuelled teenager.
This is so contradictory and juxtaposed to the point of near delusion. First you talk about how Romione shippers bash Hermione and then you bash Ron as a Harmione shipper. Mate, fighting fire with fire will get you called a hypocrite. Fix yourself.
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So the movies are fine when they work according to your agenda? And yes how dare he add such a (fake) chemistry fuelled moment between Harry and Hermione while defeating the entire purpose and groundwork for Romione, the sadness caused by Ron leaving and so many more things? Those Harmione moments you mention seem friendship -esque more than anything else.
Steve Kloves's moments ruined many things while just paying fan service to the Harmione fans he'd birthed through years in the course of 6 movies where he showed Ron as a, how you so eloquently describe it, lay - about drama causing bitchy loser, Harry as one dimensional and Hermione as a zero - dimensional Mary Sue who might as well be the main titular character. Obviously Harmione fans such as yourself don't see the problem with it as it fits your narrative
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We do care about Harry and Hermione at large. Most Romione shippers rightfully bash Draco, Pansy, etc. not particularly Harry and Hermione, that's quite rare. Harry and Hermione can get along without Ron as friends. Ron and Harry can also get along without. Hermione as friend. So can Hermione and Ron without Harry as friends or more. I don't understand your point and how what you said is any different than Romione or Ronarry’s friendship.
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Constant arguing is not what they do. They bicker, they apologize, and sometimes they just do it for the heck of it. They are argumentative teenager. Opposites attract doesn't work in the sense of fire and ice, it works in the case of Brownie and ice-cream. Ron is passionate, laid back and insecure. Hermione's passionate, a workaholic and not as insecure. Ron can help her get calm and composed and get her to give herself a break. Hermione can motivate Ron and re - enforce his confidence.
It wouldn't be step incest. Harry and Ginny do not regard each other as siblings. They do not look similar whatsoever. And a Harmione shipper also bashes Hinny and Ginny along with Ron and Romione? Checks out
" that fucked up Harmony" hahaha. What?
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Are you literally going to date someone on the basis of what Harry Potter ships they prefer? That is so shallow end depraved. Your Harry Potter ship preferences should not be the groundwork for your dating life. Please understand that. Harry Potter is a fictional world which is not real. Hogwarts doesn't exist. Magic doesn't exist. I sound like a Dursley but that's what it is: a fictional realm with fictional character. I would personally not give a fuck if my best friend or significant other was a Harmione shipper. In the case of them being a Ron basher, I would ignore it as if it was just a minor inconvenience and something we wouldn't be discussing and that's how it should be with you. Fuck BuzzFeed, your opinion on what Harry Potter ship / character is your favorite says squat about your personality and relationship with others in a romantic or platonic context. But who cares? Live your life however you want. I'll be stoic.
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It's not opposites attract rubbish or high school opposites attract. Ron and Hermione aren't polar opposites like I said, they are a bit different but similar too in many ways. They have a lot more in common than Harry and Hermione. Ron and Harry have the most in common. Both Ron and Hermione are passionate, loving, argumentative, caring, etc. Your argument lacks substance. It's biased trash. And what does “obhwf " mean?
at the end of the day, i’m just an annoyed teenager. I try my best to be open-minded to people but only as long as they are too. I tried to use my brain more than my feelings for this post. 
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